Shrine of North America
Below are letters newspaper
articles, certificates and cartoons shared with our museum by Noble Brother
Randy Coe. P.P. of Kosair Shrine Temple in Louisville, KY. Illustrious Brother
Randy Coe is also a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason in the Southern Jurisdiction
and a Knight Templar in York Rite Freemasonry. Thank you Brother Randy for your
submissions and giving our visitors a peek into the early history and
organization of the Shriner's Hospitals for Children and also Bro. Kendrick who
had the vision and fortitude to bring the Shriner's Hospitals to reality!

Freeland Kendrick (known as “Free” or “Freel”)
became known as the “Father” of the Hospital System. He served on the National
Board (he chaired it for many years) and served on the Philadelphia Hospital
Board until his death, March 20, 1953. After serving as Imperial Potentate
1919/1920, Freel returned to LU LU, where he again served as Potentate for three
years (1921-23).