The Builder Magazine
January 1919 - Volume V - Number 1
It is but a little distance,
In this silly flight of
'Twixt the path that leads to
And the road that leads to
'Tis the shortest, sweetest
Through this silly flight of
It is but a tear- and
Filled with music and with
There's a feast of joy
There's a funeral dirge
And the sombre shades of
Cast their shadows where we
And the smile that's born in
Pure and limpid ere it start,
With a wail of pain and
May come sobbing from the
So, the song that lifts the
From the backward flight of
Brings a smile but too
uncertain -
Half of pleasure, half of
Then let us laugh in sorrow,
Let us bathe our smiles in
For we cannot count the
In this silly flight of
Let us laugh with one
While we strive for human
Let us weep, my friend and
For the wounds we cannot
In the great unknown
In the better, brighter day,
Surely sobs shall yield to
For it is our Father's was.
But here 'tis but a
In this silly flight of
'Twixt the path that leads to
And the road that leads to
But whether in tears or
Let us build the best we can;
For the Here and the
And the Brotherhood of Man.
By Bro. Henry A. Grady
D.G.M. of North Carolina
Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
Nov. 28, 1918.
HE WOULD be a seer, who would
have attempted to forecast what the result of the Cedar Rapids Conference
would be. And he who would interpret that result now that the Conference is a
matter of history, must have been present, have felt the mellowing influence
of the voices clad in khaki, have realized that this Fraternity of ours, far
from forgetting its glorious accomplishments of the past is taking them to
heart and applying its age-old principles to the problems of the present. More
than this, he must also appreciate and not undervalue that element of
conservatism which has come to us of today from the days of old, that close
adherence to first principles to which we are obligated and which, from one
viewpoint, is the very genius of our Masonic system.
Withal, he who would
understand the Cedar Rapids Conference must focus his mental vision, not upon
the three days of this meeting, but the century and a half of Masonry in
America, and the century and a half of development of a national consciousness
within that America itself. As we stand in the sunlight of the great awakening
which these years of war have brought to America we wonder at the days and
years which went before. Our whole civilization has been reborn, as it were,
and our newly-opened eyes are still blinded by this wonderful brilliancy of
accomplishment --a national accomplishment of which we did not know we were
It would be surprising indeed
if these slow-moving but irresistible forces could have accomplished their
wonders in Masonry without travail. On the surface there was little indication
of their working. But he who has observed with care the tendencies of late
could not be blind ta them. Here was a great Fraternity, grown so rapidly that
its functions of life-maintenance overshadowed all else. Its men of action
were bound down by detail--the never-ending grind of degrees to be conferred
upon the thousands who flocked to our gates. What wonder that there was only a
dulled and half-efficient transmission of the deeper impulses of the ordinary
member to those who have been the leaders of recent years--and those leaders
themselves sapping their energy to accomplish the extraordinary duties which
both patriotic and Masonic instinct told them they owed to their assaulted
Reproach is not the proper
word to use in speaking of the lack of prompt appreciation by Masons of what
Masonry could do in a crisis like that of these two years. "My Country comes
first!" is but a natural war-cry for a Mason, and we all know why. And not
until the new and arduous duties of patriotism had in a measure become a part
of the day's work did any of us really begin to ask ourselves what Masonry as
an institution ought to be doing. We had been content to do as we had been
taught to do, guided by the ancient charges of loyalty, and we did not stop to
ask ourselves whether these turbulent days offered to our Institution a duty.
Those who first felt the
burden of this new responsibility raised their voices with caution, lest they
might have misread the trestleboard of Fate. Presently they began to make
solemn inquiry. Then came a great, an awful conviction, that a new day had
brought new ties and responsibilities, and that they must be met. Brought
together at the Government's call, a few of the leaders of the Craft tried to
study the problem, at Washington, last December. Undigested opinion did not
visualize the problem, yet. But down in New York, with a constant stream of
our young men in khaki passing before their eyes, on their way to Europe to
fight the battles of Democracy, and a presently returning stream of physical
wrecks making mute appeal for brotherhood, there awoke at last to realization,
full realization, the Masonic leaders of that great Jurisdiction. The genius
of doing things responded to the appeal, and those leaders began to visualize
what Masonry's problem really was, and went to work to see how they might act
in the premises.
They applied to the
Government for permission to act as their consciences told them they ought to
act, and as a knowledge of what this Brotherhood of ours was worth to a man in
his hour of trouble dictated would be a practical method of acting. "For whom
do you speak?" was the query of the officials. "For Masonry" was the response.
"For the Masonry of New York?' "Yes." "But we cannot recognize State
Then came the New York
Conference, called to meet the immediate need, and meeting it, in part. The
paths leading from that Conference have been troublous. That part of the story
must come in a later chapter. But the need was finally visualized, and the
Grand Jurisdictions of America generally got behind New York in their plan of
solving it. The weak link in the chain was that they did not make that plan
their own. Co-operation was promised, on the other side of the water. It might
have worked, had the plans then proposed been successfully begun in France.
Why they were not so begun is still another story, which THE BUILDER will
tell, in due time.
And so May turned into June,
and September followed August and July, with no tangible results. Diplomacy
was trying to solve the difficulties in the way, so that harmony might
prevail. It is to the interest of Freemasonry that the whole story shall be
told, and told it shall be. Those who would indict our Fraternity for its
apparent indifference must reckon with that story.
The writer was elected Grand
Master of Iowa in June, 1918. As the months went by, smatterings of the truth,
hints of the reason why things were going as they were crept into his official
correspondence. A brief trip East brought knowledge of a part of it. Perhaps
impatience is my middle name. Be that as it may, the information coming from
overseas the latter part of September, and the insistent challenge to me, as
the official head of Iowa Masonry to do something definite, caused my outburst
of October third last, the letter to my fellow Grand Masters which appeared in
the November issue of THE BUILDER.
In a very brief time my
correspondence showed that others had received the same challenge, and were as
deeply moved by the apparent need for action as I was. Wherefore, on November
1, I called a Conference of Grand Masters and Representatives of the several
Jurisdictions to meet in Cedar Rapids on November 26th to 28th, hopeful that
opinion would there crystallize into action. The kind of action which seemed
to me necessary was that the New York plan should be made actually National,
by its specific adoption, and that the Masonic Fraternity should definitely
make it impossible for us to be placed again in the humiliating position we
have occupied for more than a year. The challenge to us, and the opinion of us
which I feared did not come from the public. It came from our own-- our boys
in khaki, who knowing our doctrine and our teachings, but not knowing our
discouragements and our trials, would be prone to ask us why those teachings
had not been put into practice in their behalf. It seemed to me it was time to
put on perpetual record the defense which was ours, and at the same time to
insure our Fraternity against future indictments of like character, by
organizing ourselves so that, in times of emergency, we might have a National
And so we met together on
that eventful morning of November 26th, 1918. Thirty-six Jurisdictions we
represented definitely. Twenty-two were there in person, represented by about
fifty leaders of the Craft. Fourteen others regretted their inability to come,
but expressed themselves as favorable to action. Influenza kept many away. But
they sent us their good will-- sometimes expressing their infinite trust in
us. Mindful of this trust and of our responsibilities, we tried to do God's
work for Masonry. He had promised that "where two or three are gathered
together in My name, I will be in their midst and bless them." We believe now
that He kept His promise.
The following is a list of
Grand Masters and Representatives who were present:
Delaware A. Victor Hughes Grand
Florida T. Picton Warlow "
George Lawler Past " of Washington (Rep.
Grand Master)
Illinois Austin H. Scrogin Grand
Arthur M. Millard President Masonic Employ.
Geo. L. Schoonover Grand Master
Newton R. Parvin Grand Secretary
S. Moses Past Grand Master
Block " " "
W. Craig " " " and General Grand
High Priest
Charles C. Clark " " "
W. A.
Westfall " D.G.M.
Ernest R. Moore " "
Louisiana George A. Treadwell
Grand Master
A. Davilla Grand Secretary
Rudolph Krause Past Grand Master
Maryland Chas. C. Homer Jr.
Grand Master
Michigan Hugh A. McPherson "
B. Winsor Grand Secretary
George L. Lusk Past Grand Master
Charles A. Conover General Grand Secretary
General Grand Chapter
Minnesota Wm. N. Kendrick Grand
Fishel Grand Secretary
N. Stowe Dep. Grand Master
Montana E. M. Hutchinson Grand
Nebraska Ambrose C. Epperson
Grand Master
A. Ehrhardt Past Grand Master
Robert E. Evans Past Grand Master
York Wm. S. Farmer Grand Master
Robert Judson Kenworthy Grand Secretary
Robert H. Robinson Dep. Grand Master
Townsend Scudder Past Grand Master
C. Prime Rep. G.L. England
Carolina Henry A. Grady Dep.
Grand Master
Dakota Henry G. Vick Grand
Walter L. Stockwell Grand Secretary
Chas. I. Cook United States Army
Oklahoma Joseph W. Morris Grand
M. Anderson Grand Secretary
Pennsylvania Louis A. Watres
Past Grand Master
Island E. Tudor Gross Grand
Frederick I. Dana Treas. Masonic War
Carolina J. L. Michie Past Grand
Dakota Geo. A. Pettigrew Grand
C. L.
Brockway Grand Secretary
Tennessee Samuel W. Williams
Past G.H.P.
Arthur C. Wherry Senior Grand Warden
Washington George Lawler Past
Grand Master
The first day was spent in
surveying the situation. One after another the brethren who by fortune of
circumstance had been brought in intimate touch with one or another feature of
the problem spoke to us. It was a day of chastening of spirit. Fact after fact
came out, incontrovertible, proving conclusively that General Apathy,
Selfishness and Disunity were the three assassins of Masonic accomplishment.
To each was charged a portion of the guilt. If apathy within the Craft was
offset to a degree by selfishness within and without the ranks of our
Fraternity, it soon became apparent that the heavier portion of the blame lay
with Disunity.
Ere the evening session
closed, all were convinced that the way of future accomplishment led to the
broad highway of co-operation. To reach it meant the removal of Disunity. With
a sweetness of spirit eminently characteristic of brethren desiring to dwell
together, this third and most treacherous enemy was done away with. An
organization was declared by unanimous resolution to be the prime necessity to
avoid like complications for all time to come, and a committee was charged
with the responsibility of finding the type of organization which would at
once accomplish the vital needs of the present and provide a way for like
accomplishment for the future, without interference with the established
usages and customs of the Fraternity, as exemplified by and in our present
Grand Lodge organizations.
There was no dissenting voice
when it was suggested that the only way to meet both of these conditions lay
through organization for Service. Masonic service it should be and must be.
And so it came about that at the afternoon session of the second day there was
presented for consideration in committee of the whole, a proposed Constitution
for the Masonic Service Association of the United States. The tentative
Constitution follows:
Whereas, The several Masonic
Jurisdictions in the United States of America have been invited to attend a
Conference of Grand Masters at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on the 26th, 27th and 28th
of November, 1918, for the purpose of considering and taking action in respect
of the present war emergency and the opportunity for Masonic service in
connection therewith; and
Whereas, Twenty-two
Jurisdictions have responded to said call, and fourteen Jurisdictions have
expressed-their approval, in general terms, of the purposes of said
Conference, and have given assurance in writing, of their support through
their respective Grand Masters; and
Whereas, It has been made
clear to said Conference that the Masonic Fraternity will be enabled to render
more efficient service to mankind and to fulfill its mission among men by
bringing about a more perfect cooperation among the several Masonic Grand
Jurisdictions of the United States; and
Whereas, It is apparent that
there is a pressing need of Masonic service among the men with the United
States forces overseas during the period following the signing of the
armistice and peace and reconstruction, at home and abroad, the duration of
which is wholly problematical; and
Whereas, The assembled
representatives of Grand Lodges have by their unanimous expression agreed that
the need for service is real; that the opportunity is present and compelling
and that they unanimously desire to participate in and render a more
satisfying service, and that to fail to take some affirmative action in this
matter at this time will lead to irretrievable injury and impairment of the
Fraternity's future usefulness; and
Whereas, It is the sense of
this Conference that plans be now tentatively formulated for effective service
wherever and whenever the opportunity and need to render the same shall be
present, said plans to be submitted to the several Grand Jurisdictions for
consideration and action thereon; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That there be
association of Masonic Grand Jurisdictions of the United States of America,
for Service to Mankind.
All Masonic Jurisdictions of
the United States of America shall be entitled to membership therein on equal
footing on expressing their approval of this constitution and acceptance of
the responsibility and privileges outlined therein. Any member shall be
entitled to withdraw at any time on ninety days' notice, provided it shall
have complied with all of its assumed obligations. Such notice shall be
delivered by registered mail to the Secretary at his post office address.
OBJECT The object of the
Association shall be the Service of Mankind through education, enlightenment,
financial relief and Masonic visitation, particularly in times of disaster and
distress, whether caused by war, pestilence, famine, fire, flood, earthquake
or other calamity; and presently and immediately ministering to, cherishing,
comforting and relieving the members of the Fraternity, their dependents and
others engaged in the United States forces, in the present great war, wherever
they may be stationed and upon whatever duties engaged in the service.
For the purpose of
administration the United States is divided into departments as follows:
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New Jersey
New York
North Dakota
South Dakota
District of Columbia
North Carolina
South Carolina
West Virginia
New Mexico
Upon the occurrence of a
disaster of greater magnitude than a local calamity, the Grand Masters of the
several Grand Jurisdictions within the department, in which the said disaster
shall occur, shall appoint a committee to survey the need, appraise it and
report forthwith its findings to the department. The department shall
thereupon take action on the report of the committee to the end that the fund
necessary shall be provided and properly disbursed.
The Association may enter
into correspondence and affiliation with similar agencies in other lands or
under other governments, the better to teach the Fatherhood of God, and to
promote the Brotherhood of Man.
The powers and duties of the
Association may be enlarged or curtailed from time to time; but no member
shall be bound thereby without its express assent.
Each department shall meet
annually on a date and at a place to be fixed by it; or oftener if it shall so
determine. A meeting may he called at any time on the request of three Grand
Jurisdictions. A general meeting, of all departments. shall be held
triennially on the eleventh day of November, or oftener on the call of ten
Grand Jurisdictions. Notices of the time, place and object of the meetings
shall be issued by the Secretaries.
At each meeting, departmental
or general, a presiding officer shall be elected by ballot, for the purposes
of the meeting. Each department shall select a Secretary whose duties shall be
to keep the records and attend to the correspondence of the department.
The sole officer of the
Association shall be the Secretary who shall be selected at the general
meeting, or during the pleasure of the Association, and his functions shall be
purely clerical.
Realizing also that there
must be some practical way of knitting together the immediate efforts to
vitalize the New York Plan, as well as of getting the principles embodied in
the above Constitution before the several Grand Lodges of the United States,
and having them interpreted in the spirit in which they were adopted, an
Executive Commission was authorized to perform these important duties, in the
following resolution:
Resolved, That in order to
carry out and effectuate the objects specified in the Constitution this day
adopted, and for the purpose of meeting the instant need of service to the
soldiers and sailors overseas, a Commission of fifteen be appointed with Grand
Master Schoonover of Iowa as chairman thereof; said Commission to be selected
as far as possible according to their geographical situation; which Commission
shall have in charge the entire work contemplated in said Constitution, in
respect to the men engaged in overseas duty.
Resolved Further, That the
said Commission be authorized to enter into immediate correspondence with the
several Grand Jurisdictions here represented, and with those who shall
hereafter adopt said Constitution; and, in a general way, exercise the
functions of an administrative body, until such time as a set of by-laws may
be adopted by said Association.
Resolved Further, That this
Commission be known and designated as "The Executive Commission of the Masonic
Service Association of the United States." Of the fifteen members of the
Commission, ten have already been appointed, the naming of the rest being
dependent upon future developments. Besides the chairman, Past Grand Master
Townsend Scudder of New York is named as the Overseas Commissioner, in charge
of all activities deemed advisable on the other side, and the following
George L. Schoonover, Grand
Master, Iowa, Chairman;
Robert Judson Kenworthy,
Grand Secretary, New York;
Hugh A. McPherson, Grand
Master, Michigan;
A.C. Wherry, Senior Grand
Warden, Utah;
Charles C. Homer, Jr., Grand
Master, Maryland;
E. Tudor Gross, Grand Master,
Rhode Island;
Walter L. Stockwell, Grand
Secretary, North Dakota;
George A. Treadwell, Grand
Master, Louisiana;
T. Picton Warlow, Grand
Master, Florida;
George Lawler, Past Grand
Master, Washington.
Of the spirit of exaltation
which pervaded the Conference, from its beginning to its end, little can be
told in cold type. Iowa welcomed the delegates in the spirit of "The Rose of
Sharon," which was sung by the Consistory Quartette. It became the official
song of the Conference, and was sung over and over again. When the first
informal vote was taken upon a resolution which denoted action, and was in
fact the first indication of the sentiments of the men there gathered, every
hand was raised in the affirmative. Applause grew into cheers, while strong
men wept, their quivering lips restraining tongues that could not cheer. The
vote taken upon the tentative Constitution to be presented to the Grand Lodges
for their action was likewise unanimous, the roll call being by States. A
declaration to that effect was greeted by the entire Conference, without
suggestion, rising to sing America. And again the tears mingled with the
cheers. It may be truthfully said that not a single hour of any session but
was characterized by cheers and tears. The spirit of exaltation never left the
conference room. Not a word was spoken in rancor. The Spirit of Brotherhood
was never more present at any gathering. Every one weighed his words,
conscious of the responsibility resting upon him. Only one story was told
during the entire sessions, and that dealt with George Washington's position
in the constitutional convention. Always the atmosphere was electrical, with a
gentleness and consideration given to every speaker; his humor was
appreciated, his broad-mindedness conceded, his earnestness and sincerity
taken for granted. In a word, to have been privileged to sit in this gathering
was to be allowed a glimpse into Utopia.
The action of the Conference
was wholly informal, resting upon no buttress of law, and everyone knew it. No
pretense was made that the action taken was binding upon any Grand
Jurisdiction until that Jurisdiction chose to make it so. The individuals
simply gave expression to a unanimous opinion that Masonry ought to consider
the line of action indicated, and if deemed reasonable and wise, it ought to
act upon it. There the matter was left, each Brother present binding himself
to go forth and interpret the action to his own Grand Lodge in the spirit of
the Conference.
It is interesting to note
that the Grand Lodge of Georgia, which was holding its annual communication at
the same time as the Conference, consequently having no delegates present, but
which had been apprised of the subjects to be discussed, sent the following
"Grand Lodge closed today.
Endorsed your convention unreservedly. Authorized Grand Master to appropriate
funds needed."
The Grand Lodge of Texas,
meeting the week following the Conference, took action substantially after the
same manner, arranging also for the official attendance of its delegates at
the meeting to be held in November, 1919, providing a sufficient number of
Jurisdictions approve the action taken at the Conference so that a working
organization is assured.
Likewise the Grand Lodges of
Alabama and South Carolina have endorsed the project.
The first triennial meeting
of the Masonic Service Association, if said organization is approved by 15 or
more Jurisdictions after all have had opportunity, will be held on Liberty
Day, November 11, 1919, as proposed in the tentative constitution.
Thus is formally presented to
the Craft an opportunity to ally itself for any mission of mercy that may
occur. Education and enlightenment, as provided for in the objects listed,
should go a long way toward unity of thought and action in the directions
which are the basic and fundamental purposes of the Institution. I do not
personally believe that an alliance of our Grand Lodges after this manner,
permitting the voice of brotherhood to be raised in time of need and the hand
of mercy to be extended when men suffer, can be considered unmasonic by any
Grand Jurisdiction. I do not believe that, if our action is properly
understood and interpreted, there is any Mason in America who will not be
willing and anxious that he may help to support it. Control by law is not
intended or expected- - the Conference unanimously passed a resolution that
"nothing in the formation of this organization shall be construed as a move
toward the organization of a National Grand Lodge." Opportunity is afforded,
however, for fraternal intercourse of the warmest and most intimate kind, and
in time of emergency, the Voice of Masonry may speak, and action may be had in
an organized way, for the amelioration of distress.
That the Craft will accept
the opportunity tendered to them in the spirit which governed the Conference
itself, is all that can be expected, for that spirit was ideal. Those who
participated do not believe that the Voice of Masonry, raised in behalf of a
humanitarian service will be a harsh, discordant voice. They believe that it
will be expressive of all the gentleness and altruism embodied in the spirits
of its votaries, and they are not afraid of the result.
To summarize the spirit and
the attitude of the Conference, and to make its action fit into the history of
American Masonry in what I believe to be its proper niche, one needs but to
quote the words of Brother Edwin Markham:
"He drew a circle that shut
me out,
Heretic, Rebel, a Thing to
But love and I had the wit to
We drew a circle that took
him in!"
If I live a life that is
clean and square
And love my fellow man,
And lend him a hand to help
him bear
His burden whenever I can,
I need not fear what the
future holds,
Nor what the reward shall be,
For the mighty love that all
Will most surely care for me.
If I speak a word of good
cheer to one
Whose sorrows have borne him
And I give him new hope to
journey on
And change to a smile his
I shall not dread when the
shadows fall
And the end of life draws
For that wondrous love that
shelters all
Will drive away my fear.
For my life is measured by
what I mete,
And I earn my own reward,
So the love I give makes my
heart complete,
And through it I gain the
For whether I dwell in a
house by the road
Or far from the haunts of
If only my love makes bright
the abode
No fear shall enter it then.
--Author Unknown.
Lest we forget the simple
The kindly thoughts, the
human tears,
The harmless laughter and the
We knew in other happier
Lest we grow hard, and cruel
and cold,
And being young, our hearts
are old,
Held in the grasp of death
The Red Cross comes to fill
The cup of mercy long since
Bids in our hearts the birds
to sing,
Reviving joy that anger
by Brother William C. Prime,
New York
Brother William C. Prime was
born at Yonkers, New York, October 21, 1870, was graduated from Princeton in
1890, admitted to the Bar in the State of New York in the Spring of 1893,
after studying at New York University Law School.
He was initiated, passed and
raised in 1899, and has never had time to interest himself in other Masonic
activities than Craft Masonry, to which he has devoted a large part of his
time and resources. It may be that he is devoid of curiosity.
Brother Prime has been active
in the affairs of the Grand Lodge of New York for many years, being at
different times District Deputy Grand Master, member of various Committees,
Judge Advocate, and now Representative of the Grand Lodge of England near the
Grand Lodge of New York, as well as a member of the War Relief Administration
and of the Grand Master's Committee on Plan and Scope of Masonic Service
during the War.
He is an active practicing
lawyer, and very busy in the things which interest him, of direct speech and
rather quick thought.
THE United States of America
entered the great war on the side of the Allies on April 6, 1917. On the first
Tuesday of May following, the Grand Lodge of New York held its Annual
Communication, which was marked by enthusiasm, deep interest in, and support
of the war and of the cause of the Allies, but fortuitously, and yet,
strangely enough, so new was the war and our participation therein- -so
inchoate our plans and appreciation of the duties and responsibilities that
would be involved that practically no consideration--certainly no adequate
consideration-- was given to the duties and responsibilities that would rest
upon Freemasonry in connection therewith, and with the participation in the
war of thousands of Freemasons from the State of New York.
Grand Master Penney, early in
the month of July following, appointed a "Committee on Plan and Scope of
Masonic Service during the War," to advise with him and suggest the course to
be pursued, and legislation to be enacted to meet the emergency. The plans of
the Government for the construction of a great army had been formulated and
were in process of development. Camps and cantonments were established at
Syracuse, Fort Niagara, Madison Rarracks, Plattsburg, Yaphank, and Pelham Bay,
within the borders of the State, and men were also located at Fort Totten,
Fort Slocum, Fort Jay, Fort Hamilton and Fort Wadsworth, in the process of
training. Enlistments were being made rapidly. The draft had been authorized
and was about to be carried into effect. The army was mobilizing. Numbers of
men, candidates for Masonry, elected, and upon whom none, or only some, of the
Masonic degrees had been conferred by lodges outside our borders, were being
sent into the State for training. Appeals from sister Jurisdictions for
assistance in the matter of conferring degrees upon their candidates in this
situation were pressing and no machinery was provided by our Constitution for
assistance of candidates who had received no degrees. This Jurisdiction is one
of the few in the United States which does not, and never has authorized one
lodge to confer the first degree for another, in or out of the State. What to
do for ourselves, for the sons of Masons who were entering the service and
were soon to be dispatched overseas; for men, sons of Masons or otherwise, who
were desirous of allying themselves with the Fraternity and who had little or
no time to attend upon lodges in ordinary course, sorely perplexed. What
should be done to protect, stabilize and upbuild the moral fibre and standard
in the men thus turned from home, business, and ordinary pursuits and thrust
into a new life under strange conditions, without safeguard, as it seemed,
occupied the Committee and required its most careful consideration. Nothing
could be done without legislation, and the Constitution of the Grand Lodge
provided that legislation could be enacted only at an Annual Communication.
Another Annual Communication would not occur until May, 1918. How to solve the
problem was a sore trial.
Frequent sessions of the
Committee with the Grand Master were held during the summer of 1917, and
resulted in the formulation of a report, bearing date the 10th day of
September, 1917, recommending, among other things, three salient points:
1. Adoption of War
Regulations, looking to the abbreviation of formalities, in connection with
the conferring of the degrees on candidates in the Service and making possible
the conferring of the three degrees in one session by special dispensation of
the Grand Master, previously obtained;
2. The organization in
cantonments, training camps, on vessels, in regiments or other Military units
of Sea and Field Lodges, if the Grand Master should see fit, at home or
abroad, with authority to make Masons, and under such regulations as to dual
membership, or multiple membership, inspection, and control, as should seem
proper, and the extension by all appropriate means through Deputies,
representatives, or otherwise, to and among members of the Fraternity engaged
in the Country's service, of the influence of Freemasonry, and the rendering
to all sick and distressed, such aid, comfort and relief as should seem best
and proper; and,
3. The prompt accumulation of
a Masonic War and Relief Fund, of at least one million dollars, to prepare for
the burden of dependent parents, widows and fatherless, which, it was
anticipated, would soon become apparent.
To the end that these
suggestions should be carried into effect and made legal, the Grand Master
reconvened the 136th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge in session
September 10th, 1917; the report of the Committee on Plan and Scope was read,
accepted, and its recommendations adopted.
Thus machinery was devised,
and preparation made for our own immediate needs, but the legislation did not
extend so far as to provide a method of solving the problems of sister
jurisdictions in respect of their men within our territorial borders.
Lodges promptly and busily
became engaged in Masonic service of all kinds under the war regulations, and
could perform full and ample service for candidates from other Jurisdictions
within our borders who had already been initiated. But there were large
numbers of men within the State, and constantly more were coming, who had been
elected, but not initiated and others who had not even been elected, and who
were most zealous in their quest of light. The Grand Master early decided,
owing, in part, to the experience which he discovered had been had with
Military Lodges in the Civil War, against the establishment of Sea and Field
Lodges with regiments or on ships. His inclination was strongly in favor of
the fostering of Masonic Clubs or conferences among the men in the Service
overseas, but those, valuable as it might be, would not serve as an
instrumentality for conferring Masonic degrees, nor would they afford, within
the State of New York, a means of complying with and satisfying the prayers of
sister Jurisdictions for assistance.
By and with the advice of his
Committee on Plan and Scope, he determined, by virtue of the power in him
vested, and in pursuance of the spirit of the resolution of the Grand Lodge in
reconvention respecting Sea and Field Lodges, to organize Sea and Field Lodge
No. 1, by his special warrant, as his own creature with an extraordinary
authority to meet the emergencies arising through the war, and, on October 6,
1917, signed the warrant, creating the lodge and nominating its seven officers
sufficient to establish and equip an Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, or
Master Mason Lodge, as might be necessary, from the Master to and including
the Junior Deacons, with authority to hold Communications in the City of New
York and elsewhere, as might be necessary, to adopt such by-laws and
regulations for the governance of its proceedings and labor, subject to his
approval, as it might see fit to confer upon candidates who had been elected
members of a regular chartered lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State
of New York and who had actually enlisted or been drafted or commissioned
officers in the United States Forces in the present great war, the three
degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry without the usual interval and without the
usual proof of suitable proficiency in preceding degrees; to elect, initiate,
pass and raise, without the usual formalities and requirements of chartered
lodges, candidates, resident of the State of New York who had actually
enlisted or been drafted or commissioned officers in the United States forces
in the present great war, who applied therefor in writing and who satisfied
the Master and Wardens of said lodge that they were qualified, and who were
about to be sent out of this Jurisdiction on duty; and to initiate, pass or
raise candidates who had actually enlisted or been drafted or commissioned
officers in the United States forces in the present great war, residents of
other States who had been initiated or passed or, who, having been elected
members of regular lodges in their respective States, had not been initiated,
upon request of the Grand Master. Membership or officership in said lodge was
expressly permitted, without affecting existing membership or officership in a
regular chartered lodge.
The original warrant did not
authorize this lodge to initiate for another lodge in the State of New York,
but only to pass and raise candidates of such lodges, but early in November,
1917, in compliance with obvious necessity therefor, a supplemental warrant
covering authority to initiate for another lodge in the State of New York was
issued, making the scope of the lodge's authority substantially as set forth
in the above summary. The warrant designated as Master, a Past Grand Master
most active in the affairs of the Craft in the State, and all the other
officers designated were most actively concerned in the affairs of the Grand
Lodge, and most, if not all, officers thereof.
The lodge being authorized to
transact its business and conduct itself without the usual formalities and
requirements of chartered lodges, devised its own ritual, patterned
essentially after the standard ritual of the State of New York, with certain
radical modifications suited to its necessities and purposes. It will be noted
that its authority in respect of the election of candidates eliminates the
ordinary methods of investigation and balloting, and substitutes satisfaction
of the Master and Wardens as to the qualifications of the candidates. All of
its personnel are persons busily engaged in the affairs of life. It is without
machinery to investigate or to instruct. Its method, without going into
extensive detail, has been to satisfy itself of the desirability from a high
Masonic point of view, of material, and the approval in writing, by the Master
and Wardens, of the application is followed by a formal ballot by show of
hands, the lodge but formally ratifying, for the sake of the record, the
primary act of approval by the Master and Wardens who are the sole arbiters.
It would be difficult for any
Masonic genius, or company of geniuses, to contrive in a brief space of time
by mere concentration and thought, without experience, a method of conduct and
ritual and scheme of ceremonies which would be satisfactory or adequate. Much
thought was, of course, given to this subject before the lodge sat, but
naturally its method of performance has been a matter of development, and a
composite of the judgment of those among its personnel most interested and
qualified to advise. It sat first in the Scottish Rite Parlor in the Temple in
New York on October 10, 1917, and conferred the three degrees in one session
on five candidates, including a son of the then Grand Master. Since that date
it has sat thirty-five times, always in the City of New York, and has
conferred the degrees on seven hundred and forty-three candidates, of whom
four hundred and thirty-nine have been its own material, one hundred and
eighty-five candidates of lodges within the State of New York, and one hundred
and nineteen candidates of lodges without the State. Fifty-seven of its
candidates have been under the age of twenty-one years, all blood sons of
Master Masons, for each of whom a special and separate dispensation was first
granted by the Grand Master.
It has allied with itself as
Associate Members all of the Grand Master's Committee on Plan and Scope and
certain additional members whose zeal and devoted service naturally identified
them with the lodge. Seventeen of its personnel are members of the War Relief
Administration, lately organized by the Grand Lodge to administer the War
Relief Fund.
It was prophesied before the
lodge first sat, that its service would be more holy, serious, and beneficial
than that of any other symbolic lodge then known. The prophecy has been more
than realized. The harmony, consecutiveness, propriety and symbolism of its
performance is conspicuously unique. Attendance at its functions is by
invitation only. The performance of its service requires approximately three
and one-half hours. None come to scoff, but all stay to pray.
As is natural the musical
feature of its sessions is of a strikingly high order. Appropriate selections
are used in the successive stages, which have been chosen with regard also to
their symbolism and fitness to the lodge purposes.
The opening ceremonies
include the carrying of the colors and the singing of two verses of "My
Country 'Tis of Thee," the second verse composed in Canada since the
commencement of the war, with particular reference to the men in the Service,
commencing, "God save our splendid men." In the First degree, at the
reception, is sung, "Guide Me, Oh Thou Great Jehovah," to the tune "Autumn"
suggesting to thoughtful men, "Fortitude," it being the air played by the band
to stimulate brave men when the "Titanic" sunk. The second section of the
Third degree opens with a verse of "I Would Not Live Alway," and the lodge is
closed with the hymn, "Oh, God, Our Help in Ages Past." To each candidate for
the First degree, is presented an apron, and to each candidate who is raised
is presented a Bible in which is printed a pledge to which each candidate is
required to subscribe at the end of the ceremonies, but which is read to him
and assented to immediately after his reception in the First degree, which is
as follows:
"We undertake to maintain our
part of the war free from hatred, brutality, or graft, true to the American
purpose, and ideals. Aware of the temptations incidental to camp life and the
moral and social wreckage involved, we covenant together to live the clean
life and to seek to establish the American Uniform as a symbol and guaranty of
real manhood.
"We pledge our example and
our influence to make these ideals dominant in the American Army and Navy."
All the lodge's surplus
funds, over expenses, are devoted to the Grand Master's War Relief Fund, and
it takes up at each session a Dole for this purpose. From both sources the
fund has been enriched to date by more than $6,500.
The legislation referred to
at the opening of this account was the primary step taken by Freemasonry in
the United States of America to meet the duties and opportunities resting upon
it in this war (and while no other jurisdictions, so far as the writer is
aware, have met the situation as broadly and fully as has New York, a number
have been inspired to take action along similar lines in certain respects.)
Three jurisdictions have organized Military Lodges attached to regiments.
Several are engaged in raising funds and making plans for the administration
thereof. Most have modified, for men in the service, the rigidity of the
regulations respecting the interval between degrees and the requirement of
proficiency, and some, which have not done this for themselves, have
legislated to recognize and approve as valid for them, Masonic service
performed by Sea and Field Lodge No. 1 in accordance with its methods, which
is valid in the State of New York.
It may safely be observed
that men like Masonry; and it is better, by far, that this Ancient Love should
be modified and modernized to suit the pressing needs of the time, than that
its beneficent influence should be denied men in dire need of its kindly
office because of inflexible adherence to tradition and ancient practice.
The good which this war
service of Freemasonry has accomplished, is accomplishing and will accomplish,
is beyond anyone's capacity to estimate. No harm of any kind has been, or can
be suffered by Freemasonry as a result thereof. On the contrary, it has proven
an ideal union between ministry, the ministers and those ministered to, to the
glory of God and the eternal betterment of mankind. o
Janus was invoked at the
commencement of most actions; even in the worship of the other gods the votary
began by offering wine and incense to Janus. The first month in the year was
named from him; and under the title of Matutinus he was regarded as the opener
of the day. Hence he had charge of the gates of heaven, and hence, too, all
gates, Januae, were called after him, and supposed to be under his care.
Hence, perhaps it was, that he was represented with a staff and a key, and
that he was named the Opener (Patulcius), and the Shutter (Clusius). --M. A.
BULLETIN -- No. 24
Edited by Bro. H. L. Haywood
THE Course of Study has for
its foundation two sources of Masonic information: THE BUILDER and Mackey's
Encyclopedia. In another paragraph is explained how the references to former
issues of THE BUILDER and to Mackey's Encyclopedia may be worked up as
supplemental papers to exactly fit into each installment of the Course with
the papers by Brother Haywood.
The Course is divided into
five principal divisions which are in turn subdivided, as is shown below:
Division I. Ceremonial
A. The Work of the Lodge.
B. The Lodge and the
C. First Steps.
D. Second Steps.
E. Third Steps.
Division II. Symbolical
A. Clothing.
B. Working Tools.
C. Furniture.
D. Architecture.
E. Geometry.
F. Signs.
G. Words.
H. Grips.
Division III. Philosophical
A. Foundations.
B. Virtues.
C. Ethics.
D. Religious Aspect.
E. The Quest.
F. Mysticism.
G. The Secret Doctrine.
Division IV. Legislative
A. The Grand Lodge.
1. Ancient Constitutions.
2. Codes of Law.
3. Grand Lodge Practices.
4. Relationship to
Constituent Lodges.
5. Official Duties and
B. The Constituent Lodge.
1. Organization.
2. Qualifications of
3. Initiation, Passing and
4. Visitation.
5. Change of Membership.
Division V. Historical
A. The Mysteries--Earliest
Masonic Light.
B. Studies of Rites--Masonry
in the Making.
C. Contributions to Lodge
D. National Masonry.
E. Parallel Peculiarities in
Lodge Study.
F. Feminine Masonry.
G. Masonic Alphabets.
H. Historical Manuscripts of
the Craft.
I. Biographical Masonry.
J. Philological
Masonry--Study of Significant Words.
Each month we are presenting
a paper written by Brother Haywood, who is following the foregoing outline. We
are now in "First Steps" of Ceremonial Masonry. There will be twelve monthly
papers under this particular subdivision. On page two, preceding each
installment, will be given a list of questions to be used by the chairman of
the Committee during the study period which will bring out every point touched
upon in the paper.
Whenever possible we shall
reprint in the Correspondence Circle Bulletin articles from other sources
which have a direct bearing upon the particular subject covered by Brother
Haywood in his monthly paper. These articles should be used as supplemental
papers in addition to those prepared by the members from the monthly list of
references. Much valuable material that would otherwise possibly never come to
the attention of many of our members will thus be presented.
The monthly installments of
the Course appearing in the Correspondence Circle Bulletin should be used one
month later than their appearance. If this is done the Committee will have
opportunity to arrange their programs several weeks in advance of the meetings
and the brethren who are members of the National Masonic Research Society will
be better enabled to enter into the discussions after they have read over and
studied the installment in THE BUILDER.
Immediately preceding each of
Brother Haywood's monthly papers in the Correspondence Circle Bulletin will be
found a list of references to THE BUILDER and Mackey's Encyclopedia. These
references are pertinent to the paper and will either enlarge upon many of the
points touched upon or bring out new points for reading and discussion. They
should be assigned by the Committee to different brethren who may compile
papers of their own from the material thus to be found, or in many instances
the articles themselves or extracts therefrom may be read directly from the
originals. The latter method may be followed when the members may not feel
able to compile original papers, or when the original may be deemed
appropriate without any alterations or additions.
The lodge should select a
"Research Committee" preferably of three "live" members. The study meetings
should be held once a month, either at a special meeting of the lodge called
for the purpose, or at a regular meeting at which no business (except the
lodge routine) should be transacted--all possible time to be given to the
study period.
After the lodge has been
opened and all routine business disposed of, the Master should turn the lodge
over to the Chairman of the Research Committee. This Committee should be fully
prepared in advance on the subject for the evening. All members to whom
references for supplemental papers have been assigned should be prepared with
their papers and should also have a comprehensive grasp of Brother Haywood's
1. Reading of the first
section of Brother Haywood's paper and the supplemental papers thereto.
(Suggestion: While these
papers are being read the members of the lodge should make notes of any points
they may wish to discuss or inquire into when the discussion is opened. Tabs
or slips of paper similar to those used in elections should be distributed
among the members for this purpose at the opening of the study period.)
2. Discussion of the above.
3. The subsequent sections of
Brother Haywood's paper and the supplemental papers should then be taken up,
one at a time, and disposed of in the same manner. 4. Question Box.
Invite questions from any and
all brethren present. Let them understand that these meetings are for their
particular benefit and get them into the habit of asking all the questions
they may think of. Every one of the papers read will suggest questions as to
facts and meanings which may not perhaps be actually covered at all in the
paper. If at the time these questions are propounded no one can answer them,
SEND THEM IN TO US. All the reference material we have will be gone through in
an endeavor to supply a satisfactory answer. In fact we are prepared to make
special research when called upon, and will usually be able to give answers
within a day or two. Please remember, too, that the great Library of the Grand
Lodge of Iowa is only a few miles away, and, by order of the Trustees of the
Grand Lodge, the Grand Secretary places it at our disposal on any query raised
by any member of the Society.
The foregoing information
should enable local Committees to conduct their lodge study meetings with
success. However we shall welcome all inquiries and communications from
interested brethren concerning any phase of the plan that is not entirely
clear to them, and the services of our Study Club Department are at the
command of our members, lodge and study club committees at all times.
What can you add to the
quotation from Carlyle? What particular accomplishment of man is cited by
Bergson to distinguish man from brute ? In what manner do the tools of the
brute differ from those of man ? How has man's superiority over the brute
developed? Where does man's superiority lie?
What is the key to Masonry's
use of the "working tools"? What is their use ? How are they symbolized ? What
is the ultimate design to be accomplished by the use of the working tools of
Masonry ? Can a Mason shape his own destiny or be instrumental in shaping the
destiny of others without the aid of his Masonic working tools?
Why is not the newly
initiated candidate at once intrusted with all the working tools or implements
of Masonry? With what tools is he intrusted and instructed in the Masonic
application of, in the Entered Apprentice degree? in the Fellow Craft degree?
in the Master Mason degree ?
What is a "twenty-four inch
gauge"? Of what is it the symbol, in our Monitors? Give the Monitorial
exposition of the twenty-four inch gauge in the language of the standard
"work" of your Grand Jurisdiction. What reference to it was made by the old
writers in connection with Saints Ambrose and Augustine and King Alfred? Do
you agree with what Brother Haywood says regarding the right use and division
of time ? If not, why not ?
What is your definition of
"Time"? What definition of it does Brother Haywood give? Does Time symbolize
to you opportunities to be grasped and improved upon ? Who wastes time, the
laggard or the successful man ? Do you consider it a waste of time to attend
the Study Club meetings of your lodge or Study Club? Are you wasting time by
not attending these meetings ? Are you applying the twenty-four inch gauge to
your time as did Abraham Lincoln and Albert Pike and other busy men?
What is the fundamental
reason for so many men devolving into "human failures" ? How may we protect
ourselves against becoming failures in life ? How has man heretofore divided
his actions ? What test should we apply to our actions? What foundation are
Masons laying for the morality of the future? What great secret have we to
learn from the twenty four inch gauge?
What was the symbolism of the
gavel in the Middle Ages? Whence was this symbolism derived? Of what was the
gavel a symbol in Scandinavian mythology? What other peoples attribute to it
the same symbolism? What is the Masonic derivation of the gavel? Give the
Monitorial reference to the gavel as used in the standard "work" of your Grand
Jurisdiction. Is the common gavel a symbol of authority ? How is it
distinguished from the implement of authority wielded by the Master of a
lodge? What functions are combined in the common gavel? What is Mackey's
explanation of its probable derivation?
What use did the operative
masons make of the common gavel ? What is a "knob" on a stone ? an
"excrescence"? What do these suggest to Brother Haywood ? Do you agree with
him in his deductions? If not, why not?
Does Masonry demand more from
its members in the foregoing respect than do other organizations of their
members or employees? What is the first lesson to be learned by a soldier, or
an employee of a corporation? Why must they learn this lesson ? Is "team work"
and "cooperation" necessary to the success of a lodge ? of a Grand Lodge ? of
Masonry as a whole ? Could Masonry successfully cope with the questions which
are arising each day in connection with the great work of reconstruction which
the world is now facing, without some such united organization as the
recently-launched "Masonic Service Association of the United States"? Did the
necessity of "team work" and "cooperation" demand the organization of such a
Body ?
Mackey's Encyclopedia: Gavel,
p. 290; Twenty-Four Inch Gauge, p. 811.
Twenty-Four Inch Gauge, p. 94. Vol. III.--Gavel, p. 79; Twenty-Four Inch
Gauge, p. 79. Vol. IV.--Gavel, p. 156.
"Man is a tool-using animal,
weak in himself, and of small stature, he stands on a basis, at most for the
flattest-soled, of some half-square foot, insecurely enough; has to straddle
out his legs, lest the very wind supplant him. Feeblest of bipeds ! Three
quintals are a crushing load to him; the steer of the meadow tosses him aloft,
like a waste rag. Nevertheless he can use tools, can devise tools; with these
the granite mountain melts into light dust before him; he kneads glowing iron,
as if it were soft paste; seas are his smooth highway, winds and fire his
unwearying steeds. Nowhere do you find him without tools; without tools he is
nothing, with tools he is all."
THUS writes Thomas Carlyle,
who was not always as Masonic as he is here. It would be difficult to state in
language more forceful the whole philosophy underlying the Working Tools of
Masonry, albeit reference might also be made to Henry Bergson, who wrote his
"Creative Revolution" many years after Carlyle had penned his "Sartor Resartus,"
and when new light had come, and men had grown wiser in science. In his book,
which is the most original discussion of Evolution since Darwin's "Origin of
Species," Bergson shows that nothing more distinguishes the man from the brute
than his use of tools. The brute has his tools built into his own body and
consequently can neither modify nor change them; the beaver's teeth, the
spider's spinnet, the eagle's talons, the lion's claws, in every case the
brute's tool is a part of the brute's anatomy, with the result that its
operations are confined within very narrow limits. But man makes his own
tools, can modify or change them at will, and is always free to adapt himself
and his work to ever-changing need; from this has arisen man's superiority to
the brute creation for he can use his tools upon himself and thus change his
own nature as well as the external world. Accordingly, Bergson defines a man
as "The animal that makes things," and he is careful to show that man's
superiority lies in his power to work upon himself as well as upon things.
Here, in this last clause, is
the key to Masonry's use of Working Tools. In no case are they instruments to
be used on external things, though they are symbolized by the tools of the
operative builders; in which every case they are mental or moral forces with
which a man may reshape himself into a mystic temple, and help reshape society
into a great Brotherhood. With the implements thus understood, no man or Mason
can ever hope to build except he be equipped with his kit of tools.
But some tools are simpler in
use than others, and better adapted to simpler work; therefore the Craft has
wisely distributed the implements among the degrees, in recognition of the
candidate's increase of skill and responsibility; in the First degree the
Apprentice is given the Twenty-four Inch Gauge and Common Gavel; in the Second
degree the candidate is allowed the Plumb, Square and Level; while the Master
Mason, in token of his task in completing the building work, is given the
Trowel. Necessarily the tools of the Second and Third degrees will be treated
in their corresponding places; in this connection we are interested only in
the working tools of an Entered Apprentice.
The Twenty-Four Inch Gauge.
This is nothing other than an ordinary two-foot rule such as may be found in
use among stone-masons of today; as such we need not go far to seek its origin
or dive deep to find its meaning. Our Monitors make it the symbol of time well
systematized, and our older writers have often referred to Saints Ambrose and
Augustine and to King Alfred as exemplars of the wisdom of devoting eight
hours to the-service of God, and distressed worthy brethren, eight hours to
their usual vocations and eight to rest and refreshment. This reading of the
symbolism may be accepted without reserve, but is not this right use and
dividing of time itself suggestive of that wider use of law and order so
necessary in the life of the individual and the world ?
What time is in itself we do
not know, perhaps we shall never know. But in every life it is nothing other
than our opportunity to live and work. We have our alloted span of existence;
we have our allotted task; our wisdom consists in making one fit the other.
Time flows over some men as water flows over a stone; to others a single hour
may bring a new depth of experience and open out new vistas of vision. It is
not the least among the secrets of genius that the great mind understands the
value of the odd moment or the spare hour. Many Illinois lawyers between 1840
and 1860 found their days eaten up by their practice; Abraham Lincoln was as
busy as the others but he managed in his spare time to learn Whites' Geometry
by heart, to study the technique of politics, and to master every phase and
angle of the Slavery question. There were only twenty-four hours in one of
Albert Pike's days, even as in ours; he made of himself, in spite of a
thousand handicaps, one of the profoundest scholars of his day--antiquarian,
linguist, jurist, philologist, what not; he "found the Scottish Rite a
log-cabin and left it a palace"; he plowed his influence into America, and all
because he knew how to apply the gauge to his time.
Much of the waste and
confusion of human existence arises from men's failure to measure their work
by some standard or rule; they float down the stream like chips, take things
as they come and go, and suffer themselves to be blown this way and that like
a derelict at sea. Their days are as mere heaps of stone to which no quarryman
has ever brought his tools. He who has learned how to transform time into
life, deals with circumstances as an artist uses his materials; he has ever
before him a plan laid out on his mind's tracing board; he selects his
materials and appoints each to its appropriate function, fitting and shaping
all according to his design.
What is the standard by which
we may test our work? What is the measure of rightness? For many centuries we
have been dividing our actions into two opposing tables, one made up of good
actions, and one of bad. When we have desired to learn whether or not some
proposed action was good or bad we searched for it in the two lists. But this
morality by code is rapidly breaking down for we find that a deed will be
guilty under some circumstances, innocent under others. If I shoot a man for
assaulting my family I do right; if I shoot a friend in a quarrel I do evil.
The one test which we can apply to any and every action is, What is its effect
on life~ If it enlarges, exalts, ennobles, if it makes life more musical, more
worthful, more rich, it is good; if it cramps, corrupts, debases, defiles, it
is evil. This is life morality and every evidence indicates that it is to be
the morality of the future.
And it is also, I believe,
the morality of Masonry, as symbolized by that Working Tool which would teach
us how to transform time into life. He who learns this use of it need ever
regret the passing of "every year," for every year will but add honor to his
head and riches to his heart until the end comes when time will lead him to
"Old time will end our stay,
But no time, if we end well,
will end our glory."
The Common Gavel. In the
Middle Ages the gavel was a symbol often made use of by religious bodies to
signify possession, a meaning derived, perhaps, from the ancient custom of
throwing a gavel (or hammer) across a field to claim ownership. In the
Scandinavian mythology it was Thor's hammer and stood for power, often seen in
the thunderings and lightnings by which that dread god split the rocks and
destroyed the trees. It is similarly used, we learn from Murray-Aynsley (A.Q.C.
Vol. 6, p. 51) by New Zealanders, the Maoris, and Channel Island savages. In
Masonry it has other meanings, being derived from the tool used by the workmen
in dressing a stone to the desired shape.
As a Working Tool it must not
be confused with the Master's hammer which, because it stands for his
authority, is often called the "Hiram," in commemoration of the authority
wielded by the First Grand Master. It is a tool with one sharp edge and
combines the functions of the hammer and the chisel. When looked at from the
end, with the cutting edge turned up, it has the appearance of the gable of a
house, and this suggested to Mackey that it may have been derived from the
German "gipful," or gable. However that may be it is a tool for shaping and
not for breaking and is therefore not an emblem of force, as some have
fancied, though it is obvious that force must be employed to use it.
According to the Monitorial
explanation, "The Common Gavel is an instrument made use of by operative
masons, to break off the corners of rough stones, the better to fit them for
the builder's use; but we, as free and accepted Masons, are taught to make use
of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of divesting our minds and
consciences of all the vices and superfluities of life, thereby fitting our
bodies as living stones, for that spiritual building, that house not made by
hands, eternal in the heavens." In other connections we are told that the
gavel was used by operative masons to break off the knobs and excrescencies of
stones in order to shape the rough ashlar into the perfect ashlar, or finished
building stone.
A "knob" is an inequality in
the stone itself; an "excrescence" is some foreign substance clinging to it.
It may appear fanciful but this has suggested to me those vices and
inequalities in us men which spring on the one hand from heredity and on the
other from environment. By the first we are influenced by our ancestors or
parents; by the latter we are shaped, in some degree at least, by our
surroundings. In either case, and however derived, each of us finds in his
nature some trait of temper or temperament, some bias of mind, some. trick of
action, or other irregularity, that brings us into conflict with our fellows.
In so far as these are not essential to right character Masonry demands that
we trim them off in order that we may "fit in" with the Fraternity.
In this our Institution asks
no more than does the world at large or other organizations, for all the cry
today is for team-work and cooperation. The member of a regiment, the employee
of a corporation, must learn to subordinate himself to the whole lest the
perversity of the individual destroy the whole. Individualists may cherish
their differences in behalf of self-distinction, but the wise man will learn
to adjust himself to, and control his idiosyncracies in behalf of the needs of
order. This is in no sense the debasing of every man to the dead level of
mediocrity for it is in and not apart from, social life that real
individuality is born.
Life is an offering, that is
And the ultimate glory of its
Is that 'tis hardly worth a
Save as 'tis given, freely,
Save as from it we pour and
As the alchemist provides the
Save as on the "waters cast"
The "bread" that will return
at last--
Save as we give it all away
To find ourselves, some
day--some day.
--L. B. M.
AT the annual communication
of the Grand Lodge in 1917 the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, It is pre-eminently
desirable that the "Universality of Masonry," no less than the "Fatherhood of
God and the Brotherhood of Man" shall be something more than an empty phrase;
Whereas, The readjustment of
the world's affairs that will result from the conflict now raging will
justify, if it shall not require, a reconsideration of the judgments rendered
in the past concerning what were believed to be fundamental differences
between Anglo-Saxon and Latin Masonry; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That a Special
Committee of five members of this Grand Lodge be appointed by the Grand Master
to report at the next annual communication some plan whereby, if possible, the
breach between French and Anglo-Saxon Masonry may be healed without the
sacrifice on either side of any essential principle or matter of conscience;
and, be it further
Resolved, That any inhibition
upon the right of visitation heretofore imposed by this Grand Lodge be, and
the same hereby is, modified insofar as it may be necessary to allow and
permit our brethren to hold Masonic intercourse with the Masons in France,
Belgium and Italy, and to visit any of their lodges.
The Grand Master appointed
William Rhodes Hervey, Bradford Webster, Charles Albert Adams, George F.
Rodden and George W. Hunter a Special Committee to make the report provided
for in the resolutions.
Immediately after entering
upon its task the committee was confronted with grave difficulties arising out
of the disturbances resulting from our present state of war, lack of authentic
and detailed information relating to the subject matter, and the widely
variant attitudes assumed by Grand Lodges respecting French Masonic powers.
Because of these difficulties your committee finds itself unable at this time,
notwithstanding its serious and diligent efforts, to comply with the
requirements of your resolution. However, it may be profitable to present a
discussion of the subject and respectfully to recommend a present course of
action for the Grand Lodge of California without presuming in any degree to
indicate the attitude which should be assumed by any other Body, or remotely
to suggest the propriety of similar action by any other Grand Lodge of the
great family of Anglo-Saxon Masonry.
The work entrusted to your
committee is one of vital importance at this time. More than 5,300 members of
California Lodges have enlisted in the military or naval service of our great
government, and thousands more, in all probability, will soon join the colors.
Many of these Masons are already serving in France, and our brethren will be
sent in increasing numbers to that distant land. California Masons are
companions in arms with French Masons who owe allegiance to Bodies with which
this Grand Lodge has no fraternal relationship. These men are engaged in the
same high enterprise in behalf of honor and civilization, their brave hearts
beat in unison, they confront the same foe and equal dangers, and the ashes of
many of them will commingle in the sacred soil of France, which is being
hallowed by their blood. They are entitled to exchange and enjoy all the
royalties and generosities and amenities of Masonic fellowship and social
intercourse unless some insurmountable barrier of conscience lifts between
We are face to face with new
and unusual conditions in the Masonic world. Our soldier brethren in France
are unfamiliar with the points of difference which separate the Anglo-Saxon
Masons from their French brethren, and they are entitled to have this vexed
and difficult question settled or to be advised of the reasons for a continued
separation. The French Bodies have made overtures for recognition. It seems
our plain duty to leave nothing undone that can consistently be done to cement
more firmly the bonds of universal brotherhood. We desire, in this report, to
lay before you the facts pertinent to this inquiry and to point out the
obstacles which must be overcome if French Masonry is to be recognized by this
Grand Lodge. We regret that this report will be found lacking in definiteness,
but authentic information is not always available and many aspects of the
question under consideration are veiled in obscurity. We believe the
statements herein contained, gathered from many sources, to be facts in the
case, although we cannot, in every instance, prove their authenticity.
There are three Grand Bodies
in France exercising authority over the degrees of symbolic and Ancient Craft
Masonry, to-wit: the Grand Orient of France, the Grand Lodge of France, and
the Independent and Regular National Grand Lodge of France and the French
Colonies. These three Bodies are independent of each other and exhibit
differences in method and principle. It appears that very little is known
about French Masonry by the members of the Craft, and the fugitive items in
the Masonic and secular press on this subject have not always dealt fairly
with our French brethren, and oftentimes have echoed the complaints and
misrepresentations of the enemies of Latin Masonry. The history of these
powers may be briefly summarized as follows:
(a) The Grand Orient. It is
claimed that a lodge of Masons was organized at Dunkirk in the early years of
the eighteenth century, but we have been unable to verify such facts. It
appears that the first lodge actually known in France was that established in
Paris in 1732 by Lord Derwentwater. In 1735 certain lodges at Paris applied to
the Grand Lodge of England for the constitution of a Provincial Grand Lodge,
but the petition was refused for political reasons. The Grand Lodge of England
reconsidered its action and in 1743 granted authority for the organization of
a Provincial Grand Lodge under the name of the Grand Loge Anglaise de France.
We have been advised that the constitution of this Grand Lodge was modeled on
that of the Anderson Constitutions of 1723. Soon after the organization of
this Grand Body differences arose between the Parisian and Provincial lodges
and there ensued years of turbulence. In 1775 the Grand Lodge declared its
independence of the Grand Lodge of England and changed its name to Grande Loge
de France, and excluded all the Provincial lodges from its membership. It
seems that this body recognized only the first three degrees of Masonry. The
difficulties between the Parisian Grand Lodge and the Provincial lodges seem
to have been finally healed and all the factions of French Craft Masonry were
united in 1771, in which year a new constitution was adopted and the Grande
Loge de France was merged into the Grand Orient of France. It appears,
however, that soon a faction arose which repudiated the merger or change and
perpetuated the existence of the Grand Lodge, which engaged in a struggle
against the new Grand Orient until 1779, when the Grand Lodge was finally and
completely united with the Grand Orient. In 1804 a second Grand Body was
organized, but by treaty was soon after merged into the Grand Orient. Even a
cursory inquiry into the history of the Grand Orient is sufficient to impress
the student with the belligerent and controversial nature of the body, and
there is reason to believe that the internal conflicts in the Grand Orient are
probably responsible for the existence, at this time, of more than one ruling
Body of Craft Masonry in France. Yet it must be borne in mind that even in
England schisms in Masonry were the outstanding feature of its early history,
and that in 1753 there was a division into two Grand Lodges --the Ancients and
the Moderns--which were not united until 1813.
It seems that the Grand
Orient, at an early date, assumed control over the "higher" degrees of
Masonry, and we read that in 1804 it entered into a controversy with the
Supreme Council of France, an organization of Scottish Rite Masons which seems
to have originated in France in 1760 under the name of the Rite of Perfection,
and in 1805 agreed upon a treaty by which the sovereignty and independence of
the Supreme Council was recognized over all degrees above the eighteenth,
while the Grand Orient was agreed to have full power over all the degrees up
to and including the eighteenth. This treaty was not sufficient to produce the
desired harmony, and soon after its ratification renewed disturbances began
because of the violations thereof by the Grand Orient. However, the Grand
Orient has continued for more than a century the strongest and most
influential Masonic power in France, and, according to recent reports, today
rules over 465 subordinate lodges with 35,000 members.
(b) The Grand Lodge of
France. It appears that the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree for
France organized the Grand Lodge of France in 1804 to administer and control
the lodges working the first three degrees of Masonry, although some
authorities contended that this Grand Lodge was a survival of a faction of the
Body that was united to the Grand Orient in 1779. Our information respecting
the history of this Grand Lodge, from the time it claims to have been
organized until recent years, is so obscure that we can not give any details
of its career. It appears, however, that the Grand Lodge was reorganized in
1894, but remained a subsidiary or an instrumentality of the Supreme Council
of France until 1904, when it became a sovereign and independent Body. Its
independence from the Grand Orient seems to date from 1895. From the fact that
the Grand Orient claimed jurisdiction over all degrees under the eighteenth,
and that the Supreme Council possessed jurisdiction over the degrees above the
eighteenth, it is difficult to understand how the Supreme Council gained
jurisdiction over the Craft degrees so that it might relinquish the same to
the Grand Lodge, except upon the theory that strife continued between the two
great Masonic powers in France, and that, notwithstanding the treaty they had
made, each continued to confer and rule the first, second and third degrees.
Not being able to trace the history of the relations between these powers, we
assume that the independence gained by the Grand Lodge of the Grand Orient in
1895, and of the Supreme Council in 1904, terminated what must have been a
long quarrel. We believe that, by reasons of violations of the treaty of 1805,
from 1841 both the Grand Orient and the Supreme Council conferred and ruled
Craft degrees, and that the Supreme Council relinquished control over the
degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry to the Grand Lodge in 1904. The Grand Lodge
is said to have 136 lodges, with a membership in excess of 8,500. It is
interesting to note that one of these lodges, "Anglo-Saxon No. 343," works in
the English language, and that its members are mostly British and Americans,
and we are happy to state that fraternal good will has existed uninterruptedly
between these Grand Bodies since 1904. The Grand Lodge claims jurisdiction
over only over the first, second and third degrees of Masonry.
(c) The Independent and
Regular National Grand Lodge of France and the French Colonies. This Body was
founded in December, 1913, and has been recognized by the Grand Lodges of
England, Scotland and other countries. It was organized by three lodges which
withdrew from the Grand Orient, and it appears that at the present time the
jurisdiction of the new Grand Body extends over three or four lodges, with a
membership of less than 200 Masons. This Body claims to be the only regular
Grand Lodge in France, and we are informed, has modeled itself upon the laws
and principles of the Grand Lodge of England. It has been more than once
intimated in high places that this is hardly a new Grand Lodge, but rather a
sort of colonization in France of new lodges under English patronage. It seems
to us that this. Body may be considered a negligible quantity until a longer
life and greater growth may justify the attention of the Masonic world.
Very early after its
organization, the Grand Lodge of California seems to have recognized or
considered itself in fraternal correspondence with the Grand Orient of France,
and under date of May 1, 1852, Prince Lucien Murat, Grand Master of the Grand
Orient of France, addressed the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California,
announcing his election and extending fraternal greetings, and stating the
desire for co-operation and future existence of firm and friendly
relationships, which letter was answered in a corresponding fraternal spirit
by Grand Master Charles M. Radcliff. In 1858 Grand Master N. Greene Curtis
received an invitation from the Grand Orient of France to send three members
to that Grand Body in order that more intimate relations might be established.
The Grand Lodge of California approved of the plan to establish permanent
interchange of representatives. In 1859 the learned Grand Secretary, Alex G.
Abell, reported the receipt of the bulletins of the Grand Orient of France and
its calendars, and also furnished the Grand Lodge with a translation of a
letter from the Master of Lodge La Clemente Amitie in Paris. Our report for
1861 shows a continued friendly correspondence between the Grand Orient of
France and the Grand Lodge of California.
In 1856 the Foulhouze-Cerneau
Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite was organized in Louisiana. Two of the
subordinates of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana withdrew and joined the illegal
and spurious Supreme Council. The Grand Orient of France refused recognition
to the Foulhouze-Cerneau Council and denounced the same as irregular and
clandestine, but ten years later in 1868, the Grand Orient of France,
undoubtedly ignorant of the true conditions existing in Louisiana and misled
by its zeal in behalf of a wide tolerance and liberty of conscience, accorded
recognition to the spurious Council, whereupon the Grand Lodge of Louisiana
severed fraternal relations with the Grand Orient, after protesting its
action. In order to give emphasis to its objection to the invasion of its
jurisdiction, the Grand Lodge of Louisiana presented its grievance to the
other Grand Lodges of the United States, and in a short time thirty Grand
Lodges severed fraternal relations with the Grand Orient of France. In 1869
the Grand Lodge of California, because of this hostile and unlawful action of
the Grand Orient of France, suspended all Masonic intercourse therewith. In
1872 the Grand Orient of France, while still persisting in its unwarranted
invasion of the rights of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, addressed the Grand
Lodge of California, expressing a desire to renew fraternal relations and to
submit a report concerning the difficulty with the Grand Lodge of Louisiana,
declaring that the Grand Orient could not change its conclusions, but hoping
that the American Grand Lodges might reconsider their decrees of interdiction.
The spurious and irregular Supreme Council, which was the original cause of
the severance of fraternal relations between the American Grand Lodges and the
Grand Orient of France, had long since ceased to exist, and upon its demise
the violation of the Grand Orient of the territorial jurisdiction of the Grand
Lodge of Louisiana ended. That the Grand Lodge of Louisiana at this time has
no grievance against the Grand Orient of France is emphatically demonstrated
by the fact that on February 5, 1918, the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, by an
unanimous vote, repealed its edicts of non-intercourse with the Grand Orient
of France and arranged for an exchange of representatives.
If the only differences
between the Grand Orient of France and the Grand Lodge of California were
those growing out of the invasion of the territorial jurisdiction of the Grand
Lodge of Louisiana, then there would be no obstacles in the way of immediate
establishment of full fraternal relations with the Grand Orient of France. It
appears, however, that after the dissolution of relations in 1869, certain
changes were made in the constitution of the Grand Orient of France which are
now the subject of controversy. For several years the Grand Orient discussed
the proposition of striking all reference to the Deity from the rituals and
the constitution. In 1877 the Grand Orient, after a year of serious
deliberation, by a vote of 135 to 76 lodges, resolved to make the change in
the constitution. It seems that prior to 1849 the constitution and rituals of
the Grand Orient were essentially the same as they stand today. In 1849,
probably because of growing closeness of political relations with Great
Britain, the Grand Orient amended its laws and practices so as to more nearly
conform to those of the Grand Lodge of England. We understand that, following
the English model, the Grand Orient adopted the following rule in 1849:
"Freemasonry has for its
principles the existence of God, the immortality of the soul, and the
solidarity of mankind."
In 1877 this provision of the
constitution was repealed, and in lieu thereof the following was substituted:
"Whereas, Freemasonry is not
a religion, and has, therefore, no doctrine or dogma to affirm its
constitution, the Assembly adopting the Vaeu IX., has decided and decreed that
the second paragraph of Article I of the constitution shall be erased and that
for the words of said article the following shall be substituted:
"Freemasonry, an essentially
philanthropical and progressive institution, has for its object the pursuit of
truth, the study of morality, and the practice of solidarity; its efforts are
directed to the material and moral improvement and the intellectual and social
advancement of humanity. It has for its principles, mutual tolerance, respect
for others and for one's self, and absolute liberty of conscience. Considering
metaphysical conceptions as belonging exclusively to the individual judgment
of its members, it refuses to accept any dogmatic affirmation. Its motto is:
'Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.'"
Upon making this change in
the constitution, the Grand Lodges in English speaking countries then in
fraternal relations with the Grand Orient, dissolved the same, and many of the
Grand Lodges in the United States, although having already severed relations
because of the Louisiana incident, protested the action of the Grand Orient.
The attitude taken is not easily understood when we remember that many
protesting Grand Lodges held fraternal relations with the Grand Orient prior
to 1849, and that the announced principles of the Grand Orient subsequent to
1877 were practically identical with those avowed in the years preceding 1849.
The most plausible explanation is that the Grand Orient was under suspicion
after the violation of the Jurisdiction of Louisiana, and that instead of
according full faith and credit to its actions, other Grand Bodies looked
askance upon all its doings. It is needless to add that our French brethren
made the most sincere explanations of their action and were astonished and
grieved at the fraternal discord that ensued.
The Grand Orient explained
that by its action in 1877 it merely reverted to the Anderson Constitutions of
1723, which are everywhere recognized as the common law of Masonry. These
Constitutions appear under the title "The Charges of a Freemason" in our Blue
Book, at page 342. Article I reads as follows:
"A Mason is obliged by his
tenure to obey the moral law, and if he rightly understands the art he will
never be a stupid atheist, nor an irreligious libertine. But, though in
ancient times Masons were charged in every country to be of the religion of
that country, or nation, whatever it was, yet it is now thought more expedient
only to oblige them to that religion in which all men agree, leaving their
particular opinions to themselves; that is, to be good men and true, or men of
Honour and Honesty, by whatever denominations or persuasions they may be
distinguished; whereby Masonry becomes the centre of union and the means of
conciliating true friendship among persons that must have otherwise remained
at a perpetual distance."
The Grand Lodge of England
adhered to these Constitutions until 1815, when it changed the article by
inserting the word God in a number of places, but these changes were not
adopted by the Grand Lodges in the United States. The Grand Orient, however,
did in 1849 make changes to correspond with those made by England in 1815, and
then in 1877 reverted back to the original basis of 1723.
The French Masons have been
roundly denounced and abused by Grand Lodges and Ecclesiastical Powers as
godless and atheistic. It is illuminating to examine their views of the
The Committee urging the
adoption of the proposed amendment said in 1877:
"Who is not aware, at this
moment, that in advocating this suppression no one among us understands
himself as making a profession of atheism and materialism. In regard to this
matter every misunderstanding must disappear from our minds, and if in any
lodge there should remain any doubt in reference to this point, let them know
that the commission declares without reservation that by acceding to the wish
of Lodge No. 9, it sets before it no other object than the proclamation of
absolute liberty of conscience."
Brother Frederic Desmons, a
Protestant minister of reputation and high character, who was nine times
President of the Grand Orient of France, strenuously urged the adoption of the
amendment, and later said:
"In suppressing the formula
respecting the G. A. of the U. we did not mean to replace it by a
materialistic formula. None among us in proposing this suppression, thought of
professing atheism or materialism, and we declare formally and emphatically
that we had no other end in view than to proclaim absolute liberty of
Brother Maricault, the
reporter of the committee on amendment of the law, in recommending a
postponement in 1876 of the question, made the following statement:
"Your commission has
recognized that bad faith alone could interpret the suppression demanded as a
denial of the existence of God and the immortality of the soul; human
solidarity and freedom of conscience, which would be henceforth the exclusive
basis of Freemasonry, imply quite as strongly belief in God and in an immortal
soul as they do materialism, positivism, or any other philosophic doctrine."
By "solidarity" Brother
Maricault and his brethren mean "brotherhood of man."
The Grand Secretary of the
Grand Orient wrote to an English brother as follows:
"The Grand Orient of France
has not abolished the Masonic formula, 'To the glory of the Great Architect of
the Universe,' as you appear to believe, still less have they made profession
of atheism. In their general assembly of September, 1877, they purely and
simply proclaimed absolute liberty of conscience as a right belonging to every
man, and out of respect for this liberty they expunged from their Constitution
a dogmatic formula, which seemed to a great majority of the members to be in
contradiction with liberty of conscience.
"In modifying an article of
its statutes the Grand Orient of France by no means intended to make
profession of either atheism or materialism, as would seem to be understood.
No alteration has been made either in the principles or the practice of
Masonry; French Masonry remains what it has always been--a fraternal and
tolerant brotherhood."
We are informed that French
Masons contend that prior to 1877 the Book of Constitutions had lain upon the
altars, and that it was interpreted as the "Book of the Law" or "Volume of
Sacred Law." In some quarters we find the claim made that the Bible was taken
from the altars of French lodges because of the attacks of the Catholic church
on Masonry in that Republic, and that because the Bible was used on the altars
of the Church, Masonry could not place it upon its altars and remain
consistent in its defense of the rights of conscience. It appears that no
change of practice with reference to the Bible has been made by the Grand
Orient for nearly a hundred years. We understand that the Grand Orient is
neither deistical nor atheistical, but tolerates the widest liberty of
conscience and is not sectarian or dogmatic in matters of religion; and that
both the Grand Orient and the Grand Lodge open and close their lodges and
obligate their candidates "to the glory of the Great Architect of the
The Grand Lodge of California
has never entered into fraternal relations with the Grand Lodge of France, and
thus far we have had no occasion to protest its principles or practiced. The
Grand Lodge of France stands before us today seeking our fraternal
recognition. It exhibits the principles of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite in matters of religion, recognizes the existence of God, requires the
"Book of the Law" upon its altars, prohibits religious and political
discussions, and exercises jurisdiction of only the three degrees of Symbolic
Masonry. It recognizes the concurrent jurisdiction of the Grand Orient in its
Your committee are satisfied
that the brethren of the Grand Orient and the Grand Lodge of France are
actuated by a splendid Masonic spirit, and exemplify in an honorable and
unmistakable manner the principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. We
think the most recent communications received by us from these two Bodies will
fully justify our opinion. In these times, which are particularly trying to
the souls of the men of France, when their people have been burdened and
decimated by a dreadful war, and after their Masonic powers have been scorned
and repudiated by Anglo-Saxon Masonry, the two great French powers have taken
the opportunity to address communications to the Grand Lodge of California
breathing in every line the aroma of friendship and fraternity. These letters
are as follows:
O.'. de Paris, July 20, 1917
(E. V.)
The Grand Secretary, The
Grand Lodge of California, Masonic Temple, San Francisco.
Dear Sir and Very Worshipful
The landing in our country of
the vanguard of your army, which is crossing the ocean to unite with us in the
great struggle for the freedom of the world, is an event of momentous import.
It has aroused within us the thought that it is highly desirable that our
ancient institution, which has always stood for liberty, should celebrate this
manifestation of brotherhood by drawing together of the bonds of fraternal
esteem and affection, which unite Freemasons all over the world.
With this thought in our
minds, we are writing to extend to your Grand Lodge an invitation to enter
into official relations with us and to cement those relations by an exchange
of representatives.
The Grand Lodge of France was
constituted in 1804 by the Supreme Council 33rd for France and the French
Colonies, to administer and control the lodges working the three degrees of
Craft Masonry. In 1904, as a result of friendly negotiations with the Supreme
Council, became a sovereign and independent body.
As an integral part of the
A.A.S.R., our Masonic principles are those common to the Rite in general as
set forth in the declarations of the convents of Lousanne of 1876. We have 136
Lodges working under our jurisdiction, among them one-- the Anglo-Saxon
343--which works in English, and the members
of which are almost
exclusively British and American.
In the hope that you will
agree with us that such a union as we propose will appear all the more in
harmony with the ideals of our Order, if realized in the hour when the
brethren of our two countries are shedding their life-blood in common for the
triumph of justice and civilization, we are,
Yours faithfully and
fraternally, LE GR. MAITRE, General Peigne. LE GR. ORATEUR, LE GR. SECRET.
16, Rue Cadet, Paris, October
12, 1917.
Worshipful Sir and Brethren:
The world-wide conflict for the liberation of oppressed nations and for the
triumph of the principles of justice and liberty in which a good many allied
countries now take an effective part, has assembled on French soil most of the
glorious, armies fighting for right, who are now to be joined by an imposing
contingent of your noble country.
In the first rank of these
gallant troops, their arm strengthened by their ideal, we are sure to find,
more numerous every day, Freemasons of the United States of America, and we
have thought of offering them, as soon as they arrive in the French capital, a
warm, fraternal welcome becoming amongst brother Masons.
Under the auspices of the
Grand Orient of France our worshipful "La Fraternite des Peuples" has formed a
reception at the Temple of the Grand Orient, 16, Rue Cadet, a real Masonic
home. Here your brethren will always find devoted Masons, speaking their
language, ready to answer all inquiries and furnish any useful information
they may require; to assure them a fraternal help in all circumstances, to
keep in touch by corresponding with them, to visit them in case they are ill
or wounded, to serve as intermediary between them and their relatives, etc.
The usefulness of this
central bureau will at once be apparent to you, not only for our brethren who
are in the army, but also to those near and dear to them and who in their
thoughts will follow them across the Atlantic, and who will know that they are
not left to themselves and abandoned amongst the dangers of every-day life,
but that a fraternal and helping hand is always extended to them in case of
We therefore ask you to
kindly inform the brethren of your Worshipful Lodge and their relatives that
in applying to us they will always find us ready to be of use to them, and
happy to render them any service within the measure of our means and
Please communicate this
letter to the different lodges under the jurisdiction of your Grand Lodge.
We are, worshipful sir and
brethren, yours most fraternally and sincerely, for and on behalf of the
ARMIES IN FRANCE. (Signed) W. M. A. BESNARD, F. D. P. 16, Rue Cadet, Paris. *
* *
All the Grand Lodges in
English-speaking countries tenaciously adhere to the principle that each Grand
Lodge is sovereign and supreme throughout its territorial jurisdiction, and
that an invasion of the territorial jurisdiction of any Grand Lodge by another
Masonic power is an act of hostility and operates to place the usurper outside
the pale of fraternal recognition and brands it as an outlaw. This is a
salutatory doctrine, and in English-speaking countries at least should be
vindicated and perpetuated. In the Latin countries the doctrine of exclusive
territorial jurisdiction does not obtain, but in those countries each Grand
Body is sovereign and supreme, not throughout the territory it occupies, but
over its subordinate lodges and their members. This explains why the Grand
Orient of France and the Grand Lodge of France, occupying the same territory,
are in fraternal and friendly relations each with the other. It does not seem
necessary to the integrity and maintenance of our doctrine of exclusive
territorial jurisdiction that we shall force the same upon our brethren of the
Latin countries of the world who prefer to give their adherence to a different
doctrine, which suits them better and under which they seem to live together
in Masonic peace and fraternal concord.
In 1913 the Grand Lodge of
California adopted a certain report and recommendation made by the late M.W.
Edward H. Hart, Chairman of the Committee on Correspondence, and thereby fixed
the tests to be applied by the Grand Lodge of California in the matter of
recognition of other Grand Lodges. These tests are as follows:
First, The Grand Body seeking
recognition must be regularly formed by subordinate lodges which trace their
origin to regular and legitimate Ancient Craft Masonry.
Secondly, the Grand Body
applying for recognition must hold undisputed sway as the acknowledged Supreme
Power in Ancient Craft Masonry in the territory in which it claims
jurisdiction, and must not render allegiance or obedience, in any sense
whatsoever to any other Masonic power, or Supreme Council, but must be
absolutely sovereign and supreme within its territory. As a necessary
corollary of this condition, it must recognize the exclusive jurisdiction of
all other Grand Lodges in their respective territories, and shall not presume
to project its authority or sovereignty into the territory of any other Grand
Thirdly, The Grand Body
applying for recognition as a sovereign Grand Lodge of Ancient Craft Masonry
must confine its authority, and the exercise thereof, to the three degrees of
Craft or Symbolic Masonry.
Fourthly, the Grand Body
applying for recognition must recognize and support the Ancient Landmarks,
which include, particularly, the Three Great Lights, and belief in God, and
the immortality of the soul.
An application of the
foregoing rules promulgated by the Grand Lodge of California to the Grand
Orient and the Supreme Council of France shows that no recognition can be
given to these Bodies without a change f the policy of this Grand Lodge. The
Grand Orient is regular in its origin, but its sway as a supreme power is
acknowledged only by the lodges of its obedience, and in its territory it has
concurrent jurisdiction with the Grand Lodge of France. It does not appear to
be invading the jurisdiction of any regular Grand Lodge, and does not
expressly and in terms profess a belief in God and the immortality of the
soul. The Grand Lodge of France more nearly meets these requirements than does
the Grand Orient, for, as heretofore stated, the Grand Lodge confines its
jurisdiction to the three degrees of Symbolic Masonry and it exhibits the
Three Great Lights and obligates its candidates and opens and closes its
lodges with appeals to the Great Architect of the Universe, and requires the
"Book of the Law" upon its altars, but it may trace its origin to a Supreme
Council having jurisdiction over many degrees instead of to Ancient Craft
Since the great war came to
America, many Grand Lodges of the United States have been seriously and
earnestly considering the matter of fraternal relations with the French
bodies. At the time of formulating this report several Grand Lodges have not
held their annual communications for 1918, but the action taken by some of the
Grand Lodges during this year is significant of the widespread desire for
harmonious relations with France, and is indicative of ultimate concord
between the Grand Lodges of France and those of the United States.
The following Grand Lodges
have resumed fraternal relations with the Grand Orient of France: Louisiana,
Rhode Island, Iowa, Kentucky, New Jersey.
The following Grand Lodges
have recognized and entered into fraternal relations with the Grand Lodge of
France: Louisiana, Rhode Island, Iowa, Kentucky, District of Columbia, New
Jersey and Nevada.
The following Grand Lodges,
in addition to California, have enacted laws permitting their members to visit
the lodges and hold fraternal relations with the members of the obedience of
the Grand Orient and the Grand Lodge of France: Alabama, New York, New Jersey,
Utah, Indiana, Georgia, Florida, Manitoba, Colorado and Nevada.
Notwithstanding the attitude
assumed at different times in the past by the Grand Lodge of California with
respect to the recognition of Grand Bodies of Masonry in Latin countries, the
time has now arrived when there must be a new examination of the question and
a revision of former judgments. Our past judgments correctly reflected our
best thought, but now a new spirit broods over the world and the conditions
growing out of the great war compel us to change some of our rules and earlier
determinations. The time has arrived when our brethren demand that the reality
of universal brotherhood be substituted for empty words, phrases and
expressions; that we be neither confused nor misled by catch words for which
we have developed an almost superstitious reverence. Now is the time for our
institution to show a broad catholicity of spirit and not to reject any
Masonic power which holds sway over the affections of men and engages the
attention of the world, if that power displays the principles of brotherly
love, relief and truth, and is working for the benefit and happiness of
humanity, and bases itself upon eternal and immutable principles of
Masonic scholars and jurists
are divided in their opinion respecting the recognition of French Masonry. The
members of one group contend that there can be no recognition of these powers
because: (a) they are not sovereign and supreme within their territory; (b)
that the lodges of obedience of the Grand Lodge of France do not trace their
origin to regular Ancient Craft Masonry; (c) that the Grand Orient exercises
power over degrees other than the first three degrees of Symbolic Masonry; (d)
that the Book of Constitutions, instead of the Holy Bible, is found upon the
altars of the lodges; (e) that a belief in God and the immortality of the soul
is a landmark and is fundamental in Masonry. This group contends that when a
Mason ceases to express a belief in Deity, he ceases to be a Mason. It also
asserts that an open Bible is an indispensable part of the furniture of the
lodge, and that these requirements are immovable landmarks. We know that until
recently most of the Grand Lodges in English-speaking countries were to be
found espousing these principles, and they were supported by innumerable
determinations, precedents, statutory enactments and utterances of the sages
of the Craft.
However, there is the second
group, which is constantly growing in size and importance, which has made new
evaluations and formed new conclusions since the war has thrust this subject
into prominence and caused a demand for a better and wiser solution. Your
Committee feels that it is in harmony with the thought and spirit of this
second group. The requirement that lodges must derive mediately or immediately
from regular organizations of Ancient Craft Masonry does not find universal
adherence among Grand Bodies. The application of the doctrine would serve to
arrest the growth and development of Masonry in many parts of the world, and
might forever destroy the possibility of universal Masonry. No harm could be
done by adopting the principle of recognizing, in countries where no Symbolic
Grand Lodge exists, the lodges and members of a legitimate and regular Supreme
Council. If we deny the legitimacy of lodges originally founded under the
Supreme Council or Grand Orient system, then a large part of the territory of
the world must, perforce, remain unrecognized, and we could have no relation
with the Masons of South America, France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Belgium and
other countries, in all of which lands are Supreme Councils recognized by the
two Supreme Councils of the United States. It seems to your committee that a
just rule to apply to the Masonry of Latin countries would be to recognize
lodges and Masons of any country where no Grand Lodge of Symbolic Masonry
exists, provided such lodges and members are of the obedience of a
jurisdiction recognized by the Supreme Council of that country, and such
Supreme Council is affiliated with the Supreme Council of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the
United States.
With respect to acceptance on
the part of the Grand Bodies in Latin countries of the principle of concurrent
jurisdiction, we do not see why the Grand Lodge of California cannot tolerate
the self-determination of this subject by such Bodies. It is true that the
Grand Orient and Grand Lodge of France have not at all times, nor do they now
in all respects, comport themselves in accordance with the standards which we
have set for-the regulation of our principles and practices, but we have no
more right to demand that they accept the principle of exclusive territorial
jurisdiction than they have to demand that we accept the principle of
concurrent Grand Lodge jurisdiction. Our Latin brethren seem to live in
fraternal concord under the rule they have seen fit to adopt, and we are
persuaded that the Grand Orient of France and the Grand Lodge of France,
notwithstanding their adoption of this jurisdictional peculiarity, are not
weakened in their Masonic powers, and they are doing a great Masonic work in
behalf of the distressed, of the brotherhood of man, of the welfare of
humanity and of the advance of civilization.
On the subject of the
exercise of authority over degrees of Masonry other than the first three, we
merely direct your attention to the fact that the Grand Orient of France,
prior to 1877, ruled more than three degrees of Masonry, that it placed the
Book of Constitutions, instead of the Bible, upon its altars, and operated
under the same form of government as that in force at the present time, and
yet, for generations prior to that date, it enjoyed the recognition of and
held fraternal relations with the mother Grand Lodge of the world-- the United
Grand Lodge of England.
Religious dogmatism was not
introduced into Masonry until 1760, when the Holy Bible was, on motion of
Preston,* made a landmark, and as dear as this alleged landmark is to the
hearts of American Masons, we cannot thrust outside the pale of brotherhood
good men and true who have not followed this innovation in the body of
Masonry. The form and nature of our rituals as the same have developed through
the years have operated to fix m the minds of English-speaking Masons the
belief that Masonry is a religious institution, and that the Bible is a
necessary part of the furniture of a Masonic lodge, yet the ritual itself is
not fundamental, and "its biblical nature is largely due to chance that made
its chief compilers a French Huguenot and a Scotch Presbyterian. * * * This
Holy and apparently indispensable book is quite unnecessary for the validity
of a lodge which is neither Christian nor Jew." If there has been a departure
from the Ancient Constitutions, we, and not our French brethren, have drawn
away from them asserted a dogmatic landmark.
When we arrive at the
ultimate and basic cause of the estrangement of the Anglo-Saxon Masonry and
the French Masonry, we find it to consist in the religious test applied by the
English-speaking lodges and renounced by the French lodges. The Grand Master
of Louisiana, in addressing the Grand Lodge in 1918, said:
"I submit, my brethren, that
in the misconception of the position of our French brethren regarding their
interpretation of Masonic philosophy, English-speaking Masonry is clearly in
the wrong, and we as Masons, should be ready to admit it. While French Masonry
is religiously tolerant, it is not in itself a religion in the restrictive
sense of the word. It proclaims no dogma; it demands no profession; it
respects all opinions, and in that tolerance is an exemplar of that true
religion which is the basis of Freemasonry-- the brotherhood of mankind, which
leads us through love of our fellowmen
* Preston could not have
introduced this motion, as he was not made a Mason until 1762.--Editor.
a spark of His own
divinity--to the love, honor and glory of the Great Architect of the
It is held by many of our
best thinkers that no man's creed or religious observances should be made an
issue in any matter indirectly connected with religion; that Freemasonry is
not a religion and, therefore, a religious test should not be applied to it,
and that while it is perfectly competent for any Masonic body to require such
confession of faith from its own members as it deems expedient, yet it should
not refuse the name of brother to those who act on truly Masonic principles,
but do not demand any confession of religious faith as a condition of
It is not possible for us, as
deeply attached as we are to our rituals, forms and professions, to affirm
with any surety the attitude that we would take on the subject of religion, if
we were unhappily situated in a Catholic country, in the midst of an
antagonistic population and subject to the vicious and continuous attacks of
powerful ecclesiastical and illiberal influences. Our brethren in France
suffer from slanderous reports and accusations and are the objects of hatred
and persecution. They should have our sympathy and we should strive to view
with brotherly concern the measures they have in good faith adopted. Because
references to the Deity have been stricken from the French Constitutions and
the Bible does not lie upon French altars, your Committee has no more right to
pronounce French Masonry godless and atheistic than it has to assert that the
people of the United States are godless and atheistic because there is no
reference to the Deity in their Constitution, or that the schools of our
country are atheistic because the Bible is not taught therein. We are not
disposed to reverence the religious sentiments nor admire the Christian
kindness of the German militarists, no matter how loudly and frequently they
call upon God; but, on the other hand, we believe in the charity and tolerance
and brotherly love and love of liberty of our valorous French brethren, who
have omitted the name but not the service of God from their rituals and
Constitutions, and who are fighting for the very essence of Freemasonry. Noble
France is in the very forefront of the great fight for humanity and is aiding
in no uncertain or impotent way the great cause of Masonic brotherhood and the
universality of Freemasonry. We are very hopeful that our French brethren,
having been brought into new and intimate relations with their American
brethren, will in the near future, out of a new-born love for us, and inspired
by a fraternal desire for a closer spiritual union, alter their Constitutions
and rituals to more nearly conform to those which bind in fraternal bonds the
hearts of more than a million American Masons.
It is the belief of your
Committee that the Grand Lodge of California should retain the policy it
adopted in 1913, hereinbefore set out, as the test to be applied to any Grand
Lodge of an English-speaking country seeking our recognition, but that such
test should not hereafter be the measure applied to Grand Lodges situated in
the Latin countries of the world. That each application for recognition made
by a Grand Lodge or Grand Orient located overseas or in South America should
be considered by this Grand Lodge on its merits, and that if it appears that
such Grand Body exercises authority over the three degrees of Symbolic
Masonry, and is recognized as a sovereign power over its lodges and members,
and exhibits its adherence to the principles of brotherly love, relief and
truth, and is engaged in the promotion of the happiness of mankind and the
brotherhood of man, then, unless objections of a character other than dogmatic
appear, such Grand Body should be entitled to recognition. We believe that the
Grand Lodge of California should labor unceasingly in behalf of the
universality of Masonry and should strive to promote fraternal relations
between all the legitimate powers of Masonry in the world, and to this end
should examine into the regularity and Masonic character of the Grand Bodies
with which it is not now in fraternal correspondence.
Your Committee respectfully
recommends the adoption of the following:
1. That the action taken by
this Grand Lodge in 1869, by which fraternal relations with the Grand Orient
of France were severed and forbidden, be, and is hereby repealed.
2. That the Grand Lodge of
California is hereby declared to be in fraternal accord and relation with the
Grand Orient of France, and that an exchange of representatives be requested
of said Grand Orient.
3. That the Grand Lodge of
California is hereby declared to be in fraternal accord and-relation with the
Grand Lodge of France, and that an exchange of representatives be requested of
that Grand Lodge.
4. That the principles
enunciated by this Grand Lodge in 1913 as tests for the recognition of other
Grand Lodges, be, and the same are applicable only to Grand Lodges of
English-speaking countries, and that as to the Grand Lodges and Grand Orients
of other countries, each application be considered upon its merits with
relation to the situation of the applicant and with a view to doing full and
complete Masonic justice.
5. That the permission
granted by resolution in 1917 to our brethren to hold Masonic intercourse with
the Masons in Belgium and Italy and to visit any of their lodges, be continued
until the further order of this Grand Lodge.
When your weary feet shall
have reached at last their toilsome journey's end
It will be to you the
priceless gift of your best and truest friend,--
'Twill be nature's way to
speak to you the word that sounds the best
When she kisses you her fond
good-bye and sweetly whispers,
-- Rest.L. B. Mitchell,
Joseph Fort Newton, England
Being thoughts evoked by the
Report of the Committee on Recognition of Foreign Grand Lodges of the Grand
Lodge of Missouri.
In reference to the question
of fraternal relations with the Grand Orient and the Grand Lodge of France, as
suggested by the Grand Master in his address, your Committee regrets the
necessity of differing with our Grand Master in this matter. The Grand Lodge
of Missouri has twice refused to grant recognition, for reasons fully set
forth in each report. No additional reason or data has been submitted to the
Committee to cause it to change its mind.
Because our country is an
ally of France in this great war does not constitute a reason or justification
for the recognition of irregular Freemasonry. This war is a national struggle
for the principles of Democracy as against Aristocracy, and a philosophy of
life that is the father of barbarity. This war is not a Masonic war; we, as
Freemasons, are heart and soul in this war to assist France to save and
maintain her national existence and not to propagate Freemasonry by the
recognition of irregular organizations that once were Masonic.
There is no more reason for
the recognition of the Grand Orient or the Grand Lodge of France, than for the
Methodists, Presbyterians, or any other church to throw aside its creed, and
admit men of no faith or belief, merely because members of such a church, as
patriots, are with France in her struggle.
Your Committee cannot
conceive of such a paradoxical condition of recognizing as Masonic, because of
the war, an organization that we would not and could not recognize in times of
peace. We cannot make Masonic irregularities regular, neither can it place its
seal of legality upon illegality.
It is true, as stated by our
Grand Master, that in 1856, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient said: "Our
tenets are, God, the immortality of the soul and brotherly love." Would that
the Grand Orient had remained true to this noble and inspiring declaration,
but in 1877 Freemasonry of France fell. She struck from her constitution these
tenets, divorced God and faith in the immortality of the soul, and enthroned
Reason as its God.
In 1877 the constitution of
the Grand Orient of France declared that, "The basis of Masonry was a belief
in God and the immortality of the soul." This basis was deliberately stricken
out and there was substituted therefor the following: "The basis of
Freemasonry is freedom of conscience."
The reason for this radical
departure was explained by one of the leading Frenchmen, that the old
declaration was a barrier to the admission of many distinguished men. May we
ask, what was the barrier to-which men, seeking to become Freemasons,
objected? It could be nothing but a belief in God and the immortality of the
soul. When a man does not believe in God and the immortality of the soul, what
is he? Is he not an atheist? Has a professed atheist ever been initiated into
a lodge in Missouri ? No. Shall we, therefore, stultify ourselves now, because
of the war', by recognizing an organization that calls itself Masonic, yet has
stricken from its constitution a belief in God and the immortality of souls ?
The Grand Orient and the
Grand Lodge of France have never receded from this action, taken in 1877, nor
reaffirmed her Constitution prior to 1877. The specious arguments or excuses
for her action in 1877, that it was due to the oppression of the hierarchy and
priestcraft of the Catholic church, will not bear investigation. Because of
the religion of Jesus Christ has been abused and misused is no argument for
the rejection of the purity and genuineness of the teachings of the Great
The excuse for this atheistic
Freemasonry in France is puerile. There is no excuse, however specious the
pleadings of her champions may be, for the striking from her constitution
belief in God and the immortality of the soul. When the first Grand Lodge of
Masons was born in 1717, its declaration of religious belief was distinctly
Trinitarian Christianity. In 1723 when the Anderson Constitutions were adopted
Trinitarian-Christianity was changed, because "it was deemed expedient to bind
men to that religion in which all men agree." What was this religion in which
all men agree? It surely was not in a denial of God, but it was a belief in
God, divested of all sectarian bias.
Has the Grand Orient and the
Grand Lodge of France returned, as some of their champions declare, to this
simple faith of the Mother Grand Lodge of the World? No, but it has
deliberately stricken out the religion in which all men can agree and has not
returned to first principles. Religion means God, atheism means godless.
A few years ago this Grand
Lodge recognized the National Independent Grand Lodge of France and her
colonies. Why? Because the three lodges, a constitutional number, that formed
this Grand Lodge, refused to remove the Bible from its altars, and also
required a belief in God. This Grand Lodge exists today in France and it is
the only one that has not deviated from the great principles of Freemasonry.
It is an active Grand Lodge.
Your Committee can state that
one of its lodges, at Rouen, has conferred by request, the degrees on one of
the boys of Cosmos Lodge No. 282 of this city. Anglaise Lodge, Paris, has been
visited by the Masons of this country and they found it working and occupying
quarters in the Temple. Jeane D'Arc, Anglaise and other lodges are legitimate
lodges and under the jurisdiction of the National Independent Grand Lodge of
France. This Grand Lodge is recognized as legitimate and regular by the United
Grand Lodge of England and by the Grand Lodge of Missouri.
Shall the Grand Lodge of
Missouri, who has stretched her fraternal hand across the seas to the only
legitimate Grand Lodge in France, stultify herself by giving recognition to
the Grand Lodges of France to which the National Independent Grand Lodge
refused to bow her knee in godless recognition? No. The Grand Lodge of
Missouri must be true to her best traditions, faithful to the heritage of
nearly one hundred years; she cannot play the traitor to the National
Independent Grand Lodge of France by the kiss of affection and also guide the
hand that would stab her in the back.
Your Committee can but repeat
what it said one year ago:
"Your Committee holds now, as
it has in the past, that a belief in Deity and the 'Open Book of the Law' on
our altars is the very fundamental principle of the Fraternity of Freemasons.
To recognize anything else means chaos and anarchy. For this reason, your
Committee must again deny recognition to the Grand Lodge of France and the
Grand Orient.
"Your Committee is not
unmindful of the heroic struggle in which the soldiers of France are now
engaged. As citizens of the United States our hearts beat in unison with the
brave men of that country, and as citizens of the great Republic we have
pledged our all to the people of the Republic of France. The ashes of the
heroes of our country and of France may mingle in the blood-drenched soil of
that fair land, the grass may grow green over their graves and the flowers may
bear beautiful testimony to the valor of men battling in a common cause. We
are willing to make the sacrifice, and sincerely hope and pray that out of it
will be born a new Grand Orient, which will recognize the God who gave them
victory, and will replace on its altars that book which has been the solace,
comfort and stay of her own soldiers on the battlefront and in death itself."
Fraternally yours,
FOR THE brethren whose names are signed to this
Report, as well as for the position which they set forth so ably and
sincerely, I have the utmost respect. Nevertheless, with the utmost good will
I must dissent from it. If from one point of view the writers of the Report
seem to have a strong case, from a larger outlook they have no case at all. In
point of fact, it is a difference about words, not about realities; and this
is a day when every institution that is to observe the modern world must face
True, "this is not a Masonic war"; but Masonry, if
it is not hopelessly immobile and antiquated, will be profoundly influenced by
it. Neither was it an American war - America did not start it, and she tried
honorably and patiently to keep out of it. No, it was a world war, and never
again will the world be the same. Little issues about which men were so
talkative a while ago are forgotten, and we wonder why they ever agitated us.
America found that the historic policy of friendly
aloofness was obsolete. She not only entered the war, she entered the world -
and Masonry, if it is to have the great future to which it is entitled, must
do the same. No island of the sea, however remote, but has felt the shock of
war. No man, woman, no child on earth but have had extra burdens laid on their
backs by reason of it. The world has been together as never before into a
brotherhood of peril, pain, and immeasurable sorrow, and the one.thought in
all minds is how to organize the future so as to prevent another disaster of
like kind. A League of Nations? Yes, but a League of Nations without a League
of Masons would show that our Institution is unequal to the deinands of an
advancing world.
As it is, there are things that Masonry cannot do,
influences it cannot wield, voices it cannot utter, moral demands it cannot
make, services it cannot render, because it is divided; because it has no real
sense of world unity, opportunity, and obligation. Even British and American
Masonry, the one derived from the other, and having so much in common, have
not made themselves felt and heard as they might have done; and the war has
made us see the handicap. This is the more strange because Masonry, by its
very genius - to say nothing of its claims - is an international institution,
and should render a real service as such. Against this opportunity, which is
also an obligation, no argument can long hold, least of all when it is a mere
difference about words.
When in 1877 the Grand Orient of France removed
the Bible from its altar and erased from its rituals all reference to Deity,
it was disfellowshiped by nearly all Grand Lodges. The implication was that
our French brethren were stupid, irreligious atheists, and at such a thought
the Masonic world held up its hands in holy horror, whereas they should have
made some effort, at least, to understand their brethren before withdrawing
fellowship. Were the French Masons atheists? No! The writer of the article on
Masonry in the "Catholic Encyclopaedia" saw the real situation, and he is much
fairer to the French Masons than their own brethren have been. He understood
that the act of the French Masons did not mean that they were atheists, out
that they did not believe that there exist atheists in the absolute sense of
the word. He quotes Albert Pike in proof of his point:
"A man who has a higher
conception of God than those about him, and who denies that their conception
is God, is very likely to be called an atheist by those who are really far
less believers in God than he." (Morals and Dogma, p. 643.)
Thus, Pike goes on to say, the early Christians,
who said the heathen idols were not gods, were accounted atheists, and
accordingly put to death. Socrates suffered a like fate, as many have done
since, victims of the same blindness. Just so, French Masons, like Plutarch,
held that no conception of God is better than a dark, distorted conception
which wraps men in terror; and they erased a word which, for them, was
synonymous with spiritual autocracy and degrading superstition - erased it the
better to seek unity of effort and freedom of thought in behalf of a nobler
One may feel that their action was unwise, but it
behooves us to understand their position and point of view, lest we be found
guilty - and, indeed, we were guilty - of a petty bigotry in regard to a word
when the reality is common treasure. Our brethren in France were engaged in a
heroic and desperate fight against Latin ecclesiasticism and they needed the
aid of all free and forward-looking men to bring about the overthrow of that
power and the separation of Church and State. Wisely or unwisely, they erased
from their rituals a word made hateful to them by its associations with the
perversions of that ecclesiasticism, not because they were atheists, but
because they denied that such a caricature of God is God - denied it, because
they held a nobler, truer, purer conception of "the Nameless One of a hundred
names.” The truth is that we simply deserted them at a time when they most
needed our sympathy and the reinforcement of our brotherly regard.
How strange that I, a Christian minister, should thus be
arguing in behalf of my brethren in France, and defending them against the
charge of atheism. Yet it is so, and so it should be, because the landmark for
which our French brethren fought is of far more importance than any
technicality as to the word by which we shall describe the indescribable all
words being but symbols of a truth too great for words. And the same is true
as to the "Open Book of the Law" on our altar. Some of us love it, live with
it, expounding it in as many keys and tones as we can command; but we know
that it is but a symbol of that larger Will of the Eternal which no book, nor
all the books in the word, can contain its
fullness. There is whole book in the Bible in which the name of God does not
appear. Yet the thought of a Supreme Being is there, and the sustained
suggestions of His providence, as it is in the rituals of French Masonry. If
only men could get behind words to the realities !
"Slowly the Bible of the race
is writ,
And not on paper leaves nor
leaves of stone;
Each age, each kindred, adds
a word to it,
Texts of despair or hope, of
joy or moan."
A living word of God has been speaking to us in
this "long-lived storm of great events", if we have ears to hear and hearts to
heed; a word not only for our personal life, but a word calling us to a new
comradeship, a new unity of friendship of peoples. Masonry must listen to that
Word and follow it, undertaking new adventures, or it will be left behind
among the outworn things that are no longer of use to the herioc, pathetic,
aspiring, unconquerable soul of man. Such is the new atmosphere, the new
demand, asking not for criticism, but for appreciation, for intelligent
sympathy and understanding - an air native to Masonry and friendly to all its
true interests and endeavors.
IT MAY be that some of us
have come to think of history as one of the hardest and driest of subjects: if
so I am quite sure it is because in school we read so-called histories which
were mere chronicles of wars, rulers and political events interspersed with
numberless dates, all of which we were compelled to learn by heart. If we
think of such a book as being a history let us hasten to disillusion ourselves
for in matter of fact there is no other thing more fascinating, more
entrancing, than a real history, a record of the past, or some part of the
past, written by a man fully informed, endowed with imagination and gifted
with "the divine power to use words." A book in which the past lives again, in
which we meet, as in a drawing room, with the mighty ones who have swayed the
tides of events, and with the nameless multitudes of our fellows who wrought
here on this strange earth a while then vanished like shadows into the
unseen--what could strike on the mind with such power! what could more excite
the emotions!
Unlike fiction, history is a
record of actual occurrences; for that reason alone it is necessarily more
interesting than any work of fancy because there is never anything so strange,
so mysterious, so unexpected as a fact. Jack London drew from his fancy a
picture of some arch-villain, with his mind set on ruling the world,
discovered a deadly disease bacillus and then mounted an aeroplane to scatter
it over enemy lands: does that tale grip us half so closely as the true
account of Pasteur's discovery of the germ origin of disease? does it impress
us half as much as the tale of how the belligerent in this present war have
devised unheard of schemes for dealing death to their foes ?
Moreover, history, even a
history of some one period of the past, is always a larger, richer canvas than
any work of fiction. Tolstoy's "War and Peace," Hugo's "Les Miserables,"
Sienkiewicz's triology of Polish novels, Balzac's "Comedie Humane," Eugene
Sue's series of historical novels, these contain more characters and develop a
larger series of actions than any other works of modern story-telling, yet how
meagre they are, how almost microscopic they appear, when laid alongside
Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" or Motley's "Rise of the Dutch
Republic" !
If the fictionist's story of
one's life, and that an imaginary life, can interest us, how much more the
biography or the autobiography of some strong personality that has actually
lived, how much more history as a whole which is nothing other than the
biography of the human race! I believe that if a man will read Professor
Breasted's "Ancient History" or Winwood Reade's "Martyrdom of Man" (of this
book Cecil Rhodes said, "It made me what I am !") he will agree that there is
not any novel of such gripping entrancement, he will agree with Henry James,
himself a novelist, when he says, "The least significant footnote of history
stirs me more than the most thrilling and passionate fiction. Nothing that
ever happened in the world finds me indifferent."
One of the secrets of the
interest of history, once we have discovered that interest, is that it enables
each of us to become a traveller, such a traveller as no globetrotter ever was
or ever could be. We would consider it a rare privilege could we go today from
country to country and have experience of the various peoples of the earth in
all the variety of their daily lives; but through history we can travel not
only over the world as it is now but over all the world as it has been, over
all the lands and into all the nations, thousands and thousands of them; we
can escape out of our own century into every other century. We can enter the
caves of the troglodytes, there to watch them at the queer occupations which
men pursued in the beginnings of things; we can go thence to the Egyptians,
the Medes, the Parthians, the Babylonians, the Grecians, the Chinese, the
Hindus, the Romans, the Jews; we can enter the council chambers of all the
kings, follow all the wars, go on voyagings to unknown places, we can go up
and down and in and out whithersoever we will ! All English readers have been
spellbound by Chaucer's old tale of the motley pilgrims who went to
Canterbury: but what a mightier pilgrimage is that which passes before the man
who reads the records of the past ! All the vanished peoples that have ever
lived, in all the fantastic variety of their costumes and manners, coming from
the four quarters of the earth, will pass before him in a pageant which, for
its subduing solemnity, its tragic grandeur, its infinite interest as far
surpasses the utmost reach of imagination as Shakespeare surpasses the idle
tale told by the fireside on a winter night.
But history is practical as
well as interesting. When the scientist would carry out his experiments he
goes into a laboratory, equipped with all necessary apparatus, and there tests
his theories by experimentation. Well, what the laboratory is to the
scientist, history is to the student of human nature and all the varied
activities of the race. In it we can see every theory of government, of
religion, of politics, of sociology, or art and conduct being tried out; we
can see the world making experiments of its own hypotheses; we can note what
succeeds, what proves of value, and what, on the other hand, proves worthless.
Learning this we can ourselves be on guard against errors, for many of the
notions, the heresies, the highflown theories which often bid for attention
to-day are nothing other than ancient fallacies long exploded, the ghosts of
which have come again in a new and deceptive disguise. A wise man's mind will
refuse to embrace that which the experimentation of the race has once and for
all shown to be an error.
It seems that no theory has
ever been too fantastic for men to try; oftentimes these theories have been
clung to, in a desperate effort to make them work, for thousands of years,
after which long period of trial men have been compelled to acknowledge them
untrue. Such was astrology, which so many multitudes held to for so many
thousands of years; such was alchemy, with its unnatural attempt to wrest gold
from the base metals; after these two things have been tried so thoroughly
what man in his senses will undertake them again? Yet there are many other
errors which men still accept, which they may still preach and promulgate,
that have been as decisively disproven in the laboratory of history; and one
who knows what has been tried in the past will be the last one to be led
astray by them in the present, for history enables us to avoid futile effort!
Nothing protects us more against the errors of the present than a thorough
knowledge of the past; to see what has been done in history's laboratory is to
help us, to a very great extent, from attempting the impossible and that is a
thing of the very greatest practical value.
It was one of Emerson's
favorite ideas that each individual mind is a kind of epitome of all history:
there is a little Napoleon in each of us; the Shakespeare of the dramas speaks
to a Shakespeare latent in the reader; the wars, the national movements of the
past, reveal, as in a mirror, that which goes on in our own minds. There may
be something fantastic in this idea, we may agree that it is over-stated, for
no individual can possibly have such capacities for experiences as the race
has had; nevertheless, there is surely an element of truth in it, for history
does help us to understand ourselves, not only for the reason that Emerson
gives but also because each of us is but a part of which the race is a whole.
The greatest utterance of the
nineteenth century, someone has said, was the saying by Herbert Spencer that
"Humanity is an organism." August Comte was expressing the same idea when he
called humanity The Great Being. What an idea it is! Humanity is an organism,
the individual is but one cell in that organism: as a cell in the human body
could not possibly comprehend its own functions except through a knowledge of
the body as a whole, so we cannot understand the purposes, the ideals, and the
functions of our own individual existence except we know something of the race
as a whole. In history we see our race not as a multitude of separate units
but as a living whole, as a great organism, and thereby we can the better
comprehend our own individual lives. Unless a man knows the road the race has
travelled he cannot know the road he himself is travelling; unless a man knows
what it is that the race is striving to do he cannot know what is his own
larger private duty. To know ourselves we should know the career of that Great
Being of which each of us is so microscopic a part.
Because the race is an
organic unit we must think of all time and of all racial experience as an
unbroken continuity: for our rough every-day convenience it is necessary to
divide time into the past, the present and the future: but in reality, as
needs not be said, there is no such division: time is a flowing stream and
there is not a break from the beginning to the end: yesterday flows into
to-day, to-day will flow into the future. What is grows up inevitably out of
that which has been: what will be grows out of that which is.
How foolish, therefore, to
speak of the past as dead! Much of it has been forgotten: much of it, because
of the limitations of our minds, must be ignored, but not for that reason has
any of it ceased to be: the past is living still so that what men thought and
said and did in the beginning of things will live and function and bear
influence in the world until the end is ended.
And because time is an
unbroken continuity, because the past continues to live on into the future, we
must see that what we call civilization is nothing other than one great task
at which all peoples have been laboring and on which all present and future
generations must continue to labor. We cannot cut ourselves off from the work
of our fathers; we cannot wipe clean the slate and begin anew. Civilization
may be likened to one of the old cathedrals not one of which was designed by
any individual or completed by one group of men, but grew into shape out of
the minds of many minds and the labors of many generations: the workers of one
period laid the foundations, those of the next period put up the walls, the
following generation built the roof and dome, and others coming still later
completed the spires and hung the bells. So it is with that massive, that
almost infinite structure of civilization; its foundations were laid in a far
foretime and ever since, generation after generation, countless men have
labored at the racial task: nor is the task yet in sight of completion, if
indeed it can ever be completed: our generation has its part to play, even as
our children will have their part, and their children, theirs and so on until
the last generation of men that may live. In short, we cannot understand the
present, its problems or its duties, except we know the past.
The unbroken organic unity of
all history, this, it seems to me, is the central law, the deep inner truth of
all history. When Bossuet delivered his famous oration on Universal History he
used the phrase, "the concatenation of events," suggesting thereby that every
event is tied to every other event that has preceded it as one link in a chain
is bound to all the other links: it is by this insight, and by this alone,
that we can understand history aright. No world occurrence operates alone; as
the red and white corpuscles of the blood flow through the whole blood stream
and pass through every part of the body so every historical influence passes
into relationship with all other influences and thus is the life of the race a
living whole.
You can test this for
yourselves by trying to get at the roots of any great epoch; you work your way
back to what seems to be the beginning of that epoch only to discover that its
beginnings link on to a preceding epoch until at last your search will lead
you back to the beginning of the racial life; even there you can not stop for
the race's beginning links on to the lower orders out of which the race
evolved, and those lower orders in turn rise up out of the bosom of nature,
and nature rises up out of the Eternal Mystery out of which all things have
come. In a true sense the whole world is the cause of every event that happens
inside the world; the entire universe itself conspired to produce everything
that lives in it.
Thus it turns out that each
of us individuals can understand himself only as he sees himself as a part of
the stupendous whole; any other perspective is a false perspective; so also
with any given period of time; that period must be studied against its own
backgrounds else its meanings will entirely escape us.
All of us, I believe, have
discovered this to be true of the Great War which has already constituted
itself as an historical epoch second to none in importance. To understand the
War we must understand that modern Europe out of which the War grew. The story
of Poland and Russia, the struggle of the Slavs in south-eastern Europe, the
evolution of the Balkan situation, the history of Turkey, the development of a
united Germany out of the numerous little German kingdoms of seventy-five
years ago, the work of Bismarck, Disraeli and Cavour, the industrial
revolution, the founding of America, the Franco-Prussian War, these are but a
few of the numerous subjects with which we should be familiar if we are to
know the causes and issues of the Great War in all their fullness. Therefore
is it that no subject is at the present more worthy of study than history; and
in proportion as the War grips us with its interest so will we find that
history itself, which is the mother of this War, which is the mother of us
all, will have for us a human interest far beyond that of any other subject
with which our minds can deal.
All that I have said about
history in general is most certainly true of Masonic history in which myself
and readers are surely most interested. How interesting it is only those know
who have read it, at least, those who have hit upon the real histories of it;
our own past is organic; beginning with the Men's House in far-off days,
coming on down through the Mysteries, the Comacines, the medieval builders,
and all the rest, it hangs together as a living whole; to understand any part
thereof requires that we know something of the entire body. And for us, also,
our own history has been a kind of laboratory in which experiments have been
made; many things have been tested and found living and perpetually worthy of
worth; other things have been found wanting. Therefore, to understand our
problems in the present it is very essential that we have a comprehensive
grasp of the past.
There is no need to
particularize but I cannot refrain from indicating one lesson which we have
learned in the laboratory of very recent Masonic history. We are all
regretting that our fraternity with its nearly two million members was not
able to achieve greater things in the course of the war; have we inquired the
reason for this? Is it not because we are forty-nine Masonries rather than one
Masonry? How could the government deal with forty-nine separate jurisdictions
? If we are to learn anything from our own past surely we must see that the
time has come for the establishment of some kind of a loose but efficient
clearing-house where through all the Blue Lodge jurisdictions of the country
can discharge their combined influences. Not for a moment is it proposed that
any Grand Lodge is to be shorn of any of its own authority or power! far from
it! but, as the Secretary of this Society has so well said in a recently
published communication, it is possible to build up some kind of a League of
Grand Lodges so as to enable Masonry, whenever the occasion requires, to speak
to the country in one voice. If we can, in these days, achieve the formation
of such a League, we shall be thereby enabled to add a chapter to the history
of American Masonry which will its future will never forget.
--H. L. Haywood.
When the scoffers scoff, and
the mockers mock,
And the knockers stand at the
side and knock,
Just roll up your sleeves and
buckle in,
And stick to your task, and
you're bound to win.
If the thing's worth while
you are sure to hear
The doubters doubt and the
jeerers jeer;
For never a victor has arisen
But somewhere the jibes of
the wise has met.
So, deaf to the scoffers,
just work along,
And stick to your dream till
you know it's wrong,
And toss them a smile when
you hear folks mock;
It's a healthy sign when the
knockers knock.
--Detroit Free Press.
The object of this Department is to acquaint our
readers with time-tried Masonic books not always familiar; with the best
Masonic literature now being published; and with such non-Masonic books as may
especially appeal to Masons. The Library Editor will be very glad to render
any possible assistance to studious individuals or to study clubs and lodges,
either through this Department or by personal correspondence; if you wish to
learn something concerning any book - what is its nature, what is its value,
or how it may be obtained - be free to ask him. If you have read a book which
you think is worth a review write us about it; if you desire to purchase a
book - any book - we will help you get it, with no charge for the service.
Make this your Department of Literary Consultation.
MASONRY evolved out of the experience of the race;
it began when civilization began and has maintained itself, under a thousand
disguises, ever since; linking onto many other worthful institutions,
ramifying into all other fields of thought and endeavor, equipped with a
symbolism in which is embodied the loftiest and best ideas and ideals; as an
influence it is endless, and as a field for study it is inexhaustible. For
this reason every attempt to present its claims, to interpret its teachings,
and to tell its story is to be welcomed, from any source whatever, and in any
form; in a field so large there is room for a multitude of laborers; one
student helps another; one book or periodical lends assistance to every other
book and periodical.
Therefore is it that we bid God-speed to "Masonic
Notes," the latest comer among Masonic Journals; there is no need to describe
it nor to explain its purposes because its founder and editor has done this
well in his introduction to the first number, (November, 1918,) which is as
A short foreword is necessary to explain the
advent of this new Masonic publication and to give the reasons which have
prompted me to launch it.
In May, 1911, the late Brother E. L. Hawkins,
author of "A Concise Cyclopaedia of Freemasonry," brought out a small serial
in England called "Miscellanea Latomorum, or Masonic Notes and Queries," with
the idea of facilitating intercommunication between Masonic students on
matters of interest. Any subscriber who was looking for information on any
point (not of too esoteric a nature) connected with the various Masonic
degrees vitas at liberty to send a query to the editor. This query was
published, and so came to the notice of others who might be in the position to
submit a reply, which would appear in a succeeding issue. In addition, brief
notes on Masonic matters of general interest were included.
Brother Hawkins stated in his introductory letter
that his object in putting forward the scheme was partly to supply a want that
he thought must exist and partly to create a want that he thought ought to
exist if it did not. The result was gratifying, and the publication continued
until Brother Hawkins' death in April, 1913.
In August of that year, Brother F. W. Levander
started a new series of the same publication, bringing out nine copies each
year, and this was continued successfully until Brother Levander died in
December, 1916.
My intention is to issue this serial on the same lines, but I
must make it quite clear that this
an entirely independent publication, and has no connection whatever with the
former work. I feel that there is a great need for a small periodical of this
nature, and believe that I am in a good position to launch it into the Masonic
world. Being a student of Masonic history and ritual in England for many
years, I am well acquainted with Masonic work in that country, and have been
brought into touch with many Masonic centers both in the Dominion and in the
United States since my advent to this country in 1916.
There are a great number of small differences
between the work in England and that in America, which are of particular
interest at the present time, when there are so many Canadian and American
Masons overseas. The bonds between the Grand Lodges of the various Allied
Powers have never been stronger than they are now, and a work such as this,
which will bring Masons on both sides of the water into contact, cannot fail
to be of interest to a great many.
I shall endeavor to get subscribers in as many
countries as possible, in order to get varied views on the points which will
Queries on all degrees will be welcome, provided
they are not of too esoteric nature. Notes of general interest are also
invited, but in this connection I should state that the intention is to
exclude all current Mason history, as the publication of this matter is
already sufficiently provided for, and I do not wish to compete with the
regular Masonic press or the Transactions of any literary lodge. The serial
will also include a Sale and Exchange column for Masonic books, etc., through
which subscribers can give notice of their wants without charge. Nine copies
will be issued during the year, and the subscription will be one dollar per
annum, payable in advance.
Brethren who join during the year will receive all
previous numbers published in that particular year. In order to encourage
Brethren to place the periodical in the hands of likely subscribers, I will
send it free for one year to any Brother who sends in three subscriptions; in
other words, four copies will be given for the price of three.
The future of this publication depends.more upon the
subscribers than it does upon the editor, and I will take the opportunity of
asking those who read this issue to introduce it to friends whom they think it
may interest. Specimen copies will be provided on application. At the same
time, I wish to thank those who are helping to introduce the publication into
new spheres.
C. C. Adams,
Royal Military College,
Kingston, Canada.
October. 1918.
All communications with regard to this periodical
should be addressed to the editor,
Wellington Apartments,
Kingston, Ontario,
"The Mystery Religions and the New Testament," by
Henry C. Sheldon. Published by the Abingdon Press of New York and Cincinnati.
50 cents, net.
Dr. Sheldon begins with the following description of the
Ancient Mystery Cults: "The word mystery' was the name of a religious society,
founded, not on citizenship or kindred, but on the choice of its members, for
the practice of rites by which, it was believed, their happiness might be
promoted both in this world and in the next. The Greek word 'mustarian' does
not, of its
own force,
imply anything in our sense of the word 'mysterious,' that is to say, obscure
or difficult to comprehend. That which it connotes is, rather, something which
can only be known on being imparted by someone already in possession of it,
not by mere reason and research which are common to all."
The cults, which are thus described, were in vogue
in the Greek and Roman world all during the early period of Christianity and
there are many who have traced, or who have sought to trace, their influence
over the new faith. The author of this little volume undertakes to examine
this supposed indebtedness.
He begins by an acknowledgement of the meagreness
of our sources of information. What we do actually know about the Mysteries,
however, shows that they borrowed much from each other, were voluntary
brotherhoods, placed more importance in liturgical rites than in moral
teachings, employed magic, were somewhat pantheistic, and were usually based
on some nature myth. Each had its own peculiarities but such were the elements
common, more or less, to all.
Dr. Sheldon admits that there are many apparent
points of agreement between these cults and Christianity; they emphasized the
importance of a future life, used many rites similar to those employed by the
Christian churches, taught theories comparable to the eschatological doctrines
of the church, and one and all led men into allegiance with a divine person.
But while all this may have prepared men for Christianity it does not imply,
the author argues, any very great indebtedness on the part of Christianity.
These features are pretty common to all forms of religion.
The contrast between Christianity and the cults is
far more striking than their agreements. They were occult in nature,
Christianity was open to all, irrespective of race or sex; it made no use of
nature myths but set forth a God altogether above nature; it gave little or no
place at all to the use of magic, and built its system on a very strong moral
foundation; moreover, it sprang from its own unique origins and did not, as
the Mysteries, indiscriminately borrow from other religions.
Dr. Sheldon shows that St. Paul employed many terms in use
among the Mysteries but holds that these same terms were familiar to
philosophers, to other religions, and to the Hebrew literature in which St.
Paul's mind was so steeped; therefore it cannot be shown that he deliberately
borrowed from the cults. And even where his terms
are the same as theirs, the ideas behind the terms are altogether different;
by "initiate” he did not mean what the Mysteries meant, nor by "baptism,"
"regeneration," “gnosticism," and so on. "Anyone," our author says, "who can
discover in their bizarre and variegated mythology an equivalent for the
Pauline doctrine of redemption must be gifted with peculiar eyesight." What is
said of St. Paul, he holds, is still more true of the unknown author of the
New Testament writings attributed to John.
In this general position Dr.
Sheldon is in substantial agreement with the recognized authorities on the
subject, such as Kennedy, Cumont, and Foucart. His study is elementary in form
and size but it is of value to those who desire a little introduction to a
vast and fascinating topic, especially to those who are Masonic students; for
the Mysteries, as we all know, stand in the line of those early organizations
through which our Fraternity traces its genealogy. The volume has nothing to
say about Masonry, of course, but it throws many sidelights on our origins, or
supposed origins, and may therefore be cheerfully recommended to our readers.
* * *
"The Teachings of Jesus," by Harris Franklin Rall.
Published by the Abingdon Press of Cincinnati and New York at 75 cents, net.
Often we have been asked by our readers to
recommend a little handbook of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth; willing as
we try to be in all such service we have hesitated to approve any book because
so many of them are either too technical for laymen or such as to entirely
ignore all the findings of modern biblical scholarship; here, at last, is a
volume of 200 pages which can be most heartily vouched for at the entrance to
every broad and well-informed mind.
Dr. Rall has divided his study into twenty-six
chapters in text-book fashion; at the end of each is a short series of
questions and suggestions so as to aid those who care to use the manual in
class work; but those who care for neither text-book nor class manual will
find it always interesting, often illuminating, and fearless in its positions.
The dogmas about which we wrangle so much and of which we know so little are
either in the background or entirely absent; and, while the technicalities of
a scholarship are not permitted to encumber the pages, the book itself implies
thorough training on the part of its author. Dr. Rall's "Life of Jesus" had a
very wide and richly deserved success; we predict as much for the present
With aching hands and
bleeding feet
We dig and heap, lay stone on
We bear the burden and the
Of the long day and wish 'twere
Not till the hours of light
All we have built do we
- Matthew Arnold.
THE BUILDER is an open forum for free and
fraternal discussion. Each of its contributors writes under his own name, and
is responsible for his own opinions. Believing that a unity of spirit is
better than a uniformity of opinion, the Research Society, as such, does not
champion any one school of Masonic thought as over against another; but offers
to all alike a medium for fellowship and instruction, leaving each to stand or
fall by its own merits.
The Question Box and Correspondence Column are
open to all members of the Society at all times. Questions of any nature on
Masonic subjects are earnestly invited from our members, particularly those
connected with lodges or study Clubs which are following our "Bulletin Course
of Masonic Study." When requested, questions will be answered promptly by mail
before publication in this department.
Where can I find statistics
relative to the number of Masons in the United States, also the number of
R. H. A, New Jersey.
For the information of our
New Jersey brother as well as others to whom the
figures may be of interest,
we give below a statistical table taken from the Illinois Grand Lodge
Proceedings for 1918:
Alabama* |
546 |
1916 |
29,681 |
1,085 |
24 |
1917 |
2,876 |
208 |
565 |
1916 |
21,436 |
670 |
California* |
379 |
1916 |
60,384 |
2,634 |
Colorado |
132 |
1917 |
19,1231 |
948 |
110 |
1917 |
26,954 |
977 |
22 |
1916 |
2,698 |
149 |
District of
Columbia |
341 |
1916 |
10,526 |
355 |
243 |
1917 |
13,364 |
640 |
Georgia |
661 |
1916 |
42,749 |
1,252 |
Idaho |
64 |
1917 |
5,112 |
307 |
Illinois |
858 |
1917 |
157,208 |
9,153 |
Indiana |
564 |
1917 |
77,8471 |
4,127 |
Iowa |
529 |
1917 |
56,592 |
2,623 |
Kansas |
416 |
1918 |
48,157 |
2,473 |
593 |
1916 |
44,4371 |
1,050 |
Louisiana |
227 |
1917 |
18,3141 |
546 |
Maine |
206 |
1917 |
31,855 |
527 |
Maryland |
116 |
1916 |
17,800 |
665 |
262 |
1916 |
72,499 |
2,245 |
439 |
1917 |
86,993 |
4,442 |
264 |
1917 |
33,766 |
1,752 |
378 |
1917 |
20,467 |
133 |
Missouri |
639 |
1916-17 |
70,144 |
3,291 |
104 |
1916 |
9,902, |
921 |
Nebraska |
270 |
1917 |
25,044 |
1,380 |
23 |
1917 |
2,032 |
55 |
New Hampshire
80 |
1917 |
11,111 |
63 |
New Jersey |
199 |
1917 |
44,381 |
2,124 |
New Mexico
451 |
1916 |
3,7371 |
173 |
New York |
861 |
1917 |
203,716 |
6,293 |
North Carolina |
437 |
1917 |
25,910 |
880 |
North Dakota
114 |
1917 |
10,668 |
613 |
Ohio* |
546 |
1916 |
114,293 |
7,254 |
441 |
1917 |
29,520 |
965 |
142 |
1916-17 |
15,204 |
425 |
497 |
1916 |
120,546 |
5,086 |
Philippine Islands |
38 |
1917 |
1,839 |
1,128 |
Porto Rico
42 |
1917 |
2,000 |
382 |
Rhode Island*
39 |
1916 |
9,832 |
364 |
South Carolina |
268 |
1917 |
17,397 |
617 |
South Dakota
143 |
1917 |
12,226 |
522 |
462 |
1917 |
29,258 |
958 |
Texas |
901 |
1916 |
68,324 |
2,515 |
Utah |
20 |
1917 |
2,605 |
132 |
103 |
1917 |
14,533 |
292 |
328 |
1917 |
26,244 |
697 |
203 |
1917 |
22,573 |
875 |
West Virginia
150 |
1916 |
19,693 |
865 |
Wisconsin |
277 |
1917 |
33,299 |
1,433 |
Wyoming |
34 |
1916-17 |
3,701 |
183 |
Total U. S |
15,038 |
1,850,570 |
72,432 |
* Figures 1917
* * *
I am enclosing a clipping
referring to General Pershing, General T. H. Bliss, Admiral W. S. Benson,
Admiral Henry T. Mayo and Colonel E. M. House, the representatives sent by
President Wilson to the armistice conference in France. How many of these men
are Masons? - W.W. D., West Virginia
Our latest information
concerning General Pershing is to the effect that he was dimitted but has
since been reinstabed in the Blue Lodge and is now in good standing. We are
trying to confirm this and also to secure his Masonic history and hope to have
it for the February issue.
A Washington member of the
Society to whom we referred your query advises us that while he has been
personally acquainted for many years with General Bliss and Admiral Mayo, he
does not think they are Masons. This same brother, who has sailed the seas
with Admiral Benson, says that he is a "converted" Roman Catholic by marriage.
He was raised a Methodist and has several brothers who are Masons.
* * *
Can you help me? I have just
been elected High Priest of my Royal Arch Chapter and want to revive it during
the coming year. There has been a woeful lack of interest in the work here for
several years and it has been difficult to secure sufficient attendance for a
quorum at the meetings. What plan can you suggest to get the members to turn
out and to interest the officers in learning their ritualistic work ?
C.B.G., Indiana.
Companion, there are others
in the same boat with you. There surely must be a number of Past High Priests
among the 50,000 readers of THE BUILDER who will give those who have been
selected to preside over their Chapters for the coming year, the results of
their experiences in such matters.
Come forward, Companions,
with your suggestionsl
* * *
Will you kindly assist me in
arranging for a program for St. John's Day, December 27th, in naming a few
appropriate subjects for the occasion and works of reference from which to
obtain the material ? J. B. California.
"The Two Saints John," in
Gould's Concise History tells how our Fraternity came to make use of the
festivals dedicated to these men. Brother Newton's "The Builders," contains
some valuable notes on the same. They may be used to represent law and light.
"The Meaning of Masonry." Ask
Brother Newton R. Parvin, Grand Librarian, Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, to send you Brother Newton's two pamphlets.
"Masonry and the War." From
the files of almost any Masonic periodical you can get material for such a
"Masonic Study: Its Pleasures
and Practical Value." THE BUILDER has carried a number of articles on this,
all of which could be drawn upon for materials and suggestions. A speaker
could give an interpretation of some symbol or rite in order to give a
demonstration of his theme. I have done this before many lodges and Grand
Bodies and have found it very acceptable.
A biographical study of Pike
or Webb would also be of interest and value; nearly any Masonic library could
furnish books and other materials. H. L. H.
* * *
Are there any articles in
back numbers of THE BUILDER on the ritual of the Fellow Craft degree? I am to
make a talk before the Masonic Club of our State University and want some
worth-while data for these bright Master Masons.
W.G.B., Texas.
Volume I (1915). - Page 7, "The Philosophy of
Masonry - William Preston."
Volume II (1916). - Page 239, "The Winding
Volume III (1917). - Page 76, "The Geometry of
God: A Masonic sermon."
Volume IV (1918). - Page 175, "What a Fellow Craft
Ought to Know."
We know you will be interested in learning of the
Masonic Study Club organized by the Masons of the University of Texas. This
new project has brought forth much favorable comment from all parts of the
State and aroused such intense interest in such a short space of time that it
is almost unbelievable. The nature of the Club and the great enthusiasm it has
created for Study Clubs among Masons may exert such an influence as to
stimulate the formation of similar clubs throughout the State. Our Club has an
excellent start and promises to prove valuable in many ways.
The "University Masonic Study Club” had its
inception at a meeting of members of the faculty and students of the
University who had been called together for this purpose on November 7th, at
the Scottish Rite Cathedral. I had only seen a few Masons personally, the most
of them responding to a notice published in the college paper to the effect
that a Study Club for Masons would be organized on the above date. To my
surprise more than twenty brethren appeared at the preliminary meeting. After
short talks by Brothers W. T. Pfaefflin, District Deputy Grand Master of the
Grand Lodge of Texas, and Grover Hartt, it was decided to form the "University
Masonic Study Club" and the following officers were duly elected:
E. E. Dunlay, President.
Grover Hartt, Vice President.
W.. S. Hendrix, Secretary-Treasurer.
At the following meeting, held on November 22nd,
the organization of the Club was completed with the adoption of a
Constitution, a copy of which I will send you later. We followed the
suggestions contained in the January, 1917, issue of THE BUILDER in drafting
our Constitution.
At this meeting Brother W. G. Franklin addressed
the Club on the "First Degree in Masonry."
We will study in as systematic way as we can,
following this outline: Ritual, Symbolism, History and Jurisprudence,
elaborating as much as time will permit. It will be our plan to give a
birds-eye view this year, instead of a very intensive study, as we do not have
very much material at hand.
Those of our members who return to their homes
during the vacation periods will advocate the establishment of Study Clubs in
their home lodges.
We are asking brethren who are well versed in
Masonry to deliver lectures on particular topics, sufficient time being given
them to prepare their papers. A general discussion will follow each lecture,
and questions will be invited from any or all brethren present. By this method
we expect to have interesting and profitable meetings and to have every one
feeling at the close of the meetings that their time has been well spent.
Our Club is different in character from any other
Study Club that we know of. Its membership consists not only of Masons
attending the University but also those interested in the aims of our Club and
the welfare of the University. Our Club will not effect Austin alone, but a
great part of the State of Texas. A feature which we shall endeavor to impress
upon our members is that they shall endeavor to spread the Study Club idea
throughout the State of Texas at every opportunity. To my mind there are great
possibilities before us. With expert guidance and advice we expect our project
to result in great good.
I have been instructed to write to you for information and
assistance. How may our Club obtain the benefits of your special circles and
advice? All suggestions will be thankfully received and tried out. We are new
in this work and need assistance.
E. E. Dunlay, Texas.
(Editor's Note: The Masons of Austin are to be
congratulated on the organization of the "University Masonic Study Club," and
we hope to be able to give the readers of THE BUILDER further information
concerning their activities in an early issue. Special literature covering the
Society's "Bulletin Course of Masonic Study,” which has been running in the
Correspondence Circle Bulletin section of THE BUILDER for the past year, has
been furnished to the officers and members of the Club and they will doubtless
become one of the N.M.R.S. family as soon as they have had opportunity to
digest our plan in detail. This special literature concerning our Course of
Study has not appeared in the columns of THE BUILDER for certain reasons, but
is available to all members of the Society who may request it.)
* * *
I am getting a great deal of good out of the
articles in THE BUILDER. What a fine thing it would be ii every officer in
each lodge would become a member of the N.M.R.S. and read those instructive
and interesting articles. But most of them give the excuse that "they are busy
in learning the ritual and conferring degrees,” and have no time to study
It may not be the right thing to say, but
sometimes I think a period of "dull times" would be a boon to our great
fraternity, as it would give many of us time to study and might be an
incentive to Masters to contrive plans to interest their members and
strengthen their attendance at "business meetings" of the lodge where now
nothing but routine business is transacted.
I am serving as Senior Warden of my lodge this
year, and if the custom of the past is followed I shall probably be chosen to
preside next year. Therefore I am preparing to stimulate the attendance by
giving short talks on the history and symbolism and various other aspects of
Freemasonry whenever the occasion may merit. Your Study Club proposition
appeals very strongly to me, but I am finding it difficult to interest the
other officers of my lodge in this direction as the greater portion of our
spare time is taken up in visiting and conferring degrees and attending Lodge
of Instruction one night each week, where only the ritualistic work is taught.
I have memorized the two lectures "What An Entered
Apprentice Ought to Know," and "What a Fellow Craft Ought to Know," by Brother
Hal Riviere, which have appeared in recent issues of THE BUILDER. I hope he
will soon let us have his promised article on "What a Master Mason Ought to
Know," as his papers are excellent and just what I have been looking for for a
long time.
Sometimes I fear I may get "cold feet" in
endeavoring to put into effect my plan of enlightening our members in the
meanings of our ritual and ceremonies, as some of the venerable Past Masters
of my lodge may accuse me of "making innovations in the plan of Masonry," or
infringing on some of the so-called "ancient landmarks."
However, I am going to make the attempt and hope
to be able at a later date to write you of my success.
A.J., Kansas.
The question of our Louisiana brother in regard to
this condition or situation of a brother who is in the training camp of
Masonry, coming as it did, coincidentally in the October issue of THE BUILDER
containing my effort entitled "Ready to be Tried Again," was certainly very
interesting to me.
But what gives the matter a still keener interest
to myself especially is the fact that in Michigan we use the term "ready"
instead of "willing." Would it not appear that the word, while it means all
that can be implied in willingness, seems to court in a kind of challenging,
confident, earnestly expectant way what the more passive form does not ?
Herein is indeed a beautiful study, either in its
literal or symbolic sense. In this connection I would say that in all the
answers of the three lessons in Masonry the initiate is given the advantage,
that is, the wording is such that he is anticipating in those answers the
loftiest conception that the mere form can imply.
And this gives me the opportunity to say that if
some well-balanced brother on the literal and symbolic interpretations - such
as is beautifully exemplified in the answers to our Louisiana brother, - would
take up the literal and symbolic meanings of the three degrees in Masonry it
would be much more interesting and practical to more readers than are many of
the long, studied articles of a research character.
The three lessons in Masonry given to the initiate
while he is yet on trial, while he is yet dependently seeking, while he is in
every sense supposed to be in a qualifying relation to the Order, are the
stepping stones to the future of most men's Masonry, which, if not made the
most of for what they stand for in this plastic, susceptible relation, the
loss in most cases will be irreparable.
Realizing this as a fundamentally qualifying
factor to the best that can obtain in Masonry, it is a wonder to me how few
jurisdictions make the third obligatory even on conditions. These three
lessons, well learned and comparatively well understood mean more to the
average Mason than all he ever gets afterward. L. B. Mitchell, Michigan.
* * *
In my endeavors to interest Masons in the study
side of Masonry I have met with quite a number who, after spending their money
for the "high degrees,” so-called, think more of buying costly watch charms
with double-headed eagles, maltese crosses, etc., than of the idea of
endeavoring to find out the meaning of the ceremonies which they have passed
through. To cover themselves with Masonic jewelry places them in the ne plus
ultra stratum of Freemasonry, in their estimation.
I say this advisedly, because I have had these
high degrees myself, but at the same time I have been a student of Masonry for
over forty years, and I would not exchange my little Masonic library for all
the Masonic jewelry that one big Mason may adorn himself with.
I like THE BUILDER, and at the close of each year
I get the copies bound in book form. I also appreciate the personal interest
which the officers of the Research Society take in the individual members. If
we wish to know anything concerning any Masonic subject we write the Society
and always get the information if it is possible to obtain it.
Wishing you God-speed in the great work, I am,
Sincerely yours,
O. B. Slane. Illinois
* * *
The minutes of Lodge No. 4, Fredericksburg, Va.,
for December 22,1753, inform us: "Which night the lodge assembled. Was
present, R.W. Simon Fraser, M.G.," etc., and that three brethren were raised
to the degree of Royal Arch Masonry.
THE BUILDER for November, in that most interesting
paper on "Military Lodges" by Brother Lawrence, states that Sir Simon Fraser,
Colonel of the 78th Highlanders was a provincial Grand Master in 1760. Would
it be possible that this is one and the same person? The name is not an
every-day one.
The Simon Fraser of Fredericksburg mention was a
visitor for that night only, and conferred the Royal Arch degree for the first
recorded time in Virginia.
Joe L. Carson, Virginia
* * *
I was much pleased when I noticed an item in a
recent issue of THE BUILDER relative to the Cable Tow, the first sentence of
which mentioned an early reference in the Bible, I Kings, xx-31. This fact was
made the subject of a poem entitled "The Original Samaritan," on page 37 of my
"Poems of The Temple,” and other parts of this same biblical chapter show even
more striking references to this Masonic story of an Israelitish king who,
instead of putting to death a conquered foe, announced, to the astonishment of
his servants, "He is my brother, go ye and fetch him," invited him to ride in
his chariot, and made a friendly treaty with him; yet this son of Omri was of
another race and not even an Israelite, much less a "brother" other than a
brother of the mystic tie.
"Deeds of honor, glory,
Over many pages spread,
Show the searcher after
Paths through which out
truths have led.
Oft in allegory hidden,
Overlooked by careless scan,
Still, in glorious beauty,
Man's fraternity with man."
L. A. McConnell, Colorado.
The reading of Masonic literature - which embraces
the history, philosophy and symbolism of Masonry - will beget a large concept
of its beauties as well as the fuller knowledge of its true worth as a factor
in human affairs.
True, ritualism has its place in the economy of
the institution - but it is of a subordinate character; and its object is to
awaken the dormant faculties in the votary. But, on the other hand, reading
tends to educate and cause the neophyte to reflect upon the possibilities
within the scope of its work for the upbuilding of character, and enlarging
opportunity for the exercise of those glorious virtues which have emblazoned
its escutcheon for untold ages.
Nothing strengthens the Craft like unto the
education of its members; to make them more useful citizens, and more
dependable Craftsmen. Thus they will be better fitted to play their part with
credit to themselves and honor to the Fraternity: for they will be more able
to uphold its doctrines and extend its benign influence.
- Bulletin of the Los Angeles
Masonic Library.
Liberty of thought that has
been to men denied
By that intolerance which
ne'er with men divide
The right to read the way to
human destiny
Save in the ways wherein its
creeds may point the way.
Equality, that means a
tolerance that springs
From motive to accord to all
the right of things
That by the Golden Rule may
be worked out to give
That which is due to those
who in its spirit live.
Fraternity, the word that
holds all other terms
By which this old, old world
in sorrow slowly learns
That men and natigns in true
Brotherhood must live
Before the wage, their dues,
then can in full, receive.
- L B. Mitchell, Michigan.