Order of the Secret Monitor

The Order of the Secret Monitor (OSM) is an
appendent order of Freemasonry. The jewel above is missing its
original hanger or neck ribbon but it is very special because it marks the
Jubilee celebration of the Order from 1887-1937. Under the Star of David
and crossed arrows is the Latin motto, Semper Fidelis meaning Always Faithful.
The "DJ" in the center stands for David and Jonathan.
The first known references to
the Order of the Secret Monitor are known to be Dutch in origin, however, the
degree as we know it today, arose in America as a side degree conferred by any
Freemason who had received it himself.
It was brought to the UK by Dr I
Zacharie, when he returned from America following the American Civil War in
1875. Under Dr Zacharie's leadership a Grand Council was formed in 1887, and
the ritual was expanded to include two extra degrees, one of which pertained
to the chair of Supreme Ruler. The degree gained in popularity, however,
unfortunately for Dr Zacharie, the Grand Council for the Allied Masonic
Degrees had empowered their American body (or a similar name) to confer their
version of the degree. This resulted in the Allied Grand Council denouncing
the Grand Council of the Order of the Secret Monitor, and attempting to assume
sole jurisdiction over the degree. However, in 1931 an arrangement was reached
between the two orders, which saw the degree of the Order of the Secret
Monitor being transferred from the Allied group of degrees. The Order is
sometimes known as the Brotherhood of David and Jonathan. A Benevolent Fund
was formed in 1901.
All Master Masons are eligible
for membership of this Order, but must be invited from a member.
The Order meets in Conclaves,
each with a Supreme Ruler at its head. There are three degrees in the order,
as practiced in the UK. The first degree, the Secret Monitor in which the
legend of David and Jonathan is acted out in the ceremony of induction. The
second degree, Prince, the admission ceremony is derived from the Book of
Samuel in the Old Testament. The third degree, is the ceremony of installation
of Supreme Ruler, and is normally carried out once a year at the installation
The Order is administrated from
Mark Masons' Hall, London.
A special "Thank You" to Gerald Schafer on twitter for submitting the picture
of this jewel.