Scottish Rite

"Learning Centers for Children"

In 1994 (barely six years ago!), the 'brainchild' of a Massachusetts Mason, J. Phillip Berquist, came to fruition and the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite began its support of centers to help children with dyslexia. 

In four short years, the program grew 'like topsy' in the Scottish Rite's Northern US Masonic Jurisdiction.  It was also replicated in the Southern US Masonic Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite as well. You can read about the NMJ's programs at this site and the SMJ's programs right here. New centers seem to be opening all the time, thus enhancing this wonderful program filling a very important need. 

Since 1994, many children have received free specialized instruction at these  Scottish Rite Masonic Children's Learning Centers. Scottish Rite Masons of the US Northern Masonic Jurisdiction have pledged to continue to offer this service for as many children as they can - free of charge. They also provide guidance and funding for other means to defeat dyslexia, such as teacher tutor programs, research, and scholarships for teachers.

This worthwhile program is just another of the many fine charities sponsored by the Masonic family!

From the web site of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite comes this:

A small boy sits at his desk, looking down at his open book as his classmates read aloud. He wrinkles his forehead and squints his eyes but the letters and words he sees are jumbled, twisted and senseless.

He grips the book tighter, holds his breath and makes a silent wish that the teacher will not call on him ...

This child has dyslexia, a common learning disability. He needs help to overcome it before it sets him back emotionally as well as educationally.





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