The Builder Magazine
June 1915 - Volume I - Number 6
(Editor of The Builder:--With
deep regret I have to announce the
death on March 26th, of our
veteran Brother Robert Freke Gould. As
a reliable Masonic historian
he occupied a high place in the
affection and esteem of all
Masonic students. His works remain with
us as Masonic classics for
all time. His influence in Masonic
literature was incalculable
and will never die. Fraternally yours,
John T. Thorp, Lodge of
Research, Leicester, England.)
By John C. Yorston,
THE sad news of the death of
this renowned, honorable and worthy
brother, of International
fame, will be received by the Craft at
large with more than ordinary
regret. He died at his residence,
Kingsfield Green, Woking,
England, March 26th, at the age of 78
years. How much we may regret
his decease is not a subject for
words, for in him was
recognized the closest and most considerate
of friends, one who knew the
difficulties of authorship and
journalism, and was ever
ready to help and take pleasure in doing
so, and also to make
allowances where many would have showered
unjust criticism.
The great loss to Masonry
will be acknowledged wherever the Masonic
symbol is known and
recognized, for, although an English author,
his Masonic works have been
translated into several European
languages, and his shorter
writings and studies have been
translated into many more
tongues, and read throughout the World.
His first published work on
Freemasonry, entitled "The First Four
Old Lodges," was succeeded by
"The Athol Lodges," but the work
which has secured for him his
position and lasting fame as a
Masonic Author, is his
complete and exhaustive work of research,
"The History of Freemasonry,"
a magnum opus. For years it has held,
and still holds, the field,
and is recognized as the only work of
authority and the most
reliable one on the history of the Craft,
yielding to him the honor of
being the greatest Masonic Historian
the World has yet produced.
He also published a smaller
work, "The Concise History of
Freemasonry," summarized
without much detail. Many of his
contributions to the
Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge are
works of skill, erudition,
and patient research. Many of these are
out of print, but the best of
them, together with articles from
various Masonic journals, are
reprinted in a volume entitled
"Brother Gould's Collected
Essays and Papers," published in 1913.
Bro. Gould's contributions to
Masonic literature are not numerous.
Many writers have given us
more in quantity of matter and number of
volumes, but none have
achieved so much success in face of so many
difficulties. He began his
work when all matters of Masonic history
were hopelessly mixed. All
kinds of false traditions hovered around
the name of Freemasonry, and
countless rites and sects claimed
association with the Order.
His work consisted in clearing the way
and breaking down barriers.
He truly laid the tracks upon which his
successors found it easy to
travel. His standard was high, both as
to literary accomplishment
and to statement of fact. Guesswork and
imagination had no part or
lot in his researches. The truth was
supreme, and all that
possessed not its hall-mark was rejected or
laid aside for further
evidence. The work he accomplished will
remain for many generations
as a monument to his love of the Craft
and his genius as a
painstaking and truthful historian.
It might truly be said that
his life was made up of the mystic
number Three--for he was
essentially a Soldier, Barrister and
Freemason. These three
separate characteristics were the
predominant factors of his
most useful life, and though he had for
many years ceased activity as
a Barrister, and took only a passing
interest in military matters
after his retirement from the Army, he
devoted the rest of his life
with a burning zeal and constant
activity with his pen in
behalf of Freemasonry until a short time
before his death. His final
letter, dated 22nd February, showed a
mental and literary activity
of the keenest nature, and introduced
references to friendships in
England, Gibraltar, and America.
Bro. Gould was a son of the
Rev. Robert Freke Gould, Rector of
Stoke Pearo, Somerset, and
was born at Ilfracombe, Devon, England,
in 1836. At the age of
nineteen he entered the Army as Ensign in
the 86th Royal County Down
Regiment of Foort, and later in the same
year was initiated in the
Royal Naval Lodge, No. 429, Ramsgate, and
also received his commission
as a Lieutenant, and was transferred
to the 31st Regiment. In the
following year his Regiment was
ordered to Malta, where he
was exalted in the Melita Chapter, No.
349, and also installed a
Knight Templar in the Melita Encampment.
In 1858 he found himself at
Gibraltar, where he was installed
Master of the Inhabitants'
Lodge, No. 153, E. C. The Lodge roll for
the present year shows him as
the senior living Past Master at the
time of its issue, and
designates him an honorary member.
His year in the chair was
interrupted by a removal to the Cape of
Good Hope, and later in the
same year to India. Here he became
Founder and first Master of
the Meridian Lodge, No. 743, of the 1st
East Surrey Regiment, then
stationed at Poona. In 1860 he took
command of a Company at Sinho,
in the North China Campaign, and
took part in the action at
that place, and in the storming of
Tangku. For the taking of the
latter forts he received a medal and
clasp. In 1862 he served on
the staff of General Staveley in
subduing the Taeping
Rebellion. The operations in the district of
Shanghai resulted in the
taking of the stockade of Nanhsiang, the
capture by escalade of the
walled cities of Kadin, Tsinpoo, Tsolin,
and the fortified town of
Najow, and the success of the operations
at Nanhsiang. Afterwards he
was appointed by General Stavele to
drill, discipline, and
organize a battalion of Manchu soldiers at
Tien Tsin. Continuing his
stay in China, he was elected Master of
the Northern China Lodge, No.
570, Shanghai, in 1864, and in the
following year was installed
First Principal of the Zion Chapter,
No. 570, and was a founder of
the Tuscan Lodge, No. 1027, in the
same city.
His departure from China
would appear to have terminated his
military career, for in 1870
we find him settled at Russell Square,
London, in close proximity to
the law centers of the Metropolis.
This center was most
favorable for the continuance of his legal
work and for paying frequent
visits to the Grand Lodge Library and
to the British Museum. It was
these later visits which enabled him
to lay the foundation upon
which so much valuable material was
afterwards to be erected in
the way of contributions to the
literature of Freemasonry.
What Bro. Gould himself described as the
"distractions" of these two
Libraries caused him to suspend his
legal studies, and in 1877,
he went on Circuit (the Western) for
the last time, and a few
years afterwards gave up his chambers in
the Temple, and thus ceased
to be even a nominal practitioner at
the Bar.
Having thus closed his
activities as Soldier and Barrister, his
whole time was available for
his chief "recreation"--Freemasonry.
In 1875 he was installed
Master of the Moira Lodge, No. 92, London,
and was re-elected for the
following year, being also installed
First Principal of the Moira
Chapter. In 1875 he also served as a
Grand Steward, and in that
capacity took part in the installation
of the Prince of Wales as
Grand Master of England at the Royal
Albert Hall, which is
described by himself in 1911 as "the most
remarkable spectacle I have
ever witnessed during the half-century
and more that I have been a
Having served for several
terms on the Board of General Purposes of
Grand Lodge, and on the
Colonial Committee, it was generally hoped
by his friends that his
services would secure him the coveted honor
of Grand Rank. This, however,
was not realized until 1880, when he
was invested as one of the
two Senior Grand Deacons. It may be as
well to state here that this
honor was not awarded for his literary
services, for the first
volume of his "History of Freemasonry was
not published until two years
later. This fact also emphasizes the
neglect of the Grand Lodge of
England to reward the literary
efforts of its members; for
although Bro. Gould's monumental work
was known and appreciated all
the world over, Grand Lodge failed to
recognize the merits of the
author until December 1913, when, in
honor of the Centenary of the
Union of the Grand Lodges of England,
he was made a Past Grand
The researches into Masonic
archaeology and history on the part of
a small circle of Brethren at
this time entailed considerable
correspondence by those who
were exchanging ideas and discoveries,
and the question of founding
a special lodge for Brethren
interested in research was
mooted. After a few preliminary
difficulties the Quatuor
Coronati Lodge, No. 2076, was consecrated
in 1884, and the desire for
the literature of the Craft was at once
given a great stimulus, for
those who were associated in the work
of this Lodge were keen upon
their task, and in a very short time
gave the Craft a literature
which has never been surpassed. In this
work Bro. Gould was a leading
spirit and became a Founder of the
Lodge. In 1887 he was
installed Master, an honor which is the
coveted "blue-ribbon of
Masonry" amongst literary members of the
Craft. In 1901 the
"Inhabitants" Lodge, at Gibraltar, having become
too large, a sister Lodge was
formed, and in honor of Bro. Gould,
who had been the first Master
at the resuscitation in 1858, the new
Lodge was named the Robt.
Freke Gould Lodge, No. 2874.
Bro. Gould's associations
with other Lodges may be briefly touched
upon. Founder of the King
Solomon's Temple Lodge, No. 3464, of
which he was the first
Master. Joining member of the Royal Lodge of
Friendship, No. 278,
Gibraltar; St. Andrew's in the East, No. 343,
S.C., Poona; Orion in the
West, No. 415, Poona; Royal Sussex Lodge
No. 501, Shanghai; and
several Royal Arch Chapters. His literary
services to the Craft have
been recognized by several Grand Lodges
in his election to honorary
membership with rank of Past Grand
Warden, including Iowa, Ohio,
District of Columbia, Kansas, South
Dakota, British Columbia, and
New Zealand.
* * *
By Prof. Roscoe Pound,
Harvard University.
If James Anderson has a
prescriptive right to be styled the father
of Masonic history, Robert
Freke Gould has a much better title upon
the merits to be styled its
second father. Indeed Anderson owes his
position in Masonic history
simply to the accident of time and
place which makes him our
only authority for the most interesting
period in the history of the
Craft. Brother Gould, on the other
hand, taught us how to write
Masonic history and founded a school
of Masonic historians which
has put the history of the Craft upon
a modern and scientific basis
where it may take its place with the
history of other human
Prior to the writings of
Brother Gould the profane might well smile
when it was said that Masonic
history was to some extent a subject
by itself and that it must
have its own methods and its own
standards. For unhappily it
was formerly but too true that Masonic
history was wholly unique
among branches of knowledge that went by
the name of history and that
it had methods and standards not
tolerated, much less
admitted, anywhere else. Even in the
eighteenth century, when men
were willing to believe much of
antiquity which they would
not have believed of their own day,
when, for example, the
legendary history of the Roman kings remain
unquestioned, solemn
narratives that made every great personage
from Adam to Solomon a Mason
in the modern sense, that made
Nebuchadnezzer and Caesar
Augustus Grand Masters of the Craft, that
brought Masonry into Britain
with a Trojan king, and into Ireland
with the prophet Jeremiah,
ought to have been impossible. What
shall we say then of
enlightened men and learned Masons who
repeated and affected to
believe them in the nineteenth century and
of the pomp and circumstance
of Masonic oratory which rehearses
them or their like today?
Such things as Oliver's "Five grand
periods of Masonry from the
creation of the world to the dedication
of King Solomon's temple"
have not been merely harmless. Dr. Oliver
was an antiquary of high and
deserved reputation. Moreover, he was
one of the few really great
Masonic scholars of the nineteenth
century. It is no
exaggeration in Mackey to style him "the father
of Anglo-Saxon Masonic
literature. His generous enthusiasm,
undoubted archeological
learning and wide reading enabled him to
give to English Masonic
writings a literary and philosophical turn
that might have done much
toward creating a scholarly interest in
Masonry. But when such a man
was found setting forth soberly in
print that Masonry
(presumably such as we know it) was to be found
from the beginnings of
history, that it was taught by Seth to his
descendants and was in their
hands pure or primitive Masonry, that
with the dispersion of
mankind after Noah it divided into pure
Masonry and spurious Masonry,
that the former passed through the
patriarchs to Solomon and
thence to the Masonry of today, while the
latter, a corruption in the
hands of the pagans, was to be seen in
the mysteries and initiatory
rites of antiquity--when this sort of
history could be set forth
gravely by one of the lights of Masonic
scholarship two results were
to be expected. One, the rank and file
of the Craft accepted it and
no speculation of the sort became too
wild for Masonic post-prandial
and grand lodge oratory. Two, the
scholar within and without
the Craft was led to think that if this
was all that such a man as
Oliver could say there was in reality
nothing to say. Hence
scholars within the Craft turned to
philosophy and symbolism. But
these suffered from lack of proper
historical foundation. Those
without the Craft simply laughed to
the injury of all serious
Masonic study. If the proposition that
Masonic history is in some
sort a subject by itself, that from the
nature of the subject it has
its own methods and its own criteria
meant or threatened any
recrudescence of this pseudo-history among
Masonic scholars, it should
be rejected at once.
It was a service of the first
magnitude when Brother Gould, the
undoubted leader of modern
Masonic historians, took for his guide
a standard more strict than
the principles by which historians
without the Craft were guided
in their search for the truth. Since
his great work in which the
most rigorous tests were applied to
every hypothesis, to every
tradition, and to every assertion of
fact, no one who makes any
pretensions to scholarship would think
of return to what a profane
critic justly styled "the sprightly and
vivacious accounts of the . .
. Masonic annalists who display in
their histories a haughty
independence of facts and make up for the
scarcity of facts by a
surprising fecundity of invention." A great
clearing away was necessary
in order to put Masonic history upon a
proper foundation. This
clearing away Brother Gould achieved almost
at one stroke. If we may
think today that the circumstances of
Masonic history call for less
rigorous criteria in some
connections, we are enabled
to say so confidently because he has
established the subject in a
position where one may proclaim
himself a Masonic historian
without shame. If James Anderson in
some sense is the Herodotus
of Masonic history, Brother Gould is
emphatically our Thucydides.
It is not merely that he has written
what is likely to remain the
standard history of Masonry. Much more
than that, he has taught us
how to write Masonic history. For this
service to the Craft, if
there were nothing else, he would always
have to be reckoned among the
very first of our scholars.
By R. J. Lemert, Montana
It is with the deepest sorrow
and regret that I learn of the death
of Brother Robert F. Gould.
Thus passes, after a long and useful
life, one who has in his own
chosen field done more toward setting
the history of Freemasonry
upon a solid basis than any other man
who has ever lived. So long
as our institution shall endure--and
that, I feel assured, will be
until mankind shall have reached a
state of perfection
inconceivable at the present (May--the name of
Brother Gould will live, and
his writings will constitute for him
a monument more lasting than
can be built above his grave in stone
or brick.
Brother Gould's writings are
essentially those of the practical
man, the logician, the severe
critic of mere theory. Some of us may
have been at times a trifle
impatient of his ruthless demolition of
our dream palaces; some of us
may not, even today, be content to
accept his dicta as to
certain mooted questions which he dismisses
as not proven, and therefore
not to be taken seriously; but those
matters of history upon which
Brother Gould has set the seal of his
approval may be accepted with
assurance by all who write upon the
subject of the Craft, as sure
foundations upon which to build. His
Concise History, as well as
his more pretentious work, published in
this country in four volumes,
are the constant companions of those
who write upon Masonic
topics, and the more they are studied, the
more they reveal the amazing
industry and erudition of him who has
now penned his last line.
He was one of the nine
earnest students and lovers of Freemasonry
who founded Quatuor Coronati
Lodge, No. 2076--a nucleus about which
has gathered a great student
body of more than three thousand
members. Of these nine
founders, five have now passed behind the
veil--the Rev. Adolphus F.A.
Woodford, G. Speth, Sir Walter Besant,
William J. Hughan, and now
him whom all of these acknowledged as
the greatest of them all. The
work they set their hands to do, they
did well; and we may be
assured that when they stand before the
Great White Throne, it shall
be their lot to hear from Him who
sitteth as the Judge Supreme
the welcome words, "Well done, good
and faithful servants; enter
thou into the joy of thy Lord."
By R. I. Clegg
Cleveland, Ohio
Bro. Gould's death is a
grievous loss to me and doubtless to many
others who were favored by
correspondence. He never lost his keen
interest. His industry failed
not. Years passed, age crept upon
him, the seasons ran their
cycles, but he kept his poise, preserved
his faith, and has now gone
on to his reward. To have established
a high standard of Masonic
research and to have bestowed a noble
example of such work is to
have left at the portals of the Temple
two great pillars to adorn
and support the structure. That
distinction was his. No
greater monument is in store for any Mason
however eminent he be. In the
death of Robert Freke Gould there
passes an accurate author, a
painstaking student, a scholar of
excellence, a courtly
controversialist, the Pythagoras of our times
among Masons.
(For this last installment of
our Symposium we are indebted to the Masonic Study School of Cincinnati, Ohio,
and to the kindness of Dr. Stewart and other members. This School was
organized in 1910, and adopted a constitution and by-laws identical with those
used by the Fargo, North Dakota, Masonic Study School organized in October,
1908. A copy of the constitution and by-laws may be found in Dr. Stewart's
interesting and valuable book, "Symbolic Teaching, or Masonry and its
Message," chapter four. In the following letters we learn, first, from Dr.
Stewart, what methods of study have been tried by the Cincinnati Masonic
School, and with what results, as well as the plan finally adopted as most
profitable and workable. Second, a committee from the Society of Past Masters
of Cincinnati and vicinity tell of the efforts of that body to extend the
influence of the School, and to deepen the interest of Masons in the deeper
aspects and purposes of Masonry. Here we have the results, not of theoretical
suggestion, but of practical experience in a company of busy men and Masons
who undertook the study of Masonry; and we believe it reveals a point of
contact with the problem, and also a method of beginning, which will be found
useful to other groups who may wish to make a start. Elsewhere in this issue
we sum up the findings of this symposium with certain reflections suggested by
each contributor.)
By Dr. T. M. Stewart
Cincinnati, Ohio
Not until the Masonic Study
School came into the field in February, 1910, was any definite effort made
systematically to try out different plans of work. These plans were as
follows: (1) Question and answer meetings. They were not satisfactory and
therefore not continued, because very few had read enough to make it
(2) Essays written by
students and read to a general meeting of Masons. This plan also failed be
cause the students were too few and the audience seemed to desire a variety of
topics as well as of speakers.
(3) The reading, and
discussing as read, of one or more books during the season. A splendid plan,
but only reaching a few, because in this city, with thirty-one Lodges
scattered over a wide territory--not counting the Lodges across the Ohio in
Kentucky--it is quite a task for members to get home and later return to the
city for study. To meet in any one suburb does not change the condition, as
regular attendance at the meetings is necessary or the thread of thought is
lost. The problem, so far as the Masonic Study School has been able to
formulate it, is as follows:
(a) The need of Masons, and
especially of the younger men, for a more general knowledge of the origin,
nature and genius of our ancient and honorable fraternity. To meet this need a
book was selected and questions on its contents were prepared by the Study
School. Following each question was the number of the page of the book--in
many instances of the paragraph--where the answer may be found. The best
results are obtained by the student writing the answer thereto in a small
blank book, and meeting with others doing the same work at stated intervals,
so that the questions and answers may be read--fixing the answers in the mind.
Notes are taken of questions in regard to matters on which the student desires
further light, and these are the basis of work after the School has finished
with that particular book. The personal effort required in such a method is
the secret of its success.
(b) To enlighten the Craft
generally with regard to what Masonry has done for the world, for this
country, and for this city; and thus to formulate the basis of what Masonry
can and should do for coming generations. To this end several lecturers should
talk on the same topic, handled much in the same manner, to several Lodges in
a jurisdiction. In this way all the Lodges are reached in a much shorter time,
than where one lecturer tries to fill dates with many Lodges. This plan will
be elucidated by its originator, Brother P. J. Cadwalader, who has gladly
agreed to outline the plan for this Symposium.
* * *
The Past
Master's Society
The Society of Past Masters
of this vicinity have undertaken to do some work to try and bring to the minds
of the Craft at large some matters which every Mason ought to know, and thus
lead up to the work which Dr. Stewart and the Masonic Study School are
interested in. With this idea in view, the Society has undertaken to make
Masons realize that there is a greater work for the Fraternity than has been
accomplished in the past.
The better to assist in this
work, it has been deemed advisable to have addresses made by selected speakers
to the members at large, and to the different Lodges at such times as may be
convenient, and to try to bring home to each Mason the tremendous work we
awaiting us, if the Fraternity is to retain its present high standing in this
country. A committee has been appointed systematically to take up this work.
For the first general meeting April 13th, 1915, at the Scottish Rite
Cathedral, the following live subjects have been selected:
First--"The Position of
Masonry in this Country, Past and Today, What has been accomplished? Looking
Backward," by Dr. J. D. Buck, 33rd degree.
Second--"The Position of
Masonry in this Country, Tomorrow and the Future, What can be Accomplished?
Looking Forward," by Brother Rev. A. B. Beresford, 32nd degree.
The first subject selected
to be presented to all the Lodges by different speakers is:--"After the
Petition, then what?" The idea being that the speaker should try to address
himself to the character of the candidate before and at the time of asking the
"recommendation of a friend." That is, the care which the investigating
committee should take, whether or not their report should simply be
"favorable" or "unfavorable," or whether the committee should try, in its
report, to picture to the Lodge the character of the candidate as he has
impressed himself upon them; keeping in mind all the time that our object is
"the Universal Brotherhood of Man."
Other subjects to be
presented in the same way to the individual Lodges, and which have been
favorably considered, are:--"After Raising, Whither Bound ?" and "Our Duty to
Unfortunate Members," that is, how long and how far shall we protect them, not
financially, but as to moral character. These subjects will cover three months
of work, and will reach forty-four Lodges, with a membership of fifteen
The committee feel that all
these subjects are very broad, and that properly treated, as we hope to have
them treated, they will reach the heart of the Craft, and perhaps start the
fire burning which will make the individual feel that there is something in
Masonry more than making candidates and seeking office.
Fifteen thousand Masons in a
community like ours, if they exert their influence for the highest and best
things, can do much. The fraternity must stand for the highest morals, not
only as a fraternity, but as individuals; so much so, that while it does not
as an order enter politics, its influence may be so felt that politicians will
have regard for the better interests of the city.
While this condition is being
brought about by the Craft as a unit, each individual member should feel and
know of his interests therein, and begin to learn that "the house not made
with hands" is his own spiritual individuality, and that perhaps the "lost
word" may be found in himself by a proper exercise and the guidance of others
who may be able to point out the way, to which he must apply his efforts and
make out of himself the real and true Mason which our fraternity demands.
Committee of Past Master's
John H. Dickerson
James N. Ramsey
Orin N. Littell
Chas. A. Stevens
Pierce J. Cadwalader
BUILDERS: A Story and Study of Masonry."
By Joseph Fort Newton
Questions Compiled by the
Cincinnati Masonic Study School.
(Experience has shown that one of the most
effective ways of awakening interest in the study of Masonry is a series of
questions analyzing some book dealing with the history and teaching of the
Craft. "The Builders' is selected as the first book to be so studied, for the
reason that it is the only book of its kind ever adopted by a Grand Lodge for
the instruction of young Masons. It was adopted by the Grand Lodge of Iowa as
its text-book June 10th, 1914. Other books will be analyzed in like manner, in
the hope of tempting young Masons to study the story and teachings of the
Order by showing how many interesting questions are involved in the research.)
1. What two arts have altered the face of
the earth and given shape to life and thought of many Page 5-1.
2. What two fundamental factors do we find
when we inquire into origins, which carry art forward ? Page 5-2.
3. What was the first great impulse of all
architecture and what did it include ? Page 5-2.
4. What are the laws of architecture?
5. What will the violation of moral laws
do to architecture? Page 8-2.
6. What are the secrets of man's success
and what are the two great intellectual lamps of architecture ? Page
7. Where does it seem that the art of
building first seemed to have gathered power, and where are its remains
best preserved? Page 9-2.
8. What emblems of architecture show that
they are the laws of the eternal? Page 11.
9. Do buildings which Man may build refer
to his religion or character? Page 7-1.
10. Where was the square building
invented? Page 10-1.
11. What was it the early builders sought
above all things? Page 12-2.
12. What were the two ideals of the early
builders in their work? Page 12-2.
13. What is beauty? Page 8-2.
14. What are the ideas that glowed in the
heart of the builder and guided his arm from the start? Page 9-1.
15. What does true building teach and
open? Page 8-2.
16. What is said of the "Builders of
buildings?" Page 34.
17. What ideals of the early builders are
most clearly expressed? Page 12.
18. What is said of the way the Temples of
Egypt were built in early times? Page 11-2.
19. What is said of cube and square ? Page
20. What is said of the Cross ? Page
21. What was thought to be the shape of
the world by Egyptians in the early ages? Page 11-2.
22. What is said of eternity as an ideal
of the early Egyptians? Page 12-2.
23. What was the attitude of the learned
ancient philosophers in regard to the Egyptian teaching ? Page 46.
24. What was the central theme of the
Egyptian faith ? Page 46.
25. Give an outline of the Egyptian
teachings Page 39-42.
26. How were the secrets of the Allegoni
form or faith transmitted? Page 31.
27. What are the real foundations of
Masonry? Page 15.
28. What did Goethe write? Page 19.
29. What does the phrase "told in song
what ha been taught in sorrow" mean to you? Page 61.
30. Did Jesus teach a Secret Doctrine?
Page 57-58.
31. As to death what may be
said of the value other universal intuition as to eternal life ? Page 39,
32. What has the Keystone, Compasses and
Cubes to do with buildings ? Page 11-1.
33. Is there any such thing as Liberty ?
Page 7-2.
34. What has obedience and loyalty to do
with a man's liberty? Page 8-1.
35. What is the difference between the
mystery of the ancients and mystification ? Page 59.
36. Outline the main tenets of the lesser
and greater mysteries of the ancients ? Page 47-51.
37. What does Maspero tell us of the
temples of Egypt? Page 11.
38. What did the spiritual instinct in
seeking to recreate types lead to? What has Man always been? Page 6-2.
39. What is an Obelisk? Page 13-1.
40. What is obedience in life ? Page 7-2.
41. What is said of Cleopatra's needle ?
Page 33-34.
42. What is said of the Pyramids as to
their age and durability? Page 13-1.
43. What discovery was of great importance
to the primitive Egyptians ? Page 10.
44. What were the columns of the first
European Age? Page 9-1.
45. What is said of the Pyramid Builders
and with what amount of ease did they work ? Page 10-1.
46. Relate some ideas in regard to pyramid
and obelisk? Page 13.
47. What is stated of the Pillar as an
ancient symbol? Page 28-29.
48. What are the two sets of realities ?
Page 7-2.
49. What is the thesis which Ruskin
expounds in his Seven lamps of architecture ? Page 7.
50. What is said of the old light religion
of humanity? Page 14.
51. What is said of the Shrines of the Old
Solar Religions? Page 12-1.
52. What sort of Emblem did the square
become at its discovery? Page 10-2, 11-1.
53. Why was Secrecy necessary in the
ancient mysteries ? Page 59, 62.
54. Give the Egyptian Secret Sermon on the
Mountain as transmitted to the Greeks ? Page 47.
55. Of what is the square an emblem? Page
56. What was the form of the earliest
known structure? Page 10.
57. What was the symbol of the earth ?
Page 13.
58. Give symbolic idea of temple, pyramid
and cathedral. Page 15.
59. Give some idea of tools symbolizing a
builder's thought. Page 15.
60. What was the symbol of the heavens?
Page 13.
61. What is said of Symbols ? Page 20.
62. What are some of Socrates' ideas in
regard to man ? Page 21.
63. What is the Swastika symbol ? Page 23,
64. What is said of the Square and Cube ?
Page 25, 26.
65. Where do we find the crumbling ruins
of towns, temples and tombs ? Page 7-1.
66. What is the basis of initiation into
eternal truth? Page 61.
67. What is the relation of the seeker
after truth to the object of his search? 57.
68. What historical evidence can be cited
as to the use of the mason's working tools? Page 29-30.
69. Give the idea of the Trinity and its
emblem Page 22-23.
70. Contrast the unity of the human mind
ant the reason for a secret Doctrine. Page 22, 59, 61.
(To be continued)
During the last summer an explosion
occurred in the trenches of one of the gas companies of Columbus which was
caused by the stupid action of one of the laborers, a foreigner, in lighting a
match near the escaping gas. In this frightful explosion the clothes of the
workmen in the trench caught fire, and it was evident that they would all be
burned to death. Chas Sumner Potter, a member of Magnolia Lodge, No. 20 the
foreman in charge of these men, was slightly burned, but in a position of
safety, when he heard the screams of these unfortunate men; and without a
thought for his personal safety, and with his own clothes still burning, he
rushed into the ditch and rescued three or four of the victims. Although he
could have removed his burning clothing and escaped with very slight injuries,
he continued in this work of rescue until his clothes were practically burned
from his body; and in this condition he went to a telephone stationed some
distance away to call for help. He was so weak that he could scarcely stand,
and when he left the station there were pools of blood on the floor which
flowed from the wounds on his hands and arms. He was carried away in an
ambulance, and when asked as to his condition said that he wished none of the
others were burned any worse than he was. He was taken to the hospital, where
he lingered and suffered for several weeks, and died. He was buried from the
Masonic Temple at Columbus, Ohio, and a great number of these foreign laborers
attended his funeral; they could not understand the language of the ceremony,
but they knew and appreciated the unselfishness and heroic devotion which they
had witnessed.
Everything that Masons could do has been
done. His body rests in Green Lawn Cemetery, and the grass is green on his
grave. He carried out the great lesson taught in the second section of our
Third Degree. He performed his duty at the cost of his life, and gave it up
that those men, who were not his Brothers or even his countrymen, might live.
I have considered it altogether fitting and proper to make a memorial of his
noble sacrifice. When we teach men this higher duty and see our teachings
exemplified in this way, we honor the Fraternity as well as the man in making
a perpetual memorial of his sacrifice.
- Proceedings Grand Lodge of
WITHOUT doubt the greatest
impression, received by the average layman, of the entry of a new dreadnaught
into the American navy, comes with the published reports of her christening.
The picture of the uncompleted hull sliding into the water arouses his sense
of proprietorship. And probably he takes as much pride in the photograph of
the beautiful Daughter of the Republic who breaks the bottle of grapejuice
over the bow of the vessel, as he does in the outlines of the fourteen-inch
guns which will ultimately peer out from her turrets. The preliminary labors
of designing, milling, testing and assembling, the engineering problems
involved in making of this inert hull a living power for his benefit and
protection-- all these are symbolized in the one ceremony of giving the ship a
name. And, for the future, that name shall stand for the dignity and power of
his Government. With the flag of his country flying at her masthead, with his
countrymen acting as captain, helmsman, stoker and gunner, she becomes the
visible emblem of organized efficiency. Efficiency means that results desired
are accomplished. Without accomplishment, confidence and pride will vanish,
proprietorship will be regretted, the labors will be counted as lost--the
symbol of efficiency loses all its magic, and the vessel soon becomes junk.
So it is with all human
The National Masonic Research
Society is a human institution. It has certain objects, known to all of you
who have joined us in this work. It may seem to some of you that we advance
very slowly toward the accomplishment of these objects. Much thought and labor
have been devoted to the designs upon our trestleboard. Almost unanimously
those designs have been approved by you. Now you are making it your Society.
Day by day an increasing mass of evidence proves it. Let us rejoice that it is
so. In the preliminary literature sent out by the Research Committee of the
Grand Lodge of Iowa, Masonry in Iowa pledged itself to provide "the machinery
of organization." Machinery which is not used, rusts. And upon your use of
this machine which has been created to serve the Masonic Fraternity, depends
its efficiency.
The purpose of this article
is to give you a better picture of the "machine." To do this I must tell you
the chief parts of which it is composed, what its limitations are, how it
works, and some of its possibilities.
In the first place, it is a
"wireless." This does not mean that there are no live wires in its
construction. There are. But it means that there are no wires to pull. The
Brethren who compose the Board of Stewards have kept in the background, for
they take no false pride in their positions. They are organized on the basis
of "who best can work and best agree." They are Stewards, in the full
definition of the term.
Constructed strictly in
accordance with Masonic usage, this "machine" has seven parts. The parts are
George E. Frazer, N.R. Parvin, Joseph Fort Newton, Louis Block, John W. Barry,
C. C. Hunt and George L. Schoonover. Every one of them is an American citizen-
-though the blood streams of both the Allies and the Germans course through
their veins. All of them are busy men. All are active Masons. Their conception
of a Research Society for American Masons was born of service in the ranks of
American Masonry, which had disclosed a great need. The invitation of the
Grand Lodge of Iowa to the Brethren of our sister Jurisdictions was an attempt
to satisfy that need.
These seven Brethren
assembled in their first 1915 quarterly meeting as a Board of Stewards in
April, at the newly-completed home of the Society in Anamosa. A brief
description of that meeting will show you how the "machine" works.
Incidentally, it may give to our members a better insight into the problems
which have been involved in the organization and development of this Society,
thus far, than could be done in any other way. At any event, the Board has a
firm determination that the important questions brought before them shall be
fully discussed by the Members of the Society, in order that its policies may
represent the best judgment of the majority.
The Committee appointed to
draw up Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws made their report. They
submitted a copy of Articles prepared in accordance with Chap. 2, Title IX of
the Iowa Code, providing for corporations not for pecuniary profit, reported
their adoption and execution, and showed that they had been filed of record
according to law. They recommended that as soon as possible every member
receive a copy of the By-Laws which have been adopted, and this recommendation
was approved, and the Committee discharged.
Brother Newton presented the
report of the Committee on Publications. It was full of good things which are
promised for future numbers of "The Builder." The Committee are deeply
gratified at the manner in which brethren are contributing the results of
researches already made by them; and reported that the great number of
splendid articles already submitted from all over the world is an absolute
guaranty of the high standard of the magazine until such time as the growth of
the Society shall justify the financial expense of making special original
researches, which to some extent, are already planned. The Committee presented
a letter from Brother Roscoe Pound, tendering to the Society the copyright on
his lectures on the Philosophy of Masonry, and stating that when put into book
form he would add a preface, a dedication, and a bibliography. With the utmost
gratification the Board unanimously accepted this generous offer, ordered the
publication of a first edition of 500 copies, and instructed the Secretary to
convey to Brother Pound not only the feelings of the Board but the hundreds of
the commendatory expressions received from the Brethren, regarding these
lectures. The announcement of the Committee that Bro. Pound will also give to
our membership, as soon as his time will permit, a series of papers on Masonic
Symbolism, should be received with universal acclaim. The Chapters on "The
Establishment and Early Days of Masonry in America," by Bro. Melvin M.
Johnson, Grand Master of Massachusetts, the second of which appears in our
next issue, will throw much light upon a subject concerning which there is
little in literature accessible to the Craft. That brethren from Pennsylvania
and Virginia will contest Brother Johnson's claim of earliest establishment of
Masonry in Massachusetts is certain. Thus will "The Builder" fulfill its
prophecy, expressed in Brother Newton's "Foreword," as a "forum of frank, free
and fraternal discussion of every possible aspect of Masonry," from the
historical standpoint.
Masonic experience has
demonstrated that the study club idea is practical. The Symposium on "How to
Study Masonry" has been an illuminating one, and the practical workings of the
Cincinnati Masonic School, as partially outlined in this number, show that, as
a beginning in Masonic study, some sort of a textbook is necessary. The series
of questions, arranged by this school, with Brother Newton's book, "The
Builders, A Story and Study of Masonry," as a basis, will be the first
installment of the recommendations of the founders of the Society. The book
referred to was therefore adopted by the Board as the official textbook of the
Society; other books will be recommended later.
Much time in investigation of
the proper form of study clubs has been spent by the Board. Many groups of
students, all over the country, have asked us whether we would charter
subordinate groups of the Society, and just how the Society proposed to make
its investigations of real working value to its widely separated membership.
The Board takes the position, unanimously, that the Society will not charter
any study clubs or subordinate groups of students anywhere. Its reasons for so
doing are three-fold; in the first place it is impossible for the Board to
provide a way to accommodate all groups (each with its own conception of the
organization which it needs) under a single, simple plan; secondly, they
believe that the Society, a purely voluntary association with only one
object--the advancement of the understanding of the members constituting
it--should involve itself in no questions of jurisprudence, as an
organization; and thirdly, because the brethren who desire to get together, in
any community or Masonic group, are themselves best fitted by location and
knowledge of their needs, to provide themselves with whatever machinery of
organization is necessary for the promotion of their work. The Board appointed
Brother Block as a Committee, however, to draw up a form of By-Laws adaptable
to general conditions only, which could be used as a model, so far as
considered of value. This simple form of organization, as soon as completed,
will be published in "The Builder," as a suggestion only. No matter what form
of organization the Brethren in any place finally determine upon as best
adapted to their needs, the Society, insofar as it is represented by its Board
of Stewards, will tender every possible aid, and give all possible suggestions
which will promote the Cause. And as it stands ready to help, so it will
appreciate co-operation in return, on the part of study clubs, by sending us
their courses of study, as they may outline them for themselves, and telling
their Brethren, through the columns of "The Builder," the methods which bring
The spirit of the above
paragraph applies equally to the attitude of the Board upon the subject of the
promotion of the Research idea, everywhere. The Society has a Committee for
the purpose of urging the co-operation of Grand Lodges, through Committees on
Research, or in whatever manner may seem best to any particular Jurisdiction.
The getting together into a Society of nearly ten thousand Masons in a few
short months, for the purpose of a study of Masonic principles and facts,
should be in itself a notice to all Grand Lodges that there is an interest in
the "study side of Masonry." Elsewhere a table of our membership is published.
As an index of the real status of interest in this subject in any state it is
valueless, because of the difficulty we have had in getting in touch with
Masons who are interested. But as showing that we are finding students all
over the world who are anxious to co-operate in a course of study--call it a
kindergarten system, or a correspondence school system, or what you will--the
table is illuminating. The splendid showing already made in the State of Iowa
confirms our preliminary promise of a "substantial sustaining membership," and
affords tangible evidence of the progress of Masonic study in the state as
well as a complimentary evidence of the standing of the men behind the
movement; but what is most significant in these figures is their affirmative
testimony concerning the possible growth of the Society in other States, once
the good faith, aims and purposes of the organization are generally
In the opinion of your
Secretary, the most important question considered at this meeting was the
determination as to the future methods of promoting the work which we have
undertaken. Manifestly, it was necessary at first that those who stood as
sponsors for the organization should outline their conception of its plans and
purposes, and to a large degree, direct its activities. It was the original
intention of the Board that after the lapse of a sufficient time to discover
the enthusiastic Brethren over the country, who could be depended upon to
further its purposes, the Board of Stewards should be enlarged to say,
twenty-five members. With the experience of the past few months, it seems as
if the great distances in this country, involving extreme difficulty in ever
getting even a majority of such a body together for a meeting, would make such
an arrangement impossible. Meetings must occur at least four times a year, in
order to make them of any value to the Society. Even as it is, we have already
found that many questions must be decided by a mail vote.
To meet this contingency, the
Board have decided that a much wiser and more practical plan is to leave the
Board of Stewards as they are, at least for a while, and to create an Advisory
Committee, as representative of the students of the country as possible, who
should be invited to give us the benefit of their experience, and send any and
all their suggestions in to the Secretary's office. All questions of policy to
be submitted to them, in order that, so far as possible, every State may feel
that through one or more members of this Committee, it can aid in shaping the
destiny of the Society. By this means, suggestions regarding the direction
which the research should take, as well as explanations of this or that live
Masonic question which are desired, might all be sent in to the Secretary.
From this office, submission of these various topics could be promptly made to
all members of the Committee, and the problems before us can be more
efficiently solved, as we think, than by being compelled to wait the
convenience of a moderately small quorum of an enlarged Board.
It is not to be expected that
such a Committee would agree, perhaps, upon all of the questions submitted to
it. Nor would it be even possible that each member of such a Committee would
approach every problem from the same viewpoint. Such a condition, indeed,
ought to be viewed with alarm, as it would mean Masonic stagnation. Nor would
the announcement of such a Committee preclude any member of the Society from
sending in his opinion at any time-- on the contrary, as we have already
demonstrated, every member helps the Society by joining in this "frank, free
and fraternal" search for Truth, and the more varied the expressions of views,
the more successful and the more interesting, as well as profitable, will be
the result. Expansion of the Society's activities will by this method mean an
increase in the number of shoulders at the wheel-- and the more rapid will be
our progress.
And perhaps the greatest
advantage of all in this plan, will be the manner in which members of the
Society will be able to feel one another's pulse, as it were, and thereby
bring that active co-operation which alone can make this organization the
great means of understanding and fellowship which was and is the dream of its
As this is written, it seems
not too much to expect that the month of June will witness the expansion of
the Society to 10,000 members. The tabulation herewith was prepared on May the
first. Believing that a campaign for members during the hot months would be of
little avail, we have determined that after June only necessary correspondence
will be carried on until September. As much time as possible will be devoted
to the preparation for definite expansion of the Society's activities in the
autumn. In the meantime, every member has been provided with blank
applications, and all that are sent in will be taken care of, promptly. The
real problem, from the financial standpoint, is to let ten thousand more
Brethren who have not yet heard of the Society, know about it. Our canvass has
reached, directly, less than four per cent of the Masons in the United States!
And you Brethren who have come to know us are the only ones through whom we
can get in touch with the other 96 per cent.
It needs no artificial
stimulant to make optimists of the founders of the Society. Industrious
advertising on our part brought us over four thousand charter members, before
ever an intimation of what "The Builder" would be like was revealed to the
Craft. That, surely, was remarkable. And thereby was proven the need for
closer fellowship in behalf of authentic, systematic, effective Masonic
education. As we have progressed, the Craft have caught the spirit of the
enterprise, and have stamped the aims, purposes and methods of the Society as
truly Masonic. Since January first a steady growth of more than a thousand a
month attests the respect won and the co-operation extended by the Brethren,
and warrants the statement that the Society is "delivering the goods." And the
tone of recent letters shows that Masons are beginning to see that what has
been done shows what ought to be done, and, better still, points out the way
to do it.
In bringing this little
survey of our work to a close I can do no better than to quote a recent
paragraph penned by Brother Newton: "For the many words of appreciation and
co-operation, so spontaneous and enthusiastic, the founders of this Society
are deeply grateful. They are doubly sure that they have not misread the needs
of the Fraternity or the signs of the times; and they wish to urge every
member of the Society to renewed efforts to enlist the interest of the Craft
in a movement which means so much for the present influence and future glory
of Freemasonry. The need is great. The opportunity is in our hands. The need
is great. The opportunity is in our hands. done for the joy of doing it,
uniting our efforts to make the Masonry of tomorrow greater than the Masonry
of today--greater in thought, sweeter in spirit, and more effective for the
sublime end for which it labors."
"In the beginning God created
the Heaven and the Earth-- and the Earth was without form and void.
AT some point of time in the
vast Eternity that is gone, when an unknown Planet was at its perihelion,
there was thrown from its surface, whirling into Space, a single Atom of
Matter that, guided by the Limitless One, started on its course and forged out
of the Ether a place for itself--a home among the Stars--where it could
fulfill its destiny of gradually perfecting a place whereon Man could dwell
and work out his mysterious mission.
Such was the "BEGINNING"--the
birth of this World of ours; and, as the Great Creator looked He saw that "It
was good"--and "God said Let there be Light and there was Light." Then,
throughout another myriad of years, by the same mysterious power, Vegetable
Life appeared and "It was good"--only to be followed by Animal Life--and "It
was good"--and then, the CLIMAX--God's crowning Work, MAN-- "Male and female
created He them."
All things come of God--and
all return unto the Great Giver. "Cast thy bread upon the waters and it shall
return unto thee "after many days." As we do, so shall we be done by. Darkness
and Light shall be meted out in strict measure. Like begets like--an Acorn
never produced a Violet any more than Hate can yield Happiness. All things
pass from Eternity into Eternity. There never was a beginning to Time, and
there can be no ending. The Light that WAS, is that which IS and IS TO
BE--only as we grow more and more like Him from whence we came, we shall be
more and more in the Light, and the Light shall drive out the DARKNESS; then
we shall become the Children of Light--SONS OF GOD--because He is "Our
Father." This is the demonstration of the CIRCLE.
There is a ONENESS in all
things. Nothing is complete in itself-- but everything bears some relation to
all else in Creation, without which kinship nothing would be complete and all
things would be destroyed. This mysterious relationship ends not with this
World-- for Earth is simply a small part of the Boundless Universe wherein
there are millions of Worlds, each of which came into existence just as this
one did--because God willed it, and it was a part of His GREAT PLAN. What that
"PLAN" is, it is not given us to fathom-- but we know this--we are Children of
Light and Light is of and from God--and HE is "Our Father." As a Father
counselleth his children so speaketh He unto us, and we are told to speak unto
HIM; for does He not say:--"Seek and ye shall find, ask and ye shall receive,
knock and it shall be opened unto you."
An Eternity of Love, Light
and Life constitutes the Immortality which is promised us of God. But
Immortality is for Eternity, and Eternity is a Circle, without beginning or
ending. This body which we see with our physical eyes is not truly US--it is
but the covering which conceals our true self--a sort of Cloak with which we
are provided, and which we wear while sojourning on this Planet. We put it on
when we enter the World and discard it upon leaving it--what, then, is MAN ?
He cometh, he knoweth not whence, and he goeth, when summoned, into the vast
Eternity of Time and Space to do the Will of the Father in other Spheres.
Children of Life--"The Life
Which is the Light of Men."
"In the beginning was the
Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
"The same was in the
Beginning with God."
"All things were made by Him;
and without Him was not anything made that was made."
"In Him was Life; and the
Life, was the Light of Men. And the Light shineth in the Darkness; and the
Darkness comprehendeth it not."
SUDDENLY in the full flower of vigorous
manhood, at the very zenith of his distinguished Templar activities, Most
Eminent Arthur MacArthur, Grand Master of the Grand Encampment Knights Templar
of the United States of America, was called from this terrestrial Temple into
the glorious presence of the Great Captain of our salvation in that celestial
Temple, not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens.
To know him was but to love him and deep
grief for their fallen leader pervades the hearts of each of the
225,000 Sir Knights in that vast Templar, but his acts of charity and pure
beneficence have spread their fame both far and wide to the uttermost parts of
this broad land. No less sincerely is he mourned by his Brethren in various
other Masonic bodies, especially by every member of the Acacia Fraternity, in
which latter body he had held Honorary Membership for several years. As one of
its most distinguished members, Brother MacArthur, although his activities
were multitudinous and exacting, yet found time to attend its functions and
was deeply interested in all that pertained to Acacia Fraternity.
Quick to realize the
unlimited possibilities of educated Masonic effort, as a college man, he
gladly accepted Honorary Membership in Tradhi Chapter of Acacia Fraternity at
Columbia University in the first year of the Chapter's existence. In the
spring of 1910 on April 4th at Earl Hall, Columbia University, and in the
presence of another of its distinguished Honorary Members, Most Illustrious
Wm. Homan, 33d Deputy of the Supreme Council, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction for the State of New York, and a large
number of other members, Arthur MacArthur was duly initiated into Tradhi
Chapter and presented by the Chapter with a jewelled pin of the Fraternity,
Brother Homan participating in the ceremonies. A banquet followed at the
Faculty Club at which he was the honored
guest, and where he spoke of how deeply impressed he had been with the ritual
and the work and of the great possibilities of such an intellectual Masonic
movement. At a special reception given to him by Tradhi Chapter on March 15th,
1914, at the residence of one of the members, Bro. MacArthur insisted upon
having his Acacia pin placed upon his coat lapel and entertained the members
in a most delightfully informal way, recounting his experiences in
constituting and dedicating the first Commandery of Knights Templar in the
Canal Zone at the Isthmus of Panama, his personal interview with Pancho Villa
at Jaurez across the Mexican border about a year ago, and various other topics
- among them the recent constituting of a Commandery of Knights Templar in
Alaska. At this meeting he was full of youthful buoyancy and enthusiasm and
impressed all present as but in the midway of active and distinguished
services to his fellow men.
Unexpectedly about 1 P.M. on Sunday, Dec.
27th, 1914, at his home, 226 West 3rd St., Troy, N. Y., while his only
daughter was at church the summons came, and as a true soldier of the Cross,
Arthur MacArthur answered the last call. Shortly thereafter Miss Susan C.
MacArthur returned, and finding her father reclining on a couch in the library
and not responding, called her brother, Capt. Charles A. MacArthur, who
hastily summoned physicians and upon their arrival an exammatlon revealed that
Col. MacArthur had died suddenly of valvular heart disease.
Thus passed away a loving father, a true
friend, an upright citizen, a fearless editor, a loyal patriot, and a great
and noble Mason. Col. MacArthur was a Trojan by birth and ancestry. He was the
son of the late Col. Chas. Lafayette MacArthur and Susan Colgrove MacArthur
and was born in Troy, N.Y., on July 24th, 1850, and passed his entire life
excepting for periods of study and travel, among his fellow citizens as an
active participant in all that was best in their various organizations.
He received his early education at St.
Paul's Parish School and the Troy Academy, graduating from the latter. He
devoted the next two years to the study of engineering at the Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute at Schenectady, N. Y. He then desired to join a South
American expedition, but being dissuaded he next turned his thoughts to the
study of medicine and began reading medical works in the office of Dr. C. E.
Nichols of Troy, N.Y. Finding this not to his taste he finally entered the
newspaper office of his father, who was at this time proprietor and editor of
the Troy Northern Budget.
About this time he was married to Miss
Ella Elizabeth Griffen, daughter of Abner J. Griffen of Cohoes, N. Y., in
1877, and two children were born of this union, a son, Chas. A. MacArthur, and
a daughter, Susan C. MacArthur. Mrs. MacArthur died in 1907 after thirty years
of ideal married life.
The office of the Troy Northern Budget
where Col. MacArthur now entered upon his life work was situated directly
opposite the Masonic Temple and for over forty-two years he was a familiar and
conspicuous figure in both places. Later his father took him into the firm
which then became known as C. L. MacArthur & Son. Upon the death of his father
a few years ago, Col. MacArthur continued the business with ever increasing
success and recently in turn took his own son, Capt. Chas. A. MacArthur, into
the firm.
Among the vivid incidents of his busy life
was one that occurred when he was but fourteen years of age - that of the
battle between the Merrimac and Monitor - which he witnessed at Fortress
Monroe. His father, then a Captain, was connected with the commissary station
at that point and Arthur MacArthur and his mother had been living at Newport
News in order to be near Capt. MacArthur, and it so happened that he was
visiting his father upon that memorable day. This event made a most vivid
impression upon his mind and he could describe every detail of this great
naval engagement in a most dramatic manner up to the very time of his death.
He took an additional interest in the momentous event, owing to the fact that
the plates for the Monitor were made in his home town, Troy, N. Y.
His father retired from the United States
Army at the end of the Civil War, with the rank of Colonel and returned to his
home in Troy, where he again took up his newspaper, becoming finally editor
and proprietor of the Troy Northern Budget and maintained the same with the
aid of his son up to the time of his death.
In his own life work as a newspaper man,
Col. MacArthur maintained the high standard set by his father in adopting a
policy of printing nothing which would offend the most conservative reader. No
scandal found a place in the columns of his paper, and they were always open
to the cause of the poor and the unfortunate and for all charitable effort.
During the holiday season each year an appeal for food and clothing was made
for the needy at his direction through the columns of the Budget, and
distributed on New Years Eve by means of the Salvation Army, in which Col.
MacArthur had faith that his charity would be ably carried out. This year the
annual plea was made by Col. MacArthur, but upon the night of the distribution
only the spirit of the giver was there, all that was mortal of their
benefactor having been consigned to the earth from whence it came.
Col. MacArthur early became interested in
Masonry and shortly after reaching his majority on Nov. 22nd, 1872, was raised
a Mason in Mt. Zion Lodge, No. 311, F. & A. M. of Troy. He soon became
actively engaged in its work and was elected Junior Warden in 1881, Senior
Warden in 1882, and Worshipful Master in 1883, serving one year as Master. He
became a life member, was a frequent attendant, and evinced a deep interest in
all its activities up to the time of his death. He was happily enabled to
raise his only son, Capt. Chas. A. MacArthur, in his own lodge and the latter
has just closed his administration as Worshipful Master of the same. In the
Grand Lodge of the State of New York, Col. MacArthur was appointed District
Deputy Grand Master of the 17th Masonic District in 1883, and served with
In 1890 he was appointed a member of the
Advisory Committee of the Trustees of the Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund, and in
1910 a Trustee of the Masonic Hall Board. A year ago he resigned from this
Board, owing to his many other Masonic duties. At the annual communication of
the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, in May, 1914, he was made a
permanent member of the Grand Lodge.
In the Chapter he was equally active,
being exalted in Apollo Chapter No. 48, R.A.M., Feb. 18th, 1874, and became a
life member. He had the distinction of being elected High Priest from the
floor in 1883 and was the dean of the High Priests of his Chapter at the time
of his death. From 1890 to 1910 he served as Grand Representative of the Grand
Chapter of Colorado near the Grand Chapter of New York. He was a member of the
Board of Trustees of Apollo Chapter for many years, and to him was entrusted
the investments of its funds. So successfully did he carry out this duty that
Apollo Chapter enjoys the distinction of being probably the wealthiest Chapter
in the State although sixth in number of members.
In Cryptic Rite Masonry he was received
and greeted in Bloss Council No. 14, R. & S. M., the largest Council in this
State at present, and one of the largest in the United States, on March 5th,
1880. He was soon appointed to office and after passing through the several
stations was elected Thrice Illustrious Master in 1891, serving one term. In
1908 he was appointed Grand Representative of the Grand Council of England and
Wales near the Grand Council of New York. Becoming personally acquainted with
many of the officers of the Grand Council of England, he did much to bring
about the present close, cordial relations which exist between these Grand
In the Commandery he reached the very
zenith of pre-eminence; the crowning glory of his Masonic career coming at the
triennial election of the Grand Encampment Knights Templar in August, 1913,
when he became the Grand Master of the mighty Templar host of the United
States, consisting of over 225,000 Knights.
He was knighted in Apollo Commandery No.
15, Jan. 9th, 1880, and became an officer almost immediately thereafter,
advancing through the various stations until he was elected Eminent Commander
in 1887, serving two years. He scarcely ever missed a conclave of his own
Commandery when at home.
In the Grand Encampment Knights Templar of
the United States of America he entered the official line by appointment to
the position of Grand Sword Bearer at the 27th triennial Conclave held at
Pittsburgh, in 1898. At the 28th Triennial Conclave held in the City of
Louisville, Ky., in 1901, he was appointed Grand Junior Warden, and in 1904 in
San Francisco at the 29th Triennial Conclave he was further advanced by
appointment to Grand Senior Warden. Owing to the death of the Grand Captain
General prior to the 30th Triennial Conclave, Col. MacArthur became acting
Captain General, and was elected as Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements
upon whom befell the innumerable details connected with the gathering of the
Knights Templar host from all parts of the world at Saratoga Springs in 1907.
At this the 30th Triennial Conclave he was advanced two stations, from Grand
Senior Warden to Grand Generalissimo, and three years later, in 1910, at the
31st Triennial Conclave held in Chicago,
'he was elected Deputy Grand Master.
Finally upon August 14, 1913, at Denver, Colo., his ambition was realized and
at this the 32nd Triennial Conclave he was elected Grand Master of the Grand
Ens ampment Knights Templar of the United States of America, the greatest
Templar organization in the world. Shortly thereafter in the fall of 1913 he
visited the Canal Zone and constituted and installed the first Commandery ever
established in that part of the world. He also visited many of the
Commanderies throughout the State of New York, attended the annual Conclave of
many of the Grand Commanderies of the various states, visited the Pacific
Coast in order to arrange for the 33d Triennial Conclave to be held at Los
Angeles, Calif., in 1915, and at which he would have presided had he lived,
and had accepted an invitation to visit the Panama-Pacific Exposition during
1915 as the official guest of Golden Gate Commandery of San Francisco.
His last public appearance as Grand Master
was at the Christmas exercises of his own home Commandery, Apollo No. 15, Dec.
25th, 1914, two days before his death, at which time he delivered an eloquent
and interesting address responding to the Christmas sentiment prepared by the
Committee on Christmas Observance of the Grand Encampment. One of the first
acts after his election as Grand Master was to appoint his intimate friend of
many years (who assisted at the funeral services), the Rev. Henry R. Freeman,
rector of St. Johns Episcopal Church of Troy, N.Y., as
Grand Prelate of the Grand Encampment. At
the time of his death, Most Em. Arthur MacArthur was the Grand Representative
of the Grand Priory of Scotland near the Grand Encampment of the United States
of America, materially assisting in bringing these bodies into
close fraternal bonds.
Although his interest was deep and his
activities numerous in York Rite Masonry he was no less deeply interested and
zealous in Scottish Rite Masonry. He was a life member of Delta Lodge of
Perfection of Troy, N.Y., receiving the 4th to the 14th degrees inclusive on
April 28th, 1884, and became Deputy Master on Jan 18th, 1889, and was elected
Thrice Potent Master Jan 19th, 1900, serving in the latter office for four
consecutive years. He was also a life member of Delta Council Princes of
Jerusalem, receiving the 15th and 16th degrees on April 28th, 1884. Also a
life member of Delta Chapter, Rose Croix, receiving the 17th and 18th degrees
on the same night of April 28th, 1884 upon which he completed his membership
in the two subordinate bodies. The Albany Sovereign Consistor of Albany, N.
Y., conferred the 19th to the 32nd degrees inclusive upon him on April 22nd,
1886. In this body he served as Second Lieutenant Commander from 1897, to
1900; First Lieutenant Commander from 1900 to 1903, and Commander-in-Chief
from 1903 to 1906. He was crowned an Honorary 33d Grand Inspector General
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction by the
Supreme Council at Cleveland Ohio, on Sept. 16th, 1890. Upon Sept. 20th, 1906,
he was crowned an Active 33d member from the state of New York and at the time
of his death was one of the three active thirty-third degree Masons of the
State of New York. For several years he had been Chairman of the Committee on
Deceased Members of the Special Committee on Charitable Foundation in the
Supreme Council for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. He was the
Representative of the Supreme Council 33d for the Ottoman Empire. He was also
Chairman of the Important Committees at the Annual Proceedings of the Council
of Deliberation of the State of New York Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite
Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U. S. A., and performed the various duties
assigned to him in Scottish Rite Masonry with the same zeal and fidelity as in
other fields of activity.
In addition to his membership in the above
Masonic bodies, he was also a member of the Past Masters’ Association of the
17th Masonic District, a member of the Past High Priests' Association of
Apollo Chapter a Charter Member of the Past Commanders' Association, organized
Oct. 11th, 1911, a member of the Templar Knight Commanders' Association, of
the Royal Order of Scotland, the Masonic Veterans' Association of Troy and
vicinity, and was Most Venerable President of the latter in 1902, a Charter
Member of the Troy Masonic Club, a member of the Masonic Club of New York
City, a member of the Troy Masonic Hall Association, a Trustee of Mt. Zion
Lodge No. 311. He was a life member of Oriental Temple, Nobles of the Mystic
Of Revolutionary stock, Col. MacArthur
early became interested in military affairs, additional zest being given by
his father's active participation in the Civil War in which the latter was a
member of the famous Second New York Regiment attaining to the rank of Colonel
in the same. His witnessing the spectacular and epoch-making naval engagement
between the Monitor and Merrimac, previously mentioned, was not only an event
that made a life long impression upon his vivid imagination, but equally
increased his interest in military and naval affairs.
He early joined the Troy Citizen's Corps
and maintained his interest in the same to the end. He served on the staid of
the late Maj. General Jos. B. Carr, and placed a wreath upon the General's
grave every Memorial Day. He served upon the Military Staff of General Levi P.
Newton and Governor Frank S. Black of New York State and by the latter was
appointed Assistant Paymaster General with the rank of Colonel (thus obtaining
his military title), serving as such during the Spanish-American war and going
to Tampa, Fla., when the New York troops were mustered out and paying them
off. About two weeks prior to his death he appeared before the Troy Chamber of
Commerce to urge upon business men the patriotic duty of facilitating the
enlistment of their male employees in the National Guard in conformity with a
movement to that effect started some time ago by the Merchant's Association of
New York. It was a source of personal pride to him that his only son joined
the militia and recently was elected to the Captaincy of Company A.
Col. MacArthur was the President of the
Association that secured the funds for the erection of the huge shaft of the
Soldier's and Sailor's Monument erected in Monument Square, Troy, the idea
having been first conceived by his father. He was a member of the Wm. Floyd
Chapter Sons of the Revolution, the Society of the Second War with Great
Britain, and of the Army and Navy Club of New York City.
Col. MacArthur was a prominent member of
the First Presbyterian Church of Troy, N. Y., and held office as an elder and
regularly occupied his family pew when at home. He took an active interest in
the Brotherhood of his Church, giving much counsel and kindly advice to all
that came to him. He was also an active member of Young Men's Christian
Politically, Col. MacArthur was a
Republican and served his party as Treasurer of Rensselaer County for two
terms, being retired in 1912. He insisted upon clean politics both in the
columns of his paper and in official life, and would stoop to nothing of an
underhand nature, even at the cost of the loss of a re-nomination. The
candidate who supplanted him in 1912 was defeated at the polls.
Col. MacArthur had various other
affiliations to which he devoted his time and influence. During the
Hudson-Fulton Celebration he was Chairman of the Upper Hudson Commission.
Probably no Mason in the United States
ever had a more imposing and impressive funeral service.
All the pomp and splendor of that
impressive pageant, the wealth of beautiful flowers, the words of well merited
praise, the sounds of the funeral dirge; are now but a memory; but the spirit
of this lovable, noble Masonic brother yet lives and permeates and uplifts all
with whom he came in contact during the many years of his useful and
distinguished career.
"Lives of great men all
remind us
We can make our lives sublime
And departing, leave behind
Footprints, on the sands of
I cannot say, and will not
That he is dead. He is just
With a cheery smile, and a
wave of the hand,
He has wandered into an
unknown land,
And left us dreaming how very
It needs must be, since he
lingers there.
And you - O you, who the
wildest yearn
For the old-time step and the
glad return -
Think of him faring on, as
In the love of There as the
love of Here;
Mild and gentle, as he was
brave -
When the sweetest love of
life he gave
To simple things: - Where the
violets grew
Pure as the eyes they were
likened to.
The touches of his hands have
As reverently as his lips
have prayed:
Think of him still as the
same, I say:
He is not dead, he is just
- James Whitcomb Riley.
"The parish priest of
Climbed up in a high church
To be nearer God so that he
might hand
His word down to the people.
And in sermon and script he
daily wrote
What he thought was sent from
And he dropped it down on the
people's heads
Two times one day in seven.
In his age God said, Come
down and die.
And he cried out from the
Where art Thou, Lord ? And
the Lord replied,
Down here among my people !"
- Selected
Morality is the established
harmonic relation which Man, as an individual intelligence, sustains to the
constructive principle of the universe.
- The Great Work.
THE Scripture Reading in the
Master's Degree belongs to the best productions of Hebrew literature. In all
literature, there are few that excel it. It is full of imagery, eloquence and
beauty. In outward form it is poetic; a prose poem. It is a beautiful example
of balanced phrases, gnomic in expression abounding in metaphor, and Semitic
parallelism. An intense and graphic description of old age. It is to be
regretted that the literary excellency of the Old Testament is so often
overlooked and metaphors not understood. It is indeed true, that to the
Gentile Church and to Masonry has fallen the honor of perpetuating the rare
beauty of the literary art and the deep religious thought and feeling of the
Heb. Prophets, Poets, Priests and Sages.
The arrangement of the
Discourse into verses, often mars the connection and continuity of the
thought. The Revised Translation of this Reading is herewith given, and while
it may destroy the beauty of some of metaphors and take away some old familiar
friends, yet the Discourse, as a whole, is much improved, is bet connected in
thought and more clearly stated. It will be noted that the future tense of the
old, gives place to aphoristic mode of expression in using the present tense.
The gloomy picture of old
age, as delineated by Ecclesiastes is from the human side and as a result of
disobedience to the injunction: "Remember thy Creator in the days of thy
youth, before the sad days come."
Remember now thy Creator in
the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh,
when thou shalt say:--"I have no pleasure in them."
2. While the sun, or the
light, or the moon, or the stars be not darkened, nor the clouds return after
the rain.
3. In the day when the
keepers of the house shall tremble and the strong men shall bow themselves,
and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the
windows be darkened.
4. And the doors shall be
shut in the Streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise
up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of music shall be brought
5. Also when they shall be
afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond
tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall
fail; because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the
6. Or ever the silver cord be
loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain
or the wheel broken at the cistern.
7. Then shall the dust return
to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return to God who gave it.
Remember thy Creator in the
days of thy youth before the sad days come, and the years draw nigh when Thou
shalt say:--"I have no pleasure in them;" before the sun, the light, the moon
and the stars, be darkened and the clouds return after the rain; when the
house guards tremble, and the strong men bow; when the maidens grinding corn
cease because they are few, and those who look out of the windows are
darkened, and the street-doors are shut; when the sound of the grinding is
low, when one starts up from sleep at the voice of the bird, and all the
daughters of music are brought low, and one is afraid of that which is high,
and terrors are in the way; when the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper is
a burden, and all stimulants fail; because man goeth to his long home, and the
mourners go about the streets; before the silver cord is loosed, or the golden
bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel be
broken at the cistern, and the dust return to the earth as it was and the
spirit return to God who gave it.
In this vivid imagery of old
age, we have a minor chord, a note of sadness.
Has old age no recompense, no
paean of victory, no laurel wreath of race well run ? Is there no sunlight in
the realm of three score years and ten ?
Let us not mistake
Ecclesiastes; The Preacher has not drawn aside the veil, that hides the Holy
of Holes of the spiritual nature of man, but he has with the brush of
experience, placed upon the canvas, mortal man, nature's child, unadorned and
It is old age with its mental
enfeeblement, with its physical decay, bringing to you and to me, the Master,
man, two great lessons:--That youth is the vigorous season of life; youth the
seed time; youth with its possibilities, prophetic of the future; a harbinger
of sunshine, when the almond tree blossoms:--and to remember our Creator in
the days of our youth before the sad days come.
The Preacher graphically
refers, in verses one and two, to the mental attitudes of old age toward the
Past and to the Present. The recollection of the former brings no joy, in the
latter he feels like "one who treads along some banquet hall deserted, whose
lights are fled whose garlands dead and all but he departed." The cup of life
is nearly drained; the joys of youth but annoy and irritate; nothing satisfies
him; he is querulous and fretful. The years have drawn nigh, in which he can
say, "I have no pleasure in them."
He is a wanderer in a strange
land, speaking in sadness:--Remember, before the sun of Ambition, the light of
Hope, the silver sheen of the moon of Happiness, and the stars of Faith, be
darkened, or the clouds of unrest and of disappointment play like a weaver's
shuttle over the sky, obscuring the light and shutting out the rainbow of
Verses three and four
represent the cessation of the activities of life, the decay of the natural
powers of man and his failing physical structure.
The comparison is to that of
a great house falling into ruin, while the activities of the inhabitants there
are gradually ceasing.
How startling, in its
naturalness, is the description of the old man with trembling arms and
hands,--"the keepers of the house" as he slowly moves along, while the
legs,--"the strong men"--are like the columns of the building, tottering under
the weight of years; bent (flexed), at the knees, like a bow, through weakness
and decrepitude. The maidens--the teeth--have ceased grinding the corn,
because they are few. Failing sight has dimmed the "windows of the soul," the
eyes are darkened. His wants are few, the avenues to the senses are slowly
closing; visitors to his mind and heart are diminishing; it is seldom that any
one knocks; "the street doors are shut." The sound of the grinding is low,
feeble, almost pulseless; the machinery of life no longer throbs with the
force of its former power.
He is "Worn out with age, yet
majestic in decay."
Sleep, "Tired Nature's sweet
restorer," is fitful and restless, even the voice of the bird as it chants its
early matin disturbs his uneasy slumbers. In vain would he say:
"For I am weary, and am
overwrought With too much toil, with too much care distraught; And with the
iron crown of anguish crowned, Lay thy soft hand upon my brow and cheek, O
peaceful Sleep."
"All the daughters of music
are brought low," because the avenues of all enjoyment are dulled, insensible
and clouded. The daughters of music, attending angels, tender, solicitous and
loving, have ceased their ministrations. Music, the universal language of the
world, finds no responsive chord. The memory of a mother's voice, a father's
council, of friends of long ago; the laughter and melodies of the Past,
quicken not the pulse beat, stir not the harmonies of the soul. The lute of
life is broken.
The first portion of the
fifth verse delineates more literally the waning powers. With all the senses
dulled, the muscular powers weakened, the nervous system unresponsive, he
totters on his uneasy, uneven way, fearing lest he stumble:
"The pavement stones resound,
As he totters o'er the ground, with his cane."
Truly, he is afraid of that
which is high and fear is in the way. The blossom of the almond tree, as it
bursts into bloom, is of a delicate pink color and unfolds its tinted petals
before the leaf appears; when therefore seen from a distance the tree seems to
wear a crest of white.
The striking appearance of
the dead branches covered with a burst of silver, to that of old age with its
crown of white hair, has given us one of the most beautiful metaphors: "The
almond tree blossoms."
This metaphor as expressed in
the revised version is far more appropriate and impressive than: "The almond
tree shall flourish."
The grasshopper (locust) is a
burden, because the lightest weight is onerous; every effort is oppressive;
the smallest task is irksome; little things worry and annoy until they appear
as a cloud of locusts devouring and devastating everything pleasurable and
gratifying in life.
All stimulants (desires)
fail. The end is at hand. The roads to further activity bring no response. The
race is run. There is in life nothing that longer charms. The armor will soon
fall from the trembling body. The summons comes: "Because man goeth to his
long home and the mourners go about the streets." He is borne to the grave and
the funeral college is seen upon the streets.
In the sixth verse, the
Preacher refers again to the admonition of the first clause of the first
verse, which, when placed with its context, will read: "Remember thy Creator
in the days of thy youth, before the silver chord be loosed, or the golden
bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel be
broken at the cistern, and the dust return to the earth as it was, and the
spirit return to God who gave it."
Here again is an impressive
metaphor of man's final dissolution; more graphic, more poetical and the most
beautiful trope ever penned by mortal man.
The silver cord refers to the
spinal cord or marrow, from its silvery appearance. The golden bowl to the
brain, the seat of man's intelligence. The pitcher broken at the fountain
refers to the circulation of the blood, dipping the vital fluid with a pitcher
from the fountain. The wheel refers to the heart, the force pump, the wheel
that draws the water from the cistern. These four physiological conditions are
essential to health, and man dies when one or more are broken.
The fountains of life have
ceased to flow. The dust or physical body shall be resolved into its original
elements. Earth to Earth; Ashes to Ashes. But the spirit of man shall return
unto God who gave it.
Immortality is the great
doctrine of Masonry. Without this doctrine, there is no Masonry. Immortality,
Man's inheritance from the Father.
"It must be so, Thou
reasonest well;--
Else whence this pleasing
hope, this fond desire,
This longing after
immortality ?
Or whence this secret dread,
and inward horror,
Of falling into naught? Why
shrinks the Soul
Back on herself, and startles
at destruction?
'Tis the divinity that stirs
within us;
'Tis heaven itself, that
points out an hereafter,
And intimates eternity to
We dwell on this earth for a
That purpose may not be
But the Father of Love, in
His kingdom above,
Well knoweth why we are here.
Have we given this thought
our attention,
Or are we drifting along,
Content the while, our days
to beguile,
With meaningless chatter and
Then let us awaken in
And seek what our duty may
Let us work to fulfill God's
purpose and will,
'Til our innermost soul shall
be free.
--U. G. Herrick, Minneapolis.
(The Builder is an open forum for free and
fraternal discussion. Each of its contributors writes under his own name, and
is responsible for his own opinions. Believing that a unity of spirit is
better than a uniformity of opinion, the Research Society, as such, does not
champion any one school of Masonic thought as over against another; but offers
to all alike a medium for fellowship and instruction, leaving each to stand or
fall by its own merits.)
IN summing up the Symposium on How to
Study Masonry, let us keep clearly in mind the purpose in view and the problem
with which we have to do. No doubt a club of University professors would
undertake such a study in a systematic manner and work it out thoroughly,
following many a sidelight and by-path. But we have in mind the great mass of
Masons, more especially the young men just entering the Order, who are busy
with the affairs of life and have neither time nor the training, perhaps, to
follow in detail an extensive and varied curriculum of Masonic study. As Prof.
Pickard points out, such a course would tend to repel rather than attract and
be more discouraging than inspiring.
For that reason, we have sought the
counsel of experience rather than of theory, and we believe that the results
of the efforts of the Cincinnati Masonic School, as reported in this issue,
reveal the point of contact with the problem, and a well-tried method of
beginning. There we find a company of busy men, typical of Masons generally,
who, under the leadership of one or two veteran Masonic students, have for
years been doing good work in the study of Masonry. After trying many methods,
they found it best to select some book and master it by means of a series of
questions so arranged as to bring out its message and teaching, and then
taking up for more detailed study particular points of philosophy or periods
of history as interest and inclination suggested.
Meanwhile, the Grand Lodge of Iowa had
been making trial of the best method of inducing Masons to study Masonry, and
the result of its experience was much the same as that of the Cincinnati
School. Therefore its request that ye editor write his little story and study
of Masonry, called The Builders, which it adopted, not as an authoritative and
final statement of Masonic history and philosophy, but to be used as a kind of
text-book to pilot the way for the student of Masonry. Every line of the book
was written in that spirit and for that purpose, and its arrangement was
determined by the desire to provoke interest in the study of Masonry and to
direct it into authentic paths. Written with that specific end in view, it is
the only book ever adopted by any Grand Lodge for that purpose, and for that
reason the Research Society has adopted it, suggesting that it be used as a
basis or guide in beginning the study of Masonry.
Individual students will follow each his
own method and plan, but it is believed that the Study-Club or School, formed
within a Lodge or group of Lodges, is the nucleus around which the study of
Masonry may be organized and carried on to best advantage. Such a Club or
School, by co-operating with the Research Society, can make use of any or all
of the methods suggested in the Symposium, following the scheme of study
outlined by Prof. Pound as interest and development justify. Brother Parvin
has told how the Grand Lodge of Iowa keeps its members in touch with Masonic
literature, by means of traveling libraries. Other Grand Lodges can do the
same thing, or individual Lodges can begin the formation of libraries, adding
to them as need requires. In the same way, any Lodge or Club can make use of
the Masonic Lecture Bureau, whose lectures are interesting and instructive,
more suggestive than exhaustive, and intended to deepen interest and provoke
inquiry. The Society has in mind a series of Leaflets, such as Prof.
Shepardson suggested, and hopes to have them ready by the time they are
When enough Clubs have been organized, and
have gotten far enough along in their studies, they might meet in larger
groups or Schools of Instruction, either in connection with their Grand Lodges
or in district gatherings, as Prof. Pickard intimates. Such a gathering would
be at once unique and inspiring. A program of well-written papers, topics for
discussion, question for debate, would bring together a company of
enthusiastic Masons and promote good fellowship as well a instruction. All
this and much more is within the reach of possibility, but we must first make
a beginning, and that is what we have now in mind. After all, the best way to
do a thing is to do it. In this Symposium we have brought the best wisdom of
the Craft to the service of our members, and it only remains for thee to make
a wise use of it.
For the rest, we beg to suggest that those
who study Masonry should begin at the beginning, master the facts about it,
and work slowly toward its greater and deeper problems. A young man will write
an essay on Virtue, but a philosopher will take one aspect of it some one
Virtue, for his theme. Just so, often a young Mason will plunge headlong into
the mysticism of Geometry, and get so tangled up amid lines, angles and curves
that he loses his way, and turns out a hobbyist instead of a student. Approach
the study of Masonry as you would the study of anything else, taking first
things first, and the vista will unfold as you go on, tempting you step
by step along a shining way, deepening your faith, broadening your outlook,
and leading you in the path of good and wise and beautiful truth.
* * *
There are classic men, as there are
classic books, and it was the rare distinction of Robert Freke Gould to have
become a classic while yet he lived among us. Wherever Masonic literature and
journalism has journeyed, he is known and honored as the foremost historian of
Freemasonry; and his passing leaves vacant a place which no one else may ever
hope to occupy. Others have written voluminously, and some have entered fields
into which he did not venture, but he it was who applied the principles of
scientific historical research to the annals of Masonry. If Pike found the
Scottish Rite in a log cabin and left it in a temple, restored and decorated
by the magic of his art, Gould found Masonic history a jumble of fact, fable,
fancy and legend, and reduced its chaos to order, transforming a romance into
a science.
For this service, which will be forever
memorable in our traditions, he was almost ideally fitted by temperament,
training, industry and genius. His work never had the artist touch and power
of Pike, the winning clarity of Hughan, nor the literary grace of Crawley; but
in minute accuracy of painstaking labor he overtopped all others, save only
perhaps the astute and deep-seeing Begemann. Nor should we forget Speth, one
of the most sure-footed and clear-headed of all the Masonic students who have
left record of their labors in our time, and whose essays should be gathered
and made accessible to the Fraternity. Yet in his own distinction and power,
in the resoluteness with which he made certified truth his standard and
weighed every statement in its exacting scale, in the judicial care and skill
with which he sifted and tested the records of Masonry, as the Higher Critics
tested the documents of religious faith, there was no one like Gould, no one
near him.
Howbeit, his work was done, and to those
of us who have known something of the infirmities and anxieties which had
beset him in recent years, there is little sadness in the news that one who
had wrought so faithfully and so fruitfully had passed to where, beyond these
voices, there is peace. The death of the old is natural; it means rest and
reunion. Workmen grow weary and fall asleep, but the work goes on, building
and built upon, as the years take their flight into the past. Courteous
always, a courtly and gracious gentleman, a devoted friend, a noble Mason -
such a life sets one thinking as to the investment of his own power of light
and leading here among men.
* * *
Some few Brethren seem to have lost their
poise in their protest against the article in the April issue on Hysteria in
Freemasonry, and there have been one or two acute cases of hysterics. To be
sure, Brother Kuhn stated his case in a forthright and picturesque manner, as
is his habit, but nothing was further from his mind than to belittle real
Masonic scholarship, much less to depreciate the great and simple symbolism of
Masonry. Indeed, the sharp point of his satire was in behalf of real
scholarship and authentic symbolism as over against those who have so often
made Masonry ridiculous by exploiting pseudo-learning and every hind of
eccentric absurdity in its name. For too long the field of Masonic research
has been a happy hunting-ground for the faddist, the hobbyist, the half-baked
mystic, not to mention the inveterate crank who seems to think that Masonry is
a mathematical puzzle instead of human fraternity founded upon spiritual
reality. Against this sort of thing the keen thrust of Dr. Kuhn was timely and
well-aimed, and it went to the mark.
Judging from a number of letters in
criticism of the review of The Great Work, the editor himself is in need of a
thorough trouncing. Well, if Brother Kuhn and the editor have both earned a
good thrashing, as some seem to think, by all means let us have it, and the
pages of The Builder are open for that purpose. Neither of us, however, can be
convinced by the man who takes refuge in the queer conceit of intellectual
superiority and ponderous learning, the better to dodge the issue; we know the
difference between argument and putting on airs. Face the issues squarely,
bring forward the facts, flay us right heartily and in good spirit, nor forget
the words of Carlyle describing a walk and talk with Sterling: - "We walked
westward in company, choosing whatever lanes or quieter streets there were, as
far as Knightsbridge where our roads parted; talking of moralities and
theological philosophies; arguing copiously, but except in opinion not
disagreeing "
* * *
More than one of our contributors have
made complaint that other Masonic journals have used their articles without
credit to The Builder, and sometimes in a mutilated form. This is a violation
not only of the copyright by which the contents of The Builder is protected,
but also, and far worse, of the amenities that should obtain among Masonic
editors. Any one is at liberty to use anything he may wish from our pages, but
he should give The Builder due credit for it, and it would be only courtesy to
ask permission to use it.
* * *
Several requests have come for a brief
introduction to the philosophy of Rudolf Eucken, to whom Prof. Pound made
several references in his closing lecture. Eucken is a prolific writer, not
infrequently prolix, but there are several good expositions of his system of
thought, among them a tiny book entitled "Rudolf Eucken, A Philosophy of
Life," by A. J. Jones, in the series of People's Books, published by the Dodge
Co., New York. If one wishes to read Eucken himself, he had better begin with
"The Meaning and Value of Life, or with "Life's Basis and Life's Ideal." He
will find them richly rewarding in many ways.
Innumerable articles, poems, questions, as
well as many letters full of wise suggestion for the correspondence
column, have reached us. For every one of them we are grateful, but it will
take time to arrange, select and publish all of them, and we beg the Brethren
to be patient. With the growth of the Society no doubt The Builder will be
enlarged, but at present we have a limited space. In this respect, as in so
many others, the response of the Craft is most gratifying, and it increases
every day.
* * *
Dear Brother: - Masonic jurisprudence has
always interested me, and I like to compare the different laws of the various
jurisdictions. I think it would do good to have more of this. Now if the
powers that be in one jurisdiction had to decide upon a certain point of law
or practice would it not be of some value to them to know the ideas and ruies
of all the other jurisdictions ? They could then more intelligently decide the
questions before them. Of course I presume that Masonic law is like our
American law, too much of it, but if there was a more widespread knowledge of
what there is, it seems to me that it would condense the principles and
thereby make less. Now, my idea is this: - Every jurisdiction, or at least
most of them, have a book of their laws, together with the Grand Master's
decisions that have been approved. Take these books, together with the general
books on Masonic jurisprudence by well-known authorities, and trace out a
certain subject of law common to all the jurisdictions and work it up into a
readable article for The Builder. For instance, take the very first subject
mentioned by Brother Clegg in his recent article, that of physical perfection,
and do you not think that the comparisons would be of interest to most readers
of Masonic literature? Then in another issue take up something else, and so on
down the line. To my mind it would be not only of interest generally, but also
of educational value. It would be a long and hard task. But could we not
induce some one to tackle the job? Yours fraternally,
Lloyd C. Henningt Holbrook,
(It would indeed be a long and hard task,
but such a service would be of great value to the Craft. Perhaps it is too
great an undertaking for one man, involving much time and labor, but why
cannot a number of our readers "tackle the job ?" Suppose we let Brother
Henning take the subject of physical perfection, another Brother another
subject, all intent to reduce the chaos to order, why can we not do it in that
way ? The Research Society has had this in mind, and, in fact, has for some
time been at work on the subjects of visitation and transfer of membership,
and the bewildering confusion discovered emphasizes what Brother Henning says
about the difficulty of the task. We also believe that such a study of
comparative jurisprudence would promote a better understanding and closer
co-operation between all jurisdictions. - The Editor.)
* * *
Dear Brother: - It is my opinion that we
can all do more than we are doing for the advancement of Masonry, if we only
will. I am sure that I could have done more for the order than I have done,
though it has appeared at times that I have given much of my time to it in a
local way. There seems to be a disposition among about ninety per cent. of the
membership of our Lodges to be willing to allow the remaining ten per cent. of
the membership to take all the responsibility and work of the Lodge on
themselves. While practically all the membership are good and true Masons, and
do not intend to hamper the work of the Lodge in any way, yet they do it by
their absence from its meetings. Too many Masons are apt to remain away unless
there is work in the Third Degree, and that being the case, they are unable to
be of much assistance when they are present. This is a condition that should
be corrected, and I should think it might come into the scope of our Society
to suggest some means by which we can create more enthusiasm and have a better
attendance at Lodge meetings. I like the contents of The Builder very much and
think it is on correct lines, for anything that will bring out the usages of
our ancient Brethren and show the antiquity of the fraternity, will be helpful
as well as instructive. What we want is to have our membership growing in
knowledge as well as in right living, not only toward the Brethren, but toward
all mankind. I am sure the study of the history and meaning of Masonry, what
it has done and what it can dot will no a long wav toward deepening interest
and creating enthusiasm.
Yours fraternally,
W. J. Wroughton, Greeley, Iowa.
Dear Brother: - Forty years ago Theodore
Tilton in a public lecture delivered in the old Methodist church of this city,
told this beautiful legend as to how King Solomon selected a location for the
Temple. Two brothers were left an estate to be divide equally between them.
One was married and had a family of children, the other was unmarried and a
cripple. After the estate, which consisted principally of grain and live
stock, had been equally divided, the married brother decided that his brother
who was a cripple ought to have the largest share; and the brother who was a
cripple came to a like conclusion, thinking that his brother who had a family
ought to have the larger part. Under cover of night they both planned to carry
out their purpose of giving a share to the other. It so happened that they
fixed upon the same hour and place, and where these two brothers met, each
seeking to convey to the other a part
of his inheritance, King Solomon
built the Temple for the worship of God. Yours fraternally,
S. H. Bauman,
Mt. Vernon, Iowa.
* * *
Dear Sir: - Perhaps you would be
interested in the following prayer for peace, uttered long before our era. It
is found in the “Pax" of Aristophanes (lines 991ff), the Greek writer of
comedies. I give this translation which, though somewhat free, is I believe
true to the spirit and intent of the original:
"O Thou that makest wars to cease in all
the world, in accordance with Thine ancient name, we beseech Thee, make war
and tumult to cease. From the murmur and the subtlety of suspicion with which
we vex one another, give us rest. Make a new beginning, and mingle again the
kindred of the nations in the alchemy of Love. And with some finer essence of
forbearance and forgiveness, temper our mind."
Alas, that such a prayer should have
remained unanswered; but can we find words more noble wherewith to express our
aspiration in a time of world-war?
Yours fraternally,
Theodore Liggin, St. Louis.
* * *
Dear Brother: - I want to suggest this
thought, not in criticism but in entire kindness, that our Masonic Fraternity
should not be referred to as an Order, which term you frequently use in your
excellent editorials. Our Brotherhood, as you know, is more than an Order, it
is an Institution of traditional science, a Fraternity broader than an Order,
with all the initiative rites, of antiquity instituted before Orders of any
character existed; and it strikes me that it dignifies our Society deservedly
to call it an Institution rather than an Order. I am a Pennsylvania Mason -
temporarily residing in Kansas - and during all my Masonic instruction we were
taught, in Pennsylvania, not to refer to Masonry as an Order. I am greatly
interested in the Research Society and believe a great work is mapped out for
it, through your leadership, and that much instruction and interest will
Yours fraternally,
Edgar A. Tennis, Salina, Kan.
Take the matter into the
heart; try the case there
There is more in men and
women than the stuff they utter.
There is nothing the body
suffers that the soul may not profit by.
Who rises from prayer a
better man, his pray is answered.
Into the breast that gives
the rose shall I wil shuddering fall?
Oratory is the more impressive for the spice that
makes it untrustworthy.
Keep the young generation in
hail, bequeathed them no tumbled house.
Life is a little-holding,
lent to do a mighty labor.
- The Meredith Pocket Book
RETURNING to "The Great Work," as promised
in our last issue, let it be said that it is in some ways a very thoughtful
and suggestive treatise, albeit more curious than great. Lucid and forthright
in style, often ingenious in advocacy of its scheme of thought, it lacks the
artist stroke. There is hardly a page which holds one by the charm of a
flashing phrase, and the quotation from Emerson is like an oasis. The writer
is all the while handicapped by the idea that he is the keeper of a wonderful
treasure of truth, which must be carefully guarded from the eyes of the
profane, lest it be betrayed into the hands of those who are not worthy or
well-qualified to receive it.
With some, no doubt, this air of mystery
lends enchantment, but with others it excites misgivings as to the alleged
high wisdom hinted at but kept hidden. Indeed, one has a right to be
suspicious of a book which makes claim of knowing what is unknown to all the
world and the rest of mankind, and which leaves the inference that the noblest
and most reverent scholars of the world are not worthy to receive its
revelation. Surely the time for that sort of thing has long passed away. When
a man imagines that he has a great truth to tell, and yet mistrusts the
purest-minded men of his day and race, it is safe to assume that what he has
to tell is of no great value or importance.
Strictly speaking, "The Great Work" is not
a Masonic book at all, but an effort to show, or rather to assert, that
Masonry - along with Buddhism, primitive Christianity and Protestantism - is,
or was, an attempt of a certain secret Cult or School of Natural Science to
teach the world its saving wisdom. Unfortunately, the attempt has been largely
abortive, and these various worthy efforts of the Hidden Masters to instruct
our race have been perverted, if not corrupted. Those Hidden Teachers, it
would seem, look upon our eager, aspiring humanity much like the patient
masters of an idiot school, letting us have such tiny bits of truth as we are
able to grasp in our feeble way, while they sit in seclusion keeping the keys
to what is beyond us. How gracious of them to allow us to pick up the crumbs
that fall from such a banquet table of the gods !
All of which is very wonderful, if true.
But when we begin to inquire as to this great and famous School, its local
habitation and name, all is vague, dreamy and remote, its headquarters being
located, indefinitely enough, "in far away India." If that be so, why did not
the great School begin its work at home, and lift India out of the shadow of
superstition and the paralysis of pessimism? Concerning this alleged Great
School - whose real name, even, is not vouchsafed - the most astonishing
statements are made. For example, with regard to the records of the School we
are solemnly told:
"These cover
a consecutive and unbroken chain
backward from the immediate present to a time many thousands of years before
the Mosaic period. In truth, the chain is complete to a time before Egypt had
become a center of civilization, of learning, or power. This fact alone is
sufficient to suggest the futility of any attempt to cover the subject in
Manifestly, it is out of the question to
ask for details, and the writer admits that he could not give details if we
desired him to do so. Did he ever see those records of immemorial time,
reaching thousands of years back of Moses ? Did he ever see anyone who did see
them? If so, how does he know that they are authentic ? By what science for
the testing of documents did he determine their authenticity? Alas, details of
this kind are matters of small import, for he goes on to say:
"The most ancient records at this time
known to man, are those of the Great School. There can be little doubt,
however that the School, in some form, long antedated its most ancient
authentic records.
This would seem to be true because the great fundamental principles of
individual life, liberty and happiness for which it has stood throughout the
ages, and for which it stands today, go back to the very infancy of the human
But why stop with the infancy of the human
race ? Those principles existed before there was any human race, and so it
would seem to be true that the Great School must have existed from all
eternity, since such a School was needed to guard those principles and keep
them safely hidden. Which reminds one of the older Masonic writers who argued
that Masonry existed before ever the world began, and that Adam was its first
Grand Master on earth. Well, as Lincoln would say, if men like that sort of
thing, then that is the sort of thing they like.
Down through the ages, we are told, the
Great School has presided over the education of the human race; a hidden
fraternity of initiates, adepts in esoteric lore, known to themselves but not
to the world, who have had in their keeping the high truths which they permit
to be adumbrated, dimly, in the popular faiths and philosophies, but which
most of us, even yet, are too obtuse to grasp save in a most imperfect manner.
Nearly all the master thinkers of the race have been members of this School in
disguise, and naturally so, for, since the School enjoyed a monopoly of all
wisdom, whoso would be wise must needs go to that School to learn. Of course,
not only Buddha, but Jesus Christ was an initiate of the Great School and
learned all He knew from its teachers, as Yogi Ramacharaka and others would
also have us know
In the same way, Operative Masonry was
another disguise made use of by this same ubiquitous School in its heroic
effort to elevate humanity and teach it some sense. Alas, however, the old
Craft Masons proved false to their high opportunity and calling, and hence the
advent of Speculative Masonry. But Speculative Masonry was only a substitute
for what was originally planned by the Masters of the Great School, a kind of
imitation or counterfeit, so to name it, lacking the long lost Word which the
said Masters took care to put away in a safe place against discovery.
Sometime, it may be, if we prove ourselves to be worthy and well qualified,
duly and truly prepared, we Masons may perchance be permitted to learn what
Masonry is.
Such is the substance of the chapter on
the Lineal Key to the ancestry and history of Freemasonry. Of a truth, it is
an interesting romance - only, strange to say, not a few accept its fiction
for fact, its bare statement for authentic history, and its imaginary
knowledge for the actual story of Masonry. Ye scribe has dealt with this whole
matter in the chapter on The Secret Doctrine in his brief story of Masonry,
and for so doing he has been called a materialist, a Gradgrind, and a blind
leader of the blind; as if to be a mystic, one must throw history to the winds
and revel in romance. For not one of the statements made above is there the
slightest shread of evidence, not even a shadow of a basis in fact. Until some
semblance of evidence is offered, some fact cited, thinking men will continue
to regard the whole scheme as visionary and absurd.
* * *
Will you tell me of some book in which I
may find, in brief form, the substance of the teachings of the Theosophists?
- J.J.K.
Perhaps you cannot do better than to read
the little essay entitled "Theosophy," by Annie Besant, President of
Theosophical Society. It is one number in an admirable series called The
People's Books, published in this country by Dodge Co., 220 East 23rd St., New
York. 25 cents.
* * *
Kindly tell me how I may become a member
of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Research, or at least how I can get its
Transactions, and greatly oblige.
- P.J.L.
File your application through the Grand
Secretary of your Grand Lodge, giving the name and number of your Lodge, and
he will send your application to the Coronati Lodge. Membership fee is 10s 6d,
annual dues also 10s 6d, entitling you to receive the Transactions previously
issued during the same year.
* * *
Please recommend me to a short history of
architecture, not overloaded with technicalities, such as a busy man can find
time to read. - J.D.H.
Try the brief introduction to the history
and art of "Architecture," by W. R. Lethaby, in the Home University Library,
published by Henry Holt Co., New York, each volume 50 cents. It is a very
remarkable series of books, each one written by an authority in the field
covered, and delightful to read.
* * *
Are you asleep or am I dreaming ? In a
reference to Plato's Phaedrus in the Library you spoke of it as a great
argument for immortality, but I can find nothing in it touching on immortality
at all. Let in the light.
- H.L.D.
Wake up! Of course Phaedrus is a study of
love as one of the many kinds of madness, and as such the cause of the
greatest happiness to mankind. To prove this, it was necessary to examine into
the nature of the soul, both human and divine. The soul is held to be
immortal, because it contains the principle of motion within itself - a subtle
and profound argument not found even in Phaedo. And, when all is said, of love
is born the hope of immortality. Wake up, rub your eyes, and read again. How
readest thou ?
* * *
On a train the other day some one was
telling about the talking horses of Elberfeld - I believe that was the place -
their ability to spell, cipher, and almost talk. Where can I find an account
of them? - F.G.S.
There is a chapter, and a most interesting
one, descriptive of the Elberfeld mares in "The Unknown Guest," by Maurice
Maeterlink. (Dodd, Mead & Co., New York.) Let us hope that they talk horse
* * *
Our Lodge has appl opriated $100 with
which to lay the foundation of a Lodge library. Will you not suggest a list of
books with which we may start?
- F.E.C.
The following list is worthy of
consideration: - Concise History of Masonry, by Gould, also his Collected
Essays, History of Masonry and Concordant Orders, by Hughan and Stillson;
Encyclopedia of Masonry, by Mackey, last edition, Book of Constitutions, by
Anderson; The Old Charges, by Hughan; Primitive Secret Societies, by Webster;
Antiquities of Masonry, by Fort; Symbolism of Masonry, by Mackey; Things a
Freemason Ought to Know, by Crowe; Masonic Facts and Fictions, by Sadler; The
Spirit of Masonry, by Hutchinson; The Comacines, by Ravenscroft; The Veil of
Isis, by Reade; Cyclopedia of Fraternities, by Stevens, last edition, Seven
Lamps of Architecture, by Ruskin; Poems and Stories of Kipling; Low Twelve, by
Ellis; Religion and Thought in Egypt, by Breasted, Kings and Gods of Egypt, by
Moret; Pythagoras, by Schure, also his Hermes and Plato; Washington the Man
and Mason, by Callahan; Franklin as a Mason, by Sachse; Indian Masonry, by
Wright; Freemasonry Before the Grand Lodges, by Vibert, Morals and Dogma, by
Pike; The Master's Assistant, by Darrah; Manual of the Lodge Mackey; Masonic
Jurisprudence, by Mackey; Mystic Masonry, by J. D. Buck; The Philosophy of
Masonry, by Pound, soon to be issued by the Research Society; and, if you can
find nothing better, The Builders, by the editor of this journal. There are
many other books of great value but before you have reached the end of this
list your money wili have melted away.
* * *
While the following questions are not
related to Masonry, answers to them will be appreciated, if it is not too much
trouble: (1) As a student of Lincoln, what do you regard as the best address
in estimate of him? (2) Refer me to abrief account of pantheism. (3) Is there
any short exposition of mysticism? (4) Was John Wesley a Freemason? - J.D.J.
(1) We like best of all the remarkable
address by F. W. Lehmann, published in a pamphlet by Wm. M. Reedy, St. Louis
Mirror. (2) "Pantheism, its Story and Significance," by J. A. Picton, himself
a pantheist, published by Open Court Co., Chicago. (3) "Mysticism in English
Literature," by G. F. E. Spurgeon, published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York,
is simple and illuminating. (4) No, Wesley was not a Mason, but he often
preached in Masonic halls, as we learn from his journal.
* * *
The Character of Albert Pike
as Gleaned from his Correspondence, by W. L. Boyden. The New Age.
The Story of the Craft as
Told in the Gentlemen's Magazine. Fred Armitage. Transactions of the Lodge
Quatuor Coronati.
Is Masonry a Religion ? By A.
Churchyard. London Freemason.
The Sublime Degree, by Robert
Meekren. Tyler-Keystone.
Girard's Masonic History.
Masonic Monthly.
Freemasonry in Literature.
Illinois Freemason.
Mental Qualifications, Not
Physical, a Test for Membership. Virginia Masonic Journal, April 15.
* * *
The Master's Assistant, by D.
D. Darrah, Bloomington, Ill
The Confessions of a Master
Mason, by C. F. Whaley, Seattle, Wash.
Masonic Jingles, by James T.
Wray, Evanston, Ill.
Great Stone Monuments, by J.
W. Fewkes, Smithsonian Institute.
Philosophy, What is It? by F.
B. Jevons, Putnam's Sons, New York.
The Mystery of Art, by R. A.
Cram, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston.
Works of Luther, Vol. 1., A.
J. Holman Co., Philadelphia.
Son, thou oughtest diligently to attend to
this: that in every place, every action or outward circumstance, thou be
inwardly free and mighty in thyself, and all things be under thee, and thou
not under them; that thou be lord and governor of thy deeds, not servant.
- The Imitation of Christ.