There is a natural ingrown
reluctance on the part of Masons, Masonic Lodges appendant and concordant
bodies to divulge the amount spent on charitable endeavors, particularly
regarding charity relief of their own members. Even those Lodges which
are heavily endowed do not make details of their relief efforts public.
When a need exists in a particular case, many Masonic bodies merely "pass the
hat" and do not make it a matter of record as to how much was collected.
This is Masonic charity at its best.

Masonic Homes
Easter Seals Story in Florida
Knight Templar Eye Foundation
MSA Hospital Visitation Program
National Masonic Foundation for
Scottish Rite Learning Centers for Children
for Humanity
Hospitals for Children
Masonic Home Band celebrates 50th Year
to Help Ronald McDonald House
Boy Scouts - Tomorrow's Phoenixmasons

The New Age stands as yet
Half built against the sky
Of storms that clamor by.
Scaffolding veils the walls
And dim dust floats & falls
As moving to and fro, their tasks

While we as
Phoenixmasons are forming study-circles to improve ourselves, we need to form service-circles to improve the lot of others.