Right Worshipful Frank
By Frederic L. Milliken
Watch the Phoenixmasonry
Live interview at the link below:

RW Frank Jackson was raised to the Sublime Degree
of Master Mason in 1969 at the age of 18. Today he is both the Grand Junior
Warden of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas and the Grand
Jackson offers many Masons a different
perspective on the origins of higher knowledge, scholarship, and philosophical
How many people, whether Masons or not, know
the role Egypt, a part of Africa, was to play in the development of knowledge?
How many know that Socrates and Aristotle spent time in Egypt? That Plato
spent 13 years studying in Egypt and Pythagoras some 21years?
Much of what we attribute to the knowledge of
the Greeks who passed it on to the Romans came originally from Egypt and
Africa, some of it transported directly by Aristotle.
The video will cover:
- Origins and development of the Pyramids
- The Library at Alexandria
- Jackson’s personal Mason journey
- Early Texas Prince Hall Development
One has to remember that Prince Hall Masonry
went through a period of governance by a National Grand Lodge. It also didn’t
bloom nationwide until post Civil War.This has made for a much different path
of Masonic development from Mainstream Masonry.
Keep all these factors in mind as you watch RW
Frank Jackson in the video above. You may find that it will broaden your

Norris Wright Cuney
Born May
12, 1846
Texas, U.S.
March 3, 1898 (aged 51)
Antonio, Texas, U.S.
place Lakeview Cemetery, Galveston, Texas
Galveston, Texas, U.S.
Known for Leader of the Texas
Republican Party, First Grand Master Prince Hall Masons Of Texas