Irving Berlin - Composer
Masonic First Day Cover

Irving Berlin - Composer. Born May 11, 1888
in Russia, the son of Moses and Leah (Lipkin) Baline, who brought him to the
United States in 1893. His only education was two years in the public
schools of New York City. He served in WW I as an infantry sergeant at
Camp Upton, N.Y. He was president of the Irving Berlin Music
Corporation, Among his most famous music compositions are:
"Alexander's Ragtime Band", "A Pretty Girl is Like a
Melody", "Easter Parade", "Blue Skies", "O, How I Hate to Get Up in the
Morning", "White Christmas", "God Bless America", "All Alone", "Remember",
"Always", "Russian Lullaby", "Because I Love You", "Theres No Business Like
Show Business" On several songs he has turned over all
royalties to a foundation to assist youth in "less chance" areas. He
received the first Three Degrees of Freemasonry in Munn Lodge No. 190, New
York City on May 12, May 26 and June 3, 1910, becoming a life member of the
Lodge on December 12, 1935. Berlin received the 32°
A.A.S.R. (NJ) on December 23, 1910 and was
initiated into Mecca Shrine Temple on January 30, 1911, becoming a life member
of the Shrine in December 1936.
He died an immensely wealthy man in 1989--at the
epic age of 101.