The Builder Magazine
August 1916 - Volume II - Number 8
JUST what suggested to
Washington either the Cambridge flag or the
stars and stripes can never
be known because he never referred to
the matter in any way. Yet
several theories are advanced, each
claimed, to be the one. In
No. 18-A, the flag of the Philadelphia
Light Horse Troop is shown.
Preble says:--(14)
"This is the first known
instance of the use of stripes to
represent the colonies."
Abraham Markoe was captain of the
Philadelphia Light Horse
Troop. King Christian VII of Denmark, of
which country Markoe was a
citizen, forbade his subjects taking
sides against England under
pain of confiscation of all their
property. Captain Markoe
decided to resign and in doing so
presented this flag, which
the .. Troop used June 23, 1775, in
escorting both Washington and
Philip Schuyler as far as New York on
their way to take command of
the army at Cambridge. Whether this
flag suggested the stripes to
either Washington or Schuyler must be
forever unknown. But because
it is thought to have done so, the
flag is carefully preserved
between glass plates--the treasure of
this famous troop whose
organization is still as young and vigorous
as when founded in 1774. The
Light Horse has participated in nearly
every presidential
inauguration from Washington to Wilson and in
other national
functions--often under the banner given them by
their first captain.
Another theory assigns
Washington's arms (Fig. 19, Color Plate) as
the real origin of both the
stars and stripes. However, Washington
never in any connection
referred to his arms as even remotely
connected with the flag and
did not use it until very late in life,
and then for the most part
only as a book mark. Still another
theory is that the flag of
Rhode Island was the real inspiration.
However, this theory is
seldom referred to because of other
suggestions of an earlier
Finally there is a theory
that John Adams took the idea of the
stars from the constellation
Lyra, which in the hands of Orpheus
meant harmony-- hence the
wording of the resolution "representing
a new constellation"-- but
John Adams never said so--and other
record, there is none.
Preble after citing the
Philadelphia Light Horse flag as suggesting
the stripes, says (15) that
the first known suggestion of stars
appeared in the Massachusetts
Spy for March 10, 1774, and was
written for the anniversary
of the Boston Massacre.
"A ray of bright glory now
beams from afar,
The American ensign now
sparkles a star
Which shortly shall flame
wide through the skies."
But here again theory alone
is the only basis for belief. Whether
the flag of the English East
India Company was known to Washington
is as much a theory as any of
the others, the presumption being in
its favor only because it was
an old and well known flag and almost
the exact counterpart of the
one Washington did raise at Cambridge
"to the joy of the British"
at Boston. But why look beyond
Washington for eliminating
the King's Colors and substituting the
stars of an independent
nation ? Washington raised the Cambridge
flag--it was his idea, no
matter from what source suggested. Later,
in Philadelphia with
independence in sight, he knew the flag would
have to be changed and had
his drawing of it. He asked George Ross
who could do it, and was
taken to the widow of his nephew, John
Ross, a fellow patriot. The
idea was Washington's as much as were
the plans for the battle of
Trenton or Princeton or Yorktown.
It is a striking coincidence
that Columbus discovered America while
looking for India and then
the flag of the United states 300 years
after should find its
prototype in the flag of India.
Peace was declared in 1783,
but there was no peace in reality until
after the war of 1812. Not
only were English troops maintained on
American soil, but England
refused to send a minister to the U.S.
and John Adams, our minister
to England, received unjust snubs at
every turn as his only
recognition and returned to the U.S. in
utter disgust. Following
England's lead, most of the nations also
refused trade arrangements
with us. Finally our condition became so
bad that our surplus products
rotted where they grew. Conditions
became much worse than during
the war, for owing to the policies
pursued toward us by foreign
countries, our manufacturers, small as
they were, were utterly
destroyed. The states not only declined to
live up to the Confederation,
but were at such enmity with each
other as to actually resort
to the use of arms, and blood-shed was
but narrowly averted. A reign
of anarchy worse than the French
Revolution that followed, was
everywhere predicted. Could the
states be saved from
themselves? Lord Sheffield, predicting dire
anarchy, suggested that "in
case of the renewal of hostilities, a
few stout frigates cruising
on the Coast would be all sufficient--
that it would be wise to send
a consul to EACH state. (16)
Josiah Tucker, Dean of
Gloucester, wrote:--"As to the grandeur of
America and its being a
rising empire under one head, whether
republican or monarchial,
that is one of the idlest and most
visionary thoughts ever
conceived by writers of romance--They are
a disunited people to the end
of time, suspicious and distrustful
of each other, they will be
divided and subdivided into
commonwealths and
principalities." (17)
That such foreign comment was
more than justified may be judged
from a letter Washington
wrote from Mt. Vernon to Knox, Dec. 26,
1786, thus:--"I feel my dear
General Knox, infinitely more than I
can express to you, for the
disorders that have arisen in these
states. "Good God! Who
besides a Tory could have foreseen or a
Briton predicted them ?" (18)
Before the so-called peace,
every effort was made to show how much
better the English soldiers
fared, and after peace, the English
parliament spent over
$30,000,000 to reimburse American Tories who
had left the United states
and no opportunity was lost to contrast
this munificence with the
almost nothing Congress was able to do
for the Revolutionary
soldiers and sailors. Was the flag they
carried to victory world
renowned to go down in the strife
miscalled peace, as "Rebel
Stripes" ? Truly the warfare of peace
was more deadly than the
cannon shot and shell. But the wiser
council prevailed, and
finally the Constitution was adopted and the
stars and stripes came
triumphant even through that strife called
peace. Instead of the
prophesied division, two new stars and two
new stripes were added to the
flag May 1, 1795, to represent
Kentucky and Vermont.
The bill for the flag change
originated in the Senate and on Jan.
7, 1794, the House considered
the bill in a long debate, which
contrasts sharply with the
adoption of the original thirty word
flag resolution June 14,
1777. The most effective argument in favor
of the change was the
importance first of notifying the world at
large by the STARS in the
flag of the nation, that so far from
division, there were new
states ADDED, and second the great
importance of not offending
the new states. In Fig. 20, Color
Plate, the flag change is
shown.--So the circle of 13 stars became
the oblong square of 15
stars--a step in advance, to the utter
discrediting of the
This is truly a flag of
"passing"--a coming of the nation to the
vigor of young manhood--a
passing from the small petty jealousy of
strict construction to the
broad national policy embodied in the
Louisiana Purchase. It is the
flag under which real peace and union
were achieved through the war
of 1812; the flag that inspired Perry
to outdo Caesar's famous
message, "I came, I saw, I conquered,"
with his: "We have met the
enemy and they are ours." But while its
material achievements are
great almost beyond compare, yet its
chief claim to distinction
must ever be regarded as that of
converting the minds of the
people from the idea of a mere loose
aggregation of sovereign and
independent states to that of one
great united and happy
The thought is crystalized in
The Star Spangled Banner by Francis
Scott Key. His
brother-in-law, Chief Justice Taney, says that the
scene described is no mere
fancy but exactly what Key saw and felt
while the battle was fought
and when it was won by his countrymen.
Key had gone out to the
British fleet under a flag of truce to get
his friend Dr. Barnes
released, and was himself then held as
prisoner until after the
The picture here shown in No.
21 is from a photograph of the actual
Star Spangled Banner flag in
1774. This was a large flag, being 29
feet hoist and 40 feet fly
before relic hunters shortened it to 32.
It has 15 stripes each two
feet wide and 15 stars each two feet
from point to point. It can't
be said the enemy "never touched it,"
but you ought to have seen
the flag of the English Admiral
Strangely enough, the music
to which the star Spangled Banner is
sung, like the music of
"America," is from an Old English song
entitled "To Anacreon in
In 1794 when the proposed
addition of two stars and two stripes was
under discussion, a few
opposed it and asked what would be done
when there would be twenty
new states. This statement though
ridiculed as the objection of
a dreamer, yet by 1816 it was near
fact, so that this time it
was proposed to ESTABLISH the United
states flag in some form that
would represent all the states all
the time. Congressman Peter
Wendover of New York introduced a
resolution in December, 1816,
with this in view. After pages of
discussion the matter was
referred to Captain Samuel C. Reid famous
as the commander of the
General Armstrong during the great sea
fight in the harbor of Fayal.
Such was the man who was asked to
design a flag to represent
ALL the states ALL the time so that
Congress might ESTABLISH the
flag once and for all. He designed the
present flag meeting the
requirement as follows:
1. For the original 13
states, the original flag of 13 stars and 13
2. For the new states already
admitted, one additional star for
3. For future states, one
star for each to be inserted July 4th
following its admission.
The sample flag was made by
his wife, Mrs. Reid, and presented to
Congress. 'Twas ever thus,
enduring stars are made by women. Betsy
Ross, the widow of a man
killed in the services of his country,
made the first starry flag
and Mrs. Samuel C. Reid, the wife of a
man who risked his life in
one of the most daring battles in naval
annals, made the last and
they each used colors never known to run.
So mote it ever be. Though
the change did not become effective
until July 4, 1818, yet
Congress in compliment to Mrs. Reid hoisted
the new flag over the Capitol
April 13, 1818.
The flag Mrs. Reid made is
shown in Fig. 22, (Color Plate) exactly
as adopted. Though the
wording of the new law provided for
increasing the stars above
13, yet Congress made no provision then
or since for the arrangement
of the stars. The twenty stars in Mrs.
Reid's flag were formed into
"one great star," says Preble, "and
such was the arrangement for
many years by the Military Department
whereas the Navy Department
adhered to arranging the stars in
parallel lines." Finally the
Navy arrangement by agreement with the
Military Department, has come
to be the only one in use, and Old
Glory today is an "oblong
square" of stars six deep and eight wide.
In the great seal of the
United states and in the great seals of
many of the individual states
a variant of the flag is used. This
is also true in battle flags
knows as "company colors."
The seal or arms of the
United States is, on one side, really a
form of the flag and is held
equally sacred. It is the emblem of
authority on all documents of
"As well might the Judas of
treason endeavor
To write his black name on
the disk of the sun
As try the bright star-wreath
that binds us to sever,
And blot the fair legend of
'many in one.' "
July 4, 1776, Dr. Franklin,
John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were
the first committee appointed
to prepare a seal for the United
states and finally after
several other committees had worked on it,
it was adopted June 20, 1782.
Wm. Barton and Secretary Charles
Thompson gave the designs the
final touches and as a whole the seal
is a composite--the work of
many patriots. The all seeing eye in
the triangle above the
pyramid is from Dr. Franklin as also the
words at the top meaning "God
has favored the undertaking" and at
the bottom "a new series of
ages." Contrast the six years and the
many pages of discussion to
adopt this seal with the thirty word
resolution of June 14, 1777,
adopting the stars and stripes.
In state seals our own Iowa
is the best example--using "Old Glory"
Old Glory celebrated on the
4th of July, 1847, by adding a star of
the first magnitude,
representing Iowa which on Dec. 20, 1846, had
become a state. In token of
her sincerity in this solemn
engagement, Iowa took as her
seal and covenant the beautiful design
shown in Fig. 23-- an eagle
guarding the flag as her sons then did,
do now and promise always to
do. In it you see the citizen soldier,
his right supporting Old
Glory, the liberty cap resting thereon,
his left grasping his gun,
which is to signify
That Old Glory will wave o'er
the land of the free,
Just so long as it is the
home of the brave.
Here in the "East" as a
background is the Father of Waters with the
good ship Iowa under way.
"Thus, too sail on O ship of
Sail on O Union strong and
Humanity with all its fears--
With all the hopes of future
Is hanging breathless on thy
Before referring to the third
variant, it might be well to give the
origin of the name "Old
Often have you heard the name
"Old Glory" and it is frequently
asked "Whence originated
these words?" If you should go to Essex
Institute, Salem, Mass., you
would see there carefully cared for
the particular flag to which
the name "Old Glory" was originally
applied. You would see also
the portrait of a sea captain with
which is framed a letter,
acknowledging an unusual service. The
letter and picture are
endorsed as follows:--
"My Ship, My Country, and My
Flag, Old Glory," Signed--"William
Driver." (21)
Until 1837, Captain Driver
followed the sea, sailing out of Salem,
Mass., where he was born. In
1831 while in command of the ship
Charles Doggett he rendered
an unusual service in the Southern
Pacific, in recognition of
which, he was given the beautiful flag
which inspired the name "Old
Glory." In 1837 he quit the sea and
moved to Nashville, Tenn. On
gala days "Old Glory" was always to be
seen on his house. When the
war begun in 1861, many efforts were
made to capture this
particular flag. In February, 1862, the Union
troops under Gen. Nelson
captured Nashville. Horace N. Fisher aid
to General Nelson tells the
story as a participant. (21) He says:--
"Capt. Driver,--an
honest-looking, blunt-speaking man,--was
evidently a character; he
carried on his arm a calico-covered
bedquilt; and, when satisfied
that Gen. Nelson was the officer in
command, he pulled out his
jackknife and began to rip open the
bedquilt without another
word. We were puzzled to think what his
conduct meant. At last the
bedquilt was safely delivered of a large
American flag, which he
handed to Gen. Nelson, saying, 'This is the
flag I hope to see hoisted on
that flagstaff in place of the d--d
Confederate flag set there by
that d--d rebel governor, Isham G.
Harris. I have had hard work
to save it; my house has been searched
for it more than once; my
wife devised a safe hiding place for it
by quilting it into this old
calico bedquilt.' He spoke
triumphantly-with tears in
his eyes.
"Gen. Nelson accepted the
flag with manly emotion and ordered it
run up on the State House
flagstaff, when all heads were uncovered
and the troops presented
arms; he swore that that very flag should
stay there, night and day, as
long as he was in command at
During 1862 William Driver
wrote a series of letters which were
published in his old home
paper, The Salem Register, (22) referring
so often to the United States
flag as "Old Glory" that he himself
became known as "Old Glory
Driver." (23) The name he gave it fits
so well that our flag is now
known everywhere as Old Glory, the
greatest symbol known among
Up to 1912, there was a wide
variation in the United States flags.
The record demonstrates that
both use and uniformity as to the flag
in the various departments
have been of very slow growth. The navy
alone acted promptly in the
use of the early flag. After Congress
adopted the stars and stripes
June 14, 1777, there was a long
correspondence between
Washington and the "Board of War." (24) It
was thought that our army
"should carry a variant from the marine
flag." (24) The
correspondence shows that the flag finally agreed
upon as army colors, was
ready for distribution in the fall of 1782
but does not show just what
the "variant" was. But from
Washington's letter of Sept.
14, 1779, it probably was a serpent
across the stripes of the
flag adopted June 14, 1777. While the
flags were never distributed,
yet up to 1916 they have never been
located. (25) So the flags
used during the entire Revolution might
be called "personal" in that
they were not furnished by the
government. Regimental or
company "colors" have usually combined
features of the flag. As
heretofore indicated no definite
specification had been made
for the arrangement of either the stars
or the stripes. This resulted
in such a variety of designs that in
1837 Holland asked its
representative in this country to advise
just what the United States
flag really was. (26) Other countries
made similar requests.
Finally Gen. Schuyler Hamilton in 1851 was
directed to investigate. This
resulted in the first careful study
of our flag and was published
in 1852 in the form of a history of
the flag. Still the desired
uniformity did not obtain and all
through the Civil War there
was a variety of flags and colors. As
recent as 1912, investigation
showed 66 different proportions and
forms in use by the executive
departments of the government. (28)
Finally, Oct. 29, 1912,
President Taft signed an "Executive" order
(27) embodying the
recommendations in the report which had been
agreed upon by
representatives of the various departments of the
government. This order is
very specific, defining minutely all
details of the flag--but
still sanctions the old custom in the Navy
of using only 13 stars in the
"small boat" flags. (29)
The natural desire to avoid
hemp collars resulted in the "Secret
Pact" in Congress and
prevented a record of many things now
desirable to know. So it is
in Masonic history of that time, the
exclusive character of
Masonry and the loss of most of the scant
records made, bar out forever
many things the craft would now like
to know. Yet enough remains
to show that Masonry was the generator
and supplied the current for
the varied activities both civil and
military during the
Revolution which gave the world the great
symbol of that "new
constellation," the United States.
The most loyal subjects of
the king--such were our brothers in all
the years immediately
preceding 1776. But there was a force among
them generating those
impulses which impel men to yield their lives
rather than their honor, and
to make the regularity of their own
behavior the best example for
the conduct of others less informed.
At both their meeting and
parting they were exhorted to meet upon
the level and act upon the
square. When therefore their king began
that unwise policy of
treating them as below the level of
Englishmen, and so far from
acting on the square as to actually
deny their rights under the
English Constitution, they petitioned,
they remonstrated, and being
spurned, they rebelled. Perhaps their
position has never been
better stated than by Edmund Burke right in
the English Parliament. He
"The Americans will have no
interest contrary to the grandeur and
glory of England, when they
are not oppressed by the weight of it.
. . I confess I feel not the
least alarm from the discontents which
are to arise from putting
people at their ease; nor do I apprehend
the destruction of this
empire from giving, by an act of free grace
and indulgence, to two
millions of my fellow-citizens, some share
of those rights upon which I
have always been taught to value
myself. . . Let the colonies
always keep the idea of their civil
rights associated with your
government,--they will cling and
grapple to you and no force
under heaven will be of power to tear
them from their allegiance.
But let it be once understood that your
government may be one thing
and their privileges another; that
these two things may exist
without any mutual relation, the cement
is gone, the cohesion is
loosened, and every thing hastens to decay
and dissolution."
Mistaking the attitude of the
Americans, as well as that of their
king, The English East India
Company had offered to refund the tax
by selling tea at a less
price in America than in England. The King
insisted on his claimed right
to tax without consent. So Burke's
resolution of conciliation
was voted down in England Parliament by
270 against 78. The issue was
joined: England claimed the right to
tax without consent; the
Americans denied such claim. England said:
"Land the tea"--A gathering
Dec. 16, 1773, in "The Old
South-Meeting House" said
"No." A messenger had been sent to Milton
to urge Hutchinson, the
King's representative, to order the tea
back to England. Long after
dark his refusal was delivered by Rotch
the messenger. At once Adams
announced: "The meeting can do nothing
more to save the Country."
(30) When the church doors opened there
were 40 to 50 men disguised
as Indians, "and" says Avery, "in two
or three hours 342 chests of
tea valued at about 1800 pounds
sterling were emptied into
the sea." The smoothness of the
performance suggests a master
playwright and many rehearsals. When
the work had been completed
the crowd quietly dispersed, and before
daybreak Paul Revere was
riding fast to Philadelphia with the
glorious news that "Boston
had at last thrown down the gauntlet for
the king to pick up."
The "Sons of Liberty" met at
the Green Dragon Tavern where St.
Andrew's Lodge also met
regularly. This was the lodge of Paul
Revere and Joseph Warren. It
was a "North-End Lodge" whose secret
meetings alternated with the
"High Sons of Liberty," who controlled
ALL the early Revolutionary
movements. The men WERE the SAME in
BOTH. (31) The record of that
lodge on Nov. 30, 1772, showed only
seven members present and in
the record is this statement: "N. B.
Consignees of Tea took up the
brethrens' time." On December 16, the
night of the Ocean Tea Party,
the secretary after noting that the
lodge closed until the next
night, makes the T entry thus:--"On
account of the few members in
attendance" (32) and then fills up
the page with the letter "T"
made big. Gould says (33) this record
is the only one of that now
famous Ocean Tea Party at Boston.
That Ocean Tea Party was as
dignified a Masonic event as the laying
of a Corner stone--as indeed
in very truth it was. Here is what
that eminent authority John
Fiske says of it:
"For the quiet sublimity of
reasonable but dauntless moral purpose,
the heroic annals of Greece
and Rome can show no greater scene than
that which the Old
South-Meeting House witnessed on the day (night)
when the tea was destroyed."
Avery says: "An authoritative
answer to the oft asked question,
'Who emptied the tea'? has
never yet been given. (35) But Bro. Paul
Revere was well on his way to
Philadelphia before morning."
But "Listen my brothers and
you shall hear of another ride of Bro.
Paul Revere." Grand Master
Warren had sent Bro. Paul Revere to
notify the Minute-Men at
Lexington and Concord and to warn Bros.
Hancock and Samuel Adams upon
whose head the British had set a
price. On that memorable
April 19th, when the signals were
displayed in Old North
Church, Paul Revere was arrested just out of
Lexington but William Daws
and Dr. Prescott, a "High Son of
Liberty," who had joined him,
escaped and reached Concord in time
to arouse the Minute Men and
prevent the capture of the military
stores there. Thus the
members of St. Andrew's Lodge otherwise
referred to as "High Sons of
Liberty" or "North-End Mechanics,"
under the leadership of Paul
Revere, later Grand Master. and Grand
Master Warren had defeated
the first effort of the English to
enslave them. They had passed
the "south and west gates."
Preparations for "Bunker
Hill" were at once begun. Profane history
describes Deputy Grand Master
Richard Gridley as a skillful
engineer and artillerist" and
he was chief engineer in planning the
defenses on Bunker Hill and
Dorchester Heights. Here, what England
proposed, she was about to
perform. The caviling at the "East Gate"
was heard and Grand Master
Warren soon fell a martyr in the cause
of human liberty. But his
death was as the blood of a martyr in
stimulating thousands of his
brothers to yield their lives rather
than their honor even as he
had done. A monument was erected by
Charlestown Masons in 1794
"to commemorate his labors, his fidelity
and his untimely death." It
was replaced by Bunker Hill monument in
1857, inside of which a model
of Warren's monument was placed.
If the action of St. Andrew's
Lodge were not merely typical of the
generative force actuating
patriots everywhere, then it would be
but small evidence upon which
to base Masonic claims in
establishing Old Glory. But
the fact is the leaders were nearly all
Masons and so steps were at
once taken to organize army raveling
lodges. St. John's Regimental
Lodge had already been organized in
N.Y. but the first one in the
Continental Army was American Union
Lodge organized in the
"Connecticut Line" but because working in of
Massachusetts, its warrant
was issued and signed by Richard Gridley
D.G.M. Feb. 15, 1776. This is
the same Gridley who was chief
engineer of the army at the
time. Of the ten or more military
lodges, the only one whose
record has been preserved in anything
approximating entirety is
American Union. In 1859, the Grand Lodge
of Connecticut published the
American Union record almost in full
from Feb. 15, 1776, to April
23, 1783, (38) --its last meeting as
a military lodge. These army
lodges were primarily officers'
lodges--if you please,
Masters' lodges seeking to find the right.
On page 16, is a list of the
members to Oct. 11, 1779, of American
Union Lodge. This list is an
exception to every other list of names
in the record in that the
first name and title are given. Almost
without exception they are
all officers. So far then, here are the
members of St. Andrew's Lodge
and other Boston Masons assisted by
Connecticut Masons,
organizing an army lodge that together they may
divide themselves in parties
and go in quest of the Hessian
ruffians. So by the record,
Masonry was in the struggle for liberty
in the beginning.
The work of Masonry was
sustained and dignified throughout the
entire Revolutionary period.
The army lodge was to the officers a
confidential club and to the
sick and wounded the "Red Cross"
though under a different
MARK. Scant as are the records of American
Union Lodge, yet so many
clues are suggested that to follow out all
of them would far exceed the
scope of this effort. Therefore only
a few meetings will be noted
ST. JOHN'S DAY, JUNE 24, 1779
At Nelson's Point near West
Point, N.Y., on June 24, 1779, American
Union Lodge met to celebrate
St. John The Baptist's Day. (39) After
opening, the lodge marched to
the "Red House," General Patterson's
Headquarters, where says the
record, "Lodge opened in ample form."
Then followed a list of 99
members and visitors. Continuing, "after
the usual ceremonies, the
Lodge retired to a bower in front of the
house, where being joined by
his Excellency George Washington and
family--an address was
delivered by Bro. Hull." This kind of
education bound the officers
to UNION of effort --the cause for
which they were risking their
(14) Vide Preble p. 252.
(15) Vide page 251
(16) Vide Spencer and
Lossing's Complete History of the United
States Vol.
(17) Avery VI p. 386.
(18) Avery VI p. 397
(19) Vide Preble p. 721.
(20) Vide Preble p. 339
(21) Vide Essex Institute
Historical Collections July 1901. p. 261.
(22) Essex Institute
Historical Collections January, 1911.
(23) Preble.
(24) Vide Gherardi Davis'
Colors of U. S. Army 1785-1912.
(25) Vide address R. C.
Ballard Thruston National Year Book,
Society of The Sons of The
Revolution for 1915, p. 260.
(26) Vide address R. C.
Ballard Thruston National Year Book Society
of The Sons of The Revolution
for 1915, p. 264
(27) Executive Order Vol.
1637, Oct. 29, 1912, Wm. H. Taft.
(28) Vide No. 1637 Oct. 29,
1912, Wm. H. Taft.
(29) Vide address R. C.
Ballard Thruston National Year Book the
Sons of The Revolution 1915,
p. 265.
(30) Vide Avery V 5, p. 166.
(31) Vide Centennial Memorial
of St. Andrew's Lodge, p. 112.
(32) Vide Same, p. 113.
(33) Vide Gould's American
Addenda, p. 347.
(34) The American Revolution,
John Fisk.
(35) Vide Avery V 5, p. 167.
(36) Washington the Man and
(37) Vide Lossing.
(38) Vide Record of
Freemasonry Grand Lodge Conn., V. 1.
(39) Vide Vol. 1 Conn. Grand
Lodge, p. 30-1-2.
(To be Continued)
The glories of our blood and
Are shadows, not. substantial
There is no armor against
Death lays his icy hand on
Sceptre and Crown
Must tumble down,
And in the dust be equal made
With the poor crooked scythe
and spade.
Some men with swords may reap
the field,
And plant fresh laurels where
they kill:
But their strong nerves at
last must yield;
They tame but one another
Early or late
They stoop to fate
And must give up their
murmuring breath
When they, pale captives,
creep to death.
The garlands wither on your
Then boast no more your
mighty deeds;
Upon Death's purple altar now
See where the victor-victim
Your heads must come
To the cold tomb;
Only the actions of the just
Smell sweet, and blossom in
their dust.
--James Shirley.
The reason why we feel one
man's presence, and do not feel another's, is as simple as gravity. Truth is
the summit of being: justice is the application of it to affairs. All
individual natures stand in a scale, according to the purity of this element
in them. Men of character are the conscience of the society to which they
--R. W. Emerson.
What the Lodge of Lautaro was
for South America, the Black Eagle Society purport to be for Cuba, but
unhappily it failed. Not any General History of Cuba has ever been written by
a Mason; it is for that reason that no one conversant with the underlying
principles of our Institution, has purified our local branch from the calumny
of political conspiracy thrown on her by pro-Spanish historians. During the
colonial period, however, that task could not be undertook, reasons: Masonry
was forbidden; the Catholic priests, supported by the Spanish government, were
against us; and, better yet, we Cubans were not at liberty to bring Spain to
the pillory. After Cuba got her deserved freedom, thanks to the American
Eagle, the time arrived to defend ourselves and wipe out from our faces so
unbecoming spot.
Mexico and Cuba were during
the XVIII century, and the first quarter of the XIX, very tightly related, the
island of Cuba was not then self-supporting; our political metropoli was
Mexico; from that vice-royalty came to us periodically galleons filled with
gold and silver to keep us alive. The Cubans of yore were, therefore, used to
refer to Mexico for all their needs, rather than apply to the Mother Country
so far situated. After Mexico got her freedom Cuba longed for her's, and even
our conspiracies came from there, witness that Society denominated the Black
Eagle, originally ascribed to the Masons and which we shall describe
Although Mexico was ahead
from us in many undertakings, she was not so in matters Masonic. Mexicans got
their lodges in 1813 from Spain, and in 1825, through the American Minister
Poinsset, from the United states. We Cubans began to be familiar with the
Square and the Compass since 1762, when the English took Havana, introducing
into the city an Irish Army Lodge, which lasted as long as the British
remained with us, about nine months. Frenchmen expelled from Haiti, brought
their lodges with them to Santiago soon afterward, and ever since 1804,
Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Louisiana chartered regular lodges in Cuba,
which in 1818 started the SPANISH GRAND LODGE OF THE YORK RITE, doomed to an
early death, as she was under bann by Captain General vives in 1824, and
totally disappeared in 1829; two lodges, nevertheless, meeting irregularly
until 1859 when together with a new one chartered by South Carolina, founded
the actual Grand Lodge of Cuba.
The best History of Cuba is
undoubtedly that of Pezuela, (1) but even so good a writer, when he comes to
describe the political situation of Cuba in the first quarter of the XIX
century, classifies Masonry as one of the Secret Revolutionary Societies
conspiring against the Government, but of course, he could not prove it.
The historian Zavala emits
the following opinion: (2) "After the failure of the Soles Conspiracy (the
first of Cuban Revolutionary Clubs) several of its members and sympathizers
emigrated to Mexico, constituting there another Society named JUNTA PROMOTORA
DE LA LIBERTAD CUBANA. The Society was constituted on July 4th, 1825, and its
object, as stated in the Proceedings, was presented so: "The undersigned, at a
meeting held on the extinguished Convent of Balem . . . & have started a Junta
under the name of Protectora de la Libertad Cubana, the object of which will
be to obtain from the Govelnment of the Federation (Mexico), which we
Calcagno, a Cuban
contemporaneous writer, says: (3) "CHAVEZ (Jose de) a native of Havana, friar
of Belem, in 1810 constituted in Mexico the Lodge of the Black Eagle." (4)
The late Dr. Vidal Morales,
one of the best of Cuban authors, states in his splendid work: (5) "At the end
of General Vives period of Government, J. J. Solis, informed the Authorities
of the revolutionary plans of the GRAN LEGION DEL AGUILA NEGRA, the name of a
York Rite Lodge, the Chief Officer of which in America was the President of
Mexico, Gral. Guadalupe victoria, and in Europe a physician of London. The
members of the said Society called each other Indian. The name of the lodge
comes from the Eagle that symbolizes the 32d of the Scottish Rite."
These words are almost
verbatim those used in the Proceedings of the Process to several members of
the Society, as instructed by a Spanish Military Committee. Whoever is
acquainted with the manners of conducting the investigations in matters
political or religious in Spain, or in her colonies of yore, has to be
reminded how the depositions were obtained: by torment or by the lash, in
thorough medieval style. The Jesuitic proverb: "All means are justified
provided the end is attained," was closely adhered to and no wonder how
malicious the judges were in connecting Masonry and Politics.
Now, allow me to go deeper
into the mentioned paragraph of the Proceedings. To any Masonic Student it is
plain that lodges are local groups and nobody can be the Grand Master or Chief
of any Lodge in any country but of a collection of lodges named Grand Lodge or
a similar name. Next, President Victoria, of Mexico, although a convinced
Cuban sympathizer, was never the Grand Master of the Mexican Masonry in either
of her branches (escoceses or yorkinos) while he ruled the country; during the
period from 1824 to 1828, the Grand Masters of the two Mexican Grand Lodges of
the time being were Generals Bravo and Guerrero respectively.
The European physician, named
as the Chief in the old world, is another lie. The late R. F. Gould in an
article upon the "Medical Profession and Freemasonry" (6) mentions among all
English Masons of the medical profession, during the possible years 1797-1850,
only Robert Thomas Crucefix, who, every Masonic scholar knows, never presided
over any Revolutionary Society. He was a distinguished man, but even in the
Grand Lodge of England, to which he belonged, he only attained the Office of
Grand Junior Deacon; not being blue blooded he could not expect even a
As to the Eagle which
symbolized the Society, why choose the 32d? It would have been the same the
30d, 31d or 32d, all are represented by Eagles, but two-headed, not
single-headed, as that used by the revolutionaries. The Eagle adopted by them
was that of Mexico, the one that the Aztec legend mentions as appearing in
Tenoxtitlan, posed upon a cactus, devouring a serpent, the same that was
adopted as the Mexican National Emblem.
Let us now examine some other
statements found the Proceedings of the Process, to which those poor eople
were subjected; (7)-they said: "J. J. Solis was a young man 26 years old, a
native of New Orleans, Louisiana, carpenter by trade, who was initiated into
Masonry by Lucas Arcadio Ugarte, Secretary of the Patriotic Society of Cuba
(the principal Society of its class in the country and of pro-Spanish
proclivities). According to Solis deposition, several days after his
initiation, Ugarte told him that the Society had changed its object, the
Aguila Negra's only purpose was to gain members to work on behalf of the
independence of the country." This deposition, as can be easily seen, is a
mix-up of falsehoods, undoubtedly forged by the Spanish soldier's Committee.
Ugarte was an aristocrat of those times, Secretary to the Board of Aldermen of
the City, and a conspicuous Mason, and it does not seem probable that he would
try to deceive a humble carpenter in any fashion whatever.
More yet about the deposition
of Solis: "The members did not offer any obligation, they only signed the
By-Laws, their main purpose was the independence of Cuba." Among the papers
added to the Proceedings is printed Instruction for the use of the Deputies of
the Several states, signed by one JICOTENCATL, of the Grand Orient of Mexico,
(8) 1825. Searching in Mexican Masonic History, I easily found out that the
Mexican National Rite was the only one that had a Grand Orient at that time,
but as the Grand Lodge, which had to be previously established, was not
founded until 1826, how could there be a Grand Orient in 1825 ?
Added to the Proceedings is
also found a soi disant Constitution, snatched from one Miguel Vazquez; see
here the purpose of the Society as mentioned in the said Constitution: "The
Order had for her object the affording to good patriots the means of obtaining
the liberty of America, wherever a member found himself, either in Mexico,
Havana or London; of this Lodge which could not be confounded with any other,
all persons could be members, provide they were not European; there were no
degrees nor distinctions of any kind, and they had no Temples or Halls to meet
in." How can this apply to the Cuban Masonry of the epoch that styled herself
SPANISH GRAND LODGE OF THE YORK RITE? How can be explained the presence among
the members of hundreds of Spaniards and of Cuban Noblemen, both occupying the
principal offices of the Grand Lodge? Is it not plain how the judges (sic)
mixed up their pleasure falsehoods to impeach Cubans ?
I have examined at leisure
the Proceedings in search of things Masonic, commencing with the series of
pass and sacred words, assured to be those of the 33d degrees of the Ancient
Accepted Scottish Rite, which appear carefully separated and with large
characters of hand writing. From this examination I draw the conclusion that
either I have been deceived when I obtained my degrees from a regular lodge,
and from legally constituted subordinate bodies of a most regular Supreme
Council, as are those of Cuba, or the soldierjudges tried to make dupes out of
the whole population of Cuba, to whom they assured that the ones found by them
were true Masonic words. There is not a single one among them that resembles
ours; more yet, they are in plain Spanish vernacular.
Now as to the principal Pass
Word: Both members situate one in front of the other, their right hands
resting on the left shoulder of the other, the following dialogue issuing:
1--You are a beautiful
Indian. 2--Courageous, also. 1--Persevering, besides. Come ye students of
Masonry and honestly tell to which of our degrees the words belong.
But the most curious of all
things is the Sacred or Principal Word or Phrase, which I joyfully append:
Let any honest man come
forward and say whether that was Masonry. If the Conspiracy was started by
white people, how could they be enemies of their own race? I once more claim
that the above mentioned Proceedings were a malicious falsehood developed by
dishonorable judges, completely outside of Masonry.
Being convinced that Masonry
had nothing to do with that Conspiracy, I shall now, as a historical research,
discuss the final result and sentence of that famous Process, followed against
several members of the Black Eagle, who happened to be also Masons, by a most
bigoted Spanish Court. I must, nevertheless, call the attention of my readers
to the fact that the Court discriminated in their sentence between Masonry and
Conspiracy; the succeeding historians not regarding afterwards so important
difference. Remember too that the meeting of Masonic lodges was regarded as a
crime by the Spanish laws of the time. Be careful in the reading:
"WHEREAS: We are ordered to
proffer charges as FREEMASONS, against several persons already imprisoned, as
members of the Conspiracy denominated LA GRAN LEGION DEL AGUILA NEGRA, the
only charge resulting against them is to have affixed their signatures to
various Masonic documents, during the years 1825, 1826 and 1827, for which
they were indicted . . . and although other members were also accused, their
prosecution was ordered to be conducted separately as they are indicted only
as conspirators."
One of the principal
paragraphs of the Public Prosecutor in his Report reads like this: "The
subscribing Auditor having examined this Proceeding followed to find out the
crime of Masonry committed by several persons, states that their presence in
lodge meetings has not been proved, which fact, if proved, will have brought
to them the full penalties specified in the last Royal Decree, (9) but as they
continued in participating in Masonic practices after the year 1824, as proved
by their having signed documents as these added to this Proceeding. . . ."
The final paragraph of the
sentence says: "We condemn J. J. Solis, Miguel Vazquez, J. Gonzalez Avila ....
(and others) to the penalty of ordinary death on the infamous garrote, their
property to be confiscated for the benefit of His Magesty the King, on account
of being convicted of performing Masonic acts. during the years 1826 and 1827,
and of having been initiated into the so-called GRAN LEGION DEL AGUILA NEGRA,
the object of this last Association being the freedom of the American
Colonies." "Lucas Arcadio de Ugarte, convicted of having signed and having
procured the affixing of other signatures to a Certificate or Diploma of the
degree of Rose Croix (18d), extended in the year 1825, and of having kept
under his care Masonic documents, seals and other Masonic paraphernalia, is
sentenced to eight years at hard labor in the Ceuta Penitentiary (Africa)."
Happily the first of king
Ferdinand VII's children (afterwards queen Isabella II) was born in those days
and, as customary on such occasions, a general pardon or amnesty was granted
for most crimes or offenses, and the Masons fared out better than they
expected: none were garroted and Bro. Ugarte did not spend his forced vacation
at Ceuta.
As the only practical result
of so infamous a trial two documents remain attached to the Proceedings, which
I have carefully examined and hope some day they may be donated for the
Library and Museum of our Grand Lodge. They are: one, the Certificate of M. M.
granted to Miguel Vazquez. by his Lodge! Hermanos Desenganados No. 53, and the
Diploma of RoseCroix extended to J. J. Solis by Sabiduria Chapter No. 1, on
the 3d of December, 1825. It is beautifully engrossed on parchment, colored,
and, although nearly a full century old, remains as fresh as when issued. That
document, as customary then, commenced so: "In the name of the Most Holy and
Indivisible Trinity &," which is no longer the style of the Rite.
My task is now
ended--temporarily only--as my investigations in old Cuban Masonic lore needs
to be continued; but my satisfaction is so far complete because I have been
able to prove that Cuban Masonry never conspired; the Masons individually,
surely did so, but the Fraternity never.
Can American Masons show on
their shields, as we do, the having been imprisoned and sentenced to death for
being Masons? We Cubans, more than once, became acquainted with damp dungeons,
only to be more firm adherents of our convictions; that is an honor and glory
that nobody can snatch from us. More yet, it is not far the date (1870) when
we had a Grand Master shot without trial, only for being the head of the Craft
in Cuba !
If so has been our history
and our sufferings, why disdain us because we do not speak English? Oh, Lord,
have mercy for our detractors !
(1) Pezuela--Historia de la
Isla de Cuba. Madrid. 4 Vols.
(2) Zavala--Ensayo Historico
sobre las Revoluciones de Mexico.
(3) Calcagno--Diccionario
Biografico Cubano. Havana.
(4) The date is wrong.
(5) Dr. Vidal Morales--Iniciadores
y Primeros Martires de la Revolucion Cubana. Havana.
(6) Ars Quatuor Coronatorum,
Vol. VII, page 145.
(7) I have examined the
original Process in the Government Archives in Havana
(8) Note the orthography, it
is purely Spanish; no Mexican ever spelt it so, but Xicotencatl.
(9) What could this full
penalty be if they were already sentenced to death?
As is water in a dish,
Be it square or round,
Shaped according to that
By that nature bound;
So is man by those with whom
Keeps he company
Shaped and moulded good or
For eternity.
- Imperial poem of Meiji Era
I dream'd in a dream, I saw a
city invincible to the attacks of the whole of the rest of the earth.
I dreamed that was the new
city of Friends;
Nothing was greater there
than the quality of robust love--it led the rest,
It was seen every hour in the
actions of the men of that city,
And in all their looks and
--Walt Whitman.
If we consider the importance
that has been attached to colors throughout the ages, and the herald-like duty
they have ever performed, we must inevitably reason that Masonry, the greatest
and most universal of ancient institutions, must also have been launched upon
its lengthening career, under a color, or colors, in harmonious keeping with
its teaching. To ferret out this color, however, and discover its original
symbolism, is, we fear, a task made impossible by the gloom of intervening
centuries. And so, leaving the beginning, veiled, as it should be, in darkness
and mystery, we must even acknowledge the decree of comparatively modern
ruling and usage as authentic. But here, too, we are left partially in dobt. A
color has been handed down to us, but the symbolism, if in truth there existed
any, has gone so long unheeded, that it is lost in the impenetrable folds of
the past. Thus are we forced, as a last resort, to apply the test of our own
reason and imagination to our knowledge of fundamental Masonry, and accept the
result as a possible solution.
"At the revival of 1717,"
says our learned Brother, Dr. Oliver, "it was directed that the symbolical
clothing of a Master Mason was 'skull-cap and jacket yellow, and neither
garments blue.' " The symbolism, however, of this "symbolical clothing," was
probably known to a few only, and was never recorded. But the Doctor
continues: "In 1730, it was regulated by Grand Lodge that the Grand Officers
should 'wear white leather aprons with blue silk; and that the Masters and
Wardens of particular Lodges may line their white leather aprons with white
silk, and may hang their jewels at white ribbons about their necks.' " Of
course we do not know how long Blue had been recognized as a Masonic color,
but here perhaps, we have the first definite step toward its establishment as
the ONE TRUE color; for, having been once permanently adopted by Grand Lodge,
it would as a natural sequence, creep gradually into subordinate lodges, until
it came to be looked on as the legitimate color of the Order. Thus, in brief,
may we account for it. But, having the color, we cannot so easily determine
its proper symbolism. And yet, methinks this should not be difficult, if we go
about it thoughtfully.
Certainly, it is commonly
known that Blue has in all ages been deemed an emblem of the abstract
qualities, Truth, Secrecy, Sincerity, and Fidelity; but to us it should mean
something more. Let us see. Studying closely the various figurative meanings
that have been attached to the five fundamental, or prismatic colors, in the
past, we find that, as a general rule, they may be reduced to these: green,
the symbol of generative, or self-contained force, or the germ of life; youth,
freshness: yellow, the symbol of the result of accumulation or long dulation;
ripeness, or the full measure of resources, activity, or years; age; decay:
blue, the symbol of mild, unresisting virtue; morality: purple, the symbol of
royalty or sovereignty; the director or governor of physical force; wisdom;
knowledge: red, the symbol of physical force or agressiveness. Taking these
symbolisms of the five colors collectively, and considering them as a wnole,
they may be said to represent to us the five primary essentials, necessary to
the existence of a perfect human being, namely: the germ of life, the germ of
death, moral initiative, mental initiative, and physical initiative. The five
colors themselves, rightly blended into one, produce perfect white for it is a
well known scientific fact, that when pure, or perfect white light is received
into a proper body or a prism, the rays are broken, disintegrated, and applied
in such a manner that there emanates from the prism in their stead, these five
fundamental colors.
Let us pause a moment now,
and collect the threads of our explanation into one; an easy task if they are
all plainly before us. As pure light received into the proper body and
correctly utilized, results in the colors, or symbols of the five essentials
to a perfect man, so the True Light or Word of God, received into the heart
and properly utilized, results in the harmonious working essentials
themselves; the germ of life developing in fulness and perfectness, and
bending gradually and fearlessly to the germ of death; moral initiative,
opening to view unspotted petals, tinted with celestial hue; mental
initiative, growing up in the midst of finite creation as a part of it, and
thus adding to its beauty a form and texture common to no other work of the
Supreme Architect; and physical initiative, developing naturally and
unshackled at every point--the mountain stream rushing joyfuily along, with
crystal depths unchoked by dams, unmurked by hand of man. Thus should Blue,
our own suitable color, and the symbol in our illustration, of moral
initiative, represent to us the perfect moral man--the result in truth, of a
proper reception of the Great Light in the true heart.
We should not confine
ourselves, however, to the narrow realms of pedantic Science, in our search
for light.
"Blue: 'Tis the life of
Yea, the silent, spreading
canopy that shelters all alike, 'neath mystic folds receding up through
endless space; the end of all man's hopes and dreams--unmeasured home of
unheard strains of wheeling spheres. A fit symbol indeed, of the universality
of Masonry; of the mystic veil that curtains off our lives from all past and
future Time; and finally, of "that house not made with hands, eternal in the
heavens," which we all hope at last to attain, for
"The cloudcapt Towers, the
gorgeous Palaces, The solemn Temples, the great Globe itself, And all which it
inherit, shall dissolve."
(If we venture to add a note
to so excellent an article, it is in the hope of provoking further study of
this interesting subject. The use and meaning of color in the Bible is a
delightful theme, although, so far as we now recall, the late Dr. Delitzsch,
of Leipzig, seems to have been almost the only one who treated colors in the
Bible symbolically. In his "Iris," fortunately now in English dress, he treats
the subject at some length. Also in "Chapters on Symbolism," by W. F. Shaw,
there is a suggestive discussion of "The Symbolism of Color," (Part IV), from
which we read:--"Blue is sometimes the color of the sea, and always the color
of the sky by day, when free from cloud. As such it is symbolical of Heaven,
and of the things of Heaven, Truth, Knowledge, Faith. Thus the Tabernacle
which was made after the pattern of things in heaven, and was a figure of the
true Tabernacle, the House not made with Hands, eternal in the heavens, had
its hangings of blue and purple, and scarlet, and the loops of the curtains
were blue. (Ex. 26:1, 4)" Blue had an important place in the attire of the
High Priest of the Tabernacle, on his breastplate and ephod, the robe of which
was blue, (Ex. 28:30- 39:22), reminding the wearer that he was a priest of the
God of Truth (Psa. 31:6) and the God of knowledge (1 Sam. 2:3) and that it
behooved his lips to keep knowledge (Mal. 2:7). "When Moses and Aaron and the
elders went up into the Mount, it is said they saw the God of Israel, and
there was under His feet, as it were, a paved work of sapphire stone (Ex.
24:10). Now the sapphire is a stone of a blue color." To which the author adds
the words of Delitzsch: "Sapphire-blue is the color taken by that which is
most heavenly, as it comes down on the earth, the color of the covenant
between God and man. Blue passes almost universally as the color of fidelity.
Even in Middle High German bla is symbolically equivalent to staete
(steadfast), and staetekeit--steadfastness." (Iris, p. 28). So much by way of
suggestion. Perhaps Swedenborg has something to teach us here, as in so many
things, if some Brother will dig into that mine and reveal the ore.--The
it as one of my opportunities for Masonic service to have been able to
introduce to the Scottish Rite form of Masonry Bro. Craig, the author of the
following article. Past Master of a Lodge in Oregon before coming to the
Philippines, he was already interested in the Craft when, about the time I was
beginning to establish the Rite in Manila, I first met him. He was among the
first to receive at my hands the degrees above the Third, and his continued
interest in the Rite is shown by his activity in securing Letters Temporary
for the new Lodge of Perfection of which he is now the Master. Combining a
real devotion to Masonry with the historian's love of accuracy, a rather
remarkable capacity for collecting material and an attractive literary style,
Bro. Craig gives promise of becoming one of the foremost writers of the Craft.
He has handed me a copy of his article--not for publication but for my own
use; but I feel that it is too meritorious to be so kept, and that I ought to
make it accessible to as many ass possible of our brethren of the homeland.
With all brevity and
simplicity possible shall try to put before you the few particulars which I
possess about what unquestionably was the greatest influence informing the
character, so worthy of emulation, of that upright man and true Mason who
today is being honored throughout Magellan's archipelago for having so well
prepared the way for the new Philippines dedicated to the principles of
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.
From childhood Rizal's
ambition was to travel in foreign lands, probably because his mother's half
brother, who had heen educated in British India, was a great traveler, and to
the same uncle perhaps he owed his first idea of Masonry. There is a story
that this Jose Alberto Alonso belonged to a Pandacan lodge whose master was
the British Vice-Consul, the more credible that it would explain the repeated
honors he received under the regency of General Prim and during the reign of
King Amadeo,--an epoch so Masonic, to accept the contention of its critics,
that even to a Bishop for Cebu all its appointees were sons of the widow.
But whether there was such a
family predisposition, or the abusive attacks on Masonic principles current
during his student days in books like "Capitan Juan" had had an effect in his
case different from what their authors intended, or some other cause not yet
come to light was responsible, certain it is that the late Tomas G. del
Rosario, president of the Rizal Monument commission, used to tell how the
martyr-hero was his companion in the famous Lodge Acacia of the Gran Oriente
de Espana at an earlier age than was customary and at a time when as yet few
Filipinos had been accepted into the Craft.
Rizal's Berlin associates, or
perhaps the word "patrons" would give their relation better, were men as
esteemed in Masonry as they were eminent in the scientific world--Virchow, for
example. And so imbued was he himself with the Square men's principles that
after his brief visit with Doctor Blumentritt at Leitmeritz, the Austrian
professor promptly wrote the Manila Jesuite that their former pupil had
"fallen into the snares of the abominable Masonic sect."
It was a young man who made
no secret of his interest in the free, i.e., Masonic, countries of the world
who came home to find a governor general in the Philippines who, his enemies
claimed, was utterly dominated by the Masons that surrounded him. Perhaps had
it been otherwise the author of "Noli Me Tangere" would not have been given as
a bodyguard a Spanish army officer, Lieutenant Taveil de Andrade, who is said
to have shared his views, nor have received the timely notice which enabled
him to make his escape out of the country when an authority greater than the
governor's threatened him.
Next he lived in London in
daily association with a distinguished countryman, eminent in the law, who had
been deported from Manila to Guam in 1872 and rescued thence by Hongkong
brethren, but Doctor Regidor most emphatically assured me that Rizal never
visited, much less belonged to, any London lodge.
*Address before Nilad Lodge,
Manila, at its annual observance of Rizal Day, Dec. 30, 1915.
In 1889 his home was Paris,
and there, probably through the influence of Dr. T. H. Pardo de Tavera, who
was a member, in company with a prominent business man now in Manila, also a
physician, he joined a French Lodge whose hall was at Rue Cadet 23.
Thereafter, and Hon. Mariano Ponce is my authority, he joined the Filipino
students' lodge, "La Solidaridad," of the Gran Oriente Espanol which after
years of rivalry had outlived the Gran Oriente de Espana and, under the
Professor of History in the Central University, was giving special attention
to Spain's backward colonies across the seas. Here he was raised to the
sublime degree of Master Mason, and became an enthusiastic worker. The
manuscript, in his own handwriting, of an address on "Masonry" before this
lodge is still preserved in Spain, by Eduardo Lete, of Saragosse.
In November of 1891 the
Tyler's Register of Vistors to St. John's Lodge, Scotch Constitution, of Hong-kong,
received the signature "Jose Rizal, Temple du honeur (lodge) de Les Amis de
L'Honeur Francaise" as may still be seen, and he visited several times. There
were formed the friendships which permitted him so promptly to become a
practicing physician in the British colony and which led, through the Hong-kong
office, to the agricultural colony concession in British North Borneo.
And when the arbitrary
deportation to Dapitan came, it was Frazier Smith, Pastmaster of St. John's
Lodge and editor-in-chief of the daily Hongkong Telegraph, who compelled the
Spanish Consul to declare for his government that the man whom the British
Colony had so highly esteemed was not being ill-treated in exile. Nor should
he have been with Captain Ricardo Carnicero, reputedly a member of the
universal family, as his jailer.
His enemies have always
attributed Masonic membership to Governor General Blanco who permitted Rizal
to start for Cuba as a volunteer surgeon for the Spanish Army's yellow fever
camps there, and it was his removal, through a promotion usually supposed to
have been purchased by those who were not his friends but wanted a vacancy for
a tool of theirs, that made possible the tragedy of Bagumbayan Field. Of
Rizal's fellow passengers on the Spanish Mail steamer which took him to
Barcelona, only Juan Utor y Fernandes, Thirty-Third Degree and former Grand
Secretary of the defunct Gran Oriente de Espana, another brother and a Mason's
son, showed even bare civility to the famous "filibusterer" till his skill as
a surgeon compelled recognition.
I shall pass over the
opportunities to escape, rumored to have been offered in Barcelona and again
on arrival in Manila, but Rizal's return voyage from Spain as a prisoner saw
an effort at Singapore, by Antonio Regidor and other brethren of London,
Filipino, Spanish and English, to free him through habeas corpus proceedings.
These alleged that in the Philippines Freemasons were treated as outlaws and
that the prisoner was being held without any judicial process, with no
prospect of fair trial and for nothing that civilization called a crime. But
the mail steamer was loaded with Spanish troops and under the royal flag had
to be regarded as a government vessel over which the British authorities could
have no jurisdiction.
In the death cell of Fort
Santiago, nineteen years and one day ago, occurred a conversation which has
been reported by those favorable to one side; but the memory of the single man
who made up the other side and died so soon thereafter demands scrutiny for
any possible inaccuracies in this biased version. One mistake certainly was
made in attributing to him the declaration that his Masonic membership was in
London, an error which would shake confidence in the rest of the report
without the added doubt created by having two different versions of his
reputed retraction of his errors, whose original has never been seen by any
disinterested person. However, had Rizal felt impelled to renounce his Masonry
to free his family from further persecution or to give legal status to the
woman whom those incredible times of tyranny would not permit him to marry
till he had renounced his political principles, still he would have been but
following the order's teaching which subordinates its claims to the duties
owed to God, one's family, one's neighbors and one's self. The Mason and
friend of Rizal, Pi y Margall, had vainly humbled himself to ask pardon for
the prisoner in his filst vislt to the govelnment palace since he had left it
as the ex-president of the short-lived Spanish Republic, and there only
remained for the Gran Oriente Espanol to place in its hall a tablet to Rizal's
memory as tonight the doubly worthy and worshipful Lodge Nilad is doing rlndel
the symbolic name of his great novel in his native tongue he having been its
honorary Master.
Do I need to recall how,
since the dawning of the better day, that on the first anniversary of the
Great Filipino Mason's martyrdom there were in the American Army of liberation
those who paid the military tribute of reversed arms to the memory of the
Philippines' addition to the long list of their brethren who in every country
where light has come out of darkness have shown the way by following the
example of the ancient builder and sacrificing life before integrity?
And it is too recent to need
more than merest mention that a President of the United States who had studied
in the same ancient school publicly declared, "In the Philippine Islands the
American government has tried, and is trying, to carry out exactly what the
greatest genius and most revered patriot ever known in the Philippines, JOSE
RIZAL, steadfastly advocated."
Three years ago, when the
government of the Philippine Islands had temporarily at its head another of
our ancient and honorable fraternity the remains of Brother Dimas Alang were
given more decent interment thar his predecessor in that high office of
sixteen years before had accorded them, and the Rizal Monument became the
Rizal Mausoleum after the belated public and Masonic funeral honors had been
rendered. There in death rests the Martyr, with his story known and his memory
honored by Masons wheresoever dispersed,--another link in the grreat chain
which binds together the world-wide brotherhood.
(The following lecture on the
second section of the Fellow Craft Degree was submitted to the Board of
Custodians of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, and is being considered by them
with a view to its adoption as a part of the text-book of that Grand Body. By
the kindness of Brother Howell E- Jackson, 33d Hon., and a member of the Board
of Custodians, it is offered to us for publication in The Builder, that it may
have the wide hearing which it so richly deserves. It is exceedingly
well-conceived and wellwritten, and is an admirable discussion not only of one
section of one Degree, but a fine treatise on Masonry in general. It is with
great pleasure that we present it to our readers, knowing that it will have a
responsive hearing.--The Editor.)
The second section of this
degree sets forth the scope and aims of Freemasonry. To become familiar with
these is the duty and privilege of every Fellow Craft; and although no one can
grasp them completely in a few minutes, or even in many hours, nevertheless
every brother may derive from this symbolic lecture a fund of valuable
information for future study and contemplation.
We view Masonry under two
denominations: Operative and Speculative. We work in Speculative Masonry; our
Ancient Brethren wrought in both Operative and Speculative. They worked at the
building of King Solomon's temple, and many other sacred and Masonic edifices.
By Operative Masonry we
allude to a proper application of the useful rules of architecture, whence a
structure will derive figure, strength and beauty; by Speculative Masonry we
allude to a proper application of those moral and spiritual rules whence our
minds and consciences will derive a heavenly strength and beauty.
By Operative Masonry we learn
to control the materials and forces of nature, to build by the square, and to
maintain a due proportion and just correspondence between all the parts of an
edifice; by Speculative Masonry we learn to control the passions, act upon the
square, keep a tongue of good report, observe secrecy, practice charity and
maintain patriotism. It is so far interwoven with religion as to lay us under
obligation to pay that rational homage to the Deity which constitutes at once
our duty and our happiness.
Many of the customs and
traditions of the Ancient Operative Brethren are followed by Speculative
Masons of to-day; and this evening we may with profit imitate one of the
ancient ceremonies. There were employed in the building of King Solomon's
temple eighty thousand Fellow Crafts, who were under the supervision of our
ancient Grand Master. On the evening of the sixth day, tradition tells us,
their work was inspected, and all who were found worthy, by a strict attention
to their duties, were invested with certain mystic signs, grips and words, to
enable them to work their way into the Middle Chamber of the temple. On the
same day, and at the same hour, King Solomon, accompanied by his most trusted
officers, repaired to the Middle Chamber to receive them. His Secretary he
placed near his person; the Junior Warden he placed at the Southern outer
door, and the Senior Warden at the Western inner door, with strict injunctions
to suffer none to enter except such as were duly qualified by possessing the
mystic signs, grips and words previously agreed upon; so that when they did
enter, King Solomon knew them to be faithful workmen, and there remained
nothing to do but to pay them their wages and record their names, admonishing
them of the reverence due the sacred name of Deity. He then suffered them to
depart in peace, until the time should come for the beginning of another
week's work.
We are now about to work our
way into a place representing the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's temple, and
should we succeed, I have no doubt that we shall alike be rewarded as were
they. At the beginning of our journey we pass through a long aisle
representing the porch of the temple, and between two columns lepresenting the
two brazen pillars which King Solomon caused to be set up at the entrance. The
pillar the right was called ---- and denotes ----; the one the left was called
---- and denotes----; taken together, they allude to the promise of God to
David, "in strength will I establish thine house and kingdom ever."
These pillars were eighteen
cubits in height, and were surmounted by capitals five cubits in height. The
capitals were ornamented with wreaths of net-work, leaves of lily-work, and
chains of pomegranates. The net-work, from the intricate connection of its
parts, denotes Unity; the lily, from its extreme whiteness and purity, denotes
Peace; the pomegranate, from the exuberance of its seeds, denotes Plenty. To
us, as Specative Masons, they teach important lessons. Plenty, in that though
some may possess more than others of this world's goods, yet every man who has
health and the ability to labor may have his own plenty; Peace, that here, on
the broad level of Brotherly Love, the high, the low,--the rich, the
poor,--meet with one common purpose and one single aim, the exaltation and
perpetuation of each other's friendship and each other's love; Unity, being
bound together by the indissoluble bond of fellowship in our glorious
Passing between these
columns, we arrive at the foot of a flight of winding stairs, representing
those winding stairs which, the Holy Bible tells us, led from the ground floor
to the middle chamber of King Solomon's temple. You stand here, my brother, as
a man just starting forth on the journey of life, with the great task before
him of self-improvement. The labor required in the faithful performance of
this task is great, but the reward is magnificent. The labor is that of
gaining self-control, of divesting the mind and conscience of all the vices
and superfluities of life, and of developing the body, mind and spirit; the
reward is the perfect character, as designed by the Great Architect upon the
spiritual, moral and Masonic TrestleBoard.
The stairway consists of
three divisions. The first explains the great purpose in the labor of life;
the second explains the use of one's own self in self-development; the third
explains the use of the world, which the Deity has placed around us, in the
perfection of our characters.
The first division,
consisting of three steps, alludes to the three great lights in Masonry, which
have already been explained to you. These steps allude also to the three
principal officers of a lodge: the Worshipful Master in ----, the Senior
Warden in ----, and the Junior Warden in ----. They allude, further, to the
great luminary of the solar system, the sun, as seen from its three principal
points of observation. It rises in the east with mild and genial influence,
all nature rejoicing at the approach of its beams; with increasing strength it
attains its meridian in the south, invigorating all nature with its animating
radiance; with declining strength it sets in the west, leaving mankind to rest
from his labors. This, my brother, is but a type of the three principal stages
in the life of man--infancy, manhood and old age. The first is characterized
by a blush of innocence as pure as the tints which gild the eastern portals of
the day: the heart rejoices in the unsuspected integrity of its own
unblemished virtue: it fears no deceit, for it knows no guile. Manhood
succeeds; with increasing strength man attains the meridian of his powers; but
when old age comes on, his strength decays; enfeebled by sickness and bodily
infirmities he lingers on, until death finally closes his eventful existence.
Thrice happy is he if the setting splendors of a well-spent life gild his
depar-ting moments with the gentle tints of hope, and close his short career
in peace, harmony, and brotherly love.
So shalt thou live, my
brother ! And what if thou withdraw in silence from the living, and no friend
take note of thy departure ? All that breathe will share thy destiny. The gay
will laugh when thou are gone; the solemn brood of care plod on, and each one,
as before, will chase his favorite phantom; yet all these shall leave their
mirth and their employments, and shall come and make their bed with thee. And
as the long train of ages glides away, he that goeth in life's green spring,
he that goeth in the full strength of years, and he bowed down by age, shall
one by one be gathered to thy side, by those who in their turn shall follow
them. Ponder this well, my brothel, and "when thy summons comes to join the
innumerable caravan which moves to the pale realms of shade, where each shall
take his chamber in the silent halls of death, go not like the quarry-slave at
night scourged to his dungeon; but, sustained and soothed by an unfaltering
trust, approach thy grave like one who wraps the drapery of his couch around
him and lies down to pleasant dreams."
You will now take with me
these three steps, arriving at the second division of the stairway, which
consists of five steps. These allude to the five senses of man: hearing,
seeing, feeling, smelling, and tasting. The proper use of these senses, and of
the other human faculties, enables us to sustain our lives, ward off dangers,
enjoy all the legitimate pleasures, and contribute to the comfort and
happiness of others. Their improper use, consisting usually of an
over-indulgence, but sometimes of too harsh a self-denial, tends in either
case to an impairment of their proper functioning, and hence to an
enfeeblement of the entire system. Speculative Masonry warns us, on the one
hand, not to degenerate to the level of brutes in seeking only a beastly
gratification of the senses; and, on the other hand, not to despise or neglect
any faculty, but, using them one and all as a means of self-development, to
attain thereby to the fulness of true manhood.
Of these senses three are
deemed peculiarly essential among Masons: hearing, seeing, and feeling; for by
the ear we hear the ----; by the eye we see the ----, and by the hand we feel
The five steps also allude to
the five Orders of Architecture; a knowledge of which was invaluable to our
Ancient Operative Brethren. These are the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian,
and Composite. Each order is distinguished from the others by the shape of its
column, there being great variety in richness of ornamentation. To us as
Speculative Masons they teach the important lesson that we should so develop
our faculties that each one, in his separate calling, may attain that skill
and proficiency which our Operative Brethren displayed in the art of
Of these five orders, the
Ionic, Doric and Corinthian are most esteemed by Masons. These allude to the
You will now take with me
these five steps, arriving at the third division of the stairway, which
consists of seven steps. These steps allude to those branches of learning
which were anciently called the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences: Grammar,
Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, and Astronomy. You may be
familiar with these, my brother, from the experience of every-day life. You
may even have studied them in institutions of learning, and have gained a
knowledge of their inner secrets and a mastery over their intricate processes.
It is not the function of Masonry to expound them to you. It is, however, one
of the great purposes of Masonry to teach you the due and proper attitude
toward these and all other phases of intellecr tual activity. Knowledge is of
little worth, unless wisdom be coupled with it; and Masonry endeavors to teach
man to use his knowledge wisely.
The arts and sciences may be
regarded as treasuries of the intellectual wealth of the world. They are
filled with a coin which man must needs have in order to purchase his daily
bread. More and more, as civilization progresses, does it become impossible
for man to perform any labor successfully without systematic thought; and
science, my brother, is nothing but systematic thought. Hence Masonry enjoins
you, for your own advancement, to pursue with diligence a study of the
sciences, and of the arts dependent upon them.
Moreover, it is not merely
for your own sake that such study is recommended. It may happen that any
man--perhaps you, my brother--may through scientific knowledge make some
discovery or invention which will bring untold comforts and blessings to your
own posterity and to the whole human race; it may be that through your command
of grammar and rhetoric, some literature, some eloquent oratory, may be given
to the world, to guide and elevate all mankind. Hence, for the good you may do
to others, Masonry calls upon you to proceed ever forward to the improvement
of your mind.
Finally, my brother, for the
sake of your duty to the Deity, Masonry commends to you the highest
intellectual efforts. Have not the sciences revealed to us many of nature's
most intimate secrets, and many of the grandest conceptions of the Universe?
Have not the arts enabled us to control and to employ some of the most
gigantic forces of nature ? Have not these accomplishments inspired us with
reverence for the Creator far beyond that of the untutored savage ? And by
their very limitations, have not our studies proved to us how insignificant is
our knowledge and our power compared with that omniscience and omnipotence
which has designed, and now governs, the universe?
It has been said of old, "The
heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament declareth the work of his
hands," and again, "When our telescope sweeps the midnight sky, we do but
think the thoughts of God after Him."
So, my brother, should the
sciences and the arts have a three-fold Masonic value to you; to improve
yourself, to enable you to help others, and to inspire you with a due
reverence for the Deity.
You will now take these seven
steps, arriving at the top of our symbolic stairway. From here, my brother,
look back, and consider the lesson of life which Masonry would teach you. From
the first division of the stairway yoU learn the great principle which is to
give purpose to your life--Brotherly Love. From the second division you learn
the second element in Masonic self-improvement: the Manly Development of your
Faculties. From the third division you learn the third element: the
Illumination of Knowledge with Wisdom.
My brother, is your spirit
humble before the tremendous problems of life ? Masonry can give help and
advancement to the humblest of the humble. Is your spirit ambitious, viewing
the splendid opportunities of life? Masonry can offer to the most ambitious a
field for inconceivable success and triumph. Broad indeed is this, the field
of Masonic activities. With its vast extent backward, to the dim horizon of
the past; with its comprehensive sweep around us, to every part of the modern
world; with its grand, alluring avenues to the limitless expanse of the
future: embracing the citadels of labor, of science and of art; the heights of
philosophy, of morality, of religion; the gardens of charity, of brotherhood,
of love; bounded only in breadth by the ever-widening capacities of man, in
length by the endless duration of time, in richness by the infinite love of
God! The scope of Masonic activities, my brother, is indeed the whole world,
which you are summoned to meet with the true and noble spirit of a Mason.
In King Solomon's temple even
an unworthy workman might ascend the flight of stairs to the inner door; so
you, my brother, though you have ascended, may not be worthy. Yet bear in mind
that as the unworthy workman in the temple, not knowing the mystic signs,
grips and words, could not pass the door into the Middle Chamber, so you can
never pass into the inner chamber of that spiritual and Masonic temple,
eternal in the heavens, until you have secured those spiritual signs and
tokens which none but a worthy Speculative Mason may obtain.
We are now at a place
representing the outer door of the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's temple.
Duty, courage,
self-discipline these are the laws that make a man. Either one without the
other two is incomplete. A man who knows his duty, but has not the courage to
do it, is a failure. Equally so if he have not the discipline of mind and
heart and hand to do it effectively.
- J.F.N.
So says The Builder, on the
authority of the National Cyclopedia of Biography, and in reference to William
J. Florence, erstwhile the Bernard Conlin of Albany, N. Y., and the able
associate of such actors as Booth and of Jefferson.
He was indeed buried at St.
Agnes Church in New York city and the interment may have been conducted with
all the rites customary to the Roman Catholic Church, but that does not make
Florence out to be a believer in that form of Christian faith any more than it
proves him to be other than a Mason.
Why, it seems but the other
day that on the sudden death of a member of my lodge I called that evening to
express my sympathy directly to his daughters and widow. Somehow they had the
impression that when a Mason died, his brethren insisted upon taking charge of
the funeral and performing a Masonic ceremonial at the interment. I was told
how distasteful that would be to them because they were Roman Catholics. Of
course I assured them that we performed no Masonic ceremony wherever it would
not have been acceptable. The subject was dropped forthwith and I tendered the
assistance of the lodge in straightening out the brother's affairs as owing to
his unexpected death it was only to be anticipated that business matters would
need quick attention and careful adjustment. My offer was gratefully accepted.
On leaving I was surprised somewhat but much gratified to receive from the
family a frank acknowledgment that to them Masonry had been given a new
meaning. They had expected a very unpleasant interview because they feared
that I would have suggested a course of action at the funeral that would have
been objectionable. They went further and asked me if I would not like to have
the lodge represented at the funeral! To this well meant courtesy I promptly
assented and we took part as pallbearers in the solemn services desired by
that family in their sorrow. But that Roman Catholic interment no more made a
Roman Catholic of him who was dead than it so made of any one of those who, as
his unaproned brethren, bore his body to that place appointed for the final
rest of the departed.
In default of other facts I
think the passing of Florence was under somewhat similar circumstances if
indeed there was any indication at all of Roman Catholic connections.
Enough of that angle of the
case. Let us go on to another one of far greater interest to me. Was "Billy"
Florence a Mason?
Well, listen to this: "On
Sunday, the 21st of April, 1867, the Lodge of Perfection held a special
meeting at the Metropolitan Hotel at two o'clock in the afternoon for the
purpose of conferring the Ineffable degrees by communication upon Bro. William
J. Florence who was 'about to depart for Europe,' as the minutes say. There
were present Ill. Bro. McClenachan and one other member of the Supreme Council
for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, two from the Southern, and a number of
members of Aurora Grata. The degrees of the Council, Chapter, and Consistory
were conferred upon brother Florence before his departure." This citation is
from page 47 of Brother Brockaway's "One Hundred Years of Aurora Grata," a
book that to my mind has more really instructive historical material about the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite than volumes of far greater pretensions.
It will be taken for granted
that if Florence was made a member of the Scottish Rite he was some Mason. I
trust this will be the case because I have not yet heard from all my inquiries
and at the moment therefore I cannot say where Florence received the first
three degrees.
However, I can make up for
the want of evidence about his Blue Lodge affiliations by adding an item or
two concerning his connection with another body that is exclusively made up of
Masons. The trip mentioned above was the one that preceded the establishment
of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine in the United
states. Brother Florence, as I think I can now fairly call him, came back from
Europe with what my good friend Brother Brockaway says "were monitorial,
historical and explanatory manuscripts" and he communicated the secrets of the
Order to Dr. Walter M. Fleming of Aurora Grata Consistory. It was determined
to confer the rite only upon Freemasons, and a number of brethren received the
"work," as far as it had then been perfected, on June 16, 1871. An
organization was effected and officers elected on September 26, 1872.
Passing on to October 21,
1876, we find Brother Florence as the Illustrious Deputy conferring the
secrets of the Mystic Shrine for the first time in the city of Cleveland, mine
own town. The fortunate two to receive this honor at the Euclid Avenue Opera
House where Brother Florence was to be found on that occasion were Samuel
Briggs and Brenton D. Babcock. On the following day Brother Florence at the
Kennard House conferred the attributes of the Order upon three other
Clevelanders. This led to the speedy formation of Al Koran Temple, the which
name being according to our records of the local Shrine selected in deference
to the wish of the Illustrious Deputy who had requested it as an honor to him
I also find that on the
records there is mention that on March 19, 1880, we in Cleveland were again
honored by a visit from the Illustrious William J. Florence and that on this
occasion an afternoon observance was held and that "the festivities of the
occasion will long be remembered by the participants."
But we may learn much of
Brother Florence from William winter's "Wallet of Time," a book by the way
that happens to be omitted from the list of references in The Builder. Winter
had a lively regard for Brother Florence. He devotes a chapter of eulogy to
him. There seems to be no manly, jovial, kindly, histrionic and literary
virtue that in goodly measure was not exhibited by Brother Florence according
to the estimate of winter. So lavish is the biographer in dealing with his
subject that the readel cannot but quickly concede that Brother Florence waS
an exceptionally loveable personage, exceedingly admirable as an actor and
magnetically attractive as a man. Let us read together the epitaph composed
for him by winter and then you will I am sure agree with me. It is copied from
page 238.
Here rest the Ashes of
William James Florence
His Copious and Varied
Dramatic Powers, together with the Abundant Graces of his Person, combined
with Ample Professional Equipment and a Temperament of Peculiar Sensibility
and Charm, made him one of the Best and Most Successful Actors of his Time,
alike in Comedy and in Serious Drama. He ranged easily from Handy Andy to Bob
Brierly, and from Cuttle to Obeureiser. In Authorship, alike of Plays,
stories, Music, and Song, he was Inventive, Versatile, Facile, and Graceful.
In Art Admirable; in Life Gentle; he was widely known, and he was known only
to be loved.
He was born in Albany, N. Y.
July 26, 1831
He died in Philadelphia,
Nov. 19, 1891.
By virtue cherished, by
Affection mourned,
By Honor hallowed and by Fame
Here Florence sleeps, and
o'er his sacred rest
Each word is tender and each
thought is blest.
Long, for his loss, shall
pensive Memory show,
Through Humor's mask, the
visage of her woe;
Day breathe a darkness that
no sun dispels,
And Night be full of whispers
and farewells;
While patient
Kindness--shadow-like and dim--
Droops in its loneliness,
bereft of him,
Feels its sad doom and sure
decadence nigh--
For how should Kindness live,
when he could die !
The eager heart, that felt
for every grief;
The bounteous hand, that
loved to give relief;
The honest smile, that blest
where'er it lit;
The dew of pathos and the
sheen of wit;
The sweet, blue eyes, the
voice of melting tone
That made all hearts as
gentle as his own;
The actor's charm, supreme in
royal thrall,
That ranged through every
field and shone in all--
For these must Sorrow make
perpetual moan,
Bereaved, benighted. hopeless
and alone?
Ah, no ! for Nature does not
act amiss,
And Heaven were lonely but
for souls like this.
It is to be noted that Mr.
Winter gives Brother Florence's middle name as "James," but elsewhere I find
it "Jermyn." In many places I also note that Brother Florence is mentioned as
an honorary thirty third, as for example the very interesting history of Irem
Temple states that he and Brother Fleming were "Honorary Sovereign Grand
Inspector Generals, 33d, of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite." I see Brother
Fleming's name so listed in Brother Homan's pamphlet but I do not discover the
name of Brother Florence there.
And while we are discussing
the Shrine can any one tell us how much of the early rite as exemplified in
this country is not the work of Brother Florence? How far is it a translation
from the Arabic and how much is it of Billy Florence? To answer this question
does not mean a reference to any analogous ceremony of European origin on the
continent, for this is by no means unlikely. In fact a well-known degree of
such origin may have had a similar far East start to what the Shrine is
attributed. So much of Brother Florence is to my view the Shrine at its best
that it seems probable that, ingenious playright that he was, the Order has
profited by his ability. To what an extent this has been the case is a matter
upon which it is very desirable that all possible light should be shed.
But let us not forget our
main objective. Brother Florence at the time of his death may or may not have
been other than what The Builder's Cyclopedian reference claims him
religiously to be, but we won't admit, will we, that he was anything but
typical of the Shrine membel ship at its perihelion, a hearty whole-souled
Fleemason, sunny and serene?
"Man has walked by the light
of conflagrations and amidst the sound of falling cities, and now there is
darkness and long watching 'till it be morning. The voice even of the faithful
can but exclaim: 'As yet struggles the twelfth hour of the Night; birds of
darkness are on the wing, spectres uprear, the dead walk, the living
dream--Thou, Eternal Providence, wilt cause the day to dawn.' "--Carlyle.
I never saw a moor,
I never saw the sea;
Yet know I how the heather
And what a wave must be.
I nevel spoke with God,
Nor visited in heaven;
Yet certain am I of the spot
As if the chart were given.
--Emily Dickinson.
THE Masonic Truths taught by
the Chapter Degrees are practical, and applicable to the problems of our
everyday lives. The instruction is not dogmatic, but is so broad that any good
Mason can find in it personal help and encouragement. From time immemorial
Biblical Stories have been used to illustrate Masonic Truth which can not be
written. No credit is claimed for the following thoughts. On the contrary it
is claimed that their antiquity, the fact that they have stood the test of
time, proves their truth and their value.
Tradition teaches that the
order of Mark Masters, at the building of the temple of Solomon, was selected
from the great body of Fellow Crafts.
There were two classes of
Fellow Crafts engaged in the work. The larger division was composed of the
younger and inexperienced men who were not in possession of a mark. They
proved their claim to reward by another token and after the middle chamber was
completed, they were there paid in corn, wine and oil, agreeeable to the
stipulation of King Solomon with Hiram King of Tyre.
The smaller division was
composed of the higher class of workmen who labored in the quarries. They
finished the stones, or as we say, "hewed, squared and numbered them." In
order that each might be enabled to designate his own work, he was in
possession of a mark which he placed upon the stones prepared by him. Hence,
this class of Fellow Crafts were called Mark Masters and they received their
wages from the Senior Grand Warden supposed to have been Adoniram; the
brother-in-law of Hiram and the first of the Provosts and Judges. These Fellow
Crafts received their pay in metal, at the rate of a half shekel of silver per
day, equal to about twenty-five cents. They were paid weekly at the sixth hour
of the sixth day of the week, that is to say on Friday at noon.
The degree of Mark Master is,
historically considered, of the utmost importance since by its influence each
operative mason at the building of King Solomon's temple was known and
distinguished. The disorder and confusion, which might otherwise have attended
so immense an undertaking, was completely prevented not and not only the
craftsmen themselves, but every part of their workmanship was distinguished
with the utmost nicety and perfect facility. If defects were found, the
overseers by the help of this degree were enabled to ascertain the faulty
workman and remedy all deficiences, without injuring the credit or diminishing
the reward of the industrious and faithful.
The Mark Master degree is
also important in its symbolical signification. It is particularly directed to
the inculcation of order, regularity and discipline. It teaches that we should
discharge all the duties of our several stations with precision and
punctuality; that the work of our hands, and thoughts of our minds and the
emotions of our hearts, should be good and true, such as the Great Overseer
and Judge of Heaven and earth will see fit to approve as a worthy oblation.
The Fellow Crafts degree is
devoted to the inculcation of learning. The Mark Master's degree clearly shows
how that learning can most usefully and judiciously be employed for our honour
and the profit of others. It holds forth to the despondent the encouraging
truth that although our motives may be misinterpreted, our attainments
underrated, and our reputation traduced, there is One who will make the worthy
stone which the builders reject the head of the corner.
In the Masonic revival of
1717, men of remarkable learning and ability removed much of the rubbish which
had accumulated through the dark ages. Their luminous minds and searching
labors brought to light old truths and disclosed new beauties in Masonic
In order that the Three
Degrees might be more generally understood, higher degrees were gradually
developed which explain and apply the moral lessons taught in the original
degrees, but leave ancient landmarks unchanged. These new or higher degrees
were conferred only upon those who had proved that they would appreciate and
honor them. To be eligible for the Royal Arch Degrees a brother must have been
installed into the office of Master "and fulfilled the duties thereof with the
approbation of the brethren of his lodge."
Interest in the Masonic
Fraternity grew, and many brethren seeking further light in Masonry had not
passed the chairs. This requirement to advancement was not removed but a new
degree was established wherein the candidate elected to the Royal Arch
Degrees, is symbolically instructed in the important lessons of the Master's
The Past Master's Degree
teaches that he who would rule, whether over a nation, a family, or even
himself, must embrace every opportunity for development so that he may be
qualified; for he that thoughtlessly assumes a task for which he is not
prepared, must necessarily share in the unhappy consequences.
The Hebrew Scriptures say
little about the actual completion of the Temple of Solomon, although their
accounts are very complete of the dedication. As an illustration of the growth
of man or a character, the completion and the dedication may be treated as one
The allegorical figure of the
completion is broadened and its application extended to details by
substituting the keystone, which simply locked or "completed" one of the
component arches for the copestone which completed the temple.
When the temple was completed
and, amid music and rejoicing the ark safely seated under the wings of the
Cherubim; then the Lord manifested himself as a soft cloud, and in his
pleasure descended as a fire out of heaven and consumed the offerings. The
assembled multitude were wildly enthusiastic in their exultation. Naturally
King Solomon was pleased with the Masters who had so successfully completed
his work and in his gratitude received and acknowledged them as Most Excellent
Masters. He empowered them to travel, receive master's wages and charged them
to dispense light and Masonic knowledge or, if they chose to remain, offered
them continued employment.
The Most Excellent Master's
degree develops in a wonderful manner this great Masonic lesson:--Our own
temple must be erected, a fit and proper abode for divine good and truth, then
after we have deposited therein these sacred treasures, we will be filled with
exaltation and joy and be received and acknowledged as Most Excellent Masters.
The wonderful Scriptural
story of the Temple for the manifestation and worship of God, is of intense
interest and immeasurable value to the builder of individual character.
The children of Israel
possessed only a temporary tabernacle from the Egyptian captivity until the
reign of Solomon. David, the Second King of Israel, desired to build a temple
as a fixed place of Worship, but being a man of war, with hands stained by
blood, he and his people were compelled to continue in the use of the portable
Solomon, David's son, a wise
and good King, was allowed to build an abode for the ark and a fixed place of
worship, a magnificent Temple to God's Holy Name. In later years, however,
Solomon became conceited and placed his reliance in his own wisdom and power
and neglected the One True God. He loved the things and pleasures of the
World. This love of pleasure and comfort, this following after "strange Gods,"
this worship of practical things, resulted in strife, discord and dissension
among the Twelve Tribes of the children of Israel.
Upon the death of King
Solomon, ten tribes revolted and they were led by idolatry to destruction. The
two remaining tribes of Judah and Benjamin, although almost as faithless,
still had a succession of Holy Men and Prophets, who labored earnestly to
bring the people back to the One True God.
Some years later, about 602
B. C. the people and their Kings, having persisted in their sins and refusing
to humble themselves before God, were conquered by Nebuchadnezzar. Thousands
of the people were carried captive to Babylon and the country required to
The rulers placed over the
Israelites left at Jerusalem were faithless. The people continued in their
sins. They refused to pay tribute as agreed and renounced the authority of the
Chaldeans over them. About 586 B. C., Nebuchadnezzar again descended on
Jerusalem and after an eighteen months siege, captured, sacked and destroyed
the city, tore down its walls, burned its temples and carried the surviving
Princes, Priests and Master Builders captives to Babylon.
There is a tradition which
tells how the conquerors, as an insult to the Israelites and in derision of
their God and the potence of their religion, bound the prisoners in triangular
chains. History indicates that instead of suffering all manners of humiliation
at the hands of the Chaldeans, the Israelites had many opportunities for
advancement and enlightenment. A great many of their wonderful symbols and
fascinating legends are the result of their contact with the learning and the
culture of Babylon. Many of the captives attained High Rank and great
influence in the Chaldean government. They were allowed to own and hold
property and some acquired considerable wealth. When Cyrus liberated the
Israelites, after seventy years of captivity, many preferred to remain with
their possessions in Babylon.
Large numbers however
returned to Jerusalem and began the rebuilding of the Temple. The conditions
and prospects were most discouraging. Zerubbabel the Prince of Royal Blood,
Jeshua the High Priest and Haggai the Prophet, directed and encouraged the
people as they labored when occasion permitted and fought when necessity
required. As the work progressed, many of the Israelites, who had been
unwilling to make the ]ong trip from Babylon, repented and struggled into
Jerusalem in small parties. On account of the enemies' efforts to get in and
ruin the work, it was necessary that these journey stained sojourners be most
care-fully examined, in order that none but the true descendants of Israel be
While this work was going on
and the rubbish and the ruins of the First Temple were being cleared away,
many interesting and valuable discoveries were made.
One not trained to think
according to the principles of geometry might thoughtlessly pass over the
fascinating details of thiS wonderful story. But to those interested in
discovering the great principles and truths of every day experiences, these
details are full of meaning and are of intense interest.
Happy is the man whose
thoughts will bear
The rigid test of the
unerring square,
Who through this world
unswervingly hath trod,
Steadily advancing towards
his Maker and his God.
Seeking by acts of Charity
and Love,
To gain admission to that
Lodge above;
Knowing that the stone in the
rubbish cast
Shall crown our Maker's work
at last.
(From the Transactions of the
Masters and Past Masters Lodge, No 130, Christchurch, New Zealand, we venture
to select the following excerpt from a very timely and suggestive address
having to do with a matter of deep importance. Meditation, in our day, is
almost a lost art we fear, because our life is so distracted and so thronged
with all manner of things; but we need to be reminded of it ever and again,
and of the necessity of building great truths and valid ideas into our inner
life. Character is a growth. In silence the wonder proceeds. Like the Temple
of Solomon, no sound of hammer is heard thereupon. As a man thinketh in his
heart, so he is, and he who makes the truths of Masonry the themes of his
innermost thought will be fortified - against many ills.--The Editor.)
The Temple of King Solomon as
we have learned to know it was a structure of unsurpassed magnificence.
Encompassed with frightful precipices, it was surrounded by a wall of great
height, exceeding in its lowest part 450 feet, and constructed entirely of
white marble. It was surrounded by courts, the first for the Gentiles, the
second for the Children of Israel, both men and women, and a third for the
priests. From this, steps led to the Temple proper, consisting of the porch,
the sanctuary, and the Holy of Holies-- the first entered through a gate of
brass, while the sanctuary was approached through a portal furnished with a
magnificent veil of many colours, and the Holy of Holies by doors of olive,
richly sculptured, inlaid with gold, and covered with veils of blue, pulple,
scarlet and finest linen. In this last was kept the ark, with its
overshadowing cherubim and its mercy seat. One only could enter, the High
Priest, and that only once a year. Thus constructed, it was dedicated by
Solomon with solemn prayer and seven days feasting, during which time a peace
offering of twenty thousand oxen and six times that number of sheep was made.
Thus did our first Grand Master, the Hebrew King, whose subjects were
themselves unskilled in architecture, celebrate the completion of the Temple
designed by Hiram the builder, after the Phoenician models of the time.
Of the exteriors of
Freemasonry I need say but little. We are all justly proud of our ceremonials,
with their attendant display of symbolism, in fabrics worthy of the occasion.
To the young Freemason they, very properly, make a strong appeal, and give
some indication and promise of the depth and scope of those profound truths
underlying the teaching of our system of morality; while by the Master Mason
of more seasoned judgment, they are looked upon as suitable forms of adornment
for the grand truths he has found in his quest for Masonic advancement.
It is the interior we are
considering, particularly the hidden depths of our own natures, as designed,
furnished and ornamented by the guiding principles of the Craft. In short, it
is the mind of the ideal Mason that we are to deal with, and especially with
those factors that influence and determine the mental attitude of us all to
our brethren. While our daily actions indicate to others what sort of men we
are, and at every turn help, in a definite manner, to make or unmake those
with whom we associate, it is left entirely to us, as individuals, providing
we are working in a suitable mental atmosphere and with the proper mental
working tools, it is left largely to us, I say, to mould and vitalize that
tremendous power which is the dominating influence in all we do in thought,
word, or deed. Some of us fortunately discover this power early in life,
others later, while others, more fortunate, seem almost to inherit it. In your
own study of all that makes for character you will recall those, in this city,
who posses,sed that power and wielded it with conspicuous success, to the
comfort and happiness of those with whom they came in contact. What was at the
back of it? How can we obtain the same influence and use it with the same
grand results?
What does Freemasonry teach
us with regard to the securing of this control of mind and the formation of
this mental attitude ? We are reminded that the Temple was built in silence.
We are told, "The heart must be made to conceive before the eye can be
permitted to discover," and that "in this perishable frame resides a vital and
immortal principle, which will enable us not only to trample the king of
terrors beneath our feet, but also to lift our eyes to that bright morning
star whose rising brings peace and tranquility to the faithful and obedient of
the human race." And, finally, "Nothing short of indefatigable exertion can
induce the habit of virtue, enlighten the mind, and purify the soul." Thinkers
of to-day are devoting much time to the discussion of means by which we may
secure that mental attitude which will develop such an interior illumination
as will make our lives really worth the living, both to our neighbors and to
ourselves. Amongst these, many of the American writers stand out with
conspicuous distinction. R. W. Trine says:--"It is through the instrumentality
of the mind that we are enabled to connect the real soul life with the
physical life." "The thought life needs continually to be illumined from
within." "When one becomes thoroughly individualized he enters into the realm
of all knowledge and wisdom, and to be individualized is to recognize no power
outside of the Infinite Power that is at the back of all. When one recognises
this great fact, and opens himself to this Spirit of Infinite Wisdom, he then
enters upon the road of true education." While Browning says:- "Truth is
within ourselves; it takes no rise From outward things, whate'er you may
believe. There is on inmost centre in us all, Where truth abides in
What then are we to do to
discover this "inmost centre"? First we must believe in the existence of such
a part of our being. We must also believe that this is the source of all good,
and that it is, in a more or less developed degree, part of the being, also,
of all our brethren, and is daily producing good. Then will come longings in
solitude and silence for strength to attain higher standards of perfection in
legard to our treatment of our fellow men, particularly in regard to giving
their sometimes unaccountable actions a more charitable interpretation, for,
remember, a dog may growl, and a fool may find fault, but it is the master
mind that finds "good in everything." After this phase will come the essential
determination that these higher states of mind shall be ours.
Meditation on such lines may
take place without the use of any fixed or formal type of sanctuary. It may be
secured in the home; in the Lodge room during some of our stimulating
ceremonies, or in the depths of our mountain grandeur. No matter where it
takes place one thing is absolutely necessary: it must occupy a fixed and
regular portion of our every-day life. Brethren, most of you realize what is
meant by athletic training, and know full well that this cannot be attained by
spasmodic efforts at varying intervals. Have you fully realized that mental
effort, whether moral or intellectual, is entitled to an equally reasonable
form of training, if its full strength and beauty are to be developed ? Do you
think that a mental attitude of love and optimism, exercised for a few days in
an intense, form, and succeeded by uncontrolled impulses of antagonism,
impatience, pessimism, or any other form of degeneration and enervation, can
result in the development of our central control in its fullest splendor? If
the interior of the building is to shed an inspiring influence on all who come
within reach of its power, our meditations, our determinations, and our
optimism must be exercised as directed by the teachings of the twenty-four
inch gauge, which unmistakably exhorts us to observe that, while part is to be
spent in labour and part in charity, part must be spent in prayer to Almighty
May I venture to state that
it is in this latter respect that the majority of Freemasons fail most
conspicuously in their duty to themselves. Prayer in many parts of the world
to-day is being much better defined and much better understood. Are there not
many types of minds and just as many types of prayer for each that the world
could not possibly do without? But in contrast to the prayer to outward
authority, is not that growing form of prayer which appeals to the centre of
our being, that germ of spirituality, that vital principle, which has been
planted in the human breast, also to be considered worthy of regular use ?
Further, is not this form, with its absence of dogma and creed, a far reaching
and world embracing form, that is essentially Masonic in character? And,
brethren, if our form of prayer is but the act of mentally expressing daily a
wish that we may always do to others as we wollld that they should do to us,
and the sincerity of it is undoubted, then is that not, in truth, a very real
form of prayer? If, however, in the firm conviction that our motive is right
and true, and with the further securing of that buoyancy which comes from a
full realization of the fact that good and joy only can result from our
actions, if in this manner we optimistically set about our daily round of
benevolence and charity in its hundred varying forms, have not the noblest
forms of prayer beeli practised and the greatest form of interior decoration
been secured?
It is in this way that at
least a beginning will be made in our practice of real charity and
benevolence, and it is from such a course of action that the true Masonic
spirit will spring. These great principles al e at the command of the whole
world. It is our proud boast that our Order contains men of all nations,
thinkers of every race, and adherents to almost every known creed. These are
statements that are no less puzzling to the outside world than they are true
to the duly initiated. Wherein lies the possibility of such magnificent facts?
To my mind the solution will
be found from our own observation this evening, truths well known to the
founders of our Order, though hidden at every turn to the casual observer, in
a marvelous wealth of symbolism. The solution will be found from the fact that
all who have truly witnessed the interior of the Temple, and felt its
comforting, its strengthening, and its immortal influence, realize that within
the compass of its environment, is a training ground of SUpreme importance,
whereon sooner or later the human race will discover its hitherto unrealized
position in the designs of the Great Architect.
Finally, with millions of
years in the hidden past behind us, and an unthinkable eternity ahead, we find
that our life is squeezed into the briefest shadow of an existence. What room,
in this, for fears and failures ? At this particular juncture of events, with,
let us hope, i the tide of sorrow and pain already nearing its ebb, should we
not strive, more than ever, to make our comparatively infinitesimal existence
a period of perfect peace and happiness? There are many of us who, unable to
represent truth and justice on the sterner fields of battle, are left behind
With ever increasing responsibilities so far as the future of the Craft is
concerned. We shall have to fill the gaps in forces guarding the interests of
progress at home. The nation is about to rise to a level of attainment never
before dreamed of, and to us are entrusted all the factors that go towards
securing and safeguarding, for the younger generation, the attributes of a
more perfect existence. If we are to unite in the grand design of being happy,
it is to the interior of the building that we must look for the prospects of
success. And it is our duty, more than ever, to see that the influences that
govern the proper furnishing and illumination of the great centre of our being
are so thoroughly appreciated and so faithfully applied that "the light from
th at Blazing star" will truly enlighten the earth and dispense its influence
to the whole of mankind.
In short, let us "think well"
of the great power emanating from the sanctuary of our own individuality, and
in so doing, practice benevolence and charity first towards that germ of
spirituality in our natures; then shall we discover, quite scientifically too,
the true road to the practice of benevolence towards our fellow men, and by
that means, so illuminate the interior of the building that all the world
shall know how truly the Freemason comprehends the full significance of the
terms "brotherly love, relief and truth."
Judge not; the workings of
his brain
And of his heart thou canst
not see;
What looks to thy dim eyes a
In God's pure light may only
A scar brought from some
well‑won field,
Where thou wouldst only faint
and yield.
The look, the air that frets
thy sight
May be a token that below
The soul has closed in deadly
With some infernal fiery foe,
Whose glance would scorch thy
smiling grace
And cast thee shuddering on
thy face.
The fall thou darest to
despise, -
May be the angel's slackened
Has suffered it, that he may
And take a firmer, surer
Or trusting less to earthly
May henceforth learn to use
his wings
And judge none lost; but wait
and see,
With hopeful pity, not
The depth of the abyss may be
The measure of the height of
And love and glory that may
This soul to God in after
days !
- Adelaide Anne Procter.
Darling Mother, truest
Man's best refuge in the
May this day bring joy
To your sacred, patient life.
May your every hope be
Even to the end of time;
And reward in Heaven dated,
For your after life, sublime.
Darling Mother, truest
Man's best ally in life's
May this day bring peace
And sweet memories at night.
May your every move be
By God's loving, glorious
Shining ever in your pathway,
Making radiant, the dense
- H. H. Hering, Chicago.
Incense which glows with
fervent heat,
Acceptable sacr ifice to Him,
The type of purity so sweet,
And savior of the race from
Be not a drone in nature's
A useless member to the
Be up and doing--be alive,
The virtue, industry-, cleate.
The constitutions guarded
By the Tyler's sword,
Reminds us to be guarded
Ry action, thought and word.
Justice demonstrated thus,
By sword and naked heart,
Will surely overtake us
If we fail to act our part.
And tho' secrets may be
From the eyes of mortal men,
Yet, that All-seeing Eye
Will penetrate the hearts of
The sun, moon and stars obey,
And under His watchful care,
Even comets of reel and sway,
And hearts of men go up in
Ark and anchor of our hope,
Wafting us over troubled
Guided by the star of hope
We're safely moored to realms
of peace.
Problem of Euclid! I have
found it,
Shout "Eureka!" in Grecian
Joy of heart in triumph round
Secured at price of hecatomb.
How swiftly run the sands of
In Time's great hour-glass
here on earth,
How rapidly the closing
The frosted leaves of hope
and mirth.
The all-devouring Scythe of
Which cuts the brittle thread
of life,
Nor youth, nor manhood in its
Escapes its ravages so rife.
The spade and coffin last of
The curtain falls on earthly
But Faith lifts up the
darkened pall,
Bids hope and joy outride the
--Odillon B. Slane, Illinois.
FOR the third and last time,
so he threatens, a dear Brother sends us a letter, begging us to remember what
befell us on a day when we thrice denied a certain request. Frankly he
declines to be responsible for what may happen to us should this letter go
into the waste basket with the other two. In Dante's Inferno, he reminds us,
the penalty inflicted on every sinner is that he must forever repeat his sin,
whatever it may have been. Should we be so unlucky as to descend "to those hot
depths that shall receive the goats who will not so believe," - and he seems
to have grave forebodings in the matter - of course our worst punishment will
be to listen to our own sermons and read our own editorials through all
eternity! Merciful heaven, have pity! Therefore as a kind of foretaste of what
may be in store for us "down yander," he asks that we let The Builder audience
hear the following passage from a recent, address, which he is good enough to
say contains more real poetry than some of the poems we have printed:
"Outwardly the world has
undergone immense and bewildering transformation, but in its essential
conditions human life remains what it has always been. Sunshine is the same,
and starlight, and the course of the seasons, the milk in the breasts of women
and the blood in the veins of men. The great river channels hardly change with
the centuries; and those other streams, the life‑currents that ebb and flow in
human hearts pulsate to the same great needs, the same great loves and
terrors. Hunger and labor go on as of old, and seed‑time and harvest, and
marriage and birth and death. No doubt this is one reason why the oldest and
simplest occupations of man come home to us so closely, and touch us so
deeply. Any trade that lies near to nature, like that of the hunter, the
herdsman, the husbandman, the builder, has power to stir our pulses with
ancestral instincts and memories, and touch us to poetry. As Stevenson said,
these ancient things - the tilling of the soil, the tending of a flock, the
building of a house - have upon them the dew of the morning of humanity. For
the same reason, a road across a desert, a sheltering roof against a storm, or
a hearthfire glowing in the darkness, can stir the human heart as symbols of
human fellowship in common necessity. Just so, our great books are classics,
not by accident, but because they tell of these elemental things which are
like the sky and the wind, like bread and milk, like the kisses of little
children and the tears we shed beside the grave. When a poet sings of these
old human realities his song never grows out of date, because they are a part
of the common heritage of mankind."
Our Brother adds that had we
written a thousand pages, we could not have said any more. Perhaps not, unless
it had been to point out that herein lies one of the great, enduring secrets
of Masonry - its instinct for the old, the universal, the poetie, its genius
for making use of simple things that were beautiful in the grey world's early
morning; its Human Touch. Think it down and up, search your own heart and
testify if it be not so that there is more real wisdom in this instinct than
in all the dry and juiceless knowledge that men mistake for wisdom, and the
dusty truth that is half untrue. By as much as Masonry keeps its heart warm
with the old humanities, by so much will it teach us a truth that is truer
than the knowledge that makes us sad, using the simple poetries of life as
emblems of the highest realities which are not far off, but very near, even in
our hearts.
"High thoughts and noble in
all lands
Help me; my soul is fed by
But ah, the touch of lips and
hands -
The human touch !
Warm, vital, close, life's
symbols dear,
These I need most, and now,
and here."
* * *
Masonry, being an exact
science, and coming to us adown the ages from a time when mathematics had
mystical meanings, has much to say about numbers and measurement. The numbers
Three, Five and Seven, that so frequently occur in our ritual, had for the
Oriental mind an eloquence which we do not fully appreciate. Hints of this
meet us in our New Testament, especially in the strange and solemn visions of
the Apocalypse. In that book Three is the signature of Deity. Four indicates
the world of created things. Seven denotes peace and covenant, while Ten is
the symbol of completeness. In the ancient days numbers indicated words,
suggested thoughts, revealed truths. As Ruskin studied the Basilica of St.
Mark, finding in each column or statue a history and a lesson, so we may study
the ancient structure of Masonry.
What did Plato mean when he
said that God is the great Geometrician, and that by the art of measurement
the soul of man is saved ? Wherefore should Masonry make use of number and
measure, if it be not to show us the Measure of a Man, since what we think of
God, of life, of the world, comes back at last and always to what we think of
Man. The old Greek thinkers saw this in an early time, and set it forth in
their incisive and vivid manner. "Man is the measure of all things," said
Protagoras. "No, said Plato, "God, the Divine Mind, is the measure of all
things." Then came Aristotle, one of the noblest thinkers whose genius ever
glorified humanity, and with his profounder insight united the two, when he
said: "It is the perfect man, in whom the thought of God is clear, who is the
measure of all things." Here again it is a matter of Measurement, and in that
fine art lies the secret of knowledge and of life.
No doubt this was what the
Seer on Patmos meant by his vivid and detailed description of the Holy City,
as though he would have us know that it is no phantom city but a reality. So
real is it that his guide carries a reed with which to measure the city, and
register how high its towers rise in the units of human reckoning, Then he
pauses, as if some one had asked him how our earthly cubits can form a
calculus for that which is outside of Time; and he adds a parenthesis to
resolve the doubt, "according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel."
Man is a citizen of two worlds, but he has no skill to realize the Unseen
world save by the aid of the world of sense. As often as he tries to ponder,
in reverence, what is the nature of the Supreme Architect, he finds himself
thinking of Him by the help of those moral qualities which he sees, dimly
enough, in the best men he has known. If he asks, wistfully, about the life to
come, the only answer is one expressed in the ideas and images, the forms and
colors, of the life that now is.
He cannot help himself; there
is no other way for him to think. Unless truth, justice, goodness in man be
the same as truth, justice and goodness in God, then we know not anything, nor
can we ever learn; and we ought in honesty to enclose the word God in
quotation marks. They are the same, in quality at least, however much they may
differ in degree; and this is the basis of all our higher human life. Our
age-long tragedy is that our race has measured its life by the animal rather
than the angel calculus. Masonry asks us to measure up to our highest, that
is, to the Angel within us, with which agree all the sages who, as Dante says,
teach us "how man can make his life eternal." Long ago Ovid said, "It is the
mind that makes the man, and our measure is in our immortal souls." And Plato
laid down the principle of true living when he wrote: "The right way is to
place the goods of the soul first in the scale, and in the second place, the
goods of the body, and in the third place, those of money and property." Any
other order is an inversion of values, and ends in tragedy.
Well may the ancient singer
pray that we may so number our days, that we may attain to this true wisdom,
if so that the beauty of the eternal may be upon us, and the work of our hands
be established. When shall we become that which we are? cried Maeterlink. Such
is the Doctrine of the Measure, so eloquently taught by Masonry, and he is
wise who has ears to hear and a heart to heed.
"Held our eyes no sunny
How could God's own light be
seen ?
Dwelt no power divine within
How could God's divineness
win us ?"
* * *
Ye editor appreciates very
much the articles by Brother Clegg, of Ohio, Discussing the Previous Question,
and they are written at our request. Our writers and readers - the editor not
less than others - need the service of a wholesome, conservative, kindly
critic, and no one is better fitted for that labor than Brother Clegg; the
more so because he adds so much information while correcting errors. It is
worth‑while work, and anything from his pen will be widely read and enjoyed.
The book of "Personal
Recollections of Lincoln," by Henry B. Rankin, written at our request, and
which we had the honer to edit with an introduction, has now come from the
press. Lovers of Lincoln will find it worth reading, we are sure, alike for
its contents and its style; and if we mistake not it will have to be reckoned
with by anyone who may write about Lincoln in days to come.
* * *
Elsewhere in this issue we
print a letter from a member of the Society having to do with the Rite of
Memphis. We give it for what it is worth, as so much information, not as
indorsing the Rite itself, for the existence of which we can see no reason at
all, since philosophy, comparative religion and the symbolism of Craft Masonry
can and ought to be studied in our own Lodges. Nor can we see anything to be
accomplished by multiplying the degrees of Masonry to infinity.
With head bent down and
shoulders stooped,
And slow, home‑keeping eye
Fixed on the rails, a silent
The track‑walker goes by.
A five‑mile strip of grimy
Edged with an iron band
Is all his world. June snows
That drift in daisies o'er
the land
He heeds not, nor red autumn
That rustle down the air;
Rail, bolt and bar to keep in
That is his only care.
He quits the track ten steps
The rushing train shoots
Then stoops, while still the
pebbles whirl
And makes a loose bolt fast.
The ruin hid in sudden flood,
Slow rust, and silent frost
'Tis his to fend; and men
ride by
In cushioned ease, at cost
Of his long march, and lonely
Nor give a backward thought
To the bent shape and
plodding feet
Whose care their safety
Morn is to him a sentry‑beat
To tread mid heat and rain;
His noon, a place to turn and
Back through the night again.
A ceaseless traveler all his
New lands he ne'er may roam;
In yonder orchard is his
Here, 'twixt the rails, his
Unmourned, unmissed, he dies,
to find
The last lone miles all trod,
That, whoso walks a railway
Aright, has walked with God.
- Wm. Hawley Smith
FROM South Australia comes a
very brilliant little booklet entitled "A Bird's‑Eye View of Freemasonry," and
with it a gracious letter from the author, Brother Alfred Gifford. The essay
is published under the patronage of the Grand Lodge of South Australia, and
the Masters and Wardens' Association, to serve as a kind of brief introduction
to the study of Masonry; and for that purpose it is admirably written and
arranged. From the letter we read that the author has just learned of this
Society and its work, and he wishes to know more details, the more so because
the Brethren of that Jurisdiction have it in mind to organize for the study of
Masonry. From afar we send them greetings, and bid them good‑speed in their
undertaking, the while we suggest that they co‑operate with this Society, that
our members may share with them, and they with us, the fruits of their labors.
Everywhere the need of
Masonic study is made manifest - in Australia not less than in America - and
it will continue to be so, because thoughtful men who want to get something
done while they live will not be content with the mere conferring of degrees.
The idea that a Lodge should meet only for ritual work, as is now so much the
case, is a reflection upon Freemasonry, as well as upon the intelligence of
its members. In the impressive Charge after initiation, all Masons are urged
to make "a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge," and men, especially young
men, are beginning to think that they ought to set about to obey that charge.
When they undertake to do so, however, no end of difficulties lie in the way,
as Brother Gifford admits - the chief difficulty being that so much of the
"information" offered is what Ruskin called "deformation."
Hence the deeply felt need
for brief, lucid, authentic surveys of the field of Masonic history and
thought - such as led the Grand Lodge of Iowa to ask ye editor to write The
Builders - and a like necessity prompted Brother Gifford to write his very
delightful and accurate little booklet, for the benefit of those seeking
"Masonic knowledge in tabloid form." His essay is divided into six short
chapters - the whole brought within thirty pages - Laying the Foundation
Stone, Where the Architect's Plan Came From, Where the Materials were
Quarried, The Antiquities it Enshrined, The Relics of Pre‑historic Times
Preserved, and the Basis of the Whole Structure. Seldom have we seen a more
tempting outline, and the regret is that the author did not fill it out more
at length, because he writes so incisively, with firmness of touch, and in
full accord with the best results of Masonic research.
All history, he tells us,
begins in myth and legend, and Masonic history is no exception: but the day
has come when we must sift facts from legend. Whatever the origin of
Freemasonry, its practical value remains the same. The Nile blessed Egypt
whether the origin of it was the Mountains of the Moon, or a Lake in Central
Africa; so of the fertilizing stream of Masonry. None the less, the author
goes far back in search of the source of the stream, picking his way carefully
amidst many guilds and cults and rites, and finds it in the right place -
finally tracing it to that age‑long search for God, that found natural
expression in symbols which are the universal language of mankind. Space does
not permit us to point out what he found along the way, much as we should like
to do so, but we may mention some matters of interest. For example:
"Masonry is also a museum. As
in a museum we find fragments and relics of pre‑historic times, so we find in
Masonry. . . In the care with which we insist that an initiate should have
neither money nor metal about him, Masonry goes back to the most ancient days,
when the presence of any metal substances were supposed to be abhorrent to
spirits. Traces of this are found in Africa and India today. It probably dates
right back to the time when the age of bronze was displacing the stone age.
Hence we find stone knives used in sacrifices and sacred ceremonies, long
after they had been discarded elsewhere. Both in India and Africa instances
are found where the natives, before worshipping, are careful to divest
themselves of all metal substances. An interesting trace of the same thing is
found in the building of King Solomon's Temple, where the stones are
traditionally said to have been placed in position with wooden mauls. It is
only in the light of such researches as those of Dr. Fraser, in "The Golden
Bough," that the reason becomes clear. The idea was not to secure silence, but
to exclude metal from contact with the stones, after they had become holy by
being placed on the holy ground of the temple. This is only one of the many
relics found in our ritual."
Most heartily we recommend
this little booklet, regretting only its tantalizing brevity, not only for its
spirit and contents, but also for its fresh and happy style and the tokens
which it betrays of wide and fruitful reading. It stimulates inquiry by
suggesting much more than it tells, closing with the beautiful legend of the
two Brothers whose mutual love and thoughtful unselfishness is said to have
consecrated the spot on which the temple of Solomon was built, as follows -
"Once, so the legend runs,
there lived in far Judean hills two affectionate brothers, tilling farms that
were separated only by a strip of pathway. One had a wife and a houseful of
children; the other was a lonely man. One night in the harvest time the elder
brother said to his wife: "My brother is a lonely man. I will go out and carry
some of the sheaves from my side of the field over on his, so that when he
sees them in the morning his heart may be cheered by the abundance." And he
did so. That same night the other brother said to his workmen: "My brother has
a houseful, and many mouths to fill. I am alone, and do not need all this
wealth. I will go and move some of my sheaves over to his field, so that he
shall rejoice in the morning when he sees how great is his store." And he did.
And they did it that night, and the next, in the sheltering dark. But on the
third night the moon came out as they met face to face on the separating strip
of pathway, each with his arms filled with sheaves. On that spot, says the
legend, was built the Temple of Jerusalem, for it was esteemed that there
earth came nearest to heaven. To seek God through brotherhood is our ideal. We
have no desire to keep it secret. Masonic history traced to its source is
found to flow out of the divine in man."
Unfortunately we cannot
recommend so unreservedly a little book called "Three Master Masons," by
Brother Milton A. Pottenger, as it seems to us to be far‑fetched and fanciful
in some of its interpretations of things Masonic. It is excellent in spirit,
like the man who wrote it, for whom we have the highest regard; but it lacks
the mark of real Masonic learning so evident in the pamphlet noted above.
There is wide latitude, as we are aware, in the interpretation of Masonic
symbols, and this is as it should be, since each man is permitted to read into
them such meaning as they seem to have or hold. Nevertheless, the field of
Masonic symbolism is not a playground of fancy, and just because it is an
arena in which the mysticism within us may have free play, it ought to be the
more carefully guarded from what is too odd, eerie and fantastic. The plan of
Brother Pottenger's book is well suited to his design, purporting to be a
meeting of the author, in his journey through the world, with three Master
Masons, two of whom are deeply versed in the esoteric philosophy of the craft.
Personally we are suspicious of such characters, but the author finds them
both inspiring and instructive, and they have many interesting things to say,
whether we agree with them or not. We are unable, for instance, to find the
dogma of reincarnation in the symbolism of the cable‑tow, and we could wish
that the phallic aspect had been emphasized less, or at least in better
proportion. Howbeit, we have enjoyed reading Brother Pottenger's book, and we
are sure that no one can read it without getting good out of it.
* * *
"The first time a newly
raised candidate hears that question, he probably answers, Yes. But now that
you hear it after thought as to what it means - Are you a Master Mason ? Some
years ago, a gentleman visiting scenes of interest around Richmond, Va., asked
his colored hack driver if there were any of the Poe family about Richmond.
"Yes, boss," said the negro, whose color rivalled that of Egypt's night, "dat
is my name - Poe." "Well," said the visitor, "are you related to Edgar Allan
Poe?" "Why, boss," answered the black man, "I is Edgar Allan Poe." Those who
are most ready to claim that they are Masters are not always most entitled to
be considered as such." Four More Steps in Masonry, by John L. Travis.
* * *
A Welsh Masonic History.
London Freemason.
A General Grand Lodge.
Masonic Home Journal.
Must Nature Perish, by A.
Churchward. London Freemason.
The Working Tools of Entered
Apprentice, by F. C. Higgins. Masonic Standard.
Short History of the Grand
Lodge of Scotland, by J. L. Carson. Virginia Masonic Journal.
Ireland's Share in the
Formation of the A. & A.S.R., by J.L. Carson. Virginia Masonic Journal
The Significance of the Word
"Blue," by G. L. Barker. The New Age.
* * *
A Bird's‑Eye View of Masonry,
by Alfred Gifford.
The Poetry of Meredith, by
Alfred Gifford.
The Philosophy of Arnold
Bennett, by Alfred Gifford.
The Mystery of Pain, by
Alfred Gifford.
Langdale Masonic Ms. by R. H.
A Masonic Reading Course, by
R. H. Baxter.
A Masonic Poem, by R. H.
The Third Degree, by R. H.
Historic Notes on
Freemasonry, by R. H. Baxter.
Notes on the History of the
Masonic Ritual, by R. H. Baxter.
* * *
High Tide, poems selected by
Waldo Richards. Houghton Mifflin Co. $1.25.
Philosophy of Wang Yang‑Ming,
by F. G. Henke. Open Court Co., Chicago. $2.50.
Oriental Consistory Magazine,
bound volume 7, 1915.
International Encyclopedia of
Prose and Poetical Quotations, by Walsh. J. C. Winston Co., Philadelphia.
Ye editor has it in mind to
call to his aid a number of Brethren known to have specialized in different
fields of Masonic Research, and to ask the privilege of referring to them
questions having to do with their field. This for two reasons: first, that the
Society may have the benefit of the researches of as many Brethren as
possible, in behalf of accuracy point of view, and variety; and, second,
because he wishes to have time for other labors - for one thing, to finish his
study and interpretation of Albert Pike - which he cannot do unless he is
relieved of some of his present burdens. There are but two conditions involved
in answering questions in these pages: that they should be as brief as
accuracy and lucidity permit, and that authorities should be given when they
are needed.
* * *
At last we have gotten in
touch with Brother Churchill, to whose lecture on The Brotherhood of the Wise
reference was made in these pages some time ago, and he will have many
interesting things to tell the Society. Not, however, until he has made
further investigations, as he intends to do shortly - setting out on a new
journey into the little known and dangerous fields of his explorations. He has
arranged that his lecture may be sent to us for publication, in case he does
not return, as life insurance is classed as a most hazardous risk in that part
of the world. The Brotherhood of the Wise is not found in Samoa, as we were
led to believe, but in the region of the Polynesian people in the Pacific,
among the very savage and altogether cannibal people of the Melanesian race in
New Britain, which is the next archipelago east of New Guinea. Traces of it
are found, at intervals, along the chain of islands for some thousands of
miles as far, probably, as New Caledonia. Its resemblance to Masonry is purely
collateral, of course, rather than direct; and Brother Churchill thinks it
highly probable that at some indefinitely remote epoch a more or less esoteric
Brotherhood of men of the better sort existed, that cherished a wider view of
life than was within the scope of the Cowans of the period and that it had
some system of recognition by visual and tactile gesture speech. We hope for
Brother Churchill a safe return from his journey, and the Society will await
his findings with eager interest and
* * *
Brother Editor: Is it true
that Franklin taught the doctrine of "peace at any price?" I have heard it so
stated of late, and I cannot bring myself to believe it. Perhaps you can clear
the air. - O.W.J.
Franklin hated war. Who does
not? No man in our day hated war with a more utter hatred than the late Lord
Roberts, a noble Mason he was, too. Repeatedly Franklin made use of the
saying, "There never was a good war or a bad peace," which, like other
proverbs, may be not only absurd, but wicked, under certain circumstances. He
did however vehemently repudiate this proverb when confronted by the possible
application of it to a treaty of peace between the Colonies and Great Britain
which might impugn their loyalty to their allies; as witness his letter to his
English friend David Hartley, under date of Feb. 2nd, 1780. (See Bigelou's
Franklin, Vol. 2, p. 498). So far as we are aware, he never gave over the use
of his proverb, but he reserved the right to throw it to the winds betimes,
knowing that all aphorisms are liable "to crumble before specific moral
* * *
Four Brethren have asked for
suggestions in the study of Masonic signs, their origin, meaning, and so
forth. It is a most fascinating subject; for even among primitive peoples from
earliest times there seems to have existed a kind of universal sign language
employed by all peoples. Among widely separated folk the signs were very
similar, owing, perhaps, to the fact that they were natural gestures of
greeting, warning, or of distress. (See The Builders, p. 140, note).
Intimation of this is found in the Bible (1 Kings, 20:30‑35). The German
explorer Leichhardt has published his meeting with native tribes in Australia
and the interchange of signs in which subsisted a Masonic character. Among
North American Indians a sign‑code of like sort was known. (Indian Masonry, by
Wright, Chap. 3). See also the account of the experience of Haskett Smith
among the ancient Druses, in an interesting paper published in the
Transactions of Coronati Lodge. (Vol. 4, p. 11). Kipling has written of the
subject in his story of "The Man who Would be King." For further reading, see
the essay by Brother Gould on "The Call of the Sign," in his "Essays on
Freemasonry," - a book of great value and authority.
* * *
Looking into the different
modes, manners and customs of various religious organizations in their
observance of Maundy Thursday festivities, I notice that in the Greek Catholic
Church, in addition to the usual ceremony of washing the pilgrim's feet and
annointing his head with oil, "The consecration of the Holy Myron takes
place." I should like to ask you to enlighten me as to what the Holy Myron is,
as well as any other light that you may be able to threw upon the original
observance of this feast by early religious societies. - P.J.F.
Myron means oil, coming from
the Greek word meaning any juicy substance. The holy oil is consecrated, since
its efficacy is supposed to last from one Maundy Thursday to another. See
Catholic Encyclopedia, article on "Holy Oil," also article on "Maundy
Thurselay." For further information as to this feast and its rites in various
religious societies, see the splendid article on "Feasts and Fasts," also the
article on "Feetwashing," in Hasting's Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics;
which traces the observance through all ages and sects.
Was George D. Prentice, the
Kentucky poet, a Mason ? Also, can you tell me if his poems have ever been
published in book form? I have some of his verse, and what I have makes me
want more. - W.J.B.
Answering the last question
first, we may say that "The Poems of George D. Prentice, With a Biographical
Sketch by John J. Piatt," was published by Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, in
1887, and could no doubt be secured at second hand - we got our copy after
that manner. There is also an appreciation of Prentice to be found in that
brilliant book called "The Compromises of Life," by Henry Watterson. As to the
first question, in the sketch by Mr. Piatt we read: "Prentice was a Mason, and
his body, removed from his son's home to Louisville, was permitted to lie in
state during one day in the Masonic Temple, where thousands of his
fellow‑citizens - men, women, and children - thronged to take their last look
at his familiar face. He was buried with Masonic honors in Cave Hill
Cemetery." (pp. 44‑45).
* * *
In a lecture which I heard
you deliver last winter, in speaking of the method of oral instruction used by
the Jews at the time of Jesus, and before, you said that the story of Jesus
was preserved somewhat as Masonic "work" is handed down from mouth to ear for
some time before it was written down. Where can I find a fuller account of it?
- L.A.N.
You will find it a very
interesting subject, if you look into it. At least a century before the time
of Jesus the Halacha or Haggada came into existence, by which is meant a
voluminous literature carried in the memories of the Rabbis, obeying the
principle, "Commit nothing to writing." This was repeated over and over again
to disciples until it was engraved upon their memories letter‑perfect, and
hence the term for Rabbinical instruction was Mishnah, repetition. Such was
the Jewish method, and it was natural, if not inevitable, that the Apostles,
being Jews, should adopt it in teaching and preserving the story and words of
Jesus; the more so, because the prejudice against writing anything was carried
over into the early church. For a detailed account of this method as used by
the church in finally giving the tradition of Jesus written form, see the
chapter on "The Evangelic Records" which serves as an introduction to that
noble book, "In The Days of His Flesh," by David Smith. (Doran Co.)
* * *
May I have your help in this:
What books would you recommend that will give me a fair idea of the Guilds of
the Middle Ages which transmitted their operative knowledge through the
centuries to the early records of Lodges in England? And what records have we
of the Dionysian Architects as being derived from Egyptian sources? - F.A.H.
(1) English Guilds, by
Toulmin Smith, is an authority on Guilds in general, but we think the book of
most interest in preparing this part of your paper would be "The Hole Craft
and Fellowship of Masonry," by Conder. It is a study of the Mason's Company,
of London, tracing it, from the records, far back into the cathedral‑building
period. But are you sure that modern Masonry was derived from Guild‑Masonry?
We doubt it. Guild Masons were quite distinct from Freemason, as we read the
record, at least until the latter began to decline. (See The Builders, pp.
118‑19). Guild Masons were often employed by Freemasons to do rough work, and
if found reliable and intelligent enough, were sometimes admitted to the
order, but the two bodies were distinct. Freemasonry, as we hold, descended,
rather from the great fraternity of architects and artists who built the
cathedrals. (See The Comacines, by W. Ravenscroft). We trust that Brother
Hatch will emphasize the distinction between guild‑Masonry and Freemasonry.
(2) The Dionysian Architects cannot be connected, directly, with Egyptian
sources, but only indirectly, since the Mysteries of Bacchus which they
celebrated were a modified form of the Egyptian Mysteries, having the same
theme and much the same form.
* * *
Will you explain to me the
meaning of the following, "And an unshaken confidence in the Lion of the Tribe
of Judah" ? This question has been asked several times in my hearing, and I
have never heard it explained. - L.R.H.
No doubt most Masons,
especially in Christian lands, identify the Lion of Judah with Christ, as is
their right, and they have the authority and example of Christian symbolism
for so doing. (See Monumental Christianity, by Lundy, pp. 287‑94). This
interpretation was emphasized by men like Hutchinson (in his Spirit of
Masonry) and others who gave a decidedly Christian meaning to the Third Degree
of Masonry. But the symbolism of the Lion is much older than Christianity -
like the Cross, and most other symbols employed by Christianity - having in
the Egyptian mythology the same position which the Bull had in the Mithraic
system. It was a symbol of strength, originally, it would seem, of the heat of
the sun and its power to bring about the resurrection of nature in spring.
(See Lundy, as above cited, also the Sign and Symbols of Primordial Man, by
Churchward, to name no others). In the Egyptian story it was the lion‑god,
with his strong grip, who raised Osiris from the dead. We feel like putting
the question, Why are we admonished to have an unshaken confidence in the Lion
of the tribe of Judah ?
* * *
I am interested in Masonic
regalia, not in wearing it, but in knowing how it came to be what it is, what
it means and the like. If not too much trouble, I would thank you to cite me
to something to read on the subject. - A.C.A.
The following will tell you
about all that is known of the origin and use of regalia, in the Blue Lodge,
and from the point of view of history. The chapter on "Our Regalia" in that
valuable little book, "Things a Freemason Ought to Know," by F.J.W. Crowe;
similar chapters in "The Perfect Ashlar," by Lawrence, and in "Masonic
Jurisprudence and Symbolism," by Lawrence. There are a number of essays on the
subject in the transactions of the Coronati Lodge, if you have access to its
volumes. Going farthur back, you might read the essay of Brother Higgins on
"The Apron," which will show what meanings attached to the badge of a Mason in
an earlier time.
* * *
Continued interest in the
Mysteries of Mithra is curious. As has been said, the Mithra was the religion
of the Roman army, because of its emphasis upon the military virtues; and as
such spread all over the empire. So powerful was it indeed, that it was the
most serious rival of Christianity at one time. To the references already
given, we venture to add the following. If our Brethren who are interested
have access to the works of G.R.S. Mead, especially his "Echoes from the
Gnosis," they will find there some of the original materials, so far as they
have been preserved; in Vol. 5, "The Mysteries of Mithra," and especially in
Vol. 6, "A Mithraic Ritual." We of today can hardly realize the meaning and
service of such cults to the ancient world, appealing as they did to the
mystical, the dramatic, and the patriotic in humanity. There were many abuses,
of course, as there are in everything; but the ministry of The Mysteries was,
on the whole, benign. The saying of Gibbon applies here: "All religions are
equally true to the believer, equally false to the philosopher, and equally
useful to the politician." We quote from memory and may not be exact, but the
last clause is what we had in mind - for the mystery‑religions of antiquity
were used by Roman politicians for their ends.
* * *
The Brother who asks what we
think of the Illinois judge who decided that Bacon wrote the plays of
Shakespeare, asks too much. The dignity of this journal, and the proprieties
of the profession to which we happen to belong, forbid us to say out loud what
we really think. The case calls for strong speech. Not only did the judge make
himself superlatively ridiculous, but he did not add to the general confidence
in the courts. (See the chapter on this subject in the new "Life of
Shakespeare," by Sir Sidney Lee). We know what Bacon wrote; we know what
Shakespeare wrote - and we know that he wrote it - and the two are so
world‑far apart and unlike as to make the controversy absurd. We wonder what
would have been the decision of the court had a little volume called
"Translation of Certaine Psalmes into English Verse" which Bacon wrote and for
which he accepted responsibility in 1625, been introduced in evidence. To say
that a man who could be guilty of such a translation wrote Hamlet - well, it
is like expecting a kangaroo to turn archangel over night. In spite of
reflections on Mr. Justice Shallow which will not down, we should accept the
decision of the Illinois jurist as adding to the gayety of nations, in the
same spirit in which Shakespeare set down the bad law enounced by the
delightful Portia - that "wise young judge."
* * *
Brother Editor: - I should
like to know something about Russian Masonry, if there is such a thing, and
wish you would inform me if it is not too much bother. - B.G.L.
Freemasonry is said to have
been introduced into Russia as early as 1731, by the Grand‑Lodge of England,
and there is reported to have been a Lodge in Petrograd in 1732. Howbeit, the
first Lodges to be tolerated openly were the Lodge of Silence in Petrograd,
and the "North Star" at Riga, in 1750. Masonry made little progress in Russia,
says Thory, until 1763, when Empress Catherine II declared herself a
Protectress of the Order. In 1765 the Rite of Melesino, unknown in any other
land and introduced by a Greek of that name, made its advent in Russia, along
with the York and Swedish Rites; and in 1783 a Grand Lodge was formed, which,
rejecting the others, adopted the Swedish system. For a time Masonry
flourished. But the Empress, becoming alarmed at the trend of affairs in
France, and suspecting that Masonry was involved in that disturbance, withdrew
her protection from the Order. In 1797 Paul I, at the behest of the Jesuits,
interdicted the meeting of all secret societies, which edict was renewed by
Alexander in 1801. But in 1803 M. Boeber succeeded in removing the prejudices
of the Emperor against the Masons; the Emperor himself joined the Order, and
the Grand Orient of Russia was established, of which Boeber was made Grand
Master. Suddenly, however, in 1822, Alexander issued a decree ordering all
Lodges closed - and this is the period dealt with by Tolstoi in his "War and
Peace." Masonry has had little open history in Russia since that time. (See
"Freemasonry in Russia and Poland," by Ernest Friedichs.)
* * *
Dear Brother Newton: Wor.
Bro. Middleton's questions open up the most irritating of all subjects
relating to Lodge government and discipline. The ballot should always be
discussed in the abstract. Our brother asks for an abstract discussion, and
presents a concrete case. We presume that his case in point is a New Jersey
one, but from several years experience as Master of a very active Lodge and as
an inspector, I must say it sounds familiar.
I am far enough away from New
Jersey to attempt an answer to those six questions:
1. The cube was cast by a
Mason, and we must consider the cause of rejection just.
2. He probably did well to
keep his reason to himself, especially in view of the prominence of the
petitioner, and the special efforts that would likely have been made to cause
him to change his ballot. It is possible that his reason, if stated, would
have injured the petitioner more than a quiet rejection.
3. He evidently did not think
it his duty to report to the committee. He may have been a member of the
committee, anyway.
4. There is no evidence that
either the Lodge or the petitioner was badly treated. The Lodge certainly owes
more Masonic consideration to a member than to a petitioner, no matter how
prosperous, popular and prominent the latter may be.
5. If the rejection of this
profane was not made an issue, and is not further discussed by the members,
neither the Lodge nor the petitioner was harmed. We must still presume that
the rejecting brother knew what he was about. The Lodge did not solicit the
petition, and the applicant had no right to be certain of election.
6. A cube is always to be
expected - not feared. The cubes are in the box for a purpose. Friendship
should have no more to do with a Masonic ballot than should any other sort of
Now to ask Bro. Middleton -
and others - some questions:
1. Is petitioning a right or
a privilege ?
2. Is it advisable to appoint
investigating committees ?
3. Where such committees are
appointed is there not a tendency to depend too much on their reports ?
4. Why is the Masonic ballot
5 Why is it unanimous ?
6 When the ballot is declared
"not clear" is not the action of the Lodge unanimous, as well as when "clear"?
What has the number of cubes to do with it?
7. Do "post mortem"
discussions pay, either in the Lodge or out of it ?
The proper answers to my
questions numbers four, five and six - and every Mason should be able to
answer them properly, - will form a complete answer to all the questions Bro.
Middleton asks.
When I hear Masons discussing
the result of a ballot, my advice is always, "Forget it."
Yours frateraally,
Wm. A. Stewart, W. Va.
* * *
The question has often arisen
in my mind during the delivery of the third section of the Master's lecture,
"What value does the candidate get from the figure of the 47th Euclid as shown
on the chart?" I have never been able to see that he gets any whatever.
The Master calls his
attention to it as being the invention of "our ancient friend and brother, the
great Pythagoras," and glibly recites the story of what a tantrum of delight
and enthusiasm the philosopher indulged in when he had at last, presumably
after a prolonged search, arrived at the goal of mathematical demonstration of
this now famous theorem.
Whether Pythagoras was in
fact the original propounder and demonstrator of the problem or not, or
whether or not he almost suffocated the gods and goddesses of Olympus with the
odor and smoke of bull‑meat in celebration of his triumph, are questions of no
particular interest here, the problem itself is what I wish to discuss in its
relation to the mysteries of Masonry. This triangle comprises within its three
lines the most interesting train of harmonies and logical relations to be
found in the mysteries of nature, and their study is fraught with a vast
plentitude of both diversion and instruction for the inquiring mind. Then why
is it passed over so lightly in our work, without any attempt at explanation
of its properties or hint of the suggestions of infinite harmony of relation
it conceals ?
If our old‑time mathematician
stopped with the proving of the problem as we have it represented generally in
our modern mathematical text‑books and on the Mason's chart, he had no
sufficient reason for the "carrying on" that he is credited with; if he saw
that he had discovered a mathematical and logical chain extending infinitely,
of which the three, four, five figure is but the first link, then he was
justified in shouting to his lung capacity. As an isolated example it has no
large value, though a true one. I must believe, then, that he must have made
the comprehensive discovery, and that the real significance of it was lost to
later times.
But let us get down to the
problem in its full demonstration:
First, it demonstrates that
of every right‑angled triangle whose altitude (meaning here its shortest side)
is odd and all its lines integral, the square of the altitude is numerically
equal to the lineal sum of the roots of the squares of the other two sides;
Second, that the base of
every such triangle is constantly even and the hypothenuse odd;
Third, that the difference of
length of base and hypothenuse is constantly one unit of the standard of
measurement used;
Fourth, that the sum of the
lengths of the three sides bears a regularly and constantly decreasing ratio
to the square content of the "oblong square" or right parallelogram of which
the base and altitude are the roots;
Fifth, that the base and
hypothenuse of every such triangle through an infinite series increase in
length constantly and regularly by multiples of the length of the base of the
first or three, four, five figure.
Now let us examine the first
figure, with the form of which we are all familiar.
The base and hypothenuse
added numerically equal the square of the altitude, and their difference is
The sum of the three sides is
equal numerically to the content of the "oblong square."
The second figure of the
series, altitude 5, has for its base half of the square‑less‑one of the
altitude, or 12, which is three times the length of the base of the first
figure, or that base increased by twice its length. The hypothenuse remains
one unit the longer. The sum of the lengths of the three lines is reduced to
one‑half the area of the parallelogram.
The third triangle takes as
its base again one‑half of the square‑less‑one of the altitude 7, or 24. The
base is increased by twenty units, or is six times the length of the original,
corresponding to the sum of the numerals denoting the sequence of the odd
numbers in the order of their progression from three, the first odd number
having the powers of a factor. The sum of the three lines is now 56, one‑third
of the area of the parallelogram.
The fourth figure will have
for its sides 9, 40 and 41; sum of lengths 90; area of "oblong square 360;
ratio 1 to four, or a fraction having for its denominator the ordinal of the
odd number 9. These laws operate unvaryingly throughout the infinite series.
Now let us pass to the higher
numbers without proving our propositions consecutively:
Every odd number is one
greater than twice the numeral of its order of sequence. What are the
dimensions of the right-triangle of the tenth order? The altitude of this
triangle is 21. Its base is found by multiplying the base 4 by the sum of the
series of ordinals 1‑10 inclusive. This sum is 55 (found by the simple
arithmetical process of multiplying the sum of the extremes by the number of
terms and dividing by two. ) The product is 220, the base; and the sum of the
two longer lines is 441, the square of the altitude. The sum of the three
lines is 462, and the area of the parallelogram 4620. Ratio 1 to 10, the
corresponding ordinal.
Try now first finding the
base which, with its corresponding hypothenuse, determines the altitude
required to fulfill the conditions of the Pythagorean problem. Take, for
example, the fifteenth order. The sum of the series of numerals 1‑15 is 120.
This into 4 gives 480, the length of base for that order. 480 plus 481 is 961,
the square of 31, the required altitude.
All the triangles of the
lower orders are easily verified by mental methods. If in doubt as to the
correctness of those of the higher the proofs are still not difficult. I am
sure that every interested Mason can find in this problem an ample source of
diversion and instruction to convince him that it deserves much more attention
in our work than it receives, if we may say that it receives any in fact.
Other right‑angled triangles
follow the principles of this in a general way, but none with that precision
and unvarying harmony of relations of the Pythagorean theorem. Let each
Masonic student make his own application of the truths it imparts. Yours
D. Frank Peffley, Washington.
* * *
Dear Sirs and Brethren: - In
"Sun Dials and Roses of Yesterday," Alice Morse Earle tells of early sun dials
in England which were known as Masonic sun dials.
Whether they were so or not I
think the "House of Light" should have one, and under separate cover I am
taking the liberty of sending you a suggestion for one.
I also wish to congratulate
you on "The Builder." It is getting better with each issue. Brother Newton's
answers to questions and book reviews alone are worth the cost of the
publication. The May issue came in this morning and I spent a very pleasant
hour with it. I particularly enjoyed the article by Bro. Waite and the
correspondence by Bro. Rugg. I believe both are familiar with James Morgan
Pryse's volume, "The New Testament Restored."
One thing more. Why can't the
Hierophants at "The House of Light" arrange to have yearly conventions of the
"Sons of Light" at Anamosa? Elbert Hubbard conducted such conventions for the
benefit of the "Immortals" and I think we could surpass his in attendance and
We would have no difficulty
in regard to speakers with such men as Newton, Buck, Rugg, Graham, Shepherd,
Schenck, Lemert, Clegg and Stewart - not to mention a host of others. Possibly
the TK would meet with us and we could at least talk with him individually.
Such a yearly convention would be a wonderful stimulus to all of us and I'm
sure the students of the deeper things of Masonry would eagerly grasp such an
opportunity to commune with the Hierophants and each other.
Trusting you can see your way
clear to plan for such a yearly gathering and with all kind wishes, I am,
Yours sincerely and fraternally,
John G. Keplinger, Illinois.
P. S. - Some time ago you
published an article on the obelisk which was removed from Alexandria to New
York City. This was interesting, but I'd like to see an article on the Masonic
aspect of the Great Pyramid Gizeh. Prof. Piazza Smyth in "Our Inheritance in
the Great Pyramid," Adams in "The House of the Hidden Places," McCarthy in
"The Great Pyramid Jeezek," and Coryn in "The Faith of Ancient Egypt" are very
interesting, but I'd like to see the subject worked out from a Masonic stand
point. Don't you know of a good man who could do this for us ?
* * *
Dear Brother: - The Rite of
Memphis is a branch of Masonry devoted to the study of Philosophy and
Comparative Religion and the explanation of the ritual ceremonies and symbols
of ancient Craft Masonry. As organized in the United States, it does not
confer or work the three symbolic or fundamental degrees, but receives into
fellowship only Master Masons in good standing. The organization has been in
existence in the United States since 1857. The late Brother John Yarker was
its Sovereign Grand Commander in England. The ritual work in this country was
at one time co‑ordinated with the Scottish Rite of 33 degrees, but was later
restored to its original ninety‑five degrees. Perhaps you will admit the
following statement of its spirit and aims by Brother Yarker:
"1st. The Rite of Memphis is
open to all regular Master Masons of any constitutional Grand Lodge; is
unsectarian in its teaching and exacts no other qualification from its
candidates but probity and honor.
"2d. The fees which it exacts
are of moderate amount, and it is governed by elective assemblies, after the
manner of the Craft. Thus the Masters of each series by election become
members of the Mystic Temple, and those of the Supreme Body or Sovereign
"3rd. The ceremonies, from
the 4th to the 90th, are based upon those of the Craft universal. They explain
its symbols, develop its mystic philosophy, exemplify its morality, examine
its legends, tracing them to their primitive source, and deal fairly and
truthfully with the historical features of Symbolic Masonry.
"4th. As a system it opens up
the study of the immense lore of the ancient Jews, Egyptians, Persians,
Hindoos, Babylonians, and other ancient races, and may claim kindred relations
to the learned societies of all countries. Many of its degrees and lectures
deal with these abtruse subjects, and that in an impartial manner, offering
valuable suggestions to the advanced student.
"5th. It proposes to instruct
the neophytes by degrees, and at intervals, with all known Masonic Science and
a knowledge of the various Rites which have sprung up in the past from the
learned speculations of Masonic students. In this relation it transmits and
concentrates the knowledge and wisdom of the mysterious fraternities of the
middle ages.
"6th. Possibly the only High
Grade Rite which has been chartered by a Grand Lodge of Symbolic Masonry, it
is absolutely the most perfect and thorough development of the Craft Systern,
the most comprehensive, accurate, and valuable of all Rites, and the most
complete in its ceremonies, through which it seeks to extend Masonic
Knowledge, Justice, Charity, Morality, and fraternity, and to enforce all
those great qualities which distinguish the Masons of all time."
As a paragraph in a recent
issue of The Builder was so inadequate, if not incorrect, in its allusions to
this Rite, I doubt not that you will publish this brief memorandum from the
pen of Brother Yarker.
Yours fraternally,
Ellis B. Guild, New York.
* * *
Brother Editor: - The
translucent hue of the heavens by day holds a special charm for mankind. There
is reason to believe that from ancient times this color has been held in high
esteem, not only for its intrinsic beauty, but also for some special
Sapphire is the oldest jewel
name in the Aryan and Semitic languages. It is one of the oldest words of any
kind coming down to us from the distant past unchanged. The word is
essentially the same in English, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Persian, and in fact in
all languages of the white race. As applied to a jewel, it represented, until
very recent years, not a special mineral, but a stone of a special color. This
is evidence that from a remote period blue has been held in exceptionally high
esteem. When we consider the fondness of uncultured peoples for reds and
yellows, this ancient esteem for the color, blue, is the more remarkable. As
such jewels were worn, not only for ornament, but also as "charms," bringing
good luck to the possessor, it is probable that this color symbolized some
attribute of great importance.
We are familiar with the
employment of colors to represent emotions. Red is associated with anger and
violence, green with envy and jealousy, white with purity, black with
wickedness, and blue with downheartedness. For some of these associations we
can discover a natural appropriateness. For others the relationship is not so
apparent. Yellow usually has a distasteful significance; yet yellow is the
color of the standards of royalty. While "to feel blue" is to be downcast, yet
the emblematic anchor of hope is usually colored blue.
It is a peculiarity of
language that a word may have more than one meaning. In many cases one word
has come to do duty for two or more quite different originals. This is true of
our word, blue. While it originally meant "livid," it has been made to include
the pellucid color of the noonday sky. In one case it is associated with
unhappiness and dissolution, and in the other with mystery and beauty. In
common speech, the Teutonic word, blue, has displaced all others; and such
words as cerulean, sapphire and azure are left to rhetoric and poetry.
Blue as a symbol associated
with the heavens suggests ideals connected therewith that link the present
with the past. When man first began to wonder about the forces of nature, he
personified what he did not understand, and held in reverence and awe the
imaginary beings whose acts he supposed them to be. Of all nature the most
impressive and constant event is the daily miracle of the rising of the sun,
bringing light to mankind. Early man considered the sun a Being, kindly
disposed toward him. The sun was worshipped, and after him the moon, and then
the stars, and finally they were all grouped together as the Heavenly Ones.
Through this Star Worship,
some knowledge of Astronomy and some concept of the Universe was arrived at.
And from contemplation of the order and harmony of the Universe, the
priesthood eventually reached the idea of a Supreme Being Creator and Ruler of
all things. This is the highest ideal of life that man has ever entertained,
and it was reached long before the dawn of history.
This higher knowledge, which
concerned both religion and science, seems to have been confined to those
initiated into the priesthood. In the literature of the Egyptians it is hinted
at guardedly. Among the Chaldeans less caution may have been observed; for
races that came in contact with the Chaldeans carried away some knowledge of
the subject.
In such reverence and esteem
was this higher wisdom held, that worship and aspiration have been associated
ever since with the heavens. The empyrean was the abode of the gods, and the
statues of the gods were sometimes painted blue. Even in our own times and
among our own people, holy pictures generally have a background of blue. In
Astrology and the mystic cults, blue represents esoteric wisdom.
An important factor of
Freemasonry is its attitude toward knowledge. It is referred to in each of the
degrees, and one degree is entirely given to its consideration. Knowledge is
such an important factor of Freemasonry that to draw attention to it is much
like pointing out that light is of the sun. Freemasonry is concerned with all
aspiration. It is a looking upward. And it is eminently appropriate that the
color of the noonday sky, traditionally associated with the knowledge and
ideals that tend toward progress, should be the color representative of
Symbolic Masonry.
Yours fraternally,
Joseph Barnett, California.
* * *
In the June issue of The
Builder, page 189, a brother who signs himself "E.P.H." inquires regarding the
basis for the theories regarding the ancient continent of Lemuria, the
prehistoric Aryan invasion of India, and the personality of Rama said to have
been the leader of the invading whites. He says these matters were referred to
in a lecture read before his lodge, and that he is unable to find any other
references. In your reply you assume that the authority of the writer of the
lecture must nave been "Rama and Moses," or "The Great Initiates," by Edouard
Schure, and you express regret "that the lecturer did not give his authority,
and also that he did not indicate in how far his narrative could be
substantiated and how far not."
I have no doubt that the
lecture referred to by E.P.H. is one of my own, that entitled "the first
Initiations," and issued by the Masonic Lecture Bureau as the third number of
its first series. Inasmuch as nearly 600 lodges, in every part of the world,
now have in their possession this lecture, in addition to more than twice that
many which have used it in the past, it is manifestly impossible for me to
reply to the inquirer personally, and l hence crave the use of your columns
for that purpose.
In the lecture referred to,
the entire matter is presented for what it is worth. The statement is made
that "There is no absolute historical evidence upon which to base the theory
of Lemuria, but there are legends regarding this most ancient contment, which
are found in the literature of many peoples." I have always been scrupulously
careful to avoid misleading my auditors; and if E.P.H. has reached a different
conclusion as to my attitude, it is to be feared that he failed to give close
attention to the reading of the lecture in question, as well as to the
preceding one, entitled "the Beginnings of the Human Race."
It is hardly practicable to
attempt to give any large number of authorities in lectures intended for
reading before lodges, although some seven or eight works are cited in the
lecture reterred to. On referring to my files, I discover that I consulted
more than eighty books in the preparation of the two lectures dealing with
Atlantis, Lemuria, the Hyperboreans, the early Aryans and Vedic India. Of
these the more important are the following, which, it will be observed, cover
a wide range:
"The Geographical
Distribution of Animals," and "The Malay Archipelago," by Alfred Russel
"Oriental and Linguistic
Studies," by W. D. Whitney.
Sundry writings of N. M.
Prejvalski, and of Sven Hedin.
"Geschichte des Alterthums,"
by Ed. Meyer.
"Vedische Mythologie," by
"The Ramayana."
"The Rig‑Veda."
"The Bible in India," by
Louis Jacolliot.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th
ed.: see index, under "Rama," "Lemuria" and "Aryan."
"Sketch for History of the
Dionysian Artificers," by H. J. DaCosta.
"Rama and Moses," by Edouard
"Atlantis," by Ignatius
"The Lost Lemuria," and "The
Story of Atlantis," by W. Scott‑Elliot.
"The Story of Vedic India,"
by Z. A. Ragozin.
"Les Religions des Peuples
Non‑Civilises," by Reville.
"Recits et Commentaries sur
les Vedas," by Ramatsariar.
"La Religion Vedique," by A.
"Histoire Philosophique du
Genre Humain," by Fabre d' Olivet.
"History of Creation," and
"The Pedigree of Man," by Ernst Haeckel.
"L'Inde Antique," by Alfred
Le Dain.
"Prehistoric Times," by Sir
"Man and His Forerunners," by
H. v. Buttel-Reepen.
"The Childhood of Religions,"
by Edward Clodd.
Sundry writings of F.
"La Legende des Symboles," "Philosophiques,
Religieux et Maconnique," by Marc Saunier.
"Timaeus" and "Critias," by
"Prehistoric Times," by Sir
John Lubbock.
The works of Diodorus Siculus,
of Strabo and others of the ancients will be found to contain interesting
material germane to the subject.
R. J. Lemert, Helena,