Essays by Brother W. (Willy)
E. Gutman

Brother W. E. Gutman, 32nd Degree
Lancaster Lodge No. 437, California
Born in Paris, educated in Europe, Israel and the U.S., W. E. Gutman is
a veteran journalist and author with a multifaceted, globetrotting career
spanning 40+ years. A former writer at the late-great futurist magazine, OMNI,
he was U.S. editor of Science in the USSR, the official publication of the
Moscow-based Soviet Academy of Sciences. He covered politics and human rights
in Central America from 1994 to 2006. The former managing editor of Aerospace
America, he was the co-founder and editor of NBC Defense International, a
publication covering tactical and strategic Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
warfare activities worldwide.
He was appointed a Press Attaché at Israel's Consulate General in New York and
served in that capacity from April 1993 to August 1994. He resigned and
relocated to Costa Rica for a year.
W. E. Gutman has been published by The Wall Street Journal, The New York
Times, The New York Post, Newsday, Connecticut Post, Danbury News-Times,
Amsterdam News, The Jerusalem Post and scores of mainstream and special
interest publications in the U.S. and abroad.
His essays, OP/ED pieces and news reports have also appeared in PENTHOUSE, Z
Magazine, Freedom Review, American Atheist, Midstream and La Opinion, southern
California’s largest and most influential Spanish-language daily.
He holds a Master’s degree from the École Supérieure de Journalisme et Hautes
Etudes Internationales, Paris, the world’s oldest university dedicated to
journalism and international affairs.
He speaks, reads and writes fluent French, and possesses a solid working
knowledge of Spanish, Hebrew and Romanian. He lives with his wife in southern
California’s "high desert."
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