10,000 FAMOUS
Volume IV
Q – Z
Foreword by
Past Master,
Missouri Lodge of Research
Published by
Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., Inc.
Richmond, Virginia
Copyright, I957, William R. Denslow
William A. Quarles (1820-?)
Brigadier General, Confederate Army, Civil War. b. 1820 in Va. Member of
Clarksville Lodge No. 89, Clarksville Chapter No. 3, R.A.M., and Clarksville
Commandery No. 8, K.T. (knighted Sept. 6, 1871), all of Clarksville, Tenn.
George H. Quarterman Protestant Episcopal Bishop. b. Aug. 12, 1906
in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Ordained to ministry in 1934, and served as rector in
Ardmore, Okla., Amarillo, Texas, becoming bishop of Northwest Texas in 1946.
Trustee of U. of the South since 1946. Member of Tascosa Lodge No. 1375,
Amarillo, Texas, and 32° AASR (SJ) at Dallas.
Edouard Quartier-La-Tente (18551925) Swiss Masonic editor and in
charge of the International Bureau of Masonic Affairs. b. 1855 in New York
City. He became an educator in Neufchatel, Switzerland, and served five years
as grand master of the Grand Lodge Alpine. He edited Alpine, a Masonic
periodical, for 15 years. Was a member of the Swiss Supreme Council, AASR.
When the Grand Lodge Alpina established the International Bureau of Masonic
Affairs in 1903, he was placed in charge. Its purpose was to link all grand
lodges and serve as a clearing house for Masonic information. d. Jan. 19,
Matthew S. Quay (1833-1904) U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania,
1887-1899. b. Sept. 30, 1833 in Dillsburg, Pa. Graduate of Jefferson Coll.
(Pa.) in 1850; admitted to the bar in 1854, and practiced in Beaver, Pa.
Servedin Civil War with Pa. volunteers as major and lieutenant colonel in
commissary and transportation departments. Was secretary of Pa., 1872-78;
member of lower house, 1865-67; state treasurer, 1885-87; member of St. James
Lodge No. 457, Beaver, Pa. d. May 28, 1904.
Queens (see Elizabeth and Mary).
Apolinar de Jusus Soto Quesada Costa Rican Secretary of State, and
President of the Constitutional Congress. Member of Esperanza Lodge No. 2.
Conception Quesada Costa Rican Brigadier General. Commandant of
the Plaza of San Jose. Member of Maraville Lodge.
Manuel Aragon Quesada Costa Rican politician. Was secretary of
state, president of congress, and minister plenipotentiary to Europe, U.S.,
and Central America. An outstanding economist, he organized the Costa Rican
office of statistics. Member of Caridad Lodge No. 26.
Manuel Luis Quezon (1878-1944) President of the Philippine Islands
from Sept. 17, 1935 until his death in 1944. b. Aug. 19, 1878 in Baler,
Tayabas, P.I. Admitted to the bar in 1903. He served on the staff of General
Aguinaldo, q.v. He was successively provincial prosecuting attorney,
provincial governor of Tayabas, and resident commissioner to the U.S.,
1909-16. He was president of the Philippine senate in 1916-35 and a leading
figure in the movement which led to the gradual independence of the islands.
Upon the Japanese invasion, he escaped by U.S. submarine to the U.S. on Feb.
20, 1942; he died in Saranac Lake, N.Y., August 1, 1944. Quezon was a
Freemason most of his adult life, being grand master of the Grand Lodge of the
Philippines, 191819. Due to the influence of his wife he resigned from
Freemasonry, Sept. 17, 1930. After his death, the Catholic church claimed he
had renounced Freemasonry. Seven years after he left Masonry, he made this
statement: "I didn't actually resign from the Masonic order until several
months later, and I never denounced Masonry. There is a formal form which
those returning to the church from the Masonic lodge are supposed to sign. but
I refused to sign it. Instead, I wrote the Archbishop a personal note saying
that I understood that I could not be readmitted to the Catholic Church so
long as I remained a Mason, and for that reason I was resigning from Masonry."
During his entire term as president, he fought for the separation of church
and state.
Aristide Ambroise Quillet (18801955) French publicist and editor.
Was orphaned at an early age and had to educate himself. At the age of 18 he
opened the publishing house which still bears his name. A short time before
WWI, he founded l'Editorial Labor in Spain. It still exists. He was
co-director of the Dernieres Nouvelles de Strasbourg, a daily newspaper
printed in two languages. •n 1938 he founded the Editorial Argentina Aristide
Quillet in Buenos Aires. In WWII he took an active part in the French
resistance movement and in 1949 was promoted to grand commander of the Legion
of Honor. He was initiated in 1903 in the lodge, Temple de l'Honneur et
l'Union of the Grand Orient of France. In 1936 he founded a new lodge, La
Marseillaise, and was its master for many years. He was an honorary member of
Goethe Lodge No. 379. Shortly before his death the Grand Lodge of France
presented him with the 50-year service medal. d. 1955.
Henry B. Quinby (1846-1924) Governor of New Hampshire, 1909-11. b.
June 10, 1846 in Biddleford, Maine. Graduate of Bowdoin Coll. in 1869 and
1872; M.D. from Nat. Med. Coll. (Washington) in 1870. Served in both branches
of the state legislature. President of Laconia National Bank, City Savings
Bank, and Masonic Temple Assn. Member of Mount Lebanon Lodge No. 32, Laconia;
exalted in Union Chapter No. 70, R.A.M., April 12, 1871; greeted in
Pythagorean Council No. 6, R. & S.M., Oct. 8, 1872; received 32° AASR (NJ) at
Nashua, April 13, 1896, and became 33° and active member of the Northern
Supreme Council. d. Feb. 8, 1924.
Josiah Quincy (1772-1864) President of Harvard, 1829-45; U.S.
Congressman from Massachusetts, 180513. b. Feb. 4, 1772 in Boston, Mass.
Graduate of Harvard in 1790; began law practice in Boston in 1793. Served in
both branches of the state legislature, and was mayor of Boston, 182329,
during which time the erection of the Bunker Hill monument was begun. Raised
in St. John's Lodge of Boston, March 28, 1795. d. July 1, 1864.
Edgar Quinet (1803-1875) French writer and politician. Studied
philosophy in Germany and made French translations of Herder's books. Traveled
widely in Europe and wrote of his observations. Author of two epic poems,
Napoleon (1836) and Promethee (1838). Involved in revolutionary activities in
1848 and banished from France. After his return in 1870 was elected to the
national convention. A Freemason, but his lodge is not known.
James H. Quinn First man to raise the American flag on the pueblo
at Taos, New Mexico in 1847. He was a nephew of Stephen A. Douglas, q.v.
Member of Montezuma Lodge No. 109 (now No. 1 of Santa Fe) in 1853.
Vidkun Quisling (1887-1945) Norwegian Anti-Mason whose name has
become a synonym for traitor. During WWI he was in the diplomatic and
intelligence service, mainly in Russia. From 1931-32 he was the Norwegian
minister of defense, resigning to found his own political party, the National
Union, with a platform calling for the suppression of Communism and the
freeing of Norwegian labor from unionism. He was chief collaborator in the
German conquest of Norway in 1940. The Nazis proclaimed him sole political
head of Norway as head of the state council of 13 Nazi-dominated
commissioners. In this capacity he took over the beautiful Masonic Temple in
Oslo and converted it into an officers quarters, ruining it for Masonic use.
He ordered all the library and belongings shipped to Germany (but thanks to
Norwegian patriots, they failed to arrive). He was tried by the Norwegian
courts following the war. Ironically, the trial was held in a former Masonic
lodge room, in order to seat more spectators. He was convicted and shot in
John A. Quitman (1799-1858) Governor of Mississippi, 1835-36 and
1850-51; Major General, U.S.A. in Mexican War, 1846-48; U.S. Congressman from
Mississippi, 1855-58, and "Father of Mississippi Masonry." b. Sept. 1, 1799 in
Rhinebeck, N.Y. He was early in-dined towards the ministry, but taught school
and studied law in Philadelphia, then moved to Ohio, where he was admitted to
the bar in 1821. In 1882 he went to Memphis, Tenn., and later to Natchez,
Miss. He served as president of the state senate. In 1836 he raised a body of
men to aid the Texans against the incursions of Santa Anna, q.v.; returning
home to Natchez, he became a major general of the state militia. In Federal
service in the Mexican War, he distinguished himself at Monterrey, Fort
Tenerice, Vera Cruz, Pueblo and Chapultepec. He was appointed governor of the
City of Mexico. In 1848 and again in 1856 he was suggested as Democratic
nominee for vice president, but was not nominated. He was an avowed advocate
of states rights, and as leader of the extreme Southern party, supported the
right of secession for states. He was raised in Hiram Lodge No. 18, Delaware,
Ohio, in 1820, and affiliated with Harmony Lodge No. 1, Natchez, Miss. in
1822, serving as master two years later. He was grand master of the Grand
Lodge of Mississippi from 1826-37 and 1845-46, declining further terms. He was
a 32° AASR (SJ) and intimate friend of Albert Pike, who conducted a lodge of
sorrow in his memory in 1860. He was also an honorary member of the grand
lodges of South Carolina and New York. d. July 17, 1858 at his Natchez home
"Monmouth," which is now famous as one of the outstanding anti-bellum homes of
Natchez. It is thought he died of poisoning at a banquet in Washington, D.C.,
during the inauguration of Buchanan.
Fritz Rackhorst
(1870-1930) German physician and Masonic editor. He practiced medicine in
Lennep, Germany from 1896, but his heart was more often in Masonry. He served
as master of the lodge Theodor zum Belgischen Loewen at Duesseldorf for almost
20 years. At the same time he was editor of the Masonic magazine The Light,
which at that time was the only independent Masonic publication. After WWI he
attempted to cement ties between former enemies, but ran into much resistance
among his own brethren. He resigned from his mother lodge and affiliated with
the Lodge Plato at Wiesbaden, and finally with the Lodge Labor at Vienna. His
opinion was that Masonry was a world brotherhood. His beliefs earned him many
enemies among his brethren.
Milton R. Rackmil President of Decca Records, Inc., N.Y.C. since
1949, and President and Director of Universal Pictures Co., Inc. since 1952.
b. Feb. 12, 1903 in N.Y.C. Graduate of New York U. in 1924. Was with Brunswick
Radio Corp. from 1929 as comptroller; secretary of Brunswick Records, 1932-34.
Treasurer of Decca Records, 1934-37; vice president 193746, and executive vice
president, 1946-49. Director of Decca since 1946. Member of Civic Lodge No.
853, N.Y.C., receiving degrees on Oct. 27, Nov. 24, 1936 and Jan. 12, 1937.
Charles Radcliffe (see Earl of Derwentwater).
George L. Radcliffe U.S. Senator from Maryland, 1935-47. b. Aug.
22,1877 in Lloyds, Md. Received A.B. and Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins, and
honorary degrees from several universities. Practiced law from 1903. President
of American Bonding Co., 191430, and now first vice president and director of
Fidelity & Deposit Co., and director of Fidelity-Baltimore National Bank and
Trust Co. Was secretary of state of Maryland, 1919-20. Member of Oriental
Lodge No. 158, Baltimore, and 32° AASR (SJ) in Chesapeake Consistory.
John Rae (1813-1893) Scottish Arctic explorer. b. Sept. 30, 1813
in the Orkney Islands. Received medical degree from U. of Edinburgh and was a
doctor with Hudson's Bay Co. He joined the expedition of Sir John Richardson
in search of Sir John Franklin, q.v., in 1847, and was on several exploring
expeditions between 1846-64. He proved King William's Land to be an island,
and on an expedition in 1853-54, learned the fate of Franklin from natives on
the West coast of Boothia. He was known for his amazing endurance and vigor,
traveling 23,000 miles on snowshoes and dragging a loaded sled. He received
the Royal Geographical Society's "Founders Medal" and also the "Arctic Medal."
He once covered 100 miles a day on snowshoes. He lived like the Eskimos, in
contrast to other English "gentlemen" who needed great amounts of supplies and
natives to carry them. His exploration method is known as the "Rae Method." d.
July 22, 1893, and although his lodge membership is not known, Kilwinning
Masonic Lodge attended the funeral.
4 Jean Baptiste Marie Ragon Buried in St. Magnus Cathedral in the
Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (17811826) English administrator;
founder of the city of Singapore and of the London zoo. He joined the East
India Co. as a clerk, at the age of 13 and became a brilliant administrator,
scholar, traveler, and naturalist. In 1805 he was sent to Penang as assistant
secretary to the first governor. He persuaded Lord Minto of the necessity of
taking Java from the French, and accompanied the expedition. He was lieutenant
governor of Java from 1811-1816, and introduced a new system of land tenure,
removing fetters imposed on trade. He was appalled at the selfish and cruel
trade monopolies, forced labor, slavery, piracy, and general lawlessness, and
hoped to end this by spreading British protection over the area. Cheated of
his ambitions for the whole Eastern Archipelago, he did, however, obtain the
pirate island of Singapore from the rulers of Johore. He justly referred to
"my city of Singapore," saying "I have declared that the port of Singapore is
a free port and the trade thereof open to ships and vessels of every nation."
He was initiated in Lodge Vertutis et Ards Aminci, established on the
Pondoz-Gedeh coffee estate near Buitenzorg, Java, only two months after his
conquest of the Dutch. The master was a former governor of Java, and a second
candidate was a member of the Dutch council. Both of these brethren were
markedly hostile to the British in public life, but such was the character of
Raffles that he was welcomed into their midst. He was passed in this lodge,
but raised on July 5, 1813 in the Lodge of Friendship at Surabaja, Java, and
subsequently made past master by his Dutch brethren. He received the 18th
degree in the Rose Croix chapter, La Vertueuse in Batavia. On his re-turn to
England, he founded the London zoo. d. 1826.
Idris Ragheb (?-1923) Egyptian Boy of a noble and wealthy family.
He was grand master of the Egyptian Grand Lodge for 32 years, 1891-1923, and
grand commander of the Supreme Council, AASR of Egypt, for nearly 20 years. He
devoted his life to the study of languages, sciences, and the invention of a
machine which writes Arabic characters. His public spiritedness and
philanthropy found expression in the founding of the Assistance PUblique, of
which he was several times elected president, the Oeuvre d'Instruction Laique
et Gratuite, and the Societe d'Alitnentation.
William T. Ragland (1866-?) Justice, Supreme Court of Missouri,
1923-33. b. Oct. 5, 1866 in Marion, Co., Mo. Admitted to bar in 1889, and
practiced at Paris, Mo. Was circuit judge, 1911-19, and commissioner of
supreme court of Missouri, 1919-23. Received degrees in Monroe Lodge No. 64,
Monroe City, Mo., Jan. 16, and Feb. 6, 20, 1893. On April 17, 1908 he was
affiliated with Paris Union Lodge No. 19, Paris, Mo. and dimitted from same
Jan. 10, 1927.
Heartsill Ragon (1885-1940) U.S. Congressman from Arkansas to 68th
through 72nd Congresses, 1923-33, from 5th Ark. dist.; Federal Judge, Western
Arkansas, 1933-40. b. March 20, 1885 in Dublin, Ark. Graduate of Washington
and Lee U. in 1908, and began law practice in Clarksville, Ark, in that year.
Served in state house of representatives. Raised in Franklin Lodge No. 9,
Clarksville, Ark, on April 26, 1916. Suspended NPD Sept. 28, 1937. d. Sept.
15, 1940.
Jean Baptiste Marie Ragon (17811862) French Masonic writer called
"the most learned Freemason of the 19th century" by his contemporaries. b.
Feb. 25, 1781 in Paris. He joined the lodge Reunion des Amis du Nord at
Bruges, Belgium in 1803„ and later helped establish the lodge and chapter of
Vrais Amis in the same city. In 1805, after his removal to Paris, he was the
founder of the lodge Les Trinosophes. It was before this lodge in 1818 that he
delivered a course of lectures which in 1838 were published under the title of
Cours Philoscrphique et Interpratif des Initiations Anciennes et Modernes. He
edited the periodical, Hermes, ou Archives Maconniques. Other books were
Orthodosie Maconnique and Tuileur General de la Franc-Maconerie, ou Manuel de
His greatest work, Les Fastes Initiatiques, which was to include a complete
world history of Freemasonry, was left unfinished at his death. The Grand
Orient of France later purchased the manuscript, which is now in its archives,
uncompleted. d. 1862.
Carl August Ragotzky (?-1823) German Masonic author. His works
include Der Freidenker in der Maurerei oder Freimuthige Briefe caber Wichtige
Gegenstande in der FreiMaurerei in 1793 and An Essay on Masonic Liberty for
Initiated and Uninitiated Readers in 1792. d. Jan. 5, 1823.
Edward T. Ragsdale Vice President of General Motors since 1956. b.
May 15, 1897 in Hopkinsville, Ky. Held various positions with Maxwell Motor,
Midwest Engine Co., Prest-0- Lite Co., Pierce-Arrow Co., before becoming a
draftsman for the Buick division of General Motors in 1923. He became
assistant chief engineer, general manufacturing manager, and general manager
in 1956. Mason and 32° AASR.
Richard C. Raines Methodist Bishop of Indiana since 1948. b. Dec.
23, 1898 in Independence, Iowa. Graduate of Cornell Coll. (Ia.), Boston U.,
Oxford U., and U. of Maine. Ordainedin 1926, and served churches in Newton and
Scituate, Mass., Providence, R.I., Minneapolis, Minn. Member of Independence
Lodge No. 87, Independence, Ia. Received Scottish Rite degrees in
Indianapolis, Ind. and coroneted 33° in 1952.
Henry T. Rainey (1860-1934) Speaker of U.S. House of
Representatives, 1933. b. Aug. 20, 1860 in Carrollton, Ill. Received A.B. and
A.M. from Amherst and LL.B. from Union Coll. of Law, Chicago. Practiced law at
Carrollton from 18851902. U.S. congressman to 58th through 66th congresses,
1903-21 and 68th through 73rd congresses, 192335. Member of Carrollton Lodge
No. 50, Carrollton, Ill, being initiated, May 11, 1885. d. Aug. 19, 1934.
Robert M. Rainey Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Oklahoma, 192021.
b. Sept. 29, 1882 in Sherman, Texas. Began law practice in Atoka, Okla. in
1904. Was member of the first Okla. legislature, 1907-08, and later district
judge. Associate justice state supreme court, 1917-20. In private practice in
Oklahoma City after 1921. Received degrees in Oklahoma Lodge No. 4, Atoka,
Okla. in 1909 and affiliated with Oklahoma City Lodge No. 36, Jan. 15, 1923.
Knight Templar.
John E. Raker (1863-1926) U.S. Congressman to 62nd through 68th
Congresses, 1911-25, from 1st Calif. dist. b. Feb. 22, 1863 near Knoxville,
Ill. Read law with Judge E. V. Spencer, Susanville, Calif., married his
daughter, and began law practice at Alturas, Calif. in 1886. Served as
district attorney and judge of the superior court. Was grand master of the Odd
Fellows of Calif. in 1908-09. Member of Alturas Lodge No. 248. d. Jan. 22,
John Rolls (1807-1882) Colonel in Mexican War, during which time
he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri and thus became the father
of Freemasonry in New Mexico. b. Nov. 18, 1807 in Sharpsburg, Ky. His father
was a prominent resident of St. Louis, and it was his vote in the legislature
that sent Thomas H. Benton, q.v., to the U.S. Senate. The family moved to
Rails Co. (named for his father) and John was orphaned at an early age. He
returned to Ky., where he was an apprentice in a court of record. Returning to
Mo., he was a clerk in the state house of representatives, and in 1850 was
admitted to the bar. He served in the state militia in the Black Hawk War in
1832, and was a lieutenant colonel in 1837. In 1847 he was named colonel of
the 3rd regiment of Mo. volunteers, which assembled at Independence, Mo. and
marched over the Santa Fe Trail to Santa Fe, where they were assigned to the
forces of Gen. Sterling Price, q.v. Having been elected grand master of the
Grand Lodge of Missouri in 1846, he issued a dispensation to Missouri Military
Lodge No. 86, on June 12, 1847. It accompanied his regiment on its expedition,
and while in the Territory of New Mexico, Ralls assumed Masonic jurisdiction
of that territory for the Grand Lodge of Missouri, a charge maintained until
the organization of the Grand Lodge of New Mexico in 1877. He also issued a
charter to Multnomah Lodge No. 84, Oregon City, Oregon Territory. Rails also
issued another charter to some Illinois Masons for a lodge to be known as
Hardin Lodge No. 87, but the formation of this lodge was never reported to the
grand lodge. It was Rails who had the honor of receiving the sabers of the
captured Mexican officers at the fall of Santa Cruz. The last recorded minutes
of Military Lodge No. 86 were dated July 5, 1848 in Santa Cruz. The regiment
marched back to Mo. and was mustered out on Oct. 25, 1848. Rails probably
received his degrees in Pal- myra Lodge No. 18, Palmyra, Mo. and was later a
charter member of New London Lodge No. 21, New London, Mo. In 1853 he dimitted
to become charter member of Ralls Lodge No. 33, serving as master in 1859. He
was a trustee of the Masonic College in 1842, and curator of same in 1845. He
was exalted in Palmyra Chapter No. 2, R.A.M., Palmyra, Mo., May 6, 1842;
became a charter member of Hannibal Chapter No. 7, Hannibal, Mo.; and later a
charter member of Ralls Chapter No. 55, now located at Center, Mo. He was high
priest of this chapter in 1872-73 and a member of the Order of High
Priesthood. d. Oct. 8, 1882.
Samuel M. Ralston (1857-1925) U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1923-25,
dying in office; Governor of Indiana, 1913-17. b. Dec. 1, 1857 in Tuscarawas
Co., Ohio. Admitted to bar in 1886; practiced at Lebanon, Ind. and later at
Indianapolis. Received degrees in Owen Lodge No. 273, Quincy, Ind. on Nov. 10,
Dec. 15, 1880 and Jan. 12, 1881. Was junior steward in 1881. Charter of this
lodge was revoked in 1903 and in 1904 he became charter member of Owen Lodge
No. 655 of Quincy, Ind. d. Oct. 14, 1925.
Nawab of Rampur Head of the state of Rampur, one of the three
Northern Moslem states of the United Provinces of India. b. in 1907, his full
title is Major General, His Highness Alijah
Farzand-i-Dilpizir-i-Daulat-i-Inglishia, Mukhlis-ud-D aul a h, Nasir-ul-Mulk,
Amirul-Umara, Nawab Sir Sayed Mohammad Raza Ali Kan Bahadur, Justain Jung. He
became ruler of Rampur in 1930. He was made a Mason in Lodge Raisana No. 3819,
English Constitution in 1931; made past grand deacon of the Grand Lodge of
England in 1946 and past grand warden in 1952. He is an honorary member of
several lodges in India. A Royal Arch Mason, he was one of the petitioners in
1952 for Raza Chapter No. 1843 in his province. He is past grand junior warden
of the Mark Grand Lodge of England.
Andrew Michael Ramsay (16681743) Better known as the Chevalier
Ramsay. b. at Ayr, Scotland, the son of a baker, he was given a liberal
education and attended the U. of Edinburgh. In 1709 he became tutor for the
two sons of the Earl of Weymss. He left Britain and fought in the army of the
Duke of Marlborough. In 1710 he visited Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambrai, who
converted him to Catholicism and secured him the preceptorship of the Duc de
Chateau-Thierry and the Prince de Turenne. He was made a knight of the Order
of Saint Lazarus, thus receiving the title Chevalier. He next tutored the two
sons of the Pretender, James, III. It is thought he became a Freemason on a
visit to England between 1728-30. In 1737 as chancellor, or orator of the
Paris Grand Lodge, he delivered his celebrated oration in which he attributed
the origin of Freemasonry to the crusaders rather than to operative Masons. He
addressed it to the Pope and the King—the Pope, incidentally, ordered it
burned. He is sometimes credited with the development of several Masonic
degrees and rites. d. May 6, 1743.
Dennis Ramsay A colonel of the American Revolution and pallbearer
at Washington's funeral. He served as captain through colonel in the Virginia
Line. He was a member of Alexandria Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, Va., joining the
lodge in 1783, and was junior warden of same in 1789-91.
Lord James Andrew Ramsay (see Marquis of Dalhousie).
George A. Ramsdell (1834-1900) Governor of New Hampshire, 1897-99.
b. in Milford, N.H. Raised in Altemont Lodge No. 26, Peterboro, N.H., May 28,
1863 and dimitted in 1870. Was a 32° AASR (NJ). d. 1900.
John R. Ramsey (1862-1933) U.S. Congressman to 65th and 66
Congresses, 1917-21, from 6th N.J. dist. b. April 25, 1862 in Wyckoff, N.J.
Admitted to N.J. bar in 1883, and practiced at Hackensack from that time.
Member of Fidelity Lodge No. 113, Ridgewood, N.J., receiving degrees on March
25, April 22, May 25, 1892. d. April 10, 1933.
Robert Ramspeck U.S. Congressman, 71st through 79th Congresses,
1929-47, from 5th Ga. dist.; Vice President of Eastern Airlines since 1953. b.
Sept. 5, 1890 in Decatur, Ga. Graduate of Atlanta Law School in 1920. Between
1907 and 1920 he was deputy clerk of superior court of Ga., chief clerk of
post office, U.S. House of Representatives, secretary to Congressman Howard,
secretary, Decatur chamber of commerce, and U.S. deputy marshal in Ga. He was
then in the insurance and real estate business, newspaper business, and law
practice. Member of Georgia, lower house in 1929. He resigned from congress to
become vice president of the Air Transport Assoc. of America and from 1951-52
was chairman of the U.S. civil service comm. Member of Pythagoras Lodge No.
41, Decatur, Ga. 32° AASR at Atlanta; Yaarab Shrine Temple, Atlanta; honorary
member of Tall Cedars and National Sojourners.
John L. Rand (1861-1942) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Oregon,
1927-28, 1933-34, 1939-40. b. Oct. 28, 1861 in Portsmouth, N.H. Graduate of
Dartmouth in 1883. Admitted to bar in 1885 and began practice at Walla Walla,
Wash. Member of state senate, 1903-05. On supreme court bench from 1921 until
death on Nov. 19, 1942. Member of Baker Lodge No. 47, Baker, Oreg., receiving
degrees on Feb. 27, March 27, May 15, 1902. Knight Templar, 32° AASR (SJ), and
William Randal Sixth Earl of Antrim and 1st Marquis of Antrim;
Viscount of Dunluce. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of England
(Ancients), 1783-91, and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1773
and 1779.
Albert B. Randall (1879-1945) Ship captain and Commodore of United
States Lines. b. Sept. 11, 1879 in Brookhaven, L.I., N.Y. He began as a seaman
in sailing vessels and was promoted through grades, receiving his master
mariner's license in 1905 and his first command in 1907. Among his ships were
the Republic, George Washington, Leviathan and Manhattan. Made commodore in
1931, and retired because of age limit in 1939. During WWII he was rear
admiral in Naval reserve, and was assigned to the War Shipping Adm. Mason and
Knight Templar. d. Dec. 1, 1945.
Alexander W. Randall (1819-1872) U.S. Postmaster General, 1866-69;
Governor of Wisconsin, 1857-61; U.S. Minister to Italy, 1861-62. b. Oct. 31,
1819 in Ames, N.Y. Began law practice in Waukesha, Wis. in 1840; became
postmaster of that city and was a member of the convention that framed the
state constitution. President Lincoln dissuaded him from entering the Army in
the Civil War, and instead, made him minister to Italy. Member of Waukesha
Lodge No. 37, Waukesha. In 1864 he was orator of Hermes Senate No. 1, Ancient
and Primitive Rite of Freemasonry, in Washington, D.C. d. July 25, 1872.
George M. Randall (1810-1873) Protestant Episcopal Bishop of
Colorado, 1865-73. b. Nov. 23, 1810 in Warren, R.I. Graduate of Brown in 1835,
and of Episcopal Theo. Seminary, N.Y., in 1838. Ordained both deacon and
priest in 1839. He held charges at Fall River and Boston, Mass. For many years
he was the editor of The Christian Witness and Church Advocate and published
many tracts, including Why I Am a Churchman and Observations in Confirmation.
He was raised in Washington Lodge No. 3, Warren, R.I., and was grand master of
the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts from 1852-54. d. Sept. 28, 1873 in Denver,
Samuel J. Randall (1828-1890) Speaker of U.S. House of
Representatives, 44th through 46th Congresses, 1876-81. b. Oct. 10, 1828 in
Philadelphia, Pa. Engaged in mercantile pursuits, and was a member of the
state senate in 1858-59. Served with First Troop of Philadelphia in 1861, and
promoted to captain in 1863. Served in Congress from Pa. from 1863-90. Raised
in Montgomery Lodge No. 19, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 1, 1864. d. April 13,
Andrew L. Randell (1880-1931) Masonic editor and orator. b. Aug.
15, 1880 in Denison, Texas. Received degrees from Princeton, U. of Texas, and
Daniel Baker Coll. He was a lawyer and noted orator. Raised in Travis Lodge
No. 117, Sherman, Texas, he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Texas in
1921. He was the father of Little Masonic Library and National Masonic Library
as well as The Master Mason magazine. From 1923-28 he was executive secretary
of the Masonic Service Association. d. March 14, 1931.
Beverley Randolph (1755-1797) Governor of Virginia, 1788,
succeeding his relative Edmund Randolph, q.v., in that office. b. in
Chatsworth, Heroic() Co., Pa. in 1755. He was a graduate of William and Mary
Coll. During the Revolution, he was a member of the assembly of Va. and
actively supported all measures for American independence. In 1787 he was
chosen president of the executive council of Va. He received his degrees in
Williamsburg Lodge. No. 6, Williamsburg, Va. Date of E.A. degree not known,
but received F.C. on Aug. 3 and M.M. on Oct. 15, 1773 (original minutes in
Library of Congress). He was fined 1 shilling, 3 pence on Sept 7, 1773 for
absence. In 1791 he is listed in its manuscript returns as a member of
Botentourt Lodge. d. 1797.
Edmund Randolph (1753-1813) U.S. Attorney General, 1789-94; U.S.
Secretary of State, 1794-95; Aide-de Camp to Washington, 1775-76; Member of
Continental Congress, 1779-82; Governor of Virginia, 1786-88; Delegate to
Constitutional Convention, 1787. b. Aug. 10, 1753 in Williamsburg, Va. A
distinguished student at William and Mary Coll., he studied law with his
father (John). He was a nephew of Peyton Randolph, q.v., and grandson of Sir
John Randolph. He was first attorney general of Virginia under the new
constitution. In 1779 he was elected to congress but resigned. In 1780 he was
reelected and remained in congress two years. As a member of the
Constitutional Convention of 1787, and leader of the Va. delegation, he
proposed his own idea of a constitution, which was not discovered until 1887
in the papers of George Mason. He was a counsel for Aaron Burr on his trial
for treason at Rishmond, and wrote History of Virginia. He was not in favor of
the constitution as adopted and refused to sign it. A member of Williamsburg
Lodge No. 6 of Williamsburg, Va. (later Richmond No. 10), he was proposed,
March 1, 1774, and received his degrees, March 29, April 2, and May 28, 1774
(original minutes in Library of Congress). On June 24, 1777 he withdrew from
the lodge to become charter master of Jerusalem Lodge No. 54. He was deputy
grand master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia in 1784, and grand master from Oct
27,1786 to Oct. 28, 1788. d. Sept. 12, 1813.
Hollins N. Randolph (1872-1938) Lawyer. b. Feb. 25, 1872 at "Dunlora,"
Albemarle Co., Va. A graduate of U. of Virginia in 1895, he began law practice
at Atlanta, Ga., and in the Southeast in 1896. Served as counsel for many
banking, railroad, and business interests. Was counsel for Pres. Tinoco of
Costa Rica to secure recognition by U.S.; special counsel for Wm. Randolph
Hearst in the South; counsel for Boulder dam development, Cape Cod (Mass.)
Canal, and attorney for R.F.C. at Washintgon, D.C. He was a member of the
Thomas Jefferson Memorial Commission, 1935, and life president of the Stone
Mountain Memorial Assn. He was the author of the Congressional act directing
five million Stone Mountain memorial coins to be minted. Received degrees on
June 6, 1905, Feb. 5, 1907 and Feb. 19, 1907 in Georgia Lodge No. 96, Atlanta.
d. April 29, 1938.
Peyton Randolph (1721-1775) First President of the Continental
Congress and last Provincial Grand Master of Virginia. b. in Williamsburg, Va.
in 1721, the son of Sir John Randolph. A graduate of William and Mary Coll.
and student of law at the Inner Temple, London, he was appointed Kings's
attorney for Va. in 1748. He served in the Va. house of burgesses from 1748-49
and 1752-75. When trouble with England threatened, he was a member of the
committee of correspondence, 1759-67, and chairman of the committee in 1773.
He was a close friend of Washington, and married the sister of Benjamin
Harrison, governor of Va. His original Masonic affiliation is unknown. He was
named as master of the lodge at Williamsburg, Va. (No. 6) in a warrant from
Lord Petrie, grand master of the Grand Lodge of England, dated Nov. 6, 1773.
He was present at this lodge on July 5, 1774 as provincial grand master. d.
Oct. 22, 1775, while attending the Constitutional Convention.
Theodore F. Randolph (1816-1883) U.S. Senator from New Jersey,
187480; Governor of New Jersey, 1868-72. b. June 24, 1816, in New Brunswick,
N.J. Entered mercantile career at age of 16. Settled in Vicksburg, Miss. about
1840, where he married a granddaughter of Chief Justice Marshall. Returned to
N.J. in 1850, residing first in Hudson Co. and later in Morristown. Member of
state legislature in 1859-60, and state senator, 1861-65. As governor, on July
11, 1871, the day preceding the Orange riot in N.Y.C., he issued a
proclamation insuring the right to parade to the Orangemen of N.J. He secured
patents for several inventions, including a "ditcher," and an application of
steam to typewriters. He was raised in Varick Lodge No. 31, Jersey City, N.J.
on Oct. 18, 1854 and was master of the lodge, 1856-57. On March 4, 1875 he
affiliated with Lodge of the Temple No. 110, Jersey City. From 1879-83 he was
grand representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland. d. Nov. 7, 1883.
Thomas Jefferson Randolph (17921875) Financier, and as favorite
grandson of Jefferson, was executor of his estate. b. Sept. 12, 1792 at
Monticello, Va., the son of Thomas Mann Randolph, q.v. His grandfather
described him as "the staff of his old age," and after Jefferson's death, his
debts to the extent of $40,000 were paid by Randolph. He also supported and
educated his brothers and sisters. As literary executor of Jefferson, he
published Life and Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson in 1829. He served in
the Va. legislature, and was an expert on monetary matters. He was rector of
the U. of Virginia for seven years, and served on the board of visitors for 31
years. Member of Door to Virtue Lodge No. 44, Albemarle Co., Va. d. Oct. 8,
1875 and was buried at Monticello.
Thomas Mann Randolph (1768-1828) Governor of Virginia, 1819-21. b.
Oct. 1, 1768 at Tuckahoe, Va. Attended Edinburgh U. where he formed a
scientific society, of which Thomas Jefferson was elected an honorary member.
Jefferson acknowledged the letter and wrote him several letters of advice,
having been a close friend of his father's. He married Jefferson's daughter,
Martha, in 1790 and they lived at Monticello. He served in Congress from Va.
from 1803-07, and while in Washington, lived in the White House with
Jefferson. He served in the War of 1812 as a captain in the 20th Infantry.
Member of Door to Virtue Lodge No. 44 in Albemarle Co., Va. Was the father of
Thomas Jefferson Randolph, q.v. d. June 20, 1828 at Monticello.
Jackson A. Raney President of Kiwanis International in 1955.
Graduate of Franklin Coll. and Butler U. (Ind.). Superintendent of Indiana
School for Deaf at Indianapolis. Member of Versailles Lodge (Ind.) No. 7 and
AASR officer.
Robert J. Rankin Editor of The Halifax (N.S.) Herald. b. Aug. 7,
1896 in Chatham, Ont., Canada. He has been managing editor of the newspaper
since 1927 and is director of same. President of The Canadian Press and
chairman of Port of Halifax Commission. Served in WWI, 1914-18, as signals
officer in Canadian Army. He is presently vice chairman of the National
Harbours Board at Ottawa. Initiated in Windsor (Ont.) Lodge No. 403, and in
1943 dimitted to St. Andrew's Lodge No. 1, Halifax, N.S. 33° AASR at Halifax
and 1st general of the Nova Scotia Consistory. Member of Philae Shrine Temple.
Harry C. Ransley (1863-1941) U.S. Congressman to 66th through
72nd, 1921-33, and 73rd and 74th Congresses, 1933-37, from 1st and 3rd Pa.
dists. b. Feb. 5, 1863 in Philadelphia. Member of Dunlap, Mellor & Co., oils
and naval stores at Philadelphia from 1899. Served two terms in lower house,
state legislature, and was on select council of Philadelphia for 16 years. Was
sheriff of Philadelphia Co., 1916-20. Member of Meridian Sun Lodge No. 158,
Philadelphia, receiving degrees on May 2, Sept. 5, Oct. 31, 1893. d. Nov. 5,
Matthew W. Ransom (1826-1904) U.S. Senator from North Carolina,
1872-95; U.S. Minister to Mexico, 189597. b. Oct. 8, 1826 in Warren Co., N.
Car. Graduate of U. of North Carolina in 1847, studied law and began practice
at Warrenton, N. Car. Was attorney general of state, 185255, and member of
lower house, 185860. He entered the Confederate Army as a private in 1861 and
served throughout the Civil War, attaining the rank of major general. He
received his first two degrees in Johnson-Caswell Lodge No. 10, Warrenton, N.
Car. about 1850, and was carried on the rolls until 1856. The lodge itself
disappeared in 1858. It was resuscitated in 1902 and he was given his third
degree shortly thereafter. d. Oct. 8, 1904.
Thomas E. G. Ransom (1834-1864) Union Major General in Civil War.
b. Nov. 29, 1834 in Norwich, Vt. His father, a colonel in the Mexican War, was
killed at Chapultepec. Educated in Norwich 1J. and became a civil engineer.
Moved to Illinois in 1851, where he engaged in business. Entered service as a
lieutenant-colonel of the 11th Ill. Inf., and was wounded leading a charge at
Charleston, Mo. in Aug., 1861. Participated in assault on Fort Henry, and led
his regiment in assault on Fort Donelson, where he was again severely wounded.
Pro-moted to colonel for bravery, at Shiloh he was again wounded. Served as
chief of staff to Gen. John A. McClernand and inspector general of Army of
Tennessee, and subsequently on staff of Gen. Grant. Made brigadier general in
1863. Was in Battle of Vicksburg and headed a division in the Red River
Campaign. At Battle of Sabine Cross-Roads received another wound from which he
never recovered. Commanded 17th corps at Atlanta, and was breveted major
general in 1864. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 13, Peru, Ill. Knighted in
Ottawa Commandery No. 10, Ottawa, Ill. on July 23, 1864. d. Oct. 29, 1864.
Mario Rapisardi (1844-1912) Italian poet and literary opponent of
Carducci. As a professor in Catania, he wrote a poetic history of humanity
called Luzifero. Also wrote Giobbe and Atlantide. He was a Mason (as was
Carducci) and a chapter of the higher degrees is named after him.
Maxmillian A. R. Rasko Artist, b. June 13, 1883 in Budapest,
Hungary. He studied there as well as Munich, Dresden, Paris, Vienna, and Rome.
Became a famous portrait artist in London and New York. Among his subjects
have been three presidents (Wilson, Harding, Coolidge), a czar of Bulgaria and
king of Portugal. Member of Ehlers Lodge No. 953, N.Y.C., he was master of his
lodge in 1953.
Francois Ras pail (1794-1878) French scientist and politician. He
was involved in revolutionary activities in 1830 and again in 1848. In the
latter year he was arrested and banished from the country, but returned to
France in 1859 after a general amnesty. Among his books are Monoire sur les
Graminees, Nouveau Systeme de Chimie Organique and Nouvelles Etudes
Scientifiques. He was a member of the lodge Les Amis Reunis of the Grand
Orient of France and served as its grand orator for many years.
Henry R. Rathbone (1870-1928) U.S. Congressman to 68th through
70th Congresses, 1923-29, from Ill. b. Feb. 12, 1870 in Washington, D.C. His
father and mother were in the box at Ford's Theatre with President Lincoln
when the later was assassinated. Graduate of Yale in 1892 and U. of Wisconsin
in 1894. Began law practice in Chicago in 1895. Member of Kenwood Lodge No.
800, Chicago, and both York and Scottish rites. d. July 15, 1928.
Payne H. Ratner Governor of Kansas, 1939-42. b. Oct. 3, 1896 in
Casey, Ill. Graduate of Kemper Military School (Mo.) and Washington U. (St.
Louis). Admitted to bar in 1920, and was in general practice at Parsons until
1939. He was county attorney of Labette Co. and state senator from same.
Raised May 30, 1940 in Siloam Lodge No. 225, Topeka. Knight Templar, Shriner,
and received 32° AASR (SJ) at Topeka, Nov. 6, 1940.
Francis Rawdon (see 2nd Earl of Moira).
John A. Rawlins (1831-1869) Union Major General in Civil War;
Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, 1865; U.S. Secretary of War, 1869. b. Feb. 13, 1831
in East Galena, Ill. Studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1854,
practicing at Galena. It was after listening to a speech by Rawlins that U. S.
Grant offered his services to the country, and when given command of a brigade
on Aug. 7, 1861, offered the post of aide-de-camp to Rawlins. He was
constantly with Grant from that time until the end of the war, and although he
had never seen a company of uniformed soldiers, became a top-ranking military
expert, and the closest confidant of Grant. Became a member of Miners Lodge
No.273, Galena, Ill., July 26, 1865. d. Sept. 9, 1869.
Richard Rawlinson (1689-1755) English scholar and Fellow of the
Royal Society. b. in London in 1689, he was noted for his large and valuable
collections of old manuscripts and books on Freemasonry. His Masonic
literature is now deposited in the Bodleian Library of Oxford. He was
initiated about 1726, his name appearing in rosters of four London lodges; was
grand steward in 1734. He was consecrated a nonjuring bishop of the Church of
England on March 25, 1728. d. April 6, 1755.
Albert L. Rawson (1828-1902) Artist, author, scholar and one of
the founders of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine.
b. Oct. 15, 1828 in Chester, Vt. Received D.D. and LL.D. at Christ Coll.,
Oxford, England; M.D. from the Sorbonne, Paris. Studied law under Wm. H.
Seward, q.v., medicine under Prof. Webster of Mass. Medical Coll., and
theology under "Elder" Graves. He made several visits to the Orient, and on a
pilgrimage from Cairo to Mecca with the annual caravan, disguised as a
Mohammedan medical student. He traveled in Yucatan and in Hudson's Bay region.
He was adopted as a brother by Adwan Bedouins of Moab; initiated by the Druses
on Mt. Lebanon; was one of the two founders of the Shrine and one of the four
founders of the Theosophical Society in the U.S. at one time he was alderman
for the 15th ward in N.Y.C. As a painter, he painted portraits of Queen
Victoria, Louis Napoleon, Empress Eugenie, and many others. He illustrated
Beechers', Deem's, and Crosby's books on the life of Christ as well as many
other books. Among his books are Divine Origin of the Holy Bible; Stella and
Other Novels; Vocabularies and Dictionaries of Arabic, Persian and Turkish;
Bible Handbook; Ruins and Relics of the Orient; Antiquities of the Orient;
Scarlet Book of Freemasonry; History of All Religions; History of Quakers;
History of Protestantism, etc., and also rituals for many secret societies. He
was general for life in the Society of Rosy Cross; 32° AASR and had received
the 95 degrees of the Rite of Memphis. d. 1902.
Sir Harry Holdsworth Rawson British Admiral and Governor of New
South Wales, 1906-09. He served as grand master of the United Grand Lodge of
New South Wales at same time he was governor.
James B. Ray (1794-1848) Governor of Indiana, 1825-31. b. Feb. 19,
1794 in Jefferson Co., Ky. After studying law in Cincinnati, he began law
practice in Brookville, Ind. In 1822 he was elected to the legislature, where
he frequently served as president pro tempore. In 1826 he was appointed U.S.
commissioner with Lewis Cass, q.v., and John Tipton, q.v., to treat with the
Miami and Pottawattamie Indians for the purchase of lands in Indiana. In his
later years he became very eccentric. He was a member of Brookville-Harmony
Lodge No. 11, Brookville, Ind. and at one time was secretary of the lodge. d.
Aug. 4, 1848.
John J. Ray (1845-1952) World's oldest Freemason. b. Sept. 2, 1845
in Orange Co., N. Car., he went to Texas in a covered wagon. He was initiated
March 7, 1868 in Gravel Hill, Tenn. He was past grand master of the Grand
Council, R. & S.M. of Texas and was active in York Rite Masonry until a short
time before his death. On the eve of his 100th birthday he conferred a chapter
degree, and on Sept. 1, 1945 the Grand Chapter R.A.M. of Texas called a
special convocation in his honor. At the time of his death on May 7, 1952, he
was 106 years old and had been a Mason for 84 years.
Sam Rayburn Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives in
77th-79th, 81st, 82nd, 84th-86th Congresses and Democratic majority leader of
the 75th-77th Congresses. b. Jan. 6, 1882 in Roane Co., Tenn. Graduate of East
Texas Coll. and studied law at U. of Texas. Began law practice in Bonham,
Texas. He was a member of the Texas lower house 6 years and speaker of same
for two years. He received the Entered Apprentice degree only, Aug. 7, 1922,
in Constantine Lodge No. 13, Bonham, Texas.
Edward A. Raymond (1791-1864) Grand Commander of the Northern
Supreme Council AASR; Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts,
1848-51; Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Massachusetts;
Grand Master of the Grand Encampment, K.T. of Massachusetts. b. Feb. 6, 1791
in Holden, Mass. He became a Mason, Jan. 15, 1816, in Amicable Lodge of
Cambridge, Mass.; admitted a member of Saint Johns Lodge, Boston, April 2,
1836; on Nov. 24, 1843, affiliated with Massachusetts Lodge. He was a man of
considerable wealth. d. Aug. 4, 1864.
Fred M. Raymond (1876-1946) Federal Judge, Western District of
Michigan from 1925. b. March 22, 1876 in Ottawa Co., Mich. Admitted to the bar
in 1899 and practiced at Grand Rapids, Mich. Received degrees in Berlin Lodge
No. 248, Marne, Mich., Sept. 22, Oct. 13, Nov. 10, 1900. Affiliated with York
Lodge No. 410, Grand Rapids, Mich. on Aug. 27, 1915, becoming a life member
April 7, 1941. Received 33° AASR (NJ) and was a Shriner. d. Feb. 6, 1946.
Harry H. Raymond (1864-1935) Steamship executive. b. Dec. 16, 1864
in Yarmouth, N.S., Canada, coming to the U.S. in 1884, and naturalized in
1892. He was with Mallory Steamship Co. from 1885, and was president of same
in 1914, and afterward chairman of the board. He was also chairman of the
board of the Clyde Steamship Co., Puerto Rico Steamship Co., and Cuba Mail
Steamship Co. President of Colombian Steamship Co. and director of Eastern
Steamship Lines. Member of Montauk Lodge No. 286, Brooklyn, N.Y., receiving
degrees on Oct. 11, 25, Nov. 8, 1905. d. Dec. 27, 1935.
Maurice Raymond (1879-1948) Magician, known as "The Great
Raymond." b. May 30, 1879 at Akron, Ohio. Made many world tours and appeared
before such crowned heads as King Edward VII, King George V, King of Siam,
King of Italy, Czar of Russia, Mikado of Japan, Emperor of China, and was
court illusionist to King Alfonso XIII of Spain. His membership in Freemasonry
was likewise world-wide. He was a member of Perseverance Lodge No. 338,
Bombay, India, Royal Arch chapter in Calcutta, Royal and Select council and
Cornmandery, K.T. in Balboa, Canal Zone, and the 32° AASR (SJ), at Los
Angeles, April 13, 1932. Shriner. d. Jan. 27, 1948.
Robert, 2nd Lord Raymond Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
England (Moderns) in 1739.
Isador Rayner (1850-1912) U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative
from Maryland. b. April 11, 1850 in Baltimore. Graduate of U. of Virginia in
1869, and admitted to bar in 1871, practicing at Baltimore. Member of state
senate, 1884-86, resigning to become U.S. congressman, 1887-89 and 1891-95.
Was attorney general of Maryland, 1899-1903, and U.S. Senator, 1905-12. Member
of Mystic Circle Lodge No. 109, Baltimore, Md. d. Nov. 25, 1912.
Kenneth Rayner (1808-1884) U.S. Congressman to 26th through 28th
Congresses, 1839-45, from N. Car. b. June 20, 1808 in Bertie Co., N. Car.
Attended Tarborough Academy, studied law, and was admitted to the barin 1829.
He then moved to Hertford Co., where he practiced. Member of state
constitutional convention in 1835, and served five terms in state house of
commons. Served in state senate in 1854. Member of American George Lodge No.
17 at Murfreesboro, N.C.; was a delegate to the Washington Masonic Convention
in 1842. d. March 4, 1884.
George Read (1733-1798) Signer of Declaration of Independence and
the Constitution. First U.S. Senator from Delaware. b. Sept. 17, 1733 in Cecil
Co., Md. Admitted to the bar at age of 19 in Philadelphia, moving to
Newcastle, Del. in 1754. He was attorney general of Kent, Delaware, and Sussex
counties in 1763-64, resigning to become a member of the first congress at
Philadelphia. Was president of the first naval committee in 1775; of the
Constitutional Convention in 1776; author of the first constitution of
Delaware. He was one of the two men who signed the three great state papers
that underlie the foundations of our government-the original petition of the
1st congress to the king, the Declaration, and the Constitution. He was U.S.
senator from Delaware for two terms, 1789-93, resigning to become chief
justice of Delaware. His Masonic membership has not been definitely
established. There is a record in Philadelphia of a George Read being admitted
a member of Lodge No. 3 on Dec. 7, 1782. A dues ledger is also shown for him.
He was admitted as a member of Lodge No. 33, New Castle, Del., Feb. 2, 1792,
and his dues record is complete to Dec., 1798, with notation at that time of
six years and nine months membership. Since he died Sept. 21, 1798, this would
seem to be the Signer. His son, George Read, Jr., q.v., was deputy grand
master of the Grand Lodge of Delaware, and his grandson, John M. Read, q.v.,
became grand master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. d. Sept. 21, 1798.
George Read, Jr. Son of George Read, q.v., the Signer. Served as
U.S. district attorney of Delaware for 30 years. Was a member of Lodge No. 14
at Wilmington (under Pa.), later dimitting to Lodge No. 33 at New Castle. He
was master of St. John's Lodge No. 2 under the Grand Lodge of Delaware. In
Nov., 1823, he delivered an oration before Union Lodge No. 5 (Del.) Was deputy
grand master of the Grand Lodge of Delaware in 1813. His son, William T. Read,
q.v., became grand master of the Grand Lodge of Delaware in 1850-51.
John Meredith Read (1797-1874) Chief Justice of Pennsylvania,
186074. b. July 21, 1797 in Philadelphia, the grandson of Signer George Read,
q.v. Graduate of U. of Pennsylvania in 1812 and admitted to the bar in 1818.
Member of Pa. legislature in 1822-23; U.S. district attorney for Eastern Pa.,
1837-44. In 1860 he was a leading contender for Republican presidential
nomination. The friends of Lincoln were prepared to back him for president and
Lincoln for vice president, but local Pa. politics upset this ticket. Received
degrees in Franklin Lodge No. 134, Philadelphia on Dec. 15, 1821, Jan. 9, June
15, 1822. Dimitted to Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia on Nov. 30, 1835. Was grand
master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in 1836-37. d. Nov. 29, 1874.
John Meredith Read, Jr. (18371896) Diplomat. b. Feb. 21, 1837 in
Philadelphia. His father of the same name, q.v., was chief justice of the
supreme court of Pa., and his great grandfather, George Read, q.v., was a
signer of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Graduate of
Brown U. and Albany Law School, he studied international law in Europe. He
moved to Albany, N.Y. and was adjutant general of that state in 1860-66. Was
cited for his ability in organizing, equipping and forwarding troops for the
Civil War. He was the first U.S. consul-general for France and Algeria in
1869-73, and acting consul-general for Germany during the Franco-German War.
In 1873 he was appointed U.S. minister resident in Greece, serving until 1879.
Member of St. John's Lodge No. 1, Providence, RI., receiving degrees on May 5,
12, June 21, 1858. Received the 33° AASR in Greece in 1878.
William T. Read (1792-1873) Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Delaware in 1850-51. b. Aug. 22, 1792, the son of George Read, Jr., qv. and
grandson of George Read, q.v., the Signer. He wrote Life and Correspondence of
George Read in 1870. He was a lawyer, state senator and secretary of the
legation of the U.S. in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Graduate of Princeton and
admitted to bar in 1813. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 2, at New Castle, Del.
in 1813 and master in 1816, 1822, 1823. Withdrew to form Jefferson Lodge No.
15 on June 27, 1825 and was charter master. Due to the Morgan incident, St.
John's Lodge and Jefferson Lodge both became inactive. Upon the revival of St.
John's on June 27, 1848, he became master again. He was grand secretary of the
Grand Lodge of Delaware, 1824-29 and served in other offices of the grand
lodge line before becoming grand master. d. Jan. 27, 1873.
John H. Reagan (1818-1905) U.S. Senator and U.S. Congressman from
Texas. b. Oct. 8, 1818 in Sevierville, Tenn. Attended common schools and
private academies. Joined the Army and participated in the campaigns against
the Cherokees. He was deputy surveyor of public lands from 183943; studied law
and was admitted to the bar in 1846, and practiced in Buffalo and Palestine,
Texas. Was a member of the state house of representatives, 1847-49; judge of
the district court, 1852-57. He served in the 35th and 36th U.S. congresses,
1857-61, and in 1861 was elected to the secession convention of Texas. He was
deputy to the provisional congress of the Confederacy, and was appointed
postmaster-general of the Confederacy in 1861, serving in that capacity until
the close of the war. He was also acting secretary of the treasury of the
Confederacy for a short time preceding the close of the war. In 1875 he was a
member of the state constitutional convention. He was elected to the 44th-49th
congresses and had been elected to the 50th, but resigned to become U.S.
senator. He served in the senate from 1887 until he resigned in 1891. He was
initiated in Austin Lodge No. 12, Austin, Texas, and later affiliated with
Palestine Lodge No. 31, Palestine, Texas, and served as its master. When
Palestine Commandery No. 3, K.T. of Palestine, Texas was organized on June 8,
1853, the orders were conferred upon Reagan. Sam Houston was present and
participated in the organization and the conferring of the orders. Reagan is
recorded as having delivered an address before Washington Commandery No. 1,
Washington, D.C. in 1879. d. March 6, 1905.
Alfred E. Reames (1870-1943) U.S. Senator from Oregon, Feb. 1 to
Nov. 8, 1938. b. Feb. 5, 1870 in Jacksonville, Oreg. Attended U. of the
Pacific (Calif.) and U. of Oregon. Graduated in law from Washington and Lee U.
(Va.) in 1893, and began practice of law in Eugene, Oreg. He later practiced
in Portland, Medford, and Jacksonville. He was also engaged in mining. He was
appointed to the U.S. senate to fill a vacancy, and was not a candidate for
reelection. Member of Warren Lodge No. 10, (Oreg.) receiving degrees on June
11, July 9, Aug. 31, 1892. d. March 4, 1943.
Ellsworth Reamon President of the Universalist Church of
Americasince 1943. b. July 6, 1895 in Fort Plain, N.Y. Holds three degrees
from St. Lawrence U., Canton, N.Y. Held pastorates in Minneapolis, Minn.,
1921-27; Lansing, Mich., 1927-32; and Syracuse, N.Y. from 1932. Was president
of the National Young People's Christian Union, 1923-26. Mason.
Frazier Reams U.S. Congressman to 82nd-83rd Congresses from 9th
Ohio dist. b. Jan. 15, 1897 in Franklin, Tenn. Graduate of U. of Tennessee in
1919 and Vanderbilt U. in 1922. Admitted to Ohio bar in 1922, and since
practiced in Toledo. Has been president and director of The Community
Broadcasting Co. (WTOL) since 1937, and president of the American Bank, Port
Clinton, Ohio, 1947-48. Was U.S. collector of internal revenue, 1942-43, and
director of public welfare of Ohio in 1945-46. Affiliated with Pyramid Lodge
No. 701, Toledo, Ohio on May 10, 1926 from Lodge No. 686 of Tenn. Shriner.
Charles F. Reavis (1870-1932) U.S. Congressman to 64th-67th
Congresses, 1915-22, from Nebraska. b. Sept. 5, 1870 in Falls City, Nebr.
Attended Northwestern U., studied law and admitted to the bar in 1892,
practicing at Falls City, Nebr. until 1924, when he moved to Lincoln. Member
of Falls City Lodge No. 9 and Eureka Chapter No. 5, R.A.M. of Falls City,
Nebr. Suspended in both prior to death on May 26, 1932.
Emmanuel Rebold French physician and deputy to the Grand Orient of
France. He was the author of A General History of Freemasonry, which was
translated from French to English.
Milton A. Reckord Major General and Adjutant General of Maryland.
b. Dec. 28, 1879 in Harford Co., Md. He enlisted in the National Guard in
1901, advancing through grades to brigadier general in 1924 and major
general•in 1934. Was in Federal service in WWI. In WWII he assumed command of
the 29th Division, training at Ft. George G. Meade, Md. He was provost marshal
general of the European Theater, 1943-45; commanding general of 3rd Corps
Area, and on duty in office of chief of staff, Washington, D.C. from June
until Nov., 1945, when he retired from active duty. Adjutant general of
Maryland since Nov., 1945. Initiated Feb. 23, 1904 in Mt. Ararat Lodge No. 44,
Bel Air, Md. and suspended NPD, Jan. 4, 1944.
Anton P. Reclam (1807-1896) Famous publisher of Leipzig, Germany.
His internationally know "Reclam Books" are still in print. He opened his
printing plant in 1839 to bring good books at low prices to his readers. In
1867 he formed the "Universal Library." He joined the lodge Minerva zu den
Three Palmen in Leipzig and later founded the lodge Phaenig in the same city.
He was active Masonically until the last days of his life.
Jean J. Elisee Reclus (1830-1905) French geographer and author of
many books on travel including The World, and Universal Geography. Bulletin of
the International Masonic Congress of 1917 lists him as a Freemason.
Red Jacket (1751-1830) Seneca Indian Chief. A contemporary of
Joseph Brant, q.v., and after Brant's death, the most important chief of the
Six Nations. Before his elevation to chieftainship of the Wolf clan his name
was Otetiani, meaning "prepared." On his advancement he was named Sagoyewatha,
or "he who keeps them awake." He was famed as an orator and was champion of
the Indian tribal customs, langtiage, dress, and religion. He was particularly
antagonistic to missionaries and the Christian religion. Chief Brant had only
contempt for Red Jacket, and named him "cow killer." Chief Corn-planter called
him a coward. In the Revolutionary War, he sided with the British who gave him
a red coat, from which was derived his English name. In the War of 1812 he
sided with the United States. Washington presented him with a medal. His
Masonic membership has never been established, but it is thought he was an
Entered Apprentice, being initiated in an army lodge—possibly British. This is
the opinion held by the late Dr. Arthur C. Parker, q.v., whose grandfather,
Nicholson H. Parker was a grandnephew of Red Jacket. Red Jacket owned a silver
Masonic medal which passed down through his family. General Ely S. Parker,
q.v., grandnephew of Red Jacket, who inherited his tribal honors as chief,
also believed that his illustrious ancestor was a Freemason. d. Jan. 30, 1830
at Seneca Village, N.Y.
B. Carroll Reece U.S. Congressman to 67th-71st Congresses,
1921-31; 73rd-79th Congresses, 1933-47, and 82nd-86th Congresses, 1953-61,
from 1st Tenn. dist.; chairman of the Republican National Committee, 1946-49.
b. Dec. 22, 1889 in Butler, Tenn. Attended Carson and Newman Coll., New York
U., and U. of London. Was instructor of economics and director of the school
of commerce at New York U., 1916-20. Is chairman of board of several Tenn.
banks and publisher of the Bristol (Tenn.) Herald. Served as an Infantry
officer in WWI overseas; decorated with D.S.C. and D.S.M. Regent of the
Smithsonian Institution. Member of Roan Creek Lodge No. 679, Butler, Tenn.;
Thomas E. Matson Chapter No. 131, R.A.M., and Watauga Commandery No. 25, K.T.,
both of Johnson City; 32° AASR (SJ) at Memphis, and Kerbela Shrine Temple at
Chauncey W. Reed (1890-1956) U.S. Congressman to 74th-84th
Congresses from 14th dist. b. June 2, 1890 in West Chicago, Ill. Student at
Northwestern U. and graduate of Webster Coll. of Law in 1915. Practiced law at
Wheaton, 1:11. Served as sergeant in Army during WWI. Raised March 7, 1914 in
Amity Lodge No. 472, West Chicago, III. and later a member of Euclid Lodge No.
65 at Naperville, Ill. d. Feb. 9, 1956.
Daniel A. Reed (1875-1959) U.S. Congressman to 66th-80th
Congresses, 1919-48, and 82nd-85th Congresses, 1951-58, from 43rd N.Y. dist.
b. Sept. 15, 1875 in Sheridan, N.Y. Graduate of Cornell U. in 1898, and began
law practice at Dunkirk, N.Y. Member of Irondequoit Lodge No. 301, Dunkirk,
N.Y. receiving degrees on April 18, May 2, 23, 1902. d. Feb. 19, 1959.
David A. Reed (1880-1953) U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 1922-35.
b. Dec. 21, 1880 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Graduate of Princeton U. in 1900. Served
in Field Artillery as a major in WWI. Member of American Battle Monuments
Commission, 1923-48. Member of .Fellowship Lodge No. 679, Pittsburgh,
receiving degrees on May 4, June 3, July 15, 1915. Also a Royal Arch Mason. d.
Feb. 13, 1953.
Earl H. Reed (1863-1931) Artist. b. July 5, 1863 in Geneva, Ill.
Exhibited in Paris and principal cities of U.S. His etchings are in the
permanent collections of the Congressional Library, Washington, D.C.; New York
Public Library; Toledo Museum of Art; Detroit Museum of Art; Art Institute of
Chicago; St. Louis Museum of Art. Mason. d. July 9, 1931.
Franklin H. Reed (1880-1931) Philanthropist. b. Jan. 20, 1880 in
Geneva, Ind. Practiced law at Morris, Ill., 1902-05, and at Wewoka, Indian
Territory (Okla.), 1905-17. After 1917 he devoted his time to personal
investments, owning extensive tracts of oil producing land in Oklahoma. He was
the donor of wading pools for children in many cities of Oklahoma, Kansas and
Missouri. Parks named in his honor are at Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Sapulpa and
Grandfield, Okla. Affiliated with Delta Lodge No. 425, Tulsa, Okla. on Dec.
18, 1917 and dimitted Oct. 9, 1924. d. Oct. 9, 1931.
Henry M. Reed (1880-1947) President and chairman of board of
American Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corp. from 1930. b. Sept. 16, 1880 in
Milvale, Pa. Began with Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co. in 1902 as an enamel mixer.
Member of Bellevue Lodge No. 530, Bellevue, Pa., receiving degrees on Feb. 15,
March 15 and April 26, 1909. 32° AASR (NJ), Shriner and Jester. d. Aug. 12,
Henry M. Reed, Jr. President of General Plywood Corp., Louisville,
1953-56; president of Show Pieces, Inc.; Satin Surfaces, Inc., and D. A. Clark
Veneers, Ltd. b. Sept. 17, 1903 in Pittsburgh. Graduate of U. of Pittsburgh in
1926. Employed by the American Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corp. from
1926-53, becoming vice president and general manager of manufacturing. Mason.
James A. Reed (1861-1944) U.S. Senator from Missouri, 1911-28. b.
Nov. 9, 1861 on a farm near Mansfield, Ohio, moving with parents to Cedar
Rapids, Iowa in 1864. Attended Coe Coll., Cedar Rapids, studied law and began
practice in Cedar Rapids in 1885, moving to Kansas City, Mo. in 1887. Was
mayor of Kansas City, 1900-04. Was not a candidate for reelection to senate in
1928, resuming law practice in Kansas City. He received only two degrees in
Temple Lodge No. 299, Kansas City; Entered Apprentice, Dec. 11, 1909, and
Fellow-craft, Dec. 20, 1910. He was prevented from advancing by objections
originating in Iowa. d. Sept. 8, 1944.
James B. Reed (1881-1935) U.S. Congressman to 68th-70th
Congresses, 1923-29, from 6th Ark. Dist. b. Jan. 2, 1881, near Lonoke, Ark.
Was a public school teacher, prosecuting attorney, and served in state house
of representatives in 1907. Raised in Lonoke Lodge No. 51, Lonoke, Ark. on
July 20, 1909. Suspended NPD, Aug. 12, 1930. d. April 27, 1935.
James Frazier Reed (1800-1874) Organizer of the ill-fated Reed-Donner
Party. b. Nov. 14, 1800 in Armagh, Ireland. Brought to America as a small boy,
living first in Va., and in 1831 moving to Illinois. First settled at Galena
but later moved to Springfield, where he became a leading citizen, merchant,
furniture manufacturer and farmer. He became interested in Fremont's
exploration of Calif. and joined with his neighbors, George and Jacob Donner,
to form a party to migrate to Calif. They left Springfield April 15, 1846 and
joined a larger party at Independence, Mo., leaving there on May 11. His
party, with others, attempted a short cut across the salt desert, but lost a
full month and nearly died of thirst. Here Reed killed a desert-maddened
teamster, John Snyder, in self defense. For this he was banished from the
party without weapons and with very little food. His stepdaughter, Virginia,
slipped out of camp at night and took his rifle to him, or otherwise he would
have perished. He forged on with a Walter Herron, whom he picked up from one
of the wagons which had gone ahead, and made his way through the Sierra Nevada
mountains to Sutter's Fort to obtain relief for the rest of the party. By the
time the Donner Party reached the mountains, the last semblance of
organization was gone. They were trapped at 6,000 feet with deep snow, and
half of their 80 members were dead of cold and starvation. A relief party
broke through to them, and another party, headed by Reed, arrived a few days
later. The Reed family first lived in Napa, but when they recovered from their
ordeal, moved to San Jose in1848, where he became an influential citizen. Reed
was a member of Springfield Lodge No. 4 and Springfield Chapter No. 4, R.A.M.,
of Illinois. On July 11, 1850 he was one of 15 Masons of San Jose to petition
the Grand Lodge of Calif. far dispensation to open a lodge in that city.
However, when San Jose Lodge, U.D., received its charter four months later, he
was not listed as a charter member, though a page was set aside for his name
in the dues book. He did, however, become first treasurer of Howard Chapter
No. 14, R.A.M. when it was organized in 1856. He remained a member of the
lodge and chapter at Springfield until his death. d. July 24, 1874.
Joseph Reed (1741-1785) Revolutionary War patriot; Governor of
Pennsylvania. b. Aug. 27, 1741 in Trenton, N.J. Graduate of Princeton U. in
1757, and admitted to bar in 1763. First practiced in Trenton, N.J. Moved to
Philadelphia, where he became active in Pre-Revolutionary plans. He was a
member of the committee of correspondence in 1774, and was president of the
2nd Provincial congress. He was chosen lieutenant colonel of Pa. troops after
the Battle of Lexington, and when Washington was appointed to command the
American Army Reed became his military secretary. He was appointed adjutant
general of the American Army in June, 1776, with rank of colonel, and was
active in the campaign that terminated in the Battle of Long Island. In 1777
he was appointed brigadier general and tendered command of the American
cavalry; about the same time he was appointed first chief justice of Pa., but
declined both appointments, preferring to remain attached to Washington's
headquarters as a volunteer aide without rank or pay. He served with credit at
the battles of Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. Was elected to the
Thomas B. Reed Continental congress in 1777, but continued with the army. In
Dec., 1778, he was chosen president of the supreme executive council of Pa.
and continued in that office for three years. This was equivalent to the
governorship, at that time. He aided in the founding of the U. of
Pennsylvania; favored the gradual abolition of slavery and elimination of the
proprietary powers of the Penn family. In 1784 he was elected to congress, but
never took his seat. Member of Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia. d. March 5, 1785.
Marshall R. Reed Methodist Bishop. b. Sept. 15, 1891 at Onsted,
Mich. Graduate of Albion (Mich.) Coll., 1914; Garrett Bibl. Inst. (111.),
1916; Northwestern U. in 1917. Ordained to Methodist ministry in 1917 and
served churches in Gains, Onaway, Detroit, and Ypsilanti, Mich. until 1948,
when he was elected bishop and assigned to the Detroit area. Member of Ionic
Lodge No. 474, Detroit; Redford Chapter No. 176, R.A.M., Redford, Mich.; and
Detroit Commandery No. 1, K.T., Detroit.
Philip Reed (1760?-1829) Officer of American Revolution and War of
1812; U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senator from Maryland. b. about 1760 in Kent
Co., Md., he served as a captain in the Revolution. A U.S. senator from Md.
from 1906-13. As a colonel of militia, he defeated the British at Moorefields,
Md. on Aug. 30, 1814. Was U.S. congressman from Md. from 1817-19 and 1822-23.
Was a member of Lodge No. 2, Chestertown, Md., and at one time served as its
junior warden. d. Nov. 2, 1829.
Robert R. Reed (1855-1923) Justice, Supreme Court of Louisiana in
1923. b. March 12, 1855 in Madison Co., Miss. Attended V.M.I. at Lexington,
Va. Admitted to bar in 1877, and practiced at Amite, La. the remainder of his
life. Reed served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, grand high
priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M., and grand commander of the Grand
Commandery, K.T. of Louisiana. He was in office as supreme court justice only
14 days when he died, Jan. 14, 1923.
Stanley F. Reed Justice, U.S. Supreme Court from 1938. b. Dec. 31,
1884 in Mason Co., Ky. Graduate of Kentucky Wesleyan Coll. in 1902 and Yale
U., 1906. Admitted to bar in 1910, and he began practice at Maysville, Ky.
From 1933-38 he was solicitor general of the U.S. Served as first lieut. in
WWI. Member of Maysville Lodge No. 52, Maysville, Ky., and was present in
Washington, D.C. on Dec. 16, 1941, when General George C. Marshall, q.v., was
Stuart F. Reed (1866-1935) U.S. Congressman, 65th-68th Congresses,
1917-25, from 3rd W. Va. dist. b. Jan. 8, 1866 in Barbour Co., W. Va. Graduate
of West Virginia U. in 1889 and Ph.D. from Salem Coll. in 1911. Editor the
Telegram at Clarksburg, W. Va. from 1890-98. Founder and editor of the
Athenaeum, a college journal, in 1889. Postmaster of Clarksburg, 18971901, and
member of state senate, 1895-99. Member of Hermon Lodge No. 6, Clarksburg, W.
Va. as early as 1894. Suspended NPD in Aug., 1933 and records do not indicate
a reinstatement. Was a past commander and Shriner. d. July 4, 1935.
Thomas B. Reed (1787-1829) U.S. Senator from Mississippi, 1826-27
and 1829. b. May 7, 1787 near Lexington, Ky. Attended Princeton, studied law,
and was admitted to the bar in 1808, first practicing at Lexington, Ky., but
moving to Natchez, Miss, in 1809. From 1821-26 he was attorney general of
Miss. Member of Harmony Lodge No. 2, Natchez, Miss. d. Nov. 26, 1829 in
Lexington, Ky., while on his way to Washington, D.C.
Edward H. Rees U.S. Congressman to 75th through 86th Congresses,
1937-60, from 4th Kansas dist. b. June, 1886 in Emporia, Kans. Was a school
teacher from 1909-11; court clerk, 1912-18; admitted to bar in 1915. Member of
lower house, Kansas, 1925-31, and of state senate 193335. Member of Emporia
Lodge No. 12 and Emporia Chapter No. 12. R.A.M., both of Emporia, Kans.
Received 33° AASR (SJ) in 1957. Shriner.
William H. Rees (1882-1952) Chief Justice, Kentucky Court of
Appeals, 1933-35; 1941-42; 1945-47. b. Aug. 30, 1882 in Maysville, Ky.
Graduate of Kentucky Wesleyan Coll., Vanderbilt U., and U. of Virginia. Began
law practice in Maysville, Ky. in 1908. Served on Kentucky court of appeals
from 1926 until his retirement in 1951. Mason. d. Aug. 2, 1952.
Edwin B. Reeser (1873- ) Former president of Barnsdall Oil Co. b.
July 15, 1873 in New Ringgold, Pa. Also former president of American Petroleum
Institute. Received degrees in Fellowship Lodge No. 679 of Pa. on Sept. 11,
Oct. 9, Nov. 13, 1894 and affiliated with Phoenix Lodge No. 73, Sisterville,
W. Va. and later with Rock Lodge No. 513, Tulsa, Okla.
Albert L. Reeves Federal Judge District of Western Missouri from
1923. b. Dec. 21, 1873 in Steelville, Mo. and graduate of Steelville Coll. in
1895. Admitted to bar in 1899 and practiced at Steelville. Member of state
house of representatives, 190102; commissioner of supreme court of Mo.,
1921-23. Member of Lebanon Lodge No. 77, receiving degrees on Jan. 18, Feb.
18, March 15, 1897. Knight Templar, 32° AASR (SJ) and Shriner.
Dr. Regalado A Catholic priest of Puerto Planta, Dominican
Republic (then Santo Domingo), who was a Freemason and 33° AASR. When the
Spanish authorities persecuted Freemasonry, the brethren met in caves near
Trujillo, in one of which Tomas Bobadilla y Briones received the degrees.
Later, Dr. Regalado was founder of the grand lodge and was grand commander of
the supreme council.
Kenneth M. Regan U.S. Congressman to 80th Congress, 1947-49, from
16th Texas dist. b. March 6, 1893 in Mount Morris, Ill. In real estate and oil
business in Texas since 1920. Served in state senate, 1933-37. Served in both
WWI and WWII. Mason and Shriner.
Robert S. Regar (1882-1955) Postal official. b. Jan. 15, 1882 in
Swartzville, Pa. Graduate of Georgetown U. in 1912 and admitted to D.C. bar.
With post office department from 1918. Third assistant postmaster general,
1925-29, and administrative assistant to postmaster general, 1929-33. Later
superintendent of office procedure. Knight Templar, Shriner, 33° AASR (SJ).
Grand master of Grand Lodge of District of Columbia in 1935; potentate of
Almas Shrine Temple in 1930. Member of Red Cross of Constantine and Grotto.
His lodge was The New Jerusalem No. 9 of Washington, D.C. d. Oct. 21, 1955.
Sam N. Regenstreif Vice President Philco Corp. (manufacturing
appliance division) and President and director of Rex Manufacturing Co. b. in
Vienna, Austria. Was consulting management engineer, specializing in
management policies of numerous policies of numerous corporations,
Indianapolis, 1931-39. Member of Warren Lodge No. 15, Connersville, Ind.,
receiving degrees on Sept. 9, Oct. 21, 28, 1948.
Due de Reggio (see under Oudinot).
M. Reghellini (circa 1780-1855) A Masonic writer, born of Venetian
parents, on the Island of Scio. He is therefore usually styled Reghellini de
Scio. Outside of his Masonic writings, little is known of him. He settled in
Brussels. In 1834 he published Examination of Mosaicism and of Christianity,
and his opinions in this are considered quite unorthodox. His first book on
Freemasonry, entitled Spirit of the Dogma of Freemasonry, Studies on Its
Origin and Theses of Its Various Rites, was published in 1826. This was
followed in 1833 by Freemasonry Considered as the Result of Egyptian, Jewish,
and Christian Religions. Here he attempts to trace Freemasonry and the Mosaic
religion to the religion of early Egypt. From 1822-29 he edited Literary and
Historical Chronological Record of Freemasonry in the Low Countries. He was
reduced to penury, and in Aug., 1855, entered a poor house at Brussels, where
he died shortly thereafter.
George S. Register Federal Judge, District of North Dakota from
1955. b. Nov. 27, 1901 in Bismarck, N. Dak. Graduate of Jamestown Coll. in
1923 and U. of Michigan in 1926. Admitted to bar in 1928, practicing at
Bismarck. Served as states attorney general and special assistant attorney
general. Member of Bismarck Lodge No. 5, receiving degrees on Feb. 29, April
4, May 2, 1932; 32° AASR (SJ) and Shriner.
Claude Ambroise Regnier (17461814) Duc de Massa. A French
statesman. He was a member of the States General in 1789 and was appointed
counselor of the state by Napoleon. In 1802-03 he was minister of justice. Was
a grand officer of the Supreme Council, of France.
Frank H. Reichel Business executive. b. Jan. 30, 1897 in
Saegertown, Pa. Graduate of Allegheny Coll. in 1915 and 1916; Harvard, 1917;
U. of Geneva, Switzerland in 1921. A research chemist, he was with Sylvania
Industrial Corp., Fredericksburg, Va.,from 1922 and president of same,
1938-46. In 1946 was president and chairman of American Viscose Corp.
Presently chairman of board of Ketchikan Pulp Co., director of Chemstrand
Corp., National Bank of Philadelphia, Provident Mutual Life Ins. Co.,
Baltimore & Eastern R.R., and trustee of Allegheny Coll. Mason.
Albert T. Reid (1873-1955) Publisher, writer, artist. b. Aug. 12,
1873 in Concordia, Kans. Studied at U. of Kansas and New York School of Art.
Was artist for Kansas City Star, 189799; with Chicago Record, 1899, the New
York Herald, Judge, McClure's, Saturday Evening Post, American and other
magazines between 1900-15. He founded and published the Leavenworth (Kans.)
Post, 1905-23; was president of Standard Farm Papers Assn., 1914-15; president
and publisher of Kansas Farmer, Topeka, 1908-16; owner of the Albert T. Reid
Syndicate from 1919. He painted murals on "romance of the mail" for post
offices in Sabetha and Olathe, Kans. and Sulphur, Okla. Painted Coronado
Entrada for the Coronado Quarto-Centennial in 1941; Meeting of the Two Great
Emancipators, Vincennes (Ind.); Custer Rides From Ft. Hays; Pawnee Rock Indian
Attack; and others. Awarded San Francisco Expedition and George Washington
bi-centennial medals; cited by Kansas State Historical Society; received grand
prize for mural at San Fran- cisco Exposition. Mason, 32° AASR (SJ). d. Nov.
26, 1955.
Charles S. Reid (1897-1947) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of
Georgia, 1938-43. b. Sept. 25, 1897 in Blairsville, Ga. Was bank teller and
cashier from 1917-22, when he was admitted to the bar and practiced at
Gainesville, Ga. Served in WWII as colonel, U.S. Army, was chief of property
control branch of the military government in Germany, and chairman of the
advisory board to I.G. Farbenindustrie. Received all three degrees in Sept.,
1919 in Allegheny Lodge No. 114, Blairsville, Ga. Dimitted June 6, 1922 to
Gainesville Lodge No. 219, Gainesville, Ga. and again dimitted in 1935 and
affiliated with W. D. Luckie Lodge No. 89, Atlanta on May 3, 1940. Knight
Templar and Shriner. d. Nov. 7, 1947.
Edward C. Reid (1900-1958) President and Director of American
Writing Paper Corp. since 1952. b. Nov. 12, 1900 in N.Y.C. Graduate of New
York U. in 1923. Was in purchasing departments of American Chicle Co. and
Snider Packing Corp. until 1937, when he became associated with the American
Writing Paper Corp. Trustee of Mechanic Savings Bank since 1948. Member of
Stuyvesant Lodge No. 745, N.Y.C. from 1921. d. Nov. 11, 1958.
Frank R. Reid (1879-1945) U.S. Congressman to 68th-73rd
Congresses, 1923-35, from 11th Ill. dist. b. April 19, 1879 at Aurora, Ill.
Admitted to Ill. bar in 1901, and served as county attorney, state's attorney,
and assistant U.S. attorney. Member of state lower house, 1911-12. He resigned
his seat in congress in Jan., 1934, to resume practice of law. He was counsel
for General William Mitchell in the famous court martial proceedings. Raised
Dec. 7, 1910 in Aurora Lodge No. 254, Aurora, Ill. d. Jan. 25, 1945.
Ogden M. Reid (1882-1947) Editor of the New York Herald Tribune,
1913-47. b. May 16, 1882 in N.Y.C. Graduate of Yale U. in 1904 and 1907. He
first worked in a law office, was admitted to the bar in 1908, and began work
on the Tribune in the summer of that year. In a short five years he worked his
way up to the position of editor. Member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. d.
Jan. 3, 1947.
Robert R. Reid (1789-1841) Governor of Florida, 1839-41; U.S.
Congressman, 1819-23. b. Sept. 8, 1789 in Prince William Parish, S. Car. Moved
to Georgia in early years, where he studied law, was admitted to the bar, and
practiced. He served two terms as a judge of the state superior court and was
elected to congress from Georgia. He was mayor of Augusta in 1832. He was
appointed judge of the superior court for the Eastern district of Florida, and
while holding this office was a member of the convention that formed a state
constitution of which body he was also president. Member of St. Johns Lodge
No. 12, St. Augustine, Fla. d. near Tallahassee on July 1, 1841.
Charles G. Reigner Author and publisher. b. Nov. 14, 1888 in
Pottstown, Pa. Graduate of U. of Pittsburgh in 1915, and student at Princeton
U. and U. of Pennsylvania. Began as a teacher in Pa. He became editor of the
H. M. Rowe Co. of Baltimore in 1919, and has been president since 1926. He is
often called "Mr. Business Education" and has written more than 35 textbooks,
particularly in the field of business education. These are sold by the H. M.
Rowe Co. As a philanthropist, he is the donor of The Charles G. Reigner
Cillection, Library Union Theol. Seminary at Richmond, Va.; The Charles G.
Reigner Educational heading Room at Princeton Theol. Seminary; The Charles G.
Reigner Doctors Library and the Charles G. Reigner Record Library at West
Baltimore General Hospital. Past master of Concordia Lodge No. 13, Baltimore.
Past high priest of Jerusalem Chapter No. 9, R.A.M.; Past commander of
Beauseant Commandery No. 9, K.T.; 33° AASR (SJ); past master of Kadosh,
Chesapeake Consistory; Boumi Shrine Temple; Baltimore Court 82, R.O.J., all of
Baltimore. Blue Friar; fellow of Grand College of Rites and the Philalethes
Eugen G. Reinarts Brigadier General, U.S. Army; psychiatrist. b.
Dec. 27, 1889 in East Liverpool, Ohio. M.D. degree from Medico-Chirurgical
Coll., Philadelphia, in 1916. Commissioned first lieut., Medical Corps in
1917, advancing through grades to brigadier general in 1942. Was commandant of
the School of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Field, Texas, 1941-46. Now retired
from service, is in practice of psychiatry, and since 1948 has been chief
medical officer and chief psychiatrist of department of corrections, Calif.
Frederick G. Reincke Major General. b. Nov. 1, 1899 in Winsted,
Conn. Enlisted as a private in Conn. Home Guard in 1917, and advanced through
grades to major general, U.S. Army, in 1948. In WWII he served in Solomon
Islands and New Georgia. Since 1948 he has been adjutant general of Conn.,
police commissioner of Wethersfield, and Sheriff of Hartford Co. Member of St.
Johns Lodge No. 4, Hartford, receiving degrees April 2, 16, May 28, 1930.
Member of Pythagoras Chapter No. 17, R.A.M., Wolcott Council No. 1, R. & S.M.,
Washington Commandery No. 1, K.T., all of Hartford. 32° AASR (NJ) at Norwich;
Sphinx Shrine Temple, Court No. 141 of Jesters, and National Sojourners.
Bartel H. Reinheimer (1889-1949) Protestant Episcopal Bishop,
diocese of Rochester, N.Y., from 1938. b. April 6, 1889 at Sandusky, Ohio.
Graduate of Kenyon Coll. (Ohio) in 1911, Bexley Hall Divinity School, 1914.
Ordained deacon in 1914 and priest in 1915. Served churches in Shelby and
Dayton, Ohio, 1914-21. Executive secretary and archdeacon Southern Ohio,
1921-31, and national secretary of field department of P.E. Church, 1931-36.
Became bishop coadjutor, Diocese of Rochester, N.Y. in 1936, and bishop in
1938. Member of Mystic Lodge No. 405, Dayton, Ohio. Received Scottish Rite
degrees in Valley of Rochester (N.Y.) in 1939 and made33° on Sept. 25, 1946.
Knight Templar. d. Nov. 12, 1949.
Karl L. Reinhold (1758-1823) German philosopher and Masonic
author. b. in Vienna, he was associated with Wieland, his father-in-law, in
the editorship of the German Mercury. He later became a professor of
philosophy at Kiel, and published Letters on the Philosophy of Kant. He
published at Leipsic, in 1788, under the name of Decius, two lectures entitled
The Hebrew Mysteries, or the Oldest Religious Freemasonry. Here he projected
the idea that Moses derived his system from the Egyptian religion. In 1809 he
published An Address on the Design of Freemasonry, and another in 1820 on the
opening of a lodge at Kiel. He died in 1823, and five years later his son
published a volume on his life.
Rufus 0. Renfrew (1872-1950) Investments. One of the original
organizers of Oklahoma Masonic Charity Foundation and member of its board of
directors until his death. b. July 6, 1872 at Mirabile, Mo. Sovereign grand
inspector general of AASR in Okla. Received degrees in 1901 in Alva Lodge No.
105, Alva, Okla. and affiliated with Woodward Lodge No. 189, Dec. 5, 1912. d.
March 21, 1950.
Hiram R. Revels (1827-1901) U.S. Senator from Mississippi,
1870-71. A Prince Hall Freemason, he is the first and only U.S. senator of the
Negro race ever elected to date. b. Sept. 27, 1827 in Fayetteville, N. Car.
Graduate of Knox Coll. (Ill.), and ordained minister of the African Methodist
Episcopal Church at Baltimore, Md. in 1845. Lectured to his people in the
midwest and south, and for a time taught school in St. Louis. Accepted a
pastorate in Baltimore, Md., and at the outbreak of the Civil War, assisted in
the organization of the first two colored regiments in Md. Served in Civil War
as chaplain of a colored regiment. Settled in Natchez, Miss. in 1866; alderman
of that city in 1868; and member of state senate in 1870. On the readmission
of Miss. to representation, he was elected to the U.S. Senate. Was secretary
of state ad interim of Miss. in 1873. A Prince Hall Freemason, he served as
grand chaplain of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio. d. Jan. 16, 1901.
Joseph Warren Revere (1812-1880) Brigadier General, and grandson
of Paul Revere, q.v., and Joseph Warren, q.v. b. May 17, 1812 in Boston. He
was made a midshipman in the U.S. Navy in April, 1828, and a lieutenant in
1841. He took part in the Mexican War, and in 1850 resigned from the service
and entered the Mexican army. For saving the lives of several Spaniards, he
was knighted by Queen Isabella of Spain. He served in the conquest of Calif.,
1846-48, and was given the honor raising the American flag at Sonoma; remained
in command of the army in the Northern district of Calif. for several months.
He was sent to Fort Sutter to repel the invasion of Walla Walla Chief Yellow
Serpent and succeeded in settling with the chief personally, thus preventing
the invasion. He was made colonel of the 7th regiment, N.J. volunteers, in
1861, and promoted to brigadier general, U.S. volunteers, in Oct., 1862. He
led a brigade at Fredericksburg and was then transferred to the command of the
Excelsior brigade of the 2nd Division. 1863 he was tried by courtmartial after
the engagement, fell under the censure of his superior officer for a
withdrawal without orders. In May, 1863 he was tried by courtmartial and
dismissed from the service. He defended his conduct with great earnestness,
and Lincoln revoked the order, accepting his resignation from the service.
Member of St. John's Lodge, Boston. d. April 20, 1880.
Paul Revere (1735-1818) Metal-smith and Revolutionary patriot. b.
Jan. 1, 1735 in Boston, the son of a French Huguenot refugee and silversmith.
His father died when Paul was 19, but he had already learned the trade as an
apprentice and continued his father's business. Served in French and Indian
Wars as a lieutenant of artillery. In 1776 when the British evacuated Boston,
he joined a regiment of artillery raised to protect that city. He took part in
the famous Boston Tea Party of 1773, which seemed to have been promulgated by
his own lodge, St. Andrews of Boston. He was appointed official courier for
the Mass. Provincial Assembly in 1774, and on April 18, 1775 made his famous
ride from Boston to Lexington, to warn the countryside that the British were
on the march. His ride was immortalized by Longfellow in his poem, The
Midnight Ride of Paul Revere. As a cartoonist and pamphleteer, his series of
political cartoons, printed from plates etched on copper, did much to hasten
the final break with England. In 1778 he was in command of the forts in Boston
harbor as a lieutenant colonel of artillery, when, ill-advisedly, he accepted
a command and a responsible place in the disastrous expedition to the
Penobscot. This defeat deprived him of any glory as a military leader, but as
a cannon founder and powder manufacturer he continued to perform invaluable
service to the colonies. He was the first to roll sheet copper in America, and
he contracted for and furnished the bolts, spikes, pumps, sheathing, and
anchors for U.S.S. Constitution. and other vessels. At times he did fine
sliver work and engraving, among other things, making seals and jewels for
several Masonic lodges. He designed and printed the first Continental bills;
designed and engraved the first official seal for the colonies, and the state
seal for Mass. He made a denture for his friend, Joseph Warren, q.v., grand
master of Mass., who was killed at Bunker Hill, and this very metal work was
the key to positive identification of the body when it was recovered a year
later and reburied. Revere was raised in St. Andrews Lodge, Boston, Sept. 24,
1760, becoming secretary of the lodge in 1769, and master in 1770, succeeding
Joseph Warren in that office. He served as master again from 1777-79, and from
1780-82. This lodge met at the "Green Dragon Tavern" and plans for the famous
tea party were undoubtedly made in this lodge. In 1783 he was a founding
member of Rising States Lodge, and was its first master. He was grand master
of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts from 1794-97. A Royal Arch Mason, he
received the degrees, Dec. 11, 1769, in St. Andrews Royal Arch Chapter. In
1795, as grand master, he laid the cornerstone of the State House in Boston.
Many lodges have charters or certificates signed by Revere while he was grand
master. The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts has an urn designed by him, in which
is a lock of Washington's hair, secured by Revere for this purpose from Mrs.
Washington. d. May 10, 1818 at Boston.
Robert Rexdale (1859-1929) Author and lecturer. b. March 26, 1859.
Educated in Portland, Maine, learned printer's trade, and was assistant editor
of the Portland Sunday Times, 1885-92. Became a traveling lecturer and moved
to Peoria, Ill. in 1893. Was with the Daily Times, Davenport, Ia., 1918-26,
and editor of Geneseo (Ill.) Republican from 1926. Was author of Drifting;
Rhymes; The Book of Bohemia; Quest of a Master Mason; Daughters of Mokanna; At
Low Twelve; To Our Absent Brothers and many others. Raised July 9, 1908 in
Rock Island Lodge No. 658, Rock Island, Ill. d. Oct. 28, 1929.
Chester A. Reynolds (1887-1958) Founder of Cowboy Hall of Fame,
Oklahoma City, Okla.; business executive. b. Aug. 7, 1887 in Fostoria, Ohio.
Was a retail clerk, 1905-10; proprietor of a general store, 1910-15. In 1915
he was employed as a salesman by the H. D. Lee Co., manufacturers of unionalls.
He successively became sales manager, branch manager, general sales manager,
assistant treasurer, assistant secretary, vice president in 1942, and chairman
of the board in 1952, retiring in 1955. He founded the Cowboy Hall of Fame and
Museum in 1955, after his retirement. For him the project was a memorial to
America's frontier heritage. He, himself, had a brief career as a young
cowboy, when he homesteaded a farm in Hugo, Colo. Member of McCracken Lodge
No. 58, McCracken, Kansas, Knight Templar, and member of Ararat Shrine Temple,
Kansas City, Mo. d. Dec. 11, 1958.
Frank B. Reynolds (1874-1922) Justice, Supreme Court of Montana
from 1921. b. Jan. 20, 1874 in Quincy, Mich. Graduate U. of Michigan, 1895,
and practiced law at Coldwater, Mich., with his father. Moved to Billings,
Mont. in 1909, where he practiced law, was city attorney and probate judge.
Original lodge not known, but undoubtedly in Mich. Affiliated with Ashlar
Lodge No. 29, Billings, Mont. on Oct. 7, 1909 and was in good standing until
his death on May 19, 1922.
George D. Reynolds (1841-1921) Federal Judge, Eastern District of
Missouri, 1889-93. b. Dec. 16, 1841 in Gettysburg, Pa. Graduate of Illinois
State U. in 1861 and 1866. Served in Civil War with 2nd Ill. Light Artillery
as private and rose to lieutenant colonel. Admitted to the bar at Hannibal,
Mo. in 1867; moved to St. Louis in 1871; to Colorado in 1874, and back to St.
Louis in 1877. He was the author of amendment to U.S. statutes under which the
La. lottery was excluded from the mails; also that part of the section of U.S.
laws which excluded from naturalization persons believing in or practicing
polygamy. Original lodge not known, but affiliated with Potosi Lodge No. 131
on Dec. 3, 1870 and on Aug. 19, 1873 affiliated with Tuscan Lodge No. 360, St.
Louis. d. March 18, 1821.
Joseph G. Reynolds, Jr. Artist in stained glass. b. April 9, 1886
in Wick-ford, R.I. Studied in Rhode Island School of Design; also in England,
France, Italy, and Spain. Was designer of stained glass windows from 1907-20,
and since 1921, with partnership of Reynolds, Francis & Rohn-stock, Inc. Has
been president of the corporation since 1948. Among his principal works are
Princeton U. chapel; St. Bartholomew's Church, N.Y.C.; Riverside Church, N.Y.C.;
Cathedral St. John the Divine, N.Y.C..; East Liberty Presbyterian Church,
Pittsburgh; Presybterian Church, Glens Falls, N.Y.; and numerous others. Is
co-author of the apse windows and Declaration-Constitution window of National
Episcopal Cathedral, Washington, D.C. Awarded many national awards. Mason.
Marshall S. Reynolds Second Grand Equerry, Supreme Council, 33°,
AASR (SJ) and Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Wyoming. A lawyer, he has
served as county attorney, a member of the Wyoming legislature, state
collector of Internal Revenue, and four terms as U.S. Commissioner. Received
his 32° in 1914, and KCCH in 1923. Received 33° in 1929, appointed deputy in
Wyoming in 1933, and crowned an active member in 1952. He was successively
grand sword bearer, grand standard bearer, and appointed to his present office
in 1957.
Samuel W. Reynolds U.S. Senator from Nebraska, 1954 to fill
interim term. b. Aug. 11, 1890 in Omaha, Nebr. President of Reynolds-Updike
Coal Co., Omaha, since 1924. Is di-rector of C.G.W. R.R., American Reserve
Life Ins. Co., Nebraska Savings & Loan Assn., and Metz Brewing Co. Was seven
times Nebraska amateur golf champion. Is Governor of Central States Shrine
Hospital for Crippled Children. Served with Air Corps in WWI, and as a colonel
in the Army Specialist Corps in WWII. Received Freedom Foundation award for
direction of the 1952 Missouri River flood fight. Member and past master of
George W. Lininger Lodge No. 268, Omaha; 32° and KCCH, AASR (SJ); National
Sojourner; and past potentate of Tangier Shrine Temple, Omaha.
Thomas Reynolds (1796-1844) Governor of Missouri, 1840-44. b.
March 12, 1796 in Bracken Co., Ky. He was admitted to the Kentucky bar; about
1818 moved to Illinois, where he took an active part in politics. He became
clerk of the Illinois house of representatives, speaker of the same, attorney
general, and finally justice of the supreme court. In 1826 he moved to Mo.,
locating at Fayette. He represented Howard Co. in the state legislature, and
became speaker of the house. He was then appointed circuit judge, and was
elected governor in 1840. He was initiated Nov. 7, 1818 in the historic
Western Star Lodge No. 107 of Kaskaskia, Ill., at that time the westernmost
lodge in the U.S. He was passed, Dec. 5, 1818, at which meeting Shadrach Bond,
q.v. (later to be governor of Ill.), was elected master. Reynolds was raised
Dec. 23, and four days later elected secretary. Both Reynolds and Bond from
Western Star were present at the convention held Dec. 9, 1822 to organize the
Grand Lodge of Illinois. Reynolds was named to formulate a constitution at
that time. On Dec. 6-9, 1824 he was again at grand lodge and was named to
examine the books of the grand secretary. He was also acting grand senior
deacon and was elected grand sword bearer at this communication. He was also
present at grand lodge, Dec. 3, 1826, Dec. 20, 1826, and Jan. 1, 1827. At the
latter meeting it appears that he was installed as deputy grand master of the
grand lodge. In June, 1828, as deputy grand master, he constituted Western
Star Lodge as a subordinate lodge of the Grand Lodge of Illinois, it having
given up its Pa. charter. At this same time he installed Shadrach Bond as
master, and Reynolds was elected secretary. Shortly thereafter he moved to
Mo., where on May 2, 1833 he was a petitioner for a lodge at Fayette. The loss
of early records makes it impossible to find if he was a member at the time if
his death. He shot himself, Feb. 9, 1844, while still governor.
William Reynolds (1815-1879) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Dec. 18,
1815 in Lancaster, Pa. Appointed midshipman in 1831, lieutenant in 1841, and
placed on retired list in 1851. He was then assigned to duty in the Sandwich
Islands (Hawaii), where he was instrumental in effecting a treaty of
reciprocity. He returned to active service in 1861; was made commander in 1862
with the charge of the naval forces at Port Royal. Became captain in 1866 and
commodore in 1870. He served as chief of bureau and acting secretary of the
Navy in 1873, and was made rear admiral that year. Retired in 1877 because of
ill health. His last service was in command of the U.S. naval forces on the
Asiatic station. He was a member of Lodge No. 325, Gibraltar, and was buried
on Nov. 8, 1879 by Lodge No. 43, Lancaster, Pa. d. Nov. 5, 1879.
Count Adam Rgevussky Grand Master of the Russian Grand Lodge
Astrea in 1820, following Count Mussin-Pushkin-Bruce, q.v. His deputy grand
master was Prince Alexander Lobanov-Rostovsky, who wasan honorary member of
several Polish lodges in Warsaw and Cracow.
Frank A. Rhea Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Idaho, 1942-57. b.
Sept. 26, 1887 in Dixon, Mo. Graduate of St. Stephen's Coll. and Berkeley
Divinity School (Conn.). From 1915-18 he was a missionary to the Dakota
Indians at Sisseton, S. Dak. During WWI he was a civilian chaplain at army
camps. He then served churches at Gulf, Beaumont, Texas, and Boise, Idaho. In
1942 he became bishop of the missionary district of Idaho, retiring in 1957.
He then spent a year in New York and several months in Colombia, S.A., as a
missionary. Now lives in Seattle, Wash. Received his degrees in Arlington
Lodge No. 346, Dixon, Mo. in 1911, when his father was master. Now a member of
Boise Lodge No. 2, Boise, Idaho. Member of Boise Chapter No. 3, R.A.M., Boise
Commandery No. 1, K.T., and 33° AASR (SJ) at Boise. Served as grand prelate of
the Grand Commandery of Idaho and held various offices in the Boise
Consistory. Member of El Korah Shrine Temple and DeMolay Legion of Honor.
James E. Rheim President of Rohr Aircraft Corp., Chula Vista,
Calif. b. Nov. 23, 1911 in Butte, Mont. With Anaconda Copper Co. at Butte from
1932-34, and Ryan Aero. Co., San Diego, Calif., 1934-40. Became executive vice
president of the Rohr Aircraft Corp. in 1940, and president of same since
1956. Raised Nov. 22, 1936 in Blackmer Lodge No. 442 of San Diego, Calif.
Cecil J. Rhodes (1853-1902) British administrator, financier, and
philanthropist. b. July 5, 1853 in Hertfordshire, England. He was sent to
Natal hir his health in 1870. He moved to the Orange Free State on the
discovery of diamonds there, and worked a prosperous claim with his brother.
He acquired a fortune in the Kimberley diamond fields. He entered the Cape
House of Assembly in 1881; was energetic in establishing cordial relations
between the British and the Dutch and in bringing about the annexation of
Bechuanaland in 1884. The territory north of Bechuanaland, obtained by Rhodes
from the Matabele tribe, was named Rhodesia in his honor, and he was made sole
manager of the company incorporated with the rights of sovereignty over it. He
amalgamated the diamond mines about Kimberley under the name of the De Beers
Consolidated Mines, in 1888. Was prime minister of Cape Colony, 1890-96, and
advanced the project for a Cape-to-Cairo R.R. He aimed for the establishment
of a federal South African dominion under the British flag. He ran into
trouble when he plotted the overthrow of the South African Republic by
encouraging the Uitlanders in Transvaal to armed insurrection, and was forced
to resign the premiership in 1896. He then devoted himself to the development
of Rhodesia, established permanent peace with the Matabeles, and reentered
Parliament in 1898. During the Boer War he was besieged at Kimberley. In his
will, he left Ł6,000,- 000 to public service, and endowed 170 Oxford
scholarships for the education of youths from Great Britain, the United
States, and Germany. He was raised in Apollo University Lodge No. 357 at
Oxford, England, April 17, 1877, and was a member of Prince Rose Croix No. 30,
AASR at Oxford. His name appears on the charter of Bulawayo Lodge No. 2566,
Rhodesia, in 1895. He gave the site on which the latter lodge built a temple.
d. March 26, 1902.
John J. Rhodes U.S. Congressman 83rd-86th Congresses from 1st
Arizona dist. b. Sept. 18, 1916 in Council Grove, Kans. Graduate of Kansas
State Coll. in 1938 and law degree from Harvard U., 1941. Admitted to Kansas
bar in 1942 and Arizona in1945. Practiced law at Mesa, Ariz. from 1946 until
elected to congress. Served in Army in WWII. Member of Oriental Lodge No. 20,
Mesa, Arizona since 1950; 32° AASR (SJ) and Shriner.
Von Ribbentrop (See under Von) Benjamin F. Rice (1828-1905) U.S.
Senator from Arkansas, 1868-73. b. May 26, 1828 in Cattaraugus Co., N.Y.
Admitted to bar and first practiced in Irvine, Ky., where he was a member of
the lower house in 1855-56. He moved to Minn. in 1860, and during the Civil
War served in the Union Army as a captain. He moved to Little Rock, Ark. in
1864, and resumed the practice of law. Here he was active in organizing the
Republican party. Upon the readmission of Arkansas to representation he was
elected to the U.S. senate. After his senatorial term, he resumed law practice
in Ark., but because of ill health moved to Colorado in 1875, and to
Washington, D.C. in 1882, where he resumed law practice until his death.
Member of Hyperian Lodge No. 48, Long View, Ark. d. Jan. 19, 1905.
Daniel Rice Showman and circus clown. b. in New York City in 1822.
His name was originally McLaren, but he changed it to Rice after removing to
Pittsburgh, Pa. and becoming an acrobat. He traveled through the west and
southwest and acquired his own circus, which his rivals called the "one-horse
show." He soon gathered a large company, and enhanced his reputation by
munificent gifts to charity and public monuments. During the Civil War he
promoted recruitment by delivering patriotic speeches in conjunction with his
act. He met with financial disaster, and performed under the management of
others until intemperate habits interfered with his engagements. Having
reformed, he occasionally lectured on temperance. He resided in Cincinnati and
subsequently in Texas, where he became a large landowner. Received his degrees
in Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. on Feb. 24, March 10, 1851. Dimitted May 9,
1853. Deceased.
Edmund Rice (1819-1889) U.S. Congressman from Minnesota, 188789.
b. Feb. 14, 1819 in Waitsfield, Vt., a brother of Henry M. Rice, q.v. Admitted
to the bar in 1842, and began law practice in Kalamazoo, Mich. Served in
Mexican War in 1847 as first lieutenant of Mich. volunteers. Moved to St.
Paul, Minn. in July, 1849, where he was clerk of the supreme court, member of
the territorial house of representatives in 1851, and practiced law until
1856. He served in the Minn. state senate in 1864-66 and 1874-76. Was
president of the Minnesota & Pacific RR, 185763, and St. Paul & Pacific RR,
186372. Also president of St. Paul & Chicago RR, 1863-77. He was mayor of St.
Paul from 1881-83 and 1885-87. Member of Cataract Lodge No. 2, Minneapolis,
Minn. d. July 11, 1889.
Henry M. Rice (1817-1894) First U.S. Senator from Minnesota, and
largely responsible for bringing that state into the Union. b. Nov. 29, 1817
in Waitsfield, Vt., a brother of Edmund Rice, q.v. Attended common schools of
Detroit and Kalamazoo, Mich. Resided in the territories of Iowa and Wisconsin
before moving to the Territory of Minnesota in 1839. He was post sutler for
the U.S. Army at Fort Atkinson, and later engaged in the fur business. He
settled in St. Paul in 1848. He negotiated a treaty with the Winnebago and
Chippewa Indians in 1847, and through his personal influence, secured the
consent of the objecting Sioux to confirmation of the treaty of 1851, which
opened large parts of Minn. to white settlers. He was U.S. congressman to the
33rd and 34th congresses, 185359. Upon admittance of Minn. as a state, he was
elected U.S. senator. He was U.S. commissioner in the making of several Indian
treaties in 1887 and1888. Made a Freemason June 4, 1851 in St. Paul Lodge No.
3 (then U.D.), St. Paul, Minn. d. Jan. 15, 1894. His statue is in the Hall of
Fame of the U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.
John K. Rice Major General, U.S. Army. b. May 16, 1896 in
Leominster, Mass. Educated at Shattuck School (Minn.), U. of Michigan, and U.
of Minnesota. Began in Minn. national guard in 1916, and commissioned 2nd
lieutenant, Infantry, U.S. Army in 1917, advancing through grades to brigadier
general in 1943 and retiring as major general. Served overseas in WWI,
1919-22. Assistant division commander of 35th Division, and also 78th Division
in 1943. Saw overseas combat duty in France, Belgium, and Germany, 1944-45.
Commander of Camp McCoy, Wis. and War Dept. personnel center in 1945-46.
Assistant division commander of 12th Infantry (Philippine Scouts) in Luzon,
194647; assistant division commander of the 6th Division in Korea, 1947-48;
and with office of chief of staff, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C., after 1948.
Mason, Shriner; in 1948-49 was national commander of the National Sojourners.
Robert F. Rich U.S. Congressman to 71st-77th Congresses, 1930-43,
79th-81st Congresses, 1944-51, from 45th Pa. dist. b. June 23, 1883 in
Woolrich, Pa. Graduate of Mercers-burg Acad. in 1902. Was vice president,
treasurer, and general manager of the Woolrich (Pa.) Woolen Mills, and
president of State Bank of Avis (Pa.). Also a director of several other
companies. Member of Lafayette Lodge No. 199, Lock Haven, Pa., receiving
degrees on March 20, May 25, July 20, 1906 and master in 1919. 33° AASR (NJ).
Charles L. Richards (1877-1953) U.S. Congressman to 68th Congress,
1923-25, from Nevada. b. Oct 3, 1877 in Austin, Nev. Graduate of Stanford U.
in 1901, and began law practice at Tonopah, Nev. that year. Served as
district attorney, and was a member of the Nevada lower house in 1919. Moved
to Reno in 1919. Mason. d. Dec. 22, 1953.
DeForest Richards (1846-1903) Governor of Wyoming, 1898. b. Aug.
6, 1846 in Charlestown, N.H. Attended Kimball Union Acad. (N.H.) and Phillips
Andover Acad. Member of the Alabama legislature in 1868, and sheriff of Wilcox
Co., Ala. 1868-71; in business in Camden, Ala. until 1885, when he moved to
western Nebr. He was president of the 1st National Bank of Douglas, Wyo. from
1886. Member of the Wyoming constitutional convention of 1890, and state
senator in 1893. Received degrees in Dale Lodge No. 24, Camden, Ala. in 1871,
and was master of same 1883-85. He helped establish Samaritan Lodge No. 158 of
Chadron, Nebr. Became member of Ashlar Lodge No. 10, Douglas, Wyo. and later
served as master. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Wyoming in 189697.
Belonged to R.A. Chapter at Casper; Commandery, K.T. in Cheyenne; and 32° AASR
(SJ) in Wyoming Consistory. d. 1903.
George Richards (1872-1948) Brigadier General, U.S. Marine Corps.
b. Feb. 6, 1872 in Ironton, Ohio. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy; commissioned
in 1893. Became paymaster of U.S. Marine Corps with rank of brigadier general,
Sept. 8, 1916. Served on the U.S.S. Newark and U.S.S. Lancaster, 1895-97; in
Spanish-American War, participated in bombardment of Santiago de Cuba and
Battle of Manzanillo. Served in Philippines, 1899-1900, in Boxer Rebellion,
1900, and participated in march to relief of the legations at Peking in Aug.
of that year. Served in the Army of Cuban Pacification, 1906-07, and retired
from service March 1, 1936. Member of Osiris Lodge No. 26, Washington, D.C.,
receiving degrees on June 20, July 18, Oct. 6, 1923. Served as master in 1927.
Dimitted July 21, 1938. d. Jan. 9, 1948.
George J. Richards Major General, U.S. Army. b. April 12, 1891 in
Easton, Pa. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1915, commissioned that year
and promoted through grades to major general in 1944. Was construction
engineer of Pennsylvania R.R., 1925-26; assistant professor of mathematics,
West Point, 1924-28; and district engineer, U.S. Lake Survey, 1938-40. In
charge of War Dept. budget estimates, 1942-43, and director of budget, War
Dept., General Staff, 194347. In 1948 he was Army comptroller and special
assistant to the chief of staff. A business consultant since 1953. Became a
member of Easton Lodge No. 152, Easton, Pa. in 1915; 32° AASR (NJ) at Buffalo,
N.Y.; Aleppo Shrine Temple, Boston, Mass.
Harry M. M. Richards (1848-1935) Manufacturer, soldier, sailor,
author. b. Aug. 16, 1848 in Easton, Pa. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in
1869. Served as a private in 26th Pa. emergency regt., was in Battle of
Gettysburg, and later under Sheridan in W. Va. Became midshipman, U.S. Navy,
in 1865, and senior lieutenant in 1874, when he resigned from service.
Volunteered for Spanish-American War and served in 1898. When 69 years old, he
also volunteered for WWI. He invented a circuit closing device for torpedoes
that was adopted by U.S. in 1872. Became treasurer and director of American
Iron & Steel Co., retiring in 1916. Wrote many books, including The Frontier
Forts of the Blue Ridge; The Descendants of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg; The
Pennsylvania German in the Revolutionary War; The First Discoverers of
America, German, not Latin; Our Ancestors in the British Prisons of the
Revolution; The Wieser Family; and others. Mason. d. Sept. 28, 1935.
James P. Richards U.S. Congressman to 73rd-84th Congresses,
193355, from 5th S. Cara dist. Was special assistant to President Eisenhower
in 1957 in the Middle East, with rank of ambassador. b. Aug. 31, 1894 in
Liberty Hill, S. Car. Graduate of U. of South Carolina in 1921, and began
practice of law that year at Lancaster. Served as an enlisted man and officer
in WWI. Member of Jackson Lodge No. 3, Lancaster, S. Car., receiving the
degrees in 1923.
John E. Richards (1856-1932) Justice, Supreme Court of California.
b. July 7, 1856 in San Jose, Calif. Graduate of U. of Pacific, 1877, and U. of
Michigan in 1879. Admitted to the bar in 1879; practiced at San Jose and San
Francisco. Was judge of superior court of Santa Clara Co., 190713, and
associate justice of district court of appeal, 1913-23. On supreme court
bench, 1924-32. Member of Golden Gate Lodge No. 30, San Francisco, Calif. d.
June 25, 1932.
John G. Richards (1864-1941) Governor of South Carolina, 1927-31.
b. Sept. 11, 1864 in Liberty Hill, S. Car. A farmer, he served as magistrate;
member of state legislature, 1898-1910; and railroad commissioner of S. Car.
for 12 years. Was tax commissioner of the state for 14 years. Member of Barron
Lodge No. 261, Health Springs, S. Car. d. Oct. 9, 1941.
Sir. Benjamin Ward Richardson (1828-1896) English physician who
was knighted in recognition of his contributions to the welfare of humanity.
b. Oct. 31, 1828 in Somerby, England. He delivered many lectures on medicine
and engaged in extensive research. He experimented with new anesthetics and
invented pieces of medical apparatus. Raised in St. Andrews Lodge No. 231,
serving it as master in 1867. Was a founding member and first master of
Solomon Lodge No. 2029. Was active in the work of Quatuor Coronati Lodge after
1889. d. 1896.
David P. Richardson (1833-1904) U.S. Congressman to 46th and 47th
Congresses, 1879-83, from New York. b. May 28, 1833 in Macedon, N.Y. Graduate
of Yale Coll. in 1856, studied law in Rochester, N.Y., and was admitted to the
bar in 1859. Served three years in Union Army during Civil War. Moved to
Angelica, N.Y. in 1866. Member of Western Union Lodge No. 146, Belfast, N.Y.
d. June 21, 1904.
Friend W. Richardson (?-1943) Governor of California, 1923-27. b.
in Michigan. Was a newspaper publisher at San Bernardino, 1896-1901, and
Berkeley, 1901-19. Was state printer, 1912-15, and state treasurer, 1915-23.
Published the Alameda (Calif.) Times-Star, 1931-32, and was president of the
Calif. Press Assn. 39 years. Was state building and loan commissioner,
1932-33, and state superintendent of banks, 1934-39. Member of Durant Lodge
No. 268; Berkeley Chapter No. 92, R.A.M.; Berkeley Commandery No. 42, K.T.,
all of Berkeley and Islam Shrine Temple, San Francisco. d. Sept. 5, 1943.
James D. Richardson (1843-1914) U.S. Congressman to 49th-58th
Congresses, 1885-1905, from Tenn. b. March 10, 1843 in Rutherford Co., Tenn.
Served four years in the Confederate Army. Admitted to the bar in 1867, and
began practice in Murfreesboro. Served in state legislature, and was speaker
of the house in 1871; in state senate, 1873-74. Was chairman of the national
Democratic convention of 1900. Was grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of
Tennessee in 1883 and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee in 1873.
From 1900-14 he was sovereign grand commander of the Southern Jurisdiction,
AASR. Was raised in Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 18, Murfreesboro, Oct. 12, 1867;
member of Pythagoras Chapter No. 23, R.A.M., Murfreesboro in June, 1868 and
Baldwin Commandery No. 7, K.T. at Lebanon, Tenn. in June, 1869. Received 32°
AASR (SJ) in 1881; KCCH in 1884, and 33° same year. Crowned active member of
Southern Jurisdiction by Albert Pike in 1885. d. July 24, 1914.
John P. Richardson (1801-1864) U.S. Congressman to 24th-25th
Congresses, 1836-39, and governor of South Carolina, 1840-42. b. April 14,
1801 at Hickory Hill, S. Car. Graduate of South Carolina Coll. in 1819,
studied law, and was admitted to the bar, starting practice at Fulton, S. Car.
Member of state legislature and judge of the circuit court. Member of
Manchester Lodge No. 52. d. Jan. 24, 1864.
Robert M. Richardson Civil War General. Member of Central City
Lodge No. 305, Syracuse, N.Y. Charter junior warden of same in 1853. Dropped
NPD June 29, 1860. Previous lodge not known.
W. Garland Richardson Foreign service officer. b. Jan. 18, 1905 at
Fries, Va. Graduate U. of Richmond; U. of Virginia. Was an auditor before
entering diplomatic service in 1935. Served as language officer in Tokyo, and
while vice consul in Dairen, Manchuria, was imprisoned by the Japanese,
1941-42. Later he was consul at Sao Paulo, Brazil, Manila, Philippines, St.
John's, Newfoundland, and in Monrovia and Tokyo; since 1955 has been executive
secretary of the board of examiners, State dept. for foreign service. Member
of Vegas Lodge No. 32, Las Vegas, Nev.; 32° AASR (SJ) in Washington, D.C. Was
chaplain of Mt. Lebanon Lodge No. 80, Manila, Philippines in 1946.
William A. Richardson (1811-1875)U.S. Senator from Illinois,
1863-65; U.S. Congressman to 30th-34th Congresses from Ill., 1847-56 and 37th
Congress, 1861-63; Governor of Nebraska Territory, 1858-60. b. Oct. 11, 1811
in Fayette Co., Ky. Graduate of Transylvania U., studied law and began
practice at Rushville, Ill., later moving to Quincy. Served in both houses of
state legislature and speaker of house one year. Served in Mexican War as a
captain and major. He was elected to the senate to fill the vacancy caused by
the death of Stephen A. Douglas, q.v. A member of Rushville Lodge No. 9, he
was master of same in 1844. d. Dec. 27, 1875.
William A. Richardson (1821-?) U.S. Secretary of the Treasury,
187374. b. Nov. 2, 1821 in Tyngsborough, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1843 and
Harvard Law School in 1846. Appointed to revise the Mass. statutes in 1855.
Became assistant secretary of Treasury in 1869. Resigned from the cabinet in
1874 to accept a seat on the U.S. court of claims, of which he became chief
justice in 1885. In 186375 he was an overseer of Harvard. Member of Ancient
York Lodge, Lowell, Mass. from 1854-63 and 33° AASR (NJ).
William M. Richardson (1774-1838) U.S. Congressman to 12th and
13th Congresses, 1811-14, from Mass., and Chief Justice of New Hampshire,
1816-38. b. Jan. 4, 1774 in Pelham, N.H. Graduate of Harvard in 1797; studied
law and began practice in Groton, Mass. in 1804. Raised in Federal Lodge No.
1, Washington, D.C. on Feb. 1, 1813. d. March 15, 1838.
Charles Robert Richet (1850-1935) French physiologist who
discovered the phenomenon of anaphylaxis. Was a professor at the University of
Paris (Sorbonne) where he conducted research in serum therapy. He was awarded
the Nobel prize for medicine and was a member of the French Academy. Member of
the Lodge Cosmos, Paris, joining in 1876.
L. P. Richie Vice President of Oliver Corp., manufacturers of farm
and industry machinery. b. Oct. 14, 1897 in Louisville, Ky. Joined Oliver
Corp. in 1933; vice president and director of purchases, 1947-56;
vice-president and director of manufacturing and purchases since 1956. Member
of Compass Lodge No. 223, 32° AASR (SJ) and Kosair Shrine Temple, all of
Louisville, Ky.
Charles, 2nd Duke of Richmond Grand Master of Grand Lodge of
England (Moderns) in 1724.
Jean Paul F. Richter (1763-1825) German humorist and prose writer.
b. in Bavaria, he studied theology at the U. of Leipzig, 1781-84. Attempted to
support himself by writing but fled creditors in 1784. Settled in Hof, where
he lived in poverty and tutored from 1787-94. He met Charlotte von Kalb in
Weimar; she was the "Linda" in his Titan. He settled in Bayreuth in 1804 and
was pensioned by the government in 1808. Other writings include Die
Unsichtbare Loge; Hesperus; Leben des Quintus Fixleins; Der Komet; and others.
Was initiated in the Lodge Pforte sum Tempel der Lichts at Hof. d. 1825.
George C. Rickards (1860-1933) Major General, U.S. Army and first
chief of Militia Bureau. b. Aug. 25, 1860 in Philadelphia, Pa. Was in hardware
business in Oil City, Pa. from 1882-1915. Joined Pa. National Guard in 1877;
promoted through grades to brigadier general in 1919. Colonel of 16th
Infantry, U.S.A. in Spanish-American War. Served in Puerto Rico and on Mexican
Border. In WWI he commanded the 112th Infantry at Chateau-Thierry, Champaigne-M
a rn e, Ainse-Marne, and Meuse-Argonne. Made chief of the Military Bureau with
rank of major general, in 1921, and held that position until he retired in
1925, with 40 years state service and eight years Federal service. He was one
of the ten major generals who acted as pallbearers at funeral of President
Harding, q.v., and also at burial of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington
Cemetery. Mason; was director of Zem Zem Shrine Temple Hospital for Crippled
Children at Erie, Pa. d. Jan. 15, 1933.
Edward V. "Eddie" Rickenbacker Aviator, Air Force officer, auto
racer, and airline official. b. Oct. 8, 1890, in Columbus, Ohio. He was widely
known in his early years as an auto racer, and won championships at many
national and international meets. In WWI he accompanied General Pershing to
France as a chauffeur, but on Aug. 25, 1917 was transferred to the Air Service
at his own request. He became commanding officer of the 94th Aero Pursuit
squadron, the first American aviation unit to participate in the Western
front. This unit is credited with 69 victories, the largest of any American
unit, and Rickenbacker headed the list with 26 victories to his credit.
Captain Rickenbacker thus became the leading American "Ace." Following the
war, he became assistant to the president of Aviation Corp., 1932-33; vice
president of North American Aviation, Inc., 1933-34; general manager of
Eastern Airlines, Inc. in 1935, and in 1938, president, general manager and
director. He is now chairman of the board of Vncteni. In WWII his activities
included special missions for the Secretary of War to England, the South
Pacific, North Africa, Iran, India, China, Russia, Iceland, Greenland, and the
Aleutians. He was forced down on a Pacific flight in 1942, but was rescued
after spending three weeks on a life raft. He was awarded the Distinguished
Service Cross with nine clusters and the Congressional Medal of Honor. A
member of Kilwinning Lodge No. 297, Detroit, Mich., he received his degrees,
April 17, June 12, 26, 1922. In 1926 he became a member of Palestine Chapter
No. 159, R.A.M. Also member of Detroit Commandery No. 1, K.T., Moslem Shrine
Temple, all of Detroit. Is a 33° AASR (NJ). In 1942 he received the
Distinguished Achievement Medal of the Grand Lodge of New York. In Sept.,
1957, his Commandery, Detroit No. 1, K.T., named a class in his honor.
Branch Rickey Baseball executive. b. Dec. 20, 1881 in Stockdale,
Ohio. Graduate of Ohio Wesleyan U. in 1904 and 1906. Started his major league
career in baseball in 1904 as catcher with the Cincinnati Reds. Was with the
St. Louis Browns two years; with the Yankees in 1907; and with the St. Louis
Browns as secretary and manager, 1913-15, and vice president and business
manager in 1916. He became president of the St. Louis Cardinals in 1917 and
was manager from 1919-42. From 1942-50 he was president and general manager of
the Brooklyn Dodgers. From 1950-55 he was vice president and general manager
of the Pittsburgh Pirates; was chairman of the board and director from 1955.
While with the Cardinals, he won pennants as manager in 1926-28-30-31-34-42,
and four world championship pennants. With Brooklyn he won two pennants.
Served with U.S. Army overseas in WWI. Was initiated in Tuscan Lodge No. 360,
St. Louis, Mo. and dimitted to Montauk Lodge No. 286, Brooklyn, N.Y. on Oct.
2, 1946.
Henry Scott Riddell (1798-1870) Scottish author of popular songs,
as The Crook and Plaid and Scotland Yet. Listed as a Freemason by the bulletin
of the International Masonic Congress in 1917.
Thomas F. Riddick (1781-1830) "Father of Missouri Public School
System" and first grand master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. b. June 5, 1781
in Suffolk, Va. Moved to Missouri Territory about 1804, settling in St. Louis,
where he became an influential business man. Frederick Bates, q.v., appointed
him assessor for levies in the St. Louis district in 1807, as well as clerk
for court of common pleas. Bates, and also General William Clark, q.v.,
appointed him justice of the peace. In 1817 he became one of the first
directors of the Territorial Bank of Missouri, and president of same in 1820.
At the first session of the territorial legislature in 1812 he was elected
clerk pro tem, and in 1818 he represented St. Louis in the fourth and last
territorial legislature. He served in the Black Hawk War under Colonel
Alexander McNair, q.v. He was the prime mover in the establishment of the
first Episcopal church of St. Louis—Christ Church—in 1819. He was also an
auctioneer. When congress passed an act in 1812 confirming land titles in the
Missouri Territory, it became apparent that much land would not be claimed,
because of errors, fraud, etc. Riddick rode on horseback to Washington, D.C.,
at his own expense, for the express purpose of ensuring that Representative
Hempstead would insert a section into this law, giving these lands to the
public schools. Riddick was originally a member of Solomon Lodge No. 30,
Suffolk, Va. He twice visited Western Star Lodge No. 107, Kaskaskia, Ill. in
1806 (March 24, Dec. 27). It was 60 miles from St. Louis and the only lodge in
the area. He registered as a visitor from Solomon Lodge. On Dec. 27, 1806 he
signed a petition for a new lodge at Ste. Genevieve, Mo., to be known as
Louisiana Lodge No. 109 (first Mo. lodge); but when it was constituted, he was
not a member, so must have signed only to assist his Ste. Genevieve brethren.
He signed an application for a dispensation for St. Louis Lodge No. 111, his
name being second and directly following that of Meriwether Lewis, governor of
the territory. He was installed senior warden of this lodge on Nov. 8, 1808.
He was present at the conferring of the degrees on General William Clark, in
Sept., 1809. He later became a charter member of Missouri Lodge No. 12. He was
present at the formation of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and on April 24,
1821, was elected first grand master. He was installed May 4, 1821. He moved
to Sulphur Springs, Jefferson Co. in 1822, where he died, Jan. 15, 1830, at
the early age of 49.
Matthew Ridgeway Full General and Chief of Staff, U.S. Army,
1953-55. b. March 3, 1895 in Ft. Monroe, Va. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy
in 1917 and advanced through grades to full general in 1951. He served as
technical adviser to the governor general of the Philippines, 1932-33;
assistant chief of staff of 6th Corps Area, 1935-36; same for 2nd Army, 1936;
assistant chief of staff of Fourth Army, 1937-39; on War Dept. general staff,
1939-42; assistant division commander of 82nd Infantry Division, 1942;
commanding general of the 82nd Airborne Division, in Sicily, Italy, Normandy,
1942-44; commander of 18th Airborne Corps in Belgium, France, Germany, 194445;
senior U.S. Army member of military staff, United Nations, 1946-48; chairman
of Inter-American Defense Board, 1946-48; commander in chief of Caribbean
Command, 1948-49; deputy army chief of staff and commanding general of the 8th
Army in Korea, 1950-51; commander in chief of Far East Command; commander in
chief of United Nations Command and Supreme Commander for Allied powers,
1951-52. Now retired. Became a member of West Point Lodge No. 877 (New York),
receiving degrees on April 3,17, and May 1, 1924. Received 32° AASR (SJ) at
Tokyo, Japan in October, 1951.
Baron Friedrich Adolph von Riedesel (1738-1800) German Army
officer. b. in Hesse. He commanded, as major general, the Brunswick mercenary
contingent in the British Army under Burgoyne against the Americans, in the
Revolution. He was captured at Saratoga in 1777 and exchanged in 1779. Was in
command on Long Island from 1779-80. There were several Masonic lodges in the
German regiments. Before he left Canada in 1783, an honorary Masonic title
(presumably honorary deputy provincial grand master) was conferred upon him
and upon others, at Quebec, "to entitle them to take a seat in the Germanick
Grand Lodges.”
Harold Riegelman Lawyer and alternate delegate of the U.S. to the
General Asembly of the United Nations in 1959. b. Aug. 19, 1892 in Des Moines,
Iowa. Graduate of Cornell in 1914 and Columbia in 1916. Practiced law in New
York City since 1916. Legal advisor of Chinese embassy since 1938; special
state attorney general in 1931 under Roosevelt; special counsel U.S. Treasury
in 1935; acting postmaster of New York City in 1953; ran for Mayor of New York
in 1953. Served in both WWI and WWII, retiring as a colonel. Was initiated in
an Army field lodge, and presently a member of King Solomon Lodge No. 279, New
York City.
Rafael del Riego y Nunez (see under del Riego).
R. Walter Riehiman U.S. Congressman to 80th-86th Congresses,
1947-60, from 36th N.Y. dist. b. Aug. 26, 1899 in Otisco, N.Y. He started as a
bookkeeper for a wholesale drug company in Syracuse, N.Y. in 1920, later
operated a general store and served as postmaster of Nedrow, N.Y. Since 1923
he has been the owner and operator of the Tully (N.Y.) Bakery. Received
citation from Governor Dewey, and was awarded a gold cup by the people of
Tully, N.Y. for outstanding community service in 1942. Member of Tully Lodge
No. 896 since 1925 and past master of same; 32° AASR (NJ) at Syracuse, N.Y.
Past district grand lecturer of the O.E.S.; member of Jesters Court No. 79,
Elias E. Ries (1862-1928) Inventor. b. Jan. 16, 1862 in Baden,
Germany and brought to the U.S. at the age of three. He attended Maryland
Institute at Baltimore and Johns Hopkins. As an electrical, mechanical, and
technical engineer he took out more than 250 patents. His principle pioneer
inventions were the underground electric railway conduit; the modern
alternating current system of generation, transmission and conversion of
electricity for operating electric railways which made possible the operation
to rapid-transit elevated, subway, and tunnel systems now operating in N.Y.C.;
the original automatic electric motor starters; the Ries regulating socket,
the first practical device for turning down the light of incandescent lamps;
the controller system used on electric elevators; original methods for
electric welding, riveting and soldering; methods and appliances for electric
heating and cooking; original processes for manufacturing iron and steel tubes
from hot billets in one continuous operation; the first practical
self-starting electric motors adapted to operate on single phase alternating
current; original methods for producing talking motion pictures directly from
the film; and the audio scope for locating and detecting the presence of
unseen vessels, icebergs, and submarines. Member of Mount Neboh Lodge No. 257,
N.Y.C., receiving degrees on April 25, May 23, Nov. 17, 1904. d. April 20,
Sidney Rigdon (1793-1876) Mormon leader. b. Feb. 19, 1793 in
Allegheny Co., Pa. Worked on farm until 1817 and after some experience as a
printer, studied for the ministry and licensed to preach by the Baptist church
in 1819. In Jan., 1822 he became pastor of the first church in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Following the example of Alexander Campbell and Walter Scott, he withdrew from
the church and assisted in establishing the Disciples or Campbell denomination
(now Disciples of Christ). Began preaching at Bainbridge, Ohio in 1828 and the
following year at Mentor. Here the Mormon and gentile versions differ.
Detractors of Mormonism state that he came into possession of a manuscript
written by Solomon Spauling, former Presbyterian minister which gave a
romantic and fanciful account on the nations inhabiting Canaan. This, they
claim, he gave to Joseph Smith, who copied it, with alterations, into the Book
of Mormon. The other version is that the Mormon elders Pratt, Peterson,
Cowdery and Whitmer stopped in Mentor on their way to Missouri and Pratt, a
former Baptist preacher obtained permission to speak in Rigdon's church. He
then joined them. In a short time Rigdon, Frederick G. Williams and Smith were
elected presidents of the church and styled "the first presidency." Smith and
Rigdon fled to Missouri in 1838 to avoid arrest. In Far West, Mo. both were
found guilty of "treason, murder and felony," allowed to escape and join the
others at Nauvoo. When Joseph and Hyrum Smith were murdered at Carthage, Ill.
in 1844, Rigdon aspired to the church leadership, but Brigham Young and the 12
apostles declared him "cutt off from the communion of the faithful, and
delivered to the devil, to be buffeted in the flesh for a thousand years." He
went to Pittsburgh, Pa. and thence to Friendship, N.Y. where he died July 14,
1876, still declaring firm belief in the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.
Both Rigdon and Smith were made Masons "at sight" by the grand master of
Illinois in Smith's office at Nauvoo on March 15, 1842. This was one of the
acts that precipitated closing of all Mormon lodges.
Russell M. Riggins Oil and gas executive; rancher. b. Nov. 13,
1894 in Gainesville, Texas. Began as a railway clerk and was successively a
livestock agent; traffic manager for packing plant; senior partner of Riggins
& Beck, C.P.A.'s at Oklahoma City, Okmulgee, and Bartlesvile, Okla.,
Washington, D.C., and New York City. Served as comptroller of Phillips
Petroleum Co., Independent Natural Gas Co., Parke, Davis & Co., way and tunnel
systems now operating in N.Y.C.; the original automatic elecand others. Is the
president of Texas Gas Corp., Texas Gas Pipe Line Corp., and New Ulm. Corp. at
Houston since 1951. Is the owner and operator of Rancho Riachuelo and R-Bar
ranches in New Mexico, raising Aberdeen-Angus cattle. In WWII he was a colonel
and chief of army ordnance depots in the U.S. Mason, 32° AASR, and Shriner.
Charles 0. L. Riley (1855-1930) Archbishop of Perth, Australia. He
served as chaplain general of the Australian army units during WWI. As grand
master of the Grand Lodge of Western Australia, he was one of the most popular
members and his spiritual influence in the development of the Australian
lodges still exists.
John J. Riley U.S. Congressman to 79th-80th and 82-86th Congresses
from 24th S. Car. dist. b. Feb. 1, 1895 in Orangeburg Co., S. Car. Graduate of
Wofford Coll. (S. Car.) in 1915. Taught high school, and was English
instructor at Clemson (S. Car.) Coll. until 1918. Has been president of Riley
& Co., real estate and insurance at Sumter, S. Car. since 1920. Member of
Claremont Lodge No. 64, Sumter, S. Car.
Russell L. Riley U.S. Consul General at Malta. b. Feb. 11, 1911 at
Mendon, Mo. Graduate of U. of Missouri in 1934. Began as a salesman, first for
Montgomery Ward, and then with Swift & Co. Was division chief in office of
export control; assistant chief of civilian personnel division, U.S. Army Air
Force; executive assistant of War Assets Administration. Went with the State
Department in 1948, becoming deputy director of office of educational exchange
in 1951-52, and director of same after 1953. Member of Mendon Lodge No. 628,
Mendon, Mo. and also affiliated with Abercorn Lodge No. 273, Casa Pawla, Malta
(Irish Constitution). Member of Mt. Vernon Chapter, No. 14, R.A.M. at
Alexandria, Va., Arlington Commandery No. 29, K.T. at Arlington, Va., and Kena
Shrine Temple at Alexandria. Member of Missouri Lodge of Research.
Valentin Rincon Justice of Supreme Court, Federal District of Mexico for 20
years. b. Oct. 8, 1901 in Chiapas, Mexico. Became a member of the Sons of
Hiram Lodge No. 8, of the Orient of Tuxpan at Veracruz, Mexico, in Oct., 1926.
Served two years as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Valley of Mexico during
which time he secured regularity of lodges and recognition from other grand
lodges. He is the representative of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, near the
Grand Lodge of Valley of Mexico.
William A. Riner (1878-1955) Former Chief Justice, Supreme Court
of Wyoming. b. June 26, 1878 in Greene, Iowa. Graduate of U. of Southern
Calif. in 1899 and U. of Michigan in 1902. Established law practice at
Lansing, Mich., and moved to Cheyenne, Wyo. in 1902. He was city attorney,
district attorney, judge of
Samuel Ringgold district court, and first appointed to the supreme court bench
in 1928, serving until 1951. Was chief justice, 1939-43 and 1947-51. Received
degrees in Acacia Lodge No. 11, Cheyenne, Wyo. on March 16, 28, April 19,
1907. Was master in 1910 and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Wyoming,
1922-23. 33° AASR (SJ) and Shriner. d. Nov. 20, 1955.
Samuel Ringgold (1770-1829) U.S. Congressman to 12th-13th and
15th-16th Congresses, 1810-15 and 1817-21, from Maryland; Brigadier General of
Maryland militia in War of 1812. b. Jan. 15, 1770 in Chestertown, Md. He
received a limited education. Settled at Fountain Rock, near Hagerstown, Md.,
where he engaged in farming and became a large landowner. He was a member of
the state house of delegates in 1794-95, and of the state senate in 1801-06.
He was the father of Samuel Ringgold, Jr., q.v., the artillerist. The senior
Ringgold was a member and past master of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 33, Hagerstown.
In 1811 he served as junior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of Maryland. d.
Oct. 18, 1829.
Samuel Ringgold, Jr. (1800-1846) American artillerist. b. in
Washington Co., Md. in 1800, the son of Samuel Ringgold, q.v., U.S.
congressman from Md. and brigadier general of the War of 1812. Graduate of the
U.S. Military Academy in 1818, he served for several years as aide-de-camp to
General Winfield Scott. Was brevetted captain in 1836, and later major. He
participated in the Florida War. In the Mexican War he organized a corps of
"flying artillery" and was mortally wounded at Palo Alto, the first battle of
that war. In addition to his introduction of "flying artillery," he invented a
saddle-tree, which was subsequently known as the McClelland saddle; also
originated a rebounding hammer of brass for ex-ploding primers of field
pieces, that prevented the blowing away of the hammer. He was a member of
Comfort Lodge No. 143, Old Point Comfort, Fort Monroe, Va. in 1826. The lodge
is now defunct. d. May 11, 1846 at Point Isabel, Texas.
The Ringling Brothers Kings of the Circus. Alfred T. (1861-1919);
John Nicholas (?-1936); Albert Charles (1852-1916); Charles Edward (18661926);
William Henry Otto (18581911); August George (1854-1907); and Henry William
George (18681918). In the middle 1800's an Alsatian named Juliar had three
daughters whose descendants were to make circus history. One married August
Ringling, father of the Ringling Brothers; one married Gottlieb G. Gollmar,
father of the Gollmar Brothers; and the third married Henry Moeller, father of
the Moeller Brothers. The Ringlings and, in a more modest degree, the Gollmars
were to acquire fame as circus owners and operators. The Moellers likewise
became famous as manufacturers of circus wagons and materials. All of the
branches of this family had early and strong connections with Masonry. This is
most remarkable in view of the fact that these people were German in ancestry,
members of a Lutheran Church in a synod in bitter opposition to Masonry.
Memberbership in the fraternity terminated these church ties. Of the seven
Ring-ling brothers, five were with the circus originally: Otto, Albert C.,
Alfred T., Charles E., and John. August G. was associated with them, but never
a member of the firm. Upon the death of Otto in 1911, Henry, the youngest
brother, became a member of the firm. Albert was the showman and the brother
who sparked and encouraged the enterprise; later, John, who outlived the
others, became the best known of the brothers. The circus had its first
showing in Baraboo, Wis., the family home, on May 19, 1884, and then embarked
as a "wagon show." In 1890, it became a "railroad show" and went on to become
the "Greatest Show on Earth." After 1918 the circus no longer wintered in
Baraboo, although descendants of the family are still there. Prior to the
opening in 1884, Albert realized that their name might not be sufficient to
"sell" the circus. He had met an old showman, "Yankee" Robinson, who was in
his sixties, ill and feeble, but at one time the owner of his own circus of
considerable size. Al brought him into the group, and the first circus was
called "Yankee Robinson and Ring-ling Brothers Great Double Shows, Circus and
Caravan." "Yankee" died that August in Jefferson, Iowa, a stranger and without
friends. He wore a Masonic pin, and the brethren of Jefferson gave him a
Masonic burial at lodge expense. When Al came back to check on his friend, he
found him dead and buried. The Ringling Brothers then provided a monument.
Previous to the organization of the circus, the brothers had operated the
"Classic Concert Co.," in which each took a part, and later the "Ringling
Bros. Comedy Concert Co." They played in small town halls. John, who survived
the rest, became head of Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey Circus; was
subsequently head of the American Circus Corp., which included Sells-Floto
Circus, Hagenbach Animal Show (his second wife was Emily Haag Buck), and the
John Robinson, Sparks, and Al G. Barnes shows. He financially aided Tex
Rickard in building Madison Square Garden in N.Y.C., engaged in oil production
in Oklahoma, and was noted for his philanthropies. August Ringling, the father
of the seven brothers, was raised in Baraboo Lodge No. 34, Baraboo, Wis., on
August 19, 1891, and held membership until his death in 1898. The seven
brothers were all members of the same bodies: Baraboo Lodge No. 34, Baraboo
Valley Chapter No. 49, R.A.M., St. John Commandery No. 21, K.T., all of
Baraboo, Wis., and 32° AASR at Milwaukee. The brothers actually preceded their
father into Masonry. First to petition was Alfred T., known as Alf T., who was
raised Jan. 22, 1890, and died Oct. 21, 1919; John was raised March 1, 1890
and died Dec. 1, 1936; Albert C., known as Al, was raised March 29, 1890 and
died Jan. 1, 1916; Charles E. was raised April 9, 1890 and died Dec. 3, 1926;
Otto was raised April 9, 1890 and died March 31, 1911; August G. was raised
Feb. 4, 1891 and died Dec. 18, 1907. Henry was raised March 18, 1891 and died
Oct. 9, 1918. A picture of the Scottish Rite class of Nov. 17-20, 1891, in the
Valley of Milwaukee, shows Alfred T., Charles E., Albert C., and William H. 0.
as members of the class. The minutes of the meeting of Baraboo Lodge on April
8, 1891 are of interest. This was a special meeting called to hear a report of
a committee relative to the purchase of a lot where the temple now stands. The
meeting was opened by the regular officers, after which the following assumed
the chairs; W.M., Alf T. Ringling; S.W., August Ringling; J.W., Al Ringling;
S.D., Charles Ring-ling; J.D., Otto Ringling; and S.S., Henry Ringling.
Duke of Rio Branco Brazilian statesman. b. in 1845. He formerly
was Chancellor Jose Maria da Silva Parnahos. Was at one time president of the
council of ministers of Brazil, and grand commander of the Scottish Rite in
Brazil. In 1873 the Bishop of Pernambuco, Brazil, sought to enforce in his
diocese the pontifical bull of excommunication against Freemasons issued by
Pope Pius, q.v. A number of bishops joined a concentrated movement to have
Masonic lodges banned, although the government had announced the right of
Freemasonry to exist. The subject was debated before the senate of Brazil. Rio
Branco, answering the attacks, gave a splendid explanation of Freemasonry
which ended with the following plea: "God preserve us, indeed, from a
principle of faith which denies to us the right to appreciate the character
and tendencies of a Brazilian civil association upon the grounds that the
spiritual power has declared it anti-religious. If today the principle is
admitted in relation to Masonry, tomorrow the same power will say that another
civil institution comes within its anathemas, will proscribe its members,
leaving to them no other recourse than to be silent, obey and suffer.”
Ezra Ripley (1751-1841) Clergyman. b. May 1, 1751 in Woodstock,
Conn. Graduate of Harvard in 1776, taught, and subsequently studied theology;
in 1778 was ordained to the ministry in Concord, Mass., where he continued for
63 years, preaching his last sermon the day after his 90th birthday. He was a
leader in the temperance cause. His step-son was Ralph Waldo Emerson, the
poet, who wrote of him, "In him perished more personal and local anectdote of
Concord and its vicinity than is possessed by any survivor, and in his
constitutional leaning to their religion he was one of the rear-guard of the
great camp and army of the Puritans." In 1836 he gave the land upon which is
built the monument that commemorates the Battle of Concord. Member of
Corinthian Lodge, Concord, Mass. d. Sept. 21, 1841.
1st Marquess of Ripon (see under Earl of De Grey).
Emil Rittershaus (1834-1897) German lyric poet. Initiated in 1863.
Served as master of the Lodge Leasing at Berman.
Charles Ritz President of International Milling Co., 1943-55;
chairman of board since 1955. b. Feb. 15, 1891 in Mitchell, Ont., Canada.
Began as a stenographer. Became associated with Robin Hood Flour Mills, Moose
Jaw, Sask., Canada in 1910, becoming general manager in 1931; has been
president since 1938. Became vice president of International Milling Co.,
Minneapolis, Minn. in 1937, and president in 1943. Life member of Tudor Lodge
No. 141, Mitchell, Ont., Canada, receiving degrees, Feb. 23, April 27, June
22, 1915. Exalted in Elliot Chapter No. 129, R.A.M., Mitchell, Ont., April 13,
1917. Life member of Richard Coeur de Lion Preceptory, Montreal; 32° AASR at
Minneapolis, Minn., and member of Court No. 53, Royal Order of Jesters.
Eurith Dickinson Rivers Governor of Georgia, 1937-41. b. Dec. 1,
1895 in Center Point, Ark. Graduate of Young Harris Coll. and Piedmont Coll.
Has served as city attorney of Lakeland and Cairo, Ga.; county attorney of
Grady and Lanier counties; member and speaker of state legislature; member and
president pro tem of the state senate. He owns and operates radio station WGOV
at Valdosta, Ga. Member of the national board of directors of Woodman of the
World, Omaha, Nebr. Member of Lakeland Lodge No. 434, Lakeland, Ga. and
received 32° AASR (SJ) at Savannah, April 16, 1937.
L. Mendel Rivers U.S. Congressman to 77th-86th Congresses, 194160,
from 1st S. Car. dist. b. Sept. 28, 1905 in Berkeley Co., S. Car. Attended
Coll. of Charleston and U. of South Carolina Law School; was admitted to the
bar in 1932. Served in state legislature, 1933-36. Raised March 15, 1939 in
Landmark Lodge No. 76, Charleston, S. Car.
Charles N. Rix (1843-1927) Banker; General Grand High Priest of
the General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. b. May 28, 1843 in Kalamazoo,
Mich. Served in Union forces in Civil War and continued in pay department,
U.S. Army, until 1867. He began in the banking business as a bookkeeper in
1867. Moved to Arkansas, where he was president of the Arkansas National Bank
of Hot Springs for 27 years, and was president of several companies. Served as
president of the Arkansas Bankers Assn. Received degrees in Dowagiac Lodge No.
10, Dowagiac, Mich. in 1866, and became member and past master of Hot Springs
Lodge No. 62 in Ark. Served as grand high priest, grand master of the grand
council, and grand commander of Arkansas. 33° AASR (SJ). Elected general grand
high priest in 1924, resigning at the time of the election due to ill health.
d. Sept. 2, 1927.
George F. Rixey Brigadier General and Deputy Chief of Chaplains,
1942-45. b. March 2, 1888 in Jones-burg, Mo. Attended Central Coll. (Mo.), U.
of Missouri, Vanderbilt U., and graduated from Central Wesleyan Coll.,
Warrenton, Mo. in 1909. Ordained elder in Methodist Episcopal Church, South,
in 1913. Served churches in Louisiana, Troy, Gallatin, and Chillicothe, Mo.
from 190917. Became chaplain in U.S. Army in 1917, advancing through grades to
brigadier general in 1944, and retiring in 1948. He was chaplain of the 65th
Infantry, 1917-22, in El Paso, Texas and with A.E.F. in France. Served at
Camps Funston, Meade, and Fort Washington. Was chaplain of the 26th Cavalry in
the Philippines, 1929-30; post chaplain of the Presidio of San Francisco,
1930-35; chaplain of U.S. Army forces in China, Tientsin, 1935-37; at Fort
Slocum, 1937-40; in office of Chief of Chaplains, Washington, D.C., 1940-42;
deputy chief of chaplains, 1942-45; assistant to Inspector General, 1945-46;
chaplain2nd Army, 1946-48; chaplain of U.S. Forces in Korea, 1947-48. He is a
member of Moscow Lodge No. 558, Moscow Mills, Mo. Was exalted Dec. 23, 1909 in
Pike Chapter No. 86, Louisiana, Mo., serving as high priest in 1911. He
affiliated with Gallatin Chapter No. 11, Gallatin, Mo., on Jan. 9, 1914 and
served as its high priest in 1915-16. Received Order of High-priesthood in
1911. Was knighted in Triumphal Commandery No. 65, K.T. (now defunct) at
Louisiana, Mo. in 1911 and affiliated with Pascal Cornmandery No. 32,
Chillicothe, Mo. in 1916. Was awarded 40-year Knight Templar certificate on
Oct. 24, 1959.
Jose Rizal (1861-1896) National hero of the Philippines. b. June
19, 1861 in Calamba, Laguna. Was educated in the U. of Madrid, Spain. A
teacher and writer, he preached unity among the Filipinos. He was willing to
live under the Spanish flag, but advocated reforms that gave the natives
greater participation in the management of their internal affairs. He was
exiled by the Spanish government for his political tale, Noli me Tangere
(Touch Me Not), written in 1886. While in exile, he published a second
political novel, El Filibusterismo (1891). On his return from exile he was
arrested, and was shot on the field of Bagumbayam on Dec. 30, 1896. He was
made a Mason in Acacia Lodge No. 9, Spain, in 1884, and the following year
joined a French lodge in Paris. He is credited with the establishment of the
lodge Filipino, in the Philippines, and was venerable master of Lakandola
Lodge of Perfection, Scottish Rite. On Dec. 12, 1912 the remains of Rizal were
removed from the home of his sfater to Solomon's Temple in Tondo. The lodges
under the Gran Logia Regional de Filipinas, with Sinukuan Lodge No. 305 (now
16) in charge, participated in the Masonic services over the remains. On the
next morning, again with Sinukuan Lodge in charge, the Masons marched in
procession with full Masonic regalia to the sister's home, where the remains
were turned over to the government's representatives. The remains were then
taken to the legislative building where the government also held funeral
services. A request that the remains be taken to the Roman Catholic cathedral
for religious services was turned down. The Catholic Church claimed that Rizal
had renounced Freemasonry on the eve of his execution and had reembraced the
church. Every evidence refutes the reported "conversion," which was not
claimed until many years after the execution, and after Rizal became the
"George Washington of the Philippines.”
Ross Rizley U.S. Congressman to 77th-80th Congresses, 1941-49,
from 8th Okla. dist.; Federal Judge, Western District of Oklahoma. b. July 5,
1892 in Beaver, Okla. Graduate of U. of Kansas City in 1915, and admitted to
Okla. bar that year, practicing at Beaver. He was state senator, 193135. In
1953-54 he was assistant secretary of agriculture. Received degrees in Beaver
Lodge No. 7, Beaver, Okla. in 1918 and is presently a member of Guymon Lodge
No. 335, Guymon, Okla. 32° AASR (SJ) at Guthrie; India Shrine Temple, Oklahoma
City; Jester at Guthrie; Eastern Star at Guymon, and DeMolay Legion of Honor.
Archibald Roane (1760-1819) Governor of Tennessee in 1801-03. b.
in Lancaster Co., Pa. He was the second governor of Tennessee. He served in
several judicial offices. Member of Tennessee Lodge No. 2 of Knoxville (was
No. 41 under North Carolina). He died Jan. 4, 1819 and was buried in Pleasant
Forest Cemetery at Campbell Station, Roane County, Tenn., the county being
named in his honor.
John S. Roane (1817-1867) Governor of Arkansas, 1848-52. b. Jan.
8, 1817 in Wilson Co., Tenn. Graduate of Cumberland Coll., Princeton, Ky., and
served in the Arkansas legislature. Was speaker of same in 1844. He
participated in the Mexican War as a lieutenant colonel of Arkansas cavalry
under Col. Archibald Yell, q.v., and commanded the regiment after Yell was
killed. In the Civil War he was a brigadier general in the provisional
Confederate Army and commanded the district of Little Rock. From 1855-65 he
was on the board of visitors from the Grand Lodge of Arkansas to St. Johns
College (Masonic). d. April 7, 1867.
Clair E. Robb Justice, Supreme Court of Kansas from 1954. b. April
13, 1905 in Wichita, Kans. Graduate of Washburn Coll. in 1933 and admitted to
bar that year, practicing at Wichita. Served as city and district judge.
Member of Albert Pike Lodge No. 303, Wichita, 32° AASR (SJ) at Wichita, and
member of Milian Shrine Temple. He organized the Midian Quartet, which was
dubbed Imperial Shrine Quartet. Past president of Wichita High Twelve and
member of DeMolay Legion of Honor.
Sir Alfred Robbins (1856-1931) English journalist. One of the most
important Freemasons of his time, he was known as the "Prime Minister of
Freemasonry" in Great Britain. b. Aug. 1, 1856, at Launceston, Cornwall. He
was an active journalist for 50 years, 45 of which were spent in Fleet Street.
He represented the Birmingham Post for 36 years as its London drama critic and
correspondent. For many years he was chairman of the London District of the
Institute of Journalists. He was initiated in Gallery Lodge No. 1928, London
in Dec., 1888; exalted in Gallery Chapter No. 1928, R.A.M. in Oct., 1897; and
in Oct., 1920 became a member of Tuscan Lodge No. 454, Royal Ark Mariners. On
Jan. 8, 1929 Alfred Robbins Lodge No. 5083 of London was constituted in his
honor. He was appointed past grand deacon of the Grand Lodge of England in
1908, and past grand warden in 1923. He was president of the important board
of general purposes of that grand lodge from 1913 until his death on March 10,
1931. In 1924 he made a visit to the United States in the interests of Masonic
unity and friendship, visiting many American grand lodges at that time.
Daniel Roberdeau (1727-1795) First Brigadier General of
Pennsylvania troops in the Revolution; member of the Continental Congress. b.
in 1727 on the Island of St. Christopher, West Indies, he came to Philadelphia
with his mother's family in his youth. Here he became a merchant, and was
manager of the Pennsylvania Hospital, 1756-58 and 1766-76. He was closely
associated with Franklin and Alexander Hamilton. Was an early member of the "associators,"
fitted out two ships as privateers, and was chosen a member of the council of
safety. Elected brigadier general of the Pa. troops on July 4, 1776, he was
called to the aid of Washington in New Jersey in 1777. Was active in
supporting the Articles of Confederation, and affixed his name to that
document on the part of Pa. He was three times elected to congress, and served
until 1779. In 1778, there being a scarcity of lead for the army, he opened a
lead mine in Bedford Co., where he was obliged to erect a stockade for
protection from the Indians. Most of the expense of this operation was paid
from his own pocket. After the war he moved to Alexandria, Va., where he often
entertained General Washington. He was a member of the "first" lodge in
Philadelphia; is recorded at one time as a visitor to Lodge No. 3 of that
city, and was a contributor to the Masonic Hall erected there. d. Jan. 5,
William G. Roberds Judge, Supreme Court of Mississippi, 1941-50;
now justice. b. March 8, 1884 in Prairie, Miss. Graduate of Miss. Agricultural
and Mechanical Coll., in 1907, and U. of Mississippi in 1910. Was in private
law practice from 1910-26 and 1930-37. Was instructor of law at U. of
Mississippi for seven years. Raised Feb. 5, 1917 in Aberdeen Lodge No. 32,
Aberdeen, Miss. (now Walter W. Kimmel Lodge). Dimitted April 3, 1919 and on
Aug. 9 affiliated with West Point Lodge No. 159, West Point, Miss.
Robert I (1274-1329) Known as Robert the Bruce, king and liberator
of Scotland. Was originally Robert VIII, but in 1306 he was crowned as Robert
I at Scone. He was defeated by the English that year and took refuge on the
coast of Ireland. He was excommunicated and outlawed. He returned in 1307, and
in two years wrested most of Scotland from the English, routing Edward II's
army at Bannockburn in 1314. He repulsed the English again and again, until
finally Edward III recognized the independence of Scotland by the Treaty of
Northampton in 1328. There is a legend that Robert the Bruce founded the Royal
Order of Scotland. It is said that at the dissolution of the Order of the
Temple, some of those persecuted individuals took refuge in Scotland, placed
themselves under the protection of Robert the Bruce, and assisted him at the
Battle of Bannockburn, which was fought on St. John's Day, 1314. After the
battle the Royal Order was founded, and from the fact that the Templars had
contributed to the victory, and because of subsequent grants to their order by
King Robert, for which they were formally excommunicated by the church, it has
by some been identified with that ancient military order. It was originally
the Order of Saint Andrew of the Thistle, to which he afterwards united that
of Heredom and Rosy Cross, for the sake of the Scottish Freemasons who made a
part of the 30,000 men who fought with him. He reserved forever to himself and
his successors the title of Grand Master. His titles have descended through
the Elgin family to this date, Edward James Bruce, 10th Earl of Elgin, q.v.,
being the head of the Royal Order of Scotland, and possessor of the great
sword of Robert the Bruce that has been handed down through the family. d.
July 9, 1329.
Albert H. Roberts (1868-1946) Governor of Tennessee, 1919-21. b.
July 4, 1868 in Overton Co., Tenn. Graduate of Hiwassee Coll. (Tenn.) in 1889
and 1892. Taught school five years and was county superintendent of schools
two terms. Practiced law in Overton Co. from 18941910. Member of Livingston
Lodge No. 259, Livingston, Tenn. d. June 25, 1946.
Bonny K. Roberts Justice, Supreme Court of Florida since 1949. b.
Feb. 5, 1907 in Sopchoppy, Fla. Graduate of U. of Florida in 1928. In general
law practice at Tallahassee, 1928-49, and a business executive since 1928.
Mason and Shriner.
Donald F. Roberts Vice President of Acacia Mutual Life Insurance
Co. since 1941. b. Dec. 14, 1902 in Lakewood, Ohio. Graduate of Wharton School
of Finance, U. of Pennsylvania in 1924. A director of Consolidated Title
Corp., Washington, D.C. since 1935, and director of Lawyers Title Insurance
Co. since 1935. Vice president of Acacia Mutual, 1941-56, and financial vice
president since 1956. Member of Temple-Noyes Lodge No. 32, Washington, D.C.
Ellsworth A. Roberts President and Director of Fidelity Mutual
Life Insurance Co. of Philadelphia since 1943. b. July 3, 1896 in Houghton,
Mich. Graduate of Yale in 1922. Practiced law in Duluth, Minn., 1922-25, and
was vice president and general counsel of Minnesota Mutual Life Ins. Co.,
1934-43. Is a director Bell Telephone of Pa., Delaware & Bound Brook R.R.,
Great American Insurance Co., National Fire Insurance Co., and many others.
Served as second lieutenant in Army, 1918-19. Mason.
Everett D. Roberts Judge, Supreme Court of South Dakota since
1930. b. Aug. 17, 1890 in Buena Vista Co., Ia. Graduate of U. of South Dakota
in 1918, starting law practice at Chamberlain, S. Dak. in 1918. Was assistant
attorney general of S. Dak., 1928-30; president of the state historical
society, 1943-44. Raised April 16, 1918 in Incense Lodge No. 2, Vermillion, S.
Field Marshal Frederick S. Roberts (1832-1914) 1st Earl Roberts of
Kandahar, Pretoria, and Waterford, nicknamed by his soldiers "Bobs." b. at
Cawnpore, India, the son of a British general, he served in the Sepoy Mutiny
of 1857-58, winning the Victoria Cross for heroism at Khudaganj. He aided in
the siege and capture of Delhi, the relief of Lucknow, and the Battle of
Cawnpore. In the second Afghan War, he forced Afghan position at Peiwar Kotal,
took Kabul, and reentered the Afghan capital in 1879. He made the memorable
march from Kabul to the relief of Kandahar, and pacified Afghanistan in 1880.
He was commander-in-chief of Ireland in 1895-99. He relieved Kimberley and
compelled the Boers under Cronje to surrender at Paardeberg in 1900. He
annexed the Orange Free State, the Transvaal, and occupied Pretoria. After
retiring in 1904 he devoted himself to the creation of a civilian army. He was
a member and past master of Kyber Lodge, Peshawur, India.
Oran M. Roberts (1815-1898) Governor of Texas, 1879-83. b. July 9,
1815 in St. Car. Graduate of the U. of Alabama in 1836, studied law, and
served in the Ala. legislature in 1839-40. Moved to Texas in 1841, where he
was appointed district attorney and later district judge in 1846, holding the
latter office for five years. In 1857 he was elected justice of the supreme
court of Texas. He was elected president of the secession convention, and was
a colonel in the Confederate Army from 1862-64, when he was called to return
to the bench as chief justice. In 1866 he was elected to the U.S. senate, but
denied the seat. He was again chief justice of Texas from 1876-79, and after
his governorship was a professor of law in the U. of Texas. Raised in
McFarland Lodge No. 3, San Augustine, Texas on Feb. 4, 1846. Later dimitted to
Clinton Lodge No. 23, Henderson; then back to McFarland Lodge and finally to
St. John Lodge No. 53, Tyler, Texas. d. May 19, 1898.
Ralph H. Roberts Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Oct. 1, 1896 in
Tuscola, III Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1918, and advanced through
grades to rear admiral in 1947. Was in overseas transport and escort duty in
WWI. In WWII he commanded the cruiser, U.S.S. St. Louis in the Solomons,
Bougainville, New Britain, Mariannas, and Philippine campaigns. He specialized
in gunnery and ordnance. He was director of ordnance production of the bureau
of ordnance, Navy Dept., W and since 1946 served as manager of the Elmira
works of General Electric Co. Mason.
William B. Roberts Protestant Episcopal Bishop of South Dakota
from 1931. b. Dec. 10, 1881 in Detroit, Mich. Graduate of Trinity Coll.
(Conn.) in 1905, and Berkeley Divinity School in 1908. Ordained deacon in 1908
and priest in 1909. Was missionary in charge of Dallas and other points in
Rosebud Co., S. Dak., 1908-22, and consecrated suffragan bishop of S. Dak. in
1922. Was chaplain of the 313th Engineers, A.E.F. in 1918-19. Raised Jan. 18,
1911 in Gateway Lodge No. 150, Dallas, S. Dak. and was master of same in 1916;
33° AASR (SJ); Knight Templar and Shriner.
Andrew W. Robertson Chairman of Board of Westinghouse Electric
Corp., 1929-51, and now chairman of finance committee. b. Feb. 7, 1880 in
Panama, N.Y. A.B. and LL.D. from Allegheny Coll., and LLB. from U. of
Pittsburgh. Began law practice at Pittsburgh in 1910. Became general attorney
for Philadelphia Co. and affiliated corporations (public utilities) in 1819;
vice president, 1923-26; and president, 1926-29. Is also director of Chase
National Bank, N.Y.C. Received degrees in Beta Lodge No. 647, Wilkinsburg, Pa.
on March 25, April 22, May 27, 1912 and on Sept. 15, 1916 affiliated with
Dormont Lodge No. 684, Dormont, Pa.
Charles R. Robertson (1889-1951) U.S. Congressman to 77th,
1941-43, and 79th-80th Congresses, 1945-49, from N. Dak. b. Sept. 5, 1889 at
Arlington, Wis. Entered wholesale dry goods field at Minneapolis, moving to
Aberdeen, S. Dak. in 1910, Redfield, 1912, and Mandan, N. Dak. in 1917.
Organized Robertson's, Inc. (women's wear) at Valley City, N. Dak. in 1921,
and later opened branches at Jamestown, Wahpeton, and Bismarck. Raised in
Aberdeen Lodge No. 38, Aberdeen, S. Dak. Affiliated with Mandan Lodge No. 8,
Mandan, N. Dak. on Nov. 4, 1919; affiliated with Valley City Lodge No. 7.,
Valley City, N. Dak., June 1, 1926; affiliated with Bismarck Lodge No. 5,
Bismarck, N. Dak., on Feb. 18, 1935, where he retained membership until his
death on Feb. 18, 1951.
David B. Robertson President of Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
and Enginemen from 1913-1922. b. May 13, 1876 in West Austintown, Ohio.
Employed by a nut and bolt works in Youngstown, Ohio at age of 12, and later
with brick works and machine shop. Entered railroading with Pennsylvania R.R.
as an engine wiper in 1895, became a hostler, fireman, and engineer on the
Erie R.R., 1898-1913. Became general chairman of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen and Engineers of the Erie system from 1905-13; president, 191322.
Member of Western Star Lodge No. 21, Youngstown, Ohio, receiving degrees on
Dec. 18, 1903, Jan. 22, April 7, 1904. Received 50-year medal from grand
Edward V. Robertson U.S. Senator from Wyoming, 1943-49. b. May 27,
1881 in Cardiff, Wales. Served in Boer War, 1899-1902; engaged in mechanical
and electric power engineering until he immigrated to the U.S. in 1912, and
settled in Park Co., Wyoming. Here he engaged in raising livestock, and was in
the mercantile business at Cody from 1912-42. Member of Shoshone Lodge No. 21,
Cody, Wyoming, and served as master of same in 1928. Received the degrees on
June 15, 30, July 27, 1922. Now lives in Denver, Colo.
James Robertson (1742-1814) American pioneer and brigadier
general. b. June 28, 1742 in Brunswick Co., Va. The family moved to Wake Co.,
N. Car. about 1750, where he worked on a farm and received no education. In
1759 he accompanied Daniel Boone on his third expedition beyond the
Alleghenies. Here he found a valley, watered by the Watauga River, which he
explored while Boone went to Ky. The following spring Robertson led 16
families tothe West. He was the first settler of Nashville. For many years
this small group fought the Indians for the land. In 1776 Robertson and John
Sevier, q.v., built a fort at Watauga, and with 40 men withstood a siege of 20
days. In 1779 he emigrated to the Cumberland region, leaving Sevier in charge
at Watauga. Here they had a long conflict with the Cherokees, who outnumbered
them 100-to-1. At the close of the Revolutionary War he was able to bring 500
trained Indian fighters into the field. Through his diplomacy, he made friends
with the Choctaws and Chickasaws who severed their alliance with Great
Britain, and in 1790 Washington appointed him brigadier general and Indian
commissioner for the area. He fought the half-breed Creek chief, Alexander
McGillivray, q.v., on many occasions after peace had been secured with the
other Indians, and had great difficulty with Spain, who supported McGillivray.
He was a member of Harmony Lodge No. 1 of Tenn. and was buried Masonically
upon his death, Sept. 1, 1814.
J. B. A. Robertson (1871-1938) Governor of Oklahoma, 1919-23. b.
March 15, 1871 in Keokuk Co., Iowa. Moved of Oklahoma in 1893; admitted to the
bar in 1898. Served as county attorney, district judge, and member of state
capitol and supreme court commissions. Raised in Chandler Lodge No. 58, Sept.
18, 1900; later affiliated with Siloam Lodge No. 276 of Oklahoma City, and was
life member of same. Was exalted in Chandler Chapter No. 51, R.A.M., Sept. 6,
1905, and knighted in Oklahoma Cornmandery No. 3, K.T. Received the Scottish
Rite at Guthrie in April, 1903, and became member of India Shrine Temple,
Oklahoma City in June, 1903. d. March 7, 1938.
J. Ross Robertson ( 1841-1918) Canadian newspaper publisher,
Masonic author, and philanthropist. b. Dec. 28, 1841 in Toronto, Ontario.
Educated at Upper Canada Coll, and at the same time edited a small college
paper from his father's home, 1857-60. He then edited Young Canada; the
Grumbler; Sporting Life; and Canadian. Railway Guide. Entering the newspaper
field, he was city editor of the Toronto Globe, and spent several years in
England as its correspondent. In 1866 he founded the Daily Telegraph, in 1875,
the Nation, and in 1876, the Evening Telegram. He published a 20-volume series
dealing with the history of the city of Toronto. He was a collector of books,
rare prints, and historical objects. He was chairman of the board of the
Hospital for Sick Children, and visited the hospital every day for 35 years.
He personally built many hospital buildings, and many civic benefits in
Toronto are due to his efforts. He three times declined to be a candidate for
mayor of Toronto, and in 1902 declined knighthood and a senatorship. He was
invited by King Edward to attend his coronation in 1902. His Masonic writings
are standard works in Canada, and include Talks With Craftsman; History of the
Cryptic Rite; History of Knights Templar of Canada; and the two-volume History
of Freemasonry in Canada. He was made a Freemason on March 14, 1867 in King
Solomon's Lodge No. 22, Toronto, and was master in 1880. In 1879 he was master
of Mimico Lodge No. 369. In 1890 he was elected grand master of the Grand
Lodge of Canada, and was reelected the following year. As grand master he
visited all 354 lodges of that jurisdiction. A member of King Solomon Chapter
No. 8, R.A.M.; 33° AASR; prior of the Great Priory (K.T.) of Canada; and past
grand master of the Grand Council R & S.M. His last act of benevolence was the
donation of $111,000 to the Children's Hospital, eleven days before his death,
May 31, 1918.
Reuben Buck Robertson President of Champion Paper and Fibre Co.,
1946-50, and now chairman of the board. b. June 11, 1879 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Graduate of Yale in 1900 and law student at U. of Cincinnati. Was an attorney
from 1903-06, and on special assignments in manufacturing, 1907-12. Became
general manager of Champion Fibre Co. in 1912, vice president in 1918, and
president from 1925-35. Became executive vice president of Champion Paper &
Fibre Co. in 1935, and president and chairman in 1946. Served on National War
Labor Board; past president of American Paper and Pulp Assn.; and past
director of National Assn. of Manufacturers. In 1951 he was named "Man of the
South." Received degrees in Avon Lodge No. 542, Cincinnati, Ohio on June 16,
Sept. 22, Oct. 20, 1903. Member of Scottish Rite. Dimitted Dec. 12, 1911.
Reuben B. Robertson, Jr. President of Champion Paper and Fibre Co.
since 1950. b. June 27, 1908 in Asheville, N. Car. Has been with Champion Co.
since graduation from Yale in 1930, successively as assistant manager of the
Canton division, production manager and vice president, general production
manager of all divisions, and director of personnel. In 1955-57 he was deputy
secretary of defense. Is a director of B. F. Goodrich Co., and Procter &
Gamble Co. Served from captain to lieutenant colonel in Army. Received degrees
in Pigeon River Lodge No. 386, Canton, N. Car. on June 4, 29, Aug. 13, 1934,
dimitting in 1947 and affiliating with Benjamin Franklin Lodge No. 719,
Hamilton, Ohio on Oct. 21, 1948.
Edward D. Robie (1831-1911) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Sept. 11,
1831 in Burlington, Vt. Became assistant engineer, U.S.N., in 1852, was
promoted through grades to commodore, and retired on Sept. 11, 1893. On May
29, 1906 Congress advanced him to the rank of rear admiral for his Civil War
record. He circumnavigated the globe in the U.S.S. Mississippi in Perry's
Japan expedition of 1852-55. He erected and operated the first line of
electric telegraph ever seen in Japan, and instructed the Japanese in building
and operating the first steam railroad. He took the first daguerreotypes to
Japan. He was on the U.S.S. Susquehanna with the expedition to capture the
filibusters in Nicaragua, and in the laying of the first ocean cable to
Ireland in 1857, when the cable broke. Was a member of the board which
designed the first iron floating dry dock for the U.S.N.; fleet engineer of
the combined fleets at Key West, Fla., during trouble with Spain in 1874; and
selected and fitted out vessels for the Spanish-American War in 1898. He was
fleet engineer of the North Pacific station, 1866-69; European station,
1871-74; Pacific Fleet, 1879-81; Norfolk Navy Yard, 1874-77 and 188791; Boston
Navy Yard, 1881-84; New York Navy Yard, 1884-87. Member of Binghamton Lodge
No. 177, Binghamton, N.Y. d. 1911.
Frederick Robie (1822-1912) Governor of Maine, 1883-87. b. Aug.
12, 1822 in Gorham, Maine. Graduate of Bowdoin in 1841, and M.D. from
Jefferson Medical Coll., Philadelphia, in 1844. Practiced medicine at
Biddeford, Maine, 1844-55, and at Gorham, 185960. Served in Civil War. He was
president of the First National Bank of Portland from 1891, and also president
of the Derigo Fire Insurance Co. of Maine. Member of the Maine house of
representatives for eight terms, and was twice speaker. Member of the state
senate, 1866-67. Was a member of Harmony Lodge No. 38, Gorham, Maine, as well
as the chapter and commandery. d. in 1912.
Abbe Claude Robin A French litterateur and curate of Saint
Pierred'Angers. In 1776 he advanced his views on the origin of Freemasonry in
a lecture before the Lodge of the Nine Sisters at Paris. He subsequently
enlarged this, and it was published in 1770, under the title, Studies on
Ancient and Modern Initiations. In this work the abbe deduces from the ancient
initiations in the pagan mysteries, the orders of chivalry, whose branches, he
says, produced the initiation of Freemasonry.
Augustine W. Robins (1882-1940) Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b.
Sept. 18, 1882 in Gloucester Co., Va. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in
1907, and advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1917. In 1935 he was
chief of Air Corps material division at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. Mason. d.
June 16, 1940.
Charles A. Robins Governor of Idaho, 1947-51. b. Dec. 8, 1884 in
Defiance, Iowa. Graduate of William Jewell Coll. (Mo.) in 1907 and M.D. degree
from U. of Chicago in 1917. Was in general medical practice at St. Maries,
Idaho, 1919-46. Served several terms as state senator, and was president pro
tern in 1943-44. Member of St. Maries Lodge No. 63, St. Manes, Idaho, and
senior deacon at time of his election as governor.
Sir Ellis Robins First Rhodes Scholar. An American by birth, he
was born in 1884 in Philadelphia, his father being an army officer, and his
mother a native of Berkshire, England. Graduate of the U. of Pennsylvania, he
was chosen as the first Rhodes scholar for Oxford U., England, under the
scholarships endowed by Cecil Rhodes, q.v., for students from England, its
colonies, the U.S., and Germany. After his years at Christ Church, Oxford, he
went to Africa, where he formed a close acquaintance with Rhodes, and became
entrusted with important posts in the new territory, which had been given the
name of Rhodesia. In 1914 he was mobilized to active service with the City of
London Yeomanry, and served overseas in the Middle East and Egyptian
expeditionary forces from 1915-21. Was awarded the D.S.O., and in 1933 was
made a commander of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. He is resident
director in Africa of the British South Africa Company, and a director of the
Rhodesia Railway Trust, Rhodesia Land Bank, Anglo-American Corp. of South
Africa, and others. In 1953 he was host to Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother,
on her visit to Rhodesia, at the centenary of the birth of Cecil Rhodes. He
became district grand master for Rhodesia in 1937, as well as grand inspector
of the Royal Arch chapters there. He was appointed past grand deacon of the
Grand Lodge of England in 1934.
Thomas Robins (1868-1957) Inventor of the belt conveyor, now
largely used for carrying ores, coal, etc. b. Sept. 1, 1868 in Highland Falls,
N.Y. Began a series of inventions in 1892 which eventually led to the belt
conveyor. Was awarded the Grand Prize, Paris Expedition, in 1900. Was chairman
of board of Hewitt-Robins, Inc. Received degrees in York Lodge No. 197, N.Y.C.
on May 13, 27, June 24, 1904. d. Nov. 4, 1957.
Arthur R. Robinson U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1925-35. b. March
12, 1881 in Pickering, Ohio. Graduate of Ohio Northern U. in 1901, Indiana Law
School, 1910, and U. of Chicago, 1913. Admitted to Indiana bar in 1910. Was
member of state senate, 1915-18, and later, judge of county superior court.
Served as Infantry lieutenant in WWI overseas. Received degrees in Capital
City Lodge No. 312, Indianapolis, Ind. on July 13, 20, 27, 1909 and master of
same in 1916. Received 50-year button on Nov. 24, 1959. Member of Scottish
Rite at Indianapolis; was master of Adoniram Lodge of Perfection in 1926-27
and received 33° AASR (NJ) in 1924.
Charles Robinson (1818-1894) First governor of Kansas, when it
became a state in 1861. b. July 21, 1818 in Hardwick, Mass. Medical graduate
in 1843, he practiced at Belchertown, Springfield, and Fitchburg, Mass. until
1849, when he went overland to Calif. There in Sacramento he edited a daily
paper called Settlers's and Miner's Tribune. He took part in the riots of
1850, and was arrested and indicted for conspiracy and murder, for upholding
the squatter sovereignty. While under indictment, he was elected to the
legislature, and the charges were later dropped without trial. He returned to
Fitchburg, Mass. in 1852, where he edited a weekly paper called the News. In
June, 1854, he went to Kansas as an agent of the New England emigrants' aid
society. He settled in Lawrence, became the leader of the Free State party,
and was commander-in-chief of the Kansas volunteers. He was a member of the
Topeka convention that adopted a free-state constitution in 1855, and under it
was elected governor in 1856. He was then indicted for treason and usurpation
of office, but was acquitted by a jury. He was again elected by the Free-State
party in 1858, and for the third time in 1859. He organized most of the Kansas
regiments for the Civil War. Later he served one term. as representative and
two terms as state senator. He was defeated for governor in 1882, and in 1887
became superintendent of the Haskell Institute at Lawrence. Member of Lawrence
Lodge No. 6, being raised July 21, 1859 and dimitting April 13, 1880. d. Aug.
17, 1894.
Fayette L. "Yankee" Robinson (1818-1884) Early circus showman. b.
May 2, 1818 in Avon, N.Y. Was apprenticed to a shoemaker, learning tent-making
as well. He spent his evenings studying the Bible and dramatics; gave dancing
lessons. In 1845 he commissioned an artist to do a 12 by15 foot oil painting
of "The Raising of Lazarus and the Baptism of Christ." He prepared a Biblical
lecture on the subject, built a small stage, loaded it in a wagon, and left
for Chicago. Here he lectured at Judge Fuller's Museum at the corner of
Randolph and Dearborn streets. He then traveled with theatrical companies and
owned the first "Uncle Tom's Cabin" company to play under a tent. He bought
two circuses, consolidating them into a "175-horse circus." In that day the
size of a circus was determined by the number of horses it took to pull the
wagons. He lost this circus, but soon had a 225-horse circus which was the
largest of the day. This too, he lost, and then found employment with W. W.
Cole circus, and later with Sells Bros. On May 19, 1884 he combined with the
Ringling Brothers, q.q.v., to form The Yankee Robinson Ringling Bros. Great
Double Show at Baraboo, Wis. On Aug. 27 of that year, he became sick at
Bayard, Iowa, and Al Ringling put him on the train to make the trip to Lake
City, Iowa. He became so ill that the conductor put him off at Jefferson,
Iowa, where he died in the Charlie Dean Hotel, unknown. Inasmuch as he wore a
Masonic ring, the funeral was conducted by Morning Star Lodge No. 159. When Al
Ringling returned to search for him, he had already been buried. The Ringling
Brothers erected a monument with Masonic emblems over his grave. His lodge has
never been determined, but it might have been almost any place, as he showed
in 4,000 cities and towns scattered throughout the U.S. and Canada. d. Sept.
4, 1884.
Frank H. Robinson Major General, U.S. Air Force. b. April 10, 1904
in Everett, Wash. Commissioned a 2nd lieutenant in 1927, and advanced through
grades to major general, U.S.A.F., in 1951. He commanded the 44th Bomb Group
in England, 194243; was inspector general of Eastern Flying Training Command,
1943-45; then commanded Moody Field and Williams Field. Was chief of staff of
13th and 20th air forces at Okinawa, 1947-49; inspector general of Far East
Air Forces, Japan, 1949-50; deputy commander of Central Air Defense Force,
1951-53; and since 1956 has commanded crew training at Randolph Field, Texas.
Member of Centralia Lodge No. 63, Centralia, Wash. since 1921; 32* AASR in
Balboa, C.Z.; Afifi Shrine Temple of Tacoma, Wash.; and Randolph Chapter No.
403, National Sojourners, Randolph AFB, Texas.
George F. S. Robinson (see Earl of De Grey).
James F. Robinson (1800-1882) Governor of Kentucky, 1862-63. b.
Oct. 4, 1800 in Scott Co., Ky. A member of Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 14,
Georgetown, Ky., he received his degrees on April 2, 23, 27, 1821, and was
master of the lodge in 1822. He was buried with Masonic honors. Member of
Georgetown Chapter No. 13, R.A.M. and past high priest of same. d. Nov. 1,
John C. Robinson (1817-1897) Major General, U.S. Army. b. April
10, 1817 in Binghamton, N.Y. Attended U.S. Military Academy, but left a year
before graduation to study law. Commissioned in 1839, and served in Mexican
War. Was at battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey, and the
concluding operations of that war. He then campaigned against the hostile
Indians of Texas, led expeditions against the Seminoles in Florida, and took
part in the Utah expedition. At the beginning of the Civil War, he was in
command of Fort McHenry, Baltimore. Commissioned brigadier general of
volunteers in 1862 and commanded a brigade at Newport News. Transferred to the
Army of the Potomac, he took part in the seven days' battles before Richmond,
and commanded a division at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg.
Was also at Mine Run, Wilderness, and Spotsylvania Court House, being wounded
in the latter battle and losing his left leg. Was breveted major general of
volunteers in 1864, and major general, U.S. Army in March, 1865. He later
commanded the Department of the South and the Department of the Lakes; retired
on May 6, 1869 with full rank of major general. In 1877-78 he was
commander-in-chief of the G.A.R., and served as president of the Society of
the Army of the Potomac in 1887. Member of Binghamton Lodge No. 177,
Binghamton, N.Y. He was first master of Rocky Mountain Lodge No. 205, Camp
Floyd, Utah Territory. Recorded as a visitor to Otseningo Lodge No. 435,
Binghamton, N.Y., on Jan. 5, 1860. Knighted in Monroe Commandery No. 12,
Rochester, N.Y. on Feb. 4, 1851. d. Feb. 18, 1897.
John G. Robinson Vice President of Container Corp. of America
since 1949, and chairman of board of California Container Corp. since 1952. b.
Dec. 23, 1904 in Cincinnati, Ohio. With the Container Corp. of America from
1926, successively as assistant sales manager at Cincinnati, general manager
of Rock Island (Ill.) plant, and general manager of West Central division at
Chicago. Mason, 32° AASR, and Shriner.
John M. Robinson (1794-1843) U.S. Senator from Illinois, 1930-41.
b. April 10, 1794 in Georgetown, Ky. Graduate of Translyvania U. at Lexington,
Ky. Studied law and began practice in Carmi, Ill., in 1818. He was a judge of
the state supreme court, andserved as a general in the state militia. Member
of Western Star Lodge at Kaskaskia, Ill. d. April 25, 1843.• Jonathan Robinson
(1756-1819) U.S. Senator from Vermont, 1807-15. b. Aug. 11, 1756 in Harwick,
Mass. Studied law and began practice in Bennington, Vt. Was town clerk, member
of state house of representatives, judge of probate court, and chief justice
of the supreme court of Vermont, 1801-07. Member of Hiram Lodge No. 8, Pawlet,
Vt., and at one time served as its master. d. Nov. 3, 1819.
Joseph T. Robinson (1872-1937) Governor of Arkansas, 1913; U.S.
Congressman, 58th-61st Congresses, 1903-13; and U.S. Senator, 1913-37. b. Aug.
26, 1872 in Lonoke Co., Ark. Admitted to bar in 1895, and began practice at
Lonoke, Ark. He was Democratic majority leader of the senate from 1923-37. In
1928 he was unsuccessful candidate for vice president of the U.S. on the
Democratic ticket, with Alfred E. Smith. Appointed member of the board of
regents, Smithsonian Institution, in 1927. Member of Lonoke Lodge No. 51,
Lonoke, Ark.; Scottish Rite at Little Rock, and Al Amin Shrine Temple, Little
Rock. Also York Rite Mason. d. July 14, 1937.
Simon W. Robinson (1792-1868) Sovereign Grand Commander of Supreme
Council, 33° AASR Northern Jurisdiction, 1865-68. b. Feb. 19, 1792 in New
Hampton, N.H. Served in the War of 1812, and one term in the Mass. state
legislature. Initiated Nov. 29, 1819 in Mount Lebanon Lodge, Boston, Mass., he
served as master for several years, and 15 years as treasurer. In 1839 was
acting grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Mass.; grand master
of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts from 184648; and presided over the Grand
Encampment, K.T. of Mass. and Rhode Island. Received the 33° at Boston in
1851; was lieutenant grand commander of the AASR (SJ) from 1861-65. d. Oct.
16, 1868.
"Sugar Ray" Robinson One-time middle weight and light heavyweight
boxing champion of the world. Member of Prince Hall affiliated lodge, Joppa
No. 55, New York City.
William D. Robinson (1856-1931) Pennsylvania doctor who was
founder of the Volunteer Medical Service Corps, which at the time was the
largest medical organization in the history of the world. b. March 25, 1856 in
Fulton Co., Pa. Graduate of Philadelphia Coll. of Pharmacy in 1876, and
received M.D. degree from U. of Pennsylvania in 1880. He practiced at
Philadelphia. He was chairman and member of the board of the Sesquicentennial
International Exposition at Philadelphia in 1926. Member of Corinthian Lodge
No. 368, Philadelphia, Pa., receiving degrees on Feb. 19, March 19, April 16,
1895. d. Jan. 24, 1931.
John Robison (1739-1805) Professor of natural history at the
University of Edinburgh and secretary of the Royal Society in that city. He is
said to have been initiated at Liege early in life, and for some time was a
working Freemason. His importance to Masonry, however, stems from an
anti-Masonic book published in 1797, entitled Proofs of a Conspiracy Against
All the Religions and Governments of Europe Carried on in the Secret Meetings
of the Freemasons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies Collected From Good
Authorities. It created a great sensation, and Lord Moira, q.v., called for a
defense on the part of Freemasonry. In his second edition, however, he
admitted that Freemasonry had "retained in Britain its original form, simple
and unadorned, and the lodges have remained the scenes of innocent merriment,
or meetings of charity andbeneficence." The book was used in the U.S. by the
anti-Masons of the Morgan period to bolster their claims.
John M. Robison (1878-1948) U.S. Senator and U.S. Congressman from
Kentucky. b. Jan. 2, 1878 in Bracken Co., Ky. Graduate of National Normal U.
at Lebanon, Ohio, and Centre Coll., Danville, Ky. Began law practice at
Barbourville, Ky. in 1898. Was faculty member of Union Coll. in that city.
Served as congressman from Ky. to 66th-70th congresses, 1919-29, and 74th-80th
congresses, 1935-48. From Jan. 9, 1930 to March 3, 1931 he was U.S. senator
from Ky., filling an unexpired term. Member of Mountain Lodge No. 187,
Barbourville, Ky., receiving degrees on Sept. 28, Nov. 23, Dec. 28, 1903. d.
Feb. 17, 1948.
Jean Baptiste Comte de Rochambeau (1725-1807) French General of
American Revolution, and later Marshal of France. His father, who was governor
of Vendome, sent his son to a Jesuit college to be educated for the
priesthood. On the death of his older brother, however, his plans were
changed. He entered the army in 1742, serving in central Europe and the
Lowlands, receiving several wounds in action. Became a colonel in 1747,
succeeding his father as Governor of Vendome, and after service in the
Mediterranean and German campaigns, was made a brigadier general and decorated
as a Knight of the Order of St. Louis. As a lieutenant general, he was given
command of the expeditionary force sent by France to help the American
colonies, and he landed at Newport, R.I. in Sept., 1780, where his troops went
into winter quarters. The names of many Frenchmen appear on the old lodge
records of Newport and Providence during 1780-83. He joined Washington's
Continentals at White Plains, N.Y. in July, 1781. The joint forces marched
southward, besieged Cornwallis at Yorktown, and with the French fleet
preventing an escape by sea, forced Cornwallis to capitulate on Oct. 19, 1781.
After a tour of the states, Rochambeau returned to France, where he received
many honors from the king. He was made Marshal of France and head of the army.
During the French Revolution, he was arrested, imprisoned, and narrowly
escaped the guillotine. With the rise of power of Napoleon, however,
Rochambeau was accorded recognition as a famous soldier of France, and was
pensioned by the emperor. His membership has not been established, but he and
Lafayette and nearly 100 others, were listed as visiting brothers at the
institution of the Lodge of Saint John de Candeur at Paris on Oct. 25, 1775.
Princess of Rochelle Italian noblewoman who was grand mistress of
the Order of St. John of Jerusalem —an early emanation of Masonry in the 18th
century. Other grand mistresses were the Duchess of Wisembourg (Germany),
Princess de Latour, and Countess of Maille (both of France).
Knute Rockne (1888-1931) Football player and coach. b. at Voss,
Norway, and came to the U.S. in 1893, settling in Chicago. Graduate of Notre
Dame in 1914; was captain of its football team in 1913. He was assistant coach
from 1914-18, and head coach from 1918-31. Killed in an airplane crash on
March 31, 1931. He was definitely not a Freemason although the Masonic press
has carried many references to his "membership." Our information is from Carl
L. Hibbard, past grand master of Indiana, who was a good friend of Rockne's,
and who discussed Freemasonry with him several times.
Robert F. Rockwell (1886-1950) U.S. Congressman to 77th-80th
Congresses, 1941-49, from 4th Coloradodist b. Feb. 11, 1886 in Cortland, N.Y.
Was a cattle raiser and rancher in Colorado from 1907. Served in both branches
of the state legislature, and was lieutenant governor of Colo. in 1922-24.
Raised in Paonia Lodge No. 121, Paonia, Colo. on Jan. 15, 1912. Served through
chairs from 1914 and was master in 1917. Exalted in Zion Chapter No. 46 (now
merged with Delta No. 38 of Delta, Colo.), being exalted April 26, 1912 and
served as chapter officer 10 years between 1913-27; greeted in Terruride
Council No. 10, R. & S.M. Aug. 2, 1923; knighted in Delta Commandery No. 34,
Delta, Colo. on April 19, 1918; 32° AASR (SJ) and Shriner. d. Sept. 28, 1950.
William S. Rockwell (1804-1865) Lawyer, Egyptologist, and
Lieutenant Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, S.J. b. in Albany, N.Y.
Entered law practice at Milledgeville, Ga. as a young man. Member of
Benevolent Lodge No. 3 of that city; master in 1845, and grand master of
Georgia in 1856-62. Member of Temple Chapter No. 6, R.A.M., Georgia Council
No. 4, R. & S.M., and St. Omer Commandery No. 2, K.T., and later Palestine
Coinmandery No. 7, heading each of these bodies, and offices in the state
organizations. Became lieutenant grand commander of the Scottish Rite.
Seaborn A. Roddenbery (18701913) U.S. Congressman to 61st-62nd
Congresses, 1910-13, from 2nd Ga. dist. b. Jan. 12, 1870 in Decatur Co., Ga.
Admitted to the bar in 1894, and began practice at Thomasville, Ga. He engaged
in farming after 1897. Member of Thomasville Lodge No. 369, Thomasville, Ga.,
receiving degrees on March 30, April 12, June 10, 1897. d. Sept. 25, 1913.
Homer A. Rodeheaver (1880-1955) Evangelistic music director. b.
Oct. 4, 1880 in Union Furnace, Ohio. Was musical director for William A.
"Billy" Sunday in his evangelistic campaigns, 1909-31. He directed choruses in
nearly all leading cities of the U.S. He was president of The Rodeheaver
Hall-Mack Co., gospel music publishers at Winona Lake, Ind., and founder of
Rodeheaver's Boys Ranch, Inc., in Florida. He played the trombone with the 4th
Tenn. regimental band in Cuba, during the Spanish-American War. He was the
author of Song Stories of the Sawdust Trail; 20 Years With Billy Sunday; and
Singing Black. He also wrote several gospel songs. In 192324 he toured the
world with evangelist W. E. Biederwolf, and made a tour of the Belgian Congo
in 1936. Received degrees in Lake City-Warsaw Lodge No. 73, Warsaw, Ind. on
Dec. 22, 25, 30, 1914. Dimitted Nov. 16, 1934 and reaffiliated Dec. 1, 1952.
Knight Templar and Shriner. d. Dec. 18, 1955.
Dorrance D. Roderick Newspaper publisher. b. Dec. 24, 1900 in
Brooklyn, Iowa. Graduate of U. of Oklahoma in 1922. Began as reporter on Tulsa
World in 1918, and was subsequently with Associated Press in Oklahoma City;
Wichita (Kan.) Eagle; and Lubbock (Tex.) Journal. Was publisher of the latter
from 1926-29, as well as the Lubbock Avalanche. Publisher of the El Paso
Herald and Times, 1929-31, and the El Paso Times since 1931. Is president of
the El Paso Times, Inc. and Roderick Broadcasting Corp., as well as the
Southwest Broadcasting Corp., and stations KROD and KROD-TV. Served overseas
as a major in military government in WWII. Director of Federal Reserve Bank,
El Paso, 1945-51, and chairman of same 1948-51. Vice president of Roderick
Land and Cattle Co. Member of Fraternity Lodge No. 130, El Paso, Texas since
1924; 32° AASR (SJ) at El Paso; and member of KCCH. Past potentate of El Maida
Shrine Temple, El Paso, and member-of Jesters and National Sojourners.
George W. Rodgers (1787-1832) Commodore, U.S. Navy. b. Feb. 22,
1787 in Harford Co., Md. He entered the Navy as a midshipman in 1804, and was
commissioned lieutenant in 1810. Served on the sloop Wasp in the capture of
the Frolic in 1812, for which he received commendation of congress. He
commanded the brig, Firefly, in the Algerian War of 1815, and the Peacock in
1816-18, in the Mediterranean. At the time of his death, he was commodore of
the Brazilian squadron. He married a sister of Commodore Perry. Member of
Union Lodge No. 31, New London, Corns. d. May 21, 1832.
Clarence J. Rodman Manufacturing executive. b. July 10, 1891 in
Milwaukee, Wis. Graduate of Ripon Coll. in 1913 and U. of Wisconsin in 1914.
Was successively a research chemist with Eastman Kodak, Westinghouse Electric,
consulting engineer. Was vice president, secretary and director of Alliance
Mfg. Co., 1925-44; president, treasurer and director of Steel Sanitary Co.,
1927-34; chairman of board, treasurer, and director of Alliance Porcelain
Products Co., 193444; vice president, director of Alliance Ware, Ltd.,
Vancouver, 1945. Officer of many other corporations. Holds numerous patents,
and was cited by the Navy for research and development of special
anti-submarine device in WWII. He has given $500,000 to Mt. Vernon College at
Alliance, Ohio and offered $250,000 to the city for a new library if the
citizens will match that amount. Received degrees in Beta Lodge No. 647 of
Wilkinsburg, Pa. on April 18, May 23, June 27, 1921. Affiliated with Conrad
Lodge No. 271, Alliance, Ohio on Feb. 1, 1927 and has served as master of
same. Member of chapter and commandery at Alliance as well as 32° AASR (NJ)
and Shriner.
Hugh Rodman (1859-1940) Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Jan. 6, 1859 in
Frankfort, Ky. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1880, and promoted through
grades to rear admiral in 1917, and full admiral in 1919, retiring in 1923.
Served on the Raleigh in the Spanish-American War. Was later on the Cincinnati
and Wisconsin. Subsequently commanded the El Ca no, West Virginia, Cleveland,
Connecticut, and Delaware. He was transportation superintendent of the Panama
Canal, and director of Panama R.R. Co., 1914-15. Was member of the general
board of the Navy, 1916-17. In WWI he first commanded Division 3 of the
Atlantic Fleet, then Squadron 1 of the Battleship Force; Division 3 of the
Battleship Force One; Division 9, of same; and 6th Battle Squadron in North
Sea, with British Grand Fleet. Was commanding admiral and commander-in-chief
of Pacific Fleet in 1919. Was U.S. delegate to the coronation of King George
VI, London, in 1938. Mason. d. June 7, 1940.
Caesar A. Rodney (1772-1824) Attorney General of U.S.; U.S.
Senator and Congressman; First U.S. Minister to Argentina. b. Jan. 4, 1772 in
Dover, Del. The son of Thomas Rodney, he was a nephew of the Declaration
signer of the same name. Graduate of the U. of Pennsylvania in 1789, he
studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1793, practicing at Wilmington,
Del. He served Delaware as U.S. congressman from 1803-05, and again from
1820-22. In 1807 President Jefferson appointed him attorney general of the
U.S.; he resigned in 1811. During the War of 1812 he commanded a rifle corps,
which was afterward changed to a light artillery company. In 1817 he was a
member of the Delaware committee of safety. In 1817 he went to South America
as a commis-sioner of President Monroe, to report on the propriety of
recognizing the independence of several South American republics. He was U.S.
senator from Delaware from 1822-23, resigning to become our first minister to
Argentina. He was raised July 10, 1800 in Lodge No. 14, Wilmington, Del.
(under the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania). He was elected senior grand warden of
the Grand Lodge of Delaware in 1812. He is recorded as having delivered a
Masonic oration before his lodge on June 24, 1803. He was on a grand lodge
committee in 1809, and the 1812 proceedings record him as past master of
Washington Lodge No. 1, Delaware, in 1812. d. June 10, 1824 in Buenos Aires,
S.A., while minister to that country.
Richard S. Rodney Federal Judge for District of Delaware since
1946. b. Oct. 10, 1882 in New Castle, Del. Admitted to bar in 1906, and began
practice at Wilmington. Was mayor of New Castle, 1911-17, and associate judge
of the supreme court of Delaware, 1922-46. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 2,
New Castle, Del. since 1910.
Cristobal Rodriguez Mexican General and journalist. b. in
Coahuayutla, Guerrero. Attended San Nicolas de Hidalgo Coll., and National
Military Coll. at Chapultepec. In 1910 he joined the revolutionary forces of
Francisco I. Madero, q.v., and in 1913 joined Generals Sanchez and Amaro as a
colonel fighting against the usurpation of Victoriano Huerta. As chief of the
press section of the War Secretary's office, he was in charge of the
publication of the newspapers, The Fatherland and The Soldier, as well as the
magazine Army and Navy. He is presently publisher of the newspaper, Voice of
Juarez, an anticlerical publication. He has written many books and pamphlets
on clericalism including, Influence of the Clergy in the Latin America;
Cauteries and Whips; Fire's Dart; and The Catholic Church and Christ's
Rebellion in Mexico. He is a member of the World Union of Freethinkers, a
fellow of the Unity Press of the Republic, president of the Constitutional
Democratic Federation, as well as the Front of Liberal Action and
Revolutionary Orientation. A founder and master of the lodge Constitucionalims
No. 16, he was grand master of the Mexican Independent Grand Lodge in 1935-36.
In the Scottish Rite, he is sovereign grand inspector general, 33° of the
Supreme Council of Mexico.
Elias Rodriguez Catholic Bishop. Member of the Lodge Philantropia,
established in Santo Domingo (now Dominican Republic) in 1819. It met in the
vestry of a Catholic church called Cony ento Dominico. The lodge also had five
friars among its members.
Louis J. Zalce y Rodriguez (18751955) Mexican Senator and former
Governor of the State of Zacatecas. b. in 1875, he had been a Freemason 59
years. Was an officer of the Supreme Council, AASR, and a past grand master of
the Grand Lodge, Valle de Mexico. Served as director general of timber for the
Mexican government. He was the author of Apuntes para. la Historia de la
Masoneria en Mexico. d. Nov. 4, 1955.
Charles F. Roe (1848-1922) Major General of Volunteers in
Spanish-American War. b. May 1, 1848 in New York City. Graduate of U.S.
Military Academy in 1868. Served in the Indian campaigns of the frontier for
21 years, including the Custer massacre. Was in First and Second Cavalry.
Resigned from the Federal service in 1888 and engaged in real estate business.
Became brigadier general of N.Y. national guard in 1898, and major general
same year,retiring in 1912, due to age. Member of Kane Lodge No. 454, New York
City. d. Dec. 1, 1922.
Clifford G. Roe (1875-1934) Father of the first "White Slave" law
in America. b. June 26, 1875 in Rolling Prairie, Ind. Graduate of U. of
Michigan in 1899 and 1902. Began law practice in Chicago, Ill. Was state's
attorney of Cook Co. from 1906-09, and special prosecutor against panders
(white slave traders), from 190911. Was attorney for Wilson & Co., packers
from 1918, and president of American Bureau of Moral Education from 1909.
Became judge of the Ill, court of claims in 1931. Was attorney for commission
headed by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., during New York investigation of 1911-12.
Author of The Great War on White Slavery. Member of South Park Lodge No. 662,
Chicago, Ill., being raised Jan. 21, 1901. d. June 28, 1934.
Dudley G. Roe U.S. Congressman to 79th Congress, 1945-47 from 1st
Md. dist. b. March 23, 1881 in Sudlersvilla, Md. Graduate of Washington Coll.
(Chestertown, Md.) in 1901, 1903, and LL.B. from U. of Maryland in 1905..
President of Sudlersville Bank since 1928, and publisher of the Centreville
(Md.) Observer, 193647. Served one term in Md. lower house and four terms in
state senate. Member of Centreville Lodge No. 180, Centreville, Md., receiving
degrees on Jan. 30, Feb. 20, March 20, 1911. Served two years as trustee of
the lodge.
Francis A. Roe (1823-1901) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Oct. 4,
1823 in Elmira, N.Y. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1847, and advanced
through grades to rear admiral in 1884. Served in China, Japan, West Indies,
Mediterranean, and on Polar exploration expedition. Was executive of the
Porpoise in 1854, when it defeated 13 heavily armed pirate junks at Koulan
Bay, China, destroying six and dispersing the others. Was executive officer of
the Pensacola in 1861, when it passed down the Potomac through nine miles of
Confederate batteries. Was in Farragut's first fleet, 1862-63, and in many
naval battles of the Civil War. He suppressed two insurrections on the Great
Lakes during the Civil War. He was in command at Vera Cruz when Maximilian,
q.v., was executed by the Republican Army of Mexico. He commanded the U.S.S.
Saxcacus on May 5, 1864, in action with the rebel ram, A/beniar/e, off N.
Car., defeating it. Member of Union Lodge No. 95, Elmira, N.Y. d. in Dec.,
Carl Roessler A German Masonic writer (under the name of R. S.
Acerrellos), who translated from French into German, the work of Reghellini on
Freemasonry, in its relations to the Egyptian, Jewish, and Christian
religions. It was published at Leipsic in 1834-35.
Arthur H. Rogers Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Oct. 27, 1892 in
Mitchell, S. Dak. Enlisted in the 4th South Dak. Inf. in 1909, commissioned in
1914, and advanced through grades to brigadier general in 1944. Served in
Mexican Border, WWI, Army of Occupation, 1919. In WWII he served in Alaska,
French Morocco, Tunis, Italy, and Army of Occupation. Member of St. John's
Lodge No. 1, Yankton, S. Dak. Received 32° AASR (SJ) at Yankton on July 18,
1917 and dimitted from Scottish Rite Aug. 15, 1929. National Sojourner and
member of Heros of '76.
Austin L. Rogers (1855-1937) President of Rogers Bros. Seed Co.
and developer of new varieties of seed. b. Oct. 29, 1855 in Cape Vincent, N.Y.
He founded in 1876, with his brother Everett, the Rogers Bros. Seed Co. at
Alpena, Mich. He continued in the business under same title after deathof
brother in 1890, and was president of same from incorporation in 1902. He
specialized as a breeder and grower of garden varieties of peas and beans, and
originated the Rogers Green Seeded Admiral and Rogers Winner (both peas) as
well as the Rogers Improved Kidney Wax and Rogers Stringless Refugee (both
beans). Mason. d. Oct. 19, 1937.
Henry H. Rogers (?-1909) Capitalist. b. in Fairhaven, Mass., he
was one of the large stockholders and vice president and director of Standard
Oil Co. He was also president and director of Amalgamated Copper Co., National
Transit Co., National Fuel Gas Co., N.Y. Transit Co., and Righmont Light and
R.R. Co. He was a trustee and director of several large corporations. He made
many gifts to his native town, including a library, town hall, school and
church. Was made a Mason in Star in the East Lodge at New Bedford, Mass., and
later a member of Tabor Lodge, Fairhaven, Mass. He built and presented a
temple to the latter lodge. d. 1909.
Hiram C. Rogers Brigadier General. Member of Binghamton Lodge No.
177, Binghamton, N.Y.
Horatio Rogers (1836-1904) Brigadier General (brevet) in Civil
War; Justice, Supreme Court of R.I., 18911903. b. May 18, 1836 in Providence,
R.I. Graduate of Brown U. in 1855. Admitted to bar in 1858. Held many local
offices in Providence and state of R.I. Was member of the general assembly,
and attorney general of the state. Mason. d. 1904.
John R. Rogers (1838-1901) Governor of Washington, 1896-1904. b.
Sept. 4, 1838 in Brunswick, Maine. Worked in drug store at Boston, 185256, and
was manager of a drug store in Jackson, Miss. in 1856. From 186066 he was a
school teacher and farmer in Illinois, and in the drug business in that state
from 1866-76. He went to Kansas in 1876, where he farmed and became a Farmers'
Alliance organizer. He was later editor of the Kansas Commoner at Wichita. In
1890 he moved to Washington, where he was a member of the state legislature
for seven terms. Was made a Mason in Neoga, Ill. in 1875, becoming a member of
Burrton Lodge No. 182, Burrton, Kans. while in that state, and in 1890
affiliated with Corinthian Lodge No. 38, Puyallup, Wash. d. 1901.
Molten C. Rogers Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
and later supreme court justice for 25 years. Member of Lodge No. 43 at
Lancaster, Pa. and one of the signers of James Buchanan's petition, q.v., to
that lodge. Buchanan was initiated Dec. 11, 1816. Rogers received his degrees
on March 23, April 8, 17, 1812 and resigned June 10, 1829 after having served
as master in 1814.
Moses Rogers Captain of the Savannah, first ship equipped with a
steam engine to cross the ocean in 1819. The ship was "a failure by almost
every standard," and yet today she is reckoned one of the world's most
illustrious ships because of her history-making voyage, begun May 22, 1819
from Savannah, Ga. Built in New York, it used steam for only 31/2 days out of
the 29-day voyage. It was sent to Europe in the hope that it could be sold for
a fancy price to the Czar of Russia, but found no buyer. Restored to a sailing
craft, she blew ashore off Long Island when only three years old. Moses Rogers
is traditionally believed to have been a Freemason, but it is not verified.
His cousin and brother-in-law, Stevens Rogers, was the navigator and a member
of Union Lodge No. 31, New London, Conn.
Robert Rogers (1731-1800) Leader of "Rogers' Rangers" in
French-Indian Wars, and controversial character in American Revolution. b.
1731 in Methuen, Mass. He raised a company of rangers in 1756, which saw much
service in the region of Lake George. In 1758 he was promoted to major by Gen.
Abercromby. His rangers became famous for their raids. In March, 1758 he
defeated 750 French-Indian troops with 170 men, losing all but 70 of his
command. In 1759 he was sent by Sir Jeffrey Amherst from Crown Point to
destroy the Indian village of St. Francis, which he did, killing 200 Indians.
In 1760 he was ordered to take possession of Detroit and other western posts
that were ceded by the French to the English after the fall of Quebec. He was
appointed governor of Mackinaw, Mich. in 1765, but while holding this office
was accused of plotting to plunder his own fort. Was sent in irons to
Montreal, and tried. In 1769 he visited England the second time, and while
there was imprisoned for debt. At the start of the American Revolution, he
dealt with both sides. He was imprisoned by Washington on suspicion of
espionage, even though he wrote him "I love America; it is my native country,
and that of my family, and I intend to spend the evening of my days in it." He
was paroled by congress to the provincial congress of New Hampshire, and while
on parole, accepted a colonel's commission in the British Army and organized
the "Queen's Rangers." He went to England in 1778, and was banished from this
country. He was a member of St. Johns Lodge No. 1, Portsmouth, N.H., receiving
his degrees in April, 1756. d. in England between 17951800.
Roy Rogers Actor-singer in movies, radio, and television. b. Nov.
5, 1912 in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1932-38 he organized and appeared with the
band, "Sons of the Pioneers." In 1938 he appeared in his first movie, Under
Western Stars, and since that date has starred in 89 Western pictures. Has
been a radio singer since 1937, and since 1952 has been an actor and producer
of TV films. He is president of Roy Rogers Enterprises. Member of Hollywood
Lodge No. 355, Calif. receiving degrees in April, May and June, 1946. 32° AASR
(SJ) at Los Angeles and member of Al Malaikah Shrine Temple. Honorary member
of DeMolay Legion of Honor.
Stephens Rogers Navigator of the Savannah, first ship equipped
with steam engine to cross the ocean in 1819. The captain of the ship was
Moses Rogers, q.v., a cousin and brother-in-law of Stephens. Stephens was a
member of Union Lodge No. 31, New London, Conn., and usually carried the Bible
board at its funerals—but not at his awn, which was attended by more than 200
members of the Craft from miles around. He has a curiously wrought gravestone,
more maritime than Masonic.
Warren L. Rogers (1877-1938) Protestant Episcopal Bishop. b. Nov.
14, 1877 in Allentown, N.J. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1907; Union Theol.
Seminary, 1911; General Theol. Seminary, 1912; and Kenyon Coll., 1925. Became
deacon and priest in Protestant Episcopal Church in 1911, and then served
churches in Detroit, Pittsburgh, Jersey City, N.J. and again in Detroit.
Became coadjutor bishop on April 30, 1925, and bishop in Sept. 1930. In 1929
he was a member of the national council of his church. Raised in Palestine
Lodge No. 357, in 1923; exalted in Palestine Chapter No. 159, R.A.M., in 1923;
knighted in Detroit Commandery No. 1, K.T. in 1924; greeted in Monroe Council
No. 1, R. & S.M., 1925 (all of Detroit, Mich.). Dirnitted to Holyrood
Commandery No. 32, K.T. of Cleveland, Ohio and was grand prelate of Grand
Commandery of Ohio in 1929. Received32° AASR (NJ) at Cleveland in 1925 and 33°
at Boston on Sept. 16, 1930. d. Nov. 6, 1938.
Will Rogers (1879-1935) Full name was William Penn Adair Rogers.
American humorist. b. Nov. 4, 1879 at Oologah, Indian Territory (now Okla.).
His great grandmother on his father's side was a Cherokee. His father, Clem,
served as a captain in the Confederate Army under the Cherokee General
Standwaite, q.v. His father, who was a rancher of some means, attempted to
give Will the best education possible, but young Will did not like being tied
down to anything so formal as education. He attended Willie Halsell Coll. at
Vinita, Okla., Scarritt Coll., at Neosho, Mo., and Kemper Military Academy at
Boonville, Mo. He ran away from Kemper to punch cattle in Texas, but returned
to his father's ranch for a time before setting off for the cattle country of
Argentina. From there he went to Africa, where he joined Texas Jack's Wild
West Circus. Next he joined Wirth Brothers Circus in Australia, and returned
to America to join the Cummins Wild West Show. In St. Louis he turned to
burlesque, and made his first appearance on the New York stage, June 11, 1905.
He then played in England and Europe, and just before the outbreak of WWI, was
in the Empire Theater of London in the musical show, The Merry-GoRound. He
entered the Ziegfeld Follies in 1916, where he perfected his monologue
technique, and stayed with Ziegfeld until his death, with the exception of the
years out for motion pictures. His best remembered pictures were In the Land
of Jubilo; Al- most a Husband; The Strange Border; Jes' Call Me Jim. His first
talking picture was They Had to See Paris, followed by State Fair; A
Connecticut Yankee; David Harurn; In Old Kentucky; and Steamboat Round the
Bend. His writings included What We Laugh. At; Illiterate Digest; Letters of a
Self-Made Diplomat to His President; There's Not a Bathing Suit in Russia; The
Cowboy Philosopher on the Peace Conference; The Cowboy Philosopher on
Prohibition. His first weekly article as a columnist appeared in the New York
Times in 1922, and later was syndicated and appeared as a Sunday feature in
many U.S. newspapers. He petitioned Claremore Lodge No. 53, Jan. 21, 1905, at
the age of 25, listing his occupation as that of a fanner. He received the
degrees, Feb. 18, 1905; March 10, and 13, 1906. On April 16, 1908 he received
the Scottish Rite degrees in the Webber Memorial Class in the Valley of
McAlester, Okla. He was twice suspended from the Scottish Rite (1918 and
1921), but each time reinstated (1918 and 1927). Joined Akdar Shrine Temple at
Tulsa, Nov. 20, 1914. He had applied for, and was scheduled to receive, the
York Rite degrees, but for various reasons was never able to make satisfactory
arrangements. He was an honorary member of the Bedouin Shrine Temple at
Muskogee, and had attended a Shrine ceremonial in Fairbanks, Alaska, just
prior to his death. The Rogers Memorial in Claremore, Okla. exhibits his
Masonic petition, and the Bible on which he took his obligation. He was killed
in an airplane accident near Point Barrow, Alaska on Aug. 15, 1935, in a plane
piloted by his friend Wiley Post.
William Rogers (1751-1824) Last surviving chaplain of the American
Revolution. b. July 22, 1751 in Newport, R.I. He was the first (and for
several days the only) student at Rhode Island Coll. (now Brown), from which
he graduated in 1769. He became principal of an academy at Newport in 1772-75,
pastor of the First Baptist Church in Philadelphia. In 1776 he was chosen
chaplain to Col. Samuel Miles's Pa. rifle regiment,and served until June,
1778, when he was made brigade chaplain in the Continental Army. He retired
from service in June, 1781. In 1789 he became a professor at the Coll. of
Philadelphia, and in 1792 held the same post in its successor, the U. of
Pennsylvania. He was active in societies for the gradual abolishment of
slavery and for alleviating the miseries in public prisons. He was made a
Mason in Proctor's Military Lodge No. 19, and admitted a member of Lodge No.
3, Philadelphia, Oct. 17, 1786. He is recorded as a visitor to American Union
Lodge, and from 1803 until his death on April 7, 1824, was grand chaplain of
the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
Wynne G. Rogers (1874-1946) Justice, Supreme Court of Louisiana
from 1924. b. Dec. 26, 1874 in New Orleans, La. Graduate of Tulane U. in 1895,
and admitted to La. bar the following year, practicing at New Orleans. Was
judge of the civil district court, Parish of Orleans, 192024. Was professor of
civil procedure at Tulane U. from 1920. Raised Nov. 17, 1904 in Union Lodge
No. 172, New Orleans; master in 1909 and grand master of the Grand Lodge of
Louisiana in 1920. Received KCCH in Scottish Rite in 1923 and 33° in 1924. Was
exalted in Orleans Delta Chapter No. 1, Sept. 12, 1910; high priest in 1917
and grand high priest of Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Louisiana in 1928. Greeted
in Louisiana Council No. 2, R. & S.M. and knighted in Indivisible Friends
Commandery No. 1, K.T. Potentate of Jerusalem Shrine Temple in 1920. d. Sept.
15, 1946 and buried by his lodge.
Quincy Alvin W. Rohrbach President of Pennsylvania State Teachers
College since 1934. b. June 6, 1894 in Mertztown, Pa. Graduate of Keystone
State Normal, Kutztown, Pa. in 1912; Franklin and Marshall Coll., Lancaster,
Pa. in 1922, and master's and doctor's degrees from U. of Pittsburgh. Was a
high school teacher and principal, 1912-24. Joining the U. of Pennsylvania's
teaching staff, he was head of the department of history and education,
1925-31, and professor of administration, 1931-34. Member of Huguenot Lodge
No. 377, Kutztown, Pa. since 1917. Received 32° AASR (NJ) at Reading, Pa. and
33° in Sept., 1956. Member of. Rajah Shrine Temple, Reading, Pa.
Edward G. Rohrbough (?-1956) U.S. Congressman to 78th, 1943-45,
and 80th, 1947-49, Congresses from W. Va. b. in Buckhannon, W. Va. Graduate of
Allegheny Coll. in 1900 and Harvard in 1906. Taught school in Pa. and W. Va.
from 1900-07. Was president of Glenville State Coll., 1908-42, and president
emeritus since 1942. Member of Gilmer County Lodge No. 118, Blenville, W. Va.
d. Dec. 12, 1956.
Luis Manuel Rojas Principal author of the Mexican constitution of
1917. A lawyer, he was named as president of the body to draw up a new liberal
constitution for Mexico upon the victory of Venustiano Carranza. His position
as president of the constitutional congress enabled him to collaborate with
other prominent Freemasons to give Mexico a liberal and progressive
constitution. It has since become known as the Magna Carta of Mexico. He was
grand master of the Grand Lodge Valle of Mexico in 1918-19, and served as
grand commander of the Supreme Council, AASR of Mexico.
Alexander Rojnesky Polish General who became deputy grand master
of the Grand Orient of Poland in 1816. He was a close friend of N. N.
Novosilzov, the high Russian commissioner of Poland, who later "liquidated"
Polish Masonry in 1822, as being political. Rojnesky strengthenedthe Grand
Orient numerically, and united Polish and Lithuanian lodges in 1819. In 1816
he proposed the adoption of a new Masonic constitution which would have
brought Masonry under the control of the Russian government. This brought
about the founding of a Polish "National Masonry" which was strongly
nationalistic, and thereby helped bring about the eventual closing of all
Polish lodges by Russia.
Edward H. Rollins (1824-1889) U.S. Senator, 1877-83, and U.S.
Congressman to 37th-39th Congresses, 1861-67, from New Hampshire. b. Oct. 3,
1824 in Strafford Co., N.H. Engaged in mercantile pursuits at Concord, and
active in state politics many years. Was member of the lower house, 1855-57.
He was secretary of the Union Pacific Railroad in 1869, and treasurer in 1871,
but resigned both positions to take his seat in the senate. Was president of
the Boston, Concord & Montreal R.R., 1886-89, and founder of the First
National Bank of Concord and the banking house of E. H. Rollins & Sons at
Concord. Member of Blazing Star Lodge No. 11, Concord, and served as commander
of Mt. Horeb Commandery, K.T. of that city. d. July 31, 1889.
James M. Rolph, Jr. (1889-1934) Governor of California, 1931-35.
b. Aug. 23, 1869 in San Francisco, Calif. He began as an office boy in a
shipping firm in 1888. He was senior member of an insurance firm from 1928,
and president of James Rolph & Co., shipping and commission merchants. He was
mayor of San Francisco five terms, 1911-32. Made a Mason March 5, 1903 in
California Lodge No. 1; member of Mission Chapter No. 79, R.A.M.; California
Commandery No. 1, K.T.; Islam Shrine Temple and Jinnistan Grotto No. 76. He
received the 32° AASR (SJ), Sept. 17, 1904, and was a member of Pyramid No. 1,
of the Sciots. d. June 2, 1934, while serving as governor.
Enotrio Romano (see Giosue Car-ducal).
Fred W. Rombach Vice President of Philco Corp., in charge of
Watson-town Cabinet Division, since 1946. b. Oct. 13, 1898 in Watsontown, Pa.
Graduate of Cornell in 1921. Was an engineer with Bell Telephone Co. at
Pittsburgh in 1921-22, going with the Watsontown Table & Furniture Co. in
1922. He was vice president and treasurer of that company from 192536. He was
chief cabinet engineer of the Philco Corp. at Philadelphia from 1936-38, and
vice president and general manager of the Watsontown Cabinet Co., 1938-46.
Member of Watson-town Lodge No. 401, Watsontown, Pa., receiving degrees on
March 20, April 27, June 29, 1920. Served as master in 1936. Past president of
Masonic Temple Assn.
Sigmund Romberg (1887-1951) Composer of light opera. b. in
Hungary, he was educated in the elementary and high schools of Zeged, Hungary,
and at the U. of Vienna. He described himself as a "middle-brow" composer—"too
low for a symphony conductor, and too highbrow for a jazz conductor." He wrote
some of the outstanding hits of the 1900's, including Maytime (1917); Student
Prince (1924); Blossom Time (1926); Desert Song (1926);• New Moon (1927); Nina
Rosa (1929); East Wind (1931); Melody (1933); May Wine (1935) as well as The
Night Is Young, Rosalie, My Golden Girl, and My Maryland. He was a member of
Perfect Ashlar Lodge No. 604, New York City. He was made a Scottish Rite Mason
"at sight" on Oct. 25, 1946, in Baltimore, Md. by Dr. Edgar C. Powers,
sovereign grand inspector general in Maryland. Romberg had a very fine pipe
organ, specially de-signed for him, that had been in storage in N.Y. He
offered it to the Scottish Rite of Baltimore for what the storage had cost him
over the years. The Scottish Rite Temple thereby acquired a $50,000 organ for
a total cost of $14,000, including installation. Romberg also gave $1,000 to
help defray the expense, and on the evening of Oct. 25, 1946, gave a concert
in the temple. He refused to play the pipe organ, pleading that he had not had
sufficient practice, but entertained an audience of 1,000 for an hour on the
piano, building harmonies around groups of two or three notes suggested by the
audience. d. Nov. 9, 1951.
Milton Andrew Romjue U.S. Congressman to 65th-66th Congresses,
1917-21, and 68th-77th Congresses, 1923-43, from Mo. b. Dec. 5, 1874 in Macon
Co., Mo. Received LL.B. from U. of Missouri in 1904, and was class orator and
valedictorian. Began law practice in Macon, Mo. in 1904, and served as probate
judge from 190715. Member of Censer Lodge No. 172; exalted in Macon Chapter
No. 22, April 20, 1915; knighted in Emmanuel Commandery No. 7, K.T. Aug. 23,
1915, all of Macon, Mo.
Lawrence Alfred Merwyn Dundas, Earl of Ronaldshay The eldest son,
heir of the 2nd marquess of Zetland. The family's connections with Freemasonry
extends, unbroken, back to the time of the union of the two English grand
lodges in 1813. During that time it has provided a grand master of England
with 26 years tenure; two deputy grand masters and a pro grand master. The
present earl was named junior warden in 1943, and in 1952 became grand
superintendent over the Royal Arch province of Yorkshire, a position which his
father relinquished to him after serving 29 years. He was initiated in Lennox
Lodge No. 123, and was master in
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Member of Lennox Chapter of the Royal Arch which is attached to his lodge.
Finn Ronne Antarctic explorer and geographer. b. Dec. 20, 1899 in
Horten, Norway. A graduate mechanical engineer and naval architect of Horten
Technical Coll, in 1923, he came to the United States in that year and was
naturalized in 1929. He was the leader of the Ronne Antarctic Research
Expedition of 1946-48, which claimed 250,000 square miles of new land,
including Edith Ronne Land (named for his wife), for the United States.
Wintered three times on the Antarctic continent. A captain in the U.S. naval
reserve, he is a consultant with the U.S. department of defense. He is
commanding officer of the Weddell Sea Station, Antarctica, and scientific
director of the International Geophysical Year, 1956-58. Received
congressional silver medal in 1935, and the gold medal in 1943. Member of
Norseman's Lodge No. 878, New York City.
Hans Johndal Ronneberg (18671941) Norwegian attorney and judge.
Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Norway from 1928-41, and as such had
the sad task to acknowledge the receipt of the decree of the German occupation
forces on Sept. 20, 1940, dictating dissolution of Freemasonry in Norway.
Charles Roome (1812-1890) Union Brigadier General (brevet) in
Civil War, and 14th Grand Master, Knights Templar, U.S.A., 1886-89. b. Aug. 4,
1812 in New York City. Was first a clerk, and then employed by the Manhattan
Gas Light Co. of N.Y.C., as an assistant engineer. Became chief engineer and
finally, in 1855, president of the company, continuing in that capacity until
a short time before his death. He raised the 37th N.Y. regiment in the Civil
War and led it in person. For bravery he was breveted brigadier general of
volunteers. Made a Mason in Kane Lodge No. 454, N.Y.C. in Jan., 1866, and in
1868 served the first of his four terms as master of the lodge. In 1879 he was
grand master of the Grand Lodge of New York. Exalted in Jerusalem Chapter No.
8, R.A.M. in 1866, and subsequently knighted in Coeur de Lion Commandery No.
23, K.T., serving as commander for three years. Received 32° AASR (NJ) in
1866, and 33° in 1872. Was grand commander of Grand Commandery, K.T. of New
York in 1875, and grand master of the Grand Encampment in 1886 at St. Louis.
d. June 28, 1890.
A. W. Roos (1824-1895) Postmaster General of Sweden, 1867-89. He
reorganized that country's postal service. Was initiated in St. John's Lodge
Den Nordiska Forsta, the first of Scandinavia.
Elliott Roosevelt Writer and rancher. b. Sept. 23, 1910 in New
York City, son of Franklin D. Roosevelt, q.v., 31st president of the U.S.
Educated at Groton School, 1923-29. Was in various advertising, writing and
editing work from 1929-41. Vice president and director of Dalco Uranium, Inc.,
from 1957. Ordered to active duty as a captain, U.S. Air Corps in 1940,
advanced to brigadier general in 1945, and retired that year. He is the author
of As He Saw It, and editor of F.D.R., His Personal Letters, Early Years;
Personal Letters, 1905-28; and Personal Letters, 1928-45. He was raised in
Architect Lodge No. 519, New York City, Feb. 17, 1933. His father, then
president-elect, served as acting master and presided in the East during the
conferring of the degree. His brothers, Franklin D. and James, qq.v., were
later raised in this same lodge with their father present. Suspended NPD, Dec.
21, 1955.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (18821945) Thirty-first President of the
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr.
United States. b. Jan. 30, 1882 in Hyde Park, N.Y. Graduate of
Harvard in 1904, and attended Columbia U. Law School, 1904-07. Practiced law
in New York City from 1907-33. Was member of N.Y. state senate, 1910-13, when
he resigned to become assistant secretary of the Navy, 1913-20. Elected to
governorship of New York two terms, 1929-33. Was Democratic nominee for vice
president in 1920. Became president in 1933, serving until his death in 1945.
Elected to four terms, he was the only president ever to serve more than two
terms. A member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C., he received his degrees, Oct.
10, Nov. 14, Nov. 28, 1911. Received the 32° AASR (NJ) at Albany, N.Y. Feb.
28, 1929, while governor of N.Y. Member of Cypress Shrine Temple, Albany,
N.Y.; Tri-Po-Bed Grotto, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.; Greenwood Forest Tall Cedars of
Lebanon, Warwick, N.Y. In 1930 he was appointed representative of the Grand
Lodge of Georgia near the Grand Lodge of New York. He was present and took
part in the degree, when his son Elliott was raised Feb. 17, 1933 in Architect
Lodge No. 519, N.Y.C., and was made and honorary member of that lodge on this
occasion. He was at the time president-elect. On Nov. 7, 1935 two more sons,
James and Franklin D. were raised in this lodge, and their father was present.
He was an honorary member of Washington Centennial Lodge No. 14 (March 15,
1933), and Stansbury Lodge No. 24, Nov. 21, 1919, both of Washington, D.C., as
well as Capitol Forest No. 104 of the Tall Cedars in that city (March 31,
1933). He was elected an honorary member of Almas Shrine Temple, Washington,
D.C. on March 23, 1934. Made honorary member of Tri-City Chapter No. 103,
National Sojourners, Londonville, N.Y., on Feb. 18, 1931. During his years as
president, he received many delegations of Freemasons at the White House. On
April 13, 1934 he became the first honorary grand master of the Order of
DeMolay. d. April 12, 1945.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr. U.S. Congressman to 81st-83rd
Congresses from 20th N.Y. dist. b. Aug. 17, 1914 on Campobello Island, N.B.,
Canada, son of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, q.v., the 31st president of the
United States. Graduate of Harvard in 1937, and U. of Virginia in 1940. Served
in U.S. Navy in WWII, 1941-45. He and his brother James, q.v., were raised the
same night-Nov. 7, 1935-in Architect Lodge No. 517, N.Y.C. with their father
present. Brother Elliott had been raised in the same lodge two years
James Roosevelt U.S. Congressman, 84th-86th Congresses from 26th
Calif. dist. b. Dec. 23, 1907 in New York City, son of Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, q.v., 31st President of the United States. Graduate of Harvard in
1930, and began as an insurance broker in that year. Organized Roosevelt &
Sargent, Inc. in 1937, resigning in 1938 to enter the motion picture industry.
Reentered Roosevelt & Sargent as executive vice president, establishing a West
coast office in 1946. Is chairman of board of Roosevelt, Sargent & Haines,
Inc. and president of Roosevelt & Co., Inc. Was Democratic candidate for
governor of Calif. in 1950. Entered U.S. Marine Corps as captain in 1940, and
promoted to colonel in 1944, leaving service in 1945. Was raised in Architect
Lodge No. 519, New York City, November 7, 1935. His brother Franklin D., Jr.,
q.v., was raised the same evening with their father present. Brother Elliott
had been raised in the same lodge two years previously.
Nicholas Roosevelt (1767-1854) American inventor. Invented the
vertical paddle wheel, and was associ-
Theodore Roosevelt ated with Robert Fulton in introducing steamboats on
Western rivers. b. Dec. 27, 1767 in New York City, he was a great grand-uncle
of Theodore Roosevelt, q.v. His efforts in the steamboat field were mentioned
by John H. B. Latrobe, q.v., in his Lost Chapter in the History of the
Steamboat (1871). He moved to N.Y.C. shortly after the withdrawal of British
troops. Here he made a small wooden boat, across which was an axle projecting
over the sides, with paddles at the ends. He became interested in the Schuyler
copper mines in New Jersey on the Passaic river. He built engines for various
purposes, including the water works of Philadelphia. He erected a
rolling-mill, and held the government contract for copper drawn and rolled
guns, for six 74-gun ships. In 1797, with Robert R. Livingston, q.v., and John
Stevens, he agreed to build a boat for which the engines were to be
constructed by Roosevelt, and the propelling agency by Livingston. The
experiment failed, but the following year, Roosevelt described his vertical
wheel to Livingston, and the later strongly recommended it. Robert Fulton
rejected it as being "out of the question." It later proved one of the
principles that made steam navigation a success. In 1802 Livingston and Fulton
adopted Roosevelt's vertical wheels. In 1809 Roosevelt and Fulton associated
themselves to introduce steamboats on Western waters, and in 1811, Roosevelt
built the New Orleans, the pioneer boat that descended the Ohio and
Mississippi Rivers from Pittsburgh to New Orleans in 14 days. Member of
Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. d. July 30, 1854.
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) Twenty-Sixth President of the
United States. b. Oct. 27, 1858 in New York City. Graduate of Harvard in
1880;held honorary degrees from 13 universities. Member of the N.Y. state
legislature, 1882-84, and in the latter year purchased a large ranch in N. Dak.,
where he resided for his health until 1886. Was U.S. civil service
commissioner, 1889-95, and president of the N.Y. Police Board, 189597. Was
assistant secretary of the Navy, 1897-98, but resigned to organize with
Leonard Wood (later major general) the 1st U.S. Cavalry, popularly known as
Roosevelt's Rough Riders. Distinguished himself in the Spanish-American War in
Cuba. Was governor of New York from 1899-1900. Elected vice president of the
U.S. for the term of 1901-05, he succeeded to the presidency on the death of
William McKinley, q.v., on Sept. 14, 1901. He was elected to the presidency
for the term 1905-09 by the largest popular majority recorded at that time. In
1912 he was defeated for the presidency as a Progressive Party candidate. In
1906 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize ($40,000). In 1910 he was special
ambassador of the U.S. at the funeral of King Edward VII of England. Did much
big game hunting in the West and in Africa. In 1914 he headed a party in
Brazil, exploring a tributary of the Madeira River for about 600 miles; later
it was named Rio Teodoro in his honor. He offered to raise a division in WWI
and go with it to France, but President Wilson declined the offer. Wrote many
books, including History of the Naval War of 1812; Winning of the West;
Hunting Trips of a Ranchman; Life of Thomas Hart Benton; Life of Gouverneur
Morris; Ranch Life and Hunting Trail; History of New York; The Wilderness
Hunter; The Rough Riders; and many others. A member of Matinecock Lodge No.
806 of Oyster Bay, N.Y., he received his degrees, Jan 2, March 27, April 24,
1901, shortly after his election to the vice presidency. Was made honorary
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.
of Pentalpha Lodge No. 23, Washington, D.C., on April 4, 1904;
honorary member of Illinois Masonic Veterans Ass'n., in 1903; honorary member
of Masonic Veterans Ass'n. of the Pacific Coast, in 1901. He reviewed the
annual inspection and review of Knights Templar on the ellipse of the White
House on May 26, 1902; delivered an address at the Masonic laying of the
cornerstone of the Army War College, Feb. 21, 1903; laid cornerstone of the
north gate to Yellowstone Park, under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of
Montana, April 24, 1903; assisted in laying the cornerstone of the Masonic
Temple at Tacoma, Wash. and gave a short address, May 22, 1903; broke ground
for the Masonic Temple at Spokane, Wash. on May 26, 1903; was present at the
memorial service by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania on April
1906 at Christ Church, Philadelphia, in honor of the 200th anniversary of the
birth of Benjamin Franklin; attended the Masonic cornerstone laying of the
House of Representatives' office building in Washington, D.C. on April 14,
1906, delivering the address; delivered the address at the laying of the
cornerstone of the new Masonic Temple, 13th St. and New York Ave., N.W.,
Washington, D.C., June 8, 1907; was present in Masonic regalia at the laying
of the cornerstone of the Pilgrim Memorial Monument, Provincetown, Mass. on
20, 1907, and delivered an address; visited the Grand Lodge of New
York on May 11, 1917, and made an address. He visited lodges in many parts of
the world, including Africa, Europe, and South America. His correspondence
contains many letters to Masonic groups. He was a proud and active Freemason.
d. Jan. 6, 1919.
Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. (1887-1944) Brigadier General, U.S. Army,
author and publisher. b. Sept. 13, 1887 in Oyster Bay, N.Y., son of Theodore
Roosevelt, q.v., 26th President of the United States. Graduate of Harvard in
1908. Was member of N.Y. state assembly in 1919-20; assistant secretary of the
Navy, 1921-24. In 1922 he was chairman of the commission of naval experts at
the Limitation of Armament Conference. Defeated for governor of N.Y. in 1924.
He was leader of the James Simpson-Roosevelt-Field Museum Expedition to Asia
in 1925, and of the Kelley-RooseveltField Museum Expedition to Asia in
1928-29. From 1929-32 he was governor of Puerto Rico, and from 1932-33 was
governor general of the Philippines. Was chairman of the board of the American
Express Co, 1934-35, and vice president of Doubleday Doran & Co., publishers,
from 1935 until death. Was commissioned major in the 26th Infantry in 1917,
and later promoted to lieutenant colonel. In WWI he participated with the 1st
Infantry Division in the battles of Cantigny, Soissons, Argonne-Meuse, St.
Mihiel, and was twice wounded. In WWII he returned to active duty as a colonel
commanding his old regiment—the 26th Infantry of the 1st Division in 1941, and
was advanced to brigadier general in Dec. of that year. He died in the early
days of the invasion of France and was buried in the American Military
Cemetery at St. Laurent, France. He was made a Freemason on July 7, 1920 in
his father's lodge, Matinecock Lodge No. 806 of Oyster Bay, N.Y. Was a member
of the Scottish Rite in Washington, D.C., and of the Kismet Shrine Temple,
Brooklyn, N.Y. d. July 12, 1944.
Erastus Root (1773-1846) U.S. Congressman from N.Y. and leader of
the "anti-rent war" of Delaware Co., N.Y. in the 1840's. b. March 16, 1773 in
Hebron, Conn. Graduate of Dartmouth in 1793. Studied law and began practice in
Delhi, N.Y. Was in state legislature, 1798-1802, and a member of congress in
1803-05; 1809-11; 1812-
Philip S. Rose
15 and
1831-33. He was lieutenant governor of N.Y. in 1829-22, and state senator
1840-44. He was nominated for governor by the Working Man's Party in 1830 but
declined on the ground that there was no chance of being elected. The
"anti-rent war" led to the passage of the Homestead Act of 1862 which opened
the West to settlement. He was affiliated with St. Andrews Lodge No. 45 of
Stamford, N.Y. in July, 1799, and later became a charter member and first
master of Cassia Lodge No. 180, New Delhi, N.Y. The latter lodge was forced to
surrender its charter because of the "anti-rent war." d. Dec. 24, 1846.
Daniel C. Roper (1867-1943) U.S. Secretary of Commerce, 1933-38
under Franklin D. Roosevelt. b. April 1, 1867 in Marlboro Co., S. Car.
Graduate of Duke U. in 1888, and LL.B. from National U., Washington, D.C. in
1901. Served in state legislature of S. Car. in 1892-94; was clerk for U.S.
senatorial committee 1894-97; special agent U.S. Census Bureau, 1900-10, and
clerk of ways and means committee of U.S. house of representatives, 1911-13.
From 1913-16 he was first assistant postmaster general; commissioner of
Internal Revenue, 1917-20. Raised in Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, D.C. on
April 28, 1896, becoming a charter member of Barristers Lodge No. 48, of that
city, on Dec. 19, 1928. Received 32° AASR (SJ) in Washington, D.C. on Dec. 17,
1929, and member of Almas Shrine Temple, Washington, D.C. d. April 11, 1943.
Alberto T. Roraback (1849-1923) Justice, Supreme Court of
Connecticut, 1908-19. b. Aug. 23, 1849 in Sheffield, Mass. Admitted to bar in
1873; was judge of common pleas court of Litchfield Co., 1889-97; judge of
superior court of Conn., 1897-1908. Raised in Housatonic Lodge No. 61 of
Canaan, Conn. in 1875. d. Feb. 1, 1923.
Carl A. N. Rosa (1843-1889) German operatic impresario in England.
He started the Carl Rosa Opera Co. in 1875, popularized opera in English, and
encouraged native English composers of opera. His original surname was Rose.
Became a Freemason towards the end of his life.
Philip Samuel Rosa Mystic alchemist and Masonic charlatan. b. at
Ysenberg, he was at one time a Lutheran clergyman, and in 1757 was rector of
the Cathedral of Staint James in Berlin. Was initiated in the Lodge of the
Three Globes. He was made a deputy to Von Printzen, who established a system
of higher degrees at Berlin, based on the French system. He traveled in
Holland, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden and had some success in organizing
lodges of advanced degrees in Holland and Germany. His moral conduct has been
questioned by some historians. He faded from the Masonic picture and nothing
is known of his subsequent life.
Francis Rose Commodore, U.S. Navy, Member of Union Lodge No. 95,
New York.
Herschel IL Rose (1877-1945) Judge, Supreme Court of Appeals, West
Virginia, 1941-45. b. April 20, 1877 in Mannington, W. Va. Graduate of West
Virginia U. in 1906. Taught school, 1897-1900; was bank teller, 1900-03.
Admitted to the bar in 1906, he practiced in Wetzel Co. and Fairmont until
1940. Mason, Knight Templar, and 33° AASR (SJ), he was grand master of the
Grand Lodge of West Virginia, 1937-38. Raised in Grafton Lodge No. 15, April
25, 1904, dimitting to Littleton Lodge No. 131 in 1909 and becoming a charter
member of Acacia Lodge No. 157, Fairmont, W. Va. in 1919. d. June 17, 1945.
Philip S. Rose Editor-in-chief of Country Gentleman, 1927-40. b.
Uriah M. Rose
1872 in Allendale Center, Mich. Graduate of Michigan State Agricultural Coll.
in 1899. Became member of engineering faculty of N. Dak. Agricultural Coll. in
1900-09, and was one of the pioneers in agricultural engineering education.
Was associate editor of The American Thresherman, 1909-17, and also editor of
the Gas Review during those years. Became associate editor and feature article
writer for the Country Gentleman, 1917-27. Received first two degrees on April
16, Aug. 27, 1909 in Shiloh Lodge No. 1, Fargo, N. Dak. with third degree
conferred by Madison Lodge No. 5, Madison, Wis. as a courtesy to Shiloh Lodge.
Dimitted Jan. 8, 1915 from Shiloh and no further record in N. Dak.
-Uriah M. Rose (1834-1913) U.S. delegate to 2nd Hague Peace
Conference in 1907, with rank of ambassador. b. March 4, 1834 in Marion Co.,
Ky. Received LL.B. from U. of Missouri in 1888 and also U. of Arkansas.
Practiced law at Batesville, Ark., 1853-60, and at Little Rock after 1865. Was
president of the American Bar Association, 1901-02, and was often called the
"foremost citizen of Arkansas." His statue is in the National Hall of Fame,
Washington, D.C. Was author of Rose's Digest of Arkansas Reports. Received
Entered Apprentice degree in Mount Horeb Lodge No. 4, Washington, Ark. (now
defunct). d. Aug. 12, 1913.
Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946) Nazi Reichsleiter and Anti-Mason. Was
editor in chief of Volkischer Beobachter in 1921, and editor of
Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte in 1930. He entered the Reichstag in 1930,
and was the director of the newly established foreign policy office of the
Nazi party in 1933. He was the founder and leader of Kampfbund for German
culture. Hitler chose him to lead in the persecution of Freemasonry. On March
1, 1942, Hitler ordered Rosen-berg to seize all libraries and materials found
in Masonic lodges in occupied countries. In 1930 Rosenberg wrote: "The idea of
honor-national honor-will be for us the beginning and end of all our thoughts
and deeds. It does not permit besides itself any other equivalent center of
power, be it of whatever kind, neither Christian love, nor the humanity of the
Freemasons, nor the Roman philosophy." Among his writings was the book, The
World Policy of Freemasonry. At his trial in Nurnberg, he was closely
questioned concerning his attacks on Freemasonry and Jews and his confiscation
of Masonic libraries and records. Hanged as a war criminal in 1946.
Marvin B. Rosenberry (1868-1958) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of
Wisconsin, 1929-50. b. Feb. 12, 1868, in River Styx, Ohio. Graduate of U. of
Michigan in 1893, and began law practice in Wausau, Wis. that year. Was
appointed a justice of the supreme court in 1916, and elected for four terms,
ending in 1950. Raised in Forest Lodge No. 130, Wausau, Wis. on Aug. 21, 1895;
exalted in Wausau Chapter, R.A.M. June 8, 1898; greeted in Madison Council No.
3, R. & S.M. Dec. 14, 1945; knighted in St. Omer Commandery No. 19, Wausau,
Feb. 26, 1902. Received 32° AASR (NJ), April 30, 1943, and 33° in Sept., 1945.
d. Feb. 15, 1958.
William F. Rosenblum Rabbi of Temple Israel, New York City since
1930. b. Aug. 10, 1892 in Grodno, Poland, and brought to U.S. in 1897.
Graduate of Coll. of City of New York in 1910 and of Tulane U. School of Law
(New Orleans) in 1916. Was with the Cleveland Educational Alliance, 1911-13;
assistant superintendent of Jewish Orphan's Home, New Orleans, 1913-16;
assistant superintendent of Chicago Hebrew Institute, 1916-17; general
secretary of Y.M.H.A. in Nashville, 1917; vice president of
John Ross Purity Co. and sales manager of N. Martin & Co., Nashville, 1918-23.
Was student rabbi at Temple Beth-El, Steubenville, 0., 1924-26, and assistant
rabbi of Washington Hebrew Congregation, 1926-30. Is creator of TV series,
Crossroads. Served in U.S. Navy in WWI. Active in interfaith and Jewish
welfare movements. Received 33° AASR (NJ) in Sept., 1957, and has been grand
chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New York since 1937. Affiliated with Mount
Neboh Lodge No. 257, N.Y.C. on March 27, 1933 from Cumberland Lodge No. 8,
Nashville, Tenn.
Charles C. Rosewater (1874-1946) Publisher. b. May 24, 1874 in
Omaha, Nebr. Graduate of Cornell in 1894 and Columbia in 1895. Joined staff of
Omaha Bee in 1895, and was vice president of the Bee Publishing Co., 1905-17.
Organized and published the Twentieth Century Farmer in 1900. Was general
manager of Los Angeles Express in 1917 and Los Angeles Times in 1918.
President of Kansas City Journal Co., 1912-21; vice president of Success
Magazine, N.Y.C., 1924-27, and also of The New Age, Illustrated. Mason, 32°
AASR. d. Oct. 3, 1946.
William St. Clair of Roslin First Grand Master Mason of Scotland,
in 1736.
Edmund G. Ross (1826-1907) U.S. Senator from Kansas, 1866-71, and
Governor of Territory of New Mexico, 1885-89. b. Dec. 7, 1826 in Ashland,
Ohio. Learned printing trade in Sandusky, Ohio; moved to Milwaukee, Wis. in
1849 and was connected with the Milwaukee Sentinel. Moved to Topeka, Kans. in
1856, where he published the Topeka Tribune until 1859, then established the
Kansas State Record. He was a promoter and director of the Santa Fe Railroad,
and it was his suggestion that it be named the Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fe.
Served in Civil War in Union Army from private to major. Edited
Kansas Tribune in 1865-66, and appointed to U.S. 'senate to fill a vacancy in
1866. In the impeachment of President Johnson he voted "not guilty," although
he knew it meant political suicide for him—and it was. He then moved to New
Mexico Territory, settling at Albuquerque (1882). He studied law, was admitted
to the bar in 1889, and practiced in Albuquerque. He was secretary of the U.S.
bureau of immigration, 1894-96. Member of Topeka Lodge No. 17, Topeka, Kans.
d. May 8, 1907.
George Ross (1730-1779) Signer of Declaration of Independence. b.
May 10, 1730 in New Castle, Del. Several Masonic publications have claimed he
was a Freemason, but there is no evidence to support these claims.
James Ross (1762-1847) U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 1794-1803.
b. July 12, 1762 near Delta, York Co., Pa. Was Latin instructor in what is now
known as Washington and Jefferson Coll., Washington, Pa. Studied law, and was
admitted to the bar in 1784, practicing in Washington, Pa. Was delegate to
state constitutional conventions of 1789 and 1790. Moved to Pittsburgh in
1795. Was twice an unsuccessful candidate for governor. Member of Lodge No.
45, Pittsburgh, Pa. d. Nov. 27, 1847.
John Ross (1726-1800) Revolutionary War patriot and purchasing
agent for Continental Army. b. Jan. 29, 1726 in Tain, County Ross, Scotland.
Entered mercantile business in Perth, Scotland, but came to Philadelphia in
1763, where he became a shipping merchant. He early espoused the cause of the
colonies. In 1775 he was appointed muster-master of the Pennsylvania navy,
serving until Feb. 23, 1776. In May, 1776 he was employed by the committee of
John Ross of the Continental Congress to purchase clothes, arms and powder for
the use of the army. He established agencies in Nantes and Paris, and made
several visits there during the war. He pledged his credit for Ł20,000 more
than was supplied by congress and lost heavily from his personal fortune.
Washington's diary makes several references to dining at the home of Ross
during the constitutional convention. Member of the Tun Tavern Lodge of
John Ross (1790-1866) Cherokee Indian Chief. b. Oct. 3, 1790 in
Ross-vine, Ga. His father was a Scotchman, and his Cherokee mother was
three-quarters white. His boyhood name was Tsanusdi (Little John) and this was
exchanged when he reached manhood for that of Guwisguwi or Cooweescoowee. He
was an uncle of William P. Ross, q.v., another Cherokee chief and Freemason,
whom he educated. John, himself, received a good education at Kingston, Tenn.
In 1809 he was sent on a mission to the Cherokees in Arkansas by the Indian
agent, and from this time on he remained in the public service of his nation.
He was adjutant of the Cherokee regiment in their war with the Creeks
(1813-14). He resisted Georgia's attempt to secure their removal West of the
Mississippi, and fought his tribe's rights to the Supreme Court. Nevertheless
in 1835 a treaty was made with the Cherokees, and 15,000 under the leadership
of Ross, migrated into Indian Territory (later Oklahoma) ; 1,200 remained in
Georgia and other states, becoming known as the "Eastern Band." From 1828
until the removal to Indian Territory in 1839, he was principal chief of the
Cherokee nation, and headed the various national delegations that visited
Washington to defend the right of the Cherokees to their territory. After the
arrival in Indian Territory, he was chosen chief of the united Cherokee
nation, and held that office until his death, with the exception of a short
time during the Civil War, when he was deposed by Federal authorities, due to
the dissensions over slavery within the tribe. The Indian artist, George
Catlin described Ross as "civilized, highly educated, accomplished, devoted,
urbane and temperate." He was, without question, a Freemason, but his
initiation dates and lodge are not known. He is named in the proceedings of
the Grand Lodge of Arkansas for 1850 as a member of Cherokee Lodge No. 21,
Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory. However the minutes of that
lodge in 1850 list him under the title of "names of brethren, not members." In
his capacity as chief, he approved the action of the Cherokee National Council
when it gave the ground for the first Masonic temple at Tahlaquah. It
consisted of lots 5 and 6 in square 10, the title to be held by the board of
trustees. He was given Masonic burial at his death on Aug. 1, 1866 in
Washington, D.C.
J. Walker Ross (1868-1937) Editor and publisher of Daily States,
New Orleans, 1931-37. b. Feb. 22, 1868 in Gretna, La. Began as copyholder on
the newspaper in 1885, advancing as reporter, city editor, and managing editor
from 1909. Received degrees in Louisiana Lodge No. 102, New Orleans, La. on
Oct. 16, Dec. 4, 18, 1890. d. Sept. 30, 1937.
Lawrence S. Ross (1838-1898) Governor of Texas in 1886. b. Sept.
27, 1838 in Bentonsport, Iowa. Graduate of Florence Wesleyan U., Florence,
Ala. He commanded Texas frontier troops under General Samuel Houston, q.v.,
and became colonel of the 6th Texas Cavalry in the Confederate Army on May 24,
1862; was made brigadier general on Dec. 21, 1863. He led a brigade in
Wheeler's cavalry corps of the Army of Ten-
William P. Ross nessee. Member of Waco Lodge No. 92, Waco, Texas, receiving
degrees on March 23, May 11 and June 6, 1861. Suspended NPD June 4, 1892. d.
Jan. 3, 1898.
Leonard F. Ross (1823- ) Brigadier General of Volunteers in Civil
War. b. July 18, 1823 in Fulton Co., Ill. Admitted to the bar in 1845. He
joined the 4th Ill. Volunteers the following year for service in the Mexican
War, and served at Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo. He commanded the bodyguard of
General James Shields, q.v. Resumed his law practice after the war. In May,
1861, was chosen colonel of the 17th Ill. Regiment, which he raised and
commanded in Missouri and Kentucky. Commissioned brigadier general in April,
1862, he commanded a brigade, and later, a division at Bolivar, Tenn.
Following the war he devoted himself to livestock raising. Member of Lewistown
Lodge No. 104, Lewistown, Ill.
Silas E. Ross Grand Standard Bearer, Supreme Council, 33°, AASR (SJ),
and Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Nevada. b. Feb. 11, 1887 in Truckee
Meadows, Nev. Graduate of U. of Nevada in 1909. Was assistant professor of
chemistry at U. of Nevada, 1909-14, and chemist for state department of foods,
drugs and soils. After a short time as an insurance agent at Reno, he became
president of the Ross-Burke Co. (funeral service) in that city. He was a
regent of the U. of Nevada from 1932-57, and chairman of the board. A York
Rite Mason, he is past sovereign of Red Cross of Constantine, and past grand
master of the Grand Lodge of Nevada. Also past grand patron of the Eastern
Star. Received 32° in 1910; KCCH in 1913; 33° in 1925; appointed deputy in
Nevada in 1931, and crowned active member in 1953. Appointed to his present
office in 1957, after having served as grand herald and grand sword bearer.
William B. Ross (1873-1924) Governor of Wyoming, 1923-27. b. Dec.
4, 1873 in Dover, Tenn. Settled in Cheyenne, Wyo., in 1901. He was prosecuting
attorney of Laramie Co., 1906-07, and member of board of law examiners of
Wyoming, 1910-22. Mason. d. Oct. 2, 1924.
William P. Ross (1820-1891) Cherokee Indian Chief. b. Aug. 28,
1820, a nephew of Chief John Ross, q.v., who bore the expense of his
education. Graduate of Princeton U. in 1842. He taught school in the Cherokee
country and was clerk of the Cherokee senate. In 1844 he became editor of the
Cherokee Advocate and was frequently sent to Washington on official business
for the tribe. He participated in the grand council of Indian tribes at
Okmulgee, Indian Territory, in 1871, and in 1874, became chief of the
Cherokee. He was editor of the Indian Journal at Muskogee, the Indian
Chieftain at Vinita, and the Indian Arrow at Fort Gibson. An active Freemason
throughout his life, he was elected in Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, D.C.
on April 4, 1848, and received his degrees April 4, 18, 25, 1848. He was also
a member of Columbia Chapter No. 15, R.A.M. of Washington, but is listed as
withdrawn in the 1850 proceedings. He was a charter member of Cherokee Lodge
No. 21 at Tahlequah, the first lodge in the Indian Territory, and served as
its first secretary in 1849. In 1851 he was master of the lodge. Ross and
Federal lodge played an important part in uniting the Cherokee nation, which
was split over the removal from Georgia to the newly created Indian Territory.
Ross, and the other headmen of the Cherokee nation, were at the capital to
arrange a treaty and they were arrayed in two hostile factions with
negotiations at a standstill. But at one of the meetings of Federal lodge, the
rival leaders, all Freemasons, were brought
William R. Ross together by the exertions of St. Yorke Atlee, the master, and
other members, and the treaty was then successfully concluded. d. July 28,
William R. Ross President of Colorado State College of Education
since 1948. b. Aug. 25, 1899 in Fort Collins, Colo. Graduate of Colorado A. &
M. in 1921. Taught mathematics in Longmont, Colo. high school, and was then
superintendent of schools in Erie, Delta, and Trinidad. Was president of the
Trinidad State Jr. Coll., 1933-39. Became professor of education in Colorado
State Coll. in 1942, and president in 1948. Is archaeological researcher on
Folsum and Yuma Man. Member of Garfield Lodge No. 50, Erie, Colo., receiving
degrees on Jan. 6, 20, Feb. 3, 1926 and was junior warden in 1929. Exalted in
Delta Chapter No. 38, R.A.M., Delta, Colo. and dimitted in 1951; greeted in
Rocky Mountain Council No. 2, R. & S.M. May 11, 1936 and dimitted in 1953.
Albert B. Rossdale U.S. Congressman to 67th Congress, 1921-23,
from 23rd N.Y. dist. b. Oct. 23, 1878 in N.Y.C. Was proprietor of Rossdale
Co., wholesale jewelry. Was postoffice clerk in N.Y.C., 1900-10, and former
president of National Federation of Post Office Clerks. Took an active
interest in post office affairs and effected various reforms in the postal
service. He long advocated the enactment of the present pension system for
government employees. Became member of Bronx Lodge No. 860, Bronx, N.Y.,
receiving degrees on Oct. 27, 1909; Jan. 12, 26, 1910. This lodge forfeited
charter in 1927.
Richard, 1st Earl of Rosse Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Ireland in 1725-30.
Francis Robert, 4th Earl of Rosslyn Sixty-ninth Grand Master Mason
of Scotland, 1860-72.
James, 2nd Earl of Rosslyn Forty-eighth Grand Master Mason of
Scotland, 1810-11.
George William, 11th Earl of Rothes Sixty-fourth Grand Master
Mason of Scotland in 1840.
James Meyer Rothschild (1792-1868) Financier. Son of Meyer Amschel
Rothschild, founder of the family banking empire which became one of the
richest and most affluent of all times. James established a branch at Paris.
His brother Nathan, q.v., founded the London branch. A 33° AASR of the French
Supreme Council. Listed as attending six "fete de l'Ordre" between 1841-45.
Nathan Meyer Rothschild (17771836) Financier. Son of Meyer Amschel
Rothschild, German-Jewish founder of the family banking empire which became
one of the richest and most affluent of all time. Nathan established the
London branch and his brother James, q.v., founded the Paris branch. Member of
the Lodge of Emulation, London, on Oct. 4, 1802.
Frank C. Roundy (1858-1955) Imperial Potentate of the Shrine,
190708. b. Jan. 15, 1858 in Lake Geneva, Wis. In his long life, he personally
knew every imperial potentate from its founding in 1876 until his death in
1955 (64) and had installed many of them in office. At the time of his death
he was the oldest living 33° AASR (NJ). Was potentate of the Medinah Shrine
Temple in Chicago, 1899-1900. He had organized more Shrine auxiliary units
than any other man. He held many offices in both York and Scottish rites. d.
Feb. 12, 1955.
Lovell H. Rousseau (1818-1869) Major General, U.S. Army. b. Aug.
4, 1818 in Lincoln Co., Ky. Studied law, and moved to Bloomfield, Ind. where
he was admitted to the bar in 1841.
74 John Rowan Served in Indiana legislature, 1844-45. Raised a
company for the Mexican War. Elected to Indiana senate on his return from war
in 1847, and served two terms. Moved to Louisville, Ky. in 1849, where he
continued law practice, and was a member of the state senate. Appointed
colonel of the 5th Kentucky Volunteers in 1861; commissioned brigadier general
of volunteers in Oct. of that year. Took part in the Battle of Shiloh, Stone
River, Tullahoma campaign, and Battle of Chickamauga. Made raids into Alabama,
destroying railway lines, and was in command of the middle Tenn. district.
Elected to U.S. congress from Ky. and served from 1865-66, when he resigned
after being censured for publicly assaulting Josiah B. Grinnell. However he
was reelected and served again from 1866-67. President Johnson appointed him
brigadier general in the regular army in 1867; at same time he was breveted
major general for Civil War service. He was sent to receive Alaska from the
Russian government, and assumed control of that territory. He was then
assigned command of the Dept. of the Gulf, with headquarters at New Orleans,
where he died Jan. 7, 1869. His lodge is not known, but he was referred to as
a "brother," when he accompanied Andrew Johnson on one occasion; was present
at the dedication of the Masonic temple in Boston, June 24, 1867. He was
buried Masonically by Past Grand Master Samual A. Todd of Louisiana.
John L. Routt (1826-1907) Territorial Governor of Colorado,
1875-76, and first Governor of Colorado, in 1876. b. April 25, 1826. Was
sheriff of McLean Co., Ill. in 1860-62, and served 1861-65 as capt. of Co. E,
94th Ill. Vols. Was in business in Bloomington, Ill., 1865-69, and U.S.
marshal of Southern Ill., 1869-71. From 1871-75 he was 2nd assistant
postmaster general of the U.S. He served a second term asgovernor of Colorado
from 1890-92. Member of Union Lodge No. 7, Denver, Colo. d. 1907.
Robert K. Row (1858-1932) President of Row, Peterson & Co.,
publishers of educational books from 1906. b. Aug. 28, 1858 in Woodstock,
Ont., Canada. Graduate of Queen's U., Kingston, Ont., in 1897. Was teacher,
principal, and superintendent of schools in Kingston, Berwyn, Ill. Author of a
number of educational books. d. Dec. 22, 1932.
Charles A. Rowan (1874-1940) Chairman of board of Westinghouse Air
Brake Co. b. Sept. 27, 1874 in Pittsburgh. Started as a bookkeeper, and later,
bank cashier. Associated with Westinghouse in 1903 as assistant auditor;
auditor, 1910-16; comptroller, 1916-19; and vice president and comptroller
after 1919. Was president of Westinghouse International Brake & Signal Co.
from 1927 to its dissolution in 1936. Member of Beta Lodge, Wilkinsburg, Pa.,
receiving degrees on Oct. 26, Nov. 30, 1908 and Feb. 1, 1909. d. Sept. 13,
John Rowan (1773-1843) U.S. Senator from Kentucky, 1825-31; U.S.
Congressman, 1813-17, 1822, and 1824. b. July 12, 1773, near York, Pa. His
family moved to Kentucky in 1783, settling in Louisville, where he received
his early education under Dr. Priestly in his school at Danville, Ky. Studied
law at Lexington in the late 1790's, and became a member of Lexington Lodge
No. 1 (then No. 25 of Virginia) in 1799. This same year he was a member of the
state constitutional convention. Was secretary of state of Ky. from 1804-06,
and judge of the court of appeals, 1819-21. He built "Federal Hill," his home
in Bardstown, and lived there. Here he was a member of Washington Lodge No. 6,
Bardstown (charter forfeited in 1806). While living in Frankfort, Ky. he
became a member of Hiram
Stephen C. Rowan Lodge No. 4 and served as master in 1803. In 1816 he helped
reorganize Bardstown Lodge No. 38 and was its first master on reorganization.
Later he moved to Louisville and became affiliated with Clark Lodge No. 5L d.
July 13, 1843.
Stephen C. Rowan (1808-1890) Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Dec. 25,
1808 near Dublin, Ireland, and brought to this country in 1818. Appointed
midshipman in 1826. During Seminole War, he cruised in the sloop Vandalia on
the West coast of Florida. Was executive officer of the sloop Cyane of the
Pacific squadron, 1846-48, and during the Mexican War took part in the capture
of Monterrey and San. Diego, hoisting the American flag at the latter on July
29, 1846. His sloop captured 20 Mexican vessels. Commanded land expeditions
into Mexico. He was then on ordnance duty until the outbreak of the Civil War.
He commanded the Pawnee at Acquia Creek, and here participated in the first
naval engagement of the war, by attacking Confederate batteries there. Made
commodore in 1855, rear admiral in 1866, and vice admiral in 1870. In many
engagements in Civil War, including destruction of Fort Ocracoke; captured
forts at Roanoke Island, New Berne, N. Car., and Fort Macon, Beaufort, N. Car.
In 1862 he commanded the New Ironsides. Commanded Norfolk Navy Yard, 1866-67;
commander-in-chief of Asiatic squadron, 1868-70; naval station at New York,
1872-79; superintendent of Naval observatory in 1883; and chairman of
light-house board from 1883. Made a Freemason in Montgomery Lodge No. 19,
Philadelphia, May 4, 1865. d. 1890.
Gilbert Roweliff Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. July 22, 1881 in
Peoria, Ill. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1902, and advanced through
grades to rear admiral in 1936, retiring fromactive duty in 1945, after 25
years of sea service. Before WWI he was gunnery officer on U.S.S. Virginia and
U.S.S. New York. In WWI he was executive officer of the U.S.S. New York;
commander of destroyer division of scouting fleet, and with British Grand
Fleet. He commanded the U.S.S. Cincinnati, 1928-30; a destroyer squadron,
1933-35; a cruiser division and heavy cruiser force, 193841. In WWII he was a
member of the General Board, Navy Dept., 1941-45. His shore service included
that of naval aide to Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and W. H. Taft; head of
engineering dept. U.S. Naval Academy; commanding office Naval Training
Station, Newport, R.I.; director of Naval communications. Since his retirement
he has been in charge of the Washington office of Fitch Investors Service.
John Rowe (?-1787) Revolutionary patriot who first suggested
throwing the tea in Boston harbor by his question, "Who knows how tea will
mingle with salt water?" Made a member in St. John's Lodge, Boston, in 1740,
master of same in 1749, and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
in 1768-87.
Thomas A. Rowley (1808-?) Brigadier General (Union) in Civil War.
b. Oct. 5, 1808 in Pittsburgh, Pa. Entered Mexican War as 2nd lieutenant of
Pa. volunteers. At beginning of Civil War he enlisted as a captain in the 13th
Pa. volunteers, and later re-enlisted as a colonel of the 102nd volunteers.
Made brigadier general for services at Fredericksburg, Va. in 1862, resigning
commission in Dec., 1864. From 1866-70 he was U.S. marshal for Western
district of Pa.; after that practiced law in Pittsburgh. Member of Lodge No.
45, Pittsburgh, Pa. Received degrees on April 20, June 13, Aug. 29, 1845 and
was suspended Dec. 26, 1853.
76 Friedrich Ruckert William Rowley Archbishop of Canterbury.
Initiated in Royal George Lodge, Bristol, about 1789.
William R. Rowley (1824-1886) Union Brigadier General (brevet) in
Civil War. b. Feb. 8, 1824 in Gouverneur, N.Y. After teaching in Ohio, he
settled in Galena, Ill., where he held various civil offices. Entered military
service as 1st lieutenant in the 45th Ill. regiment. After the capture of Fort
Donelson, he was commissioned captain and appointed aide-de-camp to General
Grant, q.v. He distinguished himself at Shiloh by riding into the thickest of
the fight with orders to General Lew Wallace, q.v. to bring his troops to the
field. For this he was promoted to major. When Grant was promoted to
lieutenant general, Rowley was made a lieutenant colonel and military
secretary to Grant. He held this office until Aug. 30, 1864, when impaired
health forced him to resign. He was then breveted brigadier general of
volunteers on March 13, 1865. Back in Galena, he was elected county judge in
1877, holding this office until his death. Was raised May 15, 1858 in Miners
Lodge No. 273, Galena, Ill.; exalted in Jo Daviess Chapter No. 51, Galena,
June 11, 1859; greeted in Ely S. Parker Council, Galena, July 9, 1873;
knighted in Galena Commandery No. 40, Sept. 29, 1871. d. Feb. 9, 1886.
Manuel A. Roxas (1892-1948) First President of the Philippine
Republic, 1946-48. b. Jan. 1, 1892 in Capiz, island of Uanay, Philippines.
Graduate of U. of Manila in 1913, and admitted to bar that year. Was municipal
councilor of Capiz in 1918, and provincial governor of same, 1920. In house of
representatives, 1924-36; secretary of finance, 1938-41; senator, 1941-45, and
president of senate in latter year. Was member of constitutional convention of
1934, and head of the Philippine independence missions to Washing-ton four
times after 1923. Entered Philippine Army as a colonel in Dec., 1941, and in
1942 was a brigadier general and aide to General MacArthur, q.v. Roman
Catholic. He was past master of Makawiwili Lodge No. 55 in his native town of
Capiz. Received 32° AASR in Rizal Consistory on Nov. 13, 1923. d. April 15,
Gustave Royers (1848-1923) Belgian engineer and director of public
works for city of Antwerp. Elected to the Belgian Chamber in 1910 and was one
of the vice presidents of the Liberal Party. In 1876 he joined the Lodge Les
Amis du Commerce et la Perseverance Reunis and was its master from 1899-1902.
Later he was grand master of the Grand Orient of Belgium, presiding as such at
the opening of the port of Antwerp. On this occasion he used a silver gavel
for the three symbolic raps, which he explained as "wisdom, strength and
beauty." For this he was attacked by the Catholic press of Belgium.
Pascual Ortiz Rubio President of Mexico, 1930-32. b. in 1877. He
was minister to Germany in 1923, and ambassador to Brazil in 1926. He was
elected to succeed the provisional president Emilio Portes Gil, q.v., in 1929,
and to fill out the unexpired term of Alvaro Obregon. He resigned in Sept.,
1932. At the time he became president, he had been a Mason for 30 years. He
received the 32° AASR at Chapultepec Castle on Feb. 6, 1931, and was also
invested with membership in the Anezeh Shrine and Royal Order of Jesters.
Friedrich Ruckert (1788-1866) German poet. He was a professor of
Oriental languages at the University of Erlangen and later the University of
Berlin. He was particularly famous for his Love Poems and the Wisdom of the
Bramas, as well as his translations of famous Eastern literature. In
Herbert B. Rudolph his lyrics, we find many allusions to Freemasonry, one
being: "Do you accept that we are building you within our house; we shall make
of you a perfect ashlar, fitting well in the invisible building of our
dreams." In 1861 he became a member of the Lodge Zum Rautenkranz at
Herbert B. Rudolph (1894-1957) Judge, Supreme Court of South
Dakota since 1931. b. May 22, 1894 in Canton, S. Dak. Graduate of U. of South
Dakota in 1916, and U. of Michigan in 1918. Began law practice at Canton in
1919. Was circuit court judge from 1924-29. Raised Feb. 5, 1919 in Silver Star
Lodge No. 4, Canton, S. Dak. and was master of same in 1922. d. Sept. 3, 1957.
Rafael Ruego Spanish colonel in command of troops at Cadiz, Spain
scheduled to leave for an expedition to Mexico. On Jan. 1, 1820 he led a
successful revolt at Cadiz against the king in favor of the constitution of
1812. His expedition failed to sail and a new envoy, Juan O'Donoju, q.v., was
sent. Ruego was initiated in France in 1813, three years before his departure
from Cadiz. He succeeded Count Montijo as grand master of the Grand Orient of
Henry W. Rugg (1833-1910) Twenty-first Grand Master of the Grand
Encampment, K.T., of the U.S. b. Sept. 3, 1833 in Framingham, Mass. Raised in
Fraternal Lodge, Barnstable, Mass. on Sept. 12, 1854. Affiliated with St.
John's Commandery, Providence, R.I. in 1869. 33° AASR (NJ). Was grand master
of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island. d. July 21, 1910.
Daniel Ruggles (1810-?) Confederate Major General in Civil War. b.
Jan. 31, 1810 in Barre, Mass. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1833. He
entered the 5th U.S. Infantry and served on the frontier, andin recruiting
duty, until the Mexican War. Promoted to captain in June, 1846, and was soon
breveted major, and then lieutenant colonel, for gallantry at the Battles of
Contreras, Churubusco, and Chapultepec. At the latter, his command raised the
first American flag over the fort. He then served in Texas until his
resignation on May 7, 1861. He joined the Confederate Army and was
commissioned brigadier general in the same year. He served at New Orleans; led
a division at Shiloh, and at Baton Rouge, and in 1863, became a major general
in command of the Department of Mississippi. He repelled raids on the Northern
and Southern borders. After the war he took charge of his large estate near
Palafox, Texas, and also resided at Fredericksburg, Va. Member of
Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, Fredericksburg, Va. Affiliated with the lodge on
Dec. 25, 1868 and dimitted Jan. 8, 1875.
Harry L. Ruggles First treasurer of Rotary International, and last
surviving original officer. Member of Exemplar Lodge No. 966, Chicago, Ill.
H. R. Runnels Former Governor of Texas. Member of Austin Lodge No.
12, receiving degrees on Jan. 20, 26, March 17, 1848.
William N. Runyon (1871-1931) Federal Judge, District of New
Jersey, 1923-31. b. March 5, 1871 in Plainfield, N.J. Graduate of Yale in 1892
and New York Law School in 1894. Resided at Plainfield, where he was city
judge, 1899-1910, a member of the house of representatives, 1915-17, and of
state senate, 1918-22 (president of same in 1919), and acting governor of New
Jersey from May 16, 1919 to Jan. 13, 1920. Member of Anchor Lodge No. 149,
Plainfield, N.J., receiving degrees on May 10, June 14, July 26, 1898. d. Nov.
9, 1931.
78 Jeremiah M. Rusk Benjamin Rush (1745-1813) Signer of the
Declaration of Independence and probably the outstanding physician of the
American Revolution. b. Dec. 24, 1745 in Byberry, Pa., he was educated at
Princeton and studied medicine in Philadelphia, Edinburgh, London, and Paris.
Began practice in Philadelphia in 1769. Appointed treasurer of the U.S. mint
in 1779, and served in that office until his death on April 19, 1813. Although
referred to as a Freemason many times, there is no documentary proof of his
membership. He joined with Washington in the burial of Captain William Leslie
(of the British forces) with Masonic honors. Vandever says his membership is
unknown, but is said to have "recanted his Masonry." In a dispute with Joseph
Reed, of Philadelphia, he referred to the "leather apron majority in
Pennsylvania." His son, Richard, q.v., was anti-Mason.
Richard Rush (1780-1859) Anti-Mason; U.S. Attorney General,
181417; U.S. Secretary of State, 1817; U.S. Secretary of Treasury, 1825-28;
Minister to Great Britain, 1817-25 and to France, 1847-49. b. Aug. 29, 1780 in
Philadelphia. Graduate of Princeton in 1797. Was sent to England by President
Jackson to obtain the legacy of James Smithson, left to found the Smithsonian
Institution. He was an intimate friend of John Quincy Adams, q.v., another
anti-Mason, and undoubtedly was .greatly influenced in his beliefs by Adams.
Rush was initiated in Union Lodge No. 121, Philadelphia on Sept. 19, 1811, and
withdrew in Jan., 1827. In a letter to the Anti-Masonic Almanac for 1832, Rush
wrote Editor Edward Giddens: "Many years ago I became an entered apprentice,
went to a lodge once—and but once. On my return from England, after an absence
in the service of the United States, I voluntarily withdrew fromthe body, by a
letter to that effect. My separation from it was in 1826." He was a son of
Benjamin Rush, q.v., Declaration Signer.
Sylvester R. Rush (1860-1932) Lawyer who was special government
prosecutor of many important cases. b. July 24, 1860 in Greene Co., Pa. Began
law practice at Omaha, Neb., in 1888. Was special assistant to U.S. attorney
general from 1907-22, and again after 1923. He successfully represented the
government in cases arising from unlawful enclosure of public lands in Neb.,
Wyo., Colo.; in the prosecution of fraudulent sales of swamp lands in Fla.;
fraudulent entry of coal lands in Alaska; in Mabray foot and horse race
swindling scheme; in the case against Dr. Cook, alleged discoverer of the
North Pole. Mason. d. March, 1932.
John Rushworth (see Earl of Jellicoe).
Jeremiah M. Rusk (1830-1893) Governor of Wisconsin, 1882-89; U.S.
Secretary of Agriculture, 1889-93; U.S. Congressman, 1871-72. b. June 17, 1830
in Morgan Co., Ohio. His varied career saw him as a stage driver, railroad
construction foreman, tavern keeper, sheriff, coroner, and farmer. He moved to
Wis. in 1853, and in 1862 was commissioned major in the 25th Wis. regiment. He
served under General Sherman from the siege of Vicksburg until the close of
the war, receiving the brevet of brigadier general of volunteers in 1865 for
meritorious service at the Battle of Salkehatchie. As governor he ordered
troops out to halt the mob violence of strikers at Bay View, Wis. in 1886.
Five strikers were killed. It was on this occasion that Rusk made the
now-famous utterance: "I seen my duty and I done it!" Previously, in 1882, he
had sided with labor in the case of the bankrupt Chicago, Portage and
Thomas J. Rusk Lake Superior Railroad. He was mentioned several times as a
candidate for president and vice president of the U.S. He was known nationally
as "Uncle Jerry." He was initiated in 1855 in Frontier Lodge No. 45 at La
Crosse, Wis., and became a charter member of La Belle Lodge No. 85, Viroqua,
Wis. This lodge's dispensation was issued Dec. 20, 1856 and its charter dated
June 10, 1857. He was one of the six charter members. He was master of the
lodge in 1859, 1860, and 1866. Was exalted in Smith Chapter No. 13, R.A.M., La
Crosse, and knighted in Robert Macoy Cornmandery No. 3, K.T., at Madison.
Received the Scottish Rite at Milwaukee in April, 1886. Seven months after his
death (June 13, 1894), Jeremiah M. Rusk Lodge No. 259, South Milwaukee, was
chartered. Also member of Tripoli Shrine Temple at Milwaukee. d. Nov. 21,
Thomas J. Rusk (1803-1857) U.S. Senator from Texas (first),
1846-57. b. Dec. 5, 1803 in Pendleton Dist., S. Car. Admitted to the bar and
began practice in Georgia, moving to Nacogdoches, Texas in 1835. He was a
delegate to the convention which declared for the independence of Texas on
March 21, 1836, and was the first secretary of war under the new republic. At
the Battle of San Jacinto, he took command of the forces after General Houston
was wounded, retaining command until Oct., 1836, when he resumed his duties as
secretary of war. Was thief justice of the supreme court of Texas, 1838-42. In
1843 he was appointed brigadier general of militia of the Republic of Texas.
He was president of the convention that confirmed the annexation of Texas to
the U.S. in 1845. He was a member of Milan Lodge No. 40, Nacogdoches, Texas,
and at one time was grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Texas. d. July 29,
Chevalier Bartholomew Ruspini (1728-1813) Early English
surgeon-dentist. b. near Bergamo, Italy in 1728, he studied surgery under
Monsieur Copran, dentist to the King of France. In 1766 he settled in London
under the patronage of Dowager Princess of Wales, and became surgeon-dentist
to the Prince if Wales, afterward King George IV, q.v. Was initiated in the
Mourning Bush Tavern Lodge No. 116, Bristol, England, April 7, 1762, and over
a period of 51 years he held membership in several lodges, and was most active
in the Craft. In 1777 he was a founder of the Lodge of the Nine Muses No. 235,
London, and in 1787, it was at his instigation that the Prince of Wales
founded Prince of Wales Lodge No. 259. He served the Grand Lodge of England as
grand steward and grand sword bearer and was active in Royal Arch Masonry. His
greatest contribution, however was the foundation, in 1788, of the Royal
Cumberland Freemasons School, which has now become the Royal Masonic
Institution for Girls. Strangely, although of modest wealth, his property was
wasted by his children, and two of his grandchildren became recipients of the
benefits of the institution he had founded. He was probably the leading dental
surgeon of his day in England and Europe, and was known for his generosity and
benevolences. Although a noted Freemason, the Pope conferred on him the title
Chevalier and made him a Knight of the Golden Spur, in return for his concern
and hospitality towards foreigners in England. d. Dec. 14, 1813.
Archibald D. Russell (1811-1871) Philanthropist b. at Edinburgh,
Scotland in 1811, his father, James, was president of the Royal Society of
Edinburgh for many years. He graduated from the U. of Edinburgh in philosophy,
law, and medicine, and later studied at the U. of Bonn, Ger-
80 Lee
M. Russell many. In 1836 he settled in New York City. Here he founded the Five
Points Mission, of which he was president for 18 years; aided in establishing
the Half-Orphan Asylum, of which he was vice president; was an active member
of the Christian Commission during the Civil War; established the school
system of Ulster Co., N.Y. and built the Presbyterian church near Glen Albyn.
Member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. d. April 12, 1871.
Benjamin Russell (1761-1845) Early American journalist. b. Sept.
13, 1761 in Boston, Mass. Was apprenticed to Isaiah Thomas, q.v., printer, at
Worcester, Mass., but before completing his term, enlisted in the
Revolutionary Army and contributed war news to the Spy, Thomas's paper. He
began the publication of the Columbian Centinel about 1784. It was a
semiweekly journal which had no equal at the time. In 1788 he attended the
Mass. convention for ratifying the constitution of the U.S. and made the first
attempt at reporting for any Boston newspaper. His paper was conspicuous in
collecting foreign intelligence, and he visited all ships that came into the
Boston harbor. When congress was holding its first session, Russell offered to
publish gratuitously all the laws and other official documents; and the
treasury being almost bankrupt, his offer was accepted. After several years he
was called on for his bill, which he sent marked "paid." Washington, however,
said: "This must not be. When Mr. Russell offered to publish the laws without
pay we were poor. It was a generous offer. We are now able to pay our debts."
A few days later Russell was paid $7,000. From 17951830 he published a paper
called the Gazette. He retired from the Centinel in 1829. Member of Rising
States Lodge, Boston and St. John's Lodge, Boston. Was grand sword bearer
in1792-95; grand marshal 1796-1810; junior grand warden, 1811-12; senior grand
warden, 1813 and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Mass., 181416. d. Jan. 4,
Charles H. Russell Governor of Nevada, 1950-58; U. S. Congressman
to 80th Congress, 1947-49. b. Dec. 27, 1903 in Lovelock, Nev. Graduate of U.
of Nevada in 1926. After two years in a mine office at Ruth, Nev. he became
editor of The Ely Record, 192946. Member of state legislature, 193540, and
state senator, 1941-46. Member of Ely Lodge No. 29, Ely, Nev. and past master
of same. He addressed the Grand Lodge of Nevada in 1951 while governor. A
Royal Arch Mason, 32° AASR, Shriner, and Jester.
T. Stuart Russell Editor. b. May 27, 1892 in Newton, Iowa.
Graduate of Grinnell Coll. (Iowa) in 1913. Was a farmer from 1914-18, and
published a weekly newspaper at Sac City, Iowa, 1919-26. Was farm editor of
the Des Moines Register and Tribune, 1926-42. During 1942-43 he was with the
War Food Administration in Iowa and Washington. Returning to Des Moines, he
became managing editor of the Register and Tribune from 1943-46. He has been
farm editor since Jan. 1943, and also editor of the Iowa Farm and Home
Register since 1946. Was chairman of the president's Famine Emergency
Committee in 1946. He is deputy chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago, and active in many farm organizations. Served in Army in WWI.
Member of Occidental Lodge No. 178, Sac City, Iowa, since 1920.
Lee M. Russell (1875-1943) Governor of Mississippi, 1920-24. b.
Nov. 16, 1875 near Oxford, Miss. Graduate of Toccopola Coll. in 1897, and U.
of Mississippi in 1901 and 1903. Began law practice at Oxford, Miss. in 1901,
and was in real estate business at Gulfport, 1912-16. Served as
Louis A. Russell lieutenant governor of Miss. from 1916-20. Raised May 4, 1905
in T.S. Gathright Lodge No. 33, Oxford, Miss. d. May 16, 1943.
Louis A. Russell (1854-1925) Composer and musician. b. Feb. 24,
1854 in Newark, N.J. Studied extensively in New York and London. Was organist
and choirmaster of the South Park Presbyterian Church, Newark, N.J., for 17
years, and Peddie Memorial Church, Newark, 12 years. Was founder and conductor
of Oratorio Society, Newark Symphony Orchestra; director of Newark College of
Music from 1879. He was director of the Normal Institute of Music, Carnegie
Hall, N.Y. Was managing editor of the Essex Publishing Co. and founder of
American Guild of Organists. He composed A Pastoral Rhapsody and The Triumph
of Freedom and Peace, both cantatas; the Suite Fantastique and Suite Psychique
for the piano and Suite Lyrique for the violin, as well as many songs. He
wrote a number of books on singing, piano, and organ. Member of Pythagoras
Lodge No. 118, Newark, N.J., receiving degrees on Jan. 17, June 21, Sept. 20,
1909. d. Sept. 5, 1925.
Richard B. Russell (1861-1938) Judge, cotton planter, editor,
business executive. b. April 27, 1861 near Marietta, Ga. Graduate of U. of
Georgia in 1879 and 1880. Fathered 18 children, five of them dying in infancy.
One son, Richard B. Russell, Jr., q.v., became governor and U.S. senator.
Practiced law at Athens, Ga. Served two terms in state legislature, and was
author of bill for Georgia State Coll, for Women, in 1887. Judge of superior
courts eight years; candidate for governor in 1906; judge of state court of
appeals, 1906-21, and chief judge of same, 1913-16. Elected chief justice of
state supreme court in 1922. An extensive cotton planter, he was president or
owner of telephone,street railway, and manufacturing companies and newspapers.
Mason. d. Dec. 3, 1938.
Richard B. Russell, Jr. Governor of Georgia, 1931-33; U.S. Senator
from Georgia since 1933, present term ending in 1961. b. Nov. 2, 1897 at
Winder, Ga., son of Richard B. Russell, q.v., and one of 18 children. Graduate
of U. of Georgia in 1918, he served as county attorney of Barrow Co. and was a
member of the state house of representatives, 192131, serving as speaker of
same, 192731. Served in U.S. Navy in WWI. Initiated June 10, 1921 in Winder
Lodge No. 33, Winder, Ga.
William H. Russell (1812-1872) Partner in the pioneer Western
freighting firm of Russell, Majors & Waddell. b. Jan. 31, 1812 in Burlington,
Vt. His father was a veteran of the War of 1812, and on his death, the mother
remarried and moved to Missouri. Russell served in the Black Hawk War of 1832
and the Seminole War of 1837. In the Mexican War he served as a colonel under
General Fremont, on the West coast. He was a principal witness at the trial of
Fremont in 1848. In 1854 he formed a partnership with Wm. B. Waddell, owner of
a general store in Lexington, with branches along the Missouri River. Waddell
had freight lines operating in 1850. By 1855 the partnership had expanded to
include Alex Majors, q.v., and in two years they had cleared $300,000. In
1859, Horace Greeley, visiting their depot near Ft. Leavenworth, Kans. said
they had two million dollars invested, employed 6,000 teamsters, and worked
45,000 oxen. It was their firm that opened up the West to the pioneer, and
hauled the supplies that enabled the settler to exist. It was also the
forerunner of the famous Pony Express. They established a fast pony express
from St. Joseph, Mo. to Placerville, Calif., the
William Harry Rylands first rider leaving St. Joseph on April 3, 1860.
Previous to this, they had express riders on a line from the Missouri River to
Pike's Peak region of Colo., and a semi-monthly line from St. Joseph to Salt
Lake City. All these lines were failures. The St. Joseph-Placerville line was
facing ruin in its first summer, and it was sold to Ben Holliday, a member of
Weston Lodge No. 53, Weston, Mo., who in turn sold it to Wells, Fargo & Co.
Initiated in Lafayette Lodge No. 32, Lexington, Mo., in 1848, Russell served
as master in 1852. In 1856 he transferred membership to Lexington Lodge No.
149. He was active in the Lexington bodies for many years, being exalted in
Lexington Chapter No. 10, R.A.M., Nov. 14, 1849, and a member of DeMolay
Commandery No. 3, K.T., both of Lexington. d. Sept. 10, 1872.
Albert G. Rutherford (1879-1941) U.S. Congressman to 75th and 76th
Congresses, 1937-41, from 15th Pa. dist. b. Jan. 3, 1879 at Watford, Ont.,
Canada, and brought to U.S. in 1883. Graduate of U. of Pennsylvania in 1904,
admitted to bar that year, and practiced at Scranton until 1918, and at
Honesdale, Pa. after 1918. Member of Peter Williamson Lodge No. 323, Scranton,
Pa., receiving degrees on April 4, May 9, June 6, 1907. d. Aug. 10, 1941.
Wiley B. Rutledge (1894-1949) Justice, Supreme Court of the U.S.,
194349. b. July 20, 1894 in Cloverport, Ky. Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in
1914, and U. of Colorado in 1922. Taught in high schools of Indiana, N. Mex.,
and Colo., 1915-22. Admitted to bar in 1922 and began practice at Boulder,
Colo. He taught law at the U. of Colorado, 1924-26, and at Washington U. (St.
Louis, Mo.), 1926-35. Was acting dean of the latter, 193031, and dean 1913-35.
From 1935-39 he was dean of the college of law at the State U. of Iowa. In
1939 he be-came associate justice of U.S. Court of Appeals for D.C., retaining
that bench until named to the supreme court bench in 1943. Member of Boulder
Lodge No. 45, Boulder, Colo., receiving degrees, Sept. 9, 23, Oct. 19, 1921.
d. Sept. 10, 1949.
Count Frederick Augustus. Rutovsky (1702-?) Polish nobleman who is
considered the founder of Freemasonry in Poland. b. May 1, 1702. His name in
the Masonic order was Chevalier de L'Aigle. In 1738 he founded the Saxon lodge
of "Three White Eagles" in Dresden. In 1741 he became grand master of Upper
Saxony, and in the same year he was governor of Dresden with the rank of
general field-marshal. In his youth, he was in the French service, and the
Lodge of the Three Eagles was strongly tinged with French influence.
Julien Rybinsky (?-1957) French general. He was grand master of
the French Rectified Rite and grand master of the Great Priory of Gaul (C.B.C.S.)
at the time of his death on Aug. 14, 1957 in Paris.
Abraham Viktor Rydberg (18281895) Swedish poet, writer, and
critic, who was a champion of liberalism and tolerance. He was a professor of
the history of civilization at Stockholm from 1884. Was the author of many
tales, historical novels, and volumes of lyrics. His most controversial work
was The Teachings of the Bible About Christ in 1862. Wrote also on history of
art and Germanic mythology. Was initiated in 1865 in St. John's Lodge Salomon,
William Harry Rylands (1846-1923) English lawyer and fellow of
Society of Antiquaries. Was initiated in the Lodge of Faith and Unanimity No.
417, Dorchester. He was a founder of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge in 1886,
Walter H. Ryle and in 1901 succeeded Speth as its secretary. He made many
valuable contributions to its early transactions. Was the author of Masons'
Marks, and editor of Vol. 1 of Records of The Lodge Original No. 1 (now the
Lodge of Antiquity No. 2).
Walter H. Ryle President of Northeast Missouri State Teachers
College, Kirksville, Mo., since 1937. b. June 1, 1896 in Yates, Mo. In 1919
was graduate of the school he now heads; masters and doctorate from George
Peabody Teachers Coll. in 1927 and 1930. Was a principal and public school
superintendent in Mo. until 1927. He then taught at Northeast Mo. State
Teachers Coll., and later at Peabody Coll., Nashville, Tenn. Returned to
Northeast State Coll. in 1930 as professor of social science, and was made
president in 1937. Member of Palmyra Lodge No. 18, Palmyra, Mo., since 1920.
84 S Dwight M. Sabin (18434902) U.S. Senator from Minnesota,
1883-89. b. April 25, 1843 near Marseilles, Ill. Moved with parents to Conn.
in 1857 and attended Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Moved to Stillwater,
Minn. in 1868, where he engaged in lumbering and the manufacture of railroad
cars and agricultural machinery. Member of state senate, 1872-75, and lower
house, 1878-81. Mason. d. Dec. 22, 1902.
Carl E. A. Sachs (1829-1909) German lexicographer and language
scholar. Together with Cesaire Villatte, he prepared the German-French
Dictionary, which is still today a basic book for French-German translations.
Initiated in 1854 in the Lodge Friedrich, Wilhelm zur Gekroenten Gerechtigkeit.
Was master of the Lodge Friedrich sur Tugend at Brandenburg from 1877-87 and
an honorary member of the Lodge Teutonia zur Weisheit at Berlin.
Morris B. Sachs (1896-1957) Owner of Morris B. Sachs, Inc.,
Chicago retail apparel store. b. March 23, 1896 in Lithuania, coming to the
U.S. in 1910, and naturalized in 1924. Engaged in retailing wearing apparel as
Morris B. Sachs, Chicago, from 1923. Was city treasurer of Chicago, 195557. In
1934 he was the founder of the radio Amateur Hour. A director of the Chicago
Medical School Research Foundation, he received numerous awards for his civic
interests. Member of Monroe C. Crawford Lodge No. 1042, Chicago, being raised
June 30, 1922. d. Sept. 23, 1957.
Julius F. Sachse (1842-1919) Masonic author and researcher. b.
Nov. 22, 1842 in Philadelphia, Pa. He was librarian and curator of the Grand
Lodge of Pennsylvania from 1906. Was the author of Benjamin Franklin as a
Freemason, 1906; Freemasonry in Pennsylvania, 1727-1907; Old Masonic Lodges of
Pennsylvania, 17301800; Quaint Old Germantown; History of Masonic Knights
Templar in Pennsylvania, 1797-1919. Member of Columbia Lodge No. 91, Columbia,
Pa. d. Nov. 14, 1919.
Buel Sackett Revolutionary soldier who was one of the guards at
the execution of Major Andre on Oct. 2, 1780. Raised in Unity Lodge No. 17,
New York in 1796.
Lord George Sackville (1716-1785) The third son of the first duke.
In 1770 he changed his name to Germain. Was wounded and captured at Fontenoy
in 1745, and was second in command of the St. Malo expedition in 1758. He
failed to lead the cavalry charge needed to complete the victory at Minden,
and was dismissed from the service. He attained the rank of lieutenant
general. As secretary of state for the colonies in 177582, he virtually
directed the British efforts in the War of the American Revolution. He was
grand master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1751. The title became extinct
with the death of his son, Charles, in 1843.
Henry Sadler (1840-1911) English Masonic historian. b. Oct. 19,
1840, he was initiated in Lodge of Justice No. 147 in 1862 while serving in
the Mer-
McGruder Ellis Sadler cantile Marine; served as master in 1872. He was the
founder and first master of two other lodges. Exalted in the Royal York
Chapter of Perseverance No. 7, R.A.M. in 1869. From 1879-1910 he was grand
tyler of the Grand Lodge of England. During his years in this office there was
no librarian, and Sadler devoted much of his time to arranging and collecting
the archives. In 1887 he was appointed sub-librarian. It was Sadler who
discovered the long lost minutes of the "Ancients," written by Dermott. A
reliable investigator, he published many books, his outstanding work being
Masonic Facts and Fictions (1887). Also wrote Thomas Dunckerley, His Life,
Labours and Letters; Masonic Reprints and Historical Revelations; and
Illustrated History of Emulation Lodge of Improvement, No. 21. d. Oct. 15,
McGruder Ellis Sadler President of Texas Christian University
since 1941. b. Nov. 5, 1896 in Hobucken, N. Car. Graduate of Atlantic
Christian Coll. (N.C.) in 1919; Vanderbilt U. in 1921; Yale in 1925 and 1929.
He was director of leadership training of the Disciples of Christ in Va.,
1922-27 and nationally, 1929-31. From 1931-36 he was dean of Lynchburg Coll.,
and from 1936-41, minister of Central Christian Church at Austin, Texas.
Active in many national organizations, such as Y.M.C.A., Red Cross, Conference
of Christians and Jews, and Federal Council of Churches. Was president of the
international convention of Disciples of Christ, 1944-46. He delivered the
address before the Grand Lodge of Texas at its 1955 communication. Raised May
21, 1921 in Lafayette Lodge No. 151, Lafayette, Ky.; then affiliated with Hill
City Lodge No. 183, Lynchburg, Va.; affiliated with Austin Lodge No. 12,
Austin, Texas on Sept. 5, 1936 and affiliated with Cooke-Peavy Lodge No. 1162,
Ft. Worth on May 12, 1958. Member of Scottish Rite and Shrine.
Percy L. Sadler Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. March 30, 1893 in
Mobile, Ala. Served through grades from private to brigadier general, 1942,
retiring in 1946. Served in Mexican Border, WWI and WWII. Was commander of
Task Force 5889 in 1942; commanding general U.S. Army Forces in Central
Africa, 1943-44; deputy commander U.S. Forces in Middle East, 1944. Mason.
Reinhold Sadler (1848-1906) Governor of Nevada, 1896-1903. b. Jan.
10, 1848 in Prussia. Elected lieutenant governor in 1895, and on death of
Governor Jones in 1896, assumed governorship and elected for a second term.
Initiated in Escurial Lodge No. 7, Virginia City in 1867, and later affiliated
with Eureka Lodge No. 16, Eureka, Nev. Exalted in White Pine Chapter, R.A.M.
of Hamilton, and later affiliated with St. Johns Chapter, Eureka (both now
defunct). Knighted in DeWitt Clinton Commandery No. 1, Virginia City, in 1880,
and affiliated with Eureka Cornmandery No. 2. 32° AASR (SJ). Was past master
and past high priest. d. 1906.
Charles G. Sage Brigadier General, A.U.S. and Adjutant General of
New Mexico since 1846. b. April 10, 1895 in Sparks, Kans. He published the
Deming (N.M.) Headlight from 1926-41 and since 1949. Served as second
lieutenant with 326th Field Artillery in WWI. In WWII he was commanding
officer of the 200th Coast Artillery (AA) and Philippine provisional coast
artillery brigade in the Philippines, surrendering to Japanese on April 9,
1942. He was a prisoner of war on Bataan until Aug., 1945. Advanced to
brigadier general, A.U.S., in Jan., 1946 and major general of national guard
from 1954 until retirement in 1957. Member of Deming Lodge No. 12, Deming, N.
Mex., and master of same in 1925; member of Deming Chapter No. 5, R.A.M. and
Saint Alban high priest in 1926; 32° AASR (SJ) at Santa Fe; Ballut Abyad
Shrine Temple at Albuquerque and Royal Order of Jesters.
Comfort Sage (1731-1799) Brigadier General of Connecticut militia
in Revolution; merchant and West Indian trader of Middletown, Conn. A man of
wealth and influence, he answered the Lexington alarm as a captain of a light
horse troop. He rose to command a militia regiment, and was later brigadier
general. He participated in the fighting at Long Island, New York, Harlem
Heights, White Plains, Fort Washington, Danbury, New Haven and elsewhere. He
gave asylum to the children of Benedict Arnold. He was often in the general
assembly, and frequently a local office holder. Was made a Mason June 12, 1754
in St. John's Lodge No. 2 at Middletown. He was once fined a shilling for
"coming to lodge in a check shirt." Nevertheless he served as master in
1768-83. He was exalted Oct. 8, 1783 in the "grand" chapter at Middletown (now
Washington Chapter No. 6). His mark was the "Bible." He was high priest of the
chapter from 1785-95. In 1783 he was moderator of a convention to consider a
grand lodge in Conn. A cousin of Nathan Sage, q.v.
Nathan Sage (1752-1833) Privateer commander in Revolutionary War.
Shipbuilder, merchant, and West Indian trader, he was a cousin of Comfort
Sage, q.v. He brought in many prizes during the war, including an English
vessel loaded with powder, which was sorely needed by the Americans. He
succeeded in bringing this prize safely into the New London harbor, although
closely pursued by the British. For this he was publicly honored by Congress.
He invested in Western New York lands; was county judge at Redfield; and
served as collector of customs at Oswego, where he died in 1833. On Jan. 16,
1786 he wasmade a Mason in St. John's Lodge No. 2, Middletown, Conn., and
became a Royal Arch Mason soon after, in what is now Washington Chapter No. 6.
His mark was a "ship.”
Russell Sage (1816-1906) Capitalist. b. Aug. 4, 1816 in Oneida
Co., N.Y. Brought up on a farm, he attended school in winter and began
business career as an errand boy in his brother's grocery at Troy, N.Y. Became
a retail grocer from 1837-39 and wholesale grocer, 1837-57, at Troy. He served
in the U.S. Congress from 1853-57, and was the first to advocate the purchase
of Mount Vernon by the government. Moving to New York City, he began his
financial rise by investing in small Western railroads and disposing of them
to trunk lines. He was president of the Milwaukee & St. Paul for 12 years and
was closely associated with Jay Gould in the management of many interests,
including the Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific, Missouri Pacific, M.K.&T., D.L.&W.
railroads, the American Cable Co., and Western Union. Received degrees in King
Solomon's Primitive Lodge No. 91, Troy, N.Y. on May 20, June 17, 25, 1852,
withdrawing on June 30, 1853 to become a charter member of Mount Zion Lodge
No. 311, Troy, N.Y. Withdrew from latter on June 14, 1858. d. 1906.
Saint Alban Early English Christian martyr. b. at Verulam (now St.
Albans) in Hertfordshire. In his youth he visited Rome and served seven years
as a soldier under the Emperor Diocletian. On his return to Britain, he
embraced Christianity, and was the first to suffer martyrdom in the great
persecution which raged during that time. Anderson, in his Constitutions of
1738, says this appeared in the old constitutions: "Saint Alban loved Masons
well and cherished them much, and he made their pay right good: viz two
shillings per week and three pence to their cheer; whereas
Earl of St. Albans before that time, through all the land, a Mason had but a
penny a day and his meat, until Saint Alban amended it. He also obtained of
the King a Charter for the Free Masons, for to hold a general council, and
gave it the name of Assembly, and was thereat himself as Grand Master and
helped to make Masons and gave them good charges." Anderson's Constitutions
contain much that is tradition.
1st Earl of St. Albans (?-1684) Henry Jermyn, English courtier and
statesman. Was vice-chamberlain to Queen Henrietta Maria in 1628, and her
master of the horse in 1639. Fought in Royalist army, and accompanied queen to
France in 1644. After execution of Charles I, in 1649, Jermyn remained in
France with Charles II, and after the Restoration was created earl in 1660 and
lord chamberlain in 1674. In his constitutions of 1738, Dr. Anderson, q.v.,
recorded that the Earl of St. Albans was grand master in 1663, with Sir John
Denham as his deputy grand master, and Sir Christopher Wren, q.v., and John
Webb as his grand wardens. Anderson stated that: "According to a copy of the
old constitutions this grand mason held a general assembly and feast on St.
John's Day, 27th December, 1663.”
Saint Augustine Was sent to England with 40 monks, near the end of
the sixth century, to evangelize the country. No reference is made to him in
the Old Charges, but Lenning, vv., states that according to a tradition,
Augustine placed himself at the head of the corporations of the builders and
was recognized as their grand master.
William St. Clair of Roslin (17001778) By both tradition and fact,
the St. Clair family of Roslin, Scotland, held an intimate connection with the
history of Freemasonry inthat country for more than 300 years. By tradition,
King James II appointed William St. Clair, Earl of Orkney and Caithness, the
protector of Freemasonry in Scotland in 1441. The family connection was passed
from generation to generation until Nov. 30, 1736 when the above William St.
Clair, who was childless, gathered the members of the Edinburg and nearby
lodges and tendered a resignation of his hereditary office. At that meeting he
was elected grand master, thus becoming the first grand master of Scotland
(1736-37). He had been made a Mason in the Lodge Canon-gate Kilwinning only
the previous year, and it is thought by several Masonic historians that he was
made a Mason in order that he might dramatically resign these family powers
(which had ceased to be of practical value) in order to gain election as first
grand master over the Earl of Home, supported by another faction.
Arthur St. Clair (1734-1818) Major General in American Revolution
and first Governor of the Northwest Territory, 1789-1802. b. March 23, 1734 in
Thurso, Scotland, a member of the St. Clair of Roslyn, q.v., family so
prominent in Freemasonry of that country. He inherited a fortune from his
mother. Joined the 60th Foot on May 13, 1757, and came to America with Admiral
Boscawen's fleet. Was under General Wolfe at Quebec in 1758. Resigned his
British commission on April 16, 1762, and settled in Ligonier Valley, Pa.,
where he became prominent in all political and cultural affairs of that area,
building a residence and erecting mills. Became a colonel of militia in July,
1775, joining General John Sullivan in Canada, where, by his counsel, he aided
that officer in saving his command at Three Rivers. Made brigadier general on
Aug. 9, 1776, organized the New Jersey militia, participating in the Battles
of Trenton and
Elizabeth St. Leger Princeton. Appointed major general, Feb. 19, 1777;
succeeded Horatio Gates in command at Ticonderoga. Here he was overwhelmed by
the superior forces of Burgoyne. For this he was tried by courtmartial in
1778, but "acquitted with the highest honor." He assisted General Sullivan in
preparation for his expedition against the Six Nations; was a member of the
courtmartial that tried Major Andre at West Point, which he commanded in Oct.,
1780. He was a member of the Pa. council of censors in 1783, and a delegate to
the Continental Congress, 1785-87, from Pa. While governor of the Northwest
Territory, he fixed the seat of justice at Cincinnati, Ohio, which he named in
honor of the Society of the Cincinnati, of which he was president for Pa. in
1783-89. Was appointed commanderin-chief of the army operating against the
Indians in 1791. When this army suffered a defeat, he resigned his commission
as major general. He died in poverty at Greensburg, Pa. on Aug. 31, 1818,
attempting to settle his claims against the government. His original lodge is
not known, but presumed to be a British military lodge. On Sept. 8, 1791, he
was one of those signing a request to the Grand Lodge of New Jersey for a
lodge at Cincinnati (Nova Caesarea Harmony Lodge No. 2). He is recorded at
many meetings of this lodge, and in 1798, the anniversary oration of that
lodge was dedicated to him. At his burial, Masonic services were first
conducted and the ceremonies then turned over to the ex-soldiers of the town.
After several years of neglect, the lodge at Greensburg, Pa. erected a
sandstone monument over his grave, but wind and weather obliterated all
inscriptions on the stone. The local lodge must have had the help of several
Pa. lodges in erecting this first monument, as the minutes of Washington Lodge
No. 164, Washington, Pa., for April 5, 1830 record a subscription of ten
dollars "to assist the Greensburg lodge in erecting a suitable monument to the
memory of our distinguished brother, Gen. Arthur St. Clair." In 1913
Westmoreland Lodge erected a second granite monument over the grave.
Comte de Saint Germain (?-1784) Masonic charlatan. An unusual
scamp, who is best described by Frederick II of Prussia, q.v., as "a man no
one has ever been able to make out." He claimed to be more than 500 years of
age, and to have achieved the highest rank of Freemasonry. He said that he was
born in Chaldea, and claimed to possess the secrets of the ancient Egyptians,
including the ability to transmute metals and to produce pure diamonds by
carbon. He was handsome, an able musician, expert magician, linguist, and a
gambler. He was known as Count de Bellamura in Venice; Chevalier de Schoning
at Pisa; Chevalier Welldone at Milan; and Count Soltikow at Genoa. He became
an intimate of Frederick the Great, q.v., and remained at his court for some
C. F. St. John Major General, U.S. Army. Became commanding general
of Walter Reed Medical Center, Nov. 2, 1959, succeeding Lt. General Leonard D.
Heaton, q.v. A member of Jamestown Lodge No. 352, Jamestown, Ohio, receiving
the degrees at the age of 21. Also member of the National Sojourners and
Heroes of '76.
Elizabeth St. Leger (1693-1773) probably the only "Lady Freemason"
whose membership is now generally accepted as authentic. Her initiation
occurred in Cork Co., Ireland about 1710, when she was 17. She was the
daughter of the 1st Viscount Doneraile, who, as was the custom in that day of
the nobility, held lodges in his house. When it was discovered that she had
been listening to the
Louis Claude de Saint Martin ceremonies through a wall that was being
repaired, it seemed to her father and brothers that the only course was to
complete her knowledge by making her a Mason. After her marriage to Richard
Aldworth in 1713, Elizabeth became a patroness of the Craft. After her death
the memory of "our sister Aldworth" was toasted by the Freemasons of Ireland.
Her Masonic jewel and apron exist to this day. d. April, 1773, at the advanced
age of 80.
Louis Claude de Saint Martin (17431803) French mystic philosopher
and member of the Illuminati. b. Jan. 18, 1743 at Amboise, France. After six
years of army service, he traveled throughout Europe, and at one time studied
three years in a state of almost absolute seclusion. He fell under the
influence of Martinez Pasqualis early in his Masonic career, but later
attempted to reform the Pasqualis system into what he called a "Rectified
Rite" of ten degrees; this has since taken his own name, and is known as
Martinism. He later devoted himself to the philosophical speculations of Jakob
Bohme, q.v., His concepts were introduced into the Masonic lodges of Russia
and Germany.
Joseph Remi Valliere de St. Real (1787-1847) First French-Canadian
to receive an important political appointment under the British regime. The
son of a blacksmith, he became one of the best educated men of his day in
Canada. Attended the Quebec Seminary studied law, and served as a British
officer in the War of 1812. A political rival of Louis Papineau, leader of the
Canadian rebellion of 1837-38, St. Real served as speaker of the provincial
parliament, 1823-25, and chief justice of the Queen's Bench for the district
of Montreal, 1842-47. He was named to the executive council of Lower Canada by
the Earl of Durham in 1838, but that same year was suspended from the bench
forgranting a writ of habeas corpus to a prisoner of the rebellion (two other
judges had been suspended previously for the same thing). He is believed to
have received his degrees in the lodge known as Les Freres du Canada, under
warrant from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lower Canada (Ancients). He was
senior grand warden of the provincial grand lodge in 1820; junior grand warden
of the District Grand Lodge of Quebec and Three Rivers in 1821, and senior
grand warden of the same in 1822. He was buried from the Roman Catholic
church, Sacre Nom de Marie in Montreal.
Louis Guillemain de Saint Victor French Masonic writer, either
established Adonhiramite Masonry, or modified it into a working system. In
1781 he published Choice Collection of Adonhiramite Masonry, which contained
instructions of the first four degrees. This was followed by another in 1787,
which contained the higher degrees of the rite. His Origins of Adonhiramite
Masonry sought to trace the source of Masonic initiation to the mysteries of
the Egyptian priesthood.
Ceran St. Vrain (1797-1870) Pioneer trader and Indian fighter. b.
in St. Louis in 1797. He was closely associated with Charles, q.v., and
William Bent, and Kit Carson, q.v. In fact he was a partner of Charles Bent in
a chain of early day trading posts and forts. His headquarters in the New
Mexico Territory was at Taos and Santa Fe. When the Civil War broke out, he
organized the First New Mexico Cavalry and became its colonel, with Kit Carson
as a lieutenant colonel. Following the war he moved to Mora near Fort Union,
then the principal military base in the Southwest. Here it was more convenient
for him to conduct his business of furnishing supplies to the government. He
was raised in Montezuma Lodge No. 109 (now No. 1) of Mis-
Francesco Salfi souri charter, Jan. 25, 1855. In 1860 he dimitted and secured
a warrant from the grand master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri to constitute
Bent Lodge No. 204 at Taos on Aug. 4, 1860. He was the first treasurer, and
Kit Carson the first junior warden. War conditions forced the surrender of
this charter in 1864. d. at Mora, Oct. 28, 1870, and his funeral on Oct. 30
was attended by General Gregg and nearly all officers of Fort Union. The 8th
Cavalry acted as an escort and the general and his staff as pallbearers.
Masonic services were held. The Daily New Mexican (Oct. 29) said: "Col. St.
Vrain came to New Mexico 40 years ago and has been one of its most highly
respected and influential citizens. Possessed of good education, fine natural
abilities, the highest style of courtesy, and very good energy and enterprise,
he at once engaged in merchandising and manufacturing, by the legitimate
profits of which he has accumulated a handsome property. His upright dealing,
fairness and courteous treatment of all with whom he came in contact, win him
hosts of friends who will sincerely sorrow at his death.”
Marquis de Saisseval French nobleman. On March 11, 1775, the
marquis, assisted by several distinguished brethren, formed the Lodge of
Candour, under the constitution of the Grand Orient of France. The Duke of
Chartres was then grand master. Fourteen lays later (March 25) this lodge gave
a fete d' adoption for the female counterpart of Freemasonry known as adoptive
Freemasonry. It was a gala affair attended by 1,000 of the elite of French
society. The Duchess of Bourbon was at this time installed as the first grand
mistress of adoptive Masonry.
George A. H. Sala (1828-1895) English writer. b. in London; his
father was an Italian and his mother a native of the West Indies. He
waseducated for an artist, but became a journalist, contributing to several
London magazines. During the Civil War, he was the American correspondent of
the London Daily Telegraph. From 1870-71 he was in France, and later in Russia
and Australia. He authored a number of books on travel, social satire, and
novels. Among his volumes were America in the Midst of War; America Revisited;
Quite Alone (a novel); and Life and Adventures. He was a member of Drury Lane
Lodge No. 2127, London, for many years. d. 1895.
Duke of Saldanha (1791-1876) Portuguese soldier and statesman.
Name in full was Duque de Joao Carlos de Oliveirea e Daun. He held military
and diplomatic posts in Brazil between 1810-22, and was Portuguese minister of
foreign affairs in 1825. In 1826-27 he was governor of Oporto. Was appointed
marshal in 1834, and minister of war and president of the council in 1835.
After instigating a counter-revolution against the Septembrists, he was exiled
from 183646. Returning to Portugal, he was premier in the years 1846-49;
185156 and 1870. After the Peninsular War, he was head of Freemasonry in
Charles P. "Chic" Sale (1885-1936) American humorist and actor. b.
in Huron, S. Dak. in 1885, he was educated in the public schools of Urbana,
Ill. He became a character actor in vaudeville in 1908. He appeared in motion
pictures, including The Star Witness; The Expert; and When a Fellow Needs a
Friend. His greatest fame, however, came from his publication of a small book
entitled The Specialist, an humorous account concerning outdoor toilets, which
sold over 200,000 copies in three months. Raised Aug. 29, 1918 in Urbana
(Ill.) Lodge No. 157. d. Nov. 7, 1936.
Francesco Salfi (1759-1832) Italian philosopher and author. b.
Jan. 1,
Manuel Ferraz de Campos Salles
at Cozenza in Calabria. He was a professor of history and philosophy at Milan.
A prolific writer, he wrote many works on history and political economy. He
also published several poems and dramas. In 1811 he received the prize given
by the lodge at Leghorn for a Masonic essay on the utility of the Craft and
its relation to philanthropy and morals. d. Sept., 1832.
Manuel Ferraz de Campos Salles (1846-1913) Fourth President of
Brazil. A lawyer and politician, he was born in Campinas, Sao Paulo. Was a
deputy, 1884-89; minister of justice 1889; governor of Sao Paulo, 1896-98. He
had a part in bringing about the dethroning of Dom Pedro II, the last emperor
of Brazil. He served as president of Brazil from 1898-1902, and during his
administration made many reforms in finance, peaceful settlement of boundary
questions, and friendly relations with Argentina and European nations. Mason.
William C. Salmon (1868-1825) U.S. Congressman to 68th Congress,
192325, from 7th Tenn. dist. b. April 8, 1868 in Henry Co., Tenn. Graduate of
Valparaiso U. in 1893 and Cumberland U. in 1897. Began law practice at
Columbia, Tenn. in 1897. Mason. d. May 13, 1925.
William C. Salmon (1868-1925) U.S. Governor of Washington
Territory, 1870-74. b. Dec. 25, 1836 in Germany, he was a brigadier general in
the Civil War. Was raised in Eureka Lodge No. 80, Seattle, Wash. in 1870; was
junior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of Washington, 1873-74. d. in San
Francisco, Calif., in July, 1913.
Haym Salomon (1740-1785) American merchant and financier of the
Revolution. b. in Lissa, Poland about 1740. He came to America in 1772 and
founded a mercantile and brokeragebusiness in N.Y.C. In 1776 and again in 1778
he was imprisoned in N.Y. as a spy, by the British; the second time, he was
condemned to death, but escaped to the American lines. He opened a brokerage
business in Philadelphia and accumulated a large fortune, subsequently
devoting it to the use of the American government during the war. He
negotiated all the war subsidies obtained from France and Holland, and acted
as paymaster general of the French forces in America. He also gave financial
aid to many patriot leaders, including Jefferson, Madison, and Randolph. He
was proposed in Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia, June 21, 1764; received the first
two degrees, June 23, and raised Aug. 9, 1784. d. 1785.
Felix Salten (1869-1945) Hungarian-Austrian writer of children's
stories, including Bambi, essays, plays, and works of fiction. His works also
included City Jungle; Fifteen Rabbits; Hound of Florence; Samson and Delilah;
Florian, the Emperor's Stallion; Bambi's Son; Good Comrades; and A Forest
World. His children's stories are widely read in all languages. In his books,
he created a firm belief in humanity, a deep love for his Austrian homeland,
its people, and a devotion to the divine Creator. He was elected an honorary
citizen of Vienna. Member of the lodge Zur Wahrheit in Vienna. His real name
was Felix Salzmann.
Leslie E. Salter Congressman, government prosecutor and judge. b.
May 10, 1895 in Alva, Okla. Graduate of U. of Oklahoma in 1920 and 1922.
Practiced law in Carmen and Enid, Okla, 1922-25; assistant U.S. attorney for
Western Okla., 1925-28, and special assistant to attorney general of U.S. from
1928, prosecuting important criminal cases throughout U.S., including Insull
mail fraud trial. Served two terms in Okla. state legislature,
Flem D. Sampson
1920-24, and was U.S. congressman from 4th Okla. dist., 1949-51. Has been
judge of superior court of Cook. Co. (Chicago), Ill. since 1953. Member of
Neighbor Lodge No. 1169, Homewood, Ill. Received degrees in Norman, Okla. in
1917. 32° AASR (NJ) in Chicago.
Leverett Saltonstall U.S. Senator from Massachusetts since 1944;
Governor of Mass., 1939-44. b. Sept. 1, 1892 in Chestnut Hill, Mass. Graduate
of Harvard in 1914 and 1917. Admitted to bar in 1919 and began practice in
Boston. Served in state house of representatives, 1923-36, and was speaker of
same, 1929-36. Elected to U.S. senate in 1944 to fill unexpired term of Henry
Cabot Lodge; reelected in 1948 and 1954. Served in WWI as lieutenant in Field
Artillery. Is president of board of overseers, Harvard U. Is a member of
Fraternity Lodge, Newton, Mass.; St. Paul's Royal Arch Chapter, Boston; St.
Bernard Cornmandery, Boston; Massachusetts Consistory AASR (SJ), and 33°;
trustee of the Masonic Education and Charity Trust of his grand lodge, and
representative of the Grand Lodge of Washington. A frequent attendant at grand
lodge sessions.
Alexander, 18th Lord of Saltoun Seventy-fifth Grand Master Mason
of Scotland, 1897-99.
Alexander Arthur, 19th Lord of Saltoun Eighty-eighth Grand Master
Mason of Scotland, 1933-34. Initiated in Mary's Chapel Lodge No. 1 in 1911,
and master of same. Affiliated with Lodge No. 1055 in 1923. Also member of
lodges No. 67, 197, 1244 and 1278. Member of Old Etonian Lodge No. 4500,
English constitution.
Albert M. Sames (1873-1958) Federal Judge of Arizona, 1931-45. b.
Feb. 9, 1873 in Rockford, Ill. Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1894, and
admitted to bar that year. Moved to Arizonain 1900, holding several city,
county, and state positions, including U.S. commissioner and judge of superior
court of Cochise Co. Retired in 1945. Mason, Knight Templar, 32° AASR (SJ) and
Shriner. Member of Keystone Chapter No. 9, R.A.M. of Douglas. d. Sept. 3,
Frank P. Samford President of Liberty National Life Insurance Co.
b. Nov. 1, 1893 in Troy, Ala. Graduate of Alabama Polytech. Inst., 1914. Was
deputy insurance commissioner of Ala., 1915-19; Ala. manager of Lumbermens
Mutual Casualty Co., 1919-21; and with Liberty National Life since 1921, as
secretary, 1921-32, vice president, 1932-34, and president since 1934. Member
of Birmingham Lodge No. 757 since 1924; 32° AASR (SJ), Zamora Shrine Temple
and Birmingham Court No. 127, Royal Order of Jesters, all of Birmingham.
William J. Samford (1844-1901) Governor of Alabama, 1900-01; U.S.
Congressman from Alabama, 1879-81. b. Sept. 16, 1844, in Greenville, Ga.,
moving to Ala. in early childhood. Enlisted as a private in Confederate Army
in 1862, and advanced to captain in command of a company at close of war.
Admitted to the bar in 1867 and began practice in Opelika. Served in both
houses of the Ala. state legislature and was president of state senate in
1886. A member of Auburn Lodge No. 76, Auburn, Ala. on March 15, 1866, he
affiliated with Opelika Lodge No. 195, and was master of this lodge in
1877-78. When this lodge forfeited its charter in 1879, and Lee Lodge No. 454
succeeded it, he became a member of that lodge. d. June 11, 1901.
Flem D. Sampson Governor of Kentucky, 1928-31; former chief
justice of supreme court of Kentucky. b. Jan. 23, 1875 in London, Ky. Graduate
of Valparaiso (Ind.) U. in 1894. Practiced law at Barbourville, Ky.,
Edmund W. Samuel
1894-1906; served as county judge then district judge for six years. Practiced
law at Barbourville and Louisville, 1932-38, and then returned to circuit
bench. Initiated in Mountain Lodge No. 187, Barbourville, on Dec. 8, 1900.
Edmund W. Samuel (1857-1930) U.S. Congressman, 1905-07 from 16th
Pa. dist. b. Nov. 27, 1857 at Blamavon, Wales. Received M.D. degree from
Jefferson Medical Coll. in 1880, and practiced medicine at Mt. Carmel, Pa.
from that date. Also in the drug business from 1889. He served two terms as
supreme commander, Supreme Commandery of the Continent of America, Knights of
Malta. Received degrees in Mount Carmel Lodge No. 378, Mount Carmel, Pa. on
May 14, June 11, July 16, 1903 and on Jan. 18, 1912 affiliated with Cedar
Lodge No. 670, Mount Carmel. d. March 7, 1930.
John C. Sanborn U.S. Congressman to 80th Congress, 1947-49, from
2nd dist. of Idaho. b. Sept. 28, 1885 in Chenoa, Ill. Graduate of Oberlin
(Ohio) Coll. in 1908; Columbia U. in 1912. Served five terms in state house of
representatives, and two terms as state senator. A farmer at Hagerman, Idaho
since 1913. Mason.
Jefferson D. Sandefer (1868-1940) President of Simmons College
(now Hardin-Simmons University) at Abilene, Texas, from 1909. b. March 13,
1868 in Sharp Co., Ark. Graduate of U. of Chicago, 1907, and Baylor U., 1917.
Taught, and was superintendent of schools in several Texas cities. Was
president of John Tarleton Coll., Stephenville, Texas, 1908-09. Raised Oct. 5,
1889 in Whitt Lodge No. 624, Whitt, Texas; affiliated with Gordon Lodge No.
634, Gordon, Texas on May 11, 1895 and was junior warden in 1895 and senior
warden in 1896; affiliated with Granbury Lodge No. 392, Granbury, Texas on
Jan. 20, 1900; affiliated with Stephenville Lodge No. 267, Stephenville, Texas
on Dec. 16, 1904; affiliated with Abilene Lodge No. 559, Abilene, Texas, on
June 5, 1920 and suspended NPD June 15, 1933. d. March 22, 1940.
Jared Y. Sanders (1869-1944) Governor of Louisiana, 1908-12; U.S.
Congressman, 1916-20. b. Jan. 29, 1869 near Morgan City, La. Graduate of
Tulane U. in 1893. Served in state house, 1892-1904 and was speaker in 1900.
Was lieutenant governor in 190408. Elected to U.S. senate in 1910 but chose to
continue as governor. Father of Jared Y. Sanders, Jr., q.v. Member of Franklin
Lodge No. 57, Franklin, La. being raised Oct. 6, 1895; also member of York
Rite, Scottish Rite and Shrine. His lodge conducted funeral services. d. March
23, 1944.
Jared Y. Sanders, Jr. U.S. Congressman from Louisiana, 1933-36 and
1940-42. b. April 20, 1892 in Franklin, La., the son of Jared Y. Sanders, q.v.
former governor and congressman. Graduate of Louisiana State U. in 1912 and
Tulane U. in 1914. Admitted to the bar in 1914 and began practice in Baton
Rouge. Member of state house of representatives, 1928-32 and state senate,
1932-33. Received his degrees in St. James Lodge No. 47, Baton Rouge on Oct.
19, 26 and Nov. 23, 1922. Master of the lodge in 1955 and presently (1960)
deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana. Belongs to both York and
Scottish Rites, 33° AASR (SJ) and deputy of the Southern Supreme Council,
1953-57. Member of Red Cross of Constantine.
Wilbur F. Sanders (1834-1905) First U.S. Senator from Montana,
1890-93. b. May 2, 1834 in Leon, N.Y. Moved to Ohio where he taught school and
was admitted to the bar in 1856. Served with 64th Ohio in Civil War on staff
of General J. W. Forsyth. He resigned his commission because of ill health,
and went to
Jose de San Martin Montana (then Idaho), where he practiced law and was
interested in mines. He came to public attention in the prosecution of a noted
desperado, George Ives, in Adler Gulch, Dec., 1863. His closing speech at the
trial laid the cornerstone for the establishment of the famous "Vigilantes."
He participated in its formation and was official prosecutor of that
organization. He was president of the Montana Historical Society from 186590;
president of board of Montana Wesleyan from 1889 until death; founder of
Montana Bar Assn., and its first president. At the time of his death, July 7,
1905, he was a commander of the G.A.R. in Montana. Made a Freemason in Ohio.
He was a charter member of Virginia City Lodge No. 1 and chaplain of same. In
1879 he is recorded as a member of Morning Star Lodge No. 5, Helena. He was
grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Mont. from 1866-68 and grand master of
same, 1868-69.
Robert E. L. Saner (1871-1938) Former President of American Bar
Association. b. Aug. 9, 1871 near Washington, Ark. Graduate of U. of Texas in
1896 and admitted to Texas bar that year, practicing at Dallas. As president
of American Bar Assn., upon invitation of English and French bars, arranged
trip to England and France for 2,00() members of American bar. In 1924 he
presided, at the invitation of President Coolidge, at the first national
contest of high school orations on "The Constitution," in which judges were
from members of the supreme court. This was the culmination of a movement he
inaugurated by his report to the American Bar Assn. in 1922, "to reestablish
the Constitution in the minds and hearts of the people." In 1925 he presided
at the first national intercollegiate oratorical contests. Mason and past
sovereign of St. Mark's Conclave, Red Cross of Con-stantine; member of Royal
Order of Scotland. Received degrees in Dallas Lodge No. 760, Dallas, Texas, on
March 27, April 24, May 13, 1912. Affiliated with Pentagon Lodge No. 1080,
Dallas in Dec. 1913, as a charter member. d. Oct. 31, 1938.
Jose de San Martin (1778-1850) South American soldier and
liberator. b. Feb. 25, 1778 in Yapeyu, now in Argentine, on the Uruguay River.
Educated in Spain from the age of eight, he entered the Spanish Army in 1791
and rose to lieutenant colonel. Left army to offer his services in the cause
of South American independence, arriving in March, 1812, in Buenos Aires. He
defeated the Spaniards in 1813, and succeeded Belgrano as commander-in-chief
the next year. Organized an army in Cuyo province of Argentina, 1814-16,
crossed the Andes, and with General O'Higgins, q.v., defeated the Spanish at
Chacabuco in 1817, and at Maipo in 1818. He established the independence of
Chile, and with the aid of Lord Cochrane, developed a Chilean fleet and left
with it for Peru in 1820. In July, 1821, as the Spanish withdrew, he entered
Lima, Peru and proclaimed the independence of that country, assuming the title
of "Protector." In this capacity he freed all slaves and revoked the taxes
levied on the Indians. After a short reign, he resigned on Sept. 20, 1822. His
work made possible the victories of the liberator, Bolivar, to whose
assistance he sent his famed mounted grenadiers. He then went to Brussels,
where he established himself, returning in 1828 to Buenos Aires. Finding the
country plagued with internal troubles, he returned to Brussels, vowing never
again to draw his sword in civil war. He died Aug. 17, 1850 at Boulogne,
France in comparative poverty. He received his degrees in the Logia Legalidad
of Cadiz, Spain, in 1808. Later he joined the Lautaro lodge in Spain, Joseph
James M. J. Sanno parte, q.v., being grand master of that group. He went to
England and there joined Miranda's, q.v., Lautaro Lodge before leaving for
Buenos Aires. Shortly after his arrival in that city he formed Lautaro Lodge
No. 3, followed by No. 4 in Mendoza, and No. 5 in Santiago. These lodges had
five degrees. San Martin was "Gran Presidente" of the grand lodge at Buenos
Aires. In 1825, after his return to Europe, he was presented a medal by
Parfaite Amitie Lodge of Brussels. This medal is on exhibit in the Mitre
Museum, Buenos Aires.
James M. J. Sanno (1840-1907) Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b.
Dec. 10, 1840 in New Hampton, N.J. Graduated from U.S. Military Academy in
1863; assigned to 7th Infantry as a 2nd lieutenant, he advanced through grades
to brigadier general in 1903, and retired that year. Was provost marshal,
adjutant, and inspector general of Dept. of Florida, 1865-69; on frontier
duty, 1869-78; inspector of Indian supplies in Mont., 1877-78; in charge of
law department at Inf. and Cay. School, Fort Leavenworth, 1889-94; engaged in
collecting and deporting 537 refugee Canadian Creek Indians in 1896; inspector
general of depts. of Mo., Dak., and the Lakes in 1898; president of board of
claims against the U.S. at Manila in 1900; organized 27th U.S. Infantry in
1901. 33° AASR (SJ). Raised March 3, 1864 in Mansfield Lodge No. 36,
Washington, N.J. Member of Temple Chapter No. 12, R.A.M. arid DeMolay
Commandery No. 6, both of Washington, N.J. Received 32° AASR (SJ) on March 12,
1890 and 33° Oct. 3, 1895. d. May 4, 1907.
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (1795-1867) Mexican general,
revolutionist, president and dictator. b. Feb. 21, 1795 in Jalapa. He led
revolts against Iturbide in 1822; Guerreo in 1828; and Bustamante in 1832.
Waspresident of Mexico, 1841-45. He attempted to crush the Texas revolution;
seized the Alamo in 1836, but was defeated and captured by Sam Houston at San
Jacinto, April 21, 1836. Forced to sign articles of independence for Texas, he
was released in eight months. Was in control of Mexico from 1839-42, and made
dictator in 1844 by the constitution. In 1845 he was deposed and exiled, but
recalled and made provisional president in 1847. He commanded the Mexican Army
against the U.S. in 1846-47, but was defeated at Buena Vista, Cerro Gordo,
Puebla, and Mexico City by General Scott. Exiled again in 1848, but recalled
and made president in 1853-55. Again exiled in 1855. He returned to Mexico
City in 1874, where he died June 20, 1876, in poverty and neglect. In a
political fight, he favored the Scottish Rite faction (the Escoseses), which
demanded the recall of U.S. Ambassador Poinsett, q.v. Later he appeared to
become a Yorkist. Andrew Jackson once wrote Sam Houston that "He is the pride
of the Mexican soldiers and the favorite of the priesthood." At age 80,
writing his memoirs, he stated, "I wish to record also that I defended the
Apostolic Roman Catholic religion (the only one in which I believe and in
which I must die)." It is said that Santa Anna owed his life at San Jacinto to
the giving of a Masonic distress sign, first to James A. Sylvester, one of his
captors; secondly, to Sam Houston, when he was brought before the general; and
thirdly, to a group of Texas soldiers, among whom were John A. Wharton, George
W. Hockley, Richard Bache, Dr. J. E. Phelps and others. These Masons are said
to have worked together to save the Mexican general's life. Certainly after
his slaughter at the Alamo, something unusual must have saved him. John Stiles
of Red River, a soldier, was
Frank P. Sargent one of those guarding Santa Anna following his capture and
while he was held prisoner at "Orizimbo", the plantation home of Dr. Phelps.
Wishing to show his appreciation of the treatment received, Santa Anna
presented his Masonic apron to Stiles. This apron was displayed at a meeting
of Friendship Lodge No. 16, Clarksville, Texas, and reported in the Texas
Grand Lodge Magazine in Oct., 1938. At that time it was the property of Robert
Stiles of Broken Bow, Okla.
Pedro Santana (1801-1864) First President of Santo Domingo. He was
the leader of the revolution by which Santo Domingo separated from Haiti in
1844. He served as president in 1844-48; 1853-56 and 1858-61. Mason and 33°
Francisco de Paula Santander (1792-1840) Regarded as the founder
of Colombia (New Granada). A general and statesman of New Granada, he served
in the revolutionary war and was promoted to general of division at the Battle
of Boyaca, Aug. 7, 1819. He cooperated with Paez and Bolivar, qq.v., both
Masons, and later opposed them. He was vice president from 1821-28, and acting
president in Bolivar's absence, 1821-27. In the latter year he led an
unsuccessful revolt againt Bolivar and was sentenced to death. Bolivar
commuted the sentence to exile. While living in the United States, he was
elected president of Nueva Granada (now Colombia) in 1832. Returning, he
served in that capacity until 1837, his term being noted for the advancement
of education. He was a past master and sovereign grand inspector general, 33°
ASK Prince Kasimir-Nestor Sapieha Polish general and marshal of the Polish
Diet, widely known for his patriotism. Was elected grand master of Poland in
1789. The anti-Russianmovement, then spreading in Poland, penetrated also into
Polish Freemasonry, and the Lodge of "Catherine under the Northern Star"
(named for Catherine the Great of Russia) changed its name to Lodge of
"Stanislaus Augustus under the Northern Star.”
William H. Sergeant (1868-1935) President of Massachusetts Mutual
Life Insurance Co. from 1928. b. Oct. 5, 1868 in Springfield, Mass. With the
above company from 1884; vice president from 1909-28. Member of Springfield
Lodge, Springfield, Mass., from 1896 until 1935. d. Dec. 28, 1935.
Aaron A. Sargent (1827-1887) U.S. Congressman, from Calif.,
1861-63 and 1869-73; U.S. Senator from Calif., 1873-79. b. Sept. 28, 1827 in
Newburyport, Mass. Apprenticed to a cabinetmaker, he then learned the
printer's trade. Moved to Philadelphia, and then to Washington, D.C., and
finally in 1839, to Calif. where he settled in Nevada City. Here he was on the
staff of the Nevada City Journal, later becoming owner of the paper. He
studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1854. Served in state senate in
1856 and was district attorney for Nevada Co. in 1855-56. Was minister to
Germany in 1882-84 but declined ministership to Russia, returning to Calif. in
1884, to resume practice of law. Member of Nevada Lodge No. 13 and Nevada
Chapter No. 6, R.A.M., both of Nevada City, Calif. d. Aug. 14, 1887.
Frank P. Sargent (1854-1908) Labor leader and government official.
b. Nov. 18, 1854 in East Orange, Vt. A locomotive fireman, he was chief of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen from 1885-1902. Declined position of chief
of Bureau of Engraving and Printing offered by McKinley in 1900, but accepted
position of U.S. commissioner general of immigration in 1902. Mason. d. 1908.
97 Fred W. Sargent Fred W. Sargent (1876-1940) President of two
railroads from 1925—the Chicago and Northwestern and the Chicago, St. Paul,
Minneapolis and Omaha. b. May 26, 1876 in Akron, Iowa. Graduate of State U. of
Iowa in 1901, he began law practice at Sioux City, Iowa in that year. Moved to
Chicago in 1920. Director of several banks, railroads, Bell Telephone Co.
Awarded Rosenthal Foundation medal for outstanding civic service in 1933.
Mason. d. Feb. 4, 1940.
Winthrop Sargent (1753-1820) Secretary of the Northwest Territory
(Ohio) from 1787-88, and first Governor of Mississippi Territory, 17981801. b.
May 1, 1753 in Gloucester, Mass. Graduate of Harvard. Became captain of a ship
belonging to his father in 1771. In 1775 he entered the Revolutionary Army and
was naval agent at Gloucester; later, captain in General Henry Knox's regiment
of artillery. Served throughout the war, taking part in the battles of Long
Island, White Plains, Trenton, Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth, attaining
the rank of major. He became connected with the Ohio Co. in 1786 under General
Rufus Putnam, q.v., and was appointed surveyor of the Northwest Territory by
congress. During the Indian wars of 1791 and 1794-95, he became adjutant
general, and was wounded in the expedition under General St. Clair. Was an
original member of the Society of the Cincinnati. He was raised in the famous
American Union Lodge (military) in 1776, being one of its charter members.
When the lodge moved to Marietta, Ohio, he was secretary, and for a time it
met at his home. This lodge is now No. 1 under the Grand Lodge of Ohio. When
he became first governor of the Mississippi Territory in 1798, he moved to
Natchez. This territory composed the present states of Miss. and Ala.
Seemingly he did not join the numerous pioneer Ma-sons at Natchez in
chartering Harmony Lodge No. 7 in that city. d. June 3, 1820.
Ellanore Y. Sarles (1859-1929) Ninth Governor of North Dakota,
1905-07. b. Jan. 15, 1859 in Wonewoc, Wis., attending high school at Sparta,
Wis. Came to N. Dak. in 1881, locating at Hillsboro. Here he organized the
Train Co. Bank in 1885, which later became the 1st National Bank of Hillsboro.
He established or acquired banks at Caledonia, Grand-in, Northwood and
Blanchard. He developed Trail County by financing new settlers. Was raised in
Kane Lodge No. 61 of Wis. and on June 15, 1882 affiliated with Hillsboro Lodge
No. 10 as a charter member. He served two terms as potentate of El Zagal
Shrine Temple, Fargo and was a 33° AASR (SJ). d. Feb. 14, 1929.
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (18111888) President of the Argentina,
1868-74. A journalist, he founded papers in Chile and Argentina, writing 52
books, many in the field of education. An outspoken liberal, he was exiled
three times. In 1845 he was commissioned by the president of Argentina to
study scholastic methods in the U.S. and Europe. He was an advocate of free
public instruction and was instrumental in bringing teachers from the U.S. to
further his aims in this direction. He joined with General Urquiza in the
fight against Rosas. Also allied with General Mitre, who, when he became
president, appointed Sarmiento as minister to the U.S. While in America, he
represented the Grand Lodge of Argentina in negotiations for recognition by
numerous American grand lodges. He was a member of Union Del Plata Lodge. He
was a grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Argentina, and was most active in
reviving Freemasonry after the overthrow of the tyrant,
Lansdale G. Saucer Rosas. Opposing Mitre's foreign policy, he returned to his
homeland from the U.S. in 1868, and was elected president of Argentina. His
term was a stormy one, but he is remembered for his advancement of free and
universal education.
David Samoff Chairman of Board of Radio Corporation of America;
called "father of American television." b. Feb. 27, 1891 in Uzlian, Minsk,
Russia, he was brought to the U.S. when nine years old, and almost immediately
took over the support of his family. His life is one of the miracle stories of
American history. He rose from a messenger to president of Radio Corp. of
America at the age of 39. Was with Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. in 1906 as
office boy, and promoted to wireless operator, radio inspector, assistant
chief engineer, and commercial manager. After this company was taken over in
1919 by Radio Corp. he rose to general manager in 1921, vice president and
general manager in 1922, executive vice president in 1929, and president from
1930-47. Has received many honors from presidents, universities, and foreign
countries. Served in WWII as brigadier general. Became a Mason in Lodge of
Strict Observance No. 94, New York City, June 14, 1921. In June, 1955 he
received the coveted award for distinguished achievement from the Grand Lodge
of New York.
Selim Sarper Permanent representative of Turkey to the United
Nations with rank of ambassador since 1947. b. 1899, he was educated in the U.
of Ankara. Has been an officer of the foreign service of Turkey since 1927.
Served in Odessa, Moscow, Berlin, Bucharest. Was press officer to the prime
minister, 1940-44. Ambassador to Moscow, 1941-46, and Rome, 1946-47. A 33°
AASR Mason, he has appeared at numerous Masonic functions in New York City.
John Sartain (1808-1897) American artist and engraver who
introduced pictorial illustrations as a characteristic feature in American
periodicals. b. Oct. 24, 1808 in London, England, coming to the U.S. in 1830.
Although chiefly an engraver, he designed bank notes, painted in oils, and did
miniatures on ivory. He purchased the Union Magazine (N.Y.) in 1848 and
changed the name to Sartain's Union Magazine. It became widely known during
its four years of publication. Framing prints from his studio include The
County Election in Missouri after Bingham, q.v., and one used frequently in
masonic publications, entitled The Iron-Worker and King Solomon. He became a
member of Franklin Lodge No. 134, Philadelphia, Oct. 31, 1848, and elected
master of same in Dec., 1867. He was a member of Kadosh Commandery No. 29, K.T.
at Philadelphia (Nov. 24, 1868); and was a 33° AASR (NJ).
Guiseppe Sarti (1729-1802) Italian composer. Lived in Venice,
Milan and St. Petersburg. His specialty was sacred music. He was an honorary
member of the Academy of Science at St. Petersburg. He invented an instrument
to count the vibrations and rhythms of sound. Member of the St. Martin lodge
in Copenhagen.
Lansdale G. Sasscer U.S. Congressman to 77th-81st Congresses,
1941-51, from 5th Md. dist. b. Sept. 30, 1893 in Upper Marlboro, Md. Graduate
of Dickinson School of Law (Pa.) in 1914 and practiced at Upper Marlboro since
1915. Publisher of The Enquirer Gazette. Served overseas in artillery in WWI.
Member of the Maryland senate, 1922-38, and president of same five years.
Member of Centennial Lodge No. 174, Upper Marlboro, Md.; Tall Cedars of
99 John E. Sater John E. Sater (1854-1937) Federal Judge, Southern
Ohio, 1907-24. b. Jan 16, 1854 in New Haven, Ohio. Graduate of Marietta Coll.
in 1875 and 1878. Lived and practiced law in Columbus, Ohio. Member of Goodale
Lodge No. 372, Columbus, Ohio, receiving degrees on March 7, 12, 24, 1879. d.
July 18, 1937.
Willard Saulsbury (1820-1892) U.S. Senator from Delaware, 1859-71.
A son of the same name was also senator from Del. b. June 2, 1820 in Kent Co.,
Del. Studied law and began practice at Georgetown. Was attorney general of
Del., 1850-55. Member of Franklin Lodge No. 12, Georgetown, Del. d. April 6,
George M. Saunders Recorder of the Imperial Shrine since 1948. b.
Nov. 17, 1898 in Kansas City, Mo. Served as recorder of Ararat Shrine Temple,
Kansas City, from 1923-48. Life member of Sheffield Lodge No. 625; member of
Kansas City Chapter No. 28, R.A.M., Westport Council No. 38, R. & S.M., and
East Gate Commandery No. 70, K.T., all of Kansas City. 33° AASR (SJ). Life
member of Ararat Shrine Temple; past sovereign of Mary Conclave No. 5, Red
Cross of Constantine, Kansas City, and present member of St. John's Conclave
No. 1, Chicago; Past grand master of the International Supreme Council. Order
of DeMolay. Member of Royal Order of Scotland and Royal Order of Jesters.
Richard Savage (1697?-1743) English poet. He claimed to be the son
of Richard Savage, 4th Earl Rivers, by Countess of Macclesfield. A Bohemian,
he sank lower and lower, and eventually died in prison at Bristol in 1743,
where he had been incarnated for debt. An intimate friend of Samuel Johnson,
q.v., they shared poverty together when Johnson first came to London. In 1744
Johnson wrote Savage's biography, and laterincluded him in his The Lives of
the Poets. Savage had several plays produced at Drury Lane, including Love In
a Veil (1718) and Sir Thomas Overbury (1723), playing the title role in the
latter. His poems included The Bastard (1728) and his masterpiece, The
Wanderer (1729). In 1727 he barely escaped the death penalty for killing a
gentleman in a tavern brawl. He was pensioned for a time on condition he write
a yearly ode on Queen Caroline's birthday. He alienated his friends who aided
him, of whom Pope, q.v., was the most persevering. He was master of the
Richmond Lodge No. 55, in 1737, which met at "Old Man's Coffee House," Charing
Cross, London.
Savalette de Langes Founder of the Rite of Philalethes at Paris in
1773. Was the president and moving spirit of the Masonic Congress at Paris in
1785 and 1787, for the purpose of discussing important points in Freemasonry.
Charles Sawyer U.S. Secretary of Commerce, 1948-52; U.S.
Ambassador to Belgium and Minister to Luxembourg, 1944-45. b. Feb. 10, 1887 in
Cincinnati, Ohio. Graduate of Oberlin Coll., 1908, and U. of Cincinnati, 1911.
Admitted to bar in 1911; practiced in Cincinnati. Lieutenant governor of Ohio
in 1933-34. Enlisted in Army in 1917 and discharged as a major • in 1919.
Member of Madisonville Lodge No. 419, Cincinnati, Ohio, receiving degrees on
Aug. 29, Sept. 30, Nov. 5, 1908. Received 50-year medal from grand lodge.
Charles H. Sawyer (1840-1908) Governor of New Hampshire, 1887- 89
(44th). b. March 30, 1840 in Watertown, N.Y., moving to N.H. with parents in
1850, and settling at Dover. Entered textile industry; was superintendent of
Sawyer Woolen Mills from 1865-81 and president of same, until sold to American
Woolen Co.
100 Rufus Saxton in 1898. Served in state legislature; was N.H.
commissioner for Paris Exposition. Served as master of Strafford Lodge No. 29
and commander of St. Pauls Commandery, K.T., both of Dover. d. 1908.
Grant Sawyer Governor of Nevada from 1959. b. Dec. 14, 1918 in
Twin Falls, Idaho. Graduate of U. of Nevada in 1941 and Georgetown U. in 1948.
Practiced law in Elko, 194850; was district attorney of Elko Co., 1950-58.
Served in Army from private to 1st lieutenant, 1942-46. In 1952 was named as
Elko's "man of the year." Mason and 32° AASR (SJ). Raised in Elko Lodge No. 15
Dec. 20, 1957. 32° AASR (SJ) and Kerak Shrine Temple.
Philetus Sawyer (1816-1900) U.S. Senator and Representative from
Wis. b. Sept. 22, 1816 in Whiting, Vt., moving to Crown Point, N.Y. in 1817
and to Fond du Lac Co., Wis. in 1847 where he engaged in the lumber business.
Served in state assembly and was mayor of Oshkosh. U.S. congressman five
terms, 1865-75 and U.S. senator, 1881-93. Member of Oshkosh Lodge No. 27,
being initiated Dec. 6, 1864 and raised Jan. 1, 1873. d. March 29, 1900.
Samuel N. Sawyer (1858-1939) Justice, Supreme Court of New York,
1907-29; Justice, Appellate Division, 1926-29. b. Oct. 6, 1858 in Palmyra,
N.Y. Attended Phillips Academy at Andover, Mass. and graduated from Albany Law
School in 1883, practicing law at Palmyra from that date. Served as grand
master of the Grand Lodge of New York, 1908-10. Member of Palmyra Lodge No.
248, Palmyra, N.Y. Raised Dec. 10, 1879; master in 1887. d. May 1, 1939.
John G. Saxe (1816-1887) American poet. b. June 2, 1816 in
Highgate, Vt. Graduate of Middlebury in 1839; studied law in Lockport, N.Y.
andthen in St. Albans, Vt., where, in 1843, he was admitted to the bar. Was
state's attorney for Chittenden Co., and superintendent of schools. Gradually
he fell into journalism, purchasing the Burlington Sentinel in 1850, which he
edited until 1856. Was attorney general of Vt. in 1856, and ran for governor
in 1859 and 1860. He settled in N.Y., lecturing until 1872, and then became
editor of the Evening Journal at Albany, N.Y. For the centennial of Master's
Lodge No. 5, Albany, he wrote the Masonic poem Song of the Century.
Prince August of Saxe-Altenburg A brother of Ernest Ludwig II, he
was initiated with him in the Cosmopolite Lodge in Gotha in 1774.
John Adolf, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (1721-?) Belonged to the
Lodge of Naudenberg in 1750.
Karl August, Duke of Saxe-Weimar (see under "Karl").
Duke of Saxony (see Ernest II).
Duke of Saxony-Hildburghausen (see under Frederick).
Duke of Saxony-Meiningen (see under George Frederic Karl).
Rufus Saxton (1824-1908) Union Civil War General. b. Oct. 19, 1824
in Greenfield, Mass. A graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1849, he advanced
to brigadier general of volunteers in 1862 and same rank in regulars in 1904;
breveted major general of volunteers in 1865. Awarded the Congressional Medal
of Honor for distinguished gallantry in defense of Harper's Ferry, Va., May,
1862. Served on coast survey, 1853-61, and developed instruments for deep sea
sounding, one of which (a self registering thermometer), bears his name. Was
chief quartermaster on staff of General Lyon in Mo. campaign, serving as same
under General McClellan
Anthony Sayer in Western Va., and under General Sherman's Port Royal
expedition. He commanded the forces at Harper's Ferry in 1862, and was
military governor of the Dept. of the South in 1862-65. Member of Washington
Chapter No. 2, R.A.M., of Washington, D.C. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 11,
Washington, D.C. d. 1908.
Anthony Sayer (1672-1742) First Grand Master of the United Grand
Lodge of England in 1717, holding the office one year. Very little is known of
his Masonic history or private life. He was a member of the Old Lodge No. 3,
which met at the "Apple Tree" Tavern in Charles Street, Covent Garden, now the
Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge No. 12. He served as its warden in 1723, in
which year he was one of the brethren who signed their approbation of
Anderson's Constitutions. In 1718 he proclaimed George Payne his successor as
grand master, and in 1719 was appointed senior grand warden by Dr. Desaguliers,
q.v. All else that is known of Sayer from official records is unfortunate. He
was thrice an applicant for grand lodge relief—in 1724, 1730, and 1741. In
1730 he had to appear to answer charges to a complaint of irregularity, the
nature of which is unknown. He was acquitted, but told to do "nothing so
irregular in the future." From 1733 until his death, he was tyler of what is
now the Old King's Arms Lodge No. 28. At his funeral, says the London Evening
Express of Jan. 16, 1742, "his corpse was followed by a great number of
Gentlemen of that Honourable Society of the best quality" to Covent Garden,
where he was buried. d. Jan. 5, 1742. , Karl Sayer Secretary to the Grand Duke
Nicholas Pavlovich, who later became Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia. Member of
the lodge Palestine about 1820 in Russia.
Joseph D. Sayers (1841-1929) Governor of Texas, 1899-1903. b.
Sept. 23, 1841 in Grenada, Miss. Moved with father to Bastrop, Texas in 1851
and was educated in the Bastrop Military Inst. Served in the Confederate Army
from 1861-65. Admitted to the bar in 1866. Was member of Texas state senate in
1873, and lieutenant governor of the state from 1879-80. He served as U.S.
congressman from the 49th to 55th congresses, 1885-99, resigning to become
governor. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Texas, 1875-76. Member of
Gamble Lodge No. 244, Bastrop, Texas. d. May 15, 1929.
John P. Saylor U.S. Congressman to 81st-86th Congresses from Pa.
b. July 23, 1908 in Somerset Co., Pa. Graduate of Franklin and Marshall Coll.
in 1929 and Dickinson Law School in 1933. Served in U.S. Navy in WWII.
Received degrees in Sunnehanna Lodge No. 742, Johnstown, Pa. on Oct. 4, Dec.
6, 1939, and Jan. 3, 1940. Member of Portage Chapter No. 195, R.A.M., Cambria
Council No. 32, R. & S.M., Oriental Commandery No. 61, K.T., all of Johnstown,
Pa. 32° AASR (NJ) at Pittsburgh, Jaffa Shrine Temple at Altoona, Pa., and Tall
Cedars of Lebanon, Johnstown, Pa.
Anthony D. Sayre (1858-1931) Justice, Supreme Court of Alabama
from 1909. b. April 29, 1858 in Tuskegee, Ala. Graduate of Roanoke Coll. (Va.)
in 1878. Admitted to bar in 1881 and began practice at Montgomery, Ala. Served
in state lower house 1890-93, and state senate 1894-97. Member of Andrew
Jackson Lodge No. 173, Montgomery, Ala., receiving degrees on Jan. 7, Sept. 4,
Oct. 19, 1888. At the time of his death, Nov. 18, 1931, he had been in good
standing for 43 years.
David A. Sayre (1793-1870) Philanthropist. b. March 12, 1793 in
Earl of Scarborough Bottle Hill, N.J. Early in life he moved to Lexington,
Ky., where he became a successful merchant and banker. Though repeatedly
meeting with heavy losses, he gave about $500,000 to benevolent causes during
his lifetime, including $100,000 to found the Sayre Female Institute. Member
of Trotter Lodge No. 75. d. Sept. 11, 1870.
Morris Sayre (1885-1953) President of Corn Products Refining Co.
from 1945 and director from 1929. b. Nov.
27, 1885 in Montrose, Pa. Graduate of U. of Richmond. Was with the
refining company from 1908, serving as manager of the Granite City and Argo,
Ill. plants; general manager in N.Y.C.; vice president, 1933-45; executive
vice president, 1942-45. Mason. d. March 7, 1953.
Chevalier Andrea Sbarboro (18391923) Founder and teacher of first
Italian school and publisher of first Italian school book in Calif. b. Nov.
26, 1839 in Acero Liguria, Italy, he was brought to America at the age of
four. Attended schools in New York, and under private tutors. Began as a clerk
in a San Francisco grocery store, becoming proprietor of same. He was
organizer and president of the Italian-American Bank; founder, secretary and
manager of Italian Swiss Agricultural Colony; founder and secretary of San
Francisco Sanitary Reduction Works. He was the organizer and manager of five
mutual loan associations, beginning in 1875. Their total receipts in monthly
installments amounted to $6,500,000, which built homes for 2,500 families, all
fully paid. An anti-prohibitionist, he delivered addresses against prohibition
before the Calif. legislature and U.S. congress. He was both a Catholic and
Freemason. He was the first senior warden of Speranza Italiana Lodge No. 219,
San Francisco, Calif. d. Feb.
28, 1923.
Alexander Scammell (1747-1781) General of the American Revolution,
mortally wounded at Yorktown. b. March 24, 1747 in Mendon (now Milford), Mass.
Graduate of Harvard in 1769 and taught in Kingston and Plymouth, Mass. Later
(1771), went to Portsmouth, N.H. where the government employed him to explore
and survey land. Studied law with John Sullivan in Durham, N.Y. until 1775.
With Sullivan and others he captured William and Mary Fort at Newcastle, one
of the first overt acts of the Revolution. Entered army as a brigade major;
promoted to colonel of the 3rd New Hampshire regiment, Dec. 10, 1776; later
transferred to 1st regiment. In 1777 he served under General Gates, q.v., in
the Northern Army and was wounded at Saratoga on Jan. 5, 1778. Then became
adjutant general of the army and a member of Washington's military family. As
such, he had custody of the spy, Andre, during his trial and execution.
Desiring to return to the field, he was given command of a regiment of light
infantry, and on Sept. 30, 1781 was captured at the siege of Yorktown, while
reconnoitering the enemy's position. He was shot after his capture, but
Washington obtained the permission of Cornwallis for his evacuation, and he
was taken to Williamsburg, where he died Oct. 6, 1781. He became a Mason March
6, 1777, in St. John's Lodge No. 1, Portsmouth, N.H., and was a frequent
visitor to American Union Lodge.
Earl of Scarborough (Lawrence Roger Lumley). Grand Master of the
United Grand Lodge of England, since 1951. He became the 11th Earl of
Scarborough in 1945, on the death of his uncle. Is the son of Brigadier
General Osbert Lumley. He went to Eton, and afterward to the Military Academy
at Sandhurst. In 1921 he graduated from Magdalen College, Oxford U. Entering
parliament, he repre-
Frank M. Scarlett s en t e d Kingston-upon-Hull, East, 1922-29, and York from
1931-37. In the latter year he was appointed governor of Bombay, a post he
retained until 1943, through a difficult period in the early war years. Upon
his return to England, he was appointed parliamentary undersecretary for India
and Burma. He was given the active rank of major general, and at the time was
a member of the house of lords. This office ended in 1947 with the passing of
the Act of Indian Independence. In 1948 he was created a knight of the Most
Noble Order of the Garter by King George VI, q.v. In 1937 he was created a
knight grand commander of the Eminent Order of the British Empire, followed in
1943 by that of knight grand cross of the Most Exalted Order of the British
Empire. Queen Elizabeth made him a knight of the Grand Cross of the Royal
Victorian Order, and also Lord Chamberlain of the Household—one of the most
important positions in England. In WWI he served in France with the 11th
Hussars, and from 192137 with the Yorkshire Dragoons. He is the author of the
history of the 11th Hussars. Was initiated in 1920 in Apollo University Lodge
No. 357.
Frank M. Scarlett Federal Judge, Georgia, since 1946. b. June 9,
1891 in Brunswick, Ga. Graduate of U. of Georgia in 1913, and entered private
law practice in Brunswick that year. Member of Ocean Lodge No. 214, Brunswick,
Ga., receiving degrees on April 17, May 4, May 18, 1914; was master of the
lodge in 1920. Shriner.
William Scarlett Protestant Episcopal Bishop, 1933-53. b. Oct. 3,
1883 in Columbus, Ohio. Graduate of Harvard, 1905, Episcopal Theol. School,
1909, U. of Arizona, 1922. Became deacon in 1909, and priest in 1910, and
served churches in New York City, Phoenix, Ariz. and St. Louis, Mo. Became
bishop co-adjutor in 1930and was bishop of Missouri, 1933-53. Now retired.
Became a Freemason in Phoenix, Ariz., but on removing to St. Louis dropped
membership "because of the tough job I had on my hands. So while I believe in
Masonry, I can hardly qualify as a 'good Freemason.' “
Nathan Scarritt (1821-1890) Missouri mission teacher and educator
who made a fortune in Kansas City, Mo. real estate. b. in 1821 near Alton,
Ill., where his family had migrated from N.H. in a covered wagon. Worked on
father's farm until 16, when he entered McKendree Coll. at Lebanon, Ill. and
paid his expenses by clearing timber, from the campus. Taught for awhile at
Waterloo, Ill.; then moved to Fayette, Howard Co., Mo. in 1845, with $10 in
his pocket. At Fayette, he cooperated with his brother-in-law, Dr. W. T.
Lucky, in establishing Howard high school, subsequently Central Coll. He was
the first president of the college, being one of the original incorporators,
and a curator from the beginning until his death. In August, 1847, he became
one of the the first recipients of a degree from the U. of Missouri, and was
ordained a Methodist Episcopal (South) minister, in Oct. of that year. In 1848
he became head of the classical department of Shawnee Indian Mission and
Manual Training School, in Kansas, just southwest of Westport, Mo. He was one
of the organizers and first principals of Westport High School in Westport,
before it became a part of Kansas City. He was a teacher and preacher all his
life. He became a millionaire through judicious real estate investment.
Scarritt School of Kansas City is named in his honor. He established a Bible
training school for missionaries which later was moved to Nashville, Tenn. and
is now called the Scarritt College for Christian Workers. Member of the old
Gerhard J. D. von Scharnhorst Golden Square Lodge of Kansas City, Mo. d. 1890.
Hjlmar Schacht German financier, who was probably one of the
greatest financial wizards of his time. From 1908-15 he was director of the
Duetsche Bank and later a partner of the Darmstaedter and National Bank.
During the Weimar Republic in 1923, he was appointed commissioner of currency.
As president of the Reichsbank, he stopped the German inflation. He was
president of the Reichsbank until 1930 and again appointed to the same
position by Hitler from 1933-40. It is certainly true that at this time he
helped Germany to arm, but in 1940 he was put under house arrest by the Nazis.
At the end of the war he was brought into court at the Nurnberg trials as a
war criminal, but acquitted in 1946. His own defense in this trial is
remarkable. He belonged to the Lodge Zur Freundschaft under the Grand Lodge of
Prussia. This is the grand lodge which hoped to continue under Hitler by
virtue of its strong national feeling. As late as January of this year (1960)
he wrote an article concerning some Masonic subjects which came up during the
time of Hitler.
Johann Gottfried Schadow (17641850) Prussian court sculptor. In
1788 he was director of the Academy of Art in Berlin. He is regarded as the
founder of the modern school of sculpture. Among his works are a statue of
Frederick the Great, the Quadriga of Victory group atop the Brandenberger Tor
at Berlin and a statue of Marshal Bluecher. Many European museums display his
works. He belonged to the lodge, Friedrich Wilhelm zur Gekroenten
Gerechtigkeit at Berlin.
John A. Schaeffer (1886-1941) President of Franklin and Marshall
College from 1935; vice president of Eagle-Pitcher Lead Co. and director of
research, 1911-35. b. May 31, 1886 in Kutztown, Pa. Graduate of Franklin and
Marshall Coll. (Lancaster, Pa.) in 1904, 1905, 1929 and U. of Pennsylvania in
1908. Before being employed by the Eagle-Pitcher Lead Co. in 1911, he was
instructor of chemistry at Carnegie Inst. of Tech. Member of Lodge No. 43,
Lancaster, Pa., receiving degrees on Nov. 13, 1907 and Jan. 8, Feb. 12, 1908.
d. April 6, 1941.
Raymond Wm. Schalk Elected to Baseball Hall of Fame in 1955. Known
as "Cracker." b. Aug. 12, 1892 in Harvey, Ill. Was a catcher for the Chicago
American League from 191228. Raised Jan. 6, 1916, in Litchfield Lodge No. 236,
Litchfield, Ill.
Thomas D. Schall (1878-1935) U.S. Senator from Minnesota, 1925-35;
U.S. Congressman, 64th-68th Congresses, 1915-25. b. June 4, 1878 in Reed City,
Mich. Graduate of U. of Minnesota in 1902 and St. Paul Coll. of Law in 1904.
Began law practice in Minneapolis in 1904. Lost his sight by an electric shock
in 1907. Member of Hennepin Lodge No. 4, Minneapolis, receiving degrees April
4, 11, 18, 1906 and stricken from rolls on Nov. 8, 1933. d. Dec. 22, 1935
after being struck by an automobile.
Gerhard J. D. von Scharnhorst (1755-1813) Prussian General and
Chief of Staff in war against Napoleon, 1806-07. He reorganized the Prussian
army in 1807, but was forced by Napoleon to leave Prussian service in 1810.
With the French defeat in Russia in 1812, he became chief of staff to Blucher.
Fought in War of Liberation and was badly wounded at Lutzen, dying at Prague a
month later. Was the author of several works on military science. Member of
the "Great Countries Lodge" at Berlin, being initiated in 1779.
105 William Schaw William Schaw (1550-1602) Early Scottish
Freemason. Appears to have been connected with the royal household from an
early period. His signature appears on the original parchment deed of the
National Covenant signed by King James VI and his household at Holyrood
Palace, Jan. 28, 1580. He became Master of Works, supervising all royal
buildings and palaces in Scotland. He accompanied King James VI to Denmark in
1589 for his wedding to Princess Anna, and remained with them during that
winter, returning to Scotland in March, 1589 to make arrangements for the
reception of the wedding party and to refurbish Holyrood Palace for the royal
couple. He died April 18, 1602 and his queen erected a monument to his memory
in the Abbey Church of Dunfermline. It is said to depict his Freemason's mark,
among other things.
Count Carl Fredrik Scheffer (17151786) Member of the Swedish Royal
Council. He was tutor to Prince Gustaf, later King Gustaf III. In 1753 he
became national grand master of Sweden. When the Grand Lodge of Sweden was
constituted in 1760, Scheffer was elected the first grand master.
Josef Scheiner (1861-1932) Organizer of the Czechoslovakian
national organization, "The Sokols." For his patriotic activities on behalf of
his country before WWI, he was imprisoned by the Austrians, but freed in 1917
by the amnesty of Emporor Carl. He had advocated the liberation of his country
without bloodshed. His dream came true towards the end of WWI when the new
nation "Czechoslovakia" was formed. He was a lawyer in Prague and member of
the lodge Narod.
Joseph M. Schenck Motion picture executive. He started in moving
picture industry as manager for Norma Talmage and Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle.
Married Miss Talmage in 1917 (now divorced). He was president of Motion
Picture Producers, Inc. in 1924 and since 1938. Became chairman of board of
United Artists in 1925. Founded Twentieth Century Pictures Corp. in 1933.
Merged with Fox Film and became vice president and chairman of board. Now
executive head of production of Twentieth Century-Fox. Member of Pacific Lodge
No. 233, N.Y.C. and of the old "233 Club" in Hollywood, Calif.
Max von Schenkendorf (1783-1817) German lawyer and poet. His
poetry belongs to the romantic school and is filled with love of country, life
and belief in the Creator. In the last years of his life he was city counselor
in Coblenz, and his grave is still tended today by the Freemasons of that
city. Although he lost his right hand in a duel, he participated in the wars
of 1806 and 1816 against Napoleon, in the Prussian Army. He was initiated
early in his life and was active in the formation of the Lodge Friedrich zur
Vaterlandsliebe at Coblenz. He was also a member of the Lodge Carl at Carsruhe,
Baden, Germany.
Gordon H. Scherer U.S. Congressman to 83rd-86th Congresses from
1st Ohio dist., 1953-60. b. Dec. 26, 1906 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Graduate of
Salmon P. Chase Coll. of Law in 1929 and practiced law in Cincinnati since
that time. Member of Lafayette Lodge No. 81, Cincinnati, Ohio since 1929 and
master in 1935. Exalted in Kilwinning Chapter No. 97, R.A.M., and knighted in
Cincinnati Commandery, K.T., both of Cincinnati. 32° AASR (NJ) in Cincinnati
and sovereign prince of AASR in 1944. Member of Syrian Shrine Temple, Oola
Khan Grotto, Winton Chapter, O.E.S., Red Cross of Constantine, Royal Order fo
Jesters, and state master councilor, Order of DeMolay in 1926-27.
106 Winfield S. Schley Emanuel Schickaneder (1751-1812) German
theater manager and libretist. Among his most famous librettos was that of The
Magic Flute, with music written by Mozart, q.v. In the year 1791 he was
initiated in a lodge in Regensburg and his hand-written petition is still
displayed in the Masonic museum at Bayreuth.
Johann C. F. von Schiller (17591805) German poet and playwright.
Regarded as second only to Goethe, q.v., in the field of German literature,
and as first among German dramatists. Goethe, incidentally, was his closest
friend, and inspired him to produce more poetry. He settled in Weimar in 1799
to be near Goethe. His Masonic membership has not been definitely established,
but German brethren believe he was a member of Rudolstadt Lodge of Berlin.
J. Myer Schine Hotel and theater owner. b. 1892 in Russia, he was
educated in the Jamestown, N.Y. high school and by private tutoring. President
of Schine Theatrical Enterprises, Gloversville, N.Y., since 1920. Owner and
president of Roney Plaza Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla.; Boca Raton (Fla.); Ten Eyck
Hotel, Albany, N.Y.; Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles; Ritz-Carlton, Atlantic
City; Wiggins Tavern, Northampton, Mass.; Gulf Stream Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla.
Member of Mt. Sinai Lodge No. 864, Syracuse, N.Y., receiving degrees on Feb.
10, 24, March 10, 1915. Member of Ismailia Shrine Temple, Buffalo, N.Y.
Friedrich von Schlegel (1778-1829) German poet and man of letters,
who with his brother, August Wilhelm, founded the literary journal Athenaeum,
which became the organ of the romantic school of German writers. He studied
Oriental languages in Paris, 1802-04, and curiously, in 1803, adopted the
Roman Catholic faith. He was secretary to the state chancery in Vienna in 1808
and Austriancounselor of legation at Frankfurt am Main in 1815-18. His works
include lyric poems; the novel Lucinde; the drama Alarcos; and the essays Von
der Sprache and Weisheit der Indier; Geschichte der Alten and Neuen Literatur;
Philosophie des Lebens and Philosophie der Geschichie. A Mason, his background
gave him an understanding for his volume, Lessing's Anthologie (his Masonic
credo). In explaining Lessing's conversation between the Masons in Ernest and
Falk, he conceived the idea that instead of Freemasonry, a new order should be
created, to build a Christian religion for Germany based on liberty, truth,
and high moral standards. He was married to Dorthea, the daughter of the
famous Jew, Moses Mendelsshon, q.v.
William Schley (1786-1858) Governor of Georgia, 1835-37. b. Dec.
15, 1786 in Frederick, Md. Was educated at academies in Louisville and
Augusta, Ga.; studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1812, practicing at
Augusta. Was judge of the superior court, 1825-28, and in state legislature,
1830-32; served in U.S. congress, 23rd and 24th congresses, 183335. He
resigned from congress to become governor. He served as grand master of the
Grand Lodge of Georgia, and was grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M.
of Georgia from 1822-46, inclusive, during the bitter Anti-Masonic strife. d.
Nov. 20, 1858.
Winfield S. Schley (1839-1911) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Oct. 9,
1839 in Frederick Co., Md. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1860. In Civil
War he served on the frigate Niagara, the frigate Potomac, the gun boat
Winona, and the sloops Monongahela and Richmond. Later served in Asiatic and
Brazil stations. In Spanish-American War he was second to Admiral Sampson in
Joseph Schlitz naval force blockading Santiago de Cuba (1898), and because of
Sampson's absence from the spot at time of emergence of Spanish fleet, Schley
directed action resulting in the destruction of that fleet on July 3. In 1884
he commanded the relief expedition that rescued Lieut. Greely and six of his
companions in Grinnell Land. Promoted to rear admiral in 1899 and retired in
1901. Was made a Mason at sight by the grand master of the District of
Columbia, Oct. 21, 1899; received 32° AASR (SJ), Feb. 10, 1903; invested KCCH,
Oct. 19, 1905 and crowned 33°, honorary, Oct. 10, 1907. d. Oct. 11, 1911.
Joseph Schlitz Founder of the Schlitz Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
Member of Aurora Lodge No. 30, Milwaukee.
Albert G. Schmedeman (1864-1946) Governor of Wisconsin, 1933-35.
b. Nov. 25, 1864 in Madison, Wis. Was U.S. minister to Norway, 1913-21 and a
delegate to the International Conference of Spitzbergen in 1914. Served as
mayor of Madison, Wis. 1925-32. From 1935-42 was state director of Federal
Housing Adm. Member of Madison Lodge No. 5, Madison, Wis., being raised on
Feb. 3, 1893. Dimitted Dec. 21, 1944. d. Nov. 26, 1946.
Elmer N. Schmuck (1882-1936) Protestant Episcopal Bishop of
Wyoming, 1929-36. b. July 27, 1882 in Peoria, Ill. Graduate Seabury Divinity
School (Minn.) in 1905, 1927. Ordained deacon in 1905 and priest in 1906.
Served churches in New Ulm, Sleepy Eye, Owatonna, and Minneapolis, Minn. At
the St. Mark's Church, Denver, Colo., 1923-25; general secretary of field
department of the national council, 1925-29. Received degrees in Star in East
Lodge No. 33 of Owatonna, Minn. on Sept. 8, Oct. 27, Nov. 10, 1909; affiliated
with Lake Harriet Lodge No. 277, Minneapolis on Jan. 23, 1913. d. April 28,
Lester L. Schnare U.S. Consul. b. May 15, 1884 in Mondovi, Wis.
Graduate of George Washington U. in 1914 and 1919. After teaching school,
edited a newspaper, and worked for U.S. bureau of immigration until 1915. Was
then vice consul at stations in China and Japan until 1919. Was consul at
Yokohama and Kobe, Japan; Swatow, China; Cartagena, Colombia; Breslau and
Hamburg, Germany; and Milan, Italy, until 1941. Was consul general at Rangoon
and Maymyo, Burma, and Calcutta, India until 1942. Was first secretary of
Legation at Tehran, Iran, 1942-43; consul general, Rome, Italy, 1944-45;
consul general, Genoa, Switzerland, 1946-47, retiring in latter year. Mason.
Home in Macon, Ga.
Johann August Schneider (17551816) German Masonic writer. Member
of the Lodge Archimedes of the Tree Tracingboards, Altenburg, Germany.
Contributed many valuable articles to Masonic journals and wrote a now scarce
history of Freemasonry.
Frederick Schoeller Prussian ambassador to Russian Court of
Alexander I. At the same time he was junior grand warden of the Russian Grand
Lodge Astrea.
Andrew F. Schoeppel Governor of Kansas, 1943-47; U.S. Senator from
Kansas since 1948. b. Nov. 23, 1894 in Claflin, Kans. Studied at U. of Kansas
and U. of Nebraska. Admitted to bar in 1923 and practiced at Ness City, Kans.
Served as county attorney, city attorney, and mayor of Ness City. Mason, 33°
AASR (SJ) and Shriner. Raised Feb. 24, 1918 in Lawrence Lodge No. 6, and
dimitted to home lodge, Walnut Valley No. 191, Ness City on Feb. 24, 1925.
William E. Schooley Grand Treasurer General AASR (SJ) and Sov-
Friedrich L. Schroeder ereign Grand Inspector General in District of Columbia.
He is vice president of the American Security and Trust Co. in Washington.
During WWII he served with the finance department, receiving the Legion of
Merit. Presently holds rank of colonel and commands the Reserve Finance
Training Group at Ft. Myer, Va. Received 32° in 1937; KCCH in 1941. Was
coroneted 33° in 1947 and appointed deputy for D.C. in 1948. Crowned active
member in 1952, and elected grand treasurer general at that time.
Frederic P. Schoonmaker (18701945) Federal Judge, Western
Pennsylvania from 1923. b. March 11, 1870 in Limestone, N.Y. Graduate of
Cornell in 1891. Practiced law at Bradford, Pa. Served on Mexican border and
with A.E.F. in WWI, with 28th and 92nd divisions. Discharged as lieutenant
colonel of Infantry in 1919. Member of Union Lodge No. 334, Bradford, Pa.,
receiving degrees on July 12, 13, 1917. d. Sept. 5, 1945.
Emil Schram President of New York Stock Exchange, 1941-51;
President of U.S.O., Inc., 1953-57. b. Nov. 23, 1893 in Peru, Ind. Began as
bookkeeper in 1910 at Peru, Ind.; managed grain elevators at Hillview, Ill.,
191533; became associated with drainage, levee, and irrigation division of
R.F.C. in 1933 as chief, and was chairman of same, 1939-41. Is vice president
and director of Federal Prisons Industries, Inc.; chairman of board and
director of Butler Brothers; director of Cities Service Co., Peru Trust Co.,
Empire Gas & Fuel Co., and Corn Products Refining Co. Charter member of
Hillview Lodge No. 1094, Hillview, Ill., and Roodhouse Chapter No. 241, R.A.M.,
of Roodhouse, Ill.
Johann Georg Schrepfer (?-1774) Masonic charlatan and keeper of a
coffee house in Leipsic, Germany.
Here he opened what he called a "Scottish Lodge" in 1768. He
claimed to have been commissioned by "superiors" to destroy the Strict
Observance system then established in Germany. He boasted that he held
supernatural powers; alone, possessed the great secret of Freemasonry and
could evoke spirits. He later claimed to be the natural son of a French
prince, and gave himself the title of "Baron Von Steinbach." Falling into
disrepute, he invited some of his disciples to accompany him to a nearby woods
on Oct. 8, 1784, where he blew out his brains with a pistol while they
Lester 0. Schriver Managing director of National Association Life
Underwriters, from 1953. b. March 7, 1891 in Bristol, Conn. Graduate of
Syracuse U. in 1915. Ordained to ministry of Congregationalist Church in 1916.
Was director of education, Aetna Life Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn., 1924-29,
and a general agent at Peoria, III., 1929-53. Won Freedom Foundation award for
best public address in 1951 and for best editorial, 1952. Has co-authored
several books on Abraham Lincoln. Mason.
Friedrich L. Schroeder (1744-1816) German actor; dramatic and
Masonic writer. b. Nov. 3, 1744 at Schwerin. He began as an actor in Vienna,
and is said to have been "incontestably the greatest actor that Germany ever
had, and equally eminent in tragedy and comedy." Bode, q.v., was his intimate
friend, and it was through his influence that Schroeder was initiated into
Freemasonry in 1774 in the Lodge Emanuel zur Maienblume. He later established
a new lodge working under Zinnendorf's system. He then went to Vienna where he
remained until 1785, returning to Hamburg that year. Here he was elected by
his old friends as master of the Lodge Emanuel, retaining that office until
1799. In 1794
Arthur A. Schuck he was elected deputy grand master of the English provincial
grand lodge of Lower Saxony, becoming grand master in 1814. He devoted himself
to a thorough reformation of the Masonic system which was known as
"Schroeder's Rite." He based his system on the premise that all Freemasonry
had proceeded from England through the English constitutions. d. Sept. 3,
Arthur A. Schuck Chief Scout Executive, Boy Scouts of America,
since 1948. b. June 20, 1895 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Began in 1917 as a scout
executive in Lancaster, Pa.; became supervisor of region 3, which included
four states and Washington, D.C., 1919-22. From 1931-44 he was with the
National Council of Boy Scouts, and from 1944-48 was scout executive of Los
Angeles. Contributor and member of editorial board of several youth magazines.
Raised in West Chester Lodge No. 332, West Chester, Pa. in Dec., 1920.
Affiliated with Century Lodge No. 100, South Orange, N.J. Dimitted from latter
on Feb. 6, 1945, on removal to Calif.
Hans Schuler (1874-1951) Sculptor. b. May 25, 1874 in Morange,
Lorraine, Germany and was brought to U.S. in 1880. Graduate of Maryland School
of Art and Design in 1894, Rinehart School of Sculpture in 1898, and Julian
Academy, Paris, in 1900. Winner of several medals, including St. Louis
Exposition of 1904. Among his works are Arladne and Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse at Walters Gallery, Baltimore; Memory; Life Is but the Turning of a
Leaf and other tomb figures; busts of Walter Reed, Dr. Osler, Buchanan
Memorial (Washington); Freedom of Conscience, St. Mary's City, Md.; Maryland
Tercentenary medal and half dollar; monument to Johns Hopkins; heroic statue
of Martin Luther in Baltimore; heroic statue to Ignatius Loyola, Blakefield,
Md., bust of Sidney Lanier in N.Y.U. Hall of Fame. Initiated in Fidelity Lodge
No. 136, Maryland (now defunct) on Jan. 28, 1899. d. March 30, 1951.
Edward T. Schultz (1827-1913) Masonic author. b. Aug. 23, 1827 in
Frederick, Md. Educated in public schools of Frederick; later moved to Mobile,
Ala., where he was employed by a wholesale commission concern. Returned to
Baltimore in 1853 and engaged in wholesale cotton yarn business. He was the
author of History of Freemasonry in Maryland (4 volumes), which is today rare
and valuable. It was completed after the loss of an eye, making his work very
difficult. Became a member of Concordia Lodge No. 13 of Baltimore in 1954, and
rose to grand senior warden of the Grand Lodge of Maryland. Was elected grand
high priest of the Grand Chapter of Maryland, but declined to serve because of
duties in completing his history. Was made a Knight Templar in 1862, assisted
in the formation of the Grand Cornmandery, K.T. of Md., and was grand
commander in 1874. He later became an officer of the Grand Encampment, U.S.A.
d. March 11, 1913.
John R. Schultz (1884-1947) President of Allegheny College,
Meadville, Pa. from 1942. b. Dec. 12, 1884 in Canton, Mo. Graduate of
Culver-Stockton Coll. (Mo.) in 1905; Yale, 1909 and 1917. Was school principal
at Canton, Mo., taught in St. Louis, and later at Yale U. Associated with
Allegheny as professor of English literature from 1917-42, and was dean of
men, 1930-42. Mason and 32° AASR (NJ). d. Aug. 11, 1947.
John W. N. Schulz Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. May 14, 1885 in
Wheeling, W. Va. A graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1908, he advanced
through grades to brigadier general in 1941, retiring in 1946. In
110 J.
Otto Schweizer charge of improvement of Yellowstone National Park, 1915-17.
With Chemical Warfare Service in WWI in France. Division and district engineer
in San Francisco and New York City. Member of Hancock Lodge No. 311, Ft.
Leavenworth, Kan., receiving 32° AASR (SJ) there on March 27, 1923; dimitted
from later on May 8, 1952. National Sojourner and Hero of '76.
Hermann Schulze-Delitzsch (18081883) German lawyer, economist and
sociologist. Elected member of the Prussian legislature from 1849-61. He
devoted himself to furthering cooperative societies and the people's bank. He
is regarded as the founder of the workman's cooperative association. A member
of the lodge Zur Bestaendigkeit, at Berlin.
Carl Schurz (1829-1906) Secretary of the Interior, 1877-81; U.S.
Senator from Missouri, 1869-75; Brigadier General (Union) of Volunteers in
Civil War; Editor of New York Evening Post, 1881-84. b. March 2, 1829 near
Cologne, Germany. He took part in the revolution of 1848 and was compelled to
flee the country. Became a newspaper correspondent in Paris and later taught
school in London. In 1850 he returned secretly to Germany to help liberate his
friend and teacher, Paul Kinkel, from prison at Spandau. Immigrated to the
U.S. in 1852 and settled in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1855 he moved to Watertown,
Wis. where he studied law and was admitted to the bar, practicing iri
Milwaukee. Was appointed U.S. minister to Spain in 1861 but resigned soon
afterward to become a brigadier general of volunteers in the Union Army. After
the war he engaged in newspaper work at St. Louis and served as a Republican
U.S. senator from Missouri from 1869-74, but was not a candidate for
reelection. He was a contributor to Harper's Weekly, 1892-98 and president of
the National Civil Service Reform League, 18921901. He was a member of Herman
Lodge No. 125 at Philadelphia. Received all three degrees by special
dispensation on Feb. 23, 1855 and elected a member of the lodge on March 23,
1855. He was suspended Nov. 23, 1860. d. May 14, 1906.
Frederik Schwatka (1849-1892) Arctic explorer. Graduate of U.S.
Military Academy in 1874. With William H. Gilder, he commanded the Arctic
expedition in search of Sir John Franklin in 1878-80, discovering wreckage of
one of Franklin's ships and graves of members of his party. He resigned from
the army in 1885, explored course of Yukon River, headed the New York Times'
Alaskan expedition, and visited Northern Mexico. Wrote several books on the
Arctic. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 37, Yreka, Calif. (now extinct).
Albert Schweitzer Scholar, clergyman, physician and musician. One
of the outstanding personalities of the 20th century. b. near Strasburg,
Germany in 1875. Has labored for many years as a missionary in French
Equatorial Africa. His outstanding medical work in the back country brought
him fame and the love of the natives, who he considers as his children. Peter
Leppich, a Catholic priest, by way of defamation, called him "a Protestant
Freemason and Socialist." Dr. Schweitzer has never been a member of the Craft,
but in 1960 on his 85th birthday, he was honored by the United Grand Lodge of
Germany by being presented with the Mathias Claudius Medal—the first time this
was given to a non-Mason.
J. Otto Schweizer (1863-1955) Sculptor. b. March 27, 1863 in
Zurich, Switzerland. Came to U.S. in 1894 and was naturalized in 1904. Among
his principal works are statue of General Peter Muhlenberg, Philadelphia;
Angel of Peace, Pittsburgh; Abraham
Edgar W. Schwellenbach Lincoln, generals Gregg, Pleasanton, Humphrey, Geary,
Hays at Gettysburg; Molly Pitcher, Carlisle; portrait medallions of eight
Civil War generals in Union League, Philadelphia, of Frederick W. von Steuben,
Milwaukee, and many others. Member of Mount Moriah Lodge No. 155,
Philadelphia, Pa. Received degrees on March 3, April 7, May 13, 1914. 32° AASR
(NJ). d. Dec. 1, 1955.
Edgar W. Schwellenbach (1887-?) Judge, Supreme Court of Washington
since 1946. b. March 16, 1888 in Frederick, S. Dak. Admitted to Wisconsin bar
in 1924, and Washington bar in 1925, practicing first in Seattle. Mason.
Pius Louis Schwert (1892-1941) U.S. Congressman to 76th Congress,
1939-41, from 42nd N.Y. dist. b. Nov. 22, 1892 in Angolak, N.Y. Graduate of U.
of Pennsylvania in 1914. Was a baseball player with the New York Yankees,
1914-16. Owned a general store in Angola, N.Y., 1916-20, then became
successively clerk, vice president, and president of Bank of Angola. Received
degrees in Evans Lodge No. 261, Angola, N.Y. on Jan. 22, Feb. 12, May 23,
1916; district deputy grand master in 1930-31; on grand lodge committee on
ceremonial forms. d. March 11, 1941.
Isabella Scoon Englishwoman of the 18th century, who by popular
tale, was said to have been initiated into Melrose Lodge of Newstead, England
after eavesdropping on meetings. There is no substantiation of the story.
Henri Scott (1876-1942) Operatic singer. b. April 8, 1876 in
Coatesville, Pa. A basso, he was on tour with Caruso in 1908; engaged by Oscar
Hammerstein for five years; leading basso with Manhattan Opera Co. Adrian()
Theatre, Rome, Chicago Grand Opera, and Metropolitan Opera Co., N.Y. His debut
was as Ramfis in Aida. Member of Keystone Lodge No. 271, Philadelphia,
receiving degrees on Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2, 1903. Suspended NPD on Dec. 3,
1906 but restored June 1, 1936. d. April 2, 1942.
Hugh D. Scott, Jr. U.S. Senator to 86th Congress and U.S.
Congressman to 77th-78th Congresses, 1941-45, and 80th-85th Congresses,
1947-58, from Pa. b. Nov. 11, 1900 in Fredericksburg, Va. Graduate of
Randolph-Macon Coll. and U. of Virginia. Admitted to bar in 1921, practicing
at Philadelphia from 1922. Served in Army in WWI and Navy in WWII. Member of
Hiram Lodge No. 81 and Germantown Chapter No. 208, R.A.M., both of
Philadelphia, Pa.
Hugh L. Scott (1853-1934) Major General, U.S. Army. b. Sept. 22,
1853 in Danville, Ky. His mother was a great, great-grandaughter of Benjamin
Franklin. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1876. He served with the famous
7th Cavalry on the Western plains from 1876-97. Was with Sioux expedition, Nez
Perce expedition, Cheyenne expedition, and in 1890-91 was in charge of the
"ghost dance" investigations. From 1894-97 he was in charge of Geronimo's band
of Chiricavua Apaches. Assigned to Smithsonian Inst. to do work on language of
plains Indians. Was adjutant general of Cuba, 1898-1903, and governor of Sulu
Archipelago, 1903-06. From 1906-10 was superintendent of the U.S. Military
Academy with rank of colonel. Then returned to the plains, settling troubles
of Navajos, Kickapoos, and others until 1914, when he became chief of staff,
U.S. Army, and laid ground work for U.S. participation in WWI before his
retirement in 1917. Member of Republic Lodge No. 690, N.Y. and 33° AASR (NJ).
d. April 30, 1934.
John Scott (1785-1861) Missouri's last territorial delegate and
first U.S.
112 Lon A. Scott Congressman. b. May 18, 1785 in Hanover Co., Va.
he moved with parents to Indiana Territory in 1802, graduated from Princeton
in 1805, studied law, and began practice in Ste. Genevieve, Mo. in 1806. He
presented credentials as a delegate-elect to the 14th congress from the
Territory of Missouri and served from Aug. 6, 1816 to Jan. 13, 1817, when the
election was declared illegal and the seat vacant. Again elected as a delegate
to 15th and 16th congresses, serving from 1817-21, and upon the admission of
Missouri as a state, was elected to 17th-19th congresses, 1921-27. He voted
for John Quincy Adams against Andrew Jackson, q.v., and this cost him his
political future. He sponsored Missouri's petitions for statehood, and was one
of the framers of the state's first constitution. He was the author of the
provisions on education, thus becoming known as the father of the public
school system of Missouri. Was first lieutenant in the Ste. Genevieve troop of
cavalry (1809), and in 1815 was judge avocate of the 2nd regiment of militia.
In 1814 he was appointed U.S. attorney for the Missouri Territory. He was a
member and past master of the pioneer lodge, Louisiana No. 109, at Ste:
Genevieve. He had a large private law practice in Ste. Genevieve, and usually
appeared in court wearing pantaloons several sizes too large for him, his hair
braided in a queue, and armed with pistols and knives. He was habitually
profane, and when a short time before his death he was urged by friends to
seek religion he replied, "I have served the devil all my life and it wouldn't
be right to desert him now." d. Oct. 1, 1861.
John Scott (1824-1896) U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, 1869-75. b.
July 24, 1824 in Alexandria, Pa. Admitted to the bar in 1846 and practiced in
Huntington, Pa., 1846-69. Moved to Pittsburgh in 1875; wasgeneral counsel for
the Pennsylvania Railroad until 1877 and general solicitor until 1895. Member
of Lewistown Lodge No. 203, Lewistown, Pa. d. Nov. 29, 1896.
Leader Scott Pen name of Mrs. Lucy E. Baxter, daughter of William
Barnes, English poet, philologist and clergyman. In 1899 she wrote The
Cathedral Builders in which she attempted to supply the missing historical
link between the operative and modern Masons. Her theory was widely discussed,
and is accepted by many today. She lived for many years in Florence, Italy.
Among her writings are The Renaissance of Art in Italy ; Handbook of
Sculpture; and Echoes of Old Florence. d. about 1904.
Leslie M. Scott Publisher, writer, and Grand Chancellor, Supreme
Council, AASR (SJ). b. Feb. 18, 1878 in Portland, Ore. Graduate of U. of
Oregon in 1899. Was reporter on Oregonian (Portland), 1896-1904; associate
editor, 1904-10; and vice president of Oregonian Publishing Co. from 1911
until retirement in 1946. Was U.S. marshal for Oregon, 191113; chairman of
state highway commission, 1932-35; state treasurer, 1941-49; president of
Portland Chamber of Commerce, 1938. In 1933-34 he was grand master of t he
Grand Lodge of Oregon. Received 32° in 1907, KCCH in 1923, and coroneted 33°
in 1932. Appointed deputy in Oregon in 1941, crowned active member in 1943,
and elected grand chancellor in 1957. Author and compiler of several volumes.
Lon A. Scott (1888-1931) U.S. Congressman to 67th Congress,
1921-23, from 8th Tenn. dist. b. Sept. 25, 1888 in Cypress Inn, Tenn. Graduate
of Cumberland U. in 1915. President of Scott Land & Lumber Co. from 1919.
Raised in Savannah Lodge No. 102, Oct. 10, 1913. d. Feb. 11, 1931.
113 Nathan B. Scott Nathan B. Scott (1842-1924) U.S. Senator from
West Virginia, 18991911; Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 1898-99. b. Dec.
18, 1842 in Quaker City, Ohio. Engaged in mining in Colo., 1859-62. Served as
enlisted man in Union Army in Civil War. Was engaged in glass manufacture and
banking at Wheeling, W. Va. after the war. Later was a banker in Washington,
D.C. Was admitted to membership in 1883 in Wheeling Lodge No. 5, Wheeling, W.
Va. and dimitted on Sept. 26, 1911. d. Jan. 2, 1924.
Owen Scott (1848-1928) U.S. Congressman to 52nd Congress from
Illinois. b. July 6, 1848 on farm in Effingham Co., Ill. He taught school and
was superintendent of schools in his home county, 1783-81. Admitted to the bar
in 1873, he practiced in Effingham and also published the Effingham Democrat.
Member of Macon Lodge No. 8, Decatur, Ill. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge
of Illinois, 1895-96 and grand secretary of same from 1912 until his death,
Dec. 21, 1928.
Robert F. Scott (1868-1912) English Antarctic explorer. He entered
the Royal Navy in 1882. In 1901-04 he commanded an Antarctic expedition in the
Discovery, surveying South Victoria Land and interior of Antarctic continent;
discovered King Edward VII Land and sounded Ross Sea. He left the navy in
1909, and the following year commanded an Antarctic expedition in the Terra
Nova. In Nov., 1911, with four companions, he began a sledge journey and
reached the South Pole on Jan. 18, 1912—just five weeks after it was
discovered by Amundson. He perished, with his companions, on the return trip,
as a result of bad weather and insufficient food. His records and diaries were
found by a search party in Nov., 1912. He was a member of Drury Lane Lodge No.
2127, London,in 1901. Also member of St. Alban's Lodge No. 2597, Christ
Church, New Zealand, and Navy Lodge No. 2613, of England.
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) Scottish poet, novelist, historian
and biographer. Known as "The Border Minstrel," "The Wizard of the North," and
"the Great Magician." His father, of the same name, was a medical professor at
Edinburgh U. In his early years he published under various pseudonyms. His
literary output was vast, including The Lay of the Last Minstrel; Marmion;
Lady of the Lake; Life and Works of Swift; Waverly; Lord of the Isles; Guy
Mannering; The Black Dwarf; Rob Roy; The Bride of Lammermoor; Ivanhoe; Tales
of the Crusaders; The Talisman and many others. He was called to the bar in
1792, and was sheriff of Selkirk in 1799. Became a principal clerk to court of
session, but withdrew from bar to devote himself to writing and publishing. An
unfortunate publishing partnership left him with debts amounting to Ł130,000,
which he paid in full before his death. He was initiated, passed, and raised
at an emergency meeting of Lodge Saint David No. 36 of Edinburgh on Monday,
March 2, 1801. His father had been initiated in the same lodge in Jan., 1754,
and his elder brother was also a member of this lodge. Later his son was
initiated in Lodge Canongate Kilwinning No. 2, on Nov. 29, 1826. On June 4,
1816, he laid the foundation stone of a new lodgeroom at Selkirk in the
presence of the provincial grand master, the Marquis of Lothian, and was
elected an honorary member of that lodge on the occasion (now Saint John No.
32). He was created a baronet in 1820. In 1823 he was offered the
grandmastership of the Royal Grand Conclave of Knights Templar of Scotland,
but declined because of "age and health not permitting me to un-
James G. Scrugham dertake the duties which whether convivial or charitable, a
person undertaking such an office ought to be in readiness to perform when
called upon." He attended lodge frequently, as was attested by the secretary
in 1841, when proposing that the name of Saint David Lodge be altered to "Sir
Walter Scott's Lodge." The proposal, however, was defeated. St. David Lodge
subscribed to the monument to Sir Walter in Princess St., Edinburgh, and
attended the laying of the cornerstone with Masonic honors by the grand master
in 1840.
Winfield Scott (1786-1866) Lieutenant General, U.S. Army, and
commander-in-chief of American forces in Mexican War. b. June 13, 1786 near
Petersburg, Va. Admitted to the bar in 1806, he entered the army in 1808 as a
captain of light artillery, and the following year at Baton Rouge, La. was
courtmartialed for remarks concerning the conduct of his superior, General
Wilkinson, q.v. Back in the army, he fought gallantly in the War of 1812 at
Queenstown Heights, Chippewa, and Lun dy's Lane. Received promotion to
brigadier general in March, 1814 and breveted major general same year. After
war, was on duty in S. Car. and on Canadian border. Was made generalin-chief
of U.S. Army in 1841, and commanded in the Mexican War. Captured Vera Cruz;
defeated Mexicans at Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Cherubusco, Molino del Rey, and
Chapaultepec, occupying Mexico City on Sept. 14, 1847. Was promoted to
lieutenant general in 1852. In that year he was defeated by Franklin Pierce as
the Whig candidate for presidency. Retired in 1861. Was made a Mason in 1805
in Dinwiddie Union Lodge No. 23, Dinwiddie Court House, Va. (now extinct). In
1825 he is recorded as a visitor to the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. d. May 29,
1866 at West Point, N.Y. and buried there.
William W. Screws (1839-1913) Newspaper editor. b. Feb. 25, 1839
in Barbour Co. Ala. Admitted to bar in 1859 and practiced until 1861. Was
opposed to secession, but went with his state. Fought at Pensacola, and Ft.
Barnacas; saw hard service with Bragg's army in Ky., Chickamauga, Knoxville,
and with Lee in Va. the last 12 months of war. During this time he wrote
letters to the Montgomery Advertiser; became identified with the paper after
the war. He became president of the publishing company and editor in chief of
paper. Prominent Episcopalian. Was grand high priest of the Grand Chapter,
R.A.M. of Alabama from 1885-87. Raised Nov. 3, 1870 in Andrew Jackson Lodge
No. 173, Montgomery, Ala., and master in 1886-87; exalted in Montgomery
Chapter No. 22, R.A.M., on Nov. 2, 1871 and high priest in 1881-83; greeted in
Montgomery Council No. 3, R.. & S.M., and master in 1883-84; knighted in
Montgomery Commandery No. 4, K.T., on March 21, 1872 and commander in 1887-88
and 1892. d. Aug. 7, 1913.
Errett P. Scrivner U.S. Congressman to 78th-84th Congresses from
2nd Kans. dist. b. March 20, 1898 in Newton, Kans. Graduate of U. of Kansas in
1925, and engaged in general practice of law, 1925-43. Served with 35th
Division, A.E.F. in WWI. Member of Wyandotte Lodge No. 3, Kansas City, Kans.,
receiving degrees Feb. 12, March 12, April 16, 1927. Shriner.
James G. Scrugham (1880-1945) U.S. Senator, 1942-45 from Nevada;
Governor of Nevada, 1923-27; U.S. Congressman to 74th-77th Congresses,
1935-43, from Nevada, resigning to become senator. b. Jan. 19, 1880 in
Lexington, Ky. Graduate of U. of Kentucky in 1906, and served in engineering
capacity in Cincinnati, Chicago, and San Francisco. Was profes-
John Scudder sor of mechanical engineering at U. of Nevada, 1902-14, and dean,
1914-17. Served in WWI as major and lieutenant colonel. Was state engineer of
Nevada, 1917-23; state public service commissioner, 1919-23; editor and
publisher of the Nevada State Journal, 1927-32. Affiliated from A.O. Fay Lodge
No. 676, Illinois, to Reno Lodge No. 13, Reno, Nevada. Member of Reno Chapter
No. 7, R.A.M., DeWitt Clinton Commandery, K.T., and Kerak Shrine Temple, all
of Reno. d. June 2, 1945.
John Scudder (1793-1855) Missionary and physician. b. Sept. 3,
1793 in Freehold, N.J. Graduate of Princeton in 1811 and New York Coll. of
Physicians and Surgeons in 1813. He first practiced successfully in N.Y.C.,
but in 1819 went to India as a missionary, under the direction of the American
board. Was ordained in ministry of Dutch Reformed church in 1820, and settled
in Ceylon, laboring there for 19 years in the double capacity of clergyman and
physician. He established a large hospital and was successful in treatment of
cholera and yellow fever. Founded several native schools and churches. His
seven sons and two daughters were all missionaries in southern India. Member
of Independent Royal Arch Lodge No. 2, N.Y.C. d. Jan. 13, 1855.
Townsend Scudder Justice, Supreme Court of N.Y.; U.S. Congressman
to 56th and 58th Congresses, 1899-1901 and 1903-05. b. July 26, 1865 in
Northport, N.Y. Attended preparatory schools in Europe, and graduated from
Columbia Law School in 1888. Began practice in N.Y.C. in 1888. Was elected
justice of supreme court of New York in 1906, and served 14 years on that
bench. In 1927 he was again elected to that bench and became member of the
appellate division for the 2nd judicial district, serving until his
retirementbecame mandatory at age of 70. Governor Alfred E. Smith appointed
him as state park commissioner for Long Island. Scudder gained national
prominence in 1927 when he sentenced Mrs. Ruth Snyder and her lover, Judd
Gray, to the electric chair. He served two terms as master of Glen Cove Lodge
No. 580, Glen Cove, N.Y., 1891-92; was district deputy grand master, 1893-94;
senior grand deacon of the Grand Lodge of New York in 1895; deputy grand
master, 1904; and grand master, 1906-07. He was commissioner of appeals (grand
lodge), 1898-1900, and chief commissioner, 1901-02. After his grandmastership,
he served on many important grand lodge committees, including jurisprudence
and correspondence and relations.
W. B. Seabrook Governor of South Carolina, 1848-50. Master of
Harmony Lodge No. 20, Edisto Island, S. Car. in 1826.
Samuel Seabury (1729-1796) First Protestant Episcopal Bishop in
America. b. Nov. 30, 1729 in Groton, Conn. Graduate of Yale in 1748, and until
1752, was a theology student under his father of the same name. He studied
medicine for a year at the U. of Edinburgh. Was ordained deacon and priest in
1753. Returning to America, he served churches in New Brunswick, N.J. and in
Jamaica, Flushing, and Newtown, L.I., N.Y. Was elected first bishop of
Connecticut at Woodbury, March 25, 1783, but the English episcopate in London
would not confirm his ordination. He was finally consecrated, Nov. 14, 1784,
by Scottish bishops at Aberdeen. His lodge is unknown, but on Dec. 27, 1782 he
gave an address before the Grand Lodge of New York, for which he was thanked
and called "Rev. Bro. Seabury." On June 24, 1795, at the installation of
Somerset Lodge No. 34, Norwich, Conn., he read a sermon,
Isaac Sears which he later published and dedicated to "The Most Worshipful
President of the United States," signing himself "affectionate brother." He
was buried Masonically by Union Lodge (now 31) of New London, Conn. d. Feb.
25, 1796.
Joseph W. Seacrest Co-editor and publisher of Lincoln (Nebr.)
State Journal; vice president of the Journal Star Co., and chairman of the
board of Station KFAB of Lincoln and Omaha, Nebr.; director of Fairmont Foods
Co.; director of Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City; director of Bankers Life
of Lincoln. b. Oct. 23, 1895 in Lincoln, Nebr. Is grand equerry, Supreme
Council 33° AASR (SJ), and sovereign grand inspector general of Nebraska.
Received 32° in 1917; KCCH in 1935 and 33° in 1941. Deputy for Nebraska in
1950 and active member in 1951.
Robert T. Seacrest U.S. Congressman and member of Federal Trade
Commission. b. Jan. 22, 1904 near Senecaville, Ohio. Graduate of Muskingum
Coll. in 1926, and Washington Coll. of Law in 1939. Was high school principal
at Senecaville, 192630, and superintendent of schools at Murray City, Ohio,
1931-32. Served in Ohio state legislature, 1931-32. Elected U.S. congressman
from 15th Ohio dist. in 1933, and served until 1942, when he resigned to enter
the Navy as a commander from 194248. Was reelected to congress on return from
active duty in 1948. Eisenhower appointed him to the Federal Trade Commission
in 1954. Member of Point Pleasant Lodge No. 360, Senecaville, and 32° AASR
(NJ) in Scioto Consistory, Columbus, Ohio.
Charles A. Seager (1872-1948) Archbishop and Metropolitan of
Ontario (Anglican) from 1943-48. b. July 9, 1872 in Goderich, Ont. Graduate of
U. of Trinity Coll. in 1895. Ordained to Anglican ministry in 1896.
Served in Toronto, 1891-1911; Vernon, B.C., 1911-12; Vancouver,
B.C., 191217; Toronto, 1917-21; bishop of Ontario, 1926-32; bishop of Huron,
193243. Mason, past master, 1927, grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Canada,
1928; president of executive committee of Red Cross of Constantine; member of
Royal Order of Scotland. d. Sept. 9, 1948.
Eugene C. Seaman (1881-1950) Second Protestant Episcopal Bishop of
North Texas from 1925. b. Dec. 9, 1881 in Galveston, Texas. Graduate of U. of
the South (Tenn.) in 1903, 1906, 1925. Ordained deacon in 1906, priest in
1907, and served churches in Houston and Temple, Texas until 1911, when he
became archdeacon and general missionary in North Texas. Then served churches
in Amarillo, Texas and Gadsden, Ala. Was executive secretary for diocese of
Ala. 1923-24. Received degrees in Knob-creek Lodge No. 401, Temple, Texas on
Feb. 23, March 26 and April 27, 1910; affiliated with Stamford Lodge No. 853,
Stamford, Texas on Nov. 7, 1912, and finally with Amarillo Lodge No. 731,
Amarillo, Texas on Jan. 8, 1926. Knight Templar and Shriner. d. Nov. 22, 1950.
Jacob J. Seaman General in War of 1812. Charter member of Morton
Lodge No. 63, Hempstead, N.Y.
Isaac Sears (1729-1786) Revolutionary patriot. b. in Norwalk,
Conn. He commanded a privateer against the French in 1758-61, but lost his
vessel in the latter year, and then engaged in the West Indian and European
trade, making N.Y.C. his home. On the passage of the stamp act, he became an
active member of the Sons of Liberty, harassing the English in N.Y.C. In Nov.
1775, he led a troop on horses, raided the shop of James Rivington, the Royal
printer, destroyed his presses, and carried away his type to be made into
bullets. He
Frederick A. Seaton also abducted the Royalist preacher and sympathizer,
Samuel Seabury, q.v. (later first P.E. Bishop in America), and took him to New
Haven, where he was imprisoned for a time, but released because he was a man
of the cloth. After 1777 Sears seems to have made Boston his base of operation
for privateering and trading in captured merchandise. He was back in N.Y.C. in
1784, where he was a member of the provincial congress of N.Y., a vestryman of
Trinity church, and a vice president of the chamber of commerce. He lost his
fortune in the war, and died on a ship in the harbor of Canton, China, Oct.
28, 1786. He had become a member of Hiram Lodge No. 1, New Haven, Conn. in
Dec., 1775, while making that city his headquarters.
Frederick A. Seaton Secretary of Interior under Eisenhower from
May 28, 1956. b. Dec. 11, 1909 in Washington, D.C. Attended Kansas State Coll.
Was a journalist most of life. Starting in Kansas, he was a sports announcer
on stations KSAC and WIBW, 192937; wire news editor of Manhattan Morning
Chronicle; city editor of Manhattan Evening Mercury; associate editor of
Seaton Publications, Manhattan, 1933-37 (a family owned company). In 1937 the
family purchased the Hastings (Nebr.) Daily Tribune, around which they have
built a group of newspapers. He is president of the Sheridan (Wyo.)
Newspapers, Inc.; Seaton Publishing Co., Lead, S. Dak.; Winfield, (Kans.)
Publishing Co.; Seaton Publishing Co., Hastings, Nebr.; Manhattan (Kans.)
Broadcasting Co. Also vice-president of Seaton Publishing Co., Manhattan,
Kans.; Midwest Broadcasting Co., Coffeyville, Kansas; Coffeyville Pub. Co.;
and director of Nebraska Broadcasting Co., Hastings, Nebr. In 1951 he was
appointed as U.S. senator from Nebraska to fill an unexpired term. In Sept.,
1953 he be-came Assistant Secretary of Defense for legislative and public
affairs. In 1955 he became Eisenhower's deputy assistant. Member of Hastings
Lodge No. 50, Hastings, Nebr., receiving the third degree on Sept. 3, 1958 in
Washington, D.C., as a courtesy to Hastings Lodge.
Comte Horace Francois Sebastiani (1772-1851) French general and
diplomat. He distinguished himself at Marengo, Austerlitz, and in the Spanish
and Russian campaigns. Was ambassador at Constantinople, 1802, and 1806-07;
ambassador to Naples, 1834, and ambassador to London, 1835-40. Became marshal
of France in 1840. In 1805 he was grand keeper of the seals of the Grand Lodge
Symbolique of France.
Charles Louis de Secondat (see de Secondat).
Arthur R. Seder Vice President of Chicago & Northwestern Railway
since 1945. b. Sept. 25, 1889 in Minneapolis, Minn. Graduate of U. of New
Mexico in 1911. Was principal of high schools at Carlsbad and Clovis, N. Mex.,
1911-18. Became associated with Chicago & Northwestern in 1918, advancing as
assistant comptroller, general auditor, and vice president. Raised Aug. 21,
1917 in Wilmette Lodge No. 931, Wilmette, Ill.
Comte Louis Philippe Segur (17531830) French soldier and diplomat.
He served with Rochambeau in America. Became ambassador to. St. Petersburg. He
was appointed by Napoleon as councilor of state, and at the restoration, made
peer of France. Was deputy grand commander of Supreme Council AASR of France.
Francis Seiberling (1870-1945) U.S. Congressman to 71st-72nd
Congresses, 1929-33, from 14th Ohio dist. b. Sept. 20, 1870 in Des Moines,
118 James M. Sellers Began practice of law at Akron, Ohio in 1894.
Was director of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. Member of Adoniram Lodge No.
517, Akron, Ohio, receiving degrees on Nov. 19, 1900, May 23, 1901 and Feb.
24, 1902. 32° AASR (NJ) and Shriner. d. Feb. 1, 1945.
Charles C. Selecman (1874-1958) Methodist Bishop from 1938. b.
Oct. 13, 1874 in Savannah, Mo. Entered Methodist (South) ministry on rural
charge; later, with Kingdom House, St. Louis, and then New Orleans. Served
churches in Los Angeles and Dallas between 1913-23; from 1923-38 was president
of Southern Methodist U. at Dallas. Served with Y.M.C.A. in U.S., England, and
France in WWI. Was delegate to World Conference on Faith and Order in 1927 and
1937, and was chairman of commission on evangelism of Methodist Church from
1940. A member of Pentagon Lodge No. 1080, Dallas, Texas, by affiliation from
Wilshire Lodge No. 445 of California, on Feb. 8, 1921. Received 50-year
service award from Grand Lodge of Texas in 1952. Past sovereign of St. Mark
Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine; 33° AASR (SJ) and Shriner. d. March 27,
William N. Selig (1864-1948) Pioneer motion picture producer. b.
March 14, 1864 in Chicago, Ill. Was an actor and theatrical manager from
1888-99. He invented many appliances used in motion picture photography, and
was in the production of pictures from 1896. Was the first to produce long,
historical phot odr a m a s, the Coming of Columbus being the first, for which
Pope Pius X awarded him a medal in 1912. He was the first to introduce wild
animals in dramatic action. He financed expeditions of Prof. Frederick Starr
to interior of Africa, Korea, Japan and Philippines; of Dr. E. B. McDowell to
China, Africa, and India; and expedition of Em-mett O'Neill to the Amazon
River in 1912. Mason. d. July 15, 1948.
Arthur Seligman (1873-1933) Governor of New Mexico, 1931-33. b.
June 14, 1873 in Santa Fe, N. Mex. Entered mercantile business at Santa Fe in
1888. Was president of Seligman Bros., 1903-26; president of La Fonda Building
Corp., 1920-26; president of First National Bank, 1924-33. Held many public
offices, including that of mayor of Santa Fe. Initiated June 6, 1895 in
Montezuma Lodge No. 1, Santa Fe., N. Mex. d. Sept. 25, 1933.
James M. Sellers President of Wentworth Military Academy,
Lexington, Mo., 1935-60. b. June 20, 1895 in Lexington. Graduate of Wentworth
in 1912, U. of Chicago in 1917, and U. of Missouri in 1925. Commissioned
second lieutenant in Marine Corps at outbreak of WWI, participating in the
battles of Chateau-Thierry, Mont Blanc, and three Meuse-Argonne offensives,
for which he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, Navy Cross, Silver
Star, and Croix de Guerre. Wounded in action, he received the Purple Heart. He
retired in 1944 with the rank of lieutenant colonel. He came to Wentworth in
1921 as assistant commandant and instructor in Latin and mathematics. His
father, Col. Sandford Sellers, was president of Wentworth for 52 years. Raised
in Lexington Lodge No. 149 in 1921 and served as master in 1938. Was grand
master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri in 1953. Exalted in Lexington Chapter
No. 10 in 1925, he was high priest in 1940. Greeted in Shekinah Council No. 24
in 1940. Knighted in DeMolay Commandery No. 3, K.T. in 1937, he was commander
in 1941, and grand commander of Grand Commandery, K.T. of Missouri in 1951.
Also member of Red Cross of Constantine, serving as intendent general for Mo.,
Ararat Shrine Temple, Allied Masonic Degrees, and the Missouri Lodge of
119 Marcel Sembat Marcel Sembat (1862-1922) Leader of the French
Socialist Party (with Jean Jaurres). Elected deputy in 191416. He was
initiated in the lodge La Fidelite at Lille, France and later affiliated in
Paris with the lodge La Raison. As an officer of the Grand Orient of France in
1918, he glorified the deaths of the French soldiers of WWI and reminded the
French people of the sacrifices they had made for humanity and their country.
One of the Parisian lodges is called Marcel Sembat Lodge in his honor.
White Seneca A Seneca Indian chief who was raised June 5, 1840 in
Manhattan Lodge No. 62, N.Y.C.
DeWitt C. Senter Former Governor of Tennessee. Member of
Morristown Lodge No. 231.
Orestes A. B. Senter (1843-1915) General Grand Master, General
Grand Council, R. & S.M., 1891-94. b. Dec. 17, 1843 in Boston, Mass., moving
to Columbus, Ohio in youth. Served as enlisted man in Civil War with 133rd
regiment. He was associated with a regalia house in charge of its Masonic
department. Member of Columbus Lodge No. 30, Columbus, Ohio (1865); exalted in
Ohio Chapter No. 12, RAM.; greeted in Columbus Council No, 8, R. & S.M.; and
knighted in Mt. Vernon Commandery No. 1, K.T. Received 33° AASR (NJ) in 1887.
Served as grand high priest in 1894; grand master of Grand Council of Ohio in
1879. d. Feb. 21, 1915.
Alexander Sergeevich S ergeev Russian Counselor of State who is
said to have influenced Alexander I, q.v., in his Masonic views. Was master of
the Elizabeth of Virtue Lodge in the Swedish Rite.
Sir Phiroze Sethna Indian political leader. Served as president of
the Central Bank of India and the Chamber of Commerce of Bombay. Elected a
counselor of state. Was master of Rising Star Lodge of Western India No. 342,
and was deputy grand master of the Scottish Rite in that country.
Luigi Settembrini (1813-1877) Italian patriot and writer. Was
imprisoned for political activities, 1839-42 and 1849-58. On his way to
deportation in Argentina, he escaped and came to England. After 1864 he
returned to Naples, where he was a teacher at the University. At this time he
wrote Lezioni di Letteratura Italiana (3 vols.), for which he is best known.
He was master of a lodge. The German writer, Thomas Mann, used his name in the
Magic Mountain, for the Masonic character in the work.
Henry H. (Hal) Sevier (1878-1940) U.S. Ambassador to Chile, 1933.
b. March 16, 1878 in Columbia, Tenn. Began as editor of country newspaper in
1895, and was founder, owner, and editor of the Austin (Texas) American until
1917. Served two terms in the Texas house of representatives. He was appointed
to visit South America to conduct an educational and informative campaign to
combat propaganda against the U.S., in WWI. Member of Uvalde Lodge No. 472,
Uvalde, Texas, receiving degrees on April 2, April 30, June 3, 1904; suspended
NPD in 1934. d. March 10, 1940.
John Sevier (1745-1815) Pioneer, frontiersman, Revolutionary
soldier, Indian fighter, first governor of Tennessee, and first and only
governor of the briefly historic "State of Franklin." b. Sept. 23, 1745 in
Rockingham Co., Va. Educated until the age of 16 at the academy in
Fredericksburg, Va. He married the next year, and founded the village of
Newmarket in the Shenandoah Valley. Here he became celebrated as an Indian
fighter, and was victor in many battles with neighboring tribes. Was
Fabien Sevitzky appointed captain in the Virginia line in 1772, moving then to
Watauga on the Western slope of the Alleghenies. Took part in the Indian
battle of Point Pleasant in 1774. He petitioned the N. Car. legislature,
asking them to annex his colony so they might help in the Revolution under
official state authority. The petition was granted, and the whole of what is
now Tennessee was organized into a county of N. Car., then known as
"Washington district." Sevier was then chosen as a delegate to the state
convention. He organized every able-bodied man between 16 and 50 years in the
militia and became their colonel. This group fought many successful conflicts
with the border Indians, burning their towns and raiding their camps. They won
the Battle of Boyd's Creek, and with Col. Isaac Shelby, won the Battle of
King's Mountain. At the end of the war, N. Car. felt that they could not
afford the large territory which Sevier had organized, as it increased their
portion of the Federal debt. Therefore they ceded it to the Federal
government. When the news of this reached the settlers, they formed their own
government, called a convention on Aug. 23, 1784, organized a constitution and
state government, elected Sevier governor, and named their state "Franklin."
N. Car. then reversed its decision to cede the "state" and set up a militia
with Sevier as its general, and a Superior court. The natives did not like
this, and were determined to have their own state. Sevier advised them against
this independent action, but went along with them. Gov. Richard Caswell, q.v.,
declared a revolt existed in the territory and sent troops into "Franklin,"
capturing and imprisoning Sevier, who was later rescued. Finally the territory
was ceded by N. Car., and Sevier then took an oath of allegiance to the U.S.,
was commissioned brigadier general in 1789, and the following year chosen to
Congress as the first representative from the valley of the Mississippi. He
continued his campaigns against the Creeks and Cherokees, and broke their will
to fight in the Etowah campaign of 1793. When Tennessee was admitted to the
Union in 1796, he became the first governor, serving until 1801, and again
from 1803 to 1809. Was elected to congress in 1811 and again in 1815, but died
in the latter year before he could take his seat. His original lodge is not
known, but he was first master of Tennessee Lodge No. 41 (under N. Car,
jurisdiction) in 1800, while governor. This lodge later became Tennessee Lodge
No. 2, under the Grand Lodge of Tennessee. The charter was arrested in Oct.,
1827. His name also appears as a member of Greenville Lodge No. 3 (No. 43
under N. Car.) in 1805. d. Sept. 24, 1815.
Randolph Sevier President of Matson Navigation Co. from 1950. b.
June 6, 1897 in Eureka, Calif. Began with agricultural activities in the San
Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys, 192023, and with Matson Lines since 1923 in
many capacities. Stationed both in San Francisco and Hawaiian Islands. Became
executive vice president in 1948. Member of Crockett Lodge No. 139, San
Francisco, Calif., being raised in 1923. 32° AASR in Honolulu; member of Aloha
Shrine Temple and Aloha Court No. 1, Royal Order of Jesters, both of Honolulu,
Fabien Sevitzky Musical director and conductor of Indianapolis
Symphony Orchestra since 1937. b. Sept. 30, 1893 in Wichny, Volotchok, Russia.
His original family name was Koussevitzky. Graduated with honors from St.
Petersburg Imperial Conservatory of Music in 1911. Came to U.S. in 1923 and
naturalized in 1928. Began as a double bass virtuoso in 1911, making concert
tours in Russia, Poland, Finland, and the Americas. Was
Samuel Sewall soloist with St. Petersburg Conservator, Philharmonic Orchestra,
Moscow Imperial Opera, Warsaw State Opera. Became a member of the Philadelphia
Orchestra in 1923, and founded the Philadelphia Chamber String Simfonietta in
1925. Conducted Philadelphia Grand Opera, 1927-28; Pennsylvania Opera Co.,
1928-30; Peoples Symphony Orchestra, Boston, 193235; and Indianapolis Symphony
since 1937. Has made many recordings and extensive tours. Served as guest
conductor of Los Angeles Philharmonic, Philadelphia Symphony, New York
Philharmonic, Detroit Symphony, Vancouver and Montreal Symphony orchestras.
Served in Russian Army, 1915-17. Raised June 6, 1944 in Oriental Lodge No.
500, Indianapolis, Ind.; exalted in Oriental Chapter No. 147, R.A.M. on March
8, 1945; knighted in Oriental Commandery No. 62, K.T.; received 32° AASR in
Indianapolis on Nov. 22, 1944 and created 33° on Sept. 29, 1948.
Samuel Sewall (1757-1814) U.S. Congressman and Justice of Supreme
Court of Massachusetts from 1800, and Chief Justice, 1813-14. b. Dec. 11, 1757
in Boston, he was the great grandson of Samuel Sewall, one of the judges of
the "witches" during the period of Salem witchcraft. His ancestor was the only
one of the judges who later acknowledged his error; he spent one day each year
in prayer and meditation to keep in his mind a sense of the enormity of his
offense. Sewall graduated from Harvard in 1776 and practiced law at
Marblehead, Mass. He was frequently a member of the legislature, and was U.S.
congressman two successive terms, 1797-1800. Member of Philanthropic Lodge,
Marblehead, Mass.
Sumner Sewall Governor of Maine, 1941-45. b. June 17, 1897 in
Bath, Maine. Was a student at Harvard and Yale, receiving LL.D. from Colby
Coll. in 1941. In WWI was in American Ambulance Field Service, overseas in
1916 and later with American Air Service, commanding squadron 95 of the 1st
Pursuit Group, and designated as an ace, with many decorations. After war he
worked in Mexico, Cuba, and Wyoming. Helped organize the Colonial Air
Transport in 1920. Was director of United Air Lines Transport Corp., 1930-45,
and president of American Overseas Airlines, Inc., 1945-46. In office of
Military Government, Germany, since 1946. Received degrees in Solar Lodge No.
14, Bath, Maine on Nov. 9, 23, 1940 and Feb. 3, 1941, while governor-elect.
32° AASR (NJ) in Maine Consistory and member of Kora Shrine Temple.
Coy A. Seward (1884-1939) Artist. b. March 4, 1884 in Chase,
Kansas. Employed by Western Lithograph Co., Wichita, Kan. His works are on
permanent exhibition at many places, including California State Library; Grand
Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Kansas at Topeka; Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kans.;
Library of Congress, Chicago Art Institute; Rhode Island School of Design;
Honolulu Academy of Fine Arts; Bibliotheque National, Paris. Received degrees
in Chase Lodge No. 247, Chase, Kans., on June 20, Aug. 12, Sept. 9, 1905.
Affiliated with Albert Pike Lodge No. 303, Wichita, Kans., on May 22, 1935. d.
Jan. 31, 1939.
Herbert L. Seward Naval architect and marine engineer. b. April
17, 1885 in Guilford, Conn. Graduate of Yale in 1908. Advisor to U.S. Maritime
Commission, U.S. Lines, Inc., and professor of mechanical engineering at Yale
from 1928. Organized and operated the Navy Steam Engineering School at
Hoboken, N.J. in WWI. Consultant to secretary of Navy in salvaging the S.S.
Normandie. A licensed master of steam vessels and licensed
Sir Ernest H. Shackleton chief engineer. Served as assistant navigator S.S.
Leviathan. Raised in 1931 in Wooster Lodge No. 79, New Haven, Conn. Affiliated
with Siloam Lodge No. 32, Saybrook, Conn. in 1954.
William IL Seward (1801-1872) Anti-Mason. U.S. Secretary of State,
1861-69; U.S. Senator from New York, 1849-61; Governor of New York, 1839-43.
b. May 16, 1801 in Florida, N.Y. Admitted to bar at Utica, N.Y. in 1822,
settling in Auburn in 1823. In 1830 he was named as the anti-Masonic candidate
for the state senate. d. Oct. 10, 1872.
William Mark Sexson (1877-1953) Founder of Order of Rainbow for
Girls. An ordained Christian minister, he was grand master of the Grand Lodge
of Oklahoma in 1928. b. July 8, 1877 in Arnica Springs, Mo. He received his
degrees on March 22, 31 and April 26, 1902 in Bloomfield Lodge No. 84,
Bloomfield, Ind. and on Feb. 6, 1914 affiliated with South McAlester Lodge No.
96, McAlester, Okla. d. Dec. 20, 1953.
Thomas H. Seymour (1808-1868) Governor of Connecticut, 1851-53;
U.S. Minister to Russia, 1853-57; U.S. Congressman from Conn., 1843-45. b.
Sept. 3, 1808 in Hartford, Conn. Practiced law and published The Jeffersemi=
at Hartford. Fought in Mexican War as major and colonel, his regiment being
the first to enter the fortress at Chapultepec. Was initiated in St. John's
Lodge No. 4, Hartford about 1850; exalted in Pythagoras Chapter No. 17, R.A.M.;
and knighted in Washington Commandery No. 1, K.T., Nov. 1, 1850. He served as
commander of the commandery and as senior grand deacon of the Grand Lodge of
Connecticut in 1853. d. Sept. 3, 1868.
Artur von Seyss-Inquart (18921946) Nazi Anti-Mason. Was
Austrianminister of interior and security in Schuschnigg cabinet of 1938;
chancellor and minister of defense in Austria after German occupation of 1938.
Hitler appointed him governor of Austrian territory that year. Admitted to
German cabinet in 1939 as minister without portfolio. Was gov ernor of
occupied territory in Poland, 1939-40 and high commissioner of the Netherlands
in 1940-43. Hanged as a war criminal. In 1918 he worked out the plan of an
organization, which resembled Freemasonry in some respects. It was an
anti-Jewish, anti-Masonic group to be formed of several degrees with secret
Shabonee (1775-1859) Potawatomi Indian Chief who was great friend
of white settlers and in 1832 saved the settlers of Chicago from massacre by
Black Hawk, by warning them of his attack. Earlier, was one of Tecumseh's
lieutenants, and with him when he was killed at Battle of the Thames. Later,
incensed by treatment of Indians by British, he transferred his allegiance to
the Americans. Chosen peace chief of his tribe. Saved many white villages from
Winnebago attack. The Sauk and Fox attempted to murder him and did kill his
son and nephew. Although he migrated West of the Mississippi with his tribe in
1836, he returned to De Kalb Co., Ill., where he retired on two sections of
land given him by the government as a reward for his services. He was a grand
nephew of Chief Pontiac. Said to have been a Freemason, but no proof. d. July
17, 1859.
Sir Ernest H. Shackleton (18741922) British Antarctic explorer. b.
in Kilkee, Ireland. He was junior officer on the national Antarctic expedition
under Robert F. Scott, q.v., on the Discovery in 1901. He accompanied Scott on
the sledge journey over the Ross Ice Shelf. In 1907 he sailed in the Nimrod in
command of
George F. Shafer an expedition, which reached a point about 97 miles from the
South Pole in 1909. Commanded a trans-Antarctic expedition in the Endurance,
which set out in 1914. When ship was crushed in ice, he made a trip of 800
miles with five companions to north coast of South Georgia for help (1916).
Died at South Georgia Island in 1922, while on a third expedition to the
Antarctic. Author of Heart of the Antarctic and South. A Freemason.
George F. Shafer (1888-1948) Governor of North Dakota, 1929-33. b.
Nov. 23, 1888 in Mandan, N. Dak. Attended U. of North Dakota, 1908- 12 and
admitted to bar in latter year, practicing at Schafer. Served as assistant
attorney general and attorney general of N. Dak. Was first native born
governor of N. Dak. Initiated May 12, 1919 in Yellowstone Lodge No. 110 of
Alexander, N. Dak. Scottish Rite member at Bismarck. d. Aug. 13, 1948.
Paul W. Shafer (1893-1954) U.S. Congressman to 75th-81st
Congresses, 1937-51 from Michigan. b. April 27, 1893 in Elkhart, Ind. Was
reporter, editor and publisher from 1912-29, and municipal judge at Battle
Creek, Mich., 1929-36. Publisher of Bronson Journal. Received degrees in Ira
A. Beck Lodge No. 503, Battle Creek, Mich. on Nov. 21, 29 and Dec. 14, 1929.
32° AASR (NJ), Shriner and member of Royal Order of Jesters. d. Aug. 17, 1954.
Walter S. Shafer Vice President and General Sales Manager of
Armour & Co. since 1947. b. Aug. 5, 1900 at Kangley, Ill. Graduate of Knox
Coll. in 1922. Began as shipper with Armour in 1922, later salesman, branch
house manager, district sales manager, product sales manager. Received degrees
in Taylor Lodge No. 98, Washington, Ill. in 1924.
Taliaferro P. Shaffner (1818-1881) American inventor. b. in
Smithfield, Va. in 1818. Self educated, he studied law and was admitted to the
bar, but gave much of his time to invention. Was an associate of Samuel F. B.
Morse in the introduction of the telegraph. He built the line from Louisville,
Ky. to New Orleans and that from St. Louis to Jefferson City, Mo. in 1851. Was
a projector of the North Atlantic cable via Labrador and Iceland, and was the
inventor of several methods of blasting with nitroglycerine and other high
explosives. In addition to several scientific volumes, he published
Odd-Fellowship in 1875. Member of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 196, Louisville, Ky.
about 1843. Coroneted 33° on November 17, 1865 and designated by Supreme
Council AASR (SJ) as a special deputy. d. Dec. 12, 1881.
William R. Shafter (1835-1906) Major General, U.S. Army. Won
Congressional Medal of Honor in Civil War for action at Battle of Fair Oaks.
b. Oct. 16, 1835 in Galesburg, Mich. Taught school three years prior to 1861,
when he enlisted in Union Army as 1st lieutenant of 7th Mich. Infantry.
Mustered out as brevet brigadier general in 1865, and reentered regular army
as a lieutenant colonel in 1867. Made brigadier general in 1897 and assigned
to head department of California. Made major general of volunteers in May,
1898. In Cuba, he commanded the military operations ending in the capitulation
of General Linares' army and surrender of Santiago de Cuba. Known as "Pecos
Bill." Retired in 1901 as major general. Was made a Mason in Prairie Lodge No.
92, Galesburg, Mich., while home on leave of absence in 1864. He was a member
of the Masonic Veterans Assoc. of Illinois, and a few months before his death
(Nov. 12, 1906), wrote General John C. Smith, q.v., the venerable chief, that
he could
William L. Sharp not be present at the annual reception, but "hope to have the
pleasure of seeing you and your good wife some time next year.”
Earl of Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley-Cooper), 7th Earl of
Shaftesbury. Title dates to 1672. He inherited it at the age of 17, on the
death of his father in 1886. Has title of KP, PS, GCVO and CBE. Member of Her
Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council since 1922. Served as Lord Chamberlain
to the Queen from 191022 and Lord Steward H.M. Household from 1922-36. Was
provincial grand master of Dorset for over 50 years.
William Shakespeare (1554-1616) English playwright and poet. With
the passing of time, the person, character and writings of Shakespeare become
more and more controversial, including the question "Was he a Freemason."
There is certainly no evidence that he was a Mason, but the supporters of that
contention point out many unusual statements and thoughts in his writings such
as "Come swear to that; kiss the book"; "And from the cross-bow plucks the
Letter G"; "Doth any name particular belong unto the lodging? . . . 'Tis
called Jerusalem." Also references to the grip and whisper in King John iv, 2;
the North for darkness and for evil in Henry VI, v, 3; the plant that
discovered the grave and thus revealed the murder of Polydorus in Virgil, book
iii, 22.
Ashton C. Shallenberger (1862-1938) Governor of Nebraska, 1909-11.
U.S. Congressman to 64th-65th and 68th-72nd Congresses, 1915-19, 1923-33, from
5th Nebr. dist. b. 1862 in Toulon, Ill. Moved to Nebraska in 1881, where he
engaged in cattle raising and farming. In 1887 he organized the Bank of Alma
and was president of same. Member of Harlan Lodge No. 116, Alma, Nebr., and
master of same in 1900. d. Feb. 22, 1938.
Wilson Shannon (1802-1877) Governor of Ohio, 1838-40 and 1842-44;
Governor of Kansas Territory, 185556; U.S. Congressman to 23rd Congress,
1853-55, from Ohio; U.S. Minister to Mexico, 1844-45. b. Feb. 24, 1802 in
Mount Olivet, Ohio, he attended Ohio U. and Transylvania Coll. (Ky.), studied
law and was admitted to the bar in 1830, practicing at St. Clairsville, Ohio.
After his term as governor of Kansas Territory, he engaged in law practice in
Lawrence, Kans. Received degrees in Belmont Lodge No. 16, St. Clairsville,
Ohio in 1846, dimitting the same year and later affiliating with Lecompton
Lodge No. 13, Lecompton, Kansas (now defunct). d. Aug. 31, 1877.
William L. Sharkey (1797-1873) Provisional Governor of Mississippi
in 1865. b. in 1797 in Mussel Shoals, Tenn., he moved with his parents to the
Territory of Mississippi in 1804. Was present at the Battle of New Orleans, as
a substitute for his uncle. After graduating at Greenville Coll. (Tenn.), he
studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1822, practicing first at
Warrenton, and from 1825 at Vicksburg. Member of the state legislature in
1827, and chief justice of the court of errors and appeals in 1832-50. A
member of Vicksburg Lodge No. 26, his name first appears in the grand lodge
proceedings of 1826 as a member of Franklin Lodge U. D. of Vicksburg, and
after 1841, as member of Lodge No. 26. In 1865 he is listed as senior grand
warden of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi. Also member of Vicksburg Chapter No.
3, R.A.M. d. April 29, 1873.
William L. Sharp (1862-1950) Twenty-eighth Grand Master, Grand
Encampment, Knights Templar, U.S.A. b. Jan. 19, 1862 at Princeton, Ill.
Entered banking business in Iowa as a young man, and later engaged in
manufacture of sash and door, and
Nelson Sharpe plate and window glass. Was president of Sharp, Partridge & Co.,
Chicago; Treasurer of C. E. Sharp Lumber Co., Oklahoma City; and head of Wm.
L. Sharp & Co., mortgages and investments. Raised Sept. 21, 1891 in Normal
Park Lodge 797, Chicago, Ill.; exalted in Englewood Chapter No. 176, Oct. 29,
1891, and later a charter member of Normal Park Chapter No. 210; greeted in
Imperial Council No. 85, R. & S.M.; and knighted in Englewood Commandery No.
59, K.T., Feb. 6, 1892. He served as head of lodge, chapter, council, and
commandery. Was grand commander of Grand Cornmandery, K.T. of Illinois in
1912, and served as grand master of the Grand Encampment, K.T. from 1928-31.
33° AASR (NJ) at Chicago, Royal Order of Scotland, Medinah Shrine Temple, and
St. John's Conclave No. 1, R.C. of C. d. Dec. 22, 1950.
Nelson Sharpe (1859-1935) Justice, Supreme Court of Michigan from
1919. b. Aug. 25, 1858 in Northumberland Co., Ont., Canada. Graduate of U. of
Michigan. Became naturalized citizen in 1885. Member of West Branch Lodge No.
376, West Branch, Mich., receiving degrees on May 12, 22, and June 25, 1888
and becoming a life member on Dec. 3, 1929. d. Oct. 20, 1935.
Christian Sharps (1811-1876) Inventor of the famous Sharps breech
loading rifle. b. in 1811 in N.J. He developed an early talent for mechanics
and became a machinist. In 1854 he removed to Hartford, Conn. to superintend
the manufacture of his rifle; he subsequently invented other firearms, and
received many patents in other fields. Member of Meridian Sun Lodge No. 158,
Philadelphia, Pa., receiving degrees on April 14, June 2, July 14, 1857.
Received Mark Degree in Jan., 1858 and exalted on Oct. 2, 1863 in Harmony
Chapter No. 52, Philadelphia. d. June 1, 1876.
Lemuel Shattuck (1793-1859) Writer. b. Oct. 15, 1793 in Ashby,
Mass. Taught school and was a merchant in Concord, Mass. from 1823-33. Later a
bookseller and publisher in Boston and member of the city council. Served in
state legislature several years. Member of many historical societies. Author
of History of Concord, Mass.; Vital Statistics of Boston; The Census of
Boston; and others. Became member of Corinthian Lodge, Concord, Mass. on Nov.
18, 1824 and master from 1827-29. Also member of Concord Royal Arch Chapter.
d. Jan. 17, 1859.
Edwin C. Shaw (1863-1941) Former Vice President, Director, and
General Manager of B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio. b. Feb. 1, 1863 in
Buffalo, N.Y. Served as chairman of Ohio State Board of Administration; Ohio
State Prison Commission; and Ohio State Board of Pardons and Parole. Held many
responsible civic positions. Member of Adoniram Lodge No. 517, Akron, Ohio,
receiving degrees on Nov. 19, Dec. 20, 1894 and Jan. 31, 1895. 32° AASR (NJ).
d. Nov. 25, 1941.
Elwyn R. Shaw (1888-1950) Federal Judge, Northern Illinois from
1944. b. Oct. 19, 1888 in Lyndon, Ill. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1910 and
began law practice in Freeport, Ill. Judge of supreme court of Illinois,
1933-42, and chief justice, 1938-39. Member of Excelsior Lodge No. 97,
Freeport, Ill. d. July 22, 1950.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) British playwright and novelist.
Although not a Freemason, he at one time referred to the organization in his
usual Shavian wit. Whenever asked about marriage, his stock reply would be: "I
might say that it is like Freemasonry; those who are not received into the
order cannot talk about it, and those who are members are pledged to eternal
Walter A. Sheaffer John Shaw (1773-1823) American Naval officer who commanded
the Enterprise in hostilities with France, and fought in War of 1812. b. in
Mount Mellick, Ireland, he was the son of an English officer. Came to America
in 1790, settling in Philadelphia, and became a sailor in the merchant marine.
Entered U.S. Navy as a lieutenant in 1798 when hostilities with France began,
and in Dec. of 1799 was given command of the Enterprise, a ship of 165 tons
with 12 light guns, especially built for chases with small, fast privateers.
In a cruise of eight months he captured eight French privateers and recovered
eleven American prizes. His most serious action was with the Flambeau, forcing
her to strike the colors in a little more than an hour, after killing half her
crew of 100. He cruised the Mediterranean in the George Washington in 1801 and
the John Adams in 1805. Became captain in 1807, and commanded the squadron in
1814 that was blockaded by the enemy in the Thames River, Conn. Member of
Independent Royal Arch Lodge No. 2, N.Y.C. d. Sept. 17, 1823.
Leslie M. Shaw (1848-1932) U.S. Secretary of Treasury under
Theodore Roosevelt, 1902-1907. Governor of Iowa, 1898-1902. b. Nov. 2, 1848 in
Morristown, Vt. Graduate of Cornell Coll. (Ia.) in 1874 and Iowa Coll. of Law
in 1876. Practiced law in Denison, Iowa, 1876-97, and engaged in banking at
Denison, Manilla, and Charter Oak, Iowa. He was permanent chairman of the
International Monetary Convention at Indianapolis in 1898. Mason. d. March 28,
Sir Michael Robert Shaw-Stewart Seventieth Grand Master Mason of
Scotland, 1873-81.
Daniel Shays (1747-1825) Officer of the American Revolution and
insurgent leader of "Shays' Rebellion" of 1786-87. b. in Hopkinton, Mass.
Heserved as an ensign at the Battle of Bunker Hill, and attained the rank of
captain in the Continental Army, fighting at Ticonderoga, Saratoga, and Stony
Point. He resigned his commission "for reasons quite problematical." He then
settled in Pelham (now Prescott), Mass. Following the war there were many
grievances against the government by the citizens of Western Mass., including
high taxation, aristocracy of the senate, excess salary for the governor, site
of the general court, and many others. Shays first became known as leader of
the rebellion, when at the head of about 1,000 men, he appeared in Springfield
to prevent the session of the supreme court at that place. The rebellion
climaxed with an attack on the U.S. government arsenal at Springfield. Shays'
forces were repulsed, and the following month (Feb.) routed at Petersham. He
fled to Vermont. He was condemned to death by the Mass. supreme court, but
pardoned on June 13, 1788. He then resided at Sparta, N.Y. until his death,
Sept. 29, 1825. Shays signed the by-laws of Masters' Lodge in Albany, N.Y. as
a member, in 1778, although he may have been made a Mason elsewhere. He was
present at the St. John's Day observance of American Union Lodge at West Point
on June 24, 1779. He was one of the original petitioners for Hampshire Lodge,
Northampton, Mass. in 1786. The reprint of Grand Lodge of Mass. Proceedings,
1733-92, states, "A return from Hampshire Lodge, of their choice of officers
for ensuing year was read—also a vote of said lodge, that the names of Daniel
Shays, Luke Day and Elijah Day, who are members of that Lodge, be transmitted
to the Grand Lodge, to be recorded with Infamy in consequence of their conduct
in the late Rebellion.”
Walter A. Sheaffer (1867-1946) Organizer and President of W. A.
Frank T. Sheets fer Pen Co., Fort Madison, Iowa. b. July 27, 1867 in
Bloomfield, Iowa. Began as a jeweler in Bloomfield in 1882, and was owner of
the Sheaffer Jewelry and Music Co., Bloomfield, 18881906. From 1906-18 he
owned the Sheaffer Jewelry Co. at Fort Madison, Iowa. He organized the
Sheaffer Pen Co. at Fort Madison in 1912, was president until 1938, and
chairman of the board after 1938. Member of Franklin Lodge No. 14, Bloomfield,
Ia.; 32° AASR (SJ) and Shriner. d. June 19, 1946.
Frank T. Sheets (1890-1951) President of Portland Cement
Association from 1937. b. Oct. 5, 1890 in Lafayette, Ohio. Graduate of U. of
Illinois in 1914. With Illinois state highway dept., 1907-33, from clerk to
chief highway engineer. In 1941 received Bartlett Award for "outstanding
contribution to highway progress." Was consulting engineer for Portland Cement
Assn., Chicago, from 1933-37, and president from 1937. Member of St. Paul's
Lodge No. 500, Springfield, Ill., Knight Templar and past potentate of Ansar
Shrine Temple, Springfield. d. Nov. 3, 1951.
Charles H. Sheldon (1840-1898) Second Governor of South Dakota. b.
Sept. 12, 1830 in New York. Was a farmer. Raised April 18, 1894 in Coteau
Lodge No. 54, Webster, S. Dak. d. Oct. 20, 1898.
John W. Shenk (1875-1959) Justice, Supreme Court of California
from 1924. b. Feb. 7, 1875 in Shelburne, Vt. Graduate of Ohio Wesleyan in 1900
and U. of Michigan in 1903. Began practice at Los Angeles in latter year.
Served as city attorney and judge of superior court, Los Angeles. Served in
Spanish-American War and in Puerto Rico. Past master of South Pasadena Lodge
No. 367 (Calif.); member of the jurisprudence committee of Grand Lodge of
California, Oct.1943-Aug. 1959; 32° AASR (SJ), Knight Templar, Shriner. d.
Aug. 3, 1959.
William Shepard (1737-1817) U.S. Congressman, 1797-1803, from
Massachusetts. Served in French and Indian Wars. Major General of Mass.
militia; helped subdue Shays' Rebellion. b. Dec. 1, 1737 in Westfield, Mass.
In Revolutionary War he was member of committee of correspondence for
Westfield in 1774, and lieutenant colonel of minutemen in April, 1775. Entered
Continental Army in May, 1775, becoming colonel of 4th Mass. Regiment in 1776
and serving throughout Revolutionary War. Served two terms in state house of
representatives and was selectman for Westfield. Complimented by general court
of Mass. for his gallantry while holding position in defense of Springfield
Arsenal in Shays', q.v., rebellion. Was member of governor's council, 1792-96;
appointed in 1796 to treat with Penobscot Indians and in 1797 with the Six
Nations. Elected to 5th-7th Congresses; resumed agricultural pursuits after
1803. Member of Washington Military Lodge No. 10 at West Point, N.Y., in 1780.
His Masonic apron was presented to Mount Moriah Lodge, Westfield, Mass. on May
21, 1907. d. Nov. 16, 1817.
Francis W. Shepardson (1862-1937) Teacher, newspaperman, editor
and authority on college fraternities. b. Oct. 15, 1862 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Graduate of Denison U. in 1882, 1886; Brown U. in 1883; Yale in 1892. Taught
at U. of Chicago; lectured to American teachers in the Philippines; edited the
Granville (Ohio) Times; director of The Julius Rosenwald Fund; editorial
writer for the Chicago Tribune. He was national president of Beta Theta Pi
from 1918 and vice president of national Phi Beta Kappa, 1919-28. He edited
11th-13th editions of Baird's Manual of Ameri-
Lucius E. Sheppard can College Fraternities and was author of The Beta Book,
Beta Lore, and Beta Life. Member of Center Star Lodge No. 11, Granville, Ohio,
receiving degrees on March 27, April 23, May 28, 1885. d. Aug. 9, 1937.
Joshua K. Shepherd Venerable Grand Prior, AASR (SJ) and Sovereign
Grand Inspector General for Arkansas. Received 32° in 1916; KCCH in 1919, and
coroneted 33° in 1933. Appointed deputy for Arkansas in 1943, and crowned
active member same year. He is founder and senior partner of Shepherd & Co.,
general insurance agents, Little Rock, Ark.
Lemuel C. Shepherd, Jr. Full General and Commandant of U.S. Marine
Corps. b. Feb. 10, 1896 in Norfolk, Va. Graduate of Virginia Institute in 1917
and commissioned 2nd lieutenant in Marine Corps that year. Advanced through
grades to full general in 1952 and retired in 1955. In WWI he participated in
battles of Aisne, St. Mihiel, Meuse-Argonne, and in defensive sectors of
Toulon-Troyons and Chateau Thierry. With army of occupation in Germany until
1919. Then saw service at White House as Marine aide, and in China and Haiti
on ships Idaho and Nevada. In WWII he was regimental commander of 9th Marines,
3rd Marine Division; assistant division commander of 1st Division;
participated in landings at Cape Gloucester, New Britain; commanding general
1st Prov. Marine Brigade; participated in landing and seizure of Guam;
commanding general of 6th Marine Division; participated in Okinawa campaign;
received surrender of Japanese forces in China; commandant of Marine Corps
Schools; commanding general of Fleet Marine Force, Pacific; participated in
Inchon landing; and was commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps from 1952 until
retirement in 1955. Member of American Overseas Lodge No. 40, Providence, R.I.
Oliver L. Shepherd (1815-1894) Union Brigadier General of Civil
War. b. Aug. 15, 1815 in Clifton Park, N.Y. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy
in 1840, he served in the Seminole War. In Mexican War, he served under
Zachary Taylor at Contreras and Churubusco, being promoted to major for action
at Chapultepec. He was in command of Fort Defiance, New Mexico, when it was
attacked by 2,500 Indians. Was later stationed at Fort Hamilton, N.Y.
Commanded a battalion of the 3rd Infantry in the defense of Washington, D.C.
at start of Civil War, and then served in Tenn. and Miss. campaigns and in the
Army of the Ohio. Breveted colonel for siege of Corinth in 1862. With
Rosecrans in Tenn. campaign and then with Army of Cumberland. Was breveted
brigadier general on March 13, 1865 for service at Stone River. Retired in
1870. Received degrees in Clinton Lodge No. 140, Waterford, N.Y. on July 22,
26, Aug. 19, 1850. Note on lodge return says: "Major Shepherd did not join the
lodge. Grand Lodge gave him Grand Lodge Certificate before his going to the
South." d. April 16, 1894.
John II. Sheppard (1789-1873) Author. b. March 17, 1789 in
Cirencester, England, settling with parents in Hallowell, Maine in 1793.
Attended Harvard, studied law, and practiced in Wicasset, Maine. Pioneer
member of New England historic-genealogical societies. Wrote several Masonic
articles. Became member of Lincoln Lodge No. 3, Wicasset, Maine, Nov. 16,
1812, and member of St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter, Boston, Oct. 9, 1818. d.
June 25, 1873.
Lucius E. Sheppard (1863-1934) President of Order of Railway
Conductors, 1919-28, and Assistant Presi-
Morris Sheppard dent after 1928. b. Feb. 10, 1863 in Bridgeton, N.J. Entered
service of Pennsylvania Railroad in 1881 and became conductor in 1833. Member
of Ionic Lodge No. 94, Camden, N.J., receiving degrees on Feb. 17, April 6,
June 1, 1896. d. Sept. 26, 1934.
Morris Sheppard (1875-1941) U.S. Congressman to 57th-62nd
Congresses from Texas; U.S. Senator 1913-41 from Texas. b. May 28, 1875 in
Wheatville, Texas. Graduate of U. of Texas at Austin in 1897, and from Yale in
1898. Was national treasurer of the Woodmen of the World for many years.
Elected first president of Texas Fraternal Congress in Dallas in 1901.
Practiced law first in Pittsburg, Texas, moving to Texarkana in 1899. He went
to congress, filling the vacancy caused by the death of his father, John L.
Sheppard. Served in congress from 1902-13, when he was elected to U.S. Senate,
serving there until his death. Received degrees in Frank Sexton Lodge No. 206,
Pittsburg, Texas, Sept. 22, 1899 and Jan. 26 and Feb. 23, 1900. Dimitted, and
affiliated with Border Lodge No. 672, Texarkana, Texas in May, 1900. 32° AASR
(SJ) at Dallas and member of Hella Shrine Temple. d. April 9, 1941.
John C. Sherburne (1883-1959) Justice, Supreme Court of Vermont
since 1934. b. Aug. 31, 1883 in Pomfret, Vt. Graduated from U. of Vermont in
1904, and was the first Rhodes scholar selected in Vermont, studying at Oxford
U. in England from 1904-07. Admitted to bar in 1898. Was states attorney,
referee in bankruptcy, member of state senate, and secretary of civil and
military affairs. Was superior judge, 1926-34. Mason. d. June 30, 1959.
Richard Brinsley Sheridan (17511816) Irish dramatist, member of
Parliament. b. Oct. 30, 1751 in Dublin. Settled in London in 1773 and turned
to dramatic composition; roseto first place among writers with his three great
comedies, The Rivals; The School for Scandal; and The Critic. He bought
Garrick's share in Drury Lane Theatre, London in 1776, and became manager. Was
a member of Parliament in 1780; secretary of treasury in 1873, and
confidential adviser to George, Prince of Wales. He declined a gift from the
American Continental Congress for opposing British war in America. He opposed
the Irish union in 1799; was treasurer of the navy in 1806-07. Admitted as a
corresponding member of Lodge of Antiquity No. 2, London, in 1811. d. July 7,
1816; given a magnificent funeral and burial in Westminster Abbey.
Buren R. Sherman (1836-1904) Governor of Iowa, 1882-86. b. May 28,
1836 in Phelps, N.Y. Moved to Iowa in 1855 and admitted to bar in 1859. He
practiced at Vinton, Iowa. Entered Union Army in 1861 as 2nd lieutenant in Co.
E, 14th Iowa Vol. Inf. Was severely wounded at Shiloh, April 6, 1862; promoted
to captain that month and resigned on same date because of wounds. He was
state auditor of Iowa from 1875-81. Member of Vinton Lodge No. 62, Vinton, Ia.
Coroneted 33° AASR (SJ) in 1883. d. Nov. 11, 1904.
Charles R. Sherman (?-1829) Justice of Supreme Court of Ohio,
182529; father of General William Tecumseh Sherman. Although the son never
became a Freemason, Charles R. was the seventh grand master of the Grand Lodge
of Ohio, serving in 1824. He was a member of Lancaster Lodge No. 57 and high
priest of Lancaster Chapter No. 11, R.A.M., both of Lancaster, Ohio. He was
knighted in Mt. Vernon Commandery No. 1, K.T., of Columbus, Ohio in 1826.
Frederick C. Sherman Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. May 27, 1888 in Port
Huron, Mich. Graduate of U.S. Naval
William Shield Academy in 1910 and advanced through grades to vice admiral in
1945, retiring as admiral in 1947. In WWI he was commander of the submarine
0-7. In WWII he commanded the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Lexington, 1940-42. Was
commanding officer at Battle of Bougainville and Battle of Salamaua, as well
as the Battle of the Coral Sea, when the Lexington was disabled and sunk on
May 8, 1942. The last to leave his ship, he became the hero of the Battle of
the Coral Sea. As a rear admiral he commanded the carrier task forces in the
Pacific from 1942-45, participating in all major actions during this time. He
was commander of the 5th Fleet, 1945-46, and retired with rank of admiral in
Feb., 1947. Member of Naval Lodge No. 87, Vallejo, Calif. and received 32°
AASR (SJ) in San Francisco, July 14, 1915.
Lawrence Y. Sherman (1858-1939) U.S. Senator from Illinois,
1913-21. b. Nov. 8, 1858 near Piqua, Ohio, moving with parents to Ill. in
1859. Studied law, and admitted to bar in 1882, practicing in Macomb, Ill.
Member of state legislature, 1897-1905, and speaker of the house, 1899-1903.
Was lieutenant governor and ex officio president of state senate, 1905-09.
Continued practice of law in Springfield, Ill. Moved to Daytona Beach, Fla. in
1924, and practiced law there as well as engaging in the investment business.
Member of St. Paul's Lodge No. 500, Springfield, Ill. Was raised June 19,
1884. d. Sept. 15, 1939.
Moses H. Sherman (1853-1932) President of Los Angeles Steamship
Co. b. Dec. 3, 1853 in West Rupert, Vt. Taught schools in Prescott, Ariz.,
1874-76. Was territorial superintendent of public instruction for Arizona,
1878-81, and author of the school laws of Arizona. Served as adjutant general
of Arizona Territory in 1881. Moved to Los Angeles, Calif. in 1889, and with
Eli P. Clark built the Los Angeles Electric Railway, 1889-95. Was with Los
Angeles Steamship Co. from 1920; president from 1926. President and director
of various other companies. Member of Southern California Lodge No. 278, Los
Angeles. d. Sept. 9, 1932.
Roger Sherman (1721-1793) The only person to sign the Declaration
of Independence, Articles of Association, Articles of Confederation and the
Federal Constitution. b. April 19, 1721 in Newton, Mass. Admitted to bar in
1754. Member of the Connecticut assembly a number of terms between 1755 and
1766. Moved to New Haven, Conn. in 1761. Served in state senate, 1766-85. Was
elected as congressman to 1st congress, 1789191, and was U.S. senator from
Conn. from 1791 until death in 1793. Although his Masonic apron is in the
historical collection of Yale University, having been presented by his
descendants, his membership in the fraternity is based on tradition and not
supported by any evidence. d. July
Elmer W. Sherwood President of American Travelers Life Insurance
Co.; Sherwood Associates (public relations); The F. F. J. Company; The
Independent Mutual Fire Insurance Company; Brigadier General and Adjutant
General of Indiana, 1944-45; editor of National Legionnaire, official
publication of American Legion, 1937-42. b. Feb. 22, 1896 in Linton, Ind.
Graduate of Indiana U. in 1921. Was high school teacher, automobile salesman,
and owner of coal companies until 1937. Served in WWI and WWII plus 20 years
in U.S. Army reserve. Received degrees in Linton (Ind.) Lodge No. 560 on July
12, 19,
1919, transferring to Bloomfield Lodge No. 84, Bloomfield, Ind. in 1931. 32°
William Shield (1748-1829) English viola player at Italian opera,
James Shields and composer of songs and operatic music at Covent Garden,
London. Was the King's Musician Extraordinary. Member of Phoenix Lodge No. 94.
James Shields (1806?-1879) U.S. Senator from three states;
Governor of Oregon Territory; general in two wars. b. in Ireland, his birth
date is given variously as 1806 and 1810. Emigrated to the U.S. in 1826,
studied law and began practice at Kaskaskia, Ill. in 1832. He was breveted
major general for gallantry at Cerro Gordo in the Mexican War. Elected to
Illinois state legislature in 1836, was state auditor and then judge of
supreme court of He was land commissioner in Washington, D.C. in 1845 under
President Polk. He fought in the Seminole Indian War, 1835-42. Following the
Mexican War, he was appointed governor of the Oregon Territory (1849), but
resigned to accept election as U.S. senator from Illinois (1849-55). At the
expiration of his senatorial term he settled in Minnesota Territory and served
in its legislature. When Minn. became a state, Shields was again elected to
the U.S. senate (1858-59). Made brigadier general at outbreak of Civil War and
fought in the Shenandoah Valley campaign. Resigned his commission in 1863 and
moved to Carrollton, Mo. Here he served in the state legislature in 1874 and
was elected U.S. senator in 1879. He was raised Jan. 4, 1841 in Springfield
Lodge No. 4, serving as junior warden the same year. He was exalted in
Springfield Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. about 1841. When he moved to Washington,
D.C. as land commissioner, he became charter master of National Lodge No. 12,
the first roster of that lodge being dated Oct. 27, 1846, listing him as
master. In 1847 he is recorded in attendance at the Grand Lodge of South
Carolina, being made an honorary member at that time. On his return to
Illinois after the Mexican War he was received ata special communication of
the Grand Lodge of Illinois on Jan. 3, 1848. He had previously served as the
grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Illinois in 1841. Upon moving to Minnesota,
he became a charter member of Faribault Lodge No. 9, Faribault, Minn., Jan. 6,
1857. Here his Masonic membership seems to cease. Shields was a Roman
Catholic, and it was about this time that Rome put pressure on American
Catholics to divest themselves of all Masonic affiliations. After he moved to
Missouri there is no more record of his Masonic activities. He died June 1,
1879 and is buried in a Catholic cemetery just north of Carrollton, Mo., where
the U.S. government erected a monument in his honor.
John K. Shields (1858-1934) U.S. Senator from Tennessee. b. at
"Clinch-dale" near Bean Station, Tenn., Aug. 15, 1858. Studied law, and was
admitted to the bar in 1879, practicing in Grainger and adjoining counties
until 1893. He then moved to Morristown. Served as associate justice of the
supreme court of Tenn. from 1902-10 and was chief justice, 1910-13, resigning
to become U.S. senator. Served in senate from 1913-25, and being defeated for
another term, resumed law practice in Knoxville. Raised in Rising Star Lodge
No. 44, Rutledge, Tenn. on Sept. 23, 1884; withdrew April 27, 1903 and
reaffiliated, Nov. 25, 1909. May have held membership at Morristown, Bean
Station or Knoxville between 1903-09. Member of the York Rite bodies at
Morristown at time of his death on Sept. 30, 1934. Member of Kerbela Shrine
Temple at Knoxville.
Albert Shiels (1865-1940) Educator; first chairman of National
Board of Censorship of Moving Pictures; actively identified with movements
affecting the immigrant and assimilation of foreign population. b.
132 Allan Shivers July 9, 1865 in New York City. Graduate of Coll.
City of New York in 1886, 1896, 1899. Was Mexican consul at Panama and Colon
and acting consul for Great Britain. Taught in various grades and evening
schools in N.Y.C. Was in charge of all evening schools, 1911-13. Was
superintendent of schools of Los Angeles, Calif., 191619. Director of
Community Councils of N.Y. from 1919. Member of Kane Lodge No. 454, N.Y.C.,
receiving degrees on Oct. 5, 1897, March 29, April 19, 1898. d. March 14,
Archibald W. Shiels (1878- ) President of Pacific American
Fisheries, Inc., 1930-46 and chairman since 1946. President of Pacific
American Steamship Line and Deming & Gould Co. b. May 26, 1878 in Edinburgh,
Scotland, coming to U.S. in 1893; was naturalized in 1907. Was a steamship
purser, 1893-97, and engaged in railway construction in Alaska, 1898-1916.
Mason, 33° AASR (SJ). Member of St. Alban's Conclave No. 18, Red Cross of
Constantine, Bellingham, Wash.
George Shillibeer English inventor, and first user of what is now
known as the funeral hearse. He was also the pioneer in London's omnibus
system, and gave that vehicle its name. Was also one of the five men (one
after another) who created Britain's post office system. Member of Globe Lodge
No. 23 of London.
Ernest G. Shinner Owner of E. G. Shinner & Co., with 35 meat
stores in Mich., Wis., and Iowa. b. May 22, 1883 in St. Johns, Mich. In 1921
he organized the Nippersink Lodge Assn., a resort at Genoa City, Wis. In 1947
he organized the Shinner Political Economic Research Foundation. Member of
Mystic Star Lodge No. 758, Jackson Park Chapter No. 222, R.A.M., Woodlawn
Commandery No. 76, K.T., and Medinah Shrine Temple, all of Chicago.
Herbert Shipman (1869-1930) Protestant Episcopal Suffragan Bishop
of New York, 1921-30. b. Aug. 3, 1869 in Lexington, Ky. Graduate of Columbia
U. in 1890. Made deacon in 1894 and priest in 1895. Was rector of the Church
of Heavenly Rest, N.Y.C., 1907-21. He was a chaplain of the U.S. Army in 1896;
in WWI was chaplain of the 104th Field Artillery, 1917-18, and senior chaplain
of the 1st Army Corps, 1918-19. A member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C., he
once served as grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New York. d. March 23,
Joseph Shippen (1679-1741) Scientist. b. Feb. 28, 1679 in Boston,
Mass., he moved to Philadelphia in 1704. He was among the men of science in
his day, and in 1727 joined Benjamin Franklin in founding the Junto, "for
mutual information and the public good." Member and officer of the Grand Lodge
of "Moderns" in 1831.
Henrik Shipstead U.S. Senator from Minnesota, 1923-47. b. Jan. 8,
1881 in Burbank, Minn. Graduate of dental dept. of Northwestern U. in 1903,
and practiced that profession in Glenwood, Minn, 1904-20. Was mayor of
Glenwood, 1911-13. Moved to Minneapolis in 1920, where he resumed practice of
dentistry. After term as senator, he retired to private life, living at
Carlos, Minn. Received degrees in Crow River Lodge No. 192, Belgrade, Minn. on
Dec. 19, 1903, Jan. 2, Feb. 16, 1904. Affiliated with Valley Lodge No. 174,
Glenwood, Minn. on March 16, 1905.
Robert Shirley (see under Earl of Ferrero).
Allan Shivers Governor of Texas, 1949-56. b. Oct. 5, 1907 in
Lufkin, Texas. Graduate of U. of Texas in 1931 and 1933. He practiced law in
Port Arthur, Texas, 1931-49. Was state senator 11 years and lieutenant gov-
Floyd C. Shoemaker ernor, 1947-49. Has farming and other business interests.
Received degrees in Magnolia Lodge No. 495, Woodville, Texas on Oct. 21, 1950,
Aug. 2 and Oct. 19, 1951. Was knighted in Colorado Commandery No. 4, K.T. of
Austin on Dec. 20, 1956, being the fifth governor of Texas to become a member
of that commandery. Shriner.
Floyd C. Shoemaker Secretary of State Historical Society of
Missouri, 1915-60. b. May 7, 1886 in Kissimmee, Fla. Graduate of U. of
Missouri in 1909 and 1911. Taught history and Latin at Gallatin, Mo. and
political science and public law at U. of Missouri. Was assistant librarian of
State Historical Society of Missouri, 191015. In his 45 years with the
society, its membership rose from 315 to over 8,000, making it the largest of
any such society in the U.S. He is known as the dean of historical society
directors, and his vast knowledge of Missouri history earned him the title of
"Mr. Missouri." He has edited the Missouri Historical Review since 1915 and
written many volumes on Missouri history. Was raised in Bucklin Lodge No. 233,
Bucklin, Mo. in 1907, and is presently a member of Acacia Lodge No. 602 of
Columbia, Mo.
George E. Shofner Portrait painter. b. Aug. 16, 1899 in Haley,
Tenn. Has been official portrait painter, Grand Lodge of Tenn., since 1950.
Raised in Libanus Lodge No. 308, Wartrace, Tenn. on March 29, 1928, and
presently a member of Leila Scott Lodge No. 289, Memphis.
Lord Sholto (see Charles Aber-dour).
David Sholtz Governor of Florida, 1933-37. b. Oct. 6, 1891 in
Brooklyn, N.Y. Graduate of Yale in 1914 and Stetson U. (Fla.) in 1915, being
admitted to bar in the latter year. Member of Florida legislature in 1917.
Served as states attorney and municipal judge of Daytona. Officer and director
of many companies. Served as ensign in Navy in WWI. Was commander-in-chief of
Military Order of World Wars in 1944-45. Affiliated with Halifax Lodge No. 81,
Daytona Beach, Fla. on April 1, 1915 from Wooster Lodge No. 79, New Haven,
Conn. A member of Acacia fraternity, National Sojourner, Shriner, and received
the 33° AASR (SJ) in Oct., 1935.
John Shore English inventor of the tuning fork. Was sergeant
trumpeter to King George II. Member of a lodge which met at the Griffin in
Newgate St., circa 1725.
Dewey Short U.S. Congressman from Missouri for 28 years, 1928-30,
1934-56. b. April 7, 1898 in Galena, Mo. Graduate of Baker U. (Kans.). Taught
for three years in Southwestern College. Served in Infantry in WWI. Defeated
for congress in 1956, he was ranking Republican member of the armed services
committee at that time. On Feb. 20, 1957 he was appointed assistant secretary
of the Army in charge of civil functions. Member of Galena Lodge No. 515,
Galena, Mo., receiving the degrees on Aug. 9, 23, Oct. 27, 1919.
William Short (1759-1849) American diplomat. b. Sept. 30, 1759 in
Spring Garden, Va. Educated at William and Mary Coll. Chosen member of
executive council of Va. at an early age. When Jefferson was appointed
minister to France in 1785, Short accompanied him as secretary of legation,
and after Jefferson's departure, remained as charge d'affaires. His commission
was the first signed by Washington as president. Was transferred to The Hague
as minister resident in 1792, and on Dec. 19 of same year was assigned to
Spain to treat with that government concerning the Florida and Mississippi
boundaries and the navigation of the Mississippi River. Signed treaty of
Anthony J. Showalter with Spain on Oct. 27, 1795. Attended the Grand Lodge of
Virginia in Oct., 1778 as a member of Cabin Point Lodge. On Nov. 17 same year
he was recorded as a visiting brother of Williamsburg Lodge No. 6,
Williamsburg, Va., and was admitted a member on that night. d. Dec. 5, 1849.
John G. Shortall (1838-1908) Lawyer and humanitarian; organized
the American Humane Association in 1877 and was its president for many years.
b. Sept. 20, 1838 in Dublin, Ireland, and came to U.S. when three years old.
Settled in Chicago, where he studied law and was admitted to the bar. Became
owner of real estate abstracts, which acquired exceptional value after the
destruction of public records of deeds, etc., by the famous Chicago fire of
1871. President of Chicago Public Library three terms, and ten years a
director. Member of Ashlar Lodge No. 308, Chicago. d. 1908.
John G. Shorter (1818-1872) Governor of Alabama, 1861-63. b. in
Jasper Co., Ga. Graduate of U. of Georgia in 1837, and soon afterward began
law practice in Eufaula. In 1842 he was appointed state's attorney, and later
served in both branches of the legislature. Appointed circuit judge in 1852,
serving for nine years. Member of Harmony Lodge No. 46, Eufaula, Ala., and
listed as senior warden of same in proceedings of 1854. d. May 29, 1872.
Samuel M. Shortridge (1861-1952) U.S. Senator from California,
1921-33. b. Aug. 3, 1861 in Mount Pleasant, Iowa, moving to Calif. with his
parents, who settled in San Jose in 1875. Admitted to the bar in 1884, he
began practice at San Francisco. His campaign slogan was "America First and
Protection for California Products." Member of Excelsior Lodge No. 166;
California Chapter No. 5, R.A.M.; California Commandery No. 1, K.T.; Scottish
Rite; and Islam Shrine Tern-ple, all of San Francisco. d. Jan. 14, 1952.
George L. Shoup (1836-1904) Territorial Governor of Idaho,
1889-90; first Governor of Idaho, 1890; and first U.S. Senator from Idaho,
18901901. His statue represents Idaho in the Hall of Fame of the U.S. Capitol.
b. June 15, 1836 in Kittanning, Pa., he moved with his parents to Ill, in
June, 1852. Here he engaged in agricultural pursuits until 1858; moved to
Colorado the following year. In Colo, he engaged in mining and mercantile
pursuits until the Civil War. As a lieutenant, he did scouting duty on the
Canadian, Pecos, and Red Rivers until the end of the war. In 1864 he was a
member of the convention to prepare a constitution for the proposed state of
Colorado. After the war he moved to Virginia City, Mont., where he was in the
mercantile business, but shortly moved to Salmon City, Idaho. Here he was
county treasurer, county commissioner, and superintendent of schools. He was a
member of the territorial house of representatives in 1874 and territorial
council in 1878. He was raised July 13, 1864 in Denver Lodge No. 5, Denver,
Colorado, and became a charter member of Lemhi Lodge No. 11, Salmon City,
Idaho, in 1874. Served as master of his lodge and was grand master of the
Grand Lodge of Idaho in 1889. Became member of Almas Shrine Temple,
Washington, D.C. in 1899. d. Dec. 21, 1904.
Anthony J. Showalter (1858-1924) Composer and publisher. b. May 1,
1858 in Rockingham Co., Va. Studied music in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago,
England, France, and Germany. Began as a teacher, compiler of school song
books, and composer, in 1880. Began publishing in Dalton, Ga. in 1884. Was
president of the A. J. Showalter Co., with branches in Georgia, Arkansas,
Texas, and Tenn. Wrote many books on music, such as
Otho Shrader Work and Worship; Rudiments of Music; Showalter's Practical
Harmony. His most popular composition was Leaning on the Everlasting Arms, a
gospel song which was printed in more than a thousand music books. Received
degrees in Dalton Lodge No. 105, Dalton, Ga. on March 25, April 22, June 20,
1889. Dimitted Dec. 11, 1911. d. Sept. 15, 1924.
Otho Shrader (?-1811) Pioneer judge in Missouri and member of the
first lodge West of the Mississippi River. He came from Sunbury, Pa.
Previously a member of the old lodge at Kaskaskia, Ill., he was elected master
of Louisiana Lodge No. 109 at Ste. Genevieve, Mo. in 1808.
Milton W. Shreve (1858-1939) U.S. Congressman from Pennsylvania to
63rd Congress, 1913-15, and 66th to 72nd Congresses, 1919-33. b. May 3, 1858
in. Venango Co., Pa. Was admitted to bar in 1893, practicing in Erie, Pa.
Served in state house of representatives, 1907-12, and speaker in last year.
d. Dec. 23, 1939. Mason.
Earl of Shrewsbury Name and titles in full are John George Charles
Henry Alton Alexander Chetwynd, Chetwynd-Talbot the 21st Earl of Shrewsbury,
Waterford and Talbot. b. in 1914, he succeeded to the title in 1921. The
earldom of Shrewsbury, created in 1442, is the oldest on the English rolls,
and makes its holder the premier earl of England and Ireland. The earldom of
Waterford in Ireland was created in 1446. The barony of Talbot was created in
1733, and raised to an earldom in 1784. Educated at Eton, Shrewsbury served in
WWII from 1939-45 as an officer of the Royal Artillery. He was the godson of
the late King George V and Queen Mary. He is a member in the Province of
Staffordshire, and in 1953 was appointed senior grand warden of the Grand
Lodge of England.
Thomas J. Shryock (1851-1918) Served as Grand Master of the Grand
Lodge of Maryland for 32 years, the longest ever served by any grand master in
the United States. Had been elected to his 33rd term when he died. b. Feb. 27,
1851 in Baltimore. Appointment to the staff of Governor Henry Lloyd earned him
the honorary title of "General." He was in the lumber business, and held many
public offices, including police commissioner of Baltimore and state treasurer
of Maryland. Was president of the Iron Mountain and Greenbrier Railroad. Was a
director of bank, power, and telephone companies. He was first president of
the George Washington National Masonic Memorial; treasurer of Supreme Council,
33° AASR (SJ) and sovereign grand inspector general in Md.; grand treasurer of
the General Grand Chapter, R.A.M.; was past grand high priest of Grand
Chapter, past grand master of the grand council, and past grand commander of
the grand commandery in Maryland. d. Feb. 3, 1918.
William A. Shullenberger President International Convention,
Disciples of Christ, 1941-42. b. June 10, 1881 in Shippensburg, Pa. Graduate
of Drake U. (Ia.) in 1904. Ordained to ministry in Christian Church
(Disciples) in 1906. Served pastorates in Grant City, Mo., 1906-08, Trenton,
Mo., 1908-10, Mexico, Mo., 1910-16, Des Moines, Iowa, 1916-26, and Central
Christian Church, Indianapolis, Ind., since 1926. Special lecturer on theology
at Drake U. and Butler U. Trustee of Drake and Butler universities. Received
1st degree in Grant City Lodge No. 66, Grant City, Mo. in 1908 and 2nd and 3rd
degrees in Capitol Lodge No. 110, Des Moines, Iowa in 1918. Presently a member
of Mystic Tie Lodge No. 398, Indianapolis, hid. (since 1926). 32° AASR (SJ) at
Des Moines, Iowa.
136 Jan (Jean) Sibelius Francis R. Shunk (1788-1848) Governor of
Pennsylvania, 1844-48. b. Aug. 7, 1788 in Trappe, Pa. Was teaching school at
age of 15. Became a clerk in the office of the state surveyor-general, and
while employed there, studied law. Was clerk of the state house of
representatives for many years. In 1838 he was appointed secretary of state;
in 1842, established himself as a lawyer at Pittsburgh. Was elected governor
in 1844 and again in 1847, but was forced to resign on July 9, 1848 because of
illness. He died on July 30. Became a member of Perseverance Lodge No. 21,
Harrisburg, Pa., on Sept. 9, 1818. Was secretary in 1819 and master in 1820.
Herbert L. Shuttleworth, II President of Mohawk Carpet Mills, Inc.
from 1952. b. Nov. 2, 1913 in Amsterdam, N.Y. Graduate of Dartmouth in 1935
and M.I.T. in 1937. With Mohawk Mills since 1937. Has been a director since
1940; vice president, 1940-42; executive vice president, 1945-52. Served as
major in Quartermaster, U.S. Army, 1942-45. Now president of Mohasco
Industries, Inc. Received degrees in Welcome Lodge No. 289, Amsterdam, N.Y. on
Feb. 8, 22, and March 8, 1938.
Count Pavel Andreevich Shuvalov (1773-1823) Aide-de-camp to
Emperor Alexander I, q.v.; brave soldier; philanthropist. He was elected ruler
of the Russian Directorial Grand Lodge in 1814 to replace Boeber, q.v. The
grand lodge was so split with dissension that Shuvalov declined the post, and
Count V. V. Mussin-Pushkin-Bruce was elected in his place.
Jan (Jean) Sibelius (1865-1957) Finland's greatest composer. b.
Dec. 8, 1865 in Hameinlinna (Tavestahus). His full name was Johan Julius
Christian Sibelius, but he later took the christian name of his uncle. At the
age of ten he composed two pieces ofmusic, Drops of Water and Aunt Evelina's
Life. He thought of studying law, but gave it up in favor of music. He first
studied violin under Gustav Levander. In 1888 Gunnar Wenner-berg's tale, The
Watersprite, was performed in Helsingfors, the 23-yearold Sibelius writing its
central theme. He composed seven symphonies, a violin concerto, and much
chamber music and piano music. Best known are his two great orchestral tone
poems: En Sage, 1892, and Finlandia, 1900. Sibelius was the greatest Masonic
composer since Mozart, q.v. On Aug. 1, 1822 the Czar of Russia issued an order
closing all lodges in what is now Finland. Nearly 100 years later, Finland
gained its independence, and in 1918 certain Finnish Masons who had been
initiated in the U.S. returned to Finland and petitioned the Grand Lodge of
New York for a lodge at Helsinki. It was granted, and in 1922 Grand Master
Arthur S. Tompkins visited Finland, where on August 18th, in the old
Parliament House, the three degrees were conferred on 27 leading citizens of
Finland, including Sibelius. The Finnish lodges now work under the ritual of
the Grand Lodge of New York, translated verbatim into Finnish. Almost
immediately, Sibelius and others formed Suomi Lodge No. 1 at Helsinki.
Sibelius was the grand organist of the Grand Lodge of Finland, and in 1927 he
composed a series of nine vocal and instrumental numbers, titled Masonic
Ritual Music. It included a brief adagio for piano, five vocal solos with
piano accompaniment, as march for piano with two trios, one of which has an
additional voice part, an a cappella choral for male quartet, and a funeral
march for organ. This work virtually escaped notice for the next seven years.
In 1935 the music, in the form of a highly prized manuscript copy, was
presented to the Grand Lodge of New
Theodore A. Sick York by the Grand Lodge of Finland, in token of friendship
and brotherly love. It was signed by Sibelius. It also bore the request that
the music be used for Masonic purposes only. It was first performed in the
U.S. on Sept. 30, 1935 in the American Lodge of Research. In the same year,
Sibelius received the annual Distinguished Achievement award from the Grand
Lodge of New York. The first edition of the Masonic Ritual Music was published
(for Masons only) in 1936. The second edition, in 1950, contained extensive
revisions by the composer and was enlarged by three additional pieces,
including the theme of the famous Finlandia, with Masonic words. Sibelius died
September 20, 1957 at the age of 92. He had been blind several years preceding
his death.
Theodore A. Sick President of Security Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
Lincoln, Nebr. b. Sept. 14, 1897 in Fontanelle, Nebr. Began as clerk with
Security Mutual in 1917. Was vice president and treasurer, 1928-42, director
from 1937. President since 1943. Member of Lancaster Lodge No. 54; 32° AASR (SJ);
Sesostris Shrine Temple; and Jesters, all of Lincoln, Nebr.
Horatio G. Sickel (1817-1890) Union Major General (brevet) in
Civil War. b. April 3, 1817 in Belmont, Pa. He was in the coach-making
business. In 1848 he invented a new method of producing artificial light, and
became an extensive manufacturer of lamps. He entered Federal Service in June,
1861, as a colonel of the 3rd Regiment of Pa. reserves, and succeeded General
George G. Meade in the command of the brigade. Commanded a brigade in the
Kanawha Valley expedition of 1864, and another in the 5th Army Corps until the
close of the war. He participated in the principal battles of the Army of the
Potomac,losing his left elbow joint, besides receiving two other wounds.
Breveted brigadier general in Oct., 1864 and major general in March, 1865.
Member and past master of St. John's Lodge No. 115, Philadelphia, and during
the war a member of the Lodge of the Potomac, U.D., of the 3rd Regiment, Pa.
Vols. d. April 18, 1890.
Vernon R. Sickel Judge, Supreme Court of South Dakota from 1944.
b. Aug. 24, 1887 in Farmersburg, Iowa. Graduate of Drake U. (Ia.) in 1909.
Admitted to bar in that year, and practiced law at Faulkton, S. Dak. until
1917. From 1922-37 he practiced at Mitchell. Served as circuit judge, 1937-44.
Raised March 16, 1911 in Faulkton Lodge No. 95, Faulkton, S. Dak.
Kim Sigler Governor of Michigan, 1947-50. b. May 2, 1894 in
Schuyler, Nebr. Graduate of Detroit Law School in 1918 and admitted to bar in
that year. First associated with law firm in Detroit, but was in private
practice at Hastings, Mich., 1922-41. From 1942-46 practiced in Battle Creek.
Was special prosecutor of the Carr-Sigler grand jury for investigation of
legislative graft in state government, 1943-46. Member of Hastings Lodge No.
52, Hastings, Mich., receiving degrees, Sept. 21, Oct. 19, and Nov. 9, 1929.
Robert L. F. Sikes U.S. Congressman to 77th-86th Congresses,
1941-60, from 3rd Florida dist. b. June 3, 1906 in Isabella, Ga. Graduate of
U. of Georgia in 1927 and U. of Florida in 1929. Was in agricultural and
industrial research, 1928-32. Published the Okaloosa News-Journal, Crestview,
Fla., and other newspapers, 1933-40. Served in European Theater in WWII.
Member and past master of Concord Lodge No. 50, Crestview, Fla. Also member of
Crestview Chapter No. 40, R.A.M., and Crestview Commandery No. 25, K.T. Other
memberships in-
George S. Silzer elude Zelica Grotto, Pensacola; Morocco Shrine Temple,
Jacksonville; and National Sojourners, Eglin AFB, Fla.
Milton Sills (1882-1930) Stage and motion picture actor. b. Jan.
12, 1882 in Chicago, Ill. Graduate of U. of Chicago in 1903, and took year and
a half graduate work in philosophy at same university. Made his stage debut in
Dora Thorne in New Palestine, Ohio, in 1906. Had leads in This Woman and This
Man; A Happy Marriage; The Servant in the House; The Fighting Hope; Diplomacy;
Mother; The Rack; The Governor's Lady, etc. His first motion picture was The
Pit, in 1914. This was followed by Behold My Wife; The Great Moment; Adam's
Rib; As Man Desires; Skin Deep; The Sea Hawk; The Knock Out; Men of Steel;
Hard Boiled Haggerty; and others. Was a frequent speaker on screen art,
literature, and religion. Was a member of Pacific Lodge No. 233, N.Y.C. (an
actors' lodge) and was the first vice president and charter member of the "233
Club" in California, which was exclusively for Masons in the film industry and
named for the New York actors' lodge. d. Sept. 15, 1930.
Luiz Alves d lima e Silva (see Duque de Codas).
H. Percy Silver (?-1934) Protestant Episcopal priest who was
elected bishop three times—declining each time. b. in Philadelphia. Graduate
of General Theological Sem., N.Y. in 1894, and also of Hobart College.
Ordained deacon in 1894 and priest in 1895. Served churches in Omaha and
Lincoln, Nebr., 1894-1901. Was an Army chaplain, 1901-10; secretary of the
missionary department of the Southwest, 1910-13. Was elected bishop coadjutor
of Kansas, but withdrew. Was elected bishop coadjutor of Texas, but declined.
In 1927 was elected bishop of Wyoming, but de-dined. He was chaplain of U.S.
Military Academy, 1913-18. From 1918 until his death, Dec. 15, 1934, he was
rector of the Church of the Incarnation, New York. Mason and KCCH in Scottish
David Silverman (1903-1959) Executive editor of Minneapolis Star.
b. April 19, 1903 in Minneapolis, Minn. Was with the Duluth News Tribune,
1922-24, and with the Minneapolis Star since 1924. Was managing editor,
1934-56, and since that date, executive editor. Member of Plymouth Lodge No.
160, Minneapolis, receiving degrees on June 7, 28 and July 12, 1943. d. July
28, 1959.
Merwin H. Silverthorn Lieutenant General, U.S. Marine Corps. b.
Sept. 22, 1896 in Minneapolis, Minn. Enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1917,
commissioned the following year, advanced to major general in 1949, lieutenant
general in 1954, and retired in that year. Served overseas in WWI; was chief
of police, Port au Prince, Haiti, 1925. Member of joint U.S. strategic comm.,
Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1942-43; chief of amphibious warfare division, Army and
Navy Coll., 1943; chief of staff, III Amphibious Corps, Pacific, 1944-45;
chief of staff, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, 1945-46; commanding general of
troop training, amphibious force of Atlantic fleet, 1946-47. Assistant
commandant of Marine Corps, 1950-52, and commanding general of recruiting
depot, Parris Island, S. Car., 1952-54. Raised Oct. 19, 1927 in John A.
Lejeune Lodge No. 350, Quantico, Va. Served twice as senior warden. Member of
Quantico Chapter No. 44, National Sojourners.
George S. Silzer (1870-1940) Governor of New Jersey, 1923-26. b.
April 14, 1870 in New Brunswick, N.J. Admitted to bar in 1892. Served in state
senate, 1907-12, and was county prosecutor and circuit judge. Chairman of
Franklin Simmons board of two banks and trustee of a third. Chairman of Port
of New York Authority, 1926-28. Made a Freemason, March 26, 1894, in Union
Lodge No. 19, New Brunswick, N.J. d. Oct. 16, 1940.
Franklin Simmons (1839-1913) American artist and sculptor. b. Jan.
11, 1839 in Webster, Maine. After some preliminary work in portraiture in
Maine, he spent the winters of 1865-66 in Washington, D.C., with sittings for
Admirals Farragut and Porter and generals Grant, Meade, Sheridan, Sherman,
Thomas, Hooker, and others. After 1868 he lived mostly in Rome, Italy. He
executed about 100 portrait busts in marble; about 15 public monuments,
including statues of William King, Roger Williams, Gov. Pierpont of Va., the
G.A.R. monument of General Grant for national capitol, and equestrian monument
of Gen. Logan in Iowa Circle, Washington, D.C. In Portland, Maine, he executed
statues of Longfellow and soldiers' monument. Was decorated three times by the
King of Italy. Member of St. Johns Lodge No. 1, Providence, R.I. d. Dec. 8,
Furnifold M. Simmons (1854-1940) U.S. Senator and Representative
from North Carolina. b. Jan. 20, 1854 near Pollocksville, N. Car. Graduate of
Trinity Coll. (now Duke U.) in 1873, studied law and admitted to bar in 1875.
Moved to New Bern, N. Car. in 1876, where he began practice. Served in 50th
congress, 188789. Appointed collector of internal revenue, 1893-97. Served as
U.S. senator from 1901-31. A member of St. John's Lodge No. 3, New Bern, N.
Car., he received his degrees on April 3, May 28, July 15, 1878; at the time
of his death, April 30, 1940, had been a Freemason for nearly 62 years.
J. Edward Simmons (1841-1910) President of the New York Stock
Ex-change, 1884-85; banker, financier and corporation president. b. Sept. 9,
1841 in Troy, N.Y. Graduate of Williams Coll. in 1862 and Albany Law School in
1863. Practiced law in Troy and N.Y.C. Was president of the Fourth National
Bank of N.Y. from 1888, and also president of the Panama Railroad Co.,
Columbia Steamship Co., and New York Clearing House. Was president of Chamber
of Commerce, State of New York, from 1907. Initiated, Dec. 5, 1864, in Mount
Zion Lodge No. 311, Troy, N.Y., affiliating with Kane Lodge No. 454, N.Y.C.
ten years later. Was master of the latter in 1877 and again in 1878. Exalted
in Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R.A.M., Nov. 20, 1874, and knighted in Coeur de
Leon Commandery No. 23, Oct. 1, 1878. Was commander of same in 1881. Received
Scottish Rite degrees in Dec. 1875, and in 1885 was created 33° AASR (NJ). Was
grand master of the Grand Lodge of New York, 1883-84. d. 1910.
Robert G. Simmons U.S. Congressman; Chief Justice, Supreme Court
of Nebraska since 1938. b. Dec. 25, 1891 in Scotts Bluff Co., Nebr. Graduate
of U. of Nebraska in 1915. Began law practice at Gering in 1915. Was U.S.
congressman to 68th-72nd congresses, 1923-33, from 6th Nebr. dist. Was
Republican nominee for U.S. senate in 1934 and 1936. In WWI he enlisted in the
Air Service of U.S. Army and qualified as a spherical balloon pilot and
balloon observer. Commissioned 2nd lieutenant in 1918, he commanded the 63rd
and 74th Balloon companies. Member of Robert Furnas Lodge No. 265,
Scottsbluff, Nebr. since 1917. Received 33° AASR (SJ), and is member of
Sesostris Shrine Temple at Lincoln, Nebr.
William G. Simms (1806-1870) American poet and novelist. b. April
17, 1806 in Charleston, S. Car., living there his entire life. Aspired to a
Howard E. Simpson medical career, but studied law at 18. He never practiced
law, but became interested in writing poems. He first published Lyrical and
Other Poems at Charleston in 1827. The following year he became editor and
part owner of the Charleston City Gazette. It proved a bad investment, and
when it failed in 1833, he was left in poverty. He then devoted himself
entirely to literature. In 1832 he published the best and longest of his
poems, Atalantis, a Tale of the Sea. Gradually he turned to novels and this is
where he gained his literary standing. They were usually historical novels
with local color and wholly Southern in tone. The Yemassee is considered his
best, although he wrote a score of others. A fine bronze bust of Simms by Ward
was unveiled at Charleston in 1879. Edgar Allen Poe called him the "best
novelist America has produced after Cooper." He served as a member of the
state legislature for many years, and in 1846 was defeated for lieutenant
governor by one vote. He was admitted a member of Orange Lodge No. 14,
Charleston, S. Car., on Feb. 12, 1866. He once wrote a poem of seven stanzas
of eight lines each, entitled Epistle to a Brother in. Affliction. d. June 11,
Joseph Simon (1851-1935) U.S. Senator from Oregon, 1897-1903. b.
Feb. 7, 1851 in Bechtheim, Germany, coming to U.S. with parents in 1857 and
settling in Oregon. Admitted to the bar in 1872 and began practice in
Portland. Active in Republican state politics, he was a member of the state
senate from 1880-98 and chairman of the central committee. Was delegate to two
national conventions, and a member of the national committee, 1892-96. Was
mayor of Portland, 1909-11. Member and past master of Portland Lodge No. 55,
Portland, Oreg., he was a 33° AASR (SJ). d. Feb. 14, 1935.
Robert Simple Editor of The Californian, first newspaper published
in California. He was first treasurer of Benicia Lodge No. 5, and donated the
lumber used in building the first Masonic hall in that state.
Gordon Simpson Lawyer; Associate Justice, Supreme Court of Texas,
1945-49; head of War Crimes Commission to Germany for Department of Army in
1948. b. Oct. 30, 1894 in Gilmer, Texas. Graduate of U. of Texas in 1915 and
1919. Practiced law first in Pecos, and then at Tyler. Member of lower house,
1923-27. Elected to supreme court bench while in Italy with Air Force. In WWI
he was a lieutenant in the Army, and in WWII a lieutenant colonel in judge
advocate general dept. In private law practice at Dallas since 1949. President
and director of General American Oil Co., Texas, and director of several
oil-associated companies. Received degrees in St. John's Lodge No. 53, Tyler,
Texas in 1919, dimitting in 1925 to become a charter member of Tyler Lodge No.
1233, Tyler, Texas; was senior deacon in 1935. Suspended NPD in 1939 and
reinstated in 1944.
Howard E. Simpson President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
since 1953. b. March 15, 1896 in Jersey City, N.J. Began with Central Railroad
Co. of N.J. as a clerk in 1912, advancing to assistant general passenger
agent, N.Y., in 1926. Became associated with the B. & 0. in 1931 as general
Eastern passenger agent; assistant to general passenger traffic manager at
Baltimore, 1936-41; assistant passenger traffic manager, 1941-44; general
passenger traffic manager, Baltimore, 1944-46; assistant vice president of
traffic, 1946; vice president of traffic, 1947-52; executive vice president of
the B. & 0., 1952-53; and president since 1953. He is also president of
various affiliated corporations and a director of several other
Jeremiah (Jerry) Simpson corporations, including Libby-OwensFord Glass Co.,
Maryland Casualty Co., Maryland Shipbuilding & Dry-dock Co., and
Fidelity-Baltimore National Bank. Member of Zeredatha Lodge No. 131, Jersey
City, N.J. and 32° ASSR (NJ) in N.J.
Jeremiah (Jerry) Simpson (18421905) U.S. Congressman to 52nd-53rd
Congresses, 1891-95, and 55th Congress, 1897-99, from Kansas. b. March 31,
1842 on Prince Edward Island, Canada, moving with parents to Oneida Co., N.Y.
in 1848. Went to sea at age of 14 and followed nautical pursuits from 1856-79.
Served in Civil War in 12th Regiment, III. Vol. Inf. Moved to Barber Co.,
Kansas in 1878 and settled near Medicine Lodge, where he engaged in farming
and stock raising. Admitted to Delat Lodge No. 77, Medicine Lodge, Kans. on
June 18, 1887. Was treasurer in 1888; suspended on Nov. 28, 1903 and restored
Oct. 7, 1905. Received Scottish Rite degrees April 16, 1901. d. Oct. 22, 1905,
15 days after he was reinstated in the lodge; buried Ma-sonically.
John Simpson Brigadier General of Militia in American Revolution.
Member of "the first lodge in Pitt County, North Carolina" (from proceedings
of 1938).
Oramel H. Simpson (1870-1932) Governor of Louisiana, 1926-28. b.
March 20. Served as secretary of the La. state senate from 1908-24, being
elected lieutenant governor in the latter year. Received degrees in Mount
Moriah Lodge No. 59 of New Orleans on June 19, July 3, 27, 1894, dimitting in
1905 to become a charter member of Osiris Lodge No. 300. Was master of Mount
Moriah in 1902 and 1904. Was charter master of Osiris Lodge. Elected grand
junior warden of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana in 1905. 32° AASR and member of
Jerusalem Shrine Temple, New Or-leans. d. Nov. 17, 1932 and buried by Osiris
Robert T. Simpson Justice of Supreme Court of Alabama since 1944.
b. Sept. 2, 1893 in Florence, Ala. Graduate of U. of Alabama in 1915 and 1917.
Was school teacher, laborer, and timekeeper before being admitted to bar in
1919. Practiced at Florence, Ala. until 1929, when he became solicitor of the
11th judicial circuit and, from 1940-44, judge of court of appeals of the
state. Served in W WI as Infantry captain in A.E.F., participating in
engagements at Lucey, Marbache, St. Mihiel, and Meuse-Argonne. Member and past
master of Florence Lodge No. 14, Florence, Ala.; grand orator of Grand Lodge
of Alabama in 1958. Member of Cyrus Chapter No. 6, Florence; National
Sojourner and O.E.S.
William L. Sims, rr President of Colgate-Palmolive Co., soap
manufacturers, 1955-57. b. Oct. 17, 1896 in Birmingham, Ala. Farmed at Eden,
Ala. in 1913-16; then in manufacturing, sales, and advertising until 1927.
Opened market for Colgate-Palmolive in Italy, 1927-29, and was continental
European general manager at Paris, 1930-40. Returned to U.S. as assistant to
the president; was vice president and director in charge of foreign
department, 1945; executive vice president, 1952-55. Member of executive
committee and president of Colgate-Palmolive International in 1953. Now a
citrus grower at Orlando, Fla. Served in Army in W Wi. Member of Temple Lodge
No. 636, Birmingham, Ala. and received 32° AASR (SJ) in Alabama Consistory No.
1, Birmingham on Nov. 18, 1921.
James H. Sinclair (1871-1943) U.S. Congressman to 66th-73rd
Congresses, 1919-35, from North Dakota. b. Oct. 9, 1871 in St. Mary's, Canada.
Brought to U.S. at age of six. Was superintendent of schools at Cooperstown,
Thomas U. Sisson N. Dak., 1896-98; registrar of deeds, Cooperstown, 1899-1905;
engaged in farming and real estate from 1908. Member of state house of
representatives, 1915-17. Received degrees in Northern Light Lodge No. 45,
Cooperstown, N. Dak. on April 2, May 7, June 4, 1897 and was master in 1903.
Dimitted in Nov., 1913 to affiliate with Kenmare Lodge No. 70, Kenmare, N. Dak.,
and served as master in 1917. Retained his membership here until his death,
Sept. 5, 1943.
Bernard S. Sines President of Southern Pacific Railroad Co. of
Mexico since 1948; vice president of Texas & New Orleans R.R. Co. 194254, and
executive vice president since 1955. b. Aug. 8, 1901 in Detroit, Mich.
Graduate of Cornell in 1922 and A.M.P. from Harvard in 1953. Started as
chainman for Union Pacific in 1921 and instrumentman for Illinois Central,
1922-24. With Southern Pacific since 1925, successively as trainmaster,
assistant superintendent, superintendent, and vice president of the Mexican
division. Member of El Paso Lodge No. 130, El Paso, Texas, since 1926.
Maharaja Dhuleep Singh (see under Dhuleep).
Sir Yadavendra Singhji The Maharajah of Patiala. In 1957 he was
the district grand master of Northern India under British constitution.
Visited U.S. that year and was a guest at the dinner in N.Y.C., celebrating
the centennial of the Scottish Rite in that city.
Gordon G. Singleton Educator, college president. b. June 15, 1890
in Bluffton, Ga. Graduate of U. of Georgia in 1919, Columbia U., 1924 and
1925; studied at Cambridge U., England. Was principal and superintendent of
schools in Springvale, Cuthbert, Shellman, Stapleton, Pavo, and Cordele, Ga.,
1909-23. With Ga. state department of education, 1925-35. Was president of
Mary Hardin-Baylor Coll., Belton, Texas, 1937-52, and professor of higher
education at Baylor U., Waco, Texas, since that date. Affiliated with Belton
Lodge No. 166, Belton, Texas on July 11, 1940 from McDonald Lodge No. 172,
Georgia. On Aug. 28, 1953 he affiliated with J. H. Gurley Lodge No. 337, Waco,
Texas. Shriner.
William I. Sirovich (1882-1939) U.S. Congressman to 70th-75th
Congresses, 1927-39, from 14th N.Y. dist. b. March 18, 1882 in York, Pa.
Graduate of Coll. of City of New York in 1902, with Masters and M.D. degrees
from Columbia U. in 1906. Began medical practice in N.Y.C. Was superintendent
of the Peoples Hospital from 1917. Official arbitrator in labor disputes.
Member of Perfect Ashlar Lodge No. 604, N.Y.C., receiving degrees on May 23,
June 13, 27, 1912. d. Dec. 17, 1939.
Fred J. Sisson (1879-1949) U.S. Congressman to 73rd and 74th
Congresses, 1933-37, from 33rd N.Y. dist. b. March 31, 1879 in Wellsbridge,
N.Y. Graduate of Hamilton Coll. in 1904. Practiced law at Utica, N.Y. from
1911. Was active in legislation to keep U.S. out of war. Member of Sconondoa
Lodge No. 814, Vernon, N.Y., receiving degrees on Feb. 20, March 6, 20, 1906.
d. Oct. 16, 1949.
Thomas U. Sisson (1869-1923) U.S. Congressman to 61st-67th
Congresses, 1909-23, from 4th Miss. dist. b. Sept. 22, 1869 in Attala Co.,
Miss. Graduate of Southwestern Presbyterian U. (Tenn.) in 1890. Was principal
of schools at Carthage and Kosciusko, Miss. until 1893; admitted to the bar in
1894, he practiced at Memphis, Tenn. for two years and then at Winona, Miss.
Served in state senate; defeated for governor in 1907. Raised in 1893 in
Trinity Lodge No. 88, Kosciusko, Miss. dimitting in 1896 to affiliate with
Winona Lodge No. 48,
Richard B. "Red" Skelton Winona, Miss. Started in grand lodge line in 1902 as
junior grand warden and was grand master in 1904. d. Sept. 27, 1923.
Richard B. "Red" Skelton Comedian. b. July 18, 1913 in Vincennes,
Ind. Began acting in a medicine show at age of ten and was successively with a
tent show, minstrel show, on a show boat, a clown in Hagenbeck & Wallace
Circus, and on burlesque circuit. Made Broadway debut in 1937; radio debut on
Rudy Vallee program in 1937, and first motion picture appearance in Having a
Wonderful Time in 1938. He has since appeared in many movies including Ship
Ahoy; I Dood It; DuBarry Was a Lady; Thousands Cheer; Bathing Beauty; The Show
Off; Merton of the Movies; The Fuller Brush Man; A Southern Yankee; Neptune's
Daughter; Excuse My Dust; The Clown; etc. His first radio program was "Red
Skelton's Scrapbook of Satire" in 1942. Since 1951 he has starred on
television in The Red Skelton Show. Was raised in Vincennes Lodge No. 1,
Vincennes, Ind. in 1939. Member of Al Malaikah Shrine Temple, Los Angeles.
John Skene Claimed by some to be the first Mason in America. He
was raised in Aberdeen Lodge No. 1 (27 on their roll) in Aberdeen, Scotland in
1682. He came to America in October, 1682, settling at Burlington, N.J. He was
deputy governor of West Jersey from 1685 until his death in 1690, James
Sketchley English printer and publisher at Birmingham; was the originator of
Masonic coins and tokens. He made the first of these to commemorate the
election of the Prince of Wales as grand master in Sept., 1794. They were so
superior to the coins in use at that time that they became readily accepted as
ordinary money. Thousands of them were placed in circulation. All coins
werewithdrawn from circulation in 1817 by a government order.
Alexander Slade Author of The Free Mason Examin'd, a curious and
rare "exposure" printed in 1754. It differs from others of the 18th century in
that the ceremonies described in its catechism center around the building of
the Tower of Babel under Nimrod. Nothing is known of the author, who described
himself as "late master of three regular lodges in the city of Norwich." Six
editions were published in 1758, and there were also Irish and American
Robert L. Slagle (1865-1920) President of South Dakota A. & M.
College, 1906-14, and president of University of South Dakota, 1914-20. b.
March 17, 1865 in Hanover, Pa. Graduate of Lafayette in 1887, 1890, and Johns
Hopkins in 1894. First associated with food studies at Middletown, Conn. After
1895 he was a professor of chemistry in South Dakota colleges. Raised March
21, 1899 in Rapid City Lodge No. 25, Rapid City, S. Dak., and was master of
same in 1902. d. Jan. 29, 1920.
James H. Slater (1826-1899) U.S. Congressman and Senator from
Oregon. b. Dec. 28, 1826 near Springfield, Ill. Moved to Calif. in 1849 and
settled in Corvallis, Oreg. in 1850. Admitted to the bar in 1854. Was member
of the territorial assembly in 1857-58 and state house of representatives in
1859. He published the Oregon Weekly Union at Corvallis in 1859-61. Served as
congressman to 42nd congress, 1871-73, and as U.S. senator from 1879-85.
Resumed law practice at La Grande, Oreg., where he died, Jan. 28, 1899, and
was buried in the Masonic cemetery. However, Oregon Grand Lodge has no record
of his membership.
Albert E. Sleeper (1862-1934) Governor of Michigan, 1917-20. b.
144 Michael P. Small
1862 in Bradford, Vt. Was president of banks in Yale, Bad Axe, Marlette, and
Ubley, Mich. Served as state treasurer, 1909-13. Received degrees in Lexington
Lodge No. 61, Lexington, Mich. on March 9, 16 and May 25, 1892. Affiliated
with Verona Lodge No. 365, Bad Axe, Mich. on Dec. 14, 1921. d. May 13, 1934.
Charles H. Sloan (1863-1946) U.S. Congressman to 62nd-65th,
1911-19, and 71st, 1929-31, Congresses from 4th Nebr. dist. b. May 2, 1863 in
Monticello, Iowa. Graduate of Iowa State Ag. Coll. in 1884. Was superintendent
of schools at Fairmont, Nebr., 1884-87, admitted to the bar in 1887, and
practiced at Fairmont until 1891. After that date he practiced in Geneva. Was
author and advocate of legislation for eradication of tuberculosis in cows and
cholera in hogs. Member of Geneva Lodge No. 79, Geneva, Nebr., and Triune
Chapter No. 41, R.A.M. of same city. A Knight Templar and member of Scottish
Rite. d. June 2, 1946.
John D. Sloat (1781?-1867) U.S. Naval officer. b. July 26, 1781 at
Stratsburg, near Goshen, Rockland Co., N.Y. (Another source states b. in 1780
in New York City.) Entered Navy as a midshipman on Feb. 12, 1800, serving
until May 21, 1801. Reentered the Navy as a sailing master in 1812; served on
the frigate United States with Decatur and participated in the capture of the
British frigate Macedonian. The United States was subsequently blockaded in
the Thames River, Conn. until the end of the war. He was in command of the
Grampus suppressing piracy in the West Indies, capturing several ships, and
finally, the pirate chief Colfrecinas, the last of the pirates, in 1825.
Promoted to captain in 1837, he was commandant of the navy yard at Portsmouth,
N.H. from 1840-44. In 1844-46 he was in command of the Pacific squadron. On
July 7, 1846 he placed the U.S. flag on a custom house at Monterrey and took
possession of that Mexican territory which is now Calif., for the U.S. He
returned to Norfolk, Va. in 1847, where he commanded the navy yard until 1851.
Was placed on the reserve list in 1855 and retired in 1861. Promoted to
commodore in 1862 and real admiral in 1866, while on the retired list. He was
admitted a member of St. Andrew's Lodge No. 3, N.Y.C. on May 13, 1800, and
"declared off" July 2, 1800. The Grand Lodge of New York has the certificate
issued to him by St. Andrew's Lodge. Evidently, he later became a member of
St. Nicholas Lodge No. 321, N.Y.C. and was buried Masonically by this lodge
and Tompkins Lodge No. 471. d. Nov. 28, 1867.
Frederick P. Small (1875-1958) President of American Express
Company, 1923-44 and director since 1944. b. Nov. 28, 1875 in Augusta, Maine.
With the American Express from 1896 and a director from 1918. Also a director
of many associated companies. Member of Constitution Lodge No. 241, N.Y.C.
Exalted in Bergen Chapter No. 40, R.A.M., Hackensack, N.J. and on Jan. 2, 1906
affiliated with Constitution Chapter No. 732, N.Y.C. Member of Merita
Commandery No. 13, K.T., Paterson, N.J. and life member of Salaam Shrine
Temple, Newark, N.J., being No. 732 on roster.
John Small A British officer of the American Revolution, who is
said to have been acquainted with General Putnam from the French and Indian
Wars. There is a tradition that when Small was once a close target for
American marksmen, "Old Put" struck up a rifle barrel and shouted, "Spare that
officer, for he is as dear to me as a brother.”
Michael P. Small (1831-1892) Union Brigadier General (brevet) in
Robert 0. Small War. b. Aug. 9, 1831 in Harrisburg, Pa. Graduate of U.S.
Military Academy in 1855, and assigned to frontier duty. Served as chief
commissary and quartermaster at Rolla, Mo. from Sept., 1861 to Jan., 1863; as
chief commissary of the 13th Army Corps. Was supervising commissary officer of
states of and Ind., 1863-64, and chief commissary of department of Va. and N.
Car. at Fortress Monroe, supplying the armies operating against Richmond.
Became brevet colonel in 1865 and brevet brigadier general later the same
year. From Oct., 1884 until retirement he was with commissary at Baltimore,
Md. Member of York Lodge No. 266, York, Pa. d. Aug. 1, 1892.
Robert 0. Small Vice President of Chicago, Northwestern Railroad,
195255; now Executive Consultant. b. Aug. 10, 1889 in Deer Creek, Ill. With
the Northwestern since 1910; was successively general agent at Indianapolis
and Philadelphia; general freight agent, Chicago; freight traffic manager,
traffic manager, general freight and traffic manager, and assistant to vice
president. From 195254 he was vice president in charge of rates, and since
1954 has been vice president of traffic. Mason, 32° AASR and Shriner.
Sam Small (1851-1931) Journalist and evangelist. b. July 3, 1851
in Knoxville, Tenn. Graduate of Emory and Henry Coll. (Va.) in 1871 and 1887.
Ph.D. from Taylor U. (Ind.) in 1894 and D.D. from Ohio Northern U. same year.
Was secretary to President Andrew Johnson during his post-presidential
political campaigns. Was on the staff of the Atlanta Constitution from 1875.
Was the founder of the Norfolk (Va.) Daily Pilot, and later, of the Daily
Oklahoman, at Oklahoma City. He entered evangelistic work at Atlanta in 1885
and was associated in many campaignswith Sam Jones; later alone, he lectured
on reform. When only 14 years old he served as a reserve soldier of the
Confederate army (Jan.-Apr., 1865). In Spanish-American War was a chaplain of
the 3rd U.S. Vol. Engineers. Mason. d. Nov. 21, 1931.
Robert Smalls (1839-1915) Negro U.S. Congressman and Naval captain
in Civil War. b. April 5, 1839 in Beaufort, S. Car., moving to Charleston in
1851. Was appointed pilot in the U.S. Navy and served in that capacity on the
monitor Keokuk in the attack on Fort Sumter. Promoted to captain for gallant
and meritorious conduct in 1863, he was placed in command of the Planter, and
served until that vessel was placed out of commission in 1866. Returned to
Beaufort after war, and was member of state constitutional convention in 1868,
state house of representatives in 1868, and state senate, 1870-72. Served in
44th-45th, 1875-79, congresses; 48th-49th congresses, 1884-87; and also,
having successfully contested election of a congressman to 47th congress,
served from July, 1882-March, 1883. Was collector of the port of Beaufort,
18871913. A Prince Hall Freemason. d. Feb. 22, 1915.
William Smallwood (1732-1792) Major General of American
Revolution; Governor of Maryland, 1785-88. b. in Kent Co., Md. Elected colonel
of the Maryland battalion on Jan. 2, 1776, and on July 10 joined Washington in
N.Y. Took an active part in Battle of Brooklyn Heights, and bore the brunt of
the fight at White Plains. For this he was appointed brigadier general, Oct.
23, 1776. Fought at Fort Washington, and saved the day at Germantown in Oct.
1777. Won new laurels in the Battle of Camden. In Sept. 1780 he was appointed
major general, but after the removal of Gates, he refused to serve under Baron
Steuben, his senior officer.
146 Benjamin Smith Nevertheless he did serve until Nov. 15, 1783.
No proof of his Masonic membership, but traditionally is considered a member
of Military Lodge No. 27 of the Maryland line. d. Feb. 14, 1792.
Jacob E. Smart Major General, U.S. Air Force. b. May 31, 1909 in
Ridgeland, S. Car. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1931, and rose through
grades to major general in 1953. From 1931-55 he served in various posts in
U.S. and Europe. Since 1955 he has been assistant vice chief of staff of the
U.S. Air Force in Washington. Made a Master Mason at sight on Dec. 30, 1955,
by the grand master of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina in a special
communication of American Lodge No. 98 of Ridgeland, his birthplace.
Graham B. Smedley (1879-1954) Justice, Supreme Court of Texas,
1945-54. b. Nov. 10, 1879 in Millersburg, Ky. Graduate of Georgetown Coll.
(Ky.) in 1901 and U. of Virginia, 1904. Practiced law in Dallas, 1905-07, and
Midland, 1907-13. Was assistant attorney general of Texas at Austin, 1913-18,
and practiced in that city, 1918-25. From 1925-29 he practiced at Wichita
Falls, and at Fort Worth, 1929-33. Member of Hill City Lodge No. 456, Austin,
Texas, receiving degrees on July 19, Oct. 1 and 29, 1921. 32° AASR and KCCH;
Shriner. d. June 16, 1954.
Sir Robert Smirke (1781-1867) English architect. He designed the
Covent Garden Theatre in classical style in 1909, the College of Physicians,
the Post Office, the Mint, and the British Museum. He did the library and
dining hall of the Inner Temple in Gothic style and the restoration of
Yorkminster. His father was an historical painter and book illustrator, who
became a member of the Royal Academy in 1793. Sir Robert became a subscribing
member ofthe Lodge of Antiquity No. 2 of London in 1808.
A. Frank Smith Methodist bishop. b. Nov. 1, 1889 in Bastrop Co.,
Texas. Graduate of Southwestern U. (Texas) in 1912 and 1923. Entered Methodist
Episcopal, South, ministry in 1912. Served Texas churches in Dallas, Austin,
San Antonio, and Houston. Elected bishop in 1930. In charge of many area,
state, and Indian mission conferences. Bishop of Houston-San Antonio area
since 1934. Served on many national commissions of the church. In 1940-41 he
was president of the Council of Bishops of the Methodist Church. Member of
Bennett Lodge No. 531, Detroit, Texas since 1914. 32° AASR at Houston and
Arabia Shrine Temple, Houston. Was imperial chaplain of the Imperial Shrine in
Barton Smith (1852-1935) Grand Commander of Supreme Council, 33°,
Scottish Rite, Northern Jurisdiction, 1910-21. b. June 2, 1852 in Channahon,
Ill. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1872 and 1875. Practiced law in Toledo,
Ohio from 1875. Was president of the Toledo Blade Co., 1920-26. Active in
politics until 1896. Made a Mason in Sanford L. Collins Lodge No. 396, Toledo,
May 9, 1876. Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio; grand commander of
the Grand Commandery, K.T. of Ohio; first commander-in-chief of the Toledo
Consistory AASR. Was delegate to conference of supreme councils of the world
at Brussels in 1907, Washington, 1912, and Lausanne, Switzerland, 1922. d.
Nov. 16; 1935.
Benjamin Smith (1750?-1829) Aide-de-camp to General Washington;
Governor of North Carolina, 1810-12; Major General of state militia. His birth
dates have been given as 1750 and 1756, in Brunswick Co., N. Car. In 1776 he
became an aide-de-camp to Washington and was with him in the
Sir Bracewell Smith retreat from Long Island. He participated in the defense
of Fort Moultrie and served during the British invasion of S. Car. In 1789 he
gave 20,000 acres of land to the U. of North Carolina, and the trustees named
a hall in his honor. He was a member of the state senate 15 times. He served
as a major general of militia from 1794-1810. He was a member of St. John's
Lodge No. 1 of Wilmington, N. Car., and on Dec. 20, 1797, when he was speaker
of the state senate, that body passed the act incorporating the Grand Lodge of
North Carolina. He represented his lodge at grand lodge in 1805-18061807-1808.
He was elected grand master of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina in
1809-1810-1811. He last attended that body on Dec. 7, 1816. In 1807 he was
selected as a representative, together with James Turner, to represent N. Car.
at the convention in Washington, D.C., to consider the formation of a general
grand lodge. d. Feb. 10, 1829.
Sir Bracewell Smith Former Lord Mayor of London, England. As such
he was master of Guildhall Lodge No. 3116, which has had 35 lord mayors fill
the chair. He was a schoolteacher before WWI. He then turned to catering and
became director of several of London's leading hotels, including the Park
Plaza. He represented Dulwich in Parliament, and served as sheriff of London.
He was twice master of Motherland Lodge No. 3861.
Sir C. Aubrey Smith (1863-1948) English movie actor, who made many
pictures in the United States as a character actor. Was knighted for his work.
A member of Hova Ecclesia Lodge No. 1466 of Brighton, England and served as
its master in 1891. d. 1948.
Caleb B. Smith (1808-1864) Secretary of Interior in Lincoln's
first cabinet, 1861-62; U.S. Congressman to28th-30th Congresses, 1943-49, from
Indiana. b. April 16, 1808 in Boston, Mass. Moved to Ohio with parents in
1814. Attended Miami U. at Oxford, Ohio, studied law, and was admitted to the
bar in 1828, beginning practice in Connersville. Founded and edited the
Indiana Sentinel in 1832. In state house of representatives, 1833-37 and
1840-41. As congressman he was member of the board to investigate claims
against Mexico. Moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was active in politics,
and a member of the peace convention of 1861 in Washington. Resigned as
secretary of interior to become U.S. district judge for Indiana, serving as
such until his death on Jan. 7, 1864 at Indianapolis. Was grand master of the
Grand Lodge of Indiana in 1837. Received degrees in Warren Lodge No. 15,
Connersville, Ind. on April 18, 24, 29, 1829, and was master in 1832. In 1852
he dimitted, and is thought to have affiliated with a lodge in Indianapolis.
His funeral, held on Jan. 12, 1864, included Masonic services.
Charles E. Smith (1842-1908) U.S. Postmaster General, 1898-1902;
U.S. Minister to Russia, 1890-92; editor. b. Feb. 18, 1842 in Mansfield, Conn.
Moved with parents to Albany, N.Y. in 1849. Engaged in raising and organizing
Union regiments in Civil War. Was editor of the Albany (N.Y) Express, 1865-70;
the Albany (N.Y.) Journal, 1870-80, and Philadelphia Press after 1880. Made a
Mason "at sight" by Judge Michael Arnold, grand master of the Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania in 1896, and became member of Rising Star Lodge No. 126,
Philadelphia. d. 1908.
Charles M. Smith (1868-1937) Governor of Vermont, 1935-37. b. Aug.
3, 1868 in West Rutland, Vt. Graduate of Dartmouth Coll. in 1891. Served in
state senate, 1927-31, and in house of representatives, 1931-32. Was lieu-
Edgar Smith tenant governor, 1932-34. Was president and trustee of the Marble
Savings Bank of Rutland. Raised in Hiram Lodge No. 101 of West Rutland, in
1891. d. Aug. 12, 1937.
Charles P. Smith (1878-1948) Judge of Tax Court of the United
States, 1924-46. b. Dec. 12, 1878 in Windham, N.H. Graduate of Brown U. in
1902. Was with Bureau of Census, 1905-11; admitted to bar in latter year and
began practice at Washington, D.C. Was assistant to commissioner of Internal
Revenue, 1921-23. Member of Joppa Lodge No. 35, Washington, D.C. d. July 6,
Delazon Smith (1816-1860) One of the first two U.S. Senators from
Oregon. b. Oct. 5, 1816 in New Berlin, N.Y. Graduate of Oberlin Coll. (Ohio)
in 1837, studied law and admitted to bar. Established the New York Watchman in
Rochester, N.Y. in 1838, and edited it for two years. Published and edited the
True Teffersonian and Western Herald in Rochester in 1840. In 1841 founded the
Western Empire in Dayton, Ohio. Moved to Territory of Iowa in 1846, and
entered the ministry. Moved to the Territory of Oregon in 1852, where he
edited the Oregon Democrat. Member of the territorial house of representatives
in 1854-56 and delegate to state constitutional convention in 1857. Elected by
the legislature as one of the first two U.S. senators from Oregon. Drawing for
seniority by lot, Smith became "senior senator" over Joseph Lane, q.v. He
spent many months in Washington, D.C. waiting for the Oregon statehood bill to
pass before he could be sworn in on Feb. 14, 1859, and was therefore a senator
but 18 days. He was named first master in the dispensation for Corinthian
Lodge No. 17 of Albany, Oreg., in March 1857. In 1904 this lodge consolidated
with St. Johns No. 62 to become St. Johns No. 17. d. Nov. 18, 1860.
DeWitt C. Smith Vice President of the American Red Cross. b. Oct.
30, 1892 in Hagerstown, Md. First employed by government of District of
Columbia, 1916-17, and with Red Cross since 1919. Was assistant to general
manager, 1919-21; director of fiscal service, 1921; assistant to vice
chairman, 1921-32; manager of eastern 24 states, 1932-33; assistant director
of domestic operations, 193339; director of domestic operations and national
director of disaster relief, 1939-43; vice chairman of American Red Cross,
1943-47; vice president in charge of social welfare services, 1948-51;
assistant general manager, 1951-54; and vice president in charge of operations
since 1954. Served with A.E.F. in WWI as lieutenant of machine gun company.
Member of Takoma Lodge No. 29, Takoma Park, Md.
Earl B. Smith Justice of Supreme Court of Idaho from 1954. b. May
9, 1896 in Boise, Idaho. Graduate of U. of Idaho in 1919 and admitted to bar
in 1923. Was in law practice until 1954. Mason.
Edgar Smith (1857-1938) Playwright and librettist who wrote or
adapted more than 160 plays, travesties, burlesques, musical comedies and
operas. b. Dec. 9, 1857 in Brooklyn, N.Y., he was educated at Pennsylvania
Academy at Chester. Was an actor in New York companies, 187886, and a writer
of Weber and Fields' extravaganzas and burlesques, 18961904. Among his
originals are Spider and Fly; Pousse Cafe; Catherine; Barbara Fidgety;
Tillie's Nightmare; Old Dutch; The Mimic World; The Sun. Dodgers; Hands tip;
Robinson Crusoe, Jr.; The Blue Paradise; Oh, What a Girl; Home Sweet Home;
Hotel Topsy Turvy; Dream City; Step This Way; Hello Alexander; Red Pepper,
etc. Mason. d. March 8, 1938.
149 Edward H. Smith Edward H. Smith Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard
and Director of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, 1950-56. b. Oct. 29, 1889
in Vineyard Haven, Mass. Graduate of U.S. Coast Guard Academy in 1913 and
Harvard U. in 1924 and 1934. Commissioned ensign in U.S. Coast Guard in 1913,
and advanced through grades to rear admiral in 1942. Engaged in oceanographic
studies in Bergen, Norway in 1924; with British Meteorol. Office, London,
1925; commander of Coast Guard Marion Expedition, surveying Labrador Sea and
Baffin Bay in 1928; member of staff of Graf Zeppelin Polar Expedition, 1931;
commander of International Ice Patrol force, 193940; commanded Task Force 24,
194345; and later commanded F.astern area of U.S. Coast Guard. Mason.
Edward J. Smith Vice President of Ingersoll-Rand Co., 1945-55. b.
Feb. 15, 1890 in Ridgeway, Mich. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1915. Foundry
engineer and superintendent of Ingersoll-Rand at Painted Post, N.Y., 191733,
and general manager, 1933-55. Director of the company since 1943. Now a
manufacturing consultant. Mason.
Ellison D. Smith (1866-1944) U.S. Senator from South Carolina,
190944. b. Aug. 1, 1866 in Lynchburg, S. Car. Member of S. Car, lodge, but
dropped NPD in 1933. d. Nov. 17, 1944.
Elmo Smith Governor of Oregon, 1956-57; publisher. b. Nov. 19,
1909 in Grand Junction, Colo. Graduate of College of Idaho in 1932. Was editor
and publisher of the Ontario Argus Observer, 1933-46, and the Blue Mountain
Eagle since 1946; and of the Albany (Oreg.) Democrat Herald since 1957. Member
of Acacia Lodge No. 118, Ontario, Oreg.; Zadoc Chapter No. 34, R.A.M. of
Ontario; Baker Council No. 16, R. & S.M., and Baker Commandery No. 9, K.T. of
Baker, Oreg. Also 32° AASR (SJ) at Baker, and Al Kader Shrine Temple,
Fielding Smith Prominent early-day Mormon who was a member of the
lodge at Nauvoo, Ill., and present at cornerstone laying of the Masonic
Forrest Smith Governor of Missouri, 1948-52. b. Feb. 14, 1886 in
Richmond, Mo. Studied at Woodson Institute (Richmond) and Westminster Coll.
(Fulton). Was deputy county assessor four years and clerk of Ray Co. eight
years. He taught school for a time in Ray Co. Served as a member of the state
tax commission, 1925-32. Was state auditor, 193248, being the only person in
Mo. elected to a fourth term. He became president of the National Assn. of
State Auditors, Comptrollers, and Treasurers, and a member of the executive
committee of the National Tax Association. He has been referred to as the
"father" of the State Sales Tax Act. in Mo. Member of Richmond Lodge No. 47;
Cyrus Chapter No. 36, R.A.M.; Richmond Commandery No. 27, K.T.; 32° AASR (SJ)
in St. Louis; Ararat Shrine Temple in Kansas City; St. Chrysostom Conclave No.
36, R.C.C., Columbia, Mo.
Frank 0. Smith (1859-1924) U.S. Congressman to 63rd Congress,
191315, from 5th Md. dist. b. Aug. 27, 1859 in Smithville, Md. In internal
revenue service until 1889, when he organized the Calumet Canning Co. and the
Frank 0. Smith & Co. general merchandise, in 1890. Member of Prince Frederick
Lodge No. 142, Prince Frederick, Md., being initiated Jan. 28, 1899. d. Jan.
29, 1924.
Frederick M. Smith (1874-1946) President of the Reorganized Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1915-46; son of Joseph Smith, first
president of the reorganized branch;
George W. Smith grandson of Prophet Joseph Smith, q.o., founder of Mormonism,
to whom the angel Moroni revealed the Book of Mormon. b. Jan. 21, 1874 at
Plano, Ill., where his father, editor of The Saints' Herald, had, in 1860,
established the reorganized branch of the church in opposition to the Brigham
Young, q.v., group in Utah. Graduate of Graceland Coll. (Ia.) in 1898 and
1923; at U. of Missouri, 1908-09; A.M. from U. of Kansas in 1911; and Ph.D.
from Clark U. in 1916. He was first counselor of the church, 1902-15, and on
the death of his father in 1914, succeeded him as the second president. Was
professor of mathematics at Graceland Coll., 1899-1900, and editor of the
Lamoni (Ia.) Chronicle, 1900-02. Was associate editor of The Saints' Herald,
1900-04, and editor after 1917. He edited the Journal of History, 1908-12.
Raised in Carbondale Lodge No. 70, Carbondale, Kans., on March 16, 1927;
affiliated with Orient Lodge No. 546, Kansas City, Mo. on April 28, 1928, and
was master in 1934; grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Missouri in 1929-30;
and Grand Chaplain, Grand Lodge of Missouri, 1940-41. Exalted in Orient
Chapter No. 102, R.A.M., Kansas City, June 26, 1928; greeted in Shekinah
Council No. 24, R. & S.M., Kansas City on Sept. 12, 1928; knighted in Oriental
Commandery No. 35, K.T., Kansas City, Dec. 21, 1928; and affiliated with
Palestine Commandery No. 17, K.T., of Independence, Mo., June 2, 1938.
Received 32° AASR (SJ) at Fort Scott, Kans. on April 26, 1927 and affiliated
with Western Missouri Consistory in Kansas City, Jan. 25, 1933. Received
Shrine in Mirza Temple, Pittsburg, Kans., May 25, 1927, affiliated with Ararat
in Kansas City, Oct. 8, 1929, and was potentate for 1941. Served on board of
directors of Shrine Hospital, St. Louis. Member of Missouri Lodge of Research.
Dimitted from chapter, council and commandery in Oct., 1941, but retained
other memberships. d. March 20, 1946.
George Smith British Army captain who was inspector of the Royal
Military Academy at Woolwich. His fame rests on his work, The Use and Abuse of
Freemasonry, published in 1783. He had requested the sanction of the grand
lodge for its publication, but on its refusal printed it anyway. It was very
popular and all copies were soon sold. Although born in England, he had
entered the military service of Prussia at an early age, being connected with
a noble family in that country. It appears that he was initiated in one of the
German lodges. On his return to England he became master of the Royal Military
Lodge at Woolwich, serving four years. During his mastership, he opened the
lodge in the King's Bench Prison and initiated some persons confined there.
This brought the censorship of the grand lodge on both Smith and the lodge. In
1778 the Duke of Manchester appointed him provincial grand master of Kent, and
in 1780 he was appointed junior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of England.
Grand Secretary Heseltine, unfriendly to Smith, objected to it as illegal for
a person to hold two offices in the grand lodge, and Smith resigned at the
next quarterly communication. (Actually it was legal at that time, but was not
written into the law until 1784.) In 1785 he was expelled from the Craft "for
uttering an instrument purporting to be a certificate of the Grand Lodge
recommending two distressed Brethren.”
George W. Smith (1846-1907) U.S. Congressman to 51st-60th
Congresses, 1899-1907, from Illinois. b. Aug. 18, 1846 in Putnam Co., Ohio.
Moved to Wayne Co., Ill. with father in 1850, where he learned the blacksmith
trade. Studied law and graduated from Indiana U. in 1870. Practiced
George Wm. Smith his profession at Murphysboro, Ill. Member of Murphysboro
Lodge No. 496 and Cairo Commandery No. 13, K.T. of Cairo, Ill. d. Nov. 30,
1907, and buried Dec. 4 by his lodge, with an escort from Cairo Commandery.
George Wm. Smith (1762-1811) Tenth Governor of Virginia,
succeeding James Monroe, who had resigned to accept the position of secretary
of State in Madison's cabinet. On Dec. 26, 1811-exactly three weeks later
-while attending a performance at the Richmond Theatre, he, with many others,
was killed in the fire that consumed the building. The Monumental Church was
erected on the site of the theatre the following year, and the remains of the
victims, including Smith's, are buried in the portico of the church. He
received the degrees in Jerusalem Lodge No. 54, Richmond, Va. (now extinct) in
1804, and on Jan. 13, 1807, affiliated with Richmond Lodge No. 10. d. Dec. 26,
Green Clay Smith (1826-1895) U.S. Congressman from Kentucky to
38th-39th Congresses, 1863-66; Governor of Montana Territory, 1866-69; Major
General (Union) of volunteers, by brevet, in Civil War. b. July 4, 1826 in
Richmond, Ky., the son of John Speed Smith, q.v. Served in the Mexican War as
a second lieutenant of 1st Ky. Vol. Inf. 1846-47. Graduate of Transylvania U.,
Lexington, in 1849. Studied law; admitted to bar in 1852, practicing in
Covington. Member of state house of representatives, 186163. Commissioned
colonel of 4th Regt., Ky. Vol. Cavalry in 1862; made brigadier general of
volunteers on July 2, 1862; resigned Dec. 1, 1863 and breveted major general
of volunteers on March 13, 1865. Moved to Washington, D.C. in 1869, where he
became a Baptist minister and evangelist. Was a candidate of the National
Prohibition Party in 1876 for president of the United States. Memberof
Richmond Lodge No. 25, Richmond, Ky., and at one time grand orator of the
Grand Lodge of Kentucky. Later he was a member of Virginia City Lodge No. 1,
Montana. He is recorded as addressing the Grand Lodge of Montana at its third
communication on Oct. 7-12, 1867, but his name disappears from the list of
members of Virginia City Lodge after 1873. d. June 29, 1895.
Gustavus W. Smith (1822-1896) Confederate Major General in Civil
War. b. Jan. 1, 1822 in Scott Co., Ky. Graduate of the U.S. Military Academy
in 1842, and appointed to Engineer Corps. Constructed fortifications in New
London, Conn. Harbor, and taught engineering in the U.S. Military Academy in
1844-46. In war with Mexico he commanded the sappers and miners at siege of
Vera Cruz, and was at Cerro Gordo and Contreras. Again taught in military
academy in 1849, but resigned from Army in 1853. Devoted himself to
construction of buildings, and was street commissioner of New York City,
185861. In 1860 was a member of the board to revise the instruction at the
U.S. Military Academy. Returned to Ky. at start of Civil War, entering
Confederate service in Sept., 1861, being appointed major general. Succeeded
Gen. Joseph E. Johnston in temporary command of the Army of Northern Virginia
in May, 1862, and subsequently commanded at Richmond. Was in charge of forces
of Georgia in 1864-65, and was taken prisoner at Macon on April 20, 1865.
After war was superintendent of Southwest Iron Works at Chattanooga, Tenn.,
1866-69, and insurance commissioner of Ky., 1870-76. Then moved to New York
City, where he died June 23, 1896. Member of Keystone Lodge No. 235, N.Y.C.
Hoke Smith (1855-1931) Governor of Georgia, 1906-09, and
James Smith
U.S. Senator from Georgia, 1911-21; Secretary of Interior in cabinet of
President Cleveland, 1893-96. b. Sept. 2, 1855 in Newton, N. Car. Admitted to
bar in 1873, and commenced practice in Atlanta, Ga. Became owner of the
Atlanta Evening Journal in 1887, serving as editor and president until 1900.
Member of Gate City Lodge No. 2, Atlanta, Ga., receiving all degrees in
September, 1889. d. Nov. 27, 1931.
Howard W. Smith U.S. Congressman to 72nd-86th Congresses, 193360,
from Virginia. b. Feb. 2, 1883 in Broad Run, Va. Graduate of U. of Virginia in
1903. Practiced law at Alexandria, Va., 1904-22. Served as circuit judge,
1928-30. President of Alexandria National Bank, and engaged in farming and
dairying. A vice president and trustee of the National Florence Crittenton
Mission. Member of Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, Va.
Hurlbut Wm. Smith (1865-1951) An organizer of the L. C. Smith &
Bros. Typewriter Co. in 1903, of which he was director and member of Executive
board; was president, treasurer, and chairman of executive board of L. C.
Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc. b. June 24, 1865 in Centre Lisle, N.Y. Began
in the gun manufacturing works of L. C. Smith; was later with Smith Premier
Typewriter Co. as treasurer, until 1903. Member of Central City Lodge No. 305,
Syracuse, N.Y., receiving degrees on Nov. 23, 1897, Feb. 15, March 8, 1898.
32° AASR (NJ) and Shriner. d. Dec. 16, 1951.
Hyrum Smith (?-1844) Brother of Joseph Smith, q.v., the founder of
Mormonism. Killed with his brother by a mob in the jail at Carthage, Ill. on
June 27, 1844. He was first senior warden of the Nauvoo Lodge, U.D. at Nauvoo,
Ill. After the grand lodge had ordered the dispensation for thislodge
returned, it continued work clandestinely, with Hyrum as master. In this
capacity he officiated at the dedication ceremonies of the Masonic Hall at
Nauvoo on April 5, 1844, and his signature is one of those in the cornerstone
documents. It has been claimed that both Hyrum. and Heber C. Kimball were
Masons in Ontario Co., N.Y., before becoming Mormons.
Israel Smith (1759-1810) U.S. Congressman, U.S. Senator and
Governor of Vermont. b. April 4, 1759 in Suffield, Conn. Graduate of Yale in
1781. Practiced law first at Rupert, Vt. and later at Rutland. In state house
of representatives several terms, and was a delegate to state constitutional
convention in 1791. Upon admission of Vt. as a state, he was elected to the
2nd congress and reelected to 3rd and 4th congresses, serving from 1791-97.
Was appointed chief justice of the state supreme court in 1797. He was elected
to the 7th congress, 1801-03, and was U.S. Senator from 1803 to 1807, when he
resigned to become governor of Vermont. Member of Center Lodge No. 6, Rutland,
Vt. d. Dec. 2, 1810.
James Smith (1720?-1806) Signer of Declaration of Independence.
Birth date unverified, but born in Ireland, emigrating to America with family
in 1729. Educated at Coll. of Philadelphia; studied law, settling first in
Shippensburg and later in York, Pa. Possessed considerable property at start
of Revolution, but lost it all. Raised a military company in 1774. Appointed
brigadier general of Pa. militia in 1782. Member of the provincial congress of
1776 that formed a new government for Pa. Elected to congress on July 20,
1776, remaining in that body until 1778. Served again in congress in 1785. His
Masonic membership is not verified. There was a "James Smith" initiated in
Lodge No.
153 James A. Smith
Philadelphia on Sept. 11, 1754 and another who received the degrees in Lodge
No. 3, Philadelphia in 1851. d. July 11, 1806.
James A. Smith (1865-1920) U.S. Consul General. b. Nov. 3, 1865 in
Grand Rapids, Mich. Manager of marble quarries in Vermont in 1891. American
consul at Leghorn, Italy, 1897-1907; consul general at Boma, Congo Free State,
1907-08; at Genoa, Italy, 1908-13; and Calcutta, India after 1913. Mason. d.
Oct. 2, 1920.
James Fairbairn Smith Editor of the Detroit Masonic World. b. Jan.
30, 1902 in Hawick, Roxburghshire, Scotland. Educated at schools in Hawick and
Morpeth, England, taking special courses at Rutherford Technical Coll. and the
Royal Society of Arts, London. He graduated from the National College of Music
in 1923. Left Scotland in Jan., 1924 for Calgary, Alberta, but on arriving in
Toronto, decided to visit Detroit, Mich., and remained to make it his home.
For the next 12 years he taught music, becoming a director of the Redford
Branch, Detroit Conservatory of Music, and an associate instructor of Detroit
Foundation School. Helped found the Brightmoor Musical Festival and also the
Detroit Musicians' League. Was raised as a "Lewis" at the age of 18 in the
lodge at Hawick, Scotland. Exalted in King Cyrus Chapter No. 133, Detroit, in
Nov., 1925, and high priest in 1934. Wi.s grand high priest of Michigan in
1945. Greeted in Monroe Council No. 1, R. & S.M. in March, 1926 and knighted
in Detroit Commandery No. 1, K.T. in Nov., 1926. Received 32° AASR (NJ) in
1934, and headed the Detroit Consistory in 1953-56; received 33° in 1946. Is a
member of St. Clements Conclave No. 39, R.C.C.; Royal Order of Scotland;
Philalethes Society; Moslem Shrine Temple; Royal Order of Jesters; Blue Friar.
Joe L. Smith U.S. Congressman to 71st-78th Congresses, 1929-45,
from 6th W. Va. dist. b. May 22, 1880 in Raleigh Co., W. Va. Publisher of
Raleigh Register for 20 years. President of Beckley National Bank since 1914
and Beckley Hotel Co. Mayor of Beckley, W. Va. four terms, 190429; member of
state senate, 1909-13. Member of Beckley Lodge No. 95, Beckley, W. Va., since
1901; member of Beckley Chapter No. 38, R.A.M.; Mount Hope Commandery No. 22,
K.T., Mt. Hope, W. Va.; 32° AASR (SJ) at Charleston, W. Va. and Beni Kedem
Shrine Temple of same city. Served twice as master of his lodge.
John Smith (1752-1816) U.S. Senator from New York, 1804-13. b.
Feb. 12, 1752 in Mastic, near Brookhaven, N.Y. Served in state legislature,
178499, and was U.S. congressman from N.Y., 1799-1804. He took the place of
DeWitt Clinton, q.v., in the senate, Clinton having resigned. After his
service in the senate he became U.S. marshal for N.Y., and was a major general
of militia for many years. He was one of the petitioners for a lodge granted
in Montgomery, Orange Co., N.Y., on June 6, 1798. d. Aug. 12, 1816.
John Smith (1850-1929) Philanthropist who endowed the Masonic Home
for Bays in Pennsylvania with $600,000, and in his will left more than one
million to the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania for its Masonic homes. b. April 18,
1850. Member of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 155, Philadelphia. d. Feb. 8, 1929.
John B. Smith (1838-1914) Governor of New Hampshire in 1893-94. b.
April 12, 1838 in Saxton's River, Vt. Began as a manufacturer of hosiery in
1864, locating permanently in Hillsboro, N.H. in 1866. He built up a large
business, which was incorporated in 1882, with himself and his nephew as chief
owners. Was on executive council of N.H., 1887-89.
154 John Eugene Smith Raised in Harmony Lodge No. 38, Hillsboro,
N.H. on May 3, 1882, and was a member at the time of his death, Aug. 10, 1914.
John Corson Smith (1832-1910) Union Brigadier General (brevet) of
volunteers in Civil War. b. Feb. 13, 1832 in Philadelphia, Pa. Moved to
Galena, Ill, in 1854, where he followed his trade as a builder. He enlisted as
a private in the 74th III. Vols. in 1862. In same year he raised Co. I of the
96th III. Inf. and was elected major on Sept. 6. Breveted brigadier general of
volunteers "for meritorious services," June 20, 1865. He participated in the
2nd Battle of Fort Donelson, and the battles of Franklin, Liberty Gap,
Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Kingston, Cassville,
New Hope Church, Dallas, Pumpkinvine Creek, Pine Mountain, and Kenesaw
Mountain, being severely wounded in the latter. He was in the internal revenue
service, 1865-74; chief grain inspector of 111., 1875-77; state treasurer,
1879-81; lieutenant governor of Ill., 1885-89. He was a member of Miners'
Lodge No. 273 of Galena, Ill., which furnished five generals in the Civil War
from a membership of 50. The others were John A. Rawlings, Ely S. Parker.
William R. Rowley and John E. Smith, q.q.v. He was raised May 21, 1859, was
secretary in 1862, master in 1870-74, and grand master of the Grand Lodge of
Illinois, 1887-88. He was also grand master of the Oddfellows. Exalted in Jo
Daviess Chapter No. 51, R.A.M. of Galena on March 15, 1860, he was high priest
from 1868-74; greeted in Ely S. Parker Council No. 60, R. & S.M., Galena, on
Feb. 19, 1873, he was master of it that year, later becoming member of
Freeport Council No. 39, Freeport, Ill. Knighted in Galena Commandery No. 40,
K.T. on April 26, 1871, he was commander, 1871-74. Received 32° AASR (NJ) on
May 28, 1873 at Free-port, and elected active member of Northern Supreme
Council on Sept. 27, 1883. Was also venerable chief of the Illinois Masonic
Veteran Association. d. Dec. 31, 1910.
John Cotton Smith (1765-1845) Governor of Connecticut in 1812-17
and first Freemason to hold that office. A Yale graduate in 1783; LL.D. in
1814. Was a lawyer and state legislator. Served as U.S. congressman, 1800-06;
was associate judge of the Connecticut supreme court, 180609; and lieutenant
governor of state, 1809. Was the last of the Puritan-Federalist governors,
being defeated for reelection by Oliver Wolcott, who headed the reform of
Toleration ticket, and was concurrently governor and grand master. Smith
retired to his extensive farm in Sharon. Made a Mason in St. Paul's Lodge No.
11, Litchfield, Conn. in 1796. d. 1845.
John Eugene Smith (1816-1897) Major General (brevet) of Civil War
in both volunteers and U.S. Army. b. Aug. 3, 1816 in Berne, Switzerland. His
father was an officer under Napoleon, and after the latter's downfall,
emigrated to Philadelphia. As a young man Smith learned watchmaking, then the
jeweler's business. After living in St. Louis for several years he moved to
Galena, Ill, in 1836, living there until the outbreak of the Civil War. He
entered service on April 15, 1861 as a colonel of the 45th Ill. Inf. Was at
the capture of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, the Battle of Shiloh, and siege
of Corinth. Became brigadier general of volunteers on Nov. 29, 1862, and
commanded the 8th Division of the 16th Corps. At Vicksburg he led the 3rd
Division of the 17th Corps, and in Sept., 1863 was transferred to the 15th
Corps, taking part in the capture of Missionary Ridge (for which Grant
mentioned him in his memoirs), and in the Atlanta and Carolina campaigns of
John M. C. Smith
1864-65. Received brevet of major general of volunteers on Jan. 12, 1865, and
mustered out of volunteer service in April, 1866. He then became a colonel of
the 14th Inf. Received brevets of brigadier general and major general, U.S.
Army, March 2, 1867, for his conduct at the siege of Vicksburg and action at
Savannah. Retired in May, 1881. His original membership must have been in St.
Louis, for on Dec. 27, 1838 we find him as a charter member of Far West Lodge
U.D., chartered in Galena, Ill, by the Grand Lodge of Missouri. At the first
meeting of Far West Lodge No. 29, March 23, 1839, he was secretary, and was
ordered "to procure the jewels for the Lodge." In 1845 this lodge requested to
be released from the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and on May 15, 1858 we find
Smith as an honorary member of Miners' Lodge No. 273, Galena. Smith was one of
the five generals this lodge furnished in the Civil War. He later became a
regular member, served as master, and then became a life member of this lodge.
He was exalted in Jo Daviess Chapter No. 51, R.A.M. of Galena, June 22, 1859.
In 1888 he was present at the Masonic Veteran Association's meeting at the
home of General John C. Smith, q.v., a member of the same lodge and venerable
chief of the organization. The home was at 65 Sibley Road, and as the annual
meeting place, was designated "Smith's Inn." d. Jan. 29, 1897 at Chicago, and
buried at Galena.
John M. C. Smith (1853-1923) U.S. Congressman to 62nd-67th
Congresses, 1911-23, from 3rd Michigan dist. b. Feb. 6, 1853 in Belfast,
Ireland and brought to America by parents in 1855. Admitted to the bar in 1882
and practiced at Charlotte. Was president of First National Bank of Charlotte
from 1898, and was also interested in farming and stock raising. Member of
Charlotte Lodge No. 120, Charlotte, Mich., receiving degrees on May 14, June
11, July 16, 1875; became life member on March 7, 1919. d. March 30, 1923.
John Speed Smith (1792-1854) U.S. Congressman to 17th Congress,
182123, from Kentucky. b. July 1, 1792 near Nicholasville, Ky. He was the
father of Green Clay Smith, q.v. Served in the Indian campaign of 1811 as a
private. Admitted to the bar in 1811 and practiced at Richmond. In War of 1812
he again enlisted as a private, and was promoted to colonel as aide-de-camp to
General Harrison. Member of state house of representatives in 1819, 1827,
1839, 1841, and 1845. In state senate, 184650. Was U.S. dist-ict attorney for
Ky., 1828-32. Member of Richmond Lodge No. 25 as early as 1813, and served as
its master. Member of Danville Chapter No. 4, R.A.M., Danville, Ky. in 1825,
and also a Knight Templar. d. June 6, 1854.
John Stafford Smith (1750-1836) English composer who wrote the
music for the anthem that later became Key's Star-Spangled Banner. Its
original use is in doubt, but at an early date it was used by an Irish Masonic
orphans home as its song. It was also known as To Anacreon in Heaven, a
drinking song popular in the English pubs. Although Francis Scott Key's words
were written in the War in 1812, it was not until March 3, 1931 that congress
passed the bill and President Hoover signed it, making The Star-Spangled
Banner our national anthem. Smith was a member of Royal Somerset House &
Inverness Lodge No. 4 of London.
John W. Smith (1845-1925) U.S. Congressman to 56th Congress,
1899-1900, from Maryland; Governor of Maryland, 1900-04; U.S. Senator,
1908-1921. b. Feb. 5, 1845 in Snow Hill, Md. Was in lumber business in Md.,
Va. and N. Car. Was a director
Joseph Smith of many business and financial institutions. Served in state
senate three terms, and was president of same in 1894. Initiated May 4, 1899
in Sinepuxent Lodge No. 193, Snow Hill, Md. d. April 19, 1925.
Jonathan Bayard Smith (1742-1812) Member of the Continental
Congress from Pa., 1777-78. b. Feb. 21, 1742 in Philadelphia, son of a
well-known merchant. Graduate of Princeton in 1760; engaged in mercantile
pursuits. Chosen as secretary of the committee of safety in 1775. Commissioned
lieutenant colonel of a battalion of "associators" under his brother-in-law,
Col. John Bayard. Auditor general of Pa. in 1794. A founder and on first board
of U. of Pennsylvania. Raised in Lodge No. 3, Philadelphia, Dec. 18, 1783, was
master in 1785, and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in
1789-94. Exalted in Jerusalem Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. of Philadelphia, and was
grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania in 1798. d. June 16,
Joseph Smith (1790-1877) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. March 30,
1790 in Boston, Mass. Entered navy as a midshipman in 1809. Was a first
lieutenant on the brig Eagle in the victory on Lake Champlain on Sept. 11,
1814, where he was severely wounded. Received a medal from Congress for this.
He then served with the Mediterranean fleet, 181545, commanding that fleet in
1844-45, with the frigate Cumberland as his flagship. Was chief of bureau of
yards and docks, 1846-69, and then president of the examining board for
promotion of officers, until 1871. He had been retired in 1861 and promoted to
rear admiral in 1862. After his service with the examining board, he resided
in Washington until his death, at which time he was the senior officer of the
Navy on the retired list. His son, Joseph B. Smith, q.v., anofficer on the
Congress, was killed March 8, 1862, in its encounter with the Merrimac. d.
Jan. 17, 1877.
Joseph Smith (1805-1844) Founder of the Mormon Church (The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). b. Dec. 23, 1805 in Sharon, Vt. of a
poor family which migrated to Palmyra, N.Y. in 1815, and then to nearby
Manchester. The angel Moroni is said to have revealed the Book of Mormon to
him, written on golden plates, which he was able to transcribe by the use of "Urirn
and Thummim," instruments of magical power. His detractors say that the Book
of Mormon is based on an imaginative tale written in Biblical style by a
former Presbyterian minister, Samuel Spaulding, but never published. The
manuscript was delivered to Smith by Sidney Rigdon, q.v., who helped revise it
and shortly afterwards became one of the presidents of the church. It was
printed in Palmyra, N.Y. in 1830, and the church was founded at the home of
Peter Whitmer in Fayette, N.Y., on April 6 of that year. Smith moved to
Kirtland, Ohio in 1831 and to Missouri in 1838. Here the Mormons ran into
trouble at Independence and Far West and were removed in a body from the state
by the militia. Smith, Rigdon, and others were arrested for "murder, treason,
burglary, arson and larceny," but allowed to escape and join the others at
Commerce, Ill., which they renamed Nauvoo. Here Smith governed despotically
with the aid of a small group of advisors. When he claimed the revelation of
polygamy in 1843 the church was split by a schism. Arrested and jailed at
Carthage, Ill., he was shot and killed by a mob on June 27, 1844. It is
claimed that many of the symbols and ceremonies used by the Mormon Church are
of Masonic origin. In Smith's journal under the date of March 15, 1842 he
said: "I officiated as Grand
Joseph Smith Chaplain at the installation of the Nauvoo Lodge of Freemasons at
the Grove near the Temple. Grand Master Jonas, of Columbus, being present, a
large number of people assembled for the occasion. The day was exceedingly
fine; all things were done in order. In the evening I received the first
degree in Freemasonry in Nauvoo Lodge, assembled in my general business
office." The following day he added: "I was with the Masonic Lodge and rose to
the sublime degree." Thus it was that Smith officiated as grand chaplain of
the Grand Lodge of Illinois before he was a Mason. It also happened that
Sidney Rigdon received his degrees "at sight" with Smith. This, plus the fact
that in nearly five months that lodge initiated 256 candidates and raised 243,
caused Bodley Lodge No. 1 to prefer charges against Nauvoo Lodge on July 15,
1842, asking the grand lodge to "make inquiry into the manner the officers of
Nauvoo Lodge, U.D., were installed by the Grand Master of this State, and by
what authority the Grand Master initiated, passed and raised Messers Smith and
Rigdon to the degree of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master, at one
and the same time." A special committee visited Nauvoo, inspected the records
and work and recommended that the lodge be permitted to resume labor. Then
they did so much work that two more lodges were established in Nauvoo—Nye and
Helm; Rising Sun Lodge at Montrose, Iowa, and a dispensation requested for
still another at Keokuk, Iowa. Again the grand lodge ordered an investigation,
and this time the committee was refused access to the minutes. The grand lodge
then struck all the Mormon lodges from its rolls. However, the Mormon lodges
refused to recognize this, and continued their work. On Friday, April 5, 1844
they dedicated the Masonic Hall at Nauvoo. In the History of the Church, Smith
wrote that he attended the ceremonies; that about 550 Masons from various
parts of the world were present and took' part in a procession that was
formed, accompanied by the Nauvoo brass band; that the ceremonies were in
charge of Hyrum Smith, worshipful master; that the principal address of the
occasion was delivered by Apostle Erastus Snow; and that he, Joseph Smith and
Dr. Goforth also addressed the assembly; and that all visiting Masons were
given dinner in the Masonic Hall at the expense of Nauvoo Lodge. If the above
dedication is the same ceremony and date as the cornerstone laying, there is a
discrepancy somewhere. Recently the Mormon Church purchased the old hall for
restoration as an historic shrine. The cornerstone box was removed in 1954,
and sent to Salt Lake City, where in the presence of President David 0. McKay
and the twelve apostles, it was opened; the original documents were retained
in Utah, and photostatic copies returned, to be redeposited in two new boxes
in the cornerstone at Nauvoo. This ceremony took place, June 24, 1954, being
reported in the newspapers as "exactly 111 years after the first ceremony." A
document in the cornerstone states that Smith was not present in the
procession or ceremony, as he was then being sought on an extradition warrant
issued by "Governor Ford of Missouri" (Missouri never had a man named Ford as
governor; Gov. Reynolds had recently died and Lt. Gov. Marmaduke had taken his
place). Although Smith's signature is among the 50 or more names of the
prominent Mormons on the document, it was noted therein that it was added
later. It also asked that "peace and harmony be restored and that the chain
that holds mankind together and has done so since the dawn of mankind, be
retained." Both
Lyman C. Smith Joseph and his brother Hyrum were killed by a mob at the
Carthage, Ill. jail on June 27, 1844.
Joseph B. Smith (?-1862) U.S. Naval officer. He was killed on board the Union
ship Congress when it was attacked by the Merrimac on March 8, 1862. His
father, Joseph Smith, q.v., a rear admiral then on the retired list, when he
heard the Congress had surrendered, exclaimed, "Then Joe is dead." The younger
Smith was raised Jan. 24, 1852 in National Lodge No. 12 and was knighted in
Washington Commandery No. 1, K.T., D.C., on March 5, 1853. d. March 8, 1862.
Julian C. Smith Lieutenant General, U.S. Marine Corps. b. Sept.
11, 1885 in Elkton, Md. Graduate of U. of Delaware in 1907. Commissioned in
Marine Corps in 1909, and advanced through grades to lieutenant general in
1946, when he retired. Served in Cuba, Panama, Mexico, Haiti, Santo Domingo,
and Nicaragua. Was commanding general of the Army of Republic of Nicaragua in
1932; director of operations and training of Marine Corps, 1936-37; director
of personnel, 1937-38; naval observer in England, 1941; commanded 2nd Marine
Div. at Battle of Tarawa, 1943; commander of expeditionary troops, 3rd Fleet
in Battle of Palau, 1944; and commanding general of Dept. of Pacific, 1944-46.
Was captain of Marine Corps rifle and pistol teams, 1928-29. Wrote History
Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua, 1927-33. Member of Union Lodge No. 48, Elkton,
June S. Smith (1876-1947) Judge, Supreme Court of Illinois,
1941-47. b. March 24, 1876 in Irvington, Ill. Admitted to bar in 1904;
practiced in Centralia, Ill. Served as major of Infantry in Army during WWI.
Member of Centralia Lodge No. 201, Centralia, Ill., being raised April 11,
1919; 32° AASR (NJ) . d. Feb. 7, 1947.
Lawrence H. Smith (1892-1958) U.S. Congressman to 77th-85th
Congresses from Wisconsin. b. Sept. 15, 1892 in Racine, Wis. Graduate of
Marquette U. in 1923, beginning law practice in Racine that year. Served as
Infantry officer in WWI. Member of Belle City Lodge No. 92, Racine, Wis.,
receiving degrees on Oct. 3, 24, 1916 and Jan. 2, 1917. d. Jan. 22, 1958.
Lee S. Smith (1844-1926) Grand Master of Grand Encampment, Knights
Templar, U.S.A., 1916- Luther A. Smith Sovereign Grand Commander of the
Supreme Council, 33° Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction from Oct. 21, 1955.
b. 1887 in Alpharetta, Ga. Graduate of Emory Coll. (Ga.) in 1904; LL.B. from
Vanderbilt U. in 1909. Began law practice in Hattiesburg, Miss., continuing
there until appointed judge of court of chancery in 1953. He held this office
until elected grand commander in 1955, succeeding Thomas J. Harkins, q.v.
Raised in Toccopola Lodge No. 310, Toccopola, Miss., March 23, 1907; master of
Hattiesburg Lodge No. 379 in 1923; grand master of Grand Lodge of Mississippi
in 1949. Member of chapter, council, and commandery at Hattiesburg. Received
32° AASR (SJ) in Mississippi Consistory in 1920; KCCH in 1923; coroneted 33°
in 1929; crowned sovereign grand inspector general in Miss. in 1937; elected
lieutenant grand commander in 1952.
Lyman C. Smith (1850-1910) Organizer of L. C. Smith & Bros.
Typewriter Co. in 1903; manufacturer of L. C. Smith breech-loading firearms,
1877-90; capitalist. b. March 31, 1850 in Torrington, Conn. Moved to N.Y. in
1872, where he managed a live stock commission house and engaged in the lumber
business. Following his venture in firearms manufacture, he entered the
typewriter field in 1886, and in 1890 founded the Smith Pre-
McGregor Smith mier Typewriter Co., of which he was president; when later he
sold to Union Typewriter Co., he became vice president and member of executive
board, resigning in 1903 to organize with his brothers, the L. C. Smith &
Bros. Typewriter Co. In 1900 he gave Syracuse U. the Lyman Cornelius Smith
Coll. of Applied Sciences. Mason and Knight Templar. Sciences. Petitioned
Western Light Lodge No. 597, Lisle, N.Y. at the age of 21 and received degrees
on May 8, Sept. 4, 5, 1871. On Nov. 30, 1875 he affiliated with Central City
Lodge No. 305, Syracuse, N.Y. Knight Templar. d. Nov. 15, 1910.
McGregor Smith President of Florida Power & Light Co., 1939-54 and
President of Board since 1954. b. June 5, 1899 in Cookeville, Tenn. Graduate
of U. of Tennessee in 1921. Began as assistant engineer with Tenn. Railroad &
Public Utilities Comm.; then manager of South New Orleans Light & Traction
Co.; vice president and general manager of Louisiana Power & Light Co.,
Algiers, La.; president and general manager of same, 193639; vice president
and general manager of Florida Power & Light Co., Miami, 1939, and then
president. Member of Coral GabeIs Lodge No. 260, Coral Gables, Fla. and 32°
AASR (SJ) at Miami. Shriner.
Marcus A. Smith (1851-1924) Delegate of Arizona Territory to U.S.
Congress, and one of the first two U.S. Senators from that state when admitted
to the Union. b. Jan. 24, 1851 near Cynthiana, Ky. Graduate of Transylvania U.
(Ky.) in 1872 and U. of Kentucky. Began law practice in Lexington, Ky., moving
to San Francisco, 1879-81, and then to Tombstone, Ariz. where he continued the
practice of law. Served in U.S. congress as a territorial delegate, 188795,
1897-99, 1901-03, 1905-09. Upon admission of Arizona to the Union, heand Henry
F. Ashurst, q.v., were the first two senators. He served in the senate from
April 2, 1912 to March 3, 1921. Member of Tucson Lodge No. 4, Tucson, Ariz. d.
April 7, 1924.
Nels H. Smith Governor of Wyoming, 1939-42. b. Aug. 27, 1884 at
Gayville, Dakota Territory. A successful rancher, he lives near Newcastle,
Wyoming. Received degrees in Newcastle Lodge No. 13, Newcastle, Wyo. on May 5,
1921, April 6, 1922 and May 26, 1923.
Norman M. Smith Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy and President of
University of South Carolina. b. Nov. 16, 1883 in Williston, S. Car. Graduate
of U.S. Naval Academy in 1906 and Rensselaer Poly. Inst. in 1909. Made
around-the-world cruise as a midshipman; promoted through grades to rear
admiral in 1933. Engaged in construction of Great Lakes Training Station
(Ill.), Navy yards of Puget Sound, Mare Island, and Pearl Harbor Naval base,
1914-17. Between 1917-33 he built plants, hospitals, dredged harbors, and
developed waterfronts for the Navy. From 193338 he was chief of Bureau of
Yards and Docks and chief civil engineer of the Navy. Retired in 1937, he
returned to active duty in 1942 and retired again in Feb., 1945. He was
elected president of the U. of South Carolina in Dec., 1944, before his final
retirement. Mason and Knight Templar.
R. Jasper Smith Federal Judge, Western District of Missouri since
1956. b. July 25, 1908 in Campbell, Mo. Graduate of U. of Missouri in 1931;
began law practice in Springfield that year. Past president of Missouri
Association of Republicans. Served in the state senate, 1942-54. Was majority
floor leader in the 64th general assembly and minority floor leader of the
65th. He was chairman of the commission that rewrote the
Seba Smith uniform state laws. A member of Solomon Lodge No. 271, Springfield,
Mo., he received degrees, Jan. 16, Feb. 19, March 19, 1936, and was master in
1942. Presently (1960), he is senior grand deacon of the Grand Lodge of
Missouri. Exalted in Springfield Chapter No. 15, R.A.M., Oct. 7, 1937; greeted
in Zabud Council No. 35, R. & S.M., June 16, 1942; knighted in St. John's
Commandery No. 20, K.T., Nov. 11, 1937; past sovereign (1949) of St.
Christopher Conclave No. 56, R.C.C. and member of Abou Ben Adhem Shrine
Temple, all of Springfield. Member of Joplin Consistory No. 3, Scottish Rite (SJ),
Kilwinning Council No. 19, A.M.D., DeMolay Legion of Honor and Missouri Lodge
of Research (Master, 1960).
Ralph C. Smith Major General, U.S. Army. b. Nov. 27, 1893 in South
Omaha, Nebr. Graduate of Colorado State Coll., 1919. Commissioned 2nd
lieutenant in 1916 and advanced through grades to major general. With the
A.E.F. in France, 1917-19; instructor at U.S. Military Academy, 1920-23;
Infantry School, 1924-27; Command and General Staff School, 1930-34. With War
Dept. Gen. Staff on military intelligence, 1938-42; assistant division
commander of 76th Div., 1942 and commanding general of 27th Div., 1942-44;
98th Div., 1944 and military attache to Paris, 1945-46. Raised Jan. 30, 1917
in Hancock Lodge No. 311, Ft. Leavenworth, Kans.
Robert W. Smith Union Brigadier General (Brevet) in Civil War.
Past master of Oriental Lodge No. 33, Chicago, and member of Illinois Masonic
Veteran Association. Active in Ill. politics, and was a delegate to convention
of 1860 that named Lincoln for presidency.
Samuel Smith (1752-1839) Soldier of Revolution and War of 1812;
Congressman and Senator from Maryland; Secretary of the Navy. b.
July 27, 1752 in Lancaster, Pa. Appointed captain in the 6th Co. of Maryland
line in 1776, under Col. Wm. Smallwood. In heavy fighting at Long Island where
his regiment lost one third of its men; took part in battles of Harlem and
White Plains. Promoted to lieutenant colonel of the 4th Maryland Rgt. in 1777.
Was in attack on Staten Island, at Battle of Brandywine, and commanded Fort
Mifflin. Severely wounded in the latter, he received thanks of congress for
his gallant defense. Was at Valley Forge, Battle of Monmouth. Served in U.S.
Congress from Md., 1793-1803 and 1816-22. U.S. senator from Md. 1803-15, and
1822-33. Under President Jefferson he served without compensation a short time
in 1801, as secretary of Navy, though declining the appointment. In the
threatened war with France and England in 1794 he was appointed brigadier
general of militia of Baltimore, and with the rank of major general, commanded
the Maryland troops suppressing the Whiskey Insurrection of Pa. He was a major
general of state troops in the defense of Baltimore in the War of 1812. He was
among the projectors of the Washington Monument; was mayor of Baltimore,
1835-38. Member of Concordia Lodge No. 13, Baltimore, Md. d. April 22, 1839.
Seba Smith (1792-1868) American journalist and humorist. b. Sept.
14, 1792 in Buckfield, Maine. Graduate of Bowdoin in 1818, settling in
Portland, Maine as a journalist, where he edited the Eastern Argus, the Family
Recorder, and the Portland Daily Courier. During the administration of
President Jackson, he wrote a series of humorous and satirical letters, which
attained wide celebrity. He moved to N.Y.C. in 1842, where he continued his
profession. Member of
St. Clair Smith Ancient Land Mark Lodge No. 17, Portland, Maine, in 1819.
St. Clair Smith Judge, Supreme Court of South Dakota since 1937.
b. July 10, 1889 in Rondell, S. Dak. Graduate of Washington U. in 1912 and
practiced law at Aberdeen, S. Dak. from 1933-37. Raised Dec. 28, 1915 in
Aberdeen Lodge No. 38, Aberdeen, S. Dak. Was master of lodge in 1925, and
grand master of the Grand Lodge of South Dakota in 1928.
W. Angie Smith Methodist Bishop. b. Dec. 21, 1894 in Elgin, Texas.
Graduate of Southwestern U. in 1917 and Columbia U. in 1924. Ordained to
Methodist ministry in 1921, serving churches at Kerrville and Midland, Texas,
Nashville, Tenn., El Paso, Texas, Shreveport, La., Washington, D.C.,
Birmingham, Ala., and at Dallas, Texas. Became bishop in 1944. Was official
representative of Council of Bishops to India, Burma, and Maylaysia in 1946.
Member of Amity Lodge No. 473, Oklahoma City, Okla.; 32° AASR (SJ) at Guthrie,
and KCCH. Member and chaplain of India Shrine Temple, Oklahoma City, and
honorary member of DeMolay Legion of Honor.
Wayne C. Smith Major General, U.S. Army. b. Dec. 4, 1901 in St.
Joseph, Mo. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1925, advancing through
grades to major general in 1952. With Chemical Warfare Service, 1920-21. In
China, 1931-34; Hawaii, 1937-39; Central Pacific, 1943. Was assistant and
chief of staff, G-4 of VII Corps, 1941-43; chief of staff, Central Pacific
Base Command, 1944-45; commanding general Schofield Barracks, 1945-47; asst.
commanding general 9th Inf. Div., 1947-49; asst. division commander 11th
Airborne Div., 1949-51; asst. corps commander IX Corps, asst. division
commander of 46th Div. and commanding general of7th Inf. Div. in Korea,
1952-53; commanding general 11th Airborne Div. and commander of Ft. Campbell,
Ky., 1953-55. Was chief military advisor to Republic of Philippines, 1955-56,
retiring in latter year. Received degrees in Schofield Lodge No. 443,
Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Dec. 17, 1946, Jan. 21, and Feb. 18, 1947, and in
1953 became charter master of Fort Campbell Lodge U.D. (now 946) of Fort
Campbell, Ky. He is thought to be the only general officer, besides George
Washington to be charter master of a lodge. 32° AASR (NJ) at Trenton, N.J.
Member of Rizpah Shrine Temple, Madisonville, Ky.; honorary member of Nile
Temple, Oregon, and El Hasa Temple, Ashland, Ky. Past president of Fort
Campbell Shrine Club (1954). Commander of Old Hickory Camp, Heroes of '76
(1950) at Fort Campbell. Past president of Fort Dix Chapter, National
Sojourners (1948). Past commander of Washington Crossings Camp, Heroes of '76
(1949). National president of National Sojourners, 1956-57, and commander of
New England area since 1958. His great, great-grandfather was Cains Smith, one
of the Freemasons actively concerned in the famous William Morgan case. His
father was not a Mason, due to the fear engendered in his family by the
Anti-Masonic Party. The 14th degree diploma of his grandfather was hidden and
finally turned over to him before his mother died. She had been afraid that he
still might be hurt or hounded in some way by the Morgan affair.
William Smith (1727-?) Dedicated first Masonic building in
America. b. in Aberdeen, Scotland, he came to N.Y. in 1751, and later was a
minister and teacher in Pa. He preached the dedication sermon of "The
Freemasons' Lodge" (said to be the first Masonic building in America). A
member of Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia,
William L. Smith he was famous throughout the colonies for his learning. In
1781, the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania decided to reissue its Ahiman Rezon, or
Book of Constitutions, and appointed Smith to do the revision. He served as
grand secretary of that grand lodge in 1783.
William Smith Compiler of the Pocket Companion for Freemasons,
published at Dublin, Ireland in 1735. He was from Belfast, but of Scottish
descent. He set himself up as a bookseller in Dublin. The same book had been
printed in London earlier in 1735 and was banned by the Grand Lodge of
England. Anderson, q.v., who wrote the English Constitutions, complained that
"one William Smith, said to be a Mason, had without his consent pyrated a
considerable part of the Constitutions aforesaid to the prejudice of the said
Dr. Anderson, it being his sole property.”
William Smith (1762-1840) U.S. Senator and Congressman from South
Carolina. b. in 1762 in N. Car. A graduate of Mount Zion Institute, Winnsboro,
S. Car., in 1780, he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1784,
practicing first at Pickneyville, and later Yorkville (now York). Also engaged
as a planter, he amassed large tracts of land in La. and Ala. U.S. congressman
to 5th Congress, 179799; served in state senate, 1802-08, and president of
same in 1806. Was judge of circuit court, 1808-13. Served in U.S. senate,
1816-23 and 1826-31. He was twice offered a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court
bench, refusing both times. He moved to La. in 1831, and to a farm near
Huntsville, Ala. in 1833. Served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of South
Carolina, Ancient York Masons. d. June 26, 1840.
William A. Smith (1859-1932) U.S. Congressman to 54th-61st
Congresses, 1895-1907, and U.S. Senator, 1907-19,from Michigan. b. May 12,
1859 in Dowagiac, Mich. Studied law and was admitted to bar, 1883, practicing
in Grand Rapids. Was general counsel of Chicago & Western Railway, and
Detroit, Lansing, and Northern Railroad. Served as assistant secretary of the
state senate in 1883, and as state game warden, 1887-91. Became owner of the
Lowell & Hastings R.R. in 1900 and owner and publisher of Grand Rapids Herald
in 1906. Member of York Lodge No. 410, Grand Rapids, Mich., and York and
Scottish Rite bodies of that city. d. Oct. 11, 1932.
William A. Smith Justice, Supreme Court of Kansas from 1930. b.
Dec. 31, 1888 in Valley Falls, Kans. Graduate of Washburn Law School, 1914,
and began practice at Valley Falls, Kans. Attorney general of Kansas, 1926-30.
Member of Valley Falls Lodge No. 21, Valley Falls, Kans., receiving degrees
Dec. 5, 1914, Jan. 2 and March 3, 1915. Was junior deacon in 1916. Exalted in
Oskaloosa Chapter No. 9, R.A.M., Oskaloosa, Kans., on Dec. 6, 1915. 32° AASR (SJ)
and Shriner.
William E. Smith (1873-1946) President of Standard Oil Co. of New
York, 1927-45. b. March 12, 1873 in Buffalo, N.Y. With Standard Oil of N.J.,
1897-1901; sales manager Standard Oil of N.Y., 1906-21; vice president of
same, 1921-27. Retired in 1945, after 50 years of service. Member of Solomon's
Lodge No. 5, Shelbyville, Ky. receiving degrees on March 9, April 13, June 8,
1903. d. Oct. 21, 1946.
William L. Smith (1758-1812) U.S. Congressman to 1st-5th
Congresses, 1789-97, from South Carolina. b. in Charleston, S. Car., he
attended preparatory schools in England, and studied law in the Middle Temple
at London. Studied in Geneva, 1774-78, and returned to Charleston in 1783,
being admitted to the bar the following year, and practicing at Charles-
Sir William Sidney Smith ton. Member of state house of representatives,
1784-88. Also engaged in agricultural pursuits. Appointed U.S. minister to
Portugal and Spain in 1797, and served until 1801. Member of Lodge No. 8 in
Charleston and past master of same. Grand master of the Grand Lodge of South
Carolina, 1793-98 and again 1809-12. d. Dec. 19, 1812.
Sir William Sidney Smith (17641840) English Admiral. While
plenipotentiary at Constantinople, he went to the relief of Acre, and
compelled Napoleon to raise his siege. He destroyed the Turkish fleet off
Abydos in 1807, and blockaded the Tagus River. Made vice admiral in 1810 and
admiral in 1821. Rceived all three degrees, April 17, 1790, in Somerset House
and Inverness Lodge No. 4, London. In 1818 he was chancellor of the Chapitre
des Trinosophes at Paris, and in 1829 became a joining member of the Grand
Masters Lodge in London.
Wint Smith U.S. Congressman to 81st-86th Congresses from 6th Kans.
dist. b. Oct. 7, 1893 in Mankato, Kansas. Graduate of U. of Kansas in 1920 and
Yale in 1922. Admitted to bar in 1923 and practiced at Mankato. Was assistant
attorney general of Kansas, 1931-40. Served on Mexican border and overseas
with 47th Inf., in WWI. Member of Westgate Lodge No. 438, Kansas City, Kansas;
32° AASR (SJ) at Salina and Isis Shrine Temple, Salina.
Robert E. Smylie Governor of Idaho from 1954. b. Oct. 31, 1914 in
Marcus, Iowa. Graduate of Coll. of Idaho in 1938 and George Washington U. in
1942. Practiced law in Boise since 1947. Was attorney general of Idaho from
1947-54. Member of Boise Lodge No. 2, Boise, Idaho.
Thomas A. Smyth (1832-1865) Union Brigadier General in Civil War.
Dec. 25, 1832 in Ballyhooly, Cork, Ireland. Emigrated to America
in his youth, settling in Wilmington, Del., where he engaged in coach making.
At the beginning of the Civil War, he raised a company. He became major of a
Del. regiment, and rose to brigadier general of volunteers on Oct. 1, 1864. He
earned a reputation for bravery, fighting in the following battles: Antietam,
Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Bristow Station, Warrenton,
Centreville, Culpepper, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Petersburg, and Hatcher's
Run. He was killed by a sniper's bullet at Farmville, Va. Wounded on April 7,
1865, he died two days later (on the very day of Lee's surrender), and was the
last Union general to be killed in the war. He was a Freemason but 28 days. He
had received the degrees in Washington Lodge No. 1, Wilmington, Del. on March
6, 1865, by special dispensation of A. V. Lesley, grand master. He had
petitioned and was elected on Dec. 15, 1864. He was buried by the lodge, April
17, 1865, in Brandywine Cemetery at Wilmington.
Howard M. Snapp (1855-1938) U.S. Congressman from Illinois to
58th-61st Congresses, 1903-1911. b. Sept. 27, 1855 in Joliet, Ill. Studied law
and was admitted to the bar in 1878, beginning his practice at Globe, Ariz.,
but returning to Joliet, where he lived the rest of his life. Was raised in
Matteson Lodge No. 175, Sept. 16, 1890; exalted in Joliet Chapter No. 27,
R.A.M., April 18, 1892, and knighted in Joliet Commandery No. 4, K.T., Nov.
25, 1896. Also a member of Joliet Council No. 82, R. & S.M. d. Aug. 14, 1938.
Earl Snell (1895-1947) Governor of Oregon. Elected governor in
1942 and again in 1947, but was killed in an airplane crash before he could
complete second term. b. July 11,
John Snow
in Olex, Oreg. He was owner of automobile agency and garage in Arlington from
1915. Served four terms in state house of representatives, and was speaker in
1933. Was elected secretary of state in 1934 and 1938. Member of Arlington
Lodge No. 88, Arlington, Oreg. receiving degrees on Nov. 3, Dec. 7, 1920 and
Jan. 15, 1921. Was master in 1924-25 and grand master of Grand Lodge of
Oregon, 1940-41. Was killed in airplane accident, Oct 28, 1947.
Perez Snell Early day ritual instructor who worked throughout the
Southern states. He belonged to a Royal Arch Chapter in Lexington, Ky. and
held a commission from John Barker authorizing him to confer the R. & S.M.
degrees on "such worthy companions, Royal Arch Masons, of respectable standing
in the community as he may think proper in the states of Louisiana,
Mississippi, and Missouri.”
Culver C. Sniffen (1844-1930) Brigadier general, U.S. Army in
Spanish-American War. b. Jan. 1, 1844 in N.Y.C. From 1873-77 he was assistant
secretary to President Grant. Entered army as major from New York in 1877.
Became brigadier general and paymaster general on Sept. 11, 1906, retiring
Jan. 1, 1908. Member of Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, D.C. d. July 28,
Charles A. Snodgrass Author of Light From the Sanctuary of the
Royal Arch. and Freemasonry iv. Tennessee. b. Dec. 27, 1876 in Terre Haute,
Ind. Member of Ridgedale Lodge No. 660, Chattanooga, Tenn. Served as grand
high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Tennessee.
George M. Snodgrass (1879-1939) President of Wisconsin State
Teachers College, La Crosse from 1926. b. Jan. 4, 1879 in Boscobel, Wis.
Graduate of Hamline U. at St. Paul in 1900.
Taught in Wausau and River Falls, and was principal in Alma and
Barron. Was superintendent of schools in Oconto and Neillsville, and then
director of teacher training at State Normal School in Superior. Mason. d.
Jan. 12, 1939.
H. Clyde Snook (1878-1942) Electrophysicist and inventor of X-ray
transformer, holding numerous patents in X-rays, radio, meallurgy, optics and
communications. b. March 25, 1878 in Antwerp, Ohio. Graduate of Ohio Wesleyan
U. in 1900 and 1910. Taught school until 1902. Became president of the
Roentgen Mfg. Co. at Philadelphia, 1903-13, and of the Snook-Roentgen Mfg.
Co., 191316. Was vice president of Victor Electric Corp., Chicago, 1916-18,
and with Western Electric Co., 1918-25. Was consulting engineer after 1927.
Mason. d. Sept 22, 1942.
John Snow (1780-1852) Early Masonic lecturer. b. Feb. 15, 1780 at
Providence, R.I. Made a Mason in Mt. Vernon Lodge of Providence in 1809, and
master in 1811. He affiliated with New England Lodge No. 4 of Worthington,
Ohio, and was master from 1818-22 and 1827-31. Was grand master of the Grand
Lodge of Ohio, 1818-23, and again in 1829. In 1818 he was the founder and
first grand commander of the first grand encampment of Knights Templar West of
the Allegheny Mountains—Mt. Vernon Encampment No. 1 of Worthington. He was
high priest of Horeb Chapter No. 3, Worthington, and grand high priest of Ohio
in 1819. As deputy grand high priest of the General Grand Chapter, he presided
at both the 1826 and 1829 meetings, the principal officer being absent. In the
council, he received the degrees from Jeremy Cross, q.v., and was authorized
to establish councils in the West. He was instrumental in introducing Webb's
system into the lodges of the Western states. In the
Leslie P. Snow grand encampment he rose to general grand generalissimo, and
presided over that body in the absence of the senior officer. d. May 16, 1852.
Leslie P. Snow (1862-1934) Justice, Supreme Court of New
Hampshire, 1921-32. b. Oct. 19, 1862 in Eaton, N.H. Graduate of Bridgton
Academy, 1881, Dartmouth, 1886 and Columbian Law School, 1890. Practiced law
at Rochester, N.H. Served in both branches of state legislature, and was
president of senate in 1921. President of Rochester Trust Co. from 1920 and
was president of both state bankers and state bar associations. Raised in
Humane Lodge No. 21, Rochester, N.H. on Feb. 13, 1894. d. March 16, 1934.
Silas D. Snow President of Arkansas State Teachers College,
Conway, Ark., from 1953. b. July 9, 1909 in Conway, Ark. Graduate of the State
Teachers Coll. in 1929. Was principal or superintendent of schools in Magnet
Cove, Crossett, and Corning, Ark. until 1953. Member of Crossett Lodge No.
576, Crossett, Ark. being raised Feb. 12, 1932.
Valentine Snow An English sergeant trumpeter for whom Handel wrote
the trumpet obligato in the Messiah and Judas Maccabaeus. He was a member of a
lodge meeting at the Rainbow Coffee House in York Buildings, about 1731.
Eulan L Snyder Former National President of National Sojourners
and National Commander of Heroes of '76. b. in Berks Co., Pa. Received degrees
of A.B., LL.B., LL.M. and M.P.I. from National University (now George
Washington) at Washington, D.C. A Naval commander and lawyer, he served on the
staff of the judge advocate general of the Navy from 1926-1958, and for six
years on the military judicial system, created by Congress and comparable to
the U.S.court of appeals. Charter member and past master of Sojourners Lodge
No. 51; past high priest of Columbia Chapter No. 1, R.A.M.; past master of
Adoniram Council No. 2, R. & S.M.; life member of Columbia Commandery No. 2,
K.T.; life member of Almas Shrine Temple; past master of Kadosh of Albert Pike
Consistory, AASR (SJ) , all of Washington, D.C. Holds membership in many other
Masonic organizations. Member of grand lodge committee on correspondence since
1946, and director of Friends of Pusan Children's Charity Hospital (Korea).
John W. Snyder U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, 1946-53. b. June
21, 1895 in Jonesboro, Ark. Was a banker in Arkansas and Missouri, 191930.
From 1931-37 he was a national bank receiver in Washington, D.C., and from
1937-43 was manager of the St. Louis loan agency of the R.F.C. Was executive
vice president and director of the Defense Plant Corp., Washington, D.C.,
1940-43. Appointed Federal loan administrator in 1945 but resigned to become
director of Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion. From 1943-45 he was
vice president of the First National Bank, St. Louis. Since 1953 he has been
chairman of finance committee, director and executive vice president of the
Overland Corp. Member of Steele Lodge No. 634, Steele, Mo.
Oscar P. Snyder Major General and Chief of Army Dental Corps,
1954-56. Member of faculty of College of Dentistry, Ohio State University,
since 1957. b. Jan. 6, 1895 in Millersburg, Ohio. Received dental degree from
Ohio State U. in 1916, and was commissioned 1st lieutenant in U.S. Army Dental
Corps in that year, advancing to brigadier general in 1948 and major general
in 1954. In 194244 he was chief dental surgeon of S.W. Pacific Theatre;
Fitzsimons General Hospital, 1945-48; director of
Haym Solomon dental activities, Army Medical Center, Washington, 1948-53.
Retired, 1956. Became member of Cedar Lodge No. 430, Orrville, Ohio in 1920.
Once affiliated with both York and Scottish Rites as well as Shrine in
Rockford, Ill., but now dimitted. Is charter member and past president of
National Sojourner chapters at Walter Reed Hospital (303), Washington, D.C.
and Fort Sam Houston (370), Texas.
Reginald C. Snyder (1873-1941) Newspaper publisher. b. Sept. 25,
1873 in Findlay, Ohio. Purchased Coshocton Daily Age in 1907 and Evening
Herald and Daily Reflector of Norwalk, Ohio in 1912, merging the latter two.
In 1929 he purchased and merged the Sandusky Register and Star Journal. Was
president of Sandusky Newspapers, Inc., and Associated Ohio Dailies. Vice
president of Press Congress of the World. Member of Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 64,
Norwalk, Ohio, receiving degrees on Feb. 1, March 20, 1915 and April 5, 1916.
d. Oct. 3, 1941.
George Soane A non-Mason; published one of the earliest essays in
the attempt to prove that Freemasonry originated in Rosicrucianism.
Fernando Figueredo Socarras (18461929) Cuban patriot. b. Feb. 9,
1846 in Camaguey, Cuba. Entered Troy (N.Y.) Polytechnic Academy in 1864, and
while there organized a patriotic club of 60 Cuban students to assist in a
revolution for Cuban independence. It was also in Troy that he was raised in
King Solomon's Lodge No. 91, Jan., 1868. He sailed for Cuba with Carlos Manuel
de Cespedes, q.v., "Father of Cuba," and became a lieutenant in the Cuban
Army. He went to the Dominican Republic, where he became orator and senior
warden of Restauracion Lodge at Puerta Plata. Later, he settled in Key West,
Fla.,and became an American citizen. Here he joined Dr. Felix Varela Lodge No.
64 and served as its master for several years. In 1885, he was elected to the
state house of representatives. He then settled in Tampa where he again became
interested in a movement to free Cuba from Spanish rule. With other Cuban
emigrants, he founded the city of West Tampa, Fla., and became its mayor. A
charter member of Francisco Vicente Aguilera Lodge, and was its master from
189498. Assisted in raising funds for the fight for Cuban independence, and
when it was won, returned to his native land. On Sept. 18, 1899 he was made
sovereign prince of Rose Croix in Humildad Chapter, Cienfuegos. In 1900,
General Leonard Wood, governor of the island under American occupation, and a
Mason, appointed Socarras, as secretary of interior and state. On April 29,
1900, he and other Cuban patriots were granted a charter for Logia Cobe. He
served as master in 1901-06 and 1909-20. He became grand master of the Grand
Lodge of Cuba in 1907, and served as grand treasurer from 1910-26. Was master
of the Rose Croix chapter in Havana for several years, and in 1909 was grand
master of ceremony of the Supreme Council AASR (SJ). d. April 13, 1929.
Charles, Duke of Sodermanland (see Charles XIII of Sweden).
Duke of Sodermanland (see Oscar I).
Axel Solitander Became first grand master of Grand Lodge of
Finland on Aug. 9, 1924. Was one time Finnish consul general in New York City
and government officer in Helsinki. Became master of Lodge Suoni No. 1,
Finland in Aug., 1922. A contemporary of Sibelius, q.v.
Haym Solomon (see under Salomon).
167 Anastasio Somoza Anastasio Somoza (1896-1956) President of
Nicaragua, 1939-47 and 1950-56. b. Feb. 1, 1896 in San Marcos, Nicaragua.
After graduating from the Institute Nacional de Oriente at Granada, he
attended the Pierce School in Philadelphia, Pa. He became administrator of
taxes for department of Leon in 1925, and the following year participated in
the revolution of the Nationalist Liberal Party. He became governor of the
department of Leon, ambassador to Costa Rica, second in command under
President Moncada, undersecretary of foreign relations and minister of war.
Was named chief director of auxiliary army of Nicaragua in 1932, and chief
director of the national guard under President Sacasa. Following his first
term as president he was again head of the national guard under President
Arguello, and minister of war under presidents Lacayo Sacasa and Roman y
Reyes. Upon the death of the latter he was named president by congress, and
reelected by the Liberalist Party for a six-year term beginning in 1950. His
son of the same name succeeded him as president in 1956. He was raised a
Master Mason in Managua on April 21, 1939, and shortly afterwards, while on a
visit to the United States, was made an honorary member of the Spanish lodge,
Cervantes No. 5, in New Orleans under the Grand Lodge of Louisiana. d. Sept.
29, 1956.
Gilberto M. Sotomayor Peruvian physician. b. March 29, 1903 in
Morropon, Pirura, Peru. Graduate of the medical school of National Univ. of
San Marcos, Lima, in 1931. He has served as president of the Children's
Hospital Medical Assn.; Children's Hospital Society; Sports Medical Assn.;
Daniel A. Carrion Medical Assn.; and the Peruvian Medical Assn. He has
attended many inter-American conferences on children's medical service,
national surgery con-gresses and conferences of International Congress of
American Surgeons College. Became member of Lodge Virtue and Union No. 3 in
1943 and master in 1947-48. Has held many grand lodge positions, and in
1951-55 was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Peru; member of Supreme Council
AASR of Peru and 33°. In 1951-52 he was president of the executive committee
of the Inter-American Masonic Confederation, and in 1954 and 1955 attended the
Grand Masters' Conference in Washington, D.C.
Carlos Soublette (1790-1870) President of Venezuela, 1843-47. Was
a general and secretary of war of Venezuela, 1836-39. In exile, 1848-58. Was
third sovereign grand commander of the Supreme Council of Venezuela, AASR from
George Soule (1834-1926) Founded (1856) and was president of the
Soule Commercial College and Literary Institute, New Orleans. b. May 14, 1834
in Barrington, N.Y. Was an expert accountant and lecturer on social and
educational problems. Served as a lieutenant colonel, C.S.A. in Civil War. A
past grand commander of the Grand Commandery, K.T. of Louisiana and member of
the Grand Encampment, K.T., U.S.A. Wrote a number of books on arithmetic,
accounting, and business problems. Received degrees in Quitman Lodge No. 76,
New Orleans, La. on April 1, 15, May 15, 1859 and life member in 1887. Master
of lodge in 1877-78. Affiliated with Orleans-Delta Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. in
1882 from Polar Star Chapter. Greeted in Holland Council No. 1, R. & S.M. in
1878 and later affiliated with Louisiana Council No. 2. Knighted in
Indivisible Friends Cornmandery No. 1, K.T. March 18, 1860; commander in 1878;
grand commander in 1881. 32° AASR and member of Jerusalem Shrine Temple, New
Orleans. d. Jan. 26, 1926.
168 Nicholas Jean de Dieu Soult Joshua Soule (1781-1867) Methodist
Bishop. b. Aug. 1, 1781 in Bristol, Maine. Joined the church when 16, and the
following year traveled with a presiding elder as a "boy preacher." When 23,
he was placed in charge of the church organization in Maine, as a presiding
elder. Helped draft the constitution of the general conference of 1813, which
remained church law for several decades. At the conference of 1816 he was
elected editor of the Methodist Magazine. In 1820 he was elected bishop, and
declined, but accepted the office in 1824. In 1844, at the general conference
held in New York, when Bishop James 0. Andrew, who had become involved in the
complications of the slavery question, was asked to desist. Soule sided with
him, causing the church to split into Northern and Southern groups—a break
unhealed for almost 100 years. He became the senior bishop of the Southern
group. d. March 6, 1867 in Nashville, Tenn. Mason.
Pierre Soule (1801-1870) U.S. Senator from Louisiana, 1847 and
184953; U.S. Minister to Spain, 1953-55. b. Aug. 28, 1801 in Castillon, near
Bordeaux, France. Attended a Jesuit College at Toulouse, but rebelled and quit
after a year, going to an academy in Bordeaux. He took part in a plot against
Louis XIV, was detected, and fled to the Pyrenees, where he worked as a
shepherd for a year. Went to Paris, where he engaged in journalism, supporting
the extreme liberal faction. He was imprisoned for publishing revolutionary
articles in 1825, but escaped and made his way to England, Haiti, and then to
the U.S. He first settled in Baltimore, Md. and later in New Orleans, La.,
where he studied law and began practice there. Was a member of the state
senate in 1845 and elected to fill vacancy in U.S. Senate in 1847. He was
elected the next year, but resigned to become U.S. minister to Spain, with
instructions to attempt to settle the Cuban situation. In Spain, his son
fought a duel with the Duke of Alva, and a resulting duel followed between the
elder Soule and the French ambassador, Marquis de Turgot. Soule crippled de
Turgot for life. While in the senate he favored secession, but when Louisiana
eventually did secede, he had reversed himself, although he abided by his
state's action. When New Orleans was captured, he was arrested and imprisoned
in Fort Lafayette for several months. He later served on the staff of General
Beauregard and was made brigadier general for special service. He moved to
Havana, Cuba, but eventually returned to New Orleans. He was master of Polar
Star Lodge No. 5 (L'Etoille Polaire) of New Orleans in 1833, and served as
grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana. He was a Royal Arch Mason and
33° AASR (SJ). d. March 26, 1870.
Robert H. Soule (1900-1952) Major General, U.S. Army. b. Feb. 10,
1900 in Laramie, Wyo. Was commissioned second lieutenant in 1918 and advanced
through grades to major general in 1950. In WWI he was with the 31st Infantry,
and then served in Siberia and the Philippines. From 1929-33 he was attached
to American legation in Peking, China, and with War Department general staff,
194142. He was commander of the 11th Airborne Division in 1943-45, and
military attache at Nanking, China, 1946-50. He was later commanding general
of the 3rd Infantry in Korea and inspector of Army Field Forces at Fort
Monroe, Va. Mason and Shriner. d. Jan. 26, 1952.
Nicholas Jean de Dieu Soult (17691851) Duke of Dalmatia, Marshal
of France. Won distinction under Massena at Zurich in 1799 and in defense of
Genoa in 1800. Created marshal by Napoleon in 1804. Was at Austerlitz,
John Philip Sousa Jena, Pultusk, Preussich-Eylau. Created Duke of Dalmatia in
1807. Served in Spain, 1808-11; conquered Andalusia in 1810, but suffered
defeat at La Albuera in 1811. He was minister of war under Louis XVIII,
1814-15, and rallied to Napoleon on his return from Elba. He lived in exile,
1815-19, but was recalled to France and again appointed marshal; was minister
of war, 1830-34 and 1840-44. Was a 33° AASR and second grand surveillant of
the Grand Chapter General of France. After his defeat by the Duke of
Wellington, his Masonic apron was found in his tent and became the property of
Lodge St. Nathalan, Tulloch-in-Mar, where it was preserved until 1851. It was
then given to the grand lodge for return to its owner. It reached Soult,
through the British ambassador, shortly before his death.
John Philip Sousa (1854-1932) American bandmaster and composer,
known as "The March King." b. Nov. 6, 1854 in Washington, D.C. He was a
teacher of music at 15 and a conductor at 17. He was leader of the U.S. Marine
Corps Band, 1880-92, and after that of his own band, with which he
successfully toured the world. Among his most famous marches are Semper
Fidelis, 1888; Washington Post March, 1889; Liberty Bell, 1893; King Cotton,
1897; Stars and Stripes Forever, 1897; and Hands Across the Sea, 1899. Among
his comic operas were El Capitan and The Bride Elect. He probably had more
influence on martial music than any other composer or band leader. A member of
Hiram Lodge No. 10, Washington, D.C., he petitioned June 3, was initiated July
15, and raised, Nov. 18, 1881. A member of Eureka Chapter No. 4, R.A.M.,
Washington, he was knighted in Columbia Commandery No. 2, K.T., Dec. 10, 1886,
and was a member of the Almas Shrine Temple, all of Washington. At the time of
his death he had been a Mason more than 50 years.
Masonic services were conducted by his lodge at the Congressional
Cemetery. d. March 6, 1932.
Thomas, 2nd Baron of Southwell Grand Master, Grand Lodge of
Ireland in 1743.
Thomas George, Viscount Southwell Grand Master of Grand Lodge of
Ireland in 1753.
Solemn Southwick (1773-1839) Anti-Mason. b. Dec. 25, 1773 in
Newport, R.I., where his father was editor of the Mercury and an active
patriot. He first entered a printing office in N.Y.C.; in 1792 moved to
Albany, N.Y., where he was employed by his brother-in-law on the Albany
Register. He became a partner and later, 1808, sole editor. He held many local
offices at this time, and his paper was a great influence in the Democratic
party. He lost party support in a quarrel and the paper was discontinued in
-1817. He then established The Plough.boy, first agricultural paper of the
state. Subsequently he edited the Christian Visitant, a religious periodical,
and the National Democrat, in opposition to the majority of his party. He ran
for governor of New York on the Anti-Masonic ticket, and for several years
published the National Observer, which he founded in the interest of that
party. He then retired from public life, and between 1831-37, delivered
lectures on the Bible, temperance, and self-education. Many of his addresses
and pamphlets were published, including A Solemn Warning Against Free-Masonry,
1827. He received the degrees in Union Lodge, Albany, N.Y., Jan. 26, March 8,
22, 1796. In the same year, he was a petitioner for Temple Lodge No. 14 of
Albany, but does not appear as a member. In 1806 Union Lodge became Mount
Vernon Lodge No. 3. He did become a member of this lodge, but
John Spargo did not sign the by-laws of 1806. d. Nov. 18, 1839.
Cyril S. Spackman Artist. b. Aug. 15, 1887 in Cleveland, Ohio.
Attended Kings College, London. Exhibited at Chicago Art Institute, Cleveland
Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, and Corcoran Gallery of Art. Also in
London, Liverpool, Hull, Brighton, Bradford in England, and in Paris. Designed
Masonic Peace Memorial medal and other Masonic medals. Painted The Nativity,
The Crucifixion, The Ascension, as altar panels of 13th century church in
Grosmont, England. Has executed a number of heads in stone. A Mason and Knight
Templar, he is past provincial grand senior warden of Surrey.
Edward E. Spafford (1878-1941) National commander of American
Legion, 1927-28. b. March 12, 1878 in Springfield, Vt. Graduate of U.S. Naval
Academy in 1901. Resigned from Navy as lieutenant commander in 1914, but
returned in WWI. Raised in Delta Lodge No. 451, Brooklyn, N.Y., April 15,
1924. d. Nov. 13, 1941.
Richard D. Spaight, Jr. (1796-1850) Governor of North Carolina,
1835-37; U.S. Congressman to 18th Congress, 1823-25. b. in New Bern, N. Car.
in 1796; his father of the same name (not a Mason however) had also served as
governor of the state. Graduate of U. of North Carolina in 1815 and admitted
to the bar in 1818, practicing in New Bern. Member of state house of commons,
1819-22 and state senate, 1825-26. Member of St. Johns Lodge No. 3, he was
elected junior warden of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina in 1822 and grand
master in 1830. He was also high priest of Eureka Chapter No. 7, R.A.M., when
it was organized. d. May 2, 1850.
Rufus P. Spalding (1798-1886) U.S. Congressman from Ohio to
38th-40th Congresses, 1863-69; Associate Justice Supreme Court of Ohio,
1849-52. b. May 3, 1798 in West Tisbury, Mass. Graduate of Yale in 1817,
studied law, and began practice in Little Rock, Ark. in 1820. Moved to
Ravenna, Ohio in 1835, and later to Cleveland. Member of state house of
representatives in 1839-42. Was first master of Akron Lodge No. 48, Akron,
Ohio in 1841. Also member of old Jerusalem Lodge No. 19. d. Aug. 29, 1886.
Simon Spalding (1742-1814) Revolutionary soldier, and later
general of Pennsylvania militia. b. Jan. 16, 1742 in Plainfield, Conn., moving
to Wyoming, Pa. in 1772. Was a lieutenant and later a captain, June, 1778, in
the American Revolution. Was present at Bound Brook, N.J., April 13, 1777, and
the escape of the Americans with slight loss was largely due to his personal
efforts. Served until the close of the war. In May, 1783 he moved to Shesequin,
Bradford Co., Pa. Member of Rural Amith Lodge No. 70, Athens, Pa. d. Jan. 24,
Harrison E. Spangler Chairman of Republican National Committee,
194244, and general counsel of same, 194448. b. June 10, 1879 in Guthrie Co.,
Iowa. Graduate of U. of Iowa in 1903 and 1905. In law practice at Cedar
Rapids, Iowa. Served as private in Spanish-American War. Mason; 32° AASR (SJ)
in Cedar Rapids.
John Spargo Author and antiquarian. b. Jan. 31, 1876 in Cornwall,
England. At the age of 18 he was identified with the Socialict cause in
England, and publicly opposed the Boer War. Came to U.S. in 1901, and has
since been active as a lecturer, writer, and political worker. He was the U.S.
delegate to the International Socialist and Trade Union Congress at Copenhagen
in 1910; served several years on the national executive committee of the
Socialist party; was a delegate to all leading conventions of that party, and
state chairman of Vermont.
171 John Sparkman He resigned from the Socialist party in May,
1917. Was temporary chairman of the National Party, organized in 1918, and
director of propaganda and educational activities of same. Is a founder of
Prospect House Social Settlement, Yonkers, and director-curator of Bennington
Historical Museum and Art Gallery, Bennington, Vt. Has written dozens of
books, many on socialism, communism, labor, capital, Vermont, and early
American history. In the Masonic field he has written One Hundred Years of
Masonry in Bennington, Vt.; Lieut. Col. Joseph Wait of Rogers' Rangers,
Freemason and Pioneer Vt. Settler; Freemasonry's Link to Operative Masonry and
the Mediaeval Guilds. In 1917, with Samuel Gompers, q.v., he founded the
American Alliance for Labor and Democracy. Was with U.S. government in Italy
in 1918, and appointed by President Wilson as a member of the Industrial
Conference in 1919. A Knight Templar and 33° AASR (NJ), he is grand historian
of the grand lodge, grand chapter, and grand cornmandery of Vermont. Member of
Royal Order of Scotland; Red Cross of Constantine; grand prior of Vermont
Priory, Knights York Cross of Honour.
John Sparkman U.S. Senator from Alabama since 1946. U.S.
Congressman to 75th-79th Congresses, 193747. b. Dec. 20, 1899 in Morgan Co.,
Ala. Graduate of U. of Alabama in 1921, 1923 and 1924. Admitted to bar in
1925, and practiced at Huntsville, 1925-30. Was raised in Tuscaloosa (Ala.)
Lodge No. 785 on Jan. 11, 1922, and later dimitted to Helion Lodge No. 1,
Huntsville. Was grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Alabama in 1948-49. Member
of Eastern Star.
Will M. Sparks (1872-1950) Judge of U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals,
7th circuit, 1929-49. b. April 28, 1872 in Charlottesville, Ind. Graduate of
DePauw U. in 1896. Admitted to Indiana bar, and was a circuit court judge for
many years. Received degrees in Phoenix Lodge No. 62, Rushville, Ind. on April
15, May 9, 29, 1895. A Knight Templar, he was grand commander of Knights
Templar of Indiana in 1926. d. Jan. 7, 1950.
Count Axel Wrede Sparre (17081772) Swedish Major General. Was
governor general of Stockholm. Initiated in Paris in 1731, he was raised in
1733. After his return to Sweden, he founded the first Masonic lodge in that
country at Stockholm in 1735, named after its founder, Grey Wrede Sparres. It
ceased to work in the middle of the 18th century.
Oliver L. Spaulding (1833-1922) Union Brigadier General of Civil
War; U.S. Congressman to 27th Congress, 1881-83, from Mich.; Assistant
Secretary of Treasury, 1890-93 and 18971903. b. Aug. 2, 1833 in Jaffrey, N.H.
Graduate of Oberlin Coll. in 1855, and admitted to bar in 1858. Entered Civil
War as captain of Co. A, 23rd Mich. Inf. in 1862, and breveted brigadier
general of volunteers on June 25, 1865. Was regent of U. of Michigan, 1859-64;
secretary of state of Michigan, 1866-70. He declined appointment as U.S. judge
of Utah Territory in 1871. Was a special agent of U.S. Treasury, in 1885 and
1889-90. His son, of the same name, was also a brigadier general and Mason,
q.v. Initiated July 15, 1861 in St. Johns Lodge No. 105, St. Johns, Mich. and
raised Aug. 2, 1861. Elected senior deacon the same year. Returning from the
war in 1865, he was elected senior warden, and was master two years, 1866-67.
In 1881 he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Michigan. In capitular
Masonry, he was exalted in Grand Rapids Chapter No. 7, R.A.M., Nov. 20, 1863,
and was charter member and first king of St. Johns Chapter No. 45, when
organized in 1866.
172 Merritt C. Speidel Was high priest in 1867, and grand high
priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M., of Michigan in 1877. Greeted in Ionia
Council No. 12, R. & S.M. in 1866, he was grand master of the Grand Council of
Michigan in 1869. Knighted in DeMolay Commandery No. 5, Grand Rapids, Jan. 29,
1864, he was charter member and first commandery of St. Johns Commandery No.
24, K.T. In 1872 he was grand commander of St. Johns Commandery, K.T. of
Michigan. d. July 30, 1922.
Oliver L. Spaulding, Jr. (1875-1947) Brigadier General, U.S. Army.
b. June 27, 1875 in St. Johns, Mich., the son of Oliver L. Spaulding, q.v.,
who was a brevet brigadier general in the Civil War and assistant secretary of
the U.S. Treasury. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1895 and 1896; of Harvard U.
in 1932. Entered army as second lieutenant of artillery in 1898, and retired
as a brigadier general in 1939. Was recalled to active duty in 1941 and taught
at Army War College. He saw service in Alaska, China relief expedition,
Philippine insurrection, Panama, Mexican Border, and with A.E.F. in France in
WWI as a brigadier general. He taught at several Army service schools, and was
professor of military science at Harvard, 1931-35. He lectured on military
history at Lowell Institute, Boston, and George Washington U., 1939-41. In WWI
he was chief of the historical section of the general staff, A.E.F. Among his
writings are Notes on Field Artillery; Warfare; The United States Army in War
and Peace; and The Second Division., A.E.F., in France. d. March 27, 1947.
Tristram E. "iris" Speaker Member of Baseball Hall of Fame at
Cooperstown, N.Y. in 1937. b. Aug. 4, 1888 in Hubbard City, Texas. He was the
greatest centerfielder of his day. His lifetime batting average was .344.
He was manager of the Cleveland American League team in 1920 when
it won its first pennant and world championship. Always with the American
League, he played for Boston, 1909-15; Cleveland, 1916-26; Washington, 1927;
and Philadelphia, 1928. Member of Hubbard City Lodge No. 530, Hubbard City,
John C. Speaks (1859-1945) U.S. Congressman to 67th-71st
Congresses, 1921-31, from 12th Ohio dist. b. Feb. 11, 1859 in Canal
Winchester, Ohio. In milling and lumber business. State conservation officer
of Ohio, 1907-18. Served 40 years in Ohio National Guard, from private to
brigadier general. Major of Ohio Volunteers in Spanish-American War. Member of
Potter Lodge No. 540, Canal Winchester, Ohio, receiving degrees on June 24,
July 8, 22, 1885. Knight Templar and 32° AASR (NJ). d. Nov. 6, 1945.
Albert M. Spear (1852-1929) Justice, Supreme Court of Maine,
190223. b. March 17, 1852 in Madison, Maine. Graduate of Bates Coll., 1875.
Taught school, 1868-75; was principal of Anson Academy, 1876-77; admitted to
bar in 1878, he practiced at Hallowell until 1885, and then at Gardiner.
Served in both branches of state legislature. Was grand commander of Grand
Commandery, K.T. of Maine in 1899 and grand master of Grand Lodge of Maine,
1922. d. Jan. 31, 1929.
J. Zach Spearing (1864-1942) U.S. Congressman to 59th-71st
Congresses, 1925-31, from 2nd La. dist. b. April 23, 1864 in Alto, Texas.
Admitted to La. bar in 1886, and began practice in New Orleans. First
appointed to congress to fill vacancy. Member of Louisiana Lodge No. 102, New
Orleans; Jerusalem Shrine Temple and National Sojourners. d. Nov. 2, 1942.
Merritt C. Speidel (1879-1960) Newspaper editor and publisher. b.
173 Brent Spence May 19, 1879 in Port Jervis, N.Y. Interested in
journalism since boyhood, he began with the Tri-States Publishing Co. of Port
Jervis, N.Y., and became editor of the Port Jervis Daily Union. Purchased the
Piqua. (Ohio) Daily Call in 1910; Iowa. City Press-Citizen. in 1921, and moved
to Iowa; moved to Palo Alto, Calif. in 1937, and in that year established
Speidel Newspapers, Inc., national newspaper service and research
organization. President of Speidel Newspapers, Inc. (papers in 7 states) ;
pres. of Press-Citizen Co. (Ia.); Chillicothe (Ohio) Newspapers, Inc.; Salinas
(Calif.) Newspapers, Inc.; Fort Collins (Colo.) Newspapers, Inc.; Reno (Nev.)
Newspapers, Inc.; Poughkeepsie (N.Y.) Newspapers, Inc.; and Western Horseman,
Inc. Mason; received 32° AASR (SJ) in Iowa June 2, 1930. Had several transfers
of membership, including Dayton, Ohio (NJ). d. March 20, 1960.
Brent Spence U.S. Congressman from Kentucky to 72nd-86th
Congresses, 1931-60. b. Dec. 24, 1874 in Newport, Ky. Graduate of Law School,
U. of Cincinnati, and admitted to Ky. bar in 1895, practicing at Newport. In
state senate, 1904-08. Received 1st and 2nd degrees in Robert Burns Lodge No.
163, Newport, Ky. on March 23, July 17, 1907, and third degree in Fort Thomas
Lodge No. 808, Fort Thomas, Ky. and made life member of same. Member of Ft.
Thomas Chapter No. 177, R.A.M. and 32° AASR (SJ) at Covington, Ky. Member of
Edward William Spencer (see 10th Duke of Devonshire).
Herbert L. Spencer (1894-1960) President of Samuel H. Kress
Foundation, N.Y.C., since 1949; President of Pennsylvania College for Women,
Pittsburgh, 1935-45; President of Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa.,
1945-49. b. July 13, 1894 in Whitney Point, N.Y. Graduate of Carnegie Inst. of
Technology, 1921, and U. of Pittsburgh in 1934. Was a mechanical engineer with
various industrial organizations, and then a teacher in Pittsburgh. Member of
Monongahela Lodge No. 269, Pittsburgh, Pa., receiving degrees on Dec. 15,
1922, Jan. 19, Feb. 16, 1923. 33° AASR (NJ). d. Jan. 29, 1960.
John W. Spencer (1864-1939) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of
Indiana, 1912-19. b. March 7, 1864 in Mt. Vernon, Ind. Began law practice at
Evansville, Ind. in 1885. Became member of Reed Lodge No. 316, Evansville,
Ind. in 1905 but dimitted in 1919. d. June 28, 1939.
Mickhail M. Speransky (1772-1839) Russian count and statesman. He
accompanied Czar Alexander I to the conference with Napoleon at Erfurt in
1806, and was described by Napoleon as "the only clear head in Russia." He was
minister of state, 1809-12; governor general of Siberia and member of the
council of state in 1821. He was initiated at a secret meeting of the Lodge of
the Polar Star (Fessler's lodge), probably at the request of Alexander I,
q.v., for he was later a member of a governmental committee to look into the
political status of all Masonic lodges.
George W. Speth (1847-1901) A founder and first secretary of the
English research lodge, Quatuor Coronati No. 2076. b. in 1847, he was
initiated in the Lodge of Unity No. 183, London, and master of same in 1876.
In 1881 he published a history of the lodge. He served the research lodge as
secretary from 1886-1901. Author of many Masonic articles, particularly for
AQC. d. April 19, 1901.
John C. Spooner (1843-1919) U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, 1885-91
and 1897-1907. b. Jan. 6, 1843 in Lawrenceburg, Ind. Moved to Madison, Wis. in
Peleg Sprague
Graduate of U. of Wisconsin in 1864. Served with 40th Wis. Inf. in Civil War,
and was later secretary to Governor Lucius Fairchild, q.v., in 1866-67.
Admitted to the bar in 1867, he was assistant attorney general of Wis., and in
general practice at Madison from 1867-70. From 1870-84 he practiced at Hudson,
Wis. Was a regent of the U. of Wisconsin, 1882-85; member of state assembly,
1872. He resigned as senator, May 1, 1907, to enter law practice in New York
City. He was known as one of the most brilliant men in the senate at that
time. A personal friend and confidant of President Theodore Roosevelt, three
presidents—McKinley, Roosevelt and Taft—offered him a place in their cabinets,
but he declined all. A member of Hiram Lodge No. 50 at Madison, he received
the degrees, Feb. 20, March 20, 1865, and Jan. 25, 1867. He was a member of
Madison Chapter No. 4, R.A.M., and a Knight Templar. d. June 11, 1919.
Count Antonius Sporck (1662-1738) The first true Mason in Bohemia.
An adherent to the teachings of Comenius, benefactor of the poor and enemy of
the Jesuits. He preached the return of the original Christian life, erected
churches and benevolent institutions, protected art, and upheld the
connections with the most prominent savants of that time. He was first master
of The Three Stars Lodge. All the enemies of the monarchy, dynasty, and the
Jesuits gathered into this lodge. At the request of the priest, Konais, famous
destroyer of Bohemian literature, Sporck's library of more than 30,000 volumes
was confiscated, and Count Sporck himself tried before the bishops' consistory
at Hradec, Kralovi (Koeinigrantz) as a heretic.
Edward W. Spottswood (1866-1951) General Grand High Priest of the
General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, 1946-48. b. Jan. 2, 1866 in Lake
City, Minn., Graduate of medical school of U. of Minnesota in 1893, he located
in Missoula, Mont. Was assistant chief surgeon of the Western division of the
Northern Pacific Railway, and after 1903, chief surgeon, resigning in 1908 for
private practice. He retired from active practice in 1940. Was past president
of the state medical board. Raised in Missoula Lodge No. 12, May 4„ 1897, was
its master twice, and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Montana in 1925-26.
Exalted in Western Sun Chapter No. 11, R.A.M., Missoula, Nov. 6, 1897, was
high priest in 1919, and grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Montana,
1927-28. Although he was elected general grand high priest of the General
Grand Chapter for the term 1946-48, he was too ill to serve actively as such.
Greeted in Tyrian Council No. 3, R. & S.M. of Missoula, May 10, 1917, he was
master in 1920, and grand master of Grand Council, R. & S.M. of Montana in
1924-25. Knighted in St. Omer Commandery No. 9, K.T., Missoula, on Feb. 11,
1898, he was commander in 1919, and grand commander of the Grand Commandery,
K.T., of Montana in 1932-33. Member of St. Peter's Conclave, Red Cross of
Constantine; past sovereign and intendant general. Received 33° AASR (SJ) in
1939. Member of Algeria Shrine Temple of Helena and potentate in 1926. d. May
13, 1951.
John de Spoulee He is claimed to have presided over the Freemasons
of England in 1350, in the reign of Edward III. Dr. Anderson stated that he
was called Master of the Ghiblim in his 1738 Constitutions.
Peleg Sprague (1793-1880) U.S. Senator from Maine, 1829-35; U.S.
Congressman from Maine, 19th-21st Congresses, 1825-29. b. April 27, 1793 in
Duxbury, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1812, studied law at Litchfield Law
School, and admitted to bar in
William Sprague
Commenced law practice in Augusta, Maine, but moved to Hallowell in 1817.
After his resignation as U.S. senator in 1835, he practiced in Boston, Mass.
He was a member of the lower house of Maine in 182122, and an incorporator of
the Maine Historical Society in 1822. He was U.S. district judge of Mass. from
184165. Member of Kennebec Lodge No. 5, Hallowell, Maine, he was corresponding
grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of Maine in 1822, district deputy grand
master in 1825, and deputy grand master in 1828. Member of Jerusalem Chapter
No. 4, R.A.M., Hallowell, serving as high priest in 1825. d. Oct. 13, 1880.
William Sprague (1830-1915) U.S. Senator from Rhode Island,
1863-75; Governor of Rhode Island, 1860-63. b. Sept. 12, 1830 in Cranston,
R.I. Was in calico-printing business, and also the manufacture of locomotives.
Was a colonel of marine artillery of R.I. militia in 1860, and at start of
Civil War declined a commission as brigadier general. He was an unsuccessful
candidate for governor in 1883. An uncle of the same name (but not a Mason)
was also governor of R.I. in 1838-39. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 2,
Providence, R.I. d. in Paris, France, Sept. 11, 1915.
Edward Spratt Editor of an Irish edition of Anderson's
Constitutions of 1738, published at Dublin in 1751. He was grand secretary of
the Grand Lodge of Ireland.
Claus A. Spreckels (1828-1908) Capitalist. b. in Hanover in 1828,
coming to the U.S. in 1846. He worked at Charleston, S. Car. and N.Y., going
to San Francisco in 1856. Here he conducted a store, and later a brewery.
Established Bay Sugar Refinery in 1863, procuring raw material from Hawaii. He
invented a new refining process; acquired sugar properties in Hawaii, and was
a large owner in the Oceanic Steamship Co., plying between San Francisco and
Honolulu. He was a brother of John D. Spreckels, q.v., and both were members
of Oriental Lodge No. 144, San Francisco. d. 1908.
John D. Spreckels (1853-1921) Capitalist. b. Aug. 16, 1853 in
Charleston, S. Car., a brother of Claus A. Spreckels, q.v. In 1880 he founded
J. D. Spreckels & Bros., shipping and commission merchants. He was president
of the Oceanic Steamship Co. (mail and passenger line to Hawaii), Western
Sugar Refining Co., Spreckels Sugar Co., Coronado Beach Co., Hotel del
Coronado, Coronado Tent City, San Diego Electric Railway Co., Coronado Water
Co., San Diego & Coronado Ferry Co., United Light, Fuel and Power Co., San
Diego & Arizona Railway Co., and other companies. He registered the first
automobile in Calif. (a White Steamer) on May 5, 1905. A member of Oriental
Lodge No. 144 and San Francisco Chapter No. 1, both of San Francisco. d. Aug.
8, 1921.
Christian F. K. von Sprengseisen (1731-1809) German Mason of note.
b. Saalfield, Germany in 1731. Was an ardent adherent of Von Hund, q.v., and
admirer of his Templar system. In 1786 he wrote the book, Anti Saint Nicaise,
in defense of the system and against spiritual templarism. d. Jan. 11, 1809.
Raymond S. Springer (1882-1947) U.S. Congressman to 76th-80th
Congresses; 1939-49, from 10th Ind. dist. b. April 26, 1882 in Rush Co., Ind.
Graduate of Indiana Law School in 1904. Was county attorney and circuit judge.
Practiced law at Connersville from 1922. Candidate for governor in 1932 and
1936. Served as captain of Infantry in WWI. Received degrees in Warren Lodge
No. 15,
Mary Sproule Connersville, Ind. on May 28, June 10, July 1, 1909 and was
master in 1914. d. Aug. 28, 1947.
William L. Springer U.S. Congressman to 82nd-86th Congresses,
195160, from 22nd dist. b. April 12, 1909 in Sullivan, Ind. Graduate of DePauw
U. in 1931 and U. of Illinois in 1935. In law practice at Champaign, from
1935. Served as states attorney and county judge. With Navy in WWII, advancing
to lieutenant commander. Member of Western Star Lodge No. 240, Champaign,
Ill., being raised Aug. 29, 1945.
Elliott White Springs Flying ace of WWI; manufacturer and author.
b. July 31, 1896 in Lancaster, S. Car. Graduate of Culver Military Academy in
1913 and Princeton U. in 1917. As a test pilot, he flew in first cross country
airplane race (N.Y.C. to Toronto) in 1919. Enlisted as a private in aviation
corps in 1917, training with the R.F.C. Rose to captain, and was officially
credited with destroying 11 enemy planes. A cotton manufacturer, he is known
as the creator of a revolutionary advertising technique for his company's
Springmaid Sheets. He is president of three banks, Springs Cotton Mills,
Columbia Compress, Leroy Springs & Co., Kershaw Cotton Mills, Lancaster Cotton
Mills, Fort Mill Mfg. Co., Eureka Cotton Mills, Springstein Cotton Mills and
Springs Mills. A member of Catawba Lodge No. 56, Fort Mill, S. Car., he
received the degrees, Nov. 30, Dec. 28, 1922, and Feb. 8, 1923.
Ebenezer Sproat (1752-1805) Revolutionary soldier and Ohio
pioneer. b. in Middleborough, Mass. Entered Provincial Army as a captain early
in 1775, was promoted to lieutenant colonel and given command of the 2nd Mass.
Regiment. Was in General Glover's brigade at battles of Trenton, Princeton,
and Monmouth. Was appointed brigade inspector by Baron Steuben. After the war
he was a surveyor at Providence, R. I., and subsequently went West, where in
1786, he began a survey of the territory now within the border of Ohio. In
1788 he led the party of emigrants that settled at Marietta, and was for 14
years sheriff and colonel of militia. He was tall and commanding in person,
and known among the Indians as "The Big Buckeye"—from which Ohio derived its
name of "The Buckeye State." Member of American Union Lodge No. 1, Marietta,
Ohio, being raised Dec. 8, 1790. d. Feb., 1805.
Elliott W. Sproul (1856-1935) U.S. Congressman to 67th-71st
Congresses, 1921-31, from 3rd Ill, dist. b. Dec. 28, 1856 in Apohaqui, Canada.
Came to U.S. in 1878 and was naturalized in 1886. Was a building contractor in
Chicago from 1880, and later president of the E. W. Sproul Co. (until 1913).
Raised Oct 3, 1885 in Englewood Lodge No. 690, Chicago, Ill. d. June 22, 1935.
William C. Sproul (1870-1928) Governor of Pennsylvania, 1919-23
and industrialist. b. Sept. 16, 1870 in Octoraro, Pa. Graduate of Swarthmore
Coll. in 1891. President of Chester (Pa.) Daily Times and Morning Republican;
organizer and president of Seaboard Steel Casting Co.; organizer and chairman
of General Refractories Co. with 15 plants; also Lebanon Iron Co., Lackawanna
& Wyoming Valley R.R. Organized and developed numerous railroads, mining,
traction, and power enterprises in W. Va. Served 22 continuous years in Pa.
state senate. A Republican primary candidate for president in 1920. Known as
"father of the good roads" in Pa. Raised April 15, 1897 in Chester Lodge No.
236, Chester, Pa. Received Mark Master degree, Nov. 21, 1919. d. March 21,
Mary Sproule Said to be Canada's only "woman Freemason." It is
Amon L. Squiers that in 1783, when 10,000 refugee Loyalists from the U.S.
settled in New Brunswick, they did their best to pick up their old way of
life. Many of the men, who were granted land around Sussex in the Kennebecasis
River Valley, were Masons in the U.S. It was not long before they formed Zion
Lodge at Sussex. Scattered over a 40-mile area, they traveled to meetings by
horse in the summer and snowshoe in the winter. They had no hall but met in
private homes, "on the first Monday after the full moon in the calendar
month," with each member taking a turn as host. Early in the 1800's they met
in the two-room log house of young James Sproule. As the first brethren
arrived, Mary Sproule, James' wife, picked up her candle and knitting and
withdrew to the bedroom, which was separated from the main room by a curtain.
It was not until the meeting was over and the candidate had been initiated,
that the Rev. Oliver Arnold, Anglican rector of the parish, realized that Mrs.
Sproule had been able to hear all that went on—that, in fact, she couldn't
help from hearing. "You listened to the initiation ceremony," he thundered at
her. "I didn't listen," she said, "but you talked so loud. . . ." The old
parson turned pale, for it was prescribed that no outsider could be allowed to
live after learning the secrets of initiation. It was then determined that she
should be sworn in as a Freemason, and she took the oath that made her the
only woman member of the Order in Canadian history. She was never to hold
office, nor even to attend another meeting, but the curious incident was
eventually reported in newspapers around the world, and brought fame to the
little lodge in the Kennebecasis Valley. When Mary Sproule died, a stone
bearing the Masonic emblem was placed over her grave. As a footnote to the
story, Ralph T. Pearson, of Sussex, a direct descendant of James and Mary
Sproule was grand master of the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick in 1954.
Arnon L. Squiers (1869-1921) Justice, Supreme Court of New York,
1919-21. b. Oct. 6, 1869 in Smyrna, N.Y. Graduate of Columbia U. in 1893 and
New York Law School in 1894. Was assistant professor of mathematics at
Columbia U., and instructor of mathematics at Barnard Coll. until 1895.
Admitted to bar in latter year, practicing in N.Y.C. Member of Anglo-Saxon
Lodge No. 137, Brooklyn, N.Y., receiving degrees on May 17, June 7, 21, 1905;
master in 1911; district deputy grand master of 1st Kings dist. in 1919-20. d.
Oct. 28, 1921.
St. (all names with "Saint" or "St." are grouped under the
alphabetical listing of Saint for convenience).
Edward J. Stackpole Publisher and soldier. b. June 21, 1894 in
Harrisburg, Pa. Graduate of Yale in 1915. Starting as a salesman for Telegraph
Press, of Harrisburg, he has been president and director since 1931. Also
president, director of Radio Station WHP since 1931, Telegraph Building Corp.,
and The Stackpole Co., book publishers. Is director of many other companies.
Was infantry captain in WWI, and later organized and commanded the 104th
Cavalry of the Pa. National Guard, as well as the 22nd Cavalry Div. Served
throughout WWII as brigadier general of the line. Reorganized the Pa. National
Guard, and was major general, commanding 28th Inf. Division, 1946-47. Has
written a number of books on the Civil War. Member of Robert Burns Lodge No.
464, Harrisburg, Pa., since 1917. 32° AASR (NJ), Zembo Shrine Temple, and
National Sojourners, all of Harrisburg.
178 Robert N. Stanfield H. Eugene Stafford (1869-1954) Medical
officer, U.S. Army, and first grand master of the Grand Lodge of the
Philippines. b. in Meridian, Miss. Was one of the first to be commissioned in
the medical service in the Spanish-American War. Made captain and assistant
surgeon in the 71st N.Y. National Guard. Was wounded by shrapnel at San Juan
Hill in Cuba. Arrived in Manila, Philippines, in May, 1899, where he was in
charge of the surgery department of the First Reserve Hospital. Then detailed
to the Malacanan Palace as surgeon to General Arthur MacArthur, q.v. He
engaged in civil practice for a time, and shortly before WWII, moved to Baguio,
a mountain resort 165 miles north of Manila. In 1942 his stay was interrupted
by the Japanese, who imprisoned Stafford and his wife. Here he underwent, from
the hands of the Japanese, innumerable tortures which left him sightless and
deaf—and from which he never recovered. Dr. Stafford raised General Douglas
MacArthur, q.v., to the third degree, and MacArthur later said of him, "He was
the noblest Mason of them all." Raised in Roome Lodge No. 746, N.Y.C., he was
master in 1895 and 1898. He later dimitted to become charter member and first
master of Manila Lodge No. 342 under Calif. (now Manila No. 1). Became a
member of Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R.A.M., New York City, March 28, 1894, and
high priest of same in 1898; greeted in Adelphic Council No. 7, R. & S.M. in
1894; knighted in Coeur de Lion Commandery No. 23, K.T. of N.Y.C. on May 11,
1894, and was generalissimo in 1898. Was life member of Mecca Shrine Temple,
N.Y.C., and first president of the National Sojourners in Manila. Received the
32° AASR (NJ) in Dec. 1892, and affiliated with Southern Jurisdiction, Sept.
9, 1921; KCCH in 1931 and 33° in May, 1936. Was first grand master ofthe Grand
Lodge of the Philippines at its formation in Dec., 1912, and reelected the
next year at the first regular meeting. d. 1954, and his ashes, together with
those of his wife, were scattered over Manila Bay at sundown on Aug. 7, 1954,
as ordered by his will.
John M. Stahl (1860-1944) Writer, lecturer; leader of "good roads"
movement; first to propose Rural Free Delivery; led in the movement for parcel
post. b. Aug. 24, 1860 in Mendon, Ill. Was an editor of the Ohio Farmer at 18;
editor of same, 1881-1916; and proprietor, 1883-1916. President of Farmers'
National Life Insurance Co., 1913-24. Opposed free silver. An organizer of
National Civic Federation in 1900. Declined appointment as secretary of
Agriculture under Harrison, and another cabinet seat under Wilson. Was an
early advocate of direct election of U.S. senators. Raised Feb. 29, 1892 in
Kenwood Lodge No. 800, Chicago, Ill.; Knight Templar and 32° AASR (NJ). d.
Oct. 17, 1944.
James G. Stab'man Publisher and president of the Nashville Banner.
b. Feb. 28, 1893 in Nashville, Tenn. Graduate of Vanderbilt U. in 1916. Served
as private in Army in WWI, and captain in Navy in WWII. President of American
Newspaper Publishers, 1932-33, and chairman of board, 1933-34. Mason, Knight
Templar, 32° AASR (SJ), and past potentate of Al Menah Shrine Temple.
John, 12th Earl of Stair (Sir John James Dalrymple) Eighty-fourth
grand master Mason of Scotland, 1924-45. Peer of the Realm. Initiated in Lodge
Stranraer Kilwinning No. 208 in 1905. Affiliated with Scots Lodge No. 2319 (E.C.)
in 1910, and master in 1919.
Robert N. Stanfield (1877-1945) U.S. Senator from Oregon, 1921-27.
b. July 9, 1877 in Umatilla, Oreg. Engaged in
Leland Stanford livestock and banking. Member of state house of
representatives, 191317, and speaker of same in 1917. Mason, and member of Al
Kader Shrine Temple, Portland. Received degrees in Umatilla Lodge No. 90 in
1902 and dropped NPD Dec. 12, 1933. d. April 13, 1945.
Leland Stanford (1824-1893) Founder of Leland Stanford, Jr.
University, Palo Alto, Calif. in 1885 in memory of his only son; capitalist;
governor of California, 1861-63, and U.S. senator from Calif., 1885-1893. b.
March 9, 1824 in Watervliet, N.Y. Studied law, and admitted to practice in
1848. Moved to Port Washington, Wis. in 1848 and to Calif. in 1852, where he
opened a general store at Michigan Bluff. In 1855 he moved to Sacramento and
engaged in mercantile pursuits on a large scale. He was one of the "big four"
who built the Central Pacific Railroad, linking the Union Pacific and the
Southern Pacific lines to form the first transcontinental road, 1,776 miles
long. He drove the golden spike at Promontory Point, Utah, May 10, 1869. To
establish Leland Stanford, Jr. Univ. he gave $22,500,000; he is buried on the
university grounds. Was raised in Prometheus (now Ozaukee) Lodge No. 17, Port
Washington, Wis., in March, 1850. Dimitted from same in 1852 to become charter
member and first senior deacon of Michigan City Lodge No. 47, Michigan City,
Calif., on January 11, 1854. A year later he withdrew from the lodge. d. June
21, 1893.
Philip Dormer Stanhope (see 4th Earl of Chesterfield).
Augustus Poniatowski Stanislas, II (1732-1798) Last king of
independent Poland, 1764-95. Son of Prince Stanislaw Poniatowski. Elected to
the Diet in 1752. As a representative at the Russian court in 1755, he gained
the favor of Catherine II, and throughher influence was made king in 1764. He
was well educated and well meaning, but without strength of character. The
condition of the country became anarchic, and three partitions were carried
out by Russia, Austria, and Prussia. Stanislas resigned in 1795, on the third
partition, and was called to St. Petersburg, where he died. He was the
protector of Freemasonry, and a member of the Warsaw Lodge "Under Three
Helmets" in 1777. This lodge worked under the German system of "higher"
grades, and the king was knighted, assuming the name Eques Salsinatus. Nearly
all his courtiers, prominent statesmen, and many aristocrats were Masons, such
as Prince Kasimir Sapieha, Prince Adam Chartorysky, Ignatius Potocky, and the
Priest Piatoly. Masonic ideas of tolerance and benevolence influenced the
policy of the Polish government and a number of charitable institutions were
organized by Polish Masons.
Edward John Stanley (see earl of Derby).
Wykeham Stanley (see Lord Cornwallis, 2nd Baron).
Edwin M. Stanton (1814-1869) Attorney General of the U.S.,
1860-61; Secretary of War, 1862-68, guiding the war department through the
Civil War. b. Dec. 19, 1814 in Steubenville, Ohio. Admitted to the bar in
1836, and practiced at Cadiz, Ohio, returning to Steubenville in 1839. In 1848
he moved to Pittsburgh, Pa., and in 1857, to Washington, D.C. Served as
attorney general under President Buchanan. Lincoln named him secretary of war,
in which position he "masterminded" the Union forces, retiring General
McClellan, and placing General Grant as commander-inchief of the three armies.
After Lincoln's death, Stanton opposed President Johnson, and intrigued with
congressional groups against him. He
John Stark was suspended by Johnson in Aug., 1867, but restored by act of U.S.
Senate in Jan., 1868. Was dismissed by Johnson, Feb. 21, 1868, but refused to
leave the office. In this the senate supported him. This led to the
impeachment charges against Johnson, and when these charges failed, Stanton
resigned in May, 1868. President Grant appointed him associate justice of the
supreme court, but he died Dec. 24, 1869, four days after he had been
confirmed by the senate. He was a member of Steubenville Lodge No. 45,
Steubenville, Ohio, and upon moving to Pittsburgh, Pa., became a member of
Washington Lodge No. 253 of Pittsburgh on March 25, 1851 as a charter member.
He resigned on Nov. 29, 1859. d. Dec. 24, 1869.
Johann August Von Starck (17411816) Closely connected with the
history of German Freemasonry, especially with the Rite of Strict Observance.
b. Oct. 29, 1741 at Schwerin. Studied at the U. of Gottingen. Made a Freemason
in 1761 in a French military lodge. In 1763 he became a teacher in a public
school at St. Petersburg, and it is thought that here he was adopted into the
Rite of Melesine, then flourishing in the Russian capital. After two years in
Russia, he went to England, and then to Paris in 1766. In 1767 he was director
of schools at Wismar, where he was junior warden of the Lodge of the Three
Lions. In 1770 he went to Konigsberg to occupy the chair of theology and to be
court chaplain. The following year he resigned both offices and retired to
Mettau to devote himself to literary and philosophical pursuits. He formed a
schism from the Strict Observance, which he gave the name Clerks of Relaxed
Observance. It consisted of seven degrees. Originally a Protestant, he had
been secretly connected with Romanism while in Paris, and attempted to embody
Roman Catholicism into his new system. In fact, he demanded that the candidate
should be a Roman Catholic as a prerequisite to admission. Other groups grew
suspicious of his intentions and linked him with the Jesuits. His rite
diminished in popularity, and he finally withdrew from Freemasonry and wrote
several anti-Masonic works, including A Treatise on Secret Catholicism, on
Proselyte Making, on Jesuitism and on Secret Societies. In this book he says
"It is true that when the so-called Strict Observance was introduced into
Masonry I belonged to it.. . . But I have withdrawn from all that, and all
that is called Freemasonry for more than nine years." Whatever his secret
motives, he was an active member of the Masonic order and wrote many valuable
Masonic works, including Apology for the Order of Freemasonry, 1778, and On
the Design of the Order of Freemasonry, 1781. d. March 3, 1816.
Benjamin Stark (1820-1898) U.S. Senator from Oregon, 1861-62. b.
June 26, 1820 in New Orleans, La. Engaged in mercantile pursuits in N.Y.C.,
studied law and moved to San Francisco, Calif., where he was in the mercantile
business from 1849-50. He then moved to Portland, Oreg. and was admitted to
the bar in 1850. Was a member of the territorial house of representatives in
1852; served in the Oregon Indian hostilities in 1853 as a colonel; was a
member of the house of representatives in 1860. He later moved to New London,
Conn. where he was active in political affairs, and served in the Connecticut
legislature in 1874. Received the degrees in Loge Le Progres de l'Oceanie,
Honolulu, Hawaii, and later affiliated with Willamette Lodge No. 2, Portland,
which he served as secretary and master. d. Oct. 10, 1898.
John Stark (1728-1822) Major General of American Revolution and
Joe Starnes surviving general officer of that war. b. Aug. 28, 1728 in
Londonderry, N.H. Hunting and trapping in his early years, he was captured by
the Indians, but ransomed for $103—remarking that he thought he was worth more
than that. Joined the famous Rogers' Rangers as a lieutenant, and served
through all the campaigns around Lake George and Lake Champlain. At the close
of the Indian War, he retired to his farm at Derryfield, N.H. (now Manchester)
until news of the Battle of Lexington reached him. He led several hundred
neighbors to join the army at Cambridge. He was famous for his saying "Look
yon, men! There are the red coats! Before the night they're ours or Molly
Stark's a widow." His remark at the Battle of Bunker Hill, "Boys, aim at their
waistbands," has become historical. He was in the Canadian expedition of 1776
and met with defeat. Next he was at Trenton and Princeton. Having been
slighted in the promotion list, he resigned his commission and retired to his
farm. Congress rebuked him, but he again entered the conflict as a brigadier
general of N.H. militia, and his troops completely routed the British at the
Battle of Bennington on Aug. 16, 1777. This led to the surrender of Burgoyne
at Saratoga. For this victory, congress made him a brigadier general, Oct. 4,
1777. He commanded the Northern Department, and was a member of the court
martial that condemned Major Andre of treason. At the end of the war he was
breveted major general. He became a member of Masters Lodge No. 2 (later 5) at
Albany, N.Y., Jan. 9, 1778. The minutes read, "The petition of Brigadier
General John Starke being presented to the body, he was balloted for, met with
the unanimous consent of the members present, and was initiated accordingly.
Brig. Gen. John Starke paid 5 pounds for his initiation fee, 8 shil- lings to
the Tyler, and 4 shillings for extra lodge." d. May 8, 1822.
Joe Starnes U.S. Congressman to 74th-78th Congresses, 1935-45,
from 5th Ala. dist. b. March 31, 1895 in Guntersville, Ala. Graduate of U. of
Alabama in 1921, and in law practice at Guntersville since that time. Was
member of special committee for investigating un-American activities,
75th-78th congresses, and author of the Veterans Preference Act of 1944.
Member of Marshall Lodge No. 209, Guntersville, Ala., being raised in Aug.,
1917; past master of same. Member of Tuscaloosa Chapter No. 1, R.A.M.,
Tuscaloosa Council No. 4, R. & S.M., and Tuscaloosa Commandery No. 13, K.T.,
all of Tuscaloosa, Ala. Member of Eastern Star at Guntersville and Zamora
Shrine Temple of Birmingham.
Floyd Starr Founder and President of Starr Commonwealth for Boys
and author of the statement "There is no such thing as a bad boy." b. Decatur,
Mich. Graduate of Albion Coll. in 1910. In 1913 he established the home and
school for underprivileged and delinquent boys at Albion, Mich., for which has
provided home, education, and guidance for 5,000 boys. A recognized pioneer in
the field of social service. The Starr Commonwealth also has branches at
Jackson, Mich. (advanced students) and in Van Wert, Ohio (limited to Ohio
boys). Member of Murat Lodge No. 14, Albion, Mich., receiving degrees on March
18, April 1 and 22, 1924. Exalted in Albion Chapter No. 32, R.A.M. and
Marshall Commandery No. 17, Marshall, Mich. 32° AASR (NJ) at Grand Rapids,
Mich. Member of Saladin Shrine Temple, Grand Rapids, and Albion Chapter No.
124, O.E.S., Albion.
Harris E. Starr Chief Associate Editor of Dictionary of American
Biography,1926-36. b. May 7, 1875 in
Edward L. Stauffacher Phenix, R.I. Graduate of Brown U., 1897; Harvard U.,
1899; Yale, 1910 and 1922. English instructor at Brown U., then ordained to
ministry in Congregational Church in 1902, serving at Mansfield, Mt. Cannel,
and New Haven, Conn. Director of Dictionary of Biography since 1936, and
editor in chief of The Army Chaplain, official organ of the Chaplains'
Association, U.S. Army, 1929-34. Served as chaplain in WWI with rank of
captain. Raised in 1903 in Uriel Lodge No. 24, Merrow, Conn. Was master of
same and grand chaplain of Grand Lodge of Connecticut in 1908.
Raymond W. Starr Federal Judge, Western Michigan since 1946. b.
Aug. 24, 1888 in Harbor Springs, Mich. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1910, and
practiced law at Grand Rapids. Attorney general, 1937-38, and justice of
supreme court of Michigan, 194146. Member of York Lodge No. 410, Grand Rapids,
Mich., receiving degrees on Dec. 12, 1921, Jan. 2, 23, 1922. 33° AASR (NJ) in
Oct., 1955.
Harold E. Stassen Governor of Minnesota, 1939-43. b. April 13,
1907 in West St. Paul, Minn. Graduate of U. of Minnesota in 1927 and 1929.
Began law practice in South St. Paul. Was youngest governor in the history of
the U.S. Was reelected for term 1943-45, but resigned to serve with U.S. Navy.
He was personal aide and flag secretary to Admiral William P. Halsey in the
South Pacific, and appointed assistant chief of staff in June, 1944. President
of U. of Pennsylvania, 1948-53. Mutual Security Administrator, 1953; special
assistant to president with cabinet rank to direct studies of U.S. and world
disarmament; one of U.S. delegates to San Francisco Conference of United
Nations in 1945. Temporary chairman and keynoter of Republican National
Convention in 1940. Member of Shekinah Lodge No. 171, St. Paul, Minn.,
andmaster of same in 1939, while governor of state. 32° AASR (NJ) and received
KCCH in 1945.
Ellsworth M. Statler (1863-1928) Founder of the Statler Hotel
system. b. Oct. 26, 1863 in Somerset Co., Pa. Founded Statler's Restaurant,
Buffalo, N.Y. in 1896; built and operated hotel at Pan-American Exposition,
Buffalo, 1901, and Inside Inn at St. Louis Exposition in 1904. Was president
and director of Hotels Statler Co., Inc., owning and operating hotels in
Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit, St. Louis, and New York City. Became member of
DeMolay Lodge No. 498, Buffalo, N.Y., Jan. 8, 1900. Received 33° AASR (NJ) at
Buffalo, Sept. 18, 1923. d. April 16, 1928.
Charles H. Stauffacher (1879- ) United Brethren Bishop from 1934.
b. Oct. 27, 1879 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Graduate of Des Moines U. in 1901;
Western Union Coll., (Ia.) in 1927. Licensed minister in Evangelical United
Brethren Church in 1901, and ordained in 1903, serving churches in Belle
Plaine, Waterloo, Zearing, and Cedar Rapids, Iowa until 1917. Then served as
associate secretary of General Missionary Society, 1921-22; secretary of
Forward Movement, 1922-26; and field secretary of General Missionary Society,
1926-34. As bishop, was supervisor of Southwestern Area, including Ia., Mo.,
Kan., Neb., Colo., Okla., Texas and Calif. Mason and 33° AASR (SJ).
Edward L. Stauffacher President of Cities Service Oil Co. of
Pennsylvania. b. Sept. 25, 1901 in St. Paul, Mimi. Graduate of U. of Minnesota
in 1924. Started as engineer with Cities Service Oil Co. of Del. in 1924,
rising to vice president in charge of marketing, 1950-55, and director. Became
vice president of Cities Service Oil Co., Ltd., 1950-55. Mason and Shriner.
183 William Staughton William Staughton (1770-1829) Early American
Baptist clergyman and college president. b. Jan. 4, 1770 in Coventry, England.
Graduate of Baptist school in Bristol, England in 1792, and came to U.S. in
1793, landing at Charleston. Preached for more than a year at Georgetown,
S.C.; moved to N.Y.C., and thence to N.J., residing for some time at
Bordentown, and then at Burlington. Came to Philadelphia in 1805 as pastor of
the 1st Baptist church. After a successful ministry there of six years, he
founded a new church on Sansom St., where he served from 1811-22. Became
president of Columbian College, Washington, D.C., 1822-27, and president of
Georgetown Coll. (Ky.), 1829. Member of Columbia Lodge No. 91, Philadelphia,
Pa. d. Dec. 12, 1829.
Ralph F. Stearley Major General U.S. Air Force. b. July 25, 1898
in Brazil, Ind. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy, 1918, advancing through
grades to brigadier general in 1943, and major general (temp.) in 1949.
Director of Air Support, Hdq., Army Air Forces, 1943; A-3 with 9th Air Force,
E.T.O., 1944; G-3 of first Allied Airborne Army, E.T.O., 1944-45; commanding
general of 9th Tactical Air Command, E.T.O., 1945-46; deputy chief and later
chief of War Dept. Special Staff Legislative and Liaison Div., 1946-48;
commanding general 14th Air Force, 1948-50; commanding general of 20th Air
Force, 1950-53, retiring in latter year. Now military advisor of Twigg
Industries, Brazil, Ind. Received degrees in Rio Grande Lodge No. 81,
Brownsville, Texas on Jan. 5, Feb. 9, March 9, 1921. Suspended NPD in 1933 and
restored in 1953, transferring to Brazil Lodge No. 264, Brazil, Ind. in 1954.
Lorenzo Stecchetti (see under Olin-do Guerrini).
Daniel F. Steck (1881-1950) U.S. Senator from Iowa, 1926-30. b.
Dec.16, 1881 in Ottumwa, Iowa. Graduate of U. of Iowa in 1906, and began law
practice in Ottumwa. Served as a captain in 34th Division, A.E.F. in WWI. Was
special assistant to U.S. attorney general, 1933-47. Member of Ottumwa Lodge
No. 16, Ottumwa, Iowa. d. Dec. 31, 1950.
William E. Steckler Federal judge, Southern District of Indiana
since 1950. b. Oct. 18, 1913 in Mount Vernon, Ind. Graduate of Indiana Law
School in 1936 and 1937. Practiced law in Indianapolis, 1937-50. Served as
seaman, U.S. Navy in WWII. Raised Oct. 25, 1943 in Center Lodge No. 23,
Indianapolis. Received 33° AASR (NJ) in Sept., 1956. Member of Murat Shrine
Temple, active member of Order of DeMolay, and Royal Order of Jesters.
Thomas J. Steed U.S. Congressman to 81st-86th Congresses from 4th
Okla. dist. b. March 2, 1902 near Rising Star, Texas. Connected with Okla.
daily newspapers for 20 years, and managing editor of the Shawnee News and
Star, four years. Served in WWII from private to lieutenant. Member of So.
McAlester Lodge No. 96 of McAlester, Okla. since 1925. 33° AASR (SJ) in
McAlester (Indian Consistory) and member of the Shrine.
James B. Steedman (1818-1883) Union Major General in Civil War. b.
July 30, 1818 in Northumberland Co., Pa. Went to Ohio in 1837, where he was a
contractor on the Wabash and Erie Canal. Member of state legislature in 1843.
In 1849 organized a company to cross the plains to Calif. in search of gold,
but returned to Ohio the next year. During Buchanan's administration he was
public printer at Washington. At opening of Civil War he became a colonel of
the 4th Ohio Regiment. Promoted to brigadier general in July, 1862; was at
Perryville; commanded 1st division
Reuben A. Steere of the reserve corps of Army of the Cumberland; reinforced
General G. H. Thomas at Battle of Chickamauga. Promoted major general in
April, 1864; relieved the garrison at Dalton and defeated General Wheeler's
cavalry in June, 1864. Resigned in July, 1866, after serving as provisional
governor of Georgia, and was appointed by President Johnson as collector of
internal revenue at New Orleans. Poor business judgment involved him in
financial trouble and he returned to Ohio in 1879, where he was editor and
nominal owner of the Weekly Ohio Democrat, and police chief of Toledo.
Received his degrees in Northern Light Lodge No. 40, Waynesfield, Ohio in the
summer in 1851. Was also a Royal Arch Mason and Knight Templar. d. Oct. 18,
John Steele (1758-1827) Revolutionary War officer and Brigadier
General of Pennsylvania militia. b. Aug. 15, 1758 in Lancaster Co., Pa. Rose
to the command of a company in March, 1779, but was seriously wounded at the
Battle of Brandywine, and retired from the service in Jan., 1783. Member of
Pennsylvania state senate and speaker of that body in 1805. President
Jefferson appointed him collector of the Port of Philadelphia in 1808, and he
held that post until his death, Feb. 27, 1827. Member of Lodge No. 61,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
John Steele (1764-1815) First Comptroller of the U.S. Treasury;
U.S. Congressman from North Carolina. b. Nov. 1, 1764 in Salisbury, N. Car.
Became a merchant and successful planter. Served in state legislature in 1787,
1788, 1811-13. He was a member of the first two U.S. congresses, 1790-93.
Washington made him the first comptroller of the Treasury, and he served from
1796 to 1802. Active in the state militia, he attained the rank of general.
Member of Old Cone Lodge No. 9, Salisbury, N. Car. He was at one time grand
pursuivant of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. d. Aug. 14, 1815.
John B. Steele (1814-1866) U.S. Congressman to 37th-38th
Congresses, 1861-65, from New York. b. March 28, 1814 in Delhi, N.Y., he
graduated from Williams Coll. Williamstown, Mass., and was admitted to the bar
in 1839. Began law practice at Cooperstown, N.Y. moving to Kingston in 1847.
Accidentally killed near Kingston, N.Y. Sept. 24, 1866. Member of Kingston
Lodge No. 10, Kingston, N.Y.
John H. Steele Governor of New Hampshire, 1844-45. Initiated March
13, 1816 in Altemont Lodge No. 26, Peterborough, N.H.; raised April 1, 1817.
Was twice master, 1826-29 and 1849-50. Was grand lecturer of the Grand Lodge
of New Hampshire, 1835-37, and district deputy grand master, 1838-40 and 1851.
Member of Peterborough Chapter No. 12, R.A.M.
Sir Richard Steele (1672-1729) British essayist and dramatist.
Started the Tatler in 1709, a triweekly journal of politics and society, into
which he inserted essays on manners and morality. Also collaborated with
Addison on the Spectator, but later broke with him. Believed to have been a
Mason, but no proof.
Thomas J. Steele (1853-1920) U.S. Congressman to 64th Congress,
191517, from Iowa. b. March 19, 1853 in Rush Co., Ind. Practiced law at
Sheldon, Iowa, and after 1897 was in the cattle commission business at Sioux
City. Mason. d. March 21, 1920.
Reuben A. Steere (1838-?) Midget. b. Oct. 19, 1838 in Gloscester,
R.I. Was called the "Second Tom Thumb" and "Colonel Steere." He entered Stone
& Murray's Circus in 1870, at the age of 31; weighed 43 lbs. and was 44 inches
tall. He was later with
Karl Stefan Bailey's Circus, North American Circus, and others. Married
another midget—Rebecca Ann Myers—March 7, 1880, and both traveled with
circuses until 1906, when they retired to his home in Chepachet, R.I. Was made
a Mason in Friendship Lodge No. 7, Chepachet in May, 1889, and served as its
tyler for 15 years.
Karl Stefan (1884-1951) U.S. Congressman to 74th-82nd Congresses,
1935-51, from 3rd Nebr. dist. b. March 1, 1884 in Zebravkow, Bohemia, and
brought to the U.S. the following year. Educated in public schools of Omaha,
Nebr. Was variously a telegraph operator, news writer, reporter, editor, radio
news commentator. Member of committee in 1935 to assist in inauguration of
Philippine Commonwealth. Was congressional observer to signing of Japanese
Peace Treaty in San Francisco in 1951. Member of Mosaic Lodge No. 55, Norfolk,
Nebr., receiving degrees in 1911. d. Oct. 2, 1951.
Baron Heinrich von Stein (17571831) Prussian statesman, born at
Nassau, Germany. As Prussian minister of foreign affairs from 1807-08, he
accomplished many reforms in administration, taxation, and civil service, as
well as abolishing serfdom. He assisted Sharnhorse and Gneisenau in
reorganizing the army. Napoleon forced him to resign in 1808, and he fled to
Austria where he lived until 1812. He was summoned to Russia as a counselor to
the czar and after the Battle of Leipzig he headed the council of
administration of the reconquered German territory, and was leader in military
diplomacy. He was frustrated in his plans for Germany by Metternich and
Hardenberg at the Congress of Vienna, and spent the remaining years in
promoting German arts and sciences. He is said to have been a member of the
lodge"Joseph of the Three Helmets" at Wetzler.
Louis P. Stein (1893-1952) Organizer of Helene Curtis Industries,
beauty supply manufacturers at Chicago in 1927. b. Sept. 18, 1893 in Warsaw,
Poland. Was student at universities of Heidelberg and Warsaw. Came to U.S. in
1913, and naturalized in 1919. Served as president of Helene Curtis
Industries, 1927-47, and chairman of board after that date. Raised Jan. 2,
1923 in Hyde Park Lodge No. 989, Chicago, Ill. d. June 24, 1952.
Frederick Steiwer (1883-1939) U.S. Senator from Oregon, 1927-38.
b. Oct. 13, 1883 in Jefferson, Oreg. Graduate of U. of Oregon in 1906.
Admitted to bar in 1908, and began practice at Pendleton. Was actively
identified with wheat growing. Served as district attorney, member of state
senate, and in Field Artillery in WWI. Delivered the "keynote" address at the
Republican National Convention of 1936. Member of Jefferson Lodge No. 33,
Jefferson, Oreg. receiving degrees on Feb. 15, Aug. 12, Sept. 9, 1905. d. Feb.
2, 1939.
John C. Stennis U.S. Senator from Mississippi since 1947. b. Aug.
3, 1901 in Kemper Co., Miss. Graduate of Mississippi State Coll. in 1923, and
U. of Virginia in 1928. Entered law practice at DeKalb, Miss. Active in
promotion of farm youth training programs. Member of DeKalb Lodge No. 64,
DeKalb, Miss., receiving degrees on Sept. 10, 1925, Feb. 15, and March 7,
Alexander Petrovich Stepanov (1731-1837) Russian author who joined
"Gerebzov's Lodge," Gerebzov being grand master of the provincial lodge,
successor to the Directorial Lodge Vladimir of Russia in 1815. He wrote of his
initiation on June 14, 1815. Prince G. M. Odoevsky was initiated the same
night. Stepanov's
Ross S. Sterling uncle, R. S. Stepanov, the celebrated Moscow Rosicrucian,
became the leader of Moscow Masons after Posdeef's death.
Lawrence V. Stephens (1858-1923) Governor of Missouri, 1897-1901.
b. Dec. 21, 1858 in Boonville, Mo. Learned printers' trade, and was at one
time editor of the Boonville Advertiser. Became vice president and director of
Central National Bank, Boonville, and later appointed government receiver of
Fifth National Bank of St. Louis. Was state treasurer of Missouri, 1889-97.
Was a member of Tuscan Lodge No. 360, St. Louis, Mo.; received chapter degrees
in Kilwinning Chapter No. 50, R.A.M. St. Louis, on March 28 and April 24,
1890; knighted in Olivet Commandery No. 53, K.T. of Boonville, Dec. 18, 1891.
Masonic services conducted by Tuscan Lodge, following his death, Jan. 10,
Uriah S. Stephens (1821-1882) Early American labor leader who
became first Grand Master Workman of the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor
in 1878. A tailor by trade, he formed the first local assembly of the Knights
of Labor among the garment cutters of Philadelphia. The organization expanded
by taking in other trades, and when the national group was founded, he became
first Grand Master Workman, with Charles Litchman, q.v., as first Grand
Secretary. The principles laid down were secrecy, union of all trades,
education, cooperation, and "brotherhood." The Knights believed in boycott
rather than strike. In the second year, Stephens was succeeded by Terence V.
Powderly, q.v. The scriptural passages and oath were eliminated in 1881
because many of the members were Irish Catholic. By 1886 the Knights had more
than 700,000 members. It passed out of existence in the early 1890's, being
taken over bythe A.F. of L. under Samuel Gompers, q.v. Stephens was a member
of Kensington Lodge No. 211 of Philadelphia.
William D. Stephens (1859-1944) Governor of California, 1917-23,
and U.S. Congressman to 62nd-64th Congresses, 1911-17. b. Dec. 26, 1859 in
Eaton, Ohio. Taught school while reading law. Engaged in railroad construction
in Indiana, Ohio, La., and Iowa from 1880-87, and then moved to Los Angeles,
where he was a traveling salesman and member of Carr & Stephens grocers,
1902-09. Was mayor of Los Angeles in 1909. Was member of Signet Chapter No.
57, R.A.M., Los Angeles; served as grand commander of the Grand Commandery,
K.T. of Calif. in 1908; 33° AASR (SJ); charter member of Red Cross of
Constantine; potentate of Al Malaikah Shrine Temple in 1904. Member of
Southern California Lodge No. 278, Los Angeles. d. April 25, 1944.
Clotworthy Stephenson Was grand marshal at the laying of the
cornerstone of the U.S. capitol in 1793. He was at one time a member of Lodge
No. 19 of Virginia, but listed as "removed" in proceedings of 1794. He was
later past master of Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, D.C., and was a Royal
Arch Mason and high priest of an early "encampment" of Royal Arch Masons in
the District of Columbia, 1795-98.
Ross S. Sterling (1875-1949) Governor of Texas, 1931-32. b. Feb.
11, 1875 in Anahuac, Texas. Was on a farm until maturity, then entered
business for self. From 1903 he was an oil operator, being chairman of board
of Sterling Oil & Refining Corp., and chairman of board and president of
Humble Oil & Refining Co., 1917-25. Initiated in Holland Lodge No. 1, Houston,
Texas, on Oct. 30, 1923. d. March 25, 1949.
187 Thomas Sterling Thomas Sterling (1851-1930) U.S. Senator from
South Dakota, 1913-25. b. Feb. 21, 1851 in Amanda, Ohio. Moved with parents to
McLean Co., Ill. in 1854, and graduated from Illinois Wesleyan U. at
Bloomington in 1875. Admitted to bar in 1878, after teaching school for two
years, and began practice in Springfield, Ill. Moved to Dakota Territory, and
located at Northville in 1882, but moved to Redfield in 1886. Member of state
constitutional convention of 1889. Was dean of college of law at U. of South
Dakota, 1901-11. After senatorial term he resumed law practice in Washington,
D.C., and served on faculty of National U. Law School. Received his degrees in
Illinois in May, 1877. Member of El Riad Shrine Temple, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
d. Aug. 26, 1930.
Horace Stern Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania 1952-54,
and associate justice for a term of 21 years from 1935. b. Aug. 7, 1878 in
Philadelphia. Graduate of U. of Pennsylvania in 1899 and 1902 with honors.
Practiced law in Philadelphia. Was judge of court of common pleas, 1920-35.
Served as a lecturer at the U. of Pennsylvania from 1902-17 and for many years
was director and honorary president of the Federation of Jewish Charities in
Philadelphia. Was major in Ordnance Dept., U.S. Army in WWI. Member of Mozart
Lodge No. 436, Philadelphia.
Joseph S. Stern President of U.S. Shoe Corporation, Cincinnati,
Ohio, 1931-39 and chairman of board from 1949. b. Sept. 10, 1891 in
Cincinnati. Graduate of Cornell U. in 1913. With Stern-Auer Co., 1913-35, and
president of same, 1921-35. With U.S. Shoe from 1931. Member of Cincinnati
Lodge No. 133 (Ohio) receiving degrees on Dec. 4, 1913, Jan. 8, Feb. 5, 1914.
32° AASR (NJ).
Frank W. Sterrett Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Bethlehem,
Pa.from 1928. b. Jan. 21, 1885 in Middle-port, N.Y. Graduate of U. of
Pennsylvania in 1908; Philadelphia Divinity School, 1911. Became priest in
1912, and served churches in Kingston and Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Consecrated bishop
coadjutor of Bethlehem in 1923 and bishop in 1928. Member of Quakertown Lodge
No. 512, Quakertown, Pa., receiving degrees on Feb. 9, March 9, May 11, 1911.
33° AASR (NJ) in 1952.
Thomas P. Stetson Member of Hancock Lodge No. 70, N.Y.C.; as
captain of the ship Mercury on a voyage from New York to Havre, France in
June, 1865, rescued 43 persons from the burning American ship, William Nelson.
Again in Feb., 1862, while captain of the Frothiugham, he saved the lives of
47 persons on the ship, Sparta. Was also a member of Columbian Commandery No.
1, K.T., of N.Y.C.
Baron von Steuben (1730-1794) Major General of American
Revolution. Name in full was Frederick William Augustus Henry Ferdinand von
Steuben. b. Nov. 15, 1730 in Magdeburg, Prussia. Educated in Jesuit colleges
at Neisse and Breslau, distinguishing himself as a mathematician. His father
was a Prussian Army officer, and at the age of 14 young Frederick served under
him in the War of 1744, and was present at the siege of Prague. Entered army
at age of 17, and served in the Seven Years' War. Was taken prisoner by
Russians at capitulation of Colberg. In 1762 was made aide to Frederick the
Great, q.v., and took part in the siege of Schweidnitz, which closed the Seven
Years' War. From 1762-63, he was aide-de-camp to the king. Franklin
recommended him to Washington, and in 1777 he came to America, reporting to
Washington at Valley Forge, Feb. 23, 1778. He was designated inspector general
of the Conti-
Edward Stevens nental Army with the rank of major general, and given the task
of training the troops. He reorganized and drilled the army with marked
success. He was engaged at Monmouth and Yorktown, and became a trusted adviser
to Washington. It is doubtful if the American cause would have succeeded
without the aid of Steuben in organizing and training. He was one of those who
sat on Andre's court martial. He desired a field command, but did not receive
it until late in the war, when he commanded in the Virginia campaigns.
Honorably discharged in 1784, he became a naturalized American citizen of
Pennsylvania and New York, making his home in New York, where he received
bounty lands near Utica. A generous man he never learned the value of the
American dollar, and his former army associates kept him out of deep financial
embarrassment only by closely supervising his funds. At Washington's
inauguration he had a seat on the platform with the favored few, and soon
after became the beneficiary of liberal retired pay from the new congress. He
made frequent trips to New York City where he mingled with his brethren of the
Masonic fraternity. It is not known where he received the degrees and earned
the title of "past master," but it is presumed to have been in Europe. E. A.
Sherman states it was in the "Military Lodge of the Blazing Star" at Berlin.
He was a member of Trinity Lodge No. 10 (now 12) of New York City and an
honorary member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. On St. John's Day, 1788, he
dined with Holland Lodge, and addressed the "Veterans of the Royal Art" in
French. In the minutes of Feb. 6, 1789, "Bro. Past Master von Steuben" was
appointed a member of the committee to inform Washington of his election as an
honorary member of the lodge. d. Nov. 28, 1794.
Arthur W. Steudel President of Sherwin-Williams Co., paint
manufacturers, since 1940. b. Aug. 28, 1892 in Cleveland, Ohio. Has been with
Sherwin-Williams since 1908. Transferred to Chicago in 1917 as Eastern sales
manager; Eastern sales manager N.Y.C., 1919-23; assistant to president and
department manager at Cleveland, 1928-29; vice president, 1929-36, then vice
president, general manager and director. Director of Wilson & Co., Inc.,
Chicago; Baltimore & Ohio Railroad; Cleveland Trust Co.; Republic Steel Corp.
Atherton Ii. Stevens, Jr. Union Major who gave protection to the
Masonic Hall at Richmond, Va. during the Civil War. Was a member of Putnam
Lodge, East Cambridge, Mass.
Edward Stevens (1745-1820) Brigadier General of American
Revolution. b. in Culpeper, Va. Commanded a battalion of militia at the Battle
of Great Bridge in Dec., 1775, and the following year was appointed colonel of
the 10th Va. Regiment. Joined Washington's Army in N.J. in 1777, and checked
the attack of General Howe's forces at the Battle of Brandywine, where by
holding the road until nightfall, he prevented a serious disaster. Served at
Germantown, and was made a brigadier general. In Aug., 1780, he joined the
army of General Horatio Gates with 700 Virginia militia, fighting in the
Battle of Camden and at Guilford Courthouse. He was severely wounded in the
latter. He served at the siege of Yorktown. From the adoption of the state
constitution until 1790 he was in the Virginia senate. In his will he left one
acre of land near his own family burying-ground in Culpeper to be used as a
cemetery for the members of his lodge—Fairfax No. 43. d. Aug. 17, 1820.
189 Frederick B. Stevens Frederick B. Stevens Acting Grand
Commander, Northern Supreme Council, AASR from Oct. 10, 1932 to Sept. 28,
Thaddeus Stevens (1792-1868) Anti-Mason. U.S. Congressman, 184953
and 1859-68. He vigorously opposed slavery and was a leader in the
congressional reconstruction plan. He was the principal leader in the proposed
impeachment of President Johnson and managed the trial. It is claimed by
some—and disclaimed by others—that he was rejected for membership in Good
Samaritan Lodge No. 336 of Gettysburg, Pa. He did much for the public schools
and higher education in his state.
W. Bertrand Stevens (1884-1947) Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Los
Angeles from 1928. b. Nov. 19, 1884 in Lewiston, Maine. A graduate of Bates
Coll., Columbia U., New York U., and Episcopal Theol. School. Became deacon in
1910, and priest in 1911, of Protestant Episcopal Church. Served churches in
New York City and San Antonio, Texas until 1920, when he became bishop
coadjutor of Los Angeles, and in 1928, bishop of same. Was originally a member
of Johkheer Lodge No. 865, Yonkers, N.Y., and at time of his death, of
Garfield Lodge No. 565, Los Angeles. A member of both York and Scottish Rites,
he was a 33° AASR (SJ), and twice grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of
California. d. Aug. 22, 1947.
Walter H. Stevens (1827-1867) Confederate Brigadier General and
chief engineer of Lee's Army. b. Aug. 24, 1827 in Penn Yan, N.Y. Graduate of
the U.S. Military Academy in 1848; commissioned a lieutenant of engineers.
Engaged in construction and repairing of fortifications at New Orleans; built
two forts on the coast of Texas; removed the great Colorado River raft by
order of congress;and built lighthouses, etc. Resigned his commission in May,
1861, and entered the Confederate service, accompanying General Beauregard to
Va. as his chief engineer. Was chief engineer of the Army of Northern Virginia
until 1862, when he was placed in charge of fortifications at Richmond. He
then became chief engineer for Lee's Army, and continued as such until the
close of the war. After the war he became an engineer on the Mexican Railway
between Vera Cruz and Mexico City, and at the time of death was its
superintendent and constructing engineer. Member of Richmond Lodge No. 10,
Richmond, Va. and buried Masonically by that lodge. d. Nov. 12, 1867.
Adlai E. Stevenson (1835-1914) Twenty-Third Vice President of the
United States. b. Oct. 23, 1835 in Christian Co., Ky. Educated at Centre
College in Ky. The family removed to Bloomington, Ill. in 1852, and he was
admitted to the bar in 1857. He served as master in chancery and district
attorney. He was U.S. congressman to the 44th and 46th congresses, 1875-77;
1879-81. From 188589 he was first assistant postmaster general, and vice
president of the United States from 1893-97. Received the degrees in Metamora
Lodge No. 82, Metamora, Ill. (now extinct) sometime in 1858, and was master of
same in 1862. He later affiliated with Bloomington Lodge No. 43, Bloomington,
Ill, and was master in 1874. He was grand orator of the Grand Lodge of
Illinois in 1895-96, and while vice president, addressed that body, saying: "I
have been a member of the Masonic fraternity from my early manhood, and the
more I have known of its principles, the more I have mingled with the members
of this order, and the darker the shadows gather around me, the dearer the
Order becomes." He was exalted in
Tom (Arthur Thomas) Stewart Peoria Chapter No. 7, R.A.M., Peoria, Ill. about
1866. Belonged to Metamora Council No. 38, R. & S.M. at Metamora, Ill.and
DeMolay Commandery No. 24, K.T. of Bloomington. He dimitted from the latter in
1904. On June 24, 1875 he delivered an oration on St. John's Day at
Bloomington, Ill. On Nov. 3, 1887 (while first assistant postmaster general)
he addressed a Masonic gathering in Washington, D.C., the minutes of St.
John's Lodge No. 11 of that date stating: "Immediately the grand lodge
retired, our lodge was formed in procession and proceeded to LaFayette Lodge
where we were entertained by a very interesting address by Brother Past Master
Stevenson of Bloomington, Ill." He was present at the dedication of the Mary
Washington monument at Fredericksburg, Va. by the Grand Lodge of Virginia on
May 10, 1894, being vice president at the time. His grandson, of the same
name, who became governor of Illinois and Democratic presidential nominee in
1956, is not a Mason. d. June 15, 1914.
Carter L. Stevenson Confederate Major General of Civil War. He was
first junior warden of Rocky Mountain Lodge No. 205, Camp Floyd, Utah,
military lodge (Mo.).
Coke Stevenson Governor of Texas, 1941-47. b. March 20, 1888 in
Mason Co., Texas. With a bank in Junction, Texas from 1906-14. Admitted to bar
in 1913. Served in state legislature, and was speaker of the house, 1933-37.
Was lieutenant governor, 1939-41. Returned to private law practice at
Junction, Texas. Member of Junction City Lodge No. 548 since May, 1911; 32°
and KCCH, ASSR (SJ) at San Antonio. Master of his lodge in 1916 and 1918 and
twice district deputy grand master.
Edward A. Stevenson (?-1895) Governor of Idaho Territory;
fourtimes grand master of the Grand Lodge of Idaho, being first elected in
1876. While he was governor of Idaho Territory, his brother Charles C., was
governor of Nevada. They were cousins of Adlai E. Stevenson, q.v., the vice
president of the United States. In his youth Col. Stevenson was in charge of
an Indian reservation in Northern Calif. Called away on business, he left his
wife and children at their agency home. He returned to find that they and all
employees of the reservation had been murdered by the Indians. He pursued,
captured, and killed all the Indians but one. The one was brought to trial,
and Stevenson strode into the courtroom, took the criminal out, and with his
own hands hanged him to a nearby tree. He received the first degree at Red
Bluff, Calif. in 1857 and the other degrees in Pioneer Lodge No. 4,
Pioneerville, Idaho, in the spring of 1869. d. July 6, 1895.
William H. Stevenson U.S. Congressman to 77th-80th Congresses,
1941-47, from 3rd Wis. dist. b. Sept. 23, 1891 in Kenosha, Wis. Graduate of U.
of Wisconsin in 1919; practiced law first at Richland Center and then LaCrosse.
Member of Badger Lodge No. 345, LaCrosse, Wis., receiving degrees on July 6,
Dec. 28, 1944 and April 3, 1945. Shriner.
Tom (Arthur Thomas) Stewart U.S. Senator from Tennessee, 1939-49.
b. Jan. 11, 1892 in Dunlap, Term. Admitted to bar in 1913; began practice in
Birmingham, Ala., returning to Jasper, Tenn. in 1915, and moving to
Winchester, Term. in 1919. After his term in senate, resumed practice of law
in Nashville. Received first degree in Olive Branch Lodge No. 297 of Jasper,
Tenn., Jan. 5, 1918, and others on July 17 and Nov. 6, 1923 in Winchester
Lodge No. 158, Winchester, Term.
191 Dugald Stewart Dugald Stewart (1753-1828) Scottish
philosopher. Was professor of moral philosophy at Edinburgh from 1785-1820. He
was of the Scottish school, holding the doctrine of natural realism. He
professed the Baconian empirical method, but disavowed its developments and
retained intuitionism. Was the author of Elements of the Philosophy of the
Human Mind and The Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers. Became a member
of Canongate Kilwinning Lodge at Edinburgh in Dec., 1775 when a young man.
Later made an honorary member of Lodge St. James, Tarbolton.
James G. Stewart (1881-1959) Judge, Supreme Court of Ohio, 194759.
Father of Potter Stewart, q.v., U.S. supreme court justice. b. Nov. 17, 1881
in Springfield, Ohio. Graduate of Kenyon Coll. (Ohio) in 1902 and U. of
Cincinnati Law School in 1905. Was mayor of Cincinnati, 1938-47. Member of
Anthony Lodge No. 455, Springfield, Ohio, receiving degrees on Jan. 16, Feb.
5, March 21, 1907. Received 50-year medal from grand lodge. 33° on Sept. 24,
1947. d. April 4, 1959.
Paul Stewart (1892-1950) U.S. Congressman to 78th-79th Congresses,
1943-47, from the 3rd Okla. dist. b. Feb. 27, 1892 in Clarksville, Ark.
Entered business at the age of 13, and was a farmer, merchant, lawyer,
publisher, and ranchman. Owned and published the Antlers (Okla.) American, a
weekly paper, from 1929. Operated the Paul Stewart Ranch-Farm at Antlers.
Served two terms in state house of representatives and five terms in state
senate. Received degrees in Haworth Lodge No. 338, Haworth, Okla. on May 18,
July 6, Aug. 7, 1916. Affiliated with Good-water (Okla.) Lodge No. 148, Oct.
27, 1934. d. Nov. 13, 1950.
Potter Stewart Associate Justice, United States Supreme Court
from1958. b. Jan. 23, 1915 in Jackson, Mich., the son of James G. Stewart,
q.v., judge of the Ohio supreme court. Graduate (cum laude) of Yale in 1937
and 1941. Was a fellow at Cambridge U., England, 1937-38. Admitted to bar in
1941 and practiced in New York City and Cincinnati. Member of Lafayette Lodge
No. 81, Cincinnati, Ohio, receiving degrees, April 17, May 22, and Oct. 2,
1951, Member of Oola Khan Grotto, Cincinnati.
Sir Robert King Stewart Eightieth Grand Master Mason of Scotland,
Robert M. Stewart (1815-1871) Governor of Missouri, 1857-61. b.
March 12, 1815 in Courtland Co., N.Y. Studied law and taught school at same
time. In 1837 he went to Louisville, Ky., practiced law there and worked on a
newspaper until 1838, when he moved to St. Charles, Mo. A year later he
relocated in Buchanan Co. at the present site of DeKalb. With the removal of
the county seat from Sparta to St. Joseph, he made his home in the latter city
and was active in political affairs there. Elected a member of the state
constitutional convention in 1845; served in the state senate from 1846-57. He
is credited with improving the railway systems in Missouri, and fathered the
Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. Member of Zeredetha Lodge No. 189, St.
Joseph, Mo. d. Sept. 21, 1871.
Samuel V. Stewart (1872-1939) Governor of Montana, 1913-21. b.
Aug. 2, 1872 in Monroe Co., Ohio. Law graduate of U. of Kansas in 1898. Began
practice of law at Virginia City, Mont. in July, 1898. Was justice of supreme
court of Montana, 1933-39. Member of Virginia City Lodge No. 1. d. Sept. 15,
Thomas E. Stewart (1824-1904) U.S. Congressman to 40th Congress,
1867-69, from New York. b. Sept. 22,
Andrew T. Still
in N.Y.C. Admitted to bar in 1847 and practiced in N.Y.C. Exalted in Jerusalem
Chapter No. 8, N.Y.C. in 1893. d. Jan. 9, 1904.
Walter Stewart (1756?-1796) Aide-de-camp to General Gates in
American Revolution. Early in war he raised a company for the 3rd Pennsylvania
battalion and was commissioned captain in Jan., 1776. Appointed an aide to
General Gates in May, 1776, serving in that capacity until June, 1777. Led a
regiment of Pa. militia at Brandywine and Germantown. In Nov. 1777 his
regiment was annexed to the Continental Army, becoming the 13th Regiment of
the Pa. line. In Jan., 1881 it was incorporated with the 2nd Pa. Retired in
Jan., 1783 with the rank of brevet brigadier general. He was said to have been
the handsomest man in the American Army, and was known as the "Irish Dandy."
He afterward became a well known merchant in Philadelphia, and a major general
of state militia. His full length portrait is in Col. Trumbull's picture of
the surrender of Cornwallis, on the left of the line of American officers.
Member of Pennsylvania Union Lodge No. 29, A.Y.M. d. June 14, 1796.
William M. Stewart (1827-1909) U.S. Senator from Nevada, 1864-75
and 1887-1905. b. Aug. 9, 1827 in Galen, N.Y. Moved with parents to Trumbull
Co., Ohio. In 1850 he moved to San Francisco and engaged in mining in Nevada
Co. He studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1852, practicing in Nevada
City, Calif. In 1854 he was attorney general of Calif. He moved to Virginia
City, Nev. in 1860, where he was active in developing the Comstock lode. A
member of the territorial council in 1861, and member of state constitutional
convention in 1863. Upon the admission of Nevada as a state, he became—with
James W. Nye, q.v.—first U.S. senator from that state. Member of Nevada Lodge
No. 13, Nevada City, Calif. d. April 23, 1909.
William W. Stickney (1853-1932) Governor of Vermont, 1900-02. b.
March 21, 1853 in Plymouth, Vt. Graduate of Phillips Academy at Exeter, N.H.,
in 1877. Admitted to the bar in 1878. Served as states attorney and in Vermont
legislature, being speaker, 1892-96. Was president of Vermont Bar Assn. and
life president of the Vermont Bar Assn. and life president of the Vermont
Historical Society. Became a Mason in Black River Lodge No. 85 of Ludlow, Vt.
on Sept. 14, 1880, and exalted in Skitchewaug Chapter No. 25, R.A.M.,
Springfield, Vt., Jan. 14, 1889. d. Dec. 15, 1932.
James F. Stiles, Jr. Former vice president, director, treasurer,
and chairman of board of Abbott Laboratories, Chicago. b. June 27, 1892 in
Chicago. Associated with Abbott from 1913, he rose from an order picker in the
shipping room. Presently is associated with treasury department in U.S.
Savings Bonds division, Washington, D.C. Was president of Illinois Chamber of
Commerce, 1945-47. Past sovereign of St. John's Conclave No. 1, Red Cross of
Constantine, Chicago. Member of Wayfarers Lodge No. 1001, Evanston, Ill. and
was raised May 21, 1919.
Andrew T. Still (1828-1917) Founder of osteopathy. b. Aug. 6, 1828
in Jonesboro, Va. He moved to Kansas in 1853, where he busied himself with
farming, doctoring Indians, and studying anatomy. He lost three children in an
epidemic of spinal meningitis in 1864, and soon thereafter devised the
treatment known as osteopathy. He was a surgeon, and major of the 21st Kansas
Vol. in the Civil War. Began the practice of osteopathy on June 22, 1874. He
moved to Kirksville, Mo. in 1875 and developed a large practice. Here he
founded the Ameri-
Joseph W. Stillwell can School of Osteopathy in 1892, and published the
Journal of Osteopathy. Was raised in Palmyra Lodge No. 23, Baldwin, Kansas. d.
Dec. 12, 1917.
Joseph W. Stillwell (1883-1946) General, U.S. Army. b. March 19,
1883 in Florida. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1904; rose through
grades to major general in 1940, lieutenant general in 1942, and full general
in 1944. He was nicknamed "Vinegar Joe." After a term in the Philippines, he
was an instructor at West Point, 1906-10 and 1913-17. It was during this last
tour of duty that he became a member of West Point Lodge No. 877, June 1,
1916. In WWI was with general headquarters, A.E.F., as assistant chief of
staff, 4th -Corps. After studying the Chinese language at the U. of Calif., he
spent three years in Peking, and another three years in Tientsin. In WWII he
was appointed commander of the 5th and 6th Chinese Armies in Burma by Chiang
Kai-Shek, and was commanding general of U.S. forces in ChinaBurma-India
Theater, 1942-44. In 1945 he was appointed commander of the U.S. ground forces
and in 1945 commander of the 10th Army in the Pacific Theater. d. Oct. 12,
Sir James Stirling Lord Provost of Edinburgh and 42nd Grand Master
Mason of Scotland, 1798-99.
Charles C. Stockley (1819-1901) Governor of Delaware, 1883-87. b.
Nov. 6, 1819 in Sussex Co. Del. Was treasurer of the county, 1851-52, sheriff,
1856 and state senator in 1872. In 1891 he was registrar of wills of his
county. Was president of the Farmers Bank of Georgetown, Del. In 1855 he was
senior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of Delaware. d. April 21, 1901.
John Stockton Brigadier General of state militia in War of 1812.
Coroner of New Castle Co., Del. in 1783;sheriff, 1788-91; state senator in
1795. Served in Revolutionary War. Admitted a member of Lodge No. 33, New
Castle, Del. (Pa. charter) on March 1, 1790.
Richard Stockton (1730-1781) Signer of the Declaration of
Independence. b. Oct 1, 1730 near Princeton, N.J. Graduate of Princeton in
1748, admitted to the bar and gained reputation in the legal field. He secured
the services of Dr. John Witherspoon as president of Princeton U. Member of
state executive council in 1768, and raised to the supreme bench of N.J. in
1774. A moderate patriot, he first tried to effect a reconciliation between
the colonies and England. Sent to Continental Congress in 1776 by the
provincial congress. He was betrayed by Tory neighbors in 1777, and held
prisoner in N.Y.C. for some time. When released, his health was shattered, his
estate pillaged, his fortune gone, and he soon succumbed under these
misfortunes. He was charter master of St. John's Lodge at Princeton on Dec.
27, 1765, having possibly been made a Mason while in England or Scotland in
1766-67. In 1888 his statue was placed in the national capitol at Washington
as New Jersey's representative in the Hall of Fame. d. Feb. 28, 1781.
Thomas Stockton (1781-?) Thirty-third Governor of Delaware, being
elected in Nov., 1844. b. April 1, 1781, the son of General John Stockton,
q.v. He was the last master of Lodge No. 14 in Delaware under Pa. charter. Was
charter master of Washington Lodge No. 1. In 1812 he was master of St. John's
Lodge No. 2 at New Castle, and was active in establishing the Grand Lodge of
Delaware, being the first grand treasurer. He served in the War of 1812 as a
captain and fought in the battles of Fort George and Lundy's Lane. In 1833 he
was adjutant general of the state.
194 Edward C. Stokes Walter L. Stockwell (1868-1950) General Grand
Master of the General Grand Council, R. & S.M., 1930-33. b. Jan. 13, 1868 in
Anoka, Minn. Graduate of U. of Minnesota in 1889, and served as principal of
schools at St. Thomas, N. Dak. same year. Superintendent of schools at
Grafton, N. Dak. 1891-1903, and elected state superintendent of public
instruction of N. Dak. in 1903. In 1910 he was made grand secretary of the
various Masonic bodies of N. Dak. Raised in Temple Lodge No. 30, St. Thomas in
1891, he later affiliated with Crescent Lodge No. 11 of Grafton, and was
master in 1898. He later became charter member of East Gate Lodge No. 120 at
Fargo and served as its first master. Member of Grafton Chapter No. 9, R.A.M.,
and high priest in 1897. Charter member of St. Omer Commandery No. 6, Grafton,
and commander in 1898. Greeted in Fargo Council No. 1, R. & S.M., he was
master in 1919. He headed the grand lodge in 1902, the grand council in 1921,
and was given title of honorary past grand commander, K.T., in 1922. Grand
high priest in 1923. d. Dec. 4, 1950.
A. E. Stoddard President of Union Pacific Railroad from 1949. b.
July 28, 1895 in Auburn, Nebr. Began as a shop apprentice on the Frisco Lines
at Springfield, Mo. in 1915. Associated with Union Pacific from 1916
successively as student helper, operator, dispatcher, chief dispatcher,
train-master, assistant superintendent, superintendent, assistant general
manager, general manager, vice president, and president. Served in Navy in WWI
as a radio operator. In WWII was brigadier general, serving in Iran, England,
and Europe. Was deputy director general of military railroads for SHEAF in
England, and European manager of first military railway service, 1945-46.
Member of Victory Lodge No. 310 of Valley, Nebr. since 1925; 32° and KCCH,
Scottish Rite at Omaha; and member of Tangier Shrine Temple, National
Sojourners and High Twelve Club.
Amos Stoddard (1762-1813) Governor of Missouri Territory, 1804-05.
b. Oct 26, 1762 in Woodbury, Conn. He served as a soldier in the American
Revolution from 1779 until the close of the war. He then became a clerk of the
supreme court in Boston, Mass. and practiced as a lawyer in Hallowell, Maine
from 1792-98. He was appointed captain of artillery on June 1, 1798; major on
June 30, 1807 and deputy quartermaster on July 16, 1812. At the siege of Fort
Meigs, he received a wound that resulted in his death. He wrote Sketches,
Historical and Descriptive of Louisiana (1812) and The Political Crisis. His
papers are in the archives of the Western Reserve Historical Society,
Cleveland, Ohio. A member of Kennebec Lodge No. 5, Hallowell, Maine, he gave a
Masonic oration before that lodge on June 24, 1797 and on June 24, 1799 gave a
Masonic oration at Portland, Maine. On April 1, 1801, Kennebec Lodge "voted no
longer a member on account of absence." Records of the Grand Lodge of Maine
indicate he was born in 1759 and died at age of 54.
Edward C. Stokes (1860-1942) Governor of New Jersey, 1905-08. b.
Dec. 22, 1860 in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate of Brown U. in 1883, and was
engaged in banking from that date. Chairman of Board of First Mechanics'
National Bank, Trenton, N.J. Served in both branches of the state legislature.
Was first president of New Jersey Bankers Assn. Member of Shekinah Lodge No.
58 of Millville, N.J., being initiated, May 4, 1893, while superintendent of
schools in that city. d. Nov. 4, 1942.
195 Montfort Stokes Montfort Stokes (1762-1842) U.S. Senator;
Governor of North Carolina; Veteran of Revolutionary War and War of 1812;
Indian agent. b. March 12, 1762 in Lunenburg Co., Va. Entered Continental Navy
under Commodore Stephen Decatur at the age of 14, and was captured by the
British in the same year and confined to the prison ship Jersey in the New
York harbor for seven months. Settled in N. Car. after the war and engaged in
planting. Elected to U.S. senate in 1804, but declined. Moved from Salisbury
to Wilkesboro in 1812. Served in U.S. senate, 1816-23. Was in state senate,
1826-29, and house of commons, 1829-30. Served as governor of North Carolina
from 1830-32. Jackson appointed him a member of the Board of Indian
Commissioners in 1832, and he resided at Fort Gibson (now Okla.). Was later
appointed commissioner to negotiate treaties with various Indians in the West
and Southwest. In 1837 he was appointed agent to the Cherokee Indians, and
later subagent for the Senecas, Shawnees and Quapaws. In North Carolina he was
a member of four lodges, including Royal White Heart No. 2, at Halifax where
he received the degrees on May 28, June 13, 1783, and March 1, 1784. His other
lodges were Old Cone No. 9, Salisbury; Stokes Lodge No. 32, Concord; and
Liberty Lodge No. 45, Wilkesboro. In 1787 he was nominated for grand secretary
of the grand lodge. Received Mark Master degree in session of the grand lodge
at Fayetteville on Nov. 22, 1789. Was grand secretary pro tem at grand lodge
meeting on Jan. 8, 1792. From 1787 until 1818 he attended grand lodge almost
every year, and was deputy grand master from 1803-07, serving as grand master
pro tem for several years, during the annual communication. d. Nov. 4, 1842.
William B. Stokes (1814-1897) U.S. Congressman to 39th-41st Con-gresses,
1866-71, from Tennessee and brevet major general in Union Army of Civil War.
b. Sept. 9, 1814 in Chatham Co., N. Car. Moved to Term., where he engaged in
agricultural pursuits. Served in both branches of state legislature between
1849 and 1856. Entered Civil War as a major of Tenn. volunteers, and breveted
major general on discharge in 1865. Admitted to the bar in 1867, he practiced
at Alexandria, Tenn. Member of Alexandria Lodge No. 175, Alexandria, Tenn. d.
March 14, 1897.
Claudius U. Stone (1879-1957) U.S. Congressman to 62nd-64th
Congresses, 1911-17, from 16th Ill. dist. b. May 11, 1879 near Middletown,
Ill. Prior to 1902 was a high school principal and teacher; county
superintendent of schools, Peoria Co., Ill., 1902-10. Admitted to bar in 1909.
Was postmaster of Peoria, Ill. 1917-20, and editor and publisher of the Peoria
Staff, 1938-49. Served as enlisted man in Spanish-American War with Co. K, 4th
Vol. Inf., and was in Cuba four months. Raised Sept. 19, 1906 in Temple Lodge
No. 46, Peoria, Ill. Shriner. d. Nov. 13, 1957.
John M. Stone (1830-1900) Governor of Mississippi, 1878-81 and
1890-95. b. April 30, 1830 in Gibson, Tenn. Moved to Miss. in 1855. Served in
Confederate Army from captain to colonel of the 2nd Miss. Vol. Was state
senator, 1869-77, and acting governor, 1876-77. Member of Iuka Lodge No. 94,
luka, Miss. and senior warden in 1860; master in 1875. Grand master of Grand
Lodge of Mississippi in 1898. d. March 26, 1900.
Lewis Stone (1879-1953) Actor. b. Nov. 15, 1879 in Worcester,
Mass. He starred on the stage in New York City and also in the Belasco
Theatre, Los Angeles. Starred in motion pictures from 1915, and had a part in
all the "Andy Hardy Family" series. Served in the Spanish-American War,
William H. Stone and in WWI was a major. Member of Silver Trowel Lodge No.
415, Los Angeles. d. 1953.
Mortimer Stone Justice, Supreme Court of Colorado, 1945-53 and
Chief Justice, 1953-55. b. Jan. 15, 1882 in Mansfield, Pa. Graduate of Colgate
U. in 1904 and N.Y. Law School, 1910. Taught in N.Y.C. private schools,
1905-09 and after receiving law degree, settled in Delat, Colo. and later Fort
Collins (after 1922). Since 1955 he has practiced at Denver. Raised March 17,
1913 in Paonia Lodge No. 121, Paonia, Colo., dimitting to Delta Lodge No. 62,
Delta, Colo. on May 24, 1915, and to Collins Lodge No. 19, Fort Coffins, Colo.
on July 17, 1928. Member of Colorado Consistory No. 1, AASR (SJ) of Denver;
inactive member of Delta Commandery No. 34, K.T. and Delta Chapter No. 38,
Royal A. Stone (1875-1942) Justice, Supreme Court of Minnesota,
1923-42. b. June 26, 1875 in LeSueur, Minn. Graduate of Washington U. in 1897,
and began law practice at Morris, Minn. in that year. Practiced at St. Paul
from 1907-23. Served as enlisted man in Spanish-American War with 15th Minn.
Vol. Infantry, and as a captain and major in 88th Div. in WWI. Received
degrees in Golden Sheaf Lodge No. 133 of Morris, Minn. on July 22 and 23, 1898
and affiliated with Summit Lodge No. 163, St. Paul on Nov. 1, 1910. d. Sept.
13, 1942.
Seymour M. Stone Portrait painter. b. June 11, 1877 in Russia.
Original family name was Kameniaysky. Brought to U.S. at age of six. Studied
at Chicago Art Institute, Royal Academy, Munich, Julian Academy, under
Lefebvre, and with John Singer Sargent, London. Produced the celebrated
painting Parsifal, and has painted many portraits of royalty and nobility in
their respective castles in Europe. American portraits include Chauncey M.
Depew, Theodore Roosevelt, Harry F. Byrd, Richard E. Byrd; Generals Bullard,
Allen, Pershing and Connor; Calvin Coolidge, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John Nance
Garner, Will Rogers, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower and many others.
Raised in Cortland Lodge No. 34, Peekskill, N.Y. and later dimitted to Fort
Worth Lodge No. 148, Texas. Member of Scottish Rite in Dallas and Shriner. He
writes "I am a Roving Ambassador of the Shriners wherever I go." Member of
York Rite in Texas.
William A. Stone (1846-1920) Governor of Pennsylvania, 1899-1903,
and U.S. Congressman to 52nd-55th Congresses, 1891-99, from 23rd Pa. dist. b.
April 18, 1846 in Tioga Co., Pa. Served in Civil War as second lieutenant in
Co. A, 187th Pa. Vols. Admitted to the bar in 1870, he practiced at Wellsboro
until 1877 and then at Pittsburgh. U.S. district attorney, Western district of
Pa., 1880-85. Member of Allegheny Lodge No. 223, Allegheny City, Pa. and was
made a Mason "at sight." d. March 1, 1920.
William H. Stone (1828-1901) U.S. Congressman to 43rd-44th
Congresses, 1873-77, from Missouri. He was a member of the firm of Stone &
Howe, St. Louis, which manufactured gunboats during the Civil War. b. Nov. 7,
1828 in Shawangunk, N.Y. Moved to St. Louis in 1848 and engaged in manufacture
of iron. Was president of the St. Louis Hot Pressed Nut and Bolt Co., on its
organization in 1867. Served in state house of representatives. Was past
master of George Washington Lodge No. 9; exalted in St. Louis Chapter No. 8,
R.A.M., April 22, 1854; and knighted in St. Louis Commandery No. 1, June 16,
1856. He was commander of same in 1867, 1868, 1871, and 1883. He was grand
generalissimo of the Grand Cornmandery, K.T., of Missouri in 1870. Stone was
active in the construction
William J. Stone of the Masonic Temple at 7th and Market in St. Louis. d. July
9, 1901.
William J. Stone (1848-1918) U.S. Senator, Congressman and
Governor of Missouri. b. May 7, 1848 near Richmond, Ky. Graduate of U. of
Missouri at Columbia in 1867, he studied law and was admitted to the bar in
1869. Practiced a short time at Bedford, Ind., but moved to Columbia, Mo.
where he was city attorney for a few months in 1870, and then removed to
Nevada, Mo. Was U.S. congressman from Mo. to the 49th-51st congresses,
1885-91. Was vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee in 1900-04.
Moved to St. Louis in 1897, where he practiced law. Was governor of Missouri,
1893-97. Served in U.S. senate from 1903-18, and during WWI was chairman of
the important Foreign Relations Committee. A member of Argyle Lodge No. 451,
Nevada, Mo., he affiliated with Osage Lodge No. 303 of the same city, when
Argyle's charter was surrendered in 1892. Exalted in Nevada Chapter No. 56,
R.A.M., Jan. 2, 1882, and knighted in O'Sullivan Commandery No. 15, K.T., on
March 9, 1882. Shriner. d. April 14, 1918.
William Leete Stone (1792-1844) American journalist who was active
in anti-Masonic period. b. April 20, 1792 in New Paltz, N.Y. Moved to Sodus,
N.Y. in 1808, where he helped his father on a farm. At the age of 17 he became
a printer in the office of the Cooperstown (N.Y.) Federalist, and 1813 became
editor of the Herkimer (N.Y.) American with Thurlow Weed, q.v., as his
journeyman. He then edited the Northern Whig at Hudson, N.Y., and while here
in 1815, became a member of Hudson Lodge No. 7. In 1817 he was editor of the
Albany (N.Y.) Daily Advertiser and was exalted in Temple Chapter No. 5, R.A.M.,
of that city. In 1818 he became editor of the Hartford (Conn.) Mirror. Here he
was admitted to Washington Commandery No. 1, K.T., April 28, 1819. At Hartford
he was also associated with Peter Parley, q.v., and others in the publication
of a literary magazine called The Knights of the Round Table. In 1821 he
became editor and part owner of the New York Cammerca/ Advertiser, and held
this position until his death. He advocated the abolition of slavery by
congressional action, and favored the Greeks in their struggles for
independence. In 1825 (with Thurlow Weed) he accompanied Lafayette on his tour
through part of the U.S. He was appointed U.S. minister to The Hague by
President Harrison, but was recalled by Tyler. Soon after the William Morgan
episode, he addressed a series of letters on Masonry and Anti-Masonry to John
Quincy Adams, who in his retirement had taken an active part in the
anti-Masonic movement. These letters were afterward collected and published
(1832). In the letters he attempted to placate both sides and maintained that
Freemasonry should be abandoned, chiefly because it had lost its usefulness.
He also cleared away the mists of slander which had gathered around the name
of DeWitt Clinton, q.v. He was the first superintendent of public schools in
N.Y.C. and while holding that office in 1844, engaged in a discussion with
Archbishop Hughes as to the use of the Bible in public schools. d. Aug. 15,
William M. Stone (1827-1893) Sixth Governor of Iowa, 1864-68. b.
Oct. 14, 1827 in Jefferson Co., N.Y. As a youth he was a driver on the Ohio
Canal and then learned the chairmaker's trade. He studied law and was admitted
to the bar in 1851, beginning practice at Coshocton, Ohio. In 1854 he moved to
Knoxville, Ohio. In 1855 he became editor of the Knoxville Journal and a
member of
Clement Storer the convention of 1856 which organized the Republican party in
Iowa. Entered Civil War as a private and assisted in organizing Co. B of the
3rd Iowa Inf. Became captain, major and breveted brigadier general in 1864
after he resigned. Was wounded in the Battle of Blue Mills, Mo. and taken
prisoner at Shiloh. As a colonel of the 22nd Iowa Vols. he participated in the
battles of Fort Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River and Vicksburg. Resigned
commission to become governor. He was at Ford's Theatre when Lincoln was
assassinated and was with the president until his death; later accompanied the
remains to Springfield, Ill. Resumed practice of law at Knoxville, served in
the state legislature. Moved to Arizona and then to Colorado for a brief
period, but returned to Des Moines. In 1893 he moved to Oklahoma Territory
where he died July 18, 1893. Received degrees in Coshocton Lodge No. 96,
Coshocton, Ohio on Nov. 19, Dec. 1, 4, 1852. In Iowa he was a petitioner for
the dispensation for Oriental Lodge No. 61, Knoxville and was charter senior
warden in 1855. Member of Tadmor Chapter No. 18, R.A.M. of Knoxville and was
captain of the host in 1861. Was knighted in DePayens Commandery No. 6,
Oskaloosa in 1874.
William 0. Stone (1830-1875) American portrait painter. b. Sept.
26, 1830 in Derby, Conn. He studied with Nathaniel Jocelyn at New Haven, and
in 1851 moved to New York City. In 1856 he was elected an associate of the
National Academy, and became an academician three years later. He gained
distinction in portraiture. Member of Holland Lodge No. 8, N.Y.C. d. Sept 15,
Baron Stonehaven (1874-1941) British diplomat and Governor General
of New South Wales, 1928-30. Name was John Lawrence Baird, 1st Baron
Stonehaven. Served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of New South Wales at
same time he was governor. Initiated in Grecia Lodge No. 1105 at Cairo (under
English Constitution) and became a founding member of Lawrence Sheriff Lodge
No. 3497 at Rugby, England, and was master of same.
George Stoneman (1822-1894) Union Major General in Civil War and
Governor of California, 1883-87. b. Aug. 8, 1822 in Chautauqua Co., N.Y.
Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1846. Acted as quartermaster to the
Mormon battalion at Santa Fe, and was sent with it to Calif. in 1847. From
1857-61 he was with the 2nd Cavalry, chiefly in Texas. Appointed brigadier
general and chief of cavalry in the Army. of the Potomac in 1861, commanding
it during the Va. peninsular campaign of 1862. He pursued the Confederates
after the evacuation of Yorktown and brought them to battle at Williamsburg.
Took command of General Kearney's division after second Battle of Bull Run,
and succeeded General Heintzelman as commander of 3rd Army Corps in 1862,
leading it at Fredericksburg. Promoted to major general on Nov. 29, 1862, and
led a cavalry corps in the raid toward Richmond. He later commanded a cavalry
corps in the Department of Ohio, in the Atlanta campaign, and conducted a raid
for the capture of Macon and the Andersonville prison. Retired from army in
Aug. 1871. Was a member of Benicia Lodge No. 5, Benicia, Calif., and Temple
Lodge No. 14, Sonoma, Calif., being secretary of the latter. Was a member of
Benicia Chapter No. 7, R.A.M. d. Sept. 5, 1894.
James Richard Neville Stopford (see Earl of Courtown).
Clement Storer (1760-1830) U.S. Senator and Congressman from New
Dr. Elisha Story Hampshire. b. Sept. 20, 1760 in Kennebunk, Maine. Studied
medicine in Portsmouth, N.H. and in Europe. Engaged in practice of medicine at
Portsmouth and also had a store on Portsmouth pier before it was destroyed by
fire in 1813. Became major general of state militia. Served as U.S.
congressman to 10th congress, 1807-09, and U.S. senator from 1817-19. At one
time he entertained President Monroe at his home, Cutter House, at corner of
Middle and Congress Sts. Monroe was accompanied by General Miller, Commodore
Bainbridge and General Henry Dearborn. He was raised Jan. 6, 1790 in St.
John's Lodge No. 1, Portsmouth, and served as the 12th master of same from
1795-97. He was elected grand steward of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire in
1792, but resigned after three months, because of his election as junior
warden of St. John's Lodge. However, he later went through the chairs and was
grand master from 1808-10. d. Nov. 21, 1830.
Dr. Elisha Story Surgeon of the American Revolution; was one of
the members of the Boston Tea Party. Was the father of Joseph Story, q.v., who
became justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Member of Philanthropic Lodge of
Marblehead, Mass., as was his son.
Joseph Story (1779-1845) Justice, U.S. Supreme Court, 1811-45. b.
Sept. 18, 1779 in Marblehead, Mass., the son of Dr. Elisha Story, q.v., a
Revolutionary War surgeon. A graduate of Harvard in 1798, he studied law,
began practice in Salem in 1801, and soon became a leading member of the New
England bar. As supreme court justice he divided with Chancellor Kent the
honor of having founded the American system of equity jurisprudence. Taught
law at Harvard from 1829-45. Member of Philanthropic Lodge at Marblehead,
Mass., as was his father. d. Sept. 10, 1845.
Sir Alexander Strachan One of the first three speculatives to be
admitted to the Lodge of Edinburgh on July 3, 1834.
Earl of Stradbroke (1863-1947) Grand Master of the Provincial
Grand Lodge for Suffolk for 45 years, and Grand Master of the Mark Grand Lodge
from 1943-47. Served as pro-grand master for 30 years under two ruling royal
princes. A soldier, statesman, squire, farmer, and sportsman, he was active in
affairs up to his last illness. d. Dec. 20, 1947.
Herbert R. Straight Oil and gas executive. b. Sept. 30, 1874 in
Tidioute, Pa. Graduate of Leland Stanford U., 1897. Began in oil business with
father in Pa. in 1897. Was manager of oil production of several companies in
Okla., 1912-20; vice president and general manager of Empire Gas and Fuel Co.,
later Empire Oil and Refining Co., 1920-37; president and director of Cities
Service Oil Co. (Del.) and Empire Pipeline Co., 193746, and chairman of board
of both companies, 1946-47; president and director of Cities Service Gas Co.,
193744; retired in 1947. Mason, Knight Templar.
Robert Strange (1796-1854) U.S. Senator from North Carolina,
183640. b. Sept. 20, 1796 in Manchester, Va. Attended Washington College (now
Washington and Lee U.) and graduated from Hampden-Sidney Coll. (Va.). Moved to
Fayetteville, N. Car, in 1815, studied law, and was admitted to the bar,
practicing at Fayetteville. Was member of house of commons, 1821-23 and 1826.
Resigned from U.S. senate on Nov. 16, 1840 to resume practice of law. A past
master of Phoenix Lodge No. 8, he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of North
Carolina in 1823-24. Exalted in Concord Chapter No. 1 at Wilmington, N. Car.,
he became high priest
Alfred B. Street of Phoenix Chapter No. 2, Fayetteville, and grand high priest
of the Grand Chapter of N. Car. in 1822-24 and 1829-30. d. Feb. 19, 1854.
Duke of Strathearn (see Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught).
Charles S. Stratton (1838-1883) Midget made famous by P. T. Barnum
as "General Tom Thumb." b. Jan. 4, 1838 in Bridgeport, Conn. He was first
exhibited by Barnum in his American Museum in N.Y.C. on Dec. 8, 1842. At that
time he was not more than two feet high and weighed 16 pounds. Was engaged at
a salary of three dollars a week and traveling expenses. In 1844 he visited
Europe under Barnum's management, appearing at the courts of England, France
and Belgium. He accumulated a large fortune, and settled at Bridgeport. In
1863 he married Lavinia Warren, also a midget exhibited by Barnum. His title
to the "world's smallest Mason" was also claimed by two other midgets —Vance
Swift and Reuben Allen Steer, qq.v. Later in life Stratton became stout,
weighing 70 pounds and was 40 inches in height. He and his wife traveled
throughout the world giving exhibitions. He was raised in St. John's Lodge No.
3, Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 3, 1862; exalted in Jerusalem Chapter No. 13, Oct.
8, 1862; greeted in Jerusalem Council No. 16, R. & S.M. on July 21, 1863, and
knighted in Hamilton Commandery No. 5, July 23, 1863; received 32° AASR (NJ)
in Lafayette Corisistory in 1866, all being in Bridgeport, Conn. Hamilton
Commandery No. 5, K.T., displays his Knight Templar uniform with the little
sword and other proportionate equipment. d. July 15, 1883.
William G. Stratton Governor of Illinois from 1953; Member of 77th
and 80th congresses. b. Feb. 26, 1914 in Ingleside, Ill. Graduate of U. of
Arizona in 1934. Was state treasurer of Ill. in 1943-44 and 1951-52. In1957-58
he was chairman of the Governors' Conference, and president of the Council of
State Governments in 1958. Member of Cedar Lodge No. 124, Morris, Ill., being
raised March 17, 1942. Received 33° AASR (NJ) in 1955.
Joseph Rend Valliere de St. Real (1787-1847) Chief Justice of
Montreal, 1842-47. The son of a blacksmith named Valliere, he became known as
one of the best educated men of his day in Canada. Attended Quebec Seminary,
studied law, and served as a British officer in the War of 1812. He was a
political rival of Louis Papineau, leader of the Canadian Rebellion of
1837-38. Served as speaker of the provincial parliament, 1823-25. He was named
to the executive council of Lower Canada by the Earl of Durham in 1838, but
that same year was suspended from the bench for granting a writ of habeas
corpus to a prisoner of the rebellion (after two other judges had been
suspended previously for the same thing). He was married three times—to women
of French-Canadian, Jewish and Irish backgrounds. He was buried from the
Catholic church, Sacre Nom de Marie in Montreal. He is believed to have
received degrees in the lodge known as Les Freres du Canada, under warrant
from the provincial grand lodge of Lower Canada (Ancients). He was grand
senior warden of the provincial grand lodge in 1820, grand junior warden of
the district grand lodge of Quebec and Three Rivers in 1821, and senior grand
warden of the latter body in 1822.
Alfred B. Street (1811-1881) American author and poet. b. in
Poughkeepsie, N.Y. He was director of the New York State Library at Albany
from 1848-62. His collected poems were published in 1845. Among the better
known individual poems are The Gray Forest Eagle; The Settler; Lost
Oliver D. Street Hunter; Frontenac. A member of Temple Lodge No. 14, Albany,
N.Y., he was considered "poet laureate of the state.”
Oliver D. Street (1866-1944) Lawyer and Masonic author. b. Dec. 6,
1866 in Warrenton, Ala. Graduate of U. of Alabama in 1887 and 1888. Was active
in state and local politics, being a nominee for congress and governor. Was
U.S. district attorney, 1907-14. Served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of
Alabama, 1925-27. Author of The Symbolism of the Three Degrees of Masonry;
World Masonry; and History of Freemasonry in Alabarna. Raised Nov. 19, 1901 in
Marshall Lodge No. 209, Guntersville, Ala., and was master in 1904-05 and
1910. Exalted in Eunomia Chapter No. 5, R.A.M., Huntsville, Ala. on June 29,
1906, and on July 6, 1906 became a charter member and first high priest of
Palmyra Chapter No. 130, Guntersville, Ala., serving until 1919. Greeted in
Montgomery Council No. 3, R. & S.M., on Dec. 2, 1919; knighted in Cyrene
Commandery No. 10, K.T., at Birmingham on May 21, 1926; 32° AASR (SJ) on Nov.
20, 1914 and KCCH on Oct. 21, 1919. Member of Zamora Shrine Temple, Birmingham
and Red Cross of Constantine in that city. d. Aug. 3, 1944.
Paul H. Streit Major General, U.S. Army, and physician. b. March
18, 1891 in Seguin, Texas. Graduate (M.D.) U. of Texas in 1916, and
postgraduate training at U. of Bordeaux, France. Is nose and throat
specialist. Commissioned in U.S. Army Medical Corps in 1917, and rose through
grades to major general in 1949. In 1919-20 he was a member of the Typhus
Relief Expedition to Poland. From 1943-45 was surgeon in Central Pacific Base
Command. He then commanded Dibble General Hospital, 1945-46; Brooke General
Hospital, 1946-49; Army Medical Center and Walter Reed General Hospital,
1949-53. Retired, he is now consultant of the United Mine Workers of America
Welfare and Retirement Fund. Member of Columbian Lodge No. 7, Columbus, Ga.
and Walter Reed Chapter No. 303, National Sojourners. Inactive in lodge since
Gustav Stresemann (1878-1929) Chancellor of Germany in 1923 and
Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1923-29, during the difficult years following
WWI. He was a member of the Reichstag from 1907. He pursued a postwar
conciliatory policy. He negotiated the Locarno Pact of mutual security with
France, and secured Germany's admission to the League of Nations on an equal
status with the other great nations. He sponsored Germany's adoption of the
Dawes plan in 1924, and the Young plan in 1929. In 1926 he shared the Nobel
Peace Prize with Aristide Briand. Twenty years before he became a Freemason,
he published an article entitled "The Mason's Way and the Building of our
Humanity." He was initiated in the Lodge, Friedrich der Grosse, in 1923, and
was an honorary member of the Grand Lodge, Zu den 3 Weltkugeln. His speech
before the League of Nations, seeking German admission, began: "The divine
Architect of the earth has created humanity not as a conformed unity, but as
people of different blood who express their souls in their own language. But
the supreme will of the divine order is not to turn against each other, but to
help each other to higher development." It is claimed that at the end of the
speech he gave a Masonic sign by mistake. In his lifetime and even after his
death the National Socialists claimed he had misused his membership in
Freemasonry for political purposes. His efforts to cooperate in the
unification of German Freemasonry were frustrated owing to the dis-
George E. Stringfellow memberment into nine grand lodges. German Freemasons,
now united in the United Grand Lodge of Germany, honor Stresemann's memory.
His dream of unification was accomplished following WWII.
Victor Stretti (1878-?) Czechoslovakian painter in magazine
illustrations, advertising and book work. He was a member of the Lodge Jan
Amos Komensky.
William L. Stribling, Jr. (19041933) Prizefighter. b. Dec. 26,
1904 in Bainbridge, Ga. Received 32° AASR (SJ) at Macon, Ga. in 1928. d. Oct.
3, 1933.
Silas A. Strickland Civil War General. Member of Capitol Lodge No.
3, Omaha, Nebr.
William Strickland (1787-1854) Architect. b. in Philadelphia. He
studied under Benjamin H. Latrobe, q.v., and in 1809 became a landscape
painter. He produced a series of aquatint engravings of the city of
Philadelphia. His first important architectural work was the old Masonic Hall,
Chestnut St., Philadelphia, which was opened in Dec., 1810. The style was
Gothic. His next important work was the U.S. Bank, modeled after the Parthenon
at Athens, and finished in 1824. Then followed the Chestnut Street Theatre,
Arch Street Theatre, U.S. Custom House, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church,
Merchants' Exchange, U.S. Mint and U.S. Naval Asylum, all being in
Philadelphia. He later turned to railroad construction, and went to Europe to
study the systems there. His last work was the state house at Nashville,
Tenn.; he died while superintending that construction. Member of Columbia
Lodge No. 91, Philadelphia, and past master of same. d. April 7, 1854.
Samuel Stringer (1734-1817) Physician of Revolutionary War. b. in
Maryland, he studied medicine in Philadelphia with Dr. Thomas Bond, and was
appointed to the medical department of the army in 1755 by Gov. William
Shirley. He served in the campaign of 1758 at Ticonderoga. He settled in
Albany, N.Y., and on Sept. 14, 1775 was appointed director and physician of
the hospitals of the Northern department, and authorized to appoint a surgeon
for the fleet that was then being fitted out upon the lakes. He accompanied
the troops in the invasion of Canada, but on Jan. 9, 1777, was dismissed by
Congress, which ordered an inquiry to be made concerning medicines he had
bought. General Schuyler remonstrated against his removal, and on March 15,
1777 he was reprimanded by congress. He afterward practiced in Albany, where
he achieved a great reputation as a physician. He was senior warden of
Masters' Lodge No. 2, Albany, when it was warranted in 1768, and was one of
the members of the Ineffable Lodge of Perfection, Scottish Rite at Albany. d.
July 11, 1817.
George E. Stringfellow Vice President of Thomas A. Edison, Inc.,
West Orange, N.J., and Imperial Potentate of the Shrine, 1958-59. b. Dec. 2,
1892 in Reva, Va. He began with Edison Industries in 1918 as manager of the
Washington sales office. In 1923 he became general sales manager, and as such,
was in daily association with Thomas A. Edison until the latter's death in
1931. He is also a director of a number of nationally known corporations.
While hi. Washington he was raised in Hiram Lodge No. 10; exalted in
Washington Chapter No. 2, R.A.M., and served as high priest; knighted in
Washington Commandery No. 1, K.T., and became a member of the Almas Shrine
Temple. His memberships were later transferred to Hope Lodge No. 124, East
Orange, N.J.; AASR (NJ) at Trenton, N.J.; Cres-
Julius L. Strong cent Shrine Temple, Trenton, N.J.; St. Quentin Conclave No.
75, Red Cross of Constantine; Crescent Court No. 65, Royal Order of Jesters,
and an active member of the Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay.
Julius L. Strong (1828-1872) U.S. Congressman to 41st-42nd
Congresses, 1869-72, from Conn. b. Nov. 8, 1828 in Bolton, Conn. Member of
state house of representatives in 1852, and state senate in 1853. Studied law
at National Law School, Ballston Spa, N.Y. and admitted to bar in 1853,
commencing practice in Hartford, Conn. He was again a member of the lower
house in 1855. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 4, Hartford, Conn. d. Sept. 7,
N. T. Strong A Seneca Indian Chief who was raised in Manhattan
Lodge No. 62, New York City on April 15, 1840.
Samuel Strong (1762-1832) General in War of 1812. b. July 17, 1762
in Salisbury, Conn. During the War of 1812 he raised a body of soldiers and
hastened to the relief of the garrison at Plattsburg, N.Y. For this he
received the formal thanks of the legislatures of Vermont and New York, and a
gold sword from the latter. He became a large landholder at Vergennes, Vt.
Member of Dorchester Lodge No. 1, Vergennes. d. Dec. 5, 1832.
James F. Strother (1870-1930) U.S. Congressman to 69th-70th
Congresses, 1925-29, from 5th W. Va. dist. b. June 29, 1870 in Pearisburg, Va.
Settled in Welch, W. Va. in 1895, where he began law practice with his father.
Admitted to McDowell Lodge No. 112, Welch, W. Va. in 1899. d. April 10, 1930.
Louie W. Strum (1890-1954) Judge. b. Jan. 16, 1890 in Valdosta,
Ga. Graduate of Stetson U. in 1912. Practiced law at Jacksonville, Fla.
Associate justice of supreme court of Florida, 1925-31 and chief justice in
1931. Federal judge, Southern district of Florida 1931-50, and on U.S. court
of appeals after 1950. Mason, knighted in Damascus Commandery No. 2, K.T., of
Jacksonville in 1915; received 32° AASR (SJ) on Nov. 25, 1915; became member
of Morocco Shrine Temple, Jacksonville on Nov. 26, 1915, and was potentate of
same in 1928. d. July 20, 1954.
Charles Edward Stuart (1720-1788) Full name was Charles Edward
Louis Philip Casimir. An English prince known as the "Young Pretender" and
"Bonnie Prince Charlie." Was elder son of James Francis Edward Stuart, the Old
Pretender, and grandson of James II. He fought at the siege of Gaeta in 1734.
Was sent by Marshal Saxe in 1744 to head a quickly thwarted French invasion of
England. He landed in the Hebrides unsupported, and raised his father's
standard in Scotland. After success at Prestonpans, he was crushed by the Duke
of Cumberland at Culloden Moor in 1746. After five months of hiding, he
escaped to Brittany, but was expelled from France by terms of the Treaty of
Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748. His life is the subject of Sir Walter Scott's, q.v.,
Waverly. He is reputed to have taken an active interest in Masonry, and on
Sept. 24, 1745 was installed as grand master of the Order of Knights Templar
at Holyrood Palace. Previously Chevalier Ramsey, q.v., the Scottish Freemason
had been his tutor. Returning to France after his ill-fated expedition, he is
said to have established a Rose Croix Chapter at Arras on April 15, 1747 and
his patent styles himself: "King of England, France, Scotland and Ireland and
as such substitute Grand Master of the Chapter of Heredom, known as Knight of
the Eagle
William Stukeley and Pelican and since our disasters, under that of Rose
Edwin S. Stuart (1853-1937) Governor of Pennsylvania, 1907-11. b.
Dec. 28, 1853 in Philadelphia. Graduate of Lafayette and U. of Pennsylvania,
as well as U. of Pittsburgh. Engaged in bookselling and publishing from 1868.
Was mayor of Philadelphia, 1891-95. A director of Bell Telephone Co. of Pa.
and Diamond States Telephone Co. Member of Keystone Lodge No. 271,
Philadelphia. d. March 21, 1937.
Jesse H. Stuart American author. b. Aug. 8, 1907 near Riverton,
Ky. Graduate of Lincoln Memorial U. at Harrogate, Tenn. in 1929. He taught and
lectured before colleges and universities since 1940. Was superintendent of
schools at Greenup, Ky., 194143, and since that date, principal of McKell High
School, South Shore, Ky. Served in U.S. Navy in 1944. Among his books are Taps
for Private Tussey; The Year of My Rebirth; Mongrel Mettle; The Thread That
Runs so True; Head 0' W-Hallow; Trees of Heaven; Men of the 1Vloientains; and
many others. Named "Man of the Year" for Kentucky in 1957. Originally a member
of Harrison-Fullerton Lodge No. 937 of South Shore (Greenup Co.), Ky., where
he taught school. Later dimitted to Greenup Lodge No. 89, Greenup, Ky.
William M. Stuart President of Martin-Senour Co. (paint), Chicago,
since 1946. b. Sept. 13, 1896 in Basham, Va. Was with Sherwin-Williams Co.,
1921-31, and with Martin-Senour from 1931. Member of Virginia Heights Lodge
No. 324, Roanoke, Va.
Henry E. Stubbs (1881-1937) U.S. Congressman to 73rd-74th
Congresses, 1933-37, from 10th Calif. dist. b. March 4, 1881 in Texas. Studied
at Phillips U. in Enid, Okla. Ordained to ministry of Christian church. Mason.
d. Feb. 28, 1937.
Walter B. Stubbs (1858-1929) Governor of Kansas, 1909-13. b. Nov.
7, 1858 in Richmond, Ind. Moved with parents to Hesper, Kans. in 1869. Began
as a railroad contractor, and later was owner and operator of cattle ranches
in Kansas, Texas, N. Mex., and Colorado. Served three terms in state
legislature. Member of Lawrence Lodge No. 6, Lawrence, Kans. d. March 25,
John W. Studebaker U.S. Commissioner of Education, 1934-48. b.
June 10, 1887 in McGregor, Iowa. Graduate of Leander Clark Coll., Columbia U.,
earning way through college as a union bricklayer. Began as principal of high
school and coach at Guthrie Center, Ia., in 1910, and then to Mason City, Ia.
With Des Moines schools from 1914, and was superintendent of same from
1920-34. Is now vice president and chairman of editorial board of Scholastic
Magazine. Received degrees in Adelphic Lodge No. 509, Des Moines, Iowa on
April 10, Oct. 9, Dec. 28, 1920; 32* AASR (SJ) and Shriner.
William Stukeley (1687-1765) English antiquarian, physician and
minister. Attended Bennet College, Cambridge. Became a fellow of the
Antiquarian Society in 1717, a fellow of the Royal Society in 1718, and an
M.D. in 1719. Admitted a fellow of the College of Physicians in 1723. In July,
1729 went into orders of the Church of England at the instance of Archbishop
Wake. In 1741 he became one of the founders of the Egyptian Society. He was
most noted for his works on the Druids, and he was called "The Arch Druid."
His most famous work was on Stonehenge, in 1740. His connection with Masonry
began soon after the revival of 1717. His diary records: "I was made a
Freemason at the Salutation Tavern, Tavistock St., with Mr. Wollins, Capt.
Rowe, who made the famous diving
Taylor H. Stukes engine." The entry date is Jan. 6, 1721. At one time he
presented to the lodge an account of a Roman amphitheatre near Dorchester.
Taylor H. Stukes Chief Justice, Supreme Court of South Carolina
since 1956; Associate Justice, 194056. b. June 1, 1893 in Manning, S. Car.
Graduate of Washington and Lee U. in 1915 and George Washington U. in 1919.
Admitted to bar in latter year, and was with Treasury department, Washington,
D.C. Was in general law practice at Manning, S. Car. from 1920. Served in both
branches of the state legislature, and was speaker of the house and president
pro-tern of the senate. Member of St. Peter's Lodge No. 54, Manning, S. Car.
since 1917.
Wilmer L. Stultz Pilot of the Friendship plane on non-stop flight
across the Atlantic Ocean in June, 1928. Member of Ocean View Lodge No. 35,
Ocean View, Va., receiving degrees on Nov. 1, 18, and Dec. 3, 1921.
Harry C. Stutz (1876-1930) Manufacturer of the Stutz automobile.
b. Sept. 12, 1876 in Ansonia, Ohio. Began with a machine shop in Dayton in
1897. In 1903 was in charge of Lindsey-Russell Axle Co. at Indianapolis, later
was with G. & J. Tire Co., and sales engineer of Schebler Carburetor Co. From
1906-10 he was engineer and factory manager of the Marion Motor Car Co. Became
associated with Henry Campbell in Stutz Auto Parts Co., and in 1911 the Ideal
Motor Car Co. was organized to manufacture the Stutz car. The two companies
consolidated in 1913 to form the Stutz Motor Car Co., of which he was
president. He sold out in 1919 and organized the H.C.S. Motor Car Co. Member
of Ancient Landmarks Lodge No. 319, Indianapolis, Ind., receiving degrees on
Sept. 14, 28, Oct. 12, 1908. d. June 26, 1930.
Antonio Jose de Sucre (1795-1830) South American liberator and
Mason. Aided in the liberation of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia from Spanish
rule. He was Bolivar's chief lieutenant in the campaign of 1821, in Ecuador.
Served under Bolivar in Peru in 182325. Became first president of Bolivia in
1825, and was named president for life. Resigned three years later, and while
on his way to be installed as president of Ecuador, was slain by his enemies
near Pasto, Colombia, June 4, 1830.
Eugene Sue (1804-1857) French novelist. b. in Paris, the son of a
distinguished surgeon. He was also a surgeon, serving for six years in the
navy during the Spanish campaign and at the Battle of Navarino. In 1829 he
settled in Paris and began to write. His best known works are the ten volumes
of Mysteries of Paris and another ten volumes of Errant Jew. Both sets became
enormously popular. After the coup d'etat of Napoleon HI on Dec. 2, 1851, Sue
lived in exile. He was a member of the Grand Orient of France.
Walter S. Sugden (1880-1938) Imperial Potentate of the Shrine in
1937. b. April 9, 1880 in Amsterdam, N.Y. Graduate of Harvard in 1903.
Practiced law at Sisterville, W. Va. from 1910. Belonged to both rites of
Freemasonry. d. July 7, 1938.
Sir Arthur S. Sullivan (1842-1900) English composer and partner in
the famous comic opera team of Gilbert and Sullivan. b. May 13, 1842 in
Lambeth, London. Was organist and choirmaster of St. Michael's Chester Square
of London, 1861-72, and gained a reputation by the performance of his Tempest
music at the Crystal Palace in 1862. He wrote the overtures In Memoriam (1866)
and Mar-
William Sulzer mion (1867), and two oratorios, The Prodigal Son (1869) and The
Light of the World (1873). In 1871 he wrote Te Deum, in celebration of the
recovery of the Prince of Wales, later Edward VII, q.v. He first collaborated
with W. S. Gilbert in Thespis (1871). Then followed the famous series of comic
operas, which included among others, H.M.S. Pinafore; The Pirates of Penzance;
The Mikado; The Gondoliers; Utopia, Limited; The Grand Duke; and others. He
was first principal of the National Training School of Music from 1876-81. In
1891 he wrote the serious opera, Ivanhoe. Among his best known songs are The
Lost Chord; Onward Christian Soldiers; and Thou'rt Passing Hence. A Freemason,
he was grand organist of the Grand Lodge of England in 1887. A lodge in
Manchester, England has been named in his honor. d. Nov. 22, 1900.
Jeremiah Sullivan (1794-1870) Judge, Supreme Court of Indiana, who
proposed "Indianapolis" as the name for the state capital. b. July 21, 1794 in
Harrisonburg, Va. Educated at William and Mary Coll., and was admitted to the
bar in Winchester, Va. in 1814. Served as a major of volunteers in the War of
1812; in 1816 moved to Indiana, settling at Madison, where he practiced law.
Member of state legislature in 1821. Member of Union Lodge No. 2, Madison,
Ind. d. Dec. 6, 1870.
John Sullivan (1740-1795) Major General in American Revolution;
Governor of New Hampshire, 1786-89; First Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
New Hampshire, 1789-90. b. Feb. 17, 1740 at Somersworth, N.H., he became an
able lawyer. Was first commissioned major of militia in 1772, and colonel in
1773. The next fall he attended the first Continental Congress as a delegate
from N.H. In June, 1775, he was named by congress asone of the eight original
Continental brigadier generals, and served as such throughout the siege of
Boston. Was sent with General Thomas to the relief of American forces in
Canada in 1776. Was promoted to major general in August of that year, but
shortly afterwards became a prisoner of war in the Battle of Long Island.
Paroled and exchanged, he served at Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine and
Germantown, and wintered at Valley Forge. He led the punitive expedition
against the Six Nations of Indians known as "Sullivan's Expedition." They
burned the villages and routed the Indians and British in the Finger Lakes
area of upper New York. Following the war he served in congress in 1780-81.
Was. attorney general of N.H. in 1782. Received his degrees in St. John's
Lodge No. 1, Portsmouth, N.H., on March 19 (E.A. and F.C.), 1767 and Dec. 28,
1768. Although chosen as grand master of N.H. on July 8, 1789 (when two lodges
organized the Grand Lodge of N.H.), he had never served as master of a lodge.
St. John's Lodge elected him master on Dec. 3 following, and he was installed
three weeks later. He was finally seated in the grand East on April 8, 1790,
but the state of his health did not permit him to finish the year as grand
master, and he resigned Sept. 5. d. Jan. 23, 1795.
William Sulzer (1863-1941) Governor of New York, 1913; U.S.
Congressman to 58th-62nd Congresses, 1903-13, from 10th N.Y. dist. b. March
18, 1863 in Elizabeth, N.J. Admitted to bar in 1884. Member of N.Y. assembly
four years, and was speaker and minority leader. Was impeached as governor and
removed from office, Oct. 18, 1913. Again elected to state assembly in 1913 on
Independent ticket. Nominated for president in 1916 by the American Party, but
declined. Member and past master of Republic Lodge No. 690; Amity Chapter No.
207 Charles P. Summerall
R.A.M.; Palestine Commandery No. 18, K.T.; member of Scottish Rite and Shrine;
all of New York City d. Nov. 6, 1941.
Charles P. Summerall (1867-1955) Major General, U.S. Army and
Chief of Staff, 1929, under President Coolidge. b. March 4, 1867 in Lake City,
Fla. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1892. Rose through grades to
brigadier general in 1917, major general (N.A.) 1918, major general regular
army, 1920. Retired with rank of general of the armies in 1931. Was in
Philippines during Spanish-American War; China Relief Expedition; initiated
construction of Ft. William H. Seward in Alaska; commanded 1st Division in
1918, and later the V, IX, and IV army corps. Appointed chief of staff, U.S.
Army in 1926. After retirement in 1931 he was president of The Citadel,
Military Coll. of S. Car. He was made a Mason "at sight" in Pythagorean Lodge
No. 21, Charleston, S. Car. on May 3, 1934, by the grand master of S. Car. He
affiliated with that lodge in 1938. Received the 32° AASR (SJ) at Charleston
on Nov. 22, 1934 and made 33°, honorary on Oct. 22, 1937. Later became active
33°, sovereign grand inspector general of S. Car., and grand treasurer. d. May
14, 1955.
Arthur E. Summerfield Postmaster General of United States, 1953-60
under President Eisenhower. b. March 17, 1899 in Pinconning, Mich. Was a real
estate broker, 1919-24, and president of Summerfield Oil Co., distributor for
Pure Oil Co. at Flint, Mich., 1924-37. President of Summerfield Chevrolet Co.,
Flint, from 1929, and president of Bryant Properties Corp. from 1938. Was
Republican national committeeman from Mich. for eight years. Member of Genesee
Lodge No. 174 of Flint, Mich. since 1922. The following year both he and his
father, William H. Summerfield, wereknighted in Genesee Valley Cornmandery No.
15, K.T. of Flint. On May 8, 1953 he and his son, Arthur E. Summerfield, Jr.,
received the 32° AASR (NJ) in Bay City Consistory. Received 33° Oct. 1955.
John W. Summers (1870-1937) U.S. Congressman to 66th-72nd
Congresses, 1919-33, from 4th Wash. dist. b. April 29, 1870 in Valeene, Ind.
Received M.D. degree from Kentucky School of Medicine in 1892; did
postgraduate work in New York, London, Berlin, and Vienna. Began medical
practice at Mattoon, Ill., but moved in 1908 to Walla Walla, Wash., where he
was also a wheat grower and orchardist. Mason. d. Sept. 25, 1937.
Charles Sumner (1811-1874) U.S. Senator from Massachusetts,
1851-74; an anti-Mason. Was a leader in congress among the opponents of
slavery. His vitriolic attacks upon slavery and its defenders brought a
physical assault on him by Representative Preston S. Brooks of S. Car., on May
22, 1856, inflicting injuries from which he never fully recovered. He was the
first prominent statesman to urge emancipation. He early became interested in
the anti-Masonic movement and called it "great and good." He took a prominent
part in the impeachment proceedings against President Johnson, q.v., and was
opposed to Grant's reelection in 1872.
Jethro Sumner (1730-1790) Brigadier General of American
Revolution. b. in Virginia. His father came from England and settled near
Suffolk about 1690. He was active in the measures that preceded the
revolution, and in 1760 was paymaster of the provincial troops of N.C. and
commander of Fort Cumberland. In 1776 he was appointed colonel of the 3rd N.C.
regiment by the provincial congress, and served under Washington in the North.
Was commissioned brigadier general by Continental Congress
John A. Sutter in 1779 and ordered to join General Gates in the South; was at
the Battle of Camden. He then served under General Nathanael Greene, and at
the Battle of Eutaw. Member of Royal White Hart Lodge No. 2 of Halifax, N.
Car. d. about 1790.
Duke of Sundermania (see Charles XIII).
Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex (1773-1843) First Grand Master
of the United Grand Lodge of England, serving 30 years, 1813-43. b. Jan. 27,
1773, the sixth son of King George III. Was initiated in the Royal York Lodge
of Friendship at Berlin, Dec. 20, 1798. He later joined the Lodge of Antiquity
(now No. 2), of which he was master for many years. He also served as master
of the Lodge of Friehdship No. 6 in March, 1808. In 1805 he was given the rank
of past grand master by his brother, the Prince of Wales, who (when prince
regent) appointed him as deputy grand master in 1812. The next year he
succeeded as grand master of the Moderns, and at the union with the Ancients,
was proposed by his elder brother, the Duke of Kent, who was grand master of
the Ancients, as first grand master of the United Grand Lodge of England. The
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution was founded during his grand mastership,
but rather despite than because of him. Exalted in 1810, he was M.E.
Zerubbabel of the Grand Chapter, RAM., and grand superintendent of the Grand
Conclave of Knights Templar. He took little interest in the orders of
knighthood, and during his long career the grand conclave met only once. d.
April 21, 1843.
Howard Sutherland (1865-1950) U.S. Senator from West Virginia,
191723, and U.S. Congressman to 63rd-64th Congresses, 1913-17. b. Sept. 8,
1865 near Kirkwood, Mo. Graduate of Westminster Coll., Fulton, Mo. in1889;
studied law at Columbian U., Washington, D.C. Was editor of the Republican,
Fulton, Mo. 1889-90. Moved to Elkins, W. Va. in 1893, and affiliated with
coal, railroad, and timber ber interests. Raised in Elkins Lodge No. 108,
Elkins, W. Va. on Oct. 19, 1903. Member of Nemesis Shrine Temple, Parkersburg,
W. Va. d. 1950.
John Sutter Keeper of the famous inn known as Sutter's Tavern in
Georgetown, where George Washington stayed on March 29, 1791, and the next day
met with Commissioners Charles L'Enfant and Andrew Ellicott to sign agreements
for acquiring the territory now comprising the Federal District. Lodge No. 9
of Georgetown often met at Sutter's Tavern, and John Sutter was one of those
who petitioned for the lodge to be reconstituted in 1795. He attended almost
every meeting in 1795-96 when it was reconstituted as Maryland Lodge No. 19.
John A. Sutter (1803-1880) California pioneer and proprietor of
Sutter's Fort at Sacramento, where gold was first discovered on his property
on Jan. 24, 1848. b. Feb. 15, 1803 in Kandern, Baden, of Swiss parentage.
Graduate of a military college in Berne, and served in the French Army as a
member of the Swiss guard in the Spanish campaign of 1823-24. He emigrated to
America and settled in St. Louis in 1834. He carried on a successful trade at
Santa Fe with Indians and trappers, whose accounts of California induced him
to cross the Rockies in 1838. He went to Oregon, descended the Columbia River
to Fort Vancouver, and then sailed to the Sandwich Islands, where he purchased
a vessel and went to Sitka, Alaska. After disposing of his cargo, he sailed
along the Pacific coast, and on July 2, 1839 was stranded in the bay at San
Francisco. He penetrated into the interior and founded in that
Count Alexandra V. Suvorow year the earliest white settlement, on the site of
Sacramento. He received a considerable land grant from the Mexican government
and became a Mexican citizen. In 1841 he built his fort, calling it New
Helvetia. He welcomed Capt. Charles Wilkes's expedition, and also John C.
Fremont. Gold prospectors despoiled his property and killed his cattle; then
claim-jumpers won his property in the supreme court. He was reduced to
poverty, and in 1873 moved to Litiz, Pa. The California legislature later
awarded him a pension of $250 a month. As late as 1955 his descendants were
still seeking restitution from congress. d. June 17, 1880. He was elected to
receive the degrees in Corinthian Lodge No. 9, Marysville, Calif. on Sept. 1,
1853, but there is no record of the degrees having been conferred.
Count Alexandra V. Suvorow (1729-1800) Russian Field Marshal. Born
in Finland of Swedish descent. He served Russia during the Seven Years' War
and in the Russo-Turkish War of 1773-74. He won the Battle of Kinburn by a
bayonet charge and gained the surname of "Rymnikski" for his victory at Rimnik.
In 1800 he was commander-in-chief of the Russian armies. He was a member of a
lodge in St. Petersburg. During the occupation of Koeningsberg, he served as
governor of this town and was known for his clemency. He was later made a
member of the lodge Zu Den Drei Kronen to thank him for his help to the city.
Henry Suzzallo (1875-1933) President of University of Washington,
1915-26; President of Carnegie Foundation from 1930. b. Aug. 22, 1875 in San
Jose, Calif. Graduate of Stanford and Columbia universities. Was a specialist
in higher education. Was an instructor at Stanford and professor at Columbia.
Served as director ofthe President's Advisory Commission on Education. Member
of the Scottish Rite bodies at Seattle. d. Sept. 25, 1933.
H. Nathan Swains (1890-1957) Judge, Supreme Court of Indiana,
1939-45 and Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit from 1949. b. Nov. 30,
1890 in Zionsville, Ind. Graduate of DePauw U. in 1913 and U. of Chicago,
1916. Practiced law in Indianapolis from 1916-39. Received degrees in Zion
Lodge No. 197, Zionsville, Ind. on Oct. 28, Nov. 11, Dec. 2, 1913,
transferring to North Park Lodge No. 646 of Indianapolis in 1922. d. July 30,
David L. Swain (1801-1868) Governor of North Carolina, 1832-35. b.
in Asheville, N.C. on Jan. 4, 1801. Educated at the U. of North Carolina, he
studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1823, practicing in Raleigh.
Served in state legislature and was appointed judge of state supreme court.
Was elected president of the University of North Carolina in 1835, and held
that post until his death. In 1865 he was invited by President Johnson to
advise with him regarding the reconstruction of the Union. Wrote many valuable
historical papers, particularly about N. Car. Member of Western Star Lodge No.
91, Rutherfordton, N. Car.; was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of
North Carolina in 1843. He was raised in 1823, and represented his lodge at
several grand lodge sessions. d. Sept. 3, 1868.
Thomas Swann (1805-1883) Governor of Maryland, 1865-69; U.S.
Congressman, 1869-79. b. in Alexandria, Va. Studied law and settled in
Baltimore in 1834. Became director of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in 1836 and
was president of same from 184753. Was also president of the Northwestern
Virginia Railroad. Served two terms as mayor of Baltimore.
210 Emanuel Swedenborg Was elected U.S. Senator in 1866, but
declined to serve, preferring to remain as governor of Maryland. Member of
Fidelity Lodge No. 136, Baltimore. d. July 24, 1883.
Claude A. Swanson (1862-1949) Secretary of Navy, 1933-49; Governor
of Virginia, 1906-10; U.S. Senator from Virginia, 1910-33; U.S. Congressman to
53rd-59th Congresses, 18931906. b. March 31, 1862 in Swanson-vile,
Pittsylvania Co., Va. Graduate of Randolph-Macon Coll. in 1885 and U. of
Virginia in 1886. Began law practice in Chatham in 1886. Member of
Pittsylvania Lodge No. 24, Chatham, and Chatham Chapter No. 56, R.A.M., being
exalted, Aug. 21, 1908. d. July 7, 1949.
Andrew P. Swanstrom (1849-1925) General Grand Master of the
General Grand Council, R. & S.M., 1903-06. b. Sept. 4, 1849 at Williamsburg,
N.Y. Family moved to St. Paul, Minn. early in his life, where he later became
a successful merchant in the fuel business. Raised in Ancient Landmark Lodge
No. 5, St. Paul, Nov. 6, 1873; exalted in Minnesota Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. in
1887; greeted in St. Paul Council No. 1, in 1888. In the state he was grand
high priest in 1900, and grand master of Grand Council of the Scottish Rite
bodies for 12 years. Minn. in 1890. He was secretary of d. May 23, 1925.
Edward M. Swartz President and Treasurer of Keystone Camera Co.,
Boston. b. April 2, 1896 in Lithuania. Brought to U.S. in 1903, and
naturalized in 1917. Was engineering student at Lowell Inst. and Boston U. In
1919 he founded, with others, the Keystone Mfg. Co. and was president of same
from 1919-34, and since 1952. Member of Society Motion Picture and TV
Engineers. Member of S h a wm u t Lodge, Boston, Mass. for more than 25 years.
Noah H. Swayne (1804-1884) Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court,
1862-81. b. Dec. 7, 1804 in Culpeper Co., Va. Admitted to the bar in 1823, he
moved to Ohio in 1825 and opened a law office in Coshocton. Was prosecuting
attorney, state legislator, and U.S. district attorney for Ohio from 1831-41,
living in Columbus. President Lincoln appointed him to the supreme court bench
and he served until 1881, when he resigned because of advanced age. He became
a member of Clinton (now Coshocton) Lodge No. 96 at Coshocton, Ohio in 1827,
and on Feb. 16, 1841, affiliated with Columbus Lodge No. 30, Columbus, Ohio.
d. June 8, 1884.
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) Swedish scientist, philosopher and
religious writer. He distinguished himself at the siege of Fredericksburg in
1718 by inventing machines for carrying boats overland from Stromstadt to
Iddefjord. Was ennobled by Queen Elrika Eleonora in 1719, and took his seat in
the House of Peers. He devoted himself to scientific research and published
many volumes. He began having visions in 1743, and resigned his political
positions to devote himself to spiritual research. He began a voluminous work
on the interpretation of the Scriptures as the immediate voice of God.
Although he never tried to preach, or to found a religious sect, his
followers, the Swedenborgians, constitute a considerable society with a
regular organization known as the Church of New Jerusalem or New Church. Many
writers of many nations have attempted to connect him with Freemasonry,
stating that the Swedenborg Rite of Freemasonry was in effect established by
him. However, there is not the slightest foundation for such a theory,
although the theosophists and Hermetic philosophers probably borrowed from his
teachings in setting up the rite, which is said
Alvin R. Sweeney to be still practiced in some Swedish lodges. It consists of
six degrees: Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Neophyte, Illuminated
Theosophite, Blue Brother, and Red Brother.
Alvin R. Sweeney (1881-1954) Director of U.S. Public Health
Service. b. Sept. 2, 1881 at Lake Charles, La. Studied at Texas Central U.,
Vanderbilt U., and Jefferson Medical Coll., Philadelphia. Was practicing
physician at Lake Arthur, La., 1909-13, and then entered public health service
as an assistant surgeon. Stationed at Cleveland, Ellis Island, New Orleans,
Galveston, St. Louis, Port Arthur and Boston, where he was in charge of
quarantine stations. After retirement was superintendent of Gal-linger
Municipal Hospital, Washington, D.C. Initiated in Live Oak Lodge No. 346,
Dallas, Texas, on April 11, 1918. Dimitted from Scottish Rite (SJ) on Dec. 14,
1953. d. April 17, 1954.
Joseph IL Sweeney (1845-1918) U.S. Congressman to 51st Congress,
1889-91, from Iowa. b. Oct. 2, 1845 in Russell, Pa. Graduate of State U. of
Iowa. Served in Iowa national guard for 12 years, retiring as brigadier
general and inspector general. In law practice at Osage, Iowa. Founded, with
brother, the Sweeney Bros. Bank of Osage. Trustee for 30 years, and part of
the time was president of Cedar Valley Seminary, Osage. Raised March 2, 1867
in Osage Lodge No. 102, Osage, Iowa. Knight Templar. d. Nov., 1918.
Thaddeus C. Sweet (1872-1928) U.S. Congressman to 68th-69th
Congresses, 1923-27, from 32nd N.Y. dist. b. Nov. 16, 1872 in Phoenix, N.Y. In
1895 he organized and was president of Sweet Bros. Paper Mfg. Co. Served in
N.Y. house of representatives, 1909-20, and was speaker from 191420. Led in
successful movement to deny seats to American Socialists inthe N.Y.
legislature in 1920. Members of Callimachus Lodge No. 369, Phoenix, N.Y.,
receiving degrees on March 16, April 15, May 11, 1904, Knight Templar and
Shriner. d. May 1, 1928.
John Swett (1839-1913) Known as the "Father of California's Public
Schools." b. in 1839 in New England. Went west seeking recovery of his health,
and after prospecting for gold on the Feather River, he began teaching in the
San Francisco schools. Within ten years he had made a name for himself, and in
1863 became state superintendent of public instruction for California. He
fought for the free school system, and was finally able to announce that "for
the first time in its history, the public schools of California are free for
every child to enter." Member of Oriental Lodge No. 144, San Francisco,
receiving the degrees in March, 1862. d. Aug. 22, 1913.
Innis P. Swift (1882-?) Major General, U.S. Army. b. Feb. 7, 1882
in Fort Laramie, Wyo. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1904, advancing to
brigadier general in 1940, and major general in 1941. Served in A.E.F. of WWI
as major of Infantry and lieutenant colonel of Cavalry; was in Philippines
during insurrection and in Mexican border expedition. In WWII he served in
Dutch New Guinea, Philippines. Commanded the 8th Cavalry, 1936-39; 2nd Cavalry
Brigade, 1939-41; and 1st Cavalry Div., 1941-44; with task force which
recaptured the Admiralty Islands. In 1944-45 was in First Army Corps in Dutch
New Guinea, also during recapture of Luzon and occupation of Japan. Member of
Hancock Lodge No. 311, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. 32° AASR and Shriner.
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) English satirist. b. Nov. 30, 1667 in
Dublin, coming to England in 1688, where
Eugene 0. Sykes he became secretary to Sir William Temple. Dissatisfied, he
returned to Ireland and took the orders of the church in 1694. Back in
England, he wrote A Tale of a Tub, satire on corruption in religion and
learning, and The Battle of the Books, a travesty on the controversy over
ancient and modern learning. Wrote frequently under the pseudonym, Isaac
Bicker-staff. Champion of the Irish, he became a power in the state through
his political writings, contributing to the overthrow of Marlborough, and to
peace of Utrecht in 1713. Made dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral of Dublin in
1713, despite dislike of Queen Anne, who would not consent to a bishopric. He
was a regular contributor to the Examiner, Tatler, Spectator, and
Intelligencer; a friend of Pope, Arbuthnot, and Gay. In 1726 he published his
most famous work, Gulliver's Travels, a keen satire upon the sham of courts,
parties, statesmen, etc. He spent a third of his income on charities. In later
years he had a great fear of insanity, and produced works that were trivial,
bitter, and sometimes indecent. Dr. Samuel Johnson wrote his biography. He is
thought to have been a member of the lodge which met at the "Goat-at-the-Foot-ofthe-Haymarket"
(No. 16). It was constituted in 1723 and erased in 1745, the year of his
death. Alexander Pope, his contemporary, was a member of this lodge. d. Oct.
19, 1745.
Vance Swift Midget. Contests with "Tom Thumb" the title of
"World's Smallest Mason." When he was 26 year old, he was 26 inches tall and
weighed 34 pounds. He was raised in Pythagoras Lodge No. 355, New Albany,
Ind., in March, 1943.
Philip D. Swing U.S. Congressman to 67th-72nd Congresses, 1921-33,
from 11th California dist. b. Nov. 30, 1884 in San Bernardino, Calif. Graduate
of Stanford in 1905. Began law practicein San Bernardino. Served as district
attorney and judge of superior court of Imperial County. Later practiced in
San Diego. Raised in El Centro Lodge No. 384, El Centro, Calif. on April 4,
1909 and member of El Centro Chapter No. 109, R.A.M.
Guy J. Swope U.S. Congressman to 75th Congress, 1937-39, from 19th
Pennsylvania dist.; Governor of Puerto Rico in 1941. b. Dec. 26, 1892 in
Meckville, Pa. Taught school, and was U.S. internal revenue agent until 1918.
Was private accountant, banker, and department store comptroller, 1919-35.
Member of Swope and Nichols, public accountants since 1936. Was budget
secretary, state of Pennsylvania, 1935-37; auditor of Puerto Rico, 1940-41;
director, division of territories, department of Interior in 1941. Entered
active duty as naval officer in 1943; deputy military governor of Saipan in
1944; member of General MacArthur's staff as chief of legislative division,
1945-46, and retired from active service as commander in Nov., 1946. Returned
to Tokyo in Feb., 1947 as chief of national government division of MacArthur's
headquarters, in civilian status. Was special assistant to U.S. high
commissioner in Germany, and chief of displaced populations division, 194954.
Received degrees in Robert Burns Lodge No. 464, Harrisburg, Pa. on Feb. 16,
March 18, April 29, 1921 and was master of same in 1934. 32° AASR (NJ) and
Eugene 0. Sykes (1876-1945) Member of Federal Communications
Commission, 1934-39; Federal Radio Commissioner, 1927-34; Justice, Supreme
Court of Mississippi, 1916-24. b. July 16, 1876 in Aberdeen, Miss. Attended
U.S. Naval Academy; graduated from U. of Mississippi in 1897. Practiced law at
Aberdeen, Miss., and after 1939, at Washington, D.C. Raised in
Harry S. Sylk
in Aberdeen Lodge No. 32, Aberdeen, Miss. d. June 21, 1945.
Harry S. Sylk Executive. b. April 6, 1903 in Philadelphia, Pa.
President of Sun Ray Drug Co., Philadelphia, 1949-59; chairman of board
Consolidated Sun Ray, Inc. since 1959. Vice president of radio stations WSAI,
WALT and WPEN. Treasurer of Philadelphia Eagles, professional football club.
Director of Diners Club, Inc., Einstein Medical Center, Villanova U., City of
Hope. Member of Equity Lodge No. 591, Philadelphia, Pa.
Evander Wallace Sylvester Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Jan. 2, 1899
in Alexandria, La. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1919 and Mass. Inst.
Tech., 1923. Advanced through grades to rear admiral in 1946. Specialist in
design, construction and repair of naval surface vessels and submarines. Now
director of the Mariners Museum, Newport News, Va. Member of Oliver Lodge No.
84, Alexandria, La.
Stuart Symington First Secretary of the Air Force, 1947-50; U.S.
Senator from Missouri from 1952. b. June 26, 1901 in Amherst, Mass. Student at
Yale U., 1919-23, working summers as a reporter on the Baltimore Sun. Began in
the steel business as a moulder, in Rochester, N.Y. Worked with various radio
and steel companies in an executive capacity from 1926-37, and in 1938 became
president of the Emerson Electric Mfg. Co. of St. Louis, Mo. Early in 1941 he
went to England at the request of the War Departmentto study airplane
armament. Entered government service on July 16, 1945 as chairman of the
Surplus Property Board. Became assistant secretary of War for Air in 1946. In
1951 he was administrator of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Member of
Frank R. Lawrence Lodge No. 797, Rochester, N.Y.; received the 32° AASR (SJ)
in Nov., 1954 at St. Louis.
John C. Symmes (1742-1814) Founder of Cincinnati; judge and Ohio
pioneer. b. July 21, 1742 on Long Island, N.Y. Was a delegate to the
Continental Congress in 1785. In 1786 he was a judge of the superior court of
N.J., and later chief justice of the same. In 1787 he was appointed judge of
the Northwest Territory. The following year he obtained one million acres from
the government. It was bounded on the South by the Ohio River and on the West
by the Miami River. He founded the settlements of North Bend and Cincinnati on
this land. His daughter, Anna, became the wife of William H. Harrison, q.v. He
became a member of Trenton Lodge No. 5, Trenton, N.J., April 17, 1788, and on
June 23 of that year is recorded as a visitor to the Grand Lodge of New
Jersey. d. Feb. 26, 1814.
Philip Syng He made the silver ink stand used by the signers of
the Declaration of Independence. Became a member of St. John's Lodge,
Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1734, and was grand master of the Provincial Grand Lodge
of Pennsylvania in 1741. He was once president of the American Philosophical
214 T John Taber U.S. Congressman to 68th-86th Congresses,
1923-60, from N.Y. b. May 5, 1880 in Auburn, N.Y. Graduate of Yale U. in 1902.
Began law practice at Auburn, N.Y. in 1904. Member of St. Paul's Lodge No.
124, Auburn, N.Y., and a Royal Arch Mason.
Alphonse Taft (1810-1891) Attorney General of the United States,
1876-77; Secretary of War, 1876; Minister to Austria-Hungary, 1882-84;
Minister to Russia, 1884-85. Father of Charles P. Taft, q.v., and William H.
Taft, q.v. b. Nov. 5, 1810 in Townshend, Vt. Graduate of Yale in 1833, and
tutor there in 1835-37. Studied law and admitted to the bar in 1838, and after
1840 practiced in Cincinnati, Ohio. Recorded as being a member of Miami Lodge
No. 46, Cincinnati, and past master of Kilwinning Lodge No. 356 of the same
city. d. May 21, 1891.
Charles P. Taft (1843-1929) Owner and editor of the Cincinnati
Times; U.S. Congressman to 54th Congress, 1895-97, from 1st Ohio dist. b. Dec.
21, 1843 in Cincinnati, the son of Alphonso Taft, q.v., and brother of William
H. Taft, q.v. Graduate of Yale U. in 1864 and 1867, and Heidelberg in 1887.
Admitted to the bar in 1866, and practiced at Cincinnati, 1869-79. In 1879 he
purchased controlling interest in the Cincinnati Times, which he consolidated
with the Star, becoming editor. Member of Kilwinning Lodge No. 356,
Cincinnati, and exalted in Kilwinning Chapter No. 97, R.A.M., May 10, 1871. d.
Dec. 31, 1929.
William Howard Taft (1857-1930) Twenty-seventh President of the
United States, 1909-13. b. Sept. 15, 1857 at Cincinnati, Ohio, son of Alphonso
Taft, q.v. Graduate of Yale U. in 1878 and Cincinnati Law School in 1880.
Practiced law at Cincinnati, 1883-87. Served as assistant county solicitor,
judge of superior court, solicitor general of U.S., and was U.S. circuit
judge, 1892-1900. Was president of the U.S. Philippine Commission, 1900-01,
and first civil governor of the Philippines, 1901-04. Twice declined
appointment from Roosevelt as justice of supreme court. Was Secretary of War
in cabinet of Theodore Roosevelt, 1904-08. Taught law at Yale, 1913-21. Was
chief justice of the United States, 1921-30. He had expressed a desire to be a
Freemason a year before his presidential candidacy. On Feb. 18, 1909, he was
made a Mason "at sight" within the body of Kilwinning Lodge No. 365,
Cincinnati, Ohio, by Grand Master Charles S. Hoskinson. On this occasion he
said: "I am glad to be here, and to be a Mason; it does me good to feel the
thrill that comes from recognizing on all hands the fatherhood of God and the
brotherhood of man. . . . Many years ago my father stood in the same place and
expressed his love and admiration of the order." Both his father and
half-brother, Charles P. Taft, were members of Kilwinning Lodge and his father
served as master. Taft affiliated with the lodge on April 14, 1909. He made
many visitations in later years. Some are as follows: Temple Lodge No. 32,
Washington, D.C. on April 22, 1909; Aztlan Lodge No. 1, Prescott, Ariz., Oct.
12, 1909; Naval Lodge No. 4, Washington, D.C., April 7, 1910; American Union
Lodge No. 1, Marietta, Ohio, June 15,
Thomas Taggart
Alexandria-Washington Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, Va., Feb. 22, 1911; St. Johns
Lodge No. 1, Newark, N.J., May 13, 1911; Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, May 23,
1912; Liberty Lodge, Beverly, Mass., Sept. 30, 1912; banquet of Supreme
Council 33° AASR (NJ), Oct. 2, 1912; Webbs Lodge No. 166, Augusta, Ga., March
12, 1913; Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, Dec. 29, 1914; Altair Lodge No. 601,
Brooklyn, N.Y., May 16, 1916; Crescent Lodge No. 25, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, June
5, 1918, and Grand Lodge of Virginia, Feb. 13, 1923. He was made honorary
member of the Illinois Masonic Veterans Association in 1909; America Lodge No.
3368, London, England on June 3, 1909; American Union Lodge No. 1, Marietta,
Ohio; King Solomon Lodge No. 2029, London, England; Liberty Lodge, Beverly,
Mass., Nov. 18, 1912; Naval Lodge No. 4, Washington, D.C., April 21, 1910. On
May 9, 1911 he posed for photographs of himself, wearing the Masonic apron and
sash of George Washington, at the executive mansion. On Nov. 10, 1911, he was
presented with a souvenir plaque at Nashville, Tenn., commemorating the laying
of the cornerstone of the Supreme Council Temple AASR (SJ) at Washington, D.C.
He was present at the laying of the cornerstone of the University Club
Building, Washington, D.C. by the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia on
April 10, 1912, and made a short address. Again on Feb. 13, 1913 he assisted
in the laying of the cornerstone of All Souls' Unitarian Church in Washington.
On Feb. 22, 1912 he was present at the annual meeting of the George Washington
Masonic National Memorial Assn. at Alexandria, Va., where he made a short
address, and in company with the association, journeyed to Mt. Vernon, where
he placed a wreath on, the tomb of Washington. He was among the first to
subscribe to the "charter roll of honor" of the Washington Masonic memorial,
and was a life member of the association. He was present on Feb. 21, 1913 at
the annual meeting of the memorial association, and gave an address. Finally
on Nov. 1, 1923, he was present at the laying of the cornerstone of the
memorial at Alexandria and assisted (as did President Coolidge) by spreading
some of the cement upon which the stone would rest, using the trowel with
which Washington had laid the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol. Taft said:
"Masonry aims at the promotion of morality and higher living by the
cultivation of the social side of man, the rousing in him of the instincts of
charity and the foundation of the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of
God." d. March 8, 1930.
Thomas Taggart (1856-1929) U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1916. b.
Nov. 17, 1856 in County Monaghan, Ireland, and came to U.S. in 1861 with
parents, who settled in Xenia, Ohio. Moved to Indianapolis in 1877, where he
first was employed in a restaurant and later engaged in the restaurant and
hotel business. He was mayor of Indianapolis, 1896-1901. Was president of the
French Lick Hotel Co. Member of Mystic Tie Lodge No. 398, Indianapolis, Ind.
d. March 6, 1929.
Francis M. Taitt (1862-1943) Protestant Episcopal Bishop of
Pennsylvania from 1931. b. Jan. 3, 1862 in Burlington, N.J. Graduate of
Philadelphia Divinity School in 1883. Made deacon in 1883 and priest in 1886;
he served churches in Philadelphia, Southwark, and Chester, Pa. Was Bishop
coadjutor of Pa., 192931. Member of Lucius H. Scott Lodge No. 352, Chester,
Pa., and past master of same. Served as grand chaplain of the Grand Chapter,
R.A.M., of Pennsylvania. d. July 17, 1943.
Melunet Talaat Pasha (1872-1921) Earlier name was Talaat Bey. A
Turkish political leader. After the
Herman E. Talmadge Turkish revolution of 1908, he became the leader of the
Young Turks. He later became minister of the interior, postmaster general and
eventually succeeded Said Halim Pasha as grand vizier of Turkey (1917), but
was forced into retirement in Oct., 1918. He served as grand master of the
Grand Orient of Turkey. In 1919 he left Turkey and two years later he was
assassinated in Berlin by an Armenian student.
Silas Talbot (1751-1813) Officer in both Army and Navy in American
Revolution. b. in Dighton, Mass. Raised a company and, as captain, engaged
them at the siege of Boston. Set fire to the British ship, Asia, in New York
harbor by floating a fire-ship down the Hudson. Promoted to major on Oct. 10,
1777. Fitted out a small sloop and, on Oct. 27, 1778, captured the British
blockading schooner, Pigot, off Newport, R.I. Promoted to lieutenant colonel.
Planned similiar operations against British vessels on the coast and, on Sept.
17, 1779, he was promoted to captain in the Navy. With his captured Pigot and
the sloop, Argo, he captured the ships Lively, King George, Adventure and
Dragon. Was taken prisoner on the ship George Washington while becalmed. Held
on prison ship at N.Y.C. and later taken to England. Suffered much privation
while a captive. Eventually exchanged for a British officer. After the war he
took command of one of the squadrons in the West Indies, and during the war
with France, commanded the Constitution as his flag ship. Was initiated in St.
John's Lodge, Providence, RI., Dec. 16, 1778. d. June 30, 1813.
William B. Taliaferro (1822-1898) Confederate Major General in
Civil War. b. Dec. 28, 1822 in Belleville, Va. Educated at Harvard and William
and Mary Coll., graduating from latter in 1841. In Mexican Warhe became a
major and mustered out Aug. 26, 1848. At the beginning of the Civil War he was
made colonel in the provisional army of Va., became brigadier general, March
4, 1862, and major general, Jan. 1, 1865. Commanded Confederate troops in 1862
at Gloucester Point, Va.; took part in engagements at Carrick's Ford, Va., and
was in most of the battles of the Army of Northern Va. until March 1863, when
he was placed in charge of the district of Savannah, Ga. Led a division of
four brigades in Florida. In 1864 he -commanded the 7th military district of
S. Car. and, in Dec. of same year, commanded all S. Car. Was a member of the
Va. general assembly for ten years. Member of board of visitors of V.M.I. and
William and Mary Coll. Received his degrees in Williamsburg Lodge No. 6,
Williamsburg, Va., all in one day (Nov. 10, 1849). He later became first
senior warden of Botetourt Lodge No. 7, Gloucester Court House, Va., and in
1876-77 was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia. d. Feb. 27, 1898.
Eugene Talmadge (1884-1946) Governor of Georgia, 1933-37 and
1940-43. b. Sept 23, 1884 in Forsyth, Ga. Father of Herman E. Talmadge, q.v.
Admitted to Georgia bar and practiced at McRae, 1908-26. Also engaged in
farming from 1912 and was state commissioner of agriculture, 1927-33. Member
of Henela Lodge No. 536 at McRae, Ga., and received 32° AASR (SJ) at Savannah,
Oct. 22, 1937. d. Dec. 21, 1946.
Herman E. Talmadge Governor of Georgia, 1948-55 and U.S. Senator
since 1957. b. Aug. 9, 1913 in McRae, Ga., son of Eugene Talmadge, q.v.
Graduate of U. of Georgia in 1936. Practiced law with his father in Atlanta,
1936-41, and 1945-48. From 1941-45 he was in the U.S. Navy, advancing through
grades to lieutenant
Wilkins Tannehill commander. Participated in invasion of Guadalcanal. Was
executive officer of the U.S.S. Dauphin and participated in various
engagements with the Japanese fleet and in Battle of Okinawa. Entered Tokyo
Bay on V-J Day. Member of Atlanta Lodge No. 59; Mt. Olive Chapter No. 161,
R.A.M.; Coeur de Lion Commandery No. 4, K.T.; 32° AASR (SJ), Khorassan Grotto,
all of Atlanta, and Ft. McPherson Chapter No. 60 of National Sojourners.
Wilkins Tannehill (1787-1858) Masonic writer. b. March 4, 1787 in
Pittsburgh, Pa. Was one of the best known Freemasons of his day and his
writings, notably Tannehill's Manual and Tannehill's Portfolio, were read and
quoted widely. He played a part in the early history of the Grand Lodge of
Tennessee and was the author of much sound legislation in that period. Was the
first Master Mason raised in Cumberland Lodge No. 8 (N.C. 60) of Nashville on
April 24, 1813. Elected master in Dec., 1816. Was elected grand secretary Oct.
3, 1814, and served as such in 1815, 1816, and 1823. He served as grand master
of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee seven times between 1817 and 1842. He was
charter member and first principal sojourner of Cumberland Chapter No. 1,
R.A.M., when it was organized on March 2, 1818; was high priest in 1822, and
grand high priest in 1829. Was first commander of Nashville Encampment No. 1,
K.T., when it was organized in 1846. d. June 2, 1858.
Benjamin Tappan (1773-1857) U.S. Senator from Ohio, 1839-45. b.
May 25, 1773 in Northampton, Mass. Became a printer and engraver, studied law,
and was admitted to the bar in Hartford, Conn. Began practice in Ravenna,
Ohio, in 1799, moving to Steubenville in 1809. Served in War of 1812, as an
aide to General William Wadsworth. Was county and circuit court judge. Member
of Steubenville Lodge No. 45, Steubenville, Ohio. d. April 12, 1857.
Duke de Tarente (See Jacques Etienne MacDonald).
T. Tarjanne Chief Judge, Supreme Court of Finland and grand master
of the Grand Lodge of Finland in 1955.
J. G. Tarver Giant with Ringling Brothers Circus. Was eight feet
four inches in height and weighed 460 pounds. A half dollar could easily pass
through his finger ring. He dressed in Western clothes; was with the circus
for many years. Member of Alba Lodge No. 633, Alba, Texas, a 32° AASR (SJ) and
member of Hella Shrine Temple, both at Dallas. Appearing with him at the same
time was Mrs. Morris, one of the tallest women in the world, standing seven
feet two inches. She was a native of Ontario, Canada, and member of Elizabeth
Chapter No. 41, O.E.S. Her husband held an executive position with Ring-ling
Brothers Circus.
Hugh M. Tate (1882-1938) Member of Interstate Commerce Commission,
1930-37. b. Sept. 15, 1882 in Morristown, Tenn. Graduate of U. of Tennessee in
1902 and 1903. Practiced law at Morristown and, after 1900, in Knoxville.
Mason. d. May 29, 1938.
J. Hugo Tatsch (1888-1937) Masonic author. b. Jan. 29, 1888 in
Milwaukee, Wis. With Old National Bank, Spokane, Wash., 1905-19; Chemical
National Bank, N.Y.C., and First National Bank, Boston, Mass., 1919. Was
assistant cashier of Union Bank & Trust Co., Los Angeles, 1921-22. He was
assistant secretary and assistant editor of the National Masonic Research
Society, Cedar Rapids, Ia., 1923, and with Masonic Service Association of the
U.S., Washington, D.C., 1923-24. From 1925-29 he was curator of the Iowa
Masonic Library and associate editor of the Grand
Leo Taxil Lodge Bulletin (Ia.). Became vice president of the Macoy Publishing
Co., N.Y.C. 1927-34; acting librarian, curator of Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
and Supreme Council, 33° AASR (NJ). In WWI was a special agent of military
intelligence, and later became a lieutenant colonel (reserve) in finance
department. Among his Masonic writings are: Short Readings in Masonic History;
Masonic Bookplates; Freemasonry in the Thirteen Colonies; A Reader's Guide to
Masonic Literature; The Facts About George Washington; Lodge Officers' Speech
Book; Books on Freemasonry; List of Masonic Subject Headings. Was raised in
Oriental Lodge No. 74, Spokane, Wash. in 1909, and was master in 1914. Was
junior grand deacon of the Grand Lodge of Washington in 1914- 15, and grand
orator, 1917-18. Member of many Masonic bodies in U.S. and abroad. d. Oct. 19,
1937, while delivering a Masonic address in London, England.
Josiah Tattnall (1762-1803) Governor of Georgia, 1801-02; U.S. Senator from
Georgia, 1796-99. b. near Savannah. At start of American Revolution, he and
his brother were taken to England by their father and grandfather, who
remained loyal to the Crown. The family estates in Georgia were confiscated.
In 1780 Josiah ran away from his parents and returned to America, where he
joined Gen. Nathanael Greene's army and served against the British until the
close of the war. In recognition of this service the state of Georgia returned
part of the estate to him. He became brigadier general of the Georgia state
militia. His son, of the same name, distinguished himself as a naval officer
in the Civil War. Member of Solomon's Lodge No. 1, Savannah, Ga. d. June 6,
Friedrich Bogislaw Tauentzein (1760-1824) Count of Wittenbergand
Prussian General. He fought in the war of liberation against Napoleon. He won
the battles of Grossbeeren, Torgau and Wittenberg. A Mason, his name is found
as a visiting brother in the lodge Ferdinand zur Glueckseligkeit at Magdeburg.
Leo Taxil (1854-1907) Pen name of Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pages, a
a literary rogue who was both anti-Catholic and anti-Masonic. He perpetrated
one of the greatest hoaxes of his age in his creation of the mythical "Diana
Vaughan." b. March 21, 1854 in Marseilles, France, he was educated in a reform
school by the Jesuits and his life there caused him to develop a great
antagonism to the Roman Catholic Church. In Paris, he began to write against
religion in 1879. He accused the clergy of fantastic acts. He was fined for
his book, Private Love Affairs of Pius IX, because of the obscene material it
contained. He organized a group of "freethinkers" and edited the
Anti-Clerical. In 1881, in spite of some objections, he was initiated into the
Lodge Le Temple de L'Honeur Francis. Before he could receive the other
degrees, he was expelled for some wrongdoing. His hate now turned against
Freemasonry and, on April 23, 1885, he solemnly adjured his errors and did
penance under the form of a prolonged monastic retreat. It was at this time
(April 20, 1884) that Pope Leo XIII, q.v., had denounced Freemasonry to
ecclesiastical dignitaries as a tool of the devil. Shrewdly, Taxil began
writing a number of anti-Masonic books, including Complete Revelations Upon
Freemasonry and The Brothers of Three Points, the latter published in 1886.
Echoing the official church pronouncements, he described the ceremonies of
Masonry as being presided over by Lucifer himself, and on his admission to the
first degree the candidate was required to plunge a knife into the breast of a
219 1 Alfred A. Taylor which had been shaved. Being blindfolded, the
candidate was told that it was a man who had been a traitor to the Craft.
Thus, claimed Taxil, all Freemasons were murderers in spirit, if not in fact.
The church applauded his splendid efforts on their behalf and he received
private audiences with the Pope, fraternized with the high prelates and was
honored by Roman Catholics wherever he went. In April, 1895, he dedicated his
work, The Devil and the Revolution, to the Pope. He now brought upon the scene
his great hoax, one Miss Diana Vaughan, who from 1895 to 1897 was credited
with publishing the recollections of a converted satanist. She claimed that
she was an American and that her father had founded a sacrilegious body of a
thousand members at Louisville, Ky. and that he had instructed Diana in
satanism. She took part in the shameless travesties of the services, and said
that Albert Pike, q.v., who knew her to be a "grand priestess," greeted her
with profound respect. Through Taxil she even carried on correspondence with
Cardinal Parocchi and the Pope's intimate secretary. The church held a grand
anti-Masonic congress at Trente on Sept. 26-Oct. 1, 1896, and the Roman
Catholic world held its breath in hopes that Taxil would reveal the
whereabouts of Diana. She was, he claimed, hidden in a convent. When a German
priest rose to ask some particular questions, Taxil silenced him by saying:
"You are too curious, dear Sir. The dagger of the Freemasons is lifted at all
hours above Diana Vaughan. Let, us be silent then, lest we put the saint in
peril." The Abbe Bessonies solemnly declared that in doubting the existence of
Diana a Catholic would then commit an offense against the anti-Masonic cause.
Seven months later, however, Taxil made a public appearance in the hall of the
Geographical Society at Paris (April 17, 1897), where he shame- lessly
declared that he had erected a series of gigantic hoaxes. Addressing himself
to the ecclesiastics present, he said with scorn: "My Reverend Fathers, I
sincerely thank my colleagues, the Roman Catholic press and our Lords, the
Bishops, of having so excellently assisted me to construct a work, the finest
and greatest of all my trickeries!" Taxil escaped the meeting under protection
of the police.
Alfred A. Taylor (1848-1931) Governor of Tennessee, 1921-23; U.S.
Congressman to 51st-53rd Congresses. b. Aug. 6, 1848 in Happy Valley, Tenn.
Was admitted to the bar in 1870. Member of Dashiell Lodge No. 238,
Elizabethton, Tenn. A brother of Robert L. Taylor, q.v., who was also a
governor and U.S. Senator. d. Nov. 24, 1931.
Benjamin I. Taylor (1877-1946) U.S. Congressman to 63rd Congress,
1913-15, from 25th N.Y. dist. b. Dec. 21, 1877 in New York. Graduate of
Columbia U. Law School in 1899. Began practice at Port Chester, N.Y. in same
year. Received degrees in Mamaro Lodge No. 653, Port Chester, N.Y., Jan. 25,
Feb. 8, 25, 1904. Dimitted in 1928 to become a member of Harrison Lodge No.
1093, Harrison, N.Y., June 5, 1928. d. Sept. 5, 1946.
Edward T. Taylor (1793-1871) Methodist missionary and noted orator
who was known as "Father Taylor." b. Dec. 25, 1793 in Richmond, Va. He was
left an orphan in infancy, and taken by a sea captain when seven years old.
Trained as a sailor, he spent his early life at sea. In 1819 he became a
minister of the Methodist Episcopal church. About 1830 he was a Bethel
minister in Boston. Serving as chaplain on the frigate Macedonian, which took
supplies to the famishing Irish in 1827, he delivered addresses in Cork and
Glasgow. He mingled nautical terms and figures in his d.is-
Laurence R. Taylor courses, and by his wit, pathos, and imagination,
controlled the moods and wrought upon the feelings of his hearers in a
remarkable degree. He became a Mason in Cornerstone Lodge of Duxbury, Mass.,
March 6, 1820. Later was a member of Columbian Lodge, Boston, Boston
Commandery, K.T., and was grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
In an opening prayer of Columbian Lodge he once invoked: "Bless this glorious
Order; bless its friends; yes, bless its enemies, and make their hearts as
soft as their heads." d. April 6, 1871.
Fred M. Taylor Federal Judge, Idaho, from 1954. b. Feb. 25, 1901
in Nampa, Idaho. Graduate of U. of Idaho in 1926. Practiced in Boise from
1938-54. State senator, 1943-51. Mason.
J. Will Taylor (1880-1939) U.S. Congressman to 66th-75th
Congresses, 1919-39, from 2nd Tenn. dist. b. Aug. 28, 1880 in Union Co., Tenn.
Began law practice at La Follette, Tenn. in 1902 and was mayor of the city two
terms. Mason. d. Nov. 14, 1939.
James W. Taylor (1833-1925) General Grand High Priest of General
Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, 1900-03. b. Oct. 25, 1833 in Lexington, N.
Car. M.D. degree from Atlanta Medical Coll. in 1858, and for many years as a
physician in Meriwether Co., Ga. Served as captain of Confederate First
Georgia Cavalry, 186162. After close of war, he practiced medicine at
Luthersville and later at Atlanta. Raised in Haralson Lodge No. 142, Nov. 25,
1854. He never missed a roll call of the Grand Lodge of Georgia from 1859-1925
inclusive, even obtaining furloughs during the Civil War to attend. Was
elected grand master of Georgia in 1896. At time of his death was a member of
Luthersville Lodge No. 236. Exalted in Zebulon Chapter No. 95 in 1862, and was
first high priest of Glenn Chapter when constituted at Luthersville. Was grand
high priest of Grand Chapter of Georgia, 1886-93. Greeted in Hiram Council No.
18, R. & S.M., at Newnan, he was elected honorary past grand master in 1896.
Knighted in William Tracy Gould Commandery No. 6, K.T. of Forsyth in May,
1879, he was a member of Tancred Commandery No. 11 (Newnan) at time of his
death. Received the Scottish Rite degrees in Atlanta Consistory in 1898, and
was member of Yaarab Shrine Temple, Atlanta, from 1898. d. Dec. 16, 1925.
- John L. Taylor (1769-1829) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of North
Carolina, 1808-29. b. March 1, 1769 in London, England, and brought to the
U.S. at age of 12 by a brother, the father having died. Studied law, was
admitted to the bar, and settled at Fayetteville, N. Car. Moved to New Berne
in 1796, and in 1798 was elected a judge of the superior court. Between
1817-21 he revised the statutes of N. Car. Member of Phoenix Lodge No. 8,
Fayetteville, N. Car., he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of North
Carolina from 1802-04 and 1814-16. d. Jan. 29, 1829.
John W. Taylor (1784-1854) Speaker of the U.S. House of
Representatives. b. March 26, 1784 in Charlton, N.Y. Graduate of Union Coll.,
Schenectady, N.Y. in 1803, he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1807,
practicing in Ballston Spa, N.Y. Served in state assembly in 1812-13. Was U.S.
Congressman to 13th-22nd Congresses, 1813-33. He was speaker during the second
session of the 16th Congress, and during the 19th Congress. Resumed practice
of law at Ballston Spa in 1833. Member of state senate in 1840-41, but
resigned and moved to Cleveland, Ohio. Member St. John's Lodge No. 22,
Greenfield Center, N.Y. d. Sept. 8, 1854.
Laurence R. Taylor Editor of the Indiana Freemason. b. March 14,
Myron C. Taylor in Columbus, Ind. Graduate of U. of Illinois in 1918 with B.S.
in chemistry. Raised in French Lick Lodge No. 586, French Lick, Ind., Aug. 7,
1925. He served as master four years. Was grand high priest of the Grand
Chapter of Indiana in 1950. Has been chairman of the Indiana committee on
Masonic Education since 1944, and developed the "mentor plan" for candidate
instruction. Has been an active participant in the Midwest Conference of
Masonic Education.
Myron C. Taylor (1874-1959) Chairman of the board, U.S. Steel
Corp., 1932-38; personal representative and ambassador of presidents Roosevelt
and Truman to Pope Pius XIII, 193950. b. Jan. 18, 1874 in Lyons, N.Y. Graduate
(law) of Cornell U. in 1894. A corporation lawyer, he was with U.S. Steel for
more than 30 years. Was chairman of finance committee, 1927-34, and chairman
of board and chief executive officer, 1932-38. Participated in many national
and international civic and relief movements, and was in quasi-governmental
service for many years, starting with the Hoover administration's efforts to
halt the depression. He was virtually unknown when, in 1927, he took the post
of chairman of U.S. Steel's finance committee and proceeded to wipe out the
firm's 340 million dollar funded debt by issuing common stock. It was his
assignment to the Vatican, with its resultant controversy, which gained him
the widest attention. He was a member of Humanity Lodge No. 406, Lyons, N.Y.,
from Oct. 13, 1897, and received the 50-year grand lodge medal from the Grand
Lodge of New York. d. May 6, 1959.
Robert L. Taylor (1850-1912) Governor of Tennessee, 1887-91 and
189799; U.S. Congressman to 46th Congress, 1879-81, and U.S. Senator, 190712.
b. July 31, 1850 in Happy Valley, Tenn., he was a brother of Alfred A. Taylor,
q.v., who was also governorof Tennessee and a U.S. congressman. Robert was a
life-long Democrat and Alfred a firm Republican. At one time they campaigned
against each other for the governorship in 1886, Robert winning. Both were
popular in the state and in this election, known as the "War of Roses." Bob
wore a red rose, and Alf a white one, throughout the campaign. Near its close,
Bob, in commenting upon the mutual friendliness and absence of political
rancor in the campaign, recounted his long and pleasant associations with his
brother and finished by saying they had played together as children, slept
together, worked and hunted together, and that he loved his brother dearly,
but politically he despised him! He engaged in making bar iron and in tobacco
raising; studied law in Jonesboro, Term. and was admitted to the bar in 1878,
practicing in Elizabethton and then Jonesboro. After his first term as
governor, he resumed law practice in Chattanooga. He died in office as U.S.
Senator. A member of Dashiell Lodge No. 238, Elizabethton, Term., he was a
member of Cumberland Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. of Nashville, and Knight Templar
and 32° AASR (SJ). d. March 31, 1912.
Waller Taylor (1786?-1826) First U.S. Senator from Indiana,
1816-25. b. in Lunenburg Co., Va. sometime before 1786. Studied law and was
admitted to the bar, practicing in Virginia. Member of Va. state house of
delegates, 1800-02. Moved to Vincennes, Ind., in 1804 and continued practice
of law. Was appointed chancellor of Indiana Territory in 1807 and major of
territorial militia the same year. He served as aide-de-camp to General
William H. Harrison, q.v., in the War of 1812, and was promoted to adjutant
general in 1814. Member of Vincennes Lodge No. 1, Vincennes, Ind. d. Aug. 26,
William H. Taylor (1863-1926) Justice, Superior Court of Vermont,
Zachary Taylor
and Justice Supreme Court of Vermont, 1913-25. b. July 18, 1863 in Wheelock,
Vt. Graduate of Dartmouth in 1886. Served as principal of Hardwick Academy,
1886-89, and principal of schools, Caldonia Co., Vt., 1889-91. Admitted to bar
in 1892 and practiced in Hardwick. Served in both branches of state
legislature. Mason. d. March 28, 1926.
William M. Taylor (1817-1871) Texas pioneer and "father of the
Texas work" used by the Grand Lodge of Texas. b. April 17, 1817 in Fairfield
Co., Ohio. Graduate of Miami U., Oxford, Ohio, in 1839. Moved to Republic of
Texas in Aug., 1843, first locating in Brazoria Co., where he was admitted to
the bar in 1844. Lived in Houston from fall of 1844 until 1849, when he moved
to Huntsville. He was a partner of Henderson Yoakum, author of the History of
Texas. Served in state senate, 185458; was district judge from 1862, until
removal from office by military government following downfall of the
Confederacy. During Civil War was appointed brigadier general, and recruited a
brigade for service, but never saw actual military service. Was a delegate to
the reconstruction convention of 1866. Married Isabella A. Moore, a niece of
General Sam Houston, q.v., in 1850. A member of Holland Lodge No. 1, Houston,
he received his degrees, March 17, April 17, May 22, 1845. Was grand master of
the Grand Lodge of Texas in 1854. Was exalted in Houston Chapter No. 8, R.A.M.
of the old Grand Chapter of the Republic of Texas, and later healed in
Washington Chapter No. 2 of Houston. Was grand high priest of Texas in 1853.
Knighted in Ruthven Commandery No. 2, K.T., Houston in 1849, he presided over
the conventions organizing the Grand Commandery, K.T. of Texas in Jan., 1854,
serving as grand commander in 1856. He also presided over the convention
organizing the Grand Council, R. & S.M., of Texas in June, 1856, and was grand
master in 1857. Was chairman of the committee on work of the grand lodge from
its formation in 1853 until his death, and "Taylor's Work" is the esoteric
work of Texas lodges even until today. In 1849 "Taylor's Monitor" was
published as the official Texas monitor and continued in use until the
adoption of Lightfoot's Manual in 1934. He died Sept. 23, 1871 in Baltimore,
Md., where he was attending the Grand Encampment, K.T., as a delegate, and
also the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal "Church. On Sept. 24
he was buried there with Masonic rites by Fidelity Lodge of that city with
Grand Master John H. B. Latrobe, q.v., presiding.
Zachary Taylor (1784-1850) Twelfth president of the United States.
b. in Orange Co., Va., he entered the Army as a first lieutenant in 1808.
After years of Indian fighting and routine frontier duty, he took command of
the Army in Texas (1845), defeated the Mexicans at Palo Alto and Resaca de la
Palma, and occupied Matamoros on May 18, 1846. He was breveted major general
and made commander of the army of the Rio Grande. He defeated Santa Anna at
Buena Vista in Feb., 1847, ending the war in the Northern part of Mexico. He
was definitely not a Mason, saying so himself soon after his inauguration as
president, when the direct question was asked of him. He stated that he had
always entertained a favorable opinion of the institution; that many of his
personal friends and officers of the Army with whom he had been associated
were Masons, and that he should have probably been one himself, had not so
much of his time been occupied in camp duties, or had he been more favorably
circumstanced to avail himself of the opportunity of joining a lodge, and
added "I would do so now, but have got to be too old." Rob Morris, q.v., who
knew him personally, said he was not a Mason.
223 Henry Tazewell However, there were many Freemasons in lodges
throughout the country who believed him to be a member. Zachary Taylor Lodge
No. 166, Kiddville, Ky., was named after him under this misconception. The
history of Marsh Lodge No. 188, N.Y., refers to him as a "brother." On Aug. 2,
1850 the two lodges of Portland, Maine, joined in funeral ceremones for him.
Santa Rosa Lodge No. 16, Milton, Fla., passed a set of resolutions on "the
death of Brother Taylor." The Grand Lodge of New York and many of its
subordinate lodges participated in the military and civic funeral honors in
N.Y. on July 23, 1850, 450 brethren turning out. At Troy, N.Y., on July 31,
1850 King Solomon's Primitive Lodge held a Masonic service for "brother
Zachary Taylor." The nearest Taylor came to a Masonic ceremony was probably at
the Masonic cornerstone laying of the equestrian statue of George Washington
at Richmond, Va., Feb. 22, 1850, by the Grand Lodge of Virginia.
Henry Tazewell (1753-1799) U.S. Senator from Virginia, 1794-99. b.
Nov. 15, 1753 in Brunswick Co., Va. A graduate of William and Mary Coll. in
1772, he studied law and began practice in 1773. Was a member of the
provincial house of burgesses in 1775 and a delegate to the state
constitutional convention of 1775-76. Was judge of state supreme court,
1785-93, and chief justice from 1789-93. He was the father of Littleton W.
Tazewell, q.v., who was also U.S. Senator from Va. and governor of the state.
A member of Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Va., he received his
degrees, Feb. 7, April 2, and May 28, 1774. He seems to have been "admitted"
again on Aug. 4, 1778. The original records of the lodge are in the Library of
Congress. d. Jan. 24, 1799.
Littleton W. Tazewell (1774-1860) Governor of Virginia, 1834-36;
Congressman, 6th Congress, 1800-10, and U.S. Senator, 1824-32. b.
Dec. 17, 1774 in Williamsburg, Va., the son of Henry Tazewell, q.v., who was
also U.S. Senator. Graduate of William and Mary Coll. in 1792, he studied law
and was admitted to the bar in 1796. He was elected to congress to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of John Marshall. He was one of the
commissioners of claims under the treaty with Spain ceding Florida in 1820. He
declined an appointment as U.S. minister to Great Britain. A member of
Naphtali Lodge No. 56, Norfolk, Va., he represented his lodge at the grand
lodge meeting in 1837, and became junior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of
Virginia. d. May 6, 1860.
Tecumseh (1768?-1813) American Indian; Chief of Shawnee tribe. He
joined with his brother, Tenskwatawa, in an effort to unite the Western
Indians against the whites. During his temporary absence his brother was
maneuvered into battle with the Americans under William H. Harrison, q.v., and
was utterly defeated at Tippecanoe on Nov. 7, 1811. He then threw his lot with
the British in the War of 1812 and was killed in action at the Battle of the
Thames, Oct. 5, 1813. Many have claimed that he was "made a Mason while in
Philadelphia on a visit." The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania says there is no
record of this. Tecumseh Lodge of New York was named for him. Sadowski has
found where another Indian by the name of Tecumseh (a Chippewa, not Shawnee)
was initiated Feb. 22, 1851, in Valley Lodge No. 109 at Rochester, N.Y. He and
his family were traveling and giving exhibitions of Indian customs. Both he
and his brother, Peewauk, were initiated. They were the sons of Maungdwais,
who is also said to have been a Mason.
Sidney S. Tedesche Rabbi of Union Temple, Brooklyn, N.Y. since
1929. b. April 9, 1890 in Elmwood
Philip S. Teller Place, Ohio. Graduated as a rabbi from Hebrew Union Coll. at
Cincinnati in 1913 and U. of Cincinnati same year; Ph.D. from Yale in 1928.
Served synagogues in Springfield, Ill., Providence, R.I., San Antonio, Texas,
New Haven, Conn. Active in many civic organizations. Mason and grand chaplain
of the Grand Lodge of New York.
Lothair Teetor Former President and Chairman of Board of Perfect
Circle Co. (piston ring manufacturers), Hagerstown, Ind. b. March 30, 1897 in
Hagerstown, Ind. Attended Pomona Coll. (Calif.) and U. of Wisconsin. Served in
Navy in WWI. Began with Perfect Circle Co. in 1920 as a clerk; was sales
manager, 192138; vice president, 1926-38; president, 1938-46; chairman of
board, 1946-57, when he retired. He is still a director of the- company. Was
assistant secretary of Commerce, 1953-55, for domestic affairs. Served four
terms in Indiana general assembly; president of Indiana State Chamber of
Commerce in 1940-41. Member of Hagerstown Lodge No. 49, Hagerstown, Ind.,
receiving degrees April 20, May 11 and 21st, 1920. 32° AASR (NJ) at
Indianapolis, Ind.
Ralph R. Teetor President of Perfect Circle Co. (piston ring
manufacturers), Hagerstown, Ind., from 194657. b. Aug. 17, 1890 in Hagerstown,
Ind. Graduate of U. of Pennsylvania in 1912 and 1920. In charge of engineering
of Teetor-Hartley Motor Co., 1912-18, and assistant to superintendent of N.Y.
Ship Building Corp., 1918-19. With Perfect Circle as chief engineer, 1919-38;
vice president, 193846; now director. Member of Hagerstown Lodge No. 49,
Hagerstown, Ind.; 32° AASR (NJ) at Indianapolis, and Shriner.
Boris Telepnef Russian Masonic writer, living in London since
1915. b. in 1886 in Moscow. Member of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076
London. His two books, Some Aspectsof Russian Freemasonry During the Reign of
Emperor Alexander I and An Outline of the History of Russian Freemasonry, give
us a clear picture of the times when Freemasonry flourished in Russia.
Henry M. Teller (1830-1914) U.S. Secretary of Interior in
President Arthur's cabinet, 1882-85; U.S. Senator from Colorado (first)
1876-82, and again from 1885-1909. b. May 23, 1830 in Granger, N.Y. Taught
school, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in Binghamton, N.Y. in 1858.
Moved to Illinois in same year, and to Colorado in 1861. Was major general of
Colorado militia, 1862-64. In 1908 he was a member of the U.S. Monetary
Commission. Initiated Sept. 5, 1858 in Dunlap Lodge No. 321, Morrison, Ill.
Became charter member of Central City (then Chivington) Lodge No. 6, Central
City, Colo. Dec. 1861 and served through chairs to master. Was elected grand
master of Grand Lodge of Colorado in 1863 and again in 1867, serving annually
thereafter until 1872. Exalted in Central City Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. in 1863;
knighted in St. John's Commandery No. 24, K.T. in Cuba, N.Y. in winter of 1863
and was commander of Central City Cornmandery (Colo.) No. 2, K.T. for ten
years beginning with its organization. When the Grand Commandery, K.T. of
Colorado was organized in 1876 he was its first commander and served in that
capacity for 10 years. He received the 33° AASR (SJ) April 20, 1866, crowned
an active in 1882 and served as sovereign grand inspector general of Colo. for
32 years. d. Feb. 23, 1914.
Philip S. Teller (1861-1930) Commissioner, U.S. Shipping Board,
192630. b. Jan. 14, 1861 in San Francisco, Calif. Was a shipping clerk,
salesman, and traveling man until he organized Norton, Teller & Co., wholesale
groceries, in 1888; retired in 1924. President of the Masonic Hall Assn. of
Alameda, Calif. Raised in Oak Grove
Charles A. Templeton Lodge No. 215, Alameda, Calif. on July 7, 1910. d. Aug.
8, 1930.
Charles A. Templeton (1871-1955) Governor of Connecticut, 1923-25.
b. March 4, 1871 in Sharon, Conn. At the age of 13 he was assistant postmaster
of Plymouth, Conn. Then became bookkeeper in a hardware store at Waterbury,
Conn., in 1888. Was secretary-treasurer of Hotchkiss & Templeton for 15 years,
and president of Charles A. Templeton, Inc., wholesale and retail hardware,
from 1913. Served as lieutenant governor of Connecticut in 1921-23. Member and
past master of Liberty Lodge No. 123, Waterbury, Conn. Past commander of Clark
Commandery No. 7, K.T., same city, and member of Sphinx Shrine Temple of
Hartford. d. Aug. 15, 1955.
John K. Tener (1863-1946) Governor of Pennsylvania 1911-15; U.S.
Congressman to 61st Congress (1909- 11) . b. in County Tyrone, Ireland, July
25, 1863. Immigrated to U.S. with parents, who settled in Pittsburgh in 1872.
He was a professional baseball player, 1885-90. In 1901 he entered the banking
business at Charleroi, Pa., serving as cashier, then president, of the First
National Bank. He was president of the National League of Professional
Baseball Clubs, 1914-18, and a director of the Philadelphia National League
Club in 1931. Member of Charleroi Lodge No. 615, Charleroi, Pa. d. May 19,
Peter G. Ten Eyck (1873-1944) U.S. Congressman to 63rd and 67th
Congresses (1913-15 and 1921-23) from 28th N.Y. dist. b. Nov. 7, 1873 in
Bethlehem, N.Y. A signal engineer, he organized the signal department of the
New York Central R.R. and designed signal standards. Was vice president and
general manager of the Federal Railway Signal Co., and inventor of many signal
devices. In 1915 he was consulting engineer and chairman of committee to
reviseby-laws of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and Pennsylvania railroads.
Was a director of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress. Member of Masters
Lodge No. 5, Albany, N.Y., receiving degrees on Nov. 8, 22, 1909, Feb. 14,
1910. d. Sept. 2, 1944.
Edward D. Tenney (1859-1934) Capitalist. b. Jan. 26, 1859 in
Plainfield, N.Y. Began in mercantile business at Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1880.
Became chairman of the board of Castel & Cook, Ltd.; Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.;
Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd.; Matson Navigation Co.; Oceanic & Oriental Navigation
Co. Was president of Ewa Plantation Co.; Waialua Agriculture Co. Ltd.; Kohala
Sugar Co.; Territorial Hotels, Ltd., and Oceanic Steamship Co. Member of
Honolulu Lodge No. 409. d. April 29, 1934.
Albert Payson Terhune (1872-1942) Author; breeder of collie dogs.
b. Dec. 31, 1872 in Newark, N.J. Graduate of Columbia U. in 1893. Traveled on
horseback through Syria and Egypt in 1893-94, investigating leper settlements
and living among the Bedouins. On the staff of the New York Evening World,
1894-1916, and park commissioner of New Jersey after 1925. Wrote the libretto
of Nero, a comic opera, in collaboration with William C. de Mille. His books
were many, including The World's Great Events; The Fighter; The New Mayor; The
Locust Years; Wonder Women of History; Lad: A Dog; Bruce; The Pest; His Dog;
The Tiger's Claw; The Heart of a Dog; Treasure; Gray Dawn; Lad of Sunnybank;
The Book of Sunny-bank; etc. Also wrote more than 30 motion pictures, short
stories. Was an expert on physical culture. Member of St. Cecile Lodge No. 568
and exalted in Corinthian Chapter No. 150 RA.M., June 14, 1917, both of New
York City. d. Feb. 18, 1942.
Gabriel Terra (1873-1942) President of Uruguay, two terms,
1931-38, making himself a dictator in 1933. A
John M. Thayer lawyer by profession. He was grand master of the Grand Orient
of Uruguay and a 33° AASR.
Joseph M. Terrell (1861-1912) Governor of Georgia, 1902-07, and
U.S. Senator, 1910-11. b. June 6, 1861 in Greenville, Ga. Admitted to the bar
in 1882. Served in both houses of the state legislature and as attorney
general of Georgia. After his term as senator, he resumed law practice at
Atlanta. Member of Greenville Lodge No. 321, Greenville, Ga., receiving
degrees on May 28, June 14, 19, 1888. d. Nov. 17, 1912.
Mortimer C. Terrill (1888-1944) Executive Vice President of
Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hartford, from 1935. b. Nov. 4, 1888 in
Newtown, Conn. Graduate of Yale U. in 1909 and was with Phoenix Mutual from
that date on. Member of Manchester Lodge No. 73, Manchester, Conn. d. March
25, 1944.
William H. Terry Elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame,
Cooperstown, N.Y., in 1954. b. Oct. 30, 1898 at Atlanta, Ga. Outstanding first
baseman from 1923-36 with the New York National League Team, he was
manager-first baseman from 1932-36. Also non playing manager from 1937-41. Now
president of Bill Terry's Buick Agency in Jacksonville, Fla. Member of Park
Avenue Lodge No. 362, Memphis, Tenn., since 1920; Scottish Rite Mason since
1924 and member of Al Chymia Shrine Temple, Memphis, since 1924.
Tewahquahkemongoh (see George Washington Finley) Maurice H.
Thatcher U.S. Congressman to 68th-72nd Congresses, 1923-33, from Kentucky. b.
Aug. 15, 1870 in Chicago, Ill. Moved with family to Kentucky in 1874, settling
near Morgantown where he attended school, farmed, and was employed in a
newspaper office. Studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1896, be-ginning
practice in Frankfort and moving to Louisville in 1900. Was assistant attorney
general, 1898-1900; assistant U.S. attorney for Western Ky., 1901-06. From
1910-13 he was a member of the Isthmian Canal Commission and headed the
department of civil administration. Resumed practice of law in Louisville
after that date. After his term in congress, he practiced law in Washington,
D.C. Wrote Masonic If, a parody on Kipling's poem. Received degrees in Falls
City Lodge No. 376, Louisville, Ky. on Sept. 19, 1923, March 20, April 17,
-1923. Still living.
Roscoe W. Thatcher (1872-1933) President of Massachusetts State
College, 1927-33. b. Oct. 5, 1872 in Chatham Centre, Ohio. Graduate of U. of
Nebraska in 1898, 1901, and 1920. A chemist, he was with several state
experimental stations (Nebr., Wash., Minn., N.Y.). Appointed by President
Coolidge on agricultural commission in 1924. Received degrees in Whitman Lodge
No. 49, Pullman, Wash. in 1907; affiliated with Ancient Landmark Lodge No. 5,
St. Paul, Minn.; on Jan. 4, 1922 he affiliated with Ark Lodge No. 33, Geneva,
N.Y. dimitting on Dec. 7, 1927 and affiliated with Pacific Lodge, Amherst,
Mass. in 1928. d. Dec. 6, 1933.
Thayendanega (see under Joseph Brant) Harry I. Thayer (1869-1926)
U.S. Congressman to 69th Congress (192526) from Mass. b. Sept. 10, 1869 in
Pembroke, Mass. Engaged in leather business and was president and organizer of
Thayer-Ross Co. President of the Tanners' Council of the U.S. in 1920. Home at
Wakefield, Mass. Received degrees in Golden Rule Lodge, Wakefield, Mass, in
1902. d. March 10, 1926.
John M. Thayer (1820-1906) U.S. Senator from Nebraska, 1867-71;
Governor of Nebraska, 1887-91; Governor of Wyoming Territory, 1875-79; Major
Simeon Thayer General in Civil War. b. Jan. 24, 1820 in Bellingham, Mass.
Graduate of Brown U. in 1847, moving to Nebr. in 1854, where he engaged in
agricultural pursuits, studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1855.
Practiced law in Omaha. Was brigadier general and major general in the
territorial forces operating against the Pawnee Indians, 1855-61. He captured
the Pawnees and placed them on reservations in 1859. Member of the Territorial
senate in 1860 and a delegate to the state constitutional convention of that
year. Commissioned colonel of the 1st Nebraska Volunteers on July 21, 1861,
promoted to brigadier general in 1863, and brevetted major general on March
13, 1865. Upon the admission of Nebraska as a state, he was elected as one of
the first two senators. Grant appointed him governor of the Wyoming Territory.
After his term as governor of Nebraska, he resumed the practice of law in
Lincoln. Original lodge not known (probably Iowa), but he was admitted as a
charter member to Capitol Lodge No. 101, Omaha when they received the charter
from Iowa. It later became Capitol Lodge No. 3 under Nebraska. He was
suspended June 13, 1859; reinstated Nov. 5, 1866 and again suspended June 5,
1876. d. March 19, 1906.
Simeon Thayer (1737-1800) Soldier in Rogers' Rangers and American
Revolution. b. April 30, 1737 in Men-don, Mass. Moved to Rhode Island in his
youth. Served in the French War in 1756 with Robert Rogers' Rangers, and was
taken prisoner at Fort William Henry in 1757. In May 1775, he was appointed
captain by the R.I. assembly, and accompanied Benedict Arnold's expedition
against Quebec, where he was captured. Promoted to major on Jan. 1, 1777, and
served with great credit in the defense of Red Bank and Fort Mifflin. Wounded
in the Battle of Monmouth, and retiredfrom service on Jan. 1, 1781. His
Journal of the Invasion of Canada in 1775 was printed in 1867. Member of St.
John's Lodge No. 1, Providence, R.I., being initiated on Jan. 22, 1779.
Maria Theresa (1717-1780) Archduchess of Austria and Queen of
Hungary and Bohemia. An anti-Mason. A daughter of Emperor Charles VI, she
married Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, q.v. In 1764 she issued the first law
in Austria forbidding the practice of Freemasonry in that country. It was done
in consequence of the refusal of three masters of lodges to make her
acquainted with the secrets of the Order. It does not appear that she was
aware that her husband was a member. He was initiated at The Hague in 1751
when he was the Duke of Tuscany, and the ceremony was performed by the. Earl
of Chesterfield.
Frederic Augustus Thesiger (18271905) Second Baron Chelmsford and
father of Frederic John Napier, q.v., first Viscount Chelmsford. Served
throughout the Crimean War, Sepoy Mutiny, and Abyssinian campaign of 1868. He
commanded troops in the Kaffir War of 1878; the Zulu War in 1879. Was promoted
to lieutenant general in 1882 and general in 1888. Was lieutenant of the Tower
of London from 1884-89. Member of the Craft in Nova Scotia.
Ezra George Thiem Newspaperman and Pulitzer prize winner. b. July
8, 1897 in Chicago, Ill. Graduate of U. of Illinois in 1921. Started as
agricultural advisor and editor of Country Weekly, Morrison, Ill. 192123.
Assistant editor of Prairie Farmer, Chicago, 1923-26; editor and director of
information of the Ill. Agricultural Assn., 1926-39, and since 1940 with the
Chicago Daily News as reporter and agricultural editor. Was author of series
on price control in Canada in 1942 and another on agrarian reforms in Mexico
in 1946. Was joint
Bryan M. Thomas winner of Pulitzer Prize in 1949 for most disinterested and
meritorious public service of any newspaper for the exposé of state payroll
padding. Winner of Freedoms Foundation citation in 1951. Member of Dunlap
Lodge No. 321, Morrison, Ill. from 1922. 32° AASR (NJ) at Freeport, Ill.
Theodore F. Thieme (1857-1949) Organizer and president of Wayne
Knitting Mills (hosiery) from 1891, Fort Wayne, Ind. b. Feb. 7, 1857 in Fort
Wayne, Ind. Graduate of Columbia U. in 1876. In drug business 12 years.
President of Morris Plan Co. in 1909. Active in state and city government
improvement; established the Fort Wayne Art School and Museum. Author of many
brochures on municipal and state government. Member of Summit City Lodge No.
170, Fort Wayne, Ind., receiving degrees Feb. 10, 17, 24, 1905. Shriner. d.
Aug. 11, 1949.
Wilbur P. Thirkield (1854-?) Methodist Episcopal Bishop. b. Sept.
25, 1854 in Franklin, Ohio. Received four degrees from Ohio Wesleyan U.
Entered Methodist ministry in 1878, and was first president of Gammon
Theological Sem., Atlanta, Ga., from 1883-1900. Was general secretary of the
Epworth League, 1899, and general secretary of Freedmen's Aid and Southern
Education Society, 1900-06. Became bishop in 1912 and retired in 1928. Author
of many volumes on religion. Mason. Deceased.
Augustus Thomas (1857-1934) American playwright. b. Jan. 8, 1857
in St. Louis, Mo. Spent six years in railroading, and then became special
writer and illustrator on St. Louis, Kansas City, and New York newspapers. For
a time was owner and editor of the Kansas City Mirror. Among his dramas were
Alabama; In Mizzoura; Arizona; The Burglar; Colorado; Man of the World; The
Meddler; The Man Upstairs; Oliver Gold-smith; On the Quiet; The Harvest Moon;
As a Man Thinks; Indian Summer; The Copperhead and many others. Masonic
membership was in Pacific Lodge No. 233, New York City. d. Aug. 16, 1934;
Masonic services conducted by his lodge.
Augustus 0. Thomas (1863-1935) Educator and historian. b. Feb. 21,
1863 in Mercer Co., Ill. Held several university degrees. Was principal of
schools at Cambridge, Nebr., 1891-93, and superintendent of schools at St.
Paul, Minden, and Kearney, Nebr. between 1893-1905. In the latter year he was
the organizer and first president of the State Normal School at Kearney,
serving in that capacity until 1913. Was state superintendent of public
instruction of Maine, 1917-29. Was chairman of World Conference of Education
at San Francisco in 1923, and president of World Federation of Educational
Assns., 1923-27, and secretary-general of same after 1931. Revised the Morton
History of Nebraska (two volumes) and wrote Thomas' Rural Arithmetic in 1916.
Raised March 14, 1895 in St. Paul Lodge No. 82, St. Paul, Nebr. Affiliated
with Rob Morris Lodge No. 46, Kearney, Nebr. on March 4, 1903 and suspended
NPD Aug. 1, 1923. d. Jan. 30, 1935. - Bryan M. Thomas (1836-1905)
Confederate Brigadier General in Civil War. b. in 1836 at Milledgeville, Ga.
Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1858, and then sent on frontier duty.
While at Camp Floyd, Utah, with the troops to suppress the Mormons, he became
a member of Rocky Mountain Lodge No. 203 (then U.D. under Missouri.
constitution). He was a lieutenant at that time. Spent four years in the
Confederate army, advancing from first lieutenant to brigadier general. After
the war he engaged in farming and teaching. Was superintendent of schools at
Dalton, Ga. after 1891. d. 1905.
229 Cecil Thomas Cecil Thomas English sculptor. Did recumbent
memorials of Archbishop Lang in Canterbury Cathedral; of Bishop Talbot in
Southwark Cathedral; the Toc H. Monument in All Hallows Barking-by-the-Tower.
He designed the badge of the British Transport Corps displayed on the sides of
all trucks and other heavy vehicles during WWII, showing a lion rearing up on
a wheel. He designed the Coronation Medal which Queen Eli7abeth presented for
services rendered; some of the present coinage issued in the dominions and the
new issues of stamps in 1954 showing the sculptured profile of Queen Elizabeth
within the petals of a Tudor rose. His bust of Lord Ampthill, q.v., is in
Freemasons' Hall, London. Initiated in Panmure Lodge No. 715 in 1913, he is
the senior past master of that lodge, and in 1948 was appointed assistant
grand superintendent of the works.
Charles E. Thomas, Jr. Major General, U.S. Air Force. b. April 8,
1896 in Atlanta, Ga. Commissioned second lieutenant in Air Corps in 1918, and
advanced through grades to major general in 1950. Served on Admiral Halsey's
staff on U.S.S. Saratoga in 1940 as aviation observer. Was then assistant
chief of staff of Wright Field; commanding general of Warner Robins Air
Service Command; deputy commander for supply and maintenance XXI Bomber
Command; deputy commander for operations of Army Air Forces, Pacific areas;
director of aviation advisory group, Nanking, China; commanding general of
1503rd Air Transport Wing, Tokyo, and commanding general of 14th Air Force
since 1950. Now retired and lives in San Antonio, Texas. Received degrees in
Aero Lodge No. 648, Dayton, Ohio on March 9, April 18, June 18, 1921. Now
member of Perfect Union Lodge No. 10, San Antonio, Texas. 32° AASR (SJ) in
Peking, China and life member of Southern Jurisdiction.
Charles M. Thomas (1846-1908) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Oct. 1,
1846 in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1865 and advanced
to rear admiral in 1905. Between 1865-73 he served on the ships Shenandoah,
Potomac, Ajax, Terror and Dictator. After shore duty at Philadelphia Navy Yard
in 1875, he served on ships St. Louis, Constitution and Hartford. At Naval
Academy, 1880-84; with coast survey, 1889-91; with Bureau of Navigation,
1891-93. Also served at Naval War Coll., Naval Academy, on the Oregon,
Brooklyn and Franklin. Was commandant of the Naval Training Station, Newport,
R.I. and 2nd naval district, 190405, and commanded 2nd division of Atlantic
Fleet from 1907. Member of Montgomery Lodge No. 19, Philadelphia, from Sept.
2, 1869. d. 1908.
Sir Clement Price Thomas Foremost English specialist in thoracic
surgery, who operated on King George VI. b. Nov. 28, 1893. Holds rank of past
junior grand deacon in Grand Lodge of England and past grand sojourner in
Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of England.
Darwin W. Thomas Judge, Supreme Court of Idaho from 1950. b. Sept.
5, 1895 in Malad, Idaho. Graduate of U. of Idaho in 1925, practicing first at
Pocatello, and at Boise after 1942. Mason and Shriner.
Edwin J. Thomas President of Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. since
1940; chief executive officer since 1956; chairman of board from 1958. b.
April 27, 1899 in Akron, Ohio. Began as a stenographer in 1916. Was personnel
manager of Goodyear, 192628; superintendent of production in Calif. plant,
1928-30; assistant to factory manager, Akron, 1930-32; general superintendent,
1932-35; managing director in England, 1935-36; assistant to president at
Akron, 1936-37 and executive vice president, 1937-40. Mason and 32° AASR (NJ).
230 Isaiah Thomas Elmer Thomas United States Senator ator from
Oklahoma from 1927; U.S. Congressman to 68-69th Congresses (1923-27). b. Sept.
8, 1876 in Greencastle, Ind. Graduate of DePauw U. in 1900. Admitted to Ind.
bar in 1897 and Okla. bar in 1900. Practiced at Lawton, Okla., 1901-11. Former
owner and operator of Medicine Park, Okla. Member of state senate from
1907-20, and president pro-tem, 1910-13. Member of Lawton Lodge No. 183,
Lawton, Okla. receiving degrees on June 17, 1907, Nov. 2, Dec. 17, 1908.
Knight Templar and Shriner.
Elwyn Thomas Justice, Supreme Court of Florida since 1938 and
Chief Justice, 1947-49; 1959. b. July 5, 1894 in Ankona, Fla. Admitted to Fla.
bar in 1915; practiced at Deland, Ft. Pierce and Vero Beach. Was first
chairman of Florida Judicial Council, 1953-57. Raised in Ft. Pierce Lodge No.
87, Ft. Pierce, Fla. in 1916, and past master of same, holding all chairs.
Francis Thomas (1799-1876) Governor of Maryland; U.S. Congressman.
b. Feb. 3, 1799 in Frederick Co., Md. Graduate of St. John's Coll. at
Annapolis; studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1820, practicing at
Frankville. Served in state legislature three terms, and was speaker of same
in 1829. Was U.S. congressman from 1831-41 and again from 1861-69. Served as
governor of Maryland, 1841-44. During his canvass for the governorship he
fought a duel with William Price. He was president of the Chesapeake and Ohio
Canal Co., 1839-40. Was minister to Peru from 1872-75. Became a member of
Columbia Lodge No. 58, Frederick, Md. on Oct. 29, 1821. Killed by a locomotive
while walking on the railroad track, Jan. 22, 1876.
George H. Thomas (1816-1870) Union Major General in Civil War. b.
July 31, 1816 in Southampton Co., Va.
Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1840. Served in Florida
Indian War in 1840-41, and in Mexican War under Zachary Taylor, q.v.,
distinguishing himself at Monterrey and Buena Vista in 1847. Remained loyal to
the Federal government and was made brigadier general of volunteers in Aug.,
1861, and major general in April, 1862. Later became major general in regular
army. He fought at Perryville, and gained fame and the nickname "the Rock of
Chickamauga" by his defense of his position in the Battle of Chickamauga in
Sept., 1863. He commanded the Army of the Cumberland in the Battle of
Chattanooga in Nov., 1863, and was in Sherman's Atlanta campaign of 1864. Was
sent to Tennessee to repel Hood's army, and won the Battle of Nashville in
Dec., 1864. From 1869-70 he commanded the military division of the Pacific. A
Mason, he once visited Ward Lodge, an Ohio army lodge, during the Civil War.
d. March 28, 1870.
Isaiah Thomas (1749-1831) Revolutionary patriot and printer. b.
Jan. 19, 1749 in Boston, Mass. Apprenticed to be a printer at age of six, and
served 11 years of apprenticeship. In 1770 he entered into partnership with
his former master in the publication of the Massachusetts Spy. Three months
later the partnership was dissolved and he carried on alone. Published
spirited attacks on the British government. Shortly before the Battle of
Lexington, he packed his press and types and took them by night to Worcester.
He joined Paul Revere, q.v., and his associates in giving information of the
march of the British. In 1786 he secured the first font of music-type from
Europe, and was the first printer in America to use such type. Published the
Farmer's Museum at Walpole, N.H., and in 1788 opened a book store in Boston
with branches in several parts of the U.S. He printed most of the Bibles and
school books that were used in the country
John Thomas at that time. It is not known where he was made a Mason, but
presumably in Trinity Lodge of Lancaster, Mass., of which he became master. He
was a founding member of Morning Star Lodge of Worcester, Mass. in 1793, and
was the first master. Was elected senior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of
Massachusetts, and was grand master from 1803-05. His diary of June 17, 1825
tells of attending the laying of the cornerstone of the Bunker Hill Monument
with Lafayette and marching in the procession that was more than a mile in
length. He tells that more than 5,000 dined together on this occasion in a
temporary building. d. April 4, 1831.
John Thomas (1874-1945) U.S. Senator from Idaho, 1928-33 and
1940-45. b. Jan. 4, 1874 on a farm in Phillips Co., Kans. Taught school, and
was superintendent of schools of Phillips Co., Kansas, 1898-1903. Moved to
Gooding, Idaho in 1909, where he engaged in banking and livestock business.
Was first appointed to senate to fill vacancy caused by death of Frank R.
Gooding, q.v. Member of Phillipsburg Lodge No. 184, Phillipsburg, Kans., and
32° AASR and KCCH in Boise, Idaho. d. Nov. 10, 1945.
John Charles Thomas (1890-1960) Baritone. b. Sept. 6, 1890 in
Meyers-dale, Pa. Studied at Mount Street College of Homeopathy, Baltimore,
Md., before turning to music. At Peabody Conservatory of Music, 1910-13, and
under private teachers. Received two degrees in music from Dickinson Coll.
Made debut as Passion in Every Woman at London, Ont., Canada in 1912. Starred
in The Love Letter; The Peasant Girl; Apple Blossoms; May-time and others.
Made operatic debut as Amonasro in Aida at Washington, D.C. in 1925. Has
appeared with the Royal Opera of Brussels, Philadelphia Grand Opera Co., San
Francisco Opera Co., Los Angeles Opera Co., Chicago Civic Opera Co.,
Metropolitan Opera Co., as well as various concert tours, radio engagements,
and motion pictures. Member of St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, N.Y.C. He was exalted
in Corinthian Chapter No. 159, R.A.M., Brooklyn on May 13, 1920; greeted in
Columbian Council No. 1, R. & S.M., N.Y.C. on June 3, 1920, and knighted in
Ivanhoe Commandery No. 36, K.T., N.Y.C. on June 17, 1920.
John M. Thomas (1869-1952) University president. b. Dec. 27, 1869
in Ft. Covington, N.Y. Held degrees from Midddlebury (Vt.) Coll., Union Theol.
Seminary; Amherst, and Dartmouth. Ordained to Presbyterian ministry in 1893,
and served church in East Orange, N.J. until 1908. Was president of Middlebury
(Vt.) Coll., 1908-21; president of Pennsylvania State Coll., 1921-25;
president of Rutgers U., 1925-30; president of Norwich U., 1939-44. Was vice
president of the National Life Insurance Co., Montpelier, 1930-38. Mason, and
grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, 1904-06. Received degrees in
Hope Lodge No. 124 (N.J.), dimitting on Oct. 7, 1908 and affiliated. In 1927
he affiliated with Palestine Lodge No. 111 (N.J.) from State College Lodge No.
700 (Pa.) and dimitted Nov. 6, 1930 with no further record in N.J. d. Feb. 26,
John R. Thomas (1830-1896) Song writer and baritone. b. in
Newport, Wales, he came to this country at an early age. For several years he
taught music in Brooklyn and N.Y.C. and frequently sang in oratorios. About
1852 he appeared with the Seguin Opera Co. and afterward joined a troupe of
Negro minstrels. Among his many compositions were: The Cottage by the Sea;
Happy Be Thy Dreams; Someone to Love; 'Tis But a Little Faded Flower; Mother
Kissed Me in My Dreams; Beautiful Isle of the Sea; Angel Voices; Land of
Dreams; Flag
Lorenzo Thomas of the Free; The Mother's Prayer; The Voice of Effie Moore;
Eileen Alanna; Seek, and Ye Shall Find; No Crown Without the Cross. Originally
a member of Mystic Tie Lodge No. 272, N.Y.C., he was one of the founders of
St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, N.Y.C., which has become known as the "actors and
musicians" lodge. d. April 5, 1896.
John R. Thomas (1846-1914) U.S. Congressman to 46th-50th
Congresses, 1879-89, from Ill. b. Oct. 11, 1846 in Mt. Vernon, Ill. Served in
Union Army in Civil War, rising from private to captain in Co. D, 120th
Indiana Vols. Studied law, and began practice in Metropolis, Ill. in 1869. In
1889 he resumed practice of law in Muskogee, Okla. He was U.S. judge of the
Indian Territory from 1897-1901. In congress he served on various important
committees, and has been called the "father of the modern American Navy."
Served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Illinois in 1885. Received
degrees in Metropolis Lodge No. 91, Metropolis, Ill. on Dec. 20, 1870, Jan.
12, Feb. 6, 1871. He was a commanding figure in the Grand Lodge of Illinois
for many years. He later practiced law at Muskogee, Olda. His death was
tragic. On Jan. 20, 1914, while in consultation with a client in the state
penitentiary at McAlester, Okla., he was shot and killed in an effort made by
three convicts to escape from the prison.
.7. Parnell Thomas U.S. Congressman to 75th to 81st Congresses,
193749, from 7th N.J. dist. b. Jan. 16, 1895 in Jersey City, N.J. Attended U.
of Pennsylvania. Was salesman with Kountze Bros., and later with Paine, Webber
& Co., both of N.Y.C., 191924; since 1938, a member of Thomas & Godfrey,
insurance brokers. Mayor of Allendale, N.J., 1926-30. Served as Infantry
captain overseas in WWI. Was chairman of Committee on Un- American Activities
and member of Committee on Armed Services. Received degrees in Fortitude Lodge
No. 200, Ramsey, N.J. receiving degrees on June 4, Sept. 3, Oct. 29, 1937 and
ceased to be a member on Dec. 7, 1956.
Leonard E. Thomas (1898-1959) Major General in Air Force; lawyer.
b. July 21, 1898 in Independence, Kans. Graduate of Harvard in 1920, moving to
Calif. where he was graduated in law from the U. of Southern California in
1923. Practiced law until recalled for service in Air Corps for WWII. He
served in both world wars, and flew planes from the original "flying jenny" in
WWI to the post-WWII jets. Served as master of James A. Garfield Lodge No.
566, Los Angeles in 1926; was high priest of Signet Chapter No. 57, R.A.M. in
1928; commander of Los Angeles Commandery No. 9, K.T. in 1935; monarch of
Jinnistan Grotto No. 76. In 1936 he was grand high priest of the Grand
Chapter, R.A.M. of Calif. Made honorary member of the grand chapters of
Arizona, Louisiana, and Kentucky. He served . on his commandery's drill team
from 1924-28. d. in 1959 and Masonic services held on July 29.
Lorenzo Thomas (1804-1875) Major General, U.S. Army, and U.S.
Secretary of War ad interim. b. Oct. 26, 1804 in New Castle, Del. Graduate of
U.S. Military Academy in 1823. Served in 4th Infantry in Florida until 1831,
and again in Florida in the war of 1836-37. In the Mexican War he was chief of
staff for General William 0. Butler, 1846-48, and of the Army of Mexico in
latter year. He was then adjutant general at Army headquarters in Washington,
D.C. until 1853, and chief of staff to General Winfield Scott until 1861.
Breveted brigadier general in May, 1861, and made adjutant general of the Army
that Aug. with the full rank of brig-
Lowell Thomas adier general. In 1864-65 he organized and trained Negro troops
in the Southern states. When President Johnson removed Edwin M. Stanton from
his post as Secretary of War, he appointed Thomas as secretary ad interim on
Feb. 21, 1868, but owing to Stanton's refusal to vacate, Thomas did not fill
the office. He was breveted major general on March 13, 1865 and retired Feb.
2, 1869. He affiliated with Potomac Lodge No. 5, Washington, D.C., on Jan. 19,
1857. d. March 2, 1875.
Lowell Thomas Author, traveler, b. April 6, 1892 in Woodington,
Ohio. Graduate of U. of Northern Indiana in 1911; U. of Denver in 1912, and
Princeton U. in 1916. Holds many honorary degrees. A reporter and editor on
various newspapers including the Chicago Journal until 1914. Taught at Chicago
Kent Coll. of Law, 1912-14, and Princeton U., 1914-16. Lectured on Alaska,
1914-16. Chief of civilian mission sent to Europe by President Wilson to
prepare historical record of WWI. Attached in turn to Belgian, French,
Italian, Serbian, American, British, and Arabian armies. Was historian of
Palestine Campaign and Arabian revolution. Lectured in America and England on
Palestine and Arabian campaigns. Was with Prince of Wales on tour of India in
1922. Explored Malaya, India, Upper Burma and Central Asia. Lectured on
"Romantic India." Has been a news commentator since 1930; made movie news
reels since 1935, and on television since 1940. Was associate editor of Asia
Magazine, 1919-23. Fellow of American Georgraphic Society and Royal Geographic
Society. Is the author of a score of books, mostly on travel and adventure.
Was made a Master Mason Feb. 7, 1927, in St. John's Lodge, Boston, Mass. and
is currently a dual member, being affiliated with Kane Lodge No. 454, N.Y.C.
Sir Miles Thomas Chairman of British Overseas Airways Corp.,
194956; chairman of Monsanto Chemicals Ltd., since 1956. b. March 2, .1897 in
North Wales. Engaged in motor car sales, 1914-47, and became vice chairman and
managing director of Morris Motors, Ltd. and Wolseley Motors, Ltd. An expert
on tank and tank engine production, he served as chairman of the cruiser tank
production group in WWII, and was chairman of the British tank engine mission
to the U.S. in 1942. Served in WWI as private. Knighted in 1943. Mason.
Warren Laine Thomas (1845-1914) 17th Grand Master of the Grand
Encampment, Knights Templar, 1895-98. b. Jan. 25, 1845 at Elizabethtown, Ky.
Knighted in DeMolay Commandery No. 12, K.T., Louisville, on Oct. 1872, and
became charter member of Ryan Commandery No. 17, Danville, Ky. in Feb. 1873.
In 1880 he served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, grand master
of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, grand master of the Grand Council R. & S.M. of
Kentucky and grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Kentucky.
Received 33° AASR (SJ) on Jan. 23, 1889. d. Nov. 23, 1914.
William D. Thomas (1880-1936) U.S. Congressman to 73-74th
Congresses, 1933-37, from 20th N.Y. dist. b. March 22, 1880 in Middle
Granville, N.Y. Graduate of Union Coll., Schenectady in 1904. Was a pharmacist
at Hoosick Falls, N.Y. from 1905. Raised May 21, 1902 in Granville Lodge No.
55, Granville, N.Y. and on June 15, 1909 affiliated with Van Rensselaer Lodge
No. 400, Hoosick Falls, N.Y. d. May 17, 1936.
William N. Thomas Rear Admiral and Chief of Chaplains, U.S. Navy
in 1945. b. March 21, 1892 in Rankin Co., Miss. Graduate of Millsaps Coll.,
Jackson, Miss. in 1912. Entered Methodist ministry in 1911, and served
Frank H. Thompson churches in Jackson, Daleville and Summit, Miss. until 1918,
when appointed to chaplaincy. Served on many ships; at Fort Lyon, Colo.
hospital and U.S. Naval Academy. Mason.
Robert E. Thomason Federal Judge, Western Texas; U.S. Congressman
to 72nd-80th Congresses, 193147, from 16th Texas dist. b. May 30, 1879 in
Shelbyville, Tenn. Graduate of Southwestern U. at Georgetown, Texas in 1898,
and U. of Texas in 1900. Began law practice at Gainesville, Texas in 1900, and
at El Paso after 1912. Was mayor of El Paso, 1927-31. Received degrees in Era
Lodge No. 796, Era, Texas in 1901 later affiliating with Gainesville Lodge No.
210, Gainesville, Texas and finally Five Points Lodge No. 1137, El Paso.
Alexander Thompson (1879-1939) President of Champion Coated Paper
Co., from 1932, and Chairman of Board of Champion Paper & Fibre Co.,
Cincinnati, Ohio. b. Nov. 24, 1879 in Cincinnati. He was apprenticed with the
above company in 1896 and worked his way through the various positions to
president. Mason. d. June 27, 1939.
Carmi A. Thompson (1870-1942) Treasurer of the United States,
191213. b. Sept. 4, 1870 in Wayne Co., W. Va. Graduate of Ohio State U. in
1892 and 1895. Admitted to the bar in latter year and practiced at Ironton,
Ohio. Served in state legislature, 1904-07, and was speaker of the house last
two years. Became Assistant Secretary of Interior March 6, 1911, and served
until July 1, 1912. Then became secretary to President Taft, July-Nov., 1912.
Active in coal and mining interests. Member of Lawrence Lodge No. 198,
Ironton, Ohio, affiliating on April 15, 1897 from Bement Lodge No. 365 of Ill.
d. June 22, 1942.
Charles J. Thompson (1862-1932) U.S. Congressman to 66th-71st
Congresses, 1919-31, from 5th Ohio dist. b. Jan. 24, 1862 in Wapakoneta, Ohio.
Learned printer's trade, and became a newspaper owner. Was postmaster of
Defiance, Ohio, 1898-1915. Received degrees in Hamer Lodge No. 167,
Wapakoneta, Ohio on Jan. 14, 26, March 1, 1889 and on Nov. 19, 1890 affiliated
with Tuendawie Lodge No. 195, Defiance, Ohio. d. March 27, 1932.
Clark W. Thompson U.S. Congressman to 73rd and 80th-86th
Congresses from 7th Texas dist. b. Aug. 6, 1896 in LaCrosse, Wis. Treasurer of
American National Insurance Co., Galveston, Texas, 1919-20, and president of
Clark W. Thompson Co., 1920-32. Now public relations counsel for American
National Ins. Co. and Moody interests. Served with U.S. Marines in WWI, and as
lieutenant colonel of Marines in Pacific in WWII. Raised in Harmony Lodge No.
6, Galveston, Texas on Nov. 13, 1919. Served as master of the lodge and
district deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Texas. Member of the
Scottish Rite in Galveston and a KCCH (SJ). Shriner and National Sojourner.
Frank D. Thompson (1876-1940) Justice, Supreme Court of Vermont,
1929-37. b. April 9, 1876 in Irasburg, Vt. Graduate of Boston U. School of Law
in 1899. In practice, first at St. Johnsbury, and at Barton after 1906. Raised
in Orleans Lodge No. 55, Barton, Vt. on March 25, 1910 and dimitted June 18,
1937. d. June 12, 1940.
Frank H. Thompson Grand Herald, Supreme Council, 33° AASR (SJ) and
Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Florida. Is president of Mine and Mill
Supply Co. and director of the Florida National Bank at Lakeland, where he
also operates a general insurance agency. Received 32°
Glenn W. Thompson in 1915; KCCH in 1919; 33° in 1923, and appointed deputy in
Fla. in 1952. Crowned an active member in 1955, he was appointed to his
present position in 1957.
Glenn W. Thompson President of Arvin Industries, Columbus, Lid.
since 1946. b. July 17, 1899 in Columbus, Lid. Graduate of Indiana U. in 1922.
Began with Arvin as a salesman in 1924 (when it was Noblitt-Sparks), becoming
vice president in 1928 and president in 1946. Now chairman of board. Director
of many companies. President of board of trustees of DePauw U. Received
degrees in Ancient Landmarks Lodge No. 319, Indianapolis, Ind. on Sept. 9, 23,
Oct. 21, 1929 and in 1934 transferred to St. Johns Lodge No. 20, Columbus,
Ind. where he is now a member.
Hugh S. Thompson (1836-1904) Governor of South Carolina, 1882-86.
b. Jan. 24, 1836 in Charleston, S. Car. Graduate of S. Car. Military Academy
in 1856. Was captain of a battalion of state cadets, Confederate States,
186165. Was state superintendent of education, 1876-82; assistant secretary of
U.S. treasury, 1886-89; U.S. Civil Service commissioner, 1889-92, and
comptroller of New York Life Insurance Co. in 1892. Member of Richland Lodge
No. 39, Columbia, S. Car. d. 1904.
Ira F. Thompson (1885-1937) Justice, Supreme Court of California,
1932-37. b. June 20, 1885 in Crawford Co., Wis. Admitted to Calif. bar in
1909, he practiced in Oakland one year and in Los Angeles, 1910-23, when he
became judge of the superior court, and then justice of the district court of
appeals in 1926. Lectured in law at U. of Southern Calif., 1926-32. Was master
of two Los Angeles lodges—Elysian No. 418 and Liberal Arts, 677. 32° and KCCH
of AASR (SJ). d. Aug. 4, 1937.
Jacob Thompson (1810-1885) U.S. Secretary of Interior; U.S.
Congressman; Governor of Mississippi. b. May 15, 1810 in Casewell Co., N. Car.
Graduate of U. of North Carolina in 1831, and admitted to the bar following
year, settling in the Chickasaw country of Mississippi. Served in congress
from 1838-57, and then secretary of Interior from 1857 to Jan. 8, 1861 under
Buchanan. Resigned, and returned to Miss. where he was governor from 1862-64.
Later served as aide-de-camp to General Beauregard. In the summer of 1864 he
went to Canada as Confederate commissioner. Here he promoted a plan to release
the prisoners of war at Camp Douglas, near Chicago, and to seize that city. He
also was charged with instigating plots to burn northern cities. Received the
degrees in Oxford Lodge No. 33, Oxford, Miss. about 1849. d. March 24, 1885.
Joseph B. Thompson (1871-1918) U.S. Congressman, 63rd-65th
Congresses, 1913-18, from Okla. b. April 29, 1871 in Grayson Co., Texas.
Admitted to bar in 1892 and began practice in Ardmore, Indian Territory. Later
located in Pauls Valley, Okla. Member of Democratic state committee to prepare
a constitution for State of Oklahoma, 1906-10. Mason. d. Sept. 18, 1918.
Richard W. Thompson (1809-1900) Secretary of the Navy, 1877-81, in
Hayes cabinet. b. June 9, 1809 in Culpeper Co., Va. Went to Kentucky in 1831,
where he was clerk in a Louisville store. Moved to Lawrence Co., Ind.;
admitted to the bar in 1834. Was member of state legislature, 1834-36, and
state senate, 1836-38. From 184143 and 1847-49 he was U.S. congressman from
hid. He was the author of The Papacy and the Civil Power; Footprints of the
Jesuits; History of the Tariff; and Personal Recollections of Sixteen
Presidents. He became a
James Thomson member of Terre Haute Lodge No. 19, Terre Haute, Ind., May 29,
1854, and was master of same in 1859. In 1867 he was grand orator of the Grand
Lodge of Indiana. An intimate friend of Albert Pike. He was one of the
founders of the Masonic Veterans' Association in Washington, D.C. d. Feb. 9,
1900 and buried by his lodge Feb. 12.
William Thompson (1736-1781) Brigadier General of American
Revolution. b. in Ireland. He settled in Carlisle, Pa. where he was a farmer,
surveyor, and justice of the peace. He was captain of a troop of mounted
militia in the French-Indian Wars. After the Battle of Lexington, he was
placed in command of a battalion of eight companies recruited in Pa., who were
the first troops raised on demand of the Continental Congress. They suppressed
a British landing party at Lechmere Point, Mass. on Nov. 10, 1775. He was made
made brigadier general, March 1, 1776, and relieved General Charles Lee of the
command of New York forces. In April, 1776, he was ordered to Canada to
reinforce General John Thomas. He met the remnant of the Northern Army on its
retreat from Quebec, and assumed the chief command, yielding it to General
John Sullivan. Sullivan ordered the disastrous attack on Three Rivers on June
6 where Thompson was taken prisoner. In August he was returned to Philadelphia
on parole but not exchanged for two years. While in Philadelphia he received
the degrees in Lodge No.
3, together with two other generals—James Hogun and John P. G.
Muhlenberg, qq.v., on April 13, 15, 17, 1779. He was described as "A prisoner
on parole, enroute to New York." d. Sept.
4, 1781.
William H. Thompson (1871-1928) U.S. Senator from Kansas, 1913-19.
b. Oct. 14, 1871 in Crawfordsville, Ind.,moving to Kans. with parents in 1880.
Studied law under his father, and admitted to the bar in 1894. Was clerk of
Kansas Court of Appeals, 18971901, and judge of the 32nd district, 1906-13. In
1923 he settled in Tulsa, Okla. Received degrees • in Seneca Lodge No. 39,
Seneca, Kans. in summer of 1894 and was secretary of same in 1895-96. Dimitted
to Iola Lodge No. 38, Iola, Kans. in 1902 and then moved to Garden City,
Kansas where he affiliated with Tyrian Lodge No. 246 on July 17, 1908 and
retained membership until death on Feb. 8, 1928.
James Thomson (1700-1748) Scottish poet. He went to London in 1725
as tutor to Thomas Hamilton, who became the 7th Earl of Haddington. Was
introduced to Pope, Arbuthnot and Gay. He published the blank-verse poems
Winter, Summer, Spring; Autumn and then brought them together as The Seasons
(1726-30). This was the first time that description of nature had been given
the leading place and it paved the way for the emotional treatment of nature
by the romantic poets. He was author of the dramas Sophonisba, Agamemnon, and
Edward and Eleanora. Pensioned in 1738 by the Prince of Wales after dedicating
his poem, Liberty, to the prince. He joined David Mallet in writing The Masque
of Alfred in 1740, which contained the song Rule Britannia, with music by T.
A. Arne. In 1745 he produced Tancred and Sigismunda., the most successful of
his dramas. His allegorical poem, The Castle of Indolence (1748) is generally
considered to be his masterpiece. He was initiated at a lodge held at Old
Man's Coffee House, Charing Cross Road, London in 1737. He is also recorded as
a member of Caledonian Lodge, Scotland. On June 24, 1819, Kelso Lodge, with
deputations from other adjacent lodges, laid the foundation stone of a
Matthew McBlain Thomson to be erected to the memory of Thomson at Fernyhill,
in the parish of Ednam, Scotland.
Matthew McBlain Thomson Masonic charlatan. b. in Ayr, Scotland, he
was a paperhanger, painter, and saloon-keeper. In the early 1870's he became a
member of a clandestine body and was active in the propagation of spurious
Masonry, and, while a member, succeeded in visiting a lodge in Ayr under the
jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. For this, the lodge's charter was
taken up. Later, Thomson was given permission to apply for membership in a
regular lodge. He then joined Newton-on-Ayr St. James No. 125, and later
affiliated with Patna Bonnie Doon No. 565. In 1881 he came to America as a
convert to the Mormon Church, and settled at Montpelier, Idaho, where he
pursued his vocation of painting and paperhanging. He returned to Scotland
under strange conditions, but was back in Montpelier in 1898, bringing with
him a dimit from a Scottish lodge and a patent from the "Scottish Grand
Council of Rites." He then built up his "American Masonic Federation" which
later became more expansive under the title of "International Masonic
Federation." He then began to sell degrees of all types, from Blue Lodge to
Shrine. In Scotland, one Robert Jamieson of Kilmarnock signed documents,
diplomas and charters which proved the "validity" of Thomson's claims. He
obtained his followers by solicitation among the humbler classes and sent out
paid organizers to peddle the degrees and issue certificates. Reduced rates
were offered to those who would get a number of friends to join. Thomson and
two others were finally brought to trial in a Federal court and convicted of
using the mails to defraud, sentenced to two years, and fined $5,000each.
Sentence was pronounced May 15, 1922.
William N. Thomson General Manager, New York Mirror since 1951. b.
June 21, 1904 in Ayr, Scotland. Educated in public schools of Sherbrooke,
Quebec, coming to the U.S. in 1924, and being naturalized in 1937. With
General Electric, 1924-30; chief accountant Albany (N.Y.) Times Union,
1930-35. With Milwaukee Sentinel from 1935-51, first as business manager, and
assistant publisher, 1943-51. Mason, 32° AASR and Shriner.
Homer Thomberry U.S. Congressman to 81st-86th Congresses, 1949-60,
from 10th Texas dist. b. Jan. 9, 1909 in Austin, Texas. Graduate of U. of
Texas in 1932 and 1936. Practiced law in Austin since 1936. Held local and
state offices, including member of legislature from 1937-40. Served in Navy in
WWII 1942-46. Raised in Austin Lodge No. 12, Austin, Texas in 1930. 32° and
KCCH of AASR (SJ) in Austin. Member of Ben Hur Shrine Temple.
George Thornburgh (1847-1923) Editor. b. Jan. 25, 1847 in Havana,
Ill. Served in Confederate Army in 1865. Was editor of the Masonic Trowel,
1867-1919, and business manager of the Arkansas Methodist, 1889-1903. In state
legislature four terms, and speaker in 1881. Active Methodist and president of
Arkansas Methodist Orphanage 15 years. After 1919 he was superintendent of
Arkansas School for the Blind. He served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of
Arkansas, grand high priest of the grand chapter, and grand commander of the
grand commandery. He was the author of Masonic Monitor in 1903 and History of
Freemasonry in 1914. d. March 9, 1923.
Arthur H. Thornhill President and Chairman of Board of Little,
Brown & Co., publishers, Boston, Mass. since
James W. Throckmorton
b. Feb. 25, 1895 in Hyde Park, Mass. With Little, Brown & Co. since 1913;
manager of N.Y. office, 1935-48; director, 1938-41; vice president, 194148.
Received degrees in Constellation Lodge, Dedham, Mass. in 1920.
Sir James Thornhill (1675-1734) English painter. He designed a
series of paintings for interior of the dome of St. Paul's, and executed
others in the Greenwich Hospital, Blenheim Palace, Chatsworth House, etc.
William Hogarth, q.v., the great satirical painter of that time, married his
daughter, Jane, clandestinely, in 1729. Thornhill was knighted in 1720 and
became a member of parliament in 1722. He was senior grand warden of the Grand
Lodge of England in 1728. His own portrait, painted by his son-in-law Hogarth,.
hangs in the Freemasons' Hall, London.
Matthew Thornton (1714-1803) Signer of the Declaration of
Independence. b. July 1, 1714 in Ireland. Started medical practice at
Londonderry, N.H., and was a surgeon in the expedition against Cape Breton,
Nova Scotia in 1745. He was first president of the Provincial Convention of
1775. Became judge of the superior court of N.H., and elected to U.S. congress
in 1776. Later moved to Exeter, N.H. Although many claims have been made
concerning this Masonic membership, James R. Case is probably right in saying:
"No—his alleged connection fabricated—never shown to the satisfaction of his
great-greatgrandson, living in Portsmouth and a 32° Mason.”
Bertel Thorwaldsen (1768-1844) Danish sculptor. He had his studio
in Rome from 1798-1838, and later in Copenhagen. As a leader in the classical
revival, he found immortality in his colossal statue of a lion at Lucerne.
Executed statues of various figures of classical mythology, including Jason,
Ganymede, Venus, Psycheand the Graces. His bas-reliefs include Christ and the
Twelve Apostles, Night and Morning, and Entry of Alexander into Babylon. He
donated many of his works to the museum which today bears his name and made a
donation to the same museum of about 4,000,000 Kroner. He was an honorary
member of the Zorubabel Lodge in Copenhagen.
Claude Antoine Thory (1759-1827) French Masonic writer. b. May 26,
1759 in Paris. Was an advocate by profession, and was registrar of the -
criminal court of the Chatelet, and later first adjunct of the mayor of Paris.
Member of a number of learned societies and a botanist of some distinction.
Was a member of the Lodge Saint Alexandre d'Ecosse and of the Lodge Contrat
Social. They incorporated into one that preceded the Mother Lodge of the
Philosophic Scottish Rite, of which Thory may be called the founder. He made a
collection of books, manuscripts, medals, seals, etc. for the Mother Lodge. In
1813 he published the History of the Foundation of the Grand Orient of France
and in 1815 Masonic Proceedings, or Chronology of the History of French amd
Foreign Freemasonry. d. Oct., 1827.
James W. Throclanorton (18251894) Governor of Texas, 1866-67; U.S.
Congressman, 1875-79 and 188387. b. Feb. 1, 1825 in Sparta, Term. Came to
Texas with father in 1841, and became a lawyer. He served continuously in one
or the other branch of the state legislature from 1851 until the beginning of
the Civil War. A member of the convention that passed the ordinance of
secession, he was one of the six that voted against it. He entered the
Confederate Army in 1861, serving as a captain and major. In 1864 he was
appointed brigadier general of the state troops and made treaties with the
Comanches, Cheyennes, and other tribes. In 1866 he
Buckner Thruston was chosen governor of Texas for four years, but the
following year he was removed from office by General Philip Sheridan. Was a
member of St. Johns Lodge No. 51, McKinney, Texas. d. April 21, 1894.
Buckner Thruston (1764-1845) U.S. Senator from Kentucky, 1805-09.
b. Feb. 9, 1764 in Gloucester Co., Va. Graduate of William and Mary in 1783;
studied law, and moved to Lexington, Fayette Co., Va. (now Kentucky) in 1788.
After Kentucky was organized as a state, he was elected clerk of the first
state senate in 1792. He was one of Kentucky's three commissioners to settle
the boundary dispute between Kentucky and Virginia. Served as a circuit and
district judge, and from 1809-45 he was a judge of the U.S. circuit court for
District of Columbia. Member of Lexington Lodge No. 1, Lexington, Ky. d. Aug.
30, 1845.
Tom Thumb (see Charles S. Stratton).
J. Strom Thurmond U.S. Senator from South Carolina since 1955;
Governor of South Carolina, 1947-51. b. Dec. 5, 1902 in Edgefield, S.C.
Graduate of Clemson Coll. in 1923, and admitted to the bar in 1930. He was
variously county superintendent of education in Edgefield. Co., state senator,
and circuit judge. Was chairman of the Southern Governors Conference of 1950.
In 1948 he was the States Rights Party candidate for president of the U.S.
Served in 82nd Airborne Div. in WWII and became brigadier general in Army
Reserve. Member of Concordia Lodge No. 50, Edgefield, S.C.
Howard Thurston (1869-1936) One of America's greatest magicians.
b. in Columbus, Ohio. He made a tour of the world in 1904-07, and starred with
Harry Keller, q.v., in 1907-08. He was the author of My Life of Magic, in1929.
Thurston had this to say of his Masonic membership in a letter: "I was
initiated into Freemasonry in Manitou Lodge No. 106, New York City, July 22,
1907. I received the 32° of the Consistory in New York, July 10, 1910. I
sometimes think that the traveling Masons have more opportunities of being
both proud and glad of the social distinction designated by the square and
compass than those who remain home most of the time. This is certainly true of
a public entertainer, and especially of a magician. I see now on the walls of
my den, about a score of Masonic emblems, fezzes, banners, Shrine pins, canes,
ribbons—from baskets of flowers, parchments of honorary membership, etc., all
telling me again of the many kindly acts of brother Masons during my annual
tours. What a wonderful thing for a stranger to be able to meet the best men
of the community as a brother and friend!" He was also a member of Mecca
Shrine Temple, N.Y.C. d. 1936.
John M. Thurston (1847-1916) U.S. Senator from Nebraska,
1895-1901. b. Aug. 21, 1847 in Montpelier, Vt., moving to Madison, Wis. in
1854 and to Beaver Dam, Wis. in 1856. Admitted to the bar in 1869 and began
practice in Omaha, Nebr. Was city attorney, member of city council and in
state legislature. Was temporary chairman of Republican National convention at
Chicago in 1888 and chairman of Republican National convention at St. Louis in
1896. Was raised Dec. 12, 1874 in St. Johns Lodge No. 25, Omaha, Nebr. and
remained in good standing until his death on Aug. 9, 1916.
Theodore P. Thurston (?-1941) Episcopal Bishop of Oklahoma,
191926. b. in Delavan, Ill. Graduate of Trinity Coll., Hartford, Conn. in
1891, 1894, and 1911. Ordained deacon in 1894 and priest in 1895. He served
churches at Owatonna, Winona, and
John J. Tigert Minneapolis, Minn. from 1894-1911. In 1911 he became bishop of
Eastern Oklahoma, and in 1919 became bishop of Oklahoma, resigning in 1926.
Charter member of the trustees of Shattuck School, Faribault, Minn., and
trustee of U. of the South at Sewanee, Tenn. Mason. d. Jan. 28, 1941.
Edward J. Thye U.S. Senator from Minnesota, 1947-59. Governor of
Minnesota, 1943-46. b. April 26, 1896 in Aberdeen, S.D. Served in Army Air
Force in WWI. Owner and operator of a farm at Northfield, Minn. from 1922. In
Minn. he was dairy and food commissioner and deputy commissioner of
agriculture, 1939-42, becoming lieutenant governor the following year. Member
of Social Lodge No. 48, of Northfield, Minn. and past master of same. Also
member of Corinthian Chapter No. 33, R.A.M., Northfield Council No. 12, R. &
S.M., both of Northfield, and Faribault Commandery No. 8, K.T. of Faribault,
Merton B. Tice Commander-inChief of Veterans of Foreign Wars,
1954-55. b. Dec. 7, 1909 in Chicago. Graduate of U. of South Dakota in 1935.
Was trial attorney for penal division of U.S. Treasury Dept. in Washington,
N.Y., and Chicago, 193646. Has been in private practice at Mitchell, S.D.
since 1946 and judge of the municipal court of that city since 1953. Held
national offices in the Veterans of Foreign Wars from 1948 until elected head
of the organization in 1954. Mason and 32° AASR at Mitchell.
Isaac Tichenor (1754-1838) U.S. Senator and Governor of Vermont.
b. Feb. 8, 1754 in Newark N.J. Graduate of Princeton in 1775, studied law, and
in the Revolutionary War was appointed assistant commissary general in 1777,
and stationed in Bennington, Vt. After the war, he remained inthat city,
practicing law. Was member of state house of representatives, and speaker of
same in 1783. Was agent from that state to congress in 1782 to present
Vermont's claim for admission into the Union. Was associate justice of state
supreme court, 179094, and chief justice, 1795-96. As a Federalist he was
elected to the U.S. senate, serving from 1796-97, but resigning to become
governor of Vermont, 1797-1806, and again in 1808. He again served in the U.S.
senate from 1815-21. He was a member of Temple Lodge No. 4, Bennington, and a
charter Member of Mt. Anthony Lodge No. 13 of the same city. The members
wanted to name the latter lodge for him, but Tichenor looked out the window to
Mount Anthony and said: "Call our lodge after the mountain." He was a member
of Jerusalem Chapter No. 2, Vergennes, Vt. and in 1809 was deputy grand master
of the grand lodge and grand high priest of the grand chapter. d. Dec. 11,
De La Tierce French Translator of Anderson's Constitutions in
1743. Was said to have lived in London and to have been a friend of Anderson.
John J. Tigert U.S. Commissioner of Education, 1921-28, and
President of University of Florida, 1928-47; now president emeritus. b. Feb.
11, 1882 in Nashville, Tenn. His father of the same name was a Methodist
bishop. Graduate of Vanderbilt U. in 1904 and was first Rhodes scholar to
Oxford U. from Tenn., graduating there in 1907. Was a professor at Central
College, Fayette, Mo., 1907-09; president of Kentucky Wesleyan Coll.,
Winchester, 1909-11; professor at U. of Kentucky, 1911-21. Made a Mason "at
sight" at grand lodge meeting at Jacksonville, Fla. and affiliated with
Gainesville Lodge No. 41, Gainesville, Fla. On dimit from that lodge since
241 John E. Tilford John E. Tilford President and Director rector
of Louisville & Nashville R.R., 1950-59; now member of advisory committee. b.
July 12, 1888 in Atlanta, Ga. Began as traffic officer of the Atlanta,
Birmingham & Atlanta R.R. Became assistant vice president of the Louisville &
Nashville R.R., 193745; vice president of traffic, 1945-47, and executive vice
president, 1947-50. Received degrees in Gate City Lodge No. 2, Atlanta, Ga. in
1910 and presently is a member of Louisville Lodge No. 400, Louisville, Ky.
Received 32° AASR (SJ) at Atlanta in 1919 and presently is a member of
consistory at Louisville and a KCCH. Member of Kosair Shrine Temple,
Tench Tilghman (1744-1786) Military aide and secretary to George
Washington in Revolution. b. Dec. 25, 1744 in Talbot Co., Md. Began as a
merchant in Philadelphia, but at the beginning of the Revolution became a
lieutenant in a company from that city known as the Ladies Light Infantry. He
was named secretary and treasurer to the commission that was sent by congress
to treat with the Six Nations in 1775. Became military secretary to
Washington, serving in this post until the end of the war. Rose to lieutenant
colonel April 1, 1777. On surrender of Cornwallis, he was selected by
Washington to bear his dispatch to congress announcing that event. Congress
rewarded him with a horse, "properly caparisoned," and a sword. After the war
he re-entered business with Robert Morris, but the effects of wartime exertion
and hardship soon brought on his death. Member of St. Thomas Lodge No. 37,
Baltimore, Md. d. April 18, 1786.
A. F. A. DeGrasse Tilly (see under DeGrasse).
John Q. Tilson (1866-1958) U.S. Congressman from Connecticut,
19081932, with the exception of the 1912 term. b. April 5, 1866 in Clearbranch,
Tenn. Graduate of Yale U. in 1891, 1893, and 1894. Served in Spanish-American
War with Conn. national guard and returned to Tenn. to accept a commission in
the 6th U.S. Vol. Inf. He commanded the 2nd Conn. Inf. on the Mexican border
in 1916 and retired as colonel in Ordnance reserve. Served in Conn.
legislature, 1904-08, and speaker last term. A friend and advisor of both
Coolidge and Hoover. He lectured at Yale on parliamentary law. Raised in
Mountain Lodge No. 408 of Term., and affiliated with Hiram Lodge No. 1, New
Haven, Conn., June 7, 1923; was a trustee of same from 1943 until his death.
Was awarded the Pierpont Edwards Medal for distinguished Masonic service.
Exalted in Mountain Chapter, R.A.M., Tenn. in 1894 and affiliated with
Franklin Chapter No. 2 of New Haven in 1916; greeted in Harmony Council No. 8,
R. & S.M., New Haven in 1902; knighted in New Haven Commandery No. 2, K.T. in
1913, and was trustee from 1944 until his death. Received 32° AASR (NJ) in
Lafayette Consistory, Bridgeport, Conn. on April 27, 1923, and 33° on Sept.
28, 1949. Member of Pyramid Shrine Temple, Bridgeport, Conn. on Dec. 8, 1913.
d. Aug. 14, 1958.
James Tilton (1745-1822) Surgeon General of U.S. Army during War
of 1812. b. June 1, 1745 in Kent Co., Del. Graduate M.D. from U. of
Pennsylvania in 1771, settling at Dover, Del., where he remained until the
start of the Revolution. Was regimental surgeon in a Delaware regiment, 177677
and in charge of hospitals, 177780. He was senior hospital physician and
surgeon, 1780-83. During the winter of 1779-80, it was through his efforts
that typhus fever was stamped out at camp near Morristown N.J. He was a member
of the Continental Congress from 1783-85. Served as surgeon general of U.S.
Army, 1813-15. In 1814 he issued Regulations for the
Alfred von Tirpitz Medical Department, defining clearly for the first time the
duties of medical officers and the sanitary staff. He was raised July 9, 1776
in Lodge No. 18, Dover, Del., a military lodge under Pa. registry. In the
1870's he affiliated with Lodge No. 14, Wilmington, Del. d. May 14, 1822.
Charles B. Timberlake (1854-1941) U.S. Congressman to 64th-72nd
Congresses, 1915-33 from Colo. dist. b. Sept. 25, 1854 in Wilmington, Ohio.
Moved to Colo. in 1887 where he engaged in farming and stock raising. Received
degrees in Holyoke Lodge No. 81, Holyoke, Colo. in summer of 1891; was master
in 1894; treasurer, 1895-96 and secretary, 1897. Dimitted Jan. 2, 1903 to
affiliate with Sterling Lodge No. 54, Sterling, Colo. where he served as
senior warden and senior deacon. d. May 31, 1941.
Theodore R. Timby (1819-1909) Inventor and author. b. April 5,
1819 in Dover, N.Y. In 1836 he invented a floating dry-dock, and in 1841, the
revolving turret used on the Monitor and battleships. In the same year he
invented a practical method of raising sunken ships; the American turbine
waterwheel in 1844, and, in 1857, the first commercially portable 33 in.
mercurial barometer. From 1861-91 he invented and patented at home and abroad
a system of coast defenses as follows: The sighting and firing of heavy guns
by electricity; the tower and shield; the cordon across the channel; the
planetary and subterranean systems. He was the author of Beyond; Stellar
Worlds; Lighted Lore for Gentle Folk. Member of Rising Sun Lodge No. 103,
Saratoga Springs, N.Y. d. 1909.
Donald H. Tippett Methodist Bishop of San Francisco area since
1948. b. March 15, 1896 in Central City, Colorado. Graduate of U. of Colorado,
1929; Iliff School of Theology, 1924; New York U., 1932. Ordained Method-ist
minister in 1919. Served churches in Longmont, Johnstown, Denver, and
Gunnison, Colo. from 1919-27; and at New York City, Columbus, Ohio, and Los
Angeles, Calif., 1928-48. Member of Columbia Lodge No. 14, Boulder, Colo.
Member of both York and Scottish Rites, holding 33° in latter. Was grand
chaplain of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Calif., 1945-51, and 1957-58; grand
prelate of the Grand Cornmandery, K.T. of Calif., 1951-52.
John Tipton (1786-1839) U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1831-39;
Brigadier General of Militia in War of 1812; "Ensign Hero" of Battle of
Tippecanoe. b. Aug. 14, 1786 in Sevier Co., Tenn. His father, Joshua, had
moved from Md. to Tenn., where he was killed by Indians on April 18, 1793.
Young Tipton, believing it his sacred duty to avenge his father's death,
became an Indian fighter. Joined the "Yellow Jackets," a military company, and
afterwards became ensign. Served with that company in the Battle of Tippacanoe,
where he assumed command after death of all senior officers. Settled in
Indiana in 1807. Was U.S. Indian agent to Pottawattamie and Miami tribes,
1823-26, and made treaties with them. Uneducated, himself, he was vitally
interested in the school system of Indiana and gave much land and money for
erection of schools. A member of Pisgah Lodge No. 32, Corydon, Ind., he was
master in 1819. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Indiana from
1820-21, and 1828-29. He was also high priest of Logan Chapter No. 2, R.A.M.
of Logansport, Ind. d. April 5, 1839.
Alfred von Tirpitz German naval commander who is credited with the
creation of the modern German Navy. Promoted to admiral in 1903, he was
responsible for the German declaration of the so-called "war zone," in which
German submarines would maintain a blockade and exercise unrestricted
submarine warfare in WWI.
243 Benjamin Tisinger This led to the entry of the U.S.
into the war. At the fall of the German empire, he took refuge in Switzerland
where he published his memoirs. Shortly after 1924 he returned to Germany and
became a member of the Reichstag. He was a member of the lodge, Zuni.
Aufrichtigen Herzen at Frankfurt-Oder.
Benjamin L. Tisinger (1866-1925) Justice, Supreme Court of
Oklahoma, 1918-19. b. Jan. 21, 1866 in Talbot Co., Ga. Practiced first at
Thomaston, Ga. and was member of both branches of Georgia legislature. Moved
to Mangum, Okla. in 1908, and to Oklahoma City after 1919. Mason. d. July 6,
Charles W. Tobey (1880-1953) U.S. Senator from New Hampshire,
193951; Governor, 1929-30; U.S. Congressman to 73rd-75th Congresses, 193339
from 2nd N.H. dist. b. July 22, 1880 in Roxbury, Mass. Served in. both
branches of the state legislature. In congress he served as member of the
Kefauver Crime Committee. Member of Souhegan Lodge No. 67, Greenville, N.H. d.
July 24, 1953.
George Tod (1773-1841) Judge of Supreme Court of Ohio, 1806-09. b.
Dec. 11, 1773 in Suffield, Conn. Graduate of Yale in 1795, and settled in
Georgetown, Ohio in 1800. Was lieutenant colonel in the War of 1812, and
served with credit at the defense of Fort Meigs in May, 1813. Member of Erie
Lodge No. 47, Warren, Ohio. d. April 11, 1841.
Thomas Todd (1765-1826) Justice, U.S. Supreme Court, 1807-26. b.
Jan. 23, 1765 in King and Queen Co., Va. Served in army during latter part of
the Revolutionary War. Began his profession as a lawyer in Danville, Ky. in
1786. Took part in the agitation for Kentucky statehood, and appointed clerk
of all conventions preceding that event. Was made clerk of the U.S. court for
Ky. when it be-came a state in 1799. He was made fourth judge of that court in
1801, and chief justice in 1806. He was originally a member of Lodge No. 24 of
Virginia and became a charter member of Lexington Lodge No. 1, Lexington, Ky.
d. Feb. 7, 1826.
William H. Todd (1867-1932) Shipbuilder. b. Nov. 27, 1867 in
Wilmington, Del. He was president of Todd Shipyards Corp., Robins Dry Dock &
Repair Co., Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co., Todd Engineering, Dry Dock & Repair
Corp. (New Orleans), Todd Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. (Mobile, Ala.), Todd Dry
Dock, Inc. (Seattle, Wash.) and Todd Dry Dock Construction Corp. (Tacoma,
Wash.). Mason and 33° AASR (NJ). Member of Damascus Commandery No. 58, K.T.
and Kismet Shrine Temple, both of Brooklyn, N.Y. d. May 15, 1932.
Thor Carl Tollef son U.S. Congressman to 80th-86th Congresses,
1947-60 from 6th Wash. dist. b. May 2, 1901 in Perley, Minn. From 191522 he
was a mechanic and millworker. Admitted to the Washington bar in 1930, he
entered private practice at Tacoma. Member of Destiny Lodge No. 197, Tacoma,
Wash. since about 1940. Had started in chairs when elected to congress in
1946. 32° AASR (SJ) at Tacoma and member of Shrine, Jesters and Grotto.
Warren W. Tolman (1861-1940) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of
Washington, 1925-26, and 1931-32. b. Dec. 8, 1861 in Kendall Co., Ill.
Graduate of Northwestern U. in 1888. Began law practice in Chicago in that
year, but moved to Spokane, Wash. in 1892. Was associate justice of supreme
court of Wash, from 1918-37, retiring in latter year because of health. Mason.
d. May 15, 1940.
Clyde A. Tolson Associate Director of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation since 1947. b. May 22, 1900
Arthur S. Tompkins near Laredo, Mo. Graduate of George Washington U. in 1925
and 1927. From 1919-28 he was confidential secretary to three secretaries of
war—Newton D. Baker, John W. Weeks, and Dwight F. Davis. Admitted to the D.C.
bar in 1928 and supreme court bar in 1935. Became special agent with F.B.I. in
1928; assistant director in 1930; assistant to J. Edgar Hoover, q.v., in 1938
and associate director since 1947. Received alumni achievement award from
George Washington U. in 1947. Formerly a lieutenant commander in U.S. naval
reserve. Member of New Jerusalem Lodge No. 9, District of Columbia.
Hillory A. Tolson Assistant Director of National Park Service
since 1943. b. Oct. 24, 1897 near Laredo, Mo., brother of Clyde A. Tolson,
q.v. Graduate of George Washington U. in 1924 and 1927; and National U. in
1930 and 1931. Served with War department, and as special agent with F.B.I.
Was assistant director of National Park Service, 1933-39; regional director at
Santa Fe. N. Mex., 1939-40 and chief of operations, 1940-43. Former lieutenant
commander in U.S. Naval Reserve. Member of New Jerusalem Lodge No. 9,
Washington, D.C. since 1926.
Count Leo Tolstoi (1828-1910) Russian novelist, social and moral
philosopher, who wrote the famous War and Peace. b. Aug. 8, 1828 in province
of Tula. Served with army in the Caucasus and in Crimean War of 1854-56,
commanding a battery at Sevastopol in 1855. He then retired to devote himself
to study and writing. He emancipated the serfs on his country estate of
Yasnaya Polyana. After 1876 he underwent a spiritual transformation which led
him to renounce the Russian Orthodox Church and evolve a new Christianity
whose central creed was non-resistance to evil. "Tolstoyism" became an organ-ized
sect about 1884. Although his greatest work was War and Peace, published in
1866, he wrote many other novels and plays including: Childhood, The Cossacks;
Two Hus- sars; Three Deaths; Anna Karenina; A Confession; The Death of Ivan
Ilyich; and others. Many have thought him to have been a Freemason, for in his
War and Peace he describes a Masonic initiation with great accuracy, and
several of his characters are mentioned as being Freemasons. However, he was
born at a time when Freemasonry was forbidden and extinct in Russia and when
it returned, he was too old and feeble to attend a meeting and never left his
estate. d. Nov. 8, 1910.
Count Alexander Ostermann-Tolstoy (see under Ostermann).
John B. Tomhave Active Member, Supreme Council, 33° AASR (SJ) and
Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Minnesota. Received 32° in 1937; KCCH in
1947; 33° in 1951; appointed deputy in Minnesota in 1957, and crowned active
member in that year. He is a pharmacist and owner of a drug store. Is past
president of the Minnesota State Pharmaceutical Assn. and at present its
treasurer and member of the executive board.
Arthur S. Tompkins (1865-1938) Justice, Supreme Court of New York,
1906-35; U.S. Congressman to 56th-57th Congresses, 1899-1903 from N.Y. b. Aug.
26, 1865 in Schoharie Co., N.Y. Admitted to the bar and practiced at Nyack in
1887. Was appointed to the appellate division of the supreme court in 1930 and
retired by legal age limit. Raised in Enterprise Lodge No. 228, N.Y.C. on Dec.
8, 1891, he affiliated with Rockland Lodge No. 723, Nyack, N.Y. on May 22,
1893 and was master of same in 1897. A past district deputy grand master, and
from 1922-23, was grand master of the Grand Lodge of New York. He
Daniel D. Tompkins was also past grand master of the Odd Fellows of New York
and a member of the grand forum of the Elks. d. Jan. 20, 1938.
Daniel D. Tompkins (1774-1825) Sixth Vice President of the United
States, 1817-25. b. June 21, 1774 in Fox Meadows (now Scarsdale), N.Y. His
father was a farmer. Graduate of Columbia U. in 1795, studied law, and
admitted to the bar in N.Y.C. in 1797. Was elected U.S. congressman, but
resigned before taking seat in order to become associate justice of the
supreme court of N.Y. in 1804. He served on the bench until 1807, when he
resigned to become governor of New York from 1807-17, a term of ten years.
Before resigning the governorship and entering the office of vice president,
he sent a message to the legislature on Jan. 28, 1817, recommending that a day
be fixed for the abolition of slavery within the bounds of the state. The
assembly acted, setting the date as July 4, 1827. He served two terms as vice
president (1817-25), and while holding that office was elected twice as grand
master of the Grand Lodge of New York (1820-21). He was made a Mason in Hiram
Lodge No. 72, Mt. Pleasant, Westchester Co., N.Y. on Feb. 3, 1800. This lodge
did not long survive and on Oct. 7, 1802 he was "admitted" a member of Salem
Lodge No. 74, Salem, Westchester Co., N.Y. He had been a Mason only four
months, when, on June 4, 1800 he was elected deputy grand secretary of the
grand lodge. He served in this capacity until June 15, 1801. On June 25, 1801,
he became grand secretary and held this office until June 13, 1805. He is
known to have been a Royal Arch Mason and Knight Templar. In 1824 he was made
an honorary member of Morton Commandery No. 4, K.T. of N.Y.C. In his first
election as grand master on June 2, 1819, his opponent was DeWitt Clinton,
q.v., whohad succeeded him, and was then governor of New York. Although he was
not able to be present at all the grand lodge meetings, he did attend on July
5 and Sept. 12, 1820; March 14 and June 9, 1821 and June 5, 1822. On June 6,
1822, he declined another term as grand master. On June 11, 1822 the grand
lodge passed the following resolution: "Resolved, unanimously, that the thanks
of this Grand Lodge be presented to the R.W. Daniel D. Tompkins, for the
services rendered by him to the fraternity, in officiating as their presiding
officer for the last two years." Tompkins received the 32° AASR on Nov. 8,
1808 at the hands of John G. Tardy 33°. On Aug. 5, 1813 he received the 33° at
the hands of a provisional supreme council and was immediately elected
sovereign grand commander of the newly formed Supreme Council, Northern
Jurisdiction. He was grand commander up to the time of his death in 1825. On
Nov. 8, 1820 he attended a meeting of Independent Royal Arch Lodge No. 2,
N.Y.C. and the same evening was initiated into the "Mystery of the Union" or
"Union Degree" at a meeting of the grand officers of the Grand Lodge of New
York and masters of lodges in N.Y.C. On April 2, 1821 he is recorded as a
visitor to Hiram Lodge No. 449. He was present at the grand lodge sessions on
June 5, 1823, the year after he relinquished the grandmastership. When General
Lafayette visited America in 1824, Tompkins, as vice president, entertained
the French Freemason at his residence in Staten Island, N.Y. on Sept. 15-16.
The apron he wore while grand master is now in possession of that grand lodge.
The grand lodge also possess another historic relic identified with Tompkins.
When the affairs of the old United States Bank at Washington, D.C. were wound
up, a small gold trowel used by Benjamin Franklin in his lodge, was found in
the safe. Tomp-
Alfred T. A. Torbert kins presented it to Franklin Lodge No. 447, N.Y.C. and
the lodge later presented it to the grand lodge. d. June 11, 1825.
Joseph K. Toole (1851-1929) First governor of Montana, serving
three terms, 1889-93 and 1901-09; delegate to 49th and 50th Congresses,
1885-89. b. May 12, 1851 in Savannah, Mo. Moved to Montana in 1870, and
admitted to the bar in 1872, practicing at Helena. Was district attorney,
member of territorial legislature, and member of the state constitutional
convention. Initiated in Helena Lodge No. 3, Helena, Mont on Nov. 9, 1878 and
was master of same in 1881. d. March 11, 1929.
Robert Toombs (1810-1885) First Secretary of State of Confederate
States of America; Brigadier General in Confederate Army; U.S. Congressman to
29th-32nd Congresses, 1845-53; U.S. Senator from Georgia, 1853-61. b. July 2,
1810 in Wilkes Co., Ga. Graduate of Union Coll., Schenectady, N.Y. in 1828.
Studied law at U. of Virginia. Entered law practice at Washington, Ga. in
1828. He commanded a company in the Creek War of 1836. After the Civil War, he
went to Europe, returning home to Washington, Ga. in 1877. Member of Lafayette
Lodge No. 23, Washington, Ga. In the AASR (SJ) he received KCCH on May 8,
1872, honorary 33° on May 7, 1874 and was made active member of the Southern
Supreme Council. Became emeritus inspector general on Oct. 19, 1880. d. Dec.
15, 1885.
Thomas Topham English strongman of the 18th century. About 1730,
the attention of Dr. Desaguliers, q.v., was attracted to the strength of
Top-ham, who kept the "Red Lion" public house near the old St. Luke Hospital
of London. Desaguliers saw Topham brace his feet against the remnant of a
stone wall, and holding the traces in his hands, outpull a horse on theother
side. Later he outpulled two horses and Desaguliers was so impressed that he
ventured Topham could do the same with four horses! Although mighty of muscle,
Topham was meek as a lamb and a perfect slave at home. His strength was no
match for his wife's tongue and she finally drove him from home. At this time,
his friend Desaguliers placed him in another public house at the Hermitage,
identified by the "Sign of the Ship" and after making him a Freemason,
established a lodge at his pub as a means of increasing business. Desaguliers
was master, and it attracted many respectable members. In honor of Topham it
was called The Strong Man Lodge No. 68, and the identifying sign on the pub
was Top-ham with his feet braced on a wall, matching his strength against a
horse. The lodge was established about 1734 and was carried on the rolls for a
number of years.
Alfred T. A. Torbert (1833-1880) Union Major General in Civil War
(brevet). b. July 1, 1833 in Georgetown, Del. Graduate of U.S. Military
Academy in 1855. He then served on frontier duty in Texas, Florida, and Utah.
In April, 1861, he was sent to muster in New Jersey volunteers and made
colonel of the 1st N.J. regiment. He served through the peninsula campaign; in
Battle of Manassas; in Maryland campaign; wounded at Battle of Crampton's Gap
in bayonet charge; at Gettysburg and Rappahannock. In Nov., 1863 he was
transferred from infantry to command the 1st division of cavalry of the Army
of the Potomac. He had been made brigadier general of volunteers in Nov. 1862.
After many sucessful battles and raids, he was made chief of cavalry of the
middle military division and given command of three divisions when Sheridan
took over the Army of the Shenandoah. Was breveted major general of volunteers
Homer F. Torrey on Sept. 9, 1864. Among his engagements were Winchester,
Liberty Mills, Gordonsville. After the war he commanded the Army of the
Shenandoah, the district of Winchester and district of Southeastern Va. On
March 13, 1865 he was breveted brigadier general in regular army for action at
Cedar Creek, and major general for gallantry during the war. Mustered out of
service on Jan. 15, 1866. Appointed U.S. minister to San Salvadore in 1869,
transferring as consul general to Havana two years later, and filled the same
post at Paris from 1873-78. Lost in a shipwreck off Florida coast, on way to
Mexico as president of a mining company. He was a member of Temple Chapter No.
2, R.A.M., Milford, Del., and in 1869 was the first grand secretary of the
Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Delaware. d. Sept. 30, 1880.
Homer F. Torrey Vice President and Director of J. C. Penney Co.
since 1950. b. June 10, 1900 in La Grande, Ore. Joined J. C. Penney
organization at Hood River, Ore. in 1919. Managed stores at Port Angeles,
Wash. and Danville, Ill., 1919-31. Became district manager in charge of San
Francisco office in 1931; national sales manager, N.Y.C. in 1947. Originally a
member of Anchor Lodge No. 980, Danville, Ill., in 1943 he affiliated with a
lodge in Colo. Received 32° AASR (SJ) in Denver on May 7, 1943. Shriner.
Joseph Torrubia A Catholic priest, who by papal brief, January 17,
1750 was authorized as a procensor of the Inquisition in Spain, to seek
admission into Freemasonry, take all the obligations required, and to use
every possible means for acquiring a complete knowledge of the institution and
its membership. This he did in March 1751, securing the membership of 97
Masonic lodges in Spain. As a result of his report, King Ferdinand VI, July 2,
1751 "outlawed Ma-sonic assemblies and prescribed a punishment of death
against all convicted as masons.”
Vincente Tosta Provisional President of Honduras, 1924-25,
following the revolution of 1924. Was initiated in the lodge Igualdad No. 1 of
Frank M. Totton (1890-1954) Vice Presient of Chase National Bank,
N.Y.C., 1929-54. b. May 5, 1890 in Minneapolis, Minn. Graduate of Harvard in
1912 and LaSalle U. in 1915. Started as a clerk in Farmers Loan & Trust Co.,
N.Y.C. in 1912 and went with the Chase National as trust officer in 1923.
Served as officer in WWI. President of N.Y.C. YMCA from 1945 and president of
N.Y. State YMCA's in 1930. National president of American Institute of Banking
in 1928. Was on general council of the Presbyterian Church in U.S.A., 1945-48.
Active in a dozen youth and social welfare groups, colleges and universities.
He traveled more than a million miles for the Chase National, making speeches
to civic groups. Member of Bunting Lodge No. 655, N.Y.C., receiving degrees on
Nov. 18, Dec. 2, 16, 1912 and master in 1920. He was grand master of the Grand
Lodge of New York, 1948-50. d. Nov. 1, 1954.
M. Tournon A French Freemason, who had been invited into Spain by
the government in order to establish a brass button factory and instruct
Spanish workmen. In 1757, he was arrested by the Inquisition on the charge of
being a Freemason, and of having invited his pupils to join the Craft. Was
sentenced to imprisonment for one year, after which he was banished from
Spain, being conducted under an escort to the frontier of France. Tournon was
indebted for this clemency to his want of firmness and fidelity to the Craft.
He solemnly abjured it, and promised never again to attend a meeting.
Llorente's His-
John Townsend tory of the Inquisition gives an account of his trial.
Manuel Felipe de Tovar Eleventh President of Republic of Venezuela
in 1860-61. Was a 33° AASR.
Salem Town (1779-1864) Masonic lecturer and author. Wrote A System
of Speculative Masonry in 1818, which was fiercely attacked during the
anti-Masonic period. b. March 5, 1779 in Belchertown, Mass. He was raised in
Liberty Lodge No. 55, in what is now Granville, N.Y., in 1803. He was
principal of three academies—at Granville, N.Y., Powelton, Ga., and Aurora,
N.Y. He authored many text books and one ran through 30 editions and was used
for many years after his death. He was also a member of DeLafayette Chapter
No. 9, R.A.M. in Granville. Later he became a member of Scipio Lodge No. 110
and Aurora Chapter No. 64 of Aurora, N.Y. In 1848 he was one of the organizers
of Town Encampment No. 16, which is now Salem Town Commandery in Auburn, N.Y.,
and was its first commander; also was grand prelate of the Grand Commandery,
K.T. of New York. He also served as grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New
York, and was grand chaplain of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of New York for 47
years. d. Feb. 24, 1864.
Charles A. Towne (1858-1928) U.S. Senator from Minnesota, 1900-01;
U.S. Congressman to 54th Congress, 1895-97, from Minn., and to 59th Congress,
1905-07, from New York. b. Nov. 21, 1858 near Pontiac, Mich. Graduate of U. of
Michigan in 1881. He studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1886,
practicing first at Lansing, Mich., and moving to Duluth, Minn. in 1890. After
his term as U.S. Senator, to which he had been appointed to fill a vacancy, he
resumed law practice in New York City. He died in Tucson, Ariz. on Oct. 22,
1928, while on a speaking tour on behalf ofthe candidacy of Alfred E. Smith
for president. Member of Ionic Lodge No. 186, Duluth, being initiated on Nov.
19, 1895.
Horace M. Towner (1855-1937) U.S. Congressman from Iowa to
62nd-68th Congresses, 1911-23; Governor of Puerto Rico, 1923-29. b. Oct. 23,
1855 in Belvidere, Ill. Admitted to the bar in 1877, and began practice in
Prescott, Iowa, moving to Corning, Ia. in 1880, having been elected county
superintendent of schools. He served in that capacity until 1884 when he -
resumed law practice. Was judge of third Iowa district from 1890-1911.
Lectured on constitutional law at U. of Iowa, 1902-11. Member of Instruction
Lodge No. 275, Corning, Iowa. d. Nov. 23, 1937.
Charles E. Townsend (1856-1924) U.S. Senator from Michigan,
1911-23; U.S. Congressman to 58th-61st Congresses, 1903-11. b. Aug. 15, 1856
near Concord, Mich. Taught school five years and was registrar of deeds for 11
years. Admitted to the bar in 1895, and began law practice in Jackson, Mich.
Appointed member of International Joint Commission on boundary between U.S.
and Canada in 1923. Member of Moslem Shrine Temple, Detroit, Mich. Member of
Parma Lodge No. 183, Parma, Mich. receiving degrees on Nov. 12, Dec. 17, 1881
and March 23, 1882, becoming a life member Aug. 12, 1922. d. Aug. 3, 1924.
John Townsend ( ?-1850) An organizer of the Murphy-TownsendStevens
Party of 1844 to Calif. which brought the first wagons through the Sierra
Nevadas, and the first graduate M.D. to settle in Calif. Born of Quaker
parents in Pa., he was graduated at the Lexington Medical Coll., then came
West to the Little Platte River in Buchanan Co., Mo., where he farmed for a
time. The call of the West induced him to join with some of his relatives and
others and move
John G. Townsend, Jr.
up the Nishnabotna and Missouri rivers, joining a larger party
bound for Oregon. They crossed the Missouri near Omaha, following the Platte
to Fort Laramie. Townsend went on to San Francisco, where he was the city's
first resident physician. He was well liked and held many civic positions.
Townsend St. of that city is named for him. In 1850 he went to San Jose for
his wife's health. Here he assisted in organizing San Jose Lodge No. 10 and
was the first junior warden. He was a victim of the cholera epidemic in the
same year.
John G. Townsend, Jr. U.S. Senator from Delaware, 1929-42;
Governor of Delaware, 1917-21. b. May 31, 1871 in Worcester Co., Md. Received
medical degree from U. of Delaware, but was largely identified with banking,
farming, and business interests. Appointed alternate delegate to the United
Nations General Assembly in Jan., 1946. Member of Franklin Lodge No. 12,
Georgetown, Del.
Nathan Towson (1748-1854) Major General (brevet) of U.S. Army. b.
Jan. 22, 1784 near Baltimore, Md. At beginning of War of 1812 he was appointed
captain in 2nd U.S. Artillery. He served with distinction, particularly in the
capture of the brig Caledonia from under the guns of Fort Erie on Oct. 8,
1812, and at the Battle of Chippewa on July 5, 1814. He was appointed
paymaster-general of the army in 1819, and again in 1822. He served in the
Mexican War and was brevet brigadier general June 30, 1834, and major general
May 30, 1848 for meritorious conduct during that conflict. His lodge not
known, but the proceedings of the District of Columbia, 1837, p. 100 has this
resolution submitted by the grand secretary: "Resolved, that the Hon. J. R.
Poinsett, Hon. Amos Kendall, Hon. Geo. Wolf, General Towson, and such others
of our distinguished fellow-citizens as may be residents of this city and
known to be members of the Craft be respectfully invited to unite with us at
the installation of the officers of the Grand Lodge on St. John's day next."
d. July 20, 1854.
Harry S. Toy (1892-1955) Justice, Supreme Court of Michigan,
1935-37. b. Jan. 12, 1892 in Elkhorn, W. Va. Graduate of Detroit Coll. of Law
in 1913, and was in general practice at Detroit, 1913-21 and 1923-30. Served
as assistant county prosecutor, prosecuting attorney, and attorney general of
Michigan. Was also professor of criminal procedure at U. of Detroit, 1924-31.
He earned the title of "racket-buster" during his colorful life. He also held
the post of Detroit police commissioner. His death cut short his plans to run
for governor in 1956. Member of Waverly Lodge No. 527; Palestine Commandery,
No. 159, R.A.M.; Detroit Commandery No. 1, K.T. and Valley of Detroit,
Scottish Rite. Received 33° AASR (NJ) in 1938. d. Sept. 9, 1955.
Benjamin F. Tracy (1830-1915) Secretary of the Navy under
Harrison, 1889-93; Congressional Medal of Honor winner; breveted Brigadier
General (Union) in Civil War. b. April 26, 1830 in Owego, N.Y. Admitted to the
bar in 1851. One of the organizers of the Republican party in N.Y. He raised
the 109th and 137th N.Y. volunteers and was made colonel of the former in
Aug., 1862. He received Congressional Medal for gallantry in the Battle of the
Wilderness, and was breveted brigadier general, March 14, 1865. He resumed law
practice in N.Y. after 1893. Member of Friendship Lodge No. 153, Owego, N.Y.
d. Aug. 6, 1915.
John and Nathan Tracy In 1884 the father of John and Nathan Tracy
willed them to Eastland Lodge No. 467, Eastland, Texas, together with his farm
and cattle. Chief Justic T. H.
250 William B. Travis Conner of the second court of civic appeals
was appointed administrator. In 1932, the son Nathan became grand commander of
the Grand Commandery, K.T. of Texas.
Uriah Tracy (1755-1807) U.S. Senator and Congressman from
Connecticut. b. Feb. 2, 1755 in Franklin, Conn. Graduate of Yale in 1778,
studied law, and admitted to the bar in 1781, starting practice at Litchfield.
Became major general of militia and served in state house of representatives,
1788-93, being speaker in latter year. Elected to the third and fourth
congresses as a Federalist, 1793-96. Was then U.S. Senator from Oct. 13, 1796
until his death, July 19, 1807. Member of St. Paul's Lodge No. 11, Litchfield,
William I. Traeger (1880-1935) U.S. Congressman to 73rd Congress,
193335, from 15th Calif. dist. b. Feb. 26, 1880 in Porterville, Calif. Was
deputy U.S. marshal of Southern dist. of Calif. and also deputy sheriff of Los
Angeles Co. Sheriff of same from 1921-32. Served as an enlisted man in both
the Spanish-American War and WWI. Raised in West Lake Lodge No. 392, Los
Angeles, Calif. on March 20, 1922. d. Jan. 20, 1935.
Martin E. Trapp Governor of Oklahoma, 1923-27. b. April 18, 1877
in Robinson, Kans. Admitted to Okla. bar in 1912. He was first state auditor
of Okla. from 1907-11, and lieutenant governor from 1914-23, when J. C. Walton
was impeached and -Trapp named to succeed him. Engaged in crude oil
production, financing and construction. Mason and member of Scottish Rite
bodies at Guthrie.
Viscount Robert Arthur Traprain The 92nd Grand Master Mason of
Scotland in 1939-41. He later became the 3rd Earl of Balfour.
George M. Trautman President and Treasurer of the National
Association Professional Baseball Leagues since 1947. b. Jan. 11, 1890 in
Bucyrus, Ohio. Graduate of Ohio State U. in 1914. He was assistant athletic
director of that university from 1919-28. From 1929-33 he was director of
conventions and publicity of the Columbus, Ohio, Chamber of Commerce. He was
president of the Columbus Baseball Club from 1933-35. From 1936-45 he was
president of the American Association, Professional Baseball Clubs at
Columbus. In 1946 he was executive vice president and general manager of the
Detroit (Mich.) Baseball Club. Mason.
Louis Travenol French Freemason who wrote several Masonic works
which were published under the assumed name of Leonard Gabanon. His most
valuable work, published in Paris in 1743 was entitled: Catechism of Free
Masons, Preceded by the Abridged History of Adorara.
William B. Travis (1811-36) Commander of the Alamo. b. in Conecuh
Co., Ala. He was admitted to the bar about 1830, and practiced at Claiborne,
Ma., but upon becoming financially embarrassed in 1832, he went to Texas where
he took up arms in the struggle for Texas independence. As a colonel, he
headed the 140 men who were besieged in the old mission station of San Antonio
de Valerio, which had been named Fort Alamo by General Santa Anna, q.v. Santa
Anna besieged the fort with 4,000 Mexicans on Feb. 23, 1836. Frequent assaults
brought great slaughter to the Mexicans without a single injury on the
American side. Many appeals for reinforcements were sent out, but only 32 men
got through the lines. Finally, on March 6, three assaults were made, and in
the hand to hand fight that followed, the Texans were overpowered. Only six
were left, including Travis, David Crockett, and James Bowie. They surrendered
Harold J. "Pie" Traynor under the promise of protection, but when they were
brought before Santa Anna, he ordered them cut to pieces. Travis is described
as a man of fine stature, with regular features, blue eyes, and auburn hair.
He was a member of Alabama Lodge No. 3, Claiborne, Ala., receiving his degrees
on June 11, July 16, and August 13, 1829. d. March 6, 1836.
Harold J. "Pie" Traynor Member of the Baseball Hall of Fame at
Cooperstown, N.Y. b. Nov. 11, 1899 in Framingham, Mass. He is rated among the
great third basemen of all time. He became a regular with the Pittsburgh
National League team in 1922, and continued as a player until the conclusion
of the 1937 season. He then managed the Pirates from June, 1934 through Sept.,
1939. He holds several fielding records, and compiled a lifetime batting mark
of .320. He is is one of the few players ever to make 200 or more hits during
a season—collecting 208 in 1923. His highest batting average was .366 in 1930.
He was raised in John Abbott Lodge, Somerville, Mass., May 14, 1925.
Allen T. Treadway (1867-1947) U.S. Congressman to 63rd-78th
Congresses, 1913-45, from 1st Mass. dist. b. Sept. 16, 1867 in Stockbridge,
Mass. Graduate of Amherst in 1886. Officer in banks, fire, and life insurance
companies. Served in both branches of state legislature, and was president of
the senate three times. Received degrees in Occidental Lodge, Stockbridge,
Mass. in 1892 and was junior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
in 1909; and active 33° AASR (NJ) d. Feb. 16, 1947.
Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree (18531917) English actor and theatre
manager. b. Dec. 17, 1853 in London. He was the son of Julius Beerbohm, a
naturalized English grain merchant of German origin. He made his stagedebut in
1876 as "Beerbohm Tree"—the surname Tree being a translation of the second
element of his original surname Beerbohm (pear tree). Won first success as
curate in The Private Secretary in 1884. He was lessee and manager of the
Haymarket Theatre from 1887-97, playing in Ibsen, Wilde, Maeterlinck. Took the
roles of Iago, Hamlet, Henry VIII, and Falstaff. He was manager of Her
Majesty's Theatre from 1897, and produced many elaborate productions,
particularly of poetic dramas such as Herod, Ulysses and Nero, as well as
Shakespearean productions. Became a member of Drury Lane Lodge No. 2127 in
1887. d. July 2, 1917.
George W. Trendle Creator of The Green Hornet; The Lone Ranger;
Sgt. Preston of the Yukon, and other radio and TV series. b. July 4, 1884 in
Norwalk, Ohio. Graduate of Detroit Coll. of Law in 1908. Began as bookkeeper
in 1899, and for a time was chief accountant of Ralston Purina Co., St. Louis,
Mo. Admitted to the bar in 1908, and practiced in Detroit until 1920. Was
president of Kunsky Theatres Corps., 1920-30, and the Trendle Campbell
Broadcasting Corp. since 1946. Was president and general manager of the King-Trendle
Broadcasting Corp. (Station WXYX), Detroit, 1930-46, and president and part
owner of Station WTAC, Flint, Mich., 194754. Member of Ashlar Lodge No. 91,
Detroit, Mich., receiving degrees April 9, 22, May 20, 1909 and a life member
on Nov. 3, 1949. 32° AASR (NJ) and Shriner.
Niels Treschow (1751-1833) Professor of philosophy at the
University of Oslo, Norway, who in 1818 introduced the Swedish system of
Freemasonry into that country. He was master of the lodge St. Olaus til den
Hvide Leopard from 1816-33, and a K. and C. of the Order of King Charles XIII.
252 Elbert Lee Trinkle John Trevett (1747-1823) U.S. Naval Captain
in Revolutionary War. In Nov., 1775 he entered the Continental Navy as a
midshipman aboard the Columbus, and was soon promoted to lieutenant, in which
capacity he served under Comm. Esek Hopkins. In 1776 he was attached to the
Andrea Doria, and commanded the marines on the Providence. On the latter, he
was active in the capture of New Providence. He joined the frigate Trumbull in
1780, and lost his right eye in an engagement. He then cruised with the Deane,
but was taken prisoner and carried to St. John's, Nfld. where he remained two
years. Member and past master of Philanthropic Lodge, Marblehead, Mass. d.
Nov., 1823.
Duc d Trevise (see under Edouard A. J. C. Mortier).
Frank M. Trexler (1861-1947) Justice of Superior Court of
Pennsylvania, 1914-35 and presiding judge, 1930-35. b. Jan. 9, 1861 in
Allentown, Pa. Graduate of Muhlenberg Coll. (Pa.) in 1879, and 1882. Began law
practice at Allentown, Pa. in 1882. Received degrees in Barger Lodge No. 333,
Allentown, Pa. on Nov. 9, 1883, Jan. 4, Feb. 8, 1884 and was master of same
from 1889-90. Received 33° AASR (NJ). d. Feb. 22, 1947.
Jacob Trieber (1853-1927) Federal Judge, Eastern District of
Arkansas, 1900-27. b. Oct. 6, 1853 in Raschkow, Germany. Admitted to the bar
in 1876. Member of Lafayette Lodge No. 189, Helena, Ark. Was grand master of
the Grand Lodge of Arkansas, 190607. d. Sept. 17, 1927.
James W. Trimble U.S. Congressman to 79th-86th Congresses,
1945-60, from 3rd Ark. dist. b. Feb. 3, 1894 in in Osage, Ark. Graduate of U.
of Arkansas in 1917. Teacher in Carroll Co., Ark., 1911-17, and then county
clerk, tax collector, district attorney,and county judge. Served in Army in
WWI. Affiliated with Ashley Lodge No. 66, Berryville, Ark. on May 21, 1921.
Robert Trimble (1777-1828) Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the
U.S., 1826-28. b. in Berkeley Co., Va. His parents moved to Kentucky when he
was a child. He was largely self-educated. Taught school, studied law, and
licensed to practice in 1803. He settled in Paris, Ky. that year. In 1808 he
became judge of the court of appeals, and in 1810 was appointed _ chief
justice of Kentucky. Was U.S. district attorney in 1813, and Federal judge of
the state in 1816-26. Member of Union Lodge No. 16, Paris, Ky., being raised
Aug. 2, 1809, and later served as master of the lodge. d. Aug. 25, 1828.
William A. Trimble (1786-1821) U.S. Senator from Ohio, 1819-21. b.
April 4, 1786 in Woodford, Ky. Graduate of Transylvania Coll. (Ky.), studied
law, and admitted to the bar in 1811, starting practice in Highland Co., Ohio.
Was adjutant in the campaign against the Pottawattomie Indians in 1812. A
major and lieutenant colonel of Ohio Volunteers in War of 1812. Taken prisoner
in the capture of Detroit. Later became lieutenant colonel of regulars serving
in Eighth and First Infantry. Member of Scioto Lodge No. 6, Chillicothe, Ohio.
d. Dec. 13, 1821 while senator.
Elbert Lee Trinkle (1876-1939) Governor of Virginia, 1922-26. b.
March 12, 1876 in Wytheville, Va. Graduate of Hampden-Sydney Coll. in 1896,
and U. of Virginia in 1898. Began law practice at Wytheville, Va. in 1898. Was
president of the Shenandoah Life Insuranc Co., Roanoke, Va., and president of
state board of education. Member of Wytheville Fraternal Lodge No. 82, a 32°
AASR (SJ), KCCH, and Kazim Shrine Temple of Roanoke. d. Nov. 25, 1939.
253 Fred B. Tritle Fred B. Tritle A former Governor of Arizona.
Member of Carson Lodge No. 154, Carson City, Nevada.
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) English novelist. b. in London. In
service of post office, he became an inspector in Ireland. He was sent on
missions to the West Indies which gave him material for The West Indies and
the Spanish Main. He also traveled in Egypt, U.S., Australia, New Zealand, and
South Africa. He was the author of more than 50 novels including The Warden;
Barchester Towers; Doctor Thorne; Framley Parsonage; The Small House at
Allington; The Last Chronicle of Barset; Phineas Finn; The Prime Minister; The
Three Clerks; the Belton Estate, and many others. He was proposed for
membership in Banagher Lodge No. 306, Banagher, Ireland on Oct. 11, 1841;
initiated Nov. 8, and raised Dec. 13, 1841. His autograph appears in the
attendance book on Aug. 5, 1844.
James F. Trotter (1802-1866) U.S. Senator from Mississippi, 1838.
b. Nov. 5, 1802 in Brunswick Co., Va. Moved with father to eastern Tenn. Was
admitted to the bar in 1820, and began practice in Hamilton, Miss. Served in
both branches of state legislature and was a circuit court judge. He resigned
from the U.S. senate to become judge of the supreme court of Miss. from
1839-42. Later he moved to Holly Springs, Miss., where he practiced law and
was a circuit judge. Member of Columbus Lodge No. 5, Columbus, Miss. d. March
9, 1866.
Charles V. Truax (1887-1935) U.S. Congressman to 73rd Congress,
193335 from Ohio at large. b. Feb. 1, 1887 in Wyandot Co., Ohio. Was a farmer
from 1900, and edited the Swine World, 1917-21. Was director of agriculture,
State of Ohio, 1923-29. Nominated for U.S. Senate in 1928. Mason. d. Aug. 9,
Allen T. True (1881-1955) Mural artist. b. May 20, 1881 in
Colorado Springs, Cob. Studied at U. of Denver, Corcoran Art School, and under
individuals. He started as a magazine illustrator. He executed murals in the
state capitols of Wyoming, Missouri, and Colorado. Other murals are in the
Telephone Bldg., Denver, Colorado National Bank, Denver, U. of Colorado. His
one-man exhibition was circulated in 29 cities by the American Federation of
Arts. He became the first member of Authors Lodge No. 3456, London, England,
being initiated Feb. 18, 1914 and was carried on its rolls until his death. He
was also a member of Authors Chapter No. 3456, R.A.M. In the lodge he was
listed as a "non-dining" member with address at 2393 Raleigh St., Denver, Cob.
d. May 8, 1955.
George W. Truett (1867-1944) President of the Baptist World
Alliance, 1934-39. b. May 6, 1867 in Clay Co., N. Car. Graduate of Baylor U.
(Texas) in 1897, and 1899, with many honorary degrees. He was financial
secretary of Baylor U., 1890-92, and although elected to its presidency, he
declined. He was first a pastor at Waco, and then at Dallas, Texas. From
1927-29 he was president of the Southern Baptist Convention. A member of
Dallas Lodge No. 760, Dallas, he received his degrees on July 2, 1918, July
30, and Oct. 1, 1920. Received the 32° AASR (SJ) at Dallas, April 29, 1921. In
addressing the Grand Lodge of Texas in 1940, he stated: "From my earliest
recollection, sitting about my father's knee, who was a Mason, and hearing him
and fellow Masons talk, I imbibed the impression in early childhood that the
Masonic fraternity is one of the most helpfully mediating and conserving
organizations among men, and I have never wavered from that childhood
impression, but it has stood stead-
Harry S. Truman fastly with me through the busy and vast hurrying years." d.
July 7, 1944.
Rafael L. Trujillo-Molina Former President of the Dominican
Republic and Commander-in-Chief of its Armies. b. Oct. 24, 1891 in San
Cristobal. Attended public schools and Academia Militar de Haina. He entered
the Dominican Army as a cadet in 1918, and advanced to brigadier general in
1927. Was elected president of the Republic in 1930, and in 1931 founded the
Dominican Party, Named generalissimo of the armies by congress in 1933. He was
reelected president of the Republic, 1934-38 and 1947-52. In 1952 he was
ambassador at large to the United Nations. He was secretary of foreign
relations, and also of social planning and aid in 1953. In 1954 he was
secretary of war, navy, and aviation. He established many social reforms in
the Republic and his administration earned him the title of "The Great
Benefactor" and it was known as the "Era of Trujillo." He carried on a large
program of public works and gave public education impetus by establishing
hundreds of new rural schools as well as university reform and the creation of
the Ciudad Universitaria. He is an ardent Mason.
Harry S. Truman Thirty-third President of the United States (32nd
to serve, although officially designated as the 33rd). b. May 8, 1884 at
Lamar, Mo. Educated in the public schools of Independence, Mo. and a student
at the Kansas City School of Law. He was with the Kansas City Star in 1901; a
timekeeper for a railroad contractor in 1902; with National Bank of Commerce
and Union National Bank, Kansas City, 1903-05; and operated the family farm
from 1906-17. In WWI he served from first lieutenant to major with Battery F,
and later Battery D, of the 129th Field Artillery, 35th Division,
participating in the Vosges operations, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne
offensives of the A.E.F. He was discharged as a major in May, 1919. Since 1927
he has been a colonel of Field Artillery in the reserves. Following the war he
was a judge of the Jackson Co. Court (1922-24), and presiding judge, 1926-34.
He was elected U.S. senator from Missouri in 1934, and reelected in 1940. In
the senate he distinguished himself as chairman of a special committee to
investigate the national defense program. On Nov. 7, 1944 he was elected vice
president of the United States on the ticket with Franklin D. Roosevelt, q.v.,
taking office on Jan. 20, 1945. On the death of Roosevelt, he succeeded him to
the presidency on April 12, 1945. He was elected president in 1948, and served
the term of 1949-53. Thus, he served two terms in that office, less
approximately three months. He is the author of Years of Decisions, Vol. I in
1955, and the companion volume, Years of Trial and Hope, Vol. II, 1956. Truman
petitioned Belton Lodge No. 450, Grandview, Mo. on Dec. 21, 1908 when 24 years
old. He was elected on Feb. 9, 1909, and received his first degree that
evening. He was passed March 9, and raised March 18, 1909. The following year
he accepted the station of junior warden, but in 1911, several members of
Belton Lodge separated to establish a new lodge—Grandview Lodge No. 618, and
Truman was honored by being made the first master. Later, he served as
secretary of the lodge, and in 1917, when leaving for WWI, he was again master
of the lodge. After the war he was appointed district deputy grand lecturer,
and district deputy grand master of the 59th Masonic district. He remained in
these stations from 1925 until his appointment in the grand lodge line in
1930. In that year he became grand pursuivant through the appointment of Grand
John H. Trumbull William R. Gentry of St. Louis. In Sept., 1940 when the grand
lodge met, Truman was running for U.S. senator and the political situation was
heated. Notwithstanding, he was elected grand master, and a few weeks later,
U.S. senator. During his year as grand master, Congress was in session most of
the time, yet he found time to make individual visits to 19 Mo. lodges; six
district associations; both conferences of district deputies; presented
several 50-year buttons; visited the grand lodges of Texas and District of
Columbia; attended an anniversary gathering of Philadelphia Lodge, and in
Jefferson City attended a Masonic dinner at which Gov. Forrest C. Donnell,
grand senior warden, was present and 128 lodges were represented by 394 Master
Masons, including 80 members of the Missouri legislature. Representing Mo. at
the Washington conference of Grand Masters in Feb., 1941, he presented
Missouri's check for $1,900 to the Washington Memorial at Alexandria. It was
also during his year that the Missouri Lodge of Research was established and
both the dispensation and charter were signed by him. Long interested in the
research lodge, he served as its master in 1950, while president of the United
States. In this capacity he secured the offices of the Library of Congress,
and furnished the research lodge with copies of the vast amount of reference
cards on Freemasonry that are on file in that institution.
He again aided the Missouri Lodge of Research by writing the
foreword for Volume I of 10,000 Famous Freemasons, published in 1957. While
president, he was never too busy to go out of his way to render a Masonic
service. During this period he raised more than 30 candidates with the strict
injunction that no publicity was to come from his participation. His capitular
degrees were received in Orient Chapter No. 102 of Kansas City on Nov. 11 and
15, 1919; thecryptic degrees in Shekinah Council No. 24, Kansas City on Dec.
18, 1919; the orders of knighthood in Palestine Commandery No. 17 of
Independence on June 7 and 15, 1923. His Scottish Rite degrees were received
in Kansas City, Jan. 24, March 27, 30 and 31, 1917. On Oct. 19, 1945, he
received the 33° (SJ) at Washington,_ D.C. while president. Became a member of
Ararat Shrine Temple, Kansas City, April 2, 1917. He was orator of that body
in 1932, marshal in 1933, and second ceremonial master in 1934. Became member
of Royal Order of Jesters, Kansas City Court No. 54 on Dec. 18, 1931. He is
also a member of Mary Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine, Kansas City. He is
the grand representative of the Grand Lodge of Scotland near the Grand Lodge
of Missouri. Mrs. Truman, the former Bess Wallace, is the daughter of David W.
Wallace, who was grand commander of the Grand Commandery, K.T. of Missouri in
1892. His sister, Mary Jane Truman, is past grand matron of the Order of
Eastern Star of Missouri.
John H. Trumbull Governor of Connecticut, 1925-31. b. March 4,
1873 in Ashford, Conn. Began manufacturing electric machinery in 1899. Was an
organizer of the Trumbull Electric Mfg. Co. and president of same from
1900-45. Director of other companies. Served two terms in state senate and was
elected lieutenant governor in 1924. He was raised March 31, 1903 in Frederick
Lodge No. 14, Plainville, Conn. and was master of same in 1909. Member of both
York and Scottish Rites; he belongs to the Tall Cedars of Lebanon, and is past
potentate of Sphinx Shrine Temple of Hartford. In 1944 he raised his
son-in-law, John Coolidge (son of President Coolidge) in Wyllys Lodge No. 99,
West Hartford, Conn.
William T. Truxtun (1824-1887) Commodore, U.S. Navy. b. March 11,
William M. Tuck
in Philadelphia. Entered Navy as a midshipman in 1841. Attended the Naval
Academy for one year and was graduated as a "passed midshipman" in 1847.
Served first on the Brazil station and later the Pacific station. Was on
special service in connection with the laying of the trans-Atlantic cable, and
in 1854, with the Strain expedition to survey a route for a ship-canal across
the Isthmus of Darien. Served in North Atlantic squadron in Civil War.
Commanded the steamers Alabama, Chocura, and Tacony. Participated in
engagements in sounds of N. Car. and the capture of Plymouth, N. Car. and
attacks on Fort Fisher. Promoted to commander in 1866, captain in 1873, and
commodore in 1882. He was promoted to rear admiral by seniority in 1886, but
action on his nomination was delayed, and he was retired by law as a commodore
on March 11, 1886. Member of Owen's Lodge No. 164, near Norfolk, Va. d. Feb.
25, 1887.
Oscar Tschirky (1866-1950) Famous chef known as "Oscar of the
Waldorf." b. Sept. 28, 1866 in canton of Neuchtel, Switzerland. He came to the
U.S. in 1883 and was naturalized in 1888. He began with the old Hoffman House,
N.Y.C. and was later with Delmonico's. When the Waldorf-Astoria opened in
1893, he became chef, and thus began an association that was not only to make
him famous, but the hotel as well. It is said that he knew more people from
all over the world than any other person in America. He was the owner of a
model 1,000 acre farm near New Paltz, N.Y. He had received royal decorations
from Belgium, Rumania, and France. Was a member of Metropolitan Lodge No. 273,
N.Y.C. d. Nov. 6, 1950.
Louis Theodore Tschoudy (17201769) French Counselor of State and
member of the Parliament of Metzwho wrote much on Freemasonry and against its
detractors. b. in Metz. He was descended from a family originally of the Swiss
canton of Glaris. He was an active apostle of the school of Ramsay, q.v.,
adopting the theory of the Templar origin of Freemasonry. In 1752 he angered
the Papal court by the publication at The Hague of A New Year's Gift for the
Pope, or the Free Masons Avenged. It was a caustic commentary on the Bull of
Benedict XIV, excommunicating Freemasons. He followed it in the same year by
The Vatican Avenged, an ironical apology intended as a sequence to the former
book. The two works subjected him to such persecution by the church that he
was compelled to flee to Russia. On his return to France, he was imprisoned in
the Bastille, but Grand Duke Peter of Russia was successful in securing his
liberty. He also wrote The Blazing Star, or the Society of Freemasons
Considered Under Every Point of View; Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew,
Containing the Entire Development of the Royal Arch of Freemasonry. It was his
opinion that the so-called advanced degrees of Freemasonry were a waste of
time and merely an expense to the candidate. He did concede that in addition
to the three basic degrees, the Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew (which he
composed) and Knight of Palestine contained the essence of Freemasonry. d. May
28, 1769.
William M. Tuck Governor of Virginia, 1946-50; U.S. Congressman to
83rd-86th Congresses from 5th Va. dist. b. Sept 28, 1896 in Halifax Co., Va.
Graduate of Washington and Lee U. in 1921. Since that date practiced law in
South Boston, Va. Was lieutenant governor of Va. in 1942-46, and served in
both branches of the state legislature. Served with U.S. Marines in WWI.
Member of Virgilina Lodge No. 248, Virgilina, Va.
257 Henry St. George Tucker Henry St. George Tucker (1874-)
Presiding Bishop of Protestant Episcopal Church in U.S.A., 1938-46. b. July
16, 1874 in Warsaw, Va. Graduate of U. of Virginia in 1895 and 1911. Became
deacon and priest in 1899, and sent to Japan in that year as a missionary. Was
president of St. Paul's Coll., Tokyo, 1903-12. Became bishop of diocese of
Kyoto in 1912, retiring in 1923. In 1926 he was named bishop coadjutor of
Virginia and, from 1927-44, was bishop of Virginia. From 1942-44 was president
of the Federated Council of Churches of Christ in America. Mason.
Nathaniel Beverley Tucker (17841851) Jurist, Author, and second
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. b. Sept. 6, 1784 in Williamsburg,
Va., of a distinguished family. Graduate of William and Mary Coll. in 1801,
studied law, and practiced in Va. until 1815 when he moved to Missouri, where
he was a circuit judge for St. Louis Co. He later resided in Saline Co., where
he acquired more than 800 acres of land, and married a daughter of General
Thomas A. Smith. In St. Louis he served as Federal judge of the Northern
district of Mo., was on the board of directors of the Bank of St. Louis, and
was one of the organizers of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. Returning to Va., he
was elected professor of law at William and Mary and filled that post until
his death. His most remarkable work was The Partisan Leader; a Tale of the
Future. Published in 1836 in two volumes, it was printed secretly, bearing the
fictitious date of "1856," and purported to be an historical novel of the
events between 1836 and 1856. Its accurate delineation of events is quite
prophetic. Other works include George Balcombe, a novel, in 1836, and several
political and legal volumes. He was second grand master of the Grand Lodge of
Missouri from 1921-24. While living in central Mo. he was sum-moned by the
Presbyterian Church to appear at the schoolhouse at Boonville on Oct. 22, 1831
at 10:00 a.m. to answer the charge of "Unchristian Conduct in the following
acts. lstlyThat at a party in the house of Mr. Shackelford of Saline Co. on or
about Dec. 25, 1830, you partook of the amusement of dancing. 2ndly—that at a
party at the house of Dr. Sappington soon afterwards you again danced.
3rdly—That at the wedding of C. F. Jackson and Miss Sappington at the house of
Dr. Sappington on the 17th of February, 1831, a time when you were apprised
that such conduct was disapproved by the officers of the church, you again
danced." Witnesses to the charges were C. F. Jackson (Confederate governor of
Mo.), Dr. Sappington, Dr. Penn and the Rev. Justinian Williams (one time grand
chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Missouri). It is not known whether any action
was taken—or if Tucker ever appeared at Boonville, but when he moved to
Virginia, he became an Episcopalian! He had received his degrees in Virginia,
but became a charter member of Missouri Lodge No. 1. He was the second son of
St. George Tucker, q.v. d. Aug. 26, 1851.
Samuel Tucker (1747-1833) American Naval Commodore in
Revolutionary War. b. Nov. 1, 1747 in Marblehead, Mass. Ran away at age of 11
and shipped in the English sloop Royal George. Before the Revolution he had
many voyages, and commanded a merchantman as captain. Was in London when war
began. Washington commissioned him a captain in the Navy on Jan. 20, 1776 and
he commanded the schooner Franklin. He transferred to the Hancock in 1776. In
these two ships he captured more than 30 vessels. In 1777 he commanded the
frigate Boston in which he took John Adams to France as minister. He later
commanded the Boston, the Confederacy and the Thorn. He was twice captured—ex-
Rexford Guy Tugwell changed once and escaped the second time. All told, he is
said to have captured 62 vessels, 600 cannon, and 3,000 prisoners. He later
served in the Mass. legislature (1814-18) and was a member of the convention
to form a constitution for the new state of Maine in 1819. He retired to a
farm near Bristol. Was a member of the Maine legislature in 1820-21. Was made
a Mason in St. Johns Lodge of Boston, Mass. on Jan. 30, 1779. Bristol Lodge at
Bristol Mills, Maine, possess his Masonic apron and diploma dated 1779. d.
March 10, 1833.
St. George Tucker (1752-1828) Jurist, poet, and Revolutionary
soldier. b. July 10, 1752 in Bermuda. Came to Virginia in 1771 to complete his
education, and was graduated at William and Mary in 1772. Finished a law
course, and began to practice in the colonial courts. In June 1775 he went to
Bermuda, but returned to Va. in Jan. 1777 to serve as a lieutenant colonel at
the siege of Yorktown. In 1778 he married Frances Bland, mother of John
Randolph, q.v. After the war he resumed the practice of law, and was made a
judge of the general court of Va. in 1787, and a professor of law in the
College of William and Mary in 1789. Was appointed presiding judge of the Va.
court of appeals in 1804, and Federal judge of the U.S. district of Va. in
1813. He wrote many poems and satires. His son, Nathaniel B. Tucker, q.v.,
became the second grand master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, and later
returned to Va. where he took his father's chair of professor of law at
William and Mary. St. George Tucker signed the by-laws of Williamsburg Lodge
No. 6, Williamsburg, Va. on July 6, 1773. On Sept. 7 and Oct. 5, same year, he
was fined one shilling and three pence for absence. On Dec. 10, 1773, he
received the third degree. The original minutes of the above are in the
Library of Congress. d. Nov. 10, 1828.
Tilghman M. Tucker (1802-1859) Governor of Mississippi, 1841-43,
and U.S. Congressman to 28th Congress, 1843-45. b. Feb. 5, 1802 near Lime
Stone Springs, N. Car. Moved to Hamilton, Miss., where he studied law, was
admitted to the bar, and commenced practice in Columbus, Miss. Member of both
houses of the state legislature. Retired to his plantation home, "Cottonwood,"
in Louisiana and died at the home of his father near Bexar, Ala. on April 3,
1859. Member of Columbus Lodge No. 5 and Columbus Chapter No. 4, RA.M., both
of Columbus, Miss.
Stephan Tuerr (1825-1908) A patriot, both Hungarian and Italian.
In 1847 he fought against Italy, but changed sides as he felt the reactionary
powers in Hungary to be in error. When the Hungarian Legion, composed of
patriots exiled from Hungary, was formed in Italy, he served as its commander
in Piedmont, Italy. He later participated in the revolution in Baden against
the Grossherzog, and in 1853 saw service with the British in the Crimean War.
He returned to Italy in 1859-60, where he was promoted to general and made
adjutant to the King of Italy. After the general amnesty of 1867 in Hungary,
he returned to his country and aided in its development. He worked on the
blueprints of the Panama Canal, and also the Isthmus of Corinth in Greece. In
1896 he was elected as president of the International Peace Conference.
Originally, he was initiated into one of the Italian field lodges, but later
affiliated with the Craft in his own country. He was a founding member of the
Lodge, Corvin Matyas, in Hungary, and was its master for many years.
Rexford Guy Tugwell Former governor of Puerto Rico, university
professor and author. Joined Ontario Lodge No. 376 in N.Y. on Sept. 3, 1912,
and was dropped from the roll at his own request on Nov. 20, 1923.
259 Charles, 2nd Baron of Tullamore Charles, 2nd Baron of
Tullamore Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1741. Served again as grand
master in 1760 when he was 1st Earl of Charleville.
Richard W. Tully (1877-1945) Playwright and producer. b. May 7,
1877 in Nevada City, Calif. Graduate of U. of California in 1901. Wrote My
Cinderella Girl, a musical comedy; Rose of the Rancho, which he produced with
David Belasco; The Bird of Paradise; Omar, the Tent Maker; The Flame; Blossom
Bride. Member of Mount Olive Lodge No. 506, of Los Angeles, Calif. d. Jan. 31,
James M. Tunnell U.S. Senator from Delaware, 1941-47. b. Aug. 2,
1879 in Clarksville, Del. Graduate of Franklin Coll. (now combined with
Muskingum Coll. at New Concord, Ohio) in 1900. Began as public school teacher
and was later principal at Frankford and Ocean View. Admitted to the bar in
1907. Member of Doric Lodge No. 30, Millville, Del. and 32° AASR (NJ).
Benjamin Tupper (1738-1792) General (brevet) in the Revolutionary
War. b. in Aug., 1738 in Stoughton, Mass. He served as a soldier in the French
War of 1756-63. Soon after the Battle of Lexington, he was a major at Boston,
and distinguished himself in a boat expedition at Castle Island, Boston
harbor. Became lieutenant colonel on Nov. 4, 1775, and a colonel of the 11th
Mass. early in 1776. In August of that year he commanded gunboats on the North
River. He served under General Horatio Gates at Saratoga; was at the Battle of
Monmouth in 1778, and breveted general before the close of the war. With
General Rufus Putnam, q.v., he originated the Ohio Land Company and was
appointed surveyor of the Ohio lands in 1785. He served against Shay's
Rebellion in 1786. Settled at Marietta, Ohio in 1787, and becamea judge in
1788. He was the first senior warden of Washington Lodge No. 10, a traveling
lodge located at West Point, N.Y. The charter was granted Oct. 6, 1779. In
1785 he was master of Hampshire Lodge, Northampton, Mass. d. June, 1792.
Bolon B. Turner Judge, Tax Court of the United States. b. March
13, 1897 in Little Rock, Ark. Graduate of George Washington U. in 1922 and
1924. Began as a clerk in the Bureau of Internal Revenue in 1920, and later
attorney for the bureau. Was at- torney for U.S. Board of Tax Appeals, 1924-27
and member of the Tax Court since 1934. He was chief judge of same, 1945-49.
Clarence W. Turner (1866-1939) U.S. Congressman to 67th and
73rd-75th Congresses from Tenn. b. Oct. 22, 1866 near Clydeton, Tenn. Was
owner and editor of the Waverly (Tenn.) Sentinel. Raised in Waverly Lodge No.
304, Waverly, Tenn. on July 6, 1903 and held continuous membership there until
his death on March 24, 1939.
Dan W. Turner Former Governor of Iowa. Made a Mason Nov. 22, 1901
in Instruction Lodge No. 275, Corning, Iowa.
Daniel Turner (1794-1850) Commodore, U.S. Navy. b. in Staten
Island, N.Y. He entered the Navy as a midshipman in 1808. Served with
Commodore Perry on the Great Lakes, and commanded the brig Caledonia in the
victory of Sept. 10, 1813, on Lake Erie, for which he received a silver medal
from congress. The following year he served on Lakes Huron and Superior, where
he commanded a boat expedition and captured two forts and several prize
vessels. He was captured on Sept. 5, 1814, while in command of the schooner
Scorpion on Lake Huron. After the war he cruised in the frigate
Roscoe Turner Java on the Mediterranean, and later commanded the schooner
Nonesuch. As a captain, he commanded the Constitution on the Pacific station,
1839-41, and was commodore of the Brazil squadron in 1843-46. In charge of
Portsmouth Navy Yard, 1846-49. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 1, N.Y.C. d.
Feb. 4, 1850.
Edward C. Turner (1872-1950) Judge, Supreme Court of Ohio from
1940. b. March 26, 1872 in Columbus, Ohio. Graduate of Ohio State U. in 1901
and 1903. Practiced law at Columbus from 1901. Was attorney general of Ohio in
1915-17 and 1927-29. Mason and 33° AASR (NJ). Member of York Lodge No. 563,
Columbus, Ohio, receiving degrees on Aug. 27, Sept. 10, 20, 1900. d. Sept. 13,
George Turner (1850-1932) U.S. Senator from Washington, 1897-1903.
b. Feb. 25, 1850 in Edina, Mo. Served as a military telegraph operator with
Union forces in Civil War. Studied law and admitted to the bar, beginning
practice at Mobile, Ala. Was U.S. marshal for Southern and middle districts of
Ala. in 1876-80. Was associate justice for supreme court of the Territory of
Washington, 1884-88, resuming law practice in Spokane in the latter year. Was
a member of the territorial convention of 1889 that framed the new state
constitution. Member of Spokane Lodge No. 34 in 1885, and also Royal Arch
Mason in Spokane, Wash. d. Jan. 26, 1932.
James Turner (1766-1824) Governor of North Carolina, 1802-05, and
U.S. Senator, 1805-16. b. Dec. 20, 1766 in Southampton Co., Va. He moved with
father to Warren Co., N. Car. in 1770, where he attended the common schools
and engaged in planting. Served as a private in a N. Car. company of
volunteers during the Revolutionary War. Was member of the state house of
commons, 1797-1800, and of the state senate in 1801-02. Amember of
Johnston-Caswell Lodge No. 10, Warrenton, N. Car., and served as master in
1798-99. Received his degrees, June 16, 1786, Sept. 15 and Oct. 7, 1786. In
1807 he was one of the delegates to a national Masonic convention in
Washington. He was senior grand deacon of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina in
1811. d. Jan. 15, 1824.
Philip Turner (1740-1815) Revolutionary War surgeon. b. Feb. 25,
1740 in Norwich, Conn. Orphaned at age of 12, he was adopted by Dr. Klisha
Tracy, under whom he studied medicine, and whose daughter he married. In 1759
he was appointed assistant surgeon to a provincial regiment that served under
General Amherst at Fort Ticonderoga. After the peace of 1763 he settled at
Norwich, Conn., where he was unrivalled as a surgeon. In 1775 he was the first
surgeon of the Conn. troops before Boston, and in 1776 he accompanied the
Continental Army to N.Y., attending it in the battles of Long Island and White
Plains. He was appointed surgeon general of the Eastern department in 1777,
and held that post until near the close of the war. He resumed private
practice in Norwich, but in 1800 moved to New York City. He was a member of
three Conn. lodges—Norwich Lodge of Norwich, Conn., which became defunct;
Columbia Lodge, organized in 1785, with Turner as master; and in 1795, of
Somerset Lodge No. 34, which was organized when Columbia Lodge became defunct
d. April 20, 1815.
Robert Turner First Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England (Antients)
in 1753.
Roscoe Turner Aviator; President of Turner Aircraft Radio Corp.
and chairman of board of Turner Aero Corp., Indianapolis, Ind. b. Sept. 29,
1895 in Corinth, Miss. Was barnstorming flyer and stunt performer, 1919-
Roy J. Turner
operated commerical air field at Richmond, Va., 1927-28; operated world's
first high speed air line, 192930. Holder of many cross country speed records.
Won Bendix Race (New York to Los Angeles) in 1933, with time of 11 hours and
30 minutes. This record stood for several years. Won Thompson Trophy at
National Air Races in 1934. Finished second in international race from London
to Melbourne in 1934. Member of Corinth Lodge No. 116, Corinth, Miss. 32° AASR
(SJ) at Meridian, Miss.; member of Hamasa Shrine Temple, Meridian, Miss. and
honorary member of Al Koran, Cleveland, and Murat of Indianapolis. O.E.S.
member at Corinth.
Roy J. Turner Governor of Oklahoma, 1946-50; oil producer and
cattleman. b. Nov. 6, 1894 in Lincoln Co., Okla. Started as packinghouse
bookkeeper in 1911. Entered real estate business in Okla., Fla. and Texas,
1920-28. Partner of Harper-Turner Oil Co., Oklahoma City, since 1928. He was
founder of the Turner ranch at Sulphur, Okla. in 1933, and established the
Turner purebred Hereford herd. He was president of the American Hereford Assn.
in 1939 and again in 1945. Mason.
Thomas J. Turner (1815-1874) U.S. Congressman from Illinois to
30th Congress, 1847-49. b. April 5, 1815 in Trumbull Co., Ohio. Moved to
Butler Co., Pa. in 1825; to Lake Co., Ind. in 1837, and to Freeport, Ill. in
1838. Studied law, and admitted to the bar in 1840, practicing at Freeport. He
was probate judge and postmaster of Freeport. Established the first weekly
newspaper in Stephenson Co. Served in state legislature, and was speaker in
1854. Was first mayor of Freeport in 1855. In 1861 he was a delegate to the
peace conference held in Washington, D.C. in an effort to devise means to
prevent the impendingwar. Served with the 15th Illinois Vol. Inf. as a colonel
in Civil War, 1861-62, resigning because of ill health. Moved to Chicago in
1871. He was master of Excelsior Lodge No. 97, Freeport, in 1854, and grand
master of the Grand Lodge of Illinois, 1863-65. Received the Royal Arch degree
in Freeport Chapter No. 23, R.A.M., and was senior warden of Freeport
Commandery No. 7, K.T. in 1864-65. d. April 4, 1874.
Hopkins Lacy Turney (1797-1857) U.S. Senator and U.S. Congressman
from Tenn. b. Oct. 1797 in Dixon Springs, Tenn. Was apprenticed to the
tailor's trade. Served in the Seminole War in 1818, studied law, and was
admitted to the bar, commencing practice in Jasper, Tenn. He moved to
Winchester later. Member of state house of representatives, 1828-37. Served in
25th-27th congresses, 183743, and in U.S. Senate from 1845-51. First became a
member of Mt. Olivet Lodge No. 53 at Jasper, and later member of Cumberland
Lodge No. 158, Winchester. d. Aug. 1, 1857. His son, Peter Turney, q.v.,
became governor of Tenn.
Peter Turney (1827-1903) Governor of Tennessee, 1893-97. b. Sept.
22, 1827 in Jasper, Tenn., the son of Hopkins L. Turney, q.v., a U.S. Senator.
Admitted to the bar in 1848, and practiced at Winchester, Tenn. He was colonel
of Turney's 1st Tenn. Rgt. in the Confederate Army during Civil War. Was
recommended for promotion but failed to receive it because of unfriendliness
of Jefferson Davis. He was a judge of the supreme court of Tennessee from
1880-93, and chief justice from 1886-93. Member of Cumberland Lodge No. 158,
of Winchester, in which his father also had held membership. d. 1903.
Stefan Turr (1824-1908) Hungarian General and patriot. Was first
Lawrence D. Tyson of the lodge Mathias Corvinus at Budapest.
Duke of Tuscany (see Francis I).
Richard S. Tuthill (1841-1920) Judge of the world's first
"juvenile court" in Chicago, Ill. b. Nov. 10, 1841 in Jackson Co., Ill.
Graduate of Middlebury Coll. (Vt.) in 1863 and 1868. Served in Civil War as a
scout under General J. A. Logan. Admitted to the bar in 1866; he first
practiced at Nashville, Tenn., locating at Chicago in 1873. He was city
attorney, district attorney, and after 1887, judge of the circuit court of
Cook Co., Ill. Under the juvenile court law of 1899, he was chosen by his
fellow judges to organize and hold a juvenile court, in addition to his other
duties on the bench. He held this court for six years. It was the original
court for juveniles, the idea of this has extended throughout the U.S. and the
world. Mason. d. April 10, 1920.
Arthur J. Tuttle (1868-1944) Federal Judge, Eastern Michigan from
1912. b. Nov. 8, 1868 in Leslie, Mich. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1892, and
1895. Entered law practice, and was prosecuting attorney, member of state
senate, and U.S. district attorney. Member of Leslie Lodge No. 212, Leslie,
Mich., receiving degrees on Feb. 4, 24, March 17, 1896. 32° AASR (NJ). Knight
Templar and Shriner. d. Dec. 2, 1944.
Mark Twain (see Samuel L. Clemens).
George, 8th Marquis of Tweeddale Fifty-second Grand Master Mason
of Scotland, 1818-19.
Millard E. Tydings U.S. Senator from Maryland, 1927-51. b. April
6, 1890 in Havre de Grace, Md. Graduate of Maryland Agri. Coll. in 1910, and
U. of Maryland in 1913. Began law practice in Havre de Grace.
Served in both branches of state legislature, and was U.S.
Congressman to 68th and 69th Congresses, 1923-27, from 2nd Md. dist. In the
U.S. Senate he was chairman of the Armed Services Committee, and member of
Foreign Relations Committee and Joint Commission on Atomic Energy. In WWI he
served with the A.E.F., advancing to lieutenant colonel of the 29th Division.
Awarded the D.S.M. and D.S.C. Member of Susquehanna Lodge No. 130 of Havre de
Grace since 1918.
John Tyler, Sr. (1747-1813) American jurist; Governor of Virginia,
180811, and father of President John Tyler. As a judge of the Virginia general
court, 1789-1808, he was one of the first judges to maintain the overruling
power of the judiciary. He is listed in the original manuscript returns of
Richmond Lodge No. 10, Richmond, Va. as receiving his Entered Apprentice
degree in 1785. His son, who became tenth president of the U.S., made this
statement in a public address before a body of Masons at a cornerstone laying
a few years before his death: "It is not my good fortune to belong to your
society, or to any of a kindred character.”
Marcus, 1st Viscount of Tyrone Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Ireland, 1736. Also Earl of Tyrone.
Lawrence D. Tyson (1861-1929) U.S. Senator from Tennessee,
1925-29; Brigadier General in WWI; Democratic candidate for Vice President in
1920. b. July 4, 1861 near Greenville, N. Car. Graduate of U.S. Military
Academy in 1883. Professor of military science at U. of Tennessee from
1891-95, and received law degree there in 1894. Began law practice in
Knoxville. Served with the 9th Regt. U.S. Infantry until 1895, when he
resigned commission. Volunteered in 1898 for service in Spanish-American War,
Lawrence D. Tyson and as colonel, commanded the 6th Vol. Inf. Became brigadier
general and inspector general of Tenn. National Guard. Made brigadier general
in command of all Tenn. national guard troops at start of WWI, and later
commanded the 30th Division. Was in engagements of Ypres-Lys and Somme,
receiving the D.S.M. Member of Knoxville Lodge No. 718; received degrees May
23, June 19, July 20, 1923. d. Aug. 24, 1929.
264 Conrad F. Uden Masonic author, who was Doctor of Medicine and
professor of University of Dorpat, and later counselor and secretary of the
medical college of St. Petersburg, Russia. From 1783-85 he was the editor of
the Archly fur Freimaurerei and Rosenkreuzer, published at Berlin. It
contained much interesting information concerning Rosicrucianism. He also
edited Tables of the Total Freemasons of Lodges in 1785 and 1786.
William E. Umstattd President of Timken Roller Bearing Co. b. Aug.
17, 1894 in Bristol, Tenn. Received 33° AASR (NJ) in Oct., 1955. Received
craft degrees in Lathrop Lodge No. 676, Canton, Ohio on May 15, June 5, 19,
William B. Umstead U.S. Congressman to 73rd-75th Congresses,
1933-39, from N. Car. and U.S. Senator, 194648. b. May 13, 1895 in Durham Co.,
N. Car. Admitted to the bar in 1920, and practiced at Durham, N. Car. Served
in WWI as a lieutenant in 81st Division.
Charles L. Underhill (1867-1946) U.S. Congressman to 67th-72nd
Congresses, 1921-33, from 9th Mass. dist. b. July 20, 1867 in Richmond, Va.
Began as an office boy; later coal teamster, and learned blacksmith's trade.
Entered hardware business in 1896. Served ten terms in Mass. house of
representatives. Received degrees in Soley Lodge, Somerville, Mass. in
1900-01. d. Jan. 28, 1946.
Edwin S. Underhill (1861-1929) U.S. Congressman from N.Y. to
62nd-63rd Congresses, 1911-15. b. Oct. 7, 1861 in Bath, N.Y. Graduate of Yale
in 1881. Published Steuben Farmers' Advocate, Corning (N.Y.) Evening Leader,
and other papers. Member of Steuben Lodge No. 112, Bath, N.Y. receiving
degrees on March 16, April 20, May 18, 1887. d. Feb. 7, 1929.
Adin B. Underwood (1828-1888) Major General (brevet) in Civil War.
b. May 19, 1828 in Milford, Mass. Graduate of Brown U. in 1849. Settled at
Boston in 1855. Raised recruits at beginning of Civil War; was appointed
captain in the 2nd Mass. Inf. in April, 1861, advancing to lieutenant colonel
in same year. Participated in battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and
Gettysburg. Served under General Hooker at Lookout Mountain, where he was
wounded. Appointed brigadier general of volunteers in Jan., 1863, and major
general in Aug., 1865. Was surveyor of the port of Boston for nearly 20 years.
Member of Bunker Hill Army Lodge No. 5 (Mass.) and later Montgomery Lodge,
Milford, Mass. d. Jan. 14, 1888.
Cecil H. Underwood Governor of West Virginia, 1956-60. b. Nov. 5,
1922 in Joseph's Mills, W. Va. Graduate of Salem Coll. and W. Va. U. Taught
school from 1943, and became vice president of Salem Coll., 1950-56. Served in
state house of delegates, 1944-56, and was minority leader, 1949-56. Raised in
Phoenix Lodge No. 73, Sistersville, W. Va. in May, 1955. Member of John W.
Morris Consistory, AASR (SJ) at Charleston and Beni Kedem Shrine Temple of
that city.
265 Joseph R. Underwood Joseph R. Underwood (1791-1876) U.S.
Senator and Congressman from Kentucky. b. Oct. 24, 1791 in Gooch-land Co., Va.
Was grandfather of Oscar W. Underwood, q.v. Moved to Barren Co., Ky. in 1803.
Graduate of Transylvania Coll., Lexington, in 1811. Served in War of 1812 as a
lieutenant in 13th Ky. Inf. Admitted to the bar in 1813 and began practice in
Glasgow, Ky. Member of state house of representatives in 1816-19, and moved to
Bowling Green, Ky. in 1823. Served in 24th-27th Congresses, 183543. Was U.S.
senator, 1847-53. Member of Allen Lodge No. 24, Glasgow, Kyl, and served as
senior warden at one time (1816). Member of Clay Mark Lodge No. 7 of that city
and Bowling Green Chapter No. 38, R.A.M. of Bowling Green. Buried Masonically.
d. Aug. 23, 1876.
Oscar W. Underwood (1862-1929) U.S. Senator from Alabama, 1915-27;
U.S. Congressman to 55th-63rd Congresses, 1897-1915. b. May 6, 1862 in
Louisville, Ky., the grandson of Joseph R. Underwood, q.v. Admitted to the bar
in 1884, and began practice in Birmingham, Ala. Was Democratic floor leader of
the house of representatives, 1911-15, and same in senate, 1921-23. He was
candidate for Democratic presidential nomination in 1912 and 1924. Became a
member of Birmingham (Ala.) Fraternal Lodge No. 384 on Oct. 20, 1909. Received
KCCH on Oct. 16, 1917 and 33° on Oct. 24, 1919. d. Jan. 25, 1929.
James Bailey Upham (1865-1905) Wrote the original Pledge of
Allegiance to the flag of the United States. b. Dec. 27, 1865 in New Hampton,
N.H. He was a member of the firm Perry Mason & Co., publishers of The Youth's
Companion. The "pledge" was moulded into final form by his firm's editorial
staff and was first printed in the issue of September 8, 1892 in conjunction
with the publicschool celebration of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of
America. Member of Converse Lodge, Malden, Mass., receiving degrees on Feb.
16, March 15, May 15, 1888. d. Nov. 25, 1905.
William H. Upham (1841-1924) Governor of Wisconsin, 1895-97. b.
May 3, 1841 in Westminster, Mass. Moved to Niles, Mich. in 1852, and to
Racine, Wis. the following year. Entered 2nd Wis. H. in 1861. Was shot through
lungs at Bull Run on July 21, 1861, and reported dead. Was prisoner of war six
months. Lincoln appointed him to the U.S. Military Academy and he was
graduated in 1866. Resigned from Army in 1869. Was in lumber, furniture
manufacturing, and banking at Marshfield, Wis. from 1878. Mason. d. July 2,
John E. Upston (1890-1952) Major General, U.S. Air Force. b. Sept.
9, 1890 in Tawas City, Mich. Enlisted as aviation cadet in WWI and promoted
through grades to brigadier general in 1942, and major general in 1950. In
WWII he was chief of African and Middle Eastern Theater Unit; on War Dept.
general staff; chief of staff of XX Bomber Command; in ChinaBurma-India
Theater; commanding general of 72nd Fighter Wing. In 1948 he was commanding
general of the 4th Air Force. Mason, 32° AASR, and Shriner. d. Aug. 18, 1952.
Joseph Uriot Author of True Portrait of a Freemason, published at
Frankfort in 1742. It is one of the earliest expositions of the true
principles of Freemasonry to appear in Germany. Many editions were published.
In 1769 he published Letters on Freemasonry at Stongard, which was in effect,
an enlargement of the former work.
Justo Jose de Urquiza (1800-1870) Argentine patriot, general, and
Justo Jose de Urquiza constitutional president of Argentina, 1854-60. He was
governor of Entre Rios province from 1842-54. Caseros Day (Independence) in
Argentina on Feb. 3 celebrates his defeat of the tyrant, Juan Manuel de Rosas.
He reorganized the dismembered country and called a conference of provincial
governors. Out of this grew a confederation. He was succeeded by Derqui, q.v.
He was commander in chief of the national forces. He was defeated in the
Battle of Pavon in 1862, and General Mitre, q.v., was proclaimed president.
Urquiza pledged his support to Mitre, but declined ap- pointment as commander
in chief of cavalry, and returned to his huge ranch, where he and two sons
were murdered in 1870. He was initiated in "Jorge Washington" Lodge No. 44 at
Conception and rose to the 33° AASR. He later became a member of the Union del
Plate Lodge. Four successive presidents of Argentina were members of this
lodge at the same time. In addition to Uriquiza they were: Santiago Derqui,
president from 1860-62; General Bartolme Mitre, president from 1862-68 and
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, president from 1868-74.
267 George Vail (1809-1875) U.S. Congressman to 33rd-34th
Congresses, 1853-57, from New Jersey. b. July 21, 1809 in Morristown, N.J. Was
a manufacturer of telegraph instruments. Served as U.S. consul to Glasgow,
Scotland, 1858-61. Was knighted in Washington Commandery No. 1, Washington,
D.C., June 14, 1854. Lodge membership was in Cincinnati Lodge No. 3 (NJ),
receiving degrees in July-Aug. 1833. d. May 24, 1875.
William N. Vaile (1876-1927) U.S. Congressman to 66th-70th
Congresses, 1919-27, from Colo. b. June 22, 1876 in Kokomo, Ind. Graduate of
Yale in 1898. Served as a private in Spanish-American War. Admitted to the bar
in 1901, and began practice in Denver, Colo. Wrote a novel, The Mystery of the
Golconda. Raised July 8, 1911 in Union Lodge No. 7, Denver and charter member
and first junior warden of Arvada Lodge No. 141 at Arvada, Colo. on Sept. 17,
1912; master in 1914; member of Colorado Chapter No. 29, R.A.M., Denver
Commandery No. 25, K.T. and Denver Council No. 1, R. & S.M. all of Denver.
Received Scottish Rite in Denver in Nov., 1912. Grand Master of Grand Lodge of
Colorado, 1924-25. d. July 2, 1927.
Nasciso Valdes Cuban patriot and Freemason who was keeper of the
lighthouse at Morro Castle, Havana, and raised the new Cuban flag over that
historic fort on May 20, 1902.
Edward V. Valentine (1838-1930) American sculptor. b. Nov. 12,
1838 in Richmond, Va. Studied art in Europe in 1859, and returned to Richmond,
where he opened a studio. Among his noteworthy works are the recumbent figure
of Robert E. Lee for the Lee mausoleum at Washington and Lee U.; bronze statue
of Lee in Statuary Hall, Washington, D.C.; statue of Jefferson Davis in
Richmond, Va.; statue of Stonewall Jackson in Lexington, Va. and statue of
John J. Audubon in New Orleans. Member of Dove Lodge No. 21 at Richmond, Va.
d. 1930 at age of 92.
Rene Garcia Valenzuela Chilean physician and director of the El
Peral Hospital of Santiago. He was the first president of the Medical College
of Chile; former director general of Charity Services; former counselor of the
National Health Service; former minister of state, Department of Public
Health; and former consultant to the World Health Organization. He is also
professor of social medicine at the Doctor Luciano Cordova School. Initiated
Nov. 17, 1922 in Union Fraternal Lodge No. 1, he received the 33° AASR,
Supreme Council of Chile on April 11, 1948. He has twice served as grand
master of the Grand Lodge of Chile and grand commander of the Grand Council,
AASR. He was president of the organizing committee of the first Inter-American
Masonic Convention and first general secretary of same.
Clement L. Vallandigham (18201871) U.S. Congressman to 35th-37th
Congresses, 1858-63. b. July 29, 1820 in New Lisbon, Ohio. Admitted to the bar
in 1842, and commenced prac-
Zebulon B. Vance tice in Dayton. While in congress he made a motion (which was
tabled by a close vote) that "as the war was originally waged for the purpose
of defending and maintaining the supremacy of the constitution . . . whosoever
should attempt to pervert the same to a war of subjugation . . . and to
abolish slavery, would be guilty of a crime against the constitution and the
Union." He became quite outspoken in Ohio against the Northern war effort and
General Burnside ordered him arrested. He was tried, convicted and sentenced
to close confinement for treasonable utterances. Lincoln later allowed him to
cross the Confederate lines and he went from there to Bermuda and later
Canada. After the war he became prominent in national Democratic politics.
Member of St. Johns Lodge No. 13 of Dayton, Ohio. He died June 17, 1871 from
an accidental discharge of a pistol in a courtroom, when trying to show his
theory of the manner in which a homicide had taken place. Received Masonic
George W. Vallery Twenty-seventh Grand Master of the Grand
Encampment, Knights Templar, U.S.A. b. Jan. 24, 1861 in Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Became member of Oriental Lodge No. 87, Denver, Colo. on June 28, 1893;
exalted in Colorado Chapter No. 29, R.A.M. on Sept. 11, 1893; knighted in
Colorado Commandery No. 1, K.T. Sept. 11, 1894. Became grand commander of
Grand Commandery, K.T. of Colorado in 1910. Was member of Denver Council No.
1, R. & S.M. in 1906; received KCCH in 1909 and became 33° AASR (SJ).
Duke of Valmy (see under Francois Kellermann).
Jacob Van Braam A drillmaster of the Continental Army who served
as French interpreter for George Washington on one of the latter's journeys to
the Northwest. Some writers sayhe was Washington's instructor in fencing. He
was a member of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, Fredericksburg, Va.
Arthur "Dazzy" Vance Member of the Baseball Hall of Fame,
Cooperstown, N.Y., being nominated in 1955. b. March 4, 1893 in Orient, Iowa.
A national league pitcher, he played for Brooklyn from 1922-32. Raised March
23, 1926 in Clearwater Lodge No. 127, Clearwater, Fla.
Joseph Vance (1786-1852) U.S. Congressman; Governor of Ohio,
1836-38. b. March 21, 1786 in Washington Co., Pa. Moved with father to
Kentucky and then to Urbana, Ohio, where he became a successful merchant and
engaged in farming and stock raising. Served four years in the state
legislature, and was U.S. congressman from 1822-35 and 184247. Fought in the
War of 1812. Received first degree in Scioto Lodge No. 6 in 1813. Became
member of Harmony Lodge No. 8, Urbana, and was master in 1817. d. Aug. 24,
Zebulon B. Vance (1830-1894) Governor, Congressman and Senator
from North Carolina; his statue is in National Hall of Fame, Washington, D.C.
b. May 13, 1830 near Asheville, N. Car. Admitted to the bar in 1852, he began
practice at Asheville. Served in 35th-36th Congresses, 1858-61. Entered
Confederate service as a captain in 1861 and became a colonel. He was governor
of North Carolina in 186266 and became known as the "war governor of the
South." He was again governor of the state from 1876-78. He was U.S. Senator
from 1878 until his death April 14, 1894. Received degrees in Mt. Hermon Lodge
No. 118, Asheville, on Feb. 4, April 11 and June 20, 1853, and held offices to
and including senior deacon. In 1863 he represented Pine Forest Lodge No. 186
of Harrington, N.C. at grand lodge, and in 1865 represented Caro-
Peter Van Cortlandt lina Lodge. No. 141 of Carolina College. Dimitted from Mt.
Hermon in 1869 and in 1872 affiliated with Phalanx Lodge No. 31, Charlotte. On
Aug. 3, 1881 he delivered the oration at the laying of the cornerstone of a
monument to Richard Caswell, q.v., in Kinston. He was a member of Asheville
Chapter No. 25, R.A.M. as early as 1855, seemingly keeping his membership
there after moving to Charlotte. d. April 14, 1894. Z.B. Vance Lodge No. 2,
40th Regiment Heavy Artillery of North Carolina (Confederate military lodge),
was named in his honor in 1864.
Peter Van Cortlandt (1749-1831) Officer of the Revolution; U.S.
Congressman. b. Sept. 1, 1749 in Cortlandt Manor at Croton-on-Hudson, the son
of Pierre Van Cortlandt, q.v., the first lieutenant governor of New York.
Graduate of King's Coll. (now Columbia) in 1758. Became a surveyor. In June,
1775, he was commissioned lieutenant colonel of the 4th battalion, N.Y. Inf.,
and in Nov. 1776 made colonel by Washington and placed in 2nd N.Y. regiment.
At the end of the war he was breveted brigadier general by congress. He served
with General Sullivan on his Western N.Y. expedition; was present at the
surrender of Burgoyne; took part in the Va. campaign, and witnessed the
surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown. Later was a member of the N.Y. state
assembly and senate and was U.S. Congressman from 1793-1809. Was treasurer of
the Society of the Cincinnati for N.Y. many years, and when Lafayette came to
the U.S. in 1824, Van Cortlandt accompanied him through the country. Became a
member of Solomon's Lodge No. 1, N.Y.C. on Aug. 8, 1777. d. Nov. 5, 1831.
Pierre Van Cortlandt (1721-1814) First Lieutenant Governor of New
York, serving 18 years, from 1777 to 1795. b. in Cortlandt Manor,
Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y., Jan. 10, 1721. His Dutch ancestors, who came to
America in 1638, had become prominent in New York. He was the father of Philip
Van Cortlandt, q.v. The early deaths of his brothers left him at the head of
the family. Was a member of the provincial convention, the council of safety
and the provincial congress. In 1777 he was president of the convention at
Kingston which framed the first constitution of New York. He is listed as the
first master of Cortlandt Lodge No. 34 of Peekskill, N.Y. On Dec. 10, 1804 he
was sent a summons to answer for his non-attendance. d. May 1, 1814.
Arthur H. Vandenberg (1884-1951) U.S. Senator from Michigan,
1928-51. b. March 22, 1884 in Grand Rapids, Mich. After serving with Collier's
Weekly, he was editor of the Grand Rapids Herald, 1906-28. Received votes in
the Republican presidential nominations of 1940 and 1948. He was president pro
tern of the senate in 1947. He was U.S. delegate to the San Francisco United
Nations organizational meeting and also to the first and second general
assemblies of the United Nations in 1946. Was U.S. representative at Council
of Foreign Ministers and at the Peace Conference, Paris, 1946. Was advisor to
Secretary Byrnes at the Big Four foreign ministers meeting in Paris. He was
raised May 8, 1907 in Grand River Lodge No. 34, Grand Rapids, Minn. Member of
Columbian Chapter No. 132, R.A.M. and DeMolay Commandery No. 5, K.T., as well
as DeWitt Clinton Consistory and Saladin Shrine Temple. Was a 33° Scottish
Rite member. d. April 18, 1951.
Henry Vanderburgh President of the Northwest Territory. Appointed
by President Adams in 1797 as a member of the legislative council of the
Northwest Territory, and when it was organized, became its president.
270 George R. Vandewater In 1804 the Upper Louisiana Territory,
which included Missouri, was attached to the Northwest Territory for
administration and, as a territorial judge, he assisted in framing the laws of
the Louisiana Territory. Five districts were established in the present state
of Mo.—St. Charles, St. Louis, Ste. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau, and New Madrid.
Vanderburgh had received his degrees in a New York traveling lodge and became
a member of Vincennes Lodge No. 1, Vincennes, Ind.
Willis Van Devanter (1859-1941) Justice United States Supreme
Court, 1910-37. b. April 17, 1859 in Marion, Ind. Graduate of Cincinnati Law
School in 1881. Practiced law at Marion, Ind. until 1884 and then at Cheyenne,
Wyo. Member of Wyoming Territorial leigslature in 1885, and chief justice of
supreme court of Wyoming, 1889-90. Was assistant attorney general of U.S.,
1897-1903, and U.S. circuit judge of 8th judicial circuit, 1903-10. Member of
Acacia Lodge No. 11 and the Scottish Rite at Cheyenne, Wyo. d. Feb. 8, 1941.
William Vandever (1817-1893) Union Major General (brevet) in Civil
War and U.S. Congressman from both Iowa and California. b. March 31, 1817 in
Baltimore, Md. Moved to Ill. in 1839 and to Ia. in 1851. Studied law and
admitted to the bar in 1852, practicing in Dubuque. Served in 36th-37th
Congresses, 1859-61, and then mustered into army as a colonel of 9th Iowa Vol.
Inf. Promoted to brigadier general in 1862 and breveted major general in 1865.
Was a member of the peace convention held at Washington in 1861 in an attempt
to prevent war. Appointed U.S. Indian inspector by Grant in 1873-77. Elected
to 50th-51st Congresses from Calif., 1887-91. Member of Dubuque Lodge No. 3,
Dubuque, Ia. in 1858. d. July 23, 1893.
Frederic F. Van de Water Author. b. Sept. 30, 1900 in Pompton,
N.J. Graduate of Columbia U. in 1914. Was reporter on New York American in
1914 and then with New York Tribune, 1915-21 as reporter, special writer and
night city editor. From 1922-24 he was book critic for latter. On staff of
Ladies' Home Journal, 1922-28, and book critic of New York Evening Post,
1928-32. Among his many books are Grey Riders; Horsemen of the Law; The Eye of
Lucifer; Hurrying Feet; Still Waters; Havoc; The Real McCoy; Plunder; Thunder
Shield; Glory Hunter; A Life of General Custer; Hidden Ways; Death in the
Dark; The Reluctant Republic; Fools Errand; Lake Champlain and Lake George (of
the Lakes of America series); Reluctant Rebel; Catch a Falling Star; Day of
Battle, etc. Exalted in Corinthian Chapter No. 159, Brooklyn, N.Y. on Oct. 27,
1921 and high priest in 1934; greeted in Columbian Council No. 1, R. & S.M.
May 4, 1922; knighted in Ivanhoe Cornmandery No. 36, Feb. 16, 1922. Raised
July 19, 1921 in St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, N.Y.C., and master of same in 1925.
George R. Vandewater (1854-1925) Episcopal priest, author. b.
April 25, 1854 in Flushing, L.I., N.Y. Graduate of Cornell in 1874 and Gen.
Theol. Sem., in 1879. Became deacon in 1876 and priest in 1879. Was rector at
Oyster Bay and Brooklyn, N.Y. Organized congregation of St. Bartholomew, and
was rector of St. Andrew's, Harlem, 1888-1920 and of Church of the Beloved
Disciple, N.Y.C. after 1920. Served as chaplain in Spanish-American War.
Wrote: New York Forces in War With Spain; History of the Christian Church (2
vol.); Masonic Teaching Bible Truth; Manual of Church Missions and Manual of
Church Prayer. Received degrees in Cornucopia Lodge No. 563, Flushing, N.Y. on
June 5, 19, July 17, 1878 then
Charles B. Van Dusen affiliated with Bedford Lodge No. 574, Brooklyn, N.Y.
from 1882-88 and after that was a member of Republic Lodge No. 690, N.Y.C. He
was grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New York, 1898-1903 and 1910-18. d.
March 15, 1925.
Charles B. Van Dusen (1871-1958) President of S. S. Kresge Co.,
1925-38. His first job paid him $175 a year for a six 11-hour day week. He was
a newsboy, telegraph messenger, and in wholesale goods business. With Kresge
Co. from 1905. During his lifetime he gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to
church and charity. In 1947 the Westminster Presbyterian Church of Detroit,
Mich. raised $300,000 for a new church and Van Dusen matched the gift. He was
raised in Palestine Lodge No. 357, Detroit, on Jan. 28, 1907 and when he
served as master in 1914 it was the largest Masonic lodge in the world. Member
of Palestine Chapter No. 159, R.A.M. Knighted in Detroit Commandery No. 1 on
Jan. 15, 1910 and was commander in 1923. He organized the famous drill team of
that commandery and served as its captain-general for 19 years. A member of
Detroit Consistory AASR (NJ) in 1919, he received the 33° on Sept. 23, 1936.
Also a member of Moslem Shrine Temple, Detroit. d. Aug. 16, 1958.
Vedder Van Dyck (1889-1960) Episcopal Bishop of Vermont from 1936.
b. July 18, 1889 in Bayonne, N.J. Graduate of Gen. Theol. Sem. in 1914 and
ordained to the ministry in 1915. In charge of missions on Long Island, N.Y.,
Farmingdale, Seaford, Hicksville, 1914-17. At Amityville, N.Y., 1917-29, and
Burlington, Vt., 1929-36. Member of the commission for examining chaplains,
1929-36. Mason, with membership in Amityville, N.Y. d. Aug. 3, 1960.
Nicholas Van Dyke, Jr. (1769-1826) U.S. Senator and Congressman
from Delaware. b. Dec. 20, 1769 at New Castle, Del., son of the 7th governor
of Delaware. Graduate of Princeton in 1788. Studied law and admitted to the
bar at New Castle in April, 1792. Served in U.S. Congress from 1807-11, and
U.S. Senator, 1817-26. He also served in both branches of the Del.
legislature. At the wedding of his daughter to Charles I. DuPont, General
Lafayette gave away the bride. He was master of St. John's Lodge No. 2 in
1815. d. May 21, 1826.
Walter Van Dyke (1823-1905) Justice, Supreme Court of California,
1899-1905. b. Oct. 3, 1823 at Tyre, N.Y. Admitted to the bar in Ohio in 1848
and practiced in Cleveland, going to Calif. across the plains in 1849 with 14
other young men. Settled first in San Francisco and then in Humboldt Co., upon
its organization in 1853. Practiced law and edited the Humboldt Times. Served
in state senate. Moved to San Francisco in 1863. Was U.S. attorney of Calif.,
1874-77. Practiced in Los Angeles, 1885-88, and was judge of superior court
there, 188898. Member of Arcata Lodge No. 106, Arcata, Calif. d. 1905.
Ernest H. Van Fossan Judge, The Tax Court of the U.S. b. Sept. 6,
1888 in Lisbon, Ohio. Graduate of Oberlin Coll. and Columbia U. Served in Army
in WWI. Made survey of efficiency of Panama Canal Zone government in 1919;
director of claims U.S. Shipping Board in 1923. Appointed by Coolidge as
member of U.S. Board of Tax Appeals in 1916 (which became the Tax Court of the
U.S. in 1942) and was appointed by Hoover and Roosevelt for term ending 1956.
Retired, but recalled for indefinite period. Member of New Lisbon Lodge No. 65
(Ohio) since 1915, and served as junior and senior deacon of same before
joining Army in 1917. Honorary member of Barristers Lodge No. 48, D.C. Member
of York
Nicholas Van Rensselaer Rite; chapter in Salem, Ohio, and council and
commandery in D.C.
Robert Van Pelt Federal Judge of Nebraska since 1957. b. Sept. 9,
1897 in Gosper Co., Nebr. Graduate of Doane Coll. in 1920 and U. of Nebraska
in 1922. Practiced law in Lincoln, 1922-57. Was assistant U.S. attorney,
1930-34. Received degrees on Oct. 19 and 21, 1918 in Stockville, Nebr., and
now a member of Cambridge Lodge No. 150, Cambridge, Nebr. Received 32° AASR (SJ)
on Nov. 21, 1919 at Lincoln; KCCH in 1945 and 33° Dec. 10, 1949. Served AASR
as master of Lodge of Perfection; Knights Rose Croix and Kadosh. Shriner.
Henry Killian Van Rensselaer (17441816) Militia General in
Revolutionary War. b. near Albany, N.Y. He commanded a N.Y. regiment during
the Revolution. Was wounded at the capture of Gen. Burgoyne, and carried the
ball in his body for 35 years. In July 1777 he was attacked by a large force
near Fort Ann, and made a brave resistance, but, learning of the abandonment
of Fort Ticonderoga, withdrew after receiving another severe wound. He was
subsequently a general of militia. He was the father of Solomon, and brother
of Nicholas and Killian K., qq.v. He was also kin of Philip S., Jeremiah, and
Stephen, qq.v. He was a member of Masters' Lodge No. 2, Albany, N.Y., and
member of the Albany Lodge of Perfection, AASR. d. Sept. 9, 1816.
Jeremiah Van Rensselaer (17411810) Member of the first congress of
the United States, 1789-91 and lieutenant governor of New York, 1800-04.
Graduate of Princeton in 1758. He actively supported the Revolution. Was a
presidential elector in 1800. He was active in the promotion of the Inland
Navigation Co., of which Philip Schuyler was the first president. In the
Revolution he was an ensign and paymaster. Member of Masters' Lodge No. 2,
Albany, N.Y. d. Feb. 19, 1810. A relative of the other Van Rensselaers listed
in this volume.
Killian Henry Van Rensselaer (1800-1881) Sovereign Grand Commander
of the Supreme Council AASR (NJ), 1862-67. b. Sept. 9, 1800 in Greenbush (now
Rensselaer), N.Y., a member of that famous N.Y. Knickerbocker family. Made a
Master Mason in Mount Moriah Lodge No. 245, Otisco, N.Y. on April 4, 1822. He
was active in lodges, chapters, cornmanderies, and the Scottish Rite in
several states. He became an active member of the Supreme Council on June 17,
1845, making the seventh member of that body then an active. He resigned as
grand commander when the "Union" took place in 1867. He attended all but the
first meeting of present Supreme Council, N.J . until his death-12 in all.
Spent his latter years in the West, and was a member of Cambridge Lodge No.
66, Cambridge, Ohio, serving as master twice. d. Jan. 29, 1881.
Killian K. Van Rensselaer (17631845) U.S. Congressman from N.Y.,
1800-11. b. in Rensselaer Co., N.Y. Earned a reputation as a lawyer. Was
admitted to Masters' Lodge No. 2, Albany, N.Y. in 1787. He was a brother of
Henry and Nicholas, qq.v. d. June 18, 1845.
Nicholas Van Rensselaer (17541848) Colonel of the American
Revolution. b. 1754 in Rensselaer Co., N.Y., a brother of Henry K. and Killian
K., qq.v. As a colonel, he served with gallantry on the heights of Stillwater.
After the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne, he was dispatched by General Gates to
announce the news in Albany. Member of Masters' Lodge No. 2, Albany, N.Y. d.
in 1848.
273 Philip S. Van Rensselaer Philip S. Van Rensselaer (17671824)
Mayor of Albany, N.Y. for 19 years. b. April 15, 1767 in Albany, a member of
the famous Knickerbocker family of the same name. He was a public spirited,
energetic officer, and active in promoting educational, moral and religious
interests. He married Ann Van Cortlandt. He was president of the Albany Bible
Society for many years. Member of Masters' Lodge No. 2, Albany and at one time
acted as junior grand warden of the Grand Lodge of New York. d. Sept. 25,
Stephen Van Rensselaer (1764-1839) Major General of New York
militia in War of 1812; U.S. Congressman 1822-29; Founder of Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute in 1826. b. Nov. 1, 1764 in N.Y. He inherited the vast
Van Rensselaer estate in N.Y. in 1769. Married Margaret, daughter of Gen.
Philip Schuyler. Served in state assembly and state senate, and was lieutenant
governor in 1795. Became major general of militia in 1801. He was the first to
propose a canal between the Hudson River and the Great Lakes and was appointed
a commissioner to investigate the route in 1810. In 1812 he commanded the U.S.
forces on the Northern frontier, but suffered a serious defeat and resigned.
He was president of the boards of the Erie and Champlain canals for 14 years.
As a U.S. Congressman, he supported John Quincy Adams, the anti-Mason, for
president. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of New York from 1825-29.
When Gov. DeWitt Clinton, q.v., concluded the ceremony of installing him in
office, he replied, "I accept the distinguished honor conferred on me by the
Grand Lodge of this state. To be selected by the members of this numerous,
ancient and respectable Fraternity to preside over its deliberations, to guide
its councils, is a mark of confidence which I shall ever highly appreciate,
and although I cannot bring to thestation the talents or the learning which in
former years have adorned it, I still may venture to promise that, on my part,
no exertions shall be wanting to reunite the brotherhood into one bond of
union; to illustrate the virtues and to extend the influence of Freemasonry."
d. Jan. 26, 1839.
Hart E. Van Riper Medical Director of National Foundation for
Infantile Paralysis, 1946-56, who figured in nationwide publicity in wake of
the Salk vaccine announcement. b. Dec. 9, 1904 in Kirkwood, Ill. A.B. from U.
of Pennsylvania in 1926 and M.D. in 1930. Specialized in pediatrics at
Cincinnati until 1933, and at Madison, Wis., 1933-41. While at Madison he was
an active AASR (NJ) worker and served as master of the Madison Lodge of
Perfection. Presently medical director of Geigy Chemical Corp., Ardsley, N.Y.
Samuel R. Van Sant (1844-1936) Governor of Minnesota, 1901-05 and
Commander-in-Chief of G.A.R., 190910. b. May 11, 1844 in Rock Island, Ill.
Served as enlisted man in 9th Ill. Cavalry in Civil War. Graduate of Cornell
U. (Ia.) in 1904. In steamboat business after leaving college. Served in Minn.
house of representatives and speaker of same in 1895. Became a member of Snow
Lodge No. 44, Le Claire, Ia. in 1869, and affiliated with Winona Lodge No. 18,
Winona, Minn. in 1894. A Knight Templar and member of Osman Shrine Temple, St.
Paul, Minn. d. Oct. 3, 1936.
Abraham Van Vechten (1762-1823) Known as "the father of the New
York bar," being the first lawyer admitted to practice after the adoption of
the state constitution. b. Dec. 5, 1762 in Catskill, N.Y. Was educated at
Columbia U., studied law, and began practice in Johnstown, N.Y., but soon
removed to Albany. Served as city recorder, state senator, member
James M. Varnum of the state assembly, attorney general, and member of the
constitutional convention of 1821. He declined appointment to supreme court
bench of N.Y. by Gov. John Jay. Admitted to Masters' Lodge No. 2, Albany, N.Y.
in 1784. d. May 10, 1823.
Murray D. Van Wagoner Governor of Michigan, 1941-42. b. March 18,
1898 in Kingston, Mich. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1921. Began as civil
engineer. Owner of private engineering company at Pontiac, Mich., 192630. Was
state highway commissioner, 1933-40. Delegate to International Road Conference
in 1938. Member of Pontiac Lodge No. 21, Pontiac, Mich.
Charles C. Van Zandt Former governor of Rhode Island. Member of
St. Johns Lodge No. 1, Newport, R.I.
James E. Van Zandt U.S. Congressman to 76th-86th Congresses,
1939-60, from Pa. b. Dec. 18, 1898 in Altoona, Pa. Started with Pennsylvania
Railroad in 1916 as a molder apprentice, and became passenger agent in 1938.
Served in U.S. Navy in WWI and saw active duty as a lieutenant and captain,
1941-46. He was commander of the Pa. dept. of Veterans of Foreign Wars,
1928-29 and national commander-in-chief of the American Legion, 1933-35.
Member of Hiram Lodge No. 616, Altoona, Pa., receiving degrees on April 15,
May 20, June 24, 1926. Also a Shriner.
James K. Vardaman (1861-1930) Governor and U.S. Senator from
Mississippi. b. July 26, 1861 in Jackson Co., Texas. Read law and admitted to
the bar in 1882, practicing at Winona, Miss. Became editor of the Winona
Advance in 1883; the Greenwood (Miss.) Enterprise, 1890-96; established The
Commonwealth at Greenwood in 1896 and became editor of The Issue at Jackson in
1908. Served in state house six years. Elected governor of Miss. for
term1904-08 and U.S. Senator, 1913-19. Mason. d. June 25, 1930.
William S. Vare (1867-1934) U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania,
1927-30. b. Dec. 24, 1867. Entered mercantile life at 15. Served on
Philadelphia council, was recorder of deeds three terms, and served as U.S.
congressman, 1913-27. Was elected to U.S. senate in 1926 for the term of
192733, but was rejected by the senate in 1930 because of excessive campaign
expenditures. Member of Vaux Lodge No. 383, Philadelphia. d. Aug. 8, 1934.
Jose Maria Vargas (1786-1854) Second President of the Republic of
Venezuela, 1835-36. A physician and statesman, he was vice president in 1834
and senator, 1838-46. From 184749 he was councilor of state and after 1853 was
a resident of the United States. He was an 18° member of the Scottish Rite.
Charles A. Varnum (1849-?) Recipient of the Congressional Medal of
Honor. b. June 21, 1849. He served under General Custer. Was a life member of
Olive Branch Lodge No. 47, Sturgis City, S. Dak. from 1881. Deceased.
James M. Varnum (1748-1789) Brigadier General of American
Revolution. b. Dec. 17, 1748 in Dracut, Mass. Was in first graduating class of
Brown U. (1769). Admitted to the bar in 1771 and settled in East Greenwich,
R.I. In 1774 he became colonel of the Kentish Guards, and at the start of the
Revolution, was commissioned as colonel of the 1st R.I. Inf., on May 8, 1775.
Was present at the shelling of Roxbury, Mass., the siege of Boston, the action
at Harlem Heights, and the Battle of White Plains. Appointed brigadier general
of Rhode Island troops Dec. 12, 1776 and to same rank in Continental Army Feb.
12, 1777. Commanded the Amen-
Pierre G. Vassal can troops on the Jersey side of the Delaware at the Battle
of Red Bank. He was at Valley Forge in the winter of 1778, where Washington
called him "the light of the camp." Resigned commission on March 5, 1779
because of ill health, and resumed law practice at East Greenwich, R.I., where
he was recognized as an eloquent orator. He was major general of R.I. militia,
1779-88. Was a member of the Continental Congress from R.I. in 1780-82 and
1786-87. In Oct., 1787, he was appointed by congress as one of the judges of
the Northwest Territory, and he moved to Marietta, Ohio, in June, 1788. He was
an original member of the Society of the Cincinnati and second president of
the R.I. society of that order. He was a member of St. John's Lodge No. 1,
Providence, RI., and at the St. John's Day in Dec., 1778 was the speaker for
the lodge celebration at which Major General John Sullivan, q.v., was the
guest of honor. His Masonic funeral at what is now Marietta, Ohio, was the
first Masonic gathering in the Northwest Territory of record. d. Jan. 10,
Pierre G. Vassal (1769-1840) French physician who is said to have
introduced the use of Digitalis purpurea (dried leaves of the foxglove plant)
as a treatment of diseases of the heart. b. Oct. 24, 1769 at Manosques,
France. Began ecclesiastical studies, but left for 18 months in army during
the Revolution. Later studied medicine and gained a wide reputation as a
physician. He was initiated about 1811 and thereafter took an active part in
the Craft. He presided in the lodge, chapter, and Areopagus of the Scottish
Rite and in 1819 was elected secretary-general of the Grand Orient, and in
1827, president of the College of Rites. He attained the 33° AASR. His
principal Masonic works are Historical Essay on the Institution of the
Scottish Rite in 1827 and General History of Initiation Since Its Origin Upto
Its Institution in France in 1832. d. May 4, 1840.
Diana Vaughan A character fabricated by the rogue, Leo Taxil. See
interesting story under Taxil's biography.
Harry H. Vaughan Major General and Aide to President Truman. b.
Nov. 26, 1893 in Glasgow, Mo. Graduate of Westminster Coll., Fulton, Mo., in
1916. Began as a chemist in wood preservation; later plant superintendent and
from 1935-39, a manufacturers' agent. Was secretary to Harry S. Truman when
U.S. Senator, 1940-41. Served with Mo. Natl. Guard on Mexican Border and in
35th Div., U.S. Army, in 1917-19. In 1942-43 he was with U.S. Air Forces in
Australia. Mason, National Sojourner, and member of Almas Shrine Temple,
Washington, D.C.
Horace W. Vaughan (1867-1922) U.S. Congressman and Federal Judge
of Hawaii. b. Dec. 2, 1867 in Marion Co., Texas. Admitted to Texas bar in 1885
and practiced at Texarkana. Was city attorney, county attorney and district
attorney. Member of state senate, 1910-13; U.S. congressman to 63rd Congress,
1913-15; U.S. attorney for Hawaii, 1915-16 and Federal judge of Hawaii after
1916. Received degrees in Border Lodge No. 672, Texarkana, Texas, being raised
May 7, 1897. Was master from 1899-1904 and grand orator of Grand Lodge of
Texas in 1912. He dirnitted on July 9, 1915 upon moving to Hawaii and probably
affiliated there. d. Nov. 10, 1922.
Richard Vaux (1816-1895) U.S. Congressman to 51st Congress,
189091, from Pa. b. Dec. 19, 1816 in Philadelphia. Admitted to the bar at
Philadelphia in 1837. In diplomatic service in Great Britain one year, and
declined appointment as secretary of legation at St. Petersburg. Served in
Claude Joseph Vernet state house of representatives in 1839; was recorder of
deeds and later mayor of Philadelphia. Was raised in Lodge No. 3, Philadelphia
on Feb. 21, 1843; exalted in Harmony Chapter No. 52, R.A.M. on Sept. 24, 1846;
exalted in Philadelphia Commandery No. 42, K.T., Nov. 16, 1855. As grand
master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, he laid the cornerstone of the
Masonic Temple at Philadelphia in 1868. d. March 22, 1895.
James C. Veatch (1819-1895) Union General of Civil War. b. Dec.
19, 1819 in Elizabethtown, Ind. Practiced law for many years. Was in state
legislature in 1861-62 and became colonel of the 25th Ind. Vols. in 1861. Made
brigadier general in April, 1862 and breveted major general in Aug., 1865, at
which time he retired from the Army. Was engaged at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, the
sieges of Corinth and Vicksburg, the Atlanta campaign, and the siege and
capture of Mobile. Became adjutant general of Indiana in 1869 and was
collector of internal revenue from 1870-83. Member of Rockport Lodge No. 112,
Rockport, Ind. d. Dec. 22, 1895.
George G. Verbryck General Grand Master of the General Grand
Council, R. & S.M., 1960-63. b. July 28, 1895 in Cambria, Wyo. Moved to Salt
Lake City, Utah, with parents, in 1902. Attended U. of Utah; was graduated
from U. of Chicago in 1916 and Rush Medical College in 1919. First practiced
medicine at Gooding and Glenns Ferry, Idaho, and finally at Long Beach,
Calif., where he has been in general practice many years. Member of Los
Angeles Co. Medical Assn., California Medical Assn., the American Academy of
General Practice; fellow of American Geriatric Society. On staffs of Long
Beach Hospital, Memorial Hospital, St. Mary's Hospital, and Community
Hospital, being chief of staff of latter in 1947. Raisedin Argenta Lodge No.
3, Salt Lake City on Sept. 25, 1917, and now life member of Seaside Lodge No.
504, Long Beach, Calif. Exalted in King Solomon Chapter No. 16, R.A.M., of
Gooding, Idaho, and now member of Searchlight Chapter No. 133, serving as high
priest in 1939 and grand high priest of Grand Chapter of Calif. in 1948.
Greeted in Menelik Council, R. & SM., of Gooding, Idaho, and now member of
Long Beach Council No. 26, serving as master in 1938-41 and grand master of
Grand Council of Calif. in 1940. Knighted in Long Beach Commandery No. 40, K.T.
in 1939 and commander in 1944. In AASR (SJ), he received KCCH in 1939 and 33°
in 1945; past sovereign of St. Croix Conclave No. 63, R.C.C. and intendant
general for Southern Calif. Also member of El Bekal Shrine Temple, Mizpah
Grotto, Long Beach Pyramid, Sciots.
Pierre T. Verhaegen (1796-1862) Belgian lawyer and statesman.
While a young man, he was elected to the Belgian senate, and in that chamber
defended Freemasonry many times against the accusations and attacks of the
clergy. He was one of the founders of the University Libre (free university)
in Brussels. He earned the title of "fighter for Freedom and Liberty in
Belgium." In 1854 he was elected grand master of the Grand Orient of Belgium.
In this capacity he advocated his belief that Freemasonry should take an
active part in political events. Only after his death did the Grand Orient of
Belgium restore the "landmark" that no religious or political discussion
should be held in Masonic lodges.
Claude Joseph Vernet (1714-1789) French painter of marines and
landscapes. Was father of Horace Vernet (1789-1863), who specialized in battle
and genre scenes and Arab life. Both were Freemasons according to the
277 J.
H. Vernhes Bulletin of the International Masonic Congress of 1917.
J. H. Vernhes A French litterateur and Masonic writer, who in 1813
wrote Essay on. the History of Freemasonry Since Its Establishment Up to Our
Days, and in 1820 The Perfect Mason or Complete Repository of Symbolic
Masonry. The latter contained a rational refutation of several works which had
been written against the Order. He became an active disciple of the Rite of
Mizraim. In 1821 he was head of the Lodge of Perfect Humanity at Montpellier.
George Graham Vest (1830-1904) U.S. Senator from Missouri,
1879-1903. Noted for his famous "Tribute to a Dog," delivered in a court case
which involved the shooting of a Missouri hound dog. b. Dec. 6, 1830 in
Frankfort, Ky. Graduate of Centre Coll., Danville, in 1848 and law department
of Transylvania U. at Lexington in 1853. Admitted to the bar in that year and
practiced at Georgetown, Mo., moving to Boonville, Mo. in 1856. Member of
state legislature in 186061. In 1862 he espoused the Confederate cause and
became judge advocate in General Price's Confederate forces of Missouri. He
served in the Confederate congress as a representative from Feb. 1862 to Jan.
12, 1865, when he resigned to serve in the Confederate senate. He resumed law
practice at Sedalia, Mo. in 1865, moving to Kansas City in 1877. Retired from
public life in 1903 and lived at Sweet Springs, Mo. His lodge was in Kentucky,
and on Feb. 28, 1868, he was exalted in Sedalia Chapter, No. 18, R.A.M. of
Sedalia, dimitting in 1879 when he went to Washington, D.C. as senator. d.
Aug. 9, 1904.
Albert H. Vestal (1875-1932) U.S. Congressman to 65th-71st
Congresses, 1917-31, from 8th Ind. dist. b. Jan. 18, 1875 in Frankton, Ind.
Admitted to the bar in 1896 and began practiceat Anderson, Ind. Member of Mt.
Moriah Lodge No. 77, Anderson, Ind., receiving degrees on May 31, June 1, 2,
1922 and in good standing at death on April 1, 1932.
Auguste de Viany Masonic writer of Tuscany, and one of the
founders of the Philosophic Scottish Rite there. Was the author of many
essays, discourses, and dissertations on Masonic subjects and collected a
large number of manuscript degrees and rituals.
Arthur Lionel Vibert (1872-1938) English Masonic author. Was in
civil service in India, 1891-1918. Initiated in the Royal Alfred Lodge, Jersey
in 1892, he joined the Quatuor Coronati Lodge in 1917 and was master in 1921.
He served as secretary of that research lodge from 1928-36 and was Prestonian
lecturer in 1925-26. Was honored as honorary past grand warden of the Grand
Lodge of Iowa. His works include The Story of the Craft; Freemasonry Before
Grand Lodges; Rare Books of Freemasonry and the Compagnonnage.
Queen Alexandrina Victoria (18191901) Queen of England, 1837-1901.
She was the only child of George III's fourth son, Edward, Duke of Kent, q.v.
Her father was the last grand master of the "Ancients" in England (1813) and
her son, Edward VIII, became grand master of the United Grand Lodge of England
in 1874. At the death of her father, she announced that as a monument to his
memory, she would appoint herself as Royal Patroness of the Fraternity in the
British Empire. She became patroness of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys
in 1852 and chief patroness of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls in
1882. At a great assembly of Freemasons at the Royal Albert Hall under the
presidency of the Prince of Wales, an address was voted to Her Majesty on her
Jubilee. She then received a deputation from
Frederick M. Vinson the grand lodge on Aug. 2, 1887, when the address was
presented. The same occurred in 1897 on her diamond jubilee.
Gabriel Gonzales Videla Former President of Chile. Was a member of
Luz Esperanza Lodge No. 11 at Serena.
Egbert L. Viele (1825-1902) Brigadier General of Volunteers
(Union) in Civil War. b. June 17, 1825 in Waterford, N.Y. Graduate of West
Point in 1847. He served in Mexican War and also in Indian campaigns on
Western frontier, resigning from Army in 1850. Settled in N.Y. as a civil
engineer, and was state engineer of N.J., 1854-56. In 1856 he was appointed
chief engineer of Central Park, N.Y.C., and prepared original plans adopted
for that park. Later, engineer for Prospect Park, Brooklyn, but resigned to
enter army, and commanded the force that opened the Potomac River to
Washington. Was captain of 7th N.Y. Engineers and brigadier general of
volunteers in Aug., 1861. Was second in command of the Port Royal expedition
and commander at the capture of Fort Pulaski. He planned and executed the
march on Norfolk, Va., and was military governor of Norfolk. After the war he
was an engineer on many public works, and served in the U.S. congress,
1885-87, from N.Y. Member of Kane Lodge No. 545, N.Y.C. d. 1902.
Count Michael U. Vielgorsky (17871862) Prominent Russian statesman
who was a zealous Mason, devoting his life to charity and encouragement of art
and science. He was master of the Lodge of Palestine in 1810. This lodge was
formed under the French ritual on March 4, 1809. Under his leadership the
lodge acquired many devoted adherents and grew to 75 members. He was grand
master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Russia in1817, succeeding General
Gerebzov, q.v.
Feliciano Viera President of Uruguay, 1915-19. An active member of
the Grand Orient of Uruguay.
Dr. Laureano Villanueva Provisional President of the Republic of
Venezuela in 1879. A 33° AASR member.
George Villiers (see 2nd Duke of Buckingham).
Bird J. Vincent (1880-1931) U.S. Congressman to 68th-71st
Congresses, 1923-31, from 8th Mich. dist. b. March 6, 1880 in Clarkston, Mich.
Graduate of U. of Mich. in 1905. Practiced law in Saginaw. Served overseas in
WWI. Member of Ancient Landmarks Lodge No. 303, Saginaw, Mich. receiving
degrees on June 10, 30, July 4, 1909. d. July 18, 1931.
John Vining (1758-1802) Member of the Continental Congress,
1784-86; U.S. Congressman to 1st-2nd Congresses, 1789-93; and U.S. Senator
from Delaware, 1793-98. b. Dec. 23, 1758 in Dover, Del. Admitted to the bar in
1782 and began practice in New Castle Co., Del. Member of Lodge No. 63 at
Lewis Town, Del. d. Feb., 1802.
Frederick M. Vinson (1890-1953) U.S. Secretary of the Treasury,
194546; Chief Justice, Supreme Court of U.S., 1946-53. b. Jan. 22, 1890 in
Louisa, Ky. Graduate of Centre Coll. (Ky.) in 1909 and 1911. Began law
practice at Louisa, Ky. in latter year. Member of 68th-70th and 72nd-75th
Congresses from Ky. Resigned from congress in 1938 to become associate justice
of U.S. court of appeals for Dist. of Col., and served until 1942 when
appointed as chief judge of U.S. emergency court of appeals. Resigned the
latter in 1943 to become director of Office of Economic Stabilization, serving
until 1945 when he
David Vinton was appointed federal loan administrator. In April, 1945 he was
appointed director of Office War Mobilization and Reconversion, and in July,
same year, made secretary of treasury. Member of Apperson Lodge No. 195 and
Louisa Chapter No. 95, R.A.M., both of Louisa, Ky. d. Sept. 8, 1953.
David Vinton (1774-1833?) Wrote the words for Pleyel's Hymn which
is still used as a Masonic funeral dirge. b. Jan. 6, 1774 in Medford, Mass.
Was proposed for membership in Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 4, Providence, R.I. on
Feb. 7, 1811 and received his degrees on March 11 and April 24 of that year.
He became a teacher of the ritual, mainly in the states of North and South
Carolina. In 1821 he was expelled by the Grand Lodge of North Carolina for
selling manuscripts of the Masonic lectures and for conferring the Mark and
Past Master degrees without authority. (At that time they were probably
conferred by the lodges in that state.) His own lodge, however, rose to his
defense. The original dirge was first published by him in 1816 at Dedham,
Mass. in a volume of Masonic music entitled, The Masonic Minstrel, which sold
more than 12,000 copies. By trade he was a goldsmith. His death date is given
variously as 1833, 1830 and 1826.
John C. Vivian Governor of Colorado, 1943-47. b. June 30, 1887.
Was state editor of Denver Times, 1911-12, and served as city and county
attorney. Was lieutenant governor, 193842. Served with Marines in WWI. Member
of Golden City Lodge No. 1, Golden, Colo. and 32° AASR (SJ) .
Paul J. S. Vogel (1753-?) German Masonic writer. Published Letters
Concerning Freemasonry in 1785 at Nuremberg, in three volumes. The first
treated the Knights Templar; the second of the Ancient Mysteries, and third of
Freemasonry. It was theearliest attempt made in Germany to trace the Craft
from the operatives or stonemasons of the Middle Ages. The research in recent
years indicates that his approach was the most logical in Freemasonry's family
tree. He was a professor of theology.
Theodore Vogel. German industrialist and first Grand Master of the
United Grand Lodge of Germany, 1949-55. b. July 31, 1901 in Schweinfurt,
Bavaria. Attended the universities at Frankfurt and Wurzburg, receiving his
first degree in 1925, and his doctorate in engineering in 1933 at Darmstadt.
He was an engineer and later chief engineer in Nurnberg and Schweinfurt in a
factory for steel constructions. Because of Nazi persecution, he was forced to
retire from his positions and took up work as a private consulting engineer.
In 1945 he returned to Schweinfurt and is now the owner of two factories for
steel doors and windows (in Schweinfurt and Sontra). Active in civic and
public affairs, he served as vice president of the Wurzburg chamber of
commerce and was president of the Union of Bavarian Industries. Member of
various boards of directors in Berlin, Schweinfurt, etc. Became a Mason at
same time as his father in 1927 in the lodge Brudertreue ant Main No. 422 at
Schweinfurt, and served the lodge as chaplain until 1933 when Hitler forbade
Masonic activity. After the war, when the American service men assisted in the
reconstitution of German Freemasonry, he became master of the lodge, and was
elected district deputy grand master for Bavaria in 1947. At the founding of
the United Grand Lodge of Germany in St. Paul's Cathedral in Frankfurt, he was
unanimously elected grand master, serving in the difficult times when
Freemasonry was gradually rebuilt. A successor was elected grand master in
1955, but soon died, and Vogel was again reelected in 1956. He became
Rufus Bernhard von Kleinsmid one of the first Royal Arch Masons in Germany,
having the degrees communicated to him in the U.S. Became a member of Living
Arch Chapter No. 1 of Frankfurt, Europe Council, R. & S.M., and Hermann von
Salza Commandery, K.T. He served as the first grand high priest of the Grand
Chapter, R.A.M. of Germany for two years. Is one of the founders of the Order
of High Priesthood in Germany. Is a member of the German Supreme Council of
the Scottish Rite and a 33° since 1949. Is a frequent visitor to the annual
Conference of Grand Masters in the U.S.
Voltaire (1694-1778) Full name was Francois Marie Arouet de
Voltaire. French writer and philosopher. He gained fame as the defender of
victims of religious intolerance and as a master of satire. This won him the
condemnation of the established church, who labeled him an "atheist," and who
still ban his books until this day. He was educated under the Jesuits and
began writing at an early age. He was confined to the Bastille in 1717-18 and
again in 1726, but made good use of his time by writing. Banished to England,
he wrote his observations on English social and political institutions, which
caused such an uproar that he was forced to seek seclusion in Lorraine from
1734-49. In 1750 he accepted an invitation to visit Frederick the Great, q.v.,
at the Prussian court, where he produced his greatest historical work, Le
Siecle de Louis XIV. He quarreled with Frederick, left Prussia in 1753, and
spent his last 20 years at Ferney, near Geneva. He was initiated into
Freemasonry on April 7, 1778, less than two months before his death. The event
took place at Paris in the lodge of Les Neuf Soeurs. The ceremony was
conducted by the celebrated French astronomer, Joseph Lalande, q.v., who had
as his wardens the Comte de Stroganoff, court chamber-lain to Empress
Catherine of Russia, and Colonel de Laroche. He entered the lodge escorted by
Benjamin Franklin, the American ambassador, and Count de Gebelin. It is
recorded that the scene was one of unusual brilliance. Owing to Voltaire's
age, distinction and debility, the usual preparations were dispensed with. The
apron with which the candidate was invested was one which belonged to the
philosopher Claude Helvetius, q.v. Despite the charges of the established
church, Voltaire was a Diest rather than an Athiest. At his own expense he
erected a church on his estate and dedicated it to God. One of his most quoted
statements is: "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him."
The fact that he became a Freemason is conclusive proof to all members of the
Craft that he believed in Diety. His last words were "I die adoring God,
loving my friends, not hating my enemies, and detesting superstition." d. May
30, 1778.
Von Goethe (see under Goethe).
Ferdinand Rudolph von Grofe. (see Ferde Grofe).
Karl August von Hardenberg (see under Hardenberg).
Rolf Magnus von Heidenstam (see under "Heidenstam").
Johann G. von Herder (see under Herder).
Baron Karl G. von Hund (see under Hund).
Rufus Bernhard von Kleinsmid Former President and Chancellor for
life of the University of Southern California. b. June 27, 1875 in Sandwich,
Ill. Following his first degree from Oberlin Academy (Ohio) in 1897, he
received advanced degrees from Northwestern U. in 1905, 1906 and from U. of
Arizona in 1914. Holds
August Friedrich F. von Kotzebue many honorary doctorates from universities in
America and throughout the world. He was professor of education at DePauw U.,
1905-09, and professor of education and psychology, 1909-14; from 1914-21 was
president of the U. of Arizona; and from 1921-47, was president of the U. of
Southern California, being named life chancellor of same on his retirement in
April, 1947. While in Indiana he was associate superintendent and director of
the research department of the Indiana reformatory at Jeffersonville, 1912-14
and consulting psychologist to same, 1914-18. Connected with many state,
regional, national and international organizations in fields of penology,
history, archaeology, family relations, and cinematography. Has been decorated
by scores of foreign countries. Was member of International Prison Conference
in London, 1925; delegate to Pan American Scientific Congress in Washington,
1915; member of National Commission on Prisons and Prison Labor. Member and
past master of James Madison Lodge No. 572, Los Angeles; grand orator of the
Grand Lodge of California in 1927. A York Rite Mason and member of Los Angeles
Commandery No. 9, K.T., and past sovereign of St. Gabriel Conclave No. 14, Red
Cross of Constantine. Received 33° in Scottish Rite (SJ).
August Friedrich F. von Kotzebue. (see under "Kotzebue").
Count Felix von Luckier German naval officer who was famous in the
first World War as a sea raider. b. in 1886. Made a name for himself in the
Battle of Jutland. In 1937-39 he made a world tour in his yacht, The Sea
Devil. He is the author of Der See-Teufel and Der See-Tuefel Erobert Amerika.
He suffered much during the persecution of Freemasons in Germany under the
Nazis. He is a member of Zur Goldenen Kugel Lodge No. 66 of Hamburg, Germany.
An AP news dispatch of June 14, 1959 from Nurnberg stated that he had been
named "German Grand Master of the Knights Templar, a Masonic organization."
This is, however, not Masonic.
Erich von Ludendorff (see under Ludendorff).
Joachim von Ribbentrop (1893-1946) Organizer of the Nazi
government in Germany and an anti-Mason. Served in WWI and after the war
became a wine merchant. He conducted negotiations between Hitler and the
German government in 1930 and identified himself with the Hitler movement and
the organizing of the Nazi government in 1933. Was ambassador at large in 1935
and ambassador to Great Britain in 1936-38. Became minister of foreign affairs
in 1938-45 and as such negotiated the AngloGerman naval agreement of 1935; the
German-Japanese anti-Comintern agreement of 1936; the Russo-German Non-agression
Pact of 1939 and the Italo-German-Japanese alliance of 1940. At the war-crime
trials at Nurnberg he offered the following in evidence: "I have been a
patriot all my life. I have placed myself at the disposal of Adolf Hitler in
the desire to help him save our country from ruin in 1933 and to build up a
strong and united Germany in Europe. . . . I always was an opponent to the
radical party programme. I have always opposed the policy against the Jews,
churches, Freemasons, etc., which I considered in principal a fault and which
has caused considerable difficulties in foreign politics." Hanged as a war
criminal in 1946.
Johann C. von Schiller (see under Schiller).
Johann A. von Starck (see under Starck).
282 Count Pericles Voultsos Heinrich von Stephan (1831-1897)
German statesman and first postmaster general of the German Empire. It was Dr.
von Stephan who was the moving spirit in founding the Universal Postal Union
while a Prussian postmaster general. He first proposed a postal union in 1868,
but the Franco-Prussian War caused the plan to be temporarily dropped. In 1874
he succeeded in getting 22 governments to send delegates to a meeting in
Berne, Switzerland, where a treaty was adopted. In 1949, the 75th anniversary
of the UPU, about 175 countries issued some 600 stamps in commemoration of
that event and many bore the picture of von Stephan as the founder. He was a
member of the lodge Teutonia zur Weisheit, in Potsdam, having been initiated
in 1868.
Frederick William von Steuben (see under Steuben).
Johann W. von Zinnendorf (see under Zinnendorf).
Daniel W. Voorhees (1827-1897) U.S. Senator and Representative
from Indiana. b. Sept. 26, 1827 in Butler Co., Ohio, moving to Indiana with
parents in early childhood. Graduate of Indiana Asbury (now De Pauw) U. at
Greencastle in 1849; studied law and admitted to the bar in 1851, practicing
at Covington. He later moved to Terre Haute. Served as U.S. congressman from
1861-66 and again 1869-73. U.S. senator from 1877-97. Member of Fountain Lodge
No. 60, Covington, Ind. Is recorded as having made a Masonic address at Terre
Haute in Dec., 1873. d. April 9, 1897.
Foster M. Voorhees (1856-1927) Governor of New Jersey, 1899-1901.
b. Nov. 5, 1856 in Clinton, N.J. Graduate of Rutgers in 1876, 1879. Admitted
to the bar in 1880 and practiced at Elizabeth, N.J., from that date. Served in
both branches of state legislature. Raised Feb. 17, 1899 in Washington Lodge
No. 33, Elisabeth. Received Scottish Rite degrees in May, 1899. d. June 14,
William M. Voorhies Brigadier General in Confederate Army in Civil
War. b. Sept. 4, 1815 in Maury Co., Tenn. Made Master Mason in Miss. in 1863;
received Royal Arch in Columbia, Tenn., in 1866; member of DeMolay Commandery
No. 3. Served as senior warden of the lodge, high priest of the chapter and
generalissimo of the commandery.
Harold V. B. Voorhis Analytical chemist and assayer. Masonic
author. b. Jan. 3, 1894 in Red Bank, N.J. Educated at Columbia U. Joined the
firm of Bull & Roberts in 1912 as a laboratory assistant. In 1947 he became
secretary and treasurer of the firm. Served in U.S. Navy in WWI. Was raised in
Mystic Brotherhood Lodge No. 21, Red Bank, N.J. on June 1, 1920, and past
master of same. Is member of practically every Masonic body. Has made many
special studies of Freemasonry and maintains a list of the oldest living
Freemasons. He is the author of History of Negro Freemasonry in the United
Count Pericles Voultsos Musician. b. Jan. 26, 1910 in Athens,
Greece. Studied at N.Y.U., College of Music, U. of Chicago and Aquinas U. A
musician since 1930, he was music critic for Greek daily papers, 1948-50 and
for National Herald, N.Y.C., 1949-50. He composed three operettas, including
Maid of Phaleron, wrote four piano sonatas, and Mass in C, 1831. Was awarded
the Grand Cordon of Holy Sepulchre, 1931; Order of St. Mark, 1st Class, 1948;
Commander, Order of Malta; officer of Order of Danilo I; chevalier of Order of
Polonia Restituta; commander, Order of S.S. Maurice & Lazarus (Italy);
commander of Crown of Italy; chevalier of Order
283 J.
de Vries of St. Anne (Russia). Member of Parthenon Lodge No. 1101, N.Y.C.,
receiving degrees on Oct. 23, Nov. 13, 27, 1935. 32° AASR (NJ).
J. de Vries (1887-1945) Banker of Amsterdam, Holland. For many
years he was secretary of the Lodge, Post Nubila Lux, in Amsterdam. During his
life he pioneered the General League of Freemasons in Holland. He lectured and
wrote much in explanation for the need of cooperation between the various
lodges. He served for many years as secretary of the league, and gave of his
own wealth to make a success of the organization. During the German occupation
of Holland in WWII, he suffered much at the hands of the enemy.
John Black Vrooman Masonic writer and editor. b. March 4, 1899 at
Chicago, Ill. His maternal grandfather was General John Charles Black, q.v.
Educated at Oxford, England; graduate of Wabash Coll., Crawfordsville, Ind.,
in 1921 and post graduate work at Indiana State Normal and Fairmont Coll.,
Wichita, Kans. His first employment was as a teacher in the American Indian
Institute, Wichita, Kans. He later taught high school in Versailles, Ill.;
French instructor at Fairmont Coll.; reporter on the Wichita Eagle; editor of
the Kansas Masonic Digest, 1930-42. Since 1954 he has been executive secretary
and editor of the Philalethes magazine and editor of The Freemason, official
publication of the Grand Lodge of Missouri since 1960. He is also librarian of
the Scottish Rite Bodies of St. Louis and editor of the Scottish, Rite
Magazine. He has also been employedby the Masonic Service Association since
1941, first in charge of the Masonic Service Center in Rolla, Mo. until 1946;
established the Masonic hospital visitation program at Jefferson Barracks,
Mo., 1946-54 and since 1954 has been the Masonic Hospital Visitor at the John
J. Cochran Veterans Hospital in St. Louis. Initiated in Montgomery Lodge No.
50, Crawfordsville, Ind. on May 9, 1921, he is presently a member of Equality
Lodge No. 497 of Newburg, Mo., since 1943, serving as master in 1945. Exalted
in Wichita Chapter No. 33, R.A.M., Wichita, Kansas, is presently member of
Rolla Chapter No. 33, Rolla, Mo. Greeted in Wichita Council No. 12, R. & S.M.
in 1941, presently member of Rolla Council No. 39. Knighted in Rolla
Commandery No. 59, K.T., July 2, 1942, and commander in 1946. Received 32°
AASR (SJ) at Wichita on Nov. 15, 1923 and presently a member in St. Louis,
received KCCH in Oct., 1957. Created member of KYCH in 1946. Also member of
O.E.S., National Sojourners, Heroes of '76, Missouri Lodge of Research and
Grand College of. Rites, being one of the three honorary life Fellows of the
Charles W. Vursell U.S. Congressman to 78th-84th Congresses from
Ill. b. at Salem, Ill., in 1881. Was first a hardware merchant and later in
publishing business. Served in state legislature, 1915-17, and was sheriff of
Marion Co., 1910-14. Member of Marion Lodge No. 130, Salem, Ill. receiving
degrees on Sept. 19, Oct. 20, Nov. 27, 1906 and is a 50-year member of that
284 Maharaja Sir Jaya Chamaraja Wadiyar Governor of Mysore
(India). An author and scholar of philosophy. While in Minneapolis, Minn. in
1959, he was entertained by the grand master and other grand lodge officers of
that state. The maharaja holds membership under both the Grand Lodge of
England and Grand Lodge of Scotland. He is a member and past master of Lodge
No. 1811, in Mysore.
Robert Pershing Wadlow (19181940) Tallest person in medical
history. He was 1.7 inches less than nine feet tall and weighed almost 500
pounds. Masonic ceremonies were conducted at the grave. Received degrees in
Franklin Lodge No. 25, Alton, Ill. on Oct. 19, 31, Nov. 4, 1939.
Peleg Wadsworth (1748-1829) Brigadier General of Militia in
Revolutionary War and U.S. congressman from Mass. to 3rd-9th congresses,
1793-1807. b. May 6, 1748 in Dux-bury, Mass. Graduate of Harvard Coll. in
1769. Engaged in mercantile pursuits in Kingston, Mass. Served in
Revolutionary Army as an aide to Gen. Artemas Ward; an engineer under Gen.
Thomas and brigadier general of militia in 1777. Was adjutant general of Mass.
in 1778. Moved to Portland, Maine, in 1784 (then a district of Mass.) and
became a land agent. Moved to Oxford Co., Maine in 1807 to survey and improve
a large tract granted him by the government, and here established the town of
Hiram, Maine. Was a member of St. John's Lodge of Boston. He was the maternal
grandfather of the American poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. d. Nov. 12,
Eberhard Baron von Waechter (1747-1825) Lord of the Chamber to the
King of Denmark and Danish Ambassador at Ratisbon. b. in 1747. He was at one
time an active member of the Rite of Strict Observance, bearing the name Eques
a ceraso. He was sent to Italy by the old Scottish lodge of which the Duke
Ferdinand was grand master, that he might obtain some information on the Rite
of Strict Observance and learn something of the unknown superiors claimed by
that rite. He returned with intelligence unfavorable to Von Hund and increased
the embarrassments of the Strict Observance group. They in turn accused him of
secretly attaching himself to the Jesuits. d. May 25, 1825.
Russell R. Waesche (1886-1946) Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard. b. Jan.
6, 1886 in Thurmont, Md. Graduate of U.S. Coast Guard Academy in 1906 and
advanced through grades to admiral in 1945. Was appointed rear admiral and
commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard in 1936; reappointed in 1940 and again in
1944. Received degrees in Acacia Lodge No. 155 (Md.) on April 6, 7, 8, 1908.
Suspended NPD March 4, 1936; reinstated Nov. 2, 1936 and suspended again Jan.
16, 1939. d. Oct. 17, 1946.
John "Honus" Wagner (1874-1955) Original member of the Baseball
Hall of Fame at Cooperstown, N.Y. b. Feb. 24, 1874 at Carnegie, Pa. He was a
member of the Pittsburgh Pirate Na-
Louis Wagner tional League team from 1900-17. Previous to that he had played
three years with the Louisville team. He was probably the greatest shortstop
in baseball history, and some claim him to be the greatest player. He was
known as "Honus," "Hans" and "The Flying Dutchman." When he retired in 1917,
he had scored more runs, made more hits and stolen more bases than any other
player in the history of his league. A life member of Centennial Lodge No.
544, Carnegie, Pa., he received the degrees on March 17, April 21, May 19,
1919. d. Dec. 6, 1955.
Louis Wagner (1838-1914) Brigadier General (Brevet) in Civil War
and Commander-in-Chief of G.A.R. in 1880-81. b. Aug. 4, 1838 in Giessen, Hesse-Darmstadt,
Germany. Came to Philadelphia with his family in 1849. He entered the Union
Army in 1861 and rose through the ranks to colonel in 1863 and brevet
brigadier general in 1865. Was badly wounded at Second Battle of Bull Run and
the wound broke out anew at Chancellorsville. He was then placed in charge of
Camp William Penn for the organization of colored troops and sent to the front
over 14,000 men. Began in insurance business in 1866 and was president of the
Third National Bank of Philadelphia from 1891. Held many city offices in
Philadelphia. Received degrees in Harmony Lodge No. 52, Philadelphia on Jan.
4, Feb. 1, March 1, 1865 and was master in 1872. d. Jan. 15, 1914.
Richard Wagner (1813-1883) German composer. b. 1813 in Leipzig.
Although not a Freemason, he wanted to be. He had many Masonic influences in
his life, including his family and friends. His brother-in-law,. Prof. Oswald
Marbach, was one of the most important personalities in Freemasonry during
Wagner's time, and in view of the Masonic aspects of his Parsifal, it is
speculated that helearned much of Masonic ritual and ideas from Marbach.
Marbach held the chair of the chapter Ba/duin, Zur Linde of Leipzig for more
than 30 years, and was an honorary member of more than 50 lodges. Another
great friend was the banker, Feustel in Bayreuth, who from 1863-69 was master
of the lodge Zur Sonne in Bayreuth. In 1847 Feustel proposed that the lodge
abolish the restrictions on non-Christians becoming members. Seemingly, Wagner
informed Feustel of his desire to become a member of the lodge Eleusis zur
Verschuregenheit in Bayreuth, but was advised not to submit a formal petition
as there were members who reproached Wagner for his personal life. Feustel
suggested to Wagner that his admission to the lodge would strengthen the
opposition of the Bavarian clericals if it was known he was a member of the
Webster Wagner (1817-1882) Inventor of the railroad sleeping car.
(See also George M. Pullman.) b. Oct. 2, 1817 near Palatine Bridge, N.Y.
Received a common school education and became a wagon maker. He subsequently
became a freight agent of the New York Central Railroad. In 1858 he had four
of his sleeping cars in operation, and their use gradually extended until they
were adopted on all the lines of the Vanderbilt system. In 1867 he
manufactured the first drawing-room car and founded the Wagner Palace-car Co.
of which he was president until his death. Served in both branches of the N.Y.
state legislature. Member of Hamilton Lodge No. 79. He was killed in a
railroad disaster on the Hudson River Railroad on Jan. 13, 1882.
Philip D. Wagoner President of Elliott-Fisher Co. since 1918. b.
July 24, 1876 in Somerville, N.J. Graduate of Stevens Inst. of Technology
(N.J.) in 1896. Began with General
Roscoe R. Walcutt Electric and in 1910 became president of its subsidiary, the
General Vehicle Co. He is honorary chairman of board and director of Underwood
Corp. (formerly Underwood-Elliott-Fisher Co.) a consolidation of
Elliott-Fisher Co., Underwood Typewriter Co. and Sunstrand Corp. He is a
member of York Lodge No. 197, N.Y.C.
Jonathan M. Wainwright (18831953) American general who was the
hero of Bataan in the Philippine fight and for which he was awarded the
Congressional Medal of Honor in 1945. b. Aug. 23, 1883 in Walla Walla, Wash.
Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1906, and advanced through grades to
brigadier general, 1938; lieutenant general (temp.) in 1942 and full general
in 1945. He retired from service on Aug. 31, 1947. In WWI he was on the
general staff of the 82nd Division at Toul, St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne.
Subsequently he was on general staff of 3rd Army in Germany. He was assigned
to Philippine duty in Oct., 1940 and commanded the Philippine Div. He served
throughout the Bataan campaign, and assumed command of all troops when
MacArthur, q.v., went to Australia. He was a prisoner of war for three years
and three months, being rescued in Manchuria in Aug., 1945. He became
commander of the 4th Army in 1946. He was stationed at this time in Fort Sam
Houston, Texas, but his domicile was in Kansas. At this time application was
made to the grand master of Kansas for a special dispensation to confer the
degress in less than required time. The degrees were given in full on the day
of May 16, 1946 in Union Lodge No. 7, Junction City, Kansas. He had been
previously elected on Dec. 20. The E.A. degree was given in the morning, the
F.C. and first section of the M.M. degree in the afternoon, and the second
section in the evening. Many of his military comrades were present.
Theproficiency only was waived, the work being conferred in full form
throughout. The following day (May 17) he received the Scottish Rite degrees (SJ)
at Salina, Kansas and on the same day took the Shrine degrees in Isis Temple,
Salina. Wainwright thus holds what is probably a record; from non-member to
Shriner in two days! He later received the KCCH, and in 1948 was awarded the
medal of the Grand Lodge of New York for distinguished achievement. He died
Sept. 2, 1953 and was buried on Sept. 8 in Arlington Cemetery with Masonic
Arthur E. Waite (1857-1942) English Christian mystic and writer on
Masonic and occult subjects. b. Oct. 2, 1857 in Brooklyn, N.Y. (site now
covered by approach to the Brooklyn Bridge). His mother returned to England
following the death of his father in 1858. Reared a Catholic, he later left
the church. Was initiated Sept. 19, 1901 and raised Feb. 10, 1902 in St.
Marylebone Lodge No. 1305, London. Was exalted May 1, 1902 in Metropolitan
Chapter and knighted in the Preceptory of St. George; later became a founder
of King Edward VII Preceptory. Among his writings are The Secret Tradition in
Freemasonry; Emblematic Freemasonry or a New Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry. A
large collection of his writings and letters is in the Iowa Grand Lodge
Library at Cedar Rapids. d. May 19, 1942.
Roscoe R. Walcutt General Grand Secretary of the General Grand
Chapter, R.A.M. since 1941; lawyer and judge. b. May 29, 1888 in Franklin Co.,
Ohio. Educated in Martin Boehm Academy (now Otterbein Coll.) and Bowling Green
State U., holding an LL.D. degree from the latter. He first taught in public
schools, and then turned to shorthand reporting before entering the legal
David Waldo profession. He served for a number of years in the Ohio state
senate and became Republican majority leader of that body. He is a polished
orator and greatly in demand. He is probate judge of Franklin Co., Ohio
(Columbus). Member of Blendon Lodge No. 339 of Westerville, he served as
master in 1916. Exalted in Horeb Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. of Westerville, he was
high priest in 1920 and grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Ohio in
1934. Greeted in Zabud Council No. 99, R. & S.M., Westerville, he was master
in 1920 and since 1940 has been grand recorder of the Grand Council R. & S.M.
of Ohio. Walcutt was knighted in Mt. Vernon Commandery No. 1, K.T., of
Columbus, and commander in 1936. Member of St. Jerome Conclave No. 32, R.C.C.;
received 32° AASR (NJ) in 1912 at Columbus and coroneted a 33°, honorary.
David Waldo (1802-1878) Pioneer doctor, soldier and New Mexico
trader. b. April 30, 1802 in Clarksburg, W. Va. Graduated in medicine in
Lexington, Ky. in 1822 and practiced in Missouri and New Mexico. In 1827 he
became interested in the commerce of the prairies and the push to the West,
and relinquished his general practice to engage in the overland trade to Santa
Fe and Chihuahua. He received his third degree in Missouri Lodge No. 1, St.
Louis on May 5, 1829, and then returned to Taos where he was the first
graduate medical doctor to practice in New Mexico. In the late thirties, he
returned to Missouri, where he remained until he joined Doniphan's expedition
as a captain of artillery. His brother was killed at Moro, N. Mex. during the
uprising of 1847, known as the Taos Rebellion. After the Mexican War he
returned to Independence, Mo. by way of New Orleans. In 1841 we find him one
of the charter members of Independence Lodge No. 35 at Independence, Mo.
He was an active Freemason and the records of New Mexico make
frequent reference to him. In 1861 he deeded a house and lot to Bent Lodge No.
204 of Taos. Unfortunately he was confined to an insane asylum at Fulton, Mo.
in his last years and failed to answer a summons of his lodge at Independence
to "appear and show cause" for nonpayment of dues. He was suspended, but at
his death when Masonic burial was requested in Independence, Mo., the grand
master ruled that he was illegally suspended, and was therefore reinstated. d.
May, 1878.
George E. Waldo (1851-1943) U.S. Congressman to 59th and 60th
Congresses from 5th N.Y. dist. b. Jan. 11, 1851 in Brooklyn. Admitted to the
bar in 1876. Moved to Pasadena, Calif. in 1913. Mason and 32° AASR. d. June
11, 1943.
Ernest L. Waldorf (1876-1943) Methodist Bishop. b. May 14, 1876 in
South Valley, N.Y. Graduate of Syracuse U. in 1900 and 1915. Ordained to
Methodist Episcopal ministry in 1900 and served churches in N.Y. until 1915,
when he went to Cleveland, 0. Became bishop in 1920, and was in charge of
Kans., Okla., Texas and La. areas; later Mo. was added. In 1932 he was
assigned to the Chicago area. Mason. d. July 27 1943.
Oscar of the Waldorf (see Oscar Tschirky).
John W. Waldron (1873-1935) President of Honokaa Sugar Co.,
Hawaii, from 1917. b. Aug. 2, 1873 in Bidford, England. With Empire Tobacco
Co., Montreal, Canada in 189697 and settled in Hawaii in 1897, becoming U.S.
citizen in 1906. Was also president of Hawaiian Irrigation Co., director of
Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co., Sugar Factors Co., Honolulu Iron Works and
Olaa Sugar Co. Raised in Hawaiian Lodge No. 21,
Paul A. Walker Hawaii on June 19, 1900 and withdrew Nov. 2, 1925. d. 1935.
Edward, Prince of Wales (see Edward VII).
Edward, Prince of Wales (see Edward VIII).
Frederick, Prince of Wales (see Louis Frederick).
George Augustus Frederick, Prince of Wales (see George IV).
John Wales (1783-1863) U.S. Senator from Delaware, 1849-51. b.
July 31, 1783 at New Haven, Conn. Graduate of Yale in 1801, studied law and
admitted to the bar in that year, practicing first at New Haven, later at
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Md., and after 1815 at Wilmington, Del. Was president
of the National Bank of Wilmington, and Brandywine; secretary of the state of
Delaware, 1845-49. Elected to senate to fill vacancy. One of founders of
Delaware Coll., Newark. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 4, Hartford, Conn. d.
Dec. 3, 1863.
Clifford M. Walker (1877-1954) Governor of Georgia, 1923-27. b.
July 4, 1877 in Monroe, Ga. Graduate of U. of Georgia in 1897 and admitted to
the bar that year. He served as mayor of Monroe, Ga., solicitor general,
attorney general. Raised Nov. 1, 1898 in Lodge No. 20, Monroe, Ga. Member of
Scottish Rite (SJ). d. Nov. 9, 1954.
David S. Walker Former governor of Florida. Member of Jackson
Lodge No. 1, Tallahassee, Fla. as early as 1858. Member and high priest of
Florida Chapter No. 1, R.A.M., at Tallahassee.
Fred A. Walker (1867-1947) Publisher of New York Evening Telegram,
1920-25, and chairman of executive board, New York Sun, 1925-34. b. March 27,
1867 in South Berwick, Maine. Graduate of Dartmouth in 1888. Was managing
editor of Spring-field (Mass.) Union, 1893-96; Baltimore News, 1909-11;
publisher of Washington (D.C.) Times, 1911-19. Was editorial assistant to
Arthur Brisbane on Hearst publications, 1919-20. Mason. d. March 25, 1947.
George Walker (1763-1819) U.S. Senator from Kentucky, Aug. 30-Dec.
16, 1814. b. in Culpeper Co., Va. Served under Generals Greene and Morgan in
Revolutionary War. Moved to Ky. in 1797, studied law, and began practice in
Nicholasville in 1799. Served in state senate, 1810-14. Member of Lexington
Lodge No. 1, Kentucky. d. in 1819.
Gilbert C. Walker (1833-1885) Governor of Virginia, 1869-74 and
U.S. Congressman from Virginia to 45th Congress, 1875-79. b. Aug. 1, 1833 in
South Gibson, Pa. Graduate of Hamilton Coll., Clinton, N.Y. in 1854, studied
law and admitted to the bar in 1855, beginning practice in Owego, N.Y.
Practiced law in Chicago, Ill., 1859-64 and then moved to Norfolk, Va. In 1879
he settled in Binghamton, N.Y., and then moved to New York City in 1881, where
he continued law practice. He served as president of the New York Underground
Railroad Co. d. May 11, 1885. Member of Friendship Lodge No. 153, Owego, N.Y.
Harry C. Walker (1873-1932) Grand Master of Grand Encampment, K.T.,
U.S.A. in 1932. b. March 18, 1873 in Binghamton, N.Y. and belonged to bodies
in that city. Was 33° AASR S(NJ) and deputy for New York for that supreme
council. d. Nov. 2, 1932.
Paul A. Walker Member Federal Communications Commission, 193453.
b. Jan. 11, 1881 in Washington Co., Pa. Graduate of U. of Chicago, 1909 and U.
of Oklahoma, 1912. Taught high school in Shawnee, Okla., and was instructor at
U. of Oklahoma, 1909-12. Practiced law at Shawnee,
Walton H. Walker
1912-15; referee of supreme court, 1919-21 and chairman of State Corp. Comm.
of Okla., 1931-34. Mason, Knight Templar, and Shriner.
Walton H. Walker (1889-1950) Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (4-star
general posthumously). b. Dec. 3, 1889 in Belton, Texas. Graduate of U.S.
Military Academy in 1912, advancing through grades to major general in 1942
and lieutenant general in 1945. He participated in the Vera Cruz engagement of
the Mexican expedition, and was with the A.E.F. in WWI. In WWII he commanded
the IV Armored Corps, 1942-43; the XX Corps, 1943-45; European Theater of
Operations, 1944-45; Sixth Service Command, 1946; Fifth Army, 194648 and
Eighth Army in Japan and Korea from 1948. He died in Korea on Dec. 23, 1950.
He was a member of Belton Lodge No. 166, Belton, Texas, a Knight Templar,
Shriner and Scottish Rite bodies (SJ) at Galveston, Texas. At the request of
his widow, the Star in the East Lodge No. 640, Yokohama, Japan, conducted
Masonic services. Buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Wendell A. Walker Director. Library and Museum of the Grand Lodge
of New York. b. 1908 in Battle Creek, Mich. He was educated at Western State
Teachers Coll. (now Western Mich. U.), the University College of the South
West of England and School of Library Service, Columbia U., N.Y.C. With the
exception of two periods of military duty his career has been with the grand
lodge library. Served as lieutenant and captain in WWII in campaigns of
Sicily, Naples-Foggia, Rome-Arno, Southern France, Rhineland and Central
Europe. Recalled for Korean emergency and served two years as a major. Is past
master of Independent Royal Arch Lodge No. 2, N.Y.C., and dual member of A. T.
Metcalf Lodge No.419, Battle Creek, Mich.; served twice (1950 and 1953) as
master of The American Lodge of Research; past district deputy grand master
and past grand representative of Argentina. Member of Orient Chapter No. 138,
R.A.M., Columbian Council No. 1, R. & S.M., Coeur de Lion Commandery No. 23,
K.T., all of N.Y.C. and in 1957 was most wise master of Chapter of Rose Croix,
AASR (NJ). Member of Kismet Shrine Temple, Brooklyn; present viceroy of St.
Quentin Conclave No. 75, RCC, and member of many other Masonic connected
William G. Walker (1824-1860) Revolutionist and adventurer. b. May
8, 1824 in Nashville, Tenn. Studied law and was admitted to the bar. He later
studied medicine at Edinburgh and Heidelberg, but turned to journalism in New
Orleans and San Francisco. He was a charter member of Texas Lodge No. 46, San
Juan Bautista, Calif., later withdrawing. Having visions of becoming a
conqueror, on Nov. 3, 1853 he seized La Paz, Lower California, but being
compelled by the Mexicans to retreat, he surrendered to U.S. forces. He was
tried in San Francisco on conspiracy charges, but acquitted. In 1855 he
induced American speculators to interfere in the internal troubles of
Nicaragua. He seized Granada and set himself up as president of a new
republic, which was recognized by U.S. President Pierce. Native forces
combined with Vanderbilt's steamship company and U.S. Navy to defeat him, and
he was arrested and returned to the U.S. He was twice released and twice
returned to this country. In 1860 he set out with a force for Honduras. He
reached Trujillo, but his arrest was demanded by the commander of a British
warship, Icarus, and he was forced to retreat. He was captured by the British
commander, who delivered
Lewis (Lew) Wallace him to the Honduras authorities on their demand, and he
was court-martialed and shot on Sept. 12, 1860.
Garret D. Wall (1783-1850) U.S. Senator from New Jersey, 1835-41.
b. March 10,1783 in Middletown, N.J. Practiced law first at Burlington, N.J.
Served in War of 1812; clerk of state supreme court; quartermaster general of
state; member of general assembly and U.S. district attorney in 1829. Elected
governor of N.J. in 1829, but declined to serve. Member of Trenton Lodge No.
5, Trenton, N.J. d. Nov. 22, 1850.
David Wallace (1799-1859) Governor of Indiana, 1837-40, and father
of Lewis Wallace, q.v., b. April 4, 1799 in Lancaster Co., Pa. Moved with
family to Brookville, Ind. in 1817. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1821.
Resigned from army to practice law in Franklin Co., hid. Served one term in
congress as a Whig in 1840. Served several terms in state legislature and was
lieutenant governor, 1831-34. Advocate of public school system. Made a Mason
in 1826 in Brookville Lodge No. 11, and frequently delivered addresses at the
annual sessions of the Grand Lodge of Indiana and on other occasions. d. Sept.
3, 1859.
Henry A. Wallace Vice President of the United States, 1941-45;
Secretary of Agriculture, 1933-40; Secretary of Commerce, 1945-46. b. Oct. 7,
1888 in Adair Co., Iowa, the son of Henry C. Wallace, q.v., who was secretary
of agriculture under President Harding. Graduate of Iowa State Coll. in 1910.
Was associate editor of Wallaces' Farmer, 1910-24 and editor, 1924-29; editor
of Wallaces' Farmer and Iowa Homestead. Is a former editor of New Republic. In
1948 he was a candidate for president. Has written many books on both
agriculture and politics, including Statesmanship and Religion; Whose
Constitution; Paths to Plenty; The American Choice; Sixty Million Jobs; The
Century of the Common Man; Corn and the Midwestern Farmer; Corn and Corn
Growing. He was raised Oct. 4, 1927 in Capital Lodge No. 110, Des Moines,
Iowa; received the 32° AASR (SJ) at Des Moines on Nov. 23, 1928, affiliated
with the District of Columbia bodies (AASR) on Jan. 15, 1935, and dimitted
from there on Dec. 2, 1947. He dimitted from Capital Lodge No. 110 of Des
Moines on Jan. 13, 1948 and it is not known if his membership was transferred
Henry C. Wallace (1866-1924) Secretary of Agriculture, 1921-24, in
cabinets of Harding and Coolidge. b. May 11, 1866 in Rock Island, Ill., he was
the father of Henry A. Wallace, q.v. Graduate of Iowa State Coll. in 1892, he
was a farmer and breeder of pure bred live stock. Was professor of dairying at
Iowa State Coll, 1893-95; manager and associate editor of Wallaces' Farmer,
1895-1916; editor of same, 1916-21. Was president and treasurer of Wallaces'
Publishing Co. and Capital City Printing Plate Co. Member of Pioneer Lodge No.
22, Des Moines, Iowa; Tall Cedars of Lebanon (Evergreen Forest No. 49) at
Milford, Del. and Za-Ga-Zig Shrine Temple in Des Moines. d. Oct. 25, 1924.
Lewis (Lew) Wallace (1827-1905) Union Major General in Civil War;
Territorial Governor of New Mexico, 1878-81; U.S. Minister to Turkey, 1881-85,
and author of the famous novel, Ben Hur, a Tale of the Christ. b. April 10,
1827 in Brookville, Ind., son of David Wallace, q.v. He was self-educated, and
after the Mexican War, in which he served, he studied law. At the beginning of
the Civil War he was appointed adjutant general of Indiana, and soon
afterwards became a colonel of the 11th Ind. Vols. He was commissioned
William H. L. Wallace general in Sept., 1861 and major general in March, 1862.
He took part in the capture of Fort Donelson and distinguished himself at
Shiloh. He saved Cincinnati from capture in 1863, and was defeated by Early at
Monocacy in July, 1864, but saved Washington from capture. He was a member of
the court-martial which tried those accused of complicity in the assassination
of Lincoln, and was president of the court that tried and convicted Henry Wirz,
notorious commandant of the Andersonville prison. He returned to law practice
after the war. Other writings by Wallace are The Fair God; Prince of India;
The Boyhood of Christ; Life of Benjamin Harrison. His statue is in Statuary
Hall of the national capitol. Received his degrees in Fountain Lodge No. 60,
Covington, Ind. on Dec. 15, 30, 1850 and Jan. 15, 1851. On June 3, 1895 he
affiliated with Montgomery Lodge No. 50, Crawfordsville, Ind. d. Feb. 15,
William H. L. Wallace (1821-1862) Union Brigadier General in Civil
War. b. July 8, 1821 in Urbana, Ohio. Moved with father to Illinois in 1832
and became a lawyer in 1846, but in the same year volunteered as a private in
the Mexican War. He rose to rank of adjutant; participated in the Battle of
Buena Vista and other engagements. In 1861 he was appointed colonel of the
11th Ill. Vols., and at the Battle of Fort Donelson he commanded a brigade
with such ability that it led to his appointment as brigadier general of
volunteers. In the Battle of Shiloh, he commanded General C. F. Smith's
brigade and fell mortally wounded. Received degrees in Occidental Lodge No.
50, Ottawa, Ill. on June 15, 16, 1846, and was master in 1848. Exalted in
Shabbona Chapter No. 37, Ottawa, on July 17, 1855 and was high priest in 1858.
Knighted in Blaney Commandery No. 5, K.T., of Morris, Ill., and was acharter
member of Ottawa Commandery, Ottawa, and served as generalissimo. d. April 10,
William L. Wallace President and Director of Manitowoc
Shipbuilding, Inc., since 1952. b. Jan. 29, 1883 in Orange, N.J. With the
company since 1907 as draftsman, sales engineer, plant engineer, works
manager, vice president and general manager. Member of Manitowoc Lodge No. 65
since 1918; also Manitowoc Chapter No. 16, R.A.M. and Manitowoc Commandery No.
45, K.T. Served as patron of Manitowoc Chapter No. 196, O.E.S. and is member
of Tripoli Shrine Temple of Milwaukee.
William R. Wallace Federal Judge, Oklahoma, since 1950. b. Feb.
21, 1886 in Troy, Texas. Admitted to the bar in 1910 and practiced at Pauls
Valley, Okla. until 1925, and then at Oklahoma City. Served in both branches
of state legislature, and was chairman of Oklahoma Public Welfare Commission,
1939-42. Mason.
Thomas M. Waller (1840-1924) Governor of Connecticut, 1882-84. b.
in New York City. He was orphaned at age of nine and adopted by Robert K.
Waller of New London, Conn., whose name he assumed. Admitted to the bar in
1861 and practiced at New London. Served several years in general assembly,
and was secretary of state in 1870. Was mayor of New London six years. He was
U.S. consul general at London, England in 1885-89. Made a Mason in Brainard
Lodge No. 102, New London, Conn. on Dec. 24, 1867 and was junior warden in
1870; member of Union chapter No. 7, R.A.M., Cushing Council No. 10, and
Palestine Commandery No. 6, K.T., of New London. While in England he became a
member of Anglo-American Lodge No. 2191, London. d. Jan. 25, 1924.
292 George Walton Monrad C. Wallgren U.S. Senator and Governor of
Washington. b. April 17, 1891 in Des Moines, Iowa. Engaged in retail jewelry
and optical business. Was member of 73rd-76th Congresses, 1933-41, from 2nd
Wash. dist. Elected to U.S. senate in Nov., 1940 to replace L. B. Schellenbach,
and elected for term 1941-47, but resigned to become governor of Washington in
Jan., 1945. Member of Peninsular Lodge No. 95, Everett, Wash., receiving
degrees on June 10, July 16, Aug. 19, 1920; 32° AASR (SJ) and Knight Templar.
Homer N. Wallin Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. Dec. 6, 1893 in
Washburn, N. Dak. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1917; advanced through
grades to rear admiral in 1943 and vice admiral in 1955, retiring from service
in the latter year. Served on U.S.S. New Jersey in WWI. He served as repair
and shipbuilding superintendent in several Navy yards including Brooklyn, Mare
Island, and Philadelphia. In 1942 he was salvage officer in charge of
operations at Pearl Harbor, and then assistant maintenance officer of the U.S.
Pacific Fleet. In 1942-43 he was maintenance and salvage officer under Admiral
Halsey for the South Pacific. From 1943-46 he was supervisor of shipbuilding
in the Puget Sound area; same at Norfolk Naval Shipyard (Va.), 1949-51; and
chief of Bureau of Ships, Navy Dept., Washington, 1951. Was raised in Republic
Lodge No. 690, New York City in 1922. Received Scottish Rite degrees (NJ) in
Brooklyn, N.Y., dimitting to Seattle, Wash. (SJ) in 1945. Received KCCH in
1947. Was president of the National Sojourners in 1955. He has spoken before
many Masonic lodges and groups on the subject of "Americanism," and written on
the subject for the Masonic press.
Thomas U. Walter (1804-1887) Architect of the U.S. Capitol
extension of 1851-65. b. Sept. 4, 1804 in Philadelphia. Served apprentice
under William Strickland, the architect of the U.S. mint, Philadelphia. Began
practice as an architect in 1830. While in Washington, D.C. he also designed
the extensions of the patent office, treasury, post office buildings, the dome
on the old capitol, the congressional library, and the government hospital for
the insane. He was an original member of the American Institute of Architects
and was president of same at time of his death. Member of Columbia Lodge No.
91, Philadelphia. d. Oct. 30, 1887.
Edward C. Walthall (1831-1898) U.S. Senator from Mississippi,
188594 and 1895-98; Confederate Major General in Civil War. b. April 4, 1831
In Richmond, Va. Admitted to the bar in 1852 and began practice in
Coffee-vine, Miss. Entered Civil War as a lieutenant in the 15th Miss. Rgt.;
was promoted to brigadier general in 1862 and major general in 1864. After
war, resumed law practice at Coffeeville and later at Grenada, Miss. Member of
Coffeeville Lodge No. 83. d. April 21, 1898.
Henry Walthall (1878-1836) Movie actor. Member of Beverly Hills
Lodge No. 528, Calif.
George Walton (1750-1804) Signer of Declaration of Independence
and Articles of Confederation; Revolutionary War officer; Governor of Georgia;
Chief Justice of Georgia and U.S. Senator. b. near Farmville, Va. in 1750. He
moved to Savannah, Ga. in 1769, where he studied law and was admitted to the
bar in 1774. Was secretary of the Provincial Congress in 1775 and member of
the committee of intelligence. Was member of the council of safety in 1775,
and later president of that body. Served in Continental Congress, 1776-81. He
was twice governor of Georgia, 1779 and 1789. He was also twice chief justice
293 J.
C. Walton of Georgia, 1783-86 and 1793. Was U. S. senator from 1795-96. In the
war, he was wounded and captured at Savannah as a colonel of the First Georgia
Bn. He was a member of Solomon's Lodge No. 1, Savannah, Ga., but his dates of
initiation are not known. He is mentioned in the minutes immediately after the
close of the Revolution in 1785 and several times thereafter. When Solomon's
Lodge was reconstituted in 1785, Walton took his degrees over again and was
then made an "ancient." d. Feb. 2, 1804.
J. C. Walton Former Governor of Oklahoma. Was member of Siloam
Lodge No. 276, Oklahoma City, and India Shrine Temple. Expelled for conduct
unbecoming a Mason.
William B. Walton (1871-1939) U.S. Congressman to 65th Congress,
191719, from New Mexico. b. Jan. 23, 1871 in Altoona, Pa. Began law practice
in N. Mex. in 1893 and was former owner of the Silver City (N.M.) Independent.
Was member of house of representatives of New Mexico Territory, 1901-02;
member of state constitutional convention of 1910 and member of first state
senate of N. Mex., 1812-16. Defeated for U.S. senator in 1918. Received
degrees in Silver City Lodge No. 8, Silver City, N. Mex. on Nov. 23, Dec. 18,
1899 and March 22, 1900. Was master of lodge in 1904-05 and tyler in 1906.
Started in grand lodge line in 1905 and was grand master of Grand Lodge of New
Mexico, 1911-12. Elected a life member of his lodge in 1935. d. April 13,
Reuben H. Walworth (1788-1867) Last Chancellor of State of New
York and U.S. Congressman to 17th Congress, 1821-23. b. Oct. 26, 1788 in
Bozrah, Conn., moved to New York with parents, who settled on a farm near
Hoosick in 1796. Admitted to the bar in 1809 and began practice in Plattsburg
in 1810. Served in the War of 1812 as aide-de-camp to General Benjamin Mooers
and was division judge advocate with rank of colonel. Moved to Saratoga
Springs, N.Y. in 1828 and was chancellor of the State of New York from 1828-48
when that office was abolished. He was appointed associate justice of the U.S.
supreme court by President Tyler in 1844, but was not confirmed by the senate.
Member of Rising Sun Lodge No. 103, Saratoga Springs, N.Y. and was grand
master of the Grand Lodge of New York in 1853. d. Nov. 27, 1867.
John Wanamaker (1838-1922) Noted American merchant and
philanthropist. b. July 11, 1838 in Philadelphia, Pa. At the age of 14 he was
an errand boy in a book store. Went to Indiana, but returned to Pa. in 1856,
and was a retail clothing salesman for the next two years. In 1861 he
established a clothing house known as Wanamaker & Brown at Philadelphia (with
Nathan Brown). In 1876 he established a department store in Philadelphia, and
a similar business in New York City in 1896. In politics he was an active
Republican; declined nomination for 48th congress, as well as for mayor of
Philadelphia. He was postmaster general of the U.S. from 1889-93 in the
cabinet of President Harrison. An active Presbyterian, he helped found the
Presbyterian Hospital, of which he was a trustee, and with Mrs. Wanamaker,
built the children's ward. He founded the Wanamaker Institute of Industries,
Bethany Dispensary, and First Penny Savings Bank, of which he was president.
He erected Y.M.C.A. and college buildings in India, China, Japan, Korea, and
many churches and other institutions. In 1914 he sent two relief ships to
Belgium. He was made a Mason "at sight" by the grand master of Pennsylvania on
March 30, 1898, and then affiliated with Friendship Lodge No. 400 of
Jenkintown, Pa. and
294 J.
H. Hobart Ward served as master of the same in 1905. He became a member of
Abington Chapter No. 245, R.A.M., Nov. 13, 1900; Mary Commandery No. 36, K.T.
of Philadelphia, June 18, 1902. On Dec. 20, 1912 he became a member of
Ka-winning Rose Croix Chapter AASR (NJ) in Philadelphia, and received the 33°
AASR on Sept. 16, 1913. In the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, he served as
chairman of the Museum and Library Committee. d. Dec. 12, 1922.
Paul Waner Elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame at Cooperstown,
N.Y. in 1952. b. April 16, 1903 in Harrah, Oklahoma. His nickname is "Big
Poison." Both he and his brother, Lloyd "Little Poison" Waner, were
outfielders for the Pittsburgh National League team. Paul played for them from
1926-40; was then with the Brooklyn National League team until 1944, and
finally with the New York, American League club until 1945. Both brothers are
members of Ada Lodge No. 119, Ada, Okla.
Cheng Thomas Wang Chinese politician. Educated in the universities
of Michigan and Yale, he took part in organizing the new Republican Chinese
government in 1912. He was a delegate to the Paris Peace Conference in 1918-19
and was China's ambassador to the U.S. in 1936-38. He was a member of the
International Court at The Hague. Initiated in 1922 in Oriental Lodge at
Peking, China. In 1931 he helped found Amity Lodge in Shanghai.
Artemus Ward (see Charles F. Browne).
Charles A. Ward (1887-1959) President of Brown & Bigelow since
1933. b. May 29, 1887 in Seattle, Wash. With the company since 1925 as foreman
of engineering department, 1926-27; superintendent, 1927-28; general
superintendent, 1928-29; assistant generalmanager, 1929-31; vice president,
193133. Also president of several ink, paper, box and land development
companies. Member of Triune Lodge No. 190, St. Paul, Minn.; also both York
and. Scottish Rite bodies of St. Paul. Member of Osman Shrine Temple, Royal
Order of Jesters and High Twelve Club. d. May 25, 1959.
Henry C. Ward (1843-1925) Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Sept.
10, 1843 in Worcester, Mass. Enlisted in 15th Mass. Inf. in 1861 and mustered
out as a captain in 1865. Served in Army of Potomac in battles of Ball's
Bluff, siege of Yorktown, Fair Oaks, Richmond, Wilderness, Antietam,
Fredericksburg, Spottsylvania, and others. Was wounded twice, taken prisoner,
and confined in Libby Prison until capture of Richmond in March, 1865. Entered
regular army after war, rose to brigadier general in 1905, and retired. Mason.
d. Nov. 16, 1925.
John, 6th Lord Ward Grand Master, Grand Lodge of England (Moderns)
in 1742-43. He was afterwards Viscount Dudley and Ward.
J. H. Hobart Ward (1823-1903) Union Brigadier General of
Volunteers in Civil War. b. June 17, 1823 in New York City. Served as a
sergeant major in the 7th U.S. Inf. during the Mexican War. He was commissary
general of New York state, 1850-59. At the start of the Civil War he raised
the 38th N.Y. Rgt. of Vols. as a colonel, and assisted in organizing the Scott
Life Guards, both regiments in the Army of Virginia. He cornmanded the 1st
division, 4th corps at Gettysburg, Manassas Gap and Kelly's Ford. Was made a
Mason in Metropolitan Lodge No. 273, N.Y.C. in 1855 and was a member of the
military lodge, Master Scott Life Guard Lodge in the 38th N.Y. Rgt. Also
member of Metropolitan Chapter No. 140, R.A.M., 1856; Palestine Commandery,
K.T.; Mecca Shrine Temple,
Mathias Ward all of N.Y.C. Was made an active 33° AASR (NJ) member on Sept.
22, 1897. d. in 1903.
Mathias Ward (1805-1861) U.S. Senator from Texas, 1858-59. b. Oct.
13, 1805 in Elbert Co., Ga. Received a college education in Huntsville, Ala.,
taught school two years, studied law and moved to the Republic of Texas in
1836, settling at Bowie, and subsequently in Clarksville in 1845. Engaged in
trading. Served a number of years in the congress of the Republic of Texas.
Later moved to Jefferson, Texas. In 1856 he was president of the Democratic
State Convention at Austin. He served as junior grand steward and grand sword
bearer of the Grand Lodge of Texas in 1843-44. Member of DeKalb Lodge No. 9,
De-Kalb, Texas, receiving degrees on Sept. 5, Oct. 4, Nov. 10, 1839. d. Oct.
5, 1861.
Ralph A. Ward (1882-1958) Methodist Bishop and missionary. b. June
26, 1882 in Leroy, Ohio. Graduate of Ohio Wesleyan U. in 1903, 1906, 1919.
Ordained to ministry in 1906, he served churches in Mass. until 1909, when he
went to Foochow, China as a missionary. Most of his life was spent in China.
He was president of the AngloChinese Coll. at Foochow, 1925-27 and executive
secretary of World Service of the M.E. Church, 1928-32. Elected bishop in
1937, he was resident bishop at Chengtu until 1941 and at Soochow U.,
Shanghai, from 1941. In 1956 he was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of
China, and on Jan. 21, 1956 delivered a sermon at the reconstitution of Pearl
River Lodge No. 3 at Taipei, Taiwan. d. Dec. 11, 1958 in Hong Kong.
Samuel Ward (1756-1832) Revolutionary officer, merchant, pioneer
in the China trade and founder of marine insurance business. b. Nov. 17, 1756
at Westerly, R.I. Graduate of Brown in 1771. Raised a companyand marched to
the siege of Boston in 1775. Joined Benedict Arnold's forces on Canadian
expedition; taken prisoner at Quebec. As a major he saw action at Red Bank,
writing the official report of the battle, and was with the army at Valley
Forge. Retired as a lieutenant colonel on Jan. 1, 1781. Made a voyage to China
in 1788, and in 1790 established himself in the mercantile business in N.Y.C.
Served as president of the New York Marine Insurance Co. in 1806-08. Initiated
in St. John's Lodge at Providence, R.I. on Feb. 17, 1779. d. Aug. 16, 1832.
Orie S. Ware U.S. Congressman to 70th Congress, 1927-29, from 6th
Ky. dist. b. May 11, 1882 in Peach Grove, Ky. Graduate of U. of Cincinnati in
1903 and began law practice at Covington, Ky. Received degrees in Covington
Lodge No. 109, Covington, Ky. on Nov. 23, 1903, Jan. 25, Feb. 27, 1904. Was
grand master of Grand Lodge of Kentucky, 1913-14 and 33° AASR (SJ).
David Warfield (1866-1951) Actor. b. Nov. 28, 1866 in San
Francisco, Calif. First appeared at the Wigwam Theatre, San Francisco, in
1889. The following year he went to New York, where he played in the Casino
Theatre and Weber and Field's Music Hall, 1898-1900. He was starred by David
Belasco in The Auctioneer, 1900-03, and The Music Master, 190307 and 1917-18.
Other roles were Vanderdecken in The Flying Dutchman and Shylock in The
Merchant of Venice. He was also starred in The Grand Army Man and The Return
of Peter Grimm. Mason. d. June 28, 1951.
Edwin Warfield (1848-1920) Governor of Maryland, 1804-08. b. May
7, 1848 in Howard Co., Md. Was founder and president of Fidelity and Deposit
Co. of Md. and Fidelity Trust Co. of Baltimore. Was state senator and
president of the senate in 1886. Under
Earl Warren President Cleveland, he was surveyor of the port of Baltimore.
Served as president general of the National Society, Sons of American
Revolution. Member of Adherence Lodge No. 88, Baltimore. d. March 31, 1920.
Fred M. Warner (1865-1923) Governor of Michigan, 1904-10. b. July
21, 1865 in Nottinghamshire, England, coming to U.S. with parents when three
months old. On his mother's death he was adopted. Established a large cheese
factory at Farmington, Mich. in 1889, and also others in the state. Was
secretary of state from 1900-04. Member of Farmington Lodge No. 151,
Farmington, Mich. receiving degrees on June 4, 25, July 9, 1898. Shriner. d.
April 17, 1923.
Glenn S. "Pop" Warner (1871-1954) Football coach. b. April 5, 1871
at Springville, N.Y. Graduate of Cornell U. in 1894 and admitted to N.Y. bar
in that year. Was football coach at U. of Georgia, 1895-96; Cornell U.,
1897-98; Carlisle (Pa.) Indian School, 1899-1903; Cornell U., 1904-06;
Carlisle, 1907-14; U. of Pittsburgh, 191523; Stanford, 1924-32; Temple U.
(Philadelphia), 1933-38. Was president of All-American Football Board from
1925. Received the degrees in Springville Lodge No. 351, Springville, N.Y.
Received Scottish Rite degrees in 1911 at Harrisburg, Pa. Was also a Knight
Templar. d. Sept. 7, 1954.
Harold J. Warner Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Oregon from
195257 and associate justice since 1950. b. Nov. 6, 1890 in Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Graduate of U. of Oregon in 1913 and 1916. Practiced law first at Pendleton
and later at Portland. Received degrees in Eugene Lodge No. 11, Eugene, Oreg.
on Dec. 11, 1911; Jan. 23, March 6, 1912. Transferred to Pendleton Lodge No.
52, Pendleton, Oreg. on May 7, 1917. Dropped NPD in1937 and reinstated in
1950. 32° AASR (SJ).
Jack M. Warner Motion picture producer. b. May 27, 1916 in San
Francisco, Calif. Graduate of U. of So. Calif. in 1938, cum laude. Worked in
home office of Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc. and then traveled for them
throughout the country. Produced short subjects for Warner Bros., then worked
in theatre and distribution departments. Organized own firm, Jack M. Warner
Productions, in 1949. Is also vice president of Warner Brothers, in charge of
TV commercials and industrial films division. Distinguished service in WWII as
signal corps officer. Raised in Mt. Olive Lodge No. 506, Los Angeles, Calif.
on Nov. 30, 1938. Shriner.
Seth Warner (1743-1784) Colonel of the Revolution, and leader of
the "Green Mountain Boys." b. May 17, 1743 in Roxbury, Conn. Moved with family
to Bennington, Vt. (then the New Hampshire Grants) in 1763. When
jurisdictional troubles arose with N.Y. residents, Warner and Ethan Allen
became the leaders of the residents in the "Grants." At the opening of the
Revolutionary War, he was commissioned by congress. As second in command, he
captured Ticonderoga, and the following day took Crown Point with its
garrison. For this he was made a colonel by congress on July 27, 1775. He
joined General Montgomery in Canada, took part in the siege of St. John's,
N.B., and defeated Sir Guy Carleton. His regiment was then discharged, but he
raised another body of troops and marched to Quebec. He fought in 16 battles,
remaining in the army until 1782, when his health gave away. He was made a
Freemason in Union Lodge No. 1 of Albany, N.Y. in 1772. d. Dec. 26, 1784.
Earl Warren Chief Justice of the United States, since 1953;
Francis E. Warren of California, 1943-53. b. March 19, 1891 in Los Angeles
Calif. Graduate of U. of California in 1912 and 1914, practicing law in
Oakland until 1938. From 1939-43 he was attorney general of Calif. In 1948 he
was the Republican candidate for the vice president of the U.S. In Sept., 1953
he was special ambassador of the U.S. to the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.
Since 1953 he has been chancellor of board of regents of Smithsonian
Institution and chairman of board of trustees of the National Gallery of Art.
A member of Sequoia Lodge No. 349, Oakland, Calif., he was grand master of the
Grand Lodge of California from 1935-36. Is a member of Oakland Chapter No. 36,
R.A.M. and Oakland Commandery No. 11, K.T. Is past potentate of Aahmes Shrine
Temple of Oakland, 1933, and a member of St. Phillip Conclave No. 23, Red
Cross of Constantine. He joined the Scottish Rite in Oakland in Dec., 1919;
was wise master of Rose Croix in 1938, venerable master of Lodge of Perfection
in 1945 and received honorary 33° AASR (SJ) on Dec. 23, 1941.
Francis E. Warren (1844-1929) Territorial Governor and first
elected Governor of Wyoming; U.S. Senator from Wyoming. b. June 20, 1844 in
Hinsdale, Mass. Enlisted as a private in 49th Mass. Vol. Inf. in Civil War and
won the Congressional Medal of Honor for gallantry on the battlefield at the
siege of Port Hudson. Engaged in farming and stock raising in Mass., and moved
to Wyoming (then a part of the Territory of Dakota) in 1868. Here he was
interested in real estate, mercantile, livestock businesses. Was a member of
the Territorial senate, and was president of same in 1874. Was treasurer of
Wyoming in 1876, 1879, 1882, 1884. Was appointed governor of Wyoming Territory
by President Arthur in Feb., 1885, but was removed by President Cleveland in
Nov., 1886. Again appointed governor by President Harrison in March, 1889, and
served until elected as first governor of the state, Sept. 11, 1890. He
resigned his governorship on Nov. 24, 1890 to become U.S. senator, serving
from 1890-93, and again from 1895 until his death on Nov. 24, 1929. He was a
member of Cheyenne Lodge No. 1, Cheyenne, Wyo. Received AASR (SJ) degrees in
Nov., 1900 and 33° on March 7, 1908. He was a member of the Korein Shrine
Temple at Rawlings, Wyo. His daughter, Helen, married John J. Pershing, q.v.,
and died in a fire, together with her three daughters, at the Presidio in San
Francisco, Calif., in 1915.
Frederick A. Warren (1877-1944) Judge of Supreme Court of South
Dakota from 1931 and three times Presiding Judge. b. Aug. 13, 1877 in Green
Bay, Wis. Graduate of U. of Nebraska in 1903. Practiced law at Flandreau, S.
Dak. Member of Flandreau Lodge No. 11, Flandreau, S. Dak. as well as Orient
Chapter No. 19, R.A.M. and Ivanhoe Commandery No. 13, K.T. all of Flandreau.
Shrine membership in El Riad Temple, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. d. June 18, 1944.
John Warren (1753-1815) Physician in the American Revolution and
brother of Joseph Warren, q.v. b. July 27, 1753 in Roxbury, Mass. Graduate of
Harvard in 1771, and studied medicine for two years with his brother, Joseph,
and then began practice in Salem, Mass., where he attained rapid success. He
attended the wounded at the Battle of Bunker Hill (where his brother was
killed) and here received a bayonet wound, while attempting to pass a sentry
in order to see his brother. He was appointed hospital surgeon, and in 1776
accompanied the army to N.Y. and N.J. He was at Trenton and Princeton, and
from 1777 until the close of the war was super-
John Warrock intending surgeon of the military hospitals in Boston. For nearly
40 years he occupied the foremost place among the surgeons of New England. In
1783 he was appointed professor of anatomy and surgery in the newly
established medical school at Harvard. He was first president of the
Massachusetts Medical Society and retained that office from 1804 until his
death. He was made a Mason in St. Andrews Lodge, Boston on April 18, 1777, and
on June 6, 1780 became a member of Massachusetts Lodge of Boston. On June 24,
1783 he became grand master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. d. April 4,
Joseph Warren (1741-1775) American Physician and Major General in
American Revolution. b. June 11, 1741 in Roxbury, Mass., the brother of Dr.
John Warren, q.v. Graduate of Harvard in 1759. After teaching school for a
year, he took up the study of medicine and began practice in 1764. From the
time of the 1765 Stamp Act he contributed to the press, and when Samuel Adams
left Boston in 1774 to attend the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Warren
became the leading figure in Massachusetts political movements. He wrote the
Suffolk Resolves of Sept. 9, 1774, and after the provincial Congress met in
October, he became chairman of the Committee of Safety. He was elected
president of the Provincial Congress on May 31, 1775. It was Warren who sent
Paul Revere and William Dawes, qq.v., to Lexington on April 18, 1775 to warn
Hancock and Adams of their danger. On June 14, 1775 he was elected major
general of the Mass. forces, but three days later he was killed in the Battle
of Bunker Hill while fighting in the ranks as a volunteer. His body was buried
near the spot where he fell, and remained there until it was found and
identified on April 4, 1776. On April 8, the grand lodge convened for the
purpose of burying the remains of its late grand master. The remains were
reinterred in the tomb of George Richard Minot, a friend of the Warren family,
in the Granary Burying Ground, Boston, where they remained until 1825. Then
they were removed to the Warren tomb in Saint Paul's Church, Boston. On Aug.
2, 1855, the remains were deposited in an urn and placed in the family vault
at Forest Hills Cemetery, Boston. Warren received his degrees in the Lodge of
St. Andrew, Boston, in 1761, and was elected master of the lodge, Nov. 30,
1768. On May 30, 1769, George Earl of Dalhousie, grand master of Scotland,
granted him a commission as provincial grand master of Masons in Boston, New
England, and within 100 miles of the same. A subsequent commission dated March
3, 1772 extended his jurisdiction over all of North America. Warren exercised
the authority of his commission on Dec. 27, 1769 by organizing the Provincial
Grand Lodge of Massachusetts (Ancients) at the Green Dragon Tavern, Boston,
and continued as its grand master until his death at Bunker Hill on June 17,
1775. The above organization is historically known as Massachusetts Grand
Lodge. It assumed its independence on March 8, 1777, thus becoming the first
independent grand lodge in the United States. On March 5, 1792 it united with
St. John's Lodge of Massachusetts.
John Warrock (1774-1858) Printer and publisher of Warrock's
Almanac. b. Nov. 4, 1774 in Richmond, Va. For forty years he issued his
almanac annually. He was chosen to the office of printer to the Virginia
senate, and held that place for more than forty years. Was initiated Jan. 9,
1810 in Richmond Lodge No. 10, Richmond, Va., and was later master and
treasurer. Also member of Richmond Chapter No. 3, R.A.M. d. March 8, 1858.
299 Henry D. Washburn Henry a Washburn Led a party into the
Yellowstone area in 1870. It included Grand Master Nathaniel P. Langford,
q.v., of Montana, and Cornelius Hedges, q.v., deputy grand master and grand
secretary of Montana for 36 years. Langford was appointed first superintendent
of the park. Washburn was a Mason, but his lodge is not identified.
Booker T. Washington (1859-1915) Negro educator and leader, who
was a Prince Hall Freemason. b. near Hale's Ford, Va. Graduate of Hampton
Institute of Va. in 1875 and honorary degrees from Harvard and Dartmouth. He
founded the Tuskegee Institute of Alabama in 1884 and served as its president.
A writer and speaker on racial and educational subjects, he was the author of
many books including Sowing and Reaping; Up From Slavery; Future of the
American Negro; Character Building; Working With Hands; The Negro in Business;
The Story of the Negro; My Larger Education, etc. He was made a Mason "at
sight" by the grand master of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
This caused some difficulty, as he was then a resident of Alabama and this
jurisdictional question may have prevented him from affiliating with a lodge
in his jurisdiction. d. Nov. 14, 1915.
George Washington (1732-1799) First President of the United
States; supreme commander of Continental forces in American Revolution and
"father of his country." b. Feb. 22, 1732 (by present calendar) at Bridges
Creek, Westmoreland Co., Va. Inasmuch as his biography is readily available,
this sketch will deal only with the Masonic facets of his life. He was
initiated in 1752 in the lodge at Fredericksburg, Va., and the records of that
lodge, still in existence, show that on the evening of Nov. 4 "Mr. George
Washington was initiated as an Entered Apprentice" and the entrance fee of Ł2
3s was acknowledged. On March 3, 1753 he received the Fellow Craft degree, and
on Aug. 4, same year, was raised to Master Mason. Each of the above days fell
on Saturday and he was last in the Fredericksburg lodge on Saturday, Sept. 1,
1753. It is possible that he received some additional degree, or was
reobligated during the French War in a military lodge attached to the 46th
Regiment. It might have been the Mark Master degree. It is also speculated
that he received the Royal Arch degree in Fredericksburg Lodge as it was being
worked by that lodge at the time Washington was raised. This claim is aided by
the fact that in Aug., 1784 Lafayette presented Washington with a Masonic
apron which had been embroidered by Madame Lafayette, and contained emblems of
the Royal Arch with the letters H.T.W.S.S.T.K.S. in a circle and a beehive
within the circle to indicate that it was the wearer's mark. In 1777 a
convention of Virginia lodges recommended Washington to be Grand Master of the
Independent grand lodge of that commonwealth. Washington, however, declined.
Soon after the start of the Revolution, there was a movement to throw off the
authority of the mother country, and several of the provincial grand lodges
assumed an independent character. The idea of a grand master for all the
colonies also became popular. On Feb. 7, 1780, a convention of delegates from
Army lodges met at Morristown, N.J. and suggested to several grand lodges that
"one Grand Lodge in America" be established. On Jan. 13, 1780, the Grand Lodge
of Pennsylvania held a session, and declaring that Freemasonry would benefit
by "a Grand Master of Masons throughout the United States," they elected
Washington for the position. They then sent minutes of the election to the
different grand lodges, but when
William H. Waste Mass. failed to come to any determination on the question,
the matter was dropped. The next Masonic record of Washington is in 1788 when
Lodge No. 39 of Alexandria, Va., which had previously been working under the
Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, transferred its allegiance to Virginia. On May 29
of that year the lodge adopted the following resolution: "The Lodge proceeded
to the appointment of Master and Deputy Master to be recommended to the Grand
Lodge of Virginia when George Washington, Esq., was unanimously chosen Master;
Robert McCrea, Deputy Master; Wm. Hunter, Jr., Senior Warden; John Allison,
Junior Warden. The charter to the lodge was issued by Edmund Randolph, then
governor of Virginia and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia, and
named Washington as master. It also designated the lodge as Alexandria Lodge
No. 22. In 1805 the lodge was permitted to change its name to that of
Washington Alexandria Lodge in honor of its first master. Washington served in
the capacity of master a total of 20 months. Throughout his career, Washington
visited a number of lodges and attended many Masonic functions. His
correspondence has many references to Freemasonry. In 1797 he wrote the Grand
Lodge of Massachusetts, "My attachment to the Society of which we are members
will dispose me always to contribute my best endeavors to promote the honor
and prosperity of the Craft." In an earlier letter to the same body he
expressed his idea that the Craft's "grand object is to promote the happiness
of the human race." In answering a letter from the Grand Lodge of South
Carolina in 1791, he said: "I recognize with pleasure my relation to the
Brethren of your Society," and "I shall be happy, on every occasion, to evince
my regard for the Fraternity." He also referred to the fraternity as "an asso-
ciation whose principles lead to purity of morals, and are beneficial of
action." Writing to the officers and members of St. David's Lodge at Newport,
R.I. in 1791 he stated: "Being persuaded that a just application of the
principles on which the Masonic fraternity is founded must be promotive of
private virtue and public prosperity, I shall always be happy to advance the
interests of the Society, and to be considered by them as a deserving
Brother." In November, 1798, only 13 months before his death, he wrote to the
Grand Lodge of Maryland; "So far as I am acquainted with the doctrines and
principles of Freemasonry, I conceive them to be founded in benevolence, and
to be exercised only for the good of mankind. I cannot, therefore, upon this
ground, withdraw my approbation from it.”
Lawrence Washington (1854-1920) Reference librarian, Library of
Congress, and last male member of the Washington family. b. Jan. 14, 1854 in
Mt. Vernon, Va., the ancestral home. Educated in Virginia Military Institute,
1869-71. He was a civil engineer from 1871-76 and engaged in farming from
1876-97. From 1897 he was with the Library of Congress. Made a Mason in
Alexandria Washington Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, Va., Feb. 22, 1910. d. Jan.
28, 1920.
William H. Waste (1868-1940) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of
California, 1926-40. b. Oct. 31, 1868 in Chico, Calif. Graduate of U. of
California in 1891 and 1894 and began law practice at Oakland, Calif. Served
in state legislature; was judge of superior court, Alameda Co.; presiding
justice dist. court of appeal and associate justice of supreme court from
1921. Member of Durant Lodge No. 268 and master in 1901. Was grand commander
of Grand Commandery, K.T. of Calif. in 1922 and in 1939 elect-
Sterry R. Waterman ed grand master of the Grand Lodge of California, but
because of failing health was compelled to resign. d. June 6, 1940.
Sterry R. Waterman U.S. Circuit Judge, Court of Appeals, 2nd
Circuit (N.Y.C.). b. June 12, 1901 in Taunton, Mass. Studied at Dartmouth,
Harvard and George Washington U. Admitted to the bar in 1926. Practiced law in
Vermont until nominated as circuit judge of court of appeals in 1955. He is a
member of Passumpic Lodge No. 27; Haswell Chapter No. 11, R.A.M.; Caledonia
Council No. 13, R. & S.M.; Palestine Commandery No. 5, K.T., all of St.
Johnsbury, Vt. Served as commander of his commandery and grant commander of
the Grand Cornmandery of Vermont, K.T. Is 33° AASR (NJ).
Louis A. Watres (?-1937) Prominent Pennsylvania lawyer and banker.
b. in Mt. Vernon, Pa. Admitted to the bar in 1878, and was lieutenant governor
of Pa. in 1891-95. Was chairman of board of Scranton Lackawanna Trust Co.,
president of Scranton Republican Publishing Co. and the Mansfield Water Co.,
and director of the First National Bank. Member and past master of Peter
Williamson Lodge No. 323, Scranton, and grand master of the Grand Lodge of
Pennsylvania in 1916-17. A Knight Templar and Shriner, he was a 33° AASR (NJ)
member. For several years he was president of the George Washington Masonic
National Memorial Association. d. June 28, 1937.
John R. Watrous (1754-1842) Surgeon in American Revolution. Was a
physician at Colchester, Conn. and a co-founder of the Conn. State Medical
Society. Initiated in American Union Lodge on Feb. 17, 1779, and on Dec. 15,
1779 became secretary. Was senior deacon of that lodge in 1782. Became deputy
grand master of Conn., was grand high priest of thegrand Chapter, R.A.M., and
first grand commander of the Grand Cornmandery, K.T., of Conn.
Burl S. Watson Business executive. b. Nov. 7, 1893 in Talledega
Co. Ala. Graduate of U. of Alabama in 1916. Began with Cities Service Co. and
became president in 1946. Has been also, president and general manager of the
Chesebrough Building Co., N.Y.C., from 1939; president and director of No. 8
State St. Corp. from 1937; president and director of Sixty Wall St. since
1940, as well as Mexico Texas Petrolene & Asphalt Co., Sabina Gordo Petroleum
Corp., Zulia Petroleum Corp. Is also an officer and director in many more
companies. Mason.
Frederic Watson Musician. Arranger of George M. Cohan's, q.v.,
Over There. Member of Charter Oak Lodge No. 249, N.Y.C.
George Watson English painter. A pupil of Nasmyth and Sir Joshua
Reynolds. He became the first president of the Royal Scottish Academy. A
member of the Lodge of the Nine Muses No. 325, London.
James Watson (1750-1806) U.S. Senator from New York. b. April 6,
1750 in Woodbury, Conn. Graduate of Yale in 1776. Served in Conn. regiment as
captain in 1776-77; resigned and studied law; in 1780 appointed purchasing
agent for Conn. troops. Moved to N.Y.C. in 1786 where he engaged in mercantile
pursuits. Served in both branches of state legislature. Member of Society of
the Cincinnati. U.S. senator from 1798-1800, resigning to accept appointment
as naval officer at N.Y.C. Admitted a member of St. John's Lodge No. 4,
Hartford, Corm., July 3, 1783. d. May 15, 1806.
James E. Watson (1863-1948) U.S. Congressman and U.S. Senator from
Indiana. b. Nov. 2, 1863 in Winchester, Ind. Admitted to the bar in 1886 and
William W. Waymack began practice in Winchester. Served in 54th congress,
1895-97 and 56th-60th congresses, 1899-1909. Resumed law practice at
Rushville, Ind. Was U.S. senator from 1916-33 and then practiced law in
Washington, D.C. Received degrees in Winchester Lodge No. 56, Winchester, Ind.
on Jan. 23, May 7, June 23, 1892; transferred to Phoenix Lodge No. 62,
Rushville, Ind. in 1898 and in good standing there at death on July 29, 1948.
Thomas J. Watson (1874-1956) Chairman of Board of International
Business Machine Corp. b. Feb. 17, 1874 in Campbell, N.J. Was connected with
National Cash Register Co. as branch manager, special representative, and
general sales manager, for 15 years. Was president and director of IBM,
1914-49; chairman of the board and chief executive officer, 1949-56, and
chairman of board after 1956. He has one of the longest biographies in Who Was
Who, having received hundreds of honorary degrees and awards. Raised May 20,
1901 in Valley Lodge No. 109, Rochester, N.Y. Received grand lodge 50-year
service medal in 1952, and in 1954 was presented the grand lodge medal for
distinguished achievement. d. June 19, 1956.
Edmund 0. Wattis (1855-1934) President of Six Companies, Inc.,
builders of Hoover Dam. b. March 6, 1855 in Uintah, Utah. Was in railroad
construction work from early youth. Vice president and director of Utah
Construction Co. from 1911, and later chairman of board. An organizer of the
Six Companies, Inc., in 1931. Was president of Lake View Mining Co. and vice
president of Utah Rapid Transit Co. His main activity was in building
railroads. Built the W. P. Railroad from Salt Lake City to Oroville, Calif.;
the U.P. from Salt Lake City to Calif. state line; relocation of S.P., U.P.,
and D. & R.G. Railroads,involving over 200 tunnels. Built the O'Shaughnessy
Dam and American Falls Dam. Affiliated with Unity Lodge No. 18, Ogden, Utah on
March 1, 1916 from Oroville Lodge No. 103, Oroville, Calif. Member of Scottish
Rite and Shrine. d. Feb. 3, 1934.
Richard C. Watts (1853-1930) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of South
Carolina from 1927; associate justice from 1912. b. March 15, 1853 in Laurens,
S. Car. Practiced law at Laurens, S.C. after 1873. Was circuit judge from
1894-1912. Mason and grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M., of S.
Car. in 1883. d. Oct. 13, 1930.
John Wautuhquant Indian chief. The minutes of Independent Royal
Arch Lodge No. 2, N.Y.C., of June 29, 1802 state: "In consequence of an
application being made by Bro. Holmes (Rev.) in favor of an Indian linguist
and chief of the Mohegan tribe, named John Wautuhquant, who wished to be
initiated into the mysteries of this fraternity, and to receive the three
degrees in one night, a dispensation for this purpose having been applied for
and granted by the M.W. Grand Master, this person was pursuant thereto brought
forward and had those three degrees conferred upon him.”
William W. Waymack Member of U.S. Atomic Energy Commission,
1946-48; editor and Pulitzer Prize winner. b. Oct. 18, 1888 in Savanna, Ill.
From reporter to chief editorial writer of Sioux City (Ia.) Journal, 191418.
With Des Moines (Ia.) Register and Tribune from 1918; managing editor,
1921-29; editorial editor and director, 1931-46; vice president, 193946;
editor, 1942-46. Member board of directors Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
1941-46. Served on many national quasi-governmental commissions including
Resources Planning Board, War Labor Board, Internation-
Anthony Wayne al Economic Reconstruction, Farm Tenancy, Rural Housing,
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, etc. Won Pulitzer Prize in 1937
for editorial writing, and Sigma Delta CM award for same in 1938. Received
degrees in Tyrian Lodge No. 508, Sioux City, Iowa on Oct. 22, 29, Dec. 3, 1914
and later became charter member of Morningside Lodge No. 615, Sioux City where
he still holds membership. 32° AASR (SJ) and Shriner.
Anthony Wayne (1745-1796) General in American Revolution. b. Jan.
1, 1745 in Easttown, Pa. He was a surveyor and farmer in Pennsylvania. He
recruited and led a regiment at the start of the Revolution, becoming a
brigadier general in 1777, and in 1792 was appointed by Washington a major
general in command of the regular army. His bravery earned him the name of
"Mad Anthony." After the war, his successful negotiations and military
victories over the Indians opened up the Northwest U.S. to settlers. He is
said to have been a Freemason, but his lodge has not been identified with
certainty. He is credited with membership in "Winchester Lodge No. 12," but no
location is given for it. Sache refers to him in his Old Masonic Lodges of
Pennsylvania as a Mason, and states that in June, 1778 he "gave a grand
entertainment and banquet to the members of the Masonic fraternity." On July
16, 1857 the Grand Lodge of New York dedicated a monument to his memory at
Stony Point, N.Y. d. Dec. 15, 1796.
Arthur J. Weaver (1873-1945) Governor of Nebraska, 1929-31;
orchardist. b. Nov. 18, 1873 in Falls City, Nebr. Graduate of U. of Nebraska
in 1895 and 1896. Practiced law at Falls City until 1904, when he became a
fruit grower, and later raised grain and livestock. Was president of Weaver &
Towle Orchards Co., Falls City Hotel Realty Co., Falls City Wholesale and
Supply Co. Was a director of the Omaha branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Kansas City. Held many city, county, and state political offices. Member of
Falls City Lodge No. 9, receiving degrees on Jan. 7, Feb. 4, March 16, 1895.
Member of Scottish Rite (SJ) at Omaha. d. Oct. 18, 1945.
Joseph Webb Proprietor of the famous Webb House in Wethersfield,
Conn., where Washington conferred with French officers to institute the
campaign which resulted in the British surrender at Yorktown. His house is now
the headquarters of the Colonial Dames of Conn., and is filled with many
interesting pieces of household articles of colonial days. He was a brother of
Col. Samuel Webb of General Washington's staff. Joseph was an early member of
St. John's Mark Lodge (1st in the U.S.) of Middletown, Conn. and of Washington
Chapter No. 6, Middletown.
Thomas Smith Webb (1771-1819) Credited as the founder of the
American, or York Rite of Freemasonry. b. Oct. 13, 1771 in Boston, Mass. His
parents had only recently emigrated from England. He worked in Keene, N.H. as
an apprentice printer, and here he was initiated into Rising Sun Lodge. He
then moved to Albany, N.Y., where he opened a bookstore. While here he helped
establish a Royal Arch Chapter and a Knight Templar Encampment. In 1797 he
published at Albany the first edition of his Freemasons Monitor; or
Illustrations of Masonry. He did not claim the authorship until the subsequent
edition, but his name and that of his partner, Spencer, appear in the imprint
as publishers. About 1801 he moved to Providence, R.I., where he engaged in
the manufacture of wallpaper. He affiliated with St. John's Lodge of that
city, and after passing
Joseph M. Weber through the chairs, was elected grand master of the Grand
Lodge of Rhode Island in 1813. On Oct. 24, 1797 a convention of committees
from several Royal Arch chapters in the Northern states was held in Boston for
the purpose of establishing a grand chapter for those states. Webb was chosen
chairman. When the grand chapter was organized in 1798, Webb was elected grand
scribe, and reelected in 1799, at which time that body assumed the title of
General Grand Chapter. In 1806 he was promoted to general grand king, and in
1816 to deputy general grand high priest, holding that office until his death.
In 1816 he visited the Western states and remained there two years, during
which time he was actively engaged in organizing chapters, grand chapters and
encampments. He established the grand chapters of Ohio and Kentucky by virtue
of his powers as deputy general grand high priest. d. July 6, 1819 while
visiting in Cleveland, Ohio.
William J. Webb Vice President and General Manager of Outboard
Marine Corp. from 1952. b. Jan. 30, 1901 in Shullsburg, Wis. Graduate of U. of
Wisconsin in 1923. With Elto Outboard Motor Co. and its successors (Outboard
Marine) since 1926. Was successively assistant sales manager, sales manager
and director of sales. Member of Amicitia Lodge No. 25, Shullsburg, Wis. since
1922; exalted in Wauwatosa Chapter No. 92, R.A.M. and knighted in Wauwatosa
Commandery No. 51, K.T., both of Wauwatosa, Wis. Received 32° AASR in
Milwaukee and member of Tripoli Shrine Temple of that city.
Charles E. Webber Sovereign Grand Inspector General (AASR, NJ) for
Virginia from 1959. b. Jan. 17, 1900 in Salem, Va. President of Farmers'
National Bank of Salem and in the pharmacy business formany years. Member of
Taylor Lodge No. 23, Salem; master in 1926 and grand master of Grand Lodge of
Virginia in 1948; grand high priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Virginia
in 1942; past commander of Bayard Commandery No. 15, K.T., of Roanoke; past
sovereign of Red Cross of Constantine; past potentate of Kazim Shrine Temple,
Roanoke. Received KCCH in 1939 and 33° in 1947.
Frederick Webber (1827-1907) Secretary General of Southern Supreme
Council, AASR, 1886-1907. b. June 1, 1827 at Cork, Ireland. Knighted in
Louisville, Ky. Commandery No. 1, K.T., Feb. 28, 1851; exalted in Louisville,
Ky. Chapter No. 5 R.A.M. in May, 1850. Received 32° AASR (SJ) at Louisville on
Aug. 16, 1852 and 33° at Charleston, S.C., becoming an active member on March
28, 1859. Member of Antiquity Lodge No. 113, Louisville, receiving all degrees
on June 1, 1848. d. Nov. 4, 1907.
Lord Webb-Johnson English physician. Held titles of K.C.V.O.;
C.B.E.; D.S.O.; T.D.; and M.B. Was a fellow and past president of the Royal
College of Surgeons. Was surgeon to Her Majesty Queen Mary, and was in
attendance at her death in March, 1953. Was senior grand deacon of the Grand
Lodge of England in 1936 and given past rank of junior grand warden in 1948.
Joseph M. Weber (1867-1942) Actor, manager and member of the team,
Weber and Fields. b. Aug. 11, 1867 in New York City. Educated in N.Y.C. public
schools, he began his stage career with Lewis M. Fields in 1877. With Fields
he managed several theatrical enterprises, including the Broadway Music Hall
from 18951904. After 1904 he was the owner and manager of Weber's Theatre.
Member of St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, N.Y.C. d. May 10, 1942.
305 Max Weber Max Weber (1824-1901) Union Brigadier General in
Civil War. b. Aug. 27, 1824 in Achern, Germany. Graduate of the military
academy at Karlsruhe in 1843, he took part as an officer in the revolution in
support of the German Parliament in 1849, and upon its failure, came to the
U.S. He served in the U.S. Army, 1861-65 from colonel of 20th N.Y. Vols. to
brigadier general (1862). He lost his right arm at the Battle of Antietam. He
had command of Harper's Ferry against General Early. Following the war he was
assessor and collector for internal revenue at N.Y.C. for ten years. Member of
Trinity Lodge No. 12, N.Y.C., from 1851 until his death in 1901.
Randolph H. Weber Federal Judge, Eastern District of Missouri from
1957. b. Nov. 26, 1909 in St. Louis, Mo. Graduate of Washington U. in 1933,
and admitted to the bar in that year. He practiced law in Poplar Bluff, Mo.
from 1933-57, serving as city attorney, prosecuting attorney, circuit judge,
and in the state legislature. Member of Poplar Bluff Lodge No. 209, past
master of same, and past district deputy grand master of the 52nd Missouri
Masonic District. Member of Poplar Bluff Chapter No. 114, R.A.M.
Daniel Webster (1782-1852) American statesman. U.S. Congressman,
senator and twice secretary of state. Said by many to have been an anti-Mason.
He was present and took part in the Masonic cornerstone laying of the Bunker
Hill Monument on June 17, 1825, with his friend Isaiah Thompson, q.v.
Georg C. G. Wedekind (1761-1831) German physician and Masonic
author. b. Jan. 8, 1761 at Gottingen. He was professor of medicine at Metz and
a medical writer of reputation. As a Freemason, he was distinguished as a
member of the Eclectic Union.
His Masonic works are numerous and consist in the main part of
addresses and pamphlets.
William W. Wedemeyer (1873-1913) U.S. Congressman from Michigan to
62nd Congress, 1911-13. b. March 22, 1873 in Washtenaw Co., Mich. Graduate of
U. of Michigan in 1894 and 1895 and began practice of law at Ann Arbor in
1899. He was American consul at Georgetown, British Guiana in the summer of
1905; president of the Michigan Fraternal Congress. Member of Golden Rule
Lodge No. 159, Ann Arbor, Mich., receiving degrees on April 12, 26, May 31,
1900. d. Feb. 2, 1913.
Thurlow Weed (1797-1882) American journalist and politician who
was an anti-Mason, but later mellowed in his views toward the fraternity. b.
Nov. 15, 1797 in Cairo, N.Y. He was editor of the Albany (N.Y.) Evening
Journal from 1830-62 and became a leader of the Whig and later of the
Republican party. He was instrumental in the nomination of Harrison, Clay,
Taylor and Scott. He was an associate of Seward and Greeley (both
anti-Masons), q.v., in the political domination of New York State. In 1867 he
became editor of the New York Commercial Advertiser. d. Nov. 22, 1882.
George Weedon (1730-1790) Brigadier General in the American
Revolution. b. in Fredericksburg, Va. about 1730. Previous to the Revolution,
he was an innkeeper in his native town and a zealous patriot. He became a
lieutenant colonel of the 3rd Va. Rgt. in Feb., 1776 and in August of the same
year was transferred to the 1st Va. Rgt. Commissioned brigadier general in
Feb., 1777, he participated in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown. In
the former he supported the brigade in Gen. Nathanael Greene's, q.v., division
that rendered
William Weigel valuable service in arresting the British pursuit. He retired
from the Army in a dispute with Gen. Wm. Woodford as to supremacy of rank. In
1780 he resumed the command of a brigade and during the siege of Yorktown in
Oct., 1781 was in charge of the Virginia militia at Gloucester. He was made a
Mason in Kilwinning Cross Lodge No. 2, Port Royal, Va. on May 3, 1757 and
later seemingly affiliated with Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4 (Va.) in his home
town, where he was a regular attendant for many years. He presided at the
ceremony in Fredericksburg on Sept. 19, 1783, "fixing at the market house a
grand keystone and plate of silver inscribed in testimony of the revival of
Masonry and our intention to fix our covenant there." d. 1790.
IIla Delbert Weeks President of University of South Dakota since
1935. b. Sept. 5, 1901 in Scotia, Nebr. Received degrees from Nebr. State
Teachers Coll., State U. of Iowa and Dakota Wesleyan U. Served as
superintendent of schools in Riverdale, Nebr.; professor of rural education at
Northern State Teachers Coll. (Nebr.) and state superintendent of public
instruction for S. Dak. from 1933-35. Member of Sunrise Lodge No. 211,
Aberdeen, S. Dak. 33° AASR (SJ) at Yankton, S. Dak. and member of El Riad
Shrine Temple at Sioux Falls, S. Dak.
Sinclair Weeks Secretary of Commerce of the United States, 1953-58
and U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, Feb.-Dec., 1944, serving in place of
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. b. June 15, 1893 in West Newton, Mass. Graduate of
Harvard in 1914. Associated with the First National Bank of Boston from 1914.
Served as a captain of field artillery in WWI with A.E.F. in France. Member of
Fraternity Lodge, Newton, Mass., receiving degrees in 1922-23.
Mason Locke Weems (1760-1825) An itinerant preacher and
bookseller, who fabricated the story of George Washington and the cherry tree.
Known as "Parson" Weems, he was born in Dumfries, Va. about 1760, and studied
theology in London. He took the orders of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and
for several years was rector of Pohick Church, Mount Vernon Parish, Va., of
which Washington was an attendant. The necessities of his large family
compelled him to resign that charge about 1790 and he became a book agent for
Mathew Carey of Philadelphia. He was one of America's first door-to-door
salesmen and traveled throughout the South peddling his wares. He was equally
ready for a stump, a fair or a pulpit. Among his own writings are The
Philanthropist; Life of George Washington; Life of Gen. Francis Marion; Life
of Benjamin Franklin and Life of William Penn. He was a member of Lodge No.
50, Dumfries, Va. At one time he dedicated a copy of The Philanthropist,
signing himself as "your very sincere friend and Masonic Brother." d. May 23,
Carl M. Weideman U.S. Congressman to 73rd Congress, 1933-35, from
Mich. b. March 5, 1898 in Detroit, Mich. Graduate of Detroit Coll. of Law in
1921 and since practiced at Detroit. Member of Acacia Lodge No. 477, Detroit,
Mich., receiving degrees on May 12, 23, Sept. 15, 1931.
Perry W. Weidner (1871-1932) Twenty-Ninth Grand Master of the
Grand Encampment, K.T., of the U.S. Was active member of the Supreme Council
AASR (SJ) in 1911; secretary-general of same from 192123; orator in 1929 and
grand minister of state in 1931. d. Aug. 16, 1932.
William Weigel (1863-1936) Major General in WWI. b. Aug. 25, 1863
in New Brunswick, N.J. Graduate of
Caspar H. Weis U.S. Military Academy in 1887. Served in Indian wars,
Spanish-American War, Philippine Insurrection and WWI. Promoted to major
general in 1918 and after war reverted to rank of colonel. Made a brigadier
general in regular Army in 1921 and major general in 1924, retiring in 1927.
In WWI he commanded the 56th Brig. of the 28th Div. and later the 88th Div.
Mason. d. March 4, 1936.
Caspar H. Weis Midget. b. April 19, 1878 in Morchingen, Germany.
Made a Mason in Richard Vaux Lodge No. 384, Philadelphia just after the turn
of the century. Was also a member of Jerusalem Chapter No. 3, R.A.M.,
Corinthian Commandery No. 53, K.T. and Lu Lu Shrine Temple, all of
Philadelphia. He was 47 inches tall and weighed 55 pounds.
Adam Weishaupt (1748-1811?) Founder of the Order of Illuminati. b.
Feb. 6, 1748 in Ingoldstadt, Germany. He was educated by the Jesuits. He was
named as professor extraordinary of law at Ingoldstadt U. in 1772, and in 1775
professor of natural and canon law. The latter position had been held
previously only by an ecclesiastic. Weishaupt's views were cosmopolitan and
liberal. He condemned the bigotry and superstitions of the established church
and gained a following of young students who would meet in his private
apartment and discuss philosophic subjects. This was the beginning of his
Order of the Illuminati, or Enlightened Ones. At first it was totally
unconnected with Freemasonry, for Weishaupt was not initiated into the Craft
until 1777, when he received the degrees in the Lodge Theodore of Good Counsel
at Munich. He then sought to incorporate the Illuminati into Freemasonry.
Originally of high aims and purposes, the organization became a corrupt
political instrument, and fell into disfavor.
In 1784 all secret associations were prohibited by royal decree,
and the following year Weishaupt was deprived of his professorship and
banished from the country. He went to Gotha and was kindly received by Duke
Ernest, who made him a counselor and gave him a pension. His date of death is
given variously as 1811 and 1830.
Harry Weiss (see under Harry Houdini).
Godfrey Weitzel (1835-1884) Union Major General in Civil War. b.
Nov. 1, 1835 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1855,
he advanced to major general of volunteers in 1864; brigadier general in
regulars in 1865 and brevet major general in regulars, same year. After the
capture of New Orleans he became assistant military commander and mayor of the
city. Was in Louisiana until 1864. Commanded the 18th Army Corps in 1864, and
later was in charge of all troops north of the Potomac River during final
operations against General Lee's Army. After the war he was in command of the
Rio Grande district in Texas and later in engineering work at Philadelphia.
Mason. d. March 19, 1884.
Herbert Welch Methodist Bishop. b. Nov. 7, 1862 in New York City.
Graduate of Wesleyan U. in 1887 and 1890. Entered ministry in 1890, serving
churches in Bedford Station, N.Y.; St. Luke's, N.Y.C.; Brooklyn; Middletown,
Conn.; and Mt. Vernon, N.Y. Was president of Ohio Wesleyan U. from 1905-16 and
elected bishop in 1916. Was resident bishop of Japan and Korea, 1916-28;
Pittsburgh area, 1928-32; Shanghai area, 1932-36; Boston area, 1938-39.
Received 33° AASR (NJ) on Aug. 13, 1920.
Paul R. Welch (1882-1952) President of Welch Grape Juice Co., from
1928 and later Chairman of Board.
308 Arthur, Duke of Wellington b. July 20, 1882 in Philadelphia,
Pa. Graduate of Columbia U. Law School in 1905. He was vice president of the
Welch company from 1903-14; vice president and treasurer, 1914-28. Member of
Summit Lodge No. 219, Westfield, N.Y., receiving degrees on May 11, 25, June
22, 1914. Dimitted May 14, 1951. d. Nov. 22, 1952.
Philip J. Welch U.S. Congressman from Missouri to 81st and 82nd
Congresses, 1949-53. b. April 4, 1895 in St. Joseph, Mo. He served St. Joseph
as both treasurer and mayor. In 1946 he was appointed assistant director of
the R.F.C. in Kansas City. Mason, 32° AASR (SJ), Shriner and Jester.
Herman Welker (1906-1957) U.S. Senator from Idaho from 1951. b.
Dec. 11, 1906 at Cambridge, Idaho. Graduate of U. of Idaho in 1929 and
admitted to the bar that year. Moved to Los Angeles, 1936-43, but returned to
Payette, Idaho in 1944, where he practiced until elected senator. Was state
senator, 1948-50. Mason. d. Oct. 30, 1957.
Ovington E. Weller (1862-1947) U.S. Senator from Maryland,
1921-27. b. Jan. 23, 1862 in Reisterstown, Md. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy
in 1881 and served two years in Navy. Graduate of National Law School (D.C.)
in 1887 and practiced law for three years. He then became a member of a stock
brokerage firm in Boston and New York, retiring in 1901 to travel extensively.
In 1927 he resumed the practice of law in Baltimore. Received degrees in Ionic
Lodge No. 145 (Md.) on May 28 (1st and 2nd) and Aug. 9, 1907. Dimitted Dec.
18, 1936 and no further record in Maryland. Was 32° AASR (SJ). d. Jan. 5,
Gideon Welles (1802-1878) Secretary of the Navy, 1861-69. b. in
Glastonbury, Conn., he was editor andpart owner of the Hartford (Conn.) Times.
Active in politics, he was postmaster of Hartford from 1836-41 and an
organizer of the Republican party in 1856. In this same year he founded the
Republican newspaper Hartford (Conn.) Evening Press. A supporter of both
Lincoln and Johnson, he was secretary of the Navy in both their cabinets. He
was instrumental in developing the Monitor, famous Civil War ironclad ship.
Member of St. John's Lodge No. 4 and Pythagoras Chapter No. 17, R.A.M., both
of Hartford.
Sir Arthur Wellesley (see Duke of Wellington).
Viscount and Marquis of Wellesley (see under Mornington).
Arthur, Duke of Wellington (17691852) British general and
statesman known as "The Iron Duke"; defeated Napoleon, q.v., at Waterloo. He
entered the army in 1787. He was an Irish member of Parliament from 1790-95.
After commanding a division in the war with Tipu in 1799, he returned to
England as Irish Secretary for three years and was then given command as
lieutenant general in the Peninsular War of 1808. He defeated the forces of
King Joseph (Bonaparte) at Talavera; forced the French to retreat under
Massena and defeated them at Salamanaca. Given supreme command of Spain, he
drove the French across the Pyrenees in 1814 and was created 1st Duke of
Wellington in that year. With the Prussian Blucher, he crushed Napoleon at
Waterloo in 1815. Was active in politics the remainder of life, being prime
minister of England in 182830 and commander in chief of the armed forces
1827-28, 1842-52. His father, Gafrett, Earl of Mornington, q.v., was grand
master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland in 1776, and his brother Richard, 1st
Marquess of Wellesley and 2nd Earl of Morning-
Edward W. Wellington ton, q.v., was grand master of Ireland in 1782. The Iron
Duke was initiated in the family Lodge No. 494 (I.C.) at Trim on Dec. 7, 1790
as "A. Wesley" (the family used this name until about 1790, when they changed
it to Wellesley). His father was master of the lodge at this time and his
brother was also present in the lodge. He continued as a subscribing member
until 1795. The Duke admitted as much in 1838, when Dublin Lodge No. 2, having
acquired the Trim warrant, wished to call itself by his name. It is curious,
however, that in 1851, towards the end of his life, when pestered by an
importunate correspondent, the Duke denied "any recollection of having been
admitted a Freemason.”
Edward W. Wellington (1853-1925) General Grand Master, General
Grand Council, R. & S.M., 1915-18. b. Feb. 4, 1853 in Cambridge, Mass. He
earned his way through college and graduated with honors from Harvard in 1874.
Admitted to the Mass. bar in 1877, he moved to Kansas the following year,
where he became a successful business man in Ellsworth. He headed the four
York Rite bodies of Kansas, being grand master of Masons in 1907, grand high
priest in 1902, grand master of the Grand Council in 1902, and grand commander
in 1901. Received 33° AASR (SJ) in 1917. Was grand warden of the Grand
Encampment, K.T., in 1904-07. He originated and carried out the trip to Pike's
Peak, Colorado in 1899 where a memorial was deposited in a crypt hewn in the
rock. d. Feb. 18, 1925.
John S. Wells (1803-1860) U.S. Senator from New Hampshire, 1855.
b. Oct. 18, 1803 in Durham, N.H. Studied law and was admitted to the bar in
1828, practicing at Guildhall, Vt. until 1835, moving to Lancaster, N.H. in
1836 and then to Exeter in1847. Served in lower house of state legislature and
was speaker in 1841. In 1847 he was attorney general of N.H., and in 1851-52
was president of the state senate. Member of Star in the East Lodge No. 52,
Exeter, N.H. d. Aug. 1, 1860.
W. Franklin Wells (1884-1947) General Grand Master, General Grand
Council, R. & S.M., 1942-46. b. March 14, 1884 in Clayton Co., Ga., one of 15
children. Dr. Wells received his M.D. degree from Atlanta School of Medicine
in 1911 (now part of Emory U.). He served on the faculty of the school until
1917. He practiced after 1917 in Atlanta, Ga. and vicinity, making his home at
Hapeville. He specialized in gynecology and obstetrics. In 1932 he was made a
fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and was visiting gynecologist and
obstetrician to Georgia Baptist Hospital and Grady Memorial Hospital, both of
Atlanta. Raised in Hapeville Lodge No. 590 in 1912, he served as master in
1916-18 and 1926. Exalted in East Point Chapter No. 97 in 1916, was high
priest in 1919 and grand high priest in 1927. Greeted in East Point Council
No. 23, he was grand master in 1933. Knighted in Coeur de Lion Commandery No.
4, May, 1918, he was grand commander in 1947. 32° AASR (SJ) at Atlanta in May,
1918 and member of Yaarab Shrine Temple, Atlanta. d. Nov. 7, 1947.
George A. Welsh Federal Judge, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
since 1932 and U.S. Congressman to 68th-72nd congresses, 1923-33, from 6th Pa.
dist. b. Aug. 9, 1878 in Bay View, Md. In law practice at Philadelphia, where
he held many political offices. Served as director and secretary of Temple U.
for many years, and a vice president since 1939. Received degrees in Mount
Moriah Lodge No. 155, Philadelphia on June 27, Sept. 26,
Joshua Wentworth Oct. 31, 1905 and master of same in 1917. A Knight Templar.
Earl of Wemyss (see Lord Elcho).
Francis, 6th Earl of Wemyss (see Francis Charteris).
Elmer H. Wene (1892-1957) U.S. Congressman from N.J. to 75th,
77th-78th Congresses, 1937-39 and 194145. b. May 1, 1892 in Pittstown, N.J.
Engaged in poultry raising near Vineland, N.J. from 1918. President and owner
of station WSNJ at Bridgeton, N.J. and WTTM at Trenton, N.J. Was defeated for
U.S. senator, 1944, and governor in 1947. Member of Vineland Lodge No. 69
(N.J.), receiving degrees on Jan. 21, Feb. 25, March 25, 1918. d. Jan. 25,
Benning Wentworth (1696-1770) English Colonial Governor of New
Hampshire, 1741-1767. b. July 24, 1696 in Portsmouth, N.H. Graduate of Harvard
in 1715, he became a merchant in Portsmouth. He issued land grants in what is
now southern Vermont and was challenged by the colonial governor of New York,
who claimed the land was in his territory. For these grants he received heavy
fees, through which he accumulated a large fortune. He stipulated that on each
grant a lot be set aside for the erection of an Episcopal church. After his
resignation as governor, he gave 500 acres of land to Dartmouth College. His
second wife is the subject of Longfellow's poem, Lady Wentworth. Bennington,
Vt. was named in his honor. He was admitted a member of St. John's Lodge No.
1, Portsmouth, N.H. in 1736. d. Oct. 14, 1770.
Sir John Wentworth (1737-1820) Last Colonial Governor of New
Hampshire and later Governor of Nova Scotia. b. Aug. 9, 1737 in Portsmouth,
N.H., the nephew of Benning Wentworth, Tv. A graduate of Harvard in 1755, he
then associated withhis father as a merchant. He succeeded his uncle as royal
governor of New Hampshire in 1767, serving until 1775. He was a popular man,
giving Dartmouth College its charter and endowing it with 44,000 acres of
land. He also gave a piece of land to each member of the first graduating
class. When the American Revolution began he sailed to England and remained
there for its duration. In 1792 he was appointed governor of Nova Scotia,
holding that office until 1808. He was a member of the Royal Nova Scotia
Regiment Lodge No. 24 and master of same in 1800-01. d April 8, 1820.
John Wentworth (1815-1888) Chicago pioneer, editor and politician.
b. March 5, 1815 in Sandwich, N.H. After graduation at Dartmouth in 1836 he
settled in Chicago. He attended the first meeting to consider the propriety of
organizing the town of Chicago into a city, and did much to procure its
charter. Admitted to law practice in 1841. He purchased the Chicago Democrat
and made it the chief daily paper of the Northwest. He was publisher, editor
and proprietor of same until 1861. He served three terms as a U.S.
congressman, 1843-51, 1853-55 and 186567. He was one of the founders of the
Anti-Slavery party, out of which grew the Republican party. Was elected mayor
of Chicago in 1857 and again in 1860. As mayor, he introduced the first steam
fire-engine, named Long John in his honor. He was a very tall man and was
nicknamed "Long John." Initiated in Oriental Lodge No. 33, Chicago, in 1841.
d. Oct. 16, 1888.
Joshua Wentworth (1742-1809) Colonel of the 1st New Hampshire
Regiment in 1776. b. in Portsmouth in 1742. He served four years in the
legislature and was appointed a delegate to the Continental Congress,
Louis H. Wentz but did not attend. Member of St. Johns Lodge No. 1,
Portsmouth. d. Oct. 19, 1809.
Louis H. Wentz (1877-1949) Oklahoma oil producer and
philanthropist. b. in Tampa City, Iowa, Nov. 10, 1877. Settled at Ponca City,
Okla. in 1911 and became one of the principal oil and gas producers of the
state. He was the founder of the Lew Wentz Foundation of Oklahoma U., the
Oklahoma Argicultural and Mechanical Coll. and other colleges of the state for
providing students with loans. He was organizer and treasurer of the Oklahoma
Society for Crippled Children, and was a leader in the movement for State
Crippled Children's Law and the construction of a state hospital for crippled
children. He was founder of a camp for boys' and girls' organizations at Ponca
City and also a wild game sanctuary near that city. Member of Ponca City Lodge
No. 83; received 32° AASR (SJ) at Guthrie on Oct. 17, 1912; KCCH Oct. 18, 1927
and 33° on Oct. 17, 1933. A Knight Templar and Shriner. He was president of
the Masonic Charity Foundation of Oklahoma, financed the Ponca City Masonic
Temple and personally financed student loan funds in Okla. d. June 9, 1949.
Harald Nicolai Storm Wergeland (1814-1893) Norwegian Lieutenant
General and provincial grand master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Norway.
Received K.C. of the Order of King Charles XIII.
Hazen G. Werner Methodist Bishop of Ohio since 1949. b. July 29,
1895 in Detroit, Mich. Graduate of Albion Coll. (Mich.) and Drew U. (N.J.).
Ordained a minister in 1924 and then served churches in Detroit and Flint,
Mich. and Dayton, Ohio. From 194549 he was head of department of practical
theology of Drew U., Madison, N.J. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 13, Dayton,
Ohio and was grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, 1941-42. Received
Scottish Rite degrees in the Valley of Dayton in Nov., 1940 and made honorary
33° AASR (NJ) Sept. 26, 1945 at Boston.
Reinald Werrenrath (1883-1953) Baritone, teacher and conductor. b.
Aug. 7, 1883 in Brooklyn, N.Y. Made debut at Metropolitan Opera House as
Sylvio in Pagliacci, on Feb. 19, 1919. Appeared with success in recitals and
oratorios in leading cities of the U.S. from 1907. Was star of operetta, Music
in the Air, 1932-33. With NBC from 1929-32 as vocal supervisor. Taught in own
studio at Carnegie Hall, N.Y., Washington Musical Inst. (D.C.) and Albany
(N.Y.) Conservatory. Member of Guttenberg Lodge No. 737, Albany, N.Y.
receiving degrees on May 16, June 6, 20, 1946. d. Sept 12, 1953.
Floyd R. Wertman (1884-1947) Vice President of S. S. Kresge Co. b.
April 2, 1884 at Farm Mundy, Mich. Was with Kresge Co. from 1906, becoming
vice president in charge of merchandising. Mason and 32° AASR (NJ) . d. May
13, 1947.
Wesley (see also Wellesley).
John Wesley (1703-1791) The founder of Methodism was not a
Freemason, although sometimes claims are made of his membership. A critical
examination by W. J. Chetwode Crawley concludes that the person of that name
initiated in Downpatrick Lodge No. 36, Downpatrick, Ireland, on Oct. 30, 1788
was not the Wesley of Methodist fame. As a matter of fact it seems that he
entertained dubious opinions of the fraternity. Had he been a member of the
Craft it would undoubtedly have been chronicled in his copious and accurate
journals and diaries.
312 Francis Charteris, 6th Earl of Weymyss Samuel Wesley
(1766-1837) Distinguished English organist, whom Mendelssohn called "the
father of English organ-playing." He was a nephew of John Wesley, q.v.,
founder of Methodism. b. Feb. 24, 1766. Raised in the Lodge of Antiquity No.
1, of London, on Dec. 18, 1788 at the age of 22. He was appointed grand
organist of the Grand Lodge of the Moderns on May 13, 1812, being the first to
hold that office. He was at his place as organist at the assembly which
ratified the Articles of Union, Dec. 1, 1813, and at the inaugural
communication of the United Grand Lodge of England, when the two grand lodges
merged. In honor of the occasion he composed the Grand Anthem, for Freemasons.
He was appointed to this position annually until succeeded by Sir George
Smart. He was the composer of many songs, glees, etc. for the use of the
Craft. d. Oct. 11, 1837.
Theodoric R. Westbrook (18211885) U.S. Congressman from New York,
1853-55. b. Nov. 20, 1821 in Fishkill, N.Y. Graduate of Rutgers Coll. (NJ) in
1838; admitted to the bar in 1843 and began practice in Kingston, N.Y. Elected
justice of supreme court of N.Y. in 1873. Member of Kingston Lodge No. 10,
Kingston, N.Y. d. Oct. 6, 1885.
William W. Westcott (1848-1925) English physician and Masonic
author. b. Dec. 17, 1848, he was orphaned at ten years of age. Received
diplomas from College of Surgeons and of the Society of Apothecaries at age of
21. Initiated in 1871, he became master of Quatuor Coronati Lodge in 1893, and
was the author of many valuable contributions to the transactions of that
lodge. Became secretary general of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia in
1883. His home lodge was Parret and Axe Lodge No. 814, Crewkerne, England. d.
July 30, 1925.
Lord Westhall (see David Dalrymple).
Thomas, 6th Earl of Westmeath Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Ireland in 1763.
Oscar Westover (1883-1938) Major General and Chief of U.S. Air
Corps from 1935. Westover Air Force Base in Mass. is named in his honor. b.
July 23, 1883 in Bay City, Mich., he was graduated from the U.S. Military
Academy in 1906. Rose through grades to major general in Dec., 1935. In WWI he
was assistant executive of the Bureau of Aircraft Production. From 1919-20 he
was chairman of the U.S. Claims Board; from 1922-28 was director of aircraft
production in the U.S. Became assistant to chief of Air Corps in 1932 and
chief in 1935. He participated in many free balloon races in the U.S. and
abroad. Mason. d. Sept. 21, 1938.
Carl V. Weygandt Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Ohio since 1933.
b. June 14, 1888 in Wayne Co., Ohio. Graduate of Coll. of Wooster, 1912. Began
as a teacher in country school and later high school at Wooster, Ohio. Began
law practice at Cleveland in 1918. Served in the state general assembly, and
was judge of court of common pleas six years. From 193033 he was judge of the
8th appellate district of Ohio. Member of Ebenezer Lodge No. 33, Wooster
Chapter No. 27, R.A.M., Wooster Council No. 13, R. & S.M., Wooster Commandery
No. 48, K.T., all of Wooster; 33° AASR (NJ), Red Cross of Constantine and
Thomas, 2nd Viscount of Weymouth Grand Master of the Grand Lodge
of England (Moderns) in 1735.
Francis Charteris, 6th Earl of Weymyss Twelfth Grand Master Mason
of Scotland in 1747.
313 James, 5th Earl of Weymyss James, 5th Earl of Weymyss Eighth
Grand Master Mason of Scotland in 1743.
Francis, 8th Earl of Weymyss (see Lord Elcho).
Fred L. Wham Federal Judge, Eastern Illinois, 1927-1956. b. June
15, 1884 in Marion Co., Ill. Admitted to the bar in 1909, first practicing in
Ft. Smith and Fayetteville, Ark. In 1917 he moved to Centralia, practicing law
until 1927. Member of Centralia Lodge No. 201, Centralia, Ill. and received
50-year card in 1959. Member of Scottish Rite in East St. Louis, he was
created an honorary member of the Supreme Council in 1945 and an active member
for Illinois in 1952. Is a Knight Templar and Shriner.
Philip, 1st Duke of Wharton (16981731) Was the second person of
the nobility to be Grand Master of England and the fourth Roman Catholic to
hold that office. He has been called the "evil genius" of the early grand
lodge days. When he was 18 the Old Pretender conferred on him the Dukedom of
Northumberland, on the strength of which he borrowed and squandered Ł2,000
from the widow of James II. Upon returning from his travels, he espoused the
Hanoverian cause and was rewarded with another dukedom. He took his seat in
the House of Lords and was president of the notorious Hell-Fire Club.
Anderson's account in his second Book of Constitutions (1738) accuses the duke
of having engineered his irregular election as grand master in June, 1722. He
was almost certainly the founder of the anti-Masonic body of "Gormogons." In
1726 he left England, never to return, and the next year found him fighting
against the British at the siege of Gibraltar. For this he was outlawed by
England and shorn of his title and estates in 1729.
In the same year he formed a lodge in Madrid which lasted until
1768. He became a Roman Catholic in 1726 and died in a monastery. He was
satirized by Pope in his Moral Essays: "Wharton, the scorn and wonder of our
days, whose ruling passion was the lust of Praise.”
William H. Wheat (1879-1944) U.S. Congressman to 76th-77th
Congresses from Ill. b. Feb. 19, 1879 in Kahoka, Mo. Was president of the
First National Bank of Rantoul, Ill., from 1909. Member of Rantoul Lodge No.
470, Rantoul, Ill. receiving degrees on June 10, 17, 22, 1916; Shriner. d.
Jan. 16, 1944.
Zachary D. "Zach" Wheat Elected to Baseball Hall of Fame,
Cooperstown, N.Y. in 1959. b. May 23, 1888 in Hamilton, Mo. Was left fielder
for Brooklyn Dodgers for 18 years. Now operates a resort on the Lake of the
Ozarks. Member of Polo Lodge No. 232, Polo, Mo.
Burton K. Wheeler U.S. Senator from Montana, 1923-47. b. Feb. 27,
1882 in Hudson, Mass. Graduate of U. of Michigan in 1905 and began law
practice at Butte, Mont. in 1906. Served in state house of representatives,
and for five years was U.S. attorney of the District of Montana. Since 1947 he
has practiced law with his son. In 1924 he was the Progressive Party candidate
for the vice presidency, with Robert M. LaFollette as the presidential running
mate. Member of Butte Lodge No. 22, he received the Scottish Rite degrees (SJ)
at Butte on May 22-25, 1916 and is a member of Bagdad Shrine Temple of Butte.
Joseph Wheeler (1836-1906) Confederate Lieutenant General in the
Civil War. His statue is in the Hall of Fame of the U.S. Capitol. b. Sept. 10,
1836 in Augusta, Ga., he was
Abraham Whipple graduated from the U.S. Military Academy in 1859. Resigned
from the Army on April 22, 1861 and was made colonel of the 19th Alabama Inf.
the following Sept. He commanded a brigade at Shiloh and covered the
Confederate retreat. In July, 1862 he was transferred to a cavalry command and
became famous for his raids. Made brigadier general in Oct., 1862, major
general in Jan., 1863, and lieutenant general in Feb., 1865. He contested
General Rosecrans' advance; commanded the cavalry at Chickamauga; was at the
siege of Knoxville, covering Bragg's retreat from Mission Ridge and Lookout
Mountain. He fought almost daily against General Sherman's march to the sea.
At the end of the war he was senior cavalry general of the Confederate Armies.
After the war he studied law and practiced in Wheeler, Ala., where he was also
a planter. His election to the 47th congress was successfully contested, but
subsequent to the death of W. M. Lowe, who had contested his seat, he was
elected to the same congress and served from March 4, 1885 until April 20,
1900. In the Spanish-American War he was commissioned major general of
volunteers in May, 1898, in charge of a cavalry division. He commanded at the
Battle of Las Guasimas and in all the conflicts in front of Santiago. He was
senior member of the commission that negotiated the surrender of the Spanish
Army in Cuba. He then served in the•Philippine Insurrection, commanding the
1st Brig., 2nd Div., 8th Army in the Tarlac campaign. He was commissioned
brigadier general in the regular Army in 1900. Was raised, Nov. 4, 1873, in
Courtland Lodge No. 37, Courtland, Ala., and was a member of Courtland Chapter
No. 25, R.A.M. and DeMolay Commandery No. 14, K.T., of Decatur, Ala. d. Jan.
25, 1906.
Kenneth S. Wherry (1892-1951) U.S. Senator from Nebraska, 194351.
b. Feb. 28, 1892 in Liberty, Nebr. Graduate of U. of Nebraska in 1914. He was
senate minority whip, 1944-46; Republican whip 1944-48 and Republican floor
leader from 1949. In WWI he was with the U.S. Naval Flying Corps. Member of
Pawnee Lodge No. 23, Pawnee City, Nebr. and Shriner. d. Nov. 29, 1951.
Abraham Whipple (1733-1819) Commodore in the American Revolution.
On June 9, 1772 he led the volunteers that took and buried the British
schooner Gaspe in Narragansett Bay, which was the first American uprising
against a British armed vessel. b. Sept. 16, 1733 in Providence, R.I. He
commanded a vessel in the West Indian trade early in life. During the French
War of 1759-60 he commanded the privateer Gamecock capturing 23 French vessels
in a single cruise. In June, 1775, Rhode Island fitted out two armed vessels,
placing Whipple in command with the title of commodore. He captured the
British sloop Rose, and in this encounter fired the first gun of the
Revolution on the water. Later captain of the Columbus and then the
Providence. The latter ship captured more British prizes than any other
American vessel. In July, 1'179, while commanding the Providence and two other
ships, he attacked a fleet of English merchantmen under convoy and captured
eight of them, a prize in excess of one million dollars. In 1780 he went to
Charleston, S. Car. in an effort to relieve that city, but was captured by the
British and held prisoner until the close of the war. He later became a farmer
at Cranston, R.I., but in 1799 connected himself with the Ohio Company and
settled at Marietta. He was initiated and passed in St. Johns Lodge No. 1,
Providence, R.I. on June 4, 1761. He was a brother of
William Whipple William Whipple, q.v., signer of the Declaration of
Independence. d. May 29, 1819.
William Whipple (1730-1785) Signer of the Declaration of
Independence and Brigadier General in American Revolution. b. Jan. 14, 1730 in
Kittery, Maine, he was the brother of Abraham Whipple, q.v. He commanded a
ship before he was 21 and engaged in the European, West India and African
trade, bringing many slaves from the latter continent. In 1759 he abandoned
the sea and went into business in Portsmouth, N.H. with his brother, Joseph.
Was elected a delegate to the Continental Congress from N.H. in 1775 and
served until 1778, declining his reelection. Was commissioned brigadier
general in 1777 and commanded a brigade of state troops at the battles of
Saratoga and Stillwater. After Burgoyne's surrender he signed the articles of
capitulation on behalf of General Gates. He participated in Sullivan's
expedition to R.I. in 1778 and resigned his commission in 1782. Was state
superintendent of finances from 1782-84. His petition was received by St.
John's Lodge No. 1, Portsmouth, N.H. on January 2, 1752 at the age of 21. Some
sources say the date was June 2, but this is probably due to the abbreviation
in the lodge minutes, i.e.: "At a Lodge held at Mr. James Stoutley, this 2d
Jan. 1752, being the first night of the Quarter, Mr. William Whipple Proposed
& by Dispensation Balloted for & Unanimously Voted to be made a member of this
Society." d. Nov. 28, 1785.
John Whistler (1756-1829) U.S. Army Captain who was the builder
and first commandant of Fort Dearborn (site of Chicago). b. about 1756 in
Ulster, Ireland. He ran away from home as a boy and enlisted in the British
Army, serving under General Burgoyne during the American Revolution. After the
war he settled at Hagerstown, Md. Enlisting in the army, he was severely •
wounded in the Indian campaign of 1791. Was promoted to captain July 1, 1797,
and in the summer of 1803 was sent with his company of the 1st Infantry from
Detroit to the headwaters of Lake Michigan, where he completed construction of
Fort Dearborn before the close of the year. He attained the rank of brevet
major and in 1815 was appointed military store-keeper, first at Newport, Ky.
and afterwards at Jefferson Barracks, near St. Louis, Mo. Member of Nova
Caesarea Lodge No. 10 (now Harmony No. 2) of Cincinnati. d. Sept. 3, 1829.
John C. Whitaker Former President and Chairman of Board of R. J.
Reynolds Tobacco Co. b. Aug. 7, 1891 in Winston-Salem, N.C. Graduate of U. of
North Carolina in 1912 and with Reynolds Co. since 1913. Was vice president
from 1937-48; president, 1948-52; chairman of board, 1952-59 and now honorary
chairman. Has been a director since 1935. Received degrees in Winston Lodge
No. 167, Winston-Salem, N.C. on April 26, 1919, April 30, May 7, 1926.
Received N.C. 25-year service award on Oct. 19, 1951 and elected to life
membership Dec. 10, 1956. Elected to honorary membership in Forsyth Lodge No.
707 (N.C.) on June 14, 1960.
Whitcomb (1795-1852) U.S. Senator and Governor of Indiana. b. Dec. 1, 1795 in
Windsor, Vt. Graduate of Transylvania U. (Ky.) in 1819, studied law and began
practice in Bloomington, Ind. in 1824. Appointed by President Jackson as
Commissioner of the General Land Office, he served from 1836-41 and then
resumed law practice in Terre Haute, Ind. Was governor of Indiana, 184349 and
U.S. senator from 1849-52. He was past master of Bloomington
John C. White Lodge No. 22, Bloomington, Ind. and served as grand orator of
the Grand Lodge of Indiana at one time. Member of Indianapolis Chapter No. 5,
R.A.M. and secretary of same from Feb. 3-May 30, 1846. Raper Commandery No. 1,
K.T. of Indianapolis was organized on May 17, 1848 at the governor's residence
and on May 20 the orders were conferred on Whitcomb as the first initiate of
the commandery. He served as recorder of the commandery from May, 1848 until
Jan., 1849, when he left for Washington to take his seat as senator. d. Oct.
4, 1852.
Albert B. White (1856-1941) Governor of West Virginia, 1901-05. b.
Sept. 22, 1856 in Cleveland, Ohio. Graduate of Marietta Coll. in 1878. Was a
reporter and later managing editor of the Lafayette (Ind.) Daily Journal
1878-81, when he purchased the State Journal at Parkersburg, W. Va. and
remained editor until retired in 1899. He was raised in Mt. Olivet Lodge No.
3, Parkersburg, in 1887 and received the chapter degrees and commandery orders
in the same year. In 1895-96 he was commander of his commandery. d. July 3,
Bob White (see under Ray P. Holland).
Frank White (1856-1940) Treasurer of the United States, 1921-28
and Governor of North Dakota, 1901-05. b. Dec. 12, 1856 in Stillman Valley,
Ill. Graduate of U. of Illinois in 1880. He served in both branches of the N.
Dakota legislature. He served in the Philippines as a major of the 1st N. Dak.
Vol. Inf. in 1898-99, and in WWI was a colonel of the 41st Inf. Div., spending
14 months in France. He was a member of a military lodge attached to the 1st
N. Dak. Vols. and served as junior warden. Later he became grand commander of
the Grand Commandery, K.T. of N. Dak., 1916-17. Was raised March 29, 1889 in
Valley City Lodge No. 7, Valley City, N. Dak.; exalted in Cheyenne Chapter No.
4, R.A.M. of that city on Aug. 12, 1889 and knighted in Wi-ha-ha Commandery
No. 4, K.T. of Jamestown, March 13, 1890. He was a charter member of St. Elmo
Commandery No. 5, K.T., Valley City and was commander in 1908. d. March 23,
George White (1872-1953) Governor of Ohio, 1931-35 and U.S.
Congressman to 62nd, 63rd and 65th congresses, 1911-15 and 1917-19. b. Aug.
21, 1872 in Elmira, N.Y. Graduate of Princeton U. in 1895. He mined for two
years in the Klondike, and after 1902 was an oil producer at Marietta, Ohio.
Was initiated May 10, 1915 in American Union Lodge No. 1, Marietta, Ohio. d.
Dec. 15, 1953.
Hugh L. White (1773-1840) U.S. Senator from Tennessee, 1825-40,
being first elected to fill the vacancy on the resignation of Andrew Jackson,
q.v. b. Oct. 30, 1773 in Iredell Co., N. Car. He moved with parents in 1785 to
that part of N. Car. which is now Knox Co., Tenn. He participated in the
expedition against the Cherokees under General Sevier, q.v. Studied law and
began practice in Knoxville, Tenn. in 1796. Was district attorney in 1808,
judge of the supreme court, 1801-07 and 1809-15. He received the electoral
votes of Tenn. and Ga. in 1836 for president of the U.S. Member of Hiram Lodge
No. 7, Franklin, Tenn. d. April 10, 1840.
John C. White (1867-1956) Protestant Episcopal Bishop of
Springfield, Ill. from 1924. b. May 21, 1867 in Laurens Co., S. Car. Ordained
deacon in 1891 and priest in 1892, serving churches at Rantoul, Thomasboro,
Waverly, Ill. and Hartwell, Ohio; then to East St. Louis and Lincoln, Ill.
Received degrees in Central Lodge No. 71, (M.) on Aug. 14, 26,
Julius White Sept. 23, 1924; Knight Templar and 32° AASR (NJ). d. Feb. 11,
Julius White (1816-1890) Union General in Civil War. b. Sept. 29,
1816 in Cazenovia, N.Y., moving to in 1836. He then went to Wis. where he
engaged in commercial pursuits, but returned to Ill. and was collector of
customs at Chicago in 1861. Became colonel of the 37th Ill. Vols., known as
the "Fremont Rifle Regiment" and commanded it under General Fremont in the
expedition to Southwest Missouri in autumn of 1861. Was then placed at the
head of a brigade and advanced into Arkansas, where he participated in the
Battle of Pea Ridge. Made brigadier general of volunteers on the date of that
battle, June 9, 1862, and then assigned to Dept. of the Shenandoah. Was
captured at Harpers Ferry, but released in a month. Was brevetted major
general of volunteers in 1865. Member of Oriental Lodge No. 33, Chicago. d.
May 12, 1890.
Roy B. White President of Western Union Telegraph Co., 1933-41;
President of Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 1941-53 and since, Chairman of Board.
b. Aug. 8, 1883 in Metcalf, Ill. Began as a telegraph operator and advanced as
train dispatcher, chief train dispatcher, chief clerk and general
superintendent with the C.H. & D. Ry. Went with the B. & 0. in 1915 as a
superintendent, becoming general superintendent at Baltimore in 1921 and
general manager at N.Y.C. in 1923. In 1926 he joined the Central Railroad of
N.J. as senior vice president, and was president from 1926-33. Mason, 32° AASR
and Shriner.
Sir Sydney White (1884-1958) Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of
England, 1937-58. b. Oct. 19, 1884 at Ellsworth, Northamptonshire. Made a
Freemason in Neptune Lodge No. 22, London, in 1913, and whileserving as master
in 1919, became a member of the grand secretary's staff. In 1923 he was made
assistant grand secretary and two years later given the rank of past grand
deacon. At the death of Sir P. Colville Smith, grand secretary in 1937, White
was named grand secretary and served as such under five grand masters. He was
made a member of the Royal Victorian Order in 1938 and made a Knight Commander
of same on Jan. 1, 1952 (KCVO). d. March 9, 1958.
Wallace H. White, Jr. (1877-1952) U.S. Senator from Maine,
1931-49; U.S. Congressman to 65th-71st Congresses, 1917-31. b. Aug. 6, 1877 in
Lewiston, Maine. Graduate of Bowdoin Coll. in 1899. Held various government
jobs in Washington, D.C., studyinE, law, and was admitted to the bar in 1902
and began practice in Lewiston, Maine. He served as the U.S. representative on
many international meetings by appointment of the president or secretary of
state. Received the degrees in Ashlar Lodge No. 105, Lewiston, on May 13 and
June 24, 1912. Was exalted in King Hiram Chapter No. 9, Lewiston, on April 25,
1913 and received the Scottish Rite degrees (NJ) in Maine Consistory,
Portland, on May 18, 1916. d. March 31, 1952.
William R. White President of Baylor University, Waco, Texas,
since 1948. b. Dec. 2, 1892 near Brownsboro, Texas. Graduate of Howard-Payne
Coll., 1917 and 1927; S. W. Baptist Theol. Seminary, 1922 and 1924. Ordained
Baptist minister in 1911 and served pastorates in Goldthwaite, Royce City,
Greenville, Lubbock, Fort Worth, Texas and Oklahoma City, Okla. Secretary of
Baptist General Convention of Texas, 1929-31. Was president of Hardin-Simmons
U., 1940-43; secretary of the Sunday School Board, Southern Baptist
Convention, 1943-45 and
Paul Whiteman pastor of 1st Baptist Church, Austin, Texas, 1945-48. He is a
past master of Baylor Lodge No. 1235, Waco, 33° AASR (SJ), Knight Templar in
Waco Commandery No. 10, member of Red Cross of Constantine, Shriner and former
grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Texas.
John Whiteaker (1820-1902) Governor and U.S. Congressman from
Oregon. b. May 4, 1820 near Fort Wayne, Ind. Engaged in livestock raising and
moved to the Pacific coast in 1849, settling in Lane County, Oreg. Member of
territorial legislature in 1857 and governor of the state of Oregon in
1858-62. Served several terms in both houses of the state legislature, and was
speaker of the house and president of the senate. Served in the U.S. congress
from 1879-80. Raised in Eugene City Lodge No. 11, Eugene, Oregon. d. Oct. 2,
1902 and buried in the Masonic Cemetery of Eugene.
Cortlandt Whitehead (1842-1922) Protestant Episcopal Bishop. b.
Oct. 30, 1842 in N.Y. Graduate of Yale in 1863 and 1866 and Philadelphia
Divinity Sch. in 1867. Ordained deacon in 1867 and priest in 1868. Was a
missionary in Colorado until 1870, and from 1870-82 was rector of the Church
of the Nativity, South Bethlehem, Pa. Was consecrated bishop of Pittsburgh,
Pa. on Jan. 25, 1882. Twice delegate to general conference and three times
delegate to Lambeth conferences in London. Member of Bethlehem Lodge No. 283,
Bethlehem, Pa. and master of same in 1878. Was grand chaplain of the Grand
Lodge of Pennsylvania, 1883-1921. d. Sept. 18, 1922.
Ennis C. Whitehead Lieutenant General, U.S. Air Force. b. Sept. 3,
1895 in Westphalia, Kans. Graduate of U. of Kansas in 1920. Became a flying
cadet in WWI, 1917, and advanced through grades to lieutenantgeneral in 1945.
Became commanding general of the Fifth Air Force, SW Pacific in 1945, and also
commanded the Far East Air Forces in that year. Retired in 1951 and now
serving as an aviation consultant. Became member of Burlington Lodge No. 66,
Burlington, Kansas in 1916. Received Scottish Rite at Houston, Texas in 1922
and now member at Wichita, Kansas. Became a member of Arabia Shrine Temple of
Houston, Texas in 1922 and now a member of Midian Temple of Wichita.
Clarence Whitehill (1871-1932) Operatic baritone. b. in Marengo,
Iowa. Studied music in Chicago and Paris, making his operatic debut as Friar
Lawrence in Gounod's Romeo and Juliet at the Theatre de la Monnaie, Brussels
in 1900. He was the leading baritone at the Cologne (Germany) Opera House,
1903-08. Joined the Metropolitan Opera Co. in 1909 and made first appearance
in N.Y. as Amfortas in Parsifal. He studied Wagnerian roles under Frau Wagner
and sang at the Beyreuth Festivals. Was a regular member of the Metropolitan,
1920-31. He was first American to sing at Munich or Bayreuth. He played the
part of George Washington in the official Bicentennial talking picture
honoring the birth of the first president. Member of New York Lodge No. 330,
N.Y.C. d. Dec. 19, 1932.
Paul Whiteman Orchestra conductor known as the "King of Jazz." b.
March 28, 1891 in Denver, Colo. In charge of two transcontinental symphonic
jazz concert tours in the U.S., 1924-26, and toured England and the principal
cities of Europe in 1926. Was musical director of the Blue Radio Network in
1943. Has appeared many times on radio, television, and in movies. A member of
St. Cecile Lodge No. 568, N.Y.C., he was exalted in Corinthian Chapter
Jenkin Whiteside No. 159, R.A.M., of Brooklyn, N.Y. on May 22, 1922; greeted
in Columbian Council No. 1, R. & S.M. on Aug. 3, 1922, and knighted Aug. 17,
1922 in Ivanhoe Commandery No. 36, K.T. Also a member of the Mecca Shrine
Temple, N.Y.C.
Jenkin Whiteside (1772-1822) U.S. Senator from Tennessee. b. in
Lancaster, Pa. Admitted to the bar and moved to Tenn. commencing practice in
Knoxville. Served in U.S. senate from 1809-11, resigning to resume the
practice of law. Member of Tennessee Lodge No. 2, Knoxville, Tenn. d. Sept.
25, 1822.
Henry L. Whitfield (1868-1927) Governor of Mississippi, 1924-27.
b. June 20, 1868 in Rankin Co., Miss. Studied law and taught school, becoming
state superintendent of education, 1898-1907, and president of Miss. State
Coll. for Women, 1907-20. Member of Eastern Star Lodge No. 70, Florence,
Miss., being raised in 1895. Also member of York Rite bodies and Shrine. d.
March 18, 1927.
Greeley W. Whitford (1856-?) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of
Colorado, 1929-31, and Justice from 1921. b. June 5, 1856 in Rockville, Ind.
Practiced law in Washington, 1884-87 and then moved to Denver, Colo., where he
was city attorney, district attorney and U.S. attorney. Member of Union Lodge
No. 7, Denver. Deceased.
Henry Whiting (1790-1851) Brevet Brigadier General in Mexican War.
b. about 1790 in Lancaster, Mass. Entered Army in 1808, fought in War of 1812,
and was at the capture of Fort George, Upper Canada. In the Mexican War he was
chief quartermaster of Zachary Taylor's army, and was breveted brigadier
general for meritorious conduct in the Battle of Buena Vista. Elected a regent
of the U. of Michigan in 1848, he was the author of several books. Member of
Comfort Lodge No. 143 (now defunct), Old Point Comfort, Va. d. Sept. 16, 1851.
Nathan Whiting (1724-1771) Officer of the French and Indian War
who saved the day at the Battle of Lake George in leading the retreat. b. May
4, 1724 in New Haven, Conn. His father died during Nathan's infancy and he was
reared by his sister, Mary, and her husband, Rev. Thomas Clap, who became
president of Yale U. in 1740. Nathan was gradated from Yale in 1743 and became
a merchant in New Haven. Was made colonel of the 2nd Conn. regiment in 1756,
and served throughout the war. A member of Hiram Lodge No. 1, New Haven,
Conn., he sponsored the affiliation of Benedict Arnold in that lodge. d. April
9, 1771.
Charles S. Whitman Former Governor of New York. Member of Albion
Lodge No. 27 of N.Y.; Mecca Shrine Temple and 33° AASR (NJ).
Alexander F. Whitney (1873-1949) President of Brotherhood of
Railroad Trainmen from 1928. b. April 12, 1873 in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Began as
railroad news agent and became a brakeman. Mason. d. July 9, 1949.
Henry H. Whitney (1866-1949) Brigadier General, U.S. Army. b. Dec.
25, 1866 in Glen Hope, Pa. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy in 1892. In
disguise, made military reconnaissance of Cuba and Puerto Rico. Was on General
Miles' staff during Spanish-American War. Later adjutant general of Mindanao,
Philippines, and adjutant of Western Department at San Francisco. Commanded
the Presidio at San Francisco in 1915 and in WWI was member of General Staff,
A.E.F. and chief of staff, District of Paris, France, 1918-19. Retired in
June, 1920 at own request after 32 years' service. Raised in Orange Lodge No.
36, Apopka, Fla.
320 Claude R. Wickard in Jan. 1888, and entered West Point in June
of the same year. He was probably the first Mason to enter that institution.
Received the Scottish Rite degrees at Gulfport, Miss. in 1917 and became
member of Hamasa Shrine Temple, Meridian, Miss. Member of National Sojourners
in San Pedro, Calif. He was president of the A.E.F. Overseas Masonic Club of
Paris in 1917-18. d. April 2, 1949.
Jamie L. Whitten U.S. Congressman from 2nd Miss. dist. since 1941.
b. April 18, 1910 in Castilla, Miss. Served in state legislature in 1931 and
was elected district attorney three times before entering the 77th congress.
Washington C. Whitthorne (18251891) U.S. Senator and Congressman
from Tennessee. b. April 19, 1825 near Farmington, Tenn. Graduate of U. of
Tennessee in 1843; studied law and admitted to the bar in 1845. Began practice
in Columbia, Tenn. Served in both branches of the state legislature. In Civil
War, he was in the Confederate service as adjutant general of Tenn., 1861-65.
Was U.S. Congressman to 42nd-47th congresses, 1871-83, and U.S. senator,
1886-87. Member of Columbia Lodge No. 31, Columbia, Tenn. d. Sept. 21, 1891.
Elisha Whittlesey (1783-1863) First Comptroller of the U.S.
Treasury, 1848-57 and 1861-63; U.S. Congressman, 18th-25th Congresses from
Ohio; one of the founders of Whig Party and general agent from the Washington
National Memorial Association, 184749. b. Oct. 19, 1783 in Washington, Conn.
Practiced law in Conn. until 1805, when he moved to Canfield, Ohio. Was
military and private secretary to General Wm. Henry Harrison. From 1841-43 he
was sixth auditor of the U.S. Treasury, resigning to practice law in Canfield.
He was appointed first comptroller of the Treasury by Taylor, removed by
Buchanan, and reappointed by Lincoln. Raised in Old Erie Lodge No. 3, Warren,
Ohio in 1810, he was junior warden in 1811, secretary, 1812, and senior warden
in 1813. He was an original petitioner for Western Star Lodge No. 21, Canfield
in 1812 and first treasurer in 1813. Became member of Huron Chapter No. 7,
R.A.M., Norwalk, Ohio on Oct. 25, 1820 and dimitted to Mahoning Chapter No.
10, Warren, Ohio in 1824. Was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio
in 1820-21. d. Jan. 7, 1863.
Henry Josiah Whymper (18451893) English Masonic author. b. April
26, 1845 in Lambeth, England. Was in brewery business, going to India in 1865,
where he was the first to make beer that would keep and the first to cultivate
hops in Kashmir. He conducted numerous other business enterprises and
accumulated a considerable fortune, much of which he used in charitable work
and public projects. Was initiated in Lodge Mayo No. 1413, Rawal Pindi, India
on Dec. 17, 1872 and was deputy grand master of Punjab, 1884-94. In 1880 he
published Religion of Freemasonry, in which he attempted to prove that the
Craft is a Christian association. d. April 27, 1893.
George John Whyte-Melville (18211878) British novelist. b. in
Scotland. Was a captain in the Coldstream Guards, 1846-49, serving in Turkish
cavalry in Crimean War of 1854. Was the author of several novels fox hunting
and steeplechasing including Dig by Grand in 1853; Tilbury Nogo in 1854. His
best known, written in 1863, is an historical novel entitled The Gladiators.
Became member of Lodge of Edinburgh in 1843.
Claude R. Wickard U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, 1940-45. b. Feb.
28, 1893 in Carroll Co., Ind. Graduate of Purdue U. in Agr., 1915. Was assist-
Charles A. Wickliffe ant chief of corn and hogs section, A.A.A., Dept. of
Agriculture, 1933-35 and chief of same, 1935-36. Became undersecretary of
Agriculture in 1940 and secretary the same year. Member of Mt. Zion Lodge No.
211, Camden, Ind., receiving degrees on Feb. 28, April 21, May 19, 1914. 32°
AASR (NJ) and Shriner.
Charles A. Wickliffe (1788-1869) U.S. Postmaster General under
Tyler, 1841-45. b. June 8, 1788 in Bardstown, Ky. Began law practice in that
city in 1809. Served in U.S. congress from Kentucky, 1823-33 and 1861-63.
Served several times in state legislature; was lieutenant governor of Kentucky
and in 1839 became, acting governor. A wealthy man, he was known for his
aristocratic bearing and contempt for the poorer classes, winning him the name
of "the Duke." He was the father-in-law of Dr. Joseph S. Halstead, q.v. Member
of Bardstown Lodge No. 38 and past master of same. d. Oct. 31, 1869.
Christoph Martin Wieland (17331813) German poet, prose writer and
translator, often called the "German Voltaire." Was brought up as a Pietist,
and lived chiefly in Weimar from 1772. He was a friend of Goethe, Schiller and
Herder, qq.v., who inspired him to write his works of about 45 volumes of
classical poetry and prose. They are largely satirical or didactic and
included Lady Johanna Gray; Idris and Zenide; Musarion; Oberon. Most famous,
however, was his fantastic tale, Dschinnistan, on which Mozart, q.v., based
his Magic Flute. He made the first German prose translations of Shakespeare's
plays in 1762-66, as well as translations of Horace, Lucian and Cicero. During
his younger years, he was extremely critical of Freemasonry. At the age of 76
he asked to be accepted. Four years before his death he was initiated into the
Lodge Araaiia at Weimar. He read several lectures to his lodge, and his
opinion of Freemasonry may be partially learned from two of his statements:
"The Freemason is a citizen of the whole world; to talk in the spirit of our
wise men, a citizen of the town of God, in which the sun and planets form
different places —but united in harmony." Again, he said: "Let us be sure,
that the world in His totality, protected by the all-seeing eye, is of such a
beauty that future generations will enjoy the fruit of this arbor. We are
children of one father; we adore all who believe in humanity and we behold the
unity of the spirit, expressed by the mystic chain.”
Edward Wigglesworth (1742-1826) Colonel in American Revolution. b.
Jan. 3, 1742 in Ipswich, Mass. Graduate of Harvard in 1761. Engaged in
commercial pursuits, and in 1776 commissioned as colonel and took part in the
operations of the American fleet on Lake Champlain under Benedict Arnold and
Horatio Gates, being third in command. In 1777 he returned to his home in
Newbury-port to raise a second regiment. Took part in battles of Ticonderoga
and Monmouth. Resigned his commission in 1779 and Washington later appointed
him collector for Port of Newburyport, as his fortune had been ruined by his
devotion to his country. Member of Lodge of St. Andrew, Boston, in 1781. d.
Dec. 8, 1826.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox American poet. b. in Johnstown Centre, Wis.
about 1845. She wrote a poem for St. Elmo Commandery No. 9, K.T., of Meriden,
Conn., which was read at the public installation of its officers on Jan. 5,
George H. Wilcox (1856-1940) Chairman of Board of International
Silver Co. b. Aug. 22, 1856 in Meriden,
Dom Pedro I president of Brazil from 1906-09; he succeeded President Alfonso
Penna to the presidency on the latter's death, and completed the term until
1910. In 1917-18 he was foreign minister. A Mason.
George W. Peck (1840-1916) Governor of Wisconsin, 1891-95, and
author of the famous "Peck's Bad Boy" series. b. Sept. 28, 1840 in Henderson,
N.Y. Served as a private in Civil War with Wis. Cavalry. In 1860 he bought a
half interest in the Jefferson Co. Republican, Jefferson, Wis., and in 1866,
started The Representative at Ripon. He later owned the La Cross Democrat
until 1874, in which year he founded The Sun, moving it to Milwaukee in 1878,
and calling it Peck's Sun. He was mayor of Milwaukee in 1890-91. Became noted
for his humorous sketches, particularly for the Peck's Bad Boy series. His
writings included: Peck's Bad Boy and His Pa; The Groceryman and Peck's Bad
Boy; Peck's Boss Book; Peck's Uncle Ike and the Red Headed Boy; Peck's Bad Boy
With the Circus, and Peck's Bad Boy With the Cowboys. Affiliated with Frontier
Lodge No. 45, La Crosse, Wis. on Nov. 17, 1871 (no record of former lodge) and
on Feb. 7, 1879 dimitted from that lodge and affiliated with Wisconsin Lodge
No. 13, Milwaukee, Wis. on Aug. 19, 1880. d. April 16, 1916.
Theodore S. Peck (1843-1918) Recipient of the Congressional Medal
of Honor in Civil War. b. March 22, 1843 in Burlington, Vt. Prepared for
college and then enlisted in Union forces. Served in 1st Vt. Cavalry and 9th
Vt. Infantry from private to captain, and was on staff of Army of the Potomac
almost four years. He received the Congressional Medal of Honor "for
distinguished gallantry in action at Newport Barracks, N.C., Feb. 2, 1864." He
was adjutant general of Vermont from 1881-1900. Was in insurance business
after 1868. A Mason, he wasgrand marshal of the Grand Lodge of Vermont for 10
years. d. March 15, 1918.
Ferdinand Pecora Justice of Supreme Court of New York who presided
over the special "racketeering crimes" sessions of 1936. b. Jan. 6, 1882 in
Nicosia, Italy. Brought to U.S. in 1887, he became a naturalized citizen.
Graduate of New York Law School in 1906 and admitted to the bar in 1911.
Served N.Y. Co. as assistant district attorney and chief assistant district
attorney. As a counsel to U.S. senate committee on banking and currency in
1933-34, he conducted an investigation into banking and stock market practices
that led to the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and served
as one of its first members. Became associate justice of supreme court of N.Y.
in 1935, serving until 1950, when he resigned to become unsuccessful candidate
for mayor of N.Y.C. Member of York Lodge No. 197, N.Y.C., and past master of
Dom Pedro I (1798-1834) Emperor of Brazil, and as Dom Pedro IV,
was later president of Portugal. Name in full was Dom Antonio Pedro de
Alcantara Bourbon, the second son of John VI, King of Portugal, of the house
of Braganza. b. in Lisbon. He fled to Brazil in 1807 to escape the French. He
was made regent of Brazil in 1821, but took sides with the Brazilians against
the Portuguese, and declared the independence of that country on Sept. 7,
1822. He was crowned emperor on Oct. 22, 1822. At first he was a popular
monarch, but his influence was weakened by despotic actions, and he abdicated
in 1831, going to Europe. He was proclaimed king of Portugal, resigned in
favor of his daughter, and waged a successful war against his brother Dom
Miguel, the usurper. Initiated in Rio de Janeiro in 1821, he was at once
elected grand master of the Grand
nenopnon r. vrimey ate of U. of Wisconsin in 1907, admitted to the bar and
since practiced in Chippewa Falls. Is past chairman and now ranking member of
the senate judiciary committee as well as ranking member of the foreign
relations committee. Is owner and operator of a farm. Is a member of Chippewa
Falls Lodge No. 176, Chippewa Chapter No. 46, R.A.M. and Tancred Commandery
No. 27, K.T., all of Chippewa Falls. Also member of Eau Claire Consistory,
AASR, and Tripoli Shrine Temple.
Xenophon P. Wilfley (1871-1931) U.S. Senator from Missouri, April
30-Nov. 5, 1918, filling unexpired term of W. J. Stone. b. March 18, 1871 near
Mexico, Mo. Graduate of Clarksburg Coll. in 1891 and Central Coll. in 1894.
Taught school for four years and then was graduated from law school of
Washington U. in 1899 and began practice in St. Louis. Was president of the
Mo. Bar Assn. in 1925. Member of Scottish Rite bodies in St. Louis. d. May 4,
L. Dana Wilgress Canadian diplomat. b. Oct. 20, 1892 in Vancouver,
B.C. Graduate of McGill U. in 1914. Entered government service with department
of Trade and Commerce and served in Ottawa, Omsk, Vladivostok and Hamburg.
Became ambassador to Russia, 1942-47, and was high commissioner for Canada at
London from 1949-52. Was undersecretary of state for external affairs, 1952-53
and permanent representative to the North Atlantic Council since 1953. He was
chairman of the Canadian delegation to the preparatory committee of the U.N.
in 1945. Was raised in Canada Lodge No. 3527 of London while serving as high
commissioner in London.
John Wilkes (1727-1797) English political reformer known as
the"Friend of Liberty." He led a profligate life. Founded The North Briton in
1762 and attacked Lord Bute and charged George III with falsehood. Was
prosecuted for libel, but obtained verdict with damages for illegal arrest.
Member of Parliament from 1757-64, being expelled the latter year for
seditious libel. He then fled to the continent to escape trial, but returned
in 1768; was elected to parliament; stood trial and was imprisoned from June,
1768 to April, 1770. He was then reelected to parliament and expelled three
times, but finally gained his seat. He became the idol of the mob, rioting for
"Wilkes and liberty." He was lord mayor of •London in 1774. He championed the
colonial rights in the American Revolution. While in prison, on March 3, 1769,
"Ye members of ye Lodge held at ye Jerusalem Tavern, in Clerkenwell, attended
at the King's Bench Prison, and made Mr. Wilkes a Mason." This is now
Jerusalem Lodge No. 197. The Gazeteer and New Advertiser at that time added
that the ceremony was performed in the King's Bench Prison in the presence of
the grand officers, whom the minutes show to have included Thomas French, the
grand secretary. Mystification arose when the same paper officially denied the
dispensation and presence of the grand officers four days later.
James Wilkinson (1757-1825) American Army officer and adventurer.
b. in Calvert Co., Md. Completed medical studies and entered Continental Army
in 1776 as a captain. Was with Arnold in retreat from Montreal to Albany in
1776 and was at Trenton and Princeton. Was promoted to lieutenant colonel in
1777 and brevetted brigadier general. Was secretary of board of war in 1778,
but became involved in the Conway Cabal and forced to resign commission in
1778. He then became clothier gen-
Jean-Baptiste Willermoz eral of the army, 1779-81. Then engaged in trade in
the Mississippi Valley region and conspired with the Spanish governor of La.
to gain trade monopolies for himself. He was also charged with attempting to
separate Kentucky from the U.S. and turn it over to Spain. He again entered
the service as a lieutenant colonel and fought against the Indians. In 1792 he
became brigadier general. Took over Detroit from the British in 1796 and on
General Wayne's death in that year he became the ranking officer of the U.S.
Army. With Col. Wm. C. C. Claiborne, he represented the U.S. in taking over
the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 from the French. Was governor of Louisiana,
1805-06. He was implicated in Aaron Burr's conspiracy and was chief witness at
Burr's trial. He was acquitted by a court of inquiry and later (1811) by
court-martial. Commissioned major general in 1813 and commanded American
forces on Canadian frontier. Again acquitted before a board of inquiry in 1815
and honorably discharged from Army in that year. Went to Mexico in 1821 and
died in the home of Joel R. Poinsett, q.v., on Dec. 28, 1825. There is some
confusion as to his various Masonic memberships. He was undoubtedly a member
of a "Lodge No. 2," but whether this was the Masters Lodge No. 2 at Albany,
N.Y. or at Philadelphia, Pa. is unclear. On Dec. 5, 1780 he was admitted a
member of Bristol Lodge No. 25, Bristol, Pa. and on May 5, 1795 admitted a
member of Nova Caesarea Lodge No. 10, Cincinnati. He was an occasional visitor
to lodges in the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys, including Harmony No. 7 at
Morton S. Wilkinson (1819-1894) U.S. Senator and Representative
from Minnesota. b. Jan. 22, 1819 in Skaneateles, N.Y. He moved to Ill. in 1837
for two years, but returnedto Skaneateles in 1840, where he studied law and
was admitted to the bar in 1842. Began law practice in Eaton Rapids, Mich. in
1843; moved to Stillwater, Minn. in 1847. Was elected to the first legislature
of the Minn. Territory in 1849. Moved to Mankato in 1858. Was U.S. senator
from 1859-65 and congressman from 1869-71. Member of St. Paul Lodge No. 3, St.
Paul, Minn. d. Feb. 4, 1894.
Daniel Willard (1861-1942) President of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, 1910-41. b. Jan. 28, 1861 in North Hartland, Vt. Entered railway
service in 1879 and in various duties on different railways until 1899, when
he became assistant general manager of the Baltimore & Ohio. Later became 2nd
vice president of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, 1904-10, and president of
Colorado Midland. Received degrees in Crescent Lodge No. 66, Lyndonville, Vt.
on July 10, 21, Aug. 11, 1882 and dimitted Aug. 10, 1889 to become charter
member of Arcana Lodge No. 187, Minneapolis, Minn. d. July 6, 1942.
Jean-Baptiste Willermoz (17301824) Leader in Masonic and occult
movements of France in second half of 18th century. b. July 10, 1730 at Lyons,
France of humble parentage. Was initiated at age of 20 and became master of
lodge two years later. In 1753 he founded the lodge Perfect Friendship. In
1760 he was a leader in founding the Grand Lodge of Lyons and in 1763 founded
a Rosicrucian chapter of Knights of the Black Eagle. He believed that
somewhere in the various Masonic and quasi-Masonic bodies there was concealed
a sacred deposit of divine truth capable of being used for the redemption of
mankind. Was associated with Pasqually in the "Freemasonry of Knights Masons
Elected Cohens of the Universe" and on May 13, 1768 was admitted a member of
William I the Reaux-Croix, the highest degree of the Cohens. He then became
aligned with Von Hund, q.v., and the Order of Strict Observance. In 1778 he
took a leading part in the famous Convent des Gaules, which freed the French
from German control in the Strict Observance Rite. This later became the
Knights Beneficent of the Holy City. The French Revolution caused him to flee
France to escape the guillotine. When an attempt was made in 1808 to revive
the Knights Beneficent, he was not notified until they came to him in search
of the old rituals. d. May 29, 1824.
William I (1797-1888) King of Prussia, 1861-88; and Emperor of
Germany, 1871-88. Full name was Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig, second son of
Frederick William III, q.v., and father of Frederick III (both dying in the
same year). Fought against Napoleon in 1814-15. Became Prince of Prussia in
1840 when his brother Frederick William IV became emperor. Being unpopular as
such because of his absolutist ideas and suppression of insurrections, he fled
to England in 1848. On becoming king of Prussia in 1861 he proclaimed that he
"ruled by the favor of God and of no one else," and he maintained a continuous
struggle with liberals. He was aided by Bismarck, and in the war with Austria
in 1866 he personally commanded at Sadowa and led the German armies in the
Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. Again he personally commanded at Gravelotte
and Sedan, and was proclaimed emperor of Germany at Versailles on Jan. 18,
1871. He strengthened Bismarck and his generals in exercising Prussian control
of Germany. He was initiated in a special lodge of the Grosse Landesloge at
Berlin on May 22, 1840, at which time the three grand masters of the Berlin
Grand Lodges participated. He was an honorary member of the Grand Lodge of
Scotland and protector of Freemasonry in Germany. The proceedings of the Grand
_Lodge of New York in 1888 stated: "It would be superfluous now to mention of
his wonderful career. Despite the cares of state, he had upon frequent
occasions manifested his attachment to our Fraternity, of which for many years
he had been a member. He held the office, unknown among us, of Protector of
the eight German Grand Lodges comprising the Grand Lodge League within his
William II (1792-1849) King of the Netherlands, 1840-49. Full name
was Willem Frederik George Lodewijk. A son of William I, he fought in Spain
under Wellington and commanded the Dutch forces at Waterloo in 1815. In 1832
he commanded the Dutch army that was defeated by the French. He was made king
on abdication of his father in 1840. He aided in financial improvements of his
country, and in 1848 secured a new constitution with many liberal features. He
was made a member of the Lodge of Hope of Brussels in 1817, became honorary
master of the lodge and assisted in its workings.
William Frederick II (1744-1797) (see under Frederick).
William Frederick III (1770-1840) (see under Frederick).
William Frederick III (1831-1888) (see under Frederick).
William IV (1765-1837) King of England, 1830-37 and King of
Hanover, 1830-37. Called the "Sailor King" also "Silly Billy." Was the third
son of George III. He was previously H.R.H. Prince William, Duke of Clarence
and St. Andrews as well as Earl of Munster. Served as a midshipman in 1780;
captain of a frigate in 1785 and stationed in West Indies. Became rear admiral
in 1790 and
Bert Williams Duke of Clarence in 1789. Sat in House of Lords and opposed
emancipation of slaves. Became heir to the throne and lord high admiral in
1827. Succeeded George IV, q.v., as king in 1830. Succeeded on British throne
by his niece, Victoria, q.v., and on Hanoverian throne by his brother, Ernest
Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, q.v., He was initiated in Lodge No. 86,
Plymouth, England on March 9, 1786 and on May 30, 1789 became a member of
Prince of Wales Lodge, London and was master of same for three years prior to
his elevation as king. His brother, the Duke of Sussex, q.v., became grand
master of England. When he assumed the throne, he became grand patron of the
Order in 1831.
William (see Prince of Brunswick).
William Augustus (see Duke of Cumberland).
William Frederick (see Prince of Gloucester).
William Henry, Duke of Clarence (see William IV).
William Henry (see Duke of Gloucester).
Arthur B. Williams (1872-1925) U.S. Congressman to 68th Congress,
1923-25, from Michigan. b. Jan. 27, 1872 in Ashland, Ohio. In general law
practice at Battle Creek, Mich. from 1894. From 1911-23 he was vice president
and general counsel of the C. W. Post and Postum Cereal Co. Active in
developing 1,000 farms of 100 acres each out of raw prairie lands. Received
degrees in Charlotte Lodge No. 120, Charlotte, Mich. on June 29, Aug. 24, Nov.
9, 1894 and transferred to Battle Creek Lodge No. 12, June 4, 1895. d. May 1,
Barney Williams (1823-1876) Actor whose real name was Bernard
Flaherty. b. in Cork, Ireland. He came to this country as a boy and in 1836
was connected with the old Franklin Theatre, N.Y. In 1845 he was the manager
of the Vaux-Hall Garden in the Bowery, and after his marriage in 1850, he
played with his wife in Irish comedy. After a successful visit to San
Francisco in 1854 they went abroad, then returned to the U.S. in 1859 and
filled a long engagement at Niblo's Garden. He became manager of Wallack's
Broadway Theatre in 1867 and subsequently played with success in the U.S.,
Canada, and England, attaining a wide reputation as an Irish comedian. Among
his last plays were The Emerald Ring; The Connie Soogah and The Fairy Circle.
He was a member of Independent Royal Arch Lodge No. 2, N.Y.C. His wife was
Maria Pray, the sister of Mrs. William J. Florence. Florence, q.v., also an
actor, is considered to be the founder of the Ancient and Arabic Order, Nobles
of the Mystic Shrine. d. April 25, 1876.
Benjamin Williams (1754-1814) Governor of North Carolina, 17991802
and 1807-08; U.S. Congressman 1793-95. b. in N. Car. He entered the
Revolutionary Army as a captain. He saw service at Guilford, for which he was
promoted to colonel. Received degrees in St. John's Lodge No. 3, New Bern, on
Dec. 9 and 19, 1795. d. July 20, 1814.
Bert Williams (1876?-1922) Negro comedian and song writer of the
American stage. b. in the Bahama Islands, he was brought to the U.S. as a
child. He was a partner with George Walker in vaudeville from 1895-1903 and in
musical comedy from 1903-09. After 1909 he was a leading comedian in Ziegfeld
Follies. He was raised in Waverly Lodge No. 597, Edinburgh, Scotland on June
1, 1904. He died in. March, 1922, and the Grand Lodge of Scotland re-
Charles K. Williams quested St. Cecile Lodge No. 568 (the actors' lodge) to
conduct his services. This they did on March 6 in the grand lodge room of the
Masonic Temple in N.Y.C.
Charles K. Williams (1782-1853) Governor of Vermont. b. Jan. 24,
1782 at Cambridge, Mass. He served as judge of the Supreme Court of Vt., from
1822-23, and after four years as collector of customs, was again elected to
the supreme court where he served 17 years, the last 13 being as chief
justice. He was exalted in Green Mountain Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. in 1810, and
was grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Vermont in 1816-17. d. March 9,
David R. Williams (1776-1830) Governor of South Carolina, 1814-16;
U.S. Congressman, 1805-13; Brigadier General of Regular Army in War of 1812.
b. March 10, 1776 in Robbins Neck, S. Car. Graduate of Brown in 1797, studied
law and was admitted to the bar. In addition to his law practice, he managed a
large plantation. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of South Carolina at
the same time he was governor of that state. d: Nov. 15, 1830.
David Williams (1754-1831) American patriot and one of the trio
who captured Major Andre in the American Revolution. b. Oct. 21, 1754 in
Tarrytown, N.Y. Enlisted in 1775 and served under Gen. Richard Montgomery at
St. John's and Quebec, continuing his service until 1779, when he resigned.
His feet had been badly frozen and this partially disabled him for life. With
John Paulding, q.v., and Isaac Van Wart, he was one of the captors of Major
John Andre on Sept. 23, 1780. After the war, he bought a farm near the
Catskill mountains that had been the property of Daniel Shays, q.v., leader of
Shay's rebellion. He was given a silver medal by order ofcongress. He was
raised in Lotus Lodge No. 31, N.Y.C. in 1827. Charles A. Lakin in his History
of Military Lodge -No. 93, Manlius, N.Y. states that he was first junior
warden of this military lodge and presented the lodge with a sword he had
taken on the Battlefield of Yorktown. d. Aug. 2, 1831.
Eleazar Williams (1789?-1858) Episcopal missionary among American
Indians who claimed to be the Lost Dauphin of France. His claim is definitely
in contradiction with historical records, for he was the son of Thomas (Tehoragwanegen)
and Mary Ann Rice (Konwatewenteta) Williams and was probably born at Sault St.
Louis, Quebec. His father was a war chief of the Caughnawaga-Mohawk Tribe of
Quebec with a trace of white blood from a great-grandmother. Furthermore his
petition to Menomonie Lodge No. 374 of Green Bay, Wis., signed by him, states
in part: "He was born at Sault St. Louis, is 32 years of age, by profession,
clergyman." This, however, would make his birthdate 1792. He was reared as a
Roman Catholic, attending school at Long Meadow, Mass. under Nathaniel Ely.
Became a missionary in 1812 among the Canadian Indians at Sault St. Louis.
Served in War of 1812 under General Dearborn, q.v., and was wounded in Battle
of Plattsburg on Sept. 14, 1814. As a missionary to the Oneida Indians he was
charged with malfeasance of funds, but the matter was never adjusted. In 1820
he became interested in a project to remove the New York Indians to a western
homestead near Lake Michigan. He moved to Green Bay in 1823 and after some
questionable activities was relieved of his missionary post. At the request of
the Indians, the U.S. government, governor of New York, missionary societies
and others were notified by letter that the Oneidas had forever
Jared W. Williams repudiated Williams. He then dropped out of sight until
1853, when he reappeared in the new role—that of the Dauphin of France, The
Lost Prince, Louis XVII! It is said that in later years he lived on the
charity of his Masonic brethren of New York. He was buried with Masonic honors
in the old cemetery North of the village of Hogansburg, N.Y., with a square
and compasses on the stone. d. Aug. 8, 1858.
George IL Williams (1823-1910) U.S. Senator from Oregon, 1865-71;
Attorney General of U.S. in Grant's cabinet, 1872-75. b. March 23, 1823 in New
Lebanon, N.Y. Admitted to the bar in 1844 and began practice at Fort Madison,
Iowa. Was chief justice of the Territory of Oregon, 185357 and reappointed by
Buchanan, but declined. President Grant named him chief justice of the supreme
court of the U.S., but his name was later withdrawn. Served as mayor of
Portland, 1902-05. d. April 4, 1910. Mason, but no record of membership in
Oregon; probably Iowa.
G. Mennen Williams Governor of Michigan, 1949-60. b. Feb. 23, 1911
in Detroit, Mich. Graduate of Princeton U. in 1933 and Michigan Law Sch. in
1936. Was assistant attorney general of Mich., 1938-39 and executive assistant
to U.S. attorney general, 1939-40; with criminal division, Dept. of Justice,
1940-41. President Kennedy appointed him undersecretary of state for African
Affairs in 1961. Served overseas as a Naval officer from 1942-46. Raised March
24, 1950 in Lotus Lodge No. 549 of Detroit; Lansing Chapter No. 316, National
Sojourners (Aug. 20, 1951); Highland Park Chapter No. 440, O.E.S., Highland
Park, Mich. on Sept. 18, 1953; exalted Oct. 22, 1953 in Loyalty Chapter No.
165, R.A.M.; knighted Nov. 23, 1953 in Damascus Cornmandery No. 42, K.T. of
Detroit;honorary member, Legion of Honor, DeMolay; became member of Moslem
Shrine Temple, Detroit on Nov. 26, 1955. Made honorary member of Syria Lodge
No. 566, Detroit on May 10, 1955.
Guinn Williams (1871-1948) U.S. Congressman to 67th-72nd
Congresses, 1923-33 from 13th Texas dist. b. April 22, 1871 in Calhoun Co.,
Miss. In cattle and mule business for 30 years. Served in Texas senate. At one
time was president of five banks. Member of Decatur Lodge No. 447, Decatur,
Texas, affiliating July 16, 1910 from another lodge. Was district deputy grand
master of 87th district, 1919-20; entered grand lodge line in 1922 as grand
junior warden and became grand master of the Grand Lodge of Texas in 1925. Was
on grand lodge jurisprudence committee from 1934-40. 32° AASR (SJ) d. Jan. 9,
Harold P. Williams Associate Justice, Supreme Court of
Massachusetts from 1947. b. Oct. 2, 1882 in Fox-borough, Mass. Graduate of
Harvard in 1903 and 1906. Served as assistant district attorney, district
attorney and U.S. attorney for Mass. Received degrees in Charles River Lodge,
West Medway, Mass. in 1913 and in 1919 affiliated with Beth-horon Lodge,
Brookline, Mass.
Jared W. Williams (1796-1864) U.S. Senator and Representative from
New Hampshire and governor of that state in 1847-49. b. Dec. 22, 1796 in West
Woodstock, Conn. Graduate of Brown U. in 1818 and admitted to the bar in 1822,
practicing at Lancaster, N.H. Served in both houses of the state legislature
and was U.S. congressman to 25th-26th congresses, 1837-41. Was U.S. Senator
from Nov. 29, 1853 to July 15, 1854, filling an unexpired term. Member of
North Star Lodge No. 8, Lancaster, N.H. and district deputy grand master of
John Williams the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire in 1831. d. Sept. 29, 1864.
John Williams (1778-1837) U.S. Senator from Tennessee, 1815-23. b.
Jan. 29, 1778 in Surry Co., N. Car. Studied law in Salisbury, N.C. and began
practice in Knoxville, Tenn. in 1803. Fought in War of 1812 as captain and
colonel. Was in expedition against the Seminoles in Florida and later served
under General Jackson against the Creek Indians in Ala. Participated in the
decisive Battle of Horse Shoe Bend in 1813. John Quincy Adams appointed him
charge d'affaires to the Central American Federation, 1825-26. Was initiated
in Johnston-Caswell Lodge No. 10, Warrenton, N. Car. and also a member of
Tennessee Lodge No. 2, Knoxville. d. Aug. 10, 1837.
John Sharp Williams (1854-1932) U.S. Senator and Congressman from
Mississippi. b. July 30, 1854 in Memphis, Tenn. Attended several universities,
including Heidelberg in Germany. Was admitted to the bar in Shelby Co., Term.
in 1877 and moved to Yazoo City, Miss. in 1878, where he practiced law and
engaged in cotton planting. Served in 53rd-60th congresses, 1893-1909 and was
minority leader three times. Was temporary chairman of the Democratic National
Convention at St. Louis in 1904. Served in the U.S. senate from 1911-23.
Member of Wahabi Shrine Temple, Jackson, Miss. d. Sept. 27, 1932.
John Stuart Williams (1818-1898) U.S. Senator from Kentucky,
1879-85. b. July 10, 1818 near Mount Sterling, Ky. Graduate of Miami U. (Ohio)
in 1839 and admitted to the bar in 1840. Began practice in Paris, Ky. Served
in the Mexican War as captain and colonel. He entered the Civil War as a
Confederate colonel in 1861, was promoted to brigadier general in 1862, and
served until the end of thewar. Served several terms in state legislature and
was unsuccessful candidate for governor in 1875. Member of Winchester Lodge
No. 20, Winchester, Ky. and Louisville Chapter No. 5, R.A.M., Louisville. d.
July 17, 1898.
Jonathan Williams (1750-1815)• First superintendent of West Point
and "father of the corps of engineers." b. May 26, 1750 in Boston, Mass. He
was a grand nephew of Benjamin Franklin. His father, of the same name, was a
patriot of the Revolution. He was Franklin's secretary during the latter's
residence in France as U.S. ambassador. Was a judge of the court of common
pleas in Philadelphia for several years. Entered regular army in 1801 as a
major of artillery. On Dec. 4, 1801 he was made inspector of fortifications
and took command of the post at West Point, N.Y., becoming superintendent of
the U.S. Military Academy upon its founding at that place. He planned and
built most of the forts in New York harbor, one being named for him. At the
start of the War of 1812 he asked for command of the fort named in his honor
and when the secretary of war refused, he resigned. He then returned to
Philadelphia, and for several years was secretary of the American
Philosophical Society. Was elected to congress in 1814, but died without
taking his seat. Member of Massachusetts Lodge, Boston, on Dec. 23, 1771. d.
May 16, 1815.
Nelson Williams (1853-1944) General Grand Master, General Grand
Council, R. & S.M., 1936-39. b. March 23, 1853 near St. Paris, Ohio. Lived in
Champaign and Miami Counties, Ohio and was obliged to work on the family farm.
At 18 he began teaching in rural schools, and in 1874 entered the law office
of an uncle in whose home he lived for six years. He was admitted
Robert R. Williams to the bar in 1876. He specialized in civil
practice—estate, corporation and commercial branches. Some of the largest
corporations in the country were his clients. Raised June 6, 1887 in
Washington Lodge No. 17, Hamilton, Ohio; master in 1889 and grand master in
1897. Exalted on June 11, 1888 in Hamilton Chapter No. 21, was high priest in
1893 and grand high priest in 1902.
Greeted in Hamilton Council No. 19 on Aug. 20, 1888, he was master
in 1893 and grand master in 1904. Knighted in Hamilton Commandery No. 41, K.T.,
he was commander in 1894 and grand commander in 1914. Received 33° AASR (NJ)
on Sept. 19, 1899. Member of Syrian Shrine Temple and Royal Order of Scotland.
d. Feb. 11, 1944.
Otho H. Williams (1749-1794) Brigadier General of American
Revolution. b. in March, 1749 in Prince George Co., Md., he was orphaned at
12. Was lieutenant of Maryland troops at siege of Boston, 1775. Wounded and
taken prisoner at Fort Washington. His health was impaired when exchanged in
1778. He was a colonel at the Battle of Monmouth and was in the Southern
campaigns as adjutant general under Generals Gates and Greene, qq.v. He fought
at Camden, Kings Mountain, Guilford Court House and Hobkirk's Hill,
distinguished himself at Eutaw Springs, and was made brigadier general by
congress in 1782. During his imprisonment he shared a prison cell with Ethan
Allen of Ticonderoga fame. Was appointed collector of customs at Baltimore in
1783, and four years later removed to Williamsport, Md. (named for him) and
died at the age of 45. He was among the early initiates of American Union
Lodge during the siege of Boston, when it was meeting at Roxbury. Was
initiated Feb. 26, passed March 11, and raised March 13, 1776. Strangely
enough, he was electedjunior deacon the evening before he was raised. In 1780
he was among the petitioners to the Grand Lodge of Pa. for a charter for
Military Lodge No. 27 (A.Y.M.) to be held in the Maryland line regiments, and
was designated the first senior warden under General Mordecai Gist, q.v., the
master. The lodge accompanied the army in the Southern campaigns and lost its
charter and effects in the baggage captured by the British in the Battle of
Camden. It was recovered by Gist in 1782, and the lodge resumed labor in
Charleston. Williams was present in American Union Lodge at the famous St.
John's Day observance of Dec. 27, 1780 at Morristown, N.J. d. 1794.
Ransome J. Williams Governor of South Carolina, 1945-47. b. Jan.
4, 1892 in Cope, S. Car. Educated in Medical Coll. of South Carolina at
Charleston. Is president of the Delta Drug Co. and manager of the Standard
Life Insurance Co. of Florence. Served as mayor of Mullins, S. Car. Mason,
member of York Rite bodies and Shriner.
Robert L. Williams (1868-1948) Governor of Oklahoma, 1915-19;
Federal Judge; Justice State Supreme Court. b. Dec. 20, 1868 in Brundidge,
Ala. Admitted to the bar in 1891 and began practice in Troy, Ala., going to
Atoka, Indian Terr. in 1896, and six months later to Durant. Was member of
Oklahoma Constitutional Convention of 1906-07 and was elected one of the
original justices of the supreme court of Oklahoma, serving from 190714. Was
judge of Eastern dist. of Okla., 1919-37 and U.S. circuit judge, 10th circuit,
1937-39. Received degrees in Durant Lodge No. 45, Durant, Okla. on March 30,
May 20, July 7, 1905 and received 32° AASR (Si) at McAlester on Oct. 25, 1906.
d. April 10, 1948.
Robert R. Williams President of S. S. Kresge Co., 1938-46. b. in
1882 in
Thomas Hickman Williams Markeson, Wis. Was with S. S. Kresge from 1908, being
store manager, buyer, vice president of merchandising and fmally president.
Retired in May, 1946, but continued as director and chairman of executive
committee. A director of National Bank of Detroit. Received degrees in St.
Pauls Lodge No. 500, Springfield, on July 15, Oct. 18, 30, 1907; transferred
to Palestine Lodge No. 357, Detroit, Mich. on Feb. 6, 1914, becoming life
member of same on Nov. 6, 1947. Also Knight Templar and Shriner.
Thomas Hickman Williams (18011851) U.S. Senator from Mississippi,
1838-39 and known as "father of the state university." b. Jan. 20, 1801 in
Williamson Co., Tenn. Moved to Miss. and settled in Pontotoc Co., where he
engaged in planting. He was first to propose the University of Mississippi at
Oxford and aided in securing it. He served as secretary and treasurer of the
university from 1845-51. Member of Shields Chapter No. 18, R.A.M. of Pontotoc,
Miss. d. May 3, 1851.
Walter Williams (1864-1935) Although he never received an academic
degree, he was President of the University of Missouri, 1931-35, and founder
in 1908 of the famous Journalism School at that institution. b. July 2, 1864
in Boonville, Mo., he learned the printer's trade following high school. Was
editor and part owner of the Boonville Advertiser, 188489; editor of the
Columbia Herald, 1890-98; established The Country Editor (monthly) in 1895;
editor of the St. Louis Presbyterian, 1897-99; Daily State Tribune, Jefferson
City, 18981902. He became dean of the School of Journalism at the U. of
Missouri and professor of history and principles of journalism in 1908. Was
president of Mo. Press Assn. in 1889; president of Natl. Editorial Assn.,
1895; president for North America of the International Press Congress, 1902;
organ-izer and secretary of World's Press Parliament, St. Louis, 1904; first
president of Press Congress of the World, 1915-25; chairman of World's Press
Council; first president of American Assn. Schools and Depts. Journalism,
1916. He is the author of many standard books on Missouri history and history
of journalism in particular. Member of Twilight Lodge No. 114, Columbia
Chapter No. 17, R.A.M. and St. Graal Commandery No. 12, K.T. all of Columbia,
Mo. Was 33° AASR (SJ). d. July 29, 1935.
William J. Williams (1759-1823) Painted the only picture of George
Washington in Masonic Regalia. It is now the property of Alexandria-Washington
Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, Va. and hangs in the George Washington National
Masonic Memorial of that city. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 3, New Bern, N.
Car. d. Nov. 30, 1823.
Yancey S. Williams (1876-1938) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy. b. April
7, 1876 in Monetta, S. Car. Graduate of U.S. Naval Academy in 1898 and
promoted through grades to rear admiral in 1931. Served in Spanish-American
War, Samoa, Haiti, San Domingo. In WWI was on U.S.S. Delaware, with Asiatic
Fleet, 1925-27 and in Navy Dept. at Washington, 1927-31. Was national
commander of the National Sojourners in 1937-38. d. Nov. 1, 1938.
Ben Williamson (1864-1941) U.S. Senator from Kentucky, 1930-31. b.
Oct. 16, 1864 in Pike Co., Ky. One of the founders of Williamson, W. Va. In
1886 he founded and was president of the Ben Williamson & Co. wholesale
hardware business. He also engaged in coal and banking business in Eastern Ky.
and Southern W. Va. Received degrees in Hampton Lodge No. 235 of Catlettsburg,
Ky. on May 22, June 26, July 24, 1888. d. June 23, 1941.
332 Wendell L. Willkie Harry A. Williamson Leading Prince Hall
Masonic scholar and author. b. Oct. 25, 1875 at Plainfield, N.J. Was in U.S.
Postal Service until his retirement in 1940. Raised March 5, 1904 in Mount
Olive Lodge No. 2, Manhattan, N.Y., he was charter senior warden of
Carthaginian Lodge No. 47 in 1905 and second master in 1907. Served as grand
master of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York, 1918-21. Held many
appointments, including grand secretary pro tern, grand lecturer and grand
historian. Honorary member of several lodges. A member of six American and
foreign research societies and a contributor to many Negro and Caucasian
Masonic periodicals since 1915. He is the founder of the Harry A. Williamson
Collection on Negro Masonry at the 135th Street Branch of the New York Public
Library. Was master of the Prince Hall Lodge of Research formed in N.Y. in
James A. Williamson (1829-1902) Brevet Major General of Volunteers
in Civil War and holder of Congressional Medal of Honor for gallantry at
Chickasaw Bayou. b. Feb. 8, 1829 in Adair Co., Ky. Studied law and was
admitted to the bar, but mustered into service in 1861 as a lieutenant of the
4th Iowa Inf.; later became its colonel. Present at siege of Vicksburg, where
he was given command of the 2nd Brig., 1st Div., 15th Corps. Following capture
of Savannah, he was made full brigadier general of volunteers and breveted
major general in March, 1865. Commanded the district of Missouri at St. Louis
in latter part of war. Became president of Atlantic & Pacific R.R. Co.,
serving as such until it was sold to the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe. Member
of Pioneer Lodge No. 22, Des Moines, Iowa. d. 1902.
Frank B. Willis (1871-1928) Governor of Ohio and U.S. Senator and
Congressman from Ohio. b. Dec. 28, 1871 in Lewis Center, Ohio. Admitted to the
bar in 1906. Was professor of history and economics at Ohio Northern U., Ada,
Ohio, 1894-1906 and then professor of economics and law until 1910. Served in
62nd-63rd congresses, 1911-15 and was then governor of Ohio from 1915-17.
Nominated Theodore E. Burton for president at Republican convention of 1916
and in 1920 nominated Warren G. Harding as candidate for president. Served in
U.S. senate, 1921-28. Mason. d. March 30, 1928.
Raymond E. Willis (1875-1956) U.S. Senator from Indiana, 1940-47.
b. Aug. 11, 1875 in Waterloo, Ind. Graduate of Wabash Coll. in 1896. Began as
printer's apprentice on Waterloo (Ind.) Press in 1889. Was editor and
publisher of Angola (Ind.) Magnet, 18981907 and of the Steuben Republican from
1907. Served in state legislature, 1919-21 and was floor leader in 1920.
Member of Angola Lodge No. 236, Angola, Ind. receiving degrees on April 29,
May 6, 20, 1907, and served as master of same. Member of Fort Wayne Consistory
AASR (NJ) and 33° in 1952. d. March 21, 1956.
Wendell L. Willkie (1892-1944) Republican nominee for President of
the United States in 1940. b. Feb. 18, 1892 in Elwood, Ind. Graduate of
Indiana U. in 1913 and 1916, being admitted to the bar in latter year.
Practiced in Elwood, Ind., 1916-19; at Akron, Ohio, 1919-29 and New York City,
1929-33. Was president of Commonwealth & Southern Corp., 1933-40 and chairman
of board of 20th Century-Fox. In WWI he enlisted as a private the day war was
declared and served in the A.E.F. as a lieutenant and captain, field
artillery. Was initiated Sept. 9, 1913 in Quincy Lodge No. 230, Elwood, Ind.
and in 1920 became a charter member of Coventry Lodge No. 665, Akron, Ohio. d.
Oct. 8, 1944.
333 William H. Wills William H. Wills (1882-1946) Governor of
Vermont, 1941-45. b. Oct. 26, 1882 in Chicago, Ill. Was dry goods clerk until
1915, when he entered insurance and real estate business as president of the
Wm. H. Wills Agency, Inc., Bennington, Vt. Served in both branches of state
legislature and was lieutenant governor, 1937-39. Initiated Aug. 8, 1912 in
Mount Anthony Lodge No. 13, Bennington, Vt. and 32° AASR (NJ).
John N. Willys (1873-1935) Automobile manufacturer and U.S.
Ambassador to Poland, 1931-32. b. Oct. 25, 1873 in Canandaigua, N.Y. Began in
bicycle business in that city in 1890, moving to Elmira, N.Y. where he
organized the Elmira Arms Co. and engaged in selling automobiles on an
extensive scale. He purchased the Indianapolis plant of the Overland
Automobile Co. in 1907 and then the Toledo plant of the Pope Toledo Co. Was
later chairman of board and co-receiver of the Willys-Overland Co., Toledo and
Willys-Marrow Co., Elmira. Member of Barton Smith Lodge No. 613, Toledo, Ohio,
affiliating with same in 1912 on dimit from Union Lodge No. 95, N.Y.; 32° AASR
(NJ). d. Aug. 26, 1935.
David Wilmot (1814-1868) U.S. Senator and Congressman from
Pennsylvania and author of the "Wilmot Proviso" relative to slavery in newly
annexed territory of the U.S. b. Jan. 20, 1814 in Bethany, Pa. Admitted to the
bar in 1834 and began practice in Towanda, Pa. Served in 29th-31st congresses,
1845-51. He took a leading part in the founding of the Republican Party in
1854. He drafted the first Republican platform in 1856. Was temporary chairman
of Republican convention at Chicago in 1860. Served in U.S. senate filling a
vacancy from 1861-63. Was member of the peace convention held in Washington,
D.C. in 1861. Appointed by Lincoln to U.S.court of claims in 1863 and served
until death. Member of Lodge No. 108, Towanda, Pa. and Harmony Chapter No. 52,
R.A.M., of Philadelphia. d. March 16, 1868.
Alexander Wilson (1766-1813) Ornithologist and author of the
nine-volume American Ornithology, a classic of that field. b. July 6, 1766 in
Rentfrewshire, Scotland, of poor parents. He was a weaver from 1799-89 and an
itinerant peddler from 1789-94. He came to the U.S. in the latter year and
became a schoolmaster in the rural schools of N.J. and Eastern Pa. He was
encouraged by William Bart-ram of Philadelphia and began a serious
ornithological work about 1802. He was aided by Alexander Lawson, who prepared
the plates of the above named volumes on birds. He also authored a volume of
verse in 1790 and a poetical account of a walking trip from Philadelphia to
Niagara Falls and back under the title of The Foresters (1805). He became a
member of Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia on Feb. 11, 1808. d. Aug. 23, 1813.
Allen B. Wilson (1824-1888) Inventor of the Wheeler and Wilson
sewing machine. b. Oct. 18, 1824 in Willet, N.Y. He invented his sewing
machine without ever having seen one before. His first patent bears the date
of Nov. 12, 1850 and was the 15th patent of record for an improved sewing
machine. In the following years he made many improvements on it. He entered
into partnership with Nathaniel Wheeler, a practical manufacturer, and they
began to make their machines in a small shop in Watertown, Conn. First one was
completed early in 1851 and sold for $125. At this time output was limited to
eight or ten machines a week but the demand increased and they moved to
Bridgeport, Conn., where they established the largest factory of its kind in
the world and were making 600 machines
Frank E Wilson a day. Wilson later withdrew from the firm and engaged in other
enterprises. Made a Mason in Harmony Lodge No. 42, Waterbury, Conn. on Feb. 2,
1865. d. April 29, 1888.
Arthur R. Wilson (1894-1956) Major General U.S. Army and Vice
President of Trans World Airlines, 1946-47. b. July 18, 1894 in Cherokee,
Calif. Graduate of U. of California in 1919. Promoted to major general in 1944
and retired in 1946 to become vice president of TWA. After 1947 he was vice
president of Industrial Products Trading Co., Zurich. Author of Field
Artillery Manual (2 vols.) in 1925 and same in 1940; also Drill and Ceremonies
for Field Artillery in 1941. Raised in Oroville Lodge No. 103, Oroville,
Calif. on Jan. 26, 1920. Knight Templar. d. Aug. 11, 1956.
Benjamin D. Wilson ( ?-1878) b. in Tennessee. He was a Taos, N.
Mex., trader who went to California with the Workman-Rowland party in 1841. He
became the first county clerk and 2nd mayor of Los Angeles. Mount Wilson is
named after him. Was a member of Los Angeles Lodge No. 42 and later affiliated
with Pentalphia Lodge No. 202. d. March 11, 1878.
Charles Edward Wilson President of General Electric Co., 1940-42
and 1944-50; Director of Office of Defense Mobilization, 1950-52 under Truman
(not to be confused with Charles Erwin Wilson, q.v., his contemporary with a
similar career). b. Nov. 18, 1886 in New York City. Began in shipping
department of General Electric, N.Y.C. in 1899 and served successively in
accounting, production, engineering, manufacturing and marketing departments.
Became vice president, 193037; executive vice president, 1937-39 and then
president. He was executive vice chairman of the WPD, 1942-44. Served as
director and chairman of executive committee and chairman of board of W. R.
Grace & Co. Life member of Mariners Lodge No. 67, N.Y.C. and in 1948 received
coveted Achievement Award of the Grand Lodge of New York.
Charles Erwin Wilson President of General Motors, 1941-53; U.S.
Secretary of Defense, 1953-57 under Eisenhower (not to be confused with
Charles Edward Wilson, q.v., his contemporary with a similiar career). b. July
18, 1890 in Minerva, Ohio. Graduate of Carnegie Inst. of Technology in 1909.
Was an electrical engineer with Westinghouse Electric from 190919, designing
the first automobile starting motors in 1912. Was chief engineer and factory
manager of Delco Remy Co., 1919-26, and president of same, 1926-29. Was vice
president of General Motors Corp., 1929-39; director from 1934; executive vice
president, 1939-40 and president, 1941-53. In 1946 he was designated chief
executive officer. He developed the Lovejoy shock absorbers, industrial motors
for refrigeration and washing machines; automobile lamps and Del-co batteries.
Raised in Fellowship Lodge No. 681, Anderson, Ind. on March 27, 1925. Received
AASR (NJ) degrees in Indianapolis with 33° at Boston in 1954. Member of Murat
Shrine Temple, Indianapolis.
E. Willis Wilson Governor of West Virginia, 1884-88. Member of
lodge, chapter and commandery in Charleston, W. Va. and a charter member of
Beni Kedem Shrine Temple of that city. He was succeeded in the governorship by
Wm. A. MacCorkle and both men had received the Shrine degrees in Osiris
Temple, Wheeling.
Frank E. Wilson (1885-1944) Protestant Episcopal Bishop, Eau
Claire, Wis. from 1929. b. March 21, 1885 in Kittanning, Pa. Ordained deacon
and priest in 1910 and served churches in Chicago Heights, Chicago, Wilmette
(Ill.) until 1917 and then at Eau Claire, Wis. from 1910-29. Was chap-
George A. Wilson lain in AEF in 1917-18. Mason and 33° AASR (NJ). d. Feb. 16,
George A. Wilson (1884-1953) U.S. Senator from Iowa, 1943-49;
Governor of Iowa, 1939-43. b. April 1, 1884 in Menlo, Iowa. Admitted to the
bar in 1907 and began practice in Des Moines, Iowa. Served as county attorney,
district judge and state senator. Member of Home Lodge No. 370, Des Moines and
received 32° AASR (SJ) in Des Moines on June 3, 1921. d. Sept. 8, 1953.
Howard S. Wilson (1894-1958) President of Bankers Life Insurance
Co. of Nebraska from 1919. b. Nov. 16, 1894 in Lincoln, Nebr. Trustee at large
of National Society for Crippled Children, 1950-54 and member of national
executive committee, 1951-54; member of board of governors, American Red
Cross, 1947-51. Raised in Lincoln Lodge No. 19, Lincoln, Nebr. on Oct. 26,
1920. Was a member of Lincoln Chapter No. 6, R.A.M.; Lincoln Council No. 4, R.
& S.M.; Mt. Moriah Commandery No. 4, K.T. and a 33° AASR (SJ) member, all of
Lincoln and the Sesostris Shrine Temple. d. March 14, 1958.
James Wilson (1835-1920) Secretary of Agriculture in cabinets of
McKinley, Roosevelt and Taft, 1897-1913. b. Aug. 16, 1835 in Ayrshire,
Scotland, coming to U.S. with parents in 1851 and settling in Conn. Went to
Tama Co., Iowa in 1855. Engaged in farming after 1861 and was director of
agricultural experiment station and professor of agriculture at Iowa
Agriculture Coll., Ames, 1890-97. U.S. congressman to 43rd-44th congresses,
1873-77 and 48th congress, 1883-85. Member of Hesperia Lodge No. 340, Iowa. d.
Aug. 26, 1920.
John Wilson (1785-1854) Pseudonym was Christopher North. A
Scottish poet, essayist and critic. Hewas a friend of Wordsworth, Southey,
Coleridge and others. Published two volumes of poetry: The Isle of Palms and
The City of the Plague. Joined the Tory publication, Blackwood's Magazine, and
was professor of moral philosophy at Edinburgh, 1820-51. His fiction includes
Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life; Trials of Margaret Lyndsay and The
Foresters. Became a member of Canongate Kilwinning Lodge, Edinburgh on Feb. 2,
John L. Wilson (1784-1849) Governor of South Carolina, 1822-24. b.
May 24, 1784 in Marlborough dist., S. Car. Began law practice in Columbia, S.
Car. in 1807. Served many terms in both branches of state legislature. Was
master of Winyaw Lodge No. 40, Georgetown, S. Car. in 1823 and grand master of
the Grand Lodge of South Carolina in 1823-24. From 182426 he was grand high
priest of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of S. Car. d. Feb. 12, 1849.
Robert G. Wilson, Jr. Imperial Potentate of the Shrine for North
America, 1951-52. b. Sept. 4, 1891 in Boston, Mass. Graduate cum laude of
Harvard in 1914 and 1917. Practiced law in Boston from 1917-40 and a probate
judge since 1940. Was grand commander of the Grand Commandery, K.T. of Mass.
and R.I. in 1950. Received degrees in Joseph Webb Lodge, Boston, Mass. in 1913
and was master of same in 1927.
Stanley C. Wilson Governor of Vermont, 1931-35. b. Sept. 10, 1879
in Orange, Vt. Graduate of Goddard Sem. (Vt.) and Tufts Coll. in 1901.
Admitted to the bar in 1904 and began practice at Montpelier. Served in both
branches of legislature; judge of superior court, 1917-23 and lieutenant
governor, 1929-31. Made a Mason Dec. 7, 1905 in George Washington Lodge No.
51, Chelsea, Vt.; Knight Templar and Shriner.
336 Levin Winder Thomas B. Wilson Business executive; Vice
President and Manager of Southern Pacific Motor Transport Co., 1926-29;
President of Pacific Greyhound Lines, 1929-33; Vice President and General
Manager, Alaska Steamship Co., 1933-38; Chairman of Board and Director, T.W.A.,
Inc., 1938-47. Now chairman and board member of several companies. Raised in
Perry Lodge No. 415, Perry, Kans. on Feb. 2, 1918 and retains membership
there. Shriner.
Thomas E. Wilson (1868-1958) Founder of Wilson & Co., meat
packers. b. July 22, 1868 in London, Ont., Canada. Came with parents to
Chicago in 1877. First job was with C.B. & Q. R.R. Became connected with
Morris & Co., packers in 1887 and was vice president, 1906-13 and president,
1913-16. Elected president of Sulzberger & Sons Co. in 1916, he changed the
name the same year to Wilson & Co. Plants established in Chicago, Dothan,
Ala., Oklahoma City, Okla., Kansas City, Kans., Omaha, Nebr., Los Angeles,
Calif., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Albert Lea, Minn., Columbus, Ga., Buenos Aires,
Sao Paulo, Australia, New Zealand and branches in principal countries of
Europe. Resigned as chairman of board in 1953. Was one of the organizers and
first president of the American Meat Institute and was chairman of the
National Live Stock and Meat Board, 1935-39. Was a director of many
corporations, and received national honors for his work among youth. Received
degrees in Mizpah Lodge No. 768, Chicago, Ill. on July 2, Aug. 13, Nov. 19,
1894 and was a 50-year member of that lodge at the time of his death on Aug.
4, 1958.
Thomas W. Wilson (1893-1948) U.S. Congressman to 68th-70th
Congresses, 1923-29 from Miss.; Federal Judge of Virgin Islands, 1933-35. b.
Jan 24, 1893 in Coldwater, Miss. Graduate of U. of Mississippi in 1913. Began
law practice at Laurel, Miss. Was member of Federal Board of Parole and
chairman of U.S. Board of Parole, 1946-47. Mason, Knight Templar and 32° AASR
(SJ). d. Jan. 31, 1948.
William B. Wilson (1862-1934) Secretary of Labor; U.S.
Congressman; an organizer of United Mine Workers of America. b. April 2, 1862
in Blantyre, Scotland, coming to U.S. in 1870. Became secretary and treasurer
of National Union of Miners, 1900-08 and was U.S. congressman to 60th-62nd
congresses, 1907-13. Served in cabinet of President Wilson from 191321 and
then engaged in mining and farming. Was president of the district miners'
union, 1888-90, and in 1890 was a member of the national executive board which
organized the United Mine Workers of America. Prominent in national and
international labor conferences and settlement of labor disputes. Home was at
Blossburg, Pa. Received degrees in Bloss Lodge No. 350, Blossburg, Pa. on Dec.
26, 1905, April 7, 1906 (2nd and 3rd same date). d. May 26, 1934.
Bishop of Winchester (see under Wykeham).
Levin Winder (1756-1819) Governor of Maryland in 1812. Was
appointed major of the 4th Maryland Rgt and before the close of the
Revolutionary War attained the rank of lieutenant colonel. Later he became
brigadier general in the Maryland militia. Served in both branches of the
state legislature. He was the first master of Lodge No. 37 in Princess Anne,
Md. under Pa. charter in 1782. This lodge was No. 7 under Maryland. It became
dormant about 1793 but was revived in 1811 as Somerset No. 49, and Winder's
name appeared as a charter member. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of
Maryland. d. July 7, 1819.
337 William H. Winder William H. Winder (1775-1824) Brigadier
General in War of 1812. b. Feb. 18, 1775 in Somerset Co., Md. Studied law and
settled in Baltimore where he lived from 1798 until the War of 1812. Appointed
lieutenant colonel of the 14th U.S. Inf. in March, 1812 and given command of
regiment that July. Led successful expedition to Canada and made brigadier
general in March, 1813. At Stony Creek his command repelled the British
attack, but he was captured. Was admitted a member of Cassia Lodge No. 45,
Baltimore at its formation in 1811. He probably received his degrees in the
old lodge No. 7 at Princess Anne, Md., or while residing for a short time in
Nashville, Term. He was master of Cassia Lodge in 1816 and grand master of the
Grand Lodge of Maryland in 1822-24. Also member of Phoenix Chapter No. 7,
R.A.M., Baltimore. d. May 24, 1824.
Edward, Duke of Windsor (see Edward VIII).
Sir Francis Reginald Wingate (18611953) British General and
administrator who was prominent in the creation of the Sudan. b. June 25, 1861
at Broadfield, Renfrewshire. He played a major part in the Egyptian, Sudanese
and Arabian affairs of Great Britain. He succeeded Kitchener as governor
general of Sudan in 1899 and became full general in 1913. He was high
commissioner for Egypt in 191619. He held the titles of Bt., G.C.B., G.C.V.O.,
G.B.E., K.C.M.G. and D.S.O. He was a past grand warden of the Grand Lodge of
England from 1900. He was district grand master for Egypt and the Sudan for 21
years (to 1921), succeeding Field Marshal Lord Kitchener. d. Jan. 28, 1953.
Otis T. Wingo (1877-1930) U.S. Congressman to 63rd-71st
Congresses, 1913-31, from Arkansas. b. June 18, 1877 in Weakly Co., Tenn.
Admitted to the bar in 1900. As a member of statelegislature (Ark.) from
1907-09 he was the author of the Wingo Corp. Act. leading to investigation of
frauds in new state capitol construction. Member of Sweet Home Lodge No. 461,
DeQueen, Ark. and was grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas in 1913. d.
Oct. 21, 1930.
Percy G. Winnett President of Bullock's, Inc., leading department
store, Los Angeles, Calif., 1933-50, and chairman of board since 1950. b.
April 3, 1881 in Winnipeg, Canada. With Bullock's from 1896 and vice president
from 1912-33. Active in community charities and activities. Member of
Hollywood Lodge No. 355, Hollywood, Calif.
Forbes Winslow (1810-1874) English alienist who was a pioneer in
the humane treatment of the insane and of the now generally accepted plea of
insanity in criminal cases. He was a lineal descendant of the first governor
of Plymouth Colony, Mass. Author of treatises on insanity, and appeared before
parliamentary committees and at numerous trials. Member of the Lodge of the
Nine Muses, No. 325, London.
William A. Winstead U.S. Congressman to 78th-86th Congresses from
Miss., 1943-60. b. Jan. 6, 1904 in Union, Miss. Supt. of education Neshoha
Co., 1936-40. Mason.
Charles E. Winter (1870-1948) Congressman, lawyer, judge, author
and acting governor of Puerto Rico, 193233. b. Sept. 13, 1870 in Muscatine, Ia.
Practiced law at Omaha, Nebr. from 1895-1902 when he moved to Encampment, Wyo.
and to Casper in 1913. District judge of Wyoming, 1913-19. Member 68th-70th
congresses, 192329. Wrote Grandon of Sierra; Ben Warman (made into a movie);
400,000,000 Acres—The Public Lands and Resources; and The Gold of Freedom, a
Wyoming historical novel. He also wrote the words of the Wyoming
Henry A. Wise State Song. Received degrees in Encampment (Wyo.) Lodge No. 19
on July 22, Sept. 9, Oct. 3, 1903, affiliating with Casper (Wyo.) Lodge No. 15
on March 25, 1914. Member of Wyoming Consistory AASR (SJ) and Korein Shrine
Temple. d. April 22, 1948.
Alexander Winton (1860-1932) Inventor and President of the Winton
Co. b. June 20, 1860 in Grangemouth, Scotland. He established the Winton
Bicycle Co. at Cleveland, Ohio in 1890 and began the manufacturer of motor
cars in 1894. He was an incorporator of the Winton Co. in 1897 and later
president. He established the Winton Marine Oil Engine Works in 1912. Member
of Lakewood Lodge No. 601, Lakewood, Ohio, receiving degrees on Oct. 15, Nov.
19, 1917 and Jan. 19, 1918. d. June 21, 1932.
Earl of Winton (see Earl of Eglinton).
William Wirt (1772-1834) U.S. Attorney General, 1817-29 and
anti-Masonic candidate for the President of the United States in 1832. b. Nov.
8, 1772 in Bladensburg, Md. Began law practice at Culpeper Court House, Va.
Moved to Richmond in 1799 and to Norfolk in the winter of 1803-04, but
returned to Richmond in 1806. Served in Va. house of delegates in 1808;
district attorney in 1816 and attorney general of the U.S. in 1817. After his
attorney-generalship was completed in 1829 he moved to Baltimore, where in
1832 he accepted the nomination by the anti-Masonic Party as its candidate for
the president. He received the seven electoral votes of Vermont and a popular
vote of 33,108. Wirt even defended Freemasonry before the nominating
convention: "I was myself initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry. I never
took the Master's degree, but it proceeded from no suspicion on my part that
there was anything criminal in the institution, or anything that placed its
members inthe slightest degree in collision with their allegiance to their
country and its laws. I have thought and repeatedly said that I considered
Masonry as having nothing to do with politics, and nothing has surprised me
more than to see it blown into consequence. . . ." The 1801 proceedings of the
Grand Lodge of Virginia lists Wirt as a Fellowcraft of Jerusalem Lodge No. 54
at Richmond. The 1802 proceedings (page 27) shows that the Honorable W. Wirt
has withdrawn from Jerusalem Lodge No. 54. Although Wirt claims he never
received the third degree, the proceedings of 1803 shows a "William Wirt" as a
Master Mason of Stevensburg Lodge No. 40 and the 1804 proceedings (page 35)
again lists a "William Wirt" as a Master Mason in that lodge. It is possible,
however, that the member of the Stevensburg lodge was another person of the
same name. d. Feb. 18, 1834.
Oswald Wirth (1860-1940?) French Masonic writer. For a time was
employed as a librarian by the French government, but upon joining the Lodge
Travail et Vrai Amis Fideles, his interest in Freemasonry became so great that
he started a Masonic journal Symbolisme, which even today is the leading
publication of the Grand Lodge of France. For many years he was a member of
the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite in France. He is recognized as the
father of basic instruction in his grand lodge, and his booklets on the three
degrees of Freemasonry are still in use in France.
Henry A. Wise (1806-1876) Governor of Virginia, 1855-59; Brigadier
General in Confederate Army; U.S. Congressman, 1833-39; Minister to Brazil,
1844-47. b. Dec. 3, 1806 in Drummondtown, Va. Was graduated from Washington
Coll. (Pa.) in 1825, studied law and was admitted to the bar in Winchester,
Va. in 1828 and
James A. Wise settled in that year in Nashville, Tenn., but in 1830 returned
to Accomack Co., Va. On his first election to congress in 1833 he fought a
duel with his competitor. In 1837 he was second to Wm. J. Graves of Ky. in his
duel with Jonathan Cilley of Maine, in which the latter was killed. Won the
governership of Va. by opposing the "Know-Nothings." One of his last acts as
governor was ordering the execution of John Brown for his attempted seizure of
Harpers Ferry. As a Confederate general his force was driven out of Kanawha
Valley by the troops Under General J. D. Cox and at Gauley Bridge he lost a
large quantity of arms and stores. He subsequently commanded at Roanoke
Island, N.C. and was defeated here by General Burnside. Listed as a member of
Northampton Lodge No. 11, Eastville, Northampton Co., Va. in proceedings of
1848 (p. 34) and of Metropolitan Lodge No. 11, Richmond, Va. in a sketch of
that lodge. d. Sept. 12, 1876.
James A. Wise (1875-1939) Protestant Episcopal Coadjutor Bishop of
Kansas from 1916. b. July 26, 1875 in Dundee, Scotland, coming to U.S. in
1888. Ordained in 1901, he served charges in Omaha, Papillion and South Omaha,
Nebr.; St. Louis, Mo. until 1916. Was member of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 40, St.
Louis and undoubtedly his original membership was in Nebr. as shortly prior to
his death he presented the museum of the Grand Lodge of Kansas with a white
leather apron and a Nebraska monitor. d. July 8, 1939.
James W. Wise (1868-1925) U.S. Congressman to 64th-68th
Congresses, 1915-25 from 6th Ga. dist. b. March 3, 1868 in Henry Co., Ga.
Admitted to the bar in 1893 and practiced in Fayetteville. Member of Mount
Moriah Lodge No. 130, Fayetteville, Ga., receiving degrees on Sept. 19, Oct.
3, 17, 1896. d. Sept. 8. 1925.
Stephen S. Wise (1874-1949) Founder and Rabbi of Free Synagogue of
New York. b. March 17, 1874 in Budapest, Hungary, the son of a rabbi. Graduate
of Columbia U. in 1892 and 1901. Was pastor of Congregation of Madison Ave.
Synagogue, N.Y. 18931900; Beth Israel, Portland, Oreg., 1900-06 and in 1907
founded the Free Synagogue of N.Y.C. He was the founder and first secretary of
Federation of American Zionists. Served as president of the American Jewish
Congress, World Jewish Conference and Zionist Organization of America. Was
founded and president of the Jewish Institute of Religion. Member of Perfect
Ashlar Lodge No. 604, N.Y.C. d. April 19, 1949.
Thomas A. Wise (1865-1928) Actor. b. March 23, 1865 in Faversham,
England and brought to America in 1868. He earned his own living from the age
of nine. Began as an actor in Calif. in 1883. Starred with John C. Rice in
1902-03, in A Gentleman From Mississippi (which he co-authored), 1908-11 and
with John Barrymore in 1911. He appeared in the following N.Y. productions:
Mr. Wilkinson's Widows; Gloriana; The Last Chapter; The Cuckoo; House That
Jack Built; Prince Chap; Are You a Mason?; Vivian's Papas; Harriet's
Honeymoon; Military Mad; Home Folks; Mrs. Temple's Telegram; Little Cherub;
Miss Hook of Holland; Lights o' Lon- don and others. Became member of St.
Cecile Lodge No. 568, N.Y.C. on Dec. 2, 1902. d. March 21, 1928.
Duchess of Wisembourg German duchess who was grand mistress of the
Order of St. John of Jerusalem—an early emanation of Masonry in the 18th
century. Other grand mistresses were Princess of Rochelle (Italy), Countess of
Maile and Princess de Latour (France), qq.v.
Isaac J. Wistar (1827-1905) Brigadier General of Volunteers in
340 E.
C. Wolcott War. b. Nov. 14, 1827 in Philadelphia, Pa. Practicd law at
Philadelphia. Entered National Army in 1861 as a captain of Pa. Vols. and
served in Maryland and Virginia. Was president cif Academy of Natural Sciences
of Philadelphia, 1892-96; president of State Board of Charities and was a
writer and speaker on penology. Was president of American Philosophical
Society, 1901-03. Initiated May 31, 1850 in Franklin Lodge No. 134,
Philadelphia. d. 1905.
Robert E. Withers (1821-1907) U.S. Senator from Virginia, 1875-81;
13th Grand Master of Grand Encampment, K.T., U.S.A., 1883-86. b. Sept. 18,
1821 in Campbell Co., Va. Graduate of U. of Virginia in 1841 and received M.D.
degree in 1843. He practiced medicine in Campbell Co. and Danville, Va. until
1861, when he commanded the 18th Rgt. C.S.A. He was editor of the Lynchburg
Daily News, 1866-69; lieutenant governor of Va., 1873; U.S. consul at
Hong-Kong, China, 1885-89. Initiated in Marshall Lodge No. 39, Lynchburg, Va.
on Feb. 1, 1851 and was master of Mackey Lodge No. 69, 1854-57. He was later a
member of Roman Eagle Lodge No. 122, Danville, but about 1866 reaffiliated
with Marshall Lodge No. 39 and was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Virginia
in 1871. Member of Eureka Chapter No. 10, Lynchburg as early as 1855 and later
of Euclid Chapter No. 15, Danville. Served as grand high priest of the Grand
Chapter, R.A.M. of Virginia. Member of DeMolay Commandery No. 4, K.T. of
Lynchburg, 1856, and served as grand commander of Grand Commandery, K.T. of
Virginia. Was also a 32° AASR (SJ). d. Sept. 21, 1907.
Robert E. Withers, II (1865-1952) Vice President of Aluminum Co.
of America, 1922-46. b. March 13, 1865 in Danville*, Va., the son of Robert E.
Withers, q.v., a U.S. senator. Graduat of V.M.I. in 1885, he was
secretary to his father when the latter was U.S. counsul to Hong-Kong, China
in 1885. In 1886 he was appointed vice and deputy cousul. Became associated
with Pittsburgh Reduction Co. (now Aluminum Co. of America) at New Kensington,
Pa. in 1895 as chief clerk, and became treasurer and assistant secretary in
1898; vice president in charge of finance, 1922; director in 1927 and senior
vice president after 1931. Original lodge not known but affiliated with Verona
Lodge No. 548, Verona, Pa. on Feb. 2, 1897 and on June 22, 1906 affiliated
with Tyrian Lodge No. 644 of Kensington, Pa. as a charter member and was
master of same in 1908. d. Dec. 29, 1952 John Witherspoon (1723-1794) Signer
of Declaration of Independence. Has been claimed as a Freemason, but the
evidence is quite dubious and is based on conflicting dates Count of
Wittenberg (see under) Friedrich B. Tauentzein).
Johann C. von Woellner (1732-1800) Prussian statesman and leader
of the Rite of Strict Observance and Rosicrucian Order in Germany. b. May 19,
1732 in Dobritz. Studied theology; was appointed a preacher near Berlin in
1750 and afterward a canon at Halberstadt. King William III, of Prussia,
appointed him privy councilor of finance in 1786, and in 1788 he became
minister of state and was put at the head of ecclesiastical affairs. He was
dismissed from his political appointments at the death of William, and retired
to his estate at Grossriez. d. Sept. 11, 1800.
E.C. Wolcott Founder and Executive Director of High Twelve,
International. b. April 22, 1881 in Muscatine, Iowa. Educated in Penn. Coll.,
Jesse P. Wolcott Oskaloosa, Ia. and at Chicago U. Has been a Congregational
pastor since 1907. Was vice president of National Fidelity Life Ins. Co. and
Western Protective Ins., both of Kansas City, Kans. Served as sales manager of
Blue Valley Creamery Co. of Chicago; sales consultant of Ralston Purina Co. of
St. Louis and in 1942 organized Wolcott Associates, Inc., business
consultants. In 1932-33 he was vice president of Hemline U., St. Paul, Minn.
in charge of endowment and personnel. He operates and owns a 245 acre farm and
raises Hereford and Angus cattle. Has worked with youth all his life, YMCA,
Boy Scouts, Hi-Y, DeMolay, etc. Held night classes for underprivileged boys,
sponsored criminal youths and worked with juvenile courts. Was secretary of
High Twelve, International, 192132 and president, 1921-23 and 1925-26. Became
executive director in 1936, and in 1942 began building the international
organization from 27 clubs to 124 clubs. Member of Cyrus Lodge No. 338, Bilman,
Iowa since 1904. Received Scottish Rite in Sioux City, Iowa in 1916, Shrine in
Kansas City in 1924 and Commandery in St. Louis in 1945.
Jesse P. Wolcott Chairman of Board of Federal Deposit Insurance
Corp. since 1957; U.S. Congressman from Michigan, 72nd-84th Congresses. b.
March 3, 1893 in Gardner, Mass. In law practice at Detroit, Mich. from 1915-19
and after that at Port Huron, Mich. Received 1946 Collier award for
distinguished Congressional service. Served in WWI with 26th Inf., 1st Div.
Member of Port Huron Lodge No. 58, Port Huron, Mich., receiving degrees on
April 14, Oct. 13, 1921 and Jan. 19, 1922.
Oliver Wolcott (1760-1833) Secretary of the Treasury, 1795-1800;
Governor of Connecticut, 1817-27; Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Con-necticut,
1818-20. b. Jan. 11, 1760 at Litchfield, Conn., the son of the signer of the
Declaration of Independence of the same name. Graduate of Yale U. in 1778,
having in the previous year taken part as a militiaman in encounters with the
British who attempted to capture the Continental stores at Danbury. Studied
law at Litchfield, at the same time accompanying his father to the coast in
1779 as an aide (father became major general of militia). Entered law practice
at Hartford in 1781. Became U.S. comptroller of the treasury in spring of
1791, retaining that office in preference to the presidency of the U.S. Bank,
which he was offered upon its organization. President John Adams appointed him
U.S. judge for 2nd Dist. which embraced Conn., Vt. and N.Y., and he served
until 1802. For a while he was in the mercantile business in N.Y.C. and there
founded the Bank of North America and was president from 1812-14. Returning to
Connecticut, he was elected ten times to the governorship (starting in 1817)
and after this returned to New York City. Was made a Mason in St. John's Lodge
No. 4, Hartford, Conn. on Jan. 28, 1784. d. June 1, 1833. G.M. of Conn.
Friedrich August Wolf (1759-1824) German dassical philologist and
critic of Homer. He was a friend of Goethe and Humbold. His theory was that
the Iliad and the Odyssey are not the work of one author, but of several.
Member of the lodge Zum Goldenen Zirkel at Goettingen and Zu den Dri Degen at
George Wolf (1777-1840) Governor of Pennsylvania, 1829-35; U.S.
Congressman, 19th-21st Congresses, 182429; First Comptroller of the Treasury
of the U.S., 1836-38. b. Aug. 12, 1777 in Northampton Co., Pa. At beginning of
Jefferson's administration he was appointed postmaster of Easton, Pa. As
governor he promoted the
Willard R. Wolfinbarger construction of canals and worked for the
establishment of a general system of common schools. For this he is known as
the "father of the public school system of Pennsylvania." A member of Easton
Lodge No. 152, Easton, Pa., he was one of those who refused to testify against
Freemasonry before a state legislative committee in 1836. d. March 17, 1840.
Simon Wolf (1836-1923) U.S. Minister to Egypt, 1881-82; President
of national and international order of B'nai B'rith, 1904-05. b. Oct. 28, 1836
in Hinzweller, Bavaria. Graduate of U. of Strassburg and Ohio Law Coll. at
Cleveland. Began law practice in Washington, D.C. in 1862. Was judge of the
municipal court, Washington, D.C., 1878-81. Was founder of the Hebrew Orphan's
Home at Atlanta, Ga. and president of same for 25 years. He was active in
charitable organizations from local to international levels. Among his
writings are: Influence of the Jews on the Progress of the World; The American
Jew as a Soldier, Patriot and Citizen; Biography of Commodore U. P. Levy, and
The Presidents I Have Known (1917). In the latter volume (p. 461) he relates
this interesting Masonic incident: "While I was delivering a wagon load of
food supplies to Gen. Pope (who issued a call for same to feed his Confederate
prisoners at Charleston, S.C.) I was captured by Confederate soldiers, and
when I asked to be taken before the commanding officer I was brought before
him, same proved to be none other than Gen. Stonewall Jackson, to whom I gave
the Masonic Signal of Distress, the General answered and not only set me free,
but saw that I was safely taken back to the Union lines." Wolf was a member of
Lafayette Lodge No. 19, Washington, D.C. and a 33° AASR (SJ). d. June 4, 1923.
James Wolfe (1727-1759) British Major General whose capture of
Quebec gave England control of Canada. b. Jan. 2, 1727 in Westerham, Kent,
England, the son of Major General Edward Wolfe. He was adjutant of a regiment
at the age of 16 and served in Flanders, Germany and against the Young
Pretender. He was present at Dettingen, Falkirk and Culloden Moor. In 1758 he
was made brigadier general and commanded a division under Amherst at the siege
of Louisburg. His gallantry there resulted in his promotion to major general
and the following year he was placed by William Pitt in command of the
expedition against Quebec. Here in 1759 he scaled the heights to the Plains of
Abraham with 5,000 men and routed the French under Mont-calm. This completed
the British conquest of North America. Both Wolfe and Montcalm fell on the
field mortally wounded. It is claimed that Wolfe was a member of Minden
Military Lodge. The cornerstone of the Wolfe-Montcalm Monument was laid
Masonically at Quebec on Nov. 20, 1827.
Albert Wolfgang (1699-1748) Prince of Lippeschaumberg. He was one
of the Masonic circle favored by Frederick the Great, q.v.
Willard R. Wolfinbarger Major General, U.S. Air Force. b. Dec. 12,
1900 in Marion, Kans. Graduate of U. of Kansas in 1924 and admitted to the bar
in that year. Served in WWI as a volunteer in 139th Inf. and joined U.S. Army
Air Service as a flying cadet in 1924. He entered Army Air Corps as 2nd lieut.
in 1927, advanced through grades to major general in 1950, and retired in
1953. Was a military attache with U.S. Embassy in Berlin, 1940-41, and
successively assigned to Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1942-44; commander of 13th
Fighter Command, 13th Air Force, Pacific, 1944-45; on faculty
Jack F. Wolfram National War Coll., 1946-48; assistant chief of staff for
plans, U.S. Air Forces in Europe, 1948-49; commanding general Tactical Air
Force, 1950; commanding general of 9th Air Force, 1950-51; and then director
of Joint Tactical Air Support Board, 1951-53. He is now vice president and
general manager of the Washington Planning Corp. of Florida. Member of Centre
Lodge No. 147, Marion, Kans.
Jack F. Wolfram Vice President of General Motors Corp. and General
Manager of Oldsmobile division since 1951. b. Dec. 18, 1889 in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Began in blueprint department of H. Koppers Co. in 1917 and was later on
engineering staff of B. & 0. R.R., American Heating & Ventilating Co.,
Enterprise Tool Co. and Chandler Motor Car Co. With Oldsmobile division of
General Motors since 1927, first as assistant experimental engineer and then
experimental engineer, assistant chief engineer of all products (194044),
chief engineer (1944-51) and general manager since 1951. Member of Lansing
Lodge No. 33, Lansing, Mich., receiving degrees in 1929; 33° AASR (NJ) at
Grand Rapids; Elf Khurafeh Shrine Temple and Court No. 74, R.O.J. both of
Saginaw, Mich.
Louis E. Wolfson Financier. b. Jan. 28, 1912 in St. Louis, Mo.
With M. Wolfson & Co., 1934. Director of Florida Pipe & Supply Co.,
Jacksonville, 1934-49; president of Southern Pipe & Supply Co., Orlando,
1948-57; controlling stockholder of Tampa Shipbuilding Co., 1945-48; chairman
of board of Merritt-Chapman & Scott Corp., N.Y.C. since 1951; chairman of
board of N.Y. Shipbuilding Corp., Camden, N.J. since 1953; chairman of board
of Capital Transit Co., Washington, D.C., 1951-56 and Newport Steel Corp.
(Ky.) from 1954-56. Director of Montgomery Ward & Co., 1955-56. He is a
director and trusteeof several foundations. Mason and Knight Templar.
August Wolfstieg (1859-1922) German professor and director of the
government library at Berlin. He dedicated his life to the reading and
collecting of the classics. Was initiated in 1899 in the lodge Pythagoras at
Berlin and was its master in 1901-04. His three volume book, Bibliography of
Masonic Literature, is outstanding in its field. In 1920 he published The
Philosophy of Freemasonry.
Garnet Joseph Wolseley (1833-1913) Commander-in-Chief of British
Army, 1895-99 and 1st Viscount Wolseley. He was wounded and lost an eye at
Sevastopol in 1855. In 1857-58 he served in the Sepoy Mutiny and accompanied
the Anglo-French expendilion into China in 1860. From 1861-71 he was in
Canada, where he commanded an expedition to quell the uprising in Red River in
1870. He commanded the Ashanti expedition of 1873-74 and was commander of
Natal in 1875, Cyprus, 1878 and Southeast Africa, 1879-80. He suppressed the
rebellion in Egypt with a victory at Tell elKebir in 1882 and commanded the
Nile expedition of 1884, arriving too late to relieve General Gordon at
Khartoum. Made field marshal in 1894 and commander-in-chief of the British
Army in 1895. He was a member of "The Military" Lodge No. 728 of Ireland,
receiving degrees on April 13, 21, July 21, 1854, and was installed as master
on Jan. 21, 1893. He received the Mark Degree in Old Kent Lodge of London on
April 23, 1883.
Thomas Wolsey (1475?-1530) English Cardinal who virtually took
over the political affairs of England. He affected extravagant pomp and
arrogated to himself royal privileges. The Northouck edition of Anderson's
Constitutions (1784) claims that he was a patron of Freemasonry in 1515.
344 Jack W. Wood Charles A. Wolverton U.S. Congressman to
70th-85th Congresses, 1927-58, from New Jersey. b. Oct. 24, 1880 in Camden,
N.J. Graduate of U. of Pennsylvania in 1900 and began law practice at Camden,
N.J. in 1901. Was member of state legislature, 191518, and speaker of same in
1918. Mason, Knight Templar, 32° AASR (NJ) and Shriner.
Charles E. Wolverton (1851-1926) Chief Justice, Supreme Court of
Oregon, 1898-1900 and 1904-05; U.S. Federal Judge of Oregon, from 1905. b. May
16, 1851 in Des Moines Co., Iowa. Began law practice in Albany, Oreg., 1874
and became a justice of the supreme court in 1894. Member of St. Johns Lodge
No. 62, Albany, Oreg. and master of same in 1886. Member of Bayley Chapter No.
8, R.A.M. of Albany and high priest in 1894; member of Temple Commandery No.
3, K.T. and commander in 1903. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of
Oregon in 1910. d. Sept. 21, 1926.
Arthur B. Wood (1870-1952) President of the Sun Life Assurance Co.
of Canada, one of the world's largest insurance companies, from 1934 and later
chairman of board. b. Oct. 28, 1870 in Knowlton, P.Q., Canada. Graduate of
McGill U. in 1892. He began with his company in 1893 as chief clerk of the
actuarial department and was in turn assistant actuary, actuary, vice
president and actuary, vice president and managing director, 1923-34, and
president from 1934. He was a past grand master of the Grand Lodge of Canada
(Quebec). d. June 14, 1952.
Fernando Wood (1812-1881) Mayor of New York City and U.S.
Congressman. b. June 14, 1812 in Philadelphia, Pa. Moved to N.Y.C. with father
in 1820. Served in the 27th Congress, 1841-43; to 28th Congress in 1863-65;
and the 40th-48th Congresses, 1867-81. He was mayor of New York City in
1855-58, 1861-62. In his first term asmayor he brought the city out of a state
of demoralization, and in the latter election was elected by the better
elements of both parties. In Jan., 1861, when the question of secession was
foremost, he recommended that New York secede and become a free city. Member
of Eastern Star Lodge No. 227, N.Y.C. d. Feb. 14, 1881.
George T. Wood Governor of Texas and member of Forest Lodge No.
19, Huntsville, Texas, receiving degrees on July 31, Nov. 27, 1847 and
dimitting July 21, 1851.
Grant Wood (1892-1942) The most famous American Gothic painter. b.
Feb. 13, 1892 in Anamosa, Iowa. He was a student at the Minneapolis Handicraft
Guild, 1910-12; Art Institute of Chicago, 1912-14 and Academy Julian, Paris,
France in 1923. Received many honorary degrees from American universities. He
began as a craftsman in metal and handmade jewelry in 1912 and became a
teacher of art in the public schools of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, from 1919-24. He
won the Harris Bronze Medal on "American Gothic" at the American exhibit, Art
Institute of Chicago in 1930. His many paintings are distinctive and easily
recognizable. The Iowa Masonic Library possesses a three-panel painting by
Wood entitled, "Freemasonry." It was donated to the library by Brother Otto A.
Schoitz. For a description of the painting see the Royal Arch Mason magazine,
Vol. III, p. 73-74. Wood was a member of Mount Hermon Lodge No. 263, Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, receiving degrees on April 14, May 6, 19, 1921 but was suspended
NPD on March 6, 1924. d. Feb. 12, 1942.
Jack W. Wood Major General, U.S. Air Force; participated in the
first raid on Ploesti, Rumania in WWII in Aug. 1943. b. Jan. 2, 1907 in
Faribault, Minn. Commissioned 2nd lieut. in U.S. Army Air Corps in 1929;
advanced through grades to brigadier general in
James Wood
and major general in 1954. Served in Hawaii, 1935-37; commanded 389th Bomb
Group in England and N. Africa, 1943; 20th Combat Bomb Wing, England, 1943-44;
commanded Air Component, Supreme Hdqrs., A.E.F. Mission, 1944; senior military
attache in London; director of readiness inspection, Hdqrs., USAF and now
deputy inspector general of USAF. Received DSC and DFC. Received all three
degrees by special dispensation in Feb., 1928 in West Gate Lodge No. 438,
Kansas City, Kans.
James Wood (1750-1813) Governor of Virginia in 1796-99. His father
was the founder of Winchester, Va. In 1774 the son was commissioned by Lord
Dunmore as a captain of Virginia troops, and in 1775 he was elected to the
house of burgesses from Frederick Co. He served in the Virginia line as a
colonel in the Revolution and became a brigadier general of state troops. He
was made superintendent of all the prisoners of war in Va. He was succeeded in
office as governor of Va. by James Monroe. Wood Co., W. Va. is named in his
honor. He was vice president of the Society of Cincinnati in Va. in 1784 and
became president in 1789, serving until his death on July 16, 1813. He was a
"visiting brother" to Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Va. on April 5,
May 30, and June 30, all in 1774. These original records are in the Library of
Leonard C. Wood (1860-1927) Major General, U.S. Army; Commander of
the "Rough Riders" in Spanish-American War; Governor of Cuba in 1899; Governor
of Philippine Islands, 1921-27. b. Oct. 9, 1860 in Winchester, N.H. Received
medical degree from Harvard in 1884 and law degree from same in 1899. Entered
the Army as an assistant surgeon in 1886. After being made brigadier and major
general of volunteers in the Spanish-American War, he became brigadier general
in regular army in 1901 and major general in 1903, retiring in 1921 after 30
years of service. Fort Leonard C. Wood, in Mo., is named in his honor. In the
Spanish-American War he commanded the 1st U.S. Vol. Cavalry (Rough Riders). He
commanded the Philippine Div., 1906-08, and the Department of East, 1908-09.
From 191014 he was chief of staff of the U.S. Army. He was again commander of
the Dept. of the East from 1914-17. Was awarded the Congressional Medal of
Honor for distinguished conduct in campaign against the Apache Indians in
1886. In 1920 he was the Republican candidate for the presidency of the U.S.
He was raised in Anglo Saxon Lodge No. 137 of Brooklyn, N.Y. on April 3, 1916;
exalted in Normal Park Chapter No. 210, R.A.M. of Chicago, M. on July 26,
1919; knighted in Englewood Commandery No. 50, K.T., Chicago on Aug. 23, 1919
and a member of Medinah Shrine Temple, Chicago. Received the 32° AASR (NJ) in
1927 and was elected to receive the 33°, but died before it could be
conferred. d. Aug. 7, 1927.
Reuben Wood (1792-1864) Governor of Ohio, 1850-53. b. in Rutland
Co., Vt. He served in the War of 1812 as a volunteer from Vermont, and after
studying law was admitted to the bar and began practice in Cleveland, Ohio.
Served in state senate; judge of state supreme court. Was discussed as a
presidential candidate of the Democrats in 1852. Was U.S. consul in
Valparaiso, Chili, in 1853-54. Affiliated with Concord Lodge No. 15,
Cleveland, Ohio on Dec. 22, 1825. d. Oct. 2, 1864.
William R. Wood (1861-1933) U.S. Congressman to 64th-77th
Congresses, 1915-33, from Ind. b. Jan. 5, 1861 in Oxford, Ind. Graduate of U.
of Michigan, 1882 and practiced law at Lafayette, Ind. In 1916 he placed
Harry H. Woodring W. Fairbanks, q.v., in nomination for the presidency at the
Republican national convention. Member of Lafayette Lodge No. 123, Lafayette,
Ind., receiving degrees May 17, Oct. 4, 18, 1893 and in good standing at death
on March 7, 1933.
Urban A. Woodbury (1838-1915) Governor of Vermont, 1894-96. b.
July 11, 1838 in Acworth, N.H. Received medical degree from U. of Vermont in
1859. Served in Civil War as enlisted man and officer, losing right arm and
being taken a prisoner in first Battle of Bull Run. Was mayor of Burlington,
Vt. in 1885-86. He affiliated with Mount Vernon Lodge No. 8, Morrisville, Vt.
on July 5, 1865 on a dimit from some lodge which is not stated in the grand
lodge records. When he died he was a member of Burlington Lodge No. 100,
Burlington, Vt. Was 32° AASR (NJ) in Vermont Consistory and a Shriner. d.
April 15, 1915.
Adolphus F. A. Woodford (18211887) English Masonic author and
encyclopaedist. After commissioned service in the Coldstream Guards, 1838-41,
he was graduated from Durham U. in 1847, being ordained priest in the same
year. He was rector of Swillington Leeds, 1847-72. Was initiated in 1842 in
the Lodge of Friendship No. 278, Gibraltar, where his father, Sir Alexander
Woodford, was governor of the fortress. In 1878 he was elected deputy master
of the Lodge of Antiquity No. 2, under the Duke of Albany. As grand chaplain
of the Grand Lodge of England in 186364, he delivered an oration on the
"Dignity of the Order and the Principles of Freemasonry" at the laying of the
foundation stone of the new Freemasons' Hall. He edited both The Freemason and
The Masonic Magazine from 1873 and 1875-82 respectively and was a constant
contributor to the Masonic press. He compiled Kenning's Cyclopaedia of
Freemasonry in 1878 and wrote A Defence of Masonry in 1874. He was one of the
nine founders of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076.
Stewart L. Woodford (1835-1913) Brigadier General of Volunteers in
Civil War (Union) and U.S. Minister to Spain just previous to Spanish-American
War. b. Sept. 3, 1835 in New York. Graduate of Columbia and Yale universities.
Was in law practice in N.Y.C. from 1857. Elected to 43rd U.S. congress and
served 1873-74. Placed Charles Evans Hughes in nomination for presidency at
Republican convention of 1908. Member of Continental Lodge No. 287, N.Y.C. and
served as master. d. Feb. 14, 1913.
William Woodford (1735-1780) Brigadier General in American
Revolution. b. in Caroline Co., Va. He served in the French and Indian War,
and in 1775 was chosen colonel of the 2nd Va. Rgt. Was engaged with his
regiment at Hampton Roads and sank five enemy vessels. Was appointed brigadier
general on Feb. 21, 1777 and given command of the 1st Va. Brigade. Was wounded
at the Battle of Brandywine; took an active part in battles of Germantown and
Monmouth. Ordered to the relief of Charleston, he marched his troops 500 miles
in 28 days. He was taken prisoner at Charleston on May 12, 1780 and sent to
N.Y.C. where he died as a prisoner. Member of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4,
Fredericksburg, Va. d. Nov. 13, 1780.
Harry H. Woodring U.S. Secretary of War, 1936-40; Governor of
Kansas, 1931-33. b. May 31, 1890 in Elk City, Kans. In banking business at
Neodesha, Kans. from 1907 and former owner of 1st Natl. Bank of that city. Was
assistant secretary of War, 193336. Served in Tank Corps in WWI. Initiated in
Harmony Lodge No. 94, Neodesha, Kans. on June 23, 1911. Received AASR degrees
on July 27,
Rollin S. Woodruff
in Caldwell Consistory, Bloomsburg, Pa.
Rollin S. Woodruff (1854-1925) Governor of Connecticut, 1907-09.
b. July 14, 1854 in Rochester, N.Y. Was a wholesale iron dealer at New Haven
from 1889. Member of Hiram Lodge No. 1, New Haven, Conn. d. June 30, 1925.
Roy 0. Woodruff (1876-1953) U.S. Congressman to 63rd and 67th-82nd
Congresses from Mich. b. March 14, 1876 in Eaton Rapids, Mich. Began dental
practice in Bay City, Mich. in 1902 and served as mayor, 1911-13. Served in
Spanish-American War and WWI. Member of Joppa Lodge No. 315, Bay City, Mich.,
receiving degrees on April 11, 26, June 21, 1904 and becoming a life member
Nov. 6, 1945. d. Feb. 12, 1953.
Clifton A. Woodrum (1887-1950) U.S. Congressman to 68th-78th
Congresses, 1923-45, from Virginia. b. April 27, 1887 in Roanoke, Va.
Practiced law at Roanoke from 1908, Mason and Shriner. d. Oct. 6, 1950.
Robert A. Woods (1861-1959) General Grand Master, General Grand
Council, R. & S.M., 1933-36. b. Jan. 5, 1861 at Princeton, Ind. Graduate of U.
of Indiana in 1881 and studied at U. of Leipzig, Germany, 1885-86. He was
deputy clerk of the Gibson County circuit court for 11 years and then with the
Peoples National Bank and Princeton Coal and Mining Co. For 13 years he was
with a Masonic regalia house. Member of Prince Lodge No. 231 (1885); Princeton
Chapter No. 75, R.A.M. (1885); Vincennes Council No. 41 (1898) and later
Princeton Council No. 71 as a charter member; knighted in Vincennes Commandery
No. 20 (1885) and later charter member of Princeton Commandery No. 46. He
headed the lodge, chapter, council and commandery; 32° AASR (NJ) at
Indianapolis in 1886 and 33° on Sept. 17,1901. Member of Red Cross of
Constantine, Royal Order of Scotland, Murat Shrine Temple. d. 1959.
Saschel Woods (9-1854) California pioneer and first Junior Grand
Warden of Grand Lodge of California. Was a member of Wakonda Lodge No. 52 of
Carrollton, Mo., and when he went to Calif., he brought the first Masonic
charter to that state. He was the first master of Western Star Lodge No. 98
(No. 2 under Calif. charter) of Missouri charter at Shasta. The lodge in
Carrollton, Mo. has a sword used by him in the Mormon War in Mo. He was active
in the formation of the Grand Lodge of California. He contracted an intestinal
ailment on a trip to Mexico in 1851. Returning to Calif. in 1853, he settled
near Crescent City. His health remained poor and he was supported by the local
lodge which also paid his burial expenses of $600 and erected a monument over
his grave. d. April 26, 1854.
William B. Woods (1824-1887) U.S. Supreme Court Justice and
Brigadier General in Civil War. b. Aug. 3, 1824 in Newark, Ohio. A graduate of
Yale in 1845, he practiced law at Newark. Served as mayor and in state
legislature. Entered National Army as a lieutenant colonel of the 76th Ohio
Vols., and from Nov., 1861 until close of war he was continuously at the
front. Participated in the battles of Shiloh, Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post,
Resaca, Dallas, Atlanta, Jonesboro, Lovejoy Station and Bentonville. He
commanded a division in Sher-man's march to the sea. Was appointed brevet
brigadier general of volunteers in Jan., 1865; brevet major general in March,
and full brigadier general in May of same year. Then settled in Alabama as a
cotton planter and lawyer, and was chancellor of the state in 1868. President
Hayes appointed him as U.S. supreme court justice. Member of Newark Lodge No.
David Wooster (now 97) of Newark, Ohio. d. May 14, 1887.
Silas Woodson (1819-1896) Governor of Missouri, 1873-75. b. May
18, 1819 near Barbersville, Ky., and licensed to practice law in that county
at the age of 21. Served in Kentucky legislature and was a circuit attorney.
He participated in the state constitutional convention in 1849. In 1854 he
came to Missouri, settling in St. Joseph. He was Missouri's first Democratic
governor following the Civil War. He refused to run for U.S. senator, and
returned to law practice in St. Joseph. Member of St. Joseph Lodge No. 78;
Mitchell Chapter No. 14, R.A.M. (by affiliation) and Hugh de Payens Commandery
No. 4, K.T., all of St. Joseph. He is said to have embraced the Roman Catholic
faith shortly before his death on Oct. 9, 1896, but there is no record of his
dimission from the Masonic bodies.
Ralph L. Woodward President of Central College, Fayette, Mo. from
1950. b. Aug. 31, 1906 in Kansas City, Kans. Graduate of Central Coll., 1931;
Yale U., 1936. Ordained to Methodist ministry and served Mo. circuits from
1927-32; pastor of 1st Congregational Church, Lyme, Conn., 1933-36; from
1939-50 he was director of department of religious field work at Yale U. and
assistant dean of the divinity school at Yale from 1942-49. Member of
Salisbury Lodge No. 208, Salisbury, Mo.
Samuel Woodworth (1785-1842) Poet, best known for The Old Oaken
Bucket. b. Jan. 13, 1785 in Scituate, Mass. Served newspaper apprenticeship,
and moved to New Haven, Conn., where he published a weekly paper called
Belles-Lettres Repository. It failed after two months. He moved to New York in
1809, and during War of 1812 issued a weekly paper called The War, and a
monthly Swedenborgian magazine entitled, Halcyon Lund-nary and Theological
Repository. Wrote a two-volume history of the War of 1812, entitled Champions
of Freedom (1816). In 1823 he began the publication of the New York Mirror,
with a partner, but withdrew within a year. He wrote an operetta that was
quite successful, entitled Forest Rose. Later in life he was paralyzed and his
resources were meager. Member of Morton Commandery No. 4, K.T. of N.Y.C. d.
Dec. 9, 1842.
David Wooster (1710?-1777) Brigadier General in the American
Revolution and "Father of Freemasonry in Connecticut." Both the dates and
place of birth are in question. Some say it was March 2, 1710, others, 1711;
some say Danbury and others, Stratford, Conn. Graduate of Yale U. in 1738, he
became a merchant in New Haven. In the "War of Jenkin's Ear," 1741-43, he
became the captain of Connecticut's first naval vessel, the Defense, and in
1745 commanded a company in the first siege of Louisbourg, so distinguishing
himself that he was chosen to escort the prisoners back to France. From there
he went to London, where he was rewarded with a captain's commission in the
regular army and a guarantee of half pay for life. Returning to New Haven, he
married the 15-year-old daughter of the president of Yale. As a colonel in the
Conn. service he campaigned for six years in the French and Indian War. At the
outset of the American Revolution, he gave up his British commission (and the
half-pay) to become a major general of Conn. troops. He commanded in the
vicinity of New York and on Long Island in 1775; next he marched towards
Canada under Schuyler. Here he succeeded to the command as well as the
responsibility of military governor of Canada, when Montgomery fell at Quebec.
He was made a scapegoat for reverses in Canada, was cleared by an
investigating committee but re-
Thomas Wooster tired from the regular service. He then became the senior major
general of Conn. Militia, and in April, 1777 lost his life defending Danbury,
Conn. Sources differ as to his original lodge. Some say he was first made a
member in St. James Lodge, London, England, about 1745 on his visit there.
Others say it was in a military lodge at Louisbourg, along with Lord Blayney
(later grand master of England). Nevertheless, he secured the charter for the
first lodge in Conn.—Hiram No. 1 at New Haven, dated Nov. 12, 1750, and was
its first master. d. May 2, 1777. His son, Thomas, q.v., was an aide to
General Washington.
Thomas Wooster Aide to General Washington in the American
Revolution. Son of General David Wooster, q.v. Father and son were both
members of the same lodge—Hiram No. 1, of New Haven, Conn. Thomas was raised
in 1777 and served as master in 1778.
John L. Worden (1818-1879) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, and commander
of the Monitor in its famous battle with the Merrimac in the Civil War. b.
March 12, 1818 in Westchester Co., N.Y. He entered the Navy as a midshipman in
1835. He served on various vessels and at the Naval Observatory until the
Civil War. Was prisoner of war for seven months, and after exchange was
ordered to superintend the completion of the Monitor and to take command. His
famous battle with the Confederate Merrimac occurred on March 9, 1862. At
11:30 a.m. a shell exploded on the pilot-house of the Monitor while Worden was
looking through the slit. This rendered him blind and helpless. He later
recovered from the injury to his eyes. Was commissioned a commander in July,
1862, commodore in May, 1868, and rear admiral in Nov., 1872. He was commander
in chief of the European Squadron from 1875-77; superintend-ent of the U.S.
Naval Academy, 187074. Was retired at his own request by Congress in a special
act on Dec. 23, 1886. Member of Lexington Lodge No. 310, Brooklyn, N.Y.,
receiving degrees on May 25, June 15, 29, 1857 and stricken from roll March
12, 1866. d. Oct. 18, 1897.
Hubert Work (1860-1942) U.S. Secretary of Interior, 1923-28:
Postmaster General, 1922-23. b. July 3, 1860 in Marion Center, Pa. Received
medical degree from U. of Pennsylvania in 1885. He began medical practice in
Greeley, Colo. in that year and in 1896 moved to Pueblo, Colo., where he
founded the Woodcroft Hospital for mental and nervous diseases. Before his
term as postmaster general, he served as assistant postmaster general,
1922-23. He was president of the American Medical Association; chairman of the
Republican National Committee, 1928-29. Member of Pueblo Lodge No. 17, Pueblo,
Colo. d. Dec. 14, 1942.
William Workman (1800-1880) California pioneer, born in England
about 1800. He was a member of the second immigrant company to arrive in
California, spending some time in Taos, N.M. before coining westward. He was a
leader of the Workman-Rowland Party and married a native woman; he and Rowland
were given a 45,000 acre grant near Los Angeles in 1842; Workman expanded his
holdings; his daughter married Francis Temple and they accumulated much
property, including what is known as the Temple Block in Los Angeles; the
failure of banks in which he was interested resulted in Workman's suicide in
1880. As early as 1850 he was a member of Los Angeles Lodge No. 42,
withdrawing in 1862 and affiliating with Lexington Lodge No. 104; withdrew
from the latter in 1874. There is some evidence that he was made a Freemason
in England.
350 Sir Christopher Wren Francis E. Worley Chief Justice, U.S.
Court of Customs and Patent Appeals since 1950; U.S. Congressman to 77th-81st
Congresses from Texas, 1941-51. b. Oct. 10, 1908 in Lone Wolf, Okla. Admitted
to the Texas bar in 1936 and served in state legislature, 1935-40. Mason and
32° AASR (SJ). Member of Shamrock Lodge No. 929, Shamrock, Texas, receiving
degrees on Jan. 14, Feb. 13, March 14, 1930. Served as tyler in 1931.
William J. Worth (1794-1849) Brevet Major General in War of 1812.
b. March 1, 1794 in Hudson, N.Y. Was first employed in a store at Hudson and
then moved to Albany, where he continued in the merchantile business until he
was 18. Was commissioned in March, 1813 as a 1st lieutenant of the 23rd Inf.;
served as an aide to Gen. Winfield Scott. He distinguished himself at the
Battle of Niagara and was made a major. At close of war he was superintendent
of the U.S. Military Academy. In 1838 became colonel of 8th Inf. Served in
Florida War, and was second in command to Gen. Zachary Taylor at opening of
War with Mexico. He was first to plant with his own hand the flag of the U.S.
on the Rio Grande. Distinguished himself in the Mexican War, and was in all
battles from Vera Cruz to Mexico City. He was the first to enter Mexico City
and cut down the Mexican flag from the National Palace with his own hands. He
was known as the "most handsome man in the Army." Breveted major general for
his service at Monterrey and given a sword, not only by the U.S. congress, but
by the states of N.Y. and La., as well. Although he was buried Masonically and
although Worth Lodge No. 210 of N.Y. is named for him, his lodge is not known.
d. May 17, 1849. The Grand Lodge of N.Y. dedicated a memorial to him on Nov.
25, 1857 in Madison Square Park.
Thomas Worthington (1773-1827) U.S. Senator from Ohio, 1803-07 and
1810-14; Governor of Ohio, 1814-18. b. July 16, 1773 in Jefferson Co., Va.
Moved to Ross Co., Ohio in 1798, where he was a member of the first and second
territorial legislatures, 1799-1801; delegate to state constitutional
convention of 1803. Member of Nova Caesarea Harmony Lodge No. 10 (now No. 2)
and was initiated on Nov. 6, 1799. d. June 20, 1827.
Count Axel Ericson Wrede-Sparre (1708-1772) Progenitor of
Freemasonry in Sweden. Raised in Paris, France in 1733, he established the
first lodge in Stockholm as early as 1735.
Sir Christopher Wren (1632-1723) Early England's most noted
architect. The designer of St. Paul's Cathedral in London, he is said to have
been the last grand master of the operative masons. Anderson in his
Constitutions (1738) says that in 1685 "the lodges met and elected Sir
Christopher Wren Grand Master." He also invented the hypodermic needle in
conjunction with Boyle. After the fire of August, 1666 in London, he was made
surveyor-general and there was hardly an important building in which he did
not have a hand. Preston states that Wren attended the Lodge of St. Paul (now
Antiquity No. 2) regularly for 18 years during the building of St. Paul's
Cathedral, and presented the lodge three candlesticks and a mallet with which
the king leveled the foundation stone. These relics are still. proudly
treasured by this lodge. An old minute book of the lodge dated "Queen's Arms,
June 3, 1723," which is a month or two after Sir Christopher's death, states:
"The three Mahogany Candlesticks presented to this Lodge by its worthy old
Master, Sir Christopher Wren, ordered to be carefully deposited in a Wooden
Case, lin'd with Cloth to be immediately purchased for the purpose."
Dudley Wright Dudley Wright (1868-?) English journalist who wrote a number of
Masonic books, including Women and Freemasonry; Masonic Legends and Traditions
and Roman Catholicism and Freemasonry. Studied at Kings College and University
College, London.
Richardson L. Wright Author, and editor of House & Garden
magazine, 1914-49. b. June 18, 1887 in Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate of Trinity
Coll., Conn. and later a trustee. Was Sunday editor of the Knickerbocker
Press, Albany, N.Y. in 1910; foreign correspondent for American papers in
Russia and Manchuria, 1911-12; literary critic for The New York Times, 1913.
Author of a score of volumes, including Rambles in Jamaica; Through Siberia;
The Russians; Hawkers and Walkers in Early America; Forgotten Ladies, and The
Bed-Book of Eating and Drinking. He is president of the Wine and Food Society.
A horticulturist, he has been chairman of the Horticultural Society of N.Y.
and of the International Flower Show. Is a trustee of the New York Botanical
Garden and fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society. Awarded a gold medal by
the American Iris Society in 1937 and the Mass. Horticultural Society in 1943.
Raised in Amity Lodge No. 323, Manhattan, N.Y., and was its master in 1933. He
holds dual membership in Holland Lodge No. 8 and is a charter member and
former secretary of the American Lodge of Research (now secretary emeritus);
member of St. Paul's Conclave, R.C.C.; received Scottish Rite degrees in
Aurora Grata Consistory, Brooklyn in 1931, and is grand historian emeritus of
the Grand Lodge of New York.
Robert Wright (1752-1826) U.S. Senator and Congressman from
Maryland. b. Nov. 20, 1752 in Chestertown, Queen Anne's Co., Md. Admitted
tothe bar in 1773 and began practice in Chestertown. He served in the
Revolutionary war as a private and became captain. Served in both branches of
the state legislature and was governor of Maryland, 1806-09. In U.S. congress,
1810-17 and 1821-23. Was U.S. senator, 1801-06, resigning to become governor.
Schultz lists him as a member of Lodge No. 17, Queenstown, Md. and Keatings as
a member and past master of Lodge No. 7, Md. d. Sept. 7, 1826.
William L. Wright Canadian Archbishop of Algoma and Metropolitan
of Ontario. b. Sept. 8, 1904 at Roslin, Ontario. Graduate of University of
Trinity Coll., Toronto in 1927. Ordained deacon in 1926 and priest the
following year. Served churches in Toronto (1926-28); Tweed (1928-32);
Hamilton (1932-36) and Sault Ste. Marie (1941-44). Elected the sixth bishop of
Algoma diocese in 1944, and in 1955 the house of bishops of the Province of
Ontario elected him metropolitan of that province. Was initiated in Tweed
Lodge No. 239 and later affiliated with Barton Lodge No. 6, Hamilton. Moving
to Sault Ste. Marie, he affiliated with Hatherly Lodge No. 625 and was master
of same. Member of Algonquin Chapter No. 102, R.A.M. at Sault Ste. Marie.
Served as grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Canada in 1947 and grand master
of same in 1955-56. He is past grand superintendent of the Algoma district of
the Grand Chapter of Canada. Member of Royal Order of Scotland and a 33° AASR.
Duke of Wurtemberg (see under Frederick Eugen, Frederick Ludwig
and Frederick Wilhelm Paul).
Prince of Wurtemberg (see under Frederick Heinrich Eugen).
William of Wykeham (1324-1404) English Bishop of Winchester. Was
Sir Marmaduke Wyville eminent both as an ecclesiastic and statesman. Edward
III appointed him surveyor of the works at Windsor, which castle he rebuilt.
At this time Anderson in his Constitutions stated that Wykeham was at the head
of 400 Freemasons and was master of work under Edward II and grand master
under Richard II. Became a priest in 1362; keeper of privy seal, 1364; bishop
of Winchester, 1367-1404 and lord chancellor, 1368-71. He founded New College
at Oxford and St. Mary's College at Winchester.
William Wyler Motion picture director and producer. b. July 1,
1902 in Mulhouse, France. Studied in France and Switzerland. Served as a major
in U.S. Air Force, European Theatre, in WWII. He received the Academy of
Motion Picture Arts and Sciences award for direction of Mrs. Miniver in 1943
and The Best Years of Our Lives in 1947. Other notable pictures include: The
Little Foxes; The Heiress; Carrie; Detective Story; Roman Holiday; The
Desperate Hours; Friendly Persuasion; The Big Countryand Ben-Hur. Member of
Loyalty Lodge No. 529, Los Angeles, Calif.
Ed Wynn Real name is Leopold. b. Nov. 9, 1886 in Philadelphia, Pa.
With Keith Vaudeville for 11 years and in Ziegfeld's Follies, 1914-15. Wrote
lyrics and music for several songs, including The King's Jester; Mr. Busybody;
Joy and Gloom. Starred in stage shows of Doing Our Bit; Sometime; Over the
Top; and Shubert Gaieties of 1919. Wrote the book, lyrics, music, starred in
and owned: Ed Wynn's Carnival; The Perfect Fool and The Grab Bag. At one time
wrote weekly newspaper articles. Gave many charity performances and sold war
bonds in both WWI and WWII. Played in camps, and was first actor to organize
theatrical company to play in hospitals. In movies he starred in Laugh Town,
Laugh and Big Time. Received greatest fame in radio and was known throughout
the country as "Fire Chief." Mason.
Sir Marmaduke Wyville Grand Master, Grand Lodge of Ireland in
353 Madame de Xaintrailles Wife of a French general; was one of
the Republican heroines of the French Revolution and won rank at the point of
the sword. In Clavel's Histoire Pittoresque de la Franc-Maconnerie it is
written that Madame de Xaintrailles, wearing the uniform of a major of
cavalry, presented an aide-de-camp's commission to the lodge of Les Freres
Aristes when it was about to hold a fete of adoption, and that it was resolved
that the first degree (not of Adoptive Masonry but of real Masonry) should be
conferred on a lady who had displayed the courage and virtues of a man.
Subsequently she issaid to have assisted in the work of various degrees.
Francisco Xavier Mier E Campello Bishop of Almeria and
Inquisitor-General of Spain. He was an ardent persecutor of Freemasons. In
1815, when Ferdinand VII reestablished the Inquisition in Spain and suppressed
the Masonic lodges, Xavier denounced the lodges as "societies which lead to
sedition, to independence, and to all errors and crimes." He then instituted a
series of persecutions of the most atrocious character. Many of the most
distinguished persons of Spain were arrested and imprisoned in the dungeons of
the Inquisition on the charge of being "suspected of Freemasonry."
354 Y
Edward B. Yancy (1888-1948) Vice President and member of executive committee
of E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. from 1944. b. Jan. 26, 1888 in Harrisonburg,
Va. Graduate of U. of Virginia in 1908. With Du Pont from 1908. He conducted
research on T.N.T. and other explosives and became general manager of the
explosives department in 1935. Was manager of explosive plants in Colo., Mo.,
and Ala. Mason and Shriner. d. Oct. 24, 1948.
John Yarker (1833-1913) English Masonic writer. For some reason he
was not accepted into Masonic circles in England. It is said that his
connection with the Ancient and Primitive Rite brought down upon him the
condemnation of officialdom. He had been a member of the Ancient & Accepted
Rite, but was expelled from it in 1870. He wrote a number of Masonic volumes,
the most impressive being his Arcane Schools in 1909. Some have called his
writings "interesting, but ill-digested and unreliable.”
Christopher Yates (1737-1785) Colonel in American Revolution. He
was a land surveyor. He became quartermaster general under General Schuyler.
His son, Joseph C. Yates, q.v., became governor of New York. Was initiated in
St. Patrick's Lodge No. 4, Johnstown, N.Y. on Sept. 9, 1769 and became a
charter member and first master of St. George's Lodge No. 6, Schenectady, N.Y.
on Sept. 14, 1774, serving until 1776 and again from 1778 until his death in
Giles Fonda Yates (1796-1859) Grand Commander of the Northern
Supreme Council, AASR in 1851. b. in Schenectady, N.Y. He was graduated from
Union Coll. A lawyer, he devoted much of his time to the study of archaeology,
philosophy and the occult sciences. Initiated in Saint George's Lodge No. 6,
Schenectady in 1817 and in 1821 affiliated with Morton Lodge No. 87 in same
city. Served as master in 1844. Member of York Rite bodies.
Joseph C. Yates (1768-1837) Governor of New York, 1823-25; Judge
of Supreme Court of New York, 180822. b. Nov. 9, 1768 in Schenectady, N.Y.,
the son of Christopher Yates, q.v. He practiced law at Schenectady and was one
of the founders of Union Coll. in 1795. A county in New York is named in his
honor. He was master of St. George's Lodge No. 6, Schenectady, N.Y., 1791-96
and 1798. d. March 19, 1837.
Richard Yates, Jr. (1860-1936) U.S. Congressman from Illinois to
66th-72nd Congresses, 1919-33; Governor of Illinois, 1901-04. b. Dec. 12, 1860
at Jacksonville, Ill. the son of Richard Yates, Sr., q.v., who had been
governor, congressman and senator from Ill. Graduate of Illinois Coll. at
Jacksonville in 1880 and U. of Michigan in 1884. Was city editor of Daily
Courier, 1878-79 and Daily Journal, 1881-83, both of Jacksonville. Began law
practice in that city in 1884. Became member of Harmony Lodge No. 3,
Jacksonville on June 27, 1882; member of Jacksonville Chapter No. 3, R.A.M.
and past commander of Hospitaler Commandery No. 31, K.T. of Jacksonville. At
one time he was
Richard Yates, Sr.
a member of Elwood Commandery No. 6, K.T. of Springfield. He
served as grand orator of the Grand Lodge of Illinois in 1901. d. April 11,
Richard Yates, Sr. (1818-1873) Governor of Illinois, 1861-65; U.S.
Congressman to 32nd-33rd Congresses, 1851-55 and U.S. Senator, 186571. b. Jan.
18, 1818 in Warsaw, Ky., moved with father to Springfield, in 1831 and
subsequently settled at New Berlin. Practiced law from 1837 at Jacksonville.
His son of the same name, q.v., also served as governor and congressman from
Illinois. Was raised May 26, 1847 in Harmony Lodge No. 3, Jacksonville, Ill.
d. Nov. 27, 1873.
William Yates President of William and Mary College, Va. Received
degrees in Williamsburg Lodge No. 6, Williamsburg, Va. on Aug. 3 and Nov. 12,
1773 and May 28, 1774. The original records of the lodge are in the Library of
Francis Yeates-Brown (1886-1944) English author and army officer.
Served in India, 1906-13, and France and Mesopotamia, 1914-15. He was a
prisoner of war in Turkey, 1915-18. Among his books are Bengal Lancer, 1930;
Dogs of War, 1934; Lancer at Large, 1936; The Confessions of a Thug, 1938 and
European Jungle, 1939. In his Golden Horn he tells of an episode: "A
grey-headed Turkish gendarme spurred his frightened horse up to me and held
out his right hand. I grasped it in surprise and relief; and was still more
amazed when I found that the grip he gave me was an ancient and honorable one,
proving that even here in the desert, men are brothers. I climbed off my perch
and put myself under his protection, thinking of a night in India when I had
become Master of my Lodge. . . .”
Archibald Yell (1797-1847) Governor of Arkansas, 1840-44; U.S.
Congressman to 24th-25th Congresses from Ark., 1836-39, and 29th
Congress, 1845-46. b. in N. Car. He moved to Tenn. in his youth and settled in
Bedford Co. He took part in the Creek Indian campaign and participated in the
War of 1812, serving under General Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans. He
then studied law and began practice at Fayetteville, Term. In 1832 President
Jackson appointed him judge of the Territory of Arkansas (he had previously
declined the governorship of Territory of Florida). He took up residence at
Fayetteville, Ark. and served as judge until 1835. When Arkansas was admitted
to the Union, he was one of the first congressmen from that state. He was
probably initiated in Warren Lodge No. 19, Fayetteville, Tenn. He was first
master of Shelbyville Lodge No. 49, Shelbyville, Tenn. in 1824 and was elected
grand master of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee from the floor, in 1831. He
belonged to a Royal Arch chapter in Cumberland, Tenn. In Ark. he founded what
is now Washington Lodge No. 1, at Fayetteville, Ark. When he was inaugurated
governor of Ark. in 1840, the inaugural procession was led by Capt. Albert
Pike's artillery company followed by Masons and Odd Fellows. He had resigned
his seat in congress to become a colonel of the 1st Rgt., Ark. Vol. Cavalry in
the Mexican War. He was killed in the Battle of Buena Vista on Feb. 22, 1847.
Duke of York (see Edward Au-gustus).
Duke of York (see Frederick Augustus).
Duke of York (see George VI).
Dominque You (1775?-1830) Pirate and associate of Jean and Pierre
Lafitte. b. in Haiti about 1775, and little is known of his early life. He is
supposed to have followed the sea from
Claud F. Young early years; subsequently he served in the artillery corps
during the wars of the French Republic, and in 1802 accompanied General
Leclere to Santo Domingo. Associating himself with the pirate brothers, Jean
and Pierre Lafitte, he soon became their principal captain and was nicknamed
"Captain Dominique." He won a reputation for boldness and daring. When
Venezuela declared her independence, Dominique procured letters of marque from
the patriots, and did much damage to Spanish commerce in the Gulf of Mexico.
In the following years he took part in the unlawful operations of the Lafittes
in the bayous, and in July, 1814 a grand jury indicted him for piracy, but he
could not be apprehended. When the English invaded Louisiana, he offered his
services to the Americans and was appointed commander of an artillery company,
which he formed from the best gunners of the pirate ships, and which performed
such good service in the Battle of New Orleans that General Andrew Jackson,
q.v., wished he had "fifty such guns on this line and 500 such devils at their
butts." Dominique became a good friend of Jackson, who mentioned him in an
order dated Jan. 21, 1815. Following his pardon by President Monroe, he
settled quietly in New Orleans, where he enjoyed great popularity as a
politician. He was a member of Lodge La Concorde of New Orleans, according to
a certificate dated June, 1811. His funeral was a notable affair, and persons
of all racial, political, and religious affiliations attended. A lot in St.
Louis Cemetery No. 2 (Catholic) was purchased by the Freemasons, who also
ordered a tombstone with a Masonic emblem inscribed on it. d. in Nov., 1830.
Brigham Young (1801-1877) American Mormon leader who directed the
settlement in Nauvoo, Ill. in 1838; succeeded Joseph Smith, q.v., as headof
the Mormon Church in 1847 and superintended the mass migration of the Mormons
to the Great Salt Lake Valley in Utah. b. June 1, 1801 in Whitingham, Vt. Was
converted to Mormonism in 1831 by Samuel H. Smith, the prophet's brother. He
was the first governor of Territory of Utah (1849-57). Although his Masonic
membership has not been proved, there are several reasons why it is thought
that he belonged to the Craft: apparently, all the leaders, as well as large
numbers of the rank and file of the Mormon Church in the Nauvoo period, were
members of Nauvoo Lodges, for when the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple at
Nauvoo (which had been deposited there on June 24, 1843) was opened on June
24, 1954 by officials of the Mormon Church from Salt Lake City, a list of 50
Mormon-Masons who had signed a document as being present on the historic
occasion in 1843, included the name of Brigham Young; in a booklet entitled
The City of the Saints in Picture and Story, printed by the Deseret News in
1906, there is a picture of Young as governor of Utah, and shown in this
picture in the center of his shirt front is the conventional Masonic
emblem—the square and compasses; furthermore, in the History of Utah, written
by Apostle Orson F. Whitney, it is stated, "A Masonic Temple was likewise
projected at Nauvoo, and Joseph and Hyrum Smith, Brigham Young, and other
leading Mormons became Freemasons." Some have claimed that Young was a member
of Milnor Lodge No. 303, Victor, N.Y., but this lodge, which was warranted in
1818, sent membership returns regularly to the grand lodge until 1830, and
Young's name is not among them. d. Aug. 29, 1877.
Claud F. Young Grand Secretary General, Ancient, Accepted Scottish
Denton True "Cy" Young Rite, Southern Jurisdiction from 1952. b. Nov. 19, 1887
in Bonnie, Texas. Reared on a Texas farm until his family moved into Bowie,
Tex. He was employed as telegraph operator, cotton clerk, and cashier of a
railroad before entering the U. of Texas to study medicine, receiving his M.D.
degree in 1912. Served internship in K.C., Mo. Practiced medicine in Bowie,
Tex. for three years and then entered into partnership at Fort Scott, Kans.,
forming the Newman-Young Clinic, of which he was chief of the surgical
section, until elected grand secretary general in 1952, when he gave up his
practice. He became a Mason in Bowie, Texas in 1910 while a medical student,
and also joined the chapter and council in that city. At this time he also
received the Scottish Rite degrees (SJ) in Galveston. Upon moving to Fort
Scott, Kans., he transferred all his memberships to that city and became a
member of the Commandery, Shrine, Red Cross of Constantine, White Shrine of
Jerusalem, the Jesters, National Sojourners and Heroes of '76. Subsequently he
served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Kansas, and potentate of his
Shrine temple. He received the 32° in 1911; honored with the KCCH in 1919; 33°
in 1933; appointed AASR deputy in Kansas in 1938 and crowned active 33° member
in 1939. Was appointed successively grand sword bearer, grand standard bearer,
second grand equerry and grand master of ceremonies.
Denton True "Cy" Young (18671955) The "Grand Old Man of Baseball"
and the first pitcher honored with membership in the Baseball Hall of Fame,
Cooperstown, N.Y., 1937. b. March 29, 1867 in Gilmore, Ohio. He was the only
pitcher in the first 100 years of baseball to win 500 games. Among his 511
victories were three no-hit-shut-outs, and on May5, 1904, he pitched a perfect
game with no batsman reaching first base. His pitching career was with the
Cleveland National League team, 1890-98; St. Louis National team, 1899- 1900;
Boston, American League, 1901-08; Cleveland, American League, 1909-11 and
Boston, National League, 1911. In all his career he never received more than
$2,500 a year. Raised in Mystic Tie Lodge No. 194, Uhrichsvile, Ohio, Feb. 29,
1904; exalted in Cyrus Chapter No. 114, R.A.M., Nov. 12, 1904; greeted in
Gebal Council No. 56, Dec. 27, 1904 and knighted in St. Bernard Commandery No.
71, K.T. on Feb. 1, 1905 (all of Uhrichsville). Received the Scottish Rite
degrees in Valley of Columbus, Nov. 27, 1908. Cy was an active Freemason until
his death. Less than a year before his death he told reporters that "we went
over to Canton Saturday night for a big Masonic doings." Was a member of
Aladdin Shrine Temple in Columbus (Nov. 27, 1908). For his last 23 years he
lived with his friend, Bro. John Benedum, and to him he left his Masonic ring.
He was buried in his Masonic apron. d. Nov. 4, 1955.
Lafayette Young (1848-1926) U.S. Senator from Iowa, 1910-11. b. in
Iowa. He was owner and publisher of the Des Moines Capital from 1890. Received
the degrees in Pymosa Lodge No. 271, Atlantic, Iowa and was admitted to Home
Lodge No. 370 of Des Moines on Oct. 9, 1890, holding membership there until
his death. He once visited a Masonic Lodge in London. d. Nov. 15, 1926.
Owen D. Young Lawyer, financier, corporation officer and author of
the Young Plan of war reparations after WWI. b. Oct. 27, 1874 in Van
Homes-vile, N.Y. Graduate of St. Lawrence U. in 1894 and holds many honorary
degrees. Practiced law in Boston from 1896 until moving to N.Y.C. in
Jesse A. Younger
as counsel for General Electric Co. He was vice president of this corporation
until 1922; chairman of board, 1922-39 and 1942-44, and now honorary chairman.
Was chairman of board of Radio Corporation of America until 1929 and chairman
of executive committee until 1933. Has served as chairman of advisory council
National Broadcasting Co.; director of American and Foreign Power Co.; N.Y.
Life Insurance Co.; American Broadcasting Co.; chairman of Federal Reserve
Bank of N.Y. Served on many national and international trade and economic
committees. Made a Mason in Evergreen Lodge No. 363, Springfield Center, N.Y.
on Dec. 4, 1920, and later served on the committee of grand lodge awards of
the Grand Lodge of New York.
Richard M. Young (1798-1861) U.S. Senator from Illinois, 1837-43;
Illinois supreme court justice, 1843-47; commissioner of General Land Office,
1847-49; clerk of National House of Representatives, 1850-51. b. Feb. 20, 1798
in Fayette Co., Ky. He moved to Ill. in 1817, where he practiced law at
Jonesboro. Member of Bodley Lodge No. 1, Quincy, Ill. but during the
anti-Masonic period, he dimitted. d. Nov. 28, 1861.
Thomas L. Young (1832-1888) Governor of Ohio, 1877; U.S.
Congressman, 1878-82. b. Dec. 14, 1832 in Killyleagh, Ireland. Came to U.S. at
an early age; served in U.S. Army during last year of Mexican War. Entered
National Army at beginning of Civil War and became brevet brigadier general of
volunteers in 1865. Graduate of the Cincinnati law school and admitted to the
bar in 1865. Served in both branches of state legislature. Member of McMillan
Lodge No. 141, McMillan Chapter No. 19, R.A.M., Cincinnati Council R. & S.M.,
Cincinnati Commandery, K.T. and 32° Scottish Rite, all in Cincinnati, Ohio. d.
July 20, 1888.
Luther W. Youngdahl Governor of Minnesota, 1947-51; Minnesota
Supreme Court Justice, 1942-47; Judge, U.S. District Court for District of
Columbia from 1951. b. May 29, 1896 in Minneapolis, Minn. Graduate of Gustavus
Adolphus Coll., 1919 and Minn. Coll. of Law, 1921. Practiced law in
Minneapolis. Served in WWI. Member of board of trustees, American University.
Received degrees in Minneapolis Lodge No. 19 on Sept. 11, Oct. 18, Nov. 10,
1920 and withdrew on Feb. 17, 1923 to affiliate with University Lodge No. 316.
On Feb. 17, 1925 he affiliated with Lake Harriet Lodge No. 277 and served as
master in 1938. In Scottish Rite he was commander of Council of Kadosh at
Minneapolis, 1940-42 and a member of Zuhrah Shrine Temple of that city.
Oscar F. Youngdahl (1893-1946) U.S. Congressman to 76th-77th
Congresses, 1939-43, from 5th Minn. dist. b. Oct. 13, 1893 in Minneapolis, a
brother of Luther W. Youngdahl, q.v. Graduate of Gustavus Adolphus Coll. in
1916 and Minn. Coll. of Law in 1925. He first taught in high school, then sold
bonds and securities. By studying at nights he was admitted to the bar in 1925
and practiced law in Minneapolis. Served in U.S. Navy in WWI. Received degrees
in Lakeview Lodge No. 143, Ortonville, Minn. on March 4, April 11, May 8,
1918, withdrawing on Feb. 16, 1923 to affiliate with University Lodge No. 316.
Shriner. d. Feb. 3, 1946.
Jesse A. Younger U.S. Congressman to 83rd-86th Congresses from
California. b. April 11, 1893 at Albany, Oreg. Graduate of U. of Washington in
1915. In banking business from 1935 and is executive vice president and
director of Citizens Federal Savings & Loan Assn., San Francisco,
George Yount and director of Western Title Insurance & Guaranty Co. Live
member of Lafayette Lodge No. 241, Seattle, Wash., 32° AASR (SJ) at
Burlingame, Calif. and member of Islam Shrine Temple, San Francisco.
George Yount (1794-1865) California pioneer who was an associate
of Kit Carson, Charles Bent and David Waldo. b. May 4, 1794 in N. Car. He came
to Cape Girardeau, Mo. as a boy with his parents. Enlisted at age of 18 in War
of 1812 and fought under Capt. Maurice Young. In 1818 he engaged in cattle
raising in Howard Co., Mo. and accumulated a large estate. Losing his money,
he started for Calif. in 1826 over the Santa Fe Trail with Hichman and Lamb of
Old Franklin, Mo. He did not see his family again for 17 years, and in the
meantime his wife, who thought him dead, remarried. His two daughters came to
Calif. to live with him. He made the first shingles in Calif. In 1835 he was
baptized a Roman Catholic at the San Raphael Mission. Yount continued to add
to his land holdings and eventually had a baronial domain. He was a generous
man, and among other things supplied provisions for the Donner party, taking
one whole family into his home until they recovered. He bequeathed a church to
the people of Yountville "to be used by all denominations." When he died, an
Episcopal minister officiated at his funeral. He was madea Freemason in
Benicia Lodge No. 5 in 1850; assisted in the organization of Yount Lodge No.
12 of Napa; and in 1855 organized Caymus Lodge No. 93 at Yountville, was the
lodge's first junior warden, holding some office every year thereafter until
his death, and was master in 1859. He was grand Bible bearer of the Grand
Lodge of California. At his death on Oct. 5, 1865 he was treasurer of his
lodge. The lodge named for him (Yount of Napa) is today the eighth oldest
lodge in the state.
David Levy Yulee (1810-1886) U.S. Senator from Florida, 1845-51
and 1855-61. b. June 12, 1810 in St. Thomas, West Indies as David Levy.
Immigrated to U.S. with his father and settled in Norfolk, Va. Admitted to the
bar in 1836 and practiced in St. Augustine, Fla. He was clerk to the Florida
Territorial legislature in 1841. Was elected a delegate to the 27th-28th
Congresses (1841-45) from the Florida Territory, and upon the admission of
Florida as a state, was elected one of the first senators. His name was
changed to "Yulee" by an act of the Florida legislature, and in 1846 the U.S.
senate ordered his name changed on its rolls and journals in conformity with
the act. Was president of the Atlantic & Gulf R.R. and served in the
Confederate congress throughout the Civil War. Member of Hayward Lodge No. 7,
Gainesville, Fla. d. Oct. 10, 1886.
360 Pasha Saad Zaghlul (1860-1927) Premier of Egypt in 1924. A
lawyer and statesman, he was minister of public instruction in 1906, and
later, minister of justice. After the close of WWI, he became head of the
Nationalist Party, which advocated and demanded the breaking of ties binding
Egypt to Great Britain. He failed in his attempt to conclude the negotiation
with British Prime Minister Macdonald. He was deported to Malta in 1919 and
then to Ceylon, returning to Egypt in 1921. One of the two Egyptian grand
lodges to which he belonged ordered seven weeks of mourning after his death.
Louis J. Zalce (?-1955) Mexican Governor, Senator and Director
General of the Postal Department. b. in Guanajuato. He affiliated with the
Democratic party, headed by Francisco I. Madero, became governor of the state
of Zacatecas and senator from that state. Under President Carranza, he headed
the Postal dept., and developed the efficiency of that organization. From
1921-24 he was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Valle of Mexico. He wrote
much on Freemasonry, his best work being Annotations for the History of
Masonry in Mexico. It is a study of the Mexican Craft from the years of the
viceroyship, 1822, until 1950. d. Nov. 4, 1955.
Giuseppe Zanardelli (1829-1903) Italian patriot and friend of
Garibaldi, q.v. He fought with the great emancipator for the unity of Italy.
Active in the nationalist movement from 184849. He was minister of public
works,1876-77, minister of interior, 1878, minister of justice, 1881-83,
1887-91 and 1897-98. From 1901 until his death in Oct., 1903 he was Premier of
Italy. His nickname was "The Old Man of Madero" (from his birthplace). A
Freemason, after his death the bishop of Brescia refused him a Christian
burial, unless the floral offering on the coffin sent by the Italian
Freemasons, was removed.
Darryl F. Zanuck Motion picture producer. b. Sept. 5, 1902 in
Wahoo, Nebr. Was successively in advertising and writing with Warner Bros.
Pictures, Inc. and then producer and finally supervisor of production. Vice
president of 20th Century Fox Pictures, Inc., and now vice president of 20th
Century Fox Film Corp. in charge of production. Member of Mount Olive Lodge
No. 506, Los Angeles and Al Malaikah Shrine Temple.
Lorenzo de Zavala (1788-1836) Mexican statesman and First Vice
President of the Texas Republic. b. Oct. 3, 1788 in Merida, Yucatan.
Participated in the revolutionary movement of Yucatan and founded the first
newspaper in the peninsula that defended liberal policies. Arrested in 1814,
he spent three years in prison, during which time he studied medicine and
English. Came to Mexico in 1822, where he was elected to the first congress,
and soon became a leader. After the fall of the empire under Iturbide, he was
the chief defender of the Federal cause in the Aguila Mexicana, and in
congress. As president of that body he signed the Federal constitution, Oct.
4, 1824. In
Thomas pandas, 2na tan or Lenana
he was elected senator for Yucatan in the 1st Constitutional congress and in
1827 became governor of the state of Mexico. After the accession of Gen.
Vincente Guerrero, he was called in 1829 to head the treasury. When the
government was taken over by Bustamante, he spent his time traveling in the
U.S. and in Europe. When Bustamente's government fell in 1832, Zavala returned
and was reinstated as governor of the state of Mexico. In 1833 he was sent to
France as minister, but later returned to Texas where he owned extensive
property. When the province rose in rebellion against Mexico, Zavala joined
the insurgents, proclaiming the reestablishment of the Federal constitution of
1824, and was sent as a deputy for Harrisburg to the convention of Austin,
which on Nov. 7, 1835 declared war. He was also a member of a deputation sent
to Washington which declared the independence of Texas on March 2, 1836. He
was first master of La Independencia Lodge (location unidentified), a Royal
Arch Mason and a 33° AASR. d. Nov. 16, 1836.
Thomas Dundas, 2nd Earl of Zetland (1795-1873) Grand Master of
Grand Lodge of England, 1844-70. Initiated in Prince of Wales' Lodge No. 259
in 1830, he became its deputy master in 1837, and was appointed deputy grand
master in 1839. He was the third generation of Dundases to serve under the
Duke of Sussex, either as deputy or pro-grand master. He was appointed to the
latter office in 1841 by the duke, whom three years later he was to succeed as
grand master. In 1844 he was elected first grand principal in the Royal Arch.
His title was a variant of "Shetland.”
Florenz Ziegfeld (1869-1932) Theatrical producer. b. March 21,
1869. He married Anna Held and later Billie Burke. Entering the
theatricalbusiness at Chicago in 1892 he brought military bands from Europe
for the World's Fair at Chicago in 1893. Was manager of Sandow the magazine.
He produced Ziegfeld's Follies on the New York stage yearly from 1907. Among
his productions were Papa's Wife; The French Maid; The Little Duchess; The
Parisian Model; Miss Innocence; The Pink Lady; Sally; Kid Boots; Louis XIV and
many other spectaculars. A member of Accordia Lodge No. 277, Chicago, Ill., he
received his degrees on Jan. 5, 25, March 12, 1866 and received the Scottish
Rite degrees in Chicago (NJ) on Feb. 20, 1896. d. July 22, 1932.
William Ziegler (1843-1905) Capitalist who financed the
Baldwin-Ziegler Polar Expedition. b. Sept. 1, 1843 in Beaver Co., Pa. Educated
in public schools of Iowa and learned printer's trade as a boy in office of
Muscatine Journal. Graduate of Eastman's Business Coll., Poughkeepsie, N.Y. in
1863 and then engaged in bakers' and confectioners' supplies on his own from
1868. He organized the Royal Chemical Co. in 1870, which he developed into The
Royal Baking Powder Co. Bought Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago, in 1890 and
Tartar Chemical Co., (N.J.) in 1891. He then retired and operated in N.Y.C.
real estate. He outfitted the Ziegler Expedition to explore the Arctic via
Franz Joseph Land and to reach the North Pole if possible. His original lodge
is not known, but in Nov., 1885 he affiliated with Altair Lodge No. 601,
Brooklyn, N.Y., and was knighted in Columbian Commandery No. 1, K.T., N.Y.C.
on May 21, 1874. d. in 1905.
Fred R. Zimmerman (1880-1954) Governor of Wisconsin, 1927-28. b.
Nov. 20, 1880 in Milwaukee, Wis. Served as director of industrial relations,
Nash Motor Co., and then engaged in building materials and supply business at
Milwaukee, 1910-20.
362 Johann Heinrich Zschokke Member of Republican National Comm.
many years and secretary of state for Wisconsin, 1923-26 and 1938 until death.
Member of Milwaukee Lodge No. 261, Milwaukee, Wis., receiving degrees on April
23, May 14, July 23, 1902; 32° AASR and Shriner. d. Dec. 13, 1954.
Orville Zimmerman (1880-1948) U.S. Congressman from Missouri,
74th-80th Congresses, 1935-49. b. Dec. 31, 1880 in Glen Allen, Mo. Graduate of
S.E. Mo. State Coll. in 1904 and U. of Missouri, 1911. Began law practice in
Kennett, Mo. in latter year. Member of board of regents, S.E. Mo. State Coll.
at Cape Girardeau. Mason and Shriner. d. April 7, 1948.
Johann Wilhelm von Zinnendorf (1731-1782). b. Aug. 10, 1731 in
Halle as Johann Wilhelm Ellenberger, he was adopted by his mother's brother,
and subsequently took the title of Von Zinnendorf from his adoption. Initiated
at Halle, he moved to Berlin, where he was appointed general staff surgeon and
chief of the medical corps of the Army. Here he joined the Lodge of the Three
Globes and became an ardent disciple of the Rite of Strict Observance, in
which he took the title of Eques a lapide nigro. As treasurer of the order, he
refused to make an accounting, and was expelled. He then turned against the
Rite of Strict Observance and denounced its theory of the Templar origin of
Freemasonry. He turned to the Swedish Rite, and in 1766 es- tablished the
Lodge Minerval at Potsdam, and in 1767 the Lodge of the Three Golden Keys at
Berlin. By 1770 he had established 12 lodges of the system, and then
formulated the "Grand Lodge of all the Freemasons of Germany." In 1774 he
secured the protectorship of the King of Prussia for his grand lodge, which
greatly extended its influence and growth, so that in 1778 it had 34 lodges
from Austria to Russia. He was elected grand master in 1774, and held that
office until his death. Sweden later withdrew its recognition and charged that
he had organized his lodges under a spurious and unauthorized warrant. He was
undismayed, and continued to preside over the grand lodge with unabated zeal
and vigor until his death on June 6, 1782.
John Zoffany (1733-1810) British painter of portraits and
conversation pieces. b. in Germany. He came to England in 1758, where under
royal patronage, he became a success as a painter. He was an original member
of the Royal Academy at its foundation in 1768. Was an early member of the
Lodge of Nine Muses, London.
Felix K. Zollicoffer (1812-1862) U.S. Congressman from Tennessee,
33rd-35th Congresses, 1853-59 and Brigadier General in Confederate Army. b.
May 18, 1812 in Bigbyville, Tenn. Became a printer, and was in newspaper work
in Paris and Knoxville, Tenn. until 1832, and then in Huntsville, Ala.,
1835-43. He was state printer of Tenn. in 1835. Served as a lieutenant in the
Seminole War. Was owner and editor of the Columbia Observer and Southern
Agriculturist in 1837 and editor of Republican Banner in 1843. Member of the
1861 peace conference at Washington to devise means to prevent the impending
war. He commanded 10,000 troops as a Confederate brigadier general in Civil
War, and is one of the Tenn. generals whose figure is carved on Stone
Mountain, Atlanta, Ga. Died from wounds received near Mill Springs, Ky. on
Jan. 19, 1862. Member of Cumberland Lodge No. 8, Tenn.
Johann Heinrich Zschokke (17711884) German writer. b. in
Switzerland. He wrote mainly of Bavarian and Swiss history. Authored Pictures
from Switzerland and the eight-voltune Hours of Meditation, the last be-
Adolph Zukor ing a religious work. He was initiated in the lodge Zur,
Aufrichtigen, Herzen at Frankfurt and in 1812 he formed a new lodge at Aarau
entitled Zur Ed-/en. Aussicht. He was also master of the lodge William Tell,
and initiated his son into the same. He preached that Freemasonry was the
missing link between the church and state, and that only after the broken
chain was closed again, would the world attain to higher ideals.
Adolph Zukor President of Board of Paramount Pictures Corp. b.
Jan. 7, 1873 in Ricse, Hungary. He was educated in Hungary and came to the
U.S. in 1888. In America he engaged in the hardware, upholstery and fur
business in New York and Chicago. While in the fur business, he invented a
clasp which is still in use on many fur pieces. In 1904 he became associated
with Mitchell Mark, who was the owner of the Strand Theatre in N.Y., and with
Marcus Loew, presenting vaudeville acts and motion pictures. He is the founder
of Famous Players Film Co., in 1912. He has been revered as a "pioneer and
father" of the motion picture industry for more than 50 years. He has received
citations from all over the world. It was Zukor who discovered a poor little
girl who was later to be known as America's sweetheart—Mary Pickford. A member
of Centennial Lodge No. 763, N.Y.C., he has been presented a 50-year pin by
the Grand Lodge of N.Y.
Manuel Zuralds The first man, together with a Frenchman and an
Italian, to be tried by the Mexican Inquisition on charges of being a
Freemason, circa 1785.
There are three types of
entries in the Addenda: new biographies which have been omitted by oversight;
corrections or comment on biographies previously printed, and additional
information of importance on persons listed in the first three volumes. They
are keyed as follows:
New biographies (no key)
* Indicates correction or
** Indicates additional
Aavatsmark (?-1950) A prominent Norwegian Freemason and officer of the Grand
Lodge of Sweden who played an important part in the reorganization of
Norwegian Freemasonry after WWII.
Grafton M. Acklin (1851-1926) General Grand Master, General Grand
Council, R. & S.M., 1909-12. b. July 30, 1851 at Aberdeen, Ohio. Was manager
of the Toledo Machine and Tool Co. from 1896-1911, retiring on latter date. He
also was associated with his three sons in the Acklin Stamping Co. Raised in
Rubicon Lodge No. 237, Toledo on April 27, 1874; exalted Dec. 16, 1875 in Ft.
Meigs Chapter No. 29, R.A.M.; greeted in Toledo Council No. 33, R. & S.M.,
Jan. 13, 1876, and knighted in Toledo Commandery No. 7, K.T., on Sept. 2,
1881, all of Toledo, 32° AASR (NJ) at Toledo in 1898. Was grand master of the
Grand Council of Ohio in 1890; grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Ohio
in 1897; received 33° AASR in 1913. d. Dec. 17, 1926.
*Andrew Adams J. R. Case says probably. not a Mason, but confused
with another of the same name.
Henry Rice Adams (1861-1928) Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Minnesota, 1903-04. He was born in a Masonic lodge and fatally stricken in a
Masonic lodge. b. Sept. 15, 1861 in the lodge room of Monticello Lodge No. 16,
Monticello, Minn., on Sept. 15, 1861. His father, Samuel E. Adams, was a
pioneer merchant of that city and rented a room above his general merchandise
store to the lodge. When their living quarters at the rear of the building
became crowded, Mrs. Adams was moved into the lodge room on the night her son
was born. The attending physician, Dr. James W. Mulvey, was junior warden of
the lodge. In Feb., 1884, Adams was initiated in the lodge room in which he
had been born. He moved to Min-neapolis, became a member of Minneapolis Lodge
No. 19 in 1885, served as its master, and in 1898 affiliated with Minnesota
Lodge No. 224 and was charter master. Member and past high priest of St.
John's Chapter No. 9, R.A.M.; Zion Commandery No. 2, K.T.; 32° AASR (NJ) and
member of Zurah Shrine Temple. He engaged in the real estate and insurance
business until 1895, when he was employed by the city water department of
Minneapolis until retirement in 1927. He was stricken fatally, while attending
a communication of Minnesota Lodge No. 224, and died, March 30, 1928.
** Kenneth S. Adams Received Distinguished Gold Medal Award of
General Grand Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, in Sept., 1960.
Thomas P. Akers (1828-1877) U.S. Congressman from Missouri to 34th
Congress, 1856-57. b. Oct. 4, 1828 in Knox Co., Ohio. Admitted to the bar, he
taught school for a time in Ky., then moved to Lexington, Mo. in 1853, where
he was a professor of mathematics and moral philosophy in the Masonic College
in that city, 1855-56. He was also pastor of the local Methodist church. Moved
to N.Y.C. in 1861 and became vice president of the gold board. Moved to Utah
for his health and then returned to Lexington, Mo. Member of Lexington Lodge
No. 149, and was exalted in Lexington Chapter No. 10, R.A.M. on Jan. 16, 1856.
Suspended NPD from the latter on May 6, 1861. d. April 3, 1877.
* Miguel R. de Alva d. 1843 not "1943.”
* Prince Alexander of Orange Grand Master 1882-84.
* Ethan Allen Probably not a Mason. On date given for degree, he
was a prisoner in England.
Thomas McArthur Anderson
Willis Allen (1806-1859) U.S.
Congressman to 32nd-33rd Congresses, 1851-55, from Ill. b. Dec. 15, 1806 in
Roanoke, Va. Taught school, moving first to Wilson Co., Tenn. and then to
Franklin Co. (now Williamson Co.), Ill. in 1830, where he engaged in
agricultural pursuits and studied law. Was admitted to the bar and commenced
practice in Marion, Ill. Served in both houses of the state legislature, and
after retirement from congress, resumed law practice and was judge of 26th
circuit court. Member of 'Fellowship Lodge No. 89, Marion, EL, at time of his
death on April 15, 1859.
** J. Lindsay Almond Governor of Virginia from 1958.
Ignacio Manuel Altamirano (18341893) Mexican poet, journalist,
patriot and government official. b. Dec., 1834 in Tixtla, Guerrero, Mexico, of
pure Indian blood. His poems, mostly descriptive, include Rhymes (1880) and
his novels include Clemencia (1869); The Christmas of the Mountains (1870) and
El Zarco (1888). In 1869 he founded the publication, The Renaissance, which
was widely read and was of great social importance to the liberal movement. In
1861 he was elected to the Mexican congress and when the French invaded
Mexico, he took up arms in defense of his country. He was appointed consul
general to Spain in 1889 and later held the same position in France. He was
grand master of the Grand Lodge Valle de Mexico from 1885-90. As a teacher of
writers for two generations, he was affectionately called "The Master." d.
Feb. 13, 1893.
* Count Goblet d'Alviella Incorrect spelling on page 19. See on
page 287 under d'Aviella. He is also listed on page 281 out of alphabetical
** Richard H. Amberg Presented distinguished service medal by
Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Mo. on April 27, 1959, for his sympathetic and
factual feature story on Freemasonry in the Sunday magazine of the St. Louis
** Lord Ampthill Member of Apollo Lodge, Oxford, England.
*RoaId Amundsen Grand Secretary of Grand Lodge of Norway says he
was not a member in that country, but might have held membership in another.
John H. Anderson (1868-1948) General Grand High Priest, Royal Arch
Masons, 1939-42. b. in Wilmington, Del. Moved to Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1908 he
went to Fayetteville, N.C., where he engaged in the retail dry goods business
until 1918, when he became a government auditor. Served in Spanish-American
War and WWI. Active in all branches of Freemasonry and received the 33° (SJ)
in 1941.
* Joseph I. Anderson Last word in biography should be "New Jersey"
and not "Tenn.”
** Robert B. Anderson U.S. Secretary of Treasury under Eisenhower,
elevated to rank of Grand Cross of the Court of Honor, AASR (SJ) in Oct.,
1959. Only three others to date hold this honor—Renah F. Camalier, Charles B.
Newcomb, Frank S. Land, qq.ty.
Thomas McArthur Anderson (18361917) Brigadier General, U.S. Army.
b. Jan. 21, 1836 in Chillicothe, Ohio. Graduate of Mt. St. Marys Coll. (Md.)
and Cincinnati Law School, he was admitted to the bar in 1858 and practiced
until 1861, when he volunteered as a private with the 6th Ohio Inf. on April
20. He advanced through grades to brigadier general in regular army in 1899
and retired in 1900. He was twice wounded in the Civil War, and afterwards saw
frontier service, in
Bernt Anker
command of a district in Alaska during the gold excitement. He then commanded
the first expedition to the Philippines and had a notable correspondence with
Aguinaldo, q.v. He commanded the land division in the capture of Manila and
headed the 1st Division of the 8th Army, winning the battles of Santana, San
PedroMacate and Guadalupe. Seven times he was vice president general of the
Sons of the American Revolution. Raised April 24, 1864 in St. John's Lodge No.
11, Washington. Received 32° AASR (SJ) at Portland, Oreg., March 31, 1896;
KCCH, Oct. 19, 1897 and 33°, Oct. 20, 1899. d. May 8, 1917.
Bemt linker (1746-1805) Norwegian financier and owner of mines,
estates, forests, ships; exporter. Interested in science and arts. He built
the first Masonic lodge of Norway, St. Olaus ti/ den Hvide Leopard, in 1780
and served as its master from 1780 until 1792.
** Lewis A. Armistead Charter member of Union Lodge (now 7), Ft.
Riley, Kansas.
** David IL Armstrong U.S. Senator from Missouri. d. in 1893. Was
a member of George Washington Lodge of St. Louis for 43 years. His son, Samuel
T. Armstrong, M.D., was high priest of Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R.A.M. of New
York City in 1895.
** Lebbeus Armstrong The first United States Anti-Masonic
Proceedings, printed in Philadelphia in Sept., 1830, gives his membership data
in the report of seceding Freemasons as follows: "Lebbeus Armstrong, Grand
Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason, North Star Lodge No. 162; Sacondaga Royal
Arch Chapter; Lodge of Perfection, held by the Grand Princes of Jerusalem, in
Mayfield, Montgomery Co., N.Y. Anti-Masonic Delegate from New York.”
Isaac N. Arnold (1815-1884) U.S. Congressman from Illinois to
37th-38th Congresses, 1861-65. b. Nov. 30, 1815 in Hartwick, N.Y. Admitted to
the bar in 1835 and began practice in Cooperstown, N.Y., moving to Chicago,
Ill. in 1836, where he continued practice. Member of state house of
representatives in 1842-43 and again in 1855. He was the sixth auditor of the
U.S. treasury, Washington, D.C. from 1865-66. In the Civil War, he was an aide
to Col. Hunter at the Battle of Bull Run. Member of Lafayette Lodge No. 18,
Chicago. (It became defunct about 1864.) d. April 24, 1884.
** William W. Arnold d. Nov. 23, 1957.
** Edward Ashley Received 33° AASR (SJ) on Oct. 23, 1903.
* James M. Ashley d. Sept. 16, 1896. Was congressman from Ohio not
* Richard Aspinall Grand chaplain, Grand Lodge of West Virginia,
Smith D. Atkins (1836-1913) Union Brigadier General of 92nd
Illinois Volunteers in Civil War. b. June 9, 1836 in Horseheads, N.Y. Admitted
to the bar in 1854 and practiced in Ill. Breveted on Jan. 12, 1865 and
mustered out that June. He was editor of the Freeport (Ill.) Daily Journal
from 1878, and was postmaster of Freeport. Member of Excelsior Lodge No. 97,
Freeport, Ill. d. March 27, 1913.
** Henry C. Atwood b. 1801.
James McM. Austin (1813-1881) General Grand High Priest of General
Grand Chapter, R.A.M., 1868-71. b. in Salem, N.Y. Received M.D. degree from
Albany (N.Y.) Medical School at age of 30 and practiced at Waterford and
Lansingburg. In 1853 he
John Barry
established a practice in N.Y.C. Was initiated in 1844 and affiliated with
Mariner's Lodge No. 35 in 1857. He served as grand secretary of the Grand
Lodge of New York from 1855 until his death. Member of all York Rite bodies,
he received the 33° AASR (NJ) in 1866.
William Bainbridge (1774-1833) Commodore, U.S. Navy. b. May 7,
1774 in Princeton, N.J. He went to sea at the age of 16 and commanded a ship
at 19. In the reorganization of the Navy in 1798, he was appointed a
lieutenant. His vessel and crew, captured in the West Indies by a French
cruiser in Sept. of that year, were released in Dec., and on his return home
he was promoted to the command of a brig. In 1800 he was commissioned a
captain, and in the ship Washington, he carried tribute from the U.S. to the
Dey of Algiers. The latter treated him with insolence, and after a trip to
Constantinople, Bainbridge returned and frightened the Dey into releasing all
the Christian prisoners then in his possession. In 1801 he was sent again to
the Mediterranean with the frigate Essex. Upon declaration of war against the
U.S. by Tripoli in 1803, Bainbridge was put in command of the Philadelphia. In
Oct. of that year his ship struck a rock near Tripoli and was captured. Later,
Bainbridge, who had remained a prisoner for 19 months, was received with great
respect on his return to the U.S. Becoming commodore, he assumed command, in
Sept. 1812, of a squadron consisting of the flag ship Constitution, the Essex
and the Hornet. In Dec. of that year he captured the British frigate Java off
the coast of Brazil, and for this received the thanks of Congress and a gold
medal. In 1815 he was the commander of a squadron of 20 ships. With it, he set
out for Algiers, but peace was concluded before he reached the Mediterranean.
He settleddisputes with the Barbary States; again commanded in the
Mediterranean from 1919-1921, and after that time served on shore. He was
initiated in Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia, Pa. on June 14, 1810 "by
dispensation." d. July 28, 1833.
John Lawrence Baird (see Baron Stonehaven).
* Abraham Baldwin Not a Mason. The "visiting" Baldwin to American
Union Lodge was Col. Jeduthan Baldwin (1732-1788) of Mass. whose diary
contains Masonic references.
3rd Earl of Balfour (see Robert Arthur Traprain).
Everette E. Ballard President of All American Life and Casualty
Co. from 1954. b. Oct. 11, 1901 in Cobden, Ill. He taught school in southern
Ill. from 1919-29 when he entered the insurance field. He was vice president
of Jefferson National Life of Indianapolis from 1939-52, and with All American
Life & Casualty Co., Park Ridge, Ill. from 1952, as vice president. Member of
Union Lodge No. 627, Lick Creek, Ill., since 1922. 32° AASR (NJ) in
Indianapolis, Ind.
Hosea Ballou Was grand warden of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire between
** Nathaniel P. Banks Member of St. Paul's Chapter, R.A.M. and
Boston Encampment, K.T., both of Boston, Mass.
** John Barker (1794-1845).
** Henry A. Barnum Member of Syracuse Lodge No. 102 and Syracuse
Chapter No. 70, R.A.M. of Syracuse, N.Y.
** Robert S. Barrett d. Feb. 24, 1959.
* John Barry There is some question as to whether the "John Barry"
John H. Bartlett
Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia, is the Naval officer, Commodore Barry. William J.
Paterson, librarian of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, states that a check of
the signature of "John Barry" in the by-laws book of Lodge No. 2 does not
compare with the signature of Commodore Barry in Apple-tons' Cyclopaedia. The
only letter in Barry's signature in the Lodge No. 2 book that compares with
Appletons' signature is the letter "a." However, the Pennsylvania Historical
Society has a Barry letter signed in 1793 and it is identical with the
Appletons' signature. The Society also has some earlier signatures of Barry
that resemble the signature in the lodge book.
** John H. Bartlett d. March 15, 1869.
Robert E. B. Baylor (1793-1874) American jurist and Baptist
clergyman. Baylor University at Waco, Texas named for him. b. May 10, 1793 in
Lincoln Co., Ky. He was the only son of Walker Baylor, who commanded
Washington's life guards at the Battle of Germantown. Served in the War of
1812 under Col. Boswell and was in the fight near Fort Meigs. Returned to Ky.
after the war and acquired a large law practice. In 1819 he was elected to the
state legislature, but moved to Alabama the following year. Was elected to the
Alabama legislature in 1824 and elected U.S. congressman from Alabama to the
21st congress, serving from 1829-31. During the Creek War he commanded a
regiment of Alabama volunteers. Moving to Texas in 1839, he became associate
justice of the Texas supreme court from 1841-45 and U.S. district judge,
1845-61. He was instrumental in obtaining the charter for the first Baptist
college in Texas, and gave considerable land and money to it. Chartered at
Independence, Texas, it later was moved to Waco. This prom-inent university
bears his name, as does one of the counties of Texas. He was a member of
Baylor Lodge No. 125 at Gay Hill, Washington Co., Texas, and of Murichson
Chapter No. 18, R.A.M. of La Grange, Texas. At one time he served as grand
chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Texas and of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of
Texas. d. Jan. 6, 1874.
William H. H. Beadle (1838-1915) Founder of public school system
of South Dakota. b. Jan. 1, 1838 in Howard, Ind. A.B., A.M., LL.B. and LL.D.
from U. of Michigan. Served in Civil War and was mustered out as a brigadier
general of volunteers (Indiana). He practiced law at Evansville, Ind. and then
at Boscobel, Wis. until 1869, when he was named surveyor general for the
Dakota Territory. In 1876 he was a member of the commission to codify the laws
of Dakota Territory, and a member of the territorial house of representatives
from 1877-87. From 1879-85 he was superintendent of public instruction of the
territory and founder of its school system. He was a leader in the statehood
movement, and his statue represents South Dakota in the National Statuary Hall
of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. He was president of the Madison State
Normal School from 1889-1905. He wrote the articles and secured the adoption
in the South Dakota constitution fixing high limitation on the sale of school
and endowment lands granted by the U.S. This same feature was inserted by
Congress in enabling acts of N. Dak., Mont., Wyo., Idaho, Wash. and Okla. He
wrote Geography, History and Resources of Dakota Territory. He was raised on
Aug. 12, 1861 in Montezuma Lodge No. 89 of Montezuma, Ind.; exalted in Yankton
Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. of Yankton, S. Dak on May 25, 1881; knighted on May 11,
1882 in DeMolay Commandery No. 3, K.T., Yankton and received 32° AASR (SJ)
Timothy Bedel
Feb. 25, 1883 at Yankton. He received the 33° in Washington, D.C. on Oct. 22,
1897. He affiliated with St. John's Lodge No. 1 of Yankton in May, 1874 and
was active in the organization of the Grand Lodge of South Dakota in 1875,
being grand marshal at that time. He served as chairman of various committees,
and was fraternal correspondent. d. Nov. 13, 1915.
** Dan Beard Raised Nov. 30, 1917 in Mariners' Lodge No. 67, N.Y.C.
Rev. John Beardsley (1732-1803) Founder of Freemasonry in New
Brunswick, Canada. b. in Stratford, Conn. in 1732. He had strong Loyalist
views during the American Revolution and as a result migrated to New Brunswick
in 1783, where he was rector in Kingston and Maugerville, N.B., from
1784-1803. He was previously a missionary in Norwich and Poughkeepsie
(1761-76), and first junior grand warden of the Provincial Grand Lodge fo New
York in 1783. Active in Freemasonry until his death in 1803.
Clyde Beatty Animal trainer. Member of Craftsman Lodge No. 521,
Detroit, Mich. Received chapter degrees in Monroe Chapter No. 1, R.A.M., Nov.
22, 1958; commandery orders in Damascus Commandery No. 42, K.T., Nov. 24,
1958, and became a member of Moslem Shrine Temple on the same date, all in
Duchess of Beaufort Wife of Henry, 5th Duke of Beaufort, who was
grand master of the Grand Lodge of England from 1767-71. When her husband was
master of Friendship Lodge No. 6 of London in 1767, the duchess was
"unanimously elected" to the unusual office of Lady Patroness of the Lodge of
Friendship. The lodge presented her with a pair of embroidered gloves, at a
charge on the treasury of five guineas. The his-torian of Friendship Lodge
intimates that this is the sole known instance of a lady serving as patroness
of a lodge.
Eugene de Beauharnais (1781-1824) Viceroy of Italy and imperial
prince of France; Duke of Leuchtenberg and Prince of Eichstatt. He served with
Napoleon in Egypt in 1798-99 and was made viceroy of Italy in 1805. He was
formally adopted by Napoleon and made heir apparent to the crown of Italy in
1806. He commanded an army corps in the Russian campaign of 1812 and retired
to Bavaria after 1814. His sister married Louis Bonaparte and was the mother
of Napoleon III. He was grand master of the Grand Orient of Italy.
** William Beaumont The records of Champlain Chapter No. 1, R.A.M.
of St. Albans, Vt., show that he petitioned in Feb., 1809, received the Mark
and Past degrees on March 7, Most Excellent and Royal Arch degrees on March 8
and paid fees of $23.00 for same on the latter date. On Dec. 17, 1811 he was
elected scribe of the chapter. On Nov. 15, 1814 a committee was appointed to
examine into the difficulty between Comp. B. Chandler and Comp. William
Beaumont. On Feb. 22, 1815 this complaint by Beaumont against Chandler was
withdrawn. Chandler was high priest at this time. This is interesting because
Benjamin Chandler is the doctor under whom Beaumont studied medicine.
Timothy Bedel (1740-1787) Colonel in American Revolution. b. in
Salem, N.H. about 1740. He served as a lieutenant in the French War and in
July, 1775 was appointed captain of rangers. Promoted to colonel of the 1st
N.H. regiment in Jan., 1776, he was with Montgomery in the taking of St.
John's on the Sorel and was in command of the forces at the Battle of the
Cedars, near Montreal, when attacked by Brant's, q.v., Indians. The
S. Clark Beise
Continental forces surrendered without resistance by order of Capt.
Butterfield, the subordinate officer in command during the absence of Bedel,
who was ill at Lachine. Gen. Arnold, q.v., threw the blame on Bedel, who was
deprived of his command, but subsequently reinstated. He was later major
general of N.H. militia. It was at the Cedars where the life of McKinstry,
q.v., was said to have been spared by Brant when he found McKinstry to be a
Mason. Bedel was a member of Union Lodge No. 1, N.Y.
S. Clark Beise President of The Bank of America, the world's
largest bank, since 1954. b. Oct. 13, 1898 in Windom, Minn. Graduate of U. of
Minnesota in 1922. Began with the Minneapolis Trust Co., 1922-24. Successively
he was a national bank examiner, 1924-27; trust officer of Peoples National
Bank, Jackson, Mich., 1927-33, and again a national bank examiner, 1933-36.
Became associated with the Bank of America, San Francisco, Calif. on Feb. 1,
1936; was executive vice president, 1945-51 and senior vice president and
chairman of the managing committee, 1951-54. Member of Prudence Lodge No. 97,
Windom, Mimi. and 14th degree in Enoch Lodge of Perfection, Fargo, N. Dak.
* Jonathan Belcher Colonial governor of New Jersey in 1747 (not
Charles H. Bell (1823-1893) Governor of New Hampshire, 1881-83 and
U.S. Senator from New Hampshire in 1879. b. Nov. 18, 1823 in Chester, N.H.
Graduate of Dartmouth in 1844, studied law and practiced in Chester, Great
Falls and Exeter. Was county solicitor for 10 years, a representative in the
state legislature, 1858-60, and speaker the last year. Was state senator,
1863-64, and president of thatbody in the latter year. Served in U.S. senate
only three months by appointment to fill an unexpired term. Was president of
state constitutional convention in 1889 and president of state historical
society for many years. He did much historical research and writing. Was grand
master of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire in 1862-63. Member of Star in the
East Lodge No. 59, Exeter, N.H. and past master of same. d. Nov. 12, 1893.
** John Bell Secretary of War. Was also a member of Cumberland
Lodge No. 8, Nashville, Tenn. at one time.
Mrs. Bell Claimed to be a Freemason. The following advertisement
appeared in the Newcastle Weekly Chronicle (England) on Jan. 6, 1770: "This is
to acquaint the public that on Monday, 1st inst., being the Lodge or monthly
meeting-night of the Free and Accepted Masons of the 22nd Regiment, held at
the Crown, near New-gate, Mrs. Bell, the landlady of the house, broke open the
door with a poker, by which means she got into an adjacent room, made two
holes through the wall, and by that stratagem discovered the secrets of
Masonry, and knowing herself to be the first woman in the world that ever
found out the secret, is willing to make it known to all her sex. So that any
lady that is desirous of learning the secrets of Freemasonry, by applying to
that well-learned woman (Mrs. Bell) who has lived 15 years in and about
Newgate, may be instructed in all secrets of Masonry.”
Oliver H. P. Belmont (1858-1908) Capitalist and philanthropist. b.
Nov. 12, 1858 in New York. Educated in U.S. Naval Academy and served two years
in Navy. Was member of August Belmont & Co., banking firm and also published
The Verdict. From 1901-03 he was U.S. congressman from the 13th N.Y. dist. His
father was
Edwin S. Bettelheim, Jr.
Belmont, noted financier, and his grandfather was Commodore Matthew C. Perry,
q.v. His brother was Perry Belmont, q.v., and his second wife was Mrs. Alva
(Smith) Vanderbilt, who was active in the woman suffrage movement and the
abolition of child labor. He was a member of St. Johns Lodge No. 1, Newport,
R.I., receiving his degrees Nov. 30, Dec. 7, and Dec. 18, 1896. He served as
master in 1899 and was an active member at the time of his death on June 10,
** Charles R. Bennett On the original petition to the lodge, his
name is spelled "Bennet.”
S. F. Bennett A physician of Richmond, Ill., who wrote the words
for In the Sweet By and By. The music was written by Prof. J. P. Webster, a
music teacher. Bennett told of the unusual circumstances under which it was
composed: "Mr. Webster came into my office one day in a depressed and
melancholy mood and I asked him what was the matter. He replied 'No matter, it
will be all right by and by.' The idea of the hymn came like a flash of
sunlight, and I replied 'The sweet by and by! Why that would make a good
hymn.' `Maybe it would,' said he with indifference. Turning to the desk I
penned the lines as fast as I could write and handed the hymn to Webster. As
he viewed it, his eyes kindled, and his whole demeanor changed. He began to
write the notes. Taking his violin, he played the melody. In a few minutes he
had the notes for four parts jotted down. It was not half an hour from the
inception of my part to the close of his." The piece was first published in
the Signet Ring in 1868, but has since been reproduced in numerous collections
of vocal music, translated into foreign languages and sung throughout the
world. Dr. Bennett was a member of Richmond Lodge No.113, Richmond, Ill. He
dimitted in 1894 and there is no more record of him in Illinois.
William Benton (1750-1831) Colonel of American Revolution. b. in
Providence, R.I. in 1750, he effected the capture of Prescott, the British
general, for which Congress voted him a sword and a grant of land in Vermont.
He was disabled at Bath's Hills in Aug., 1778. He became a Mason in St. John's
Lodge No. 1 of Providence, R.I. in 1779. He later became involved with the law
and was imprisoned for debt. In 1825, Gen. Lafayette, having heard of his
incarceration, liquidated the debt and he was released from prison. d. in 1831
in Providence.
Phillip Best (1814-1869) Founder of the Pabst Brewing Co.,
Milwaukee, Wis. b. at Mettenheim, Germany. He was a member of Aurora Lodge No.
30, Milwaukee, Wis., petitioning for the degrees on July 6, 1853. d. July 16,
Edwin S. Bettelheim, Jr. (1887-1959) Colonel, U.S. Army and
"Father of Army Day." A graduate of Columbia U. and George Washington U., he
served in the Field Artillery for 36 years before his retirement from active
duty in 1948. In 1929 he headed a mission into northern Russia to recover the
bodies of Americans lost in the so-called Polar Bear Expedition of 1919.
Bettelheim staged Army Day parades in Washington, D.C. and drafted and guided
through congress (1937) legislation which formally recognized Army Day. He was
executive officer of the Military Order of the World Wars and in 1953 was a
member of the awards Jury of the Freedoms Foundation. Member and past master
of Sojourners Lodge No. 51, Washington, D.C., he was grand master of the Grand
Lodge of District of Columbia in 1949. Head of his chapter, council and
Bernhard Beyer
received the KYCH in 1956. He was past national commander of the Heroes of '76
and secretary-treasurer of Washington Chapter No. 3 of same for 25 years. d.
July 7, 1959 and buried in Arlington National Cemetery with military and
Masonic honors.
Bernhard Beyer M.D. of Bayreuth, Germany who maintained the
Masonic museum for many years at Bayreuth. b. 1879, he was a member of the
Lodge Eleusis zur Verschwiegenheit. Served as grand master of the Grand Lodge
Zur Aufgenhenden Sonne for many years, and many of his articles are still
available in the Masonic paper Latomia.
John Bird (1768-1806) U.S. Congressman to 6th and 7th Congresses,
1799-1801, from N.Y. b. Nov. 22, 1768 in Litchfield, Conn. Graduate of Yale in
1786. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in Litchfield, Conn., but
moved to Troy, N.Y. in 1793, where he practiced. He was a member of the N.Y.
state assembly from 1796-98. Member of Apollo Lodge No. 13, Troy, N.Y. d. Feb.
2, 1806.
John Blair (1790-1863) U.S. Congressman to 18th through 23rd
Congresses, 1823-35, from Tennessee. b. Sept. 13, 1790 at Blairs Mill, Tenn.
Graduate of Washington Coll. (Tenn.) in 1809. Admitted to the bar in 1813 and
practiced law. He served in the state senate in 1817-21 and lower house,
1815-17. Was a member of Rhea Lodge No. 47, Jonesboro and Washington Chapter
No. 21, R.A.M. of that city. Also a member of White-sides Lodge No. 13 at one
time. In 1844 he was deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee. d.
July 9, 1863.
John A. Blake (1843-1926) General Grand Master, General Grand
Council, R. & S.M., 1912-15. b. April 15,1843 in Danvers, Mass. Served as a
midshipman on the ship New Iron-sides in Civil War. Was member of state
legislature at one time and was a shoe manufacturer. Raised in Amity Lodge,
Danvers, Mass. on July 13, 1866 and was master in 1877 and grand master of
Mass, in 1905. Exalted in Holten Chapter, Danvers, Oct. 14, 1872, he became
grand high priest of Mass. in 1891. Greeted in Salem Council, April 8, 1878 he
was grand master of Mass. in 1894. Knighted in Winslow Lewis Commandery Oct.
10, 1876, he was grand commander of Mass. in 1911. Created 33° AASR (NJ) Sept.
13, 1900. d. Nov. 27, 1926.
* Richard P. Bland Buried in a cemetery in Lebanon, Mo. and not
St. Louis.
Albert Blatz (1823-1881) Part owner of the Blatz Brewing Co.,
Milwaukee, Wis. b. at Mettenheim, Germany in 1823. A member of Aurora Lodge
No. 30, Milwaukee, Wis., he petitioned for the degrees on Jan. 24, 1854. d.
April 12, 1881.
Valentine Blatz (1826-1869) Principal owner of Blatz Brewing Co.,
Milwaukee, Wis. b. Oct 11, 1826 in Mittenberg, Germany. Member of Aurora Lodge
No. 30, Milwaukee, Wis., petitioning for the degrees on April 24, 1866. d. May
17, 1869.
Nelson C. Bledsoe Active Member, Supreme Council, 33° AASR (Si)
and Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Arizona. Received 32° in 1917; KCCH
in 1921; coroneted 33° in 1926; appointed deputy in Arizona in 1952 and active
member in 1957. A physician, he has been retired since 1952.
Johann K. Bluntschli (1808-1881) One of the founders of the
Institute of International Law. b. March 7, 1808 in Zurich, Switzerland. A
Swiss legal scholar and statesman, he was professor at Zurich in 1833; Munich
Foster V. Brown
1848 and Heidelberg in 1861. Chief works were Allgemeines Staatsrecht (1852)
and Das Moderne Vo/kerrecht (1868).
Carl Fredrik Johannes Bodtker (1851-1928) Norwegian Major General.
Was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Norway from 1923-28. K.C., Order of
King Charles XIII.
Conrad Bonnevie-Svendsen Minister for the Deaf in Norway. Former
Secretary for the Church and Schools. b. 1891. A former vice president of
Rotary International, he has been grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Norway
since 1945.
Preston Bradley Protestant minister and founder of the Peoples
Church at Chicago. b. Aug. 18, 1888 in Linden, Mich. He studied law and is a
graduate of the Hamilton Coll. of Law, Chicago. From 1907-09 he was a student
pastor at Grand Blanc, Mich. and from 1911-12 was pastor of the Providence
Presbyterian Church of Chicago. He withdrew from the Presbyterian Church on
July 1, 1912 and began preaching independently. He founded the Peoples Church
on July 5, 1912, and held services at the Wilson Avenue Theatre and Pantheon
Theater until 1926, when the church built its own building. In 1922 he united
with the Unitarian Conference, accepting full fellowship in that church in
1923, but continuing as pastor of the Peoples Church. He is the author of many
books, including Courage for Today; Mastering Fear; Life and You; New Wealth
for You; Meditations; My Daily Strength and others. Member of Blaney Lodge No.
271, Chicago, Ill.
Margrave of Brandenburg-Anspach (see under "Karl Wilhelm
Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth (see under Frederick Christian).
Margrave of Brandenburg-Kulm- bach (see under Frederick).
Margrave of Brandenburg-Schwedt (see under Frederick Albert).
Nicolas Bravo (1790-1854) President of Mexico, 1842-43 and 1846.
b. in Chilpancingo, Guerrero. He took part in the first revolution of 1810 and
served in all the actions until 1814, fighting under Father Morelos, q.v., at
Acapulco. He was a zealous supporter of Emperor Iturbide, q.v., and became a
member of the regency that exercised supreme power for 40 days in 1822.
However, in 1823 he was one of the leaders that overthrew Iturbide. In Dec.,
1827 he headed a revolt against President Bustamante, q.v. He was vice
president at this time. In 1830 he commanded against the insurgents under
Guerrero, q.v., and it was by General Bravo's order that Guerrero was executed
on Feb. 17, 1831. In 1839 he became president of the council and in 1842-43
served as president of Mexico during the absence of Santa Anna, q.v. In 1846
he was again temporary president from July 29 to Aug. 4, and was deposed by a
revolution. During the war with the U.S. in 1847, he participated in the
Battle of Cerro Gordo and was later captured by the Americans. He was head of
the Scottish Rite in Mexico. General Vincente Guerreo, whom he executed, was
head of the York Rite. d. April 22, 1854 under suspicious circumstances.
** Mason Brayman Member of Springfield Lodge No. 4, Springfield,
IR. in 1864.
** Basil Brewer Received his degrees in Heights Lodge No. 633,
Cleveland, Ohio, June 10, 1921, June 7, 1927 and Feb. 2, 1928. Affiliated with
Abraham H. Howland, Jr. Lodge of New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 10, 1931.
Foster V. Brown (1852-1937) U.S. Congressman from Tennessee, 1895-
Milton Brown
97. b.
Dec. 24, 1852 in White Co., Tenn. Graduate of Burritt Coll. (Tenn.) in 1871
and Cumberland U. (Lebanon) in 1873. He began law practice in Jasper, Tenn. in
1874, moving to Chattanooga in 1890. From 1910-12 he was attorney general of
Puerto Rico. Member of Chattanooga Lodge No. 199, Chattanooga. d. March 26,
Milton Brown (1804-1883) U.S. Congressman, 27th through 29th
Congresses, 1841-47 from Tennessee. b. Feb. 28, 1804 in Lebanon, Ohio. Moved
to Nashville, studied law, was admitted to the bar and began practice at
Paris, Tenn. He later moved to Jackson, Tenn. He was one of the founders of
Southwestern U. (later Union U.) and of Lanibuth Coll., both of Jackson, Tenn.
He was president of the Mississippi Central & Tennessee Railroad from 1854-56
and president of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, 1856-71. Member of Rolla Lodge
No. 465. d. May 15, 1883.
** James Bruff (1734-1815) Original lodge was No. 7 at
Chestertown, Md.
** Maximilian, Prince of Brunswick The youngest brother of
Frederic August and William Adolf and son of Karl I. He was initiated in 1770
in the Saint Charles Lodge and afterwards became patron of this lodge. He was
drowned April 27, 1785 at Frankforton-Odor, Germany, while trying to rescue a
family on a bridge that had been swept away by a flood. At this time he was
venerable master of the lodge, Zum Aufrichtigen Herzen. His full name was
Joseph Leopold Maximilian.
Henry H. Bryan (?-1835) U.S. Congressman, 1819-21 from Tennessee.
b. in Martin Co., N. Car. He moved to Tenn., where he held several local
offices. Member of Montgomery Lodge No. 10, and junior grand deacon ofthe
Grand Lodge of Tennessee in 1815. d. May 7, 1835.
Richard Bulk el ey (1717-1800) Founder of Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Canada. b. in Ireland in 1717. Graduate of Trinity College, Dublin. He was
secretary of the province from 175792; judge in Admiralty, 1769-1800 and a
brigadier general. He was active in Freemasonry for half a century and was
grand master in 1791-1800.
*William M. Butler b. Jan.. 29, 1861. d. March 29, 1937. Received
degrees March 15, April 12, May 10, 1886 in Star in the East Lodge, New
Bedford, Mass.
Daniel Butterfield (1831-1901) Major General in Civil War;
received Congressional Medal of Honor. b. Oct. 31, 1831, at Oneida Co., N.Y.,
son of John Butterfield, originator of the American Express Co. Graduate of
Union Coll., receiving three degrees from that institution. He studied law,
but entered commercial life. Entered war as colonel of 12th N.Y. militia,
taking regiment to front in 1861. Became major general of volunteers in Nov.,
1862 and later brevetted same rank U.S.A. He commanded the 5th Corps at
Fredericksburg and was wounded at Gaines' Mill and again at Gettysburg. Was
chief of staff of Army of Potomac; chief of staff of 11th and 12th Corps in
Chattanooga campaign. He commanded a division of the 20th Corps at Atlanta.
Received U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor for action at Gaines' Mill.
Resigned from army in 1869 and became U.S. sub-treasurer at New York and later
president of Steam Boat and Ferry Co. Member of Metropolitan Lodge No. 273,
New York City. d. in 1901.
Robert C. Byrd U.S. Senator from West Virginia since 1959. b. Jan.
15, 1918 in North Wilkesboro, N. Car. Served in W. Va. house of delegates,
1946-50; state senate, 1950-52 and was
Simon Cameron
congressman from the 6th W. Va. dist to the 83rd-85th congresses. Member of
Mountain Lodge No. 156, Coal City, W. Va., the Scottish Rite and Shrine in
44* Joseph W. Byrns, Sr Member of Phoenix Lodge No. 131 and
Cumberland Chapter No. 1, R.A.M., both of Nashville, Term. Father of Joseph W.
Byrns, Jr. (see below) who was also a congressman and member of same lodge.
Joseph W. Byrns, Jr. U.S. Congressman to 76th Congress, 1939-41.
b. Aug. 15, 1903 in Nashville, Tenn., the son of Joseph W. Byrns, Sr., q.v.,
who was also a congressman. Graduate of Emerson Institute (Washington, D.C.)
and Vanderbilt U. (Nashville, Tenn.). Admitted to the bar in 1928 and
practices in Nashville. Served in U.S. Army from 1942-45 with 30 months in
European Theater. Member of Phoenix Lodge No. 131, Nashville.
** John Cadwalader Also master of Military Lodge No. 55.
Thomas Cadwalader (1778-1841) Major General of Militia in War of
1812. b. Oct. 29, 1778. Graduate of U. of Pennsylvania in 1795, he studied law
but never was in active practice. He entered the War of 1812 as a private and
advanced to lieutenant colonel of cavalry and subsequently major general of
the First Division, Pennsylvania Militia. He later revised the tactics of the
U.S. Army at the request of General Scott and Colonel Zachary Taylor. He
declined President Monroe's appointment as minister to England. Cadwalader was
regarded as one of the most scholarly men of his time. He was wounded in a
duel on April 5, 1823 with a Scottish physician named Granville Sharp Pattison,
the latter presuming that Cadwalader had prevented him receiving a
professorship at the U. of Pennsylvania. He became a member of Lodge No. 51,
Philadelphia, on Oct. 27, 1808. d. Oct 31, 1841.
Madam Cagliostro (see Lorenza Feliciana).
Ben F. Caldwell (1848-1924) U.S. Congressman to 56th through 58th
Congresses, 1899-1905, and 60th Congress, 1907-1909 from Ill. b. Aug. 2, 1848
in Greene Co., Ill. Served in both houses of the state legislature. Was
president of Farmers' Natl. Bank of Springfield and Caldwell State Bank of
Chatham, Ill. Member of Elwood Commandery No. 6, K.T., Springfield, Ill. d.
Dec. 29, 1924.
Robert P. Caldwell (1821-1885) U.S. Congressman, 1871-73, from
Tennessee. b. Dec. 16, 1821 in Adair Co., Ky. Moved with parents to Henry Co.,
Term. and then to Obion Co. Studied law at Troy, Tenn., was admitted to the
bar, and began practice at Trenton in 1845. Served in both branches of the
state legislature. During Civil War he was a major in the 12th Regiment,
Tennessee Infantry of the Confederate Army. Member of Trenton Lodge No. 86 and
Trenton Chapter No. 31, R.A.M., both of Trenton, Term. d. March 12, 1885.
Simon Cameron (1799-1889) American financier, U.S. Senator and
U.S. Secretary of War. b. March 8, 1799 in Lancaster Co., Pa. Learned the
printing trade and worked as a journeyman in several Pa. cities. In 1820 he
was editing a newspaper in Doylestown and in 1822 one in Harrisburg.
Accumulating capital, he became interested in banking and railroad
construction. He served as U.S. senator in 1845-49; 1857-61; 1867-77. Between
1857-77 he controlled the Republican political machine in Pa. Lincoln
appointed him Secretary of War in 1861, but when he was criticized for the
manner of awarding army contracts,
John Campbell
resigned in 1862 to become U.S. Minister to Russia. Became a Mason in
Perseverance Lodge No. 21, Harrisburg, Pa. on July 12, 1826. d. 1889.
John Campbell Civil War General, commanding 3rd Brig., 4th Div.,
Ohio Militia. He was also state senator of Ohio. Member of Unity Lodge No. 12,
Ravenna, Ohio.
Manuel F. de Campos Sallas (see under SaIles).
Lazaro Cardenas President of Mexico, 1934-40. b. May 21, 1895 in
Jiquilpan, Michoacan, Mexico. He started as a printer in his native town, but
in 1913 he joined the Revolutionary Army just after the death of the "apostle
of the revolution," Francisco I. Madero, q.v. He was a colonel at the age of
20 and a general at 25. He commanded the expeditionary army in the state of
Sonora. He was a follower of General Calles, q.v. He commanded several
military jurisdictions and was governor of the state of Michoacan in 1920. and
1928-32. He was twice secretary of war and once secretary of interior. As
president, he launched his Six-Year Plan, marked by the redistribution of
land, industrial and transportation development, renewal of the struggle with
the Roman Catholic Church and 1938, the expropriation of foreign-owned oil
properties. In 1941 he was commander of the forces on the Pacific coast;
commander of the Mexican Army in 1945 and minister of defense, 1943-45. He was
initiated in the city of Guadalajara early in 1925. He founded lodges in every
jurisdiction where he was military commander, and under his patronage, many
traveling lodges were founded within the Mexican Army. He attempted to bring
the concepts of Freemasonry to the people of rural areas, but most of the
lodges thus established were forced to close through the influence of the
clergy. Cardenas believed thatsuch lodges would aid in removing ignorance and
superstition and lead the poorer peoples into paths of light and wisdom.
Edward W. Carmack (1858-1908) U.S. Congressman from Tennessee,
1897-1901; U.S. Senator from Tennessee, 1901-07. b. Nov. 5, 1858 in Sumner
Co., Tenn. He attended Webb's School, Culleoka, Tenn., studied law and was
admitted to the bar in 1879. He practiced at Columbia, Tenn. He joined the
staff of the Nashville Democrat in 1888, and was editor in chief of the
Nashville American when the papers were merged. In 1892 he was editor of the
Memphis Commercial. He was an unsuccessful candidate for nomination as
governor in 1908. Assassinated in Nashville on Nov. 9, 1908. Member of Memphis
Lodge No. 118.
John M. Carnochan (1817-1887) Gained world-wide fame as a bold,
dexterous and successful surgeon. b. July 4, 1817 in Savannah, Ga. Taken to
Scotland in his boyhood, he was graduated from the U. of Edinburgh. Studied
under Dr. Valentine Mott in N.Y. and then returned to Europe for further
instruction at London, Paris and Edinburgh. In 1847 he began practice in N.Y.C.
He performed an operation for the cure of elephantiasis, which had heretofore
resisted all methods of treatment. He was the first to remove the entire lower
jaw at one operation (1851) and in 1856 performed an original operation in the
case of chronic facial neuralgia. He was professor of surgery in the New York
Medical Coll. and health officer of the Port of N.Y. Member of Holland Lodge
No. 8, N.Y.C., receiving degrees on May 9, 23, and June 13, 1869. Was exalted
in Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R.A.M., N.Y.C. d. Oct 28, 1887.
Benjamin Carr (1769-1831) Musician and composer. b. in 1769 in
Thomas Chalmers
son of a music publisher. He began his studies under Dr. Samuel Arnold and
completed them under the noted John Wesley, q.v., a nephew of the founder of
Methodism. He came to America in 1793, settling in Philadelphia with his
family. Here he opened the city's first music store, known as the "Musical
Repository," at what is now 332 Market St. It was here that he first published
Hail Columbia. He became known as a composer, conductor and teacher. In
Philadelphia he was organist of St. Peter's and Trinity P.E. Churches as well
as St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church. Often compared with Haydn for his
religious inclination in music, he wrote Federal Overture; Masses, Vespers and
Litanies; Lessons in Vocal Music; A Collection of Chants; The Chorister and
The Archers. He became a member of Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia, Pa., on March
13, 1794. d. May 21, 1831.
James R. Case Educator, army officer, genealogist and historian.
b. Nov. 28, 1894 in Colchester, Conn. where he graduated from Bacon Academy.
Received B.S. from U. of Connecticut; M.A. from Columbia U. and graduate study
at Northwestern U. (Ill.). He has taught school, served as a 4-H Club agent
and was an administrative officer at Hampton Institute (Va.); Fairfield Co.
extension service and U. of Connecticut. In WWI he was an infantryman with the
77th and 32nd divisions of the A.E:F. In WWI he served in the artillery and
with the military government as a civilian affairs officer in Europe for five
years. He is a member of the Conn. Historical Society and several others. He
is the genealogist of the Dawley family of R.I. and a writer and lecturer on
local Conn. history. He is historian of the grand lodge, grand chapter and
other Conn. Masonic bodies. Author of numerous biographical, historical,
genealogicaland Masonic articles and pamphlets. Member of Wooster Lodge No.
10, Colchester, Conn. and the York Rite bodies in Conn. Is honorary member of
American Union Lodge No. 1, Marietta, Ohio; 32° AASR (SJ).
* Lewis Cass b. in Exeter, New Hampshire. Although he was first
high priest of Monroe Chapter No. 1 (Mich.) under the charter, he was not the
first high priest of the chapter, as Edmund Kirby, son of Ephriam Kirby, q.v.,
served as high priest when the chapter was under dispensation with Cass as
king. He served only one term as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Michigan
Jose Maria Castro (see under Madriz).
** John D. Caton d. July 20, 1895. He was one of the first lawyers
in Chicago. He was installed master of Occidental Lodge No. 40 on Oct. 10,
1846, the day the lodge was constituted.
** Cenon S. Cervantes Member of Phoenix Chapter No. 2, R.A.M.;
Adelphic Council No. 7, R. & S.M., and Constantine Commandery No. 48, K.T.,
all of New York City. 33° AASR (SJ).
Thomas Chalmers (1816-1903) Founder of Fraser and Chalmers Co.,
now the Allis-Chalmers Co. b. June 14, 1816 in Dundee, Scotland. Served
apprenticeship as a machinist in his native city of Dundee and worked three
years on marine engines for the steamships of the West India trade at
Greenock. In 1843 he came to America, landing at New Orleans and thence by the
Mississippi and Illinois Rivers to Peoria, where he spent a winter with
relatives of his wife. The following spring he came to Chicago and resided
there until his death. He was initiated in Cleveland Lodge No. 211 on April
23, 1864; exalted in
George E. Chamberlain
Washington Chapter No. 43, R.A.M. and knighted in Chicago Commandery No. 19,
all of Chicago. He was a member of the Masonic Veterans' Assn. d. July 13,
** George E. Chamberlain Was master of St. Johns Lodge No. 62,
Albany, Oreg., in 1883; high priest of Bayley Chapter No. 8, Albany, in
1889-91; commander of Temple Cornmandery No. 3, K.T. Was grand high priest of
the Grand Chapter of Oregon in 1892. In 1888 he was a subscriber to the
capital stock of the Masonic Building Association of Albany.
Edward T. D. Chambers (1852-1931) Editor of Quebec Daily Telegraph
(Canada). b. June 26, 1852 in Saffron Walden, Sussex, England. He was the
author of several books on game and fish. Initiated in St. Andrew's Lodge No.
6, Quebec, on March 6, 1878 and active in all branches of Masonry. Was first
grand principal, Grand Chapter of Quebec; grand master of the Grand Lodge of
Quebec; 33° AASR and member of Royal Order of Scotland. d. Oct., 1931.
Henry Champion (1751-1824) Revolutionary War soldier and
financier. Born and died in Colchester, Conn. He was a company and battalion
commander in the Continental Army, fighting at Bunker Hill, Long Island, West
Plains, Germantown and Stony Point. He led the battalion of selected
Connecticut troops in the audacious assault on Stony Point on July 1516, 1779.
He was later general of Conn. militia. He established the Phoenix Bank in
Hartford, Conn. and was an extensive land speculator, having towns in New York
and Ohio named for him. He was a brother-in-law of Moses Cleaveland, q.v. Four
other brothers-in-law were Masons. Son-in-law Elizur Goodrich was grand master
of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut in 1825. Champion wasinitiated in American
Union Lodge at Redding in 1779 and served in several positions as an officer.
He was named charter master of Old Wooster Lodge of Colchester in 1781, formed
by a dozen old Revolutionary veterans. He was past high priest of VandenBroek
Chapter, R.A.M. and grand treasurer of the Grand Chapter of Conn. for 14
years. A member of Washington Commandery, K.T. he joined when it was an
"encampment" at Colchester and was generalissimo of same for ten years. A good
friend of Thomas Smith Webb, q.v., he was in Cleveland, Ohio the day after
Webb dropped dead there. Champion assisted with the funeral arrangements.
Baroness Chanowsky de Langendorf (see under Langendorf).
Charles Augustus Duke of Saxe-Weimar (see under Karl August).
* Charles XIV John King of Sweden. Birth and death date correction
* Joseph Charless Member of Missouri Lodge No. 111 and later No.
12 (instead of 11).
2nd Baron Chelmsford See Frederic Augustus Thesiger. See also
Frederic John Napier, his son and 1st Viscount Chelmsford.
** Claire L. Chennault d. July 27, 1958.
** George W. Childs Member of Industry Lodge No. 131,
Philadelphia, Pa.
** Morgan H. Chrisler Master of his lodge (No. 22) at Greenfield
Center, N.Y. in 1861.
** George H. Christopher d. Jan. 23, 1959.
** Winston L. S. Churchill He was entered and initiated into the
Moses Cohen
on May
24, 1901 at the age of 27 under the full name of Winston Leonard Spencer
Churchill in Studholme Lodge No. 1591 at the Cafe Royal, London, England. He
was passed on the following July 19 and raised on March 25, 1902 in Rosemary
Lodge No. 2851, which also met at the Cafe Royal. He had just returned from
the campaign in South Africa, during which he had been taken prisoner, but
escaped. His Masonic activities after membership of ten years, were
discontinued in July, 1912. We are unable to learn whether it was by
suspension or dimit.
Thomas Claiborne (1780-1856) U.S. Congressman from Tennessee,
181719. b. May 17, 1780 near Petersburg, Va. (His father of the same name was
also a congressman from Tenn.) He served on the staff of Gen. Andrew Jackson
in the Creek War, studied law and began practice in Nashville in 1807. A
member of Cumberland Lodge No. 8 and Cumberland Chapter No. 1, R.A.M., both of
Nashville, he was the first grand master of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee,
serving from 1813 to 1815. d. Jan. 7, 1856.
Conrad Clauson (1753-1785) Norwegian mine operator and owner of
estates. In 1784 he founded the only Royal Arch chapter ever organized in
Norway—Dovre Chapter which became dormant in 1803.
* Henry Clay p. 222 line 13 should be "in the senate chambers on
March 9, 1822.”
John Claypoole Third husband of Betsy Ross, who is reputed to have
made, at the request of George Washington, the first U.S. flag, adopted by
Congress on June 14, 1777. Her first husband was John Ross, whom she married
in 1773; he died in 1776. Second husband, Joseph Ashburn, whom she married in
1777, died in 1782. She married Claypoole in 1783. Claypoolewas a member of
Lodge No. 2, at Philadelphia.
James Clinton (1733-1812) Brigadier General in Revolution. b. at
Little Britain, N.Y. He was the brother of George, q.v., and father of DeWitt,
q.v. He was a captain in the French and Indian Wars, a colonial legislator.
Served as a colonel of the 3rd N.Y. Continentals in the Canadian expedition of
1775, and made brigadier general the next year. Wounded at Fort Montgomery in
1777, and was on Sullivan's expedition and at Yorktown, where his brigade
received the surrendered British colors. Member of Warren Lodge at Little
** Arthur R. Clippinger d. July 18, 1958.
James H. Coates Brigadier General (brevet) in Civil War. He served
with the 11th Ill. Infantry. Listed in the 1864 lodge roster for Acacia Lodge
No. 67, LaSalle, Ill.
John W. Coburn (1841-1913) General Grand Master, General Grand
Council, R. & S.M., 1894-97. b. April 2, 1841 in New York City. Began as a
nursery operator on Long Island, but later became an accountant. Was major in
New York national guard. Served as grand master of Odd Fellows in 1906.
Initiated Jan. 16, 1867. Was grand master of Grand Council of New York in 1885
and its recorder from 1882-1913. d. Jan. 7, 1913.
Moses Cohen First man of record to confer the degree of Select
Master. He was a member of a lodge of perfection in Philadelphia. Sometime
prior to June 25, 1781, he became a Knight of the Sun. In 1785 he acted as
sublime grand secretary, and in 1786, as steward, he donated 2,000 bricks for
the use of the lodge. In 1784 he joined Lodge No. 2, Ancient York Masons, in
Philadelphia, and in 1785 was listed as a broker and shopkeeper. About 1790 he
went to Jamaica,
R. K. Colcord
under the authority from Spitzer through Hays, he established a consistory.
Here he met Abraham Jacobs and conferred on him the Scottish Rite degrees as
well as the "Select Mason of 27" (Nov. 9, 1790). Jacobs, on his return to the
United States, immediately began to exercise the authority given him by Cohen,
engaging actively in the spread of the rite.
** R. K. Colcord Name in full was Russell K. Was past master of
Carson Lodge No. 1 (Nev.) and a Royal Arch Mason. At time of his death on Oct.
30, 1939, he was the oldest living Mason in Nevada and the oldest living
governor of that state.
Robert G. Cole Masonic writer. b. June 4, 1893 in DeWitt, Ark.
Presently in charge of customer relations for Greyvan Lines, Inc., a
subsidiary of Greyhound. He was associated with LaSalle Extension U., Chicago,
from 1921-44, and from 1944-50 was with the Central Technical Institute of
Kansas City as director of accounts and was also director of the retail credit
association. Served in WWI in Engineer Corps, 1917-19, and in 1919 went to
Siberia as captain in the Russian Railway Service Corps. Has written much on
credit and collection matters and Masonically is best known for his Masonic
Gleanings. Member of William McKinley Lodge No. 876; Lincoln Park Chapter No.
177, R.A.M.; Apollo Commandery No. 1, K.T.; 33° AASR; Medinah Shrine Temple;
Illinois Masonic Veterans Association; Theodore Roosevelt Post No. 627
(Masonic) of the American Legion—all of Chicago. He is past secretary of the
Chicago Scottish Rite bodies, and received 33° in 1951 in Boston.
Norman J. Coleman (1827-1911) First U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.
b. in Richfield Springs, N.Y. He moved to Kentucky in 1847, where he
taughtschool and attended the U. of Louisville Law School. He then practiced
law in New Albany, Ind., and was elected district attorney in 1852. He moved
to St. Louis in that year and purchased the Valley Farmer, changing its name
in 1865 to Coleman's Rural World and Valley Farmer, and eventually to just
Rural World. He increased it from a monthly to a weekly and was editor for 56
years. His subscribers increased from 10,000 to 50,000. He was president of
the Missouri Press Association in 1870-71. Appointed Commissioner of
Agriculture in 1885, he was instrumental in the passage of the bill
establishing agricultural experiment stations in land grant colleges. Three
weeks before his term of office expired (March
1889) the U.S. Department of Agriculture was established, and he was named
first secretary of same. He resumed active editorship of the Rural World after
this. He was also state representative; lieutenant governor of Mo. in 1874-76;
member of state board of agriculture and trustee of the U. of Missouri for 16
years (1870-86).
Bert T. Combs Governor of Kentucky, 1950—. Member of Zebulon Lodge
No. 273, Prestonsburg, Ky., receiving degrees Dec. 14, 1948, March
April 16, 1949. Exalted in 1951 in Prestonsburg Chapter No. 182, R.A.M. and
knighted in Ashland Commandery No. 28, K.T. Created noble of the Shrine in El
Hasa Temple of Ashland, Ky. on March 22, 1954.
John Amos Comenius (see under Jan Amos Komensky).
Oliver Comstock (1780-1860) U.S. Congressman to 13th through 15th
Congresses, 1813-19 from N.Y. b. March 1, 1780 in Warwick, R.I. He studied
medicine and practiced in Trumansburg, N.Y. He was a member of the N.Y. state
assembly in 1810-12 and first judge of common
George W. Cooley
for Seneca Co., N.Y. from 181215. In 1817-18 he was first judge of court of
common pleas for Tompkins Co. He abandoned the practice of medicine, studied
theology and was ordained a Baptist minister, serving the church at Rochester,
N.Y. In 1836-37 he was elected chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives.
In 1829 he moved to Michigan, where he held a pastorate in Detroit; was a
regent of the U. of Michigan and from 1843-45 was state superintendent of
public instruction. Member of St. John's Lodge No. 22, Greenfield Center, N.Y.
d. Jan. 11, 1860.
Duc de Conegliano (see B. A. J. de Moncey).
James A. Connolly (1843-1914) U.S. Congressman to 44th and 45th
Congresses, 1895-99 from Ill. b. March 8, 1843 in Newark, N.J. Moved with
parents to Chesterville, Ohio in 1850 and became assistant clerk of the Ohio
state senate in 1858-59. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1859,
practicing at Mount Gilead, Ohio. He moved to Charleston, Ill. in 1861. In
Civil War he served from private to lieutenant colonel in the 123 Ill. Vol.
Regiment. He served in 111. lower house and was U.S. attorney for Southern
Ill. from 1876-85 and 1889-93. After 1898 he was a lawyer in Springfield, Ill.
Member of Elwood Commandery No. 6, K.T. of Springfield. d. Dec. 15, 1914.
Louis Alphonse Constance (see Eliphas Levi).
Grand Duke Contantine (see under Pavlovich).
Constantine I (1868-1923) King of the Hellenes (Greece), 1913-17
and 1920-22. The eldest son of George I, q.v. Received a military education in
Germany and married Princess Sophie, sister of William II, German emperor. He
commanded the Greekforces in the disastrous Turkish War of 1897 and in the
Balkan War of 1912-13, meeting with remarkable success in the latter. Became
king in 1913 upon the assassination of his father. In WWI he advocated
neutrality, but was opposed by the majority of the Greek people, and under
Allied pressure was forced to resign in 1917. He lived in Switzerland until
1920, when recalled by a plebiscite. In spite of British and French protests,
he continued his former policy against the Turks and it led to the disastrous
campaign in Asia Minor that compelled him to abdicate in favor of his son,
George II. He was made a Mason "at sight" by the Grand Lodge of Greece.
Roy Bird Cook Author and druggist at Charleston, W. Va. b. Aug. 1,
1886 in Weston, W. Va. Raised in Weston Lodge No. 10 of that city in 1908, and
a member of the Scottish Rite and Shrine in Charleston. Wrote The Life of
Stonewall Jackson, and has published a history of all the lodges in W. Va.
chartered by the Grand Lodge of Virginia prior to the Civil War. He also has
written histories of many other lodges of that state.
George W. Cooley (1845-1920) General Grand Master, General Grand
Council, R. & S.M., 1889-91. b. Jan. 19, 1845 in New York City. Was with U.S.
survey parties through Minn. and the Dakotas and was employed by the Northern
Pacific Railway as the first location and construction engineer on that
system. He established a general engineering office in Minneapolis and was
state engineer of Minn. in 1907. He toured Europe, studying roads, and laid
out the present road system in Minn. A member of Minneapolis Lodge No. 19,
Minneapolis, Minn. (1868). Exalted in St. John's Chapter No. 9, R.A.M. in
1869; greeted in Minneapolis Coun-
Jere Cooper
No. 2 in 1871; knighted in Zion Commandery No. 2 in 1871. He was grand master
of the Grand Council of Minn. in 1876 and was at the Buffalo convention in
1877, where he assisted in the formation of the General Grand Council and was
its first general grand recorder. d. Sept. 25, 1920.
** Jere Cooper Member of Hess Lodge No. 93, Dyersburg, Tenn.
Robert Crighton Captain of the British Ship, Three Bells, which
rescued a regiment of U.S. troops at sea. The poet Whittier immortalized his
heroic deed in verse, of which the following are the last two stanzas: "Sail
on, Three Bells, forever—In grateful memory sail! Ring on, Three Bells of
rescue—Above the wave and gale! Type of the Love eternal—Repeat the Master's
cry—As tossing through our darkness—The lights of God draw nigh!" The
following is taken from the minutes of Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, N.Y.C., on
March 22, 1854: "The degrees and membership of this chapter, having been
conferred on Comp. Robert Crighton of the Three Bells in initiation as a token
of his great service in the cause of humanity, and Comp. Alex. Frear having
paid the fees demanded by the By-laws, it was on motion of Comp. Samuel C.
Wsartz, resolved that the fees ($20) be refunded Comp. Alex. Frear, also the
thanks of the chapter tendered to him for introducing Comp. Crighton to this
John W. Crockett (1807-1852) U.S. Congressman from Tennessee to
25th and 26th Congresses, 1837-41. b. July 10, 1807. He was the son of David
Crockett, q.v., famous frontiersman who was killed at the Battle of the Alamo.
He studied law and began practice in Paris, Term. He moved to New Orleans in
1843, where he wasa commission merchant. He became editor of the National in
1848 and established the Crescent in 1850. In 1852 he moved to Memphis, Tenn.
Member of Trenton Lodge No. 86, Trenton, Tenn. and Paris Chapter No. 14, R.A.M.,
Paris, Term. d. Nov. 24, 1852.
** Carl T. Curtis Elected. U.S. Senator from Nebraska in 1955.
Received 33° AASR (SJ) in Oct., 1959.
Duke of Dalmatia (see under Nicolas Soult).
John M. Dalton Governor of Missouri for term of 1961-64. b. Nov.
9, 1900 in Vernon Co., Mo. Graduate of U. of Missouri in 1923 and practiced
law in Kennett, Mo. until 1952, when he became attorney general of the state.
Reelected for second term in 1956, and in 1960 elected governor of Missouri. A
trustee of Westminster Coll.; board of curators, Stephens Coll. and member of
board of visitors, U. of Missouri, 1949-53. Served as president of the
National Association of Attorneys-General and is a fellow of the American
College of Trial Lawyers. Raised in Acacia Lodge No. 17, Columbia, Mo. and
presently member of Kennett Lodge No. 68, Kennett, Mo. Grand Orator of the
Grand Lodge of Missouri, 1960-61. Exalted in Columbia Chapter No. 17, R.A.M.
and in 1930 affiliated with Helm Chapter No. 117, Kennett. Suspended in 1934
and reinstated in 1954. Knighted in St. Graal Commandery No. 12, Columbia,
Mo., and affiliated with Malden Commandery No. 61, Malden, Mo. in 1930.
Suspended in 1932 and reinstated in 1954. Member of the Scottish Rite and
Shrine in St. Louis.
Count Christian C. DanneskioldLaurwig (1725-1783) Norwegian
nobleman, who in 1749 founded the first Norwegian lodge of Freemasons under
the name "St. Olaus." It is now No. 1 on the roster and is known as
Charles Dayan
Olaus ti/ den Hvide Leopard (Oslo).
Nicola D'Ascenzo (1869-1954) Artist and manufacturer of stained
glass windows. b. Sept. 25, 1869 in Torricella Peligna, Italy. He studied art
at the Scuola Libera, Rome; Academy of Fine Arts and School of Industrial Art,
Philadelphia; School of Design, New York. He was one of the foremost artists
of stained glass windows in the U.S. Examples of his work are to be found
throughout the country. A few are: Washington Memorial Chapel, Valley Forge,
Pa.; Mercers-burg Academy, Mercersburg, Pa.; St. Thomas' Church and Riverside
Baptist Church of N.Y.C.; Canterbury School, New Milford, Conn.; Christ
Church, Detroit, Mich.; Princeton University Chapel; Folger Shakespeare
Library, Washington, D.C.; Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio; Divinity School,
Philadelphia and Scripp's College, Claremont, Calif. Received the degrees in
Golden Rule Lodge No. 748, Philadelphia, April 24, 1928, Jan. 22 and April 23,
1929. On March 24, 1932 he affiliated with Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia. d.
** Clifford Davis Member of Stonewall Lodge No. 723 and Memphis
Chapter No. 95, R.A.M., both of Memphis, Tenn.
** Edwin L. Davis Member of Tullahoma Lodge No. 262 and Tullahoma
Chapter No. 193, R.A.M., both of Tullahoma, Tenn.
** John W. Davis (1873-1955) Received 33° AASR in Washington, D.C.
in 1953.
Thomas Z. Davis (?-1807) U.S. Congressman to 5th through 7th
Congresses from Ky., 1797-1803. Admitted to the bar in 1789 and commenced
practice in Mercer Co., Ky. Was a member of state house of representatives
from 1795-97. In 1803 he was appointed U.S. judge of Indiana Territory and
served as chancellor of Indiana Territory from March 1, 1806 until his death.
He was made a member of Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia on Feb. 14, 1799, while a
congressman. d. Nov. 15, 1807. (In the lodge record he is listed as "Thomas Z.
Davies, a native of Va. and member of Congress of the United States, from Ky.,
whose place of residence is distant from any established lodge, wishes to be
initiated a Mason, and, as the shortness of his stay in Philadelphia would not
admit of his waiting the usual course, has applied for dispensation." He
received the first degree Feb. 14, 1799 and the second and third on Feb. 28,
resigning at once; "the foregoing giving ample reasons for his not remaining a
member for a longer period.") Frank H. Davison Active Member, Supreme Council,
33° AASR (SJ) and Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Idaho. Received 32° in
1943; KCCH in 1949; coroneted 33° in 1954; appointed deputy in Idaho in 1957
and crowned active member that year. He is an attorney and member of the firm
Davison & Davison.
William M. 0. Dawson (1853-1916) Governor of West Virginia,
1905-09. b. May 21, 1853 in Bloomington, Md. Was editor and owner of the
Preston County (W. Va.) Journal until admitted to the bar in 1892, when he
practiced in Kingwood and Charleston. Served in the state senate; was chairman
of Republican state committee; served as clerk of house of delegates, and from
1897-1905 was secretary of state of W. Va. Member of Preston Lodge No. 90,
Kingwood, W. Va. d. March 12, 1916.
Charles Dayan (1792-1877) U.S. Congressman from New York, 183133.
b. July 8, 1792 in Amsterdam, N.Y. He taught school early in life and served
as a lieutenant colonel in the War of 1812. He studied law and was
Lewis Deer
admitted to the bar in 1817, practicing in Lowville, N.Y. In 1827-28 he was a
member of the state senate, serving as president pro tern in the latter year.
From 1830-38 he was supreme court commissioner and from 1835-36 was a member
of the state assembly. He was the last master of Jefferson Lodge No. 164, when
due to the anti-Masonic movement, it was forced to discontinue its meetings.
An old biography states, "he now reverts with pride and pleasure that when
elected to congress in 1830 he, as a Mason, was elected over all opposition."
He was the first master of Lowville Lodge No. 134 in 1848. d. Dec. 25, 1877.
Lewis Deer (see Oskenonton).
William DeLacy Union General in Civil War. Member of Independent
Royal Arch Lodge No. 2, New York City.
Milton Delano (1844-1922) U.S. Congressman from New York, 50th and
51st Congresses, 1887-91. Aug. 11, 1844 in Wampsville, N.Y. Engaged in
mercantile, banking and real estate business as well as the manufacture of
window glass. Served as sheriff of Madison Co., N.Y., 1873-75 and 187981. He
aided in the organization of the Canastota Northern R.R. Co. Member of Oneida
Lodge No. 270, Oneida, N.Y. d. Jan. 2, 1922.
** Rafael del Riego y Nunez Executed Nov. 7, 1823.
** Cecil B. de Mille d. Jan. 21, 1959.
** Edwin Denby Received Scottish Rite degrees on Oct. 24, 1919.
** Ray V. Denslow Raised in Twilight Lodge No. 114, Columbia, Mo.
at request of Censer Lodge No. 172, Macon, Mo. Date of resignation from postal
service was 1921 (not 1911). d. Sept. 10, 1960.
** George H. Dern Received 32° AASR (SJ) at Salt Lake City, Utah
on Nov. 17, 1904.
D'Essenelli (see Edouard G. Hesselberg).
** Charles A. Dewey d. March 2, 1958.
** Elisha Cullen Dick (1750?-1825) A volume entitled The Lodge of
Washington, published in 1899 by Alexandria Washington Lodge No. 22, gives the
birth date of Dr. Dick as "about the year 1750." He married Hannah Harmon of
Pa. and moved to Alexandria prior to 1783. He was an eminent physician, and
attended George Washington in his last illness. Dick had two children,
Archibald and Julia; the latter married Gideon Pearce of Kent Co., Md., and
was the mother of James A. Pearce, U.S. senator from Maryland. In 1794 Dick
commanded a company of cavalry, raised in Alexandria, to suppress what was
known as the Whiskey Insurrection in Pa. On Feb. 22, 1800, Dr. Dick delivered
at the First Presbyterian Church in Alexandria an oration on "The Day and
Decease of Washington." On this occasion both Brooke Lodge No. 47 and
Alexandria Lodge attended. He died in Alexandria in 1825 and was buried in the
Friends' burial-ground.
** John Dickinson Raised Jan. 11, 1780.
William Dickson (1770-1816) U.S. Congressman to 7th through 9th
Congresses, 1801-07, from Tennessee. b. May 5, 1770 in Duplin Co., N. Car.
Moved with parents to Tenn. in 1795. He studied medicine and practiced in
Nashville for many years. He was a member of the state legislature from
1799-1803 and served as speaker of the house. He was a trustee of the U. of
Nashville, 1806-16. Member of Greeneville Lodge No. 3, Greeneville, Tenn. and
deputy grand master of the
Thomas Earl Doss
Lodge of Tennessee, 1815-16. d. in Feb., 1816.
John George Diefenbaker Prime Minister of Canada since 1957. b.
Sept. 18, 1895 in Grey Co., Ontario, Canada. Received degrees from U. of
Saskatchewan in 1915, 1916 and 1919. Called to the Saskatchewan bar in 1919
and became King's Counsel in 1929. He practiced in Prince Albert, Sask. from
1922. Active in politics since 1925, he was elected to the house of commons in
1945-49-53-57. Was adviser of Canadian Conservative party to UN organization
at San Francisco in 1945. Served as a lieutenant in the Canadian Expeditionary
Force in WWI. Mason and Shriner, he received the 33° AASR at Windsor, Ont.,
Sept. 10, 1958.
Andrew W. Doig (1799-1875) U.S. Congressman from New York to 26th
and 27th Congresses, 1839-1843. b. July 24, 1799 in Salem, N.Y. Moved to
Lowville, N.Y. early in life and engaged in the mercantile business. He served
as town clerk, county clerk, and member of state assembly. He moved to
Martinsburg, N.Y. in 1833 where he was a bank cashier, but returned to
Lowville in 1835. In 1849 he went to Calif. in the gold rush, but returned the
following year to Low-vile. Member of Lowville Lodge No. 134. d. July 11,
Michael Dorizas Athlete and adventurer. b. April 16, 1890 in
Constantinople where his father was first secretary of the Greek legation.
Graduate of Robert Coll. in Constantinople and became faculty member of same.
He possessed great physical strength, and represented Greece in the Olympic
games at Athens in 1906; London in 1908 and Stockholm in 1912. He visited
almost every country in the world —walking through most of them. He has been
through revolts in Turkey and Peru and captured by bandits in Russia and
China. Received M.A. de-gree from U. of Pennsylvania in 1915 and Ph.D. in
1925. While here, he was intercollegiate heavyweight wrestling champion and
set a new record of 2200 points in the 1916 strength testing examination. He
later taught geography at the Wharton School of Finance and Commerce at the U.
of Pennsylvania. He served in the U.S. Army in WWI as a sergeant, and after
the armistice was at the Paris peace conference as an interpreter. Made member
of a Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 29, 1919.
Thomas Earl Doss General Grand Master, General Grand Council, R. &
S.M., 1954-57. b. June 3, 1890 near Canton, Ga. Early in life he was connected
with the Adams and Southern Express Co. and the L. & N. Southern Railroads. He
was then chief clerk in the traffic department of the Clinchfield Railroad at
Erwin until 1930, when he was appointed grand secretary of the York Rite
bodies of Tenn. Raised in Gate City Lodge No. 2, Athens, Ga. on March 14,
1916, he affiliated with Johnson City Lodge No. 486, Johnson City, Tenn. in
1918, and was master in 1922. Exalted Nov. 30, 1917 in Thos. E. Matson Chapter
No. 131, R.A.M. of Johnson City, he was high priest in 1927. Greeted in
Greeneville Council No. 77, R. & S.M., on Oct. 24, 1918, he later affiliated
with Erwin Council No. 97, and was master in 1930. Now a member of Nashville
Council No. 1. Knighted April 10, 1919, in Watauga Commandery No. 25, Johnson
City, he affiliated with Malta Commandery No. 30, Erwin, and was commander in
1928. Since consolidation of 30 and 25, he has been a member of No. 25.
Received 32° AASR (SJ) in Nashville in 1924; made KCCH in Oct., 1927 and 33°
on Oct. 12, 1943. Member of Kerbela Shrine Temple in 1920 and later of Al
Menah Temple, being past potentate of both. Charter member of Cabiri; Royal
Order of Jesters; Red
Edwin L. Drake
of Constantine; past prior of Tennessee Priory No. 15, K.Y.C.H.; Royal Order
of Scotland, and holds honorary memberships in many Masonic bodies throughout
the U.S.
Edwin L. Drake (1819-1880) American pioneer in the oil industry,
he was the first to tap petroleum at its source by drilling (at Titusville,
Pa., Aug. 27, 1859). b. March 29, 1819 on a farm near Greenville, Greene Co.,
N.Y. Eight years later the family moved to Castleton, Vt., where he lived
until he was 19, when he went to Michigan, worked for a year on an uncle's
farm, and then worked for two years as a hotel clerk in the nearby town of
Tecumseh. Returning to the East, he was a dry-goods clerk, first in New Haven,
Conn. and later in N.Y.C. About 1845 he moved to Springfield, Mass., where he
was an express agent for the Boston & Albany Railroad, and then returned to
New Haven, where he became a conductor on the new New York & New Haven. Ill
health required him to retire. He owned stock in the Pennsylvania Rock Oil Co.
and the company hired him to visit its property on Oil Creek near Titusville,
Pa. He secured a lease on the company's land and started drilling, hitting oil
at 69 feet. He perfected the use of pipe as a casing, but failed to patent it.
The money he had saved (about $16,000) was soon lost in oil speculation. He
retired to Vermont in broken health and later lived, destitute, in Long
Branch, N.J. The citizens of Titusville contributed to his support and the Pa.
state legislature gave him a $1,500 annual grant. His original lodge is not
known, but on Oct. 6, 1859, Oil Creek Lodge No. 303 of Titusville, elected him
to affiliation. This is now Titusville Lodge No. 754. d. 1880, in Bethlehem,
** Louis Dreller Member of Faith Lodge, Charlestown, Mass., 32*
AASR (SJ) at Washington.
Arthur C. Ducat Brigadier General (brevet) in Civil War. Served in
the 12th Illinois Infantry. Listed in the 1864 lodge roster for Blaney Lodge
No. 271, Chicago, Ill.
John A. Dundas Executive Vice President of Douglas Aircraft Co.
from 1957. b. Aug. 10, 1905 in Portland, Oreg. Graduate of U. of California in
1927 and 1930. Admitted to the bar in latter year and practiced at Los Angeles
until 1939. Became associated with Douglas as attorney in 1944 and from
1953-57 was general counsel. Raised in The Harvard Lodge, Cambridge, Mass. in
1928 and presently a member of Wilshire Lodge No. 445, Los Angeles, Calif.
William C. Dunlap (1798-1872) U.S. Congressman from Tennessee,
183337. b. Feb. 25, 1798 in Knoxville, Tenn. Admitted to the bar and began
practice in Knoxville in 1819. He served in the Indian campaign of 1818-19 and
held a commission in the U.S. volunteers in 1830. He moved to Boliver, Tenn.
in 1828. He was a circuit court judge from 1840-49 and served terms in both
branches of the state legislature. Member of Union Lodge No. 38, Kingston,
Tenn. d. Nov. 16, 1872.
Pierre Samuel DuPont de Nemours (1739-1817) French economist whose
two sons founded the two branches of the DuPont family in America (see Victor
Marie DuPont in Vol. I). b. Dec. 14, 1739 in Paris. When 23 he published two
pamphlets on finances, which attracted the attention of the celebrated Quesnay.
He then expounded the doctrines of Quesnay's school, "the physiocrats." Went
to Poland in 1774 at the request of King Stanislaus-Augustus to organize a
general system of national education. When Turgot became comptroller-general
of French finances, DuPont was named inspector-general of commerce. When
Turgot fell from favor,
Stephen B. Elkins
DuPont also was let out of the
government. He was recalled by Vergennes to assist in negotiating with England
the treaty to accord independence to the U.S. In 1789 he was a member of the
States-General, but his reactionary views led to his imprisonment in 1792.
Previous to this he had been hidden by the astronomer Lalande, q.v., in an
observatory. Only the death of Robespierre in 1794 saved him from the
guillotine. He renewed his attacks on the Jacobins and when they again gained
power, DuPont was imprisoned again. In 1799 he emigrated to the U.S. with his
family, and at Jefferson's request, started on a plan for national education
in this country. He returned to France in 1802 and was instrumental in
promoting the treaty of 1803, by which Louisiana was sold to the U.S. He was
opposed to Napoleon, q.v., and refused to serve in his government. When
Napoleon escaped from Elba in 1815, DuPont again rejoined his sons in America
and died near Wilmington, Del. on Aug. 6, 1817. It recently has been brought
to light through the Longwood Library, Kennett Square, Pa. that DuPont's
ledger accounts show that he regularly made payments to Masonic organizations
in France.
** Victor Marie DuPont Grand Marshal of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M.
of Delaware in 1822, 1823, 1825 and 1827. Became a member of Washington
Encampment No. 1, K.T. of Wilmington, Del. on June 10, 1814.
Allan C. Durborow, Tr. (1857-1908) U.S. Congressman from Illinois,
189195. b. Nov. 10, 1857 in Philadelphia, Pa. He moved to Indiana in 1862 with
his parents, who settled at Williamsport. Graduate of Indiana U. in 1877.
After residing at Indianapolis, he moved to Chicago in 1880 and in 1887 became
business manager of the Western Electrician, a trade magazine. In Chicago he
affiliated with Dearborn Lodge No. 310, Washington Chapter No. 43, R.A.M.,
Chicago Commandery, K.T., Oriental Consistory, AASR (NJ) and Shrine. d. March
10, 1908.
Daniel Dustin Union Brigadier General of Volunteers, Civil War.
Commanded 105th Illinois and was brevetted brigadier general on March 13,
1865. Member of Sycamore Lodge No. 134, Sycamore, Ill.
Prince Edwin The English Ancient manuscripts claim that he called
a great communication of operative Masons at York in the year 926. This legend
is not accepted by modern historians.
Leopold Garcia Ehlers Mexican architect and Grand Master of the
Grand Lodge, Valle of Mexico. b. July 8, 1913 in Concordia, Puebla, Mexico.
His father, also a Freemason, fought in the revolution in the Zapatistas and
Carrancistas forces. The son became a graduate engineer in 1936 and then
specialized as a civil sanitary engineer. He has been a professor of
mathematics and architectural composition at the National Polytechnic
Institute since 1937. Since 1937 he also has been engineer in charge of the
water and drainage dept. of the Federal District (Mexico City). He has
designed and built residences, apartments, factories, churches, schools, etc.
The present new grand lodge building of the Grand Lodge, Valle de Mexico at
Sadi Carnot No. 75 is of his design. He donated his services to the grand
lodge on this work. In 1959 he became grand master of the Grand Lodge, Valle
de Mexico.
Duc d'Elchingen (see under Michel Ney).
** Stephen B. Elkins While in Washington as a representative for
Territory of New Mexico, he met and married the daughter of Henry Gassaway
Davis, q.v., U.S. senator from
John Valentine Ellis
W. Va.
Davis, a man of great wealth, brought Elkins to W. Va., and although one was a
Democrat and the other a Republican, they worked together in both business and
politics. They founded Davis-Elkins Coll.
John Valentine Ellis (1835-1913) Canadian Senator, journalist and
publisher. b. Feb. 14, 1835 in Halifax, N.S. Was a member of the House of
Assembly, N.B., 1882-1900 and appointed Canadian senator in 1900, serving
until death in 1913. Raised June 6, 1856 in The Lodge of Social & Military
Virtues, Montreal (now The Lodge of Antiquity No. 1). Was active in the
formation of the Grand Lodge of New Brunswick in 1867 and was grand master of
same in 1872-74, 1884-86. An active leader in all branches of Masonry, he was
grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of New Brunswick, 1894-98. He revived
the Grand Council of Maritime Provinces in 1892 and was grand master of same
that year. In 1899-1900 he was supreme grand master of the Sovereign Great
Priory of Canada, and instituted the Scottish Rite in N.B. under Supreme
Council of Scotland in 1871. He was member of first supreme council for Canada
in 1874 and sovereign grand commander in 18861902. Was provincial grand master
of Royal Order of Scotland, 1895-1913. d. July 10, 1913.
Emerson. Etheridge (1819-1902) U.S. Congressman from Tennessee,
1853-57 and 1859-61. b. Sept. 28, 1819 in Currituck, N. Car. Admitted to the
bar in 1840 and practiced at Dresden, Tenn. Served in both state legislative
branches. From 1861-63 he was clerk of the national house of representatives.
Member of Dresden Lodge No. 90, Dresden, Tenn. d. Oct. 21, 1902.
Henry C. Evans (1843-1921) U.S. Congressman from Tennessee,
1889-91; Assistant Postmaster General, 188993; U.S. Consul General at
London,1902-05. b. June 18, 1843 in Juniata Co. Pa. Served as an enlisted man
in Civil War with 41st Regiment, Wisconsin Vol. Inf. He settled in
Chattanooga, Tenn. in 1870, where he manufactured freight cars. He was mayor
of the city in 1881, organized the public school system and served as first
school commissioner. In 1894 he was elected governor of Tenn. on the face of
the returns, but a legislative recount declared his opponent elected. Member
of Temple Lodge No. 430 and Hamilton Chapter No. 49, R.A.M., Chattanooga. d.
Dec. 12, 1921.
Hugh I. Evans (1887-1958) National head of the Presbyterian
Church, U.S.A. in 1950-51. b. March 6, 1887 in Delaware, Ohio. Graduate of
Wooster (Ohio) Academy and Coll. of Wooster and Princeton Theological
Seminary. Was a Presbyterian pastor at Gallipolis, Marysville, Portsmouth, and
Dayton, Ohio. Retired from active ministry in 1955 and became director of the
Foundation of the Presbyterian Church at N.Y.C. He was moderator of the 162nd
General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. in 1950-51. He was past
president of the Board of National Missions, and represented the U.S. at the
meeting of World Council of Churches in Holland in 1948. Raised in Palestine
Lodge No. 158, Marysville, Ohio and affiliated with Horace A. Irvin Lodge No.
647, Dayton, on Sept. 19, 1928. Was grand chaplain of Grand Lodge of Ohio in
1926. Member of Unity Chapter No. 16, R.A.M.; Reese Council No. 9, R. & S.M.
and Reed Commandery No. 6, K.T., all of Dayton. 32° AASR (NJ) in Columbus,
affiliating later with Valley of Dayton and received 33° on Sept. 25, 1946. d.
April 23, 1958.
Robert Field (1769-1819) Portrait painter. b. in England in 1769.
He resided at Philadelphia from 1795-1800; Washington, D.C., 1800-02;
Annapolis, Md., 1802-03; Baltimore, Md., 1803-05;
Greenbury L.
Boston, Mass., 1805-08 and Halifax, N.S., 1808-16. He moved to Kingston,
Jamaica in 1816 and died there in 1819 of yellow fever. He was a leading
portrait painter of his time and his biographer claimed he was "second only to
Gilbert Stuart in his work." Some of the leading citizens painted by Field
were Sir John Wentworth, Sir George Prevost, Sir John C. Sherbrooke. George
and Martha Washington commissioned him to paint miniatures of them. He was
raised in Annapolis Lodge No. 36 (now 69), Annapolis, Md., on Dec. 29, 1802
and in 1812 was master of St. Johns Lodge No. 211 (Eng.). d. in 1819 at
Kingston, Jamaica.
Everett R. Filley (1894-1958) Vice President of The Texas Company
from 1953; President of Texas-Zinc Minerals Corp. and Texaco Exploraation Co.
b. Sept. 5, 1894 in Filley, Nebr. Graduate of Baker U. in 1915. Went with the
Texas Company in 1915 in production department and rose to executive
secretary, assistant division manager, division manager, assistant manager,
and vice president. Affiliated with Holland Lodge No. 1, Houston, Texas, Dec.
25, 1946 from Delta Lodge No. 425, Tulsa, Okla. d. March 21, 1958.
**David E. Finley Member of Philanthropic Lodge No. 32, York, S.
Charles Fitzsimmons (1835-1905) Brigadier General, U.S.
Volunteers. b. Dec. 26, 1835 in New York. He entered Union Army in 1861 as a
captain of 3rd N.Y. Cavalry. Wounded in 1863, returned to service in Oct. that
year as lieutenant colonel. Was wounded again at Ashley's Gap in 1864. Served
on Western plains until mustered out in 1866 with brevet rank of brigadier
general. Entered contracting business in Chicago; was active in Ill. National
Guard, becoming brigadier general U.S.V. in June 1898 during Spanish-American
War, but resigned shortly afterward. Member of Yonnondio Lodge No. 163 of
Rochester, N.Y. d. in 1905.
Hans Kirkgaard Fleischer (18031884) Norwegian Lieutenant General
and Lord Steward of the King. Master of the Norwegian Steward Lodge, and later
provincial grand master, at which time Norway worked under the Grand Lodge of
Sweden. K.C. of the Order of King Charles XIII.
Thomas Barnard Flint (1847-?) Member of Canadian House of Commons,
1891-96, 1900-02. b. April 28, 1847 in Yarmouth, N.S. He was a graduate of Mt.
Allison U., Sackville, N.B. and Harvard Law School. He was clerk of the house
of commons, 1902-17 and a recognized authority on parliamentary procedure. An
eloquent and forceful speaker, he was raised in St. Andrews' Lodge No. 1,
Halifax, N.S., on Jan. 5, 1871; master of Scotia Lodge No. 31, Yarmouth in
1877 and grand master of Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia in 1897-99. Deceased.
*4 Robert L. Flowers Member of Durham Lodge No. 352, Durham, N.
Car., receiving degrees on July 6, 20, 27, 1925.
James H. Forsee Brigadier General, U.S. Army Medical Corps. Deputy
Commander of Walter Reed Medical Center and chief of its Professional Services
in 1959. Member of Aurora Lodge No. 156, Colorado and 32° AASR (SJ) in
Colorado Consistory.
Greenbury L. Fort (1825-1883) U.S. Congressman to 43rd through
46th Congresses, 1873-81. b. Oct. 17, 1825 at French Grant, Ohio. Moved with
parents to Marshall Co., IR. in 1834. Studied law, and was admitted to the bar
in 1847, practicing at
John F. Fort Lacon, Ill.
served as sheriff, county clerk, county judge and in the state senate. He
served in the Civil War with the 11th Regiment, Ill. Infantry from first
lieutenant to lieutenant colonel (brevet). Knighted in Peoria Commandery No.
3, K.T., Peoria, Ill. on March 24, 1882. d. Jan. 13, 1883.
* John F. Fort Former governor of New Jersey. Dates of his degrees
do not coincide with his life span. It is therefore presumed that he was not a
** Winfred E. Fouse d. July 22, 1958.
** Daniel G. Fowle Member of Hiram Lodge No. 40, Raleigh, N. Car.
Marvin E. Fowler Provincial Grand Master of Royal Order of
Scotland for United States since 1953. b. Oct. 12, 1904. Graduate of Central
Coll., Fayette, Mo. in 1926 and of George Washington U. in 1931. Taught
science in high school at Mexico, Mo., 1926-29. He is with the division of
forest pathology of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and the author of many
scientific publications. Raised in Hebron Lodge No. 354, Mexico, Mo. in 1927;
knighted in Crusade Commandery No. 23, K.T., Mexico same year. In Washington,
D.C. he became a member of Lafayette Lodge No. 19 and master in 1940; Columbia
Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. and high priest in 1944; Adoniram Council No. 2 and
master in 1944; Columbia Commandery No. 2, K.T. and commander in 1946.
Received 32° AASR (SJ) in 1932 and 33° in 1943. Was grand master of the Grand
Lodge, District of Columbia in 1950 and grand high priest of Grand Chapter,
District of Columbia in 1952. Past sovereign of St. Simon Stylites Conclave,
R.C.C.; member of Almas Shrine Temple, Grotto, Tall Cedars, National
Sojourners, Allied Masonic Degrees and York Cross of Honor.
Eugene M. Frank Methodist Bishop. b. Dec. 11, 1907 in Cherryvale,
Kans. Graduate of Kansas State Teachers Coll., 1930; Garrett Biblical Inst.,
1932; Baker U. (Kans.) 1947. Ordained to ministry in 1932 and served the
following Kansas pastoratesTonganoxie, Americus, Olathe, Kansas City, Topeka.
Consecrated bishop in 1956 and bishop of Missouri at St. Louis same year.
Member of Wyandotte Lodge No. 3, Kansas City, Kans. and grand orator of the
Grand Lodge of Kansas in 1959-60.
* Benjamin Franklin p. 73. Elected grand master on June 24, 1734
(not 1934).
Duncan Cameron Fraser (1845-1910) Justice, Supreme Court of Nova
Scotia, 1906-10 and member of Canadian House of Commons, 1891-1904. b. Oct. 1,
1845 in New Glasgow, N.S. Was admitted to the bar in 1873. Member of
legislative council of Nova Scotia and of the cabinet in 1875-78 and 1888-91.
In 1906-10 he was lieutenant governor of Nova Scotia. He was raised in Truro
Lodge No. 43, Truro, N.S. on Jan. 3, 1872; master of Albion Lodge No. 5, New
Glasgow in 1882 and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia in 189293.
d. Sept. 27, 1910.
**Orville Freeman Named Secretary of Agriculture, 1961 by
President Kennedy. Was initiated in 1950 and began in chairs in 1953. Was
installed master of his lodge on Dec. 18, 1959 while governor.
Eduardo Rincon Gallardo Mexican General. b. April 27, 1900 in
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Attended the Heroica Colegio Military, later
becoming an instructor in this military school and a general of the Army. He
was director of the Dept. of Transit, Mexico City; administrator of the Port
of Tampico; chief of the Import Dept. and Federal treasurer.
William E. Glasscock
In the
last ten years he has been head of the Automobile Club of Mexico. He was
initiated in 1925 in the lodge Gnosis No. 6 under the jurisdiction of the
Grand Lodge, Occidental Mexicana. On this same day another distinguished
Mexican Freemason was initiated—Lazaro Cardenas—later a general and president
of Mexico. Gallardo served as treasurer, senior and junior warden of the lodge
Masones Mexicanos No. 51. He became grand master of the Grand Lodge, Valle of
Mexico and president of the Interamerican Masonic Confederation.
Finis J. Garrett (1875-1956) U.S. Congressman to 59th through 70th
Congresses, 1905-29 from Tenn. b. Aug. 26, 1875 near Ore Springs, Tenn.
Graduate of Bethel Coll., McKenzie, Tenn. in 1897. Before completing his
college courses, he was editor of country newspapers at Dresden and McKenzie.
After teaching school at Como and Milan, Tenn., he studied law and began
practice in Dresden in 1899. President Coolidge appointed him judge of the
U.S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals and he became presiding judge of the
court under Franklin D. Roosevelt. Raised in Dresden Lodge No. 90, Dresden,
Tenn. on June 3, 1905. d. May 25, 1956.
Sir John Morison Gibson (18421929) Canadian Major General in WWI;
first president of Canadian Red Cross; Governor of Province of Ontario for six
years. b. in Peel Co., Ontario in 1842. He was graduated from U. of Toronto in
1863 and became a barrister in 1869. He was a member of the 13th Royal
Regiment (Canada) and rose from private to major general. He was elected to
the provincial legislature of Ontario, serving from 1879-95. Was initiated
Nov. 19, 1867 in Strict Observance Lodge No. 27, Hamilton, Ontario, and was
grand master of the Grand Lodge of On-tario. He was sovereign grand commander
of the Scottish Rite in Canada, 1904-13 and 1922-23. d. June 3, 1929.
Emilio Portes Gil President of Mexico, 1928-30. b. in 1891 in
Victoria City, Tamaulipas, Mexico. A lawyer, he served several years in a
legal capacity with the war and navy as well as military justice departments.
He was a congressional deputy to the 27th, 29th and 30th legislatures. He was
provisional governor of Tamaulipas in 1917 and constitutional governor,
1925-29. From 1930 he was secretary of the government and afterwards (until
1959) was president of the executive committee of the National Revolutionary
Party. He has served his government as minister to the French government and
first representative of Mexico at the League of Nations in Geneva. He also has
been Mexican ambassador to the Dominican Republic and India. Since 1959 he has
been president of the national commission on insurance. The recipient of
several honorary doctorates and decorations from foreign governments, he is
the author of 15 books on both legal subjects and in the field of the
humanities. While he was president he put down a revolution of fanatics who
had been encouraged by the Catholic hierarchy. He occupied a number of Masonic
offices, and from 1933-34 was grand master of the Grand Lodge, Valley of
Joseph A. Gilmore (1811-1867) Governor of New Hampshire, 1863-65.
b. in 1811 at Weston, Vt. He was made a Mason at sight by Grand Master Charles
H. Bell, but there is no record of his affiliating with a lodge. He was active
in railroad interests. d. April 17, 1867.
William E. Glasscock (1862-1925) Governor of West Virginia,
1909-13. b. Dec. 13, 1862 near Arnettsville,
Benjamin Gleason
W. Va.
Admitted to the bar in 1902. Taught school in Ia., Nebr. and W. Va., and was
county superintendent of schools of Monongalia Co., 1887-90. Was U.S.
collector of internal revenue for W. Va., 1905-08. Member of Acacia Lodge No.
157, Fairmont, W. Va. as well as the York Rite bodies of that city, and a
Shriner. d. April 12, 1925.
* Benjamin Gleason Not the first appointed Masonic lecturer in the
United States. Jonathan Heart, q.v., was appointed as lecturer in Conn. by a
convention of lodges in 1783. George Richards of N.H. may also have served as
lecturer before Gleason's time.
Barry M. Goldwater U.S. Senator from Arizona, from 1953. b. Jan.
1, 1909 in Phoenix, Ariz. Attended Staunton Military Academy and U. of
Arizona. Has been with Goldwater's, Inc., since 1929; president, 1937-53, and
now chairman of the board. From 1948-50 he was a member of the advisory
committee on Indian Affairs of the Department of Interior. In WWII he served
as a pilot in the Air Force from 1941-45, and was chief of staff of the
Arizona national guard, 1945-52. He received the U.S. Junior Chamber of
Commerce award in 1937. Raised in Arizona Lodge No. 2, Phoenix, April, 1930;
32° AASR (SJ) at Tucson and 33° in Oct., 1959. Member of Shrine and Eastern
Star. His uncle, Morris Goldwater (1852-1939) was the 8th grand master of the
Grand Lodge of Arizona; grand high priest of the Grand Chapter of Arizona and
grand master of the Grand Council of Arizona.
Marie F. P. Gonthier (see under Maine de Biran).
** Albert G. Goodall After removing to New York, he affiliated
with Holland Lodge No. 8 and with Morton Commandery No. 4 and Jerusalem
Chapter No. 8, R.A.M. He was corn-mander of the commandery in 187273, was
active in the Grand Commandery of New York and was deputy grand commander when
he died. He was high priest of the chapter in 1884.
Bazil Gordon (1768-1847) Sometimes "Basil." Said to have been
America's first millionaire. b. May 15, 1768 in Kirkudbright, Scotland. His
monument in the Masonic Cemetery at Fredericksburg, Va. is most pretentious
and the monument to his daughter is even more exquisite. He was a member of
Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4, of Fredericksburg, Va. d. April 20, 1847.
** William C. Gordon d. Jan. 10, 1959.
Joseph V. Graff (1854-1921) U.S. Congressman to 54th through 61st
Congresses, 1895-1911 from Ill. b. July 1, 1854 in Terre Haute, hid. He moved
to Delavan, Ill. in 1873 and engaged in mercantile pursuits. He studied law
and was admitted to the bar in 1879, practicing at Delavan and later at Pekin.
Following his terms in the legislature, he continued law practice at Peoria,
where he moved in 1899. Knighted in Peoria Commandery No. 3, K.T. on Nov. 23,
1897. d. Nov. 10, 1921.
Edwin Grafton Active Member, Supreme Council, 33° AASR (SJ) and
Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Montana. Received 32° in 1919; KCCH in
1925; 33° in 1934; appointed deputy in Montana in 1951 and crowned an active
member in 1957. He is administrator of the Montana Children's Home and Shodair
Crippled Children's Hospital.
William L. Gravatt (1858-1942) Protestant Episcopal Bishop of West
Virginia from 1916. b. Dec. 15, 1858 in Port Royal, Va. Graduate of Virginia
Theol. Sem. in 1884; Washington and Lee U. in 1904. Ordained dea-
T. Graham Hall
con in
1884 and priest in 1885. Served churches in Richmond, Va., 1885-87; Norfolk,
Va., 1887-93 and Charles Town, W. Va., 1893-99. Was elected coadjutor bishop
of W. Va. in 1899 and bishop in 1916. He was grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge
of West Virginia from 1917-35; grand chaplain of the Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of
W. Va. from 1909-29 and grand prelate of the Grand Commandery, K.T. of W. Va.,
1916-40. Was a member of Beni Kedem Shrine Temple and a 33° AASR of the
Southern Jurisdiction. d. Feb. 14, 1942.
4* John Greaton The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts met in his tavern
in 1761. He was junior warden of Washington Lodge No. 10 (military) in the
Mass. brigade when it was organized at West Point in 1779.
**Dwight H. Green Member of Lincoln Park Chapter No. 177, R.A.M.;
Chicago Council No. 4, R. & S.M.; Chicago Commandery No. 19, K.T.; 32° AASR
(NJ) at Chicago on Nov. 8, 1934.
* Nathanael Greene His Savannah monument's cornerstone was laid
with Masonic ceremony, making the most of the presence of Lafayette in that
city. However it was dedicated to the "Saviour of the South" and not to a
"brother." Obviously he did not wear any Masonic medal presented to him by
Lafayette "throughout the Revolution" as Lafayette was not in this country
until the middle of 1777. Historian James R. Case asks "And where were
Lafayette and Greene associated —and when?" Greene and Washington were not the
only general officers to serve "throughout the Revolution"; Putnam, Gates and
Heath were others.
Thomas Grosvenor (1744-1825) Revolutionary patriot. b. in Pomfret,
Conn. Graduate of Yale in 1765. Was a lieutenant under Putnam in 1775 and
later a colonel. He was wounded at Bunker Hill and John Trumbull'spainting,
Death of General Warren at Bunker Hill, shows Grosvenor being helped off the
field by his servant, Peter Salem. He was a lawyer, judge and state
legislator. Made a Mason in American Union Lodge, Redding, Conn. and served as
secretary and senior deacon.
** Felix Grundy Also a member of Cumberland Lodge No. 8,
Nashville, Tenn. at one time.
** Hezekiah A. Gudger Initiated, passed and raised in French Broad
Lodge No. 292, Marshall, N. Car. in 1870. Dimitted from same on Oct. 22, 1915
and affiliated with Mount Hermon Lodge No. 118, Asheville, N. Car. on Dec. 2,
** Edgar A. Guest d. Aug. 5, 1959.
* William Gurney Continental Lodge No. 287 instead of
Cyrus Hall Brigadier General (brevet) in Civil War. Served with
the 14th Illinois Infantry. Listed in the 1864 lodge roster for Jackson Lodge
No. 53, Shelbyville, Ill.
James F. Hall (1822-1884) Union Brigadier General in Civil War. b.
Jan. 31, 1822 in New York City. In 1861 he assisted the state of N.Y. to equip
28 regiments for the field and with that completed, equipped one for himself,
which he led as colonel. He was prominent at the taking of Port Royal;
constructed the works on Tybee Island; was present at the capture of Fort
Pulaski, Ga.; mentioned for gallantry at Pocotaligo and Olustee, Fla.; was
present at capture of Morris Island; and cooperated with Sherman against
Savannah and Charleston. For two years he was provost marshal general of the
Dept. of the South. Was brevetted brigadier general of volunteers in Feb.,
1865. Member of Kane Lodge No. 454, New York City.
T. Graham Hall Grand Sword Bearer, Supreme Council, 33° AASR
John H. Halliburton (SJ) and
Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Tennessee. Received his 32° in 1908; KCCH
in 1911; 33° in 1917; appointed deputy in Term. in 1946 and crowned active
member in 1949. He was appointed to his present office in 1957. He is engaged
in the general insurance business in Nashville.
John H. Halliburton Vice President of Eastern Airlines, Inc. in
charge of flight operations since 1957. b. May 21, 1906 in Brownsville, Tenn.
Graduate of U. of Tennessee in 1929. Began with Ford Motor Co. as an engineer
in the flight test department of the airplane division in 1929. From 1930-31
he was a pilot for the Curtiss Flying Service. Has been with Eastern since
1931 as line captain, director of military training and operations manager.
Received degrees in College Park Lodge No. 545, College Park, Ga. Presently a
member of Coral Gables Lodge No. 260, Coral Gables, Fla. and master of same in
Joseph E. Hamblin (1828-1870) Union Major General (brevet) in
Civil War. b. in Yarmouth, Mass. He was a member of the 7th N.Y. regiment many
years prior to the Civil War. At the outbreak of hostilities, he became
adjutant of the 5th N.Y. regiment, and in Nov., 1861 transferred to the 65th
N.Y. regiment. Participated in Grant's campaign of 1864 and then to the
Shenandoah Valley to resist pressure on Washington and Maryland. Was severely
wounded at Cedar Creek, and for this action was made brigadier general
(brevet) and placed in command of a brigade. In the spring of 1865 he was
promoted to full rank and participated in all subsequent engagements of the
Army of the Potomac to the surrender at Appomattox. For bravery at Sailor's
Creek (last engagement between North and South) he was brevetted major general
and mustered out in Jan., 1866.
Member of Kane Lodge No. 454, New York City. d. July 3, 1870.
John Francis Hamtramck (17561803) Colonel of American Revolution;
military commander of Detroit. b. Aug. 16, 1756 in Quebec, Canada, the son of
French refugees. He was baptised Jean Francois. Parents later settled just
north of Lake Champlain in N.Y. In Sept. 1775 he joined General Montgomery's
army marching on Montreal, and was appointed continental commissary. He was
commissioned a lieutenant early in 1776, and on Nov. 21 captain of the 5th
N.Y. continentals. Became a major Jan. 1, 1781; lieutenant colonel and
commander of the first sub-legion under General Anthony Wayne on Feb. 18,
1793. When Detroit was occupied by the Americans under Article 2 of Jay's
Treaty, Colonel Hamtramck was ordered to descend the Maumee River, and on July
13, assumed command of Detroit. On July 24, 1775 Dr. Peter Middleton,
provincial deputy grand master of New York, issued a warrant to form St.
John's Regimental Lodge No. 1. From the diary of Ensign John Barr of the N.Y.
Line on Feb. 3, 1780 we learn: "Our lodge (St. John's) formed at Captain
Hamtramck's hut." This was while in camp near Morristown, N.J. St. John's
Lodge is now settled at Clark's Town in N.Y. Later we find Hamtramck as a
member of Union Lodge No. 1 (now Mt. Vernon No. 3 of Albany), having signed
the register of that lodge as "No. 63," with no date shown. Hamtramck, Mich.,
a suburb of Detroit, was named in his honor, and it is interesting to note
that as the largest Polish city in America, even today it does not possess a
Masonic lodge because of its heavy Catholic population. d. April 11, 1803 and
is buried at Mt. Elliott Cemetery in Detroit.
** Edward Hand Served as master of his lodge.
Henry D. Hatfield
William Hanna (1833-1907)
Brigadier General (brevet) in Civil War. b. June 23, 1833 in Lexington, Ind.
He moved to Camp Point, Ill. in 1857, where he engaged in the mercantile
business until the Civil War. He assisted in raising troops and was made
captain of the 15th Regiment, Ill. Vol., becoming major, lieutenant colonel,
colonel and brevetted brigadier general for bravery at the Battle of Altoona.
After the war he lived at Golden, Ill. and was postmaster there for many
years. Raised in Justice Military Lodge U.D. (Ill.) in 1862 or 1863,
affiliating with Benjamin Lodge No. 297 and later with La Prairie No. 267 of
Golden. He was exalted in Quincy Chapter No. 5, R.A.M., and knighted May 12,
1875 in Delta Commandery No. 48, K.T., of Clayton, serving as commander. d.
Aug. 4, 1907.
** William C. Hansen Initiated May 8, 1924 in Neillsville Lodge
No. 163, Neillsville, Wis., and presently a member of Evergreen Lodge No. 93,
Stevens Point, Wis. 32° AASR in Madison, Wis.
Thomas Douglas Harington (18081882) Deputy Receiver General of old
Canada in 1858-78. b. June 7, 1808 at Windsor, England. He served in the Royal
Navy and with the East India Company's navy. Raised Dec. 13, 1843 in Duke of
Leinstat Lodge No. 283 (Irish) at Kingston, Ontario and later affiliated with
lodges in Montreal, Kingston, Quebec and Ottawa. Was provincial grand master
of Lower Canada in 1853; provincial grand master of Canada East (Scot.), 1853;
past grand master of Ancient Grand Lodge of Canada West in 1856; grand master
of Grand Lodge of Canada in 1859. Was grand first principal of Grand Chapter
of Canada in 1859-71; grand master of Cryptic Rite, Ontario, 1871; honorary
provincial grand master of Cryptic Rite, Ontario, 1871; honorary provincial
grand master of Grand Conclave, K.T., Ontario, 1859-71 and firstsovereign
grand commander of Supreme Council, Scottish Rite in Canada, 1874. d. Jan. 13,
Thomas L. Harris (1816-1858) U.S. congressman to 31st and
34th-35th Congresses, 1849-51, and 1855-58 from Ill. b. Oct. 29, 1816 in
Norwich, Conn. Graduate of Trinity Coll., Hartford, Conn. in 1841, studied law
and began practice in Petersburg, Ill. Served as major in 4th Reg. Ill. Vol.
Inf. in Mexican War and was presented with a sword by Ill. for gallantry at
the Battle of Cerro Gordo. Was elected to 36th Congress, but died before
taking office. Served as master of Clinton Lodge No. 19, Petersburg, Ill. in
1849. d. Nov. 24, 1858.
** Byron P. Harrison Received 32° AASR (SJ) on Oct. 12, 1923.
Joel Hart Dr. Hart was U.S. consul to Scotland in 1817. Member of
Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R.A.M. of N.Y.C. and high priest in 1812.
** Charles H. Haswell Exalted in Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R.A.M.
of New York City in 1888 at the age of 79. He was master of Kane Lodge U.D.
(now 454) in 1858. He published a volume of reminiscences of New York life and
society from 1816-35. In 1836 he was engineer of the first steam war-vessel in
the U.S. Navy.
Henry D. Hatfield Governor of West Virginia, 1913-17, and U.S.
Senator, 1929-35. b. Sept. 15, 1875 in Logan Co., W. Va. Received medical
degree from U. of Louisville (Ky.) in 1895 and from N.Y. University in 1904.
Was Medical Corps major in WWI. He joined all the Masonic bodies early in
life, but after his term as governor expired he bought a hospital, and when
the Shrine started to build its hospitals for crippled children, Dr. Hatfield
thought it would hurt his business, so he dropped all Masonic affiliations.
Mark 0. Hatfield
Mark 0. Hatfield Governor of
Oregon from 1959. b. July 12, 1922 in Dallas, Oreg. Graduate of Willamette U.
in 1943 and Stanford in 1948. Was resident assistant at Stanford U., 1947-49;
instructor at Willamette U., 1949, and dean of students and associate
professor of political science at the latter, 1950-56. Mason and Shriner.
Member of the Scottish Rite in Salem, Oreg. He placed the name of Richard
Nixon in nomination for the presidency at the Republican convention of 1960.
** Charles M. Hayes d. Oct. 16. 1957.
** Isaac I. Hayes This interesting information has been found on
page 263 of Memoirs of Lodge No. 51, F. & A.M. of Philadelphia, Pa. "At our
meeting on Nov. 28, 1861, Bro. Isaac I. Hayes, a physician, who was initiated
on Feb. 24, 1859 (by dispensation, in Lodge No. 51, A.Y.M.) was present,
having then recently returned from an Arctic expedition. The W.M. called upon
Bro. Hayes, who thanked the brethren for their assistance rendered the
undertaking at a critical moment. . . . He stated the fact of his having
displayed his Masonic flag on land at a higher Northern latitude than had yet
been greeted by the Compass and the Square, namely 81° 35', etc.”
* M. M. Hayes Appointed deputy by Francken (not Trachen). p. 201,
fifth line of biography.
** Leonard D. Heaton Since promoted to Lieutenant General. With
Walter Reed Hospital, 1952-59.
Adolphus L. Heermann (1822?-1865) Naturalist and ornithologist. b.
about 1822 in S. Car. Moved to Philadelphia, Pa. in the 1840's. Elected a
member of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences in 1845. In 1846 he
received a medical degree from the U. of Maryland. In 1843 he had crossed the
Rockies, possibly with Fremont. In 1848 he made a trip to Florida, collecting
bird specimens, and in 1849 made the trip to Calif. by way of the Isthmus.
Here he collected and studied birds for three years, returning to Philadelphia
with 1,200 specimens, nests and eggs. Each winter from 185456 was spent in
Calif., and this was followed by an expedition with the Pacific Railroad
survey parties seeking passes through the mountains, Heermann being surgeon
and naturalist for the trips. About 1862 he moved permanently to San Antonio,
Texas. Several birds of the West coast are named for him—Larus heermanni and
Melospiza cinerea heermanni; also the snake Pityophis heermanni. He became a
member of Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia, Pa., on April 22, 1847. d. in Sept.,
Alexander Henderson Commodore, U.S. Navy during Spanish-American
War. Member of Nepparhan Lodge No. 736, Yonkers, N.Y.
Percy Mark Herbert (see under Bishop of Norwich).
** Francis J. Herron d. Jan. 8, 1902.
** Christian A. Herter Became U.S. Secretary of State in April,
1959, succeeding John Foster Dulles. Received the Gourgas Medal of the
Scottish Rite on Oct. 23, 1959.
Rudolph Hess Nazi third deputy to Hitler, second only to Goering
in line of succession to supreme power in German dictatorship. An anti-Mason.
b. in 1894 in Alexandria, Egypt. Followed Hitler from 1921, becoming secretary
and bodyguard to Hitler in 1925. He took down Mein Kampf from Hitler's
dictation. He was designated by Hitler as head of the political section of the
National Socialist party in 1932 and admitted into the newly formed cabinet
council in 1934. He created a world sensation by a solo
Moses D. Hoge
in 1941 to Scotland where he was held as a prisoner of war. In 1946 at the
Nurnberg trials, he was convicted as a war criminal and sentenced to life
imprisonment. Among the documents used by the prosecution in this trial was an
article in the Voelkischer Beobachter, Aug. 28, 1939, reporting a speech by
Hess at Graz on Aug. 26, which included the statement "Jews and Freemasons
want a war against this hated Germany, against the Germany in which they have
lost their power."
Joseph Hewes Buried with Masonic honors.
** Miguel Hidalgo (see also Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla). Catholic
priest and liberator of Mexico. Although it is claimed that he was a member of
Arquitechtura Moral Lodge, receiving his Entered Apprentice degree in 1808,
there is no documentary evidence to support the belief. This lodge met at 5
Calle de las Ratas (today 7th and Bolivar) in Mexico City. It was a Scottish
Rite lodge established in 1806. It is claimed that immediately after Hidalgo
received the degree, all the papers and books of the lodge were destroyed.
** Matthew W. Hill Coroneted 33° on Dec. 8, 1945. Active in York
Rite, Red Cross of Constantine.
Charles C. Hilton (1843-1905) Early day Chicago hotel owner. b.
Oct. 24, 1843 in Madison, Maine. He came to Chicago in 1865 to become the
manager of the old Briggs House. From this hostelry, he went to the Sherman
House when it was built and subsequently with the Tremont, Palmer House, and
Grand Pacific hotels. At the time of his death he was the proprietor of the
Hotel Hilton. He served as a private in Co. K. of the 5th Mass. Inf. in the
Civil War, and later was adjutant general of Ill. He was initiated in 1866 in
William B. Warren Lodge No. 309 and was a member of Apollo Commandery No. 1,
K.T., both of Chicago. d. June 28, 1905.
** Frank T. Hines d. April 3, 1960.
** Alonzo G. Hinkley Received 60-year palm from his lodge in 1959.
Is past potentate of Ismailia Shrine Temple and past monarch of Zuleika
** John T. Hoffman d. March 24, 1888.
John William Hofmann (1824-?) Union Civil War General. b. Feb. 18,
1824 in Philadelphia, Pa. He recruited the 23rd Regiment of Pa. Vols. and was
later lieutenant colonel of the 56th regiment. As a colonel, he gave the
orders to open fire at the Battle of Gettysburg (July 1, 1863). A member of.
Lodge No. 51, Philadelphia, he received the degrees Feb. 24, March 24 and May
26, 1853. At that time he was 29 and his occupation was given as a
** Moses D. Hoge Details of his deathbed initiation from the
minutes of Dove Lodge No. 51, Richmond, Va. A called communication of the
lodge was held in the office of the grand secretary of the grand lodge at the
Masonic Temple in Richmond on Nov. 22, 1898. The master announced that the
lodge had been called for the purpose of conferring the degrees upon the Rev.
Hoge. The grand master then stated that in consequence of the physical
disability of the candidate that permission was given the lodge under
dispensation which he personally granted to meet at the residence and without
charter. The son, Moses D. Hoge, Jr. met the lodge members at his father's
residence (N.E. corner of Main & 5th) and Grand Master R. T. W. Duke, Jr. then
conferred the three degrees "dispensing with such portions of the ceremony as
in his opinion the physi-
Moses Holbrook
condition of the candidate required." At the completion of the ceremonies,
Rev. Hoge stated he desired to become a member of Dove Lodge No. 51, and
without any ballots being taken the Master appointed him chaplain of the
lodge. He died Jan. 6, 1899.
** Moses Holbrook b. in 1783.
Ernest F. Hollings Governor of South Carolina since 1958. b. Jan.
1, 1922 in Charleston, S. Car. Graduate of The Citadel in 1942 and U. of South
Carolina in 1947. Admitted to the bar in 1947. Member of state house of
representatives, 1948-54 and speaker pro tern, 1950-54. Lieutenant governor of
S. Car., 1954-58; governor from 1958. A member of La Candeur Lodge No. 36 of
Charleston, he was made a life member of the lodge on Dec. 16, 1959.
** Gilbert C. Hoover Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, retired. Received
degrees in Overseas Lodge No. 40, Providence, RI. and now affiliated with St.
Albans Lodge No. 6, Bristol, R.I. Received 32° AASR in Denver, Colo. and
presently member of Scottish Rite in Providence, R.I. Member of Narragansett
Bay Chapter No. 14, National Sojourners.
* Odus C. Homey Received degrees in Alamo Lodge No. 44, San
Antonio, Texas, Aug. 12, Sept. 20, Oct. 20, 1921, affiliating with
Mechanicsburg Lodge No. 113, Mechanicsburg, Ohio on Feb. 7, 1922. Not a member
for 50 years as stated in Vol. II.
** Stephen T. Hosmer Grand Master of Connecticut 18 years
* Timothy Hosmer b. 1745. d. 1815. Birth and death dates incorrect
in Vol. II. Was not a brother of Stephen T. Hosmer, but was an uncle. Was
brother of Stephen T.'s father, Titus. Was a surgeon in the 6th Conn. Regt.
in the Revolution and attended and certified the death of Major
John Andre, the British spy in 1780. He became a member of the lodge at
Waterbury, Conn. (now King Solomon No. 7 of Woodbury) sometime between
1765-1775. In 1787 he became the first senior warden of Frederick Lodge,
Farmington, Conn. (now No. 14 of Plainville, Conn.) when it was organized in
1787. On Aug. 20, 1779 he became a member of the famous military lodge,
American Union No. 1, signing the by-laws on that date. In 1792 he became
charter master of Ontario Lodge No. 23, Canandaigua, N.Y., the oldest lodge in
Ontario Co.
** Sam Houston There has been much misinformation on the religious
status of this great Texas Freemason. To set the record straight, we quote
from a letter written by his grandson, Temple H. Morrow, past high priest of
Z. E. Coombes Chapter No. 421, R.A.M. of Dallas and 33° AASR (SJ). . . . "I am
calling your attention to the last sentence in the biographical sketch
concerning Sam Houston . . . this sentence reads: 'Houston died a Roman
Catholic.' I have never been guilty of parading my relationship to the
illustrious dead, but in order to identify myself I will state that my mother
was the second child and oldest daughter of General and Mrs. Houston and I was
named for the youngest member of the family. The facts concerning his church
relationship are as follows. When Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna became president
of Mexico, he immediately discarded the constitution of his country and
assumed the role of a dictator. His unreasonable decrees and edicts worked
untold hardship on the people of Texas, one of which was that no one would be
allowed to become a citizen and land-owner unless he was a member of the Roman
Catholic Church. General Houston was then living with his old friends, the
Charles Inglis
in what is now Oklahoma. He decided to come to Texas and assist the patriots
throw off the yoke of despotism, tyranny and oppression which Santa Anna had
placed upon them. Arriving at Nacogdoches, he met an old friend, Adolphus
Sterne, who told him of the edict which required every emigrant to be a member
of the Catholic Church. Not to be thwarted in his intention to become a
citizen of Texas, he told Mr. Sterne to get a priest and he would go through a
short form ceremony necessary to become a member. This was done at the home of
Mr. Sterne and only took a few minutes. If General Houston ever entered a
Catholic Church, I have never heard of it. Mrs. Houston was a devout member of
the Baptist Church, and I have many letters she wrote him when he was serving
in the U.S. senate, urging him to become a Christian. In the year 1854, while
at his home in Independence, Texas, he attended a service in the Baptist
Church, and at the invitation of the minister he came forward, knelt at the
altar and arose to make his profession of faith. He was baptized by Rev. Rufus
C. Burleson in Rocky Creek. He became an active member of that church,
thereafter lived an exemplary Christian life and died in that faith.”
** William A. Hudson Elected Grand High Priest of the Grand
Chapter, R.A.M. of Michigan in Oct., 1959.
** William E. Hull Received Entered Apprentice degree in American
Union Lodge at Roxbury, Mass. on March 13, 1776.
** Ebenezer Huntington Was one of the first initiates of American
Union Lodge at Roxbury, Mass. (Feb. 20, 1776). A Royal Arch Mason. Became
charter member of Somerset Lodge No. 34, Norwich, Conn. in 1795. Was senior
grand warden of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut, 1798-1801.
** Samuel Huntington Was second grand master of Ohio, not first.
Received all three degrees, June 3-4, 1795, in Wooster Lodge at Colchester,
Conn. A week later was first secretary of Somerset Lodge of Norwich, Conn.,
just organized.
William E. Hutchison (1860-1952) Justice, Supreme Court of Kansas,
1927-39. b. July 14, 1860 in Oxford, Pa. Graduate of Lafayette Coll. (Pa.) in
1883 and 1886. Admitted to Pa. bar in 1886 and Kans. bar in 1887. He first
practiced in Ulysses, Kans. and later in Garden City. He was county attorney,
district judge, secretary of state board of bar examiners (1912-27) and pardon
attorney of Kans. in 1925. He was raised in Santa Fe Lodge No. 312, Sublette,
Kans. on May 14, 1892, was master in 1896 and grand master of the Grand Lodge
of Kansas in 1912. He was exalted in Dodge City Chapter No. 75, R.A.M. on Jan.
20, 1895 and affiliated with Garden City Chapter No. 83 as a charter member in
1901, being charter high priest and serving until 1903; grand high priest,
Grand Chapter, R.A.M. of Kansas in 1924. Member of Dodge City Council No. 16,
R. & SM., having been greeted in Wichita Council No. 12 on Dec. 14, 1920. He
was knighted in Dodge City Commandery No. 35, K.T. on July 2, 1895 and became
a charter member of Garden City Commandery No. 50, serving as commander from
1905-07 and grand commander, Grand Cornmandery, K.T. of Kansas in 1928. Member
of Red Cross of Constantine and 33° ASSR (SJ). d. April 5, 1952.
** Ralph I. Ingersoll Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Connecticut,
Charles Inglis (1734-1816) First British Angelican Bishop in
overseas empire. b. in 1734 in County Donegal, Ireland. Coming to America, he
taught school in Lancaster, Pa. from 1754-58. He was ordained in England in
Leonard M. Jacobsen and
appointed missionary at Dover, Del. serving there from 1759-65. He became
assistant minister and later rector of Trinity Church, N.Y.C., 1776-83. A
devoted Royalist, he replied to Paine's Common Sense by pamphlet. Although
Washington requested him to omit the prayer for the king and royal family, he
refused to do so and after the Declaration of Independence, he closed his
church and retired in Aug., 1776 to Flushing, L.I., which was then in the
possession of the British. He followed the British Army to N.Y. and was chosen
rector of Trinity Church in 1777. In 1781-82 he was chaplain of the 1st
battalion of N.J. volunteers and at the evacuation in 1783 went to Halifax,
N.S. He was consecrated the first bishop of Nova Scotia in England in 1787,
with jurisdiction over the other North American provinces, and as such was the
first colonial bishop of the Church of England. In 1767 King's College (now
Columbia) conferred upon him the degree of M.A. and in 1770 he became one of
the governors of the college. He addressed the Grand Lodge of New York on June
24, 1783 and on other occasions as well, appearing before the Grand Lodge in
Nova Scotia. d. Feb. 24, 1816.
Leonard M. Jacobsen Radio sports announcer. b. Oct. 15, 1900 in
Brooklyn, N.Y. He was an amateur and professional wrestler until 1947,
engaging in 302 matches. Some matches were in the Hollywood Legion Stadium
against such greats as Lord Lans Downe, Pat Magill, Duke Pettibrove, Billy
Gribbs, etc. He is probably the best known sports announcer on the West coast.
Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner.
Berryman Jennings (1807-1888) First school teacher in Iowa. b. in
Kentucky. He moved to Ill. and in 1830 to Iowa, where he became the first
school teacher in the first schoolhouse north of the Missouri and between the
Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean. The dam at Keokuk, Ia. now covers the
site of the original school. He became the first grand treasurer of the Grand
Lodge of Calif. (1850) and first grand master of the Grand Lodge of Oregon.
Was raised in Des Moines Lodge No. 1, Burlington, Ia. in 1845 and affiliated
with Multnomah Lodge No. 84 (now 1), Oregon City, Oreg. He lived a short time
in Calif. and became senior warden of New Jersey Lodge U.D. at Sacramento, in
Dec., 1849. In April, 1850 he was a member of the convention that organized
the Grand Lodge of of California. He helped establish Willamette Lodge No. 2
of Oreg. and was a member of the convention called to form the Grand Lodge of
Oregon. California's New Jersey Lodge was named Berry-man and later Jennings
No. 4 (now extinct).
David Jewett (1772-1842) American who was Admiral of the Fleet in
Brazil. b. in 1772 in Montville, Conn. Studied law, but shipped out on a
vessel bound for Spain and thereafter followed the sea. He spent two decades
in the American naval or merchant service and at one time commanded the
American 20-gun Trumbull. In 1952 he entered the employ of the United
Provinces along the Rio Plata (now Argentine Republic) and was given command
of a naval flotilla. His expedition to the Falkland Islands and beyond is
still cited in support of Argentina's claims to Antarctica territory. In 1832
he transferred to the naval service of Brazil, which had recently become an
independent country. He became general of the naval armada, or admiral of the
fleet, and here built up the finest navy in South American waters. He remained
there until his death at Rio de Janeiro in 1942. Brazil looked upon him as the
Americans looked upon Lafayette. Jewett was instrumental in introduc-
Stephen S. Jones
the Ancient and Accepted Rite into Brazil about 1832. There were indications
of Freemasonry of a sort before 1800, and as early as 1804 a short-lived Grand
Orient of French origin was formed. It was revived in 1822 under Dom Pedro,
but fell apart again. Jewett had been created a deputy grand inspector general
in 1826 in N.Y. by the DeWitt Clinton-Cerneau Supreme Council, a dubious
organization. In Brazil he was lieutenant grand commander, yielding the
highest office to a native born Brazilian accredited from the Supreme Council
of Belgium. Jewett made many trips to the U.S. and while visiting relatives in
Conn., he was knighted in Washington Commandery, K.T. of New London on Oct.
18, 1826 at 6 a.m. On Nov. 3, 1826 he received the 33° in N.Y. He appears to
have received his craft degrees in Wooster Lodge of Colchester, Conn. and
Uriel Lodge No. 24 of Tolland, Conn., being raised Aug. 8, 1793 in the latter.
Lyndon B. Johnson U.S. Senator from Texas since 1949. b. Aug. 27,
1908 near Stonewall, Texas. He taught in the Houston public schools, 193032,
and was then secretary to Congressman Richard M. Kleberg until 1935. Was
elected to 75th congress to fill unexpired term and reelected to next two
congresses, serving from 1937-49. Received Entered Apprentice degree only on
October 30, 1937 in Johnson City Lodge No. 561, Johnson City, Texas.
** Nels G. Johnson d. 1958. Both Scottish and York Rite member;
also member of St. Felix Conclave No. 45, Red Cross of Constantine at Fargo,
N. Dak.
Charles A. Jones Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. b.
Aug. 27, 1887 in Newport, Pa. Graduate of Dickinson School of Law, Carlisle,
Pa. and admitted to the bar in 1910, practicing at Pittsburgh. From1939-45 he
was judge of the U.S. circuit court of appeals, 3rd circuit. Has been a
justice of the supreme court of Pennsylvania since 1945 and chief justice
since 1956. Served in the American ambulance service with the French Army in
1917 and in 1918-19 was an ensign in U.S. naval aviation. Was Democratic
nominee for governor of Pa. in 1938. He was made a Mason "at sight" on Sept.
1, 1959 by Sanord M. Chilcote, grand master of Pennsylvania, at a stated
meeting of Verona Lodge No. 548 at Syria Mosque, Pittsburgh.
** Edward F. Jones Affiliated with Otseningo Lodge No. 435,
Binghamton, N.Y. on Jan. 13, 1887 from St. Paul's Lodge, Mass.
Francis Jones U.S. Congressman from Tennessee, 1817-23. Received
limited education, studied law and practiced at Winchester, Tenn. Member of
Winchester Lodge No. 26. Birth and death dates unknown.
George W. Jones (1806-1884) U.S. Congressman to 28th through 35th
Congresses, 1843-59. b. March 15, 1806 in King and Queen Co., Va. Moved with
parents to Fayetteville, Tenn., where they settled. He was apprenticed to the
saddler's trade. He served in both branches of the state legislature. He was
elected to the first house of representatives in the Confederate Congress and
served from Feb. 18, 1862 until Feb. 18, 1864. Member of Andrew Jackson Lodge
No. 68, Fayetteville and Union Chapter No. 18, R.A.M. In 1847 he was grand
scribe of the Grand Chapter of Tennessee. d. Nov. 14, 1884.
Stephen S. Jones Active Member of Supreme Council, 33° AASR (SJ)
and Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Kentucky. Received 32° in 1937; KCCH
in 1941; coroneted 33° in 1945 and appointed deputy in Kentucky in 1954 and
active member in
Clifford D. Jory
Is senior member of the law firm of Jones, Keith and Jones and is a judge of
the Jefferson circuit court in Louisville.
Clifford D. Jory President of the George Washington Masonic
National Memorial Association since 1952. b. April 17, 1892 in Sioux Rapids,
Iowa. Attended Morningside Coll. at Sioux City three years and was graduated
from Iowa U. Law School in 1915. He began law practice in Sheldon, Iowa in
that year. Raised in Mistletoe Lodge No. 376, Shelton, Iowa in 1916 and served
as master in 1921; grand master of the Grand Lodge of Iowa in 1943. Exalted in
Samara Chapter No. 105, R.A.M.; greeted in Chariton Council No. 42, R. & S.M.
and knighted in Petros Commandery No. 54, K.T. Member of the Scottish Rite in
Sioux City, Iowa and a 33° (SJ). Member of Red Cross of Constantine. He is an
honorary member of Alexandria-Washington Lodge, Alexandria, Va. Past
sovereign, Red Cross of Constantine. Has been member of board of directors of
the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Assn. since 1946. Received the
Henry Price Medal from the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.
Lincoln G. Kelly Active Member, Supreme Council, 33° AASR (SJ) and
Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Utah. Received 32° in 1923; KCCH in 1935;
coroneted. 33° in 1941; appointed deputy in Utah in 1954 and made active
member in 1957. He is past president of the Utah Assn. of Certified Public
Accountants; is a member of the Utah state board of examiners and has served
as president of the National Assn. of C.P.A. Examiners.
** Percy R. Kelly Grand master of the Grand Lodge of Oregon in
1925 and conducted the ceremonies of the laying of the cornerstone of the
Portland Masonic Temple in that year. Was grand high priest of the Grand
Chapter of Oregon in 1933 and grand commander of the Grand Commandery of
Oregon in 1940.
**W. Wallace Kent Elected Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Michigan,
May 25, 1960.
** Joshua King King married and established his business at
Ridgefield, Conn., being prominent in finance and legislative circles. Made a
Mason in Union Lodge, Danbury, he was later a member, in turn, of St. Johns
Lodge in Norwalk and first treasurer of Jerusalem Lodge No. 49 of Ridgefield.
** Frank S. Land d. Nov. 8, 1959.
* Miguel A. C. Lanuza Initiated Sept. 19, 1927 (not 1827).
** Curtis LeMay Vice Chief of U.S. Air Force. Received 33° AASR (SJ),
Oct., 1959.
**Lyman L. Lemnitzer Became Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
U.S.A. in August, 1960. Received 33° AASR in 1959.
Elmo Lincoln (1889-1952) First "Tarzan" of the movies. b. Otto
Elmo Linkenhelt on Feb. 6, 1889 at Rochester, Ind. For five years commencing
in 1918 he was the original "Tarzan" of the screen. Was raised Nov. 19, 1917
in Elysian Lodge No. 418, Los Angeles. Suspended NPD on Oct. 3, 1935. d. June
28, 1952.
Edward V. Long U.S. Senator from Missouri, 1961-66. b. July 18,
1908 in Lincoln Co., Mo. Was student at Culver-Stockton Coll. and U. of
Missouri. Began law practice in Bowling Green, Mo. in 1936. Served as city
attorney and prosecuting attorney of Pike Co. Elected to state senate in 1945;
majority floor leader in 65th general assembly and president pro tern in 68th
assembly. President of the Canton State Bank, Canton, Mo., Farmers
William B. Massey State Bank,
Greenfield, Ill., Long and Company, Tower Loan Co., Federal Loan Co., Long
Theatre Co. and owns and operates farms in Mo. Member of Phoenix Lodge No.
136, Bowling Green. Exalted in Pike Chapter No. 86, R.A.M., Louisiana, Mo. on
April 18, 1944 and knighted in Ascalon Commandery No. 16, K.T. of St. Louis in
1946. Received 33° AASR (SJ) and is member of Moolah Shrine Temple, St. Louis.
* John Wesley Lord Correction. Did not receive Gourgas Medal.
Harold 0. Lovre U.S. Congressman to 81st-84th Congresses from 1st
S. Dak. dist. b. Jan. 30, 1904 in Toronto, S. Dak. Graduate of U. of South
Dakota in 1927. Practiced law in Hayti, S. Dak., 1927-44. Was state senator,
1941-44. Now practices law in Washington, D.C. Mason, 32° AASR (SJ).
Titus Lowe (1877-1959) Methodist bishop. b. Dec. 17, 1877 in
Bilston, England and came to the U.S. in 1892. Graduate of Ohio Wesleyan U. in
1900 and 1908. Ordained to Methodist ministry in 1900, he served churches in
Braddock, Pa., Calcutta, India, South Fork, Pa., Cedar Falls, Iowa and Omaha,
Nebr. Elected bishop in 1924, he was assigned to Singapore until 1928. Was in
Portland, Oregon, 1928-39 and at Indianapolis from 1939. In 1946 he was
elected president of the Council of Bishops, the highest Methodist office.
Member of Black Hawk Lodge No. 65, Cedar Falls, Iowa and AASR (SJ) at
Portland, Oreg. He received the KCCH in 1919 and 33° in 1931. d. Nov. 27,
William A. MacCorkle (1857-1930) Governor of West Virginia,
1892-97. b. May 7, 1857 in Lexington, Va. Graduate of Washington and Lee U. in
1879 and practiced law at Charleston, W. Va. from that date. Was in charge of
the Liberty Loan campaigns of 1917-18. Member of lodge, chapter andcommandery
in Charleston and a charter member of Beni Kedem Shrine Temple, having been
created in Osiris Temple, Wheeling.
*Edwin Markham Received Achievement Award of the Grand Lodge of
New York (not Masters Medal).
** George C. Marshall d. Oct. 16, 1959.
Walter Marshall b. Mannheim, Germany. He first received Masonic
light in Goethe Lodge No. 379, Paris. Served with French Army in WWII, and
when the light was extinguished from the French Masonic temples, he found his
name listed as a Mason in the official journal of the Vichy government and was
forced to flee for his life. He went first to Spain, then Portugal and in 1942
reached the U.S. Currently he is a manager of the C.R.A. Corp. (machinery for
the garment trade). After the liberation of France, he passed the Tribunal of
Honor and was reinstated as a Mason. He became affiliated with Doric Lodge No.
86, Union City, N.Y. and in 1950 joined King Solomon Lodge No. 279, N.Y.C.,
serving as master in 1955. Member of Scottish Rite and Philalethes Society.
William B. Massey Grand Chamberlain, Supreme Council, AASR (SJ)
and Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Missouri. b. March 16, 1881 in
Kearney, Mo. Graduate of William Jewell Coll. (Mo.) in 1901. In 1901-02 was
manager of water works at Naco, Ariz. Returned to Mo. to enter lumber business
at Bonne Terre, and in 1917 became president and general manager of the
largest lumber and hardware company in Southeast Mo. He sold his interests in
1929 and retired. Was active member of Southwestern Lumberman's Assn. for many
years, it being the largest of its kind in the world. He organized the Bonne
William C. Mathes Building &
Loan Assn. and was its president for several years. Elected vice president of
the Bank of Bonne Terre at the age of 23 and has served on board of directors
of several banks. He is considered an authority on real estate values of the
Southwestern area of Mo. He was one of the original advocates of hard roads in
Mo. and was chairman of committee that constructed by private subscription a
road that connected Desloge, St. Francois, Flat River, Rivermines and Elvins.
Raised Aug. 2, 1902 in Kearney Lodge No. 311, Kearney, Mo. and affiliated with
Samaritan Lodge No. 424, Bonne Terre on April 14, 1903. Exalted in Uel Chapter
No. 129 in 1909; greeted in Hiram Council No. 1, St. Louis in 1909; affiliated
with Bonne Terre Council No. 43 in 1924 as charter member; knighted in De Soto
Commandery No. 56, K.T. in 1909. Member of Moolah Shrine Temple, St. Louis
since 1911. Received 32° AASR at St. Louis in 1914; KCCH in 1917; 33° in 1921
and appointed deputy in Missouri in 1939. Crowned active member of Supreme
Council in 1941 and appointed grand chamberlain in 1955.
William C. Mathes Federal Judge, Southern District of California
since 1945. b. Dec. 17, 1889 in Hale Center, Texas. Graduate of U. of Texas in
1921 and Harvard in 1924. Admitted to Calif. bar in 1924 and began practice in
Los Angeles. Raised in Austin Lodge No. 12, Austin, Texas, in 1921.
George A. Mattison, Jr. Imperial Potentate of the Shrine, 1960-61.
Graduate of Auburn U. in 1919, he and his father organized the Woodstock Slag
Corp., and he became president of same in 1937. It was later sold to Vulcan
Materials Co., and he is presently president of Mathoff, Inc., Birmingham,
Ala.; Hurock, Inc., Houston, Texas, and a partner in Houston Slag Materials
Co., Houston. Member of Anniston (Ala.) Fraternal Lodge No.700 since 1922;
member of Scottish Rite and KCCH at Birmingham, Ala.; also Anniston Chapter
No. 105, R.A.M.; Anniston Commandery No. 23, K.T.; Zamora Shrine Temple
(potentate in 1947); past sovereign of St. Dustan Conclave, R.C.C.; past
director of Court No. 127, Royal Order of Jesters. Served in WWI as an
Infantry lieutenant.
Frank E. McCaslin President of Oregon Portland Cement Co. from
1942. b. Nov. 2, 1897 in Lake Wilson, Mimi. He was with the U.S. Civil Service
and dept. of Agriculture before going with the Portland Cement Co. in 1923. He
became a director of same in 1932 and president in 1942. Served overseas in
WWI. Member of Lake Wilson Lodge No. 262 (Minn.) and of Portland Scottish Rite
bodies and Shrine since 1923.
** John A. McClernand Member of Central Lodge No. 71, of
Springfield, Ill. in 1864.
John L. McCreery (1835-1906) American poet. Best known for his
poem There Is No Death, written in 1863 and published with a collection at
N.Y. in 1883, entitled Songs of Toil and Triumph. Its first appearance was in
Arthur's Home Magazine in 1863. This poem has often been erroneously credited
to Lord Bulwer Lytton. Although T. S. Parvin referred to him as "brother" in
the Grand Lodge of Iowa proceedings of 1893, no record of his membership has
been found in that state.
Alexander McDowell McCook (18311903) Union General in Civil War.
b. April 22, 1831 in Columbiana Co., Ohio. Graduate of U.S. Military Academy
in 1952 and promoted through grades to major general, U.S.A. in 1894. Retired
in 1895. Was at Bull Run, capture of Nashville, Shiloh and Perryville, Ky.
Made brigadier general in 1865. He represented the U.S.
Ben W. Olean at the coronation
of Czar of Russia at Moscow in May, 1896. Was a member of the commission
appointed by the president to investigate the War Department during the War
with Spain. Member of Lancaster Lodge No. 106, Timber Post Office, Peoria Co.,
Ill. d. 1903.
** Ross T. McIntire Member of Portland Lodge No. 55, Portland,
Oreg. from at least 1922 until his death, Dec. 1959.
** Victor McLaglen d. Nov. 7, 1959 and his lodge conducted the
Emmett J. McLoughlin Former Catholic priest who wrote the
revealing book, People's Padre. b. Feb. 3, 1907 in Sacramento, Calif. of Irish
emigrant parents. Impoverished in childhood, he attended parochial schools.
Entered the Franciscan St. Anthony's Seminary at Santa Barbara, Calif.. in
Sept., 1922 at the age of 15. After 12 years in the seminary, he was assigned
to the parish in the South side of Phoenix, Ariz., a spot characterized by
U.S. officials as the worst slum area in the U.S. Here he became as well known
as the mayor of Phoenix, and one of the most famous personalities of the
Southwest. He secured Federal funds for three major housing projects; started
a church for the poor in a vacant store building and crusaded for a hospital
for the poor. He persuaded Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt to make a special trip to
Phoenix on behalf of the project, and in 1943 a 232-bed St. Monica's Hospital
was built at the cost of more than $500,000. He served as superintendent of
the hospital; was chairman of the Phoenix Housing Authority and secretary of
the state Board of Health. The national Catholic press lauded him for his work
among the poor and the minority groups of Negro and Mexican citizens. He
eventually was called on the carpet by church authorities for spending too
much timein secular activities and not enough in the spiritual welfare of his
parish. He was ordered to resign and leave Phoenix. He refused and resigned as
a member of the priesthood. Then followed a period of testing by fire—threats,
anonymous letters and telephone calls. He survived and is now superintendent
of a large hospital in Phoenix. He received his degrees in Sahuaro Lodge No.
45, Phoenix, April 1, April 24 and May 22, 1959.
** John Meek Was high priest of Honolulu Chapter No. 1, R.A.M. in
* Daniel Morgan Revolutionary hero has never been proved a Mason.
J. R. Case of Conn. states that time and place hardly permit him to be
identified with one of the same name made a member in Williamsburg Lodge, Va.
** Jacob Morton d. in 1836.
Audie Murphy The most decorated soldier of WWII, and later a movie
actor. Received the 32° AASR (SJ) at Dallas, Texas about 1957.
* John Nixon There were two John Nixons. The one who was the
visitor to American Union Lodge at West _ Point in 1779 was probably the
farmer who answered the Lexington Alarm with the Minutemen. He was wounded at
Bunker Hill and later at Saratoga. He resigned from service because of his
physical condition, moving to Middlebury, Vt., where he lived to the age of
Christopher North (see under John Wilson).
** Ben W. Olcott Raised Jan. 26, 1918 in Salem Lodge No. 4;
suspended NPD Jan. 6, 1933. Also suspended NPD from Multnomah Chapter No. 1,
R.A.M. and DeMolay Commandery No. 5, K.T., all of Salem, Oreg.
Eleazer Oswald ** Eleazer
Oswald Was only a visitor to Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia. Became master of Lodge
No. 19 (Pa.) in Dec., 1789, later withdrawing, but no date entered. Made a
Mason in the lodge at New Haven, Conn. (Now Hiram No. 1) on March 17, 1777.
Eleazar A. Paine (1815-1882) Union Brigadier General of Volunteers
in Civil War. b. Sept. 10, 1815 in Park-man, Ohio. Graduate of U.S. Military
Academy in 1839 and assigned to 1st Infantry, serving in Florida War of
1839-40. Resigned from service in latter year, studied law and practiced first
in Painesville, Ohio (1843-48) and in Monmouth, Ill., 1848-61. Served in
Illinois legislature and was a deputy U.S. marshal for Ohio. Held rank of
brigadier general in Ohio militia. Entered Civil War as colonel of 9th
Illinois Volunteers in 1861 and made brigadier general in Sept. of that year.
Led a brigade at Paducah, Ky. and Cairo, Ill. in 1862 was under Gen. John Pope
in the Army of the Mississippi and participated in the Battle of New Madrid
(Mo.). Present at capture of Island No. 10, advance on Corinth and Farmington.
In command of Gallatin, Tenn. and commanded Western Kentucky district at end
of war. A personal friend of President Lincoln. Member of Monmouth Lodge No.
37, Monmouth, Ill. d. Dec. 16, 1882.
* John Park (1754-1789) He signed his name PARKE. Was first senior
warden of American Union Lodge at Roxbury, Mass. on Feb. 13, 1776.
Paul L. Patterson (1900-1956) Governor of Oregon, 1952-56. b. July
18, 1900 in Kent, Ohio. Graduate of U. of Oregon in 1923 and 1926. In private
law practice at Hillsboro, 1932-52. Served as state senator. Was preparing to
run for U.S. Senator against Wayne Morse when he died, Jan. 31, 1956. Raised
in Quality Lodge No. 6, Hillsboro, Oreg. in 1940.
William J. Paterson Dean of Masonic librarians, having been
librarian and curator of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania since 1934. b. Aug.
25, 1885 in Philadelphia. Raised March 13, 1907 in Gothic Lodge No. 519, he
was master in 1919 and secretary from 1923-42. Received 50-year award in 1957
and has served as chairman and member of several grand lodge committees.
Exalted in Temple Chapter No. 248 in 1908; was high priest in 1917 and is
representative of Grand Chapter of Scotland. Greeted in Philadelphia Council
No. 11, R. & S.M. in 1922 and is a life member of same. Knighted in
Pennsylvania Commandery No. 70, K.T. (now merged with Kadosh No. 29) in 1915,
served as commander in 1923 and is a life member of same. Was grand standard
bearer, Grand Commandery of Pennsylvania in 1935 and was director of the Pa.
K.T. Educational Fund until 1958. Member of the Benjamin Franklin Consistory,
AASR (NJ) since 1919 and received 33° on Sept. 24, 1941. Member of LuLu Shrine
Temple; Philadelphia Conclave No. 8, R.C.C.; Pennsylvania College Society
Rosicrucians; Royal Order of Scotland; fellow of Grand College of Masonic
Rites. He is the author of numerous Masonic books and an authority on Benjamin
Franklin's Masonic papers. In his custody are some of the rarest books in our
Masonic history. He has made the Pennsylvania library progressive by
circulating books by mail throughout the state and providing reference
facilities for scholars and researchers.
George W. Peck (1818-1905) U.S. Congressman to 34th Congress,
185557, from Mich. b. June 4, 1818 in New York City. Attended Yale and studied
law in N.Y.C. Moved to Mich. in 1839 and settled in Brighton, where he was
admitted to the bar and practiced from 1842-45. Served in lower house, 184647,
and speaker of same last term.
Samuel Woodson Price Moved to
Lansing when state capital was located there in 1847, arid was first
postmaster of that city. He was secretary of state of Michigan, 184849, and
state printer, 1852-55. He was editor and owner of the Lansing Journal. Served
as mayor of Lansing in 1864. Moved to East Saganiga, practicing law there,
1864-73. Then moved to St. Louis, Mo. in 1873, Hot Springs, Ark, in 1880 and
Bismarck, Mo. in 1882. He was grand master of the Grand Lodge of Michigan in
185455. Raised March 17, 1846 in Detroit Lodge No. 2, Detroit, Mich. Was first
senior warden of Lansing Lodge U.D., and on death of its master in Jan., 1849,
became master. He was installed as first master on Jan. 31, 1850 when it was
chartered as No. 33. In 1852 he was a member of Brighton Lodge No. 42,
returning to Lansing Lodge No. 33 in 1853. He dimitted the same year to become
a member and first master of Capitol Lodge of S.O. No. 66 of Lansing, and on
May 6, 1857 he again became a member of Lansing Lodge No. 33. d. June 30, 1905
at home of daughter in Saginaw, Mich.
Plantagenet (Pen name for Edouard Ignace Engel) (1892-1943) Editor
and martyr. h. 1892 in Brussels. He was a newspaperman, reporter and editor,
whose name was known in all liberal and freedom-loving circles of Europe. He
started his newspaper career at 16 and at 18 had published a book on the
Germanization of Poland. Visited most European and South American countries.
During WWI he worked as a reporter and editor of the Belgian newspaper in
exile at London and was the leader of the group known as The Human Rights.
Following the war he settled in Paris where he took over the publications La
Paix and Evenement, the latter having been founded by Victor Hugo. He was
honored with decorations from France, Siam, Yugoslavia, Poland and Serbia. A
member of the Grand Lodgeof France, he founded the Lodge Goethe No. 379 in
1926. It was the only German-speaking lodge in France, and served as master
many years. He was the French delegate to the International League of
Freemasons, and after the Fall of Paris in WWII, he aided many Masons to
escape from their countries. For this, and for working with the French
resistance, the Nazis arrested him in Oct., 1943 and on the following Dec. 25
he was killed by them in the Buchenwald concentration camp.
Edgar C. Powers Grand Chaplain, Supreme Council, AASR (SJ) and
Sovereign Grand Inspector General in Maryland. Received A.B. from George
Washington U. and in 1908 was ordained elder in Methodist Church. Served as a
chaplain with national guard for 20 years and was chaplain three years at Md.
penitentiary. He is now executive secretary of the Maryland Bible Society and
district secretary for the American Bible Society. Received 32° in 1920; KCCH
in 1927; 33° in 1935. Appointed deputy in Maryland in 1938 and chaplain of the
Supreme Council, 33° in the same year.
Samuel Woodson Price (1828-1918) Artist and soldier. b. Aug. 5,
1828 at -"Sugar Grove" near Nicholasville, Ky. Showed an unusual talent for
drawing and painting at a very early age. Studied portrait painting under
artist, Oliver Frazer, in Lexington, Ky. In 1847 he painted a portrait of
William "King" Solomon, a local character, which set him off on his long
career of portrait painting. He entered the Union Army at the outbreak of the
Civil War with the rank of major and was soon made colonel of the 21st
Kentucky Volunteers. He participated in the battles of Stone River, Resaca and
Kennesaw Mountain, where he was seriously wounded above the heart. Brevetted
brigadier general of
Vernon E. Prichard volunteers
on March 13, 1865. Served as military commandant of Lexington, Ky. in 1865,
and from 1869-72 was postmaster of that city. He then moved to Louisville, Ky.
He painted more than 200 well-known Kentuckians and prominent people of his
day and is considered one of Kentucky's greatest portrait painters. Wrote The
Old Masters of the Bluegrass (1902), story of noted artists, painters,
sculptors of Ky. He was a member of Good Samaritan Lodge No. 174 of Lexington
from 1850-52 and records show he was a member of Lexington Lodge No. 1,
Lexington, Ky. from 1867-74. d. Jan. 22, 1918.
* Vernon E. Prichard T. S. Parvin Consistory, Iowa (not La.).
* Thomas Proctor (1729-1806) He signed his name as PROCTER. The
poem in his biography contains a typographical error. The word "Hannon" should
be "Shannon.”
** Henry Purkitt b. 1755.
William F. Reborn, Jr. Vice Admiral and first Director of Navy's
Fleet Ballistic Missile Program. b. June 8, 1905 in Decatur, Texas. Graduate
of U.S. Naval Academy in 1928, advancing through grades to rear admiral in
1956 and vice admiral in 1960. Designated Naval aviator in 1934 and assigned
to battleships, destroyers and aircraft carriers, 192840; established the
aviation gunneryschool at Barbers Point, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 1940-42; was
executive officer of the U.S.S. Hancock, 194345; chief staff commander of Task
Force 58 and commander of Carrier Division 2, Eastern Pacific, 1945-47;
operations officer commander for Air West Coast, 1947-49; with research and
development of guided missiles, Naval Operations, 1952-54 and assistant chief
of staff, Atlantic Fleet, 1955. Raised in Lodge of the United Services No.
1118, N.Y.C., Nov. 29, 1954. On that night he presented a gavel to the lodge
that was made from the burned decks of his ill-fated ship, the U.S.S.
Bennington. Member of Almas Shrine Temple, Washington, D.C.
William H. Rockwell (1870-1960) Chief of the Oneida Indians. b.
May 10, 1870 in log cabin in Oneida, N.Y., and lived in that city all his
life. He was a tool designer, retiring at the age of 73. He was widely known
as a lecturer on Indian customs and medicines. From 1932 he lectured each year
at the New York State Fair Indian Village and was a popular guest speaker for
many social and-civic organizations. Was member of Oneida Lodge No. 270,
Oneida, N.Y. d. July 30, 1960.
Charles W. Somers (1868-1934) Principal owner of the Cleveland
Blues, baseball team. Was raised in Tyrian Lodge No. 370, Cleveland, Ohio,
March 3, 1895.
- END -
Famous Freemasons by William R. Denslow
Volume 1
Volume 2 "E-J";
Volume 3
Volume 4 "Q-Z"