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Volume 2
Northwood Press
& Co. - Berwick & Smith
Norwood Mass. U.S.A.
The oldest existing lodge in
the country is that of the |` Australian Social Mother," Sydney, New South
Wales, which was chartered under English auspices in 1828, and whose members
were granted the unusual privilege of wearing a special jubilee jewel, by that
Grand Lodge, in 1878, on completion of fifty years of continuous existence.
There is only one other lodge similarly distinguished, viz.: the "Harmonic,
No. 356," St. Thomas' Island, W.I.
The first lodge warranted for
South Australia, which is still as active and vigorous as ever, is the
"Friendship," Adelaide, warranted in 1834. At the completion of its jubilee in
1884, Brother Philip Samson read an excellent sketch of its history, since
amplified and printed in a neat volume. Its early doings, agreed to by the
authorities, were particularly noteworthy, for the lodge met for regular
business first of all in London, and initiated several gentlemen about to
proceed to the Colony ; so that it was consecrated in the English Capital.
Among the first initiates was Mr. (afterward Sir) R. D. Hanson, who, later on,
was Attorney General, and Chief Justice, and Chancellor of the University of
New Zealand.‑Quite recently,
by the premature action of certain brethren, the previous happy condition of
the Craft has been sadly interfered with. It is to be hoped, however, that, as
with New South Wales and Victoria, some means will be discovered whereby unity
may be attained, and a governing body erected that will obtain the support of
all the Fraternity.
A Grand Lodge was formed at
Chrisl‑Church, with Brother Henry Thompson as Grand Master, on April 29, 189o
; but the promoters of this organization did not receive sufficient support to
warrant them in such a course, and had they been content to delay such
proceedings, it is quite probable that His Excellency the Earl of Onslow,
would have consented to become Grand Master, and thus unite the whole body. In
fact, his Lordship offered to accept that position, provided 120 out of 142
lodges would support the movement.
According to the official
lists of lodges under the three Grand Lodges, there are 155 in the Colony,
viz. : England, 87 ; Ireland, 15 ; and Scotland, 53ò Another difficulty has
also arisen, and this the most serious of all, by the constitution of the "
Lodge L'Amour de la Viriti," in Wellington, N.Z., by the Grand Orient of
France ! The first Worshipful Master, mirabile dictu, is Sir Robert Stout, K.
C. M. G., a Past Grand Officer of England, and D..D.‑. Provincial Grand Master
of Otago and Southland ! Naturally his career will be ended as respects
England, or regular Freemasonry anywhere, but it is a sad finish, and utterly
inexplicable to the writer.
The United Grand Lodge of New
South Wales.‑On December 23, 1877, the "Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted
Masons of New South Wales," Australia, was formed at the city of Sydney, by
the representatives of thirteen lodges, having a membership of 968. The Hon.
James Squire Farnell was elected Grand Master, 1877‑84; and Nicholas Weekes,
Grand Secretary, 1877‑87. The Hon. Dr. H. J. Tarrant was Grand Master, in
It appears that a larger
number of lodges would have been represented at the organization of the Grand
Lodge but for certain mandatory official action adverse thereto.
In 1888 the number of lodges
on its Registry had increased to fifty‑one, with a membership of 3792.
During these eleven years the
Grand Lodge of New South Wales had been fraternally recognized by forty‑four
sister Grand Dodges, and had interchanged Grand Representatives therewith ;
and, in addition to its large outlays for benevolence, working expenses, the
beginning of a Grand Lodge library, etc., it had erected a superb building
containing a public hall, a Grand Lodge room, and private lodge rooms,
library, supper, and secretarial rooms, at a cost of ú22,000 ($11o,ooo) ; and,
in 1888, an addition thereto was built, at a cost of 28000 ($40,000), making a
total cost of $150,000.
The Masonic Temple at Sydney,
the Mother City of Australia and the Capital of New South Wales, "vies in
beauty and completeness with almost any Masonic temple in the world"; and it
has been truly said that "the founders and upbuilders " of the Grand Lodge of
New South Wales might well feel proud of the result of their unselfish and
beneficent labors ! During the years 1887‑88,‑chiefly through the laudable
efforts of Grand Master Tarrant ; Past Grand Master Farnell ; Lord Carrington,
Governor of New South Wales, and District Grand Master, R. E.; the late Earl
of Carnarvon, Pro G. M. of England (then visiting Australia) ; Grand Master
Chief Justice Way, of Adelaide, So. Australia; the Hon. W. H. Piggott, R. E. ;
John Slade, W. H. Coffey, A. W. Manning, James Hunt, F. T. Humphreys, Thomas
E. Spencer, T. F. de Courcey Browne, and others of like fraternal spirit and
ability, ‑ the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales was happily formed in the
Great Hall of the Sydney University, on August 16, 1888, by the union of the
51 lodges on the Registry of the Grand Lodge of New South Wales, the 55
lodges, R. S., and the 80 lodges, R. E., making a total of 186 lodges on the
Registry of the United Grand Lodge, with a membership of about 1o,0oo.
Governor Lord Carrington was
elected Grand Master. He appointed Past Grand Master Dr. H. J. Tarrant, Pro G.
M. The other Grand Officers 503 504 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
were elected; and the
Constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England, mutads mutandis, was
adopted pro tempore.
On September x8, 1888, in the
Exhibition building, Sydney, Lord Carrington, Grand Master‑elect, was
installed in the presence of four thousand brethren, by Most Worshipful Chief
Justice Way, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Victoria. The Grand Master
having been seated in the `| Oriental Chair," the Installing Officer addressed
him in most fitting and eloquent terms. The Pro Grand Master and Deputy Grand
Master having been duly installed, the Grand Master invested the remaining
Grand Lodge Officers with the jewels of their respective offices.
Among the distinguished
brethren present, from other jurisdictions, were the Honorable John Douglass,
District Grand Master, R. S., Queensland; Edmund MacDonnell, representative of
the Provincial Grand Lodge, R. I., Queensland ; and James H. Cunningham, Grand
Secretary, South Australia.
The following Grand
Representatives near the Grand Lodge of New South Wales, having been duly
presented to the Grand Master, tendered their hearty congratulations to him
and to the United Grand Lodge: Most Worshipful H. J. Tarrant, South Australia
and New Mexico; Right Worshipful Brothers Neitenstein, Washington; J. Hunt,
Iowa; F. T. Humphreys, Spain; De Courcey Browne, Italy; I. Lee, Montana; J.
Slade, Indian Territory; G. Larsen, Idaho; R. V. Gale, Colon and Cuba; M.
Stephenson, Wyoming; J. F. Home, Roumania; J. Nobbs, Peru; W. Mason, Oregon;
J. P. Howe, Alabama; A. Smith, Arkansas; J. Hurley, Maryland; R. C. Willis,
Kansas; W. Cary, Ohio; D. J. Monk, Nevada; U. W. Carpenter, Michigan; and A.
Henry, Victoria.
In 1888‑89 the Grand Lodges of
England and Scotland, and other foreign Grand Lodges, extended fraternal
recognition to the United Grand Lodge, making a total of fifty‑three Grand
Lodges with whom Grand Representatives have been interchanged.
Finances. ‑In 1888‑89 the
income of the United Grand Lodge, from all sources, including ,C.r5oo from the
District Grand Lodge, R. E., and .6997 9s. 9d. from the District Grand Lodge,
R. S., was ;6354o 19s. 6d. Outlays, ,'2683 r 7s. 9d. Balance in Treasury, X85
7 Is‑ 9d Of the Benevolent Fund the income was Z3224 ras. rid. Outlays for
relief, X688 14s. 6d. Balance on deposit, Z2535 18s‑ 5d Steps are being taken
to found a " Masonic Orphanage for Boys." The late District Grand Lodge, R.
E., is establishing a " Masonic Cottage Hospital," open to all Freemasons; and
the United Grand Lodge has a "Masonic Scholarship " in the Sydney University,
transferred thereto by the District Grand Lodge, R. E.
The United Grand Lodge of New
South Wales began its auspicious existence in the first year of the second
century since the settlement of this, the parent Colony of the 11 Continent of
Australia." May it flourish evermore 1 OTHER COUNTRIES.
505 1816‑1890. Reminiscences.
‑It appears that, in the year 1803, a person applied to the governor of New
South Wales for permission to open a lodge of Freemasons. This was not
granted. A lodge was, however, held; and on May 16th of that year the leading
party thereto was, for the "irregularity," adjudged to a lengthened
involuntary residence, with due physical exercise, in Van Diemen's Land ! In
1816‑17 ( ?) the 46th Regiment of Light Infantry, to which was attached the
"Lodge of Social and Military Virtues, No. 227," R. L, arrived at Sydney. This
famous old lodge, which was warranted May 4, 175 2, is now the " | Lodge of
Antiquity," in the city of Montreal, Province of Quebec, Canada, and is No. i
on the Registry of the Grand Lodge of Quebec.
As was its wont, wherever "
the 46th " was stationed in the " four‑quarters " of the globe, " No. z 2 7,"
R. L, held meetings ; and did " good work " at the Capital of New South Wales.
On August 12, 1820(?), tie
"Australian Social Mother Lodge, No. 260," R. I., was established at Sydney.
On this memorable occasion the "famous Bible " [see Grand Lodge of Quebec],
the working tools, and the regalia of " 22 7 " were used; and it is probable
that most of " the work " was done by its officers and members, who had spread
the light of Freemasonry in so many places throughout the world.
"No. 260, R. I.," the premier
lodge of Australia, afterward became "Social Mother Lodge, No. 1," Registry of
the Grand Lodge of New South Wales, and it is now No. 1 on the Registry of the
United Grand Lodge.
On January 26, 1824, "Leinster‑Marine
Lodge of Australia," R. L, was established at Sydney, and is now No. 2,
Registry of the United Grand Lodge of New South Wales. Many eminent men have
been " | made " in this lodge, among whom were the Hon. William Charles
Wentworth, LL.D., the founder of "responsible government" in New South Wales,
and Charles Farnell, the father of the Hon. James Squire Farnell, the first
Grand Master, Grand Lodge of New South Wales. In 1825 an address was presented
by this lodge to Sir Thomas Brisbane, on his arrival in the colony, and in
1838 Brother Rogers established the first " Lodge of Instruction " in
Australia. In 1841 "LeinsterMarine " accepted an invitation to " dine " with "
Lodge 548," R. E.
There is much of unusual
historic interest connected with the foregoing and other early and later
lodges, formerly on the Registries of England, Ireland, and Scotland, which it
is hoped local lodge historians will soon give to the Masonic world.
In 1839 the Provincial,
afterward District Grand Lodge, R. E., was formed; in 1855 the Provincial,
afterward District Grand Lodge, R. S.; and in 1858 the Provincial Grand Lodge,
Registry of Ireland.
In 1847 it was proposed to
establish a "Grand Lodge of Australia." A meeting was held there anent, but no
action was taken.
In 1855 a difficulty sprang up
between the Irish and English "Constitu‑ 5o6 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
tions," in consequence of the
former having extended fraternal recognition to " Lodge St. Andrew," R. S.
This was shortly afterward amicably settled.
In 18 78 a " jubilee medal "
was granted by the Grand Lodge of England to "Australia Lodge," chartered in
1828. This was the second of the only two such medals granted.
The three Provincial Grand
Lodges of England, Scotland, and Ireland continued their work and governance,
till the formation of the Grand Lodge of New South Wales, in 1877, upon whose
Registry the lodges of Irish institution became enrolled. The English and
Scottish District Grand Lodges continued till their union with the Grand Lodge
of New South Wales, in the formation of the United Grand Lodge, in 1888.
Right Worshipful Brother
Nicholas Weekes, G. S., 1877‑87, died June 9, 1887, somewhat over one year
before the "blessed union." The labors of Brother Weekes, in the establishment
and upbuilding of the Grand Lodge of New South Wales, can hardly be
overestimated. A monument has been erected at his grave by the Grand Lodge ;
and tablets in remembrance of him and of Right Worshipful Brother William
Booth, P. D. D. G. M., R. E., have been placed in the walls of the Grand Lodge
room in the Masonic Temple. The Masonic epitaph of Brother Weekes might
appropriately be: " Si quceris monumentum, circumspice." Most Worshipful the
Honorable James Squire Farnell, the first Grand Master, died August 21, 1888,
just five days after "the union," whose consummation he had so devoutly
desired. He was buried August 23d, when a "Lodge of Sorrow" was held, at which
Most Worshipful Brother Tarrant, Pro G. M., presided.
Right Worshipful Brother John
Starkey, G. T., the safe Keeper of the' Key of the " /" s. D." Box, and who so
often made personal cash advances to meet the emergent requirements of Grand
Lodge, has held that important office all but continuously since 1877‑89.
Early in 1889, the remaining
"outstanding" lodge in the jurisdiction became of allegiance to the United
Grand Lodge.
There is evidently a great
future for the Craft, not Wales, but throughout the "Continent of
Australasia." only in New South May the beams of the sun by day, and of the
"Southern Cross" by night, ever auspiciously shine upon the Antipodean 11 Sons
of Light." DIVISION XI.
tin Exhaustive Account of that
Historic !fair in the United States, written from a Masonic Stand point.
Past Grand Master, M.‑. W.‑.
Grand Lodge, State of New York.
Introductory. ‑In presenting
an account of the period known as the Anti‑Masonic tithes,‑embracing the years
1826 to 1845,‑we do not expect to offer anything new; but, as forming an
important period in Masonic history, we shall endeavor to outline the facts.
In this labor we have availed ourselves of the excellent account of Josiah H.
Drummond, the exhaustive papers of Rob Morris, and other writers, who have
investigated the matter thoroughly.
Up to the year 1826, the
growth of the Fraternity had been very rapid; lodges were instituted without
that regard for perpetuity and solidity which is a vital element in the
welfare of an Institution of the character of ours. Not this alone, but there
was, in our judgment, a laxity in regard to the material accepted, and while
we had gained in numerical strength, its component parts were not properly
assimilated, and at the first opposition the ranks were largely depleted in
certain sections. This reverse was of such a character that it bid fair to
destroy our Institution in this country.
Its effects were felt in the
New England States, Pennsylvania, and more particularly in the State of New
York, where the trouble arose.
In reviewing the history of
those times, and weighing the cause, we cannot but conclude that, in a large
degree, its effects were attributable to the lack of judgment and unnecessary
alarm on the part of a few over‑zealous members of the Craft, which, combined
with other causes, ‑notably of a political character, ‑fanned the flame into a
raging fire. 507 508 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
The various accounts published
at the time are necessarily colored by the interest of the writers, and even
the light of the present day does not enable us to present much that is new.
The Account in Detail. ‑The
originators of this scheme lived in Batavia, Genesee County, N.Y., and
consisted of William Morgan and David C. Miller. Morgan was a man of no
repute, of idle and dissipated habits, harassed by debt; his time was mostly
spent in bar‑rooms, and without corroborative evidence no credence would be
given to any statement made by him. In 1821 he was a brewer near York, Upper
Canada; failing there he moved to Rochester and wrought at his trade, that of
a stone‑mason; from thence he went to Batavia in 1823.
William L. Stone, author of
the Anti‑Masonic letters to John Quincy Adams, says: ‑ " He had received a
common school education; he was a hard drinker, and his nights and sometimes
his days also were spent in tippling houses, while occasionally, to the still
greater neglect of his family, he joined in the drunken carousals of the
vilest and most worthless men, and his disposition was envious, malicious, and
vindictive." Was Morgan a Mason?‑Where he received his degrees is not known;
he claimed to have been made a Mason in Canada or some foreign country, and,
having obtained the confidence of some of the Fraternity, he succeeded in
entering the lodge at Batavia (Wells Lodge, No. 282, established in 1817), as
a visitor. We doubt whether he ever lawfully received the "Blue" lodge
degrees. Declaring upon oath that he had received the preceding six degrees in
a regular manner, he was made a Royal Arch Mason in Western Star Chapter, No.
33, at LeRoy, N.Y., May 31, 18 Upon his removal to Batavia, it being in
contemplation to establish a Royal Arch chapter at that place, in 1826, his
name was attached to the first petition prepared for that purpose.
Afterward, some parties seeing
his name attached to the petition, and being opposed to having so dissolute a
person as a member, a new petition was substituted, leaving him out entirely.
He subsequently applied to the chapter for affiliation and was rejected. This
naturally had a tendency to irritate him considerably, and being unprincipled
enough to do almost anything, he with his associates originated this scheme
for the purpose of revenge, and also of realizing untold wealth.
Associated with him was David
C. Miller, editor of the Republican Advocate, a weekly paper published in
Batavia. He is said to have received the first degree in a lodge at Albany,
N.Y., many years before, but owing to developments of his character, had never
been advanced further.
His habits were in harmony
with those of Morgan ; he was embarrassed financially, and in general
disrepute. Undoubtedly the thought of the pecuniary gain which could be
realized by a venture of this character was the inspiring motive of these two
There had been intimations of this intended publication at different times,
mostly by Morgan himself when under the influence of liquor, and also articles
having reference thereto in Miller's weekly sheet ; but they attracted little
attention, until, on the morning of a day in the summer of 1826, a group of
men might have been seen in the bar‑room of a certain tavern in Batavia, who
appeared greatly excited. One of them held in his hand a copy of the weekly
paper edited by Miller, in which it was stated, "There will be issued from the
press in this place, in a short time, a work of rare interest to the
uninitiated, being an exposition of Ancient Craft Masonry, by one who has been
a member of the Institution for years." Morgan's Book. ‑ Had Morgan been
permitted to print the book without notice, the work would have fallen quietly
from the press and died a natural death.
Masonry, like Christianity,
must have her indiscreet champions.
Efforts were made to induce
Morgan to suppress the publication, and while he professed to be willing to do
so, and did in fact deliver up a part of the manuscript, it was found that the
publication was being pushed by Miller as rapidly as possible.
Early in September, 1826, it
became known that the work was already partially in print in Miller's office,
and from the 8th to the 14th of September was a time ever to be remembered,
not only in Central New York and in the immediate vicinity of where these
events transpired, but also rendered memorable by the disastrous consequences
of the proceedings then carried out, which were felt all over the Union, not
only then but for some twenty years afterward.
A plan was set on foot by a
few misled Masons to obtain possession of the manuscript at all hazards. On
the night of the 8th of September a party of forty persons assembled with the
object of sacking Miller's office ; but the better class of citizens, as well
as Miller's friends, rallied to his support, and no such rash measures were
Miller's office was discovered
to be on fire on the loth of September; but the flames were speedily
extinguished by means which were conveniently at hand, and the incendiaries
The freemen of that place
offered a reward of one hundred dollars for the arrest and conviction of the
Morgan's Arrest and Subsidiary
Events. ‑ Some time previously, Morgan, while at Canandaigua, had borrowed, of
a hotel‑keeper, wearing apparel which he promised to return. Having failed to
do so, and probably for the purpose of intimidating him, a warrant was issued
against him for larceny. He was arrested September 11th, and carried to
Canandaigua by a posse, among whom were Nicholas G. Chesebro, Edward Sawyer,
Loton Lawson and John Sheldon, and on the case being heard he was acquitted of
felony, or the ground that he had borrowed the articles he was charged with
After his discharge he was
arrested for a small debt due another hotel‑keeper, judgment confessed, and
under the execution he was committed to jail.
Miller was also arrested and
under a strong guard carried to LeRoy. The constable left Miller with the
magistrate and went to find the plaintiff Daniel Johns; but, not returning at
once, the magistrate discharged Miller, just as the constable was coming in ;
the latter attempted to re‑arrest Miller, but he eluded the officer and
returned home during the night. This Johns was said to have been a financial
partner in the scheme, and desiring to get back the money (forty dollars), he
had advanced, he sued out the warrant against Miller and had him arrested. To
effect Morgan's release his wife went to Canandaigua and proposed to deliver
up the manuscript, but was informed ‑ as she subsequently stated‑that the debt
had been paid and Morgan released, but again re‑arrested and taken out of the
Upon her return she was
accompanied by a leading Mason, and it was claimed that the assurance had been
given that her husband was alive; that, while she might not see him for some
time, she and her family would be provided for. Some days intervened, and no
intelligence being received from Morgan, the friends of the family sent a
special messenger to Canandaigua to make inquiries regarding him.
He reported that Morgan had
been released from jail, on the evening of September 12 th, by the payment of
the debt; that on leaving jail he was seized by Lawson and another, and in
spite of cries of "murder" was dragged down the street; that standing by, but
not interfering, were Chesebro and Sawyer one of whom picked up Morgan's hat
which had fallen off‑Who followed the party down the street ; that a carriage
at once followed them, and soon returned and was driven off toward Rochester,
being empty when it went down and having several persons in it when it drove
back; that it arrived at Rochester about daylight of the 13th and was driven
three miles beyond, when the party alighted and the carriage returned ; that
the driver stated the parties were all strangers to him, and that he did not
notice any violence. While there was no positive proof that Morgan had been
carried away, this report aroused the most intense excitement.
Reviewing the matter at this
time, Morgan's seizure cannot be justified by legal, moral, or Masonic
principles. The publicity of the transaction, however, precludes the idea that
any personal harm was intended. Our own conviction is that, for a suitable
compensation, he consented to go away, being fearful of subsequent outrage. He
had lost the esteem of the community and the respect and confidence of Masons,
and was without motive to return home. Documentary Evidence. ‑To substantiate
this view, we learn that one of the party accompanying the constable had borne
a letter to Morgan containing these propositions : ‑ (i) To separate him from
David C. Miller. (z) To provide for his family.
(3) To remove him to Canada.
(4) To place in his hand the
sum of five hundred dollars in good money upon his arrival in Canada, on his
pledge never to return.
This letter was conveyed to
Morgan, and his acceptance thereof was privately made known to Nicholas G.
The beginning of public
interest in the affair may be attributed in a great degree to the inflammatory
hand‑bills which were issued and scattered broadcast. The following is a copy
of one issued October 4, 1826, about three weeks after Morgan's disappearance,
of which some 50,000 copies were circulated in Western New York: ‑ "To the
Public: ‑On the 11th of September, William Morgan, a native of Virginia, who
had for about three years past resided in this village, was, under pretext of
a justice's warrant, hurried from his home and family and carried to
Canandaigua. The same night he was examined on a charge of petit larceny and
discharged by the justice. One of the persons who took him away immediately
obtained a warrant against him in a civil suit for an alleged debt of two
dollars, on which he was committed to the jail of Ontario County. On the night
of September 12th he was released by a person pretending to be his friend, but
directly in front of the jail, notwithstanding his cries of murder, he was
gagged and secured and put into a carriage, and driving all night he was left,
as the driver of the carriage says, at Hanford's Landing, about sunrise on the
13th, since which he has not been heard of.
"His distressed wife and two
infant children are left dependent on charity for their sustenance. The
circumstances of the transaction gives rise to the most violent fears that he
has been murdered It is, however, hoped by his wife and friends that he may be
now kept concealed and imprisoned in Canada. All persons who are NN‑illing to
serve the cause of humanity, and assist to remove the distressed apprehensions
of his unfortunate wife, are earnestly requested to communicate to one of the
committee named below, directed to this place, any facts or circumstances
which may have come to their knowledge and are calculated to lead to the
discovery of his present residence or the particulars of his fate, if he has
been murdered.
"Dated Batavia, October 4,
"N. B. ‑ It is hoped that
printers throughout the State, in Canada, and elsewhere will give the above a
few insertions and thus serve the cause of justice and humanity." Conventions
and Public Meetings.‑This naturally added to the excitement. Conventions were
held in adjacent counties, investigating committees appointed, and the
indiscreet conduct of some Masons, together with remarks made, which were
repeated with additions and embellishments, worked up the public mind to a
high pitch of excitement and served to increase the feeling against the
Public meetings were held in
Batavia, October 4th, to denounce the outrage and secure the punishment of
those concerned in it. Prominent Masons took part in them and were the
foremost in demanding an investigation.
The cry was raised that Morgan
had been abducted and killed; that he had been traced to Fort Niagara, and
taken out in a boat upon Lake Ontario and drowned.
All sorts of improbable
stories were circulated, and one man said he knew Morgan had been killed
because the carcass of a sturgeon, with Holyan's boots in it, had been washed
ashore on the banks of the Niagara River, just below COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
the falls. (If so, no wonder
the sturgeon died.) The effect of this excitement, although bad, would have
been of short duration and its destructiveness limited, if it had not been
taken advantage of by reckless and unscrupulous politicians to advance their
interests for political and party purposes.
The consequence was that,
while the great body of the Fraternity denounced the abduction, they were all
equally assailed, and the Institution had to suffer for the foolishness and
indiscretion of a few of its members.
Governmental Action. ‑ DeWitt
Clinton, a distinguished and eminent Mason, was Governor of the State of New
York at that time.
He issued a proclamation,
October 7, 1826, enjoining upon all officers and ministers of justice in the
State, and particularly in the county of Genesee, to pursue all proper and
efficient measures for the apprehension of the offenders and the prevention of
further outrages, etc. A second proclamation was issued on the 26th of
October, offering a reward for the discovery and conviction of the offenders.
March iq, 1827, another
proclamation with a reward of one thousand dollars and a free pardon to any
one, who, " as accomplice or cooperator shall make a full discovery of the
offender or offenders." These are among the public evidences of the desire of
Governor Clinton to maintain the ascendency of the law.
Subsequent to the
Disappearance, Trials, etc.‑The investigations of the committee, appointed at
the Batavia meeting, showed that when the parties left the carriage beyond
Rochester, on Wednesday morning, September 13th, they entered another and
proceeded west by the way of Clarkson, Gaines, Lewiston, and so on to Fort
Niagara, arriving there on the morning of the 14th, changes of horses being
provided as if by arrangement.
A part of the journey Eli
Bruce,‑ the sheriff of the county,‑was with them. Upon their arrival at Fort
Niagara, the four occupants of the carriage ‑one of whom was Bruce‑left it,
dismissed the driver, and proceeded toward the fort, which was about eighty
rods distant.
This was the last that was
seen of Morgan, as shown by the record before us; and what transpired
afterward will be developed in our review of some of the trials arising
Two Theories. ‑ From this
affair can be deduced two theories: ‑ (i) That the arrest of Morgan was a
blind to get him away from his friends in Batavia; that he was released from
jail at Canandaigua under false pretences, conveyed by violence and against
his will out of the country, and finally put to death by drowning or other
violent means.
(2) That the whole
transaction, commencing at Batavia and terminating upon Canadian soil, was
undertaken and finished with the consent and cooperation of Morgan, and that
no violence was at any time exercised or attempted upon him.
Upon the first theory, the
Anti‑Masonic party was established, enlisting THE MORGAN EXCITEMENT.
513 among its leaders such men
as Francis Granger, W. H. Seward, Thurlow Weed, M. Fillmore, Solomon
Southwick, John C. Spencer, William Wirt, John Quincy Adams, William Slade,
and others.
The second theory to our mind
is much more in accord with the facts, and more likely to be the truth. It may
not be amiss to mention here the following account, given at a subsequent
period by Jeremiah Brown, who acted as driver of the coach a part of the way:
‑ " That Morgan went of his own free will and accord; he was going among old
friends in Canada, where he could turn over a new leaf and begin life anew.
"On Saturday, September 16th,
he was again taken across the river and committed to the care of two Canadian
Masons. Morgan was paid the full sum of five hundred dollars, in good money,
and he signed an 'undertaking' not to return to the States without written
permission from John Whitney or N. G. Chesebro,‑or to leave Upper Canada."
Rise of Anti‑Masonry.‑This occurrence naturally aroused the most bitter
feeling against the Fraternity. Members were arrested on different charges
growing out of these transactions, and suits were pending for years. Some were
imprisoned, among the number Eli Bruce, of whom we shall speak hereafter. The
last Canandaigua trial came off in May, 1831, and during the preceding four
years there was at all times confined in the jail some one connected with this
Bruce was immediately arrested
on the charge of the abduction of Morgan, but was acquitted by the magistrate,
because it could not be proven that any one was abducted, or that any force or
violence had been exercised toward any person in the carriage.
Governor Clinton propounded a
series of written interrogatories relative to his agency in the transaction,
and on his refusal to answer issued a proclamation removing him from office.
In an interview which the
sheriff sought, the Governor said: ‑ " Strong as is my attachment to you, I
will, if you are guilty, exert myself to have you punished to the full extent
of the law." And to show his opinion of the transaction, in a private letter,
he says : ‑ " I have always condemned the abduction of Morgan, and have never
spoken of the measure but as a most unwarrantable outrage and as deserving the
most severe punishment:' Among those upon whom the utmost vials of the
Anti‑Masonic wrath were poured was Eli Bruce, and inasmuch as the developments
on the trial present to us occurrences after Morgan left the fort, we give
full mention of the same. At the time of the events recorded here he held the
position of High Sheriff of Niagara County, having been elected in 1825.
He was serving as Principal
Sojourner in the Royal Arch chapter at Lewiston, and was also a member of the
council of Royal and Select Masters at Lockport.
Early in 1827 he was arraigned
before A. J. Henman, justice of the peace at Lockport, for assisting in the
abduction of Morgan, but was acquitted. Complaint being made to Governor
Clinton, he was summoned to Albany, to show cause why he should not be removed
from office. His reply, by counsel, did not satisfy Governor Clinton, who
required that he should prove his inno cence. He was tried before the Circuit
Court of Ontario County, sitting at Canandaigua, August, 1828, upon two
(1) For conspiracy to abduct
Morgan. (2) For the abduction itself.
He was sentenced to
twenty‑eight months' imprisonment. On appeal, the execution of the sentence
was postponed until May 13, 1829, and he was imprisoned in Canandaigua jail
May 20, 1829, and remained there until September 23, 1831.
From the evidence given at the
trial, we gather that Bruce was informed that Morgan was coming voluntarily,
and that he had been requested to prepare a cell for him in the jail at
Lockport, to be occupied temporarily until he could be conveyed to Canada,
said Morgan being desirous of severing his connection with Miller.
He declined at first to take
any part in the proceedings, but finally consented. With his companions he
crossed the river to Canada, having Morgan in the boat; but the expected
arrangement for the reception of Morgan there had not been made, and it was
thought best to wait a few days. Morgan was accordingly brought back to this
side of the river and put in the magazine in Fort Niagara, to await the
completion of the arrangements, which were to place him upon a farm in the
interior of Canada. This occurred on the morning of the 14th of September.
Bruce testified that he had
never seen Morgan since and did not know what became of him; further, that he
always supposed Morgan went voluntarily. He was unaware of any force having
been used, if indeed any had been.
Mr. Bruce, as a peace officer,
burdened with public responsibility, should have declined to listen to any
proposition to remove a man privately from the State, even if agreeable to the
will of the man himself. It is impossible in an article of this nature to
present a resume of the trials, and for our purpose it seems unnecessary.
In many instances they were
largely influenced and biased by the spirit which prevailed at that time.
Ontario County was the theatre
of the first judicial investigation, and November, 1826, two indictments were
found against Loton Lawson, Nicholas G. Chesebro, Edward Sawyer, and a man by
the name of John Sheldon : ‑, "(1) With conspiracy to seize and carry William
Morgan from the jail to foreign parts, and there continually to secrete and
imprison him. " (2) That on the evening of September 12th they did so seize
him, etc., in pursuance of the conspiracy." THE MORGAN EXCITEMENT.
515 The trial was had at the
Court of Oyer and Terminer held at Canandaigua, January 1, 1827. The three
former plead guilty to both indictments, but it was adjudged that they could
be sentenced only on one. ' Sheldon admitted the abduction, but denied that he
was concerned in it; an alibi was proved by overwhelming evidence, but it did
not avail, and he was found guilty. They were all sentenced to imprisonment in
jail ; Lawson for two years, Chesebro for one year, Sheldon for three months,
and Sawyer for one month.
Pro‑ress of Anti‑Masonry. ‑
Conventions followed the judicial investigations before referred to,
self‑constituted parties travelled from place to place, and through their
committees decided upon the guilt or innocence of suspected persons, and got
up systematic prosecutions to force Masons to secede.
Freemasonry was more fiercely
denounced than ever; the community was in a whirlpool of passion, and
politicians came to the front and procured the passage at public meetings of
resolutions against voting for Freemasons for any office whatever. It was
voted to hear no Mason preach unless he boldly denounced Freemasonry as a bad
institution. Masonic clergymen were dismissed from their charges, and Masonic
meetings were to be prevented by force of arms. At a convention of delegates
from several Baptist churches, held at LeRoy, N.Y., January, 1827, it was "
Resolved, That all such members as belong to the Baptist Church, and who also
belong to the Society of Freemasons, be requested to renounce publicly all
communications with that Order, and if the request is not complied with in a
reasonable time to excommunicate all those who neglect or refuse to do so."
There was no perceptible abatement of the excitement; all kinds of stories
were invented and circulated. A committee reported the "finding of blood in
the magazine at Fort Niagara." Subsequently a member of the said committee
authorized the statement "that no signs of blood, or any other probable
evidences of the murder of Morgan, had been discovered at Fort Niagara." The
excitement was greatly increased by the flight of Burrage Smith, John Whitney,
and Colonel William King, who had been charged with participation in the
abduction of Morgan. Colonel King ultimately returned of his own accord and
surrendered himself for trial, but died before the trial came on. In May,
1829, John Whitney, who voluntarily returned from the South for that purpose,
was tried. It was proved that Whitney was in Canandaigua, Tuesday, September
12, 1826, and at the chapter installation at Lewiston the ][4th, but that he
did not accompany the steamboat party that night to Rochester. This seemed to
connect him with the whole Morgan movement. He was declared guilty and
sentenced to one year's imprisonment in the county jail. He entered the prison
June 8, 1829, and was freed August 30, 1830.
Many persons were arrested and
tried for participation in the affair, but they were acquitted on the ground
that they only had been concerned in 516 COSMOPOLITAN FREEM.4SONRY.
carrying Morgan to jail, and
that in his arrest they were protected by the warrant.
Governor Clinton's Letter.
‑Governor Clinton addressed letters to the governors of the two Canadas,
requesting them to cause inquiry to be made respecting Morgan, as it was
suspected he had been carried to one of their provinces. In his letter he says
: ‑ " During the last year he [Morgan] put a manuscript into the hands of a
printer at Batavia, purporting to be a promulgation of the secrets of
Freemasonry. This was passed over by the great body of that Fraternity without
notice and with silent contempt; but a few desperate fanatics engaged in a
plan of carrying him off, and on the 12th of September last [x826] they took
him from Canandaigua by force, as it is understood, and conveyed him to the
Niagara River, from whence it is supposed that he was taken to His Britannic
Majesty's dominions. Some of the offenders have been apprehended and punished,
but no intelligence has been obtained respecting Morgan since his abduction."
Government Action in ,Upper Canada." ‑In response to this communication, Sir
Frederick Maitland, Lieutenant‑Governor of Upper Canada, issued the following
proclamation: ‑ "ZSo REWARD.‑His Excellency the Lieutenant‑Governor, having
received a communication from His Excellency the Governor of the State of New
York, by which it appears that William Morgan, who some years ago exercised
the calling of a brewer in this place, and who has recently resided at
Canandaigua, in the State of New York, was some time in the last year conveyed
by force from that place, and is supposed to be forcibly detained in some part
of this Province; any person who may be able to offer any information
respecting the said William Morgan, shall, upon communicating the same to the
Private Secretary of His Excellency the Lieutenant‑Governor, receive the
reward above offered.
"Government House, January 31,
1827." The Lewiston Convention. ‑ Conventions were held in different parts of
the State of New York; and, at the one known as the Lewiston Convention (182
7), the following catalogue of the pretended discoveries was published : ‑ "
(1) That the unhappy Morgan was taken to Newark, Upper Canada, gagged, bound,
and blindfolded.
"(2) That he was there offered
to the British Masons of that place, with a request that they should get him
on board of a British Man‑of‑War or turn him over to Brandt the Indian Chief
‑and a Mason, to be executed zbith savage cruelly.
"(g)"that the Newark Lodge
assembled on this proposition, and sent for Brandt who came accordingly.
"(4) Brandt proved himself too
noble of nature to have anything to do with so cowardly, inhuman, and wicked a
transaction. The savage hero disdained to do that which cowardly white
monsters urged him to do.
"(5) The Newark Masons, thus
rebuked by savage justicie and magnanimity, likewise finally declined to take
charge of the miserable victim.
"(6) The diabolical wretches,
who had him in custody, brought him back as far as Fort Niagara, and there
murdered him in cold blood, cutting his throat from ear to ear, cutting out
his tongue, and burying him in the sand, and concluding the hellish rites by
sinking the body in the lake." These allegations do not harmonize well with
the body discovered and identified as that of Morgan, alluded to in another
part of this paper. Further, upon the above becoming known to Colonel
Brandt‑who was a THE MORG.4N EXCITEMENT.
517 he, in a personal letter,
denied the gentleman of standing in Upper Canadacharge as far as it referred
to himself.
Newspaper Investigations.‑The
Rutland (Vt.) Herald, after publishing the horrid stories related by members
of the above convention, says: ‑ tragic tales.
"After all this, we confess we
are among the number of unbelievers to these That Morgan was abused and
carried off, we have no doubt; " But that he is now somewhere in the British
Provinces, profiting and speculating by the repeated bloody recitals, by
issuing edition after edition of his " Mysteries of Freemasonry Unveiled,"
accompanied with all these seeming barbarous and unrelenting cruelties, we
have scarcely a doubt remaining.
"The probability after all is,
that Morgan has voluntarily absented himself, and is continuing in seclusion
with a view to promote the sale of his book, and that the excitement which has
been raised about it has been created for political purposes." se Last
Declaration of Governor Clinton.‑To show the malignity of the opposition, let
me recite the fact that, at the death of Governor Clinton, which occurred in
1828, they went so far as to say that " stung with remorse for sanctioning
Morgan's death, he had taken his own life." Against this accusation, we direct
attention to his official action, and would also quote from his private letter
to the Batavia Convention, under date of January 8, 1827, in which he says: ‑
" I am persuaded, however, that the body of Freemasons, so far from having any
participation in this affair or giving any countenance to it, reprobate it as
a most unjustifiable act, repugnant to the principles and abhorrent to the
doctrines of the Fraternity. I know that Freemasonry, properly understood and
faithfully attended to, is friendly to religion, morality, and good
government. . . . It is no more responsible for the acts of unworthy members
than any other institution or association." Masonic Aspect; Action Thereon. ‑
A careful examination shows that, at the time of Morgan's arrest, the Masons
who had interested themselves in the matter supposed that they had secured
enough of the manuscript to prevent Miller going on with the work, unless
Morgan should replace what was missing. To make sure that Morgan would not do
that, a plan was undoubtedly laid to get Morgan away from Miller; either to
get him into Canada, and arrange for him to stay there, or else to send him
out of the country on a sea voyage.
Quite a number were cognizant
of the plan, and the leading spirits were John Whitney and Nicholas G.
Chesebro, together with Colonel William King, Burrage Smith, Loton Lawson, and
Eli Bruce; financial means were supplied for the purpose. We do not, however,
find that an officer of any Grand body was connected therewith.
Of the fact that the scheme
was a local arrangement, the action taken by the various Grand bodies, of
which we have knowledge, is conclusive; and, to substantiate the position, it
is only necessary to recite a few instances.
The Grand Chapter of New
York.‑The committee appointed by the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the
State of New York, on the 518 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
William Morgan affair,
reported February q, 1827, being its first convocation after the occurrence,
as follows: ‑ " That they had attended to the duties assigned them, and that
from the highly agitated and inflamed state of public feeling on this subject,
and from the false and undeserved imputations which have been thrown upon
Freemasons and the Masonic Order generally, the committee deem it proper that
this Grand Chapter should make a public expression of its sentiment in
relation to the affair alluded to.
"' Your committee, as
expressive of their views on the subject embraced in this report, would offer
for the consideration of the Grand Chapter the following preamble and
resolutions: ‑ "' ffhereas, The right of personal liberty and security are
guaranteed by the free constitution under which we, the members of this Grand
Chapter, in common with the rest of our fellowcitizens, have the happiness to
live, and "' Whereas, We esteem the preservation of these rights of vital
importance to the perpetuity and full enjoyment of the blessings of our
republican institutions, and "' Whereas, The community has lately witnessed a
violation of the same under the pretext of the Masonic name and sanction (in
the case of William Morgan), and "` Whereas, The principles of our Ancient and
Honorable Fraternity contain nothing which, in the slightest degree, justify
or authorize such proceedings; but, on the contrary, do in all their tenets
and ceremonies, encourage and inculcate a just submission to the laws, the
enjoyment of equal rights by every individual, and a high and elevated spirit
of personal as well as national ;independence; therefore be it "'"Resolved, By
this Grand Chapter, that we, as members individually and as a body, do
,disclaim all knowledge and approbation of t'~c said proceedings, in relation
to the abduction of the ,said William Morgan, and that we disapprove of the
same, as a violation of the majesty of the law, and an infringement of the
rights of personal liberty, secured to every citizen of our free and happy
"'Resolved, That the foregoing
Preamble and Resolutions be adopted."' The Grand Lodge of New York. ‑Some
Grand Lodges issued an appeal, and upon the question of the expediency of
making an address to the public, etc., the Grand Lodge of the State of New
York in 1831 adopted the following, which is the only action had in the
premises: ‑ "Whereas, 1t is alleged that an outrage has been committed on the
body of William Morgan, and "Whereas, Proceedings in consequence of such
allegations have been made in courts of justice in relation to the subject,
and "Whereas, By reason cffoul misrepresentation, an effort has been made to
impress the public mind with an opinion, that the Grand Lodge and the
Fraternity in general, have attempted to screen, if not protect the
perpetrators of this alleged outrage; therefore be it "Resolved, That the
Grand Secretary be instructed to ascertain from the public record a statement
of the facts in relation to the persons said to have been Masons, charged and
convicted of the abduction of Morgan, and report to this Grand Lodge at its
next annual communication." In 1832 a supplemental report was adopted : ‑ "
That participating with the members of this Grand Lodge, and the great body of
the Masonic Fraternity, in a feeling of deep abhorrence of the outrage, which
was a violation alike of Masonic obligation and the law of the land, they [the
committee] have examined the papers submitted thereto with that attention
which the importance of the subject demands.
"The voluminous nature of the
papers presented and the shortness of the time have, however, prevented them
from investigating the subject as fully as they would desire, and further time
was asked in which to formulate a report." FREEMASONRY IN PRACTICE.
521 Grand Lodge of Vermont.
‑Among the appeals issued against the AntiMasonic persecutions, we present the
conclusion of that issued by the Grand Lodge of Vermont, October 7, 1829: " As
Masons we hold ourselves guiltless, in any manner, of the shedding of human
blood ‑ guiltless, in any manner, of conspiring against the liberties and
privileges of the people, or endeavoring to monopolize an unequal portion of
those privileges to ourselves, or to abridge the rights of others ‑guiltless,
in any manner, of impeding, retarding or diverting the cause of justice
‑guiltless, in any manner, of an intrusion into the three great departments of
our governmentguiltless, in any manner, of attempting to identify the subject
with politics, or of making the latter a matter of discussion or
remark‑guiltless, in any manner, of performing any rite, or doing any act,
immoral or irreligious‑ and guiltless, in any manner, of entertaining the
remotest suspicion that the life of a fellow‑being was subject to our
control," Other Grand Lodges. ‑ From another we excerpt the following: ‑ " We
claim of our fellow‑citizens the same rights enjoyed by other men, and no
more. The constitution proscribes no man who well performs the duties of his
citizenship. Disregarding this truly republican principle, the avowed design
of Anti‑Masonry is a universal proscription of men, simply because they are
Masons. Let a principle of this description once gain the ascendancy among us,
let the passions become enlisted in it, and no man can foretell the desolation
of the end.
"We deprecate all persecution,
no matter what name it bears, or what garb it assumes. It is dangerous to
society, dangerous to individuals, and is the tyrant's usual engine to destroy
the great cause of liberty itself." Declaration by the Fraternity of Boston.
‑We have before us a Deelaration of the Freemasons of Boston and Vicinity,
dated December 31, 1831, which so concisely and plainly presents the subject
that the affecting nature of the appeal must have given it an immense power
for good: ‑ " While the public mind remained in the high state of excitement,
to which it had been carried by the partial and inflammatory representations
of certain offences, committed by a few misguided members of the MASONIC
INSTITUTION, in a sister State, it seemed to the undersigned (residents of
Boston and vicinity), to be expedient to refrain from a public DECLARATION of
their principles and engagements as MASONS. But believing the time now to be
fully come, when their fellow‑citizens will receive with candor, if not with
during the last five years, in consequence of their connection with the
MASONIC FRATERNITY, have been reiterated against them, they respectfully ask
permission to invite attention to the subjoined "Whereas, it has been
frequently asserted and published to the world, that in the several degrees of
FREEMASONRY, as they are enforced in the United States, the candidate, in his
initiation and subsequent advancement, binds himself by oath to sustain. his
Masonic brethren in acts, which are at variance with the fundamental
principles of morality, and incompatible with his duty as a good and faithful
citizen, in justice therefore to themselves, and with a view to establish
TRUTH and expose IMPOSITION, the undersigned, many of us the recipients of
every degree of Freemasonry, known and acknowledged in this country, do most
SOLEMNLY DENY the existence of any such obligations in the MASONIC
INSTITUTION, as far as our knowledge respectively extends. And we as SOLEMNLY
AVER that, no person is admitted to the Institution, without first being made
acquainted with the nature of the obligations which he will be required to
incur and assume.
"FREEMASONRY secures its
members.in the freedom of thought and of speech, and permits each and every
one to act according to the dictates of his own conscience in matters of
and of his personal
preferences in matters of politics; it neither knows, nor does it assume to
inflict upon its erring members, however wide may be their aberration from
duty, any penalties or punishments, other than those of ADMONITION, SUSPENSION
"The obligations of the
Institution require of its members a strict obedience to the laws of God and
Man. So far from being bound by any engagements inconsistent with the
happiness and prosperity of the nation, every citizen who becomes a Mason, is
doubly bound to be true to his GOD, to his COUNTRY and to his FELLOW MAN‑" In
the language of the Ancient Constitutions of the Order, which are printed and
open for public inspection, and which are used as text books in all the
lodges, he is required to keep and obey the MORAL LAW; to be a quiet and
peaceful citizen, true to his government and just to his country.
"MASONRY disdains the making
of proselytes; she opens the portals of her asylum to those only who seek
admission, with the recommendation of a character unspotted by immorality and
vice. She simply requires of the candidate his assent to one great,
fundamental, religious truth, ‑THE EtISTENCE AND PROVIDENCE Or GOD; and a
practical acknowledgment of those infallible doctrines for the government of
life, which are written by the finger of God on the heart of man.
"ENTERTAINING Such sentiments,
as MASONS, as CITIZENS, as CHRISTIANS, and as MORAL MEN, and deeply impressed
with the conviction that the MASONIC INSTITUTION has been, and may continue to
be, productive of great good to their fellow‑men; and having 'received the
laws of the society, and its accumulated funds, in sacred trust for charitable
uses,' the undersigned can neither renounce nor abandon it.
"We most cordially unite with
our brethen of Salem and vicinity, in the declaration and hope that, 'should
the people of this country become so infatuated as to deprive Masons of their
civil rights, in violation of their written constitutions, and the wholesome
spirit of just laws and free governments, a vast majority of the Fraternity
will still remain firm, confiding in God, and the rectitude of their
intentions, for consolation, under the trials to which they may be exposed.' "
To this were appended the signatures of 1469 Masons from fifty‑four towns and
districts,‑Boston of course furnishing the largest number, 437;‑but all parts
of the State were worthily represented.
Lodges and Chapters in New
York. ‑ Action was taken by lodges and chapters in the various parts of the
State of New York. All repudiated the act as an outrage upon public liberty,
and a flagrant violation of the laws of the land. Without multiplying
instances we append the action and resolutions adopted in Lyons Royal Arch
Chapter, March 15, 182 7 : "Whereas, The abduction of William Morgan has given
rise to much excitement in the public mind against the Fraternity of
Freemasons, and as efforts have been made both in public newspapers and
private circles to charge this outrage upon his person against the whole body
of Masons as such, and " Whereas, Many pretend to believe and endeavor to
inculcate that belief in others, that the Masonic Fraternity claims a right to
inflict corporal punishment, and even to put to death such of its members as
reveal its secrets or violate its laws; therefore "Resolved, That we declare
unto the world, that Masons acknowledge no laws which contravene the
Constitution and laws of their country, and that the Masonic Institution
claims no right to inflict corporal or other punishment upon its members
except suspension and expulsion, and that the exercise of any further or any
greater power than this would be in violation of the most sacred principles of
our Order.
"Resolved, That we view with
deep regret the gross violation of the laws of our country and the rules and
principles of Masonry, by members of our Institution in the late affair of
William Morgan, and that we utterly disclaim all knowledge or participation
whatever in the abduction of said Morgan, and that we will as Masons have no
communication with those persons who were engaged in the perpetration of this
523 Many lodges surrendered
their charters, the reason being given in one case (Ballston Spa, N.Y., 1828)
: ‑ " It is, briefly, that the present state of public excitement on the
subject of Masonry is such, that it produces discords in neighborhoods, and
among members of the same family, and even in the Church of Christ, to allay
or prevent which is one of the fundamental principles of our Order." The
General Grand Royal Arch Chapter.‑The General Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the
United States was in session in New York City during the week of Morgan's
abduction, the session commencing on the 14th of September, 1826, and the
following, which we find in Josiah H. Drummond's account of that period, is of
interest : ‑ " Samuel L. Knapp, a member of the General Grand Chapter from
Massachusetts, says that on the second day of the session, the presiding
officer stated that a special communication had been received from the western
part of New York, and suggested that it be referred to a committee without
reading; this was done, Knapp being chairman of the committee. The committee
found in their room a young man in a high state of excitement, who put into
their hands some printed pages and a manuscript, stating that some of the
Fraternity in his part of the country apprehended that mischief might arise
from its publication. The committee heard his story, deliberated upon it, and
returned the papers to the messenger without examination, telling him
distinctly that it was a subject in which the General Grand Chapter could take
no part; they made a verbal report, and it was accepted with few or no
remarks, and without a dissenting voice. The General Grand High Priest
(Clinton) was not present, and when he came in and was told what had been
done, approved the course taken, saying that the body had nothing to do with
the subject, and it was not worthy the notice of Masons. The messenger seemed
disappointed, and hinted that the writer of the manuscript might at that tilhe
be in prison for debt, but was told if that was so to go and raise the money
among the Fraternity, pay the debt, and restore the manuscript." CHAPTER II.
Political Aspect. ‑ One great
factor which tendea to keep this excitement alive was the influence of
politicians, who sought to use this as a lever to lift themselves into power.
The election was approaching, and all manner of stories were put in
circulation and printed by the Anti‑Masonic papers, a a large number of which
had sprung into existence. Prominent among them may be noted Miller's
Republican Advocate, Southwick's Observer, Stone's 524 COSMOPOLITAN
Spectator, Ward's Anti‑Masonic
Quarterly Review, and the Albany Evening .journal, which last was established
in the winter of 1830, under the editorial management of Thurlow Weed, then a
member of the legislature from the county of Monroe.
It is said that in 1830 there
were more than one hundred and thirty AntiMasonic papers in existence ‑
principally in New York and Pennsylvania ‑ and their violence and bitterness
surpass description.
As an illustration, we present
the following from Southwick's Observer: ‑ "Freemasonry is the step that leads
down to the dark gates of hell‑the paths of perditionconclaves of corruption
and licentiousness‑protection of fraud and villainy‑the genuine academies of
tippling‑manufactories for noodles," etc.
Among the choice epithets
given to the Craft were the following: ‑ " Banditti brethren ‑ vile impostors
‑ hypocrites ‑ time‑fuddlers ‑ sharpers ‑ knaves ‑ noodles ‑ fools ‑
blackguards ‑ drunkards ‑ gullies ‑ impostors ‑ dumpling‑heads ‑ nincum=
poops‑blockheads," etc.
The above are fair samples
from the newspapers of those days, and we wonder at the effrontery and
knavishness of the writers, as well as the credulity of the believers.
The Anti‑Masonic party had
grown rapidly in New York and adjacent States ; it soon became thoroughly
political, and no opportunity was lost for furthering its ends. They murmured
against Governor Clinton. He had, to be sure, removed Eli Bruce from his
office as sheriff, but not as promptly as they desired. To show to what ends
they descended, and with what avidity everything was accepted. which
harmonized with their desires, we direct attention to the following incident :
‑ The (Alleged) Body of Morgan.‑The body of a drowned man was found October 7,
1827, on the beach at Oak Orchard Harbor, about forty miles from Niagara. An
inquest was held on the body of the stranger, and "accidental death" was the
verdict of the coroner's jury.
From the description of the
body, as elucidated at the inquest, note the following: ‑ "Length of corpse, 5
feet io inches. No scars noticeable in the condition of the flesh. A man about
forty‑six years of age. Remains of heavy whiskers and thick hair over the
head. Teeth sound, and nothing remarkable about them.
"The two Potters, who first
discovered the body, and were well acquainted with William Morgan, testified
that the corpse had no resemblance by which they should recognize Morgan.
"Clothing, etc., fully
described. In one of the pockets a package of religious tracts," etc.
The body ‑ badly decayed ‑ was
buried with all convenient speed, but it was not destined to remain
undisturbed ; for, on the facts of the inquest being published, a party
consisting of Thurlow Weed, Russel Dyer, David C. Miller, and a number of
Batavia people met at Oak Orchard, Saturday, October 13, 1827, repaired to the
grave, had the body disinterred, taken to Carlton, and examined.
525 Another inquest was held
on the Monday following, and the description is, in some particulars,
different from the first : ‑ " The head was now so nearly bald that only a few
stray tufts of hair could be seen. The bunch of whiskers had disappeared. The
cavities of the ears and nostrils were ingeniously adorned with long white
hairs." At the second examination, three parties who saw the body at its first
discovery, and testified at the first inquest, were not sworn.
The assertion was made that it
was Morgan's body, and that it had been hastily buried to prevent
identification. To be sure, if we were to believe the stories then in
circulation, " Morgan had been dead some thirteen months," and the physical
impossibility of an identification after that length of time was treated as of
no account. It was announced all over the country that " Morgan's body had
been found"; and, at the second inquest, Mrs. Morgan and other witnesses were
examined, and they itientiXerl the body.
It is said that Mrs. Morgan
was so wrought upon that she thought it might be Morgan, yet she admitted that
she could see no resemblance.
A dentist who had extracted
two of Morgan's teeth, produced them and declared that they fitted into a
place on the same side of the mouth where the deceased had lost two teeth.
Certainly it was a very accommodating body.
It is true that not a single
article of clothing upon the body had ever belonged to Morgan or had been worn
by him; nor was there anything upon or about the body which could be traced
back to Morgan. This was, however, ignored, it being said that the change of
clothing was a trick of the Masons.
The body was officially
declared by the inquest to be that of William Morgan. It is evident, however,
that the more intelligent were not prepared to wholly accept the statement;
and a distinguished politician ‑ Thurlow Weed ‑ (who probably knew) is said to
have remarked, "It's a goon' enough Morgan till after election." The funeral
followed, the body being removed, October 1q, 1827, with much parade, to
Batavia, creating a great sensation. The air actually rang with imprecations,
not only upon the murderers of Morgan, but upon the whole Fraternity, all of
whom were charged with being accessory to his murder.
The cry of vengeance was
wafted on every breeze. After the funeral came hand‑bills, addresses, and
appeals to the worst passions of the people.
But this body was not destined
to rest, and when the account of the above proceedings was published, it
directed attention to the disappearance of one Timothy Monro, of the township
of Clark, Upper Canada, who left that place in a boat September 24th for
Newark (or Fort George), on the American shore, and who while returning was
upset and drowned.
Accordingly the widow and
other friends came on, and another inquest was held at Batavia, October 26, 18
; and the result of legal and formal investigation demonstrated conclusively
that it was the body of Timothy 526 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
Monro, "who was drowned in the
Niagara River on the 26th of September, 18272' The body was taken to Canada
and buried. The evidence adduced at the last inquest presented facts which
proved conclusively that it could not have been the body of Morgan. From the
material differences, the conclusion is inevitable that the second inquest was
largely biased in one direction,‑the interest of certain parties being to
establish, at all hazards, the identification of Morgan. A body was needed for
political purposes, the comedy was arranged, and Timothy Monro made a " good
enough Morgan until after election." Thurlow Weed, who took an active and
efficient part in smothering the truth, was accused of having shaved and
stripped off the hair and whiskers of the body found in Carlton, in order that
it might resemble Morgan.
Thurlow Weed's Last
Fulmination.‑We should not feel justified in making this personal allusion,
but that, within a few years, we find an article from his pen, published in
the daily press, alluding to those times and reiterating the old story.
In a letter dated and
published September q, 1882, he gives the following, claiming that it was
detailed to him by John Whitney, while at his house in 1831, and promulgates
it as the history of Morgan's abduction and fate: ‑ " The idea of suppressing
Morgan's intended exposure of the secrets of Masonry was first suggested by a
man by the name of Johns. It was discussed in lodges at Batavia, LeRoy, and
Rochester. Johns suggested that Morgan should be separated from Miller and
placed on a farm in Canada West. For this purpose he was taken to Niagara and
placed in the magazine of the fort until arrangements for settling him in
Canada were completed; but the Canadian Masons disappointed them.
"After several meetings of the
lodge in Canada, opposite Fort Niagara, a refusal to have anything to do with
Morgan left his 'kidnappers' greatly perplexed.
"Opportunely a Royal Arch
Chapter was installed at Lewiston. The occasion brought a large number of
enthusiastic Masons together. 'After labor,' in Masonic language, they
'retired to refreshment' Under the exhilaration of champagne and other viands,
the chaplain (;ev. 1. H. Cummings of Rochester) was called on for a toast.
"He responded with peculiar
emphasis and in the language of their ritual, ' The enemies of our Order, may
they find a grave six feet deep, six feet long, and six feet due east and
west.' " Immediately after that toast, which was received with great
enthusiasm, Col. William King, an officer in our war of 1812, and then a
member of the assembly from Niagara County, called Whitney of Rochester,
Howard of Buffalo, Chubbuck of Lewiston, and Garside of Canada, out of the
room, and into a carriage furnished by Major Barton. They were driven to Fort
Niagara, repaired to the magazine, and informed Morgan that the arrangements
for sending him to Canada were completed, and that his family would soon
follow him.
"Morgan received the
information cheerfully, and walked with supposed friends to the boat, which
was rowed to the mouth of the river, where a rope was wound around his body,
to each end of which a sinker was attached. Morgan was then thrown overboard."
In continuing the narrative, Weed says : ‑ "Of course a secret thus confided
to me (7) was inviolably kept; and twenty‑nine years afterward, while
attending a National Republican Convention at Chicago, John Whitney, who then
resided there, called to say that he wanted me to write out what he had once
527 gan's fate, to be signed
by him in the presence of witnesses, to be sealed up, and published after his
"I promised to do so before
leaving Chicago, but there was no time for it, and in the excitement of the
canvass I neglected the important duty of securing the confession Whitney was
anxious to make.
"In 1861 1 went to Europe, and
while in London, wrote a letter to Whitney, asking him to get Alex. B.
Williams, then a resident of Chicago, to do what I had so unpardonably
neglected. That letter reached Chicago one week after Whitney's death, closing
the last and only chance for the revelation of that important event." ' We are
at a loss to understand why these charges should be made at this late date.
The story is improbable on its face, and we have no hesitancy in saying that
if the opportunity had ever been afforded Mr. Weed to obtain any such
confession, the " excitement of no campaign " would have allowed him to miss
the opportunity.
We have only to say that if
the facts ( ?) as stated above are no more correct than those given as an
excuse for not securing the said revelation, we hardly think much credence can
be given them.
John Whitney's Version.‑The
facts are that John Whitney did not die until May,3, z86q; and, furthermore,
the testimony of one who was present at the interview mentioned by Weed as
occurring in Chicago, is to the effect that the affair was in every sense
different from the account given by Weed: ‑ "Whitney accosted Weed with the
query: 'What are you lying about me so for? What are all these stories you are
telling about me and Morgan ?' Weed endeavored to quiet him, begging him not
to be angry, and assured him he was only using the stories for political
effect. But Whitney insisted that they should be stopped, nor would he desist
until Weed bad promised to say no more about the matter." Mr. Weed also
reiterates the old story, which was a part of the declaration of the Lewiston
Convention of 1827, of a toast said to have been offered by Rev. Francis H.
Cummings. That charge has been denied repeatedly. Rev. Bro. Cummings was a
settled clergyman, of the Protestant Episcopal Church, at Rochester, and
regarded as one of the most respectable of his profession. It was without
doubt one of the Anti‑Masonic slanders of that time. In the present instance
it seems the old feeling was not yet dead.
The Anti‑Masonic Political
Party.‑At the spring elections of 1827, Freemasons were proscribed simply
because they were Freemasons, the movement in this respect being nearly
simultaneous in Genesee and Monroe counties. In the fall, the Anti‑Masonic
party took the field, having as its aim the destruction of Freemasonry through
the instrumentality of the ballot box. The first nomination was George A. S.
Crooker as Senator for the 8th Senatorial District; but he was defeated. The
party carried Genesee, Monroe, Livingston, and Niagara counties, in the face
of both the other parties.
In 1828 the first General
convention was held at LeRoy, composed of delegates from twelve of the Western
counties, and at the State convention, held at Utica, in August, Solomon
Southwick of Albany received the nomination for Governor of New York State.
The total vote was 33,345, and, 528 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
although defeated, yet in the
more radical counties he received a large vote‑in that of Genesee, 4794 In
1829 they elected Albert H. Tracy Senator for the 8th District, by a majority
of about 8ooo votes; and at the State election the same year they carried the
counties of Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Genesee, Livingston,. Monroe, Alleghany,
Cattaraugus, Chautauque, Steuben, Ontario, Wayne, Yates, Seneca, and
Washington, and polled about 67,000 votes.
At the Anti‑Masonic
convention, held at Utica, August, 7830, forty‑eight counties were represented
by 104 delegates. Francis Granger, a prominent member of the Anti‑ 3‑rasonic
party, received the nomination for Governor, polled 120,361 votes, but was
defeated. He also received the nomination in 1832, and was again defeated,‑his
vote was 156,672.
The Votes Polled. ‑As
illustrative of the growth of the Anti‑Masonic party we give the vote in New
York State: ‑ In 1828, 33,345 ; 1829, 68,613 ; 1830, Io6,o8I ; 1831, 98,847 ;
1832, 156,672. In 1833 its estimated strength in the United States was
340,800. It had its most rapid growth in the State of New York, and attained
such prominence that, in 1832, it actually carried the State of Vermont in
favor of its candidate for President. In Maine, the Anti‑Masonic count in 1831
was 869 votes, in 1832, 2384 votes, and in 1833, 1670 votes, and that was the
end of the party.
The Philadelphia Convention of
1830.‑At the proceedings of the AntiMasonic convention, held at Philadelphia,
September II, 1830, an address was adopted upon the report of a committee, of
whom Myron Holley of New York was chairman, reciting the fact "that Morgan was
foully murdered, pretends to rehearse the several obligations of Freemasonry,
and demands the suppression of the Institution." A few excerpts will suffice
to show its spirit : ‑ "To this government Freemasonry is wholly opposed. It
requires unresisting submission to its own authority in contempt of public
opinion, the claims of conscience, and the rights of private judgment. It
would dam up the majestic currents of improving thought, among all its
subjects throughout the earth, by restricting beneficial communication. In
attempting to do this it has stained our country with a brother's blood,
tempted many of our influential citizens into the most degraded forms of
falsehood, and burst away with its powers undiminished, its vengeance
provoked, and its pollution manifest, from the strong arm of retributive
justice. The means of overthrowing Freemasonry cannot be found in any, or in
all, of our executive authorities. They cannot be found in our judicial
"The only adequate corrective
of Freemasonry‑that prolific source of the worst abuses‑is to be found in the
right of election, and to this we must resort.
"There is therefore no
impropriety in resorting to the elective franchise to correct the evils of
"It, Freemasonry, ought to be
abolished; it should certainly be so abolished as to prevent its restoration.
No means of doing this can be conceived so competent as those furnished by the
The Last National Convention.
‑In 1836 the Anti‑Masons held their last National convention, at Philadelphia,
and nominated Gen. William H.
529 Harrison for President,
and Francis Granger for Vice‑President. Practically, its influence as a factor
in politics ended about this time.
This country has seen fierce
and bitter political contests, but no other has approached in intensity those
of the Anti‑Masonic times. None but those who witnessed it can justly
appreciate the condition of things at that time, and to what extent feeling
was carried.
One writer describes it : ‑
"That fearful excitement which swept over our land like a moral pestilence;
which confounded the innocent with the guilty; which entered even the temple
of God; which distracted and divided churches; which sundered the nearest ties
of social life; which set father against son and son against the father;
arrayed the wife against her own husband; and, in short, wherever its baleful
influences were most felt, deprived men of all those comforts and enjoyments
which render life to us a blessing." Desperate attempts were made to take away
chartered rights from Masonic corporations, and to pass laws that should
prevent Masons from meeting and practising their ceremonies.
Effect on Masonic Bodies,
Localities, etc. ‑Although the events described happened in the State of New
York, the excitement was not confined to it, and while raging with more
violence in some sections than others, its effects were felt all over the
The Grand bodies generally (as
has been stated), passed temperate resolutions, disclaiming all connection or
sympathy with the outrage.
There is no question but that
the very general practice of giving credit for degrees, which prevailed from
1820 to 1826, led very many to repudiate their debts and vows together, as
soon as the public mind against Masonry was sufficiently excited to enable
them to do so with impunity. At that time it became a question of
consideration among adhering Masons, what course, under existing
circumstances, it was expedient for them to pursue.
A great many of those who were
warmly attached to the Institution were of the opinion that it was advisable
to yield, for a time at least, to the storm, and close their work and
surrender their charters. This opinion was extensively acted upon.
No conciliatory course was of
any avail to stay the storm, and naturally the growth and progress of the
Institution suffered to a great extent. ' In some States the Grand bodies
suspended their meetings for years; but in every jurisdiction were to be found
some faithful brethren who maintained faith in the ultimate result, and kept
alive the Masonic fire upon the altar.
In Vermont' not a single lodge
continued its work.
i [This is the statement of
Records G. L. Vermont, 1794‑x846, compiled by Bro. George F. Koon (printed in
1879) ; also, Proc. G. L. Canada, 1857, p. 125; et n1., but in Drummond's Am.
App. Yorston & Co.'s edition of Gould's Hist., Vol. IV. PP, 455, 456, it is
said: That at the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Vermont in 1834, only seven
lodges were represented; that in 1836, Grand Master Haswell, the Grand
Secretary, and the Grand Treasurer were empowered to meet every two years, and
adjourn the Grand Lodge (three being a quorum), biennially or oftener; that
this was done during the years 1837, 1838, 1840, 1842, and 1844; that in 1845
these grand officers took counsel to"resume labor"; that various constituent
lodges also "resumed labor," as if commuai 530 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
In Maine the Grand Lodge
failed to meet for several years, and had merely nominal meetings in others.
The Grand Lodge from 1834 t0 1843 met annually, but once without a
representative from a single lodge, and had representatives but twice during
that time from more than four lodges. Indeed, almost all the lodges suspended
their meetings and became dormant, even if they did not surrender their
In New Jersey, where
gatherings at the Grand Lodge in 1824 and 1825 embraced the representatives of
from 22 to 33 subordinate lodges, after passing through the dark valley of
persecution these were reduced to about six lodges.
In the State of New York in
1826, there were about 480 lodges, with a membership of 2o,ooo. From 1827 to
1839, the Grand Lodge maintained its existence, meeting annually, with a
representation of from 50 to 9o lodges. The stronghold was in the city of New
York, for almost every lodge on the northern and western borders succumbed to
the Anti‑Masonic storm.
The New York Roll of Honor.
‑In 1835 there were but 75 lodges, of which 25 were located in the city of New
York, with a membership of 3000. In 1839 the lodges in New York State were
located as follows: ‑ In New York City and Brooklyn, 22, and the remainder
(53) ing counties: ‑ in the follow‑ Albany.............;..... 4
Schenectady.............. r Montgomery.............. i Columbia
................. 2 Ulster.................... 5 Rensselaer................ 4
Queens................... i Madison ................. 2 Saratoga
................. 3 Oneida.... .............. 4 Ontario .................. 2
Cayuga................... 2 Genesee.................. r Tompkins
................ r Seneca................... r Monroe.................. r
Jefferson ................. 3 Dutchess................. 2
Broome.................. i Chenango ................ 2 Herkimer
................ i Steuben .................. 2 Greene................... r
Livingston................ r Richmond................ i Alleghany
................ r Total ................... 75 Freemasonry touched its lowest
ebb about 1840, when it began to exhibit signs of resuscitation, and brethren
awakened from the blight and persecution of the thirteen preceding years as
from a troubled dream.
The Local Lodges.‑While it is
impossible to particularize, yet it may not be inappropriate to allude to some
of the lodges located in the immediate vicinity of the place where the
excitement was inaugurated.
Olive Branch Lodge No. 39,
LeRoy, Genesee County, never suspended its communications, and is regarded as
the parent and preserver of Masonry in Western New York. It also stood firm
among the numerous lodges west of the Genesee.
Seven of the most zealous and
devoted members entered into a solemn agreement, "to meet once in four weeks,
for the purpose of opening and closing the lodge and keeping up the work," and
right nobly did they keep their cations had never ceased, their charters not
having been surrendered. Indeed, these all followed the civil law as to
associations, and have, therefore, maintained a consecutive legal existence
from a date prior to Anti‑Masonry. ‑ ED.] THE MORGAN EXCITEMENT.
531 engagement ‑ never once
violating the same during all that time ‑ some of them having to travel a
distance of more than thirty miles to the place of meeting.
Fidelity Lodge (originally at
Trumansburg, Tompkins County), is one of the few that never surrendered.
Although proscribed as citizens, as mechanics, and as merchants, subjected to
the attacks of the mob while assembled around their mystic altar, they
remained faithful, until their members became reduced to twelve (commonly
known as the twelve apostles), who continued to meet and pay dues until 1849,
when the location of the lodge was changed to Ithaca, N.Y.
Union Lodge No. 45, Lima,
Monroe County,‑although the members were frequently assailed by the foul
tongue of slander, ‑ continued to meet regu‑' larly, elect officers, and
transact such portions of the business as the interests of the lodge required.
Ark Lodge No. 33, Geneva,
Ontario County, located in the midst of the exciting scenes of those times,
never surrendered ; but, through the zeal and integrity of the "immortal
seven," kept up the meetings and paid its dues regularly. They were obliged to
meet in a clandestine manner, by taking the by‑lanes in going to their place
of meeting, and then, one by one, at long intervals, gaining admittance
through a back door; until the darkness of passion and prejudice had given
Batavia Lodge was revived in
1842, after laying dormant for sixteen years. This was the lodge located at
the place where the Morgan trouble began.
Conclusion. ‑ It is said that
the excitement at that time was unparalleled, and it was the great topic of
the day. It was undoubtedly true that, among the more excitable Masons, there
was a determination to prevent the publication of what was claimed to be the
full secret ceremonies.
It was at this point that the
great mistake was made. The Fraternity showed needless excitement and took the
most inexcusable measures to suppress the publication. They should have
reflected that this was not the first attempt to expose Freemasonry; that, in
England, a number of different books had been published from time to time, all
professedly on the same subject, and that others will continue to be published
just as long as any one can be found who will buy them.
It hardly seems possible that
credence would be given to the statement of a man, who, by such a publication,
if true, would thereby be perjuring himself.
Morgan's Fate.‑The question
which arises is, What became of Morgan? To this no definite answer has ever
been or, as far as we can judge, ever can be given.
In the narrative furnished by
judge Henry Brown, the following suggestions are worthy of respectful
consideration: ‑ 532 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
"(r) That fear prevented
Morgan's return from whatever place of exile he had sought. Ha‑, ing been
exposed to one expatriation, he might not care to wish another.
"(2) That there was no
particular object to be gained by his return, especially after his wife had
married again.
"(3) Intemperate habits,
inattention to his family, held in low esteem by the community. and possessing
no property, why should he come back 2 " (4) He may have gone to foreign
countries, and have died a natural death." The last, to our mind, seems the
most reasonable supposition and more in accord with common‑sense. He was
supplied with a sum of money, which seemed a fortune to this thriftless,
impecunious man, and it is not unreasonable to conclude that he shipped on
some vessel (possibly as a sailor), at Quebec or Montreal, and thus vanishes
from history.
How different would have been
the effect if the Masons of that place had let the conspirators go on in their
work, paying no attention to the proceedings ! It would have died a natural
death; but the very opposition was the means of bringing it into prominence,
and the reacting effect was felt on the Fraternity for years.
That the perpetrators of the
abduction of Morgan had no excuse for their act, is not more true than that
they found not the slightest warrant for it in the laws and principles of
A few misguided men did it
all, and it is believed that many who participated did so in ignorance of the
real nature of the transaction.
There is no evidence that any
Masonic body encouraged or participated in the outrage, but there is abundant
proof of the most honest and hearty condemnation of violence, upon the part of
all governing Masonic bodies, and the chief rewards offered for the
apprehension of those concerned in the plot were offered by leading Masonic
From all the facts before us,
we do not believe that William Morgan was murdered. But, even if he was
murdered by individual Masons, the Masonic Fraternity could no more be held
responsible therefor, than religious organizations can be held responsible for
the misdeeds and criminal acts of professing Christians.
What the actual fate of Morgan
was has never been ascertained, and we do not think it ever will be.
We do not suppose that those
originally engaged in this scheme had any idea oú the result of their act.
They thought it necessary to obtain his silence and prevent his cooperation
with Miller in the furtherance of the work; and, with this object in view, it
is fair to presume that the intention was to have him depart from that section
of the country; and with his consent ‑being furnished with money‑that
arrangement was carried out.
The most searching
investigation has failed to disclose any facts in regard to his final
disappearance. All those connected therewith have since died. The last
survivor, Orson Parkhurst, who drove Platt's carriage from Rochester thirty
miles to Gaines, died very recently at Ludlow, Vt.
533 There were reports made in
1829 that Morgan had been seen in Smyrna, Turkey. A. G. Goodale (in 1867) said
that while in Constantinople he had several interviews with persons living in
that city, who informed him that they were personally acquainted with Morgan ;
and Joseph Alexander Bloom is authority for saying that, in 1831, he became
acquainted with an American gentleman whom he believed to be William Morgan.
Whether this is true or not we
have no means of knowing, but we think it more reasonable to believe that he
fled from the country than that the members of the Craft put him to death.
Posthumous Narrative of
Morgan's Deportation. ‑ In the foregoing we have given our conclusions, based
upon what we have read in the preparation of this paper.
Since then our attention has
been directed to a statement made by John Whitney to Rob Morris, and which was
not to be published until after Whitney's death, and then only should a new
attack be made upon the Masonic Institution. It harmonizes with much which has
been developed, and, we deem fair to conclude, is a true statement of the
occurrence : ‑ " The plan, from inception to completion, contemplated nothing
more than a deportation of Morgan, by friendly argreement between the parties,
either to Canada or some other country. Ample means were provided for the
expenses and the after‑support of Morgan and his family. This plan had been
perfected from the fact that for several months the minds of Masonic brethren
through the counties of Monroe, Ontario, and Genesee (New York) had been
agitated by rumors that William Morgan was preparing an exposition, and would
be prepared to spring it upon the public early in the winter following." A sum
of money was secured with which to purchase of Morgan his manuscripts and his
agreement to move to some foreign country, to separate him not only from
Miller and his other partners, but also, in our judgment, to rid themselves of
one who had imposed himself upon the Fraternity; and, owing to the laxity of
those times, it is a grave question whether he (Morgan) ever legitimately had
any Masonic degrees, with the single exception of the Royal Arch, at LeRoy,
"Whitney met Morgan September
5, 1826, and in the course of the conversation said, ' I am here for the
purpose of suppressing that publication of yours, and if you will put
confidence in me I will make it worth your while to follow my advice."' It was
then mutually agreed : ‑ "That Morgan should destroy all the MSS. and printed
sheets connected with the ' Illustrations'; that he should taper off drinking,
and with the money which Whitney would give him at that time ($So), he would
clothe himself decently, provide for the more pressing wants of his family;
that he would refuse all interview with his partners, and finally hold himself
in readiness, at an hour's notice, to go to Canada, settle down there, and
reform in the way of industry and temperance.
"It was agreed that Morgan
should be well‑treated, and that on the day he reached the appointed place in
Canada, he should receive $soo‑in good money‑to be absolutely his own upon his
written pledge to stay there and never return to the States.
"Whitney also agreed that
Morgan s family should be cared for and sent to Canada as soon as a suitable
home had been provided for them." 534 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
This was agreed to, the only
embarrassment being as to how Morgan could get away from Batavia. He was on
jail limits; and even if these debts were paid, others would be brought
forward. This embarrassment had been foreseen, and finally the fifty dollars
was paid at that time, and Morgan then handed over various memorandums, and
also the last printed proofs of the " Illustrations." "The object and aim was
to remove Morgan from under the influence of Miller, and the other parties
associated with Whitney in the plan always said that 'Morgan had freely
consented to go away.'" The plan was carried out as has been developed in
other parts of this paper.
"He was arrested on a criminal
charge, and brought to Canandaigua. The posse consisted of Nicholas G.
Chesebro, Henry Howard, Harris Seymour, Moses Roberts, and Joseph Scofield. "
The party reached Canandaigua a little before night, and the constable,
Halloway Hayward, delivered the prisoner [Morgan] to Squire Chipman.
"It was a part of the
agreement that the criminal suit should be dropped and the prisoner held on a
civil claim, which could be released at a moment's notice. No witnesses
appearing against Morgan, he was discharged. He was immediately arrested on an
execution for debt. This occurred on Monday, September uth.
"During the night and day
following, various conferences were held with Masonic brethren at Canandaigua.
A messeng8r, Loton Lawson, was sent to John Whitney at Rochester. Arrangements
were made for relays of horses and drivers on the way to Fort Niagara.
"On Monday, September r2th,
Lawson and another man went to the jail, and, the debt being paid, Morgan was
released. Unfortunately, however, by some means, Morgan had obtained some
liquor and was suffering from its effects, which always rendered him
ferocious, and when he reached the pavement, the cold air striking his face
and invigorating his spirits, a sudden craving for liberty possessed him, and
as the carriage drove up, he stopped, struggled for a moment to collect
himself, and cried once and not very loudly, 'Murder! ' His hat fell off. In a
moment, however, he was calm and impressed with the error he had committed; he
got into the coach, by taking hold of the sides of the door, and the carriage
drove off northward.
"This was about nine o'clock
on the night of September 12th. John Whitney, who had come over from
Rochester, met the party a short distance from the jail, just as Morgan
struggled and cried out. Whitney said,' What do you mean, Morgan, by making
this noise?' Morgan looked at me [Whitney] for a moment through his inflamed
eyes, inquired in a hoarse, drunken manner, 'Why, d‑n it, Whitney, is it you?'
I said, 'Yes.' Then he said,' I have no more to say.' " Morgan was not bound
in the carriage, nor blindfolded, nor threatened, and the only object was to
keep the transaction secret, so as to prevent Miller and his associates from
finding where he had gone." Whitney accompanied the coach from Canandaigua.
The narrative gives the various places stopped at, and the names of the
persons who drove and accompanied the party. Eli Bruce joined them at Wright's
Corners and accompanied them the rest of the way.
"We drove to Youngstown
Thursday morning about‑one o'clock and called on Col. William King.
"King and Bruce got into the
carriage together and had a long conversation with Morgan, and the whole
transaction was gone over, and Morgan gave his assent and concurrence
therewith. "On arriving near the Fort, the driver (not a Mason) was dismissed
and the coach sent back. The ferry boat was ready, and the party went
immediately on board.
"It was rowed by Elisha Adams
and Edward Giddons, and landed at a deserted place on the bank, nearly
opposite the Fort and about a mile from the Canadian village of Niagara.
535 Morgan in the boat, three
of the party went to the village and met a committee of two Canadian Masons,
as agreed.
"No official inquiry has ever
brought out the names of these, and I shall ever be silent concern. ingthem.
We came back to the boat, the Canadian brethren bringing a lantern. Bruce
called Morgan up the bank, out of the boat, and the party sat down together on
the grass. Now Colonel King required of Morgan the most explicit consent to
the movements that had brought him there. By the aid of questions from the
whole party, Morgan admitted as follows: ‑ "' (1) That he had contracted with
Miller and others to write an Exposition of Masonry, for which he was to
receive a compensation.
"' (2) That he had never been
made a Mason in any lodge, but had received the Royal Arch degree in a regular
"' (3) That Miller and the
other partners had utterly failed to fulfil the terms of the contract with
"' (4) That Whitney had paid
him fifty dollars, as agreed, and he had agreed to destroy the written and
printed work as far as possible and furnish no more, and that before leaving
Batavia he had done what he promised in that way.
"' (5) That it was impossible
now for Miller to continue the " Illustrations" as he [Morgan] had written
them. If he published any book, it would have to be made from some other
person's materials.
"' (o) That he had been
treated by Chesebro, Whitney, Bruce, and all of them with perfect kindness on
the journey.
"' (7) That he was willing and
anxious to be separated from Miller and from all idea of a Masonic expose;
wished to go into the interior of Canada and settle down as a British citizen;
wished to have his family sent him as soon as possible; expected five hundred
dollars when he reached the place, as agreed upon; expected more money from
year to year, to help him, if necessary.
"' (8) Finally expressed his
sorrow for the uproar his proceedings had made, sorrow for the shame and
mortification of his friends, and had "no idea that David C. Miller was such a
d‑d scoundrel as he had turned out to be."' " We had ascertained at the
village that the Canadian brethren would be ready to perform their part and
remove Morgan westward by the latter part of that or the first of the
succeeding week, but objected so strenuously to having him remain among them
in the meantime, that it was agreed he [Morgan] should be taken to the
American side until the Canadians should notify us they were ready.
"This was explained to Morgan,
and he agreed to it. It was then understood that lie was to remain in the
magazine without attempting to get out until matters were arranged for his
removal. The party then rowed back, and Morgan was left in the bomb‑proof of
the magazine.
"The party then left,
breakfasted at Youngstown, and went up to Lewiston on the Rochester boat that
passed up, with passengers for the Royal Arch installation that occurred there
that day (Thursday, September 14th). There was quite a company of us there,
and the intelligence was freely communicated that Morgan was in Fort Niagara,
and the greatest satisfaction expressed at the news that the manuscripts and
printed sheets had been destroyed, and that in a few days Morgan would be
effectually separated from the company that had led him to his ruin. During
the day it was reported to us at Lewiston that ' Morgan had gone into the
theatricals,' and was shouting and alarming the people in the vicinity.
Nothing would quiet him except rum, which was given him.
"Lawson, Whitney, and a few
others remained in the vicinity until Sunday night (Uth), when the two
Canadian brethren came over, received Morgan, received to Whitney for the
money ($Soo), and crossed to the west side of the river.
"They travelled on
horseback,‑three horses in the party; Monday night, the 18th, they rode some
thirty miles further to a point near the present city of Hamilton, where the
journey ended. Morgan signed a receipt for the $5oo. He also signed a
declaration of the facts of the case.
"We supposed we could at any
time trace him up. We felt that the Craft would be the gainef by our labors.
We were prepared to send his wife and children to him, as agreed.
"We supposed that was the end
of it. , 536 " What a tremendous blunder we all made ! It was scarcely a week
until we saw what trouble was before us. It was not a fortnight until Col.
King sent a confidential messenger into Canada to see Morgan and prepare to
bring him back.
"But, alas, he who had sold
his friends at Batavia had also sold us. He had gone. He had left the village
within forty‑eight hours after the departure of those who had taken him there.
"He was traced east to a point
down the river not far from Port Hope, where he sold his horse and
disappeared. He had doubtless got on board a vessel there and sailed out of
the country. At any rate, that was the last we ever heard of him." Such is the
true account of the deportation of William Morgan as given by John Whitney.
0"lA./V4 .
A Comprehensive History of the
Origin and Development of Masonic Law The Relation of Governing Bodies to one
another; the Relation of Grand Lodges to their Constituent Lodges, and to
Individual Members of the Craft; the Relation of Lodges to one another, to
their Members, and of Masons to one another; the Origin and Use of Public
Masonic Forms and Ceremonies; and the Customs and Peculiarities of the Craft
in general.
Past General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Royal Arch Chapter, United
States, America ; Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Maine; Past
General Grand Master of the General Grand Council, Royal and Select Masters,
of the United States; Past Grand Master of the Grand Council of Maine; Past
Grand Commander of the Grand Coanmandery of Knights Templar of Maine; Past
M.‑. P.‑. Sov.'. Gr.‑. Coma. of the Supreme Council for the Northern Masonic
Jurisdiction, United States, America, S.‑. Rite.
Foundation of Masonio Law.‑The
wonderful growth of the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, and the
consequent multiplication of governing bodies, ‑ all peers and sovereigns over
Masonic affairs within their respective territorial jurisdictions, ‑ have
given rise to a jurisprudence peculiar to the Institution, and yet largely
based upon general principles recognized by all civilized communities and
associations as inherent rights, and necessarily growing out of the very
existence of human beings destined to have relations with one another.
The recognition of immutable
laws relating to the Institution, which the Fraternity itself cannot change
and remain Masonic in character, imposes upon 537 538 COSMOPOLITAN
the governing bodies the duty
of seeing that "the Ancient Landmarks be preserved " : this duty introduces
into the Masonic system of jurisprudence a feature peculiar to itself.
The form of Masonic
government, by which the sovereign body governs the individual chiefly through
subordinate bodies created by itself, adds to its jurisprudence another
feature little known to civil law.
The Masonic jurisprudence of
the present day embraces the relations of governing bodies to one another, the
relations between them and their subordinates, and between them and individual
members of the Craft, the relations between subordinates and between them and
their members and other Masons, and the relations of Masons to one another.
Like the common law, Masonic
jurisprudence is now the product of the growth of many years ; and like
municipal law it springs from fundamental principles, from usage, and from the
enactments of governing bodies.
While the law relating to all
the departments of Masonry is similar in character, the history of Masonic
jurisprudence more properly appertains to the Symbolic degrees, and unless
otherwise expressly stated this discussion will be limited accordingly.
The Relations of Governing
Bodies with one another. ‑The laws governing the relations of Grand Lodges to
one another have comparatively more recently come before the Craft for
consideration ; but they seem naturally to come first in a sketch of the
origin and growth of the whole system.
Without regard to their
origin, Grand Lodges are conceded to be sovereigns and consequently equals in
all their powers and rights. They are, to all intents and purposes, Masonic
Nations. As they are equal, no one can enact law for another; and no one can
decide for another what Masonic law is, neither as affecting their mutual
relations nor in any other respect. Yet the moment there are two or more Grand
Lodges fraternizing with each other, there must needs be some rules of conduct
affecting their intercourse with one another, to be first ascertained and
declared as cases arise.
Naturally the laws affecting
civil nations in their mutual relations were looked to in order to ascertain
those appropriate to Masonic nations.
Some Masonic writers have
erroneously assumed that all"laws of nations" are the result of concurrent
enactment, and, therefore, that no Masonic laws affecting the relations of
Grand Lodges can be said to exist, except such as have received the express
sanction of all Grand Lodges, or, at any rate, can bind only those which have
expressly given their sanction to such laws. But this is not true of civil
nations ; and the reasons, therefore, apply with greater force to Masonic
It has long been held by
writers upon International Law, or the Law of Nations, that there are four
classes of that law: ‑ (t) The volrcntary law of nations, arising from their
presumed consent. (2) Th:, customary law, arising from their acquiescence or
tacit consent.
(3) The conventional law,
arising from express consent or actual agreement. And (4) The necessary law,
arising from "the application of the law of nature" to states.
The history of the Institution
shows the recognition of all these and their application to inter‑Grand Lodge
relations. But, as already stated, the foregoing distinctions have not always
been recognized ; but it has been assumed that all laws, applicable to the
intercourse of Grand Lodges with one another, are binding upon any given Grand
Lodge only by its express assent thereto. But this is not in accordance with
sound principle, nor with the law observed by civil nations.
"We call that the necessary
Law of Nations which consists in the application of the law of nature to
nations. It is necessary because all nations are absolutely bound to observe
it." Nations are naturally free, equal, and independent of one another; each
Nation must be left in the peaceable enjoyment of its natural rights; the
government of a Nation is necessarily exclusive over all its territory ; all
rights on the part of foreigners are excluded, and no State has the smallest
right to exercise any act of sovereignty in another State. These are zmong the
"necessary laws of nations." The first two of these have been always applied
to Grand Lodges as a matter of course ; the third has been sometimes disputed
by Grand Lodges, which claimed no territorial jurisdiction, but undertook to
exercise government over individuals alone; but such bodies would not now be
recognized as regular Grand Lodges. The fourth has been more frequently
contested by a few Grand Lodges, which have rightfully governed lodges in a
territory in which, later, an independent Masonic government has been
established and recognized, and which have claimed to govern such of those
lodges as should choose to adhere to their former allegiance. If Great Britain
had undertaken to exercise sovereignty over communities in the United States,
which should have chosen to adhere to her after the recognition of
independence, her claim would have been held to be preposterous, and her
attempt to maintain it an outrageous violation of the Law of Nations: the same
principle applies to Grand Lodges, and the very general consensus of opinion
is now to that effect.
The application of these laws
to several important questions has been the occasion for considerable
discussion by Masonic writers. Some Grand Lodges hold the law to be that when
a candidate presents his petition to a lodge having jurisdiction, and it is
received, he becomes, in Masonic language, "the work " of that lodge, and no
other lodge can afterward interfere with this work. If the candidate is
rejected, he remains perpetually under the exclusive jurisdiction of that
lodge, even though he removes into another Grand Lodge jurisdiction. Other
Grand Lodges hold that when a person, rejected in one jurisdiction, moves into
another, he becomes subject to the laws of the latter, and freed from those of
the former : so that it has often happened that a candidate has been rejected
in one State, and subsequently moved into another and there been made a Mason,
in spite of his previous rejection, 539 540 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
This has given rise to
complaint against the lodge that such action is a breach of Masonic law,
injurious to the complainant. The matter has been much discussed, and the
conclusion has been reached that when a resident within a Grand Lodge
jurisdiction has been made a Mason in strict conformity with the law of that
jurisdiction, no other Grand Lodge has any just ground of complaint; but
several Grand Lodges still hold that making a Mason of a candidate rejected in
another Grand jurisdiction, without the proper consent, is a serious breach of
a Masonic comity, and that he is not a regular Mason.
A similar question has grown
out of the law requiring candidates to apply to a lodge within the Grand Lodge
jurisdiction in which they reside. It has frequently happened that a candidate
has been made a Mason in one State, when his residence at the time was in
another, without the consent of the lodge having jurisdiction. The question of
his status has been much discussed while there has not been a full agreement,
the preponderance of opinion and decision now is that a person, made a Mason
in a regular lodge, lawfully convened and Masonically formed, is a regular
Mason; the lodge may be punished for irregular proceedings, and the candidate,
if a party to any fraud, may be expelled, but until disciplined is a regular
Mason. Still, some Grand Lodges hold that a person so made is a clandestine
Mason; while some" others, not actually denying his regularity, prohibit his
receiving Masonic privileges within their respective jurisdictions.
The question of determining
the residence of a candidate is generally one of fact, in relation to which
the two Grand Lodges interested may well come to different conclusions : there
being no superior tribunal, and the decision of one not being binding on the
other, the contest would be interminable ; but of late the practice has arisen
of submitting the questions to arbitration. This method is so reasonable, and
so much in accord with the principles of Freemasonry, that there is little
doubt that it will remain a permanent feature of inter‑Grand Lodge Masonic
law, made so by the general assent of the Grand Lodges of the world.
When controversies arise
between Nations, which cannot be adjusted by negotiation, the final result is
an appeal to arms; in similar cases, Grand Lodges withdrew Masonic relations,
and forbade the members of their respective obediences to have Masonic
communication with one another.
This course has been taken in
many instances, but within a few years past there has been a growing sentiment
that such a state of affairs between two Grand Lodges is not in accord with
the principles of Freemasonry, and, in consequence, there is a corresponding
disposition to exhaust every other resource to effect a settlement, before
resorting to this Masonic "uMma ratio "; but as long as Masons are subject to
human imperfection, cases will undoubtedly arise in which this action will be
deemed a necessity.
The Relation of Grand Bodies
to their Constituents, and to Individuals. ‑The relations of Grand Lodges to
lodges and to individual members of the MASONIC JURISPRUDENCE.
541 Craft may be considered
together. When men undertake to establish a frame of government for an
association as well as for a nation, they are inevitably controlled by the
views of governments which they have acquired by the circumstances in which
they are placed; and, except in cases of revolution, their ideas are generally
in accord with the civil government under which they live. This has been often
illustrated in the organization of governing bodies in the Masonic Fraternity.
Previously to 17 17 there were
no Grand Lodges : theoretically at least, the Grand Master was the head of the
Craft, exercising various powers by immemorial usage ; the making of new laws
was held to be vested in general assemblies of the Craft supposed to be held
annually. No records were kept, and, with few exceptions, the laws and
ceremonies of the Craft were transmitted orally from generation to generation.
Freemasonry as an Operative Institution had then fallen into decay, and could
no longer be maintained. But good and really great men were connected with it
who appreciated in some degree, at least, the sublimity and truth of its
principles and their importance to humanity. They may have "builded better
than they knew," but it is certain that they deemed the organization worthy of
preservation as a Speculative Institution, when it could no longer be
supported in its Operative character.
As a consequence, a change in
its form of government became a necessity. Therefore, the assemblies of the
Craft were held upon their own motion, and, while called || lodges," met
anywhere and at any time as occasion called: this system was the natural
result of the itinerant character of Operative Masons. But obviously when
Masons became Speculative only, naturally and quite necessarily their meetings
would be held with some kind of regularity, and their organizations be of a
permanent character; lodges would be no longer composed of those who chanced
to be present, but of members duly enrolled, with regularly appointed
officers. The word |` lodge " came to mean an organized association of a
permanent character instead of a temporary assembly of Masons presided over by
any Master who happened to be present. Permanency of organization naturally
suggested that those making it should have warrant therefor from the governing
When the idea of continuing
the Society as Speculative was first entertained, and how long a time it
existed before the changes involved in that idea culminated in a system,
cannot be ascertained. The growth, as in other cases in Masonry, was probably
slow. But before 1717 such progress had been made that some lodges had fixed
places for holding their meetings, and had acquired quite a permanent
character. In that year the present system was formally organized.
The history of that
organization 1| must be read in the light of surrounding circumstances " in
order to ascertain its true character. George I. had lately ascended the
throne of England after a contest of more than thirty years between his
predecessors, and Parliament representing the people. These predecessors 542
had undertaken to deprive
Parliament of the powers it had habitually exercised. Among the prerogatives
of the crown had formerly been the power of dispensation; the limits of this
power had not been defined, and James II. had undertaken to exercise it to the
extent of annulling all law. In the contest which followed James lost his
throne, and in the " Bill of Rights," assented to by his successor, this
prerogative was wholly abandoned. Whether or not the word and the idea
embodied in it had been adopted from the Roman Catholic polity, it had been,
and continued to be, a well‑known feature of that polity. It was an attribute
of sovereignty‑the power to dispense with a law for the benefit of a
particular person in a particular case. This meaning of the word was well and
universally known, although the power had been abandoned and had ceased to
exist in the civil government. In that, the power of Parliament was supreme,
subject to the prerogatives of the crown; but while thus supreme it was
practically limited by certain principles established by " the usages of the
realm." It is not possible, in a work of this character, to go further into
detail, but a clear and correct conception of the original Grand Lodge system
of Masonic government cannot be obtained without a close study of the
contemporaneous system of civil law in England, which was taken as a pattern
by the Masons of that day.
In 1717 general assemblies of
the Craft were abolished and the supreme power vested in the Grand Lodge ‑ the
Masonic Parliament. The privileges of holding lodges at pleasure was also
abolished, and no new lodge could be created except by warrant from the Grand
Lodge or the Grand Master; the Masters and Wardens of the lodges were, ex
oftcio, members of the Grand Lodge. The powers of the Grand Master, whatever
they were, were left untouched; his power to grant dispensations was expressly
recognized, but it was declared that " the inherent right " of a lodge to
choose their own members was not "subject to a dispensation." Moreover, the
binding force of the Ancient Landmarks was taken for granted. With these
limitations, the Grand Lodge was made the supreme power of the Fraternity‑not
merely the official organ of the Craft, but the supreme governor of the Craft
according to its own good will and pleasure.
When Freemasonry was
established in this country, the same plan of government was adopted. The
Constitution of the oldest American Grand Lodge declares that " By virtue of
the Ancient Constitutions and usages of Freemasonry, the Grand Lodge, as the
supreme Masonic authority in this Commonwealth, is invested with certain
original, essential, and unalterable powers and privileges. . . . Every
warranted lodge is a constituent part of the Grand Lodge, in which assembly
all the powers of the Fraternity reside." There was no exception to this until
1787, when the Grand Lodge of North Carolina was organized. Here, again, the
effect of surrounding circumstances is strikingly illustrated. American,
independence had been achieved; the American lodges were asserting the right
to Masonic independence; a consti‑ MASONIC JURISPRUDENCE.
543 tution for the government
of the United States had been framed and submitted to the people. That
instrument reversed the British constitutional system of government : while in
the latter, Parliament was supreme and the source of all power, by the former
the Congress possessed only such powers as were granted to it, and could
acquire other powers only by a new delegation thereof from the people.
This instrument was before the
people for adoption or rejection, when the Masons of North Carolina met to
form a Grand Lodge; and they followed the plan contained in it. Instead of
organizing a Masonic Parliament, they organized a Masonic Congress. Their
constitution could be changed only by submitting the proposition to the
lodges, which could adopt or reject it at pleasure. The Grand Lodge formed
under it was a sovereign body only in the sense in which the government of the
United States is sovereign; that is, only to the extent specified in the
constitutions of each.
While the large majority of
the Grand Lodges formed subsequently followed the old plan, the Grand Lodges
springing directly or more remotely from the Grand Lodge of North Carolina
very naturally adopted the new plan. In consequence, two distinct systems of
Masonic jurisprudence have existed, and still exist theoretically, in this
country, but nowhere else in the world. The Masonic jurists of the United
States are divided in the same manner, and frequently the difference in their
conclusions may be traced to this difference in the fundamental principles of
Grand Lodge government.
It should be said, however,
that quite a proportion of the Grand Lodges which originally adopted the new
system have, with the consent of their lodges, abandoned it, and adopted the
other; but, on the other hand, Grand Lodges which originally adopted the old
system have been induced to adopt the new one in revising their constitutions.
But it must be said, also,
that practically the Grand Lodges which have adopted the new system,
frequently, and probably generally, disregard it when occasion requires, and
act as sovereign bodies: as there can be no appeal from their decisions, the
result is the same as if they held to the opposite theory.
Grand Lodges have always
created and terminated the existence of lodges, whenever they have seen cause
to do so ; and in general have prescribed their rights, powers, and duties,
although under the Ancient Landmarks a lodge has inherent powers of which the
Grand Lodge cannot deprive it save by revoking its charter.
Grand Lodges, acting according
to the original plan, have exercised the power as inherent in themselves, `|
of investigating, regulating, and deciding all matters relative to the Craft,
or to particular lodges, or to individual brothers," either by themselves
directly, or by such delegated authority as they in their wisdom and
discretion have seen fit to appoint. The Grand Lodges adhering to the new plan
generally hold that they cannot exercise many of these power, 544 COSMOPOLITAN
except upon appeal from the
subordinate lodges. The former, as a rule, hold that in themselves alone
resides the power of expelling and suspending brethren from the rights and
privileges of Masonry; while the latter quite generally hold that this power
resides in the lodge exclusively. More recently, however, some of them, in
cases coming before them on appeal, have exercised the power of reversing the
proceedings of the lodge, and of suspending or expelling the accused.
In most cases, however, the
matter of discipline (except as to members of the Grand Lodge), has been left
to the lodges, subject to revision on appeal, and to confirmation or reversal
in cases of suspension or expulsion. The original method was to have a trial
by the lodge, the Master acting as judge, and the other members as the jury.
As the lodges increased in membership, this method became cumbersome and
unsatisfactory for other reasons, and the plan of trial by Commission and the
Lodge was adopted. Ordinarily, the Commission hears the case and reports,‑in
some jurisdictions the evidence, and in others their findings,‑to the Lodge
which proceeds to decide the case and render judgment. Other Grand Lodges have
a Board of Trial Commissioners, who try all cases (unless the Lodge votes to
try the case itself), and report to the Grand Lodge their decision and
sentence, if any, which, when approved by the Grand Lodge, stands as its own
A Grand Lodge is the supreme
legislative, judicial, and executive Masonic power in its jurisdiction; its
enactments, decisions, and acts are binding upon all lodges and Masons within
its jurisdiction. It is subject only to the Ancient Landmarks ; but from its
decisions in relation to them there is no appeal.
There has been much discussion
as to the power of a Grand Lodge to discipline a Mason of another
jurisdiction, who comes into its territory and there commits an offence
against its laws ; but it is now the settled doctrine that a Mason from
another jurisdiction has no immunity from discipline not possessed by resident
Masons, and the statement that the laws of a Grand Lodge "are binding upon all
Masons within its jurisdiction" is made advisedly.
The Relation of Lodges to one
another, and to Individual Craftsmen. ‑ The history of jurisprudence
concerning the relations of lodges to one another and to individual members,
and of Masons to one another, is substantially a history of the development of
the fundamental principles of the Institution.
The earliest laws of
Freemasons must have been few and of the most general character. They were
evidently founded upon a belief in the Fatherhood of God and the consequent
recognition of the Brotherhood of Man this is not known historically, but is a
necessary inference from the fundamental principles of the Institution as they
existed when we have the first knowledge of them.
Human experience has shown,
however, that a general law that all men must be " good men and true " is not
sufficient, and that as the world grows older, the number of laws relating to
specific details also increases. Such has MASONIC JURISPRUDENCE.
545 been the case with Masonry
since its historic period commenced. There is ample evidence that it was so
before : the " Charges " used were largely statements of Masonic duty as to
specific matters, as to acts which might be done, and acts which were
With no written law for a
guide, it was inevitable that the usages of the Craft should take its place;
this would be the more certain in England, where the " usages of the realm "
had already become a great part of '| the common law," governing the people in
their relations to one another and subject only to the enactments of
At the time of the
reorganization, in 1717, there was no " Book of Constitutions " ; as yet the
law of the Craft was found in its usages, but according to the statements of
Anderson made at or near the time, and supported by other conclusive evidence,
there existed manuscripts in which were contained Charges and accounts of
ancient usages of the Craft.
In 1718, according to
Anderson, Grand Master Payne " Desired any brethren to bring to the Grand
Lodge any old writings and records concerning Masons and Masonry, in order to
show the. usages of ancient times; and this year several old copies of the
Gothic Constitutions were produced and collated." Apparently this request
produced an effect precisely the reverse of what was intended, for in 172o
Anderson says: ‑ " This year, at some private lodges, several very valuable
manuscripts (for they had nothing yet in print), concerning the Fraternity,
their Lodges, Regulations, Charges, Secrets, and Usages (particularly one writ
by Mr. Nicholas Stone, the Warden of Inigo Jones), were too hastily burnt by
some scrupulous Brothers; that those papers might not fall into strange
hands." The same fear entertained by these " scrupulous brothers " has induced
others many times since to do the same thing.
At the meeting of the Grand
Lodge in September, 17 21, " His Grand Worship and the Lodge finding fault
with the old Gothic Constitution, ordered Brother James Anderson, A. M., to
digest the same in a new and better method.
"The Constitutions referred
to," says Robert Freke Gould, the eminent English Masonic historian, "were
certain old documents, usually in roll or script form, 'containing the Legend
of the Craft, and a Code of Ancient Regulations, both of which it was the
custom in old days to read over to the operative Masons on their first
admission into the lodge." Anderson prepared his manuscript, and the Grand
Master, at the desire of the Lodge, appointed fourteen '| learned brothers" to
examine it and make report; in March, 1722, òhe committee reported, "That they
had perused Broth|r Anderson's manuscript, viz.: the ' History, Charges,
Regulations, and Masters Song,' and after some amendments had approved of it;
upon which the Lodge desired the Grand Master to order it printed." In
January, 172'3, "Grand Warden Anderson produced the new Book of Constitutions,
now in print, which was again approved with the addition of the antient manner
of constituting a lodge." It will be observed that this Book of Constitutions
was not a code of law then enacted, but a compilation of old laws and usages,
and that the compilation 546 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
was " approved " and not the
laws; in other words, the laws in that book were recognized as laws already
existing, and were not then created.
One of the regulations was
that " Every annual Grand Lodge has an inherent power and authority to make
new regulations, or to alter these for the real benefit of this antient
Fraternity, provided always that the Old Landmarks be carefully preserved,"
And the Grand Lodge, in 1723,
declared that a " Grand Lodge duly met has power to amend or explain any of
the printed regulations in the Book of Constitutions, while they break not in
upon the Antient Rules of the Fraternity." This is an express recognition that
there are 1| Antient Rules " which the Grand Lodge has no power to " break in
upon " by amendment or explanation. These " Rules " are the " Antient
Landmarks," deemed by almost all the Craft as unchangeable ; it is true that
some, viewing Masonic government from a modern stand‑point, deny their
existence, some because these "Antient Rules " have never been codified, and
others, because Masons disagree as to what rules are Landmarks. But it seems
to be obvious that " Antient Rules " springing from ancient usages cannot be
codified as a complete code any more than that all the usages of the Craft can
be enumerated.
It is generally conceded that
the " Old Charges " as collated by Anderson in his first edition are
Landmarks, or among the Landmarks, and the foundation upon which the
jurisprudence of Masonry has been erected.
The Old Regulations, on the
other hand, are generally capable of being changed by the Grand Lodge, but as
already stated, provided that the Landmarks be faithfully preserved.
All the Old Regulations
containing prohibitions and restrictions upon the action of lodges are subject
to the modification "except by dispensation," except that it is expressly
stated that one power of a lodge is c| not subject to a dispensation." Thus in
this Book of Constitutions we find the express recognition, under the ancient
laws of the Craft, of (i) The existence and inviolability of the Landmarks;
(a) Subject to them, the sovereign power of the Grand Lodge; and (3) The power
of the Grand Master to grant dispensations suspending the operation of a law
in a particular case.
The rapid growth of the
Fraternity naturally calVd for the enactment of new laws, and " explanations "
of the old ones, now termed " decisions." Accordingly we find that at almost
every session the Grand Lodge took action, but always in a line with the three
principles above stated. In more than one instance it was discovered that the
usages as stated in the Book of Constitutions was not in accord with the usage
in the old lodges, and the law was corrected accordingly.
Unauthorized books were
published, which were denounced by the Grand Lodge. But in 1738 Anderson
published a second edition of his work, giving MASONIC JURISPRUDENCE.
547 an abstract of the
proceedings of the Grand Lodge up to that date, but especially the decisions
of the Grand Lodge and the additions to, and amendments of, the Old
Regulations; he, however, changed the phraseology of the Ancient Charges, with
a view of condensation and correction: while his work was at first approved by
the Grand Officers, it is said that the Grand Lodge refused its sanction, and
the Ancient Charges, as originally published, have ever since been accepted as
the true. version. His book seems to have had a small circulation, for in 1746
a new title‑page was printed and substituted for the first one and the book
put upon the market as printed that year.
The growth of Masonic
jurisprudence continued to be in the enactment of new laws, and the action of
the Grand Lodge in the nature of decisions and precedents. The original idea
was fully recognized and adhered to closely.
The more important matters
were published in the Book of Constitutions. Editions of Anderson's
Constitutions, edited by John Entick, were published in 1756 and 1767 under
the sanction of the Grand Lodge; in 1769 the latter edition was reprinted in a
different form, and issued (with a mere change of the title‑page), in Dublin
also; in 1776 an Appendix was published by order of the Grand Lodge, and bound
in the copies of the 1767 edition then remaining on hand. In 1784, by order of
the Grand Lodge, another edition of Anderson's Constitutions, edited by John
Noorthouck, was published. These editions were all upon the same general plan,
so far as the enactments and decisions are concerned, and naturally each
edition was more voluminous than its predecessors. In 1815, after the union of
the two Grand Lodges, a Book of Constitutions was published, but it no longer
bore Anderson's name, was much smaller than the previous ones, and was
substantially confined to the laws of the Grand Lodge. Several editions on the
same plan have since been published.
But a disturbing element was
introduced into English Freemasonry, which has left its traces in Masonic
jurisprudence, especially in the United States. The schism resulting in the
formation of the so‑called "Ancient Grand Lodge " naturally gave rise to
differences in minor particulars; and the claim was made that these
differences were of vital importance, and even formed a barrier of denial of
recognition of one faction by the other. The union of the two English Grand
Lodges in 1813, however, produced thereafter unity of law in that
jurisdiction; ‑but in America, Grand Lodges had been formed under each of the
two English systems, and being independent naturally continued the polity
originally adopted. In Massachusetts there was a union of two Grand Lodges in
1792, but both had taken Anderson's Constitutions as their guide, and their
polity was the same. In South Carolina, also, there were originally two Grand
Lodges, one under each of the English bodies. They united in 18o8, but a
schism immediately followed, and two Grand Lodges existed until 1814, when a
union was effected. The result of the blending of the two systems is plainly
discernible in the present jurisprudence of that jurisdiction. The same is
of Virginia, whose Grand Lodge
was formed by Masons holding directly or indirectly under both the rival
English authorities.
In Pennsylvania, however, the
1| Ancients " completely crushed out their rivals, and conducted their Masonic
affairs according to the system established by Dermott. In 1783 Rev. Dr.
Smith, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, published an "Ahiman Rezon," based
upon the similar work of Dermott. His version of the Charges followed closely
those in Anderson's second edi tion, with much amplification. He devotes
considerable space to the necessity of secrecy, making it of paramount
importance. The power of the Grand Lodge to confer degrees and the prerogative
of the Grand Master to " make Masons at sight " are expressly stated as a part
of the ancient law.
Under the. other organization
there were various public Masonic ceremonies, in which the Grand Lodge and
subordinate lodges participated in their distinctive character. On such
occasions the brethren were Masonically clothed, the officers invested with
their jewels and other insignia of office, and the furniture necessary for
holding a lodge was present; and the work was done by the Grand Lodge or the
lodge, as the case might be. These included laying corner‑stones of public
edifices, opening bridges, dedicating halls, installations, etc. Accounts of
these ceremonies are found in the publications authorized by the Grand Lodge,
from almost the date of the earliest printed book relating to Masonry; and
they are then assumed to be well‑known usages of the Craft. In the Books of
Constitutions there are given detailed accounts of the ceremonies performed by
the Grand Lodge on various occasions.
In Pennsylvania it has been
claimed that there are no public Masonic ceremonies ; and it is undoubtedly
true that the " Ancients " insisted more strenuously upon secrecy than did the
adherents of the old Grand Lodge, and that, in consequence, public ceremonies
were of rarer occurrence. But there is ground for the belief that the claims
of Pennsylvania jurists are based upon a departure from the ancient usage in
that jurisdiction.
In 1778 there was a
celebration in Philadelphia in honor of General Washington. Dr. Smith gives
some account of it in his Ahiman Rezon. He delivered a sermon upon the
occasion. He says that the brethren assembled at the college to the number of
three hundred; they were "properly cloathed, the officers in the jewels of
their lodges and other badges of their dignity." The deacons carried their
wands; the wardens bore their'pillars; the Holy Bible and Book of
Constitutions were borne before the Grand Master. In fine, the procession was
of the precise character as those of the other organization ; that is to say,
a regularly formed lodge marched in a procession to the church where the
exercises took place.
As the wearing of Masonic
clothing upon any other than Masonic occasions, and the investment of officers
with their jewels and badges of office, except when doing Masonic work, are
utterly repugnant to Masonic law and usage, the conclusion is irresistible
that, upon this occasion, the Grand Lodge of MASONIC JURISPRUDENCE.
549 Pennsylvania appeared in
public as such, for the performance of Masonic work. The Grand Master's emblem
of authority has no use, force, or meaning as such emblem outside of a lodge.
The presence of the Grand Master, clad in his official insignia and bearing
the emblem of authority, conclusively shows a duly formed lodge of Masons.
But Dr. Smith, in a note,
relates another very significant circumstance which happened at the same time
: he closed his sermon with an ascription of " Glory to the Triune‑God," and
the doctor says: ‑ "At the word 'Glory' the brethren rose together, and in
reverential posture, in pronouncing the names of the Triune‑God, accompanied
the same by a corresponding repetition of the Ancient Sign or Symbol of Divine
Homage and Obeisance, concluding with the following Response "'Amen! So let it
ever be.' " This ceremony was evidently arranged in advance, and was not,
therefore, a mere unauthorized act of the brethren.
The account of this
celebration was published five years after it took place, and if there had
been anything done inconsistent with Masonic law and usage, there had been
ample time to ascertain it. The publication, therefore, so long afterward,
adds to the weight to be given to what was done.
When published this Ahiman
Rezon was, and for some forty years continued to be, the " Book of
Constitutions " of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The conclusion, therefore,
seems just that the present usage in that jurisdiction is somewhat of a
departure from the original law and usage.
It must be stated, however,
that in all the jurisdictions in which "Ancient" Masonry flourished, the
emphasis with which secrecy was enjoined produced effects still plainly
What was understood to be the
law as to public Masonic ceremonies in Anderson's time is shown by his
accounts of the "levelling of foot‑stones" by the Grand Master and Grand
Wardens, " attended by many brothers in due form," on dates previous to 1717 ;
whether the accounts are historically correct or not, they show what the usage
was understood to be at the time when they were written.
Anderson's account of the
meeting of the Grand Lodge, June 24, 1721, shows that the Grand Master and
other Grand Officers with the Masters and Wardens of twelve lodges, formed a
Grand Lodge, " made some new brothers " and "marched on foot to the hall in
proper clothing and due form," where they were " received by one hundred and
fifty, true and faithful, all clothed "; after dinner the Grand Master was
proclaimed and he and his officers invested; and after the business was
finished, he ordered a brother " as Warden to close the lodge in good time."
It will be seen that at this early date, the Grand Lodge was opened in one
hall, did business, marched (formed as such), through the streets, to another
hall, and after performing Masonic work there, was duly closed. The same
course was followed year after year. In his account of the assembly and feast,
January 29, 1730 [N.S.], Anderson gives "as 550 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
a specimen to avoid
repetitions " a full account of the procession. To this and other accounts of
public Masonic ceremonies in the Books of Constitutions approved by the Grand
Lodge, and in contemporaneous publications by Masons, reference only can be
made; but they show conclusively that public Masonic ceremonies are usages of
the Craft from the earliest days of its written history to the present time.
But, as Anderson said of the
Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland, the Grand Lodges in this country,
whether "Ancient" or "Modern," had "the same constitutions, charges,
regulations, etc., for substance"; and their difference in details affects
their jurisprudence to no such extent as affects full recognition of each
other or entire harmony in their mutual relations.
Grand Masters' Decisions.‑The
immense and rapid growth of Masonry in this country soon developed the study
of " Masonic Jurisprudence." Questions arose upon which the decision of the
Grand Master was invoked; other questions came directly before the Grand
Lodge. To prevent an endless repetition of the same questions, the practice
arose, some thirty years ago, of reporting to the Grand Lodge the decisions of
the Grand Master, and the publication of these decisions and those of the
Grand Lodge for the informa tion of the Craft. Then came the practice of
having the Grand Lodge pass upon the decisions of the Grand Master, not with
the purpose of affecting the decision of the particular case (for in that the
action of the Grand Master was final), but with the view of establishing the
rule for the future.
The occasions for these
decisions were more numerous from the fact that nearly all of the Masonic
Monitors, after the advent of Webb in 1797, had special reference to the
ritual and ceremonials, and gave little attention to the law; so that, except
so far as they incidentally show the usages of the Craft, they are of little
aid in the study of jurisprudence. There were some exceptions ; and the
science cannot be understood without a study, not only of the English Books of
Constitutions, Monitors, and Ahiman Rezons, but also of the earlier
publications in this country, such as the Pennsylvania Ahiman Rezon of 1783;
the Virginia Ahiman Rezons of 1791, 1818, and 1847; the Massachusetts
Constitutions of 1792 and 1798; the Maryland Ahiman Rezons of 1797, 1817, and
1826 ; and the Ahiman Rezons of New York, 1805, of North Carolina and
Tennessee, 1805, of South Carolina, 1807, and of Kentucky, i8o8 and 18x8.
Treatises on Jurisprudence.
‑The practice of making decisions soon suggested treatises on Masonic law and
digests of decisions. The first to enter this field was Albert G. Mackey, who
published a work in 1855, entitled, " Principles of Masonic Law." This ran
through several editions in a very short time, and, in 1859, he published his
|| Masonic Jurisprudence." In 1856 Robert Morris published a " Code of Masonic
Law " in a volume of nearly five hundred pages. John W. Simons followed with a
similar work in 1864. George W. Chase published a "Masonic Digest" in 1859, in
which he collected the decisions MASONIC JURISPRUDENCE.
551 of Grand Masters and Grand
Lodges, with the utterances of Masonic Committees. In addition to these, there
should be mentioned The Freemasons' Monthly Magazine, by Charles W. Moore. Its
publication was commenced in IS4r, and was continued for thirty‑two years.
Questions of Masonic law were continually discussed in it with an ability and
knowledge that make the work one of the most valuable in the whole range of
Masonic literature.
The publication of these works
created a vivid interest in the subject, and attracted the attention of the
ablest men of the Craft. The ritual, symbolism, and history of Freemasonry had
offered a wide field for study and research, and to these were now added its
jurisprudence. A system had grown up in this country which gave an opportunity
for the full discussion of these subjects ‑a necessary condition for the
evolution of truth. In nearly all the Grand Lodges a standing committee was
appointed (styled " Committee on Foreign Correspondence "), charged with the
duty of examining the annual proceedings of the other Grand Lodges and of
reporting upon such matters found therein as may be deemed of interest to the
Craft. This naturally led to a comparison of the enactments, decisions,
usages, and action of the Grand Lodges, and to a discussion of differences.
While this system may have been diverted from its purpose, and even abused in
some cases, it is certainly true that it has done more for the unification of
the Craft, and especially to secure a degree of uniformity of Masonic law and
polity, than all other causes combined. In numerous instances the discussions
of these committees have convinced a Grand Lodge that it was maintaining an
erroneous position, and has led to a modification of its action. Decisions of
Grand Masters and Grand Lodges are made more carefully, and, in fact, with all
the consideration marking the judgments of the highest civil courts.
But, as in case of the civil
law, and especially in consequence of the differences in views. of polity
already noticed, uniformity of law has not been attained, and is not likely to
prevail. Yet in essentials, and in all matters affecting the relations of
Masons of different jurisdictions, friction and the liability to dissensions
are year by year decreasing ; and although there must be differences as long
as Masons are human, yet such progress has been made in the right direction
that we may certainly look forward to the day when the Society will be one
great Brotherhood united in a common purpose, in spite of its division into
numerous governing organizations, each independent and the peer of all the
Masonic Principles
Unchangeable. ‑ The study of the history of Masonic jurisprudence suggests one
danger to which allusion has already been made, a danger not very apparent,
and, therefore, all the more difficult of avoidance. Freemasonry is an old
Institution, with fixed, unchangeable principles, whose laws are intended to
give effect to those principles; beyond this laws cannot properly go. But,
especially in the domain of jurisprudence, there is a tendency, almost
inevitable, to introduce modern ideas, and espe‑ 552 COSHOPOLITAN
cially to construe the laws
and shape the proceedings under them, according to the prevailing views of the
time. This tendency is inherent in our natures, or rather in our education,
and is not perceptible by those affected by it. As an illustration : there is
reason to believe that the old usages of the Craft have been materially
changed in the matter of discipline. It is now universally held that it is a
necessary result of the fundamental principles of Freemasonry that a Mason
shall not be deprived of any of his Masonic rights without an opportunity of
being heard in his defence ; but a careful study of the early records shows
that the usage of the Craft was that the lodge had plenary power over the
individual Mason, and imposed any of the Masonic penalties whenever it deemed
that the good of the Craft required it. If candidates know in advance that
they hold their Masonic character only at the will of their brethren, they
cannot complain of any breach of faith, if their brethren deprive them of it.
Many are beginning to think that the old usage was the best, and that our
laws, in their anxiety to protect the rights of the individual, have
sacrificed the good of the Craft. The argument is, that if Masons had to
depend on the good opinion of their brethren, they would be more circumspect ;
that Masonic trials are too frequently the cause of dissension and discord ;
and, more than all, that on account of the difficulty of obtaining and
producing sufficient testimony as to specific acts, it is impossible to get
rid of Masons really known by their brethren and the community to be unworthy
of the Masonic character.
In this respect, however, our
system has become too firmly established to be overthrown. It is undoubtedly
the result of the abuses in former times of the procedure under the criminal
laws. The change is a forcible illustration of the tendency to endeavor to
"improve" Freemasonry and make it conform to the vacillating idea of men in
different times.
The study of Masonic
jurisprudence from the early times teaches most emphatically not only rigid
adherence to the fundamental principles and Landmarks of the Society,
unyielding resistance to all innovations however slight, and faithful
obedience to the laws and usages of the Craft; but also that while in other
relations one may lawfully do what is not prohibited, to the Mason whatever
does not find a warrant in those Landmarks, laws, or usages is absolutely
The Royal Arch as a Separate
Degree in England and other parts of the British Empire. The Mark Master
Mason's Degree as evolved in the United Kingdom. The several Grand Chapters,
and the Royal Arch Systents of England, Ireland, and Scotland, including Mark
Masonry, Mason's Marks, and Past Master's Degree. The Grand Chapters of
Canada,Nova Scotia, Quebec, and New Brunswick. The General Grand Royal Arch
Chapter, its origin, powers, and jurisdiction. State Grand Chapters, including
the Independent Grated Chapters of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia;
separately considered, and. in alphabetical order, together with all Chapters
holding charters from the General Grand Chapter. The Order of High Priesthood.
General Grand Chapter of Royal
Arch Masons, U.S.A., etc., etc.
The Holy Royal Arch.‑Whatever
may be said concerning the Royal Arch Degree, there is no question as to its
importance in the Masonic world, nor as to the high place it holds in
perfecting the Craft Degrees in England, and of being the fourth of the
Capitular Degrees in America, as well as the seventh in the series of degrees
peculiar to the American system.
Its origin has awakened
inquiry, but, profound as has been the investigation, authorities have not
ventured to give it an earlier date than about 1740. Soon after this it came
into notice in England, stimulated by dissensions in London, between the "
Ancients " and the " Moderns," arising in 1751; and this breach in the
amicable relations between the brethren was not healed 553
until articles of union were
adopted by the two Grand Lodges in 18113, wherein it was declared that "Pure
Ancient Masonry consists of three degrees and no more, viz.: those of the
Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason, including the
Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch." The "Ancients" and "Moderns."‑It will
be as well here as later to speak of the disaffection which arose, in 1751,
among certain of the brethren in London, who separated themselves from the
regular lodges, began to hold meetings and to initiate candidates, without
authority o Grand Lodge, Dr. Mackey quotes Thory, who "Attributes it to the
fact that the Grand Lodge had introduced some innovations, altering the
rituals and suppressing many of the ceremonies which had long been in use."
Dermott and Preston agree that changes took place, although they (lifer
somewhat as to time. This schismatic body of 1751 assumed the name of Ancient
Masons, and styled the regular Grand Lodge of England, " Moderns." At about
this period (1740), Laurence Dermott was made a Mason, and six years later a
Royal Arch Mason ; and he, more than any other, seemed to have been the moving
spirit in sustaining this great schism, during the latter part of the
eighteenth century, to his decease in 1791. As might be expected, Dermott has
been severely criticised by his opponents, and Laurie charges him with
unfairness in his proceedings against the Moderns, with treating them
bitterly, with quackery, with being vainglorious of his own pretensions to
superior knowledge, and claims that he should be reprobated by Masons of every
class, who are anxious to preserve the purity of the Order. In commenting upon
this, Dr. Mackey says: ‑ " I am afraid there is much truth in this estimate of
Dermott's character. As a polemic, he was sarcastic, bitter, uncompromising,
and not altogether sincere or veracious.. But in intellectual attainments he
was inferior to none of his adversaries, and in a philosophical appreciation
of the character of the Masonic Institution he was in advance of the spirit of
his age. Doubtless he dismembered the Third degree, and to him we owe the
establishment of English Royal Arch Masonry. He had the assistance of Ramsay,
but he did not adopt Ramsay's Scottish degree. Royal Arch Masonry, as we now
have it, came from the fertile brain and intrepid heart of Dermott. It was
finally adopted by his opponents in 1813, and it is hardly now a question that
the change effected by him in the organization of the York Rite in 174o, has
been of evident advantage to the service of Masonic symbolism." This latter
estimate of Dermott commends itself as being nearer to the truth, especially
in view of what has since been enacted; and here again the clear light in
which Mackey has placed this will help to an understanding of what is of chief
importance in comprehending the relations which the " Ancients " and the "
Moderns " sustained toward each other, not only in Great Britain, but also in
America: ‑ "The Grand Lodge of Ancient Masons was, shortly after its
organization, recognized by the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland, and,
through tha ability and energy of its officers, but especially Laurence
Dermott, at one time its Grand Secretary (1752) and afterwards its Deputy THE
CAPITULAR DEGREES. 555 Grand Master, and the author of its Ahiman Rezon, or
Book of Constitutions, it extended its influence and authority into foreign
countries and into the British Colonies of America, where it became
exceedingly popular, and where it organized several Provincial Grand Lodges,
as, for instance, in Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and
South Carolina, where the lodges working under this authority were generally
known as ' Ancient York Lodges.' " In consequence of this, dissensions existed
not only in the Mother Country, but also in America, for many years, between
the lodges which derived their warrants from the Grand Lodge of Ancients and
those which derived theirs from the regular or so‑called Grand Lodge of
Moderns. But the Duke of Kent having been elected, in 1813, the Grand Master
of the Ancients, while his brother, Duke of Sussex, was Grand Master of the
Moderns, a permanent reconciliation was effected between the rival bodies, and
by mutual compromises the present' United Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of
England' was established.
"Similar unions were
consummated in America, the last being that of the two Grand Lodges in South
Carolina, in 1817, and the distinction between the Ancients and the Moderns
was forever abolished, or remains only as a melancholy page in the history of
Masonic controversies." If it were desirable to extend inquiry as to these
dissensions, the result would be of small profit, and of but little permanent
advantage in Craft history. Dr. Dalcho, of South Carolina, spoke of these
differences, and the cause of them, as though they were insignificant ; others
have thought differently ; but, looking at them from this distance, it will be
seen that more good than harm, to the general welfare of Freemasonry, has
resulted from the schism.
In speaking of the " Ancients
" and " Moderns," Dr. Mackey credits Dr. Dalcho, who was made in an "Ancient"
lodge, with being acquainted with both systems, and claims that a comparison
of his writings with those of Dermott shows that the Moderns made innovations
in the ritual of little consequence possibly, but enough to awaken opposition,
and to lead to the establishing of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Masons, out of
which was evolved the Royal Arch Degree.
Other evidence, too reputable
for successful denial, shows that the Ancients had marks claimed by them to
have been known and given in the lodges which they left, but not given by the
Moderns. In regard to this, Dermott says : ‑ "A Modern Mason may with safety
communicate all his secrets to an Ancient Mason, but that an Ancient Mason
cannot, with like safety, communicate all his secrets to a Modern Mason
without further ceremony." History does not instruct us concerning the
differences, and is specially silent as to esoteric matters. It is clear,
however, that the construction of the Third degree and the introduction of the
Royal Arch element were fruitful sources of difference. The Moderns asserted
that they were " neither Royal Arch nor Ancient," while the latter contended
that the former had made innovations, involving changes in the modes of
recognition, and in the transposition of words. In regard to this Dr. Oliver
says: ‑ "The division of the Third degree and the fabrication of the English
Royal Arch appear, on their own showing, to have been the work of the
. The Anderson Constitutions
and the Ahiman Rezon. ‑ Up to the time of the schism, Anderson's
"Constitutions of the Freemasons," originally published in 1723, was the
foundation of the written law under which the Grand Lodge of England and
lodges warranted by it, whether at home or in America, were governed. But when
the Ancient York Masons established their Grand Lodge, they held it to be
necessary to have their own Book of Constitutions. This was prepared and first
published in 1756, by Laurence Dermott, under the title of "Ahiman Rezon," and
these Constitutions continued to be the law of the Ancients until the union in
1813. The Book had great influence also in America, where many of the lodges
and Grand Lodges derived their existence from the Ancients.
The Royal Arch Degree.‑The
Moderns, or, as more justly styled, the Constitutional Grand Lodge, did not
recognize the Royal Arch Degree, nor introduce it into their system, ofcially,
until sixty‑two years later than did the Ancients. In 1765 the degree was
worked by several "Modern" Masons in England ; and, in 1767, the Grand Chapter
was formed by authority of Lord Blaney, the Immediate Past Grand Master of the
Grand Lodge. Dunckerley has been credited with its adoption, unofficially, by
the " Moderns," but there is no evidence on that point, and Dr. Oliver, in
naming the year 1776, doubtless referred to 1767, as before noted.
From what has been heretofore
said, it appears that during 1751‑52, the Royal Arch Degree was adopted into
the system of the "Grand Lodge of England according to the Old Constitutions,"
otherwise called the "Ancients," and later, the "Athol Grand Lodge." In 17671
the degree was virtually adopted by the " Constitutional Grand Lodge," or the
" Moderns " ; " and in 1813 it was formally recognized as a part of the
English Rite, or, series of degrees, by the United Grand Lodge." Consensus of
Masonic Opinion. ‑ It is not within our purpose to push inquiry into the field
of speculation merely, concerning the more remote origin of the Royal Arch
Degree, for the reason, chiefly, that others have given their attention to
this in so highly an intellectual manner, that it is quite unnecessary to risk
what, after all, might prove to be a repetition. Brother Hughan, in his "
Origin of the English Rite," alludes to and quotes the opinions of recognized
Masonic authorities, to the effect that mutilation of the Third degree did not
take place, consequently the Royal Arch Degree could not have been fabricated
or evolved from that. But these are debatable points, to follow which would
necessarily carry us back beyond that which we know, and lead us again into
the maze.
Dermott inquired,‑in an
address to the "Gentlemen of the Fraternity," " Whether it is possible to
initiate or introduce a Modern Mason into a Royal Arch Lodge (the very essence
of Masonry), without making him go through Ancient ceremonies? " 1 Since this
work was brought out, we have traced the Royal Arch Degree at Fredericksburg,
Virginia, in 1753.

This was in allusion to the
differences between the "Ancients " and "Moderns," and goes to show his own
belief in the existence of "`Ancient' ceremonies," without instructing us as
to their origin.
Notwithstanding what we have
said negatively as to speculation merely, it is desirable that some notice be
taken of the opinions of various authors, touching the origin of the Royal
Arch. In doing this, much must of necessity be left unsaid, to limit
repetition; but enough may be said to indicate the drift of the story.
Dr. Oliver declared, that the
degree "Is very properly denominated the English Royal Arch, for it was
doubtless a fabrication of this country, and from hence was transmitted to
every part of the world, where it now prevails." The doctor further says : ‑
The 'true word'was never lost, but transferred by the seceding brethren, at
the great schism in 1740, to the Royal Arch, and in corroboration of this
hypothesis, I have before me an old French engraving of the ichnography of a
Master's lodge, dated in that very year, containing the usual emblems, and on
the coffin the veritable word in Roman capitals. . . . The legend progressed
throughout the greater part of the century, increasing in dimensions, and
slightly varying in particulars, until it attained the form in which it now
appears, and requires a portion of the Ineffable degrees to render the fable
interesting, although by no means complete." Brother Hughan confesses his "
Inability to decide which was the senior, the Continental, or the English
Royal Arch, and as they had so much in common, the facts which are
authenticated are not antagonistic to their having a somewhat similar
beginning; but all we can say is, that their exact origin, and the names of
the originators, have not yet been elucidated, though a fair approximate date
may be fixed upon, vi r. : a year or two prior to x740‑for the period of their
advent." He quotes Brother Joseph Robbins, of Illinois, to the effect that the
mutila tion of the Third degree was a fiction, and says that "The real
differences (between the Ancients and Moderns), consisted in additions,
leaving the three degrees substantially as they were prior to the introduction
of Royal Arch Masonry. We did not see this so clearly some years ago as we do
now, having at that time relied upon well‑known authorities, but subsequent
investigation led us to support the theory that we have virtually the Third
degree as it was prior to x750." Concerning the introduction of the degree,
our Brother says : ‑ " Inasmuch as it will be seen that the degree was worked
in London and Dublin about ry4o, being some six years prior to Dermott's
'exaltation,' and ten or more before the ' Athol' Grand Lodge was started, it
must be incorrect to credit the 'seceders' with the introduction of Royal Arch
Masonry into this country." As to the degree, he " Favors the theory that a
word was placed in the Royal Arch prominently, which was previously given in
the sections of the Third degree, and known as 'the ancient word of a Master
Mason.' We understand it is still so communicated in some Master Mason's
lodges on the Continent, and we know that it is to be found on old
tracing‑boards of early last century." Early Reliable History. ‑ Leaving the
province of debate for that of history, it is clear that the earliest reliable
record in English Royal Arch 56o COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
Masonry was brought to the
knowledge of the public by Brother T. B Whytehead, in the columns of The
Freemason, London, in November, 1879. This painstaking and scholarly brother
quotes Brother Hughan as having presented the treasurer's book of the Grand
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons at York, to the York Lodge, which says: " A most
sublime Royal Arch Chapter was opened on the 8th February, 1778." This, ‑says
Brother Whytehead, ‑ " In connection with the earlier minute‑book just come to
light, completes the chain of Royal Arch history at York from the 7th
February, 1762, to the roth September, r781." It appears that this York Lodge
was granted a warrant January 12, 1761, held its first meeting, February 2d,
"at Mrs. Chuddock's, at the Punch Bowl, in Stonegate," and in the following
year, "on Sunday, February 7, 1762, a most Sublime, or Royal Arch Lodge,
opened at the sign of the Punch Bowl." The historian here relied on copied the
first minute exactly, and we reproduce it: ‑ "A Most Sublime or Royal Arch
Lodge open'd at the Sign of the Punch Bowl in Stonegate, York, on Sunday the
7th of February 1762. Present: " Frodsham, P. H.
"Oram, Z. L. in the Chairs.
"Granger, J. A. " Owen.
"At this Lodge, Brothers
Burton, Palmes, Tucker, and Dodgson petition'd to be raised to the 4th Degree
of Masonry, commonly call'd the Most Sublime or Royal Arch, were accepted and
accordingly made." This record is significant of the fact that the Royal Arch
Degree was already well known, otherwise the words " commonly called the Most
Sublime or Royal Arch " were used without regard to the truth, an admission
which the most thoughtless would not care to make.
The title‑page, carefully
copied by Brother Whytehead, fully sustains the claim of prior knowledge of
the degree, as the reading will show: ‑ " Minute‑book belonging to the Most
Sublime Degree or Order of Royal Arch appertaining to the Grand Lodge of All
England, held at the City of York, x762." It is noticeable that the meetings
of this Royal Arch Lodge were held at somewhat irregular intervals, but always
on Sunday, until August 17, 1768, when the day of meeting was changed to
As an historic fact, it should
be memorable that the word CHAPTER, as applied to the Lodge, was used for the
first time in the record of April 29, 17 ; and, in alluding to this, Brother
Whytehead says : ‑ "It is noteworthy That this is the first minute in which
the body is entitled ' Chapter, preò viously it having been always denominated
a ' Lodge."' First Titles of Presiding Officers. ‑The titles given to the
presiding officers, up to June 3, 1772, were then changed from P. H., Z. L.,
and J. A., to S., H. T., and H. A. We do not know of any reason for
questioning the THE CAPITULf1R DEGREES.
561 interpretation given to
the first three, by Brother Whytehead, who imagines them to stand for Propheta,
Haggai; Zerubbabel, Legislator; and Jeshua, Armiger. As to the other three,
the initials are of such familiar application, that further explanation need
not be attempted.
The entries in this record
book were not made with complete regularity, as many blank pages were left,
indicating that rough minutes were taken but never entered in the book, as was
no doubt intended. This custom had its parallel in St. Andrew's Chapter, in
Boston, Massachusetts. The rough minutes on slips of paper were kept with
similar lack of entry in the record book, where the blank pages are still as
mute as those of its English fellow; and, what seems remarkable, the blanks in
each case occur during a great portion of the same period, the last entry in
the York record book being made January 6, 17 76.
First Known Rules and
Orders.‑The first entry in the second record book was of February 8, 11778,
when Sunday was again adopted as the day of meeting. The titles of the chair
officers remained as S., H. T., and H. A. throughout ; and here too is
recorded the fact that " Rules and Orders of the Grand Chapter of All England
" were established. These rules are of much historical importance, inasmuch as
they determine that fees shall be paid for warrants; that "annual returns of
members" shall be made to Grand Chapter; that all `.1 by‑laws" be subject to
the approval of Grand Chapter; that "No innovation in the business of the
Chapter" shall be made, "and if any doubts should arise, they must always be
referred to the Grand Chapter for decision"; "That they shall contribute
annually to the Grand Chapter at York, so much as they reasonably can, towards
the fund to be employed to benevolent and advantageous purposes "; " That no
man of bad or immoral character be admitted a companion, nor any one until he
hath passed the several probationary degrees of Craft Masonry, and thereby
obtained the necessary passport as a reward for services." These rules further
provide, that "no man shall be admitted for an unworthy consideration," but
for the promotion of " peace and harmony," and for the encouragement of
whatever may be for the "common welfare." An analysis of the " Principia to be
observed by all Regularly Constituted Chapters of the Degree of Royal Arch,"
shows that the constitutions and rules which now obtain in the Grand Chapters
of America are but parts and counterparts of this York original, and lead to
the conclusion that the rules then recorded were not new, but were well known
in practice, among brethren of the Royal Arch degree.
The Term " Companion." ‑As an
item of peculiar significance, let it be remembered that the words "admitted a
Companion" establish beyond any question the fact that " Companion " is not of
recent, nor of American parentage; but that it, like much else that is obscure
in Freemasonry, had its origin at a time when the penman's skill and the
printer's craft were not trusted with a complete knowledge of the inner life
of the Ancient Fraternity.
The Mark Degree in
England.‑The Mark Degree had been worked in England, in lodges held under
immemorial usage, derived, we are told, from 562 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
the old Athol York Grand
Lodge. The United Grand Lodge declined to adopt the degree into its system, as
it was pledged under the articles of union to acknowledge the three Craft
Degrees only, including the Royal Arch.
Effort, however, was not
wanting on the part of brethren who wished to cultivate the Mark Degree, and
this secured the adoption of an opinion by Grand Lodge, in March, 1856, that
the degree is "not positively essential, but a graceful appendage to the
degree of Fellow Craft." It is not of sufficient importance to trace in detail
the introduction of the degree, nor to name the several immemorial lodges in
which it was known to have been worked. In 1856 measures were concerted for
uniting all Mark Master Masons in an organization, and this resulted in
establishing the " Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales, and
the Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown." The first meeting was
held in June, 1856, and, to carry out the general desire, a meeting was held
on May 30, 1857, "of representatives from all existing Mark lodges in England,
wherever they could be found." At this meeting report was made |' in favor of
a general union of all Mark lodges upon equal terms in a Grand Mark Lodge."
Some of these lodges held under authority from Scotland, against the opinion
of those under England; but the final and complete union was secured on terms
satisfactory to all concerned. Thus far Right Hon. Lord Leigh had been Grand
Master, and the ten || old [time immemorial] lodges " in England, together
with seven lodges holding from Scotland, acknowledged the supremacy of the
Grand Lodge. At this meeting, June, 186o, Right Hon. the Earl of Carnarvon was
elected Grand Master.
The care, almost amounting to
judicial delay, with which this Supreme body was brought into existence, gives
authority to its historical papers ; and the work done by itself as to the
beginning of the Mark Degree, is so complete that, whatever else we shall say,
will, in the main, be from a report on the " Origin of the Grand Lodge of Mark
Master Masons of England, etc., as set forth by Order of the Grand Lodge of
Mark Master Masons." This report opens by saying: ‑ "There is probably no
degree in Freemasonry that can lay claim to greater antiquity than those of
Mark Man or Mark Mason, and Mark Master Mason.
"In A.D. 1598, William Schaw,
Master of Works to King James VI., orders the Marks of all Masons to be
inserted in their work.
"In the seventeenth century,
Mother Kilwinning Lodge made members choose their Marks. and charged them four
shillings each." In 1865 a report was made in Grand Chapter of Scotland, that
" In this country from time immemorial, and long before the institution of the
Grand Lodge of Scotland (in 1736), what is now known as the Mark Masters'
degree, was wrought by the Operative lodges of St. John's Masonry." In a
conference of delegates in 1871, ‑ representing the Grand Lodge and THE
563 Grand Chapter of Scotland,
the Grand Chapter of Ireland, and the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of
England,‑on the subject of the "Position of the Mark Degree in England,"
Brother Frederick Binckes said: ‑ " I believe there are some Mark lodges in
the North that have documents to show that they worked upwards of a hundred
years ago. The Minerva Lodge, at Hull, has worked the Mark Degree, if I am
rightly informed, almost, if not quite, from its formation in 1782." Brother
Andrew Kerr, Grand Lodge of Scotland, spoke of very old lodges in Scotland,
developing from Operative into Speculative lodges, and showed that in the "
Lodge of Edinburgh, Mary's Chapel, the members signed the books with their
Marks"; also, that it was ordained in 1598, that on. receiving a Fellow Craft
or Master, his name and "'.Mark " should be |' inserted in the same book."
Enough has been said to show that the custom of choosing a 1| Mark," and
placing it on the work of the Operative Mason, is a very old one, and that the
"Mark Degree was regularly worked in many lodges, meeting under one or the
other of the two Constitutions, as well as under the authority of the Grand
Lodge, meeting from time immemorial at York." One other extract from the
report to the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons, previously referred to, to
show the antiquity of the degree, as well as the position it then occupied,
and this subject can be left in the keeping of the brethren : ‑ "On January
7th, A.D. 1778, the Banff Operative Lodge resolved: 'That in time coming, all
members that shall hereafter raise to the degree of Mark Mason, shall pay one
merk Scots, but not to obtain the degree of Mark Mason before they are passed
Fellow Craft: and those that shall take the degree of Mark Master Mason shall
pay one shilling and sixpence sterling unto the Treasurer for behoofe of the
Lodge. None to attain the degree of Mark Master Mason until they are raised
Master.' This shows clearly the relative positions of the degrees of Mark
Mason or Mark Man, and Mark Master Mason, to each other, and to the Operative
Craft. Every Operative Mason, or Fellow Craft, being obliged to be made a Mark
Man or Mark Mason, before he could' Mark' his work. While the degree of Mark
Master Mason was confined to those, who, as Masters of lodges or Master
Masons, had been chosen to rule over the Fellow Crafts." Mark Masonry has
further attention in connection with the Royal Arch in Scotland. ' The Royal
Arch System in Ireland. ‑ In correspondence in connection with the "Conference
of Delegates, relating to the Mark Degree, in 1871," Right Worthy Brother
Robert W. Shekleton, Deputy Grand Master of Ireland, wrote to Brother F.
Binckes, Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons, as follows: ‑ "
In Ireland the Mark Degree is worked exclusively under the control of the
Grand Chapter. No separate warrants are issued to hold Mark lodges; but Royal
Arch chapters are, by virtue of their Royal Arch warrants, alone empowered to
work the Mark Degree. There are separate certificates, if desired, for the
Mark Degree, as it can be conferred on a Master Mason at any time after he has
obtained that degree, whereas he must have been registered in Grand Lodge
books as a Master Mason for six months before he can get the Royal Arch
Degree." This statement by Brother Shekleton places the position of the Mark
Degree, in Ireland, clearly
enough, though it does not fix the period of its introduction. This, however,
is obscure; but the indications are that it was introduced into the Irish
system at a period corresponding pretty closely to the time of its earliest
known appearance in England.
As to the Royal Arch Degree,
we can safely accept the opinion of Brother Hughan, quite recently given in
his || History of Apollo Lodge," p. 92, wherein he says: ‑ "Whatever the Royal
Arch may have been at this period [17441, it maybe taken as established that
the ceremony was worked at York, London, and Dublin, about 1740, in a
systematic manner." The degree was met with in 1752, says Hughan, under the
Ancients, and again in 1759, when a Brother Carroll, from Ireland, an
"Ancient," was refused relief by Grand Secretary Spencer, who replied: ‑ " Our
Society is neither Arch, Royal Arch, nor Ancient, so that you have no right to
partake of our charity." We cannot do better than to rely on the following
statement by Brother Hughan, that "The degree or ceremony was known years
prior to the inauguration of the schismatic Grand Lodge of 171; hence neither
that body, nor its energetic Grand Secretary, Laurence Dermott, can be
credited with its origin, although it is probable that their recognition of
the degree gradually led to its adoption in England, officially and
generally." In recognition of recent investigation, made and being made in
Ireland, it will be well to note that the introduction of the Royal Arch
Degree into Ireland has been credited to Laurence Dermott; but there does not
appear to be sufficient evidence to prove this claim. As to the exact date of
its introduction, opinion is less certain. The evidence, however, is ample to
show that the |' higher degrees " were conferred, until a comparatively recent
date, under a Lodge warrant.
Francis C. Crossle, Provincial
Grand Secretary of Down, who has given much attention to antiquarian Masonic
research in Ireland, says: ‑ "The system of conferring the Royal Arch and
Knight Templar degrees under the Craft warrant seems to have been of Scottish
origin; but that it received pretty universal acceptance in this country is
manifest from the fact that, so early as 1779, the ' High Knight Templar of
Ireland, Kilwinning Lodge, Dublin, was in the habit of conferring 'The Chair,
'The Excellent, 'The Super‑Excellent,' ' The Royal Arch, ' The Knight Templar,
and 'The Prince Rose Croix.' So far, however, from being invested with any
authority for such a practice, the charter of this lodge simply authorized the
formation of a lodge for conferring the three degrees of Craft Masonry." The
same authority says, the " Custom of conferring the higher degrees, under the
sole authority of a Craft warrant, was the rule, and not the exception; . . .
nor was it until the year 1836 that the Grand Priory, and 1834 that the Grand
Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland, assumed the reins of government, and reduced to
order the system which at present obtains." American readers will notice that
|1 the Excellent," |1 the Super‑Excellent," "the Royal Arch," and " Knight
Templar " correspond with those conferred THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
565 in St. Andrew's Royal Arch
Chapter, in Boston, Massachusetts, as shown by its records of August z8, 17
69. "The Chair," as standing alone, does not appear to have been used in the
latter body, as applied to a degree, though the terms, `| Passed the Chair,"
|' Secrets belonging to the Chair," and " Duties of the Chair," no doubt
allude to the same ceremony, now known in America as the Past Master's degree.
It is not cleat as to how
early the degree of Installed Master was worked in Ireland; but that it was
evolved out of the Royal Arch Degree seems to be the opinion of Gould and
other Masonic authorities.
Brother Crossle submitted
various seals, warrants, collars, certificates, and other matters of evidence,
all going to show the close connection between the three Craft degrees and the
|| higher degrees," and that the latter were conferred under the Lodge, or
Craft warrant. In this line he said: ‑ "The books of St. Patrick's Lodge, No.
77, Newry, also record the fact that The Mark, The Royal Arch, and Knight
"Templar degrees were systematically conferred under the sanction of their
Craft warrant." This Lodge is the eighth oldest in Ireland, and celebrated its
one hundred and fiftieth anniversary on December 27, 1887. Included in his
exhibit were the "Royal Arch and Knight Templar seals belonging to Lodge No.
205, which was originally, in the year 1749, connected with the 35th
Regiment." Several aprons were shown, in which the blue, red, and black colors
were used on the borders of each, |` denoting that the wearer was, in virtue
of his exaltation to the higher degrees of Royal Arch and Knight Templar
Masonry, entitled to add the colors of the red and black to the blue trimming
to his Craft apron." The cldest of these aprons could not have been worn by
its owner at an earlier date than the latter part of the year i81o.
As already shown, the Grand
Royal Arch Chapter did not assume control of Royal Arch Masonry in Ireland
until 1834. An effort, however, had been made, in 1813, to have the Grand
Lodge recognize the Royal Arch Degree, but this was met by a vote of censure
on the brother who proposed it. Brother Crossle says : ‑ "This makes it
abundantly clear, that no other degrees were recognized by the Grand Lodge of
Ireland than the simple three authorized by the earliest Grand Lodges." The
higher degrees, including the Royal Arch, the Knight Templar, and the Knight
of Malta, as well as others heretofore named, were worked under a Lodge
warrant, without interference by Grand Lodge, which must have had knowledge of
the fact, although it did not recognize the degrees. Evidently the brethren
interested came together, formed under a Lodge warrant, and conferred the
higher degrees. Indeed, Brother Crossle shows that, as late as August 5, 1830,
"A Grand Chapter was opened, when the degrees of Arch Mason, Knight Templar,
and Knight of Malta " were conferred on three brethren whose names are given
in the record.
The Royal Arch System in
Scotland. ‑ If one were looking for reasons why so little is known of the
origin of Royal Arch Masonry, a strong one comes uppermost; and this is so
well expressed in the " Introduction " to the " Laws of the Supreme Grand
Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland " that we present it here : ‑ " But with regard
to Royal Arch Masonry, no certain evidence has been brought forward to point
out the epoch when, or the individuals by whom, it was brought to Britain. One
principal cause of the obscurity which hangs over this branch of the science
is, that while St. John's Masonry has been always connected with public
buildings, the greater part of the Royal Arch Masonry, including the Royal
Arch degree itself, was practised only in private.
"In Scotland, as well as in
England and Ireland, there has always been a close connection between Royal
Arch Masonry and Masonic Templarism; and scarcely half a century has elapsed
since these were placed under two distinct governing bodies. In the Stirling
Ancient Lodge are still preserved two old, rudely engraved brass plates : one
of these relates to the first two degrees of Masonry; the other contains on
the one side certain emblems belonging to a Master's lodge, and on the
reverse, five figures; the one at the top is called the' Redd Cross, or Ark,'
at the bottom is a series of concentric arches, which might be mistaken for a
rainbow, were there not a key‑stone at the summit, indicative of an arch."
This authority also says that the Royal Arch Chapter of Stirling was
originally formed for the higher degrees formerly practised, if not by, at
least under the connivance of, the Stirling Ancient Lodge.' " No minute‑book,
however, seems to have been kept prior to 1743, or if kept, it has been lost,
or perhaps carried away during the time of the Rebellion. This minute‑book of
1743 is the oldest written record now extant; and no other chapter in Scotland
has been able to show documentary evidence in its Ltvor of an earlier date
than 1765, although in these years the chapters were already accounted old and
in full operation." Whatever may be thought of the two old brass plates held
by the Stirling Ancient Lodge, with their "series of concentric arches," they
were thought to be of sufficient importance for mention in the introduction to
the " Laws and Regulations" of the Grand Chapter of Scotland, edition of 1869,
and of consequence in tracing the origin of the Royal Arch degree. Old and
rude they are said to be, but the latter, as applied to the engraving, is
evidence not only of antiquity, but also of a desire to teach by symbols. This
is in harmony with the genius of Freemasonry of every age, and conveys a
lesson quite as strong as words, expressive of a wish to conceal from the
uninitiated a knowledge of Craft mysteries, common to members of the
Fraternity. We are told that "the age of these plates is unknown, but they can
scarcely be more modern than the beginning or middle of the seventeenth
century," a period in the history of Masonic degrees when the five senses were
more completely relied upon for receiving and communicating Masonic
information than is common now, even with the ritual.
[1 The Stirling plates, and
the records of the Royal Arch,of 1743, have never been exhibited within the
memory of any Companion; and, although Brother Hughan has repeatedly
challenged their production, neither the one nor the other have been produced.
Brother Hughan believes they never existed. The earliest actual minute of
conferring that degree known, is the year 1753. and is preserved at
Fredericksburg, Virginia. ‑ ED.] THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
567 The suggestion that these
concentric arches might be mistaken for a rain' bow gives force to a question
in the "Mason's Examination," of 1723: "Whence comes the pattern of an Arch?"
"Answer. From the Rainbow." Whether this ancient symbol was the germ from
which the Royal Arch degree sprung, we. do not venture a suggestion ; nor need
we inquire concerning it with any hope that history will reveal the secret. We
do know, however, that Royal Arch Masonry is securely established in Scotland,
where, as we are assured, ‑ "The Royal Arch degree has now a separate head,
and can never again be disjoined from Masonry; and however unimportant those
who have never had the patience, or zeal to break the shell and penetrate to
the kernel may deem it, it will long continue to flourish, and prove one of
the strongest supports of Truth, Peace, and Concord." The Degrees Conferred. ‑
Before further inquiry is made concerning Royal Arch Masonry in Scotland, it
will be well to learn the names of the several degrees recognized there. These
are stated in the Constitution in the following language : ‑ " The Supreme
Chapter practises and recognizes no degrees of Masonry but those of Mark
Master, Past Master,t Excellent, Royal Arch, Royal Ark Mariner, the Babylonish
Pass (which last is commonly called the Red Cross degree, and is composed of
three points, viz.: Knights of the Sword, Knights of the East, and Knights of
the East and West), and the three Installation degrees." This section should
be read in connection with Article XVI., Sec. 26 : ‑ "All chapters holding of
the Supreme Chapter of Scotland are entitled to grant the following degrees,
viz.: Mark, Past, Excellent, and Royal Arch." We must be careful here not to
confound a Grand Chapter with a chapter holding under it. The former takes
control of degrees not permitted to the latter, as shown in Art. XVI., Sec.
Mark Masonry.‑ In a chapter on
|| Mark Masonry," Laurie gives a good deal of space to the "Marks" of the
workmen, including the use of the "Mark," and a large number of illustrations,
ranging in date from r 128 to that of '1 Robert Burns, inscribed upon the
Bible presented by him to ` Highland Mary.' " He also speaks of the manner of
giving instruction in reading the Marks, and gives the following interesting.
dialogue: ‑ "' How many points has your Mark got?' "' Three points.' "' To
what do they allude ?' "'To the three points of an equilateral triangle.' "'
Please demonstrate it as an Operative Mason.
"'A point has position,
without length, breadth, or thickness; a line has length, without breadth or
thickness, and terminates in two points; and three lines of equal length,
placed at equal angles to each other, form an equilateral triangle,‑which is
the primary figure in geometry.' "`Please to explain this figure as a
Speculative Mason.
"'The equilateral triangle
represents the Trinity in Unity, ‑The Great Architect of the Universe, having
no material form, exists, pervading all space; the Creator of itll things,
Governor of all animate and inanimate nature, Fountain of Wisdom: Whose
greatness, perfection, and glory is incomprehensible, and Whose
loving‑kindness and tender mercies are over all His other works."' 1 The Grand
Chapter of Scotland has dropped the Past Master's degree.
In classing the workmen, due
regard is had for the manner in which they were ranked at the building of King
Solomon's Temple, and made familiar in America in the Master's degree.
The Mark Master is regarded as
an Overseer, and is thus referred to : ‑ The duty of the Foreman, or, as he is
occasionally designated, the Mark Overseer, was to direct and instruct the
Fellow Crafts or Markmen in the details of the work upon which they were
engaged, and see that it was completed, according to the plan furnished." In
regard to the Ritual used in Scotland, " Instructions " for each degree are
provided, and those for the Mark may be inferred from the following
explanation by Laurie : ‑ " The Form of Initiation and legend of the Mark
Overseer is of an Eastern character, referring to the preparation of the
materials for building Solomon's Temple at Jerusalem, and navigating the rafts
on which they were conveyed along the coast of the Great (i.e., Mediterranean)
Sea, guided by a light‑house situated on one of the peaks of Mount Lebanon.
The Speculative lecture inculcates a constant practice of the principles of
morality, in every position in life, beautifully illustrated by the operations
of the Mason, under the guidance of scientific rules fashioning with
persevering industry the rude block into the perfect form, having it approved
and marked for its place in the intended building; and applying the
illustration both to the upbuilding of the individual mind as well as to the
moral fabric of society, and pointing to the hope that all may become living
stones of God's own temple. Such a system of scientific and moral discipline
was evidently well adapted to the circumstances of the Craftsman, whose
associations required him frequently to wander to great distances, in search
of employment, and while residing among strangers, enabled him to teach by his
example, and to live in concord and good fellowship among the members of the
Craft with whom his labors were associated." Masons' Marks. ‑One of the first
to point out the existence of Masons' Marks on Ecclesiastical and other
buildings of any considerable importance, was George Godwin, an eminent
architect, but not a Freemason. Brother E. W. Shaw is credited with having
devoted years of study to this subject, and with having made a most remarkable
collection of Marks, amounting to several thousands in number. He regarded
these as being the Marks of the various Masons, their object being "the
recognition of individual work and payment of individual work." So close was
his study that he pointed out the Marks of French Masons in Fountains' Abbey
as being somewhat different from the Marks of English Masons. It appears also
that these Marks were handed down from father to son, and that the Marks of
various members of one family could be distinguished by some peculiar
variation or additional symbol.
There is an interesting story
of the " Antiquity of a Mark," in the Liberal Freemason for December, 1883,
illustrating this practice. Shames Barness, modernized into James Barnes, born
in Scotland in February, 1728, received, by inheritance, a Mark that was known
to have been in' the family a long time. This Mark is the ducal crown of the
clan, and was transmitted to his son Robert, and so down to William Wylie
Barnes, who was made a Mason in Caledonian Lodge, No. 254, in 1869, and a
Royal Arch Mason in Union THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
571 Chapter, No. 6, in 187o,
both in Dundee, Scotland. It is now registered in the books of Mystic Chapter,
in Medford, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
William received this Mark
from his grandfather, David Barnes, in 1869, his father, Robert John Barnes,
not being a Mason. In this family was another Mark, a cross and motto, ‑ thus,
" Vitum ‑j‑ Dirigat," ‑ which David stated had been in the family for ages,
and that it had been brought back "from the wars by Sir Hugh." David Barnes
died in 1876, aged ninety‑six years.
The traditions associated with
the Marks in this family of Shames Barness help to give color to the claim of
relationship between Royal Arch Masonry and Masonic Templarism, and invests
the Mark of the " Cross and Motto " with peculiar significance. The statement
by the sturdy Scotch grandfather, at the age of eighty‑nine years, to his
grandson William in 1869, that this Mark " had been in the family for ages,"
and that it was brought back " from the wars by Sir Hugh," runs in similar
lines, and suggests the possibility of points of contact detected in the East
by the early Templars [viVe Bishop Perry's opinion in this work], and that
these points have been utilized in building the degrees as recognized by the
Grand Chapter of Scotland, and named in its Constitution.
For those who may be specially
interested in the Marks of the workmen, the reproduction of " Masons' Marks,"
in this work, ‑ which comprise Marks from various historic edifices in Europe,
and the East, many of them now published for the first time,‑will be found
particularly valuable. This was compiled by Brother Hughan, and includes
selections from his private collection. Laurie, D. Murray Lyon, and R. F.
Gould, have, also, given numerous illustrations in their respective histories
of Freemasonry.
In speaking of Marks, Brother
Lyon says: ‑ "The registration of Craftsmen's Marks, provided for in those
laws that are known to have been promulgated in the sixteenth century for the
regulation of the then existing Scotch lodges, was the perpetuation of a
custom that had prevailed in the building fraternity for ages." The Schaw
Statutes, of 1598, require that the name of each newly admitted "fellow of
craft or maister" be inserted in the Lodge‑book; but this does not establish
the existence of the Mark Degree, as such. As a matter of fact, the degree
does not appear to have been worked by the lodge journeyman until about 1789
The earliest record known, relating to the existence of the Mark Degree in
Scotland, is given by the distinguished Masonic historian, Brother William J.
Hughan, in an extract from the records of " Lodge Operative, Banff," under
date of January 7, 1778: ‑ " That in time coming, all members that shall
hereafter raise to the degree of Mark Meson, shall pay one merk Scots, but not
to obtain the degree of Mark Mason before they are passed Fellow Craft: and
those that shall take the degree of Mark Master Masons shall pay one shilling
and sixpence sterling unto the Treasurer for behoofe of the lodge, None to
attain to the degree of Mark Master Mason until they are raised Master." This
record shows, by implication, that the Mark Degree was known prior 572 to
January 7, 1778, but that its place in Masonic degrees had not been fixed. It
must have been considered of consequence also, because of the formality and
precision of the record. Whatever else may be desirable in the way of
information concerning this degree, and of the period when it was introduced
into Scotland, much must be left to conjecture. This, however, is settled the
degree was given its rank in the series permitted by the Constitution of the "
Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland," to be conferred by chapters of
its obedience, on January 7, 1778, and this will conclude further remarks
concerning it, under this Constitution.
Past Degree. ‑ Laurie
describes the " Chair or Past Master " as being worked in a separate
apartment, with none but Past Masters present. The Master‑elect is examined as
to his qualifications, and if he is found to be competent to discharge the
duties of Master of a lodge, he is obligated by the Past Masters, and "
receives a word, sign, and token." Report is made to the Lodge accordingly. He
further says: ‑ "Few Speculative references are attached to the ceremonial, it
being properly only an obliga.
tion guaranteeing to the Lodge
that the Master will act faithfully and properly towards them." It' is not
clear when this degree came to be adopted into the Royal Arch system. That it
is there is shown by what has already been quoted from the Constitution, while
the presumption is that the degree is one of growth or evolution. Certain it
is that the earlier Masons employed terms now familiar in the degree, and as
properly descriptive of it as though of recent date.
As late as 1859 Laurie gave it
a sort of dual place, as if the Grand Chapter and the Grand Lodge each could
work it. He says of it : ‑ "Although this is now frequently communicated by
Royal Arch chapters as a separate degree, with a formal initiatory‑ceremonial,
embracing words, signs, and tokens, it belongs to the Order of Craft Masonry,
and is still practised by many of the lodges in the Third degree, but is only
communicated to the newly elected Master when about to be installed." This
paragraph shows the transition of the degree from the Lodge to the Chapter,
together with the fact that the Chapter had adopted it as a separate degree;
and further, that the Lodge communicates it to the newly elected Master only,
at a time prior to his installation, a ceremony too familiar to Masters and
Past Masters of lodges to need repetition.
As to the antiquity of the
degree, it will be safer to regard it as one of be able to say, beyond
question, when or can show a similarity of terms, or idiomatic growth or
evolution have crystallized into this sometimes abused degree.
It needs no argument to show
that a time was when apprentices had all the secrets that could be conveyed to
|| fellows of craft or maisters," and Laurie repeats : ‑ "That, about the
middle of the seventeenth century, apprentices were not only eligible for, but
evolution; for, while we may not where it first found recognition, we
expressions, which by a process of actually filled, the offices of Deacon and
Warden in the Lodge of Kilwinning; and that about the THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
573 close of the same century
[1693] the Lodge recognized' passing'‑ i.e., a promotion to fellowshipsimply
as an 'honor and dignity.'" This description of "passing," as an "honor and
dignity," applies to the Past degree of the Chapter, and suggests the
possibility that here was the germ from which it grew; although the term
"passing " was used in speaking of the qualifications of " prentices," as
early as September 1, 17 16. On December 2 7, 17 20, the same word was
employed in a more extended sense. Under this date the records of Lodge
Dunblane Saint John contain this minute: ‑ "Compeared John Gillespie, writer
in Dunblane, who was entered on the 24th instant, and after examination was
duly passt from the Square to the Compass, and from. an Entered Prentice to a
Fellow of Craft of this Lodge." Similar entries follow, but none to show that
the Past degree was known to have any existence as a degree.
In his " Origin of the English
Rite," Brother Hughan tells us that at a " Lodge of Emergency " on November
30, 1769, at Bolton, four brethren were installed Masters," and that the
historians say : ‑ "This is the first record of brethren being made installed
Masters, or' passing the Chair, in order to qualify them for the Royal Arch."
The same istinguished author says : ‑ " There were nine brethren exalted on
29th December, 1768, and of these nine, three had not served in the chair
before their exaltation." . . . " This is noteworthy, because even at this
period Virtual or Honorary, instead of Actual Past Masters were eligible for
Royal Arch Masonry." Only this in addition need be said concerning this degree
of Past Master. The date given by Brother Hughan is explicit and carries the
known practice of the degree back to that period in England. As to the time
when it was first introduced into Royal Arch Masonry in Scotland, historians
are compara tively silent. The inference is sustained that its adoption would
be at about the period of the || Bolton " date given by Brother Hughan.
As to its recognition by the
Grand Lodge of Scotland, Brother D. Murray Lyon tells us that it was "During
the Grand Mastership [of Lord Rosslyn] and at the February Communication of
1872, Grand Lodge for the first time recognized the Past Master's ceremonial
of Installation. This was sanctioned, not with the view of inaugurating a
higher or other degree of Masonry, but of authorizing the use of the ritual of
Installed Masters as used in England, so as to remove the disqualification
which hitherto prevented Scotch Past Masters being present at the installation
of Masters in English lodges." Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Canada.‑As a
political agency, the "Dominion of Canada'' was unknown when "The Grand
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada " was organized; the great " North‑west
" was an outlying territory, better known in connection with Hudson Bay than
as containing Provinces; while the people of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
were accustomed to speak of Upper and Lower Canada as if they were far‑off
very remotely concerned in the
civil and religious affairs of the "Maritime Provinces." Under such
circumstances, the Freemasons of the two Canadas had but little fraternal
intercourse with those of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick; and the latter had
closer intimacy, because of more easy water carriage, with their brethren in
the United States.
The Masonic authorities under
which the Freemasons in these several Provinces held were the same; each was a
British Province, and, in harmony with their system, the Grand Lodges of
England, Ireland, and Scotland had established lodges in the two Canadian
Provinces (now Quebec and Ontario), and Royal Arch chapters followed the lead
of the Craft degrees.
The printed proceedings of the
Grand Chapter of Canada show that the oldest chapter is "Ancient Frontenac,"
in Kingston, established in 1797. This Chapter, now No. 1 on the Canada
Registry, did not take part in the Convention held in Hamilton, January 19,
1857, which organized "The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada."
Three chapters were represented in Convention, to wit: The Hiram Chapter, in
Hamilton, established in 1820 ; St. John's, in London, 1844 ; and St. John's,
in Hamilton, established in 1855. These are now NOS. 2, 3, and 6,
respectively, Canadian Registry. As a matter of fact, the records show that
seven chapters had been established at the time when the Convention was held.
These were the four already mentioned, together with St. Andrew's, in Toronto,
in 1847 ; St. George's, 1854, in London; Moira, 1856, in Belleville ; and
these chapters are now numbered, of Canadian Registry, from 1 to 7, in the
order indicated.
At the outset the Convention
adopted the Constitution of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of England, mutatis
mutandis, but to " assimilate with the usages of Royal Arch Masonry in the
United States," the three degrees, not recognized by the Grand Chapter of
England, were adopted, viz. : "The Mark Master, Past Master, and Most
Excellent Master Masons' degrees, shall be taken by all persons, to entitle
them to be admitted to membership in any Chapter under this jurisdiction, but
that Royal Arch Masons who may have taken their degrees in any regularly
warranted Chapter under any other jurisdiction, may be admitted as visitors to
any Chapter in this Province, when working in the Royal Arch degree, or in any
degree which such visitor may have taken under a regularly warranted Lodge or
Chapter." The adoption of the foregoing delayed recognition by the Grand
Chapter of England, which said it could not " Consistently with its duty,
entertain official relations with a body which holds, as essential to
admission within its pale, the possession of degrees which are not recognized
by the Grand Lodge, or the Grand Chapter of England." Correspondence followed
this declination, and official relations were soon established between the
Supreme Grand Chapter of England and the Grand Chapter of Canada, on the basis
that English Royal Arch Masons can enter THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
575 Canada chapters, and
remain during the entire " ceremony of exaltation," even though they " are not
in possession of those intermediate degrees of Mark, Past Master, and Most
Excellent." Necessarily, this was a limited recognition, emphasized further in
the closing part of the same communication from William Gray Clarke, G. S. E.,
under date of February 1o, i86o, as follows: " I am instructed to state that
in the name and on behalf of the Supreme Grand Chapter of England, they‑the
Grand Principals‑fully recognize the Grand Chapter of Canada, reserving,
however, to all Chapters now in Canada, who are still holding charters under
the Grand Chapter of England, as also to all English Royal Arch Masons, all
their rights, titles, and privileges, as fully and freely as though the Grand
Chapter of Canada had not been formed." Naturally enough, it was only a matter
of time when opinions would differ as to the construction of the words of
reservation. This arose early in 1861, when the Grand Chapter of England, by
charter, attached a chapter to |' Dalhousie Lodge, No. 835 (E. R.), at Ottawa,
Canada West." Against this Canada protested, but admitted the right of
chapters of prior date, of English Registry, to make Royal Arch Masons of
Master Masons, whether of English or Canadian Registry; denying, however, that
any new charter or authority to work the Royal Arch degree, to be attached to
or granted to any existing lodge of English Registry, in Canada, could be
granted, under the terms of recognition.
The Grand Chapter of England
cited the terms of Union, in 1813, " including the Supreme Order of the Holy
Royal Arch," and said: ‑ "That under the arrangement entered into between the
Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of England, and the Grand Lodge and Grand
Chapter of Canada, they have not only the right, but are bound to afford to
all Lodges and Masons in Canada, holding under the Grand Lodge of England, the
means of completing, under the English Constitution, their degrees, if they do
not already possess them, by attaching a Chapter to each Lodge." It is
difficult to deny the logical correctness of this reasoning, though it may not
be to the liking of the Grand Chapter of Canada. England includes the Royal
Arch degrees in her Craft system; Canada does not. The former feels bound to
give to a lodge once established all that her system represents, and to
protect such lodge in the maintenance of its rights and privileges, so long as
the lodge maintains allegiance to Mother Grand Lodge. The latter holds that
recognition is a bar to all this in the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of
Canada, except as applied to charters ante‑dating its organization.
Without discussing this
question further, it will be sufficient to say that, when the Grand Lodge and
Grand Chapter of Canada were organized, each recognized the existence of
lodges and chapters of English Registry, within their respective territorial
jurisdiction, and accepted recognition subject to such a condition of facts.
The possibilities may not have been considered, , but these include also the
existence of amity between all the bodies thus concerned.
1| Fraternal recognition " of
the Grand Chapter of Canada was granted by the Grand Chapter of Ireland on
February 17, 1858, coupled, however, with the following: ‑ "But that it
demands for the chapters in Canada and individual companions who prefer to
retain their Masonic connexion with the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland,
the free exercise of their existing Masonic rights, and requires that the
Royal Arch warrant of any chapter whose 'Blue' warrant has been, or is about
to be, returned to the Grand Lodge of Ireland shall be surrendered to the
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland." "And the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of
Ireland further demands the continuance of its present privileges of issuing,
on proper memorial, Royal Arch warrants to be attached to any Symbolic lodge,
under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ireland (in Canada)." On June 15,
1859, the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland, by Chairman of
Committee, and Grand Scribe E., gave recognition, in fraternal and
congratulatory terms, to the Grand Chapter of Canada, and "virtually
surrendered all her former power in Canada, except over such of her chapters
as were in existence at the time of recognition." It is highly creditable to
the Royal Arch Masons representing the several Grand Chapters claiming rights
and privileges within the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of Canada, and
especially so to the latter, that neither has receded from the high character
which dignifies and ennobles the Craft. The rights of all have been carefully
guarded, and the privileges of each have been cherished with such decorum that
the Grand Chapter of Canada now has eighty‑two chapters on its Registry, with
a total membership of three thousand six hundred and thirty‑six.
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of
Nova Scotia. ‑ In September, 1869, a committee appointed by Royal Union
Chapter, No. 118, Registry of England, and a committee appointed by St.
Andrew's Chapter, No. 55, Registry of Scotland, each working in Halifax, Nova
Scotia, and the First Principal of Hiram Chapter, warranted by the Grand
Chapter of Canada, met in joint committee; and, on their unanimous agreement,
a Convention of Royal Arch Masons was called, to be held in Halifax October
14, 1869, and delegates from all the chapters in the Province were invited to
meet for the purpose of establishing a Grand Chapter.
The Convention assembled in
Masonic Hall, Halifax. Representatives and members of the three chapters named
were present, together with a representative of St. John's Chapter, No. 13o,
Registry of Scotland, working in Pictou, Nova Scotia; but the latter expressed
the unwillingness of his chapter to enter into the movement. The Convention,
however, proceeded in regular form ; the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia was
established, Grand Officers were elected and installed, and the chapters in
the jurisdiction, which joined in the movement, were duly placed on the
Registry of Nova Scotia and numbered according to rank and precedence: " Royal
Union," Halifax, Nova Scotia, No. 1 ; " St. Andrew's," Halifax, Nova Scotia,
No. a ; " Hiram," Goldenville, Nova Scotia, No. 3.
577 When the Grand Chapter,
Nova Scotia, was organized, there were five chapters in the Province, to wit:
the three just named and numbered 1, z, 3, and having a membership
respectively of 5o, 6o, and 33,‑a total of 143; and the two other chapters,
known as "Union," No. 1o8, and "St. John's," No. 13o, each of Scotch Registry,
having a membership of 18 and 14, respectively, ‑ a total of 3z.
The good‑will of the Grand
Chapter of England was given to the new Grand Chapter at its beginning, it
being taken as a foregone conclusion that the organization of a Grand Chapter
would follow the organization of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, the due
recognition of which had been secured.
In Scotland, a less friendly
feeling existed, and this was prolonged for some years ; but the Grand Chapter
of Nova Scotia secured local affection, strengthened by the complete
recognition of Grand Chapters in the United States; and, under judicious
management, came into full and undisputed occupancy of the territory of the
Province. On November
, 1875, Union Chapter, No.
1o8, chartered by the Grand Chapter of Scotland, September zo, 1865, united
with the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia, and on April 29, 1876, St. John's
Chapter, No. 130, chartered March 6, 1869, by,the same authority, united in a
like manner; and these two are now on the Nova Scotia Registry as No. 7 and
No. 8, respectively.
At the present time the Grand
Chapter has twelve chapters on its Registry. Eight of these are in Nova Scotia
proper: Shannon, No. 9, being in St. John's, Newfoundland; Prince of Wales,
No. 1o, in Sydney, Cape Breton; Alexander, No. 11, in Charlottetown, Prince
Edward Island; and Prince Edward, No. 12, in Summerside, Prince Edward Island.
The total number of affiliated Royal Arch Masons, under Grand Chapter, based
on the returns of 1889, is now five hundred and thirty.
The Constitution of the
General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the United States provides that,
‑ "Whenever there shall be three subordinate chapters regularly chartered and
constituted in any State, District, Republic, or Territory, by virtue of
authority derived from this, its Constitution, a Grand Chapter may be
established as soon as convenience and propriety may dictate; provided that
the approbation of the General Grand High Priest shall have been first
obtained. And any Grand Chapter thus established shall have and possess all
the rights, privileges, and prerogatives conferred upon Grand Chapters by this
Constitution." In applying this article of the Constitution of the General
Grand Chapter, it will be seen that the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia was
organized according to what is known in the United States as the American
system, constructively so at least, for the Grand Chapters of England and
Canada had virtual knowledge of intention, and gave prompt recognition to the
new Grand Chapter. It is noticeable also that the titles of officers, Grand
and subordinate, correspond with those adopted in the United States. The first
Grand High Priest, Hon. Alexander Keith, so long and favorably known in
Freemasonry in Nova 578 These quotations taken from the original minute‑book
" " 2
Artillery............... . " ‑Level.
Hugh McBean, "Jno.
Wigton, 11 " ‑Compass.
................ " And.
Gray, ~. .~ .~ " ‑ Keys.
................ "Edwd.
Byrn, ................ " ‑5 Points.
" . , . . . . . . . .......
" ‑Plumb Rule.
Jas. Johnston, Scotia,
took part in the Convention which organized the Grand Chapter. He was ably
assisted by M. W. Stephen R. Sircom, his successor and Past Grand Master of
the Grand Lodge, Nova Scotia, now living in Boston, Massachusetts, and by J.
Conway Brown, deceased, July 23, 1871, at the early age of thirtythree years.
Notwithstanding his premature
death, Brother Brown had succeeded in bringing to light many old documents of
much historic value in Freemasonry. In this he was aided intelligently by
others, and these were happily printed in the early proceedings of the Grand
These old documents were
described by Brother Brown, as ranging from November 16, 1784, to April 25,
1825, and refer to the Mark degree in St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 155 (now No. i,
R. N. S.), Artillery Lodge, No. 2 (now Virgin, No. 3, R. N. S.), and a Lodge,
No. 210, whose record has passed from memory.
The charter of St. Andrew's
Lodge was issued March 26, 1768, and bears the signature of Laurence Dermott
as Grand Secretary, and in two other places. Virgin Lodge, R. E., was
originally established at Halifax, February 18, 1782, by dispensation from
John George Pyke, Esq., Grand Master of Nova Scotia. The name "Virgin " was
borne until October, 1784, when a warrant was issued under the name of
Artillery Lodge ; but on September 22, 18oo, the original name of "Virgin "
was resumed by permission. Up to 1784 the records show that two Worshipful
Masters were elected during the year, Brother Adam Fife being the second; and
this brings us to where the first record is made relating to the Mark Degree.
‑ " Halifax, 16th Novr, 1784 " Upon application to the Worshipful Brother
Fife, he was pleased to open a Master Mark Masons' Lodge, " Worship, Bro.
Fife, Master, formerly of erg, a Square, " Bro. Hall
.................................. S. W.
~~ Allen
.................................. J. W. of L. No. 155.
.. ~~ Lewis
................................. Tyler 11 210.
"The following brethren
received the degree of Master Mark Masons, and made chaise of the following
marks, viz.
"Wm. Matthews, of Lodge No.
155 ......................... Mark ‑A Bible.
"These brethren having justly
paid the demands for such Marks, hath received the same with proper
"On December 9th, 1785, six
brethren received the Mark degree, under the same warrant, one of them being
Alex. McIntosh. On February lo, 1786, a Master Mark Masons' Lodge being
opened, this Brother McIntosh stated that he was formerly a Mark Mason, but
had forgot the Landmarks, and that upon recollection found the Sword to be his
former Mark, and that the Lodge would indulge him to keep the same, which was
unanimously agreed to."
579 Virgin Lodge give the
earliest known date of working the Mark degree in America, and show the
importance attached to choosing and recording a " Mark." Other entries of
record show the way and the manner by which the degree could be and was worked
in another lodge. Up to and including December 9, 1785, four members of Lodge,
No. 155, had received the Mark degree ; and this fact led to its being worked
in that Lodge.
Under date of January 14,
1786, Jno. Allen [see copy of record, November 16, 1784] addressed a letter to
Worshipful Brother Fife, " In behalf of the brethren of Lodge, No. 155,"
stating their intention to have the Mark degree "established under the
sanction of our own warrant." The reply will indicate the nature of the
correspondence, and goes to illustrate the order and regu larity which
prevailed in the business of the Craft at that early period. It is of interest
also, in the fact, that the conferring of the degree carried with it the
obligation of choosing and recording a " Mark " : ‑ " Halifax, roth Febry.,
"Worship'1 Brethren: " I have
laid your letter to me, dated the 14th Janry., 5786, before the Mark Lodge,
held under sanction of Warrant No. z, Registry of Nova Scotia, and we have
considered your request respectò ing those Brethren that belong to your Body
that are members of our Mark Lodge. I have the pleasure to inform you, that it
was unanimously resolved, that your request be granted.
"I accordingly tranxnit you a
list of your members together with their Marks, hereby transferred from our
Warrant to yours.
"Bro. William Hogg
...............................Mark‑Triangle. " " William
Matthews............................ " ‑A Bible. " " Robert Geddes...............................
" ‑Urica.
"" Robt. Bucan...........................,.....
" ‑Oblong Square l" At a meeting held February 21, 1786, at the request of
Worshipful Brother Duncan Clarke, who, with five others, received the M. M. M.
degree at that date, the brethren of Lodge No. 210, who received their Marks
under Artillery Warrant, No. 2, were permitted to transfer their Marks to and
under the Warrant of No. 210.
As to the "demands" to be paid
for Marks and proper instructions; Companion Brown was unable to say, as no
cash account appears.
By‑Laws, Rules, and
Regulations. ‑ Following the lead of Companion Brown, and being convinced that
the Royal Arch degree in Nova Scotia antedated 1797, as given in the by‑laws
of Royal Union Chapter, some of the zealous companions continued
investigation, and discovered additional documents, showing ample evidence of
the correctness of their belief. These documents are highly interesting, but
too bulky for insertion here. Nevertheless we present the beginning of a code
of "By‑Laws, Rules, and Regulations to be observed and kept by the Brethren of
the Sublime Order or Chapter of a Royal Arch Lodge of the Most Ancient and
Honorable Society of Free and Accepted York Masons, held under the sanction of
Warrant No. 211 of the Ancient Grand Registry of London, dated the Both Day of
June A.D. 1780, and in the Year of Masonry 5780, Vol. 8, Letter H. Granted to
a Lodge of Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons at Halifax in Nova Scotia, by
the Right Worshipful and Most Noble Prince John (the third), Duke Marquis and
Earl of Atholl, etc., etc., etc., Grand Master of Masons." 58o COSMOPOLITAN
These by‑laws are in divisions
or sections, numbered from i to 12. We quote a part of the first only : ‑
"That this Chapter or Royal Arch Lodge shall be held Quarterly, that is to say
on the Second Wednesday in the Months of March, June, September, and December,
in every year during its continuance, at the Golden Ball or Elsewhere in the
town of Halifax." The by‑laws are clear and comprehensive, showing also a
thoroughness characteristic of experienced and intelligent men. They provide
for emergency meetings, the issuing of "summonses," to prevent
"non‑attendance," at least twenty‑four hours before the meeting. The officers
were to be elected annually ; the dues to be paid toward raising a charity
fund, for the benefit of " Royal Arch Masons " only, '| on each Quarterly
Lodge night," were "Two shillings and sixpence." The fees for being made a
Royal Arch Mason were ‑/‑3, ios., and 5s. to the Tyler; and no more than two
could be made on one night.
This code was "Signed and
Agreed to at Halifax in Nova Scotia, this 15th Day of September, A.D. 1782,
and in the year of Masonry, 5782," by fifteen members.
It is noticeable that the
first three officers were styled High Priest, First King, and Second King. At
the meeting of September 20, 1782, five names are given, thus: ‑ The Rt.
Worshipful Brother Hugh Kirkham............. I.... H.P. " " " " Jno. Woodin....................
rst K.
"Ephtn. Whiston...................
zd K.
.. .. .. .. John
Cody...................... S.
.. .. .. .. John
It was made the duty of the
Scribe to issue the " summonses." At this meeting Grand Master, |1 John George
Pyke, John Clark, and Joseph Peters, Past Masters of Regular Lodges of Free
and Accepted Ancient York Masons " . . `| were by us Installed and Instituted
into the Sublime Secrets of Royal Arch Masonry." After which, "An Assembly or
Encampment of Sir Knights Templars being formed, the said Brothers, J. G. Pyke,
John Clark, and Joseph Peters, were Instituted and Dubbed Knights of the Most
Noble and Right Worshipful Order of Sir Knights Templars." Three similar
entries of record are made during the year 1782 : and others follow in
1783‑1784, in language quite as explicit. We mention this as a tribute to the
brethren then concerned, and as a notice also of the early introduction of
Templar Masonry into Nova Scotia.
The degrees now worked under
the Constitution of the Grand Chapter of Nova Scotia are Mark Master, Past
Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason.
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of
Quebec. ‑ At the seventeenth annual convocation of the Grand Chapter of
Canada, held in the city of Ottawa, October 14, 1874, formal permission was
granted to the chapters in Quebec to meet THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
581 and take such action as
might be deemed advisable for organizing a Grand Chapter for that Province.
Following this friendly action, a Convention was held in Montreal on December
12, 1876, at which it was resolved to form a Grand Chapter, with the title of
" M. E. Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Quebec." The constitution,
rules, and regulations of the Grand Chapter of Canada were adopted, mutatis
mutandis, Grand Officers were elected and installed, and proclamation thereof
was made.
The Convention, as stated in
its proceedings, represented a majority of chapters in the Province, and these
were " Golden Rule," No. 9, Sherbrooke ; " Provost," No. 1.4, Dunham ; "
Carnarvon," No. z 1 ; " Mount Horeb," No. 25 ; " Montreal," No. 42 ; " Royal
Albert," No. 43 ; || St. Charles," No. 51 ; all in Montreal. These chapters
were of Canadian Registry, and unanimous in their action.
In the preliminary
proceedings, as well as in convention, regularity was observed, and the entire
business was conducted in harmony with the American Masonic system. This
secured recognition by the Grand Chapters in America, and the sovereignty of
the Grand Chapter of Quebec was conceded.
Referring to the reserved
rights on the part of the English, Irish, and Scotch Grand Chapters, there is
an element of doubt as to whether the Grand Chapter of Quebec must not
inherit, from the Grand Chapter of Canada, the reservation made by the Grand
Chapters of England, Ireland, and Scotland when recognition was given to that
body. We have to regard it as unfortunate that circumstances so operated as to
secure assent, first by the Grand Lodge of Canada, and afterward by the Grand
Chapter of Canada, to the continued and almost parallel existence of lodges
and chapters of English, Irish, and Scotch Registry, within the territory
which, according to the American system, should have belonged wholly and
without reservation to the Canadian Grand bodies. But the English system did
not concur with this, as has been seen in our remarks on the Grand Chapter of
Possibly no serious difference
of opinion would have arisen to disturb the concurrent harmony of the several
Grand bodies herein mentioned, had no other agency appeared; but the Grand
Lodge of Mark Master Masons, of England and Wales, etc., had been gathering
strength, and it was quite as firm in maintaining the English system as either
of ‑its British contemporaries. This Grand Lodge recognized the existence of
Mark Lodges in Quebec, to which it had granted warrants of confirmation.
Naturally enough, the Grand Chapter of Quebec protested, even to declaring
non‑intercourse with Grand Mark Lodge. In the discussion it was developed, in
a circular‑letter issued September 15, 1884, by authority of Grand Mark Lodge,
that the latter entrenched itself as follows : ‑ "There have always been,
since 176o, and long previous to the constitution of the Grand Chapter of
Quebec, 'Time Immemorial' Mark Lodges connected with English Craft Lodges in
Montreal. Of this we have ample documentary evidence, and the main fact is
Grand Z.. of the Grand Chapter
of Canada, at page 16 of Proceedings, July 11th, 1884. Three of these'Time
Immemorial' Mark Lodges desired to place themselves under Supreme English
Jurisdiction in the Mark degree, as their members were already under Supreme
English jurisdic tion in the Craft and Royal Arch degrees. This Grand Lodge
has acknowledged them as regu lar, by granting them what is practically a
warrant of confirmation. It has created for them no new status. They were
legal bodies before. Some of the principal members of the Grand Chapter of
Canada received the Mark degree in one of these Time Immemorial Lodges." This
will show the line of argument adopted by Grand Mark Lodge in support of its
position. But to this Quebec demurs, and points to the terms of mutual
recognition. Organized late in 1876, it opened correspondence with Grand Mark
Lodge, and in 18 said: ‑ " It recognized the Grand Mark Lodge as the rightful
and supreme authority over the Mark degree in England and Wales and the
Colonies and Dependencies of the British Crown, wherein no Grand body exists,
or of right may be formed, claiming jurisdiction over that degree. 'This
recognition was accepted by Grand Mark Lodge, which promptly and
unconditionally recognized the Grand Chapter of Quebec, and representatives
were exchanged." The warrants of confirmation were obnoxious to the Grand
Chapter of Quebec, but were defended by England. Extended and prolonged
correspondence spondence followed, without change of views by either, and we
have to continue in the hope that a settlement satisfactory to each will be
trade as the Grand Chapter of Quebec claims Past, Most Excellent, and Royal
Arch territorial 'limits, in full fellowship with soon as possible. In the
meantime, exclusive jurisdiction over the Mark, its degrees, and confers them
within the Grand Chapters of America. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of March 1,
1887, a circular notice was issued Province of New Brunswick, over the names
of five " First Principals of the same number of chapters in that Province,"
calling a Convention to be held in Masonic Temple in the city of St. John, on
March 22, 087. This was done, as stated in the notice : " In accordance with
Resolutions adopted by a majority of the regular Royal Arch chapters working
in this Province." The chapters taking part in the Convention were Carleton,
No. 47, represented by nine P. Z.'s and H.; Fredericton, No. 77, represented
by three P. Z.'s ; Union, No. 84, represented by five P. Z.'s and P. J. ; St.
Stephen, No. 125, represented by two P. Z.'s; and these four were of the
registry of Scotland; New Brunswick, No. io, represented by P. Z., Z., and H.;
Botsford, No. 39, represented by P. Z. and Z. ; Woodstock, No. 89, represented
by Z.
these three were of Registry
of Canada.
In due course of business
transacted, it was New Brunswick. ‑ Under date of to the several chapters in
the " Unanimously Resolved, That the Chapters of Royal Arch Masons now
represented in this Convention hereby declare themselves to be, and do hereby
erect and establish, the Supreme and Governing body for Royal Arch Masonry in
New Brunswick by the title of ' The Grand Royal Arch Chapter of New
Brunswick.'" The titles adopted for officers are substantially the same as
used in the Grand Chapter of Scotland. 11 H." and 11 J.," or 11 P. J.,"
those taking part in the
Convention, correspond to King and Scribe, used 111 the United States, and in
Nova Scotia.
It was " resolved," to procure
" The Working Ritual for conferring degrees as practised under the authority
of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts." In the
matter of degrees, it was declared by resolution : ‑ "That this Grand Chapter
has authority over the Masonic degrees of 'Mark Master,' ' Past Master,' '
Excellent Master,' ' The Royal Arch Degree, and the Chair Degrees of three
Principals, or Installation Degrees." The first chapter in the Province was
Carleton, No. 47, in St. John, holding under warrant from Scotland, dated
December 1q, 1821. The degrees worked by it were necessarily those authorized
by its Mother Grand Chapter. ' Section 24, of its "General Rules" [By‑Laws,
Ed. 1867], reads : "A Mark Master shall not be entitled to the R. A. Degree
until he shall have selected his Mark, and had the same recorded in the Book
of Marks of the Chapter." New Brunswick Chapter, No. 301, also in St. John,
was originally established under warrant from the Grand Chapter of Ireland,
dated February 24, 1858. It affiliated with the Grand Chapter of Canada, in
1868, and was borne upon the Canadian rolls as No. 1o. It now ranks No. z on
roll of the Grand Chapter it helped to establish. As a matter of fact, the
other five chapters were ranked after the two named, in the following order:
Fredericton, Union, St. Stephen, Botsford, Woodstock.
That this Grand Chapter was
happily established will be patent to all, when it is remembered that, that
eminently conservative and loyal Freemason, B. Lester Peters, Past Grand
Master, etc., etc., took part in the entire proceedings, and was elected Grand
Principal Z. It is also matter for congratulation that it was organized
according to the American system, and, like its sister Grand Chapter of Nova
Scotia, is in sole and undisputed possession of the territory of the Province
whose name it bears.
Organization of the General
Grand Royal Arch Chapter. ‑Before opening inquiry as to the introduction of
Royal Arch Masonry into the United States, attention will be given to the
General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the United States of America,
inasmuch as this is the largest organization of Royal Arch Masons in
existence, if not numerically the largest Masonic. body in the world.
It is the genius of
Freemasonry in the United States that every name borne upon the rolls
represents a member; and this sustains the statement that, at the present
writing, there are one hundred and fifty thousand individual Royal Arch
Masons, holding membership in the several chapters, Grand and subordinate,
owing allegiance to the General Grand Chapter, exclusive of the Grand Chapters
of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. No one of these persons can be
legally counted as a member of more than one chapter at the same time;
therefore it is, that the custom of being a '6 contributing member " of two or
more lodges during the same period, or of counting one a member on the rolls
of as many different lodges or chapters as he may be elected in and pay
quarterages to, is practically unknown in the United States.
Initial proceedings for
bringing this body into existence were taken by a Convention of Committees
from " Saint Andrew's " Chapter of Boston, Massachusetts; "Temple" Chapter, of
Albany, New York, and " Newburyport" Chapter, of Newburyport, Massachusetts.
This Convention assembled in Masons' Hall, Boston, October 24, 1797, and was
attended by Benjamin Hurd, Jr., H. P.; John Soley, Jr., K., and William Woart,
Secretary of St. Andrew's; Thomas Smith Webb, H. P., and John Hanmer, S. of
Temple; Jonathan Gage, P. K., and Joshua Greenleaf, Jr., K. of Newburyport
Chapter. These companions were already distinguished in their respective
localities, and all of them became conspicuous for Masonic zeal and fidelity.
The Convention's
Circular‑Letter. ‑Thomas Smith Webb was chosen Chairman, and William Woart,
Scribe of the " Convention." A method of procedure was agreed upon, and a
circular‑letter was issued. This letter is familiar to the Fraternity, but its
importance in Royal Arch history calls for its introduction here : ‑ "
COMPANIONS: From time immemorial, we find that Grand Lodges of Free and
Accepted Masons have been established wherever Masonry has flourished, for the
purpose of granting warrants for the erecting of private Lodges, as well as
for the establishment of certain general rules and regulations for the
government of the same.
"It is an opinion generally
received, and we think well authenticated, that no Grand Lodge of Master
Masons can claim or exercise authority over any, Convention or Chapter of
Royal Arch Masons, nor can any Chapter, although of standing immemorial,
exercise the authority of a Grand Chapter. We therefore think it highly
expedient for the regular government of all Chapters within the said States,
who exercise the rights and privileges of Royal Arch Masons, and to prevent
irregularities in the propagation and use of those rights and privileges, that
there should be a Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons established within those
States. And whereas this Convention has received official information from our
companions at Philadelphia, that the several Chapters within their vicinity
have recently assembled and established a Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons
for their government. In conformity to their example, we think it our duty to
recommend to the several Chapters within the said States of New Hampshire,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont and New York, to unite and
form a Grand Chapter for the said States.
"The local situation of the
States before mentioned, the easy and frequent intercourse between their
several principal towns and cities, as well as the similarity of habits,
manners and customs, as citizens and as Masons, which prevail throughout the
said States, induce us to believe that a THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
585 union of all the Chapters
therein in one Grand Chapter, will have the most useful, lasting and happy
effects in the uniform distribution, and propagation of the sublime degrees of
Masonry. They therefore take liberty of recommending to the consideration of
your Most Excellent Chapter, the propriety of appointing one or more delegate
or delegates to represent your Chapter at a meeting of the several Chapters
before mentioned, to be holden at the City of Hartford, in the State of
Connecticut, on the fourth Wednesday of January next ensuing, investing them
with full power and authority, in conjunction with the other Delegates, to
form and open a Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, and to establish a
Constitution for the government and regulation of all the Chapters that now
are or may be hereafter erected within the said States." This circular‑letter
was signed by the seven companions present, in the order named, and as a "
Committee " from each of the three chapters represented. It was duly attested,
also, by William Woart, Scribe, under date of October 24, 1797, as "A true
Record of the doings of this Convention of Committees." The First Convocation,
Constitution, and Rules. ‑ Following the plan proposed in the circular, the
Convention assembled in Hartford, on January 24, 1798, and nine chapters were
represented, to wit: St. Andrews, as before, except Henry Fowle, Scribe,
appeared, and John Soley, Jr., did not. This chapter held under the warrant of
St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 82, Registry of Scotland, and has its records from
August 12, 1769.
King Cyrus, instituted in
1790, same representatives. This chapter was called " N ewburyport " in the
first Convention records.
Providence Chapter, No. 2,
Providence, Rhode Island. Instituted, Septem ber 3, 1793. Represented by Rev.
Abraham L. Clarke, H. P., and William Wilkinson, Scribe.
Solomon Chapter, Derby,
Connecticut. The record of proceedings says this chapter was "Instituted,
1794." As a matter of fact, its first record bears date of December 29, 1795,
and its charter the date of March 15, 1796. Represented by Daniel Holbrook.
Franklin Chapter, No. 4,
Norwich, Connecticut. Chartered, March 15, 1796. Represented by Gurdon
Franklin Chapter, No. 6, New
Haven, Connecticut. Chartered, May 2o, 1795 Represented by Peter Johnson.
Hudson Chapter, Hudson, New
York. Instituted, 1796. Represented by Samuel Edmonds, Jr., H. P., and John C.
Temple Chapter, Albany.
Established, February 14, 1797. Represented by Thomas Smith Webb.
Horeb Chapter, Whitestown, New
York. Represented by Jedediah Sanger. Of these three chapters last named,
Temple is No. 5, Hudson is No. 6 on the roll of the Grand Chapter of New York,
and Horeb is extinct.
The Convention established a
Grand Chapter, to have jurisdiction over the States of New Hampshire,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, and New York, and
denominated it the "Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the Northern States of
A form of Constitution,
contained in a preamble, and nineteen sections, was adopted, and the business
was concluded on the third day of the session. This Constitution provided for
a Deputy Grand Chapter in each of the States: ‑ "To have the government and
superintendence of the several chapters, and of the lodges of Most Excellent
Masters, Past Masters, and Mark Master Masons, within their respective
jurisdictions; and shall have power, by patent, under their seal and the sign
manual of the Deputy Grand High Priest for the time being, attested by their
Secretary, to constitute new Royal Arch chapters and lodges of Most Excellent
:tilasters, Past Masters, and Mark Master Masons' degrees; to establish a
uniform mode of working, to assign the limits of the Royal Arch chapters
respectively, and to superintend and regulate the general police of Royal Arch
Masonry within their respective jurisdictions, according to the ancient usages
and customs of Royal Arch Masonry." The Grand Chapter reserved to itself "
Exclusive power of hearing and determining all controversies, between the
chapters within their jurisdiction, and of making such rules and regulations
as they shall deem necessary to carry the Constitution into effect." It also
reserved the general superintendence of the Deputy Grand Royal Arch Chapters
respectively, " with the right of appellate jurisdiction over all their
proceedings and determinations, with power to affirm or disannul them." It
further provided : for raising the requisite funds; for the admission of all
chapters within the States named; and, finally, for amending the Constitution
by concurrence of two‑thirds of the members.
An adjourned meeting was held
in Providence, Rhode Island, January 9, and lo, 1799, in accordance with a
resolution adopted in September, 1798, The Grand Chapters of Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, and New York were represented, the latter having at the head of
its delegation the Hon. DeWitt Clinton, then D. G. H. P. The subsequent
Masonic and civil places of importance filled by this historic character
invite this special reference to his high attainments and superior ability.
At this meeting, Thomas Smith
Webb, chairman of a committee, reported certain rules of order and a revised
Constitution. The latter was in four articles, the last being the form for
constituting new chapters, and installing the High Priest.
This changed the title to ||
General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the six Northern States of
America," and ordered that "The General Grand Officers shall be elected by
ballot on the second Thursday in January, A.D. 1799, and in every seventh year
thereafter, for which and other purposes " the meetings should be held "septennially,
in Middletown, Connecticut, on the second Thursday in January." All questions
in lodge or chapter, except the admission of candidates, were to be determined
by a majority vote ; but the Constitution could be amended only by a
two‑thirds vote. Section 6, of Article II., reads: ‑ "No warrant for holding a
new chapter of Royal Arch, Most Excellent, Past and Mark Master Masons, shall
be granted for a less sum than forty dollars; nor shall any warrant for
holding a Mark Master Masons' lodge separately be granted for a less sum than
ten dollars." THE C,4PITLLAr DECREES.
Section 7, showing the custom
obtaining even at that day, provides: ‑ " No warrant shall be granted for
instituting Lodges of Most Excellent, or Past Masters, independent of a
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons." It was required that nine Royal Arch Masons
might petition for a new chapter, and not less than five Mark Master Masons
for a lodge of that degree, the petition, in either case, to be "Accompanied
by a certificate from the Chapter or Lodge [as the case might be], nearest to
the place where the new Chapter or Lodge is intended to be opened, vouching
for the moral characters and Masonic abilities of the petitioners, and
recommending, to the Grand Chapters under whose authority they act, to grant
their prayer." Article III. ordained that assemblies of Royal Arch Masons
should be called Chapters ; and those of Mark, Past, and Most Excellent
Masters, Lodges. The titles of officers were established, substantially, as
now used, the High Priest, King, and Scribe in each chapter to be the Master
and Wardens in the lodges; and "No Mason shall be a member of two separate and
distinct bodies, of the same denomination, at one and the same time." Other
matters of internal economy were provided for in greater detail than in the
first Constitution, in better form, and for the advantage of the growing Rite;
among them this: ‑ " The several Deputy Grand Chapters of the States before
mentioned shall in future be styled, State Grand Chapters; they shall
severally consist of a Grand High Priest, Deputy Grand High Priest, Grand
King, Grand Scribe, Grand Secretary, Grand Treasurer, Grand Chaplain, and
Grand Marshal." The High Priests, Kings, and Scribes of the several chapters
for the time being, the Past Grand, and Deputy High Priests, Kings, and
Scribes of said Grand Chapters were to be members also.
Various Changes adopted.‑At
the meeting of January q, r8o6, the General Grand Chapter resolved itself into
committee of the whole to amend the Constitution.
The title was changed to the "
General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the United States of America."
Sections 8 and q were added to Article I.
The former provided, that the
several Grand Officers should hold their respective offices until their
successors were duly qualified, in case anything should prevent septennial
elections ; the latter, that each of the first four officers should have power
to institute new Royal Arch chapters, in any State where no Grand Chapter
existed, subject to the required recommendation.
The fee for a new chapter,
with the subordinate degrees, to be ninety dollars, and for a Mark Masters'
lodge, twenty dollars, exclusive of such compensation to the Grand Secretary
as the Grand Officers might deem reasonable.
Article II. was amended, and
somewhat enlarged: State Grand Chapters were authorized to establish and
collect fees for new chapters; Grand Secre‑ 587 588 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
taries were required to send a
list of Grand Officers to one another annually, and to the General Grand
Secretary, and to the latter a copy of their by‑laws and regulations. It was
ordained that "Three or more Royal Arch chapters, instituted in any State, by
virtue of authority derived from this Constitution, a Grand Chapter may be
formed for such State, with the approbation of one or more of the General
Grand Officers"; but this could not be done until "one year from the
establishment of the junior chapter in the said State." Article IV. was
enlarged to require that, before officers could enter upon their duties, they
should take the following obligation: ‑ " I, A‑ B‑, do promise and swear that
I will support and maintain the General Grand Royal Arch Constitution." The
next septennial meeting was to be held in New York in September, 1812 ; but
this was not done for reasons shown in a report, adopted at the meeting held
in New York, June 6, 1816. This report says: " The situation of the country
was such at that time as to render it highly inconvenient for the General
Grand Chapter to convene, and the meeting having been prevented by a casualty
such as is contemplated by the 8th section of the first article of the General
Grand Royal Arch Constitution, your committee are unanimously of opinion that
the present meeting is holden in pursuance of the said Constitution, and is
legally competent to do and transact any business which may come before it" At
this meeting the Grand Chapters of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York,
Connecticut, Vermont, South Carolina, and Maryland were represented. The Grand
Chapter of Maryland was admitted under the following terms: ‑ "The Grand
Chapter of Maryland and District of Columbia is willing to support the
Constitution of this General Grand Chapter. It will not grant any warrants out
of its district, and will discountenance all chapters formed contrary to the
General Grand Constitution, but requests that it shall not be forced to alter
its mode of working, if any difference should exist, at present, and to be
received on an equality with the other Grand Chapters." In pursuance of
business, it was shown that the General Grand King had granted warrants or
charters for new chapters, as follows : ‑ St. Andrew's .......... Hanover, New
Hampshire .............. January 27, 1807. Trinity ............... Hopkinton,
New Hampshire............ February io, 1807. Phoenix...............
Fayetteville, North Carolina ............. September 1, 1815. Washington
........... Portsmouth, New Hampshire............ November, 1815. Union
................ Louisville, Georgia ..................... December 16,
1815Cheshire ..............Keene, New Hampshire ................ May4, 1816.
Concord.............. Wilmington, North Carolina............ 18x5.
The General Grand Scribe had
granted warrants or charters, as follows: ‑ Washington Chapter ..............
Newark, New Jersey .......May 26, 1813. Washington ..............Chillicothe,
Ohio ........... September 20, 1815. Cincinnati Mark Lodge, No. i.....
Hanover, New Jersey ...... April, 1811.
Union No. 2..... Orange, New
Jersey ........ July, 1812.
These several charters were
confirmed accordingly.
Mark Lodges of the Rite. ‑ As
a matter of record, the charters to the two Mark Lodges in New Jersey were the
first granted by General Grand Chapter: THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
589 The last organization of a
Mark Lodge, as such, was reported in the convocation of September, 1826,
dispensations having been granted to open one in St. Augustine, Florida, and
one in St. Francisville, Alabama. The right to organize a Mark Lodge, however,
though not exercised, appears to have been retained in the Constitution until
the convocation held in Lexington, Ken tucky, in September, 1853. At this
session a series of amendments to the Constitution was adopted, several of
which were to strike out the word or words, 1| Lodge or Lodges," wherever they
appeared in connection with a lodge, as separate from a chapter, and since
that date no reference is made in the Constitution to a Mark Lodge, as such.
Article III., Section 2, of
the Constitution then revised, gave a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons power by
its charter to hold '| Lodges of Most Excellent, Past, and Mark Master
Masons." The Constitution, revised and adopted in 188o, in Article III., is
more explicit, and says : ‑ " No dispensation or charter shall be granted for
instituting Lodges of Most Excellent Masters, Past or Mark Masters independent
of a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons.
"Charters for instituting
Chapters of Royal Arch Masons shall contain also the power to open and hold
Lodges of Most Excellent, Past, and Mark Master Masons‑the High Priest, King,
and Scribe, for the time being, to be the Master and Wardens in said Lodges."
Titles of Officers, etc.‑Beginning with the Constitution of 1798, the members
of the Grand Chapter were described to "Consist of a Grand High Priest, a
Grand King, a Grand Scribe, a Grand Secretary, a Grand Chaplain, a Grand
Treasurer, a Grand Marshal, and likewise of the Deputy Grand High Priests,
Kings and Scribes of the several Deputy Grand Chapters, for the time being,
and of the Past Grand High Priests, Kings and Scribes of the said Grand Royal
Arch Chapter, and the said enumerated officers shall be the only members and
voters of the said Grand Royal Arch Chapter." The Constitution of 1799
permitted each of these to appoint a proxy, and gave State Grand Chapters
similar authority. In 1816 the office of Deputy General Grand High Priest was
established, and this officer was given equal and similar powers to those of
the Grand King, and Scribe. Subsequent changes were made at later sessions,
until, in 188o, the present Constitution was adopted, and‑the title,
established in 18o6, by substituting "of" after "Masons," was made: "General
Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the United States of America." The body
is now composed of i. "General Grand High Priest, Deputy General Grand High
Priest, General Grand King, General Grand Scribe, General Grand Treasurer,
General Grand Secretary. General Grand Chaplain, General Grand Captain of the
Host, General Grand Principal Sojourner, General Grand, Royal Arch Captain,
Three General Grand Masters of the Vails, and General Grand Sentinel." 2. " Of
the Past General Grand High Priests, Past Deputy General Grand High Priests,
Past General Grand Kings, and Past General Grand Scribes." 3. "Of the Past
Grand High Priests of Grand Chapters in this jurisdiction." 4. "Of the Grand
High Priests, Deputy Grand High Priests, Grand Kings, and Grand Scribes, or
their proxies duly appointed, of the Grand Chapters in this jurisdiction." 5,
" Of the High Priests, Kings and Scribes, or their proxies duly appointed, of
the constituted Chapters chartered by the General Grand Chapter." 590
Rights and Prerogatives. ‑The
rights and prerogatives of the General Grand Chapter, as expressed in the
Constitution up to 1829, were in part inferential; but this does not imply
that the body failed 'to regard itself as being clothed with supreme power. A
committee was appointed, in 1826, to revise the Constitution, and this was
done, on report, in 1829.
The Constitution then adopted
determined that: ‑ " The General Grand Chapter shall have and maintain
jurisdiction over all State Grand Chapters, and over chapters in those States,
Districts, Republics, or Territories, which recognize this jurisdiction, and
where there is no Grand Chapter regularly established, agreeably to the
provisions of this Constitution; and shall have the authority to suspend the
proceedings of such State Grand Chapters, and such chapters in States where
there is no Grand Chapter, as may knowingly violate any of the provisions of
this Constitution; to settle all difficulties which may arise, and to give
such advice and instruction as may seem most conducive to their peace, and to
the advancement of the great cause of benevolence and virtue." This remained
unquestioned until 1856, when a radical change was proposed,‑and, in 1859,
The first clause of this
revised section assumed that all powers of the General Grand Chapter were
derived from the State Grand Chapters, and that it could have no others except
such as might be granted by them.
In 1865 this was revised so as
to read: ‑ " The General Grand Chapter has and possesses no other powers than
such as are indispensably necessary to the exercise of its general powers, and
consistent with the nature of the confederation between the State Grand
Chapters. It can exercise, no doubtful powers, nor any powers by implication
merely; and all Masonic powers not hereby granted to it are reserved to the
Grand and Subordinate Chapters of the several States, or to the Royal Arch
Masons individually." This clause was reenacted in 188o ; the jurisdiction
over States, Districts, Republics, and Territories is practically the same as
in 1829 ; the power to discipline State Grand Chapters is annulled; it may
decide questions of Masonic law, usage, and custom which may arise between
Grand Chapters; it may decide any question referred to it by a Grand Chapter,
such decision to be' final, as of the " Supreme judicial tribunal of Royal
Arch Masonry in the last resort." Triennial Convocations.‑At the convocation
of 1826, it was voted to strike out the word " septennial," and to insert the
word " triennial." Since which time the sessions have been triennial.
The time and place for these
meetings have been fixed, as a rule, at each preceding convocation, except
that, at the session of January, 1799, provision was made whereby special
convocations could be called, and this is still retained in the Constitution.
The meetings of the
Convention, and the first two of the General Grand Chapter, have been
sufficiently noticed. The third convocation was held in Middletown,
Connecticut, January 9, 18o6. It was there decided that the THE CAPITULAR
591 fourth should be held in
the city of New York, in September, x812. This was interrupted, by
circumstances already noticed, incidental to the war usually spoken of as the
War of 1812.
In 1816 a special notice was
issued, in consequence of which the General Grand Chapter met in New York, New
York, on June 6, 1816. Thomas Smith Webb, General Grand King, presided, and it
was found that the Grand Chapters of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York,
Connecticut, Vermont, and South Carolina were represented, and delegates from
the Grand Chapter of Maryland were in attendance. At this meeting Webb was
elected General Grand High Priest, but preferred to decline; whereupon the
Hon. DeWitt Clinton, of New York City, was unanimously elected. He was
reelected in 1819 for seven years, and again in 1826 for three years, but died
before the term expired. Webb was elected Deputy General Grand High Priest in
1816, and died while holding that office.
The fifth, sixth, and seventh
sessions were held in the city of New York, the latter on September io, 1829,
when Edward Livingston was elected to succeed Clinton.
It was ordered that the eighth
meeting should be held in Baltimore, Maryland, in September, 1832, but that
city, with others in the United States, "being afflicted with cholera," the
meeting was not called at that time, but was held by order of the General
Grand Officers, on November 28, 1832.
Since that time the meetings
have been held as follows: ‑ Ninth Convocation in Washington, Dist. Columbia,
December 7,1835.
Tenth " Boston, Massachusetts,
September 11, 1838.
Eleventh " New York, New York,
September 14,1841 Twelfth " New Haven, Connecticut, September 1o, 1844.
Thirteenth " Columbus, Ohio,
September 14, 1847.
Fourteenth " Boston,
Massachusetts, September io, 1850.
Fifteenth " Lexington,
Kentucky, September 13, 1853ò Sixteenth " Hartford, Connecticut, September 9,
1856. Seventeenth " Chicago, Illinois, September 13, 1859ò Eighteenth
Convocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
It had been fixed by vote that
this should be held in Memphis, Tennessee, on September xo, 1862 ; but, in
consequence of the war then prevailing, the convocation could not be held at
the time and place selected.
Under date of June 8, 1865,
Albert G. Mackey, General Grand High Priest, issued a summons, duly attested
by the General Grand Secretary, for a meeting to be held in Columbus, Ohio,
September 7, 1865. In this document it was stated that "The representatives of
the General Grand Chapter, in consequence of the unhappy and discordant
condition of the country, could not be convened," in Memphis, in 1862 ; they
were accordingly summoned to meet in Columbus, as above stated.
At this convocation, the Grand
Chapters of Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Missouri, Tennessee, Louisiana, 592 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
California, New Jersey,
Maryland and the District of Columbia, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois,
Arkansas, and Washington Chapter, No. i, of Kansas were represented.
Some of the Grand Chapters,
not represented, had followed the action of their respective States, and
claimed to have seceded; but this will be noticed more particularly in
speaking of Grand Chapters.
On motion of Companion J. Q.
A. Fellows, of Louisiana, unfinished business of 1859 was called up, and the
Constitution was amended by striking out the words " Second Tuesday in
September," and inserting the words " at such time and place," so as to read :
"Triennially at such time and place as shall from time to time be designated
for that purpose." This continues to govern, and the convocations are held
On motion of Companion
Fellows, it was voted, that the time and place of the next triennial meeting
should be at "Nine o'clock A.M., September 8, 1865, City of Columbus, Ohio."
It was also on motion of this Companion that the amendment to the
Constitution, defining the powers of the General Grand Chapter, Section 7,
Article I., of the present Constitution, was adopted.
Treating the convocation of
September 7, 1865, as the eighteenth, subsequent convocations have been held
as follows: ‑ Nineteenth Convocation, in Columbus, Ohio, September 8, 1865.
Twentieth 11 " St. Louis,
Missouri, September 15, 1868.
Twenty‑first " September i9,
Baltimore, Maryland,
Twenty‑second, " " November 2ó, 1874.
Nashville, Tennessee,
Twenty‑third " August 21, 1877 Buffalo, New York, Twenty‑fourth " August
24, 188o.
Detroit, Michigan,
Twenty‑fifth " August 13, 1883 Denver, Colorado, Twenty‑sixth " September
28, 1886.
Washington, Dist. Columbia,
Twenty‑seventh " " November 19, 1889.
Atlanta, Georgia, The
convocation held in Columbus, Ohio, September 7, 1865, was called there
because the Grand Encampment, Knights Templar, of the United States had fixed
to hold its triennial conclave in that city, and the General Grand High Priest
thought it would be for the greater interest and convenience of all concerned.
The convocations for 1868 and 18 7 1 were held concurrently with the conclaves
of that body. At the latter, it was decided by General Grand Chapter that its
interests would be better served by holding its convocations at a convenient
distance from the place chosen by Grand Encampment, and during another week of
the month. This was further emphasized by vote at Atlanta, whereby it was
determined to meet in a different year, in consequence of which the
twenty‑eighth triennial convocation will be held in Minneapolis, July 22,
1891, and the succeeding ones every three years thereafter. The triennial
conclave will follow, in 1892.
Reminiscences.‑The forms of
conducting business at the earlier convocations were strictly in accord with
the generally dignified Masonic customs of THE C.4PITULfIR DEGREES.
593 the period. In January,
1799, Thomas Smith Webb was chairman of a committee that reported certain
rules of order, unanimously adopted. The second of these was: " No member
shall be permitted to depart the Grand Chapter without leave, nor without
giving the customary salutes "; the third : "Every member who speaks on any
subject shall rise and respectfully salute the chair in Masonic form." The
word " salutes," in the second rule, indicates that each of the three
principal officers was to be saluted, a custom not unfamiliar to many of the
present generation of Masons.
It does not appear that a seal
was procured until 1806. At the session held that year, it will be recalled,
the title was changed to, "The General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for
the United States of America." Thomas Smith Webb was elected General Grand
King, and was "appointed to devise and procure a suitable seal for the use of
the General Grand Chapter," not to cost more than fourteen dollars. This seal
was circular in form, one inch and five‑eighths in diameter, was bordered by a
line, within which were the words, " General Grand R. A. Chapter, United
States." Within this circle of words was an open book, having on the left‑hand
page the words, "Book of the Law." To prevent printing and circulating
incorrect copies of the Constitution, the copyright was vested in Companion
Webb. This goes in evidence as to the care manifested, by the comparatively
young body, in conducting the business of Royal Arch Masons.
Ritual. ‑The first direct
reference to the work or ritual was in 1819, when a committee was appointed,
to consider measures ‑ "For the more extensive diffusion of Masonic light, a
more thorough and extensive organization of Grand and Subordinate Chapters,
and a more regular system of labor and thorough discipline throughout the
jurisdiction." If any report was made, there is no record of it.
In 1826 a similar effort was
made, when it was reported that, as the first Article of the Constitution
required the first four officers of the General Grand Chapter to perfect
themselves in the work, it would be sufficient if one of them should "
prescribe the mode of work before closing." In 1847 it was resolved: ‑ "That
you will never suffer either more or less than three brethren to be exalted in
your Chapter at one and the same time, shall be construed literally." In 1850
the matter of work and lectures was considered and exemplified. This latter
was by St. Paul's Chapter of Boston, Stephen Lovell, H. P. The result was
agreed to, but a committee of ten distinguished companions recommended, ‑
"That in all things not decided upon at this meeting, as a system of work,‑the
work and lectures remain as they were or may be modified under the several
Chapters and Grand Chapters under this jurisdiction, until otherwise further
directed by the General Grand Chapter." 594 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
In 1853 Stephen Lovell
directed the exhibition of the work, which was severely criticised in a
minority report; but the motion to strike out the majority report was lost,‑4o
noes, 38 ayes. The whole subject was then laid on the table.
An attempt to have a
convention raised to meet in Baltimore, in 1855, to "obtain a uniform mode of
work" did not succeed.
In 186o effort was made by the
General Grand High Priest, Grand King, and Grand Scribe, in session in
Washington, District of Columbia, to establish " the true and ancient work " ;
but this was only partially successful.
Other and later efforts have
been made. A change in a " word," made in Baltimore in 1871, was reversed at
Nashville in 1874, since which time little or no friction because of
ritualistic matters has prevailed.
In 188o the Rituals of the
Mark, Past, Most Excellent, and Royal Arch degrees were rehearsed by committee
of " Esoteric Work " ; and the " Grand Council " was authorized by vote " to
promulgate it to the several Grand Chapters, in this jurisdiction, in such
manner as to them may seem proper." A note, correctly introduced by the
General Grand Secretary, says: ‑ " It is proper to state that only the
essential instruction pertaining to each degree, with the technical forms of
communicating the same, were adopted." These essentials have been widely
promulgated since that year in Grand Chapters, and in chapters holding
immediately under the General Grand Chapter.
The Constitution of the
General Grand Chapter calls for a "Committee on Ritual," as one of the "
Standing Committees." These committees have generally been conservative in
their reports, and cautious not to offend what may be called localisms. In
this respect we can but approve their conservatism, and applaud the wisdom of
the General Grand Chapter in not attempting to formulate a ritual in extenso.
Statistics. ‑ It would be
interesting to trace the growth and support of the General Grand Chapter
throughout its entire history; but this might be of more interest to the few
than to the many, and we forbear. A brief consideration of this shows that no
statistical records were carried into the printed proceedings, if such were
made, prior to 1859. Ending with August of that year, there were 25 Grand
Chapters within the jurisdiction. These represented 777 chapters, with a total
membership of 28,982. To these add 9 chapters, holding charters from the
General Grand Chapter, with a membership of 226.
No statistics were given in
the printed proceedings of 1865 ; but in 1868 there were 34 Grand Chapters,
with 1632 chapters, and 73,942 members; and 6 chapters, holding from the
General Grand Chapter, with 1io members.
The statistics of 1889 show
that there are 38 ('sand Chapters on the roll, which, with 33 chapters holding
from the General Grand Chapter, with 1482.
of 1829. It was found that
some discrepancy in the order of conferring the degrees of Royal and Select
Masters existed, and it was "Resolved, That it is the sense of this Generzl
Grand Chapter that the conferring the degrees of Royal Arch and Select
Masters, should be subsequent to that of the Royal Arch." The case of a Royal
Arch Mason from Europe was considered in this report. He had taken the degrees
of '1 Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason, and Royal Arch Degree."
Recommei:dation was made that every cnapter, within the jurisdiction, have
authority to confer the " Degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, and Most
Excellent Master, on such companions to the end that they may be healed, and
thereby made regular Royal Arch Masons, free of charge." This authority has
been continued, and is embodied in the present Constitution. In 185o inquiry
into the expediency of forming a General Grand Council was declined. A
resolution: "That, in the opinion of this General Grand Chapter, those are
constitutional Masonic degrees only which are conferred in regular I Blue '
Lodges, Royal Arch Chapters, Encampments of Knights Templars and the appendant
Orders, Councils of Royal and Select Masters, and Supreme ‑Councils of the
`Ancient and Accepted Rite,' and their inferior jurisdictions," was
indefinitely postponed. In 1853 the subject of Council Degrees was again
reported on. The committee regretted that past action, by General Grand
Chapter, had given rise to " Misapprehensions, and induced the belief that
the. Royal and Select deg‑ees were within the pale of the Royal Arch Masonry."
. . . " But when we come to trace the common source of title, we are unable to
discover how this body has ever had any rightful jurisdiction over them; and
it must be borne in mind, that it is incumbent on this body to prove title
affirmatively and conclusively, and not to rely upon the weakness of the title
of any other claimant." An examination of the Constitution led to the
conclusion embodied in two resolutions: ‑ " That G. G. Chapter, and the
governing bodies of Royal Arch Masonry, affiliated with, and holding
jurisdiction under it, have no rightful jurisdiction or control over the
degrees of Royal and Select Masters.
"That this G. G. Chapter will
hereafter entertain no question or matter growing out of the government or
working of those degrees while in their present position." These resolutions
were adopted, and the practice of the General Grand Chapter conforms with
them. The later action of some Grand Councils and Grand Chapters, whereby the
former surrendered, and the latter permitted them to be conferred in chapters
of Royal Arch Masons, worked no good to either. Most if not all of such Grand
Councils have revived and retaken possession of the Council Degrees by mutual
agreement, and Royal Arch Masonry is the more healthy because of less friction
consequent on closing an agency contributing thereto.
Mark Degree. ‑This is the
first in the series of degrees in Capitular Masonry, as established under the
American system. Referring to what is said concerning this degree, under the
sub‑titles of "The Mark Degree in THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
597 England," and " Grand
Royal Arch Chapter of Nova Scotia," we know that the Mark degree was conferred
in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on November 18, 1784, and frequently thereafter,
prior to 179o. The Grand Chapter of Connecticut shows that it was conferred on
May 18, 1791, in Hiram Chapter, No. 1, in Newtown. This Chapter, the first in
the State, was chartered by Washington Chapter, of New York City, and dated
April 29, 1791. Washington Chapter came to be known as the " Mother Chapter,"
as a number of chapters derived parentage from it. Its history is obscured, in
consequence of the destruction of its early records and papers by fire. We
made it a personal matter, in 1872, to visit New York in search of information
concerning it; but were soon met with the statement that the records and
papers we aimed to examine had been in the safe of the then High Priest of a
chapter, "Ancient No. i," as remembered, but all were consumed by a disastrous
fire in 1856, whereby his and other business houses, down town, had been
The Mark was familiar in St.
Andrew's Chapter, in Boston, in March, 1793, and the degree was conferred,
July 25, 1793.
The charter of Providence
Royal Arch Chapter, in Providence, Rhode Island, dated September 3, 1793, and
granted by Washington Chapter, authorizes it to confer the degrees of Mark
Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason, and all
these were conferred in the Chapter, October 5, 1793 On May 18, 1795, the Mark
degree was conferred in Jerusalem Chapter, in Philadelphia; and on November 5,
1796, the Mark, and Most Excellent Masters' degrees were conferred.
These instances are ample to
show an early familiarity with the degree, but not to sanction surprise that
it has become the first in the series of the Capitular Rite.
Past Degree. ‑ Under the
sub‑title of `| The Royal Arch System in Scotland," '1 Past Degree," will be
found a consideration of it. It is the second in the series authorized by the
General Grand Chapter. Further reference to it is made in noticing || The
Royal Arch System of Ireland." In England " Past Master " is understood to
mean one who has actually served twelve months as Master of a lodge. It is
under Grand Lodge, but is not termed a separate degree. In 1744, the words "
having passed the Chair " were used to describe a ceremony. It has been said
also, that the " Installed Master," was originated at about this period. The
Constitution, 1723, concerning the installation of the Master, speaks of
"certain significant ceremonies and ancient usages." Dr. John Dove, of whom
mention is made under " Virginia," said to Grand Lodge, in 1872: ‑ " I had
intended to have said something in condemnation of the action of the M. E.
Grand Chapter of England, in abolishing the degree of Past Master and
substituting a so, alled Chair 598 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
Degree. A degree which had
thus been practised for roo years, and by us in Virginia since 1790, ought not
thus summarily, at the dictum of any one Grand body, to be abolished." In a
code of by‑laws, adopted by Jerusalem Chapter, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
September 5, 1789, it is said: ‑ " No brother can be exalted until he has been
at least three years a Master Mason, and has presided six months as Master of
some regularly warranted Lodge, or has passed the Chair by Dispensation." The
charter of Providence Chapter, already referred to, shows that the position
now occupied by the degree was already well defined prior to September, 1793.
The companions in Boston moved more slowly, as the degree has no Chapter
record there prior to March 16, 1796, when three brethren were " Past," and
thirteen others were " Past " during that year.
At about this time the chapter
working under the charter of Harmony Lodge, No. 52, in Philadelphia, conferred
the degree. The by‑laws required, " That every brother who has not passed the
Chair shall pay fourteen dollars, out of which the dispensation shall be paid
for; if past the Chair, for being exalted, eight dollars." This by‑law was
adopted June 19, 1799. In January, i8o1, a committee of Grand Chapter found
that two brothers had been " Passed the Chair without having been duly elected
Worshipful Masters of said Lodge, and without having previously obtained
dispensations from the R. W. Grand Master." The degree was held as
prerequisite to receiving the Royal Arch degree; therefore the necessity of a
dispensation. This rule is still observed in Pennsylvania, where a candidate
for the Mark, Most Excellent, or Royal Arch degree must be " a Past Master,
either by election or dispensation." It appears that Washington Chapter, of
New York City, chartered five chapters in Connecticut. In giving the date of
the charter of Hiram Chapter, No. 1, as May 18, 1791, Grand Secretary Joseph
K. Wheeler says : "At the meetings of Hiram Mark Lodge, so called, the several
degrees of Mark Master, Master in the Chair, and Most Excellent Master were
conferred, and the records were kept separate from the Chapter records for
several years." Then follows the statement that the by‑laws,‑and these are
quoted,were adopted March 3, 1792.
On January 15, 1796, "the
first notice of the degree of Past Master, or Master in the Chair," appears in
Solomon Chapter,‑NO. 5.
It does not require any
argument to show that a more complete system of Masonic government was being
developed, and this finally and completely embraced the degree of Past Master.
Most Excellent Master.
‑Necessarily, something more than an outline sketch of this degree must be
given, and largely from the fact that so much has been said, in allusion to
it, that is incorrect and misleading. In his oration at the centennial
celebration of St. Andrew's Chapter, in Boston, in THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
599 1869, the late Hon.
William S. Gardner treated it, as indeed he did the system, lightly, and
evidently without such prior investigation as the occasion was entitled to. In
his history of "Royal Arch Masonry in the United States," appended to Gould's
American edition, M. E. Josiah H. Drummond quotes Companion Gardner in such a
way as to leave the impression that his treatment of the subject is to be
relied upon. M. E. Theodore S. Parvin, in his addition on "Templar Masonry in
the United States," does worse, and repeats the glaring error, saying : ‑ "
The first mention of the Most Excellent Master's degree, and without doubt the
first time it was ever conferred in any chapter outside of Temple Chapter,
Albany, where it originated, was in the old St. Andrew's Chapter, Boston,
during the visit made to it by Thomas Smith Webb, in February, 1795." In his
address to the General Grand Chapter in 1883, the acting General Grand High
Priest said enough about Webb to have prevented the repetition of errors
concerning him; but error reasserts itself, and necessitates the reiteration
of facts here.
Thomas Smith Webb.‑The Grand
Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island shows that Thomas Smith Webb was
born in Boston, October 30, 1771. The records.of Rising Sun Lodge, formerly in
Keene, New Hampshire, show that he was initiated December 24, 1790, passed and
raised, December 27, 1790. He withdrew from membership, was again admitted,
December 27, 1791, and finally withdrew, March 7, 1792. The evidence in Keene
is that he was a bookbinder.
Rising Sun Lodge came into
disrepute in 1805, on the finding of a " special deputation." The charter was
arrested, and the Grand Lodge ordered its seal to be broken. The offences of
the Lodge were "Glaring, flagrant, and insufferable, against their own
by‑laws, in direct violation of the laws of Grand Lodge and the Constitutions
of Masonry." It may be presumed that making Masons of |1 young men under age "
was among its offences; for Webb, it appears, was but little over nineteen
years old when initiated. On May 18, 1796, he received the Royal Arch degree
in Harmony Chapter, No. 52, in Philadelphia, and was classed, in the records,
as a sojourner. We have never seen authority for saying when or where he
received the other Chapter Degrees. He came into notice at the organization of
Temple Lodge, in Albany, New York, by authority of Grand Lodge, November 11,
1796. Of this Lodge John Hanmer was Master, and Webb was Senior Warden. A
special convention of Royal Arch Masons in Albany, including Hanmer and Webb,
was held. The former " Proposed that the subject of opening a Royal Arch
chapter should be taken into considera tion by all the companions present, . .
, as there is no chapter in this part of the country." Webb was elected High
Priest on February 14, 1797, when, with 11 Benjamin Beecher and James Pamelly,"
the 11 Lodge was opened in the degree of 6oo COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONR Y.
Most Excellent Master." This
was the first time his name appeared in connection with that degree; nor does
it appear in the records of Temple Chapter later than June, 1799.
This of itself is sufficient
to show that Webb could not have worked the Most Excellent degree in Temple
Chapter two years before the body existed, and fifteen months before he was
made a Royal Arch Mason. Neither could he have worked it in St. Andrew's
Chapter at the time specified; and, when he and Hanmer did work the Most
Excellent degree, '| after their manner," in this Chapter, on October 24,
1797, the degree had been known for years, outside of Temple Chapter, and
familiarly so in Connecticut and Rhode Island. In the latter case, witness the
charter of Providence Chapter.
John Hanmer. ‑John Hanmer was
an English Mason, and, as deduced from his own writing, came to the United
States in 1793 or 1794. He exhibited a document from the Grand Master of
Masons in England, to the effect that he was || skilled in the Ancient
Lectures and mode of Work, as approved and practised in England." Writing from
Charleston, South Carolina, under date August 23, i8o9, Hammer said that he
had been engaged in " Masonic proceedings in America for more than fifteen
years." This shows that he did not originate the degree, although it is
probable that Webb and he added a large portion of Scripture to the Ritual.
Clearly, Hammer was the ritualist at the outset, as see proceedings of the
Grand Chapter of New York. At the convention of March 14, 1798, to organize a
Grand Chapter, Hammer was High Priest of Temple Chapter, and was chosen Deputy
Grand Secretary; he was chairman of a committee of five "to draft a Code of
By‑Laws "; chairman of a committee to draw up a " | Form of Warrant," to print
the same, and procure a seal ; also of a committee to receive applications of
Chapters and Mark Lodges for warrants and to grant them; and, on January 30,
1799, he was "Appointed to superintend the different Chapters and Mark Lodges
in this State, to establish a uniform mode of working and lecturing, according
to the directions of the Grand Officers." At the Convention Webb represented
Hibernian Chapter, New York, and on January 29, 1799, was elected Deputy Grand
High Priest. Whatever else this may indicate, it strongly suggests that Webb
was then better known for executive than ritualistic ability. The publication
of the " Freemason's Monitor," in 1797, in Albany, in view of all the facts,
in no way weakens this suggestion.
Origin, etc. ‑As to the origin
of the Most Excellent degree, that is obscure. The Irish system embraces: The
Chair, The Excellent, The SuperExcellent, The Royal Arch, The Knight Templar,
and The Prince Rose Croix ; and the Scotch system, The Mark Master, Past
Master, Excellent, and Royal Arch. Excepting The Chair, St. Andrew's Chapter,
in Boston, worked the degrees named in the Irish system, in 1769, and as late
as 1797. The first to give way to a change of name was the Super‑Excellent. On
6oi 1797, Oliver Prescott
received the Excellent, and Most Excellent degrees, and the Royal Arch in
August, 1799. The Mark, and Past degrees had been received by him November 13,
This indicates transition, and
suggests that the Super‑Excellent degree of one hundred and twenty years ago
contained the marrow, and something of the bone, of the Most Excellent degree.
Be this as it may, we do not
have space to discuss probabilities, and so return to dates.
The charters granted in
Connecticut by Washington Chapter, of New York, heretofore spoken of, show
that Hiram Chapter, chartered April 29, 1791, had the degree, as noticed in
speaking of the Past degree.
The charter of Providence
Chapter, date of September 3, 1793, gives the names of the degrees as Mark,
Past, Most Excellent, and Royal Arch, and its records show that all of them
were conferred October 5, 1793. Four other chapters, chartered in Connecticut
by Washington Chapter, subsequent to 1791, and the charter of Providence
Chapter, bear unimpeachable testimony to the fact that the degree of Most
Excellent Master was familiar to Washing ton Chapter in the earliest months of
1791. Where this chapter found it is not known; the accident by fire
obliterated a history that otherwise would have been instructive. In
Pennsylvania, where the supremacy of the General Grand Chapter was never
acknowledged, and where the work of Webb never was encouraged, the Most
Excellent degree was conferred in Jerusalem Chapter, No. 3, on November 5,
1796, more than three months before Temple Chapter existed.
The Royal Arch Degree. ‑The
fourth and crowning degree of the American Capitular Rite has been so fully
discussed in Chapter I., in connection with the English, Irish, and Scotch
systems, that more need not be said concerning it.
The records show that Royal
Arch Lodge, No. 3, in Philadelphia, had the degree in 1767 ; and those of St.
Andrew's Chapter, in Boston, first called Royal Arch Lodge, that the degree
was conferred by it, first, on August 28, 1769. Since that time it has
remained secure in its superior place in Royal Arch Masonry. The term Royal
Arch Lodge was succeeded by Chapter and Royal Arch Chapter. Chapter was used
in Connecticut as early as September 5, 1783 ; in Pennsylvania, September 5,'
1789 ; in New York, April 29, 1791 ; in Massachusetts, December 19, 1794, and,
it is not without reason to say, at considerably earlier periods.
The word Chapter took the
place of Lodge in England, for the first time, April 29, 1768. The word
Companion, used in the chapter in place of Brother, was first used in England
February 8, 1778. Each of these state ments is drawn from the 176 a "
Lodge‑Chapter " records at York. These terms, Chapter and Companion, were soon
carried to America; where they have since flourished as elements in the
Capitular system in America and in the American Masonic Rite.
Grand Chapters of the United
States. ‑ In our treatment of the General Grand Chapter it has been indicated
that all the State Grand Chapters owe obedience to it, those that took part in
its organization no less than the Grand Chapters that have been organized
since 1798, and, under the provisions ol the Constitution of the General Grand
Chapter, have become constituent mem, bers of it.
To the exceptions already
noticed, to wit: the Grand Chapters of Pennsyl. vania, Virginia, and West
Virginia, may be added Florida, during its earlier history. These, however,
will be named in alphabetical order in the roll of Grand Chapters now to be
Before entering upon this, it
is proper to notice the fact that eight Chapters assumed to withdraw from the
jurisdiction of the General Chapter, because the convocation to be held in
Memphis in 1862 was held [see ante]. In 1871 the General Grand High Priest
reported his reply, and reasons for it [see Printed Proceedings, 1871, pp. 17,
18], to the question : " Is the General Grand Chapter, to which we owe
allegiance, in existence, and has it had a legal existence since 1859?"
Correctly, as we think, he replied affirmatively. His opinion and ruling were
examined by a committee of pronounced legal and judicial ability, and both
were sustained in the report, which included the declaration, " that this
General Grand Chapter has never ceased to exist, since its organization, is
correct." This was adopted by General Grand Chapter, there being twenty‑eight
Grand Chapters represented, in the possible number of thirty‑four.
To go back a little, it
appears that, in the triennial convocation of 1865, it was noticed that
several Grand Chapters had failed to hold their Grand Grand not so " Regular
convocations, as provided by their respective Constitutions, and the
Constitution of the General Grand Chapter, thereby incurring legal
disabilities; therefore, "Resolved, That all Grand Chapters which have failed
to meet in consequence of the recent war, are declared to be in good standing
in this body, and entitled to continue their relations with it." This,
together with a cordial invitation to all Grand Chapters to unite, "without
reference to past differences of any character," was unanimously adopted by
the seventeen Grand Chapters represented.
In 1868 it was "Resolved, That
no Grand Chapter, organized by the authority of this M. E. General Grand body,
or which at any time has become a constituent member of this body, can
lawfully sever its connection with the General Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the
United States of America without its consent, but the allegiance of said Grand
Chapters is inalienable and now due." represented, and the resolution was
Twenty‑two Grand Chapters were unanimously adopted.
In 187 1, the Grand Chapters
of Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, and Vermont came into " the National fold,"
and twenty‑eight Grand Chapters were represented. Other Grand Chapters have
resumed their proper relations, and THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
603 support the Resolution of
1868, above quoted, with becoming loyalty. The General Grand Chapter, however,
has not resorted to coercive measures, in any instance, but has wisely left it
to the returning flow of loyalty, and the remedial processes of time, to solve
the problem of National jurisdiction by the General Grand Chapter of the
United States of America.
Alabama. ‑An attempt was made
on the third Monday in May, 1823, to form a Grand Chapter for the State of
Alabama. At that time there were four chapters in the State, holding charters
from the General Grand Chapter; the junior of these charters was dated in
February, 1823. A convention was held in Mobile, on the date first given, when
it was resolved to establish a Grand Chapter. Monroe Chapter, the junior, took
exceptions, and carried the case to the General Grand Chapter, where it was
carefully considered at the session of 1826, and it was " Resolved, That the
formation of a Grand Chapter for the State of Alabama, in May, 1823, prior to
'the expiration of one year from the establishment of the junior chapter in
such State, was prohibited by the 11th Section of the 2d Article of the
General Grand Constitution, and that therefore this General Grand Chapter
cannot ratify or approve the proceedings of the convention held at Mobile." It
was recommended to the four chapters to proceed without delay to form a Grand
Chapter. This was done, and the body now ranks from June 2, 1827The charters
and dispensations granted by the organization of 1823, and the work done under
them, were confirmed, for the reason that the companions concerned organized
the body from " oversight or misapprehension of the Constitution." This Grand
Chapter adopted a resolution, in 1861, declaring its connection with the
General Grand Chapter dissolved. In December, 1875, this resolu tion was
repealed, and relations resumed with the General Grand body. As a matter of
history, this Grand Chapter became dormant in 1831, but representatives of the
several chapters met in 1837 and reorganized it, under the provisions of the
General Grand Constitution.
Arizona. ‑ In this Territory,
chapters were established by dispensations, confirmed by charters from the
General Grand Chapter, as follows: Arizona, No. 1, Phoenix, March 1o, 1880;
Charter, August 27, 1880: Prescott, No. 2, Prescott, June 21, 1882 ; Tucson,
No. 3, Tucson, July 25, 1882 ; Cochise, No. 4, Tombstone, January 10, 1883 ;
charters to the three, August 15, 1883. The General Grand High Priest, in
person, constituted Tucson Chapter, early in September, 1883; Flagstaff, No.
5, Flagstaff; dispensation, May 28, 1889. Arkansas. ‑The General Grand
Constitution of 1850 provided, that "Three chapters regularly instituted and
consecrated in any State, District, Republic, or Territory, by virtue of
authority derived from this Constitution, a Grand Chapter shall be established
so soon as convenience and propriety may dictate."
Charters having been granted
to three chapters in Arkansas, the oldest under date of September 17, 1841,
the Grand Chapter was organized April 28,
1851. At the session of 1874,
held in Nashville, Tennessee, that distinguished lawyer, jurist, and
Freemason, Elbert H. English, of Little Rock, was elected General Grand High
Priest. He had helped to organize the Grand Chapter of Arkansas, and was its
first Grand High Priest. Few men were known so well among Freemasons as he,
and his death, on September 1, 1884, caused a general sorrow in the
California. ‑ The first
meeting of Freemasons in California, preliminary, to organizing a lodge, was
held in August, 1849; and soon San Francisco Lodge was established. A
dispensation was granted May 9, 185o, to organize San Francisco Chapter; and a
charter was granted on September 13th following. On May 6, 1854, a convention
was held in Sacramento, to organize a Grand Chapter, in which three chapters
were represented, to wit San Francisco, No. 1 ; Sonora, No. 2, and Sacramento,
No. 3. The charters of the two latter were granted September 17, 1853. This
convention adopted a constitution for Grand Chapter, and, after a three days'
session, adjourned to meet in San Francisco, on July 28, 1854, when the Grand
Chapter was duly organized and the Grand Officers were installed.
Canada.‑Possibly it may excite
surprise that the General Grand Chapter has been concerned at any time in
establishing a chapter in Canada. Such, however, is the fact, as reported in
the session of 1829. It was there shown that 1| Most Excellent General Grand
High Priest DeWitt Clinton presented a dispensation on the 9th day of
February, 1828, to James Robinson Wright and others, to form, open, and hold a
chapter of Royal Arch Masons in the Town of Kingston, in the Province of Upper
Canada," and the General Grand Secretary was directed to " engross a warrant
for Union Chapter at Kingston, Upper Canada." The General Grand Chapter long
since ceased to interfere in foreign jurisdictions, and the companions of
Canada regulate their own affairs.
Colorado. ‑During the series
of years 1861‑1864, correspondence was so interrupted, in consequence of the
war, that little or none could be had with the then General Grand High Priest,
whose home was in Charleston, South Carolina. The General Grand King, under
provisions of the Constitution, granted a dispensation for Central City
Chapter, No. 1, in Central City, Colorado, under date of March 23, 1863 ; and,
by the same authority, the Deputy General Grand High Priest granted one for
Denver, No. 2, in April following. Charters were granted to these two chapters
September 8, 1865. Dispensation to Pueblo Chapter, No. 2, at Pueblo, was
granted May 24, 1871 ; and a charter, on September 20, 1871. Charters were
granted November 25, 1874, to Georgetown, No. 4, and to Golden, No. 5 ; and
the Grand Chapter was organized May 1 r, 18 75. The subsequent history of this
body has been highly commendable, a marked epoch therein being the session of
1883, held in Denver, by the General Grand Chapter.
Connecticut. ‑ In the opening
pages of the early history of the chapters in Connecticut, Grand Secretary
Wheeler says : ‑ "The early history of Washington Chapter, No. 3, is somewhat
peculiar, as its records date back to A.D. 1783, although the first charter
was not granted until March 15, 1796, It is undoubtedly the first record of
anything pertaining to an organization of Royal Arch Masons in this
jurisdiction, and we give it as we took it from their old records, now
carefully preserved and in the possession of the chapter at Middletown." On
September 5, 1783, six members of St. John's Lodge, No. 2, in Middletown,
stated, over their signatures, that they had been "duly initiated into the
Most Sublime degree of an Excellent, Super‑Excellent and Royal Arch Mason, in
regular constituted Royal Arch chapters," and after examining each other at
St. John's Lodge room, at Mrs. Abigail Shaler's, they "duly opened and held
the first regular Grand Royal Arch chapter." Officers were elected as stated
in the record, where the names and titles of office appear.
The first meeting after
organization was held in the same place, September 12, 1783, and of |1 Royal
Arch Masonry 3 783 " : ‑ PRESENT:‑R. W. Oliver Lewis ............. High
R. W. John Lewis DeKovan....
Captain General. William Joyce .................. Senior G. M. William
Redfield ..............Second G. M. David Starr ...................Third G. M.
Edward Miller................. Scribe.
Further record of business is
made, by which it appears that John Heart, a "well known Royal Arch Mason,"
was elected a member, and the Master of each of two lodges was elected to be
made a Royal Arch Mason.
The first five charters to
chapters in Connecticut were granted by Washington Chapter, the "Mother
Chapter," so‑called, and these commenced ‑ "At a Washington Chapter of Royal
Arch Masons, held in the City of New York, North America, on "‑ [adding day
and date].
The first charter was to
Hiram, No. 1, in Newtown, and was dated April 9, 1791. The others were to
Franklin, No. 2, New Haven '................. May 2o, 1795. Franklin, No. 4,
Norwich .................... March 15, 1796. Solomon, No. 5, Derby
...................... March 15, 1796.
These several charters, from
"Washington Chapter," were signed by John Abrams, H. P., W. C., R.A.M. ; Jno.
Ludlow, K., W. C., R.A.M. ; Wm. Richardson, S., W. C., R. A.M.; attested by
Elias Hicks, Secretary.
The initials show the
nomenclature, at the beginning of 1791, to have been High Priest, King, Scribe
[respectively], of Washington Chapter, of Royal Arch Masons. On May 4, 1796,
the titles were given in Washington, No. 3, as " H. P., K., S., Treasurer, R.
A. C., Z‑1, First G. M., Second G. M., Third G. M., Stewards, Sentinels." In
the last two offices there were two in each.
The first record of Solomon
Chapter is dated December 29, 1795. In this the title of the first three
officers is the same as in Washington Chapter. The 605 6o6 COSMOPOLITAN
others are |' Zerubbabel,
Captain, First, Second, Third Grand Master, Secretary, Architect, Clothier,
and Tyler." The by‑laws of Hiram Chapter were adopted March 3, A.D. 1792. The
officers were : " High Priest, King, Scribe, Zerubbabel, a Royal Arch Captain,
three Grand Masters, a Treasurer, a Secretary, an Architect, a Clothier, and a
Tyler." Article VIII. required the High Priest to preside, direct the
business, and " occasionally to give a lecture." The duties of the King,
Scribe, Treasurer, and Secretary were the same as now; but the Scribe was to "
cause the Secretary to enter, in a fair and regular manner, the proceedings of
the Chapter," and " to summons the members for attendance at every regular and
special meeting, . . . and also to administer the obligation." It was the duty
of Zerubbabel to "superintend the arrangements of the Chapter"; of the Royal
Arch Captain, to " keep watch at the Sanctuary " ; of the three Grand Masters,
" to watch the Veils" ; of the Clothier, "to provide and take care of the
Clothing"; of the Architect, " to provide and take care of the Furniture." In
this article we get a very good suggestion as to the ritual; and this is
strengthened by Article VIL, which reads: "After the Chapter is opened,
neither member nor visitor shall be admitted but on giving the signs and
pass‑words to the Grand Masters and to the Royal Arch Captain." These two
articles outline the ritual then in use in the Royal Arch degree, and
emphasize the opinion that very little change has been made in it since 1791.
The Royal Arch ritual was familiar when Webb was initiated; but no doubt, in
publishing his " Monitor " in 1797, the exoteric portions of the ritual were
made more uniform because of his executive skill and the printer's art.
A sixth chapter, " Vanden
Broeck," also No. 5, received a charter from the Grand Chapter of New York,
dated April 6, 1796, though its first record is dated December 24, 1795 These
six chapters met in convention, in Hartford, May 17, 1798, and organized the
Grand Chapter of Connecticut. It met in half‑yearly convocations up to May,
1819. The constitution was then revised; and "annual convocations " became the
rule, with provision for calling special convocations.
The companions in Connecticut
were highly influential in organizing the General Grand Chapter, and Ephraim
Kirby, of Litchfield, was elected to be the first General Grand High Priest.
Dakota. ‑In 1883 there were
eight regularly chartered chapters in the Territory of Dakota, and eight
others under dispensation, all holding by authority of the General Grand
Chapter. The oldest of these chapters was Yankton, No. 1, in Yankton. The
dispensation for this was dated April 15, 1876 ; and the charter August 24,
A convention was held June io,
1i, and 12, 1884, in Aberdeen, preliminary to organizing a Grand Chapter; and
this was done February 25, 1885.
607 This Grand Chapter
continued until the Territory was divided, and the States of North and South
Dakota were erected.
The Grand Chapter of Dakota
had exercised its sovereign powers to the advantage of Royal Arch Masonry in
the Territory. Harmony had prevailed, and the Rite flourished ; but the act of
division and the dignity of statehood led to corresponding action in the Grand
Under the provisions of the
General Grand Constitution, the Grand Chapter of South Dakota was established
January 6, r89o ; and the Grand Chapter of North Dakota on January 9, 189o.
Delaware. ‑We are unable to
give any clear account of the early introduction of Royal Arch Masonry into
this State. A Grand Chapter was organized there June 119, 1818; but this
finally fell into decay, until it was held in General Grand Chapter that, |'
since the year 1856, no regular Grand Chapter had existed in Delaware." Under
date of October zo, 1868, the General Grand High Priest, having inquired into
the facts, issued an official circular, in which he stated the fact of
non‑existence of a Grand Chapter, recognized the existence of "Washington and
Lafayette Chapter, No. 1, in Wilmington; Temple Chapter, No. z, in Milford;
and Hope Chapter, No. 4, in Georgetown," and declared them to be lawful Royal
Arch chapters, with power to continue work under the warrants held by them.
In December, 1867, the General
Grand High Priest gave a dispensation to organize St. John's Chapter in
Wilmington ; and on September 18, 1868, this act was confirmed, and a charter
was granted. A convention was regularly called at Dover, on January 20, 1869.
Representatives of four chapters [all then in the State] assembled. A Grand
Chapter was organized, and its officers were installed by the General Grand
High Priest.
District of Columbia. ‑ Royal
Arch Masonry in the District has had a varied experience, inasmuch as the
chapters have, at different periods, had different supreme heads. On January
21, 1807, three chapters in Baltimore, and three in the District met in
convention in Washington, District of Columbia, and organized a " Grand Royal
Arch Chapter for the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia." There is
internal evidence that the six chapters, represented in convention, were each
attached to a lodge charter, and that the parent of one or more of them was
from Pennsylvania. Further notice of this will appear under " MARYLAND." The
progress of the Grand Chapter of 1807 was not flattering ; it ceased to. be
active ; a reorganization was effected November 9, 11814, by three chapters,
one only, Federal, No. 1, of Washington, District of Columbia, participating.
This 1814 organization issued " Charters of Recognition," under which Federal,
No. 1, became Federal, No. 3, and, a few years later, Washington‑Naval, and
Potomac, of the District, received similar charters and were numbered 4 and 8,
respectively. This Grand Chapter was received and admitted under the
jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter, June 7, 1816.
Early in 1822 an effort was
made, on the part of Federal, No. 3, Washingò ton‑Naval, No. 4, Potomac, No.
8, all of the District, and Brooke Chapter, No. 6, of Alexandria, Virginia, to
organize a Grand Chapter for the District of Columbia. The convention met in
the hall of Brooke Chapter, in Alexandria, adjourned to August 11th, then to
September loth, when a letter of assent from DeWitt Clinton, General Grand
High Priest, under date of August 30, 1822, was read, authorizing the
organization of a Grand Chapter, as proposed by the convention. An adjournment
to November 25, 1822, was taken; but for various reasons, chiefly because of
incomplete representation, the new Grand Chapter was not organized until
February 1o, 1824.
Potomac Chapter now concluded
it to be inexpedient to separate from the Grand Chapter of Maryland and
District of Columbia, and this title was retained until the session of 1826,
when it was agreed and settled that this Grand Chapter, Of 1807‑1814, should
relinquish all jurisdiction over the District of Columbia, " except so far as
relates to the Potomac Chapter." The Grand Chapter of the District of Columbia
existed until 1833, in apparently good condition, although it issued a charter
to Temple Chapter, No. 4, only. Its records from May 11, 1822, to January 8,
1833, were well kept, since which time no sign or record of it can be found.
The cause of this is nowhere mentioned, but we venture the suggestion that the
doors of the several chapters were closed in fear of Anti‑Masonry, and the
Grand Chapter died suddenly.
In his history of the Grand
Chapter of Maryland and the District of Columbia, Companion. E. T. Schultz
quotes its favorable action toward the Grand Chapter, taken in November, 1822,
together with its opinion, that "They ought, as a preliminary and proper step,
to have obtained the consent of this Grand Chapter; but that ‑as it is the
wish of the three chapters of the District of Columbia to form a Grand Chapter
for themselves "‑consent was given.
At the session of September,
1841, Joseph K. Stapleton, of Maryland, Deputy General Grand High Priest, was
authorized " To take the necessary steps to place all chapters of Royal Arch
Masons, in that part of the District of Columbia, which formerly belonged to
the State of Maryland, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of
Maryland," And at his discretion, to do such acts as he might think proper in
completing the business.
At the session of September,
1844, he reported the order duly enforced, and that two chapters in the
District were then under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of Maryland. No
change was made in the title of this Grand body until 1853, when, as Companion
Schultz says, " and District of Colum bia " was added. In the session of 1856,
the title of "Grand Chapter of Maryland and District of Columbia "was used in
General Grand Chapter, and this was continued until after the present Grand
Chapter of the District of Columbia was established.
6og This Grand Chapter was
organized by a convention of delegates from Columbia Chapter, No. 15 ;
Washington, No. 16; and Mt. Vernon, No. zo. The convention assembled April 3,
1867; adjourned to April 6th; then to April zoth; and again to May
, 1867. Potomac Chapter, No.
8, sent delegates, with credentials, and these were duly received and admitted
to seats in convention, April 6th; but under date of April 16, 1867, the
Secretary of No. 8 sent a note declining further attendance. In the course of
time, however, Potomac Chapter, subordinate to the American Masonic system,
took its proper place in the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of the District
of Columbia.
The closing session of the
convention was on May za, 1867; and on May z3d, ‑ the day following, ‑ the
Grand Chapter was erected and its officers installed.
Discussion with the General
Grand High Priest followed, Potomac Chapter being the principal subject. This
Chapter refused to take a charter from the new Grand Chapter, preferring to
work under its Maryland charter. Being declared clandestine, the General Grand
High Priest was appealed to. He concluded that the " | Companions who formed
the so‑called Grand Chapter had been hasty and irregular," and gave Potomac
Chapter the right to work under its warrant.
The new Grand Chapter quoted
its action, as being regular, and showed the resolution adopted, by the Grand
Chapter of Maryland and the District of Columbia, on November 13, 1866,
dissolving connection Between the State of Maryland and the District of
Columbia, and that the chapters in the District of Columbia be requested to
form a Grand Chapter for said District of Columbia." The case went to the
General Grand Chapter, at the session of 1868, when majority and minority
reports were made. The latter contained three resolutions: First, recognizing
the Grand Chapter of the District of Columbia, and giving its officers seats
in General Grand Chapter; second, placing Potomac Chapter under the
urisdiction of the General Grand Chapter, but "without territorial
jurisdiction over candidates for the Capitular Degrees"; third, declaring all
acts of censure, suspension, or expulsion, growing out of the formation of the
Grand Chapter, null and void.
Maryland did not feel
satisfied with this action, and resolutions to this effect were adopted in
1868 ; but in November, 1869, resolutions were adopted, " relinquishing its
jurisdictional rights over the District of Columbia so long as it remains the
seat of the National Government," and fully recognizing the Grand Chapter of
the District of Columbia as a regular Grand Chapter.
It is needless to say that all
signs of this friction have long since disappeared; and when Noble D. Larner
of the Grand Chapter of the District of Columbia was elected General Grand
High Priest in 1886, none were more zealous in his behalf than the
representatives of the Grand Chapter of Maryland.
Florida.‑The first connection
between the General Grand Chapter and Masonry in Florida appears to have been
made when DeWitt Clinton granted dispensations for a Mark lodge in St.
Augustine, and another in St. Francisville in Florida, as reported at the
session of 1826.
Prior to 1847 there were three
chapters in Florida, to wit: Magnolia, No. 16, at Apalachicola,.and Florida,
No. 32, at Tallahassee, both chartered by the Grand Chapter of Virginia; and a
chapter at St. Augustine, chartered, in error, by the Grand Chapter of South
Carolina, itself a constituent of the General Grand Chapter.
Delegates from these three
chapters assembled in Tallahassee on January 11, 1847, and organized a Grand
Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the State of Florida.
It forthwith decreed, that the
" Degrees of Royal Master and Select Master shall be deemed to be Chapter
degrees, to be given in Chapters, unless otherwise directed by Grand Chapter."
On February 8, 1847, it "Resolved, That the Grand Chapter of Florida, duly
appreciating the advantages of a Masonic head and paramount authority, is
disposed to come under the jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter of the
United States." The General Grand Chapter felt that the chapter at St.
Augustine was not legally instituted, and had adopted a resolution of remedy
in 1844. This, however, was misinterpreted in Florida.. The companions took
offence, and held aloof from the General Grand Chapter.
In 1856 signs of settlement
began to appear; and the General Grand High Priest was authorized to recognize
the Grand Chapter of Florida, and place it on an equal footing with the other
Grand Chapters, at its desire.
Before this was carried into
effect, the war period stayed proceedings, until, on January 13, 1869, the
Grand Chapter of Florida accepted an invitation, and " Resolved, That this
Grand Chapter accepts such invitation in a true Masonic spirit, and will
hereafter bear allegiance and support to the said General Grand Chapter."
Georgia. ‑ At what time was Royal Arch Masonry introduced into Georgia? is a
question that cannot be answered from the Grand Secretary's office, nor do the
records in possession of that Grand Chapter show. Evidently there were Royal
Arch Masons there before r8o6. Possibly the degree was worked under lodge
charters long before, but of this there is little evidence. In an oration by
the R. W. Junior Grand Warden, Brother J. H. Estill, before Grand Lodge in
1887, we are told that Royal Arch Masonry made its first appearance in
Georgia, in Union Lodge, No. 3, and that within it Georgia Chapter was born.
The records of General Grand
Chapter show that Georgia Chapter received its dispensation from that body;
and Dr. John Dove of Virginia gives it the date of December 1, 1804. The
General Grand Chapter also chartered THE C,4PITULAR DEGREES.
Union Chapter, Louisville,
Georgia, on December 16, 1815 ; Augusta Chapter, Augusta, December 6, 1818;
Mechanics Chapter, Lexington, June 10, 1820; Webb Chapter, November 16, 1821 ;
Franklin Chapter, by DeWitt Clinton (place and date not given), before
September 16, 1826, as it was then reported that the Grand Chapter of Georgia
had been regularly organized, and it was received and recognized " as entitled
to all the rights and privileges of a Grand Chapter within the State." At the
session of 1847, a committee reported, in General Grand Chapter, that
sufficient documentary evidence had been found, to show that the Grand Chapter
of Georgia "is a constituent member of this Grand body"; but it had not been
represented, or made returns, since 1822, although it was organized February
4th of that year. The Deputy General Grand High Priest gave a dispensation for
a chapter in Macon, June 21, 1838 ; and the Grand Chapter reorganized May 3,
1841. This reorganized body was represented in 1847, and, as a rule, up to and
including 1859, after which, and following the political action of the State,
it assumed to withdraw from the General Grand Chapter, tnd did not fully
resume its proper relations until April, 1875, when in regular .convocation it
resolved to renew its connection with, and fealty to, the General C*rand
Chapter. The twenty‑seventh Triennial Convocation of the General grand Chapter
was held in Atlanta in November, 1889.
Idaho.‑On June 18, 1867, the
Grand Chapter of Oregon granted a charter for Idaho Chapter in Idaho City; and
this was constituted August 18, 1867. The Grand Chapter is said to " have
acted under the impression that the General Grand Chapter had virtually ceased
to exist." On petition the General Grand Chapter adopted a report, on the
case, which included || good faith " on the part of the petitioners, healing
of all companions exalted in the chapter, and the granting of a charter to
Idaho Chapter, No. 1, Idaho City, on September 18, 1868. Under authority of
the General Grand Chapter, other chapters were established as follows : Cyrus,
No. 2, Silver City, Dakota, February 14, 1870; Boise City, No. 3, Boise City,
March 30, 1870; charter to each, September 20, 1871 : Lewiston, No. 4,
Lewiston ; no dispensation; charter, August 27, 183o: Alturas, No. 5, Hailey,
Dakota, May 22, 1884; charter, October 1, 1886. To the foregoing, Pocatello,
No. 6, was added by dispensation, May 28, 1889.
Illinois.‑Under date of July
19, 1841, the Deputy General Grand High Priest granted a dispensation for
Springfield Chapter, in Springfield, and a charter was granted by General
Grand Chapter, September 17, 1841. At the session of 1844, the same officer
reported that he had granted a dispensation to organize Lafayette Chapter, in
Chicago, dated July 2, 1844. In 1847 he reported that he had, since 1844,
granted dispensations for Jacksonville Chapter, No. 3, in Jacksonville; and
for Shawneetown Chapter, No. 6, at Shawneetown. The General Grand Scribe had
granted dispensations for Horeb Chapter, No. 4, in Henderson, March lo, 1846;
No. 5, in Quincy, April 1,
1846 ; and these several acts were confirmed by warrants granted during the
respective sessions. In September, 1850, the same officer had granted
dispensations for Howard Chapter, July 28, 1848 ; and Stapleton Chapter, June
28, 1849. The General Grand King had given dispensation for Reynolds Chapter,
in Cambridge, dated March 2, 185o; and the Grand Scribe, for Barrett Chapter,
at Rock Island, dated August 1, 1849.
Before some of these later
dispensations had been passed upon by General Grand Chapter, the General Grand
King had given authority to seven chapters to organize a Grand Chapter for the
State of Illinois; and this was done April 1o, 185o.
The Triennial Convocation of
1859 was held in Chicago.
Indiana. ‑ It appears in
evidence that Thomas Smith Webb, elected Deputy General Grand High Priest in
1816, granted dispensations for Madison Chapter, in Madison, and Brookville
Chapter, in Brookville.; but in consequence of his death prior to the session
in 1819, no report of these was made of a character to gain for them official
recognition. No further evidence of the existence of these bodies was
presented, but it was shown, in 1844, that Madison Chapter had continued its
labors for years. A charter was granted by General Grand Chapter to Vincennes
Chapter, in Vincennes, dated May 13, 182o. At the session of 1844, it was
reported that these three bodies had organized a Grand Chapter in 1823, but no
documentary evidence of this had been presented to General Grand Chapter.
Brookville Chapter soon after dropped out of sight. Investigation made at this
session found that, on May 13, 1823, a Grand 'Chapter had been formed, as
above, but no meeting was held by it afterward. Madison Chapter had worked
until 1829, when it suspended. On July 1o, 1842, fourteen Royal Arch Masons
assumed to reopen it, all in good faith; this, together with their otherwise
good Masonic conduct, and the petition of the companions concerned, secured
confirmation of a charter to Madison Chapter, No. r, on September 12, 1844.
Its past work, however, was declared to be illegal, but authority was given to
heal all who had received degrees in it, on their appearing personally.
Dispensation had been granted for King Solomon's Chapter, in Richmond; and a
charter was ordered September 14, 1838. Dispensation was granted for Logan
Chapter, Logansport, March 12, 1839; and charter ordered September 17, 1841.
Dispensation for Lafayette Chapter, No. 3, was given by the Deputy General
Grand High Priest, August 17, 1843, to be located in Lafayette ; charter
granted September 11, 1844. The chapters assembled by permission, dated
November 18, 1845, and the Grand Chapter for the State of Indiana was
regularly organized December 25, 1845 Indian Territory.‑Dispensations to
organize chapters in Indian Territory were granted : to Indian, No. 1,
February 23, 18 78 ; chartered August 2q, 1880 *Oklahoma, No. 2, Atoka,
February 14, 188o; chartered August 27, 1880 Burneyville, No. 3, Burneyville,
March 2, 1885 ; renewed December 6, 1886, THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
613 but for lack of support,
surrendered in April, 188 7 : Savanna, No. 4, Savanna, March 12, 1886;
chartered October 1, 1886: Tahlequah, No. 5, Tahlequah, dispensation January
16, 1888 ; chartered November 22, 1889.
At the session of 1889, the
General Grand Chapter voted permission, and the Grand Chapter of Indian
Territory was regularly organized February 15, 18go.
Iowa.‑Dispensations were
issued for Iowa Chapter, No. 1, Burlington, August 24, 1843 ; chartered
September 11, 1844: Iowa City Chapter, No. 2, Iowa City, March 1g, 1844;
chartered September 17, 1847:. Dubuque Chapter, No. 3, Dubuque; chartered
September 17, 1847: Washington Chapter, No. 4; chartered September 17, 1853.
McCord Chapter, NO‑ 5, at Fairfield, received a dispensation, presumably,
under date of March 18, 1853 ; but the death of the Deputy General Grand High
Priest, thirteen days later, prevented his making a report, and the chapter
was chartered by the Grand Chapter of Iowa, June 14, 1854 The aforenamed
chapters met in convention at Mount Pleasant, by sanction of the General Grand
Scribe, and organized the Grand Chapter of the State of Iowa, June 8, 1854.
We now have to notice an
incident in the life of this body that manifests all the freshness of youth,
and but little of the matured Freemason. Within about two years after being
organized, the usefulness of the General Grand Chapter came under discussion.
The Grand High Priests early gave emphasis to this negative feeling. In 857
the delegates to the next session of the General Grand Chapter were instructed
to vote for its dissolution. This was reenforced in 1858. The Grand Chapter
asserted its sovereign and independent right to organize chapters in Nebraska
or elsewhere, where no Grand Chapter existed, and finally, on August 16, 186o,
the resolution, declaring the "Grand Chapter sovereign and independent, and in
no manner whatever subject to the General Grand Chapter of the United States,
and this Grand Chapter is forever absolved from all connection therewith," Was
passed by a vote of twenty‑eight ayes to fifteen nays.
This condition of things
continued for nine years, when, at the Triennial Convocation in September,
1871, the General Grand High Priest reported that, under date of October 26,
1869, he had " Received official notice that the Grand Chapter of Iowa had
rescinded the act of secession passed in r86o, and had directed that the O:.
B.*. of allegiance should be administered to all the members of Chapters in
that jurisdiction, and that hereafter it would be administered to candidates
receiving the Royal Arch degree." Representatives of the Grand Chapter were
present in 1871, and have been at succeeding sessions of General Grand
Robert F. Bower of Keokuk was
elected General Grand High Priest in 188o, and died while in office.
Kansas. ‑At the Triennial
Convocation of 1859 the address of the 614 General Grand High Priest showed
that he had given dispensations: to Leavenworth Chapter, No. i, Leavenworth,
dated January 24, 185 7 ; and for Atchison Chapter, No. 2, Atchison, dated May
18, 1859. A charter was ordered for the latter, by vote, September 14, 1859.
It was then called Washington Chapter, and in the proceedings of 1862‑5 and
1865, Washington, No. 1. The dispensation to the former was renewed in April,
1863 ; and on September 8, 1865, a charter was granted. On the same date a
charter was voted to Fort Scott Chapter, Fort Scott, the dispensation having
been granted and so reported by the Grand Secretary; but no date was given.
Permission was granted by the Deputy General Grand High Priest; and, in
January, 1866, a convention was held, and the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of
Kansas was regularly organized, February 23, 1866.
Kentucky.‑It is shown in the
preamble to the proceedings of the convention which organized the Grand
Chapter, that Thomas Smith Webb, Deputy General Grand High Priest, had granted
dispensations for three chapters in Kentucky, to wit: in Lexington, Frankfort,
and Shelbyville, one in each, under date of October 16, 1816. This is
confirmed by proceedings of General Grand Chapter, September 9, 1819 ; but, in
consequence of Webb's death, details were not given. The preamble quoted the
Constitution of the General Grand Chapter, whereby it was made competent for
three chapters to form a Grand Chapter; also, to show that the clause
requiring the junior chapter to be one year old was by them complied with. The
three chapters were fully represented by the High Priest, King, and Scribe of
each, and the Grand Chapter of Kentucky was regularly organized December 4,
Correspondence incident to the
organizing of a Grand Chapter is printed at length in the proceedings of the
Grand Chapter of Kentucky, including recognition by Webb, dated at
"Worthington, Ohio," December 12, 1817, and by DeWitt Clinton, December 30,
1817 ; and formal recognition, with approval, was given September 9, 1819.
At the annual convocation of
1825 resolutions were adopted, to petition the General Grand Chapter, and to
correspond with Grand Chapters on the " propriety of dissolving " the former.
A long memorial was issued, setting forth reasons affirmatively; the
conclusion being that the General Grand Chapter was "An institution calculated
to waste the funds of our Order, engender ambition, administer food to vanity,
and every way incompatible with the pure and sublime principles of Masonry. We
also apprehend that it will be used by political men as a convenient
instrument to further their intrigues and spread their influence." This
memorial was referred to a committee in General Grand Chapter,, which
committee concluded: ‑ " That, as a majority of the Grand Chapters of the
several States comprising the General Grand Chapter dissented from the
resolution of the Grand Chapter of Kentucky, it was not expedient to take any
further measures on the subject." COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
6I5 Kentucky seemed to be
content with this action, and her proceedings show to this effect. In 1856 the
General Grand Secretary reported that "Twentysix Grand Chapters acknowledged
the jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter in the United States," and
Kentucky was included in the list. The Grand Chapters of Pennsylvania,
Virginia, and Florida did not so appear. A similar report, from the same
officer, in September, 1859, showed that Kentucky and North Carolina Grand
Chapters had passed resolutions of withdrawal from the General Grand Chapter.
In 1874 the General Grand High
Priest said, in his address to the General Grand Chapter: ‑ " I am happy to
announce that the Grand Chapter of Kentucky has rescinded her resolutions of
withdrawal, and has renewed her allegiance. Her representatives are here with
us, and I believe the warm welcome they have received has removed any
lingering doubts they may have entertained as to the wisdom of their course."
Louisiana. ‑Royal Arch Masonry in this State was at times disturbed in its
condition. Coming before the General Grand Chapter, because of this, in
September, 1844, it was there shown that the Royal Lodges, Concordia and
Perseverance, together with " such officers and members of the Grand Lodge as
were Royal Arch Masons," had organized a Grand Chapter in 1813. This body was
attached to and made dependent upon the Grand Lodge, and the Grand Master "
was declared to be, ex ofeio, and, by ` inherent right,' Grand High Priest of
the new Grand Chapter." It was stated that these lodges were originally
organized in St. Domingo, under charters emanating from the Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania, with powers to confer all the degrees up to the Royal Arch. At
the outbreak of the revolution in St. Domingo some of the members escaped to
Cuba, and thence to New Orleans, where the lodges were reopened under the
original charters, which they had preserved.
In September, 1829, this Grand
Chapter petitioned to be admitted within the jurisdiction of the General Grand
Chapter. In view of all the facts, and considering it for the best interests
of Royal Arch Masonry, this was done September 11, 1829, and Lafayette
Chapter, in St. Francisville, chartered by the General Grand Chapter in 1826,
was placed under the immediate jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter.
This Grand body worked in good
faith and allegiance, until 1831, after which it held no meeting for any
purpose until April, 1839, and chapters under it ceased to exist, except
Holland, No. 9.
In 1841 the Grand Secretary of
the Grand Lodge, directed by the Grand Master, notified "certain Royal Arch
Masons, in New Orleans," to assemble, elect Grand Officers, and reorganize the
Grand Chapter. A second meeting followed, of which Holland Chapter was
notified, and " a body, styling itself the Grand Chapter of Louisiana, was
organized." The General Grand Chapter held: that the body of 1813 voluntarily
rendered its independent
jurisdiction, and enrolled itself under the jurisdiction of the General Grand
Chapter; that it ceased to hold meetings after 1831, as required by the second
article of the General Grand Constitution; that all chapters in the State came
under direct jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter, " which alone could
legally exercise authority over the territory thus vacated." In conformity
with this, the charter of Holland Chapter, having been "lost or stolen," and
revoked by this 1841 organization, was replaced by a new one, and on September
16, 1847, charters were confirmed: to New Era Chapter, in New Orleans; to
Clinton Chapter, in East Feliciana; and to Red River Chapter, in Shreveport.
It was also found at this
session of 1847: "That there was not at this time any constitutional and
legally authorized Grand Chapter in the State of Louisiana." The Association
assuming the functions of a Grand Chapter was declared to be "spurious,
clandestine, and illegal," and regular Royal Arch Masons were forbidden to
hold any Masonic intercourse with it or its offspring.
The General Grand King
authorized Holland Chapter, No. x ; New Era Chapter, No. 2 ; Red River
Chapter, No. 3 ; and Clinton Chapter, No. 4, to " organize and establish a
Grand Chapter for Louisiana " ; and this was done May x, 1848.
Maine. ‑On February 13, 1805,
a "Warrant of Constitution" was granted to "John Coe and others, empowering
them to open a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in the town of Portland," by the
Grand Chapter of Massachusetts. It should be remembered that Maine was not set
off from Massachusetts until it was erected into a separate State, in 182o.
Dispensations were voted for two new chapters, by the same Grand body, on
December 7, x817, and charters were subsequently granted, to wit: Montgomery,
Bath; and New Jerusalem, Wiscasset; and, on December 29, x817, for Jerusalem
Chapter, in Hallowell. These three chapters were regularly constituted, on
July 18, xq, and 21, 182o, respectively, by Henry Fowle, Deputy Grand High
Priest, who made report accordingly to Hon. James Prescott, Grand High Priest.
On February 7, 1821, Mt.
Vernon Chapter, of Portland, and the three constituted in 1820, met by their
representatives, in Portland, adopted " provisionally the constitution of the
Grand Chapter of Massachusetts," and the Grand Chapter of Maine was regularly
organized. The subsequent history of this body has been characterized by
loyalty and usefulness. It felt the baneful effect of Anti‑Masonry, and failed
to meet in 1834, 1841, 1842, 1843 Having been incorporated, January 19, 1822,
and duly organized under the Act, January 28, 1824, it was summoned, under an
order from one of the justices of the Peace, after each failure, elected
officers, and qualified them. The marked ability displayed in this
jurisdiction has been recognized else‑ THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
6rq where, and the General
Grand Chapter has elected from it two General Grand High Priests, to wit:
Robert P. Dunlap, in 1847, 185o, and 1853 ; and Josiah H. Drummond, in 1871.
Maryland. ‑On October 24,
18o6, Concordia Chapter, of Baltimore, issued a circular‑letter to the several
chapters of Baltimore and the District of Columbia, requesting them to send
delegates to a convention to be held in the city of Washington, on the third
Wednesday in the next January [January 21, 1807], for the purpose of forming a
Grand Chapter for the State of Maryland and District of Columbia.
[See " Capitular Masonry in
Maryland," by E. T. Schultz.] The chapters in Baltimore, and taking part in
this convention, were Washington, Concordia, and St. John's. Brother Schultz
says that Washington Chapter "Undoubtedly was the Royal Arch Chapter of
Jerusalem, instituted in 1787 by virtue of the dispensation or warrant of
Lodge No. 7, Royal Arch Chapter of Jerusalem, at Chestertown, and was attached
to Lodge No. 15, now Washington Lodge, No. g." It merged with Concordia in
There are no records of
Concordia Chapter of earlier date than January io, 181o; but the same
authority says: "The records of Concordia Lodge establish the fact that it was
existing as early as 1804." He tells us The only degree mentioned is that of
the Holy Royal Arch." The second record book commences March 8, 1816, and this
"recites that the chapter was held in Concordia lodge‑room [old Watch House],
and that it was attached to that Lodge," and " after being dormant some years,
it resolved to revive and continue the labors of Concordia Royal Arch
Chapter." A committee was appointed and secured for it a "`Charter of
Recognition,' dated November 12, 1816, as Concordia Chapter, No. 5." This
charter is "identical in language to the charter of recognition of Chapter No.
2," `1 and proves that Concordia Chapter was also instituted in 1797." "St.
John's Chapter," our brother says, "was undoubtedly attached to St. John's
Lodge, No. 34, and which was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Maryland." The
Grand Chapter of Maryland and the District of Columbia, of 1807, reorganized
November 9, 1814, is discussed under the head "District of Columbia," and
nothing further need be said of it here than that the joint title, except from
1824 to 1853, was retained until 1869, when Maryland acquiesced and recognized
the District of Columbia as a separate jurisdiction, and the Grand Chapter of
Maryland became sole and supreme in the State.
Apart from anything we have
said heretofore, of Grand Chapter jurisdiction in Maryland, we will now
notice, very briefly, the claim somewhat recently made that an independent
Grand Chapter existed in Maryland as early as 1797. We copy in part, a fac‑simile
of a document, or dispensation, to Philip P. Eckel, and " sundry Royal Arch
Masons," in Baltimore and vicinity, 618 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
empowering Eckel to "act as
High Priest," "to assemble a sufficient number of companions, within the said
city of Baltimore and there open and hold a chapter of Royal Arch Masons,"
etc., etc. ; said " instrument to be in force until the twenty‑second of June,
next, and no longer " : ‑ " Witness the Seal of the Grand Chapter, of Royal
Arch Masons for the State of Maryland. countersigned by the Grand Scribe, at
Baltimore, this eighth day of May, in the year of Masonry Five Thousand Seven
Hundred and Ninety‑Seven.
"Anno Domini, 1797. GEo. L,
GRAY, Grand Scribe." This was issued by David Kerr, G. H. P. ; and Brother
Schultz says that he was at the time " Grand Master, and by virtue of the
power and control over the Royal Arch degree, believed to be inherent in Grand
Masters, issued his dispensations for the formation of these several chapters
which then, in connection with the chapter attached to Washington Lodge,
formed June 24, 31797, the first independent Grand Chapter in the United
States." This body, he says, became dormant about 1803.
Our brother quotes another
paper, from " Lodge, No 7, Royal Chapter of Jerusalem or Lodge of
Super‑Excellent Masons," certifying to certain brethren, and giving them "
Power and authority to erect a Royal Chapter of Jerusalem or Lodge of Arch
Masons, attached to No. 15, according to the established rules of the Royal
Craft. Signed by the undermentioned Grand Officers, and countersigned by the
Grand Secretary p.t., this 9th day of April, in the year 5897, Sealed with the
Grand Seal. The. Duplessis, G. M. Z.; Pere Lethebury, G. M. H.; Edw'd Worrell,
Sec'y, R. A. p.t." This Lodge No. 7 was warranted by the Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania. We cannot reach the conclusion arrived at by Brother Schultz,
that an " Independent Grand Chapter " existed in Maryland in 1 797.
If the documents quoted are
relied upon to establish this, then we must, on equally good authority, accept
the record of St. John's Lodge, No. z, made in Middletown, Connecticut,
September r, "1783, and of Royal Arch Masonry 3783," that the six Royal Arch
Masons who signed the preamble or introduction to the record of that date,
"duly opened and held the first regular Grand Royal Arch Chapter," on the date
above quoted.
Brother Schultz says,
elsewhere: ‑ " But it is probable, that Royal Arch chapters were attached to
most of the active lodges in the State. Hiram Lodge, No. 27, at Port Tobacco,
as we have seen, resolved to open a Royal Arch chapter." This is confirmed by
Philip P. Eckel, High Priest, of Concordia Chapter, October 24, r8o6, who
said: "The necessity of a Grand Chapter must appear obvious, when we reflect
that our chapters are held under the sanction of lodges." Without giving to
this space which we cannot spare, we have to conclude, on the evidence
presented, that the document to " Philip P. Eckel was the beginning of
Concordia Chapter; that David Kerr, Grand Master, ex officio, THE C.4PITULAR
61g signed himself G. H. P., ‑
Grand High Priest, ‑ in harmony with the rule whereby chapters were attached
to lodges ; that the word Grand, in these . several documents, was used as a
form rather than a substance ; and that the authority intended to be conveyed
was in the nature of certificates to Royal Arch Masons, that they might admit
others to the degree, after the manner practised in Lodges No. 155, and No.
210, in working the Mark degree, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1786 ; in
Washington, "Mother," Chapter, of New York, in 1791 to 1796 [see its warrant]
; and, finally, that the action taken .in Concordia Chapter, in Baltimore,
October 24, 1806, and the document quoted, as of that date by Brother Schultz,
and signed by Philip P. Eckel, High Priest, were acts preliminary to the "
first independent Grand Chapter " in Maryland, to wit: The Grand Chapter of
Maryland and District of Columbia, organized January 21, 1807.
Massachusetts. ‑The opening
record of this body bears date of March 13, 1798, under the title : " Deputy
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Massachusetts." The last meeting under this title
was a " special " on April 2, 1799 ; and on September 17, 1799, the title,
which has been retained ever since, appears, to wit: " Grand Royal Arch
Chapter of Massachusetts." The records of this body, from 1798 to 1860, having
been printed, we refer to that volume, and limit our notice here. The Royal
Arch degree was conferred for the first time in Massachusetts, so far as
known, August 28, 1769, in St. Andrew's Chapter, called " Royal Arch Lodge "
for a few years; under sanction of the charter of St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 82,
Registry of Scotland.
From its first record, of
August 12, 1769, until 1788, the title, "Royal Arch Master," was used. In 1789
William McKean became High Priest. This brother was present as a Royal Arch
Mason and Knight Templar August 28, 1769, and continued with the chapter until
his death, in 1820. King Cyrus Chapter, of Newburyport, having a charter dated
July 9, 1790, and St. Andrew's Chapter, by their duly appointed
representatives, organized this Grand Chapter, as stated, March 13, 1798. Its
annual meetings have been held without a single omission; special ones have
been frequent; and, since 1847, quarterly meetings have been held regularly.
Its history is one of singular
fidelity and loyalty to Freemasonry, and especially so to the high purposes of
Royal Arch Masonry. Influential at home and respected abroad, it has been
honored by the General Grand Chapter in electing three of her Past Grand High
Priests to the high office of General Grand High Priest, to wit : Benjamin
Hurd, Jr., in 1806 ; Paul Dean, in 1847, 1850, and 1853 ; and Alfred F.
Chapman, in 1883.
Since the original Convention
to organize the General Grand Chapter was held in Boston, the Triennial
Convocations of 1838 and of 185o~were held in that city.
Michigan. ‑ Dispensations were
granted by the General Grand High Priest 620 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
for Monroe Chapter, in
Detroit, December 3, 1818 ; for St. Joseph's Valley Chapter, in Niles, May 16,
1844; for Jackson, No. 3, in Jackson, both by the Deputy General Grand High
Priest; date in the latter case not given: but charters were granted September
1 i, 1819, for the first; September 14, 1847, for the second; and September
16, 1847, for the third, by vote of the General Grand Chapter. Permission was
given by the General Grand Scribe, in January, 1848 ; and the Grand Chapter of
Michigan was regularly organized March 18, 1848.
The Masonic ability displayed
in this Grand Chapter has been of the highest character, and this has been
conspicuously recognized by the longcontinued approval of the Craft in the
American system. The Triennial Convocation of 188o was held in Detroit, the
Mother City of Royal Arch Masonry in Michigan.
Minnesota. ‑ The General Grand
Chapter granted a dispensation, by vote to Minnesota Chapter, No. 1, September
17, 185 3 ; chartered, by same authority, September 11, 185 6. The General
Grand High Priest gave dispensations for Vermillion Chapter, No. 2, in
Hastings, June 20, 185 7 ; and for St. Anthony Falls Chapter, No. 3, in St.
Anthony, January 5, 1858. Charters were voted to the second and third of
these, September 14, 1859. Under authority from Albert G. Mackey, G. G. H. P.,
dated December 1, 1859, a convention of these three chapters was held in St.
Paul, December 17, 1859. A constitution was adopted, and the Grand Chapter of
Minnesota was regularly organized.
The first Grand High Priest
was A. T. C. Pierson, a Freemason of conspicuous ability, who achieved a
national reputation in every grade of Freemasonry in the American Rite.
It was voted to hold the
Triennial Convocation of the General Grand Chapter in Minneapolis in 1891.
Mississippi. ‑The organization
of the first lodge in Mississippi was by charter from the Grand Lodge of
Kentucky, followed by two other lodges, under the Grand Lodge of Tennessee,
and the organization of the Grand Lodge in July and August, 1818. This gives
authority for saying that Royal Arch Masonry began in the State under
authority from the General Grand Chapter, by DeWitt Clinton, G. G.H.P., who,
in 1826, had granted a dis pensation for Port Gibson Chapter. This was
confirmed by a charter granted September 15, 1826. Dispensations for chapters
were subsequently granted by the Deputy General Grand High Priest: for
Vicksburg, in Vicksburg, June 17, 1840 ; chartered September 17, 1841 : by
General Grand High Priest, for Wilson, in Holly Springs, October 30, 1841 ; by
Deputy General Grand High Priest, for Columbus, in Columbus, February 7, 1842
; and Jackson, in Jackson, August 28, 1843 ; charters for these three were
granted September 12, 1844.
The Deputy reported, in 1847,
that he had given dispensations for Carrollton Chapter, in Carrollton; and
Yazoo Chapter, in Yazoo County. Charter to THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
621 Carrollton was granted
September 17, 1847. It appears that a charter had been granted for Natchez
Chapter, No. i, Natchez, at a period antedating all others in Mississippi ;
but, at the session of 1847, this was reported `| lost." On September 16,
1847, " a certified copy of the original charter of Natchez Chapter, No. 1,"
was granted by vote to said chapter with the explanation, that "the present
General Grand Officers" were not the same as those in office at the time the
lost charter was originally granted.
By permission of the Deputy
General Grand High Priest, dated March 12, 1846, the chapters met in
convention, and organized the Grand Chapter of Mississippi, May 18, 1846. A
comparison of the above dates with other facts shows that the General Grand
Chapter legislated concerning chapters in Mississippi after the Grand Chapter
was formed; but this action was in con firmation of former work. At the
session of 1847, moneys were returned to Natchez, and to Vicksburg Chapters,
to the amount of one hundred dollars to each, evidently for dues that should
have been paid to the Grand Chapter.
The relations of the Grand
Chapter with the General Grand Chapter were interrupted by the war period ;
but these were resumed as of old. Representatives attended the session of
1868, and these have continued to manifest the ability characteristic of the
Fraternity in Mississippi.
Missouri. ‑ Under the
Constitution of the General Grand Chapter, dispensations and charters for
chapters were granted and confirmed, as follows Missouri, No. r, Missouri
Territory, but in St. Louis, April 3, 1819 ; charter, September 16, 1826:
Palmyra, No. 2, Palmyra, prior to September, 1838; charter by Grand Chapter of
Missouri, October 16, 1847: Liberty, No. 3, Liberty, April 18, 1842 ; Weston,
No. 4, Weston, January 17, 1843; Lafayette, No. 5, Fayette, May 13, 1843 ;
Booneville, No. 6, Booneville, March 3, 1843 ; charters to NOS. 3, 4, 5, and
6, September 11, 1844: Hannibal, No. 7, Hannibal; and St. Louis, No. 8, St.
Louis, prior to September, 1847, as charters were voted to these two September
17, 184 Delegates from the chapters numbered 1, 2, 5, and 6 assembled in St.
Louis, and organized the Grand Chapter of Missouri, October 16, 1846.
It does not appear that prior
consent had been granted by any General Grand Officer of authority to do so,
although the General Grand Secretary reported that he had been notified to the
contrary by the Grand Secretary of the new Grand Chapter. It being apparent
that the Missouri companions acted in good faith, the Grand Chapter was
relieved of all irregularities, and fully recognized, by General Grand
Chapter, September 16, 184 It was also settled that the Chapters U. D., in
Missouri, should pay dues only to October 16, 1846. This Grand Chapter has
been represented in every session of the General Grand Chapter held since it
was organized, except in 1874 and 1886. The Triennial Session of 1868 was held
in St. Louis.
Montana. ‑While this was yet a
Territory, dispensations, confirmed by charters for chapters, had been granted
by the General Grand Chapter as 622 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
follows: Virginia City, No. 1,
July 14, 1866; Helena, No. 2, Helena, Decem. ber, 1867 ; charter to each,
September 18, 1868: Deer Lodge, No. 3, Butte City, October 1o, 1874; charter,
November 25, 1874: Valley, No. 4, Deer Lodge City, July 22, 188o; charter,
August 27, 188o: Yellowstone, No. 5, Miles City, January 2, 1866 ; Billings,
No. 6, Billings, May 6, 1886 ; Livingston, No. 7, Livingston, July 15, 1886 ;
charters to each of these three, October 1, 1886: Dillon, No. 8, Dillon;
dispensation, January 15, 1887: and Great Falls, No. 9, Great Falls, March 13,
1889 ; charter to each, November 22, 1889.
Nebraska. ‑ Dispensations were
granted, and subsequently confirmed by charters : for Omaha Chapter, No. 1,
Omaha, Nebraska Territory, November 21, 1859 ; Key‑stone Chapter, No. 2,
Nebraska City, January 25, 186o; Nebraska Chapter, No. 3, Plattsmouth ; all
chartered September 8, 1865. On February 14, 1867, the Deputy General Grand
High Priest gave permission, a convention of chapters was held, and the Grand
Chapter of Nebraska was regularly organized, March i9, 1867. The Grand Chapter
has been among the most zealous in diffusing Masonic information, and in
promoting the general welfare of Royal Arch Masonry.
Nevada. ‑ Chapters were
established in Nevada by dispensations, confirmed by charters, as follows:
Lewis, Carson City, May, 1863 ; charter, September 8, 1865 : Virginia City,
Virginia City, September 8, 1865 ; charter, September 18, 1868 : Austin,
Austin, October, 1866 ; charter, September 18, 1868: White Pine, No. 4,
Hamilton, January 1o, 1871 ; charter, September 20, 1871. The General Grand
High Priest gave the letter of authority, dated November 1, 1871. A convention
of the four chapters was held, and the Grand Chapter was regularly organized
November 18, 1873.
New Hampshire. ‑The printed
proceedings [Session of 1816] of the General Grand Chapter show, that the "
General Grand King " had granted "warrants or charters ": for St. Andrew's
Chapter, Hanover, January 27, 1807; Trinity Chapter, Hopkinton, February 16,
1807 ; Washington Chapter, Portsmouth, November, 1815 ; Cheshire Chapter,
Keene, May 4, 1816; all of which was ratified June 7, 1816.
The‑General Grand Chapter
being duly notified by "John Harris," that the Grand Chapter of New Hampshire
had been " formed and organized," on June 1o, 1819, action was taken to
recognize said Grand Chapter, "under the jurisdiction of this General Grand
Chapter." Additional notice was taken of this in 1826, that it had been "
legally and constitutionally formed." The General Grand High Priest granted a
"warrant" : for Union Mark Lodge, No. i, in Claremont, April 3, 1819 ; but
this passed under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter.
New Jersey. ‑Warrants were
granted: for Cincinnati Mark Lodge, No. 1, Hanover, in April, 18 ; and for
Union Mark Lodge, No. 2, in Orange, in July, 1812 ; and these were confirmed
in 1816. The General Grand Scribe gave dispensation, for Washington Chapter,
No. 1, in Newark, May z6, 1813.
623 This dispensation was
renewed by Thomas Smith Webb, D. G. G. H. P., June q, 18 ; and General Grand
Chapter ordered a charter September 11, 1819. DeWitt Clinton issued a
dispensation for Franklin Chapter, No. 3, reported September 16, 1826, without
date, but charter was granted. Clinton also gave permission to form a Grand
Chapter, and this was recognized in 1826. It was shown in report to General
Grand Chapter, September 1o, 1819, in forming a Grand Chapter in New Jersey,
that there were "Two Royal Arch chapters in the State, under the jurisdiction
of the General Grand Chapter, and one under Pennsylvania, which does not
acknowledge the jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter." Consequently a
Grand Chapter could not be formed until there were three chapters
acknowledging this jurisdiction.
Little, if anything, is said
of this body subsequently. The cultivation of Royal Arch Masonry in the State
was not flattering; but we quote a resolution, adopted in General Grand
Chapter, September 17, 184 1 : ‑ " Resolved, That Hiram Chapter, at Trenton,
be advised to place itself under the jurisdiction of the Grard Chapter of the
State of New York, and that said Grand Chapter be advised to legalize the
proceedings of Hiram Chapter subsequent to the dissolution of the Grand
Chapter of New Jersey." On March 13, 1848, the Deputy General Grand High
Priest granted dispensations for Union Chapter, No. 1, and on March 20, 1848,
for Newark Chapter, No. 2, both in Newark; and charters were voted to them
Septemher 17, 185o. This was executed in part only; for on September 17, 1853,
it appeared that Newark, No. 2, had been merged into Union Chapter, and no
further action was required.
In 1856, Union Chapter, No. 1,
in Newark, was "the only regularly chartered chapter, immediately subordinate
t4 the General Grand Chapter," in the State.
On September 3, 1854, the
General Grand King had dispensated Enterprise Chapter, No. 2, in Jersey City.
The General Grand High Priest had done the same for Boudinot Chapter, No. 5,
in Burlington; and charters for these two were voted September 11, 185 6.
As early as July, 1853, Hiram
Chapter, No. 4, had asked of New York to be transferred to the jurisdiction of
the General Grand Chapter. This request came to the latter body, was
recognized by the General Grand High Priest, and confirmed by General Grand
Chapter. Hiram Chapter, No. 4, first in Trenton, was released from the Grand
Chapter of New York, November 14, 1854, and received a new charter from the
General Grand Chapter, September 11, 1856, as Hiram Chapter, No. 4, in
On application by Chapters
NOS. 2, 4, and 5, the General Grand High Priest gave approval on January 24,
1857; and the Grand Chapter of New Jersey was regularly organized February 13,
185 7. It has been honorably represented at all succeeding Triennial Sessions
of the General Grand Chapter.
New Mexico.‑Chapters in this
Territory were established by the General Grand Chapter, as follows: Santa Fd,
No. i, Santa F6, December i i, 1865 ; charter, September 18, 1868 : Silver
City, No. 2, Silver.City, February 22, 1876; charter, August 24, 1877: Las
Vegas, No. 3, Las Vegas, March 1o, 1881 ; Rio Grande, No. 4, Albuquerque,
January 12, 1882 ; charters to each, August 15, 1883: Deming, No. 5, Deming,
February 28, 1885 ; charter. October 1, 1886.
New York. ‑We have nothing
before us to show when the Royal Arch degree first appeared in New York. We
shall assume, however, that the degree was conferred under lodge charters, as
practised in England. On September 5, 1781, a warrant was issued by the Duke
of Athol, appointing Rev. William Walter, Provincial Grand Master, with power
to open a Provin cial Grand Lodge in the city of New York. Robert Macoy says
that the first meeting of this Grand Lodge was held December 5, 1782. There
were nine lodges then in the city, and six military lodges connected with the
British Army. In view of the known custom, the Royal Arch degree could not
have been unknown to all of these, and we must infer that Washington Chapter,
styled the || Mother Chapter," had its origin in this Grand Lodge, if not in
one or more of the fifteen lodges.
We have noticed this chapter,
in speaking of Connecticut, but repeat, so far as to say that its early
records were destroyed by fire in New York, so its origin is unknown. We have
seen, however, that it granted warrants for chapters through' a series of
years ; the earliest known being that of Hiram in Newtown, Connecticut, dated
April 29, 1791.
The records of the Grand
Chapter of New York show that it was organized by the following chapters:
Hudson, of Hudson; Temple, of Albany; Horeb, of Whitestown ; Hibernian, of New
York; and Montgomery, of Stillwater. Of these chapters, Hudson was instituted
in 1796 ; Temple Chapter, February 14, 1797, in which Thomas Smith Webb was a
prominent figure. We have no dates as to the others. Nevertheless,
representatives from these five assembled in Albany, and established the Grand
Chapter oú New York, March 14, 1798. At the outset Mark lodges were
recognized, warrants to erect them and chapters were granted, and the body
prospered. In 1820 thirty‑six chapters and three Mark lodges were represented
in Grand Chapter; in 1829, fiftyfive chapters reported ; in 1839 and 1840 the
attendance of thirteen only was reported; after which improvement is
observable ; in 1853 sixty‑one chapters are reported on the roll, and
prosperity has elevated this as the largest State Grand Chapter in America.
Aside from the Anti‑Masonic
depression, the Grand Chapter has had its share of internal troubles ; these
have been treated with discretion, and in the interests of the Rite.
The Grand body was organized
with DeWitt Clinton, Deputy Grand High Priest; Thomas Frothingham, Deputy
Grand King; Jedediah Sanger, Deputy THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
625 Grand Scribe; John Hammer,
Deputy Grand Secretary, and Thomas Smith Webb, Deputy Grand Treasurer, in the
order given. In 1799 Clinton was Grand High Priest, .and Webb, Deputy Grand
High Priest, the highest office to which the latter attained in Grand Chapter.
It may be added here that Webb became Deputy General Grand High Priest, but
never was General Grand ,High Priest, as stated by Brother Schultz, in his
Maryland Chapter History.
The General Grand Chapter held
its sessions of 1816, 1819, 1826, 1829, and 1841 in the city of New York.
DeWitt Clinton was elected General Grand High Priest, 1816‑1826; Edward
Livingston, 1829‑1835 ; John L. Lewis, 1865 ; James M. Austin, 1868; and David
F. Day, in 1889: all being Past Grand High Priests of New York. This of itself
speaks in praise of the men and of the companions of the jurisdiction.
North Carolina. ‑ It is
generally agreed that a Grand Chapter was established in North Carolina on
June 22, 1822, that it existed for a number of years, and finally became
dormant. It existed in 1826, and was one of the Grand Chapters that concurred
in the resolution, of the Grand Chapter of Kentucky, in favor of dissolving
the General Grand Chapter.
This latter body had
authorized the erection of chapters, by dispensations, confirmed by charters
as follows : Phoenix, in Fayetteville, September 1, 1815 ; Concord, in
Wilmington, 1815 ; charters to each, June 7, 18 16 : Wadesborough,
Wadesborough, 1822 ; charter, September 15, 1826.
We hazard the suggestion that
these three chapters, one being U. D., formed a Grand Chapter, and that its
defective title was consequent upon a corresponding administration of affairs
in the then General Grand Secretary's office, not made apparent until soon
after 1826.
During the session of 1847,
Charles Gilman, General Grand Secretary, showed in his report that such a body
had been a constituent of the General Grand Chapter, but had ceased to exist
about twenty years prior. He reported chapters in Halifax, Tarborough,
Fayetteville, and Wilmington, not in correspondence with the General Grand
Chapter, though he thought most, if not all of them, were instituted under its
immediate jurisdiction. Of these facts he had obtained knowledge too recently
for investigation. It was shown also that three of these chapters had
assembled on June 28, 1847, and organized a Grand Chapter. Means were taken to
cure defects, so that the body might come under the jurisdiction of the
General Grand Chapter.
This Grand Chapter was
represented in the Triennial Convocations of 1850 and 1856. In 1857 it
withdrew its allegiance, and this was continued until the session of 1871,
when it reappeared by its representatives, in allegiance to the General Grand
Ohio. ‑ The movement to
organize a Grand Chapter in Ohio was started in Cincinnati Chapter, which body
asked the chapters then in the State to meet at Worthington, on October 21,
1816. This resulted in organizing and formally opening the Grand Chapter of
Ohio, on October 24, 1816.
Of the chapters concerned,
Washington, at Chilicothe, held by dispensation from the General Grand Scribe,
granted September 20, 1815 ; charter confirmed in 1816, by General Grand
Chapter. On the second day of the meeting a committee to examine credentials
reported as follows : ‑ " On examination it appears that American Union
Chapter, of Marietta; originated in the year 1792; that Cincinnati Chapter
existed prior to the 27th of January, 1798; that Horeb Chapter had authority
from the Deputy Grand High Priest of the State of Maryland and District of
Columbia, dated 8th March, 1815, which Grand Chapter is in connection with the
General Grand Chapter of the United States." And this was followed by the
names of the representatives.
Thomas Smith Webb, Deputy
General Grand High Priest, under date of September 28, 1816, and writing from
Cincinnati, gave a letter of approval, referring in it to the General Grand
Constitution, which did not apply to chapters existing prior to January 27,
1798. Thus encouraged, the Grand Chapter was organized as above written, and
the chapters were given rank as follows: American Union, No. i ; Cincinnati,
No. 2 ; Horeb, No. 3 ; Washington, No. 4. The first regulation adopted was: ‑
"This Grand Chapter acknowledges the authority of the General Grand Royal Arch
Chapter of the United States, and of the General Grand Royal Arch
Constitution." On September 9, 1819, the General Grand Chapter voted to
receive the Grand Chapter of Ohio into the union under its jurisdiction.
It is worthy of note that
American Union Lodge was organized in Roxbury, in Massachusetts. On going
West, some of its members carried the charter with them, and reopened the
lodge, and thus arose American Union Chapter. Cincinnati Lodge originally held
by charter from New Jersey, September 8, 1791, and thus arose Cincinnati
The General Grand Chapter held
its Triennial Convocations of 1847 and 1865 in Columbus, Ohio.
Oregon. ‑ Dispensations,
subsequently confirmed by charters, granted by the General Grand Chapter, were
issued to organize chapters as follows Multomah, No. 1, in Salem, May 3, 1856;
charter, September 11, 1856: Clackamas, No. z, Oregon City, December 17, 185 7
; charter, September 14, 1859: Portland, No. 3, Portland, January 1, 1859 ;
charter, September 14, 1859.
The Grand Chapter of Oregon
was organized September i8, i86o. Very little was heard of this body in
General Grand Chapter during and for some time after the war period. It
established, by dispensation, a chapter in Idaho City, Idaho, June 18, 1867,
"under the impression that the General Grand Chapter had virtually ceased to
exist." This being made to appear at the Triennial Session of 1865, also, that
all parties had acted without sufficient information, but in good faith, the
General Grand Chapter legalized the proceedings, and granted a charter to
Idaho Chapter, No. i, Idaho Territory, September 18, 1868.
627 The Grand Chapter of
Oregon has been borne upon the roll of the General Grand Chapter since its
organization. It first appeared in the printed proceedings in 1865. Its great
distance from the places of meeting, and the cost of travel, interfered with
its being represented in General Grand Chapter, until 188o.
Pennsylvania.‑In 1758 the
Grand Lodge of England, "Ancients," issued warrants for Lodges Nos. z, and 3,
the latter being styled "Royal Arch Lodge No. 3 "‑both to meet in
The records do not show when
the latter commenced to work, but it initiated, "with the first step of
Masonry," October aa, 1767. It is not so clear when it first worked the Royal
Arch degree, but the historian of the chapter, in February, 1883, quoted to
the effect, that a brother, "connected with the army, and made in 1759 by our
Brothers Maine, Woodward, and Ledly, all Royal Arch Masons," was proposed for
membership, on December 3, 1767 He also said: ‑ " Royal Arch Lodge, No. 3, had
the following furniture for conferring the Royal Arch degree: an Arch, the
Veils, two Triangles, a Pedestal with lid, two floor Cloths, three Crowns,
three Sceptres, two Coronets, and one Mitre." The chapter adopted its first
by‑laws, September 5, 1789, and these provided, that " No brother can be
exalted until he has been at least three years a Master Mason, and has
presided six months as Master of some regular warranted lodge, or has passed
the Chair by dispensation," And for the first time the body is spoken of in
these as a chapter. The new by‑laws created the following officers: High
Priest, King, Scribe, Royal Arch Captain, First Grand Master, Second Grand
Master, Third Grand Master, Treasurer, and Secretary.
The same historian, Charles E.
Meyer, Past Grand High Priest, says: ‑ " About 1795 one James Molan appears,
and claimed to be the only person in the city who knew the Royal Arch degree.
He presented no credentials, but induced the Masters of Lodges Nos. 19, 52,
and 67 to allow the use of their warrants for the purpose of opening chapters
and a Grand Chapter. He elected a Grand High Priest, when the Grand Lodge
interfered, suspended the warrants of the three lodges, and disbanded the
pretended body." All this is shown in reprint of Grand Chapter proceedings.
These charters were subsequently restored : ‑ "The Grand Lodge then proceeded
to open the Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Pennsylvania, under the immediate
sanction of the Grand Lodge, on November 23, 1795‑" The Grand Lodge found that
Molan was without credentials in any degree of Masonry, that he had misled
worthy brethren, that he had no authority from any source, that his body
necessarily was a pretended one, that all authority over Ancient York Lodges
in Pennsylvania was vested in Grand Lodge, and that: ‑ 628 COSMOPOLITAN
"Whereas, Since many years
there has been established in this city [Philadelphia], according to ancient
forms, a Royal Arch chapter, under the sanction of the warrant of Lodge No. 3,
whose work has met with approbation of all visiting Royal Arch Masons from the
different parts of the world; " And, whereas, The number of Royal Arch Masons
is greatly increased, insomuch that other chapters are established in this
city and other parts of Pennsylvania; " IL was jLnally resolved, " That a
Grand Royal Arch Chapter be opened, under the immediate sanction of the Grand
Lodge of Pennsylvania." In r8io Grand Chapter held that "Ancient Masonry
consists of four degrees," and that a Master of a lodge, ‑ "On due trial and
examination by the Chiefs of the chapter to which he shall have applied, and
by them found worthy of being admitted to the Fourth degree,‑the Holy Royal
Arch," etc.
On May 2o, x822, resolutions
for reorganizing Grand Chapter were presented. A committee was appointed, the
Grand Lodge received their application kindly, and appointed a committee of
On January 5, 1824, a
constitution previously agreed upon was amended and adopted; and this
constitution was reported, in x864, to be the only "compact agreement or
understanding, of any kind whatsoever," "entered into between the Grand Lodge
and Grand Chapter." The degrees of Mark Master and Most Excellent Master were
styled Honorary degrees in this constitution. That of Past Master has been
referred to. All of these were made preliminary to the Royal Arch, but
warrants were to be granted for Mark Master's, and Most Excellent Master's
lodges, and a certificate for each of these degrees was provided.
Up to 1824 the titles were:
First Grand Chief, Second Grand Chief, Third Grand Chief, First Grand Master,
Second Grand Master, Third Grand Master, Grand Holy Royal Arch Captain, Grand
Secretary, and Grand Treasurer.
On May 24, 1824, " First Grand
Chief presiding," the officers were elected, with the new titles of Grand High
Priest, Grand King, Grand Scribe, Grand Captain of the Host, Grand Principal
Sojourner, Grand Royal Arch Captain, Three Grand Masters, Grand Secretary,
Grand Treasurer, Grand Chaplain, Grand Marshal, and two Grand Stewards.
Differing from all others it
has no Deputy Grand High Priest; the Treasurer precedes the Secretary and
follows after the Grand Scribe ; three Grand Masters of the Veils rank as
above; then the "Grand Marshal, two Grand Masters of Ceremonies, a Grand
Pursuivant, and a Grand Tyler." A charter granted under the present
constitution includes the right to open Most Excellent, and Mark lodges, and
these degrees are prerequisite to the Royal Arch.
The Grand Chapter of
Pennsylvania has never been included in the jurisdiction of the General Grand
Chapter. It still declines to come into the union of Grand Chapters, while the
State Grand Commandery pursues a different policy, and is a constituent of the
Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States.
629 In respect to territorial
jurisdiction, it does not go beyond the boundaries of the State, but pursues
the consistent course of non‑interference with General Grand Chapter, and this
is respected accordingly.
The chapters in the State were
given rank and precedence according to the date of their organization, if
recognized as being in existence, real or inchoate, on January 5, 1824.
Rhode Island. ‑ We have no
means of showing when or where the companions who organized Providence Royal
Arch Chapter received the Royal Arch degree, even if this were essential. The
charter of this chapter was originally given by Washington Chapter, " Mother,"
of New York, September 3, 1793, as previously stated. It took part in
establishing the General Grand Chapter, and afterward in organizing the Grand
Chapter of Rhode Island, on March 12, 1798.
This Grand body came into the
union at once, and was an active constituent of the General Grand Chapter,
until it was suggested by some of its leading members that the interruption
consequent upon the war period had dissolved the latter body. This has had
sufficient effect to prevent representation of the body in General Grand
Chapter since.
Legislation by the latter
denies the right to secede, but calmly leaves it for this venerable Grand
Chapter to choose its position. It takes control of the Mark, Past, Most
Excellent, and Royal Arch degrees, in the order as originally given in the
charter of Providence Chapter.
It was in Providence, Rhode
Island, session of January 9, and 10, 1799, that the title " General Grand "
was established.
South Carolina.‑The
proceedings of the Grand Chapter of New York show that it granted a warrant
for Carolina Chapter, in Charleston,, South Carolina, on February 1, 1803.
Apart from this we shall not attempt to go back of Unity Chapter to seek for
the organization of Royal Arch Masonry in this State. At the session of i8o6
it was reported that the General Grand King, and General Grand Scribe had,
"conjointly, issued a warrant for instituting Unity Chapter of Royal Arch
Masons in the town of Beaufort, South Carolina"; and on January 9, 18o6, the
General Grand Chapter voted that it be" confirmed and made permanent." The
dispensation for Unity Chapter, Beaufort, was granted March 1, 1805.
The War of 1812 interfered to
prevent the meeting ordered for that year, and it is evident that the business
of the Rite was not always made a matter of record. The records of the General
Grand Chapter give very little information concerning Royal Arch Masonry in
the State prior to the organization of the Grand Chapter of South Carolina,
which was done May 29, 1812.
This body was represented and
recognized in the sessions of 1816, x826, and 1829. The Anti‑Masonic period
stayed its progress; but it was again represented in 1844, and until 1859.
Necessarily the War interrupted communication; but the fact that the Grand
Chapter refused to withdraw its allegiance, 630 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
|| And during the whole of the
rebellion, by a resolution adopted in 1861, the oath of office and of
initiation have included allegiance to the General Grand Chapter," was stated
with pride, in the sessions of 1862‑65, by Albert G. Mackey, General Grand
High Priest, and Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of South
Tennessee. ‑A dispensation was
granted by the General Grand High Priest, for Cumberland Chapter, in
Nashville, Tennessee, dated March 2, 1818, and confirmed by charter, September
1 r, 18 19. Dispensations for chapters, subsequently confirmed by charters,
were granted as follows : Franklin, Franklin; March 25, 1824; Clarksville,
Clarksville, December 11, 1824; La Fayette, Columbia, January 5, 1825. These
were each approved on September 15, 1826. The records of the General Grand
Chapter say that " Charters were granted on the dates we have here placed
after dispensations." It is evident that these several chapters were
recognized as holding charter powers, as the Grand Chapter of Tennessee was
reported in General Grand Chapter to have been legally and constitutionally
formed, and it, with four other Grand Chapters, was recognized as regular,
under the authority and sanction of this General Grand Chapter, on September
16, 1826, at which session it was represented.
The Grand Chapter was
organized on, and takes precedence from, April 3, 1826. This confirmation will
be better understood when it is borne in mind that the General Grand
Constitution gave powers to the first four officers of the General Grand
Chapter, to " institute new chapters," and the Constitu tion of 1829 changed
this reading to " grant dispensations or charters." In the Constitution of
1853 the word "charters," in this connection, was omitted. This Grand Chapter
has been highly influential in the interests of the Rite, and has been
respected in General Grand Chapter accordingly.
The Triennial Session of 1874
was held in Nashville, and John Fri
ell, Past Grand High Priest of
the Grand Chapter, was elected General Grand High Priest in 1877.
Texas. ‑ The first notice of
Royal Arch Masons in Texas, by the General Grand Chapter, was on September 8,
1835, when application was made, and on the next day a "warrant or charter"
was granted for San Filipe de Austin Royal Arch Chapter, No. 1, in San Filipe
de Austin. The removal of this chapter to Galveston, on June 2, 1840, was
approved by General Grand Chapter in 1844.
At the session of 1847,
Charles Gilman, General Grand Secretary, made a statement concerning
unrecognized chapters in Texas, and this calls for examination.
It appears, by printed
proceedings of the Grand Chapter of Texas, that ~~ Dugald McFarlane, a Scotch
Mason, and ten or twelve other companions," organized a chapter, without
warrant, about 1837, in Matagorda, and styled it Cyrus Chapter. Doubts arising
as to their legality, they petitioned the Grand Lodge of Texas, in 1841, and
the Grand Master, "John A. Greer, THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
631 Esquire, Grand Master of
Free and Accepted Ancient York Masons, in the Republic of Texas, and the
Masonic jurisdiction thereunto belonging," granted their petition, and a
dispensation for Rising Star Chapter, in San Augustine, and another for Lone
Star Chapter, in Austin, this last being dated December io, 1841.
These chapters appear in the
proceedings as Cyrus, No. 1 ; Lone Star, No. a ; and Rising Star, No. 3. They
at once held a convention, organized a Grand Chapter, adopted a constitution,
and applied to Grand Lodge for sanction and full authority over Royal Arch
Masonry. On December 23, 1841, the Grand Lodge, having received official
information, ‑ "Resolved, That we surrender all jurisdiction over the said
chapters and Royal Arch Masons, to the said Grand Royal Arch Chapter,‑they now
being the appropriate head, and shou:d, of right, control and govern the
same." This Grand Chapter asserted itself; but the General Grand Chapter of
the United States refused to recognize it, holding it to be irregular,
adopting resolutions to this effect in September, 1847 ; and forbidding all
Royal Arch Masons, udder the jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter, ‑ "To
hold Masonic intercourse with the said so‑called Grand Chapter of Texas, its
sui.ordinates, and those acknowledging the authority of said Grand Chapter."
These resolutions were sent to the Grand Chapter of Texas, together with an
expression of the " most fraternal feelings towards their companions in
Texas." They were told that the General Grand Chapter " would hail with
sincere pleasure an acknowledgment of their errors, and the retracing of their
steps," as any other course would do harm to the common cause.
The result will be best told
in language adopted by the Grand Chapter at its last convocation, held in
January, 1849 : ‑ "The effect of the foregoing resolutions has been to cut off
Royal Arch Masons in Texas from Masonic communication with companions in other
portions of the Union. New chapters have been formed within the limits of this
State, under charters emanating from the General Grand Chapter of the United
States; and the members of these respective Chapters are mutually debarred
from entering each other. Repeated and persevering efforts have been made, and
an extensive correspondence carried on with the General Grand Secretary, for
the purpose of settling this unhappy controversy, but without effect. It is
not the purpose of your committee, nor would it be advisable to discuss at
this time, the merits of the controversy. Your committee are decidedly of
opinion, that for the sake of peace and harmony among the Craft, it is
advisable for this Grand Chapter to concede to the demands of the General
Grand Chapter, abandon the position it has assumed, and dissolve." Four
resolutions followed : First, to donate to Grand Lodge of Texas, in trust, all
property, the interest to be used for charitable purposes ; the principal to
any "legally constituted Grand Royal Arch Chapter organized in the State of
Texas," on demand. Second, subordinate chapters were advised to pursue a
similar course to subordinate lodges. Third, ‑ "Resolved, That on the 1st day
of March, A.D. r849, A.L. 5849, this Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons,of
The fourth made it the duty of
the Grand Secretary, A. S. Ruthven, transmit copies of the report and
resolutions to the subordinate chapters Grand Officers.
We will now speak of other
chapters established in Texas by the Gene Grand Chapter: Washington, No. 2, in
Houston, May 5, 1848; Jerusale No. 3, in Anderson, March 10, 1849; Trinity,
No. 4, in Crockett, March i 1849; Brenham, No. 5, in Brenham, April r4, 1849 ;
Austin, No. 6, Austi April 14, 1849; San Jacinto, No. 7, Huntsville, January
22, 1850; Washing ton, No. 8, , 1850 (name of this changed to Brazos) ; Rising
Star, No. 9 San Augustine, February 2, 1850. Joseph K. Stapleton, Deputy G. G.
H: P, granted dispensation for No. z ; the others were by Willis Stewart,
Gener Grand King.
Charters were granted
September 14, 185o, for NOS. 2, 5, 6, 8, and 9 o these chapters, and the
dispensations of Nos. 3, 4, and 7 were continued, with advice to obtain
charters from the Grand Chapter of Texas, if one shout be organized before the
session of 1853.
The name, Austin, No. 6, was
changed to Lone Star, No. 6, September 17, 1850.
Immediately after the close of
this session, the General Grand King granted permission, and the Grand Chapter
of Texas was regularly organized December 30, 1850. It was represented in the
sessions of General Grand Chapter in 1853, 1856, 1859, and has not been so
represented since.
At the annual convocation, in
June, 1861, the Grand Chapter of Texas, " Resolved, That all connection
between this Grand Chapter and the General Grand Chapter of the United States
is dissolved and forever annihilated by the separation of our State from that
government." We shall only repeat, the right to secede from, or to dissolve
connection with, the Gelaeral Grand Chapter, is not permitted to any State
Grand Chapter that has at any time been admitted into the Union of Grand
Chapters; or, as judge English expressed it, |` admitted into the American
Royal Arch Union." Utah.‑The General Grand Chapter established chapters in
Utah Territory, as follows: Utah, No. 1, Salt Lake City, December 13, 1872;
charter, November 25, 18 74: Ogden, No. 2, Ogden, March i i, 188 1 ; Ontario,
No. 3, Park City, October 26, 1882 ; charter, to each, August 15, 1883
Vermont. ‑When the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the Northern States of America
adopted the Constitution, on January 26, 1798, it reserved, in Section 18, the
sole power of granting charters for opening chapters in Vermont, and New
Hampshire, until a Deputy Grand Chapter should be established within those
The records of the Grand
Chapter of New York say that it granted a warrant for a Mark Master Masons'
lodge at Bennington, on January 30, 1799. Further reference to these records
show that the Deputy Grand High Priest granted a dispensation for Jerusalem
Chapter, in Vergennes, Vermont, on March 25, 1805, and Grand Chapter a charter
on February 5, 18o6.
633 We here repeat, what seems
to be concurred in, that a Grand Chapter was formed in Vermont, on December
20, 1804; but we are not told where Royal Arch Masonry entered the State, nor
of its first introduction there.
Referring again to the
proceedings of the Grand Chapter of New York, it will be seen that, in
February, `1805, the subject of a Grand Chapter in Vermont was considered,
when the opinion was expressed that there " ought to be at least three regular
Royal Arch chapters to form a Grand Chapter," and it was further said: ‑ "Your
committee have had authentic evidence from respectable sources that there were
but three members at the formation of the aforesaid [Vermont] Grand Chapter."
This was followed by disapproval, and a recommendation " to persons engaged
therein to desist" from trying to form a Grand Chapter in Vermont.
Notwithstanding this, the General Grand Chapter, on January 9, 18o6, ‑
"Resolved, That this General Grand Chapter deems it advisable, under a
consideration of all the circumstances attending the formation of a Grand
Royai Arch Chapter in the State of Vermont, to admit, and they do hereby
admit, the said Grand Chapter of Vermont into an union with us under the
General Grand Royal Arch Constitution." Under the pressure of Anti‑Masonry,
this body held its last annual convocation in 1832, Nathan B. Haswell being
then Grand High Priest. He also attended the Triennial Convocation of 1832. At
the session of 1844, this zealous companion said that the Anti‑Masonic spirit
had nowhere gained so strong a foothold as in Vermont, and concluded with the
assurance that the fidelity of the brethren and companions of Vermont had
never been shaken. This companion summoned three chapters, which had resumed
labor, to assemble at Burlington, to reorganize the Grand Chapter. Jerusalem
Chapter, No. z, was revived by dispensation from the General Grand Scribe, in
February, 1848, without charge. The Grand Lodge of Vermont began to revive in
1847, and the Grand Chapter of Vermont shows that the revived chapters had
done so by dispensations, soon following this revival, from the General Grand
Chapter. Under sanction of Joseph K. Stapleton, Deputy General Grand High
Priest, given to Companion Haswell, the Grand Chapter was reorganized on July
18, 1849.
The three chapters taking part
in reorganizing were Jerusalem, No. 2, at Vergennes ; Burlington, No. 12, at
Burlington; and La Fayette, No. 15, at East Berkshire.
Champlain Chapter, in St.
Albans, petitioned Grand High Priest Haswell for renewal, in October, 1849,
and this was granted.
On June 19, 1850, an attested
copy of the original charter of Champlain Chapter was produced in Grand
Chapter, with proof that the original charter had been lost by fire. Under a
rule relating to dormant chapters, Champlain paid $25, was revived, and
represented at this Grand convocation.
The Grand High Priest named
ten other chapters in the State, not then revived. Since then the Grand
Chapter has had in its ranks some of the 634 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
ablest of American Masons,
worthy successors of Nathan B. Haswell, a Grand High Priest of the highest
The Grand Chapter was
represented in the subsequent Triennial Sessions of the General Grand Chapter,
until, in 186o, it passed what the General Grand High Priest, in 1871, termed
a " resolution of secession." On the i 6th day of June, this same officer was
informed, by telegraphic dispatch, that the resolution was rescinded. The
Grand Chapter was represented in the Triennial Session of 1871, and has
continued to be harmonious and prosperous, in the jurisdiction of the General
Grand Chapter, and represented in the Triennial Convocations.
Virginia. ‑ It is said that
Royal Arch Masonry was introduced into Virginia "under the auspices of Joseph
Myers." If this were so, the date may be surmised with tolerable exactness.
Our own thought runs in another channel. The convention of six lodges which
met at Williamsburg, Virginia, on May 6, 1777, to choose a Grand Master,
included Cabin Point Royal Arch Lodge. This lodge was chartered by the Grand
Lodge of Scotland, April 5, 1775, for Cabin Point, and named as stated.
Inasmuch as the words " Royal Arch" in connection with " Lodge " have, in
known cases, included the conferring of the Royal Arch degree, we conclude
that the introduction of Royal Arch Masonry into Virginia, under a Masonic
organization, was clearly with this lodge.
In course of completing the
business of this convention, it was shown', that lodges in Virginia were
working under five distinct authorities, to wit: England, Scotland, Ireland,
Pennsylvania, and America; the last said to be at second‑hand.
In this enumeration there is
ample authority for thinking that the Royal Arch degree was conferred under
the warrant of more than one lodge ; and this is made certain by Dr. Dove, in
his history of the Grand Chapter of Virginia, in the following language : ‑ "
Royal Arch Masonry was taught and practised in this State during the latter
part of the last century, under the authority of a Master's warrant, until the
want of some specific legislation seemed evidently indicated for the internal
government of the Royal Arch chapters which were then growing in number and
increasing in members." The period of which Dr. Dove here spoke was the early
part of 18o6, and to show that he was better qualified than any other person
to speak with authority, we present the fact of his known intellectual
ability, in connection with the record that he was present at every meeting of
the Grand Chapter of Virginia from December 17, 1818, to December 17, 1868.
At another time, he shows us
something of the ritual of the degree; when, in 187 a, discussing the matter
of "substitutes," he said, " We have been in the constant use of them since
1792, and have as yet seen no evil result therefrom." In association with
this, we quote Dr. Dove, on a much discussed degree, in State and General
Grand Chapters, namely, the degree of Past Master, in THE CAPITULAR DEGREES.
635 the Chapter series,
whereof he said : " It has been practised by us in Virginia since. 1790."
Whatever may have been the complete ritual under lodge warrants, it was
practised until 1820.
On January 7, 1820, in Grand
Chapter, it was " Resolved, That our enlightened Companion James Cushman, H.
P. of Franklin Chapter, No. ó, Connecticut, be requested to exemplify the mode
of work at present adopted by the General Grand Chapter of the United States,
it appearing from his credentials that he is fully competent." The degrees of
Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch Mason were
exemplified, as requested, on January 18, 1820, and, after "the most solemn
deliberation," were adopted; and this, "that harmony and uniformity should
prevail throughout the Masonic world, and more especially the United States."
The old ritual covered the degrees of Excellent and Super‑Excellent.
A Grand Council of Royal and
Select Masters was formed in Richmond, in 1820, but this ceased to exist on
December 17, 189.1. The degrees controlled by it were by mutual agreement
taken in control of the Grand Chapter under a series of resolutions, one of
which will show all that need be said here : ‑ "Resolved, That hereafter the
degrees in subordinate chapters be given in the following order, to wit: Mark
Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, Royal Master, Select Master, and
Royal Arch." In one of the early chapters of Virginia we meet again the word "
Grand," but will not discuss it further.
On May 3, 1806, a convention
was held in "Norfolk Borough," when it was shown that it had been proposed by
the "Grand United Chapter of Excellent and Super‑Excellent Masons of Norfolk
to the Royal Arch chapters of Richmond, Staunton, and Dumfries to establish a
Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter for the State of Virginia," and this was done
on May 1, 1808. This was without reference to, or in association with, the
General Grand Chapter of the United States, from which body it has always held
aloof, and maintained an individual existence. The Supreme Grand Chapter
claimed the right to organize chapters in territory not occupied by a State
Grand Chapter, and did establish two in Florida: Magnolia Chapter, No. 16, at
Apalachicola, and Florida Chapter, No. 32, at Tallahassee; and these two took
part in organizing the Grand Chapter of Florida, in 1847.
When it was sought to organize
the Grand Chapter of West Virginia, the Grand Chapter of Virginia adhered to
the rule set up by the Grand Lodge of the State : ‑ "That the political
boundaries of a State being definitely given and decided upon, fixes the
Masonic jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of that State, except in so far as
rights may have vested under charters theretofore lawfully issued." It then
had nine chapters in West Virginia, but either or all of these char ters could
be formally surrendered. It agreed, also, to the rule of Grand 636
Lodge, not to organize any new
chapters in West Virginia after the Grand Chapter of that State should be
established, it being understood that the latter should observe the same
restrictions toward Virginia.
A further clause in Grand
Lodge rules carried a recommendation to surrender the old or original
charters, and take new ones under the new Grand body.
The relations of this Grand
Chapter with other State Grand Chapters are of the most fraternal character.
As to uniting with the General Grand Chapter, majority and minority reports
have been presented and discussed in the Grand Chapter of Virginia, with the
result, "that it is not expedient to unite." The General Grand Chapter,
however, respects the territorial jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter, as
bounded by State lines ; and that body, aside from its detached existence,
maintains correspondingly good relations with the General Grand Chapter.
Washington. ‑Dispensation was
granted November 1, 1869, for Seattle Chapter, No. i, in Seattle, and on
February 13, 1871, for Walla Walla Chapter, No. z, in Walla Walla; charters
granted these two, September 20, 1871. From internal causes the former did not
succeed; its charter was suspended in 1874, and declared forfeited at the
Triennial Session of 1880. At the request of Walla Walla Chapter, its number
was then changed to No. 1.
Dispensation was granted for
Spokane Chapter, No. 2, Spokane Falls, November 1, 1881 ; for Seattle, No. 3,
Seattle, January 2, 1883 ; and charters for these two, on August 15, 1883 A
preliminary convention was held in Spokane Falls, on June 6, and 7, 1884. The
General Grand High Priest held that the letter of approval should have
preceded the holding of a convention, and gave the authority to hold a
convention in Walla Walla, on October 2, 1884. Three chapters being
represented, they then and there organized the Grand Chapter of Washington. A
dispensation had been granted for Tacoma Chapter, No. 4, May io, 1884, by the
General Grand High Priest; but this chapter passed to the jurisdiction of the
Grand Chapter.
West Virginia. ‑ Following the
erection of the State of West Virginia, and the delay because of the war, the
Grand Lodge of West Virginia was finally established, on May 11, 1865,
although a series of convention assemblies had been held, looking to the
event, commencing December 28, 1863.
All the Masonic bodies in the
State held charters from Grand bodies in Virginia, the Mother State, and were
organized under certain restrictions imposed by the Grand Lodge of Virginia,
as mentioned in the item, " Virginia." In 1870 there were in West Virginia
nine chapters, of obedience to the Grand Chapter of Virginia, and the movement
to form a separate Grand Chapter began in Wheeling Union Chapter, No. i9, in
Wheeling. This chapter issued a Memorial, loyal in tone to 11 Mother " Grand
637 Chapter, but seeking
permission to organize a Grand Chapter for the State. This memorial was
approved by Jerusalem Chapter, No. 55, in Parkersburg, on November 17, 1870;
by Star of the West Chapter, No. 18, at Point Pleasant, on November z1, 1870 ;
and by Nelson Chapter, No. 26, at Morgantown, November 30, 1870. It was passed
upon in Grand Chapter of Virginia, in December, 1870, and consent was given
"upon the same terms and conditions, and with the same limitations, as the
consent of the Grand Lodge of Virginia was given to the formation of a Grand
Lodge for the State of West Virginia." A convention was held in Wheeling,
November 16, 1871, in which appeared delegates from the four chapters above
named and from Lebanon Chapter, No. g, at Martinsburg. The sense of the
convention was expressed in a resolution, "to now organize a Grand Royal Arch
Chapter for the State of West Virginia." This was done, and the Grand Officers
were installed by Most Excellent John P. Little, Grand High Priest of the
Grand Chapter of Virginia, who also warned the companions against a union with
the General Grand Chapter, and this warning has been closely observed. He
further told the Grand Chapter that it had " full authority to confer the
degrees of Mark Master, Past Master, Select and Royal Masters, Most Excellent
Master, and Royal Arch." Wisconsin. ‑ Dispensation was granted by the Deputy
General Grand High Priest: for Milwaukee Chapter, No. 1, in Wisconsin
Territory, February 16, 1844; for Washington, No. z, in Platteville, July a,
1844 ; and to Southport, No. 3, in Southport, date not given; but charters
were granted to No. 1, September 1 r, 1844, and to Nos. z, and 3, on September
17, 1847.
Under date of January 1o,
1850, the Deputy General Grand High Priest gave authority, and a convention of
delegates from the three chapters was held in Madison; and the Grand Chapter
of Wisconsin was regularly organized on February 14, 1850.
The convention adopted a
constitution for the Grand Chapter, and ordered it, together with the
constitution of the General Grand Chapter, to be printed. It also authorized
the Grand Secretary to procure a seal " for the use of this Grand Chapter."
Joseph K. Stapleton, Deputy General Grand High Priest, acknowledged the
receipt of the printed proceedings and Grand constitutions, and under date of
July 5, 1859, at Baltimore, he authorized Argulus W. Stark to install the
Grand Officers, and this was done on August 7, 1850.
We have to notice that this
latter date is set clown as that when this Grand Chapter was organized. An
examination of the proceedings of this body, date of February 14, 1850, shows
that Grand Officers were elected, constitution and seal were adopted and
ordered, and, lastly, that the Grand Sentinel of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter
of Wisconsin was chosen. The Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Wisconsin convened on
August 7, 1850, "for the purpose of installing the officers of said Grand
The death of Companion
Stapleton occurred before the session of 1853, and this will account for the
fact that mention of this Grand Chapter was not made in the printed
proceedings of the General Grand Chapter until a later period.
Wyoming. ‑ Chapters were
established by the General Grand Chapter in Wyoming, as follows: Wyoming No.
1, Cheyenne, December 27, 1869; chartered September zo, 1871: Evanston, No. z,
Evanston, April 25, 1876; Lebanon, No. 3, Laramie City, March .15, 1877 ;
charter to each, August 24, 1877: Garfield, No. 4, Rawlins, March 25, 1884;
chartered October 1, 1886.
Chapters in Foreign Countries.
‑ On June 1o, 185 7, the General Grand High Priest granted a dispensation for
Honolulu Chapter, No. 1, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands; and the General Grand
Chapter voted a charter, September 14, 1859. The exhibit from this chapter
shows that it should now have fifty‑seven members, with a possible loss or
gain of one or two.
Key‑stone Chapter, No. 1,
under the same authority, was granted a dispensation, July 27, 187o, and
charter, September zo, 1871. The growth of this body is somewhat retarded by
local causes. It depends considerably upon the merchant marine for candidates,
but the tides serve to call the ships oceanward at hours when it is
inconvenient to meet. The chapter, however, has twenty‑nine zealous members,
as appears in the returns of 1889, to the General Grand Chapter.
King Cyrus Chapter,
established in Valparaiso, Chili, by charter, September 8, 1865, maintained a
poor existence for some years, as also did St. John's Chapter, established by
dispensation in May, 1863, and a charter, September 8, 1868, at Smyrna,
Turkey. The General Grand Chapter took final action towards these two on
August 27, 188o, and "Resolved, That the charters of Cyrus Chapter, at
Valparaiso, Chili, and St. John's Chapter, at Smyrna, Turkey, both subordinate
to this General Grand Chapter, be declared forfeited, and that their titles be
dropped from the Registry of subordinate chapters." THE ORDER OF HIGH
Txis is an Honorary degree,
and includes a system of initiation, limited to Royal Arch Masons who have
been regularly elected as High Priests, to preside over Royal Arch chapters.
The General Grand Chapter
discussed it in 1853, to the effect that the legitimate powers of a Council of
High Priests must be left to the decision of those who are in possession of
the Order, but failed to agree that it had no authority to enter upon the
investigation of the question, an opinion held by Dr. Mackey.
A resolution was read: "That
it is not within the province or the control of this General Grand Chapter, or
of any State Grand Chapter, to define the ORDER OF HIGH PRIESTHOOD.
639 duties or powers of a
Council of High Priests." This evidently caused debate, but the members seemed
to be content to table the question. Indeed, the treatment of the subject
indicated a preference for having the High Priests receive the " Order," but
that it was not essential.
The action taken by General
Grand Chapter, on qualifications of Past Masters, indicates that a requisite
member of Past High Priests can confer the Order on a High Priest‑elect.
The Massachusetts Convention
of High Priests was established on November 6, 1826, in its present form; and
the Order was conferred on eight High Priests before the year closed. The
membership roll of this body commences with William McKean, May, 1789, and
shows, with few exceptions, annual additions to the list. No one was admitted
between 1795 and 1799, and but one other interval exceeds two years, and that
was in 1830‑31. Its present membership exceeds four hundred.
The earliest mention that we
have seen of the degree in Pennsylvania is " December 12, 1825," under Michael
Nisbet, Grand High Priest, when the degree was conferred on six Past High
Priests, by Past Grand High Priest Newcomb. This was done in Grand Chapter.
In Virginia the Grand High
Priest is President, ex officio, of the Convention. On the first night of each
annual convocation he is to appoint a " Convention of Past High Priests, to
meet on the second day at ro o'clock, A.M., and confer the Order of High
Priesthood on all the High Priests‑elect who present themselves." As to a more
general inquiry, as to the Order in the several States, we fail to see that it
is of sufficient importance to require it. A sufficient number of Past High
Priests, not less than three, ought to be sufficient to confer the Order,
assuming that they are personally qualified, on High Priests‑elect, provided
there be no recognized body in control of the Order in the State.
In view of the precedents, a
sufficient number of Past High Priests, having received the Order of High
Priesthood, can organize a Convention of High Priests on a permanent basis,
elect its officers, to wit: President, Vice‑President, Treasurer, and
Secretary, Chaplain, Captain of the Guard, Conductor, Herald, and Sentinel.
The five last named may be appointed by the President. As a matter of
prudence, the State Grand Chapter should have knowledge of the Convention.
Conclusion. ‑ It only remains
to say that, in preparing these two chapters on the Capitular Rite, we have
left nothing to the hazard of opinion only. In fixing dates, whether in Europe
or America, none but the best acknowledged authorities have been relied upon.
These we have not failed to mention during the progress of the work.
In the United States, the
dates are those given in the original proceedings of the General Grand, and
State Grand Chapters, and this applies to all the Grand Chapters in America.
640 Failing in these, and this
has been limited to not more than three or four cases, we have found good
warrant for whatever the pages of these two chapters on the Capitular Degrees
may contain, and especially so in all that relates to the Grand Royal Arch
Chapters in America.
History and Object of the'
Order.‑In the United States, no one is legally entitled to receive the Order
of High Priesthood unless he has been elected to preside over a chapter of
Royal Arch Masons.
In many jurisdictions it is
made a prerequisite for High Priests‑elect to receive the Order prior to
installation ; while in others its reception prior to installation is not held
to be essential, but it is conferred upon High Priests and Past High Priests
at such times as may be convenient.
But little is known of the
origin and early history of the Order, the earliest allusion to it being in
the Constitution adopted by the General Grand Chapter, at its convocation held
at Providence, Rhode Island, January I o, 1799‑ In the forms adopted for the
Installation of Officers of a subordinate chapter, occurs the following: ‑
"All the companions, except High Priests and Past High Priests, are requested
to withdraw while the new High Priest is solemnly bound to the performance of
his duties; and after the performance of other necessary ceremonies, not
proper to be written, they are permitted to return." This clause, in
connection with the declaration of the installing officer, to wit: " I now
declare you duly installed and anointed High Priest," etc., leaves no room to
doubt that this Order was known and worked January ro, I799 Action of the
General Grand Chapter. ‑ This provision was in the Con‑ ORDER OF HIGH
641 stitution of the General
Grand Chapter until 1853, when it was repealed, and a resolution adopted,
recommending, ‑ "That every newly elected High Priest should, as soon as
convenient, receive the Order of High Priesthood, but his anointment as such
is not necessary to his installation, or the full and entire discharge of all
his powers and duties as the presiding officer of his chapter." Many old and
conservative companions viewed this action of the General Grand Chapter with
great regret, holding that, from the earliest period in the history of
Capitular Masonry in this country no one could properly be installed High
Priest of a chapter unless he had previously received the Order of High
Origin of the Degree.‑There
appears but little doubt that the degree was fabricated by Thomas Smith Webb
and his associates, at about the same time that they formulated and arranged
the Capitular system.
Companion William Hacker,'
Past Grand High Priest of Indiana, in an interesting paper upon the subject,
written for Mackey's Encyclopxdia, in 1878, concludes that Webb and his
co‑advisers, Benjamin Hurd, Jr., and James Harrison, were the true authors of
the Order; but says : ‑ "Where these Most Excellent Companions got the
original thought or germ out of which the Order was formed will have, perhaps,
to be left to conjecture; yet even here I think we may find some data upon
which to found a conclusion.
"In setting about the
formation of an Order suitable for the office of High Priest, what could be
more natural or appropriate than to take the Scriptural history of the meeting
of Abraham with Melchizedek, Priest of the Most High God; the circumstances
which brought this meeting about; the bringing forth the bread and wine; the
blessings, etc. ; and the anointing of Aaron and his sons to the Priesthood
under the Mosaic dispensation 2 It does seem to me that these would be the
most natural sources for any one to go to for facts and circumstances to work
into an Order of this kind.
"We can illustrate this point
farther by reference to a note, found in an old ritual of the 'Mediterranean
Pass' as then‑and perhaps it may be so now‑conferred under the Grand Priory of
England and Wales, preparatory to the Order of Malta. That note read as
follows: "' In some priories the candidate partakes of bread from the point of
a sword; and wine from a chalice placed upon the blade; handed to him by the
"Again, in an old manuscript
of the ritual of the Royal Grand Conclave of Scotland, now also lying before
me, I find similar language used in the ritual of the Templars' Order. How
well the thoughts contained in these extracts have been worked into the Order
of High Priest, every well‑informed High Priest must very well understand.
"But the question now comes
up: Were Webb and his associates in possession of these rituals at the time
they originated the Order of High Priesthood? I think they were, and for these
reasons: In these rituals, to which I have referred, I find these expressions
used, 'That I will not shed the blood of a K.. T.% unlawfully'; 'The skull to
be laid open, and all the brains to be exposed to the scorching rays of the
sun'; with several other familiar expressions, which every Royal Arch Mason
will readily recognize as appropriately wrought into Webb's Royal Arch
degree." How Conferred. ‑ The Order was originally conferred in occasional
councils convened, when necessary, as Past Master lodges are now convened, to
confer the Past Master's degree upon Masters‑elect, and then to dissolve.
1 Enc. Mackey, pp. 339 and
But, in process of time, Councils of High Priests were organized, and the
Order conferred only upon such as the members might approve.
Companion Hacker says that the
earliest authentic record that he could find of the organization of such a
council was that of Ohio, in 1828. But there was at least one council
organized four years previous to this date. The Council of High Priests of
Maryland was organized May 7, 1824, and has had a continued existence to the
present time. Its records, with the autographic signatures of all companions
anointed since that date, are preserved and are highly valued by the
companions of Maryland. Among those who received the Order in this Council are
the following companions of other jurisdictions, upon whom the Order was
conferred by courtesy,' viz.: Alex M. Anderson, of Kentucky; Rev. Fred Clark,
of Maine; Asa Childs, of Connecticut; William B. Thrall, of Ohio; Albert Pike,
of Arkansas; and John Goshom, and V. P. Chapin, of Virginia. The distinguished
Companion Edward Livingston, General Grand High Priest‑elect, received the
Order in Washington, District of Columbia, under the auspices of this Council
in 1830, prior to his installation into office, by the Grand Chapters of
Maryland and District of Columbia assembled in joint convention.2 The General
Grand Chapter having, by resolution, authorized those bodies to install
Companion Livingston during his sojourn in that city, as a member of Congress,
the companions deemed it was not proper to install one into that exalted
station who had not received the Order of High Priesthood.
1 Schultz's History, Vol. IV.
PP. 575‑5802 Schultz's History, Vol. IV. p. 5o6.
The Council of Royal, and
Select, and Super‑Excellent Masters; together with a comprehensive sketch of
its rise and organization; government by a General Grand Council, Grand
Councils, and Councils; including the Independent Grand Councils, and those of
Canada and England.
LL.D., 33|, Past Deputy Grand Master, Grand Lodge of North Carolina; Past
Grand High Priest, R.A.M.; Past Grand Commander, KT.; Inspector General,
4.‑.,4.‑. S.‑. Rite; Sir Knight of the Royal Order of Scotland, etc., etc.
Preface.‑In the preparation of
this sketch of Cryptic Masonry, I desire to express my indebtedness to the
labors of the distinguished Companions of the Rite, ‑ J. Ross Robertson, Past
Grand Master and Grand Recorder of the Grand Council of the Dominion of
Canada, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada (Ontario), etc. ; and Josiah
H. Drummond, Past Grand Master of the General Grand Council of the United
States. The works of other venerable and learned brethren,‑Pike, Mickey,
Oliver, and others,‑and the latest reports of the Councils, have been freely
consulted in this effort to present a concise statement of the past and
present of the Cryptic Degrees.
Mickey says: " I learned from
the experience of my early Masonic life, that the character of the Institution
was elevated in every one's opinion just in proportion to the amount of
knowledge that he had acquired of its symbolism, philosophy, and history."
That this paper may not be without its value as far as history, at least, is
regarded, is the earnest hope of THE AUTHOR.
RALEIGH, N.C., June z5, 1890.
The Legend of the " Secret
Vault." ‑To the true Mason, the Mysteries of the Secret Vault present lessons
of unexampled force and beauty.
The Lodge is the arena of
practical Masonry; it is especially the field of operation of the duties that
devolve upon brethren, one to another, in the 643 CHAPTER I.
walks of life. The Chapter,
while not losing sight of the former, concerns itself more with the search
after the perfections and the culture of Truth. It is in the Secret Vault that
the reflective Mason, who looks upon the " Mystictie " that binds mankind
across the seas and around the earth, as one of the greatest gifts of the
Divine Master, will find the highest satisfaction in the explanation of his
difficulties, and the reward of his faithful labors.
The legend of the Secret Vault
is rendered by Oliver thus, in giving an account of the construction of the
Second Temple :' "The foundations of the Temple were opened, and cleared from
the accumulation of rubbish, that a level might be procured for the
commencement of the building. While engaged in excavations for this purpose,
three fortunate sojourners are said to have discovered our ancient stone of
foundation, which had been deposited in the secret crypt by Wisdom, Strength,
and Beauty, to prevent the communication of ineffable secrets to profane or
unworthy persons.
"'Lhe discovery having been
communicated to the prince, prophet, and priest of the Jews, the stone was
adopted as the chief corner‑stone of the re6dified building, and thus became,
in a new and more expressive sense, the type of a more excellent dispensation.
An avenue was also accidentally discovered, supported by seven pairs of
pillars, perfect and entire, which, from their situation, had escaped the fury
of the flames that had consumed the Temple, and the desolation of war that had
destroyed the city.
"The Secret Vault, which had
been built by Solomon as a secure depository for certain secrets that would
inevitably have been lost without some such expedient for their preservation,
communicated by a subterranean avenue with the king's palace; but at the
destruction of Jerusalem, the entrance having been closed by the rubbish of
falling buildings, it had been discovered by the appearance of a key‑stone
among the foundations of the Sanctum Sanctorum. A careful inspection was then
made, and the invaluable secrets were placed in safe custody." Dr. Mackey, to
whose erudition Masonic writers of the present day are so greatly indebted ,2
says, in reference to the above : ‑ "To support this legend, there is no
historic evidence and no authority except that of the Talmudic writers. It is
clearly a mythical symbol, and as such we must accept it. We cannot altogether
reject it, because it is so intimately and so extensively connected with the
symbolism of the Lost and the Recovered Word, that if we reject the theory of
the Secret Vault, we must abandon all of that symbolism, and with it the whole
of the science of Masonic symbolism. Fortunately, there is ample evidence in
the present appearance of Jerusalem and its subterranean topography to remove
from any tacit, and as it were, conventional assent to the theory, features of
absurdity or impossibility.
"Considered simply as a
historic question, there can be no doubt of the existence of immense vaults
beneath the superstructure of the original Temple of Solomon. Prime, Robinson,
and other writers, who in recent times have described the topography of
Jerusalem, speak of the existence of these structures, which they visited and,
in some instances, carefully examined. . . .
"Dr. Barclay ('City of the
Great King'), describes in many places of his interesting topography of
Jerusalem the vaults and subterranean chambers which are to be found beneath
the site of the old Temple.
"In the earliest ages, the
cave or vault was deemed sacred. The first worship was in cavetemples, which
were either natural or formed by art to resemble the excavations of nature. .
. .
"The vault was, in the ancient
mysteries, symbolic of the grave; for initiation was symbolic of death, where
alone Divine Truth is to be found. The Masons have adopted the same idea. They
teach that death is but the beginning of life; that if the first or evanescent
temples of our transitory life be on the surface, we must descend into the
secret vault of death before we can find that sacred deposit of truth which is
to adorn our second temple of eternal life. It is in this sense 1 Historical
Landmarks, Vol. II. p. 434ò Encyclopeedia of Freemasonry, p. 852.
645 of an entrance through the
grave into eternal life that we are to view the symbolism of the secret vault.
Like every other myth and allegory of Masonry, the historical relation may be
true, or it may be false; it may be founded on fact, or be the invention of
imagination; the lesson is still there, and the symbolism teaches it,
exclusive of the history." The Rise of the Cryptic Rite.‑The beautiful Rite of
the Secret Vault received its present title of Cryptic Masonry from the Latin,
meaning concealed, and the Greek term crape, signifying a vault, or
subterranean passage.' The secret vaults of the early Christians were known as
Cryptic Masonry properly
embraces the degrees of Royal and Select Master, to which has been added, as
an appendant or honorary degree, that of Super‑Excellent Master, which,
however, has no direct connection with the former, its attributed history and
legend referring to circumstances separated by a long period from the
transactions commemorated by the Cryptic Degrees. Certain analogies of
symbolism have probably associated them.
The origin of these degrees
has been the subject of a dispute, more than ordinarily zealous, because it
was complicated with the question of jurisdiction. As a matter of fact, they
have been communicated by Inspectors‑General of the A.‑.A.‑.S.‑.Rite, or other
agents of that body, or of the Princes of Jerusalem, or conferred by the Rite
of Perfection, or in bodies of Royal and Select Masters entitled Councils,
either in organic connection with the body known as the General Grand Council
of the United States, or with the Grand Council of some State thereof. They
have also been conferred in councils held within the bosom of chapters of the
Holy Royal Arch, as in Iowa at the present time, or in " Councils appurtenant
to Chapters," as in Texas (since 1864), or treated directly as constituent
degrees of Royal Arch Masonry, as in Virginia and West Virginia.
The persistent life and power
of these degrees, under such varying circumstances, and the fact that, by a
steady if slow development, they are obtaining a recognition and appreciation
hitherto unknown, is evidence that Cryptic Masonry must and does represent no
small share of legendary truth, preserved to succeeding generations from those
elder days of Masonic wisdom which no man can number. ' Introduction upon this
Continent. ‑III.‑. Comp. Charles K. Francis has well said :2 " It may not be
improper at this time to remind the companions that more than a century has
passed since the introduction of the degrees of Royal Master and Select Master
into this country. "They came from Europe; but, like the Royal Arch and other
degrees of Freemasonry, their origin is unknown. Even Freemasonry herself can
give no record of her parentage or birthplace. It is true that such
distinguished brethren as William J. Hughan and Robert F. Gould, of England
(whose work in the field of Masonic research merits the highest tribute of
love and admiration from the Craft), have proved the right of modern
Freemasons to their traditional claim that they 1 First used by III.. Comp.
Rob. Morris, P. T. I. M. (Ky.) ; died July 31, 1888. This distin guished
Masonic writer and lecturer was known all over the Masonic world. Perhaps no
man ever knew personally more Masonic bodies. He was crowned Poet Laureate of
Masonry in New York. Died of paralysis, aged seventy years.
2 M. P. G. M., Address,
Pennsylvania, 1888.
are the lineal descendants of
the Operative Masons of the Middle Ages, who have been styled 'The Master
Architects in the Golden Age of Architecture,' and 'Great Mathematicians,
perfectly experienced in mechanics, and who, on assumed principles of science,
executed some of the boldest and most astonishing works which were ever
executed by man.
"But still unanswered are the
inquiries: From whom did those mighty builders obtain the great secrets of
their art ? Who taught them the mysteries of Freemasonry 1 In what land, and
when, were the foundations of our Mystic Temple laid so strong and deep that
they have withstood the shock of ages ? Who can tread with steady and certain
steps the dark, winding, and almost obliterated pathways of the past, and open
a clear road stretching back to the birthplace of Freemasonry ? "Apart from
the records of the Sacred Scriptures, the Great Light of Freemasonry, how
little is known of the origin of anything! How limited is the range of
authentic profane history! How little has been saved from the wrecks of
nations! The history of our ancient Fraternity, beyond the period of the
Middle Ages, yet remains to be written. Still, we can hope that its
undiscovered annals may yet be brought to light, and prove the assertion of
the distinguished archxologist,t Sir William Bedlam, that ancient Phoenicia
was the cradle of Freemasonry, and that our Fraternity enjoyed a vigorous
manhood long before the time of King Solomon.
"It has been truly said that
'before a nation can have a history, it must have a national life to record.'
Individuals form families which develop into tribes, and they make the nation.
In a similar way Freemasonry has attained its present development. There were
Freemasons before the Lodge had an existence. Individual Freemasons united to
form lodges, and lodges combined to form Grand Lodges. In process of time,
Royal Arch Masons organized Chapters, and Royal and Select Masters established
Councils, with their own distinctive forms of ritual, and government, and yet
connected to the Lodge by as strong a tie as that binding the branches of an
oak to the noble trunk itself, and reaching down to the great roots which
stretch far below the soil and bring up from the earthy depths those
mysterious forces that give the tree its life. And yet, though the trunk gives
life to the branches, they in their turn give life to the trunk, nourishing it
with the food gathered by their leafy fingers from the air and the sunlight.
"Thus have been formed Grand
and Subordinate bodies in the three departments of so‑called' Ancient Craft
Masonry,' embracing the Lodge, the Chapter, and the Council.
"Referring to the lodges that
took part in the inauguration of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717, Brother
John Lane, of England, says: 2 'When and by whom these and other old lodges
were constituted cannot now be decided; but that they, or similar combinations
of Freemasons, existed centuries before the Grand Lodge Era, cannot be
reasonably doubted.' "The late Dr. Albert G. Mackey said: 3 ' It is now the
opinion of the best scholars that the division of the Masonic system into
degrees was the work of the revivalists of the eighteenth century; that before
that period there was but one degree, or rather one common platform of
ritualism ; and that the division into Masters, Fellows, and Apprentices, was
simply one of rank, there being but one initiation for all.' " Brother Hughan?
quoted by Brother G'ould in 'The Four Old Lodges,' as well as by Brother Lyon
in 'History of the Lodge of Edinburgh; says: ' I have carefully perused all
the known Masonic MSS., from the fourteenth century down to A.D. 1717 (of
which I have either seen the originals or have certified copies), and have not
been able to find any reference to three degrees.' . . .
"Referring to Freemasonry in
Scotland, where are found the most ancient lodge minutes (those of the Lodge
of Edinburgh dating back to the year x599), Brother Gould says: ' In the early
Masonry of Scotland, the only degree (of a speculative and symbolic
character), was that in which the legend of the Craft was read, and the
benefit of the Mason‑word conferred.' And he adds that there is no tvidence to
indicate the existence of the 'Second degree, as now practised, until after
the year 1717, nor of the Third degree until the year 1735.. . . .
"Referring to the Royal Arch
degree, Brother Hugltan says: 'Dr. Rob. Morris of 1 Etruria Celtica, Vol. II.
pp. 85‑97. Dublin, 1842.
2 Lane's Masonic Records, p.
v., Introd. London, 1886. 3 Art. Degrees, Mackey's Encyclopxdia.
4 Gould's Four Old Lodges, p.
4o. London, 1879. And Lyon's Hist. Lodge of Edinburgh, p. 211. Edinburgh,
647 Kentucky, an age ago,
declared that the origin of the Royal Arch degree must be ascribed to about
174o, and it is impossible to improve on such an estimate even now.' . . .
"In the year x744 is found the
earliest mention of An Assembly of Master Masons, under the title of Royal
Arch Masons.' 1 Brother Sadler states that ' the earliest reference to the
Royal Arch in the [English] Grand Lodge recdrds appears in the minutes of a
Grand Committee of the "Ancients," September z, 1752.' Dr. Oliver says: 'The
introduction of the Royal Arch degree into the modern system could not be
earlier than the dedication of Freemasons' Hall in 1776,; and 'Many years
elapsed before the system was arranged, and the Order of the Royal Arch
organized so as to constitute an independent rite.' 2 " Brother J. W. S.
Mitchell, in his ' History of Freemasonry,' expresses the opinion that the
degrees of Royal Master and Select Master were introduced into this country as
early as 1766, and he quotes the statement of Brother Philip C. Tucker ,3 that
'we have good authority for saying that, as early as 1766, they were conferred
in the city of Albany.' . , , " Brother E. 'I . Schultz, in his 'History of
Freemasonry in Maryland, 4 says: 'It is stated that the Royal and Select
degrees were conferred by Andrew Francken in Albany, in 1769.' "The fact,
however, is beyond dispute, that in the year 1783 the degrees of Royal Master
and Select Master were conferred in the city of Charleston, South Carolina;
for, in February, 1827 (as stated by Dr. Mackey in his 'Manual of Cryptic
Masonry'), a committee, appointed by the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of South
Carolina to inquire into the history of the degrees of Royal and Select
Masters, reported that these degrees were introduced into Charleston, South
Carolina, in the year 1783, and, that' brethren who then received the degrees
are still living, venerable for their years and warm attachment to the
glorious cause of Freemasonry, and highly respected and esteemed in the
community where they have so long and so honorably sojourned.' . . .
"' The True Masonic Chart,' 5
published by Brother J. L. Cross nearly three‑quarters of a century ago, and
which bears the approval of the General Grand Royal Arch Chapter at the time
of its issue, says: 'This degree [referring to Select Master], is the summit
and perfection of Ancient Masonry, and without which the history of the Royal
Arch degree cannot be complete.' "Brother Samuel Cole, Grand Secretary, Grand
Lodge of Maryland, in the 'Ahiman Rezon, edited by him in the year 1817, and
approved by the Grand Lodge of Maryland, says, in regard to the degree of
Select Master: ' We know of no degree in Masonry that has a more needful or
more important connection with another than the Select with the Royal Arch. It
fills up a chasm which every intelligent Royal Arch Mason has observed, and
without it, it seems difficult, if not impossible, to comprehend clearly some
of the mysteries that belong to the august degree of the Royal Arch. It is
strange, and it is also unfortunate, that very few have received the useful
knowledge made known in the Select, and, indeed, such is the nature of the
degree, that we cannot feel freedom to allude remotely to the nature of its
secrets; we may, however, pronounce it the key to the Arch.' And he adds,
'There is reason to believe that this degree was in use long before those of
Most Excellent, or Mark Master.'6 "Brother Mitchell says: 7 'Without the
legend given in a council, it is utterly impossible for the Master, or Royal
Arch Mason to understand and properly appreciate the teaching of Freemasonry.'
(Brother Mitchell was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, 1844‑5, and
the Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of same, 1846‑7.) "A
committee of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Vermont (185o) said : 8 . . .
'They place a high value on them [the degrees of Royal Master and Select
Master], and are ready to state their own conviction that, without them, Royal
Arch Masonry is imperfect.' Also, ' If well‑attested Masonic history does not
deceive us, they had found a resting‑place in this part of the North American
continent before even regularly recognized Royal Arch Masonry itself was
legitimately established here.' " 1 Masonic Facts and Fictions, p. 165.
London, 1887.
2 Dr. Oliver's Letter to Dr.
Crucefix, on Origin of the Royal Arch.
8 Grand Master, Grand Lodge,
Vermont, 1847‑186x, and Grand High Priest of Grand Chapter of same State,
1852‑1857, 4 Schultz s History of Freemasonry in Maryland, Vol. I. p. 344 6
Cross's The True Masonic Chart, pp. 13, 124. New Haven, 182o.
6 Cole's General Ahiman Rezon,
p. 221. Baltimore, 1817 2, Mitchell's History of Freemasonry, Vol. I. PP‑ 7o8,
709, 720 8 Proceedings Grand Royal Arch Chapter, Vermont, 185o, pp. 12, 14.
Early Government.‑There can be
no reasonable doubt of the transmission of the Cryptic Degrees to this
continent in the latter half of the eighteenth century, through the possessors
of the degrees, conferred in Lodges of Perfection, and Councils of Princes of
Jerusalem, and which, are now included in what is recognized as the Ancient
and Accepted Scottish Rite. It is generally agreed that the Royal and Select
Master were " side " degrees. Of the numerous distinctions that grew up in
Europe, about the middle of the last century, many degrees are attributed to
the invention of the French, or the Scottish Chiefs of Masonry.
It is altogether likely that
the formulation of the legend and disposition of the ritual was the work of
Masonic students at that period, but there is nothing antecedently improbable
in the view, that the essential legendary facts and instruction had been
preserved in the. great mass of Masonic learning, which was the common
possession of the Craft when working in but one degree, in the preceding
century. Their intimate connection with the other branches of Ancient Craft
Masonry, their great beauty and utility, and even logical necessity, as
referred to in the above extracts from Brother Francis's admirable address,
all point to this conclusion.
That no man can definitely
trace the legend in its primeval form, except as confirmed by the Talmudic
writers, and as parallel with the course of the ancient mind, in searching for
natural and philosophical truth, in the various rites of different nations,
known to‑day by the indefinite term of " Mysteries," is no stronger as an
argument for its non‑existence in some shape, than can be urged against the
gradually developing degrees of the Royal Arch, or of the Lodge itself.
The middle of the last century
was an era of awakening research. The philosophical spirit was a reaction in
the presence of the corruption of courts ; and, beginning in the souls of
advanced thinkers, it developed, in the latter portion of the century, into
such struggles for human liberty and universal fraternity, as the revolutions
in America and France. This enormous development of Masonic influence at this
period, and, in the lapse of time, its effect upon the establishment of
asylums for the afflicted of every ill ; for the extension of educational
blessings to the great masses ; and doubtless, even its reflex effect felt in
the great religious revivals that began at that period, have never been fairly
estimated by the political economist and social philosopher of this day. It
lies out of the beaten track of. the "profane." But to the Masonic student,
the gathering of the scattered legends and the gradual development of its
truths, associated with the symmetry and beauty of the degrees, built so
deftly that they are the work of all, and yet of none, was the morning light
of the modern day of progress for humanity.
Jurisdiction of Grand
Chapters. ‑ In reference to the transmission of the degrees to North America,
upon the question of the modern claim by some that Grand Chapters held
jurisdiction, the subject was exhaustively THE CRYPTIC DEGREES.
649 discussed by M.‑. E.‑.
Companion Albert Pike, 1 Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Law and Usage,
recognized throughout the world to‑day as unexcelled in profound research and
Masonic knowledge.
Brother Pike says in this
report (and its importance justifies quotation at length) : ‑ The A.% A. ‑.
S.‑. Rite Jurisdiction.‑" In the year 1828 the Grand Chapter of South Carolina
received a communication from the Grand Chapter of Maryland, suggesting the
propriety of the several Grand Chapters in the United States assuming
jurisdiction over the degrees of Royal and Select Masters. The matter was
referred to a committee who reported February 26, 1829, and their report was
unanimously adopted by the Grand Chapter.
"That committee, after
extensive and careful investigation reported that in February, 1783, Dr.
Dalcho and many others received those degrees in Charleston in the Sublime
Grand Lodge of Perfection, then established in that city. That when the Grand
Council of Princes of Jerusalem was established in Charleston, February 20,
1788, Joseph Myers, one of the Deputy‑Inspectors who established it, deposited
in the archives certified copies of the degrees of Royal and Select Masters,
from Berlin, in Prussia, to serve for the future guidance and government of
that new body. That from 1788 the Grand Officers and Supreme Council of
Inspectors‑General at Charleston had been steadily in the habit of conferring
these degrees; and in 1828 numbers of councils of Select Masters were acting
under their authority in the Southern and Western States.
"The committee had seen and
perused the first copy of those degrees that ever came to America, and old
copies of charters that had been returned by councils in States where Grand
Councils had been formed and charters obtained from such Grand Councils. And
the committee reported that these degrees had then been under regular and
independent Masonic protection and authority for more than forty‑six years,
and were so circumstanced in the United States, at a period long prior to the
establishment of Grand or General Grand Royal Arch Chapters, or even of
chapters of Royal Arch Masons in any part of the world; and that the Grand
Chapter of South Carolina ought to avoid all collision with contemporary
Masonic jurisdictions regularly established and much longer in existence than
their own; and so reported a formal resolution (which the Grand Chapter
unanimously adopted), that it was 'improper and inexpedient to assume a
jurisdiction over the said degrees, and thus to interfere with the rights and
privileges of our brethren in another and higher order of Freemasonry.' . . .
"Of the Illustrious brothers,
Myers, Spitzer, and Forst, the Committee, of the Grand Chapter of South
Carolina, said: 'The above‑named three respectable Brethren and Companions
are, and have steadily been, members and officers of the said Council of
Princes of Jerusalem. . Their evidence, therefore, must be conclusive upon
these points.' " The same committee (Royal Arch Masons, be it observed, and a
Committee of a Royal Arch chapter, inquiring into its own jurisdiction), said
of the Brothers and Companions Dr. F. Dalcho, Dr. Isaac Auld, Dr. James
Moultrie, Sen., and Moses C. Levy, Esq., who received these degrees in
Charleston, in 1783, from the Sublime Grand Lodge of Perfection: 'Three of the
abovenamed brothers are still living, venerable for their years and warm
attachment to the glorious cause of Freemasonry, and highly respected and
esteemed for their standing in the community where they have so long honorably
sojourned, and they are still members of the same Sublime Body.' . , .
"There is still further
testimony to be adduced. The report to the Grand Chapter which we have quoted
was made by Companion Moses Holbrook, its Chairman, and unanimously adopted,
the Grand Chapter thus affirming the veracity of the Masonic witnesses whose
testimony was adduced. In 1830 the same Companion Holbrook was M . . P.*.
Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors‑General
of the 330 for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, at Charleston.
"In February, A.1. 2383, the
M.‑. E.. G.*. High Priest of the Grand Chapter of South Carolina, 1 Now M..P.‑.Grand
Commander of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand InspectorsGeneral of the
33|, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States (resident in Washington,
D.C.), the Mother Council of the World‑ A..A.. S.. Rite.
John H. Honour, who was then
and still is [18531 M.. P:. Grand Commander of the Supreme Council S. G. I, G.
Of 33o for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, at Charleston,
stated, in his address to the Grand Chapter, that he had in his possession a
manuscript copy of the degrees of the Royal and Select Masters, in which there
was a note in the handwriting of Brother Holbrook, dated March 15, 1830, in
these words: "' In Brother Snell's book is written the following: "' Supreme
Council Chamber, Charleston, S.C., loth Feb., 1827.
"' I hereby certify that the
detached degrees, called Royal and Select Master, or Select Masters of 27,
were regularly given by the Sublime Grand Lodge of Perfection (No. 2 in the
U.S.A.), established by Brother Isaac Da Costa, in Charleston, in February,
1783, one of the original members of which, Most Illustrious Brother Moses C.
Levy, is still alive and a member of it to this day, without ceasing to be so
for a day. 1 And further, that at the first establishment of a Grand Council
of Princes of Jerusalem, in Charleston, February, 1788, by the Ill.,. Dep.
InspectorsGeneral Joseph Myers, B. M. Spitzer, and A. Forst, Brother Myers
(who succeeded Brother Da Costa after his decease), deposited a certified copy
of the degrees, from Berlin, in Prussia, to be under the guidance and
fostering protection of the government of the above Grand Council of Princes
of Jerusalem.
"' Brother Myers shortly after
this (February 20, 1788), resided some time in Norfolk, Richmond, and
Baltimore previous to his removal to Europe, and he communicated a knowledge
of these degrees to a number of brethren in those cities. The original copy is
still in my keeping; and agreeably to the obligations of the same, and the
Grand Constitutions governing those degrees, viz.: Royal and Select Masons of
27, it is correct and lawful to give them either to Sublime Masons who have
arrived to the Knights of the 9th Arch (13th), or to Companions of the 3d Arch
(Royal Arch Masons).' " Now, as to these facts, we think we are entitled to
say that, whatever opinion the profane may entertain as to this testimony, any
Mason who denies its truth or insinuates a doubt as to the facts thus
testified to by men who, to attain the 330, had to be Royal Arch Masons and
Knights Templar, takes particular pains to inform all the rest of the world
that no reliance can be placed upon any Masonic testimony, but that a Mason,
like some of the old Fathers, holds it to be justifiable 'to lie for the good
of the church,' and so advises them to look upon all Masonry as a mere fable,
and collection of old wives' tales; and that in Masonry the stronger the
testimony, and the less the probability of mistake, the greater the lie. . . .
Vermont's Claim of
Priority.‑"The Committee of Foreign Correspondence of Vermont says that it can
be proved that these degrees were conferred in this country prior to 1783;
that .it has good authority for saying that as early as 1766 they were
conferred in the city of Albany, and that it is ' an opinion sustained by
strong authority,' that at that time they came from France, and not from
Prussia. If they came from France, they did not come from the York Rite. But
we have no doubt they were so conferred there. Sublime Lodge of Perfection No.
1 (that in Charleston being No. 2), was the first Lodge of Perfection
established in the United States, and it was established at Albany prior to
1783. No doubt the degrees were conferred by or under the authority of that
Lodge," Ecossais. ‑We interrupt the quotation from this important paper, to
note that the Lodge of Perfection is the lowest body in the Scottish Rite, and
it includes among its degrees the Ecossais, of which Mackey says:' || The
American Mason will understand the character of the system of Ecossaism, as it
may be called, when he is told that the Select Master of his own rite is
really an Ecossais degree"; and again,"" Of this degree of Ecossais, that of
Select Master is little more than a modification." 1 The Jewish burial‑place
of Charleston contains his tomb, upon which is inscribed in Hebrew: "Sacred to
the memory of Moses Clava Levy, who died on the 5th of Nisan, 5599, nearly go
years old, a native of Poland, and for 54 years an inhabitant of this city. He
was a kind husband, a fond parent, a firm friend, an indulgent master;
incorruptible in integrity, sincere in piety, unostentatious in charity. This
stone is placed by his only son and child." 2 Mackey's Encyclopoedia of
Freemasonry, p. 239. 8 Mackey's Lexicon, 444, 157.
French Origin, and Organization of Councils and Grand Councils. ‑ To return to
Most Illustrious Brother Pike's report: ‑ " We can soon learn how it was that
the Council degrees came about 1766 from France, and not from Prussia. In
1761, the lodges and councils of the superior degrees being extended
throughout Europe, Frederic II. (or the Great), King of Prussia, as Grand
Commander of the Order of Princes of the Royal Secret, or 32d degree, was by
general consent acknowledged and recognized as Sovereign and Supreme Head of
the Scotch Rite.
"On the 25th Oct., 1762, the
Grand Masonic Constitutions were finally ratified in Berlin, and proclaimed
for the government of all Masonic bodies working in the Scotch Rite over the
two hemispheres; and in the same year they were transmitted to Stephen Morin,
who had been appointed, in August, 1761, Inspector‑General for the New World
by the Grand Consistory of Princes of the Royal Secret, convened at Paris,
under the presidency of Chaillon de Joinville, representative of Frederic, and
Substitute‑General of the Order. It will be remembered that the 33| was not
then created; and, under Frederic the Great, there was no rank higher than the
320, nor anybody superior to a Consistory. When Morin arrived in the West
Indies, he, agreeably to his patent, appointed M. Hayes a Deputy
Inspector‑General, with the power of appointing others when necessary. It was
under this authority, coming, it is true, from the Consistory at Paris, held
by that Consistory as the delegate and representative of Frederic the Great,
that the Lodges of Perfection in Albany and Charleston were established, with
authority to confer these detached degrees. . . .
"Many rites flourished awhile
and died. The French and Scotch Rites reduced the degrees practised by their
votaries, the former to seven, the latter to thirty‑three, and some auxiliary
degrees. By common consent it became Masonic law that the three first degrees
were the joint property of all, but the others the peculiar property of the
inventors. Royal Arch Masonry separated itself from 'Blue' Masonry, organized
itself, invented three new degrees, and commenced an independent existence.
The Royal and Select Masters formed themselves into councils, and after a time
they too organized themselves into Grand Councils and claimed an independent
existence. The Supreme Council did not deny the right, but simply retained
their original right to confer the degrees, and charter councils in States
where no Grand Councils have been organized." The limits of this work forbid
the elaboration in detail of events, and the republication in full of Masonic
data in reference to Cryptic Masonry, from the period of its introduction in
this country to the present time. The writer would refer the reader to the
valuable History of the Cryptic Rite, by Illustrious Brother J. Ross
Robertson,' Past Grand Master and Grand Recorder of the Grand Council of the
Dominion of Canada, with the accompanying history of the Grand Councils of the
United States, by Illustrious Brother Josiah H. Drummond (Portland, Maine),
Past Grand Master of the General Grand Council of the United States.
But we may briefly condense
from Robertson as follows. He quotes from Pike's "Historical Inquiry into the
Constitutions Of 1786 " : "We learn from it [i.e., the record at Charleston],
that Stephen Morin, Inspector‑General of all the Lodges, Chapters, Councils,
and Grand Councils, etc., in all parts of the New World, gave the degree of
Grand Deputy Inspector‑General, etc., to Brother Francken at Jamaica"; at what
date we do not find.
Francken imparted these
degrees to Moses Michael Hayes, of Boston, Massachusetts, with power to
appoint others. Hayes appointed Isaac Da Costa 1 The Cryptic Rite. Robertson.
Toronto, 2888.
652 (previously referred to),
as Deputy Inspector‑General for South Carolina. On the death of Da Costa,
Joseph Myers succeeded. Francken, possessing the authority of Morin, opened,
December 2 7, 1767, aLodge of Perfection at Albany, New York. Robertson adds:
‑ "The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite had no actual existence by that name
until 18o1; before that it was the Rite of Perfection, etc. The Supreme
Council, founded at Charleston in 18or, was the first body of the Rite, by
that name, that ever existed. This divergence from the history of the Cryptic
Rite proper, and the reference to the Ancient and Accepted Rite, are necessary
as showing the genuineness of the Royal and Select Degrees, and the claims
they have of being bona fade 'side' degrees of the Rite of Perfection."
Francken had also endowed one Moses Cohen with powers similar to those of
Hayes. ' Cohen went to Jamaica, and established a Consistory, one of whose
members was Abram Jacobs, who already had a portion of the degrees, having
obtained them in a Lodge of Perfection at Charleston. One of his degrees was
known as the " Select Masons of Twenty Seven," and Cohen gave a diploma of
this, November 9, 1790, to Jacobs. The diary of Jacobs relates his subsequent
visit to Savannah in 1792, and the conferring of the degree of "Select Masons
of Twenty Seven," at various points in Georgia.
Columbian Grand Council of
Royal Master Masons. ‑In 1804 Jacobs went to New York, and conferred the
degrees upon Thomas Lownds, among many others. Robertson says : ‑ " In r8o8
the dispute between Gourgas and Joseph Cerneau commenced. Lownds sided with
the latter, and went over to him, capturing, so Gourgas says, the Royal and
Select Degrees. The credit of organizing the first body of the Cryptic Rite
must be given to Lownds. He formed, with others, of course, Sept. 2, i8ro, the
' Columbian Grand Council of Royal Master Masons.' This body, on Dec. 8, 1821,
received within its fold a council of Select Masters. On Jan. 25, 1823, '
Columbian Grand Council' constituted itself a Grand Council for the State, and
issued warrants as late as 1827. In 1854 another Grand Council was formed in
New York State, its members being principally adherents of what was known as
the 'St. John's Grand Lodge.' This Grand Council issued warrants to
subordinate councils, and in 186o united with the Columbian." The First
Council's Records. ‑The discovery of the original records of Columbian Council
induced Brother Josiah H. Drummond to prepare a history of these degrees, in
1875, to be used as an appendix in the publication of the records. Brother
Drummond says: ‑ "It is now certain that Columbian Council (originally styled
'Grand Council, as all the temporary assemblies in which the Royal Degree was
conferred were then called), is the first permanent body formed for conferring
any of these degrees.
"It has been heretofore taken
as true that it, or the Grand Council, was founded and chartered by Joseph
Cerneau. But the record shows that Thomas Lownds was the founder, that it was
a voluntary body without a charter, and that Cerneau was never even present at
one of its meetings, so far as tke record discloses. The record of the first
meeting states that the officers were elected and installed. The names of
those present are given, and Cerneau's name is not among them; hence the
officers could not have been installed by him. Like the early councils in
Massachusetts, it was formed by no other authority than the will of those who
composed it. . . .
"It has been claimed that
Thomas Smith Webb and Jeremy L. Cross received the degrees in it, but the name
of neither appears in the records." COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONR Y.
653 Drummond further states
that the received opinion is that Lownds did not go over to Cerneau until
18og. He says: ‑ " But this division did not enter into the formation of
Columbian Council, for Thomas Lownds, then 1 a leading man in the Cerneau
party, and Sampson Simpson, an equally leading man in the Gourgas party,
united in founding it. But whatever the source from which he received it, he
was legally in possession of it as a ' side degree, and I see no reason why he
and his associates had not full power and authority to unite and form a body
of a permanent character for conferring and governing this degree. . . .
"On Jan. 18, 1823, Columbian
Council adopted a resolution, looking to the formation of a Grand Council for
the State, and one was formed on the 25th of the same month. But Connect icut
had founded one in 1819, Virginia in 182o, and North Carolina in 1822. So
that, while Columbian Council was 'pursuing the even tenor of her way,' the
degrees were disseminated, councils were formed, and Grand Councils organized
under other authority." But another branch of the subject demands our
attention. Mackey, in his || History of Freemasonry in South Carolina," says :
‑ "The Masons of Maryland and Virginia contend that the Royal and Select
Degrees were introduced by Philip P. Eckel, of Baltimore, one of the most
distinguished and enlightened Masons of his day, who, in 1817, communicated
them to Jeremy L. Cross, and gave him authority to confer them in every Royal
Arch chapter which he might visit in his official character."
Brother Schultz, in his "
History of Freemasonry in Maryland," says, that The Royal Masters Degree was
first known and worked in the Eastern States, while the Select Degree was
first known, and at a much earlier period, in the Southern and Middle States."
He boldly asserts : ‑
"Nearly all the early Masonic
writers of the country concede that Philip P. Eckel and Hezekiah Niles, of
Baltimore, had, at an early period, the control of at least the Select Degree,
and that from them emanated the authority under which it was introduced into
many of the other jurisdictions of the country." Brother Niles, writing upon
the Select degree in the "Ahiman Rezon," in 181'7, states that he had been
told that a regular chapter of the Select degree was held at Charleston many
years before, but had become dormant, and that he was not aware that it was
worked anywhere but in Baltimore.
' Brother Dove, of Virginia,
supposed it to be a modern honorary degree, appendant to Royal Arch Masonry,
and in possession of a distinguished Chief of the State of Maryland, who
delegated his powers to others, until in 1824, with his consent, the Grand
Chapter of Maryland took charge of the degrees, and ordered them to be given
before the Most Excellent Master.
This error, as to the
exclusive authority in Baltimore, led to the action of Virginia, when she
dissolved her Grand Council and remanded the charge of the degrees to the
Grand Chapter, where they are given, to the present day, without regard to
their retrospective character.
Grand Council of Maryland.
‑But, in 18'72, the Grand Chapter of Maryland passed the following resolution:
"That all the subordinate chapters in 1 Columbian Council was formed September
2, 18io.
this jurisdiction are
prohibited from conferring any other degrees than those of Mark Master, Past
Master, Most Excellent Master, and Royal Arch." Councils were formed, and, in
1874, five councils organized, in Baltimore, the Grand Council of Royal and
Select Masters for that State.
In reference to the authority
of Eckel, Companion Drummond states that lie did not receive the Royal
Master's degree until 18x9, and then from Ebenezer Wadsworth, of New York, and
so could not have transferred it to Cross at an earlier date. So far as the
Select degree is concerned, Brother Schultz publishes an old document which
recites powers conferred upon Eckel and Niles to hold a chapter of Select
Masons, which was to be " in extension of the knowledge of the Royal Secret,
as introductory to, and necessary for the better understanding of the superior
degrees," in the year of the Temple 2792, by Thrice Illustrious Brother Henry
Wilmans, "Grand InspectorGeneral." From what source Wilmans derived his powers
is unknown.
native of Bremen, resident in
this country for only eight years at the most, and died in 1795, as the
register of old Zion Lutheran Church in Baltimore shows. Investigation does
not obtain any light from the Grand Lodges of Berlin or Bremen, nor is his
name in any document of the archives of the Supreme Council of the Southern
Jurisdiction. It is, of course, possible that he received his authority from
Joseph Myers, Deputy Inspector‑General, when in Baltimore, before his
departure for Europe.
Eckel and Niles, deriving
their powers from Wilmans, conferred the Select degree in August, 1816, with
authority to confer it upon Jeremy L. Cross. Brother Cross and the Cryptic
Degrees. ‑Brother Cross, to whom the rapid and general dissemination of the
degrees is due in a large section of the United States, was made a Royal Arch
Mason in Champlain Chapter, No. 2, St. Albans, Vermont, July r1, 18 r5, while
engaged in "lecturing the lodges." Brother Drumn~ond has traced the course of
this great Masonic pioneer by his letters (yet preserved), from Baltimore,
through Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Louisiana, and
thence to Baltimore, May, 18r7, everywhere conferring the degrees. He
afterward went North, through Delaware and Pennsylvania to New York, and then
East. In a letter from Haverhill, New Hampshire, July 17, 1817, he says : ‑ He
was a . . . I made no further tarry until I arrived at Windsor, Vermont, where
I established a council of Select Masons. They, finding that the degree was
full of information, and that it could not be given antecedent to that of the
Royal Arch, wished for a warrant to empower them, to confer it, upon which I
granted them one in the words following, viz.: "' To all etc. Bythe High Power
in me vested bytheThrice Illustrious and Grand Puissant in the Grand Council
of Select, at Baltimore, etc., till revoked by the Grand Puissant, etc., I
wish you to write me at this place by the next mail respecting my granting
warrants, and if approving, grant me that power, etc. . . . ' The reply is not
known, but Brother Drummond points out, in the document lately discovered by
Brother Schultz, that the latter (Eckel and THE CRYPTIC DEGREES.
655 Niles), expressly allows
the degree to be conferred on Mark Masters who have passed the Chair; but
Cross limits it to Royal Arch Masons. He says: ‑ " It is well known that Eckel
and Niles held that it should be conferred before the Royal Arch; and,
following their instructions, the Grand Chapter of Maryland so conferred it
until it was surrendered to the Council, and the Grand Chapter of Virginia so
confers it to this day. With such views, Eckel and Niles could never have
granted authority to confer it 'only on Royal Arch Masons who have taken all
the preceding degrees, as is required by the General Grand Chapter.' But
without such limitation, Cross could not form independent bodies; and the
charge of Stapleton, the contemporary and co‑worker with Eckel, that 'Cross
did this for sordid motives,' is well established." It has been stated that
Cross was expelled by the Grand Chapter of Maryland for usurpation of power
and misuse of the same, but there is no record of such action, nor was he a
member of a chapter under its jurisdiction, nor did he ever exercise his
powers in that State.
Brother Drummond maintains
that Cross had the same power to grant warrants as either Eckel or Niles, on
the ground that " One possessor of a 'side' degree has as much right of
control over it as any other possessor, and it is only when it is organized
and the right of control vested in a governing body or bodies, that the
possessors of such a degree lose the right of disseminating it. Cross's method
was preferable to the voluntary method, as it insured uniformity of
organization." The Cross Councils and Charters. ‑ Whatever motives may have
inspired Cross, it is certain that the result of his work was of the greatest
value to Cryptic Masonry.
Drummond holds that the first
permanent body of Select Masters was the council formed by Cross at Windsor,
Vermont, July 5, 18 17. After founding others at Bradford, Vermont, and
Hopkinton, New Hampshire (where there had been a council of Royal Masters
since August 5, 1815), he started in September, 1817, to visit New Jersey,
Delaware, and Virginia, calling upon Eckel and Niles when he passed through
Baltimore. While in Washington, District of Columbia, he was appointed Grand
Visitor by the Grand Chapter of Connecticut, and went to that State early in
1818. He spent part of the winter in Virginia, forming two councils. May z 7,
1818, he gave a warrant for a council in Springfield, Massachusetts.
Drummond says that he has seen
copies of many of these charters, and they purport in terms to be councils of
Select Masters. He states : ‑ " But some time in the year 1818, probably in
January, Cross obtained the Royal degree, and soon conceived the idea of
uniting the two in one. On March 21, 1818, Cross says in his diary, that he
and Companion Hosmer called on Companion Stow at Middletown, Conn., and
'conferred on him two degrees, Royal and Select Master.' . . .
"I have caused the early
records of a number of the councils warranted by Cross to be examined with a
view of ascertaining the earliest date of the conferring of the Royal degree
by Cross. I find that New Haven Council, No. 1o, was organized Oct. 16, 1818,
by Cross in person, when four Companions 'were admitted Select Masters in due
form with the preparatory degree of Royal Master.' ' ... Action was taken in
Oct., 1818, looking to the formation of a Grand Council, and on May r9, 1819,
the Grand Council of Select Masters of the State of Connecticut was formed,
first Grand body of the Rite
that ever existed. The constitution authorized the councils to confer 'the
degrees of Royal and Select Master.' . . . Between May, 1318, and Aug., 18x9,
Cross perfected his system for organizing councils of Royal and Select
Masters, and in the latter part of the summer of 18ig commenced issuing
warrants for such councils." Barker's Cryptic Mission. ‑ John Barker, like
Cross in the more northern section, was an active pioneer of Cryptic Masonry
throughout the South and the West, as known at that period. Drummond regards
him as having adapted his system from Cross, and conjectures that he may have
been the same man who, in Connecticut, was greeted as a Master by Cross, in a
list named. But there is no proof of this, and it is certain that Barker,
whose operations were extensive, claimed his authority from the Supreme
Council of the Southern jurisdiction, and it is not probable that his
well‑known career for so many years, which resulted in the formation not only
of councils, but indirectly at least of Grand Councils, could have been
successful, except with the countenance of that body.
Barker affixed his signature
to the warrants issued by him thus: "John Barker, K. H. S. P. R. S., Sovereign
Grand Inspector‑General, 33|, and Agent for the Supreme Council of the United
States of America." He formed several councils in Alabama, from which a Grand
Council was organized at Tuscaloosa, in 1827. He was the agent of the Supreme
Council in the formation of a Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem, at
Natchez, Mississippi, in 1829, which took the councils of Royal and Select
Masters of that State under its care; and, under the auspices of the Princes
of Jerusalem, seven councils, many years afterward (January 19, 1856),
organized a Grand Council. The closeness of the relation maintained with the
higher degrees of the A.‑.A.‑.S.‑. Rite, is shown by the instrument of the
Grand Council, Princes of Jerusalem, conveying jurisdiction in Mississippi of
the Royal and Select degrees to the Grand Council thus formed.. Mackey
distinctly states that Scottish Masonry was introduced in that State, in 1815,
by the establishment of a Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem, under the
obedience of the Supreme Council.
The Formative Period of Fifty
Years.‑The formative period in Cryptic Masonry may be considered to have
lasted about fifty years, and when, in 1824, the mistake was made, in
Maryland, of assuming jurisdiction by the Grand Chapter, six Grand Councils
were in existence, viz. : Connecticut, New York, New Hampshire, North
Carolina, Virginia, and Vermont. Subse‑, quently Virginia dissolved her Grand
Council (1841), under the belief that jurisdiction vested in the Grand
Chapter, and primarily in that of Maryland; whereas, the Grand Council is now
known to have been in existence several years before even the Grand Chapter of
Maryland received the surrender of whatever rights were claimed by Eckel and
Niles. It is needless to say that an exceedingly small proportion of Masons
would accord to these brethren, to‑day, any exclusive right to the degrees,
whether on the ground of their existence as " side degrees," or upon the
belief that there was, and ever had been, a legitimate and authoritative
channel of transmission.
657 Governmental
Evolution,‑Grand Councils and a General Grand Council. ‑The farther
development of Cryptic Masonry will be exhibited in a 'brief review of the
several Grand Councils which have been gradually organized, including eleven
independent Grand Councils in States, and nineteen which have united in a
General Grand Council, the Constitution of which became operative March 1,
It should be noted that Texas,
which organized a Grand Council in 1856, and which met annually until 1864,
abandoned the Council system proper at that period of comparative isolation,
and has since conferred the degrees in a " Council appurtenant to a Chapter,"
and only upon Royal Arch Masons, and as if the degrees belonged strictly to
the Royal Arch system.
All human organizations are
subject to myriad and subtle influences, affecting their progress or decay, in
common with the economic and social condition of the peoples in which they
have their existence. There have been two marked depressions in the onward
progress of Cryptic Masonry in this country : the first, at the period of the
remarkable agitation which gave rise to what was known as the Anti‑Masonic
party, which it is not the province of this paper to discuss ; but it is
sufficient to say, that during the eventful decade from 1830 to 1840, many of
the nearly seventy subordinate councils ceased to exist, and, likewise, some
of the Grand Councils. In some instances, only the result of Masonic research,
with the recovery of long‑forgotten printed records, revived their
The second period of
depression applies, especially, to the South and South‑west, and was due to
the exhaustion incident to a destructive war. It may be that the great
multiplication of attractive benevolent societies, and insurance
organizations, appealing to the needs of men through an army of industrious
agents, absorbed much of the means and energy ordinarily available for Masonic
Under the belief that
necessity required it, after a number of councils in Mississippi had
surrendered their charters, and others become dormant, the Grand Council,
which had still annually assembled, in 1877 adopted what has been widely known
as the " Mississippi plan," under these provisions: ‑ " Each Royal Arch
chapter shall hereafter open within its bosom, under its charter, as a chapter
of Royal Arch Masons, a council of Royal and Select Masters; the officers of
the chapter corresponding in rank to those of the council, to be those of the
"All the Royal Arch Masons who
have not received the degrees of Royal Master and Select Master, shall be
entitled to have the same conferred or communicated, on their request, and
without charge; but candidates who shall hereafter receive the Royal Arch
degree shall, immediately thereafter, and in connection with the Royal Arch
degree, receive the degrees of Royal and Select Master without additional
charge." The Grand Council no longer met as such, and this || merger," as it
was termed, was received with favor, and adopted in a number of States, where
the brethren were anxiously endeavoring to preserve both chapter and council
in the stress of the times, and judged themselves forced to that method to 658
advance the interests of
Masonry. This course was also adopted in several of the more prosperous
jurisdictions, under the belief that all would follow; which in effect,
however, would have been the success of a revolution in Masonry.
Experience demonstrated that
the combination secured no advantages to either body. The General Grand Royal
Arch Chapter of the United States had already placed on record, at Lexington,
Kentucky, September 16, 1853, this resolution : ‑ "Resolved, That this General
Grand Chapter, and the governing bodies of Royal Arch Masonry, affiliated
with, and holding jurisdiction under it, have no rightful jurisdiction or
control over the degrees of Royal and Select Master." With one exception
(Iowa) all the independent jurisdictions adopting the " Mississippi plan "
have rescinded the same, and returned to the Council organization. This is
also now true of Mississippi itself, the Grand Royal Arch Chapter having
adopted the following in 1888 : ‑ "Resolved, That the Grand Royal Arch Chapter
hereby releases control of the Cryptic Degrees, and recommends that the Grand
Council of Royal and Select Masters reassume its former jurisdiction of the
"That chapters are hereby
prohibited from communicating and conferring the Cryptic Degrees, recognizing
the authority of the Grand Council in all matters pertaining to said degrees."
In February, 1888, the Grand Council of Mississippi assembled, six of the
officers being of those elected in 1877, including the Grand Master, and
Deputy Grand Master, and six councils are said to have been represented.
The Grand Councils of the
several States have been formed by the voluntary association of councils
within their borders, receiving their charters from Grand Councils in one or
more States; and from the Supreme Council, as when, in 186o, it had chartered
four councils in Arkansas, and invited a convention by which the Grand Council
was formed. But in 1870, in Baltimore, the Supreme Council of the Southern
jurisdiction, in a spirit of enlightened comity toward Masonic brethren,
resolved to relinquish its control over the Cryptic Degrees to the Grand
Councils, to promote unity in the Rite.
General Grand Council Formed.
‑In the year 18 71 the Grand Council of Massachusetts took the initiative, in
an effort to unify the polity of the Rite, by formally requesting that
distinguished and influential companion, Josiah H. Drummond, of Maine,' to
call a convention of delegates of the various Grand Councils for that purpose.
The call was issued, and
fourteen Grand Councils were represented at a meeting held in New York City,
June 12, 18 It was agreed by unanimous resolution, as follows : ‑ "WHEREAS, In
some jurisdictions the question has been mooted of surrendering the Cryptic
Degrees to the Chapters; and 1 See Drummond's History of Grand Councils in the
United States, p. 89, in The Cryptic Rite. Robertson. Toronto, 1888.
659 " Whereas, there are many
companions who have received the degrees in chapters, or from Sovereign
Inspectors of the A.% A.. S. . Rite, therefore "Resolved, That it is the sense
of this convention that the Cryptic Degrees should be under the exclusive
jurisdiction of Grand Councils, and that no one should be recognized as a
regular Companion of the Rite who has not received the degrees in a lawfully
constituted council, or by authority of the Supreme Council of the A.% A.% S..
Rite, previous to this date, or has been lawfully healed." A uniform system of
nomenclature was adopted, which has since been generally accepted by Grand
Another meeting of the
convention was held, in New York, in June, 1873, at which the committee, to
whom the subject was intrusted the previous year, made reports, and the
following resolution was adopted, nineteen Grand Councils being represented: ‑
"That the order of the succession of the degrees be: first, Royal Master's;
second, Select Master's; and that it be left optional with each Grand Council
to confer the Super‑Excellent Master's degree as an honorary degree." It was
announced, as the sense of the convention,. that a General Grand Council of
the United States should be formed. Meetings were subsequently held in New
Orleans, December, 1874, and in Buffalo, New York, in August, 1877, in
furtherance of this object. At the latter, twenty‑two Grand Councils (with
Ontario), were represented. By request of the Grand Council of Minnesota, the
convention reassembled at Detroit, August 23, 188o. A Constitution was
adopted, which, when ratified by nine Grand Councils, was to become operative.
On February 23, 1881, General Grand Recorder George W. Cooley announced that
the Grand Councils of New York, Minnesota, Ohio, Indiana, Maryland, Tennessee,
Massachusetts, Alabama, and Louisiana had ratified it, and on March 1, 1881,
the General Grand Master, Josiah H. Drummond, of Maine, issued a circular to
the officers‑elect, and, also, announced that South Carolina had adopted the
In Denver, Colorado, August
14, 1883, the first session of the General Grand Council was held. Of the
various Grand Councils, eighteen had given in their adhesion. Connecticut and
Michigan, whose delegates favored the body, did not ratify the Constitution.
Pennsylvania and Rhode Island declined on account of opposition to National
bodies, and New Jersey for other reasons. North Carolina adopted the Chapter
system (since given up, and the Council government restored). Arkansas,
Illinois, and Kentucky reorganized, but did not unite (although Arkansas has
since ratified the compact). Iowa, Mississippi, and Nebraska retained the
Chapter system, but Nebraska has since joined the General Grand Council, and
Mississippi has given up the Chapter system. Wisconsin has an anomalous
system; Virginia and West Virginia confer the degrees in a Chapter series, and
Texas, as heretofore said, in a "Council appurtenant to a Chapter." In 1886,
at Washington, fifteen Grand Councils were represented, and the organization
of the Grand Council of Oregon, under jurisdiction of the General COSMOPOLITAN
Grand Council, was announced,
and dispensations provided for councils in the Territories. Companion G.
Raymond Portal was appointed Representative near the Grand Council of England,
and Companion J. Ross Robertson near the Grand Council of Canada.
The Late Triennial Assembly. ‑
In 1889, at Atlanta, Georgia (November 19th), seventeen Grand Councils were
represented, and two subordinates holding charters from the General Grand
Council. Companion Love, Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Council of Georgia,
in his address of welcome, said: ‑ " While we regret much that this reception
must be such as pilgrim travellers are wont to meet in their weary pilgrimage,
no royal court, nor knightly power can exceed the cordial grasp or heart‑warm
greeting we would gladly grant you, in this our Southern sunny home. Though
within our jurisdictional realm, the Royal and Select, into whose care and
keeping has been intrusted the secret symbols and sacred treasures of our
silent Crypt, be few in number, the few have kept the faith. Our altars are
pure and undefiled, our Sanctum is sacred still, and our secret vaults are
duly guarded and secure." The General Grand Master's address touchingly
alluded to the death of Rev. Canon Portal, M. A., Grand Representative near
England and Wales, who departed this life April 5, 1889, aged sixty‑one, and,
for eighteen years, Grand Master of Cryptic Masons in England.
Information having reached
this body of the intention of the Grand Council of Mississippi to ratify the
Constitution, a resolution was adopted, extending a cordial welcome to such
representatives as it may send to the next triennial assembly.
The most important act of
legislation was the adoption of Section 15, to amend the 1st Article of the
Constitution, which now adds the following: ‑ "SEC. rs. State Grand Councils
shall determine the legal status of the Royal and Select Masters of their
several jurisdictions." The adoption of this section by a unanimous vote has
already produced a very favorable effect upon the Rite, many of whom felt
aggrieved at the action of the first convention, especially in the
jurisdictions of Illinois and Kentucky, and some others, from which earnest
protests and severe criticism had been received. George W. Cooley, of
Minnesota, was chosen M.‑. P.‑. General Grand Master, and Henry W. Mordhurst,
of Indiana, General Grand Recorder.
The limits of this work forbid
more than brief references to the Cryptic Rite in each jurisdiction.
Alabama. ‑The Cryptic Degrees,
and it is believed councils also, are due to the work of John Barker, of the
Southern Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Rite. The Grand Council was
formed in 1838 (December 13th), by twenty‑seven Royal and Select Masters. In
1843 the action of Virginia was repudiated. In 1849 it objected to the
granting of the degrees in its jurisdic tion, by the Grand Consistory of
Charleston. Many of its subordinates were in widely distant States. After
meeting regularly for forty‑five years, in 1886 its constituents dissolved it,
all branches of Masonry in that State being much depressed. But with the
revival of the industrial interests, in a very marked degree, hope exists for
a return of better things.
Arkansas.‑Grand Council was
formed November 6, i86o, by four councils chartered by the Southern Supreme
Council. Has a provision of the constitution making active members of the
Southern Supreme Council, resident in the State, and members of the
Convention, members also of Grand Council as long as they are members of
councils in the State. Adopted Chapter method in 1878, but reorganized in
1881. Joined General Grand Council in 1886. The Grand Council has conferred
degrees upon candidates for the general good of the Rite there, but now
confines its practice to conferring the degrees upon those previously elected
in a subordinate council. , California. ‑Organized June 26, i86o, by two
councils chartered by Grand Council of Alabama, one by Grand Council of
Tennessee, and one by Grand Council of Texas.
Connecticut. ‑This
jurisdiction has been freely referred to in the sketch of general history.
Cross founded ten councils in 1818. In May (loth) 1819, the `first Grand
Council of Select Masters was organized by that name, it is claimed. Records
to 1830, lost. In 1825, by revised constitution, both degrees are mentioned,
and power over them given to councils. Great decay and depression ensued
between 1826 and 1846, but since that date rapid and steady progress has been
Delaware.‑Cross conferred
degrees in Newcastle and Wilmington, but Cryptic Masonry has been neglected in
Florida. ‑Grand Council
organized January 13, 1858, by three councils chartered by the Southern
Supreme Council. After a long struggle over the subject of Chapter
jurisdiction, the Grand Chapter of Florida declined to act, and it became a
member of the General Grand Council. No proceedings have been printed since
1882, or meetings held since 1884 to 1889, but a meeting was announced for
Georgia. ‑Abram Jacobs
conferred the Select degree before i8oo, as heretofore mentioned. Grand
Council formed May 2, 1826, under authority of the Southern Supreme Council,
and is mentioned in publications of that era. Its records have been lost, and
it became dormant. A convention was held, and Grand Council was formed June
22, 1841, by three councils. The by‑laws of No. 1, state: "Established under
the authority of the Supreme Grand Council of the 33|, in Charleston, South
Carolina." Adopted, in 1841, the constitution of 1826 ; but, in the revised
constitution of 1842, it claimed to be 1| The highest source of legitimate
Masonic authority in the State of Georgia, and of right ought to have the
government and superintendence of all councils of Royal and Select Masters
within its jurisdiction." Its Grand Council meets annually.
Illinois.‑Grand Council
organized March 1o, 1854, by councils chartered by*Grand Council of Kentucky.
This is one of the most important jurisdictions in the United States. Its
membership is large, and Chicago is the seat of much activity in Masonic work.
In 1854 it refused even to
"heal " Royal and Select Masters made in chapters. In 1877 it surrendered the
degrees to the Grand Chapter, but the Grand Council continued to meet
annually, its constituent councils, if they can be so regarded, being composed
of chapter‑made Royal and Select Masters, in addition to former membership.
The arrangement, however, was not satisfactory, and in 1882 the Grand Chapter
and Grand Council mutually agreed to return to the original status. Much warm
discussion, pro and con, has been indulged in throughout the country, and
Illinois has held a very conspicuous position, in opposition to the views of
many who represented the General Grand Council; but a more harmonious future
is probable since the action of that body, in relegating the Masonic status of
its membership to each individual Grand Council. It has been claimed in
Illinois, by some of her wisest and best Masons, that these uncertainties have
cost the loss of several thousand members heretofore. The Grand Council is
independent. Indiana.‑In this jurisdiction the degrees were conferred in
chapters until the action of the General Grand Chapter. After this,
chapter‑made Masters were " healed," and councils chartered by Kentucky and
Ohio organized the Grand Council December 20, 1855. Cryptic Masonry is
prosperous. in this jurisdiction.
Iowa. ‑ Here the Council
Degrees were conferred in chapters when Royal Arch Masonry was introduced. But
after the General Grand Chapter resolutions, heretofore mentioned, companions
were "healed" on the authority of the Grand Master of the Grand Council of
Illinois, and councils chartered by Illinois organized the Grand Council of
Iowa January 2, 1857. Nineteen councils had been organized, when, in 1878, it
merged itself into the Grand Chapter, and to the present day confers the
degrees in chapters. But it has been recently stated, on apparently good
authority, that there is a strong disposition to reassume the Council
663 Kansas. ‑ Organized, in
Grand Council of R.‑. S.‑. and S.‑ . E.‑. Masons, December 12, 1867, by three
councils, chartered by the Grand Council of Missouri.
Kentucky. ‑ Cross conferred
the Select degree in 1816‑1817, and sent charters, but if organization took
place then, it is not known. Delegates from six councils organized the Grand
Council, December 1o, 1827,‑a result of the labors of John Barker,
representing the Southern Supreme Council. During the Anti‑Masonic period, it
met once only between 1833 and 1845ò Kentucky merged the degrees, under
chapter control, from 1878 to 1881, when the Grand Council reorganized.
In the recent Masonic annals
of this Grand Council, Most Illustrious H. B. Grant, Grand Master, reports the
case of a Thrice Illustrious Master of a council who had communicated the
degrees, out of a council, and who construed his obligation to mean that be
must not confer the degrees, except in a council, but might communicate the
same, and direct the Recorder to insert the names as if made in a council. The
Grand Master declared the work irregular, violating present usage, and
required recognition to be refused until they were "healed " in open council.
The Grand Council unanimously approved. Kentucky is an independent
Louisiana.‑When the degrees
were first introduced is unknown, but Holland Council, No. 1, was organized by
John Barker in 1827, and it is referred to in the "tableau" of the Grand
Chapter in 1828. There was a reorganization of Capitular Masonry about 185o,
and Cryptic Masonry also assumed new life, four councils having formed a Grand
Council, February 10, 1856. One of these was Holland, No. 1, and the others
were chartered by Kentucky and Alabama.
Maine. ‑Organized May 3, 1855,
by three councils, chartered by the Grand Council of Massachusetts in 1854. At
an earlier period, a council had been working under the General Grand Chapter,
before it relinquished charge. Peaceful and prosperous, Maine is without a
history, except that of success.
Maryland.‑The original
leaders, in disseminating the degrees in Maryland, have been spoken of. It was
a " side degree " there before i 8oo. Those in charge, under the belief that
the Select degree was under their absolute control, placed it in charge of
chapters, and it was authorized by the Grand Chapter to be conferred in 1817.
In 1824, it was formally made part of the chapter system, to be conferred
before the M.‑.E.‑.Master's degree. In 1845 it was placed after that degree.
The Cryptic Degrees continued to be conferred in chapter‑councils until 1872,
when the Grand Chapter forbade it. This resulted in the formation of the Grand
Council, by six councils, May 12, 1874.
Gleason and others formed a voluntary council of Royal Masters in 1817,
obtaining afterwards the sanction of Columbian Council (New York). Cross
organized a Select council at Springfield, May 664 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
28, 1818. Representatives from
six councils met February 8, 1826, and completed the organization of a Grand
Council, June 15, 1826. Records during the Anti‑Masonic agitation are lost
until the reorganization in 1847. Since 1853 it has met regularly, and has
been so prosperous that it is the largest jurisdiction in membership. Hiram
Council (Worcester), with 517 members, is the largest council of Royal and
Select Masters in the world.
The address of Most
Illustrious Grand Master Daniel W. Jones (Mass.) (December, 1889), in alluding
to the recent amendment of the Constitution of the General Grand Council
declares: ‑ " This was unanimously adopted, and all felt that it would make
clear the aim of the General Grand body, and bring into harmonious union all
the Grand Councils. Immediately, delegates from several outside Grand Councils
expressed the opinion that these Grand bodies would join the General Grand
Council as soon as the necessary arrangements could be made.
"These triennial assemblies
conduce not only to the performance of such duties as will tend to the proper
consolidation and organization of the Order, but also to the cultivation of
those social feelings which can but draw us nearer into the bonds of common
brotherhood, and thus strengthen Cryptic Masonry throughout the world."
Michigan. ‑ Grand Council organized January 13, 1858, by three councils,
chartered by Grand Council of Connecticut. The first dispensation was granted,
in 1856, for Monroe Council, at Detroit. The Order has made remarkable
progress. Michigan is one of the most important jurisdictions. The Grand
Council is independent, but does not favor chapter‑made Royal and Select
Masters. Companion G. 13. Noble, Chairman of the Convention, says (r89o) : "We
are pleased to find the Cryptic Rite in a prosperous condition. From the
statistics we have been able to obtain, in all save a few jurisdictions there
has been a steady growth. . . ." The questions heretofore in controversy,
i.e., the healing process and status of chapter‑made Royal and Select Masters,
we believe are very satisfactorily settled.
Minnesota.‑ Organized Grand
Council December 12, 187o, by three councils, chartered by Grand Council of
Iowa. A council had been chartered by New York in 1855, but it became dormant.
Minnesota has taken a very prominent part in the formation and management of
the General Grand Council.
Mississippi. ‑ The early
history has been detailed in the general history of the Rite. Organized July
19, 1856,‑adopted, in 1877, what is known as the "Mississippi plan," but
reorganized Grand Council in February, 1888.
Missouri.‑The Royal degree was
introduced in 1828. In 1842 a Grand Council was formed by councils organized
by a companion deriving authority from Cross. These became extinct, and also
subsequent councils chartered by Kentucky. The Grand Council was organized,
May 21, 1864, by three councils, chartered by Illinois.
Nebraska. ‑Grand Council
organized November 20, 1872, by Omaha Council (organized July 8, 1867), under
charter from the Southern Supreme THE CRYPTIC DEGREES.
Council 33|, and two councils,
chartered by Kansas. Adopted, in 1878, a form of "Mississippi plan," but
revived as a Grand Council, in 1886, and joined the General Grand Council.
New Hampshire.‑On August 5,
1815, four companions formed a voluntary council of Royal Masters at
Hopkinton. A council of Select Masters, under direction of Cross, was formed
in 1819, and the two united in 1822. A Grand Council was organized July 9,
1823. From 1835 to 1855, Cryptic Masonry was dormant, when Orphan and
Columbian Councils revived, and with Adoniram Council, chartered by
Connecticut, formed a Grand Council June 11, 1862. It is now flourishing.
New Jersey. ‑Organized Grand
Council November 26, x86o, two councils having been chartered by,
Pennsylvania, and one by New York. It is an independent jurisdiction.
New York. ‑ This jurisdiction
has been discussed in the general account of the Rite. On September 2, 181o, a
number of Royal Masters, who received the degree as a || side degree,"
voluntarily organized || Columbian Grand Council of Royal Master Masons." In
1818 they conferred the SuperExcellent degree. In 1821 it merged with a
voluntary council of Select Masters. In 186o, well‑known troubles in symbolic
Masonry being adjusted, the old Grand Council, which had been formed
originally of officers and past officers of Columbian, united with a Grand
Council which had been formed, in New York, in 1854, by three councils,
chartered by Connecticut, that did not at that time recognize the existing
Masonic authority of the old council, New York has taken an active part in the
General Grand Council.
North Carolina. ‑Masonry was
introduced into North Carolina at an early date. On August 21, 1767, a warrant
was granted by the Grand Lodge of England for " Royal White Hart Lodge," at
Halifax, North Carolina. The first Grand Council was organized at
Fayetteville, June 21, 1822, five councils that were at work uniting, and the
result of the work of the Southern Supreme Council. The question of
jurisdiction by the Grand Chapter was mooted, but in 1825 it declined. In 1859
the Grand Chapter, which had assumed some sort of control over these degrees,
in the dormant condition of the Grand Council for many years, adopted the
following: "Resolved, That this Grand Chapter, after due consideration, hereby
disclaims for itself and subordinates any and all control over the Royal and
Select Masters' degrees." In 186o three councils were chartered by the Supreme
Council (Southern Jurisdiction), Dr. A. G. Mackey being the active agent, and
the Grand Council was formed June 6, 186o. But, in consequence of the war, no
farther meeting was held until 1868. In 1883 it dissolved, and again remitted
the degrees to the Grand Chapter, but in 1887 it reorganized. Its Grand
Council is an independent jurisdiction.
Ohio. ‑Grand Council organized
January 6, 183o, by five councils, all formed by John Barker, Agent for the
Southern Supreme Council. The Select 666 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
degree had been conferred by
Cross in 1816, and a council at Cleveland was chartered by New York in 18 z7,
but no record of it exists. Ohio has become a very large jurisdiction, and its
work was revised in i88o.
Oregon. ‑The General Grand
Master of the General Grand Council authorized A. H. Hodson to assemble not
less than five Royal and Select Masters, and confer the degrees upon not
exceeding nine Royal Arch Masons, and a dispensation was issued for Pioneer
Council, U. D., at McMinnville. Grand Council organized, by three councils,
February 3, 1885.
Pennsylvania. ‑A Grand Council
was formed, in 1847, by two councils of Pennsylvania, and one of Texas. Its
records were not kept, but papers of its meetings, from 1847 to 1851, have
been found. In 1854 a proposal was made to'give the control of the degrees to
the Council of Princes of Jerusalem, but this was not accepted, and the Grand
Council was reorganized December 30, 185 4. It is an independent jurisdiction,
but declines to recognize Royal and Select Masters made in chapters. The
admirable system of visitation, by Grand Officers, in Pennsylvania, has been
followed by a substantial growth. Rhode Island. ‑ On March z 8, 1818, a
meeting of Royal Masters was held in Providence, which voted, May 19th, that "
The degree of Select Master be attached to this council." In 1819 Cross
presented them a charter. After being dormant many years, a meeting was held
in 1841. Other councils were chartered by Massachusetts and Connecticut, and,
in 1849, the Northern Supreme Council endorsed authority, ‑ to confer the
degrees of Royal and Select Master, ‑ upon a charter for a Lodge of Perfection
at Newport. This was revoked in 187o, and a charter obtained from the Grand
Council which had been formed October 30, 186o. This is an independent
South Carolina.‑The early
history has been mentioned. The Supreme Council was held as the lawful
governing power, and chartered nine councils in 1858‑9. But in 186o it waived
its rights, and a Grand Council was organized February 15, 186o. It followed
the course of Mississippi in 188o, but in 1881 reorganized and became a member
of the General Grand Council. Tennessee. ‑ Organized its Grand Council October
13, 1847, by two councils, chartered by the Southern Supreme Council, two by
Kentucky, and one U. D. from the Grand Council of Alabama.
Texas. ‑Organized Grand
Council June 24, 1856, which, in 1864, was disbanded, as heretofore related,
and the degrees given to the chapter. Vermont. ‑ Cross went to this
jurisdiction after his return from the South, and in person, or by his deputy,
John H. Cotton, organized nine councils, beginning at Windsor, July 7, 1817.
The warrant of the council at Bennington has been preserved, and reads : ‑ "
To all whom these presents may come, GREETING: " Know ye, that by the high
powers in me vested by the Thrice Illustrious and Grand Puissant in the Grand
Council of Select Masters, held at the City of Baltimore, in the State of
Maryland, North America, I do hereby constitute and empower the within‑named
Companions to form THE CRYPTIC DEGREES.
667 themselves into a regular
Council of Select Masters, and I do appoint my Worthy Companion, Samuel S.
Young, to be first Thrice Illustrious Grand Master, Zacheus Hovey be the first
Illustrious Deputy Grand Master, and Oliver Abgll to be the Principal
Conductor, and I do grant them full power, with their constitutional number,
to assemble, open, and confer the Degree of Select Master, and do all other
business appertaining to said degree, for which this shall be their warrant,
until revoked by the Grand Puissant. And I do further direct said Council to
hold its meetings at Bennington, Bennington County, and State of Vermont.
Given under my hand at Bennington, this twenty‑third day of May, A.D. 1818,
and of the Discovery, 2818.
"JOHN H. COTTON, "Acting
Deputy Puissant in Grand Council." These councils existed until 1826‑1828. In
1849 they reorganized and worked under original warrants until 1854. Four
councils organized Grand Council August 1o, 1854.
Virginia. ‑The early history
of the Rite shows that Myers remained awhile in Virginia, where he probably
conferred degrees. In December, 1817, a council of Select Masters was
established by Cross in Richmond, and sub sequently one at Portsmouth and
other points. December 20, 182o, a Grand Council was formed, which apparently
failed to meet from 1829 to 1839, and in 1847 dissolved itself and left the
degrees to the chapter. The mistake in connection with this action has been
elsewhere described. The degrees are conferred before the Royal Arch.
Wisconsin. ‑ Three councils,
chartered by Ohio, organized the Grand Council October 28, 1857. In 1878, by
arrangement, the Grand Chapter took charge of the degrees. But in 1881 a Grand
Council was organized by representatives from forty‑nine councils. The record
does not state how they were organized.
Subordinate Councils. ‑The
following subordinate councils are under charge of the General Grand Council:
Washington, No. 1, Washington, District' of Columbia; Oklahoma, No. i, at
Atoka, Indian Territory; Deming, No. 1, Demin;, New Mexico; and Casselton, No.
1, Casselton, North Dakota.
Cryptic Masonry in Canada.
‑The authority for the facts stated in this brief sketch is derived chiefly
from the comprehensive work of the Rite in Canada, by Past Grand Master J.
Ross Robertson, of Toronto, Grand Recorder of the Grand Council of the
Dominion of Canada.
Samuel Kidder, from the United
States, travelled through New Brunswick as a lecturer in 1826, and it is
supposed the degrees were conferred by him at that time, as a St. John
newspaper of 1828 contains a notice of a quarterly meeting of Royal and Select
Masters. But there is no record that is authentic. In 1866 Companion Robert
Marshall, of St. John, New Brunswick, took the degrees of Royal, Select, and
Super‑Excellent Master, in a Royal and Select council at Baltimore, United
States, for the purpose of introducing the Rite. He instituted three
councils,‑St. John, No. 1, New Brunswick, No. 2, and Carleton, No. 3,‑under
charters from the Grand Council of Maine, May 18, 1867.
A convocation of Royal and
Select Masters of New Brunswick was called, 668 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
August 15, 1867, to form a
Grand Council. Gordon R. Garden, 33|, of the Grand Council of Maine, was
present, with the representatives, and acted as President. A constitution was
adopted, and Most Illustrious Companion Robert Marshall was elected M.‑. P.‑.
Grand Master for New Brunswick. In 1868 delegates were appointed to the
convention of Cryptic Masons held in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1870 " Chebucto "
Council was constituted in Halifax, Nova Scotia, under warrant from the Grand
Council of New Brunswick.
In 1870 councils were
authorized to confer the degree of the "Red Cross," or "Babylonish Pass," that
being a prerequisite to the Order of Knights Templar in the United States, but
not acknowledged by the Supreme Grand Conclave, of the Order in England and
Wales, under which Canadian Templar Encampments held. The council took
jurisdiction with the approval of W. J. B. McLeod Moore, S. G. I. G., 33|, and
Grand Prior, Order of the Temple, etc., Dominion of Canada, and also of Most
Eminent Sir Knight William Blackstone Hubbard, Grand Master of the Grand
Encampment of the United States, and this was recognized by Right Eminent Sir
William S. Gardner, afterward Grand Master of Templars.
It was in the village of
Orillia, Ontario, that a council, under warrant from New Brunswick, was
established as " Shekinah " Council in November, 1870. Other councils were
establishedl, and, in July, 1871, Adoniram Council, Toronto, called a
Convention of councils in Ontario, which met August 8, 1871, and the Grand
Council of Ontario was formed ; R.‑. P.‑. Companion R. D. Harington, Inspector
General of Cryptic Masonry for Ontario and Quebec, being present as Chairman,
and, transferring his authority, the Grand Council proceeded to work with
success, meeting annually, and granting charters to councils. In August, 1873,
the Grand Master in his address took notice of the formation of the Grand
Council of England and Wales.
In 1875, the fifth Annual
Assembly of Ontario resolved as follows: ‑ "That this Grand Council approves
of the formation of a Grand Council of Rites for the Dominion of Canada,
composed of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters, the Grand Conclave
of Rome and Constantine, and the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners, and hereby
authorizes and instructs the Most Illustrious, the Grand Master, to take all
necessary steps in connection with the other bodies interested to perfect the
same." This resolution went into effect, by consent of all the bodies named,
in July, 1880, under name of the Grand Council of Canada.
In 1884, the Red Cross degree
being then given in Preceptories of Knights Templar, the Grand Council of
Canada surrendered all control over the Red Cross, and councils were directed
to cease conferring it. Similar action was taken in 1885, in reference to the
other Rites, leaving the Grand Council in control only of the Cryptic Rite.
A period of comparative
depression set in, but it is believed that energetic action in visitation, on
the part of superior officers, will bear fruit in future prosperity. Past
Grand Master Robertson beautifully says: ‑ THE CRYPTIC DEGREES. 669 "The
day‑dream of our lives may be realized, and a fresh interest, a new‑born
enthusiasm, an inspiration for another existence, may be awaiting those who
hold fast to the faith, and feel that in the degrees of Royal and Select
Master, there is an enduring strength that can withstand the giant wave of
success which seems to attend those modern organizations, planted as they are,
like pines in Southern forests, all over this great continent." THE ROYAL
DEGREE. ‑ Mackey describes this degree as the eighth in the American Rite, and
the first conferred in a council of Royal and Select Masters. It has the
following officers: A Thrice Illustrious Master, representing King Solomon; a
Right Illustrious Deputy Master, representing Hiram of Tyre; an Illustrious
Principal Conductor of the Work, representing Hiram Abif; a Treasurer;
Recorder; Captain of the Guard; Conductor of the Council, and Steward. The
Council Chamber represents the private retreat of King Solomon, for
consultation with his colleagues. A candidate is said to be "honored" with the
degree. The apron is black, in token of grief at the loss of the Chief
Builder, edged with red, typifying his blood, shed to maintain his integrity.
Mackey says: 1 " The events
recorded in this degree must have occurred at the building of the First
Temple, and during that brief period of time, after the death of the Builder,
which is embraced between the discovery of his body and its 'Masonic
interment' . . . If from the legendary history we proceed to the symbolism of
the degree, as we shall find that brief and simple as are the ceremonies, they
present the great Masonic idea of the laborer seeking for his reward." SELECT
MASTER. ‑The officers of this degree are a Thrice Illustrious Master, Right
Illustrious Deputy Master, Illustrious Principal Conductor of the Work,
Treasurer, Recorder, Captain of the Guard, Conductor of the Council, Steward,
and Sentinel. The first three represent the Grand Masters at the building of
the Temple. The symbolic colors are: black, signifying secrecy and darkness,
and red, for ardent zeal. Every officer and member of a council wears a silver
trowel within a triangle of the same, suspended from a black collar, edged and
lined with red. A council is supposed strictly to have neither more nor less
than twenty‑seven members. The term was for merly used ‑" Select Masons of
Twenty‑Seven." The candidate is said to be " cho1en." The historic object is 2
to commemorate the deposit of an important treasure by Hiram Abif. The place
of meeting is a "Secret Vault" beneath the Temple.
While the labors of the Select
Masters were performed before those related in the Royal degree, yet they were
not made known to the Craft until long afterward; the very existence of Select
Masters, and their secret, having been unknown to the great mass of workers,
the degree explaining much that had taken place anterior to it.
The great beauty of both
degrees has long excited Masonic admiration. SUPER‑EXCELLENT MASTER.‑This
degree in some American councils is conferred in course, but the greater
number treat it as simply an honorary 1 Mackey's Encyclopeedia, p. 674. 2
Mackey's Encyclopoedia, p. 704, COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
or " side degree," as it was
considered by the A. ‑. A. ‑. S. ‑. Rite. It does not properly pertain to the
Cryptic Degrees, but is rather an extension of a part of the Royal Arch
degree. A council of Super‑Excellent Masters has fifteen officers: Most
Excellent King, representing Zedediah, the twentieth and last king of Judah;
Companion Gedeliah, representing one of Zedediah's princes; the First Keeper.
of the Temple; the Second Keeper of the Temple; Third Keeper of the Temple ;
First Herald ; Second Herald ; Third Herald ; Captain of the Guard; (3) Royal
Guards; Recorder; Master of Exchequer, and Sentinel. It refers to
circumstances occurring on the last day of the siege of Jerusalem. "Its legend
and ceremonies are intended to inculcate that important Masonic
virtue‑fidelity to vows." Conclusion. ‑ Cryptic Masonry in America, taken as a
whole, is steadily gaining strength. While it is stationary, or even losing to
some extent, in a few jurisdictions, it is nevertheless in general advancing
with satisfactory prog ress. The Rite has no adventitious aid as a
prerequisite to any other body. There is no reason to believe that this jewel
and crown of Ancient Craft Masonry will ever want votaries to seek it in the "
Secret Vault." England.‑Cryptic Freemasonry has been worked in England, more
or less regularly, for over a century, in fact from about r q6o, in one form
or another, as the degrees are, in part, nearly allied to some of the Ancient
and Accepted Rite. My " Origin of the English Rite " is the latest work on the
subject from a British stand‑point, and might be consulted with advantage, in
relation to the additions to the Royal Arch.
Of late years these degrees
seem almost to have been lost sight of, and the knowledge of their working
nearly, if not wholly, died out, save in Scotland, under the wing of the "
Early Grand Encampment." The authority, now active, was derived from the State
of New York, and was the outcome of a movement, originated in the Mark Grand
Lodge of England, to enable Mark Masons and Royal Arch Companions, in England,
to take the Most Excellent Master, and the Royal, Select, and Super‑Excellent
Masters' degrees, as in America.
first of these was authorized by Most Eminent Companion Rees George Williams,
G. H. P., in 1871 ; and the others were chartered, in connection with four
councils, to meet in London, in the same year, by the Most Puissant James
McCreedie G.‑. M.‑. of the R.‑. S.‑. and S.‑. E.‑. Masters, these uniting to
form the Grand Council for England.
The first Grand Master was the
Most Worshipful Brother the Rev. Canon Portal, M. A., who continued to be
reelected until his lamented decease in 1889, when the Right Hon. the Earl of
Euston was chosen in his stead, Brother Frank Richardson, 33|, being the D. G.
M. and Lord Dungarvan the P. C. of W. Several of the chief members of the
Ancient and Accepted Rite have taken an especial interest in the work and
prosperity of these degrees, which were so happily introduced into England, in
1871, by the Ill.. Brother Jackson H. Chase, and Ill.ò. Brothers Martin and
Thompson. The present Grand Recorder is the R.‑. W .‑. Brother C. F. Matier,
P. D. G. M., who is the efficient Grand Mark Secretary, and one of the best
Ritualists known.
Fifteen councils in all have
been warranted, of which number twelve continue on the roll; but not much
support has been granted to them by the "rank and file" of the Craft, for even
some of these are languishing.
Representatives are exchanged
with several Grand Councils in the United States, Canada, and Scotland. There
are but two active councils for the latter country, R.‑.W.‑. Brother J. D.
Duncan being the G.‑.M.‑. These degrees are not worked in Ireland, as only
those agreed to by that Grand Lodge, and those not of recent date, or
arrangement, are permitted. This regulation bars not a few old Ceremonies as
well, such as the Royal Order of Scotland; but the Craft, Arch, Knight
Templar, and Ancient and Accepted Rite mutually recognize each other, and thus
effectually prevent the introduction of any rivals whatever.
The Relation of the Symbolic,
Capitular, and Cryptic Degrees to one another and to Ancient Craft Masonry;
comprising the Foundation, the Superstructure, and the Ornaments of the
Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons.
33|, Historian, Grand Lodge, State of New Fork.
The Physical, the Spiritual,
the Celestial, these three Intertwining, ever‑blending in perfect harmony."
Introductory. ‑How vain would be our hope of attaining perfection at once !
The Creator, exercising his wisdom, proceeded by degrees when bringing into
being the harmoniously moving universe and placing within it this beautiful
world. Elohim first created those things which had being without life ; then
those things which had life and being; finally, that which had life and being,
with reason and a soul.
The higher our attainment of
intellect and purity, the nearer is our approach to perfection. We are
children of the light and of the day, and not of the darkness of unbelief; but
our continued progress must be by degrees. " Men erect comfortable cottages ;
kings, sumptuous palaces ; but the King of Glory, a heavenly abode." We are
reminded that there are three stages of heaven the lower atmosphere for
created things that breathe ; that in which the stars float in their grandeur;
and that in which the angels and saints magnify their Creator. The first is
symbolized by the Outer Court of the Holy Temple at Jerusalem, which was open
to all; the second, by the Court of the Ministering Priests, who are
symbolized by the Candles of Heaven; and the third is the Holy of Holies, with
the Cherubim shadowing the Mercy Seat and all that the Sacred Ark contains.
673 674 There are things
physical, things spiritual, and things celestial; and so, likewise, there are
grades of education, of the head, of the heart, and of the soul. There are
also degrees that are essential to a full understanding of the symbolism of
our Masonic Brotherhood, in the Symbolic, the Capitular, and the Cryptic
To pronounce a panegyric on
the system of Masonry embracing these three, compels a review of the
Institution in its entirety. The relationship is so intimate that the life of
the one is the existence of the others. The foundation is inferior in value
without its superstructure, and both are cold and ineffective without
furniture and ornamentation.
The respective ages of the
divisions of Masonry are immaterial; their intercommunication is essential.
Doubtless the reader will find
exhaustive information pertaining to all matters of detail in the preceding
pages, emanating from the pens of the most reliable Masonic scholars, and
under the latest examinations; nevertheless, we assume herein the liberty of
review of the relationship of the principles involved in the divisions
referred to, from the earliest period to the present day.
As the triune act of Elohim at
the creation is so emblematically alluded to in the formulation of these
divisions, we may be pardoned for calling attention thereto, and commencing
this chapter with such allusions.
We trust not to encroach upon
the domain of others, but a full performance of our assumed duty would appear
to make the following course essential; to wit, to trace society in its
organized forms from remote period to the present day: The Dream of Dawn; the
Awakening; the Blessing; the Inspection of the Temple ; its Destruction; the
Unity of Divisions; and the Revival.
The Dream of Dawn.
"'Twas Time's first dawn, When
naught yet was. Nor sand, nor sea, Nor cooling wave; Earth was not there. Nor
heaven above. Naught save a void And yawning gulf; But verdure none."
All things with each other
blending, All on each in turn depending; Heavenly Ministers descending, And
again to Heaven uptending; Floating, mingling, interweaving, Rising, sinking,
and receiving Each from each, while each is giving Unto each, and each
relieving Each, the parts of gold, the living Current through the air is
heaving Breathless blessings; see them bending, Balanced worlds from change
defending, While everywhere diffused is harmony unending." ‑RHus VEDA.
675 From the period when the
first day of rest revealed the works of the creation to the present, there has
ever been an innate craving, on the part of man, to congregate for mutual aid,
protection, and progression; a God‑given impulsion for improvement among his
noblest of creation, the soul‑bearers of the image of Elohim, of Him who was
the Source of all creative power. This persistent desire of association for
mutual advantage, physical and intellectual, is visible through all the
congregations of men, wherever spread, from the beginning of the world.
Elohim not only created the
substantial universe, but he gave it regulation, harmonious movement, and
ornamentation, and finally blessed and consecrated it. All this was symbolized
by the construction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, its service, regulations,
and ornamentation, and its being blessed and dedicated by the king. And in all
this the system of Masonry was foreshadowed.
As the creation of light was
the first and as well the last act in the drama, it was made manifest that it
was intended for use; for, when the Lord said, `| Let there be light, and it
was light ! " he 1| took care of the light that it was useful, and he divided
the light from the darkness." When the last mandate of Elohim was complete in
the creation of intellectual light, his evident intent was, not that it should
be a selfish light, but one that should be useful and beneficial to his
fellow‑man, those yet to follow as inhabitants of the earth.
From out the ocean of Chaos,
man stood upon the shores of Creation for a brief period of survey, ere work
began and fellowship was formed.
Even in the days of Adam and
Eve, and Cain, and Abel, and Seth, and their progeny, union for a common
protection and mutual assistance appears to have taken form.
The sensuous race of Cain,
wise in its conceit, fair in form, attractive to the eye, in leafy bowers
would meet for useful consult, and then hail the sweet, soft music of Jubal's
harp. Thus, also, did the primal pair, with their more chosen seed, in concert
sit under the mgis of the Omnific Name, and, after chant and prayer, would
link their thoughts and commune for the general good. These were but Elohim's
footprints, directing man toward his fellow's help.
"And now cities and temples
rise, And castles, too, whose turrets pierce the skies." Man continued in this
course of mutual aid until the Shadow of the Waters brought all things outward
to an end, and Noah's congregation held refuge in the Ark of Safety.
Ages pass, and in far India
the gathering swarms assemble, not alone for physical culture, but on Ganges'
banks for mental aid and help, for intellectual control, and for the elevation
of the soul. From time to time, to the present age, reformers came and went.
Among the first was Brahma, and then famed 676 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
Buddha, who taught religious
toleration. Then followed Krishna, the teacher, claimed to have been divine.
Shortly upon the mythic vision looms Osiris, whose time on earth was measured
by the age of lotus plants, some twentyeight in number, and who, when buried
at great Philae, left in devotees more souls than else could count the world.
To him in Egypt great temples were erected at Abydos, and Seti's "Hall of
Columns" at Karnak.
Then down the Tree of Life,
during the ancient era, came other mystic rites, some o'erlapping, others
following, until a thousand sects and faiths have filled the earth with
reformation,‑the wondrous Gymnosophists, and Tao with his priests, Confucius,
Zoroaster, Moses, and the Druids.
And so, through times
thereafter, in the new era, congregations of peoples, schools, and assemblies,
having a specific purpose, continued to gather and admit to fellowship willing
applicants, with more or less selectness, under forms and ceremonies peculiar
to their day or inclination. These forms of reception, followed by trial and
instruction, were generally elaborate and appalling, tending to test the
physical and mental courage of those whom they bound to implicit secrecy.
These ceremonies, opening with invocations, were magnificent and startling;
incident to sudden transitions and thrilling contrasts, abounding in deep
portrayal of affliction, sorrow, and distress, widening into gloomy terror,
thus foreshadowing the early life and travails of our fellowman passing
through barbarism, ignorance, and uncertainty.
The trembling neophyte was
forced to make dangerous advances, essential to his progress, until in due
course he entered upon scenes of joy and light, emblematic of life, glorious
and eternal. This end was not attained at once, and at a general ceremony; the
processes and grades were many, elaborate, and intertwined, at times covering
years of anxious probation. , Man's approach to perfection is generally the
outgrowth of experiences of sorrow, suffering, and affliction, which form the
rugged paths of life, and which are necessary for the human heart to attain
the Golden Orient, ‑ the Light of Eternal Truth. A true union with our
fellows, of whatever school or class, who sincerely strive to attain unto
virtue, must embrace the secret language written only on the heart, and which
is recognized as its purest, sweetest joy. It is thus, and thus only, we are
allied unto the most spiritual part of our own nature.
Thus it was with the Cabiric
Mysteries, at Samothrace, which prevailed extensively among the people, and
were ruled by deified heroes, self‑claimed interpreters of faiths, and
founders of civilization, into whose temples none e'er entered, save the
priests. Solemn and most terrible were the receptions, celebrated in
profoundest secrecy, and only at the dead of night, on him who had been
purified by crystal water and human blood. Were these the precursors of the
Masonic mysteries? for the Cabiric was the type of the Hiramic death.
Prominent among the faiths and
mysteries were those of Ceres, Mithras, THE E ULOGIUM.
677 Bacchus, Trophonius, Rhea,
Adonis, Eleusis, Odin, and Pythagoras, of the Essenes, and of the
Scandinavians. And so at Jerusalem, the Nazarene, who was of the School of
Sopherism, held forth the doctrine of reformation, and that there is no end to
the universal love of God ; in truth, to it there was no beginning.
Then turn we to the
Brotherhood of Masonry, next in kin to the service of the Anointed. Whatever
was its origin, it, like the secret societies of antiquity, developed into a
vast college, where the most useful,' encouraging, and sublime sciences,
morals, and truths should be forever taught. Its great, central symbol ‑ the
Temple ‑is a vast labyrinth of mysteries, whereby we learn our Grand Master's
many attributes and virtues, which are interpreted and their true import
beautifully portrayed by the adepts of these departments of Masonry, who
uphold its banners and are entitled to wear its crown.
In our loved legend it matters
not how much is fact nor how much fiction. A great philosopher of the day hath
said : ‑ " For it is here that Fantasy, with her mystic wonder‑land, plays
into the small prose domain of sense, and becomes incorporated therewith. In
the symbol proper, what we can call a symbol, there is ever, more or less
distinctly and directly, some embodiment and revelation of the infinite the
infinite is made to blend itself with the finite, to stand visible, and, as it
were, attainable there. By symbols, accordingly, is man guided and commanded,
made happy, made wretched. He everywhere finds himself encompassed with
symbols, recognized as such or not recognized: the Universe is but one vast
symbol of God; nay, if thou wilt have it, what is man himself but a symbol of
God: is not all that he does symbolic; a revelation to sense of the Mystic,
God‑given force that is in him; a 'gospel of freedom,' which he the ' Messias
of Nature' preaches, as best he can, by act and word ? " Forms, ceremonies,
images, and action address themselves to the profoundest sentiments of the
heart ana elevate the soul. It is the dream of dawn, it is the conscience
working within the soul, which makes us dare deeds the most hazardous, to
strive to attain the apparently impossible. It is this power of the
conscience, working through the soul, that causes us to strain our efforts for
virtue and purity, and for which we are loved. The soul is an abject subject
to legends and symbols that call forth deeds and works of manliness and
Godliness, for which we are to be adjudged, and in due course rewarded.
The Awakening. ‑ From gentle
slumber the Israelitish king awakes refreshed. The early morn comes not more
sweetly to his opening lids than does his day‑dream to the awakening brain, ‑
foreshadowing a loved and . loving Brotherhood, whose universal symbol, under
his direction, daily grew in glory and in grandeur, gradually forming the
gold‑crowned, snowy pile assuming shape and majesty.
And now the lessening shadows
of the early dawn betoken the coming hour of prayer. All else in nature seems
wrapped in restful repose, save him who rules the destinies of Israel. As was
his wont, while others slept, his early 678 thought of prayer, overleaping
every other duty, urges him on until he shall have offered praise and
thanksgiving in the edifice of Him for whom the Holy House was being built.
The silver rays were giving
place to the golden light of day, when out from the palace, which was rich in
kingly equipment, temporarily arranged for the dwelling of the great, stepped
with conscious tread, and unattended, the chosen one of God to cross the
valley. With countenance beaming with gratitude and reflecting the blessed
rays of heaven, in thoughtful adoration, he follows the winding pathway to the
House of Prayer. However unfinished was the work on that Holy House, and the
apparently tedious labor still remaining to crown it with final glory, yet the
king had sanctified the ground and the work on which the people were engaged.
Ample and reasonable provision had been made for solemn Matin and holy
Benediction on each day's progress.
And now the king in
self‑communion takes his way adown the path. The chirping birds and warbling
songsters greet him with their usual lay, as if they knew his mission; the
very trees and flowers with life and transport seem to glow; and yet the king
keeps on his winding way through groves most sacred, and on by Craftsmen's
huts and their protecting canvas. And then he walks by fresh and gurgling
streams, where palm‑trees wave, warding the storm or cooling the tropic heat,
forming at times heaven's archway. Again he passes down the glen near where
the waters of the Kedron glide, and off beyond where is the pool of Birket‑Israel,
now alive with early gatherers at the crystal fountain, who, both young and
old, wonderingly stand and gaze at him who travels onward towards the object
of his holy thoughts. No one disturbs the current of his mind, nor offers to
intrude with query or petition. The perfumed blossom and the golden orange
blend their stems. The side‑ways are bedecked with tunias red and blue, with
figs and purple grapes; the citron and pomegranate side by side in luscious
beauty tempt the eye. The king sees none of these, although the atmosphere
about him floats with Heaven's gifts, and delicious odors breathe through
every path, and breezes fresh salute him.
The morning walk draws near
its end. With giant strides the sun looms up from o'er the eastern hills, and
breaks its rays in myriad numbers o'er the plain. The gray mists lighten, and
" the katydids now hush their trills." The breaking day dispels the haze of
night; the working‑bee awakes to gather sweets; and COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
"Trees and shrubs and flowers
of every hue Open their lips to drink the gathered dew." The Morning Blessing.
‑The wise king and son of a wise king, whose characteristics and life were
paralleled in those of the father, save in the matter of warring with his
neighbors, now beholds, directly in view, facing the East, the object of his
glorious triumph. With soul swelling with emotion for the honor Jehovah had
awarded him in so grand a work erected to his gory, the king stopped, and for
a moment stood enraptured. Then passing to the outer Court of the Gentiles,
and up the steps through the Beautiful Gate in the enclosing wall of that
court, he still advances, silently praising the Mighty One.
Onward he moves to the Holy
Place, between the porch and the altar, where he was accustomed daily to offer
his supplication and prayer of praise. Upon the king's approach, the forked
flames and crackling fire give evidence of priestly presence, and of fresh
offerings upon the holy burnished altar, standing in the centre of that sacred
spot, not far removed from the curtained Sanctum. The sensuous fumes burden
the air with thick, curling clouds of spikenard, frankincense, and myrrh,
exhaled from the ornate altar of sweet perfumes on the South, preparatory to
the morning prayer of praise and thanksgiving.
The king now stands in the
East, apart from all the rest, with head and body bent, and soul all mindful
of the Creator's loving‑kindness to him, and to his people, and to the work in
which he was engaged. And as he stood, his raiment became shining with the
glory that was in him, and a dim yet luminous cloud appeared in the East about
the great curtain which concealed the Cherubim. And turning to the few who had
now gathered there,‑amazed and bowed in awe,‑intones most trustful and
sincere, the king stretched forth his hands, and spoke the mandate of Moses
when he blessed the people, saying : ‑ "The Lord bless thee and keep thee: the
Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee : the Lord lift
up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace I " And when the king had
ceased speaking, the priests were filled with reverence, and withdrew.
Preparing for Inspection.‑The
king, having concluded his devotions, retired to an inner chamber, there to
meet the king of Tyre, that they might prepare for duties that on given
periods devolved upon them, in the examination of the progress of the Holy
House. The interest of the king of Tyre in the construction cf the edifice
seemed the more remarkable when we reflect that Solomon, known to the prophet
Nathan as Yedidiah, the beloved one, when about to build the Temple of his
God, first applied to the king of Egypt for men to aid him in the work.
Pharaoh, after consulting his astrologers, selected those men who were to die
within the year. When they arrived at Jerusalem, the wise king sent them back
without delay. With each man he sent a shroud, and directed them to say to
their king: " If Egypt is too poor to supply shrouds for her dead, and for
that purpose sends them to me, behold here they are, the men and the shrouds
together: take them and bury thy dead." Masonry requires energetic, living men
to build the Temple to its God, and not the senile refuse of the " profane."
How grandly in contrast to the Egyptian king was the action of Hiram the
Tyrian, who willingly loaned his Chief Skilled Architect, and rendered favors
so essential to the king of Israel l 680 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
The Royal Inspection. ‑ The
busy workmen ply their tools in conformity with the plans laid out, by which
they are to finish and adorn the edifice to be sanctified of God. The elder
Masters teach and guide the Apprentices. The Fellows study and apply the more
intricate arts and sciences, and also construct the winding‑stairs ; applying,
each class, the tools allotted to its care and skill. And every timber and
every stone must needs be marked as it is finished. With wondrous system each
plan and section has been defined, explained. The Master‑builder, with
unerring skill, has laid before his engineers and draughtsmen every line and
measurement, that they in turn may spread the same, with due instruction and
essential detail, before each Overseer and Master, and thus, in harmony, the
House may be complete.
The kings emerge from out
their council‑chamber, and then their work begins. First the trestle‑board
they inspect, which quickly is explained. With interest intense, the king of
Tyre, robed and turbaned in purple, and in vestments curious and rare, notes
each line and figure to which his kingly brother points. The king of Israel,
turbaned and wearing robes and tunic of purest white, and an ephod bound like
unto a girdle about the waist, examines all with critical inspection.
Close was the communion of
these kings, bound by the Mysteries in solemn compact, rendering him of Tyre
and the ruler of the Jews most earnest in the work, wherein the one found
glory to his God, and the other but a symbol of a faith in which he worshipped
the Great Unknown.
In the forests, timbers of fir
and timbers of cedar were being cut by servants of the king of Tyre, who
convey them by sea in floats to the most convenient shore. Also for this work
did Solomon raise among the Jews a body of three thousand men. In the quarries
and in the mountains were eighty thousand men. Hear the swift blows of the
untiring gavel smoothing the rough sides and corners of the marbles, the
better to fit them for the builders' use. Watch the Apprentices apply the
gauge and wield the hammer, symbolically preserving true harmony and equal
division for work, for rest, for prayer, and succor for the needy. See that
other class most requisite, squarers of wood, and mortise and tenon workers,
experts with the chisel and the mallet, who, while they hew, and cut, and
carve in their laborious work, find it less irksome as they ponder upon the
lessons of morality and virtue taught by discipline and enlightened reason,
granting that contentment " Which nothing earthly gives or can destroy, The
soul's calm sunshine and the heartfelt joy," And which in time will fit them
not only as timber worthy of the Temple, but even as corner‑stones cut from
the quarry, upon which a glorious superstructure may be raised.
And now the Grand Masters, as
they have oft before, stop, and, looking over the wall, note the deep
foundation; how great and firm each massive stone. Behold the wisdom of
Solomon; the workmen are not all Israelites THE EULOGIUM. (gl: that build the
foundation: it is necessary that it should be deep and broad and firm, ‑ and
lo, there are builders from Israel, and builders from Tyre, and Giblites as
In the laying out and the
construction of that foundation two secret pas sages must be built, hewn from
the solid rock, the one connecting beneath the Altar of Sacrifices to carry to
the valley the overflow of blood and surplus of refuse from the numerous
sacrifices ; and the other, known only to the "Select," connecting the abode
of Solomon with a rock‑hewn cavern beneath the Sanc tum, furnishing an arched
passage‑way, whereby secretly might be protected the Ark and its contents,
should dangers assail or necessity require its use.
The Ark was the symbol of the
Covenant, and furthermore Moses said "Take this Book of the Law, and put it in
the side of the Ark of the Cove nant of the Lord your God, that it may be
there for a witness against thee" ; and did it not contain the pot of Manna
and Aaron's rod; and was there not also to be preserved the Omnific Name which
had been revealed in a flame of fire from the midst of a burning bush? How
glorious was to be this rock hewn cave, its entrance most wonderfully bedecked
with curious crystals glittering in the flambeau's blaze like myriad gems, and
thus light up the ,path 'neath beauteous arches leading to the sacred and most
Holy Word : ‑ " And by great skill this subterranean way Was rendered smooth
and brilliant as in day." The kings inspected and pronounced the work |1 well
done 1 " And now again they turn to the Apprentices, and note how free and
clear from soil the open apron shields the working‑dress; how cautiously from
all untempered mortar, or other blemish, each his presence keeps; how
studiously and with blunt grace each salutes his Master.
Now, moving on, the kings
observe the Craftsmen with apron curled, who under canvas cover, with level,
plumb, and square, their maps more closely scan, and as each stone is finished
and received, is marked and deftly placed in line, then quickly measured and
again inspected, as to whether square or due proportioned; and further, when
it is laid, whether it is horizontal, square, or perpendicular, emblematic of
their walk in life, which should be upright in their several stations before
God and man, squaring their actions by the square of virtue as they travel on
the path that leads to their eternal home.
To the Middle Chamber the
kings now turn, and earnestly observe other Craftsmen assembled at the
entrance of the Holy Place, examining the two colossal columns that support
the architrave of the porch, the one upon the right and the one upon the left,
with bowl‑shaped capitals, covered with net‑work filled with lilies, and
interplaced with four hundred pomegranates. How exquisite is the proportion of
that winding staircase to the right, with three, and five, and seven steps
leading to an inner chamber, abounding in beauteous columns of differing
architecture, and with many pleasing and useful ornaments 1 682 COSMOPOLITAN
But who are these thirty‑three
hundred, with aprons squared, now marching by, passing from the Chief
Architect's chamber to the direction of the many bands of workmen, and with
the appearance of directors of the work? Note them now separate, and ply one
tool and then another; testing the cement by the free use of the trowel ;
rejecting unsquared timber, or stone of doubtful measurement. How evenly they
spread the cement that unites the building into one common mass, and by their
urbanity and brotherly course of action harmonize all the Apprentices and
Fellow Crafts as well as one another into one sacred band or society of
brothers, among whom no contention is ever permitted to exist, save that of
who the best can work and who the best agree ! These are they who, having
served so well, have now been honored as Overseers, the trusted ones, in whose
bosoms have been confided the substitute for the most holy of all Names. These
are they in whom the kings confide the doctrine of resurrection and
immortality, and point out the duty of man to his fellow, and as well his duty
to his God. To these, then, belong great honor, as, like honest workmen, they
must walk in all truth and purity, that in time they may become God's
anointed, and teachers of his children. Their prayerful, silent work is done
without confusion; nor do they permit the sound of hammer, axe, or any tool of
iron to be heard in the construction of the Holy House.
And now turn the royal pair to
the further progress of the work. Full well they know that the usefulness of
God's Temple was to be measured by the extent to which it might be made
available in the improvement and advance ment of the chosen human race. As
progress is motion and motion is life, so the Eternal Master demands progress
of all. So the kings returned, and passed again to the Outer Court, where the
wall separated the Court of the Gentiles from the Court of the Priests, and
they entered at the threshold where is the Beautiful Gate of the Temple. On
each door‑post were palmshaped capitals; and within the wall were thirty
chambers, all paved round about ; and there were gates on the north and on the
south, on the east and on the west; and there were many cells, and many doors
and windows in the cells and in the chambers. And that the light of heaven
should ever shine more glorious, the many windows were wide without and narrow
within: so should we open the windows of the soul, and let enter there the
heavenly light. For these many chambers were for preparatory service to the
offering of sacrifice, and worship in the Holy Place.
And as the kings advanced,
they saw that the inner walls of all the House were inlaid with cedar‑wood,
but the floor thereof was overlaid with fir. And the roof of the Holy House
was being overlaid with sheets of burnished gold, and spikes of precious
And there was much wainscoting
within, which was ornamented with carvings of figures of Cherubim, and
palm‑trees, and opening flowers; and each Cherub had two faces, ‑ one that was
human, and one that was the face of a young THE EULOCIUM 683 lion. And the
pillars that stood in the corners were round. And the table that was before
the Lord in the centre was three cubits high and two cubits long, and was made
of cedar‑wood covered with gold, and it was called the Altar. And the kings
examined the rows of many Treasure Chambers on the north and on the south; and
as they passed by, they beheld the glory of the Lord fill the House as with a
thin cloud; for worshippers were entering by the gates of the Inner Court
between the pillars, clothed with white linen coverings, and with linen on
their loins, until they again went forth to the Court of the Priests, when
they resumed their usual garments ; for they were a band of the Workmen of the
Temple, who had entered for their hour of prayer.
The kings inspected the
castings and the works of metal, made under orders that had been long since
given by the Architect Hiram ; the lavers, the shovels, and the basins, and
the brazen sea supported by twelve oxen. All the vessels were made of polished
copper, cast in the clay‑ground of Succoth and Zarethan. And the table
whereupon was the shew‑bread was of gold, and the lamps and the tongs, and the
bowls and the knives, and the basins and the spoons, and the ten
graven‑candlesticks, and the censers were of pure gold ; and all the sacred
vessels wrought of gold were marvellous in design, and transfixed the gaze of
all. The precious things that had been sanctified by David his father, which
were of silver and gold, King Solomon placed in the treasuries of the House of
the Lord.
How grand, how exquisite, is
that most holy spot which now confronts the kings ! The smaller Tabernacle of
fine twined linen, of white and of crimson, of blue and of purple, shields the
entrance, through which the holy priest, wearing the mitre with " Holiness to
the Lord " upon the forehead‑band, passes, as he also does the great
Babylonian curtain, in order to enter the Holy of Holies, that sacred cubic
Sanctuary, within which is to be preserved the symbol of the covenant between
God and his chosen people. This symbol was most fitly inlaid with aromatic and
imperishable cedar in every part, emblematic of the perpetuity and
incorruptible state of the blessed. The entrance to the Sanctuary was barred
within with chains of gold. And the doors of entrance to this holy Sanctuary
were made of oleaster wood, carved and overlaid with gold; as were the
Cherubim, whose inner wings touched one another, while the outer ones touched
the opposing walls.
As the House of the Lord was
approaching completion, by order of the king of Israel there was brought up
the Ark of the Covenant from the City of David in Zion, and also the
Tabernacle and the remainder of the holy vessels that were in the Tabernacle,
in which the congregation had temporarily worshipped. And they placed the Ark
under the wings of the Cherubim, in the centre of the Holy of Holies, resting
upon an altar of cedar‑wood covered with gold.
And when all were in place,
the king approached with a great retinue, and 684 in silence turned about and
blessed all the congregation, and the work of the Temple, and all that it
therein contained, saying, |' Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who
spake with his mouth unto David, my father, that his son should build the
House, even so have I done." And when Solomon had made an end of praying, fire
came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt‑offering which had been
prepared, and the sacrifices. And the priests and the people bowed themselves
with their faces to the ground, and worshipped and praised the Lord, saying, "
For he is good, for his mercy endureth forever! " During all this, the king
had stood calmly awaiting the manifestation of the Presence, ‑ The
Destruction. ‑ It is evident that the magnificent Temple of Solomon, in all
its parts, and as a whole, was and is a fitting symbol for Workmen among the
Craft, the Capitular, and the Cryptic Degrees. From the commencement of the
foundation to the time of the deposit of the Holy Name within the Sanctum
Sanctorum, all was essential for the great purpose of instruction in the
Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God. That not only Apprentices,
Craftsmen, and Masters were necessary to build up the House of God, but also
Overseers, Mark Masters, Royal and Select Masters, the Masters of the Veils,
Scribes and Priests; Captains of the Host, Treasure‑Counters, Stewards,
Guards, and Sentinels, to build, protect, or carry on the service within the
holy precincts.
And Solomon became greater
than all the other kings of the earth, for riches, power, and wisdom. And
presents were brought yearly unto him, of silver and gold, and precious
stones, and garments, armor, spices, horses, and mules. And he had a thousand
and four hundred chariots and twelve thousand horsemen. The king rendered
silver in Jerusalem like unto stones, and cedars like unto sycamore trees, for
The king,.by example and by
precept, most aptly taught mankind in the ways of happiness and peace, and the
love of God and man, by every process that could move the heart and direct the
feet to the Great Jehovah. But finally, this proud king, with brow serene,
began to love many strange women, whom he had brought from those nations
concerning which the Lord had said: "Ye shall not go in among them, for they
shall surely turn away your heart after their gods." Unto these Solomon did
cleave to love them. And when Solomon was old, his wives turned his heart
after other gods; after Ashtoreth and Milcom : and he built an altar to Kemosh,
on the mount that is before Jerusalem, and another for Molech. And thus he did
for all his strange wives, who burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods.'
"Brightly the splendor of the
God‑head shone, In awful glory, from his living throne; Then bowed was every
brow; no human sight Could brave the splendor of that flood of light That
veiled His presence, and His awful form, Whose path the whirlwind is, whose
breath the storm." THE EULOGIUM. 685 And the Lord was angry, and stirred up an
adversary unto Solomon for this, and for much sin done by his successors on
the throne, until the days of Hezekiah and Manassah his son, which latter
defiled the holy place with a graven image, seduced God's people with these
abominations, and offered his own son in the fire of idol sacrifice. Then came
the destruction. Thus said the Lord to Jeremiah : ‑ " Go down to the house of
the king of Judah, and speak there this word, ' Execute ye justice and
righteousness, and deliver him that is robbed: and the stranger, the
fatherless, and the widow shall ye not oppress; for I will inflict punishment
on you according to the fruit of your doings. For I have set my face against
this city for evil, and not for good. For the reason that they have forsaken
me, and have defiled this place, and have burnt incense in it unto other gods;
and have burnt their sons with fire as burnt‑offerings unto Baal, and this
shall be the valley of slaughter. They shall fall by the sword before their
enemies, and I will give their carcasses as food unto the fowls of the heaven
and unto the beasts of the field, and I will render this city desolate."' But
the king and his people hearkened not unto the Lord, and disobeyed. How
terrific was the destruction that followed 1 The king of Babylon became the
instrument of desolation. Before this king ordered the expedition he
endeavored by astrological and other signs‑in accordance with the superstition
of the day‑to ascertain the result. Finally he placed three arrows on his bow
in quick succession; the first he pointed to the West, the second he pointed
to the East, and the third directly into the Heavens. In each case the arrow
with unerring truthfulness sped toward the guilty city of Jerusalem. And the
king marched his host upon that city, and it yielded. The king then marched
with his nobles into the Temple, and into the Holy of Holies, and mockingly
called aloud to the God of Israel: "Art thou the great God before whom the
world trembles, and yet we are here in this city and in this Temple! " The
deputed king, Zedekiah, was caused to witness the slaying of his sons, and
then were his eyes put out, so that the eyes of his mind should ever see what
he last saw.
Nebuzaradan, the great marshal
of Nebuchadne
ar of Babylon, laid waste the
land of Israel, and broke down the walls of Jerusalem round about, plundered
the Holy Temple, robbed it of its ornaments, and burnt the House of the Lord,
and, as he did so, from the heavenly gates shot forth at dim of night a weird
flame, and above all, 'twos said, upon the smoky cloud there rested the Holy
Master's name.
O, Jerusalem, Jerusalem ! the
wonder of all times and peoples, the paragon of nations, the glory of the
world, the chosen one of Heaven ,'see now how thou hast become heaps of ashes
and rubbish, an abhorrent spectacle of desolation, a monumental ruin. To what
depth hast thou pledged the bitter cup of God's vengeance ! How grave the pity
to see those goodly cedars of the Temple flaming higher than they stood in
Lebanon I The High Priest donned his robe and ephod, and, saying, || Now that
the Temple is destroyed, no priest is needed to officiate," threw himself into
flames and perished. And the
remaining priests, witnessing his action, took their harps and instruments of
music, and did as had been done by the High Priest. How sorrowful it was to
see those costly marbles, chiselled and wrought to such perfection,. and which
in place had never felt the dint of pick or hammer, now wounded with mattocks,
and by their weight crushing the sacred foundations in their fall ! To see the
Holy of Holies, whereinto none might enter but the High Priest once a year,
now thronged with Pagans and "profane," the veils rudely rent, the sacred Ark
of God violated and defaced, the tables overturned, the altars broken down,
the twin‑pillars demolished, the mosaics and tessellated borders destroyed,
the very ground upheaved whereon the Temple and the exquisite palace of the
king once stood ! And the inhabitants of that great city, who escaped the ruin
and the sword, were bound in iron chains, burdened with the spoils of the
victor, and driven to Babylon and captivity. And as they reached the rivers of
Babylon, the great king said to them, '| Sing, ye people, play for me, sing
the songs ye were wont to sing before your great Lord in Jerusalem." Then they
hung their harps upon the willow‑trees, near the banks of the river, and said,
11 If we had but performed the will of God, and sung his praises devoutly, we
should not have been delivered into thy hands." And the king's officers
shouted |1 These are men of death; they refuse to obey the order of the king;
let them die." But at the intercession of Pelatya their lives were spared and
their chains removed. And when the smoke of doom rolled by, "'Midst darkening
clouds, the light drooped to its rest, The Sun, the Moon, nor Stars now tinged
the West. At times from hill and plain the lurid lightnings gleam. And all
that's good like demons' forms do seem.
Sin yields to flame; and see,
the holier light That shone all radiant o'er the Mercy‑Seat, Has given place
to lurid gleams, ‑a just retreat For vice, decay, and Satan's rights, the home
Where truth, and hope, and joy can never come." The Essential Unity of Three.
‑The Brotherhood of Masonry hath its several divisions, its symbolism
abounding in them all. No one division is complete without the others. A
roofless structure is of little use. The temporary covering, which is but a
substitute for what is promised under a wiser generation, will not be
satisfactory to the true architect or thorough builder who would protect
himself, his family, and his belongings from the storm; nor would he
willingly, in such a house, contented be to offer service to his God. The plea
of ancient forms or older customs, or the use of an unfinished legend for a
deep, instructive lesson, would not suffice. The foundation‑stones may be most
massive and sustaining, the walls and flooring of great solidity and duly set
by the Plumb, the Level, and the Square, but the loose thatched roof will only
serve until the proprietor can command the material and obtain THE EULOCIUM.
689 an architect who can furnish the remaining necessary stone and timber, and
place the architraves and girders, and rest the impenetrable roof that will
brave all storms and prove a bulwark to the ravages of time.
The ornate finish and the
ornaments, that will make more glorious the House of God, must not be set
aside nor overlooked; for the True, the Holy, and the Omnific Name will not be
deposited nor allowed to rest in that house which is not finished and prepared
for consecration. All‑glorious is symbolism, but its interpretations to be
read aright must have their physical, their speculative or spiritual, and,
above all, their celestial sense thoroughly made manifest.
The Symbolic degrees are the
unfinished Temple, upon which the great Builder was at work, in its most
sacred, intricate, and important part, when he was overtaken and slain.
Temporarily, a substitute for all other work was supplied : the Capitular and
Cryptic workmen step forth, and, with the material essential, finish the
Heavenly Structure.
To present a picture which
shall be thorough and effective, it is necessary to do more than to draw an
outline, leaving to the imagination the perspective, showing what is the
background, and giving it color and animation. Light and shadow are
essentials. 'Tis true, to leave something to the imagination enhances the
interest and gives play for the action of the brain, but no representation has
yet been made so perfect that the mind of man will not have something to
supply. The grandest portrayal on the stage has never yet been so perfect and
complete that the mind has naught else in the setting and production to feed
upon. No fact in descriptive history, or legend wrought by the wonder‑mind of
the most expert, but has failed to fill the measure of completeness.
The mind of man is
far‑reaching, especially in our willing labors for the benefit of humanity and
a true understanding of the Brotherhood of Man and the Fatherhood of God, ‑
the scope is almost limitless.
The object, then, of all human
institutions that are intended to improve mankind should be as conclusive in
their symbolism and their legends, as is within the scope of the legends and
the symbols so employed. It is not wise to select a portion of a symbol or a
half‑told tale whereon to build and call the institution finished, when
brilliant minds have rendered most thorough and complete the institution, and
have exquisitely brought into symbolic play the remainder of the legend, and
thus have beautifully finished the work, the foundation of which was so
substantially constructed.
It is not wise with broad
neglect to abandon the higher branches of the university, and claim for
education that naught is needed beyond the common school. For the masses this
may be well, but for' those whose intellectual leanings and desires call for
greater and more extended knowledge, we would not say them nay.
Nor should the precious
treasures contained within the House of the Lord 69o COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONRY.
be secreted from the helpful
knowledge of the world,‑the lamps, the harps, the cornets, the trumpets, the
flutes, and other instruments of harmony.
If a man possesses beautiful
and exquisite works of art and precious stones, and keeps his treasures
concealed, no one is benefited or aware of their value; but if he allows them
to be seen, their worth becomes known, humanity is benefited, and the pleasure
of ownership is enhanced. And so the ornaments of the Temple were intended to
be seen and known by the people, and the beautiful lessons taught by their
symbolism in the Chapter and the Council make their worth magnified, and the
Temple is the greater glorified.
The Revival. ‑ How beautifully
blended are the essentials of the Temple with the conveniences,‑the holy
furniture, the priestly vesture and the ornaments ! How necessary the numerous
compartments, the allegoric veils, the priestly implements, the emblematic
banners, the instruments of music, and the Holy Ark ‑ |' the Glory of Israel
"‑ with its sacred contents ! How grandly and how harmoniously are these all
blended in the Symbolic, the Capitular, and the Cryptic Departments of
Freemasonry ! How poorly and how meagrely would the Temple‑structure be
understood without the appliances necessary for its uses, ‑ a house without
significant furniture, without speaking ornamentation! Of the myriads of the
human race, all may not be priests in the Temple of our God. There are many
vocations and ministrations in the service of the Holy One. Some are adapted
for a higher course of action, others for more congenial employment.
Hearken, now, to the silver
tinkling of a distant bell; note that slowly moving procession in priestly
habiliments, passing by the veils of blue, of purple, of scarlet, and of
white, with spreading banners of the various tribes, some swinging incense
from golden censers, others playing sweet and solemn music on their several
instruments, and again singing songs of praise and supplication, as onward
they march to the place of solemn service ; the atonement for the sins of the
congregation, to be followed by the final blessing of the holy priest, which,
like whispers from the dead, will inspire their hearts with joy celestial. Is
there no godly lesson in the uses of the interior of the Temple, or has all
instruction been exhausted in the symbolism of the construction of a portion
of that Holy House? The Temple was built for the ; service of God, and its
usefulness for instruction did not cease with the symbolism and legend of the
construction of a part.
Glorious was the Temple in its
unity, sacred in its completeness, holy in its service to the Ever‑Living God.
And now adown the path of time
the impressive symbols and legends, the thrilling lessons and loving pictures
of that Holy House of the past and its sacred contents, intended to be an
exemplification to mankind for all periods, have assumed first one goodly
shape and then another, ‑a guild, a brotherhood, a society. And as century
upon century has rolled onward, there has been THE EULOGIUM.
691 left a broadening trail of
good, through nations and peoples, until the world is filled with its
benefices, its eupathies, and its godly blessings. From it, all things with
beauty glow; the earth'breathes sweetness, and the brightening sky tells of
crowning happiness,‑the pulse of brotherhood bounds to pulse,‑and heart to
heart its hidden treasure yields : ‑ " Through every soul a love celestial
And in God's likeness every
spirit glows." Thus to the present day have come to us the glories and renown
of the ancient institutions, having the burden of the same sweet song of
faith, and hope, and love, founded on the Temple, its adornments, and its
furniture, in their harmonious and beautiful proportions, its exquisite and
shapely columns, its rare tracery and devices, its elegant and choicest
ornaments, proclaiming throughout the resounding aisles, and through the
crypts, the naves, the arches, that, while faith is the evidence of the
Heavenly Temple, the love‑born confidence in one another is the crowning
virtue of the Brotherhood. How manifest is this charity, or love, in all the
incomings and the outgoings of the blessed Institution of Masonry, which is
not confined to the giving or receiving of gifts of this world's goods, but is
so munificently evidenced in the innumerable acts of the Society, and its
membership individually and collectively! "If silver and gold be wanting, such
as I have give I unto thee," were the words uttered at the Gate called the
Beautiful, and then, to him who had been lame from birth, was added; " Rise up
and walk ! " And when the minister of, God and the subject of His power had
arrived at Solomon's Porch within the Temple, selfabnegation was avowed, by
the declaration to the people: "Why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by
our power or holiness we had made this man to walk?" And so the power of God
was evinced through charity,‑the ever‑echoing and universal song of Masonry,
which is Love.
GRAHAM, LL.D., The First, and for nine yews, M.'. W.'. Grand Master of the
Grand Lodge of Quebec; and the First, and for four years, M.‑.E.'. First Grand
Principal Z.'. (G.'.H.'.P.'.), of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of
Quebec, etc., etc.
"Ytt dyd begynne with the
ffyrste menne in the este, whych were before the ffyrste manne of the weste,
and comynge westlye, ytt bathe broughte herwith alle comforts to the wylde and
comfortlesse.‑Locke's Manuscript, 1696." I speak of Light, and Truth, and
The Syllogism of "The
Revival.,,‑The long‑converging lines of an in the formation of the Grand year
1717; thence to radiate evident providential purpose were focussed Lodge of
Freemasons of England, in the throughout the world.
This grand body of the revival
of the Ancient Craft was a more than marvellous aggregation and embodiment of
the most precious inner wisdom and outer experiences of man, evolved during
the by‑gone ages, in almost every land from farthest India to Ultima Thule.
The divine command: 1, Light,
be thou ! " fraught with grander than primal meaning, was heard anew.
Mystic messengers of light and
truth, of every age and race and tongue, sped to the regenerating sons of
light, from India and all the Orient; ‑ from Chaldea and the land of the Nile;
from Judea and Tyria; from Grecia and Italia ; from Germania, Celtica, and all
the Occident; ‑with one accord, sped thither, laden with their choicest
offerings; and, with unmingled joy and gladness, placed them upon the altar of
The day of revival had dawned
in the birth‑land of modern empire, among a people leading in the van, and
speaking a language destined to spread to earth's remotest bounds. The benign
spirit of freedom and fra ternity prevailed. The era of consociation for the
common weal began; and universal brotherhood, the aeonic vision of sage and
seer, gave promise of speedy realization.
693 The scattered Craftsmen
rejoiced at the great event which marked the beginning of the new age. They
saw therein, clearly drawn upon the trestleboard, the grand design and model
of future work and promise ; and they viewed with delight the more glorious
outcome of their perfected art,‑of the spirit, principles, and laws of their
Guild, ‑of the wisdom and skill of the Architect, and of the labors of the
Craftsman,‑in their transference from the construction and adornment of
temples of stone to the erection and beautifying of the grand symbolic temple
of humanity.
The " Free and Accepted "
emblazoned upon their banner || THE FATHERHOOD OF GOD, AND THE BROTHERHOOD OF
MAN." The world stood amazed. Tyrants alone feared and trembled. They had long
kept the masses of their fellow‑men in the darkness and servility of ignorance
; and, screening in sinister secrecy their false assumptions of
authority,‑their selfish motives, means, and ends,‑they had long lorded it
over man and his divine heritage.
Freemasons, having nothing to
conceal, except a few archaic ceremonial forms, and their tokens of
recognition and fellowship, ‑their universal language,‑they cheerfully and
without reserve, openly declared their objects, aims, and ends ; and spread
all their charges, constitutions, and laws before the world, so that they
might be read and known of all men.
And what saith the Craft of
Itself ? ‑ What answer doth it give to the oftrepeated query: What mote it be?
Freemasonry proclaims itself to be, and is, a Universal Fellowship. It knows
no distinctions among men but those of worth and merit. It is founded upon the
equality of man in his inherent and inalienable rights. Its great aim is the
amelioration, in all things, of the indi vidual, the family, the neighborhood,
the State, the Nation, and the race. All are included in its grand design.
Reverencing and utilizing the past, it acts in the living present, and ever
strives after a more glorious future. Envious of none, it gladly welcomes the
cooperation of all who love their fellow‑men. Freemasons are free men. Each
seeks admission into the Fraternity of his own free‑will. If admitted, he
receives instruction common to all. He exercises and enjoys, in equality, the
perfect freedom of the Order; and he may withdraw therefrom at will.
Freemasonry is a system of
symbolic architecture. The grand superstructure to be erected is the cosmic
temple of humanity. Therein, labor is nobility and all is dedicate to work and
worth‑ship. Man, the rough ashlar, is symbolically taken from the quarry of
life, ‑is hewn, squared, polished, and made well‑fit for his place in the
great living temple whose chief foundation stones are truth and right; whose
main pillars are wisdom, strength, and beauty; whose adornments are all the
virtues; the key‑stone of whose worldo'erspanning arch is brotherhood; and
whose Master Builder is The Great Architect of the Universe.
Freemasonry is a system of
human culture. It inspires a desire for, inculcates a knowledge and teaches
the use of, all the liberal arts and sciences.
Chief among these is the
science of mathematics. Geometry, its most important branch, is the basis of
the Craftsman's art, and in ancient times was its synonym. It is taught to be
of a divine or moral nature, enriched with the most useful knowledge, so that
while it proves the wonderful properties of nature, it demonstrates the more
important truths of morality. It teaches a knowledge of the earth, and sun,
and moon, and stars, and of the laws which govern them. It is the basis of
astronomy, the noblest of the sciences. Above all, it teaches the Craftsman to
know and love, to adore and serve, the Grand Geometrician of the Universe.
Freemasonry is a peculiar
system of morality veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. It is
beautiful, unique, singular, and sui generis. It instils and enforces the
sacred duties of brotherly love, relief, and truth; of prudence, temperance,
fortitude, and justice ; of benevolence, beneficence, and charity; of
forbearance and love ; of gratitude and mercy; of patriotism, loyalty,
peaceableness, and tolerance ; of honor, honesty, and fidelity; of diligence,
courtesy, and regard for others' weal; of self‑care and self‑culture; to seek
peace, and to assuage the rigors of conflict; and, in all things, to do not to
others what one would they should not do to him.
It inculcates all the mutual‑
duties and obligations of man to man in all the relations of life ; of the
ruler and the ruled ; of the master and the servant; the employer and the
employed; the high and the lowly; the rich and the poor; the learned and the
unlearned; the teacher and the taught; the strong and the weak ; the parent
and the child; the old and the young; the hale and the infirm ; of the living
to the dying and the dead ; and, in short, it inculcates and enforces the
practice of every moral virtue, and every duty which man owes to himself, to
his neighbor, and to the Most High.
Freemasonry is a social Order.
The Craft are called from labor to refreshment. Temperance presides. Polite
courtesy, pleasing address, and social intercourse are cultivated ; the bonds
of friendship are strengthened ; and to refreshment of the body, are joined
the feast of reason and the flow of soul.
Freemasonry is a system of
symbolism, allegory, and hieroglyphics. Every Masonic mark, character, sign,
token, word, emblem, fact, or figure is symbolic. The most important truths
conveyed, the lessons taught, or duties inculcated are veiled in allegory,
imparted by means of signs, or expressed by hieroglyphics.
The facts and types of nature,
of sacred lore, of history, tradition, science, art, and literature ; the
instincts of man, the evidences of his senses, the perceptions and reasonings
of his intellect, the discernments and aspirations of his moral and spiritual
nature, his simplest and his loftiest ideals are translated, and given a
practical form, embodiment, and application, by the symbolism and allegory of
Freemasonry, with a beauty of diction, a wealth of imagery, a fidelity of
expression, and force of meaning, which conveys ideas, makes impressions, and
imparts instruction, not only best suited to the capacity of THE EULOGIUM.
695 the humblest novitiate,
but sheds light and lustre upon the most perfect adept. Hence its perpetual
charm ; its inestimable value ; its supreme excel lence. The wisest teachers
in all ages have employed its symbolic methods of instruction. The wondrous
story of earth and man is laden with allegory. The symbolism of the Craft is
the poetry and perfection of knowledge, culture, and enlightenment. In this,
as in all things, Freemasonry is its own secret, revealed alone by " that
bright hieroglyphic which none but Craftsmen ever saw." Freemasonry is a
system of willing obedience and rightful rule. Order is its first law. The
Master commands according to the constitution; the brother obeys with alacrity
and zeal. He who best works and best obeys, becomes best fitted to preside
over and instruct his fellows. Preferment is founded upon real worth and
personal merit. Cheerful, lawful obedience and rightful, beneficent rule have
in Freemasonry their noblest union and fruition. Freemasonry is a system of
jurisprudence more noble than that of Roman Law, or Grecian Ethics. Its leges
scri.ptee et non seriptee are based upon essential and inherent rights. Its
administration seeks the individual and the general welfare. Law, in
Freemasonry, is a moral science. Evil is deemed to be incident, and good
eternal. In the jurisprudence of the Craft, law, equity, and human weal are
indissolubly united. Its supreme end is the well being of man. The Craftsman
is taught not to palliate or aggravate offences; but in the decision of every
trespass, to judge with candor, admonish with friendship, and reprehend with
mercy. Happy is the "commonwealth" whose laws, and the administration thereof,
are founded upon the jurisprudence of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons.
Freemasonry is a comprehensive
system of government founded upon the rights of man, and exercised and enjoyed
in the perfection‑of loyalty, union, efficiency, and harmony. Its mission is
peace, progress, and prosperity. It contains the antecedent ideals, the germs
and model of the best forms of human government, in corporate local and
national existence and rule. It demonstrates the unnumbered mutual benefits
and blessings flowing from the alliance of sovereignties coequal in status,
rights, privileges, and prerogatives ; and it points out, and leads the way
among free, enlightened, and progressive peoples, to the friendly federation
of the world.
Freemasonry is not a. religion
or a system of religion. It is the hand maid of all seeking truth, and light,
and right. It is a centre of union of good and true men of every race and
tongue, who believe in God and practise the sacred duties of morality. It has
no politics ; it knows no sect ; no hierarch ; no Caesar. Therein freedom
reigns ; therein the tyrant and the oppressor have no place ; the intolerant
are not; and the pessimist and the misanthrope are unknown. Without the
expectation of total exemption from the errors and frailties incident to all
things human ; or the entire absence of unfilial Noachidae, Iscariot
betrayers, or of emissaries seeking to destroy; 696 COSMOPOLITAN FREEMASONR Y.
and without pretensions to
unattainable perfection, it ever strives, by spreading the light of science
and moral truth, by increasing the power of knowledge, and by the divine
processes of culture and enlightenment, to make the whole realm of nature
subservient to the headship and highest interests of man. Freemasonry iq a
system of human philosophy. It is a school of learning; a college of builders;
a home among brethren. To the artist and the artisan; to the poet and the
philosopher; to the theorist and the utilitarian; to the speculative and the
operative; to the man of business and the savant; to, the prince and the
peasant ; to the ruler and the ruled ; to the resident and the traveller; to
the old, the middle‑aged, and the youth, Freemasonry is alike congenial,
instructive, and beneficent. Therein all meet upon the Level, work by the
Plumb, and part upon the Square. The grand mission of Freemasonry is peace,
prosperity, uprightness, enlightenment, and unlimited good‑will.
Freemasonry is based upon
immutable truth and right. It knows not the changes and shifts of expediency
and opportunism. It is as unmoved as the rock upon which the tempest‑tossed
waves of ocean may dash in vain. It stands firm as the pyramids. It is benign
and placid as the Sphinx. It survives the commotions and downfall of empires;
and of it, in substance and essence, the truth proclaims, semper eadem.
The Conservator of Liberty. ‑
Freemasonry is the conservator and mainstay of human freedom, and of all the
rights of man. It inculcates individual and collective liberty, circumscribed
and bounded by the common weal. The light of liberty shines forth from the
inner sanctuaries of Freemasonry, and illumines the outer world. The
principles and duties taught and exemplified. within are carried without, and
perform their leavening, enlightening, and ameliorating work; and hence it is
that the material, mental, moral, and national progress of our race has been
and is pari passu with the progress and prosperity of Freemasonry.
The Evidence of History.
‑Witness the history of Britain and its now world‑encircling empire from the
advent therein of the Ancient Craft with the freedom and laws of their guild;
from the days of Magna Charta ; and from the establishment of the Grand Lodges
of Freemasons of England, Ireland, and Scotland.
Witness the history of the
founding and the upbuilding of the great Republic of the United States of
America prior to and from the Declaration of Independence ; and the least
observant may know that the history and future promise of these free and
enlightened nations, and the history of the establishment, progress, and
beneficent work of Freemasonry therein, are one and inseparable.
Witness, also, like causation,
correspondence, and outcomes in every land wherein Freemasonry has had and has
a welcome home, a cherished abiding place. Witness, too, the thick darkness
pervading all lands wherein Freemasonry THE E UL OGIUM.
697 does not exist, wherein
its light does not shine; but, though long therein has been the night, the
dawn will soon appear, and the meridian sun of Freemasonry will shine forth in
all its splendor.
A True, Universal
Brotherhood.‑The writer must now stay his pen, and yet "the half has not been
told." However, to this brief delineation of a few segments of the great
sphere of Masonic truth, it is thought not amiss to add the following words,
it may be of profit and admonition, to the honest opponents of Freemasonry, to
the bearers of false witness against the Craft, and to those who would
persecute and seek its overthrow.
The fact that throughout the
United States of America, the British Empire, and among other free and
enlightened peoples, so many of those in every grade of society, who are most
vitally interested in conserving, ameliorating, and perpetuating what is most
valuable and beneficial in the present civil, social, and political order of
things are active and prominent members of the Craft, proves that Freemasonry
is a thoroughly patriotic and loyal institution. The fact that so many of the
adherents, and leaders even, of so many religious creeds and denominations
belong to the Order shows beyond question that Freemasonry is a most tolerant
institution. The fact that so many men of more than ordinary ability and
culture are zealous Freemasons is proof that there is much in and pertaining
to the Fraternity which is worthy the attention of the best intellects.
The fact that so many good and
pious men are devoted Craftsmen demonstrates that, in their opinion, and from
their experience, Freemasonry is an institution honoring to God and beneficial
to man. The fact of its timeimmemorial age, and its world‑wide prevalence
shows, that as to its moral principles; ‑its social order; its system of
jurisprudence and government; its stability and permanence; its educating
influence; its adaptability to the condition, needs, and aspirations of a free
and progressive people; its humanizing efficacy; its non‑proselyting and
non‑partisan character; its practical and all‑comprehensive voluntary charity;
and, in short, its raison d'etre and its modus vivendi et operandi;‑it
contains within itself the essential and necessary elements of a true,
universal brotherhood, destined to exist and prosper, world without end.
In view of such, and much more
that might truthfully be stated, it is one of the perverse problems of
misdirected humanity, which almost passes charitable comprehension, that, in
this age of the world, the persecuting spirit of Anti‑Masonry should exist in
the mind or heart of any tolerably enlightened individual, or be inculcated or
practised by any sensible, prudent man, or body of men. It is clearly the
offspring of a short‑sighted and unendurable intolerance, whose inevitable
reaction, even, will certainly be to the detriment and discomfiture of those
cherishing, propagating, and practising it. Freemasons, however, have no
fears, and stand in no awe, of the immediate or final outcome of persecution
in any form, or from any source.
In vain are the assaults of
the intolerant. In vain the hierarch fulminates his bull, or the tyrant his
command to stay its progress or compass its over throw. Freemasonry is
destined to reign. The victory of right is sure. Truth will prevail. The true
light will shine. The consummation of Freemasonry will be the reign of
The Laureate's Prophecy.‑The
prophetic words of Freemasonry's immortal Laureate Bard are ever reechoed, in
faith and hope and triumph, by all true brothers of the Mystic‑tie : ‑ C
"Then let us pray, that come
it mayAs come it will, for a' that That man to man, the world o'er, Shall
brothers be, for a' that." ‑SO MOTE IT BE.
The Knights Templar' of the
United States of America, and Government by a Grand Encampment, Grand Commande‑ries,
and Cammanderies. l he Ritual, and Ethics of American Templary.
R.‑. E.‑. Grand Commander, Mississippi.
The American Masonic
System.‑The American Masonic system is a growth, the germ of which is to be
found in the older Masonry of the Motherland. The American scion differs in so
many particulars from the parent stock, from which it was propagated, that it
cannot be said to be a reproduction of the original plant; at most, it is but
a species of the same genus. The several degrees came to this country in a
greatly modified form from that in which they are now to be found. The work of
elaboration and embellishment began at a very early date, and it is difficult
to trace its development, which may be said to have culminated when Thomas
Smith Webb's career as a Masonic luminary was at its meridian height. To this
illustrious brother we owe the recasting of some of the degrees, and the
entire reconstruction of others. The rituals of the "Blue" Lodge, Chapter, and
Commandery were each [t In this work the orthography is uniformly intended to
be " Knights Templars," except where the reference is made to the bodies known
as " Grand Encampment, U.S.A.," and " Great Priory of Canada," the present
legal titles of which are " Knights Templar." Vide Divisions II., XVI., XVIL,
etc. ‑Ev.] 699 700 THE CONCORDANT ORDERS.
the subject of his labors, and
what is even now known as the "Webb work," although it has doubtless undergone
many alterations, both of addition and subtraction, is the standard authority
among American Masonic Ritualists ; and, alas for human credulity, this work
of Webb's is sealed with the signet of truth, and no ranker heresy could be
uttered, in the estimation of far too many " Masonic Lecturers," than to doubt
that it is the only true, ancient work of Masonry. The task of discovering and
bringing to light the true history of the Fraternity, which has so long lain
buried in darkness among the rubbish of the Temple, which has accumulated with
the years of its growth, is rendered exceedingly difficult, owing to the
extreme reluctance with which Masons formerly committed to writing even the
most trivial matters relating to the Craft. Even in this age, when new
discoveries are being constantly brought to light, it is far too frequently
held to be treason to the cause, to expose to the eyes of the "profane" the
truth of history, so far as it relates to the Masonic Institution; but,
regardless of the ignorant pretensions of those who still teach that the
Master Masons' degree originated, and was formerly conferred in the Sanctum
Sanctorum of King Solomon's Temple, and that the Templars of this Year of
grace are the lineal descendants of those who fought for the recovery of the
Holy Sepulchre, one myth after another has vanished into thin air, until we no
longer hesitate to commit to writing the averment, that, with scarcely an
exception, the ritual of every Masonic degree now produced in these United
States originated, or.was elaborated, since the American Revolution, and by
Americans. The admission of this fact does not in the least degree detract
from the dignity, high character, or claim to an ancient origin of the
Institution itself. In the preface to the Book of Common Prayer of the Church
of England, as it exists in the United States, this statement is to be found:
" It is a most invaluable part of that blessed liberty wherewith Christ bath
made us free, that in his worship, different forms and usages may without
offence be allowed, provided the substance of the Faith be kept entire; and
that, in every Church, what cannot be clearly determined to belong to Doctrine
must be referred to Discipline; and therefore, by common consent and
authority, may be altered, abridged, enlarged, amended, or otherwise disposed
of, as may seem most convenient for the edification of the people,' according
to the various exigencies of times and occasions. " The Church of England . .
. laid it down as a rule, that "The particular forms of Divine Worship, and
the Rites and Ceremonies appointed to be used therein, being things in their
own nature indifferent and alterable, and so acknowledged, it is but
reasonable that upon weighty and important considerations, according to the
various exigencies of times and occasions, such changes and alterations should
be made therein, as to those who are in places of authority should, from time
to time, seem either necessary or expedient." As no one doubts but that the
Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States is identical with the same
Church as it exists in England to this day, notwithstanding alterations have
been made in the canons and ritualistic observances of the American daughter,
so there can be no question but that American Freemasonry and English
Freemasonry are indentical. That there ORIGIN OF AMERICAN TEMPLARY.
701 should have sprung up here
new forms and ceremonies, "most convenient for the edification of the people,"
and, to some extent, a new scale of degrees, some of which are not in use in
the Mother Country, is not altogether to be regretted ; for it must be
confessed that the American system, with all its defects, has advantages not
possessed by the English and Continental systems. It is of course unfortunate
that all Masonic instruction should not be given in chronological progression.
The transposition of some of the degrees might have been made, at an early
day, with advantage, but it must be apparent to all who observed the great
struggle which took place quite recently over the proposed transfer of the
Cryptic degrees to the Capitular system, that the order in which the degrees
are given has become, notwithstanding the grossest anachronisms, so firmly
fixed that no change in the scale of degrees is practicable, in this period of
Masonic development. There are other glaring defects in the rituals, both as
to substance and the symbolism by which they are illustrated, which have
subjected them to the criticism of scholars and detracted from their
usefulness; but, when contrasted with the barrenness of the English rituals,
despite the gaudy clothing in which they are dressed, and absurdly
preposterous statements of fact and of explanation, with which they are
embellished, they do not suffer by the comparison. Fortunately, ritualistic
observances are the least part of Masonry, important and indispensable as they
are, as a means of conveying information, and the induction of candidates for
admission. The great underlying principles could be, as they have been,
conveyed by another form of words, and the practice of other ceremonies. It
would still be the same Craft, and worthy of the same degree of exalted
estimation with which it has ever been held, among intelligent men of every
age, if it made use of no forms of initiation save those which unite men of
all creeds and conditions into a society of friends and brothers, whose
cardinal ‑principle is to be found in the universal creed, expressed by the
Masonic idea, of the `| Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man." The great
fundamental principles and unwritten laws have always been the same, and will
remain, while the Institution continues to exist, notwithstanding that the
degrees, with their rites and ceremonies, may not be identical in different
countries. In the ever‑changing vicissitudes to which the Fathers of American
Masonry were exposed, in common with all the inhabitants of a new country,
covering an immense territory, between whom communication was made with
difficulties and even dangers, the immensity of which we can scarcely realize
in this day of steam and electricity, receiving their Masonic instruction from
many different sources, and laboring under the disadvantage of having access
to few or no printed standards of authority, it is amazing that they managed
to retain and perpetuate so much of the `1 true principles of Ancient Craft
Masonry." Whatever discrepancies arose were mainly regarding questions of
ritual, which is extraordinary when it is recollected that the work of the
"Ancients " and 11 Moderns " in England, and of the Continental Rites, came
to the country about the same
time; that they were interblended to such an extent, that, from a ritualistic
point of view, a new Masonry may be said to have been created, is not at all
surprising; indeed, it was to have been expected as the natural and inevitable
result. Webb and his associates made, out of the conglomeration of work, a new
work, which was afterward embellished by Cross and others, and very generally
received, and is now the foundation upon which our rituals are built. These
suggestions, made with some diffidence, lest they should trespass upon topics
of this work assigned to other writers, seem to be necessary to a proper
understanding of what is hereafter to follow, relating to the history of
American Templarism, whose rituals, as we have before said, were subjected to
the same process of revivification as those of " Blue " and Royal Arch
The Ante‑Revolutionary Period.
‑ Previous to the independence of the American States there were existing no
separate Templar bodies. The Templar ceremony was practised, to some extent,
"under the sanction of the warrant " of " Blue " lodges, by which statement
this writer understands, as the result of his investigations and reflections
upon the subject, that it was formerly the practice of those persons who were
in possession of the degree, to assemble in some lodge room, whether the one
of which they were members or not does not appear, and then and there proceed
with the ceremony of Knighting a Templar, and sometimes granting a diploma.
The organization in every instance seems to have been self‑created and
temporary in its character.' St. Andrew's Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, of
Boston, Massachusetts, then St. Andrew's Royal Arch Lodge, holding under the
Grand Lodge of Scotland, held its first recorded meeting August 28, 1769, in
Masons' Hall, Boston, and the record of that meeting contains the first
account of the conferring of the degree of Knight Templar, that has been
discovered, either in this country or Great Britain.' Whence the ceremony was
obtained, or of what it consisted, is a mere matter of conjecture. It will be
observed that the Red Cross Order is not named in the list of degrees
conferred. The records of Kilwinning Lodge, Ireland, warranted October 8,
1779, show that its charter was used as the authority for conferring the Royal
Arch, Knight Templar, and Rose Croix degrees, as early as 1782 ; but the Red
Cross and the Rose Croix are.two different degrees, and should not be
confounded. It is thought possible that the Irish lodges, having the High
Knight Templar degree, communicated it to their American brothers prior to the
Revolution, though there is no evidence of it; on the contrary, the record
shows that it was conferred first (1769) in 1 These higher degrees in those
times were governed by no statute of Masonry, but by a custom by which
Master's lodges conferred any higher degrees of which they had knowledge, on
worthy Master Masons.‑ Parvin.
2 Brother William Davis came
before the lodge begging to have and receive the parts belonging to the Royal
Arch Masons, which, being read, was received, and he unanimously voted in, and
was accordingly made by receiving the four steps, that of Excellent,
Super‑Excellent, Royal Arch, and Knight Templar.‑Extract from the Records of
St. Andrew's Chapter, Boston.
703 America, and afterward in
Ireland (1779). It is somewhat singular that, although the Scottish Kilwinning
brethren never at any time worked other than "St. John's Masonry," both St.
Andrew's Lodge, of Boston, and Kilwinning Lodge, of Dublin, in records of
which the first recorded mention of the Templar Order is to be found, derived
their charters from Scotland. The learned Brother Parvin inclines to the
belief that the military lodges, attached to Irish regiments, brought the
degree with them from the Mother‑land, and our American brethren obtained it
through that source' It is possible that the degree of Knight Templar was
conferred, in numerous instances, in military, and possibly other lodges,
prior to the end of the Revolutionary period; but, if so, there is, so far as
this writer is aware; no existing credible evidence of that fact, and even if
it were true that such was the case, the mode and manner in which it was done
was so irregular, in the light of modern Masonic teachings, that the bare
record would be of but little value to the Masonic student.
The Post‑Revolutionary Period
until the Organization of the Grand Encampment. ‑ From the close of the
Revolutionary War until about the year 1816, when the Grand Encampment was
formed, Masonry, like the country, was in a transitionary state. The so‑called
" higher degrees," which had previously been conferred under the sanction of
lodge warrants, now began to be worked by regularly constituted bodies.
Chapters and encampments began to be organized upon a permanent basis, and, as
they attracted more attention, a ritualistic development was inaugurated. As
in the ante‑Revolutionary period, for most of the time, there was no governing
power over the Templar degree, and each body, as it came into existence, was
self‑created and independent of all others. Few of these organizations have
continued until the present time, and still fewer have left any records of the
earlier years of their existence.. An occasional discovery of an ancient
diploma, or other fragment, has revised previously formed opinions as to which
is the elder organization ; but, for the reason that bodies were
self‑constituted, and consisted of individuals who, being in possession of a
degree, called to their assistance the requisite number of other qualified
brethren, and gave the degrees to certain chosen spirits, and then dissolved
never to meet again, it is manifest that there can be no gathering together of
the facts; and that, beyond an occasional hint,
1 Numerous military lodges
were warranted bv both the "Ancient" and "Modern" Grand Lodges of England, and
by the Grand Lodges of Scotland and Ireland. One distinguished regiment had a
lodge connected with it, chartered in turn by both of the English Grand
Lodges, and subsequently by those of Scotland and Ireland. It also had
connected with it, under the same warrant, two chapters holding under the
authority of the Grand Lodges of England and Ireland. In 1766 there were two
military lodges stationed at Boston: No. 58 on the register of England,
connected with the Fourteenth Regiment, and No. 322 register of Ireland,
attached to the Twenty
ninth Regiment. As early as
1762, St. Andrew's Lodge, of Boston, applied to the Grand Lodge of Scotland,
from which it had received its warrant, for leave to confer the Royal Arch
degree; and subsequently, under this warrant, it conferred both the degrees of
Royal Arch and Knight Templar. Even prior to this, as early as 1758, Lodge Nc.
3, at Philadelphia, working under warrant as Lodge No. 369, granted by the
Grand Lodge of All England, also worked as a chapter, and conferred the Royal
Arch degree; but, as previously stated, we do not find that this chapter ever
conferred the degree of Knight Templar‑ Parvin, [No. 69, not 369, granted by
received from the meagre
record of some old lodge book, as it may be unearthed from its hiding‑place,
nothing further is to be looked for. As time passed on, and these occasional
gatherings became more frequent, when the number of Templars had increased
sufficiently, and more permanent organizations began to be made, out of these
emergency bodies grew permanent ones.
The Question of the Oldest
Commandery.‑The question as to which is the oldest commandery of Knights
Templars in the United States has attained considerable importance, and
various claims have been advanced. Grand Master Dean, in his address to the
Grand Encampment in 1883, submitted what he regarded as " Indisputable
evidence that the degrees of Knight of the Red Cross, and Knight Templar were
conferred in Charleston, South Carolina, in a regularly organized body as far
back as the year 1783." And this is the earliest period at which it is claimed
that a regularly organized body existed. The evidence, upon which this claim
is based, is an old seal formerly in the records of South Carolina Encampment,
No. i, Charleston, and now in the archives of the Grand Encampment, and an
ancient diploma, " Written in a very neat chirography on parchment, with two
seals in wax attached, one in red, of the Royal Arch, and the other in black,
of the Knights Templars. The upper part of the diploma contains four devices
within four circles, all skilfully executed with the pen. The first device,
beginning on the left hand, is a star of seven points, with the Ineffable Name
in the centre, and the motto, 'Memento mori', the second is an arch on two
pillars, the All‑seeing Eye on the key‑stone and a sun beneath the arch, and
'Holiness to the Lord' for the motto; the third is the cross and brazen
serpent, erected on a bridge, and ' Yesu Salvator Hominum' for the motto; and
the fourth is the skull and cross‑bones, surmounted by a cross, with the
motto,' In hoc signo vinces.' The reference of the last three devices is,
evidently, to the Royal Arch, the Red Cross, and the Templar degrees. The
first is certainly a symbol of the Lodge of Perfection; and hence,
connectedly, they show the dependence of the Order of Templarism in the State,
at that time, upon the Ancient and Accepted Rite." The diploma is in these
words: ‑ " We, the High Priest, Captain Commandant of the Red Cross, and
Captain General of the most Holy and Invincible Order of Knights Templars of
St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 1, Ancient Masons, held in Charleston, South Carolina,
under charter from the Grand Lodge of the Southern District of North America,
do hereby certify that our trusty and well‑beloved brother, Sir Henry
Beaumont, hath passed the Chair, been raised to the sublime degrees of an
Excellent, SuperExcellent, Royal Arch Mason, Knight of the Red Cross, and a
Knight of that most Holy, Invincible, and Magnanimous Order of Knights
Templars, Knights Hospitallers, Knights of Rhodes, and of Malta, which several
Orders are above delineated; and he, having conducted himself like a true and
faithful brother, we affectionately recommend him to all the Fraternity of
Ancient Masons around the globe wherever assembled.
"Given under our hands, and
seal of our Lodge, this first day of August, 5783, and of Malta, 3517 "GEo.
CARTER, Capt. Gen'l. "THOS. PASHLEY, 1st King. " Wm. NISBETT, zd King.
"' Rd. Mason Recorder."' A
careful examination of the diploma discovered on the seal the words " Lodge
No. 40." ' This lodge was formerly St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 1, of ORIGIN OF
705 Pensacola, Florida,
established by James Grant, Provincial Grand Master of the Southern District
of North America, which embraced East and West Florida; and its Registry
number in Scotland was 143. It appears to have worked at Pensacola until about
the close of the Revolution, when, as Florida became again a Spanish Province,
Pensacola was deserted by many of its inhabitants, who had been British
subjects, they removing to Charleston, South Carolina. This removal was mostly
in 1783, and the year before, and with them it seems St. Andrew's Lodge was
also removed; and it applied for, and, in July, 1783, received a charter from
the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, as No. 40 on its Registry.' South Carolina
Encampment. ‑ It is probable that the diploma was granted prior to the
reception of the charter from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, and while the
lodge was yet working under the Scottish charter, or possibly the diploma was
prepared afterward and antedated. The seal being that of Lodge No. 4o, and not
that of St. Andrew's Lodge, No. r, seems to sustain this hypothesis. Theodore
S. Gourdin, then Commander of South Carolina Commandery, No. 1, on March 23,
1855, delivered a lecture in which is found the following: ‑ "The South
Carolina Encampment, No. r, of Knights Templars and the Appendant Orders, was
established in 178o, as is evident from the old seal in our archives. But it
does not appear from what source our ancestors derived their first charter,
all of our records, previous to November 7, 1823, having been lost or consumed
by fire. It is clear, however, that this encampment was in active operation in
1803, and continued so until long after the date of our oldest record; for, on
December 29, 1824, it was "' Resolved, That, in consideration of the long and
faithful services of our Most Eminent Past Grand Commander Francis Sylvester
Curtis, who regularly paid his arrears to this encampment for more than twenty
years, he be considered a life member of this encampment, and that his life
membership take date from November, 1823.' 112 From which it seems
incontrovertible that the encampment was in existence at least as early as the
year 1804.
Albert Mackey, in his history
of Knight Templarism in South Carolina, says: ‑ " The exact date of the
introduction of the Templar Order of Knighthood into South Carolina is
involved in much obscurity. Gourdin, deducing his opinion from 'an old seal in
the archives,' says that' South Carolina Encampment, No. 1, of Knights
Templars and the Appendant Orders, was established in 1780. 1 have been unable
to find any reference in the contemporary journals of the day to the existence
of South Carolina Encampment, No. 1, at that early period. I have, however,
been more successful in obtaining indisputable evidence that the degrees of
Knight of the Red Cross, and Knight Templar were conferred in Charleston, in a
regularly organized body, as far back as the year 1783, and I have no doubt
that the seal with the date " 1780," to which Gourdin refers, belonged to that
body, and afterward came into possession of South Carolina Encampment.'"
Summing up the evidence, this writer is compelled to reject the conclusions of
Fralres Dean and Mackey, that there is 1 S. Hayden, in letter to Grand Master
Dean, p. 67, Grand Encampment Proceedings, 18832 Grand Encampment Proceedings,
1883, p. 58.
"Indisputable evidence that
the degrees of Knight of the Red Cross, and Knight Templar were conferred in
Charleston in a regularly organized body as far back as the year x783:' St.
Andrew's Lodge, No. i, was not a Templar body at any time in its history. Like
St. Andrew's Lodge of Boston, it was a Master's lodge, and the degrees were
conferred, as evidenced from the diploma, under the sanction of its warrant as
a " Blue" lodge; but it seems to be established beyond a reasonable doubt, by
the resolution relating to the membership of Francis Sylvester Curtis, that
South Carolina Encampment, No. 1, was a regularly organized Templar body as
far back as the year 1804, and probably earlier. It was, like all the older
encampments, self‑created, and worked without a charter until the year 1823,
when it was "reopened in conformity with the Constitution " of the General
Grand Encampment of the United States, at which time it appears from the
petition,‑and resolution of the encampment embraced therein, ‑ That on
diligent search being made in the archives, it clearly appears that this
encampment was in full operation under the sanction of the warrant of 'Blue'
Lodge, No. 4o, upwards of thirty years ago, and continued in operation many
years subsequent; and has, time out of mind, caused to be made and used a
common seal. It also further appears that the said encampment has lain dormant
for several years past. . . .
"Resolved, That the M..E.*.Sir
James C. Winter, together with the Recorder, be authorized to forward the
necessary documents to prove the existence of this encampment prior to the
year 1816, and obtain the desired recognition.
"Extract from the minutes.
"[Signed] JOSEPH MCCOSH, "
Recorder pro tom." 1 Maryland Encampment. ‑In the archives of the Grand
Encampment of Pennsylvania, which was organized in 1814, the following letter
was found: ‑ " GEORGE A. BAKER, Esq., Dear Sir,‑Agreeably to a resolution
entered into, at a meeting of our encampment held this evening, April 20,
1814, at St. John's lodge‑room, I have the honor to enclose to you ten
dollars, five of which is to satisfy the claim of the Grand Encampment for a
charter of recognition, and the balance to go into a fund to provide for the
needful expenses of said Grand Encampment hereafter.
"I am induced to state that
this encampment insists in receiving its number and rank according to the date
of its institution, the complete organization of which took place in the year
1790. [Italics mine.] "You will please fill out the warrant as follows: Philip
P. Eckel, Grand Master; Peter Gault, Generalissimo; Adam'Denmead, Captain
"I also enclose you a copy of
our certificate, with list of members. " I have the honor to be, with respect,
" Your obedient servant, [L.S.] "ARCHIBALD DOBBIN, Recorder." The earlier
records of the Maryland Encampment are not existing, but Frater Edward T.
Schultz, of Baltimore, has in his possession three diplomas, issued by
Baltimore Encampment, No. 1, in the years 1802, 1812, and 1814, respectively,
each of which bears the impress of the 'same seal as that on the letter
written above. A copper plate for diplomas, now in the archives, was engraved
prior to the year 18og, when the engraver died. In the Balti‑ 1 Grand
Encampment Proceedings, 1883, p. 172.
707 more City Directory, for
the year 1807, notice of the nights of meeting of Maryland Encampment, No. i,
Knights Templars, appears, and records and documents, now in the archives of
the Grand Commandery of Pennsylvania, prove its existence from 1814 to 1824,
during which time it was a constituent of the Grand Encampment of that
jurisdiction. This Grand body became extinct about 1824, and the Encampment
No. 1 remained in a semi‑dormant condition until February 28, 1828, when it
was reorganized as an independent organization, and so continued until 1832,
when it became a constituent of the Grand Encampment of the United States.
Boston Commandery was duly
organized May 15, 1805, having previously existed as a council of Knights of
the Red Cross, from the year 1802., From the fact that it was organized by Sir
Knights who received the degree of Knight Templar from those who received it
in St. Andrew's Lodge, in 1769, its organization is claimed to date from that
year, a wholly untenable position, to offset which Maryland Commandery sets up
the claim that there is evidence showing that Brother Edward Day,‑who resided
in the vicinity of Baltimore, " Was in possession of the Templar Order to that
of Malta as early as the year 1780, the presumption being that he received
them in some body, in the city of Baltimore, whose members subsequently
organized Encampment No. r." Both of these claims may be dismissed with the
remark that the presumption is too violent to be entertained.
Frater Alfred Creigh, in his
history of the Knights Templars in Pennsylvania, asserts that Commanderies
Nos. i and 2 of Philadelphia, and No. 3 of Harrisburg, and No. 4 of Carlisle
were organized in the years 1793 to 1797, respectively. They derived their
authority from "Blue" lodge warrants, which, according to Frater Creigh, "Had
the authority and exercised the power to confer any Masonic degree; in fact,
the preambles to the by‑laws of those early encampments speak very
significantly when they use this language: 'The undersigned Knights of the
Temple, being desirous of participating in those glorious rights and
privileges enjoyed by our valiant ancestors, from time immemorial, have
resolved to form an encampment for that purpose, being duly authorized and
commanded to do so by the sublime warrant under which we work.' What warrant ?
The warrant of the lodge." 1 Nos. 1 and 2 continued to exist until 1812, when
No. 2 was then merged into No. i, and finally dissolved June 13, 1823. No. 3
existed from 1795 to May 8, 1821. No. 4, St. John's, of Philadelphia,
adjourned in 1835 to meet on the call of the Grand Master [Commander], in
consequence of the wide‑spread and desolating curse of Anti‑Masonry,' and
assembled again in 1848, at the call of the Eminent Grand Master, every living
Sir Knight who was present at the time of the adjournment, in 1835, being
St. John's Commandery, No. 1,
of Providence, Rhode Island, organized in the year 1802, claims precedence,
from the fact that it is the oldest chartered commandery, and has continuous
records from the date of its organization.
I Creigh, Vol. IT. p. 517. 2
Creigh, Vol. II. p. 5z3 708 THE CONCORDANT ORDERS.
An historic sketch, published
by the commandery, is the source from which the following information is
obtained. It says : ‑ The original records of this venerable and flourishing
organization, which have been remarkably well kept and preserved, commence as
follows: . "' PROVIDENCE, August 23, 1802. "'The Knights of the most noble and
magnanimous Orders of the Red Cross, and of Malta, Knights Templars, and of
the Order oú St. John of Jerusalem, residing in the town of Providence, having
at a previous assembly determined, " that it is proper and expedient, for the
preservation and promotion of the honor and dignity of the Orders of
Knighthood, that an encampment should be formed and established in said town,"
assembled at Masons' Hall for that purpose, at y o'clock, P.M. Present: Sir
Thomas S. Webb, Sir Jeremiah F. Jenkins, Sir Samuel Snow, Sir Daniel
Stillwell, Sir John S. Warner, Sir Nicholas Hoppin. The Sir Knights, having
unanimously placed Sir Thomas S. Webb in the chair, then proceeded to form and
open a regular encampment of the several Orders before mentioned, in solemn
and ancient form, by the name of St. John's Encampment. The encampment then
proceeded to the choice of officers by ballot, when the following Knights were
duly elected and qualified to the offices affixed to their respective names,
viz.: Sir Thomas S. Webb, Grand Master; Sir Jeremiah F. Jenkins,
Generalissimo; Sir Samuel Snow, Captain General; Sir Daniel Stillwell,
Standard Bearer; Sir John S. Warner, Sword Bearer; Sir Nicholas Hoppin,
Guard.' "A committee was appointed at this meeting, consisting of Sir Thomas
S. Webb, Sir Jeremiah F. Jenkins, and Sir Samuel Snow, to prepare and report a
code of by‑laws for the new encamp. ment. This committee reported through
their chairman, at the next meeting, held on the 13th of September, when a
code was adopted." The first assembly of the encampment, for work, was held
September 27, 1802 ; the record, which doubtless contains the earliest
recorded account of the election and creation of Knights of the Red Cross, in
a regularly organized encampment, not held under the sanction of a lodge
warrant, possesses unusual interest, and is as follows : ‑ "Companions Nathan
Fisher and William Wilkinson, having been in due form proposed as candidates
for the Order of the Red Cross, were balloted for and accepted, having paid
their fees into the hands of the Recorder.
"A council of the Knights of
the Red Cross being then summoned, and duly assembled, the said companions
were in the ancient form introduced and dubbed Knights of that Order, with the
usual ceremonies.
"Sir John Carlile, Sir Ephraim
Bowen, Jr., Sir Nathan Fisher, and Sir William Wilkinson, were then severally
proposed as candidates for the Orders of Knights Templars and of Malta." At
the next assembly, ‑ held September 29, 1802, ‑ " Sir William Wilkinson and
Sir Nathan Fisher, who had previously been propounded, were balloted for and
accepted as candidates for the Order of Knights Templars, and Knights of
Malta. They were accordingly prepared and introduced by the Master of
Ceremonies (W.‑. Sir Henry Fowle), and after the usual solemnities, were
Knighted and admitted members of those ancient Orders." A "First Grand
Encampment." ‑ On the 2d of September, 1805, it was "Resolved, That this
encampment cordially acquiesce in the establishment of the Grand Encampment of
Rhode Island, and make application 'for a charter, confirming this encampment
in their accustomed rights and privileges, agreeably to the constitution.'"
Thus it appears that the Grand Encampment of Massachusetts and Rhode Island
was founded without a single constituent body. St. John's Encamp‑ EARL Y GRAND
709 ment, itself the handiwork
of Thomas Smith Webb, was in existence at the time, but it was not consulted
as to the organization, and did not come under the jurisdiction of the Grand
Encampment until five months afterward. During the twelve years that he
presided over St. John's Encampment, Webb was never absent from a regular
assembly, and in five instances only was he absent from a special assembly.
"Here he delighted to meet his
officers and brethren, instructing them out of his vast store of Masonic
knowledge, inspiring them by his genius, and charming them by his native ease
and grace. The work which he in part originated, and the whole of which he
exemplified and arranged with a Master's skill, he imparted to his
subordinates, through whom it has come down unimpaired, and, in its main
essentials, unchanged, to the present day." "September 28, 18xg, Companion
Jeremy L. Cross was proposed, and seconded, to receive the Orders of
Knighthood on the principle of 'healing,' free from expense, he having
received the Order in an unconstituted encampment, and on ballot being taken
it was unanimous in his favor. Companion Cross was created a Knight of the Red
Cross in ample form. Encampment of Knights Templars opened, when Sir Jeremy L.
Cross was created and dubbed a Knight Templar with the usual solemnities."
"This celebrated teacher of the Masonic ritual, was born in Haverhill,
Massachusetts, June 27, 1783. He was admitted into the Masonic Institution in
18o8, and soon afterward he became a pupil of Webb, whose system of work he
thoroughly acquired. In x819 he published 'The True Masonic Chart or
Hieroglyphic Monitor, and the year following 'The Templars' Chart, both of
which works passed through several editions. He received the appointment of
Grand Lecturer from many Grand Lodges, and travelled very extensively through
the United States, teaching his system of lectures to lodges, chapters,
councils, and encampments. He died at the place of his nativity, at the
advanced age of seventy‑eight." From 1829 to 1839, a period of ten years,
there were no candidates for Orders in St. John's Commandery, in consequence
of the Anti‑Masonic and political excitement. The records show, however, that
during this trying ordeal the members met at intervals for " improvement and
discipline," and the annual meeting in December for the election of officers
was regularly held. The first candidate, upon the resumption of work, was
knighted January 14, 1839, since which period its labors have been
uninterrupted. Regardless of the question of priority of organization, the
history of St. John's Encampment is peculiarly interesting. It was undoubtedly
the cradle of the American Templar ritual, and the work, which was originated
by Webb and his associates within its asylum, is the basis upon which the
accepted modern rituals are con structed. It was here that the combination of
the rituals of older degrees was first worked under the name of "Red Cross,"
and its walls were the first to witness the redressed Templar degree, with the
new incidents and ceremonials introduced, which distinguish it from the
English work of the same degree. It ~is interesting to note that it is
asserted to have in its archives the original Webb MS., and that either from
it, or from those who received their lectures from its author, have all
American Templar rituals been taken. R. E. Sir George H. Burnham is of the
opinion that the organization,‑of St. John's, "Was doubtless largely brought
about by a procession, which moved through the streets of Providence January
9, 18oo, the occasion being the obsequies of General George Washington. This
procession was composed of military, citizens, trades, Masonic, and other
societies, and in 710 THE CONCORDANT ORDERS.
it Knights Templars took part,
and a Knight Templar banner was displayed, as appears by the newspaper
accounts of the day. That was probably the first Knight Templar banner
displayed in this country, and it is now in possession of St. John's
Commandery (Encampment), which was soon afterward founded." Washington
Commandery, No. 1, of Hartford, Connecticut, claims to date its organization
from the year 1796. The evidence, relied upon to establish this, is said to be
contained in a small pamphlet, published at New London in 1823, but one copy
of which is known to be in existence, in which the following is to be found :
‑ " In July, 1796, three regular Knights Templars, hailing from three
different commanderies 1 formed an encampment at Colchester, in the State of
Connecticut, at which time the following R. A. M. had regularly conferred on
them the Order of Knighthood, viz.: John R. Watrous, Asa Bigelow, Roger
Bulkley, John Breed, Joel Worthington." Sir Lucius E. Hunt, in a sketch of the
history of the Order of Knights Templars, in Connecticut, asserts that, "in
June, 18o1, a charter was obtained from London, and an encampment was held at
New London," when it elected officers and adopted a code of by‑laws, and "
four R. A. Masons had conferred on them the degrees of Knights of the Red
Cross,' High Priest, and Sir Knights Templars. At the next meeting, November
12, i8o1, three R. A. Masons " Were severally advanced to the high degrees of
Knights of the Red Cross, High Priest, and Sir Knights Templars, and afterward
received the degrees of Knights of Malta, and Mediterranean Pass." They held
two other meetings without a warrant, once in 1798, and again in 1799, and, if
the history recited in the charter received from the General Grand Encampment
in 1819, is correct, two more in 18o1. There is a conflict between the
pamphlet before mentioned and this charter; the former stating that a charter
was received from London in June, 18o1, and the latter making the date
September 5, 1803. No written records of the first three meetings are in
existence, to our knowledge, and the only evidence we have of them is this
pamphlet, which contains this item of history, and the names of the members to
that date. The organization of the Institution is further alluded to in a
small pamphlet, entitled: "A Hint to Free Masons," published in Newfield, in
1799, in which occurs the following passage : ‑ " In the year 1796, at
Colchester, were introduced other degrees, viz.: Knights Templars, and Knights
of Malta, etc., of which the author knows nothing; only that he has been
informed by one of the Order that they exercise the power without constitution
or warrant." Also, in the Connecticut Gazette for July 2, 18oo, is an order of
processi6n . for the dedication of Freemasons' Hall at New London, which took
place June 24, 18oo, in which Knights Templars were assigned a place in the
line. The officers elected April 6, 181o, held their offices until April 28,
1819, 1 This is the first use of the word" commandery "we have met with;
everywhere else the older Templar bodies are spoken of as encampments.
2 It would be exceedingly
interesting to know where they obtained this ceremony. Webb has been generally
credited with having manufactured the degree several years later.
when the encampment came under
the jurisdiction of the General Grand Encampment of the United States.
From the records it would seem
that their authority to confer the degrees was called in question; for, at
their assembly held April 6, 1810, the following was passed: ‑ "Voted, That
this encampment do establish the charter by them received from London, to be
the authority by which they hold and exercise their right of making Knights
Templars." There is no record of any meeting after this, until April 28, 1819,
when Webb and Fowle were present, and it was voted, ‑ "To relinquish the
charter which this encampment has heretofore acted under, and make application
to the General Grand Encampment of the United States for a new charter; said
encampment to be styled the Washington Encampment of Knights Templars, to be
holden at New London and Colchester, and at Hartford if deemed expedient."
Webb, as Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of the United States,
granted them the charter as prayed for, reciting that they "Did in the year of
our Lord i8ot, form and organize an encampment in the State of Connecticut,
and proceed to a choice of officers and the transaction of other business in
strict conformity with the rules of the Order, so far as they were acquainted
therewith: That, in the year 1803, they applied to the Knights Templars of
London, who, on the 5th day of September, i8o3, granted a warrant recognizing
your petitioners as a regular encampment, since which period, to the present
time, they have continued to convene occasionally." " In the city of New
London and town of Colchester, in the State of Connecticut, with the privilege
of holding special meetings, at the pleasure and discretion of the three first
officers, at the city of Hartford, in said State; until there shall be another
encampment lawfully instituted in the same State, or until it shall be
otherwise ordered by the authority of the General Grand Encampment." The
encampment continued its meetings, regularly, until 1829, when the
Anti‑Masonic excitement caused it to become dormant. In 1844 the Grand
Encampment of Connecticut, on petition of a number of the members, ordered the
encampment to be removed to Hartford. The Grand Encampment of Massachusetts
and Rhode Island granted a dispensation, in May, 1844, to revive and remove
this encampment to Hartford. The charter, furniture, etc., having been
obtained, it was reorganized August 28, 1844.
Early Templary in New
York.‑According to Sir Knight Macoy, Templarism existed in the city of New
York as early as the year 1785. Quoting from newspapers of the day, and the
early records of the Grand Lodge of that State, it appears that, on December
21, 1785, the Grand Lodge prescribed the order of exercises in a resolution
declaring that the order of procession, on St. John's day next, be as follows:
Two Tylers with drawn swords, music, Knights Templars with swords, etc., and
then goes on to include officers and members of lodges, of Grand Lodges,
clergyman invited, and closed with Knights Templars properly clothed, with
drawn swords. Sir Knight Macoy found in the Independent journal, published on
the 28th of the same month, 712 THE CONCORDANT ORDERS.
an interesting account of the
observances of the day, including the order of procession prescribed by the
Grand Lodge, remarking that the " Sir Knights as a body seldom appeared in
public." On St. John the Baptist's day, 1789, the Grand Lodge had another
procession, in which Knights Templars led the column. The Daily Gazette, in
reporting the procession and the proceedings, thus refers to the Knights
Templars : ‑ ' "This Order, consecrated to benevolence, has on its rolls the
most distinguished characters of society, and on this occasion many members of
Congress and others of highest distinction were seen in this philanthropic
band." Sir Knight Macoy is authority for the statement that the general belief
is that the body of Knights Templars that participated in these processions
was what was known as Old Encampment, Grand Encampment, and sometimes as
Morton's Encampment. The date and circumstances under which the encampment was
established are not known. The first published list appeared in 1796, when
General Jacob Morton was Grand Master, as he had been for many years. It
disappeared in 18io. Referring to the transactions of the Grand Lodge, Sir
Knight Parvin found that it held an extra meeting December 30, 1799, " for the
purpose of observing the solemn funeral rites in commemoration of our
illustrious brother George Washington, with a procession," etc. The order of
procession is given in full, filling two pages. We find again : first, Knights
Templars in the form as directed by their presiding officer, then the lodges
of the city, etc. Although there were existing within the State, prior to the
organization of the Grand Encampment of New York, several encampments, it was
not created by them, the Grand Encampment having usurped that function. It is
natural that all mention of them should have been omitted from their published
proceedings, and what little information we have regarding their existence
comes from outside sources.
Sir Knight Parvin says: ‑ "
Previous to 1799 a body of Knights Templars, known as St. Peter's Encampment,
flourished in the city of New York; the source of its authority Sir Knight
Macoy was unable to ascertain, except that it was an offshoot from several of
the self‑constituted bodies that then existed in the city. The officers of St.
Peter's Encampment, in 1799, are named in the directory of that year, when
John West was Grand Master, and in the succeeding years the same Sir Knights
were continued in office. When this Commandery ceased to exist cannot now be
ascertained. Webb, in his 'Monitor,' of 18o2, speaks of Jerusalem Encampment
in New York City. This encampment is not mentioned in any of the directories
of that year, which leads Sir Knight Macoy to infer that Jerusalem and St.
Peter's Encampment Ivere one and the same body. The history of Rising Sun
Encampment is much more full and complete. It will be noted that this was one
of the encampments which united with those in Philadelphia, Wilmington, and
Baltimore, in organizing the second Grand Encampment of Pennsylvania, February
16, 1814, four months prior to the organization of the Grand Encampment of New
York. In Creigh's history of the Knights Templars of Pennsylvania, we find a
very full report of this encampment, to and including the year 1817, when,
according to this writer, it became merged or transformed into Columbia
Commandery [Encampment].
"' Very much of a
contradictory character has been written of the origin, progress, and death of
this Commandery, which seems, however, to be living under the name of
Columbian Encampment of to‑day.' The correctness, however, of this statement
is denied by Sir Knight Macoy, who EARL Y GRAND ENCAMPMENTS.
states that Columbian
Encampment, No. 1, on the New York roster, was organized in 1810, and which,
probably, a number of the Knights of Rising Sun Encampment constituted, and
that for several years the two encampments had a coexistence, when, in 1817,
Rising Sun Encampment passed away, never having been recognized by the Grand
Encampment of New York. It was, however, as we have stated, represented in the
convention which formed the Grand Encampment of Pennsylvania, and received
from it a charter of recognition May 18, 1814. Its first officers under this
charter were: James McDonald, M. E. H. P.; Wm. B. Hatfield, E. G. M.; Wm.
Cowen, Captain General. At the session of May, 1817, of the Grand Encampment
of Pennsylvania, this encampment was for the last time represented by Samuel
Maberick, its Eminent Grand Master. "Columbian Encampment, No. i, also lost
its early records by fire; its origin, therefore, cannot be satisfactorily
traced. The first record we have of it is dated in 1810, as appears from its
old seal. February 4, 1816, it received a warrant from the Grand Encampment,
in which Thomas Lowndes was named as the first Grand Master. In 1824 this
encampment united with Morton Encampment, No. 4, and created the Marquis de
Lafayette, who was the Nation's guest, a Knight Templar in full form. This
encampment continues still in existence.
"Temple Encampment, No. 2, was
stationed at Albany. Like most other encampments, its early records are lost.
It is known, however, that it existed as early as 1796, the year Thomas Smith
Webb visited that city, but whether he had any part in its organization is not
known; indeed, it is not presumed that he did, as it is a question whether he
was even then a Knight Templar." Massachusetts and Rhode Island.‑A Grand
Convention of Knights Templars was held in Providence, Rhode Island, on the
sixth day of May, A.D. 1805, when the following measures were proposed and
adopted unanimously, viz. : ‑ "Resolved, As the sense of this Convention, that
the formation and establishment of a Grand Encampment of Knights Templars in
this State would tend to promote the honor and interests of the order of
Knighthood and of Masonry.
"Resolved, That a committee be
appointed to devise and report a form of Constitution, explanatory of the
principles upon which a Grand Encampment shall be opened.
"Resolved, That the Convention
be adjourned until Monday, the 13th instant, then to meet again in Masons'
Hall, in Providence, Rhode Island." The Convention met, agreeably to
adjournment, to take into consideration the report of the committee appointed
on the sixth instant, which, being read and amended, was unanimously approved
and adopted.
By the first article of the
Constitution thus adopted, the body was " Known and distinguished by the style
and title of the 'Grand Encampment of Rhode Island, and jurisdiction thereunto
belonging.' " The record does not disclose who were present, or what, if any,
bodies they represented ; but the following officers were elected : ‑ M. W.
Sir Thomas S. Webb, of Providence .................. Grand Master. W. Sir
Henry Fowle, of Boston .......................... Generalissimo. W. Sir
Jonathan Gage, of Newburyport ..................Captain General.
W. Sir John Carlile, of
Providence ....................... Senior Grand Warden. W. Sir Nathan Fisher,
of Providence ..................... junior Grand Warden. W. Sir John Davis, of
Providence .......................Grand Sword Bearer. W. Sir William
Wilkinson, of Providence ................Grand Standard Bearer W. Sir William
F. Magee, of Providence ................. Grand Recorder.
W: Sir Jeremiah F. Jenkins, of
Providence ...............Grand Treasurer.
Its subordinates were: Boston
Encampment, Boston; St. John's Encamp.
ment, Providence; St. Paul's
Encampment, Newport; and Darius Council, 714 THE CONCORDANT ORDERS.
Portland. Sir Hopkins says, in
a report to the Grand Encampment of the, United States, the formation was
irregularly made by a convention of Knights, Templars representing no
subordinate commanderies, who resolved to form s Grand Encampment, and
proceeded to grant charters of recognition to bodies already formed, and
warrants for the organization of new encampments. The several bodies within
the jurisdiction recognized its supremacy over them, and accepted authority
from it. These bodies were themselves irregularly formed. In 18oz, Boston
Encampment was formed by ten Knights of the Red Cross, without any warrant. In
the same year St. John's Encampment, of Providence, was formed, without any
authority, by six Sir Knights. Darius Council, of Portland, was organized by
three Knights of the Red Cross, in, 1805, when, after admitting two more
members, they applied to Massachusetts for recognition. The encampment at
Newburyport was organized, without authority, in 1795. Certain Royal Arch
Masons, residing in Newport, deputed Companion Shaw to visit New York, where
he received the Orders of Knighthood and many other degrees, and returned with
a warrant from the! Consistory presided over by Joseph Cerneau, authorizing
him to confer the' Orders. And thus an encampment was formed at Newport. '
Another meeting was held in October, 1805, and officers elected. In 1806' by
resolution, the '| style or title " was altered to that of |1 The United State
Grand Encampment"; and that it should consist of its Grand Officers, and " The
Grand Master, Generalissimo, and Captain General for the time being, of all
subordi nate chartered encampments of Knights Templars, and the Past Grand
Masters of subordinab encampments, while members of any encampment under this
jurisdiction;' The three Principal Officers were authorized during the recess,
of the Grand Encampment || to grant charters of recognition to such
encampments as shall apply for the same." A petition was presented from " the
Boston Encampment of Knights Templars, etc., holden in the town of Boston,
Massachusetts,: praying for a charter of recognition from this Grand
Encampment, confirming them in their accustomed rights and.privileges,
agreeably to the constitution," which was granted.
At the next meeting (1806) it
was resolved, that "whenever the Knights at Newburyport shall petition for a
charter of recognition," it should be issued, and the same action was had
regarding |' The Encampment of Knights at Portland." The Constitution was
revised; the only feature of interest therein was the provision relative to
jurisdiction, which was defined to "Extend to any State, or Territory, wherein
there is not a Grand Encampment regularly established, and it shall take
cognizance of, and preside over, all such encampments of Knights of Malta,
Knights Templars, and councils of Knights; of the Red Cross as have hitherto
instituted, and that shall acknowledge its,, jurisdiction," and to grant
charters for new bodies in any State, or Territory,; as aforesaid.
At the meeting in 1807, we
find the first record of the presence of a con‑1 EARL Y GRAND ENCAMPMENTS.
stituency : Boston Encampment,
Boston; St. John's Encampment, Providence ; and King Darius Council, Portland,
being represented by their officers, or their proxies.
In 18o8 the encampment at
Newburyport was also represented. At the meeting held at Providence, May z 7,
18 r r, at which only the Providence and Boston Encampments were represented
by delegates, it was "Voted, That M. W. Sir Thomas S. Webb, Sirs John Carlile
and Ephraim Bowen, Jr., be a committee to open a correspondence with the
several encampments in the United States not under the jurisdiction of this
Grand Encampment, and to inform them of the principles on which the same is
established, and to solicit their co6peration with us." At the meeting in
1812, the committee appointed at the last annual assembly to correspond with
the several encampments not under the jurisdiction of this Grand Encampment,
reported progress, and were given leave to prosecute the duties of their
appointment. In the year 1814, "A petition was received from a number of
Knights Templars of Newport, Rhode Island, praying for a charter, free of
expense, excepting the customary recognition fees," Which was granted; and in
the following year, Washington Encampment, Newport, Rhode Island, was
represented, in addition to the four bodies previously named. In May, 1816,
Thomas Smith Webb, Henry Fowle, and John Snow were appointed to revise the
Constitution; the title was amended by expunging the words "United States,"
and the title of the Grand Master of subordinate encampments was changed to
that of Grand Commander. Upon motion made and seconded, it was "Resolved, That
three delegates be appointed from this Grand Encampment to meet and con. fer
with any or all other Grand Encampments that are now established within the
United States, or with such delegates as may be appointed by any or all of the
said Grand Encampments, upon the subject of a general union of all the
encampments in the United States under one head, and general form of
government, and that the said delegates be, and they are hereby, invested with
full power and authority to enter into such engagements and stipulations, and
make such arrangements upon the said subject, as they may deem expedient, and
proper to promote the honor and interests of the Orders of Knighthood.
"Resolved, That M. W. Sir
Thomas Smith Webb, and W. Sir Henry Fowle of Boston, and W. Sir John Snow of
Providence, be, and they are hereby, appointed delegates for the
before‑mentioned purposes." Past Grand Master Fowle, in his autobiography,
gives an account of the visit of Webb, Snow, and himself to Philadelphia, on
June r 1, 1816, where they met the Knights Templars of Philadelphia, in
convention, to effect a coalition of all Grand Encampments of the United
States under one General Grand Encampment; but they found the Knights of
Philadelphia averse to a coalition because they were under the control of the
Grand Lodge. 1| Finding them incorrigible the committee gave them up, and
prepared for their return." Webb, in his report, on June 25, 1817, says : ‑
"They met in convention with delegates from the cities of Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Wilmington, and New York, at the Masonic Hall; that, after several
days spent in deliberation, they found 715' 716 THE CONCORDANT ORDERS.
the mode of array and system
of work differed in many points so essentially from what is customary in the
encampments hitherto in connection with this Grand Encampment, that they could
not feel justified in making concessions, such as were required by the
delegates from Penn. sylvania, particularly.
"The delegates think it
unnecessary to state more than two obstacles which they deem of sufficient
weight to defeat the object in view, (a) the first of which is, that the
Encampments in Pennsylvania avow themselves as being in subordination to and
under the Grand Lodge of Master Masons. (h) The second is their unwillingness
to the arrangement or order of succession in conferring the degrees as
practised by us, and especially they object to the degrees of Mark Master and
Most Excellent Master as unnecessary and not belonging to the system of
Masonry. Finding it impossible to come to an agreement upon these points, a
part of the delegates agreed to adjourn to the city of New York, and the
convention was dissolved." Webb, Fowle, and Snow accordingly returned to New
York, where, joined by Lowndes, on June 20, 1816, they four "Resolved
unanimously to form and open a General Grand Encampment." Their further
proceedings will be found under that title.
The report of the delegates
having been taken into consideration, it was "Resolved, That this Grand
Encampment approve the doings of their delegates and of the proceedings of the
convention holden in the city of New York, and adopt the General Constitution
for their future government; and the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, and
Grand Recorder are authorized and empowered to revise the local constitution
of this Grand Encampment and render it comformable to said General Grand
Constitution." The proceedings for June 8, 1819, purport for the first time to
be those of "The Grand Encampment of Knights Templars of Massachusetts and
Rhode Island." Pennsylvania claims the honor of having organized the first
Grand Encampment. Frater Alfred Creigh, in the history of the Knights Templars,
claims that the fire was lighted upon the altar of Templarism ill that State
as early as February 14, 1794, which is the oldest record in their possession,
and, ‑ " That it has never been extinguished, even in the persecuting days of
Anti‑Masonry, although it is true, the light shone dimly, and its rays were
occasionally obscured." The first Grand Encampment was instituted May 12,
1797, "in Phila, delphia, although a constitution was not adopted until the
19th of the same month." This Grand body at its organization had four
subordinates Nos. 1 and z in Philadelphia, No. 3 in Harrisburg, and No. 4 in
Frater Creigh quotes Colonel
John Johnson, then residing in Cincinnati, but lately deceased, as saying : ‑
"That in 1797 he was admitted to the Knight Templar degree in Carlisle, in No.
4, and that the commander's name was Robert Leyburn, and tha'. in 1799 he
removed to Philadelphia, and visited the encampments in that city." Creigh
thinks this testimony || establishes the existence of these four subordinates
prior to 1797." He finds "From the published by‑laws of Nos. r and 2 of
Philadelphia, that on the 27th December, 1812, these two subordinates united
as No. 1; and from this encampment, and also No. 2 of Pitts, burgh, was formed
a second Grand Encampment on the 16th of February, 1814, with the addition
of delegates from Rising Sun
Encampment, No. Z, of New York; Washington Encampment, No. r, of Wilmington,
Delaware; and Baltimore Encampment, No. x, of Baltimore, Maryland. The style
of the second Grand Encampment was the 'Pennsylvania Grand Encampment with
Masonic jurisdiction thereunto belonging.' " This second Grand Encampment
existed until June 10, 1824, or at least its Grand Master, Sir Anthony Fannen,
exercised his authority as such, for on that day he issued a dispensation to
the officers of St. John's Encampment, No. 4, ‑ which was instituted June 8,
1819, ‑ "To dub and make John E. Schwarz a Sir Knight of our most illustrious
Order' of Knights Templars. This No, 4 is still in existence.... The original
No. 1, of 1794, kept up a complete and unbroken organization until June 13,
1824, although No. 2 was merged into it on December 27, x812." After the
parent body had ceased, in 1824, St. John's, No. 4, Frater Creigh says: "
Continued to exist, recognizing as her superior the source of all Masonic
authority within our State, the R.‑. W.‑. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania." June
11, 1816, the Pennsylvania Grand Encampment appointed a committee, who gave it
as their unanimous opinion that the establishment of a General Grand
Encampment, for the United States, would greatly tend to promote union, and
order, and strength among Knights Templars; and they appointed Sir Knights
McCorkle, Hamilton, Edes, and Ireland delegates, clothed with full powers to
carry the same into effect. The Pennsylvania delegates met in convention with
the delegates from the Grand Encampments of New England and New York, and in
their report they state: ‑ "That it was impossible to carry their designs into
execution without making a sacrifice upon the part of this Grand Encampment,
and its subordinate encampments, which was considered unwarranted by every
principle of Masonry, which was made a sine qua non by the delegates from New
England, who having seceded from the convention, it was of consequence
dissolved." Pennsylvania would not consent that the |1 old work " which she
claimed to have received || from the hands of her fathers, should become
interpolated or amended," and regarded the " Webb work " as a New England
heresy.' The Pennsylvania Grand Encampment preserved her existence until 1824,
after which those encampments in other States, which acknowledged her
authority, owing to the Anti‑Masonic persecution, ceased to exist, or became
members of their State Grand bodies, among them Rising Sun Encampment, of New
York, afterward Columbia Encampment, No. 1.
After the second Pennsylvania
Grand Encampment had ceased, in 1824, St. John's Encampment, No. 4, the only
one in existence in Pennsylvania, continued to work under the Grand Lodge
until February 12, 1857‑ In May, 1852, St. John's, No. 4 ; Philadelphia, No. 5
; Union, No. 6, and DeMolay of Reading, established a Grand Encampment under
the authority of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania; but the Grand Lodge on the
16th of February, 1857, resolved that they had no authority over the degrees
of Knighthood, and its legitimate sphere was the primitive degrees of Ancient
Craft 1 Creigh.
Masonry. A union therefore was
effected, and both Grand Encampments of Pennsylvania, since 1857, acknowledge,
as their legal head, the "Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United
States." New York. ‑This Grand Encampment was organized January 22, 1814. Its
subordinates were: Ancient Encampment, New York; Temple Encampment, Albany;
and Montgomery Encampment, Stillwater. The first official proceedings show
that, on the day mentioned, the Sovereign Grand Consistory " Decreed the
establishment of a Grand Encampment of Sir Knights Templar and Appendant
Orders for the State of New York, and immediately proceeded to its formation
by choosing the Grand Officers thereof" from among the members of the
Consistory. Not a single commandery had requested such action; nor had a
single Knight Templar as such. It was the volunteer action of an alien body,
which, in itself, had no such authority as it assumed to exercise. A warrant
of recognition was issued, in 1816, to Columbian Commandery of New York, and a
warrant for a new commandery at New Orleans was issued the same day. These two
subordinates were the only ones that recognized the Grand Encampment of New
York, and that recognition was of the mildest kind. Neither of them sent any
representatives to the Grand Conclave for six years. All the other
commanderies of the States refused to acknowledge the Grand body, and
maintained their independent organization for many years.
Whether or not the members of
the Consistory who formed the Grand Commandery of New York had received the
Orders of Knighthood, does not appear. They were not required to have done so
to be eligible to admission to the Scottish Rite. The precise relationship
between the two organizations is difficult of determination. The first
constitution of the Grand commandery of New York made its membership consist
of officers and members of the Grand Commandery, and delegates from such
subordinates under its jurisdiction as might recognize its authority. It also
provided that the Grand Master should be admitted, as a member of the Supreme
Council, without fee ; and that the commanders of subordinates should be
entitled to the degree of Prince of the Royal Secret, and also the members of
the Consistory, free of charge. Thus the reciprocity of these two branches of
Masonry was made complete, which was quite natural since they were composed of
the same individuals.
What authority Joseph Cerneau
had for conferring the Orders of Knighthood and constituting commanderies, and
whence he derived this authority, has not been ascertained. No authority to
confer the Orders of Knighthood is contained in his patent, at least there is
no such authority in the patent of July 15, r8o6, granted to Mathieu Dupotte.
If he had any other patent, of if he himself had ever received the Orders of
Knighthood, no evidence of the fact‑has been found.' 1 Hopkins, G. E. Pro.,
1889, p. 192.
Reduced Fac‑simile.
From the foregoing summary of
the principal events in the history of the three original Grand Encampments,
existing prior to the organization of the present Grand Encampment of the
United States, it will be seen that neither of them can trace their genealogy
with that precision that would entitle them to be received as "true
descendants of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel," ‑ there is a link
wanting in the history of each of them. Pennsylvania, which claims priority of
date, was at best an adjunct of the Grand Lodge, and never had an independent
existence. Massachusetts and Rhode Island had at the beginning no
constituency, as it was organized by a " Grand Convention of Knights Templars,"
who, so far as the record or tradition shows, were not delegated by any
organized body. St. John's Encampment of Providence, which made application,
at the second meeting, October, 1805, for a charter of recognition, was its
sole constituent until March, 1806, when Boston Encampment was recognized and
chartered. In May, 1806, the Grand Officers were authorized and directed,
whenever the encampments at Newburyport and Portland should petition for it,
to grant them charters, which the latter appears to have done prior to May,
1807, when King Darius Council, Portland, was represented by proxy, and the
encampment at Newburyport prior to May, 1808, when it was also represented by
proxy; but the record does not disclose the date when the charters were issued
in either case.
The Grand Encampment of New
York sprang into being like Minerva from the head of Jove, Joseph Cerneau's
Grand Consistory of the Scottish Rite playing the part of Jove. It had no
constituents, and it is not even known where its organizers received the
Templar degrees.
It would be interesting to
pursue our inquiries into the organization of the other Grand Encampments:
Virginia, organized in 1823 ; Vermont, organized in 1824; New Hampshire,
organized in 1826 ; Connecticut, organized in 1827 ; Ohio, organized in 1843 ;
Maine, organized in 185 2 ; Indiana, organized in 1854; and Texas, organized
in 1855,‑all prior to 1856, when the name of the State Grand bodies was
changed from " Grand Encampment " to " Grand Commandery," ‑ but the limited
space allotted to this writer forbids. It is worthy of remark, however, that
there does not seem to be any reason why the peculiar nomenclature "
encampment " was employed, the term certainly was not in use in ancient times,
and has no special appropriateness ; but the word " encampment " reaches far
back in our history, and was doubtless used from the very beginning of the
revival of Templary in the lodges, for we read that encampments were held
"under the sanction of lodge warrants," in our first recorded trace of the
degrees as a part of the Masonic system. The change in the designation of the
State bodies by the Grand Encampment, to say the least, was ill advised, and
is confusing, especially in writing history. It would seem to have been better
and easier for the National body to have given itself an appropriate name,
such as Great Priory, or Grand Conclave.
However, the mischief has been
done, and is irreparable. Those who re will have to bear in mind these
changes, as they pursue their investigations American Masonic history.
The Grand Encampment. ‑When
Thomas Smith Webb, Henry Fowll and John Snow failed in their mission to
Philadelphia, where they went I June, 1816, to confer, with the Grand
Encampment of Pennsylvania, " ups the subject of a general union of all the
encampments in the United Stag under one head and general form of government,"
pursuant to the resolutia of the " Grand Encampment of the United States," by
which name Massachy setts and Rhode Island was then known, they repaired to
New York, wherj joined by Thomas Lowndes, who was also a delegate, appointed
by the Gram Consistory of New York to represent " that body at a convention of
Knigh Templars from different States of the Union, to be held in the city of
Philad phia on Tuesday, the 11th inst. [June]," and at Masons' Hall, on the
2ot1, and 21st days of June, held "a convention" at which one of them might
haw, appropriately said the old colored man's grace: " God bless me and my wif!
my son John and his wife, us four and no more. Amen." The record c this
immortal quartette's proceedings describes themselves as "delegates fron eight
councils and encampments," by enumerating all the encampments unde the
jurisdiction of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and New York, and is a follows
: ‑ " At a convention holden at Masons' Hall, in the city of New York, on the
loth and 21st Jun 1816, consisting of Delegates or Knights Companions from
eight councils and encampments I Knights Templars and Appendant Orders, viz:‑
Boston Encampment ......................,....,....äääää,.Boston.
St. John's Encampment
.......................................... Providence. Ancient
Encampment............................................ New York Temple
Encampment ............................................ AlbanyMontgomery
Encampment ............... ....................... Stillwater.
St. Paul's Encampment
.......................................... Newburyport. Newport Encampment
........................................... Newport. Darius Council
.................................................Portland." This remarkable
record was first printed in 1859, and was the occasion o much controversy,
which only came to an end when it was discovered to bt wholly imaginative. In
addition to the encampments named there were, a that time, five others
existing under the Grand Encampment of Pennsylvania viz. : No. 1 of
Philadelphia; No. 2 of Pittsburgh; Rising Sun of New York Washington, No. 1,
of Wilmington; Baltimore, No. 1, of Baltimore, and Souti Carolina Encampment
of Charleston, which ones did not participate.
These four ancient worthies ordained a Constitution, which being ratified by
the United States Grand Encampment (Massachusetts and Rhode Island), and New
York, became the supreme law of American Templarism. Its importance is such as
to demand the full abstract, which we present as follows : ‑ The First
Constitution.‑There shall be a General Grand Encampment of Knights Templars
and the Appendaut Orders for the United States of America, consisting of the
officers thereof, and the four principal officers of all such State Grand
Encampments as may be instituted or holden by virtue of this Constitution; and
the said enumerated officers, or their proxies, shall be the only members and
voters in the said General Grand Encampment. Meetings to be held on the third
Thursday in September, and septennially thereafter at such place as may be
from time to time appointed. Special meetings to be held on the call of any
two of the first four officers, or whenever they may be required by a majority
of the Grand Encampments of the States. First four officers empowered to visit
and preside in any assembly of Knights of the Red Cross, etc., and to give
such instructions and directions as the good of the Institution may require,
always adhering to the "Ancient Landmarks." In the absence of any officer from
any assembly "holden by virtue of this Constitution," the officer next in rank
shall succeed his superior, unless such officer shall decline in favor of a
Past Superior Officer, and in case of the absence of all officers, the members
present, according to seniority and abilities shall fill the several offices.
The first four officers, severally, have power to establish new Councils of
Knights of the Red Cross, and Encampments of Knights Templars and Malta in any
State or Territory where there is no Grand Encampment. The Grand, and Deputy
Grand Masters are authorized to appoint a Grand Visitor, or more than one if
necessary, to superintend and perform such distant business and to communicate
such instructions as may come within the cognizance of such Grand Officers
respectively, conformable to the duties and prerogatives of their respective
offices. A Grand Encampment may be formed in any State when there are three
encampments instituted under this Constitution, with the consent of the Grand
Master, Deputy Grand Master, or Grand Encampment. Grand Encampments consist of
their officers, the Past Grand, and Deputy Grand Masters, Grand General
issimos, and Grand Captains General, wheresoever they may reside, and the
Grand Commander, Generalissimo, Captain General, and Past Commanders of
Encampments. Grand Encampments to be held once each year and subject to the
provisions of this Constitution to have the whole government of subordinates,
to assign their limits and settle controversies between them, to constitute
new Councils and Encampments. The Grand and Deputy Grand Masters had power to
grant dispensations, to "form a new Council and Encampment," to expire at the
next meeting of the Grand Encampment. Fees for dispensations and annual
contributions from encampments to be fixed by Grand Encampments. No charter to
be given to less than seven Knights for a Council of Knights of the Red Cross,
or nine Knights Templars for an encampment, petitions to be recommended by
body in the same State, with the new body. Grand Encampments to communicate
with each other, and exchange lists of officers. Jurisdiction not to extend
beyond the limits of the State in which they are holden, except in case of
existing Grand Encampments. Assemblies of Knights of the Red Cross called
Councils, and those of Knights Templars and Knights of Malta, Encampments.
Orders not to be conferred upon any one who had not regularly received the
several degrees from E. A. to R. A. M., inclusive, as at present. Orders not
to be conferred upon any sojourner whose fixed place of abode is in any State
where there is an encampment established. All officers to take an oath of
In 1826 encampments holding
from the General Grand Encampment were admitted to representation therein by
their officers appearing in person, but not by proxy. Itinerant lecturers were
prohibited. The first four officers were given power to establish encampments
beyond the limits of the United States. No person to appear in General Grand
Encampment unless he is a present or past officer of a grade that would
entitle him to a vote, and no officer to have in his own right but one vote.
Meetings were changed from septennially to triennially, Grand Visitors
abolished. Encampments not to be formed in States where there is an existing
body, without its consent, and that Orders may be conferred on clergymen
without a fee.
In 1841 Past Commanders of
encampments were restricted in their membership in Grand Encampments to the
period during which their encampments continue in existence.
724 In 1844 the Constitution
was revised, but the only addition was a provision requiring all officers of
the General and State Grand Encampments to be members of some subordinate
encampment. In 1856 the Constitution was again revised, the word " General "
was omitted from the name of the Grand Encampment and the titles of officers.
The State Grand Encampments were called Grand Commanderies, and the title of
the Grand and Deputy Grand Masters changed to Grand and Deputy Grand Commander
respectively. Encampments were called Commanderies, and the principal officer
called Eminent Commander. Its powers were defined to be as follows: At the
stated meetings of the Grand Encampment of the United States there shall be
reviewed and considered by all the official reports of its officers, and the
State Grand and Subordinate Commanderies, for the preceding three years. They
may adopt such rules and edicts as may be necessary for the Good of the Order;
grant or withhold Warrants, Dispensations, and Charters for all new State or
Subordinate Commanderies ; for good cause to revoke preexisting Warrants,
Charters, or Dispensations; assign the limits of the State Grand Commanderies,
and settle all controversies that may arise between them ; and finally, to
consider and do all matters appertaining to the good, well‑being, and
perpetuation of the principles of Templar Masonry. It is the prerogative and
duty of the Grand Master generally to exercise, as occasion may require, all
the rights appertaining to his high office, in accordance with the usages of
Templar Masonry; and as part thereof he shall have a watchful supervision over
all the Commanderies, State and Subordina4e, in the United States, and see
that all the Constitutional enactments, rules, and edicts of the Grand
Encampment are duly and properly observed, and that the dress, work, and
discipline of Templar Masonry everywhere are uniform. To visit and preside at
any Commandery, Grand or Subordinate, in the United States, and give such
instructions and directions as the good of the institution may require, always
adhering to the Ancient Landmarks. To approve and grant Warrants during the
recess of the Grand Encampment, for the institution of State Grand
Commanderies in States, Districts, or Territories where the same have not been
heretofore established. The duties of the remaining officers of the Grand
Encampment are such as are traditionally appropriate to their respective
stations, or such as may be assigned them by the Grand Encampment. The Grand
Master, the Deputy Grand Master, the Grand Generalissimo, and the Grand
Captain General, are severally authorized to visit and preside in any
Commandery of Knights Templar throughout the jurisdiction of the Grand
Encampment, and to give such instructions and directions as the good of the
institution may require, always adhering to the Ancient Landmarks. The Grand
Encampment of the United States shall have exclusive power to constitute new
Commanderies within any State, District, or Territory, wherein there is no
State Commandery regularly formed, under the authority of the Grand Encampment
of the United States. During the recess of the Grand Encampment the Grand
Master shall have the power to grant letters of Dispensation to a competent
number of petitioners, nine or more, possessing the Constitutional
qualifications and residing within said unappropriated State, District, or
Territory, empowering them to form and open a Commandery for a term of time
not extending beyond the next stated meeting of the Grand Encampment. Whenever
there shall be three or more Subordinate Chartered Commanderies instituted or
holden under this Constitution in any one State, District, or Territory, in
which a Grand Encampment has not been heretofore formed, a Grand Commandery
may be formed after obtaining the approval of the Grand Master or Grand
Encampment. Its jurisdiction shall be the territorial limits in which it is
holden. State Grand Commanderies consist of the following members: Grand
Commander, Deputy Grand Commander, Grand Generalissimo, Grand Captain General,
Grand Prelate, Grand Senior Warden, Grand junior Warden, Grand Treasurer,
Grand Recorder, Grand Standard Bearer, Grand Sword Bearer, Grand Warder, and
Grand Captain of the Guard, likewise all Past Grand Commanders (and Grand
Masters), all Past Deputy Grand Commanders (and Deputy Grand Masters), all
Past Grand Generalissimos, and all Past Grand Captains General, of the same
Grand Commandery, so long as they remain members of the Subordinate
Commanderies under the same territorial jurisdiction. Also the Commander, the
Generalissimo, and the Captain General of each Subordinate Commandery working
under the same Grand Commandery. Also all Past Commanders of the Subordinate
Commanderies, working under the same Grand Commanderies, so long as they
remain members of Subordinate Commanderies under the same territorial
jurisdiction. Each of the individuals enumerated shall be entitled, when
present, to one vote in all the proceedings of the State Grand Commandery. No
person shall be eligible to any office in a State Grand Commandery, unless he
shall be at the THE CONCORDANT ORDERS.
725 time a member of some
Subordinate Commandery working under the same Grand Commandery. Any officer,
save and except Past Commanders, may appear and vote by proxy, said proxy
being at the time of service a member of the same Subordinate Commandery as
his principal, and , producing a properly authenticated certificate of his
appointment. Grand Commanderies wtre required to meet annually, and their
powers were defined to be as follows: There shall be reviewed and considered
all the official reports of its Officers, and of the Subordinate Commanderies
within its jurisdiction for the preceding year. They shall proceed to elect by
ballot the several officers of the Grand Commandery. To adopt such rules and
edicts, subordinate to the Grand Encampment of the United States, as may be
necessary for the Good of the Order. To examine the accounts of the Grand
Treasurer and Grand Recorder. To supervise and state the condition of the
finances, and adopt such measures in relation thereto as may be necessary to
increase, secure, and preserve the same, and also to insure the utmost
punctuality, on the part of every accounting officer, in the safe‑keeping and
paying‑over the funds, and property of the Grand Commandery. To grant and
withhold Dispensations and Charters for all new Comm anderies. For good cause
to revoke any preexisting Charter or Dispensation; to assign the limits of
Subordinate Commanderies within its own jurisdiction, and settle all
controversies that may arise between them; and finally, to consider and do all
matters and things appertaining to the good, well‑being, and perpetuation of
Templar Masonry, but always subordinate to the Grand Encampment of the United
States. No business shall be transacted at the " called " meetings, save that
which was speci fied in the original summons. At every meeting all questions
shall be determined by a majority of votes, the presiding officer, for the
time, being entitled to one vote. In case the votes are equally divided, he
shall also give the casting vote. No appeal shall lie to the Grand Commandery
from the decision of the Grand Commander. The Grand Commander was required to
have a watchful supervision over all the Subordinate Commanderies under his
jurisdiction, and see that all the Constitutional enactments, rules, and
edicts of the Grand Encampment, and of his own Grand Commandery, are duly and
promptly observed. He shall have the power and authority, during the recess of
the Grand Commandery, to grant letters of Dispensation to a competent number
of petitioners, nine or more, residing within his jurisdiction, and possessing
the Constitutional qualifications, empowering them to form and open a
Commandery; such Dispensations to be in force no longer than the next annual
meeting of his Grand Commandery. But no letters of Dispensation for
constituting a new Commandery shall be issued, save upon the recommendation of
the Commandery, in the same territorial jurisdiction, nearest the place of the
new Commandery prayed for. He may call special meetings of his Grand
Commandery at his discretion. He may visit and preside at any Commandery,
within the jurisdiction of his Grand Commandery, and give such instructions
and directions as the good of the Institution may require, but always adhering
to the Ancient Landmarks. It is his duty, either in person or by proxy, to
attend all meetings of the Grand Encampment.
Under the title "General
Regulations," it was prescribed: that no Commandery, Grand or Subordinate,
shall confer the Orders of Knighthood upon any one who was not a regular Royal
Arch Mason, according to the requirements of the General Grand Chapter of the
United States. The rule of succession, in conferring the Orders of Knighthood,
shall be as follows: r. Knight of the Red Cross. 2. Knight Templar.
Every Commandery working in a
State, District, or Territory, where there is a Grand Commandery, shall have a
Dispensation or Charter from said Grand Commandery. And no Commandery
hereafter to be formed or opened in such State, District, or Territory,, shall
be deemed legal without such Charter or Dispensation. All Masonic
communication, as a Templar, is interdicted between any Commandery working
under the general or special jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment, or any
member thereof, and any Commandery or member of such, that may be formed,
opened, or holden in such State, District, or Territory, without such Charter
or Dis pensation. The officers of every Commandery, Grand and Subordinate,
before entering upon the exercise of their respective offices, shall take the
following obligation, viz.: "I, (A. B.), do promise and vow that I will
support and maintain the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights
Templar of the United States of America." Amendments have been made from time
to time, but none of which change or affect the principles upon which the
relations between the Grand Encamp‑ THE CONCORDANT ORDERS.
ment and the Grand
Commanderies are based. Two diverse theories regarding these relations have
been advanced and contended for: ‑ (r) The Grand Encampment is a supreme,
uncontrollable, 1| legislative body, acknowledging no superior," and, (a) That
it exists by virtue of a written Constitution, and possesses no powers not
therein enumerated, and all powers not expressly delegated are reserved to the
several Grand Commanderies. Its officers are the creatures of that
Constitution, and have no traditional functions, prerogatives, or privileges.
In support of the former
theory, Grand Master Hubbard, who in his time was regarded as one of our most
distinguished Masonic scholars and jurists, is cited to the effect that : ‑
"All authority necessary for the government and well‑being of Templar Masonry
in the United States, was vested in it [the Grand Encampment], and flowed from
it, and the supervising power over all was full and complete." Also the late
Past Grand Master William S. Gardner, who, in an address to the Grand
Commandery of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, said: ‑ "You were possessed of
absolute sovereign powers, but you yielded up to the Grand Encampment many.
You accepted a subordinate position; the Grand Encampment officers might
preside over your subordinates, instruct and supervise them." To which is to
be added the declaration of the late Past Grand Master Beni. B. French, who
asserted: ‑ " In form ours is a military organization, a form of government
which recognizes no rule of action but the disciplined obedience to the will
of the superior." Past Grand Master James H. Hopkins contends: ‑ " Inasmuch as
all of the Grand Commanderies, except three, derived their warrants, all the
powers they exercise, from the Grand Encampment; and the three which existed
before the formation of the Grand Encampment, voluntarily came under its
banner and vowed loyalty to it, why is it not the supreme and sovereign
organization? With what reason or justice can its creatures deny its complete
authority, and undertake to hedge in and circumscribe the limits of its powers
? " On the other hand, it is contended that the analogy between the Grand
Encampment, in its relations to the Grand Commanderies, and those of the
Federal Government, in its relations to the several States, is complete. A
view in which this writer most heartily concurs, notwithstanding the fact that
no other four Masons could be named, whose opinions are entitled to the same
weight as those of Hubbard, Gardner, French, and Hopkins. Ordinarily they
would be accepted without a doubt as to their correctness, but having been
uttered before it was known that the record of the Grand Encampment was wrong
in respect to its organization, and that instead of having been constituted by
encampments, it was the work of the four men, Webb, Fowle, and Snow,
representing the Grand Encampment of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and
Lowndes, representing the Grand Encampment of New York, I THE GRAND
727 question whether they
would not now revise their opinions, in the light of this discovery, if they
were all living, and an opportunity were given to do so.
It is difficult to see in what
respect the analogy between the National and Templar government, in these
United States, fails. Both are the creatures of a written compact, denominated
a Constitution, which was made by delegates from the then existing highest
authority, the States and the State Grand Encampments. The work of both was
subject to ratification by their principals, and was so ratified, as is shown
by the records of the respective Grand Encampments. Massachusetts and Rhode
Island, then known as "The United States Grand Encampment," at a meeting held
June 25, 1817, at which the delegates reported in full their acts and the
action of the convention, = "Voted, Its approval of the doings of the
delegates and of the proceedings of the Convention and the adoption of the
Constitution." Sir Thomas Lowndes, the delegate from the Grand Encampment of
New York, does not appear, from the records, to have made a report, but the
records show that, at the succeeding conclave, 1817, a committee was
appointed, who in due time reported, to revise the constitution so as to
conform to that of the General Grand Encampment, and but for this ratification
the instrument would have been utterly void. Nor does it militate against this
proposition that it was given, as suggested by Frater Hubbard : " All
authority necessary for the government and well‑being" of Templar Masonry. The
National Government has this authority, and yet no one has ever contended that
it was unlimited. It was given just so much authority as was needed to carry
out the purpose for which it was created, and here its authority ceases.
Whatever else remains to be done was reserved to the several Grand
Commanderies. It is not true that this authority flowed from the Grand
Encampment; for, on the contrary, we have seen that it flowed from the two
Grand Encampments which created it, and in which it had previously existed. As
Grand Master Gardner said, they were the " original sovereigns, and while they
yielded up many of their powers," it is manifest that if there were existing
any other rights and powers, not therein enumerated, they were retained.
Quoting the words of Chancellor Kent: 1 "The Constitution is the act of the
people, speaking in their original character, and defining the conditions of
the social alliance." The " people " in Masonry are not the Grand bodies, nor
yet the Grand Officials with their pompous titles, but the individual Masons,
and they are the only true source from which all Masonic powers flow. That
which they individually yielded up for the general welfare of the whole is, or
ought to be, expressed, and that which is not so expressed is retained. This
writer denies that Templarism is a military organization. It merely makes use
of a military drill: that is to say, when it moves as a body, it employs
tactical movements, as the most convenient and orderly method of proceed 1 ist
Kent's Corn. 495.
ing, but there is no `1
disciplined obedience to the will of a superior," as it is practised in an
army. So far as that superior confines his " will " to such matters and things
as are the result of common consent, he is obeyed, but in no sense of the word
has he a "military" command. To the suggestion that bodies created by the
Grand Encampment cannot, with reason or justice, " deny its complete
authority, and undertake to hedge in, and circumscribe the limits of its
power," it is only necessary to reply that those bodies came into existence by
virtue of its Constitution, and the limits of its power therein contained ;
and it follows, as a necessary consequence, that any attempt to add to those
powers must be with the consent of those in whom power was originally vested ;
i.e., the true sovereigns, ‑ the people, speaking through their lawful
The Constitution contains a
provision wherein it is said: ‑ " It is the prerogative and duty of the Grand
Master generally to exercise, as occasion may require, all the rights
appertaining to his high office, in accordance with the usages of Templar
Masonry." This has occasioned much controversy. Past Grand Master Hopkins, in
a report to the Triennial Conclave of 1889, said: ‑ " It is fair to infer that
the usages of Templar Masonry are to be understood as limited to the existence
of the Order in the United States." A statement to be heartily endorsed ; and
it is to be regretted that this able exponent of Templar jurisprudence did not
stop right there, but unfortunately he added: ‑ " Originally, the Grand Master
was vested with absolute and autocratic power. And under the present
Constitution of the Order in England, the Grand Master, with the approval of a
majority of the Committee,‑more than two‑thirds of whom were selected by
him,‑may dismiss a member from any office or impose such other sentence as he
may see fit. And while it is true that in this country the Order retains much
of its military character, it is also greatly imbued with the spirit of our
freer institutions. And yet there has always been felt a glow of pride in the
antiquity and history of the Order, and a strong desire to retain the original
usages as far as possible." In 1853 the Grand Encampment appointed a committee
to revise the con stitution, and authorized them "To report such changes in
the organization as will make the Order in this country conform more
completely to the system of ancient Knights Templars." In many respects this
was found impracticable by reason of the changed conditions and advanced
civilization. But, while we have a deliberative and legislative governing
body, and an elective Grand Master, the head of the Order has a larger
inherent and prescriptive power than ordinarily belongs to the executive of a
pure democracy. The Master of a lodge may be far more dictatorial than the
chairman of a popular assemblage. And so, through all the degrees of Masonry,
the presiding officer has much unquestioned and absolute authority. This Grand
Encampment has conceded the right of appeal to the governing body, from any
decision of the Grand Master upon THE GRAND ENCAMPMENT.
729 questions under
discussion; and this, very manifestly, because of the deliberative and
legislative character of the Grand Encampment. But the mandate of the Grand
Master must always be obeyed. His powers are delegated by and subject only to
the restraint imposed by law. The Constitution and statutes, ‑ and where they
are silent, " the usages of Templar Masonry," which is our common
law,‑prescribe the only boundaries to the Grand Master's power.
Without now considering the
extent of the Grand Master's powers by virtue of the unwritten law of usage,
it cannot be doubted that he is clothed with the full authority requisite to
the discharge of all the duties imposed upon him. When the Constitution
demands that "he shall have a watchful supervision over all Commanderies,
Grand and Subordinate," and see that all the statutes and regulations "are
duly and promptly obeyed, and that the | work' [Rituals], etc., everywhere are
uniform," it was properly assumed that he possessed "adequate power to effect
these objects." It is a mere waste of time and effort to attempt to connect
American Templarism with the "system of ancient Knights Templars." Whatever
"absolute and autocratic powers" may have been wielded by the Grand Masters of
the Crusading Templars,‑in the rude and semi‑barbarous times in which they
existed, ‑ they are wholly inapplicable to the changed conditions under which
the modern society, which bears their name, exists. The Grand Master of
American Templars is Grand Master only in name; like the President of the
United States, he is the head of the Republic; and subject to its laws, the
same as every other citizen. The Master of a lodge has some traditions behind
his back, and there is some ground upon which to base the claim of ||
prerogative "residing in the Grand Master of Masons, but there is absolutely
nothing behind the principal officer of the modern imitators of the valiant
Knights of old, upon which to reflect even a shadow of absolute and autocratic
power. The year 1797, which gave birth to the first governing body of American
Templars, witnessed the creation of the first Grand Master, that of
Pennsylvania,' and there and then Templar usage began. It requires that degree
of charity which suffereth long and is kind, to enable one to contemplate with
patience the extravagant appeals to "usage," "prerogative," and "Ancient
Landmarks," with which Templar literature in these United States is
cumbered,‑just as if it were possible for a society not yet a century old to
have created a "usage," "prerogative," or "Ancient Landmark." Sir Hopkins did
well when he limited the || usage of Templar Masonry" to the period in which
the Order has existed in this country. Who will have the temerity to knock out
of our Constitution the |' Ancient Landmark " absurdity? Let it be known that
we exist alone to‑day as emulators of the chivalric virtues, the charitable
deeds, the unexampled bravery, Christian heroism, and ennobling self‑sacrifice
of the ancient Templars ; and that, so far as we follow ICreigh, Vol. II. p.
the examples they set for us
in this direction, we are indeed true Knights Templars. But let us not deceive
ourselves or the world with the vain pretence that anything further than good
examples, to be followed in our daily life and conduct, has come down to us
from our ancient exemplars.
Grand Commanderies.‑The space
allotted to this writer prohibits him from entering upon the interesting field
presented by the history of the several Grand Commanderies, and he is
reluctantly compelled to content himself with a statement of latest dates of
organization and total membership, given officially by the Grand Recorder in
the proceedings of the Grand Encampment, for the year 1895. For convenience of
reference, those which prior to 1856 were designated as Grand Encampments are
included, and the whole are given in the order of their rank, which follows
the military rule of seniority : ‑ NAME. DATE OF ORGANIZATION. MEMBERSHIP
Massachusetts and Rhode Island.. May 6, 1805.................... 10,384 New
York ....................... J~~une r8,1814.................... 10,388
Virginia ......................... NOV. 27,1823.................... 1,365
Vermont ........................ June 1,1824.................... 1.396 New
Hampshire ................. May 27, 1826.................... 1,853 Connecticut
...................... Sept. 13, 1827.................... 2,214 Ohio
............................ Oct. 24,1843.................... 7.566 Kentucky
.......................Oct. 5,1847.................... 1,911 Maine
..........................May 5.1852.................... 2,904
Indiana......................... May 16,1854.................... 3,394
Texas........................... Jan. 18,1855..... ............... 2,080 Penn
sylvania..................... Jan. 12,1857..... ............... 10,943
Mississippi ...................... Jan. 21,1857.................... 387
Michigan ........................ Feb. 12,1857.................... 5,373
Illinois .......................... Oct. 27, 1857.................... 9,109
California ....................... Aug. 10,1858.................... 2,887
Tennessee ....................... Oct. 12,1859.................... 1,065
Wisconsin ......................Oct. 20, 1859.................... 2,718 New
Jersey ...................... Feb. 14,186o.................... 1,681 Georgia
......................... A pri125,186o.................... 679
Missouri......................... May 22,186o.................... 4,030
Alabama ........................ NOV. 29,186o.................... 375
Louisiana ....................... Feb. 12,1864...... .............. 311
Iowa............................ June 6,1864.................... 4,173
Minnesota ....................... Oct. 23,1865.................... 2,335
Kansas .......................... Oct. 21,1868.................... 3,176
Maryland....................... Jan. 23,1871.................... 997 Nebraska
........................ bec. 27,1871.................... 1,656
Arkansas........................ May 23,1872.................... 545 West
Virginia ...................Feb. 25,1874.................... 781 Colorado..
................... Mar. 14,1876.................... 1,648 North Carolina
.................. May 15, 1881.................... 362 South
Dakota.................... May 14,1884.................... 781 Oregon
......................... A April 13, x887 .................... 383
Washington................... ~une 2,1887.................... 582 Montana
........................ IVIay 14,1888.................... 337 Wyoming.
................... May 14,1888.................... 250 North
Dakota.................... Tune 16,189o.................... 4o6 Arizona
......................... Nov. 16,1893.................... 116 103,541 .In
addition to these there are thirty‑four commanderies, under the immediate
jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment, with a total membership of 3,112, thus
swelling the grand total of Knights Templar, under the jurisdiction of the
Grand Encampment, to 1o6,653. The total number of commanderies is 995.
The Ceremonies of Templary.‑The
degrees embraced in the American schedule are those of Knight of the Red
Cross, Knight Templar, and Knight of Malta. That of Red Cross is not embraced
in that of the English, European,' or Canadian preceptories, except that it is
permitted in Canada to communicate it, in order to qualify our Canadian
Fratres to visit American bodies. This degree has a curious and unsatisfactory
way of appearing and disappearing in the earlier records of Templar bodies. It
is mentioned in the diploma which is relied upon to establish the conferring
of the Templar degrees by St. Andrew's Lodge, at Charleston, South Carolina,
in 1783, previously given; prior to the discovery of which it was regarded as
having been manufactured by Webb and his associates, from the degrees of the
Ancient and Accepted Rite? The degree is not enumerated among those conferred
upon Brother Wm. Davis, in St. Andrew's Royal Arch Lodge, now Chapter, at
Boston, in 1769. In 1797, however, that body "voted that the Knights of the
Red Cross, by Brother Benjamin Hurd, Jr., be, and they are hereby, permitted
to make their records in the Book of the Chapter," s ‑a privilege which was
not availed of. Boston Council was established in the year 1802, and King
Darius Council, of Portland, in 1805, and thereafter the degree seems to have
been regularly worked. The late Wm. J. B. MacLeod Moore referred to it as the
"American Red Cross degree, called in Great Britain the Babylonish Pass, a
fabrication with other side degrees of the last century, taken from a Persian
legend, consequently Pagan, which may be looked upon as having some reference
to the Royal Arch, but in no sense to Christian degrees." Grand Master Gardner
asserted that || the Ritual was made by Fowle and Gleason, while Webb devoted
his attention mostly to the Chapter degrees." 1 In x869 Grand Master Gardner
commissioned Grand Commander James H. Hopkins of Pennsylvania, as his
representative, to visit the several European Templar bodies, to inspect and
report upon the condition, array, mode of conferring the Orders, and other
matters of interest therein, to the Grand Encampment. He was received with
that Knightly courtesy and hospitality which demonstrates the universality and
catholicity of Masonic fellowship in Scotland, England, Prussia, and Malta.
The following interesting extract forms a portion of his report: ‑ "Comparing
the internal organization and ceremonial of our American commanderies with the
encampments of England, we find a difference in the titles of all the officers
except Eminent Commander and Prelate, and there are some discrepancies in the
forms. The rituals for the Order of the Temple are substantially the same; but
there is scarcely a trace of resemblance between our Order of Malta and that
of England, the latter being full, attractive, and imposing. The Grand
Vice‑Chancellor of England presented me with a certified copy of their
rituals, which I will, with much pleasure, submit to your inspection and care.
"The mongrel anachronism which
we call the Order of the Red Cross, is unknown in Europe. It is worthy of
consideration, whether its lessons could not be more appropriately taught in
the chapter, and whether the commandery would not thereby be made more
symmetrical and effective by giving them more time and exclusive attention to
the Orders of Christian Knighthood." 2 It was manufactured by Webb and his
associates from the Knight of the East or. Sword, Kni ht of the East and West,
and other degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite. ‑ Creigh.
A. F. Chapman, in Sketches
from the Records of St. Andrew's Chapter, Boston.
The late Albert G. Mackey was
clearly of the opinion that this degree, as well as the Templar degrees, was
introduced into the country by the possessors of the degrees of the Ancient
and Accepted Rite, who received them from the founders of that Rite in Europe.
If the ceremony called " Red
Cross," mentioned in the South Carolina diploma,' and vote of St. Andrew's
Chapter, before referred to, was identical with that practised in Boston and
King Darius Councils, and enumerated in the minutes of the meeting at which
St. John's Commandery of Providence, Rhode Island, was organized, then it is
clear that the degree is not the work of Webb, who was not a Knight Templar at
the time the permission to record their proceedings in the minute‑book of St.
Andrew's Chapter was given' It is possible that changes were introduced by
Webb, but the tradition that he was the originator must yield, as other myths
of Dlasonry have done, before the researches of the historians of Masonry;
but, before Webb's claims to paternity are set aside, it must be considered
that an entirely dissimilar degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, that of
the Rose Croix, has, through ignorance, frequently been spoken of as the Red
Cross, and it is barely possible that the Red Cross referred to in the
Charleston diploma and Massachusetts record was not identical with the
ceremony founded upon the Persian legend. This much at least is to be said:
before the era of Webb the degree was little known and rarely practised, and
it is to him that we are indebted for its preservation and propagation, as a
part of the American Templar system. The misalliance of a degree distinctively
Jewish in its teachings and character, with others founded upon the Christian
religion, and teaching distinctively Christian doctrine, "purged," to use the
words of Brother Parvin, "of all the leaven of heathen rites and traditions,"
from a ritualistic point of view, was unfortunate, and is to be regretted,
more especially as it, like the Mark degree in the Chapter, renders special
preparations necessary in order to enable our English and Canadian Fratres
eligible to visit our bodies. As far as possible, Masonry everywhere ought to
be uniform, and it is a blunder, of no mean proportions, to set up a scale of
degrees in one country which does not prevail in another, speaking the same
language, and deriving their Masonry from the same primitive source. The
teachings of the degree cannot be too highly commended, despite the
incongruities and absurdities which characterize it.
It is not this writer's
purpose to attempt to trace the development of the Templar degrees; indeed,
the paucity of facts obtainable at this day does not permit of its being done
; but, in a work of this character, it seems to, be necessary that something
should be said by way of explanation of the fact that a degree, so utterly
foreign to genuine Templarism, should be found in the American scale of
degrees and in no other Masonic system.
1 "The authenticity of this
diploma once established, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts are both antedated,
and the received tradition that Webb was the founder of our Red Cross grade
vanishes before the burning rays of the sun of truth.:'‑Extract from Letter,
Carson, 1883.
733 It has been before noted
that the Templar ceremony was practised in an irregular, sporadic manner "
under the sanction of the warrant " of " Blue " lodges. It is probably
impossible to fix the date or place of its introduction into the United
States, but it is certain that it did not come under the sanction of a warrant
or dispensation from any Masonic power, for none such existed anywhere at that
time, having control of the degree. Doubtless it came as the so‑called side
degrees of the present day come. One being in possession of a degree called to
his assistance the requisite number of others having the degree, who, meeting
in a lodge room, and having present its warrant, proceeded to make a Templar
or Templars, as the case might be; and, the ceremony ended, dissolved, never
to meet again. In the course of time, when Templars became more numerous, an
occasional attempt was made to make a record of these irregular, as we now
view them, proceedings; and, occasionally, diplomas were issued, some of
which, having come down to the present time, are exhibited as testimony of the
assumed fact that there were "regularly" existing Templar bodies in those
days. The ritual of the degree does not appear to have undergone the
rehabilitating process to which other degrees of Masonry were subjected, and,
while changes were undoubtedly made, either by accident or design, it is said
to be substantially in accord with that of our English Fratres.
The Malta Ritual, as it was
practised for many years, originated with Boston Encampment. Subsequently one,
said to have been prepared by Grand Master French, was adopted by the Grand
Encampment, which was superseded by a revision adopted in 1883, of which there
are two forms, a long and elaborate one, and a shorter one. The use of either
is optional.
In 1889 the Grand Encampment,
after a long and acrimonious controversy over a ritual reported to it in 1886,
adopted the || essentials " of a new ritual for the Red Cross and Templar
degrees, and appointed a committee to report, in 1892, the || ceremonials,"
and it was resolved to leave it optional with the several Grand Commanderies
to order what ritualistic ceremonies should be practised in their
jurisdictions, until the further order of the Grand Encampment in the
In 1859 the Grand Encampment
adopted " Ceremonies and Charges upon Constituting and Dedicating a Commandery
and Installing its Officers," and a "Burial Service of the Orders of Masonic
Knighthood," both of which are beautiful, appropriate and elaborate,
partaking, however, principally of the latter quality.
The Ethics of Templary.‑There
must be a standard of morals around which society can rally, and upon which
men holding diverse and even contrary opinions can plant themselves, without
yielding those things which appertain to religion. Until a common ground of
union and agreement is found, every system of morals must be regarded as so
many abstract theories, binding only as its precepts reach the heart and
conscience of each individual 734 THE CONCORDANT ORDERS.
member of society who accepts
them as his law. Freemasonry teaches the theory and practice of all that is
good in relation to God and to man, to the State and to the individual, and
the great object for which it exists, indeed, the only sufficient apology for
its existing at all, is the endeavor to find this common ground upon which all
good men, regardless of creed or country; can stand. It is greatly to its
praise that it can be truthfully said, in this respect, it has excelled all
other human agencies. In every age, its device has been liberty, equality,
fraternity, law, order, government, and not anarchy. It recognizes the dignity
of human nature, and man's right to as much freedom as he is fitted for; and
it knows nothing that should place one man below another, except ignorance,
debasement, and crime, and necessity of subordi nation to lawful will and
authority. Its mode of government, when Coesars and tyrants were usurping the
rights of the people, was that of a pure democracy ; in recesses into which no
Cmsar could penetrate, it taught the freedom and dignity of man. Amid all the
brutality and oppression around them the secret lodges, with their scheme of
truth, wrought out with the compass and the square, the ievel and the plumb,
were proving the wrong. Whatever might be the insolence of wealth and power
outside, within the mystic fold all were brethren, pledged to each other's
defence and support; overlooking national disputes, they enjoined the duty of
man helping his brother man, of standing by him when persecuted, giving him
decent burial after death, and shielding his widow and orphans from wrong and
privation. Freemasonry, then, is a Brotherhood. How to be brothers, indeed, in
the midst of diversities of interest, diversities of condition, diversities of
opinion and belief, diversities of race and nation, to be brothers still,
loving brothers in a world rent by violence, sundered by partition walls, full
of intolerance and party feeling, sectarian strife and exclusiveness of
caste,‑to be brothers amid the distinc. tions of common life, where wealth and
poverty, obscurity and eminence, jostle each other, where religious and
political differences, social distinctions and the exclusiveness of wealth,
all conspire to set men at a greater distance, and to water and cultivate the
obnoxious weed of selfishness, ‑is a problem which Freemasonry undertakes to
solve. It has combined the scattered elements of society, recalled men to a
sense of their fraternal relations, revived the sometimes almost extinguished
faith in friendship and virtue, opened a new temple, and set up a new altar
above all prejudice and dissension and selfishness, above all distinctions
except moral goodness, ‑ a temple dedicated to universal friendship, an altar
at which all humanity may kneel, where brethren may seek refuge together from
the strife and storms of human passion, defence and shelter within an
inviolable sanctuary of peace and love. While holding itself aloof from the
separate creeds, the symbolism of all Masonry, which is its peculiar mode of
instruction, inculcates all the duties which we owe to God as being his
children, and to men as being their brethren.
735 Dr. Oliver, one of the
most distinguished and learned of English Masons, says : ‑ "There is scarcely
a point of duty or morality, which man has been presumed to owe to God, his
neighbor, or himself, under the Patriarchal, the Mosiac, or the Christian
dispensations, which in the construction of our Symbolic system, has been left
untouched." But above all and before all it has taught a principle which has
permeated its every nerve, coursed through its every vein, and responded to
every throbbing of its heart, that man is sovereign over his mind, and must
deal in charity with the opinions and judgment of his fellows. If, then,
anywhere the door of any degree is closed against him who believes in one God
and the soul's immortality, on account of the other tenets of his faith, that
degree is not Freemasonry. That the Templar degrees form no part of Masonry,
we have the declaration of the reputed author of the American Rituals, Thomas
Smith Webb, who, in 1812, and several subsequent editions of his " Freemason's
Monitor," says : "Although the several Orders of Knighthood are conferred both
in Europe and America, reputedly under the sanction of Masonic assemblies,"
they " compose no part of the system of Freemasonry. They are," says he, "in
comparison to it, societies of but yesterday; and all of them fall short of
the excellence, harmony, universality, and utility of that noble Institution."
He asserts that in America they are only conferred as |` Honorary degrees."
These declarations are peculiarly refreshing, coming, as they do, from the man
who of all others is regarded as the lineal descendant and sole heir to all
the wisdom of Solomon himself, in the estimation of that far too numerous
class of so‑called Masonic teachers, who inculcate the idea that " true and
Ancient Masonry " is alone to be found in the " Webb work " of the several
degrees. It is time for intelligent Masons to divest themselves of the
superlatively ridiculous and often exploded idea, that there is any connection
between what we now know as Templarism and the Fraternity of Free and Accepted
Masons, except that which is found in the restriction of its membership to
those who have first received the several degrees of Masonry. As there is no
conflict between the Church in any of its branches, save and except such as
narrow‑minded bigots themselves have created in their own narrow imaginings,
so there is none between Masonry and Templarism. It is entirely compatible
with all the obligations of Masonry that a Mason should be a Templar, and we
do not derogate from our standing as Masons when we take upon ourselves the
additional vows of the Knights Templars ; but this does not make Templarism
Masonry, nor do we add anything to the dignity and high character of the Order
by making the assertion that it is.
The moral code of Templarism
is so interblended with religious teachings that what appertains strictly to
the domain of the science of ethics cannot readily be separated from the
dogmas of theology. The assertion of Aristotle, who says the custom of doing
good acts arises from the habit of moral virtue 736 THE CONCORD,4NT ORDERS is
only true so far as it extends; for unless religious principle is combin with
good morals, there cannot be a perfect character. The Masonic Cod requires
that to be done which ought to be done, simply because it is right that it
should be done, and not from any hope of reward or expectancy of; gratitude
from the recipient of the act ; while Templarism teaches that we are to await
the rewards of the valiant Templar, all good deeds having their reward,
because they are well‑pleasing in the sight of God, and He rewards, |` Do good
unto all men, but especially unto them who are of the household of faith,"
says St. Paul; therefore the Knight Templar draws his sword in defence of the
Christian religion, which is the household of faith, stimulated to the
discharge of every duty by the assurance that the memory of him who falls in a
just and virtuous cause is forever blessed, and, like the green bay tree,
shall flourish in immortal green. As a Red Cross Knight he is tried by the
test of truth, which is a divine attribute and the foundation of every virtue,
and taught that his engagements are sacred and inviolable, and no sacrifice is
too great to insure their maintenance. No human law insists with so much force
as that of chivalry upon an inviolable attachment to truth. Adherence to his
word is esteemed the most honorable part of a Knight's character ; and hence
the giving of the lie involved a mortal and irreparable affront, and formerly
was to be expiated only by blood. An oath or promise of a Knight, is of all
oaths and promises the most inviolable and binding. In the days of chivalry,
Knights are said to have been sworn "to speak the truth." Knights taken in
battle engaged to come of their own accord to prison, whenever it was required
by their captors, and on their word of honor they were allowed liberty for the
time, and no one ever doubted that they would fulfil their engagements. The
loyalty of the Knights of old to the vows of chivalry is illustrated by the
fidelity of Zerubbabel to his companions at Jerusalem ; and hence, in the
impressive ceremonies of the Red Cross degree, we find the great lesson
taught, that to attain the truth, and to serve our fellows, our coun, try and
mankind, is the noblest destiny of man.
The solemn ceremonies which
anciently accompanied the creation of Knight, ‑ austere fasts, whole nights
passed in prayer, the Sacraments of confession, penance, and the Eucharist,
bathings which prefigured purity of manners and life, a white habit as a
symbol of the same purity, and a serious attention to sermons, were all duties
of preparation, devoutly performed by the neophyte for the sword of
chivalry,‑whose sword was girded on accompanied by these or similar words: ‑ "
In the name of God, of St. Michael, and of St. George, I make thee a Knight;
be brave, be hardy, be loyal," Affords the groundwork of the American Templar
dogma. We now pledge ourselves to the pursuit of a warfare which requires no
swords, demands the shedding of no blood, and exhibits no beauseant save the
cross of Him who THE ETHICS AND RITUAL.
went about doing good. It is
the |` Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father," which St. James
declares to be : |' To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction,
and to keep himself unspotted from the world." The sword of Knighthood is no
longer drawn, save as a symbol; but the great principles which moved and
inspired the chivalric Soldier of the Temple to press forward to the rescue of
the Holy Sepulchre from the profanation of infidel hordes, and to protect and
afford hospitality to weary pilgrims travelling from afar, to respect and
shield the virtue of woman, and protect the helpless, yet lives and finds
expression in the lives of the modern Templars, whose swords, endowed with
justice impartial, fortitude undaunted, and mercy unrestrained, are never
drawn in the cause of oppression, injustice, or falsehood. Let us then close
up the ranks, and, shoulder to shoulder, as becomes brave men and true,
manfully fight the great battle of life, discharging its duties as becomes |`
heroes in the strife," and pressing forward to the goal with certain
confidence ' in the Great Captain and Leader of our salvation, even Jesus
Christ the Lord.
Born January 4, 18io. Died
September i, x8go.
IN 1888 a well‑known Masonic
Editor wrote: "The name of LieutenantColonel William James Bury MacLeod Moore,
G. C. T., Supreme Grand Master, of the Sovereign Great Priory of Knights
Templar of Canada, is one that will live when its possessor shall have passed
to the `Great Beyond."' This is a sentiment which will strike a responsive
chord in the breast of every reader as he peruses the pages following, the
preparation of which closed the long lifework of the eminent brother, who has
now passed to his reward, the summons coming even amidst his closing labors
thereon. Of his presence and character, General Albert Pike, a life‑long
friend, says: ‑ " He had the air and manner of a soldier always, free from
arrogance or self‑sufficiency, being invariably a dignified, courteous, and
affable gentleman, ver& simolicitate bonus, candid, frank, and sincere,
altogether a man after the old pattern, and withal a most kindly, lovable man.
Not smiled upon by fortune in the later years of life, nor free from vexatious
annoyances and heavy crosses: but he accepted these and all the ills of life,
and the deprivations and disabilities of old age, with equanimity, as a wise
man should: and to the last stoutly resisted any innovations in the Knights
Templary of Canada, these seeming to him depravations that would vulgarize
He received the three degrees
of Craft Masonry in a single evening, on the 17th of August, x827, when only
seventeen years of age, at a special meeting of Glenkindie Lodge held in the
house of the Master, Major General Sir Alexander Leith. In 11831 he was
exalted to the Royal Arch Degree, and made Mark Master: and October 29, 1844,
was installed High Knight Templar and Knight of Malta, in the Encampment
attached to Lodge 2ó2, in the old town of Boyle, County Roscommon, in Ireland.
He received the degrees of the A.‑.A.% S.‑. Rite in New York City, in the year
1863, and his subsequent record is mentioned in his monograph in this work.
Grand Master Henderson (his successor),‑who has also since passed to a better
life,‑in a memorial circular, says : " In x849‑So, when, as an officer in H.‑.
M.*. 69th Regiment, he was stationed at Malta, he was mainly instrumental in
reviving the Masonic Order of the Temple in that Island, and on his arrival in
Canada, in 1852, he at once identified himself with Freemasonry, being most
zealous in its advancement. Having ascertained that there were historic
records extant of an old encampment at the city of Kingston, with a zeal and
ardor truly his own he set about reviving it, and through his well‑known
influence with the Supreme Grand Conclave he obtained in the year 1854 a
warrant for its revival under the name of the Hugh de Payens Encampment, and
was gazetted the first Eminent Commander. To his exertions the revival of the
Order in Canada is wholly due, and the twenty‑seven preceptories now under the
banner of the Sovereign Great Priory bear witness to the success of his
efforts in the cause of the Order of the Temple. Such whole‑souled devotion of
his time and talents won prompt and deserved recognition at the hands of the
pre. ceptories, and the highest office in the gift of the Fratres was bestowed
on him. He was unanimously elected Supreme Grand Master 'Ad Vitam, which
office he worthily filled up to the time of his death. He was honorary member
of several preceptories, not only in his own, but also in foreign
jurisdictions; and in the year 1873, H.'. R.. H.. the Prince of Wales, as
Grand Master of the Order of the Temple, conferred on him the distinguished
honor of the Grand Cross of the Temple,‑one of twenty‑one, six of whom were
royal personages." The Order of the Temple became the work of his life, and
the Allocutions that form the basis of his contribution to this work, and
which for so many years he sent forth, are mines of historic research and
valuable information. He was a recognized authority in Masonic lore and
especially in that of Templary. THE EDITOR‑IN‑CHIEF..
WHEN M.‑. E.‑. Grand Master
Moore was solicited to prepare Division XVII,. of this work, it was with
extreme reluctance that he consented to write the monograph, which follows
next in order in this volume. We felt from the, beginning that it was his last
effort, and so it proved. However, he lived to see his " History of British
Templary " in type, and to partially read the first few pages. It is only
just, then, to the memory of the Grand Master to state that, had he been
permitted to correct the proofs of his invaluable monograph, the language and
style in several places would, undoubtedly, have been changed. The
Editor‑in‑Chief, in these cases, has made such corrections of the original MS.
as precision and perspicuity demanded, and such as he feels the authdr himself
would have sanctioned.
A History of the Modern or
Masonic Templar Systems, with a Concise Account of the Origin of S‑5eculative
Freemasonry, and its Evolution since The Revival, A.D. 1717.
MACLEOD MOORE, Formerly of H.'. B.*. M.*. 69th Regt., and Staff Officer of
Military Out‑Pensions in Canada.
Supreme Grand Master "Ad Pitam
" of the Sovereign Great Priory of Canada, United Orders of the Temple and
Malta ; One of the Original Grand Crosses of the Order, instituted by H.‑.
R.‑. H.‑. the Prince of Wales; Grand Inspector General 33| A.‑. A.% S.‑. Rite
of Freemasonry, etc., etc., etc.
Esq., Registrar of the Dean and Chapter of York, York Cathedral, En; land.
not consider there is any one to whom I can more fitly or properly dedicate
this sketch of the modern Knights Templar system, in connection with
Freemasonry, than to yourself, with whom, for so many years past, I have had
the most instructive and interesting correspondence on Templar matters; whose
matured views on the subject so entirely coincide with my own, and who first
suggested to me, some time back, to re‑write, correct, and re‑arrange the
historical portions of my annual Templar addresses to the Great Priory of
Canada, but which I have been unable to accomplish until the present time.
The general approval of my
efforts to place the Templar degrees upon a rational and common‑sense footing,
and more particularly the flattering encomiums passed upon them by our
esteemed friend and brother William James Hughan of Torquay‑the well‑known and
acknowledged accurate historian of Freemasonry‑were most gratifying, and
induced me to carry out your kindly meant suggestions by the present
I am always, my dear Brother
Whytehead, Sincerely Your Frater in Christo, Fra. WM. JAS. BURY MAcLEOD MOORE,
G. C. T., PRESCOTT, ONTARIO, CANADA. Sup. G. Master, The Templars of Canada.
March, i8go.
Preface. ‑ The following
compilation of the history of the modern Templar degrees is a reiteration of
the historical portions of my various annual addresses and fugitive papers
which I have for thirty‑six years past delivered, from my own stand‑point, to
the Templar body of Canada, as an explanatory history. In these I now contend
that it is a mistake to connect Templary with Freemasonry, although at one
time I believed a union had existed between the ancient builders, 11
Stone‑masons," and the chivalric orders. 741 INTRODUCTION.
After the most careful
researches, exhausting every source of information, I have discovered this to
be a mere delusion, devoid of all truth.
The Freemasonry of the
"revival" inculcates the doctrine of Theism; that of Templary is, and has
always been, Trinitarian Christian: how, then, can two such contradictory and
antagonistic elements be transformed into degrees of the universal system of
Freemasonry, without destroying the vital characteristics of both? This has
been a subject of careful investigation by me for a lifetime, having been a
Mason (some) sixty years, and a Templar (nearly) half a century, in possession
of almost all the rites and degrees professing to be Masonic, and having
witnessed the various ceremonials and the effects of their working in
different places and situations, forming a fair estimate of their usefulness
and authenticity. The results of my researches and experience were from time
to time laid before my confreres of the Templar body in Canada, and have been
printed with the Annual Proceedings of the Great Priory.
I may appear to have
frequently indulged in fault‑finding with the system of purely Masonic
Templary practised in the United States of America, and am fully alive to the
fact that the popularity of the degrees there among its most enlightened
members, is an argument stronger than all the criticism that can be brought
against it; but, in order to explain my objections, it was necessary to refer
to the glaring discrepancies and inconsistencies existing, which prove the
system to be not only false, but a perversion of the principles of the true
Templar Order, from which it derives its name, ‑ merely an imitation military
Masonic degree, ‑a parody upon the pure doctrines of the ancient Templars.
True modern Templary is a
Christian society of the most orthodox kind, in no way forming a part of the
universal system of Speculative Freemasonry. Although it does not claim a
direct descent from the ancient Order after its suppression and dispersion in
the fourteenth century, still a continuous connection exists, and the
perpetuation of its doctrinal principles and usages is accounted for and
traced from many of the dispersed members retiring into secular life
throughout Europe, taking refuge in the monasteries and the contemporary Order
of " St. John of Jerusalem," afterward known as Knights of Malta. If the old
Templar Order is dead, its teachings have survived. Nothing is more certain
than that the rules, constitutions, and even the general features of its
ritual and ceremonies have been preserved, appropriated, and' practised in the
modern reformed system ; that, with such modifications as the changes of
opinion and state of society demand, it is a revival, in the British Empire,
of the same objects which it correctly represents. This view of the subject
has the weight of evidence, legendary as well as historical, over the
visionary assumption of Masonic Templary and its ceremonial. Unfortunately,
many members of the Masonic Fraternity, who have taken the Templar degrees,
endeavor to pervert its Christian character by advocating INTRODUCTION.
743 theories under the cover
of science or criticism, to undermine truth. They eagerly seize upon any new
discovery, physical or moral, to use against Christianity, and insist that, in
the course of evolution, the old Templar doctrines were merged into
Speculative Freemasonry of a universal creed. Although they profess not to
doubt the substantial correctness of the origin of Templary and its
principles, yet they will not admit the advisability, in its modern form, of
perpetuating its Trinitarian Christian character. They consider that Knights
Templary and Freemasonry must eventually yield to evolutionary progress, and
believe that man's conception of the Deity corresponds with his knowledge of
Nature and with advanced intellectual studies.
Such is the language of the
present day, replacing the tenets of the Catholic or Universal faith by a
"go‑as‑you‑please " Christianity, exposed to the insidious attack of the
freethinker and the sceptic, with whom philosophy takes the place of religious
truths,‑who substitute satire for reverence,‑and who professing to be wise,
reject Revelation, and are thus opposed to those who desire to perpetuate, as
followers of the old Templar principles, the doctrines of the Catholic faith,
to the honor and glory of God.
The formula of reception into
the Christian degrees of Knights Templary is totally distinct and different in
structure, creed, and usages, from that of the Templar degrees based upon
Freemasonry. The admission of members of the Hebrew persuasion and Unitarians,
on this continent, is directly opposed to the teachings and constitutions of
the Order strictly enforced in the British Empire, which require a test of
belief in the Holy and undivided Trinity, washout which no Templary can exist,
all special pleading to the contrary, notwithstanding.
The extraordinary
inconsistency in the Masonic Templar degrees is shown by the fact that many
commanderies in the United States of America introduce the Easter services of
the Episcopal Church into their ceremonials. Is not this a direct
contradiction of their assertion that Templary is an integral portion of
Freemasonry, whose universal creed q‑nores the doctrines of the Catholic
faith, and Incarnation of the Messiah? for there are not, and never were, and
never can be, two kinds of Christianity. But many of the members of Masonic
Templary seem to have no convictions at all upon the subject, appearing to
consider the Templar degrees merely an imitation military appendage to Free
and Accepted Masonry, imposing in appearance on the careless crowd, with whom
military pomp and public display too often usurp the place of truth, contrary
to the well‑known principles, usages, and occurrences of daily life.
Even if there had been a
connection between the ancient builders and the old military Templars, which
has been distinctly disproved, how could there be any with the present
symbolic system, when this was only first heard of in the last century, nearly
five hundred years after the suppression of the military Order? Much of the
history of Masonry written in former times has been proved by modern
investigation to be unreliable, and it is only within 744 BRITISH TEMPLAR Y.
the last thirty years that any
attempt has been made to clear up the contradictory opinions and fables that
surround Masonic Templary, respecting its origin And meaning, with its assumed
Masonic connection. Previously no trouble had been taken to investigate the
truth or falsehood of the assertions made, ‑ every idle story and legend being
taken for granted as strictly true. Various theories have been advanced, at
different times, to prove that the Templar system was a component part of
Freemasonry; but all have failed to convince, in the face of historic facts
and modern criticism, however carefully perversive of truth these inferences
may have been arranged.
The argument brought forward
that the Templar degrees formed a part of the original system of the Masonic
Craft revival is evidently incorrect, being based on anachronisms, as they
refer to periods long after the invention and adoption of Masonic Templary.
Therefore the assertion of the United States of America Templars, that Masonic
Templary was always a part of the Symbolic Masonry of the revival, from its
being conferred in Masonic bodies there since 1785, has no force. Although the
Templar degrees have been in connection with Freemasonry for about a century
past, it does not follow that they previously had any such connection. It was
only about that time, or a few years earlier, that the error was made in Great
Britain and Ireland of adding the chivalric Templar Order to the Masonic
system; the mistake originating in the false legend that, at the suppression
and dispersion of the old military Order, in the fourteenth century, many of
the members joined the Masonic Craft of builders, introducing into Freemasonry
the usages of their old religious military Order. This has been amply proved
to be an idle tale without foundation. Why, then, continue to perpetuate so
glaring a misstatement? If the United States of America Templars chose to form
a system of Templary out of Freemasonry, it does not follow that Freemasonry
and Templary are synonymous. They also claim that the Templar degrees were
always conferred only under Masonic Craft charters ; but this latter really
means having the Craft warrant in the room during the Templar ceremonies, for
no other purpose than to give them sufficient authority as adopted Masonic
degrees. In these remarks I have followed the maxim of speaking positz'vely of
what I know and am convinced is true, being well aware that the public mind is
never drawn or held by doubtful suppositions or speculations, the majority
seldom taking the trouble to investigate the truth.
The term "Allocution," "a
speaking to," and that of military, added to the title religious Templars,
merely follows the ancient Order, to show whence they are derived. "
Allocution " refers to the 1| Mandates " of the ancient Grand Masters, but is
not, with the title military, strictly applicable to our modern system, which
does not pretend to establish a new knightly military Order, but to represent
and perpetuate, in a Masonic Christian society, the principles and usages of
the old obsolete religious and military fraternities of the Middle Ages. To
address the members by the title of "Sir," prefixed to INTRODUCTION.
745 the name, is manifestly
incorrect, as it implies a civil rank in the prerogative of the Crown alone,
and is but a caricature of national dignities. " Sir Knight " is equally
wrong, being but a quaint poetical license of || ye olden time," to denote the
occupation, as " Sir Page," 1| Sir Monk," " Sir Priest," etc., etc. It may
also have been adopted from the French Monsieur le Chevalier, referring to the
title in allusion to the obsolete "Ordre du Temple" of France ; but it can
only be proper to use it occasionally in preceptories, for the distinct
purpose of not appearing to ape the civil orders of knighthood. Correctly
speaking, Sir is never used as a prefix to the surname itself unless the
Christian name is added; this mistake frequently occurs on this continent. The
proper term of address is brother or frater, plural fratres, not the false
Latin, fraters. This word has no reference to the Roman Catholic Priesthood ;
it is merely the Latin for brother, in common use by the religious military
fraternities of the Middle Ages. There is no such thing as Masonic knighthood
! Any such claim or usage is but a childish fable. The honors of knighthood
can only be conferred by the Sovereign of the realm, or the representative of
the Sovereign, duly authorized.
Acknowledgment. ‑I feel it
incumbent upon me to acknowledge the valuable information I have obtained, at
different times, by the perusal of the most reliable publications, and
personal correspondence, from all of which I have derived instruction and
profit, adopting in many instances the information recorded, and largely
drawing from them in the course of my remarks; viz.: "Addison's History of the
Knights Templars," published in England, 1842, with later editions;
Major‑General Porter's (Royal Engineers) "History of the Knights of Malta,"
who is now a Knight of Justice of the English Order of St. John of Jerusalem;
' Burnes' Sketch of the History of the Knights Templars," Edinburgh Edition,
1837; also " Secret Societies " of the Middle Ages, article "Templary," in the
Library of Useful Knowledge, 1837; "The History and Persecution of the
Templars," bv O'Neil Haye; "A Concise History of the Order of the Temple," by
Sir Pat'k Colquhoun, LL.D.; " Sketch of the Knights Templars and St. John of
Jerusalem," with notes on The Masonic Templars," by Richard Woof, F.R.S., of
Worcester, England, 1865; Origin of the Early History of Freemasonry," by W.
G. Steinbrennar, New York, 1864, Macoy & Sickles, a very instructive work; "
History of Freemasonry in the District of Malta," by A. M. Broadly of Lincoln
Inn, London, Barrister; besides numerous other works and Masonic pamphlets,
etc., together with that most exhaustive Masonic history of modern times, by
R. F. Gould, Barrister at law, London, England,‑the fullest ever published, ‑a
perfect mine of information in itself, not to be found in any other
publication. These works, added to my personal correspondence with Sir Pat'k
Colquhoun, LL.D., the Arch Registrar of Convent General, and the Hon. J Fitz‑Henry
Townsend, Judge of the Admiralty Courts, Dublin, the Arch Chancellor of
Convent General, and Grand Commander of the A..A.%S..R:. 33| for Ireland;
General Albert Pike, the charming Masonic author and Nestor of the Symbolism
of Freemasonry, Grand Commander A..A..S..R:.
for the Southern Jurisdiction,
United States of America, with many other Masonic authorities. To Hughan of
Torquay, the erudite English Masonic historian, Whytehead of York, the zealous
supporter of the theory of a continuation of the trite history of the Templars
to the present time, as shown in the reformed Templar system of the Empire, I
am greatly indebted; also to Dr. John H. Graham, of Richmond, Quebec, the
Ex‑Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Quebec, whose learned and scholarly
addresses on Freemasonry have done so much to advance the prosperity of the
Order in that Province and of his own Grand Lodge ; but more particularly to a
Masonic friend and able writer, whose acquaintance I formed some few years
back (but who does not wish his name made public), from whom I derived most
interesting and rarely valuable information on the early Christian character
of Freemasonry, and from whom also I received the translation of a ritual
belonging to the late Dr. Hans B. Gram, a Danish physician, who had been chief
surgeon to his late Majesty Christian VII. of Denmark, subsequently settling
in New York, 1825, where he died in I84o, a man of acknowledged ability and
culture, a member of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, the principles of
which noble Order he promulgated, fully realizing the Christian teachings of
the old religious and military fraternities as the true source of Christian
Masonry without any reservation.
The Danish Christianized
Masonic Ritual is unique, and believed to have been obtained from the
Brotherhood of St. John, at the Great Masonic Con‑ 746 ARM= TEMPLAR Y.
gress of Wilhelmsbad, Hesse
Cassel, in 1782, as a true explanation of the three degrees of Symbolic
Christian Freemasonry.
It would appear that the
Danish Sovereign is a hereditary Grand Master of the Fraternity of St. John in
that kingdom, carried there by quondam Protestant Knights after the dispersion
of the combined Scottish chivalric Order of the Temple and St. John, at the
Reformation. From the sacred character of its ceremonies, it is not generally
or publicly made known, being only communicated with the greatest
circumspection, to prevent the sacred truths, revealed in the privacy of its
chapters, being made the sport of the unbeliever and the "profane," and which
could be of no interest to those who profess the sceptical and rationalistic
views of the present day. The Ritual was delivered to me under the same
restrictions; it has nothing in common with the Danish one of Free and
Accepted Masonry of the English revival, A.D. 17 17, and is in no respect a
part of Baron Hund's Templar system of the "Strict Observance," both of which
it altogether ignores.
A certain analogy seems to
exist between the degrees of Cosmopolitan Freemasonry and Christianity, which
is better explained by a synopsis of the teachings of the ancient Christian
The secrets of the Mystery of
Christianity were only communicated to the initiates, and these initiates were
first made Christians, then advanced in Christianity, and finally raised to a
knowledge of all its Aporrheta. There were three degrees or steps in
Christianity, and its religious system was known as the "Disczplina Arcani"‑the
discipline of the secret. There was an esoteric and exoteric doctrine. The
three classes who received the three degrees of the primitive Church were the
" Catechumens," the " Competentes," and the 11 Illuminati." In the first
degree of Christianity the candidate was baptized. Baptism introduced the
believer to the Christian Mystery. The sacred doctrines taught in the several
degrees were those of the " Trinity in Unity," "the Incarnation of the Logos
or Son of God," "the Crucifixion," || the Resurrection," and the " Secret of
the Liturgy." Baptism initiated the candidate, while a participation in the
Lord's Supper, or Eucharist, marked the raising of the candidate to the
highest degree of Christian light and doctrine. All through the writings of
the Early Fathers of the Church reference is made to the Christian mysteries
and their secret doctrines. Initiates were strictly forbidden to paint, cut,
or carve any reference to them.
The Templar System's
Connection with Freemasonry. ‑The modern Templar system having been so long
intimately associated with Freemasonry, it becomes necessary, for a better
understanding of the subject, to give some account of the radical changes
made, and of the reorganization of the Fraternity in England, commenced in
A.D. 17 17, by the revivalists. This is done to show that the old orders of
chivalry could never have had any connection with Freemasonry, except in the
imagination of the last century Masons; and to state my view, conviction,
deductions, and stand‑point, so materially different from that usually
adopted, and arrived at after many years of careful investiga tion and
research from all available sources and written authorities. Many of the
discrepancies in Masonic history arise from not knowing or not distinguishing
the wide difference between " Ancient Christian Freemasonry " and the Free and
Accepted Masonry of the present day. This will help to explain and account for
the supposed connection with the old religious and military orders of the
Middle Ages.
It would be useless to refer
to the antiquity of all the Masonic traditions, only interesting to the
antiquarian, and giving but little insight into Masonic rites and degrees. Our
knowledge commences with the Christian era, passing over reference to the
building of the Solomonian Temple and the usages of the workmen employed at
that period, ‑ a mere matter of conjecture, of no account in the present
The Sacred Mysteries. ‑
Ancient Symbolic Speculative Masonry arose from the teachings of the sacred
mysteries' ritualistically practised in Ireland and Scotland A.D. 6oo to Boo,
and at a later period in many parts of Germany, France, and other countries of
Europe. The revelation of them was constantly made to the Prophets ; and these
mysteries were taught in their schools and colleges, extending to the time of
the Christian dispensation, pure and untainted, although surrounded,
throughout their course, by all sorts of heathen superstition. They were
violently opposed by the Jews, and were derided by the members of the ancient
Pagan mysteries that flourished in the fifth century, and which continued
until A.D. 8oo, when they ceased.
The Ancient Mysteries. ‑There
were many religious mysteries of the ancient world, that history explains,
which, with the spirit and spread of the Christian religion, became extinct.
The whole course of history flatly contradicts the possibility of a
perpetuation of their doctrines.
I The truths contained in the
sacred mysteries were the counterpart of Divine revelation,the forerunner of
the Christian faith,‑preserved from the " Beginning," having been known and
transmitted to succeeding generations by the Patriarchs.
The idea of a direct
connection between them and Freemasonry is nothi more than an idle fancy, for
the resemblance of certain isolated Masonic symbols and customs is no
evidence, as all such societies are similar in many: respects. Scripture
defines the sacred mysteries simply as revealed truth, that; none could
discover, but which God himself has made known. The religious Mysteries taught
in the cloisters of the early Church were anterior to the Christian religion,
being the Spirit of Prophecy: they saw Christ by faith, and' represented Him
and His doctrines by symbols ; they are in existence to‑day,; as they were
then, the advent of Christ confirming their glory. They teach that none can
claim the right to eternal life beyond the grave, save those who believe in
Him that liveth and was dead and is now alive forevermore, and;, who follow
Him, in the narrow path marked out for pilgrims in their sojourn here upon
(fraternity of Operative
Stone‑Masons.‑In the tenth century a peculiar fraternity of 1| Operative
Stone‑builders," ‑ well known over Europe,‑' claimed the right, under Papal
privileges, of exercising the building‑craftii throughout all Christendom, and
to be exclusively employed on all sacred; edifices. They were established in
England about the time of the Conquest,; or a few years earlier, under a local
superior, having communication with they head of the whole body in Europe; and
it is well authenticated that the first;; association of " Stone‑masons " in
the Christian world were employed in the services of the Church. They kept the
rules of their craft secret, to preserve its monopoly. They were always
engaged in the construction of the great; Ecclesiastical edifices of the time,
and were protected by Papal charters and; supported by the most talented and
influential men, throughout the whole of their history.
Ancient Speculative Lodges.‑It
is well authenticated that lodges of Speculative Masonry for instruction were
anciently held, presided over by I Master builders. Many of these builders
were of high Ecclesiastical rank, great learning, and renown, who taught the
rude workmen the religious and 11 moral principles for which the Fraternity
was noted, as well as the laws of the‑' Craft. They also instructed them in
the then mystery of architecture, which was carefully concealed from all who
were not initiated into the brotherhood.
Mesouraneo Waiters, or Seekers
in the Temple.‑These lodges were, it is said by some authors, known by the
compound Greek word "Mesouraneo,"in which the sound has been corrupted into
Masonry, the meaning of which is " Waiters or seekers in the Temple," or those
who waited to have Divine I truth proclaimed. This meaning applies the term
strictly, not to Solomon's Temple, or to any other material building, but to
the spiritual temple, Man, who is constantly progressing and being prepared as
a living stone for the ‑ building not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens.
Another interpreta tion has been given, vii. : " I dwell in the midst of
Heaven." This, when, connected with the other, makes it more pointed and
impressive,‑one beings ORIGIN OF SYMBOLIC FREEMASONRY.
"Waiters" or "Seekers," the
other, the result of that waiting or seeking; viz.: "Heavenly vision or
enjoyment, the reward of good works." This word 1Ylesouraneo appears to suit
admirably Symbolic Masonry, although much fault has been found with it by
hyper‑critical Masonic reviewers.
In order to understand more
clearly the object and meaning of Freemasonry, it will be proper to give
concisely some particulars of its origin and evolution.
The Millennial Delusion.‑At
the beginning of the eleventh century the Christians, relieved from their
mistaken apprehension that the "one thousand years" of the Apocalypse would be
completed at the termination of the tenth century, and that the end of the
world was at hand, hastened to build new and to repair the old Ecclesiastical
structures. Succeeding the ruin of Imperial Rome and the overthrow of the
Western Roman Empire, in the year 476, the great historic period between
classic antiquity and modern times is called the Dark or Middle Ages, when the
world was sunk in the deepest ignorance and crime ‑ its days and nights passed
in violence, wrong, and oppression ‑ until the Reformation brought it to a
close. During its transition, new nationalities and institutions had struggled
into existence. The Dark Ages.‑Human learning was confined to the monasteries
during this era in the world's dark history, there being few outside the
religious houses who could read or write; but, in its place, the old 1|
stone‑builders " have left much of its history in chronicles of stone, that
exist to the present day, and all the documents that remain of the |1 ancient
builders " attest their practical piety, morality, and honesty.
The Benedictine Order of
Monks. ‑ In the early days of Christianity the Benedictine Order of Monks was
the repository of every branch of science and education. To them it is
conceded, and it is well known to all who nave examined the subject, that the
Order was pure, as far as the leading doctrines of Christianity were
concerned. We are indebted to them for the preservation of the sacred or
divine mysteries which existed and flourished centuries before the chivalric
era, and whose symbols and ceremonies taught the doctrines of Time, Death,
Immortality, and Redemption, with a knowledge of the undivided personality of
the Holy Trinity, the manifestation of the Redeemer God‑Man, the Atonement,
the Resurrection of the Body, and Man's responsibilty.
It was exclusively the
"Benedictines," and later along the "Cistercian" Order of Monks, who employed
themselves in architecture. Many extensive buildings were erected by the
monks, assisted by the lay‑brothers and ser vants of the monasteries. The
Abbots or Superiors designed the plans for the buildings. The lay‑brothers,
who dwelt within the circle of the monastic establishments, and had assisted
the monks in the erection of the religious houses, in the course of time
formed similar associations among themselves 749 750 BRITISH TEMPLARY outside
of the monasteries. From the latter sprang the independent lodges of German
Stone‑masons of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, which still preserve
their Christian character, as is shown by their primitive lodges being called
after this or that Saint.
The ancient building society
of Strasburg, in Germany, was known as "The Brothers of St. John." The
Independent Lodges of Operative Stone‑masons abolished. ‑At the commencement
of the great Christian reformation, the taste for extensive religious
buildings began to pass away, and the Ecclesiastical Orders to abandon their
zeal for architecture ; and, at the dissolution of the religious houses, the
lay‑brothers, architects, from the cloisters, affiliating with the guilds of
ordinary stone‑masons, by degrees lost the main character of the old Order.
Their technology had become obsolete; and, in place of the holy and sacred
truths which had built them up, their whole attention was turned to ordinary
After the Reformation, when
great ecclesiastical building ceased almost entirely, the Stone‑masons'
society degenerated to the level of mere Operative Craftsmen; also, in the
course of time, the ceremonial forms and usages that distinguished them, now
no longer understood, lost by degrees their peculiar significance ; yet some
of the ancient ceremonies were always retained and preserved, so that, at the
establishment of the modern present Symbolic system, many of their customs and
usages were still in existence, requiring only a different and new
At the present day we have no
authentic documents which refer to the organization of the Operative
Fraternity during the most flourishing period of its existence. The fall of
the monasteries entailed the fall of the Operative Craft lodges attached to
them, and in France at the beginning of the sixteenth century, about 1539, the
independent Operative Craft lodges were abolished, as a fraternity, by Francis
I., the last assembly being held in A.D. 1563.
The Origin of the Name
Freemason. ‑ The name " Freemason " appear., for the first time in Statute 25
of Edward I., of England, A.D. 1350. "Lt statutes d'articer et servants," and
from the original French text of the statute the word signifies a |1
Free‑stone Mason," one who works in free‑stone, as distinguished from the
rough mason who merely built wall of rough stones. The modern acceptation of
the word gives it as " Free of the Guilds of the Craft." In the beginning of
the seventeenth century, persons who were not Operative Masons began to unite
with the Freemasons, and were distinguished from the regular working Masons by
the denomination of "Accepted." It is certain that many noblemen, gentlemen,
military officers, clergymen, and others, attracted by the moral principles of
the Fraternity, joined the existing lodges, and to them may be ascribed the
radical changes that afterward took place, in the reconstruction of the Order.
It is well known that some of those earlier and most prominent Masons were men
75, and prone to push forward
abstract theories, as well as to mix themselves up with matters philosophical.
It is, therefore, easy to suppose that to such minds the dogmas of the Church
would be distasteful ; their imitators of the present day, of the heterodox
doctrines of the "Unitarian school," it is gratifying to know, are in a small,
though active minority in British Templar circles.
The Decay of Speculative
Lodges. ‑By the year 1702, the Speculative lodges in England began to decay
and fall into oblivion, becoming so degenerated as to be applied to purposes
of gain and self‑interest; appearing to the minds of the credulous and
superstitious merely as a mysterious secret society, useful to mariners and
travellers visiting different parts of the world, as a safe introduction among
It is recorded in the
publications of that day, as a common thing, when passing along the streets of
London and Liverpool, particularly by the riverside, to observe large painted
signs over the doors of ale houses and sailors' lodgings: "Masons made here
for 12S." It was when the ancient forms had commenced to decay and the true
comprehension of the meaning of ceremonials, usages, and discipline was dying
out, that the Fraternity felt the necessity of preventing its total extinction
by reestablishing the Ancient Landmarks and reinstating the Order.
The Revival. ‑A.D. 1717 saw a
complete change, at the hands of James Anderson, D.D., born in Edinburgh at
the close of the seventeenth century, a minister of the Scottish Presbyterian
Church in Piccadilly, London, and John Theophilus Desaguliers, LL.D., of
Christ Church, Oxford, the son of a French Protestant clergyman, who came to
England after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, assisted by other old
members chosen for their ability and knowledge of the Fraternity. They were
desired, by the rulers of the Order, to peruse and digest into a new and
better method "The History, Charges, and Regulations of the Ancient
Fraternity." This was accordingly done, pointing distinctly to the fact that
the true character of Freemasonry is only the history of the operative
sodalities and successive ages of architects. They were no doubt actuated by a
spirit of toleration, and, desirous of introducing a code of morals without
the aid of theology, therefore eradicated the sectarian element of
Christianity, substituting the apocryphal legend of '| Hiram" and "Symbolism
of Solomon's Temple," transforming it into what we now find " Free and
Accepted Masonry," by converting the old Stonemasons' allegory, upon which the
legend of the Third degree and death of Hiram Abiff is founded, into what
anciently was the exposition of the story of the fall of mankind, the
sacrificial redemption of the human race, and the doctrine of the
The Reorganization of
Freemasonry. ‑ It would seem that Dr. Anderson and his colleagues, in
fulfilling the duty confided to them, may have exceeded their authority and
made radical changes quite unknown before, reorganizing the Institution,
which, after some amendments, was formally approved and
accepted A.D. 1723, becoming
known as the "New Constitutions," and is the Freemasonry of the present day.
They adopted a universal creed to suit the ideas of such members as preferred
a philosophical interpretation of Christianity to others that inculcated the
tenets of a particular form of religious belief, inconsistent with toleration
and universality. The adoption of a universal creed, on the plan of the
Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Mankind, was to admit men of all
religions, nationalities, and stations in life,not to lay the foundation of an
English, Scottish, Irish, or Protestant philosophy, but a philosophy of the
There does not seem to exist a
doubt that Dr. Anderson, as a Christian Minister of the Gospel, was faithful
to his trust. He was actuated only by a desire to correct existing abuses, by
changing the system of Freemasonry, as he found it, into a cosmopolitan,
philosophical society, relying on the Christian religion being left to exist
in its purity, and thus avoiding the semblance of contaminating the sound
doctrines of our Most Holy faith with worldly and material affairs.
Although the teachings of
Ancient Freemasonry, formerly distinctly Christian, are now cosmopolitan, it
does not prevent or interfere with the right of private judgment and
conviction, there being room for the admission of the Christian as well as the
universal exposition of the symbols and ritual, which, in the true spirit of
the liberal and broad principles of the Craft, should never be made the
subject of strife, but held in fraternal peace and good will by all.
Freemasonry is not a Religion.
‑The remark so frequently indulged in, that Masonry is a religion and
substitute for the Church, should at once be discouraged ; this foolish talk
about its being a religion, coequal with the Church as a means of grace and
salvation, has done very great harm. Masonry does not profess to be anything
of the kind ; it only professes to inculcate morality, ‑not the ethical
abstraction of the philosopher, but evangelical morality, religious morality,
which will prepare mankind for the transforming and sanctifying powers of the
world to come. Masonry does the work of preparation, by bringing men to that
state in which they will see more readily the motives of the Spirit of the
A Beautiful System of
Morality. ‑Undoubtedly there can be no more beautiful code, in its original
simple proper sense, when divested of the numerous parasitical additions of
fungous growth, since it is "A system of morality developed and inculcated by
symbols." The idea intended to be conveyed is to draw men together in one
great brotherhood ; but it has in the course of evolution, since it left its
birthplace, the British Isles, been so alteyed,,i and so many degrees and
rites have been added, as to obliterate almost entirely.' the original plan,
which stands alone. As first conceived it stood above all ` others, unaided,
unassisted. Its life‑work was employed in the promulgation and performance of
those beneficent duties which its precepts enjoin, speak' EVOLUTION IN
753 in plain words the
language of truth, so different from its interpolators of the present day, who
enlighten only to bewilder, and allure to destroy.
It is to be regretted that
Speculative Freemasonry is not more studied and its teachings, as emblematized
by its symbols, better explained and more largely ventilated throughout the
Fraternity. If its tenets and principles were more fully known, a better
spirit of brotherly union would exist; but, of late years, a race of Masonic
writers has sprung up, of the || sheep walk " school, who "follow the beaten
track and seldom turn aside to the by‑paths "; and, in their anxiety to prove
the antiquity of Freemasonry, they have indulged in a mere repetition of
unreliable legends, perpetuating what is vague and childish, creating
scepticism, casting doubt upon the source of all. It should be clearly
understood that the frequent allusion to the great antiquity of Freemasonry
refers to the ancient architects,‑stone‑builders,‑not to the Free and Accepted
Masonry of modern times, which is an entirely new departure. This will be
better exemplified by an account of the different epochs in the modern and new
system of the "revival" to the present time.
‑Historical investigation clearly demonstrates that in 1717 the present system
of degrees was entirely unknown. Originally there was but one degree of
initiation, containing all the elements of the degrees now practised,‑the
names of "Entered Apprentice," "Fellow Craft," and " Master Mason " being
merely the designation of the classes of workmen, not of degrees or steps,
‑the actual Society or Fraternity being composed of " Fellows "; for in the
oldest records, constitutions, and charges there is not the slightest allusion
to these separate degrees, nor any to the legend of " Hiram Abiff." The four
old lodges remaining in London in 1717 were composed entirely of " Fellows."
The First Grand Lodge and Grand Master. ‑ The records show that at the "
revival," the inauguration of the first Grand Lodge in the Craft of Free and
Accepted Masons of the world, and installation of a Grand Master, took place
in London on the 24th ) une, 1717, without reference to the old Masonic body
at York, thus repealing the previous custom' of the Fraternity, to meet once
or twice a year for the purpose of regulating matters among themselves, and of
appointing a " District Master." I Referred to at length in the Old Charges of
British Freemasons, Vide "Documentary History " in this work.
754 In 1721 Dr. Anderson and
his colleagues revised the entire work, by changing its Christian character to
that of Theism, and by the introduction of the |' Hiram legend," into what
they called, and is now known, as the "Third or Master's degree," which came
into use A.D. 1723‑25. Up to that period Freemasonry was purely and pointedly
The next epoch occurred in
1730, when Pritchard's elaborate work, printed in London, called " Masonry
Dissected," made its appearance, purporting to be a revelation of Free and
Accepted Masonry. The result was that many persons who had not been regularly
received into Freemasonry passed themmselves off as Masons, and a number of
spurious " book " lodges were formed, causing much disturbance among the
Fraternity. This determined the Grand Lodge to alter the modes of private.
recognition by revising the existing and introducing additional pass tokens.
These trifling alterations caused many dissatisfied members to separate
themselves from the regular lodges, and hold.meetings by themselves in
different places, initiating persons without any regular authority; but the
real cause of the dissatisfaction arose from the additions made to established
usages, when the Grand Lodge, improperly interfering with the authority of the
separate and distinct Masonic body of the Ancient York Masons, granted a
charter to some seceders from them, the York Masons in 1725 having formed a
new Grand Lodge of their own, called "The Grand Lodge of all England." The
Ancients. ‑ In 1751 the irregularities continued, and many worthy members
withdrew altogether from the Society. Complaints became more numerous, and
votes of censure from Grand Lodge were passed on the refractory, causing the
seceders to declare themselves an independent body, and, without any
authority, they assumed the term of "Ancient York Masons." The latter
propagated the assertion that the old tenets and established Landmarks were
alone preserved by them, and that the regular Grand Lodge and its adherents
had adopted new forms, to whom they gave the name of " Moderns." They
instituted among themselves another Grand Lodge, known as the "Ancients,"
usually called the "Athol Grand Lodge," from the Third Duke of Athol, who had
been elected Grand Master. They, created numerous subordinate lodges, gaining
the confidence of the Scottish and Irish Masons, who, placing implicit
reliance on the representations made to them, heartily joined in condemning
the regular lodges of the "Moderns" in London, as tending to introduce
novelties into the Craft, and in their opinion to subvert the original plan of
the revivalists.
The Advent of the Royal
Arch.‑The next change appears in 1752. Previous to this there were but three
degrees, when, about 174o, a new degree appeared, known as the "Royal Arch,"
generally supposed to be concocted from the first part of the second section
of the "Third or Master's degree." This has been disputed, and it has been
asserted that the Third degree was never mutilated, being originally brought
from Palestine by the Crusaders; E VOL UTION IN FREEMASONRY.
755 but, for the most part,
these traditions are but visionary surmises of Masonic enthusiasts, to enhance
the mystery surrounding Masonry and its history. AVe learn that a word was
introduced into it, formerly given to the " seekers " in the Third degree,
known as the 1A. M. word. By whom the Royal Arch was fabricated has never been
ascertained, but that the ceremony was worked in a systematic manner at York,
London, and Dublin, about 1740, is well authenticated. It is a mistake to
suppose that the well‑known secretary of the Grand Lodge of the Ancients,
Laurence Dermott, invented it, to mark the difference between the ceremonies
of the " Ancients " and " Moderns," as it was known six years before his
existence and ten before his Grand Lodge was instituted.
It is clearly of English
origin, and has nothing to do with other foreign degrees of the same name,
although the " Chevalier Ramsay," a Scotchman residing in France, the
accomplished author of " Cyrus," who had devoted much of his time to Masonic
subjects, has been credited with it, of which there is no proof whatever.
Ramsay died several years prior to the formation of the Athol Grand Lodge, and
his famous address in 1740 gives a Knightly origin to Freemasonry, discarding
the Operative descent.
First Working of the Royal
Arch and Templar Degrees. ‑ The degree of the Royal Arch does not appear upon
the records as being regularly worked in chapters before 1762, when a chapter,
or Royal Arch lodge, as it was then called, was opened in York. At this time
there were also other degrees incorporated into the Masonic system, but not
officially acknowledged, and the Royal Arch was known in the " Grand Lodge of
all England " at York, as the fourth degree in Masonry.
Up to this epoch there were no
intermediate degrees. The degree of Virtual Past Master, or passing the chair
of a lodge, as a qualification for the Royal Arch, without having been the
Actual Master of a Craft lodge, was not introduced until 1769, at which time
we first hear of the old chivalric Order of Knights Templaas being associated
with Masonry: this was communicated as an honorary degree, and recognized by
this Grand Lodge as the fifth degree in Masonry, ‑ recorded as such in 1780, ‑
being the only Grand Lodge that ever recognized Templary as Masonic. All these
degrees were conferred under Craft charters, the Masonic lodge being then
considered the only source of genuine Freemasonry.
The American Rite. ‑The "Grand
Lodge of all England" died out about 1790, leaving no representatives, and it
never chartered lodges out of England. It is, therefore, a great error to
suppose that the "York Rite " of the United States of America emanated from
it. This Rite, was the fabrication of a prominent American Freemason, Thomas
Smith Webb, who, at the termination of the last century, added degrees and
other strange peculiarities to the American Masonic system, ‑ revolutionizing
not only the first three degrees, but the Royal Arch and Knight Templar, and
endeavored to show that he 756 BRITISH TEMPLARY.
had adopted the true work of
the "Ancient York Masons"; but, it is ascertained, no such working was known
among them, as they were absor in the speculative teaching and exclusive
system of the existing lodges Great Britain and Ireland.
'Union of the English Grand
Lodges. ‑The next great change was ma in 1812‑13. Up to that time, from
175x,‑the period of the establishment the "Ancients,"‑bitter recriminations
and contentions prevailed between Grand bodies. Both Grand Lodges had been
successful, and their subo nate lodges flourished side by side all over the
On the 27th December, 1813,
the union of the Grand Lodges of Engl ‑ the "Ancients " and " Moderns," ‑ was
concluded. It must be reme bered that the disputes and separation existed over
a half‑century, duri which the Grand Lodge of the Ancients (Athol) and the
regular Grand Lod of England worked altogether a different ritual, and did not
recognize e other as Masons, during the whole period. To reconcile the members
institute a regular mode of work, the United Grand Lodge introduced a n
degree, called the |` Union Degree," to be used in subordinate lodges, which
all members became acquainted with both modes of work, and new work of the "
Moderns," adopted by the United Grand Lodge, be the standard of English
The Royal Arch was authorized,
not as a separate degree, but as the "e .plement to that of the Third or the
Master Mason," including the ceremony installing into the chair Masters of
lodges and Principles of chapters. additional degrees, which had heretofore
been practised with " Modern rituals since the revival, were omitted at the
Union as forming no part the system of Freemasonry, but were tolerated as
separate Societies, alli to the three Craft degrees, ‑ although not under
control of, or acknowledg by, the United Grand Lodge. These included the
Chivalric degrees of Temple and Malta, with that of the " Red Cross of
Palestine " (afterw revised as "Rome and Constantine "), provision for them
being made in th~ last section of the Second Article of Union, which states :
" That it is intended to prevent any lodge or chapter from holding meetings in
any the degrees of Chivalry, according to the Constitutions of the said
Orders,' ‑implying that they were only considered as allied degrees,
representing old obsolete Orders of Mediaeval knighthood, but in no sense
The Mark Degree. ‑The Mark
Degree was so called from an ancient tom of Operative Stone‑masons marking the
stones cut and prepared by the for important buildings, to assist in adjusting
the stones in their places, to distinguish the class of workmen employed.
These marks were record by the Master builders to determine the wages each
workman was entitled receive for his particular work.
In Symbolic Masonry, this
degree is of modern history and legend, one the additional degrees formerly
conferred in England under Royal Arch MASOtVIC HIGH DEGREES. 757 rants; but,
of late years, governed by an independent Grand Lodge of its own. Ireland and
Scotland give it before the Royal Arch.
The Irish Royal Arch. ‑The
system of the Irish Royal Arch is quite different from all others, the legend
referring to the discovery of the Book of the Law by Hezekiah, B.c. 624. That
of Scotland is a separate degree, practising the work of the Athol Masons, but
was revised early in the present century, and is now more in accordance with
the English ceremony; but all these systems have been considerably changed in
ceremonial, with many imposing additions, referring to incidents in Jewish
history and the Temple of Solo mon. Both Scotland and Ireland adopt and confer
the preliminary degrees of the Excellent and Super‑Excellent Master; at least
they used to do so.
The English and American
Systems. ‑The system of the United Grand Lodge of England is altogether
unknown in France and Germany. All the lodges there retain the Craft system of
the 1| Ancients," and do not confer the Royal Arch, as, after the Third or
Master Mason's degree, they enter into what is called the " High Grades of the
Templar Order." It is only in the United States of America system that the
Craft or Blue degrees (this latter name being peculiar to them from the color
of the ribbon), the Royal Arch Chapters and Mark Lodges, the Councils of Royal
and Select Masters, and Encampments of Knights Templar, are called the "York
Rite," and constitute the "standard Masonic work." The name Blue lodges is not
known in Scotland ; there every lodge has a color of its own adoption. My
mother lodge of Glenkindie in Aberdeenshire, formerly NO. 333, was bright
yellow, but afterward changed tp the " Leith " tartan in compliment to the
W.,. Master and founder of the lodge, MajorGeneral Sir Alex. Leith, K.C.B.
The Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite, of 33 degrees, with other denominations of Rites, known as
Masonic, are in a separate system altogether from the Craft.
A short account of the High
Grades will help to explain how the Templar degrees, derived from the ancient
chivalric Order of the Crusades, became mixed up with and added to the Free
and Accepted Masonry of modern times.
High Degrees and their Bases.
‑The so‑called high degrees mean a variety of degrees conferred in different
rites professing to be Masonic, but which cannot in strictness be considered
as properly so, they being only quasiMasonic additions made to the original
Craft degrees of Speculative Free 758 BRITISH TEMPL.4RY.
masonry, to all above that of
Master Mason. Many of these high degrees, being founded upon false premises,
were opposed by the English Craft lodges as glaring innovations on the true
object and meaning of Speculative Free masonry. The Craft Grand Lodge, the
ruling power of purely Speculative Masonry, entirely ignores them; it simply
professes to know them not! The numerous degrees and rites outside the
legitimate and Cosmopolitan three Craft degrees and their completion in the
Royal Arch, as practised in England, having been added since the "revival,"
can only be considered as extraneous matter, unconnected with the original
plan. Many of them bear evidence of being "picked up" here and there from
vestiges of a former long‑forgotten system and purer faith. The entire Bible
teems with evidence to the initiated reader of the existence of esoteric
schools of knowledge, and the very prophecies themselves, in very many cases,
read like the teachings of a secret religious guild, where knowledge was
preserved that was hidden from the general populace, but which oozed out in
mystic language and allegory, when the fervor of enthusiasm loosed the tongues
of those gigantic poets of the olden time. All the ancient Jewish traditions
point to this, from the days of Enoch downwards; but the greater number of
these modern rites and degrees have been arranged to suit the views and
preconceived ideas of clever, visionary ritualists, and are but the mere
conceit of their concocters, nearly equally meaningless and historically
untrue. In this age of Christian enlightenment, what have we to do with the
dogmas of the Platonic school, or with any vain endeavor to reconcile revealed
truths of Scripture, and to offer vague and unsatisfactory statements? What is
the object of bringing forward the philosophy of the Pagan sages, long since
expelled by the light of revelation, as an example for us to follow? First
Introduction of High Degrees. ‑ The desire for a return to the exclusive basis
of ancient Chrishan Freemasonry, no doubt, in the first instance, was the
chief cause which led to the fabrication of additional degrees, the highest of
them being sectarian. They were first introduced on the Continent of Europe
early in the last century, after the system of Free and Accepted Masonry " had
been promulgated there, where it was at first almost exclusively confined to
men of letters and leisure, who had eagerly adopted it; but, not content with
its Operative origin, they were ambitious that it should be considered as
derived from the famous religious and military fraternities of the Crusades,
and endeavored to prove a parentage more in accordance with their own class
ideas, based upon the supposed connection that had traditionally existed
between the society of Christian builders‑architects in the cloister‑and the
military Templars of old.
Finding the Book of the
Law.‑The principal idea originated from the improbable legend of the discovery
by Scottish Crusaders of a vault in Pales‑' tine, in which was found the lost
Book of the Law, with the Ineffable Name; also that, in the search, they had
to work with the sword in one hand and the MASONIC HIGH DEGREES.
759 trowel in the other. But
this is only another version of the history of the Jews in Nehemiah's time,
when repairing the wall of Jerusalem, recorded in the fourth chapter,
sixteenth verse, of that Prophet. These legends enabled the fertile
imagination of visionary ritual compilers to invent new degrees, not always
having the merit of historical truth, as an amplification and development of
the history of Speculative Masonry. Some of these rites would appear to be
derived from the Hermetic philosophy of the German school, of which no proof
exists; but when Philosophers, with others, joined the Craft lodges in the
seventeenth century, they may have introduced some of their Hermetic
Rosicrucian symbols into Masonry.
The Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite. ‑ In the British Empire and the United States of America, the
term high degrees is now generally applied to the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of 33|. The Egyptian Rite of Mizraim and Memphis, etc., exist,
all of which have their own admirers and followers; but the Supreme Councils
of the Scottish Rite appear to be the only universally acknowledged and
legally constituted systems in their several jurisdictions. In a sketch like
this, it is impossible to enter fully into the history of the sites; let it
suffice to say, that the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, or Scottish
Masonry, is derived from a body formerly known in France, called "The Emperors
of the East and West," who had organized a rite known as that of '|
Perfection," ‑ established in Paris, 1758, ‑ consisting of twentyfive degrees,
to which eight final ones were added gradually, from time to time, towards the
end of the last century, although conflicting statements have been made as to
their French parentage.
The Thirty‑Third Degree. ‑ The
Rite has been called by its present name since 18o1‑z. It is divided into
seven distinct sections, each section being under a separate and special
authority. On being brought to America, it appeared first as the Rite of
Perfection, a Hebrew Mason, Stephen Morin, having received, in 1761, from the
Councils of the Emperors of the East and West, a patent to confer the degrees
of the Rite. A Grand Lodge was formed at Charleston, 1783, and a Supreme
Council 33| opened there in i8o1.
It was introduced into England
from the United States of America in 1845, but only the 18th and 3oth degrees
were conferred, all the intermediate degrees between the Master Mason and 3oth
being communicated by name only. These two degrees, the 18th and 3oth, had
been known and practised in the English Templar system, as the " Rose Croix
and Kadosh," for many years before the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite was
instituted. By the surrender of these two degrees, the Rite was intended to
supersede the Masonic Templar system in England ; for, in the first statutes
of the Rite there, it will be seen that so averse was the Supreme Council to
the Masonic Templar system that candidates for the Rite, at the time of being
admitted, were allowed to wear the jewels of any other Masonic rank they had
obtained p6o BRITISH TEMPLfl R Y.
excepting that of the Masonic
'Templary, the idea being to absorb Templary, as then practised in England,
into the Rite.
The Thirty‑Third Degree in
Canada. ‑The Supreme Council of Canada branched off from England in 1874, and
confers many of the intermediate degrees not practised by the Mother Council.
It was duly constituted by Illustrious Brother Albert Pike, Grand Commander of
the Southern Jurisdiction, United States of America, who visited the city of
Ottawa for that purpose, as well as to install the first Grand Commander, the
late Brother T. D. Harington, in whose favor I had resigned, having originally
brought the Rite into Canada from the United States of America in x863, where
I had received all the degrees in New York, with authority to confer them;
but, having subsequently affiliated with the Supreme Council of England, all
action looking to the establishment of a Supreme Council was delayed until
authority was received from England.
Objectionable Titles. ‑ I
cannot help commenting upon the very objectionable titles of the degrees in
the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. What can be more absurd than the terms
used in the " Rose Croix " for the Master, who is named "The Most Wise and
Perfect Master"? A Consistory is called that of " Sublime Princes of the Royal
Secret," presided over by a " Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander, Sovereign of
Sovereigns." The Lodges of Perfection are governed by a " Thrice Potent Grand
Commander," and a Council of Princes of Jerusalem by a |` Most Equitable
Sovereign Prince Grand Master," with " Most Enlightened " Grand Wardens and
various " Valorous " Grand Officers. The abolition of these ridiculous and
empty titles, a caricature and burlesque, would not take away from the beauty
and teaching of the degrees, and is loudly called for.
The Scottish Rite Name. ‑The
name Scottish Rite has nothing to do with Scottish Masonry proper. It is
supposed to have got the name "Ecossai " from the number of Scotch Masons who
were in France at the time, and bent on giving Freemasonry a more
distinguished history and denominational character. The legends in some of the
degrees of the Rite appear to be an adaptation to the dynasty of the
unfortunate Royal Scottish House of Stuart, whose adherents were devoted to
its interests.
Side Degrees.‑The greater
number of side degrees now practised, with those that come under the category
of the high grade system, are superfluous, and should be struck out altogether
from pure Masonry; only such degrees being retained as are considered
advisable to exemplify the legitimate system of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite.
The principal objection to the
number of useless additional or side degrees lies in the stringent and
unnecessary O. B.'s of secrecy to perpetuate them, when in fact no secrecy is
required ; as, for the most part, they are idle fictions of no utility, and
but parasites upon legitimate Craft degrees, only to be preserved as curious
examples of the credulity of our Masonic brethren MASONIC RICH DEGREES.
in the last century. They
should be abolished altogether in connection with pure Symbolic Masonry. These
rites are for the most part simply separate societies, all of whose members
are Freemasons. This is more distinctly seen in the imitation military Masonic
degrees, an attempt to revive the old obsolete Orders of Knighthood, by
tacking them upon the Speculative system.
High Degree Rituals and
Schisms. ‑The rituals in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite 'under
different jurisdictions are the same in all, || Ringing the changes one upon
the other." Unfortunately a schism has been engendered among members of the
Rite in the United States of America, by the rivalry of contending bodies
asserting a claim to greater antiquity and authenticity; notably that of the
Cerneau Supreme Council for the whole of America, opposed to the claims of the
established Supreme Councils of the Northern and Southern Jurisdictions. This
rivalry has given rise to much controversy, eradicating the feelings of
brotherly consideration. The Supreme Councils of the Empire have avoided
interference in the unhappy dispute, and continue in amicable correspondence
with the two Supreme Councils.
General Albert Pike and the
Thirty‑Third Degree. ‑We are principally indebted for the history and
symbolism of this Rite to the deep research of the learned and scholarly
Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern jurisdiction of the United States of
America, Ill.‑. Bro.‑. General Albert Pike, whose exposition and
interpretation of Masonic symbolism has clearly shown that the universality
and universal language of Freemasonry exist in the A.‑. & A.‑. Scottish Rite.
Ancient symbolism in Craft Masonry has been nearly forgotten ; for it has been
satisfactorily proved that many of the present symbols and ceremonies were
introduced since the middle of the last century. There appears to have been
little ceremonial practised at Masonic meetings, prior to 1717. In fact it
then consisted of little more than the O. B., the communication of the modes
of recognition, and reading the Ancient Charges.
To the indefatigable literary
labors of our Ill .% Brother are due the remodelling and placing the Rite
above all other high degrees. To the same Ill.‑. Bro.‑. we also owe the new
and beautiful rituals of the Royal Order of Scotland, of late years introduced
into the United States of America and Canada, another of the additional
degrees peculiar to Scotland, of an exceptionally quaint and interesting
character, first heard of about 1740.
Interference of Craft Grand
Lodges with Other Masonic Bodies. ‑The Craft Grand Lodges of the Empire have
no power, nor have they ever asserted any desire, to interfere with the
constitutions of any other rite considered Masonic. This has also been the
case until late years in the United States of America, where a desire has
arisen to extend jurisdiction over all other degrees, distinct from the Craft.
This is clearly in opposition to the principles adopted when the Revolutionary
War of 1776 terminated, which denounced all foreign interference, repudiating,
rejecting, and abrogating the doctrine of 762 supremacy, or one‑man power and
succession. The interference thus of a Craft Grand Lodge with other
independent bodies is assumed and self‑constituted, and cannot be justified by
any Masonic law. Neither can they dictate to their own members as to what
degrees they may or may not belong. All acknowledged Masonic degrees outside
the system of Craft Masonry are equally legal or equally spurious, as far as
the original degrees are concerned. The system of denouncing all who do not
join in the opinions of the ruling powers that be, has in it more the
appearance of the " Inquisition " than of the charitable doctrines of
Cosmopolitan Freemasonry. It is very evident that the pretentious attempt at
exclusive jurisdiction has been the main cause of so many new degrees and
rites being formed, the close borough system being generally repugnant to the
feelings of the Masonic brotherhood, who would wish to see it open to every
good brother desirous of obtaining the degrees. Every Master Mason has a
perfect right to judge for himself as to what degrees or rites he may choose
to join or reject, and an equal right to sever all connectionwiththem. The
"Mali Origo " lies in the fancied superiority, interference, and infringement
with established Masonic privileges, ‑a false and narrow policy, the more
absurd when we consider that, as a rule in secular life, little or no honor is
accorded to Masonic dignities, and the less conspicuous they are made the more
will they be appreciated, no rank whatever being attached to them outside the
Masonic world.
Foundation of the Templar
Order. ‑The origin and object of the old religious and military Orders of the
Crusaders being a matter of history, it is almost unnecessary to refer to them
in a work of this kind, further than to show how the modern or Masonic Templar
system, when properly represented, is a continuation of the principles and
usages of the ancient Order.
The Order of the Temple was
founded in the twelfth century, A.D. rirg‑r9, the object being the defence of
the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem, and the protection of the Christian pilgrims
from Europe visiting the Holy City to worship at the sacred shrine, where the
divine mysteries were fulfilled, which had been profaned and derided by the
Saracens and Turks.
The opinion then prevailed in
Europe that the one thousand years of the Apocalypse, mentioned in the
twentieth chapter of Revelation, were about to be fulfilled, when Christ
should make his second appearance in Palestine, RELIGIOUS MILITARY ORDERS.
763 to judge the world. This
increased the pilgrimages to the Holy City, which were considered in the
highest degree meritorious and even absolutely necessary for man's salvation.
The foundation of the Order
grew out of these circumstances, beginning in the first instance with a small
number of Benedictine monks who resided in monasteries which had been
established at Jerusalem, and were principally employed as nurses in the
hospitals, attached to the religious houses, for the care of the sick and
worn‑out pilgrims visiting the Holy Land.
These Friars partook largely
of the military spirit of the age, and became "monk" soldiers, receiving from
time to time money and great accessions to their ranks from the religious
fraternities in Europe, who forsook their monasteries to join their brethren
in Palestine, and, with the numerous hordes of pilgrims, were organized by
skilful military leaders.
Why called " Soldiers of the
Temple." ‑The Order was first composed of a few French Knights of noble
lineage, afterward largely increased as they became known and grew in
usefulness and military renown. Their following was swelled by all ranks and
classes of society, who flocked to the famous standard of the "| Beauseant,"
and were called "The poor fellow‑soldiers of JESUS CHRIST "‑" Poor soldiers of
the Temple of Solomon," subsequently abbreviated into " Knights Templars"; the
latter appellation from the fact that their house was built near the Temple
church, close to the foundation of the ancient Temple of Solomon.
Throughout their course, the
military Templars were strictly a religious body, founded from the monastic
Order of the Benedictine monks, who professed the doctrines of a living
At this period it is proper to
remember that there were two distinct bodies of the Benedictines, who left
their cloisters on being relieved from the mistaken apprehension that the end
of the world was at hand, ‑ the one, the lay brothers, ‑architects,‑ referred
to in the Origin of Speculative Masonry; the other, those who assisted at the
formation of the military Order in Palestine; both leaving the cloisters in
Europe at the same time, carrying with them the knowledge of the sacred
mysteries, and moved by the. same motives gloriously to accomplish the object
desired, of recovering the Holy Land from the Infidels.
History tells us that the
Benedictines were admitted to be the first in order of time, as well as of
importance, of all the monastic fraternities of the West.
St. John, the Almoner. ‑The
first cloister built to shelter the pilgrims journeying to Jerusalem was near
the Holy Sepulchre, and filled by Benedictine monks, to which were added two
hospitals, ‑ one for men, dedicated to St. John, the Almoner, ‑a Greek who had
been Patriarch of Jerusalem in the seventh century and who had succored
Christians of the Holy City, when they became the victims of the Saracens ;
the other, for women, ‑ to BRITISH TEMPLAR Y.
Mary Magdalene, ‑ who fed,
clothed, and nursed the sick, worn‑out devotees, money being collected and
sent to them from England.
Templar Regulations, Classes,
and Ritual. ‑The ancient regulations of the Templar Order show that, whether
within the walls of their preceptory houses, or on their journeys, or when
engaged in war, the rules for their government were excellent. They were
enjoined to be examples of wisdom, alike faithful in every good work and word,
with honest, Godly fear, charity, and morality. These were the guiding
principles enacted by the originators for the lives and actions of the
The Order being spiritual, the
candidates for admission were subsequently, when the Order was fully
established, required to have been already knighted by a secular Knight, when
they were received into the Order in a chapter assembled in the chapel of
their preceptories ; for as members they could not deign to accept honor from
a layman : the only exception was in the case of an Ecclesiastic, ‑ a Bishop,
‑ who was permitted to join the Order without being a secular Knight.
But there were no Bishops,
that is Prelates, of the Order, which consisted of three distinct classes, not
degrees, viz. : " Knights," " Chaplains," and 1| Serving Brothers "; this
included the 1| men at arms," besides the numer ous retinue attached. The
number of chaplains was small, and they were not admitted at first as a part
of the body, until the Order had arrived at maturity.
They had no secret ritual
except that which they brought with them from the cloisters, and which
pertained to the divine doctrines taught therein ; but they undoubtedly
adopted a peculiar ceremony of reception as regards the military novitiate,
applicable to the rules of chivalry, which was nothing more than one of
ordinary discipline suited to the age, ‑connected with vows, probations and
precepts as far as concerned the object of the organization. The ritual was
the basis of the ceremony and that adopted as a military body consequent
thereon. The doctrinal portions were confined to a select few who were full
believers of Revelation, and were communicated in their secret conclaves where
they were preserved as the foundation of their principles and system,
corresponding with the Word of God, which bore them up and animated them
throughout all their trials and conflicts.
Spread of the Order, and
Relation of the Templars to Europe. ‑ In the course of time's changes, the
Order had spread throughout Britain, France, Germany, and other countries of
Europe, to which they were invited by the liberality of the Christians; and,
in every land, they had preceptories and priories exclusively appropriated to
themselves,‑the names and ruins of many of them still existing in Great
Britain and Ireland.
When the Crusades term:nated,
and the Holy Land was lost, after the capture of Acre, A.D. 129 r, the
Templars retired to their numerous preceptories in Europe, and seemed to have
given up all further thought of fighting for the RELIGIOUS MILIT,4R Y ORDERS.
765 Holy Sepulchre and
recovering the Holy Land. The Order was no longer of use as a military power,
and it was felt that their day of usefulness was passed. Between them and
Philip IV., King of France, surnamed Le Bel, a bitter and undying hatred had
been engendered by many acts of arrogance and insubordination against his
authority. Their enormous wealth and great military power inflamed his avarice
and raised his jealousy, as leading them to aspire to a foundation of
authority independent of kings and other potentates ; and, on the other hand,
their Rulers arrogated to themselves a higher degree of knowledge in all
things, and taught in their secret conclaves, where none but the most trusted
members were admitted, that the Papal power was a false and dangerous
assumption of authority over the minds and consciences of men, and that very
many of the dogmas of Rome were gross and childish superstitions. They also
cultivated and asserted more liberal views of faith and religion than were
current at the time, being well versed in the mysteries, legends, learning,
and traditions of the peoples they had come in contact with in the East.
Their exclusive privileges,
from those enjoyed by other institutions, intensified the feelings of jealousy
and aversion towards the Order, which led to their final annihilation by the
King, and Pope Clement V., who had enticed the Grand Master, Jacques de Molai,
and his principal officers to Paris, actuated by the base motives of
possessing themselves of the treasures of the Templars, and who had entered
into an unholy league to destroy the Illustrious Order.
Destruction of the Templars. ‑
On the night of the loth of October, 1307, when the ‑Grand Master and his
principal officers were reposing in confidence in the Christian Capital of
France, they were surprised and seized in the House of the Temple in Paris at
break of day, and at the same time, by a preconcerted plan, all of the Knights
in France were arrested and thrown into prison. Many were put to the torture
to force them to confess crimes of which they were ignorant, and those who
survived the rack were condemned to pine in prison without aid in their cause,
and with scarcely sustenance enough to support existence. At length they were
led out in bands, at one time some fifty together, and burned to death upon
Martyrdom of De Molai, and
Dissolution of the Order. ‑ The Grand Master, Jacques de Molai, renowned in
many a hard‑fought field of Palestine, in defence of the Christian faith, and
four of his priors, were the last victims of this relentless persecution.
After remaining nearly seven years in captivity, they were, on the 11th March,
1314, led out for execution and burnt before the cathedral of Paris in
presence of the assembled citizens,‑the glorious martyrs of a glorious Order.
Thus perished, after an existence of nearly two hundred years, the 1| Order of
the Temple," which was dissolved and stripped of its possessions and
privileges ; but its final overthrow by the Pope and King, with confiscation
of its preceptories, could not and did not destroy all the true and noble
spirits that remained, said to have numbered, 766 BRITISH TEMPL,4R Y at the
period of the dissolution, about eight thousand, dispersed in their different
preceptories throughout Europe.
The Order of Christ. ‑Some
fled into Spain and Portugal and united with a new Order they assisted to
create, on the same principles as their old one, and which Pope John XXII., in
A.D. 1319, gave permission to be established in Portugal, called the " Order
of Christ." It was secularized, and in 1789 divided into Grand Crosses,
Commanders, and Knights, the, office of Grand Master being vested in the
reigning King of Portugal. It was finally dissolved as a Pontifical Order of
the State in A.D. 1854.
The Templars dispersed in
Great Britain and Other Countries. ‑ Numbers joined the Order of St. John of
Jerusalem, upon which the confiscated lands and lordships of the Templars had
been conferred, taking, in Scotland, the name of the combined Orders of St.
John and the Temple,‑where the individuality of the Templars was forgotten,
while that of St. John remained. Others entered into religious houses. This
was the case in England, where the Order was also dissolved, but not
extinguished, although Pope Clement V. sent his Bulls to the wise and good
Archbishop Glenfield of York to excommunicate the Order and institute an
inquiry, in concert with other lead ing Ecclesiastics, into the conduct of the
Knights. The King of France also united, urging the Archbishop to action, who
declined, but afterward considered it expedient to take steps in the matter,
and called a Council to examine the Templars confined in York Castle.
When the Knights were ordered
to be sent to religious houses to perform penance and prayer for their alleged
crimes, they conducted themselves with such propriety that they were all
released,‑but some of them preferred to remain and live in the monasteries.
Many married and, retiring
into private life, dispersed over Europe, in most instances retaining the
symbolic religious training of their old Order, which they made no secret of,
thus proving the falsehood of the accusations made against them, and assisting
to preserve and perpetuate the precepts and principles of the Order to the
present time. This is also asserted by Froude, the English historian.
The Hospitallers of St. John
of Jerusalem.‑To the Order of Knights Hospitallers, founded in ro96, at the
time of the first Crusade, we are mainly indebted for the transmission of the
Templar precepts and usages. This Order sprang from a secular body instituted
in Palestine in 1058, including both sexes, and was devoted to the succor of
the poor and sick at Jerusalem. Their dress was a plain black robe having a
white cross on the left breast. After the conquest of Palestine by the
Crusaders it was organized into a regular religious body, and to their vows
was added that of bearing arms in defence of religion, when they became a
military fraternity like their great rival, the Templars. The military branch
wore a red tunic or surcoat, with a plain (Greek) white cross on the breast,
back and upper part of 'he sleeves, RELIGIOUS MILITAR Y ORDERS.
767 over their armor, ‑the
civil branch retaining the black habit and white eight‑pointed cross. When the
Holy Land was evacuated, they established themselves at Limasol, in Cyprus,
the female branch having retired to Europe.
The Knights of Rhodes.‑In 1309
they seized the Island of Rhodes, which they held for more than two centuries,
until driven out by Solomon the Magnificent, of the Ottoman Empire, when they
proceeded to Candia, Messina, and Italy. They ultimately occupied the Island
of Malta, ceded to them by Philip V. of Spain in 153o, he stipulating that
they should defend it from the Turks and Corsairs of Barbary, and restore it
to Naples if they ever recov ered Rhodes. In this their new abode they assumed
the name of Knights of Malta, remaining in possession of the Island until it
was surrendered to the French under Napoleon in 1796, when the Order as a
political power was abolished and the members dispersed, ‑ the Island
becoming, in 18o1, one of the possessions of the British Crown. The Order of
the Hospitallers of St. John gave the first idea of hospitals in England,
where they were called " Stranger houses," affording shelter to the weary
traveller, as well as to the sick.
The English '1 Langue " of
Malta. ‑ Legitimate branches of the old political Order of Malta are still in
existence, but a few scattered fragments are all that is left of the
continental "Langues," into which it was divided. The only one, with that of
Brandenburg in Prussia, retaining the elements of its original vitality, the
noble and praisworthy object of administering to the wants of the destitute,
for which the Order of St. John was founded, ‑ although afterward it became a
military and canonical organization like the Templars, ‑is the old "English
Sixth Langue of Malta." It was revived in England about sixty years ago, and
incontestably proved to be the lineal descendant of the ancient Order, which
was devoted to the original profession of the Hospitallers,‑the alleviation of
the sick and suffering of the human race. The Langue holds its chancery at St.
John's Gate House, Clerkenwell, London,‑all that remains of the ancient priory
of that name, ‑the chief house of the Order in England, which has well earned
its appropriate motto, "Pro Fide " and "Pro Utilitate Hominum." During the
year 1888 it was reconstructed under Royal charter of incorporation, with Her
Majesty the Queen as Sovereign Head and Patron, and under said charter H.‑.
R.‑. H.‑. the Prince of Wales has become the "Grand Prior." It numbers in its
ranks many scions of the proudest houses of our British nobility, both male
and female.
The Festivals of the Order of
Malta. ‑When the headquarters, or, as it was called, the "Chef‑lieu " of the
Order, was held in Malta, there were two great festivals observed, ‑one on the
24th of June, ‑ St. John's Day,being that of its Patron Saint; and the other
on the 8th of September, ‑ St. Mary's Day, ‑ that date being also the
anniversary of the day on which the 768 . BAITISH TEMPLARY.
Turks raised the siege of
Malta, A.D. 1565. At these festivals the Grand Master, with his household and
Knights, held a public procession of the most imposing and magnificent
appearance, from the palace in the city of La Valetta to the Conventual Church
of St. John, to hear Mass. On their arrival, and as soon as the portion of
Scripture from the Gospels was announced, every Knight drew his sword, and
held it aloft while it was read, to signify the obligation of the Order to
shed their hearts' blood in defence of the Faith. On the elevation of the
Host, each kissed the cross‑hilt of his sword and then returned it to the
The Mistaken Connection of the
Templar Order with Freemasonry. ‑ Having thus shown the origin and object of
those two famous religious and military Orders, their representatives in the
modern Masonic system require explanation. It is well to bear in mind that the
ancient Templars were Priests, and that to strike or injure a Knight of St.
John of Jerusalem was sacrilege.
Many conflicting opinions and
surmises have been advanced as to how, why, and when the Templar system was
introduced into Freemasonry. The origin of all Masonic degrees is not always
easy to ascertain, the Fraternity being averse to publicity, handing down to
posterity their peculiar secrets, vive voce, with the same caution that the
philosophers of old displayed in perpetuating their symbols and mysteries ;
and the ancient Templars, like the Jesuits, never communicated their
proceedings to strangers. Some of them, in their secret conclaves, were even
concealed from the greater part of their own members. It is therefore not
unlikely that small organizations were kept up in many places, and the hope
cherished that it would be possible to revive the Order. A great and extensive
organization could not wholly have lost its vitality and died out without a
struggle; but it is equally unreasonable to believe that the fragments entered
into any association of working men, such as that of the corporations of
builders or Freemasons, who could not have been expected to devote themselves
to the restoration of the old military Templar Order, in direct opposition to
the ban of the Church ; even personal safety would not have been secured to
the Knights, and there is no proof that they ever joined the German building
sodalities to restore the Order.
There would have been no
difficulty in doing so after the Reformation; therefore no valid reason exists
why they should have concealed their organization under the mask of
Freemasonry. It is difficult to understand how Freemasonry and the Order of
the Temple could ever have become amalga mated. Symbolic Masonry is of its
very existence, cosmopolitan; Templary sprang from an origin chivalric and
knightly. The trowel of the one levelled distinctions and spread the cement of
universal fraternity; the sword and spurs of the other could only be obtained
and worn by men of noble birth, or those famed for heroic deeds in defence of
the Christian faith.
Templar Freemasonry. ‑Toward
the end of the seventeenth and commencement of the eighteenth century numerous
works were written by the learned to make manifest the practices of occult
philosophy, and it is claimed, that, from the dispersed members of the
combined Orders of St. John and the Templars, in Scotland, the secret
ceremonies, principles and customs of those Orders were attained and privately
promulgated. This led to the revival, in the last century, of the obsolete
chivalric orders, but under the mistake; supposition that they were of Masonic
2 Order of Malta " as a Modern
Protestant Degree. ‑ Long after the Reformation, when the Hospital and Templar
lands in Scotland were ceded to the British Crown, independent bodies sprang
up under the name of || Knights Templars of St. John of Jerusalem," attached
to the Masonic Fraternity, and who, toward the end of the last century,
elected Grand Masters or Grand Commanders of their own.
There were also separate
bodies, calling themselves " Knights of Malta," which still exist in the
United States. These latter assert a very doubtful parentage historically, as
representing the old Order of Malta, from the Prot estant dispersed members of
the combined Orders in Scotland. They are unconnected with any of the branches
of the existing chivalric body, being but benefit societies founded upon the
same principles as the "Orange Order," to uphold and protect the Protestant
faith. It is impossible that they could be the representatives of the
chivalric Order of Malta, which continued there until the surrender of the
Island in 1796, and had issued edicts of expulsion against the members of the
Scottish branch of St. John as unfaithful to their vows.
These separate associations,
called Knights of Malta, existed before the expulsion of the Sovereign Order
from the Island ; and if there had been any connection between them, copies of
correspondence, with allusion to, or observance of statutes, would be
forthcoming; but, as nothing of the kind has ever been produced, and no
reference was made at the time to such connection, it is quite evident that it
never existed.
Origin of Masonic Templary
from the "High Grades." ‑It has been already shown that the military Templars
and the ancient builders, ‑ Stonemasons of the cloisters, ‑ took their rise
from the same source, promulgating the same doctrines of the sacred mysteries.
This may have helped to originate the error of a subsequent connection with
Modern Templary of the Empire
can only be considered an imitation of the ancient Order, rather as
appropriated than inherited, being a Christian 769 BRITISH TEMPLAR Y.
association of Freemasons, who
represent the traditions of the religious and military Orders of the Crusades,
following as nearly as practicable their principles and customs, and strictly
adhering to their teachings and Trinitarian doctrine.
It is clearly ascertained that
the Masonic Templar degree originated from the " High Grade System of
Freemasonry," introduced on the Continent of Europe about 174o, as shown in
the obsolete Templar rite of the " Strict Observance " (meaning implicit
obedience), widely practised throughout Europe, in the last century, as an
exemplification of modern Templar history. This system was grafted on
Freemasonry in 1754 by Baron Hund, who had been admitted to the Templar
degrees in France some ten years previously; based upon the fable, that, at
the dissolution of the ancient military Templars, certain Knights took refuge
in Scotland and prevented the extinction of the ancient Order by joining the
Guilds of Stone‑masons, and thus giving rise to the Fraternity of Free and
Accepted Masons. The time having arrived when the Templars should boldly
proclaim the continuance of the Order, they instituted the rite of " Strict
Observance," the members to be received from the ranks of Freemasonry, in
gratitude for the protection and support it was alleged they had received from
The Succession to Freemasonry
a Fable. ‑There is not the slightest foundation for the fable that members of
the dispersed Templars, after the political suppression in 1314, became
Freemasons; it is but one of the fabrications of modern Masonic tradition, to
account for the amalgamation of Templary with Masonry, totally opposed to
historic facts ; for it is not even probable that the proud and haughty nobles
of that age, from which class the Templar Order was selected, would engraft
themselves upon a society of mere mechanics, when all the great military
orders in Europe were open to them, and only too glad to receive into their
ranks so renowned a military body as the chivalry of the Templars.
The (treat Masonic Congress of
1782 and Rite of Strict Observance. ‑ In July, 1782, Prince Frederic, Duke of
Brunswick, Grand Master of the rite of " Strict Observance," held a congress
at Wilhelmsbad, in Hesse Cassel, ‑ a great representative assembly of Masonic
delegates from throughout the world. The result of this conference was a
refutation of the high grade Templar system, when it was resolved and
declared, that " ` Freemasonry' was not the successor of the `Military
Templars,' although connected with their organization,"‑that the rituals
should be amended, and the Masonic lodges should not be obliged to work the
high degrees.
Black Masonry. ‑ This
convocation opened the modern period of Masonic Templary, or " Black Masonry,"
so named, it is said, from the members adopting a black costume as mourning
for the martyred De Molai, the last chivalric Grand Master; but in reality
from the deposed military Templars having joined the order of St. John of
Jerusalem, whose habit is black.
771 After the conference at
Wilhelmsbad, the rite of "Strict Observance" gradually declined, and
ultimately died out altogether, although on the Continent of Europe a reformed
system of the rite is still the basis of their Templar degrees.
First Introduction of Masonic
Templary. ‑ Templarism was first introduced into the British Empire in the
Masonic lodges known as the "Ancients," under the Duke of Athol, who was also
Grand Master of Scotland in the last century. This, then, was carried to the
North American Colonies, where it has always found favor. In Ireland, also,
the Grand Lodge derived the additional degree from the same source ; but it
was not until r 78o that the Templar degrees were merged into the Masonic
system, following the Royal Arch in the sequence of additional degrees.
English Templary Distinct from
the Craft. ‑ Since the latter part of the past century inquiring brethren, for
the want of something more tangible and visible, have never ceased to grope in
the dark, culling information from every part of the globe, until the Craft
Grand Lodges have given way, in so far as they think they may assent to
different systems of degrees being introduced as Masonic, although they know
not why. This, then, would seem to be the true reason why Templary has been so
closely associated with Freemasonry; but our English Templar system has always
been kept separate and distinct from the Craft degrees, forming no part of
them and conferred after, the Royal Arch being considered the climax of
Masonry does not teach
anything inconsistent with the Christian faith; at the same time it does not
teach the "Trinity in Unity," as Christians understand it; furthermore, it
does not teach that T.‑.G.‑.A.‑.O.‑.T.‑.U.'. is Immanuel,‑God with us,‑Christ.
Templary is called the Masonic Christian Order, but modern Masonry is not
Christian: it has but one creed,‑belief in God, ‑ and teaches the doctrine of
the resurrection; hence the wide difference from that of Templary. Why, then,
interfere with the fundamental principles and very basis of Templary, by
endeavoring to amalgamate its doctrines with that of the universal creed of
Freemasonry, a method which certainly destroys its meaning, intentions, and
usefulness? Masonic Templary a Misnomer. ‑ Templary founded upon modern
Freemasonry is a misnomer, and does not represent the Templar Order, ancient
or modern. It is only an imitation Masonic degree, on Christian principles,
imposing on the careless crowd, with whom ceremonial and show too often usurp
the place of truth, which they thus sacrifice to the love of popularity and
Templar Ritual and Costume. ‑A
Grand Conclave, or governing body of the Templar system, was held in London on
the 4th of June, 1791, by influential Masons, when the statutes of the
existing degrees of Masonic Templary were revised, adopting a short combined
ritual for that of St. John of Jerusalem, to commemorate and account for the
union with their old enemies the Templars.
Before this time the records
of the Jerusalem Conclave at Manchester, England, in 1786, distinguished this
knightly grade of Malta from that of the Templar, in costume, by a red tunic
with slashed sleeves, black cloak, and slouched Spanish hat, all having the
white eight‑pointed cross of Malta, in imitation of the red uniform and white
cross worn by the military class of the Knights of Malta.
These Templar degrees
continued combined with that of Malta until A.D. 1853, in the encampments of
the old system, when a revision of the statutes was made, and the degrees of
Malta were excluded altogether. Several encampments, however, continued to
perpetuate them, although not in the same form, they being much curtailed, to
evade a defiance of the Grand Conclave.
Changes in Ritual of Malta.
‑In 1863 the Grand Conclave formally revised the degrees, and provided a
suitable ritual. Another revision, under the name of the "United Orders of the
Temple and Malta," took place in 1873, when new statutes, adopting and
consolidating the Orders, were drawn up. This union cannot but prove
beneficial, as approximating to the ancient Knights, and discarding all
Masonic connection which had led to errors historically untrue.
The Templar Order of the A.%
A.% S.‑. Rite. ‑ The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of thirty‑three
degrees would appear to throw additional light on the Masonic connection of
some of the degrees, being an attempt to connect the Freemasonry of modern
times with the obsolete Christian chivalric orders; but it must be recollected
that all Masonic degrees outside of Craft Masonry are but fabrications of the
last century. When the "Kadosh" degree of the Rite was first invented, which
refers to the persecution of the Templar Order, there had been for a century
and more no reason for resorting to any organization under the mask of such a
degree to maintain a secret Templar system, into which it is pretended the
members of the Order had entered, the time having passed when Templary would
have been dangerous for its members to reorganize openly under its old name.
The term "Elms" in the degrees
of the Rite may be intended to represent the nine famous founders of the
Templar Order, and in one of the degrees are the initial letters L. D. P.,
meaning " Liberte de Pensee," and the words " Abba " (literally, the Pope,
Father, Papa), |` shall restore the spoil." The Knights of the East and West
may mean the Order of the Temple created in the East and afterward having
preceptories in Europe : the word " Kadosh"‑holy ‑meant the Holy House of the
The 15th, 16th, and 17th
degrees are entitled in succession "Knights of the East or Sword "‑the
creation, and first period of the Templar Order in Palestine ; the `| Prince
of Jerusalem "‑ Knights of the |` Hakee Kadosh " at Jerusalem; and the Knights
of the East and West‑relating to the rebuilding of the Temple. They may have
meant the hoped‑for reestablishment MASONIC TEMPLARY.
773 of the ancient Templar
Order. Other examples might be quoted, intelligible to the initiated alone ;
in one of which, the highest degree of the rite, corroborative evidence
implies a common origin with the Templar Order.
Revival of Templary in
Britain. ‑ In 179, the Templar body in England was styled the "Grand
Elect‑Knights Templar Kadosh and Holy' Sepulchre of St. John of Jerusalem,
Palestine, Rhodes, and Malta," connecting the modern and ancient titles. This
confusion of names is a curious anomaly,the Templars and Knights of St. John
of Jerusalem were always separate and distinct bodies. In this year a Grand
Conclave was held in London, over which Thomas Dunckerley of Hampton Court
presided, and the old statutes with a warrant of confirmation were issued. It
does not appear that before this time there was any National Templar
Organization in England, until Dunckerley gathered the different bodies
together under his own presidency, with no other right than that he had been
elected chief of the encampments of Knights Templar by the members. After his
death in 1795, and owing to the dispersion and death of many of the old
members in England and Wales, the degrees fell into abeyance; but in 1804 some
of the surviving members petitioned H .‑. R .‑. H .‑. the Duke of Kent, Grand
Patron, to revive them, who granted a new charter of confirmation. H.‑. R.‑.
H.‑. had formerly, as Prince Edward of England, appointed Dunckerley Grand
Master of the Knights of the "Rosy Cross," "Knights Kadosh," and "Knights
Templar." Again, in 1807, another patent or charter was issued for the revival
of the Order, constituting H.‑.R.‑.H.. the Duke of Kent, Grand Patron for
life, and appointing judge Waller Rodwell Wright, the accomplished scholar,
Grand Master. This charter was dated loth April, 1807. On his resignation, to
accept a judicial appointment in the Mediterranean, H.‑.R.‑.H.‑. the Duke of
Sussex was installed in August, 1812, and at his demise in 1846, his intimate
friend and executor, the venerable Colonel Charles Kemeys Kemeys Tynte of
Haswell, in the county of Somersetshire, was elected Grand Master, in virtue
of the warrant by the Duke of Kent, 1807, confirming the original one of
Dunckerley, 1791. On his installation, a revival took place, H .‑. R . . H .‑.
the Duke of Sussex having in later years allowed the Templar degrees to fall
into desuetude.
The " Rose Croix " and '1
Kadosh " originally Templar Degrees. ‑ The name Masonic Knights Templar was
now first heard of in England; and up to this time, all the Templar
encampments were qualified to give the degrees of the "Rose Croix " and the |'
Kadosh," which had existed in England as Templar degrees years before the
establishment of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. In the original form
of the Templar ceremonies, the "Rose Croix de Herodom" was the one step above
the Templar installation, followed by the "Kadosh"‑and the emblems were
engraved on the certificates issued prior to 1851‑all these degrees possessing
similar characteristics, their object being the same. The Templar ceremony
proper, perhaps, confined itself more 774 BRITISH TEMPLr4R Y.
to facts of history; the "Rose
Croix " taught the truths of Christianity, displaying more of the allegory in
its symbolic teaching of the Christian faith; the " Kadosh " was instituted to
perpetuate the memory of the persecution of the ancient Order, the constancy
and suffering of the Knights on their dissolution, with the martyrdom of De
Molai at Paris in 1314.
At the revival of Templars,
new statutes as well as changes in the costumes and ritual were adopted; the
former costume being black, the colors of the civil branch of the Malta Order
substituted the white mantle, the true badge of the Templar, as now worn in
The Degree of Templar Priest
or Holy Wisdom. ‑ After the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite had been
established in England, the Templar body resigned control over the degrees of
the " Rose Croix " and |` Kadosh," which then became incorporated with the
rite, as the 18| and 30| ; it was therefore necessary to suppress the old
ceremonies and relegate them to Templar history, but they were still retained
in some of the older English encampments.
A revised ritual was issued in
1851, consequent on the omission of the " Rose Croix " and " Kadosh." In the
old encampments the degree called "Knight Templar Priest or Holy Wisdom" was
also conferred. The degree claimed to have been instituted at the so‑called
revival of the Christian Order in 1786. It created chaplains, or, as they were
erroneously called, Prelates, which means Bishops; but there was no such title
in the ancient canons of the Order.
It is said that these changes
were made to please the chiefs of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in
England, and, when first imparted, caused much dissatisfaction. These degrees
should never have been separated from that of the Templars, as the " Rose
Croix," by itself, has but little significance.
On the death of the Grand
Master, Colonel Tynte, the
d of November, 186o, Colonel
William Stuart, then Deputy Grand Master, son of the Honorable and Most
Reverend William Stuart, D.D., Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland,
was elected to the chair of Grand Master, and installed in 1861. From that
time, the progress of the Order in England was rapid many Masons of high
social position joined the Order, and it continued to develop and increase.
Election of the Prince of
Wales as Grand Master. ‑In 1867‑68, a proposal was promulgated to unite the
branches of the Order in England, Ireland, and Scotland, under one head; and
H.‑. R.‑. H.‑. the Prince of Wales, who had been initiated into Masonry and
the Templar degree in Sweden, consented, in 1869, to assume the Grand
Mastership of the Templars of the United Kingdom. On the 7th April, 1873, H.‑.
R.‑. H.‑. was installed Grand Master; Colonel Stuart resigning in England, and
the Duke of Leinster, the popular and beloved Grand Master of Ireland,
accepting the position of Great Prior of Ireland, and the Earl of Limerick,
that of Great Prior of Eng land and Wales. This assumption by H.‑. R.‑. H.‑.
the Prince of Wales, to use THE CONVENT GENEP.4L.
775 the words of the
Arch‑Chancellor of the Order, Sir Patrick Colquhoun, " effected a perfect
reformation of the Order, and procured for it a status it had hitherto not
enjoyed, even under the Duke of Kent, who must be practically regarded as its
founder, with the additional advantage of H.‑. R.‑. H.‑. being at once head of
the Craft and Temple; indeed, it may be said that as the Order was refounded
in 1804‑7 by the Duke of Kent, so it was again refounded under his grandson,
the Prince of Wales, in 1873." The Convent General.‑The reorganization of the
Templar degrees in England, long contemplated, gave rise to much controversy,
and even censure, regarding the motives and intention of the originators who
devised and ultimately carried out the scheme of revision, happily
accomplished under the patronage of Her Majesty the Queen, and presided over
by H.‑. R.‑. H... the Prince of Wales.
The fact cannot be disputed
that however correct and praiseworthy may be the motives of Reformers, yet all
who undertake the difficult and unthankful office must make up their minds to
opposition and censure from the prejudice and ignorance of those who, wedded
to their own preconceived ideas, can not and will not allow themselves to be
convinced to the contrary, no matter how clearly the eligibility of the
contemplated reform may be pointed out. In the present instance, to reform
meant to restore the Order of the Temple, as far as the customs of the age
would allow, as nearly as possible to its former position and character: for
this purpose a body was formed from the National Templar Encampments of the
Empire, under the name of "Convent General." The revised statutes and
regulations, emanating from and dependent upon them, were the result of their
The Rejection of the Union by
the Scottish Templars. ‑ It is to be regretted that Scotland, although
originally agreeing to the Convention, should at the last moment, when all
preliminaries were arranged, have failed to take part in the result of these
negotiations. This was mainly caused by a misconception of their Commissioner,
who, little understanding the subject on which he was appointed to legislate,
allowed his prejudices to ignore, from the commencement, the benefits to be
derived from the proposed union; as it would appear, from a morbid dread that
the independent position of Scotland would be absorbed by England under the
name of Union. This attitude never could have been contemplated; the terms of
the treaty of amalgamation giving equal powers to Scotland with those of
England and Ireland. Unity would have created uniformity of laws and ritual,
thus giving the Order greater dignity and standing.
Careful investigation has
shown that the Scottish branch cannot establish a claim to the title of
Templar which does not exist from the same source as that of England and
Ireland. The long‑established loyalty of these Knights will not admit for a
moment of the supposition that they intended ‑to offer even the semblance of a
slight to the prerogatives of the Royal Grand Master, 776 or"to throw any
obstruction in the way of restoring the prestige of the Order by amalgamating
the three nationalities under one governing head.
The Object of the Convent
General.‑The object of forming a Convent General was to raise the status of
the Order, so pure and noble in its attributes, and redeem it from the
mistaken low ideal into which it had fallen for so many years, under its
Masonic connection.
The idea of uniting the two
great Orders of the Crusades,‑the Templars and Hospitallers, Knights of St.
John,‑under one body, is strictly correct, and had been attempted before the
Order left the Holy Land, the hostility between them in Palestine being a
great hindrance to the success of the Christian arms. Pope Gregory and St.
Louis had proposed it at the Council of Lyons, but it was rejected by both
Revision of Nomenclature and
Statutes.‑The changes made in nomenclature and costume, and the careful
revision of the statutes, on the installation of H.‑. R.‑. H.‑. the Prince of
Wales, as Grand Master, are strictly in accordance with ancient usage. The
object of a Convent General was to incorporate the members of the Order in the
whole Empire, under one head, by the reciprocation of privileges and
disabilities, as correctly speaking there should be no independent separate
bodies‑only one ruling power indissoluble for the whole Order; although
ignorance of the correct principles of the ancient Order in some instances,
and political exigencies in others, have divided it into several branches
entirely separate from one another. The Convent General was intended to unite,
at all events in the British Empire, the scattered elements of its ancient
chivalry into one harmonious whole, as a National British chivalric fraternity
under the Grand Mastership of the heir to the British Crown, with H.‑. M.‑.
the Queen as the patron and sovereign head; the countenance of Her Majesty
being a guarantee of its purity, Christian doctrines, and thoroughly
conservative principles.
The proper designation of the
presiding officer over the Order for each nationality is that of " Great " or
" Grand Prior " ; and, by natural sequence, the body so presided over, is a
Great or Grand Priory, with the subordinate bodies named Preceptories or
Priories. The ancient preceptories in England, Ireland, and Scotland were
dependent upon the Temple House in London.
The Name and Title of the
Orders. ‑The term " Encampment " is quite modern and a very inappropriate
innovation, not known in the early Order, which was a military monastic body,
dwelling in fixed places of abode, excepting when they took the field, having
their "receptions" in their chapter houses, never in the field; and the term
cannot with any propriety be applied to meetings in rooms of houses in cities
and towns. The name || Commanderies " and the title " Commander " were never
used by the Templars. Singularly enough, the Order of St. John used both
Commander and Preceptor indifferently for the same office, which can be seen
by reference to old documents, A.D. 1500, or thereabouts. As they succeeded to
779 possessions in England,
the Order there probably adopted the old name of the religious houses and used
it in common with their own term |' Commandery " ‑therefore the title
"Commander" has no Templar meaning, in connection with a preceptory. The
preceptory houses were always called after places, never from the names of
Cavilling objections to the
formation of a Convent General, and the radical changes therein, gave rise to
the uncalled‑for and ignorant remark, that there was no historical or
legendary authority to support the numerous changes, and that the newly
created honors, by H.‑. R.‑. H.‑. the Grand Master, of Grand Crosses, and the
Lesser Cross of the Order, " Knights Commanders of the Temple," being only
attainable at the pleasure of the rulers, would be an excuse for favoritism
and exclusiveness. Here the old adage holds good '| We are apt to despise in
others what we do not possess ourselves." This was scarcely the return to be
expected for the praiseworthy efforts of the founders of the new
constitutions, intended to raise the status and dignity of the Order. H.‑.
R.‑. H.‑. the Prince of Wales, next to the crowned head, is the fountain of
honor, and did he think it advisable to follow the example of the " Swedish
Body," he could obtain permission from the Crown to reorganize and
incorporate, under an order of the State, the Templar degrees as lately
granted to that of St. John of Jerusalem in England, which there is every
reason to suppose would have been the case but for the great and persistent
opposition evinced to ‑the reconstruction of Templary. Such recognition would
have been most gratifying, hailing as we do from that grandly romantic period
of English history, the times of the Crusades.
It seems strange that it has
never occurred to those who are so anxious to impart to Masonic Templary a
dramatic military appearance, what an extraordinary phase the Order has
assumed by the adoption of a system of military drills, etc., as practised in
the American system. Have they forgotten that the ancient Templars were men of
rank and position, and not the equivalent of a volunteer militia battalion? No
doubt in the early days of the Order, the Knights fought as a body of fighting
men, without regard to the details of military organization; but when the
Order became more numerous and powerful, and when military formations
prevailed, the Templars retained a body of "men at arms," and the Knights
occupied all superior positions as leaders. We have an actual experience of
this in the Order of St. John oú Jerusalem,‑Malta,‑where the Knights not only
maintained an army of land forces, but also a navy.
Ritual Revision. ‑Convent
General has been for some years in abeyance, meeting the fate of many
well‑devised plans and theories from distrust, mistaken jealousy, and want of
cohesion, ‑the Templar degrees being now represented in England by the
National Great Priory, with the Earl of Lathom as Great Prior, ‑ H.‑. R.‑.
H.‑. the Prince of Wales continuing as Grand Master of the Order. Convent
General may at any time be revived if thought expedient, and thus the Ritual
Commission and its conclusions become of paramount interest.
The Ritual Commission and its
Work.‑Among the members of the Ritual Commission of Convent General, to
investigate the history of the Templar degrees under H .‑. R . . H .‑. the
Prince of Wales, were the Honorable Judge J. Fitz‑Henry Townshend, of the
Admiralty Courts, Dublin, and Sir Patrick MacC. de Colquhoun, the learned
English lawyer, author of a concise history of the Templars, that so
materially assisted to dispel the myths that surround the modern Templar
As a matter of fact and
historical record, Templary founded upon Freemasonry is pure fiction, ‑one of
the fables of the past. Craft Masonry ignores and repudiates the claim and
does not wish it to be understood that such exists; merely tolerating it as a
body of Masons, in a military garb, and professing Christian principles.
It must be apparent to the
most casual observer that the peculiar dogmas of Christianity could never have
had any connection with the universal creed of modern Freemasonry; therefore a
Masonic Christian Order of Knights Templars is an anomaly.
The early Masonic Templar
rituals would appear to have been concocted on a tradition that Knights
Templary and Masonry had a common ‑ origin; without any research into
historical facts, plainly showing that it was the fabrication of enthusiastic
Masons in the last century, who had given but little thought to the assertions
they made and deductions arrived at.
The idea promulgated, and one
of the leading points insisted upon, was that Templary was a component part of
ancient Freemasonry, preserved in the "Herodom Kadosh " of the high degrees,
never taking into account that this and all Masonic degrees and rites, outside
of Craft or Symbolic Masonry, were unknown before the last century, and any
reference to them as forming a part of the Templar system is a purely
historical anachronism.
True Templary stands alone on
its own merits and principles as a Christian Trinitarian society, whose
mission is to advance the interests of our Ascended THE REFORMED RITUAL.
Redeemer,‑whom we are bound to
follow in His life and precepts, and thus far, at least, pay homage to the
Great Captain of our salvation, whose sworn soldiers we have constituted
ourselves, and this by our own voluntary act.
The last Grand Master of the
old chivalric Templars was the martyred Jacques de Molai, who, when examined
before the Papal Commission at Paris, A.D. 1309, did avow: "In faith the Order
has never been found wanting. I attest that I believe in God, in the person of
the Trinity, and in all the other articles of the Catholic faith. I believe
there is but one God, one faith, one baptism, one Church, and when the soul is
separated from the body, there is but one judge of the good and evil. This is
my belief. This is the belief of the Order of the Temple." The Derivation of
the Ritual of Convent General.‑The changes made in the reformed Ritual, now
practised, are consequent upon the report of the Ritual Commission of Convent
General in 1873, which shows that they had examined the rituals of the ancient
Templars founded upon the Benedictine Canons, the Scottish Ritual, very
closely copied from it, and the English Ritual of 1851, adopted in place of
that of Dunckerley previously existing, which was full of Masonic inaccuracies
and anachronisms, and also the Irish Ritual. When at a general meeting held in
April, 1873, under the presidency of the Great Prior of England and Wales, it
was determined to reject all novelties or innovations by Masonic Templars of a
recent date, and every paraphrase of ritual other than those already
mentioned, certain resolutions were unanimously adopted as a basis, on which
the new Ritual should be drawn up, in accordance with these conditions and
suited to the three king doms, copsistent with the nature and traditions of
the Order. No novelty has been introduced, and every clause of it is to be
found either in actual words or in substance in one or the other of the
Templar Rituals examined. Both the English and Scottish Rituals recognize the
class of "Novice" : this is in accordance with ancient rule and practice.
Ritualistic Details. ‑ The
conclave or meeting is supposed to be a chapter of the preceptory, and not an
encampment of Knights Templar, and to take place in the chapel of the
Preceptory House; hence the place of meeting is fitted up as a chapel, the
altar being in the usual place, but in the latter part of the ceremony a
second altar, or " sepulchre," is retained, with the cross, or crucifix, and
the Bible. The Preceptor is seated on the left of the first altar.. The
installation of the ancient Knights Templars, as also of the Knights of Malta,
took place in their chapels. The Knights, on being consulted in the Chapter
House, elected the candidate : who, after certain communications had been made
to him and questions asked in an adjoining room, was led into the chapel,
where the reception and consequently the consecration took place. The ancient
Knights were never received in the field, but in the "Church of Jerusalem," or
its representative, the Preceptory Chapel, which 782 BRITISH TEMPl.4RY.
by a fiction was supposed to
be the Church of the Holy Sepulchre "at Home" ‑the home of the Order being
Jerusalem. For this reason, the modem term "Encampment " is rejected as
incorrect and unwarranted by any authority.
The opening and closing forms
of the English Ritual of 1851 are changed. These were mere servile adaptations
of the Craft Ritual, quite at variance with chivalric or religious ceremony.
The part of " Pilgrim " is retained, as the "Aspirant " might be so termed,
though it was never so described in the Ancient Canons.
The vow of profession is
according to the Ancient Canon in a modified form.
The Ribbon and Star‑to
represent the Star of Bethlehem‑with the RING of profession, are introduced in
accordance with the general statutes. The Imprecations may be considered as
another name for vows, being in the old Scottish and English Rituals, and
formerly in that of Ireland. Perambulation, in a modified and more consistent
form, is retained, although there is no reference to it in the Ancient Canons,
and it is not in the Irish Ritual.
Order of Chaplains. ‑
Chaplains were a special class of the old Order, and were eligible for various
offices, including that of Preceptor, which was not necessarily a military
one. Following this precedent, every clergyman, on inception, should become,
ipso facto, a chaplain of the Order in general, and of his preceptory in
particular, and also eligible for the other offices not inconsistent with his
sacred profession. The rank of " Honorary Preceptor" may be conferred upon
them, by having the legend communicated and by their taking the vows of a
Preceptor, to enable them to take part in the discussions of a Board of
Preceptors, and to assist in conferring the degrees; but this honorary rank
does not permit them to rule in the preceptory, unless duly elected by the
The prayers and those portions
of Scripture usually read are in accordance with ancient practice,‑the
recitation of the Paler Noster, and a prayer for the reigning Sovereign, the
Grand Master, and the Brethren being formerly inseparable from Templar
The mode of " Standing in
Order," formerly used, was a mere copy of a modern military regulation; it‑ is
replaced by that assumed in the time of the Crusades, by the knightly
Companions of the Cross at certain portions of their religious services: the
position is simple and assumed only at the most solemn portions of the
The mode of 11 Salute," the
pass words, etc., in use, are recommended to be adopted generally throughout
the Order, although not known to the ancient military body.
A short ritual for the
installation of a Preceptor and Prior has been drawn up, and one recommended
for a " serving brother," who is not eligible to vote or hold any other office
in the preceptory while acting as Guard.
Crosses of the United Orders. ‑A cross is always prefixed to the word "frater"
or brother, when denoting a brother of the Temple, as distinguishing the
Templar from that of other orders or societies. Such was formerly the
practice, and should not be abandoned. A cross should also be prefixed to the
signatures of all |1 professed " brethren when signing as Templars, the
double‑barred or Patriarchal Cross being used by Preceptors and Priors.
Ecclesiastical Crosses are a
medium of hierarchal distinction. The triplebarred or || Cross of Salem "
denotes the Sovereign Prince and sole Legislator, and is adopted by the Grand
The two‑barred or Patriarchal
Cross signifies || Salvation to both Jew and Gentile," and the Passion or
single‑barred Cross represents the one on which the Saviour suffered. These
two latter crosses were ancient badges of the Templars, and in common use as a
mark for their signatures. The true Templar Cross, or " Cross of the Order,"
is the cross heraldically called " Patt6e," open or spread at the extremities,
‑ symbolizing the spread of the Gospel to the four quarters of the globe, ‑
but by no means formed of four equilateral triangles, into which form it has
been corrupted.
The Cross of Malta, the device
of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, has frequently been confounded with the
Cross Pattee of the Templars, although there is a great difference between
them. This cross is white, of eight points, having the four arms joined in a
small centre point, and its extremities notched or indented to resemble
fishes' tails,‑an allegorical allusion to the Saviour, " the fish being one of
the Christian symbols emblematical of Christ generally." Vide Matt. iv. i g.
The United Orders Cross of the
Temple and Malta is a very beautiful and appropriate badge, being the red
Templar Cross, surmounted by the white eight‑pointed Cross of Malta, adopted
by Convent General. The idea would seem to have been borrowed from the
obsolete French "L'Ordre du Temple," but reversed, that of the latter having
the eight‑pointed Cross of Malta, surmounted by the Red Cross of the Temple,
as seen on an old jewel in my possession, at first used by Preceptors of the
Great Priory of England, under the Convent General.
The jewel of a Grand Cross
instituted by H.‑. R.‑. H.ò. the Prince of Wales, on assuming the Grand
Mastership in 1873, is the seven‑pointed star, surmounted by the United Orders
Cross of the Temple and Malta, having the "Agnus Dei " in the centre within a
circle, surrounded by the legend "Non nobis, Domine," etc., the motto of the
ancient Templars. This jewel is suspended from the neck by a gold chain
composed of four capital letters, I. N. R. I. (used by mystics since "Anno
Domini "), and the Patriarchal Cross of a Preceptor, joined together and
repeated to form a length to go around the neck.
The sash or ribbon of a Grand
Cross is a broad crimson watered silk with a narrow white edge, ‑ the Templar
colors worn over the right shoulder to 784 BRITISH TEMPLARY.
the left side, and to which
the insignia may be attached on the left hip, when the collar is not worn.
The" Lesser Cross,"‑" Knights Commanders of the Temple," ‑ is the United
Orders Cross having a crown on the top, worn on the left breast with a Templar
The ancient Knight bore a |'
Pennon " forked at the end, being extended into two or three points, and when
powerful enough to furnish to the state or their sovereign a certain number of
armed retainers, they were accorded the title of " Bannerets," little banners,
which gave them the right to carry at the top of the lance a square banner, on
which their armorial ensigns were depicted.
The Beauseant. ‑The Order had
two banners, ‑ the " Beauseant " and the "Red Cross,"‑the Beauseant meaning
"piebald." The original armorial device of the Templars was half black and
half white, whatever may have been the direction of the partition lines.
Sometimes it was represented per‑pale, or divided perpendicularly, in
alternate narrow stripes, but more frequently per‑"fesse," or horizontally.
The upper half black and the lower white, a red passion cross appears
occasionally on the white ground only; for to place it on the black, color
upon color, would be false heraldry. This banner was supposed to denote
"Death, Innocence, and Martyrdom"; it also had the inscription, "Non nobis,
sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam," the opening sentence in the CXV. Psalm. The word "
Beauseant " was used as the battleery of the ancient Order; "Au Beauseant,"
for the Temple. The banners, being black and white, signified, "Black and
terrible to the Infidel," but, |1 Fair and favorable to the‑Christian." The
Red Cross Battle‑Flag. ‑A second standard was subsequently adopted, called the
"Vexillum belli," or Red Cross battle‑flag; viz. : a white banner charged with
the " Red Cross of the Order," ‑ Pattee; and the same cross ornamented their
shields and garments. The Holy Lamb or "Ad nus Dei," placed upon the centre of
a Greek cross, was another of their old armorial devices, signifying the union
of the qualities of greatness and courage ; the lamb being the emblem of "the
Saviour," and the Cross‑banner of victory symbolizing the Resurrection. The
standard and armorial bearing of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem ‑Malta‑was
a white equal‑limbed (Greek) Cross upon a red field. Banners and standards,
when made to hang perpendicularly from the poles, are called "Gonfanons," used
in processions and hung up in cathedrals and halls. They should be made
tripartite, or triple cloven, at the bottom.
The Cross‑Hilted Sword. ‑The
Sword was made in the form of a Latin cross, an emblem of the cause in which
it was to be used; the blade straight and cutting on both sides, typical of
its being always employed in the defence of justice. The Crusaders on the
march to the Holy City, when halted, were in the daily custom of placing their
long two‑handed swords upright before them, the hilt forming a cross, and on
all occasions of military salute they kissed the cross‑hilt in token of
devotion to the Saviour of mankind.
Golden Spurs of Knighthood. ‑The Golden Spurs of Knighthood were an
indispensable adjunct, ‑signifying diligence in every honorable undertaking.
The "Serving Brethren" were of
two classes, the one acting as 1| men at arms," light‑armed cavalry; the
other, employed as artisans and retainers of the Knights, with a superior rank
as Esquires, who were distinguished by a triangular pennoncel at the end of
their lances.
The Order was governed by a
Master, so termed according to the "langue" employed. " Maistre," " Magister,"
or Great Master, was used from an early period. Provinces in general were
governed by |` Grand Priors," and the different houses or preceptories by
The Eight "Langues" of
Malta.‑In the Order of St. John of Jerusalem the subordinate bodies under a
Grand Master were called priories or commanderies, divided, when they become
Knights of Malta, into eight "langues," tongues, or countries, and ruled by "
Bailies," who were Grand Crosses of the Order, and each house or priory was
governed by a Commander.
Templar Costume and
Processions.‑In the Templar costume of the Empire we. follow that of the
ancient Knights, intended to symbolize the character of the Order, but never
meant to be paraded before the eyes of the public. Such exhibitions are not
the custom of the British Empire, all public displays being looked upon as
most objectionable, and a Templar procession with us would appear as
ridiculous to the common observer as if the Knights of the " Garter " and the
"'Bath " in their state robes, or gentlemen in court dresses, were to parade
the streets for the admiration of the multitude. Show and parade are sometimes
necessary; but in matters connected with Freemasonry, " the less, the better "
: like Christianity, it is more appreciated in its unobtrusive character than
in public demonstrations, and the unnecessary expense incurred by such
exhibitions, would be better applied in promoting the object and aim of all
Masonic and allied bodies.
Imitation military public
displays and processions of the Knights Templar body, so much indulged in on
this Continent, quite unknown in the British, Empire, are out of place,
although harmless in themselves. They are entirely opposed to the true meaning
and object of Christian Templary, entailing a great and unnecessary
expenditure, and serving no other purpose but to pander to the vainglory and
self‑gratification of the members who take part in them. Are all the poor and
needy in the land provided for? Are there no more hospitals and schools
required, to which the great outlay at those gatherings might and could be
legitimately applied, instead of wasting the means in idle shows? When, for
His own wise purposes, God permitted the hordes of banditti that infested the
land at the commencement of the Crusades and the vast multitude of fanatics to
accompany the pilgrims to Palestine, actuated by a wild religious enthusiasm
to recover the Holy Land from the Infidel Saracens, 786 BRITISH TEMPLARY.
they swept like a torrent over
Europe, and were nearly all annihilated before reaching their destination.
They were replaced by noble Christian Knights with their following, and
mail‑clad ascetic pious warrior‑monks,‑in whom the latent fire of religious
fervor burnt, with the light of battle in their eyes, to serve the Divine
Master,‑and who established the religious and military Order of Knights
Templar. But they are certainly not represented by modern Masonic Templars at
mock military processions, with bands of music, flaunting of flags and
banners, decorated with emblems, ‑not always consistent with the laws of
heraldry and Christian symbolism,‑banging of drums, braying of horns and
fanfaronade of trumpets in self‑laudation, only tending to vulgarize and
change the representation of the once famous military Templars into a mere
"circus exhibition to attract attention for the amusement of the idle and
gaping multitude." The Landmarks of the Order. ‑Much has been said about the
Landmarks of the Order. The word itself appears to be a misnomer, as it is
Craft, not Chivalric bodies, that properly speaking have " Landmarks."
Templary being in the strictest sense Trinitarian Christian, it may be said
that all the doctrines of the Christian faith are its landmarks. The new and
reformed Ritual retains and explains the Christian symbolism of the Sacred
Name, with reference to the small white stone of the New Testament, and the
Greek letter X, chi (ky) (from early times the mark or sign of " Christos "),
with the Urim and Thummim on the breastplate of the High Priest, ‑ the meaning
of these words being " light and perfection." The " Saltire," or " St.
Andrew's " Cross, so named from the tradition that the Apostle suffered
martyrdom on a cross of this form, is always represented in the shape of the
letter X; but this is said by some Ecclesiastical authorities to be an error,
as may be seen by referring to the cross itself, upon which he died, given to
the Convent of St. Victor, near Marseilles, by St. Stephen of Burgundy, which,
like the common cross, is rectangular. The cause of the mistake is thus
explained: When the Apostle suffered, the cross, instead of being fixed
upright, rested on the foot and cross‑bar. In this position he was fastened to
it, his hands to one arm and head of the cross, his feet to the other arm and
foot, with his head in the air. This may have given rise to the legend that
the Apostle was crucified with his head downward, and this cross became the
Christian emblem of suffering humility. We find this thought in the history of
the Ancient Fathers of the Church, in Justin's "Apologia," "That which was
spoken physiologically concerning the Son of God in the Timaeus of Plato,
where he says: I He placed Him in the Universe after the manner (in the form)
of the letter X,' he borrowed from Moses." Plato, not accurately knowing or
perceiving that it was the figure of the cross, but seeing only the form of
the letter X, said, "That the power next the first God was in the shape of an
X." The Temple Church, London.‑This will account for the Crusaders' MODERN
789 silent effigies in stone,
of the Temple Church, London, having their hands closed and raised in
supplication, with their legs crossed, to represent this letter and to denote
their faith in Christ.
The English Templars. ‑The
Templars of England, it has been asserted, are derived from the " Baldwin "
encampment of Bristol, now preceptory, ‑ which with two others, ‑the 1|
Observance " of London and "Antiquity" of Bath,‑appear, on the English
calendar, as from time immemorial, claiming to have been established in the
early days of the genuine Order; but this claim really means that they had a
separate warrant of existence before the reorganization of H.‑.R.‑.H.‑. the
Duke of Kent, as Grand Patron, in 1804‑7. The very name Encampment contradicts
the assertion. All the old Templar houses were called Preceptories and
sometimes Priories, after places, never from persons. Although these
encampments appear to be the oldest in England, they cannot show a greater
antiquity than the last century, and the high grade Masonic system of
Continental Europe. They conferred "seven" degrees, viz.:, i st, Masonic
Knights Templar; zd, Knights of St. John of Jerusalem; 3d, Knights of Rhodes;
4th, Knights of Maltathese three latter are the same Order at different
periods of its history; 5 th, Knights of Palestine or the " Red Cross " of the
|1 Constantine Order of St. George" ‑not the Pagan "Red Cross of Babylon";
6th, Knights of the 1| Rosy Crucis "; and 7th, the |1 Kadosh." The Scottish
Templars. ‑The Scottish Templars are said to spring from the ancient Priory of
Torphichen in Midlothian, where, at the era of the Reformation, the
possessions of the combined Orders of the Hospitallers of St. John and the
Templars were declared forfeited 'to the crown of Great Britain and Ireland;
on the ground that the services required, by oath of the Prior or Preceptor,
were to defend and maintain the "Roman Catholic religion." The last Grand
Prior, Sir John Sandilonds, embracing the Protestant faith, surrendered the
possessions of the priory to the Government, receiving a grant of them to
himself with the title of Lord Torphichen in 1564, which founded the existing
family of that name.
After the dispersion of the
members, an unsupported tradition relates that many of them joined a Masonic
lodge in the town 1| Sterling," which gave rise to the Knightly Order becoming
incorporated with Masonry.
The present Scottish Ritual is
very similar to "that of Canada, being derived from the ancient Templars
founded upon the Benedictine canons.
The Irish Templars. ‑ In
Ireland, the Templar degrees have been more or less connected with those of
Great Britain, and are now presided over by H.‑. R.‑. H.‑. the Duke of
Connaught. They have always followed the Masonic element of Black Masonry,
which they still adhere to in preference to the reformed modern ritual. The
term Encampment appears to have been first used about 1 783 in the "High
Knights Templar" degrees. These degrees, derived from the Athol system, were
conferred in the Kilwinning Knights Templar Lodge of Dublin, a warrant having
been obtained from Mother Kilwinning Lodge of Scotland, on application of
Irish Templars, who were under the impression that this lodge gave authority
to confer all so‑called Masonic degrees beyond the three first or Craft.
The earliest record of the
term Encampment appears in the old minutebook of the " High Knights Templar
Lodge of Kilwinning," Dublin, which is now, since it became obsolete, in the
possession of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
On the 8th October, 1779,
Mother Kilwinning Lodge of Scotland granted a charter to Hugh Cunningham and
others, for Craft working in Ireland‑all the Mother lodge herself sanctioned ;
but, about 1783, a brother Zimmerman, a Frenchman, joined the lodge. He
shortly afterward started the "Templar and Rose Croix Prince Masons," with
other high degrees, beyond that of Craft, as deriving authority from the
Mother Kilwinning Lodge of Scotland. Finally, a body calling itself the "
Grand Kilwinning Chapter of High Knights Templar for Ireland " was formed, and
printed a constitution in 1803. In 18o6 an opposition was started, abusing and
condemning all who were opposed to them, and warrants were issued‑ one, No.
43, to the Aberdeenshire Militia Regiment, called a travelling warrant, dated
A.L. 5807, A.D. 1807, bearing the old Encampment Templar seal. This Encampment
is supposed to have ceased to exist in 1836‑37, when a change took place, and
the old charters were called in, and new ones issued in Scotland.
French Templary. ‑ On the
Continent of Europe, Templary is clearly traced to the High Grade System of
Thory, and there is no evidence in any country of its being a direct
continuation of the ancient Order. The claims of France rest upon a charter
given to Larmenius by De Molai, which has been proved a forgery.
Templars of Sweden.‑The
Swedish Templars assert that Templary was introduced there by a nephew of De
Molai, who was a member of the new Order of Christ in Portugal, and they now,
with Denmark and other nationalities of Germany, practise the reformed system
of the obsolete Templar rite of the || Strict Observance." Templary of the
United States of America. ‑ With respect to the Templar system of our fratres
of the United States, after the purely chivalric degrees which were first
introduced into the St. Andrew's Royal Arch chapter at Boston in 1769, had
died out, I may briefly say that they chose to adopt MODERN SYSTEMS.
791 a ritual which resembles
no other in any country. It therefore seems doubtful if the Masons who
introduced the degree, and " set up " what is called Templar Masonry, in the
New England States, ever had the degrees conferred upon them. If so, how came
they to make a ritual for themselves, unlike anything else in the world? From
this it would seem that they could not have been in the possession of any
authorized ritual of the degrees in the Motherland, or had after that
forgotten the O. B. by which they received them ; for if they had regularly
received them, how came they to abandon or even tamper with the ceremonies and
their fundamental principles, communicated only under solemn obligations? But
it is more than probable that, not having any authorized ritual, they
concocted one to suit their own ideas of the Masonic Templar alliance, totally
changing the meaning and object, and imparting to it the element of equality
that prevailed at that time in Europe, with latitudinarian views of the
Christian religion; for if anything in the world resembles one thing less than
another, here is a striking illustration, since American Templary is as far
removed from the real Templary of the Middle Ages, as that of the modern
Masonic revival in England. This has been acknowledged by some of their most
prominent and best informed authorities, stating that it was not the intention
to adopt the peculiar religious opinions or follow the usages of the old
religious military fraternities, but to create and adopt a Masonic military
degree of their own, to be known as Knights Templar. The advances made by
English Templars a few years ago toward an alliance proved unsatisfactory, as
the views adopted by our United States fratres did not in essentials
assimilate with those of the Empire. The originators of their system chose to
found it altogether on Craft Freemasonry, and they are now so connected that
they cannot be separated to amalgamate with a system in which the Orders are
not equally so connected. The formulas of a reception into the degrees based
upon the ancient Templar ceremonies and Trinitarian Christian belief are
totally different in structure, usages, and creed from that of Templary based
upon Craft Masonry.
Mistaken Ideas of Masonic
Templary. ‑The purely Masonic Templar system can be compared to little else
than what may be called a " Frantic effort after the real thing, with a sort
of photograph to begin upon," enjoyable no doubt as a public dramatic military
display, but it is not Templary. To speak of Templary as an Order of
Freemasonry, is simply absurd from the British Templar stand‑point. The
instant the Order of the Temple ceases to be Trinitarian Christian, it also
ceases to be a true branch of the Templar Knightly Order.
"Difficulties of Affiliation.
‑" How then" (as one of their own Masonic writers says), "can the Templars of
the United States system expect affiliation with those of the British Empire,
the organizations being altogether different, ‑ as widely different as
'Masonry' and | Odd Fellowship'? " And another well‑known authority remarks: "
If an Odd Fellow was first to be a Mason, 792 BRITISH TEMPL.4RY and the name
Odd Fellow were changed to | Knights Templar,' the Odd Fellowship of the
United States might with as much propriety be accepted in Canada and other
portions of the British Empire as the same Order as that of the Temple, so
completely have the Templars of the United States departed from the original
purport and meaning of Templary, having made it wholly and emphatically a
degree of Speculative Masonry; and however consistently it may be arranged as
such, it can lay no claim whatever to the name of Templar Knights, as
representing that Order, in history, doctrine, or ritual." The Order of the
Temple existed for centuries apart from Freemasonry, without any known
connection further than that the old Knights employed the Ancient Craft as
workmen. Our modern Grand Lodges consider the Templar dogmas as glaring
innovations upon Symbolic Masonry. Templary, therefore, in the Empire is only
recognized as quasi‑Masonic, from being allied to it, as an additional degree,
for about a century past, but which never obtained recognition as being
Masonic, save at York with the Royal Arch in 1730 ‑ The Present Agitation in
Canada. ‑ I remark, however, in passing, that in Canada some of the fratres
are much exercised about the oft‑discussed question of out‑door Templar
costume and military display of the American Templars, and seem to feel the
power of these latter‑day offshoots, the outcome of the vigorous growth, in
the United States of America, of an organization in which, as adapted to the
popular taste, historical accuracy is not aimed at, and tradition is made of
non‑effect, thus leaving their commanderies free to gratify the National love
of military pomp and to indulge in demonstrativeness; that if these could be
grafted upon the widely different British system, a new era, they think, would
begin, and what is called progressiveness ensue. But change and progress are
not identical, nor will mistaken ideas as to cause and effect form a sound
basis upon which to found a revolution in the old order of things. The
military drill and uniform of our American fratres is a very modern feature of
their Knights Templary, and is not the foundation of their strength or power;
for we must look below the surface show of plumed Knights and fantastic drills
to find the source of their progress. What has been said of the American
Church may be applied to American Templary as well. They have the power, born
of Unit),, not in the shallow sense of seeming uniformity, but the unity which
covers diversity and protects individuality: it is here we shall discover the
spring of their active progress.
Every individual connecting
himself by obligation with any organization, by that act alone pledges himself
to abide by and sustain the rules, by whatever name they may be designated,
governing the body with which he has allied himself, presumably knowing the
meaning and purport of his vow.
Those in Canada who are
anxious to adopt the American Templar work, and indulge in disparaging and
satirical remarks about the British system of Templary, should remember that
abuse is no argument, and ridicule does not prove MODERN SYSTEMS.
793 anything. It is a mere
wilful blindness to the truth to say that the Canadian Templar system is meant
to revert to the primitive forms of the ancient Order. It is nothing of the
kind, as every one conversant with the Ritual. knows. Only the precepts,
doctrine, and general features have been preserved, without any attempt to
follow or adopt any Order of Knighthood, ancient or modern, the system
strictly confining itself to the common‑sense view of the Christian teaching
and historic antecedents of the religious military fraternities.
Templars in British Colonies.
‑ The defenders of the British Crown in India, China, the Cape Colony, New
Zealand, and the Mediterranean hold preceptories under the Great Priory of
England, where formerly concurrent jurisdiction with Scotland and Ireland
existed, but which was disputed by the English Grand body claiming to be the
ruling power, no other governing body in the Empire having authority in any
British colony.
The Great Priory of Canada,
and Precepts of the Ancient Templars. ‑ In the Colony of Victoria, an
independent Great Priory, founded by the Great Priory of Canada, exists, which
has caused the old kindly relations between the Mother Grand body and Canada
to be severed from a misapprehension, in the first instance, that concurrent
jurisdiction still existed there. This is not as it should be, if for a moment
we consider the ancient precepts and principles of the Order, which the old
chronicle of early times so pointedly and quaintly defines: "The defence of
religion became the office and pride of the old Nobility and the Order of
Knighthood. The duty of a Knight was to maintain the Catholic faith. The cross
of Christ was no sooner lifted up as a standard, than all Europe was united in
a bond of brotherhood, to testify their love for the Saviour of mankind, and
to protect from insult and injury the persecuted servants of their Saviour."
The Catholic or Universal faith of Christendom being the very `basis of the
character which belonged to a Knight, every one conversant with the chivalric
usages must recollect that the highest glory was to be called " a veray
Knyghte and servannt of Jhesu Cryste." True Templary.‑The teachings, then, of
true Knight Templary, are a transcript of God's Word, as rendered in the
sacred volume, expressed in symbolic language, and carried out in life. Its
very name is religious; and the duties which its striking Ritual imposes by O.
B. are too solemn and binding to be trifled with, and make it an Order not to
be conferred as a mere source of amusement and social enjoyment. They who
indulge in the latter forget that all vows and protestations before the throne
of grace are both solemn and binding, and when response is made to the Holy
Name and prayer offered up, unless all due reverence and humility are
observed, it is but taking the " Holy Name in vain." Conclusion.‑My task is
now ended, however imperfectly done. In carefully recording these portions of
my annual addresses to the Templar body of Canada for the last thirty‑six
years, with such corrections as became necessary from a more extended and
correct knowledge of the history of Freemasonry and 794 BRITISH TEMPLAR Y.
the Templar system, my whole
aim and object has been to raise the status of the Order and point out its
true object and meaning. With this view for my guide, I have fearlessly
exposed the mistakes and palpable errors of the Masonic system of Templary
generally. Having passed through the ordeal of 1| seeking for hidden
treasure," I had long been groping in the dark, expecting to find some occult
science, the explanation of some philosophical problem, and to bring to light
some wonderful secrets; in all of which I have been disappointed, until the
true meaning of Masonry and Templary was placed before me in all its
simplicity, purity, and sublime beauty: then all my anxiety vanished. I had
been looking in a wrong direction, and for that which was not to be found. For
this reason, I revere the degree of the Temple as taught in the British
Dominion, not because it represents the once famous religious and military
confraternity of that name in the Middle Ages, but because it holds up to the
view of its members the Crucifixion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of
Jesus, Lord and King of Glory, and Prince of Peace, teaching the Divinity of
Christ and Trinity of the Godhead. Need I add, the object, the end, the result
of the great speculations of antiquity was the ultimate annihilation of evil,
and the restoration of man to his first state, by a Redeemer, a Messiah, a
Chrfstos, ‑ the Incarnate Word? My views on this subject no doubt will be
looked upon as expressing extreme opinions and be considered Utopian by the ||
wise " of this advanced age, being quite contrary to all preconceived ideas of
Masonry. It may be so; but I have the consciousness of their abiding truth,
and do not flinch or swerve from any criticisms that may be offered, or give
up the precious doctrines I hold, and I am convinced that I have laid down the
ancient and only true ground upon which the Order of the Temple should exist
in Canada and elsewhere. Without a firm belief in the doctrine of the Trinity,
there never would have been any Order of Knights Templar in the world. It was
the very basis of the ancient Order, and continues to be so up to the present
time. When . this doctrine of the Holy Trinity is expunged from the Templar
code, all my interest ceases, and I will have nothing to do with such a system
of so‑called Templary.
History of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry : its Government by Supreme Councils,
Consistories, Chapters of Rose Croix, Councils of Princes of Jerusalem, and
Lodges of Perfection.
Past Sovereign Grand Commander for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the
United States of America.
Rites and their Signification.
‑The word Rite, in its application to Freemasonry, has come to mean something
more than a ceremony, or mode of working. It is now applied to distinctive
organizations of a Masonic character, or, more strictly speaking, to the
Masonry practised, by those organizations, as well as to systems which are
assumed to be parts of one whole. Thus we speak of Symbolic Masonry as the
Symbolic Rite; Royal Arch Masonry as the Capitular Rite; and Cryptic Masonry
as the Cryptic Rite; and we speak of all three together as the "York Rite."
The term "Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite" is applied to that system which
was first definitively organized at Charleston, South Carolina, in I8oi. Like
the Capitular Rite, it is founded upon the Symbolic degrees; its postulants
must be Master Masons of the Symbolic Rite in good standing. It 795 ANCIENT
recognizes the first three
degrees as the foundation of all higher degrees of whatever system or Rite;
and Grand Lodges as the exclusive, supreme governors of those degrees, with
the absolute power to fix the status of Master Masons by laws, decisions, and
judgments conclusively binding upon all bodies and individuals practising any
other Rite.
Degrees of the Scottish Rite.
‑ Its degrees, conferred in a series of subordinate bodies, number from the
Fourth to the Thirty‑second inclusive. It has an Official degree, the
Thirty‑third, formerly conferred only upon the members of its Supreme
Governing body as a qualification for membership therein. That body in each
jurisdiction is composed of a limited number of members entitled to vote and
is termed the Supreme Council. The practice has grown up of conferring the
Thirty‑third degi ee, as an Honorary degree, upon those who may be deemed to
merit it by distinguished services in the Rite or in Freemasonry: those
receiving it thereby become Honorary members of the Supreme Council with such
rights, powers, and privileges as are fixed by the laws of the particular body
to which they are attached. While all Supreme Councils recognize the rank of
all Sovereign Grand Inspectors‑General of the Thirty‑third degree, whether
Active or Honorary, they have no powers outside of the jurisdiction in which
they receive the rank and continue to reside, except such as may be given to
them by the laws of a Supreme Council in whose jurisdiction they subsequently
take up their residence. But members of this Rite, of whatever degree,
visiting in any jurisdiction, are received with the same honors as those of
the same rank and official position in the jurisdiction visited.
Organization. ‑ There is not
entire uniformity in the organization of the bodies subordinate to the Supreme
Councils ; in most jurisdictions, the degrees from the Fourth to the
Fourteenth inclusive are conferred in "Lodges of Perfection " ; the Fifteenth
and Sixteenth in " Councils of Jerusalem " ; the Sixteenth and Seventeenth in
" Chapters of Rose Croix," and the Nineteenth to the Thirty‑second, inclusive,
in " Consistories of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret"; in one jurisdiction
the degrees from the Nineteenth to the Thirtieth are conferred in a " Council
of Kadosh," and only the Thirty‑first and Thirty‑second in the Consistory. In
some jurisdictions there is a~ Grand Consistory and in one, a " Council of
Deliberation," as governing bodies with limited powers, intermediate between
the Supreme Council and the working bodies.
Historic Summary, ‑ After the
organization of the Grand Lodge of England, in 1717, Masonry soon acquired a
high degree of popularity. Degrees, almost numberless, were invented and
termed Masonic; there was apparently no governing authority for very many of
them, but they were what are now known as "side degrees." In 1754 twenty‑five
of them (including the three Symbolic degrees) were arranged in a series
called the Rite of Perfection; a governing body was apparently formed, but it
799 or changed its name in
1759, for in that year the same series of degrees was under the authority of a
body calling itself "Council of the Emperors of the East and West." In 1761
this body commissioned Stephen Morin to introduce the Rite into America; he
established bodies in San Domingo and Jamaica, in the latter of which Henry
Andrew Francken was admitted; he in turn was commissioned by Morin to
establish the Rite in the (now) United States. Francken came to New York, and
in 1767 established a Lodge of Perfection in Albany, in that State.
In 1762 the Council of
Emperors adopted "Grand Constitutions" (more generally called "the
Constitutions of 1762 "), a copy of which Francken brought with him ; he left
a copy with the Lodge of Perfection at Albany and undoubtedly gave out others.
Both Morin and Francken had
power, not only to organize bodies of the Rite, but also to appoint Inspectors
possessing equal power with themselves. Francken appointed Moses M. Hayes of
Massachusetts, two at Albany and perhaps others, as quite a number were
appointed, but by whom no record shows, so far as known. A Lodge of Perfection
was organized in Philadelphia, in 1781, a part of the record of which has been
preserved. The Inspectors, Deputies for different States, held meetings there
also. In 1783 a Lodge of Perfection was established in Charleston, South
Carolina, by Jsaac Da Costa, a Deputy Inspector appointed by Hayes ; but its
records were destroyed by fire in 1796, and apparently it became extinct.
Evidence has recently been discovered that a Lodge of Perfection was
established at Baltimore, in 1792, by Henry Wilmans : he was a Prussian and,
as no connection has been traced between him and the other Inspectors, some
have believed that he brought his authority with him; but as, in 1782, Joseph
M. Meyers was Deputy for Maryland (appointed by Hayes), the source of the
authority of Wilmans is exceedingly doubtful. Schultz, in his "History of
Masonry in Maryland," gives a list of seventy‑six members of this lodge.
Joseph M. Meyers, on February 20, 1788, established a Council of Princes of
Jerusalem at Charleston and on January 13, 1797, a Grand Council of Princes of
the Royal Secret was established at the same place under the authority of a
body of the same grade at Kingston, in Jamaica.
The Lodges of Perfection at
Albany and Philadelphia were in full accord with the Symbolic lodges ; they
assumed, as a matter of course, that they had no jurisdiction over the
Symbolic degrees, and invariably commenced with the Fourth degree : the
records of the other two lodges are lost, but, judging from their members, who
were active in Symbolic Masonry, the same was true of the Charleston and
Baltimore lodges.
The "Constitutions." ‑Such was
the condition of affairs in this country in the closing years of the last
century. Early in 1803 a circular, dated December 4, 1802, was published
announcing the organization, on May 31, 18o1, of a new governing body of a new
rite, into which the Rite of Perfection had 8oo
been transformed. The record
of the formation of this body has not been preserved; but the circular very
largely supplies the loss.
The name of this new body was
"The Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors‑General of the Thirty‑third
Degree for the United States of America." It was organized by John Mitchell
and Frederic Dalcho, and the circular states that, during the year, the full
number (nine) of members was admitted. It recognized the "Constitutions of
1762," the "Secret Constitutions," and the " Constitutions of 1786." The
latter are the supreme law of the Rite; their origin has been the cause of
much research and discussion. They purport to have been sanctioned by Frederic
the Great, of Prussia, as the Supreme Head and Governor of the Rite: their
purpose was to provide for the succession, after his death, in the government
of the Rite : by their terms, Frederic's power was vested in a Council of Nine
in each nation. These Constitutions were first published in 1832, in French ;
another version, in Latin, was published in 1834 ; these two versions, while
agreeing in the main features, are different in some of the details; the Latin
version is more formal and complete, and this fact has led to the opinion that
this version was the original and that the other version was an imperfect
translation of this into French.
It has been vigorously
asserted that these Constitutions were never sanctioned by Frederic, and even
that they were "forged" at Charleston, and, until quite recently, this has
been very generally accepted. The reasons given were that, in 1786, Frederic
was mentally and physically incapable of doing business, and that the names
appended to the Latin version were fictitious. But Brother Albert Pike, in his
" Historical Inquiry," has most completely overthrown these assertions. He has
shown conclusively that, while Frederic was suffering physically, in 1786, he
still administered affairs as usual ; and that the names appended to the
Constitutions were those of men connected with the court of Frederic.
As the result of an extended,
close, and impartial investigation, Brother Pike reaches the conclusion that
these Constitutions were made at Berlin and approved by Frederic ; and they
are recognized by the Southern Supreme Council.
On the other hand, Brother
Enoch T. Carson, whose study of the history of the Rite and matters connected
with it, has scarcely been surpassed by any one in the world, is of opinion
that the French version was the original and it is the only version which the
Northern Supreme Council has ever recognized.
It is difficult, after closely
studying Brother Pike's presentation of his reasons, to avoid agreeing with
him in his conclusions.
It is certain that, after
Francken introduced the Rite into this country, those practising it understood
that the supreme governing power was in Berlin: indeed, in 1785, the Lodge of
Perfection at Philadelphia had an FIRST SUPREME COUNCIL.
8oI address prepared, to be
forwarded to Frederic as the Head of the Order. The Lodge of Perfection at
Albany was directed, as early as 1770, to transmit reports to Berlin; while
upon a tracing‑board, made still earlier by a member of that lodge, the
double‑headed crowned eagle of Prussia is given as a symbol of the Head of the
Order. It is impossible, in the space allowed to this sketch, to enter upon a
fuller discussion of this interesting subject.
But wheresoever, whensoever,
or by whomsoever made, these Constitutions were adopted as the fundamental Law
of the Rite, and have ever since been so held.
The First Supreme Council.‑The
first body organized under them was the Supreme Council established at
Charleston, May 31, 1801, by John Mitchell and Frederic Dalcho.
While this was a new Rite,
although " fully developed and apparently mature at its advent," it still was
a transformation of the Rite of Perfection. Morin had commissioned Francken,
and he, Moses M. Hayes ; Hayes commissioned Barend M. Spitzer, and the latter,
on April 2, 1795, granted to John Mitchell a patent as Deputy
Inspector‑General, reciting therein that he does so by authority of the
Convention of Inspectors held in Philadelphia, June 5, 1781. On May 24, 1801,
Mitchell issued to Frederic Dalcho a patent certifying to his possession of
the degrees and creating him a Deputy Inspector‑General. For a time, at least,
this title signified an office and not a degree later, they called themselves,
in America, Deputy Grand Inspectors‑General; and Brother Pike shows that in
the " Institutes " attached to the " Constitutions of 1762," as published in
France, it is provided that, in a country in which there is no Grand
Consistory or Grand Councils of Princes of Jerusalem, the oldest Grand
Inspector‑General is invested with dogmatic power, and consequently with the
title of "Sovereign,"‑whence undoubtedly came the title, |I Sovereign Grand
Inspector‑General." In i801 the names of the Deputy Inspectors, who had been
active previously to that time, had disappeared from the records and evidently
John Mitchell was then the oldest Inspector‑General, and, therefore, Sovereign
Grand Inspector‑General. The Constitutions of 1786 had apparently been brought
from Europe, and Mitchell proceeded to organize a Supreme Council in exact
accordance with the terms of that document. He, as the only Sovereign Grand
Inspector‑General in the United States, raised Dalcho to the same grade ; they
two, a third; and so on until the number was complete. But the Rite of
Perfection had only twenty‑five degrees, while their Rite had thirty‑three. Of
course it was necessary that the actual degrees should correspond with the
number. Whether the new scale of degrees was arranged when the Constitutions
were framed, or whether that was done by the founders of the Supreme Council
after its organization, cannot be determined. From the fact, however, that the
list of degrees, as given in the circular of 1802, was somewhat different from
the one finally adopted, it would seem that the founders of the Supreme
Council arranged
the system: in the circular,
the " K ‑ H " is given as the Twenty‑ninth, while soon after the " Knight of
St. Andrew " took its place, and the " K ‑ H " became the Thirtieth. In the
register of J. J. J. Gourgas, the list was originally recorded as given in the
aforesaid circular, and afterward corrected in the margin.
By whomsoever done, eight
degrees (counting the Thirty‑third), were added to the Rite of Perfection ;
not at the end of the scale, but interpolated, so that the old Twenty‑fifth
degree became the Thirty‑second. The Supreme Council assumed, as a matter of
course, that it had jurisdiction over all Masons of the Rite of Perfection,
and so far as can be discovered no one in this country contested the claim.
Subordinate bodies of the Rite were established at Charleston, in 18oi, which
published a register in the following year.
When the revolution in San
Domingo commenced, in 1791, and the French settlers were obliged to flee, many
of them came to Charleston; among them were Count de Grasse and his
father‑in‑law, Delahogue ; while they remained there several years, they did
not consider themselves resident, but still hailed from France. On November
12, 1796, Hyman Isaac Long (who derived his powers from Morin, through
Francken, Hayes, Spitzer, and Moses Cohen), created De Grasse and Delahogue,
Deputy Grand Inspectors‑General. The French refugees, both in Charleston and
New Orleans, were, many of them, active Masons; although they contemplated a
temporary sojourn only in this country, they still desired to continue Masonic
work: at least two lodges were formed by them in Charleston before 18oo, both
of which soon afterward became extinct: they also established a " Grand
Council of Princes of the Royal Secret," under the authority of Long, acting
for the " Princes of Masonry at Kingston" : this body, as well as the lodges,
was evidently quite fully, if not entirely, made up of refugees, and expected
to be of a temporary character.
On February 21, 1802, the
Supreme Council at Charleston granted to De Grasse a patent as Sovereign Grand
Inspector‑General, 33|, certifying that he was " Grand Commander for life of
the Supreme Council of the French West India Islands," with the usual powers
tinder the Grand Constitutions.
Early in 1802 the French
forces re‑conquered San Domingo: the insurgents submitted and the pacification
was considered complete. Immediately the refugees returned in great numbers ;
the time, for which they had been looking for ten years, had arrived; their
lodges and other Masonic bodies in the United States became extinct; De Grasse
opened his Supreme Council at Cape Frangois ; among others, it created Antoine
Bideaud, first a Deputy Grand Inspector‑General, and then, on September 10,
1802, a Sovereign Grand Inspector‑General. But the French rule was of short
duration; in October, 1802, there was a new revolt, and in less than six
months the insurgents had become completely successful; the French
inhabitants, despairing of ever again returning, fled to France : as a
consequence, this Supreme Council ceased to exist.
803 Among them were De Grasse
and other members of the Cape Fran~ois Supreme Council; on September za, 1804,
De Grasse and his associates united with some Scottish Masons at Paris and
formed the Supreme Council of France. A Deputy Inspector‑General, appointed by
Du Plessis, at Philadelphia, had previously established in Paris bodies of the
Scottish Rite of Heredom, which, upon the organization of the Supreme Council,
fused with the Ancient and Accepted Rite.
Controversy with Grand Orient
of France.‑The body thus formed had a long controversy with the Grand Orient
of France, ‑a body that seems to have always cared more to increase its power
than to propagate Masonry, and which has now, for some ,years, ceased to be a
Masonic body, although it still claims that character. Space will not allow a
statement of the details of that controversy; but a brief account of the
results is necessary for a proper understanding of subsequent history.
The Supreme Council of France
conferred the Thirty‑third degree, in 1804, upon various members of the Grand
Orient. The latter had just succeeded in absorbing the Grand Lodge of France
and was looking around for " new worlds to conquer." It made overtures at once
for a union with the Supreme Council; a " Concordat " was agreed upon and
ratified by the Grand Orient, December 5, 1804 ; the precise terms of this
document cannot be ascertained with absolute certainty; it was deposited with
a brother who published it without authority; .the Grand Orient denied the
accuracy of the copy, and alleged that the original had been tampered with ;
the Grand Orient claimed that by the terms of the treaty it had incorporated
into itself every Rite in France with the power of absolute government over
all the Rites and their members : but the Supreme Council claimed that it
retained full control over all the degrees above the Eighteenth.
There can scarcely be a doubt
that the Supreme Council did not intend to commit suicide, or retain only " a
name to live: " it immediately declared that the "Concordat" had been broken
by the Grand Orient: and it was not till 1814 that the Grand Orient made any
definite claim to control the degrees of the Scottish Rite : but one thing
should be noted ; whichever party was right in its claims, the Thirty‑third
degree came to the Grand Orient (either legitimately or by usurpation), from
the Supreme Council at Charleston through the Supreme Council of France.‑
before making this claim, it appealed to the Supreme Council to cooperate in
consolidating all Masonic Rites in France 11 into the Grand Orient"; the
former courteously declining, the Grand Orient at once issued a circular
assuming the powers which it had asked the Supreme Council to accord to it:
all the powers, which it has since undertaken to exercise in relation to this
Rite, are usurpations without the color of legitimate title.
This coup of the Grand Orient
and the unsettled state of civil affairs were a severe blow to the Supreme
Council; a spurious body was soon formed and 804 ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH
v then a second, whose
controversies were published in voluminous documents; in 1821, however, these
had gone out of existence and the Supreme Council was reorganized and a
complete union effected, except that the Grand Orient still persisted in its
claims; it maintained a warfare with the Supreme Council till 1862, when peace
between them was effected. This Supreme Council is under a cloud, not only
because it recognizes another body also as a '| Supreme Council for France and
the French Possessions," but more especially because it recognizes that body
(the Grand Orient) as a Masonic body. The latter, in changing its
constitutions so as to admit atheists, has violated the fundamental principle
of Freemasonry and ceased to be a Masonic body; the former has not followed
this example, nor, on the other hand, that of almost all other Masonic Powers
in declaring the status of the Grand Orient.
Brother Carson has an old
register, from which it appears that Count de Grasse organized a Supreme
Council at Kingston, Jamaica, on March 15, 1807, which granted patents to
numerous Inspectors‑General, but which figures little in subsequent history.
The Northern Jurisdiction.
‑The Supreme Council next organized was that for the Northern Jurisdiction of
the United States. The Latin version of the Constitutions provides that there
may be only two Councils in North America, while the French version provides
that there may be two in the United States ; the latter was undoubtedly the
version under which the founders of the Southern Supreme Council originally
acted :but when that was formed, it claimed jurisdiction throughout the United
Under the previous system, the
power of one Inspector‑General to appoint another with equal powers and the
frequent exercise of that power created great confusion, and the history of
the Rite in the Northern jurisdiction forcibly illustrates this. By 18oo the
Lodges of Perfection at Albany and Philadelphia had apparently become dormant,
and the resident Inspectors had either died or ceased to act.
Antoine Bideaud (of whom
mention has already been made), was in New York in 1806, and on the 4th of
August conferred the degrees up to the Thirty‑second upon John G. Tardy, John
B. Desdoity, J. J. J. Gourgas, Lewis de Soulles, and Pierre A. Du Peyrot, the
two latter of Demerara; and two days later they opened a Consistory. This
action of Bideaud was in excess of his power, but it was afterward ratified by
competent authority. In 1807 Tardy was appointed a Deputy Inspector‑General by
Du Plessis, of Philadelphia, who had been appointed in 179o, by Augustine
Prevost, who in turn received his powers from Francken in 1774, in Jamaica. In
1804 Abraham Jacobs, appointed, as he says, a Grand Inspector‑General ; but a
Knight of the Sun, as Gourgas says, by Moses Cohen in I 79o, appeared in New
York and commenced conferring degrees. He says in his register that at Tardy's
request a Council of Princes of Jerusalem was opened on November 6, 1808,4 at
which there were present, besides himself, Tardy, Gourgas, Desdoity, Moses
SECOND SUPREME COUNCIL. 805 Levy, and Maduro Peixotto;' that Tardy
investigated his proceedings and approved them, and then invested Richard
Riker with the degrees. Gourgas says that, on November 8, 18o8, Daniel D.
Tompkins, Richard Riker, and Sampson Simpson received the degrees up to the
Thirty‑second, in the Consistory which had been formed August 6, i 8o6 ; and
that he himself was made a Deputy Inspector‑General on the 12th of November,
,18o8, and Peixotto on the 16th, and Desdoity on the 18th. Gourgas also says
that Jacobs had exceeded the powers granted to hits, having interlined words
in his patent for the purpose, and was afterward expelled in consequence. He
had previously conferred degrees on eighteen brethren ; this work Gourgas says
was " regularized " and the degrees up to the Thirty‑second were conferred
upon him by Tardy, Gourgas, and others, before his offence was discovered.
In the patent given by Bideaud
to Gourgas in 18o6, the degrees named are the same as those in the patent
granted by the Supreme Council at Charleston to De Grasse in 18o6. In the
original list, given by Gourgas, the Thirty‑first degree was " Deputy
Inspector‑General " ; but in a note in the margin, Gour gas says, "This is a
mistake; it is not a degree, but an office." The change in the scale of
degrees seems, therefore, to have been made after 18o6.
Bodies of the various grades
were organized in the city of New York in i8o8, but their records are lost,
and their history cannot be traced. A bitter contest was waged with another
organization and the Rite did not flourish. In 1813 Emmanuel de la Motta,
third officer in the Supreme Council at Charleston, visited them and approved
their proceedings, declared them regular and gave a certificate to that
On August 5, 1813, De la Motta
conferred the Thirty‑third degree on Simpson and Gourgas ; they then opened a
provisional Supreme Council and conferred the degree on Daniel D. Tompkins,
Richard Riker, Tardy, and Peixotto.
De la Motta on the same day
proceeded to organize the "second Grand and Supreme Council " for the United
States. Simpson and Gourgas waived their rights as Sovereign Grand
Inspectors‑General, and Tompkins was appointed and installed Grand Commander;
Simpson, Lieutenant‑Grand Commander; Tardy, Grand Treasurer‑General; Gourgas,
Grand Secretary General; and Riker and Piexotto in two other offices. These
proceedings were ratified by the Charleston Supreme Council in December
The Southern Jurisdiction.‑The
latter thereby became the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction of the
United States. At a later date, by a treaty made with the Northern Supreme
Council, the jurisdiction of the latter was limited to the States of Maine,
New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and
Wisconsin; and the rest of the United States was allowed to the former. All
additions to the territory of the United States have become subject to the
jurisdiction of the Southern 8o6 ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE. ‑ Supreme
Council, under the law that accretions of territory go with that to which they
are added. It received a civil charter from the State in 1823. The history of
the Southern body for years is a record of controversies exceedingly bitter ;
the energies of the members of its obedience were expended in disputes, to the
sacrifice of the propagation of the Rite. Then came the Anti‑Masonic craze,
and both parties were nearly swept out of existence ; under the law of the
Rite, the life of the Southern Supreme Council was preserved and its
antagonists found " successors and assigns." Its records were lost and nearly
all its archives shared the same fate. In 1857 it had become active, in spite
of the opposition of a spurious body in New Orleans, and at the beginning of
the Civil War it had fully reorganized, with Brother Albert Pike as its Grand
Commander, and was growing in activity and usefulness. He had edited and
published an edition of the "Constitutions of 1786 "; he had revised and
rewritten the rituals and made learned contributions to the literature of the
Rite. " The war intervened and labors in the Rite were almost wholly
suspended. When peace came, Masonry resumed her appropriate work. Brother Pike
again rewrote the rituals (which, in many of the degrees, had been scarcely a
skeleton), and published many other very valuable treatises, which raised the
character of Scottish Masonry to a philosophical Institution worthy of the
attention of the student, the philosopher, and the statesman. As a
consequence, a high degree of interest was aroused; bodies of the Rite were
organized in nearly all the States and Territories ; a temple at Washington
has been secured and with it a magnificent library. In a word, the Rite is
highly prosperous now with promise of still more abundant prosperity in the
The " Mother Supreme Council
Mother " in fact, but not claiming on that account to be more than the peer of
her daughters), commands the respect and affection of all Scottish Masons,
and, by its publications, has gained an immense influence, the world over, in
all matters relating to the Ancient and Accepted Rite.
The Northern Supreme Council
was also subjected to a fierce opposition which repressed its energies and
retarded its growth. The records of its early proceedings have been lost ; but
it is evident that the subordinate bodies ceased to work. In 1822 Giles Fonda
Yates, a comparatively young Mason, became interested in the Rite, and having
found the warrant of the lodge at Albany granted by Francken, several patents
issued by him, the copy of the Constitutions of 1762, and other documents left
by him with the Albany brethren, he succeeded in reviving the lodge, evidently
taking the degrees therein. A Grand Council of Princes of Jerusalem was
organized at Albany, which established four other Lodges of Perfection in the
neighboring counties. He corresponded with Gourgas and Moses Holbrook, Grand
Commander of the Southern Supreme Council. In 1824 a Consistory was organized
at Albany and bodies of the Rite established in Boston, all under the
authority of the NORTHERN JURISDICTION. 807 Southern Supreme Council. In 1825
the Thirty‑third degree was conferred on Yates by McCosh, as the Special
Deputy of the same body, and in 1828, he took the oath of fealty to, and
became a member of, the Northern Supreme Council.
But the Anti‑Masonic storm
broke out and swept all these bodies out of existence. Gourgas became
discouraged and in 1832 suspended his efforts, and for ten years the Rite, in
common with Symbolic Masonry, lay almost entirely dormant.
As early as 1841 Gourgas and
Yates conferred together and corresponded with others in relation to resuming
work; but it was three years before they had completed their preparations
sufficiently to commence activity.
The next meeting, of which a
record has been preserved, was held June 15, 1844; under the law of the Rite,
Gourgas had then become Grand Commander, and Yates Lieutenant‑Grand Commander:
there were probably others in the jurisdiction who had received the
Thirty‑third degree, but they had abandoned the Rite, if not Masonry, during
the preceding years. Gourgas and Yates opened the Supreme Council under the
law of the Rite, that a Supreme Council once formed does not cease to exist as
long as one member survives and lives within the jurisdiction.
At the next meeting
applications for the Thirty‑third degree were received from Edward A. Raymond,
who had been advanced to the Thirty‑second degree under the authority of the
Southern Supreme Council in 1825, Reuel Baker and Charles W. Moore (all of
Massachusetts), who had already received the Thirty‑second degree, and on
November 13, 1844, they were crowned Sovereign Grand Inspectors‑General and
declared members of the Supreme Council. "The Grand Constitutions of the
Order, Berlin, May 1, 1786, in eighteen articles," were read and explained to
them. Other meetings followed and on the 3d, 4th, and 5th of April, 1845, the
degrees were conferred on John Christie of New Hampshire and he was made a
member of the Supreme Council. At this meeting, Gourgas denounced the work of
Clavel, then recently published, as utterly erroneous so far as it relates to
the Ancient and Accepted Rite, declaring that in 1830, the Grand Orient of
France struck Cerneau's name from its Tableau and wrote to him (Gourgas), that
its remaining there so long was to them " a matter quite inexplicable." He
then proceeded to reorganize the Supreme Council by the appointment of the
officers according to the law of the Rite. In June following, Archibald Bull
and Killian H. Van Rensselaer received the degrees and were admitted members.
The Supreme Council was busy in making the necessary preparations to extend
the Rite. Lodges of Perfection were established at Boston, and Portsmouth, New
Hampshire, and Grand Councils of Princes of Jerusalem, at Albany, Boston, and
Portsmouth ; and soon after charters for a Chapter of Rose Croix and a
Consistory at Boston were authorized, in place of illegal ones issued by John
Barker in 1825, acting for the Southern Supreme Council.
On July 23, 1846, the Supreme
Council of England, organized under a patent from this Supreme Council under
patent dated October 26, 1845, was formally recognized. But that body opened
relations and Masonic communication with the Grand Orient of France ; much
space in the record is given to the correspondence in relation to this matter,
but the result not being satisfactory, Masonic communication with the Supreme
Council of England and its Grand Commander was interdicted until all alliance
and connection with the Grand Orient should be abjured. The Law of the Rite in
relation to connection with other Masonic powers was explicitly and forcibly
declared; and in addition it was also declared that "The'Ancient York
Rite'‑Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason‑is our foundation and
none but 'Ancient York Rite Master Masons' are entitled to further advancement
in our 'Ancient Free and Accepted Rite."' This is believed to be the first
authoritative and explicit declaration of the relation of the two Rites to
each other.
The Supreme Council "pursued
the even tenor of its way"; new bodies in various parts of the jurisdiction
were created and many brethren were received in them; on January 17, 1848,
Reuel Baker, an officer of the Supreme Council, died; and, on June aq, 1850,
Frangois Turner, of Connecticut, was crowned and admitted.
In 1850 the right to confer
the Royal and Select Master's degrees, based upon the statement that Joseph M.
Myers committed these charges to the Lodge of Perfection in Charleston in
1'83, was formally declared; authority to confer these degrees was endorsed
upon the charters of the Lodges of Perfection at Stonington, Connecticut;
Portsmouth, New Hampshire; and Newport, Rhode Island. The latter continued to
confer the degrees till about twenty years since, when the authority was
revoked by the Supreme Council.
Between June and December,
1851, several meetings of the Supreme Council were held, but the record has
been lost; up to June of this year, the record had been kept by Gourgas ;
during this interval, the Grand East was removed from New York to Boston and
Robert P. Dunlap of Maine, Simon W. Robinson of Massachusetts, and Nathan B.
Haswell of Vermont received the Thirty‑third degree and became members of the
Supreme Council, and apparently, Joseph K. Stapleton of Baltimore, as his name
is found in an official list.
The meeting held September 4,
1851, was an exceedingly important one. Gourgas sent in his resignation as
Grand Commander and his appointment of Yates as his successor; the
communication of Gourgas is an important historical document. Yates presided;
the Thirty‑third degree was conferred on Ammi B. Young; Albert Case 33| of the
Southern jurisdiction was unanimously " recognized by affiliation " ; the
Sovereign Grand Consistory was organize‑d; and the degrees in the various
bodies were conferred upon several brethren.
809 But, on the next day,
still more important events occurred. Yates delivered an address, and at its
close resigned the office of Grand Commander, and appointed and installed
Raymond in his place. Yates' address was a forcible exposition of the laws of
the Rite, and the objects it has in view, with historical matter of great
importance : its length alone precludes its insertion in this work.
On the 25th of the same month,
Grand Commander Raymond appointed and installed the other officers. The list
gives Raymond as Grand Commander; Gourgas, Past Grand Commander; Dunlap,
Lieutenant‑Grand Commander; Robinson, Grand Treasurer; Moore, Grand Secretary;
Yates, Grand Chancellor; Bull and Stapleton, as members; Haswell and Young, as
Captains of the Guard; and Christie, Van Rensselaer, and Turner as Deputies.
No action had been taken to increase the number beyond nine, and yet here were
thirteen officers and members besides Case, who had been " recognized by
affiliation," and was afterward included in the published list of members. It
is impossible to determine from the record what theory the Supreme Council
acted upon as to the number of its members, or as to the status and powers of
those in excess of nine. The same is true as to its claim of jurisdiction:
when Stapleton died, in 1854, Charles Gilman of Maryland was elected a member
and acted as such until his death, which occurred, however, before any
question arose as to his rights. But the other question complicated a
controversy which arose subsequently. For this reason, a detailed statement
becomes important : the list for 1854 is the same as the one already given,
except that Gilman is substituted for Stapleton, and William B. Hubbard of
Ohio, for Bull, whose name is dropped: under the heading "Northern Supreme
Council," ten names are given, including that of Gourgas, who is styled "
Honorary " : in 185 5 the list is the same, but in a separate group are given
Bull, Case, and Paul Dean of Massachusetts, of whose election and reception of
the degree there is no record : in 1856 Case is substituted for Haswell, who
had died during the year, and the name of Andres Cassard of New York is added
to the third group; he received the grade in some other jurisdiction : in 185
7 Charles R. Starkweather of Illinois was elected and his name inserted in the
first group, in place of Yates, whose name was transferred to the second
group, in place of Turner, transferred to the third : in 1858 the first group
was reduced to nine by the transfer of Gourgas to the third group and Cassard
was dropped: and, in 1859, the list is the same, but Dunlap and Yates died
before the next session.
Up to this time, the Supreme
Council had worked harmoniously and was slowly but steadily extending the
Rite. The high degrees were conferred upon several brethren at every session
of the Supreme Council: new bodies were formed which were working actively.
Harmony with the " York Rite " everywhere prevailed. In 1853 the Supreme
Council expressly declared 11 We claim no control over degrees cultivated by,
or belonging to, any other 810 ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE.
lawful authority." But whim
the affairs of the Rite seemed to be in a most promising condition, a
controversy arose with the Grand Commander, which ended in a disruption of the
Supreme Council. Grand Commander Raymond held that the powers of Frederic were
vested in him as Grand Commander, and not in, the Council as a body.
Upon his own motion and his
own authority he had conferred the Thirtythird degree upon Paul Dean ; but the
Supreme Council tacitly recognized Dean as one of their number. At the session
in i86o a resolution was presented declaring that the Supreme Council
consisted of only nine members, but that Deputy Inspectors‑General beyond that
number might be created, and proposing to elect ten who should be entitled to
a seat and a voice but not a vote in the Supreme Council, but it was laid upon
the table; it could not well be adopted, since for ten sessions more than nine
had been voting in the Supreme Council upon a perfect equality, and it would
be impossible to deter mine who were the nine composing the Supreme Council.
However, Enoch T. Carson of Ohio was elected and admitted to the Thirty‑third
degree; and Charles T. McClenachan of New York was appointed "Deputy Inspector
for New York " and the Grand Commander requested " to qualify him according to
the Constitutions." The Grand Commander was not present the first two days of
the session : when the Council closed on Friday, it was to meet on Monday, but
the Grand Commander not being present on Monday, the members separated to meet
the next morning; but he not being present then nor on Wednesday, they
At this session a Sovereign
Grand Consistory was organized with certain powers of legislation, but subject
to ratification, by the Supreme Council.
In August an extra session was
held and the controversy with the Grand Commander reached its climax. There
were present, Raymond, Robinson, Moore, Case, Christie, Starkweather, Dean,
Young, and Van Rensselaer. Charges against Andres Cassard for unlawfully
publishing parts of the ritual were tried and he was expelled. In the interval
between the sessions, the Grand Commander had conferred the Thirty‑third
degree upon Peter Lawson ; but a resolution was introduced and temporarily
laid upon the table, that the Supreme Council could not recognize him as an
Inspector‑General. On the second day, a discussion arose as to the right of
the Supreme Council to appoint its committees, and the Grand Commander refused
to put the motion. A motion was then made to close the Council, to be opened
at four o'clock; but he refused to put the motion and declared the Council
closed until the next morning at ten. At that time the Council was opened and
the minutes read, whereupon the Grand Commander declared the Council closed
sine die: Young, who was present previously, was absent but the other eight
were present.
Five of the eight conferred
together and, upon the advice of Gourgas who was visiting in the vicinity,
reopened the Council and proceeded with the business.
A committee on rules, etc.,
previously appointed reported, and the 11 Constitutions of i 86o " were
adopted; the resolution in relation to Lawson was amended by declaring that he
had been illegally and unconstitutionally elevated to the Thirty‑third grade
and, as amended, was adopted ; another resolution was adopted declaring that
Case was a member of the Council: the vacancies in the offices were filled by
election as provided in the new constitutions, Van Rensselaer becoming
Lieutenant‑Grand Commander; and a preamble and resolution were adopted, in
effect deposing the Grand Commander. The record was signed by Van Rensselaer,
Moore, Christie, Starkweather, Young, and Case : the proceedings were formally
approved by Gourgas, Hubbard, Bull, and Turner; and, to a qualified extent, by
Raymond entirely disregarded
the action taken after he left the Council and both parties published
proceedings for 186o, those for the regular session being almost precisely
alike. In those published by Raymond is a record of his action in conferring
the Thirty‑third degree upon Peter Lawson, in which it is recited that Lawson,
Starkweather, and William Field were elected in 1857. But the record of 11857
shows only the election of Starkweather ; as that record was made before any
controversy arose, and was published and in the hands of the members at the
next session, and no suggestion of an omission was made, and as the admission
of Lawson was at once repudiated, it would seem that the recital of his
election was erroneous.
The two records of the extra
session differ, but do not conflict in essential matters. The Raymond
proceedings are signed by him and Robinson only and it may be said once for
all that Robinson was the only one of the old members who adhered to Raymond.
But nevertheless they went on, as the Supreme Council, conferring the degree
and filling the offices with the new members: they organized a Grand
Consistory and adopted a Code of Regulations by which the Supreme Council
consisted of nine Active members, but might have not exceeding fifteen
Honorary members. Moore, Van Rensselaer, Christie, Case, and Starkweather were
expelled. At the close of the annual session in 1862, this body had seven
Active members and also. recognized Gourgas and Hubbard as such: it had also
had three Deputies and, in addition, included Carson in the list. By the first
of February, 1863, the Thirty‑third degree had been voted to twelve in
addition and conferred upon six as the record shows, and probably upon others.
But in the meantime the other
body had not been idle. At the session in 1861, Van Rensselaer, Moore, Case,
Starkweather, and Christie were present, and Turner and Young sent letters of
excuse. ' In the Grand Consistory there was a large attendance : thirty
subordinate bodies made returns and were represented, showing that
substantially all of the subordinate bodies adhered to this organization. The
constitution was amended, extending the number of Active members to
thirty‑three and apportioning them to the States, and recognizing the power of
the Supreme Council to confer the Thirty‑third 812 ANCIENT FIND ACCEPTED
degree upon others, who should
not be Active members. Upon request the Secretary reported to the Supreme
Council the names of its Active members, as follows: Active members,. Raymond,
Robinson, Moore, Young, Case, Hubbard, Gilman, and Starkweather; Deputies,
with powers of Active members, Van Rensselaer and Christie ; Honorary members
with full powers, Bull, Turner, and Gourgas. Cassard was restored ; Raymond
and Robinson deposed from their respective offices; Winslow Lewis, William
Parkman, and William S. Gardner of Massachusetts, Abner B. Thompson of Maine,
Hosmer A. Johnson and George W. Deering of Illinois, Nathan H. Gould of Rhode
Island, and Anthony E. Stocker of Pennsylvania, were created Sovereign Grand
‑Inspectors‑General and admitted Active members of the Supreme Council; and
William B. Hubbard, who was not present, was elected Grand Commander.
In 1862 there was a larger
attendance. than ever before, both in the Supreme Council and in the Grand
Consistory. Van Rensselaer presided, Hubbard not having signified his
acceptance of the office of Grand Commander and not being present. Several of
the members sent excuses, some of them on account of absence in the army. In
the Grand Consistory, Field, Lawson, Randall, Wescott, and Foster were
expelled, and the action confirmed by the Supreme Council. The Thirty‑third
degree was conferred upon fourteen; William P. Preble of Maine and D. Burnham
Tracy of Michigan were elected Active members, and Josiah H. Drummond of Maine
and Benjamin Dean of Massachusetts became Active members by election and
installation into office in the Supreme Council. A letter was received from
Hubbard declining official honors. There was a division of opinion among the
members as to his successor. The majority favored the election of one who had
not been involved personally in the‑ controversy, with the view of avoiding as
much as possible any personal animosities that had arisen, and elected him;
but on account of the lack of unanimity and for other reasons, he declined to
accept, and Van Rensselaer was elected. Charges had been seasonably filed
against Raymond and Robinson and notice given; they did not appear, but were
tried and expelled.
From this date until 1867, in
spite of the controversies in which it was involved, this body went on gaining
in every respect. All of the subordinates organized previously to the schism
adhered to it, except four in New York City. In 1863 over fifty bodies made
returns and the number increased annually. It gradually filled its list of
Active members so that, in 1867, it had twentyeight on its roll. In its
Proceedings were many reports relating to the pending controversies containing
historical matter of great interest and value. In 1867 occurred an event of
the highest importance to the Rite; but in order that it may be understood, it
is necessary to go back and give a sketch of preceding events not yet noticed.
Cerneau. ‑In i8o6 Joseph
Cerneau appeared in New York: he had been a member of Masonic bodies in the
West Indies; he had a patent from Mathieu _7OSEPH CERNEA U.
813 Dupotet, certifying that
he had received the degrees of the Scottish 'Rite of Heredom, and authorizing
him to confer the degrees up to the Twenty‑fourth and organize bodies in the
northern part of Cuba, and to confer the Twentyfifth on one person in each
year, the Twenty‑fifth being then the highest degree of that Rite and the
highest Cerneau had received, according to his patent. Cerneau had his patent
from Dupotet, who had his from Germain Hacquet, who had his from Du Plessis,
who.had his from Prevost in 1790, who had his from Francken.
Though limited by his patent
to certain territory, Cerneau followed the general example and disregarded the
limitation in his patent, and proceeded to exercise his powers in New York
City; on October 28, 1807, he issued a warrant for a Consistory in New York
City, which was not fully organized until the autumn of 1808 ; it was a
Consistory of the Scottish Rite of Heredom of twenty‑five degrees. In a
document issued by it, dated May 25, 1812, it styled itself "The Grand
Consistory for the United States of America, their Territories and
Dependencies, of Supreme Chiefs of Exalted Masonry, accord ing to the Ancient
Constitutional Rite of Heredom." Up to this date there is not the slightest
particle of evidence known, that this body was anything else than what it
claimed by its title to be‑ a Grand Consistory of the Rite of Heredom having
jurisdiction over twenty‑five degrees, and only twenty‑five. But already a
controversy had arisen with parties acting under, or deriving their powers
from, the Supreme Council at Charleston; we may well believe that Cerneau and
his associates soon recognized the impossibility of maintaining successfully a
Rite of twenty‑five degrees against one of thirty‑three degrees. It has been
claimed that he organized a Supreme Council May 25, 1812 ; but that is a
manifest error as the document issued on that date clearly shows. The
Thirty‑third degree as now existing originated at Charleston in r8o1 and no
evidence has been found that Cerneau ever received it. Indeed, the proof is
plenary to the contrary: it is generally impossible to prove a negative, but
the authorizations to confer the Thirty‑third are so fully known, that it is
manifest that Cerneau could not have received it. It is claimed that the Grand
Orient of France recognized him in after years as possessing the degree ; but
the well‑known usage of that body to recognize any one as possessing any
degree he claimed to possess, who in turn recognized it, prevents the fact of
recognition from having any weight whatever as evidence.
But, in 1813, Cerneau
announced the formation of what was called a " Supreme Council of Grand
Inspectors‑General of the Thirty‑third Degree," etc., and necessarily revised
his scale of degrees accordingly; how soon he conformed to the scale already
adopted by the Charleston Supreme Council is not known. That Cerneau was his
own authority for these proceedings, and concocted his own Thirty‑third
degree, no one, free from prejudice and acquainted with the facts now known,
can doubt. But his Supreme Council was a merely nominal body; the "Sovereign
Grand Consistory'I (the title it 814 ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE.
assumed in 1813), continued to
be "vested with the sole power of administration and legislation " ; it held
that " The right of granting constitutional charters for Masonic Institutions
in the United States of America, their Territories and Dependencies, from
Perfect Master, Fourth degree, to that of Grand Inspector‑General,
Thirty‑third degree, both inclusive, exists only with the Sovereign Grand
Consistory of Supreme Chiefs of Exalted Masonry"; the sole office of the
Supreme Council was apparently the conferring of the Thirtythird degree ; it
bore much the same relation to the Grand Consistory as the modern "Association
of Past Grand Masters" bears to the Grand Lodge.
The Charleston body did not
recognize the Cerneau bodies even by silent acquiescence : after investigation
by a special Deputy, it declared, early in 1814, Cerneau to be an impostor,
and his organizations illegal and clearly clandestine.
Bitter controversies followed
; the Grand Consistory represented the Cerneau party, issuing documents under
its seal, ignoring the Supreme Council, that being a merely nominal body.
Subordinates were established at Charleston and New Orleans, causing
dissensions in the Grand Lodges which were not healed for years. Those in
Charleston died and disappeared in the course of ten years; but in some form
or other, those in New Orleans have had intermittent fits of existence to the
present day. After a strife of nearly forty years, the lodges of Louisiana all
united and formed a Grand Lodge in 1850 : thereupon the Supreme Council
existing in that State, at the head of which was James Foulhouze, "resumed "
its authority over Symbolic lodges this led to dissension in the Supreme
Council itself; Foulhouze and some of his adherents withdrew, and the other
members, becoming satisfied that the New Orleans Council was illegal, made a
treaty. with the Southern Supreme Council and dissolved their body; peace
followed, but it did not continue long, for, on October 7, 1856, Foulhouze and
two of his adherents organized a new Supreme Council, persuaded two lodges to
revolt from the Grand Lodge, and chartered new ones ; but the old lodges soon
returned to their allegiance and the new ones disappeared. Foulhouze had
received the Thirtythird degree from the Grand Orient of France, which
expelled him, February 4, 1859, for a scurrilous publication which he issued
in answer to one of its decrees. This Supreme Council became dormant; but, in
1867, it was revived with Eugene Chassaignac at its head; in 1868 it was
recognized by the Grand Orient of France, and unless it has recently gone out
of existence, the Grand Orient to‑day recognizes a so‑called Supreme Council
in New Orleans as a lawful body, and its members as possessing the
Thirty‑third degree ! Returning now to the Cerneau bodies in New York; the
Grand Consistory was exceedingly active and kept itself before the public by
numerous publ;cations; for some years it published a Tableau annually; its
early records are lost, but a volume covering the years from 1816 to 1826 is
in the archives of the Northern Supreme Council.
815 It is stated in this record that DeWitt Clinton was first elected Deputy
Grand Commander of the Sovereign Grand Cansistory in 1811, and continued to
hold the office till 1823, when he was elected Grand Commander and installed
by proxy; he. held the same office till 1826, when this record ends, but
during the ten years covered by it, he did not attend a single meeting. It
shows that the title " Deputy Inspector‑General," or " Deputy Grand
InspectorGeneral," was given to Masons of the Thirty‑second degree when they
were empowered to propagate the Rite. In this book is pasted a leaf containing
the record of a meeting of the Grand Council of Princes of the Royal Secret,
held October 12, 1827.
There are no records extant of
any proceedings of the Sovereign Grand Consistory after 1826. Cerneau left for
France and the Anti‑Masonic storm broke out about the same time. Whether
Cerneau's place was filled is not certain: it is not improbable that Clinton
took his place and Hicks took Clinton's; but all this is pure conjecture.
However this may be, the "Sovereign Grand Consistory," with its Supreme
Council‑annex, went out of existence and was never afterward revived. In a
Tableau issued by Hicks and associates in 1832, it is stated that the
Sovereign Grand Consistory was formally dissolved (with its annex), November
28, 1827.
This body was of a unique
character: it was based upon the Constitutions of 1762 and ignored those of
1786 : it was the supreme power, legislative, judicial, and executive: the
"Supreme Council" was subordinate to it: when Cerneau left for France the
governing body created by him ceased to exist; and no similar body has ever
since existed. Every subsequent body, which has claimed to be the successor of
Cerneau's body, has been organized upon a plan precisely the reverse of his
plan, and upon the plan which he had constantly repudiated and denounced :
these later bodies have invariably been organized upon the theory of the
Constitutions of 1786, and not those of 1762 ; in a word, the Supreme Council,
and not the Grand Consistory, has been made the supreme governing body.
The Hicks Body.‑In 1832 the
Count de St. Laurent came to New York and, finding that the Cerneau bodies had
ceased to exist, with the aid of some of the surviving members, he organized a
new body, variously styled, but in substance, || The United Supreme Council
for the Western Hemisphere of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors‑General of the
Thirty‑third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite," etc. The old
name Scottish Rite of Heredom was discarded and the name used by the Northern
and Southern Supreme Councils adopted. The 1826 Tableau shows that Clinton was
at the head of the Grand Consistory and Hicks the officer next in rank, while
Cerneau was the first officer of the Supreme Council‑annex, Clinton the
second, and Hicks the sixth: in 1832 Clinton had died and Cerneau had left the
country. Hicks became Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council. It
published a Tableau, giving the names of all its 11 effective," absent, and
Honorary 816 members, and "subordinate bodies," among which were included
Sovereign Grand Consistories.
This "United Supreme Council"
was short lived. In 1836 an alleged |Treaty " was published, said to have been
made by three Supreme Councils, one of which was this United Council: it
purported to be signed by Hicks and several of his associates. The
Constitutions of 1786 were expressly recognized by it and a copy of them
published as a part of it. This was the Latin version and, so far as is known,
this was the first time that version was ever printed indeed the existence of
the Latin version has not been traced to an earlier date. The Hicks Council
was based upon these Constitutions, but this publication, in 1836, was the
first express recognition of the fact. The better opinion is that this
so‑called || Treaty " was never made || except on paper." Whether this Council
had any existence after 1834, is not positively known ; nothing was afterward
published by it: it has been said by one writer, not very reliable, that it
was dissolved October 27, 1846, and its funds divided among its four surviving
members ; whether this is true or not, it ceased to exist and no one of its
members, "efective" or Honorary, as shown by its Tableau or the Treat,, ever
took parz in any of the subsequent bodies.
The First Atwood Body.‑At some
time between 1837 and 1850 (undoubtedly in 1848), Henry C. Atwood commenced
conferring the Thirtythird degree. It is not, certain when or where he
obtained it: in a statement published in 1851, purporting to be signed by him
and others, it is said that he received it from James Cushman : this is
perhaps true; John Barker and James Cushman were Masonic lecturers, and pupils
and disciples of Jeremy L. Cross : Barker acted as a special Deputy of the
Southern Supreme Council and conferred its degrees as a part of his business;
he conferred the Thirty‑third degree and issued patents, which he had
obtained, signed in blank; he gave one to Cross which is still in existence:
Cushman also received the Thirty‑third degree from him : he, in turn, very
likely conferred it upon Atwood. Support is given to this view by the fact
that Atwood's name is not found in any of the Tableaux or preserved records of
the old Cerneau body, or in the Tableau or the Treaty of the Hicks body, in
which documents they evidently published 'all their Thirty‑thirds.
During all the time mentioned,
Atwood was an expelled Mason,‑expelled by the Grand Lodge of New York for
rebellion against its authority. but he immediately organized another Grand
Lodge‑"St. John's"‑which maintained an existence from 1837 to 1850, when it
was merged in the regular Grand Lodge, and all its acts recognized as valid.
Those upon whom Atwood conferred the Thirty‑third degree were all adherents of
this spurious Grand Lodge. Finally he organized a Supreme Council, but not
till as late as 1849, because, with one exception, those of his associates,
who have given the date of their receiving the Thirty‑third degree, received
JEREMY L. CROSS. 817 was the
exception; in a memorandum in Atwood's handwriting, made, however, ten years
later, he says he "appointed" Edmund B. Hays, a "Sovereign Grand
Inspector‑General, ad vitam,‑ 9th Masonic month, 1848." However, on April 7,
1851, "the Supreme Grand Council for the State of New York " issued a
manifesto denouncing the " unjust usurpation " of the Foulhouze Supreme
Council in Louisiana, for constituting Symbolic lodges in that State. The
committee to which the matter had been referred, in its report, speaking of
the "Scottish or Accepted Rite," say: ‑ " This Rite is a continuation or
addition to the 'Ancient Scottish' and was established in 1762, by Frederick
IL, King of Prussia, who first added seven degrees to the original
twenty‑five, and then, having discovered that there was no provision for a
successor to his assumed rights and prerogatives, in 1786, invented and
instituted the Thirty‑third degree, out of the. possessors of which the
Supreme Council is formed." The same manifesto alleges that J. J. J. Gourgas
was conferring the Chapter degrees and Orders of Knighthood and denounces him
also. It is signed by Atwood, John W. Timson, John W. Simons, Edmund B. Hays,
Daniel Sickels, and four others, no one of whose names had appeared in any
Scottish Rite document previously published: they were undoubtedly created
Thirtythirds by Atwood under the authority, such as it was, derived by him
from the Southern Supreme Council through Barker and Cushman. But this
manifesto was the expiring effort| of this body ; it immediately succumbed to
adverse fate.
The Cross Body. ‑ But it had "
successors " if not " assigns " : in June following, Jeremy L. Cross, by
virtue of his patent from the Southern Supreme Council already mentioned,
dated in 1824, assumed to be Grand Commander and opened another new Supreme
Council " for the Northern Hemisphere " ; in this instance the Masonic world
was notified of the fact, and of the authority under which he acted, by a
pamphlet,‑the famous "Document, No. i." Previously, however, notice had also
been given, in the newspapers, of the formation of this body "By virtue and
under authority of a regular commission duly granted to the T.‑.I .‑. Jeremy
L. Cross, by the Sovereign Grand Commander of South Carolina." With the
exception of Atwood and Simons, Cross took new men for officers; one of them (Haswell
of Vermont), at once repudiated the concern and declared that the use of his
name was without the slightest authority. With the two exceptions named, Cross
evidently selected those upon whom he had conferred the Thirty‑third degree;
among them was Robert B. Folger, who, for the first time, comes into notice.
The document states that Cross's patent was subscribed by Holbrook, Dalcho,
Moultrie, and others.
It also contains an "Appeal,"
written so much in Folger's style that there can be little doubt that he was
the author. He refers to the Cerneau body from 1813 to 1828, as if the Supreme
Council was the governing body! Utterly ignores the Hicks body ! States that
it discontinued its labors for a 818 ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE.
season, but was revived again
in 1840, " since which it has continued to perform its functions ! " But it
did not thrive; little had been done for ten years, and it was now deemed that
the time ‑had come to reorganize and resume labor; and they had proceeded to
do so under the express authority of the Southern Supreme Council. The history
of the origin of Cross's powers is equally bewildering and ludicrous: he
received the Thirty‑third degree in the Grand Council in New York in 1815, and
was admitted a member with full power to confer the said degrees " 1 In 1817
visited New Orleans, was received and acknowledged by the Council, and was
again fully empowered to preside as Grand Commander of the Northern Hemisphere
in his turn " ! Barker and Cushman were associated with him in his Southern
tour. Barker received the degrees in Charleston in 1823, and was "Fully
empowered by that Council to act in coq1unction with Mr. Cross over the
Northern Hemisphere "! And, moreover, was deputed by the full Council in
session, "To bring on with him to the North and deliver in person to Mr. Cross
a patent and charter with full and ample power to preside over the Northern
Hemisphere "! This document further says, "Mr. Atwood's patent being of later
date, he, of course, gives way to Mr. Cross." Remembering that, at that time,
the Charleston Council and the Cerneau bodies were at bitter warfare, each
declaring the other spurious, that there was no Supreme Council, or body
claiming to be one, in New Orleans, till over twenty years after Cross's visit
there, and that Cross's name is found in no Tableau or record of the Cerneau
bodies, no reliance whatever will, or can, be placed upon the statements in
this document. It is manifest, also, that the participants and their historian
were so utterly ignorant of the facts as to assume that the Southern Supreme
Council and the Cerneau bodies were in fraternal Masonic correspondence with
each other, to the extent of granting patents mutually and endorsing those
granted by the other ! The documents mentioned bear the impress of seals: that
of the Hicks Council is a substantial counterpart of those of the Northern and
Southern Supreme Councils, with a change in the name and the addition of a
motto referring to the Union: the Atwood document has two seals, both bearing
devices but no words: the Cross document has five seals; one of a " Supreme
Council 33|, 1815 "; one of a Grand Consistory, 1| City of New York, 1815 ";
one of a " Sovereign Chapter Rose Croix de Heroden, City of New York, 1795";
one of a "Grand Council of Princes Jerusalem, City of New York, 1815 "; and
one of a " Supreme Grand Lodge of Perfection, City of New York, 1815." It
seems wonderful now, that, in selecting dates for their seals, they should not
have selected a date when some body of some Rite had been organized ! But
apparently 1815 had been selected as the year in which it should be claimed
that Cross received the degrees ; and, therefore, it was deemed best to assume
that bodies of the Rite were organized the same year, history to the contrary,
irresistible conclusion is that neither Cross nor Atwood, nor any of their
associates named in these publications, ever had any connection whatever with
the old Cerneau bodies or the Hicks body, but received whatever authority they
had, from John Barker directly, or through Cushman, and that whatever
authority Barker had, came from the Southern Supreme Council. The statement
that the Atwood body had any existence before 1849 is absolutely incredible,
because all engaged in it, except Atwood, received the Thirty‑third degree
after the summer of 28ó8 and, moreover, received it from Atwood himself. Cross
does not pretend that his body had any existence before 1851, as he then first
organized it, and it is known that none of the Thirty‑thirds created by him
antedate that year. The attempt to connect either with previous bodies is an
utter failure.
The Second Atwood Body. ‑The
reign of Cross was brief, and his Council evidently went to pieces within
about a year. The cause is not known absolutely, but may be gathered with
sufficient certainty from surrounding circumstances. Atwood, though restored
to good standing, was as restless as ever; he evidently was not born to obey.
In the latter part of 1852, he again rebelled against the Grand Lodge and with
some of his adherents "revived" St.. John's Grand Lodge and they were, in
1853, again expelled from all Masonic rights, by the Grand Lodge. He was never
restored, but died an expelled Mason. Cross was loyal to the "York Rite," and
of course would not associate in Supreme Council with rebellious Masons.
Atwood really formed a new
Supreme Council, although it claimed to be the same body over which Cross had
presided. The record (which has been preserved), assumes this, but details
circumstances sufficient to show that the assumption was a false one. Atwood,
Folger, and another brother met December 17, 1852 : Atwood took the chair and,
the record says, read the resignation of Cross, " dated August, 185 2 " : the
resignation was accepted and ordered to be recorded, but it does not appear'
on the record. It is not stated how Atwood became Grand Commander, but he
continued to act, without, so far as that record discloses, appointment,
election, or installation. It was announced that James Foulhouze of Louisiana
was in waiting, and after his credentials were examined, he was admitted and
received with the honors. As Foulhouze was in the same relation to the Grand
Lodge of Louisiana as Atwood and Folger to the Grand Lodge of New York, they
were " well met." But how could Foulhouze be recognized by Atwood's Supreme
Council? Because it was not "The Supreme Council for the United States," not
"The Supreme Council for the Western Hemisphere," and not "The Supreme Council
for the Northern Hemisphere," (as Cross's was), but "The Supreme Council for
the State of New York" ! It may be remarked in passing that, upon the same
idea, Supreme Councils for the States of Connecticut and California were
created, lived a brief hour and died. It is said that Foulhouze installed
Atwood as Grand Commander, but the record does not so state. At 820 ANCIENT
a session held January 21,
1853, a letter was received from Marconnay of Paris, which is spread upon the
record. He writes that the situation had been explained to him by Foulhouze ;
that he wants his name put on the list as an Honorary member of the Supreme
Council as of 1832 ; that he understands (in substance), their relations with
the Grand Lodge : and exhorts them not to be alai.nled, in effect counselling
them to disregard the "York Rite " entirely. His advice was followed : a
charter for a Symbolic lodge was granted to Folger and others, and another to
some Frenchmen ; and the charter of Lafayette Chapter was "reinstated."
Several Frenchmen were admitted members. March 8, 1853, it was voted to issue
a circular " of our organization." In this connection is given a " List of
Patents " that had been granted : the list comprises five or six French names
and those of Folger, Hays, and three others.
There is no record of any
meeting between April 4, 1853, and March r, 1855, when three of the Frenchmen,
and one of the three founders of the Council in 1852, resigned. A meeting was
held May 2, 1855, to constitute Atlantic Lodge of Perfection : evidently
Atwood had been busy and had conferred the Thirty‑third degree upon a large
number; indeed, a memorandum in his handwriting names several upon whom he had
conferred that degree for $15 each : at this meeting were present Atwood,
Hopkins Thompson, Charles W. Atwood, Jarvis, Bond, and Folger, who was
On October 1, 1855, Seth
Driggs, who had been admitted to the Consistory, June 5, 1822, and afterward
appointed Deputy Inspector‑General for some of the West India Islands, was
elected to receive the Thirty‑third degree and was introduced and "promoted" a
Sovereign Grand Inspector‑General, Thirty‑third degree,‑the only instance, up
to that date, in which this degree was conferred in the body itself, as far as
this record shows. At the same session, a petition for a Consistory was
presented by Hays, Thompson, Cochran, Atwood, Roberts, Bond, Platt, Jarvis,
Purdy, Holden, Kent, Ewing, and Fisher, all of whom are recorded on another
page with " 33| " attached to their names.
It is recorded, that, on
November 19, 1857, Hays was appointed Deputy Grand Commander, and the same
thing is stated in Atwood's memorandum already mentioned. The closing record
in this book is under date of March 1, 1858.
It will be observed that the
foregoing utterly conflicts with the account given by Folger in his "
History," and generally accepted as correct; the evident purpose was to
connect the Atwood body with the Cross body, when in reality the circumstances
detailed in the record show that there was no such connection, but that Atwood
and his two associates created the body of their own motion, but were not
skilful enough to make a record which would not disclose the facts. It should
be added, also, that before 1858, the "revived" St. John's Grand Lodge had
gone out of existence and the most of those engaged in it, including Folger,
restored by the Grand Lodge.
John W. Simons, one of the
members of the,Cross body, did not concur in the formation of the Atwood body,
but issued a circular denouncing it, and claiming that he was the only lawful
representative of the Cross body.
In the record of this Atwood
body is a report made by Folger, in which some of the claims of the body are
stated; it is declared that under the Constitutions of 1762, each independent
State is, of right, entitled to have a Supreme Council ! This record makes no
mention of any change of name, and there seems to have been an uncertainty as
to what its name really was. Folger says that, at a meeting held November 30,
1854, Atwood announced that he had changed the name of the body to " Supreme
Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors‑General, Thirty‑third and last degree,
Ancient and Accepted Rite for the United States of America, their Territories
and Dependencies, and resumed its ancient jurisdiction " : the record does not
show this, and as the New York name was used in a published Tableau in 1859,
the accuracy of Folger's statement is exceedingly doubtful. In another
document, issued by Atwood in 1858, he styles it the "Supreme Grand Council of
the Thirty‑third degree, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Northern
Masonic Jurisdiction of the Western Hemisphere "; it will be observed that
this was the name of the Boston body, substituting '| Western Hemisphere " for
'1 United States." But, in 1859, it issued its Regulations, etc., in which it
was declared that every State ought to have a Supreme Council, but that the
New York Council had jurisdiction over all States in which no council existed,
until one should be formed therein.
In 186o Atwood died, and at a
meeting held October 1, 186o, Hays produced a document dated May 14, 1858,
signed by Atwood, appointing Hays as his successor; the meeting was adjourned
to the 8th, when three members of the Atwood body had signed a certificate
admitting the genuineness of the document and its sufficiency to create Hays
Grand Commander.
Hays at once commenced
vigorous measures to increase the power of his Supreme Council. For two years
and more he devoted much of his time to the works of the Rite. He conferred
the Thirty‑third degree at his pleasure, and the Supreme Council also elected
and received numerous candidates. At this time commenced the practice of
designating Honorary members as " Deputy Inspectors‑General," and Active
members as " | Sovereign Grand Inspectors‑General." During 1861 officers were
appointed, but, in many cases, no record was made. In 1862 the Supreme Council
conferred the Thirty‑third degree on a large number and established
subordinate bodies in New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. It published
its constitutions in which its name is the " Supreme Council, etc., for the
United States of North America, its Territories and Dependencies." The
prospect was that there would be increased activity and a corresponding
increase of bitterness between the rival bodies. But events were soon to
happen which changed the whole situation.
Union of the Supreme
Councils.‑In x862 there were three de facto Supreme Councils in the northern
paxt of the United States, one of them claiming jurisdiction over the whole
country, and two of them over the Northern jurisdiction, ‑ each one of them
denying the legitimacy of both the others.
As early as April 2, 1862,
according to the record of the Raymond Council of that date, overtures had
been made by the Hays Council for a union of the two, and a committee was
appointed by the former to meet a committee of the latter, to " arrange a
union," |` upon a just and honorable basis." While no further express mention
of this matter is found in the records of either body during the year, the
context shows that it was discussed at different times, undoubtedly in
communications between the members of the two bodies. On January 23, 1863, the
committee of the Raymond body reported that there was a reasonable prospect of
effecting a union; whereupon the committee were granted full power in the
premises. In the Hays body, on December 28, 1862, a committee on the state of
the Rite was appointed, which reported January i9, 1863, and were also given
full power in the premises. The committees agreed upon articles of union under
date of February 7, 1863, by which the two Councils were consolidated,
increasing the number of members to seventeen and requiring members and bodies
to take the oath of fealty to the new body, and then to have the same status
as they had respectively had under the body of whose obedience they were.
The membership of the new body
was made up of Raymond, Robinson, Randall, Paige, Hughes, McClenachan, Lawson,
and Field of the Raymond body; and Hays, Thompson, Leveredge, Sickels,
Roberts, Banks, Seymour, Innis, and Jarvis of the Hays body.
The articles were reported to
the Hays body, April 15, 1863, when Hays, who had been agreed upon as Grand
Commander, proceeded to install the officers. Within a few years, it has been
claimed that the Raymond body was merged in the Hays body; but the facts that
all members of the obedience of both old bodies were required to take the oath
of fealty to the united body; that all subordinate bodies were required by the
articles of union to take new charters ; and that the officers were installed
again into offices already held by them under the ad vitam tenure, most
effectually show the error of this claim.
Whether lists of Honorary
members were exchanged or not does not appear; none were recorded, and it is
scarcely possible to ascertain who had received the Thirty‑third grade, as it
is well known that it had been conferred upon many whose names were not
reported to the Supreme Councils and entered upon the general record ; nor
were any proceedings of the Hays body published, nor any of the Raymond body
after x862, nor any of the United body until early in 1867.
The constitution was
immediately changed, increasing ;he number of Active THE NEW YORK COUNCIL.
823 members to twenty‑four in
addition to nine‑officers: but no action was apparently taken to define the
status of members other than the officers. Others were present in Supreme
Council, making motions, engaging in discussions, and serving upon committees.
The union gave a new impetus
to this body, and its adherents became exceedingly active; the Thirty‑third
degree was conferred upon numerous brethren ; several were made Active members
and many new bodies were established, especially in States in which neither of
the former bodies had a foothold; it is worthy of remark, however, that these
operations were limited to the States under the Northern jurisdiction,
although the body styled itself The Supreme Council of the United States,"
But, in 1864, a question arose
which caused a division of opinion. The ad vitam tenure of office as well as
membership had heretofore prevailed, and both Hays and Raymond had been very
tenacious upon this point. Amendments were proposed for the triennial election
of officers and the reduction of their number to nine, by a committee
previously appointed. Hays absented himself from the meeting at which they
were to be presented and a committee was appointed to wait upon him and
request his attendance. The consideration of the amendments was postponed till
the evening session; the committee reported that they were unable to find the
Grand Commander and the vote upon the amendments was taken in his absence. In
the morning session six new Active members had been elected; when the vote was
taken, the record says " sixteen members " were present, and the principal
amendment was adopted by a vote of thirteen to three, the negatives being cast
by Thompson, Lawson, and Innis. Among those voting were Charles S. Westcott,
John Sheville, J. H. Hobart, Ward, and William Barrett, who apparently were
not Active members. The next day having been specially assigned for the
election of officers, the Supreme Council waited a while for the appearance of
the Grand Commander, but he not arriving, it proceeded with the business.
Grand Secretary Daniel Sickels and " Second Lieutenant‑Grand Commander "
Hopkins Thompson resigned their respective offices, undoubtedly to save any
question as to the effect of the new amendment upon the tenure of office of an
officer already appointed and installed ad vitam. There were fourteen active
members present; Hays was reelected Grand Commander, and at the evening
session came in, was installed by Robinson, and then installed the other
At a meeting in December, the
committee on condition of the Rite asked for power to act in any sudden
emergency, but the request was denied "by the casting vote " of the Grand
So far as the record shows
there was no session of the Supreme Coulicil until September 11, 1865. In the
meantime the Civil War had ended and communication had been resumed with the
Southern Supreme Council; of course both bodies in the North were anxious to
secure the recognition of 824 that body. The Hays Council was not in a
position to seek recognition as it stood, because its name imported a claim of
jurisdiction over the territory of the Southern Supreme Council, and because
the latter had always denounced as spurious all the successive New York
bodies. But, apparently, the infusion of new blood gave that body hopes; and
it proceeded at once to take the necessary measures to ensure success.
Before proceeding to this
business charges were filed against Henry J. Seymour, an officer until the
last election of the United Council and present at that election ; they were
received and a commission appointed to try them ; at a later date, the
commission reported and Seymour was unanimously expelled.
Two important resolutions were
adopted, one appointing || A committee to take into consideration the
propriety of resuming the old name, `Supreme Council of the Northern
Jurisdiction of the United States of America,' in lieu of the one at present
adopted "; and the other, "that the Grand Commander appoint one or more
delegates to repair to Charleston, South Carolina, at the meeting of the
Southern Supreme Council." Subsequently "the names of Ill.‑. Bros.‑. Lucius R.
Paige of Massachusetts, and Sickels of New York," were announced `| as the
committee appointed by the M . . P.‑. Sovereign Grand Commander to visit the
Supreme Council of the Southern jurisdiction, at Charleston, South Carolina,
and represent this body in said Supreme Council." On the same day (October 22,
1865), the committee to which the matter was referred reported in favor of
"resuming" the name "Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction of the
United States," and their report was unanimously adopted.
Thus the Supreme Council of
the Southern jurisdiction was fully recognized with its territorial
jurisdiction. In view of subsequent events, it should be remarked that all
this action was taken while Hays was presiding and Hopkins Thompson was
present. In none of the allegations or discussions of illegal proceedings more
recently made, has there ever been a question concerning the legality of the
action of this Supreme Council up to and beyond this point. The recognition of
the Southern Supreme Council and the consequent change of name were absolutely
binding upon all the members of the obedience of the bodies over which Hays
ever presided, and over which Raymond presided after the schism in the Boston
Council in 186o. This being so, the foundation of the subsequent action was
established and consequently that action was equally binding.
As if to confirm this action,
at the very next session a member of the Southern Supreme Council was admitted
as a visitor, received with honors and seated in the East.
In the meantime Paige and
McClenachan (who had acted in place of Sickels), had visited the Southern
Supreme Council ; their report was made to the Supreme Council December 14,
1865 ; it was apparently oral and no ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE.
825 statement of its character
was entered on record. We can judge, however, of its character from what took
place. `"Hays resigned his office of Grand Commander and Simon W. Robinson was
elected in his place. It is evident that the Southern Supreme Council gave no
ground for hope that it would recognize a body at the head of which was one
whom it had always refused to recognize a member of the Rite ; in effect, it
denied the legality of the union and held that, Raymond being dead, his
successor was Robinson, his lieutenant; therefore, it was of the last
importance that Robinson should be placed at the head of the Council, so that
both by election and succession his title would be perfect. When this election
of Robinson took place, the record states : "A majority of all the officers
and Active members of the Supreme Council were present." Lucius R. Paige was
appointed to visit the Southern Supreme Council to be held in Washington,
April 16, 186 6.
On June 5, 1866, the New York
Council met, Robinson presiding. In his brief address, he states substantially
that the Raymond Council was forced into the union for self‑preservation, but
refers the matter of securing friendly relations with the Southern Supreme
Council to the brethren. Paige made his report,‑verbal like the other.‑and it
was referred to a committee of five. It is probable that the Southern Supreme
Council insisted that efforts should be made for a union of all the , elements
in the North, for a resolution was adopted evidently looking to that end, and
even contemplating a special session of the Supreme Council. The States over
which the Council claimed jurisdiction were specifically named in a resolution
adopted without dissent. So far as the record discloses, the committee never
reported in open council; but action was taken, undoubtedly, with the advice
or concurrence of the committee.
The action of the Southern
Supreme Council in April, 1866, will throw light upon subsequent action. The
Grand Commander discussed the occurrences in the Northern jurisdiction at
length ; the matter was referred to an able committee which reported in
accordance with his views; the conclusion reached was that Robinson, appointed
Lieutenant‑Grand Commander by Raymond before his deposition, was in any event
Grand Commander, succeeding Raymond even if he had been legally deposed and,
if not, then at Raymond's death; that Moore, Case, Young, and Starkweather
were the only legal Active members of the Supreme Council at that time,
Hubbard having recently deceased; that the proceedings of both factions were
erroneous and illegal; and that neither of the bodies then existing could be
The correctness of this
conclusion was challenged on the ground of error in the assumption of facts,
but especially on the ground of error in the assumption of law that the
Northern Supreme Council could have only nine Active members; if the last
assumption was erroneous, the conclusion of the Southern Supreme Council was
also erroneous; that the assumption was erroneous, the members of Boston
Council held with almost entire unanimity, and the 826 ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED
probability is that the point
did not occur to the Southern Grand Commander or the committee: it is
believed, that, at this time, few will dispute the proposition that the
Northern Supreme Council had the right to increase its Active members at its
own pleasure. However, happily, the question soon ceased to have any other
than historic interest.
Acting upon the suggestion of
the Southern Supreme Council, Robinson issued a summons for a meeting in
Boston on December 11, 1866, including with the others Moore, Case,
Starkweather, and Young: of course they did not appear, and Robinson declared
their seats vacant, leaving himself as the only member: he proceeded to fill
up the Council in accordance with the provisions of the Constitutions of 1786.
Twelve of the Active and ten of the Honorary members of the United Council
were present. Robinson stated that he was acting " with the unanimous consent
of every member " of that Council. While in form it was a dissolution of the
United Council and the organization of a new Council, or of the old Northern
Council, it was in substance and legal effect a mere reorganization of the
United Council. The status of each member was made the same; every one was
recognized as a legal Sovereign Grand Inspector‑General ; no new oath of
fealty was required; all the acts of the United Council in chartering bodies,
appointing Deputies, and of every other nature, were recognized as continuing
in force; the names of all the Honorary members were entered upon the roll as
a matter of course; in a word, as already stated, it was the merest formal
reorganization of an existing body, to meet the requirements, in the letter,
of the Southern Supreme Council. The legal effect of this action upon the
United Council was no more than if the officers and members had seen fit to
elect themselves over again. But this action did not fully meet the object of
the Southern Supreme Council, which evidently was to effect a complete union.
That body expected, or at least hoped, that the five, whom it decided to be
Active members, would unite in the action to be taken. The New York Council
could not, therefore, feel sure of recognition, and it was evidently anxious
to secure a union with the Boston body. With this view, its proceedings in
December, 1866, were immediately published and freely circulated. It had
already adopted the necessary resolution, which, however, was an exact copy of
one previously adopted by the Boston Council, many of whose members had a
corresponding disposition.
Committees had already been
appointed; that of the Boston Council was Evans of New York, Woodbury of
Massachusetts, Drummond of Maine, Ely of Ohio, and Foss of Illinois; to which
Harmon G. Reynolds of Illinois, an Honorary member, was added, and later
Gardner of Massachusetts, who had participated in the deliberations as the
proxy for one of the other members, who was obliged to be absent a part of the
time; that of the New York Council was Lewis, Paige, McClenachan, and Sickels
of New York, Paige of Massachusetts, Palmer of Wisconsin, and Barrett of New
The committees, assisted by
other brethren, met just before the annual session of the Boston Council in
May, 18 The general terms of union were soon tacitly agreed upon; but local,
and possibly personal, interests caused much difficulty in arranging the
details. In fact, more than once the negotiations were in danger of being
broken of without result; at one time this danger was so imminent that several
started to leave, with the idea that nothing could be done, when a brother
invited all to |' break bread together," and insisted that all should accept
the invitation. Before they returned to the committee‑room, everything had
been arranged with mutual good‑will. The Treaty was signed by all the members
of both committees and the two bodies at once proceeded to act upon it. It was
ratified by each by unanimous vote and by the approval of all the Honorary
members. The two Councils came together as equals and all the acts of both
held to be valid, except the expulsions on account of former differences, and
they were rescinded. Each Council had twenty‑eight Active members, but the New
York Council consented to the addition of Charles Levi Woodbury of
Massachusetts, as a recognition of his services in bringing about the union.
The Grand Commander was
elected by concurrent vote of the two Councils, and the other officers
designated, and when the preliminary arrangements had been completed, both
Councils met as one body; the two Past Grand Commanders of the two Councils,
Killian H. Van Rensselaer and John L. Lewis, conducted the Grand
Commander‑elect, Josiah H. Drummond, to the altar, where he took the oath of
fealty in presence of the Supreme Council, and then administered it to the
brethren present, to the number of eighty. The officers, as already agreed
upon, were then elected and installed: a constitution was adopted and the
organization thereunder fully completed.
Peace was thus established;
the, Supreme Council was everywhere recognized ; it at once entered upon a
career of unexampled prosperity; the old feuds were so completely buried that
the members forgot who were " of the other party " in former times: active
work was resumed: subordinate bodies furnished themselves with paraphernalia
for conferring the degrees, and their mere "communication" almost ceased:
bodies attained such proficiency in the work as to command the interest and
attendance of more than their halls would accommodate; and the growth of the
Rite exceeded the expectations of the most enthusiastic. For five years the
peace was unbroken; but in 1872, Henry J. Seymour, who had been expelled by
the Council of which he was a member, organized what he called a Supreme
Council! It made little stir for some years: finally a dissension arose in it
and it divided into two bodies and possibly three: only one, however, retained
life enough to make itself known; that took advantage of some dissatisfaction
existing in the Southern jurisdiction and established bodies there ; it even
succeeded in gaining the adhesion of one Honorary member of that Supreme
Council at whose coronation the Grand Commanders of both the Southern and
dictions assisted: he was made
Grand Commander, but, on a visit to Europe, in his eagerness to obtain
recognition, he unwittingly held Masonic communication with the Grand Orient
of France, which created such a storm that he resigned his office, and since
but little has been heard of that Supreme Council, although it probably still
In 1881 Hopkins Thompson, an
Emeritus member of the Supreme Council, assisted by a few Honorary members and
by a Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, who is believed by many to have been
the main‑spring of the movement, all of whom had taken the oath of fealty to
the Supreme Council, formed an association, which they are pleased to call the
Cerneau Supreme Council "revived." They base its claim for existence upon the
allegation that in December, 1866, the Union Council was dissolved and its
members freed from their allegiance to it; that their taking the oath of
fealty to the Council after the union of 1867 and remaining loyal to it for
more than a dozen years, happened on account of want of knowledge of the
proceedings in 1866! This body claims jurisdiction over the South, the claim
to which was abandoned before 1866, by unanimous vote, including Thompson's !
It denies the legality of the Southern Supreme Council, from which alone the
Thirtythird degree came, and which Thompson by his vote recognized and whose
recognition and fraternal support, he, with his associates, sought to obtain.
But space does not allow a full discussion of this movement. Suffice it to say
that it is not recognized by any one of the lawful Supreme Councils: wherever
it has been introduced, dissension ih " Blue " Masonry has followed to such an
extent that many Grand Lodges have prohibited the practice of that Rite in
their several jurisdictions : and the "signs of the times " point to its
speedy dissolution.
The Southern and Northern
Supreme Councils are enjoying a degree of prosperity unexampled in their
previous history; they are in entire harmony with the "York Rite" ; and their
prospects for the future are bright with promise of prosperity and usefulness
to Freemasonry and to mankind.
32|, etc., Masonic Historian, and European Editor.
History of the Ceremony. ‑Of
the many additional degrees worked under the wing of the Craft, the most,
exclusive, and yet the most popular of all to whom it is familiar, is the |1
Royal Order of Scotland." It is remarkable that though so few brethren have
any knowledge of the Ceremony, yet there is a wide‑spread belief respecting
its importance and antiquity ; and the difficulty of obtaining reliable
information as to its history and character, as well as the few opportunities
there are of obtaining the degree, tend to increase rather than to diminish
the feeling of curiosity which so widely prevails.
My friend, D. Murray Lyon,
Grand Secretary of Scotland, wrote an accurate sketch of the Order in 1873,
devoting chapter xxxii. to that most interesting subject, in his " History of
the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel), No. 1, embracing an Account of the
Rise and Progress of Freemasonry in Scotland," a volume which is " head and
shoulders " above all its contemporaries. Brother Lyon is now the Grand
Secretary of the degree in question; and, as the regulations are being
revised, the present would seem an appropriate time for the publication of an
authoritative History of the Ceremony, by such a competent Craftsman as the
Scottish Masonic Historian.
Strictly speaking, there are
two degrees, vii. : those of |` Heredom of Kilwinning," and the " Rosy Cross,"
the latter conferring the knighthood. The former is declared to have been
started during the reign of David L, king of Scotland, and the latter, it is
affirmed, was instituted by King Robert the Bruce, who in A.D. 1314 revived
the Ceremonies and incorporated the two degrees under the suggestive title of
the Royal Order of Scotland.
The fabulous stories about its
early origin and royal patronage must be taken for what they are worth, which
to those who value accuracy means nothing; but it is absolutely necessary to
understand these legendary and visionary accounts of purely Masonic degrees
and ceremonies of last century arrangement, for otherwise it will be
impossible to rightly appreciate much of the historic references, and
statements promulgated relating to this Rite, which has for so long occupied a
prominent position among the numerous degrees of Freemasonry.
Brother Lyon remarks : "The
ritual of this rite embraces what may be termed a spiritualization of the
supposed symbols and ceremonies of the Christian architects and builders of
primitive times, and so closely associates the sword with the trowel as to
lead to the second degree being denominated an Order of Masonic Knighthood,
which its recipients are asked to believe was first conferred on the field of
Bannockburn as a reward for the valor that had been displayed, by a body of
Templars who aided Bruce, in that memorable victory; and that afterward a
Grand Lodge of the Order was established by the king at Kilwinning, with
reservation of the office of Grand Master to him and his successors on the
Scottish throne. It is further asserted that the Royal Order and the Masonic
Fraternity of Kilwinning were governed by the same head." The venerable "
Mother Lodge Kilwinning " (with which I have the honor to be associated), has
often been credited with being the original source of the " Hautes Grades,"
and of authorizing subordinate chapters and other bodies to assemble, at home
and abroad, to work various Ceremonies additional to the Craft. Such notions,
however, are wholly wrong, and have been, and are, invariably based on
misconception or misrepresentation. As a matter of fact, proved over and over
again,. by an examination of the records of this ancient Atelier, extending
back some two and a half centuries, the old Lodge has never at any time,
directly or indirectly, worked or warranted any subordinates save for Craft
purposes, and these never beyond the well‑known `| three degrees." In "The
Voice of Masonry"' (Chicago, 1876), I gave a copy of the original warrant
granted, by the |` Mother Kilwinning," in response to " the request of certain
Masons in the city of Dublin, in Ireland, praying for our authority to be
formed into a regular lodge, or society," bearing date October 8, 1779, and
issued by authority of the Earl of Eglinton, then the " M. W. G. M." Doubtless
the singular name adopted by the members ‑ " The High Knights Templars of
Ireland, Kilwinning Lodge "‑led to misunderstandings, and eventually to the
Irish offshoot, claiming powers which they never received under the charter,
but which they considered were theirs, possibly because of the absurd stories
told about the Kilwinning Craft.
t History of No. r, Scotland,
p. 307 2 pp. 99‑102. See also the Key‑stone (Philadelphia), Nov., 31875, on
the subject, and Freemasons' Chronicle (London), Sept. and Oct., x887.
833 It will be seen that the
brethren at Kilwinning simply constituted a Craft lodge at Dublin in 1779 ;
and a careful study of the accumulated evidence on the subject, collected by
Brother Lyon and myself, should convince the most sceptical that neither for a
lodge at Ireland, nor for any in America, or in Scotland, did that venerable
body ever exercise or claim any authority beyond the three degrees, and has so
continued to this day, neither more nor less than a regular Masonic lodge,
knowing nothing as such beyond the "Third degree "; and only acquainted with
that Ceremony from early in the last century, because unknown prior to that
These fratres at Dublin
conferred the Royal Arch, Knight Templar and Rose Croix degrees in 1782, and,
in x8o6, petitioned their |' Mother lodge for such documents as will establish
beyond doubt the authority and regularity of their warrant as High Knights
Templars," which, of course, was never granted, because impossible.
What is true with respect to
the ancient lodge at Kilwinning is in like manner representative of the Grand
Lodge of Scotland, which, from its institution in 1736, has never officially
or generally countenanced any degrees beyond that of the Master Mason, and
even has objected at times to any support being given to the Ceremonies worked
by authority of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland. Of late
years, a fraternal toleration has taken the place of active opposition; but,
even now, the Grand Lodge continues steadfast in its recognition of but three
degrees, ‑ only recently the |` Mark" has been adopted (because so long
favored by several old Operative lodges), as a portion of the || Fellow Craft
degree." Unfortunately, not a few historians of the past have persistently and
confidently maintained that the || ancient Mother Kilwinning at one time
possessed other degrees of Masonry besides that of St. John," as did Dr. James
Burnes in 1840.1 Students, however, of Brother Gould's valuable History of
Freemasonry will be aware that Scotland was credited with the origin of very
many Masonic degrees long back into the last century, but so far the claims
have been found, on examination, to be wholly baseless, the wonder being that
they ever secured adherents in the absence of any corroborative evidence
The Name. ‑The late Rev. Dr.
Arnot declared that the || Royal Order " owes its distinctive name to the fact
that `| it is the highest and most sublime degree of Masonry" ; but that
enthusiastic and generally well‑informed Craftsman failed to furnish any
authority for his assertion. He likewise stated that the |1 Rose Croix was got
up by the adherents of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, and only received the
name of Rose Croix (a translation of the R. S. Y. C. S. of the Royal Order),
in 1746 or 1747. It was intended to be a Roman Catholic version, or rather
perversion, of the Royal Order, this last being deemed for the French too
bigoted; in other words, it was too 1 History of the Knights Templars, p. 6r.
834 purely religious and
Protestant, although it is Christianity which it really promulgates." On this
point the Chevalier Burnes (1840) observes: "The Royal Order flourishes in
France, where it was established by charter from Scotland, and even by the
Pretender himself, in the course of the last century, and is now conferred as
the highest and most distinguished grade of Masonry, sanctioned by the Grand
Orient, under the title of the Rose Croix de Heredom de Kilwinning." 1 He
likewise states that " the brethren of the Lodge of Constance at Arras still
preserve with reverence an original charter of the Order, granted to the
chapter, in 1747, by Charles Edward Stuart, and signed by that unfortunate
Prince himself as the Representative of the Scottish Kings," and terms the
degree the 11 Rose Croix de Heredom de Kilwinning." Catalogue of MSS. and
Books. ‑ I have a catalogue of an extraordinary number of MSS. and books, "
Librairie, Tross, Paris," of the year 1860, which were to have been sold early
in that year, but, for some reason or other, the auction was not held. It is
No. 176 in Brother Carson's valuable 11 Masonic Bibliography," but I know of
no other copy besides. The collection is well named precieuse, for nothing
equal to it of the kind has ever been catalogued before or since. Over one
thousand articles are enumerated, many being of the greatest rarity and
importance relating to "Les Francs lYla(ons," "Les Rose Croix," "Les Sciences
Occultes," etc., etc. (1740 to 1843). The following item immediately concerns
the present inquiry; viz.: 1. 9. Charles‑Edouard Stuart, roy d'Angleterre, de
France, d'Ecosse et d'Irlande . . . voulant temoigner aux mayons art6siens
combien nous sommes reconnaissant envers eux des preuves de bienfaisance
qu'ils nous ont prodigu6s, etc., cr6ons et 6rigeons par la pr6sente bulle en
la dite ville d'Arras un souv. chap. primatial de R. C. X., sous le titre
distinctif d'Ecosse Jacobite, qui sera r6gi par les chevaliers Lagneau, de
Robespierre, avocats. An de 1'incarnation 5745ò" A note is appended that " Le
document autlzentique, sur VELIN, est revetu du grand sceau, de sept timbres
et d'un grand nombre de signatures. C'est Pexpedition originale pour le
chapitre metropolitan de Paris." No. 945, of the year 1808, is entitled : ‑
"Tableau g6n6ra1 des otficiers et membres composant le R. chapitre du grand et
sublime ordre de H‑d‑m de Kilwinning, sous le titre distinctif du Choix,
constitu6 par la grande loge de 1'ordre s6ante 3 Edinbourg, le 4 Octobre 1786.
Sous les auspices de Mgr. le Prince de Camba. c6r6s, grand maitre d'honneur en
France." Nos. 946 and 953 contain "tableaux" of the officers of the foregoing,
of November 30, 1810, and A.D. 1808, the latter having another tableau "du
meme ordre seant a Rouen," 1810, in the same volume.
Lost Documents. ‑ I have
failed to trace either of these articles, which is much to be regretted, their
examination possibly leading to most valuable results if they could be found.
Portions of the text of the charter to Arras have been made known, and I
believe the original was once in most important ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND.
z History of the Knights
Templars, p. 6z.
835 the possession of the late
1Lr. H. B. Leeson, the Grand Commander 33| of England and Wales. According to
the lamented Dr. Mackey, the warrant was authorized by the Prince as King of
England, etc., and thus " S. G. M. du chapitre de H.," the statement made
therein being open to question that the H. R. D. M. was then " connu sous le
titre de Chevalier de I'Aagle et de Pelican, et de puis nos malheurs et nos
infortunes, sous celui de Rose Croix." r I entirely believe with Dr. Mackey
that it is an error to connect the Royal Order with the Rose Croix of the ||
Ancient and Accepted Rite," because the two Ceremonies differ so in
essentials. The former rite possesses a very quaint ritual peculiar to itself;
the old rhythmic composition being one of the several special features of the
Ceremony, and attests its antiquity.
It has been contended that the
Royal Order of H. R. D. M. formerly had its chief seat in Kilwinning, and that
it and the lodges generally were governed by one Grand Lodge. This is,
however, pure fiction, and is not worth refutation.
The Accepted Tradition.‑The
generally accepted tradition is to the effect that, |` after the dissolution
of the Templars, many of the Knights repaired to Scotland and placed
themselves under the protection of Robert Bruce, and that, after the battle of
Bannockburn, which took place on St. John the Baptist's Day, 1314, this
monarch instituted the Royal Order of H. R. D. M., and Knights of the R. S. Y.
C. S." Thory substantially agreed with this view of the matter in his " Acta
Latamorum " (1815), but adds that the Order of the Thistle, then instituted,
was afterward united to that of H. R. D. M.‑an assertion which no one can be
in a position to confirm in any way.
I have been particular as to
all these points because of their connection with the chronological data
employed during the preceding and present centuries, in relation to the
Knights Templars especially, and also concerning the |` Order " under
consideration: of which more anon.
The Word "Heredom." ‑Dr.
Mackey accepts the suggestion of a writer in the |` Freemasons' Magazine,"
1858, that the word " Heredom " is derived from iepos, hieros, holy, and
g0'N.os, domos, house, hence the Holy House of Masonry. `| In this way the
title of Rose Croix of Heredom must signify the Rosy Cross of the Holy House
of Masonry. This derivation is now very generally recognized as the true one."
It is certainly ingenious, to say the least, but whether it is an exact
explanation or not, is open to question. The Masonic degree of || Highrodiam "
was conferred July r, r746, at Swallwell, Gateshead,2 and the Ceremony of "
Scotts Masons," was worked at Salisbury, October 19, 1746,$ in the Craft r
Encyclopaedia of Freemasony, 1874 and 1884, p. 676. The Statutes, etc., of the
Souv.. Ch.. D'Arras, A LA Vall6e de Paris (r8oq) state (p. 4) that the chapter
was "fondd an 1745 A Arras, pdr le T.. III.% Prince Charles douard Stuart . .
. Souv:.du Chap:. d'Hdrddom:' 2 Hughan's Origin of the English Rite of
Freemasonry, 1884, p, roe.
$ Freemasonry m Wilts, by
Brother F. H. Goldney, r88o, p. iox.
lodge, five members obtaining
the distinction, whatever it may have meant. On December 1, 1756, the degree
of " Harodim " was given in a lodge at Sunderland, and many of the meetings
were held for the same object even so late as r 8og 1 Now, it appears to me
that the transition from " Harodim " to " Heredom " is so slight, that until a
better suggestion is offered it may fairly be assumed that Harodim and Heredom
referred to one and the same word, meaning "Rulers, or Provosts," or
literally, overseers, corresponding with Menatzchims, 2 Chronicles ii. 18. Dr.
James Anderson uses both words, viz. Harodim and Menatzchim, in his "Book of
Constitutions," 1723 (p. ro), and 1738 (p. ii) ; and Dr. Mackey himself admits
that Harodim is now technically used to signify "Princes in Masonry." The
"Harodim" of Preston, established in 1787, was not a degree, but the name
given to a society of Craftsmen who worked the lectures, the presiding officer
being called the " Chief Harod." Accordingly the adherents of the Rose Croix,
or the Royal Order "of Heredom " (though, in my opinion, separate degrees),
might each well have employed this curious term by way of preeminence,
adopting in part the phraseology of the " Father of English Masonic History."
I prefer that origin for this pu
ling word (which
etymologically has proved a source of much perplexity), to the supposition
that it is derived from " Heroden, a mountain in Scotland," as noted in some
old French Cahiers; but as the rituals of both degrees, which are so nearly
allied, do not reveal the secret, the subject apparently cannot be definitely
decided one way or the other.
In July, 1867, I made a
pilgrimage to Edinburgh in order (as a member), to examine the records of the
Royal Order for myself, and had the assistance of the lamented Grand
Secretary, Brother J. B. Douglas, who did his utmost to render my visit as
profitable as possible, in relation to the particular points I was anxious to
elucidate. Several pages of my notes, taken on that occasion, are now before
me, and will be utilized for the present chapter.
Chapters by Seniority. ‑ In a
|| List of Regular Chapters, according to seniority, with places and time of
forming and date of constitution " the following occurs, and at the time was a
great surprise to me: ‑ Degree of LIST, ETC. Date. Seniority.
1. 2. 345. 6. 7S. 9.
Grand Lodge at the Thistle and
Crown, Chandos Street ........ Time Immemorial. Grand Chapter at the Thistle
and Crown, Chandos Street....... " Coach and Horses, Welbeck
Street........................... White Boar's Head, Exeter
Road............................. Golden Horse Shoe, in Cannon Street,
Southwark .............Dec. The Griffin, in Deptford, in Kent
............................Dec. Grand Chapter at the Hague, empowered to act
as Grand Lodge. July
............................................................Oct. (1) Grand
Chapter at Rouen in Normandy, empowered to act as a Grand Lodge
...................................... May 11,174320, 174422,1750 12,1752
1 Hughan on the Harodim, in
Freemason, May 8, 1886.
LIST, ETC. Date.
This register was partly given
by Brother Lyon in 1873, as also in 188o,i the latter article being almost
identical with chapter xxxii. of his noble history, already noted. The same
excellent authority adds: " From the documents we have had the privilege to
examine, we have been unable to form any estimate of the probable antiquity of
the Order. In one of the MSS. the Grand Master at London sets forth that he
had held office since 1741." The Earliest Records. ‑ Singular to state, the
earliest records and references relate to England, and not to Scotland, the
No. 7 in the foregoing list, becoming the Grand Lodge of the Order at
Edinburgh. Of this fact there cannot well be a doubt, as in the volume, or
record book, prepared for the use of the 1| Brethren of H. R. D. M., belonging
to the Hague, and all the petty Chapters of the Order of the Seven United
Provinces," beyond the original official entries, nothing whatever appears
respecting the members aforesaid; but, as Brother Lyon states, in the middle
of the volume, it is described as belonging to " The Grand Chapter, termed the
Grand Lodge of the Royal Order at Edinburgh, constituted July 22d, z75o." It
will, however, be carefully noted that there was a Grand Lodge and Grand
Chapter held in London, in no sense whatever as subordinate, but then clearly
the governing body of the Order; having two subordinates meeting in London
(and, as with the first two authorities), described as of "time immemorial"
antiquity; also two others of 1743 and 1744, respectively, all being of
earlier date than the Scottish Grand Lodge at Edinburgh.
It will also be a matter of
surprise to not a few Craftsmen that the '| Royal Order of Scotland" (in
England), possesses veritable records of its existence years earlier than any
other degree worked in Great Britain and Ireland; save the `| first three."
The |` Royal Arch " is alluded to, in print, A.D. 1744, but no mention
subsequently is known until 1752, and actual minutes do not begin, of those
preserved, until ten years later still. The position, therefore, of the '|
Royal Order," as respects the production of evidence of its existence and
activity early last century, is superior to all additional degrees.
The.assertion that the degree
is in possession of minutes " more than two 1 Freemason, Sept. 4th, i88o.
io. (2) Choix A Paris .
......... .............. ...‑ ..........Oct. 4,1786.
11. (3) Strasburg
..............................................Jan. 4,1787.
12. (4) L'Union
Lavall......................................... Jan. 4,1787.
13. (5)
........................................................Oct. 4,1787.
14. (6) Grand Lodge, Chambery
................................April 4, 1788.
15. (7) Grand Chapter at
Chambery in Saxony, empowered to act as a Grand Lodge in the Dominion of
King of Sardinia. April 4, 1788.
16. (8) At Martinique
(7)....................................... July 4. ‑ 17. (9) At St. Domingo
......................................... July 4. ‑ is. (io) At
Brest............................................... July 14, ‑ 837 838
hundred years old " cannot be proved; but it will be seen there is no lack of
evidence in favor of a very respectable antiquity, comparatively speaking,
even if not dating as far back as some ardent spirits are inclined to claim.
The notion that the Chevalier
Ramsay fabricated the `| Royal Order" (as also numerous other Masonic
degrees), early last century has long been held by distinguished Craftsmen;
but since the publication of Brother Gould's history, and his emphatic
demonstration of the entire absence of proof of Ramsay's proclivities and
doings in such a direction, it cannot now be entertained. In like manner, the
traditions concerning the " Pretender," Prince Charles Edward Stuart, in
relation to the degree, cannot be substantiated in any shape or form, save as
stated, so they must also be relegated to the prolific region of discredited
On this point, chapters xviv.
and xxv. of Gould's great work should, be diligently read and tested, as they
contain the latest particulars, carefully sifted, regarding the many curious
and interesting questions involved. His final decision may well be quoted here
: ‑ " In 1779 the Lodge Constance, at Arras, erected the Chapitre Primordial
de Rose Croix. Its patent is alleged to have been granted by the Pretender,
Charles Edward, April 18, 17451 According to Thory's version it commences: '
We, Charles Edward Stuart, King of England'; 2 while Jouasts gives it as
'Pritendant, "roi d'Angleterre't It will be sufficient to point out that
Charles Edward did not call himself' King' during his father's lifetime, or
pretender at any time. The'use of the latter term he naturally left to others.
Moreover, no historian has yet shown that he was ever in Arras, where,
according to this legend, he remained for a period of six months, while we
have it on his own authority that he never was a Freemason at any time." 4 Of
course it is just probable that the Prince's memory was treacherous late in
life, so that he may still have belonged to the Craft in his earlier years;
but too much caution cannot be exercises' in accepting the assertions of
credulous brethren.
The First || Prov." Grand
Lodge. ‑A prominent member of the " Royal Order," in early days, was Brother
William Mitchell, a Scot, and a teacher of languages at the Hague, stated to
have been admitted in France A.D. 1749, and in England in r 75o a He and a
Brother Jonas Kluck of the Netherlands, presented a petition to the Prov. G.
M. in '1 South Britain," stating (so Brother Lyon affirms), that they and
other residents, members of the R. O., were desirous of founding a Prov. Grand
Lodge there. The petition was granted, the first mentioned brother was
appointed Prov. G. M.,, and the Prov. G. L., etc., was duly constituted on
July 22, r75o, at London, according to the following certificate, which I
copied from the official Register: ‑ " I did this day attend at the house of
Brother Lewis, S. N. C. R. T. Y., the sign of the Golden Horse Shoe, in Cannon
Street, in Southwark [at which the No. S Chapter and Lodge assembled], and did
then and there constitute the following brethren residing at the Hague, into a
regular Chapter in full form, and did constitute and appoint our Right
Worshipful and highly honored 1 Kloss, Gesch. der Freim., etc., Vol. I. p.
257. 2 Annales Orig inis, p. 184 8 Histoire du G. O., p. 84. 4 Chapter xxiv.,
Gould. 5 The record reads: " In France and England, the year 1749 and 1750."
Brother William Mitchell,
known and distinguished among the Brethren of the Order by the sublime title
and characteristic F. D. L. T. Y., and knight of the R Y. C. S., etc., T. R.
S. T. A., by delivering the patent, etc., in due form, as usual, for the
constitution of Chapters in foreign parts, and did, by virtue of my authority,
exchange his characteristic, etc., for that of R. L. F." The seal on the
diploma, or personal patent, as Prov. G. M., has been destroyed, but on the
charter granted to the Prov. Grand Lodge and Chapter, the seal remains, which,
however, is such a simple affair as not to call for reproduction. The design
includes a bridge of five arches, enlarging towards the centre one and above,
‑ the letter Z is prominently depicted. The first figure is suggestive of the
bridge, with the letters " L. O. P.," familiar to members of the r6| of the 1|
Ancient and Accepted Rite," and is certainly peculiarly appropriate for the
attesting of Royal Order documents.
The presiding officer signed
by his characteristic `| R. L. F.," the words " Prov' Grad Mas' " being above,
and those of "In So. B." below the seal. A fac‑simile of this seal may be
found in Brother Lyon's history of the "Lodge of Edinburgh" (p. 309), and is
rather perplexing in character.. If the contraction does not mean Provi.zonal,
but Provincial Grand Master, we are face to face with a new difficulty; for,
if "Provincial G. M.," where, and of what antiquity, was the governing body?
As in most cases, so now, it is much easier to suggest queries than to
discover the needful solutions. I fear we cannot get farther back than this "
Grand Lodge " and Grand Chapter in London, with three subordinates of " time
immemorial " antiquity (so‑called), and the first dated constitution being of
December 1', 1743. A possible solution, without any straining of the text, may
be that the President, for the time being, was "Provisional" G. M., or Grand
Master pro tempore.
The following prayer occurs in
the oldest Book of Records, etc., and was apparently written about A.D. 1750 :
‑ Prayer.‑"The might of the blessed Father of Heaven, the wisdom of His
glorious Son, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, being the glorious and
undivided Trinity, three persons in one God, be with us at this our beginning,
and so guide and govern our actions in this life, that at the final
conflagration, when the world, and all things therein, shall be destroyed, we
may be received with joy and gladness into eternal happiness, in that
Glorious, everlasting, Heavenly Kingdom, which shall never have an end." The
beginning reminds one of the Invocation peculiar to the || Old Charges " of
the Freemasons from the sixteenth century; both bodies being Christian in
origin and character; that basis of the " Royal Order" continuing to this day,
but altered in the Universal Freemasonry, which has become Cosmopolitan.
Brother Lyon records a fact,
unnoticed by me, that the condition on which the subordinate, chartered for
the Hague (but eventually domiciled at Edinburgh), was to enjoy certain
privileges, depended on || an acknowledgment once a year to the Grand Lodge
from whom it derived its title, at a quarterly Grand Lodge meeting, which is
held always at London on the fifth Sunday in the months having so many." That
trusty historian sagely remarks as to this 839 87.0 ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND.
"That the fact of
constitutional meetings of the Order being held on Sundays, militates against
the idea of its‑having had,‑as asserted by its first promoters in France, ‑ a
Scotch orgin, as it is well known that from the time of the Reformation the
Sunday in Scotland has been carefully guarded against secular business." On
the other hand, no such objection prevailed in England at the period in
question, " Masters' " lodges, particularly, being often convened on Sundays,
even far on in the last century, though considerately and wisely restricted to
week days of late years.
The American Chapter. ‑ It
seems that in 175 a a chapter was formed in Virginia, North America, possibly
supplying the vacancy, in the foregoing list, of October 12, 175 z ; but, as
far as I have been able to discover, its activity does not appear to have
continued for any length of time, if at all.
Brother William Mitchell,
evidently, acted as Grand Master, or GOVT of the "Royal Order," until 4th
July, 1767 (but from when is quite undecided), then Brother James " Secresy "
Kerr was elected, who resigned in 1776, and was succeeded by Brother William
"Honor" Baillie, Advocate (afterward Lord Polkemmet). On his resignation in
1778, the votes of the members were in favor of Brother William Charles
"Eloquence " Little, Advocate. In 1786 Brother William |1 Worship" Mason
succeeded to the chair of Deputy Grand Master, who was admitted to the degree,
in Edinburgh, A.D. 1754. This brother resigned in 1789, when Dr. Thomas ||
Activity " Hay was elected, who died in 1816. He was governor in 1805 ; but
from that year to 1813 no minutes appear to have been recorded. General
Oughton was Deputy Grand Master in 1770, succeeding Brother Mason in that
office, Brother Little holding that position in 1777, the Earl of Leven in
1778, and Lord Westhall in 178o; three out of the four of these high officials
having been Grand Masters of Scotland, so that the "Royal Order" must have
enjoyed the special favor of the Craft authorities at the time.
The Royal Order in Scotland
and Elsewhere. ‑ The regularly kept minutes of the Royal Order at Edinburgh
date from October 31, 1766, and in one of, July z8, 1769, it is declared, that
"after much trouble and a great deal of expense, they had been able to revive
and establish the Ancient Order of Scots Masonry in the metropolis of their
native country, which would be attested by several members of the Honourable
Council." An appeal to the town council for permission to use a room, to be
fitted up at their own charges, was acceded to, the neighborhood being
selected because it was "most centrical." In the early register of members in
Scotland, I counted only fifteen down to 1763, all being of Edinburgh but the
Brother Mitchell aforesaid. Then a large accession was made to the roll, over
fifty being admitted in some three years, and soon afterward charters were
issued for abroad. After a period of great prosperity the Order again fell
into a state of dormancy, a revival taking HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT.
84r place in 1839, according
to the authority of Brother W. A. Laurie, Grand Secretary of Scotland.' This
well‑known official thus refers to the spread of the degree abroad " Nor can
anything indicate more strongly the high estimation in which the chivalry of
the Rosy Cross of Kilwinning is held in France, than the fact that the Prince
Cambaceres, Arch‑Chancellor of the Empire, presided over it as Provincial
Grand Master (the office of Supreme Head being, as already noticed, inherent
in the crown of Scotland), for many years; and that he was succeeded in his
dignity by the head of the illustrious family of Choiseul." The Chevalier
Burnes, LL.D., thus refers to the charters in France 2 (sketch of the K. T.,
etc., 1840) : "A splendid medal has been struck at the expense of the Chapitre
du Choix at Paris, to celebrate the establishment in France of a Provincial
Grand Lodge of Heredom de Kilwinning by a Charter, dated Edinburgh, May 1,
1786, constituting Mr. John Matthews, a distinguished merchant of Rouen,
Provincial Chief, with very ample powers to disseminate the Order." " The
Chapitre du Choix was itself erected by a charter from Edinburgh in the same
year, addressed to Nicholas Chabouille, 4vocat en Parlement, and other
brethren. Both these documents bear the signatures of William Charles Little,'
Deputy Grand Master, William Mason,' and William Gibb. At a later date, a
Provincial Grand Master was also appointed for Spain, in the person of Mr.
James Gorden, a merchant at Xeres de la Frartera, whose commission was signed
by Deputy Grand Master Dr. Thomas Hay [Sub. G. M., 1784‑98], and Messrs.
Charles Moor and John Brown, as heads of the Royal Order." " In 1811 there
were no less than twenty‑six chapters of Heredom holding allegiance to the
Provincial Grand Lodge of the Order in France, including some in Belgium and
Italy."' I am not at all sure that the whole of these bodies were regular,
having a note to the effect that fourteen chapters, granted by the Provincial
Grand Lodge of France during the wars, were not ratified by the Grand Lodge at
Edinburgh, from January 1o, 18o9 to October 4, 18 11.
The medal is No. ccxxxix. in
Brother Marvin's " Masonic Medals," s and is thus described by him: ‑ "
Obverse, A square, Gothic building with towers on each corner, perhaps a
fortress, from the centre of which rises a tall column, at the top of which is
an open book. On the left of the edifice is a draw‑bridge, open; on the right,
a ladder. On the front are two small square stones, on one of which are the
square and compasses, and on the other the letter R. Legend: L'ORDRE DE 1
History of Freemasonry, 1859, p. 94ò 2Also given by Lawrie (History of
Freemasonry, 1859, p. 94). as a translation from Histoire de la Fondation du
Grand Orient de France, Paris, 1812.
s Substitute G. M. of
Scotland, 1782‑3 4 Grand Secretary of Scotland, x774‑x775.
s Many interesting particulars
will be found as to this period in Annales Macconiques, par Caillot, R. *. C..
18o7‑1o (Tome 3).
6 Boston, 188o.
MATHEUS., G. M. P., 1786. In exergue, in three lines, the last curving, CHAP..
"Reverse, Inscription, in
eleven lines, (r) T‑R‑S‑T‑A. N. CHADOUILLt, 1786. (2) T‑R‑S‑T‑A. L. T. DORBAN,
1789. (3) T‑R‑S‑T‑A. A. C. DURIN, 18o6. (4) T‑R‑S‑T‑A. C. A. THORY,,8o7.
DEPuTE T‑R‑S‑T‑A. J. P. ROUYER. Copper and probably other metals. Size 2o."
This fine medal is engraved in " Tresor Numismatique Napoleon " (plate 37,
figure 3), and is now rarely to be met with.
I see, from my notes, that the
following Provincial Grand Lodges and Chapters have been authorized within the
last fifty years. Those which are believed to be dormant are in italics : ‑
The Netherlands, at Amsterdam.......................... July 4, 1843. Eastern
Provinces, at Calcutta, India .................... July 4, 1845. North of
France........................................ 1847. Sweden and Norway
.................................... Jan. 5,1855.
Sardinia............................................... ? New Brunswick, at
St.john............................. 7 Province of Quebec
..................................... ? Glasgow and neighboring Counties or
Isles .. . ........... Jan. 4,1859London (and " Royal Bruce " Chapter)
.................. 1872.
Western India, at Bombay
.............................. ? China, at
Shanghai..................................... ? United States, at Washington,
D.C....................... Oct. 4, 1877. Lancashire and Cheshire, at
Manchester .................
Aberdeen.............................................. ? County of Yorkshire,
at York............................ 1886.
South‑east Africa, at Durban
............................ ? The Charters. ‑The charters on vellum are
important‑looking documents, 17 X 25 inches, and are always engrossed and
prepared with special care. The copy which follows is reproduced from the
warrant granted to the Provincial Grand Lodge for the United States (the
esteemed Brother General Albert Pike being the first Provincial Grand Master),
which is given in extenso in the printed Records and Minutes of that
Provincial Grand Lodge (Washington, i88o). It is the first number of the
series, 188o‑9, including full particulars of the transactions of that body
from May, ;:878, to the past year, the like of which, as a complete record,
has never been published by any other branch of the Order, and is a great
credit to all concerned.
Charter for Royal Order in U.
S. A.
President of the Judges and Council of the Great S. N. D. R. M.: Warder of the
T. W. R. of R. F. R. S. M. N. T.: Deputy Grand Master and SEAL. Governor of
the High and Honourable Orders of H. R. M of K. L. W. N. G. and R. s. Y. C. s.
the R. S. Y. C. S.; Sir ALEXANDER S. T. N. T. H., Senior Grand Warden, Sir
SEAL. WILLIAM B.T.Y., Junior Grand Warden, and the Remanent Knights Com H. D.
M. panions of the Royal Order of R. S. Y. C. S. in Grand Lodge assembled TO
Sir ALBERT V. G. R. (Pike), Knight of the Order of the R. S. Y. C. S., send
greeting in God Everlasting.
843 By virtue of the authority
vested in us from time immemorial WE do hereby grant unto you and the rest of
the Right Worthy and Worshipful Brethren of the Royal Order of H. R. M. and of
the R. S. Y. C. S. in the United States of America, full power, warrant and
authority to hold a Chapter of the Order of H. R. M. in WASHINGTON, or
elsewhere within the United States of America, so long as you and they shall
behave as becometh Worthy Brethren of the said Order, or until the powers
hereby conferred shall be withdrawn, which the Grand Lodge of our Order
reserves full power and authority to do when they consider proper, with full
power to you to remove the same from place to place, but always within the
United States of America, as occasion shall offer forthe good and glory of the
Order, you and they conforming to the laws and regulations of the Grand Lodge
transmitted to you now or afterwards, and we do hereby appoint you T. R.S.T.A.
of the said Chapter and grant you full power, warrant and authority to appoint
proper officers to assist you therein, viz.: a Deputy T. R. S. T. A., a Senior
Guardian, a Junior Guardian, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Marischal, a Deputy
Marischal, and a Guarder, who shall act as Examiner and Introducer.
AND FURTHER, know you that for
the good and promotion of the Order of H. R. M. in general we do hereby
empower you to form a PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE of the said Order, and do
nominate, constitute and appoint you, the said Sir Albert V. G. R., to preside
and rule over and govern the same and the Brethren thereunto belonging, so
long as you shall act conformably to the Laws and Rules of our Grand Lodge,
and so long as this Charter and the powers therein conferred shall continue
unrecalled ; and we do hereby authorize, empower and charge you to take upon
yourself the title of PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER of the Order of H. R. M. for the
United States of America, being the Province hereby placed under your
superintendence; and we do hereby grant you full power, warrant and authority
to appoint proper officers to assist you in the high office hereby on you
conferred, to consist of the following number and denominations: one Deputy
Provincial Grand Master, a Senior Provincial Grand Warden, a Junior Provincial
Grand Warden, a Provincial Grand Sword‑bearer, a Provincial Grand Secretary, a
Provincial Grand Treasurer, two Provincial Grand Marischals, a Senior
Provincial Grand Steward, and three other Provincial Grand Stewards, and a
Provincial Grand Guarder.
all and every one of the Brethren that we hereby invest you with full power,
warrant and authority to appoint such persons to be your officers as you shall
think are most proper and fit for each respective post either in your Chapter
or Provincial Grand Lodge, without consulting or asking the consent or
approbation of any Brother of the Order whatsoever, unless of your own free
will you shall think proper to pay such compliment, which we deem expedient
and therefore recommend.
AND FURTIiER, we hereby invest
you with full power, warrant and authority to depose or displace from his or
their offices any officer or officers who shall be guilty of improper conduct
or indignity to your Worship, or to fine, mulct or amerce them, or any of
them, for the same without being obliged to bring them to a formal trial, or
asking the consent or approbation of the Brethren for so doing, unless you
shall of your own free will think proper so to do. But be it also known that
if it shall appear to your Provincial Grand Lodge to be for the good of the
Order in your Province that you should relinquish or restrict your privilege
of appointing or displacing your office‑bearers, either in your Chapter or
Provincial Grand Lodge, or in both, and if you see proper to consent to the
same, it shall be in your power so to do, notwithstanding any existing general
law of our Grand Lodge appearing to the contrary, and to cause a resolution or
law to that effect specifying how and where the elections are to be in future
conducted, to be endorsed upon or annexed to this Charter, and which when
signed by you and registered in the Minute Book of your Provincial Grand
Lodge, and a copy thereof, certified by your Provincial Grand Secretary,
transmitted to and approved by our Grand Lodge shall thereafter be as good and
valid a law, so far as regards your Chapter and Provincial Grand Lodge, as if
it had been made by our Grand Lodge of the R. S. Y. C. S.; and being entered
in our Record Book shall be irrevocable by you and your successors in office
unless by application to and with the approval of our Grand Lodge, it being,
however, declared that nothing shall affect your right as Provincial Grand
Master or the rights of your successors in office to appoint your or their
require of the Brethren in general, your Provincial Grand Officers as well as
others, to respect, acknowledge and obey you, the said Sir Albert V. G. R.,
and pay you due respect as HEAD RULER and GOVERNOR over them and their Chapter
or Chapters in 844 ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND.
your said Province: And we do
hereby appoint you to hold quarterly meetings of your Provincial Grand Lodge
for regulating the affairs of the Order of H. R. M. in your Province.
AND FURTHER, we hereby empower
you and your Chapter to advance to the Royal Order of H. R. M. (on paying a
fee not less than two guineas, of which ten shillings and sixpence shall be
transmitted to our Grand Lodge), such_ Master Masons as are Companions of the
Royal Arch Chapter and as are well known to you and your Brethren to be worthy
of that High Honour, but with this proviso, that you shall not have it in your
power within your Provincial Grand Lodge or elsewhere to promote any Brethren
of H. R. M. to the Sublime Order of the R. S. Y. C. S., without special
authority obtained from our Grand Lodge for that purpose, nor even then,
unless on payment of a fee of at least one guinea (of which ten shillings and
sixpence shall be transmitted to our Grand Lodge).
AND FURTHER, be it known to
you that we prohibit and discharge you and your Provincial Grand Lodge or
Chapter from granting any PATENTS or LETTERS OF CONSTITUTION to Chapters, or
Diplomas to the Brethren or Knights, under any pretence whatever, all such
being issued by us alone, and Diplomas being so issued free of charge, on
payment of the fees above mentioned, payable to us on advancement to the Order
of H. R. M. and promotion to the Sublime Order of R. S. Y. C. S.
AND FURTHER, be it known to
the Brethren in general that it is not, nor can it be, in their power to
depose or displace you or your successors in office from the high office
hereby on you conferred, except for high or enormous crimes tending to the
scandal and detriment of the Order, and not then without bringing you to a
regular trial, and an account of the proceedings therein, with the crime and
sentence of the Council, being first sent to and approved by our Grand Lodge
at Edinburgh.
AND FURTHER, we empower you 4o
relinquish, give up, or resign your said office with the powers and privileges
attached thereto as aforesaid, in case you shall think proper or be desirous
so to do, to any worthy qualified Knight of the Order of the R. S. Y. C. S.,
and to no person whatsoever under that degree, but your successor or
successors in office, before he or they shall exercise any of the powers
connected with said office, must be approved by our Grand Lodge.
AND FURTHER, be it known to
you, that if you or your successors in office are guilty of acting contrary to
our will and pleasure or any of the Laws, Rules and Regulations now appointed
by us, or which may hereafter be appointed for your observance by authority of
our Grand Lodge, from which you hold this Constitution or Charter, These
Presents and all power thereunder shall forthwith cease and determine without
any formal revocation on our part, and you and they shall be rendered
incapable of holding any Grand Office or authority in the Royal Order, and
also be liable to be extruded for contempt and disobedience.
That all Companions of the
Royal Order admitted in your Provincial Grand Lodge or Chapter may be duly
enrolled in our Record Book, we do particularly direct your attention to the
twenty‑sixth Article of our Constitution and Laws as revised and approved on
sixth January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty‑two.
And for every Authority, Power
and Privilege herein above mentioned, this shall be your sufficient Warrant,
Patent and Charter.
In testimony whereof, this,
our Charter, written by Alexander Blues Wyllie, clerk to our Grand Secretary,
is subscribed by JOHN WHYTE MELVILLE, of Bennochie and Strathkinnes, our
Deputy Grand Master and Governor; ALEXANDER HAY, our Senior Grand Warden;
WILLIAM MANN, our junior Grand Warden; GEORGE MURRAY, our Grand Treasurer, and
JOHN BROWN DOUGLAS, our Grand Secretary; all Knights of the R. S. Y. C. S.,
duly sealed and thereupon approved and issued by our Grand Lodge of the Royal
Order, at Edinburgh, this fourth day of October, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and seventy‑seven, and of the Restoration of the Order
HAY, S. T. N. T. H.
The 11 charter members " were
thirteen in number, including several wellknown and eminent brethren (whose
labors for the Craft and deep interest HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT.
845 in its welfare are as
familiar to English Masonic students as to those in America), all of whom are
members of the Grand Lodge at Edinburgh: ‑ Founders' Names, A.D. 1877.
Brother Albert Pike,l
Washington, D.C. Brother William M. Ireland, Washington, D.C.
",john Robin McDaniel,
Lynchburg, Va. Robert McC. Graham, New York, N.Y.
"' Henry L. Palmer, Milwaukee,
Wis. Albert G. Mackey, Washington, D.C.
"James C. Batchelor, New
Orleans, La, Enoch Terry Carson, Cincinnati, Ohio.
"Vincent L. Hurlbut, Chicago,
Ili. Charles Roome, New York, N.Y.
"Josiah H. Drummond, Portland,
Maine, Charles Eugene Meyer, Philadelphia,Pa. Brother Samuel C. Lawrence,
Boston, Mass.
The Uncrowned King and Other
Officers. ‑The Uncrowned King of the Hautes Grades, General Albert Pike, was
nominated as the Provincial Grand Master, and has filled that exalted position
with conspicuous ability from the inauguration of the Provincial Grand Lodge
to the present time. Brother J. H. Drummond has occupied the chair of Deputy
Provincial Grand Master, 1878‑I89o, and has done his part with his usual zeal,
thoroughness, and efficiency. The remaining officers, duly appointed, are as
follows, being the " tableau " to latest date : Brothers James C. Batchelor,
Prov. S. G. W. ; John L. Stettinius, Prov. J. G. W. ; William Oscar Roome,
Prov. G. S. ; Robert McC. Graham, Prov. G. T. ; John Christie, Prov. G. S. B.
; Vincent L. Hurlbut, Prov. G. B. B. ; Alexander H. Holt, First Prov. G. M. ;
Henry L. Palmer, Second Prov. G. U. ; Charles A. Nesbitt, Prov. G. G. ;
Charles Roome, Charles E. Meyer, William S. Roose and Henry L. Cranford, Prov.
G. Stewards. Membership in the U.S.A.‑There are no published by‑laws for the
United States, but a series of || standing resolutions," together with the
Rules of the Order, regulate all the proceedings. The number of members are
appointed equally between the Southern and Northern Masonic Jurisdictions of
the United States; the total being fixed at one hundred and fifty, with a
margin of twenty‑five, but never to exceed one hundred and seventy‑five.
Election is by ballot, which must be unanimous. Practically, the roll has been
full from the start, and in the list for September, 1889, there are nine
"founders," and one hundred and thirty‑seven additions, making one hundred and
forty‑six in all, with eleven brethren accepted to await another year, subject
to such vacancies as may then exist.
Assemblies of the Provincial
Grand Lodge. ‑The Provincial Grand Lodge assembles alternately at Washington
and New York Cities "on the Monday nearest the day fixed for the meetings of
said Supreme Councils," at which annual meetings the members dine together. As
respects the special regalia, only the || star and garter " are obligatory to
be worn, the aprons and cordons not being required. Each member is desired to
furnish the Provincial Secretary with "his photograph of cabinet size,
together with a sketch of his life and Masonic history, for preservation in
the archives of the Provincial Grand Lodge," an album being provided to
contain these interesting and valuable particulars.
t Those in italics have since
846 From 1883 invitations have
been cordially extended to the ladies of the families of the
Knights‑companions to participate in the annual banquet; an arrangement,
doubtless, much appreciated by those who like family gatherings, and one which
must add much to the pleasure of such assemblies.
A special feature of the
published proceedings is the "Allocution" for each annual assembly, delivered
by the gifted Provincial Grand Master. I should much like to quote extensively
from these most meritorious productions, were it not that this sketch has
already extended beyond my original estimate and plans. The following brief
extracts are submitted as indicative of the character, scope, and beauty of
these choice addresses by General Pike.
Antiquity of the Royal
Order.‑" I value the Ancient Order, for it is eminently Masonic. It has close
kinship with the three degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry. Its quaint old Ritual
has throughout the old‑fashioned simplicity of the Masonry of the seventeenth
century, when it and those degrees were all the Freemasonry that existed in
the world. We read it and breathe the air of the old days. After having been
long conversant with the elaborate ones of the present day, it is like going
from the pomp and show of cities into the forest and the prairie, to live
among the frank hunters and sturdy husbandmen who have been the builders of
the States, to enjoy the long days of October in the woods, and sleep at night
under the protecting stars." [Oct. 16, 1882.] Primary'Aim of the Rite.‑" We
represent, not altogether unworthily, I hope, the intellect and the
scholarship of the Freemasonry of the United States: Our Father who is in
Heaven has given us the opportunity to serve Masonry worthily, and make it the
debtor of the Royal Order, by leading the Masons of the 'Blue' lodges to the
living springs of truth, making known to them the true meaning and profound
significance of their most ancient symbols, and teaching them to set a higher
value upon their Freemasonry, and to elevate it in the estimation of the
world." [Sept. 24, 1883.1 "To see united into a Provincial Grand Lodge of our
old and venerable Order a certain limited number of good men and Masons,
residing in all our States and Territories, between whom the new ties of a
more perfect Brotherhood might be created, and year by year grow stronger and
more enduring." [Oct. 2o, 1884.] Historical Basis of the Order.‑" It was
established, our Ritual declares, ' to correct the errors and reform the
abuses which had crept in among the three degrees of St. John's Masonry.' It
is 'for the preservation in its purity of St. John's Masonry.' One who comes
to seek admission here declares that he is ' a Mason from a Lodge dedicated to
St. John'; and he comes to seek a Word which was lost, and which by our
assistance he hopes to find.
"The Royal Order has also the
early symbolism of the 'Blue' degrees, and not that borrowed from the
Alchemical and Hermetic books. The column 'of the Tower of Refreshment has a
square base or pedestal, intended to be a cube or perfect ashlar. The shaft of
the column has nine windows looking East, one for each flight of seven (7)
steps. On the column is a triangular entablature; on this a book, and under
the letters upon its face, a square, a level, and a plumbrule; over these a
pair of compasses extended to a right angle. The stairway has three
landingplaces; and the lowest flight of stairs is of seven steps, the second
of five, and the' apex' of three." "It was an innovation :; :hake the
possession of the Degree of the Royal Arch 1 a necessary qualification for
admission into the Order; for it was at first open to Master Masons." [Oct.
15, 1888.] The constitution and laws of the Royal Order remained
substantially, as those enforced at London, until January 5, 1767, when new
rules were agreed to, and are still preserved. Rule 19 provides for fees being
paid the Grand Lodge of Edinburgh by members in England, and it is stated that
"the king of 1"Master Mason" is now the qualification.‑Laws, 1862, p. 6.
Scotland is perpetual Grand
Master of the Order, and therefore not included among the elective officers."
The Grand Lodge R. S. Y. C. S. ‑Brother Lyon says that another edition of the
laws was issued in 1843 ; the present code being" as revised and approved
January 6, 1862 tt : these, however, are now under revision.
By the statutes, the Grand
Lodge of R. S. Y. C. S. and Grand Chapter of H. R. M. can only be held in
Scotland, and the former reserves to itself the right to promote to the honor
of Knighthood of the R. S. Y. C. S., but usually delegates the power to that
effect to the Provincial Grand Masters, by personal patents, as given
herewith. [See Plate.] The Grand Lodge officers are similar to those already
noted for the Provincial Grand Lodge, only the brother who rules that body,
until a king of Great Britain and Ireland (called " of Scotland tt) is able to
become Grand Master, is termed 1| Deputy Grand Master and Governor," a Deputy
Governor being also appointed, all having corresponding rank in the Grand
Chapter 'of H. D. M. The D. G. M. (and Governor), and Deputy Governor of the
Grand Lodge are ex‑offlciis Warder and Deputy Warder of the T. W. R. of R. F.
R. S. M. N. T., and a Provincial Grand Master enjoys a similar status in his
Province; as also T. R. S. T. A. of his own chapter.
The 4th of July is election
day for the Grand Officers and also for subordinate chapters out of Scotland,
or first following lawful day, if the fourth shall be a Saturday or Sunday.
The other stated meetings of Grand Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodges are
October 4, January 4, and April 4, with the same exceptions.
It is competent for any
members acting as Grand Officers pro tern., to sign the diplomas, charters,
patents. I append a copy of my certificate of the year 1867 : ‑ Copy of the
Royal Order Certificate, A.O. 883.
SCOTTISH ARMS. ga f(4t Name 0f
tl4e ~plg flnlt w1Tfti11ibe11 drrinita.
[Size, 9% x r4s/ in.] z a s a
We Sir John Whyte, W.D.M.,
President of the Judges and Council of the Great S.~.D.R.M., and Warder of the
T.W.R. of R.F.R.S.M.N.T., Deputy Grand Master and Governor of the High and
Honourable Order of H.R.M. of K.L. W.N.G.
and the R.SX.C.S.; Sir
Alexander, S.T.N.T.H., Senior Grand Warden, and Sir William, B.T.Y., ~unior
Grand Warden, and the remanent Knights Companions of the ROYAL OR fSER of the
R.S.Y.C.S. in Grand Lodge assembled.
Do hereby certify and declare
that our Trusty and well beloved Brother William James Hughan, Master Mason of
the Lodge Number 954, holding of the Grand Lodge of England, and Companion
Royal Arch Chapter, Number So to Scot.
land, whose signature is on
the margin, having been advanced to the order of H.R.M. of K.L.W.N.G. at
Glasgow, in the Chapter of the Provincial Grand Master for the County of
Lanark, and others, on the twenty‑eighth day of February, one thousand eight
hundred and sixty‑seven, by the characteristic of Geometry, and promoted on
the said twenty‑eighth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and
sixty‑seven, to the Honourable Order of the R.SN.C.S. in the Provincial Grand
Lodge for the County of Lanark, and others, has been recorded in the Books of
our Grand Lodge here, and therefore we recommend him as a lawful member of the
ROYAL ORDER Brother of H.R.M., and Knight of the R.S.Y.C.S., to all Knights
and Brethren of the Order wherever found and established.
Given under our hands and
seals of the Royal Order, at Edfaburgh, this sixth day of March, A.D. one
thousand eight hundred and sixty‑seven, and of the Restoration of the Order
553ò Custavus K. Flindt, P.T., W.D.M.
.7. D. Porteous, Prov. Grand
Secy. David Sutherland, P.T.. S.T:N.T.FL G. L. Brodie, P.T., B.T.Y.
Y. B. Douglas, Grand
849 850 ROY,4L ORDER OF
The minimum fee for the H. D.
M. and Knighthood is three guineas; subject in all cases to the approval of
the presiding officer as respects promotion to the " R. S. Y. C. S."
Conviction of crime by any court of justice involves permanent extrusion.
On the 4th of April, 1855, the
Supreme Council 33| of Scotland, and on the 11th of May following, the Grand
Lodge of the Royal Order agreed to a reciprocal treaty, by which only members
of the Royal Order can be admitted to the 18|, and all Knights of the Royal
Order, provided they are Royal Arch Masons, have special privileges as to fees
in joining the A.‑.A.‑.S.‑.Rite.
M. W. Brother John
Whyte‑Melville was the Deputy Grand Master and Governor for many years, and on
his decease was succeeded by the Right Honorable, the Earl of Rosslyn, in
1885, who died September 6, 18go. The Grand Secretary is the Scottish Masonic
historian, Brother D. Murray Lyon.
The "Year of the Restoration
of the Order " dates from 1314, so that A.D. 1890 or A.L. 5890 would be "Anno
Ordinis" 576 to St. John the Baptist Day; but after that Festival it would be
5 77. A similar mode has long been followed by the Knights Templars (which,
doubtless, refers to De Molai's martyrdom), in relation to the same year, only
termed "Anno Ctedis," thus suggesting an intimate connection between the two
Masonic Historian of Maryland.
The Order of Heredom.‑The
ritual of the Order of Heredom claimed that it was established by Robert
Bruce, king of Scotland, after the battle of Bannockburn, in the year 1311 ;
but this has been denied by many writers, and'its real origin and history is
enveloped in the same mystery and confusion that surrounds most of the high
degrees of Freemasonry.
It is claimed that, in the
year 1740, there was at Edinburgh, Scotland, a body known as 1| The Royal
Grand Lodge and Chapter of the Order of Heredom of Kilwinning," and that this
body established at Rouen, France, May r, 1786, a Provincial Grand Chapter, of
which M. Mattheus, an eminent merchant of that city, was Provincial Grand
Master, and Louis Clavel, Deputy Grand Master.
The writer has been informed
by a communication from the secretary of the " Chapter Arts Reunis " at Rouen,
that these two brethren were arrested during the Revolution in France |` as
suspects," and barely escaped with their lives. It is also learned by the same
communication that nearly all of the records of the Grand Chapter were
destroyed during the " troublous times of the Revolution." This is greatly to
be regretted; for, in the latter part of the last century, there were
organized at Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York, bodies of this rite, which
were indirectly connected with the Grand Chapter at Rouen.
An Insurrection leads to
Important Results. ‑ In the latter part of the last century, prior to and
during the French Revolution, the subject of slavery in the French colonies
became an intensely interesting and exciting one, especially to those living
on the Island of Saint Domingo. This excitement continued to increase till it
finally resulted in an insurrection of the slaves on that island, which,
through the skill, bravery, and generalship of the celebrated negro general,
Toussaint L'Ouverture, finally resulted in the freedom and inde pendence of
his race on the Island. The cruel treatment of this person at a later period
by Napoleon Bonaparte deserves the condemnation of men of all civilized races.
Toussaint, we are informed,
held the insurrection in check for some thirty days, till a vessel could be
had for the transportation of the overseer of his master's plantation, M. de
Libertas, and his family, to the United States. A Baltimore vessel was finally
procured, and loaded with a cargo of the products of the plantation, then the
whites were put on board and the vessel sailed for Baltimore. The insurrection
commenced immediately afterward, and quite near the plantation of Toussaint's
master, Count de Breda, who resided in France. During the continuance of the
insurrection, Toussaint continued to ship succeeding crops from the plantation
to M. de Libertas at Baltimore. Before any outbreak‑ on the Island had ensued,
a number of colonists, ‑ apprehending that living in a colony composed of five
hundred thousand slaves, twenty thousand mulattoes, most of whom were highly
educated as well as possessed of wealth (for the mulattoes on that island
followed the condition of the father, and not, as in this country, the
condition of the mother), and only thirty thousand whites, ‑ foresaw what must
be the final result, and emigrated to various parts of the United States
before the commencement of actual hostilities.
The Baltimore "Rose Croix de
Heredom."‑Among these earlier emigrants to Baltimore was a band of Masons from
Cape Francois, a town on the east coast of the Island, bringing with them a
chartered chapter of the Rite "Rose Croix de Heredom," under the distinctive
title, || La Verite." They brought with them also their records and jewels,
and continued their labors in Baltimore, as they had formerly done on the
Island of Saint Domingo.
They applied to Henry Wilmans,
Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Maryland, for a dispensation to open
a lodge for working the Symbolic degrees (their mode of working these degrees
not being recognized by the brethren here), which he granted; and, at the 1794
session of the Grand Lodge, they received a warrant to work according to the
"Ancient York Rite," under the distinctive title, I' Veritas Sancti Johannes,"
No 16 (The True Saint John's).
The Chapter '| La Verite "
continued its labors as a separate organization until about the year 1802,
when it " fell asleep." There are no records of the chapter known to be
existing, but it is referred to by several writers in connection with the
history of the Royal Order of Heredom. Such extracts, therefore, as relate
directly or indirectly to it will be quoted from these writers. Oliver, in his
"Landmarks," says: "Lodges and chapters of the Royal Order of Robert Bruce
were also established in Saint Domingo by Brother Achille Huet de Lachelle,
who styled himself the Royal Grand Master of the `Grand Lodge of the Order of
Heredom.' He himself furnished the following account, which is interesting,
although it occurred at a much later period. He says he derived his authority
from the Most Sublime Chief of the Order in France. He established in
Baltimore, a Sovereign Chapter under the title of | Truth,' at the request of
the potent brothers Knights of the Cape, who had HEREDOM OF KILWINNING.
853 ought refuge in Baltimore,
in consequence of the revolution in Saint Dominga Che Sovereign Chief of the
Order for France had been first applied to, but Ie referred them back to the
Provincial Chapter. Huet de Lachelle, the 3rand Master, was himself driven to
the United States by the troubles in the :olony, and passed eight months
there. During his residence he established tt New York an Anglo‑American
Sovereign Grand Chapter under the title, Chosen Friends,' of which Brother
Vanden Brock was president, and in.the came city a Sovereign Chapter of
France, under the denomination of the Triple Unity,' of which Challon Dayral
was president. At the Orient of Philadelphia he established two more Sovereign
Chapters, one for the members of the ' Chapter of Truth' of the Cape, under
the name ' Truth and Union,' Bizouard, president; and the other for the Lodge
of `Amenity and Candour,' Gauvin, president. All these Sovereign Chapters
appointed Lachelle ambassador, by letters of delegation, to the Sovereign
Chief of the Order of Kilwinning at Edinburgh; to the Sovereign Grand
Provincial Chapter of France, sitting at Rouen; and to the Grand Orient of
France. He went to France on his mission in 1798, and delivered the documents
to M. Mattheus, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge at Rouen." The French Masonic
writers Thory and Clavel both give substantially the same account as Oliver.
Documentary Testimony. ‑Brother Albert Pike has in his possession a document
written by Lachelle 1 himself, in which occurs the following ' in reference to
the Chapter " La Verite " : ‑ "On the 29th day of the 5th Month 5796, I also
regularized, at Baltimore, in Maryland, the Chapter La Verite. It had been
founded long before by a Brother Martin, and hadworked during the time, under
the belief that it was regular, but becoming convinced of its error, as that
of the Petit Goave had, it made application, after we had done so, to the
Chief of the Order, to obtain letters of constitution, The Chief of the Order,
by one of his columns, had advised us of this, and requested us to regularize
that chapter. The brother Knight Teaveau, Second Light of that Temple, was
affiliated by us in our chapter, and was empowered by us to take the oath of
these Officer‑Knights and to regularize them for us in the name of the Chief
of the Order." The Evidence Reviewed. ‑These several accounts are to some
extent conflicting, and it is therefore somewhat difficult to learn the exact
date of the establishment of the Chapter " La Verite " at Baltimore. Oliver,
Clavel, and Thory state that Lachelle constituted the chapter himself, while
from the document in the possession of Brother Pike, in Lachelle's own
writing, it would appear that it had been organized by a brother named Martin
|| many years before." In 1819 the Chapter "La Verite" was resuscitated and
reorganized under the title of "Triple Unity," by authority of "The Sovereign
Grand Consistory of 1 Achille Huet de Lacbelle, who regularized the Chapter
"La Verite" at Baltimore, in 1796, and organized those at Philadelphia and New
York a year or two later, died in Baltimore about the year x835, leaving two
daughters, one of whom is still living. Brother Carson thinks it probable that
Lachelle had no legal authority from any organization of the Royal Order for
the establishment of these bodies. I think, on the contrary, the evidence
furnished by Oliver, Claval, and Thory, as well as by the document in the
possession of Brother Pike, quoted above, prove that he had authority to act
from the Provincial Grand Chapter at Rouen.
Supreme Chiefs of Exalted
Masonry," organized by Joseph Cerneau at New York, in 1807. It ceased labor
about the year 1825. Its records, now in possession of the writer, indicate
that it was a live, active body. Among its membership were a number of
prominent brethren of Baltimore, one of whom, the venerable brother, Past
Grand Master John H. B. Latrobe, is still living.
There is nothing known
regarding the Chapters established by Lachelle at Philadelphia, but one of
those established by him at New York, 1| La Triple Unity," was resuscitated
and reorganized in i8oq by the Cerneau Consistory.
Rite of Heredom Distinct from
that of Perfection. ‑Thory says the Rite of Heredom was entirely distinct from
that of Perfection, and consisted of the three degrees of Ancient Masonry as
its basis, and the Rose Croix degree, known as the chapter. The chapter
conferred four degrees: Master of Heredom, Knight of the Tower, Knight Rose
Croix, and Knight Rose Croix de H. R. D. M. Brother Carson, referring to this
Rite, says: "The ritualistic ceremonies were entirely different from those of
the Rose Croix eighteenth degree of Sublime Masonry, Rite of Perfection
series, or the Rose Croix eighteenth degree of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite." 1 1 Am. Ed. Gould's History, Vol. IV. p. 636.
By REv. WiLLis D. ENGLE,
Past Right Worthy Grand
Secretary, General Grand Chapter.
Introductory. ‑ Various
systems of Adoptive Masonry have been practised, both in Europe and this
country, since its conception, which, according to the best authorities, was
in France, about the year r 730. It was not, however, until thirty years later
that what was formally known as lodges of Adoption were organized, the first
being in Paris in 176o, by the Count de Bernonville. The gallant Frenchman
seems, from this time, to have taken great interest in this androgynous
society, as it spread rapidly, and in 1774 had gained such character and
influence that it was able to command the official recognition of the Grand
Orient of France, which took it under its official protection, where it still
remains, although it has not flourished in the last half‑century as it had
done previously.
The Order of the Eastern Star,
extensively known in the United States, can hardly be said to be connected
with any simipar body that has preceded it, although, as will be seen under
the head of "Ritual," the basis of its ceremonies and teachings is derived
from one of them.
Previous to the year 1855, and
subsequently also, there were in use in the 857 PART V.
Past Right Worthy Grand
Secretary, General Grand Chapkr.
Introductory. ‑Various systems
of Adoptive Masonry have been practised, both in Europe and this country,
since its conception, which, according to the best authorities, was in France,
about the year r 730. It was not, however, until thirty years later that what
was formally known as lodges of Adoption were organized, the first being in
Paris in 176o, by the Count de Bernonville. The gallant Frenchman seems, from
this time, to have taken great interest in this androgynous society, as it
spread rapidly, and in 1774 had gained such character and influence that it
was able to command the official recognition of the Grand Orient of France,
which took it under its official protection, where it still remains, although
it has not flourished in the last half‑century as it had done previously.
The Order of the Eastern Star,
extensively known in the United States, can hardly be said to be connected
with any similar body that has preceded it, although, as will be seen under
the head of "Ritual," the basis of its ceremonies and teachings is derived
from one of them.
Previous to the year 1855, and
subsequently also, there were in use in the 857 OTHER RITES AND ORDERS.
United States several 1| side
" degrees, which could be conferred upon the female relatives of Masons, among
which were the following: ‑ 1| THE MASON's DAUGHTER," which had for its
foundation a legend connecting Mary, the sister of Lazarus, with JEsus'
triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, and which had certain modes of recognition,
and a signet in which the letters AMRY were encircled by the letters F. N. D.
O. Z. B. T. K. C.
upon the Biblical history of Ruth, particularly concerning her gleaning in the
field of Boaz. The recognition signet consisted of the letters A. H. R. H. P.
C. A. S. D. E. encircling the letters U T H R These we:2 conferred upon Master
Masons and their female relatives, while those named below were only to be
conferred upon Royal Arch Masons and their wives and daughters.
founded upon the Scripture account of the fall of Jericho, the faithfulness of
Rahab, and its reward. The recognition signet had the word ARHAB within a
heart, with the letters ML FY IYUN TOB within a circle, which contained the
letters BF R PNWTTBN.
presented " as a pattern for imitation the rood Samaritan, who stopped at the
wayside to relieve the distressed; who walked that a stranger might ride his
beast; who, with his own money, paid others for providing for the wants of the
distressed." The signet included an eight‑pointed star with the letters GS in
its centre, while the letters EFIWSTOL formed a circle within the star.
First Era, 1850‑1866. ‑ The
degrees of the Eastern Star were arranged by Robert Morris, LL.D.,
subsequently Grand Master of Masons of Kentucky, in 1850, who communicated
them first to his wife, and subsequently to many thousands of Masons and their
female relatives in all parts of the country. The degrees were thus
communicated by Robert Morris only, as they were not printed in this form
until 1860.
From the first, the work
contained the same characters as now, and the signs and passes remain
unaltered; but when they were presented in a lecture to a roomful of people at
once, no obligation was imposed but that of secrecy, and no attempt was made
to organize a society, so that substantial good could not result therefrom. It
was a means of recreation and of social enjoyment, Masons and their families
coming together in the lodge‑room for an evening of pleasure and banqueting.
In 1855 Brother Morris recast
the work, and it was first printed under the name of "The Mosaic Book." A
self‑constituted body known as "The Supreme Constellation of the American
Adoptive Rite," of which he was the Most Enlightened Grand Luminary, was
organized with headquarters in New THE EASTERN STAR.
859 York City, and subordinate
constellations were organized in different States. By reason of the
elaborateness of the ritual work, and the expense of necessary paraphernalia,
as well as the amount of high dramatic talent required to exemplify the
degrees properly, none of them were a success, and all soon ceased to exist.
Finding this effort a failure,
recourse was again had to conferring the degrees by communication, and in 1860
Brother Morris revised the work and published it, and it was extensively used
for ten years and is still in use, although without lawful authority, in some
portions of our country. This work was sometimes used in a slightly elaborated
manner, and in rather informal but regular meetings of what were known as "
Families of the Eastern Star." Second Era, 1866‑1876. ‑In 1866 Robert Macoy,
subsequently Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of New York, arranged a manual
which was more widely used than any that had preceded it, and upon his
departure for the Holy Land, in 1868, Brother Morris transferred to Brother
Macoy all the authority he had assumed and exercised in regard to the Order.
Brother Macoy immediately set about arranging the work more systematically,
and succeeded in casting it for use in duly organized chapters, in such a
manner as to ultimately insure the success of the Order. Under his guiding
hand the Supreme Grand Chapter, a self‑constituted body, was organized in
December, 1868, and under its vigorous management deputies were appointed in
various parts of the country, and in the next eight years over six hundred
chapters were organized in thirty‑four States and Territories, and movements
were inaugurated by chapters so organized, which resulted in the organization
of Grand Chapters as follows: ‑ i. New Jersey, October 2o, z8702. New York,
November 3, 1870. 3. Mississippi, December 15,18704. California, May 9, 1873.
5. Vermont, November 12, x873.
6. Indiana, May 6, 1874. Connecticut, August ii, x874. 8. Nebraska, June
, 1875.
9. Illinois, October 6, 1875.
In 1867 John H. Tatem, of
Michigan, taking" The Mosaic Book" as a basis, arranged a monitor for the work
of lodges of the Adoptive Rite, which was the first successful attempt to
arrange the " work " for popular use by organized bodies, and on October 31,
1867, the Grand Lodge of Adoptive Masonry of Michigan was organized with
fifteen subordiiiato lodges, which is by nearly three years the senior Grand.
body of the Ord&.
A Grand Lodge of Adoptive
Masonry for Indiana was organized by delegates from five lodges on January 27,
1869, but its initial meeting was its only 860 OTHER RITES FIND ORDERS.
one; and the lodges for the
most part ceased to be, while one was absorbed by the Grand Chapter of
Indiana, after its organization in 1874.
Third Era, 1876. ‑By this time
the Order numbered some hundreds of chapters and several thousand members, and
began to feel the need of a more thorough organization ; that the unauthorized
conferring of the degrees, a practice that still prevailed in the States
outside the jurisdiction of the several Grand Chapters, might be stopped; that
permanency in and control of the ritual work might be had ; and that the
jurisprudence of the Order might be reduced to a system. In some of the States
the practice prevailed of admitting to chapter meetings all Master Masons,
upon a pledge of secrecy, while in most they could gain admission only by
ballot and initiation; in some jurisdictions even the Patron needed not to be
a member of the chap ter, but only a contributing member of a Masonic lodge.
In another jurisdiction, while the brethren were admitted to full membership,
they were without any written law upon the subject, but by a || tradition "
deprived of the right to vote in the chapter. It was this latter injustice
that induced the writer to investigate the organization and laws of the Order,
in 1874 and 1875, which he found in a chaotic condition, and the fact was
developed that the ritual of the Order, as then used, was entirely beyond its
control, being published by individual enterprise, and was revised and altered
according to the varying taste of the publisher, so that different editions of
these were in concurrent use ; and not only did the "work " vary as between
chapters, but it was impossible for chapters using the earlier editions of
"work" to obtain additional copies of the same, as it was out of print. Nor
was the ritual in its latest revision at all complete. These facts led him to
a realization of the need of uniformity of ritual under the authority of the
Order, and the crystallization of its jurisprudence and customs, which could
only be brought about by a unity of action which would lead to increased zeal,
and the promotion of the growth of the Order upon permanent and substantial
lines. In consequence he began, both by private correspondence and through the
press, to agitate the subject of organizing a supreme governing body, which
resulted in the Grand Chapter of Mississippi, on July 15, 1875, declaring in
favor of such a body, and electing delegates to a convention to organize one.
The Grand Chapter of New Jersey followed, with similar action, on October 13,
1875, and California on October 19th, while on April 6, 1876, the Grand
Chapter of Indiana did likewise, and called upon the several Grand Chapters to
send delegates to a convention to be held at Indianapolis, November 8th,
following. Owing to the proximity of that day to the day of the National
election, the date was afterward changed to Noverber 15th.
Illinois, on October 4th, and
Missouri, October 9, 1876, fell into line, so that six of the twelve then
existing Grand Chapters were committed to the organization of the General
Grand Chapter, which was completed on November 16, 1876. From that date, by
virtue of its Constitution, it assumed immediate THE EASTERN STAR. 861
jurisdiction over all territory not included within the jurisdiction of any
Grand Chapter, and also entire control over the ritual work of the Order,
within the jurisdiction of its constituent Grand Chapters. The action thus had
was subsequently approved by the Grand Chapters of Arkansas, Kansas,
Massachusetts, and Nebraska, while the Grand Lodge of Adoptive Masonry of
Michigan conformed its organization to that of the rest of the Order, and
became an integral part of the General Grand Chapter.
There have been organized,
since the organization of the General Grand Chapter, the following Grand
Chapters: ‑ 1. Massachusetts, December 11, 1876. 2. Minnesota, June 27, 1878.
3. Iowa, July 30, 1878. 4.
Texas, May 5, 1884. 5. Washington, June 12, 1889. 6. South Dakota, July ro,
1889. . Indian Territory, July 11, 1889. 8. Ohio, July 24, 1889.
9. Oregon, October 3, 1889.
The Grand Chapter of
Mississippi did not meet subsequently to 1877, and the General Grand Chapter
assumed jurisdiction over that State, April 23, 1885.
[The statistics of the Order
are given in Division XXI.] Recapitulation.‑From 1850 to 1855 the Order was
entirely without formal organization, the degrees being communicated.
From 1855 to 1860, where there
were any organizations, they were known as constellations, which were under
the control of a Supreme Constellation. From 1860 to 1868, an era of
communicating the degrees by Master Masons prevailed.
From 1868 to 1876, chapters
were organized and worked under the authority of a Supreme Grand Chapter.
Since 1876 the Order (with the
exception of those portions of it in New York, Vermont, Connecticut, and,
periodically, New Jersey), has been within the jurisdiction of the General
Grand Chapter, while the Order in Connecticut and New Jersey has used the
ritual set forth by that body.
Objects and Teachings of the
Order.‑In its inception, the object of the Order was merely to place in the
hands of the female relatives of Masons means whereby they could make
themselves known to Masons as such, and every competent Master Mason had
authority to communicate the degrees to the wives, the widows, sisters, and
daughters of Master Masons. Subsequently, but at a time difficult to locate,
mothers were also included among the eligibles. During its early history, and
until its transition state, beginning, say, in 1868 and ending in 1876, the
Order hv no permanency, and was of little real benefit to its members, because
it was in the attitude of receiving everything at the hands of the Masonic
Brotherhood and giving nothing. But when it was realized that with privileges
came responsibilities, and the Order 862 OTHER RITES AND ORDERS.
began to demonstrate the need
of its being, and that woman's heart beats responsive to man's in noble deeds,
it took on new life and energy, and has since grown not only in numbers but in
real strength.
Among the lessons inculcated,
in the teachings of the Order, are: ‑ (a) Fidelity to convictions; (b)
Obedience to the demands of honor and justice; (c) Fidelity to kindred and
friends; (d) "Trustful faith and hope of immortal life; (e) Heroic endurance
of the wrongs of persecution when demanded in defence of truth.
Heroines of the Order. ‑The
first four characters portrayed in the degrees are Scriptural ones : the
flrst, or " Daughter's " point of the Star, being represented by Jephthah's
daughter, to whom the name of Adah is given. The scene is, of course, the
return to Mizpeh of Jephthah, after his victory over the children of Ammon, as
recounted in judges xi. 34‑39. The color of the point is blue, and is
represented in the Signet of the Order by blue violets, while the emblems that
adorn the first point are a veil entwining a sword.
The second, or || Widow's "
point, is represented by Ruth, and presents the sweet pastoral scene described
in Ruth ii. 1‑1 7, ‑Ruth gleaning in the fields of Boaz. The color is yellow,
and is represented by the yellow jessamine, the emblem being a sheaf of golden
At the third, or " Wife's "
point, Esther is presented, risking her crown and life to save her captive
people, the picture being a somewhat liberal rendering of the leading
incidents described in the Book of Esther, as they relate to the rescuing of
the Jews from their impending doom, Haman and the gallows being omitted. This
point is white, while the floral token is the white lily, and the emblems are
a crown and sceptre.
The fourth, or " Sister's "
point, presents Martha upon the coming of JESUS to Bethany, after the death of
Lazarus, as recorded in St. John xi. 20‑26. Green is the color selected, the
floral type being a bunch of ferns, while a broken column supplies the emblem.
The fifth, or || Mother's "
point, is red, and is represented by a red rose, the emblem being a cup. The
character portrayed is a purely fictitious one, to which the name of Electa is
given; and an attempt was made in the earlier rituals to identify her not only
with the "elect lady" of St. John's second Epistle, but to make her an
incarnation of the virtues of the early Christian martyrs. In the later
rituals she is presented as a type of the many noble women of all the ages,
who for loyalty to truth have suffered.
In "The Mosaic Book," and
other early systems, every noble male character mentioned from Jephthah to
Gaius, from Boaz to St. John, was represented as a Mason of high degree, and
unswerving fidelity to the traditions and principles of their Solomonian
As, upon the Signet, the Star
is surrounded by flowers and the legend " We have seen His Star in the East,
and are come to worship Him," so within the THE EASTERN STAR.
863 central block there are
the letters FATAL, and the emblems: r, open Bible; z, lilies of the valley ;
3, an effulgent sun ; 4, a lamb ; 5, a lion ; whose appropriateness and
significance are explained in the secret work.
Government. ‑The General Grand
Chapter has absolute jurisdiction in all territory not within the prescribed
limits of any of the Grand Chapters; and, within the jurisdiction of Grand
Chapters which are constituent members thereof, it has control of the ritual
work, and has authority in the adjustment of differences between Grand
Chapters, and is a court of reference and appeal for Grand Chapters, but not
for their subordinates or members. Through recognition by the General Grand
Chapter, or its executive head, Grand Chapters organized gain jurisdiction
over their territory.
The various Grand Chapters
have absolute and exclusive jurisdiction within the State or Territory in
which they exist, except that those which are constituent members of the
General Grand Chapter are subject to the authority of that body, as is
prescribed by its constitution and other laws.
A subordinate chapter has
exclusive jurisdiction, according to the laws of the Grand Chapter by whose
authority it works, and can confer the degrees and perform any other acts
subject to such laws.
In a general way, the Order is
governed by the jurisprudence and customs of Ancient Craft Masonry, although
it has authority to make such laws as it chooses, and is not slow in striking
out into new paths when occasion seems to require it.
Usually the executive head of
a Grand Chapter is the Grand Matron, while the authority to grant
dispensations for and organization of chapters is usually vested in the Grand
Patron, although in some jurisdictions the Grand Matron has this authority,
and confers the degrees, in spite of the early but now somewhat neglected
regulation that, on such occasions, a Master Mason must preside.
Officers. ‑ The officers of a
chapter are: ‑ r. WORTHY MATRON, ‑the executive head, whose station is in the
East. and whose badge is the gavel within the star.
2. WORTHY PATRON,‑an advisory
officer, but who invariably presides during the conferring of the degrees, and
whose station is at the left of the Matron. His badge is the square and
compasses within the star.
next to the Matron, and her station is in the West, while her badge is the sun
within the star.
4. SECRETARY,‑has the usual
duties, and is stationed in the South‑East, her badge being the cross‑pens
within the star.
5. TREASURER,‑has the usual
duties, and is stationed in the North‑East, her badge being the cross‑keys
within the star.
6. CONDUCTRESS,‑whose duties
are signified by the name of her office, is stationed in the South, and has
for her badge the scroll and baton within the star.
y. AssoctAf CONDucTRESS,‑who
assists the Conductress, is stationed in the North, and has for a badge the
baton within the star.
8. 1CHAPLAIN, ‑whose station
is at the right of the Matron, and whose badge is the open Bible within the
1A chapter can have any or all
of these three officers, as it may choose.
g. 1 ORGANIST,‑whose station
is at the organ, and whose badge is a lyre within the star.
10. 1 MARSHAL,‑whose station
is in the North, the badge being the cross‑batons within the star. zi. ADAH,
12. RUTH, z3. ESTHER, ~ at five points of the Star, have for badges their
point's emblems within a triangle. 14. MARTHA, I5. ELECTA, 16. WARDER,‑within
the door, has for a badge the dove within the star.
17. SENTINEL,‑without the
door, has for a badge the cross‑swords within the star.
The General Grand Chapter and
the various Grand Chapters have similar officers, with the addition, usually,
of an Associate Grand Patron, who is stationed at the left of the Associate
Grand Matron, and a Grand Lecturer, whose station is in the South.
The jewels of the General
Grand Chapter and of the Grand Chapters are similar to those of a subordinate,
with the addition that those of a Grand Chapter are within a pentagon, and
those of the General Grand Chapter are within a circle. The badge of the
Associate Grand Patron is a star within the star, and of the Grand Lecturer, a
closed book within the star.
Ritual. ‑ The origin of the
ritual‑although generally attributed to Brother Robert Morris, to whom all
credit for its American production is due‑was probably in France or Sweden,
about the middle of the eighteenth century, when the present name was given
it, and the five characters portrayed in the degrees were first presented for
the emulation of Masons and their female relatives. In its earlier years,
Brother Morris and his co‑workers freely claimed the antiquity of the Order.
The first ritual published in
this country, as far as known, was || The Mosaic Book of the American Adoptive
Rite, published under the authority of the Supreme Constellation" in 1855,
Robert Morris being `| Most Enlightened Grand Luminary," in which it was
stated, that " In selecting some Androgynous Degree, extensively known,
ancient in date, and ample in scope for the basis of this Rite, the choice
falls, without controversy, upon ' The Eastern Star.' For this is a degree
familiar to thousands of the most enlightened York Masons and their female
relatives; established in this country at least before 1778, and one which
popularly bears the palm in point of doctrine and elegance over all others."
And in the official organ of the Supreme Constellation, The 4dopted Mason,
page 5, number r, volume r, it is stated that " The degree upon which the
American Adoptive Rite is built is very ancient, more so by far than any other
save the York Rite, and one that carries in its very face the indubitable
marks of antiquity. It exhibits all the furrows of age. Its voice, solemn and
impressive comes up like the deep tones of the veteran, who, from the
treasures of four‑score, enriches the lap of youth." In V866 G. W. Brown, of
Michigan, published a volume entitled "The Ladies'' Friend," which embraced
the Eastern Star and several other degrees, arranged so that they might be
communicated. , In 1867 John H. Tatem, also of Michigan, issued `1 The Monitor
of the Eastern Star," designed for the use of lodges of Adopted Masons, the
officers of which were entitled President, Vice‑President, etc. This book
contained ceremonies for opening and closing lodges, and conferring the
degrees therein, and was the first successful effort to adapt the ritual for
use in regularly organized bodies. It was extensively used throughout the
State, and became the work of the Grand Lodge of Adoptive Masonry, of
Michigan, organized in 1867.
The same year Robert Macoy, of
New York, published || The Manual of the Eastern Star," arranged for the
communication of the degrees; and, in 1868, the || Adoptive Rite," embracing
ceremonies for opening and closing chapters, conferring degrees therein, and
installing the officers thereof, which, with the revised editions published,
under the name of " | Ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star," in 1875 and
1876, was the basis of the work used by most of the chapters organized between
1868 and 1878, additions and alterations thereto being made by individual
workers and several Grand Chapters. Both the "Manual " and "Adoptive Rite"
contained the following: ‑ " Many systems of Adoptive Masonry have, from time
to time, been introduced into the United States with varied success, none of
which, however, seemed to possess the elements of permanency, except the Order
of the Eastern Star, which was established in this country during the year
1778." In 1873 the Grand Chapter of California published a ritual for the use
of the Order in its jurisdiction, which was the first ritual published by an
organized body of the Order.
In 1878.the General Grand
Chapter published a ritual for the use of the subordinate chapters in its own
jurisdiction, and the jurisdictions of its constituent Grand Chapters. This
was revised in 1889, and is now the official work in all Grand and subordinate
chapters, except in the States of New York and Vermont.
In addition to the opening,
closing, and initiation ceremonies, the General Grand Chapter provides a
funeral ceremony, and ceremonies for installing officers of Grand and
subordinate chapters, and has authorized the use of the Floral Addenda, which
was written by Alonzo J. Burton of New York, and by him presented to the Grand
Chapter of that State, which adopted and published it. J. N. Bunnell, formerly
of New Jersey, now of Illinois, has re‑arranged this work. The General Grand
Chapter has also recommended the use of the " Chapter of Sorrow," written by
Mrs. Addie C. S. Engle, of Indiana.
In addition to.$hese
ceremonies, several Grand Chapters have set forth forms for opening and
closing their respective bodies.
The Signet. ‑ This has borne
an important part in the workings of the Order, although none has ever been
officially adopted or published. During OTHER RITES AND ORDERS.
the First Era the one used was
quite elaborate, being lithographed in six colors, on a sheet 14 X 18 inches.
The central figure was the five‑pointed Star, having a central pentagonal
block, on which were represented the open Bible, lily of the valley, sun,
lamb, and lion, and the letters FATAL. The points were divided lengthwise,
one‑half being of the proper color, in which was printed the name of the
heroine, while on the other half was the five‑pointed Star and the emblems
respectively: a naked sword, sheaf, crown and sceptre, broken column, and
joined hands. Between the points outside this star were an emblematic apron, a
glove, a belt, a five‑pointed star, and a collar. From point to point were
stretched wreaths of flowers, each having a different variety, including
violets, sunflowers, lilies, pine cones, and roses. Concerning this portion,
the poet of the day, probably Brother Morris, sang: ‑ " Gleaned from plain and
hill and valley, Grouped in Mystic‑tie, Maidens read we,‑gladness, sadness, ‑
Ev'ry tongue have I; Violet, Sun‑leaf, Lily white, Pine eternal,‑Rose delight.
By that Form of innocence, By that Bud of peace, By that Word unbroken,
spoken, By that Sun of Grace, Judah's terror, Emblems five, Read we Him, and
reading, live 1 " The border surrounding the Star was very elaborately
decorated with a large variety of flowers. Below were the words, in
inch‑and‑a‑half letters, "The Eastern Star," while throughout the border were
inserted sentences : ‑ We have seen His Star in the East, and are come to
worship Him; The Day Star; The Bright and Morning Star; The Lion of the tribe
of Judah; The Prince of Peace; The Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valley;
The Star out of Jacob; The Sun of Righteousness; The Lamb of God; The Word.
During the Second Era the
Signet used was about one‑third smaller, and much plainer, having no floral
decorations and no sentences. The emblems were the same, with the addition of
a veil in the first point, and a cup in the fifth point. ~ In the Third Era
the Signet, which the writer designed and copyrighted, is 24 X 33 inches,
lithographed in colors, the floral emblems are in clusters THE EASTERN STAR.
867 between the points; the joined hands are dropped from the fifth point,
while the sentence, " We have seen His Star in the East, and are come to
worship Him," is the only one retained in it.
Biographical. ‑ In the history
of the Order the First Era presents, as its leading character, the Founder and
Patriarch, Robert Morris, widely known as a Masonic poet, and later as Poet
Laureate of Freemasonry. He was born August 31, 1818, and first saw Masonic
light in Oxford (now Gathright) Lodge, No. 33, in Oxford, Miss., March 5,
1846, he being at that time principal of Mount Sylvan Academy. Thenceforward
until his death, July 31, 1888, he was a seeker for further light, and all
branches of Freemasonry felt the touch of his master‑hand. He will live
longest in Ancient Craft Masonry as the author of " We meet upon the Level and
we part upon the Square," while his labors in the Eastern Star have been those
of Architect and Master Builder. In the earlier days of the General Grand
Chapter, Brother Morris did not receive the courtesies to which he thought,
and probably justly, he was entitled; but the General Grand Chapter made
suitable reparation, in 188o, by electing him an honorary member, and setting
apart his birthday as the Festal Day of the Order. His large and forgiving
nature accepted the fraternal treatment, in the kindly spirit in which it was
extended, and in addressing the body he said: ‑ " When I was informed of the
unexpected honor you conferred upon me, by electing me an honorary member of
your Body, I felt very much complimented. I knew how such a motion was rather
outside the law, and I appreciate the delicateness which must have been felt
about electing a non‑affiliate to honorary membership. In the future you can
command me to the extent of my ability.... If any Grand Chapter has any idea
of withdrawing from your Body, as Grand Commanderies did from the Grand
Encampment, K. T., I would say to them, Don't do it, I beg of you. Wait
fifteen or twenty years, and let the General Grand Chapter have a chance to
demonstrate the good that I am sure is in it, and which will result in such a
grand success that the Masonic Fraternity will accept it as a helpmeet for it,
and be surprised that it did not take it up sooner; for, properly worked out,
it will form a grand attachment to Freemasonry. This I felt years ago, and I
trust that the day will come when every lodge will have in connection with it
a chapter of this Order." In the Second Era, the most prominent character was
Robert Macoy, of New York, whose life has been full of devoted work for
Freemasonry, and who did successful work in laying the foundations for the
Order's present prosperity. He still lives, at a ripe age.
Although the Third Era has
abounded, and still abounds, with men and women who stood or stand high in the
social, moral, and intellectual world, perhaps no one is more worthy of
mention than Thomas M. Lamb, whose labors in connection with the ritual, as
promulgated by the General Grand Chapter, have left their impress on that
document, and, consequently, upon the work of the Order for long years to
come. He was born in Worcester, Mass., June 26, ig%o, was made a Mason in
Morning Star Lodge, of Worcester, November 1, 1859, and was Knighted in
Worcester County Commandery, OTHER RITES AArD ORDERS.
April 21, 1865. He received
the Eastern Star degrees in September, 1869, was Patron of Stella Chapter from
1876 to 188o, Grand Secretary of the Grand Chapter of Massachusetts from its
organization, December 11, 1876, to May 13, 1879, Grand Patron of
Massachusetts 1879 and i88o, Most Worthy Grand Patron of the General Grand
Chapter 1878 to 188o. He died in Worcester, December 29, 1881. One who knew
him well has said, and the writer, from intimate intercourse with him, can
heartily endorse it: ‑ " He was one of the few men who never assumed a false
position for gain, nor could he be persuaded by sophistry or logic, or
compelled by any human authority to forget or surrender the title Nature gave
him to the highest type of manhood." THE ROSICRUCIAN SOCIETY.
33|, Historian, Grand Lodge, State of New York.
Origin and History.‑Like many
secret fraternities, that of the Rosicrucians had a mystic beginning. Its
connection with the Institution of Freemasonry is entertained by few; nor were
the societies known as the Rosy Cross, the Royal Order of Scotland, and the
Rose Croix of common origin.
There are two prominent
derivations of the word Rosicrucian. Peter Gassendi, in his celebrated work "
Examinations, Phil. Fludd," and Mosheim, in his " Ecclesiastical History,"
give as the root, the words Ros, dew, and Crux, cross, interpreting them thus:
that dew in its purity was the menstruum or solvent of gold, and that Crux
was. philosophically Light, or LVX, which three letters exhibit the Cross. A
more natural derivation of the word Rosicrucian is from Rosecz Crucis
referring to the strong religious belief of the founder of the society,
exemplified by the Rose on the Cross.
Reference to the society does
not appear in any work earlier than the fourteenth century, and then through
the writings of a scholar by the name of Raymond Lully, a metaphysical
chemist, an adept of German hermeticism, who died 1315. We there find the
legend, familiar to all readers on this pleasing subject, said to have been
written by a theologian of Wurtemberg, John Valentine AndreHS, but which was
not published until 1614.
For authority of the formal
organization of the Brotherhood, we must depend upon the works of such eminent
men as the philosopher, John Picus di Mirandola; the orientalist, John
Reuchlin ; the distinguished divine, Cornelius Henry Agrippa, ‑ all of whom
wrote between the years 149o and 153o. Then, in the beginning of the
seventeenth century, we turn to the writings of those chemists and
philosophers, Robert Fludd and John Baptist von Helmont. So enticing were the
representations of what had been discovered in the cheAic and philosophic
world that excitement among the monks and scholars was illy held under
The history and legends of the
society are infatuating. To one who could bring himself to believe in its
wonder stories, the subject would be allabsorbing. That its seductive
doctrines swept over portions of Europe, in the seventeenth century, is not
The subjects for research and
discussion, embraced within its scope, were numerous and diversified. Among
them were: the ability to produce silver, gold, and platinum from baser
metals; to dissolve gold into an oleaginous or liquid substance that would
produce a never‑failing light ; and to exercise other similar occult powers in
the material world. These were the physical objects held in view. The higher
search was to discover that which would cure the ailments of the body, relieve
its pains, renew and make more enjoyable the powers possessed by mankind; and
further, the attainment of the universal medicine known as the Elixir Pitw, or
potable form of the preternatural menstruum, which if discovered might prolong
life indefinitely.
Within the boundary of the
abstruse sciences, common, to the Rosicrucians, were hermeticism, magnetism,
chemistry, astrology, astronomy, and philosophy : to which, by the
evil‑minded, was added magic, or the " Black Art." By the powers obtained
through these discoveries, if definitely known to man, nature would be placed
at defiance by him, or rather, should it not be said, it would be so. assisted
as to approximate perfection, and mortality would put on immortality. Who can
well conceive a community fully believing in the power of avoiding all
physical pains and "ills that life is heir to," and the penalties of nature,
and of an indefinite prolongation of life ? Granted such a power, and grasp,
if possible, the consequences.
Birth of the Fraternity.‑It is
claimed, with much reason, that the fourteenth century saw the birth of the
Fraternity. As writers, scarcely with exception, quote the publication of a
legend as the novel commencement to so learned a society, we will give in
brief the legend here, taken from "Allgemeine and General Reformation der
ganzen weiten Welt. Beuchen der Fama Fraternitatis des Loblichen Ordens des
Rosenkreutzes an alle gelehrte and Haupters Europd geschrieben." Cassel. 04.
Several editions were
published. Finally it was translated into English, in 052, by Thomas Vaughan,
a scholar of Oxford, under the name " Eugerius Philalethes," who designated
his work, || Fame and Confession of Rosie Cross." It is as follows: ‑ A young
student of remarkable talents, poor, but of good family, entered a Monastery,
and making unparalleled progress in the sciences, accompanied one of the
monks, in 1388, on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. This student was Christian
Rosenkreuz. Upon arrival at Damascus the monk died. Nevertheless, the young
nobleman determined to pursue his studies. Remaining at Damascus and
Jerusalem, and learning the sciences of the Arabians, he visited Egypt, and
there devoted himself to the occult studies of the sages of that land. He then
journeyed to Fez, in Morocco, and after several years crossed over to Spain,
where he found he was not favorably received, so he returned to his native
town in Germany, and commenced the construction of an edifiAto be devoted to
the sciences, and to be designated, "Sancta Spiritus." Father Rosenkreuz took
to his confidence, and for instruction, three selected monks. To THE
871 them he imparted the
results of his studies and researches among the Arabs, Egyptians, and Moors;
and subsequently added four more to their number, and established a
brotherhood under certain rules and requirements, which were accompanied by
solemn oaths of secrecy. The first six rules embodied these essentials:
gratuitous service to the sick; to adopt no peculiarity of attire; that each
member should present himself at a given date annually at the House of the
Holy Spirit; that each should select his successor; that the letters R. C.
should be their pass‑word and seal; and that the brotherhood should be a
secret for one hundred years.
The eight being thoroughly
educated in Father Rosenkreuz's mystic arts and occult sciences, six were
selected to travel while two' remained at the home, and so annually was a
selection made, the two who had not travelled being required to go abroad.
Rosenkreuz died when ro6 years
old, and the place of his burial was kept secret by the Adepts. In the course
of time the brotherhood were about to move to another habitation, and the two
brothers who had known and buried the founder of the order had carried the
secret of the burial to their grave. It was a tradition among them, that at
the end of the iao years the burial place of Father Rosenkreuz would be
revealed, and it so happened, that about that period the brethren, who then
composed the Order, were removing the memorial tablet on which had been
inscribed the names of the original eight and the date of foundation, when the
lengthy centre‑pin dragged some of the plastering from the wall and thereby
revealed a secret door, which, when opened, disclosed a heptagonalroom, each
of its seven sides being five feet wide, and eight feet high. This room was
lighted by an artificial sun in the centre of the ceiling. In the middle of
the room was a circular altar, on which was an inscription stating that it was
constructed by Christian Rosenkreuz. On each of the seven sides of the room
was a door opening into a closet; these were filled with MSS. on various
sciences, and innumerable instruments, utensils, and requirements for chemical
and other uses, and many simples and compounds, with directions and
instructions. Under the altar, and a brass‑plate beneath, was found a cavity,
in which reposed, in an excellent state of preservation, the body of Brother
An examination of the various
Latin inscriptions showed the Christian tendency of the institution, reciting
as some of them did, " Jesus is my all," " The Yoke of the Law," " The Liberty
of the Gospel." The inscription on the main entrance door was, " Post CXX.
Axnos Patebo" (after one hundred and twenty years I will appear).
This is the singular myth
which gave rise to much inquiry and controversy in the seventeenth century. It
was claimed that the history and legend were written by John Valentine Andreas
of Herrenberg. In i6i6 appeared a work titled `1 Chemische Hochzeit Christiani
Rosenkreuz," which is also attributed to Andreas. And about the same year
appeared a tract, also in German, entitled "Confessio," or Confession of the
Society and Brotherhood R. C., which purported to be a defence of the society
from the calumnies in circulation. The absurdities and fanaticism apparent in
these works, caused some to venture the opinion that they were intended as a
satire on the philosophical follies of the times, and without intent of
serious acceptance.
Before closing the subject of
mystical legends it may be interesting to quote briefly from Dr. Plot's
History of Staffordshire, published in the time of Charles II.: ‑ The
Staffordshire Legend. ‑A countryman was digging a trench in a valley, after
sunset: the pick with which he was working struck a spark on something flinty,
which he found to be a flat stone or slab, in which was fixed an immense iron
ring, by the aid of which and a rope, he finally, with much toil, removed from
its bed, disclosing a deep hollow buried in darkness. Shortly, as his eyes
grew more accustomed to the thick darkness, he became aware of a stone
staircase leading into a cavern of extraordinary depth. Being a rustic of
courage and urged by a hope of hidden treasure, he descended some hundred feet
beneath the ground, when his path changed at a right angle, and from a
platforI. He then beheld a further long staircase, which apparently 872 OTHER
ended in darkness. In silence
and with careful tread he resolutely continued his descent, count ing two
hundred and twenty steps, and gradually became aware of an aromatic smell of
incense. In making his further descent he came upon an opposing wall, but
turning sharply to his right, the explorer continued on and down until he
perceived, at a vast distance, a steady though a pale light; this was shining
up as though from a star or the centre of the earth. Astounded at the
discovered light in the deep bowels of the earth, he recovered himself and
still descended. He thought he now heard a murmur overhead as of the uncertain
rumble of horses and of heavy wagons : and then all was suddenly still, but
the distant light was yet there. No sound seemed to interpret the meaning of
that light, or to display the character of this mysterious place, and the
imagination was allowed full play as to whether his position was not in the
midst of some enchanted world.
Overcoming his fear and
summoning his courage, noisily with his feet he descended the remainder of the
stairs; the light grew brighter, until at last, at another turn, he came upon
a square chamber, built of large hewn ancient stones. The pavement was
flagged, the roof lofty, and in the centre of the groin, was a rose
exquisitely carved in some dark stone. Making another turn from under the
large archivolt of a Gothic stone portal, light streamed out over him with
inexpressible brilliancy, and lighting up the place with peculiar radiance,
like an intense golden sunset. With terror, he then gazed at the figure of a
man whose face was hidden, as he sat in a studious attitude in a sjpne chair
reading, with his elbow resting on a table like a rectangular altar, in the
light of a large ancient iron lamp, suspended by a thick chain to the middle
of the roof. His excitement overcame him and the rustic, making a cry of
alarm, advanced a single step. As his foot fell on the stone, the figure
started bolt upright from his seated position, as if in awful astonishment. He
erected his hooded head, and appeared, in anger, about to question the
intruder. The countryman advanced, without being aware of his act, another
step. The hooded figure thrust forward a long arm, and in his hand was an iron
baton; with this, apparently, he forbade approach; but the poor rustic, unable
to control himself, with another cry, in a passion of fear, took a final and
fatal step, when in a moment the dreadful image raised his arm and baton high
in air, and struck with a prodigious blow the burning lamp, shattering it to
atoms and leaving the vault in utter darkness.
For a long period this farm,
in Staffordshire, was famed as the sepulchre of the Rosicrucians, and the
legend of the broken lamp was often told as the loss of one of the ever
burning lamps that, it is claimed, have existed at different times in several
lands. It is stated that one of these was found at Edessa over a gateway,
elaborately inclosed, and which had burned for five hundred years. Another,
that of Constantius Chlorus, in an English monas tery, which had burned for
three hundred years. Another, that in a tomb of a Roman, on the island of
Nesis, in the Bay of Naples, which Baptista Porta relates in his treatise on
"Natural Magic," about Isso, had been placed there before the present Era.
In these instances it has been
alleged that the lamps were fed by an essence, or oil, obtained from liquid
gold, the manufacture of which was proclaimed to be a process rediscovered by
the Rosicrucians.
Mystic Lore. ‑ Interesting
fables and myths founded on magic, magnetism, sorcery, and the " Black Art,"
have been numerous, some creditable and others not. Most of these, during the
seventeenth century especially, if of evil import, were attributed to the
Rosicrucians. This was followed by loss of respect and regard for their
philanthropy and charitable doings, and a discredit of their wealth of
knowledge which they possessed in chemistry, mineralogy, and astronomy. ~It
is, however, well known in the present day, THE ROSICRUCIAN SOCIETY.
873 that gold is readily
soluble in nitro‑muriatic acid, and that potters and manufacturers apply the
solution for staining, gilding, etc.
We add the names of a few
works of reference to those herein above quoted. "Apologia Compendiaria
Fraternitatis de Rosea Cruces' by Dr. Robert Fludd, at Leyden, in 1616;
followed in the same year, by "Appendix Necessaria"; also at the same time
"Verx Sapientix Filiis"; "Fama Remissa," also in 1616; "Secretioris
Pltilosophiee Consideratio," etc.; "Cum Confessione Fraternitatis," by Phillip
A. Gabella, Cassel, 1615; "De Quinta Essentia Philosophorum," by Dr. Edmund
Dickinson, Oxford, 1686; "Uber Ursprung and Schicksale des Ordens der
Rosenkreuzer," Buhle, G&tt, 1803; "Instauratio Magna," by Lord Bacon;
"Chemical Nuptials"; and the " Way to Bliss," by Ashmole.
The Modern Society.‑The modern
and present existing Society of Rosicrucians was instituted through the
inception and influence of Robert Wentworth Little, of England, who, in his
searches in Germany, came upon the remnants and outline of an old association,
which he resurrected and rehabilitated in order to create a literary
organization, retaining the forms, titles, and numbers of the degrees, so far
as might be subservient to his purposes, which were defined to be as follows:
to create "a base for the collection and deposit of archaeological and
historical subjects pertaining to Freemasonry, secret societies in general,
and interesting provincial matter ; to inspire a greater disposition to obtain
historical truth and to displace error ; to bring to light much in relation to
a certain class of scientists and scholars, and the result of their life
labors, that were gradually dying away in the memories of men." The title of a
supreme organization, in a nation, is that of High Council; the subordinate
bodies are known as colleges.
High Councils exist in
England, Scotland, Ireland, Greece, Africa, China, India, Canada, and the
United States. The officers of the " High Council," or governing body, include
a Supreme Magus (or Grand Master), a Senior and Junior Substitute Magi, a
Secretary‑General, and other officers. There are six colleges in the United
States, subordinate to the Society, the presiding officer of each being termed
"Chief Adept." The Rosicrucian Society, under modern auspices, and working
nine degrees, was formed in the year 1867, at London, England.
A.. A.% S..R:. Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite.
A. Dep. Anno Depositionis; in
the year of the aeposit ; date used by Royal and Select Masters.
A. F. and A. M. Ancient Free
and Accepted Masons.
A.F.M. Ancient Freemasons.
A. I. Anno Inventionis; in the
year of the discovery; date of Royal Arch Masonry. A. L. Anno Lucis; in the
year of light; the date used i4 Ancient Craft Masonry.
A. M. Anno Mundi, or in the
year of the world; the date used in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.
A. O. Anno Ordinis, or in the
year of the Order; date used by Knights Templars. A.Y.M. Ancient York Masons.
C. E. Canada East.
C. W. Canada West.
D. D. G. M. District Deputy
Grand Master.
D. G. M. Deputy Grand Master.
E. A. Entered Apprentice.
E. C. English Constitution.
E. G. M. Eminent Grand Master.
E. R. English Registry.
F. A.A. M. Free, Ancient and
Accepted Masons.
F. and A. M. Free and Accepted
F. A. T.. A. L. Cabalistic
motto, O. E. S. F. C. Fellow Craft.
G:.A..O:.T:.U:. Great
(orGrand) Architect of the Universe.
G.C.T. Grand Cross of the
G.G.C. General Grand Council;
General Grand Chapter.
G. G. H. P. General Grand High
Priest. G.H.P. Grand High Priest. G.‑.M:. Grand Master.
G. S. Grand Secretary.
G. T. Grand Treasurer.
H. P. High Priest.
I. R. Irish Registry.
J. G. W. Junior Grand Warden.
J. W. Junior Warden.
K. King.
K.T. Knights Templars; Knights
M. E. Most Eminent; Most
M. E. H. P. Most Excellent
High Priest.
M. M. Master Mason.
M. P. G. M. Most Puissant
Grand Master. Mr‑ Master.
M.‑. W.‑. Most Worshipful.
M. R. Manitoba Registry.
M. W. G. M. Most Worshipful
Grand Master, N. S. W. C. New South Wales Constitution.
O. C. Old Charges of British
O. E. S. Order of the Eastern
P. D. D. G. M. Past District
Deputy Grand Master.
P. D. G. M. Past Deputy Grand
P. E. C. Past Eminent
P. G. G. H. P. Past General
Grand High Priest.
P. G. M. Past Grand Master.
P. G. P. Past Grand Patron, O.
E. S.
P. M. Past Master.
Pro G. M. Acting (for) Grand
Prov. G. M. Provincial (or
Provisional), Grand Master.
P. T. I. M. Past Thrice
Illustrious Master.
Q. C. Quatuor Coronati.
Q. R Quebec Registry.
R.A.M. Royal Arch Masons.
R. C. Rosy Cross; Registry of
R. E. Registry of England;
Right Eminent.
R. I. Registry of Ireland.
R. N. S. Registry of Nova
R. and S. M. Royal and Select
R.O.S. Royal Order of
R. S. Registry of Scotland.
R. S. and S. E. M. Royal,
Select, and SuperExcellent Masters.
R.‑.W:. Right Worshipful. S.
S. C. Scottish Constitution.
S. G. I. G. Sovereign Grand
Inspector‑General, S. G. W. Senior Grand Warden, S. W. Senior Warden. T:.111..
Thrice Illustrious. U. D. Under Dispensation. V. W. Very Worshipful. W.
W.M. Worshipful Master.
HUGHAN, 320, The Grand Lodge of England, first of its kind, was inaugurated in
1717, and since December, 1813, has been called the "United Grand Lodge of
England," the rival Grand Lodge (11Athol" Masons or "Ancients," started in
1751), having then united with its senior (" Moderns," or regular Masons). At
the end of 1814 there were 648 lodges on its roll, but down to 1841 the
fluctuation was considerable from year to year, for that period. The minimum
reached was in 1832, when the number was so low as 591, the maximum being 736
in 1825. The renumerations took place in 1832 and 1863, the latter being
continuous to now.
The variation from year to
year of the original, and the schismatic Grand Lodges to 1813, and from that
year to 1888, are all given in Brother John Lane's " Handy‑Book to the Lists
of Lodges," 1 but the elaborate tables are too numerous for use in the present
sketch. A net total of 1004 was reached in 1861, and 2oo6 in 1886,
notwithstanding the large reductions in the roll from time to time, owing to
the formation of new Grand Lodges, particularly from 1857, when 41 were
removed from the English jurisdiction for "Canada West"; in 1862 for Canada
East, and West, and Nova Scotia, 36; 22 for Nova Scotia, and 20 for New
Brunswick in 1869; and, in more recent times, still larger reductions for
South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, etc. The number of lodges,
however, for London and the Provinces of England have so increased that they
have more than kept pace with the losses from 1864, save during the year 1889,
when the net total of 1961 shows a decrease of 61 from the previ ous return.
The register in 1888 exhibited 2022.active lodges, being the next to the
largest number so far reached in any year.
These particulars are not
derived from the official calendars, useful as they are,‑made up for issue in
November, ‑ but from the registers.
According to Brother John
Lane, and ver~fied by myself, the highest number reached by the Grand Lodge of
England was in 1887, viz. : 2050, and from 1717 the enormous number of 3983
lodges have been authorized or chartered by the four Grand Lodges of England,
or the United Grand Lodge, down o the end of 18g1. London begins 1892 with
387, the Provinces (counties, etc.), 1182, and Abroad 445 inclusive of the
Channel Isles (1‑2), and Military (3). Grand total, 204 I Torquay (John Lane),
or London (George Kenning).
The largest "Province," in
England, is "Western Division of Lancashire," with io5 lodges; the Eastern
Division being nearly as many, viz. : 103 ; the total for that county,
December 31, 1891, being 2o8. The largest "district " (abroad) is Queensland,
with 40 lodges, Bengal coming next with 37 lodges, the districts, generally,
since the formation of so many Colonial Grand Lodges being much smaller than
The exact number of active
chapters of the Royal Arch degree on the roll of the "Supreme Grand Chapter "
of England on December 31, 1891, is 744, of which 153 are in London
(Metropolitan District), 475 in the provinces, and 116 abroad, all of which,
by the laws of the governing body, are attached to lodges. The numbers of the
chapters are the same as those distinguishing their Masonic protectors, hence
are not indicative of the antiquity of the chapters themselves, some old
lodges having very modern chapters, and vice versa. There have been many
deductions of late, through the formation of the new Grand Chapters, but even
with all these drawbacks the Grand Chapter of England was never so prosperous
and the degree never better supported than at the present time.
The Grand Lodge of Scotland,
started in 1736 by the cooperation of very many old lodges, is now especially
vigorous, and has been so since the advent of Brother D. Murray Lyon, the
Grand Secretary, who is also the Scottish Masonic historian. There are four
parts or transactions of the Grand Lodge published in each year, but it is
simply impracticable to tabulate the particulars, according to the excellent
system that prevails in the United States, either statistically or generally.
"Annual " dues from brethren may or may not be paid, as the by‑laws of the
lodges require, so there are no annual returns of members made as in England
and in most Grand Lodges, it being simply impossible to calculate exactly what
the precise active membership of that body is ; and, as the proxy voting
prevails under most stringent regulations, the officials do not apparently see
the need of making any changes.
My analysis of the reports
enables me to present the following statistics for 1891: Lodges in Edinburgh,
Leith, etc. (Metropolitan District), 29 ; in the Provinces, 365 ; and Abroad,
156 ; grand total, 550, Of these, 43 are not represented by proxies, but have
the necessary "annual certificates" of regularity, and 46 are more or less in
arrears. About 400 regularly appoint proxies. Fifty‑five lodges were removed
from the roll, in 1889, by the formation of the Grand Lodge of New South
Wales, and 12, in like manner, in consequence of the inauguration of the Grand
Lodge of Victoria. The Grand Master has appointed Captain Henry Morland as
"Grand Master of all Scottish Freemasonry in India," consisting of 37 lodges,
‑ a title that is unique, and is scarcely subordinate in character. In New
Zealand there are now only 34 lodges, under this jurisdiction, grouped in
three provinces. Under the Grand Lodge of England for the same country,
however, there are still 87 lodges and five Districts, notwithstanding a
minority Grand Lodge was recently started. In Queensland, Scotland has 17
lodges, England 4o, and Ireland 17: total, 74. This will serve to indicate the
happy union subsisting between these three bodies working together in British
Colonies and Possessions. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons is
independent of the Grand Lodge, and has some 175 chapters on its roll, the
numbers remaining pretty much at a standstill of recent years. The Mark is a
sine qua non for exaltation, as in Ireland and America, but the Grand Lodge
also recognizes and works the Mark Ceremony.
The Grand Lodge of Ireland
started in 1729, but there was a previous grand body for North Munster. For
1892, there are 366 active lodges on the register. These are distributed as
follows: Dublin, 37; Provinces, 289; Colonies, etc., 35; and Military, 5 :
grand total, 366. |` Provinces " are constituted for New Zealand and
Queensland; those for Ceylon, Tasmania, and Victoria being now oNitted. It
must be remembered that though no Grand Lodge is more efficiently controlled
than that of Ireland, owing to the large number of its inhabitants being Roman
Catholics, it does not progress at the same rate as its neighbors. No. 159,
Canada, started in 1844, has only quite recently elected to join the Grand
Lodge of Canada, and is the last to join that flourishing organization from
the old country.
The Grand Chapter has 143
subordinates under its charge, and is recognized by the Grand Lodge, as are
also the Knights Templars and the degrees of the "Ancient and Accepted Rite."
These are the only Masonic degrees allowed to be worked in Ireland, and they
mutually recognize and support each other, the numbers distinguishing the
chapters and preceptories being those of the lodges under whose wings they
The number of members, owing
to brethren being allowed to join one or more lodges, cannot be precisely
estimated for Great Britain and Ireland, and no attempt is made to do so.
According to the Grand Secretary's estimate (Brother D. M. Lyon), there are
I1o,ooo members on the Scottish roll. At this rate and method of computation,
the total membership under the Grand Lodges of Great Britain and Ireland would
run up to 4oo,oOO; but it is not likely that there are more than one‑half that
number who are really bona fide subscribing and active members, the
probability being that even the approximate estimate of 200,000 is too large.
The year, x890, as respects the three Grand Lodges, witnessed considerable
reductions in the Rolls of Lodges of these Grand Lodges, consequent on the
formation of more new Grand Lodge#: Tasmania, etc.
t Grand Lodge organized Jan.
30, x787.
1114, t In ‑795 6114, Is.
3d O o A .c u r.a vv v M '~ ,~ a 7 A .C O.d YEAR. 0 aw O ED
HX u~ L ä ä ++ Notes.
aw a3 O a bp b.. 7 G u W
k |'d t o 1770 4* ... 2 ... ... ... ... * Lodges
constituted before the 1780 5 4 I ... ... ... ... Grand Lodge was
organized in x787: St. John's, No. 1, at I 790t 8 ... 8 ... ... ...
I Newark, warranted May 13, 1800 16 3 13 ... ... ... ... x~y6r, extinct
Jan., 1772; 18Io 16 2 14 ... ... ... ... 'Temple, No. 1, at
Elizabeth I820 37 3 34 ò ... ... ... , ò town, war. Jan. 24, 1 62,
not known; St.
Joan's, at 1830 43 6 43 ... ... ... ... Princeton, war. Dec. 27, 1763, 1
840 9 21 9 ... ... ... .. ext. not known; Lodge No.
I8 5O 12 I 12 ... .. ò ò ò
$364‑53 I|' at Baskingridge, war.
1767, ext. Jan.,
1787; Lodge 1 860 51 . .. 51 2,723 .. ... 1,044.57 No. 23, at Middletown,
1870 97 1 96 ... 8,343 ...
... 2,I9L73 Dec.29,1779,ext. not known; No.
I 88o 149 1 148 .. 11,467 ò84
... 12,477.60 Army Lodge, 31, war.
1781' ext. not known:
Lodge 188 9 I6 4 2 x62 . . 13,392 ò ò 11,905‑81 No. 32, at Burlington, war.
I 89o 164 2 162 ... 13,6x0
ò84 1,669 11,952.29 March 30, 1y81, ext. Dec.
1786; Army Lodge, No.
36, war. Sen. 2. 1782. ext. Dec..
Abbreviations, 874. Adonis,
66. Agnosticism, 469. Ahiman Rezon, 159. Alabama, 333, 603, 661, 73o, 881.
Ontario, 2o1; British Columbia, 204 ; New Brunswick, 205 ; Nova Scotia, 2o6 ;
Prince Edward Island, 208 ; Connecticut, 209 ; Florida, ib. ; Georgia, ib. ;
Maryland, ib. ; Massachusetts, ib. ; Michigan, 210 ; New York, ib. ; North
Carolina, 213 ; Pennsylvania, 214 ; Rhode Island, ib. ; South Carolina, ib. ;
Virginia, :b. ; Central Amer‑ica, 215 ; Argentine Republic, ib. ; Brazil, ib.
; British Guiana, ib. ; United States of Columbia, 216 ; Chili, ib. ; Uruguay,
ib. ; Venezuela, ib. American Rite, the, 197, 7551 757. 84o. American
Templary, 699, 779, 790ANCIENT: Craft's eulogium, 673. MSS., destruction of,
159. Masonry, 37.
Mysteries, 56. Preceptories,
155. Systems of Philosophy, 49. "Ancients" and" Moderns," 554ò Anderson, Rev.
James, D.D.,157, 158, 545, 556. 754ANTI‑MASONIC Political party, 527.
Conventions, 528. Antinomies,
table Of, 44ò " Apprentice Charges," Roberts and Watson Ver. sions, 196.
Argentine Republic, 215.
Arizona, 421, 603, 889.
Arkansas, 347, 603, 66r, 885. Ashtaroth, Syrian, 64. Assembly, Mythical, 157.
Astarte, 64.
Atwood, Henry C., 262, 816,
81g. Austria, 490.
Australia, 501, 502. Avatars
of Hindoostan, 79 B. Baal, 65, 11o. Bacchus, 72. Baier Memorial Temple, 35a
Barker, John, 656.
Beauseant, 135, 736, 784ò
Belgium, 490.
Benedictine, Order of, 749.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Documentary history, 158 ; Kalendar of Old Charges, 161‑163 ;
Grand Secretaries, data, 198 ; Division V. and I. of Division VI., 340; Second
meridian, IL, 341; Cryptic degrees, 643 ; British Templary, 741 ; Royal Order
of Scotland, Bag; The Order of Rosicrucians, 869‑873 Bishops' Bible, A.D.
16oo, 354. Black Masonry, 770Bohemia, 490.
Book of Constitutions, 158.
Brazil, 215.
British Columbia, 204, 487,
893ò British Guiana, 215.
of Speculative or Symbolic Freemasonry, 747 ; evolution in the original plan
of Speculative Freemasonry since the Revival, A.D. 1717‑23, 753 ; the Masonic
high degrees, 757 ; Religious and military orders of the Knights Templars of
the Crusades, and that of St. John of Jerusalem and Knights of Malta, 762 ;
modern, or Masonic Templary, 769 ; ritual and costume, 771; changes consequent
upon the reformed ritual of Convent General, 78o ; in various countries,
789‑794Brotherhoods, primeval, 39.
California, 387, 6o4, 66r,
730, 859, 88o.
Canada in Ontario, 201, 457*
516. 573s 604r 6679 792p 892.
Campannell, Mordecai, 250,
445ò Central America, 215, 436. Cerneau, Joseph, 718, 812. Chili, 216, 638.
Chivalry, religion of, 124.
Chinese mysteries, 85. Chronological chart, 61. COLONIAL AND% REVOLUTIONARY
PERIOD ; Freemasonry's introduction into the American Colonies, 218 ;
deputations of Daniel Coxe and Henry Price, 219 ; Masonic acts and evidences,
221‑227 The First Glimpses of Freemasonry in North America, 439‑454. Colorado,
423, 604, 730, 889. Columbian Grand Council, 652. Companion, the term, 561.
899 Congress, A.D. 1782, 767.
Connecticut, 209, 252, 6o5,
66r, 710, 730, 859, 878ò Conservator of Liberty, 696.
Contents, Table of, 9‑12.
Convent General, 775. Coxe, Daniel, 219. Craftsmen's Rights, 552. Cross,
Jeremy L., 253, 654, 709, 817CRUSADES: and Freemasonry, 98. History of, 131,
Dagon, 11o.
Dakota, 369, 6o6, 730, 861,
883. Dates, Masonic, 874. Decisions, Grand Masters', 550ò Declaration,
Anti‑Masonic, 249, 521. DEGREES Relation to Ancient Masonry, 98, 1o5, 1o6 ;
the Templar Order to the Ancient Templars, 140 ; " Old Charges," 177; of the
American Rite, 198 ; Mark, 561, 578, 596 ; Past, 572, 597 ; Most Excellent,
598, Goo ; Royal Arch, 556, 6oz, 754 ; Order of High Priesthood, 638‑642 ; the
Royal, 669 Select Master, ib.; Super‑Excellent Master, ib.; scale of, 701, 755
; Red Cross, Order of the Temple, and Malta Ritual, 731‑733 ; Unknown, 753 ;
high degrees, 757 ; 33|v 759 ; side, 76o ; Order of Malta, 769 ; Rose Croix
and Kadosh, 773 ; Templar Priest or Holy Wisdom, 774 ; Scottish Rite, 796 ; R.
S. Y. C. S. and H. R. A1., 829 ; Heredom of Kilwinning, 835, 851 ; Orde:
Eastern Star, 862 ; Rosicrucians, 869.
Delaware, 286, 607, 661, 891.
Denary of Pythagoras, zoo. Denmark, 490.
Dermott, Laurence, 556, 557,
754ò Dispersion of the Templars, 136, 152, 765, 766. District of Columbia,
297, 607, 667, 888.
Divis‑on of Dakota, 371, 372.
Dualisms of man, 43. Duelling forbidden, 328.
Early organization of the
craft, 217.
Ecossais, 342, 436, 650, 76o.
Edicts of non‑intercourse,
465, 476. Editors, board of, 3, 4.
Egyptian hall, 286.
Eliot's, John (" Apostle to
the Indians"), Mark, 444. England, 29, 190, 453, 561, 670, 756, 774, 789, 875ò
English " Langue " of Malta, 767.
i England's recognition of
Canada conditional, 461. E‑rHICS of the mysteries, 95.
of Knighthood, 119, 733ò of
Templary, 733. EULOGIUM : The dream of dawn, 674 ; the awakening, 677 ; the
morning blessing, 678 ; preparing for inspection, 679 ; the royal inspection,
68o: the destruction of EULOGIUM ‑ Continued.
the temple, 684 ; the
essential unity of three, 686 ; the revival, 69o ; Freemasonry, the
conservator of liberty and of the universal brotherhood of man, 692‑698.
EVOLUTION of Masonry, 39.
theory of, 165. cryptic government, 657ò the original plan, 753, F.
Famous old Bible, 478. Farnell
Memorial, 5o6. Fiji Islands, 5o1. FIRST American Chartered Grand Lodge, 331.
Copy of petition, 233.
Grand Encampment, 708, 710.
Florida, 209, 305, 6zo, 661, 885. FOUR Crowned martyrs, 175. Old lodges, 31.
Freemasonry, definition of, 88. FRANCE Grand Lodge, 491. Grand Orient, tb.,
803. Grande Lode Ginerale Ecossaise, ib. Templars, 790 G.
General Grand Royal Arch
Chapter, history of, 5836o1.
Genius of Masonry, 687.
Georgia, 209, 303, 61o, 662,
730, 885. GERMANY: Three Globes in Berlin, 492. National Grand Lodge, 493ò
Grand Lodge York oú Friendship, ib. Grand Lodge of Hamburg, 1b. Grand Lodge of
the Sun, 6. Dresden, ib.
Eclectic Union, ib. Zur
Einstracht, ib. Free Union, 494.
Girard bequest, 282.
"Good enough, Morgan, until
after election," 524, 525ò GRAND LODGE: Manuscript of, 187.
of England, opened on American
soil, 256. GRAND LODGES First, 31 ; all England, 32, 753, 755 ; union Of, 756.
First Meridian and Atlantic Slope.‑Maine, 227 ; New Hampshire, 230; Vermont,
234 ; Massachusetts, 239 ; Rhode Island, 250 ; Connecticut, 252; New York,
254; New Jersey, 269; Pennsylvania, 271 ; Delaware, 286; Maryland, 290 ;
District of Columbia, 297 ; Virginia, 298 ; West Virginia, 299 ; North
Carolina, 300 ; South Carolina, 301 ; Georgia, 303 ; Florida, 305.
Second Meridian. ‑ Ohio, 307 ;
Indiana, 312 ; Michigan, 315 ; Illinois, 320 ; Wisconsin, 324; Kentucky, 327 ;
Tennessee, 328 ; Alabama, 333 Mississippi, 334 ; Louisiana, ib.; Texas, 342;
Arkansas, 347 ; Minnesota, 350 ; Missouri, 357 Iowa, 364 ; Dakota, 369 ; North
Dakota, 372 ; Nebraska, 374; Kansas, 378 ; Indian Territory, 382.
Third Meridian. ‑California,
387; Oregon, 394: Washington, 396 ; Idaho, 399 ; Montana, 402 ; Nevada, 4o6 ;
Utah, 413 ; Wyoming, 418 ; Arizona, 421 ; Colorado, 423 ; New Mexico, 430;
Hawaiian Islands, 433 ; Alaska, 435 ; Mexico, 435 ; Central America, 436.
British America. ‑ Canada ;
Ontario, 457; Quebec, 472 ; Nova Scotia, 479 ; New Brunswick, 483 ; Prince
Edward Island, 486 ; Manitoba, 486 ; ò British Columbia, 487.
Other Countries. ‑ Austria,
490 ; Belgium, ib. ; Bohemia, jb. ; Denmark, ab. ; France, 491 ; Germany, 492.
OftheSouthern Sun.
‑Australasia; South Australia, Victoria, Queensland, and New South Wales,
498‑506 : Tasmania, 501; New Zealand, 502.
Statistics.‑Division XXI.,
875‑896. Great Masonic Congress, 770.
Green Dragon Tavern, 247.
Greece, 495 H.
Hanmer, John, Goo. Hawaiian
Islands, 433, 638ò Heraldry of knighthood, 782‑785. High Priesthood, Order of,
638‑642. Hindoo mysteries, 74.
Holland, 495. HOLY Pentagram,
rot. Cross Mountain, 423. Royal Arch, 553ò HOMES, CHARITIES, COLLEGES, AND
SCHOOLS: Maine, 229; New Hampshire, 234; Vermont, 237 ; Massachusetts, 243,
250 ; Connecticut, 253, 254 ; New York, 265, 266 ; Pennsylvania, 282, 285 ;
Maryland, 295 ; North Carolina, 301 ; Georgia, 305 ; Florida, 306.
Ohio, 312 ; Indiana, 315 ;
Michigan, 319, 320; Illinois, 323 ; Kentucky, 327, 328 ; Tennessee, 332, 333 ;
Louisiana, 340; Texas, 346 ; Arkansas, 349 Missouri, 36o‑364 ; Nebraska, 378 ;
Kansas, 382 ; Indian Territory, 384.
California, 393 ; Oregon, 396
; Idaho, 401 ; Montana, 4o6 ; Arizona, 423 ; Colorado, 429, 430; ,/ Canada in
Ontario, 463, 466 ; Quebec, 473 ; New South Wales, 504 ; General Grand R. A.
Chapter, 595ò Hungary, 495ò Hospitallers, 766.
Idaho, 399, 6zr, 880.
Illinois, 320, 611, 662, 730,
859, 882.
Illustrations, List of, 13,
14. Independence Rock, 420. Indiana, 312, 612, 662, 730, 859, 882. Indian
Territory, 382, 612, 4667, 861, 890. Initiation, origin of, 73 In Memoriam,
MacLeod Moore, 737. Interregnum of four centuries, 143, 768. INTRODUCTION:
General, 15 ; Ancient Masonry, 37 ; the Mysteries, 41 ; documentary history,
157 ; cosmopolitan Freemasonry, 197 ; lodges in America, 199 ; First meridian,
217 ; Third meridian, 385 ; continental Europe, 489 ; Morgan excitement, 507 ;
eulogium of the Ancient Craft, 673 ; British Templary, 741 ; Order Eastern
Star, 857.
Iowa, 364, 613, 662, 730, 861,
Ireland, 29, 478, 48r, 4999
505. 5631 757, 790, 793, 876Italy, 495 J.
Japanese mysteries, 86.
JURISDICTION, CRYPTIC Grand Chapters, 648A.% A.% S.‑. Rite, 649.
JURISPRUDENCE, MASONIC Foundation of Masonic law, 537 ; the relation of
governing bodies with one another, 538 ; relation of Grand bodies to their
constituents and to individual members, 540 ; the relation of lodges to one
another and to individuals, 544 ; Grand Masters' decisions, 550 ; treatises on
jurisprudence, ib. ; Masonic principles unchangeable, 551.
Kabalism and Masonic degrees,
105. Kansas, 378, 613, 663, 730, 890. Kentucky, 327, 614, 663, 730, 891.
King's Chapel, tradition of, 447ò Knights of Rhodes, 767.
Knights Templar succession,
140, 747, 766, 770.
Lafayette, Marquis de, 248,
332, 360‑363ò LEGEND, DEGREES: Origin of Third, Fifth, and Thirty‑first,
73LIBRARIES : Roman Catholic, 145; Bishop Perry's, 156; media|,val, 160 ;
Alexandrian, 6. ; Massachusetts, 250; New York, 266; Pennsylvania, 286,
Maryland, 295 ; Florida, 306 ; Illinois, 323 ; Arkansas, 349; Minnesota, 354,
357ò Iowa, 366 ; North Dakota, 374 ; Nebraska, 377 ; Kansas, 382 ; Indian
Territory, 384 ; Montana, 406 ; Utah, 418 ; Wyoming, 419.
LODGE: of Edinburgh, No. 1,
of Social and Military
Virtues, No. 227, R.I., 478, 505ò of Antiquity, 48r.
Louisiana, 334, 6r5, 663, 73o,
883. Luxemburg, 496.
Maine, 227, 616, 663, 73o,
879. Manitoba, 486, 892.
Maryland, 209, ego, 617, 653,
663, 7o6, 73o, 887. MASONIC Regius Poem, 167. Funeral in California, 387.
Jurisprudence, 537ò Record, 897.
Masons' Marks, 568.
Massachusetts, 209, 239,
446‑4541 5211 619, 663, 707s 713, 730, 861, 892. Mesouraneo Waiters, 748.
Mexico, 435ò Michigan, 210, 315, 619, 664, 730, 881. Millennial Delusion, 749.
Minnesota, 350, 62o, 664, 730,
861, 882. Mississippi, 334, 620, 664, 730, 859, 888. Missouri, 357, 621, 664,
730, 888. Mithras, 68.
Montana, 402, 621, 730, 889.
Monumental remains in Nova
Scotia, 440. Moore, Sir John, 481.
in detail, 508 ; was Morgan a Mason, 508 ; arrest and subsidiary events, 509 ;
documentary evidence, 510 ; conventions and public meetings, 511; governmental
action, disappearance and trials, two theories, 512; rise of Anti‑Masonry,
513; progress of Anti‑Masonry, 515; Lewiston convention, 516 ; Masonic aspect
and action thereon, 517; political aspect, 523; alleged body of Morgan, 524 ;
Thurlow Weed's last fulmination, 526 ; John Whitney's version, 527, 531;
effect on Masonic bodies, etc., 529 ; the New York " Roll of Honor," 530 ;
Morgan's fate, 531; as told by one of his alleged murderers, 533.
Mount Davidson, 410, 413.
Mother Lodge of Kilwinning,
No.'o, 25. MYSTERIES, ANCIENT Six theories, 37 ; the divine plan, 42 ;
antinomies of the spirituality of man, 44 ; triple synthesis of thought and
sentiment, 45 ; foundation of all ancient religions, 46 ; ib., 47, 48 ;
various systems of philosophy and religion, 49 ; advent of mythology, 53.;
IItap of the world following the Noachian period, 59 (explanation, 58) ;
chronological chart, 61; Ormuzd, supreme deity of the Persians, 63 ; the
Syrian Ashtaroth, 64 ; Baal, 65 ; Adonis, 66 ; Mithras, 68 ; Osiris, Asiris,
or Hysiris, 69 ; Orpheus, supposed to be the Vedic Ribhu, 70 ; Bacchus, the
god of wine, 72 ; origin of initiation, 73 ; Hindoostan, 74 ; Avatars, 79 ;
rites of Masonry, origin, etc., 81; Avatars of Vishnu, 84 ; China. 85 ; Japan,
86 ; Persia, 87 ; definition of Freemasonry, 88 ; ib., 89 ; Persian Mithras,
go; Therapeutae, 92 ; Essenes, 93 ; Eleusinian, 94 ; occultism of the Orient
and Occident, 96 ; specimen of occultism by Albert Pike, 99 ; the holy and
mysterious Pentagram, 1o1; Theory of Masonic Degrees, and their relation to
the mysteries, 105 ; conclusions by the author, 107 : Scriptural references,
log ; description of plates, and plates, 110‑117, the sacred mysteries, 747.
Mythology, advent Of, 53 N.
Nebraska, 374, 622, 664, 73o,
859, 883. Nevada, 4o6, 622, 881.
"New Articles," Roberts
version, x95. New Brunswick, 205, 483, 582. 667, 893New Caledonia, 501.
Newfoundland, 2o6.
New Hampshire, 23o, 622, 665,
73o, 89r. Northern jurisdiction, 804.
New Jersey, 269, 622, 665,
73o, 859, 877New Mexico, 430, 624, 667, 884.
New South Wales, 499. 503,
893ò New York, 210, 254, 516. 518, 522, 53o, 674, 665, 713, 718, 727. 730,
859, 878.
New Zealand, 502, 793 North
Carolina, 213, 3oo, 625, 665, 730, 884. North Dakota, 372, 607, 667, 883.
Nova Scotia, 2o6, 442, 479P
576# 893 0.
Occultism, 96.
Ohio, 307, 625, 665, 730, 861,
FREEMASONS: The early historians, 157 ; the mythical assembly of A.D. 926, xb.
; first and second " Book of Constitutions," x58 ; the Ahiman Rezon, 159 ; the
destruction of ancient MSS., ib. ; the Kalendar, 161‑163; grouped as families,
x64; the Regius MS., or Halliwell poem, 164 ; reproduction of, x67‑x73 ; the
evolution theory, x65 ; the Matthew Cooke MS., 178‑185 ; characteristics of
the two oldest MSS. and summary, x85 ; various readings of, based upon Grand
Lodge MS., A.D. x583, x86‑195 ; the "New Articles," 195; "Apprentice Charges,"
Roberts and Watson versions, x96.
OLD LODGES: In England, 29. In
Scotland, 27.
In America, 200‑2x6. Operative
stone‑masons, 748. ORDERS Cognate.‑The crusades and Freemasonry, 98 ; Ethics
of Christian Knighthood, xx9; Templar song of triumph, 123; religion of
chivalry, 124 ; the Order of the Temple and history of the crusades, 127 ;
Templar endowments and possessions, 136 ; persecution and dispersion, ib. ;
the Papal bull Ad Providam, 139 ; connection with the present ,legrees of
Knights Templar, 140 ; the interrep:um of four centuries, 143: Roman Catholic
admissions, 144 ; the dogmatic teachings of Templary, 145 ; execution of
Jacques de Molai, x46, 765 ; the Templar organization, 151, 764 ; the
suppression of the Templars in England, 152 ; " Soldiers of the Temple," 763 ;
St. John the Almoner, ib. Concordant.‑The American Masonic system, ORDERS ‑
69g ; the ante‑revolutionary
period, 7o2 ; the postrevolutionary period until the organization of the Grand
Encampment, 703 ; the oldest commandery, 704; South Carolina Encampment, 705 ;
Maryland Encampment, 706; Boston Commandery, 707 ; St. John's Commandery, No.
x, ib. ; a " First Grand Encampment," 7o8 ; Washington Commander, No. 1, 710;
early Templary in New York, 711 ; Massachusetts and Rhode Island, 713 ;
Pennsylvania, 7x6; New York, 7x8 ; the Grand Encampment, 722 ; the first
constitution with amendments, 723 ; Grand Commanderies, 730; Ethics and
Ritual, 731‑737 Royal, of Scotland. ‑ History of the Ceremony and its relation
to Ancient Craft Masonry, 829 ; chapters by seniority, 836 ; the earliest
records, 83i; the American Chapter, 840 ; in Scotland and elsewhere, ib. ; U.
S. A. Charter, 842 ; founders' names, A.D. 1877, 845 ; membership, patents,
and other particulars, 845‑850 Royal, of Heredom, 851‑854Eastern Star,
857‑868. The Rosicrucians, 869‑873 Oregon, 394, 626, 666, 730, 861, 884.
Origin of name, 21, 750.
Ormuzd (Ahura‑Mazda), 63.
Orpheus, 70.
Osiris, Asiris, or Hysiris,
PAPAL BULLS: Ad Provulam, 139.
Considerantes Dudum, A Instigated by Le Bel, 765. Past degree, 572.
Patton Memorial, 282, 283
Pennsylvania, 214,218‑226,271, 627, 666, 717, 730, 886.
PERSIAN Mysteries, 87.
Mithras, go. PIONEER Lodge room, 374. Bible, 388. Poland, 496. Polygamy
un‑Masonic, 416. Portugal, 496.
Preceptories, Ancient, 155.
PREFACE: Gen al, 7 ; to Ancient mysteries, 41; to execution of Jaques de
Molai, 146 ; Second meridian, II., 341 ; Grand Lodge of Canada in Ontario, 457
; Cryptic Degrees, 643 ò, British Templary, 741. Price, Henry, 219.
Prince Edward Island, 208,
486, 893. Protectorship of Kaiser Wilhelm, 495. Provincial Grand Masters, 219,
224, 225, 4431 4581 459, 477, 838ò Putnam, General Rufus, 311.
903 Q.
QUEBEC ' Grand Lodge, 200,
472, 58o, 667, 792, 892. Question of sovereignty, 473, 477 M RECORDS Early
Massachusetts, 453ò Masonic, 897.
Regius MS., r67‑r78. Religion,
synthesis of, 45: Republic of Texas, 343ò Revere, Paul, 252.
Revival, the, 16, 69o, 692,
773, Rhode Island, 214, 250, 445, 629, 666, 707, y13, 730, 879ò Ring of Gyges,
Rise of Anti‑Masonry, 513.
RITES Capitular.‑The General Grand Royal Arch Chapter and the Morgan
excitement, 523 ; the Holy Royal Arch, 553; "Ancients" and "Moderns," 554 ;
first titles of presiding officers, 56o ; first known rules and orders, 561 ;
the term " Companion," ib. ; the Mark Degree in England, rb. ; 4 the Royal
Arch system of Ireland, 563 ; the Royal Arch system of Scotland, 566 ; Mark
Masonry, 567 ; Mason's Marks, 568‑571 ; Past Degree, 572 ; Grand Royal Arch
Chapter of Canada, 573 ; Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Nova Scotia, 576 ; Grand
Royal Arch Chapter of Quebec, 58o ; Grand Royal Arch Chapter of New Brunswick,
582 ; organization of the General Grand Royal Arch Chapter, 583‑6or ; Grand
Chapters of the United States, 602. ( hate titles of States for detail of
pages.) Cryptic.‑The Legend of the "Secret Vault," 643 ; rise of the rite, 645
; early government, 648; jurisdiction of Grand Chapters, 648 ; Scottish Rite _
jurisdiction, 649; Vermont's claim of priority, 65o; Ecossais, ib. ; French
origin and organization of Councils and Grand Councils, 651 ; the First
Council's records, 652 ; Grand Council of Maryland, 653; Jeremy L. Cross and
the Cryptic Degrees, 654; Cross's Councils and Charters, 655; Barker's Cryptic
Mission, 656; the formative period of fifty years, 656 ; governmental
evolution, 657 ; General Grand Council, history of, 658‑66o; by grand
jurisdictions, 66r‑669 : its three degrees, 669‑671.
Scottish.‑First introduction,
757‑759; General Pike and the Thirty‑third Degree, 761 ; interference with
other Masonic bodies, ib. ; Templar Order Of, 772 ; rites and their
signification, 795; origin, history, and present status, 795‑828.
Roman Catholic, admissions of,
Roumania and Bulgaria, 496. '
ROYAL ARCH MASONRY Advent of degree, 556. Early reliable history, 559ò Russia,
496. Royal Order of Scotland, 829‑854ò 904 SCHISMS Lodge of Edinburgh, 25.
Grand Lodge of England, 32,
1g8,199, 243, 554P 754ò Massachusetts, 243.
New York, 261‑266. South
Carolina, 302, 303. Georgia, 304.
Manitoba, 487. Scottish Rite,
804‑828. Scotland, 27, 566, 7751 789Y 793, 829, 840, 851, 876. " Secret
Vault," 643.
Shames Barness, 568.
Six theories of the mysteries,
37. Smith, Noah, 236.
South Carolina, 214, 301, 629,
666, 705, 887. Southern jurisdiction, 805.
Spain, 496.
St. John Baptist's Day at
Spokane Falls, 399. STATISTICS Grand Lodge, 875‑893ò Capitular, 594, 894ò
Cryptic, 895. Templar, 730.
Order Eastern Star, 861, 896.
Royal Order of Scotland, 845. Rosicrucians, 873.
Succoth Benoth, 114.
Sweden and Norway, 497, 790.
Switzerland, 497.
Symbolism, early, 1776 SYSTEMS
Of the mysteries, 92. English, American, 757.
Tasmania, 501. TEMPLAR Song,
123, 784. Endowments, 136, 765. Organization, 151. Constitutions, 723, 776.
Costume, 785.
Ritual, 731‑733,
780‑784TEMPLE: Order of the, 127, 762. Church, 786. Symbolism of, 678‑6go.
Massachusetts, 248, 249: Connecticut, 254 ; New York, 266 ; Pennsylvania, 285,
286 ; Maryland, 295 ; Virginia, 299 ; South Carolina, 3o3 ; Georgia, 305 ;
Florida, 3o6.
Ohio, 312 ; Indiana, 315 ;
Illinois, 324 ; Ken. tucky, 328 ; Tennessee, 333 ; Mississippi, 334;
Louisiana, 340 ; Texas, 347 ; Arkansas, 349, 350 Minnesota, 357 ; Missouri,
363 ; Iowa, 366‑369 ; Kansas, 382 ; Indian Territory, 384.
Idaho, 401 ; Montana, 4o6;
Wyoming, 421 ; Colorado, 429 ; Nova Scotia, 480; British Columbia, 489; New
South Wales, 5oo, 5o3.
Tennessee, 328, 63o, 666, 730,
882. Texas, 342, 63o, 666, 730, 861, 89o. Trio of Grand Lodges, original, 32.
True Universal Brotherhood, 697. Turkey, 638.
UNITED States of Columbia,
Orders' Crosses, 783. Utah,
413, 632, 889. Urbanitatis, A.D. 1390, 176. Uruguay, 216.
Venezuela, 216.
Vermont, 234, 521, 529, 632,
65o, 655, 666s 730. 859r 878.
Victoria, 499.
Virginia, 214, 298, 634, 667.
73o, 886. Vishnu, Avatars of, 84.
"Yitum t Dirigat," 571 W.
Warren, General Joseph, 244.
Washington, George, 277, 296,
298, 299, 332, 478P 709ò Washington, 396, 636, 667, 730, 861, 884.
Webb, Thomas Smith, 251, 328,
584, 599, 612, 641, 715P 722.
West Virginia, 299, 636, 730,
886. Wisconsin, 324, 637, 667, 730. 881. Wyoming, 418, 638, 730, 889 Y.
"Yankee Flat" Masonry, 400.
York Legend, 19o.
‑ END ‑

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