Submitted by Brother Robert S. Herring

Solomon, the wisest king of his time, wanting to build a Temple to the Eternal, assembled together in Jerusalem
all suitable workers for the construction of this edifice. He had and edict published throughout his kingdom and which
spread thence over the entire world; that whoever wished to come to Jerusalem to work on the Temple would be recieved
and recompensed, on the condition that he be virtuous, full of zeal and courage and not subject to any vice. Soon Jerusalem
was filled with a multitude of men who were aware of the noble virtues of Solomon and who asked to be inscribed as
workers on the Temple. Solomon, having thus assured himself of a large number of workmen, made treaties with all the
neighboring kings, in particular with the King of Tyre, to the effect that he might select from the mount of Lebanon all the
cedars and other woods and materials necessary.

The work was already under way when Solomon remembered a man named Hiram, in architecture the most
knowledgeable man of his time, and wise and virtuous as well, one who, because of his fine qualities, had found
favor with the king of Tyre.  He noted also that so great a number of workers could not carry on their work without a great
deal of confusion; thus the Temple's progress was beginning to be greatly hampered by the discussions which took place
among them. Solomon resolved, then, to give them a chief capable of maintaining order, and chose this man Hiram, an
Ethirian by nationality. He sent deputies loaded with gifts to the king of Tyre, asking him to send the famous architect called
Hiram.  The king of Tyre, delighted with the esteem Solomon showed him, accorded his request, sending him back Hiram
and his deputies burdened with riches and instructed to tell the ruler that beyond the treaty they had made together, he
accorded Solomon an alliance for ever, placing at his disposition all that might be found in his kingdom which could prove
useful.  The deputies arrived in Jerusalem, along with Hiram, on 15 July..., a beautiful summer day.  They entered
Solomon's palace. Hiram was received with all the pomp and magnificence due his great virtues. The same day Solomon
gave a feast for all the Temple workers in honor of his arrival.

The next day Solomon called together the Chamber of Advisers to settle matters of importance; Hiram was among
them and received with favor. Solomon said to him before all present: "Hiram, I chose you as chief and head architect for
the Temple, as I chose each of the workers. I give you full power over them, your decisions will be final; thus I regard you
as my friend to whom I would confide the greatest of my secrets." Next they left the council chamber and went to the
Temple's site where Solomon himself said in a loud and intelligible voice to all the workers, showing Hiram to them: "Here
is the man I have chosen as your chief, it is he who shall guide you; you will obey him as you would me. I give him full
power over you and over the work. All dissentions as regards my orders or his shall be punished in whatever manner he
sees fit." Then they made a tour of the work that had been done; and all was put into Hiram's hands, and Hiram promised
the King that all would soon return to order.

The following day Hiram called together all the workers and said to them: "My friends, the King, our master, has
put me in charge of maintaining order among you and of regulating all the work on the Temple. I have no doubt that all
of you are filled with zeal to execute his orders and mine. There are those among you which deserve distinguished salaries;
each of you may achieve this, proof will be in your work. It is for your own peace of mind and to honor your zeal that I
am going to form three classes out of all of you: the first will be composed of apprentices, the second, of fellows, and the
third, of masters. The first will be paid accordingly and will receive its salary at the gate of the Temple, column J. Likewise
the second at the gate of the Temple, column B.  Likewise, the third, in the sanctuary of the Temple."

Payment was higher according to rank, and each of the workers was happy to accept the authority of so worthy
a chief. Peace, friendship and concord reigned among them. The good Hiram, wanting that all remain workers, applied
to each signs words and tokens by which its members could be recognized. They were prohibited from confiding these
without due trial, strict exanimation and permission from the King or of their chief, and the masters. Thus they received their
salaries and were paid as masters. The fellows were paid as fellows and the apprentices were paid as bearers of burden,
or apprentices. In accordance with a prefect system each contributed in peace and worked progressively as SOLOMON had desired.
No organization, even that of King Solomon, could exist without hint of revolution or disorder. Three fellows of
the craft motivated by avarice, envy, and greed, desired to receive the pay of masters, resolved to learn the necessary token
and gesture; and that they could only obtain it from Hiram, their respectable master, it became their plot and design to get
the token and signs from their master Hiram. Either willingly or by force they plotted to extract the knowledge from the
man. Sine Hiram, the righteous, the honorable and just, went into the Holies of the sanctuary three times daily, the last
towards sundown in order to pray to the IHVH TZABOATH, the ELOHIM of the Living, the ADONI ECHAD, the
Dweller in Eternity, the three men devised a revolution, a design against the system, to obtain the information form thier
master Hiram. The men, the allies of Asazal, agreed to obtain it from him by force if not willingly. Since Hiram went thrice
daily into the sanctuary of the Temple to make prayers to the most Holy Divine, they guarded the three gates into and out
of the Temple. The three doors, to the East, West and South, they positioned themselves each at one door, being three of
them and three doors. They were armed individually with a measuring rule of twenty-four inches, an iron rod, and a mallet
or hammer, the men waited.

Hiram Abiv, the master, having finished his prayer, went about his normal routine. When he went to leave by the
southern door he met and was stopped by the first man who demanded, by the pain of the ruler, to know the master's word.
Hiram, astonished by the threat of the twenty-four inch gauge, pointed out quickly that is was not in this way that he might
obtain and wield the secret, and that he would rather die than to give it out unlawfully. The traitor, infuriated by he defiance
and justice of the refusal, struck him about the neck with the rule. Hiram stunned by the blow ran back into the Temple
and ran toward the western door. There Hiram met the second villain. The traitor also demanded of him the information
of the master just as the first traitor. Hiram remained in his refusal and so angered the second man who struck him a blow
with the iron rod. Hiram, confused by the blow, ran back into the Temple, assured in his escape ran to the eastern door.
Certain he would get away he was astonished again by the third villainous traitor. The third traitor demanded the same
demon and was more violent in his demeanor. Hiram declined preferring death to injustice and was rendered dead by a
blow by a hammer, the mallet of the third evil traitor. The third man killed Hiram, outright with a single blow. As it was
still daylight, the evil traitors took the body of Hiram and hid it in the rubble of the Temple, towards the north, a place of
darkness. Then they waited for nightfall. And when accordingly, when it was night, nearing the striking of twelve, they
carried the body out of the city to a high mountain where they buried it. There they plotted to carry it further away some
day soon. Therefore; they planted a twig of acacia, a branch, so as to be able to recognize the place of burial. They
returned to Jerusalem.

The great and honorable Hiram was in the habit of going daily, in the morning, to Solomon to account of the
progress and to receive orders for the day. Not seeing Hiram, Solomon, king of Israel, sent his officers to find Hiram. The
man returned saying he had searched everywhere and nobody had seen or heard Hiram. Solomon, saddened by this
information, ordered a search of the city to be made. Solomon himself went to look for Hiram, who was a man of honor
and justice. The third day, Solomon, who had made his way to the Temple to pray, came out by the eastern door,
surprised to see a few traces of blood. He followed them to a pile of waste on the building's northern side, and had it
searched. Nothing was found. The only clue was that the waste had been recently moved or disturbed. He trembled with
horror and concluded that Hiram had been murdered. Solomon went back into the sanctuary to mourn the loss of so great
a man as Hiram. Then he went out to the court of the Temple where he called together all of the masters. He said to them
"My brothers, the loss of your chief is a certainty." At the sound of these words each of them fell into deep sadness and
despair, which brought about a long period of silence, that was at last interrupted by Solomon. He said that nine from
among them must go in search of Hiram's body. His body must be found and brought back inside the Temple at once.
Solomon has scarcely finished speaking when all the masters voiced their desires to go, even the oldest without
regard for difficulty of the surrounding roads. Seeing their zeal, Solomon decided that the nine would be decided by vote.
Those whom chance selected for the search were so transported by joy that they undid their sandals so as to be more agile
and set out directly. Three took the road to the South, three the road to the West, and three that to the East, promising one
another to meet in the North on the ninth day of their search. Eventually one of them sat down to rest, being tired, layed
on the ground. Upon standing, he took hold of an acacia tree, and lo, it gave away. This of course, suprised him, and it was
then that he found a rather rather large plot of newly turned earth. He deduced that Hiram was buried beneath in this place.
His strength renewed by courage, he rejoined the other masters who came together, explained what had happened,
and they all began to dig in the ground, enlivened with a single purpose. The body of the master, the good Hiram was, in
fact, buried in the same spot, and when they uncovered it at last, they recoiled in horror. The sorrow took hold of their hearts
and they wept a long time: but at last they found again their courage. One of them went into the grave and took hold of
Hiram [...] thinking to raise him. His flesh was in a state of decomposition and foul smelling, which made him fall back.
Another took hold of him [...] thinking to raise him and the same thing to him.

The masters held a consultation. Since they did not they did not know that in dying, Hiram had preserved the
secrecy of the knowledge of the masters, they would have to change it. Deciding that the [...] when the body was raised
[...]. Then the oldest of them entered the grave and gripped [...] lifted Hiram from the grave. Then they repeated [...] ...then
they carried the body fo the good Hiram back to Jerusalem. They arrived in the middle of the night, but the moon was
exceedingly bright, and they entered the Temple where they set the body down. Informed by their arrival, Solomon came
to the Temple, accompanied by all the great masters. All attired in aprons and white gloves, where they gave the last honors
and rights to the good and great Hiram. Solomon had him buried near the sanctuary and had a gold plate, of a triangular
shape, placed on his tomb. The triangular plate had engraved on it the Hebrew name of the Eternal. Then Solomon
rewarded the masters with compasses of gold which they attached to their garments by means of a blue ribbon, and they
exchanged new tokens and gestures.

Having laid Hiram's body to rest in the sanctuary, as close to the Holy of Holies as Jewish law allows, with all due
pomp and magnificence, Solomon called all the masters together and said "My brothers, the traitors who committed this
murder must not go unpunished. Their identity can be discovered, this is why I command you to carry out a search with
all the secrecy and care possible, and leave no area unsearched. When they are discovered, I wish no harm to befall them:
they should be brought to me alive so that whatever vengeance is undertaken, it will be mine. I command twenty-seven of
you to carry out this search, taking care to obey my orders exactly." Each of them wished to be included, but Solomon,
just and moderate in his desires, repeated that only twenty-seven were needed and that nine would take the East road, nine
the South, and the others the West and ordered them to be armed with clubs and daggers to protect them from all dangers
that might befall them. He had them named directly by general vote. Those who were chosen left immediately caring
only to execute the king's orders and venerate Hiram's name.

Three traitors, having resumed work following their crime, and then seeing Hiram's body had been discovered,
felt certain that Solomon would proceed with an investigation in order to determine who the murderers were, which is
exactly what occurred. They left Jerusalem at nightfall, splitting up so that if they were discovered they would be less
suspect. Each went their own way and into foreign lands.

The fourth day of walking found the nine masters fatigued in a rocky valley at the foot of the Lebanon Mountains.
Night was falling so the decided to rest, and that each should take turns at guard, a little ways ahead of the others. The
first went on watch. The watch he was keeping caused him to walk a distance ahead of the others. He perceived a light
in the distance; he was surprised and trembled. At last he took courage and ran to the place where the light was coming
from to find out what it was. As he drew near, he again took courage and made ready to enter what turned out to be an
entrance of a cave. The entrance was narrow and low so that he had to bend over, with his right hand extended before
his head to protect himself from the points of rock, placing one foot ahead of other and making as little noise as possible.
In this way he came finally to the heart of the cave where he saw a man laying asleep. He recognized him immediately as
one of the workers from the Temple in Jerusalem, one of the class of fellows, and certain that he had come upon one of
the assassins, the desire to avenge Hiram's death made him forget the order of Solomon, and took a dagger at the mans
feet and cut off his head. Having done this, he felt himself thirsty and took a drink from a spring that bubbled in the cave
and quenched his thirst. Then he left the cave with the dagger in one hand and the man's head in the other, holding it by the

He rejoined his companions, who were seized with horror at the sight. He told what happened in the cave and
how he came upon the traitor who sought refuge there. His comrades explained to him that his overzealousness had caused
him ti disobey the order of the king. Realizing his fault, he stood speechless. Familiar with the goodness and mercy of the
king promised him to obtain his pardon. They immediately took the road back to Jerusalem, accompanied be he who still
held the head in one hand and the dagger in the other. They arrived nine days after their departure, at the moment when
Solomon, as was his custom, had closed himself in the sanctuary with the masters to mourn for the good and worthy master
Hiram. All nine went in; the last one carrying the head and dagger in his hands, and they cried three times "vengeance."
Solomon trembled at the sight and said: "Wretch! What have you done? Did I not tell you that all vengeance was mine?"
Immediately all the masters placed one knee on the ground and cried: "Be merciful to him!" explaining that it was
his too-great zeal and in the heat of passion which had caused him forget his orders. Full of kindness, Solomon pardoned
him and ordered that the traitors head should be displayed in sight of all workers, atop an iron rod. This was immediately
carried out and attention was directed to the discovery of the other two traitors.

Seeing that the traitors had split up, Solomon believed it to be too difficult to find the other two. He had an edict
published through his kingdom, and those of his allies, prohibiting them from opening their door to a stranger and promising
huge rewards to those who might bring these traitors to Jerusalem; and the same to anyone bearing information on the
traitors whereabouts. A worker in the mines of Tyre was well acquainted with a foreign man who had taken refuge in a cave
near the quarries and confided his secret, making the worker promise to guard it with his life. Since the man came daily to
the next village to procure food for the fugitive in the cave, he was in the village at the exact moment that Solomon's edict
was displayed and read. He thought long about the rewards mentioned and the promises to those who assisted the search
and capture of the murders of the famous Hiram. Personal and family interest, because the man was relatively poor,
eventually moved the man and won out over the fidelity to the promise made with the fugitive. At that very moment he
started out on foot to Jerusalem.

After a short time he met up with the nine masters that Solomon had sent to find the guilty men. Seeing them the
man became fearful and trembled. The masters, seeing this, inquired from where he was coming from and as to his
destination. He made a gesture as to tear out his tongue and placed one knee on the ground and kissed the right hand of
his interrogator, and said: "I believe you to by the envoys of Solomon seeking the traitors who murdered the great architect
Hiram, who was working on the temple. I have something to say, thought I am breaking my word and honor by telling
you, but I cannot do other than follow the orders of my king, Solomon. He has made knowledge known to us through an
edict and I am bearing news as to location of one of the traitors spoken of. One of the traitors you seek is hiding in a cave
near the quarries of Tyre and next to a large bush, but there is a dog stationed at the entrance of the cave as to warn of the
approach of anyone. The cave is about one-days walk from here.

Hearing this, the masters commanded him to lead them to the cave. He obeyed and took them to the quarries of
Tyre, pointing out the place the traitor lay in hiding. They had been gone from Jerusalem fourteen days when they found
the traitor. Night was falling and the sky was overcast and a rainbow appeared above the bush making it appear to burn.
As they stared, they became aware of the entrance of the cave. They drew closer, saw the dog asleep, and took off their
shoes so as not to be heard by him. A few of them went into the cave where they found the traitor asleep. They bound
him and took him, with the man who found him, back to Jerusalem.

They arrived on the eighteenth day following their departure just at the time work on the Temple was ceasing.
Solomon and all of the masters were in the sanctuary, mourning Hiram as was their custom. The nine went in, presenting
the traitor to Solomon, who questioned him, and made him admit his guilt. Solomon passed sentence that his body be laid
open, his heart torn out, his head cut off and placed on the end of a metal bar, like the first in view of all the workers. And
his body was thrown on a pile of rubbish heap to serve as fodder for scavengers. Solomon then rewarded the quarrie
worker and sent him, satisfied, back to his country.  Attention turned for the search for the third and final traitor.
The last nine masters had begun to despair of ever finding the third and final traitor. When, on the twenty-second
day of their search, found themselves lost in a forest in Lebanon and obliged to cross over several perilous places. They had
to spend the night there; they naturally chose spots that they were assured protection from the wild beasts that roam the
countryside. The next morning as day was beginning to break, one of them set out to explore this place they were. From
a distance he spied a man with an axe who lay at the foot of a large rock.  It was the traitor they were looking for, who,
having learned of the arrest of his accomplices, was fleeing into the desert to hide. Seeing one of the masters from the
Temple in Jerusalem, he got up thinking he had nothing to fear from a single man.  After noticing the other eight further
off, he turned and fled with all his strength, which proved his guilt to the masters, indicating that, in fact, he was the man they
were seeking.

They gave pursuit. At last the traitor, fatigued by the difficult terrain he was obliged to cross, could do nothing but
wait resolutely, determined to defend himself and die rather than be taken alive. As he was armed with an axe, he
threatened to spare none of them. Paying no attention, the masters themselves armed, drew closer to him and telling him
to surrender. Stubborn in his resolve, the traitor jumped into the midst of them and defended himself furiously for a long
time, without wounding any of them because the masters only warded off his blows, wishing to bring him back alive to
Solomon in Jerusalem. To this end, half of them rested while the others fought.

Night was beginning to fall when the masters, fearful of lest the darkness allow the traitor to escape, attacked him
in full force, seizing him at the very moment he wished to jump from the edge of a high rock. Then they disarmed him,
bound him, and led him back to Jerusalem where they arrived on the twenty-seventh day following their departure, at the
same time Solomon and the other masters were in the sanctuary, praying to the Eternal and mourning Hiram. The
returning masters went in and presented the traitor to Solomon, who questioned him and found him to be unable to justify
himself. He was condemned to have his stomach opened, his entrails torn out, his head cut off and the remainder of his
body burned and the ashes spread to the four corners of the Earth. All these things being accomplished, Solomon directed
the work on the Temple with the aid of all the masters, and peace and harmony was restored.

The History of the Knight of the Lion
It is said that when Solomon had pardoned the fellows who had considered revolt and had made certain they had
returned to their duties, one of these same fellows could not forget the punishment handed out to his three companions,
finding it unjust, decided to make an attempt on the life of Solomon. He entered his palace with a dagger and killed one
of the king's officers who tried to stop him. He then fought with Solomon who forced him to take flight and to flee to a
hiding place in the mountains. Solomon's guards spent twelve days in pursuit of him with no success. One of them, named,
Boece, saw a loin dragging a man into its lair.  He fought with the lion and killed it and recognized the man to be the one
they were seeking, choked to death by the lion.  Boece cut off his head and took it to Solomon, who rewarded him by giving
him a ribbon, a symbol of virtue, from which he hung a golden lion, a symbol of valor; and in its mouth the lion held the
cudgel with which it had been killed.

After the completion of the Temple, several workers placed themselves under a single leader and worked for the
reformation of moral behavior, building spiritual edifices and gaining a reputation for their charity. They were called the
Kadosh Fathers, which means "detached by the holiness of their lives."
They did not last too long a time, however, for they forgot their duty and their obligations and avarice made them

The Ptolemy Philedelphians, kings of Egypt, princes of astrologers, were among the most celebrated and constant
friends of the truth; they ordered that sixty brothers work on translations of the Holy Scriptures.
The Kadosh Fathers soon strayed from their duties by over-reaching the limits of decency. Nevertheless, the order
was preserved, for several of them, devoted followers of the law they originated, with drew to themselves. They elected
a Grand Master for life; one part remained in Syria and Sicily, centering their lives on good works; the other part went to
live in the lands which they held in Lybia and Thebaid. These same places were later inhabited by recluses known as
Fathers of the Desert; once again they were called "Kodesh", meaning holy or seperate.

Neither Jews or Christians have ever said anything bad about them. Their Grand Master was named
Manchemm. After the destruction of the Temple, several embraced Christianity, adopting it because they saw nothing in
it which was not in conformity to their way. They formed groups, members of a larger family. All they posessed became
common property. Alexander, patriarch of Alexandria, was the movement's greatest partisan and ornament. They passed
their lives praising and blessing God and helping the poor whom they considered their own brothers. It is in this way that
this respectable order maintained itself until near the end of the Sixth Century, and all brothers today seek to enhance its
honored reputation.

Key to Masonic Parables
Solomon is the personification of supreme knowledge and wisdom. The temple is the realization and image of
the hierarchic reign of truth and reason on the Earth. Hiram is man, come to power through knowledge and wisdom. He
governs with reason and order, giving each according to their works.
Each degree of the order has a word which expresses its capacity for understanding. There is only one word for
Hiram; this word can be pronounced three different ways: one is for apprentices; and is pronounced by them--it
signifies nature. It is explained through work. Another way is for fellows, and with them it signifies-- thought,
explained through study. Still another way is for the masters. In their mouths, the word signifies truth and is explained
through wisdom.

There are three degrees in the hierarchy of beings. There are three gates to the temple. There are three rays in a
beam of light. There are three forces in nature. These forces are symbolized by the measuring stick which unites, by the
metal rod or lever which elevates, and the mallet which steadies and makes them firm. The rebellion of brute instinct against
the autocracy of wisdom arms itself successively with these three forces. There are three rebels: the rebel against nature,
the rebel against knowledge, and the rebel against truth. They are symbolized in the hell of the ancients by the three heads
of Cerberus. In the Bible they are symbolized by Corea, Dathan, and Abiron. In Masonic legend they are designated by
symbols whose Kabbalistic combinations vary according to the degree of initiation.

The first, ordinarily called Abiram or murder of Hiram, strikes the Grand Master with the measuring stick.  It is
in this way that so many were sacrificed in the name of the law. The second, named Miphiboseth, from the name of an
absurd pretender to David's throne, strikes Hiram with the iron rod.  It is thus that the popular reaction to tyranny becomes
another tyranny and proves even deadlier to the reign of wisdom and virtue. Finally, the third puts an end to Hiram with
the mallet, as do the brutal restorers of so-called order, who ensure their authority by crushing and oppressing intelligence. 

The acacia branch on Hiram's grave is like the cross on the alters of Christ. This can also be attributed to the
Magan David. This is the symbol of knowledge which survives knowledge itself and which for ever protests against the
murders of thought. When man's errors have disturbed the order of things, nature intervenes, like Solomon in the Temple.
The death of Hiram must always be avenged, the murders may go unpunished for a while, but their time will come. He
who struck with the measuring stick provoked the dagger's blow. He who struck with the iron rod will die by the axe. He
who was momentarily victorious with the mallet will fall victim to the force the he misused and will be choked by the lion.
The murder of the measuring stick is unmasked by the very lamp which gives him light and by the spring where he
quenches his thirst, that is, he cannot escape retaliation. The murder of the iron bar will be taken by surprise when his
watchfulness fails, like that of a sleeping dog. The lion who devours the murderer of the mallet is one of the forms of
the Sphinx of Oedipus; and he who conquerors him deserves to succeed Hiram.

The putrefied body of Hiram shows that dead, exhausted forms are not resurrected. Hiram is the only true, the
only legitimate king of the world, and it is of him one should speak in saying:
The King is dead!

Long live the King!
Freemasonry has as its goal the reconstitution of Hiram's monarchy, and the spiritual rebuilding of the Temple.
Then the three-headed dragon will be bound in chains, then the shadows of the three murderers will be confined in
darkness. Then the living stone, the cubic stone, the golden cube, the cube with twelve doors, the new Jerusalem will come
down to Earth from Heaven, according to the Kabbalistic prophecy of St. John and those of the original covenent.
The spring, flowing near the first murderer, shows that the rebellion of the first age was punished byu the flood.
The burning bush and rainbow which lead to the discovery of the second murderer represent the holy Kabbalah which rises
in opposition to the hypocritical, idolatrous dogmas of the second age.
Finally, the vanquished lion represents the triumph of mind over matter and the submission of brute force to
intelligence, which is to be a sign of consummation and of the coming of the sanctum regnum.
Since the beginning, by creative mind, of work on the building of the temple of truth, Hiram has been killed many
times, and always resurrected:
Hiram is Adonis killed by the bear,
He is Osiris, murdered by Set,
He Pythagorus outlawed,
He is Orpheus torn to pieces by the Bacchantes,
He is Moses, buried, alive perhaps, in the caves of Mount Nebo,
He is Jesus, murdered by three traitors; Caipous, Judas Iscariot, and Pilate,
He is Jacques de Molay, condemned by a Pope, denounced by a false brother, and burned by order of a king.
The work of the Temple is that of Messianism, that is, the accomplishment of Israelite and Christian symbolism. It is order
maintained through the equilibrium of duty and right, unshakable foundations of power. It is the re-establishment of
hierarchic initiation and of the ministry of thought, ruling the monarchy of strength and intelligence. EVERYTHING

Attributed by Eliphas Levi (Alpohnse Louis Constant 1810-1875) to be an 8th century manuscript in his "The Book of Splendours
The Inner Mysteries of Qabalism Its relationship to Freemasonry, Numberology and Tarot."

Levi, Eliphas (1984). (3rd Printing 1990). "The book of splendours." Weiser: York Beech, Maine





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