Dating English Registry Marks

Starting in 1842, England has offered registration of it's decorative designs for pottery, china, wood, paper, pottery, china, porcelain, glass and more.  By using the information below you can find the date a design was registered. Not every piece registered was marked.  Remember this date is just when the design was registered.  An item with a registry mark or number could have been produced before (less likely as the design would not be protected), or after the date of the registry mark.

The following two diamond shaped marks were used from 1842-1883:

Mark I: Used from 1842-1867

First Registry Diamond Mark

Each letter on the diagram represents one of the tables below:

A. - Materials
I Metal
II Wood
III Glass
IV Ceramics
V Paper Hangings
VI Carpets
VII Printed Shawls
VIII Other Shawls
IX Yarn
X Printed Fabrics
XI Furniture
XII i Other Fabrics
XII ii Damasks

B. - Year

A 1845 O 1862
B 1858 P 1851
C 1844 Q 1866
D 1852 R 1861
E 1855 S 1849
F 1847 T 1867
G 1853 U 1848
H 1843 VEE 1850
I 1846 W 1865
J 1854 X 1842
K 1857 Y 1853
L 1856 Z 1860
M 1859    
N 1864    

C. -Month

A December
B October
C January
D September
E May
G February
H April
I July
K November
M June
R August
W March

D.-Day of the Month

E.-Bundle Number


In 1857 the letter R was used during 1-19 of September, during 1860 the letter K was used for December.

To give an example using the mark above the chart, you get the following information: Material-Ceramics, Design registered-April 7, 1857.

The Bundle number is unimportant to most collectors.

Mark II: Used from 1868-1883

Second Registry Diamond Mark

Each letter on the diagram represents one of the tables below:

A. - Materials
I Metal
II Wood
III Glass
IV Ceramics
V Paper Hangings
VI Carpets
VII Printed Shawls
VIII Other Shawls
IX Yarn
X Printed Fabrics
XI Furniture
XII i Other Fabrics
XII ii Damasks

B. - Year

A 1871 X 1868
C 1870 Y 1879
D 1878    
E 1881    
F 1873    
H 1869    
I 1872    
J 1880    
K 1883    
L 1882    
P 1877    
S 1875    
U 1874    
VEE 1876    

C. -Month

A December
B October
C January
D September
E May
G February
H April
I July
K November
M June
R August
W March

D.-Day of the Month

E.-Bundle Number


1st-6th of March 1878, W was used for the year instead of D, and G was used for the month in place of W.

To give an example using the mark above the chart, you get the following information: Material-Ceramics, Design registered-August 9, 1870.

The Bundle number is unimportant to most collectors.

English Registry Numbers:

After 1883 a Numerical mark was used in the following form:

Rd 742833 or Rd No. 742833







1884 1 1922 687144 1960 895000
1885 19754 1923 694999 1961 899914
1886 40480 1924 702671 1962 904638
1887 64520 1925 710165 1963 909364
1888 90483 1926 718057 1964 914536
1889 116648 1927 726330 1965 919607
1890 141273 1928 734370 1966 924510
1891 163767 1929 742725 1967 929335
1892 185713 1930 751160 1968 934515
1893 205240 1931 760583 1969 939875
1894 224720 1932 769670 1970 944932
1895 246975 1933 779292 1971 950046
1896 268392 1934 789019 1972 955342
1897 291241 1935 799097 1973 960708
1898 311658 1936 808794 1974 965185
1899 331707 1937 817293 1975 969249
1900 351202 1938 825231 1976 973838
1901 368154 1939 832610 1977 978426
1902 385180 1940 837520 1978 982815
1903 403200 1941 838500 1979 987910
1904 424400 1942 839230 1980 993012
1905 447800 1943 839980 1981 998302
1906 471860 1944 841040 1982 1004456
1907 493900 1945 842670 1983 1010583
1908 518640 1946 845550 1984 1017131
1909 535170 1947 849730 1985 1024174
1910 552000 1948 853260 1986 1031358
1911 574817 1949 856999 1987 1039055
1912 594195 1950 860854 1988 1047478
1913 612431 1951 863970 1989 1056076
1914 630190 1952 866280 July 1989 1061406 (last No.)
1915 644935 1953 869300 Aug 1989 2000000
1916 653521 1954 872531 1990 2003720
1917 658988 1955 876067 1991 2012047
1918 662872 1956 879282 1992 2019933
1919 666128 1957 882949 1993 2028110
1920 673750 1958 887079 1994 2036116
1921 680147 1959 891665 1995 2044229

 The number listed for each year in the table is the first number issued that year. . If your number is higher, but less than the number for the next year, then your item had it's design registered during that year.

In July 1990 the numbering sequence changed as indicated on the chart. The last number issued in July 1990 was 1061406 and began again In August starting with number 2000000.

To give an example using the number above the chart, Rd 742833 means: Design of your item was registered during 1929.

The Public Record office and the British Government tend to enforce these marks and registration numbers. Companies located outside the UK who have reproduced items, and tried to use a facsimile of the marks or numbering system have been sued, and have had sanctions imposed against them. This tends to protect the use of these marks, and in general restricts them to use on pieces made in the UK. This protects both collectors and the companies who registered the marks.

The information for this page was compiled with the assistance of the British Public Record Office, and the British Designs Registry Office. © Crown Copyright 1998. Their help, and permission to use the data, is certainly appreciated.

For more information you can write either of the following addresses, depending on the year your mark was registered:

Registered after and in 1909:

Designs Registry
Patent Office
Chancery Lane
London WC2A
1 LR England

Registered before 1909:

Public Record Office
Ruskin Avenue
Kew, Richmond

Or you can e-mail the English Public Records Office at:




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