Odd Fellow Decorated Box

This box is detailed in Odd Fellow Lodge symbolism.  Freemasonry enjoyed nearly a century in North America without competition.  But in 1819, the first American Lodge of The Independent Order of Odd Fellows was established in Baltimore.  Another English import, Odd Fellowship was similar to Masonry in its design, and likewise drew members eager for camaraderie and moral self improvement.  The Odd Fellows' most familiar symbol--three oval links--represented friendship, love, and truth.  The inlay on the above box appears to be bone or ivory but actually is a cut out section filled with an ivory colored substance like gesso. The top "scratch art" or drawn in areas are executed in minute detail.  It measures 9" wide by 12" long by 6" tall and is dated 1864.

A special "Thanks" from Brother Al Lohman, a 30 year collector and 30+ year Masonic Lodge member from Wisconsin.  Al trades on eBay under the User ID  "lochlohman" 




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