by: Albert Pike
Table of Contents
Title Page
Lodge of Perfection
I. Apprentice
II. The Fellow-Craft
III. The Master
IV. Secret Master
V. Perfect Master
IV. Intimate Secretary
VII. Provost and Judge
VIII. Intendant of the Building
IX. Elect of the Nine
X. Illustrious Elect
of the Fifteen
XI. Sublime Elect of the
Twelve, or Prince Ameth
XII. Grand Master Architect
XIII. Royal Arch of Solomon
XIV. Grand Elect,
Perfect, and Sublime Mason
Chapter of
Rose Croix
XV. Knight of the East or of
the Sword
XVI. Prince of Jerusalem
XVII. Knight of the East and
XVIII. Knight Rose Croix
Council of
XIX. Grand Pontiff
XX. Grand Master of
All Symbolic Lodges
XXI. Noachite, or Prussian
XXII. Knight
of the Royal Axe, or Prince of Libanus
XXIII. Chief of the Tabernacle
XXIV. Prince of the Tabernacle
XXV. Knight of the Brazen
XXVI. Prince of
Mercy, or Scottish Trinitarian
XXVII. Knight Commander of
the Temple
XXVIII. Knight of the
Sun, or Prince Adept
XXIX. Grand Scottish
Knight of St. Andrew
XXX. Knight Kadosh
XXI. Grand Inspector
Inquisitor Commander
XXXII. Sublime Prince
of the Royal Secret
Scanned at
phoenixmasonry.org, January 2005. Proofed by David Lettelier. This text is in
the public domain in the US because it was published prior to 1922. These
files may be used for any non-commercial purpose, provided this notice of
attribution is left intact in all copies.