Early Masonic Goats Horn Snuff Mull

HornSnuffmull1.jpg (16072 bytes)     HornSnuffMull2.jpg (12882 bytes)

This early goats horn may have been a snuff mull but it also has Masonic symbolism as a cornucopia or horn of plenty.   The old Pagan myth tells us that Zues was nourished during his infancy in Crete by the daughters of Melissus, with the milk of the goat Amalthea.  Zues, when he came to the empire of the world, in gratitude placed Amalthea in the Heavens as a constellation, and gave one of her horns to his nurses, with the assurance that it should furnish them with a never-failing supply of whatever they might desire.  Hence it is a symbol of abundance, and as such has been adopted as the jewel of the Stewards of the Lodge, to remind them that it is their duty to see that the tables are properly furnished at refreshment, and that every Brother is suitably served.  Among the deities whose images are to be found in the ancient Temples at Elora, in Hindustan, is the goddess Ana Purna, whose name is compounded of Ana, signifying corn, and Purna meaning plenty.  She holds a corn measure in her hand, and the whole therefore very clearly has the same allusion as the Masonic Horn of Plenty.




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