WM: *. Brethren; Brother _____ is in waiting for the

Second Degree of Freemasonry, he having made

suitable proficiency in the preceding degree. If

there is no objection, I shall confer this degree

upon him. (Pause) Brethren, there being none,

I will proceed.

WM: *. Brother Stewards.

SS: (S) Worshipful Master.

WM: How should a Brother be prepared for the Second

Degree of Freemasonry?

SS: By being divested of all metallic substances,

neither naked nor clothed, barefoot nor shod,

right knee and breast bare, hood-winked, and

with a cable-tow twice around his right arm,

clothed as an Entered Apprentice.

WM: Repair to the preparation room where Brother

____ is in waiting. When thus prepared, cause

him to make the usual alarm at the inner door.

(At this time, any Present or Past Grand Lodge Officers,

or Masters, who had been invited to a seat in the East,

retire to the sidelines for the degree work.)

Cand: * * *

SD: (S) Worshipful Master.

WM: Brother Senior Deacon.

SD: There is an alarm at the inner door.

WM: Attend to the alarm and ascertain the cause.

SD: * * *. Who comes here?

SS: Brother ____, who has been duly initiated an

Entered Apprentice, and now wishes more Light

in Masonry by being passed to the Degree of

Fellow Craft.

SD: Brother ____, is this an act of your own free will

and accord?

Cand: It is.

SD: Brother Stewards, is he worthy and well qualified?

SS: He is.

SD: Duly and truly prepared?

SS: He is.

SD: Has he made suitable proficiency in the preceding


SS: He has.

SD: By what further right or benefit does he expect to

obtain this important privilege?

SS: By the benefit of the pass-word.

SD: Has he the pass-word?

SS: He has not, I have it for him.

SD: Advance and give it.

SS: Shibboleth.

SD: The pass-word is right. Since the Brother is in

possession of all these necessary qualifications,

let him wait until the Worshipful Master can be

informed of his request, and his answer returned.

SD: * * *. Worshipful Master.

WM: Brother Senior Deacon.

SD: There is without, Brother ____, who has been

duly initiated an Entered Apprentice, and now

wishes more Light in Masonry by being passed

to the Degree of Fellow Craft.

WM: Is this an act of his own free will and accord?

SD: It is.

WM: Is he worthy and well qualified?

SD: He is.

WM: Duly and truly prepared?

SD: He is.

WM: Has he made suitable proficiency in the preceding


SD: He has.

WM: By what further right or benefit does he expect to

obtain this important privilege?

SD: By the benefit of the pass-word.

WM: Has he the pass-word?

SD: He has not, I have it for him.

WM: Give it for the benefit of the Craft.

SD: Shibboleth.

WM: The pass-word is right. Since the Brother is in

possession of all these necessary qualifications,

let him enter this Worshipful Lodge of Fellow

Crafts, and be received in due and ancient form.

SD: * * *. Let him enter this Worshipful Lodge of Fellow

Crafts, and be received in due and ancient form.

SD: Brother ____, when first you entered a Lodge of

Free and Accepted Masons, you were received

on the point of a sharp instrument piercing your

naked left breast, the moral of which was at that

time explained to you. I am now commanded to

receive you on the angle of a square applied to

your naked right breast, which is to teach you

that the Square of Virtue should be a rule and

guide for your practice through life.

JW: *.

SW: *.

WM: *.

JW: * *.

Chap: "Thus he shewed me; and behold the Lord stood

upon a wall made by a plumb-line, with a plumb-line

in His hand."

SW: * *.

Chap: "And the Lord said unto me: Amos, what seest

thou? And I said, A plumb-line. Then said the

Lord: Behold, I will set a plumb-line in the midst

of my people Israel."

WM: * *.

Chap: "I will not again pass by them any more."

SD: * * *.

JW: *. Who comes here?

SD: Brother ____, who has been duly initiated an

Entered Apprentice, and now wishes more Light

in Masonry by being passed to the Degree of

Fellow Craft.

JW: Brother ____, is this an act of your own free will

and accord?

Cand: It is.

JW: Brother Senior Deacon, is he worthy and well


SD: He is.

JW: Duly and truly prepared?

SD: He is.

JW: Has he made suitable proficiency in the preceding


SD: He has.

JW: By what further right or benefit does he expect to

obtain this important privilege?

SD: By the benefit of the pass-word.

JW: Has he the pass-word?

SD: He has not. I have it for him.

JW: Advance and give it.

SD: Shibboleth.

JW: The pass-word is right. Since the Brother is in

possession of all these necessary qualifications,

conduct him to the Senior Warden in the West

for his examination.

SD: * * *.

SW: *. Who comes here?

SD: Brother ____, who has been duly initiated an

Entered Apprentice, and now wishes more Light

in Masonry by being passed to the Degree of

Fellow Craft.

SW: Brother ____, is this an act of your own free will

and accord?

Cand: It is.

SW: Brother Senior Deacon, is he worthy and well


SD: He is.

SW: Duly and truly prepared?

SD: He is.

SW: Has he made suitable proficiency in the preceding


SD: He has.

SW: By what further right or benefit does he expect to

obtain this important privilege?

SD: By the benefit of the pass-word.

SW: Has he the pass-word?

SD: He has not. I have it for him.

SW: Advance and give it.

SD: Shibboleth.

SW: The pass-word is right. Since the Brother is in

possession of all these necessary qualifications,

conduct him to the Worshipful Master in the East

for his examination.

SD: * * *.

WM: *. Who comes here?

SD: Brother ____, who has been duly initiated an

Entered Apprentice, and now wishes more Light

in Masonry by being passed to the Degree of

Fellow Craft.

WM: Brother ____, is this an act of your own free will

and accord?

Cand: It is.

WM: Brother Senior Deacon, is he worthy and well


SD: He is.

WM: Duly and truly prepared?

SD: He is.

WM: Has he made suitable proficiency in the preceding


SD: He has.

WM: By what further right or benefit does he expect to

obtain this important privilege?

SD: By the benefit of the pass-word.

WM: Has he the pass-word?

SD: He has not. I have it for him.

WM: Advance and give it.

SD: Shibboleth. (Each of the three times it is given

during this examination, the pass-word is

whispered by the Senior Deacon into the ear of

the examiner, so that the candidate will not

overhear it.)

WM: The pass-word is right. Whence came you and

whither are you traveling?

SD: From the West, traveling East.

WM: Why did you leave the West and travel East?

SD: In search of more Light in Masonry.

WM: Since the Brother is in possession of all these

necessary qualifications, and in search of more

Light in Masonry, re-conduct him to the Senior

Warden in the West, who will teach him how to

approach the East in due and ancient form.

SD: Brother Senior Warden.

SW: Brother Senior Deacon.

SD: It is the order of the Worshipful Master that you

teach this Brother how to approach the East in

due and ancient form.

SW: Cause the Brother to face the East.

SW: Brother ____, advance on your left foot as an

Entered Apprentice. Take an additional step on

your right foot, bringing the heel of your left into

the hollow of your right, thereby forming the angle

of a square.

SW: (S) Worshipful Master.

WM: Brother Senior Warden.

SW: The Brother is in order.

WM: Brother ____, before you can proceed further in

Freemasonry, it will be necessary for you to take

an Obligation appertaining to this degree. It

becomes my duty, as well as pleasure, to inform

you, that there is nothing contained in the

Obligation that conflicts with the duties you owe

to God, your country, your neighbor, your family,

or yourself. With this assurance on my part, are

you willing to take the Obligation?

Cand: (Answers in the affirmative)

WM: Than advance to the Sacred Altar of

Freemasonry. There kneel on your naked right

knee, your left forming the angle of a square,

your right hand resting on the Holy Bible, Square

and Compasses, your left in a vertical position,

your arm forming a square.

SD: (S) Worshipful Master, the Brother is in due form.

WM: * * *.

WM: Brother ____, if you are still willing to take the

Obligation, say "I", pronounce your name in full,

and repeat after me.

Cand: I, ____ ____, of my own free will and accord, in

the presence of Almighty God and this Worshipful

Lodge of Fellow Crafts, erected to Him, and

dedicated to the memory of the Holy Saints John,

do hereby and hereon, solemnly and sincerely

promise and swear, that I will keep and conceal

and never reveal any of the secrets belonging to

the Degree of Fellow Craft, which I have received,

am about to receive, or may be hereafter

instructed in, to any person unless it shall be to a

worthy Brother Fellow Craft, or within the body

of a just and duly constituted Lodge of such; and

not unto him or them until by due trial, strict

examination, or lawful Masonic information, I shall

have found him or them justly entitled to receive

the same.

Furthermore, I do promise and swear that I will

answer and obey all due signs and regular

summons, sent me from the body of a just and

duly constituted Lodge of Fellow Crafts, or handed

me by a worthy Brother of this degree, if within

the length of my cable-tow, and the square and

angle of my work.

Furthermore, I do promise and swear that I will

help, aid and assist all poor and distressed Fellow

Crafts, they applying to me as such, I finding

them worthy, and can do so without material injury

to myself.

Furthermore, I do promise and swear that I will

not wrong, cheat, nor defraud a Fellow Crafts

Lodge, or a worthy Brother of this degree, to the

value of anything, knowingly, nor suffer it to be

done by another if in my power to prevent.

To all of which I do solemnly and sincerely

promise and swear, without any hesitation, mental

reservation, or secret evasion of mind in me

whatsoever, binding myself under no less a

penalty than that of having my left breast torn

open, my heart and vitals taken thence, and with

my body given as a prey to the vultures of the

air, should I ever knowingly, or willfully, violate

this, my solemn Obligation of a Fellow Craft. So

help me God and make me steadfast to keep and

perform the same.

WM: In token of your sincerity, kiss the Holy Bible on

which you hand rests.

WM: Brother Senior Deacon, remove the cable-tow.

WM: Brother ____, in your present situation, what do

you most desire?

Cand: (prompted by SD) More Light in Masonry.

WM: Let the Brother be brought to Light.

WM: My Brother, on being brought to Light in this

degree, you behold the Three Great Lights in

Masonry, as in the preceding degree, with this

difference: One point of the Compasses is above

the Square, which is to teach you that you have

received, and are entitled to receive, more Light

in Masonry. But as one point is still hidden from

your view, it is also to teach you that you are as

yet one material point in darkness respecting


WM: *.

WM: You now behold me as Worshipful Master of this

Lodge, approaching you from the East, upon the

step, under the due-guard and sign of an Entered

Apprentice; upon the step, under the due-guard

and sign of a Fellow Craft. My Brother, a Fellow

Craft advances on his right foot, bringing the heel

of his left into the hollow of his right, thereby

forming the angle of a square. This is the

dueguard, and alludes to the position of your

hands while taking the Obligation; this is the sign,

and alludes to the penalty of the Obligation. This

due-guard and sign are always to be given as a

salutation to the Worshipful Master, also on

entering or retiring from a Fellow Crafts Lodge.

WM: My Brother, before rising from this Sacred Altar

where you have taken the solemn Obligation of a

Fellow Craft, I wish to direct your attention to

one of its ties. You have sworn that you would

answer and obey all due signs and regular

summons sent you from the body of a just and

duly constituted Lodge of Fellow Crafts, or handed

you by a worthy Brother of this degree, if within

the length of your cable-tow and the square and

angle of your work. The length of your cable-tow

alludes to your ability to obey a summons,

and the square and angle of your work to the

propriety of answering such. Should you receive

a summons from this or any other Lodge, health

and business permitting, it would be your duty to

obey it; health and business not permitting, it

would not be within the length of your cable-tow.

Should you see a Masonic sign given at what you

deemed an improper time, or an improper place,

you are not bound to answer it; it would not be

within the square and angle of your work. My

Brother, your own good judgment must tell you

when and where to answer Masonic signs.

I now present my right hand in token of the

continuance of friendship and brotherly love, and

will invest you with the pass-grip, pass-word, real

grip and word of a Fellow Craft. As you are

uninstructed, he who has hitherto answered for

you, will do so at this time. Give me the grip of

an Entered Apprentice.

WM: Brother Senior Deacon.

SD: Worshipful Master.

WM: Will you be off or from?

SD: From.

WM: From what and to what?

SD: From the grip of an Entered Apprentice to the

pass-grip of a Fellow Craft.

WM: Pass. What is that?

SD: The pass-grip of a Fellow Craft.

WM: Has it a name?

SD: It has.

WM: Will you give it to me?

SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it.

WM: How will you dispose of it?

SD: Letter or syllable it.

WM: Syllable it and begin.

SD: You begin.

WM: Begin you.

SD: Shib.

WM: bo.

SD: leth.

WM: Shibboleth, my Brother, is the name of this grip.

You should always remember it, for should you

be present at the opening or a Fellow Crafts

Lodge, this pass-word will be demanded of you

by one of the Deacons, and should you be unable

to give it, it would cause confusion in the Craft.

WM: Will you be off or from?

SD: From.

WM: From what and to what?

SD: From the pass-grip of a Fellow Craft, to the real

grip of the same.

WM: Pass. What is that?

SD: The real grip of a Fellow Craft.

WM: Has it a name?

SD: It has.

WM: Will you give it to me?

SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it.

WM: How will you dispose of it?

SD: Letter or halve it.

WM: Letter it and begin.

SD: You begin.

WM: Begin you.

SD: A.

WM: J.

SD: C.

WM: H.

SD: I.

WM: N.

WM: Jachin, my Brother, is the name of this grip, and

should always be given in this manner, by lettering

or halving it. When lettering, always commence

with the letter "A". Rise, salute the Junior and

Senior Wardens and satisfy them that you are in

possession of the step, due-guard, sign, pass-grip,

pass-word, real grip and word of a Fellow


SD: * * *.

JW: *. Who comes here?

SD: A worthy Brother Fellow Craft.

JW: How may I know him to be such?

SD: By certain signs and tokens.

JW: What are signs?

SD: Right angles, horizontals, and perpendiculars

JW: Advance a sign. Has that an allusion?

SD: It has; to the position of my hands while taking

the Obligation.

JW: Have you a further sign?

SD: I have.

JW: Has that an allusion?

SD: It has, to the penalty of the Obligation.

JW: What are tokens?

SD: Certain friendly or brotherly grips whereby one

Mason may know another in the dark as in the


JW: Advance and give me a token. What is that?

SD: The pass-grip of a Fellow Craft.

JW: Has it a name?

SD: It has.

JW: Will you give it to me?

SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it.

JW: How will you dispose of it?

SD: Letter or syllable it.

JW: Syllable it and begin.

SD: You begin.

JW: Begin you.

Cand: Shib. (prompted if necessary)

JW: bo.

Cand: leth.

Cand: Shibboleth.

JW: Will you be off or from?

SD: From.

JW: From what and to what?

SD: From the pass-grip of a Fellow Craft to the real

grip of the same.

JW: Pass. What is that?

SD: The real grip of a Fellow Craft.

JW: Has it a name?

SD: It has.

JW: Will you give it to me?

SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it.

JW: How will you dispose of it?

SD: Letter or halve it.

JW: Letter it and begin.

SD: You begin.

JW: Begin you.

Cand: A. (prompted as necessary)

JW: J.

Cand: C.

JW: H.

Cand: I.

JW: N.

SD: Jachin.

JW: The word is right. I am satisfied.

SD: * * *.

SW: *. Who comes here?

SD: A worthy Brother Fellow Craft.

SW: How may I know him to be such?

SD: By certain signs and tokens.

SW: What are signs?

SD: Right angles, horizontals, and perpendiculars.

SW: Advance a sign. Has that an allusion?

SD: It has; to the position of my hands while taking

the Obligation.

SW: Have you a further sign?

SD: I have.

SW: Has that an allusion?

SD: It has; to the penalty of the Obligation.

SW: What are tokens?

SD: Certain friendly or brotherly grips whereby one

Mason may know another in the dark as in the


SW: Advance and give me a token. What is that?

SD: The pass-grip of a Fellow Craft.

SW: Has it a name?

SD: It has.

SW: Will you give it to me?

SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it.

SW: How will you dispose of it?

SD: Letter or syllable it.

SW: Syllable it and begin.

SD: You begin.

SW: Begin you.

Cand: Shib. (prompted)

SW: bo.

Cand: leth.

Cand: Shibboleth.

SW: Will you be off or from?

SD: From.

SW: From what and to what?

SD: From the pass-grip of a Fellow Craft to the real

grip of the same.

SW: Pass. What is that?

SD: The real grip of a Fellow Craft.

SW: Has it a name?

SD: It has.

SW: Will you give it to me?

SD: I did not so receive it; neither will I so impart it.

SW: How will you dispose of it?

SD: Letter or syllable it.

SW: Syllable it and begin.

SD: You begin.

SW: Begin you.

Cand: A;

SW: J;

Cand: C;

SW: H;

Cand: I;

SW: N.

Cand: Jachin.

SW: The word is right, I am satisfied. Conduct the

Brother to the Worshipful Master in the East.

WM: *. Brother Senior Deacon, re-conduct the Brother

to the Senior Warden in the West, who will teach

him how to wear his apron as a Fellow Craft.

SD: Brother Senior Warden.

SW: Brother Senior Deacon.

SD: It is the order of the Worshipful Master that you

teach this Brother how to wear his apron as a

Fellow Craft.

SW: Cause the Brother to face the East. My Brother,

you have already been informed that at the

building of King Solomon’s Temple, the different

bands of workmen were distinguished by the

manner in which they wore their aprons. Fellow

Crafts wore theirs with the flap turned down at

the lower left corner, tucked up in the form of a

triangle, to serve as a receptacle for their working

tools. As a Fellow Craft you will therefore wear

yours in this manner, that the three sides of the

triangle thus formed may symbolize the fidelity,

industry, and skill which should characterize your

work as a Fellow Craft.

SD: Worshipful Master, your orders have been


WM: My Brother, as you are now clothed as a Fellow

Craft, I present you emblematically, the working

tools, which are the Plumb, Square, and Level,

and are thus explained: The Plumb is an

instrument used by operative masons to try

perpendiculars, the Square to square their work,

and the Level to prove horizontals; but we, as

Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to use

them for more noble and glorious purposes. The

Plumb admonishes us to walk uprightly in our

several stations before God and man, squaring

our actions by the Square of Virtue, ever

remembering that we are traveling upon the Level

of Time to that "undiscovered country from whose

bourne no traveler returns."

WM: I now present you the Three Precious Jewels;

the Attentive Ear, the Instructive Tongue, and the

Faithful Breast. They teach us this important

lesson. The Attentive Ear receives the sound

from the Instructive Tongue, and the mysteries

of Freemasonry are safely lodged in the

repository of Faithful Breasts.

WM: Brother Senior Deacon, reconduct the Brother

to the place whence he came, invest him with

that of which he has been divested, and return

him to a place representing the Middle Chamber

of King Solomon’s Temple.

WM: My Brother, salute as you have been instructed.

WM: *. Brother Junior Warden.

JW: (S) Worshipful Master.

WM: Call the Craft from labor to refreshment, to resume

labor at the sound of the gavel in the East.

JW: * * *. Brethren, it is the order of the Worshipful

Master that you be now called from labor to

refreshment, to resume labor at the sound of the

gavel in the East.

*. (Craft is called from labor to refreshment.)

WM: *. (Craft resumes labor.)

SS: * * *. (from outside the inner door)

SD: (S) Worshipful Master.

WM: Brother Senior Deacon.

SD: There is an alarm at the inner door.

WM: Attend to the alarm and ascertain the cause.

SD: * * *. Who comes here?

SS: Worthy Brother Fellow Crafts desire admission.

SD: Worshipful Master, worthy Brother Fellow Crafts

desire admission.

WM: You will admit them and conduct them

emblematically through a porch, up a flight of

winding stairs consisting of three, five, and seven

steps, through an outer and inner door, into a

place representing the Middle Chamber of King

Solomon’s Temple.

SD: It is the order of the Worshipful Master that you

be admitted and conducted emblematically

through a porch, up a flight of winding stairs

consisting of three, five, and seven steps, through

an outer and inner door, into a place representing

the Middle Chamber of King Solomon’s Temple.

Fellowcraft Degree - Lecture




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