The following material is from an original edition of the 1922
book. It composes a “cut-‘n-paste” resource, for research and quotations on
the early history of women in Freemasonry. It is NOT intended to be a
close reproduction of the original book. The text version of this
book was Copyrighted in June, 2007 for Phoenixmasonry, Inc. by Ralph Omholt,
Open ye gates, receive the
fair who shares
With equal sense our happiness
and cares:
Then, charming females, there
What massy stores of burnish'd
Yet richer is our art;
Not all the Orient gems that
Nor treasures of rich Ophir's
Excel the Mason's heart
True to the fair, he honours
Than glitt'ring gems, or
brightest ore,
The plighted pledge of love;
To every tie of honour bound,
in love and friendship
constant found,
And favoured from above.
INTRODUCTION …………………………………. Ix
I. ADOPTIVE MASONRY ……………………………………………………. 1
II. THE FENDEURS …………………………………………………………..12
ON THE QUESTION ……………………………………………….……169
societies have always held a fascination for both sexes, despite the fallacy
that women cannot keep a secret. Women, it is claimed by Masonic historians
and writers, have always been rigidly excluded from the ranks of Orthodox
Masonry both Operative and Speculative, although, as will be seen in the
course of the following pages, the barriers have been pierced on more than one
first Book of Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of England, published in 1723,
expressly stipulated that no woman should be admitted as a member of a Masonic
Lodge. In this edition Dr. Anderson stated that
learned and magnanimous Queen Elizabeth, who encourag'd other Arts,
discourag'd this; because, being a Woman, she could not be made a Mason, tho',
as other great Women, she might have much employ'd Masons, like Semiramis and
Anderson also goes on to say:
"Elizabeth being jealous of any Assemblies of her Subjects, whose Business she
was not duly appris'd of, attempted to break up the Annual Communication of
Masons, as dangerous to her Government. But as old
have transmitted it by Tradition, when the noble Persons her Majesty had
commissioned, and brought a sufficient Posse with them at York, on St. John's
Day, were once admitted into the Lodge, they made no use of Arms, and returned
the Queen a most honourable Account of the ancient Fraternity, whereby her
political fears and doubts were dispell'd, and she let them alone, as a People
much respected by the Noble and the Wise of all the polite Nations, but
neglected the Art all her Reign.“
In an
edition of the Book of Constitutions, published in 1738, Dr. Anderson
gives further particulars of this incident in the following words
Learning of all Sorts revived, and the good old Augustan Style began to peep
from under its rubbish. And it would have soon made great progress if the
Queen had affected Architecture. But hearing the Masons had certain secrets
that could not be reveal'd to her (for that she could not be Grand Master) and
being jealous of all Secret Assemblies, she sent an armed force to break up
their annual Grand Lodge at York, on St. John's Day, 27th December, 1561. But
Sir Thomas Sackville, Grand Master, took care to make some of the chief men
sent Free‑Masons, who then joining in that Communication, made a very
honourable report to the Queen, and she never more attempted to dislodge or
distrust them, but esteem'd them as a peculiar sort of men that cultivated
peace and friendship, arts and science, without meddling in the affairs of
Church and State. “
Elizabeth is credited with being the only woman initiated into the Order of
pages of history show that in past ages
had their own secret societies. In some instances man was excluded as
rigorously as woman is excluded from modern Orthodox Freemasonry. In others,
men were admitted on equal, or almost equal, terms with the gentler sex.
Eleusinian Mysteries were introduced by Eumelpus in 1356 B.C., and were
founded in honour of Ceres and Proserpine, and anyone violating the Oath taken
on admission and revealing the secrets to the uninitiated was punished with
death. The like punishment was meted out to uninitiated intruders at the
ceremonies. Into these Mysteries both sexes were eligible for initiation, and
there was no age limit.
Greek festival of the Thesmophoria held in the month of Pyanepsion (October)
in honour of the goddess Demeter lasted for five days, and only women were
permitted to take part in it. They had to undergo a solemn preparation for the
Festival, preparation extending over nine days, during which time they kept
apart from their husbands and purified themselves in various ways. The
sanctuary, where the Mysteries took place, was at Kalamai. The days were spent
in bathing in the sea, the Mysteries being celebrated at night. One of days
was spent in fasting, when the women sat on the ground, wearing mourning
attire and singing dirges. Swine were also offered in sacrifice the infernal
gods. Participation in the Festival
limited strictly to married women who were full citizens.
Gibbon, in his History of Rome, records a female Order in the fourth
century. It was customary for the Roman ladies annually to celebrate in the
house, either of the Consul or Praetor, certain rites and ceremonies in honour
of a goddess. In what the adoration consisted, as no man was ever permitted to
be present, or even to be made acquainted with the nature or tendency of the
function, it is impossible to say. At the appointed time the vestals came, and
so cautious were they as to privacy that the house was carefully searched, all
male animals were turned out of doors, and even statues and pictures of men
were covered with thick opaque veils. The only attempt made to violate the
caution of the Roman matrons at the celebration of this secret ceremony
occurred during the Praetorship of Julius Caesar in 692. His third consort,
Pompeia, was united to him more from policy than inclination, and
notwithstanding the nuptial vow she had taken, she retained an admirer,
Clodius, belonging to a noble family in the annals of that republic. Aurelia,
the mother of Caesar, discovered the attachment of Pompeia, and to protect the
honour of her son, by her vigilance prevented interviews between Pompeia and
her lover. At the expiration of the consular year the secret festival was to
be performed, as customary, in the house of Caesar, he being the chief
that time, and to his consort belonged the right of presiding at the ceremony.
This was a triumph for Pompeia, who conceived the idea of concealing her
favourite in the house and gratifying his oft-expressed wish of witnessing the
sacred rites. Clodius, by arrangement, disguised himself in the garb of a
female and at night proceeded towards the house of his admirer. A confidential
servant who was in the secret whispered to Clodius that it was her mistress's
desire that he should secret in her chamber. He repaired thither, but tired of
waiting he wandered into an adjacent apartment, when he was accosted. Anxious
to avoid conversation, he turned away, but was followed and a demand made for
his name and the reason of his presence there. As he refused to give my answer
or explanation he was arrested and prosecuted at the public tribunal. The
Roman criminal code had definitely affixed the punishment of death for any man
to be present at the ceremony, but by reason of his influence in the Senate,
the certainty of his not having attained to the most distant knowledge of the
Mysteries, and his open avowal that his object was solely that he might be
kv6ired with a sight of Pompeia, he was acquitted. Pompeia's indiscretion was
punished by Caesar's divorcing her, assigning, as a reason, “that his wife
ought to preserve herself from the suspicion as well the guilt of crime.“
regard to the androgynous societies, L' Abbe Clavel, in his History of
Freemasonry and Similar Societies, Ancient and Modern, published in 1842, says
"Freemasons embraced these Societies with enthusiasm as a practical means of
giving to their wives and daughters some share of the pleasures which they
themselves enjoyed in their mystical assemblies. And this, at least, may be
said of them that they practised with commendable fidelity and diligence, the
greatest of the Masonic virtues, and that the banquets and balls which always
formed an important part of their ceremonial were distinguished by numerous
acts of charity. “
Androgynous Masonry included certain Degrees, among which may be mentioned the
"Heroine of Jericho,“ which appears to be the most ancient, for which only the
wives and daughters of Royal Arch Masons were eligible; the "Ark and Dove,“The
Mason's Daughter, “The Good Samaritan, “The Maids of Jerusalem,“ and "he
Mason's Wife, “all of which Degrees were conferred only on the wives,
daughters, sisters, and mothers of Freemasons These were practised mainly in
the United States of America, and their description does not enter within the
scope of the present volume. It may also be mentioned that there is
presumptive evidence that in days gone by women were admitted into the Order
of Knights Templar.
question as to whether or not women should
admitted into the ranks of Orthodox Freemasonry cannot here be discussed. As
the author is proud to claim membership of Lodges within the jurisdiction of
the United Grand Lodge of England, any discussion on this point would be
this connection, however, it may be permissible to draw attention to an
article bearing on this subject which appeared in the Daily Telegraph
of 14th April, 1920, in the course of which the writer said:
more masculine stronghold has, we are informed, fallen to the monstrous
regiment of women. The Grand Lodge of French Freemasons has declared itself in
favour of the admission of women to the craft. It is, of course, true that a
female Freemason would not be a creature absolutely without precedent. There
is respectable evidence for the initiation of a woman in that century
momentous in the fortunes of Masonry - the eighteenth.
Misogynists may derive what comfort they please from the fact that the
traditional woman Freemason was initiated, if anywhere, in Ireland. They can
undoubtedly contend that to open the fraternity to women would be a
revolutionary change of policy. That the decision of French Freemasons will
have much influence on the craft in England is not probable. In France
membership has been associated with religious and political opinions which are
either antagonistic or irrelevant to the principles of English Freemasonry.
The fact, indeed, makes the proposal to admit women gore remarkable, for
hitherto women have nowhere given much support to anti‑clerical or
anti‑theistic parties. Whether it portends a new orientation of the Grand
Orient we will not now inquire. It would be
impertinent to offer any advice to our Freemasons on a question of the
constitution of their own fraternity. The most enthusiastic feminist may be
content to admit that there is justification for the existence of societies
confined to one sex. Such organisations have existed from the dawn of time,
and women have eagerly maintained the exclusiveness of their own. But only an
obscurantist would argue that the secrets of any fraternity are endangered by
the admission of women. A social system which continually increases the number
of women secretaries is sufficient evidence of the folly of that ancient
splendid works of charity which are the glory of English Freemasonry may
suggest that ' women would be well fitted for membership of the craft. It
might be argued, on the other hand, that a society composed of both sexes,
however valuable, however s pleasant, would inevitably lose some of the valued
qualities of a male fraternity. Just as affectionate and devoted wives have
been known to thank Providence ' for the existence of their husbands' clubs,
we suspect that many women would prefer the men of their families to enjoy the
delights of the Masonic Lodge alone. “
shut from our Lodges by ancient decree,
spite of our laws, here woman has part;
each Mason, I'm sure, will tell you with me,
form is enshrined and reigns in our heart.
wisely ordained by our Order of old
fasten the door, which entrance denies;
once in our Lodge she would rule uncontrolled,
govern the Craft by the light of her eyes.
origin of Adoptive Masonry is placed generally in the seventeenth century, and
its author is named as the widow of Charles I of England, daughter of Henry
IV, and sister of Louis XIII of France. After the death of Charles I she is
said to have been proclaimed "the protectress of the children of the widow,“
Freemasons in those days being known as "the children of the widow.“ She is
said to have formed a society of women, to whom she communicated certain signs
and passwords.
1712, in Russia, Catherine the Czarina obtained from Peter the Great
permission to found the Order of St. Catherine, an Order of Knighthood for
women only, of which she was proclaimed Grand Mistress. This was a
quasi‑Masonic body.
In the
eighteenth century there were four Grand Mistresses of the Order of St. John
of Jerusalem, which was an emanation of early Masonry. They
the Princess of Rochelle in Italy, the Countess of Maille and the Princess de
Latour in France; and the Duchess of Wisembourg in Germany.
Chevalier Cesar Moreau states positively that Adoptive Masonry is of French
other people,“ he says, “could have raised this beautiful monument of national
gallantry to a sex who, in the East, are subjected to the most humiliating
dependence; who, in Spain, are guarded in living sepulchres, namely, the
convents; while, in Italy, this admirable half of humanity is in the same
position; and, in Russia, the husband receives from the father-in‑law, with
his wife, the right to flog her at his pleasure? The French know too well how
to appreciate the numberless merits of this charming sex to allow themselves
to be influenced by any other nation in the happiness of proving to women that
they are at all times their idols, from youth to age.“
has recorded a curious anecdote respecting the origin of Female Freemasonry,
which Dr. George Oliver finds it difficult to credit. He says that in the year
1741, a burgomaster of Holland having heard of some grotesque exhibition,
which professed to be an exposition of Masonic secrets, caused himself to be
proposed for admission that he might judge of the correctness of what he had
seen; and that he secretly placed his daughter at a window to be a witness of
his initiation. The plan succeeded and led to the establishment of Female
1771 the Order of Perseverance was established at Paris by several nobles and
ladies. It had little of the Masonic character about it, and although, at the
time of its creation, it excited considerable
sensation, it existed but for a brief period. It was instituted for the
purpose of rendering services to humanity. Ragon says that there was kept in
the archives of the Order a quarto volume of four hundred leaves, in which
were registered all the good deeds of the brethren and sisters, and he claimed
that the document remained in existence at his time. Thory says that there was
much mystification about the establishment of the Order in Paris. Its
institutors contended that it originated from time immemorial in Poland, a
pretension to which the King of Poland lent his sanction. Many persons of
distinction, and among them Madame de Genlis, were received and became its
real date of the establishment of Adoptive Masonry in France, however, may be
placed as 1775, when, according to M. Boubée, who is sometimes called the
"Father of French Masonry,“ the French ladies, not wishing to remain
indifferent to the good done by Freemasons, sought to form Lodges of Adoption,
so as the more efficaciously to exercise charity and goodness.
first the Grand Orient of France did not sympathise with the formation of
these Lodges of Adoption, and for some time withheld its sanction, but
eventually consented to take the oversight on the express condition that each
meeting should be presided over by the Master of a regular Masonic Lodge.
Immediately several ladies of distinction became active members and
propagators, among the number being the Duchess of Chartres, the
Duchess of Bourbon, the Princess Lambelle, the Countess of Polignac, the
Countess of ChoiseulGouffier, and the Marchioness of Coutebonne.
On the
11th March, 1775, the Marquis de Saisseval, assisted by several distinguished
Brethren, formed the Lodge of Candour under the Constitution of the Grand
Orient of France. Fourteen days afterwards ‑ on 25th March, 1775 ‑ this Lodge
gave a fete d'adoption, when the Duchess of Chartres, wife of the Grand
Master of the Grand Orient, was present. There was also present the Duchess of
Bourbon, who then consented to accept the position of Grand Mistress of
Adoptive Masonry. Her installation took place on the following day, in the
Lodge of St. Anthony in Paris, when the Duke of Chartres presided in his
capacity as Grand Master. Nearly a thousand persons, the elite of
French society, are said to have assisted at this function. In 1801 Adoptive
Masonry established itself in Holland, where it reigned until 10th June, 1810,
when it was peremptorily inhibited.
Adoptive Rite consisted of four Degrees - Apprentice, Companion, Mistress, and
Perfect Mistress. The first Degree was purely symbolical and introductory,
intended rather to improve the mind than to convey any definite idea of the
institution. The second Degree depicted the scene of the temptation in Eden,
and the Companion was reminded in a lecture of the penalty incurred by the
Fall. The third Degree alluded to the Tower of Babel and the confusion of
tongues as a symbol of a badly regulated Lodge, while Jacob's Ladder was
introduced as a moral lesson of order and harmony. The fourth Degree, that of
Perfect Mistress, represented Moses and Aaron, their wives, and the sons
Aaron. The ceremonies referred to the passage the Red Sea by the Israelites,
and the Degree said to symbolise the passage of men from the world of change
and discord to a pure land of rest and peace.
officers of a Lodge of Adoption consisted of Grand Master, Grand Mistress,
Orator, Inspector, Inspectress, Depositor, Depositrix, Conductor, and
Conductress. The sash and collar were blue, with a gold trowel suspended. The
principal officers were provided with gavels or mallets, and each member was
attired in a plain white apron and white gloves. The Brethren, as distinct
from the Sisters, wore, in addition to the ordinary regalia, each a sword and
a gold ladder of five rounds, this latter being the jewel of Adoptive Masonry.
The business of each Lodge was conducted by the Sisters, the Brethren being
looked upon as assistants only. Different descriptive hangings were provided
for the various Degrees. In the first Degree, four curtains divided the room
into four sections. The west represented Europe; the east, Asia; the south,
Africa; and the north, America. Two thrones were erected in the east for the
Grand Master and the Grand Mistress; before them was placed an altar, while to
their right and left were placed eight statues representing Wisdom, Prudence,
Strength, Temperance, Honour, Charity, justice,
Truth. The members sat in two rows, to right and left, at right angles to the
two presiding officers ‑ the Brethren, armed with their swords, in the back
rows, and the Sisters in the front rows.
Adoptive Lodges found many opportunities for the practice of beneficence, in
which, particularly, they excelled. The records of the Adoptive Lodge of
Candour show that frequently collections were made for the poor and
distressed. In 1777, the Duchess of Bourbon presided at a meeting of this
Lodge when there was a collection for a brave soldier of the Anjou regiment
who had thrown himself into the frozen Rhone and rescued two drowning
children. In 1779, through the agency of members of this Lodge, a poor
nobleman, without profession or resources, obtained from the King a pension
and a lieutenancy. This Lodge was disbanded in 178o, in consequence of Court
movements. The Quadruple Lodge of the Nine Sisters was another prominent
Adoptive Lodge, which held several fetes for philanthropic purposes. In 1780 a
Lodge of Adoption was formed by the Lodge Social Contract to celebrate the
convalescence of the Grand Master, the Duke of Chartres. This Lodge had for
its first Master the Abbe Bertolio, who was assisted by the Princess Lamballe
as Grand Mistress. Among the initiates of this Lodge were the Viscountess of
Alfrey, the Viscountess of Narbonne and the Countess of Maille. In common with
many others this Lodge was broken up by the Revolution.
Adoptive Masonry was seized by the comprehensive mind of the first Napoleon as
a means to consolidate his power, and it rose into favour again on the
re‑establishment of the Empire. In 1805, the unfortunate Empress Josephine was
installed Grand Mistress of the Loge Imperiale d'Adoption des Francs
Chevaliers at Strasbourg, when she initiated one of her ladies of honour,
Madame F. de Canisy. M. Boubée says that at no period in the history of
Adoptive Masonry was there so brilliant a gathering. It was the first occasion
on which French Masonry had been honoured with the presence of a sovereign.
Rev. Dr. George Oliver, in his Revelations of a Square, gives an
interesting account of a visit he paid to a Lodge of Adoption in Paris in
ceremonies are conducted with the utmost decorum. We are, of course, totally
ignorant of the dark room, as none but females are admitted to that penetralia,
and the preparations are conducted only by females; but when they are
completed, and the trials come on, the Novice is conducted through the process
by a lady and gentleman together.
this special occasion it was thought that the Candidate did not possess
sufficient fortitude to endure the trials, and she was warned that if she had
any doubts as to her power of endurance she had the opportunity of
withdrawing. However, she indicated that she was quite willing to proceed, and
she was accordingly conducted through the usual trials of fortitude and
endured them with the courage of a martyr, and even at last, when placed on
the summit of the symbolic mountain, and told she must cast herself down
thence into the abyss below, where she saw a double row of bright
spikes, long and sharp. They were real, substantial spikes, and she would have
been killed if impaled thereon.
word was given to throw herself down, and with a suppressed shriek she made
the required plunge. So unexpectedly sudden was her obedience that the guide,
who had charge of the machinery, was scarcely allowed time to touch the spring
before she fell recumbent at the bottom of the abyss. The machinery is so
contrived that at the very moment when the final leap is made the scene
changes to an Elysium of green fields and shady trees, bubbling fountains and
purling streams, and beneath the velvet herbage is placed a bed of the softest
down, to receive the fair body of the exhausted Novice as she falls. In the
present instance the lady fainted, and lay for a time without motion, but was
soon restored and tranquillised by the application of essences and perfumes,
and the soft and soothing influence of delicious music.
afterwards introduced into the Lodge, her constancy was rewarded by witnessing
and forming a part of the most beautiful and captivating scenes I ever
Adoptive Masonry found its way into Italy, and the following description of an
initiation ceremony appeared in an Italian paper, Correspondence,
published in Rome, in 1862
"In a
room hung with black was raised a table covered with black cloth; on the table
was a skull and above it was a lamp, which shed a funereal light. Eight
personages: a Worshipful Grand Master, a Worshipful Grand Mistress, a Brother
Orator dressed as a Capuchin, a Brother Inspector, a Sister Inspectress,
Brother and Sister Deacons, and a Sister Guarder. These dignitaries wore on
their breasts each a wide violet ribbon, to which was suspended a little gold
trowel. The Grand Master held a hammer which served as his sceptre and marched
at the side of the Grand Mistress.
Brethren and Sisters all wore the regulation apron and white gloves. A
Candidate was about to be initiated. The Grand Master clapped his hands five
times and asked one of the officers: `What are the duties of a Masonic
aspirant? ' The answer was given: `Obedience, labour, silence.' The Brother
Orator then took the Candidate by the hand and conducted her to the dark room,
when, having bandaged her eyes, he read her a homily on virtue and charity.
When the bandage was removed she found herself surrounded by the Brethren in a
circle, their swords meeting above her head. After another homily, pronounced
by the Grand Master, he asked her if she had well reflected before entering a
Society which was unknown to her, and then the proselyte took the oath or
obligation, as follows:
swear and promise faithfully to keep in my heart all the secrets of
Freemasonry and engage to do so under the penalty of being cut in pieces by
the sword of the avenging angel.' The Grand Master then explained to her the
signs and gave her the password of the Order. Then, taking the initiate by the
hand, he gave her, in a respectful manner, the five kisses of peace, and
handed to her an apron and a pair of gloves.“
1736, Pope Clement XII launched his famous Bull against the Freemasons, and
the people, becoming alarmed, formed another Society on similar lines, but one
which would not subject them to the thunders of the Vatican. This Society was
known as the Mopses and, according to most writers, it did not become an
androgynous Order until 1776, but, in 1745, a work was published at Amsterdam
entitled, Le Secret de la Societe des Mopses, which had as frontispiece
a plate depicting the reception into the Order of a female, while another
female sat in the supreme chair. The Lodge‑room was in the form of a square,
or, 'rather, a lozenge,
that the cardinal points were at the angles. During the ceremonies the
Brethren and Sisters stood in a circle, intersecting the lozenge at each
angle, so as to leave the officers of the Lodge without the circumference.
There were four great Lights, disposed at the angles. The Master, or Grand
Mopse, was placed in a great chair, or throne, before a table in the east, and
the two wardens were stationed in the west. In the centre of the Lodge was a
Mopse, or the figure of a mastiff, with its head towards the east. On the
pictorial design of the Order were two emblems of friendship, viz. two hands
joined in fellowship; and a hand holding an open purse, from which another
hand was extracting the contents. An altar was placed in front of the Wardens,
on which was inscribed a heart within an oval, incense being kept burning upon
the altar; on each side of the altar was a hand, as if grasping the altar in
love. Females were admitted to all offices within the Order, with the
exception of the Grand Mastership, which was held for life by a male.
Subordinate to him were the two Grand Mopses, the one a male, the other a
female, each governing the Order for six months in alternate succession. The
Order grew and flourished, and by the admission of women they evaded the terms
of the papal denunciation. The heads of the Germanic Union countenanced the
Order and extended their patronage to the scheme, and at Frankfort the Lodges
were composed of persons of rank of both sexes.
1805 the androgynous Lodge of Free Knights and Ladies of Paris held high
festival at Strasburg. Lady Dietrick officiated as Grand Mistress, assisted by
the Empress Josephine. Two years later the Lodge of St. Caroline held a
festival in Paris, which was celebrated with great magnificence under the
presidency of the Duchess of Vaudemont. The Prince Cambaceres, then Grand
Master, was present, together with many of the nobility, both male and female,
including the Princess de Carignan; the Countesses de Giraudin, de
Roucherolles, de Laborde, de Bondy, etc.
Order of Fendeurs, or Forest Masons, possessed legends claiming a high
antiquity. One professed to trace the Order back to the time of Alexander the
Great, which was the ground for the introduction of a Degree called the
"Knight of Thebes.“The Fendeurs were, in all probability, a branch of the
Carbonari, or Charcoal Burners, a political league which made its appearance
in the twelfth century.
was a revival in 1747 by the Chevalier Beauchaine, when the Order became so
popular that ladies and gentlemen of the highest distinction and rank
considered it an honour to be permitted to join it. It had a successful career
until the restoration of the monarchy, when it was disbanded.
Chantier, or Lodge, was held in the daytime. In summer it was held in a broad
garden walk, adorned with trees, and in the winter in a large room adorned
with branches of trees, or hangings representing a forest and the various
occupations of the Fendeurs. When the sun set on their labours, they lighted a
moving transparency of the sun in the east
and a
number of coloured lamps concealed in the branches.
seat for the Master, or Père Maître, as he was called, was placed in
the east, and was a great block of wood, called the Block of Honour. In front
of it was placed a log of oak, with a woodcutter's axe and two wedges, one of
iron and one of wood. To the right was a large tree stump, on which were
placed the Constitutions of the Order, a stone cup, and a small black loaf for
every Candidate for initiation, together with an envelope containing five sous,
a pair of white gloves, a russet‑coloured sash edged with green, a small gilt
axe on a ribbon, a box whistle on a rosette, and a carpenter's apron. Behind
the Master's seat was placed a holly bush.
To the
north were placed as many blocks as there were candidates, a crown of oak
leaves being placed on each block.
In the
south and north were arranged in the form of a circle as many faggots as there
were Fendeurs present, while bundles of wood and beds of leaves or turf were
also carelessly arranged.
blocks of oak, before each of which was placed a large log, were in the west.
Beside each log was placed a wooden axe with a long handle, as well as two
wedges, one of iron and one of wood. In the centre of the Chantier were placed
a number of saws, axes, wedges, with chips, branches, and leaves.
At one
time, says Ragon, in his Manuel complet de la Mafonnerie d'Adoption ou
Maconnerie des Dames, four huts were erected towards the east.
but to the right of the Master was made with three poles stretched apart, and
held one to another by hoops. At the point of junction was a little vessel of
water. It was furnished with straw mats and became the but of Cousin Hermit,
dressed as a monk. He had for seat a stool, and in front a block on which was
a stone money‑box and a book of meditations. In front of the block and
underneath the water was a cushion for the Candidate to hear on his knees the
exhortation of the Hermit. To give proof of his charitable disposition he was
told to put the five sous, which had been given him, into the money‑box.
Holding the cord leading to the bucket, Cousin Hermit said: "Be washed and
purged from all the filth which accompanies the Briquet and may the
protecting virtue of the Fendeurs be your guide and safeguard,“ and at the
same time he upset the water over the Candidate.
second but belonged to Cousin, Winedresser. It was made of leaves and well
covered in. At the top projected a stick which was covered with a cabbage as a
sign. Inside were two tressels and a barrel of wine for the refreshment of the
Cousin by order of the Master. The honour of occupancy of the third but was
reserved for the most frivolous member of the company, who took the name of
Mère Cateau and the costume of a woman, with a peasant woman's mob‑cap, a
jacket, a red or blue petticoat, a fichu, a white apron, and a great golden
cross and heart. Near to it was a wooden stool, a bucket full of water, a
board crossed over it, some
in suds, soap, and a round stick. In front was a faggot for the Candidate,
who, emerging from his washing lesson, found himself covered with soap.
fourth but was opposite the Winedresser's. It was made of earth, and with a
long and broad straw bed. The occupant of this was known as Cousin Bear.
men and women were admitted to the Order, and the Oath taken by a female
Candidate was as follows:
promise and swear on my word of honour, on the symbol of cleanliness, in the
presence of the Pere Maitre and the worthy cousins of this Chantier, never to
betray the secrets of the worthy Cousins or Companions, and if I fail in my
promise I consent to be soaked, beaten and twisted like a bundle of dirty
linen; then to be cast to the bottom of the vat of the worthy and benevolent
Cousin Cateau, then to be exposed for forty days in the deepest Forest, to
live on acorns only, like a sow, and to be devoured by wild beasts.“
following was the ceremonial adopted in the opening of a chantier:
- “Chief of the Wood‑yard, Cousin Elm and Cousin Oak! See if the bar is in
place, the tools well sharpened, and what sort of weather it is.“
Answer: - "Pere Maitre, the sun is shining to hearten us for work, the bar of
the Chantier is in place, and the tools are well sharpened. “
- “Therefore we can get to work. Announce to the good Cousins that the
Chantier is open. “
Answer: - “Cousins; I give you notice on behalf of the Père Maître
that the Chantier is open.“
shout three times "A l’ Avantage" and then "Vive les Fendeurs.“ While this is
being done Cousin Elm goes out and, on returning beats la douelle and
beats and whistles being repeated by all, in turn, with the exception of the
Père Maître.
- “Cousin Oak, go and see what it is. “
Elm having made pretence to go out again returns with Cousin Oak.
Elm. “Good luck, Père Maître, good luck.“
“Good luck, good Cousin, good luck. Whence comest thou?"
Elm. "From the Royal Forest, Père Maître, from the Vente d' Honneur,
whence come all the worthy Cousins, good comrades Hewers.“
Maitre: - “Whom didst thou meet in the forest?"
Elm. “I met good Briquets and Briquettes.“
- "What didst thou do with them?"
Elm. “I shut them up in the but under the guard of the Aspen till you should
give command concerning them.“
- “Cousin Aspen, are they safe?"
Aspen. "They are, Père Maître, I answer for them to you.“
- "Go and fetch them one by one.“
present then sing:"Strike, Hewers, strike down to the heart of the tree. “
whistle is heard outside, which is repeated by all, excepting the Père
- “Cousin Elm, what is it now?”
Elm. “Some one knocks at the Chantier.“
- "Go and see who it is.“
Elm. “Père Maître, it is Cousin Aspen, who brings us a Briquet (i.e.
- “Bring him (or her) in.“
Candidate is brought in and placed before the Père Maître, who says:
"What has made thee dare to come in our forests?"
Candidate (prompted). “Père Maître, the sincere
to be received as a good Cousin, a good Comrade Hewer.“
Père Maître asks the Candidate several questions, which if answered
satisfactorily, he says: "Send him flying.“ When this command has been obeyed,
the Père Maître says: "Cry his sale.“ The Candidate is then made to run
three times round the Chantier, while the Cousins shout :"A l' Avantage.“
Maître: -
sale of the Briquet is cried. Is anyone opposed to the sale?"
"No, Père Maître: - “
- “Show him the green leaf.“
Père Maître then addresses the Candidate as follows:
thou desirest to be one of us!; It seems to me that thou wilt have to lower
thy views, for thou seest that we are poor country folk to whom work does not
give polish, but who are more sincere than courtiers. We are of one heart and
one mind; work is nought to us, we are used to it. He who has done thee harm
will find it changed to good. We will defend thee as thou must us in danger.
Thou seest our garments, our dwelling, and our food. They show the simplicity
and the uprightness of our hearts. The sun rises always serenely for us, and
the earth never refuses us her gifts, sickness is ever far from us, because we
drive from our huts idleness, softness, and daintiness. This, in a few words,
is the condition of our Society., It is thine, if thou art resolved to live as
we do. If thou feelest any repugnance thou canst say so. I will make means
easy for thee to depart from this Forest, safe and sound, under a trusty
guard, who will put thee in thy way.“
Candidate (prompted). “Père Maître , I consent to all.“
Maître: -
him choose a godfather."
Candidate is then led to the various huts in turn, at each of which he is made
to work. He then returns to the Père Maître.
Maître: -
thou content?"
Candidate. “Yes, Pere Maitre: - “
Oath or Obligation is then taken.
Maitre. “Art thou content? Wilt thou be faithful?"
Candidate. “Yes, Père Maître. “
Maître: -
“Cousin Oak, let the Candidate be seated on the Log of Honour.“
Candidate is then seated on the log, crowned with ivy and flowers, given wine
to drink and black bread to eat, the Cousins meanwhile singing:"Long live the
Père Maître then gives him a piece of parsley, saying:
"Respect the stem from which this springs; use the fruit sparingly and destroy
it neither in root nor branch.“
plant is then put in his buttonhole, his regalia is given him, and he is
instructed in the various duties of a Cousin by Cousin Oak.
or, to
quote its French title, “L'Ordre des Felicitaires, “the Order of the Happy
People, is claimed by some writers, particularly Clavel, as the original
French androgynous institution. Clavel, in his Histoire pittoresque de la
Franc‑Maconnerie, says:
"We do
not know who was its inventor; but it made its first appearance in France, and
is evidently a product of French wit. The rules of this Masonry, however, were
only definitely settled after 1760, and it was recognised and sanctioned by
the governing body of Masonry in 1774. At first it assumed various names and
rituals, which have not reached us. In 1743, it had some nautical emblems and
a vocabulary; and the Sisters used to make the fictitious voyage to the Isle
of Felicity, under the sail of the Brothers and piloted by
It was then the Order of the Happy Ones, which comprised the Degrees of
Cabin‑boy, Captain, Commodore, and Vice‑Admiral, and had for Admiral, or Grand
Master, M. Chambonnet, its author.“
date of its institution is given variously as 1730, 1742, 1743, and 1744, and
Ragon also claims that its founder was M. Chambonnet, with some other sea
officers. All the emblems of the Orders together with the ritual expressions,
were nautical in character. In the Oath or Obligation, the Candidate pledged
himself to preserve the secrecy of the ceremonial of initiation and never to
moor a vessel in any port where there was already a vessel of the Order. If
the Candidate was a female, she swore never to receive a foreign vessel into
Woodford, in Kenning's Masonic Cyclopadia, says that the sign of the
Order was an anchor suspended from three silken cords. It did not last for
long owing to a quarrel which occurred in 1745 when a new society was formed.
The first account of the Order seems to be given in L' Antyopophile ou le
Secret et les Misteres de l'Ordre de la Felicite, devoiles; pour; le bonheur
de tout l' Univers. A. Arctopolis, 1746. Its word of greeting is said to
have been the Hebrew Shalom Alechem, or “Peace be with you.“
Boston Evening Post of 9th January, 1743, had, in its Roman letter, the
following reference to the Order:
hear from Avignon, that a Society composed of persons of both sexes, has been
lately formed there, under the name of `Knights and Knightesses of the
of Felicity'; and as this Society has made a great noise, by reasons of the
ceremonies performed at the admission of members into it, M. Joseph de Guyon
de Crochans, Archbishop of that city, has published a mandate against it,
wherein he expresses himself to the following purpose:
he cannot conceal the extreme uneasiness he is under at the repeated and
circumstantial informations that have been given him concerning this society,
the design of which can neither be the service of God nor a new engagement
tending to greater perfection That he leaves it to the civil magistrates to
inquire whether such associations are not destructive to the real good and
repose of civil society; and that he exhorts the faithful in his diocese to be
upon their guard against a society so suspicious on account of the frivolous
and indecent ceremonies, to say no worse of them, that are observed at the
reception of its members.“
Order which, for a long time, conducted its proceedings without reproach
numbered at first many noblemen and distinguished women amongst its members.
Afterwards, however, the meetings became so grossly immoral in character,
females being, in some cases, passed through the various degrees practically
in a state of nudity, that within two years of its foundation it was
dissolved, to be succeeded, in 1745, by
Order preserved the principal features of the Order of Felicity. The same four
Degrees were conferred; only the passwords and regalia were changed, the
anchor again becoming the jewel of the Order.
little is known of this Order, beyond the fact that it is believed to have
been established in Paris in 1740 by "seven wise men. “At initiation the
Candidate was conducted by two members of the Order into the centre of the
Temple, where was a table, on which was a white cloth, on which were three
candles around a statue of Minerva. The following obligation was taken on
swear and promise on my honour to keep locked within my breast the knowledge
that I may now acquire and never to speak of it save to Companions of the
Order of Penelope or to the Companions of Ulysses.“
established in Brittany in the middle of the eighteenth century. The sign was
made by raising the hands to a level with the eyes, the palms turned upwards,
and the five fingers joined. The grip was given by shaking hands with the
fingers interlaced, the shake being given three times reciprocally. The
password or phrase was: "Have you gathered the roses?" to which the response
was: "Also the grapes.“
Order was founded in Paris in 1778 by M. Chaumont, private secretary to
Louis‑Philippe of Orleans, at the request, it is said, of the Duke of Chartres.
It was an androgynous Order: the male
president was known as the Hierophant and the female president as the High
Priestess. Men were initiated by the Hierophant and women by the High
Priestess. The obligation was as follows:
swear and promise in the name of the Maker of the Universe, Who has the power
to renew unceasingly at His pleasure His most excellent work, never to reveal
the secrets of the Order of the Rose. If I prove false to my oath, may the
mysteries add nothing to my pleasures, and instead of roses of delight may I
find only the thorns of repentance.“
temple of intiation was known as the Temple of Love. It was decorated in a
very handsome manner and ornamented with devices of gallantry. Love‑knots were
traced on the floor and on the carpet which surrounded the throne of the High
Priestess, on which the Candidates for initiation stood during the ceremony.
The initiation ceremony was very similar to that used in the Lodges of
Adoption, but the following question was asked: "What age are you?" to which
the Candidate, if a male, replied "The age to love,“ and, if a female "The age
of pleasing and loving. “Perfumes were offered to the statue of Venus by the
Candidate on being conducted to the altar. In 1780, there was a grand festival
of the Order in Paris, when the ceremony of the initiation of a Nymph of the
Rose was performed in the presence of the Duke of Chartres.
their appearance in France about 1810. The professed object of this Order was
to afford succour
distressed females of good character. The usual amusements at their periodic
meetings were the recital of poetry, music, speeches, and, not infrequently,
dancing. The Order had nine Degrees, divided into two classes, moral and
historical. They were as follows: 1. Novice Ecossais; 2 (moral), Novice Mason
3 (historical), Novice Mythologist 4 (moral), Discreet Fellowcraft; 5
(historical), Biblical Fellowcraft 6 (moral), Mistress Adonhiramite 7
(historical), Historical Mistress 8 (moral), Moral Mistress; g Grand
Philosophical Mistress.
which Moses was claimed as founder, admitted both men and women. The members
wore in their buttonholes a chain with a jewel representing the two tables of
the Law, but, instead of the ten commandments, the jewel had two wings to
signify Freedom, with the motto: Virtute dirigit alas. On the reverse
side was an M for Moses, with the date 6743. The command: "Thou shalt not
commit adultery" is said purposely to have been omitted from their rules.
sometimes called the Ancient and Primitive Rite, which had the power of
admitting women, was established in Paris about the year 1838 by Jacques
Etienne Marconis. This Rite had originally ninety-one Degrees, but they were
afterwards increased to ninety‑seven. Its success was not great and it was
into the Grand Orient of France in 1862. It has been worked in England within
recent years, but it has now fallen into disuse. It ceased to be recognised by
the United Grand Lodge of England.
was an
Order which existed in France in the middle of the eighteenth century. Mdlle.
Salle, a famous danseuse, was for a time its president. Men and women were
admitted to the Order, the Rites of which were of a quasi‑Masonic character.
The badge was an imitation of an icicle. The members took an oath to fight
against Love, whose power they renounced.
was a
society on the Adoptive principle, which was founded in Denmark in 1777. It
founded and maintained at its own expense the Asylum for the Blind at
Copenhagen, said to have been the largest and best managed of all such
institutions in Europe.
other Orders and Societies may be mentioned: The Order of Knights and Ladies
of joy, founded in Paris in 1696, under the protection of Bacchus and Venus,
whose printed statutes are still in existence; the German Order of the Rose,
founded in Germany in 1784, by Grossinger, on the collapse of the Order of the
Rose; the Order of the Lovers of Pleasure, founded by some young officers of
the French army on 25th December, 1808, a
military Order said to have been much favoured by Napoleon I.
celebrated impostor, St. Germain, gave a check to androgynous Masonry by the
establishment of his great Lodge at Ermonville, where scenes of the grossest
licentiousness were exhibited. Every woman becoming a member became the common
property of the brotherhood, with the exception of the one appropriated by St.
Germain. She was known as the virgin and alone had the privilege of not being
delivered over to the Adamites, until the leader fixed his choice on some
other female member of the Order.
In a
modified form Adoptive Masonry still exists, but it has not flourished under
the Republic and its operations have been confined, until recently, to France.
The system has been rejected by the Grand Lodge of England and by most of the
Grand Lodges of the Overseas Dominions. A writer in the Freemasons'
Quarterly Review of 1837 was, however, very eulogistic of the movement. He
wrote concerning it:
"Adoptive Masonry stands a bright monument to female secrecy and fidelity, and
proves how wrong all those are who fancy a woman is not to be trusted. There
is not in the whole system of Adoptive Masonry a single step with which the
most ascetic moralist could find fault: on the contrary, all is pure, all is
beautiful; it is the brightest jewel with which the sombre records of Masonry
are spangled.“
Masonic ladies used a symbolical language at their fêtes. Thus a Lodge was
called Eden;
barriers; the degrees, a ladder; glasses, lamps; wine, red oil; water, white
oil; bottles, pitchers.
Mr. J.
S. Tuckett, in a paper read before the Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076,
recently, said that the earliest effort in France was undoubtedly that of the
Order of Felicity. But androgynous Societes Burlesques were by no means
a new invention. L'Ordre des Egyptiens, founded at Metz about 1635, is
described in the Memoires of the Abbe Arnauld; L'Oydye des
Coteaux is referred to by Boileau, La Bruyere, and by Des Maizeaux in the
Vie de Saint‑Evyemonde; L'Ordre de la Boisson, founded at
Arignor in 1700, published its journal Les Nouvelles de l'O de la B; Le
Regiment de la Calotte appeared at about the same time and added several words
derived from its observances to the French language; L'Ordre de la Monche d
Miel, founded by the Duchesse de Laine in 1703, possessed its Medal of
Membership inscribed L. Bar. D. Sc. D. P. D. L. 0. D. L. M. A. M., of which an
engraving may be found in the Recreations Numismatiques of Tobiesen, Duby,
1786. These societies had their Grand Masters, Grand Mistresses, Trinkets,
Tokens, Jewels, and Medals, and exacted an oath or promise from their
Candidates, but‑and this is what marked a new departure in the Order of
Felicity there is no indication that they worked a ritual or conferred any
Degrees. In no sense were they "Secret Societies" or even "Societies
possessing Secrets,“ which is by no means the same thing.
were also several Orders of Knighthoods formed at various periods, most, if
not all, of which had their forms of initiation and some had rituals also. The
most important of these which conferred the dignity upon woman as well as men
were: The Order of the Torch, though this was for women only, was founded by
Don Raymond, of Barcelona, in recognition of the bravery of the women who
defended Tortosa against the Moors. Members of the Order had precedence of
men, were exempted from all taxes, and, on their husband's deaths became
possessed of all apparel and jewels left by them. The Order of Our Lady of
Mercy, founded by James I, King of Aragon, admitted women as well as men; the
members spent their lives in collecting alms and redeeming Christian slaves.
The Order of the Cross of Jesus Christ, or the Knights of the Militia of St.
Dominic admitted both sexes; it was founded to resist the progress of the
Albigenses. The Order of the White Eagle, created by Vladislaus V of Russia;
the Order of St. George of Burgundy, formed for the purpose of guarding some
relics of St. George the Martyr; the Order of the Bee, in France; and the
Order of the Cross of the South, instituted in 1822 by Pedro I, Emperor of
Brazil; while among the Orders for women only are the Order of the Celestial
Collar of the Holy Rosary; the Order of the Ladies Slaves to Virtue; the Order
of the Star Cross (Austrian); the Order of St. Anne (for single women); the
Order of St. Elizabeth (Bavarian); the Order of Maria Louisa
(Spanish); the Order of St. Ann (Bavarian); the Order of St. Isabella
(Portuguese); the Order of Louisa (Prussian); the Order of Theresa (Bavarian);
while England has an Order of the Imperial Cross of India, instituted in 1878
for ladies only. In 1856 a branch of the Order of the Daughters of Jericho was
inaugurated in England, but apparently had only a brief existence.
after the downfall of Napoleon, societies were formed in various European
countries, chiefly by exiles, for the promotion of Italian independence. Even
Egypt became a centre of this propaganda, and, under the auspices of Mehemet
Ali, who aspired to render himself independent of the Sublime Porte, an
Egyptian rite was established under the name of the "Secret Egyptian Society.“
In the Lodges of Alexandria and Cairo alone, the Greek and Arab women numbered
more than three hundred.
Closely bound up with this Egyptian Masonry was the celebrated unprincipled
adventurer, claimed by some writers to be the well‑known Joseph Balsamo, known
as the Count Cagliostro, who imposed upon our Masonic forefathers, as he did
upon the rest of the world. In 1776 he was initiated into Freemasonry in the
Esperance Lodge, No. 269, which was attached to what was known as the Rite of
Strict Observance: This Lodge met at the King's Head Tavern in Gerrard Street,
Soho, W., and was composed mainly of French and Italian Brethren.
entry into the Craft was made through the friendship of Comte de Sainte
Shortly before quitting London, Cagliostro purchased some manuscripts, the
property of one George Coston, who was a total stranger to him. These
documents treated of Egyptian Masonry, and on these documents Cagliostro
founded the system which ultimately spread to every part of the world and
contributed to the notoriety of the author. In this system he promised to
conduct his followers to perfection by means of moral and physical
regeneration; by causing them to find the primal matter or philosopher's
stone, and the acacia which consolidates in man the powers of the most
vigorous youth and renders him immortal, by teaching him how to procure the
pentagon, which restores man to his primitive state of innocence, forfeited by
original sin.
According to another account Cagliostro was a disciple of a Jutland merchant
who had lived for some time in Egypt, and who, in 1771, began to initiate
candidates into the supposed ancient Mysteries of Memphis. He remained some
time in Malta, though the only Mysteries he appears to have taught there were
the tenets of Manes. Cagliostro certainly became one of the members of an
Illuminati Lodge, established in Paris in 1781 by Savalette la Lange, other
members being St. Germain, Mesmer, and Raymond. This Lodge is supposed to have
been founded on the revelation of Swedenborg, and corresponded, by means of
accredited agents, with all the European branches of the Order. Two other
Lodges were formed in Paris at the same time, one being aristocratic, called
the Lodge of Candour; the other philosophical, known as the Nine Sisters. Like
many other Lodges they secretly taught Republicanism.
Courland, Count and Madame Cagliostro established Masonic Lodges in accordance
with what they claimed to be the sublime rites of Egyptian Masonry, which
Cagliostro claimed it was his mission to restore; and in Paris he prosecuted
with great vigour his plans to resuscitate Freemasonry according to the
Egyptian rite. A Lodge was formed first, however, at Lyons, to which was given
the name of "Triumphant Wisdom,“ and this was regarded as the mother Lodge of
the rite. Its patent was as follows:
Grand Copt in all Eastern and Western parts of Europe, Founder and Grand
Master of Egyptian Masonry, make known to till who may read this that during
our stay at Lyons many members of the Lodge of the Orient and Ordinary Rite,
which has adopted the distinguishing title of `Wisdom,' have expressed their
ardent wish to place themselves under our rule, to be enlightened in true
are pleased to accede to their wish, etc., etc. “
Cagliostro became Grand Mistress of the Lodge of Isis, which, in 1784, counted
among its adepts some of the most prominent of the French titled women.
Grand Copt, Cagliostro was solemnly adored; he was invested with the power of
commanding angels, invoked on all occasions, and everything was accomplished
through the force of the power which he claimed was imparted to him by the
Deity. The ritual included the recitation of the Veni Creator Spiritus,
the Te Deum, and certain of the Psalms of David, but in the Psalm
Memento, Dontine, David, et omnis mansuetudinis ejus, the name of
Cagliostro was substituted every time that of David occurred. All faiths,
Protestant, Catholic, non‑Christian, were admitted, and the men who were
elected to the rank and position of Master took the names of ancient prophets
and the women those of Sybils.
On 7th
August, 1785, there was a great ceremony of initiation in a mansion in Rue
Verte, Faubourg Saint‑Honore, Paris, when thirty‑six females were admitted
into the Order. Each initiate had to contribute the sum of one hundred louis,
to undertake to abstain from all intimacy with mankind, and to submit to
everything which might be imposed upon them. On entering the first apartment
of the mansion, the ladies were obliged to disrobe and to put on a white
garment with a coloured girdle. The candidates were separated into six groups
of six each, each group wearing different coloured girdles. They were then
conducted into a temple, lighted from the roof, and seated upon thirty‑six
arm‑chairs upholstered in black satin. Madame Cagliostro, attired in white,
was seated on a throne, and, when the light was lowered, she commanded the
to uncover the left thigh to above the knee, to raise the right arm, and to
rest it upon an adjacent pillar. The Grand Mistress then delivered an oration
which advocated the emancipation of womankind from the shameful bond imposed
upon them by man. At the conclusion of the oration, the candidates were
conducted to separate apartments, each of which opened on to the garden. There
they were visited by male admirers, but, having regard to the oath taken, they
refused to enter into any conversation with them and spurned all overtures,
and, after a time, the thirty‑six were conducted once more into the temple.
Within a short time, the vaulted roof opened suddenly and Cagliostro, seated
on a golden sphere, as naked as he was born., holding a serpent in his hand,
and with a flaming star on his head, descended into their midst. The Grand
Mistress announced that this was the Genius of Truth, the divine Cagliostro,
who had come to initiate them into the secrets of Freemasonry.
Cagliostro, or the Grand Copt, as he described himself, then ordered them to
dispense with all their clothing. If they were to receive the truth, they must
be naked as truth. The example of dispensing with clothing was set by the
Grand Mistress and followed by the thirty‑six candidates. Cagliostro then
delivered his address, at the conclusion of which he was hauled up on his
golden sphere through the opening in the roof. The ladies clothed themselves
and the evening terminated in an elaborate banquet, when the initiates were
joined by
male acquaintances, notwithstanding the obligations they had taken.
Cagliostro asserted that this particular brand of Masonry was instituted by
Enoch and its teachings promulgated by Elijah. The sole qualification for
membership was a belief in God. The Obligation taken by candidates was as
swear before the Eternal God, the Grand Mistress, and before all who hear me,
never to write or cause to be written anything that shall pass under my eyes,
condemning myself in the event of imprudence and to be punished according to
the laws of the grand founders and of all my superiors. I likewise promise the
exact observance of the other six commandments imposed upon me: that is to
say, love of God, respect for the sovereign, veneration for religion and the
laws, love of my fellow‑creatures, an unbounded attachment to our Order, and
an unquestioning submission to the rules and code of our ritual as may be
communicated to me by the Grand Mistress.“
On the
initiation of a candidate, the Grand Mistress breathed on her face from the
forehead to the chin, saying:
thus breathe upon you to cause the Truth possessed by us to germinate and
penetrate within your heart; I breathe upon you to fortify your spiritual
part; I breathe upon you to confirm you in the faith of your Brethren and
Sisters, in accordance with your undertaking. We greet you as a lawful
daughter of Egyptian Masonry of this Lodge. We desire that you be recognized
as such by all the Brethren and Sisters of the Egyptian ritual, and that you
enjoy the same prerogatives as they. Lastly, we impart to you the supreme
pleasure of being henceforth and for ever a Freemason.“
admission each woman was presented with two pairs of gloves and a cockade. One
pair she kept for her own use and the other pair with the cockade she was
instructed to give to the man for whom she had the greatest regard.
ceremony of the Third Degree was rendered with great pomp and grandeur. On
that occasion a young, innocent girl, to whom was given the name of columba
(dove), was introduced, and the Grand Master claimed to impart to her the
power he possessed of communing with spiritual beings. These spirits, or
angels, were said to be seven in number, governing the seven planets and
surrounding the throne of the Eternal One, their names being Azrael, Michael,
Raphael, Gabriel, Ariel, Zobiachel, and Anachiel. The girl, who was clothed in
a long, white robe, which was adorned with blue ribbons, and wearing a red
scarf, was shut up in a tabernacle which was placed on the altar of the
temple. From a window in this tabernacle she gave the replies to the questions
asked her, which related generally to the fitness of the candidates for
advancement to the Degree.
emblems used in Egyptian Masonry were the triangle, the septangle, the trowel,
the compasses, the square, the gavel, the death's head, the cube, the rough
ashlar, a wooden bridge, Jacob's ladder, the phoenix, the globe, and Father
following advertisement from Cagliostro appeared in the Morning Herald
in November, 1786:
the Name of 9, 5, 8, 14, 20, 1, 8 [Jehovah]9, 5, 18, 2o, 18 [Jesus].
Time is at hand when the Building of the New Temple, or New Jerusalem, 3, 8,
20, 17, 8 [Church] must begin; this is to invite all True Masons in London to
join in the Name of 9, 5, 18, 20, 18 [Jesus] the only one in whom there is a
Divine 19, 17, 9, 13, 9, 19, 23 [Trinity] to meet to‑morrow evening the 3rd
instant, 1786 (or 5790), at Nine o'clock at Riley's, Great Queen Street; to
lay a plan for the laying the first stone of the foundation of the true 3, 8,
20, 17, 8 [Church] in this visible world, being the material representative
Temple of the Spiritual 9, 5, 17, 20, 18, 11, 5, 12 [Jerusalem].
Mason, and member of the new 3, 8, 20, 17, 8 [Church].“
Cagliostro celebrated the festival of his Order on St. John the Evangelist's
day, which was the day on which, later, he was committed to a Roman prison.
His reason for adopting this day was, according to his own account, because of
the close affinity that existed between the Apocalypse and the workings of his
Cagliostro's practices were detected by two disguised familiars of the
Inquisition at Rome, whom he had imprudently admitted into his confidence. He
was condemned to death, but the sentence was ultimately commuted to perpetual
imprisonment. He was sent to the Chateau St. Angelo, whence he attempted to
escape by a singular stratagem. He petitioned to be permitted to do penance
for his offences, and for a priest to receive his confession, which was
granted. Con‑
fession being over, he requested the Capuchin to inflict the scourge; but,
after a few stripes, Cagliostro sprang upon the Friar with the intention of
strangling him and making good his escape in his garments. The Capuchin,
however, was too quick for him and succeeded in keeping him in play until the
keepers of the prison came to his assistance. Cagliostro died in the Castle of
St. Angelo, and his so‑called Egyptian Masonry perished with him.
It is
only just to add that a copy of the ritual of Egyptian Masonry as practised by
Cagliostro and his wife, Lorenza Feliciana, is in the possession of the
Universal Order of Co‑Masonry, the teaching of which is of a profound
morality, containing no suggestion of any indelicate procedure as asserted by
some writers.
Mr. A.
E. Waite, in his recently published Encycloوdia of Freemasonry, quotes
from the rituals of Egyptian Masonry in the possession of the Grand Lodge of
Scotland. According to these Rituals there were three Grades or Degrees:
Apprentice, Companion, and Master, the Lodge being opened with prayer in each
Degree. The Adoptive Grades formed a separate branch of which Madame
Cagliostro was Grand Mistress.
following Ritual of Adoptive Masonry is translated, for the first time, from a
French document issued in 1783.
is wanting in the Order of Freemasonry the pleasure of the company of the fair
sex, the members of which are always an ornament to the most reputable
societies. Adoptive Masonry enables Brethren to secure this signal favour.
Apprentices' Carpet, on which is traced a diagram of the Lodge, is placed in
the centre of the temple. On it is placed the Noah's Ark, floating on the
waters; the Tower of Babel; and Jacob's Ladder. Behind the Grand Inspector is
placed a table covered with a black cloth, on which a skeleton is laid. Behind
the Grand Master, a little above his head, stands the Destroying Angel,
holding a naked sword in his right hand and an iron chain in his left hand. By
the side of the Grand Master are two stools, on each of which is placed a pan
filled with rope ends, spirits of wine, and salt, wherewith to make a flame.
These pans are sometimes placed on stools in the centre of the temple. By the
side of the table which is behind the Grand Inspector are placed two Brethren,
wearing masks which cause them to look repulsive; their hats are fixed firmly
on their
and each holds a torch lighted by means of powdered sulphur and refined pitch.
President of the Lodge is addressed as Grand Master, He wears suspended from
his neck a blue or black cord, from the bottom of which hangs a small trowel.
He wears his hat in Lodge, holds a naked sword in his left hand and a trowel
in his right. Each Brother also carries a naked sword in order to form the
arch of steel, referred to later on in the Ritual. The Grand Inspector is
placed in the west of the Lodge; but, unlike the Grand Master, does not wear
his hat. The Brethren also remain with heads uncovered throughout the
proceedings, but the Sisters have their heads covered. The Grand Inspector
wears a blue cord round his neck from which is suspended a small hammer. The
Brethren and Sisters arrange themselves in oblong form around the Lodge, each
wearing a white apron and having a small trowel suspended from a blue ribbon
which is worn around the neck.
Master: - "Brethren and Sisters, assist me to open this Lodge of Apprenticed
Adoptive Masons.“(These words are repeated, first by the Sister Inspector and
then by the Brother Inspector.)
Master: - "Sister Inspector, what is the first duty of a Mason?"
Inspector. “To see that the Lodge is properly tyled to prevent the admission
of the uninitiated. “
Master: - "Then, my dear Sister, assure yourself that this has been done.“
Inspector. “Brother Inspector, will you see that the Lodge is properly tyled
and report to me?"
report having been given,
Inspector. “Grand Master, the Brother Inspector reports that the Lodge is
properly tyled.“
Master: - "Are you an Apprenticed Mason?"
Inspector. "I believe so.“
Master: - "If you believe it, why are you not certain?"
Inspector. “Because an Apprentice is certain of nothing.“
Master: - "What is the duty of a Mason?"
Inspector. “To listen, to obey, to work, and to be silent.“
Master: - "At what time do Masons begin to work?"
Inspector. “At the moment of awaking.“
Master: - "What time is it now?"
Inspector. “The moment for awaking and the hour for working.“
Grand Master gives five raps on the pedestal and says:
"Sister and Brother Inspectors, give warning to the Brethren and Sisters in
your neighbourhoods that this is the moment for awaking and the hour for
working, and that I am about to open a Lodge of Apprenticed Masons.“
injunction having been obeyed by these Officers, the Grand Master gives a
further five raps with his trowel on the pedestal and says:
dear Brethren and Sisters, I declare this Lodge of Apprenticed Adoptive Masons
open in the name of T. G. A. 0. T. U., in the names of our lawful superiors,
and in the name of this respectable assembly.“
formula having been repeated by the two Inspectors, all the Brethren and
Sisters give the sign of Jacob's Ladder, clap their hands five times, and
repeat five times the word "Vivant.“
It is
essential that all ladies who present themselves for initiation should be in
good health, of good repute, and that one of the Brethren of the Lodge should
give a guarantee of fitness,
Candidate must, on admission to the precincts of the temple, be placed in a
darkened room, which must not be illuminated with more than one faint light,
and in which a skull shall be placed in such a position that the Candidate
cannot fail to observe it. She is waited upon by the last admitted initiate,
who asks her if it is of her own free will and after mature reflection that
she seeks admission into an Order of such high repute. These questions being
answered satisfactorily she asks her if she is in good health, because she
will pass through some very trying experiences, which, however, will not be in
any way improper or revolting to the most virtuous person.
Candidate is then told, as the first test of her discretion, to remain in the
darkened room and not to attempt to leave. The door is then closed upon her
and she is left to her own reflections for a time.
Sister returns after an interval, when she urges the Candidate to exhibit much
firmness. The left garter of the Candidate is removed and replaced by a blue
ribbon of a yard and a quarter in length. Her right cuff and glove are also
removed. Her money, jewels, and trinkets are taken from her, and she is
informed that they will be given or sold for the benefit of the poor. The
Candidate is then blindfolded, told to place her trust in God, and she is
conducted to the door of the temple, on which she is told to give five raps.
door is opened by the Brother Inspector, who asks the question: "Who knocks?"
Director of Ceremonies. "An unenlightened who seeks to be adopted by us.“
door of the temple is closed and the request, made through the Director of
Ceremonies, is repeated to the Grand Master, who requests the Sister Inspector
to ask the Candidate for her name, age, religion, occupation, and the name of
her guarantor; and to inform the Candidate of the qualifications essential for
her adoption. The Sister Inspector, on her return to the temple,
these particulars to the Grand Master, who asks the Brother who stands as
sponsor if he knows the Candidate well and if he believes she has the
necessary dispositions for admittance into the Order.
Satisfactory assurances in this regard having been given, the Grand Master
"Brethren and Sisters, do you consent to the adoption of Madame (or
Mademoiselle) N. . . .? Do any object?"
If the
answer is unanimously in the affirmative, the Grand Master says:
"Sister Inspector, give admission to the Candidate.“
Candidate, accompanied by the Director of Ceremonies and her guide, then
enters and is placed in front of the Grand Master, who addresses her upon the
objects of the Order into which she seeks admission. At the conclusion of the
Oration he asks her
"Madame (or Mademoiselle), what is your desire?"
Candidate. "To be initiated as a Mason.“
Master: - "What opinion have you formed of Masonry? Tell me frankly your
opinion of the Order.“
reply to this question is given by the candidate in her own words.
Master: - "Are you willing to pass through the ceremonies, both moral and
physical, which are a necessary condition to admission: reflect well, because
there is still the opportunity for you to retire, should you so desire; but in
another moment it will be too late.“
Candidate. "I am.“
Master: - "Are you willing to make a sacrifice of your jewels for the benefit
of the poor?"
Candidate. "I am.“
Master: - "Are you willing to submit to trials by fire, water, and blood?"
Candidate. "I am.“
Grand Master then directs the Brother Inspector to conduct the Candidate on
the five mysterious journeys.
At the
end of each journey the Grand Master asks the Brother Inspector if he has
observed any trembling on the part of the Candidate, and at the termination of
the fifth journey, the Grand Master says:
you still persist in your desire;; the trials to follow are more severe?"
Candidate. “I do.“
Master: - "Brother Inspector, cause the Candidate to advance five steps under
the arch of steel.“
order to form this arch of steel all the Brethren kneel on the floor of the
Lodge, raising their swords. This having been done, the Grand Master says:
“Brother Inspector, cause the Candidate to pass through the trial by fire.“
Candidate is then conducted twice round the lighted braziers.
Master: - "Cause her to purify herself by passing through the water.“
Candidate is then told to wash her hands.
Master: - "Do you still persist in your request?"
Candidate. “I do.“
Master: - "Will you sign this declaration in your blond?
Candidate. “I will.“
Master: - " Brother Surgeon, do your duty.“
request is here made for mercy, which is granted by the Grand Master.
Master: - "If it is still your wish to continue, listen to the words of the
Brother Orator.“
Man is
born with the instinct of charity and fellowship engraven in his heart; the
seeds of these two qualities are sown by the paternal favour of the Creator,
and man in practising these precepts, before under‑
standing the utility and necessity of a bond which mitigates the severity of
our condition, sows flowers on the thorny path of our life. The first feeling
of man on leaving the hands of his Creator must, undoubtedly, be that of His
existence. So long as he is alone his heart has no other view; but so soon as
he has beholden that charming creature which loving, powerful Nature has
framed to be his companion, the germs of beneficence are
developed; he forgets, so to speak, his existence and abandons the love of
himself in order to transfer it to her who waits on his pleasure.
foundations of society were therefore laid in the Garden of Eden, and it was
in that delightful sojourn, the asylum of virtue, innocence, and peace that
beneficence and all the other sociable virtues were practised in all their
purity by our first parents for so long as they were both contented with their
strength, thinking only of enjoying the sweet fruits of their union, their
happiness was without bitterness and they enjoyed in their hearts the
ineffable blessings of terrestrial felicity. Unhappily evil approached very
closely to the happiness. Adam and Eve were the first to discover, though too
late, this sorrowful truth, by transmitting to their posterity the bitter
fruits of their disobedience, curiosity, and weakness. Their hearts, like
Noah's Ark, floating at the mercy of the winds on the waters of the abyss
which covered the surface of the earth, yielded with like ease to any
impression. Society and pride, sustained by all the other passions, ever since
then have triumphed over obedience and direction, which have no other support
than weakness and plunge our happiness into humiliation and misery.
allegory of the Fall of Man through weakness and curiosity you can trace,
Madame, in a striking and forcible manner in the sad condition of our
degeneration, but we offer, at the same time, the means of reparation, which,
though it may depend on our feeble nature, are the means we find assembled in
order or admitted under the emblems which we discover when we look closely,
and of which I will give you the explanation.
see first o all, Madame, in this Lodge of Apprentices, the Ark of Noah, the
Tower of Babel, and the Ladder of Jacob, drawn in picture. The Ark of Noah
represents the heart of man, the eternal plaything of the passions, like the
Ark floating on the waters of the Deluge; and we learn that we ought so to
fortify our souls by the precepts of virtue that in the midst of this tempest
we may, like Noah and his family, be saved from shipwreck. The Tower of Babel
is the emblem of the pride of man who desires to oppose his weakness to the
eternal decrees of Providence, and who, for the fruits of his labours, will
reap only shame and confusion, from which he is not able to guard himself
except by presenting the prudent heart which is the characteristic of a Mason.
On the other side of the picture you will see a ladder, the meaning of which
may seem to be quite mysterious. It teaches us that the means of arrival at
true happiness, like to that of which Jacob dreamed and which is represented
by the steps, ought to be grounded on the love of God and neighbour, just as
the steps of the ladder rise upwards and connect earth with heaven. All these
things are secured by the practice of caution, strength, constancy, and the
precepts of Masonry. These are, Madame, the mysteries to which I would to‑day
call your attention.
heart will call to mind with the sweetest emotion this solemn day on which you
were initiated, through our feeble ministrations, into the most sublime and
reputable Order of Masonry. May you, Madame, spend happy days with those who,
like you, ask great favours from T. G. A. 0. T. U., and may you taste a
succession of pleasures as intense and as pure as those which we experience
every time that we call you by the beloved name of Sister.
Address being ended, an acclamation is made:
Master: - “Madame, the pleasing things which ‑you have heard have, no doubt,
encouraged you to request that you may be received amongst us. If that is your
desire, approach.“
Candidate is then brought to the pedestal, where she kneels.
Master: - "Destroying angel, bring the chain which you reserve for incautious
Masons of both sexes. Madame, I am compelled to attach this chain to you order
that you may recall unceasingly that which you have promised. You wish to be
admitted into a most reputable Order in which there is nothing contrary to
religion, to the State, or to virtue. The firmness which you have displayed in
the trials which you have undergone, the probity which you have shown, and
your known virtue are sure guarantees to us of your manner of thinking:
perfect this good work and be persuaded that repentance will never attend your
your hand, Madame, upon this Book of Truth and repeat after me the following
Obligation, which we bind you for ever to the most ancient and most reputable
Order in the world.“
"I................ promise, on my word of honour in the presence of T. G. A.
0. T. U. and of this respectable assembly, faithfully to guard, conceal, and
retain in my heart the secrets of Masons and of Adoptive Masonry; moreover, to
listen, to obey, to work, and to keep silent, under the penalty of being
struck with the sword of the Destroying Angel, and of being despised and
disgraced. May my mind by its virtues be rendered worthy of so reputable a
Society. I promise, moreover and undertake to sleep this night with [here the
Grand Master pauses for a moment] the garter of the Order as T. G. A. shall
help me.“
Obligation taken, the Grand Master rises and touches the Initiate with the
trowel on the right eye the right ear, the nose, the mouth, and the breast
the power which I have received from this respectable Lodge, I receive you as
an Adoptive Mason.“
Director of Ceremonies then takes away the chain. The Grand Master gives a rap
on the pedestal
his trowel, and all the Brethren take their swords in their hands.
Master: - "Brother Director of; Ceremonies, conduct the newly initiated
Sister to a convenient spot where she may receive her reward.“
this has been done, he says:
do you ask, Sister, because it is with true pleasure that I address you by the
term ` Sister ' instead of that of ` Madame'?"
Answer: - "To see the light.“
Master: - "Brother Director of Ceremonies, you will give her the fifth rap.
Brethren and Sisters to order.“
Grand Master then gives five raps with his trowel, and the Director of
Ceremonies restores the Candidate to light by taking off the bandage, her face
being turned towards the skeleton.
Master: - “Look with horror on her condition, the result of sin. Consider
what she has been, what she is, and what she will become.“
this juncture the two Brethren with the repulsive masks come and stand on
either side of the skeleton, their torches being aflame.
Master: - “Leave her to make serious reflections upon her present state so
that she may pass from death to life.“
a moment the two Brethren turn her sharply round to face the East, so that she
may see the splendour of the Lodge. All the Brethren are holding their swords
in their hands, the points being directed towards the newly initiated.
Master: - "Sister, all these swords which you see are drawn in your defence,
if ever you should have cause for their assistance. Approach, Sister, to
receive the insignia of the Order.“
This material originally scanned by Ralph Omholt, Kirkland Chapter 176,
Brother Inspector then leads her by five steps to the Grand Master.
Master: - "Brethren and Sisters, you have been witnesses of the great
cautiousness of our newly initiated Sister.“
Grand Master takes from underneath the pedestal (or altar, as it is known) a
crown of flowers, which he places on the head of the Initiate, as a reward for
her discretion. He then hands her the apron of the Order, saying:
is to remind you of the candour which as a Mason you must have.“
then hands her the gloves, saying:
whiteness of these gloves, which are intended for you, indicate what should be
the purity of your actions.“
then gives her a pair of men's gloves, saying:
respectable Lodge has asked me to hand you these gloves in order that you may
pass them on as a present to the Mason whom you esteem most highly.“
then hands to her the garter of the Order, saying:
garter is of white skin and has written on it in letters of gold: VIRTUE,
Master: - "Sister Inspector, take away; the blue ribbon and fasten the garter
in its place.“
Grand Master then gives the Initiate the kiss of association.
Master: - “We have for our mutual recognition two signs and two passwords.
The two words are Feix, Feax, which signify `Academy' or `School of Virtue.'
The password which we adopt for mutual recognition is 'Etamie.' It signifies
`Amity,' for we know that amity which has virtue for its base leads to true
Director of Ceremonies then introduces the Initiate to the Brethren and
Sisters present. When this has been done, and she has been tested in the
passwords and grips by the Grand Master, her money and
are returned to her by the Grand Master, who says:
dear Sister, we deprived you of all metals and trinkets, because they are the
emblems of vices. You sacrificed them, but the Lodge is content with your
submission and have charged me to return them to you, exhorting you to employ
them in good works and, above all, in the relief of your Brethren and Sisters
who may be in want.“
Master: - “Brother Director of Ceremonies, conduct the Sister to the West, in
order that she may listen to the Instruction.“
Master: - "What is the first care of a Mason?"
Answer: - “To see that the Lodge is properly tyled.“
Master: - “Are you an Apprenticed Mason?"
Answer: - “I believe so.“
Master: - “Why do you not say that you are sure?"
Answer: - “Because an Apprentice is sure of nothing.“
Master: - "What is the duty of all Masons?"
Answer: - “To obey, to work, and to be silent.“
Master: - “Where were you admitted?"
Answer: - “In a place inaccessible to the uninitiated.“
Master: - “How do you know that you are an Apprenticed Mason?"
Answer: - “By that which all the most reputable Masons have.“
Master: - “What is it that the most reputable have?"
Answer: - “Two signs and two passwords.“
Master: - “Give me the signs.“
are given.
Master: - “What is the significance of this sign?"
Answer: - “The Ladder of Jacob.“
Master: - “Whither does this ladder lead?"
Answer: - “To felicity.“
Master: - “How do you respond to the first sign?”
Answer: - "By a second, which consists of bringing the thumb and little
finger to the nostrils.“
Master: - “Give me the passwords.“
Answer: - "Give me the first and I will give you the second.“
Master: - “Feix.“
Answer: - “Feax.“
Master: - "What is the meaning of these two words?"
Answer: - “They form one only and mean an Academy or School of Virtue.“
Master: - "What is this school?"
Answer: - “Masonry.“
Master: - “How were you received?"
Answer: - “By five knocks.“
Master: - “How were you introduced into the Lodge?"
Answer: - “Blindfolded.“
Master: - “Why?"
Answer: - “In order that I might learn that before I attained to the sublime
mysteries it was necessary to overcome curiosity and that I might learn the
ignorance of the uninitiated when speaking of our mysteries.“
Master: - "How did you gain access to our mysteries?"
Answer: - "Through an arch of iron and steel.“
Master: - "What did this arch represent?"
Answer: - "The strength and stability of the Order.“
Master: - "How did you obtain access to a Lodge?"
Answer: - “By knocking five times on the entrance door.“
Master: - “Where were you received?"
Answer: - "Between the Tower of Babel and the Ladder of Jacob and at the foot
of Noah's Ark.“
Master: - "What does this Tower of Babel represent?"
Answer: - “The pride of the children of the earth which we can overcome by
presenting a cautious mind, which is the characteristic of all true Masons.“
Master: - “What does the Ladder of Jacob represent?"
Answer: - “This ladder is very mysterious: the two sides represent the love
of God and our neighbour, and the steps symbolise the virtues secured by a
beautiful life.“
Master: - “What does the Ark of Noah represent?"
Answer: - “The heart of man agitated by his passions, as the Ark was swayed
by the waters of the Deluge.“
Master: - “What quality ought we to bring to the Lodge?"
Answer: - "A horror of vice and a love of virtue.“
Master: - “What do you call those who are not Masons?"
Answer: - “The uninitiated.“
Master: - “How do you treat those who are not Masons, but who are worthy to
be such?"
Answer: - “All virtuous men and women are our friends, but we only recognise
men and women who are Masons as our Brethren and Sisters.“
Master: - “To what ought we to apply ourselves?"
Answer: - “To the purification of our morals.“
Master: - "What is the duty of all Masons?"
Answer: - “To listen, to obey, to work, and to be silent.“
Master: - "What is that you hear?"
Answer: - “The explanation of our mysteries.“
Master: - “What is the quality of our obedience?"
Answer: - “Free and voluntary.“
Master: - "What is the aim of our work?"
Answer: - “To make us useful and agreeable to our Brethren and Sisters.“
Master: - "In what are you silent?"
Answer: - “In the mysteries of Freemasonry.“
Master: - “Why were you introduced by five raps?"
Answer: - “To bring to our remembrance the five points of Masonry, which are
the love of our neighbour, the desire of meriting the esteem of our Brethren
and Sisters, the wish to oblige them, cautiousness, and obedience.“
Master: - “What is the password?"
Answer: - “Etamie, which signifies amity, in order to teach us that amity is
the basis of virtue and leads to true felicity.“
Master: - "At what time do we close the Lodge?"
Answer: - “At the hour to rest.“
Master: - "What time is it now?"
Answer: - “It is the hour to rest.“
Master: - “Brother Inspector and Sister Inspector, ask the Brethren in your
neighbourhoods if they have aught to propose for the benefit of the Order.“
command having been obeyed, a collection is made for the benefit of the poor
and distressed. This custom is never omitted, each one contributing according
to his or her ability.
Master: - “Brother Inspector and Sister Inspector, advise the Brethren and
Sisters in your respective neighbourhoods that, seeing it is the time to rest,
the hour for ceasing to work has arrived.“
Grand Master then gives the command for the Brethren to stand to order, and
each Brother takes his sword in his hand.
Master: - “Brethren; and; Sisters,; we; have listened, we have obeyed, we
have worked, and we are silent :; since this is the hour to rest, the Lodge is
words are repeated by the two Inspectors; the usual signs and acclamations are
given, and each one says five times: "Vivant!"
Master: - “At what time do Masons begin work?"
Answer: - “At the moment of awaking.“
Master: - “What is the duty of a Mason?
Answer: - "To see that the Lodge is properly tyled.“
Master: - "Sister Inspector, command the Brother Inspector to see that this
duty is performed.“
being done, the Brother Inspector says:
Master, the Lodge is properly tyled.“
Master: - "What time is it?"
Answer: - “The time for awaking and the hour for working.“
Master: - “Sister and Brother Inspectors, inform the Brethren and Sisters in
your respective neighbourhoods that this is the time for awaking and the hour
for working.“
being done, the Grand Master gives five raps with his trowel and says
"Brethren and Sisters, in the name of T. G. A. O. T. U.; in the name of our
recognised superiors; and by the power invested in me by this assembly I
declare this Lodge of Apprenticed Adoptive Masons open.“
Sister and Brother Inspectors also give five raps with their trowels and say:
“Brethren and Sisters, this Lodge of Apprenticed Adoptive Masons is open. “
At a
signal from the Grand Master all the Brethren and Sisters give the sign of
Jacob's Ladder and the acclamation by saying five times: "Vivant!"
Master: - "Sister Inspector, are you a Mason?"
Answer: - “I believe so.“
Master: - "If you believe it, why are you not sure?"
Answer: - “Because an Apprentice is not sure of anything.“
Master: - "What is the duty of a Mason?"
Answer: - “To listen, to obey, to work, and to be silent.“
Master: - "For the first proof of your obedience, Sister Inspector and
Brother Inspector, request the Brethren and Sisters in your respective
neighbourhoods to trim their lamps for a ceremony I propose to carry out.“
words are repeated by the Sister and Brother Inspectors, who, when all the
lamps are trimmed, reply:
"Master, all the lamps are trimmed.“
Grand Master then gives the call to order. The Brethren and Sisters stand when
the Grand Master gives the command to work, by saying:
your right hand to the lamp; raise the lamp, blow the lamp; quicker; blow out
the lamp. “
‑ This is the formula adopted at the drinking of toasts, the drinking of wine
being known as the trimming of the lamp. In the days when this ritual was in
vogue it was customary always to honour five toasts at the banquets which
followed the Lodge meetings. The first was the King and Royal Family; the
second, that of the Sister Duchess of Bourbon, the Grand Mistress and the
Officers of the Grand Lodge; the third, that of the Grand Master of the Lodge;
the fourth, that of the Sister and Brother Inspectors; and the fifth, that of
the Initiates. Sometimes toasts were added for the Visitors and Sisters and
Brethren in distress.
following Ritual of Adoptive Masonry differs from the preceding document. It
was published in 1791, in the French language, from which it is now, for the
first time, translated.
This material originally scanned by Ralph Omholt,
Kirkland Chapter 176, Washington.
Sisters and Brethren are convened in a spacious apartment, brilliantly lighted
with wax candles, five of which are placed in the south, while five others are
placed on a pedestal in the north, and arranged in such a manner as to
illuminate a picture illustrating the angel expelling Adam from the Garden of
Grand Master, wearing white gloves and apron, his breast decorated with a
silver ladder pendent from a white ribbon, and holding a silver trowel in his
right hand, takes his seat in the north part of the Lodge. The Grand
Inspectors, wearing white aprons and gloves, are placed at right angles to the
Grand Master: - One has a silver hammer and the other a miniature silver
Tower of Babel, pendent from white ribbons from their breasts.
northern situation of the Grand Master is in accordance with the traditional
belief that this is the most appropriate situation for one whose duty it is to
impart knowledge.)
Sisters and Brethren wear embroidered aprons and, during the ceremony of
initiation, the former sit to right and left of the Grand Master's throne,
latter, holding white wands in their hands, arrange themselves in an oblong,
from north to south, in order to receive the Candidates for initiation.
Grand Master instructs one of the Sisters (who is assisted by a Brother),
preferably the Sister who has proposed the Candidate for initiation, to see
that the Candidate is properly prepared. This preparation consists first of
depriving her of all jewellery and money, the intention being that she shall
be reminded of the fact that intellectual worth only is considered of value by
the members of the Order. A white veil is then thrown over her head and,
blindfolded, she is conducted by the Brother to the entrance of the Lodge.
Grand Master commands attention by clapping his hands in a peculiar manner
five times, an act which is repeated by the Inspectors. Both Sisters and
Brethren rise and the Grand Master addressing the junior Inspector says:
is the duty of every Mason?"
Answer: - “To hear, to obey, to work, and to be silent.“
Master: - "Brethren and Sisters, may we hear and may we obey. Let us work and
let us be silent.“
the members and visitors salute the Grand Master and intimate their obedience
to his commands by clapping their hands five times.
Candidate is admitted by five taps at the door, and the Brother who acts as
her guide hands her over to the charge of an Inspector who conducts her round
the Lodge and leaves her standing in front of the Senior Inspector, who asks
the question:
is the cause of this intrusion?"
Answer: - "A lady desires to become a Mason.“
is communicated to the Grand Master who asks the Candidate:
curiosity any share in your request?"
Answer: - "No.“
Master: - "Are you willing to be rid of the prejudices common to your sex? If
so, we are willing to admit you to our ranks.“
Answer: - "I am.“
Master: - "In order that you may be enabled to persevere in those sentiments,
Brethren and Sisters, assist the Candidate and conduct her to the entrance of
the Temple of Virtue.“
veil is then removed and the Candidate is welcomed by the members of the Lodge
who signify their willingness to admit her into their company by striking
their aprons with their hands.
Brethren with their wands then form an arch under which the Candidate passes,
and advances by slow, measured steps to the pedestal. She kneels on a cushion
and with her right hand placed on a Masonic apron, repeats the following
obligation, word for word after the Grand Master.
the presence of the Creator of All, Things, and of the members of this Lodge,
and by that honour, which is the distinguishing characteristic of a virtuous
woman, I promise to keep strictly and truly the secrets of Masons and Masonry
under the penalty of being excluded from the company of my friends here on
earth and from Paradise hereafter.“
approbation of the members is intimated by the striking of their aprons with
their hands. The Candidate then rises and is invested by the Grand Master with
an apron and a silver ladder, and he addresses her as follows:
Master: - "You are now, Madame, an initiated Mason, and as such I can entrust
you with the sign, the grip, and the password. Give me the pleasure to address
you as a Sister and as such to salute you with the kiss of peace.“
principal part of this catechism is undertaken generally by the Grand Master
or some other Brother proficient in the science, but the original intention
was that every member should, in turn, take part in the answers.
Master: - "What is the duty of an initiated Mason?"
Answer: - “To hear, to obey, to work, and to be silent.“
Master: - "Are you an apprenticed Mason?
Answer: - "I believe so.“
Master: - "Are you not certain?"
Answer: - "It is prudent to be doubtful of everything and certain of
Master: - "In what manner were you admitted into the Lodge?"
Answer: - "I was blindfolded.“
Master: - "For what reason?"
Answer: - "To intimate that my curiosity could not be gratified, and that I
could only attain to the knowledge of the sublime mysteries if possessed of
the fortitude to persevere.“
Master: - "Where were you received as an Apprentice?"
Answer: - "Between the Ladder of Jacob and the Tower of Babel.“
Master: - "What does that Ladder signify?"
Answer: - "Its meaning is mysterious; but, so far as I can understand it, I
conceive that the duty of all mankind is indicated by it.“
Master: - "Will you explain your meaning?"
Answer: - "It is emblematic of prudence and justice.“
Master: - "Into how many parts is the figure divided?"
Answer: - "Five.“
Master: - "What are they?"
Answer: - "Two external sides and three internal steps.“
Master: - "Be more explicit and inform the Lodge in what manner prudence and
justice are depicted.“
Answer: - "Prudence is indicated by one of the external parts, which is held
to illustrate the veneration and love due to our Creator. His justice is
indicated by the other side, which is also held to be symbolical of the
attention and love due to our neighbours.“
Master: - "What do the steps indicate?"
Answer: - "The moral virtues, the practice of which will lead us to
Master: - "What does the Tower of Babel represent?"
Answer: - "The pride of the children of the earth. The only preservative
against that destructive passion is the inner exercise of temperance.“
Master: - “How do you arrive at this knowledge in Masonry?"
Answer: - "Through the Arch.“
Master: - "What does that Arch represent?"
Answer: - "Unity and Strength.“
Master: - "Give the sign of an initiated Mason to your Sister.“
forefinger and thumb of the right hand are applied to the left ear of the
Master: - "Give her the salute also. “(A salute on the left cheek.)
Master: - "Give me the password.“
Answer: - "Amice.“
Master: - "What does that word denote?"
Answer: - "Benevolence.“
Master: - "What is meant by Benevolence?"
Answer: - “Masonry.“
Master: - "What is worn by an initiated Mason?"
Answer: - "The symbol of Jacob's Ladder.“
Master: - "Whither will that ladder lead?"
Answer: - "To felicity.“
Master: - "And what is the duty of an initiated Mason?"
Answer: - “To hear, to obey, to work, and to be silent.“
Brethren and Sisters who have already passed the Second Degree only are
permitted to be present for the purpose of forming a Lodge for the admission
of the Candidate. They assemble in a convenient room, in the centre of which
is placed a tree, on which is fruit.
only light in the room is supplied by means of spirits of wine and salt,
placed on a pedestal. On the east side of the Lodge is a star; on the west a
painting of death; on the north a representation of Adam and Eve in the Garden
of Eden; while in the south is placed a buffet with wines, sweetmeats, etc.
Officers, Brethren, and Sisters are placed in the same order as in the
previous degree.
silver chain of considerable length and a bracelet engraven with the words,
“Virtue and Silence, “are placed on the pedestal.
Initiate is conducted by a Brother or Sister to an ante‑room, where she is
received by the Sister Inspector, who hands to her a white ribbon, which is
fastened round her right arm, by means of which she is led into the Lodge.
Previously to this, however, the Inspector asks her if she is willing to
submit to the trial belonging to the Second Degree, that of Companion, and a
reply in the affirmative being received, she is blindfolded and handed over to
the care of the Brother Inspector, who notifies the fact to the Lodge by
giving five shouts.
Master: - "What is your request?"
Answer: - "An initiated Mason is desirous of being admitted as a Companion
and offers herself voluntarily
the purpose of undergoing the trials necessary to attain to the knowledge of
the Second Degree.“
Master (to Candidate). “Know that in order that you may attain to this dignity
to which you aspire it is essential that you display fortitude, for if the
least fear is evinced by you, it may possibly cause you to be rejected. “ (To
Inspector.) "Lead the Candidate to the pedestal in order that she may behold
the danger of her situation"; (at this moment the veil is removed). (To
Candidate.); "Behold the trials to which you are exposed. Travel towards the
West and behold the nature of your existence and remember that the charms of
beauty will not avail when your sun is set. The picture now before you is a
true representation of what you must come to. May this picture never be
effaced from your memory. As there is no true picture without a shadow,
observe in the East a light: that is emblematical of the star of life. “
Candidate is then conducted to the pedestal. Here she is told to kneel.
Master: - “Have you infringed your vow as an initiated Mason?"
Answer: - "I have not.“
Master: - “Will you persist in keeping inviolate the obligation you are about
to be entrusted with, as well as the one you have taken already?"
Answer: - “I hope so to do.“
Grand Master then places a silver chain round her neck, saying:
are not, Sister, to suppose that this chain is an emblem of slavery; on the
contrary, it points to the union of friendship which, as a Companion, you are
to evince for all members of the Order.“
promise by the penalty attaching to my former vow never to speak of the
secrets of this degree, to be a friend to the whole of the human race, to
abstain from eating the core of apples, to wear the bracelet of the
to sleep with it this night, and never to reveal the secret which that
bracelet implies.“
Candidate then rises and is divested of the chain and ribbon, and invested
with the bracelet of the Order.
Master: - “Notwithstanding your vows, I anoint your lips with the seal of
discretion, that being the only security in Masonry. Receive likewise this
fruit, refresh yourself with it, but reject the core: you will then become One
of Us.“
new Companion tastes the fruit, the members as a body saluting her with cries
of "Eve.“
Grand Master then seats the Companion on his left and, giving the signal for
silence, addresses her as follows:
silence of Masonry is as honourable as it is ancient; the password of this
degree is as ancient as the Creation, and its antiquity is proved beyond the
possibility of doubt. The honour, therefore, which is attached to it, which
you will hereafter experience, is beyond your comprehension at present or my
power to express. You ought peculiarly to rejoice in your present situation,
for many have attempted to attain to the knowledge of this degree, but have
been rejected, and the disappointed Candidates thus withdrawn have experienced
a shame seldom known to human beings except on such humiliating occasions.“
Master: - “What is the duty of a Companion Mason?"
Answer: - “To obey, to work, to hear, and to be silent.“
Master: - “Are you a Companion?"
Answer: - “Give me an apple and I will prove it.“
Master: - “How were you received as a Companion?"
Answer: - "By the anointing of my lips and by tasting the fruit.“
Master: - “With what were your lips anointed?"
Answer: - "The seal of discretion.“
Master: - "What is the meaning of this sign?"
Answer: - “It is to teach us that the lips of Masons are never to be opened
to reveal our mysteries except to those who, upon examination, prove to be One
of Us.“
Master: - "What does the fruit signify?"
Answer: - “It implies friendship as we all partook of the same upon our
admission to this degree.“
Master: - “As you assemble as Sisters, what is its further significance?"
Answer: - “The essence of stability.“
Master: - "In what way?"
Answer: - “In our having virtue as the basis of our superstructure.“
Master: - “How did you arrive to the dignity of a Companion?"
Answer: - "By means of a tree.“
Master: - "Where was the tree?"
Answer: - “In a garden.“
Master: - “What was the name given to this garden?"
Answer: - “Eden, the same as that in which Adam and Eve were placed at the
Master: - “In what part of the garden was the tree, to which you allude,
Answer: - “In the centre of it.“
Master: - “By what name was it called?"
Answer: - "The tree of knowledge of good and evil.“
Master: - “By what was the garden bounded?"
Answer: - “By a river.“
Master: - "What does this river represent?"
Answer: - "The stream is indicative of the rapidity of the human passions,
which are to be restrained only by Masonry.“
Master: - “What became of Adam and Eve?"
Answer: - “They were expelled from the garden.“
Master: - “For what reason?"
Answer: - “For their disobedience to the commands of their Maker they
forfeited their inheritance.“
Master: - "What lesson is inculcated by their conduct?"
Answer: - “It teaches us that should any one of us violate the vows we have
taken as Companions the consequence will be that we shall be refused admission
to the Order.“
Master: - “Why is a Companion forbidden to eat the cores of apples?"
Answer: - "Because the core is supposed to be the seed of the forbidden
Master: - “I present you with this apple and desire that you will prove to
this Lodge that you are a Companion Mason.“
Companion takes the apple, from which she abstracts the core, which she places
on the pedestal.
Master: - “Why was the serpent introduced into the garden?"
Answer: - “The serpent is an emblem of eternity as well as the symbol of the
origin of evil.“
Master: - "Why is this emblem placed in so conspicuous a part of the Lodge?"
Answer: - "As we are at present only in a state of probation it is a monitor
to us to be diligent in our vocation so that we may merit by our conduct here
a greater degree of happiness beyond.“
Master: - “Why should you be reminded of the origin of evil?"
Answer: - “In order that we may recognise the necessity of seeking for
Master: - "Where is happiness to be found?"
Answer: - “In Masonry.“
Master. "What; is; the; principal; aim; of Masons?"
Answer: - “To make each other happy.“
Master: - “What is the duty of a Companion Mason?"
Answer: - “To obey, to work, to hear, and to be silent.“
At the
conclusion of the meeting a supper is provided, and when the Companions are
seated the Grand Master
upon the newly admitted Companion to rise, when he addresses her as follows:
"Before you partake of the refreshment provided in honour of your reception,
it is necessary that the mysteries of the Degree to which you have been
admitted should be explained to you. The representation of death is that of
the state of man after his fall, owing to the lack of discretion in the female
who was created to be his companion in Paradise. As the oracles of truth have
declared the seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head, but as the day
of wrath is also declared to be accompanied by a day of mercy, I therefore now
cordially welcome you into this Second Degree, that of felicity, in the hope
that the present company will be to you as a second Paradise. From this day we
admit you to our table and request your participation in our refreshments,
which are emblematical of the tree of life and of the essence of Masonry. “
Third Degree in Masonry being regarded as of the highest importance it is very
rarely granted, and the ceremony is worked only on particular and special
occasions. It is regarded as the highest indiscretion to entrust any but the
most worthy with secrets and favours which are the property only of the
worthiest of the sex.
Companion who aspires to the Third Degree must be proposed at the last but one
of the two Lodges preceding that when she desires to be admitted. This
condition is obligatory and can on no account be dispensed with. The object of
the proposition being considered at two meetings of the Lodge is to give ample
opportunity for any objection against the Candidate being brought forward, and
that every member of the Lodge may be made acquainted with the proposition,
notice of the proposal is sent to every member of the Lodge.
At the
second meeting a ballot is taken for the Candidate, and if in her favour the
Grand Master
requests the member who proposed the Companion to desire her attendance at the
next meeting. If the ballot is not in her favour, the proposal cannot be made
temple in which this Degree is conferred is generally reserved for this
special purpose. The tapestry and decorations, however, are of so costly a
character that many Lodges have to resort to the expedient of having them
represented on canvas.
temple is brilliantly illuminated. At the north end of the room is depicted a
rainbow, which extends from the eastern to the western extremities, and in the
centre is a representation of the sun, encompassed by the moon and stars. On
the west side of the temple Europe is represented by a lady in a very rich
habit of several colours, seated between two crossed cornucopias, the one
filled with all kinds of grain and the other filled with black and white
grapes. She holds a miniature temple in her right hand and, with the
forefinger of the left hand, she points to representations of sceptres and
crowns, a horse amid trophies of arms, and a book with an owl seated above it.
Several musical instruments are placed close to the picture, as well as a
pallet and pencils. Adjacent is a representation of Noah's Ark, resting on a
mount, with the dove entering it with an olive branch in its mouth. Jacob's
Ladder, reaching from earth to heaven, with angels ascending and descending
upon it, is also depicted.
is represented by a blackamoor woman, almost naked, with an elephant's head
for a crest, a necklace of corals and coral earrings, and a scorpion by the
side of her ear. She holds in her right hand a cornucopia, while ears of corn
are in her left hand. A fierce lion stands by her on one side, while a viper
and a serpent are on the other.
In the
east Asia is represented by a female clad in a rich embroidered vestment and
wearing a garland of various flowers and fruits. She holds in her right hand
branches with sprigs of cassia, pepper, and cloves, and in her left hand a
smoking censer, while by her side is a kneeling camel. Near by is a model or
picture of the Tower of Babel and an angel with a trowel in his hand
preventing the sons of Nimrod from proceeding with that structure. There is
also represented the town of Gomorrah in flames with Lot's wife transformed
into a pillar of salt.
America is represented by a naked woman of tawny aspect, having a loose veil
on her shoulders and wearing round her body an ornament of feathers of divers
colours. She holds in one hand a bow; on her left is a human head pierced with
an arrow, a lizard lying on the ground by her feet.
pedestal covered with an embroidered cloth is placed in the centre of the
temple. The subjects of the embroidered work are representations of the
sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, which is on the surface of the pedestal, while
on the part which hangs in front of the pedestal is a picture of the pit into
which Joseph was cast by his brethren. A gold salver is placed on the
pedestal, which holds a silver box which encloses the form of a human heart,
with tools wherewith to shape it. A red velvet cushion with gold tassels is
placed on the carpet near to the centre of the saloon.
officers of this Degree consist only of the Grand Master and his Deputy, the
latter holding a naked sword in his right hand during the ceremony. The jewel
of the Third Degree is a sword.
member on initiation is presented with a silver trowel which is worn
afterwards on the left breast, and admission into the Lodge is refused unless
the member displays this jewel.
Grand Master is placed in the north part of the Lodge, the Deputy near to the
pedestal, while the rest of the assembly are placed in an oblong running from
north to south.
Candidate is received in an ante‑room by the sister who proposed her, by whom
she is blindfolded and conducted to the door of the temple.
Candidate being placed comfortably and every preparation for the ceremony of
reception being made, the Deputy Grand Master commands attention and order by
presenting the sword, the emblem of his office, to the Grand Master, who draws
his trowel across the point.
Deputy Grand Master then perambulates the Lodge, exacting the same compliment
from every one present. After this is done he takes his accustomed seat, and
when his sword has been placed in an erect position, the Grand Master declares
that the Lodge is formed and that the Candidate may enter. The Candidate is
conducted to the left of the Grand Master's chair, when she is informed that
the dignity of this Degree is so great that she will not be blindfolded during
any part of the proceedings in order that she may be fully cognizant of its
solemnity. The silver ladder which is worn by the Grand Master is then taken
from his breast and placed on the carpet in front of him.
Master: - “Sister Companion, ascend the Ladder of Jacob.“
Master: - "What is the position of a sister?"
Answer: - "At the summit of felicity. “
Master: - "Take off the Candidate's shoes and let her kneel at the altar of
addressing the Candidate, he says:
"It is
in consideration of your merit that you are placed in this position, for you
are about to receive the highest honour it is in our power to confer. You have
become One of Us; now place your hand on this salver and be made perfect by
repeating the promise to continue in your perseverance.“
sword is now taken from its position and held by the Deputy Grand Master over
the Candidate's head, while she repeats the following obligation:
promise in the presence of the Masons now assembled, and by the sword now held
over my head, that I will not divulge the secrets of Masonry, neither what I
now know nor what shall be communicated to me, in consequence of this present
undertaking, except to those who have already taken this obligation.
promise also to protect and succour every one now present on all and every
occasion, according to the ability granted to me by Providence.
promise these things upon my word and honour. If I fail, may shame and infamy
be my portion and may I be pointed at as unworthy of the respect and esteem
inseparably attendant upon worthy Masons.“
point of the sword is then presented to the Candidate and is kissed by her,
when she is commanded to rise.
Master: - “It is required of every sister on admission to this Degree that a
present be made by her to the Lodge in return for the favour conferred. You
will be assisted in your choice by the Deputy Grand Master, but your own
industry will, no doubt, produce the proof of your ingenuity which will be
worthy of our acceptance.“
Deputy Grand Master then hands to her a box of tools and superintends the work
which has been previously decided upon.
this point refreshments are frequently introduced, after which the Candidate
produces the model of a heart, which is formally examined by all the members
of the Lodge.
Master: - “A heart has been produced. Sister, you have consummated the great
mystery of Masons. The heart is the great secret of Masonry. Our science has
no other object save to regulate the passions. In a state of nature the heart
is cruel and ungovernable. Our art, as Masons, effects the change, and we
become the reverse of that inhospitable condition. We are, as you have
experienced, kind and cheerful, meek and humane. Advance and receive the
reward due to your work and
You are invested with this trowel as the key to the Third Degree. This will
admit you to our assemblies and now, at this particular moment, demands from
us our secrets. The sign of this Degree is given by drawing the trowel across
the point of the sword, and then kissing the point of the sword, as at your
reception. The password of this Degree is Esther.“
Grand Master then delivers the following address to the Candidate:
"Sister: Your admission into this Degree having made you on an equality with
us all, it only now remains for me to describe and explain to you the symbols
on the tapestry, which will conclude the ceremony of reception into this
Degree. Every blessing that we enjoy is derived from the Providence of our
Creator, and this Providence is fittingly depicted by the sun, moon, and
stars. The rainbow which encompasses these luminaries is to remind us that
vice once caused the world to be deluged and that our conduct as members of
this Society is to be such as not to incur the repetition of the Divine
Ark of Noah is introduced for the express purpose of proving that the faithful
Mason will always be provided for, let the winds, the waves, and the storms of
the world rage ever so high. A place of refuge will never be wanting for the
wise, the virtuous and the good. The Tower of Babel is emblematic of the false
strength of those who are deficient in the science of Masonry, and the
messenger with the trowel indicates that one moment of Divine direction can
put to nought and confusion the works of men. The sacrifice of Abraham is a
proof that no temporal enjoyment should supersede the supreme dictates; and
that when our duty requires us to act we should acquiesce willingly in the
Divine will. The sleep of Jacob is a similitude of our condition after death
and his after conduct of the respect due to the Creator from the sons and
daughters of mortality. The city of Gomorrah in flames is presented to our
view and shows the inevitable destruction of the vicious, and the trans‑
formation of Lot's wife is at once applicable to what your position would have
been had your inclinations prevented you from aspiring to this dignity. The
pit into which Joseph was cast by his brethren would also have been applicable
to your condition, had not your merits prevented your refusal at the ballot,
for, in that case, your situation would have been like to that of Joseph, as
not only would you be absent from your friends at this gathering, but you
would have the mortifying reflection of knowing that you had been rejected.
order to demonstrate the universality of our science, representations of the
four quarters of the globe are introduced. Europe is depicted as a lady in a
very rich habit, and the various ornaments that surround her are emblematic of
her arts and arms generally and show that she is first in point of consequence
and the principal part of the world. Asia is depicted by a heroine wearing a
garland of flowers and fruits, thus intimating that this quarter of the globe
produces delightful things necessary for human life, as shown by the garment
in which she is decked, particularly the profuseness of the rich materials in
which it abounds; the bundle of spices in her right hand and the distribution
of them to other parts of the world; the censer holds some of the
pleasant‑smelling gum which the continent produces; while the camel is an
animal peculiar to this region. Africa is represented by an almost naked
woman, thus showing that the continent does not abound in materials for
clothing; while the elephant's head, the lion, the viper, and the serpent are
characteristic of the animals having their habitation there. America is
depicted also by a naked woman, as showing the condition of the earliest
inhabitants. The bow and quiver denote that the natives live by hunting; the
human head pierced by an arrow indicates that many are cannibals; while the
lizard on the ground is an animal inimical to the human race.
this manner we communicate the knowledge derived from the mode of reception of
Candidates to this Degree, and thus, you will, in turn, communicate it to
Master: - "What is the duty of a Mason?"
Answer: - “To work, to hear, to obey, and to be silent.“
Master: - "How long is it since you reached this Degree?"
Answer: - “Seven months and more.“
Master: - “Who assisted you in your benevolent undertaking?"
Answer: - “One who was well conversant with the Degree.“
Master: - “By what name do you distinguish him?"
Answer: - “The Deputy Grand Master.”
Master: - “Who presided in the Lodge on that occasion?"
Answer: - “The Grand Master.“
Master: - “Give further proof of your attainment.“
Answer: - “I know how to ascend the Ladder of Jacob.“
(Reference is here made to the plant bearing that name which will be known to
students of Botany.)
Master: - “Probably the ladder to which you refer is the ladder of the
Answer: - “The construction is materially different.“
Master: - “Describe the ladder which you have ascended.“
Answer: - “The foundation is on the earth and it ascends to felicity. The
rungs are at equal distance so as to form regular steps to the summit.“
Master: - “What are the materials of which this ladder is composed?"
Answer: - “Such as have existed from time immemorial and such as will exist
to the end of time.“
Master: - "What name is given to the base?"
Answer: - “The footstool of the Almighty.“
Master: - “How many steps are there?"
Answer: - “They are innumerable.“
Master: - “How were you enabled to take the first step?"
Answer: - "By the exercise of sensibility.“
Master: - "What is this exercise of sensibility?"
Answer: - "The union of souls truly noble.“
Master: - “What principle does it teach?"
Answer: - “That as I had fought and obtained happiness, so it is my duty to
communicate it to others.“
Master: - "What enabled you to ascend the second step?"
Answer: - “A conscious dignity of spirit.“
Master: - “What name does the world generally give to this principle?"
Answer: - “Honour.“
Master: - "What is its Masonic description?"
Answer: - "It enjoins Masons to be strictly just where no public law can
compel, to fulfil our engagements in an equitable manner, and to hold as
sacred the trust reposed in us.“
Master: - “What enabled you to ascend the third step?"
Answer: - "The practice of sincerity.“
Master: - "In what does that consist?"
Answer: - "Not in deceit and guile, but in social wellbeing, the outcome of a
generous mind.“
Master: - “What exchange do those of a contrary principle experience?"
Answer: - “They barter kindness for a shadow of joy and are deceived more
than they are able to deceive.“
Master: - “What enabled you to ascend the fourth step?"
Answer: - “Experience.“
Master: - "Its utility?"
Answer: - “The control of the passions, preventing us from judging
Master: - "What are the effects of experience?"
Answer: - “A conduct void of reproach and such as to merit esteem here and
initiation beyond.“
Master: - “What enabled you to ascend the fifth step?"
Answer: - “The knowledge I had obtained through the medium of Masonry.“
Master: - "In what manner?"
Answer: - “By; the cardinal virtues which were allegorically represented in
the First Degree which, when united, signify wisdom.“
Master: - “Explain this union.“
Answer: - “It is impossible to exercise the practice of temperance without
having a due preparation of fortitude or to be in the possession of prudence
without that of justice.“
Master: - “Having ascended the step of wisdom is it necessary to delineate
the remainder individually?"
Answer: - “It is not, for so soon as mortals arrive at that step, the
difficulties of the ascent are dissolved and the path to felicity made clear.“
Master: - "What is the signification of Noah's Ark in the Deluge?"
Answer: - "It refers to the heart of man in an uncultivated state.“
Master: - “Why did Noah build it?"
Answer: - “As a refuge for himself and family.“
Master: - “How came he to obtain the knowledge of the approaching Deluge?"
Answer: - “By attendance at the Grand Lodge of Masons over which the Creator
Master: - "When did he enter the Ark?"
Answer: - “So soon as he perceived the waters overflow the usual boundaries.“
Master: - "What moral does this convey to us?"
Answer: - "That it is our duty to frequent Lodges in order that the precepts
inculcated there may teach us to avoid vice, which will, when true Masonry is
neglected, occasion the destruction of the world a second time.“
Master: - "Of what material was the Ark?"
Answer: - “An incorruptible wood called cedar.“
Master: - “What lesson does the employment of this wood inculcate?"
Answer: - “That the secrets of Masonry cannot be penetrated by envy and that
the malice of its enemies recoils on to the breast of its propagators.“
Master: - “What was the form of the boards of the Ark?"
Answer: - "Every one was placed on a true level.“
Master: - "The intent of this form?"
Answer: - "To prove the quality of Masons and that their unity is the
mainspring of their happiness.“
Master: - “Why is the Tower of Babel introduced into the Lodge?"
Answer: - “As a warning against pride, which is totally at variance with the
genuine dictates of the science.“
Master: - "To whom did it owe its origin?"
Answer: - "The rebellious Nimrod.“
Master: - "What was his object in erecting so high a structure?"
Answer: - “To create for himself a name among men and to make himself equal
to God.“
Master: - “How long was the building carried on?"
Answer: - "Until it pleased the Creator to frustrate his design by the
introduction of foreign languages, the use of which threw the workmen out, in
consequence of which they separated, left their work and travelled, and
finally settled in various parts of the world.“
Master: - "What became of the edifice?"
Answer: - “Being deserted by the human race, in process of time it became the
habitation of wild beasts.“
Master: - "What lesson is to be derived from this incident?"
Answer: - "To give respect to the promises of God, to place our whole
confidence in Him alone, to divest ourselves of false pride, and to work,
having truth for our foundation and wisdom for our superstructure.“
Master: - “Is there not a further lesson to be derived?"
_Answer: - “It is that a Lodge is badly formed whenever concord and obedience
are absent, and that when
conditions prevail it will inevitably fall into confusion.“
Master: - “What lesson is inculcated by the rainbow?"
Answer: - “That harmony prevails in a well‑conducted Lodge.“
Master: - “What does the town in flames represent?"
Answer: - "The horror which every good Mason feels at the recollection of the
abominable crime that brought the fire from heaven.“
Master: - “What does the sleep of Jacob represent?"
Answer: - "The peace and tranquillity in the breast of every worthy Mason.“
Master: - "Why is an Initiate deprived of light at her reception?"
Answer: - "To convey to her the darkness of the uninitiated in respect to
Master: - “Why do we assemble ix Lodges?"
Answer: - “Because as often as we meet we renew our friendship.“
Master: - "Is there any other inducement?"
Answer: - “That we may communicate to each other our secrets.“
Master: - “What is the duty of a Mason outside the Lodge?"
Answer: - “To work, to hear, to obey, and to be silent.“
answers to the first and last questions in the catechisms of the three degrees
should receive particular attention. They are as follows:
First: Hear. Obey. Work.
Second: Obey. Work. Hear.
Third: Work. Hear. Obey.
the primary duty of an Initiate is to hear; that of a Companion, to obey; and
that of a fully-admitted Mason, to work; but of members of all Degrees, to be
concluding the catechism the Grand Master demands the compliment to the sword
as at the reception, and the members are dismissed with the words:
Lodge is perfect and may it ever so remain. As we met so let us part, with
goodwill to all. We congratulate one another. Let us reverence the jewel of
the Order and depart in peace.“
Ladies claim Right,
come to our light,
the Apron they say is their bearing;
they subject their will,
they keep their tongues still,
let talking be chang'd into hearing?
difficult task
Is the
least we can ask,
secure us on sundry occasions
with this they comply,
utmost we'll try
raise Lodges for Lady Freemasons.
the Ancient Charges of Freemasonry do not admit of the admission of women into
the Craft, there are authenticated instances where, as the result of accident
or design, women have been duly initiated. The most prominent instance is that
of Hon. Elizabeth St. Leger, or, as she afterward became on marriage, the Hon.
Mrs. Aldworth, who is referred to sometimes, though erroneously, as "the only
woman who ever obtained the honour of initiation into the sublime mysteries of
was a daughter of the first Viscount Doneraile. He was a very zealous
Freemason, and, as was the
in his time, the middle of the eighteenth century, held a Lodge occasionally
in his own home, when he was assisted by members of his own family, any
Brethren in the immediate neighbourhood, and any Masonic visitors to Doneraile
House. This Lodge was duly warranted and held a number on the register of the
Grand Lodge of Ireland.
story runs that one evening, when a man named Coppinger was to be initiated,
Miss St. Leger hid herself in a room adjoining that used as a Lodge room. This
room was undergoing some alterations, and she is said to have removed a brick
from the partition with scissors and, through the aperture thus created,
witnessed the ceremony of initiation.
she saw appears to have disturbed her so thoroughly that she at once
determined upon making her escape; but she failed to elude the vigilance of
the Tyler, who, armed with a sword, stood barring her exit. Her shrieks
alarmed the members of the Lodge, who came rushing to the spot, when they
learned that she had witnessed the whole of the ceremony that had just been
considerable discussion, and yielding to the entreaties of her brother, it was
decided to admit her into the Order, and she was at once initiated, and in
course of time became "Master" of the Lodge.
According to Milliken, the Irish Masonic historian, she was initiated in Lodge
No. 95, which still meets at Cork, but there is on record that she was a
subscriber to the Irish Book of Constitutions, which appeared in 1744,
and that she frequently attended,
wearing her Masonic regalia, entertainments that were given under Masonic
auspices for the benefit of the poor and distressed. She afterwards married
Mr. Richard Aldworth, of Newmarket, and when she died, at the age of eighty in
1773, she was accorded the honour of a Masonic funeral. She was cousin to
General Antony St. Leger, of Park Hill, near Doncaster, who, in 1776,
instituted the celebrated Doncaster St. Leger races and stakes. Two female
descendants of the same family became the wives of James Anthony Froude and
Charles Kingsley.
Helene, Countess Hadik Barkoczy, who was born in 1833, was the sole heiress of
Count Johann Barkoczy, and being the last of her race was permitted by the
Hungarian Courts to take the place of a son. She succeeded her father on his
death in 1871, in the extensive Majorat of Barkoczy. In 1860 she married Count
Bela Hadik, aide‑de‑camp to the unfortunate Emperor Maximilian of Mexico. With
her inheritance she came into the possession of an extensive Masonic library.
She was a highly educated lady, and made the Masonic literature her earnest
study; and having mastered the statements concerning almost every Degree in
Freemasonry, an ardent admiration for the Masonic idea was aroused. in her.
She was well acquainted with some Freemasons., through whom she endeavoured to
gain admittance into the Craft. Her desire was granted, and in 1875 she was
duly initiated in the Lodge Egyenloseg, in Unghvar, holding a warrant from the
Grand Orient of Hungary. On hearing of this
glaring violation of the statutes the Grand Orient of Hungary instituted
proceedings against the Brethren who had been guilty of this "breach of the
Masonic vow, unjustifiably conferring Masonic Degrees, doing that which
degrades a Freemason and Freemasonry, and for knowingly violating the
statutes. “The judgment of the Council was given at their meeting on 5th
January, 1876, when all the accused were found guilty. The Deputy Master of
the Lodge was condemned to the loss of all his Masonic rights and expulsion
from the Order for ever; the officers to have their names struck off the lists
and the other members of the Lodge to be suspended for a space of three, six,
or twelve months. But still the question remained as to whether the duly
initiated Countess could and ought to be looked upon as a regular Freemason
and whether she could claim all the rights of a member of the Fraternity. On
this point the Grand Orient of Hungary decided in their meeting held on 10th
March, 1876, as follows:
1. The
Grand Orient declares the admission of the Countess Hadik Barkoczy to be
contrary to the laws, and therefore null and void, forbids her admittance into
any Lodge of their jurisdiction, under penalty of erasion of the Lodge from
the rolls, and requests all Grand Lodges to do the same.
2. The
Countess is requested to return the invalid certificate which she holds within
ten days, in default of which measures will be taken to confiscate immediately
the certificate whenever produced at any of the Lodges.
de Xaintrailles, the wife of General de Xaintrailles, was a member of an
Adoptive Lodge, and it is said that she was afterwards initiated into Craft
Masonry. This event is said to have occurred at the close of the eighteenth
century, but the whole story rests entirely upon tradition. The story is told
by Clavel in his Historie Pittoresque de la FrancMafonnerie, but
neither date nor place is mentioned:
"Although the rule which forbids women admission to Lodges is absolute, yet it
has once been infringed under very remarkable circumstances. The Lodge of Les
Freres Artistes, presided over by Bro. Cuvelier de Trie, was giving a fête
d'Adoption. Before the introduction of the ladies the Brethren had begun
their ordinary work. Among the visitors who were waiting in the ante‑chamber
was a young officer in the uniform of a Major of cavalry. He was asked for his
certificate. After hesitating a few moments he handed a folded paper to the
Senior Deacon, who, without opening it, proceeded to take it to the Orator.
This paper was an aide‑de‑camp's commission issued to Madame de Xaintrailles,
wife of the General of that name, who, like the Demoiselles de Fernig and
other Republican heroines, had distinguished herself in the wars of the
Revolution and had won her rank at the point of the sword. When the Orator
read to the Lodge the contents of this Commission the astonishment was
general. They grew excited and it was decided unanimously that the bearer
should be admitted at once into the Order. Madame de Xaintrailles was
acquainted with the decision of the Lodge and asked if she would accept the
hitherto unprecedented favour. Her reply was in the affirmative. 'I am a man
for my country,' she said, 'I will be a man for my Brethren.'; The initiation
took place, and from that time Madame de Xaintrailles often assisted in the
work of the Lodge.“
According to the records of the Lodge Sine6rit6 held at Klattau, Bohemia, the
charter of which was recalled in September, 1780, a Women's Lodge was formed
as an auxiliary, the membership of which was confined to the wives of the
members of the parent Lodge. An exception to this rule was made in favour of
the Baroness Chanowsky de Langendorf, who is described as "the most honest,
virtuous and fairest lady. “This Female Lodge worked under the name of the
"Three Crowned Hearts"; but, with the exception of its by‑laws, no records of
any kind concerning the activity of the Lodge have been left. A Master Mason
managed the Lodge as its Master, the office of Treasurer also being filled by
a Master Mason, but, with these exceptions, all the other officers were women.
The by‑laws stipulated that the members should be "God‑fearing, humble,
discreet, modest, honest, of righteous heart, obliging, as well as charitably
inclined towards the poor.“ The initiation could not take place when the
candidate was in delicate health. The petitions were passed upon by the Master
as far as proposition fees were concerned in accordance with the petitioner's
circumstances or means, while the amount of dues was fixed by the candidate
herself. The underlying purpose of the Lodge was purely moral and virtuous. In
addition to impressing upon the members the observance of secrecy, they were
also strictly admonished to observe peace, harmony, union, and unblemished
behaviour, with the exclusion of haughtiness and arrogance. They were also
charged not to utter words of slander or commit defamatory acts, nor were they
permitted in any circumstances to indulge in illicit love affairs. The funds
of the Lodge were devoted entirely to the assistance of distressed members.
The Constitutions and By‑laws of this Lodge are now in the archives of the
National Museum in Prague. The formation of the Lodge contributed in no small
degree to the difficulties which afterwards befel the parent Lodge, the
majority of which members were army officers belonging to the Prince Coburg
Regiment of Dragoons.
1894 (according to the Daily News of 11th July of that year) two newspapers,
one at Rome and the other at Bonn, denounced a certain lady as a Grand
Mistress of a Ladies' Lodge of Freemasons. As a result of this publicity a
Catholic priest at Friburg, in Switzerland, refused to allow her to receive
the Holy Communion, in consequence of which action she brought a law‑suit
against him for damaging her reputation and demanded four hundred pounds as
compensation. Her claim was, however, rejected by the Swiss Courts.
Beaton, a Norfolk lady, it is said, contrived to conceal herself behind the
wainscotting in the Lodge room, where she learned the secret of the First
Degree before she was discovered, upon which she herself was, initiated. The
only reference to the occurrence is to be found in A General History of the
County of Norfolk (2 vols., 1829) in the following passage:
in St. John's, Maddermarket, Norwich, July, 18o2, aged 85, Mrs. Beaton, a
native of Wales. She was commonly called the `Freemason,' from the
circumstances of her having contrived to conceal herself one evening in the
wainscotting of a Lodge room, where she learned the secret, the knowledge of
which thousands of her sex have in vain attempted to arrive at. She was, in
many respects, a very singular character, of which one proof adduced is, that
the secret of Freemasons died with her.“
Palladian Lodge, No. 120 on the Roll of the United Grand Lodge of England, is
said to have once numbered a woman among its members. It is a tradition of the
Lodge that in 1770 a Mrs. Havard was proposed as an honorary member and was
initiated in order that she might have the necessary qualification. There is,
however, no record of such initiation to be found in the books of the Lodge,
which was warranted in 1762.
connection with the subject of women Initiates, mention must be made of the
case of the famous Chevalier D'Eon. D6on de Beaumont, to give the name in
full, was born at Tonnerre, in Burgundy, on 5th October, 1728, and in 1755
received an appointment at the Court of Louis XV. After a successful career in
the diplomatic world, in 1764 doubts began to be expressed very freely as to
his sex. So notorious did the matter become that between 1769 and 1777, a
scheme of "Insurance on the sex of M. le Chevalier (or Mlle. la Chevallière)
D'Eon" resulted in policies to the amount of ₤120,000 being effected.
the discussion was at its height, the
Chevalier was initiated as a Freemason in La Loge de 1'Immortalite, a French
Lodge under the English Constitution, bearing the number 376 on the roll of
the Grand Lodge of England. The Lodge was constituted in 1766, and its
headquarters were at the Crown and Anchor in the Strand. He proceeded to the
Third Degree in January, 1769, and in the same year was appointed junior
Warden of the Lodge. Fearing that an attempt to kidnap him might be made by
those who had effected policies on the issue, he was sheltered by Earl Ferrers
at Staunton Harold, near Ashby‑de‑la‑Zouch. Earl Ferrers, in 1762 and 1763,
held the position of Grand Master of England. In 1777 an action was brought by
a policy‑holder against an insurance broker to recover the sum secured by the
policy, when two witnesses swore that in Court that, of their own personal
knowledge, the Chevalier was a woman. All doubt, however, was set at rest by
D'Eon's own admission that "he" was a woman. The King of France commanded that
the Chevalier should "resume the garments of her sex,“ and the command was
obeyed. To her credit, let it be said that she never again attempted to enter
a Masonic Lodge, but, after her death, there was found the manuscript of an
essay on "Freemasonry and Quakerism,“ in which she said:
I say here about Masonry is not meant to win the Gold or Silver Medal,
advertised in the London Courier Francais, but only to win, in my heart, a
prize graven on the Masonic Compass and Triangles, each point of which, like
the Trinity, rests on Truth, Virtue, and Benevolence, common foundations of
Equality and
Justice between brothers by birth and by Christianity, as between Brethren by
Masonry, enlightened by the Sun of Truth, inasmuch as this is the Truth held
by the primitive Christians of Jerusalem and Antioch. But since the Greek,
Latin, Gallican, and Anglican Churches have organized themselves into
formidable bodies, they deride, individually and collectively, the sombre
Society of good Quakers, who are good only at whining, snivelling, and having
no power among them; while the Freemasons have established themselves in
worshipful Lodges, in order to laugh, drink, sing at their ease, and display
benevolence towards their Brethren and Fellows dispersed over the Earth,
without infringing the Laws of Moses or of the Covenant. They spread sunshine,
God's consolation, and true happiness in the heart of all human beings capable
of appreciating simple Virtue. The happiness of Mankind and the well‑being of
the Material Worlds are to be found in Nature, Reason, Truth, Justice, and
Simplicity, and not in huge bodies compiled by Philosophy and Divinity.“
story, in all probability apocryphal, is told that at the time of the
promulgation of the Bull of Benedict XIV in 1751, the Empress of Austria,
desiring to satisfy herself that none of her sex were admitted into Masonic
Lodges, visited a Lodge in company with one of her ladies, both disguised as
men. Having satisfied herself on the point, she retired.
is a tradition attached to the Melrose Lodge that, after removing from
Newstead, the meetings were held in hired rooms for some years. It is said
that about this time the Lodge could boast of a lady member. This matron, a
true daughter of Mother Eve, somehow obtained more light upon the hidden
mysteries of Freemasonry than was deemed ac all expedient; and, after due
consideration of her case, it was resolved that she must be regularly
initiated into Freemasonry. This is said to have been done with the best
results‑the initiated ever remaining a true and faithful Sister among the
Brethren. The lady's name is given as Isabella Scoon, and it is said that she
was so impressed with the solemnity of her obligation that she ever afterwards
distinguished herself in works of charity.
following paragraph appeared in the Edinburgh Courant of 2nd December, 1772:
"A few
nights ago a regular Lodge of Freemasons was held at the Star in Watergate
Street, in the city of Chester, when a woman who lodged in the house,
concealed herself in a press in the Lodge room in order to satisfy a painful
curiosity she had a long time imbibed of discovering the reason of their
secret meetings; but the ever wary and careful fraternity, making a timely and
secret discovery of the place of her concealment, assembled themselves within
her hearing, and after repeating the punishment which they always inflict on
every person when they detect prying into their secrets, opened the press and
took her out, almost dead with apprehension of what she was to suffer, which
had such an effect on the humanity of the Brethren then present, that they
unanimously agreed to dismiss her, without doing her any injury other than
severely reprimanding her for her folly.“
Masonic Lodge held at this particular house at that time was the principal
Lodge in the Chester Division of the Operative Freemasons. That body has
certain officers known as "Searchers,“ and their duty is to search the Lodge
room, together with all
rooms under, over, or adjoining the Lodge room, and the tradition is that the
woman was discovered by the Searchers before the Operative Lodge was opened.
following curious advertisement appeared in the Newcastle Weekly Chronicle
of 6th January, 1770:
is to acquaint the public that on Monday, 1st inst., being the Lodge or
monthly meeting‑night of the Free and Accepted Masons of the 22nd Regiment,
held at the Crown, near Newgate, Mrs. Bell, the landlady of the house, broke
open the door with a poker, by which means she got into an adjacent room, made
two holes through the wall, and by that stratagem discovered the secrets of
Masonry, and knowing herself to be the first woman in the world that ever
found out the secret, is willing to make it known to all her sex. So that any
lady that is desirous of learning the secrets of Freemasonry, by applying to
that well‑learned woman (Mrs. Bell) who has lived fifteen years in and about
Newgate, may be instructed in all secrets of Masonry.“
following advertisement appeared in the Publick Advertisey of 7th
March, 1759:
"Whereas the Mystery of Freemasonry has been kept a profound secret for
several ages, till at length some men assembled themselves at the Dover
Castle, in the parish of Lambeth, under pretence of knowing the secret, and
likewise in opposition to some gentlemen that are real Freemasons, and hold a
Lodge at the same house; therefore, to prove that they are no more than
pretenders, and as the ladies have sometimes been desirous of gaining
knowledge of the noble art, several regular made Masons (both Ancient and
Modern) members of constituted Lodges in this metropolis have thought proper
to unite in a select body at Beau
Silvester's, the sign of the Angel, Bull Stairs, Southwark, and style
themselves Unions, think it highly expedient, and in justice to the fair sex,
to initiate them therein, provided they are women of undeniable character; for
though no Lodge as yet (except the Free Union Masons) have thought proper to
admit women into the Fraternity, we, well knowing that they have as much right
to attain to the secrets as those Castle humbugs have thought proper so to do,
not doubting but they will prove an honour to the Craft; and as we have had
the honour to inculcate several worthy Sisters therein, those that are
desirous, and think themselves capable of having the secret conferred on them,
by proper application, will be admitted, and the charges will not exceed the
expenses of our Lodge.“
following advertisement appeared in various English newspapers in the early
part of 1762:
aux dames, etc. ‑ Pour vencre que les Frances Massons ne sont par telles que
le public les a representées en particulier la sexe feminine, cet loge j uge a
propos de recevoir des femmes aussi bien que des hommes.
‑ Des dames seront introduits dans la loge avec la ceremonie accoutumée ou le
serment ordinaire et le real secret leur seront administrées. On commencera a
recevoir des Dames, Jeudy, 11 de Mars, 1762, at Mrs. Maynard's, next door to
the Lying Inn Hospital, Brownlow‑street, Lond Acre. La porte sera ouverte a 6
heures du Soir. Les Dames et Messieurs sont priees de ne pas venir apres Sept.
Le prix est ₤I Is. “
Morgan, in her Diary, published in 1859, claimed to have been initiated
in a Lodge in Paris. Under a date in January, 1819, she wrote:
here I am, a Free and Accepted Mason, according to the old Irish Masonic song.
When we drove to
solitude of the Rue Vaugirard, Faubourg St. Germaine, we found the court of
the Hotel de Vilette and all the premises full of carriages: Belle et Bonne
magnificently dressed in white satin and diamonds, with Voltaire's picture
round her neck, set in brilliants, received us in the salon with a sort of
solemn grace, very unlike her usual joyous address. Madame la Generale Foy,
the wife of the popular militaire, stood beside her; his Royal Highness
Prince Paul of Wurtemberg, the Bishop of Jerusalem, Talma, Count de la
Rochefoucault, in full dress, looking very like his illustrious ancestor of
Les Maximes; Denon, the Count de Cazes, pair de France (brother to the
premier, the Duc de Cazes), General Favier, and many others whom we knew, were
assembled, and muttered their conversation in little groups. At half‑past
eight they all proceeded to hold the Chapter for the installation of the Dames
Ecossaises du Temple, according to the programme, we, les Dames Postulantes,
remaining behind till we were called for. I really began to feel some
trepidation, and the stories that I had heard from my childhood upwards, of
the horrors of the trial of a Masonic probation, rose to my mind, red‑hot
poker included. At nine o'clock we were summoned to attend the `Overture de la
Cour des Grands Commandeurs.' When the battants were thrown open, a spectacle
of great magnificence presented itself. A profusion of crimson and gold,
marble busts, a decorated throne and altar, a profusion of flowers, incense of
the finest odour filling the air, and, in fact, a spectacle of the most scenic
and dramatic effect ever presented itself. Such of the forms as are permitted
to reach the ears of the profane are detailed in the programme. We took the
vows, but as to the Secret, it shall never pass these lips, in holy silence
most recent instance of a woman claiming to be initiated into a regular or
orthodox Masonic Lodge is that of Mrs. Catherine Babington, whose
biography was published by her son, J. P. Babington himself a member of Lee
Lodge, No. 253, Taylorsville, N.C., U.S.A., the third edition of which was
issued in 1912. Mrs. Babington was the only daughter of Charles and Margaret
Sweet, and was born at Princess Furnace, Kentucky, on 28th December, 1815.
Near her grandfather's house the Freemasons are said to have met in the upper
story of a building in a room designed for a church, in the corner of which an
old‑fashioned pulpit had been erected and under which it is said she concealed
herself from time to time during a period of a year and a half, and where she
frequently saw and heard the various Degrees conferred. Finally, the story
goes on, one of her uncles, named Ulen, who had left his rifle in the
ante‑room, went back to get it, and saw his niece emerging from her place of
concealment. When they got home he and his brothers summoned her before them
to find out what she had learned about Freemasonry. Having ascertained the
extent of her information, the question arose as to what was to be done. And
the story runs: "Accordingly a suitable uniform of red flannel was made and
she was taken to the Lodge where she was obligated as a regular Mason, but not
admitted to membership.“ The day she took the obligation was the first and
last time she was ever inside a Masonic Lodge (where she could be seen) while
it was at work. She knew Masonry and kept herself posted up until a short time
before her death; but she never attempted to visit a Lodge. On one occasion,
related, while they were considering her case in the Lodge, she was met on the
outside by a pair of masked men, who demanded that she should tell them what
she knew about Masonry. Relating the incident to her uncle she is reported to
have said:
might kill me, but they could never make me tell anything about Masonry.“ Many
incidents are told of her use of Masonic signs and words in her travels
through Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, Tennessee, and
other States; but many of these are seemingly improbable, if not impossible.
Mrs. Babington died in Shelby, N.C., where she was buried, and the Shelby
Aurora, which was owned and edited by a member of the Craft, describing
the funeral, stated: "At her death she was the only female Mason in the United
States and was well versed in the workings of the Lodge.“
Charles Purton Cooper, F.R.S., a well‑known Freemason of his day, sent the
following communication to the Freemason's Magazine, which appeared in
that periodical of 4th April, 1863:
the autumn of 1831, whilst on a visit of importance to the domaine of La Favee,
near the village of St. Eusebe des Fois, in Burgundy, then belonging to
myself, but now belonging to my grandson, Arthur, Viscount Delagueriviere, I
became acquainted with an octagenarian lady, the Countess de G..., owner of
another domaine in the neighbourhood. The Countess, finding I was a Mason,
spoke with singular delight of her ' reception au grade d'aprenti ' in a Paris
Lodge about 1780, and regretted that a sudden and lasting change of residence
‑ France to Italy ‑ had prevented her proceeding to a higher Degree. Her early
days had
spent with her mother and grandmother at Dijon, both of whom had been members
of Lodges there‑one of La Loge la Concorde and the other of La Loge les Arts
John T. Thorp, in one of his volumes of Masonic Papers writes:
following is vouched for by a distinguished Mason and a personal friend of the
writer: ` A traveller in South America, being in temporary difficulties, and
in urgent need of counsel and assistance, endeavoured to discover some
Freemason to whom he could appeal with confidence for advice and direction.
Being far from any large town, no Lodge was held in the locality, nor could he
discover anyone who was a member of the Craft. After many fruitless enquiries,
he was at length advised to apply to a widow lady of wealth and position, who
resided in the neighbourhood, as she was believed to be a member of some
secret society. He accordingly called upon the lady in question, and found her
well acquainted with all the secrets of the three symbolic Degrees, she and
her husband having belonged to a Lodge of Freemasons many years before. The
traveller received the advice and assistance he required to extricate himself
from his temporary difficulties and went on his way grateful and rejoicing.'"
writer in Tit Bits of 9th January, 1892, says:
"During the winter of 1887‑8 I was at Port Mahon in one of Her Majesty's ships
and with others received an invitation to visit the Freemasons' Lodge on
shore. We accepted the invitation and on being ushered into the Lodge after
the usual ceremonies, were rather surprised to see several ladies seated in
the Lodge and wearing the regalia of the Order.
the working of the Lodge the ladies took exactly the same share of the work as
their sterner Brethren would have had to have done had there been no ladies to
take upon themselves the work, and they did their
in quite as good a manner as men would have done. Two of the ladies had
infants in arms, so there were at least two cousins in that Lodge.
the conclusion of the ceremonies I conversed with the Master of the Lodge, who
was a Spanish military officer exiled during the Carlist troubles, and he
informed me that quite a number of ladies on the island (Majorca) were
Freemasons, that the Order was worked more after the system of the society of
Oddfellows, and that they were peculiarly a benefit society among themselves,
helping each other out of the Lodge funds when necessity compelled‑in fact,
working the affair in a manner in which a great many people begin to think
Freemasonry should be worked.
have been in various Lodges in and about the world, but this is the only time
that I was ever in the company or knew of any living ladies who had been
regularly initiated into the mysteries of the Craft. As I previously said, I
was not the only Englishman present, so that in case of any doubt about the
foregoing I can forward the names of the other Masons who saw this uncommon
1875, according to a correspondent of The Freemason in the issue for the 13th
March of that year, a female Tyler officiated to one of the regular Lodges in
the West of England.
MS. “Constitutions of the Freemasons, “bearing date 1693 have occasionally
been quoted in support of the contention that at one time women were admitted
into the Masonic Guilds. One of the clauses runs:
one of the elders taking the Booke, and that he or shee that is to bee made a
Mason shall lay their hands thereon, and the charge shall be given.“
In the
same manuscript there is more than one reference to the "Dame" as well as the
the records of the Lodge of Operative Masons held at Mary's Chapel, Edinburgh,
it is evident that the widows of Master Masons could, to a limited extent,
occupy the position of "Dame" or "Mistress" in a Masonic sense.
17 of Apryle, 1683. The whilk day, in presence of Thomas Hamiltone deakone and
John Harvy warden, and remnant masters of the masone craft, in corroborations
of the former practise quhich was of use and wont amongst them, it is statute
and ordained that it shall be in tyme or in no wayes leithsome for a widow to
undertake workes or to imploy jurneymen in any maner or way, but if such work
as ancient customers of the deceased husbands or any other ouner who may out
of kyndnesse offer the benefite of their work to the sd widoes be ofered unto
them, than and that caice it shall be leithsome to them to have the benefite
of the work, providing alwayes that they bespeake some freeman by whose advyse
and concurrance the worke shall be undertaken and the jurneymen agreed with,
quhich freeman is hereby charged to be altogether inhibited to participate of
the benefite arriessing from the sd work, under the paine of doubling the
soume reaped and arriessing to them by the sd work unjustly and to the
prejudice of the sd widoues, and contrare to the intent of the masters mette
for this tyme; and lykewise to underly the censure of the deakon and masters
in all tyme coming, if they shall think it expedient to punish them for their
malversations and circumventions of the said widoues. Written and subscribed
by order and with consent of the deakon, warden, and masters by Ar. Smith,
following story is told in the recently published History of the Tongariro
Lodge, No. 705, New Zealand, which is under the jurisdiction of the United
Grand Lodge of England:
landlord, who was a member of the Lodge, had a sister living in the house. She
was an elderly lady with a great thirst for knowledge, and she determined to
find out all about Freemasonry. Accordingly she went to this disused part of
the building and succeeded in removing a knot from the wooden partition, and
from this spy‑hole was able to witness unobserved some portion of the
proceedings. She did not, however, possess the gift of silence, and one
evening, while serving behind the bar, told a gentleman who at that time was
not a member of the Craft, although he afterwards became a Mason and
subsequently occupied the Master's Chair in the Lodge. The good lady was
especially impressed with the Third Degree, which she described as ` very
dreadful.' She stated she was going again that night, and that it was her
intention to enlarge the hole in order to get a better view. She informed her
hearer that there was not a great deal to see until the Lodge had been opened
about half an hour. There was to be ` a third' that night, and if her friend
would join her in about half an hour he might take his turn at the peep‑hole.
Unfortunately for her plan, her brother, who was standing near, though
unobserved, overheard this conversation, and when the old lady had climbed up
to her accustomed place, he crept softly behind her, and, taking a firm grip
on her ear, conducted her without any ceremony to her rightful place behind
the bar. Unlike the Hon. Elizabeth St. Leger, she was not initiated into
Freemasonry, so could not equal this famed lady.“
In the
St. James' Gazette of 17th December, 1903, it was reported that:
woman aged twenty‑nine has been sentenced to thirteen months' imprisonment at
Montpellier for having contrived to penetrate into the Masonic Temple at Cette,
and for having endeavoured to initiate herself into the mysteries of the
On the
occasion of the installation of the late King Edward VII (then Prince of
Wales) as Grand Master
English Freemasons, at the Royal Albert Hall, on 28th April, 1875, two
barmaids were discovered hidden on the glass roof. They were duly discovered,
owing to the vigilance of the Stewards, and conducted off the premises a full
hour before the Grand Lodge assembled.
following is an extract from a letter which appeared in the Freemason's
Magazine and Masonic Mirror of 21st October, 1865:
have seen the admission of women into the learned professions, especially in
America, and with a remarkable, and I believe, unique instance in England of
female initiation into the mysteries of the Craft. I am not prepared to say
that the time is not at hand when the other sex may, with advantage, be
admitted as fellow labourers in our Lodges, or, at any rate, in Lodges of
their own formation.
course, there are many who could urge endless objections. An innovation;; but
where is the stride onwards that has not been opposed? '"Married men, no
doubt, would object, as a rule, to such a novel proceeding, but the more
intelligent would surely discard from their minds such fears of a secret
ascendancy. Common sense and daily experience show that there are occult laws
constantly in operation which correct noiselessly, but effectually, the abuses
of systems, and that we cannot exclude the competition of labour when the hour
predestined comes.
amongst women there is a very powerful and natural prejudice against our
Craft. Its exclusiveness as regards men is, of course, the cause. Women argue,
and plausibly, that there cannot be much good where they are shut out from the
light of any particular department of knowledge.
"Amongst themselves, though without a name or charter of incorporation, a very
noble species of moral Freemasonry prevails, and which is often displayed
towards the humblest, at times when even the most cynical could not suggest a
selfish or sinister motive.
".. I
do not say that it would be in all cases advisable to make such an innovation,
but there could be little doubt that some women would be found an honour to
Masonry, and by their example would give the best and most practical
contradiction to the fallacious and mischievous insinuations contained in the
Pope's recent Encyclical.“
This material
originally scanned by Ralph Omholt, Kirkland Chapter 176, Washington.
Order of the Eastern Star is believed to be the fifth largest fraternal
organisation and the largest female Order in the world. It had in 1917 nearly
900,000 members and its membership roll is increasing at the rate of 50,000 a
year. It does not claim to be a Masonic Order, although its membership is
restricted, in the case of men, to those who are already members of the
Masonic Brotherhood, and, in the case of women, to those whose nearest male
relatives or connections are Freemasons of good standing. It is the custom of
the Chapters of the Eastern Star to hold their meetings in the Lodge rooms or
temples of Masonic Lodges, when such permission can be obtained, but the Order
does not come under the category of "Adoptive Masonry.“ The term "Adoptive"
implies the power of government and control, and this is not exercised by any
Masonic body in regard to the Order of the Eastern Star.
Order is believed to have taken its rise in the United States of America in
1778, but it did not attain any degree of eminence until 1850, when it was
revived by Rob. Morris, a prominent American
Freemason. The various units were known as "Constellations,“ and in 1855 a
"Supreme Constellation" was established, though it does not appear to have had
a long life. The Order itself, however, continued to flourish and in 1874 a
serious attempt was made to organise a Supreme Grand Chapter, which, two years
later, was crowned with success. District or Provincial Grand Chapters have
since been established in all quarters of the globe and is making great
headway in Scotland. England stands practically alone in her aloofness from
the Order.
utmost care is evinced in the admission of candidates. The fee for initiation
and the annual subscription are moderate, averaging twelve shillings and five
shillings respectively, and a certain proportion of each is devoted to
beneficence. The Order is doing a noble and unselfish work and it was the
first to establish a Masonic Home in Kansas, charging itself also with the
furnishing of the Home on its erection. In the various States of America
members are, at their own expense, building cottages, furnishing, and
supplying them with every need, and, in some instances, constructing hospitals
and maintaining them.
the Eastern Star Chapter is held in the Masonic Lodge room or temple it is the
custom to make no charge for rent, light, or heating. A Candidate for
initiation must be recommended by two members from personal knowledge. A
committee of three is then appointed to report upon the applica‑
at the next meeting, when a ballot is taken for the admission of the
applicant, and this ballot must be unanimous.
main object of the Order of the Eastern Star is to give practical effect to
the beneficent purpose of Freemasonry, particularly in provision for the
wives, daughters, widows, mothers, and sisters of members of the Craft, and,
at the same time, inculcate various principles. These principles are five in
number, represented by the five Degrees of the Order and said to be read by
the enlightened in the cabalistic motto of the Order ‑ F.A.T.A.L. They are as
Fidelity to vocations of right and duty. This is the teaching of the Degree of
Jephthah's daughter, as set forth in judges xi. 30‑40.
Obedience to the demands of honour and justice in all conditions of life. This
is the teaching of the Degree of Ruth and is set forth in Ruth i. 16, 17.
Fidelity to kindred and friends. This is illustrated in the Degree of Esther
and set forth in Esther iv. 2., vii. 2‑5.
Trustful faith in the hour of trial. This is the teaching of the Degree of
Martha and set forth in the character of Martha.
Heroic endurance of the wrongs of persecution when demanded in the defence of
truth. This is illustrated in the character of Electa, or "the elect lady" as
shown in the narrative recorded in the Second Epistle of St. John,
badge of the Order is a five‑pointed star, the first point being blue with a
sword and veil to represent Adah, or Jephthah's daughter. The second is yellow
with a sheaf of barley to represent Ruth. The third is white and bears a crown
and sceptre to represent Esther. The fourth is coloured green and has a broken
column to represent Martha. The fifth is red, with a golden cup to represent
In the
Manual of the Order of the Eastern Star the following historical essay
on the foundation and aims of certain secret institutions appears:
"Secret societies imitating Freemasonry for the admission of females as
members were first organised in France during the early part of the eighteenth
century, and still exist there and in other parts of Europe, as a distinctive
rite. By the term ' Adoptive Masonry' is implied that system of forms,
ceremonies, and explanatory lectures which is communicated to certain classes
of ladies, who, from their relationship by blood or marriage to Master Masons
in good standing, are entitled to the respect and attention of the entire
Fraternity. These ladies are said to be adopted into the Masonic communion
because the system of forms, ceremonies, and lectures above referred to
enables them to express their wishes, and gives satisfactory evidence of their
claims in a manner that no stranger to the Masonic family can do. To the
organisations thus established for the initiation of females the French have
given the name of `Adoptive Masonry,' Maconnerie d'Adoption, and the Lodges
are called Loges d'Adoption, or 'Adoptive Lodges,' because every Lodge of
females was obliged to be adopted by, and under the guardianship of, some
regular Masonic Lodge. One of the first of these Societies was the ' Order of
Perfect Happiness,' for so we may be permitted to translate the name
‘Felicitaires; which; they; adopted. This; Society
assumed a nautical character in its emblems and its vocabulary. It was divided
into the four degrees of `Cabin Boy,' ` Master,' `Commodore,' and 'Vice
Admiral.' What little information we have been enabled to obtain from a very
brief notice of its ritual leads us to believe that it was not of a character
to merit countenance. It did not long retain its existence, for two years
after its formation it gave place to the ` Knights and Heroines of the
Anchor,' which was, however, but a refinement of the original Society, and
preserved its formula of initiation and nearly all its ceremonies. In 1747,
one Beauchaine, the Master of one of the Parisian Lodges, instituted a new
Society, which he called ` L'Ordre des Fendeurs,' or `The Order of Wood
Cutters.' This institution borrowed its principal ceremonies from the Society
of the Carbonari, or Coal‑burners, which had been previously established in
Italy. The place of meeting of the Wood‑cutters was called the Wood Yard, and
was supposed to represent a forest;; the presiding officer was called `Father
Master,' and the male and female members were called `Cousins.' The Society
became at once exceedingly popular, and the most distinguished ladies and
gentlemen of France united themselves to it. It was consequently the cause of
the institution of many similar societies, such as the Order of the Hatchet,
of Fidelity, etc. In consequence of the increasing popularity of the numerous
secret associations which, in their external characters and mysterious rites,
attempted an imitation of Freemasonry ‑ differing, however, from that
Institution, of which they were, perhaps, the rivals for public favour, by the
admission of female members ‑ the Grand Orient of France, in 1774, established
a new rite, called the ` Rite of Adoption,' which was placed under the control
of the Grand Orient. Rules and regulations were thenceforth provided for the
government of these Lodges of Adoption, one of which was that no men should be
permitted to attend them except regular Freemasons, and that each Lodge should
be placed under the charge and held under the sanction and
warrant of some regularly constituted Masonic Lodge, whose Master or, in his
absence, his Deputy, should be the presiding officer, assisted by a Female
President or Mistress. Under these regulations a Lodge of Adoption was opened
in Paris, in 1775, under the patronage of the Lodge of St. Anthony, and in
which the Duchess of Bourbon presided, and was installed as Grand Mistress of
the Adoptive Right. Many systems of Adoptive Masonry have from time to time
been introduced in the United States with varied success, none of which,
however, seem to possess the elements of permanency, except the Order of the
Eastern Star, which was established in this country during the year 1778. The
success of this Order, therefore, corresponds in its beneficence and
usefulness with the extent of Freemasonry. Its obligations are based upon the
honour of the female sex, and framed upon the principles of equality and
justice; that whatever benefits are due by the Masonic Fraternity to the
wives, widows, daughters, and sisters of Freemasons, corresponding benefits
are due from them to the members of the Masonic Fraternity. The theory of the
Order of the Eastern Star is founded upon the holy Writings. Five prominent
female characters, illustrating as many Masonic virtues, are selected,
adopted, and placed under Masonic protection. The selections are
Jephthah's daughter, illustrating respect to the binding force of a vow.
Ruth, illustrating devotion to religious principles.
Esther, illustrating fidelity to kindred friends.
Martha, illustrating undeviating faith in the hour of trial.
Electa, illustrating; patience; and; submission under wrongs.
are all Masonic virtues, and have nowhere in history more brilliant exemplars
than in the five characters illustrated in the lectures of the Order of the
Eastern Star.
honourable and exalted purposes had in view in its dissemination can have no
opposition worthy the
Its effects in winning to the advocacy of Masonry the virtuous, intelligent,
and influential lady members of our families are truly encouraging, and
stimulate its friends to persevere in a general promulgation of the system.
According to the tenets of the Order of the Eastern Star, Adoptive Masonry
stands a bright monument to female secrecy and fidelity, and proves how wrong
all those are who fancy a woman is not to be trusted. There is not in the
whole of the ceremonies of this rite a single point with which the most
ascetic moralist could find fault. On the contrary, all is pure, all is
beautiful; it is among the brightest jewels which spangles the records of
Masonry. As the Adoptive privileges of the lady entirely depend upon the good
standing and affiliation of the Brother through whom she is introduced, this
system will be a strong inducement, it is thought, to keep a Brother,
otherwise inclined to err, within the bounds of morality. A general diffu sion
of this rite will tend to supersede the other so‑called female Degrees as
being, at the best, but trivial and henceforth superfluous and useless.“
Rules enforced by the Order of the Eastern Star are as follows:
1. Not
fewer than five ladies who are entitled to receive, or have received, the
Degrees should be present at any Communication when the Degrees of this Order
are conferred.
2. The
proper persons entitled to receive the Degrees are
1. All
Master Masons in good standing;
3. The
wives of Master Masons in good standing;
3. The
widows of Master Masons who died in good standing;
4. The
sisters of Master Masons in good standing;
5. The
daughters of Master Masons in good standing;
Mothers of Masons in good standing.
Those who are not entitled to receive the Degrees are:
Unmarried ladies, if under eighteen years of age;
Half‑sisters or step‑daughters;
Master Masons who may stand expelled, suspended, or against whom charges may
be pending.
Each person before acquiring a knowledge of the Degrees must be honourably
pledged to the observance of the above rules, and to the strictest discretion
in regard to the essential secrets of the Degrees.
5. A
well‑guarded apartment must be secured for conferring the Degrees. No person
should aspire to the office of Instructor until he has thoroughly qualified
himself for the work by imprinting the lectures upon his memory, perfecting
himself in the signs, passwords, and scriptural illustrations, and securing
confidence in himself, so that he may not become confused when he rises to
address an audience. The Instructor should make the lecture graceful,
dignified, and impressive. No one should be allowed to enter the room after
the pledge of secrecy has been imparted. Those requisitions being complied
with, the Brother who
may be
acting as Instructor will proceed upon the general plan indicated; that is, he
will make allusions, by way of opening, to the history, extent, and purpose of
Freemasonry; its claims to the respect and attachment of the ladies, and the
practical objects for which the Order of the Eastern Star was instituted.
This material originally scanned by Ralph Omholt,
Kirkland Chapter 176, Washington.
opening ode, which is sung to the tune of "Just before the battle, mother,“ is
as follows:
Here around the altar meeting,
There the sons of light combine;
Mingled with our friendly greeting,
Is the glow of love divine.
For this hall to virtue given,
And our emblems on the wall,
Point us to the Lodge in Heaven
And the Master of us all.
Keep in view the Lodge supernal.
Life is love enthron'd in Heav'n,
Where the true light never wavers
And our mortal sins forgiven.
In the bonds of Mason's duty
Seek we now the Mason's light,
Forms of Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty
Teach us what is good and right.
Far be every sinful passion,
Near be every gentle grace;
And so at last this holy mission
Shall reveal our Master's face.
Keep in view the Lodge supernal,
Life is love enthron'd in Heav'n,
Where the true light never wavers
And our mortal sins forgiven.
following verses are then recited by the Instructor:
A welcome and a greeting now,
To gentle friends and sisters true,
Around the place where Masons' bow,
And pay their homage due;
On chequered floor, 'neath starry sky,
Welcome, kind friends of Masonry!
To her who finds a Father here,
Or Brother's strong and trusty hand;
To her who mourns the lost and dear,
Once cherished in our band;
To her who husband's love doth own,
Greeting and wisdom every one!
Welcome the light our emblems shed,
Welcome the hopes yon volume gives
Welcome the love our covenants spread,
The wages each receives
And when is past life's toilsome week,
Welcome the home that Masons seek.
address given by the Instructor to the ladies assembled in Lodge is as
"Ladies, We meet and welcome you here for a double purpose. First, that we may
inform you as to your true relationship to the Masonic Fraternity, and thus
remove any prejudices that you may have entertained against us; and, second,
to confer upon you the beautiful, instructive, and useful Degrees of the Order
of the Eastern Star. Every one present knows that Freemasons set a great value
upon their mysteries. They put themselves to much trouble and expense to
attend their Lodges, and they prove, by their words and actions, that Masonry
is implanted in their affections. It must be plain enough to every wife and
daughter and sister of a Mason, that there is something in Masonry, known only
to the Brethren, which is very delightful and precious to them. They
provoke the question, `Of what use is Freemasonry to the ladies?' As it
separates man and wife to some extent, by giving the man certain secrets and
duties which the wife cannot share, the ladies sometimes take umbrage against
Masonry, and even become its enemies, and oppose it violently as something
contrary to, the laws of God and man. A little knowledge, however, of the real
nature and purposes of Masonry will remove all this, if there is any of it
existing in the mind of any lady present. Masons love and cherish their
Society above all others, because it is designed to, and does, make them
better, wiser, and happier men; better, for it teaches morality, virtue,
temperance, economy, charity, and justice to all men; wiser, for it imparts
knowledge to them that is weighty, solemn, and important‑knowledge that has
been handed down to them from age to age for nearly three thousand years;
happier, for it makes them acquainted with, and puts them in social connection
with the purest and best men in every section of the country. Is it any
wonder, then, ladies, that Masons love Masonry? If a Mason is assailed in
character, every other Mason is, or should be, prompt to defend him, if
innocent. If he is attacked in person, he finds defenders. If he is distressed
for means, poor and in want, having been reduced by misfortune, his Brethren
share their abundance with him. If, travelling in a foreign land, he falls
sick, or in distress, though all around him may be strangers, the Masons are
no strangers to him. They are Brothers, and will be as kind to him as though
they had known him all his life. If he dies, the Fraternity will bear his body
to its last resting‑place, and drop an honest tear to his memory. But now it
is necessary that we should show you why ladies, too, should love Masonry, and
should be, as many of them are, its warmest friends and defenders. I will
answer the question that is often asked, `Of what use is Masonry to the female
sex? '
'Ladies, you are connected with Masonry by ties far more intimate and tender
than you are aware of, or than I can even inform you of. The widow and the
daughter of a Master Mason takes the place of the husband and father in the
affections and good deeds of the Lodge. If their character is unjustly
assailed, the Brethren are in duty bound to defend them. If they are in want,
distressed for the necessities of life, the Brethren will divide their means
with them. If travelling at a distance from home they find themselves sick and
in want among strangers, they have but to make themselves known as the widow
and orphan daughter of a worthy Master Mason, and, lo! The hand of relief is
stretched out toward them; the voice of sympathy is heard to cheer them! They
are no longer strangers, but friends, dear friends; and thus they are
constrained to bless our Society, whose kind deeds are not confined to the
narrow limits of home. Ladies, I draw no fancy sketch, I speak of what has
happened, of what is happening every day. The widow has been provided with a
home, her children educated and reared up to honourable stations, her own
heart cheered and comforted by the blessed influences of Masonry. These, then,
ladies, are the reasons why we think you should be the most devoted friends
that Masonry possesses. To you are given all the advantages of the Society,
its shield of protection, its hand of relief, and its voice of sympathy, while
we do not require of you any of the labour or expense of sustaining it. The
only Masonic privilege denied to you is that of visiting the Lodge, and this
would be of no advantage to you, even if it were possible to grant it; but it
would awaken the voice of scandal against you from a censorious world, and
thus produce far more pain to your kind and amiable hearts than it could
possibly afford you pleasure. Females cannot be made Masons. This is a rule
that has been handed down with the other rules of Masonry for thousands of
years. Each Mason present pledged himself before he was admitted into the
Lodge that he would never allow any of the ancient rules of Masonry to be
changed, and this is one of them. Therefore we cannot invite you to visit our
Lodges. But, as I have said, we can, and do, and will share with you in all
the solid privileges and benefits
Masonry, and thus practically unite you with us in this great, this glorious,
this heavenly work of doing good. The only objection that can be advanced
against what I have said is this: How a lady, travelling among strangers, and
finding herself in want of friends, can make herself known as the wife, widow,
sister, or daughter of a Master Mason? Unless she has something more than her
mere word to offer, those to whom she applies will be slow to believe her
statements. The country is full of impostors, women as well as men. Almost
every charitable person has been imposed upon, not once only, but many times.
The lady, therefore, who has the relationship to Masonry that you possess
needs, in such a case, some particular means of recognition; some means of
making herself known to Master Masons, which no other person can understand;
some method, perfect, modest, and proper, easily practised and easily
understood. Is there anything of the sort? I imagine you asking me. Are there
any means long-tried and proved, which a lady can learn, and by due practice
remember, so that, if suddenly called upon, she can put into use with
confidence that it will prove effectual? I answer, there is just such a
method, and one principal object of this meeting is to teach you that method.
The Order is called the Eastern Star. It has signs and passwords, and means of
recognition, which have been tried in a thousand instances, and proved to be
exactly what a lady needs in the cases I have mentioned. The signs which are
for a lady's use are easily learned and remembered. The passwords which Masons
use in answer to the signs are equally so. The other means of recognition, by
the aid of the signet, are not easily forgotten, and the whole system is
available for practical use at all times when required. And there is one great
merit in the Order of the Eastern Star, which, if there were no other, would
render it worthy of your favour; it is pure, graceful, and religious. It gives
the history of that heroic daughter of Jephthah, doomed to die for her
father's sake. It tells of Ruth, the harvestgleaner in the field of Boaz, who
forsook all things to
among the people of God. It speaks of Esther, that noble daughter of bondage,
who so bravely resolved to share the fortunes of the exiles of Israel. It
tells us of Martha, mourning the loss of her dearly beloved brother. And,
finally, it thrills us with an account of that devoted philanthropist, Electa,
who, above all women, suffered for her master's sake the loss of her home,
family, wealth, and life itself. But, before I can communicate to you the
secrets of the Eastern Star Degree, whereby you can make yourselves known to
Masons, it is necessary that each of you should make a solemn pledge of honour
that those secrets should be kept inviolably in your possession. For any one
of you to go out and expose to others what we so secretly tell you here would
not only be fatal to your own character for truth, but would destroy all the
advantages of the Order itself. Its great value consists in its being kept in
the hands of proper persons. I am happy to inform you that, although many
thousands of ladies have received it, and though scattered through every
section of the country, no instance is on record of any lady having
dishonourably exposed it. Nor, indeed, do we fear that such a misfortune can
ever occur. A lady who makes us a pledge of honour, such as I require of you,
pledges her very soul; the honour of a woman is more to her than life itself.
Those of you, therefore, who give us such security may safely be trusted with
our most cherished secrets. The pledge that we require of you is in this form:
So many of you, ladies, as will pledge the sacred honour of a woman never to
communicate improperly the secrets of the Order of the Eastern Star, will
raise your right hands. My Brethren, I have thus far confined my remarks to
the ladies, whose coming together on this occasion we may justly feel to be a
compliment to us. You know, and can testify, that all my statements as to the
principles of Masonry and its advantages to its members are true, and that
these ladies do stand in the close relationship to our Fraternity that I have
described. I will now explain to you that only wives, mothers, widows,
sisters, and daughters of
Masons‑the sisters and daughters, if unmarried, to be eighteen years of age
and upward‑are entitled to receive the Eastern Star Degrees, and that it must
never be conferred unless there are five or more such ladies present. So many
of you, my Brethren, as will pledge the honour of a Master Mason never to
confer or be present at the conferring of the Eastern Star Degrees, except
under the restrictions mentioned, will now raise your right hands. Should a
lady at any time find herself in distress, and among strangers, she has the
undeniable right, and should not hesitate, to make the acquaintance of any
Master Mason who may be present, by using one of the signs which I will teach
you. Each sign has its appropriate name and explanation, and each has a proper
password to be given in answer to it by the Mason who recognises the sign. The
first object to which I call your attention is the signet of the Eastern Star.
This is prepared with a view to assist the memory after a person has taken the
Degrees. You will observe that the star in the signet is five‑pointed, and
that each point has a colour of its own, which are blue, yellow, white, green,
and red. The names of the five characters - Jephthah's daughter, Ruth, Esther,
Martha, and Electa ‑ are seen in the different points, and their histories
make up the Degrees. The emblems ‑ the sword and the veil, the sheaf, the
crown and the sceptre, the broken column and the joined hands, on the same
points, are illustrative of these characters. The emblems in the several
divisions in the centre of the star also allude to the distinguished
characters comprising the Degrees:
1. The
open Bible is appropriate to Jephthah's daughter as the symbol of obedience to
the Word of God.
2. The
bunch of lilies is appropriate to Ruth, as the Lily of the Valley.
3. The
sun is appropriate to Esther, as the effulgent sun is the symbol of crowned
4. The
lamb is appropriate to Martha, as the symbol of innocence, faith, and
5. The
lion is appropriate to Electa, as the symbol of the courage and power which
sustained her during her severe trials.“
following lecture is then delivered to the candidates for this Degree after
certain obligations have been taken:
structure of Freemasonry in its obligations and principles is peculiar, and
we, as Master Masons, are taught to respect the binding force of a vow.
Therefore, when we find in Bible history a person who submits to wrongs, to
suffering, and death, to secure the sanctity of a vow, we seize upon that
character as our own. We adopt or surround it with fraternal protection. We
hail it as a Masonic character, and we claim whatever credit or honour may be
associated with it. Such a character, forcibly delineated, we discover in the
book of judges, under the title of Jephthah's daughter; and we have so
surrounded the sacrifice of that noble and heroic woman with emblems, legends,
and tokens of recognition, as to make of it a section in Adoptive Masonry. The
history of Jephthah's daughter, as composing a Degree of the Eastern Star, is
thus given:
father, Jephthah, was a resident of Mizpeh, in the mountains of Gilead, a
warrior and a man of decided personal character. Being called upon, in the
extremity of his country's trials, to go at the head of its armies and resist
the Amorites, its enemies, he prepared his household for a campaign that would
perhaps cost him his life, and then committed himself to the protection of
God, in solemn prayer. It was an age when religious knowledge was scanty, and
man knew but little of his Maker's will. Jephthah thought to propitiate Deity
by a vow, such as his forefathers had made when about to depart upon dangerous
enterprises. And this is the record of his vow, as found in the iith chapter
of the book of judges: `Jephthah uttered all his words before the Lord in
Mizpeh. And
Jephthah vowed a vow unto the Lord and said: If thou shalt without fail
deliver the children of Ammon into my hands, then it shall be that whatsoever
cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me when I return in peace from
the children of Ammon, shall surely be the Lord's, and I will offer it up for
a burnt‑offering.' It is difficult to explain this vow. It has been
conjectured that being a hunter in the mountains of Gilead, Jephthah was
accustomed to be much absent from home, and that on his return from those
expeditions he was often welcomed by the favourite lamb of his daughter; and
that this fact was in his mind suggesting the object of sacrifice, should his
present enterprise be crowned with success. This explanation is accepted as
the best at our command. Jephthah went forth to battle, expecting, if
victorious, to make a thank‑offering to God of the pet lamb of his daughter.
The victory was gained, and the warrior returned to Mizpeh, exulting in his
success. God had redeemed his people. The thanks and praises of
grateful nation were showered upon his track. The loving father hastened home
to enjoy the congratulations of his neighbours, and still more of his
daughter‑his only child. Arrived upon the hill which overlooked his dwelling,
he halted, for now the full purport of his vow broke in upon his mind. The
Lord had `without fail delivered the children of Ammon into his hands'; he had
returned in peace to his house, 'and whatever' came forth of the doors of his
house to meet him must be the Lord's, to be offered up for a burnt‑offering.
It was but for a moment. The door opened as his eye painfully regarded it. It
opened, and something came forth; not a pet lamb, not even a servant or a
neighbour; but his daughter ‑ his only child, the object in whom his very
existence was bound up. 'Behold,' says the sacred narrative, 'his daughter
came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances.' Jephthah rent his
clothes, and in the anguish of his heart cried aloud : 'Alas, my daughter!;
thou hast brought me very low. I have opened my mouth to the Lord and I cannot
go back.' Adah was a daughter in every way worthy of that
warrior‑sire ‑ the mighty hunter of Gilead. Casting away the instruments of
rejoicing, and changing the merry dance to solemn measures, she answered: 'My
father, if thou hast opened thy mouth to the Lord, do to me according to that
which hath proceeded out of thy mouth.' She had but one request to make, and
she was ready for the sacrifice. She asked that she might go among the
mountains for two months, and there, with the virgins of Israel, prepare her
mind to meet in calmness and resignation her impending doom. The request was
granted and during two revolving moons the heroic woman joined in the hymns
and prayers of her friends, with which the mountain caves of Gilead became
vocal. When the two months had expired, and the day arrived which was to bring
this sad affair to a close, a vast multitude gathered to witness the event.
Precisely as the sun came on the meridian she was seen, followed by a long
train of her friends, winding their way down the mountain side, to the fatal
spot where the altar was erected, and her father, with an almost broken heart,
was standing prepared to fulfil his vow. She approached him, and with one long
kiss of affection, bade him farewell. Taking hold of the thick mourning veil
which she wore, he drew it gently over her face, and drew his sword. But she
rapidly unveiled herself, and said she needed not to have her face covered,
for she was not afraid to die. Her father replied that he could not strike the
blow while she looked upon him, and again cast it over her. She threw if off
the second time, and turning from him said she would look up to the heavens,
so that his hand should not be unnerved by the sight of her face, but that she
would not consent to die in the dark. A third time, however, he insisted, and
a third time she as resolutely cast it off; this time holding the ends of it
firmly in her hands, and then, in hearing of the multitude, she solemnly
declared that if this ceremony was insisted upon she would claim the
protection of the law, and refuse the fate that otherwise she was willing to
endure. She said it was the practice to cover the faces of murderers and
criminals when they were about to be put
death; but for her part, she was no criminal, and died only to redeem her
father's honour. Again she averred that she would cast her eyes upwards upon
the source of light, and in that position she invited the fatal blow. It fell.
Her gentle spirit mounted to the heavens, upon which her last gaze had been
fixed; and so the deed was consummated which has rendered the name of
Jephthah's daughter for ever famous in the annals of Scripture. For hundreds
of years, and even down to the days of Samuel ` it was a custom in Israel that
the daughters of Israel went yearly to lament the daughter of Jephthah, the
Gileadite, four days in the year.'; The colour blue alludes to the cerulean
line of the mountains, in whose solitude Jephthah's daughter passed two months
while preparing herself for death. The emblem of the sword reminds us of the
instrument of her death.“
Symbol of the Ripened Grain)
lecture in this Degree is as follows:
This material originally scanned by Ralph Omholt, Kirkland Chapter 176,
"Freemasonry in; its obligations, emblems, and principles is peculiar, and we,
as Master Masons, are taught to respect devotion to religious principles. Upon
our first entrance into the Masonic Lodge we testify our faith and trust in
God. Atheism will effectually debar any person from becoming a Freemason.
Therefore, when we find in history a person who forsakes home, and lands, and
parents, and country, through piety to God, we seize upon that character and
hail it as Masonic; and we claim whatever credit or honour may be associated
with it. Such a character, forcibly delineated, we discover in the book of
Ruth under the title of Ruth, and we have so surrounded the piety of that
noble and heroic woman with emblems, legends, and tokens of
recognition, as to make of it a section in Adoptive Masonry. The history of
Ruth, as composing a Degree of the Eastern Star, is as follows:
was of the nation of Moab, an idolatrous people; she married a man named
Mahlon, formerly a citizen of Bethlehem, who had taken up his residence in the
land of Moab, where he died. He was a worshipper of God, and by his pious
example and teaching she was converted to the true religion. A few happy years
followed, and then the calamity of widowhood came upon her. Upon his deathbed
he solemnly exhorted her, for her soul's sake, to leave the dangerous company
in which she would be thrown, and go to the city of Bethlehem, where dwelt the
people of God. Immediately after his death she obeyed his pious injunctions.
Forsaking her home and friends, she journeyed, in company with her aged
mother‑in‑law, to Bethlehem, where she arrived in due time, wayworn and so
poor that she was compelled, for her own support and that of her friend, to
seek some means of securing a livelihood. There was nothing, however, that she
could do, save to go into the barley‑fields ‑ for it was the time of harvest
‑ and glean among the poorest and lowest classes of people for support. The
very attempt she made at this labour exhausted her strength. She had been
reared in luxury, and the toil was too great for her. The sharp stubble
wounded her feet; the blazing sun oppressed her brain; the jeers and insults
of her companions alarmed and discouraged her, and long before the hour of
noon, with only two little handfuls of barley as the fruits of her labour, she
sought the shade of a tree to rest herself for a few moments before retiring
from the field. At this instant Boaz, the owner of the field, entered. He was
a pious and charitable man. None in Bethlehem was so rich; none more beloved
and honoured then he. As he entered the field, he observed near the gleaners
the form of one differing in garb and manners from the rest, and asked the
overseer who she was. In reply he learned that she was a woman from Moab, who
had asked leave to glean among the sheaves, but that evidently she was
unaccustomed to such labour,
she had been there since the sunrise and had gathered but two little handfuls
of barley. This excited the kindly feelings of Boaz, and he went to her to say
a word of sympathy, and to offer her relief. As she saw him approach she
supposed him to be the owner of the field and come to order her away. Ever
since the morning she had met nothing but scorn and reproach, and she looked
for it now. Raising her hands, therefore, to show how small were her
gleanings, and that she had taken nothing from the sheaves, she placed them
meekly upon her breast, as showing her willingness to submit to whatever lot
she might be called upon to endure, and cast her eyes upward as appealing to
God against the inhumanity of man. It was for God she had forsaken home,
wealth, and friends, and the disconsolate widow, alone in the world, had none
other to whom she could look for protection. This mute appeal was not lost
upon the kind heart of Boaz. He spoke words of sympathy and tenderness to her;
he encouraged her to persevere. From the provisions brought for his reapers,
he bade her eat and drink. He directed that handfuls of barley should be
dropped on purpose in her way by the reapers, so that she might gather an
ample supply; and when she returned home to her mother‑in‑law she bore with
her enough for their immediate necessities. In a short time Ruth became the
wife of Boaz, by whom she had a son, called Obed, the father of Jesse, the
father of David, the father of Solomon, whose wisdom and power are known to
every intelligent Freemason. The colour yellow alludes to the ripened grain
that composed the barley sheaves of Boaz, who from his sheaves commanded that
portions be taken and cast in Ruth's way.“
Symbol of the Crown and Sceptre)
lecture in this Degree is as follows:
principles and obligations of Freemasonry are fraternal, and we, as Master
Masons, are taught to respect fidelity to kindred and friends. We are
introduced into Freemasonry by a friend, vouched for by a friend, conducted by
a friend. Friendly hands support us through life, close our eyes in death, and
consign us tenderly to the bosom of mother earth. There is no offence in
Masonry more degrading than a breach of friendship. Therefore, when we find in
history a person exalted in station, rich in this world's goods, learned and
beloved, who casts all these advantages aside in her fidelity to kindred and
friends, we seize upon that character as our own. We adopt and protect it. We
hail it as a Masonic character, and we claim whatever credit or honour may be
associated with it. Such a character, forcibly delineated, we discover in the
book of Esther under the title of Esther. And we have so surrounded the
efforts of that noble and heroic woman with emblems, legends, and tokens of
recognition as to make of it a section of Adoptive Masonry. The history of
Esther, as composing a Degree of the Eastern Star, is thus given: Her husband,
Ahasuerus, otherwise termed Artaxerxes, was King of Persia, a monarch of vast
power, a man faithful to his word, and devotedly attached to his
queen‑consort. The heroine Esther was a Jewish damsel of the tribe of
Benjamin. The family had not returned to Judaea after the permission given by
Cyrus, and she was born beyond the Tigris, about five hundred years before the
Christian era. Her parents being dead, Mordecai, her uncle, took care of her
education. After Ahasuerus had divorced Queen Vashti, search was made
throughout Persia for the most
beautiful woman, and Esther was one selected. She found favour in the eyes of
the King, who married her with royal magnificence, bestowing largesses and
remissions of tribute upon his people. Her matchless beauty having attracted
the attention of the King, her virtues secured his love, but her wonderful
genius gained his permanent admiration and respect. No woman has ever left
behind her a better record of wisdom than Esther. It is a standing tradition
among her people that, as Solomon was to man, so was Esther to women, the
wisest of her sex. The more intimately the King became acquainted with her
mental powers, the more he respected them. There was no problem of State so
intricate that she could not aid him to solve. In time she became his
confidante, and shared with him in the greatness of his kingdom. These
circumstances enabled her in a season of peril to save her nation from
destruction. The enemies of the Jews, who were numerous and powerful, had
brought false accusations before the King, and persuaded him to utter an edict
that, upon a fixed day, the entire race throughout all Persia should be
exterminated. The chosen people of God were doomed to be extirpated from the
face of the country. The instrument to avert so great a calamity was the
heroine Esther. No sooner did she learn this cruel edict than she promptly
resolved to save her people, or perish in the same destruction. The King had
often admitted his indebtedness to her counsels, and pledged his royal word to
grant her any request that she might make of him, even `to the half of the
kingdom,' and Esther now resolved to test his sincerity and appeal to him,
even at the risk of her own life, to reverse the horrible edict. She attired
herself in her white silken robes, placed a brilliant crown upon her head,
gathered her maidens around her, and went boldly and in state to the palace of
the King at Shushan. It was a day of grand council, a gathering of the
governors, princes, and officers of Persia. The dependent nations had sent in
their deputations to pay homage and tribute, and the royal guards thronged the
ante‑chambers of the palace. It
was a
standing law of that place that none should enter the King's presence without
summons, under penalty of death, and the sentinels, as the Queen passed,
reminded her of this and warned her of her danger. But she bade them stand
aside, and so, pale and firm, she passed through the vestibule into the great
council chamber. The scene was magnificent. The King upon his throne of gold
and ivory, the gorgeous equipages of his officers, and the splendour of the
apartment itself, all made up a display rarely equalled and never surpassed.
Through all the crowd of courtiers Esther boldly passed, and amidst the deadly
silence of the observers stood up before the King. Pale with fasting and
sleeplessness, but not with fear, her cheeks emulated the whiteness of her
silken robes. She fastened her eye fearlessly upon the King, who, angry at the
violation of the law, frowned sternly upon her. It was the crisis of her life.
The wise woman felt it to be so, and at once reminded him of his former
pledges by a method understood between them. She saw his golden sceptre bend
towards her, and hastened to secure her pardon by coming forward, kneeling,
and laying her hand upon it. Graciously said the King: "What wilt thou, Queen
Esther? and what is thy request? It shall be even given thee to the half of
the Kingdom.' The admiring crowds applauded the generosity of their monarch,
and as he placed her beside him upon the throne gave utterance to loud
expressions of admiration at her beauty, discretion, and favour with the King.
The sacred narrative informs of the consummate tact with which Esther pursued
the advantage she had gained. She achieved a complete success and saved the
nation, which to this day keeps an annual festival in her honour. The colour
white alludes to the silken robe of Esther, emblematical of the spotless
purity of her character. The emblem of the crown reminds us of the queenly
state of Esther, and of the manner in which she hailed the notice of the
(The Symbol of the Uplifted Hands)
following is the lecture given in this Degree:
structure of Freemasonry, in its obligations, emblems, and principles, is so
peculiar that we Master Masons, above all other men, are taught to respect
understanding faith in the hour of trial. The great doctrines of Masonry are
all borrowed from the Bible. Our devotion to Masonry is chiefly founded upon
this that we believe the Bible to be the Word of God, and, therefore, our
principles, which are derived from the Bible, were written by the finger of
God. Therefore, when we find in history a person whose faith in the Redeemer
was so fixed and thorough that even the death of her most beloved friend could
not shake it, we seize upon that character as our own. We adopt and surround
it with fraternal protection. We hail it as a Masonic character, and we claim
whatever credit or honour may be associated with it. Such a character,
forcibly delineated, we discover in the book of John, under the title of
Martha. And we have so surrounded the appeal of that noble and heroic woman to
her Saviour, and her thorough confidence in His omnipotent power, with
emblems, legends, and tokens of recognition, as to make it a section in
Adoptive Masonry. The history of Martha, as comprising a Degree of the Eastern
Star, is thus given: Her brother Lazarus was a resident of Bethany, a man of
good standing among his fellow‑citizens, and a friend of Jesus Christ. The
family, composed of two sisters, Martha and Mary, with their brother Lazarus,
seem to have possessed all things needful for a happy life. Bound up in the
love of each other, and blessed with the friendship of Him whom to know is'
everlasting life,' the little group were distinguished from their neighbours
by a name that proved how their hearts were occupied with Divine things. They
were ` the beloved
of the
Master, the happy household of Bethany.' Upon an occasion when their Divine
guest had gone out, beyond the Jordan, upon a mission of charity, Lazarus was
taken suddenly and violently ill. The terrified sisters hastened to inform
Jesus of the fact by a messenger, who was instructed to say, `Lord, behold he
whom Thou lovest is sick.' They reasonably supposed that so tender a missive
could not fail of success. But the Saviour returned an ambiguous reply; the'
beloved at Bethany' died and was buried. Four days passed; days shrouded with
mourning ‑ still the Saviour returned not. The sisters were abandoned to
grief, not alone for the loss of their brother, their only earthly protector,
but for the unkindness of him upon whom they had leaned as the `Rock of their
salvation.'; Yet Martha retained her faith, and trusted in Him yet to come and
restore the friend they had lost. At the close of the fourth day, intelligence
reached them that Jesus was returning to Bethany. Martha hastened to meet Him,
fell on her knees before Him, raised her hands imploringly towards His face,
and, with a voice almost suppressed with emotion, cried aloud: Lord, if Thou
hadst been here, my brother would not have died! 'Looking, a moment after,
into His face, and animated by the God‑like benignity with which He looked
down upon her, she added: `But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask
of God, God will give it Thee! 'Amazing faith!; Heroic spirit of confidence in
her friend!; Though her brother had been four days in the embrace of death and
the subject of its corrupting influences, though the weight of watchfulness
and sorrow rested heavily upon her spirit as she knelt, her hands wildly
raised to heaven, there was a spirit of prophecy in her words which gave them
a value altogether their own. Then said Jesus: `Thy brother shall rise again,'
testing her faith still further. She replied `I know that he shall rise again
in the resurrection at the last day.' Jesus said unto her: `I am the
Resurrection and the Life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet
shall he live: and whosoever liveth and
believeth in Me shall never die. Believest thou this?' She answered at once in
the tone and spirit of perfect faith: `Yea, Lord: I believe that Thou art the
Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world!' The reward of such
faith was soon rendered. Taking her by the hand, and passing by their
dwelling, where they were joined by Mary, they went to the sepulchre, and, as
every reader of Scripture knows, Jesus raised the dead man to life. The colour
green alludes to the resurrection of Lazarus, and, by direct inference, to
that final and grander resurrection in the last day. Never does Freemason cast
the evergreen sprig into the open grave of his Brother but the coming event is
thus beautifully foreshadowed. The broken column is an emblem of the death of
a young man in the vigour of life.“
Symbol of the Martyr)
lecture in this Degree, given by the Instructor, runs as follows:
structure of Freemasonry, in its obligations, emblems, and principles, is so
peculiar that we Master Masons, above all other men, are taught to respect
patience and submission under wrongs. That there will be a day of judgment,
when all wrongs shall be redressed by the Divine hand, we firmly believe.
Therefore, when we find in history a person whose confidence in God's justice
gave her perfect patience and submission amidst the most inhuman wrongs, we
seize upon that character as our own. We adopt and protect it. We hail it as a
Masonic character, and we claim whatever credit or honour may be associated
with it. Such a character, forcibly delineated, we discover in the traditions
of our fathers. It is alluded to in the Second Epistle of John, under the
title of Electa. And we have so surrounded the submission of that noble and
under wrong, and her matchless benevolence, with emblems, legends, and tokens
of recognition, as to make of it a section in Adoptive Masonry. The history of
Electa, as composing a Degree of the Eastern Star, is thus given:
was a lady of high repute in the land of Judaea, of noble family, wealthy and
accomplished, who lived in the days of St. John the Evangelist, and was
remarkable for her profuse benevolence to the poor. Electa had been reared, as
all her neighbours were, a heathen. The idols of Rome were the only gods she
knew. Like Ruth, however, she had been preserved from the abominations of the
system, and when by good fortune she was enabled to hear from inspired lips
the story of Calvary and its Divine victim, her heart readily opened to the
influences of the Holy Spirit. She became converted, together with her husband
and all her household. She even professed before the world her faith in the
despised Nazarene, though well she knew that to do so was to expose herself to
reproaches, to persecution, and haply to death. Fourteen years, however,
passed away before that great trial came to her. These years became the
happier as well as the better years of her life. She gave her great income to
the relief of the poor. Her splendid mansion was made the house of abode to
weary and persecuted pilgrims. The poorest of the flock, the tattered, the
footsore beggar, coming up the great avenue to her door, was met as the father
met his prodigal son. She ran out hastily to meet him, took him warmly by the
hand, and `welcomed him.' She led him to the best apartment, refreshed him
with the richest wine in a golden cup, fed, cheered, clothed her guest, nor
suffered him to depart until he was strengthened for the journey. Through all
the country her name was famous as ` the beneficent and affectionate Electa.'
And all this time she was ripening for the better world, and preparing for a
fate which, although protracted, was inevitably to settle upon her. The time
of her martyrdom drew nigh. A great persecution began, and any one who had
confessed the name of Jesus was required to recant from his faith or suffer
the penalty
of the
law. Electa was visited by a band of soldiers, whose chief officer proposed
the test of ` casting a cross on the ground and putting her foot upon it,'
whereupon he would report her recantation. She refused, and the family were
cast into a dungeon and kept there one year. Then the Roman judge came and
offered her another opportunity to recant, promising that if she would do so
she should be protected. Again she refused, and this brought the drama to a
speedy close. The whole family were scourged to the very verge of death. They
were then drawn on a cart by oxen to the nearest hill, and crucified. She saw
her husband perish. She saw each of her sons and daughter die on the cruel
tree. She was then nailed there, and being about to pass ` to the better
land,' she prayed with her expiring breath, Father, forgive them, for they
know not what they do!' The colour red symbolises fervency, and alludes to the
noble generosity of Electa, displayed towards the poor and persecuted of her
faith. The emblem of the cup reminds us of the ardent hospitality of Electa,
excited by the view of poverty and distress.“
by‑law of the Constitutions of the Order of the Eastern Star with regard to
decorations is very clear and definite. It runs:
"Ladies who receive the Degrees of the Eastern Star are entitled to wear, as a
decoration, any well‑arranged device, emblematical of the Order, and they are
earnestly advised to adopt some appropriate badge, particularly when
travelling, because, in case of an accident, their claims to the protection of
Masons (if any who may have received the Degrees should be present) would be
easily recognised. The pin or brooch, in the form of a five‑pointed star of
gold, enamelled, or of precious coloured stones, may be worn, on all
occasions, as a dress ornament. The scarf of silk ribbon, three inches wide,
the five proper colours woven lengthwise through it, is most appropriate at
Masonic festivals, where Masons appear in regalia. The scarf should be orna‑
with three rosettes: one on the Shoulder (flat, of red and blue‑coloured
ribbons), one on the breast (quilled, of blue, white, red, yellow, and green‑coloured
ribbons), one at the crossing (flat, of yellow and green-coloured ribbons);
each rosette ornamented with a five-pointed gilt star in the centre ‑ the ends
of the scarf to be finished with coloured silk fringe. It is to be worn from
right to left.“
formula of the certificate presented to each Sister who has passed through the
various Degrees is as follows
all enlightened Free and Accepted Masons around the Globe, Greeting, ‑ This is
to certify that the bearer............ is Masonically vouched for to us as the
(wife, sister, or daughter) of Brother............, a Master Mason in good
standing in............ Lodge, No........ at............
has received under solemn pledges of honour, from one of the patrons of the
Eastern Star, all the light of this Order, and she truly emulates the virtues
of the immortal characters therein commemorated. So faithful and so true a
lady deserves the favourable regards of Freemasons, whose principles she
admires, and in whose benevolent work she is ready to co‑operate. She is
therefore recommended to the protection and fraternal respect of all Free and
Accepted Masons, wherever dispersed.
testimony whereof we, the representatives of the National Order of the Eastern
Star and of the Branch of............ have subscribed our names at........ and
caused the National Seal to be affixed the...... day of.......... A.D.......
(Seal); .......... National Patron.
.......... National Treasurer
........... National Secretary.
Omnia Probilitate.“
Order of the Eastern Star was introduced into Scotland in 1861 by Captain
Thompson Wilson, of Canada, when Major C. E. Thornton was appointed Grand
Superintendent of the Order in Scotland. Afterwards the Order fell into
abeyance in that country but was revived in 1874, when the Victoria Chapter
was opened on 25th September of that year by Mr. H. S. Shield,
Deputy‑Superintendent for Great Britain.
Order of the Amaranth is a body somewhat similar to the Order of the Eastern
Star, though it has no relation or affiliation with that body, and dates its
origin to a desire for further advancement into the field which the Eastern
Star occupies, by those who are fond of the Order. Like the Eastern Star, it
is pre‑eminently a ladies' order, though, like the Star, it graciously permits
Master Masons to become members of the Order. It cannot lay claim to an
antiquity equal to the Star, for it was not founded until 1873. It is not so
large or pretentious an Order as the Eastern Star. It numbers something over
10,000 members, has five Grand Courts at New York, New Jersey, Connecticut,
California, and Washington, and 119 Subordinate Courts in Minnesota, Oklahoma,
British Columbia, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Georgia, Arizona,
Texas, Iowa, Manila, Providence Island, and other places. The presiding
officer is a lady known as Royal Matron and the members as Honoured Ladies and
Sir Knights. In the Ritual, four ladies form the square and are known as
Truth, Faith, Wisdom,
Charity. The teachings of the Order are moral and elevating, and a reverence
for Deity and the Bible are cardinal tenets. No one who does not acknowledge
the existence of God can become a member of the Amaranth. The initiatory
ceremonies are equally beautiful with those of the Star, and no one can leave
a court room without feeling that its influences have been pure and elevating
and calculated to make its votaries better and happier.
Myriads of testimonies as to the value of the work done by members of the
Order of the Eastern Star have been forthcoming from time to time, being given
voluntarily by prominent Freemasons in districts where the Star has been
established. All testify on lines similar to Colonel J. Watrous, who wrote:
Eastern Star in Wisconsin, and many other States that I might enumerate, has
come to be looked upon by Brother Masons as a strong right arm of Masonry.
They have ripped up old carpets in Lodge rooms that have seen service anywhere
from fifty years to a century; they have cleaned the windows and swept away
the cobwebs; they have put in gas or electricity to replace bad‑smelling oil
or tallow dips; they have had a leading part in giving to Wisconsin, for
instance, twenty or more fine Masonic Temples, up to date; they have
introduced a degree of social life into Masonry that astonishes and probably
pains the old, old‑fashioned “Mason who wants to be sure that he is down in
the valley or up in a mountain, before he whispers anything about a Craft that
has blessed the world in a most notable way.“
bombshell fell upon Pennsylvania Freemasons in June, 1921, when the following
edict was issued
to all
Masons within that jurisdiction from holding membership in the Order of the
Eastern Star. It was estimated at the time that there were some 20,000 Masonic
members of that Order in that State. The edict was worded as follows:
"At a
conference recently held in the office of the Grand Master, at which were
present the, committee on landmarks, the other grand officers, and a
representation of the District Deputy Grand Masters, the subject of the
following edict was discussed, with only one object in view, namely, the
welfare and best interests of Freemasonry in Pennsylvania; and after giving
the subject careful consideration, this edict is issued with the full
concurrence of all those present.
"Whereas, our laws declare that it is not in the power of any man, or body of
men, to make innovations in the Landmarks of Freemasonry; and
"Whereas, from a number of reliable Masonic sources, it is now demonstrated
that agencies and influences are actively at work in this jurisdiction,
through an organisation known as `The Order of the Eastern Star,' and other
organisations hereinafter referred to, which organisations have in recent
years received as associates in their work, members of this Fraternity, who
are now personally identified therewith, and which, as at present conducted,
seriously interfere with our long‑established and lawfully recognised
procedure; and
"Whereas, we cannot acknowledge these organisations, nor be in any manner
associated with them, and those of our membership who are in any manner
connected with them, or either of them, subject themselves to a contradictory
and a divided allegiance; and
"Whereas, in the construction of our duty we have always held that whatever is
doubtful is dangerous and any introduction of alien agencies must be
interdicted as soon as it becomes known; and
"Whereas, no Freemason owing allegiance to this Grand Lodge can have
affiliation with such bodies
without violating his Masonic duty, therefore, such associations must be dealt
with by the Grand Lodge as we deal with all organisations inimical to
Freemasonry; and
"Whereas, we hold fixedly and unalterably that under the Usages, Customs, and
Landmarks of Freemasonry in this jurisdiction, we must demand exclusive
control over our membership in every relation ordained by this Grand Lodge;
"Whereas, with social or fraternal bodies exercising authority over other
agencies for the good of humanity, by whatever name they may be called, or
from whatever source they claim to derive their initial authority, we have
nothing to do, and have no desire to interfere in any way, leaving them to
govern themselves and manage their own concerns in their own way. This Grand
Lodge, however, denies the right of any such body, or association, or any
member of it, to interfere with the due and orderly management of our
fraternal affairs; and
"Whereas, all Lodges and members, who are in any manner associated with any
organisations not recognised by this Grand Lodge, are acting in an illegal and
unconstitutional manner, therefore, any of our members who continue in
fraternal relationship with such association, after this notice, may be
expelled from their Lodge for gross un‑Masonic conduct; and
"Whereas, the edict of the Right Worshipful Grand Master emanates from and
through the inherent powers of his office, as well as those conferred by the
Ahiman Rezon, and has the authority of Masonic law, which must be absolutely
followed by everyone in good Masonic standing; and
"Whereas, after thoughtful consideration and careful examination of the whole
subject, we have come to the definite and impartial conclusion, that the Order
of the Eastern Star, so far as it affects this Grand Lodge, is subversive of
the principles and Landmarks of Freemasonry
"Therefore, I, John S. Sells, Right Worshipful Grand
of Masons in Pennsylvania, by virtue of the
and authorities in me vested, do hereby order and direct that those of our
membership, who have been misled as to their fraternal duty, by being
identified with the Order of the Eastern Star, the White Shrine of Jerusalem,
the Amaranths, or any organisation whose membership is comprised of both
sexes, and which in any way have, as a pre‑requisite, Masonic affiliation,
shall, within six months from the date hereof, sever all relation therewith,
and file a stipulation in writing with the Secretary of their respective
Lodges, to the effect that they have abandoned all allegiance thereto. The
Secretaries are hereby directed to read such renunciation at the next meeting
of the Lodge after its receipt, make a minute thereof, and make a special
return in each case to the Grand Secretary.
"And I
further order and direct, that henceforth it shall be unlawful for any
Freemason, under the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge, to become a member of
any organisation hereinabove referred to.
edict confirms decisions by my predecessors in similar situations where such
conditions have developed.
Grand Secretary is directed to furnish to each member of the Lodge, along with
a copy of this edict, with instructions to have the same printed in full
immediately after its receipt, and a copy thereof sent to each member of the
Lodge, along with the notice issued by them for the next meeting thereafter.
edict shall be read at the next stated meeting of each Lodge, and copied in
full in the minutes.
under my hand and seal, at the city of Philadelphia, this first day of June,
A. D. 1921, A. L. 5921. ‑ John S. Sell, Grand Master“
the same time the matter came up for consideration by the Board of General
Purposes of the United Grand Lodge of England, though the synchronisation was
not a matter of arrangement it was purely accidental. At a Grand Lodge meeting
September, to quote the report which appeared in The Freemason, it was
reported that the Board "has made full investigation of the status of this
body in its relationship to Freemasonry, and finds that the Order, which is
almost entirely composed of women, but admits men to membership under certain
conditions, touches Masonry closely at two points: (1) Membership is
restricted to ` Master Masons in good standing in a Masonic Lodge and their
wives, daughters, mothers widows, and sisters"; and (2) it is provided in the
ritual that there shall preside at the meetings during the conferring of the
Degrees an official, styled the Worthy Patron, who has to be a Freemason `in
good standing.'
latter condition, in especial, is considered by the Board to set up a test the
validity of which none but Freemasons can properly judge; and it holds that no
such test can be recognised in connection with bodies which, contrary to the
immemorial practice of the United Grand Lodge of England, admit women to
membership. The source of danger thus indicated is brought home more closely
by the knowledge that Secretaries of some Lodges have received a request from
women secretaries of Lodges of the Eastern Star, asking for a categorical
statement as to whether certain persons named were ` in good standing ' in
that particular Lodge ‑ a request to which no Secretary of a Masonic Lodge in
such circumstances has a right to reply.
there are various bodies of great and apparently growing popularity in the
United States and some parts of the British Empire which, while not formally
claiming to be Masonic, are, at the least, imitative of the Masonic
institution, the Board thinks it necessary to state the general principles
upon which it feels bound to act in regard to them. The Craft is not concerned
with bodies ‑whether composed entirely of men, of women, or of both sexes ‑
which do not claim to be Masonic in either ritual or practice, and do not make
Masonry a test of membership or of participation in their ceremonies. But it
is clear that a grave risk is incurred by Brethren who
into association with bodies making Masonry in any way a test of admission to
membership, while admitting as members persons who would not be qualified to
join a Lodge under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England.
Freemason is entitled to attend any non-Masonic meeting at which Masonry by
direct implication is introduced, or to participate in any ceremony which is
quasi‑Masonic or is held under some pseudo‑Masonic and unauthorised auspices.
The Secretary or any member of a Lodge who gives to anyone outside, and
particularly to a non‑Mason, information on Masonic matters known to him
because of his Masonic connection, commits a breach of discipline which, when
proved, will be severely dealt with.“
decision, therefore, places the Order of the Eastern Star under a ban in
England as effective as that in Pennsylvania.
recent years several androgynous and female Orders have been established in
the United States of America. In February, 1890, the Social Order of the
Beauceant was established at Denver, Colorado. It is both social and
philanthropic and the name is derived from the ancient Knight Templar banner,
the Beauceant. It appeals specially to the wives and widows of Knights Templar
in every city to unite in a Fraternity which is claimed to result in promoting
sociability, friendship, and happiness; a deeper appreciation of Templarism,
inspiring its members with the same noble impulse to render valiant assistance
in feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and binding up the wounds of the
afflicted. No effort was made to extend the Order until the Knights Templar
Conclave in Denver, 1913, when
members played such an important part in the entertainment of the guests that
many wives of the visiting Knights being favourably impressed became members
with the intention of organising Assemblies in their own cities, which has
since been done. This Order is limited exclusively to women, and its ritual is
said to be beautiful, impressive, and helpful in everyday life, its theme
being Faith, Loyalty, and Love for God, the Order of Knights Templar, and each
other. It is claimed for it that it has a strong, true, elevating, and
fraternal influence. It now holds an annual Supreme Assembly.
Daughters of the Nile is another exclusively female Order founded more
recently in the United States of America. It is really a counterpart of the
masculine Order of the Mystic Shrine, but the regal titles sound strange in a
great Republic. The presiding officer is known as the Supreme Queen, and her
subordinates are called Princess Royal, Princess Tirzah, Princess Badoura,
Princess Marshal, Princess Recorder, Princess Banker, and Princess Chaplain,
while there are various Ladies in Waiting, a Lady of the Keys, a Lady of the
Gates, etc.
White Shrine of Jerusalem was also founded recently, which although not part
of the Order of the Eastern Star has a membership taken exclusively from that
1921 an Order for Girls between the ages of thirteen and eighteen, known as
Job's Daughters, was instituted, for the purpose of banding together the
daughters, sisters, nieces, and granddaughters
Freemasons and members of the Order of the Eastern Star, for the betterment of
social conditions and the teaching of practical duties. The girls are
impressed with the love of home and country, and reverence for the teachings
of the Bible. The ritual is based on the life of job as recorded in the Old
Testament. Music is scattered liberally throughout the initiatory rite. The
Lodges are known as Bethels, and it is hoped to establish them in every
country where the Order of the Eastern Star exists. Each Bethel has a
Celestial Chorus where spiritual songs are sung, inculcating higher musical
traits in the lives of job's Daughters.
In all
ages the Book of Job, says Miss Ethel T. Mead Wick, the founder and organiser,
has been played in our lives by trials, tribulations and suffering, therefore
it seems fitting to allow the ancient drama of suffering to be illustrated to
our mere young womanhood, by lecture form and drama, so as to impress the fact
that lives are not lived without hardships, but to remain steadfast and
upright and fearing God as Job did, will eventually receive its great reward
with knowledge, power, strength, and abundance of wealth and a family that
gives joy.
Grecian costume is the costume which the people wore in the days of Job. In
mythology, Minerva was the Goddess of Wisdom, War, and Fine Arts. She was the
tutelary deity of Athens, Greece, and is said to have sprung from the head of
Jupiter ‑ fully armed for battle.
mortar‑board cap the girls wear means open
calling attention to knowledge; thus the whole uniform suggests a forward,
upward, and onward trend of high ideals.
girl of thirteen to eighteen is neither a child nor a woman. Character is not
all told or formed. The plans for the future have not been decided. She is too
young to go with parents; too old to remain at home for pleasures all the
time, and what shall she do? Job's Daughters solves the question. Meeting at a
Bethel with girls of high ideals of their own age, the statements that good
parents have repeated to daughters are heard again in the Bethel.
plan of each girl to prepare her own picnic lunch possibly will develop the
knack of being a fine cook. The fingers that did not care for sewing may
become seamstresses in the sewing they will do for the Masonic homes, and
preparing their costumes.
cultivation of public speaking may prove beneficial. The voice which they did
not even realise may prove to be a noted artist. As the twig is bent so the
tree is inclined. The children of to‑day will be the citizens of to‑morrow.
Our to‑days and yesterdays are the blocks on which we build.
emblem of our Order is The Three Daughters. The Open Book on which is
inscribed IYOB, taken from the Greek, and Feliae from the Latin. On the one
side the Lily of the Valley, the emblem of purity, and on the other, the Horn
of Plenty.
Good Book says, “In all the land were no
daughters so fair as the daughters of Job" and their father gave them
inheritance. Job's Daughters are the relatives of Masons, and their fathers
have given them inheritance.
headquarters of the organisation are in Canada.
1921, also, an androgynous body known as the U.N.I., composed of the sons and
daughters, brothers and sisters of Freemasons or members of the Order of the
Eastern Star, between the ages of fourteen and twenty‑two, was founded in
America. There are three Degrees in this Order. Both Freemasons and Eastern
Stars are admitted as honorary or passive members.
are to‑day in England three Grand Lodges of androgynous Freemasonry, the
oldest of which is that known as the Order of Universal Co‑Freemasonry. It was
the first Masonic body which aimed at establishing a world‑wide Order to which
women should be admitted on equal terms with men. Its career began in the year
1882, but, in order to trace its history, it is necessary to go back to the
year 1879, when several Chapters owning allegiance to the Supreme Council of
France of the Antient and Accepted Scottish Rite, at the instigation of the
Grand Orient, seceded from that allegiance and reconstituted themselves as "La
Grande Loge Symbolique de France.“ One of these Chapters, bearing the name of
Les Libres Penseurs, meeting at Pecq, a village of Seine et Oise, in November,
1881, proposed to initiate into Freemasonry, Mlle. Maria Desraimes, a
well‑known writer on humanitarian and woman‑suffrage questions, which they did
on 14th January, 1882, and for which act the Chapter was suspended. Mlle.
Desraimes was instrumental in bringing into the ranks of the Order several
well‑known women in France, with
result that an androgynous Masonic body, known as "La Grande Loge Symbolique
Ecossaise, “was formed on 4th April, 1883, although at that time its
jurisdiction extended to one Lodge only, that known as Le Droit Humain, which
came into being on the same day, and which, in 1900, adopted the thirty
Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. One of the principal
workers in the formation of this new Grand Lodge was Dr. Georges Martin, at
one time a member of the Lodge Les Libres Penseurs. He gave his strong support
to Mlle. Desraimes, and by their united efforts, assisted by Mme. Marie
Martin, who, upon the death of Mlle. Desraimes, succeeded to the leadership of
the movement; the newly‑constituted Order spread to India and London, at which
latter place the Lodge Human Duty was constituted in September, 1902. There
are now Lodges in France, Belgium, England, Scotland, India, Australia, South
Africa, America, Holland, Java, Switzerland, and Norway.
following is extracted from an official pamphlet written by the Grand
Secretary of the Order:
question is often asked whether the French Masonry, from which we derive our
existence, is not atheistic. French Masonry, as a whole, is non‑theistic,
though in varying degrees some bodies retain at the head of their documents
the formula relating to T. G. A. O. T. U.; others do not. The Grand Lodge of
England, and various other Grand Lodges, broke off relations with the Grand
Orient of France, which began this new departure, and whose socialistic and
anticlerical propaganda did not commend itself to the more
conservative English body. Its present practice, before admitting a French
Mason to its Lodges, is to require first that his diploma exhibit the sacred
formula, and, secondly, that he himself acknowledge the existence of a God as
a principle of Freemasonry. This is a more liberal attitude than its former
one. There is some extenuation, however, for the French Masons. The movement
originated with a motion proposed by a celebrated and much‑respected French
Protestant pastor. It was felt that good men of upright life should not be
debarred from the privileges of Masonry by obstacles of religious belief. It
must also be borne in mind that Continental Masonry, in working for
enlightenment and the elevation of the masses, has suffered continual
persecution at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church.
own English Lodges, however, strongly felt that they should keep in line with
Anglo‑Saxon Masonry on this vexed point, and our Supreme Council with a wise
tolerance recognised that different conditions were suitable for different
countries, and readily consented to our wish.
Order has the sympathy of eminent Masons in various countries of the world,
and the principles for which it labours must sooner or later be recognised.
Meanwhile, we state frankly, we are recognised by no other Masonic body, save
a few minor bodies who also admit women, although a Co‑Mason is admitted to
Lodges in some countries under certain foreign Grand Lodges, instances having
occurred within our knowledge in Hungary and Belgium. The Grand Lodge of
England does not recognise the Order, and has on one occasion forbidden its
followers to visit us. Other bodies are more tolerant and do not interfere
with informal visitation. The Grand Lodge of France is willing to `regularise'
male Co‑Masons with only the barest formality.
the meantime we pursue the even tenour of our way, confident that good work
will tell in the end and gain recognition for our efforts. The Order is now
established in the British jurisdiction, and the various Lodges are doing good
and useful work. Although a large portion of that work naturally consists in
the extension of Masonic privileges to women, we do not stop there; we regard
that as a means rather than an end ‑ a means to the larger end of the
upliftment of humanity as a whole. So far our British Lodges have chiefly
occupied themselves in elucidating the spiritual aspect of Freemasonry, in
research into Masonic history or tradition, in the discussion of social
reform, and in studying the inner meaning of the ceremonies and ritual, so
little understood by Masons at large. But all lines of work intended to
promote the welfare of humanity in conformity with the principles of our
institution are welcomed and encouraged. “
title "Co‑Masonry" in lieu of "joint Masonry" was adopted in 1905.
Principles of Universal Co‑Freemasonry are set forth in the official documents
as follows:
Article 1. Universal Co‑Freemasonry in Great Britain asserts, in accordance
with the ancient declarations of Freemasonry, the existence of a Creative
Principle, under the title of "The Grand Architect of the Universe.“
Article 2. It maintains the open "Volume of the Sacred Knowledge" in every
Lodge, when duly formed for Masonic purposes.
Article 3. It maintains the ancient landmarks of Freemasonry.
Article 4. It withholds recognition from all irregular and clandestine
meetings, or Lodges not holding proper charters.
Article 5. It imposes no restrictions on the free
for Truth, and to secure that freedom exacts tolerance from all its members.
Article 6. It is open to men and women, without distinction of race or
religion, who are free, of good report, and irreproachable life.
Article 7. It pledges its members to obedience to the laws of the country,
loyalty to the Sovereign, silence with regard to Masonic secrets, a high
standard of honour, and ceaseless endeavour to promote the welfare of
Article 8. Every Freemason belonging to the Antient and Accepted Rite is bound
faithfully to observe the decision of the Supreme Council to which he owes
Order of Co‑Masonry is more or less identified with the Theosophical Society,
of which Mrs. Annie Besant is the President, who is also the Deputy Master of
Co‑Masonry for Great Britain and Ireland, M. Eugene Piron being the Grand
Master of the Order.
next oldest organisation is that known as "The Honourable Fraternity of
Antient Masonry,“ which was founded in June, 19o8, by a number of members of
the Co‑Masonic Order, who became dissatisfied with the form of government,
ritual, and interpretation then obtaining in the Order. The Rev. Dr. William
F. Cobb was unanimously elected Grand Master, and three Lodges were
immediately consecrated. In 1912, Dr. Cobb was succeeded as Grand Master by
Mrs. Reginald Halsey, who still
that position. The organisation has continued to flourish since its foundation
and there are now numerous Lodges under its jurisdiction, including one
established solely for the purpose of research and limited in membership to
Installed Masters of Lodges.
following is extracted from one of the official publications of the Order:
word as to the ideals which we try to keep before us in Antient Masonry.
are most anxious that our Order should stand in the future for some definite
work in the world, beyond that undertaken within our Masonic Lodges, and
further that the Order should come to be recognised as a Guild or Brotherhood
of Men and Women consecrated to unselfish work for others.
the autumn of 1916 this suggestion took a definite form in the inauguration of
the Guild of Education as National Service. This organisation trains teachers
and social workers on the newest educational lines, and under it the Halsey
Training College is recognised by the Board of Education as a Training College
for Teachers in Continuation Schools, and other forms of work in connection
with the new Education Act. Bro. Millicent Mackenzie, M.A., P.S.G.W., is Hon.
Dean of the whole Scheme, and Bro. Margaret Frodsham, B.Sc., is Principal of
the Halsey Training College. The Guild is supported by funds raised amongst
members of the Order of Antient Masonry. It includes amongst its activities a
Lecture and Training Centre in Bloomsbury; a Residential Hostel and
experimental Continuation School in the East End, and a Rural Centre and
Hostel at Kenton, Middlesex, where teachers are to train in agricultural work
on an experimental farm and garden. It is proposed, as the work extends, to
start a Central London Hostel for students, and that building will, it is
hoped, include a Temple and Offices for Masonic work of the Order.
Brethren the English Masons of the Orthodox Obedience, have their magnificent
charities, but it has always seemed to me that to add the personal factor to
purely financial help, to show personal service and sympathy, is especially,
Woman's prerogative, so perhaps it is right and appropriate that the work
undertaken by a Masonic Order which includes Women should seek to work on the
more intimate and personal lines.
burning question for us is, of course, the following: Are women, purely
because they are women, to have no recognised part in the future, in the
building of this great Masonic structure, the domes and towers of which are
rising all about us, in every part of this civilised world? Are they to be
shut away from the teaching, the inspiration, the ideals of Masonry, from that
sense of solidarity which such a Brotherhood brings; may they not put forward
their claim to work side by side with their husbands, sons, and brothers at
something which has for so long been a source of strength and quickening to
answer to this question is by no means the simple one that some of our friends
would have us believe, and in my humble judgment, the ultimate answer rests
not altogether with the Orthodox Obedience, but in a sense with the women
themselves. What I mean is this ‑ To the intelligent and fair‑minded woman who
has studied the history and evolution of her own sex, it can be no surprise
that in the Masonic schemes and revival of 1717 and 1813, the average woman
and her right to be included were completely ignored.“
third body is that of the Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons, which
was founded on 27th November, 1813, with Mrs. J. E. Boswell‑Reid as Grand
Master. The founders were a number of members of the Order of Antient Masonry,
the second organisation above referred to, who were desirous of making further
progress in the Higher
Degrees, and the special aim of this third society is said to be to establish
the practice of Royal Arch Masonry for Women. It is stated that this Order has
grown and is growing by leaps and bounds, and numbers many eminent women among
its members, who are scattered in all parts of the world.
It is
interesting to note that, in 1918, Miss Alicia St. Leger Aldworth, a direct
descendant of the Hon. Mrs. Aldworth, referred to in the chapter on "Women
Freemasons,“ was initiated as a member of the Order of Universal
Tingley, the head of the Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society of
Point Loma, California, U.S.A., is a strong opponent of the admission of women
into Freemasonry as well as of the Co‑Masonic Movement. She sets forth her
reasons in the following communication:
us first state what is my attitude towards Masonry. Many of the happiest
recollections of my childhood are associated with my dear grandfather, who was
one of the best‑known Masons in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and received
some of the highest Masonic honours in these States. It was from him that I
received my earliest education. It was from his Masonic books that I learned
to read and spell and draw, and from his noble and sweet character I came to
regard Masonry as associated with the best in life. In fact, I came to think
that all the best men in the world must be Masons.
it does not necessarily follow that this last statement is true, for some of
the noblest men I have met have not been Masons. Still, on the other hand,
many of the best men I have known have belonged to the Masonic Order, and I
have nothing but best results flow from a deep interest in Masonry wherever I
have known it, and from my knowledge and acquaintance of
I regard Masonry and the principles which underlie it as a great force for
good in the world.
cannot understand how any true woman would wish to intrude into an Order held
to be exclusively for men. There are lines of work which I hold are
exclusively in the province of men, just as there are lines of work which are
exclusively in the province of women. I hold that woman can only yield her
full share of influence in the world from a knowledge gained by using and
fulfilling her opportunities as a woman, and in her own sphere. I consider
that she steps away from her true position and greatly lessens her influence
by seeking to invade the sphere of man.
should women be disturbed that men have an organisation which is exclusively
for men? As I understand Masonry, it seems to inculcate all the virtues -
honour, rectitude, chastity, etc. ‑ for this much has often been publicly
stated by Masons; and, speaking generally, I have no hesitation in saying:
from my experience, the majority of them ‑ to a degree at least try to
exemplify these virtues in their lives. There may be some who fall far short
of the Masonic ideals ‑ in our present disturbed civilisation it can hardly be
expected otherwise ‑ but that cannot be laid as the door of Masonry, but of
human frailty, and as a result of men's failing to grasp their higher
opportunities in life.
a woman has known of the uplifting and refining power, tending towards
self‑restraint and nobility and virtue, which Masonry has exercised in the
life of brother, husband, or son; and without in any way encroaching on
Masonry or seeking to pry into its secrets, every true woman, in the light of
the knowledge that is publicly given out by Masons themselves of Masonic
principles, can, if she will, help brother, husband, son, or friend to be true
to these principles and be a true Mason.
is needed to‑day by both men and women is a greater respect, first for
themselves, in their true natures as man and woman, and following that, a
greater respect each for the other‑of women for men and of men for
Such respect implies no invasion of one another's sphere, but the very
contrary, and in fact can only suffer terribly from such invasion. There is a
common ground on which men and women can meet, which is pre‑eminently in the
home. It is also in the world of art, music, literature, education, and all
the highest ideals of social, civic, and national life.
have had many letters from all classes asking questions as to my attitude in
this matter, seeing that the name Theosophy has, most unfortunately and
without any warrant, become associated with `Co‑Masonry.' Such association is
absolutely unwarranted, and I hold that no true Theosophist will give his
adherence or support to `Co‑Masonry.'
fact that any person or any body of persons should attempt to attach
themselves to an organisation from which, by the rules of that organisation,
they are excluded, would make me seriously question their motives, and one
would probably find such people to be either fanatics or extremely credulous
or ‑ (!) Whatever knowledge such people may think they have in the matter, it
must indeed be very limited, or rather no knowledge at all, otherwise they
would see the absurdity of trying to attach themselves to an organisation in
which, in the very nature of things, they would be out of place. If it were
possible to conceive of the secrets of Masonry being given to a woman, from my
understanding of the matter it could be only through some one unfaithful to
his vows as a Mason, and no true self-respecting woman would think of availing
herself of such information; nor could it by the nature of things be held to
be reliable, for he who is unfaithful in one thing will be unfaithful in
others, and I prophesy that this attempt of certain women to seek admission
where they do not belong can result only in confusion, disaster, and serious
embarrassment for all such women.“
following reply to Mrs. Tingley has been received by the author from Mr.
Arnold S. Banks,
Treasurer of the Order of Universal Co-Masonry, British Administration:
were kind enough to invite me to write with reference to certain opinions of
Mrs. Tingley regarding Freemasonry, and more particularly the admission of
women thereto. I gladly do this, though Mrs. Tingley's remarks appear to me to
belong in time and in spirit to a bye‑gone age, and to be singularly deficient
in argument or reasons against either the admission of women to Freemasonry in
general or against Co‑Masonry in particular.
find only one statement which may be taken as an argument, namely, `There are
lines of work which I hold are exclusively in the province of men, just as
there are lines of work which are exclusively in the province of women.' This
is obvious; though the true frontier between the two provinces is not
necessarily the present boundary, certainly not that which obtained at the
time Mrs. Tingley wrote those words. Before 1883 no married woman could invade
that exclusive province of man which enabled him and disabled her to hold
property. At a later date other exclusive provinces have been opened up ‑
Medicine, the Franchise, various official appointments, the Universities, the
Law, the Bar, Parliament‑and yet as regards some of these professions and
spheres of work quite definite and solid arguments might be advanced as
essential reasons against the admission of women. In the face of these
accomplished facts there is and can be no essential reason against their
admission into the purely Speculative, Religious, Social, and Charitable Order
of Masonry.
cannot be innovations in the body of Masonry, or departures from the original
plan, but it is by no means clear that the original plan is truly represented
in all respects by the Charges and Constitutions of United Grand Lodge, or
that the clause forbidding the ad‑
mission of women was not itself an innovation of more recent date than 'time
immemorial.' Certain old documents refer to the admission of women into
membership of Masonic Guilds or Lodges.
Tingley remarks at some length upon the fact that so many good men are Masons
and that 'Masonry and the principles which underlie it are a great force for
good in the world.' She then says, very inconsequently, that no true woman
would wish to intrude into such an Order. But it is not a case of women
wishing to intrude. From a favourable, preconceived opinion of the Order, some
of them humbly solicit to be admitted to its mysteries and privileges, to
share the light, and at the same time to share the increased responsibilities
and power for service which that light brings. How many a Freemason is so
fired with enthusiasm and reverence for our Antient and Honourable Fraternity
that he would fain see in it the universal religion for mankind! But no! We
must exclude from that universal religion full half of the human race, and for
ever deny to women the admission which was theirs in the days of the
Mysteries, and is theirs by right of modern thought.
"Admission to Freemasonry has been for many years accorded to women, equally
with men, by the Order of Universal Co‑Masonry.
absurd misstatements about that Order have been made in the Press. It has been
alleged to be merely 'Adoptive' Masonry, or that it is Bolshevist and
revolutionary in tendency; that it confuses the several Degrees, does not
impart the usual Masonic knowledge, or differs in some way from Landmarks and
essentials, all of which is utterly untrue. Yet perhaps there is one way in
which its work does differ, for the banquet plays no part.
"Further, it is no more correct to say that it is associated with Theosophy
than to say that Grand Lodge of England is associated with Judaism or
Christianity or Islam because many Brethren belong to one or other of those
Faiths. There is no official connection of Co‑Masonry with Theosophy, and the
association is, as Mrs. Tingley says, though with different meaning,
`absolutely unwarranted.'
believe that Co‑Masonry is destined to be a mighty force for good in the
world, reverently serving T. G. A. 0. T. U., as do United Grand Lodge and
other sovereign jurisdictions.
absence or recognition by Grand Lodge, however, is not a matter to trouble
Co‑Masons or to hold the Order back from its high purpose. Recognition in some
form is bound to come in time, for the times are moving fast and their trend
is towards essentials and away from non‑essentials. So, repeating my claim
that there is no essential or valid reason against the admission of women into
Freemasonry, or against the widespread Order which already does admit them, I
recall the words written last year by the Very Worshipful President of the
Board of General Purposes: `It is a time for the Ideal to be a beacon‑light to
the Real, not to discover divergence but to cement union. In things essential,
unity; in things non‑essential, diversity; in all things, charity.'
"Grand Treasurer, British Administration
Order of Universal Co‑Masonry.“
In the
following article by Mr. Joseph H. Fusell, he sets forth his reasons for the
exclusion of women from Freemasonry, which he claims are fundamental and not
interesting subject of `Co‑Masonry,' so far as I know, generally has been
treated hitherto mainly, if not entirely, from its outer aspect, on the
supposition that the exclusion of women from Freemasonry is merely a matter of
tradition and of rules and regulations and outer ceremonial‑in other words,
that it is a matter of form and not basic‑superficial and not fundamental.
it will generally be conceded that some
who advocate 'Co‑Masonry' may be actuated by a desire to learn something of
the deeper spiritual teachings of Freemasonry, which, apparently, they are
convinced it possesses, others‑those who are most insistent in their efforts
to enter its portals‑appear to regard their exclusion as an expression of
man's selfishness, or as a (supposed) weapon by which he seeks to maintain a
(fancied) supremacy over the so‑called weaker sex, and on these grounds they
are determined to assert their rights and break down this exclusion. Others,
perhaps, are actuated by other, more hidden, motives ‑ of ambition, or ‑ what?
those of the first class, who, it is assumed, are sincerely seeking for light,
I hold that something more is due than merely to say that Freemasonry is a
Fraternity for men only; and if there is a deeper and basic reason for
excluding women from Freemasonry which may properly be made known, surely they
are entitled to know it. That such a reason exists, I hold, and the position
taken in the following discussion is that women are excluded from Freemasonry
for fundamental‑not formal or fictitious‑reasons, and that because a woman is
not and can never become man, so she can never become a Freemason.
believe in the equality of the sexes; but I hold that man has a mission and
that woman has also a mission, and that these missions are not the same. If
woman is to understand the duties of real wifehood and motherhood, and to
reach the dignity of ideal womanhood, she must cultivate her femininity. She
was born a woman and she must be a woman, in the truest sense; and the
contrasts between man and woman exist in life.... These contrasts hold within
themselves, in the very undercurrent of human life, a superb and glorious
harmony. Woman in her true place, her true position, hand in hand with man in
his true place, would bring about such a new order of things that we can
hardly speak of, much less realise, the resulting possibilities.
hold that man has a mission, and that woman has also a mission, and that these
missions are not the
` Woman in her true place, hand in hand with man in his true place.'
are the words of one of the foremost thinkers and educators of the day,
Katherine Tingley, Leader of the Theosophical Movement‑successor in that
office of H. P. Blavatsky and W. Q. Judge. I have chosen them to introduce the
subject because, first, they are from a woman; and, second, they are in entire
harmony with the spirit as well as the letter and practice of Freemasonry, as
I understand these. Whatever be the ultimate origin of Freemasonry, whether to
be searched for in remote antiquity as some claim, and as I believe, or in
comparatively recent times, there is no question as to modern Freemasonry and
its practices‑that it is an organisation for men only, with the object (among
others) of teaching and fitting the neophyte for his mission and true place in
life as a man.
"It is
true that the great moral principles of Freemasonry are universal, applicable
to all life, to the life of woman as well as to that of man, and, equally so,
being basic. There is no secret made as to the moral teachings of Freemasonry;
they are published openly, and are for all who care to inquire into and study
them. The secrets of Freemasonry do not consist in these.
what do these secrets consist? Many different answers have been made to this
question, and I venture to make one more, and to say that the secrets of
Freemasonry are such as pertain to the full knowledge of man's nature and his
mission as man ‑ a knowledge more complete than, generally speaking, is to be
found outside the ranks of Freemasons, and which is had in varying degrees
even within its ranks. In this connection it must be confessed that not all
Freemasons comprehend, or even apprehend, the nature of the secrets of
Freemasonry, which can only become known and be understood by the individual
Freemason as and to the Degree that, through his own efforts, he becomes
worthy and well qualified, duly and truly prepared. Such qualification and
preparation are not outer, but inner, and can be accomplished only by himself.
real secrets of Freemasonry do not have reference to physiological so much as
to psychological differences which exist fundamentally between men and women ‑
distinctions of inner qualities, which may be summed up and regarded as the
foundation of true manliness in contrast to true womanliness. The one is not,
and never can be, the other; they are fundamentally different, being aspects
of the root differentiation of all nature, all manifestation and existence,
and yet, when rightly developed, are in complete harmony. It is to be noted
that harmony does not result from identity or sameness, but is a certain
relation existing between two dissimilars; and on the development and
character of those dissimilars will depend the nature of the resultant
purpose of Freemasonry, then, as I understand it, is to fit man, as man, to
fulfil his duties in life, and to make possible his contributing his due share
to that harmony on which alone not only a true home but the true State and
civilisation itself can be established and maintained‑for the foundation of
the State and of civilisation is the home.
is it, then, that certain women seek to invade the Masonic Fraternity? (1) Is
it out of mere curiosity? (2) Are they jealous because for centuries men have
met in their Masonic Lodges from which women are excluded, and have faithfully
kept the secrets of Freemasonry from women? or (3) Do they imagine that in
Freemasonry there is certain knowledge which they are entitled to have and
which men have been withholding from them?
any one of these possible reasons worthy of true womanhood? Certainly not (1)
or (2); but what of (3)? Is there certain knowledge in Freemasonry to which
women are entitled?
principles and ethics of Freemasonry, as already stated, are not secret; they
have been again and again publicly proclaimed. If women feel themselves
entitled to such knowledge it is for them to take it and apply it to their own
lives as women, just as Freemasons are
to apply it to their lives as men. There is nothing to prevent women from
doing this, but such application must be made by themselves; for certainly,
and rightly, I take it, they would object to any line of application which men
might lay down and insist upon for them. Hence what need for women to seek
admission to Freemasonry to obtain such knowledge when it is open to them?
"Clearly, therefore, it cannot be the principles of Freemasonry that they are
seeking; and yet these are at the very heart of Freemasonry, and are the
essential factors which make Freemasonry such a power. What is it, then, that
women seek in their effort to invade Free masonry? Is it to participate in its
ritual, to learn its obligations ‑ and, doubtless, other secrets which they
are convinced must exist? But though a woman should participate in the ritual
of Freemasonry and its obligations she would be just as far from being a
Freemason, for it has secrets which a woman can never know. Leaving aside,
therefore, mere curiosity and jealousy, I am convinced that the desire of any
good woman to enter the ranks of Freemasonry arises from a misunderstanding;
and it is my endeavour, in writing this, to remove that misunderstanding.
true womanly attitude, in my estimation, is that expressed by Katherine
Tingley in a statement which she made on 'Co‑Masonry,' published in the New
Age magazine in June, 1911, from which I quote:
cannot understand how any true woman would wish to intrude into the Order held
to be exclusively for men. There are lines of work which I hold are
exclusively in the province of men, just as there are lines of work which are
exclusively in the province of women. I hold that woman can only wield her
full share of influence in the world from a knowledge gained by using and
fulfilling her opportunities as a woman, and in her own sphere. I consider
that she steps away from her true position and greatly lessens her influence
by seeking to invade the sphere of man. Why should women be
disturbed that men have an organisation which is exclusively for men?
is needed to‑day, by both men and women, is a greater respect, first for
themselves, in their true natures as men and women, and following that a
greater respect each for the other‑of women for men and of men for women. Such
respect implies no invasion of one another's sphere, but the very contrary,
and, in fact, can only suffer terribly from such invasion.
"If it
were possible to conceive of the secrets of Masonry being given to a woman,
from my understanding of the matter it could be only through someone
unfaithful to his vows as a Mason, and no true or self-respecting woman would
think of availing herself of such information; nor could it, by the nature of
things, be held to be reliable, for he who is unfaithful in one thing will be
unfaithful in others, and I prophesy that this attempt of certain women to
seek admission where they do not belong can result only in confusion,
disaster, and serious embarrassment for all such women.'
“Relativity and contrast are to be found throughout manifested life; they are
the sine qua non of manifested existence and of all progress. It is
relativity, contrast, and, if these are rightly balanced, the subsequent
harmony between man and woman that make not only for the happiness of home,
but for true civilisation. The Delphic Oracle, 'Man, know thyself,' must be,
to a degree at least, fulfilled, and equally 'Woman, know thyself,' if that
harmony is to be attained. If there is an invasion, or attempted invasion, of
the rightful sphere of man by woman, or vice‑versa, the result can only be,
not harmony, but‑confusion.
of the greatest stabilising forces of the present day, as it has been in the
past, is Freemasonry. It is, in the best sense, conservative, in that it is
founded upon and teaches the highest ethics, the loftiest ideals, the fairest
virtues taught and practised by the noblest in all ages. It is progressive in
that, while holding to the highest traditions of the past, it relates those
traditions to the present welfare of humanity, and, by seeking to
develop the highest qualities of true manhood, it works for the spiritual
up-building of the race.
tacit assumption of `Co‑Masonry' is that the woman nature is not different
from, but identical with, the man nature, and that, therefore, woman should
have and be whatever man has and is. But woman can never be man, nor can she
ever have what man has in the same way that he has it. Even the woman mind is
different from the man mind. As said above, it is a psychological difference,
of which the physiological is merely an outer aspect. In the normal man Reason
governs, in the woman Intuition. This does not mean that woman has no power of
Reason, or man no faculty of Intuition, but in man the relation between Reason
and Intuition is different from the relation between these in woman.
the earliest years of life there is apparently no marked difference between
boys and girls, and, very naturally and properly, they may be educated
together. But to develop the best in their natures as they pass through the
period of youth and enter upon that of manhood and womanhood, while certainly
they should not be deprived of mutual association, yet boys and girls should
receive distinctive and separate training; and a part of their lives should be
kept sacred to themselves throughout life if their finer distinctive traits
are to be preserved.
normal man desires, and with reason, to associate at times with men alone; and
so, too, I take it, every normal woman with women alone; and every normal man
and woman desires ‑ and, in the deepest sense, requires‑recurring
opportunities for solitude. `And thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy
closet (into solitude) and there pray' ‑ to that 'Deity' which can be
approached only in secret, and in the inner solitude of the heart.
"Freemasonry as practised to‑day may be far short of the ideal, but if
Freemasons have recognised the value of meeting with their brother Masons for
the purpose, and in a sense the highest purpose, of attaining self‑knowledge,
of studying and practising the noblest virtues, and of preparing themselves to
fulfil all the duties of life,
women, therefore, be jealous and seek to invade their ranks? Is not the way
open to them to do likewise, but in their own womanly way?
know but little of the ancient Mysteries. There were the Lesser Mysteries,
into which all who fulfilled the preliminary requirements were permitted to
enter. The Greater Mysteries were only for those who successfully passed
through the Lesser. From a careful study of the subject I have come to the
conclusion that, while the Lesser Mysteries were open to men and women alike,
and while some of the ceremonies were for men and women together, there were
also those into which men alone and others into which women alone, were
admitted. In Freemasonry men have kept alive, or have at least revived a part
‑ however small or great ‑ of their phase of the Lesser Mysteries; whereas the
women of our Western civilisation seem to have lost touch with theirs. This
conclusion is borne out by the fact that, among the North American Indians and
certain other so‑called primitive or savage races, there are still Lodges for
men and Lodges for women which are wholly distinct, no woman being admitted to
the former and no men to the latter.*
Further corroboration of this conclusion is given by Professor Franz Cumont (Membre
de l'Institut, Paris), a distinguished archوologist and author of The
Mysteries of Mithras. In a letter dated 17th April, 1921, he writes: "The
evidence of the numerous inscriptions which have been gathered prove that
women did not partake in the Mysteries of Mithras, which were derived from the
old religion of Persia. We never find them making any offering, receiving any
degree of initiation, or mentioned in the list of names of the
confraternities. But the excavations have proved that the subterranean temples
of Mithras were often connected with temples of the Great Mother of the Gods (Cybele),
and we have other proofs that the two cults were closely associated. Women, of
course, could worship this goddess and partake in her Mysteries. If they were
excluded from the men's colleges of the' Invincible' Sun, they could have
their feminine ' Sororities' devoted to the Mother Earth.“
Morals and Dogma, p. 418, Albert Pike, speaking of the Mysteries, says :"But
those of Eleusis, in Attica, Pausanius informs us, had been regarded by the
Greeks, from the earliest times, as being far superior to all the others, as
the Gods are to mere Heroes. Similar to these were the Mysteries of Bona Dea,
the Good Goddess, whose name, say Cicero and Plutarch, it was not permitted to
any man to know, celebrated at Rome from the earliest times of that city. It
was these Mysteries, practised by women alone, the secrecy of which was
impiously violated by Clodius. They were held at the Kalends of May; and,
according to Plutarch, much of the ceremonial greatly resembled that of the
Mysteries of Bakchos.“
"`Co‑Masonry' is an attempted intrusion; it is a virtual confession on the
part of those women who advocate `Co‑Masonry' that they have neither the wit
to discover nor the intelligence to devise and carry out, a system and
organisation that shall in its inspiring teachings, profound symbolism, and
uplifting influence be equal, parallel, and complementary to the Masonic
Fraternity, and become, like it, a beneficent power not only in woman's life,
but, through her, in the life of the world. This attempted intrusion is, in
fact, a virtual confession that men have discovered or evolved for themselves
something which woman have not in this age been able to discover or evolve or
of the cardinal teachings of Theosophy, especially accentuated by Katherine
Tingley, is that there are two natures in every human being: a higher nature,
divine in essence and immortal; and a lower nature, mortal, passional,
self‑seeking. I cannot help but question if it be the true womanly nature that
actuates the advocates of 'Co‑Masonry.' I question whether it may not be that
some of the advocates of 'Co‑Masonry' have failed to find and take their true
place as women, and that, realising their failure (though doubtless they would
indignantly deny it), they seek another sphere, not their own. And I question
whether they could do this were it not that the finer, truer side of their
womanliness has been stunted.
true man, and certainly every true woman, knows that woman loses more than
half her influence if she seeks to put aside her womanliness. Reference is not
made here to the domestic virtues and affections, though these have their
place and their charm, but to the deeper aspects of womanliness which have
made so many women (aside from all sex influences) the inspirers and
helpers of men. It has been often said, but may well be repeated again and
again, and men will always be ready to acknowledge, that their greatest
achievements in life would never have been accomplished but for the
inspiration of mother, wife, sister, or woman friend. I put mother first, for
` the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.'
the other hand, can it be gainsaid that the present unrest of the world,
beginning long before the war, is in great measure the result of woman's
failure to exercise her true womanly influence in the home, in society and in
the nation? `The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world' ‑ and it is the
mother who has the glorious and fateful opportunity of striking the first
keynote of her son's life ‑ by her own thoughts, her own attitude, her
self‑control and purity and true womanliness. And the sweet, refining, and
inspiring influence of these continue with him all through life, even when she
has passed on.
true mother, too, knows that her son will have to meet problems which he must
solve for and by himself, and the wise mother, however her heart may ache for
him, will at such times leave him to himself and let him have his solitude.
She knows, too, that he needs a father's influence and the companionship of
other boys. On these she will not intrude, for that would mar the fineness of
his manhood, and the sweet relationship between them. Yet, if she has struck
the keynote aright, her influence will be with him still, a gentle and
unbreakable restraining power, keeping him in the path of true nobility and
chivalry, in the path of purity, honour, and true manliness. This, I take it,
is the influence that the true mother wields, and the true wife and sister ‑
the influence of the true womanly nature.
"Is it
worth while bartering away that influence for the sake of the very doubtful
gain that might accrue from any attempted intrusion upon an organisation which
is for men alone? Assuredly no! And were the intrusion to become a fact, it is
not only woman who would suffer, but man too, and the home and civilisation.
an intrusion would but add to the already appalling confusion of the present
day ‑ its attempt is indeed but another indication of the confusion.
if the doors of Masonic Lodges were opened to women, it would still be a
hollow victory for them; they would for ever miss the inner meaning which, as
already said, concerns man as man. Indeed, I think that the women who advocate
'Co‑Masonry' have not looked far enough ahead. They look only at the possible
and immediate fulfilment of their desires ‑ the opening of Masonic Lodges to
them ‑ but have no adequate conception, if any conception at all, of what
would result. In other words, they do not know what they are doing; they are
working wholly from wrong premises.
let me venture a suggestion, first premising that all true men and all true
women desire and welcome opportunities for closer co‑operation‑such
co‑operation implying no superiority or inferiority either of the one or of
the other, but a complementary equality and harmony. Here, then, is the
suggestion which I venture as possibly leading towards a solution. Freemasonry
is a Fraternity for men; let women establish their Sorority, with its
appropriate name ‑ it cannot be 'Freemasonry' nor 'Co‑Masonry,' as already
shown, and I am not disposed to think that women are so lacking in
resourcefulness that they should have to copy a name which has its distinctive
application to an organisation of and for men alone, or that by copying they
would wish to show their dependence on men. I use the term Sorority as the
exact complement of Fraternity, and as best describing an organisation of and
for women alone, as a Fraternity is of and for men alone.
them, therefore, revive the Lodges for women which undoubtedly existed in the
most ancient times, with their appropriate ritual and ceremonial, which women
themselves must re‑discover or devise. Such appropriate ritual and ceremonial,
if these are to be parallel and complementary to Freemasonry, must be based
upon the highest principles, the noblest moral teachings, and be applicable to
woman's true develop‑
as those of Freemasonry are to man's. Let them prove their organisation, as
Freemasonry has been proved, to be a beneficent power in the life of the
world, and then they will not have to ask, for Freemasons will be ready to
join with them, for a higher co‑operation, a greater harmony, in which each
shall play an appropriate part, man as man, and woman as woman‑partners and
co‑workers for the world's good.
parties to this new co‑operation will be, on the one hand, women who have
passed through the portals of their Sorority and have proved themselves (how,
it is for women to determine) worthy and well qualified; and, on the other
hand, men who have passed through the portals of the Masonic Fraternity, and
have likewise proved themselves worthy and well qualified. Such a step
forward, assuming it to be practicable, might require years of preparation, or
it might be possible to take it quickly. And perhaps it depends, in the first
instance, upon the women, and not upon the men. Perhaps this is an instance to
which Katherine Tingley referred when she said: `Let woman find her true place
and man will find his.' Such a step, made possible by this new co‑operation,
might lead indeed to the finding of the door to the lost Greater Mysteries.
Who can tell?"' Analogy,' says Mme. H. P. Blavatsky, in her great work, The
Secret Doctrine (II, 153), `is the guiding law in Nature, the only true
Ariadne's thread that can lead us, through the inextricable paths of her
domain, toward her primal and final mysteries.' It was through woman, through
our mothers, that we gained entrance into this physical world; the impulse,
the seed, is from the father, but the mother opens the door of physical life.
And, by analogy, may it not be, that though man may give the impulse, may
perhaps provide the seed, he must wait for woman to open the door into the
spiritual life? Underlying this conception there is, I think, a profound
mystical principle, discussion of which must be
deferred until a future occasion. If this conception and analogy be correct,
does it not show that true progress can come only through the co‑operation of
man and
through which alone can come into existence the true home, the true state, and
a true civilisation?
can this be accomplished by either man or woman assuming the superior role. As
in the true home neither is superior and neither inferior, but each with his
or her own sphere, with his or her own part to play, they are partners and
co‑workers; so in the world's life, for which Freemasonry is a preparation
for men, while for women ‑ where is their organisation? If women
feel the need of similar opportunities and similar preparation, let them be
true to themselves, to their own womanhood, which they cannot be if they leave
their own sphere and seek to invade that of men.
is, however, this to be remembered and seriously considered: Freemasonry,
according to many students, traces its lineage back to the ancient Mysteries
(clearly the Lesser Mysteries, as already said), and our modern Freemasonry is
a continuation or revival of part of the symbolism and of a few of the
teachings of those Lesser Mysteries which were enacted in Egypt, India, and
Greece. It may be, and I think it certain, that a hidden thread may be found
whereby women may link the present with the past, and re‑discover a part of
the symbolism and teachings of the Ancient Mysteries that relate to their life
and opportunities as women.
"It is
for this reason that it is held that the establishment of an organisation for
women which shall be complementary and parallel to the Masonic Fraternity must
be a re‑discovery or revival, and not an invention. Further, as Freemasonry in
no sense takes man away from the path of duty, or the fulfilment of his
obligations to his family, his fellow man, or society, but accentuates the
importance of such fulfilment, so a complementary or parallel Sorority must in
no sense take woman away from the path of duty or the fulfilment of her
obligations in the home, to her family or society, but will accentuate the
importance of such fulfilment.
a complementary and parallel Sorority, it will be clear, cannot be established
by any woman, or group of women, who are actuated by ambition or fancied
knowledge. It can only be established, if it is to be indeed complementary and
parallel to Freemasonry, by finding the Ariadne's thread that shall lead the
woman of the present to the re‑discovery of the teachings of Antiquity‑of
some, at least, of the teachings of the Lesser Mysteries pertaining to woman's
true place in life and to the unfoldment of her spiritual nature. And when
woman takes her true place, as Katherine Tingley has said: `Woman in her true
place, her true position, hand in hand with man in his true place,' may we not
look confidently forward to the coming of `such a new order of things that we
can hardly speak of, much less realise, the resulting possibilities'?
much, then, depends upon woman in this day and generation! And the question
is: Shall it be cooperation and a resulting harmony, or attempted intrusion
and disharmony and confusion? Shall the door to the Greater Mysteries of
Antiquity once more be found and humanity enter upon its spiritual
it not depend very largely upon woman?
"International Theosophical Headquarters,
Loma, California.“
writer in a recent issue of The Masonic Chronicler of Chicago, condemns
the attitude of modern Masonry towards women in the following editorial
Masonic forefathers decreed that no woman ever should be made a Mason, and the
Symbolic Degrees as they have always been conferred were never intended to
include women. `Yet woman's heart beats responsive to the same inspiration
that prompts man to noble deeds,' and there are to‑day far‑sighted Masons who
predict that in the distant future women will be admitted to the Fraternity.
The Masonic Chronicler is not ready to delve thus far into the realms of
prophecy, but this paper knows, and every Mason in Chicago conversant with the
and activity of Masonry here during the last two decades must admit, that the
influence of women has done much to aid Masonry's unprecedented growth in
recent years. When the women of the household become interested in Masonic
affairs and activities, and because of which insist upon the men of the house
going regularly to Masonic meetings, a good attendance will always result and
there will be greater harmony in the home and in the Lodge.
should be remembered that when the basic principles of Masonry were conceived
women were regarded as little more than mere chattels. In these early days
when some burly male unit of the human race came to the conclusion that his
cave needed a piece of furniture in the form of a woman he sought out a likely
damsel and bought her from his prospective father‑in-law with a bunch of
tubercular cattle or armed himself with a stout club, hit the old man over the
head and carried the girl away to be his menial. And in those days they didn't
have any labour‑saving devices; no electric washing machines, vacuum cleaners,
sewing machines, gas ranges or gasoline cultivators. And when the kiddies
needed clothes it was up to the mother to go out into the hills and run down a
sheep or gather a bale of fig leaves, for the head of the cavern never
bothered himself with such trifles. Some men to‑day seem to have inherited
this ancestral trait to a degree that is not to their credit. Women were then
the tillers of the field and the grinders of corn; the hewers of wood and the
drawers of water; while the male lord and master perhaps played mumbletypeg
with the statesmen of the time and chattered the jargon of the forest over the
back fence; or perchance farther back in the era of evolution he swung by his
tail from a convenient limb and pelted his neighbour's wife with green
coco‑nuts because she refused to come over and play in his yard.
to‑day has become man's equal in practically all walks of life, surely in a
social sense. Lodges, Commanderies and various Masonic societies now have
their women's auxiliaries. Yet there still are fossils who seem
shiver in constant fear lest women will contaminate Masonry, and they almost
have an attack of hydrophobia every time they see a woman in the vicinity of a
Masonic Temple. From their bitter opposition to woman having anything to do
with affairs conducted by Masons one would be led to suspect that they never
had a mother or sister, wife or daughter. The Chronicley has no patience with
such Masons. Happily in Illinois there are only isolated cases of this sort,
but in some parts of the country the anti‑woman blight extends over entire
Grand Jurisdictions.
the world to‑day men who would put woman back where she was 2,000 years ago,
and Masons who appear to regret that Masonry has progressed beyond the
cave‑meeting age, might as consistently bewail the fact that man himself ever
evoluted from the brute stage.“
In 1920 the following circular‑letter was
issued I by the Grand Orient of the Netherlands to all Lodges within the
jurisdiction concerning the admission of Women into the Order:
question whether women should be admitted to participation in Masonic work in
Lodge arose shortly after the organisation of the Order in 1717.
1743, in France, societies of a pseudo‑Masonic character were started, which
admitted women as well as men. Close on the tracks of these, there arose the
numerous Adoptive and Mopses Lodges, which regarded themselves as belonging to
we read in Masonic history of Women's Lodges appearing in Vienna about 1740.
life of most of these short‑lived societies did not extend beyond the
eighteenth century, but when, in 1807, the Dutch Lodge "L' Union Royale" held
Adoptive meetings, at which many ladies were initiated as Sisters, the Dutch
Grand Orient felt that it was time to intervene.
four years the Lodge refused to comply with the directions of the Grand
Orient, but eventually had to give way because its membership had fallen to
nine in consequence of the "fraternal quarrel.“
Hereafter, for a period of about seventy years there
comparative peace in regard to this subject until, in 1881, it came again into
prominence when a French woman was initiated in the Lodge of Les Libres
Penseurs. This led to the founding of the Grand Lodge "Le Droit Humain,“ and
since then the question of the admission of women has been a cause of
controversy, greater or less, in all Masonic Jurisdictions.
We are
now once more face to face with the question "Should women be admitted to the
Order of Freemasons under the same conditions in all respects as men?"
It is
possible that now, as in the past, interest in the "women question" may be
only in the nature of a gust of wind that creates a great temporary
disturbance, but leaves no observable traces behind it; on the other hand, we
think that there is justification on the side of those who assert that never
has this question become so insistent as in our times.
Concurrently with this question we have its corollary which is voiced by other
Brethren, viz.: "What is the cause of this backsliding in the Order?"
regard the admission of women as the final act necessary to raise the Order to
that height on which, according to its principles, it should stand. We do not
share this opinion. Convinced that the level of the Order is still rising, we
can dissociate this question from all extraneous considerations and treat it
entirely on its own merits.
It has
been urged from many sides that the Grand Orient should institute an enquiry
on this question, but the opinion of the Grand Directorate is that this should
be preceded by a scientific and thorough discussion in conformity with the
times in which we live, which influence undeniably the solution of problems
which in the past could, perhaps, be more easily settled on the impulse of the
emancipation of woman is a fact which must be recognized ‑ she is more and
more achieving a position of "equality of value" in respect to man, and it is
as Such that we must learn to know the new woman. But
is she
also man's "equal"? We do not believe it. We believe that every‑day experience
points to the fact that nearly every girl wants most to be a woman, in spite
of exceptions and in spite of her altered education and upbringing; woman,
happily, in our opinion, still remains woman.
conclusion, therefore, is that woman is equal in value to man, but not
identical with him, and this brings us to the eternal question: "Must this
difference imply separation?"
We are
well aware that woman takes her place nowadays side by side with man in
intellectual and social spheres and in other expressions of corporate life,
but the question for us is: "Is she, or is she not, out of place in Lodge?"
Brethren will immediately say "Yes" and others will say "No,“ but the singular
point is that it is not possible to predict whether Masonically Conservative
Brethren will say "No" and those who are less bound by tradition will say
"Yes,“ or vice versa. Apparently the line of demarcation between the two
opinions does not turn in that direction.
answering the question, it must be remembered that it is not a matter of
admission of selected women of superior mentality and culture who would
undoubtedly adorn the Order, but the admission of women generally under the
same conditions as men.
finally, before closing this preamble, we wish to point out that in seeking
the solution to this problem, careful consideration must be given to the
question as to whether and to what extent its solution would bring us into
conflict with other Masonic Jurisdiction.
will first hear the arguments of those who favour the admission of women.
“they say, “did our Masonic forefathers, centuries ago, exclude women from the
Order? “Was it done for a definite reason, and with full consciousness of all
that it means?"
their reply is: "We know of no writing or utterance that would lead us to
suppose that the question ever occurred to them.“ In view of the subordinate
position occupied by women in those days there was no reason why it should;
the possibility that women would ever desire a position of "equality of value"
in respect to man never entered their heads and, consequently, our forefathers
acted in regard to Masonry as they did in regard to Church, State, Family, and
Society. Women were just ignored. Let us at the same time frankly admit that
the women of those days did not feel aggrieved at their treatment; they took
it as a matter of course.
then, however, the social position of women has altered remarkably. Woman,
instead of being a copy of man, is well on the road to becoming man's
complement‑the real other half ‑ not the better half, but the half which, with
him, forms the harmonious whole whereby the institution of marriage, rightly
held by us in such high regard, comes into its own.
is on the way to being born an independent being, and this includes not only
economic, but spiritual and psychical independence. And she is developing
under easier conditions than man had to contend with. Our forefathers had to
fight against spiritual slavery to which they were subjected by the authority
allowed to priests and doctrine. Woman is spared that strife. It has been
fought out by man, thanks to whom, Society has reached a higher level. But
whereas, in the past, women have striven against men when he was governed by
prejudice, most women have now realised that it is not against man but against
social causes that their efforts must be directed. This conviction has
penetrated more deeply into the proletariat than into the bourgeoisie. In the
former it goes without saying: that the property‑less woman strives with the
property‑less man for improved conditions: they have so many interests in
common that it is natural for them to work together, thus strengthening the
spiritual and material bond which unites them. In the working class, which is
largest numerically, and will soon be also the strongest in social and
political influence, there is no difference between the spiritual life of man
and woman.
to which we hold fast, on the other hand, dates from bygone times, and is a
type of spiritual life condemned to disappear.
passing judgment on this question, therefore, we shall do well to banish from
our thoughts that fixed type of woman derived from history, and on whom are
based the arguments for or against the admission of women.
We can
admit no eternal type of woman, unless there is also an eternal type of man,
and in the latter case sex peculiarities constitute just as cogent an argument
against the admission of men as they do against women.
must not be forgotten that the nature of both man and woman is governed by the
circumstances in which they live. A man subjected to degrading treatment can
thereby be spiritually injured. Why should woman not exhibit a different
psychic nature to that of her grandmother of a century ago?
demand of our members independence of judgment, self‑confidence, and talent.
Does woman not possess these? Why, certainly, but if she had exhibited them in
the past we men would have found it unpleasant. We flatter ourselves rather
with the illusion of our own superiority and prefer the idea of the dependent,
helpless woman leaning on our strong arm. Let us get rid of that idea and
remember that our sex sovereignty must give way before principles which it is
the raison d'etre of our Order to uphold.
founded our Order at a time when Society was in a state of disintegration.
Woman asks to be admitted to it at a time when Society was never so well
understood, when belief in the future of humanity is forcing its way to the
front, when the binding forces of organisation and solidarity are demanded by
the economic needs. Would her presence damage us in any way, provided, of
course, that she were admitted under the same strict conditions as men? We
expect the opposite, and who knows what
incentive to effort on our part it would be to feel that she might outflank
Finally, certain dangers are mentioned as inevitable when men and women
congregate together in secret. Is that not an under‑valuation of the efficacy
of our principles?
know, of course, that in the past sexual improprieties were a feature of
certain religious celebrations, but, in those cases, it must not be forgotten,
the men were in an unbalanced condition‑the mystical, the sentimental, the
erotic (the transition from one to the other is so easy) was strongly in
But is
it not just in our own very Order and in its principles that the balance is
fairly held between the mystical and the intelligible, between the feelings
and cold common sense? Do not our very symbols and principles protect our
members from such deviations?
Let us
therefore rid ourselves of all preconceived ideas and open our doors to woman,
exercising the same care in admitting her as we do in the case of men, so that
we may enrich ourselves and our Order by absorbing her peculiar powers and all
that subsists in the soul of woman as the highest possibility in the evolution
of Society.
has been laid in the foregoing on those factors which concern the outward life
of woman, but there is the spiritual side of the matter, and the question of
the favourable influence on the outer world which woman's admission to the
Order would exercise.
Assuming that from the intellectual, moral, and spiritual point of view, the
Order stands high enough to admit women, the question arises whether
Freemasonry as a rule of conduct in life would attract her, and, if so,
whether she would be suitable for it? Time alone can answer this. Existing
mixed Lodges are no guide in this problem because they are more under
Theosophical and mystical influences than we are.
there are women who feel attracted by, who can live for, and give themselves
up to the idea of Humanity, seems undeniable. Woman, not less than man,
for the evolution of the human personality towards spiritual and moral power.
In her also can Freemasonry elevate itself to that general religion which we
feel and recognise in it ‑ for woman also, together with her co‑workers, will
feel united to the Spirit of All Things, by Whom, through Whom, and to Whom
all things are or shall be.
can she also co‑operate in creating the high unity of the all‑uniting
Brotherhood. Woman is the other side of the human being of which our
Declaration of Principle speaks: the sex‑difference is the happy cause or
origin of that other spiritual factor, and by the co‑operation of both factors
will the ideal spiritual‑moral human being be most nearly approached. By the
admission of women into the Order, we shall achieve a great measure of
identical thought and feeling with and in the Order among a large part of
times such as the present, are we going to deny ourselves the co‑operation of
women? Are we going to surrender the opportunity of inculcating our principles
through the medium of women among the families and children of the future?
all, the presence of women with their rich mentality will have a refining
influence in Lodge, and when man and wife go up together into the same temple
and share our Masonic spiritual life, the result as between the two and in the
family cannot be otherwise than constructive. This will incidentally reduce
the number of those men who will not join our Order because they cannot share
its spiritual enjoyments with the wife.
Finally, the question is asked if in Freemasonry itself, whether in its
spiritual content or in the form in which the latter is expressed, there is
anything to render the admission of women inadvisable?
As far
as the content is concerned, a tradition has formed in the course of time,
more or less free from ritualism, in which, with idealism, as its
characteristic two principal conceptions have been preserved, vie. Humanity
and Cosmopolitanism, and to‑day, when faced with the question of the admission
of women to the
we may safely premise that those who assert that woman is not as fit and
susceptible as man for idealism and for the exercise of humanity and
cosmopolitanism belong to the minority.
Assuming that out of the complex of all Masonic rituals a spiritual content
can be inferred, then there can be nothing in Freemasonry out of which to
fashion an objection against the admission of women.
there are any obstacles they must lurk only in the externals of the Order ‑ in
symbolic or ritualistic proceedings.
against the suggestion that it did not occur to the re-organisers of
Freemasonry in 1717 to include women must be urged the fact that in several of
the Mysteries of the past, women were at first admitted but subsequently
excluded, and also that only a few years after the re‑birth of the Craft, the
question of the admission of women arose.
Although we are all glad to admit that woman is equal with man, we must not
make the mistake of confusing "equality of value" with "equality. “There is
most undoubtedly an "eternal type" of woman, just as there is also of man, and
the same objections that are advanced against the admission of women to the
Freemasonry of men, can be urged against the admission of men to a Woman's
eminent Brother in his pamphlet on "Woman and the Craft, “after alluding to
the dislocation of the life of women caused by present‑day social conditions,
"Recognition, however, of these evils, does not make one desire their
perpetuation. Our present‑day Society is striving perhaps towards other
relationships than those which I have suggested as `ideals of the future.'
Present‑day Society inclines to regard the family as an accidental and
incidental manner of living together it would clothe all, men and women, in
one uniform, as workers in the great factory of food and commodities—
would place the reproductive function more or less on a level with other
bodily functions which have to be fulfilled.
would make men and women live together as if they were of one sex: it would
also therefore attempt to cause them, as members of a Lodge, to strive towards
that intimacy which we strive now to cultivate.
believes itself capable of coercing Nature to its own rules and regulations,
of coercing the intellect or the will to keep in subjection the mightiest of
natural passions.
will take humanity many ages and much trouble to wrestle clear of this
inclination, and it seems to me most unnecessary hat our Masonic circles
should be chosen as the first soil on which to try the experiment, and that we
Masons should be the first to experience the results in all their bitterness.
said that the idea of the ages, that the direction in which environment
travels is that which the eternal striving of Nature follows?
would be easy to find the right way if one had only to pay attention to what
the majority do, or to a passing or temporary success.
Order must not be the slave of the spirit of the times. It lives not only for
the present age, but for all ages, and must enquire independently into what
appears to it to be the right way for the future.“
It may
be doubted whether the picture which has been given of the position of woman
in the World of Labour coincides with reality.
Although experience gained in organisations such as the Good Templars does not
invite imitation, it must be remarked that arguments relating to the position
of woman in social life are not applicable to the question of her admission
into our Institution. The economic, social, and political questions concern
chiefly externals in the life of woman, whereas the question of her admission
to our Order belongs to a great extent to her spiritual life.
the purpose of answering this question, we must form an opinion, as far as
possible, on the psychology of woman‑a very difficult thing for a man to do.
It is only recently that so‑called exact methods of psychological research
have yielded results which may be regarded as being to some extent
trustworthy, and these have brought to light objections which in the case of
the subject under discussion are of fundamental character.
intimacy, the feeling of unity, of belonging to each other, which are and must
be the characteristics of fruitful Masonic work, must necessarily suffer
because men and women, as shown by the results of psychological experiments,
are fundamentally heterogeneous elements.
entirely supports the old intuition that "Man remains man and woman remains
woman.” For this reason they cannot know each other in that way which is
necessary for intimate co‑operation.
however, do not know each other very well they judge each other intuitively
and adopt quite another line with each other than men do amongst themselves.
women, therefore, were admitted to our Order, its level would sink, for any
organisation is strongest only when its component parts are homogeneous.
Although this is not an overwhelming objection in the case of co‑operation for
a concrete object, it certainly is in our association, where we are concerned
with the complete human being.
Equipped by Nature with entirely different capacities and destiny, woman's
development has proceeded in a specially feminine direction, so that she has
acquired characteristics which are not best suited to unrestrained social
intercourse. She looks on life through a telescope, she sees things more
sharply defined, but possesses no great breadth of vision. Add to this greater
emotionality, less balance and less calm, and we have objections of a
fundamental character. We do not want our Order to revert to the special
emotional type from which we have only recently rescued it, and that it would
psychology of the crowd teaches us, viz. that in heterogeneous assemblies, the
level sinks in relation to that of the highest elements.
We can
count on the concurrence of a majority when we say that the ideal relationship
between members of a Lodge should correspond to that in a model family. Where
heredity, birth, upbringing, material interest, weld members of a family into
one unity, in which the individuality of each member is kept, if necessary, in
the background, we get an example of the ideal conditions which should obtain
in a Lodge. Would this be possible if women were admitted?
to whom the problem is presented are conscious of an immediate awakening of
antagonism towards it, for which they cannot give a reasoned argument. It is
an instinctive feeling, a relic of the past, a rudimentary feeling that
woman's place is a couple of paces behind man, ready to range up alongside him
if necessary. It is a feeling which is closely related to those social
conventions which decree that woman should be treated as if she were not quite
of mature age. Could this feeling be excluded from Lodge?
can it be denied that many are not at their ease in the presence of women? A
feeling which, if further differentiated, means that they cannot resist her.
In this respect there is real danger that relationships might be formed of a
more intimate character than that of Brother towards Brother, which would act
as a wedge in our so ardently desired Masonic unity.
we purposely shut our eyes to the practical difficulties which might arise in
the case of a woman who seeks to enter our Order through the good offices of a
Brother, and will the woman who does not want to become a Mason, or worse
still, perhaps, may not, while other women are admitted, stand contentedly
aside while her husband goes to Lodge?
what is to be said of the great difficulties that might arise if the level of
the men in any particular Lodge were not very high, and that of their wives no
better, and, perhaps, even worse?
finally, we must not overlook the opportunity for slander which we would
afford our enemies were both sexes to assemble in secret behind closed doors.
must now refer to the objections which could arise in connection with ritual
and ceremonial.
It is
obvious that when the secret character of the Order was first decided upon and
the exclusion of women decreed, it became possible to adapt the ritual to
man's use only.
as the origin of the Craft is wrapped in twilight, so also is the origin of
the decision to exclude woman. The striking similarity between our Order and
much that existed in the old Mysteries is, of course, well known. Every one
took part in the festivals of the Mysteries without distinction of sex or age:
in the Eleusinian Mysteries there was even a Hierophantess as well as a
Hierophant. One may, however, assume that the service of the Mysteries did not
remain unaltered.
were excluded from the Mithraic Mysteries, and here there is probably a direct
connection between this fact and their exclusion from our own Order.
symbolism refers only to men, for example, in so far as the worship of Isis
may be reckoned as one of the sources from which Freemasonry is descended, one
is surprised rather to find woman excluded, and yet, on the other hand, the
symbolic treatment of dying and resurrection concerns not a goddess but a god.
whole of the symbolic treatment of our own Third Degree would inevitably
suffer were women admitted, because the ceremonial would clash with our
feelings of decorum.
In our
Order the symbols of warfare are sometimes in evidence; how would swords and
daggers look in female hands? And would not our working tools look peculiarly
out of place in female hands also?
At a
certain point in our ceremonial we join hands; is this likely always to be
quite harmless were the links in the chain both male and female?
has been said to show that our ritual is unsuited in its present form to mixed
Lodges. Would it
possible to alter the ritual to suit the mixture of the sexes without
surrendering all that is at present characteristic of the Order and without
breaking our chain of historical continuity? And even supposing we in Holland
faced that inevitable, we would undoubtedly raise against ourselves the
antagonism of other Masonic Jurisdictions.
supposing we even assume that the Craft in general decided to admit women and
that a suitable Ritual were framed, then comes the great question "Will our
Order continue to flourish and expand?"
is the great and constant attraction which the Order has, not only for men but
for women? It is its symbolism, its ritualism. And yet these externals are
subordinate to that which is inward. If the Order is to maintain its high
position it must excel in spirituality. It is the "atmosphere" of the Order
that is all-important. Can woman contribute to that atmosphere in the presence
of men? Will that atmosphere remain sweet and pure if women as well as men
begin to move about in it?
stand before the Eternal Riddle! What is the distance between Venus Pandemos
and Venus Urania? There are communicating paths‑are you able to close them
completely whenever necessary?
If the
"atmosphere" is to remain pure and spiritual, the frontiers must be so sharply
defined as to preclude their being over‑stepped. The primary injunction would
have to be the "Touch me not,“ which we find in the legend of the meeting of
Jesus and Mary. In her there was not even the slightest trace of the finest
sensual emotion when she called "Rabboni" as the figure approached her, and
yet there resounded the inexorable "Touch me not.“
In the
ancient world Amor and Eros were often represented as beautiful human forms,
and they were intended to typify noble, pure, human emotions and
soul‑yearnings. Yet: a fleeting perfume, a breath, a bodily thrill and the
sensual was present.
it be otherwise in Lodge? Or would we
perhaps have to confess with shame that nature still lives in man and woman?
individual must be "fully persuaded in his own mind" before he gives his
verdict in favour of the admission of women into the Order.
Order cannot afford to venture on experiments.
have now passed the various arguments in review. Others must now face them and
make their more or less difficult choice, but for those who have not already
adopted an a Priori attitude the Grand Directorate offers its own considered
argument that man and wife going up to Lodge together, sharing their Masonic
life, working together to uplift, will benefit not only themselves but their
family, weighs heavily with us. But not less heavily weigh the fundamental
objections unfolded in the foregoing. We fear to risk the Order in an
experiment which might cost it its life.
a solution must be found; we feel that strongly also. Something must be done,
if only of a temporary character, to settle this problem. We owe that much to
woman out of respect for the position in life which she has won for herself.
We have obligations to ourselves also.
suggesting a solution, we are guided by the opinion that the fundamental and
essential characteristics of woman will never disappear, but that the
objections which flow from them must be overcome.
can only be achieved by the passage of time and along organic channels.
this reason the Order must provide opportunity for women to assemble in a
suitable organisation, but without men. These bodies should, perhaps, at first
bear a temporary character and should be organised on lines similar to like
bodies in America.
it appear that such bodies develop in the proper direction, then, in our
opinion, full initiation into the Mysteries of our Order must essentially
follow. But
then our motto will have to be: "Disperse to march, combine to fight.“
may find this process too slow; we believe that they are wrong. By the process
indicated we shall achieve a gradual solution by evolution, without incurring
all the tricks of revolution.
action and Bolshevism in this matter leads to nowhere. We know that the road
which leads to coercion of other folks' thoughts and feelings is not only
wrong, but is in conflict with our solemn obligation.
Besides, we have a trust laid upon us; that which has been confided to our
safe keeping we are bound to hand over, pure and unsullied, to those who will
take over the trust from us: posterity has a right to demand this.
whole object of this brochure is to assist every member of our Order to arrive
at an independent judgment on this most weighty problem, and by study of it to
prepare himself for open treatment of it, perhaps in an eventually to be held
Masonic Congress.
At the
same time it must be remembered that each individual decision can only bear a
temporary character, and that only the principle can be brought to discussion.
if all the Brethren in Holland were unanimous in deciding on the desirability
of admitting women, there could still be no definite action taken in the
matter unless Holland wishes to see herself isolated amongst Masonic
Holland is a causeway to the Continent ‑ all eyes are upon us. The fraternal
chain which encircles the earth must, in so far as it exists, be maintained.
must exchange views with other Masonic jurisdictions, especially with
England‑the Mother Lodge of Freemasonry and the strongest of Masonic Powers.
have to reckon with the fact that in the more conservatively inclined
countries, the question of the admission of women to our Order will encounter
severe opposition, and we must not forget that we are only a section of the
great Brotherhood which is to spread over the surface of the earth. We have
our part to play.
ensuring that the great Landmarks of our Order do not lose their character
unless for valid reasons.
rupture in these times on such a question would probably betoken a rupture for
a very long time. We must not let it go to that length.
our labour be of benefit to the Order.
following is a letter attributed to Dean Swift in his writings from "the Grand
Mistress of the Female Freemasons to George Faulkner, Printer.“
It is
from Vol. XII of the Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's,
Dublin, published in 2766.
Female Free‑Masons
impious, lewd, profane,
Juno wood, but wood in vain;
had he languish'd for the dame,
Jove at length, to quench his flame,
say for fear, some say for pity,
him a cloud, like Juno pretty,
like as if't were drawn by painters,
which he got a race of Centaurs.
bite, quoth VENUS.‑
lib. vi. p. 107
it is of late become a fashion in town, in writing to all the world, to
address to you, our society of female free masons has also chosen you
for our printer; and so, without preface, art, or embellishment (for truth and
paper need none of them), our female lodge has the whole mystery as
well as any lodge in Europe, with proper instructions in writing; and, what
will seem more strange to you, without the least taint of perjury. By
this time, any reader who is a mason will, I know, laugh, and not without
indignation. But that matters not much, our sex has long owed yours this good
turn you refused to admit queen Elizabeth, and even Semiramis queen of
Babylon, though each of them (without punning) had a great deal of male
flesh upon their bodies; but at last you will be forced to own we have it;
and thus it was we came by it.
gentleman, who is a great friend to all our members, who has since instructed
and formed us into a lodge, and whom we therefore call our guardian, fell in
lately with a lodge of free masons at Omagh in Ulster. They pressed him hard
to come into their society, and at length prevailed. They wanted an Old
Testament to swear him by. The innkeeper's bible, having both Old
and New bound up together, would not do: for, the free masons
oath being of much older date than the New Testament, that is from the
building of Solomon's temple (for till then it was but a protestation well
larded over with curses and execrations), they are always sworn on the Old
Testament, only. They offer to buy the old fellow's Bible; he
consents; but, finding they were to cut away the New Testament from the
Old, concluded them at once a pack of prophane wretches, and very
piously rescued his Bible. This custom of swearing on the Old
Testament only is what has given birth to the vulgar error, That free
masons renounce the New Testament. So they proceed to the rest of the
ceremony, deferring the oath till the next morning, one of them having an Old
Testament at his house hard by. This, it is true, was a heinous blunder
against the canons of free masonry. But the gentlemen were far gone in punch
and whisky. In short, our friend and present guardian is made a free but
unsworn mason, and was three hours gone on his journey next morning, before
the merry free masons awoke to send for their Old Testament; and, what
they had taught him the form of the oath, against he was to swear in the morn.
as to the secret words and signals used among free masons, it is to be
observed that in the Hebrew alphabet (as our guardian has informed our lodge
in writing) there are four pairs of letters, of which each pair are so like,
that, at first view, they seem to be the same. Beth and Cabh,
Gimel and Nun, Cheth and Thau, Daleth and
Resch; and on these depend all their signals and grips.
and Thau are shaped like two standing gallowses, of two legs each; when
two masons accost each other, one cries Cheth, the other answers
Thau, signifying that they would sooner be hanged on the gallows, than
divulge the secret.
again, Beth and Caph are each like a gallows lying on one of the
side‑posts, and when used as above, imply this pious prayer: May all who
reveal the secret, hang upon the gallows till it falls down. This is their
master secret, generally called the great word.
and Resch are like two half gallowses, or a gallows cut in two, at the
cross stick on top, by which, when pronounced, they intimate to each other,
that they would rather be half hanged, than name either word or signal before
any but a brother, so as to be understood.
one says Gimel, the other answers Nun; then the first again, joining
both letters together, repeats three times, Gimel‑Nun, Gimel‑Nun,
Gimel‑Nun, by which they mean that they are united as one in interests,
secrecy, and affection. This last word has in time been depraved in the
pronunciation from Gimel‑Nun to Gimelum, and at last to Giblun,
and sometimes Giblin; which word being by some accident discovered, they now
a‑days pretend is but a mock word.
Another of their words has been maimed in the pronunciation by the illiterate,
that is the letter Lamech, which was the hush word, for, when
spoke by any brother in a lodge, it was a warning to the rest to have a care
of listeners. It is now corruptly pronounced Lan; but the
pretend this also is a mock word, for the same reason as Giblin: this
play with the Hebrew alphabet is very anciently called MANABOLETH.
one brother orders another to walk like a mason, he must walk four steps
backwards; four, because of the four pair of letters already mentioned; and
backwards, because the Hebrew is writ and read backwards.
As to
their mysterious grips, they are as follows: if they be in company, where they
cannot with safety speak the above words, they take each other by the hand;
one draws one of the letters of the Manaboleth with his finger on the
other's hand, which he returns as in speaking.
It is
worth observing, that a certain lodge in town published some time ago a sheet
full of mock masonry, purely to puzzle and banter the town, with
several false signs and words, as Mada, or Adam writ backwards, Boas,
Nimrod, Jakins, Pectoral, Guttural, etc., but not
one word of the real ones, as you see by what has been said of the MANABOLETH.
king James the sixth's accession to the throne of England, he revived masonry,
of which he was grand master both in Scotland and England: it had been
entirely suppressed by queen Elizabeth, because she could not get into the
secret. All persons of quality, after the example of the king, got themselves
admitted free masons; but they made a kind of MANABOLETH in English, in
imitation of the true and ancient one; as I.O.U.H. a gold key I owe you
each a gold key; H. CCCC, his ruin. Each foresees his ruin. I. C.
U. B. YY. for me, I see you be too wise for me. And a great deal more
of the same foolish stuff, which took its rise from a silly pun upon the word
Bee; for you must know that ‑ A bee has, in all ages and notions, been
the grand hieroglyphick of masonry, because it excels all other
living creatures in the contrivance and commodiousness of its habitation or
comb; as, among many other authors, doctor Mc.Gregor, now professor of
mathematicks in Cambridge (as our guardian informs us), hath learnedly
demonstrated; nay, masonry or building seems to be
the very essence or nature of
the bee, for her building not the ordinary way of all other living creatures
is the generative cause, which produces the young ones (you know, I suppose,
that bees are of neither sex).
This material originally scanned by Ralph Omholt, Kirkland Chapter 176,
this reason, the kings of France, both Pagans and Christians, always eminent
free masons, carried three bees for their arms. But, to avoid the imputation
of the Egyptian idolatry of worshipping a bee, Clodovcœus, their first
Christian king, called them lilies or flower-deluces, in which,
notwithstanding the small change made for disguise sake, there is still the
exact figure of a bee. You have perhaps read of a great number of golden bees
found in the coffin of a Pagan king of France, near Brussels, many ages after
CHRIST, which he had ordered should be buried with him in token of his having
been a mason.
Egyptians, always excellent and ancient free masons, paid divine worship to a
bee under the outward shape of a bull, the better to conceal the
mystery, which bull, by them called Apis, is the Latin word for a bee;
the وnigma representing the bee by a bull consists in this;
that, according to the doctrine of the Pythagorean lodge of free masons, the
souls of all the cow-kind transmigrate into bees, as one Virgil a poet, much
in favour with the emperor Augustus, because of his profound skill in masonry,
has described; and Mr. Dryden has thus shewed:
" Aristوus.
Four altars raises, from his
herd he culls
For slaughter four the fairest
of his bulls,
Four heifers from his female
store he took,
All fair, and all unknowing of
the yoke;
Nine mornings thence, with
sacrifice and pray'rs
The gods invok'd, he to the
grove repairs.
Behold a prodigy! for, from
The broken bowels and the
bloated skin,
A buzzing noise of bees his
ears alarms;
Straight issue through the
sides assembling swarms," etc.
What modern masons call a lodge, was, for the above reasons, by antiquity,
called a HIVE of free masons. And
the same reasons, when a dissention happens in a lodge, the going off and
forming of another lodge is to this day called SWARMING.
guardian is of opinion, that the present masonry is so tarnished by the
ignorance of the working, and some other illiterate masons, that very many,
even whole lodges, fall under the censure of the venerable Chinese Brachman,
whose history of the rise, progress, and decay of free masonry, writ in the
Chinese tongue, is lately translated into a certain European language. This
Chinese sage says, the greatest part of current masons judge of the mysteries
and use of that sacred art, just as a man perfectly illiterate judges of an
excellent book, in which, when opened to him, he finds no other beauties than
the regular uniformity in every page, the exactness of the lines in length and
equidistance, the blackness of the ink and whiteness of the paper, or, as the
famous British free mason MERLIN says of the stars in the firmament, when
viewed by a child,, etc. But I shall not trouble you with the length of a
quotation at present, because Merlin and friar Bacon on free masonry
are soon to be dressed up in modern English, and sold by our printer Mr.
Faulkner, if duly encouraged by subscribers; and also a key to
Raymundus Lullius, without whose help, our guardian says, it is impossible
to come at the quintessence of free masonry.
some will perhaps object, how came your unsworn guardian by this refined and
uncommon knowledge in the great art? To which I answer that,
branch of the lodge of Solomon's temple, afterwards called the lodge of
St. John of Jerusalem, on which our guardian fortunately hit, is, as I
can easily prove, the ancientest and purest now on earth; from whence came the
famous old Scottish lodge of Killwinin, of which all the kings
of Scotland have been, from time to time, grand masters without interruption,
down from the days of Fergus, who reigned there more than 2,000 years ago,
long before the knights of St. John of Jerusalem, or the knights of Malta; to
which two lodges I must nevertheless allow the honour of having adorned the
and Pagan masonry with many religious and Christian rules.
being eldest son to the chief king of Ireland, was carefully instructed
in all the arts and sciences, especially in the natural magick and the
cabalistical philosophy (afterwards called the Rosicrusian), by the Pagan
druids of Ireland and Mona, the only true cabalists then extant in the western
world (for they had it immediately from the Phoenicians, Chaldوns and,
Egyptians, which I, though but a woman, can prove). The Egyptians probably had
it immediately from Abraham, as the Scripture plainly hints in the life of
that patriarch; and it is allowed, I am told, by men of learning, that the
occult as well as moral philosophy of all the Pagans was
well besprinkled and enriched from the cabalistical school of the patriarchs,
and afterwards by the Talmudists and other inferior Rabbins,
though the prevailing idolatry of those days much depraved and vitiated it.
before his descent upon the Picts in Scotland, raised that famous structure,
called to this day Carrick Fergus after his name, the most mysterious
piece of architecture now on earth (not excepting the pyramids of the Egyptian
masons, and their hieroglyphicks or free masons signs), as any skilful free
mason may easily perceive, by examining it according to the rules of the art.
He built it as a lodge for his college of free masons, in those days
called druids, which word, our guardian assures us, signifies an oak in
the Greek language, because oak is one of the best timber trees for building,
of which (especially the marine architecture) the druids were the only
masters, though your modern term of mason implies no more than a worker
in stone; erroneously enough indeed, or at least far short of the true and
ancient term of druid, since the marine architecture, the most useful
branch of the sacred art, corresponds naturally and perfectly with the word
druid, or worker in oak, and hath nothing at all to do with stones
of any kind, 'till Jason, a famous druid or free mason, used the
loadstone, when he went in quest of the golden fleece, as it
called in the enigmatical terms of free masonry, or, I more properly speaking,
of the cabala, as masonry was called in those days. The use of the
loadstone was then, and long after, kept as secret as any of the other
mysteries of the art, till, by the unanimous consent of all the great lodges,
the use of it was made public, for the common benefit of mankind. Jason's
artificial frog had it fixed in his mouth; and, having a free swing in an
oaken bowl, half filled with water, always faced the north pole, which gave
rise to the poetical fable, that Jason's frog was a little familiar or
sea demon, presiding over the navigation, like any other angel
guardian; for free masons, in all ages, as well as now, have been looked upon
to deal with sprites or demons; and hence came that imputation,
which they have in many nations lain under, of being conjurers or
magicians, witness Merlin and friar Bacon.
It is
perhaps further worth remarking, that Jason took one of the two sacred
vocal oaks of the grove of Dodona to make the keel of the Argos,
for so his ship was called; mysteriously joining together architecture or
masonry and druidical priesthood or power of explaining the oracles. For our
guardian will have it so, that the Pagan priesthood was always in the druids
or masons, and that there was a perceivable glimmering of the Jewish rites in
it, though much corrupted, as I said; that the Pagan worship was chiefly in
groves of oak; that they always looked upon the oak, as sacred to Jupiter,
which notion is countenanced (making allowance for the Paganism) by the
patriarchs; for you see in Genesis, that Abraham sacrificed under the oaks of
Mamre. Joshua indeed took a great stone, and put it up under the oak,
emblematically joining the two great elements of masonry to raise an altar for
the LORD.
guardian also says, that Cوsar's description of the druids of Gaul is
as exact a picture of a lodge of free masons as can possibly be drawn.
reasons for the Manaboleth are the better worth discovering, for that I
believe there are even some
masons, who know nothing of it, viz. : that it hath been an ancient practice
among the cabalistic philosophers to make every Hebrew letter a hierolglyphick,
mysterious in its figure above all other letters, as being thus shaped and
formed by the immediate directions of the Almighty, whereas all other
LETTERS are of human invention.
Secondly that the Manaboleth has a very close and unconstrained analogy
with masonry or architecture, for that every letter of the Hebrew alphabet, as
also of the Syriac, Chaldaic, and Irish alphabets, derived from it, have their
names from timber trees, except some few who have their names from
stones; and I think it is pretty plain, that timber and stone are as much
the elements of masonry, as the alphabet is of books, which is a near
relation enough between architecture and learning of all kinds, and naturally
shews why the druids, who took their title from a tree, kept learning and
architecture jointly within themselves.
week shall be published the free mason's oath, with remarks upon it of a young
clergyman, who has petitioned to be admitted chaplain to our lodge,
which is to be kept at Mrs. Prater's female coffee‑house every Tuesday from
nine in the morning to twelve, and the tenth day of every month in the year;
where all ladies of true hearts and sound morals shall be admitted without
think, it proper to insert the free mason's SONG commonly sung at their
meetings, though, by the bye, it is of as little signification as the rest of
their secrets. It was writ by one Anderson, as our guardian informs me,
just to put a good gloss on the mystery, as you may see by the words
are given six verses of the Song.]
lodge unanimously desire you will give their sincere respects to your
ingenious DRAPIER, to whose
we, as well as the rest of the nation, own ourselves obliged. If he be not
already a free mason, he shall be welcome to be our deputy guardian.
Your humble servant,
eht Tsugua Nilbud.
Adoptive Masonry, 1
Adoptive Masonry, Rituals of, 38, 55
Aldworth, Hon. Mrs., 78, 148
Babington, Mrs. Catherine, 91
Arnold S., 151
Barkoczky, Helene Countess Hadik, 8o
Mrs., 84
Beauq.eant, Order of the, 136
Order of the, 27
Boisson, L'Ordre de la, 26
Cagliostro, 29
Candour, Lodge Of, 4
Celestial Collar of the Holy Rosary, 27
Chevaliers et Chevallières de I'Ancre, 20
Co‑Masonry, 141
Cooper, Charles Purton, F,R.S., 93
Coteaux, L'Ordre des, 26
of Jesus Christ, Order Of, 27
of the South, Order of, 27
of Mount Tabor, 22
Phleides, 21 Daughters of Jericho, 28
Daughters of the Nile, 137
Degrees of Adoptive Rite, 4
Chevalier, 85
Eastern Star, Order of the, 100
Egyptian Masonry and Count Cagliostro, 29
Egyptiens, L'Ordre des, 26
Faulkner, George, 184
Felicity, Order of, 18
Fendeurs, 12
Feuillants, 21
Knights and Ladies, Lodge of, 11
Joseph H., 153
Orient of the Netherlands, 169
Imperial Cross of India, 28
Indifferentists, 24
Adoptive Masonry in, 8
Daughters, 127
Liberty, Order of, 23
Sincdrit6, Bohemia, 83
Louisa, Order of, 28
Louisa, Order of, 27
"Masonic Chronicler, “166
Melrose Lodge, 87
Memphis, Order of, 23
Militia of St. Dominic, Knights of, 27
Female Freemasonry, 141
A Miel, L'Ordre de la, 26
Order of, 9
Morgan, Lady, 90
Netherlands, Grand Orient of, 169
Sisters, Lodge of, 6
Operative Lodge, Chester, 88
Operative Lodge, Edinburgh, 96
Lady of Mercy, Order of, 27
Palladian Lodge, England, 85
Palladium of Ladies, 21
Penelope, Companions of, 21
Perseverance, Order Of, 2
Caroline, Lodge of, 11
Catherine, Order of, 1
Elizabeth, Order of, 27
George of Burgundy, Order of, 27
Isabella, Order of, 28
John, Order of, 1
Leger, Hon. Elizabeth, 78, 148
Society of the Chain, 24
Cross, Order of the, 27
Dean, 184
Thebes, Knights of, 12
Theresa, Order of, 28 Thorp, John T., 94
Tingley, Mrs. Katharine, 148
Tongariro Lodge, 96
Order of the, 27
Rituals of Adoptive Masonry, 38, 55
Knights and Nymphs of, 21
Ann, Order of, 28
Anne, Order of, 27
U. N.
L, 140
Universal Co‑Masonry, 141
Eagle, Order of, 27
Freemasons, 78
Xaintrailles, Madame de, 82
Printed in Great Britain at
The Mayflower Press,
Plymouth. William Brendon & Son, Ltd.