Wearing of the Masonic ring!
"What is the proper way to wear a Masonic
ring? Should the points of
the compass be toward or away from the body?
"If you were hanging the American flag, would you put the stars down?
The same holds true of the ring. Usually it is a gift, and has
value for the wearer. It should look right side up to him. Rings
therefore worn with the points of the compass toward the wearer."
This subject is one on which Grand Lodges have made
no regulation and
popular opinion is divided. We must therefore reason from analogy.
the emblem of the square and compasses is displayed on a building, pennant,
button, watch charm etc., universal custom requires the points of the
compass point downward. When displayed on the Altar they point away from
the Master. As the Master from his station views the compass from the
of his lodge, the points are from, not towards him. As the wearer of a
compass watch charm views it, the points are down and away from his eyes.
In a similar way as he views the emblem on his ring the points should be
down or away from his eyes.
The square is the symbol of earthly, the compass of
perfection. As a combined emblem the ends of the square point up as a
symbol of man's aspirations toward God; the points of the compass are down
to represent heavenly qualities coming down from God to earth. Therefore
would seem that the proper way to wear a ring would be that is which its
symbolism is best expressed; namely, that in which, when the hand is held in
its usual position the points of the compass are towards the earth and away
from the wearer's eyes.
Thus it will be seen that our conclusion does not
agree with the writer
in Temple Topics. He truly says that in hanging an American flag we
not put the stars down, but in hanging a compass or a square and compass, he
surly would put the points of the compass down. The same rule
holds when
worn as a ring or button or a watch charm; namely, they would be worn the
same way with the points down. When so worn they all serve the same
purposes, and by no means the least of these purposes is to announce to the
world the proud wearer is a Mason. -- Iowa Masonic Bulletin.
(Copied from THE MONTANA MASON, May 1936, page 15)