The Builder Magazine
September 1927 - Volume XIII -
Number 9
Freemasonry and Fascism in Italy
weaken the unfavorable impression which the anti-Masonic bill had created
abroad, Mussolini intimated in an interview with the American journalist, Karl
H. von Wiegand, that Italian Masonry had conspired with French Masonry against
Italy. "I asked Mussolini," writes Wiegand, "why he was taking action against
the Masons." The Duce replied: "The law is directed not only against the
Masons, but against all secret societies that constitute a peril to the peace
and tranquility of the state. In Germany, in England and in America the
Freemasons are a beneficent and philanthropic fraternity and union. In Italy
they form a secret political organization. Worse than that, they depend
entirely on the Grand Orient of Paris. I wish that the Italian Masons would
become what the English and American Masons are, a non-political fraternal
union for mutual aid."
Already before the proposed anti-Masonic bill had become a law, official
hostilities against the Grand Orient were opened. Among other things, the
January number of the Rivixta Massonica was suppressed.
Grand College and the Grand Council of the Grand Orient deliberated in two
long sessions on Jan. 18, 1925, how to meet the new situation. It was agreed
upon to observe an attitude of watchful waiting and to confer dictatorial
powers on Grand Master Torrigiani.
President of the Supreme Council, Ettore Ferrari, addressed a circular letter
to the brethren, exhorting them to stand pat. Similarly Grand Master
Torrigiani issued a manifesto to all Italian Masons in which he vigorously
protested against the proposed anti-Masonic bill.
a parliamentary committee had put a few more sharp teeth into the bill, it
came up for discussion in May, 1925. The discussion was a rather onesided
affair, because more than two hundred members of the opposition were
absent--had been absent, one and all, for over a year, recognizing that under
the Duce's autocratic methods all parliamentary procedure had degenerated into
a farce. But even among those present, partisans of the administration and
"rubber stamps," all of them, there manifested itself a conspicuous lack of
enthusiasm for the anti-Masonic measure. Hence they had to be labored with
speeches. After some lesser luminaries had spent their rhetorical ammunition,
urging the necessity of the proposed measure, the Duce himself brought up the
heavy artillery.
began by characterizing his mode of warfare: "First, I break every bone in the
body of my adversary, then I take him captive.... I knew what I was doing when
I introduced the bill. My principle is to be good to my friends and to do all
the harm I can to my enemies. For that reason I intend to fight Masonry to the
limit of my resources.
measure," continued the Duce, "proves the consistency of my whole life.
Already fifteen years ago, when I was a member of the socialistic party, I
could trace the activities of the Masons. Already then I thought little of
democracy, of liberalism and of the so-called immortal principles. To the
consternation of the socialist leaders I advocated the necessity of a general
strike and of an armed revolution. That was the primitive youthful impulse of
Italian socialism. Its armed insurrection after the World War was nothing but
a piece of megalomania.... During my regency I have ascertained that Masonry
has its men stationed in every sphere of the national life. It is monstrous
that the highest officials of the state act as informants for the lodge
(Masonry) and are dictated to by it. There can be no doubt that the most
delicate institutions of the government, the judicial and the educational
system and the army, have been under the influence of Masonry. Such a
condition is intolerable and must cease. This law will show that Masonry has
outlived itself and has no place in our country. Since Masonry is antagonistic
to us and has attempted to cause a division in our ranks, we have a right to
defend ourselves and to take the offensive, because an attack is the best form
of defense. The law will be strictly enforced. Yesterday we may still have
been drifting with the current, but now we are determined to swim against it.
All the harm that this proposed measure might do us, it has already done.
Moreover, Masonry across the Alps and across the sea will not hurt its own
interests" [i.e., for the sake of the Italian Masons].
Although the attending members of the parliament --excluding the more than two
hundred permanent absentees of the opposition--were accustomed to eat out of
Mussolini's hand, nevertheless the majority of them balked at the severity and
glaring injustice of the proposed high-handed bill. They voted against it.
the Duce was not the man to countenance the defeat. He annulled the vote,
"because there had not been a sufficient quorum." He resolutely set to work to
bring pressure on the refractory parliamentarians, threatening them with all
imaginable punishments. Having whipped them thoroughly into line, a second
ballot was taken. This time these worthy representatives of a free nation
voted unanimously in favor of it.
become a law, the measure now needed confirmation by the Senate. It was a
foregone conclusion that its passage by that body would be a repetition of the
mock performance in the House.
Grand Orient did not remain idle. On Sept. 6, 1925, a general meeting was
called in the Palazzo Giustiani. Over 400 delegates were present, an unusually
large attendance. Persecutions always have the effect of stimulating loyalty
and attachment to a cause. Domizio Torrigiani was re-elected Grand Master for
another term of six years and granted extraordinary powers in view of the
precariousness of the situation. Giuseppe Meoni was confirmed as his Deputy
Grand Master. In his inaugural speech Torrigiani declared that Italian
Freemasonry would not, for any acts of terrorism, cease to protest against an
illegal dictatorship that was bound to corrupt the Italian nation. With his
characteristic promptness, Mussolini accepted the challenge. Two days after
the meeting, on Sept. 8, he suspended two high government officials, Cavaliere
Di Francia and Cavaliere Caccioli, from service. He charged them, together
with a number of Masons who were employes in the Senate and Parliament
building, with corruption. He did not go to the formality of substantiating
these charges by proofs, that in his mind being superfluous.
Already the next day the Duce met with an unpleasant experience. He discovered
that the disciplined Caccioli was no Mason at all. As early as ten years
previously he had severed his connections with the Craft. More than that, he
had been a staunch Fascist all along who had taken part in Mussolini's "march
on Rome." In addition, he had secretly denounced his colleague, Di Francia, on
account of his pro-Masonic stand and connived at his dismissal from service.
And now he had fallen into the ditch he had dug for others. The non-Fascist
press took gleefully notice of the tragi-comic incident and general hilarity
reverberate throughout Italy.
Another sensation followed. The whip of the Fascist party was its general
secretary, Signore Farinacci. He was the Duce's faithful lieutenant, or rather
willing executioner, who shrank from no methods, no matter how brutal. And he
was an insatiable Mason eater Two days after the disciplining of Di Francia
had been announced, an opposition journal regaled its readers; with the
statement that the arch foe of Masonry, Farinacci, was an opportunist who had
himself been a Mason at one time and had only renounced the lodge when Fascism
offered fairer prospects to his ambition.
Farinacci not only denied the imputation but asserted that far from ever
having been affiliated with Masonry, he had always been a consistent, active
opponent of the secret Craft. He was proud, he declared, to be the man who had
repeatedly engineered the burning and demolition of Masonic lodges. He uttered
vehement threats against his "calumniators." But the "base liars" did not
permit themselves to be intimidated. To the great surprise of the whole
peninsula the Voce Repubblicana published all the necessary documents to prove
that in 1915 Farinacci had been initiated in the Masonic lodge in Cremona. It
was also shown that later on, while a railroad employee, he did not stand well
with his superiors on account of his rebellious tendencies. When he saw that
the old regime was losing ground, with Fascism in the ascendancy, he not only
turned his back on Masonry but became its most bitter foe.
humiliating exposure poured oil on the flames of Farinacci's hatred. "Those
twenty-four hours during which I have been a Mason I will expiate by energetic
action against Freemasonry," he swore. As in reality he had belonged, not only
twenty-four hours, but several years to the Masonic Order, he carried his
threat with a correspondingly more intense ferocity into execution.
nation-wide persecution was launched against the opposition parties, which
consisted mostly of Masons and socialists. In a large number of cities bloody
riots broke out. Masons, and men merely suspected of being Masons, were
dragged from their offices and places of business and beaten up, their stores
were demolished, lodge rooms and other property destroyed.
Particularly serious were these outrages in Florence. From Sept. 25 to 29
regular hunting parties against Masons were instituted in that city. Over
fifty Masons were beaten, stores owned by Masons and socialists were pillaged,
city and government officials belonging to either organization were removed
from office. Scared by the wild threats uttered in the Fascist paper Le
Battaglie Fasciste, a number of Masons left the city.
organizing these riots, the Fascist leaders no doubt had a secondary object in
view, namely, to furnish an excuse for the government to postpone the
approaching unwelcome Matteotti trial "by reason of the reigning disorders."
On the
evening of Oct. 3, 1925, a signore Luporini, vice-president of the (local)
Fascist organization of Florence, together with three other Fascists, called
on signore Brandelli, Worshipful Master of one of the Masonic lodges of
Florence, and requested him to follow them to Fascist headquarters "to give
them information concerning the Freemasons." Brandelli refused to accompany
them, knowing that he would be illtreated. When they attempted to drag him
along by force, his friend and neighbor, Bacciolini (not a Mason), came to his
rescue. In the ensuing melee Bacciolini, presumably in self-defense, drew his
revolver. A number of shots were exchanged with the result that Luporini, the
Fascist leader, was killed by Bacciolini. The latter fled, but was captured
and clubbed to death. Brandelli, the innocent cause of the tragedy, escaped.
The Fascist assailants now broke into Bacciolini's house and set it on fire.
An excited crowd gathered. The fire department appeared. Its efforts to
extinguish the fire that menaced the adjoining buildings were hampered by
rowdy bands of Fascist militia. The conflagration was the signal for
incendiarism and bloody excesses all over the city. The police arrested a
number of imperiled Masons for protective purposes, to detain them in police
quarters until the storm had blown over. Several of these Masonic prisoners on
the way to the stations were pulled from the hands of the overpowered
policemen by the infuriated mobs and literally torn to pieces. Among those
also killed were the socialist deputy, Pilati, who, during the war, had been
decorated for conspicuous bravery, and the lawyer Console. The riots continued
the following day, a Sunday. Fascist leaders issued a manifesto declaring that
the day of revenge had arrived and that the members of the opposition should
be killed. Proscription lists were produced containing the names and addresses
of prominent Masons and socialists. Under the leadership of Fascist centurions
the work of murder and destruction on a large scale was fairly on its way when
a dispatch from Mussolini ordered a cessation of all "reprisals." Reprisals!
Eighteen men killed and forty mortally wounded was the toll of these
Board of Directors of the Florence Fascists was dissolved and General Balbo
entrusted with the command. He published an appeal to his partisans, warning
them that such arbitrary, unauthorized "reprisals" were liable to injure the
good name of Fascism.
comparison with Florence, the tumults in Rome, Brindisi and other cities were
mild, though plenty of blood flowed and heavy damage was done to property. We
may mention also that Giuseppe Meoni, the recently appointed Deputy Grand
Master of the Masons, was with his family expelled from Rome. To lessen the
tension, and the danger his brethren were exposed to, Grand Master Torrigiani
issued an order that all lodge work be temporarily suspended.
was in the beginning of October, 1925. Peace and quiet reigned now for a few
weeks, when on Nov. 4 the attempt on Mussolini's life by Zaniboni, a
temporarily unbalanced socialist, caused a new flare-up of anti-Masonic
activity. This time it was the government which openly and officially
instituted the "reprisals." They were of an unbloody but nevertheless very
tragic nature. The worthy General Luigi Capello, one of Italy's popular heroes
of the World War, was destined to become their principal victim.
Normally, Italian Masonry and Socialism were not on friendly terms. Already
before the World War the Italian Socialists had voted the Masons out of the
party. But politics make strange bed fellows. When in the great national
upheaval immediately following the war, Fascism rose to power and clearly
aimed at the establishment of a Fascist dictatorship, the Socialists and
Masons, being adverse to the plan, became allies, united by a community of
interests. For that reason the Fascist riots of September and early October,
1925, were directed not only against Masons, but also against Socialists, as
we have seen.
took these atrocities more to heart than the ardent Socialist, Zaniboni. His
disturbed mind conceived a strange plot. He wanted to raise an army of 200,000
anti-Fascists, march on Rome, storm the Palazzo Chigi, take the Duce captive
and place the opposition in power. He figured that the sum of 150,000 lire
($3,000) would suffice to finance the enterprise. He approached his political
ally, Senator Frassati, director of the Turin Stampa, for the amount. Of
course, he was turned down by the journalist who pitied his state of mind.
been refused the loan also by other parties, Zaniboni at last went to Rome to
try his luck at Masonic headquarters. Grand Master Torrigiani was absent on a
trip to Switzerland. His friend, General Luigi Capello, was in charge of
Masonic affairs during his absence, Deputy Grand Master Meoni having been
banished from Rome. Zaniboni, not a Mason himself, was acquainted with Capello,
having served with him on an election committee the preceding winter. He
explained to him his contemplated coup d'etat by means of raising an army of
200,000 men to capture Rome and depose Mussolini. He added his request for a
loan of 100,000 lire ($2,000) to finance the undertaking. The old general, a
lifelong conservative who abhorred all revolutionary methods, recognized at
once that the poor fellow's brain was not functioning normally. Needless to
say, he flouted the fantastic idea, refused the loan and urged him to drop all
thought of the silly plan. It may be mentioned here that Capello had already
five months previously, in May, 1925, retired from active politics by reason
of his failing health.
Zaniboni might have accepted the good general's advice to abandon the utterly
senseless project, had he not been abetted in it by a pretending enthusiastic
accomplice, a man named Quaglia, who was in reality a spy and agent
provocateur of the police. This truly classical villain was by profession a
lawyer and journalist, connected with the Popolo. The European papers, with
the exception of the Fascist press of Italy, have unanimously voted him to be
the very prince of scoundrels. In comparison with him, Judas Iscariot was a
noble-minded gentleman. This Quaglia had been commissioned by the chief of
police, Crispo-Moncada-as the trial later revealed-to "get the goods" on the
leaders of the Italian Masonry, to furnish proof that they were plotting
against Mussolini to establish a military dictatorship. This worthy cheerfully
went to work to manufacture "proof."
entered into Zaniboni's scheme of overthrowing the Duce with such apparent
ardor and enthusiasm that the poor dupe even at the trial, after Quaglia had
admitted his character as a police spy and agent provocateur, refused to
believe it: Quaglia now called on Capello to obtain a loan for Zaniboni. The
general flatly refused, declaring that he utterly disapproved of the absurd
scheme. He requested Quaglia to try to bring Zaniboni back to his senses.
Quaglia did not give up so easily. He kept on pestering the general for money.
Finally on Nov. 2, 1925, Capello gave him, on the Cavour bridge, 300 lire
($6.00) as a personal loan to Zaniboni to get rid of him. This transfer of
money was witnessed by another police spy, Giuseppe Alberto Mascioli, who had
been conveniently stationed. Capello then took the train to Turin to arrange
there for the legal disqualification (stultification) of a feebleminded son of
his. He thought that Zaniboni had at last recognized the futility of his
scheme and dropped it. This sum of 300 lire--Mascioli at the trial raised it
to 1,000 lire ($20.00)--was the corpus delicti produced by the prosecution at
the trial. This was deemed sufficient evidence to prove that the honest
conservative minded old general, who had seen fifty years of military service
and had been honored by his king with the highest military decorations for his
important services during the war, had financed Zaniboni's plot against
Mussolini. On the strength of this astounding piece of "evidence" the old
general was sentenced to thirty years' imprisonment. But we are getting ahead
of our narrative.
Realizing his inability to secure any substantial financial support, Zaniboni
had meanwhile discarded his glorious plan of organizing an armed revolt. He
was about to give up in despair, when the resourceful Quaglia suggested to him
a more feasible plan: to assassinate the Duce! What could be more simple! The
seething brain of Zaniboni eagerly seized upon the idea. It was decided to
execute it without delay. The fourth of November was selected as the date and
the Hotel Dragoni as the place for the deed. The handy Quaglia made the
necessary arrangements. Under the direction of the Chief of Police he bought a
rifle, rented rooms in the hotel, carefully measured the distance the bullet
would have to travel and attended to all other details. When at last the
critical moment arrived, the police swooped down on the pair. Zaniboni readily
admitted his murderous designs while Quaglia, the agent provocateur, exchanged
knowing smiles with the police officials. He now "laid bare" how Zaniboni had
acted merely as the tool of Freemasonry, which had conceived the plot to get
Mussolini out of the way, and intended to proclaim a military dictatorship
headed by General Capello. It was the latter who, while acting chief of the
Italian Grand Orient, had supplied Zaniboni with the necessary funds for the
execution of the plot, the police spy asserted.
"discovery of the Masonic conspiracy" to assassinate Mussolini on Nov. 4,
1925, furnished the government the desired pretext for summary action against
the Craft. Orders were immediately issued for the arrest of Capello. It was
not difficult to locate him, as he had made no secret of his trip to Turin in
the affair of his afflicted son. The aged, ailing general was cast into prison
and kept incarcerated until the trial seventeen months later. It was postponed
thus long with malicious intent.
Simultaneously with the arrest of the old general, a raid on the Palazzo
Giustiniani, the home of the Grand Orient, and on all the Masonic lodges
throughout the entire peninsula was decreed. The residences of Grand Master
Torrigiani and other Masonic dignitaries were also raided. All the archives
were diligently searched, every document and letter was read, every nook and
corner was carefully looked into. Never in the history of Italy had so
extensive and thorough an inquisition been held. It lasted for several months.
And what was the harvest? Nil ! Nothing incriminating was found, no trace of
any disloyal activities, nothing that would justify even the shadow of a
Masons had previously removed and hidden all dangerous documents." Thus the
disappointed Fascist leaders explained this total absence of any incriminating
Mussolini, the indefatigable, had meanwhile rushed the anti-Masonic bill
through the senate. It was now a law. This formality might have been dispensed
with in the country in which the will of the Duce was the supreme law. L'etat
c'est moi, being his motto. Once more Grand Master Torrigiani issued a
statement to the public. Through the press he published the following
Roman paper has accused Freemasonry whose head I am that it has paid directly,
or through Br. General Capello, 500,000 lire to Zaniboni that he engineer a
plot or an attempt on the life of Mussolini.
shall request the authorities to subject me as soon as possible to an
examination that this calumny may be placed in the proper light.
I only want to state that Masonry regards every human life as sacred, that
this high conception is sworn to by every one of our Brethren, and that
Masonry abhors nothing so strongly as the shedding of human blood.
declaration was ignored and events took their course.
the three "conspirators," Capello, Zaniboni and the journalistic Ducci, safely
behind the bars, the Fascist government showed no hurry with the trial. It
still hoped against hope to find some sort of real evidence, or at least some
semblance of real evidence, to incriminate Capello and Ducci. At last, more
than seventeen months after the unearthing of the "plot" against Mussolini's
life, preparations were made for the trial, a special court was convoked to
hear the case. General Sanna was designated to preside over it. However, when
acquainted with the "evidence" on the strength of which Capello had been
indicted, the honest old soldier, convinced of Capello's innocence, declined
the "honor" of presiding over such a court. General Freri was now appointed
president of this special court.
April 11, 1927, the trial was opened. It was interrupted during Easter. It
consumed altogether seven days. The accusation against Capello, presented by
the Attorney General, Noseda, was based entirely on the testimony of the
treacherous spy, Quaglia. He was the star witness for the prosecution. His
very appearance, every grin and motion denoting the servile sycophant, made a
most unfavorable impression on the journalists and the spectators present. He
maintained that Capello had instigated the plot and had agreed to provide the
necessary funds.
second police spy, Mascioli, was called to the witness stand. He was well
posted on Masonic activities. He testified that Grand Master Torrigiani
himself had promised Zaniboni a large amount, but had later withdrawn his
offer. Capello then, on Nov. 2, 1925, gave to Quaglia 1000 lire ($20.00) from
his own pocket for Zaniboni to enable him to make his "get away" after the
assassination. It was in the afternoon, and on the Cavour bridge, that the
money was handed over. He, Mascioli, had seen it with his own eyes.
Capello was now cross-examined. Owing to his feeble health, he had not been
placed in the defendant's cage with the other prisoners. (In Italy, it seems,
the defendant is treated like a criminal, or rather, like a wild beast until
his innocence is proven.) He denied indignantly the charge of complicity in
the plot. He gave a brief account of his part in national politics. He had
been a Fascist, but left the party when its incompatibility with Masonry had
been officially proclaimed. He joined the opposition then, but always kept
within the limits of the law. When in January, 1925, the opposition parties
organized for the coming elections, he attended meetings of the political
league Italia Libera at which, Zaniboni, the Socialist, was also present. This
political campaign was conducted in the customary manner, on a strictly lawful
basis. After May, 1925, he had abstained from all political activity on
account of his poor health. In October, 1925, he took temporary charge of the
Grand Orient during the absence of Grand Master Torrigiani. It was then that
Zaniboni applied for an interview which he, Capello, as substitute Grand
Master granted him. Zaniboni then asked him for 100,000 lire to concentrate
200,000 men at Rome to overthrow the Duce. The ridiculousness of the plan
convinced him that Zaniboni's excited mind was not properly balanced. He tried
to calm him. Afterwards Quaglia called repeatedly on him, Capello, to assist
Zaniboni financially, for whom he simulated the sincerest friendship. He
refused to advance any money, urging Quaglia to dissuade Zaniboni from his mad
project. At last, tired of being pestered, he gave Quaglia 300 lire as a
personal loan to Zaniboni. He thought that the wild plan had been abandoned.
"I have," remarked the old general, "never been so crazy as to support such
silly plans. At present, however, after nearly eighteen months of
imprisonment, it may be possible that my mind has been somewhat impaired."
added that as an old general who had seen fifty years of service he was
sufficiently experienced to know that the army would not make common cause
with revolutionaries. Nor had he ever solicited foreign help against his own
country, as had been charged by the prosecution. At the convention of the
Associatioa Masonique International at Geneva in 1925, he had by his earnest
entreaties prevented the adoption of a resolution expressing sympathy for the
persecuted Italian brethren.
Questioned by the Attorney General why he had not reported Zaniboni to the
authorities, Capello replied that he was under the impression that Zaniboni
had given up his foolish plan after having been refused the 100,000 lire. He
knew nothing of Zaniboni's plot to assassinate the Duce. Of that Zaniboni had
never breathed a word to him. (It was only after the interview with Capello
that Zaniboni, inspired by Quaglia, made up his mind to assassinate the Duce.)
admitted his intention of assassinating Mussolini. He was still convinced that
Quaglia had the same intention. He denied emphatically that General Capello
had any knowledge of this plan.
statement was contradicted by the spy Quaglia, who insisted that Capello knew
of the plot and fomented and financed it. "Capello knew," he maintained, "that
out of the general chaos a military dictatorship would emerge and that he as
an old general and as one of the leaders of Masonry would seize the
and other allegations made by Quaglia were indignantly denied both by Capello
and by Zaniboni. The latter jumped furiously up from his seat in the cage and,
his hands extended to the court, explained: "By the head of my daughter, the
only thing that has remained sacred to me in life, I swear that on the morning
of the fourth of November in the room in the Hotel Dragoni Quaglia requested
it as an honor to be permitted to fire simultaneously with me at Mussolini!"
Quaglia denied this, Zaniboni jumped up again: "If there was a God who
punishes lies then you would drop dead to the floor now."
Counsel for the defense, Petroni, asked CrispoMoncada, the Director General of
the Police, whether he had employed Quaglia as an agent provocateur. The
Director General dared not deny it.
forced to admit that the investigation had not produced the slightest evidence
of the complicity of Grand Master Torrigiani in the plot, the Attorney
General, Noseda, nevertheless insisted that Freemasonry had its hand in it. It
encouraged Capello's aspirations to become military dictator. There could be
no doubt about that, he averred. It was as the representative of Masonry that
Capello conspired with Zaniboni and supplied him with funds. The mere fact
that Capello, the general, the holder of the highest military honors, had
anything at all to do with a Socialist like Zaniboni, was a proof of his
subversive plans. The following points he, Noseda, considered as definitely
Capello did not sever his connections with Zaniboni after he had been made
acquainted with his plans.
Capello contributed financially towards the execution of Zaniboni's plans.
Particularly incriminating is the amount of money Zaniboni received on Nov. 3,
the eve before the attempt on Mussolini's life.
Finally, it is extremely strange that on the same evening Capello left Rome.
From all this it was clear that Capello was Zaniboni's accomplice. For that
reason he, the Attorney General, demanded the same punishment for both of
them-thirty years' imprisonment.
Petroni arose, a hush fell over the crowded courtroom.
I have
accepted the defense of Capello, he commenced, in a sad hour. I have done so,
because I was fully convinced of the innocence of the General. And I declare
today: Capello never had any designs on the life of Mussolini. He has never
approved nor aided Zaniboni's plans for his assassination. He has never
intended to establish a dictatorship, much less to become dictator himself.
Even to consider the mere possibility of such a thing in October, 1925, would
have been sheer madness. For even if the attempt on Mussolini's life had
succeeded, it could not have produced any change in the political
constellation. Capello could not help knowing that at that time the people
would have taken it as a bloody signal to rise not against Fascism, but
against the conspirators. What could have been the motive for such an attempt?
It has been charged that Capello had acted in blind obedience to the orders of
Grand Master Torrigiani. But that charge has been so thoroughly refuted that
even the prosecution has dropped it.
Capello, as has further been claimed, was a man of selfish ambition who
aspired to a political career, he would have acted entirely differently when
in 1923 he had the choice between Fascism and Freemasonry. For he decided in
favor of the latter. He had become a Fascist in 1922 because he was then
convinced of the necessity of that movement to restore order in Italy. When
then in the following year the High Fascist Council announced that there
existed an incompatibility between Fascism and Masonry, he turned his back on
Fascism, though he had been marked for the highest honors. Fascism was then
celebrating unprecedented triumphs, Rome was occupied and Mussolini the hero
and victor. Whoever harbored any personal ambitions, could find their fullest
gratification in the Fascist camp. But Capello renounced his chance of
becoming secretary of war, leader of the militia. He preferred to adhere to
Freemasonry, the cause so sacred to him. That was, if one wants to call it so,
the crime of Capello.
It has
been asserted that Capello has accepted, a remuneration for joining the
opposition. That is a contemptible calumny. It is true-and he has never denied
it--that Capello has been active in the opposition. But even from these
activities he had already withdrawn in August. As will be remembered, early in
1925 there had been talk of spring elections, and Capello took a place in the
campaign committee of the opposition. But there was absolutely no thought of a
conspiracy. Such a thing existed only in the imagination of the spy Quaglia,
who has played so despicable and sinister a part. But what happened between
August, 1925, and the 4th of November, the day for which the assassination was
planned? At the time when the plan for the assassination took place in the
head of Zaniboni, all political connection between him and Capello had already
been broken off. That was the reason why Zaniboni tried to obtain money from
Senator Frassati, director of the Turin "stampa." Like Capello, Frassati
refused to advance the 150,000 lire wanted by him. No charge has been raised
against the Senator for having failed to report Zaniboni to the authorities.
Then no charge should be raised against Capello for having failed to do so.
In his
need of funds, Zaniboni then went into the Friauli district, where he had
friends. When he failed to obtain anything there, he left Italy. Later on he
returned to Rome, where on Oct. 21 he had the famous interview with Capello in
which, it is alleged, the assassination was determined upon. Zaniboni made him
acquainted with his ridiculous scheme of storming the palazzo Chigi and taking
Mussolini captive. He did not say a word about murdering the Duce. When he
then tried to lay before him other plans, Capello interrupted him at once and
said: "Enough of it ! I do not want to hear another word ! If you have debts
or need a little money, I will help you out. I can loan you 5,000 lire. There
can be no thought of the 100,000 lire you ask for."
this connection there is one point that deserves our particular attention.
Capello has spoken about this interview which, the Attorney General now
declares, is the decisive one [in which the assassination was decided on]. But
Quaglia never made mention of it in his minute reports to the police, nor did
the police mention it in its reports to the Minister of the Interior.
Quaglia's silence on this point is the proof of the innocence of Capello.
interview of Oct. 21 is the essential link of the whole case. If here the
evidence is not produced that Capello knew of the plan of the assassination,
then the entire accusation collapses. And I declare herewith that the Attorney
General has not been able to produce the slightest trace of evidence. He has
advanced a thesis with nothing to support it.
A few
days after that interview Capello sent a letter to Zaniboni who had meanwhile
gone to Urbignacco. That letter contained an absolute refusal [to have
anything to do with the plot]. That Zaniboni understood it so, is proven by
the fact that he now went with Quaglia to Milan to try to obtain money from
Senator Albertini.
Capello now considered the whole matter disposed of. There, on the evening of
the first of November, a young man knocks at his door: Quaglia! He brought a
letter from Zaniboni in which he again begged for money. Then came the scene
on the Cavour bridge that reminds one of a bandit story. There Capello gave
Quaglia an envelope containing 300 lire ($6.00) for Zaniboni to get rid of
him. This transaction was witnessed by Mascioli, a second police spy. An
attempt has been made to puff up this envelope to the size of a huge package.
But even Mascioli speaks only of about 1,000 lire ($20.00).
is not a particle of an evidence that would point to the guilt of Capello, all
depositions prove his innocence. If he is charged with conspiracy, with having
worked out the strategic plans for a military revolt where in all the world
are the men who should carry out his plans? Where are the arms? Quaglia has
stated that it was planned to disarm the Fascist militia and thus to secure
the necessary arms. But how can anybody credit Capello with so idiotic a
Already in summer 1925 Capello had recognized that in view of the popular
sentiment it would not be worth while to spend money for an election campaign.
And then that he should have gone and conceived such a childish plot? No!
On the
evening of Nov. 3 Capello set out from Rome for Turin to have a mentally
defective son of his placed under legal guardianship. He gave his name when he
purchased the ticket. He did not go away secretly. He had ample time to cross
over to Switzerland, if he had wanted to do so, as his passport was perfectly
in order.
Gentlemen of this high tribunal, beware of committing an awful judicial error!
You are Fascists and men of honor. The Duce has appointed you to let justice
prevail. Fascism is strong. It is the state. A state is only great when it
accords justice also to the adversary. I demand justice for a man who in war
and in peace has always had the welfare of his country at heart. I do not ask
for clemency, I ask for an acquittal.
the counsel for the defense had finished with this appeal, the unexpected
happened: the public in the galleries, though Fascist, went wild with
applause, which subsided only when the presiding judge, General Freri,
energetically requested silence. On him and on his fellow judges these
convincing words had, of course, made no impression.
need not be mentioned that the verdict was waited for with more than ordinary
suspense. When it was announced, it fell like a thunderbolt on the court room.
It declared both Zaniboni and Capello guilty of having conspired against
Mussolini's life. Both were given the same sentence: thirty years in the
penitentiary, the first six of which were to be served in solitarily
Strange, the defendants had expected a different attitude on the part of the
court. To quote the New Zurich Gazette:
they were all led to the defendants' cage, tied to a long chain and guarded by
ten carabinieri, to hear the sentence of the court, one could notice the air
of confidence on their faces. Perhaps their lawyers had held out a ray of hope
to them. That was soon extinguished when the presiding judge, with a hard,
chilling expression on his face, read the sentence. Only one of the defendants
found it difficult to suppress the tears. The others accepted their fate in
silence, in particular Capello. The chances of the old general had seemed
decidedly improved after the six hours of most eloquent pleadings by his
masterful legal counsel. The hopeful smile he had exhibited before the reading
of the verdict died on his pale lips.
being no right of appeal, the sentence took effect at once.
had this most astounding verdict been published when the Fascist press opened
a carefully planned campaign of vilification against Grand Master Torrigiani.
On the day following the announcement of the verdict, at five o'clock in the
morning--the official record falsely stated that it was in the afternoon --a
squad of secret service men descended upon the house where Torrigiani had for
some time been staying with friends. After a thorough search of the premises,
the Grand Master was taken in an auto to the prison Regina Coeli. Two hours
later he was, without any court procedure, by an administrative measure,
ordered deported to the bleak Liparian Isles to remain interned (in confino)
there for a term of five years. This after the Fascist Attorney General,
Noseda, had admitted in court that the inquest into the attempt on Mussolini's
life had not produced the slightest evidence that would warrant an indictment
of Torrigiani !
servile Fascist papers hailed this latest outrage with the utmost
satisfaction. Sneers one of them, the Popolo d'ltalia:
the Grand Master who has ruled Rome so long goes fettered like a low criminal
into exile where the scum of the Italian society awaits him. With the arrest
of the Grand Master a whole world collapses. For the rest, five years is too
little for him. Torrigiani, this most powerful enemy of Fascist Italy must
disappear forever from the light of the day!
"scum of the Italian society" whom, in the language of the Popolo, Torrigiani
was to join on the dreary Liparian Isles, are forty-four Masons who were
deported there for "administrative reasons" without even a semblance of a
court procedure. Their families at home are struggling with bitter poverty.
Fascist press of Italy was jubilant over the outcome of the trial. Of
non-Fascist papers there is, thanks to Mussolini's suppressive methods, little
left outside of the Catholic or clerical papers. Though inveterate foes of
Masonry, they do not permit their sense of justice to be clouded by blind
partisanship. The Osservatore Romano, the official mouthpiece of the Vatican,
does not hesitate to declare that no proof of the guilt of Capello was
furnished. In this it concurs with the Unita Catolica. These two influential
journals take great pains in putting Capello's innocence in the strongest
would seem that the representatives of non-Italian papers encountered
difficulties in getting by the censor. So at least the Roman correspondent of
the Rhenish Westphalian Gazette, Catholic and anti-Masonic, intimates. We
Fascism has a thousand times declared that it is wholly indifferent as to the
opinion of the world. Nevertheless, once in a while it feels the need of
making a demonstration to show that Fascist administration of justice is still
functioning and then it conducts a trial in Fascist style. That requires a
certain amount of preparation, and preparation requires time. Hence the
Matteotti trial was commenced in Chieti twenty-two months after the deed, the
trial of the "traitors" of Bozen (Bolzano) fourteen months after, in Verona.
And so today the trial of Zaniboni and Capello takes place seventeen months
after the deed before a Fascist special court in the palace of justice in
German reader now expects a report of this trial like a thousand other such
reports. He wants to be informed about public opinion in Italy and about the
comment of the Italian press. He wants to know what impression the case, the
court and the defendants made on the correspondent. I regret to say that I
cannot serve with such news. Do not ask the reason why.
Presumably this correspondent was on the Fascist black list for excessive
candor in the past and had to be on his guard. Significant in this stunted
report is the allusion to the fact that in Fascist Italy court trials are
unusual and are only staged occasionally to show to the outside world that
there is still such a thing as an administration of justice and a court
procedure in Italy, if only in name. The usual procedure is administrative,
that is, a person inconvenient to the Fascist "bosses" is incarcerated without
the formality of a court procedure and he remains incarcerated as long as it
pleases these "bosses." Such an administrative procedure saves both time and
Berlin Geimania, the leading organ of the Center (Catholic) party, is advised
by its Roman correspondent:
what people told each other in the corridors of the palace of justice, the
decision could no longer surprise anybody. To an outsider Capello's complicity
in the plot was not sufficiently established to justify a sentence of such
severity. But Capello was arraigned before the court as the representative of
Freemasonry and as Freemasonry was to be condemned, he had to be given the
same sentence, as Zaniboni who had admitted his guilt.
Of the
same opinion is also the Berlin Vossiche Zeitung, a conservative bourgeois
Berlin Boersen-Courier which, as the name indicates, is the organ of high
finance, calls the sentence imposed on Capello a "monstrosity" which, it
thinks, is the more revolting as the Attorney General had admitted at the
trial that he had been unable to find any evidence against Capello.
Indignant at the glaring injustice is also the Berlin Vorwaerts, the leading
Socialist paper of Germany. It exclaims:
In the
trial of General Capello no evidence, positively none whatever, has been
brought to light except the deposition of an agent provocateur.
pronounces the whole Fascist agitation against Italian Masonry with its
gruesome, revolting details a spectacle particularly "loathsome" by reason of
the cowardly hypocrisy of the methods employed.
conservative Hamburger Fremdenblatt also shakes its head at a verdict of
guilty based exclusively on the testimony of so despicable a character as the
traitor Quaglia "which every ordinary court would without fail have declined
as inadmissible."
In the
opinion of the Socialist vienna Arbeiter Zeitung the trial has shown that
Capello was not implicated in the plot laid by Zaniboni and Quaglia under the
eyes of the police. The old general was "railroaded" to the penitentiary to
serve a thirty years' sentence not by a juridical, but by a political process.
trial in Rome, it argues, has made it clear beyond all doubt that nobody in
Italy can today escape his ruin, once that machinery is set in motion against
him that has crushed the General Capello. Capello is an ailing old man,
weighed down by family cares, poor at the end of a glorious military career,
without ambition. Through chance, or probably through private vengeance, he
was marked as the banner bearer of anti-Fascism to drag him down with the
banner. Here is more than the tragedy of an individual. This is not a case
merely of man sinning against man. Here the highest ideal of the state, its
noblest symbol, Justice, has been made the tool of special interests, And
thereby the very crime was committed that, it was pretended, was to be
punished: the crime against the security of the state.
Edouard Peguillian writes in the La France of Nice:
trial has nothing in common with Justice, that sacred social institution that
stands forth as the supreme safeguard of men against oppression by the mighty
and against the errors of those who govern. There is no longer any justice in
Italy. There exists only a wild triumphant horde who blindly strike down all
who refuse to kneel before them, but who, to preserve a facade of
respectability, feel occasionally the need of staging an odious comedy, a
shocking travesty of justice.
As the
trial has shown, the plot was promoted by the Italian police with Italian
money through the treacherous spy Quaglia who goaded Zaniboni, whose secretary
he was, into a desperate and insane undertaking.... Through Zaniboni he was,
in the person of Capello, to reach Freemasonry. This man (Capello) was accused
of complicity in order to have a pretext to condemn him, and thus to strike at
Masonry which Mussolini, either through fear or through hatred, wanted to
compromise at any cost in order to justify his measures against it. . . A high
Masonic dignitary was to be discredited, the General Capello, who by his
character, his civic virtues and his popularity stood forth as one of the
pillars of Italian democracy. To achieve that, Mussolini shrank from nothing.
Police, agent provocateurs, everything was resorted to.
Vatican itself has through its papers, the Osservatore Romano and the Unita
Catoliea, exposed the lying accusations Fascism has raised against
Freemasonry.... Fascist Italy has disgraced itself by the condemnation of
General Capello whose noble personality will enter the annals of history as a
Manchester Guardian finds that the speech of the counsel for the defense,
Petroni, which even the Fascist audience in the galleries felt compelled to
applaud, would have convinced any English court of the innocence of General
Capello. The climax of the trial is reached by the arrest and deportation of
Grand Master Torrigiani. The institution of the confino or internment, to
which Mussolini frequently resorts in crushing his political adversaries,
emphasizes the fact that the present situation in Italy is abnormal. The great
English daily believes that Fascism would more easily gain recognition as a
stable form of government, if it ceased to employ such unusual measures
against its adversaries. In regard to the police spy, Quaglia, the Guardian is
of the opinion that if the domicile of Quaglia was transferred across the sea,
every Italian, be he Fascist or not, would welcome it as a hygienic measure.
the exception of the Fascist papers of Italy, the whole European press is in
accord that the murders and other outrages perpetrated by the Italian Fascists
against the Masons and Socialists and, last but not least, the condemnation of
General Capello and the deportation of Grand Master Torrigiani, are a slap in
the face of decency and justice. Few of the papers that comment on the trial
fail to express their nausea at the mention of the spy, Quaglia. This worthy
has immortalized himself as one of the classic scoundrels in history. But what
are we to think of the Director: General of the Roman police, Crispo-Moncada,
who hired him and concocted with him the plot to entrap Capello? What of
Noseda, the Attorney General, who admitted his testimony and on the strength
of it demanded and secured the condemnation of the innocent Capello? What of
Mussolini, the Duce, himself who superintended the whole performance? Are they
less despicable than the scoundrel Quaglia?
We are
all more or less agreed that in the capture and trial of Christ it was not
Judas Iscariot who was the most contemptible figure, but the cowardly Pontius
Pilate, the proud Roman governor who failed to protect the man whom he had
publicly declared to be innocent. It would seem that in the trial of Capello
there is one individual who degraded himself deeper than the villain Quaglia
and that individual is General Freri the man who presided over the special
court that condernne Capello. If the entire press of Europe is nauseated with
the part the civilian Quaglia played in the drama, what are we to think of a
high military man like General Freri who cooperated with, and solemnly crowns
that nasty piece of treachery directed at a fellow-officer, a fellow-general?
Can the despicability of such a person of high military rank be expressed in
respectable language ?
It has
frequently happened in the past that officers of the American army and navy
were required at official or social functions to exchange the military salute
with foreign officers. Such occasions will present themselves again. We may
conceive the following situation: An American man-of-war calls at an Italian
port and is given an official reception. Among the reception committee is
present in uniform General Freri. The officers of the American vessel will be
required to exchange the military salute with that strange specimen of a
general. Will it not be a humiliation for them, an injury to their
self-respect? The possibility of such a situation ever arising is perhaps
remote, but it exists. It should be eliminated altogether. We owe that much to
our officers. The matter ought to be brought to the attention of the American
Legion and of the staff of the army and navy. Maybe at the next session of
Congress some Congressman could request our government to notify the Mussolini
government that if General Freri should ever participate in an official
function in which American officers are required to participate, it will be
interpreted as a deliberate insult to the American people. The matter in
itself is trivial, but the principle involved is important. The self-respect
and spirit of honor of our officers must be safeguarded at all costs.
suggestion is made entirely on the translator's own responsibility and we
insert it at his especial request.--Ed.]
are, or were, ill Italy two sovereign bodies controlling lodges of the
symbolic degrees, the Grand Orient of which Bro. Torrigiani was Grand Master,
and the National Grand Lodge which Bro. Raoul Palermi headed. The latter is
also under the ban, in spite of attempts that seem to have been made by Bro.
Palermi to convince the Fascists that none of the accusations made by them
against Freemasonry in general were true of the Grand Lodge. Bro. Palermi is
now in exile in Sicily.
were, some time ago, disputes between these two bodies, and the differences
between them do not seem easy to judge. The Grand Orient seems in reality to
be the senior body, though the Grand Lodge claims to be, apparently by
considering itself the successor of previous ruling bodies. The question is
complicated by the fact that there are also two Supreme Councils, the one in
connection with the Grand Lodge being regarded as regular and it would seem as
if differences in the Scottish Rite has led to those in the symbolic lodges.
It would not be possible to give any definite judgment on such a complicated
question in a footnote. Of American Grand Lodges we believe some six or eight
have recognized the Grand Lodge, and have judged the Grand Orient irregular.
On the other hand the two Grand Lodges who have perhaps gone into the matter
of foreign relations most thoroughly, Alabama and New York, have decided very
strongly in favor of the Grand Orient. This body has also been recognized as
regular by the Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland and others. From
the European point of view generally, the lodges and brethren in the obedience
of both bodies, would be regarded as equally regular and entitled to
in God: A Historical Tenet of Freemasonry
BRO. GILBERT W. DAYNES, Associate Editor, England
Freemasons, in almost every Grand Lodge, recognize that an abiding belief in
God--the Great Architect of the Universe--is the solid foundation upon which
the Masonic edifice rests. These brethren regard all those who own allegiance
to the isolated Grand Lodges that have broken away from this standpoint as
renegade-beyond the pale; and rigorously exclude such backsliders from their
Lodge Meetings, as being unworthy of the name of Freemason.
belief in God is no new tenet of the Craft: records demonstrate that it is a
Landmark in Masonry co-eval with its birth. Let us therefore dig into the past
and, by means of such documents as have survived to the present day, establish
the truth of this statement. The connection between Speculative Masonry and
Operative Masonry of the Middle Ages having been largely verified, it is
essential that the documents of the Mediaeval Masons should be considered
before attempting those relating to Freemasonry under the Grand Lodge of
England, the premier Grand Lodge of the world.
earliest Masonic document to which we can thus refer is the Regius Poem of
about A. D. 1390. In this MS. King Athelstan is said to have made "hye templus
of gret honowre," in order to "worschepe hys God with alle hys mygth." We are
also told, when dealing with the points to be observed by Masons:
whose wol conne thys craft and com to astate,
most love wel God, and holy churche algate.
second document of importance is the Cooke MS., a document of a somewhat later
date, but supposed by many Masonic students to be a copy of a MS. even older
than the Regius Poem. The Cooke MS. commences thus:
Thonkyd be god our glorious ffadir and founder and former of heuen and of
erthe, and of alle thyngis that in hym is that he wolde fochesaue of his
glorious god hed for to make so mony thyngis of diuers vertu for mankynd.
at line 835, where the points to be observed by Masons are set out, all Masons
are exhorted to love "god and holy chyrche & alle halowis."
Throughout these two MSS. there are clear indications that it was the duty of
every Mason to worship God in accordance with the doctrine of the then
established church: and it would be difficult to imagine any deviation from
this rule when we remember that these were the Craftsmen to whom we are
indebted for those wonderful sacred edifices--those poems in stone -which
still are the glory and veneration of the whole world.
next documents in chronological order are those Masonic title deeds known to
the brethren of today as the MS. Constitutions, or Old Charges. There are now
about 100 texts in existence, all of them slightly varying, but nevertheless
so similar as unquestionably to point to a derivation from one common
original. These MSS., except when following the opening sentence of the Cooke
MS., invariably commence with an invocation, or prayer, addressed to the
Trinity. One of the earliest dated copies of the Old Charges is the Grand
Lodge, No. 1, MS., of 25th December, 1583. In it the Invocation runs as
Mighte of the ffather of Heaven and the wysedome of the glorious soonne
through the grace & the goodnes of the holly ghoste yt been three psons & one
god be wth vs at or beginning And give vs grace so to gou'ne vs here in or
lyving that wee maye come to his blisse that neu' shall have ending. Amen.
this Invocation originally was, or in the 17th century became, the opening
Prayer of the Lodge is supported by the evidence of the Buchanan MS. (1660
1680), and the Atcheson-Haven MS. (1666), in both of which the Invocation
commences "O Lord God, Father of Heaven." The Aberdeen MS. (1670) goes even
further, and this Invocation to the Trinity is expressly termed "A Prayer
befor the Meeting." In the Freemasons' Pocket Companion, published by J.Scott,
in 1754, this Invocation is given as "A Prayer to be used of Christian Masons
at the empointing of a Brother: Used in the Reign of Edward IV." We may thus
feel assured that the Speculative Mason of the 18th century had no doubt as to
the character of the opening sentence of the Old Charges, and the use to which
it was put at the making of their Operative Ancestors.
setting out the Legendary History of the Craft of Masonry in some detail the
Old Charges recited certain Articles and Points, or Charges, which were
binding upon all Masons; and also some further Clauses which were binding on
the Masters and Fellows. In the very forefront of these charges came a Charge
concerning belief in God as a requisite for all Masons. This Clause, as given
in the Grand Lodge, No. 1, MS., is as follows:
fyrst Chardge ys this That ye shall bee trewe men to god and holly Churche and
you vse no Errour nor heresye by yor vndrstanding or discreacon but be yee
discreet men or wyse men in eache thing.
Clause, with but trifling alterations, appears in all the copies of the Old
Charges. It would, with the other Articles and Points, invariably be read to
all who were made Masons; after which an Oath to observe the Articles, etc.,
would be administered.
throughout the Middle Ages, there were in most towns of England and Scotland
Gilds of Masons, and many of their Ordinances have been preserved. From these
Rules and Regulations it is clear that the Mason was no Atheist but was
required to profess the religion of the Established Church. For instance, in
the Regulations for the Masons Company of the City of London, passed in 1481,
attendance at Church to hear Mass was compulsory on certain Feast Days. Nor,
with regard to this Company, must we forget that their Motto was "God is our
Guide." Although disused for some centuries the substituted one--"In the Lord
is all our Trust"--does not suggest any departure from the Masons' standard of
was the condition of affairs when the Grand Lodge of England was brought into
being, in London, in 1717. For how iong after this date the Christian Faith
was requisite we cannot with certainty state. In 1722 the Roberts Print of the
Old Charges was published, with its Invocation to the Trinity, and its clause
concerning belief in God. It was not, however, an authorized production, under
the aegis of the Grand Lodge of England. Concurrently with the issue of this
work Dr. James Anderson was completing the first Edition of the Book of
Constitutions, and the Grand Lodge was widening its portals by dropping the
definite and distinctive Christian character of the Craft.
Book of Constitutions was published in February, 1723, and in it, amongst
other things, Anderson inserted "The Charges of a Free-Mason, extracted from
the ancient Records of Lodges." The first is headed "Concerning God and
Religion," and reads as follows:
Mason is oblig'd, by hiS Tenure, to obey the moral Law and if he rightly
understands the Art, he will never be a stupid Atheist, nor an irreligious
Libertine. But though in ancient Times Masons were charg'd in every Country to
be of the Religion of that Country or Nation, whatever it was, yet 'tis now
thought more expedient only to oblige them to that Religion in which all Men
agree, leaving their particular Opinions to themselves; that is, to be good
Men and true, or Men of Honour and Honesty, by whatever Denomination or
Persuasion they may be distinguish'd; whereby Masonry becomes the Center of
Union, and the Means of conciliating true Friendship among Persons that must
have remain'd at a perpetual Distance.
Charge might certainly have been worded more clearly, and has led some people
to believe that even a belief in God had ceased to be obligatory. But it
should be recollected that the Charge was probably drawn up by Anderson, a
Scottish Presbyterian Minister, and was approved by, amongst others, the Rev.
J.T. Desaguliers, a French Protestant Divine. It is inconceivable that either
of these Clergymen would have acquiesced in the removal of that Landmark-the
belief in God--from the Constitutions of the Craft; but we must remember that
both of them would desire to emphasize that the Craft was open to others than
those whose religion was that of the Established Church of England. Anderson's
accuracy in transcription has been found at fault on several occasions, and
his wording of this Charge need not be construed with minute exactness. A
careful perusal of contemporary evidence will aid in its true construction,
and negative the assumption of atheistic principles. The correct
interpretation seems to be that the phrase "Irreligious Libertine" was
intended to designate the Freethinker of the present day; and that Anderson,
in framing the clause, wanted to make it as wide as possible without including
the man with no belief in God. It was not to admit the Atheist, but to enable
brethren with different religious opinions to meet together in amity.
In the
Second Edition of the Book of Constitutions Anderson alters the wording of the
first Charge, and gives it in the following words:
Mason is oblig'd by his Tenure to observe the Moral Law, as a true Noachilla;
and if he rightly understands the Craft, he will never be a Stupid Atheist,
nor an Irreligious Libertin, nor act against Conscience. In antient Times the
Christian Masons were charged to comply with the Christian Usages of each
Country where they travell'd or work'd: But Masonry being found in all
Nations, even of divers Religions, they are now only charged to adhere to that
Religion in which all Men agree (leaving each Brother to his own particular
Opinions) that is, to be Good Men and True, Men of Honour and Honesty, by
whatever Names, Religions or Persuasions they may be distinguish'd: For they
all agree in the 3 great Articles of Noah, enough to preserve the Cement of
the Lodge.
In the
Third Edition of the Book of Constitutions, published in 1756, a return was
made to the wording in the First Edition, irrespective of its precise meaning;
but the so-called Exposures of that period show that a belief in God was
requisite. The wording remained thus until after the Union of the premier
Grand Lodge and the Grand Lodge of the Antients in 1813.
If we
turn to the Grand Lodge of the Antients we find that the First Edition of
Ahiman Rezon was published in 1756. The Old Charges are given, and the first
one "Concerning God and Religion" follows the wording in Anderson's Second
Edition of the Book of Constitutions. But earlier, when dealing with the
principles of the Craft, Laurence Dermott has no doubt as to the meaning of
this First Charge, and states:
Mason is obliged by his Tenure to believe firmly in the true Worship of the
eternal God, as well as in all those sacred Records which the Dignitaries and
Fathers of the Church have compiled and published for the Use of all good Men:
So that no one who rightly understands the Art, can possibly tread in the
irreligious Paths of the unhappy Libertine, or be induced to follow the
arrogant Professors of Atheism or Deism; neither is he to be stained with the
gross Errors of blind Superstition, but may have the Liberty of embracing what
Faith he shall think proper, provided at all Times he pays a due Reverence to
his Creator, and by the World deals with Honour and Honesty ever making that
golden Precept the Standard-Rule of his Actions, which engages, To do unto all
Man as he would they should do unto him: For the Craft, instead of entering
into idle and unnecessary Disputes concerning the Different Opinions and
Persuasions of Men, admits into the Fraternity all that are good and true.
when dealing with the duties of a Mason, Laurence Dermott states:
At his
leisure Hours he is required to study the Arts and Sciences with a diligent
Mind, that he may not only perform his Duty to his Great Creator, but also to
his Neighbour and himself: For to walk humbly in the Sight of God, to do
Justice, and love Mercy, are the certain Characteristics of a Real Free and
Accepted Ancient Mason.
the Union of 1813 came an amalgamation of the Constitutions of the two Grand
Bodies thus united. An Edition of the Book of Constitutions was published in
1815, and the wording of the first Charge, "Concerning God and Religion,"
assumed its present form, as follows:
Mason is obliged, by his tenure, to obey the moral law; and if he rightly
understand the art he will never be a stupid atheist nor an irreligious
libertine. He, of all men, should best understand that GOD seeth not as man
seeth; for man looketh at the outward appearance, but GOD looketh to the
heart. A Mason is, therefore, particularly bound never to act against the
dictates of his conscience. Let a man's religion or mode of worship be what it
may, he is not excluded from the order provided he believe in the glorious
architect of heaven and earth, and practise the sacred duties of morality.
Turning to the Grand Lodge of Ireland for a moment we know that John Pennell
published The Constitutions of the Free-Masons in Dublin, in 1730. He copied
very extensively from Anderson's earlier work, including the Charges. There
is, however, a paragraph by Pennell, which is very illuminating. He says:
all Free Masons so behave themselves, as to be accepted of God, the Grand
Architect of the Universe, and continue to be, as they have ever been, the
Wonder of the World: And let the Cement of the Brotherhood be so well
preserved that the whole Body may remain as a well-built Arch.
It is
also in Pennell's Constitutions that we have the earliest dated Prayer, other
than the Invocation to the Trinity which commenced the Old Charges. This
Prayer is entitled "A Prayer to be said at the opening of a Lodge, or making
of a Brother," and runs thus:
Holy and Glorious Lord God, thou great Architect of Heaven and Earth, who art
the Giver of all good Gifts and Graces; and hast promis'd that where two or
three are gathered together in thy Name thou wilt be in the Midst of them; in
thy Name we assembie and meet together, most humbly beseeching thee to bless
us in all our Undertakings, to give us thy Holy Spirit, to enlighten our Minds
with Wisdom and Understanding, that we may know and serve thee aright, that
all our Doings may tend to thy Glory, and the Salvation of our Souls.
And we
beseech thee, O LORD GOD, to bless this our present Undertaking, and grant
that this, our new Brother, may dedicate his Life to thy Service, and be a
true and faithful Brother among us. Endue him with Divine Wisdom, that he may,
with the Secrets of Masonry, be able to unfold the Mysteries of Godliness and
we humbly beg in the Name and for the sake of JESUS CHRIST our LORD and
is a marginal note, that the second paragraph was "To be added when any man is
made." This Prayer subsequently appeared in Scott's Pocket Companion for
Freemasons of 1754.
Contemporary with the Prayer just quoted there are three others to be found in
the Rawlinson MSS., at the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Two of these are in
script, and one in type print. These Prayers possess much similarity, and
probably point to a common origin. The Printed Prayer commences thus:
O Most
Glorious and Eternal God, who art the Chief Architect of the Created Universe!
Grant unto us, thy Servants, who have already enter'd our selves into this
most noble, antient, and honourable Fraternity, that we may be solid and
thoughtful, and always have a Remembrance of those sacred and holy things we
have taken on us, and endeavour to inform and instruct each other in Secrecy;
and that this Person, who is now about to be made a Mason, may be a worthy
Member; and may all of us live as Men, considering the great End for which thy
goodness has created us; Etc.
Prayers of a somewhat later date are also preserved: they all refer to the
Grand Architect of the Universe, and leave no doubt that throughout the whole
period a belief in God was a prerequisite to entrance into Freemasonry.
Somewhat analogous to the Prayers -as being Ritualistic in character -the
following Charge may be cited. It was printed by William Smith in his
Freemasons' Pocket Companion, published both in Dublin and London, in 1735,
and is headed "A Short Charge to be given to new admitted Brethren." In it the
following occurs:
World's great Architect is our Supreme Master, and the unerring Rule, he has
given us, is that by which we work. Religious Disputes are never suffered in
the Lodge; for as Masons, we only pursue the universal Religion or the
Religion of Nature. This is the Cement which unites Men of the most different
Principles in one sacred Band, and brings together those which were the most
distant from one another. There are three general Heads of Duty which Masons
ought always to inculcate, viz., to God, our Neighbours, and ourselves. To
God, in never mentioning his Name but with that Reverential Awe which becomes
a Creature to bear to his Creator, and to look upon him always as the Summum
Bonum which we came into the World to enjoy; and according to that view to
regulate all our Pursuits.
Let us
now direct our attention to a further class of evidence, and see what
individual brethren have to say concerning this fundamental belief in God.
Francis Drake, in a speech to the Grand Lodge of all England, held at York on
the 27th December, 1726, in concluding, states:
Let us
so behave ourselves here and elsewhere, that the distinguishing
Characteristicks of the whole Brotherhood may be to be called good Christians,
Loyal Subjects, True Britons, as well as Free Masons.
Another early Freemason, Edward Oakley, in a Speech to the Lodge at The
Carpenters Arms, Silver street, Golden Square, London, on the 31st December,
1728, said:
therefore, according to my Duty, forwarn you to admit or even to recommend to
be initiated Masons, such as are Wine-Bibbers or Drunkards, witty Punsters on
sacred Religion or Politicks, Tale-Bearers, Bablers, or Lyars, litigious,
quarrelsome, irreligious, or prophane Persons, lew'd Songsters, Persons
illitterate and of mean Capacities; and especially beware of such who desire
Admittance with a selfish View of gain to themselves; all which Principles and
Practices tend to the Destruction of Morality, a Burden to Civil Government,
notoriously scandalous, and entirely repugnant to the Sacred Order and
Constitutions of Free and Accepted Masons.
on in his Speech, when dealing with false brethren, Bro. Oakley remarks that
having the Fear of God before their Eyes, value no sacred Obligations, turn
Rebels, and endeavour to defame the Craft.
brethren have set out in unmistakable language their ideas as to the Character
of the Craft and its vital tenets.
still remains another class of evidence of varying value. I allude to certain
early MSS., and the many so-called exposures, which have been written and
published during the first half of the 18th century and even later. Some of
these undoubtedly indicate Masonic customs with more or less truth. In the
examination known as the Sloane MS. the following occurs:
From whom do you derive your principall? A. From a greatr than you. Q. Who is
that on earth that is greatr than a Freemason? A. He yt was caryed to the
highest pinnicall of the Temple of Jerusalem.
In the
same examination, a little further on, we have:
Q. How
stood your Lodge? A. East and west as all holy Temples stand.
yet again there is this Question and Answer:
What were you sworne by ? A. By god and the square.
in chronological order comes A Mason's Examination, which first appeared in
print in. 1723. In the course of this examination the following sentence
one of the Wardens will say--God's greeting be at this Meeting.
Shortly after this last named Exposure appeared The Grand Mystery of the Free
Masons Discovered was published. In it we have the following:
Q. How
many make a Lodge? A. God and the Square, with Five or Seven right and perfect
Masons, on the highest Mountains, or the lowest Valleys in the World.
little later comes the following:
Q. How
many Lights? A. Three; a Right East, South, and West. Q. What do they
represent? A. The Three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
At the
close comes "The Free Masons' Oath," which runs thus:
must serve God according to the best of your Knowledge and Institution, and be
a true Liege Man to the King, and he'p and assist any Brother as far as your
Ability will allow; By the contents of the Sacred Writ you will perform this
Oath. So help you God.
is also reference to God's greeting, and the position of holy temples, to
which reference has already been made.
1730, two further so-called exposures made their appearance. The later one
-Masonry Dissected, by Samuel Prichard -contains much that is germane to our
inquiry. In the Entered Prentice's Part, when dealing with the Furniture of
the Lodge, the following questions are asked and answered:
What is the other Furniture of a Lodge? A. A Bible, Compass and Square. Q. Who
do they properly belong to? A. A Bible to God, Compass to the Master, and
Square to the Fellow Craft.
in the Fellow-Craft's Degree, referring to the letter G, the under-mentioned
questions and answers are given:
What did that G denote7 A. One that's greater than you. Q. Who's greater than
I, that am a Free and Accepted Mason, the Master of a Lodge? A. The Grand
Architect and Contriver of the Universe, or he that was taken up to the Top of
the Pinnacle of the Holy Temple.
in the same Degree, reference is made to "God's good Greeting be to this our
happy Meeting." Lastly, in the Master's Degree, there is the following:
Q. How
came you to be passed Master? A. By the help of God, the Square, and my own
many of the subsequent so-called Exposures we have still further proof of the
necessity of a belief in God in every Mason. Thus we find, that the Lodge is
opened "in the name of God"; the brethren pray "O Lord God, thou great and
Universal Mason of the world, and first builder of man, as it were a temple";
the Initiate is required to put his trust "in God"; and the Bible is explained
as one of the three great lights in Masonry "to rule and govern our faith."
These references are by no means exhaustive, but they will suffice clearly to
demonstrate that a Belief in God was recognized as a Masonic essential.
conclusion, I think it may safely be affirmed that, although there was
undoubtedly some ambiguity in the wording of the Charge "concerning God and
Religion" in the First Edition of Anderson's Constitutions, yet the mass of
contemporary evidence available indicates an adherence at all times, by the
Craft in the British Isles and elsewhere, to a Belief in God as one of its
inflexible, unquestionable and unalterable tenets. The redrafting of this
Charge in the Constitutions of 1815 removed such ambiguity as may then have
existed, and a faithful belief in God was once more clearly shown to be a
fundamental, or Landmark, in English Craft Masonry. May it ever so continue.
the Limit
theme of this article has been studied by Masonic writers from divers points
of view; none of them, however, have arrived at definite conclusions that
might guide our brothers to correctly discriminate the enormous, mass of
contradictory opinions, ideas and interpretations that are prevalent in
Masonic writings. The fear of hurting the religious feelings of most of our
Anglo-Saxon brothers; the ideological chaos that exists in Masonry that has
rendered it almost impossible to know what is what in Masonry; the lack of
adequate scientific training of some writers who, it seems, believe that
Masonry is a subject that can be treated calamo currente, and finally too much
living in the dead past, have prevented the clarification of various questions
that daily arise in the minds of Masons who earnestly endeavor to penetrate
into the secrets of Freemasonry.
misunderstanding and confusion have reached such proportions like these: a
great majority of Anglo-Saxon Masons firmly believe that Freemasonry is a
religion; others maintain that Freemasonry is a splendid preparation for
religion, and others, the indifferents, think that religion blends perfectly
well with the principles of Freemasonry, while our Latin brothers believe that
Freemasonry is purposely and specifically directed against religion. Dangerous
extremes that go beyond the limit of the jurisdiction of Freemasonry.
A free
mind, not constrained by fear, prejudices or any other consideration, is
necessary to study Masonry because it is founded on scientific principles and
it is not, as it is generally believed, merely a literary subject. I believe
that I possess such a mind, and I feel that I can think and write freely under
my own inspiration, using clarity and precision of expression to the best of
my ability, without sugar-coated words that are entirely out of place in the
process of ratiocination.
Freemasonry has no point of contact with religion, politics and racial
prejudices; had not the Old Charges, Landmarks and Masonic Constitutions said
anything about these limitations of Masonic activities, they would
nevertheless be natural limitations, considering the peculiar characteristic
of Freemasonry of being an all-inclusive institution within which all men can
get together without friction, no matter what their beliefs, opinions and
ideas may be, and no matter to what race they may belong. If this assumption
of inclusiveness and universality is generally accepted by all Masons as
something fundamental of Freemasonry, as I believe it is, then it is a logical
consequence to keep Freemasonry from any contact with those matters that
divide men into groups of enemies. Religion, politics and racial prejudices
are the three most efficient agents for promoting discord, bitterness and
unhappiness in mankind. Just try to contradict your best and closest friend on
any of those subjects and instantly he will take the shape and appearance of
an enraged gorilla.
Notwithstanding any interpretation that might be given to the Old Charges,
Landmarks and Masonic Constitutions in reference to religion, politics and
racial prejudices, these emotional negative aspects of human life have no
place within the great constructive conception of Freemasonry. They are
emotional negative attitudes in relation to Universal Brotherhood; they
constitute our inheritance from our primitive ancestors and they are a serious
obstacle to the progress of mankind.
does not make any difference what is your conception of the brotherhood of
man; it may be a Utopian conception or just a dream; it may be so only in our
historic moment, or it may be a reality now or in the future; the point of
view of the observer does not matter in the least. The important thing is the
inner knowledge that Universal Brotherhood, be it considered just as a Masonic
dream or as a Masonic idea without contact with reality, is an ally of
progress because, being as it is, a cardinal emotion that attracts and builds
up, it is a process of elevation and of harmony and through this process
humanity evolved from the cave man. As religion, politics and racial
prejudices, three capital enemies of the unity of mankind, are opposed to the
cardinal emotion of brotherhood of man, hence the necessity of placing
religion, politics and the race beyond the limit of Freemasonry.
intolerant maxim, "He who is not with me is against me," is exactly applicable
to religion as well as to politics and racial matters; it is a satanic
anti-social maxim that engenders hatred and, therefore, it is contrary to
brotherhood of man. It is not possible to uproot by a stroke of force
religion, politics and racial prejudices from the soul and the mentality of
mankind; should Freemasonry engage in this task it would mean war on humanity
at large and the end of brotherhood of man. You cannot change the mental
attitude of man, nor wipe out of his subconscious mind by violence, the stored
impressions and superstitions of past experiences; on the contrary, you
vigorize them in proportion to the intensity of the violence. For these
reasons Freemasonry must be absolutely neutral on these matters; it does not
either attack or defend the crumbling institutions of religion, politics and
the race; it only attacks in self-defense by virtue of the law of
self-preservation, when its fundamental principles are violated by any man,
group of men or institution of any kind, and even in this case, it does not go
beyond the limit, it does not invade prohibited ground; it stands within its
own boundaries. The emotions capable of producing tremendous conflicts and
horrible massacres like those produced by religion, politics and racial
prejudices, have not, cannot, nor ought to have any point of contact with the
soul of Freemasonry, which essentially is a force of attraction and union.
When we succeed in uprooting from the subconscious mind the roots of religion,
which are ignorance and fear, and the soul be free by the light of knowledge,
transforming into a science what is still today an emotion of primitive man;
when politics is no longer the instrument of oppression to satisfy personal
ambitions and is transformed into the science of government; when the racial
prejudices be blotted out from the conscience by means of brotherhood of man;
when these three capital enemies be controlled and transformed by science into
allies of progress, then, and only then, Freemasonry will extend its
jurisdiction beyond the actual limit.
Science has never divided men into antagonistic groups for mutual destruction;
science is the only means to conquer liberty; science is the liberation from
ignorance, from prejudice, from the past, from fear. Science, united with the
virtue of fraternal sentiment, Scientia et virtus, is the instrument of
Freemasonry for the accomplishment of universal brotherhood of man; Utopia,
dream or reality, Freemasonry lives only for this ideal; it is its life and
its object and it shall continue to live powerful and fruitful only for the
brotherhood of man. "Man standing by man, never man against man" is the motto
of Freemasonry that elevates it to a higher plane than those of religion,
politics and the race. Religion, politics and racial questions have plunged
humanity into a fratricidal war since fear, engendered by ignorance, grasped
the soul of man. You cannot dissipate ignorance by violence, therefore you
cannot liberate man from fear by violence; the only means is knowledge, and
knowledge cannot be acquired without the assistance of science, and science
cannot help humanity without virtue. This is the great constructive task of
should be recognized by all means that it is an organic necessity of
Freemasonry to safeguard this ideal of brotherhood of man in its purity and
integrity, therefore, it is imperative to completely and absolutely separate
the Masonic field from those of religion, politics and racial prejudices.
I say
emphatically organic necessity, because I intend to convey the idea that
brotherhood is the medulla of Freemasonry, therefore, Freemasonry can never
perform any functions contrary to its very existence, and if it does, it
commits suicide, its medulla becomes dead matter.
does not matter what was the efficient cause of Masonry; it does not make any
difference what is the Masonic tradition from 1717 up to these very days; it
does not matter what is the historic interpretation of Masonic evolution; it
has no bearing in the case whether or not Masonry was religious in certain
stages of its evolution; at all events, it seems quite evident that it is not
possible to use now the criterion of 1717 to appraise the values of ideas and
things of 1927, nor is it possible to trace through the Masonic tradition what
is the essential element, the true spirit of Freemasonry. We have created,
developed and sublimated the sentiment of brotherhood and we have arrived at
the corresponding mental conception by evolution; the sentiment and the
conception of brotherhood today are not the sentiment and the conception of
1717; we find ourselves at an enormous distance from the starting point in
that which relates to this sentiment and this conception; in other words,
there is no relation whatsoever between the efficient cause and the
teleological one, so that it is not necessary to know the efficient cause in
order to determine the nature and the modus operandi of the teleological
cause. Freemasonry knows now with scientific knowledge that which it did not
know in 1717, that, by means of psychology, it has the power to develop within
man the germ of brotherhood to the point of blossoming and fructification, and
it even has the power to sow the seed to cause it to germinate in case man
does not carry it within. Through this knowledge, Freemasonry has directed its
life toward universal confraternity as the object of its existence.
Freemasonry is primarily interested in man individually as a spiritual unit to
make him free in order to live the true life; secondly, it is interested in
man as a social unit, to teach him how to live without conflicts within the
social conglomeration of human beings. Freemasonry is not interested in man as
a cosmic unit in his relations to Divinity, therefore, it does not intend to
teach him the nature of Deity, nor the laws governing cosmic relationship. It
is quite comprehensible why, in 1717, Masonry was interested in the cosmic tie
that, it was supposed, united man to Divinity, for it was life in the eternal
Orient that absorbed the whole interest of man, consequently, it was
considered important and fundamental that a Mason should believe in the unique
living anthropomorphic God that dwelled in the consciousness of man in those
nefarious epochs; but it is inconceivable that in 1927, when the dynamic of
liberty has transformed primitive Masonry into Freemasonry, Freemasonry should
breath the spirit of religious intolerance that characterized the Middle Ages,
endeavoring to impose upon its adepts the belief in a personal God that nobody
has been able to define and the adoration of a book that a great many,
especially the Latin brothers, do not know even by its binding.
"Great Architect of the Universe" is a scientific formula discovered by a
profound thinker as a conciliatory means of transition from the personal god
of the dark ages to the various gods formed by the fear and the imagination of
man; it is not a religious formula, it is strictly a scientific postulate of a
philosophy that comprehends all and every conceivable forms of god that
mankind can possibly imagine, thus enabling man to meet his brother on the
level under a universal formula of brotherhood.
is no religious element in Freemasonry; there might have been some in
primitive Masonry. (In making this emphatic statement I am perfectly aware of
the protests and disapproval of my brethren, e pur si muove. When a Mason or
group of Masons introduce this element in Masonic matters, liberty disappears,
harmony ceases, passional disputes arise and the sect surges with all the
characteristic of intolerance and ferocity of the primitive man. Precisely, in
order to avoid the cruel reminiscences of the savage man, the formula of the
"Great Architect of the Universe," which by itself defines nothing and
explains nothing, thus leaving everybody free to find out the incognita, was
wisely created.
It is
true that the formula, "Great Architect of the Universe," seems to strongly
appeal to the soul of men that suffer from the "fear of God complex" (timor
Dei complexus); but it is equally true that the same formula appeals to the
liberal mind of the free thinker as an expression of a broadminded philosophy
that includes every possible conception of God; therefore, there is no
compulsory meaning attached to the formula, on the contrary, it means absolute
freedom of conscience in regard to the conception of Deity, be it religious,
philosophical, purely scientific or otherwise.
know that this broadmindedness of criterion is not acceptable to religious men
who profess to be Freemasons; but we also know that broadmindedness and
Freemasonry are synonymous, consequently, the man that cannot detach himself
from the religious complex in regard to Masonic matters cannot be a Freemason;
he may be a Mason of 1717, but never a Freemason. A true Freemason looks
toward universal brotherhood unprejudiced and unhandicapped by the narrowness
of the religious complex, no matter what it costs; to the Freemason no price
is too high, even the sacrifice of life, to crystallize into a reality the
highest ideal that a man can cherish in his heart, "Man standing by man, never
man against man."
As an
illustration of the consequences of the religious mental attitude applied to
Masonic matters, I refer the reader to the articles, "The Basis of Masonic
Unity," published by THE BUILDER June, 1924, and "Why the Grand Lodge of New
York withdrew from the Masonic International Association," March, 1925.
conclusion: Freemasonry is not a church, nor a political club, nor an
organization for promoting racial hatred, nor something relating to or
representing "VIOLENCE." Freemasonry is an institution where man tastes the
flavor of liberty and once tasted he becomes a unit of the "Universal Society
of Freemasons," notwithstanding any religious, political and racial
prejudices. Free-masons means "free from the slavery of all kinds of
prejudices, religious, political, racial or otherwise."
It has
been found necessary and expedient for the preservation and good government of
the Masonic family, in all countries where Masonry has existed, to form a
Constitution and to frame laws and regulations, for the promotion of peace and
harmony among the Fraternity to bind the several members, whether as
individuals or lodges, in one bond of fellowship and to produce a
concentration of all their exertions in one general endeavor to spread the
divine principles of Masonry throughout their own native country, and
throughout the world; for Masonic charity and benevolence are not confined
within the narrow boundaries that limit Nations, Kingdoms or states, but
rejoices in that universal philanthropy, which, spreading its broad pinions,
soars over and around the terrestial globe, and: with a confiding eye, looks
up to the celestial abodes for the consummation of all its hopes--the
happiness of fellow-man. --Freemason's Magazine, December, 1841.
Labyrinth and Its Legend
IN the
Study Club article for July last year, a passing reference was made to mazes
and labyrinths; since then we have received photographs of a very interesting
labyrinth figure discovered at the Casa Grande National Monument in Arizona.
For this (as for the photograph of the supposed "square and compass" ornament
discussed in THE BUILDER two months ago) we are indebted to the kindness of
Bro. Frank Pinckley, the Superintendent of Monuments in the Southwest, and
Bro. George L. Boundey, Assistant Custodian, who actually took the
photographs. Bro. Boundey, too, was the discoverer of the shell ornament, a
fact that we inadvertently omitted to mention in the July number.
Pinckley informs us that this engraving is "on the north wall of the center
room in the Casa Grande or Great House." The groove below it shows "that the
design is a foot or more above the line of a floor which was destroyed some
five hundred years or more ago." The suggestion of date is important in
considering the origin of the figure. Bro. Pinckley has not given any of the
evidence by which the age of the design is to be judged, but if it be anything
like as old as the building, then it was there before the discovery of America
by Columbus.
third photograph was of a basket pattern showing a conventionalized form of
the maze with straight spoke-like divisions but which nevertheless reproduces
all the turns and meanders of the older design. This is also important by
reason of the insertion of the human figure apparently approaching the
entrance; which seems to imply some traditional memory of labyrinths large
enough to be used. This basket pattern is also curiously reminiscent of a
spider web, and if we may accept; the theory of compounding or amalgamating
symbols advanced by the late eminent scholar, statesman and Freemason, Count
Goblet d'Alviella of Belgium, there may be here a mingling of two things. The
spider is a very important personage in the creation myths of the Southwest,
and is represented as leading the first tribe of men from a dark underworld
upto the light of day. This again may not be without significance.
people have at least heard of the Labyrinth of Crete and the Minotaur, and of
Theseus the great hero of Athens, but in these days when the classics are
little read it may be well to briefly relate the salient points of the story,
or rather of the stories, for there are several. The first deals entirely with
Crete, and King Minos, Queen Pasiphae and Daedalus, the great and cunning
artificer. The latter, by the way, in one story is said to have killed his
nephew and apprentice because he was jealous of his having invented the
compass. The late version of the tale relates that Pasiphae was enamoured of a
magnificent white bull that was the pride of the king's herds. Through the
device of Daedalus she had a child that was half man and half bull. This
monster (very naturally) so upset the king that he had Daedalus construct the
Labyrinth in which it was shut up, and in order to feed it the city of Athens
had to send every year a number of youths and maidens who were one by one sent
into the Labyrinth, where after wandering round the Minotaur finally found
them and killed and ate them. Which is all, in spite of its classical dress, a
peculiarly savage tale. The Greeks themselves, however, knew that Pasiphae was
the moon and the white bull the sun, but as to this more will be said later.
Let us turn to the story of Theseus. He was the son of Aegeus, King of Athens,
but was born at Troezen, the home of his mother Aethra. Just as in the case of
some other heroes his father left his sword to be given to his unborn son.
When he had grown to be a youth his mother sent him to Athens, and on the way
he had a number of adventures, killing a number of unpleasant people,
Periphetes the Clubman, Sinis the Pine Bender, Sciron, who liked to kick
people over the cliffs, and Procrustes of the famous bed. When he got to
Athens some masons repairing the temple of Apollo laughed at his effeminate
appearance, as he is said to have had long hair and a robe reaching to his
feet. They asked why such a pretty girl was allowed out alone. Theseus was
angry and as the masons were out of reach, took the bullocks out of their cart
and flung them over the temple roof. Here we have another curious allusion to
bulls. Aegeus recognized his son by the sword, though his wife Medea in
jealousy tried to have her step-son poisoned. Theseus' next adventure was to
capture the fire-breathing bull of Marathon, which also killed people. This he
brought to Athens and sacrificed to Apollo.
the time came to send the next shipload of youths and maidens to Crete,
Theseus insisted on going with them. Arrived at their destination Ariadne, the
daughter of Minos, promptly fell in love with him (Ariadne is supposed to be
the personification of Spring). She gave him a clue, or ball of thread that
she had spun and also a sword. By fastening one end of the thread at the
entrance he was able to find his way out again, after he had found the center,
where he apparently dispatched the Minotaur with ease. The monster being dead,
Theseus and the other young people, with Ariadne, started back for Athens. At
the Island of Naxos, Ariadne was deserted while asleep. Dionysus found her
there later and married her. Meanwhile the ungrateful Theseus sailed on to
Delos, where they all landed again and "danced the crane dance" which is
explicitly said to have represented the turnings and windings of the
Labyrinth. Then they set sail for Athens, and with the characteristic
inconsequence of heroes Theseus forgot all about a signal arranged with his
father. Plutarch tells the story thus:
their course brought them near to Attica both Theseus and the pilot were so
overjoyed that they forgot to hoist the [white] sail which was to be the
signal to Aegeus of their safe return [the sacrificial ship carried black
sails], and he despairing of it threw himself from the rock and was killed.
But Theseus, on landing, himself performed the sacrifices he had vowed to the
gods at Phaleron when he set sail, and meantime dispatched a messenger to the
city with news of his safe return. The messenger met with many who were
lamenting the death of the king [Aegeus] and others who rejoiced as was meet
and were ready to receive him with kindness and to crown him on his safe
return. He received the crowns [garlands or wreaths] and wound them round his
caduceus [herald's staff] and coming back to the shore, as Theseus had not yet
finished his libations he stopped outside, being unwilling to disturb the
sacrifice. When the libations were accomplished he announced the end of Aegeus,
and they with weeping and lamentation hastened up to the city.
the details of this story were regarded as important by Plutarch (and probably
long before his time, too), because they were supposed to account for the
origin of the ritual of the Oschophoria, the harvest festival of Athens. Among
other things the mingling of rejoicing and lamentation. Lamentation for the
old king or hero, dead, rejoicing for the young one safely arrived.
Theseus is a hero of the same type as Hercules, and Rustam in Persia, and some
others, who pass through a series of adventures which seem to be the basis of
ritual, but are more likely based on ritual. If not connected with initiatory
rites they are closely parallel to legends that were, and possibly they all
spring from the same origin.
must be remembered that the story of the Minotaur and the Labyrinth as it has
come down to us is not a primitive version, it is late and thoroughly edited.
That is, it is apparently composed of various legends from different
localities put together in a more or less connected and coherent whole, though
the duplications betray the process. First may be remarked the number of times
a bull comes into the tale. There are the bullocks thrown over the temple.
They were yoked to a cart--and the temple belonged to Apollo, who in
Plutarch's time was equated with the sun god. In several creation myths the
sun is said to have been thrown into the sky, and the sun was also regarded as
a wheel, which makes a connection with the wagon or chariot. Then there is the
Bull of Marathon, a beast that snorted flame and fire, and is sacrificed to
Apollo. And finally the great bull of Minos (1), which equated with the sun is
naturally the consort of the horned moon, Pasiphae. While their supposed
monstrous offspring the bull-headed Minotaur seems to be a hypostasis of the
chief character in a ritual dance, who was disguised in a bull-headed mask and
perhaps a bull-hide for cloak. That a ritual dance there was is revealed by
Plutarch himself, who distinctly implies its existence at Delos, and that it
was in some way like or connected with the Labyrinth tale. Besides this we are
definitely told elsewhere that after Theseus had slain the monster Daedalus
made a dancing ground for Ariadne, and showed the young people who had come
from Athens in the sacred Ship how to dance, "crowned with flowers," and that
this dance also represented the turns and windings of the Labyrinth (2).
We do
not have very much primitive Cretan evidence on the subject. It is taken for
granted by most writers that the origin must be found in the early Cretan
civilization, sometimes called Minoan, which preceded that of the Greeks and
was contemporaneous with early Egyptian dynasties. This does not necessarily
follow. The Greeks or Hellenes were immigrants from the north, and they might
have brought the Labyrinth myth and rnaze dances with them, and later
localized them in Crete. The fact that the maze (as we shall see) seems to
have been indigenous in the north would be in favor of this. On the other hand
the bull evidently played a great part in Minoan cult and ritual, and, so we
may judge, in their myths also. And in their wall paintings the meander or key
pattern, sometimes also called Greek fret, is common, some varieties being
based on the Swastika. The two were closely connected.
Mr. A.
B. Cook in his great work Zeus, says that about 600 B. C. the swastika was
taken to represent the Labyrinth. But there is also no doubt that in the
Mediterranean countries of about the same age it also represented the sun,
whatever it may have meant elsewhere. This simple swastika was elaborated
alony, two lines, one towards patterns of the meander type, and the other into
a formal Labyrinth consisting of a single involved path leading to the center.
It will be noticed that in this typical form of Labyrinth the basic lines form
a swastika-like figure, which though not regular is yet sometimes found as a
variant form of this symbol, while many forms of the key pattern are obviously
based on the repeated swastika. The form of the swastika is frequently
elaborated as in Fig. 4, which is held specially sacred by the Buddhists (3)
is a long series of coins struck in the Island of Crete through the late Greek
period and the Roman Empire which show the Labyrinth in its typical form as an
important part of the design, in many cases filling the whole space. In Fig. 5
five of these are illustrated. The three at the top shows the development of
the swastika into a key pattern enclosing a square. In one of them a star (or
possibly the sun) is placed, and in another a crescent moon. This square
center tended to get larger and the arms of the cross to get smaller until at
last it became merely a square surrounded by a meander border. In the space
might appear the head of a deity, or the head or skull of a bull, or other
other line of development was into the Labyrinth proper, first square and
later circular. In the square one shown is a spear head and a thunder bolt on
each side. In another an owl perches on an amphora or vase laid down on its
side while to the right a small Labyrinth appears. But a great many have the
Labyrinth alone, with an inscription perhaps, as the KNO in the last example
here given, which is a recognized abbreviation for Knossos.
the Roman period it seems almost to have become a fashionable motif for the
ornamentation or mosaic floors, a bare list of the number of examples that
have been found, many still in existence, would take considerable space. It
may have become a stock design for mosaic workers and decorators, just as in
the Renaissance period no garden in England or France was complete without its
maze. Many mosaic examples also include incidents of the story pictorially
represented. In the one reproduced, Fig. 6, which was found in a Roman tomb
discovered in Tunis, the ship bearing Theseus and his companions is shown
headed for the entrance of the Labyrinth which is closed by double doors. This
is a very elaborate and intricate form. The fret or key pattern at each end is
also to be noted. Some form of this frequently appears as a border to the
Labyrinth itself. The other Roman example here reproduced, Fig. 7, is a
graffito or scribbled inscription found on a wall at Pompeii. The words are
Labyrinthus hic habitat Minotaurus; that is, "The Labyrinth, here dwells the
Minotaur." Whether this was the effort of a schoolboy anxious to air his
newly-acquired knowledge of Greek fable, or whether it was a sly hit at the
owner of the house can only be guessed people in the locality as "Troy,"
"Troy-town" or "Walls at. It is proof of the familiarity with the Labyrinth of
Troy," while the stone labyrinths in Denmark and and the story of Theseus.
the Labyrinth seems not only to have been connected with Crete, but also with
Troy, and this is very puzzling. Fig. 8 is from an Etruscan vase, which shows
a procesision of armed men, some mounted and some on foot, and with them a
crudely drawn maze of typical form, in the outer ring of which is the word
Truia in archaic letters--the word is spelled from right to left as in early
writing there was no rule about this. There is another reference, which though
not very explicit may be pertinent. Virgil in his great epic tells the story
of Aeneas, who according to Roman legend escaped from Ilium when it was taken
by the Hellenes and sailing westward settled in Italy, where his descendants
later on founded Rome. Virgil pictures Aeneas leaving Troy burning behind him,
carrying his aged father Anchises on his shoulders and leading his little son
Iulus by the hand. In the fifth book of the poem Iulus is described as
engaging with his companions in a "game of Troy," Ludus Troiae.
this Virgil must not be supposed to have made any archeological researches as
a basis for his description, he was doubtless picturing Iulus and his friends
playing a game that was well known in his own time. Other writers also refer
to it. It seems to have been more of a ritual than a game properly so-called,
and was confined to boys or youths of patrician blood. The extraordinary thing
is that the turf mazes in England are in many places traditionally known by
the country people in the locality as "Troy," "Troy-town" or "Walls of Troy,"
while the stone labyrinths in Denmark and Scandinavia are known as "Troja," "Trojeborg"
or "Troborg," which is the same thing; in Wales it is Caerdroia, which again
is Troy-town. It is certainly very curious, especially when we remember that
there is the town of Troyes in France, and Troytown in Cornwall. The name
seems really to be a genuine Celtic one, but if so, how came the Latins and
Etruscans to have a Troy festival or dance? While it might seem possible that
the references in Virgil, Tacitus and others could have introduced the name
into Western Europe in later times it must be remembered that the description
is in no case definite enough to have led by itself to identifying it with
"treading a maze," while the Etruscan vase, which links the Roman references
together and explains them is of too recent discovery to have produced such a
widespread effect.
Daedalus is said to have killed his nephew at Athens by pushing him over the
precipice of the Acropolis. This nephew, Talos, is credited with the invention
of the compasses, the potter's wheel and the saw. He also is connected with
Crete in other stories, and was said to have been a brazen man who ran round
the Island three times a day and was killed by Jason and the other heroes of
the Argonaut's crew. He is also said to have been transformed into a partridge
and thereafter named Perdix.
In the
former version, Daedalus after killing him fled to Crete seeking the
protection of Minos. After the birth of the Minotaur the white bull (which
came out of the sea, as a gift from Poseidon, equated with the Latin Neptune)
is said to have gone mad and after doing much damage swam across the sea to
Attica where it ran wild in Marathan. All these stories are obviously attempts
to connect the myths of different localities connected with the sun regarded
as a bull. The bronze man running from Crete also seems a variant of the
bull-headed man in the Labyrinth.
(2)This is also mentioned by Homer in the lliad.
According to Burnouf, Lotus de la Bonne Loi, this symbol has many
significations. It represents,a temple or other sacred edifice, a "species of
labyrinth," a "garden of diamonds," a chain and a waist or shoulder belt of
Curiously Weisse in The Obelisk and Freemasonry gives almost the same figure
which he says he took from Lord Kingsborough's Antiquities of Mexico. It has
not been possible to verify this, and it may be that it was not Mexican,
although the passage in which Weisse speaks of it (page 162) this certainly
seems to be implied.
(To be
and Schools in Quebec
IT is
probable that in this second decade of the twentieth century there is no part
of the world where the Roman Church is in a position of greater power and
influence than in the Province of Quebec, not even excepting the Irish Free
state. The nominally Roman Catholic countries everywhere put restrictions on
the Church to an extent scarcely realized in Protestant countries. It would
seem that they have "had enough." The same process seems to be under way in
Ireland, too, now that that distressful country possesses a government of its
own, republican in everything but name and external form, and is discovering
to its astonishment that many of the ills incident to a government were not
due to heartless English tyranny. Thus it is that in Quebec the result of
Church domination can be seen at its best, or as that word is ambiguous in
this connection, in its completest development.
order that the present position of affairs may be made clear to American
readers of THE BUILDER a few words need to be said as to the history of the
Province. In 1763 Canada was ceded to Great Britain by the Treaty of Paris,
being already in its possession through the capture of Quebec in 1759 by
Wolfe, and the surrender of Montreal in the following year. Before peace was
signed, the British by Royal Proclamation had assured to the French colonists
their law, religion and property rights. And all this was formally reaffirmed
when peace was made. Contemporary documents prove the deep gratitude of the
Canadians--then of course entirely French Canadians--for this generosity,
which their leaders both clerical and lay repeatedly affirmed to be as great
as it was, to them, unexpected. In fact, until after the War of Independence
the change of ownership made no difference at all to the people; the only
change was that the Governor was an Englishman instead of a Frenchman, and
that the new governors were less autocratic than those sent out from France.
As a
result of the War of Independence and the formation of the United States out
of the old British Colonies there was a considerable immigration into Canada
from south of the borderland. A very large number of families and individuals,
known as Tories in American history books, but who are honored in Canada under
the name of United Empire Loyalists, left their old homes and, in most cases
with little but such belongings as they could bring with them, trekked into
the unsettled wilderness of Canada to carve out new homes for themselves. Most
of them settled in Upper Canada, now the Province of Ontario, but a
considerable number came up through New Hampshire and Vermont, and crossed the
border into the district known as the Eastern Townships in Quebec. They were
followed by other immigrants from the Eastern states, largely from New
Hampshire, so that this part of Canada, up until about twenty-five years ago,
was almost as American as the Americans themselves, in everything but
allegiance. Their customs, habits, manners, speech, methods of farming, houses
and barns were practically identical. This community formed the only compact
English speaking and Protestant group of the population of Quebec, of which
more than 80 per cent is French. The local government of this community was
from the very first different from that of the rest of the Province. The
French had introduced the feudal system into Canada. The seigneurs and the
Church both had rights and privileges, which the latter to all intents and
purposes still retains. The new English speaking communities naturally
improvised a government for themselves as it was required, on the basis of
their past habits and customs, and this gradually became officially
recognized, with on the whole remarkably little friction. One of the very
first things done was to arrange for schools, at first on what might almost be
called the subscription plan. A log cabin would be built by a "bee" for a
schoolhouse, a teacher would be hired, every household chipping in to pay the
bargained salary, and taking turns to board the teacher. It was a makeshift
method, but not so inefficient as might be supposed. The teachers were
generally young men, aiming to become either ministers, lawyers or physicians.
Though the average scholar learned little more than to read and write and
"cipher," yet those with more in them had sufficient opportunity to forge
ahead, and go later on to some other town where there was an academy, and from
there perhaps to college.
So far
as the Townships near the border line were concerned it was quite usual for
young men to go to one or other of the Colleges in the New England States, as
communications were more natural and easy to the south. A great part of the
people had relatives in the United States, which also was a pre-disposing
cause for this state of affairs. But M'Gill University was founded in 1820 at
Montreal, and Academies were started in most centers of population almost from
the first. These Academies frequently had teachers competent to take students
as far as what would now be second or third year Arts in a University, and
often turned out more all-around educated graduates than the specialized
College courses succeed in doing today in a great many cases.
contrast to the early foundation, comparatively speaking, of a Protestant
College in Montreal, Laval, the Roman Catholic institution, was not chartered
until 1852, just a year before the foundation of a second Protestant
University, this time in the Eastern Townships. But though the Roman Catholics
had no university of their own until this time it must not be supposed that
they had no educational arrangements at all. Just what, if anything, was done
for the country people, the habitants, who then formed (as they still do) by
far the larger part of the French population, is not easy-to discover. There
was no system. Schools existed here and there where some exceptional cure or
parish priest was interested; but judging by such indications as are available
it is probable that a very large proportion of these people had no school
education at all. Even today a very large proportion of them can neither read
nor write. It simply was not considered necessary or advisable that they
should be literate. They were born to cultivate the soil, pay tithes and taxes
to the Church and service to their seigneurs, and produce another generation
to take their place. The seignorial rights did not endure very long under
British rule except for some annoying "servitudes," to use the legal phrase,
attached to the land in many places in the "French country," such as liability
to clear watercourses or repair roads, or pay a sort of tax or quit rent in
lieu of such service. But the Roman Church has never let go anything she held
under the old regime. Or rather she has let go with one hand while taking a
firmer grasp with another. Though not in form established by law, she is so in
effect so far as her own people are concerned, and even if one of them should
become Protestant, as occasionally happens, he finds it most difficult to
break out of the legal network that compels him to go on paying Church dues.
This of course applies only to the habitant. The other classes, not being tied
to the land, are not so much at the mercy of the ecclesiastical organization.
professional and ruling classes up to the middle of the last century were
edulcated in convents and monasteries. Girls of the same classes still go to
Convent schools as a matter of course, and receive an excellent education.
Perhaps rather old-fashioned now-adays, more calculated to make refined ladies
capable of intelligent interest in many different things rather than young
women able to make a living for themselves. But their schools are good, and
many Protestant girls are sent to them. The proportion of such pupils who
become Roman Catholics is negligible and there seems to be no attempt made to
proselytize. For boys there are many similar schools conducted by various
brotherhoods, and these, too, are excellent. Not infrequently unmanageable
Protestant boys are sent to them for the sake of the discipline which is
exceedingly strict; too much so to be of lasting benefit, in fact, if such
cases as have come under the writer's notice are any criterion. Most French
Canadian professional men are educated at Laval, which has splendid medical
and legal schools. Engineers, however, frequently go to M'Gill, after taking
an Arts course or its equivalent at Laval or one of the Brotherhood schools or
colleges. While conversely many Protestant law students go to the French
colleges, partly to perfect themselves in speaking French, which is absolutely
necessary for a lawyer practicing in the Province of Quebec.
But of
course higher education is always arranged for in every country under all
types of government. When it comes to popular elementary instruction it is
quite another thing. In a brief article it is impossible to give any account
of the development of the present state of affairs, but the school question
has always been a bone of contention in Canada. The trouble arises inevitably
from the opposing ideals of two races intensified by religious questions. It
is doing the Roman Church no injustice to say that it is only interested ill
education as a means of attaching its children to the system. Looked at fairly
it is impossible to condemn this. Every Church wants to do the same. But the
Roman Church seems to prefer, or if that is too sweeping, is at least very
willing to acquiesce in having the great majority of children left uneducated
except so far as teaching them "their religion" is concerned. Literary
education for the ruling and professional classes, for the rest no more is
necessary than to learn to do their work in the station and class into which
they are born. They are thus docile, submissive and content, and as the Church
claims, far happier. There may be some truth in this, too. But it is a totally
different ideal from that of the English Protestant people, and conflict is
bound to arise until by some compromise a modus vivendi is arrived at.
was first a school question in Ontario. The Roman Church won that round.
Ontario and Quebec together were originally Canada; on that ground the claims
that the French had by the original Royal Proclamations at the conquest and
later embodied in the Treaty of Paris, were adjudged to hold for the whole of
the original Canada; it did not affect the maritime Provinces which were
British long before, nor Prince Rupert's Land, long known as Hudson Bay or
Northwest Territories. So Ontario much against her will was saddled with
separate schools. The battle then shifted to Manitoba, erected into a Province
about 1870. After much political bickering and appeals to the courts, which
were eventually taken to the final judicial authority of the Empire, the Privy
Council, it was decided that Manitoba did not come under this rule. So round
number two went to the Protestants. But the Church learned a lesson, and when
in 1905 Alberta and Saskatchewan were made into Provinces the Dominion
Government, then dominated by the French Liberals of Quebec and led by the
devout Laurier, saw to it that the Constitutions of the new Provinces
contained clauses requiring separate schools. These two Provinces would now
like to have it otherwise, but it seems that this last bout also goes to the
question is not wholly religious, it is in large part political and racial.
The Roman Church (quite naturally) would like to keep the French separate, a
racial block with another language as well as another religion. By doing this
they hope to eventually get control of the whole Dominion. The Western
Provinces wish to break up this racial exclusiveness and make English speech
and English traditions prevail. They are otherwise not specially interested in
the purely religious side of the matter. This is how the matter stands
generally, and though this has been something of a digression, it will help to
make it easier to understand the position in Quebec. And that may be taken as
an object lesson, an actual example of a Church controlled state. It is a
little hard to say if the situation would remain so favorable to Protestants
if Quebec were an independent Republic, as some French groups pretend to
desire. Although perhaps the chief check on any open discrimination lies in
the fact that in Ontario a very considerable French population is similarly at
the mercy of a strong Protestant majority. Thus each dominating group has a
hostage in the hands of the other, and it may be that the possibility of
reprisals has helped to keep things fairly adjusted--possibly on both sides.
organization of education in the Province is dual; that follows from the
separate school system. There is a Provincial Council of Public Instruction
which is divided into two permanent committees, really separate Boards, one
Roman Catholic, the other Protestant. The Roman Bishops of the Province have a
seat on their Board ex officio. But the powers of the two sides of this
Council are really not very great. There is no compulsory education act, and
the local School Commissioners or Trustees can do pretty much as they like.
The Council suggests textbooks, curricula and is ready to advise. They also
have inspectors, who, however, can do little more than advise and report. In
certain cases the government by the advice of the Council will make grants in
aid for new school buildings, but there does not seem to be much of the
Provincial revenue allotted for this purpose. The real working part of the
system is the machinery of the local School Commissioners. There is a
difference hetween Commissioners and Trustees, though in function they are
about the same thing.
In an
unmixed community, all French or all English, a School Board is elected by the
tax payers, that is the owners of real estate. The board consists of six
members elected for a three-year period, two retiring every year. They have
full power over the schools in the Township or Municipality. They decide on
the school districts, the school year, where the buildings are to be, engaging
teachers and paying them. For these purposes they have power to levy a tax on
all real property. If, however, there is a dissenting group of families who
want a separate school, a new machine is set up. The dissenters are empowered
to elect a Board of Trustees instead of Commissioners, but their powers are
the same, except that they are not empowered to collect their tax. This must
be done by the Secretary Treasurer of the School Commissioners, who has to
transfer it to the Treasurer of the Board. This, however, is a mere formality.
Each body taxes its own people and sets its own rate. The taxes on neutral
property, that belonging to corporations, railways and so on, are divided
pro-rata, but the tax rate on such property is that set by the Commissioners.
In the
description this sounds rather complicated, but it works very smoothly, and
though of course there is often some friction when a new separation is made it
is chiefly due to lack of knowledge of the respective rights and duties on
each side. When got into running order it goes as smoothly as any such
machinery can be expected to. The two groups are really independent and have
only themselves to blame if things go wrong.
the last ten or twelve years there have been many new separations in the
district spoken of above, the Eastern Townships. During the war farmers were
exempted from service. The French Canadians were very generally influenced by
their priests against the idea.of participation in the conflict. Some of them
said, even in the pulpit, that godless France deserved to be destroyed, and
that the thing to do was to let the English go and fight the Germans and get
killed and the French could take possession of Canada. This is not at all
exaggerated, though it was all unofficial. However, the English speaking young
men did go, while the young French Canadians, or their fathers for them,
bought the homesteads of the English farmers so as to gain exemption. Prices
went up, of course, to even three times normal value. However, there seems to
be some way of financing this sort of thing, and the result was that French
Canadians were moving in to districts where there had been very few before.
The process, however, was not new, though the war accelerated it. The young
English speaking Canadians are greatly drawn to the west, and thus leave the
east for the French, who are always ready to buy them out. But until
comparatively recently such French as were living in Protestant districts were
content to send their children to the schools already in existence. Left to
themselves they would have continued to do so, but so soon as there are enough
to make it at all possible the priests insist on a separate school. The result
is, of course, in a rural community, to diminish the efflciency all around.
The Protestants are meeting this by amalgamated schools, and hiring
transportation of the children. This being usually done by contract for the
school year. By this means Protestant education is being definitely improved
in the country, for the amalgamated schools are graded, better furnished, and
have usually a college graduate as principal.
Perhaps an account of an actual case will serve as a useful example. It is a
typical history, though of course the details vary in different places. During
the war the influx of French families into this village was considerable,
indeed in 1919 they outnumbered the Protestants by a hundred or more; but the
Protestants still held three-quarters approximately of real estate. However,
the Cure insisted on a separate school, and the various formalities were gone
through and the dissenting Board of Trustees set up. The School Commissioners
had united some years before with another village and had a combination school
of very high quality. To this school the better class French people had been
sending their children, the others went nowhere, though they might have gone
to this school had their parents sent them. After the separate school was
started, most of these better class children continued to go to the Protestant
school, though their parents had to pay scholar fees. Some could not afford
it. One man held out and refused to dissent as he had three children going to
school. Pressure was put on him, however, with the result that he agreed to
pay double taxes, which came cheaper than the scholar fees.
Board of Trustees elected by the Roman Catholic dissentients had three members
who could not sign their own names; their Secretary-Treasurer could scarcely
write and had to get assistance from the Cure with his books. They appointed
as teacher a girl of seventeen who had only an elementary school education
-but she knew the Catechism by heart. She was a daughter of one of the
Trustees and niece of another. This was the provision for a number of children
considerably larger than the Protestants. The tax rate for the French is three
times that of the English, but of course it is paid on a smaller valuation and
so does not bring in as large a revenue. Still the Protestants sometimes
wonder what is done with the money, as the girl teacher is paid very little
-even though more than she is worth from an educational point of view. From
the point of view of the Cure, and one must suppose of the Church, it is all
right. The children are taught in French, and they are taught the Catechism,
and they go to church on every Saint's day, and possibly the brighter ones may
learn to read and write a little.
It is
very curious, though. The Protestant children are taught French in school
(every child should learn to speak another language) but they rarely learn
French. The French children are not taught English, but in mixed communities
they invariably learn it and most of them speak it among themselves by
preference, in spite of all the efforts of the priest and sometimes of their
it is clear that there are two conflicting ideals, and it may be seen why
Protestants view the situation with some concern. Not with alarm for the
problem is an old one and they have grown up with it. But they are determined
their own children shall be educated as well as possible, and the result is,
that in spite of being such a small fraction of the total population, the
Protestants hold a preponderance of wealth, and far more than their own share,
numerically judged, of influence both social and political -though they have
to work for it. But they naturally often wish that there could be a single
system of education. However, under present conditions the separate school is
really their safeguard. Without it they would either sink to the lower level
or be forced to send their children to private schools and thus pay twice over
for their education.
MEEKREN, Editor in Charge
Thiemeyer, Research Editor
I. CLEGG, Illinois
DENSLOW, Missouri
H. DERN, Utah
HAYDON, Canada
HARRIS, Canada
C. C.
HUNT, Iowa
CHARLES F. IRWIN, Pennsylvania
A. L.
KRESS, Pennsylvania
F. H.
E. MORCOMBE, California
C. PARKER, New York
M. WHITED, California
pages in THE BUILDER devoted to the Tuberculosis Campaign are not exactly
exciting reading at any time; lately they have been very depressing. Still in
spite of its being a duty rather than a pleasure we trust that all our members
did read it last month, or so much of it at least as dealt with the
inauguration of a Roman Catholic Sanatorium in El Paso.
set of buildings, newly repaired, and ready furnished, a going concern, could
have been purchased by the Masonic Fraternity for the same price as was paid
for it by the Sisters of St. Joseph. The opportunity presented itself shortly
after the general meeting of the National Masonic Tuberculosis Sanatorium
Association in Chicago last November, where so much interest and enthusiasm
was aroused. At the meeting were present influential representatives of a
large number of the strongest and wealthiest Grand Lodges in the country. The
executives of the Association were directed to initiate plans for the erection
of a Sanatorium, and had every reason to suppose that they would receive
adequate support. When soon after the opportunity came to buy a Sanatorium
already in existence, that was to be sold to liquidate the estate of its late
owner, it seemed quite providential. It was a wonderful opportunity to take
the initial experimental step at a cost far below any possible estimate of
erecting new buildings. It seemed as if the problem was well on the way to
solution, the seed had been sown and had sprung up, the buds were ready to
burst and a fruitful harvest seemed assured. Then came a sudden chill; a
killing frost, in fact. There is truly much mystery about what happened. Some
things we know, other things we suspect, but the result was like that in the
Parable of the Wedding Supper, those invited 44 with one accora began to make
excuse." The excuses were good enough in themselves, it was the unanimity with
which all excused themselves that was so noticeable. There was in the parable
a sequel, however; after guests had been gathered in from the highways and
byways the king sent his armies and destroyed those who had been invited and
burned their city. The invitation in the present case is not from the
Tuberculosis Association - that is only an agent, a messenger. The word comes
not from them, not even from the Craft as a whole, but from the G.A.O.T.U.
himself - for so we must hold if we are not to stultify all the teaching that
is given in the lodge.
Let us
consider it. This Sanatorium could have been purchased by the Craft for the
same price as the Roman Sisterhood paid - we had the first offer. As much more
was needed to run it for the first year; $150,000 in all. In round figures
$3,000 was all that was needed from each of the forty-nine Grand Lodges of the
country. Three thousand dollars! We venture to say that at least ten Masons
could be found in every one of them who could have given that much out of his
own pocket and never missed it. We are sure that in every one of those
jurisdictions there are temples and halls being erected that will cost all
told much more than $150,000. We know that in many states individual lodges
are building temples or halls of their own that will cost more; it is not much
of a building that can be put up for that sum now-a-days. What is the matter
with Masonry?
Nothing so far as the Craft at large is concerned. It may be we have too many
members who have gained an entrance inspired by mercenary and other unworthy
motives, but the great majority of the brethren are Masons at heart. We know
that the great majority would be ready to help if the matter was only set
fairly before them; not ready only but anxious to help. It is the organization
that is at fault. The bitter truth is forced upon us that Freemasonry in
America is not organized to carry out its primal and essential functions, the
exercise of brotherly love, relief and truth. It is organized for almost
anything else but that.
* * *
American Masons are wondering to what extent it may be proper and legitimate
for them to sympathize with the persecuted Masons of Italy. The newspapers
generally have not had very much to say on the subject. They have told us, in
the words of press cables, the accusations made against them, and still more
briefly the denials of the accused. But they have neither given any account of
the evidence and arguments for or against, or any expression of opinion or
judgment upon it, such as might be made by an impartial observer informed
concerning this evidence.
On the
top of this is an uncertainty as to the status of Italian Masonry, and whether
it is recognized or recognizable, and this uncertainty is added to by
statements that Italian Masonry "like that of France" is merely a political
organization. Which being so, it would seem to the puzzled inquirer that
perhaps the Italian government is justified in its severe measures. A typical
example of the kind of thing referred to is a comment recently made by the
London Freemason on an account of the situation in an English newspaper
written by a correspondent in Italy. The Freemason remarks, justly, that this
correspondent not being a Mason, is dependent entirely on external sources and
that he was relating what had been told him by others - apparently by those
hostile to the Italian Craft. So far, so good, but then curiously, and it
would seem irrelevantly, The Freemason goes on to say, that assuming these
accusations are true, it can be stated without reserve that such a condition
does not exist in the British Isles, nor the British Empire, or Anglo-Saxon
Masonry generally. But why say this? English speaking Masonry was not in the
dock with the accused.
Unsympathetic outsiders might say that those who excuse themselves do,
according to the proverb, also accuse themselves. What was the connection, the
association, that led to this uncalled for disclaimer? It seems that in Italy,
as in England, and also in America, many government officials, civil servants,
professional men, and other influential people were also Masons. It is argued
in Italy that this is proof that Freemasonry was in politics, that through
these officials, who were also Masons, the Masonic authorities were informed
of all government secrets, and also conversely exerted influence on government
policy. It is obvious that on the same evidence the same accusation could be
made against American Freemasonry. It actually was made a hundred years ago,
and American Masonry suffered a similar persecution as that in Italy, and upon
just as good grounds so far as any trustworthy information has come to our
knowledge. So perhaps the London Freemason is right, and we should look to our
own defense. If this sort of thing is sufficient for the condemnation of
Italian Masonry it would or might be equally efficacious elsewhere.
is much prejudice in our minds against all Latin Masonry. There is also much
ignorance. As a rule those who speak most positively know least about it. One
good brother, for example, got hold of a ritual of the Grand Orient of France,
and in it he found that the candidate was asked a number of strange questions,
such as what his idea might be of the marriage relationship, of the rights of
parents over their children, of birth control, of suicide, or war, and a whole
series covering the entire field of social relationship and duties. This
brother was horrified, and the ground of his horror seemed to be that he
assumed that these questions had to be answered yes or no, as the brief
inquiries put to our candidates are, and that the answers required were that
the would - be Mason believed in free love and abortion, and the duel and
suicide and socialism, and so on, and that otherwise he would be rejected. It
seems hardly necessary to say he was inconceivably mistaken. These questions
are in a graduated series, and are intended to bring out what the candidate
has thought about social duties, to bring out first of all that he has thought
enough about them to have some opinion. In other words, to demonstrate that be
is a sincere seeker for knowledge and is desirous of serving his fellowmen.
After all very similar questions are asked in effect by every committee of
investigation that performs its duty, not formally or of the applicant direct,
but in substance and from such sources as are available.
Let us
state at once, little as those who have dreams of universal Masonry may like
it, that Latin Masonry as a whole, and English-speaking Masonry are quite
incompatible. We may go further still if we like, in spite of certain logical
difficulties it will raise, and deny them the name of Mason - in our sense of
the term. The institution has followed divergent paths so far in the two
groups that there seems no possible ground for any reconciliation. But all
this being allowed and postulated, is it any reason why we should heap abuse
upon them and eagerly believe every scrap of slander their enemies raise
against them? Should not the elementary policy of self-defense, if nothing
else give us pause? Their enemies are our enemies, the evidence against them
is the evidence against us. That we know, as applied to ourselves, it is
absolutely ridiculous does not in the least prevent its being devoutly
believed in many quarters; why then should we believe it of others whom we
refuse to hear in their own defense?
essential difference between these two developments of Masonry seems to be
that the Latin form takes itself very seriously indeed, and the
English-speaking branches only play at being serious. This generalization is
naturally only approximately and relatively true, but it indicates a real
distinction. And the difference is without doubt due to difference in
circumstances. We must bear in mind that so far as Freemasonry is more than a
sort of social club plus an elaborate game played in solemn make-believe
grown-up boys it is a serious institution; and many us take it and our
obligations as seriously as we can. And we at least should be able to realize
that Freemasonry and any kind of despotism or tyranny are as incompatible as
the wolf and the lamb in Esop's fable. Unless the lamb can run away, or
develop teeth and claws, or put on some kind of jacket full of projecting
spikes like the protective collars sometimes worn by fighting dogs, there is
just one fate in store for it, no matter what arguments it may offer in
defense of its innocence, and without regard to their cogency a truth. Wolves
act after their kind, and dictators and other despots are quite justified in
seeking to extirpate Freemasonry wherever they find it; for Freemasonry is as
incompatible with despotism (however it may strive to avoid giving offense) as
Christianity was paganism. The Roman Emperors from their point of view were
doing the right thing in seeking to extirpate the new religion, for they saw,
and the event proved them right, that it would dissolve and overturn society
as it was then organized. We do not compare Christianity with Freemasonry,
which is a far lesser thing, but small and great the same law applies in this
respect. Therefore we must admit, looking at all the facts dispassionately,
that Mussolini is justified from his position as dictator in stamping out
Italian Masonry, and self-preservation being nature's first law, he is (from
his unenviable position) justified in using the most unjust and cruel means to
do so. So also is the Roman Church right in opposing the Craft everywhere and
combatting it with every weapon, open and secret, that it can employ. Much as
we may regret it, so it is. There is no need for rancor or hate in recognizing
it - we do not hate a tiger because we know it would kill and devour us if it
could - but we either put it in a cage or keep out of its way, or otherwise
defend ourselves in case of need. And whatever happens we should not let the
accusations of enemies dull our sympathies for men who are enduring one of the
cruelest and bitterest persecutions of modern times, almost one might say of
any time. That such things should be possible in a civilized world in this
year of grace, 1927, is food for very serious thought.
* * *
curious thing about the official attitude of the sovereign and independent
organizations of Freemasonry in this country, with some notable exceptions,
towards the tuberculosis problem is that it is not indifference, or neglect,
either of which would be at least comprehensible, but an attitude of
opposition, almost even of hostility. It is not open opposition, if it were
the ordinary brother, who in spite of the democratic theory of the machine has
very little to say in its operation, would know where his rulers and masters
stood, and where he was being led, but actions speak louder than words.
words there have been enough; while such action as there has been, has on the
whole been not only inconsistent with, but opposed to the professions made.
One great jurisdiction offers as an objection to taking part in the work of
the N.M.T.S.A. that it is not a Masonic organization. This sounds well.
Technically it is not; but what of that? The question really involved is
whether there is a Masonic obligation to be met. Another objection, which
seems to be rather a favorite, is that the funds contributed by any particular
Grand Lodge will be out of its control. Again what of that? Is it a Masonic
function to control funds as an end in itself? In fact the objections that are
voiced are well worth close examination, and we hope our readers will analyze
them for themselves and see what they really amount to.
not only do our rulers refuse to do anything themselves, they also go further
and refuse to allow any direct approach to lodges in their jurisdictions. One
Grand Master even seemed to think that he could forbid individual Masons from
communicating with those active in the campaign, and passing on the
information received to their brethren. This seems an amazing stretch of the
powers of Grand Masters. If such a development should continue and be
confirmed we would have to call them Grand Dictators. However, this seemed to
be either ignorance on the part of this particular official, or else an
attempt to trade on the presumed ignorance of the individual brother. But why
such an attitude? Is the N.M.T.S.A. a conspiracy, a subversive, seditious
movement? If so why not make charges openly? But then that would need the
production of proof. The point of the situation, however is this, that by this
formal red-tape attitude it is made impossible to effectively appeal to Masons
as individuals. If the N.M.T.S.A. could have freely circularized lodges it is
probable it would have had no difficulty in raising the sum required to
purchase the El Paso Sanatorium through individual contributions. We seem to
hear the echo of something said to the Pharisees long ago: "Ye lade men with
burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one
of your fingers."
some jurisdictions we gather that some effort has been made, not to get the
facts of the existing need in the Southwest, but to find out how many members
of their own lodges are in the Southwest suffering from tuberculosis. The
reports have naturally been that the number was negligible. Naturally, because
the investigations (so we judge) have been made in the usual official way. A
committee appointed, questionnaires sent to the lodges, a certain number of
which were sent back answered more or less off-hand by secretaries, and a
report compiled based on these replies. Anyone familiar with the working of
our large institutionalized lodges is aware how much, or rather how little,
the officials know of the whereabouts and circumstances of absent members, and
will not be inclined to lean very heavily on information thus collected.
Another thing that strikes the discerning eye is that most of the Grand Lodges
who refuse to take action stress the point that none of their members are in
the Southwest, or if none, so few that nothing need be done about it. But if
this is to be the law and gospel of Masonry it applies equally to all Grand
Lodges and all lodges. None of them will have any responsibility for anyone
else. It might seem that the Southwestern Jurisdictions are beginning to
"catch on." They have been rather slow and old-fashioned, many of them are
still under the delusion that the old fallacy holds good, that every Mason has
a claim on their help and sympathy when sick and in need. But they are
learning. Texas has shown the way. A brother in New Mexico, speaking of the
recommendation presented to the lodges in Texas, published in THE BUILDER last
month, writes as follows:
They .
. . recommend that Texas take care of its own. They are willing for us [the
Masons of New Mexico] to take care of sojourners. It appears to us that they
will profit by our experience. Seeing the Masons of the North and East are
apparently little concerned about the fate of their sick brethren who wander
to the Southwest and are unwilling to help care for them, Texas, although it
also has the migratory T.B. problem in the country west of and including San
Antonio, has decided to limit its activity to those of its own household and
leave the sojourning brother within its boundaries to his own devices. In view
of the lack in interest displayed in the problem by the North and East this
apparently cold-blooded decision is justified and we do not criticize Texas.
New Mexico and the other Southwestern States may be forced to take the same
Freemasonry we are solemnly told is not organized as a benevolent association,
nor as a charitable society, and even calling it a fraternity has been
deprecated in certain quarters. What then is it? And for what is it organized?
Is it merely to see the wheels go round ?
Bulletin of the National Masonic Tuberculosis Sanatoria Association
Incorporated by Authority of the Grand Lodge of New Mexico, A.F.&A.M.
HERBERT B. HOLT, Past Grand Master, President
RICHARD H. HANNA, Vice-President
MILLER, Vice-President
FRANCIS E. LESTER, Vice-President
L. ELSER, Executive Secretary
ALPHEUS A. KEEN, Secretary
W. BOWMAN, Treasurer
J. NEWTON, Editor, Manager N.M.T.S.A.. Las Cruces, New Mexico
Tale of Proceedings
is a great deal of importance and much of interest in the Proceedings of the
various Grand Lodges of the U. S. A. Unfortunately comparatively few brethren
are in a position to see copies of any but their own jurisdiction. It is true
that the correspondence reports go a considerable distance in providing a
general survey of what is being done elsewhere, but in the nature of the case
these brief reviews cannot tell very much, and depend a great deal on the
special interest of the reviewer. It will be instructive to read these
extracts from the Proceedings of a considerable number of our Grand Lodges
covering the past two or three years, dealing with the tuberculosis situation:
District of Columbia
the Grand Master's Address; Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1924.
of us are well aware of the growing desire on the part of the members of our
Fraternity in all its branches to be engaged in real constructive work,
something that will last, and to me the important problem for those charged
with the direction of the affairs of Masonry today is not how they may
increase its already large membership, but how they may direct into the proper
channels and toward definite worthy ends its great latent power which up to
this time has been so little utilized.
has been much accomplished along these lines. The call for it has been so
urgent that it has everywhere been felt and it must be heeded. Some of its
outlets have been along the lines of the Masonic Service Association, others
along the lines of educational work, and in many instances it has been
expressed by the erection of costly and magnificent temples, but with all that
has been done, it is evident that only a beginning has been made and that our
Fraternity is still like a sleeping giant, capable of great things, but
through indolence, indifference or lack of competent guidance, accomplishing
but a small part of what it should be doing.
change and men change with them. Grand Masters come and go, with varying ideas
of the relative values of matters in which our Fraternity is concerned. What
appears important to me may not be so regarded by my successor, but we have
the comforting assurance that the policies, principles and ultimate purposes
of Freemasonry are fixed and that necessarily the efforts of all are directed
towards the same worthy end. Under such conditions energetic cooperation in
the larger things will always produce the desired results and, if we couple
with fraternal unity of action a respect for a broad tolerance of the views of
others, we shall reap the reward that follows upon conscientious effort."
of Committee on N.M.T.S.A.; Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1926.
association was incorporated at the instance and instigation of the Grand
Lodge of New Mexico, under the laws of that state. It is not under the control
and direction of that Grand Lodge; but is to be controlled and directed by a
Board of Governors consisting of members, one of whom is to be selected by, or
be the Grand Master of each of the Masonic Grand Jurisdictions of the United
States, and also a member selected by the governing head or body of each
organization in the United States composed of Master Masons, and a member
named by the Order of the Eastern Star."
articles of incorporation are then recited in part to show the purpose of the
N.M.T.S.A. and the means proposed carry it out.
immediate object of the promoters of this association appears to be the
erection of sanatoria or hospitals for the treatment and cure of tuberculosis,
and the president of the corporation has, in relation to the probable cost of
such institutions, published the following statement:
" 'It
is estimated that tuberculosis sanatoria can be built at an average cost of
$2,500 per bed. Wherefore a 500-bed hospital would cost $1,250,000.
months to a year is required for "arrest" of early cases of tuberculosis, and
a longer time for the more advanced. From $500 to $1,000 for the majority of
cases, and more for a limited number of others.'
full investigation and careful consideration your committee has reached the
conclusion that under all the conditions and circumstances it would be unwise
for this Grand Lodge to become a member of, or in any manner obligate itself
to contribute to the support and maintenance of this association, and it is
therefore recommended that no action looking to that end be taken by it."
the Grand Master's Address; Grand Lodge Proceedings 1927.
"I was
strongly urged to become a member of this association [N.M.T.S.A.] or to
appoint a representative to the official board. I declined to do either in the
face of the report of our Committee on Audit and Accounts at the last session,
which recommended that we do not participate in the affairs of the association
until we were in a position to carry our share of the financial burden.
"I am
since informed by your representatives to the meeting of the Masonic Service
Association that the incorporation of the Sanatoria Association into a
national body and the assessment which was laid by it for the erection of
suitable buildings, was done through a misapprehension of the authority placed
with them.
all cases of great disaster, such a call should have emanated from the Masonic
Service Association itself, therefore that body refused to consider the
proposed institution as a national body or to have the Grand Lodges assessed
at the stated rate and decided that it must stand as a distinctly New Mexico
measure supported by such subscriptions as were voluntarily made."
Grand Master was under an extraordinary misapprehension himself, and his
informants too. The only meaning that can be read into his statement is that
the N.M.T.S.A. was organized under the authority of some other body. This of
course is simply grotesque. The Masons of the Southwest waited patiently for
years hoping that existing organizations would at last cease to talk and begin
to act, until in despair of this they, on their own motion and by their own
authority, formed an association organized for this purpose, and for this
purpose only.]
the Grand Master's Address; Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1924.
dream of Masonry making the other decision to try the adventure of greater
service, because of the need of the time is more pressing. I vision a tomorrow
that shares a Masonic understanding possessed by every man who bears the
Masonic title. . . . My thoughts lead me to a tomorrow whose glory is our
ability to care fully for all whose hands have grown palsied with age or
sickness and who, amid the competitions of life, have no refuge except within
the fortress of real Masonic benevolence. The dream will come true if you
brethren say it shall."
the Grand Master's Address; Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1925.
the matters brought before the Masonic Service Association was a report by M.
W. Bro. F. E. Lester, Past Grand Master of New Mexico, on the situation in the
Southwest involving Masons who are suffering with tuberculosis. This report
contained a careful survey that was so startling in some of its revelations
and conclusions that it should receive the attention of every Grand
jurisdiction in the land. The situation among Masonic tuberculars has so
developed that no longer is the question one to be handled by the
jurisdictions in which it exists. These tubercular Masons come from all over
the United States and therefore it is a national problem not only in its
requirements of attention and assistance, but also by the nature of the
disease, in its possibilities of danger. Very shortly this report of M. W.
Bro. Lester's will be in the hands of our Masters here in Massachusetts. Study
its conclusions and its implications. It is well worthy of your attention. For
some time, I do not know just when, Massachusetts is going to be invited to
assist with other jurisdictions in dealing with this menace as it affects our
brethren, and when that time comes I want our assistance to be adequate and
readily given."
the Grand Master's Address; Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1926.
November, 1922, at the fourth annual meeting of the Masonic Service
Association of the United States, there was brought to the attention of the
association the question of needed relief for those of our Fraternity
afflicted with tuberculosis. The subject was referred to the Relief Committee
of the association, which committee instructed the Executive Committee to make
an investigation and survey the situation. Similar action was taken at the
annual meetings of the association held in 1923 and 1924. At the annual
meeting of 1925, a report was submitted. A copy of that report, which deals
exhaustively with the situation, has been forwarded to me by the Masonic
Service Association as a basis of its appeal to this Grand Lodge for its moral
support and financial assistance to the Masonic Tubercular Relief Association.
I do not deem it proper to extend this message by incorporating this report in
it, but much of the data and information contained in the report will be
presented to you when the matter comes before you for action. The conditions
presented by the report make .q compelling appeal to our sympathies and
command our admiration for the magnificent spirit and courage of the Grand
Lodge of New Mexico in undertaking this work of applied Masonry.
Masonic Service Association has requested us to present its appeal for our
help, and I heartily recommend that we extend our support. I recommend that
the sum of one thousand dollars be appropriated to be paid on the order of the
Grand Master to the Masonic Service Association of the United States for the
use of the Masonic Tubercular Relief Association."
recommendation also seems to have been made under a misapprehension that the
N.M.T.S.A. was in some way a body subordinate to another organization.]
the Grand Master's Address; Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1926.
of the Southwest there comes a cry to this Grand Lodge. In a sense it is more
than a Macedonian cry, for some of our own Mississippi brethren are among
those who lift up their voices in a desperate plea, 'Come over and help us.'
The more responsive our natures to the spirit of brotherhood, the more attuned
are our hearts to this piteous plea. The heart-gripping wail of the infant, so
soon to become an orphan; the muffled sobs of the wife, so soon to become a
widow - unless help comes - lend emphasis to the cry that is borne to our
ears, 'Come over and help us.' It is not enough to say that our stricken
brethren should have remained at home where under more favorable conditions
they could have battled with this dread white plague - which in many cases
would have been true. True, we point with pride to Mississippi Masonry's
material contribution to the battle against this dread disease that last year
claimed forty-seven of our brethren. The fact remains that many of our
brethren, nursing desperate hopes, have gone to the Southwest - some sent by
lodges and other friends, some going by means of their last financial assets
in the hope of securing employment, but almost invariably becoming a care upon
our Southwestern brethren who for years have responded nobly to the
ever-increasing calls. Statistics show an alarming increase of this migration
each year. Realizing that something must be done, the Grand Lodge of New
Mexico has created and chartered the National Masonic Tuberculosis Sanatoria
Association to act as trustee of funds received from various Grand
jurisdictions of America, in hospitalization, in supplying other needs of our
stricken brethren."
the Grand Master's Address; Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1924.
do we care about the antiquity of our Fraternity? What does it matter whether
our ancestors did nor did not participate in the building of King Solomon's
Temple? Neither pedigree nor ancestry can make any institution or individual
great. Not what Freemasonry was yesterday, or a thousand years ago, but what
it is today and what it shall be tomorrow, and likewise what is each of us
today and what we shall be tomorrow, these are the all-important questions to
the good Freemason and the true man everywhere.
tree is cut down when it ceases to bear good fruit, and so it will be with
Freemasonry and all other human agencies. Progress, therefore, must be the
guiding star of Freemasonry. Science tells us gold may be made from mercury,
sugar from linen, and that shortly the rays of the sun will be transformed
directly into sugar without going through the beet at all. Thus the world
moves and so it must be with our brotherhood. While we must hold fast to the
fundamentals of our Fraternity and never surrender the ideal for the material,
yet to be a living, growing force in the world, we must make our ideals
practicable and must teach and live, both within and without the lodge room,
at home, in business, those eternal truths which constitute the bulwark of
the Grand Master's Address; Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1926.
one has said that if you give the Masons of America a really big program they
will adopt it. This is fully demonstrated in the George Washington Memorial
and Shrine Hospitals for Crippled Children. Where could we find a bigger
program or one more worthy of our attention than taking care of our brethren
who are afflicted with tuberculosis? A study made of six western cities which
have long been Meccas for the tubercular, shows that Missouri contributes more
migrants than any ether state, except Illinois and New York. It is estimated
that over one hundred and fifty of our brethren die annually from this disease
and perhaps fourteen hundred more are suffering from the disease. In the
language of President Wilson:
repetition of figures, no emphasis of speech, nor words of warning can add to
the horror and terror and responsibility which, in the public mind, attach to
the gruesome devastation of this disease. People, public and private, who do
not perform every act within their power to check this scourge, are almost
guilty of negative murder.'
believe the Freemasons in America will unite in an effort to meet this vital,
tragic problem and will provide sanatoria for the sick.
Modern Woodmen have already established a camp at Colorado Springs that is
doing a great work and we can't afford to be behind in any great charitable
country isn't half as much interested in our doctrines as it is in our deeds.
I find that a great many Freemasons are greatly disturbed about the activities
of certain national organizations. I am not afraid, however, of the standing
of Freemasonry in the world or of the opposition of any organizations,
religious or fraternal, so long as our Fraternity excels them in doing good.
It would be a great help to the cause, if Missouri would take the lead in this
movement and adopt a definite program at this time. I feel that this Grand
Lodge is ready to act, because Freemasons from all sections of our Grand
jurisdiction have called my attention to this movement and urged me to make a
recommendation at this session of the Grand Lodge.
channel through which we can function has already been provided by the Grand
Lodge of New Mexico."
the Grand Master's Address; Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1925.
"I am
convinced some of our lodges spend too much for entertainment and pleasure and
too little for charity, thereby creating the thoughts in the minds of the
profane that a Masonic lodge is simply a place for amusement. It is wrong, a
grievous wrong, my brethren, that will work untold harm if we permit it to
continue. One of the fundamental principles of our great Fraternity is
charity, to help the needy and distressed. We should practice what we teach,
for the greatest good that we can do in this world is the service we render to
suffering humanity."
an address given by the Executive Secretary of the M. S. A. to the Grand
Lodge; Grand Lodge Proceedings, 1926.
is one thing I want to touch upon, to show you that the Masonic Service
Association, which you have so ably supported since its organization, is
reaching out on the basis of service. Heretofore, while we have been organized
for relief we have never done anything along the line of relief except when we
stepped out and helped our brethren at Tokio re-establish the American School
for education there. There has been no particular occasion as far as calamity
is concerned, for the association to function for relief. However, conditions
have arisen, in fact, they have existed for some time, and now, under the
leadership of this Association, the Craft at large will be given an
opportunity to perform an obligation, to perform a duty, that should have been
done years ago, the lack of provision for which has been a shame. I am sending
out a bulletin on the subject which will give you all the facts. Doctor
Braswell will probably also give you some of the facts during this session of
the Grand Lodge. You have heard it referred to by Doctor Wicker. It would
amaze you to know how many thousands of members of the Craft all over the
United States are suffering from tuberculosis. It may amaze you to know that
we lose 5000 members a year from death by tuberculosis. It may amaze you to
know that all over the Southwestern part of the country where the climate is
particularly suited for the cure of tuberculosis, there are thousands and
thousands of the Craft who are practically helpless, who go down there with no
means of support, or slight means of support, in the hope that they may be
able to get a firmer grasp on life and come back into health and strength. The
Masons there have found the situation and have surveyed it and we have gotten
the facts together, using the Tuberculosis Association and every source of
information. Now your Masonic Service Association is bringing to the attention
of the Craft everywhere that situation, and we are developing a plan to report
to the next meeting whereby there will be definite relief for the tubercular
Masons all over the country. We are organized for two purposes, one for
education and one for relief. I don't know which is more important but,
generally, education I think is more important. However, in this particular
instance, with a condition like this in the Southwest, that is more important
for immediate action. In any event we are now reaching our stride and settling
into the two phases of our work for which you organized us. We raised
$20,000.00 from the Grand Lodges in the jurisdiction this year for relief in
that part of the country, and we will develop a permanent plan of relief to
take care of the situation, and I believe it will bring the Masonic Fraternity
to an eminence it has not yet reached in its own estimation and in the mind of
the people generally." [The italics are ours. We have no information how or
through what channels this sum was expended.]
books reviewed in these pages can be procured through the Book Department of
the N.M.R.S. at the prices given, which always include postage. These prices
are subject (as a matter of precaution) to change without notice; though
occasion for this will very seldom arise. Occasionally it may happen where
books are privately printed, that there is no supply available, but some
indication of this will be given in the review. The Book Department is
equipped to procure any books in print on any subject, and will make inquiries
for second-hand works and books out of print.
HARVEST OF THE YEARS. By Burbank and Hall. Published by Houghton Mifflin Co.,
Boston. Cloth, illustrated, 296 pages. Price, $4.25.
last work of the man who was styled the "plant wizard," must be read to be
appreciated. Burbank as a man had a place in the heart of America occupied by
few others, perhaps it was almost unique. He was an unusual type of man, and
because he was different from the ordinary human being be found himself in a
distinctive position.
Harvest of the Years is hardly a biography, though it is one in a sense. He
tells about his life, his work and his thoughts in a way that is thoroughly
enjoyable. It is a book that commends itself; it should be read and then
* * *
HUNG SOCIETY, VOL. 1. By J. S. M. Ward and W. G. Stirling. Published by the
Baskerville Press, London. Cloth, table of contents, illustrated, colored
plates, appendices, 179 pages. Price, $16.00.
RESIDENTS in the Orient, missionaries, merchants and government officials,
have long been aware of the existence of secret societies among the Chinese,
not only in China, but wherever they migrated in numbers sufficient to form a
community. Various accounts of these have been published at different times,
but these accounts, owing to the character of the subject and the great
difficulty in checking information, were all of a very partial and sketchy
nature. In China itself, apparently, opposed to the government, they became in
the East Indies organizations for the protection of those who sought wealth by
criminal and other forbidden means. Generally the governors of European
possessions in the East forbade their existence equally with the rulers of
China, and with as much, or as little, success.
has only been one previous work that has dealt with the Hung League at all
exhaustively and that was published at Batavia in the Island of Java in 1866
by Gustave Schlegel. Like the present authors his information was derived from
rituals seized by the police in raids on meetings of the Society. He was under
the disadvantage of not having any other material to assist him in his task,
whereas, owing to the fact that the Society was permitted for a time by the
authorities in Singapore, it has been possible to get more accurate and
detailed information. Bro. Stirling's predecessor in the office of Protector
of Chinese, Mr. W. A. Pickering, had been received as a member of the Ghee Hin,
and left, we are told, very careful notes of the ceremonies in the archives of
his office. Bro. Stirling has also interrupted meetings during raids conducted
by him, so that he has himself seen cross sections of the proceedings.
Ward in his preface gives the impression that in their opinion Schlegel's
account left much to be desired owing to this lack of first hand knowledge.
Unfortunately it has not been possible to compare the two versions; but from
memory there does not seem to be any greater difference between the Java
ritual in 1866 and the Singapore ritual in 1920 than exists between the
rituals used in different Masonic jurisdictions. As Schlegel did not publish
his text it would be hard to say whether differences were due to his
misunderstanding the meaning of obscure words, or to variations in the ritual
difficulty in dealing with the subject has always been the doubt whether one
was dealing with one society with many ramifications, or many societies with
strong resemblances. Indeed it May be most probable that it was both, that
there have been similar societies each with many disguises. The present work
does not help us very much to remove the uncertainty, though we are far from
blaming the authors for this.
Society described as the Hung League, or Heaven-and-Earth Society, or the
Triad Society, may also be the same as the White Lily or the Golden Orchid. It
may be that the Boxers of our own day belonged to it; the name ineptly, if
conveniently, translated Boxer being literally "the hand (or fist) of
righteous harmony," or it may have been the "Big Sword Society" that has also
caused trouble.
question of name indeed is not very clearly treated. The present designation,
in British possessions at least, seems to be the Ghee Hin or the San Ghee Hin.
Ghee Hin means Justice and Prosperity; San Ghee Hin means the New Justice and
Prosperity Society. The older name is Thian Ti Hwui, or as the authors
transliterate the Chinese words, T'in Tei Hui, which means Heaven and Earth
Society. T'in also means man and Tei, woman; heaven and earth in Chinese
mythology, as elsewhere, being regarded as husband and wife. In the ritual the
candidates are told that the true name is the Hung Ha or Family of Hung. The
name of the Society does not seem to enter into the ritual though the word
Hung is very frequently brought in. But there is no difficulty really in this
question of names. Freemasons speak of their Fraternity by a number of terms,
which might puzzle an enquirer on the outside were Freemasonry still as secret
as it used to be. On the other hand, some of these names of the Hung League
are deliberate disguises, as the name Ghee Hin above mentioned. And where an
organization goes under disguise it is hard to determine whether any given
manifestation is or is not part of it. In an appendix there is a brief account
of a thieves society, the admission ceremonies of which seem to be based on
those of the Hung League.
Another point that might have been dealt with more fully in the introductory
chapters is that of the history of the Society. Here again a legitimate
analogy may be made to Freemasonry. We cannot possibly estimate fully the
early history of the Craft unless we have some knowledge of the general
history of the period. Ostensibly and by its own tradition the Hung League was
formed after the downfall of the last Ming emperor and the advent of the
Manchu conquerors. Bro. Ward thinks it is much older; that may be, but as
Freemasonry emerges quite definitely into a historical period in 1717, so the
Hung League emerges in Chinese history about 1670 or 1680. What is said in the
first chapter, which deals with this subject, leaves us rather confused,
although again this may be due to the difficulty of the subject itself. The
last Ming ascended the imperial throne about 1640, but there were other
claimants in the field. Defeated, or deserted, the emperor fled and in despair
drowned himself. However, in the south, loyalists, who now became rebels,
continued to fight against the Manchu interloper, notably the "pirate" whose
name was Europeanized into Coxinga. He probably was no more piratical than the
Dutch, English and French traders of the time. Anyway, finding China unhealthy
he descended on Formosa (apparently with considerable forces) and drove the
Dutch out and established himself there. The first Ta Ts'ing (or Manchu)
Emperor died in 1661 and his son K'ang Hi took his place. According to what
seems to be the predominant Hung legend it was in his reign the Society was
started, but according to a variant version it was in his father's reign.
Ward, however, is not satisfied to take this legend or traditional history at
its face value, but is inclined to believe that the Society is much older. Let
us draw another illustration from Masonry. The Craft tradition of its origin
takes us back to the building of King Solomon. The MS. Constitutions go
further back still, almost to the garden of Eden. Conversely they bring us
down by very long steps to the Anglo-Saxon period in England. Supposing
instead of this we had an official legend basing the origin of the Fraternity
in the exile of the Stuarts - we would then have almost an exact parallel. In
such case, the period being so comparatively recent, it would be very hard to
demonstrate a higher antiquity. Nevertheless, in spite of the force of the
supposition that members of the Society in giving it such a comparatively
recent origin should be supposed to know most about it Bro. Ward believes that
careful study of the ritual shows quite clearly that it could not have
originated "de novo" at that period, or solely for political purposes. Large
portions of it have nothing to do with politics, on the contrary they are
mystical and also appear to deal with what happens to a man after he is dead
is force in the argument, but it is a point that it may be better to leave
till the other volumes appear in which we gather it will be discussed at
length. But a good deal depends on what is to be understood by "de novo" in
considering origins. When a society is definitely and deliberately organized
by a group of people for a given purpose it is certain that they will adopt
and borrow, consciously or unconsciously, from any quarter where materials may
be found. A new society in the United States, hardly thirty years old, has
references to mythical heroes of ancient Greece. The legend is old, the
society new. The existence of old material is never by itself proof positive
of antiquity.
is another thing with which we quarrel, and that is the apparent tendency in
the translation to use words and phrases that give a Masonic flavor to the
ritual. The two chief officials in the initiation are called the Master and
the Vanguard. Now the Society is professedly an army, an army being raised and
organized to attack and destroy the hated Ts'ing or Manchu dynasty. The
Vanguard is the leader or commander of the front ranks, or advance parties,
and also a recruiting officer. We are told in parenthesis that the Vanguard or
Conductor is a Deacon. Now while it is well enough to draw the attention of
the Masonic reader to the fact (obvious as it would be to him) that the
Vanguard's function as a Conductor of the Candidates is analogous to the
duties of the Senior Deacon in present day Masonry the two offices have
otherwise almost nothing in common: The title of the other prominent officer
is translated as Master. It may be that this is the nearest English
equivalent, but we find there is also a President, whose title literally means
Big Brother, and two Vice-Presidents or Second Brothers. Are they subordinate
to or superior to the Masters? Grand Masters are also spoken of - are they
really Masters or Elder Brothers or some such title? And is there really
anything analogous to a Masonic Grand Lodge? It is described in such a way as
to give that impression and yet on closer attention it is not at all clear.
While seeking analogies to Masonry, the Instructor, whose real title seems to
be "White Fan," might have been equated with that important officer in
European Masonry, the Orator.
would have been much more satisfactory if the Chinese titles could have been
given, and their literal translation, and any analogy or resemblance to the
officers of a Masonic Lodge left to the perspicacity of the instructed reader;
or at most put in an explanatory parenthesis or note. But instead there seems
a constant tendency to substitute Masonic terms for the Chinese ones. In one
place the five provinces or executive divisions of the Society are called
Provincial Grand Lodges. Why? It implies a supreme Grand Lodge - and why the
term Grand Lodge anyway? Does it really correspond to or represent the Chinese
terms? One or two such instances would have passed unnoticed, but they are too
frequent not to cause some doubt. And as we have no text the matter cannot be
determined by reference to the original.
Ward is such an enthusiast for his theory that Freemasonry is a modern
representative of a primeval mystery religion, which has descended in some
form or other in every continent and among every race, that his critical
faculties are dulled. He knows, for in places he says so, that Freemasonry as
it is today is widely different from that of two hundred years ago, that there
is much in present day rituals that is without any claim to antiquity, yet he
seizes on the slightest resemblance between the present ritual and any
religious ceremony or folk custom from anywhere in the world. The method is
not convincing for it is radically unsound.
It is
a great pity, too, for this importation of the Masonic element injures the
value of the work for the general student, and that value is very great. There
is no doubt that from the anthropological point of view the facts about this
society should be put on record and made accessible. It is, we must revert to
it, a very great pity that the translation was not accompanied by the text. It
is true that not many read Chinese, but the publication of the text is always
both a guarantee of the translation and the permanent means of correcting or
improving it. Is it too late to publish it? We suggest to the authors and
publishers that a fourth volume with the texts would enormously increase the
value of the work.
spite of the things that we have reluctantly felt bound to criticize we must
commend both the authors and the publishers for this venture. It was called
for. Schlegel's work is scarce and inaccessible, at least so we have found.
Doubtless there are some copies in this country, but we have been unable to
hear of one. The cost of the production must have been very heavy. The paper,
printing and illustrations deserve the highest praise, and though the price
will inevitably limit the sale we believe that libraries at least should
secure a copy while it is possible; public libraries as well as Masonic ones.
There is little likelihood of a new edition for many years to come, and the
present issue runs only to fifteen hundred copies. One might say it is worth
buying as an investment alone.
* * *
HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY. By H. L. Haywood and James E. Craig. Published by The
John Day Company, New York. Cloth, table of contents, index, bibliography, 326
pages. Price, $3.20.
Bro. Robert Freke Gould published his monumental History of Freemasonry some
thirty years ago, he gave to the Craft a work which contained the fruits of a
lifetime spent in Masonic research. Of course, Bro. Gould was preceded in his
work by the eminent American scholar, Dr. Albert G. Mackey, but where Bro.
Mackey was a pioneer in the field of sound Masonic scholarship, Bro. Gould was
what might be termed a finished product. Mackey did not have access to much
information that was brought to light after his time and which Gould used to
make his work more accurate. The time has arrived when we can safely say that
much evidence has been unearthed which would change some of the conclusions
reached by the English historian. In a field where conceptions are changed,
and where new facts come to light with such rapidity as is the case in Masonic
History, it seems that the time has come when another detailed history of the
Craft such as those written by Mackey and Gould is needed.
But an
even more urgent need of the Craft has been a short elementary history of the
Fraternity which would be readable, accurate, and at the same time
sufficiently interesting to appeal to the average Mason. The first such work
given to Craft literature was doubtless Bro. Gould's Concise History of
Freemasonry. This work was an outgrowth of the larger effort that preceded it,
and has been, since its publication, the best short history of Freemasonry
extant. There are many faults that could be found with Bro. Gould's work, few,
if any, of which have to do with the accuracy of his statements, though it
must be said that more recent research has done something to change some of
the views he expressed. Many of these faults are eliminated by the present
volume of Bros. Haywood and Craig, though in other respects their work does
not compare with that of their eminent predecessor.
style of Bro. Gould makes all of his writings rather difficult reading. He is
not as lucid as is desirable when the elementary student or average Mason is
taken into consideration, but even more unfortunate is the faculty he has of
saying everything that bears on any particular point in more than one place. I
do not mean by this that he repeats himself, but the arrangement of his
material is faulty. This difficulty is overcome in the present work by the
simple expedient of cross reference. Where it happens that specific material
has more than one place in the development of Masonic history it is, generally
speaking, included in the earliest chronological development of the subject
and later events upon which such material has some bearing refer to it.
Following such a plan makes it simple to complete the picture as the reading
progresses and is a great help to the student as well. Each chapter of the
book deals with a certain phase of Masonic history and everything that can be
included is mentioned in that chapter. The subdivisions would almost make
separate papers though there is a unity running through the work which hinds
it into a harmonious whole.
In the
eyes of the present writer there is at least one fault to be found with the
work. The authors have devoted almost half of their scant space to a
discussion of theories relating to the Comacines, Roman Collegia, and other
possible sources of Freemasonry. Granted that the space given to these
discussions is all too meagre, it does seem that the historical period of
Masonry, meaning by this the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, should
warrant more than ninety-five pages of letter press. This is the period about
which we know most; it is also the period in which Craft customs are most
clearly defined. For this reason it seems that a more detailed discussion of
the period immediately preceding the formation of the Grand Lodge should be
included in the work. If we take as a basis for calculation the amount of
space given to the origins of Freemasonry, the book to be properly balanced
should run to at least five, and possibly six hundred, pages.
are one or two typographical errors in the work which seem to have escaped the
proof readers. One of them is of little consequence, being merely the printing
of 1919 in place of 1719 on page 224. The context would make it apparent to
the most casual reader. Another is of more importance, and is one of those
errors which is likely to be particularly misleading. The text on page 251
reads "Later the English and Irish bodies rescinded these actions and assumed
a neutral attitude toward the contending English factions." It is evident that
the first use of the term English is incorrect, but it would be somewhat
difficult for an elementary student to make out precisely what was meant; of
course, it is Scottish that is intended.
work is written in a lucid and easily read style, which is a great advantage
in any work intended primarily for beginners in the study of Masonic history,
but it has another feature which recommends it even more highly. A thing too
frequently missing from Masonic literature is accuracy; either facts are
misinterpreted, undue weight is given to part of the evidence, or there is
some other fault which makes it necessary to say that a certain work should be
read with caution. There is no need for such statements in connection with the
present work, though there are a few points where some questionable statements
have been made. Only one of the inaccuracies, however, is of any great
importance, and it is only because honest criticism is the sincerest form of
flattery that mention is made of them.
most important of the mistakes occurs on page 259, where the authors state
that the Antients had a system of four degrees, of which the Royal Arch was
the fourth. But it has always been supposed they worked seven. It is certain
at least they laid great stress on the Past Master Degree, which with the
Royal Arch makes at least five. The point to be criticised is that the authors
make a positive statement that there were no more than four degrees where the
evidence makes such a conclusion a bit uncertain to say the least. It seems
likely also that the Ancients were responsible for the development of the Most
Excellent Degree. While there is considerable doubt as to just what degrees
were worked in Ancient Lodges besides the three Craft Degrees and the Royal
Arch, there certainly were more than four.
authors of the present work have accepted the conclusions of Dr. Mackey and
his school relative to the Chevalier Ramsay and d'Harnouster. These may be as
true as any other, but it does seem that some consideration should have been
given to the opinion of Bro. Gould who held that Ramsay did not have
sufficient interest in the Fraternity to have invented the degrees which have
so frequently been attributed to him. It cannot be doubted that he was greatly
interested in the Craft at a certain period, but that the interest was
sufficiently sustained either to have given him the opportunity of making such
inventions, or to warrant the supposition that he did formulate new degrees is
very doubtful, and, so far as the present writer knows, no one has
satisfactorily answered the arguments that Gould brought forward on this
rather interesting statement is to be found in the following paragraph:
Declining either to be out-done by the brethren of London or to join them, the
Masons of York met on Dec. 27, 1725, and proclaimed themselves a Grand Lodge
under the resounding title of "The Grand Lodge of All England." They
themselves appear to have given to the London body the title "Grand Lodge of
England," understanding by the word "all" a subtle distinction. Charles
Bathurst was elected Grand Master and a full set of Grand Lodge officers was
chosen. The new body boasted of itself as "the first Grand Lodge ever held in
England" and harked back to the legendary assembly in Prince Edwin's time in
support of that assumption.
would seem that there was more than merely the desire to outdo the London
brethren in the matter of inclusiveness in the title adopted by the York
brethren. They had a precedent before them in adopting the title of the Grand
Lodge of All England in that the Archbishop of Canterbury is the Bishop of all
England and the Bishop of York is the Bishop of England. This situation seems
to have come about when the North of England actually belonged to the Angles,
and consequently was actually England. After the union of the Northern and
Southern Kingdoms the present nomenclature came into being. May not something
of the same idea prompting the York brethren, who claimed direct descent from
the fabled Assembly of 926, have bad something to do with the name they
It is
to be hoped that there will be a second edition of the work in the very near
future and that the authors will take advantage of the reprinting to amplify
certain portions of the work, and to eradicate the minor discrepancies that
have crept in. The book is one that is sorely needed by the Craft, and because
of its intentionally elementary character it should be as accurate as it is
humanly possible to make it.
E. E.
* * *
ME, BROTHER! Compiled by Bro. Chas. H. Merz. Published by the Macoy Publishing
and Masonic Supply Company, New York. Cloth, 165 pages. Price, $1.75.
author's name is well known to that part of the Craft in America which reads
Masonic literature. He has been a frequent contributor to the Masonic press,
and is himself the Editor of the Sandusky Masonic Bulletin, a most excellent
little magazine. He is probably best known by his work advocating the claims
of Guild Masonry or the Modern Operatives.
present work consists of a series of "tests" each made up of twenty-five
questions, except test number forty, which has twenty-six, thus making in the
whole series exactly one thousand and one questions.
questions are in the first part of the book, the answers at the back. They are
discursive and thoroughly miscellaneous in character and do for Masonry what
the similar tests and questionnaires, now so frequently inserted in our
newspapers, do for the whole field of general knowledge.
Naturally in such a work there will be deficiencies and errors. We do not know
whether the author submitted his MSS. to other students for criticism and
suggestions, but we are inclined to think he did not, which is a pity.
Although not intended as a work of reference, it may very well be taken as
authoritative by such readers who have no means of checking the answers from
other sources. The danger perhaps is not great but there has been, and still
is, so much error and mis-statement confidently advanced as authentic truth
regarding Masonry that it is a moral obligation on every Masonic author to
take every means possible to avoid strengthening old errors by repeating them
or giving rise to new ones.
In the
regulations for processions in Mackey's "Ritualist" occurs the following
the Grand or Deputy Grand Master is present, the Book of Constitutions will be
borne before him. The honor of carrying this book belongs of right to the
Master of the oldest Lodge in the jurisdiction, whenever he is present, in
allusion to the fact that the Constitutions of the Order were originally
vested in that officer, and that on him the business of the Grand Lodge
devolves, in case of the absence of all the Grand officers, and also because
it was a custom adopted soon after the reorganization of the Grand Lodge of
England, for the Master of the oldest Lodge to attend every Grand
Installation, and taking precedence of all others, the Grand Master only
excepted, to deliver the Book of Constitutions to the newly installed Grand
Master, thereby to remind him of his obligation to preserve the ancient
landmarks and constitutions inviolate.
regulation would seem to place the Master of the oldest Lodge in the
jurisdiction in the position of a virtual officer of the Grand Lodge.
you tell me (a) whether any jurisdiction so recognizes him apart from this
regulation, (b) whether he is entitled to any rank or title such as "Very
Worshipful" and (c) whether there is any special regalia provided by any Grand
Lodge for him?
Possibly New York, Massachusetts, Iowa and other leading jurisdictions have
some practice regarding the matter.
Reginald V. Harris, Canada.
* * *
following is an extract from a letter received from an Austrian correspondent.
For good reasons, both personal and for the sake of the Craft in his country,
his name cannot be given:
It is
more than likely that the riot which we have just overcome in Vienna will give
rise to exaggerations from various sides. I believe it to be my duty as a
Masonic correspondent to report to my friends from a point of view not party
bound (in my unfortunate country everything and everybody is) and thereby to
rectify probable wrong views.
understand our situation, which I have described to you in some of my former
communications, I will have to sum up: When the old monarchy was destroyed by
the so-called treaties of peace, a torso of a state was left, unable to live
or to die, either economically or politically. A lot of industry was left to
us and at the same time we were deprived of provinces producing agricultural
products and raw material, which hitherto had consumed our industrial
articles. Unprepared for democracy, republicanism was forced upon a population
rather retrograde, or at least ultra-conservative in the main. The prominent
feature in our political constellation was the weakness of the bourgeois
class. In fact, it is still nearly entirely devoid of political influence.
result was the population falling asunder into three political parties:
Social-Democracy, Christian Socialism and Pan-Germanism, fighting desperately
with one another. Social-Democracy, unfortunately (confronted with the other
parties), is the representative of progress, while Christian Socialism and
Pan-Germanism are reactionary. Socialism is represented by the working classes
(with the exception of a minority organized by the Christian Socialists) and
by an influential group of intellectuals, among them the rising youth of the
Christian Socialism (which is clearly to be understood as neither Christian
nor Social, but simply as a descriptive political sign board) allies employers
with the peasants and their furnishers in the country. This party is allied
with the third in strength, Pan-Germanism, which draws its forces from the
intelligentsia of provincial towns, high school teachers and their students.
These two retrograde parties have no common platform except fighting Socialism
and joining in Anti-Semitism; in consequence of this latter point of their
program the Jews are largely driven into the Socialistic camp, where an
official anti-Jewish feeling does not exist, nor is admitted.
Federal bodies show a majority composed of Christian Socialists and
Pan-Germans, provincial towns are more or less socialistic, and Vienna
especially, with its industrial population, forming a Federal State and
counting one-third of the whole of Austrian inhabitants, is decidedly
socialistic. It would lead us too far here to show the different means by
which these majorities have been obtained, but it is worth mentioning that
there is not a single political representative body offering a seat to the
class of industrial or commercial employers - economically speaking - their
representatives being elected on a political and in no way economical program,
and thus dispersed among the various political clubs.
is no effective power and authority, as no authority can exist without
executive power. The three parties consequently have formed their own
(clandestinely armed) forces: The Socialistic "Republikanische Schutzbund"
(Union Protecting the Republic), the Christian Social "Heimwehr" (Home
Defence) and the Pan-German "Frontkampferbund" (Union of former front
fighters). Of course, their mere appearance in uniformed bodies provokes the
other parties, and in the country even more or less innocent meetings may lead
to conflagrations.
was the case a few months ago in Schattendorf, a village in Lower Austria,
with the sad result of one Socialist and one boy shot by the Front-fighters.
Three of these were brought before a jury, which, however, acquitted them.
Such acquittals, having happened already in former cases, and various other
apparently unjustified sentences (although in non-political cases) that had
been pronounced recently by Viennese juries, had roused public excitement,
especially among the Socialists. They demonstrated in masses before the Palace
of Justice against what they call "Class-Justice." It must be stated that our
Socialists as a rule show good discipline on such occasions, but they cannot
control the irresponsible elements of a radical mob which intrude themselves.
number of such extremists got the upper hand; they stormed the Palace of
Justice, threatened the judges and set the edifice on fire; they prevented the
fire brigade from approaching the fire, although the Socialist Burgomaster
himself wanted to guide the fire engines through, and the House of Justice was
nearly completely burned out. By the way, it has nothing to do with Punitive
Justice and contained only the Highest Judicial Offices, Courts of Appeal, the
Register of Landed Property, Commercial Courts and such like.
police force was in consequence armed with rifles and they discharged volleys
into the riotous crowd. In the further course of things police stations were
attacked and a number of policemen were killed and wounded, the streets in
various other quarters had to be cleared by the same means. The excitement was
the greater as more than fifty dead and many hundreds of wounded are to be
lamented, amongst them mere curious onlookers. The riots lasted two days, not
generally, but locally; on the third day the town was quiet again as far as
order in the street goes.
But of
course this has economical and political consequences. Demonstrating against
the government the Socialists proclaimed a general strike (excepting all
business and traffic connected with victuals) for forty-eight hours; after
that the strike continued only with railways, postal, telegraphic and
telephone services until further notice. It must be noticed that the
Socialistic leaders behave with remarkable calmness. They publish quieting
bulletins and freely state that they abhor civil war with its dreadful
consequences, openly admitting that they have no majority in the country, that
their comrades would therefore be exposed to retaliation and that intervention
on the part of foreign countries (especially intended are Hungary, Italy and
Czecho-Slovakia) was to be dreaded.
Municipal Guard of Security chosen from the ranks of the Republican Protectors
and under the command of the Socialistic town authorities has been
constituted. Calm now reigns but serious economical consequences are certain;
as in regard to foreign visitors, who left Vienna by motor cars and air craft
in a panic, and who will not be likely to encourage their compatriots to come
to see Vienna.
"It is
an ill wind that blows nobody good." If these deplorable events could remind
the world that Austria, this Austria thrust into disaster by cunning diplomacy
and political silliness cannot continue to exist as it is now limited, the
poor victims of this outbreak will not have suffered in vain.
cannot yet say anything on the political consequences mentioned above as we
have to await the result of parliamentary negotiations, the Socialists of
course doing their best to create difficulties for the other parties.
* * *
In one
of the volumes of the Universal Masonic Library edited and published by Rob
Morris in the middle of the last century (unfortunately I do not now remember
which one it was) I read something about the columns or truncheons of the
Wardens about which the brother from California asks for information in the
last number of THE: BUILDER.
this I understood that in the early existence of the Grand Lodge, there was an
extra officer in the lodge known as Deputy Master. He had his station on the
right of the Master in the East. The Senior Deacon's place was on the right of
the Senior Warden in the West, and the Junior Deacon's place was on the right
of the Junior Warden in the South. The two Deacons had their emblems on a
little column at their places or stations, the emblem being a dove. When the
office of Deputy Master was abolished the Master took the Senior Deacon to him
near the East and the Senior Warden took the Junior Deacon to him in the West,
but the Deacon's emblems remained in their old places. In the course of time
the emblems were removed from the tops of the truncheons, but the truncheons
or columns remain in their original places, and are therefore distinctly
different from the columns at the entrance porch.
do not think that I give this as an authority. I have only jotted it down from
memory and am not at all certain that my source of information is the best.
J. A.
R., Texas.
office of Deputy Master still exists in Scotland. The theory, which we do not
remember to have seen before .. is interesting. Perhaps some of our members
may be able to tell us who was originally responsible for it. We fear,
however, that there are difficulties in the way of accepting it; the chief of
which is the fact that the Wardens seem to have had columns before the office
of Deacon (in our present sense of the title) came into being.
* * *
will recall that some time ago I wrote to the National Masonic Research
Society requesting information to direct us in the organization of a Study
Club. It was very kind of you to furnish the information desired and you have
been of great assistance in enabling us to solve some of the difficulties that
have arisen in connection with the early struggle for existence. Our club is
now flourishing and it has occurred to the members that possibly our
experiences would be of some value to the Craft at large.
before going into detail on this subject, I may trace the development of this
idea it might be of some assistance to you in deciding the question which is
the principal object of this letter. Many of us have felt for some time that
the Study Club section of THE BUILDER would have more effect if it were
devoted to assisting in the promulgation of Study Clubs rather than in helping
clubs already in existence to pursue their studies along certain lines. This
matter has been discussed in some detail and we have often thought of writing
to ascertain whether or not such a plan would be practicable, but have always
felt that it seemed like criticising those who were in a better position to
judge the needs of Study Clubs than we, until we noticed the editorial in the
July BUILDER. One of our members offered the suggestion at the last meeting
that perhaps the re such a plan had not been followed in this department was
there was not enough material coming in to make it practicable. This gave us
an idea, and it seemed that if our plan were adopted it might be possible for
us to repay in some small way the debt we feel we owe the N.M.R.S.
accordance with the plan we had in mind, a new office was created and it was
entitled "The Builder Correspondent." The duties of the office were not
defined, and it was decided that if our suggestion were not adopted we would
discontinue the office. I was chosen to occupy the new office and was
instructed to write suggesting the plan we should like to follow.
Perhaps, for the time being, it will be necessary to carry out the old scheme
for the Study Club Department of THE BUILDER until a sufficient number of
clubs adopt the plan we have in mind to make it possible to fill two or three
pages each month with reports from club representatives.
If it
were possible to have a sufficient number of letters from correspondents
reporting on the meetings and the various problems that come up for discussion
and the way in which they are solved, it seems likely that there would be some
tangible material brought forth that would be of infinite value to the newly
organized group. This, I think, is the goal toward which we should work. I can
speak for my own group in saying that we would be glad to furnish you with a
short account of our meeting each month for such use as you care to make of
In the
event this idea meets with your approval, if you will advise me I shall be
glad to send you a report of our next meeting.
B. R.
Johnson Arizona.
correspondent raises the precise question that has been under consideration
for some time past as was intimated in THE BUILDER for July. One of the
difficulties has been precisely the one suggested in this letter, that of
securing sufficient material of the kind required.
have had quite a good deal of correspondence on the subject and have decided
to open the Study Club Department in October on new lines, or rather reverting
more to the original ones. The object will be to make it of use to those who
wish to organize Study Clubs, and those who have the responsibility of
directing them. We will welcome letters and brief articles on the subject.
* * *
would like to ask a question. What relation, if any, does the Order of Knights
of Malta, that is operating in the United States that one hears of
occasionally in the papers, have to the original order spoken of in the review
of the Pilgrimage of 1926 in THE BUILDER for March?
F. J.
K., Florida.
We are
not quite certain to which organization you refer. There are three orders in
the United States at the present time that are known by this name. There is
first the Masonic Order. Secondly the recently introduced branch of the
original order. The letter by Bro. Burton E. Bennett in THE BUILDER for March
gives practically all the information at hand about this. However we presume
that officially this will be known as the Order of St. John, its proper title.
The third is designated Order of the Knights of Malta. It claims to be
legitimately descended from the original order in Scotland, a branch of which
was formed in Canada in 1870, from which it was introduced into this country.
It is a Protestant and fraternal organization. If further information be
required we suggest that you write to John G. Miles, P.O. Box 356,
Wilkinsburg, Pa. Mr. Miles is Supreme Organizer of the Order, which we
understand is engaged in an active campaign to increase its membership all
over the country.
* * *
would like information concerning Gen. John C. Fremont, who is being claimed
by the Roman Catholics. Have you any information as to whether be was a Mason,
and if so, anything concerning his Masonic record? These people are very fond
of claiming those who made history for our country. I wonder if they will
claim Mr. Marshall, of New York.
F. H.,
New York.
any of our readers any information that would help to answer this question?