Early Masonic Apron & Sash

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There is no one of the symbols of Speculative Freemasonry more important in its teachings, or more interesting in its history, than the "lambskin, or white leather apron.  It is an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason, more ancient than the Golden Fleece or Roman Eagle, more honorable than the Star and Garter, or any other order that could be conferred upon you, at this or any future period, by king, prince, potentate, or any other person except he be a Mason."   Commencing its lessons at an early period in the Freemason's progress, it is impressed upon his memory as the first gift which he receives, the first symbol which is explained to him, and the first tangible evidence which he possesses of his admission into the Fraternity.     Whatever may be his future advancement in the "royal art," into whatsoever deeper arcana his devotion to the mystic Institution or his thirst for knowledge may subsequently lead him, with the lambskin apron -- his first investiture -- he never parts.  Changing, perhaps, its form and its decorations, and conveying at each step, some new but still beautiful allusion, its substance is still there, and it continues to claim the honored title by which it was first made known to him, on the night of his initiation, as the badge of a Mason.




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