
1. (It is written) Isa. i. 4: "Woe unto the
sinful nation, unto the people heavy with iniquity, unto the seed of
evildoers, &c." (Here the author of the "Siphra Dtzenioutha" reasoneth
concerning the small word HVI, "woe," which also is a form of the name. And
this word is alone separated from the following portions of the sentence.)
2. Seven are the paths (if the Tetragrammaton,
be written in this way partially complete), IVD, HH, V, H, (where the father
and mother are written in full, Microprosopus and his bride are written
uncovered. If here the last and first letters be combined, and the penultimate
and second, and therefore the paths at either extremity, so that they may form
the letters) HI and VV (mother and son), then are produced (the three middle
letters) HH, D (which are the symbols of the queen, heavy with judgments. But
if mother and daughter be combined) HVI and HH, (then) is produced forth VV
(or Microprosopus)as well as DV (or the androgyn, who also is a condition of
judgments), for occultly Adam is denoted, or the male and female, who are that
DV concerning whom it is written (in the place cited above) "corrupt
3. (When it is said) BRAShITh, BRA,
Berashith bera, "In the beginning created," (the supernal paths are under
p. 96
stood. For) BRAShITh, Berashith, is the
speech (one of the ten rules of Genesis), but BRA, Bera, is the speech
halved. (But there are here understood) Father and Son, the hidden and the
manifest. (And also)
4 The superior Eden is hidden and concealed.
(That is, no mention is made of the crown.) The inferior Eden cometh forth so
that it may be transferred (towards the inferiors) and manifested (through the
voice of its original, which denoteth wisdom.)
["No mention made of the crown"--i.e.,
Kether, the first Sephira, Macroprosopus.]
5. For the name (Tetragrammaton) IHVH, Yod,
He, Vau, He, includeth the name IH, Yah, (which is
of the father, and the name) ALHIM, Elohim (which here followeth in the
text, and pertaineth unto the mother).
6. ATh, Ath (the fourth word of this
text, which in another manner signifieth the name) ADNI, Adonaļ, "Lord"
(namely, the path of the kingdom; also the name) AHIH, Eheieh (that is,
the path of the crown, and this symbolizeth in itself the two extreme paths;
here denoteth) the right and the left (that is, benignity and severity), which
are united in one (equilibrium).
[Ath, ATh, means "the," "the very
substance of." Qabalistically it signifies "the beginning and the end," and is
like the term "Alpha and Omega" used in the Apocalypse. For as Alpha and Omega
are respectively the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, so are
Aleph and Tau of the Hebrew. The "two extreme paths" are the crown, Kether,
and the kingdom, Malkuth, the first and tenth Sephiroth. the highest and the
lowest, Macroprosopus, and the queen. If the reader turn to the introduction,
to the Table showing the Sephiroth arranged in three pillars, he will see that
Malkuth is, as it were, the antithesis of Kether; and hence it is said that "Malkuth
is Kether after another manner." And this recalls the precept of Hermes in the
Smaragdine Tablet "That which is below is like that which is above, and that
which is above is like that which is below."]
7. HShMIM, Ha-Shamaim, "the heavens"
(the fifth word of this text, and) VATh, Vaath, "and the substance
p. 97
of" (the sixth word; they are referred unto the
paths of beauty and victory) like as it is written, 1 Chron. xxix. 11: "And
the beauty and the victory." These paths are joined together in one.
["The beauty and the victory" are Tiphereth and
Netzach, the sixth and seventh Sephiroth.]
8. HARTz, Haaretz, "the earth" (the
seventh word of this beginning denoteth the queen joined together with the
glory and the foundation), like as it is written, Ps. Viii. 2: "How
magnificent (this is the path of glory) is Thy name in all the world" (whereby
is symbolized the foundation); the earth which is the kingdom. Also) Isa. vi.
3: "The whole earth is full of His glory" (where these three paths again
9. "Let there be a firmament in the midst of
the waters," "to make a distinction between the Holy Place and between the
Holy of Holies." (That is, between Microprosopus and Macroprosopus.)
10. The Most Ancient One is expanded into
Microprosopus (or the Crown into the Beauty), and adhereth (unto it, so that
it may receive increase. If) it be not perfectly expanded (so that
Microprosopus as it were existeth by himself, but instead is retained in his
mother's womb) the mouth speaking great things moveth in that place (that
Microprosopus, so that he may be fully born), and he is crowned with the
lesser crowns under the five divisions of the waters. (That is, Microprosopus
receiveth the influx of the five benignities, which are called "crowns,"
because they descend from the crown, or Macroprosopus; but "lesser crowns,"
because they take their rise from benignity in the Microprosopic Path;
and they are called the five divisions of the waters, because the water
belongeth unto the benignity, and in this verse, (Gen. i. 6, 7, the word MIM,
Meim, waters, filleth the fifth place).
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11. Like as it is written, Num. xix. 17: "And
shall pour upon him living waters in a vessel." (But the life looketh towards
the mother; and it) is (understood to be that path which is called) ALHIM
ChllM, Elohim Chiiim, "the Elohim of life;" and the king of the
universe (that is, the understanding. Whereunto belong also the following
sayings:--) Ps. cxvi. v. 9: "I will walk before the Lord in the lands of
life." Also 1 Sam. 29: "And the soul of my Lord shall be bound in the quiver
of life." Also Gen. ii. 9: "And the tree of life in the midst of the garden."
(All these, I say, refer unto the understanding, from which the six members
receive the influx. And to it also pertain the following names, namely, the
name) IH, Yah (whensoever it is written in full with A in this manner:)
IVD HA, Yod Ha (and containeth the number of the numeral powers of the
letters of the Tetragrammaton, namely, 26; unto which also is referred that
form of the name belonging unto the intelligence), AHII, Eheii (where
in the place of the final He, Yod is put, as in a former
instance. (See Chap. I, § 32.)
[In the Hebrew, ChIIM, Chiim, "living"; in our
version of the Old Testament it is translated "running water." Chiim is
12. Between the waters and the waters. (Since
there are the superior) perfect waters, and (those which are in Microprosopus)
imperfect waters (or those mingled with severities; because in another manner
it is said) perfect compassion, imperfect compassion. (Now followeth a
mystical explanation of Gen. vi. 3.)
13. And the Tetragrammaton hath said: "My
spirit shall not strive with man for ever, seeing that he also is in the
flesh." (In this passage, when it is said:) "And the Tetragrammaton hath
said," (it is to be noted that) after that there was formed (the supernal
structure), in the last place concerning Microprosopus (this name is
p. 99
understood). For when it is said, "He calleth
this also by the name," the Ancient One speaketh occultly in a hidden manner.
[The Ancient One is symbolized by the pronoun
He in the sentence, "He calleth this also by the name."]
14. "My spirit shall not strive with man."
(Here is understood, not the spirit of Microprosopus, but) that which is from
the supernals, because from that spirit which rusheth forth from the two
nostrils of the nose of Macroprosopus the influx is sent down unto the
15. And because it is written (in the same
place) "And his days shall be a hundred and twenty years," I, Yod, is
either perfect (whensoever its singular parts exist in the form of decads) or
imperfect (when they are in monads or units). When (therefore Yod (is
placed by itself) alone (it is understood to be perfect, because in itself it
containeth) a hundred. (But if) two letters (are put, then are understood the
ten units) twice reckoned; (hence are produced) the hundred and twenty years.
[The "singular parts" of Yod are the numbers
from one to ten, for the number of Yod is ten. But when Yod is taken as its
square I x I = 10 x 10 = 100. But II = I x I + I + I (or the two letters both
multiplied and added together) = 10 x 10+ 10+ 10 = 120. But when Yod = 100,
its digits are tens and not units--namely, the numbers 10, 20, 30, &c.,
instead of 1, 2, 3, &c.]
16. Yod is alone whensoever he is
manifested in Microprosopus (that is when the lights of Macroprosopus descend
into Him, then indeed the paths of the decads are increased, and this decad)
is increased into ten thousands (by the paths joined with the four letters of
the Tetragrammaton) of years. (But) hence (if it be conceived only according
unto the power of Macroprosopus, it hath that position) which is written, Ps.
cxxxix. 5; "And thou shalt place upon me thine hand:" KPKH, Khephakha.
(Where this word KPKH, if it be written according to the usual
p. 100
custom KPK, Khephakh, yieldeth the
number 120. But now by adding the paragogic H of the female, there is given
the number 125, on account of the five severities.)
["This decad is increased into ten thousand by
the paths joined with the four letters of the Tetragrammaton "--i.e.,
the paths are the Sephiroth = the numbers from one to ten; and they are said
to be joined with the four letters by multiplying the decad to the fourth
power, or 104. Hence for I, the first letter, we have 10 x 1 = 10;
for H, the second letter, we have 10 x 10= 100: for V. the third letter, 10 x
10 x 10 = 1,000; and for H, the fourth letter, 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 10,000.
In the Shemitic languages, a paragogic letter
is one which is added to a word to give it additional emphasis.]
17, "There were giants in the earth," Gen. vi.
4. (If this word HIV, Hayu, is considered, which also is a form of the
often varied name, it taketh its rise from the kingdom.) This is that which is
written, Gen. ii. 10: "And thence is it divided, and is in four heads." (Where
is understood the end of that emanation which the separated universe followeth.
Nevertheless) from the place where the body is divided, they are called those
trees (or, as the Mantuan Codex correcteth the passage: Where the garden is
divided, and the seven inferior emanations are understood; where then it
divideth the universe into the inferior worlds and provideth a habitation for
the shells or spirits of matter). Hence it is written: "And from hence is it
["The shells" = elemental spirits. The Qabalah
always calls the evil elemental spirits of matter "shells."]
18. They were in the earth in those days, but
not in the following time, until Joshua came. (That is, they are applicable
unto the path of the bride, which also is called the land of Canaan, wherein
Joshua found the giants. For the word NPILIM, Nephilim, occurreth not
fully, except when it is used in the incident of the spies, Num. xiii. 33.)
p. 101
19. And the sons of the Elohim are guarded (nor
is mention made of a similar case) until Solomon came and joined himself with
the daughters of men; like as it is written, Eccles. ii. 8: VThONVGVTh,
Ve-Thonogoth "And the delights of the sons of men," &c. Where (in
the feminine gender) he calleth the word ThONVGVTh, Thonogoth, and not
(as elsewhere in the masculine gender) ThONVGIM, Thonogim, "sons of
Adam;" so that it is intimated in an occult manner that the latter (the sons
of the Elohim) are of those other spirits who are not contained under the
supernal wisdom; concerning which it is written, 1 Kings v. 12: "And the Lord
gave wisdom unto Solomon." (Concerning these matters, further see the
"Treatise of the Revolutions)."
["The Treatise of the Revolutions" is not
published in this volume.]
20. Also it is written, ibid. iv. 31:
"And He was wise above every man." Because these are not classed with man.
21. (But when it is said) "And the
Tetragrammaton gave him wisdom," then is understood the supernal He.
(Because he gave unto him the influx of the wisdom of the queen.) "And he was
wise before every man," because from her he received the wisdom here below
(through the path to the kingdom).
22. Those (spirits) are powerful who exist from
eternity. That is, from (eternity or) the supernal world (the understanding,
namely, whence are excited severity and rigour). The men of the name (that is)
who exercised themselves in the name.
23. In what name? In the Holy Name, wherein
they exercised themselves (for the performing of various wonders), and not the
holy inferiors. Yet (these) did not exercise themselves save in the name (and
not in holiness).
24. It is said openly "the men of the name,"
and not
p. 102
[paragraph continues]
"the men of the Tetragrammaton." Not (therefore used they the name) with
respect unto the mystery of the Arcanum, or in a diminutive form; nor yet with
any diminution of the (name itself).
25. (And because) the men of the name (are)
openly (spoken of, hence) are they shut out from the general conception of
26. It is written, Ps. xlix. 12: "Man being in
honour, abideth not." (When it is said) "man being in honour" (the same is as
if also it were said, a man such as was Solomon) shall not remain long in the
honour of the King without the spirit. (That is, in the influx from the King,
Microprosopus, to whom, or to the beautiful path, the spirit belongeth.)
27. Thirteen kings (that is, the twelve
metatheses of the Tetragrammaton with its radix, which are the measures of
mercies) wage war with seven (with the Edomite kings; because, while the
lights of the former flowed down, these could not maintain themselves, and,
besides, they are the classes of the most rigorous judgments which are opposed
to the mercies. For) seven kings are seen in the land (Edom), and now after
that their vessels are broken, they are called shells, who have fallen down
among the inferiors. (These) nine vanquished in war (the measures of
Microprosopus, concerning which see the "Idra Rabba"; through which David
conquered his enemies), which ascend in the paths of those which pass
downward, on account of His ruling power (that is, which make thirteen, as
they are in Macroprosopus and his beard, which is called his influence, and
freely floweth down), and there is none who can withhold their hand. (For
whilst the supernal measures permit the increase in the inferiors, all
judgments are subdivided.)
[Concerning the "twelve banners of the sacred
Name," the metatheses of the Tetragrammaton, see Introduction, § 62; also
concerning the Edomite kings. I have before remarked that the
p. 103
demons are called Qliphoth, or "shells," by the
Qabalists. The thirteen in Microprosopus is composed of nine manifest and four
28. Five kings (that is, the five letters
MNTzPK, Me, Nun, Tzaddi, Pe, Kaph, which
are the roots of the judgments), betake themselves into swift flight before
four (the four letters of the Tetragrammaton which bear with them the influx
of benignity. They cannot remain (since the judgments and rigours cease and
[The letters of the Hebrew alphabet are divided
into three classes, the three mothers as they are called, AMSh; the seven
duplex letters, BGDKPRTh, so called because they are sometimes tenues and
sometimes aspirates, according to whether they are written with or without the
Daghesh point; and the twelve simple letters, HVZChTILNSOTzQ. They are also
divided into the three categories of Chesed, Din, and Rachmim,
or mercy, judgment, and mildness. Now these five letters MNTzPK denote the
severest judgments, and their number = 280 = PR = the name of the angel
Sandalphon, SNDLPVN, the angel IOR, or of the wood of the world of Asiah,
since the greatest part of it are sterile trees.]
29. Four kings slay four (that is, the four
letters of the Tetragrammaton are bound together with the four letters ADNI,
Adonaļ, which) depend from them like grapes in a cluster (in the
concatenation of these two names, thus, IAHDVNHI).
30. Among them are set apart (that is, among
these paths of the Divine names a selection of holiness is made from these
broken vessels) seven channels (that is, seven broken vessels, which now are
like the shells, and contain in themselves a great part of the lights and
souls); they testify testimony (that is, the souls thus selected, thence
having been born into the universe, testify that they are freed from impurity)
and they do not remain in their place (and are no longer detained under the
31. The tree which is mitigated (that is, the
path of the kingdom or Schechinah, which is the tree of the
p. 104
knowledge of good and evil, which in itself
existeth from the judgments, but is mitigated by the bridegroom through the
influx of mercies) resideth within (within the shells; because the kingdom
hath its dominion over all things, and its feet descend into death). In its
branches (in the inferior worlds) the birds lodge and build their nests (the
souls and the angels have their place). Beneath it those animals which have
power seek the shade (that is, the shells, "for in it every beast of the
forest doth walk forth," Ps. civ. 20).
[See the Introduction for the Sephiroth
arranged in the three pillars, or tree of life.]
32. This is the tree which hath two paths (for
thus is this passage restored in the corrected Codex) for the same end
(namely, good and evil, because it is the tree of the knowledge of good and
evil). And it hath around it seven columns (that is, the seven palaces), and
the four splendours (that is, the four animals) whirl around it (in four
wheels) on their four sides (after the fourfold description of the chariot of
Yechesqiel (Ezekiel).
[The seven palaces answer to the 3rd, 4th, 5th,
6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Sephiroth, operating through the respective orders of
the angels into the spheres of the seven planets, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sol,
Venus, Mercury, and Luna. The four animals, or Chaioth Ha-Qadesch, are
the vivified powers of the four letters of the Tetragrammaton operating under
the presidency of the first Sephira as the mainspring of primum mobile
of creation. The four wheels are their correlatives under the second Sephira,
on their four sides--namely, the four elements of the air, fire, water, and
earth, which are the abodes of the spirits of the elements, the sylphs,
salamanders, undines, and gnomes, under the presidency of the tenth Sephira.]
33. The serpent (which was made from the rod of
Moses--that is, the shell--NVOH, Nogah, or splendour) which rusheth
forth with three hundred and seventy leaps (the thirty-two names together with
the five letters of ALHIM, Elohim, which make 37, multiplied by the
p. 105
decad 370, and the judgments of the bride are
denoted, to which that shell directeth his springs, because he is of middle
nature betwixt the holy and the profane). "He leapeth upon the mountains, and
rusheth swiftly over the hills," like as it is written (Cant. ii. 8. That is,
he leapeth high above the rest of the shells). He holdeth his tail in his
mouth between his teeth (that is, his extremity, by which he is linked to the
shells, turneth towards his other extremity wherewith he looketh towards
holiness). He is pierced through on either side (so that he may seek to
receive the superior and inferior nature). When the chief ariseth (who is
Metetron) he is changed into three spirits (that is, he assumeth the nature of
three inferior shells).
["Nogah" is also the qabalistical title of the
sphere of the planet Venus. MTTRVN, Metatron, or Methraton, is the
particular intelligence of the first Sephira, and is called the "Prince of
Faces;" he is said also to have been the "ruler of Moses." Methraton has the
same numeration as ShDI, Shaddai, the Almighty.]
34. (But concerning Metatron) it is written,
Gen. v. 22: "And Enoch walked with the Elohim" (because out of Enoch, Metatron
is formed). And it is written, Prov. xxii. 6: "Enoch hath been made into a
boy, according to his path." (That is, "hath been changed into") the boy
(namely, Metatron, who is spoken of under his name NOR, Nour, which
meaneth a "boy").
["Enoch hath been made into a boy," &c. This
peculiar rendering of the passage, "Train up a child in the way," &c., arises
from reading in the Hebrew text ChNVK, Chanokh, Enoch, instead of ChNK,
Chanekh, "train up," or "instruct."]
35. With the Elohim, and not with the
Tetragrammaton (because he himself is referred unto the path of the queen, to
whom is attributed this name of Rigour). "And he existed not" (longer) under
this name (Enoch), because the Elohim took him in order that he might be
called by this name. (For this name is communicable unto the angels,
p. 106
and in the first instance unto this chief among
them, namely, Metatron.)
36. There are three houses of judgment given,
which are four (that is, the three letters IHV, referred into the
understanding, which yield the four letters of the Tetragrammaton, pointed
with the vowel points of the name Elohim. For) there are four superior houses
of judgment (the four said Tetragrammatic letters) and four inferior (which
are the four letters ADNI, Adonaļ, belonging unto the kingdom). For it
is written, Lev. xix. 35: "Ye shall not do iniquity in judgment, in dimension,
in weight, and in measure." (Where these four are mystically intimated.)
37. (There is one) rigorous judgment (of
severity),another that is not rigorous (that is, of the kingdom). There is one
judgment by balance (wherein are the two scales of merit and error), another
judgment which is not made by balance; (and this is) the gentle judgment
(whereby the Israelites are judged. But also there is given) the judgment
which is neither of the one nature nor of the other. (Namely, the beautiful
[Of course the "beautiful path" is Tiphereth,
the sixth Sephira.]
38. (Further on it is written), Gen. vi. 1.
"And it came to pass when man began to multiply upon the face of the earth."
(Where by these words) ADM, Adam, began to multiply (there is understood Daath,
or the knowledge, the soul of the beautiful path, to which Moses is referred;
which sendeth down many lights into the bride, the earth, when the spouse
ascendeth thither). This is that which is written (ibid. 3): BShGM,
Beshegam, "in that also, he is flesh" (which word Beshegam, "in
that also," by equality of numeration equalleth MShH, Moses) Adam
(namely) the supernal (Daath, or knowledge). And it is written: "Upon the face
of the earth" (which face of the earth is this, that the highest
representation of the queen is the understanding, the mother, unto whose gates
Moses ascended).
p. 107
39. (Concerning this face, it is written) Exod.
xxxiv. 29: "And Moses knew not that the skin of his face shone" (where by the
face the mother is understood; by the skin, the queen.) This is that which is
said, Gen. iii. 21: "Tunics of skin" (because by itself the kingdom is wanting
in light).
40. To shine (but when it is said "the face of
Moses," the mother is understood, according to that passage, 1 Sam. xvi. 13:
"And Samuel took the horn of oil" (where by the oil, the wisdom, by the horn,
or the splendour of the oil, the understanding is denoted). For there is no
anointing except by the horn (that is, every descent of unction is through the
mother). Hence it is said, Ps. lxxxix. 18: "And in thy favour our horn shall
be exalted." (Also) Ps. cxxxii. 17: "There shall the born of David flourish"
(that is, the queen shall receive the influx from the mother). This is the
tenth of the kings (that is, the path of the kingdom), and originateth from
jubilee, who is the mother.
41. For it is written, Josh. vi. 5: "And it
shall be when the horn of jubilee is sounded." This is the splendour of the
jubilee, and the tenth (path) is crowned by the mother.
42. (This is) the horn which receiveth the horn
and the spirit, that it may restore the spirit of Yod He unto Yod He.
(That is, when the spirit is to be given unto Microprosopus, his mother
contributed as much, which is QRN, Qaran, "the horn," the brilliancy,
as the increase which he receiveth from the father.) And this is the horn of
jubilee. And IVBL, Yobel, "jubilee," is H, He (the first He
of the Tetragrammaton); and He is the spirit rushing forth over all
(because the mother is the world to come, when in the resurrection all things
will receive the spirit); and all things shall return unto their place (like
as in the jubilee, so in the world to come).
43. For it is written, AHH, IHVH, ALHIM,
Ahah Tetragrammaton Eloim! "Ah Tetragrammaton Elohim!"
p. 108
[paragraph continues]
When the H, He, appeareth (first), and H, He (in the second
place); then is Tetragrammaton called Elohim (like as a judge; because in the
world to come there will be work for much strength. This is) the full name.
And it is written, Isa. ii. 11: "And Tetragrammaton alone shall be exalted in
that day." When the one He is turned towards the other He, and
Yod is taken away, then cometh vengeance into the universe; and except
for that Adam who is called Tetragrammaton, the universe would not exist; but
all things would be destroyed. Hence it is written: "And the Tetragrammaton
alone," &c.
44. Hereunto is the hidden and involved Mystery
of the King, that is "The Book of Concealed Mystery," Blessed is he who
entereth into and departeth therefrom, and knoweth its paths and ways.
Chapter I: The Ingress and the Preface
