p. 149
Alchemy and Its
IS the transmutation of base
metals into gold possible? Is the idea one at which the learned of the modern
world can afford to scoff? Alchemy was more than a speculative art: it was
also an operative art. Since the time of the immortal Hermes, alchemists have
asserted (and not without substantiating evidence) that they could manufacture
gold from tin, silver, lead, and mercury. That the galaxy of brilliant
philosophic and scientific minds who, over a period of two thousand years,
affirmed the actuality of metallic transmutation and multiplication, could be
completely sane and rational on all other problems of philosophy and science,
yet hopelessly mistaken on this one point, is untenable. Nor is it reasonable
that the hundreds declaring to have seen and performed transmutations of
metals could all have been dupes, imbeciles, or liars.
Those assuming that all
alchemists were of unsound mentality would be forced to put in this category
nearly all the philosophers and scientists of the ancient and mediæval worlds.
Emperors, princes, priests, and common townsfolk have witnessed the apparent
miracle of metallic metamorphosis. In the face of existing testimony, anyone
is privileged to remain unconvinced, but the scoffer elects to ignore evidence
worthy of respectful consideration. Many great alchemists and Hermetic
philosophers occupy an honored niche in the Hall of Fame, while their
multitudinous critics remain obscure. To list all these sincere seekers after
Nature's great arcanum is impossible, but a few will suffice to acquaint the
reader with the superior types of intellect who interested themselves in this
abstruse subject.
Among the more prominent names
are those of Thomas Norton, Isaac of Holland, Basil Valentine (the supposed
discoverer of antimony), Jean de Meung, Roger Bacon, Albertus Magnus,
Quercetanus Gerber (the Arabian who brought the knowledge of alchemy to Europe
through his writings), Paracelsus, Nicholas Flarnmel, John Frederick Helvetius,
Raymond Lully, Alexander Sethon, Michael Sendivogius, Count Bernard of Treviso,
Sir George Ripley, Picus de Mirandola, John Dee, Henry Khunrath, Michael
Maier, Thomas Vaughan, J. B. von Helmont, John Heydon, Lascaris, Thomas
Charnock, Synesius (Bishop of Ptolemais), Morieu, the Comte di Cagliostro, and
the Comte de St.-Germain. There are legends to the effect that King Solomon
and Pythagoras were alchemists and that the former manufactured by alchemical
means the gold used in his temple.
Albert Pike takes sides with
the alchemical philosophers by declaring that the gold of the Hermetists was a
reality. He says: "The Hermetic science, like all the real sciences, is
mathematically demonstrable. Its results, even material, are as rigorous as
that of a correct equation. The Hermetic Gold is not only a true dogma, a
light without Shadow, a Truth without alloy of falsehood; it is also a
material gold, real, pure, the most precious that can be found in the mines of
the earth." So much for the Masonic angle.
William and Mary jointly
ascended the throne of England in 1689, at which time alchemists must have
abounded in the kingdom, for during the first year of their reign they
repealed an Act made by King Henry IV in which that sovereign declared the
multiplying of metals to be a crime against the crown. In Dr. Sigismund
Bacstrom's Collection of Alchemical Manuscripts is a handwritten copy
of the Act passed by William and Mary, copied from Chapter 30 of Statutes at
Large for the first year of their reign. The Act reads as follows: "An Act to
repeal the Statute made in the 5th year of King Henry IV, late king of
England, [wherein] it was enacted, among other things, in these words, or to
this effect, namely: 'that none from henceforth should use to multiply Gold or
Silver or use the craft of multiplication, and if any the same do they shall
incur the pain of felony.' And whereas, since the making of the said statute,
divers persons have by their study, industry and learning, arrived to great
skill & perfection in the art of melting and refining of metals, and otherwise
improving and multiplying them and their ores, which very much abound in this
realm, and extracting gold and silver our of the same, but dare not to
exercise their said skill within this realm, for fear of falling under the
penalty of the said statute, but exercise the said art in foreign parts, to
the great loss and detriment of this realm: Be it therefore enacted by the
King's and Queen's most excellent Majesties, by and with the advice and
consent of the Lords spiritual and temporal and Commons in this present
parliament assembled, that from henceforth the aforesaid branch, article, or
sentence, contained in the said act, and every word, matter and thing
contained in the said branch or sentence, shall be repealed, annulled,
revoked, and for ever made void, any thing in the said act to the contrary in
any wise whatsoever notwithstanding. Provided always, and be it enacted by the
authority aforesaid, that all the gold and silver that shall be extracted by
the aforesaid art of melting or refining of metals, and otherwise improving
and multiplying of them and their ores, as before set forth, be from
henceforth employed for no other use or uses whatsoever but for the increase
of monies; and that the place hereby appointed for the disposal thereof shall
be their Majesties mint, within the Tower of London, at which place they are
to receive the full and true value of their gold and silver, so procured, from
time to time, according to the assay and fineness thereof, and so for any
greater or less weight, and that none of that metal of gold and silver so
refined and procured be permitted to be used or disposed of in any other place
or places within their Majesties dominions." After this repealing measure had
become effective, William and Mary encouraged the further study of alchemy.
Dr. Franz Hartmann has
collected reliable evidence concerning four different: alchemists who
transmuted base metals into gold not once but many times. One of these
accounts concerns a monk of the Order of St. Augustine named Wenzel Seiler,
who discovered a small amount of mysterious red powder in his convent. In the
presence of Emperor Leopold I, King of Germany, Hungary, and Bohemia, he
transmuted quantities of tin into gold. Among other things which he dipped
into his mysterious essence was a large silver medal. That part of the medal
which came in contact with the gold-producing substance was transmuted into
the purest quality of the more precious metal. The rest remained silver. With
regard to this medal, Dr. Hartmann writes:
"The most indisputable proof
(if appearances can prove anything) of the possibility of transmuting base
metals into gold, may be seen by everyone who visits Vienna; it being a medal
preserved in the Imperial treasury chamber, and it is stated that this medal,
consisting originally of silver, has been partly transformed into gold, by
alchemical means, by the same Wenzel Seiler who was afterwards made a knight
by the Emperor Leopold I. and given the title Wenzeslaus Ritter von Reinburg.
"(In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom.)
Space limitations preclude a
lengthy discussion of the alchemists. A brief sketch of the lives of four
should serve to show the general principles on which they worked, the method
by which they obtained their knowledge, and the use which they made of it.
These four were Grand Masters of this secret science; and the stories of

From The Complete Writings
of Paracelsus, of Hohenheim.
In his Biographia Antiqua,
Francis Barrett appends to the name of Paracelsus the following titles of
distinction: "The Prince of Physicians and Philosophers by Fire; Grand
Paradoxical Physician; The Trismegistus of Switzerland; First Reformer of
Chymical Philosophy; Adept in Alchymy, Cabala, and Magic; Nature's Faithful
Secretary; Master of the Elixir of Life and The Philosopher's Stone," and the
"Great Monarch of Chymical Secrets"
p. 150
their wanderings and strivings,
as recorded by their own pens and by contemporaneous disciples of the Hermetic
art, are as fascinating as any romance of fiction.
The most famous of alchemical
and Hermetic philosophers was Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von
Hohenheim. This man, who called himself Paracelsus, declared that some day all
the doctors of Europe would turn from the other schools and, following him,
revere him above every other physician. The accepted date of the birth of
Paracelsus is December 17, 1493. He was an only child. Both his father and
mother were interested in medicine and chemistry. His father was a physician
and his mother the superintendent of a hospital. While still a youth,
Paracelsus became greatly interested in the writings of Isaac of Holland, and
determined to reform the medical science of his day.
When twenty years old he began
a series of travels which continued for about twelve years. He visited many
European countries, including Russia. It is possible that he penetrated into
Asia. It was in Constantinople that the great secret of the Hermetic arts was
bestowed upon him by Arabian adepts. His knowledge of the Nature spirits and
the inhabitants of the invisible worlds he probably secured from the Brahmins
of India with whom he came in contact either directly or through their
disciples. He became an army physician, and his understanding and skill
brought him great success.
Upon his return to Germany, he
began his long-dreamed-of reformation of the medical arts and sciences. He was
opposed on every hand and criticized unmercifully. His violent temper and
tremendously strong personality undoubtedly precipitated many storms upon his
head which might have been avoided had he been of a less caustic disposition.
He flayed the apothecaries, asserting that they did not use the proper
ingredients in their prescriptions and did not consider the needs of their
patients, desiring only to collect exorbitant fees for their concoctions.
The remarkable cures which
Paracelsus effected only made his enemies hate him more bitterly, for they
could not duplicate the apparent miracles which he wrought. He not only
treated the more common diseases of his day but is said to have actually cured
leprosy, cholera, and cancer. His friends claimed for him that he all but
raised the dead. His systems of healing were so heterodox, however, that
slowly but surely his enemies overwhelmed him and again and again forced him
to leave the fields of his labors and seek refuge where he was not known.
There is much controversy
concerning the personality of Paracelsus. That he had an irascible disposition
there is no doubt. His barred for physicians and for women amounted to a
mania; for them he had nothing but abuse. As far as can be learned, there was
never a love affair in his life. His peculiar appearance and immoderate system
of living were always held against him by his adversaries. It is believed that
his physical abnormalities may have been responsible for much of the
bitterness against society which he carried with him throughout all his
intolerant and tempestuous life.
His reputed intemperance
brought upon him still more persecution, for it was asserted that even during
the time of his professorship in the University of Basel he was seldom sober.
Such an accusation is difficult to understand in view of the marvelous mental
clarity for which he was noted at all times. The vast amount of writing which
he accomplished (the Strassburg Edition of his collected works is in three
large volumes, each containing several hundred pages) is a monumental
contradiction of the tales regarding his excessive use of alcoholics.
No doubt many of the vices of
which he is accused were sheer inventions by his enemies, who, not satisfied
with hiring assassins to murder him, sought to besmirch his memory after they
had revengefully ended his life. The manner in which Paracelsus met his death
is uncertain, but: the most credible account is that he died as the indirect
result of a scuffle with a number of assassins who had been hired by some of
his professional enemies to make away with the one who had exposed their
Few manuscripts are extant in
the handwriting of Paracelsus, for he dictated the majority of his works to
his disciples, who wrote them down. Professor John Maxson Stillman, of
Stanford University, pays the following tribute to his memory: "Whatever be
the final judgment as to the relative importance of Paracelsus in the
upbuilding of medical science and practice, it must be recognized that he
entered upon his career at Basel with the zeal and the self-assurance of one
who believed himself inspired with a great truth, and destined to effect a
great advance in the science and practice of medicine. By nature he was a keen
and open-minded observer of whatever came under his observation, though
probably also not a very critical analyst of the observed phenomena. He was
evidently an unusually self-reliant and independent thinker, though the degree
of originality in his thought may be a matter of legitimate differences of
opinion. Certainly once having, from whatever combination of influences, made
up his mind to reject the sacredness of the authority of Aristotle, Galen and
Avicenna, and having found what to his mind was a satisfactory substitute for
the ancient dogmas in his own modification of the neo-Platonic philosophy, he
did not hesitate to burn his ships behind him.
"Having cut loose from the
dominant Galenism of his time, he determined to preach and teach that the
basis of the medical science of the future should be the study of nature,
observation of the patient, experiment and experience, and not the infallible
dogmas of authors long dead. Doubtless in the pride and self-confidence of his
youthful enthusiasm he did not rightly estimate the tremendous force of
conservatism against which he directed his assaults. If so, his experience in
Basel surely undeceived him. From that time on he was to be a wanderer again,
sometimes in great poverty, sometimes in moderate comfort, but manifestly
disillusioned as to the immediate success of his campaign though never in
doubt as to its ultimate success--for to his mind his new theories and
practice of medicine were at one with the forces of nature, which were the
expression of God's will, and eventually they must prevail."
This strange man, his nature a
mass of contradictions, his stupendous genius shining like a star through the
philosophic and scientific darkness of mediæval Europe, struggling against the
jealousy of his colleagues as well as against the irascibility of his own
nature, fought for the good of the many against the domination of the few. He
was the first man to write scientific books in the language of the common
people so that all could read them.
Even in death Paracelsus found
no rest. Again and again his bones were dug up and reinterred in another
place. The slab of marble over his grave bears the following inscription: "Here
lies buried Philip Theophrastus the famous Doctor of Medicine who cured
Wounds, Leprosy, Gout, Dropsy and other incurable Maladies of the Body, with
wonderful Knowledge and gave his Goods to be divided and distributed to the
Poor. In the Year 1541 on the 24th day of September he exchanged Life for
Death. To the Living Peace, to the Sepulchred Eternal Rest."
A. M. Stoddart, in her Life
of Paracelsus, gives a remarkable testimonial of the love which the masses
had for the great physician. Referring to his tomb, she writes: "To this day
the poor pray there. Hohenheim's memory has 'blossomed in the dust' to
sainthood, for the poor have canonized him. When cholera threatened Salzburg
in 1830, the people made a pilgrimage to his monument and prayed him to avert
it from their homes. The dreaded scourge passed away from them and raged in
Germany and the rest of Austria."

From Jovius' Vitae
Illustrium Virorum.
Albert de Groot was born about 1206 and
died at the age of 74. It has been said of him that he was "magnus in magia,
major in philosophia, maximus in theologia." He was a member of the Dominican
order and the mentor of St. Thomas Aquinas in alchemy and philosophy. Among
other positions of dignity occupied by Albertus Magnus was that of Bishop of
Regensburg. He was beatified in 1622. Albertus was an Aristotelian
philosopher, an astrologer, and a profound student of medicine and physics.
During his youth, he was considered of deficient mentality, but his since
service and devotion were rewarded by a vision in which the Virgin Mary
appeared to him and bestowed upon him great philosophical and intellectual
powers. Having become master of the magical sciences, Albertus began the
construction of a curious automaton, which he invested with the powers of
speech and thought. The Android, as it was called, was composed of
metals and unknown substances chosen according to the stars and endued with
spiritual qualities by magical formulæ and invocations, and the labor upon it
consumed over thirty years. St. Thomas Aquinas, thinking the device to be a
diabolical mechanism, destroyed it, thus frustrating the labor of a lifetime.
In spite of this act, Albertus Magnus left to St. Thomas Aquinas his
alchemical formulæ, including (according to legend) the secret of the
Philosopher's Stone.
On one occasion Albertus Magnus invited
William II, Count of Holland and King of the Romans, to a garden party in
midwinter. The ground was covered with snow, but Albertus, had prepare a
sumptuous banquet in the open grounds of his monastery at Cologne. The guests
were amazed at the imprudence of the philosopher, but as they sat down to eat
Albertus, uttered a few words, the snow disappeared, the garden was filled
with flowers and singing birds, and the air was warm with the breezes of
summer. As soon as the feast was over, the snow returned, much to the
amazement of the assembled nobles. (For details, see The Lives of
Alchemystical Philosophers.)
p. 151
continues] It was supposed that one early teacher of
Paracelsus was a mysterious alchemist who called himself Solomon Trismosin.
Concerning this person nothing is known save that after some years of
wandering he secured the formula of transmutation and claimed to have made
vast amounts of gold. A beautifully illuminated manuscript of this author,
dated 1582 and called Splendor Solis, is in the British Museum. Trismosin
claimed to have lived to the age of 150 as the result of his knowledge of
alchemy. One very significant statement appears in his Alchemical Wanderings,
which work is supposed to narrate his search for the Philosopher's Scone:
"Study what thou art, whereof thou art a part, what thou knowest of this art,
this is really what thou art. All that is without thee also is within, thus
wrote Trismosin."
This most famous of all the
Spanish alchemists was born about the year 1235. His father was seneschal to
James the First of Aragon, and young Raymond was brought up in the court
surrounded by the temptations and profligacy abounding in such places. He was
later appointed to the position which his father had occupied. A wealthy
marriage ensured Raymond's financial position, and he lived the life of a
One of the most beautiful women
at: the court of Aragon was Donna Ambrosia Eleanora Di Castello, whose virtue
and beauty had brought her great renown. She was at that time married and was
not particularly pleased to discover that young Lully was rapidly developing a
passion for her. Wherever she went Raymond followed, and at last over a
trivial incident he wrote some very amorous verses to her, which produced an
effect quite different from what he had expected. He received a message
inviting him to visit the lady. He responded with alacrity. She told him that
it was only fair that he should behold more of the beauty concerning which he
wrote such appealing poems and, drawing aside part of her garments, disclosed
that one side of her body was nearly eaten away by a cancer. Raymond never
recovered from the shock. It turned the entire course of his life. He
renounced the frivolities of the court and became a recluse.
Sometime afterwards while doing
penance for his worldly sins a vision appeared to him in which Christ told him
to follow in the direction in which He should lead. Later the vision was
repeated. Hesitating no longer, Raymond divided his property among his family
and retired to a hut on the side of a hill, where he devoted himself to the
study of Arabic, that he might go forth and convert the infidels. After six
years in this retreat he set out with a Mohammedan servant, who, when he
learned that Raymond was about to attack the faith of his people, buried his
knife in his master's back. Raymond refused to allow his would-be assassin to
be executed, but later the man strangled himself in prison.
When Raymond regained his
health he became a teacher of the Arabic language to those who intended
traveling in the Holy Land. It was while so engaged that he came in contact:
with Arnold of Villa Nova, who taught him the principles or alchemy. As a
result of this training, Raymond learned the secret of the transmutation and
multiplication of metals. His life of wandering continued, and during the
course of it he arrived at Tunis, where he began to debate with the Mohammedan
teachers, and nearly lost his life as the result of his fanatical attacks upon
their religion. He was ordered to leave the country and never to return again
upon pain of death. Notwithstanding their threats he made a second visit to
Tunis, but the inhabitants instead of killing him merely deported him to
An unsigned article appearing
in Household Words, No. 273, a magazine conducted by Charles Dickens, throws
considerable light on Lully's alchemical ability. "Whilst at Vienna he [Lully]
received flattering letters from Edward the Second, King of England, and from
Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, entreating him to visit them. He had also, in
the course of his travels, met with John Cremer, Abbot of Westminster, with
whom he formed a strong friendship; and it was more to please him than the
king, that Raymond consented to go to England. [A tract by John Cremer appears
in the Hermetic Museum, but there is no record in the annals of Westminster of
anyone by that name.] Cremer had an intense desire to learn the last great
secret of alchemy--to make the powder of transmutation--and Raymond, with all
his friendship, had never disclosed it. Cremer, however, set to work very
cunningly; he was not long in discovering the object that was nearest to
Raymond's heart--the conversion of the infidels. He told the king wonderful
stories of the gold Lully had the art to make; and he worked upon Raymond by
the hope that King Edward would be easily induced to raise a crusade against
the Mahommedans, if he had the means.
"Raymond had appealed so often
to popes and kings that he had lost all faith in them; nevertheless, as a last
hope, he accompanied his friend Cremer to England. Cremer lodged him in his
abbey, treating him with distinction; and there Lully at last instructed him
in the powder, the secret of which Cremer had so long desired to know. When
the powder was perfected, Cremer presented him to the king, who received him
as a man may be supposed to receive one who could give him boundless riches.
Raymond made only one condition; that the gold he made should not be expended
upon the luxuries of the court or upon a war with any Christian king; and that
Edward himself should go in person with an army against the infidels. Edward
promised everything and anything.
"Raymond had apartments
assigned him in the Tower, and there he tells us he transmuted fifty thousand
pounds weight of quicksilver, lead, and tin into pure gold, which was coined
at the mint into six million of nobles, each worth about three pounds sterling
at the present day. Some of the pieces said to have been coined out of this
gold are still to be found in antiquarian collections. [While desperate
attempts have been made to disprove these statements, the evidence is still
about equally divided.] To Robert Bruce he sent a little work entitled Of
the Art of Transmuting Metals. Dr. Edmund Dickenson relates that when the
cloister which Raymond occupied at Westminster was removed, the workmen found
some of the powder, with which they enriched themselves.
"During Lully's residence in
England, he became the friend of Roger Bacon. Nothing, of course, could be
further from King Edward's thoughts than to go on a crusade. Raymond's
apartments in the Tower were only an honorable prison; and he soon perceived
how matters were. He declared that Edward would meet with nothing but
misfortune and misery for his breach of faith. He made his escape from England
in 1315, and set off once more to preach to the infidels. He was now a very
old man, and none of his friends could ever hope to see his face again.
"He went first to Egypt, then
to Jerusalem, and thence to Tunis a third time. There he at last met with the
martyrdom he had so often braved. The people fell upon him and stoned him.
Some Genoese merchants carried away his body, in which they discerned some
feeble signs of life. They carried him on board their vessel; but, though he
lingered awhile, he died as they came in sight of Majorca, on the 28th of
June, 1315, at the age of eighty-one. He was buried with great honour in his
family chapel at St. Ulma, the viceroy and all the principal nobility
In the latter part of the
fourteenth century there lived in Paris one whose business was that of
illuminating manuscripts and preparing deeds and documents. To Nicholas
Flammel the world is indebted for its knowledge of a most remarkable volume,
which he bought for a paltry sum from some book dealer with whom his
profession of scrivener brought him in contact. The story of this curious
document, called the Book of Abraham the Jew, is best narrated

From Musæum Hermeticum
Reformatum et Amplificatum.
John Cremer, the mythical Abbot
of Westminster, is an interesting personality in the alchemical imbroglio of
the fourteenth century. As it is not reasonably certain that m abbot by such a
name ever occupied the See of Westminster, the question naturally arises, "Who
was the person concealing his identity under the Pseudonym of John Cremer?"
Fictitious characters such as John Cremer illustrate two important practices
of mediæval alchemists: (1) many persons of high political or religious rank
were secretly engaged in Hermetic chemical research but, fearing persecution
and ridicule, published their findings under various pseudonyms; (2) for
thousands of years it was the practice of those initiates who possessed the
true key to the great Hermetic arcanum to perpetuate their wisdom by creating
imaginary persons, involving them in episodes of contemporaneous history and
thus establishing these beings as prominent members of society--in some cases
even fabricating complete genealogies to attain that end. The names by which
these fictitious characters were known revealed nothing to the uniformed. To
the initiated, however, they signified that the personality to which they were
assigned had no existence other than a symbolic one. These initiated
chroniclers carefully concealed their arcanum in the lives, thoughts, words.
and acts ascribed to these imaginary persons and thus safely transmitted
through the ages the deepest secrets of occultism as writings which to the
unconversant were nothing more than biographies.
p. 152
in his own words as preserved
in his Hieroglyphical Figures: "Whilst therefore, I Nicholas Flammel,
Notary, after the decease of my parents, got my living at our art of writing,
by making inventories, dressing accounts, and summing up the expenses of
tutors and pupils, there fell into my hands for the sum of two florins, a
guilded book, very old and large. It was not of paper, nor of parchment, as
other books be, but was only made of delicate rinds (as it seemed to me) of
tender young trees. The cover of it was of brass, well bound, all engraven
with letters, or strange figures; and for my part I think they might well be
Greek characters, or some such like ancient language. Sure I am. I could not
read them, and I know well they were not notes nor letters of the Latin nor of
the Gaul, for of them we understand a little.
"As for that which was within
it, the leaves of bark or rind, were engraven and with admirable diligence
written, with a point of iron, in fair and neat Latin letters colored. It
contained thrice seven leaves, for so were they counted in the top of the
leaves, and always every seventh leaf there was painted a virgin and serpent
swallowing her up. In the second seventh, a cross where a serpent was
crucified; and the last seventh, there were painted deserts, or wildernesse,
in the midst whereof ran many fair fountains, from whence there issued out a
number of serpents, which ran up and down here and there. Upon the first of
the leaves, was written in great capital letters of gold, Abraham the Jew,
Prince, Priest, Levite, Astrologer, and Philosopher, to the Nation of the
Jews, by the Wrath of God dispersed among the Gauls, sendeth Health. After
this it was filled with great execrations and curses (with this word
Maranatha, which was often repeated there) against every person that
should cast his eyes upon it, if he were not Sacrificer or Scribe.
"He that sold me this book knew
not what it was worth nor more than I when I bought it; I believe it had been
stolen or taken from the miserable Jews, or found in some part of the ancient
place of their abode. Within the book, in the second leaf, he comforted his
nation, counselling them to fly vices, and above all idolatry, attending with
sweet patience the coming of the Messias, Who should vanquish all the kings of
the earth and should reign with His people in glory eternally. Without doubt
this had been some very wise and understanding man.
"In the third leaf, and in all
the other writings that followed, to help his captive nation to pay their
tributes unto the Roman emperors, and to do other things, which I will not
speak of, he taught them in common words the transmutation of metals; he
painted the vessels by the sides, and he advertised them of the colors, and of
all the rest, saving of the first agent, of the which he spake not a word, but
only (as he said) in the fourth and fifth leaves entire he painted it, and
figured it with very great cunning and workman ship: for although it was well
and intelligibly figured and painted, yet no man could ever have been able to
understand it, without being well skilled in their Cabala, which goeth by
tradition, and without having well studied their books.
"The fourth and fifth leaves
therefore, were without any writing, all full of fair figures enlightened, or
as it were enlightened, for the work was very exquisite. First he painted a
young man with wings at his ancles, having in his hand a Caducean rod, writhen
about with two serpents, wherewith he struck upon a helmet which covered his
head. He seemed to my small judgment, to be the God Mercury of the pagans:
against him there came running and flying with open wings, a great old man,
who upon his head had an hour glass fastened, and in his hand a book (or syrhe)
like death, with the which, in terrible and furious manner, he would have cut
off the feet of Mercury. On the other side of the fourth leaf, he painted a
fair flower on the top of a very high mountain which was sore shaken with the
North wind; it had the foot blue, the flowers white and red, the leaves
shining like fine gold: and round about it the dragons and griffons of the
North made their nests and abode.
"On the fifth leaf there was a
fair rose tree flowered in the midst of a sweet garden, climbing up against a
hollow oak; at the foot whereof boiled a fountain of most white water, which
ran headlong down into the depths, notwithstanding it first passed among the
hands of infinite people, who digged in the earth seeking for it; but because
they were blind, none of them knew it, except here and there one who
considered the weight. On the last side of the fifth leaf there was a king
with a great fauchion, who made to be killed in his presence by some soldiers
a great multitude of little infants, whose mothers wept at the feet of the
unpitiful soldiers: the blood of which infants was afterwards by other
soldiers gathered up, and put in a great vessel, wherein the sun and the moon
came to bathe themselves.
"And because that this history
did represent the more part of that of the innocents slain by Herod, and that
in this book I learned the greatest part of the art, this was one of the
causes why I placed in their church-yard these Hieroglyphic Symbols of this
secret science. And thus you see that which was in the first five leaves.
"I will not represent unto you
that which was written in good and intelligible Latin in all the other written
leaves, for God would punish me, because I should commit a greater wickedness,
than he who (as it is said) wished that all the men of the World had but one
head that he might cut it off with one blow. Having with me therefore this
fair book, I did nothing else day nor night, but study upon it, understanding
very well all the operations that it showed, but not knowing with what matter
I should begin, which made me very heavy and solitary, and caused me to fetch
many a sigh. My wife Perrenella, whom I loved as myself, and had lately
married was much astonished at this, comforting me, and earnestly demanding,
if she could by any means deliver me from this trouble. I could not possibly
hold my tongue, but told her all, and showed this fair book, whereof at the
same instant that she saw it, she became as much enamoured as myself, taking
extreme pleasure to behold the fair cover, gravings, images, and portraits,
whereof notwithstanding she understood as little as I: yet it was a great
comfort to me to talk with her, and to entertain myself, what we should do to
have the interpretation of them."
Nicholas Flammel spent many
years studying the mysterious book. He even painted the pictures from it all
over the walls of his house and made numerous copies which he showed to the
learned men with whom he came in contact, but none could explain their secret
significance. At last he determined to go forth in quest of an adept, or wise
man, and after many wanderings he met a physician--by name Master Canches--who
was immediately interested in the diagrams and asked to see the original book.
They started forth together for Paris, and or, the way the physician adept
explained many of the principles of the hieroglyphics to Flammel, but before
they reached their journey's end Master Canches was taken ill and died.
Flammel buried him at Orleans, but having meditated deeply on the information
he had secured during their brief acquaintance, he was able, with the
assistance of his wife, to work out the formula for transmuting base metals
into gold. He performed the experiment several times with perfect success, and
before his death caused a number of hieroglyphic figures to be painted upon an
arch of St. Innocent's churchyard in Paris, wherein he concealed the entire
formula as it had been revealed to him from the Book of Abraham the Jew.
Of all those who sought for the
Elixir of Life and the Philosopher's Scone, few passed through the chain of
disappointments that beset Count Bernard of Treviso, who was born in Padua in
1406 and died in 1490. His search for the Philosopher's Stone and the secret
of the transmutation of metals began when he was but fourteen years of age. He
spent not only a lifetime but also a fortune in his quest. Count Bernard went
from one alchemist and philosopher to another, each of whom unfolded some pet
theorem which he eagerly accepted and experimented with but always without the
desired result. His family believed him to be mad and declared that he was
disgracing his house by his experiments, which were rapidly reducing him to a
state of penury. He traveled in many countries, hoping that in distant places
he would find wise men capable of assisting him. At last as he was approaching
his seventy-sixth year, he was rewarded with success. The great secrets of the
Elixir of Life, the Philosopher's Stone, and the transmutation of metals were
revealed to him. He wrote a little book describing the results of his labors,
and while he lived only a few years to enjoy the fruitage of his discovery he
was thoroughly satisfied that the treasure he had found was worth the lifetime
spent in search of it. An example of the industry and perseverance displayed
by him is to be found in one of the processes which some foolish pretender
coaxed him to attempt and which resulted in his spending twenty years
calcining egg shells and nearly an equal period distilling alcohol and other
substances. In the history of alchemical research there never was a more
patient and persevering disciple of the Great Arcanum.
Bernard declared the process of
dissolution, accomplished not with fire but with mercury, to be the supreme
secret of alchemy,

From Flammel's
Hieroglyphical Figures.
Robert H. Fryar, in a footnote
to his reprint of the Hieroglyphical Figures by Nicholas Flammel, says: "One
thing which seems to prove the reality of this story beyond dispute, is, that
this very book of Abraham the Jew, with the annotations of 'Flammel,' who
wrote from the instructions he received from this physician, was actually in
the hands of Cardinal Richelieu, as Borel was told by the Count de Cabrines,
who saw and examined it."
Next: The Theory and Practice
of Alchemy: Part One