Spare Wheel Or Steering
By Wor Bro. Frederick L.
Perhaps you remember from
previous articles Sister R. Lucille Samuel, Grand Princess Captain of the Lone
Star Grand Guild, Heroines of the Templars Crusade of Texas, PHA Texas. Well,
Sister Samuel has moved on to found the Margaret A. McDow Grand Court, Ladies
Of The Circle Of Perfection, Texas PHA. In her new position, she serves as
Royal Grand Perfect Matron.
As The 1st Royal
Grand Perfect Matron, she is responsible for chartering 7 LOCOP Courts in the
cities of El Paso, San Antonio, Ft Worth, Houston, Dallas, Killeen, and
I have been republishing Sister
Samuel’s annual Allocutions for a while now. She always has such insight into
This time Sister Samuel told her
Order that Leaders have a Vision and so should we all. They don’t just see,
they have a plan. They have a map. They have a goal.
Don’t get lost. Don’t get off
track. The road ahead may be rocky and full of pitfalls sometimes so know who
and what you can depend on to implement your vision.
Never look back. Keep your hands
on the wheel and your eyes on the road.
“Your vision will become
clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams;
who looks inside, awakes.” ~ Carl Jung
“A leader has the vision
and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy
to get it done.” ~ Ralph Lauren
“When you have a vision,
you make believers out of dreamers.” ~ Frederic
L. Milliken
”Where there is no vision
the people perish.” ~ Proverbs 29:18
In the long run men hit
only what they aim at. ~ Henry David Thoreau

June 17, 2017 Left – RM Crystal W.
Brown, Royal Grand Perfect Matron of Tennessee presents to L. Lucille Samuel –
Right-the charter for Margaret A. McDow Court

June 17, 2017 Left – RM Crystal W.
Brown, Royal Grand Perfect Matron of Tennessee presents to L. Lucille Samuel –
Right-the charter for Margaret A. McDow Court

The Charter

by R.
Lucille Samuel, Royal Grand Perfect Matron
Psalms 37:5 –
Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to

Margaret A. Macdow Grand Court
Have you ever been driving along
and all of a sudden your tire goes flat? Hopefully you were able to pull over
on the side of the road in a safe manner without any accidents or injuries.
So either you call for Roadside Assistance or if you are mechanically inclined
you change your tire with the spare in your trunk or under your vehicle. Of
course you expect the tire to be full of air and ready for use. You depend on
Many times in life we depend on
someone or something like that spare tire. The problem often times is that
you only use that spare wheel when you are in trouble or need assistance. Do
you ever check that wheel to ensure it is ready or serviced? Do you even know
where that spare wheel is located? How many of us depend on prayer when you
need a spare? You never pray or pick up the Bible until you need help. I am
not saying that any of us are perfect and we should live in church. Church is
not where prayer is it is in your heart. Such as friendship. Some of us
claim to be our brother and sister’s keeper. How often do you converse with
them? How often do you pick up the phone or send a message just to check on
them. Not just when they are sick or in need but just to say hello. But when
you need that spare wheel you expect them to jump when you call. Have you
ever wondered why the windshield of a car is so large and the rear view mirror
is so small? Our past is not as important as our future so you should focus
on looking forward and not behind you.
You have to remember although
that spare tire is not used often it is needed. Value your close friends and
treat them with kindness because all things in life are temporary. Just
because your life is going well remember you will have speed bumps along the
way. Friendships can end like the blowout of a tire. Remember God determines
who walks into your life. It’s up to you to let them stay or walk away.
The steering wheel directs our
path in life. It is our navigation and allows us to avoid danger in our
paths. You need both hands at all times. If you remove your hands you lose
control. Sometimes temptations along the way grab our attention and we tend
to swerve on the road. We must stay focused to reach our destinations. Many
of us rely on the GPS System to direct us. We trust this system to get us
where we need to be. Sometimes you may be in an area where the GPS system
does not work and your signal is lost. If you are unfamiliar with the area
you are lost.
Don’t allow this to happen to
you in the Masonic Organization. I was once told the only thing worse that
than losing your eye sight is your vision. We can become complacent
and lose all sight of what is important. If you run into a wall don’t give up
figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it. As a leader you
must keep both hands on the steering wheel and navigate the Order. When you
lose your vision it is time for a new Driver. You will never have passengers
if you can’t control the wheel.
The task of a leader is to get
your people from where they are to where they have not been.
In closing I ask that we
all remember “The easiest
thing to be in the world is YOU. The most difficult thing to be is what other
people want you to be. Don’t allow them to put you in that position.