Order of DeMolay

Initiatory Degree



General Instructions


This Ritual of Secret Work of the Order of DeMolay is the official standard for all ceremonial work of the Order. It presumes the existence of ideal conditions for the presentation of the work. In those instances in which the Chapter room or meeting hail impose physical limitations, the Chapter may make the adjustments necessary, so long as they adhere as closely as feasible to this official standard.

All DeMolays, Chapters, and Advisors are reminded that a full officer corps is the best and proper manner in which to confer all degrees and present all Ritual work of the Order. Only in exceptional circumstances, and with the expressed approval of the Executive Officer, are Chapters to use a reduced officer corps for the duration of time where it is absolutely necessary. A reduced officer corps was never intended to replace the full officer corps. All Chapters are encouraged to work toward the complete ritual.



Room arrangements and Paraphernalia


Room Arrangement: The Altar, the Councilors’ seats and pedestals, the stations of the Officers and chairs for the members should be arranged as shown on Diagram One or as close to that arrangement as the circumstances of the room permit. For example: Some Chapters may find it necessary to place the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Preceptors on the South side of the room and the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Preceptors on the North side. If the door through which most Officers, members and others normally enter the Chapter room is not located at the point indicated as “A” on Diagram One, the Junior Deacon and Sentinel would necessarily be relocated to that door to enable them to control access.

Required Paraphernalia: A Chapter room should be furnished with the following paraphernalia: Crown of Youth with seven detachable jewels, two gavels, seven candlesticks with candles, Bible, school books, National flag in standard and gong.

Optional Items: Altar cloth, flowers, Chapter banner, baton for Marshal, Bible marker and gavel for the Junior Councilor.

Candles: The candles should be arranged about and to the East of the Altar.

Flag and Banner: The National flag and the Chapter banner should be placed in standards at the positions shown on diagram.

Gavels: A gavel should be on the pedestal at the stations of the Master Councilor and Senior Councilor.

Altar: In a Chapter meeting, only the Holy Bible and school books must be placed on the Altar. If desired, only an Altar cloth, Bible marker and flowers may be added.

Prior to the entrance of the Officers, the closed Holy Bible should be lying near the center of the Altar and the school books should be at the Junior Steward’s station. If flowers are used, they should be placed around the Holy Bible, but not on it. If a Bible marker is used, the DeMolay emblem upon it, if any, should be toward the West side of the Altar, whether the Bible is open or closed. If there is a DeMolay emblem on the Altar cloth, it should be on the West side.

Robes: The uniform robe adopted by DeMolay International for use by Chapter Officers is a black cape robe lined with red with the DeMolay emblem on the wearer’s right breast. That robe is for use by all Officers in the Opening Ceremonies, the Closing Ceremony, the Initiatory Degree, and the Fourth Section of the DeMolay Degree.

Pronunciations and Definitions: Appendix A contains a brief dictionary of words used in DeMolay ceremonies, including correct pronunciations. DeMolay members preparing a ritual part should consult Appendix A for a thorough understanding of the meanings of the words and correct pronunciations so they may more effectively teach the lessons contained in the degrees.

Music: The use of music in all DeMolay Ritual work is strongly recommended. Throughout the text, blanks for the entry of suggested music are provided. A standard cassette tape of musical selections is available from the DeMolay Service and Leadership Center.



Conduct in the Chapter Room


Floor Movements: After the Master Councilor has called the Chapter to order, no person shall pass between the Altar and the East except when this Ritual expressly requires it.

All floor movements should be made in a clockwise direction except when specifically nosed otherwise. The shaded area on Diagram One represents a walking band which is always wide enough for two Officers to walk side by side. All Officers’ movements about the Chapter room are directed by the letters on Diagram One. X is the station of the Officer(s) being directed. Z is the point on the walking band nearest the station of the Officer(s) being directed.

An Officer directed to move X Z moves directly forward from his station to the walking band, except: the Councilors, Scribe and Treasurer will move by the most direct route to the walking band, but around the pedestals or desks in their paths. An Officer directed to move Z X returns to his station by retracing his X Z route.

Floor Movement Examples: Movements of the Chaplain and Marshal from their stations by way of the South to the West side of the Altar would be noted thus: Ch. and Mar. move X Z I J. Their return from the West side of the Altar by way of the North to their stations would be noted: Ch. and Mar. move J K V Z X.

Recognition: When a person wishes to be recognized by the Master Councilor, he should rise, face the Master Councilor, and remain silent until he is recognized. When a person is addressed by the Master Councilor by name, or an Officer by title, he shall rise immediately and face the Master Councilor. No other salute of any kind is to be given to the Master Councilor. Except during prayers, all Officers (including the Master Councilor) and all other persons stand when speaking.

Gavel Raps: Except when this Ritual expressly requires otherwise, when a gavel is rapped once, all Officers standing at stations and all others standing will go to appropriate seats and sit down; when rapped twice, all Officers sitting will stand; when rapped three times, all persons sitting will stand.

Marshal Conducts: When the Marshal conducts an Officer or any other person, he shall use his right arm and hand to take hold of the Officers or person’s left forearm and wrist as shown in Figure 6. The Marshal may carry a baton. If he does so, one end of the baton should be in his left hand; the other end should be tucked under his left arm. These instructions do not apply to the Marshal of the Commission in the DeMolay Degree. “Conduct” in that Degree may mean “escort” of “accompany”.

Prayers: During prayers, all Active DeMolays (except the Chaplain and Marshal) kneel facing the Altar. An Active DeMolay kneels on his left knee, his right elbow resting on his right knee, his forehead resting in his right hand as shown, his left hand around his right elbow. The Chaplain kneels at the Altar on both knees both hands palms down on the Holy Bible, body erect, and head slightly turned up; eyes may be opened or closed. The Marshal, all Senior DeMolays, Advisors, and all Master Masons (who are not Active DeMolays) remain standing facing the Altar. Active DeMolays kneel and rise in unison with the Chaplain. Special rules are here set forth for two Officers: The Marshal and the Standard Bearer, in particular instances: (1) the Marshal in the formation of the Triangle kneels with the other Officers. If the Marshal is carrying a baton, he kneels placing the baton across his right leg, behind his right elbow; (2) the Standard Bearer does not kneel during the prayer in the Initiatory Degree Opening Ceremony.

Forms of Address: An Active DeMolay who is not an Officer of the Chapter is addressed by the title “Brother” followed by his last name. An Officer of the Chapter is addressed by the title “Brother” followed by the title of his office. An Advisor is addressed by the title “Dad” followed by his last name. A Senior DeMolay who is not an Advisor is addressed by the title “Brother” followed by his last name. A Master Mason who is not an Advisor or an Active DeMolay is addressed by the title “Mister” followed by his last name.

Parts: Any Active DeMolay may perform the part of Master Councilor in an initiation, the part does not necessarily have to be performed by the regularly installed Master Councilor.



Room arrangement, Floor movements

Room arrangement

The Ritual of Secret Work of the Order of DeMolav is the official standard for all ceremonial work of the Order. It presumes the existence of ideal conditions for the presentation of the work. In those instances, in which the Chapter room or meeting hall impose physical limitations, the Chapter may make the adjustments necessary, so long as the adhere as closely as feasible to this official standard.

For example: Some Chapters may find it necessary to place 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Preceptors on the South side of the room and 4th, 5th, 6th arid 7th on the North side.

If the door through which most Officers, members and others normally enter the Chapter room is not located at the point indicated as “A” on Diagram One, the Junior Deacon and Sentinel would necessarily be relocated to that door to enable them to control access.

Floor movements

All floor movements should be made in a clockwise direction except when specifically noted otherwise. The shaded area represents a walking band which is always wide enough for two Officers to walk side by side. All Officers’ movements about the Chapter room are directed by the letters on the diagram. X is the station of the Officer(s) being directed. Z is the point on the walking band nearest the station of the Officer(s) being directed.

An Officer directed to move X Z, moves directly forward from his station to the walking band, except The Councelors, Scribe and Treasurer will move by the most direct route to walking band, but around the pedestals or desks in their paths. An Officer directed to move Z X returns to his station by retracing his X Z route.

Floor movement examples: Movements of Chaplain and Marshal from their stations by way of the South to the West side of the Altar would be noted thus: Ch. and Mar. move X Z I J. Their return from the West side of the Altar by way of North to their stations would be noted: Ch. and Mar. move J K V Z X.




Opening Ceremony


Officers form outside Chapter room as shown in Diagram Two. Mar enters through door B. moves E S R, faces West. Remaining Officers enter and form Triangle as shown in Diagram Three. When Triangle is completely formed, Mar nods head slightly and all Officers, including Mar., kneel for a few moments of silent prayer

Suggested music cue: (play when there is movement)

M.C.: Amen.

All Officers rise. Mar faces South, moves R Q I J. As Mar. turns at point I, M.C. faces North and takes one step to his right, thereby leaving opening for Mar. Mar. conducts M.C. J K V U. M.C. crosses in front of Mar, and goes to his station. Immediately after M.C. crosses in front of him, Mar. moves U Z X; simultaneously Mar and M.C. face West.

M.C.: * (rap)

Mar. remains standing.

M.C.: The Officers will take their stations and this Chapter will come to order.

Remaining Officers leave Triangle and go to stations. When all Officers are at their stations,

M.C.: * (rap)

Officers except M.C. sit down.

M.C.: Brother Marshal, you will see that all present are members of the Order of DeMolay or visitors.

Suggested music cue.

Mar. moves X Z C E V U, faces M.C.

Mar.: Brother Master Councilor, all present are members of the Order of DeMolay or visitors.

Mar. moves U Z X, faces West.
M.C.: * (rap)
Mar. sits down

M.C.: Brother Junior Deacon, you will see that the Sentinel is on duty and direct him to guard us from intrusion.

J.D. moves to A

J.D.: * * (2 raps)

Sen.: * * (2 raps)
J.D. opens door:
Brother Sentinel, this Chapter is about to be opened and the Master Councilor directs you to guard us from intrusion.

Sen.: The Master Councilor’s order will be obeyed.
J.D. closes door, * (rap).

Sen.: * (rap)

JD. moves to X, faces M.C.

J.D.: Brother Master Councilor, this Chapter is safe from interruption.

M.C.: * (rap)

J.D. sits down.

M.C.: Will all Senior DeMolays, Advisors, and Master Masons who are not Active DeMolays please rise. Dad ... the Chapter Advisor or another Advisory Council member, can you vouch for these Senior DeMolays, Advisors, and Master Masons.

Adv.: Brother Master Councilor, I can.

M.C.: Advisors please be seated; guests please remain standing. Gentlemen, I take pleasure in welcoming you as guests of  ... Chapter, Order of DeMolay. We deeply appreciate the interest which your visit proves and we know that it is not inspired by mere curiosity. I need hardly ask that you keep secret anything you may witness here which your judgment tells you should not be disclosed. We hope you will visit us frequently and enjoy this visit exceedingly.

* (rap)

Guests take seats.



Pledge of Secrecy for Adults not Masons and not Senior DeMolays


The following Pledge of Secrecy shall be given to all adults who are not Master Masons, advisors or Senior DeMolays immediately before witnessing the Secret Work. After the pledge of secrecy has been given and non-Masonic adults have been seared, the Master Councilor shall proceed. If there are no non-Masonic adults present, this portion may be omitted.

From the East, the Master Councilor shall perform the following.

M.C.: Before proceeding with our Ceremony, we request all adults who are not Master Masons, Advisors, or Senior DeMolays, and who are attending a DeMolay meeting for the first time to assume a Pledge of Secrecy. You will please rise for the pledge.

Unobligated non-Masonic adults and non-Senior DeMolays rise. The Chapter Advisor rises and repeats pledge with visitors.

M.C.: You will place your right hand over your heart and repeat after me. In the presence of God and these witnesses, I solemnly affirm on my honor, that I will never divulge, the transactions of any Chapter, of the Order of DeMolay, or the Ceremonies of the Order, to anyone not entitled thereto; that I will encourage the fidelity, of every member of the Order of DeMolay, by faithful observance of this pledge.

* rap.

M.C.: You may now be seated.

M.C.: Brother Deacons, you will approach the East.

J.D. moves X Z T and goes toward U; simultaneously, S.D moves

X Z and toward U until they are within approximately 3 feet of each other. Both simultaneously face M.C.

M.C.: Brother Deacons, you will collect the word of the day.

Suggested music cue.

Deacons collect the word and grip of the Initiatory Degree (not step, sign and token) from each Active DeMolay, except the Councilors, starting with Standard Bearer and Chaplain respectively.

J.D. collects from those on South side; S.D. collects from those on North side. Deacons keep watch on each other’s pace so that they arrive at the West end of the room at the same time. When Deacons have finished collecting the word, J.D. moves to door A, S.D. moves to door B. J.D. moves A I J; S.D. moves B K J; both face M.C.

S.D.: Brother Master Councilor, the word of the day is ...

Deacons give step, sign and token, in three separate movements which are returned by M.C. in three separate movements. S.D. moves 1K Z X, faces West. Simultaneously J.D. moves J I Z X, faces East. Both remain standing.

M.C. * * (2 raps)

All other Officers rise.

M.C.: Brother Senior Councilor, why did you seek admission to this Order?

S.C.: To join with those who are dedicated to the clean and manly youth which is the best preparation for the duties of afterlife

M.C.: What are the qualifications for membership?

S.C.: To be vouched for by one as worthy of comradeship.

M.C.: Who are the Officers of a Chapter?

S.C.: The Master Councilor, Senior Councilor, Junior Councilor, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Stewards, Orator, Scribe, Treasurer, Sentinel Chaplain, Marshal, Standard Bearer, Almoner, and Preceptors.

M.C.: Where is the station of the Sentinel?

S.C.: At the outer door.

M.C.: Where is the station of the Junior Deacon?

S.C.: At the inner door, inside the Chapter room.

M.C.: Brother Junior Deacon, what is your duty?

J.D.: To guard the inner door and allow none to enter who is not vouched for by the Sentinel

M.C.: How is entrance secured?

J.D.: By two raps, answered with the same number.

M.C.: Why by two raps?

J.D.: To teach those without a two-fold deliberation before they seek admission and to teach those within to use double caution before granting it.

M.C.: Where is the station of the Senior Deacon?

J.D.: At your right.

M.C.: Brother Senior Deacon, what is your duty?

S.D.: To assist the Councilors in opening and closing this Chapter and to conduct candidates through the ceremony of initiation.

M.C.: Where is the station of the Master Councilor?

S.D.: In the East.

M.C.: Why does he sit in the East?

S.D.: As it is a symbol of the rising sun and the morn of life.

M.C.: Where is the station of the Junior Councilor?

S.D.: In the South

M.C.: Brother Junior Councilor, why do you sit in the South?

J.C.: As a symbol of the meridian sun or the noon of life emblematic of manhood’s approaching years.

M.C.: Where is the station of the Senior Councilor?

J.C.: In the West.

M.C.: Brother Senior Councilor, why do you sit in the West?

S.C.: As a symbol of the setting sun and the eve of life emblematic of the night that ushers in the everlasting day

M.C.: Brother Senior Deacon, you will attend at the Altar.

Suggested music cue.

S.D. moves X Z M Candle 1, lights it and then lights others in order crossing between the Altar and the East as he does so. M.C. begins following speech as S.D. begins to light Candle 1. M.C. and S.D. coordinate speech and actions so that Candle 7 is lit just as M.C. concludes speech.

M.C.: Our forefathers were well aware that religious liberty, represented by the Holy Bible, civil liberty, represented by the flag of our country, and intellectual liberty, represented by the school books, must go hand in hand in order to be effective. Around these bulwarks, the Order of DeMolay places seven candles which are symbolic of the seven cardinal virtues of a DeMolay filial love, reverence for sacred things, courtesy, comradeship, fidelity, cleanness and patriotism. As the light from these candles permeates this Chapter room, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.

S.D. moves from Candle 7 J K Z X, faces West.

M.C.: Brother Senior Steward, you will open the Holy Bible on the Altar.
 * * * (3 raps).

All stand.

S.S. moves X Z G J. He kneels on both knees, opens Holy Bible reverently and slowly, rises, takes one step back. lf a bible marker is used, the marker remains in the position described in the General Instructions.

S.S.: I open the Holy Bible on our Altar as a symbol of the religious liberty we enjoy and to remind us of the never-ceasing love of our Heavenly Father.

S.S. does about-face and moves I G Z X.
Brother Junior Steward, you will place the school books on the Altar.

J.S. picks up school books, moves X Z G I. He places school books on Northeast corner of Altar and takes one step back. Where Altar is too large for J.S. to reach across it comfortably, he may step to North side of Altar to place the school books. He should return to point I and take one step back before speaking.

J.S.: I place the school books on our Altar as a symbol of intellectual liberty and to remind us that the public schools are the foundation of our country's greatness.

J.S. does about-face and moves I G Z X.

M.C.: Brother Standard Bearer, you will present the flag of our country at the Altar.

S.B. moves directly to flag.
Brethren, you will stand at attention and salute our flag.

Standing at attention means that a person stands with head and body erect facing the flag. As the flag moves, the head and body are moved so that the person always faces the flag. S.B. carries the flag with left hand high--right hand low--on the flag staff, with the staff extending past his right side.

In The United States of America, the salute is defined as follows:

Placing the right hand over the heart with fingers joined. A person

(other than one in military uniform) whose head is covered removes

his headgear and holds it over his heart with his right hand.

As S.B. picks up flag, all persons salute the flag. The salute is dropped when S.B. stops West of the Altar

The same salute is made during the pledge to the flag. The same salute is again made when the S.B. starts to leave the Altar and is dropped when the SB. has replaced the flag in its stand. S.B. does not salute the flag at any time.

Suggested music cue.

S.B. moves from flag standard Z T F G, faces Altar and moves toward it until he is about 6 feet from point I, but so that there is enough space for the Mar. and Ch. to move between him and the Altar. All except S.B. repeat in unison the pledge to the flag. It is strongly urged that the pledge be followed immediately with the singing of the national anthem or another appropriate patriotic song. S.B. does not sing.

M.C.: Brethren, join me in saluting and pledging allegiance to the flag.

ALL: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

M.C.: Brother Chaplain, you wilt lead us in prayer.

Ch., conducted by Mar., moves X Z I J. As Ch. and Mar. leave their stations, all Active DeMolays in the East and the S.C. and J.C. descend to the floor level. Lights are dimmed.

Mar. and Ch. halt at point J. Man takes one further step North.

Both face East; Ch. takes one step toward Altar; simultaneously

Mar. takes one step backward away from Altar.

M.C.: Active DeMolays will kneel on left knee. All others will remain standing.

Active DeMolays, except Mar. and S.B. kneel as Ch. kneels.

Ch.: Our Father, Who art in Heaven, we humbly pray that Thou wilt look with favor upon our efforts to do Thy will during these morning years of our lives, that when the noontime comes we may look back upon a work well done. Wilt Thou help us to live clean and manly lives in Thy sight in preparation for the meridian years of manhood. Help us to be good sons, loyal comrades, junior citizens of our great country, and worthy of the commendation of all good men. Amen.

ALL: Amen.

Active DeMolays rise as Ch. rises. Lights raised to full. Ch. takes one step backward away from Altar; simultaneously Mar. takes one step forward. Both face North. Ch. takes one step forward to Mar's side. Ch. conducted by Man moves J K V Z, Ch. crosses in front of Mar. and moves X, stands facing his station. Mar. moves Z X and both Ch. and Mar. simultaneously face West. As Ch. and Mar. leave Altar, all Active DeMolays who were in the East and S.C. and J.C. return to daises. When Ch. and Mar. are at their stations, S.B. does about-face, moves G H V then directly to flag standard and replaces flag in its stand, then directly to X, and faces West.

M.C.: I now declare ... Chapter, Order of DeMolay, open on the Initiatory Degree on the step of greeting, the sign of welcome, the token of brotherhood, and the word of emulation, “DeMolay”.

Step, sign, token in three separate movements and word are given by each Active DeMolay (including the M.C.) as M.C. refers to it.

M.C.: * (rap)

All sit down except J.D.

M.C.: Brother Junior Deacon, inform the Sentinel that this Chapter is open on the Initiatory Degree.

J.D. moves to A.

J.D.: * * (2 raps)

Sen.: * * (2 raps)

J.D. opens door

J.D.: Brother Sentinel, this Chapter is open on the Initiatory Degree.

J. D. closes door

J.D.: * (rap)

Sen.: * (rap)

J. D. moves to X, faces M.C.

J.D.: Brother Master Councilor, the Sentinel is on guard and we are safe from interruption.

M.C.: * (rap)

J. D. sits down.



Initiatory Degree


Before the degree begins, candidates should be prepared and waiting in the room outside door B. Also before the degree begins, the Crown of Youth should be placed on a stand at or in the East and the Jewels distributed to the preceptors.

The candidates may or may not be hoodwinked, at the Chapter’s option. The candidates should be instructed in a brief outline of what is to take place in the Degree. If hoodwinks are used, the candidates should be instructed that someone will walk with them and that their right hand is to be placed on the shoulder of the candidate in front of them; further, they should be instructed in the manner in which the obligation will be administered.

If the Chapter uses hoodwinks, the following paragraph must be given to the candidates by a member of the chapter just prior to being blindfolded, and AFTER the above informanon has been explained.

Mem.: During your initiation into DeMolay, you will be presented with many symbols or ideas that will be new to you. You are beginning a symbolic journey about which you know little. In a way, you are in darkness about what you will be doing. As you proceed, you will gain information and knowledge that will enable you to understand our ceremonies more deafly. To symbolize your lack of knowledge about DeMolay, you will be blindfolded during the early part of the ceremony.

Of course, you will have DeMolays with you during the blindfolded portion of the ceremony to see that you do not stumble or fall. As we have already explained, our ceremonies are serious and sincere. No foolishness will take place at any time.

Do you have any questions or concerns about this?

Candidates are given a chance to question. Any expressed concerns must be treated with seriousness and in an appropriate manner.

If any candidate still expresses concerns about the blindfold, the chapter should acknowledge this concern, and proceed with that candidate not blindfolded.

M.C.: Brother Scribe, are there any waiting to be initiated into our Order?

Scr.: Brother Master Councilor, there are in waiting several strangers who desire to become friends and Brothers in our work.

M.C. * (rap).

Scribe sits down.

M.C.: Brother Marshal, you will repair with the Stewards...

Stewards rise.

M.C.: ...and prepare the candidates.

Suggested music cue.

J.D. or other appropriately instructed Officer; or an Advisor; may dim the lights. Mar moves X Z I J. Stewards simultaneously move X Z G then toward J, coming up on either side of the Mar, three abreast. Only the Stewards give step, sign and token in three separate movements. When they are in position, M.C. returns the step, sign, and token in three separate movements; all drop same together. Stewards then take one step back and Mar and Stewards simultaneously face North; move from J to K in a triangle. When they reach K, they stop and face West. Mar steps between Stewards. When he is one pace in front of them, Mar and Stewards move simultaneously K B. Stewards remain behind Mar. Mar opens door. He addresses candidates so that he may be heard distinctly by them and by all in the Chapter room. Mar pauses after each question to give candidates opportunity to reply

Mar.: My friends, I have been directed by the Master Councilor to prepare you for the ceremony of initiation. I wish to make it very clear, before you are admitted to the Chapter room, that nothing will occur during the ceremony in the form of levity or which will excite your mirth. You must approach the door of our Chapter in a serious frame of mind realizing that the solemn purpose of all our ceremonies is to impress upon your minds great truths of right living to aid you in deserving the good opinion of all right-thinking men.

Before you knock at the door of our Chapter room, I must ask you certain questions, upon your answers to which your admission will depend.

Do you assert upon your honor that you are not prompted to seek admission to our Order by idle curiosity?

Cand. (Reply)

Mar.: Do you assert upon your honor that you are not inspired by an unworthy desire to be exclusive by belonging to a secret order?

Cand. (Reply)

Mar.: Do you declare upon your honor that your only purpose is to join with your fellows in trying to make each other better and to do good?

Cand. (Reply)

Mar.: Do you declare upon your honor that you will faithfully follow all instructions given to you, keep all secrets entrusted to you, and work loyally with us in carrying out our purposes, when I assure you upon my own honor that nothing will be asked of you contrary to the demands of honor, justice and patriotism?

Cand. (Reply)

Mar.: Do you declare upon your honor that you will obey and uphold the laws of your city, state and country, and the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of DeMolay International, and any Chapter of the Order of DeMolay of which you may become a member?

Cand. (Reply)

Mar.: Your answers being satisfactory, I will recommend your admission to the Master Councilor of our Chapter. Brother Stewards, you will take charge of the candidates.

Stewards leave Chapter room and take charge of the candidates. DeMolays and/or Advisors who have been outside in charge of the candidates until this point may enter and take seats informally

Mar closes the door, moves B K J, faces East.

Mar.: Brother Master Councilor, the candidates have answered in the proper manner the essential queries and are now prepared for initiation.

M.C.: It is well.

Mar moves J K V Z X, faces West.

M.C.: * (rap)

Mar sits down.

When S.S. is satisfied candidates are ready...

S.S. *: * (2 raps)

S.D.: Brother Master Councilor, the candidates are in readiness.

M.C.: Brother Senior Deacon, you will take charge of the candidates.

S.D. moves X Z B.

S.D. * * (2 raps)

S.D. opens door: Brother Stewards, who are these who knock at the door of our Chapter room?

S.S.: They are strangers who desire to become friends and Brothers in our work.

S.D.: You will enter.

S.D. and Stewards conduct candidates along North walking band as necessary to bring all candidates inside Chapter room. Multiple lines of candidates may be used. In conducting candidates, S.D. and Stewards should be as actively helpful to them as necessary. In so doing, Stewards are not required to remain in any fixed position along the line of candidates. S.D., however; should normally stay at head of the line unless he needs to leave it to be helpful to the candidates. J.S. closes door after candidates have entered.

Suggested music cue.

* * * * * * (Gong is struck 7 times)

This should be done in solemn cadence, with an impressive pause between each stroke of the gong. The striking of the gong should be timed so that the first stroke is heard as soon as the first candidate enters and the last stroke is heard as close as possible to the entry of the last candidate, without destroying the solemn pace of the strokes.

S.D.: My friends, your desire to join us in our labors in behalf of clean and manly living has already made you friends. If, after fuller explanation of our purposes, you still desire to unite with us, we shall be happy to greet you in the closer circle of our comradeship

The great aim of our Order is to teach and practice the virtues of clean, upright, patriotic and reverent living as the best preparation for the manhood we are approaching. We are earnestly striving to be better sons, better Brothers and better friends, that when we reach the years of manhood we may be better men. Do you desire to dedicate yourselves to these ideals of good sonship and good citizenship?

Cand. (Reply)

S.D.: Then I will conduct you to the Master Councilor who will instruct you more fully in the purposes of our Order.

Suggested music cue.

S.D. and Stewards conduct candidates from whatever point they are on the walking band to band T V and center them at point U. When all are in position, all face M.C.

S.D.: Brother Master Councilor, I present those who were strangers but are now friends and who desire to be joined to us in the comradeship of our Chapter.

M.C.: My friends, I welcome you to this Chapter and trust that you will find both pleasure and profit in your fellowship here. The Senior Deacon has outlined briefly the purposes of our Order. We claim no superiority over those outside our circle but believe that we can be of aid to each other by counsel and assistance in living lives that will repay in some measure the sacrifices our parents have made for us, in our homes, in serving God, and in planning for the heritage of the citizenship that awaits us Do you still desire to Join with us in this work and to extend to all your Brothers the same aid and counsel they extend to you?

Cand. (Reply)

M.C.: Then you will be conducted to the Altar where you will take upon yourselves pledges to which you cannot be false without the basest dishonor which would deserve the contempt of all good men.

Suggested music cue.

S.D and Stewards conduct candidates U T I J and face East, arranging them appropriately at the Altar. All candidates should remain standing until M.C. instructs them to kneel. M.C. moves Z R.

M.C.: Brother Senior Councilor, you will call the Officers to line.

S.C. * (rap)

S.C. * * (2 raps)

All Officers rise.

S.C. *: * * (3 raps)

All in room rise.

Suggested music cue.

Lights should be extinguished, leaving only candles burning and Altar spot, if any, on full Officers except Stewards begin moving to form Shield as shown on Diagrams Seven and Eight. Stewards do not move unto Shield positions until after candidates have been assisted to kneel at instruction from M.C. When the class is small enough, all candidates should kneel at the Altar.

M.C.: My friends, you will kneel on both knees.
Stewards assist candidates to kneel.

M.C.: You will place your right hand on the Holy Bible or on the shoulder of the one in front of you.

Stewards assist candidates to place their right hand on the Holy Bible or on the shoulder of the one in front of them, then take their positions in Shield.

M.C.: You will say “I’

M.C. pauses while this is done.
Speak your name..

M.C. pauses while this is done.
... and repeat after me.
M.C. pauses after each phrase of convenient length in the Obligation, to give candidates an opportunity to repeat it. A diagonal is placed at suggested points for pausing, but M.C. should understand that he may phrase as he chooses: In the presence of God,  and with my right hand upon His holy word,  on my honor,  as one who holds his pledged word sacred, do solemnly promise,  that I will keep all the secrets,  entrusted to me by this Order.

I promise that I will henceforth honestly and earnestly strive to be a better son than I have ever been before, doing all in my power to repay the love and care my parents have devoted to me.

I promise that I will live a clean and moral life, keeping my body free from dissipation and my mind free from the uncleanness that defiles and debauches youth.

I promise that I will love and serve God as a devout worshipper at the shrine of faith and that I will serve my fellowmen in the spirit of the universal brotherhood.

I promise that I will give to my country an unswerving allegiance, defending her honor with my life it need be, her flag, my flag, and her cause, my cause, and that I will obey the laws of my city, state and nation.

I promise that I will combat every agency that is hostile to my country’s highest good and that I will consecrate my utmost endeavors to the defense of civil, religious, political and intellectual liberty, holding the public school to be the cradle of American liberties and freedom of conscience, an American’s precious blessing

I promise that I will revere the memory of Jacques DeMolay who gave up his life rather than betray his brethren and the trust they reposed in him, and never willingly or knowingly will I do anything which would unfit me for the commendation of al good men.

I promise that I will be ever loyal to a Brother of this Order; that I will never cheat or wrong him; that I will seek to aid him in time of trouble and need; and will always remain silent if I cannot speak a good word for him in the presence of the uninitiated.

I promise that I will honor womanhood; that I will never be guilty of defaming the character of any woman; nor will I permit harm to come to the sister or mother of a member of this Order if it is in my power to prevent it.

So help me God!
Stewards move from Shield positions to assist candidates to rise.
You will arise.

If hoodwinks have been used, they are removed by Stewards at this time.

M.C.: You will seal your vows by kissing the Holy Bible.

Deacons and Stewards see that each candidate kisses the Holy Bible.

It is most appropriate to have each candidate come forward and kiss the Holy Bible on the Altar However; in a very large class where thus would be too time-consuming, the Deacons and Stewards may pass small hand Bibles among the candidates. When all candidates have kissed the Bible, lights are slowly raised to full. Deacons and Stewards return to Shield positions.

M.C.: I now extend to you the right hand of comradeship.

M.C. moves around South side of Altar and shakes hand of each new Brother. M.C. then returns to his station by moving from approximately J to K V U Z X, faces West.

M.C. * (rap)
Suggested music cue.

Officers break Shield according to instructions for Diagram Seven. Stewards stand by candidates. When all other Officers are back at their stations...

M.C. * (rap)

... all Officers except Deacons and Stewards sit down.

Deacons move from positions to S R and Q R, respectively until they are approximately 3 feet apart and stand facing each other; but at an angle which makes it easy for the new Brothers to see their demonstration. Deacons illustrate step, sign, token and grip as each is described by M.C. and again as M.C. describes the symbolism of each.

M.C.: I will now instruct you in the secrets of our Order which are few in number, but which you have just sworn you will not disclose outside the Chapter. The step is made by placing the left foot in advance of the right, as though about to greet someone. The sign is made by extending the right hand forward, as though about to grasp him by the hand. The token is made by extending the left hand forward shoulder high, as though about to place it on the shoulder of the one greeted.

The word of emulation is -- DeMolay.
Deas.: DeMolay
Deacons drop step, sign and token.

M.C.: The grip of the Order is given by taking the hand in a casual manner and pressing the thumb sharply between the thumb and first finger twice, then once immediately afterwards.

Deacons demonstrate grip.

M.C.: The step is emblematic of our eagerness to greet a friend or welcome a stranger. The sign typifies the clasp of friendship and the helping hand of assistance. The token is the brotherly hand we would place upon the shoulder of one who sorrows.

Deacons drop step, sign and token.

M.C.: The word of emulation is the name of the great hero and martyr whose name we have taken and teaches us to emulate his heroic example.

The grip alludes to the three principal Officers of a Chapter, also to our duties to God, our parents and our country and to the wisdom of the ancient injunction that we should think twice before speaking once.

Deacons demonstrate grip once again.

M.C.: The sign of distress is made by crossing the arms across the chest and should be given only in time of distress.

J.D. illustrates sign of distress.

M.C.: The Brother going to the aid of a Brother in need should say, “Are you in trouble?”

S.D.: Are you in trouble?

M.C.: The Brother should reply, “I am a DeMolay.”

J.D.: I am a DeMolay.

J.D. drops sign of distress.

M.C.: And now my Brothers, I will place you in the charge of the Senior Deacon who will conduct you on a journey which will symbolize the labor of a day and the pathway of human life.

J.D. moves R Q X X, faces East. Simultaneously S.D. moves R S K and toward J until he is near candidates, faces North.

M.C. * (rap)

J.D. sits down and S.D., Stewards and candidates step off toward

K, thence V U, face M.C.

M.C.: I place in your keeping this symbolic Crown of Youth which you will wear until you exchange it for the Crown of Manhood.

S.D. ascends to dais, but does not kneel. M.C. hands Crown of Youth to S.D. who returns to floor level, faces M.C..

M.C.: You are starting from the East, emblematic of the morning of life. Ere you reach the symbolic South, emblematic of the noon of the day and the manhood years of life, you will be instructed in the seven cardinal virtues of our Order. I commend you to the preceptors in charge of the seven symbolic jewels in the Crown of Youth and may God speed and guard you on your way.

The symbolic journey consists of a procession, led by the S.D. bearing the Crown of Youth, followed by the new Brothers conducted by the Stewards, which moves seven times around the Chapter Room via U T C E V At the end of each circuit, the procession stops in front of a preceptor - 1 P through 7 P in succession.

Leaving the East, procession’s destination is 1 P and it moves U T C E V to 1 P; 1 P stands when it passes directly in front of him. Leaving 1 P. procession’s destination is 2 P and it moves C E V T to 2 P. 2 P stands when it passes directly in front of him in that circuit. When 2 P stands, 1 P sits down. Pattern is same for all preceptors in sequence except that 7 P sits when procession first passes 1 P after leaving 7 P.

S.D. leads procession far enough past each preceptor to position new Brothers in front of preceptor Stewards face new Brothers toward preceptor as S.D. moves to preceptors left side. When all are properly positioned, S.D kneels on left knee and holds up Crown of Youth so preceptor can easily place jewel in Crown. Preceptor says first full sentence of his speech, places jewel in the Crown of Youth, continues speech to completion. S.D. rises, returns to head of procession as Stewards position new Brothers for procession, leads it to next destination.

At the Chapter’s option, a preceptor part may be given by any other officer; and the symbolic journey may be redesigned to best accommodate the officers used. If seven separate preceptors are not available, a SUGGESTED option is for up to seven of the other

officers to give the preceptor parts after assembling east of the altar -- each officer positioning himself in front of a candlestick and placing a jewel in the crown as it is presented to him prior to delivering the appropriate preceptor’s part. Another suggested option is placing the Crown of Youth on a pedestal near the altar and having each designated preceptor present his part within the candles.

Suggested music cue. (Play during circuit between Preceptors)

1 P: I place in the Crown of Youth the jewel of filial love. No virtue so becomes the young man who has passed the protected years of child and boy. It has been inculcated by poets and prophets, teachers and philosophers, ever since God Himself wrote on the tablets of stone the command: “Honor thy father and thy mother.” We have reached the age when we are prone to forget the sacrifices our parents have made for us, when possibly we are ashamed to display the affection that all right-thinking sons feel in their hearts. We are eager to enter upon the inheritance of our manhood; yet there is nothing effeminate in the home loving, mother-loving, father-loving young man, gratefully remembering the debt he can never repay, but striving to pay it in thoughtful consideration, courtesy, affectionate and dutiful obedience. May this jewel in the Crown of Youth never be tarnished by disobedience or selfish neglect, but grow brighter as the years go by.

2 P: I place in the Crown of Youth the jewel of reverence for sacred things. As we are all sons of earthly parents, so are we the children of the Universal Father. My Brothers, in our Chapter we teach no religious creed. Your religious opinions are your own. But we do earnestly enjoin upon you the sacredness of faith, the beauty of a humble reliance on the goodness of God. Let us strive to be true to this universal sonship. The world respects most of all the young man who has strong religious convictions and who has the courage of a high moral standard based on a profound acknowledgment of the fact that from God all earthly blessings flow. I en join you to delight in the companionship of the devout, not only to frequent the holy places of worship but to carry their teachings into your daily lives. May this jewel shine brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.

3 P: I place in the Crown of Youth the jewel of courtesy. Our mystic seven are not enough to include all the cardinal virtues that round out and complete a human character, but certainly courtesy cannot be omitted from the list --courtesy toward our parents, courtesy toward the stranger, courtesy toward the aged, courtesy toward all women, courtesy toward our friends and all with whom we come in contact. We are all guilty of the fault of reserving our greatest politeness for friends and even strangers and laying aside in the home that refinement and consideration which are the foundation of the social graces. No man, young or old, is really refined who is not courteous and whose courtesy is not natural instead of being artificial and assumed.

4 P: I place in the Crown of Youth the jewel of comradeship. To be a friend tried and true is to display a virtue which adorns our humanity. History is glorified by the friendships of David and Jonathan, of Damon and Pythias, and other historic comrades But history has not volumes large enough to record the names of the unknown millions of friends who were true and faithful unto death. Their heroic loyalty glorifies our human nature and sets an example worthy of our emulation. No man, young or old, can enjoy a higher honor than to be valued as a friend and trusted as a Brother. The Crown of Youth is not complete without the jewel representing this splendid virtue.

5 P: I place in the Crown of Youth the jewel of fidelity. We have taken upon our lips the name of a great hero and martyr of history who gave up his life rather than betray the trust reposed in him. We may never be called upon to face such a trial as he endured, but we may be called upon to give our lives in defense of our country, and even to sacrifice them to save a human being. But far this side of these great crises, we are called upon every day to be faithful to trusts reposed in us, faithful to ideals we have professed, faithful to our friends, faithful to obligations we have assumed. You know that the young man whose word is as good as his bond, who can be absolutely relied upon to fulfill his promises, if humanly possible, enjoys the esteem and confidence of all men I commend to you this virtue and urge you not to lose sight of its vital importance merely because you are not called upon to face some great drama of sacrifice.

6 P: I place in the Crown of Youth the jewel of cleanness -- cleanness in thought, word and deed. We all abhor the foul-mouthed, the obscene, the dissipated and the immoral young man, who anticipates the years of his

manhood by indulging in habits which leave him weakened in body, enfeebled in mind and debased in heart and soul. But we must guard against the more insidious faults which lead imperceptibly to these great moral sins. Let us guard our tongues from taking the name of God in vain, against irreverence of all kinds, against the lesser oaths that lead to blasphemy, against the cheap vulgarity of unclean jests. Let us guard our bodies from all those milder dissipations which retard their development and impair their strength, holding them as the heritage of the future, a sacred trust not to be betrayed. Let us above all guard our hearts from that uncleanness which the Psalmist had in mind when he prayed: “Create in me a clean heart, O God.” A clean mind in a clean body is the best equipment for the clean manhood upon which clean citizenship depends.

7 P: I place in the Crown of Youth the jewel of patriotism. Thousands of young men hardly older than ourselves have proved their heroic devotion to their country by offering their lives in defense of its honor. Many of them have made the supreme sacrifice and have helped win the blessings which we now enjoy. In all the crises of the nation’s history, youth has risen up as its defender. In your very veins flows patriotic blood. But let me urge upon you this thought: that there is a patriotism of peace as well as a heroism of war and that good citizenship is the only opportunity peace affords for the display of this virtue. We are on the threshold of the duties and responsibilities of manhood and I commend to you most earnestly the virtue of good citizenship -- that patriotism which will make you live worthily for your country as well as die bravely for it if the need shall come.

*** (3 raps). National Anthem. * (rap)

S.D. and Stewards conduct new Brothers from 7 P V T L, face J.C. S D. does not kneel.

J.C.: My Brothers, you are at the symbolic South, emblematic of the mid-hour of rest, refreshment and meditation, when you pause and contemplate the labors of the half-completed day. But in a more vital sense, the South is emblematic of the noon of life, when you approach the years of manhood -- when half your years lie behind you and half before. Theoretically you have toiled zealously in the practice of the virtues enjoined upon you by the custodians of the seven symbolic jewels in the Crown of Youth. As the meridian hour of the day reminds the toiler that the labor of the afternoon must still be performed, so at the South you are to pause and reflect upon the solemn tasks of the manhood that awaits you.

You will now be conducted to the West, where you will receive further instruction.

S.D. and Stewards conduct new Brothers L C D, face S.C. S.D. does nor kneel. J.C. sits down, S.C rises.

S.C.: My Brothers, the West is symbolic of the setting sun and the eve of life, emblematic at once of the end of the day’s toil and of the closing years of your earthly pilgrimage, the night that is to be followed by the day that shall never end. Do not think that it is untimely to impress upon the minds of those who are just beginning the journey of life the twilight and evening years. For though the morning sun is still far from the zenith and the meridian sun is East of South, the wisest young man is he who looks well to the ending of the journey as well as to its beginning. When you reach the evening of your lives, may you be able to look back upon a long and happy journey, filled with memories of duties well performed, the Western sky glowing with the promise of the everlasting morning. You will now be conducted to the East for final instruction.

S.D. and Stewards conducr new Brothers D E V U, face M.C. S.C. sits down, M.C. rises.

M.C.: My Brothers, you have completed the symbolic journey and I now receive back from you the Crown of Youth which I trust you have worthily worn.

S.D. ascends to dais and, without kneeling, hands Crown of Youth back to M.C. S.D. returns to floor level, faces M.C.

M.C.: In a few short years, you will lay it aside for the Crown of Manhood whose brightness will depend upon the fidelity of your stewardship as wearers of the Crown of Youth. You will later have conferred upon you the DeMolay Degree.

M.C.: Brother Senior Deacon, you will escort the new Brothers to seats.

The S.D and Stewards escort the new Brothers to seats.

M.C. * (rap)

All sit down

It is permissible for the M.C. to instruct the new Brothers in the proper response to the gavel and in the method of kneeling.



Closing Ceremony


M.C.: Brethren, is there anything further to come before this Chapter?

M.C. pauses ro give Brethren opportunity to bring up further business. When further business, if any, has been disposed of he repeats the foregoing question. When there is no further business...

M.C. * * (2 raps)

Officers rise.

M.C.: None appearing, I shall proceed to close. Brethren, sitting in the East, symbol of the rising sun and the morn of life, I have learned the great lesson that we are at the threshold of the years of preparation when we must lay the foundation on which the future must be built. Brother Junior Councilor, what have you learned sitting in the South?

J.C.: With my eyes on the meridian sun, I have learned that we are approaching the noontime of life, when half our years lie behind us and half before, with opportunities still remaining to do good and to be better.

M.C.: Brother Senior Councilor, what have you learned sitting in the West?

S.C.: With my eyes on the setting sun, symbol of the evening of life, I have learned that the night of life is but the herald of the everlasting day.

M.C. * * * (3 raps)

All stand.
Brother Chaplain, you will lead us in prayer.

Ch., conducted by Mar, moves X Z I J. As Ch. and Mar leave their stations, all Active DeMolays in the East and S.C. and J.C. descend to the floor level. Lights are dimmed.

Mar and Ch. halt at point J. Mar takes one further step North.

Both face East: Ch. takes one step toward Altar; simultaneously

Mar takes one step backward away from Altar

M.C.: Active DeMolays will kneel on left knee. All others will remain standing.

Active DeMolays except Mar kneel as Ch. kneels.

Ch.: Our Father, as sons of loving and indulgent parents, we invoke Thy divine blessing upon all the fathers and mothers of our country and of all the world, and wilt Thou pour out a special blessing for our mothers who have watched over us with unceasing care during all the years of our lives. We ask Thy benediction upon all who labor for the relief of suffering and need. May we ever realize that we are brothers of the helpless and suffering and rejoice in every call to the relief of pain or the alleviation of sorrow. Wilt Thou help us to lead upright and patriotic lives worthy of the devotion of all who have labored for our beloved country in every field of sacrifice and service. Amen.

All: God bless mother, God bless father, God bless the purposes of DeMolay. Amen.

Suggested music cue.

Active DeMolays rise as Ch. rises. Lights raised to full. Ch. takes one step backward away from Altar, simultaneously Mar takes one step forward. Both face North. Ch. takes one step forward to Mar’s side. Ch. conducted by Mar moves I K V Z, Ch. crosses in front of Mar and moves to X, stands facing his station. Mar moves Z X and both Ch. and Mar simultaneously face West. As Ch. and Mar leave Altar; all Active DeMolays who were in the East and S.C. and J.C return to daises.

M.C.: Brother Senior Steward, you will close the Holy Bible on the Altar.

S.S. moves X Z G I; kneels on both knees; closes the Holy Bible reverently and slowly, leaving the Bible marker unfolded and showing; rises and takes one step back; does about-face and moves I G Z X; faces East.

M.C.: Brother Junior Steward, you will remove the school books from the Altar.

J.S. moves X Z C I; without kneeling picks the school books up from the Altar; takes one step back; does about-face; moves I G Z X; faces East. If Altar is too large for J.S. to reach across it comfortably, he may step to the North side of the Altar to pick up the school books He should return to point I before following the foregoing instructions for returning to his station.

M.C.: Brother Senior Deacon, you will attend at the Altar.

Suggested music cue.

S.D. moves X Z M Candle I extinguishes it and then extinguishes the other candles in order; crossing between the Altar and the East as he does so S.D. goes around the West side of the Altar to I; faces North and moves I K Z X and faces West.

M.C.: Brethren, let us prove to all men that our ceremonies are not empty forms, but that we are dedicated to purposes that are worthy of the martyred hero whose name we have taken on our lips. I now declare this Chapter closed on the step of greeting, the sign of welcome, the token of brotherhood, and the word of emulation “DeMolay.”

Step, sign, and token in three separate movements and word are given by each Active DeMolay (including M.C.) as M.C. refers to it.

M.C. * (rap)

All sit down, except J.D., who remains standing.

M.C.: Brother Junior Deacon, inform the Sentinel that this Chapter is closed.
JD. moves to A.

J.D. *: (2 raps)

Sen. * (2 raps)
J.D opens door:
Brother Sentinel, this Chapter is closed.

J.D. leaving the door open, moves to X, faces M.C.

J.D.: Brother Master Councilor, the Sentinel is informed.

J.D. remains standing.
M.C. * * (2 raps)

Officers rise.
The Officers will now retire.

Officers form Triangle, Mar moves X Z U R, nods head slightly and all Officers, including Mar, kneel for a few moments of silent prayer.

M.C.: Amen.
All officers rise. Mar faces South; moves R Q I J as Mar makes corner at L. M.C. faces North and takes one step to his right, thereby leaving an opening for Mar. Officers retire.







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