Brother David Lettelier and
Why He Collected Masonic Objects from the Past

In what he
describes as today’s “throwaway society,” this Masonic museum curator
discusses the art of saving (and savoring) objects from the past.
Phoenixmasonry Masonic Museum and Library, a veritable archive of past Masonic
design and symbolism, is a stalwart presence among America’s network of
independent Masonic museums. Today, at
www.phoenixmasonry.org visitors can find over 3,500 objects on view at the
click of the mouse.
established this museum to bring to the Brethren and the visiting public the
rich heritage of Masonic Artifacts and Collectibles that were created and
produced to commemorate many special Masonic events. Lodge Dedications -
Cornerstone Layings, Anniversaries, Officer Installations, State and National
Conventions which were all marked and remembered by presentation pieces made
in glass, china, porcelain, wood, metals, coins and medallions. Those
treasured memories were often given away or sold as fundraisers to those
friends, family members and brethren who were involved in their inspiration
and creation. These artifacts were truly symbolic of the perfection our
Masonic forefathers strived to achieve in their daily lives.
The Mason’s
Founder David
Lettelier, sometimes referred to as a “Masonic archaeologist,” was stunned by
a revelation that would lead him to set up the museum in 1998. That same year
he acquired the first item in his collection: a 1910 Syria Temple Shrine
Champaign glass with a hand painted likeness of King Mardi Gras and alligators
climbing up the sides of the bowl.

“To me,” says
David, “the most exciting things are those that have been mass-produced by the
hundreds or thousands. Most people think ‘why keep it? It’s so mundane.’”
But David’s museum, loved by nostalgists, designers and Freemasons alike,
demonstrates that Masonic branding and packaging, in its rich, colorful,
eye-catching diversity, is constantly evolving and is anything but mundane.
attraction to branding began with the graphics on Masonic FDC’s. “They’re
wonderful things. I learned a lot about design [from First Day Covers],
because FDC’s are brilliant pieces of miniature art.” But eventually, it
became a question of competitive edge. “In the philatelic world, I knew there
were thousands upon thousands of people who would have better collections than
I could ever achieve, and so what would be the point in doing that? I wanted
to do the opposite. I wanted to create a subject that most people weren’t
researching, but that everybody would be interested in.”
Family Affair
When asked
about how he began collecting himself, David recalls his early childhood. “I
grew up in a family where my grandfather collected Masonic books about the
American Civil War, so it was in the atmosphere. His Grandfather Earl E.
Lettelier, Sr. and a member of Doric Lodge No. 140 in Ft. Lauderdale travelled
to Masonic Lodges all over the country telling stories and giving lectures on
the ‘Brotherhood and Camaraderie’ shared amongst soldiers who were Freemasons
from both the North and South.”

As he grew up,
he and his grandfather had endless conversations about how and why to collect,
how to research an item, and how to make sense of the story that each object
told. He was surprised to find that other children didn’t have little
collections or museums in their bedrooms composed of comic books, baseball
cards, marbles, etc., David said. “All of these little collections of my own
kept me grounded in reality and gave flight to my imagination.”
When describing
the visitor experience at the Phoenixmasonry Masonic Museum, David speaks of
the astonishment and nostalgia that many people feel at the longevity of
brands like the Square and Compasses, the pillars of Boaz and Jachin and King
Solomon’s Temple which can all date back thousands of years. “It’s
particularly touching when it crosses generations. If three generations of the
same family come into the museum, a granny might start by holding court about
her memories of the 50s. And then when it gets to the children’s turn, they’re
looking at things that their parents and grandparents don’t understand. It
opens up opportunities to hear personal stories of the past, and gives a more
rounded understanding of a person beyond births, marriages, and deaths. I find
that much more exciting than watching somebody go around the National Gallery.
A Picasso painting may be amazing, but it doesn’t have the same personal
There are pleasures in the act of accumulation: the thrill of the hunt, the
joy of the find. But true collecting is more. It's listening for the hum of
history in things, finding connections among art and objects of different
times and cultures, and gathering images so that, as in poetry, they reveal
new meaning.
To conclude, he quotes the poet John Betjeman, “‘Once you understand the past,
the confusion of the present becomes clearer,’ and he’s right,” says David.
“The more you can see how stories have come about, the more meaningful life is
today, and that’s what’s special about The Phoenixmasonry Masonic Museum and