DeMolay Lapel Pin Collection
Submitted by
Brother Nicholas Johnson
Of Twickenham-Milford Chapter and current S.S.C. of Alabama

Pledge Pin

The Demolay pledge button is a
distinctive lapel button of sterling silver with a Maltese Cross in black
enamel. The button is for the purpose of identifying petitioners and may
be issued by Demolay Chapters to those who petition for the Demolay Degrees so
that they may be recognized as such. The button is worn until the Degrees are
description from the 1976 Demolay hand book for young men in action.

Demolay Mother Medal of Appreciation

A Chapter may recommend any person over 21 years of age for the
DeMolay Medal of Appreciation in recognition of outstanding service to DeMolay.
The nominee can be a man or a woman and does not need any Masonic affiliation.
Nominations may be made at any time. Forms may be secured from the Service &
Leadership Center.
The back of the pin says:

Demolay Legion of Honor Pin

The Legion
of Honor is the highest honor conferred by the DeMolay Supreme Council.
The award was approved in 1925 and first conferred upon Louis Lower. With
amendment of the Supreme Council's statutes in 1985, the minimum age for
nominees for the Legion of Honor was dropped from 30 to 25 as of January 15.
The Supreme Council may confer the Legion of Honor upon a Senior DeMolay for
outstanding leadership in some field of endeavor, for service to humanity, or
for success in fraternal life, including adult service to the Order of DeMolay.
The Supreme Council may also confer it upon a Freemason who was not a DeMolay,
but who has performed unusual and meritorious service in behalf of the Order of
DeMolay, or who has evidenced a spirit of cooperation and appreciation for the
Order of DeMolay.

This I.S.C. Patch was made for deputies of the
I.S.C. and only those who are active official members can where it. It is hand
stitched and has been kept in its original plastic covering. It dates to
approximately 1972.

Pictured above is a past
treasures pin that would be given to an outgoing treasurer of the advisory