My Brother, as you are now introduced to the first

principles of Freemasonry, I congratulate you on

being accepted into this ancient and honorable

Fraternity. Ancient, as having existed from time

immemorial; and honorable, as tending in every

particular so to render all men who will be

conformable to its precepts. No institution was

ever raised on a better principle or more solid

foundation; nor were ever more excellent rules

and useful maxims laid down than are contained

in the several Masonic lectures. The wisest and

best of men in all ages have been encouragers

and promoters of our Art, and have never deemed

it derogatory to their dignity to level themselves

with the Fraternity, to extend its privileges, and to

patronize its assemblies.

There are three great duties which as a Mason

you are charged to inculcate: ( * * * ), To God, to

your neighbor, and to yourself. To God, in never

mentioning His name save with that reverential

awe which is due from a creature to his Creator;

to implore His aid in all your laudable undertakings;

and to esteem Him as the Chief Good. ( * ).

To your neighbor, in acting upon the square and

in doing unto him as you would that he should do

unto you. And to yourself, in avoiding all

irregularities and intemperance, which may impair

your faculties or debase the dignity of your


As a Mason, you are to study the Sacred Law, to

consider it as the unerring standard of truth and

justice, and to regulate your life and actions by

its divine precepts. A zealous attachment to these

duties will insure public and private esteem.

In the State you are to be a quiet and peaceable

citizen, true to your government and just to your

country. You are not to countenance disloyalty

or rebellion, but patiently submit to legal authority

and conform with cheerfulness to the government

of the country in which you live, yielding obedience

to the laws which afford you protection. In your

outward demeanor be particularly careful to avoid

censure and reproach, and beware of all who may

artfully endeavor to insinuate themselves into your

esteem with a view of betraying your virtuous

resolutions or to make you swerve from the

principles of our institution. Let not interest, favor

or prejudice bias your integrity or influence you to

be guilty of a dishonorable action, but let your

conduct be uniform and your deportment suitable

to the dignity of your profession.

Above all, practice benevolence and charity, for

these virtues have distinguished Masons in every

age and country. The inconceivable pleasure of

contributing to the relief of our fellow-creatures is

truly experienced by persons of a humane

disposition, who are naturally excited by sympathy

to extend their aid in alleviation of the misery of

others. This encourages the generous Mason to

distribute his bounty with cheerfulness. Supposing

himself in the situation of an unhappy sufferer, he

listens to the tale of woe with attention, bewails

misfortune, and speedily relieves distress.

The Constitutions of the Fraternity are to engage

your attention. These consist of two parts, oral

and written communications. The former,

comprehending the mysteries of the Art, are only

to be acquired by practice and experience in the

Lodge; the latter include the history of Masonry,

the lives and characters of its patrons, and the

ancient charges and general regulations of the


A punctual attendance on the duties of the

Fraternity we earnestly enjoin, especially in that

assembly in which your name will be enrolled as

a member. There, and in all regular meetings of

the Fraternity, you are to behave with order and

decorum, that harmony may be preserved and

the business of Masonry be properly conducted.

The rules of good breeding you are never to violate

by using unbecoming language in derogation of

the name of God or toward the corruption of good

morals; neither are you to enter into any dispute

about religion or politics, nor behave irreverently

while the Lodge is engaged in what is serious

and important. On every occasion you are to pay

a proper deference and respect to the Master and

presiding officers, and diligently apply to the work

of Freemasonry, that you may the sooner become

proficient therein, as well for your own credit as

for the honor of the company with whom you


Although your frequent appearance at our regular

meetings is earnestly solicited, yet it is not meant

that Freemasonry should interfere with your

necessary vocations for these are on no account

to be neglected; neither are you to suffer your

zeal for the institution to lead you into argument

with those who, through ignorance, may ridicule


At your leisure hours, that you may improve in

Masonic knowledge, you are to converse with

well-informed Brethren, who will always be as

ready to give as you will be to receive instruction.

Finally, my Brother, keep sacred and inviolate the

mysteries of the Order, as these are to distinguish

you from the rest of the community and mark your

consequence among Masons.

WM: My Brother, there is a lecture in connection with

this degree that it will be necessary for you to

commit to memory, and on which you must pass

a suitable examination, in open Lodge, or as

provided by our Code, before you can be

passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft. I will appoint

Brother _______ _______ to instruct you.

(This concludes the initiation portion of the First Degree.

The WM then proceeds to close lodge.)

Entered Apprentice Degree - Closing the Lodge




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