Patrons of Husbandry

The National Grange of the Order
of the Patrons of Husbandry was founded in Washington, DC on December 4, 1867,
by Oliver Hudson Kelley, a Mason and a clerk with the Federal Bureau of
Agriculture, and six other men. Known as "the Farmer's Masonry,"
the order uses a seven-degree ritual system, with signs, passwords, grips, and
regalia. Both men and women are admitted, 14 years of age or older as equal
members, since Kelley was persuaded by his niece, Caroline Hall, to admit women
into the order when it was first founded. The first lodge was Fredonia Grange
No. 1 in Fredonia, NY. It was instrumental in passing the "Granger Laws"
which put an end to various abuses by the railroad industry in the late 1800s.
The order uses the Holy Bible in its ritual, which is placed on an altar in
the Grange, and 43 passages from the Holy Bible are quoted in the Subordinate
Grange's four degrees. The Grange Master administers vows to the candidates in
each of the four degrees, and the candidate is hoodwinked in the first degree,
showing Masonic influences.
The county level administers the fifth degree called "Pomona," while
the state level administers the "Flora" degree. The National Grange
administers the Degree of "Ceres" or "Demeter" which is
exemplified annually. The order forbids alcohol in its meetings, and stresses
temperance outside of the Grange.
There was a time in the not-too-distant past
when the local Grange Hall was the center of community life in many small towns. It was a
place of social gathering, a political rallying point, an economic cooperative, a
fraternal order, a service organization and an agricultural forum. It instilled love of
God, family and country. It helped farmers band together to protect their mutual
interests. And, more than any other institution it embodied an American way of life.
The Grange is the nations oldest and second largest farm organization. It had its
beginnings in Washington DC in 1867, founded by a group of farmers for their mutual
support and to foster civic, moral and political responsibility. Grange members joined in
various group ventures: buying and selling goods; legislative lobbying on behalf of
farmers; and eventually, in protecting themselves through insurance. Grangers considered
themselves good insurance risks because of their dedication to family, property,
citizens rights and private enterprise. They thus felt entitled to lower insurance
rates. Many small mutual insurance companies were formed by Grangers, but only five have
grown to multi-state size.
In 1893, the Washington State Grange
met in the hayloft of a new barn in White Salmon, Washington, and resolved to start a fire
insurance cooperative. By-laws, assessments, and conditions for the new association were
formulated and agents were appointed in various Granges. On April 4, 1894, business
commenced and the Washington Fire Relief Associations insurance was in force.
The Association changed its name in 1936 to Grange Fire Insurance Association.
In 1943, to reflect the broadening of coverage offerings to include casualty, as
well as fire insurance, the name was then changed to Grange Insurance
A special "Thank You" to
Brother Denis McGowan for submitting the wonderful description of the Grange

Patrons of Husbandry –
Initiation Ritual –
First Degree - Preparation
Instructions on Degree Work
The First Degree is intended to symbolize Springtime on
the farm.
Robes—White with proper colored trimmings: Yellow for Ceres, green for Pomona,
and pink for Flora. Ladies may, if desired, wear sunbonnets pushed back from the
face. The use of different colored court robes for each degree is optional with
the Grange.
The M.
will declare a recess for a few moments to prepare the room for initiatory
The A.
S. shall have in readiness:
1.: The
memorandum book, knife and pencil on the desk of the O.
Implement Case, containing ax, plow, harrow and spade, on the desk of the M.
(All other implements removed from the case)
3.: A
bouquet of grasses for M. to illustrate his lecture
Curtains down, screening the stage, if tableaux are to be used
L.A.S. will have in readiness for the candidates to wear:
Cloaks made of suitable green material, in the form of a circular neatly
prepared and trimmed, covering the entire dress, to be worn by the lady
candidates in first part of degree.
2.: Hoodwinks for all candidates.
being ready for the ceremony, the A.S. and L.A.S. will prepare the candidates in
the preparation room. They should adjust hoodwinks on all candidates. Arrange
candidates in single file, place the left hand of each candidate on the left
shoulder of the one in front, the leading candidates placing their left hands on
the left
shoulder of the assistant they follow, and they will follow readily.
The A.S.
and L.A.S. will now proceed, the candidates following, as described above. They
will approach the Inner Gate and give the alarm.
When the
door is opened they enter and pass to the right, as directed in Manual. (There
should be perfect silence).
The “salute” consists of one clap of the hands
simultaneously by all the members.
directed by the M. the candidates are conducted by the A.S. and L.A.S. to the
altar and placed in position to receive the pledge. The M. administers the
Obligation. The A.S. and L.A.S. restore the candidates to light by removing the
hoodwinks when so directed by the O. in his lecture, “Light be.”
The O.
instructs them in the emblematic use of the memorandum book, knife and pencil.
The M.
instructs in the use of the implements of this degree, the ax, plow, harrow and
spade, which should be before him in miniature form in a neat case.
sisters are instructed by the M. in the symbolism of the grasses by exhibiting a
bouquet of dried grasses.
The M.
also instructs the candidates in the U.W. and symbolism of the degree
C., P.
and F. furnish the candidates with useful information and counsel in the spring
season of the farmer’s life.
In the ceremonies of all the degrees the M. should see that
proper decorum is preserved, as talking or any noise disturbs and distracts the
attention of the candidates, and seriously mars the impressiveness of the work.
Degree Work
SYMBOLS—Spring—Childhood—The Seed
EMBLEMS—Ax, Plow, Harrow and Spade.
SCENE—A Farm in the Springtime.
Having signed the roll, the candidates, properly prepared, are in
the preparation roam, men in charge of A.S., women in charge of L.A.S. Always
form the procession two and two, with women at the right of men, so that on
coming to the stations of the Officers and facing to the right, the women will
be in the front rank.
Before candidates are admitted, Steward shall caution them that
they are about to engage in a serious task, that close attention should be paid
to all lectures and that dignity and quiet should characterize every stage of
the degree.
In similar manner the Master may properly caution the members
inside the hall, in order that the degree may be given with maximum
All silent in the Grange. Alarm from the A.S.
Worthy Overseer, an alarm at the gate.
See who approaches.
Who comes?
Men and women seeking employment, who desire to assist in our work.
Are they unconstrained and willing?
They are
Have they been tried and found worthy?
They have
You will tarry while I ascertain our Worthy Overseer’s pleasure. Worthy
Overseer, the alarm comes from strangers seeking admittance.
Satisfy yourself that they are worthy and well qualified, and, if so, admit
S. opens Inner Gate and says:
None but those worthy and well qualified can enter here. It is the pleasure of
our Worthy Overseer that you enter the field with this caution: Use discretion,
respectfully obey all orders, and, should work be assigned you, labor with
Let our future conduct prove us.
All silent Candidates are led once around hall to right; stop at
O. and A.S. introduces candidates.
Worthy Overseer, these friends of ours seek initiation into the Order of Patrons
of Husbandry, and desire instruction.
Friends, the Grange is a great fraternity, and the lessons of its ritual are
expressed by the use of symbols drawn from the field, the farm and the farm
home. The four degrees of our Order are based upon the seasons of the year, each
conveying its appropriate lesson. You are about to enter the mysteries of the
first degree, symbolic of springtime on the farm, when all Nature is burning
into newness of life.
The wild
flowers are making the woods and the hills glorious with their beauty; orchards
are in bloom, and the air is redolent with their perfume; plowing the fields has
begun and soon the sower will go forth to sow.
Additional laborers and maids are needed for work in field and household, and we
accept you as willing workers, now in waiting for the tasks to which you will be
assigned. For in our fraternity there is work for all, and the idler has no
place among Patrons of Husbandry.
Candidates are led again around hall. As they approach station of
L. on first round they are halted by L. with upraised hand, who commands “Hold”.
This shall be the signal for all members to salute with one clap of the hand.
Hold! Who are these who trespass within our peaceful enclosure?
Friends, who desire to be initiated into the mysteries of our Order.
By what token may we prove them?
By this signet.
Present it A.S. presents a card bearing these words:
“An honest man is the noblest work of God.” Right, brother. The first
and highest object of our Order is “to develop a better and higher manhood and
womanhood among ourselves” Conduct them to the Worthy Overseer for his
Candidates remain, in position before Lecturer, while Chaplain
slowly and impressively gives charge.
He that will not plow by reason of the cold shall beg in the harvest and have
nothing. He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread; but he that
followeth vain persons is void of understanding. The band of the diligent shall
bear rule, but the slothful shall be under tribute. Happy is the man that
findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding, for the merchandise of
it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine
After Chaplain’s charge march toward O. is started and when line
is halfway between L. and O. it is halted by S. representing Ignorance. S.
should not carry staff while giving this charge.
My friends, whither are you going?
We are traveling in search of light and knowledge.
Take advice from one whose experience is blissful, and tarry with me. The
promises of progress and improvement are delusive. The road you have traveled is
familiar and easy, but the one you are now entering is full of obstacles, rough
and uneven, environed with dangers, and leads, you know not where. With me you
can find ease and comfort. While others are racking mind and body in seeking
something new and better, we can secure enjoyment without mental or physical
exertion. Moreover, you are blind and cannot see. Come, tarry with me.
Heed him not, but persevere!
My friends, the person who has been speaking to yon is that worst of enemies to
progress—Ignorance, attended by his companions, Sloth and Superstition. Give
them no heed if you hope to advance.
Line passes to O.
Who comes here?
Friends who desire to become members our Order.
Are they competent to assume the duties that will devolve upon them?
They are.
What wages do they expect?
Wisdom, and not silver; Knowledge, rather than fine gold.
Do you vouch for their integrity?
I do
Friends, is it of your own free will that you seek the position?
Candidates in unison:
It is.
It is well. You will conduct them to our Worthy Master; from him you will
receive further instruction.
Who are these persons, and why are they here
They come to be employed as Laborers and Maids.
Are you willing
to engage in these duties?
Candidates in unison:
We are.
Friends, your present condition is but an example of Faith, and emblematic of a
higher confidence in a Supreme Being. We are constantly passing blindly along
the pathway of life, events occurring that we do not understand, and often
encountering difficulties and obstructions in our way; but we should press
forward, having Faith that God will ultimately bring us into the broad and
pleasant fields of Paradise.
We have
confidence that you will persevere, but, before assigning you a place in our
work, it is necessary that you give us a solemn pledge, which will not conflict
with ‘3rour moral, social, religious or civil duties. With this assurance, are
you willing to proceed?
Candidates in unison:
We are.
Worthy Assistants, you will please place the candidates in position to give the
O. calls up and M. administers the Obligation
In the presence of our Heavenly Father and these witnesses, I do hereby pledge
my sacred honor that, whether in or out of the Order, I will never reveal any of
the secrets of this Order, nor communicate them, nor any part of them, to any
person in the world, unless I am satisfied by strict test, or in some legal
manner, that they are lawfully entitled to receive them; that I will conform to
and abide by the laws of my state and nation, the constitution, rules and
regulations of the National Grange, and of the State Grange under whose
jurisdiction I may be, and of the Subordinate Grange to which I may be attached;
that I will never propose for membership in the Order, nor sanction the
admission of, anyone I have reason to believe an improper person; nor will I
oppose the admission of anyone solely on the grounds of a personal prejudice or
difficulty. I will recognize and answer all lawful signs given me by a brother
or sister of the Order, and will render them such assistance as may be needed,
so far as I may be able and the interests of my family will permit. I will not
knowingly wrong or defraud a brother or sister of the Order in word or deed; nor
will I permit it to be done by another if in my power to prevent it. Should I
knowingly or willfully violate this pledge, I invoke upon myself suspension or
expulsion from the Order, and thus be disgraced among those who were my brothers
and sisters.
is this your Obligation?
Candidates answer in a clear voice:
It is.
O. calls down
Brothers and Sisters, our desire and search for knowledge necessarily begins in
the darkness of ignorance. The buried seed wakes to life in darkness, and then
sends up its germ, seeking Heaven’s sunlight. Being pledged to the rules of this
Order, you will now be conducted to the Worthy Overseer and prepared for further
Worthy Overseer, it is our Worthy Master’s pleasure that our friends be prepared
to receive instruction.
I will obey his request.
friends, to primeval darkness, covering the face of the deep, came the command,
“Light be!” A.S. and L.A.S. suddenly remove the
hoodwinks, and all in the Grange salute by one clap of the hands and
light was! and the evening, with its darkness, and the morning, with its light,
were the first day. Courage, then, and patience, when gloom broods over your
pathway. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. To the
upright there ariseth light in darkness, and the path of the righteous shineth
brighter and brighter, unto the perfect day. Then shall the crooked be made
straight, and the rough places plain, and knowledge be revealed.
I exhibit to you now a memorandum book, a knife and
a pencil. Note down the new and useful ideas that come to you that they be not
lost; for new ideas are the material with which progress is made. The knife is
used to prune
straggling branch, to cut off the nests of insects, or to cut a plant whose
nature you may wish to study. In your intercourse with your fellow-beings
correct an error kindly, and with the smooth edge of affection, and do not
bruise a wound you wish to heal.
I greet
these sisters as worthy members of our Order. Man and woman are the educators of
youth and co-students through life; therefore both must acquire knowledge and
wisdom. Education adds the greatest charm to woman—it is companion of which no
misfortune can deprive her, a friend no enemy can alienate, an ornament in
prosperity and a refuge in adversity. In this degree—your Spring season in our
Order—begin new the acquisition of knowledge.
Steward will advance near O. and address candidates:
I must call your attention to the domestic animals that are committed to our
keeping by the Great Author of our being. We are dependent upon them, for
without their aid man could never have risen from barbarism to civilization.
Practice mercy and compassion toward them. Never overwork nor overload them, and
guard against haste in reprimanding them. Treat them with kindness and
affection, and they will learn to love you. It is one of the objects of our
Order to protect dumb animals from abuse, and any member who countenances their
ill-treatment is liable to censure, suspension, or expulsion
I will now introduce you to our Worthy Chaplain.
Worthy Brothers and Sisters, Agriculture is the first and noblest of all
occupations. It is the only one directly instituted by our Creator. God planted
the Garden of Eden, and placed man therein to tend and keep it. He caused to
spring forth out of the ground every tree and plant that is pleasant to the
sight and bearing fruit good for food. It was a command of the Almighty that man
should till the ground. History proves that where agriculture has been fostered,
that nation has prospered and reached a high degree of perfection; but where it
has been neglected degeneracy began. Let us heed the warning and escape the
Sisters, the interests, the social relations and the destiny of man and woman
are identical. She was intended by our Creator to be the helpmeet, companion,
and equal of man— the perfecting half added to his hemisphere—thus completing
the fully-globed orb of our common humanity; hence, as one, each shares the
glory or the shame of the other.
Brothers and Sisters, that you may be taught the use of the implements and
symbols of this degree, I will now conduct you to our Worthy Master.
Worthy Master, our Brothers and Sisters are prepared to receive your
M I will
now call your attention to the implements of this degree—the Ax, Abe Plow, the
Harrow and the Spade.
The Ax
is used to cut away obstructions in the fields and to prepare timber for use.
Its use teaches us perseverance in overcoming obstacles; for, as by repeated
blows it cleaves its way through the hardest wood, so should we by repeated
trials surmount every difficulty.
The Plow
is used to break up the ground and prepare it for planting. This should teach us
to drive the plowshare of thought diligently through the heavy soil of
ignorance, and thus prepare the mind for the growth of knowledge and wisdom.
Harrow is used to pulverize the soil as well as to cover the seed. Let this be
emblematic of that course of study and observation necessary to enable you fully
to understand your business.
Spade we use when we wish to penetrate deeper into the soil than we can with the
Plow. It thus becomes the emblem of thoroughness. Whatsoever you attempt to do,
strive to do it well.
sisters, I am happy to greet you and to encourage you to persevere in the
pursuit of the true, the beautiful, and the good. The station of Maid in Our
Order involves those general duties which, though common and lowly, prepare for
all that is most honorable and useful. Therefore, scorn not to receive
instruction from the humblest object that offers you its lesson This bouquet
Exhibiting one
of dried
grasses as you perceive, is composed
wholly of different varieties of grasses, possessing little, beauty and less of
interest to the careless observer, but full of instruction to the reflecting
Grass is
the basis of Agriculture. Without it the earth would be an arid, barren waste.
It is emblematic of man’s transitory state upon earth, and also of a brighter
and more glorious truth. As the grass awakens to life again at the call of
Spring, does not each tiny spear, as it shoots from the ground, preach to you of
the resurrection and immortality!
Let the
modesty and usefulness of the humble grass be to you an object of imitation as
Maids in our Order.
Lady Assistant, you will now conduct our sisters to the Worthy Steward, and then
meet our brothers at the station of the Worthy Lecturer.
Candidates are led around hall to station of L. and A.S. halts
the men, while the women in charge of L.A.S. pass to station of S.
Worthy Steward, I bring our sisters for further instruction.
Sisters, you entered here blinded and covered with that garment. Before you were
placed Ignorance and Knowledge. You were allowed to choose for yourself, and you
chose wisely and found light. Wearing that garment is to teach you that those we
admit into our circle are not chosen by outward appearance, and that we are not
deceived by display in dress.
It is to
the mind and heart that we look for all good works; therefore, in your
intercourse with the world, remember that a noble mind and generous heart are
often concealed beneath the garments of poverty.
Removes the
cloaks. I now greet you as sisters in our
Order, and welcome you on your way.
Lady Assistant, you will please introduce the candidates to the Worthy Lecturer.
Pass around the hall, to places in front of the men, before
station of L.
Sisters, when God created the Garden of Eden, and planted therein all that was
beautiful of tree and shrub, plant and flower, and so arranged His handiwork
that it was Paradise, His last great work was to adorn it with woman.
woman, then, we look for those noble traits that adorn humanity. Therefore
remember the high portion assigned to womanhood, and sustain it with dignity and
Brothers, the farmer at this season must be earnest in his labors, knowing full
well that if he neglects to sow he cannot reap. So while occupied in the work of
preparing your lands for the seed, have faith in God’s promise that seed-time
and harvest shall never fail, and do not lose sight of preparation for that
great harvest where you yourselves will at last be garnered.
And now once more to the Worthy Master.
In the Grange we are like one great family and when we assemble we securely
close our gates to guard against intrusion At the Outer Gate stands the Gate
Keeper and at the Inner Gate the Steward. To gain admission at each the proper
signal and passwords must be given. Other signs are included in our work, to all
of which you should give careful heed.
I will
now impart to you the secret instructions of this degree.
Instructs the candidates in: 1st, Signal and Password at the
Outer Gate; 2nd, Signal and Degree Words at the Inner Gate; 3rd, Sign and
Salutation of this Degree; 4th, Sign of Caution, Sign of Distress, and Patrons’
General Sign
You are now Laborers and Maids in the First Degree of our honorable Order. The
salutation of this degree signifies that a member of this degree places Faith in
God. Our Worthy Patrons, Ceres, Pomona and Flora will furnish you with advice
essential to aid you in your duties.
Music—if candidates march.
Candidates will be marched once around hall and halted before
Graces; except that in case of a small or very crowded hall Graces may give
their charges while candidates remain in position before station of M. Same rule
obtains after charge of F.
I present you to our Worthy Patron, Ceres.
As Laborers and Maids you will require food for sustenance; take of this corn,
but save a portion of the best for seed. It is the Grange symbol of FAITH. The
Faith in which you labor will have a realization in the promised reward. And in
the blessed sunlight of that Faith all around you will be bright and beautiful.
By this Faith even the nodding grain and pluming corn in their season furnish
delight to the mind, as well as nourishment to the body.
I now present you to our Worthy Patron, Pomona.
As specimens of the refreshments in store for faithful Laborers and Maids,
behold this fruit. It is the result of Faith in planting the seed, in training
the tree and vine and in guarding the fruit during blossoming and ripening.
fruits are the flower of all the products of the earth—blessings designed to
please the eye and gratify the taste—to multiply our comforts and elevate our
social and moral condition. The culture of fruits indicates refinement. Their
use as food tends to a healthy and refined temperament, both of body and of
mind; hence they should be esteemed necessities rather than luxuries. It is,
therefore, our duty to improve and increase these bounties to their utmost
I now present you to our Worthy Patron, Flora.
I will strew your path with flowers whose beauty and fragrance cannot fail to
make life pleasant, and teach you that there is another and a better world—
“Where everlasting Spring abides,
never-fading flowers.”
Music—If candidates march.
Worthy Master, our brothers and sisters are now ready for labor in the field.
I now greet you as Worthy Laborers and Maids, and charge you always to keep in
remembrance the pledge of secrecy and fidelity you have given, and the lessons
you have received, that your future conduct may be regulated by the precepts of
wisdom and virtue.
Worthy Assistants, you will please introduce our brothers and sisters to their
fellow-workers, for which purpose I declare a recess.
A.S. introduces the candidates, and all indulge in social

Patrons of Husbandry –
Ritual of the Second Degree – Culture
Instructions on Degree Work
This degree symbolizes Summer on the farm.
Court Robes—Pink, made of suitable material. Trimmings: Ceres, yellow; Pomona,
green; Flora, white Garden hats may be worn.
The A. S. shall prepare:
1.: A suitable receptacle of sand, and a small dish of shelled corn, for use on
the altar;
2.: A case of miniature implements, containing hoe and pruning knife, on desk of
3.: Copies of The Grange Declaration of Purposes, with the name of each
candidate filled in.
The L A. S. shall prepare:
1.: Roses on desk of O., to present to each sister.
The lectures are exceedingly beautiful, and each officer should study to render
them in the best and most impressive manner.
The O. should be prepared, at his desk, to present each sister
candidate a rose, to be laid on the open Bible before the Obligation is
SYMBOLS— Summer—Youth—Fruit Blossoms— The Plant.
EMBLEMS—Hoe and Pruning Knife.
SCENE—A Farm in the Early Summer
Degree Work
The A.S. and L.A.S. receive the candidates in the preparation
room, and prepare them for advancement, women at the right of men. Alarm from
the A.S.
Worthy Overseer, an alarm at the gate.
See who approaches.
Who comes?
Brothers and sisters who seek promotion and instruction in the care of the
flocks and cultivation of the field.
‘Tis well; wait until I obtain our Worthy Overseer’s permission.
Overseer, there are brothers and sisters in waiting who desire to be advanced to
the Second Degree.
Admit them, that we may learn whether they are qualified.
S. opens the Inner Gate and says:
It is the will of our Worthy Overseer that they be brought before him.
During the singing the line will march once around the hall and
halt at station of S.
The changing seasons of the year bring you now to a new experience in your
Grange Journey. In the First Degree you were taught the need of thorough
preparation of the soil, the selection of good seed, and the lesson of Faith.
You are now to receive instruction in planting and cultivating your crop,
looking ever hopefully unto the harvest. Impressive indeed are the teachings of
Nature in the unfolding wonders of each successive season; full of instruction
for the reflective mind and commanding increasing reverence for the Great Master
on High, who ordereth alike the heat and the cold, and in whose hand are the
harvests of the earth. As you pass into the summertime of your Grange journey,
forget not these teachings of ceaseless activity, of earnest cultivation and of
abiding Hope.
After Steward has finished and without further command,
candidates are again conducted around the hall and halted at station of O.
Whom bring you here?
Brothers and sisters, who, having served faithfully as Laborers and Maids, seek
Are they honest, faithful and diligent? Can you recommend them?
They are honest, faithful to their pledge, and diligent in their work. They are
kind and careful with their animals. Indoors and out they have a time and a
place for everything. Their homes and farms bear the signs of thrifty farmers.
Brothers and Sisters, your recommendations are good. This degree is emblematic,
as will be fully explained. To these sisters I will give each a rose as a
tribute for our altar. Presents
each a rose, real or artificial. You will
now be conducted to the Worthy Lecturer.
Worthy Lecturer, our brothers and sisters desire instruction in planting.
Have they been furnished with seed?
They have.
From whom did they obtain it?
When Ceres furnished them with corn she enjoined them to save a portion of the
best for seed; and her admonition has been heeded.
‘Tis well, They have been guided by the lesson of Faith Wherever you go,
whatever your calling, aim to do good. Good deeds are ever fruitful of yet more
good Sisters, to be a true Shepherdess in our Order is a noble employment, and
well worthy of woman As a Shepherdess, constantly study the book of Nature Learn
from it the truths which may remind us of the immense greatness of God, and our
own littleness—of His blessings, and the obligations they impose upon us Worthy
Assistants, conduct them to our Worthy Chaplain.
Worthy Chaplain, our brothers and sisters desire instruction from you as they
Brothers, the springing seed teaches us to increase in goodness, and the growing
trees to aspire after higher and broader knowledge. Thus the labors of the
husbandman and his surroundings beget refinement of feelings and kindly
sentiments. In no other occupation does a man’s daily labor bring him into such
close companionship with the Great Creator as in the cultivation of the soil.
Therefore, guard against selfishness. If thine enemy hunger, feed him. Do good,
hoping for nothing in return, and your reward shall be great. Love one another.
Worthy Sisters, Shepherds have always been highly favored of God, from Abel, who
offered the first acceptable sacrifice, to the Shepherds at Bethlehem, to whom
the heavenly hosts chanted, “Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace,
good will toward men” The position, then, is ancient and honorable.
all, God is a Shepherd, and His people are the sheep of His pasture. You have,
therefore, an adorable Pattern in your high and holy duties. To keep in safety
those within the fold, and to reclaim the wandering—be your sacred charge. Be
patient with the wayward, carefully instruct the erring, diligently seek and
bring back the straying and those that are cast out.
During the singing the candidates are led to the altar, where
each sister lays her rose upon the open Bible. Previously prepared at the altar
should be a receptacle of dry sand and a smaller one of shelled corn, ready for
the use of the M., who now comes forward and meets the candidates.
Worthy Assistants, place the candidates in proper position to give the pledge.
Each candidate places open right hand over the heart.
O. calls up and M. administers the Obligation.
You will repeat alter me this Obligation:
hereby solemnly renew my obligation of secrecy and fidelity taken in the First
Degree of this Order and further promise upon my sacred honor to keep the
secrets, fulfill the obligations and obey the injunctions of this Second Degree
and aid my brothers and sisters in doing the same.”
O. calls down.
M. takes a few kernels of the corn in the palm of his left hand
to exhibit to the candidates, and says:
are now to teach you how to plant the seed. Behold these inanimate kernels of
corn! But the germ has life—the future plant is there. We loosen the soil—we
bury the seed; Plants
the seed
and in so doing impress upon our minds the truth of the immortality of the soul.
There is no object in which, to appearance, life and death border so closely
together as in the grains of seed buried in the earth; but when life seems
extinct a fuller and richer existence begins anew.
this little seed we have, first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in
the ear. So with the mind, when duly nourished with Faith and Hope. But be not
deceived! Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Therefore sow such
seeds, and so cultivate them, that at the Harvest the ripened grain may meet our
Heavenly Father’s approval and be garnered in the Paradise above.
Sisters, your tribute is accepted. This is God’s holy Word, and thereon fair
hands, prompted by pure hearts, have dropped roses, emblems of everlasting love
and charity. May the pure teachings of this book mingle with their fragrance,
and fill you with the HOPE that maketh not ashamed, so that no fear shall deter
you from doing that which is right.
Candidates are conducted to station of Graces.
I will introduce you to our Worthy Patron, Pomona.
P., presenting fruit blossoms, real or artificial:
Let these fruit blossoms be to you an emblem of HOPE. Let us remember that no
trees bear fruit in Autumn which do not blossom in the early Summertime. That
life may be profitable, laden with good fruits, let all endeavor that youth be
studious and Virtuous, replete with the blossoms of observation and study—the
promise of future wisdom and usefulness.
Next listen to Flora.
In exhibiting to you these blossoms, let me remind you that they are symbols of
love and charity, which, like flowers, cover many a deformity of nature.
Encourage their culture, as well as study their forms and beauty. Endeavor to
surround your dwellings with twining vines or graceful plants; for there is no
spot on earth so rude as not to be refined by their presence, and none so
adorned as not to be graced by their beauty and fragrance.
all, remember that amid all that is bright and beautiful in Nature there is
nothing which blooms with such unfading colors—there is no perfume on earth
fraught with such fragrance—as the flowers of good works and the sweet-smelling
savor of that pity which feels for the wants and relieves the distresses of our
sisters and our brothers.
And now listen to Ceres.
As we look around and see the beautiful transformation of seeds. Into attractive
plants or majestic trees, we have but another lesson taught us of the wondrous
works of God. Changes and transformations are constantly passing before us—the
dying grain into the living stalk, the tiny seeds into majestic-trees, the bud
to blossom, and the blossom to fruit. All these preach eloquently of the
wonder-working God; and if the beauties of this world, when rightly viewed,
offer so much of the magnificence of the Creator to charm us here, what must be
the sublime grandeur of that Paradise above, not made with hands, eternal in the
Worthy Master, we now come for your admonition and instruction.
M.: My Worthy Sisters
and Brothers, may the lessons you have received find genial soil in your minds.
Cultivate with HOPE the seed thus planted, that it may yield an hundredfold.
The tools used by us in this degree are the Hoe and
the Pruning Knife. The Hoe, with which we cut up weeds and stir the soil, is
emblematic of that cultivation of the mind which destroys error and keeps our
thoughts quickened and ready to receive and apply new facts as they appear, thus
promoting the growth of knowledge and wisdom.
Pruning Knife, used to remove useless and injurious growths from our trees,
plants and vines, should remind you to prune idle thoughts and sinful
suggestions, and thus keep your passions within due bounds and prevent your
fancy from leading you astray after the vanities and vices of the world. Bear in
mind that moral and mental worth rank before worldly wealth or honors, and that,
as a worthy Cultivator or Shepherdess in our glorious fraternity, you can justly
claim to belong to the true nobility of the land.
I will
now instruct you in the signal, degree words, sign and salutation of this
degree. Imparts secret work.
You are
now Cultivators and Shepherdesses in the Second Degree of our Order. The
salutation of this degree signifies that a member of this degree “places Faith
in God and nurtures Hope.”
I now
present you with the Declaration of Purposes, which clearly defines the basic
principles upon which our Fraternity is founded. Before you can be advanced to
the Third Degree you will be required to read the Declaration of Purposes and to
commit to memory at least one of its paragraphs. The Worthy Steward will test
your proficiency before admitting you to further advancement.
And now
accept the right hand of fellowship and the congratulations of your associates.
M. declares a recess for greetings.

Patrons of Husbandry -
Third Degree – Harvest
Instructions on Degree Work
This degree
symbolizes Autumn on the farm, when the ripened grains and fruits are garnered.
Robes—Buff Trimmings: Ceres, yellow; Pomona, green; Flora, pink. Tam o’Shanter
caps, with russet trimmings, are appropriate.
The A.
S. shall prepare:
1.: A
small bunch of gleanings made of wheat or rye, constituting the sheaves of grain
for each lady member in the Harvest March.
Medium sized gilded or silvered sickle for each male member in Harvest March.
3.: A
bright miniature sickle should be on the desk of the M.
In first
part of degree, after instruction in the U.W., the candidates are sent to the
preparation room. As soon as they leave the hall the altar is moved up close to
the platform in front of C.
All is
then in readiness for the execution of the Harvest March, which constitutes one
of the most beautiful features of the entire degree work, and which should be
carried out in all Granges with the utmost care and in accordance with the
printed instructions below.
A group
of selected members (three to six couples as desired) form two and two in front
of L. facing the O. Sisters all carry gleanings and brothers sickles. These
represent the harvesters coming in from the field, at the close of the day,
bearing the fruits of their labor.
being ready, they march once completely around the hall, everyone singing the
“Harvest Song”. As they pass the Inner Gate the second time it is opened and the
candidates led by A.S. and L.A.S. enter and join in the procession. The third
time around the bunches of gleanings are deposited in front of C, thus forming a
complete sheaf of grain (C. assisted by P. and F. will immediately assemble the
gleanings in sheaf form, tying same securely with appropriate yellow ribbon).
The line then continues around the hall to station of S., turns left and
proceeds diagonally across the hall to station of M. opens to the right and
left, passes down back of center single file until the heads of columns again
reach the station of S. This will bring the candidates in the rear up between
the two columns to the M., who now exhibits the sickle with its accompanying
lecture, followed by the chorus by all, “Then Glory to the Steel,” after which
the congratulations of C., P. and F. are offered, as in the Manual.
couples who are to execute the Harvest March should be as carefully trained as
the officers; should be seated together and in close proximity to station of L.,
to facilitate prompt and quiet formation for the march; and at its conclusion
they should pass quietly from station of S. (where march ends) to their former
It is
now considered to be the hour of sunset, the day’s work is over, and the
Harvesters and Gleaners are all assembled on the lawn in front of the Master’s
[Note—The fact should never be
overlooked that no candidates for the Third Degree should be permitted to enter
the Inner Gate until they have first been tested on their knowledge of the
Declaration of Purposes, as prescribed in the Second Degree; and have fully
qualified therein.]
SYMBOLS—Autumn—Manhood—Flowers—The Fruit—The Ripened Grain
EMBLEM—The Sickle.
SCENE—A Farm in the Harvest Season
The candidates are assembled in the Preparation room in charge of
A.S. and L.A.S. and are tested on their knowledge of the Declaration of
Purposes, as commanded in Previous degree. Alarm from the A.S.
Worthy Overseer, an alarm at the Gate.
See who approaches.
Who comes?
Brothers and Sisters who, having served faithfully as Laborers and Maids,
Cultivators and Shepherdesses, desire to be instructed and receive employment as
Harvesters and Gleaners.
Tarry until I make their request known to the Worthy Overseer.
Overseer, brothers and sisters seek employment in the harvest field.
Let them be admitted, that we may learn their qualifications.
Steward op ens the Inner Gate, the line will march once around
the hall and halt at the station of the Worthy Steward.
Brothers and Sisters, since the last degree the seasons have changed again. In
the First Degree, Springtime, you prepared the soil with FAITH in God In the
Second Degree, Summer, you planted and cultivated, nurturing HOPE It is now the
Autumn, or Harvest time: The yellow grain is waving for the reapers and
gleaners; the rustling corn is hastening toward ripeness; the fruits of the
orchard are coloring in succession and bid busy hands to gather them. All these
changes should possess your minds that you may enjoy your advancement and feel
as well as hear the attendant lessons. We must reap for the mind as well as for
the body, and from the abundance of our harvest, in good deeds and kind words,
dispense CHARITY. You will now be conducted to the Worthy Overseer.
Worthy Overseer, I bring brothers and sisters for the harvest field.
Brothers and
Sisters, is it of your own free will that you desire to enter the harvest field?
Candidates in unison:
It is.
Have they been duly examined as to their knowledge of our Declaration of
They have.
Have they been taught how to select good seed, and how to plant it?
They have.
It is well. You will conduct them to our Worthy Master and secure his approval.
Worthy Master, in compliance with the Overseer’s command, I present these
brothers and sisters for instruction as Harvesters and Gleaners. I vouch for
their qualifications, by reason of faithful performance of their duties in the
previous degrees, and the exemplification in their lives of the lessons of Faith
and Hope.
Your recommendation is sufficient to insure them favor More assistance is needed
in the fields, the grain is ripe and ready for the harvest. It is, however,
important that none but intelligent and skillful laborers be employed Before
they enter upon their labors, it will be necessary for them to receive
instruction, and, first of all, to give a pledge of secrecy and fidelity.
Brothers and Sisters, this pledge will not conflict with your social, religious,
moral or political duties. With this assurance, are you willing to proceed?
Candidates in unison:
We are.
You will be conducted to the altar and there renew your obligations.
When candidates are in position at altar O. calls up.
You will repeat after me this Obligation: I solemnly promise to keep sacred the
pledges of the previous degrees of this Order and hereby pledge my sacred honor
that I will faithfully observe the precepts and injunctions of this degree,
reveal none of its secrets and assist in promoting the welfare of the Order
according to my ability.
O. calls down.
Brothers and Sisters, as Harvesters and Gleaners in our Order, gather only the
good seed Our associations in life are the fields in which we reap. Use
judgment, and while you glean let your example be such that others may profit by
it. You will now be conducted to our Worthy Lecturer.
Worthy Lecturer, our brothers and sisters come to gather words of wisdom from
Brothers and Sisters, as Harvesters and Gleaners, reap for the mind as well as
for the body. Natural history is replete with both the wonderful and beautiful,
and its study enables us the better to carry out the principles we inculcate of
Faith, Hope and Charity. Cultivate an observing mind. It is delightful to
acquire knowledge, and much more so to diffuse it. It is sad to think that any
human soul should fail to perceive the beauty that everywhere abounds. Nature
preaches to us for ever in tones of love, and writes truth in all colors, on
manuscripts illuminated with stars and flowers.
faithful, be hopeful, be charitable,” is the constant song Nature sings, through
warbling birds and whispering pines, through roaring waves and howling winds. As
Harvesters and Gleaners of this wisdom, teach others how beautiful, how angelic,
seems every fragment of life which is earnest and true.
Worthy Overseer, our brothers and sisters come for further instruction.
My Brothers and Sisters, all honest labor is honorable. God, who made the earth,
set the example of labor, and sanctified it, and made it the necessity of His
creatures. Inasmuch as it is of God’s example and design, it is our duty to
honor and dignify it, and make it conducive to the advancement and happiness of
all God’s people.
You are
now about to enter the harvest God loveth a cheerful giver, and no less a
cheerful worker; for work is prayer. Labor with cheerfulness. A merry heart
doeth good like a medicine. The truest balsam for injured minds is cheerful
labor. Cultivate the habit of looking for better and brighter days, instead of
mourning over the past.
you strive to make labor honorable, exert yourself to make it pleasant and
cheerful for all around you.
Assistants, you will now conduct our brothers and sisters to the Worthy
Worthy Chaplain, I present our brothers and sisters for instruction.
Brothers and Sisters, the fields of our labor are ever “white unto the harvest;”
and in them “he that reapeth receiveth wages and gathereth fruit unto life
eternal; that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.”
Take heed, therefore, and beware of covetousness; for a man’s life consisteth
not in the abundance of things he possesseth, but in the right use of God’s
blessings. Say not, therefore, “Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many
years—take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry” for our Heavenly Father placed
us here to be “laborers together with Him,” and raises up the ever-ripening
harvest, that we may be the stewards of His bounty, and so partake of His
blessedness in being beneficent. Therefore, be ye helpers one of another, for we
are all brethren.
forget not CHARITY. As flowers and vines cover the rough places in nature, so I
charge you, cover the faults and failings of others with the mantle of CHARITY.
Speak good of others, rather than evil. Gather up memories of others’ virtues,
and pass by their faults in pity. The tears of the compassionate are sweeter
than dew-drops falling from roses on the bosom of the earth.
Such are
the great aims, labors, and rewards of the true Harvester and Gleaner; and to
these I bid you welcome. Be faithful in gathering, that you may be liberal in
I will now present you to our Worthy Master.
Worthy Master, our brothers and sisters come for instruction in the secret work
of this degree.
I will now give you the signal of this degree; also, the degree words, sign and
salutation. Imparts secret
You are
now Harvesters and Gleaners in the Third Degree of our Order. The salutation of
this degree signifies that a member of this degree “places Faith in God,
nurtures Hope, and dispenses Charity.” To A.S.:
As the day is far spent, you will conduct the brothers and sisters to the gate
of the harvest field, and there join the harvesters as they return from their
Candidates are conducted to anteroom and preparations made for
Harvest March.
Harvest March and Song.
M., calls to order:
I now exhibit to you the Sickle. Like all the tools we use, it is ancient and
honorable; as an emblem of our Order, there is none more so. It speaks of peace
and prosperity, and is the harbinger of joy. It is used not merely to reap the
golden grain for the sheaf, but, in the field of mind and heart and soul, to
gather every precious stalk, every opening flower, every desirable fruit. Thus
shall the implement prove a reminder of honorable employment, preaching its
sermon of present prosperity and peace, and its prophecy of future plenty and
Chorus By All:
glory to the steel
shines in the reaper’s hand,
And thanks to God, who has blessed the sod
crowns the reaping band
Brothers and Sisters, your task for the day is over; you have labored
diligently, and I gladly commend your faithfulness. Let me urge you to continue
with the same diligence until the harvest is finished. I now greet you as
Harvesters and Gleaners, and trust that your faithful work will soon entitle you
to still further advancement.
Music—If candidates march.
Candidates will be marched once around hall and hatted before
Graces; except that in case of a small or very crowded hall. Graces may give
their charges while candidates remain in position before station of M. Same rule
obtains after charge of F.
Let our Worthy Patron Ceres greet you.
Brothers and Sisters, happy are they who see in the matured harvest not only the
product of human skill and labor, but the reward of Faith in God’s promise of
the seed-time. From the abundance of good things which, with God’s blessing,
your labors in Faith and Hope have produced, forget not to dispense Charity in
word and deed.
And now listen to Pomona.
Brothers and Sisters, the harvest of fruits will soon claim your attention. May
it prove so abundant as to add gratitude to the Hope inspired by the blossoms of
the early Summer.
And now Flora will add the closing charge.
That you may enjoy your rewards dispense Charity, the flowers of brotherly love,
as freely as Nature spreads her flowery carpet over all the earth. And let your
Charity extend to all humanity.
in Faith and in Hope this world may disagree,
mankind is concerned in Charity.”
Music—If candidates march.
And now, Worthy Assistant and Lady Assistant, please introduce our brothers and
sisters to the members of the Grange—for which purpose I declare a recess.
Brief recess for greetings.

Patrons of Husbandry –
Fourth Degree - Home
Instructions on Degree Work
This degree
symbolizes Winter and the good cheer of the Farm Home.
Robes—Light blue Ceres, trimmed with yellow; Pomona, white; Flora, pink.
Appropriate headdress—Ceres, wheat heads; Pomona, fruit buds; and Flora,
flowers. Each lady officer carries a bouquet of flowers.
Harvest Feast Table, set with luscious fruits of the farm and garden, the
voluntary contributions of Husbandman and Matron.
The A.S.
shall prepare:
Sufficient badges on desk of M. for all candidates;
2.: A
highly polished Agate on desk of M.
On the
desk of the M. should be the badges of this degree and an Agate for the M. to
use in explaining the symbolism of his lecture.
table should be spread with luscious fruits and viands for the festivities—the
voluntary contributions of the members.
candidates in charge of the A.S. and L.A.S. are now admitted and instructed by
the various officers.
the Obligation has been administered by the M. occurs the formation of the Altar
Circles, which, when properly performed, constitute a most impressive feature,
which the candidates can never forget.
Obligation should be followed immediately by singing one verse of the
“Obligation Song”. During this singing S. comes forward, takes staves from the
A.S. and L.A.S. and assumes position slightly at right of M.’s station
(standing). Immediately at the conclusion of one verse of the “Obligation Song,”
the “Patrons’ Chain” is started. While first verse is being sung, C., P. and F.
come forward [no others] and join hands with A.S., L.A.S., and candidates, to
form complete altar circle, enclosing M. [C. stands directly behind the M, P.
takes hand of L.A.S., and F. the hand of A.S.] Two candidates at end will
complete circle by joining hands. After first verse is finished, M. gives
charge, “Here, Brothers and Sisters, around our altar,” etc.
verse of “Patrons’ Chain” is then sung, during which the members advance from
their seats and with joined hands form a complete second circle around the
first, standing thus [no marching] while M. gives charge, “As we in form thus
enclose you within a sacred circle,” etc. Then O. calls down; members return
quietly to their seats; S. presents staves to A.S. and L.A.S. and passes to his
arranging for the Fourth Degree circles at the altar, it is very desirable to
select a leader for starting the second circle, in which the members are to
participate, and have it clearly understood in advance that no one is to start
making the second circle until the leader gives the cue; similarly, the return
to seats will await the initiative of the leader.
In the
event of a crowded hall it will probably be wise to request in advance that only
those in he front row of seats on each side of the hall come forward to make the
second circle, provided this number will be sufficiently large to enclose
completely the first circle. Confusion at this point is inevitable unless this
caution is observed.
candidates leave the altar they will be conducted once around the hall and
introduced to L., the work then following according to the Manual, command of
the M. the candidates are conducted to C., P. and F. for instruction in the
lessons of the signs of the degrees. It is recommended that a tableau be shown
at this point,
presenting a winter scene, which should show the home of a prosperous farmer
enjoying with his family the fruits of the season’s labors.
Sufficient time should be allowed to permit the members to view the tableau
before Ceres begins to deliver her charge C., P. and F. give their respective
charges, and candidates are then conducted around the hall to station of M., for
instruction in the U.W. [Whenever the stage is used for tableaux C., P. and F.
will be stationed on time floor of the hall directly in front of stage.
the candidates have received instruction from the M. in the U.W. and in the
symbolism of this degree, and following the Secretary’s charge they are invited
to the feast.
suggested in the Manual either one of two methods may be adopted for
illustrating this closing feature of the Fourth Degree.
If a
table is to be placed in the hall, it should be attractively prepared outside,
in readiness for immediate presentation at the point where M. invites to the
feast. In such event at should be placed near the center of the hall, with
positions of M, O., L. and Chap. as indicated in the Manual.
If all
can be seated at one time in the dining-room, the Master’s invitation to the
feast may he followed by a march to dining-room—officers first, led by A.S. and
L.A.S., then candidates, visitors and members of the host Grange. Officers will
occupy same positions as already prescribed. When the feast has ended [before
any are permitted to leave] M. will rise and slowly and impressively deliver the
final lecture of the degree.
If least is to be given in the dining-room after
Grange is closed the Master should so announce. Same instructions as to march,
seating, closing lecture, etc, will then apply.
SCENE—A Farm Home in the Winter Season.
M. calls to order and stands during the opening ceremony; each
officer, as he takes part, should stand while speaking:
The hour of labor has arrived and the work of another day demands our attention.
Let each repair to his or her allotted station. Worthy Overseer, are all present
Worthy Steward, you will ascertain
My assistants will make examination and report.
Worthy Master, we find all present correct.
M. will call the seated officers to rise and they will remain
standing until the close of the opening ceremony.
Worthy Steward, are the gates properly guarded
S. examines and finds G K at his post:
They are, Worthy Master
Worthy Steward, inform the Gate Keeper that we are preparing for work.
S. opens wide the I.G.:
Brother Gate Keeper, the Worthy Master directs me to inform you that we are
preparing for work
G.K. closes the O.G.:
I therefore close this Outer Gate in F. in H. and in C. and will guard it with
Right, Worthy Gate Keeper. To Chaplain:
And now, Worthy Chaplain, as Laborers tinder the Great Master of the Universe,
let us bow in prayer. Calls up entire Grange.
Almighty Father, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and Giver of all good, we return our
heartfelt thanks that we are permitted again to meet each other here to work in
this glorious cause. Endow us with prudence and wisdom in our counsels as a
body, that our work may be good and acceptable in Thy sight, and that our labors
may be blessed with a liberal harvest; and when we are called to lay down our
implements on earth, may we enter the Paradise not made with hands, eternal in
the heavens, and receive that welcome plaudit: “Well done, good and faithful
beseech Thee to bless the officers and members of this Grange, and all connected
with the Order, from the highest to the lowest degree, and grant them
prosperity. We ask all in Thy holy name.
Opening Song.
Worthy Steward, please close the Inner Gate.
S. closes the I.G.:
In F. in H and in C. I close this Inner Gate, and will guard it with F.
Grange Salutation.
Patrons, in F. in H. in C. and with F. this Grange is now opened in ample form
in the Fourth Degree. Worthy Overseer, please proclaim it accordingly.
By command of the Worthy Master, I proclaim this Grange opened in ample form for
promoting the welfare of our country and of mankind, and for advancing the
interests, elevating the characters, and increasing the influence of all Patrons
of Husbandry, by properly transacting our business and by exemplifying our
principles in F. in H. in C. and with F.
As in previous degrees the candidates should be in readiness in
the anteroom in charge of the A.S. and L.A.S. Alarm from the A.S.
Worthy Overseer, an alarm at the Gate.
See who approaches.
Who comes?
Brothers and sisters, who have finished their labor in the harvest field, and
now seek advancement
Do you vouch for them?
I do.
Steward opens the Inner Gate, the line will march once around
hall and halt at the station of the
Worthy Steward. At the conclusion of song, Steward
advances and says: Brothers and Sisters, I welcome you on your way.
It is now the Fourth Degree, in the Grange, on the Farm, and in our lives. The
seasons of Preparation, Culture and Harvest have passed. It is in the Home that
we enjoy the fruits of our labors in the fields of the farm, and the fields of
life. In winter, the season of rest from active toil, we sit down with our
families, our friends and neighbors, and enjoy together the good things our
labors in the lower degrees have brought us. So also in old age we enjoy the
fruits of a well-spent life, surrounded by friends, and in a happy Home, “Noted
for FIDELITY.” You will now be conducted to the Worthy Overseer.
Worthy Overseer, these brothers and sisters, who have served faithfully, desire
to become Husbandmen and Matrons.
Brothers and Sisters, your industry, zeal and efficiency have gained you the
approbation of your companions in our Order, and I rejoice at your advancement.
The position to which you have now arrived confers upon you great privileges,
and binds you in a closer tie of brotherhood. You will now apply in a higher
station the wisdom gained in the previous degrees. Faithful there, we expect
continued FIDELITY here. Is it your wish to proceed?
Candidates in unison:
It is.
You will then give us a further pledge of honor to secrecy and fidelity as a
Patron, which will not interfere with your duty to God, to your country, or to
yourself. With this assurance will you give it?
Candidates in unison:
We will.
Worthy Assistants, you will now conduct these brothers and sisters to the altar,
where they will register their pledge in the Fourth Degree of our Order.
During the singing the candidates are led around the
hall, reaching the altar at the close, where they are met by the Master.
Worthy Assistant, whom bring you to our altar?
Brothers, true, worthy and well qualified.
Worthy Lady Assistant, whom bring you to our shrine?
Sisters, who have gleaned in the field.
Have you a precedent for so doing?
I have.
Will you give it?
In Ruth, the Moabitess, who gleaned in the fields of Boaz.
When urged by Naomi to return to her kindred, how did she reply?
“Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for
whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people,
shall be my people, and thy God, my God: where thou diest, will I die, and
there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death
part thee and me.”
Right, sister; let us trust that equally strong friendship may exist between us
all in our fraternity.
O. calls up and M. administers the Obligation.
Brothers and Sisters, I will now administer the Obligation. You will repeat
after me: “I hereby renew and confirm the obligations I have heretofore taken in
this Order and solemnly declare that I will never communicate the secrets of
this Order to anyone unless legally authorized to do so and that I will endeavor
to be a true and farihful Patron of Husbandry, perform the duties enjoined in
this Order and aid others in the performance of the same. I further promise to
uphold the Constitution of the United States and to obey the laws of the land.”
Altar Circles and Songs.
During singing of first verse of Patrons’ Chain, A.S., L.A.S.,
Ceres, Pomona and Flora join hands with the candidates, making first circle
around the M. and the altar, and M says:
Here, Brothers
and Sisters, around our altar, with hands united, we pledge to you our
friendship, and accept your pledge of fidelity in return.
During singing of second verse of Patrons’ Chain outer circle is
formed and M. will continue:
As we in form
thus enclose you within a sacred circle, so does this Grange in the name of our
noble and beneficent Order pledge to you a pure friendship, enduring through
life, to shield you from harm. And now, Brothers and Sisters, loose hands, but
let us ever hold fast and firm our obligations of FIDELITY.
O. calls down.
Assistants, you will now conduct the candidates to the Worthy Lecturer.
Worthy Lecturer, our Worthy Master desires you to instruct the candidates.
Brothers and Sisters, to live in the country and enjoy all its pleasures, we
should love rural life. To love the country is to take interest in all that
belongs to it—its occupations, its sports, its culture, and its improvement—to
gather the flocks around us and feed them from our own hands—to make the birds
our friends, and call them all by their names—to rove over the verdant fields
with a higher pleasure than we should have in carpeted halls of regal courts—to
inhale the fresh air of the morning as if it were the sweet breath of infancy—to
brush the dew from the glittering fields, as if our paths were strewn with
diamonds—to perceive this glorious temple all instinct with the presence of the
Divinity, and to feel, amid all this, the heart swelling with an adoration and a
holy joy absolutely incapable of utterance. This it is to love the country, and
to make it not the home of the body only, but of the soul. The teachings of our
Order would make the farmer’s home the brightest and happiest place on earth.
Worthy Overseer, our brothers and sisters are on their way to receive their
reward, and desire counsel from you.
Brothers and Sisters, you are now about to receive your reward as faithful
Harvesters and Gleaners—a position reached by merit alone. As Husbandmen and
Matrons look with earnest solicitude upon children and their welfare; and
remember that they are to follow in our footsteps and occupy our positions. If
we desire to encourage them to love rural life, we must make its labors
cheerful. What a child sees makes the most lasting impression. We may tell them
of the pleasures and independence of the farmer’s life; but if their daily
intercourse with us shows it to be tedious, irksome, laborious, without any
recreation of body or mind, they will soon lose all interest in it and seek
enjoyment elsewhere. Therefore, strive to make your homes pleasing— make them
more and more attractive. Adorn your grounds with those natural attractions
which God has so profusely spread around us; and especially adorn the family
circle with the noble traits of a kind disposition—fill its atmosphere with
affection, and thus induce all to love and not to fear you; for love is the only
enduring power. Speaking the truth in love, you will impress your memory on the
mind of childhood in characters which floods cannot wash out, nor even the
slow-moving ages of eternity obliterate. Be careful, also, to engraft only such
truths as will be guide and teacher when your voice shall be silent on earth,
and you have passed to another and a better world.
Worthy Master, our brothers and sisters are now ready to receive their reward.
Brothers and Sisters, you have labored diligently, and I say unto you, “Well
done, good and faithful servants.” As Husbandmen and Matrons, the Assistant
Steward and Lady Assistant Steward will now decorate you with the regalia of our
Order, an emblem of Fidelity and Fraternity. Brothers and Sisters, wear it with
honor and dignity. You will now be instructed in the lessons of the signs of the
degrees. The first you will receive from Ceres.
Music—If candidates march.
Candidates will be marched once around halt and halted before
Graces, except that in case of a small or very crowded hall Graces may give
their charges while candidates remain in position before station of M. Same rule
obtains after charge of F.
Brothers and Sisters, my tribute is the seed corn. Have FAITH. Faith in the
spring of the year, and the springtime of life. Even as little children have
Faith in their parents, so should we have Faith in the Great Provider. We
prepare our fields and plant the seed, having Faith in its resurrection.
Brothers and Sisters, give heed to further lessons from Pomona.
I need not prompt you to nurture HOPE. Hope is the heavenly light that gilds our
labors. Were we deprived of that source of consolation, life would indeed be
dreary. When you see the blossoms open in the early summer, Hope is there for
the luscious fruit. The labors of the Husbandman and Matron encourage Hope at
every turn. Let the fruit blossoms be to you an emblem of HOPE.
By Flora you will be further taught.
Let flowers be
to you an emblem of CHARITY. In kind words and deeds dispense. Charity, as
freely as flowers do their perfume, and as generously as they cover all God’s
footstool. Beautify and adorn your homes with flowers. The home that is thus
made fragrant and cheerful is prepared to be the abode of sweeter affections and
more radiant virtues.
We will now return to the Worthy Master.
Music—If candidates march.
Let the Agate be to you an emblem of FIDELITY May your principles of manhood and
womanhood be as firmly impressed as the lasting colors in the stone, and may our
friendship be as firm as the stone itself. I now give you the sign and
salutation of this degree. Imparts
and Sisters, you are now Patrons of Husbandry in the Fourth Degree of our
honorable Order. The salutation of this degree signifies that “A good Patron
places Faith in God, nurtures Hope, dispenses Charity, and is noted for
I will
also impart to you the signal and degree words of this degree, annual word,
voting sign, sign of recognition, grip, Patrons’ test, and instruct you in the
use of the gavel Imparts
secret work, with proper exemplification
of same.
Worthy Secretary will now instruct you as to your obligations to this Grange.
Worthy Secretary, it is the wish of our Worthy Master that these newly initiated
Patrons of Husbandry shall be instructed by you concerning their obligations to
this Grange.
Inasmuch as you are now members in the Fourth Degree of this Grange, it is
important that your obligations to the Order be fully understood. One of the
essential virtues in a good Patron is punctuality—in attendance upon meetings,
in response to parts assigned, and in meeting financial requirements. In our
fraternity there, is work for all and those reap the most abundant harvest of
Grange benefits who contribute most liberally of their own strength, time and
members’ quarterly dues constitute the financial lifeblood of the Order, and
subordinate, Pomona, State and National Granges are supported almost entirely by
this small contribution from the membership. Dues are payable in advance on or
before the first meeting in the quarter and should always be cheerfully and
promptly met.
member may receive the annual password whose dues are not paid in full to
December 31st of the previous year. Prompt advance payment of dues by all
members assures good financial standing by the Grange and contributes very
materially to its prosperity and growth.
And now once more to our Worthy Master.
Now, Brothers and Sisters, having merited and received the approval of your
companions, I cordially invite you to join us in the enjoyment of the fruits of
our labors in the preceding degrees.
The exercises at the table may be opened with song
and the positrons around the table will be as follows: M. at the head, with
Chap. at his left, L. at his right, and O. at the opposite end. When all have
taken positions M will say: Worthy Chaplain, our harvest being ended,
and the fruits thereof spread before us, it is meet that we return thanks to the
Great Creator for these blessings.
Heavenly Father, who openest Thine hand to satisfy the desires of every living
thing, make us grateful for Thy present provision, and may the strength it
imparts be expended in Thy service and that of humanity.
Make the Feast cheerful with pleasant conversation
and songs. At the close of the Feast, M., standing at his place at the table,
will call to order and deliver this closing Lecture of the Degree.
Another season in the work of our Order has passed. The lessons we have
endeavored to inculcate are appropriate to all the walks and seasons of life. In
the morning or Springtime, as Laborers and Maids in field and household, we are
admonished to be diligent—persevering in our researches for truth, and in a
faithful discharge of the various duties that devolve upon us. As Cultivators
and Shepherdesses, we are impressed with maxims that lead to habits of
observation, industry and order in life’s Summertime. As Harvesters and
Gleaners, we learn to be joyous and thankful for the blessings that, in each
Autumn, reward our efforts to increase the store of comfort and happiness
vouchsafed to man. And when the ripened fruits and falling leaves of Autumn give
place to Winter, as Husbandmen and Matrons—Patrons of Husbandry, indeed—we can
enter into the enjoyment of that rest from physical labor which gives us leisure
for mental and social culture; and which, in our Order, brings us into that
circle where unbounded confidence prevails, and where the welfare of each is
bound up in the good of all. Let us treasure up the lessons we have learned,
both by successes and failures, plan wisely and hopefully for the future, and
strive to make our lives as harmoniously beautiful and bountiful as are the
works of Nature’s God.
Note—Inasmuch as the Harvest Feast and the accompanying lecture constitute a
beautiful climax to the degree, this portion should be made as impressive as
Worthy Overseer, are the labors of the day completed?
They are,
Worthy Master.
As there is no more work for us today, the Steward will see that the implements
are properly secured for the night.
All is secure, Worthy Master.
M., calls up:
Brothers and Sisters: As we are again to separate, and mingle with the world,
let us not forget the precepts of our Order. Let us add dignity to labor, and in
our dealings with our fellowmen be honest, be Just, and fear not. We must avoid
intemperance in eating, drinking and language; also in work and recreation, and
whatever we do, strive to do well. Let us be quiet, peaceful citizens, feeding
the hungry, helping the fatherless and the widows, and keeping ourselves
unspotted from the world.
Closing Song.
Grange Salutation.
M.: Worthy Overseer, please proclaim the Grange closed.
O.: By command of the Worthy Master, I
proclaim this Grange duly closed until again lawfully opened, in F. in H. in C.
and with F.
So be it.
All repeat:
So be it.
May the Divine Master protect, guide and bless us all, now and evermore.
Worthy Steward, inform the Gate Keeper that the labors of the day are closed.
Worthy Gate Keeper, the Worthy Master directs me to inform you that the labors
of the day are closed.
Master closes Grange with one rap of gavel.

Order of
Patrons of Husbandry Ritual
5th Degree - Pomona
The Master will take his place, and call the Grange to order by
one stroke of the gavel. Officers will immediately repair to their respective
stations, and members, clothed in regalia, will be seated. The Master will then
rise and say:
Brothers and
Sisters, we have assembled for work in the Degree of Pomona. Please assist in
opening the Grange.
Calls up.
Worthy Overseer, please ascertain if all present are entitled to remain with us
in the Fifth Degree.
Worthy Steward, you will direct your Assistants to satisfy themselves that all
present have received the Fifth Degree.
My Assistants
will make an examination and report.
The Assistants will receive the words from the Overseer, make the
examination and report, as in the Fourth Degree.
Worthy Master, I am satisfied that all present have been instructed in the Fifth
Worthy Steward, is the Gate Keeper on guard?
The Steward will see if the Gate Keeper is at his post and
He is, Worthy Master
Worthy Chaplain, we will join with you, and invoke the Divine favor.
Our Father who art in heaven, we beseech Thee to inspire us with Thy presence on
this occasion. Give us strength of mind, purity of thought, and earnestness of
purpose in the discharge of every duty; and may the work and influence of this
Grange imbue us with wisdom and virtue—that we may he able to carry good cheer
to our homes, and become better qualified to discharge the duties of life. We
ask all in Thy holy name. Amen.
All respond:
Worthy Steward, please close the Inside Gate.
Steward Closes the door.
The Gate is closed, Worthy Master.
Brothers and Sisters having reached this high position through the exercise of
F*, H*, and C*, with F*, and by P*; let the language of the Salutation of this
Degree, be our inspiring motto in all our work as Patrons of Husbandry.
I now declare the Grange opened for work in the Fifth Degree. Worthy Steward,
inform the Gate Keeper.
Calls down.
Degree Work
A double curtain is stretched across the Hall, in front of the
Stage, on which POMONA presides, surrounded by ten or twelve Lady Attendants,
all gaily dressed. The Stage is superbly decorated with flowers, shrubbery and
POMONA seated on the throne—her Attendants form a good Chorus.
A table occupies the centre of the Hall, on which are displayed
fruits and flowers. The Master’s desk is in front of the curtain, on the same
side which it occupies in the subordinate degree work. The officers’ desks are
decorated, but all decorations are covered up in the first part of the work, and
the room is dimly lighted by a single candle on each officer’s desk.
Candidates in the ante-room are clothed in the regalia of the
fourth degree, and Masters of Granges wear their jewels. Each candidate is
closely blindfolded.
A.S. gives the signal of the fifth degree.
Worthy Overseer, an alarm!
Worthy Master, an alarm!
Worthy Overseer, request the Steward to ascertain who thus disturbs our
Worthy Steward, by command of our Worthy Master you will ascertain who is
S., opens door:
Who are these persons thus disturbing the deliberations of this assembly?
Patrons of Husbandry who desire to receive the degree of Pomona.
Will you testify that they are eligible?
I will. They have their credentials, which are correct.
S., closes door:
Worthy Overseer, those without are duly qualified candidates for the degree of
If you will assume the responsibility you can admit them.
S., opens door, and in a loud voice says:
Worthy Assistant, the door is opened, but at your peril let none enter who are
not fully qualified. Tread lightly, and be silent.
Soft music as they pass once around the Hall— the women
candidates attended by the L.A. Steward—and as they reach the Overseer’s desk,
crash of thunder.
Who are these, and whither are they going?
Patrons of Husbandry, who have served faithfully in all the subordinate degrees,
and desire to enter a higher field of usefulness.
Have they credentials?
They have: and I now present the same for your examination.
Hands papers.
While their
papers are being inspected, you will conduct the candidates to the Chaplain.
Worthy Chaplain, by order of our Overseer, I bring these Patrons of Husbandry
for instruction, preparatory to their advancement.
Patrons, the ceremony of the degree you are about to receive is one that can
never be erased from your minds, and should he considered by you with all due
solemnity. Therefore, that you may be prepared in heart and in mind, let us
unite in prayer. Master calls
Father, we bow before Thee in all humility, and beseech Thee to look with favor
upon those now present who seek further knowledge
of our
mysteries. May this occasion teach them to look to Thee with increased
reverence, and to love and to serve Thee with greater fervor and devotion. Give
them strength of mind and body, that they may labor more effectively in the good
cause. We ask it in Thy holy name.
While candidates stand before the Chaplain the Overseer says:
Worthy Assistant Steward, their credentials are correct, and you
will proceed to the altar with the candidates.
Music while candidates are being ranged around the altar.
Worthy Master, the candidates at the altar are ready to take the obligation.
O. Calls up.
Patrons, repeat after me:
I, ...,
pledge my sacred honor that what I may, at this time, learn of the mysteries of
this Order, shall he kept secret by me,—and solemnly promise that as a
representative in any legislative or business body of the Order, my voice and
vote shall always be used to promote the welfare of the Order, without fear,
favor or personal bias. And I declare that I never will, by word or deed, wrong
a member of the Order, and will always endeavor to protect our Sisters from
harm. And I hereby renew and confirm all former pledges, under the penalties
heretofore invoked, and make them part of this obligation.
O. calls down, and M. says:
Assistant Steward, you will restore them to light, and conduct them to the
Worthy Overseer, I bring these Patrons of Husbandry to be prepared for entering
the Court of Pomona.
Patrons, have you brought any token of your industry—any product of the soil?
Each Cand.:
I have not.
It is necessary that you do so; for, to gain favor with Pomona, some tribute
must be presented. I cannot grant you authority to proceed further, and if you
venture it must be at your own risk.
O. inverts his candle.
Patrons, you have heard the Overseer. Shall we proceed?
If you will take the risk, I will be your guide.
Music. Worthy Lecturer, these Patrons are on their way to the Court
of Pomona.
To be admitted there, each must present a written essay upon some agricultural
subject in which the writer is interested—one calculated to advance the
interests of our Order. To
candidates: Are you so provided?
Each Cand.:
I am not.
It is highly important that you should be, to show that you take an active
interest in the progress of our Order. It is instituted not merely for
amusement, but to accomplish great objects. If all are negligent in this
respect, our time is lost. All the results of experiments must be noted, and
this experience he given for the benefit of our associates. Hereafter, heed
this. As it is, I cannot encourage you with even faint hopes of success in your
pilgrimage to Pomona; and if you proceed, I must caution you that it will be at
your own risk.
L. inverts his candle.
Patrons, she prospect of success is far from encouraging. We will venture to
approach the Worthy Master, and see if we can gain his approval.
Music. Worthy Master, I bring Patrons of
Husbandry who seek admission to the Court of Pomona.
Have they brought evidence of their skill as Husbandmen and Matrons?
They have not.
Then they certainly cannot expect to find favor here. It is one of the precepts
and commands of our Order that each member shall contribute liberally, either in
the products of the soil or of the mind for the common good of our fraternity.
They certainly cannot be permitted to participate in the benefits of this degree
without the special permission of Pomona.
Can they have your authority to approach and ask her permission?
Coming here without any specimen of their skill and industry, I cannot give it.
They must go at their own risk.
M. inverts his candle.
Patrons, your hopes of success grow faint. There remains but one way in which
you can succeed. Will you venture on that?
Each Cand.:
I will!
I charge you then to have courage! You must first secure the Password. Come this
Every candle but one is extinguished. It is dark
Distant thunder and rain are heard. Lightning flashes. On reaching the Altar the
first curtain is drawn aside showing the Apparition in white, guarded by
dragons. Thunder ceases.
Who are these that dare intrude within this sacred portal.
Patrons of Husbandry who have labored diligently in Subordinate Granges, and who
now desire to gain admission to the Court of Pomona.
Have they brought offerings to lay before her?
They have not,
How, then, do they expect to gain admittance? Have they authority from the
Worthy Master?
They failed to secure that.
Why did they fail?
Because they brought no offerings.
Then they cannot pass.
Are all their hopes, then, blasted? Is there no way in which they can gain your
There is—one way.
What is it?
Hope, and Persevere.
In what respect?
ALL THROUGH LIFE! Let it be a lesson, never to be forgotten, that success in a
good cause is gained only by perseverance. Never be discouraged. Hope and
Hope and Persevere!
Thunder and lightning. Grand crash. Apparition and dragons
How we have a clue! Come this way. With it you may gain your end.
A.S. and Candidates retire to the ante-room. As soon as the Hall
is vacated the curtains are drawn back, table and officers’ desks uncovered,
full light, and the whole room made to appear like a fairy bower, in as strong
contrast to its former gloomy appearance as possible. A.S. then gives signal,
which is answered by the S. and the door is thrown open. Grand Concert of voices
and instruments, during which candidates pass slowly around the room, and, as
the song ends, stop at L.
Lecturer, we are on our way to the Court of Pomona, seeking wisdom.
Patrons, those whose seek Pomona’s Court should delight in the science and art
of Agriculture, The charge and labors of the farm, the garden, the dairy, and
the farm household, should have a humanizing influence on the mind. Can we aid
in giving fruitfulness to the soil, assist in the subterranean mysteries of
germination, and direct the growth of the almost intelligent plants, without
grateful recognition of the power of the Almighty? Can we superintend the
mysterious alchemy of dairy and kitchen and the more interesting changes of the
human frame and intellect in their wonderful developments from infancy to age,
and not feel an adoring awe at the wisdom and love of the framer of our bodies
and the Father of our spirits? Thus the study of God’s works is a never ending
source of delight and improvement. It enlightens our minds, refines our tastes,
and expands and improves our affections.
In these
great aims of our Order Pomona delights, and richly rewards all who endeavor to
promote them.
Music, during which candidates are conducted to O.
Worthy Overseer, we salute you.
Patrons, you have been prepared to consider anew your obligations as husbandmen
and matrons. There is one great duty which I would impress upon your minds at
this time. It is, to preserve, and bring together for exhibition, at proper
seasons, the choicest productions of orchard, farm, garden, dairy, and household
skill, that we may incite one another to good works. But what avail these,
beyond a momentary pleasure, without that instruction which will form others how
they may accomplish similar valuable results?
Every Patron of our ancient art should experiment to discover new modes of
cultivation, or to ascertain precisely what are the elements of success. He
should note the character and condition of the soil; the quality, measure and
weight of his seed; the time and mode of planting; and the state of atmosphere
and season, before, at, and after planting. He should also carefully observe and
record all changes and accidents, helps and hindrances that attend each stage of
growth. And when the experiment is completed, he should as carefully note all
particulars per. taming to the results obtained. This will enable him to
instruct others, and will suggest many valuable hints for future use. Thus will
you truly become eminent Patrons of Husbandry, honoring and being honored,
blessing and being blessed, instructing and being instructed, favored of God,
and your brethren, approved by your own conscience, and the judgment of the wise
and good who know you and your works.
Music, during which the candidates are conducted to Chaplain.
Worthy Chaplain, we solicit words of counsel from you.
Chap.: Patrons, it was proper that you
presented yourselves at our Altar. None should live so near God, and in such
acknowledged dependence on Him,
as the Husbandman and Matron. We live amid His works, surrounded by His
productions, dependent on His air, His light, His warmth, to cause the seed we
plant, to germinate, and all our labors, to yield fruit.
Our every sense is vitalized and gratified by His providence, and our every want
supplied by His bounty. It is most especially true of us, that “in Him we live,
and move, and have our being;” for our labors are His labors, our rewards are
the results of His workings, and our every pulsation and breath should therefore
be in harmony with His works and His will. Even we, ourselves, are God’s
They pass up and salute Pomona.
Worthy Pomona, I greet you, and in behalf these Patrons I solicit your favor.
Have they brought any tribute?
They have not.
How, then, could they enter here?
The talismanic
words of success were uttered, and all obstacles were removed.
What were they?
Hope, and Persevere!
Let those words be indelibly graven on their minds.
To candidates. What seek you?
The authority by which they may be invested with all that belongs to this
It is granted. Take this signet to our Worthy Master, that they may receive the
Sign and Password.
Passes an emblem of the degree to one of her Attendants, who
gives it to A.S.
Thanks, Worthy Pomona. Bows to her, and turns to
candidates. Through Perseverance we have gained our object. Now let
us to the Worthy Master.
Worthy Master, I present this signet, received from Pomona, and ask that these
Patrons may be vested with the Sign and Password of this degree.
The signet is received, and the request shall be granted. Patrons, our wishes
may produce pain and anxiety, but Elope always gives pleasure. Hope on,
persevere ever. These words express the meaning of the letters as placed on the
Cornucopia, the emblem of this degree, H.O.P.E.
Calls up. And now, Patrons,
let us pay our respects to our Worthy Patroness, POMONA.
Pomona rises and advances to the front of the stage.
Patrons, this is truly a fit time for serious reflection. If we work upon
marble, it will crumble—if we work upon brass, time will corrode it—if we rear
temples, they will crumble into dust; but if we work upon immortal minds,—if we
imbue them with just and true principles, the reverence of God and the love of
our fellow-man, we engrave or something which will brighten to all eternity.
As a
reward for your fidelity, your industry and zeal, let us now partake of those
bounties which our labors have secured. I invite you to follow us to the feast.
Music. Pomona leaves the stage. Master approaches and offers his
arm, which she accepts.
Officers and members wait upon the ladies into the Banquet. Master calls upon
Chaplain, who asks a blessing. After the feast, the Grange reassembles, but
closes immediately.
Closing Ceremony
Worthy Overseer, is the work of this meeting completed?
It is, Worthy Master.
Worthy Steward, with the aid of your Assist. ants, please collect the books,
regalia, and implements of labor.
The Steward should collect the Manuals and other books, and place
them upon the Master’s table. The Assistants should pass around the hall and
receive the regalia, badges, &c., and place them neatly in a box prepared and
kept for that purpose. The Master should be the custodian of the Manuals and
other books; the Steward of the regalia and working tools; and the Secretary of
all record books, files, &c.
All are secured, Worthy Master.
Calls up.
Worthy Steward, is the Inside Gate securely closed?
The gate is closed, Worthy Master.
C. gives benediction.
Brothers and Sisters, I declare this Grange duly closed, until again lawfully
opened. Let us remember our motto and persevere in all good works.
Suggestions for the Fifth Degree Work
Material for paraphernalia necessary in preparation of hall for
conferring the Fifth Degree of Pomona (Hope), and the estimate cost of the
1 heavy curtain of Green Baize or Green Flannel, to stretch the
entire width of the hall, 7 or 5 feet high.
1 light curtain, 7 by 5 feet—requires 4¼ yards of White Tarletan.
2 dozen one-half inch curtain rings or hooks.
2 copper wires, length of each a little more than the width of
1 censer or iron pan.
2 Ounces alcohol
2 pepper dusters.
4 ounces Lycopodium—(can be had at drug store).
1 yard Magnesium Tape—(can get at drug store or art gallery).
1 Tin Pan, in form of dusting pan, 3 inches wide, 10 inches long,
½ inch deep, with a place to insert the Magnesium Tape, and an open socket for
wooden handle.
8 candlesticks.
2 wall hinged lamp brackets, 12 or 14 inches long.
8 yards Bleached Muslin, for spectre robe.
1 round table stand, 3 feet in diameter.
1 round shelving rack for fruit stand, tier after tier till it
reaches a peak—in form of a flower stand.
1 White Muslin Table Cloth, six feet square.
The entire cost of the outfit will be about $20 to $30. A little
judgment must be used to see that everything is neatly made by competent
This Degree symbolizes a storm, followed by bright sunshine and a
scene of plenty.
Arrangement of Stage.—Decorate with Autumn fruits, plants and
trees, representing orchard, vineyard and fruit garden, the abundance of a
well-tilled farm
Court Robes.—Light Green material, Ceres trimmed with yellow;
Flora, pink; Pomona, pink and white. Floral decorations of fruit buds for
headwear, with bouquets or baskets of fruit for each.
The robes can be made by the same method as those for the Subordinate Degrees.
The L.A.S. Robe.—Material, Navy blue cheese cloth, or calico,
made sailor fashion, trimmed with white braid. A white cord and tassel confines
it at the waist. A shepherdess’ hat completes the costume. Requires about ten
yards of material. The same suit is worn throughout all the Degrees.
Directions for Making Court Robes—The robes can be made so that
they may be worn
as over-dresses; fitting anyone, by ladies wearing
their own dress waist made of fancy or light colored material.
Then take a full breadth of the goods; getting the length by
measuring from the back of the neck down front, touching the floor when hemmed;
next cut a vent to come to the waist ; now lay it in plaits over the shoulders;
cutting it out at the back of the neck so it will lay nicely around the neck
over the basque like a scarf, next cut two widths, from the waist down, allowing
for a train, and complete the skirt by sewing to front piece at waist, place a
draw at the waist, bringing the skirt over the basque at the waist, wearing sash
of two inch ribbon. Such a stage robe will fit anyone.
Another pretty style of robe
is the Grecian. Make a perfectly plain, white yoke, with high standing collar;
cut the material in required lengths allowing for 3 inches of train, back and
front; use not less than four widths, and sew on the yoke about 3 inches from
lower edge of collar; cut an arm’s eye; make a plain, long, tight-fitting
sleeve. Take a width of material and to make an extra sleeve, like the old. time
angel sleeve, and sew it to the arm’s eye, commencing at the back underneath and
ending on the top of the shoulder. This allows the material to fall from the arm
down the skirt of the robe. A narrow ribbon or cord should gather the gown
loosely at the waist line. The gown should be drawn up to escape the ground
at front and sides and let fall over the ribbon or cord. In making the robes
observe the proper colors for Ceres, Flora and Pomona.
All that remains to be done after that is to trim them nicely
observing the colors of green and white for Pomona, yellow for Ceres, pink and
white for Flora, with wrist ribbons.
The cheese cloth is wide and soft, consequently makes up and
drapes very nicely and will take about 5 yards for a suit.
Pink, white and yellow tarletan, makes a pretty trimming for some
of the suits and ribbon for the others.
Directions for Stage and Court.—To give an impressive effect to
the Court in the several degrees the stage should not be less than ten feet deep
and fifteen feet wide for an ordinary good-sized Grange Hall.
If stage scenery is used, which adds much to the effect of the
Court, the deeper the stage the better the effect, provided the hall is
proportionately large.
In almost any good-sized town a professional stage-fitter can be
found who would be glad to take the contract to put in the slides and scenery
similar. to those used in opera houses.
For Pomona Granges two sets of slides and scenes are necessary;
one representing a storm, the other representing sunshine, fruits, plants,
trees, orchard and vineyard.
Instruction in preparing hall for conferring the Fifth Degree,
and manner of conducting the initiation.
Stretch a heavy curtain made of green baize or green flannel
across the entire hall, in front of the stage, 7 or 8 feet high, or as may suit
the hall, mounted on a strong wire
or cord; parting in the center. To mount the curtain, fasten a ring or curtain
hooks every sixteen inches to the upper end of the curtain, through these run a
strong wire or cord ; then fasten the one end of the wire to the wall by means
of a strong screw eyelet, so as to bring the curtain immediately in front of the
stage. Now stretch your wire with curtain tightly across the hall and fasten it
on the opposite side. The curtain will now slide easily on the wire when needed
and will come right in front of the stage.
Back of the heavy curtains and on the side of the stage and
within five inches of the first is stretched another curtain, made of white
Tarletan, 7 by 5 feet, mounted in the same manner as the first, excepting that
it don’t part in the center. If properly mounted it will slide readily on the
wire. It should be weighted lightly with lead at the lower end to keep it in
place, in case of a current of air, and out of danger of lights.
In conferring the degree the light curtain is drawn right in
front of the stage, and the heavy curtains are drawn over this, meeting at the
center—closing the stage from view.
The Master’s desk is brought in front of the curtains to the same
side as in the Subordinate Degree.
The censer is now set near the front and middle of the stage,
right back of the curtains—but not so close as to endanger fire—into this iron
pan or censer pour 2 ounces of alcohol, and put into it a little strip of paper
so that it can be easily lighted when wanted.
On the extreme outer sides of the stage, immediately back of the
curtains, should be placed the lamp
brackets at an elevation of about three feet, upon each of which place a candle
or gas jet.
The heavy woolen curtains should now be pushed towards the center
of the stage, from both sides a distance of about three feet from the wall.
Thin, white muslin curtains should now be placed on both sides,
in front of the candles on the wire from where the heavy curtains were pushed
from the outer sides of the stage.
Place the Lycopodium in the pepper dusters, and to produce the
lightning, throw the Lycopodium from the pepper dusters on the burning candle or
gas jet, which will produce very pretty and impressive explosive flashes through
the muslin curtains in imitation of lightning over clouds (it is perfectly
harmless and without any unpleasant odor). Thunder is produced by means of 2
pieces of sheet iron, 3 feet long, one placed on each side of the stage, which
can by a little practice, be very skilfully used in imitation of distant
To produce the sound of rain, use medium size shot, dropping them
from a height of 4 feet into a pan.
The part of the spectre can be most impressively performed by a
sister who should have her part committed. She should be robed in a white sheet,
covering her head and person, only her face and one hand being exposed, in the
style of some ancient classic picture, carefully concealing every vestige of
clothing, and be alone on the back part of the stage near the center,
immediately back of the censer. [A brother may be assigned the part of spectre
if preferred]. On either side of the stage should be the two managers, but out
of sight.
A round stand or table should be placed in the center of the
hall, on which should be arranged, in splendid order, tier after tier, fruits
and flowers of the richest display—the gratuitous contributions of the skilled
Matron and Husbandman.
These preparations for the feast should be carefully covered over with a large
white cloth in the first part of the degree.
A single candle should be on each officer’s desk, and no other
lights should be in the room outside the curtains. The arrangements now all
being completed, the candidates in the anteroom should be blindfolded and then
brought into the hell by the Assistant Steward, with candidates on his right, as
instructed by the Manual, and on reaching the Master’s desk the second time
around there is lightning and a heavy crash of thunder produced by the stage
operators back of the curtain.
After the Obligation remove the blindfold.
As the candidates pass the various officers and are instructed,
the lights are extinguished as marked in the Manual. Distant mutterings of
thunder are heard. At last passing the Master his light is extinguished also.
The censer is now lighted on the stage by the operators; distant thunder becomes
more ominous and rain and storm is heard, lightning flashes—the darkness and
solemnity of the scene before us is the drama of a great storm sweeping over the
hills and valleys of our rural homes, teaching us to look with reverence and
welcome on these great atmospheric disturbances and electric storms that come to
clear our sultry atmosphere and water our parched fields so that they may again
bring forth fruit to satisfy our necessary wants.
The candidates reaching the altar, the first or heavy curtains
are drawn to either side, parting about 5 or 6 feet, showing the apparition in
white, protected by serpents and burning alcohol in censer, in front of the
apparition. Thunder becomes more distant and the spectre speaks in a slow,
measured voice, as in Manual Finally, when the Assistant Steward and spectre get
through with the colloquy—there is thunder, lightning and a grand crash, and the
apparition quickly disappears—the burning censer is removed—the Assistant
Stewards wait with the candidates standing at the altar till the sunlight
appears by the managers lighting the Magnesium Tape at a candle (and placing it
in its place on the pan, being careful that none of its ashes will drop on
clothing or curtains to cause fire). It is then placed in the center of the
stage by means of a long wooden handle, fixed in the socket of the pan. It is
now slowly raised in imitation of the brilliant sun bursting through the clouds
after a storm. At the close of this scene the candidates are taken to the
anteroom, when the curtains are drawn back, the room quickly re-arranged, the
stand laden with fruits and flowers unveiled, the hall is brilliantly lighted,
decorations appear everywhere, Pomona, with her court, accompanied by Flora and
Ceres, take their places on the stage gaily robed and decorated.
The candidates are now brought back and instructed by the various
officers, finally reaching Pomona. She steps forward and delivers her
lecture, and presents the Assistant Steward with a Cornucopia, with the letters
H-O-P-E engraved on it. The Assistant now addresses the Master and presents to
him the Cornucopia, the emblem of this degree. When the Master instructs the
candidates (as in the Manual, on pages 17 and 18, followed by an impromptu
lecture on the signification of the emblem and signs of this degree, and what
the grand and various scenes represent, as follows, immediately after the letters
“Patrons, the degree that we are conferring upon you, is that of
Pomona, and is the Fifth Degree of our Order.
It is intended to represent the ominous darkness of a great
electric rain storm, such as we frequently witness passing over our hills and
valleys, watering and refreshing our parched fields, orchards and vineyards so
as to again make them productive.
It is also intended to teach us to look with greater appreciation
and reverence upon the wise provision of the Creator, to protect our very existence.
For, were it not for the purifying effects of these great
electric storms upon the air, life could not be permanently maintained, as
disease and death would scourge the country with pestilence and destruction.
Hence, what we have been taught to hook upon with so much dread,
as elements of destruction and death, are really God’s wise provisions for the
preservation of our very existence.
You observed at the close of the first part of this degree, a luminous
spectre arising in the distance. This is in symbolism of spectres rising in the
night from the drenched and marshy soil; and after the dread and darkness of the
storm have subsided, heaven’s sunlight bursting in upon us, making our hearts
glad with the revived freshness of fruitful fields, orchards and vineyards.
Thus in this degree, like in all previous degrees, we make the
symbolism and teachings part of the fanner’s life.”
(Here follow the instructions in the unwritten work of the
Pomona then addresses the candidates and invites all to the
festive board. She then leaves the stage. The Master approaches and offers her
his arm which she accepts. Officers and members now wait on the ladies to the
banquet. The Master calls on the Chaplain, who invokes a blessing; when all
commingle in social pleasure and partake of the refreshments and luscious fruits
of orchard, field and vineyard.
The feast being over, the Grange reassembles and finishes its
business in this Degree, and then closes with the ceremonies of the Fifth
