
A pocket Companion for the Initiated
Compiled and arranged by
Robert Macoy
Revised Edition 1867
Page 97

THIS degree should be carefully studied,
and well understood, by every Master of a Lodge It treats of the
government of our society; the disposition of our rulers; and illustrates
their requisite qualifications. It includes the ceremony of opening and
closing lodges in the several preceding degrees; and also the forms of
Installation and Consecration, in the Grand Lodge.
as well as private lodges. It comprehends
the ceremonies at laying the foundation stones of pubtic buildings, and
also at dedications and at funerals, by a variety of particulars
explanatory of those ceremonies.*)
Any number of Master Masons, not under
seven, desirous of forming a new Lodge, must apply, by petition, to the
Grand Lodge of the State in which they reside, as follows:
"To the M W. Grand Lodge of the State of
The undersigned petitioners, being Ancient
Free and Accepted Master Masons, having the prosperity of the fraternity
at heart, and willing to exert their best endeavors to promote and diffuse
the genuine principles of Masonry, respectfully represent - That they are
desirous of forming a new lodge in the -- of --, to be named --, No.--.
They therefore pray for letters of dispensation, or a warrant of
constitution, to empower them to assemble as a legal Lodge, to discharge
the duties of Masonry, in a regular and constitutional mannar, according
to the original forms of the Order, and the regulations of the Grand
Lodge. They have nominated and do recommend brother A. B
*) For the ceremonies connected with the working of this degree see pp.
109-113. A lesson from Ps. 1. should be read at opening.
to be the first Master; C. D to be the
first Senior Warden, and E. F. to be the first Junior Warden, of said
Lodge. If the prayer of the petition shall be granted, they promise a
strict conformity to the constitution, laws and regulations of the Grard
Lodge." *)
*) This is also the ease when chartered lodges cease to exist.
*) This petition, being signed by at least
seven regular master masons (one of whom must be a Past Master, and
recommended by a lodge or lodges adjacent to the place where the new lodge
is to be holden, is delivered to the Grand Secretary, who lays it before
the Grand Lodge.
If the petition meets the approbation of the Grand Lodge, they
generally order a dispensation to be issued, which is signed by the Grand
or Deputy Gracd Master, and authorizes the petitioners to assemble as a
LEGAL lodge, for a specified term of time.
In some jurisdictions, the Grand and Deputy Grand Masters,
respectively are invested with authority to grant dispensations, at
pleasure during the recess of the Grand Lodge; in others, they are never
issued without the special direction of the Grand Lodge.
Lodges working under dispensations are considered merely as agents
of the Grand Lodge, their presiding officers are not entitled to the rank
of Past Masters; their officers are not privileged with a vote or voice in
the Grand Lodge; they cannot change their officers without the special
approbation and appointment of the Grand Lodge and in case of the
cessation of such lodges, their funds, jewels, and otier property
accumulated by initiations into the several degrees, become the property
of the Grand Lodge, and must be delivered over to the Grand Treasurer.
When lodges that are at first instituted by dispensation,hlave
passed a proper term of probation, they make apliciation to the Grand
Lodge for a Charter of Constitution. If this be obained they are then
confirmed in the possession of their property, and possess all the rights
and privileges of regularly constituted lodges, as long as they conform to
the Constitutions of Masonry. After a charter is granted by the Grand
Lodge, the Grand Master appoints a day and hour tor constituting and
consecrating the new lodge, and for installing its master wardens and
other officers. If the Grand Master, in person, attends the ceremony the
lodge is said to be constituted in AMPLE FORM; if the Deputy Grand Master
only, it is said to be constituted in DUE FORM; but if the power of
performing the ceremony is vested in a subordiate lodge, it is said to be
constituted in FORM.
When charters of constitution are granted for places where the
distance is great as to render it inconvenient for the grand officers to
attend, the Grand Master, or his Deputy, issues a written instrument,
under his hand and private seal, to some worthy Present or Past Master
with full power to congregate constitute and install the petitioners.
On the day and hour appointed, the Grand
Master and his officers meet in a convenient room, near to that in which
the lodge to be constituted is assembled, and open the Grand Lodge in the
third degree of masonry.
The officers of the new lodge are to be
examined by the Deputy Grand Master; after which they return to their
The new lodge then sends one of its members
to the Grand Master, with the following message, viz:
"MOST WORSHIPFUL: -- The officers and
brethren of -- Lodge, who are now assembled at --, have instructed me to
inform you, that the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge (or Grand Master) was
pleased to grant them a letter of dispensation, bearing date the -- day of
-- in the year --, authorizing them to form and open a lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons, in the -- of --; that since that period they have
regularly assembled, and conducted the business of masonry according to
the best of their abilities; that their proceedings, having received the
approbation of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge, they have obtained a
Charter of Constitution, and are desirous that their lodge should be
consecrated, and their officers installed, agreeably to the ancient usages
and customs of the Craft; for which purpose they are now met, and await
the pleasure of the Most Worshipful Grand Master"
He then returns to his lodge, who prepare
for the reception of the Grand Lodge. When notice is given that they are
prepared, the Grand Lodge walk in procession to their hall. When the Grand
Master enters, the grand honors are given by the new lodge; the officers
of which resign their seats to the grand officers, and take their several
stations on their left.
The necessary cautions are then given, and
all, excepting Masters and Past Masters of lodges, are requested to
retire, until the Master of the new lodge is placed in the Oriental Chair.
He is then bound to the faithful performance of his trust, and duly
Upon due notice, the Grand Marshal
reconducts the brethren into the hall, and all take their places, except
the members of the new lodge, who form a procession on one side of the
hall, to salute their Master. As they advance, the Grand Master addresses
them, "Brethren, Behold your Master!" As they pass, they make the
proper salutation, and when they have all passed, he joins them, and takes
his appropriate station.
A grand procession is then formed in the
following order, viz:
Tyler, with a drawn Sword;
Two Stewards, with White Rods;
Entered Apprentices;
Fellow Crafts;
Master Masons;
Page 102
Junior Deacons;
Senior Deacons;
Past Wardens;
Junior Wardens;
Senior Wardens;
Past Masters;
Mark Masters;
Royal Arch Masons;
Knights Templars;
Masters of Lodges;
Tyler, with a drawn Sword;
Stewards, with White Rods;
Entered Apprentices;
Fellow Crafts;
Master Masons;
Secretary and Treasurer;
Two Brethren, carrying the Master's Carpet;
Junior and Senior Wardens;
The Holy Writings, carried by the oldest member not in office;
The W. Master;
Grand Tyler, with a drawn Sword;
Page 103
Grand Stewards, with White Rods;
Brother, carrying a Golden Vessel with Corn;
Two Brethren, carrying Silver Vessels, one of Wine, the other of Oil;
Grand Secretaries;
Grand Treasurers;
A Past Master, bearing the Holy Writings, Square and Compasses,
supported by two Stewards, with Rods;
Two Burning Tapers, borne by two Past Masters;
Clergy and Orator;
The Tuscan and Composite Orders;
The Doric, Ionic and Corinthian Orders;
Past Grand Wardens;
Past Deputy Grand Masters;
Past Grand Masters;
The Globes;
Junior and Senior Grand Wardens;
Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master;
The Master of the Oldest Lodge, carrying the Book of Constitutions;
The Grand Deacons, on a line seven feet apart, on the right and left of
the Grand Master, with Black Rods;
Grand Standard Bearer;
Grand Sword Bearer, with a drawn Sword;
Two Stewards, with White Rods.
The procession moves on to the church or
house where the services are to be performed. When the
front of the procession arrives at the
door, they halt, open to the right and left, and face inward, while the
Grand Master, and others, in succession, pass through and enter the house.
A platform is erected in front of the
pulpit, and provided with seats for the accommodation of the grand
The Bible, Square and Compass, and Book of
Constitutions, are placed upon a table in front of the Grand Master; the
Lodge is placed in the centre, upon a platform, covered with white
satin, or linen, and encompassed by the three tapers, and the vessels of
corn, wine and oil.
- A piece of Music
- Prayer
- An Oration
- A piece of Music
- The Grand Marshal then directs the
officers ,nd members of the new lodge in front of the Grand Master. The
Deputy Grand Master ad dresses the Grand Master as follows:
"lJOST WORSHIPFUL: - A number of brethren, duly instructed in the
mysteries of Masonry, having assembled together at stated periods, for
some time past, by virtue of a dispensation granted them for that
purpose, do now desire to be constituted into a regular Lodge,
agreeably to the ancient usages and customs of the fraternity."
Their Secretary then delivers the
dispensation and records to the Master elect, who presents them to the
Grand Master.
The Grand Master examines the records, and
if they are found correct. proclaints,
"The records appear to be properly entered,
and are approved. Upon due deliberation, the Grand Lodge have granted the
brethren of this new lodge, a Charter, confirming them in the rights and
privileges of a regularly constituted Lodge; which the Grand
Secretary will now read."
After the Charter is read, the Grand Master
then says,
"We shall now proceed, according to ancient
usage, to constitute these brethren into a regular lodge."
Whereupon the several officers of the new
lodge deliver up their jewels and badges to their Master, who presents
them with his own, to the Deputy Grand Master, and he to the Grand Master.
The Deputy Grand Master now presents the
Master elect of the new lodge, to the Grand Master, saying,
"MOST WORSHIPFUL: - I present you Brother
--, whom the members of the lodge now to be constituted, have chosen for
their Master."
The Grand Master asks them if they remain
satisfied with their choice. (They boe in token of assent.)
The Master then presents, severally, his
Wardens and other officers, naming them and their respective offices. The
Grand Master asks the brethren if they remain satisfied with each and all
of them (They bow as before.)
The officers and members of the new lodge
then form in the broad aisle, in front of the Grand Master, and the
business of CONSECRATION commences with solemn music.
The Grand Master, attended by the grand
officers and the Grand Chaplain, form themselves in order, round the
lodge, which is then uncovered, while a piece of solemn music is
performed. The first clause of the Consecration Prayer is rehearsed, as
"Great Architect of the Universe! Maker and
Ruler of all Worlds! deign, from thy celestial temple, from realms of
light and glory, to bless us in all the purposes of our present assembly!
"We humbly invoke thee to give us, at this
and at all times, Wisdom in all our doings, Strength of mind
in all our difficulties, and the Beauty of harmony in all our
"Permit us, O thou Author of Light and
Life, great Source of Love and Happiness, to erect this lodge, and now
solemnly to consecrate it to the honor of thy glory!
"Glory be to God on high." Response.
"As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be! Amen."
During the response, the Deputy Grand
Master, and the Grand Wardens, take the vessels of corn, wine and oil, and
sprinkle the elements of Consecration upon the Lodge.
The Grand Chaplain then continues:
"Grant, O Lord our God, that those who are
now about to be invested with the government of this lodge, may be endued
with wisdom to instruct their brethren in all their duties. May
Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, always prevail among the members of
this lodge; and may this bond of union continue to strengthen the lodges
throughout the world!
"Bless all our brethren, wherever
dispersed; and grant speedy relief to all who are either oppressed or
"We affectionately commend to thee all the
members of thy whole family. May they increase in the knowledge of thee,
and in the love of each other.
"Finally; May we finish all our work here
below, with thine approbation; and then have our transition from this
earthly abode to thy heavenly temple above, there to enjoy light, glory
and bliss ineffable and eternal!
"Glory be to God on high!" Response.
A piece of solemn music is performed while
the lodge is covered.
The Grand Chaplain then DEDICATES the Lodge
in the following terms:
"To the memory of HOLY SAINTS JOHN we
dedicate this Lodge. May every brother revere their character, and imitate
their virtues.
"Glory be to God on high."
Response: "Amen! so mote it be! Amen!
A piece of music is then performed, whilst
the brethren of the new lodge advance in procession, to salute the Grand
Lodge, with their hands crossed upon their breasts, and bowing as they
The Grand Master then rises, and
CONSTITUTES the new lodge in the form following:
"In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand
Lodge, I now constitute and form you, my brethren, into a lodge of Free
and Accepted Masons. From henceforth I empower you to act as a regular
lodge, constituted in conformity to the rites of our Order, and the charge
of our ancient and honorable fraternity; and may the Supreme Architect of
the universe prosper, direct and counsel you in all your doings."
Response: "So mote it be!"
Page 109
The Grand Master *) asks his
Deputy, "Whether he has examined the Master nominated in the warrant, and
finds him well skilled in the noble science and the royal art." The Deputy
answering in the affirmative, + by the Grand Master's order, takes the
candidate from among his fellows, and presents him at the pedestal,
saying, "Most Worshipful Master, I present my worthy brother, A. B., to be
installed Master of this (new) lodge. I find him to be of good morals, and
of great skill, true and trusty; and I doubt not he will discharge his
duty with fidelity."
The Grand Master then addresses him:
"BROTHER: - Previous to your investiture,
it is necessary that you should signify your assent to those ancient
charges and regulations which point out the duty of a Master of a Lodge."
The Grand Master then reads, or orders to
be read, a summary of the ancient charges to the Master elect, as follows,
- You agree to be a good man and true, and
strictly to obey the moral law.
*) In this and other similar instances, where the Grand Master is
specified in acting may be understood any Master who performs the
+) A private examination is understood to precede the installation of
every officer.
- You agree to be a peaceable citizen, and
cheerfully to conform to the laws of the country in which you reside.
- You promise not to be concerned in plots
and conspiracies against government, but patiently to submit to the
decisions of the supreme legislature.
- You agree to pay a proper respect to th
civil magistrates, to work diligently, live creditably, and act
honorably by all men.
- You agree to hold in veneration the
original rulers and patrons of the Order of Masonry, and their regular
successors, supreme and subordinate, according to their stations; and to
submit to the awards and resolutions of your brethren, when convened, in
every case consistent with the constitutions of the Order.
- You agree to avoid private piques and
quarrels, and to guard against intemperance and excess.
- You agree to be cautious in your
behavior, courteous to your brethren, and faithful to your lodge.
- You promise to respect genuine brethren
and to discountenance imposters, and all dissenter from the original
plan of Masonry.
- You agree to promote the general good of
society, to cultivate the social virtues, and to propagate the knowledge
of the art.
- You promise to pay homage to the Grand
Master for the time being, and to his officers when
duly installed; and strictly to conform
to every edict of the Grand Lodge, or General Assembly of Masons, that
is not subversive of the principles and ground work of Masonry.
- You admit that it is not in the power of
any man, or body of men, to make innovations in the body of Masonry.
- You promise a regular attendance on the
committees and communications of the Grand Lodge, on receiving proper
notice; and to pay attention to all the duties of Masonry, on convenient
You admit that no new lodge
shall be formed without permission of the Grand Lodge; and that no
countenance be given to any irregular lodge, or to any person
clandestinely initiated therein, being contrary to the ancient charges
of the Order.
- You admit that no person can be
regularly made a Mason in, or admitted a member of, any regular lodge,
without previous notice, and due inquiry into his character.
- You agree that no visitors shall be
received into your lodge without due examination, and producing proper
vouchers of their having been initiated into a regular lodge.
These are the regulations of Free and
Accepted Masons.
The Grand Master then addresses the Master
elect in the following manner: "Do you submit to
these charges, and promise to support these
regulations, as Masters have done in all ages before you?"
The Master having signified his cordial
submission as before, the Grand Master thus addresses him: --
"Brother A. B., in consequence of your
conformity to the charges and regulations of the Order, you are now to be
installed Master of this lodge, in full confidence of your care, skill and
capacity to govern the same."
The Master is then regularly
invested with the insignia of his office, and the furniture and implements
of his lodge. The various implements of the profession are emblematical of
our conduct in life, and upon this occasion are carefully enumerated.
The Holy Writings,
that great light in Masonry, will guide you to all truth; it will direct
your paths to the temple of happiness, and point out to you the whole duty
of man.
The Square teaches us
to regulate our actions by rule and line, and to harmonize our conduct by
the principles of morality and virtue.
The Compass teaches
us to limit our desires in every station, that, rising to eminence by
merit; we may live respected, and die regretted.
The Rule directs,
that we should punctually observe our duty; press forward in the path of
virtue, and, neither inclining to the right or to the left, in all our
actions have eternity in view.
The Line teaches us
the criterion of moral rectitude, to avoid dissimulation in conversation
and action, and to direct our steps to the path which leads to
The Book of Constitutions
you are to search at all times. Cause it to be read in your lodge, that
none may pretend ignorance of the excellent precepts it enjoins.
You now receive in charge
the Charter, by the authority of which this lodge is held. You are
carefully to preserve and duly transmit it to your successor in office.
Lastly, you receive
in charge the By-Laws of your lodge, which you are to see carefully
and punctually executed.
The Jewels of the officers of the new lodge
are then returned to the Master, who delivers them, respectively, to the
several officers of the Grand Lodge, according to their rank.
The subordinate officers of the new lodge
are then invested with their jewels, by the grand officers of
corresponding rank; and are by them, severally in turn, conducted to the
Grand Master, who delivers to each of them a short charge, as follows: -
" Brother S. D., you are
appointed*) Senior Warden of this lodge, and are now invested with the
insignia of your office.
"The Level demonstrates that we are
descended from the same stock, partake of the same nature, and share the
same hope; and though distinctions among men are necessary to preserve
subordination, yet no eminence of station should make us forget that we
are brethren; for he who is placed on the lowest spoke of fortune's wheel,
may be entitled to our regard; because a time will come, and the wisest
knows not how soon, when all distinctions, but that of goodness, shall
cease; and death, the grand leveler of human greatness, reduce us to the
same state.
"Your regular attendance on our stated
meetings is essentially necessary. In the absence of the Master, you are
to govern this lodge; in his presence, you are to assist him in the
government of it. I firmly rely on your knowledge of Masonry, and
attachment to the lodge for the faithful discharge of the duties of this
important trust - Lock well to the West!"
*) When the Installation is not of the officers of a new lodge, the words
"have been elected," should be substituted for the words "an appointed,"
in all cases where the officer is chosen by ballot.
"Brother E. F., you are
appointed Junior Warden of this lodge; and are now invested with the badge
of your office.
The Plumb admonishes us to walk
uprightly in our several stations, to hold the scale of justice in equal
poise; to observe the just medium between intemperance and pleasure, and
to make our passions and prejudices coincide with the line of our duty. To
you is committed the superintendence of the craft during the hours of
refreshment; it is therefore indispensably necessary that you should not
only be temperate and discreet in the indulgence of your own inclinations,
but carefully observe that none of the craft be suffered to convert the
purposes of refreshment into intemperance and excess. Your regular and
punctual attendance is particularly requested, and I have no doubt that
you will faithfully execute the duty which you owe to your present
appointment. - Look well to the South!"
"Brother G. H., you are
appointed Treasurer of this lodge. It is your duty to receive all moneys
from the hands of the Secretary; keep just and regular accounts of the
same, and pay them out at the Worshipful Master's will and pleasure, with
the consent of the lodge. I trust your regard for the
fraternity will prompt you to the faithful
discharge of the duties of your office."
"Brother I. K., you are
appointed Secretary of this lodge. It is your duty to observe the
Worshipful Master's will and pleasure; to record the proceedings of the
lodge, to receive all moneys, and pay them into the hands of the
Treasurer. Your good inclination to Masonry and this lodge, I hope, will
induce you to discharge the duties of your office with fidelity, and by so
doing, you will merit the esteem and applause of your brethren."
"Rev. Brother L. M., you are
appointed Chaplain of this lodge. It is your duty to perform those solemn
services which we should constantly render to our infinite Creator; and
which, when offered by one whose holy profession is "to point to heaven
and lead the way," may, by refining our souls, strengthening our virtues,
and purifying our minds, prepare us for admission into the society of
those above, whose happiness will be as endless as it is perfect."
 "Brothers
L. M. and N. O., you are appointed Deacons of this lodge. It is your
province to attend on the Master and Wardens, and to act as
*) A silver dove is the correct jewel of the Deacons.- Oliver.
their proxies in the active duties of the
lodge; such as in the reception of candidates into the different degrees
of Masonry; the introduction and accommodation of visitors, and in the
immediate practice of our rites. The Square and Compasses, as badges of
your office, I entrust to your care, not doubting your vigilance and
 "Brothers
R. S. and T. U., you are appointed Stewards (Masters of Ceremonies) of
this lodge. The duties of your office are to assist the Deacons and other
officers in performing their respective duties. Your regular and early
attendance will afford the best proof of your zeal and attachment to the
"Brother V. W., you are
appointed Tyler of this lodge, and I invest you with the implement of your
office. As the sword is placed in the hands of the Tyler, to enable him
effectually to guard against the approach of cowans and eavesdroppers, and
suffer none to pass or repass but such as are duly qualified, so it should
admonish us to set a guard over our thoughts, a watch at our lips, post a
sentinel over our actions; thereby
preventing the approach of every unworthy
thought or deed, and preserving consciences void of offence towards GOD
and towards man."
having committed to your care the superintendence and government of the
brethren who are to compose this lodge, you cannot be insensible of the
obligations which devolve on you as their head; nor of your responsibility
for the faithful discharge of the important duties annexed to your
appointment. The honor, reputation and usefulness of your lodge, will
materially depend on the skill and assiduity with which you manage its
concerns; whilst the happiness of its members will be generally promoted,
in proportion to the zeal and ability with which you propagate the genuine
principles of our institution.
"For a pattern of imitation, consider the
great luminary of nature, which, rising in the East, regularly
diffuses light and lustre to all within the circle. In like manner it is
your province to spread and communicate light and instruction to the
brethren of your lodge. Forcibly impress upon them the dignity and high
importance of Masonry; and seriously admonish them never to disgrace it.
Charge them to practice out of the lodge, those duties which they
have been taught in it; and by
amiable, discreet and virtuous conduct, to
convince mankind of the goodness of the institution; so that when a person
is said to be a member of it, the world may know that he is one to whom
the burdened heart may pour out its sorrows; to whom distress may prefer
its suit; whose hand is guided by justice, and his heart is expanded by
benevolence. In short, by a diligent observance of the By-laws of your
lodge, the Constitutions of Masonry, and above all, the Holy Scriptures,
which are given as a rule and guide to your faith, you will be enabled to
acquit yourself with honor and reputation, and lay up a crown of
rejoicing, which shall continue when time shall be no more.
"You are too well acquainted with the principles of Masonry, to warrant
any distrust that you will be found wanting in the discharge of your
respective duties. Suffice it to say, that what you have seen praiseworthy
in others, you should carefully imitate; and what in them may have
appeared defective, you should in yourselves amend. You should be examples
of good order and regularity; for it is only by a due regard to the laws,
in your own conduct, that you can expect obedience to them from others.
You are assiduously to assist the Master in the discharge of his trust;
diffusing light and imparting knowledge to all whom he shall place under
your care. In the absence of the
Master, you will succeed to higher duties;
your acquirements must therefore be such, as that the craft may never
suffer for want of proper instruction. From the spirit which you have
hitherto evinced, I entertain no doubt that your future conduct will be
such as to merit the applause of your brethren, and the testimony of a
good conscience.
"Such is the nature of our constitution, that as some must of necessity
rule and teach, so others must, of course, learn to submit and obey.
Humility in both is an essential duty. The officers who are appointed to
govern your lodge, are sufficiently conversant with the rules of
propriety, and the laws of the institution, to avoid exceeding the powers
with which they are entrusted; and you are of too generous dispositions to
envy their preferment. I therefore trust that you will have but one aim,
to please each other, and unite in the grand design of being happy and
communicating happiness.
"Finally, my brethren, as this association
has been formed and perfected in so much unanimity and concord, in which
we greatly rejoice, so may it long continue. May you long enjoy every
satisfaction and delight, which disinterested friendship can afford. May
kindness and brotherly affection distinguish your conduct, as men and as
masons. Within your peaceful walls, may your
children celebrate with joy and gratitude,
the annual recurrence of this auspicious solemnity. And may the tenets
of our profession be transmitted through your lodge, pure and
unimpaired, from generation to generation."
The Grand Marshal then proclaims the new
lodge, in the following manner, viz:
"In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand
Lodge of the State of --, I proclaim this new Lodge, by the name of --
Lodge, duly constituted."
The Grand Chaplain then makes the
concluding prayer, which ends the public ceremonies.
The grand procession is then formed in the
same order as before, and returns to the hall. The following, or some
other ode, is sung, which concludes the ceremony of installation.
Music - "Bright Rosy Morning."
Behold! in the East our new Master
Come, brothers, we'll greet him with hearts all sincere;
We'll serve him with freedom, fervor and zeal;
And aid him his duties and trust to fulfil.
In the West see the Warden with Level in
The Master to aid, and obey his command,
We'll aid him with freedom, fervor and zeal,
And help him his duties and trust to fulfil.
In the South, see the Warden by Plumb
stand upright,
Who watches the sun, and takes note of its flight,
We'll aid, &c.
The lodge is then closed with the usual
solemnities in the different degrees, by the Grand Master and his
This is the usual ceremony observed by
regular Masons at the Constitution of a new lodge, which the Grand Master
may abridge or extend at pleasure; but the material points are upon no
account to be omitted. The same ceremony and charges attend every
succeeding installation of new officers.
THIS ceremony is conducted by the Grand
Master and his officers, assisted by the members of the Grand Lodge, and
such officers and nembers of private lodges as can conveniently attend.
The Chief Magistrate, and other civil officers of the place where the
building is to be erected, also generally attend on the occasion.
At the time appointed, the Grand Lodge is
convened in some suitable place, approved by the Grand Master. A band of
martial music is pro-
vided, and the brethren appear in the
insignia of the Order, and with white gloves and aprons. The lodge is
opened by the Grand Master, and the rules for regulating the procession to
and from the place where the ceremony is to be performed, are read by the
Grand Secretary. The necessary cautions are then given from the Chair, and
the lodge is adjourned; after which the procession sets out in the
following order:
Two Tylers, with drawn Swords;
Tyler of the oldest Lodge, with a drawn Sword;
Two Stewards of the oldest Lodge;
Entered Apprentices;
Fellow Crafts;
Master Masons;
Junior Deacons;
Senior Deacons;
Past Wardens;
Junior Wardens;
Senior Wardens;
Past Masters;
Mark Masters;
Royal Arch Masons;
Knights Templars;
Masters of Lodges;
Grand Tyler, with a draws Sword;
Grand Stewards, with White Rods;
A Brother, with a Golden Vessel containing Corn;
Two Brethren, carrying Silver Vessels, one of Wine, the other of Oil;
Principal Architect, with Square, Level and Plumb Grand Secretary;
Grand Treasurer; Bible, Square and Compass, carried by a Master of a
Lodge, supported by two Stewards;
Grand Chaplain;
The Five Orders;
Past Grand Wardens;
Past Deputy Grand Masters;
Past Grand Masters;
Chief Magistrate of the place;
Two Large Lights, borne by two Masters of Lodges;
Grand Wardens;
Deputy Grand Master;
The Master of the Oldest Lodge, carrying the Book of Constitutions;
Grand Deacons, with Black Rods, seven feet apart; The M. W. GRAND MASTER;
Grand Standard Bearer;
Grand Sword Bearer, with a drawn Sword;
Two Stewards, with White Rods.
A triumphal arch is usually erected at the
place where the ceremony is to be performed. The procession passes through
the arch, and the brethren
repairing to their stands, the Grand Master
and his officers take their places on a temporary platform, covered with
An ode in honor of Masonry is then sung.
The Grand Master commands silence, and the
necessary preparations are made for laying the stone, on which is engraved
the year of Masonry, he name and titles of the Grand Master, &c., &c.
The stone is raised up, by the means of an
engine erected for that purpose, and the Grand Chaplain, or Orator,
repeats a short prayer. The Grand Treasurer, by the Grand Master's
command, places under the stone various sorts of coin and medals of the
present age. Solemn music is introduced, and the stone let down into its
place. The principal Architect then presents the working tools to the
Grand Master, who applies the Plumb, Square and Level to the stone,
in their proper positions, and pronounces it to be "WELL FORMED, TRUE AND
The golden and silver vessels are next
brought to the table, and delivered; the former to the Deputy Grand
Master, and the latter to the Grand Wardens, who successively present them
to the Grand Master; and he, according to ancient ceremony, pours the
corn, the wine, and the oil, which they contain, on the stone; saying.
"May the all-bounteous Author of Nature
bless the inhabitants of this place with all the necessaries, conveniences
and comforts of life; assist in
the erection and completion of this
building; protect the workmen against every accident, and long preserve
this structure from decay; and grant to us all, a supply of the CORN of
nourishment, the WINE of refreshment, and the OIL of joy."
"Amen! so mote it be! Amen!"
He then strikes the stone thrice with the
mallet, and the public honors of masonry are given.
The Grand Master then delivers over to the
Architect the various implements of architecture, entrusting him with the
superintendence and direction of the work; after which he reascends the
platform, and an oration, suitable to the occasion, is delivered. A
voluntary collection is made for the workmen, and the sum collected is
placed upon the stone by the Grand Treasurer. The ceremony concludes with
an appropriate ode. After which the procession returns to the place whence
it set out, and the lodge is closed in due form.
On the day appointed for the celebration of
the ceremony of Dedication, the Grand Master and his officers, accompanied
by the members of the Grand Lodge meet in a convenient room, near to the
place where the ceremony is be performed, and the Grand Lodge is opened in
ample form, in the third degree of Masonry.
The Master of the Lodge to which the hall
to be dedicated belongs, being present, rises and addresses the Grand
Master as follows:
"The brethren of -- Lodge, being animated with a desire of promoting the
honor and interest of the craft, have, at great pains and expense, erected
a Masonic Hall, for their convenience and accommodation. They are now
desirous that the same should be examined by the Most Worshipful Grand
Lodge; and if it should meet their approbation, that it should be solemnly
dedicated to Masonic purposes, agreeably to ancient form."
The Grand Master then directs the Grand
Secretary to read the Order of Procession, which is delivered over to the
Grand Marshal; and a general charge, respecting propriety of behavior, is
given by the Deputy Grand Master; or the necessary directions are given to
the brethren from the Chair.
A grand procession is then formed in the
order laid down in the first section. The whole moves forward to the hall
which is to be dedicated; and upon the arrival of the front of the
procession at the door, they halt, open to the right and left and face
inward, whilst the Grand Master, and others in succession, pass through
and enter. The music continues while the procession marches three times
around the hall.
The Lodge is placed in the centre. The
Master having taken the chair, under a
canopy; the grand officers take the places of the corresponding officers
of the lodge, and the Masters and Wardens of other lodges, repair to the
places previously prepared for their reception. The three lights (in a
triangular form), and the gold and silver pitchers, with the corn, wine
and oil, are placed on the Lodge, at the head of which stands the
pedestal, or altar, with the Bible open, and the Square and Compass fixed
thereon, with the Charter, Book of Constitutions and By-laws.
An anthem is sung, and an exordium on
Masonry given; after which, the Architect addresses the Grand Master as
"Having been entrusted with the superintendence and management of the
workmen employed in the construction of this edifice; and having,
according to the best of my ability, accomplished the task assigned me, I
now return my thanks for the honor of this appointment, and beg leave to
surrernder up the implements which were committed to roy care, when the
foundation of this fabric was laid; humbly hoping, that the exertions
which have been made on this occasion, will be crowned with your
approbation, and that of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge."
To which the Grand Master replies as
"BROTHER ARCHITECT: - The skill and
displayed in the execution of the trust
reposed in you, at the commencement of this undertaking, have secured the
entire approbation of the Grand Lodge; and they sincerely pray, that this
edifice lay continue a lasting monument of the taste. pirit, and
liberality of its founders."
An ode in honor of Masonry is sung.
The Deputy Grand Master then rises and
"MOST WORSHIPFUL: - The hall in which we are now assembled, and the plan
upon which it has been constructed, having met with your approbation, it
is the desire of the fraternity that it should be now dedicated, according
to ancient form and usage."
Whereupon the Grand Master requests all to
retire but such as are Master Masons. A procession is then formed in the
following order, viz:
Grand Sword Bearer;
Grand Standard Bearer;
A Past Master, with a Light;
A Past Master, with Bible, Square and Compass on a Velvet Cushion;
Two Past Masters, each with a Light;
Grand Secretary and Treasurer, with Emblems;
Grand Junior Warden, with Pitcher of Corn;
Grand Senior Warden, with Pitcher of Wine;
Deputy Grand Master, with Pitcher of Oil;
Grand Master; Two Stewards, with Rods.
All the other brethren keep their places,
and assist in performing an ode, which continues during ihe procession,
excepting only at the intervals of dedication.
Music - "Migdol."
And with thee bring thy spotless train;
Constant at our sacred rites attend,
While we adore thy peaceful reign.
The Lodge being uncovered, and the first
procesion being made around it, the Grand Master having reached the East,
the Grand Junior Warden presents the pitcher of corn to the Grand Master,
who, striking thrice with his mallet, pours it out apon the Lodge, at the
same time pronouncing,
"In the name of the great JEHOVAH, to whom
be all honor and glory, I do solemnly dedicate this hall to FREE-MASONRY."
The grand honors are given.
Bring with thee VIRTUE! brightest maid;
Bring Love, bring Truth, bring Friendship here
While social mirth shall lend her aid,
To soothe the wrinkled brow of care.
The second procession is then made around
the Lodge, and the Grand Senior Warden presents the pitcher of wine to the
Grand Master, who sprinkles it upon the Lodge, at the same time saying,
"In the name of the Holy SAINTS JOHN, I do
solemnly dedicate this hall to VIRTUE."
The grand honors are twice repeated.
Bring CHARITY! with goodness crowned,
Encircled in thy heavenly robe!
Diffuse thy blessings all around,
To every corner of the GLOBE!
The third procession is then made round the
Lodge, and the Deputy Grand Master presents the pitcher of oil to the
Grand Master, who, sprinkling it upon the Lodge, says,
"In the name of the whole FRATERNITY, I do
solemnly dedicate this hall to UNIVERSAL BENEVOLENCE."
The grand honors are thrice repeated.
A solemn invocation is made to the Throne
of Grace, by the Grand Chaplain.
To Heaven's high Architect all praise,
All praise, all gratitude be given,
Who deigned the human soul to raise,
By mystic secrets sprung from Heaven.
After which the Lodge is covered, and the
Grand Master retires to his chair. An oration is then delivered, and the
ceremonies conclude with music. The Grand Lodge is again formed in
procession, as at first, and returns to the room where it was opened, and
is closed in ample form.
THE ceremonies which are
observed on the occasion of funerals are highly appropriate they are
performed as a melancholy Masonic duty, and as token of respect and
affection to the memory of a departed brother. No mason can be interred
with the formalities of the Order unless he has been advanced to the third
degree. Fellow Crafts and Apprentices are not entitled to funeral
obsequies. All the brethren who walk in procession, should observe, as
much as possible, an uniformity in their dress; black clothes, with white
gloves and aprons, are most suitable.
The brethren being assembled at the Lodge
room, (or some other convenient place) the presiding officer opens the
lodge in the third degree; and naving stated the purpose of the meeting
the service begins.
Master. - "What man is he that
liveth, and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his soul from the hand
of the grave?"
"Response. - " Man walketh in a vain
shadow; he heapeth up riches, and cannot tell who shall gather them."
Master. - "When he dieth, he shall
carry nothing away; his glory shall not descend after him."
Response. - " Naked he came into the
world, and naked he must return."
Master. - "The Lord gave, and the
Lord hath taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord!"
[The grand honors are then given, and the
Master, taking the SACRED ROLL in his hand, says:]
"Let us die the death of the righteous, and
let our last end be like his."
Response. - "God is our God for ever
and ever; He will be our guide even unto death."
[The Master then records the name and age
of the deceased upon the roll, and says:]
"Almighty Father! into thy hands we commend
the soul of our departed brother."
[The brethren respond three times, giving
the public grand honors each time: *) ]
"The will of God is accomplished. So tnote
it be!"
*) The public grand honors are given in the following manner: - Both arms
are crossed on the breast, the left uppernost and the open palms of the
hands sharply striking the shoulders; they are then raised above the head,
the palias striking each other, and then made to fall smartly upon the
thighs. - MACKEY.
[The Master then deposits the roll in the
archives, and repeats the following or some other suitable prayer:]
Most merciful and glorious Lord God! our
heavenly Father! Author of all good, and Giver of all mercy! pour down thy
blessings upon us, and strengthen our solemn engagements with the ties of
sincere affection. May the present instance of mortality remind us of our
approaching fate, and draw our attention toward thee, the only refuge in
time of need, that, when the awful moment shall arrive that we are about
to quit this transitory scene, the enlivening prospect of thy mercy may
dispel the gloom of death; that after our departure hence in peace, we may
be received into thine everlasting kingdom, and there enjoy, in union with
our departed friends, the just reward of a pious and virtuous life. Amen.
Response. - So mote it be.
[A procession is then formed, which
proceeds to the house of the deceased, and from thence to the place of
interment. Should there be services at a church or at the house of the
deceased, a brief responsive service should be used, concluding with the
Lord's Prayer immediately after the benediction has been pronounced.
Tyler, with a drawn Sword;
Stewards, with White Rods;
Musicians, (if they are Masons, otherwise they follow the Tyler;)
Master Masons;
Senior and Junior Deacons;
Secretary and Treasurer;
Senior and Junior Wardells;
The Holy Writings, on a cushion, covered with black cloth, carried by the
oldest (or some suitable) member of the Lodge;
The Master;
with the insignia
Pall Bearers.

placed thereon.
Pall Bearers
When the procession arrives at the place of
interment, the members of the lodge form a circle round the grave; the
officers take their position at the head of the grave, on the right of the
mourners. The following exhortation is then given:
NOTE. - If a past or present Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, or Grand
Warden, should join the procession of a private lodge, proper attention is
to be paid to them. They take place after the Master of the lodge. Two
Deacons. with black rods are appointed by the Master to attend a Grand
Warden; and when the Grand Master or Deputy Grand Master is present, the
Book of Constitutions is bore before him, a Sword Bearer follows him, and
the Deacons, with black reds, on his right and left.
Again we are called to assemble among tbe
habitations of the dead, to behold the "narrow house appointed for all
living." Here, around us, in that peace which the world cannot give, sleep
the unnumbered dead. The gentle breeze fans their verdant covering, they
heed it not; the sunshine and the storm pass over them, and they are not
disturbed; stones and lettered monuments symbolize the affection of
surviving friends, yet no sound proceeds from them, save that silent but
thrilling admonition, "seek ye the narrow path and the straight gate that
lead unto eternal life."
We are again called upon to consider the
uncertainty of human life the immutable certainty
of death, and the vanity of all human
pursuits. Decrepitude and decay are written upon every living thing. The
cradle and the coffin stand side by side: and it is a melancholy truth,
that so soon as we begin to live that moment also we begin to die. It is
passing strange that notwithstanding the daily mementos of mortality that
cross our path; notwithstanding the funeral bell so often tolls in our
ears, and the "mournful procession" go about our streets, that we will not
more seriously consider our approaching fate. We go on from design to
design, add hope to hope, and lay out plans for the employment of many
years, until we are suddenly alarmed at the approach of the Messenger of
Death, at a moment when we least expect him, and which we probably
conclude to be the meridian of our existence.
What, then, are all the externals of human
dignity, the power of wealth, the dreams of ambition, the pride of
intellect, or the charms of beauty, when Nature has paid her just debt?
Fix your eyes on the last sad scene, and view life stript of its
ornaments, and exposed in its natural meanness and you must be persuaded
of the utter emptiness of these delusions. In the grave all fallacies are
detected, all ranks are leveled, and all distinctions are done away.
While we drop the sympathetic tear over the
grave of our deceased brother, let us east around his foibles, whatever
they may have been, the
broad mantle of masonic charity, nor
withhold from his memory the commendation that his virtues claim at our
hands. Perfection on earth has never yet been attained the wisest, as well
as the best of men, have gone astray. Suffer, then, the apologies of human
nature to plead for him who can no longer extenuate for himself.
Our present meeting and proceedings will
have been vain and useless, if they fail to excite our serious
reflections, and strengthen our resolutions of amendment. Be then
persuaded, my brethren, by the uncertainty of human life, and the
unsubstantial nature of all its pursuits, and no longer postpone the
all-important concern of preparing for eternity. Let us each embrace the
present moment, and while time and opportunity offer, prepare for that
great change, when the pleasures of the world shall be as poison to our
lips, and happy reflections of a well spent life afford the only
consolation. Thus shall our hopes be not frustrated, nor we hurried
unprepared into the presence of that all-wise and powerful Judge, to whom
the secrets of every heart are known. Let us resolve to maintain with
greater assiduity the dignified character of our profession. May our
faith be evinced in a correct moral walk and deportment; may our
hope be bright as the glorious mysteries that will be revealed
hereafter; and our charity boundless as the wants of our fellow
creatures. And having faithfully discharged the great
duties which we owe to GOD, to our
neighbor, and ourselves; when at last it shall please the Grand Master of
the universe to summon us into his eternal presence, may the
trestleboard of our whole lives pass such inspection that it may be
given unto each of us to "eat of the hidden manna," and to receive the
"white stone with a new name written," that will ensure perpetual and
unspeakable happiness at his right hand.
The following invocations are then made: -
Master. - May we be true and
faithful to each other, and may we live and die in love.
Response. - So mote it be.
Master. - May we profess what is
good, and always act agreeably to our profession.
Response. - So mote it be.
Master.- May the Lord bless us and
keep us. May the Lord be gracious unto us, and may all our good intentions
be crowned with success.
Response. - So mote it be.
Master. - Glory be to God in the
highest; on earth peace; good will towards men.
Response. - So mote it be, now, henceforth,
and forever. Amen.
The apron is taken from the coffin, and
handed to the Master; the coffin is deposited in the grave, and the
service is then renewed.
Master. - Forasmuch as it hath
pleased Almighty God, in his wise providence, to take out of the world the
soul of our deceased brother, we therefore commit his body to the ground -
earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
The secretary then advances, and deposits
the ROLL in the grave. (See foot-note, page 138.)
Master. - Friend and brother! We bid
thee a last, a long FAREWELL! Thou art at rest from thy labors. May
it be in peace.
Response. - So mote it be. Amen.
Then may be sung the Funeral Dirge. (See
page 72.)
The Master then presenting the apron,
continues -
"The lamb-skin or white apron is the emblem
of innocence and the badge of a Mason. It is more ancient than the golden
fleece or Roman eagle; more honorable than the star and garter.
The Master then deposits it in the
This emblem I now deposit in the grave of
our deceased brother. By it we are reminded of the universal dominion of
Death. The arm of Friendship cannot interpose to prevent his coming; the
wealth of the world cannot purchase our release; nor will the innocence of
youth, or the charms of beauty propitiate his purpose. The mattock, the
coffin, and the melancholy grave, admonish
us of our mortality, and that, sooner or later, these frail bodies must
moulder in their parent dust.
The Master, holding the evergreen,
continues -
This evergreen, which once marked
the temporary resting place of the illustrious dead, is an emblem of our
faith in the immortality of the soul. By this we are reminded of our high
and glorious destiny beyond the "world of shadows," and that there dwells
within our tabernacle of clay an immortal spirit, over which the grave has
no dominion and death no power.
The brethren then move in procession
round the place of interment, and severally drop the sprig of evergreen
into the grave; after which, the public grand honors are given. *) The
Master then continues the ceremony at the grave, in the following words:
From time immemorial, it has been the
custom among the fraternity of free and accepted Masons, at the request of
a brother, to accompany his corpse to the place of interment, and there to
deposit his remains with the usual formalities.
In conformity to this usage, and at the
request of our deceased brother, whose memory we revere,
*) In depositing the evergreen all the brethren should carefully observe
the correct form, which is, by extending the right hand over the grave,
dropping the evergreen; then raising the hand, pointing it to the zenith,
bringing it down upon the left breast, and thence to the side, thereby
signifying that we consign the body of our departed brother to the tomb,
commend his spirit to Him who gave it, and that his memory is faithfully
cherished within our hearts.- Cunningham.
and whose loss we now deplore, we have
assembled in the character of Masons, to offer up to his memory, before
the world, the last tribute of our affection; thereby demonstrating the
sincerity of our past esteem for him, and our steady attachment to the
principles of the order.
The Great Creator, having been pleased, out
of his infinite mercy, to remove our brother from the cares and troubles
of this transitory existence, to a state of endless duration, thus
severing another link from the fraternal chain that binds us together; may
we, who survive him, be more strongly cemented in the ties of union and
friendship; that, during the short space allotted us here, we may wisely
and usefully employ our time; and, in the reciprocal intercourse of kind
and friendly acts, mutually promote the welfare and happiness of each
other. Unto the grave we have consigned the body of our deceased brother;
earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. We leave him in the hands of
a Being who doeth all things well; who is glorious in holiness, fearful in
praises, doing wonders.
To those of his immediate relatives and
friends, who are most heart-stricken at the loss we have all sustained, we
have but little of this world's consolation to offer. We can only
sincerely, deeply and most affectionately sympathize with them in
their afflictive bereavement.*) [But in the
beautiful spirit of the Christian's theology we dare to say, that HE, who
"tempers the wind to the shorn lamb," looks down with infinite compassion
upon the widow and fatherless, in the hour of their desolation; and that
the same benevolent Saviour, who wept while on earth, will fold the arms
of his love and protection around those who put their trust in HIM.]
The service is here concluded with the
following, or some other suitable prayer:
ALMIGHTY and most merciful Father, as it
has pleased thee to take from the light of our abode, one dear to our
hearts, we beseech thee to bless and sanctify unto us this dispensation of
thy Providence. Inspire our hearts with wisdom from on high, that we may
glorify thee in all our ways. May we realize that thine All-seeing Eye is
upon us, and be influenced by the spirit of truth and love to perfect
obedience, - that we may enjoy the divine approbation here below. And when
our toils on earth shall have ceased, may we be raised to the enjoyment of
fadeless light and immortal life in that kingdom where faith and hope
shall end - and love and joy prevail through eternal ages.
*) The paragraph enclosed in brackets must be o-mited if the deceased
brother was a Jew. - ED.
And thine, O righteous Father, shall be the
glory forever. Amen.
Thus the service ends, and
the procession returns in form to the place whence it set out, where the
necessary duties are complied with, and the business of Masonry is
renewed. The insignia and ornaments of the deceased, if an officer of a
lodge, are returned to the Master, with the usual ceremonies.
