Early Royal
Arch Mason Jewel

This beautiful hand-made Royal
Arch Mason jewel dates to the Revolutionary War and is a fine example of what
early Masonic jewels looked like. This jewel has the name of the Lodge and
the name of the individual owner Erastus Spalding, (1798 - 1874) - male b. 2
MAR 1798 in Scipio, Cayuga County, New York d. 9 MAY 1874 in Le Roy, Genesee
County, New York. He was a Past Master of Scipio Lodge No. 58. In
the 1821 Military Minutes of the Council of Appointments of the State of New York in Cayuga County, Erastus
Spalding was promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant in the Second Squadron,
Fifth Division of Calvary.
This jewel also has the original
owners "mark" which is the "[pre
1830] regular army eagle" on the chapter
penny within the circle K, S, H, T, W, S, S, T. These letters are esoteric and
cannot be explained here. Royal Arch Masons remember the order of the these
letters with the humorous phrase "King Solomon Had Twelve Wives Some Say
Twenty". Both sides of this jewel display the Three Great Lights which are the
Holy Bible, Square and Compasses. Working tools on this jewel are the square
and compasses, plumb and common gavel. Symbolism includes the Sun, Moon and
Stars, as well as the Pillars of Boaz and Jachin. It measures 3 inches tall and
2 inches wide and is made of silver. It is a wonderful example of early
A special
"Thank You" to Brother Rick Hunt for submitting the pictures and history of this
beautiful jewel!