Phoenixmasonry, Inc., 1999 - 2017
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The web pages of Phoenixmasonry, Inc. are open to
the Craft, of every rite and jurisdiction, inviting discussion of every aspect
of Masonry - its history, philosophy, symbolism, ritual, and practical
problems. Lectures, old documents, study programs, biographical sketches, any
kind of information of value to the Craft in any of its activities, will be
welcomed. No one need hesitate to offer any suggestion, for the Phoenixmasonry
Masonic Museum and Library exists only to serve Freemasonry; and should there
be any Brother who imagines that it has any other motive than that confessed
herein, well, we have a sure way of dealing with him, guaranteed never to
"He drew a circle that shut me
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win;
We drew a circle that took him
Edwin Markham (1852-1940)