The Builder Magazine
August 1924 - Volume X - Number 8
Bro. Reginald V. Harris, Nova Scotia
FREEMASONRY IN ONTARIO By Bros. James B. Nixon and N. W. J. Haydon, Associate
Editor, Ontario
GRAND LODGE, OF ALBERTA By Bro. Osborne Sheppard, Ontario
FREEMASONRY IN PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND By Bro. George W. Wakefield, P. M., Prince
Edward Island
CABLE-TOWS - A Poem By Bro. H. Darling, P.G.M., Alberta
Square," Vancouver
Secretary, Manitoba
MASONIC PRAYER By Bro. Paul R. Clark, New York
LIBRARY - John Ross Robertson - Philanthropist and Freemason By Bro. W. Harvey
McNairn, Canada
EDITORIAL - To Our Brethren of Canada
Molay Chapters
Freemasonry in the Hawaiian Islands
Information About Leggett's "History of Masonry”
Conferring Degrees by Courtesy
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Articles in this Magazine Copyright 1924 by the National Masonic Research
The Early History of Freemasonry in Eastern Canada
Bro. REGINALD V. HARRIS, Grand Historian, Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia; Grand
Archivist, Grand Chapter, R. A. M.; Nova Scotia
is fitting that a general account of Freemasonry in Canada begin with the
story of Freemasonry in Nova Scotia, where the Craft gained its first
foothold. Bro. Harris' essay contains a considerable amount of information
never before made public.
is unnecessary here to outline the early history of what is now the great
Dominion of Canada. The reader is doubtless familiar with the chief facts: the
voyages and discoveries of the Cabots (1497), Jacques Cartier (1534-41),
Champlain (1603-35), and other explorers and colonizers; the founding of the
first settlements at Port Royal (now Annapolis Royal) in Nova Scotia (1604),
and Quebec (1608); the period of the French regime, which ended in Nova Scotia
in 1710, and in the rest of Canada in 1759-60; the various sieges of the great
French strongholds of Louisburg (1745 and 1758) and Quebec (1759); the gradual
organization of the country into British colonies and provinces; the period of
the American Revolution and the War of 1812-15; the confederation of four of
the provinces in 1867 as the Dominion of Canada; and the subsequent economic
and political development of the country to the present status of nationhood.
The story is an intensely interesting one, as all readers of Parkman and other
historians can testify. Our present duty is to confine ourselves to the story
of the Masonic Craft up to the beginning of last century.
What some Masonic students and historians regard as the earliest trace of the
existence of Freemasons or Freemasonry on this Continent so far as we are now
aware, is afforded by the inscriptions on a stone found in 1827 on the shores
of Annapolis Basin, Nova Scotia. On the upper part of this stone were engraved
the square and compasses of the Freemason and immediately below it the date
is not possible here to go fully into the circumstances of the discovery of
this stone, nor the subsequent loss of the stone on its being sent to Toronto.
The stone was found on the site of the original settlement of the French at
Port Royal and while some historians of the Craft have hailed these facts in
support of the theory that Freemasonry existed among the French, recent
exhaustive investigation of the original records of this settlement has led
the writer to the conclusion (with some regret, it must be admitted) that the
stone was the gravestone of an operative stonemason or carpenter who died in
November, 1606, and not that of a speculative Freemason.
The French settlement at Port Royal passed into other hands and in 1628 a
Scotch colony was settled there under the leadership of Sir William Alexander,
to whom the whole country under the title of Nova Scotia, or New Scotland had
been granted in 1621 by King James of Scotland. His son, Sir William, was in
the colony for four years, 1628-32, during which period his father was created
Viscount Stirling, and later, Earl Stirling and Viscount Canada. The son
thereupon assumed the courtesy title of Lord Alexander. The latter, on his
return to Scotland, is recorded as present at a meeting of the Lodge of
Edinburgh on "The 3rd of July 1634" when he was "admitet felowe off the
Craft". As no previous record of Lord Alexander's Masonic career has been
found it has been accordingly suggested (and it is of course not impossible)
that he may have been initiated by some of the brethren whom he found in the
Scotch settlement in Nova Scotia, being afterwards admitted a Fellowcraft at
Nova Scotia, after nearly a century of conflict between the French and English
finally passed to the latter on the fall of Annapolis Royal in 1710. This was
a half century before the rest of the country passed to the same Power as a
result of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham, 1759. In this half century,
Halifax was founded (1749) by the Honourable Edward Cornwallis and the
fortress of Louisburg underwent two sieges, 1745 and 1758. It was during this
half century that Freemasonry was planted on Canadian soil.
The reader is here reminded that the organization of the Craft under a Grand
Master and Grand Lodge in England was brought about in 1717, nearly twenty
years before the similar event in Scotland, 1736. The first authority for the
assembling of Freemasons in America was issued by the Grand Lodge of England
in June, 1730, to Daniel Coxe of New Jersey, as Provincial Grand Master of New
York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania; and three years later (1733) Henry Price of
Boston was appointed Provincial Grand Master of New England and "the dominions
and territories thereunto belonging." In the following year his jurisdiction
was extended to all North America. Price established a Provincial Grand Lodge
and "The First Lodge" (now St. John's Lodge) in Boston in 1733. [See Note No.
1.] Henry Price and St. John's Lodge, Boston, must be regarded as the original
source of Freemasonry in Canada.
The next date in Canadian Masonic history is 1737, when we find it recorded in
the register book of the Grand Lodge of England that Captain Robert Comins, or
Cumins, was appointed Provincial Grand Master for Cape Briton and Louisburg.
The entry is repeated under the date 1738, with the addition "excepting such
places where a Provincial Grand Master is already deputed." The island of Cape
Breton and the great fortress of Louisburg were, at this time, in the hands of
the French, but there was a very considerable trade between that port and
Boston, and other New England ports. In 1745 the fortress fell to the New
England forces under Governor Shirley, Commodore Warren and General Pepperell
of Massachusetts; and in the following year we find Capt. Robert Comins again
mentioned in the register of the Grand Lodge of England as Provincial Grand
Master for Cape Breton and Louisburg. In the same year we find him affiliating
with St. John's Lodge, Boston (Jan. 14, 1746). Many of the members of the
Louisburg expedition and forces of occupation were members of the Craft, but
we have yet to find a reference to Masonic work at Louisburg during the period
1737 to 1748, when the fortress was handed back to France by the treaty of Aix
la Chapelle.
During the same period, however, Masonry became active at Annapolis Royal. In
1717 a Regiment of Foot, known originally as Phillips Regiment, but later as
the 40th Regiment, had been organized at Annapolis Royal with Governor Richard
Phillips as its Colonel. His nephew, Erasmus James Phillips, entered this
regiment as a young man and eventually rose to the rank of Major. In 1737
Phillips and other officers in the 40th were appointed commissioners to
determine the boundaries between Massachusetts Bay and Rhode Island. In
November, 1737, he and a brother officer of the 40th while in Boston on this
business were made Masons in St. John's Lodge, Boston, and on their return to
Annapolis Royal in 1738 established a lodge there of which Phillips was the
first Worshipful Master and which, as far as our present information goes, was
the first lodge on Canadian soil. How long this lodge continued is difficult
to determine. The records of St. John's Grand Lodge, Boston, refer to it as
late as 1767.
the Boston Gazette of March 13, 1738, we find a note of the appointment by
Henry Price of Major Phillips [See Note No. 2] as Provincial Grand Master of
Nova Scotia; and on the occasion of his next visit to Boston in April, 1739,
he appears as such in the minutes of St. John's Lodge.
The Annapolis lodge undoubtedly initiated a large number of the garrison and
in 1755 we find the brethren of the 40th Regiment applying to the Grand Lodge
of England (Ancients) for a warrant (No. 42). One theory which has much to
support it is that the Annapolis Royal Lodge of 1738 was never a civilian
lodge but was attached to the 40th Regiment and that the application of 1755
to the Grand Lodge of England (Ancients) was merely a transfer of allegiance.
The Regiment took part in the second siege of Louisberg in 1758, and after the
fall of that fortress wintered there, proceeding in the spring to the siege of
Quebec by Wolfe, 1759, and later in 1760 to Montreal. The Regiment, now known
as the South Lancashire Regiment, has seen gallant service in every part of
the world. Its lodge probably became dormant before 1810, as in that year we
find the brethren (engaged at that time in the Peninsular War in Spain)
applying for an Irish Warrant No. 204; and again while in Ireland in 1821, for
a second Warrant No. 284, which surrendered in 1858.
1749, the British Government resolved upon the establishment of a British
settlement in Nova Scotia and several thousand families were transferred
thither under the leadership of Hon. Edward Cornwallis, and the present City
of Halifax laid out. Cornwallis had already been the founder of a Masonic
lodge in the 20th Foot, afterwards known as "Minden Lodge," after the battle
in which the regiment played a conspicuous part. In 1750 we find him and a
number of brethren applying to the St. John's Grand Lodge at Boston for a
"deputation"; they were referred to Erasmus James Phillips, and to him they
presented their petition. The lodge was organized July 19, 1750, when "Lord
Colville and a number of Navy Gentlemen were entered apprentices of the
Lodge." Lord Colville received his other degrees in St. John's Lodge, Boston,
and was closely identified with Boston Masonry for several years, becoming
Deputy Grand Master. Cornwallis, the first Master of the First Lodge, Halifax,
was succeeded by Governor Charles Lawrence, who presided until his death in
1760. The lodge appears on the Massachusetts register until April, 1767, when
it transferred to the English Register (Ancients) as No. 155. This lodge has
met without a single month of dormancy since 1750 and is today known as St.
Andrew's Lodge, No. 1, Nova Scotia, "the oldest lodge in the British Empire
Overseas"; and bears on its long membership roll the names of many notable
Canadians, including seven Grand Masters.
March, 1751, a second lodge was formed, but it was probably short lived for we
find no record of it in the Proceedings of either the Grand Lodge of England
or the St John's Grand Lodge of Boston.
1757 the brethren of Halifax, all of them undoubtedly owing allegiance to
"Modern" principles, petitioned and received from the "Ancient" Grand Lodge in
England a Provincial Grand Lodge warrant, and charters Nos. 66 and 67 for two
subordinate lodges. This Provincial Grand Lodge warrant of 1757 was the first
ever issued by the "Ancients," that for Pennsylvania not being issued until
the following year. This Provincial Grand Lodge functioned until 1776; the
First Lodge founded by Cornwallis appears on its register as No. 4 Nova
Scotia; and two other lodges, Nos. 5 (before 1768), and 6 (in 1769), were
established and worked under its jurisdiction for a number of years. In 1768
Lodges Nos. 4 and 5 were registered on the English Register (Ancients) as Nos.
155 (already referred to) and 156.
1758 the English government resolved on the reduction of Louisburg in Cape
Breton. A large fleet of transports was assembled at Halifax, conveying
military forces under Major General Amherst and Brig. General James Wolfe.
The siege lasted from June 2 to July 26, when the French forces surrendered
and the stronghold passed forever into the possession of the British. The
regiments engaged in this memorable siege were the 1st, 16th, 17th, 22nd,
28th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 47th, 48th and 58th Foot, two battalions of the 60th
(Royal Americans), and the 78th Fraser's Highlanders. All but four of these
regiments are known to have had lodges attached to them at the time of the
siege, and all of them within a short time afterwards.
The historian Capt. John Knox, in his Journal of the Wars in America, says of
this siege that "the time passes very wearily; when the calendar does not
furnish us with a loyal excuse for assembling in the evening, we have recourse
to a Freemason's Lodge, where we work so hard that it is inconceivable to
think what a quantity of business of great importance is transacted in a very
short space of time."
passing it should be noted that the lodge (No. 11) in the 1st Regiment of Foot
was the first military lodge ever established, remaining in existence until
1847. Lodge No. 74 in the 2nd Battalion of this regiment, also at Louisburg,
wintered at Albany, New York, and while there "granted a deputation" to form a
lodge which is now No. 3 on the New York Registry.
The lodge in the 22nd Regiment, while working at Louisburg, worked under an
Irish warrant which was "lost the following year in the Mississippi." In 1760
the regiment was at Crown Point, New York. Shortly afterward the brethren
applied for a Scottish warrant, under the title of "Moriah", No. 132. In 1781
the 22nd was at New York and united with five others in forming the Grand
Lodge of New York.
The warrant for the lodge in the 28th Regiment was granted Nov. 13, 1758, by
Col. Richard Gridley, J.G.W. of the St. John's Grand Lodge, Boston, and a
member of the Expeditionary Forces. In the following year the regiment and its
lodge were at Quebec.
the course of a long history as a garrison city Halifax has been visited by
nearly every regiment of the British Army. In the period of 1749 to 1800
lodges flourished in practically all of the many regiments which visited the
city. The period of the American Revolution, 1775 to 1785, was a particularly
active one, Masonically, in Halifax. Many of the lodges worked under Irish
The lodge in the 46th Foot, No. 227 (Irish), established 1752, and known as
the "Lodge of Social and Military Virtues," was in Halifax in 1757-8; and it
is on record that while there it was "very active, doing good and effective
work while associated with the brethren throughout the Province." From this
lodge "The Lodge of Antiquity," No. 1, Montreal, proudly claims its descent.
Lodge No. 58 in the 14th Foot was in Halifax from 1766-68, proceeding then to
Boston, where it participated in Grand Lodge meetings, leaving thence in 1773
for the West Indies.
Lodge No. 322 in the 29th Foot was also in Halifax from 1765-68, proceeding
then to Boston, where the regiment took part in the unfortunate affairs known
as the "Boston Massacre." Notwithstanding the intense excitement prevailing,
the members of the lodge seem to have fraternized with the Boston brethren and
actually assisted them in organizing a Provincial Grand Lodge under Scottish
Lodge No. 136 in the 17th Regiment was at Annapolis Royal from 1756-58, when
it proceeded to Louisburg, and later to the capture of Quebec (1759), and
Montreal (1760). On returning to England the lodge took a new warrant No. 169
under the title of "Unity," the former having been lost through "the Hazardous
Enterprises in which they had been engaged." This warrant fell into the hands
of the American army at the battle of Princeton in 1777, and the brethren then
applied for and obtained one, No. 18, from the Provincial Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania and actually continued on that roll throughout the remainder of
the War. In 1779 this warrant was also captured by General Parsons, at Stony
Point, but was returned by him under a flag of truce, accompanied by a
fraternal letter. The regiment served in the War until peace in 1783, when it
removed to Shelburne, N.S. (then a garrison town), where it remained until
1786. There are in the archives of Nova Scotia a number of letters between the
brethren and the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania of the most friendly and
fraternal kind.
HIGHER DEGREES Many of these military lodges, particularly those possessing
Irish warrants, conferred many of the higher degrees, the variety of them
being limited only by their knowledge of the ceremonies. The chief of these
were the Royal Arch and the Knight Templar. The earliest record of the former
in Halifax is 1760, one of the earliest on the continent, but there is good
ground for believing that the degree was conferred as early as 1757 and
probably earlier. The 14th, 29th and 64th Regiments with their lodges which
organized St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter in Boston in 1769 and conferred the
Royal Arch and Knight Templar degrees there in that year (hitherto regarded as
the earliest record of the degree anywhere in the world), were in Halifax
during the period 1765-8 and conferred the "Excellent, Super-Excellent, Royal
Arch and Knight Templar" degrees on Canadian soil.
The candidates on whom these degrees were conferred continued the work and
there are in existence the minutes and records of meetings of the Royal Arch
from 1780 to the present date (now known as Royal Union Chapter, No. 1) and of
a Knight Templar Encampment from September, 1782, to 1806, revived in 1839 and
still working, now known as Nova Scotia Preceptory, probably the oldest
Preceptory outside the British Isles, out-rivalled, if at all, only by the
Baldwyn Encampment of Bristol, England, the earliest reference to which is
dated Jan. 25, 1772.
Halifax also possesses the earliest records of the Mark Degree on this
continent, dating back to 1780.
HALIFAX, 1770-85
Early in this period the Provincial Grand Lodge of 1757 became dormant,
leaving St. Andrew's Lodge, then No. 155 (Ancients), and a "Modern" Lodge
(which had succeeded No. 2 on the Provincial Registry) as the only lodges in
the Province. The latter died out about 1781, owing largely to the
aggressiveness of the rival lodge which took the place of a Grand Lodge and
established St. John's Lodge in 1780 (now No. 2, R.N.S.), Union Lodge in 1781
(since extinct), and Virgin Lodge, 1782 (now No. 3, R.N.S.), at Halifax, as
well as lodges in Prince Edward Island (1781), and New Brunswick (1783). These
lodges united in petitioning the Grand Lodge of England (Ancients) for the
removal of the Provincial Grand Lodge Warrant of 1757, a request which was
acceded to in 1784, when a warrant was granted with very wide powers of
This Provincial Grand Lodge exerted a tremendous influence on the growth of
the Craft in the period 1785 to 1815, not only chartering lodges throughout
the three Maritime Provinces, but also granting warrants for a very
considerable number of regimental lodges, including the 52nd (Oxfordshire
Light Infantry), the Royal N. S. Regiment, and two in the Royal Artillery
namely, Virgin, No. 3, and Royal Standard, No. 398 (Eng. Reg.), 142 and 108
years old respectively.
Turning now to the westward of the Maritime Provinces we find deputations
issued by Provincial Grand Master Jeremy Gridley (Boston) to his brother
Richard Gridley in 1756, to Abraham Savage in 1758, and to Col. Ingersoll in
1759 "to congregate all Free and Accepted Masons" in the expedition directed
against the French in Canada, which proceeded by way of Lake George and Lake
Champlain. These deputations were all acted upon and lodges established which,
however, under the circumstances were temporary. "Lake George Lodge," and
"Crown Point Lodge," both referred to in the Minutes of St. John's Grand
Lodge, Boston, were held at places then forming part of French Canada, but now
forming part of the state of New York.
QUEBEC, 1759
Most of the regiments participating in the siege of Louisburg and the
operations around Crown Point moved on the siege of Quebec in 1759. Here we
find the 15th, 28th, 35th, 40th, 47th and 48th Regiments all with their
lodges, and after the fall of the city the brethren duly celebrated the
Festival of St. John the Evangelist, Dec. 27, 1759. Captain Knox, in his
Campaigns in North America, has noted this celebration by "the several lodges
of Freemasons in the Garrison". Among the notable brethren present on this
occasion were Bro. the Hon. Simon Fraser, Colonel of the gallant 78th
Highlanders (who was installed by the famous Thomas Dunckerley, then a gunner
on H. M. S. Vanguard), Bro. John Young of the 60th Regiment of Foot or "Royal
Americans" (Scottish Provincial Grand Master for North America), and Bro.
Huntingford, Colonel of the 28th Regiment and Worshipful Master of the "Louisburgh"
Lodge. Lieutenant Gunnett of the 47th Regiment was elected Provincial Grand
Master under the Grand Lodge (Moderns) of England.
The Vanguard left for England shortly after the capitulation, returning in
May, 1760, Dunckerley bringing with him the warrant No. 254 (Moderns) of Naval
Lodge, dated Jan. 16, 1760, the first sea lodge ever warranted. He also
brought with him an "authorization" from the Grand Lodge (Moderns) to regulate
Masonic affairs in Quebec. The second sea lodge warranted was that on board
The Prince, No. 279, E. R. (Moderns), and the third on board The Canceaux, at
Quebec, warranted by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Quebec, 1768, No. 5,
Quebec, No. 224, E. R. (Moderns).
THE PERIOD 1760-90
Among the 10,000 British troops and 7,000 American Colonial troops which
invested Montreal in 1760 there were five lodges on the Irish Registry, one on
the Scottish, one on the English (Ancients) roll, and two on the St. John's
Provincial Grand Lodge Registry at Boston. The British regiments participating
in the siege were the 1st, 17th, 27th, 40th, 42nd, 46th and 55th. Several of
the lodges in these regiments continued in the Province after the removal of
the regiments.
the next thirty-one years numerous regimental and civilian lodges were
chartered in Quebec, Montreal, and various other centres, most of them owing
allegiance to the Grand Lodge of England (Moderns). Zion Lodge in the 60th
Foot is now No. 1, Detroit, Michigan; Merchants Lodge, Quebec, warranted in
1759, and lapsing about 1790, was the lodge in which John Hancock, the first
to sign the American Declaration of Independence, was made a Mason; Dorchester
Lodge, Vergennes, Vermont, chartered in 1791, owes its origin to the Quebec
Provincial Grand Lodge; which also chartered two lodges on the Niagara
peninsula, another at Cataraqui (now Kingston, Ont.), another at Fredericton,
in New Brunswick, three at Detroit, and another at Michilimackinac, Michigan,
and still others at Ogdensburg and other points in New York State. Among the
Provincial Grand Masters of this period were Col. Christopher Carleton, nephew
of Sir Guy Carleton (Lord Dorchester), 1786, and Sir John Johnson (Provincial
Grand Master in 1771-81 of New York), 1788.
1791 H.R.H. Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, father of Queen Victoria, arrived in
Quebec and in 1792 a patent was issued to him appointing him as Provincial
Grand Master of Lower Canada for the "Ancients," the installation taking place
with great eclat, including a religious service and procession to the Recollet
(Roman Catholic) Church. The old regime of "Modern" Masonry speedily
disappeared and thenceforth "Ancient" principles prevailed. Among the old
lodges on the roll of Quebec are "The Lodge of Antiquity," No. 1, already
referred to, which held its first meeting in Montreal in 1846; Albion, No. 2,
Quebec, originally attached to the Fourth Battalion of the Royal Artillery as
No. 213, which took part in the formation of the Grand Lodge of New York in
1782, the successor of a former Lodge No. 9 in that corps, organized in 1752;
and Golden Rule, No. 5, Stanstead, 1803, which since 1857 has held a meeting
once in every year on the top of "Owl's Head" mountain, 2400 feet high, on the
shores of Lake Memphramagog.
During this early period the Mark, Past and Royal Arch Degrees were conferred
in Quebec under Irish, Scottish and "Ancient" military Craft warrants. A
chapter of Royal Arch Masons met regularly at Quebec from 1760 to 1778,
according to a letter recently discovered by the writer in the Grand Lodge
archives at Halifax, and there is abundant evidence of the later existence of
such a body. In the minutes of Albion Lodge, Quebec, 1791, and subsequently
there are noted as visitors not only M. M. and R. A. Masons, but Knights
Templar as well, and it is not unlikely that further research will discover
and bring to light other evidence of the conferring of the Knight Templar
Orders at an even earlier period.
Two most interesting facts in this connection are, first, the correspondence
between the Duke of Kent and Thos. Dunckerley already referred to; and
secondly, a statement made by the learned Dr. H. Beaumont Leeson in an address
at Portsmouth, England, in 1862, "That the Baldwyn Encampment at Briston was
founded by French Masons, who had brought it from Canada towards the close of
the last century, a fact of which he was certain, as the original books were
in his possession." (A.Q.C. XVII, p. 89.) With the early history of
Freemasonry in Upper Canada, now Ontario dating from about 1773 and the more
recent development of the Craft in British Columbia, and the other western
Canadian jurisdictions, it is not the province of the writer to deal. We leave
this task to other brethren, content to confine ourselves to the older
portions of the Dominion.
Before concluding it should be stated that the various Grand Lodges of the
Dominion, however, do not all exercise exclusive jurisdiction within their
territory. In Nova Scotia, Royal Standard Lodge, No. 398, Halifax, organized
in the Royal Artillery in 1815, is still under the jurisdiction of England;
and St. Paul's Lodge, No. 374 (1770), and St. George's Lodge, No. 440 (1829),
in Montreal are also under the same jurisdiction. In Newfoundland, though not
politically a part of Canada, we find lodges under the jurisdiction of England
and Scotland, the oldest of which dates back to 1850. The pioneer warrant in
Newfoundland was issued in 1746 by the St. John's Grand Lodge, Boston, but the
lodge was short-lived.
What we have written has necessarily been the merest outline. Many of the
lodges mentioned might very well be the subject of an article as long as the
present. Our purpose has been rather to remind the reader of the outstanding
dates in the Masonic history of Canada:
The first lodge on Canadian soil was established at Annapolis Royal, N.S.,
2.The first Provincial Grand Masters for any part of Canada more Capt Robert
Comins in 1737; and Major Erasmus J. Phillips of Annapolis Royal, N. S., 1738.
The first military lodge chartered by the "Ancients" of England was that in
the 40th Regiment of Foot, No. 42, while quartered at Annapolis Royal, in
The oldest Craft lodge in the British Dominions overseas is St. Andrew's, No.
1, R.N.S., Halifax, established in 1750.
The first Provincial Grand Lodge established by the "Ancients" in any part of
the world was that warranted for Nova Scotia in 1757.
The first Royal Arch Degrees conferred in Canada were at Halifax and Quebec in
1760, the oldest Royal Arch chapter being Royal Union Chapter, No. 1. Halifax,
dating back to 1780.
The first Knight Templar degrees conferred in Canada were in Halifax in 1766,
by Lodge 322 in the 29th Regiment, the first record anywhere in the world
outside the British Isles; the oldest Knight Templar Preceptory being Nova
Scotia, No. 5, dating back previously to 1782.
The oldest Mark Lodge records on this continent are those at Halifax, dating
back to 1781.
The oldest lodge in the overseas Dominions, chartered by the Grand Lodge of
Scotland, is Keith Lodge, No. 17, Halifax, chartered in 1827.
Each of these dates is noteworthy and with the exception of the last, takes us
back to a period in the nation's history when the greater part of the country
was wilderness, when settlements were few and far between, when the people
were occupied either in conquering their enemies or in struggling to make
their homes. The American colonies and states had gone through the same stages
of existence fifty to a hundred years before and were settled down to peaceful
pursuits when Freemasonry was introduced about 1730. That the Craft in Canada
in the face of such difficulties ever survived and succeeded in establishing
itself, and developing into the well-organized Grand Lodges, Chapters and
other Grand Bodies of today, is most remarkable and significant.
The Craft in Canada has splendid traditions throughout the whole period of
nearly two hundred years; if this sketch has interested but one brother in the
story of its early days we shall feel well repaid.
Note No. 1 Henry Price, acting on a deputation from the first Grand Lodge of
England (afterwards called "Moderns") organized "St. John's Grand Lodge" at
Boston July 30, 1733. On December 27, 1769, St. Andrew's Lodge, on a warrant
from Scotland, with the cooperation of three military lodges in the British
Army, organized the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, with Dr. Joseph Warren as
Grand Master. After several years of rivalry these two bodies united, in 1792,
as the "Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and
Accepted Masons for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts."
Note No. 2 For the sketch of Erasmus James Phillips and record of his
appointment, see The Beginnings of Freemasonry in America, Melvin Johnson, p.
195 ff.
Freemasonry in Ontario
Bro. JAMES B. NIXON, President Toronto Society for Masonic Research, and Bro.
N.W.J. Haydon, Associate Editor THE BUILDER, Ontario FROM THE BUILDER AUGUST
(Most of the details up to 1856 here given were drawn from "Freemasonry in
Canada," by, the late Bro. John Ross Robertson.)
Canadian Freemasonry was first founded in Nova Scotia about 1737, the channel
of authority being R.W.Bro. Erasmus J. Phillips, Provincial Grand Master, a
member of St. John's Grand Lodge of Boston Mass. The paper, The Early History
of Freemasonry in Eastern Canada from R. W. Bro.R. V. Harris, K. C., of
Halifax, N. S., covers this section.
1784 New Brunswick became a separate province and the only lodge warranted
between that date and 1829 met at Fredericton, the capital town, its charter
dating from 1789.
The first lodge in Prince Edward Island, then known as St. John's Island, was
St. John's, No. 1, of Charlottetown, warranted in 1797. This Province is
covered by the paper, Freemasonry in Prince Edward Island from W. Bro. G. W.
Wakeford, a Past Master of that lodge.
Quebec City first saw Masonic light when the "Field Lodges" of the British
regiments stationed there met in the citadel a few weeks after they had won
that territory and celebrated the festival of St. John the Evangelist in
December, 1759. The first lodge warranted to work there was St. Andrew's,
which dates from October, 1760. This part of Canada from Quebec to the Ottawa
River was then known as Lower Canada. The first lodge for this Province was
the "New Oswegatchie," warranted in 1730 as No. 7 of the Grand Lodge of New
York, and the name is said to be all adaptation of the Huron word for "Black
Water." It appears to have worked at Ogdensburg, N.Y., from 1783 to 1787, when
it was transferred to the north of the St. Lawrence River to Elizabethtown,
near Brockville, when it became No. 520, E. R.
The minute book of this lodge was lost for nearly one hundred years, being
found in 1889, and it was recorded that Bro. Ziba Phillips, who built the
house in Oswego, N. Y., affiliated in 1788. His son, Ziba Marcus, received
Masonic honours in 1822 for his services both professional and Masonic.
1791 the Province of Upper Canada, now Ontario, was proclaimed, and in June,
1792, the first stationary lodge was born by issue of a warrant from the Grand
Lodge (Modern) of England, to Lodge Rawdon, No. 498, E. R., to meet "between
the three lakes (Ontario, Simcoe and Huron) in Upper Canada." This lodge was
named after Francis, Lord Rawdon, Earl of Moira, who was acting Grand Master
of that Grand Lodge in England. From 1790 to 1813 he had seen service in New
England and won distinction at the battle of Camden in 1780.
The place of meeting was York, now Toronto, and in 1797 it became No. 13 of
the first Provincial Grand Lodge of Upper Canada. The first Provincial Grand
Master was R.W.Bro. Wm. Jarvis, Secretary to Bro. Hon. J.G.Simcoe, first
governor of this Province, and his contemporary for Lower Canada, who had been
appointed by the (Ancient) Grand Lodge of England, was H.R.H. Prince Edward,
the father of Queen Victoria.
This year also saw a warrant issued by the (Ancient) Provincial Grand Lodge of
Quebec for Lodge No. 5 at Edwardsburg in Upper Canada. During his term of
office R.W.Bro. Jarvis erected a Provincial Grand Lodge for Upper Canada at
Niagara and between 1792 and 1800 all the lodges in this Province came under
his authority.
is interesting to note here that what is now the State of Michigan was
included in the territory of the provincial Grand Lodge of Lower Canada, Zion
Lodge of Detroit being warranted as No. 110 in 1794, and working under it
until 1807. The Provincial Grand Lodge of New York issued a warrant in 1764 to
"Lodge No. 1 at Detroit in Canada," which was registered in England in 1773,
but became dormant about 1790. There was also a St. John's Lodge, No. 465, E.R.,
warranted for Michilimackinac, now Mackinaw, in 1781. It was here that Pontiac
captured the fort from the British while playing lacrosse with his braves.
But before stationary lodges were established in Ontario, the ground had been
prepared by "travelling warrants" which accompanied several of the regiments
that saw service in that Province. The earliest record we have of Masonry in
Upper Canada is the certificate issued to Bro. Joseph Clements by Lodge No.
156, F. and A. M., E. R., held in the King's Eighth Regiment of Foot,
stationed at Fort Niagara. This regiment held the first military warrant
issued, in 1775, by the original Grand Lodge of England and became, later, No.
5, of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Quebec. The lodge room was in the stone
building erected by the French in 1760, now at the extreme point of land on
the east bank of the Niagara River, in United States territory. We learn from
the diary of Mrs. Simcoe, wife of the first governor of the Province, that the
erection of this building gave the present name to the river "Niagara," being
the Indian word for "Great House," and that the lodge room was used for divine
service, as there was no church built then (1792). Fort George, on the
opposite (British) side of the river, was the location of another military
lodge, No. 3, attached to the Queen's Rangers, and warranted by R.W.Bro.
Jarvis. It is also of record that the first celebration of the festival of St.
John the Evangelist ever held west of Montreal was carried on by the brethren
of the Eighth Regiment in 1775.
Four miles south of Niagara, on the west bank of the river, is the township of
Newark, now Queenstown, where Lodge No. 2 worked in the home of Bro. Joseph
Brown, from 1782, but it is not known whence its warrant was obtained. About
1787 its name was changed to "St. John's Lodge of Friendship, No. 2, Ancient
York Masons," but no later record than 1810 is known of its history.
Cataraqui, now Kingston, is the next link in our chain, this place being
surveyed in 1784 by R.W.Bro. Hon. John Collins, Provincial Grand Master of
Quebec. But in 1781 a warrant for Lodge No. 14 had been issued by the
Provincial Grand Lodge of Quebec and in 1787 R.W.Bro. Collins founded the St.
James Lodge in the King's Rangers, then stationed there. In August, 1794,
Lodge No. 6 of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Upper Canada was constituted in
"Bro. James Darley's 'Freemasons' Tavern'." The first township of Kings Town
was allotted to the Loyalist refugees from New York, the second and third
being distributed among the Second Battalion of the Eighty-fourth Regiment, or
the King's New York Royal Rangers, and from these soldiers came the earliest
settlers of the Bay of Quinte and Edwardsburgh districts, and the pioneers of
Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry townships, who took their Masonic associations
with them. The town of Cornwall, where Lodge Union, No. 521, E.R., worked in
1793, was famous as an educational centre during the early days of the
nineteenth century, many of the pupils of Rev. Dr. Strachan becoming prominent
in our provincial history; one of them, Thomas Gibbs Ridout, was our
Provincial Grand Master in 1845 under Sir Allan MacNab.
Coming back to Toronto, the chief centre of Symbolical and Capitular Masonry,
both in Ontario and Canada generally, though the Scottish Rite has its
headquarters in Hamilton, we find a great store of detailed records going back
to the earliest times. The name "Toronto" is of Indian origin, though theories
disagree as to precisely how it was first applied. We do know that the French
fur traders had a fort here in 1749, which they named Rouille, but popular
usage named it Toronto, because the riverway thence to Lake Simcoe was so
known and shown on a map dated 1720. The official name of the settlement and
later of the town continued to be York until it was incorporated as the city
of Toronto in 1834. In August, 1793, the Queen's Rangers removed from Niagara
to York, because of the outbreak of the war between England and France, and
built a fort of oak logs, part of which is still in use. Here they set up
their warrant again, using a room which, ordinarily, served as a reading room
for the regiment.
Rawdon Lodge worked here from 1793 to 1800, but the records previous to 1797
are missing; the temper of the brethren is seen from the fact that on their
first festival of St. John the Baptist, in June of that year, they expelled a
brother apparently for drunkenness. It is also recorded that for the purposes
of this festival the brethren met at 11 A.M. and "went to their respective
homes at 7 P.M." At that time, too, it was customary, to meet semi-monthly and
to elect their officers half-yearly. The same year the lodge subscribed "a
donation of at least half a joanna towards supporting the honour and dignity
of the Grand Lodge of Montreal." A "joanna" was a Portuguese gold coin worth
eight dollars, popularly known as a "Joe." Brethren familiar with "The
Ingoldsby Legends" will recall that in the treasure described in "The Hand of
Glory" there were "broad Double-Joes from beyond the seas."
The progress of the Craft in this Province was not unhampered by trouble. The
Provincial Grand Lodge of Upper Canada, headed by R.W.Bro. Jarvis, continued
until his death in 1817, during which period he had warranted twenty-six
lodges, but in 1802 a rival Grand Lodge was formed at Niagara by brethren who
held that the Provincial Grand Master had no power to change the seat of his
Grand East without authority from England and also objected to the removal of
the Grand Warrant from their prosperous town to a mere settlement. It also
appears from an examination of the original warrant, which was found in 1890,
and from letters of complaint, still in existence, that R.W.Bro. Jarvis had
both exceeded his powers and neglected his duties, possibly due to pressure
from his responsibilities as Provincial Secretary, so as to cause dissension
among those active in the Masonic interests of his time. He was authorized
only to grant dispensations to be valid for one year from date. These where to
be reported to the Grand Lodge in England, which would issue charters and
register them in due order. But while twenty-six warrants were issued, it does
not appear that a single one was ever reported.
is interesting to Canadians generally to note from the correspondence
preceding this schism that slavery was permitted in Upper Canada until 1800.
While no slaves might be brought into the country later than 1792, those then
here remained in that condition and could be sold or hired.
December, 1802, the Niagara Grand Lodge proclaimed itself, with R.W.Bro.
George Forsyth as Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Chris. Danby as Deputy,
and Bro. Sylvester Tiffany as Grand Secretary, and these officers were
installed in 1803, with like lodges on their roll. In June, next, their first
warrant was issued to locate near the present town of Ingersol, and this, with
three more, were all they issued up to 1810. There are no records extant for
1811, and no meetings were held during the War of 1812, but the original
minutes from 1816 to 1822, found in 1899, show that four more warrants were
issued prior to dissolution.
1806 the first warrant was issued for a chapter to work at Kingston, this
being the earliest separation between our lodges and chapters.
1808 the second Masonic funeral was conducted at York, and in connection
therewith is the first mention of Knights Templar; those present being
probably from Kingston, where an encampment had been opened in 1800.
April, 1807, the Niagara brethren sent their fees to the Grand Lodge in
England for a warrant as a Provincial Grand Lodge, in which Hon. Robert Kerr
is named as Provincial Grand Master, with R.W.Bro. Chris. Danby as Deputy, and
Bro. Wm. Emery as Grand Secretary. The only result was that R. W. Bro. Jarvis
received a sharp reprimand, and their request was refused, no other action
being taken. Just how much R.W.Bro. Jarvis permitted his Masonic affairs to
run themselves may be judged from a letter written in November, 1806, by
Jermyn Patrick, who had been appointed as Grand Secretary to replace Sylvester
Tiffany, saying that he had received no communications "either from the
subordinate lodges or the Provincial Grand Lodge, these twelve months past."
The War of 1812 affected the regular Provincial Grand Lodge adversely as well
as many others; meetings were irregular and returns were not made. Sincere
brethren felt this state of affairs to be a scandal and, following the death
of R.W.Bro. Jarvis, the Niagara brethren tried to organize a Provincial Grand
Lodge of Upper Canada, which should contain both their own lodges and those
warranted from York, but their efforts were not favourably received. To the
brethren of Addington Lodge, No. 13, at Bath, is due the credit for action
that finally restored order and harmony. They organized a Convention at
Kingston, in August, 1817, the first of a series of such meetings, which
recurred until 1822, and at which the actual work of a Provincial Grand Lodge
was conducted, and the Craft kept from becoming dormant for lack of a
governing and energetic executive. At the first of these, eleven lodges were
represented, Bro. Ziba M. Phillips being elected President, Bro. John H.
Hudson, "Moderator," and Bro. John W. Ferguson, Secretary. At this Convention
a petition was drafted for the consideration of the Grand Lodge of England,
drawing attention to the unfortunate condition of the Craft in Upper Canada
and asking for recognition, Bro. Roderick Mackay of Kingston being nominated
as Provincial Grand Master.
reply was received and, owing to the death of Bro. Mackay in September, 1818,
a second Convention was called at Kingston in February, 1819. This resulted in
fourteen "Articles of Association of the Masonic Convention of Upper Canada"
being drafted by the masterly mind of Bro. John Dean of Bath, as well as a
second petition to the home authorities, which were sent with a draft to cover
expenses for issuing a patent for a new Provincial Grand Master who should be
elected later. Another outstanding feature of this Convention was the report
of R.W.Bro. Benj. McAllister, who as "Grand Visitor" had inspected all the
lodges in Upper Canada, and commented freely on the manner in which their work
and business were carried on. This is the first instance in our history of
what has come to be the regular duty of every successive District Deputy Grand
Master and his visits proved to be of the greatest possible value in uniting
the scattered, neglected and disheartened lodges.
Kingston was the scene of the third Convention in February, 1820, at which
fourteen lodges and nineteen brethren were present, with Bro. Phillips again
presiding. It was reported that the draft sent to England the year before had
been duly paid, though no warrant had been received as requested, but that as
the charter could be expected at any time, no election or other changes should
be made until its arrival. August came, but still no reply, so Bro. John B.
Laughton of Ancaster, who was also a Companion of Hiram Chapter and who had to
go to England on business, was appointed representative of both Grand Lodge
and Grand Chapter (established in 1818) to see what he could do by personal
effort to get the action so earnestly desired from the home authorities.
February, 1821, saw fourteen lodges represented in Convention, with Bro.
Phillips in the chair; the District Visitors were increased to five, and for
the first time all lodges were required to submit their by-laws for approval
or change and all future amendments thereto.
may be well to note here some of the difficulties under which our early
brethren laboured in those primitive days. The accounts of the Grand Secretary
show what a heavy expense was the cost for letters; to Halifax the charge was
fourteen shillings, and to New York, eight shillings and two pence. Forty
circulars cost fifteen shillings for printing and one hundred copies of the
Proceedings 3 pounds 10. These amounts were paid in "Halifax Currency," the
shilling being worth twenty cents in our money. A letter from Bath to New York
was thirty-five days in transit!
August 1821 brought the first letter from Bro. Laughton in England, dated May,
and stating as one reason for the long neglect that there was no copy of
R.W.Bro. Jarvis' warrant in the archives at London, "or a single return from
the Grand Lodge at Niagara nor York, since the first settlement of the same,
and having no copy they cannot consider us as Masons!" Bro. Laughton wrote
that he was "willing to stay there a year if necessary to put the business to
rights" and urged that no pains be spared to procure and send him a copy of
original warrant as required for further action.
Another obstacle to his success was the presence of Chief John Brant, who had
been sent to England to settle, if possible, the difficulties existing between
the Mohawk Indians and the Provincial Government of Upper Canada, respecting
certain land titles. Brant was a member of Lodge No. 24, warranted by the
Niagara Grand Lodge and his trip to England was used by that body to further
their claims before the Masonic authorities there.
November, 1821, the desired copy was sent the Grand Secretary in England, with
a resume of previous letters to which no replies had been received, and
submitting the name of R.W.Bro. Fitzgibbon for the office of Provincial Grand
Master. Also a request that the fees charged for benevolences in England might
be paid to some agent of Grand Lodge in Upper Canada, for use amongst the
"many brethren emigrating with their families who are found to be in
distress." Another letter to Bro. Laughton covered the same points, while Bro.
Fitzgibbon wrote the Grand Secretary accepting the office of Provincial Grand
Master and enclosing a certificate as to his military standing and character
from Sir Peregrine Maitland, "Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada and
Major-General of His Majesty's forces therein." Bro. Fitzgibbon gave further
evidence of his good will to the Craft and his faith in Bro. Laughton by
sending him a draft towards his expenses.
Eighteen hundred and twenty-two saw twenty-one lodges represented in
Convention under Bro. Phillips and the acts of the committee on England were
approved. We find here the first signs of trouble from sources outside their
membership, in that a lodge warranted by the Grand Lodge of Ireland was
reported, with evidence, as acting in an unmasonic manner. The Convention
ruled that all brethren under its authority "shall keep themselves aloof from
said lodge and its members." Further, that in no lodge under its authority
"shall be allowed to introduce ardent spirits into the lodge room during the
evening of holding the lodge."
few weeks later arrived the first of the long awaited letters from the Grand
Secretary of England, dated March. This to some extent acquitted him of
intentional neglect of the lodges in Upper Canada by stating that a letter had
been sent in November, 1819, explaining their position. Had this letter been
received or had the succeeding letters sent from York been treated with even
the ordinary business courtesy and judgment of that time, it is certain that
the years of discontent, friction and ill-feeling would not have burdened
those earnest brethren who strove to establish Freemasonry in this (then)
outpost of Empire.
So, after five years of agitation from Upper Canada, the Masonic authorities
in London abandoned for awhile their policy of masterly inactivity and acted
by appointing R.W.Bro. Simon McGillivray, who was about to visit North
America, as Provincial Grand Master and Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch
Masonry for Upper Canada to look into the claims of "the lodges at present
existing . . . and presumed to have been constituted by the late Bro. Jarvis,"
granting their request that they be freed of tax for benevolence in England,
and authorizing him to "act in such a way as may appear to him best calculated
to promote the welfare of the Fraternity."
July, 1822, R.W.Bro. McGillivray arrived and found his previous training as
Junior Grand Warden of great value in recognizing the undoubted rights of the
lodges in Upper Canada and in smoothing away the discords which had been
aggravated by official neglect. The letters he wrote to R. W. Bro. John Dean,
Secretary of the Masonic Convention, and to W.Bro. Edw. McBride of Niagara are
still preserved and were all that could be expected under the circumstances.
In August he arrived at Niagara from Kingston, on his way to Detroit, having
met R.W.Bro. Phillips and other prominent brethren at Brockville and gone into
matters thoroughly. While at, Niagara he impressed on the minds of the
brethren there that the Grand Lodge of England could in no way recognize their
quarrel with those at York and advised them to come to an agreement since "the
law is before us, by that law we must be guided, and, as for the past, if
irregularities have occurred, I trust it will not be necessary to refer to
a result of his travels and investigations, R.W.Bro. McGillivray wrote to
R.W.Bro. Dean, as executive officer of the Convention, requesting that "acting
provisionally as Provincial Grand Secretary," he would issue summonses to all
the lodges "represented in the Convention . . . or otherwise known to you" to
meet at York in September, and also send each of them a copy of a specific
statement for them to fill in praying for recognition from and registration
under the Grand Lodge of England. The lodges were further required to bring
with them whatever documents of authority for their existence they might have,
that the same might be sanctioned or new dispensations issued as each came
might require. To Bro. Fitzgibbon he wrote asking him to attend the Convention
and sending him a copy of the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England for
his information, "as the laws applying to the authority and proceedings of
Provincial Grand Lodges are happily very distinct."
Bro. Dean did as requested, sending a courteous and fraternal letter to Bro.
Edw. McBride, Secretary of the Niagara Grand Lodge, with a few blank
statements for the use of his lodges and expressing the hope that the breach
between them might be healed.
Everything went as smoothly as conditions permitted except that a delegation
led by W. Bro. Dr.Chas. Duncombe of the Niagara Grand Lodge came to see
R.W.Bro. McGillivray with some eleventh hour obstacles. The latter refused to
see them as Masons, but heard their objections as individuals and by his tact,
firmness and thorough Masonic knowledge so affected their frame of mind that
they finally applied for admission to the Convention.
Monday, September 23, 1822, is one of the greatest days in our Masonic history
for it marked the first Communication of the Second Provincial Grand Lodge of
Upper Canada. Twenty-nine delegates were present representing eighteen lodges,
with R.W.Bro. McGillivray presiding. Bro. Dean, as Secretary, read the patent
appointing R.W.Bro. Fitzgibbon as Deputy Provincial Grand Master, and he was
duly installed. The good judgment of the presiding officer was again shown by
his appointing R.W.Bro. W.J. Kerr of the Niagara Grand Lodge as Senior Grand
Warden and, in recognition of the services of Addington Lodge at Bath, W.Bro.
B. Fairfield was appointed Junior Grand Warden. That the eastern and western
sections of the Province might be properly served, two Provincial Grand
Secretaries were appointed, W.Bro. Dean of Bath and Bro. Turquand of York, and
other honours were distributed to those who had earned them.
seems strange to read of two Secretaries being needed for a handful of lodges
scattered between Niagara and Kingston, when today one, with three assistants,
serves the needs of some seven hundred lodges having a membership of over a
hundred thousand in the largest self-contained Grand Lodge in the world, but
the conditions of such duties have vastly changed in the past century of
Masonic progress.
the eighteen lodges mentioned above only the following now survive:
Founded |
Present No. |
Name |
Location |
1792 |
2 |
Niagara, formerly
Dalheusie, |
Niagara |
1796 |
3 |
Ancient St. John's, |
Kingston |
5 |
Sussex, formerly
Hiram, |
Brockville |
1796 |
6 |
Barton, |
Hamilton |
1799 |
7 |
Union, |
Grimsby |
(?)1804-1812 |
9 |
Union, |
Napanee |
1792 |
10 |
Norfolk, |
Simcoe |
1801 |
11 |
Moira, |
Belleville |
1818 |
14 |
True Britons, |
Perth |
1816 |
15 |
St George's, |
St. Catharines |
The numbers missing from this list were held by lodges which joined the Grand
Lodge of Quebec between 1869 and 1874.
The only sore point left was that centering around Lodge Leinster at Kingston,
warranted by the Grand Lodge of Ireland, which appears to have been a
consistent nuisance. With the assistance of R.W.Bro. Phillips, a committee
from Lodge No. 6 met one from the Irish Lodge in November, "when all matters
were agreed to be buried." This lodge applied for and received in 1826 a new
warrant from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Upper Canada, though its members
were not all agreed among themselves as to doing so.
Next day, September 24, R.W.Bro. McGillivray issued a dispensation for the
first of the sixty-nine lodges now working in Toronto, viz.: St. Andrew's, No.
1, P.R., to meet at York, the first Worshipful Master being W.Bro.Wm.
Campbell, a Past Master of Temple Lodge, Guysborough, N. S., who had served as
Attorney-General of Cape Breton in 1804, and was at this time Puisne Judge of
Upper Canada. This lodge has recently celebrated its centenary by publishing a
fine record of its history. The first Secretary, Bro. B. Turquand, also acted
as Provincial Secretary for the Western District of Upper Canada, and the
first Treasurer, Bro. J.Beikie, succeeded R.W.Bro. Fitzgibbon as Deputy
Provincial Grand Master.
the first annual session of the second Provincial Grand Lodge closed with
twenty-seven warranted lodges on its register and six under dispensation. The
revival under R.W.Bro. McGillivray had infused new life into all Craft bodies
and their outlook for service was bright, for such minute books as have been
preserved show a great increase in membership throughout the whole
jurisdiction during the next few months. In February, 1823, the R.W. Brother
returned to England and made full report of his work to the Grand Master. The
value of his services was recognized to the full, in that all his
recommendations were adopted by Grand Lodge and a vote of thanks engrossed on
vellum and handsomely illuminated was presented to him.
The Grand Lodge of Alberta
Copied by permission from "Freemasonry in Canada"; compiled by Bro. OSBORNE
The first Masonic lodge to be formed in what is now the Province of Alberta
was organized in Edmonton as Saskatchewan Lodge, No. 17, on the register of
the Grand Lodge of Manitoba. Their charter was granted in 1882, but was
subsequently surrendered about the year 1890.
The next attempt to establish Masonry in Alberta was made in Calgary in May,
1883, when a notice was issued calling upon all Masons to meet in Bro. George
Murdock's store, which then stood on the east bank of the Elbow River, nearly
opposite the present site of the barracks of the Royal Northwest Mounted
Police. Only five Masons presented themselves at this meeting, namely, Bros.
George Murdock, E. Nelson Brown, A. McNeil, George Monilaws and D.C. Robinson.
Bros. James Walker and John A. Walker were to have attended, but were
unavoidably prevented from being present. At this meeting the unanimous
opinion of the brethren present was that the time was not opportune for the
formation of a lodge, as there was no suitable place in which to meet, there
were not a sufficient number of Masons to successfully carry on a lodge, and
there was a scarcity of material to work on. After a few months had passed,
people began to arrive in greater numbers with the advent of the railway. The
C.P. railway track was laid through the site of what is now the city of
Calgary on the 15th of August, 1883. A few days later the first freight train
arrived, bringing with it the printing outfit of the Calgary Herald. In the
first issue of that paper a notice was inserted calling upon all Masons
interested in the formation of a Masonic Lodge to meet in George Murdock's
shack, east of the Elbow River. A photograph of this shack is still preserved
in the archives of Bow River Lodge, No. 1. To the surprise of all a large
number of Masons assembled. R.W.Bro. Dr.N.J. Lindsay, at that time D.D.G.M.
for No. 1 (Essex) District, Grand Lodge of Canada, was elected chairman, and
R.W.Bro. George Murdock, Secretary. Meetings were regularly held every Friday
night, and an attendance register kept and minutes of all proceedings
recorded, but no Masonic work was done or examinations made until the petition
for a dispensation was about to be signed.
petition was forwarded to the Grand Lodge of British Columbia, asking for a
dispensation, the greater numbers of those signing it having lived in that
Province. Discouraged at the long wait for a reply, petition was made to the
Grand Lodge of Manitoba. A favorable reply was received from both these Grand
Lodges at about the same time. However, on account of the easier communication
with Manitoba, it was decided to accept dispensation from their Grand Lodge.
This dispensation was obtained about the first of January, 1884, and the first
meeting was held on the 6th of January. R.W.Bro. Dr. N.J. Lindsay was elected
first Worshipful Master. R.W.Bro. Lindsay then attended the meeting of the
Grand Lodge of Manitoba, held in Winnipeg, on the 11th of February, and at
meeting was elected Grand Junior Warden. At that meeting a charter was granted
to Bow River Lodge, Calgary, numbered 28 on the register of the Grand Lodge of
Manitoba. Bow River Lodge is now No. 1 on the Grand Register of Alberta.
the meeting of the Grand Lodge in Manitoba in 1884 charters were granted to
lodges at Regina, Moose Jaw and Calgary. These, with the lodges at Edmonton
and Prince Albert, might legally have formed a Grand Lodge for the Northwest
Territories, which comprised the Districts of Saskatchewan, Assiniboia and
Alberta, all being under one territorial government. As even then it was
deemed probable that the provincial formations were not far distant, it was
recognized that a Territorial Grand Lodge would be broken up by the division
of the territories into provinces. It was accordingly decided to leave in
abeyance any desire to form a Grand Lodge.
The three districts forming the Northwest Territories have now been divided
into two Provinces, Alberta and Saskatchewan, Assiniboia being absorbed by the
other two.
The political changes which culminated in the division of the old Northwest
Territories into the Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan on the first of
September, 1905, precipitated the division of the Manitoba Grand Lodge, for,
though it was long considered by many brethren that the large number of
Masonic Lodges in the Canadian Northwest and their separation by hundreds of
miles from the central authority necessitated a change, the spirit of loyalty
to Manitoba was so strong that nothing short of absolute necessity could
change it.
"Provincial Autonomy" was expected in the spring of the year 1905, and
accordingly the "Medicine Hat Lodge," No. 31, took the initiative. It was at
their request that Bow River Lodge, No. 28 (the oldest lodge in Alberta),
called a convention in Calgary on the 25th of May, 1905, the result being the
formation of the Grand Lodge of Alberta on October 12, 1905, when out of
eighteen lodges within the political boundaries seventeen were represented by
seventy-nine delegates, and the change was adopted.
Freemasonry in Prince Edward Island
Bro. GEORGE W. WAKEFIELD, P. M. St. John's Lodge. No. 1, P.E.I.
The first step taken to form a lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons in
this island [Canadian Freemasonry was first established in Nova Scotia, on
which see article by Bro. R.V. Harris, for beginnings in Ontario see article
by Bros. Nixon and Haydon] was made by letter dated September 22, 1790,
the Right Worshipful Grand Master of Masons of Nova Scotia, &c., &c., &c.
have taken the liberty to address you and the Grand Lodge for a Warrant to
form a Lodge in this Island, and being unacquainted with the form of
application (if there is any) our Worthy Brother Captain Livingston has given
his word as a Man, that he will deliver this, acquaint you of the
circumstances and vouch for those who have subscribed their Names as Antient
Master Masons.
have the honour Right Worshipful Master to be your Brothers, &c., &c.,
Peter Stewart Thos. Desbrisay L. Hayden Joseph Aplin Wm. Hillman
The original of the foregoing letter was found by the writer of this paper in
the archives of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia in 1916, but no record as to
its disposal.
The next and a successful attempt was made by a letter dated July 14, 1797,
dear friend and Brother,
take the liberty to write you that if our petition meets with the approbation
of the Grand Lodge that you will send me an account of the expenses which I
will take care to by the earliest conveyance. You are perfectly acquainted
with my Degrees in Masonry and I have made it my study to brighten myself by
visiting every Antient Lodge I could meet with in my excursions and believe I
shall be able with the assistance of the other Brethren to establish both a
Regular and Respectful Lodge. I have the Belfast Edition of Ahiman Rezon which
you saw at Halifax with both the Irish and York Regulations and shall thank
you to send one of yours if you think it should be preferable and let the
whole package be directed to Charlottetown. My most Respectful compliments to
Mrs. Clarke and family to my worthy Brethren in No. 18 and all enquiring
Brethren and Friends.
am Right Worshipful Your most sincerely
This letter was probably addressed to a Mr. Clarke, as the writer sends his
compliments to Mrs. Clarke and family, and he may have been James Clarke,
Senior Grand Warden, or Duncan Clarke, Deputy Grand Master, as appears in the
warrant dated Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 9, 1797, authorizing "The
Worshipful Ebenezer Nicolson, Esquire, one of our Master Masons; the
Worshipful William Hillman, his Senior Warden; the Worshipful Robert Lee, his
Junior Warden, to form and hold a lodge of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid,
at the house of Alexander Richardson or elsewhere in Charlottetown, in the
Island of Saint John, on the second Tuesday in each calender month."
The following is a record of the formation proceedings found in the archives
of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia:
Proceedings of the Right Worshipful Grand Lodge held in Charlottetown in the
Island of Saint John, October 19th, 1797, pursuant to a Warrant Issued by the
Right Worshipful Brother Bulkeley, Grand Master of Antient York Masons for the
Province of Nova Scotia and its Dependencies, &c.
Members present: R.W. Bro. J. Holland, D. Grand Master. R.W. Bro. A. Gordon,
Sen. Warden. R.W. Bro. J. Curtis, Jun. Warden. R.W. Bro. P. Macgowan, Grd.
Secretary. R.W. Bro. A. Smyth, Sen. Deacon. R.W. Bro. J. Webster, Jun. Deacon.
The Rt. Wor. Dep. Grand Master was pleased to open the Rt. Wor: Grd Lodge in
the Third Degree of Masonry, when the Warrant for holding the same was read in
the following words [here is inserted the order for Instalment] and duly
acknowledged by the several Brethren.
After which the purposes for holding the aforesaid Lodge was explained.
Bro'r Ebenr Nicolson R.A.M. was then introduced in Masonic form, and
acquainted that the Prayer of his Petition and that of the other Brethren of
the Island of St. John had been complied with, and that a Warrant empowering
them to hold a Lodge by the name of St. John Lodge, No. 26, had been Granted,
and that the Rt. Wor: Dep: Grd Master was now ready to proceed according to
Antient form in the installation of the said Lodge and the several officers.
Bro. Nicolson after performing the usual ceremonies was then Invested with the
Honourable Badge of Master Bro. College as Proxy for Bro. Hillman in the place
for Senr Warden likewise Bro. Lee as Junr Warden, they receiving the usual
testimonies from the Brethren present. After which they were duly examined and
found Skilful and Worthy. This closed the business of the evening and the
Lodge departed in peace and harmony.
Bro. Hillman, the Senior Warden, was one of the subscribers to the letter
addressed to the Right Worshipful Grand Master on September 22, 1790.
When the first warrant was issued the Province was known as the Island of St.
John. By Act of Parliament, passed November 20, 1799, the name was changed to
Prince Edward Island.
John's Lodge continued to be known as No. 26 on the register of the Athol
Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia until March 10, 1829, the date of the
warrant granted by the United Grand Lodge of England and numbered 833;
subsequently in the closing up of the numbers as 562 in 1832, and 397 in 1863.
On the formation of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island on June 24, 1875,
it became No. 1 on its register.
The first meeting place was at the house of Bro. Alexander Richardson, known
as the "Cross Keys," at the corner of Queen and Dorchester streets. And on
October 19, 1797, there were twelve members, including Thomas Alexander, a
Fellowcraft, namely:
Ebenezer Nicolson, M. D.; William Hillman; James College, army officer; Robert
Lee; Peter Macgowan, attorney-general; Alexander Gordon, M. D.; Alexander
Smith; John Webster; James Curtis, assistant judge; Thomas DesBrisay,
lieutenant-governor under Governor Patterson; John Clarke, landed proprietor,
lot 49.
Bro. Thomas Alexander, an affiliate Fellowcraft, was raised in November, 1797.
Lieutenant-Governor Edmund Fanning was the first member by petition. He was
initiated November 14, 1797, and passed and raised December 12, 1797. He
filled the office of Worshipful Master in 1801.
The meetings were held at Bro. Alexander Richardson's till 1811 when
accommodation was provided by Bro. Thomas Robinson, Queen street, west side,
between Sydney and Richmond streets, and remained there till 1827 when it was
decided to move to Bro. John Robinson's house on Kent street, just below the
present City Hall. In 1835 "it was ordered that the lodge be now moved to the
house of Bro. Robert Hutchinson." This house was on the corner of Pownal and
Sydney streets. In 1843 we find it meeting at Bro. James McDonnell's house on
the north side of Queen's Square. It is now occupied by his daughter, Mrs.
Adam Murray. Fourteen years later, December 28, 1857, the minutes read: "The
brethren formed in procession and marched to the new lodge room on Water
street when they dedicated the same to Masonry in the usual customary form."
This building was destroyed by fire in 1867, and on September 7 we find the
brethren meeting in Large's Hall, Queen street, near Kent street. On June 11,
1878 the lodge became joint tenants with Victoria Lodge of Masonic Hall, Water
street, the site occupied by the building destroyed by fire in 1867. There it
remained till October, 1893, when it moved to the new Masonic Temple, Grafton
The earliest by-laws of the lodge now in its possession were adopted on May
10, 1810, and were signed by Peter Macgowan, one of the twelve members, in
That every Member of the Lodge conform to the several Rules, Usages and
Establishments of Free Masonry, as contained in the Book of Constitution known
by the name of Ahiman Rezen containing the Laws, Charges and Regulations of
That the Brethren meet the Second Tuesday in every Month, as stated in the
Warrant, at the hour of Six from the Autumnal Equinoxis and at the Hour of
seven from the Vernal to the Autumnal Equinoxis.
That no business be done in the Lodge after the Hour of half past Nine o'clock
and that the Lodge shall not be detained after half past Ten o'clock. 4. That
each Candidate shall deposit the sum of Ten shillings at the time of being
proposed, into the hands of the Brother who proposes him, and shall forfeit
the same, provided he does not come forward to receive the First degree of
Masonry within the space of Three Regular meetings; on rejection the said
money to be returned to the Candidate: and each Candidate for Free Masonry in
this Lodge shall pay the sum of Three pounds, nineteen shillings and six pence
Currency on receiving the First degree.
No Candidate on any Consideration whatsoever shall be proposed and balloted
for the same evening, but shall be proposed at one Meeting and balloted for
and made (if necessary) the following Meeting of the Lodge, but if Two Black
Balls appear it shall be sufficient to exclude a Candidate and if One Black
Ball appears the Bro'r who gave it shall be called upon to assign his reasons,
which if joined in by any other Bro'r present the Candidate shall not be
The balloting box shall on no account be sent round more than twice, unless it
appears that some mistake has been made.
Every member of this Lodge shall be critically and regular in his attendance
on the Regular Meeting of the Lodge, and if any Member shall not attend within
Twenty Minutes after the opening of the said Lodge, he shall pay the sum of
six pence, and provided the Member shall absent himself during the whole
Evening he shall be fined the sum of One shilling, without sufficient reasons
be given to the contrary.
Every Member shall come to the Lodge clean and decently dressed, shall clothe
himself at the Door, and on no account shall retire from the Lodge contrary to
the usual forms on pain of forfeiting the sum of One shilling and three pence.
If any Member shall come to the Lodge in a state of intoxication the Tyler
shall not admit him, and if the said Member makes resistance and conducts
himself riotously or improperly at the Door, on report of the Tyler, he shall
forfeit the sum of Five shillings, and be further dealt with as the Majority
of the Brethren shall direct, and if the said Member shall have gained
admittance into the Lodge on discovery of his intoxication he shall forfeit
the sum of Ten shillings, and shall be immediately Ordered by the Master to
quit the Lodge for that evening.
10. Every Member in Lodge shall conduct himself with due decency and decorum,
shall hold no separate conversation without leave from the Master, nor talk of
anything impertinent or indecent, nor interrupt the Master or Wardens, nor any
Brother speaking to the Chair, nor whisper, nor act ludicrously in order to
excite mirth whilst the Lodge is engaged in what is Solemn and serious, on
pain of forfeiting One shilling.
11. Should any Brother forget himself so far as to make use of Oaths or any
irreverent expressions shall immediately pay the sum of Two shillings, to be
doubled on every repetition of the offence the same evening.
12. Any member of this Lodge may at any time be allowed to withdraw from the
Lodge, on assigning good and substantial reasons for so doing, and on paying
the usual fees shall be entitled to his Certificate.
13. Any Brother having been initiated in another Lodge or wishing to join this
Lodge, if in the First Degree only he shall receive the other two degrees on
paying two-thirds of the full initiating fee of this Lodge, and if in the
Second Degree on paying one-third of the said full initiating fee he shall
receive the Third Degree.
14. No Brother shall be allowed to visit this Lodge unless he shall have
received the Sublime degree of a Master Mason. On the two first Nights he
shall visit without expense, but on the Third and every succeeding night of
visiting he shall pay his proportion of the Night's expenses in common with
15. All matters in the Lodge are determined by a Majority of Votes, each
Member having One Vote and the Master Two Votes.
16. That at the stroke of the Master's gavel there shall be a general silence,
and that he who breaks silence without leave from the Chair shall be publicly
17. That under the same penalty every Brother shall keep his seat, and keep
strict silence whenever the Master shall think fit to rise from the Chair and
call to Order.
18. That in the Lodge every Member shall keep his seat, and not move about
from place to place during the Communication.
19. That no Brother is to speak more than Once to the same affair, unless to
explain himself or when called upon by the Chair.
20. Every One that speaks shall rise and keep standing, addressing himself in
a proper manner to the Chair, nor shall any presume to interrupt him under the
aforesaid penalty, unless the Master find him deviating from the point in
hand, shall think fit to reduce him to Order; for then the said Speaker shall
sit down; but after he has been set right, he may again proceed if he observes
due Order and decorum.
21. If in the Lodge any Member is twice called to Order at any One Assembly,
for transgressing these rules, and is guilty of a Third offence of the same
Nature, the Master shall peremptorily order him to quit the Room for that
22. That whoever shall be so rude as to hiss at any Brother, or at what
another says or has said, he shall be forthwith solemnly excluded the
Communication, and declared incapable of ever being a Member of the Lodge for
the future till another time he publicly own his fault, and his grace be
23. No motion for a new Regulation or for the continuance or abandon of an Old
one, shall be made, till it be first handed up in writing to the Chair; and
after it his been perused by the Master at least ten minutes, the thing may be
publicly moved, it shall then be read by the Secretary: and if seconded and
Thirded, it must be immediately committed to the consideration of the whole
assembly, that their sense may be fully taken upon it; after which the
question shall be put Pro or Con.
24. The Opinion or Votes of the Members are to be signified by holding up of
hands; that is One hand each Member; which uplifted hands the Wardens are to
Count, unless the number of hands be so unequal as to render the Counting
25. Any Member of this Lodge refusing to comply with any of the above By-Laws
or the penalties thereof, shall forthwith be expelled, unless he make a
satisfactory submission in the Body of the Lodge for bis Unmasonic Contumacy.
"My son forget not my laws, but let thine heart keep my Commandments; and
remove not the Ancient land-mark which thy Fathers have set. Solomon."
Lodge Moto of No. 26
"May Virtue be the Abutment and Wisdom the Key Stone of this Lodge."
Macgowan, Late Attorney General.
The records from 1797 to 1826 inclusive are missing. The lodge has, however, a
fairly complete list of members for that period, as well as the treasurer's
account book opened on February 23, 1810, and still in use.
The first candidate for the degrees was Lieutenant-Governor Edmund Fanning,
initiated November 14, and passed and raised December 12, 1797. He was
Worshipful Master in 1801. The lodge has the Holy Bible presented by him in
From 1827 to 1845 the regular business was transacted when the lodge was open
on the Third Degree. In 1846 it was done when open on the First Degree; 1847
to 1852 it was the rule to open and transact business in a Lodge of Master
Masons; in 1853 when open in either degree; since 1864 all business has been
done in a Lodge of Master Masons.
Except for three years (1848-1850), when the regular communication was held on
the second Friday, the lodge has since its organization in 1797, set apart the
second Tuesday in each month for that purpose.
a number of instances during the first half of the last century, members who
had served the lodge as Senior Warden were, on motion of a Past Master,
elected to be "Passed the Chair." When the Honourable Alexander Keith,
Provincial Grand Master for Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island
and Newfoundland, visited the lodge on September 9, 1847, he stated: "That the
fee for the Past Master and Mark Master degree in Halifax is 40 pounds. But
St. John's Lodge is at liberty to charge what they please, but would advise
the Past Masters for the future not to give the degree of Past Master without
receiving a certain sum they might agree upon."
June 24, 1869, by an union of the lodges in Nova Scotia an independent Grand
Lodge was organized for that Province. The then Provincial Grand Master, the
Honourable Alexander Keith, was elected Grand Master, resigning his connection
with the United Grand Lodge of England, thereby leaving the Masons in Prince
Edward Island without a provincial head, or one authorized to grant
dispensations when necessary.
This state of affairs was brought to the attention of St John's Lodge by a
letter received from Halifax and the matter was at once taken into
consideration by the lodge and a committee appointed to confer with the sister
lodges in the Province regarding the appointment of a brother to the position.
And on the 8th of November, 1870, memorials addressed to the United Grand
Lodge of England were received from King Hiram Lodge, St. Eleanors; St.
George's Lodge, Georgetown, and Zetland Lodge, Alberton, recommending the
appointment of Brother Adam Murray, Past Master of St. John's Lodge, as
District Grand Master for Prince Edward Island, when it was voted "That a
similar memorial be signed by the officers of St. John's Lodge and the whole
forwarded to the United Grand Lodge of England by the next mail."
The United Grand Lodge of England complied with the request of the
memorialists, and communicated the same by letter, reading:
Freemason's Hall, London, S. W., 24th January 1871 W. Master, I have to
acquaint you that the M. W. Grand Master has been pleased to appoint Adam
Murray, Esquire, of Charlottetown, District Grand Master for Prince Edward
Island, to whom therefore you will in future address all communications
relating to the Craft excepting the Return of your Lodge, applications for
Certificates and other matters specially directed by the Book of Constitutions
to be made to the Grand Secretary and which are to be forwarded to me.
With fraternal regard I remain, W. Master, Your Obedient Servant & Brother,
John Hervey, G. S.
Acting under authority contained in his commission, R.W.Bro. Adam Murray
appointed W. Bro. P. Stainforth Macgowan District Grand Secretary, but did not
at any time convene a District Grand Lodge, although the Book of Constitutions
"District grand Lodges may fix stated times for their meetings, not exceeding
four times in the year; but the district grand master may summon and hold a
district grand lodge of emergency whenever, in his judgment, it may be
necessary. The particular reason for calling such lodge of emergency shall be
expressed in the summons, and no other business shall be entered upon at that
second lodge was organized in 1828 under a Warrant of Constitution granted by
the United Grand Lodge of England, to be known as Sussex Lodge, No. 822,
Charlottetown. The charter members were members of St. John's Lodge, and its
first Worshipful Master, Bro. Benjamin De St. Croix, was master of St. John's
Lodge in 1813. It ceased to work in 1837.
St. John's Lodge, like many other lodges, was shaken to its foundations during
what is known as the "Morgan excitement," 1826-1838. In twelve years from 1828
the records show: Initiated, five; passed, six; raised, six; and at one time
the cash in the treasury was reduced to one shilling and three half-pence.
some of the states in the United States of America "the Grand Lodge did not
meet for years; but in every jurisdiction were some faithful brethren who kept
the Masonic faith in their hearts and the Masonic fire alive upon the altar."
1842 a new day had dawned and the lodge held eighteen meetings, initiating
eight, passing seven, raising seven, affiliating three.
the faithful who met on all called occasions from 1829 to 1839 when the
prospects began to brighten are we indebted for the continuance of St. John's
Lodge, and their names are worthy of perpetual record, namely:
James Bagnall, initiated March 15, 1815. Charles Binns, initiated February 29,
1816. Theopholis Chappell, initiated before December, 1810. James H. Down,
initiated January 20, 1824. John Godkin, initiated April 15, 1828. Robert
Hutchinson, initiated October 11, 1825. Henry W. Lobban, initiated August 21,
1828. James McDonnell, initiated before December, 1810. Allan McInnis,
initiated May 8, 1815. Richard Reed, initiated February 12, 1833. John
Robinson, initiated August 24, 1819. Thomas Robinson, initiated before
December, 1810. William Scantlebury, affiliated June 10, 1828. Peter Smith,
initiated June 17, 1816. John Willock, initiated January 8, 1833. George
Wright, initiated before December, 1809.
the 24th of June, 1842, an address to Her Majesty Queen Victoria was prepared
offering the sincere congratulations of the members of St. John's Lodge upon
Her Majesty's late Providential escape from the atrocious attempt of a daring
The letter to the Lieutenant-Governor accompanying the address reads as
His Excellency Sir Henry Vere Huntley, Knight, &c., &c., &c.
May it please Your Excellency
the free and accepted Masons of Prince Edward Island, convened under the
Banner of Saint John's Lodge No. 833 and established under the Banner of the
Grand Lodge of England, beg leave respectfully to request that Your Excellency
will be pleased to transmit this Address, expressing to Her Majesty the Queen
our sincere and heartfelt congratulations upon the late providential escape
from the atrocious attempt of a daring Assassin, so that the same may be laid
at the Foot of the Throne.
requesting this favour from Your Excellency, we beg to assure you, that like
the rest of our Brethren of the Most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free
and Accepted Masons, we will be found ever ready to defend our Sovereign and
Her Representative in this Colony, from all attacks of an enemy should
occasion require, and to uphold the glorious Constitution of that Empire, of
which we happily form a portion.
That the Great Architect of the Universe may bless Your Excellency, Lady
Huntley, and your Children, is our earnest prayer.
His Excellency acknowledged receipt in the following words:
the Free and Accepted Masons of Prince Edward Island,
gives me sincerest pleasure and gratification to be employed as the means of
carrying to our Excellent Sovereign the expression of abhorrence entertained
by the Free and Accepted Masons of Prince Edward Island upon the late
execrable attempt upon Her Majesty's life.
The expression of your feelings combined with the assurance of your attachment
to the Constitution of our Country, becomes infinitely valuable, because
emanating from a Society which has never lent its influence other than to
support Religion, Loyalty and universal Benevolence.
Accept the assurance of my deepest gratitude for the kind wishes that you have
expressed towards myself, Lady Huntley and my family.
V. Huntley, Lt. Govr. Gov't House, June 24th, 1842.
September 12 the following communication from the Colonial Secretary was read:
Secretary's Office, Augt 20th, 1842.
am directed by His Ex. the Lieut. Governor to acquaint you that His Excellency
has received a Dispatch from the Right Honble lord Stanley, Her Majesty's
principal Secretary for the Colonies, Acknowledging the receipt of their
Address to the Queen from the Freemasons of Prince Edward Island, upon the
late attempt upon Her Majesty's life, transmitted by His Excellency, and
announcing that the Address had been laid before the Queen, and that Her
Majesty had been pleased to receive the same very graciously.
have, &c.,
H. Haviland, Secretary.
Mr. R. Hutchinson, W. M.
The next address to be presented was one to His Royal Highness the Prince of
Wales on August 10, 1860, namely:
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, K. G., &c., &c., &c. May it please
Your Royal Highness,
We, the Free and Accepted Masons of Prince Edward Island established under the
Banners of the Grand Lodges of England and Scotland, desire most respectfully
to approach Your Royal Highness and offer our sincere welcome and
congratulations on Your Royal Highness' auspicious arrival in the Colonies of
British North America.
Gratifying as must be the visit of Your Royal Highness to this Island
associated as it is with Your Royal Highness' name and family it is doubly so
to our Fraternity as it presents to us an occasion for testifying not only our
loyalty to Your Royal Highness, as the Representative and Heir to our much
beloved Sovereign Her Majesty Queen Victoria, but also our heartfelt affection
for Your Royal Highness personally as the Son of a, Free and Accepted Mason,
and as the Scion of an illustrious house which has long been marked for its
intimate connection with our Order.
humbly beg to assure Your Royal Highness, that should the, All-wise
dispensations of the Great Architect of the Universe call upon Your Royal
Highness to fill the throne of this mighty Empire now so nobly occupied by
Your Highness' August Mother the Free and Accepted Masons of Prince Edward
Island will ever, in accordance with the first principles inculcated by the
Craft, be found foremost in steady attachment to Your Royal Highness throne
and person and zealous in the support and defence of that glorious
Constitution which it has so long been the privilege of the British nation to
enjoy under the distinguished dynasty to which Your Royal Highness belongs.
the unanimous order of the Masonic Lodges of Prince Edward Island.
Adam Murray, W.M., St. John's Lodge, No. 562. Cuthbert C. Vaux. R.W.M.,
Victoria Lodge, No. 383. James Campbell, W.M., King Hiram Lodge, No. 1123.
which address the following was received:
Government House Charlottetown, P. E. Island, August 10th 1860.
have the honour to acknowledge by desire of His Royal Highness the Prince of
Wales the Address presented to him this day by the Free and Accepted Masons of
Prince Edward and to convey to you the thanks of His Royal Highness.
am, Sir, Your Obedient Servant, Newcastle.
James Campbell, Esqre., &c., &c.
August 23, 1839 A Lodge of Emergency was called for the purpose of laying the
cornerstone of the new jail. The brethren formed in procession and repaired to
the site of the proposed building when the cornerstone was well and truly laid
by Past Master Brother Thomas Robinson in the absence of the Worshipful Master
Brother Ewen Cameron.
May 16, 1843 According to request made to the W. M., Brother Henry W. Lobban,
by His Excellency Sir Henry Vere Huntley, Lieutenant Governor, the lodge was
called to assist His Excellency in laying the cornerstone of the Provincial
Building which they did "quite to the pleasure of His Excellency and suite,
and hundreds of spectators."
March 9, 1858 Several members having formed a new lodge, styled "Victoria,"
under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, withdrew from St John's
Lodge. This made the second lodge in Prince Edward Island; up to this date the
records of St. John's Lodge is the history of Freemasonry in the Province.
Although the records of St. John's Lodge from 1797 to 1827 are missing, the
lodge was not dormant at any time during that period. There is evidence in the
archives of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia that returns were fairly and
regularly made; and in particular from 1811 to 1826 without a break; and
initiated 139, affiliated five, in the thirty years.
one letter dated August 13, 1816, the Secretary, Bro. James Bagnall, informs
the Provincial Grand Secretary that on
"June 24. The festival was celebrated in a most respectable manner, the Lodge
having made arrangements proceeded to Church in Masonic Procession accompanied
by several visiting Brethren and attended Divine Service performed by the Rev.
Mr. Desbrisay; and upon their return to the Lodge Room installed the officers.
After the installation the Lodge adjourned and met again at half past Five
o'clock and dined together in the Lodge room. The day through the whole was
spent in the most harmonious festivity and the Brethren at an early hour in
the evening departed in Harmony."
Bro. James Bagnall, printer, was initiated March 15, 1815; passed April 9,
1815, and raised May 8, 1815.
The officers reported as installed on the 24th of June, 1816, were: George
Wright, W. M.; Ewen Cameron, S. W.; Donald Manson, J. W.; Samuel Nelson,
Treasurer; James Bagnall, Secretary; Thomas Alexander, Tyler.
the first half of the nineteenth century the Masonic dress for funerals was
white scarfs, band on hat, and white gloves. On other occasions the hat band
was discarded, and blue scarfs took the place of white scarfs. The form of
procession included:
The Stewards, with Black Wands. Three Master Masons, each carrying a Taper.
The three Tapers representing the three lesser lights. A Banner, carried by a
Master Mason and protected by a Guard in uniform. A Master Mason, carrying the
Ark containing the Warrant, Book of Constitutions, and the Working Tools. A
Master Mason, carrying the Holy Bible.
Following work, refreshments were sometimes served. The cost for the year 1827
was (pounds) 6.11.3 1/2, and included one-half gallon of spirits 4/-, and two
pounds of sugar 1/4.
After several preliminary meetings delegates appointed by St. John's Lodge
made report on the 9th of March, 1875:
That at a meeting of Delegates appointed by the several Lodges held on the
24th proxime it was decided to form the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island;
and on the 23rd of June the representatives of
St. John's Lodge, No. 397, R. E., warranted March 10, 1829; formerly No. 26,
R. Athol Provincial Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, warranted October 9, 1797;
Victoria Lodge, No. 383, R. S., warranted March, 1858;
King Hiram Lodge, No. 821, R. E., warranted June 4, 1860;
George's Lodge, No. 866 R. E, warranted May 17, 1861;
Alexandra Lodge, No. 983, R. E., warranted August 28, 1863;
Mount Lebanon Lodge, No. 984, R. E., warranted September 2, 1863;
Zetland Lodge, No. 1200, R. E., warranted November 6, 1867;
True Brother's Lodge, No. 1251, R. E., warranted January 28, 1869;
met in St John's Hall, Charlottetown, and then and there adopted the following
RESOLVED, That the Representatives now in Convention assembled on behalf of
the Lodges represented by them do hereby declare themselves to be "The Most
Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Prince Edward
And immediately proceeded to the election of Grand Officers, when Bro. the
Hon. John Yee was elected Most Worshipful Grand Master.
the following day (June 24) the Most Worshipful Grand Master and other
officers were duly installed by M.W. John V. Ellis, Grand Master of New
Brunswick, assisted by his Grand Officers.
The lodges (all in the jurisdiction) participating in the formation of the
Grand Lodge then became known as
John's Lodge, No. 1, Charlottetown. Victoria Lodge No. 2, Charlottetown. King
Hiram Lodge, No. 3, Summerside. St. George's Lodge, No. 4, Georgetown.
Alexander Lodge, No. 5, Port Hill. Mount Lebanon Lodge, No. 6, Summerside.
Zetland Lodge, No. 7, Alberton. True Brothers' Lodge, No. 8, Crapaud.
The following lodges have since then been added to the register:
King Solomon Lodge, No. 9, Charlottetown. Warranted February 16, 1876. Charter
surrendered, 1883.
Westmoreland Lodge, No. 10, Victoria. Warranted May 16, 1877. Erased, 1879.
Orient Lodge, No. 11, Souris. Warranted August 15, 1877.
Mount Zion, No. 12, Kensington. Warranted June 24, 1878.
St. Andrew's, No. 13, Montague. Warranted June 24, 1884.
Prince Edward Lodge, No. 14, Stanley Bridge. Warranted June 24, 1885.
Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 15, Cape Traverse. Warranted June 26, 1899
King Edward Lodge, No. 16, Malpeque. Warranted June 24, 1904.
Mizpah Lodge, No. 17, Eldon. Warranted June 26, 1912.
And now abideth Faith, Hope, Charity.
Unchanging, unchanged by time or tide,
Fast in His promises, these abide.
rage or calm, in ebb or flow,
These cables cling to the Rocks below.
"But the greatest of these" Ah! yes, I know
How this "Greatest," that "Will not let me go,"
Abides and holds, midst the wreck of storms.
"Underneath are His everlasting arms."
-Yes, Love abides.
But tonight as I ride, off a wreck-strewn coast,
With broken power and compass lost,
'Neath sullen sky, on an angry sea,
Faith, too, abides comes dawn, we'll see.
Faith, too, abides.
This formless night, and this angry sea
Will pass "He is faithful that promised thee."
ocean and sky of a fathomless blue
Will greet the morn of Hope come true.
And Hope abides.
H. Darling P.G.M., Alberta
Freemasonry in the Province of Quebec
Copied by permission from "Freemasonry in Canada"; compiled by Bro. OSBORNE
SHEPPARD, of Hamilton, Ont.
Masonry in Canada, or that portion of the Dominion which formed "Old Canada"
before the Confederation, is only reckoned back to the year 1759, when the
"Lily" flag of the Bourbon was replaced over New France by the British "Union
Jack." With the advent of the British troops, English Freemasonry was
transplanted to Canadian soil, or, more strictly speaking, Anglo-Saxon
Freemasonry, for the Grand Lodge of Ireland was more largely represented among
the regiments that took part in the capitulation of the cities of Quebec and
Montreal. In these days many of the regiments in the British army carried
travelling warrants authorizing them to hold lodges, and among those taking
part in the siege of the first named city five regiments held Irish warrants,
and one an English warrant, and at the latter city five regiments likewise
held Irish warrants, one an English and one a warrant from the Grand Lodge of
Scotland. Among the number, Lodge No. 227 of the Irish register in the
Sixty-fourth Regiment of Foot still survives, and is now called the "Lodge of
Antiquity," No. 1, on the registry of the Grand Lodge of the Province of
Quebec capitulated to the army of Wolfe September, 1759, and on the following
St. John's Day, December 27, 1759, eight military lodges met to celebrate the
festival of their patron saint, and there and then formed themselves into a
Grand Lodge, and elected Lieutenant Guinnett, of the Forty-seventh Regiment, a
member of Lodge No. 192, under the Irish register, as Grand Master.
For thirty-three years this Provincial Grand Lodge had control of Masonry as
the Provincial Grand Lodge of Canada, under the Grand Lodge of "Moderns,"
England, the headquarters being located in the city of Quebec. Among the Grand
Masters were Colonel the Hon. Simon Fraser, Seventy-eighth Highlanders, 1760
(who was installed by Sir Thomas Dunkerley (see note), then an officer on
H.M.S., the "Vanguard"); Captain Milborne West, Forty-seventh Regiment, 1761;
Lieutenant Turner, Forty-seventh Regiment, 1763; Hon. John Collins, 1765;
Colonel Sir Guy Carleton (Lord Dorchester), 1786, and Sir John Johnson,
Baronet, 1788. This Provincial Grand Lodge chartered many subordinate lodges,
upwards of forty having been traced, the first four being located in the city
of Quebec, two, Albion, No. 2, and St. John's, No. 3 being still on the roll
of the present Grand Lodge of Montreal under the name of St. Peter's, No. 4.
This lodge was in active operation for thirty years and lapsed about 1792. In
1767 a Deputy Provincial Grand Lodge was created in Montreal and Bro. E.
Antill appointed Deputy Provincial Grand Master. On November 8, 1770, a
warrant was again issued for another lodge in Montreal, under the designation
of St. Paul's, No. 10.
The Provincial Grand Lodge warranted several other lodges in Montreal and
various places, including points on Lake Champlain, Detroit, Kingston,
Niagara, Cornwall, Ogdensburg and Rawdon (Ont.); the majority of these,
however, disappeared at the end of the last century. In 1752 a schism occurred
in Masonry in England and a rival Grand Lodge was formed, which took to
themselves the title of "Ancient" and dubbed the premier Grand Lodge the
"Moderns." This new body was composed of many of the younger and more
aggressive members of the Craft, and proved a very formidable rival to the
premier Grand Lodge. The rivalry between the two bodies was at its height when
"Prince Edward," father of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, arrived
at Quebec in 1791, with the Seventh Royal Fusiliers, of which regiment he was
Colonel. At this time there were three lodges hailing from the "Ancients" in
the city of Quebec, who were in a strong and prosperous condition.
With the advent of Prince Edward came a new era in Masonry in the Province. On
March 7, 1792, the Grand Lodge of the Ancients in England issued a patent
deputing the Prince "Provincial Grand Master" of Lower Canada, and on the 22nd
of June, 1792, His Royal Highness was duly installed with great eclat (a
religious service and procession to the Recollet Church (R.C.) forming part of
the ceremony), his Royal Highness remaining Grand Master of this Grand Lodge
until the year 1813, when he was elected Grand Master of the Ancients in
England in succession to the Duke of Athole. The Prince was created Duke of
Kent in 1799, and on the amalgamation of the two Grand bodies in 1813 he
nominated his brother, the Duke of Sussex, as the Grand Master of the United
Grand Lodge. This Grand Lodge of Lower Canada warranted some twenty-six lodges
between the years 1792 and 1823, five of which are still in existence under
the present Grand Lodge of Quebec. These five are: Dorchester, No. 4, at St.
John's; Select Surveyors (now Prevost), Missisquoi Bay; Nelson at Caldwell
Manor; Golden Rule at Stanstead, and Sussex (now St. Andrew's), at Quebec.
Zion, No. 1, at Detroit, still holds an original warrant, Zion, No. 10 issued
by this Grand Lodge, of date September 7, 1794. Among the Montreal warrants
were Union Lodge, No. 8, chartered in 1793, which lapsed in 1826; St. Paul's,
No. 12, May 1, 1797 (which apparently was applied for and granted to the
members of the former St. Paul's, No. 10), and Wellington Persevering, No. 20,
was formed in 1815 and dissolved, 1826.
These years were ones of prosperity for the brethren of the mystic tie. In
1816 Union, No. 8, made an effort to rase a fund for the purpose of building a
Freemason's Hall in the city of Montreal and founding a school for the
education of children, but the effort did not materialize. The Duke of Kent
having resigned, the Hon. Claude Denechau, M.P.P., was duly elected to succeed
him as Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge, which important post he
acceptably filled until 1822. Many pleasant and important incidents are
related and on record regarding the doings of the Craft during these thirty
years. The celebration of St. John's Day, the 27th of December, was annually
held with much enthusiasm. At the request of the Royal Grand Master the lodges
in Quebec met and marched in procession for some years to the Recollet (R.C.)
Church, which was kindly placed at their disposal, when service was held and a
sermon delivered by the Grand Chaplain, the brethren dining together in the
evening. Before his departure from Canada His Royal Highness presented an
antique Masonic square of gold with an inscription that it was "a gift from
H.R.H. Prince Edward to the R.W. the Grand Lodge of Lower Canada." This,
together with a large "key" of gold surmounted with a crown and monogram, the
gift of H.R.H. Prince William Henry, afterwards "King William IV.," are
preserved with religious care by the present Grand Lodge of Quebec.
The War of 1812 between England and the United States had a very depressing
effect on Masonry and the removal of some of the military lodges, as well as a
number of the brethren who had taken an active part in the Grand Lodge of
Lower Canada, caused this body to become very inactive for several years.
The year 1823 marked another era in the history of the Craft in the Province
of Quebec. The lodges in Montreal, as well as some of the others in the
Province, forwarded their Canadian charters to the recently formed United
Grand Lodge of England, and exchanged them for English warrants, and then
petitioned England to establish two Provincial Grand Lodges under that Grand
Body one for Montreal and the Borough of William Henry (now called Sorel), and
the other for the cities of Quebec and Three Rivers. This request was acceded
to, and the Hon. William McGillivray was appointed Provincial Grand Master of
the former, and the Hon. Claude Denechau as the Provincial Grand Master of the
The history of these two District Grand Bodies during the thirty years that
elapsed until a new Canadian Grand Body was formed is not an active one,
especially in the Quebec District. In the Montreal District several lodges
were constituted, however.
1836 St. George Lodge was established, it having previously received a
dispensation from the Provincial Grand Lodge in 1828. Zetland Lodge was
constituted in 1844 and St. Lawrence in 1854. On September 5, 1828, Hon.
Claude Denechau, Provincial Grand Master, installed John Molson, Esq., as
Provincial Grand Master of the District of Montreal and William Henry. The
brethren, accompanied by the band of the Seventy-sixth Regiment, attended
Divine service in Christ Church, Montreal, the sermon being delivered by the
rector, the Rev. Bro. John Bethune, Grand Chaplain.
the year 1836 the Grand Master, the Hon. John Molson, died, and the Provincial
Grand Lodge did not meet again for over ten years. On May 20, 1846, the
Provincial Grand Lodge was again revived, an especial Grand Lodge being held
in the lodge room in "Mack's Hotel" in the city of Montreal, to install the
Hon. Peter McGill as the Provincial Grand Master. In 1847 the Grand Lodge of
Scotland established Elgin Lodge in Montreal, and the lodge of "Social and
Military Virtues" in the Forty-sixth Regiment (now Antiquity) was finally
located in the same city. In 1849 the Hon. Peter McGill resigned office on
account of ill health and the Hon. William Badgley succeeded him. In the city
of Quebec the late Hon. Claude Denechau, deceased, was succeeded by Thos.
Harington, Esq., and he in turn by James Dean, Jr., Esq., in 1857. The
Provincial Grand Lodge at Quebec finally dissolved in 1870, the members
joining the then new Grand Lodge of Quebec. That of Montreal and William
Henry, which had dwindled down to three lodges after the formation of the
Grand Lodge of Canada in 1855, had no active existence, and in the later years
of the late Judge Badgley, who was the last Provincial Grand Master appointed
by the Grand Lodge of England, it never met.
The history of Freemasonry in the Province of Quebec can be divided into
periods of about thirty years each.
third period had thus elapsed when in October, 1855, the representatives of
forty-one lodges it Canada West (now Ontario), and thirteen in Canada East
(now Quebec), met in the city of Hamilton and formed the "Grand Lodge of
Canada," holding jurisdiction over the two Provinces. This governing body gave
quite an impetus to the Fraternity, and many new lodges were formed, some
thirty in the Province of Quebec.
From 1855 to 1869 this Grand Lodge was the controlling Masonic Power in the
Province of Quebec until the Confederation of the Canadian Provinces under one
With the birth of the Dominion of Canada, in 1867, appeared an agitation for
the formation of separate Grand Lodges for each Province, the Provinces of
Canada West and East being renamed Ontario and Quebec. Nothing definite was
done until 1869, when a meeting was held in Montreal on August 12, and
adjourned until September 24, when it was fully decided to call all the lodges
in the Province to a convention on October 20 for the formation of a Grand
Lodge. Upon this date the present Grand Lodge of Quebec was duly formed by
twenty-eight of the warranted lodges then in the Province, M.W.Bro. John
Hamilton Graham, LL. D., being elected Grand Master. The Grand Lodge of Canada
strenuously opposed this movement, and a number of her lodges held aloof and
did not at once join in. Matters Masonic were very unpleasant for several
years, but in September, 1874, "Canada" finally withdrew from the Province of
Quebec, her jurisdiction being now confined to the Province of Ontario only.
All of her twenty lodges then in the Province of Quebec affiliated with the
new Grand Lodge.
June, 1878, the Grand Lodge of Scotland instituted two new lodges in the city
of Montreal, which, together with Elgin Lodge already of its obedience, were
formed into a "Provincial Grand Lodge." This invasion of territory was
energetically opposed by the Grand Lodge of Quebec, who immediately issued an
edict of non-intercourse. Three years later amicable proposals resulted in the
three Scottish lodges affiliating with the Grand Lodge of Quebec on January
27, 1881, and the dissolution of the Scotch Provincial Grand Lodge.
the formation of the Grand Lodge of Quebec the Grand Lodge of England
proffered recognition under certain restrictions which Quebec declined, but in
1906 the matter was again considered, resolutions adopted by both Grand
Bodies, and an exchange of representatives made, M.W.Bro., the then Provincial
Grand Master of England, the Earl of Amherst, accepting Quebec's commission,
and M.Wor. Bro. Sir Melbourne M. Tait of Montreal, Chief Justice of the
Province of Quebec, receiving a commission from the Grand Lodge of England.
Following closely upon this action St. Lawrence Lodge No. 640, of Montreal,
affiliated with Quebec on October 20, 1906, leaving St. Paul's, No. 374, and
St. George, No. 440, still holding under England.
Since the advent of the Grand Lodge of Quebec Freemasonry has made steady
strides in the Province. The first five years showed a membership of 2,700 in
forty lodges, a number of whose warrants have since been returned, some by
amalgamation and others through change of population in their localities. The
advance, however, has been most marked in the past ten years. In 1901 the roll
stood at fifty-seven lodges and a membership of 3,825. At the last session,
1915, the roll of lodges had increased to sixty-six and a membership of 8,152.
Note: "Sir" is an error; this Masonic celebrity had no titles of nobility.
The shadows deepen 'round thy quiet shrines,
The candles' golden plumes grow tall and still,
The censers' fragrant echoes fill thine aisles,
And clouds of prayer contrast life's noisy mill.
Hither I turn my weary steps at eve,
One seat, familiar, holds a welcoming arm.
Here I can kneel and, to our heavenly Friend,
With silent words and daily plea return.
The silent twilight glows more eloquent,
The sanctuary lamp swings gently overhead,
Without, the hurrying steps of man and beast
Make dearer still this peace wherein I'm led.
Unwilling, I must leave this hallowed place,
Far up there clangs a loud-resounding bell,
Calm and austere beside me Duty stands,
"Resume thy life, my son, with thee shall all be well."
Thanks be to God for thee, oh, goodly fane,
Whose tinted windows veil the garish day,
From Him the thoughts embodied in thy walls,
Him thy pillars stand, thy courses lay.
His, too, the stones that rear thee heavenward,
His skill that planned thy winding tracery;
Praise be to Him who doeth all things well,
Who maketh us His regents fit to be.
The Organization of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia
Staff Article*
(Reprinted from "The Square," of Vancouver, B.C., by kind permission of Bro.
E. J. Templeton, Editor)
the 19th of March, 1859, a warrant was granted by the Earl of Zetland, Grand
Master of England, authorizing the formation of a lodge at Victoria, British
Columbia. The warrant took some time to reach the petitioners, for it was not
until the 28th of August, 1860, that the lodge was finally constituted as
Victoria Lodge, No. 1085, E. C., at a meeting held over Hibben & Coswell's
store, at the corner of Yates and Langley streets, J.J. Southgate being its
first Worshipful Master.
Some months later Union Lodge, New Westminster, was organized, Henry Holbrook
being nominated first Worshipful Master. Owing to a dispute as to the Junior
Warden elect, a warrant was not granted until the 16th of December, 1861.
About the time Union Lodge was being organized, a number of Americans resident
in Victoria, being unfamiliar with the English work, decided to petition the
Grand Lodge of Washington for permission to form a lodge under that grand
jurisdiction. Hearing of this, Victoria Lodge, at a meeting held on the 24th
of January, 1861, passed the following resolution:
"Whereas, We have been informed that a party in this community have applied to
the Grand Lodge of Washington Territory for a Dispensation or Warrant to
organize a Lodge of F. & A. M. in this town, it is, therefore, resolved that
while we hail the Grand Lodge of Washington Territory and all other Grand
Lodges as Brethren and Masons, we do not recognize their power to grant
Dispensations or Warrants out of the district of their own country, and all
Dispensations and Warrants emanating from any other source than the Grand
Lodges of the mother country in this place we shall hold as clandestine, and
all Masons visiting such Lodges cannot be recognized as Masons."
The petition to the Grand Lodge of Washington was thereupon withdrawn.
Shortly afterwards, some unattached brethren asked Victoria Lodge to recommend
a petition they proposed to send to the Grand Lodge of Scotland making
application for a warrant to form a lodge under that Grand Jurisdiction. This
request was granted at a meeting held on the 15th of May, 1862, at which the
following resolution was passed:
"That the Victoria Lodge No. 1085 cordially responds to the petition of the
Brethren desirous to establish a Lodge under the Grand Lodge of Scotland; but
in doing so, they reserve the precedence of the Grand Lodge of England in
general Masonic affairs within the colony, and they communicate this
resolution to the Grand Lodge of England as a matter of record."
*Authorities consulted: The published Proceedings of the Convention held at
Victoria on the 21st of October, 1871; the published Proceedings of the First
Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia; an Address by Dr.
A.W. DeWolf Smith on the occasion of the celebration of the fiftieth
anniversary of the introduction of Freemasonry into British Columbia, etc.
The warrant from the Grand Lodge of Scotland came along in due course, and, on
the 20th of October, 1862, Vancouver Lodge, No. 421, S.C., was duly
constituted, William Jeffery being first Worshipful Master.
the 15th of May 1867, Nanaimo Lodge, No. 1090, E. C., was constituted by the
officers and brethren of Victoria Lodge, who proceeded to Nanaimo in regalia
for that purpose, being authorized so to do under a dispensation granted by
the Grand Master of England.
This year, 1867, a second English lodge was warranted in Victoria under the
name of British Columbia Lodge.
was in this year, too, that the Grand Master Mason of Scotland appointed Dr.
I. W. Powell Provincial Grand Master of British Columbia. The Provincial Grand
Lodge was organized on the 24th of December, 1867. At this meeting the newly
appointed Provincial Grand Master announced that he had granted dispensations
for the formation of two new lodges Cariboo Lodge, at Barkerville, and
Caledonia Lodge, at Nanaimo.
the 14th of March, 1868, a District Grand Lodge was organized under the Grand
Lodge of England, with Robert Burnaby as District Grand Master.
Mount Hermon Lodge, the fourth under the Grand Lodge of Scotland, was
organized at Hastings during January, 1869. Quadra Lodge, also under the Grand
Lodge of Scotland, was constituted two years later.
There were, then, five Scottish and four English lodges working in British
Columbia in the spring of 1871.
movement to organize an independent Grand Lodge had been started by Vancouver
Lodge at its regular meeting held on the 16th of December, 1868. The matter
was brought up for further consideration at a meeting held on the 2nd of
January, 1869, when the idea was agreed to by the lodge generally, a series of
resolutions being passed which were communicated to the other lodges. All but
one of the Scottish lodges fell in line with Vancouver Lodge, while the
English lodges, with the exception of Victoria Lodge, refused to entertain the
proposition. Dr. Powell, too, refused to move in the matter without the
consent of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, which seems to have been withheld.
Undaunted, Vancouver Lodge went ahead with its scheme after submitting it to
several American and the other Canadian Grand Lodges, by whom, seemingly, it
was favourably received. Anyway, a convention was called at Victoria on the
18th of March, 1871, to act on the matter. The District Grand Master, Robert
Burnaby, refused to allow his English lodges to attend, but the Scottish
lodges held the convention and decided to form an independent Grand Lodge. Dr.
Powell, who was in the Old Country at the time, was elected Grand Master. The
Hon. Ellwood Evans, Past Grand Master of Washington was asked to attend and
install the officers of the new Grand Lodge, which he agreed to do. However,
the District Grand Secretary, acting on the instructions of the English
District Grand Master, attended the meeting and lodged an official protest
against the proceedings, which was effectual in putting a stop to things for
the time being.
a result of this, bitter discord arose between the English and Scottish lodges
where formerly had existed only the utmost friendliness and cooperation. This
was the state of affairs when Dr. Powell returned from his trip to the Old
Country. Noticing it, with regret, he and the District Grand Master at once
discussed the whole situation thoroughly, finally deciding that it was
obviously desirable to form an independent Grand Lodge if a majority of the
members of the two jurisdictions wanted it. Having come to this decision, the
Provincial and District Grand Masters issued circular letters to their
subordinate lodges, instructing the brethren to vote on the question. The
result of the vote was one hundred and ninety-four in favour of an independent
Grand Lodge and twenty-eight against it.
convention was therefore called in Victoria on the 21st of October, 1871, at
7:30 p.m., "to determine details and to take such action as may be deemed
necessary for the formation of an independent Grand Lodge of Free Masons in
British Columbia."
The convention having assembled, James A. Grahame was unanimously elected
chairman and H. F. Heisterman secretary.
After certain necessary preliminary business had been transacted, Robert
Burnaby moved, and Dr. I.W. Powell seconded, the following resolution: "That
in order to establish perfect fraternal harmony and concord, to promote the
lasting welfare of the Masonic Fraternity in British Columbia, it is expedient
to form a Grand Lodge in and for the Province of British Columbia." This
resolution was carried unanimously and with much enthusiasm.
was then moved by S.D. Levi, and seconded by M.W. Waitt, "That the
representatives now in convention assembled on behalf of their respective
lodges represented by them, do hereby declare themselves to be and that they
now proceed to organize the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons of British Columbia." This was carried unanimously, and it was
also agreed "that the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of England for the
present be adopted." Grand Lodge then proceeded to the election of officers,
when the following were declared unanimously chosen: Dr. I.W. Powell, Grand
Master; Hon. J. F. McCreight, Deputy Grand Master; Simeon Duck, M.P.P., Senior
Grand Warden; Henry Nathan, Jr., Junior Grand Warden; Rev. F. Gribbell, Grand
Chaplain; M.W. Waitt, Grand Treasurer, and P. J. Hall, Grand Tyler. Robert
Burnaby, the late English District Grand Master, was made a Past Grand Master,
and James A. Grahame, for his services as chairman of the convention, was
given the rank of Past Deputy Grand Master.
The convention later adjourned until 2 p.m. on the 26th of December, 1871,
when it re-assembled at the Masonic Hall, Government street, Victoria, and
proceeded to finally and regularly organize the Grand Lodge of British
The following additional officers were appointed by the Grand Master: H. F.
Heisterman, Grand Secretary; William Clarke, Senior Grand Deacon; I.
Ragazzoni, Junior Grand Deacon; R. Lewis, Grand Superintendent of Works; Eli
Harrison, Grand Director of Ceremonies; W. Dalby, Grand Marshal; Thomas
Shotbolt, Grand Sword Bearer; W. B. Wilson, Grand Standard Bearer; J. J.
Austin, Grand Organist; S.L. Kelly, Grand Pursuivant; J. Winger, J. Crump,
W.H. Brown, J. S. Thompson, M. P., and J. C. Hughes, M.P.P., Grand Stewards.
ball was subsequently held in honour of the inauguration of the Grand Lodge,
at which Grand Officers and members of subordinate lodges were granted
dispensations by the Grand Master to appear in full regalia.
Freemasonry in the Province of Manitoba
M.W. Bro. JAMES A. OVAS, P.G.M., Grand Sec'y Manitoba
The first lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons to organize in the
Province of Manitoba was by authority of M.W.Bro. A.T.C. Pierson (see Note No.
1), Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota under a dispensation dated
the thirteenth day of September, 1863, coming by way of Pembina, Dakota
Territory, to Fort Garry (now Winnipeg), in what was then known as the Red
River Settlement, in the Canadian Northwest.
his address to the Grand Lodge of Minnesota at the Eleventh Annual
Communication, held at the city of St Paul on the twenty-seventh day of
October, 1863, M.W.Bro. Pierson, Grand Master, says:
"About the middle of last month I received an application signed by W.Bro.
C.W. Nash, J.L. Arlington, A.T. Chamblin, Charles H. Nix and eight others, who
were en route for Pembina, Dakota Territory, for a dispensation authorizing
them to open and work a lodge. Pembina is the most northern point in the
Territory of the United States, a great central point where concentrates a
large amount of emigration, and of travel between the two Oceans. The want of
a lodge at that place has been long felt, and often expressed, and as the
Brethren named were active, well informed and discreet Masons, the first two
former Masters and the latter Wardens of lodges, within this jurisdiction, and
as they expected to remain in that hyperborean region for at least two years,
I granted the dispensation to establish a lodge at Pembina."
Previous to holding the first meeting it was discovered that no name had been
given the lodge in the dispensation. How it was settled, says M.W.Bro. William
G. Scott, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba, in an article on
"Early Masonry in Manitoba," I will leave W. Bro. Nash to describe:
wrote to the Grand Master, calling his attention to the omission and took
occasion to suggest what I thought would be a proper and very appropriate
name, and in case it met with his approval to so advise me and direct that I
insert it in the dispensation. The name that was suggested met with his
cordial approval and was thus named. It came about in this way. It was at
night that I was writing the Grand Master, and going out of my quarters I
observed the grandest display above me that it was ever my pleasure to behold.
I never witnessed such grandeur of this character before and I never expect to
again. It was an exhibition of Northern Lights, the celestial globe was grand
and beautiful in the extreme and for a long time my eyes feasted upon the
sight with delight. It was witnessed by many in our cantonment, and on
returning to my quarters to complete my letter to the Grand Master, I narrated
the circumstances, hence the name Northern Light Lodge was oven."
The lodge held its first meeting about the middle of January, 1864, and during
the few months it remained active in Pembina, several residents of Fort Garry
and vicinity made application, were accepted and received the three degrees of
Freemasonry, among whom were Bros. A.G.B. Bannatyne, W.B. Hall and William
the early part of 1864, application was made to M.W.Bro. Pierson, Grand
Master, for a continuance of the dispensation and for authority to transfer it
to Fort Garry. This was granted, as in his address to the Grand Lodge at the
Twelfth Annual Communication, held in the city of St. Paul, on the 12th day of
October, 1864, the M.W Grand Master reports as follows: "I also renewed the
dispensation of Northern Light Lodge, removing it to the Red River
The first meeting of the lodge in Fort Garry was held on the eighth day of
November, 1864, in a room over the trading house of Bro. A.G.B. Bannatyne,
described by W.Bro. John Schultz, in a letter to M.W. Bro. Thomas Tweed, Grand
Master of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba, in 1895, thus:
"And a novelty it was indeed in this country at that time. It was spoken of
far and wide, and the description, which did not decrease in detail, or
increase in accuracy as to what was done therein, was listened to with much
curiosity, and in some cases with awesome wonder, which was enhanced by the
jocoseness of Bro. Bannatyne's clerks who spoke knowingly of the whereabouts
and propulsive propensities of the goat, and who pointed out from the room
below (to wit, the Trading House) exactly in what part of the up-stairs room
the W.M. hung his hat while the Lodge was at work. The Lodge Room itself was
made as tasteful as the circumstances of that day would admit, and it may
interest the curious to know the exact cost of some of its furniture as given
in a memorandum which I happen to have near me in the sterling money of the
day, namely; Tables, 1.19.6; Inner door, 1/; Altar, 19/6; Wall paper 39/; 24
black beads 1/6; 24 white, ditto, 1/; 100 Copies By-Laws, 40/; and it may be
inferred that the Craft were not always at work, for I find on the same list,
15 tin plates, 15 iron table spoons, 15 tea spoons, 12 cups and saucers, 1 tin
pan, 4 cans pickled oysters, 1 pound butter, and 2 pounds sugar, which would
seem to show that there were intervals for refreshment. The Jewels were
borrowed ones from the Pembina Lodge, and were used until the following
January (the Lodge having commenced work in November, 1864), when these were
replaced by fine ones from Chicago, through the good offices of N.W. Kittson."
W.Bro. John Schultz was the first W. Master; Bro. A.G.B. Bannatyne, Senior
Warden; Bro. William Inkster, Junior Warden. These three principal officers
remained in their respective offices until the twenty-third day, of December,
1867, when Bro. Bannatyne was elected W.Master; Bro. Thomas Bunn, Senior
Warden, and Bro. John Bunn, Junior Warden, but am unable to find any record of
their installation.
The dispensation was continued year by year by the Grand Lodge of Minnesota,
until 1867, when a charter was granted with the No. 68, the Committee on
Lodges, U. D., reporting as follows:
"From Northern Light U. D. located at Fort Gary, no late returns or records
have been received. In this the Committee deem it proper to present the
following facts: Fort Garry is situated on the Northern confines of the State,
several hundred miles from St. Paul, and far outside of the usual mail or
transportation facilities, the mails being carried at long intervals by dog
trains, through the intervening wilderness, and often lost in transit.
Transportation is mostly confined to the spring months. These facts may
reasonably account for the non-representation and non-receipt of the records
and receipts of the Lodge. The lodge was originally organized under letters of
dispensation granted in 1863, to our present M.W. Grand Master, and others, by
M.W.Bro. A.T.C. Pierson, Grand Master, and has been continued by dispensation
of successive Grand Masters to the present time, and it would seem that the
time has arrived when the Lodge should be relieved from its anomalous
position. The Committee have had the fullest assurance from responsible
sources that the Brethren comprising Northern Light Lodge U. D. are men of
excellent character, of good Masonic attainments, and of undoubted ability to
carry on the work of the order. After considering these facts they have
arrived at the conclusion that it is wrong to make the remote position and
consequent inability of these Brethren to communicate with the Grand Lodge at
its Annual Communication, a reason for depriving them of the benefit of a
Charter; and therefore recommend that a Charter be granted to them, to be
issued as soon as they have made their returns to, and settled their accounts
with, the Grand Secretary, to the satisfaction of the Grand Master."
his address at the Annual Communication in 1869, M.W.Bro. C.W. Nash, Grand
Master, makes the following reference:
"The Lodges which were chartered at the last Annual Communication, have all
been properly constituted and the Officers installed, either in person or by
proxy, except Northern Light Lodge, No. 68, at Fort Garry, British America.
The Charter of this Lodge remains in the possession of the R.W. Grand
Secretary, the great distance of Fort Garry, from an organized Lodge has
rendered it impossible to constitute the Lodge and install its Officers."
R.W.Bro. William S. Combs, Grand Secretary, at the same session, reports as
follows: "The charter issued by the Grand Lodge at its session in 1867 to
Northern Light Lodge, No. 68, has not been called for by the proper officers.
I anticipate, however, that the same will be attended to very soon, as I have
been in correspondence with the brethren at Fort Garry." The lodge was never
constituted under the charter, as during the troublesome times of 1868-9, the
members becoming scattered, the pioneer lodge of the great Canadian Northwest,
that during the four years of its activity had added to its membership the
foremost men of the settlement, terminated its existence.
the twenty-first day of November, 1870, a dispensation was issued by M.W.Bro.
Alexander A. Stevenson, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, to Bro.
Robert S. Patterson, W. Master; Bro. Norman J. Dingman, Senior Warden; Bro.
William N. Kennedy, Junior Warden, and six others, to form and hold a lodge
designated Winnipeg Lodge, which was afterwards changed by permission of the
Grand Lodge to Prince Rupert's Lodge, in the city of Winnipeg, Province of
Manitoba. The lodge was instituted on the tenth day of December, 1870, a
charter granted on the thirteenth day of July, 1871, and the lodge regularly
constituted and consecrated as Prince Rupert's Lodge, No. 240, G.R.C., and the
officers installed, Bro. William N. Kennedy succeeding Bro. Norman J. Dingman,
who had removed from the jurisdiction, as Senior Warden, and Bro. Matthew
Coyne succeeding Bro. William N. Kennedy as Junior Warden.
the fourth day of January, 1871, a dispensation was issued by M. W. Bro.
Alexander A. Stevenson, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, to Bro.
John Fraser, W. Master; Bro. George Black, Senior Warden; Bro. Thomas Bunn,
Junior Warden, and four others to form and hold a lodge, designated Manitoba
Lodge, which was afterwards changed by permission of the Grand Lodge to Lisgar
Lodge, at lower Fort Garry, in the Province of Manitoba; the lodge was
instituted on the twentieth day of February, 1871, a charter granted on the
thirteenth day of July, 1871, and the lodge regularly constituted and
consecrated as Lisgar Lodge, No. 244, G.R.C., and the officers installed, Bro.
George Black succeeding Bro. John Fraser as W. Master, Bro. Thomas Bunn
succeeding Bro. George Black as Senior Warden, and Bro. William J. Piton
succeeding Bro. Thomas Bunn as Junior Warden. Subsequently permission was
granted for the removal of the lodge from lower Fort Garry to Selkirk,
the nineteenth day of April, 1871, a dispensation was issued by M.W. Bro.
Alexander A. Stevenson, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, to Bro.
Frederick Y. Bradley, W. Master; Bro. William Drew, Senior Warden; Bro. James
G. Milne, Junior Warden, and six others to form and hold a lodge designated
The International Lodge, at North Pembina, in the Province of Manitoba. This
lodge was never instituted, but when the dispensation was issued to Emerson
Lodge in 1876 Bro. Bradley was named as W. Master.
the nineteenth day of September, 1872, a dispensation was issued by M.W.Bro.
William M. Wilson, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, to Bro. James
Henderson, W. Master; Bro. Arthur H. Holland, Senior Warden; Bro. Walter F.
Hyman, Junior Warden, and six others to form and hold a lodge designated as
Ancient Landmark Lodge, at Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba. The lodge
was instituted on the sixteenth day of December, 1872, a charter granted on
the ninth day of July, 1873, and the lodge regularly constituted and
consecrated as Ancient Landmark Lodge, No. 288, G. R. C., and the officers
more lodges were instituted up to 1875, but during this year a far more
important step was decided on, namely, the formation of the Grand Lodge of
Manitoba. The preliminary steps were taken on the twenty-eighth day of April,
1875, by issuing the following circular:
"To the W. Masters, Past Masters, Wardens, Officers and Other Brethren of the
Several Lodges of the A.F.& A.M., in the Province of Manitoba.
"Brethren, at an influential meeting of Brethren hailing from the different
constitutionally Chartered Lodges of the Province, held in the City of
Winnipeg, on the Twenty-eighth day of April, A.L. 5875, it was after mature
deliberation unanimously resolved that a circular be forwarded to all the
Lodges in this Province, requesting them to be duly represented at a
convention to be held in the Masonic Hall, in the City of Winnipeg, on
Wednesday, the Twelfth day of May, 5875, at three o'clock P. M. for the
purpose of taking into consideration the present state of Masonry in this
Province, and to proceed, if decided, to the formation of a Grand Lodge for
the Province of Manitoba. Therefore, we the undersigned Freemasons in good
standing, having been deputed by said meeting, do hereby request all the
Lodges in this Province to be duly and constitutionally represented at the
convention aforesaid if practicable by all their Masters, Past Masters and
Wardens for the important object aforementioned.
"(Signed) "W.C. Clarke, P. M. Prince Rupert's Lodge, No. 240. "W.N. Kennedy,
P. M. Prince Rupert's Lodge, No. 240. "John Kennedy, W. Master Prince Rupert's
Lodge, No. 240. "Gilbert McMicken, Senior Warden Prince Rupert's Lodge, No.
240. "S.L. Bedson, W. Master Lisgar Lodge, No. 244. "Thomas Sinclair, Junior
Warden Lisgar Lodge, No. 244. "James Henderson, P. M. Ancient Landmark Lodge,
No. 288. "John H. Bell, W. Master Ancient Landmark Lodge, No. 288. "J. D.
O'Meara, Senior Warden Ancient Landmark Lodge, No. 288. "John J. Johnston,
Junior Warden Ancient Landmark Lodge, No. 288."
some no doubt this undertaking must have been entered into with many
misgivings. For three lodges with a membership of only 210 to sever their
connection with such a strong organization as the Grand Lodge of Canada and
undertake directing the affairs of a Grand Lodge in a new country sparsely
inhabited must have seemed to many a stupendous undertaking, but it serves to
show the character of the men who carried out this project to a successful
issue, and there is no finer trait known to mankind than the honour and
respect accorded men who have risen above adverse and obscure conditions and
The convention being assembled, R.W.Bro. George Black was elected Chairman,
and W.Bro. John H. Bell, Secretary, when the following resolutions with many
others were carried unanimously:
"That we, the representatives of the three Warranted Lodges, being all the
Lodges in this Province, in convention assembled,
"RESOLVE, That the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge of Manitoba, A. F. & A. M.,
be and is hereby formed upon the Ancient Charges and Constitution of Masonry.
"That in severing our connection from the Grand Lodge, of Canada we desire to
express our most profound gratitude to that venerable body for the kind
consideration and attention they have always displayed towards us, both as
Lodges and individually, and we most ardently desire that the same parental
feeling may always be entertained towards us by our Mother Grand Lodge, our
connection with which we will remember with the greatest pride and affection.
"That the Lodges in the Province be numbered on the Grand Register according
to their seniority, viz.: Prince Rupert's Lodge to be No. 1, Lisgar Lodge to
be No. 2, Ancient Landmark Lodge to be No. 3.
"That a committee of three be appointed to assist the M. W. Grand Master in
preparing the address to Sister Grand Lodges and that R. W. Bro. James
Henderson, G.S.W., R.W.Bro. John Kennedy, Grand Treasurer, and R.W.Bro. Rev.
Canon O'Meara, Grand Chaplain, be that Committee."
The election of Grand Lodge officers resulted as follows:
Rev. Dr. W.C. Clarke, Grand Master; Hon. W.N. Kennedy, Deputy Grand Master;
James Henderson, Grand Senior Warden; S. L. Bedson, Grand Junior Warden; Rev.
Canon O'Meara, Grand Chaplain; Henry T. Champion, Grand Registrar; John
Kennedy, Grand Treasurer; John H. Bell, Grand Secretary; Thomas H. Barton,
Grand Tyler.
The following appointments were made by the M. W. Grand Master:
Gilbert McMicken, Grand Senior Deacon; G. B. Spencer Grand Superintendent of
Works; John J. Johnston, Grand Sword Bearer; Hon. John Norquay, Grand Steward;
James McLenaghen, Grand Steward; James Mahoney, Grand Pursuivant; W. J. Piton,
Grand Junior Deacon; G. F. Newcomb, Grand Director of Ceremonies; Thomas
Sinclair, Grand Organist; Dr. D. Young, Grand Steward; Thomas H. Parr, Grand
M.W.Bro. W.C. Clarke, Grand Master elect, was presented by R.W.Bro. George
Black and R.W.Bro. H.T. Champion and installed and invested by R.W.Bro. James
Henderson, Senior Past Master.
R.W.Bro. W.N. Kennedy was the first D.D.G. Master for this Western District,
under the Grand Lodge of Canada, and was succeeded by M.W.Bro. George Black,
who held that important office at the time of the formation of the Grand Lodge
of Manitoba. In recognition of his service to Freemasonry M.W.Bro. George
Black was elected an Honourary Past Grand Master of this Grand Lodge at its
first Communication.
The first public function was the laying of the cornerstone of the City Hall,
Winnipeg, on the seventeenth day of August, 1875, by M.W.Bro. W.C. Clarke,
Grand Master, assisted by the Grand Lodge officers, all of whom were present
except the Grand Junior Deacon.
the nine charter members of Prince Rupert's Lodge No. 240, eight hailed from
the Grand Lodge of Canada and one from the Grand Lodge of Quebec, two of whom
are still in the city, His Honour, Judge Walker, who still retains his
membership with Prince Rupert's Lodge, No. 1, and R.W. Bro. H.T. Champion, who
is now a member of "The Assiniboine" Lodge, No. 114.
the seven charter members of Lisgar Lodge, No. 244, one hailed from the Grand
Lodge of Canada, one from the Grand Lodge of Quebec, one from the Grand Lodge
of Minnesota, and four from Prince Rupert's Lodge, No. 240, M.W.Bro. George
Black being the only retaining membership.
the nine charter members of Ancient Landmark Lodge, No. 288, five hailed from
the Grand Lodge of Canada, one from the Grand Lodge of Minnesota, and three
from Prince Rupert's Lodge, No. 240, R. W. Bro. James Henderson being the only
one retaining membership.
have been able to trace the joining of ten members only of old Northern Light
Lodge, U.D., with other lodges in this Jurisdiction. Two affiliated with
Prince Rupert's, No. 1; six with Lisgar, No. 2, and two with Northern Light,
No. 10. Of these, six have gone to the Great Beyond, three were suspended, and
only one is still identified with us, Bro. Edward H.G.G. Hay, now a member of
Assiniboine Lodge, No. 7.
The first dispensation issued by the Grand Lodge of Manitoba was to St. John's
Lodge, No. 4, on the sixth day of July, 1875, with nineteen charter members,
four of whom still retain membership, viz.: R.W.Bro. John W. Harris, who was
the first W. Master, and Bros. William Dodd, Abraham Code and William H.
his address to the Grand Lodge at the first Annual Communication held on the
fourteenth day of June, 1876, M.W.Bro. W.C. Clarke, Grand Master, said:
"The usual address to the Sister Grand Lodges was sent to all the Grand Bodies
on the American Continent, that to the European Grand Bodies being deferred
until after this Communication, and I am happy to inform this Grand Lodge that
in no single case has any fault been found with the constitutionality of our
procedure, but that in some instances I have been congratulated on behalf of
the formers of Grand Lodge by high Masonic authorities on the entire
correctness of the steps which have been taken and the result attained. It is
my pleasing duty to congratulate you upon the marked success which has so far
attended your efforts in the interest of the Royal Craft. It is pleasing to
note that the Mother Grand Lodge of Canada was first in extending Fraternal
relations and intercourse under date of the 14th day of July, 1875."
the country became settled lodges were formed in the different towns in the
Province and the Northwest Territories, the Grand Lodge having extended its
jurisdiction over the Districts of Alberta, Assiniboia, Saskatchewan and the
Yukon Territory, until the twelfth day of October, 1905, when the lodges on
the Grand Register numbered 104, with a membership of 5,725, on which date
eighteen lodges in the Province of Alberta met at the city of Calgary and
formed the Grand Lodge of Alberta. M.W.Bro. William G. Scott, Grand Master,
was present and installed the officers of the new Grand Lodge and was elected
an Hon. Past Grand Master. At the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of
Manitoba, in June, 1906, fraternal recognition was extended with the most
kindly greetings and the wish that success and prosperity would attend them,
the first daughter Grand Lodge of this Grand Body.
the ninth day of August, 1906, twenty-nine lodges in the Province of
Saskatchewan met at the city of Regina and formed the Grand Lodge of
Saskatchewan, the second daughter Grand Lodge from this Grand Body. M.W.Bro.
John McKechnie, Grand Master, and M.W.Bro. James A. Ovas, Past Grand Master
and Grand Secretary, were present and installed the officers of the new Grand
Lodge and were elected Hon. Past Grand Masters.
the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba in June, 1907,
fraternal recognition was extended and the same good wishes expressed that had
been extended to their sister Grand Lodge of Alberta. At this Communication
Yukon Lodge, No. 79, Dawson City, and White Horse Lodge, No. 81, White Horse,
in the Yukon Territory, applied for permission to surrender their charters and
to be allowed to apply to the Grand Lodge of British Columbia for affiliation,
the principal reason advanced being that the Province of British Columbia is
adjacent and contiguous to the Yukon Territory and bound to it by commercial
and other relations, causing continual intercourse between the residents of
both districts. The petition was duly considered by the Board of General
Purposes and upon their recommendation granted by Grand Lodge, leaving on the
Register of the Grand Lodge of Manitoba fifty-seven lodges, with a membership
of 3,724, which has increased to date (December 27, 1922) to ninety-two
lodges, and a membership of 10,600.
Note, No. 1. Author, with G. W. Steinbrenner, of The Traditions, Origin and
Early History of Freemasonry.
Note No. 2. (By N.W.J. Haydon.)
is interesting to learn from Gould's History that the Grand Lodge of Manitoba
followed, in 1882, the precedent set by the Grand Lodge of Canada, by
warranting a lodge to meet in the city of Tangier, in the kingdom of Morocco.
The details leading up to this action are recounted by Bros. Stillson and
Hughan in their History, from which it appears that R.W.Bro. Rev. R.S.
Patterson, the first W.M. of Prince Rupert's Lodge, No. 1, M.R., afterwards
became Chaplain to the regiments stationed at Gibraltar and, by his efforts,
Lodge No. 18, M. R., entitled "Al Moghreb Al Aksa" meaning the Far West was
opened at Gibraltar, with the intention of removing to Morocco. However, by
reason of the protests of the Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland,
the seat of the lodge was first removed to St. Roque in Andalusia and
afterwards to Tangier. Its membership was naturally of a varied nationality
and its ceremonies were conducted in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.
(Additional notes taken from Freemasonry in Canada, compiled by Bro. Osborne
Sheppard, Hamilton, Ont)
Until the formation of the Grand lodges of Alberta and Saskatchewan, the Grand
Lodge of Manitoba claimed jurisdiction over all the Northwest Territories,
although in their first Constitution it was declared that the Grand Lodge was
formed in and for the Province of Manitoba; they also provided that in the
absence of the Grand Master the officer next in rank should assume the duties
of that office.
1893 Dr. Goggin, of Winnipeg, was elected Grand Master and Thomas Tweed, of
Medicine Hat (District of Assiniboia), was elected Deputy Grand Master. During
the year Dr. Goggin was appointed Superintendent of Education for the
Northwest Territories and moved to the capital, Regina. This gave rise to a
rather peculiar situation; the Grand Master had left the jurisdiction and the
Deputy had been elected from without the Province, and to further add to this
peculiar condition the Grand Lodge had decided to hold the Communication of
1894 at Banff, Alberta.
meet this difficulty an amendment to the Constitution was proposed wherein the
Grand Lodge would add the Northwest Territories to its jurisdiction, thus
making it the largest Masonic Jurisdiction in America, and the only Grand
Lodge that ever extended its boundaries after being once constituted. The
proposal was at first opposed but finally passed, and so remained until
"Provincial Autonomy" in 1905 resulted in the division of the old Northwest
Territories into the Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, when Bow River
Lodge, No 28 (the oldest in Alberta), called a Convention at Calgary at which
the political change became a Masonic one as well, and M.W. Bro. Scott, G.M.
of Manitoba travelled the long journey thereto in order to invest the G.M of
Alberta with authority over the new Province, on behalf of the Mother Grand
Teach me that sixty seconds of Masonic Service make a Masonic Hour; sixteen
ounces of energy applied in Masonic Teachings is one Masonic Pound; and one
hundred cents cheerfully given to advance God's Kingdom on earth is a Masonic
Grant, I beseech Thee, that I earn my meal ticket by the sweat of my Masonic
labours and in the doing thereof I not sponge on my brethren in the Craft.
Help me to live so that I can lie down at night with a clear conscience for
having done my chores around the lodge undaunted by the faces of those who
detest Masonic indolence.
Deafen my ears to the jingle of unearned Masonic honours. Blind me to the
faults of my brothers in the Craft but reveal to me mine own Masonic
Pilot my footsteps so that I may walk in the straight and narrow path of
Masonic Brotherhood.
Lead me not into the temptation of Masonic excitement or into the desire for
superficial Light in Masonry.
Keep clear my vision that I may discriminate between the cause and effect of
mine own Masonic short-sightedness.
Give me courage and fortitude to fight, if necessary, a losing battle for
Freemasonry against prejudice, habit and inaction.
Help me to retain my Masonic youth enough to laugh and play when called from
labour to refreshment.
Quicken my ears to the clarion notes of the call of Masonic volunteers to
carry on for those who have served the Craft unselfishly in the past.
Make me contented with carrying my share of the load without ostentation and
clapping of hands.
And when the lambskin, or white leather apron, is deposited on my casket by my
surviving Brothers, amid the smell of flowers and the tread of soft steps and
the crushing of the hearse's wheels in the gravel out in front of my place,
make the ceremony short, the ritual brief and the epitaph simple HERE LIES A
influence of Masonry is of a high character - it stoops to no subterfuge, it
engrosses the attention of no political or religious clique, it aims at no
part in the policy of our municipal or civil government, and its members claim
no distinction or preference on account of their connection with it.
Freemasonry has an influence and it is a strong and abiding one, it is the
influence of kindness, of charity, of Brotherly Love. Its influence is found
in the healing balm which it pours into the healing wounds of sorrow, in the
timely aid which it brings to the fireside of the disconsolate widow, and in
the succor which it affords to the helpless orphan. Who can say that such
influence is not blessed of Heaven? It carries out the work which our common
Father has made the duty of all his children. Its works, in its silent,
unobtrusive course to aid us in attaining a better and purer life, and when
its influence is unfelt, and its monitions remain unheard, then, and not till
then, will the sons of Masonry desert her shrine, or pause in the great work
which they have to perform. - Selected.
Ross Robertson Philanthropist and Freemason
IF a
vote were taken amongst the members of the Craft in Ontario to determine who
was the greatest Mason that this Grand Jurisdiction has produced, there is
little doubt but that the unanimous choice would be John Ross Robertson. There
is equally little doubt of his inclusion in any list of the Canadians of his
day pre-eminent in the fields of journalism, and these are but three among the
varied interests which occupied the attention and exercised the boundless
energies of this many sided man. In all these spheres of endeavor he has left
behind him memorials which will perpetuate his name and achievements down
through the centuries of the distant future. It is consequently a difficult
task to convey any adequate comprehension of so kaleidoscopic a life in the
narrow bounds of a short article.
Robertson was born in Toronto on the 28th of December, 1841, the son of a
leading merchant of the city and a descendant of the chiefs of the Highland
clan of Robertson of Struan, who occupied so large a place in the romantic
history of ancient Scotland. He was educated at Upper Canada College, one of
the oldest and most famous of the secondary schools of the Province, and while
still a boy at school gave a remarkable evidence of that journalistic ability
which was later to crown his life with wealth and honor. After some years'
experience with various local papers he established in 1876 the Evening
Telegram, a newspaper which met with immediate success and which still
continues to be one of the most popular dailies in the Dominion.
interest in local history led him to publish a series of articles in the
Telegram on the early days of his native city, in the preparation of which he
spared neither time, energy nor expense. These papers were re-issued from time
to time in a series of five large volumes whose value increases as the years
pass. The remarkable collection of some 20,000 pictures which his staff of
artists produced for this work now forms one of the most striking exhibits in
the Toronto Public Library. He has thus rescued from oblivion many of the most
interesting data concerning the pioneer days of his native city, and has made
possible the interesting statement that no city of its age has ever had such
extensive printed records.
the great work for which he will probably be longest remembered was the
foundation of the Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto. To this he contributed
not only his wealth, but also his great abilities as an organizer and
financier. Nothing lay closer to his heart than the needs of suffering
children and his visits to the hospital, especially at the Christmas season,
when he delighted to take the part of Santa Claus, brought joy to the hearts
of the little sufferers. Later he erected, largely from his own funds, an
auxiliary hospital on Toronto Island, to which all the little patients who can
be moved are taken each summer, and a few years before his death he built and
equipped a memorial to his wife, a very large and comfortable nurses'
residence in connection with his hospital.
As a
Freemason his influence was felt in every branch of the Craft. Initiated on
the 14th of March, 1867, in King Solomon Lodge, No. 22, he became its Master
in 1880, and after serving as Grand Steward in 1880, Grand Senior Warden in
1882, District Deputy Grand Master in 1886, Deputy Grand Master in 1888 - 89,
he was elevated to the throne of the Grand hipster in 1890 and 1891. His
Masonic responsibilities were taken most seriously. While Grand Master he
visited every one of the 354 lodges under his jurisdiction, covering nearly
23,000 miles to do so. On one occasion when a long drawn-out afternoon visit
caused him to miss his train, he chartered a special train so as not to break
his appointment with a small country lodge. When in 1894-96 he held the office
of Grand First Principal of the Grand Chapter of Canada he repeated his record
by visiting each one of the 100 chapters.
Numerous Masonic honors were showered upon him. He was Master of Mimico Lodge,
No. 359, the year before he occupied the chair in his mother lodge. He was
made an honorary member of many lodges, including Fortrose, No. 108,
Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, where his maternal grandfather had been initiated in
1798. He held the rank of Past Provincial Prior in the Sovereign Great Priory
of Canada; M.I. Past Grand Master of the Grand Council, and a member of the
Supreme Council, 33d, Scottish Rite. The Quatuor Coronati Lodge of Research of
London elected him to its inner circle, and the United Grand Lodge of England
conferred upon him the coveted rank of Past Grand Warden.
literary abilities were also devoted to the service of the Craft. In 1888 he
published the History of the Cryptic Rite in Canada; in 1890, the History of
the Knights Templar in Canada; in 1893, Talks with Craftsmen, a collection of
his Masonic addresses, and in 1899 appeared his magnum opus, the History of
Freemasonry in Canada, in two large volumes containing nearly 2,200 pages. The
collection of records to this end and the preparation of its innumerable
illustrations was a matter of enormous labor and great expense. Not only did
he delve through the papers of the constituent lodges, but made several
journeys to England where he searched the archives of the United Grand Lodge
for the lost records of the early days of the Craft in Canada. He himself
stated that the production of these two volumes cost him $50,000. The
extensive library which he accumulated in the course of his researches is now
owned by the Grand Lodge of Canada, and is housed in the Masonic Temple in
was but natural that his country should desire to honor him. Many influential
men in his city urged him to accept nomination for the mayoralty but he
declined the honor. From 1896 to 1900 he sat for a Toronto constituency in the
House of Commons of Canada, but he would not accept a second term. He and Mrs.
Robertson were among the invited guests at the coronation of King Edward VII.
at Westminster Abbey, and shortly after they were presented to His Majesty.
Further honors might have been his, had he desired them, for he had the unique
experience of declining, on the same day, a knighthood and a Senatorship.
died in Toronto on the 31st of May, 1918, universally respected and, among
those who knew him best, deeply beloved. His Grand Lodge regalia today occupy
an honored place in the lodge room of John Ross Robertson Lodge, No. 545,
Toronto, which has been dedicated to the perpetuation of his name.
Our Brethren of Canada
an American news reporter asked Villa why he was so bold as to invade the
territory of the United States, that barbarian replied by fetching a map of
Mexico. "There!" he exclaimed, with a grin across his dark face, "you see how
little is your country. I can whip it all myself." The reporter broke into a
laugh. On the chief's map the United States was naturally foreshortened so
much that in comparison with Mexico it appeared to be a small land.
It is
probable that a good many citizens of the United States have suffered
themselves to be similarly deluded about Canada, for many of them know little
or nothing of it, save as a kind of terra incognita, vaguely stretching above
the boundaries of the United States.
Canada cannot be foreshortened! Not after one has had a glimpse of its sweep
of plain, of prairies, and of mountain ranges, its lakes, its coast lines, and
its upreach into the Arctics! It is one of the Empires of God in which a
mighty people is gradually taking shape, destined, soon or late, to have an
ever greater share in shaping the policies of the world. The stoutest
imagination fails to conceive its scope, where it lies across the upper side
of the earth, the home of more than eight million human beings.
Masonic Craft has had a proud part in the building of this nation, and its own
roll is studded with shining names. Early in its career it was intimately
associated with Freemasonry in our own Colonies, especially in New England,
New York, and Michigan, so that the present cordial relationships between
Freemasonry of the two countries has its roots in the foretime when our own
history was in its beginnings. From that time until this the Mystic Tie has
stretched across the political boundary, helping much to hold the two English
speaking peoples together. Even during the troublous times of war it has often
failed to break, so that one might compose a book of episodes in which the
bonds of Masonry held, after all others had broken.
Canadian Masonry of the present is cautious, conservative, slow to follow
after strange gods, not much given to fuss and feathers, keenly interested in
civic betterment and education, and always constructive, especially by way of
providing for its needy. It encourages small lodges rather than large,
believing that three bodies of two hundred members are better than one lodge
of a thousand; moreover, it is careful of its material, and not quick to let
down the bars. It adheres rigidly to the principles of the original Grand
Lodges of England and places more emphasis on religion than most Grand Lodges
here. Its Grand Lodges are closely grouped with our own in comparison with the
families of Grand Lodges in other parts of the world, and so far as fraternal
recognition and Grand Lodge comity are concerned belong with ours in one great
Therefore is it that in the eye of Masonry the boundary line, while it is a
fact in politics, law, and business, is after all largely an imaginary line,
and quickly forgotten through the exchanges of amity and in all fraternal
relations. He who sends greetings to his brethren there indulges in no gesture
of empty rhetoric but expresses what is already a fact; and he who prays for
his Canadian fellow Masons all good fortune and prosperity in the future, asks
what is already written in the Book of Time.
the present issue with its wealth of information about Canadian Masonry we are
indebted to Bro. N. W. J. Haydon, Associate Editor, Toronto, Secretary The
Toronto Society for Masonic Research, and one of the most active workers in
that field to be found in the Dominion. This is not the first time that the
National Masonic Research Society has been indebted to Bro. Haydon; for years
now he has been among our hardest working members, never wearying in his
enthusiasm, and always ready to make any sacrifices in behalf of the Cause. If
he objects to having his name singled out for this mention (as his modesty
will doubtless lead him to do) we can only say in reply that he himself has
been very largely responsible for the fact that at present writing the Society
enjoys the support of Canadian brethren, whose names, if there were not so
many of them, would be inscribed here in an honor roll along with his.
special vote of thanks is due the brethren who have contributed to the present
number; the most casual reading of their essays will make plain how much labor
they have devoted to their telling of the story of Freemasonry in Canada. For
that labor a multitude of brethren in these States will feel a sincere
gratitude, especially since never before has so much information about the
Craft in Canada been crowded into so few words and in so convenient a form.
May this be the first of a long series of literary courtesies across the line.
one of the Masonic bodies sponsors De Molay Chapters ? Is it controlled by the
Scottish Rite bodies, or may other Masonic bodies take the lead in organizing
a chapter in a town?
S., New Hampshire.
inquiry was referred to Bro. Roy E. Dickerson, Director of Program and
Activities for the Grand Council, Order of De Molay. He replies that according
to present records De Molay Chapters have been sponsored as follows: by Blue
Lodges, 302; by Chapters, Councils and Commanderies, 698; by Scottish Rite
bodies, 199; the Shrine, 8; Grotto, l; Masonic Association, 3; Masonic Club,
* * *
noticed in Ye Editor's Corner of the June BUILDER that you desired information
concerning Leggett's History of Masonry. John Chambers Leggett was a member of
Union Lodge, No. 71, F. & A.M., Ripley, Ohio. He served his lodge in almost
every official position, being Worshipful Master for the years 1883, 1884,
1885, 1887 and 1889; also he was secretary for years and what is said of him
by those who knew him best was a most lovable character and a good and upright
man. He wrote A Concise History of the English Rite of Freemasonry; also an
account of the Grand Lodge of Ohio and a History and Censorial of his own
W. Sehmerr, Librarian,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
* * *
many lodges and members are there in the Hawaiian Islands ? Under what Grand
Lodge do they hold their charters ? Are the Chapter, Consistory and Shrine
represented there?
M. K.
T., Illinois.
inquiry was referred to Bro. Jesse M. Whited, Associate Editor, California.
You will find your questions completely answered in his reply:
Grand Lodge of California has jurisdiction over the Symbolic lodges in Hawaii
at the present time. The following lodges are in existence there now:
Hawaiian, No. 21 |
405 Membership |
Le Progress de l'Oceane' No. 371 |
347 " |
Honolulu, No. 409 |
255 “ |
Kabulai (Hilo), No. 330 |
209 “ |
Schofield (Schofield Barracks), No. 443 |
165 “ |
Maui (Maui), No. 472 |
….. |
Grand Master of California visits the Islands officially every year. So far as
I know there is no agitation for a separate Grand Lodge of this locality.
York Rite is represented by Honolulu Chapter, No. 1, owing allegiance to the
General Grand Chapter of the United States and the Grand Encampment. I have
not been able to get a line on their membership.
Scottish Rite is under the jurisdiction of William P. Filmer, S.G.I.G. of
Northern California. There are lodges of Perfection, Rose Croix Chapters and
Councils in the Islands with the following membership:
Honolulu 614
Kahulai 93
Hilo 89
is a Consistory in Honolulu with a membership of approximately 800.
is also a Temple of the A.A.O.N.M.S., known as Aloha Temple.
* * *
is meant by "conferring degrees by courtesy"? Is this regulated by Grand Lodge
W., Texas.
If a
candidate is not able to take the degrees in the lodge in which he desires
membership because of temporarily being resident in some other community, the
lodge of his choice can request the lodge having jurisdiction where he is
temporarily situated to confer one, two, or three degrees upon him; the latter
lodge does the work through "courtesy," and may collect its own usual fees, or
the fees obtaining in the lodge where the brother is to hold his membership,
or else may charge no fees at all, depending on its own or its Grand Lodge
rules in such cases. Your own Grand Lodge adopted a typical report at its
session in 1914, when Bro. A. W. Houston was Grand Master:
of the Grand Lodges of the United States have recognized and provided for the
conferring of degrees "by courtesy," and we feel it incumbent upon our Grand
Lodge to adopt a system or course of conduct in regard to the conferring of
degrees "by courtesy" adopted by so many of the Grand Lodges of America. We,
therefore, recommend that when the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of any
state shall request of our Grand Master that the degrees be conferred upon an
applicant for the same, who is in this state, that said request may be
complied with, and the lodge most accessible to the candidate shall be
designated by the Grand Master to confer the degree, the conferring of which
is requested, and said lodge may proceed to confer said degree, and when
conferred shall report the fact that it has been conferred to the Grand Master
of this Grand Lodge, who will convey such intelligence to the Grand Master of
the jurisdiction from which the request to confer the degree originated. The
fee for the degree, if collected by the Texas lodge, shall be transmitted to
the Grand Master who will send it to the Grand Master of the state requesting
the conferring of the degree. When a person under the jurisdiction of a Texas
lodge is elected to receive a degree, and who is in another state, may desire
to have the degree conferred on him in that state and the lodge having
jurisdiction may so desire, said lodge may, under its seal, request of the
Grand Master that he present a request to the Grand Master of the state in
which the candidate may be that the degree be conferred by courtesy by some
lodge most accessible to the candidate. The tee for the degree may be
collected by the Texas lodge, or the lodge conferring the degree may be
requested to collect the same i and forward it to the Texas lodge. Should it
be desired that more than one degree be conferred there must be an election of
the candidate by the Texas lodge, after due notice from the lodge conferring
the preceding degree that the applicant has passed a satisfactory examination
in that degree. As soon as a degree is conferred by courtesy in this state,
the lodge performing the service shall certify its action to the Grand Master
of our Grand Lodge, and the same action shall be taken as to an examination of
a candidate for advancement. When a request is made by a candidate that a
degree be conferred on him in another state, the Texas lodge having
jurisdiction shall make the Grand Master acquainted with all the facts
connected with the sojourn of the candidate in that jurisdiction and he shall
determine whether the facts justify a request that the degree be conferred in
another state, and it is hereby provided that no candidate who may be a casual
visitor, or a mere temporary sojourner, in another state shall be permitted to
receive the degree by courtesy in another state.
the majority of cases a request for the courtesy conferring of degrees is made
through a Grand Secretary, but in some jurisdictions it is permitted that the
constitutent lodge shall itself handle the matter; the former method has
caused considerable difficulty owing to the amount of red tape involved. There
is great need for more uniformity as among Grand Lodges. It is a subject that
might well receive careful consideration at the next conference of Grand
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Deeper Aspects of Masonic Symbolism
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of Mt. Moriah
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* * *
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* * *
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National Masonic Research Society
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