American Legion

Who They
The American Legion was
chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic, mutual-help, war-time veterans
organization. A community-service organization which now numbers nearly 3
million members -- men and women -- in nearly 15,000 American Legion Posts
worldwide. These Posts are organized into 55 Departments -- one each for the
50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, France, Mexico, and the
The American Legion's
national headquarters is in Indianapolis,Indiana, with additional offices in
Washington, DC. In addition to thousands of volunteers serving in leadership
and program implementation capacities in local communities to the Legion's
standing national commissions and committees, the national organization has
a regular full-time staff of about 300 employees. To visit their
website click on the link below:
American Legion - Initiation
The initiation of candidates for membership
in The American Legion is an important function of each post. The new members
need to be shown, officially and formally, that they’re indeed a part of the
organization. They deserve the courtesy of being introduced to the
organization which has accepted their membership application and dues payment.
This is the purpose of the initiation ceremony.
Whether performed by the officers of the post or an established ritual team,
the initiation ceremony should be conducted at least once a year. Each officer
should learn their respective portion of the ceremony in order to be able to
deliver it without reference to the printed text. Each initiation officer
should wear the regulation American Legion cap and badge of office.
The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for preparation of the hall or meeting
room for the initiation, and should see to it the following items, which are
presented to the candidates during the ceremony, are on hand in sufficient
quantity: American Flags (initiation size), American Legion lapel pins, and
Flag Etiquette booklets. All of those items are available through National
Emblem Sales (see your current catalog). In addition, the Sergeant-at-Arms,
depending on the format your post wished to use for this ceremony, will set up
the following items: Poppies (real or imitation)" in a neat arrangement in a
vase at either the station of the Second Vice Commander or near the podium
identifying the station of the Commander; a gavel bell at the station of the
Past Commander or near the podium of the Commander; and a miniature stand of
colors consisting of the American Flag and the Legion colors at the station of
the First Vice Commander or near the podium.
Candidates are escorted by the Sergeant-at-Arms to the various officers’
stations for instruction. However, the ceremony may be altered to conform with
the meeting room layout with the candidates standing in the area provided
between the stations of the First Vice Commander and the Second Vice
Commander. The outline of the ritual may be modified to permit all initiation
officers to come to the podium to deliver their respective instructions to the
The candidates for initiation will assemble at the back of the meeting room
or, preferably, in a nearby room immediately prior to the ceremony.
The business of the meeting having been cleared, the Commander shall call the
meeting to order with one rap of the gavel.
American Legion meetings shall be opened in the following manner:
All officers should be in uniform, each wearing the official American Legion
cap and the official badge of office.
The Commander shall announce the meeting is about to open. Officers shall take
their stations.
The Commander shall seat those present with one rap of the gavel and the doors
of the meeting hall shall be closed by the Sergeant-at-Arms.
The Commander shall then give three raps of the gavel and all who are present
shall stand at attention.
Commander: "The Color Bearers will advance the Colors."
As the Color Bearers start to advance, the Commander shall give the command.
Commander: "Hand salute."
If a trumpeter is available, sound "To the Colors;" immediately after the
Colors have been posted, and at its conclusion, the Commander shall give the
command: "Two."
If no trumpeter is present, the command "Two" is to be given immediately after
the Colors have been posted.
The Commander shall call upon the Chaplain to give the opening prayer.
Commander: "The Chaplain will offer prayer."
Commander: "All members/guests in attendance shall remain standing with their
cap removed and placed over the heart from the Opening Prayer, through the
POW/MIA ceremony, and concluding with the Pledge of Allegiance."
In place of the following prayer, the Chaplain may deliver one of the same
length and general tenor.
Chaplain: "Almighty God, Father of all mankind and Judge over nations, we pray
Thee to guide our work in this meeting and in all our days. Send Thy peace to
our nation and to all nations. Hasten the fulfillment of Thy promise of peace
that shall have no end.
"We pray for those who serve the people and guard the public welfare that by
Thy blessing they may be enabled to discharge their duties honestly and well.
We pray for our comrades that by Thy help they may observe the strictest
Justice, keep alight the fires of Freedom, strive earnestly for the spirit of
Democracy; and preserve untarnished our loyalty to our Country and to Thee.
Finally, O God of mercy, we ask Thy blessing and comfort for those comrades
who are suffering mental and physical disability. Cheer them and bring them
the blessings of health and happiness. Amen."
Commander: "We shall now proceed to the initiation of new members. In order
that we may impress upon these candidates the serious import and sacred
obligations of American Legion membership, all present will conduct themselves
in a manner befitting such ceremony.
"The Sergeant-at-Arms will present those ready for initiation."
Sergeant-at-Arms, standing at designated station and after saluting the Flag.
"Commander, there are (number) veterans who have been accepted for membership
in The American Legion and are awaiting the obligation."
Commander. "As these candidates have been accepted for membership, we shall
proceed with the initiation. Sergeant-at-Arms, escort the candidates into the
hall and place them properly before the Flag."
Sergeant-at-Arms, after escorting candidates to appropriate location:
"Commander, I present these candidates for initiation into The American
Commander, after giving three raps of the gavel: "The Chaplain will offer
The Chaplain steps to the right of the American Flag and faces the candidates.
Chaplain. "Let us pray. Our Heavenly Father, grant that we may approach this
ceremony with clean hearts. Keep us ever mindful of our obligation to those
who have made the supreme sacrifice for our country and her noble purpose. We
humbly pray that your love may find its way into all hearts and souls that
they shall never again seek occasion of conflict, but live in peace and
harmony, laboring for the broader benefits of humankind. You have blessed us
with the opportunity to serve our country in her hour of need. We pray that
you would grant us continued opportunities to serve in time of peace as we
served in time of war. Bless The American Legion and those here who await its
obligation, that together we may advance the sacred cause of Justice, Freedom
and Democracy; that together we may serve you and our country in undivided
loyalty. Amen."
The Chaplain returns to designated station. The membership is seated by one
rap of the gavel and the Post Commander addresses the candidates.
Commander. "The American Legion cherishes four great principles: Justice,
Freedom, Democracy and Loyalty. Its pledge is service to veterans, especially
the disabled, the distressed, and their widows and orphans. The cause of
service to community, state and nation is jealously guarded and opportunity to
serve is offered to all members. Before you are asked to assume the
responsibility of membership in The American Legion by accepting its
obligations, you will hear an explanation of the principles and symbols of our
"Sergeant-at-Arms, conduct the candidates to the Second Vice Commander for
instruction in Justice."
The Sergeant-at-Arms escorts the candidates to the designated position, facing
the Second Vice Commander ‘s station. The Second Vice Commander rises.
Second Vice Commander. "Justice makes no distinction of persons. It favors
neither high nor low, neither rich nor poor, neither the classes nor the
masses. Justice is the guiding star of life. It transcends all boundaries of
race and creed. Justice for our sick and disabled veterans has always been,
and must forever be, the first concern of The American Legion. The
rehabilitation of those men and women who valiantly offered their all in
response to their country’s call, the relief of those who have suffered by
that sacrifice, is our hallowed duty. Legionnaires must be ever vigilant that
none shall feel the injustice of work undone. The American Legion is ever
mindful of its duty to the nation, and the nation’s duty to those who answered
its call in time of war.
"This display of poppies, the official flower of The American Legion, serves
as a memorial to those who gave their lives so that Justice might prevail.
Remember their sacrifice! May your actions forever bring credit upon The
American Legion, an organization which is a living memorial to the dead heroes
who fought that Justice, the divine right of man, might ever endure.
"Sergeant-at-Arms, conduct the candidates to the Past Commander for
instruction in Freedom."
The Sergeant-at-Arms escorts the candidates to the designated position, facing
the Past Commander ‘s station. The Past Commander rises.
Past Commander: "Freedom is an ideal of surpassing strength; it is the power
of self-determination. For Freedom, Americans throughout the years willingly
have fought and died.
"In the War of the Revolution, Freedom was won for the people of the United
States. In the Wars of the Twentieth Century, the torch of Freedom led and
inspired the American forces through the darkness of conflict.
"The American Legion is dedicated to the concept of Freedom from injustice to
the children and youth of our Nation. No nation can long endure if it fails to
care for its future citizens. The American Legion has achieved recognition as
a National leader in behalf of the nation’s children and youth that they may
know that Freedom from want, ignorance, and tyranny are God-given rights to be
preserved at whatever the cost. The American Legion staunchly defends the
principle of equal opportunity for all in a country where all may enjoy the
blessings of Freedom.
"This bell typifies the famous Liberty Bell which in bold and clarion tones
rang out the news of Freedom and the birth of a new nation. It is here to
remind you that America will remain the land of the free only as long as
America is the home of the brave.
"I give you the American Flag, the emblem of Freedom, and a Flag Etiquette
The Past Commander hands each candidate a small American Flag and Flag
Etiquette booklet.
"Sergeant-at-Arms, conduct the candidates to the First Vice Commander for
instruction in Democracy and its meaning to America."
The Sergeant-at-Arms escorts the candidates to the designated position, facing
the First Vice Commander ‘s station. The First Vice Commander rises.
First Vice Commander: "Democracy is government of the people, by the people,
and for the people. Democracy is American in principle and universal in
appeal. It offers a voice in government to each citizen. Of its benefits, each
citizen may share.
"Democracy finds expression with The American Legion. Within our meeting
halls, distinction of rank is unknown. All Legionnaires are equal in a common
service. Each Legionnaire is permitted a free voice, but not a voice so free
as to transcend the limits of Liberty.
"Democracy can exist only where all do their share, where each citizen knows
and accepts the responsibility of service to community, state and nation.
Legionnaires must encourage the exercise of franchise among our citizens as a
means of preserving and perpetuating our precious heritage. Yes, Democracy to
The American Legion is real. It carries a responsibility which each
Legionnaire should accept.
(Here the First Vice Commander refers to either a miniature stand of colors
consisting of the American Flag and American Legion Colors located at the
designated station or the post ‘s set of colors at the front of the room,
depending on the format of Initiation used)
"These Flags symbolize America, the home of Democracy and The American Legion.
The red stripes of our country’s Flag represent the valor, the zeal and the
passion of those who defended the noble cause of individual dignity; the white
stripes signify hope, purity and integrity. The stars of white on a field of
blue proclaim that the heights of pure Democracy reach to the very stars of
the heavens. This blue and gold emblem against a background of blue reminds us
constantly of our golden opportunities as Legionnaires to promote and protect
the principle of Democracy in a government so dearly won and so valiantly
"Sergeant-at-Arms, conduct the candidates to the Commander for instruction in
Loyalty and its application in The American Legion."
The Sergeant-at-Arms escorts the candidates to the designated position, facing
the Commander ‘s station. The Commander rises.
Commander: "Loyalty is an attribute of The American Legion as it is the first
virtue of the person serving in the uniform of our country. It is as dear as
Justice is desirable, as Freedom is glorious, as Democracy is practical.
Loyalty will lead us to defend our organization in all that is right, and to
do our utmost that we shall be right. Loyalty to our country is the basis of
true Americanism. Disloyalty and oppression are foreign to our ideals; nor do
we tolerate any form of radicalism or violence seeking to destroy our form of
government. The Constitution of the United States of America, the bulwark of
our liberties and guarantor of our rights, is sacred to the Legionnaire. Be
ever loyal to that which has established your freedoms and defined your
responsibilities. Understand The American Legion is in no sense a military
organization. Because its membership is drawn from every race~ religion,
occupational pursuit, and political persuasion, The American Legion is
obligated to strict neutrality on all questions concerning religion, politics,
and industrial strife. You have received instruction in The American Legion’s
four basic attributes—Justice, Freedom, Democracy and Loyalty—and its great
principles of service. Are you now ready and willing to obligate yourself as
expressed in the Preamble to the Constitution of The American Legion? If so,
you will each answer, ‘I am."’
Candidates: "I am." (All candidates must answer, signifying they are willing
to take the obligation.)
Commander. "All present will stand at attention during the obligation." (Three
raps of the gavel.)
The Commander steps to the right and immediately next to the American Flag,
raises the right hand, and addresses the candidates.
Commander. "You raise your right hand and repeat after me:
‘I, (here give your name), ‘Do solemnly pledge
‘To uphold and defend
‘The Constitution of the United States of America;
‘To maintain law and order;
‘To foster and perpetuate
‘A one hundred percent Americanism;
‘To preserve the memories and incidents
‘Of our associations in the Great Wars;
‘To inculcate a sense of individual obligation
‘To the community, state and nation;
‘To combat the autocracy
‘Of both the classes and the masses;
‘To make right the master of might;
‘To promote peach and good will on Earth;
‘To safeguard and transmit to posterity
‘The principles of Justice, Freedom and Democracy;
‘To consecrate and sanctify our comradeship
‘By our devotion to mutual helpfulness;
‘To all of which I pledge myself
‘For God and Country.
‘I am not a member and do not subscribe
‘To the principles of any group
‘Opposed to our form of government.’ Hands down.
The Commander resumes station and seats the membership with one rap of the
gavel. The Chaplain rises and stands near the Emblem.
Chaplain: "There shines the Emblem of The American Legion. It is your badge of
distinction, honor and service. It stands for God and Country. and the highest
rights of men and women. Of its several parts, each has a meaning.
"The rays of the sun that form the background stand for the principles of The
American Legion for Loyalty, Justice, Freedom and Democracy will dispel the
darkness of violence, strife, and evil.
"The two gold rings around the field of blue, bearing our name, typify two of
our four main objectives—rehabilitation of our sick and disabled veterans, and
the care for the children and youth of America. Within the rings is placed a
wreath for remembrance of those who died that liberty might live. Upon the
wreath is set a star reflecting the glory of victory and our promise to the
world the perpetuation of the cardinal principles of The American Legion.
"Set upon the star are two bronze rings which represent the other two of our
main objectives—a deep and abiding spirit of Americanism, and service to the
community, state and nation.
"The inscription demands that the wearer shall ever guard the sanctity of
home, of country, of free institutions."
The Chaplain returns to station. The Commander rises and addresses the
Commander: "The Emblem of The American Legion is the emblem of Americanism.
Americanism is unity of love, singleness of allegiance, practicality of
purpose, care of the distressed, the education of children, all directed to
the promotion of a common good. It is that spirit of patriotism which shall
ever preserve our land from the stagnation which is the death of peoples. As
Legionnaires, we preach and teach the spirit of patriotism throughout the
Republic. We must be ever mindful of our obligations as citizens, striving
constantly to redeem those obligations. In the Emblem of The American Legion
there is great prophecy. It is the promise of the defenders of the Republic,
pledging the fullest good for the betterment of all.
"I welcome you to The American Legion, and present you with the Emblem of The
American Legion, a symbol of service."
The Commander steps from the station, gives each new Legionnaire an Emblem
lapel button, and shakes the hand of each new member.
American Legion meetings shall be closed in the following manner:
Commander: "Is there any further business to come before the meeting? If not,
the Chaplain will lead us in memorial service."
The Commander shall give three raps of the gavel, and the membership shall
arise, uncover, and stand in silence.
Chaplain: "Our Heavenly Father, we deem this a fitting time to pay our
respects to our departed comrades. As we stand with bowed heads in reverence
to them, let us remember the good deeds they accomplished. Let us revere them,
as good soldiers who fought the good fight in a just cause, let us silently
pray for peace, the peace that passes all understanding. And let us in mind
and soul consecrate our hearts and lives to the real America, the land of the
free and the home of the brave, the America worth fighting for. As we stand in
silence to our departed comrades, may we sincerely say, ‘May their souls rest
in peace.’ Let us also remember the POWs and the MIAs still unaccounted for
from the Wars and Conflicts. Amen."
Commander. Cover.
The addition of "Taps" sounded on muffled trumpet will add greatly to the
solemnity of the ritual.
The first stanza of "America" ("My Country ‘Tis of Thee")’ or another
patriotic selection may be sung by the audience.
"Till we meet again let us remember our obligation to our Country can be
fulfilled only by the faithful performance of all duties of citizenship. Let
service to the community, state and nation be ever a main objective of The
American Legion and its members. Let us be ever watchful of the honor of our
Country, our organization and ourselves, that nothing shall swerve us from the
path of Justice, Freedom and Democracy.
The Color Bearers will retire the Flag of our Country."
As the Color Bearers retrieve the Colors, The Commander shall give the
Commander. "Hand salute" (Colors are retired).
As the Color Bearers reach the rear of the meeting hall, the command "Two" is
given by the Commander.
Commander. "I now declare this meeting of Post name & No The American Legion,
Department of adjourned."
The Commander gives one rap of the gavel.