Message To The Un-Lodged
Mason –
Ain’t Nothing Like The Real
Thing, Baby
By Worshipful Brother
Frederic L. Milliken
Online Internet Freemasonry
tends to be educational, philosophical , reform minded and at times
argumentative. Those of us involved in Internet Freemasonry tend to spend more
time exploring the fine points of the philosophical side of the Craft, a side
we never get from our Lodge, than actually attending our Communications.
This has led to the rise of the
un-Lodged Mason. He is a cousin to the un-churched Christian, the un-templed
Jew and the un-mosqued Muslim, who belong to that cadre of believers who wish
to worship outside of sectarian organized religion, not as a member of a
worshipping community but alone. Thus I hear from some of my Christian
friends, “Well you don’t have to go to church to be a good Christian.”
Translated into Masonicese you have, “Well you don’t have to go to Lodge
to be a good Mason,” which may all be well and true but if one operated
in that manner one would be missing something.
Those of who are Masonic writers
have to acutely aware of this dichotomy, for if we are not careful we will
treat our beloved Fraternity as a concept, a study, a discipline only, and
only is the key word here. Lest anyone think I am a snob here, I am
absolutely convinced that Masonic research and study is a necessity for the
complete Mason. I am greatly in favor of esoteric Masonic study groups. It
is difficult to be a Christian without ever having read the Bible nor having
any knowledge of what Jesus said and did. It is equally difficult to be a
Mason without appropriate study of the Craft. But it can’t end there.
There has to also be the human
touch. The whole benefit of community is to be able to interact with living,
breathing human beings. When I attend church I experience what community can
do in the magnification of the power of the Holy Spirit in group action. I am
also never able to inspire myself as much as a good preacher or a good Masonic
ritualist can. This concept of community is something Scott Peck put into
“If we are going to use
the word meaningfully we must restrict it to a group of individuals who have
learned how to communicate honestly with each other, whose relationships go
deeper than their masks of composure, and who have developed some
significant commitment to “rejoice together, mourn together,” and to
“delight in each other, make others’ conditions our own.” Like electricity,
it is profoundly lawful. Yet there remains something about it that is
inherently mysterious, miraculous, unfathomable. Thus there is no adequate
one-sentence definition of genuine community. Community is something more
than the sum of its parts, its individual members. What is this “something
more?” Even to begin to answer that, we enter a realm that is not so much
abstract as almost mystical. It is a realm where words are never fully
suitable and language itself falls short. The analogy of a gem comes to
mind. The seeds of community reside in humanity – a social species – just as
a gem originally resides in the earth. But it is not yet a gem, only a
potential one. So it is that geologists refer to a gem in the rough simply
as a stone. A group becomes a community in somewhat the same way that a
stone becomes a gem – through a process of cutting and polishing. Once cut
and polished, it is something beautiful. But to describe its beauty, the
best we can do is to describe its facets. Community, like a gem, is
multifaceted, each facet a mere aspect of a whole that defies description.”
If Scott Peck were a Mason
perhaps he would have used the lesson of the rough ashlar and the perfect
So what we can say about
Freemasonry is that it is not only a study, a philosophy but an interaction of
community gathered together to practice, teach the virtues of the Craft in a
mode of human interaction whereby those in the community seek to inspire and
bolster each other. And the larger the community and the more interaction that
takes place the greater the pride and enthusiasm that is generated. Note that
we certainly are not speaking here about a business meeting. But the two main
aspects of Freemasonry can feed on each other. Study and research encourages
community Masonic participation and community Masonic participation encourages
study and research.
I was reminded of the importance
of the human touch when I traveled to meet fellow Masonic Information writer
Terence Satchell (who may or may not agree with these views). Actually we
both drove about half way to each other and met in the middle. Although
Terence and I have sent numerous E-Mails back and forth to each other and
chatted online, we never had met face to face. That meeting in person was so
much more valuable and more heartwarming and personal than electronic
communication that it led me to write this message. We explored each other as
a person with the ability to feel the emotion and the nuance of each others
communication. A bond was forged that was impossible to create in any other
And that is the message for
Virtual Freemasonry is very nice
but it is no match for the real thing. Virtual camaraderie is not the real
thing either. It lacks the substance and the ability to reach to the very
core of being, the human soul. There is no substitute for the real thing.
Ain’t nothing like the real
thing, baby
Ain’t nothing like the real thing
Ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby
Ain’t nothing like the real thing
I got your picture hangin’ on
the wall
It can’t see or come to me when I call your name
I realize it’s just a picture in a frame
I read your letters when
you’re not near
But they don’t move me
And they don’t groove me like when I hear
Your sweet voice whispering in my ear
Ain’t nothing like the real
thing, baby
Ain’t nothing like the real thing
I play the game, a fantasy
I pretend I’m not in reality
I need the shelter of your arms to comfort me
No other sound is quite the
same as your name
No touch can do half as much to make me feel better
So let’s stay together
I got some memories to look
back on
And though they help me when you phone
I’m well aware nothing can take the place of being there
So let me get the real thing
So let me get the real thing
Ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby
Ain’t nothing like the real thing
Ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby
Ain’t nothing like the real thing